Newspaper Page Text
Vo1 X.XXV.N* 10,701. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, l87S?-TRlPtR SHEET* PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE INDIAN RING BROKEN MR. DSLAKO- l?,nation ACCEPTED. m BBCSRABT TO 1. KA Vii THE CABD-ST Tills WEEK. _K ?tfeMn to the rtnuc n tp.f. ginai Of a lllilll ??* IHK I'?K.-ll.l NT? IHK riilJ5ll'l..Ni' 1 ? MIR OB Al I I riANk I . \\ ??iiiNi.TiiN, Spt. '?.'ti.?Tl.e lette, of tlie linn. Oa-tamane Delano taaltiiiiin the ofllea al Batwlan ? ' tlie Itit?i:or. iviiti the? 1 *i >?i?U? ii I's letter of ?coopt? an?.", .ne pteoeoted heio??ith. It may lal ?' ?t?--?l that on the '-?'-?.I lagL, til. ?l.i t c* of the Ti. I A- ni's letter. Mi.l>rl.Ttio. in eon paaj ??ii'i ? friitiii, callad on Tiesu'ctit Giant ?it Elisabeth, N.J.?to ur^i? the Ptc<hl-Ml*a accepta a ra of bia ttei gnatiota. It i?? pruiuiilf, fr.nii pn aenl Indi? tal. ma, that the appoint? uici.t of ?i .-s-* i ?ill l*c niT.i. frou Penniijfl? vn?i.i, a.?<l tbi' lu*, name i? .11 Li? ri.n.ii?i. i",l to? luol r nr, Ml. 1 't -l.i ?m' t li l'.t r is :ii fill .,?- : WjtaBTNQTOB, J *11> 5, 1 17! Mr Pai -hunt: t hare tur? honor to transmittrltb tin? ti..t.-ia? t-i?tt:.iii?.?i itf tin- iifii'i? if BeoretatT of the Interior. Yen bave been aware for "-."io tima al nj I .rn -i .'.. ??; r to retir? from public life, and yoe t ft a ni?". ? tam! ?lie :i ?-.lia,' i.e.'i Ti .1 nit'i my ?irivnte luisi III?? and a!.>i...-t.. uiTtlctt? - ?? v. ii ..-Ti bara produced mid tatenslfled tbla dei ?>. i i -( Pall, in Koremher, I re (|iia ?t. 't >,?,! tt? -te.. i .i mi "-estimation, Yon (i-k* al in*> not 'm Insist ufkon i?. aud expresse?! a ?!? iii H. ; I should re in vmir ? ibluet until the end of your \>!i it a tmn. sr w lona ?i? i ?<i"iii-i ii pgret abb to do m>. At ? ? nr raquea! and solicitation I declined then i" Insist u|*on jet-i-?.-.-i ?.'ion r ut t .?? rt . aaaming you. how? e-,. i-, thal i m.isi ri-ii ii ilni-i:a.-(le-i-iiil.? I'.ut of the en? eulin.* Rpring. When that peri, i at iu-.l. and during tbe m-mu? of April and May, you advised bp Bffatnnotto ?i, ?iii;, li li-'.k i e ii'.- t-a it \\ |tb li'? Own iual .'incut. Tli-- reaeona for ii.I? ? oncluaion need no1 be -?.it' '1 h< re. Fuir?- van tri re ?? ."< .1 he ? our !? lion rltliens to perform Hie ii'iitiiH ?*f Chief Miictatratc, yon ban ii.?' dme, without Hie suiit itatlou ol im - It ?n ti *? ids, so far sa l know and bellere, to take ? *????? ol two hnporl at and reaponrdble public trusts -t!i Internal Revenue Bu ? in ni.ti tin In -ii*.- Department I waa Unmmlssloni'r .r Int.-ti.-.'. Ker? -nu from March, li G9, to N_, mber, i 170, i. ;?-. a a' .:*?!>. ?. ,r and ( ..-i i months. The "result? of p.? sdministration you know, and they ?ire noi. l tri.?", in neil unknown to mj feltow-eitlscus. The difficulties ?if till? position i-i.-I tbe ?l:? i?_.?-.><??-, care, aud labor r. ! of Lu- in din. ',.in i..: it? dntiea ? on ni?', iii'il .?t.i'itl. ai'. 1 of these I trust tl.o pub? lie Ita. H" it l ii nat ?I'lli -i latliill. I ii? linn, l the t'.iitii 4 <-f the iiit. i ?i-i Department in Ni ? i mi i-, i 370, and hare d1aehar_red tin ra to the ' ?? - ?M.v ablllt) for -i period ol fonrj ?? ii? ami i lirhl months. The! have been lantirions, difficult, and delicate. They h i\e .i., i . i ?ii. supervision ol tin- ??ena m1 l?-..,.l ?'ii .-?-. the Indian Bun an, Hu Pension and Patent om, * s, ??te Kuti .m <?' BdueatloB, and a mass of miscellaneous business unknown t" ans except those eonneeta>d with the publia Mi\i.<*. tin- business of the Land OfHee is ?*i.? i\t-n ive :.:al i.i\ .ah?-- tin- a.'.;ii li ailOU . .lal ?.ttle 1 b1 u ?' growing a ii.*: railroad irr-?:.!?, in.-: .. v and profusely made a tem reara i nea, and Mexican and Bnauish Kraut? mad? before we nct-ulred California and Bew-Mexlco, aud also thom growing i?u1 of our mineral Lawa and large mlutng latereal? u? - i.? i,?r <*f ti tisc tint aro ' i -,nier i iii- le ".h s* ad am! pre-emption systems. These chu?* the bead of the De? ni -ni m a ? ??i mu. 'im .>r tu?i.? .1 i i*, and i ti i i.?. which i-nu .?? ni rally Muli rstood. T m ii..'.ia 11,ur ?ii. a-. ;?t..i know, i? full of Intricate, ii* i. ?:?, .-.lui raxatlousquestions, notxlngout of numer? i - in iiiiii Tit .ita a. uii i ti ?? ??i iperfi .??y -it tit. I relation? extsjlna bet ween ii ?? Oovernni. ni and the hu linn races. The execution of this serrlei i? alreadj irria'.? eubar i ? I ...? tin n'..(?til.! ?? if til-l.-i iiit-.'?-? ulii re lum li i-f It has to bo performetl, thus prorentlnp eontact and per sonal supervision over tb* persona employed, a? well as l>> ttifus'-.t of aalaries l.-. .c enough to command talent, t ed rai ?-?t.? i mai to the duties aud rcsponsl i-r tie? of tbc p? .liions. Many of the ImuortAnt .lntles ol ir,i .-t ni of the Deportment n?a oonneoted ???tli the mate? rial lll'l [M . UI'l.ii . .' ' .' Ill ? I a I'? .li !!.>!.?. Tia--a ; M 1. ?ti aro?aftenlarge In amount The ^retiiry.ln deciding, i.i'si to ;???-:.. ii? ii-.* i Hu claim of um of the parties, and thereby no1 unfrmiuentlj tlnds hin??alf assailed by i... adare] event tia and lal-, of the defeats?! ? : imunts. I leal coull lint thai a thorough and Imp iii lal examination, it. ti.?? presi ii condition ol the public eerrit*". connected with each ?uni nil of the bun iina at t?. bed to the interior l>- ?> utm- m. will .bow to all. un? did an li -! mi iiii-'l m? ii ? i: bai m rer been In :. m n prosperous *r better condition than it i. >w i* ; at*.I I feel ?ure ritt iiio in-^t scrntli ug u Malt ' . ? Lil inatain the opli i n hi re ??? c i. ii -i thal ' ? i alao lead i?> the convlotlon thai great luipi. ?.'s have been made undoi yow policy in the servi?.mycted with the Indian i? i e to these ni ' y. to remind ? ii of the ex liBiist?.'? labe wl .- tu mt-iii ti-s (i'i!in(?* the last six year? ai '1 ffourmontha i'oo damandi d of mo, and t?i ??hilt? you m part i.i it oin ol my .-?t req ii i ? n ?t and re?*up?lut..m- l?nT?:ic uii tia-.- yaun of t. :l I t'..w had yi ir sui'iiajrt. your ajrrapat?y-, ami, as I t...;. ?c. .?our entire c- nfldease. be-v. atherwiae, l abouh) bara tong atne. ii i-i? l. As I in?-- laid, y m political fai . i-it.-.j. and, thi refore, have lu en hlehlj appre. lui? d. Toa han .i!--,..?? Uahtened my burdens bj cheerful, prompt and cordi li ion winn om official reis i .. i evercd, I shall alwaya ermtlnne to cherish foi ?rou ?lu- lii-.ui ,r regard, founded, na it is. upon my in bu.iii!.. .1.' niiiii i..-, in yciir nnselflsh patiiotlem. In the mi'iii. yandi Idlty of your judgment, and Intbe lilgli Bena, oil ?ttoewhk-bhas al? - ??edyou ? id from which, '.im y opinion, nothing en:i tempt you iu t?-i * ? r tod Ilia to be, ?ti! a ?rri ?it e.iKtT.iy. your friend and t'!" i- -a ?en int, C Dai am?. 'Jh. following.! thePicaident'i roply! i on . in. \n. h. n.J., a pt. vi, 117?. lu ii: Put: Your h't. i id tbeMhol July, tendering yi ur resignation ?*f the offloi ol r- -retaryol the lu? te lor, was duly re elvod, an?l li.? been held by mi until tuts Umawithout action, liecuna? of iii.- ?*..:.tin;it ii porse i-utit ti whl lil I II vtd and believe wai '.*? .n. .... .-: . heaped on yon, tbtoiigh tlie public prc?a I only now take action b eau tba i mc la rapidly oppr. lAlit-u the Been tari ef the lu', riot n i?? ha? o tocomuii nea hit i i?--: - pre]*..-.? to rend? iit-.?l?is aanualrepoi ttoao o. mp ii*.? iiio i ?.i-*- itlve M< - - ige to Connrreaa I then - fore u* i-pt jour resignation, u> (?ke c-flc-i-i on ti.? lsr .lay ?*f October, -leaving a little mon than t??o u-.-ici.s f!"in ii.?; Induction of your aucccseur ui!.i tbe :i-?( mbllng ol <? igresa. In accepting your r* ? (Ion I am no1 unmli Ifulof the fac? thal about iii? tim.* i*i the meeting ol Ctengreaa one year ago yon ? .: d to mi thal j on li l' il*<- ?? Ity of retiring from the Cabinet, and asked me whether] -\- ltd prel i.itiii.. ?<? i.? to have youi succoasor confirm *i i> t.-?.-'nj: during Hu* ! i -? - m, or whether 1 would nrefci ?i In \ n ition. M? aaawai ??.?> that i wonldpro? f?ra t !.. di* It .it'.!. Thal waa mi feeling ui the lime, and I now believe that yon ban fllled ? ?? i? public : -ii*, !? I to you with ability and Integrltr, i i i-. ?? i, ; -? that the future will plata you i i ni In tin Ultim..?: i, "tun publie, a-iM'iit ?? i will (* ntlnue to a Dnjr.1 Ita confldon e as rou bav? dont through so nraay ?," -*t public and ofHolal Ufo. M.t.: r ntluuod f i-.-.-i nu.i ii.* t.i.ihip, i tullas riba iu.ks.-if ven i iii*, .?.??r ?j? di M ??".:??:. I". S IiVam. IT li,.u C. Hi lilli?., S?*..;. ',(.:? c* the I: tciiui. --?? TWO RETOKTa ON TH." RED CLOUD FRAUDS Pl?EI' iRIXG. WK. H.KICHI!! ANO Mit. lAt LKMKB BACTI WB1T1XO t-NK -THE ATTACKJ <''? PBOP. MAB8II M.-lCM.I* 1?> Mol' IN? li-ll.ii tlOBB, inr m K'.nArH ro thi: t> ?err-ar.? tTASBIBO I N. s-, pt, ?."f,.- Ex-OOT. I 1? t* her (':? . r m?m of ilie Rad Cloud Inreatigating Conun?aaion, b: ?. n-1? ^viiiiT Waah ....?? !:.-! week, aanoi ?? ? ! t'j.Tt bo liail iiiuijl.;.al a i?-?.*iit. wbiili ivill !jc nb? Ililli* ii t.* t.'i full ('?>:iii.ii!'?v OB Oct. It"?' i??-al s!ir iiiituus, t_?t (?ni" ? ing ??jc i.lta thal tlie natura of tin? di? un. ?-' ?m? ?,* - ti iii tennim I on, ?nid tLi.i lu* had written in a( tordanca nilli iLc riewa of the ( ' lasioB. Tint i? an err?neo?! idea, Tba Cr_Bmis-ion Mtlioriied Mr. ITeteber uu-l Mr. Pan)kner to -niiie out tli ir vie?\*.-, not lui" ti: "it s iii 11."' B1H s. I, it tit st fur i!. li ( "' ' iii* , li? tio-i, modification peri bbb, and f? ia_jt for tin ii ep jii..\,.l. Um ri?'ioi, tliei'*. there ?s to i?o hut ona repoil ia pten?at?ra. If aithet the report of Ait. I let? ! ? i "r <*f Mr. IihiIt?h-? meeta the t>ppro*i ?I of aU iiiO, it nul lie ng.ied l*y all. If ti.?- riewa of ?ill can bo better exyeeowe? byeonlda? lafi ]. ( tiona boni ?.-1 ?? reporta, that com e will be a<lopt/'<l. If il??* C'iiiuiii?hs?iiii .r.ui :.* agra , there *-. ill hi t?? * "r rn. ?? : ; "?ils. Air. riet?it-r i? i.;>i*ii ti t.? I?im*. laid ju-.t before bo li ft Washington tim1 Prof, MarA hy lu* f-nlinc la _ail?tantiate the ebargee made againai Be i j no and I'.truiiis?i.?iier Bndth, baa expoaed lnin i" 'f to nnoi" loi.? Ubi 1 -..its, ??? i.i< !. are to b?? -?rongbt iii/^ius-t iiiiii l.y Boalar, the 1j?-i eootra?t-.r, bj B ? ie t.;i\ Di lau ?, and ( oiiiii!??ioiur SuiilJi. 'Jin- idea ?io to t'.in i? of ti.. Indian Ring will ever ?..1 ?ataiil] ?ring tin ir. tee into ativ couti of jnetiea ia iiiosi i r. iif-lM'u.",. Hi ti nth is t ho Hing Laie ir ?i n Tu?!. Ilarab the moat __B_taW_poj_adi far a libel ? it tli? ii .sluml' ra WON _fa_thj tbc notice of any o:.t. I'm frere en i?s, aov, the oegaa |?if the Ring? not of the A?!" '.ir.iMtr.itteen, in this case, if i*, b?li ??* ! has bil n lilled with the ??ost nihill ions uni !iiii(?iiti(li'(l attaehl upon Prof. Marsh'.*? pn? .a? eke act* r. All of bmb? of tbeaa ria?den have originated in the Interior Depart?M lit, and h.i.e hi cti if i* lied by l i^li ?jflii ?al?) tbtr?; to torn.-iiijiid eni?, who lafiaaai t? pabHeh Iheai hrafeta thoy w? re tulatvd iii thiafitVa '1 lie f"*?;t i? tbaMhe irri|rnlar Itiee at the Red Cloud, which have been so thoroughly expi._?5d, are not exceplionahlti. Kqnal or greater frauda are believed to ? _u?t in oonncotion With many other agencies, and it is probably to ?vert public attention from tlwee or to frighten other* trap followinir in Manh'a footetopa, nn?l ?xpoiiug Ott ifing in other directions, flint Air. n.',< lier tim nu ns t lint Hie RiafwiH?M for libel, and that, the Bing itself is libeling liiin daily. BUlTLlEfl OF BEEF K?l{ THF. HOUX. * irilKi: PMOM SaMITI WAI.M It?SI'IIM'-TENCR AT TWO A?,'..VII- f? ?li All. lill IIOUX IN TIIK ?ronKi> statis. iFiioit Tin ni. ti \n roRRr?;-ostii:vT ot tiii? thihim'1 Wasbihgtok, ?Sept 20.??Sanad Walker re? turns. t.Hl.iy, in a 1? -Ui 1 i?.int. ii Iii Ile gumtop IA) it'll, to a ?AlMOMfaa of the Indian beal qui Han, ai I, lu tue follow log jiui utrt- ijilis, multi a tOKti tr-iiimr potBtl : It will he vail to n?M m.iiic inore testimony lo which your reader? have airead) had before then, in the yean 1878 74 I bare Mated that the Ckmd Bax? Wli ;-ii-iic liuli.-in Uli eli trt?\r (in li-r? i eii'ts for 10 171.? 916 poonda of beef, wldea wai tin- year's tupplj eoo, l far, m i,i.a in ? ?..x m,niii?. l-'nnii in?-. IP, 1873, the date wben the last lot wai raeelTed al both agencie?, until Mureh 15, 1874, the a am- Indiana onlj coiisuuictl 2.'A2>,()-? i j..uii.i.- ?I beef, thal bein* Um nt left of the 25 per eeol Increase aflei deducting 171,016 noonda which waa recelred \-.-itii tin- 10.000.00U pounds allowed for the year up to De?. 15.1873. loo It will be aero that fi ,>'iu Jnly 1, 1^7.:. until Ure 15, 1873. tins? t ?.?<? .-?k'l-i.i i? s cousiuinii beef al the rate of about 1.830.000 itoundi per mouth, while from Ttet if 1873, until Maren 15,1874, tbcj onljr eonaumi ?1 770,02 ? noualla per mooth. Now iii?; months of July. Ausnat i-? l?i.?ii?i?i i-, October, and ?oretnber are. with un ?Sioux the beat bunting montha, and large part) tare often ab i nt fmtn the agency ou hunting expeditions, while iii? wilder Indian! do not come in at all. Therefore iii? is,,;,* daring i ii??? tnontha should ho amallei than during tin? inonilis ol Deeeuiber, Jatuuiry, Februarj Hereh, and April, which ure the teven Winter months, and the India ian all a! sgenelea without other menai of aupport than the ratiom Issued bj the Government Instead of tliU tin- coodltlou o( again is revened, iiiul the mu.iiii :--iii la icol) during the montha that the Indian? can get bo ?game and ina largest Poa Mill? number ti at tlte ageney. In ?itl??r iron?a, (arlen t?iHu half tin? m.i?''..?ii i d to have boen issued was ??.?iii...' to feed tin Indi nt, iii; it la urged In defenw of ?his it y tin- Indian Ring ti,.?! iii?? agi nt was conipt lied i.? o- or i '...f ?tiiiounts m m were ni casar) becauaebt waa afraid of the turbulenl Indiana, The anawerlatbal the - irae rei-nn nlmtii l apply in December, January, .vu-. l, ?i.i.o., si In tin- prevloua montha All the Indiana, bad and good, were al the agenolt i Iii v.mi. i, \? hilo onlj h i? irtlon of t lulu \? i-i?- nlwart there during the Sun,.i and Fall. Yoi all the Indian? did mit eonanmo half ai mu. li i??-i f per in ?nth in Wiuter, whi n ilic\ li id no i-uii.? aa a email portion ?u them were mid tu hare done ii Bummer, when garni wa? plenty. During this nun \ ??nt ?Saville, al Ti?-?1 ' l ?ud Ageney elnlmedto have leaned to a? man] as 17,000Indiana, while Ap nt Howard, at Whetstone, claimed over 15,000 nt bia agency; ami tbi indian Bureau permitted them to account for beef tu 1- <-iu--? t.? thal number, while atntln-r to Congreaa in ? lettei dut?-?I March 16, 1874, tu it i 5.000 I waa the oumbei at both eg? i dea. In ih,? l? ttai re ? i n ? to, ? 'i mu? ii- ila ii. i 8 in i I ii ."?ui i I'n.t t'u- iiniti h i 'of t; ilinin ?sattra it? ?1 fir nt both .i rent lea e ?it 10,000, )>ni that rob ni i u ?ii i? ? 11 ?ani?n? had Increaat i the number t?? 15,000, iind be aaketl for i delicien? ? appropi iatlun <?f r .hij...ik> to feed the Indiana from March 15, 1-71, until.lum-ud. 1--71. Ile got a!?O?,000. The general appropriation for I the lubslntence of nil the Blonxthal yeai ?nul The neal i bad been #1,100,000 eueb fear, in a subsequent letter. , ( Dec. I, 1871. tin Acting Comnikalonei Btoted thal al thal time there were only i: ?Doo i Indian) b1 these agrncl a. He waa then Malu*. i for an appropriation of#102,000 to ft?-?l 0,000 Nouben s, nx for six montha. Iii roi ?1CO,000. In l-7.> the ] CommiMioner of Indian fclfidrs npnrted the whole nun I ber of r*i,>u\ to be about 31,934. At ti?- tun-n? prepared that report the agenta at Red Cloud and Whetau?m ?'en charging the 0 ivcrni k at (or laaiie? to more than 32.0O0 Indiana, ?or rather more than the whole number on th? < Moux rcaer vat Ion that rear, although tboan agencies had | only 11,320Hii U allotted to them then. In 1874 the whole number of Hioux at agenviei waa reported by the ? ( ommiaftlonei ii in ii g30 B< 7. with7,000roi mil' Indi ni?, ' thua increasing the number ol the Blonx about 12,000. i In the formor year tbi whole uumbei ol Indiana In tim United State? wa? reported na 29.~),0*4. in tbelattei year the whole uumbei ?mi? ?275,003. Bo ih-?: ?i. l. ibi I ?'i!? number of Indiana In the United Htateadeen ? I 20,000, the Blonx wert reported to have increaaed 1 Yet In the face of auch ra la It I alalra??d that no fn I exlai; but that If there are frauda, the Interior Dei ! ment of) -1-ii.i bare not Di in implicated in tbem. One 1 - j lamadeelear byC'onareatdonal record?; thal Becretnry I I >' '. ii" am! Oommli i' Di r -mith inte I all tin ir ofllt i. 1 In 1 tlii'Mu i- to obtain mili i louai appropriai lona from Congn ?a N m ?'. i n th? ) not the til' m y an l u ive the contracta to I Um i.'ii parti.?". ibi j performed nil thatouuldboex l j. ? i , i. h.."ii. exe -,'i ti? ? iippr ? ?.?' ? ' the b I] v. i m It is ni ?\. ?i Hi ni i li \ approved nilla f??r the aub n. the l: d (lol A urn! wit latona Bion ? ?? Ide i wool I feed all j ih- "-iii'x ih n i? i .::? ! i., bein? In the United ht-iles, I and their own Ictteii und rei?orti provothatthi i liy a ? " i;' ? ! :? i tbi h .. i li urge <.i . i nipli? i!.\ ! with frauda ia sustained beyond que lion. A PLOT TO MASSACRE THE BLACK Bills commission, FRIENDLY INDIANS ABOUT PRETENT A FIGHT. XUl 1IM1-1Y I'WuVIlY 01 AN A-'IU HI?YOI St II 1 \'-AKl'AH>-01 -IIIS-llilH"-! RAI I 11" HIS MIA TO lil. i:t-i-i?:--mi i.i ?m. Ol nu. BLACK him. l.vr IA-CT1I ?iii i,. [iir Ti?L).,i?fpii to tub ratatnnt.1 Rr.n Cloud Agency. Neb., s? ??t. _i, via Fom ?Laramir, s?]?*. 25.?Thii baa been ?m important day with the Black Hills Commission, The occur* leine of an out'.'' ;ik waa only pnventi ?1 by tbo ooolneaa ??i tlic (ii".ii.i!!.i ( lii.-t \oung-man-afraid-of hia-bone. Alma! l o'clccli Bed ?Cloud with the ' ? illa bands came tothi coom ?1 ?gi rands. Spotted i Tail ?'itiil Iii? banda, tbe Uncapapaa, Miunecoujona, and oilier Itivi-r Indians, s?'"n followi ?i. N\ bile wait? ing foi the asnal prellminai ii ? to Im tattled, ?the I'n capapai sent in word that they wonld attend the ? omi ii, bot wonld not dismount, giving tu a i > ni thal ???lin' of the diacouteuted Ogalallas and Cliey ennea propoaed to open fin on C.u- CommkaioD, and I,?'.1 U[. til i ,'.? ii. The I'm ;i|iii]i is. lu i iii lieu? ?? fully inclined, wanted t?? be ont of harm'i way? Boon after it was discovered that almnt 200 of the worst Indians, wellarmedandmonnl don their b -a horn -. Iiiul cross? ?I White Earth Rivi r in rear of tbe cavelry, and had ?lipped bj tin ii right i!;tn!<, until nearly tl.t- whole lineol tbi cavalry was well ?cov , end bj the Indians'ride?, one oi t\io Indiau witb \\ inch? ti i rifles to ?:;i li man. ^iiiii!i--.M:i;?-.\fii.?ii-i?i-i:i.-H? isis diai 'ivcicd the ritnatkm at a glan?e, and qniotly ordereil his own soldier toeleai thennderp-owthof allItuliana 1?? ! hiud the troops ?uni Hie Commission. V'r litratonant j ut on?-?-iiiiim-iI, nuil (i\<r two'il Indians bj actual count were made to march i? tbe front? It was a very ?liinnl Juncture, and toYouug-Man Ai aid-of-his-Horses is tht credit dne of bavinf prc vented the possible slaughter of some ot tbe Com? missioners. Aftei the Indians bad been removed, tl;o band of Yonng-Man-Afraid-of-bis-Horsei waa joined to tbi right flank of the cavalry here, which vu extended in the ?shape of a V, with Hie chiefs niau next to iii?- river. Young-Man-Afraid-oMiis Hones gare orders to kill myg Indians chu-iii aim? ing at the Commission, or doing anything 1<> bring on a ?contest with other tribes, Big-Littlc-Mau and his c vn% ii (mt the Korth, who were all picaent, eaeb I well in??nutc?l. and naked save s robe, were also con? stantly covered bj the rifles of friendly Indiana .'.I'll a nain had qnietod down, the leading ?sbiefii of tlic S:')iix, liciid' ?I i?\ Kill Cloud ritiil Spotted j Tflil. ? ?mm int?? the (?-mi r of the ? In le made l?y th ? indiana ?Jw consultation, The < iii? fs differed mi the ; matter of tearing ti.?; Blaeh Hills ?country to tbe (.'?.v. .?iinii'iit. The lirul?-? nul Oj.ii.lum wanted mon tima. White BuB of the ?Sana Am made a speech, ?nfproaehbtf thu Iu'linnH al the eoom ii wiiL foolish? Dees, andinfonninf tbem that aB the Uiver Indiana i would f?o boma on ?h.hui-hiy. The council thon : broke ?'i?, leane ??f tbe Indiana manifeating iii?- a uni : df fetding, eapeciaBy tL?.s. ?lio wen ?driven ?mt of amlraah. 'Hie Commiarion will b-nM do ?council with the i Indiana to monow, but will imft tbesaon Batniday, I Tho iiii.-jnit.? td-ninlit aro agaiaat making any treaty. Hie Indi.mi an ?livid, ii ?by the {eakmayof foi til?n?, riinl v.ill n it ;i?(?i?i Um lean plan. They will prolralily ofl'cr to s?ll, at any sum from 9-10,000,000 to$70,000,000, \vl?i? h the Commis-imi will imt pay? The general opinion in and out ol the Commission la, Hint BO bl .'it v will be made. I have jiibt li?d an Inlei vi?-iv willi one of the ?s ?1 (lirre of Young-Man-Afiaid-oMIis-llorsis. He Hays the Indians who were benton rnindiief to-day aro mosily young mm from tho i'ln-u um , Arraimhoc, and Ogiil.tlia nations. 'I'luy ?rii?i not want Hie ? 'm f? to consider any plan f?>r diafodog-ol the Milln, and harl said in theil couik ii that they would do some? thing to inako them deoSt. Y<)'!"L'-Man-.\fraid-of IIl? ll.'tH?-t, rejilied that he would kill ov( ry man who diiml to tire at u white man or the Indians, and he did think that they would not come, to tim ground this morning. Tka okief now gu?rante-?* perfect eafety to all. Every one of hie eolilicn bits been put in fighting trim, nml Sittinir Hull, one of Iii? head tuen, is in rhargo of the council camp. No danger! is apprehended now. An further proof of the intemled massacre, half-hwdl mid interpreters iMie warned liy Indian iclalii en and ?ncinlr-t t.? ki M out of tlio eoitnei! tent and to leave the g'liiimt. Most of Iheni did ho. Big-I.iflh-M.m al??<> threat ??ned to ihool (luv. ti am chief who should i?pe,ik in fi'.Mir of ?lisiiosii.g of the Illack llilN, and he so told spoitcd Tail, who dut mit ?ipeak. FOREIGN ?YEWS. THE TUBKlefl ?REBELLION. oomplcts rum v.v. <?k rai ?jokscij io irnoi i-, \< i.-i?ir roan DBrnmo ooMcsastoM l.M.l i l.M'l N? T. IHMAMHII) IlV TIIK K1.Hol.! S, Oonnranu nu. *-??i?ir?iay. h, i?i. 20, i-ib. The English, French, ami Buaalm COttM?O arrivetl fn?iii Tnbigns on Wednesday. The] have informed theirnapeotive Emba ladon that ?theycompletely failed in their ndaaioa. They wen nuable eren ta see the principal insurgent leaden Nothing baa ?been heard during the laat tow daya fkom the ?Con* j mil a ,'f Germany, Italy, and Austria, and it ia pre ?tune?! they are unable t?. leave Tnbigne. Londow, Baturday( Bept 2~<, inn. 77? 7'..// Ifafl On.'iii thia ? vi niiiir luis a apecial tel egram iron Berlin >\ i.i? li eontaina the following : Tbe Sublime Port? has ti. .-lined t>) maka my aeneas r ??m?, 'nuil the losnrgents li u ?? tendered a eomplete hiiI> mlnslon. Tbe latter, however, mfu* io ?suspend hostili ties until the Greal ?Powen ?guarani? i ititi'?. Th.- i?r?>' ?f ti ?ventusl ronces ? Consular delegation ure ?t n Kt??nil-still.'and the ??onsuls bareaakeothen respeeUvs (?(.?cium? in?, for further lustra tiona A number of fugitive llerzegoviniana in Austria haveaddi'-s-i.damanifeato to tha mediatiug *'<?u 1 Kuls, ennmenting tit ii grievances, njeetingtbe me? dial ion ot th? Powers, .-nid demanding eomplete lib ' oration of 11? nt go* Ina -irorn ( tttomaa nile. -? SPANISH AFFAIK?. nu: chum 1 in i.i m : ? um; cn THS N'.'Mi'i's rin ( ! I.?li Hil. M'.V. SI \? I?) A Ulli.HAI IHK BOM HAiiK.ii.M ok iii y 1 mua aii\m>?>m:i). BOMB, ?iinnlii?, Repi 16,1878. i'm.iiiinl Simeon! bas telegraphed to the Pope that the Spanish OovernmenI Is taking time te oontMer the quest lim of his circular to tbe in innis,,,ml It will do Ita almost lo arrive at an nndcrstaudiag? I...M11.V, Soturdaj. Sept 25, 1*1?. A i\'i "i ii dispati h t.? Tke Daffy Newt horn Madrid mya the Pop? '? i? ' .di . .' ti " Papal N'ntn lo, ?Cardinal Simeon), snd tbe Implied disavowal of ins eeta, have occasioned ? .; idenbli turpri ?-. Monslgnor Bappella lu mon lib? eral tliuu L?H predei ssor. IfADBtD, Pnt>ir?liiv,'Pe|.t. 2", l-l* The Osriistabara abandone?! the bombardment of the tu-Ati of (lu. la-, ' ..en Iii.' DI) I] m 1 ? a-t. A maa named Bprungly, 1 aatlvc of ?Switseriaad, baa been ?I? llvered to the I al tod States, which had demanded iris extradition. Bprungly m'A embark at Cadia Km Kew York. M main, .??opt. 'H': 1875. Tlic Alfonsist nrii-.y in Nunn le elootag around tbe CarHat poeittons. ?DouCarioa and Hen. Deemgany an still at Estella. ii-n 1...m., h. ' defeated the Caruata on tteVatataaeda line,?rutttngoff their?commuotcatloni with tbe valle) af Caranta. _ FREW H ?POLITICS. 11IIC li ' I I'MMiis?, It? <i|'l-.i" 1. mr KI.1.1 I"l:\I I \ B Ii- . ICnOXI I Mill?. 1' titi-, H ti uni.ty, Bept. 85, 1878 The Deputies of tha I.i ft have >reaelT<ed to return to Parla at the taglnning of Oetober, t?> pnpon fur nu m ort ??!' tin Mmmg a taloa ot the AaaemMy, ami particularly tor Ibe debateontbe Btoetoral law, which iiuiis'iti -A ill lie first iii-? ii ? ? I. The Opinion Xttieutle, the orgaa ?af several Bcnubll ean Deputies, says the deetatoa of tbe Cabtael t?> advo 1.?i?? ???iim.' ii. .ni'..iiiiis-i nu .ii? i,.11 produced aatnng sensation among tbe Deputise of Iba i?eft Ceatar. a rii;?iiii?? I?? 1 a-., 1 iii, Dnfaun and tba Left Center Is dow t a 1 Km.. N.i 1 (iori \? iii nu .ik iii? union of iba f.i. tiona .?f tll.'l.'l. _ 'li.1:: CUBAN REBELLION. spaxiau 1 no ira si \ 1 ro ?cuba. Bjurraam a, ?Saturday, ?Sept. 80, l*7.r>. Tliirlecii liiiii'ln 1! infantry embark-Cll tot Cuba I?. :...? (?.,.? thousand moe ?Ml, sad ??11 ti?" 2d of Oil .lu r. inn I'-'in; v;s .iciivii-Till iiiACK or r.u: lil RRICAXE?TELEGRAPHIC COMMOXICATIOM IN 1: RncpTED. |ii!0'.i am?. >-i'?s m. ( ?>iii.:-i-"?M?r-i ki iBTaiatmu.] Havana, ?Sept. l8.?-Officia] reports i-li??w the rebels n,?' rery setlve, ?and .-?r.? eontlnnatlv attaebtng iiil:i'-i - snd f?iv. "i. Th- j ti'? loi cr ??? 'illili? Ibemselve? i<> iii? defensive, but keep the Spanish troops ?on tbe alert li Is rumored thai tt?? Government at Madrid baa ?ap? pointed Rubl Rodrigue!, Intendente, and thal he * ill probably arrive ben toon, Ile U 1 noted i-'i? intsh poet, Tbelong-expeet Sbnrricane has pa led, nml Bavaaa li.-?.-1? ? Ivrd 111 aerioui? Injury from It, Gnat fean an re cn'? 1 ii'itieil on flonday <?n seeounl of tbe ntpld (nil of the barometer, and man? preeautb.iisrj measures were Ink? 11. ile inen ni-a. :?i 1? it??/ ml ii ought into the Tri? ir in-?, it rained ?hard all Ant Monday, ami ?tbe arlad was rery hl?rh nil iii--i.t, bul Hie f,u-,?> ?if tbe Morai was felt ??m-i'i.- of ila?. \? cording i?>? bserrn ii,.us i nd dedoel?"n.? m ide ni Ibe S ivsl Ohai nralory, the course of Ihe hnrrieane %?.:?? from Jamaica, along t'? coast ni >.'iii'.i.ii de ? nba, through ?Satins bi (?rand?',and otho? l" ? ' ?, to I! vi.: 11. nu l ibe .? uti roi the Inn . 1. mi was n . iii..?-: 1 1 il.i.i, .:. ?i ! ?.'? 1 ?? ?? '.. Tue? ?I ly nu (in sceonnt of the hnrrienne eonimunleatiion t ? * -1 - -..1 Jamaica,PortoKico ?and Culmhaab on laterrupted foi taft Cllll 'Lit s. On Tlnit-.'iri.v the Mexican Mcamsbips-of-war In i??'it celebrated tbi snnlveraary ol then ladependenee 1.. Ur? in ? lute?, which wen answered out of eourtes) bj the ?"I'iiiii- ii fort?*. THE CUBAN 8TEAMEI1 URUGUAY. AIiilVAi. OF lim ?!1A> roi.I Ai ASI'IVUAIX?MOW Ai.NI"^ AM) AMMIMIl'iN Dl.l.UM.I) -AN AMI.Itl i.w 1\ ( OMMA3 I?. Asi-ivwAi.i,, Scjit. 17.?The Cuban steamer Uruguay, late Ibe 0? tari 1. b. srlng the Bag of llragday, arrived at thU i-mt ?m Ibe afternoon of Ibe litt in-f? Sha c.'iiiii ff'tu >-nii Amil? >. \?!i? te sin? liiiii lici-ii fur uiin?. mil !iini?r him,ni Hint wen seal fi??in ben on tbe brig Nil.? between two :? ? 1 ? I ?three monthsago; also for coal ti-,. 1 -'n' ? \ 1. ? ted to tlic!. hal ? hlch bail no1 y?-i smred. Sbepaased the seh onerbrarina th? coal somewbenbe? tween Aspluwall uinl St. ?Vndrea Aftoi takins ona lim nilly ?if 1 ...ii nu I inn' , lona, utic ulled from hero mi ning ?'? 11k Hull lout., ?probably foi Cuba, The l'l-ii'i-tny i- ('??iiiiii-iii'i? .1 1.y ( ,i]?- Hnmmers, sn Amsrli id. Ti.u-Vi nreniosllj Cubant. MTblleben ?-i!?. lootsoven 01 her urew bj di -? I ion. Jii'lll I! BELAI IONS WITH CHINA. :;??!; WAU VEsSKU io in.? mm in nu: ?ihm m COAST- i i.? i-l'l.? N i?l a I i.'., ki 1 I. s?. 1 11 i ?ii n 1. I.'.Mii.s, Bajpt. iO, 1875. The Obttrtm says ii believ-es that Um British (i.iM'riiii.i nt luit mu strengthening ?ia it*. t lu Chinese wal ?ra, bat so far then Is m nasos to appeebeud that ?mr ?lilli -uiin -, ?.i'Ii ? . las ? iii teg .ne nttlomcat i?> olli? r Uiiin pat ill" 1. ? ?i-ni' a. !.<?-< OF lili: KORE*] QUEEN. AIllllV Al. (?1 lill. Mill' A! IliiV.-l:-lilli f-.tlP AUAV I.MN??D- run Ol Jin CltKU mm hin DAYS DI A ?BOAT? ?UMtnoa, -Saturday, tmmt 'jr., 1878 The Mi'i'iiiici slumlord to-iinv baa 1 Bpedal tel? l?r.atu lunn I.?.' i i ?aoMatUiag the IsUoWtog : Tbe Meward ?.f tbe Smortna i?.?rk favnol Qm m,<Capi, I.? n n , v. lu, li h nt lad ? n a 1 th v..>i.?l anil ipai - and bound mm Port ?Ludlow foi if 11 re. baa arrtN? ?J .it the Mai..1! Sailors'Home f??r the Deatltuto, al Dover. Ile ?reporta linn ine I??'? -: '..':? ? -u liiitnii red I'll tbe Bio de 1.1 nala, ami thal tin? captain a is killi ?l by Hie rolling ? I Um ?pan A boat containing tbe flrst mab and etx nata pot of! fiinii tim v i? ck, liiti another with tbe second mate and fire men followed. The hitter was sooa 1.?.-lit ?if by Hu- ?steward, v?lu> was in iii? t?r-t mate's boat. 1 m nie fourth dar one ?if Iba men died from expooare. fin Hie lillie!? ? uili ?1 t\ 1!"-f A' i? a .1.' I bj ? N ? lan bark m,?I 1.?Kin aboard. The st? ard, with the others, who ure inititi. wen landed nt Rams?: ita yestei lay. The latttji ??ill ntuin ?home tma that port. AMEZICAM REVOLT BUPPRES8ED. Tin: DMVMKjm IN 8OH0?I l'l 1 ! a 11 I.-?M.Miiiit LAW I'lKii ' ?1MII?. Sin FBAMCnOOb Sept. 1."?.?A dis|?;iteh from Hir. I ?n _- ? 6a)a the 1 ? ? 1 ti ?ni in Hillier.? ina rndtd Al '?li by an cn(<iN{cii??iit n? ur Aita hOOWOl " Iba 'in?? 1 erneut troop? and the revolutionist*, in wbnh the lutter WttO tliif.-jted, loKinit atioiil ?'?0 in killis!, wounded, and prlmn eis. Al?.ut MX) ? ? m- . ni,;??.-'ii on both nulm. MaiUat law ii*- been proclaim'?! uiitfl affair? an fab ted. PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS. A GREAT REPUBLICAN MEETING IN 1'HILA DELPHUa Oa?LUBRA A. GBOWfl AIM'l AKANCK IN TTflE c___nr_8t. THK nnrns or oin-mu: m :?? BUCAJM t?t tiii. ro i-itk al mm? -rog?n i ny ra, aaow, a. jay VtillHI?, AND rilV?Al:l?S M'rilKltr-iiN'-A (.HAND Toll' ill Kill I fBOCIBMOf in*..? nu: itt .1 lau roiiK-si'ovntvT of the Titinivr 1 I'illl. M?Ki.iiii ?.. S pt. _i?.?The I,', piil.licniis of tliis lit.?? iipeinii tin? eampaiga leal night bj ? brilliant ati.i spirited meeting in Horticultural Mall, pn cadi ?1 by tort li I ig lit ptiKeaaioill of tbe ('aiueron, Huitvanft, and athel polit icil ( hlhf, white and black, followed i.y a ii.-.' dieplay el -rawitehe m BioadSet. The Ifnion Lent/ne tint* Bnfldiag waa illnminated, and the nainee of lini-iiunft, Rawle, and Biddle wert? ?lispln? .-i in gae-Jet lettete oa the *_*s?ade. (?-n, Hairy lingham, the randklfttf fur Clerk ol Quarter Beaniona, whoa, the Clab Cotomittee Toted Friday night not to " in.lui?.:" beeanaa of hie n?torltw? eon? mi (?on ????ii the corrupt "Pilgrim Ring," waa not honored in iliis wa| ; but on the banners and tr.ins paieneiee born?' by the elnba Ins name wee if any? thing b little mote prominent than thal of Gov. Ii.Titr.inf!. Ti"? au* ling waa ? aotable er( at, not on m tonnt of tbe large attem?mee, the in?? i-.-inii-., <?r iii?* tir?' ??orkn, fct theee < an be bad t<> order at any timo in a city where 7,000 oAee-holden are at the ordei - of i ? lew party leaden, bot beeanae it brought from i their o iii. tuet,t !\?o olil litiu" Republican leaden? i the Hon. Galnaba A? Grow, Speaker of the National linn?.- of Jit i-i? t. iitaliTee lunn IMil to 1803, and I the lion. R.Joj Monis, who represented one of tin? I OoBgreeaionB] diatricte of thie eitybefon the war, .nid ??a? Abraham LincobVe Minister to Tukey. Both of theee gentlemen ??ere prominently i.l. ni ?lied With the earlier omi glori?os history of tin- Repub licanparty; both han itoodaloof from it eince it ? fell into tlie hnn.'.s of unprincipled oflice-holdcn and | plunderers, gn? loth BOW return to its rapport from j the aame motive?a belief that ita raoeeea in renn-! sylvania ti.i? I'.ill is eeeential to cheek the Demo? cratic movement fur an ii.llat? .1, ( rag t :. ?. ; > i ? \- em i'i'fiey. Tin* s|iiii!ies uiaile by tliem and that of the lion. Edward _fcPh< ?sou, who followed, were all em].h .!'.< .??-i l.iritiona egainat the inflation doctrine. Made here in Philadelphia, when the cry of " mon gneuba Ita" carne originally from Repub? lican- :i!*il is'till |M''.s::t".l in hy many leading mern? Lei's of that pariy, theee powerfol a-ddreeaee ???li givefonemid(lii.>ti*nto the Republican canraea I tbiDughont ii"" sin!??. Th<? party, m an organiza Hob, will, ii i? e,T?y lo for* ?iv. he ? fowded bj the ac t io'i ol' the Dem.tant Erie oil' it- ahnlfling Lan? caatei ?urnnej plank on the linn ground of hard monej. Mi.?, crows 8PEEI II. run ?t*i i rut ?, Si pt. SO.?The following lathe ad dnaaof the lion. Galimba A. Grow al ii"- Republi? , ran mase meeting last night : ot'it iNsnrrTKiN?; AOAIB on n.;?t. PCUaOW (?ll/I.V-: Ace. ni nu- grateful arl.roivleflir; niei.i-- foi tin- * au,ii,.ht y of tliis greeting. Wlthdraa a foi liar* ficni all parii.'ipation iu polities, wholly absorbed In industrial parentie, I eawu before fun at this lime on the iii\i',.:i'*n of ?..ur c.ralttee, only from a sense el -??..y neti m every good iiH/.vn otne te hu country. willi rtawa anekangi I on all .ne I rmsof Katienalad j ministrut.'.n. 1 shan call kasir attention only to a brief ; ooBkstderal "ii of ila li".,nu airi.ui? forced Into the ! pvt.? la ne? of t.? , y, lea ig aJl dlsciusion of Mate i*-.i ipi ii-?: ?:i?i-..i of *? itiiildat? - loth se who arc io follow ma. ????ii the Irre?reaalble conflict between friiii*?:.. and slarery, wbiel for ;,;??!.?! hall acentu? shook the v. public with Ita rarthijiiak. thro? .euil din t''i. . ni mi. Ipatlon ol a ran, l in.?..-JP that it.? whole poonta, without partisan rancor, ?, nun their uiiili? nlisi attention to tbe eueoura *.-?:' of the Industria) Interest?, the ? : ? |i tni of the nanni naonirea and the promotion i.r the labor of the eonntry. We hail then Just !?.- ?: ?-.: . i.?.fully tia* third of the three great stages Incident ii, ::: I a > I. tai it. In all na', in lill ? ?? . B people have ttr-; in ei: ve out a iiTtieinil .-?i'len'*-. Thal <?ii r fathers dit) in the Revolution. Next, they have to prove nan? ni lilly tu maint tin tin lr position ?.t the fir? lile .-f nattons by repelling all external sn'.-ri". ?<?r>?. That waa done fra the vindication of tho Invlolahllltj of..merl .*i cltl? *i st In, when In 1812 ?te hunted the linn of thi * in ni mt? tresa of the scaa from oui' bIhuv?. Next, tiiey innsl prove their abillti to pn.teei ti raia? '?<?? ntrninsl tbein-clr?**, bysuppr. ?inn ?li loni**?f le vi? ?. The grassy mo tid of li-It a million hero martyr? will itnntl forever a monn menl to thal s Movement, la each of these trials the grout ii'ijui-ii.- ol t!i. nation waa the oa_ i.ini nerve >.f ?t. * i. The Institutions of free elective governmcnl an again on trial, the capacity of man f r elf-government Is noa lu puss na ?everest ?.-.t. In this Issue, forced upon tbc ? .a nu . bj til Democratic pari ) of Ohio and Pen usyI ??m. i,l? !?* I*- it.-n-i-i-ii- ? whether the mxiple har. lion it', iinil -. ir ne i ii-nit-li Ii. ii i ?eh at ia fur tli ful ii all n a liena! ti i _? 'i Um i bj self hn] ed limden? of taxation. In til.? triai it only requtrea forasocc. fui Issus the common honest* thal belong? to nncorrupted human nature. AN AlIi'Ml 1*. I'l I IM: I'll': I !.'?..M;? ,|i; I IN \N( I.?.,. ti ?!t.:M. Tin-1?. ?mi. i a tie party of Pennsylvania, in almost exi : Imitation of their political brethnnof Ohio, declara in ?Uielr platform of political faith: "That the irontn.a *f the money currency and rlr culntlnK niedlnro, heretofore made by tlie Republican partj ? anid i h. further contraction proposed bj It with a ? i. ?.?? tu im resumption ot ?in-! le paymeuta, baa ni-.-ii. brought disait?:! to thi business ol the eonntry i.ini tnreatt n ? -.-ii*, ni bnntrruptcy. We di mnnd thal tiii potlt-j in- ..'.-.nil. a t. and that the volume of money he :.i... '? , .M kepi. -. : i. n i to tin? ?unis ni trade, leaving the n ? i ,i.t?,. -, .*: it-. .: ?t-iiiii-i.- i-* i- u- ti* be brought .??ii mi bj |*romt>'ii. the It ttastrii ? t.r Ui*- people, and m t b> destroying llmm, ?????, and tit it all the Na? il .iii, bank circulation '?o promptlj and pciinam-ntly r? tin .1. a!..I full legal ti uders lie issue 1 lu Uti li ? !.. ??. ?? That the pilbil. Interest demand? that ii*- ??(.wir. i meat should <?? a ie t" ?ii cntrdil IU au u money, ami ? I untke it? legal temlci-s rei-clvablc for all public ?!'?? ?, ? ?. n-,'? vii re n ''.t for the obligations of coatracta re a i ? : : ? a ? ji.? ?. ment In coln." 'i in- ?,inn' clasiol men who made than dcelarn'lon?. win a ii:.- li _ ti i.ini. ra >? i.- Drat Issued .len.un., ed them as unconstitutional,and predicted thatthi time would eiime when it would take a hu ?hi I pf .t.-i niia !?c to buy n bushel of potatiN -.ami ?ei to-ttaj tbey *eem desirous i.f havingen-mghissued '?. make their pi diction good. One year a a?,lue? nve iti min li ii Btut. . tli. i .1 ' ir. 1 .-. '..\ ,'r ?i " .i t* idyettort to bring the Ooverument note? tu par ?nilli gold, ami to sacara n leturn r-* ?inri* payments at the earliest possllde period II it resumption c.'ii'l lie effected with aafcty." In National Conventional Baltltaore thej tleclai-e?l that ??i ?."..t. ia im n t*i s;k < ii? payments waa demanded ?ilia-..; bj the blithe?) .leratlon ol commercial mo raliti a n. I la n- * i :..??- nun- nt." Thej si mo?) tobo very llllielt, OH tills .ptl ?.:. "I, iliif llie School l?-.?.-Il* r. who !!l ! iii, - tamlnatlon. when be waa asked tr the wort?) .. . . i.min! m lin!, h,ti.| i.e would teach round or flat .Omi h* Hie j. lit III? I'., f i li al. HO lee? WO?ld t* .'I- ?I ' I- -...1*1 III t'.it" in - i?n?lder lions <>f nommerelal moi ility an I bom it Kovernmeni Insta?they believe ??null liest serve Hu ends of p.tif.k. Mi_:.ty . liuii.i - li.ite in-.u wrought in Um a >.,',? lu thi ii riewa if Gomnicrvia] moralitj ami bon? i -i-,\ ei i-*... ni : Thej seem lo be like the Indian who profesaed ctiris i , and ? I.? n di ' ? ?? '! in ?:?? 1. 1.1-, in,' I i i.e li ? ...... ii j* ., ki i iii?., n I,( did u'l l? n*?? n bou ?ty waa the beat policy, halt!.t'-* lill! tie*, el'?'illili I hulk 01 it. THAT TUBBS lit? mrs' COKTBA1 OOB IT'-I?:!>. 'Mi.-Iii.-I a? ii nilli.i n, Ib.. t Hi- ?!.- lia? bet a a o iBtiaetion of Hie cuit ii: y. la BOt Iru. in fa.t?for Iii. r. li -, - beca i." . i.ti ' "...n. What do we mean by enrrency 1 iristiif which Is ubi j te make the exchange? of comm, titles and property, i? maybe paper, it may he coin; ei both, T-, ! ? '?.- har?m . urr.-i. y, :::: 1 au pat?, r, :;T?.'..'i.i(i.i. (I <*. '.. kite ilen; to roundnumbei , 190,000-000 of frae tamal turn :?? j ; of bank ? -wnlatlon, 1349 -000,000 ; nuk? ing tbe i? l:*ile < Irealatlag iw Hum tod ly.^777,000 r> 0. There were ft7iiO.000.OOii In I ?*73, ?.'??t.oiii.iiihi hi i?-i?v, ??:: l*_ is H? t?i. i in j ? We iiak ? ,t greater volume of dr? ill to -I i? i?.-in ?t any pn-i ling ot rlod In t.-..- bli tory of the country, iii.l more than double thttofauy period pre viona to 1800. Bo thal ii.- present .1 ia toi the t>ii-Ma ??- of i'.- ronntrj cannot be thercauli of a con? traction nt currency; and If "gonera] bankrupt > . tim .in in *l," .t * i in* i nut ii..ia this callie. wii ki i !,**:>it i n nu: panic. wir.t iinil ii-!? pre.ine.d the ii ?i. ?-mu fa bo Inewl l-'ii-t 'he ?'.i thal ArMtnyedproductivelndu-itryand ea'ie.i, tree? evi r?- tuan, '.t of btetlm s?, m. n r.. tbe fsi Id t*. tlplnil'1 '.li?'itali.'.in! i-f Hie i:i-|i-ll.lie. Ilia Wai unie:' .1 ptieea by maklag a gp dec deauwd, wbleb atlmnlatcd pri* I I'Tn-n 1 ?.at, .?f iisiTf, stiiiiiil.i'. la large ?ni liiioti in tile prii'lu.-l:'.. imlil -?I i !? ? over ..:?? ? pn-viiiiis peilnil. TI.o ?'lilian.. men' i if prii m ?waa ?lill fin liier lui-i-> a? .1 i.y ti.n Issue ni large aawuats of im ?le. mabie papei. l :.. ie '?** ii.'i'L ? all tbe prodnctire Innuatrlea, bul ? ii. a : m \, ai i mil 'lini'l the men from tlie Brid went li tek a? pre (?ni i re.titea? IndaatrlesatlUi -mlanedtbetrpioduottou,aiid ihn? thej Oiled the marketa of ibe count? with a large ? <!f prodneta, and, tbe demand not icing equal to ? the ?iippi?. the prodnet. went on until the atoek waa laolarve !?? ?.?? earned I.y tin* iiutiuifaetiiii ;? ni>.*1 ptu .t.iiNjr?. Mence . .?nie Uni Ilr?l ?... .: failuie, t hit ,if the Bpragues,wbleb ta*_tredtbi businesseonfldeneeof ttn eoimti ? ? iib Btorabeaaea a?ed from call tr in ir irrat with I'lotliit '? f.-r ?iinil tlien- iras no nuit'iet. Wli?-n pro i'i.i lu-iii largri thai the doma ad, priese of Monal ty I li'r-t'.i ?, aii*l ?lien jarte?a full (hero munt be cither a curt illili? nt -if proditt lion, or the manufncti:rer hlmSStf must .it'iuii to large leeeea la i oaUaalag. HOW 0\ I lt-1'I?ODI'( ri?)V UFAiriKD ON* ALT, FORM? OP ill -l.M?t. DepresMon In biisinens raine from over production, ?tiiini! iteg first by the war ami tlicu by Inflation <?( inn (Uiitiny. Tinte wa* too tmicii of eicrytlil'i.'. IFhM oonililciico is unbound!?I a lerptaa of product! rta be cuni ?l for awhile, but winn c?'.(Meneo Igoueeabakaa ? r. alf:-* ?an restricted, .-uni then ooma atrtngeney In the market and depression In business. Th?. raiirna ', i f. al tbeeffeet l*i-*?t winn production Is diminished,because ?there are len product?? io traneport from tbe ?points of production to the m.ii ia of tra?lo. Then ??rv 1. ?.-. men to llanillo tbe gooda ia all tiu-ir ?tnaatt, and then in fewer mea employed to convey Ibam to tbe eonsnawr. winn eooflt?mee la ibakea men bogia economizing, and v. l.t-n that begtea. a general panie, ss it i-, railed, ipreads um nie (and. Then ure 40,000,000 ?>f tu mil?? lu the United ?States, ?half msles, t ? a sad boysa and ii iif fernstes, women and guda. Supposing that ? '??-ti woman and girl has one dreee less tins than hist year, calline ti?" avi-naK?? for euch gre a toa rarda, then ure jiio.tMMi.oi)?) ?yards tom waatod this ft irtbsnlast if ? icii iinin andboy haa ooo coal less this yeal than lu huai last car, n? then an 20,000,000 <f ?sea wid Boju, it wc ?? til the io?t of e i?-;i coat ra an'aver au'tj i*10 cudi, then (ben an? ??$200,000,000 le?.* m the demand f??r maanfactun ?l products of thal descrip? tion, so In every other class of cotnmodltlea used bj a I" opie, the ilci'i uni i- ?limul -I.. ?I lmm< ttm ly when ????? ry Is dy !'? .-?UK ;?. ?jeonomise. The railroads, n ?t boina i ib piled wltb the i rutile the* bad beton on accounl ot ti.i? kind of I'uliK tinn, have lesa earntura. and cons? iiicntly j i? ?profil in thin- tina-iiiima. Amt thin t? true of even I kimi of hnslans Too manufacturer of woolen Roods making I?.--* cloih b.iys baa wool, and the producer of wool Is thus deprived of a market fur his product. Tbe manufacturer of iron makes le*?, ko the producer ?.( cul must ciiriiiii ii?:? production, and i-" on tbnugb all the avenues and channels of labor sndbuai- i ii.-?. Tbe railroads fall to pay the Interesl upon their bonds, where tbey an built In sparsely !-? t ?i? ?t pats <>f tiiecoiitilfV, I.? .him tim.,? di Unis fiel the Stringency most The demand for manufacturing products falling off lean; t - irplui ?>f thone pr ?ducts on the banda of the producer. Then follow fallan ? ?>f busim m bouses unable tin .n t-, their lane itocl i, Tal, is the cause ??f ttaguation m ?the production ia almost every Industry. Con? fidence and credit me shaken "by the failures. nulli moneyed men ?refuse to kata except on th' im n undoubted ?security, and no mon. y seeks an investment in any channel of produettve Industry, for everything tin?-i ?'?..? . ? Land It m ki no ncwentorpnsi I conte ot fu uncertainty of our eurnncy till It le brought to a ipet i?- ii ?ni'?. Hit:? ?j the large iiinouiit ?( nile capital. WHY MOXI v iv -cAi?? g i\ ( in? i i Micv. Wo bava nu Irredeemable paper etnalatfoa twieeaa j gteal a? it e.? r WM l??>fni I in tin- hlotoiy Of the ? ?niiitij-, j ami greatly in ezeeas of the preooat wanta of trade, ? win r? i^ ltt in tic ?banka, of course. When tbe bank mu??') a 8100 MU, bowden It get out Into circulation I By nome mau who aroint to buy commo litios, ?i? tina to | go ititu nome Lu rimes, t?> devi Ion rent urce . Some man Hinke ? ? loan <>f th?" i> ?nk and gttea in- note, p ?-. able st i? futuro day. Wltb that ?t-lt??) lull hu l?; ?? |1(I0 worth of clothing. The mau that c? l?t the clothing buys 8*00 worth of i???ni- i-ith ti o bill miel ved for it. 'I'm' maa that ?ol?l the bat is trays 8100 with of Karn willi li. Tho maa liiat ?bought the bats own tbe ?bank |100, und cailles ?suie 8100 bill back to tbe b.ll.'K 11:1 Jll'.s hi-? ti? !t. Tin? bank lia-" til -lil,???I tin? debt from i be maa who bought th.- t> mt ti. tbe man Who tit nt bought the cl??1l it?i'. TbUS three men own.-?I ir'iun? worth of property that hat bet a exehanai A ' tw? en tbem by the use of a?.iiu;ii? 8100 note, and the nott is back In the beak ?again?and itaya there until nome one ii ilres tonse ii Ina slmilat way. if the man that baa the -. -1 - -1 : ? :. i -. * t ? a boots or th? I lUcaanot -ii, l ?? n i.? baa to " carry them," n? it ia cull?.I. or if he flin!?? no 1'Ur , i .?-> i liefore his paper matutes al the bank, then he ??i ila, beeauss be cannot ?my bli di M t?> the icnk f??r the money be borrowed. Heime, to-day tbe industrtsl Intercale of (he country, bavin? j ?i t. ? i np torraoas amount of tr- ?? >?l^. swelling purcl laers tln?l themselves willi these goods <?u their bauds, nnnble to meei their engi rements. Tbe nionej ij not tain u from tin- banks tor tim t? t???ii Iii it n?> one deMres to Invest m these commodities, The banka, if they fol? l?n their legit?mate bmdni ?.do no1 go luto the streets iiiul n,urts of trade to inn property. Theyfunish ex ?h,un.-? ?a for doing thnt i?y others, and for the risk in tu n ?bing ? '.?! tin v charge luton it They deal in Interest-bearing paper, and ii it from tbe ?nteres) on i.? . v. iiii-h the? funib h f ?r others t?> m ike .-ti ?, m es, that tbey derive the? profita. Bo when curren ;? Is not i ? I for bu*tuei?i! it remains with those who Issue ii And that is tbi ii*, to toy. Ho ahile there li pleut j of Cipcr monej then is no call i .ii by bo linens I it? n ita? ? nee it Is M H?-? ill ?ii? nl.i'i'.-t. ill' -I :\ l?'l M-iNilV 1 lill nl;M-?. How Is mono) um ii iii tin lei- icas tranaactioae of life j Ben ?ii?- two pie m of paper. Oae la itampedMOne dollar," the other i-? stamp?ed "Oue hundred doUan;" yoi til? tv ?> i?:? ? h o' papei ?an of the mom itoe, the tame ?general appearaaee, and Intrinsically an of Identl ii ? tlic same value?no more,no leas, Ia the transactions uf business, which ia bul an exchange of ?roiiertj or ??(?uiin .?liti? m. paper ??r coln !-? n ed to facilitate the exchange, and Is called a circulating medium. Without a emulating medium trade and commerce could not be carried on, ???.'?? p* b.? th? exchange of tbe cola? ra lill? -. 'n m- Ive*. .?"> Hi it a m.,ii v. ho manufactures bats, If that Is the ouly commodity he has, ami in? a.uin s horse. If thom a -?-, no ? Ireulatlng medium, the only tray bo could get a boree would be t? make hats enough t?. buy one, and then Bods man who had "in-' that iu '??! ! I.? li. uni who was wiiiui - io tii!?e bats tot the horse. Th. n h? a? ml?; A< Ai ' r the hat a ami t.?k ? the bone. Hut the 'lilli, til:;.- of finding a man that would \.v.-.' romany Ita ?? .ii ei u . tu- tin- p it ?-li i-> rot Hie bats could onlj ?; * I?.?--, i f tin lit !?? .?-nun? one Who ililli Miine cn iiiiit.ilily 111' i,ii,.lit want, equal In value to on?- or some t \? n nuuil ? r of tbem. tor the ?in.le lint could not he divided u> ? roul l only b? u\a haugt ?I foi n ? ommodlty of e inal \.iiu?. COIN AM) I'll'l li ( '?MUK 1 i. 'ih? dlAi ilty,la tmt aunoBi impe ilblllty,of carrying nntradi In that way. Induced tbe adoption of aome mo? di -.n .i exchange thal should in? ncsgaiaed bj ml of na, as of rome certain value, at which Itabould be received i? i borsei snd ii ita. or lu?exch inge f??r any otherspe< :??.?? n* pi .?"ii?. Ilenro ? unes circulating medium, called currency. It may be paper, or it may bi i oin. I it If it Is paper, as the paper bas no Inti Insto \??im?, or ? ?e ?!',>?: m i, . , m .:,. it 1-t tbe proud? it bean i ?.' iiiul what it would sell tor to bo manufactured Into r > me other form of paper, So a paper eurreocj Iii-,!.o value except ita promise. Ko when you ncelve apupar dollar In payment of a ?lebt due you, that debt ia not ?. i. Vn'u nave i.n'y changed debtors. I ?atead or ti.o Individual of whom you ri Iredltowlneyou, II ii? bow the ?n.t'a. ? of i'??- p. i er a ho ?? rea 'he de ?t. and tiui ?-? u tinuea ia? be iii- i'ssi till tbe person who bohls ?lie i?.i ?n i |it'.?tiii ?es, .-?? al? m us Uiiiotii't iu ?sola or ?toms kind ??i ? ??I property. win i?? n paj itia'itt in coin any mon 'he payment of a debt tliau a payraenl inpapei l 14c eoln represents 1 - ,, "i; ,1 i ,'.... ;.? , .it.? .ii.'l ii 1 -pi -? '. ? f it il- pu?..i.I'? ll?in- ?rsl ii. i ik -i?.' ino on fe m t1 e Nw? li ?>f the ? artb and all the lubsequont labor nee? m iry to c invi it it into (?nu, nini the world consents and agrees what iiint amount of I., mi i-i\M?r'.l audit oonldnot be procuredn! i .? . n ?; ri ?n i ii-.. .. m1 t imp I u? in the < iln. Bo tin - -i th? civllixod world it ha? that real intrinsic value, for iln rea on that it is impon dide tor it to be i rudu? ed for i le*s ram. And besides, ii baa theframe value, or aearlyao, hu- n-e in the i n. bantcnl i? '?? thai it lias for coln. i... ci it of paper, thal Is, lu iiitrlruli value is compara? tively nothlnj?. ti rosts no mon lo make a W.tlOO bill than .ii?'? one. rho printing pnaa changn tbe amount >.f the promise si upli bj ehanging t'i num ral? thal mark it. The coln dollar needs no Indorser. Ths |mp??r ?,?.t ii wort hi ??sa Itbool .t. The coin dollar runathr iugh tbe commercial worid bj Its own inberent itrength, and i? irs upon Its face its nal value, Tbe paper dollar has n | itreiatth enough lo stand aloue, andbcara upon Its tu?, miii a promise whleh. If its fnlilllmcnt lu to be lud ii iilt, i ?i.-';. n?'.|, lu st worthies? is the ra^s of wl chit Is nimio, lui 'ti ? n. t'li.? paper ? ihlinbed ss a rlrcu? !.:?.lunn i.-, tin-i'.h-i . u -. that ever paralyzed tbe ? n? i-'.".- o', a nation, or palsl ?t tbe .-u'i!) ??f Industry. A coln doit-i i npresents a certain wi ,.-?.i of metal, and iii ?i tame wi ?? of m. y?m <?:?.?: ? tcbanire In the cont? ra? n '.ii worl I, .my", 'n re, for nu equal n ?, lil ol ii ? ? : mo n. ml to tbi coln of any < tuntry, ami it li not ault)? to ruin ., ?it.??n. It amy be worth a little moro In uni t nini? n n in another, by re sou of cost ??f t as i?"ii.'i!'.!i, but ih? diiv.-r. m Is trifling, and it Is r illy worth ii? Miine, welch! for v.iniit, th. world over, Iii i. i .? i,.i-1? . n uni :,? in iii? i !.. .' .i ii nation? ?,{ iho world tho ? n rene] t?. npres ml real values. m i: vi ni t.ii mum v RKPSESI s TB, Tbeourrency wo use represents a prom ?? la the ah toe of n national in.iik noto,a i omisa rcHt?t-,'- apon the ai?sets of tim bank, na i upon the Cn ? ?l w. ?t? i ima li ?I ???-.-'t.'?! to h? nu; ii? it ?I, -million. How with a Government -. n?.i?t Itrepneenta bo peoperty. it w i lien ii?? uni.uni', it ii? not a mortgage upon mythlna, for you? nnot ?li tu?) man's farm, rai-nsxn oi bom on :i r. i , .? ?n )i y ii tia ?a ntl ti"? ? of Iln- United tatt li ... y upon Rood falta by the ; v ? mdtbatlsluat what i? on U lal t?? day, mihi ? i'i i?n i< i?> ni: cr. i N' nu', rit'ii: Hovmr T Ohio litn! IVm-ilv ui'ii cull the A'u. t . ..ii |. >;i ?? to tie ??.n- iii-..lion of tbla ii""!i", nml nu? ballot-boa I? to Ila. thaebaraetor of endtttobe gina t-? tbiapapern] i wataltoa Papei t? pnaeatattoa not bai i apon ?sola fm Itandempttoa haa 'hut disadvantage with all prop!? mvera waul << contld me tolls upon a commuuity liaefli an ? wl li.? ? du i urreucj. foi ? ??..i - culatbiK medium fix it m rulots sud lutrrchang able tbe ?su..I over. I ni ir-.inirv notes ??ii be ?urea i ,i i ii.- ratitnatloo <-( money circles i.? everj ? ? ti?-ii ii? ?i m thin ec'iiiiiy ni \?.iii<h currency I-,t i i ie. The Democratic party of Pennsylvania pro ?i i .- ri. , ,m -'i?- i, itt? ?.?iii.- . ?- . ii.- | n it in? legal touder lrcasur> notos, i'.i ;i??il t.. (hi ? ?.?' m ... i;, i.?l-r it i,000,000 m ?i?- to lol up ti i- L'ireuiation that thenaUoi ?I banks non bat >,t akn.g $l2l.tioo.t-AHi of ti? i-ur) nob 11?> bo i ism .!, and no1 one ,? meted bj ? ? utu ?I.?II ?r, uni a ii la pr?i lo till ;1 ? 'Ii, i- n;. m . b 727,000,000 of coln, to be held to redeem tbem, Without thal what . .. i-? lhere that they wouldn't depreciate aa all large i sues of Irre? deemable paper bavi t\r ?1 me riiiiu Hie .i ?"!.?.?'i?? .f \ vi. to tin? Continental amney el our (athen It it ??. i-.,? for us to disregard the wisdom ol the ages and i., experii oof all tune t if it won i >i"i i illci I . change our bank curronoj Into masur] non , could It i?c done Willi.).li a biea.h i'f ii'Mil Ult.i on Hie p.irt of the Government! it., ih? b1 of Jane 90,1884, tbe Gonram ntpl lg?ad Ita tait h to then words i "Heetlon'i. Nor shall tbe t? ii amount <?f United HUtes notos 1 - - -i? .1 and tobe I i ei cr ?"te. ed $4?0,j000,0U0.M \.t m rtolatloa ?if pi. Age it i.? pet poood to almeo! ?oabh ihat aiuount. After arguing the quest ion of good faith at :?????? fcee h'eiemh 1'iiue. THE CANAL FRAUD TBIAL& HOW MATTER! ITAHD IV m'Fi-'Af.o. TIIK WTAMBERQ OF tTtJR imiOTED MIV I If. I'All'Kf). SI'FIT'I.ATICN" AS TO Jil*..M CUMdV'a I'M f ION* ? TiiK PUBUO WINI" i ii: h *?i'K ni) BUI TO PIMVK Tlir.ll! INNOT r'.VIT.?A l_____OM Of If*?? TAI MY Fort IlKNNKTr-WllO davis, MU_U1__ AND Jt'IU.E ii.INKiN AUK. |IIV Tilla,:? it TO TIIK TRIUINf.) Bt'FFAl.??, _l. Y., S pr. Utl.-In the ?.'isa? of Tli? State aira triet (?cot ve I). Lead for MkeffJ nothing inore oin na done m.til Judge ( iiiit??n tandan Mt ?le? Laien upon the iiioli'i'i of t?.e Iii-nii t-At'i.f.. ?. It ?giike oat tbe -peeiil plea meale i*.v Um defcndaai imtnTtheetatnfe of limitation??, iii!.*? t'.. lodge baaftoadaed to do n ti raeadaj efternsan, bag all ?peculation as la what that deetaion will l?o Rfcu:?i to Ito r.c.iril'd as flic merest gnesg. work, l?vMy lawyer kal I? ? own optaba upon tin! (j.. s'.i?ii, but no one aei-m?, to lave any uti tlif Mtbject. If t?io Jadgt a 99* ??sion is in favOC <>f ?l? ?king out tue ???'< -tal p- ? Bl der the statute of limitation??, llie ??a??* ?nil tin ti re eenl at 0'iee to tlie (.'nuit of Operand T.nii.tur, which will i>_ opened hen to?wnow amrnlog by Judge Chi tles I ?a*iieIs, ?\ h.? .--'it? i< r?--! Hauy (.enet onie?I an appeal is taken by the t\- fendant. 'I l,?- it pli .bable, and if ?! is dsmewifl tu mm.mi fin I li? r -le? la?*. nnlea_ the tr ii eaa nf? aa,and the appeal he argtaed after ward ia eaae of oravietioo. Altfcongk tlitM .iso romes iukIpi t lie pre ft t led < a.s s lief net'.. General Teni of the Bnperior Court, it i.? tbengitl a deeteion from thal c mu eannot be ?htaiard b leeethaa six __ontha, ano it ma? lake l-niger. II Judge Clinton's deelaion is tin? appeal will cert linly la? taken hjr Um State. What ??ill lie done in Hw BWantime with (!.?? ron irpiraey ?ase against Menm Lord, Da? ?s, Bennett*, Bowman, ami Barkley, is aat definitely known. It iinndentood that whoa it don ????mo BptheywiQ I? ? tiinl jointly, un the?ha?'? item indicted jo.ntiy, althongh tins eonrn ?vin be e__4 led to b. am than uno of tho dofnndoite .Mr. Davie m I Mr? Barkley have both expreeeed ohjeetiooe to being tried with tho ol It. ra. Mr. D.i?is ?\pi*- .s grcal confidence in hie ability t<> prara Ins in::.... aee, or rather, m he etatee it, tin* Inability of thi M t- b prove hie gnttt. He nlelrae lo be anxious bl the trial to oome on? when be abell be able io * tabll li his innoeenee, ?.r. if gnilty, receive the proper pnaiah? nient for hie guilt. At the MB? time, after bat ing met bin several times, both 1*. fon aud sim .- the iri dictmentwie found -gainst bim, I have bil .1 to find liim in any other than I itrrvmi?, IBZk?i liio-id, wlikli tho ili-euvsioii of the aabjei t hu ii* wayo tacnioed. Hekni idmittcd mtrmthenm_ra. ?? boa un.1er the excitement of dieena loo, bl? anxiety in repaid to tho matter, lcicnn: loth ->?..-u.i ? ! :. < I it i?i!l lure not onlv upon lum-elf. but also ? ? m upon his family. A prominent and toflnentiol citizen of n.iirilore yeeterdby that, aei le (rom a few potttical opponents, there is bo doubt thal Mr.Devi ?' ? I well hen befon the cbargn of compUettyb tho eanal triado wen broughl igilaet kim. He m ...?? ra? gardedaai ?lir.??d and wceeaafnl lawyer, bnl no one Bnppooed that he waa ever guilty of fraud, ilia ii lal ions with the MOU?unity ?? ere .?.. li. :u (Bet, that it aria enppoo-d that he eoald n.*t tfbrd t<* ?lu anything criminally wrong? Hie position In t?..eiety waa Int-claee, Um people grimrillj tren aiton? i-lud ??li.-n they ?aw his __unecoapled ??th tin ?. of the Canal Ring Now, then is no doubt thal im im n-i iiaitils li.ive he? i committed it :!iis ?-ml of the canal, ia well aa at other pla* es, a -I while it eannot bo said that tim'people m ?? OOMrily It lievi those men guilty la all cases ?ibero tin y bave I.? en arraigned, at least those whan they have ti ii-*:? >i ia thepii'-t. they en impatiently uiitirg far them to prove theil' illli-u'elie??. If th".?" ( U'l di tbili ti V eannot mt about ii too ?xoickly tor their o??n g i. The fact that a mau bas been leeaoed "? eompl i Ity LU .ho can?? liaii'le. i? -?iiiii-n-'ii bo make linn an - '. j?-? t of general ,su??*?. ion and ?listiust, and the Bli to has been defnodi >1 onl of su. 1.1 irgi mum by rum of di-ilion. ?t contra? is and rtivatd-. thal then ??a gem ral ilispusition to itand ah of moil the charge is \? itliilinvn. Tlie clian..-? againet Mr. Di.?is. eontinned the g a* tleinau ?vitli whom I wie eoBvening, ban mil har! him ?my worn than thej hiveharl Controller Hop? kim, and perhaps not as badly. lint.kins re? :>">l bia appointment at the inetan and by Um Lull i ice ni Mr. Davis, and tli?-v eeem to have been warm hienda ever rince. Mr. Davie eould proco ? whit no one elm could obtain from the f. nr..!'. r. If a bill wai not allowed, then ?vas ippuently one, rnd only oin?, way ol' i emring its payment, and thal ?? ia to go to ?Mr. Dai is. Tim fur met li.M su. 'i -i r. spo.i .ibb.? po?ition any bingi?irity on hie pari ?.ia looketl upon ???iii much j." *be ?li-f.iv-r. The action of the Controller in r quiring wttlenk : t in full npon a et it un day, ?li. tin r the "Barney had been received or not from all the enanty fare innren, failing to do which they wen ?un it< ned with meet eadefaniten, wai not received erith generalfa*] r ben. l_e timea wen "hard, end when the Treaennr hail not ?received his money from the people, the rigid enforcement ol the rale me felt to bl oppraa* si?,>. Thethtuking clam of the < mmuaity an he* ginning t> question, tram the denlopmente that hive been mi de, whether Mr. Hop?au*! main .*' |e t wee not to neun tho deposit., at Albany oi eil ti..? state money a? early as poaeihle, in order thi t I.o might hive ?' to lona t*> hi ? p- ?monal fi u it!j, or ti i high rat.- of intercat*. Mr. Davie, it ij indi mtaod, i? from da idi, bat hi lias rooitlcl ind dono buainen hete for tho pnet20 year.?. His properly, it is st if?-?l. is all li?M m Ins -.?if.'s Dine? II? still retaine poeeeeaioB of the oflk o of Canal Anpraiaer, but dicllnee to stale whether bo Intend ? reiigning or not. Mr. it.-nnett ?s aim-is' _Jwaye nfarwd ia with ea? pim .... lofeyropathy. "I have mon sympathy foi Bennett than ferr all theethnowbe I."ive been in* dieted" :? v?ry fr ipie-oly heard. His fktenda Indig? nantly deny that be is \\*-.i'.? and lackil t-' in ?hf ?m1 m.-. <>r i*u?iTiite t-.t. (?n th" other hind, they ?ay that he le straightforward, ant ikara in ; a karga] i, and that b<? b.t? i-, ide money. Ho ca;iio ben ihont ten j? it* aga from the Barton peri "f thte Mate, and hie ?? mo ???me i large mooni ?.f work .?t ?anal dndging; ete. An intima:?' friend of it's ?ti s l.?> i? miak worth ii 1. un 9100,000, bal ezplalne thal Ike dredging kanV ncaa ia profitable, and that Ben *.?t i rerj eeononl? eil. II. !i?e? in ?l l:.-:it i?lt Miall l:li-l. I;..i! e < li N_a_rira-et_j which ia neitly hot plainly farniaked. His frieadi kin ttdriaad kim aot to talk ? ' ral mat* t. ra i> Utting to the Hind award, and he de? lined to sly an? thing further thin wkal kll already .1'* p trod in hie teaiimony, r>..ul which baa be n pub? lialicd. Since hie indicttneni mid mlnii ? ? . to bail, be ia giving hie atl ntionigaii t.? bae_m ioatekte? Jadge Clinton ia n grandoon of George i I ti en iho tir?t Qovornorof thoSteteof New-York, awl ? eon of <;..v. DeWitt i linton, The Judge b.s been <?u tin? bench dering tim peal l8 or '_?o pearn II ie gea nally thought, that he is ever 70 yean old, and h* tin? sup riri'iiTf I, bul he aaya r_oe,alf_-*ongkka a Imita be il.iej not \. ni ?? iv-.. D. C. Welch, who waa la Canada, hie r fun d to thifl city, ?.?ni ??li endoubtedlj be irraign i t .-nu i raw, lognthia with Ur. k. :i? and Mr. Weheter, ka? f.'ii? Jadge ("linton on ali iudietumul band against then i at tno Inlenl iMn-.u-tnum in wal Im the t' m;il Dep ti tineiit. Mr. Welch baa already | roi hit d hiuibflf with i ail in anticipation 11 Ike ruie?t. llli: r*l It IDK OP A CVVDIIN [S. .!.) MIN Pim mm l.l'iui, iSc??t. 'Jil.?Tin? hotly ?,f Al? ben M .ilkley of (Tinulin, N. J., iui?..ln?r frti'i? heme slnea Tliuiiailsr, ivas fourni ti'.i ni^rnl"?! in ti*? Pi tanara lilkii". Hie .li'n'iUMil WH? ?,,-li Lim??, u for maif jears : ... . !. a i ?i.t..-. Uu.. ??Uli Uio CaOkloa UUd Akl.K.iJ IU1W road.