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A MIDNIGHT MURDEH. ?O'BALDWIN, THE Pf-UILIST, SHOT. TWO KKVKRIC AM? P?1SMR|.Y KATAI. W?H'NOS RF CBIVEO? THE MIOTS FIRM? BY O'hai.DWIN'S PARTNER?F.St APR OK TI1K A*? A IT A NT. Edward O'Ruhlwin, In-tt-cr known a* " Nod." 0"B:?l?i win. the prire-flgbler, waa matt, at a late hour la?t Bight hy Michael Kinnell, hi? imrtncr iu a li?|ii<?r ?Milo? ti Bl No. mt Waat-at. The Hm tt the quarnj waa the pro pt.aal on the part of O'BaldwIn to never tlie partn?-r?h1p. as It vu not prolitable, and he had Ix-tter prospects for sure??** iu auothcr quarter. O'll.ildwiu va* Kirn In Wat? rf ord. Ireland, in 1 MO, ?ml ??tint' over to titi? country alnnit elpin y? at? bro. A?. 8<miii ?* he had 1.lina??.I. ?Miine persons, without Ma authority, placed an advertisement in the ?ix.rting pnper.? thal he int. :: led tu tt ^ Iii any ('ii- who would a?,'!?-? t?> un?? t bim, and a < hallcug?' wa* published ?accordingly. Oh ii dwin subsequently si at cal he had no ?mention of either glvin.-or accepting a challenge, and had only vta? it ?d tbla country with the lntetiliou of giving a I?, in ill exhibition. ThiB was t h ou cl: t by Dinny to be a tn< re excuso for lack of courage, anti be Va ?aooordingly cliiillctig? ii by several psfBSe ?t last be egmid to fight Joseph Vol maid. and he proce? ?led to Massaeaaestts for that purpo"?'. M v.?* arrested ,n L ??t ?ti nu J pul in prison. Aft? i lie was Mtaani he became involved in a difficulty with Hugh Docherty in Philadelphia, ard, at rlklng bim In the face with a(i?no, ?truck ?>ut hie ????. for which he waa sen? tenced to two J cara' imprisa.nmcnt. He ttMXmi his term in lix Pennsylvania Stat?- l'iUoii, und tlicn returned to Kew York and entered lulo partnership with Milba?! Kinnell in the li.?uor hm-iuess, at No. 4ft W ?est st. As O'Daldwin had little or no money, hi? paitut-r ?i, ?pended on him to attract custom? ra by popularity. Notwithstanding the n putation of O' wtlh the cl.i-s of jars,,na expected tobe pallon* of Hie liquor store. Hie tun-. MM did Bit mmtMAi na well ?is tie paHaen expect? d, aii?l It waa generally believed that they werc losing lu?.ti? y rap.illy. It waa evident that O'ltaldwiu wa? not satis lled, and he lu g.?n to make arrangements with Joteph Cassidy of No. Ill (jrienwich st. lo cuter into u n? w part neraliip with him. This wa?, however, not known?<?r ?uppoarid by O'Bahlwin not tobe known?to Kinnell, and during a conversation last ? it-uihk Iftwoen O'lialdwin and rinnell, the former brought up the matter by saying, "I'm *r<>ini{ to give up this partuei-blii))?it don't pay." Kinnell raid, " Then what am 11?> do ?" Whether O'llald? win an?- were?tl or not wat ti?>t a>e<rtaini d: but, without further warning. Kinnell drew a revolver ?md Und two shot*, one bullet lodging in O'BaldwIn'* abdomen about 1*2 inches to the right and S of an inch bit-low the umbilicus, the other passing bet ween the eighth and ninth ribs, 4 t-i mt IBM bcluw the right nipple. The latter bullet ia tnmmoot to brtv?' lodged lil the woundeal m in'e li??-r. As soon as Kir.uell had tired the shots, O'Bnlilw in ii:i.?li a dash at bis assailant and wren? lied the pistol from his hand. It is believed that he would hnxe returned the fire and wounded Kinnell with his own weapon, but friends nieheU l?etwein tlai-in and forced the revolver from (?'Baldwin's hand, lu the confusion. Kinnell see? t?-?-?l,?l in making his escupe. Information of the ?hooting was sent to the Church Street Police station, and I)r. Shine waa sent for ai.d prol e I tie w.?irids. AfU-r a close examination he directed that the wounded man ahouhl he taken in an ambulance to tin Piirk Hospital, where he was attended by Dr. Qnttuiau iii.d Ambulance Surgeon Smith. It was at flri-t fcand that the wu.iia I* wnuld prara almost immediately and th?. Coraaer wa.?, teJesmpked for t?? take O'BuMwla'a ant-e-uiort? in ?l? aealtlca ; bul steal ini.ltiiglit the woondul mun siowed such sigus of leim inn? strength that the surg('?,ns gara i eruiiesiou for him to he ra? rnove.l lo th?- rcsld? nee of Ji.-epli Ctestdy at No. 11-1 Orecnwli-h-st.. and lit wus ne oidingly taken then in the lespital ambulance, I>r. Minne taking charge of ami at oouapauynig the putJint at the ?reqaeel <>f Mr. Casi-idy. Coroner Woitinan a.riv???! at Ni?. Ill die-nwii li? ?t, at ah??ttP 1 o'clock this uioruiiig. and pro? ceeded to take O'BaldwiD'? a-it? ?ltioit-i :n s'si. m,:f. The wounded man said that he thought he stn.n .1 .lit- fi m the ettcelh a.f the ?tiluiles. The following is hie sttiltwent ria taken down by the (oronci : At l"1?,- o'clock 1 wa* sitting in my bar-room at No. 1 '? ttivtt-st, in rompant with my partner, Michael Kinne!', I iold him I d? vi if to ?|>-e?k to hilt), we wini mt ? the biak room. I stat? d to him, "F ruc A, th? r? isujbu i nes? doing h? l. ; 1 ...u ?.-? ?,i ? lo leave here." Ile ?.ii?', "What are >uu going lo have loi I" I unsweied tera " Tie place will not support two. It will pav one w 11 ?Sdoiii.1i." He got lealeM and said, " You should not leave me thai ?at." 1 told him I would get him a tuan t" rumie wilh him thal w??uld pay $-J00 or ?KIO?! more, aa ma Pluiifli) had paid to come in. so he would not be the lu-er (?f any. At this tuno we both wer" airing down. He took a pistol from his pot ket and shot me twice. I tried to take th? puiol from him. On hearing the shot a crowd of i? ? pie tamo in, and Kinnell ran ?sway. 1 have been partner with Kinnell about four week*. und have BOTOS bud uuy dis i-urbance willi him; have alwa.ts boen on the be-', ot terms with turn : at the time he tit i-u the shots lie wa* not ?nt-jiii-uted, but had b? en drinking ; I believe 1 um about to di??. Cm t. Banders of the < lim eli ?t polie?- sent out four policftnei! In aWeeaa1 clothes?man who were ?roll ne-qualntaxi with Kinnell?to sen re h through varions ,.f the city for O'Baldwin'* assuilaut. He alM SMI two men to Brooklyn and two to .lern? City. Coran? i Woltiiiiui also his warrant for the Sir- Bl of Kinnell, upon the nutf-moitem of O'liaJilwlu. MAHISE DISASTERS. TBB .??flip KLI.FV eolTllAKI) I.dST OX TBK LAN ( ASHIRt COAST?NINE OF THE CHEW I)R?)WNEI) ?TWO (ANADIAN STEAMERS Adlttll NO ? A IKHOONER A^lloRK AT IORI ONTARIO. London, Sejtt. 21. ? The Ameiicau ship Alen Southard, (apt Voodswortb, lust from st. John, U B., for Liverpool, waa lost to^luy on the Lancashire e?MBt, between Kormby and Crosby, not more than -0 xnilra from Uvei|>ool. The ?uigo la a total Ion*. One of the Bfe-boata which v. eui to the B*s1atance of the ship aft-fmrerdt capsized und nine of the crew were drowued. Montreal, ?Sept. _7.?strenuous but unsuccessful eflort* wert made jesterday to rescue the steamers National and Boston -.'-Ililli aie hard agiound near Ht. Lam bei t. Orwaco, N. V. ?Sept. 27-TUe schooner Kate Killy, bound from Kingston to Charleston, ra nt ashore last Bight under Kort Ontario. She is insured for <?r.:.?i*00. PORT Colbokne, Sept. 27.?The propeller Garden City ?ita?t ii this p. in The captain report? a propeller and twoterge? aeln.n on Long l'olnl. The prope 11er appeared V> be painted itrceti, but could not ascertain her name. It was blowing a gale from the south-wct>t. 1>AMA(?K TO THE CARGO OK THE STEAMER STATE (f VIKOLNIA-HEStL'K OF bl ItMVORd O? A 81111 tWm eCHOO.NI.R. A diepatcii VM m-dved ui this cil.v y(?st^r d?y by Am?tin. Baldwin, d: Co.. aga nts of the State Line to lile.-ag.w. t')..t theil steam-ahlji Slato of Virginia, on Bept. 17, while on a voyage from this city to OlaNJW, had received considerable damage to lier cargo?which (viiklctfe of grain and flour?by the bur.-tiiiRojia-u of oue ?' her port holes in a he ivy gale. The aperture was sub ?equ-ntlv plugged, a ?Uipper wa? pl.t in place, and ecrx" ed down, bat the liiali m as not eui ii ely ?topped ni. ?I the maiu-h<>ld became tilled with valet ami the main eompaitmi-iit v.?a flooded. The los? to the?aig?> was Considerable, but toiild not be fully ascertain???! last nlgnt. lue ?hip Polas! has just arrives! at Ibis port from Ken itcbunkport. Me., ami hu* br?>t>gbl the new and boats of tee i-. In ..:.t i Hi ?lin-, ?bali foimdeied al se.? ofl Boon Island. Me., on ti - night of Ne ?it. 17. during a boa?? gale ?te ? omin.iiidi i of the l>.fi iii!. Ca|?L K. A. Tliom|w.?ii. state* that he ov? nook the alnpw n-< Led men ?i' out 4 ??a ?n l-.-pt 1 - aa:iu found them iu a completely em I aui-Ua.1 i nuaiil; i The boat in win? h they liad sought ?if i ty wa* hail full of water, and lia occupant a were 1'ioi.nighlv wet ?nd benumb?*!. One of them could not ui??? ? lils linb... and it wa? ncccaaBry to boiRt him on board thcslilL). The rei-t of the BUI vi? ors were t omph-tely ex h^usied from cold snd eziioanre. Tteiaa eedpersras raeOapt Haategr who owned the latRMtaharaef the leal tjrael? AieilUe Oi.key, inatr ; J'aul Babhago and Melillle Young, ???fttnen. The vessel was B2 tun? bin? den, we* built nt Ni?i thpurt in the year IP'A'2, lu long.-d to Isleetera, M .and ?ia la?t surveyed at Bangui va Sop la lnber, I?74. ___________________ OH&E!lllS'i THE Ed.IPsE WITHOCT IS SIKCAIESTS. Te th? Editor of lht Tribune. Sir: Very aaiibfuclory lind iiiKtriu-fi? e o?> ?<i?.itioiis u.a.? I?? made daiing au eclipse without the ase of instrumeut?. The Astionomer Bo} al piep-n?! ?onie si >-gi s?mil.?, du auch observations ou the aunular eclipse ?ai ItM. Kroin the-ae I abatract the followinc, wWih are applieul.le to the one of Wedueadny morning : 1. A* the evlips.? i* desirable to obtain B?>me Bollon or ui'-usure ef the degree of darkness. 'J At what dialaiiee from the eye can a ta.ok or |?apei exhibiting typo of differ, ni ?'!*>?, be read I 3. li"ld >p S lighte t ?Mini!? nearly bet ?reen the sun r-.trl your eye. At how many sun-tueadlhs distance from the suu oaL the flruut be aceu 1 4. if you are in an at?tate?! iM-ition remark tbe changes of ooloi and apptuirun?-?-of th* MNaa?ral ob JecU in the lai.? lai ai ie 6. II you a.-.- the spatts of hgkt furt'ied l.v the intersect I ng shadow a of the bough* of ft? ce, remark whetb?i tbey exhibit the lunefoim of the sun. 6. Tbe tin riu 'me ter should lie frequently observed, and the g< aevul feeling? of cold ?mould he noted. V. ObservhUiTi? of hi.told.t.? are very important They Bbould be made \i-iih a wei-bull? thermnmeter ? wet-bwb tbermomctor Is made by tying *? pi?"'?"- of musnn ovCT tb?- btiiii et s tbnniiometer, sud letting the rnd sang down into a cuu of w??t? r TP(? leulitaga Bbould be eempared witb Uiose of aft erdln.*irT theruiom. w-i. ?m1 iii? ?Aifl?renoe notod. I* fc,ow i? vsnn.ffBrsii. A?u> York, kept. 24, lelo. KI.ARfl FOB TTIK PATS OV A MI-MS?; MAU. O-otK?*- W .laines of No. 196 Weat Klaveutli? tt um b?*?m missing fron bl* bom* stne* Sept 17, ob which day be rooeixed u package by eiprcss containing over 8300. Mr James gave some U-?ttmony in regard to tbe aJlegi .1 friiudsof the Pallsofles Insurance Company of Jor*???r City, und was al?u a wltne*? agalnat Charles Racla, who waa tried fur the. alhajad totgery at h .ntl? ami iiiuitcugf *. It I? ?tate.l that hi* life lind hern Hin atened hy per-mus sahl to be iiuiuc? U-d willi the for? geries. POSTS CR. PT. 2:30 a. m. _ TUE FAIL El VE It STEINE. THE VIOLENCE lOWABD WORKING 0t-3U iffnsa SOMK OF THE MILLS DKPRlVEI? OF PART OF TIIF.IR ni.IP AITtlt RLTM1NU ? 1HKKATS OF MITtDLK i" I? l:lo'!iil'S Alls. EaU Biveh, Maws., Sept. 27.?At 6 oVlock Hi.? morning tbe familiar sound-, of gongs, v. birdies, and 1k.1I* ? ii frotu the diflci<"iit nilli*, the inainit.ii tunis thro?? ing upen their dont? to tbe op? raHvc?. As they jar? s< ula ?I th. in?. Dos at tbclr respective mills, they were asked if they would or would not sign the agreement. ABBS win? would nut iviTO requested to dls l*-cr?te, and those signiiii' iihs?- d into the mills. Several t.f the mills did nut have help enough to wahi it sn ob? ject la start up. They are ready, bo?*-ever, when there i? a BB?Maataaaafearla aaaka it The t??o D?rfe?? Mills arc running 10 or M pair ?if muli M (ubout 2,'D loom?), about one-eighth of the full forte being at work. The lllchard Borden Mill started up with 7U0 lui.lil.. Almut ??SOoYlock ?onie thoiiHiiiid oiM-rulives man lied (law 11 tia tlllf lui;'. 111.I?,Ila.' aUiltttltlpt til tiltil lill! JlU'd, but ??cn? met by the Superintendent ami over?., i-r tit the ??ui??ng department, ??lunn they stun? ti, but i?. re kept al bap atari tin? gate? closed agalatt Hurta This intimi? d?t. ?1 a large niimlier of weaver?, who then left the illili, and it i? now numilIg about 350 lixmis. The Full River Manufacturing Con)pany siarted with '?(M) looms. Th? blade, Vaataaaaa, Maeaaalcs'.iiaiuard.'uinIGraalta mills had small Ptjtaa iitiitivtj? in euch department, and all ciintinue.l to run eieept UM ??lade. The bel|i there hav? ing basa threatened ikith the taking of their lives, many of flinn ivitlitlie?? and the mill will ?hutduwii. A woman haviuir several ?hil.lien in Oat mill wart iDite.l l.y a limb of COO or 700 o*HTiiti?es, ulio told her if her children were not taken from the mill they would lie Killed, vi hen they cam'! out, and made (?lmilnr Hin nts to the oj.erativet- uf tlie Chace ?and oilier mill?. A? they passed the Moutltuk Mill, ftoiie? ??en thrown at it, smashing '30 or io sqaara of ginn, a number arara also breaaa at the Osharn Mill. Tin* mob assaulted some ?ipciativcs of Hie Linen Mill lit noon. Hue girl was cut ?>n the head ?Ailli a ?tone. Fullee were sent to the scene anti the crowd promptly dispersed. THE SI'ITATION AT EVENING. Fall Bivf.h, Mas?., Sojit. 27?Mitliiiiilit.? There i? little ?hange in ?tat?? ?it Ihe help at the mills. Ten thousand iMTitttiis were pin st tit at the??iperaUvi s' mass meeting in the Park this afternoon, vheie it was voted to petition the uianilfaoturci? to nilhdraiv the obnoxious ngrecnient?. Barara] committee? nut this evening to carry out this plan. If it fail?, a call will be made for n grand nias* niwtlng in Fau<*ull Hall, Boston, the operative!? 1k liekiiig tl.ey. mu gain the sympathy of all. Ha Interfer? ence worthy of nott! wa? made with the optrati??s a? th.? linne Hum work till? i-veiiing, mid ei.ry thing is very tjulet on the street. The trouble?, however, ure bj no means believed to l?? ovur. A LEGACY Ol' THE LAST COAL STRIKE GAinr.IUNO AT CTTARFli:i.D FOR IHK TRIAL OF KINKY AM? PAIRS. Clkaritf.ld, Penn., Sept. '21.?To-day having been fixed for the total of .lohn Mae. , l'ie?iilent of the Min? rs' National Association, and Ziugu Parka, District (?.?ya*.laker, for eunspiraey u'id connection with the miners' strike of laut Spring, s larg?, nuiiilier t.f WltaBBBM and Intcrersli d parties weil? in ntu-udauce. The d?fend? ante were rt presented hy Judge Farren of Clearfield, F. W. Hughes and lia Bartholomew of F< buy Ikill County, and aa-flaaatat Carpenter of WimonMU, nil of ahora were present. The Ulai mil begin to-mum.w. LATEST F0EEI0N NEWS. THE HE-ZEGOVINA INSIRKECTION. THE RKFOKMS TO BE DB-Mi?(DBS BY IHK INS! R SKMt. IK A CONFLRKNCK I?. HILO. London, Tuesday, 8a_B- 'it!, 1?7 The reforms wlii? li the Hi surgents of Her/ego? ina will, if a Conference elii.uld ba arrange?!, i "nsi?t of a linntntion of taxation, the admiaakai of the eviileiire of Christian? by the tribunal?, and the selection of the police fort e amona the inhabitant?. -? THE CAlilal.Vl WAK. APP1AIS FOR PKAfi: MAD!. TO DON CARLO'S? Al.FoX81f>T KCCBBBBM RFI'ORIFI). BiNTAM.tH, Monday, Sept. _7, lfi7.*>. Prominent Carlists, and the Carliat Coiiiiiiit tec.a, in fur? len land?, are ? rideavoriiig t?i |>crsuadc Dun Curlr?? to abai?d?.n tho struggle. The inhui.itants of the Carlist proTlnees faior a reconcilia: ?on wirb Ring Alfonsu. Additional ?light Buctesrii fur tbe Alfonsist foi ces sie reported. _ CHINA AT VARIANCE WITH (.HEAT IlIMTAIN. THr. CIHMSF. F.VADINO TIIEIll OBLIOATIOBB?MINIS? TER WADE LO WITHDRAW I) A fil.ll LI M KNi IS nrrr.Rr.KD. laONDon, Tuesday, ??rpt. SI 5-90 a. ni. A (lisjiittili horn B?B?jjrhai to The Tinten ki? h the Chinese Uovorninciit shuns the effectual jioiforii.. ne ol the term? laid down at Tn-n-Tsin and Minister Wade will leave Peking Oct. HI, unie?? a ?atl.-ftictory Bettie ment Is con"?-<led. The punishment of the ofli cial? In Yunnan for the Margin y out i ago Bad the publicalinn of foreitru affaliaiii The (?mette, an r? pi-! ??.?I to be ihc ibitf ililli, ulties in the way of a ?ettle? inen t. _?______-__-__-________. ANNUAL REPORT Ol' THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE OKI Al PBtMPKBlTY AND I'KOSPK. I*? OI HIL ROAD AND l18 BOfHBBM POB l*?71-."i. Wami im.ton, Sept. 27.?Tbe Oorenuotart diiector? lu the Cnmu I'm ide Balli-u-d have tiled Hu ir annual for the year ending .lilly 1, lk.7.".. The gin*? receipts wen? $11,522,021, aa innaaaaaver 187. of g1 .iib,;:(*.:?, mid Hie increase of net esrning?, in the same tune ?tere ?r 1 ,."iTH,4j-1. The oj.eratltiir exjuiises Vin *F1.7>'?,('..;0. Hine has been urhled to the roa.I bed in abapc of iiun, luiilge?, d. jm.I?, b?tela, shn)i?, Ac, eu?t illgtlstori.lori, aiitl iolllnif st?? k coMing ggnjgBB, whl li weie chargi d to Um <-oiielriieti.*ii a? count. Ten hunalred and Ulai n ton? of steel and 4,('.lo turn of ii on rails have bein laid tatara. A rolling mill has bet-u liuili l.y the Cumpsuy at LaraB-M ami put in oj-enitiun, reduc? ing Ibe colt of r?m!liiig iheir rail? to iie.irl.i one half. New He? a?e lacing f.irniobe.l the Cnm psiiy st 50 anti Barb fur red ?.me. and MO ? ente for Oitk. Ii casts Hiern lo mine coal a uri put it nu the car?, *! '.iii j>. i ton, Hie jirodu? linn of the Oaaapaaj 1 ??MB last year bahai ltfMtl i??i ?. Thecanie?i?i|??.i(i over Ile r?*a:l from Cbeyerme and other patata enstivard, weie.'ihl ? ai load?, against *_U- i.ii-luud-, in 1874. The Dire? tur? ?peak eatbaab?Ucalb <>f this new traflbv llic.. ?tate al?.i Hint Hie ruad was BBbstantlalli frac fruin ebetraettaa By saoa lum Winter, though tiie fan waa unusually great. The ri?k? are no??- uti lonrrer giuHter than MNwaaa Xear-Y??b and ( ?.?cagu. Ka " warth-outti" of la?t r?;.iiuir c.ui?ed u delay of three lan lo peiiseiigeis anil ten ?lays to fnlght.but the malins aiuntid to pr?vint aie.ui ti:ii*e are ?utlliient lu dispel :tn? :?i.i.ielunsi.ii- for tin future. They leeomini nd lu. ali/.-d managt nient, and ti'j.i.rt man?' needed thing? a? Kiting been dune by the at!? uti.m to and with the Une of i'resi.leut Dillon. They report a r?daction of ti.? <!?.-i?t lust ?ear of '^??7??, (KM), oud a total oi *?>'_'I(iOi?.i?(>kt lau I giant baauta paid oil ?nie? iii?! eompi. tiuu ot the road, ami th. y see nu raaaaa ?vin thiai red in 1> ni of the li,?ntl. .1 deli! sbOOld n**r lu- a ?teady, i<?utiuiiou?, ?ml laen aataag apetatloa,.. i the bas now a ?aj.acity of ?luing over double ii? iir??eiit voiume of bubiiuss, ??ithuiit any eaaabterabM s?altlonol i ? i > liilitun -, el m ii., li ia*-! I-e lil?! bl Its iiun a?iiig rev. nu??, mid without any inerrase of its bt.ruled ?li Id. TUis in? itase, tin-? i-stiiu.ite.t an berlin ap toB20'000,000 pel ? illit.ut an.? ibllease uf it? I-..lui- ti ali bt. The) give the history of the etfoits iaf Hie Cui_ipany to compromise with the Doieniment. They favor a Mitleiii.-iit by ?i-mi ?iniiiiHl pa? in-iii? uf some fixed sum for a Matad of prara to e. n?ti tute a ielease of all claims of tho Oovenmu nt upon the roall fortis adran?*?-? and inda.iHement?. Toey bold that st the end of 30 .?ear? tbe (i..venn.nut will bara kav-d In tbe item of trau.'.u: tat'.ur. r*,.i;,-- ?ii,?.!-.'. mal r in? without any allowaucefoi Uit natural tuen use of busim m beyond wbaj It wal nu tb? runij.letiuu of the t.. ni. The mall ?enrice bss inereaee?! ten tons pei ?lay. They cou by say ina: " Tbu road is s rast and valuable prop erly, well cored for sud well maintained, ai**l tupa hit- al retiniitna to the (?u-, eminent the luvestmeut it ha? made thorein.^ TUB 8T. LOri? WHIPKY IBIAL?1 8t. Lofib, flept. 27.?One of the whisky fraud? allotment? aenraat Msiara. Joyce, It? Donald. Flrroy, and Hevis, wa* ?luaahed to-day, on the d?Mnuirrr that the crime charged should have been felony and not a misdemeanor. The prisoner* will bo tried on the other Indictment?. Tbe demurrer in Avery'a ?-?so was over ruled. ' THE MIEDER OF THE HEIIREW PEDDLER. THE TUNKE aiOMlOM HKID F?ll IHK CRIME BY TI1K CORONER'? Jl'RY. Tho OoroiH-r's jury iu the ense of Abraham Welsburg, the peddler who wa? found dead In I.ydlg'a wood?, on Purni.?), Ispfc ill, rendered a verdict last even? ing that lie came to bl? death by vi?ileuce r?-celve<l from the hands of < Maries Weston. William Thompson, and William Kill?, on Kriday, 8?-pt. 17, and ti,at the crime wa? premeditated. The Hire? prisoner? were then com? mitted by Coroner Miller for trial, and were taken in custody by laspeetor Thorne and Capt. He?l?l??n, who raw them saleo lint?.?-?! lu prlsou for the night. Tiny will be transferred to ll.e Tombs to await the acllttn of the (?rand Jury. TI1K HKARI II KOR JOSEPH Hl'I.LlVAN. Dennis Siillivnu rall?-?l ujmiu SuporiiitOTidt'iit Walling, st Hie Police Central Office, yratcrday sftemooii to learif if any further information had been gained iu regard to his mi?aiug boy, Joseph Sullivan. The Super? intendent said that the officers had bren at work on the clew received from Um? Island, bul bud ?o far gain? ?I no iiifoiinatioii of ?nipt? taino. The jarople living In the neighborhood of Mr. Sullivan's house huve expressi-d great sympathy for Iii?? loa? and fed keenly anxious for the recovery of the child. Many of Uiem, and .Mr. Sullivan himself, e.rprtss great dhsatiaf.tctiou with the way In which the police havo borrie themselves in regard to the recovery of the lost child. The boy ha* now 1mm?ii rznno for two weeks. Mrs. Bowne wini lues mi laing Island on lim road to Wood-id?? faralebed a dew lea ?lajs ago. she describe?! a child like Josi'ph Sullivaii whom ?he saw riding by the til?n?"? m h mai t-tl wagon, and her ?tory was Mrrate l al? ?I by other persons. It i? as*crt<?<l that tile police have tint followed this clew up ton point where fhey can say ixiMliveiy w hellier the child seen was Jratph Sulli? van or not. Sii|M-riiiieii?1i-nt Walling asauied Mr. Hullivai. ?estcrday that he woiilil put his most experienced detec? tives upon the cii.Hc al ouce. ClilELTY TO CHILDREN. SCHOOL TEACBKM IN ?1F.US11Y CITY CllAR(iKI) Willi ii l.-r.-Aiii -mian ii ion Of oihsas-i?iiim?!:!:*. Char!?* Hoyt, Printed t? Public Behool N?? 7, in Jprsey I ity, and Missca Celeste Townsend and Ma? lilla Stagg, two of his assistants, wire arraigned in the Beeoad Dl-trlct Police Court yesterday, to answer a charge "f aasaall and battery on Edward Craig, a pupil s tears of age. The affidavit made by Mrs. Cinig ivis ?orth that lier i hild had been beaten by Miss Stagg and draggt ?1 arross the elasi-rooiii to a dalk closet, w here he ?.?.is beaten by both t lie female fa-ai'lici* ami h quantity of lu? il? pili!.-d out of his he.i?l, and that<|iieutly he wa* ?lill further beaten anti lll-n???l by Mr. Hoyt. The seai-s on the ehild'H body ami head bore ? vitlence of harsh treat- | lnclit. The child set inetl nv.iawrd b> the pre-?nee of llie teachers, and could not be induced to U-i-tify, nor eould the ct>tlilr<n Who saw the beating. The Judge was thereforeeorapelled t-? dUcbarge the prlsoasrs. waning them thal he would rand thi'in before the (ii.-ind Jury for the first rose m which lie rnuld ohtntn evidence enongb lo secara an indlctm? ni. Tin- matter will be lu\c?lig.iicil bv the Hoard ot Kdiicittinn. Ia lliis city the Society for the IVevention of Crm-ll.? to Chlldraa baa bei n busy lah \j ia seeariag the eoaYlctlon ??f Itinerant organ-grinder-, for forcing children io travel with them and 1>eg. The ciiihlreu were nil under 1'J years of age. goretti Italiana have hera tJn? ?1 950 each for hiring chil'lrcn, and tin fallu-rs given a like penalty for letting their children. All cims of begging on tin street by ii.loora will t? ceive attention, and Hie childi? n arreste?! will tisiialli lu? sent to institutions. New laws favoring the wot k of the ?Society ate being drafted, to be present, d lo the next la/i.-latun-, ami llie Presid?nt, Jolin 1?. Wright, ashs liifni null lui? i rom all suntu s of alms? to i hildren. MEETINGS OK PKAYKK AM) PUAISE. Tlie l'uni tip-town noon prayer niiot'um, aft?r the Kultaiii-st. model, wah held jf-tenl.iy at i.ytic Hall, m Sixth ave., between Korty-tlist ?ml Korty-secotid-sts. About U00 persons of both sexes were preseut. The Ile?. <, ?-o i ire II Hi pv, ni iii ai teil ??a leader, and read a abort Gospel lesson. He then announced tim rule* for the meeting, among them that the leader should not exceed ten minnies lu apeala*; tho meeting; that if on? debate ble suggestion or pro|>o-itii?ii should be ma I. by nuy person, ii should Ik- announce?! that all such propositions were out of order In A simple pi aye i uniting; that prayers and exhortations were not to exceed five min? ute*. Sr-veral r<<|iiest* were made by wives and mother? that prayers bo offered for intemperate husbands and sons, also for the Temperance 1'iiioii la Water-st. Short ?ill?.Kations were DUMB by Mr. Twin? li, Ali lander I.? le, the Ree. Mr. lilli ?if *? onki-rs. Jeremiah Ma?-atil.ty, founder of Ihe Wuti-r Street Mission, an?l others. The l.vrle Hall noon prayer meetings were started by Alexander Lyle; tbe Ute of the hall Is piKiifivl free of rent. They will be held on each week day, and clergy inen of different di-iiominatlons will act as leaalera. Prof. W. K. Sherwin will Isad the e-nglttit when h?? eiin be present. On Wedneeda.?? and Thursday? ???sorge S. Weeks, who has bei n a lender of praise singing In the organisation of sunday school? lu <;reat ft. n.tin. will lead in Prof, sherwin's steada The Monday SYeeing pri?l??e meeting, which is con duetetl by the leaders of the Kultoii-st. daily prayer mci uni;, in Hie chapel at No. 10.'! Kulton-bt., wits re openi d afiei the Summer recess last ?veiling. Mi I.;.i, pliier, the fouudei of tin- l-'ulton-it. prayer mcctinc, led in singing "Fraies Qodfrorawbera anMesatacBfow." D. II. Stone read the louth Psalm ami nade a short player. J. Ireland of Jersey City conduct? d the singing foi a half hour, after which Col. Btono stated that Hie object of this praise iii??etiiig was tai give the ??copie in that peri of the eily nu oppoilunity to attend a meeting in which they eau cxprcas in song i Ii? ir religion:? long? ing,., .nid mingle their tbonghtaof praise in lauguage that inspires the?'liristiun heart. Mr. I.anphi.-r then foa.k the lead lu th?- singing anti used ch'efly the hymus rang re it ntly ui the eighteenth anniversary of the faitea st. Prayer Meeting. The meeting ?losad with prayer by ( Sol. Stone ami t he singing of the lioxology. SIK IDE OK A BROOKLYN MEHCHANT. Til?* attempted snitiilc, on Sunday inoiniiip, of E. P. Tivy lor, of the Ina of T. Brooks A Co., of Brook? lyn, was reyertad at Mies n?aMh|iiaileia li that ?it;,- foo i??i?lay. Mr. Taylor ha?! been suffering for several months past from nungal and physical weakness, which rcn diTid him until te attend to his business. He sneut nue?( of hi-, time at lils residence, nt No. s?; ('ainlnulg, -plkt?(. On Saturday night Ma family noticed that he was very much agitated. He retired ut an cully hour, lint did lint ?appear at the breakfast table on Sunday. About O a.m. Mrs. Taylor was startled by the rc|tort of a pial"! from ht r husband's loom. She hastancd 1o Hie room and found her husbat.(I. prostrate in his lied, willi :? bullet wound through hi? i iglit temple. The bleed w ti-. How ing rapidly from the wound. Tightly held in his hau I wa? a small ?ingle-biirrclcd pistol, willi winch Hie Wound had evi? dently been iniiii-ted. It was some lime Ix fan Mr?-. l'ai '??i t ecu? ere.l from the shock Miltlcp-ntly to summon i? i'.liysi? mu. >vlien the physician ?am.? be praaoaaeed the ease bopetoaa, the ballot baeiog lodged in Mi. Taylor's brain. Mara tara the woaaui ?I man baa hera unconscious ncitrl.? al! Hie lime an I unilile tu recognize uybodr? Darlag jettttAtj ins ait, illili appealed to diminish rapidly ead he v. a? not expected la lire Ihraach the night Mr. Th? 1er is a well-known hUfdaeas man of Brook!? u, and occupies a high position eoelall?. He ia I* .?car.- of age nu'l w?s ed'i? .ita-i in N? w York, when be arasgrad tiati'd from the New-Yoit Kr.e Ai ?uti mi, now the ?Col. h-ge of the City of New York. His w ife " und fuur BOM comprisr lu. family, li is thought that he (-011111111 led the (iel wli?o temporarily d.tringeil. bUH bai.i.. The Mutual Club of this ?ity and tin? NYw Iluveu Chlh plavi-d the 11ftli game of their championship M'ri.s on ?the I 'mon ??round? in l.i'...:,i\n yeotttmo) aftaeaeea before u laiyo number of speetateee, The Mumal Club wa? ihe favoi ite wiih the bitting nien. and paulls sold if 1?H? to *_?() in ils favor. The Mutual? going flint ta the bat. ?cored one untamed inn hi the ?ncoud liming. In the fourth Inning the Mutual? earned two runs, sud led tin- seen aariag the game. Matthew?, pit. hing end Hleks's ?ratehlag were good, aad UoMawortb and Booth played w? II in Hie Held Vm llu- Xer. Haven Club, Mchola it* pilch? r and Mctiiuley as . aleher w.-ie the best play eis. 'Ihe following in the a.-orc b> inuiutra : imnaua. flubs, lal ?.1 lid. 4th. 9th. 6tli. 7Hi. Hth. Olh. Tofal. Mm auk . 0 10 2 l) 1 o 0 11-4 * e* Ila?. 1 o 0 0 ? 0 o 0 o PRESI.KVIN?; TAMMAM1 DIMJIPUVB. The 'raininaiiy ('?iiiiiiiitl?'?- on Diadp?M nit t ye-tenliy n'tcriioon at Ta'titnativ Hall, to in?, -ti,-ule the ?aparta of mmmnk etej te lha OeaeealOaanslttaeel Ika lid Assembly Histriit. Mr. U?-l>-li ha? iig given up the chalinuiiislnp of the tien? ral Cuinmilice in thal dinlriet. iwo fiutlons, it la Slated, led respectively l>.\ Aidettaun Evaaglit and Jeremiah .Murphy, ?ne struggling foi ihe supreiiincv. The < um mit t <???? on tHactpltas beard argu? ment* ami t<-aliu,otiy in the matta r. The m? elmg w.'s a private one mik! the Coiiituitt? e it ?erved Hu li deilalon. winch will lu- r.-p"it?'?l i?. in.a afteraooa to the Com mutee on ?iigiii'i-jtloii. ami by Hut ?oininitiee lo the (?em-rsl I iiinuiiiue, which will meet on Thandaj evening. _ THE WARI Mill. TP.A1N AT NEWAB1 The busiiH-H? men of Newark toiiipl.iu, hat the new fast mall I ruin on the Penns>|vMiiu It. It jd in too fast for that city. It 1? claimed Hint Hie tin fioin New-York is not sufficient to allow of the pro?s r sort? ing of the papen, in coii.-.??i|ii, nu? of which ?someof Hu New-York paper? are carri'-d by nearly ? v? 1 v du v. Ile Depai inn ni will bo pi llli.'iieil to iini.|..> ?id 1 ' u ?nal clerks on the last train.v A S?'ot?*lininn rode bis donki-y full ilrive at .1 sheep di mu. ?? 1 pet ling he wtiuld tump it befen ha km w it. lie wu* mistaken The donkey ?lopped ?lout and the mun went over " in a Jiff." Hawiiev rara cabul?, und looking the beast In tbe face, said : " Venu wi el pit, ?mi. but tben boo are ye gaun tat- get own .???;?..,p i" HOME NEWS. THJCBMOMBTSB, TKa?TICRDAT, AT H?DBUTB, li* BROADWAY. li. at B4", ????it. S3?. 8p.m.. 72". Klfltilrhl, 68', II i-rtie?t Uiirui? th? liar. Ti'-. 1-owest. B4'. Ar?ro_re, (J IV Baan? ?tay. 1S74, 06V? PROMINENT ABRIVALH. Rreroort Honte-Tho Kight Hon. Hnjrh C. ?.. Childara l?rr?l?l?nt of ibeOreat western lUilway of Canada, andl h?rle?P. Untt, g.C..of I/uidoo fifth A emu* Hotel Thn Hun (ishiRlia A. (lr?w ol Pennsylvania, (len. T. J. Cram, ti. B. Army; Juhn King. lr., Vice l?re?ldent of th? Ballimore and Ohio itallrnaal ( uni| an) : r.-?lui??t?r John F. Huiyth of Alliany, anti MU!? senator (li-i-rsre II. Hradley of ("nridi.K. N Y ???enAatn Hotel-V.x dor. Wlllism ll?i?ch lawrence of ilbuab- island... Krerett lltnise-V.*. DlitricLAttairiiey Calvin ii (hlld of Connecticut St. Sleholas Hntrl-lamna P. Joy. President of the Mlrhlg?n Central Rsdroad Coinpsny : ex-Oov. William Bigler of l'enn*ylmila, and den. Wlllism HotTiriau, ('. 8. Anny Hotel BrwottritA" Adli.ttnt Ornerai Franklin Townsend of Albany ..Yew York llvtel Kx rteualor Janie? A. H.iyard et lu Uwirt? H'?n??#<*r /t*f?f->r?Judge Oeorge Itoadly of Cliicltiiiatl, and Thom?? II. Plteb of BriaOBM. Ht. James Hotel-Vi. I). HI?hop, President of tie New *? ork. New Haven, and Hartford Itallruaal ( ??mjiany '?ranal Cenfrol/fufa-I?Kx Cungr?"?? B. T. Rigg* M Delaware.... Albemarle //?tri?Henry F4ru?oi of Ne? listen. NEW-YORK CITY. Secretary Bristow waa at tbc Custom-house yes li'i-rav ?od paana-it ?<*iiae tiuie in consultation with lull, .tor Arthur. John Smith, of 4M Springst., wss ?tabbed early, ye?ter.l?r morning, at Thirty flflh it. and Fir? *v?. Hi? M ??ilanl i st ?kp* *l. James Kiley, James O'Hrien and Thomas Hohne, wire ?rrrsted on Hu tulay for . rj?ngoiit falso " Kxliaa" lo Ha? upper part of thai r.ty. John Mitchell, a mason, residing;at No. 2*5 Norfolk it , while laying a fminilstl.-ti st No 207 Bowery, yesterday, had ha.i ti leg? ? riiibcil hy the cat ing In *.f an einl.siikuient. Commissioner Marshall, Treasurer of the of Kxrise, yeal? nlay tranaferre?! tai the City Cliamberlain I-IO.IKXI lecelml forll.eiis. ? during H.e pas! three week?. The drain C'oininittte of the Produce r.xrliango have appointed A. I?. SO I ling Chief I n?p?-etor under the new rule? dar grading grain. U. ti. Cluff han been appointed BliBl Deputy. GaOIga S. Bungs. Sup? i intitulent of the Railway l'o?la! Hervir?, will he jiresenl at s inteting of MM?MB? and, lo he held at the Hoard ?,T I rade RaSBM at I p. ni., today. It is stated that I'easlee A Cn. aie the general agtnt* in this "-tate of the Ceniennisl liosr.l of Finance, and amil. r./ni lo receive ?.llfcri'dions. Their office Ij.tlNo.-'? Leeka.Bit ?t. John Morrissey lias sold his Clnli-l louse on Tiventy fui.itl. ni. lo Altiert Spenn r for *40,lK?o. The inferenes M i'uit tia' |...lia i' tia? i ii..ula' (..Huh mg too larg. Iv a losing hu?i i . ?? t?. ault lilm. City Chamberlain Tappin makes the following weekly statement : I'.alanc, Sept. 1-?, fi.lbl.'i?l'i si! : receipts fur th? week, $*2.740.S74 Ab ; payment?. |_,-ii'.1,1*0:1 Hi . bal ?nee, Sept. ib, |4,:t7s,l".'7 ?IT. John Pullman and Harry Xngent cntitended in a rowing mstch areiiii.l markwell'? Island yetti rday. for a f 50?) priri given hy the Tw? n*y flr?t Ward lluwing A??m lut.un. i'lilliusii wain. Anolh-i race ? ?II lake place or!. 5. Licenses were n?fus?-il lestertlay to the proprietors of futir concert ssluon?, the "Ituult vant," "Dew Drop Inn,"' "Lo I'arK" and the "Oiiental."' Th?* ninney which had been dil tent? d ?i ith the iiui.r.i uf iii. Ms ma ulai sail. 'line linn au of Elections will lu- kept open every day until Hie end uf the in..nth, from !? a. ni. to 0 p. ni. The lists which hare been pie?ented fur bul !i the Iteptililu an a -ii! I .tin. ni.y Hall De?4M ralle parties are now iiiiitciguluir pula u *? T.iliny. At iho regular weekly meeting of the M? thotlist n.tuistfri ?if Ni? ?ork and vicinity, yesterday, n- ulutluiu? were presented eulogi?tie of the Rev. Dr. l'osa, Iba former pr.-f.idi ni. and iii? 1U">. Dr. Ill)?ni a? the next ??resident. The United Btatea Assay Office, is MnxMsrhal dil.ipi dateil, and Hie in \l I'uiigrens ia to he asked to plivide a new h.Hiding. It I? ?aid Hie .1? cay i? larg? 1? due ti. the finnes ?it fin in the ri'limi.g ['1111-1 OU ?. '??in h act ii.iir><>j?l> upuii lbs iruii work. At the regular monthly meeting of the Medical st cii'ty of the ?"utility uf New \ **rk la?t eri-nlng. the da-atl. iff l.r. Kniest Krai ki.? I'er wa? apiuoorialelv noti' -.??!. In. Iii-?i rly it* l i, mi a paper un I"..?: Natal ?utauli, winch whs fully discus*? d. The Ciistorn-HoiiM* has tieeu repainted and refies ciie.l within : twu mantle ?lune stair ease? hsvehui-u ieiuovesl. making t? ?"in fur eight new oflhet. the ?til. hu? been C!le?l ii|. for the-ires-r??Ti'i!i of re. ord?, andoll.ei i. tde.l nu |nia\ elna ii.? ni?' just con?lulled. Meinliera? uf the litjuor Hade yesterday organized a ?irutcetive a??u.tallon. It 1? to be raJI'd the ( iti/enV Prut??. live lulen f--r liberty of Imlustrr and Conn lence. One of Hie f., ia !.- ? pn sait *ai-t Iba! it was a sebeas to i-Main rou trui of vutir* fur tl.c cumlug ?le? lam?, aft?! which Iii? I'mon v. -.aid .ii?tiai?d. J. H. li? ?elellX, Heeeivel", and Sir Joseph Helton and Juhn Murri?, re*-ic?<-nt.?tlve* of Lie F:ngll?h tsmd sti.l *t<.cktiol.leri of the Atlantic and ure?' Western llsiliuad, have returned t?a (hi* ( ity ,ift?T Hu i, tuiiruf ?iispei linn of Ilia! leal and It* i rannt i tim.?. I Ley ?ill ripuit lu their cuustitii. iii?. aller t* Lu I, it it t ?,aa a t. I that su.ue plan uf nurganizatioii w ill be aalopted. Charges were piefeircd on Fiiriur last, li.v Da? id J. Twohey, ttef. re the Bain?, BBBBBM President Malsell am! t'lilian ???.miel lilHheiker. 1 "i ?talai? ii I Mittaa 11 yesti-nlar MM ? Timti BB repairter ilia! he km w not Hin i? ofliclally of Hie matter. _ud did ne! attach anv liutii.rtaiii c tu it. (.uinniissiuner Di* becker sahl that tie knew in il.ii, a ti?, ni Hi.- ? liargr!. except wlial he li.ul I. ad i-f ti en. lu tin BBTSBBBMa hut tbsl they t-uuPi be eaally reftiled. BROOKLYN. The regis!ration of ?uteri begins to-?lay. Prospect Park is brilliant wit li autumnal Howers. Taxi's, water rates. a?*?-?sun-uts, anti reileinpt M '??I week. Th?- police ?oui|>lain that the doafl of many hOBSaa sip ?eetired Ineuftlneiitlv ur rmt at all. The sale of properly for iiiijiaid taxes lad water i al? s fur t tie y iii r 1871 take? pla. e tu day. About *-00 policemen were Ii*lie?ved hy Ilispe. foi \\ add.?-, ?1 Hie Koit llreeue parade ground yesterday. Au injunction to restrain a certain brace nf dogs from p.. at? l.i lit night? wa* gi anti d hy J u ?ti. ? Prat: ye?teitt u . For lirutally a?.saiilting l?avid Lenz, John Brea linn ?a? ?.-ritcm ed M lim Peuitentisry for three month?. In Inig? Walsh, vtitcrilay. Carl Hauer, a (.crinan lahonr I'lnployetl at the ?ligar leiinery of llaienieyer* * Co., wa? struck on the head a ?ti'i-i'.ir hy the elevator of tin- laiuldiiig and almost in-ttantlr Hied. Mrs. Isabella I.ookhnnll. ii l?os?* disippe.mi'ii-e hal eiclted K??t Now-Yoik, bat hem all this time ut FM t Lee ai.-l i? "iai ned lu the gent le.nan who na? BBBfl S-?l tai have gnat to nrsja A? au illustration of the large amount of ware houslii? business dune m llruukli n. ii is stated Iii it out of un pelt* valued ?t *:!',..'..O-0.000, whli li .ann* M IBM Bert MM year, nearly two thud? wi ra lau.led on Hu du. k? .*f Hi.? ?it-. The Brooklyn Super?tsois' Coriiniitteeori K.;i!:ui/.i lion of Tsxes last at the ( Hurt house jasieiday .Julin liu?. low, the President of the Koai.l of ASasaB-TB, submitted tattles ni"mi,L- n at pn" ki. h proprrt) la tanti aboal llfarreBl more than the pruptrty lu the t uunly limul. The uivinlx-rs of the KaBBBB Pin? e liapiixt Church of Itri'.'kh ii arc tai ?uB?i,!er. ua Del ?, whether the best ?uta i es1? of the ?Sut'iety du not rtspiire rtie r*_ga_4_a of their pas tor, the Rev. J. I? Fulton, I?. I?. I?r. Fnltaui danu? that th. Meeting Is illegally calla-', ?n eiciting lime u. m the church ?Her toa munno* ?-i \n s un ??nula?, ?lim lu Palina di * air,?! i?i?t lu- ha I ln-i-n pel Hiele bj Hie hand ?it Pi. Mt! Be? ?ia . til *'*? lil: IUli?t ?I- . jer*?i:y < ITY. Pecetjits fur taxes dup?g the ,*u?t v ti k .iruoimied t.i$.'?.'J..I ?ii James (latlrey, whil'? It ? ing t?? iuiuji uri a ni??? m_' nain in Hu- l-l a? dei ?ii yent rauy, f .aland hi' ke hi? n nu. The Har of Hodson County will meet at the . otu! house this aft moon to take Sidon ou the death of Peter I'l-htlcy John Meabas of Ka.477 (?rov.-st. wa? arreated '.i?t night for lu* luring MM ?kuli of l-tutt-im- -?ullivau u( I*? Uni i M a liai nunn tight. As Mrs. Shepperd of If*>. 70 Montgomery-st. wa? ile. uraliiig lier liiislij-ul? irrai? in the New link ll.iv I erne ?i y ian Muiilaj alteinuviu, the head ?Mun f li upuli tier uud frarturrdlier le/?. A horse owned bj Thomas Harris of Xew-Yurk, ll?? rame friiflitentd un t a nlral an . vi st. rdar aflernuun and ian ..wai Lula H taiav attemi't* I lu *tup it anil u,t? traliu.l-I ii|k.ii t*y Ha- t...r . i.c.iMiig lujuries about!.. |. very ?ouii ?* MSB liMtleath. NLWARK. Th?? raeeipta of the state Fair were maaealial ,...?. 9BBJ99B The mortality laat week was slight!? in. reas. J, e?pet lally aiming i Midi -n The Cornwall MaBBfa.ta_r.Bi Coaapaaj ha? Kanu* iv'ai laaiikriiptij . Tlio Hon. A. A. Smalley i? named in ?oiiii? with lb? ? f-irth- Mayuially. The tnditor? of K. C. .Smith tV Co, yesterday ?le , i It-I to ?ciept :?n per cent of Ihe.r ?lain.*.in nul.? ?>f !'.-?-. -i*. an ! min ina.iil'i?, ?itbu'il Inder ?.-uit-tit. ami allow the li; le hi . MflBM lui -ill ??. Polie.? Jusliee Ise list? itl.iy seilten* eil IO tnUBDl to the county Jail lui 'JO OOy? cn h, and gai? m-ii? I that !*. r. after hewul |?riife.?*l-.nal iiamp? MUM tuuiiivJii! fruin wie ... ?? Hu j ?ill t?e ti iii?fiiTisl i?i Hu i Penitentiary, ana! umytoyet ?i -naalag ?lune. The lill Higilllellt. N. 0. B. N. J., of Jersey ('it ? V!?ited Ihi? clt? last eviinng. and w-re limpet i.-d bj ! leut.. Cul. Diald ?.-i.-.?i uite-l toand from Hie depot fey th ? l-l I.-? um an ni Ihi* eil) Hie 4 Hi It? Ktiii? ?it ?? a? undi r turn ui.u.l of Cul. Stead--, ami Ibu six ? oiupaiiles miistt-ied 336 nun . LONO ISLAND. Sa?; HiltiioP..?A strange! stopped in front of the ra ?ulina e uf i lia. u ? II Ila? nair ou Satin.lay ?ml made ?no.?. which attracl? d the atU-iiliou of a small ?log. Mi. Ilaynor'a ilsu?)it-*r itepptd out to *n? what was the u.sltar. wtien lite man drew a remit, r and lariat, the ball fe_flBB_ u.?l her head. Ile Hu it ba?lll) I' ft Hi? |ir. lui-H"*. Hoi i mill. \\ rrckers from New |atin?1nn Ii4ve ?a. in ? s c ii*.tit pt.i nun uf tim cargo of the achtiumr I .um?.**, ..!.,, I, went aahure near Hi I tun? pulnt ? week agu. Hhe wa* baili-1 sith 4.00 ? buNhel* uf i oru. Th? ve?? 1 I.?? al?a Iai ii rain, ami towed to *i?w l/uuiiun. HI JKRhKY. WariiAWSKN. ?A party of laborers ?estenlay tuunitBg fotind. on th? ila kruiack pl?nk ruaal. (?utUriti Crotan?, s wealthy fanner of kogla w.khI, uiikuu?, iuu* and 1-iee.iuit He w?? reatorrd i?, aaaaajaaaaaas *n i *a?,i h? had bien Ui Hiibukia Uki pr.??.ii.? eietalni/. ?ml huai fallen m with . anne Ment?a, irlio muta bim latoxleatei ra* them nut Um home, ne eat down ob a stone wall, and while aaleep moat hare fallen off, and thus injured himself. aiTTSNBKBai.?Yraterday boob fuur sailor* on board the sell.Him r Darby earling refuaeal duty, and when Opt. Town san<1 nrdereal them to work they seised marlin spike? and threatened his life unies* he would ?runt them ?<1.?y a vaca? tion II* ref lined, and caused the arrea? ?if the mutineers. A boy named Thom** Klldnff wm arreated yam terday for throwing ?tones at a ti ?In ?,u the Erle Hallway. On* ?tone went thrungli the g1*** and struck a lady on the ii? ?d. West Hono??** -Matthew O'Connor had the ?nwht of hla left eye destroyed yeatenlay afternoon hy an arrow frota a bow In the hands of Charles Ward, a play mata?. Hi i I t mi i.e.. A meeting ??ill he held on Thnrsilay evening for the purpose of organizing a Second Methodist Kpiscopal Church. HUDSON RIVER COUNTIES. Whith Plains.?It is thought that Weston anil Kheal, lately am au?,! in Portchester, were concerned In the robbery of Marcus Badt's store In this place on July l8. A Jimmy found In their t>o**e?*ion fltt<-d the impression* left in forcing the windows of the store. Tri K ?ii???' A child of Mr. a few days ago fell Into a cask of ram ???1er and waa dru??neal. roon: Mm Officer MeBri.lo of the Oak Street Police, rescued a man frum drowning yesterday. .loh ii Kcho?'. a workman at the Dist riet-Attorney's office, died suddenly In nonvnlalon* yesterdsy inairtiing. Kuliert Diivix, age .'I years, of No. 'H'.) Kant Fifty n'nth at., ?ahile plivinav at Third ave. and l-'lftr-nlnth at la?t evet.lng. was ru.. oetwmj asti?s?t car and uncut hi* legs wa* CUt Oil. ?_-?________???? TKXAH KKI.IKK. J. II. Browi-r at No. 40 South-Ht., who in rc?-<iv ing money for indiauola ami oilier siifferiiig Texan totwn*, states that a subscription of $100 in Friday's receipt*. wbi< ii wai ? redit? d to Charle* Dwight A Co., etiould have beeu a??t tbed to .loliu Dwight ii Co. of No. 11 Old sfip. Mr. Braver received yesterday the following cou tilhuflona, which he foi warded by t? legr:ii?h : A. T. stewart A Co .. f'-'OO i Robertson A Hoopl*. tdO W. A. li.m??,.in ti Co... UKI ?chultz, .Southwick ab W. ?'. Uro wning A Co.. 100 Co. 100 M.ll. 10 I laoringAiidrows'sHous 50 0. Di Munn . Ml Frazer, Major A Co .. -ti Vrot. John T. Metcalfe tit) J. V. Van Woert ?V Co. BO F. II. (through Editor I Hovt Brothers. n0 Jattrntltf Commerce) li I J. B. Iloyt A Co.. 50 Ii. <}. N. 25 ? W. Ii. Iahaui.tialluii A L. Hirs< horn A Co. 50 | da.- At A. (J. Collin, 2d ?MB- I Humphrey A? o. 5?) tilbiitioii. 50 ! Billiard ?V Co. 50 William Cooper. 100 Hans Kim-s's Hons nhrougli Brooks, Daweea A Coi. loo Lapham.? o-l-PloA-<... 50 | Total..tfA.nOP M. ArniMtroiig A Hons. 50 Previously retuittcd Killi ii. killlalll ?lgl'll J,lil? ( Announcement? J BURXETT'sCOCOAIWI iiiil??H the hair prow. Du. MaKFBKD haviiiK wtumnl to Niw-York util I?, happy to ace lila pall.-:,ta und lienil?? at his '?:!.. ? . 60 BMI Nun h at.. near itr?u?lway. G??ki:On's Food for Hobsu and Catti.f. Ki't.iiiiiiiv. Vigor, -pied, Kin! ii Hine, ??lossy Coal, and Pet fe? I DlgcBliOO mi ii??ii ty using Una foo?]. N. V. Depoi, 50 Chatham St, TVrrililr fellows for iiappinif?lintN'r?.?Thin saggeati to ra tbat Kana tia* Istrodared hi? Fall stgrlea st (.. iilktiu i. ??, iiierteiiiaiiil fur wliicli la lively ami active at 219 Broadway, Ml Itroadvviiy, an?) in the Ililli Avenue lliitel. linn'! fail la) buy ?our hat of Kv X. A LKRTHREPTA is a puro and ?h'licions prop ,. aranon of Chocolate. Hold ey all grocara. ?gemplas free. GNEW, THOMAS it., the great New-York ?.i., er. Hour, am! Tee ?t? der, wholesale a ml retail, .No. ,t;i Vesey at. Kverj Ixaly alioiilil cull am! gel lisrgama. UK?GHT* DI8EA8E, DIABETES. DR0P8YJ (illAVill.. (ali lilli, (lout, lili? ?mi:?! -ii?, li?, iieii-.ii, I'la eaaeaof tim Liver, Kldiievs, llladiier, PUSSMS ?ilsti.f, Hreuia tine organic lteiillity, nu?! Clinuitc Affe?-lions ? Incur?!.!.? by geneial pia?-tili?ueia). TWO |??lupiileta, cxpLaln hu? Hu ?ii ?ii? et -??fill tri-aiitu-nt by Nature* Sp?-cili,, It? t!i.?-?la Mineral Sitting Water, and Or. A. HAWI.KY HEATH, the ?ultim ami |iin|iru'tor. fit -e tu in?, a,I,lu a. De|Hit ?uti re? ali. turn nanua, IM?! It mat! ??ray, N't* York. N. I!.?Moe his trade marl,. ?? Aaaliel. Maate of (??al." on all piukae? a. HN. BQUIRE, lJl Fii!ton-Ht.?NVttohea, s Jetvelrv,, Kterhug Silver ?mi itogers's lined Ware Ail of the lata! ?piaiuy and at amalleat profit*. Bavkix?: Honra of John Hau. A Co.. 1 I-'ttar A ?ci, .*?.' Y.. ?"?epl. p. 1h70 1 MARVIN" BAFE CO., 26S ?roadway, New Y??tk. UBBTUtMKB: Mr. Harger liaa tilla ilay opened the "Alum .uni !>u l'la-,1? r I'.iitnt ' Nate ma le by you, whl?:h wa* iii the lire of fast >u i m ?la? nlifht. WbmU three building*-?>ui bank being in the Center builillng-were entirely destroyed. We ???re mm ii ptaaaad te tiiut li? eonteiita will psaaerradi la fact, BOt a Bara* of -"?> bled waa ii' " n? ?-?I excepting l?y the .ti inn --villa li ??.?* neu rat? ,1 I ? y t : i ? ? heat to whn li tin aafe ha?) liueu exposed. Hu- ?Inutile liurgUl Cheat lava* in in rfe?t ?.riler, lunney ?ii I other valuable papers therein w??i ??y steam, bul otherwiae munjina -?I. nur village having no Hi.- ?uguie, we could g.-t no water on the safe until Ibe bwblbigs wees ran, l'or a long lime the aafe waa at a led tn-at ; ii ?p|ia arauco alartneil All who ?aw it,iii?? fearingtbsboobaaad papata mult not be pre.civeai Iioin il?Htriicliuii. We take ?treat ple.-nure in exta-iiiliug to ?.oil our thanks for the perfection of your work, wln-reliy we have ?a .cal . aluahlt? l.ooka ?nil papara. \ i-ry truly mu?? John hall a co. STRICTURE? Impot??n?'o. an.l Dlge?tegot iii?* ti??: el ali ?. a- i ii ?alua raali, ali? anil -p???..lilv run-?l li KNUT A. DAN I II."? M. I).. M4 l.exiii?Ttoti ?ve. flfllre boura P to A OMrr?I'? CRUSHED WHITE WHEAT, the il lim?t 1II.AI.I III I I. and DKI.ICIOI H ART1CLF, of KOOIl in ulo fruin WIIKAI'. Sold by all llrocera. Addie?? 1 I . iU I 1 !? ?V C ?. linaiklyn, N. Y.. foi circular?._ rr\\ KXTV PER CENT I.OWKK THAN FRK.N? II WINDOW* OLAM is many turns Hie uaual ?lifleieiite from Am? IfBI leg g1 Belly improved this year In STYLE OF I'AI'K IN?), M well M hi Melting, llatlemng, and Sorting, we be. Heroen "?'?hiansky*sa? "MUDOSTOM** brands aupe rior to oth??:- Ann i ;? au and 1U1 Al. IO IMI'liKIKI) ?if.ASS. UbUBBI lade? etneuts are now offeu?! foi 1 nal or?!? ra, whn h, of cuni ne, ihnw heat In high quality ami large mu?, one i|iutl Hy bettet ti,in lien? li can bo uacd with mai? rial saving. 1 hough our eos! isconaiderably enliaincd, we give bilyera ailvautag?- in pin e foi tn 11 nil m lion. COHAVtKT (ii IM MAM TA) TI RINO COMTANY, North w,at SSSBSt I tiird and An li. Philadelphia, Manufacturen WINDOW (,l Ai-, liol 1 I |>. AM? FIUIT JARS. anu? m? hit co. ol' IHK ( HY OF NKW YORK. For the Safe Keeping of Valuables AND I III. Keuting of Safes in Burglar-Proof Vaults, 71 and 73 West 23d Street. (Maseeh Vnayls iiuiiiinp?. i.iiti.? TOM I II ,' lA.- IliiuMh, I'M a. Maiiluttaniiaa. ? o. DAI'.H- l: M \NiiAM, IT.-.. Trua! < o. LUV? VI!!. \ I.OIVY, I*?-.--*. Mf^ uti'l lliiild. Ure Ina ?... 01 i m iiA^r. Pira Anbei .t >?aaeseel Manf. C* i i 'Wahi) it m !??.-.-. leranaa imnc... AI.IXAM?! KM. 1.1 gun, IT. a Trail, a'Ha? ?nita Built. ?THOMAS ?3AMKM, PtOttUKtm New-York. OTC I -I lull ,, Wiaver,1. ?-um, UniHiitei-,,'! Dnga WM. It BOM II.I.. Howell, Han 4 Co . ileak-r ?in g$ I up-. AI<? ' HAM t, supt Dry I)??, k, K. B. anti I!. ( .. KI.I.WOOD P. THORN V.. I I.I.U ?Hil? K. TIIOIINK, I'd aldeiu l>tKH?a If. MANCUMf tlee President. JOHN P. HOHUKTN, Sec'y lind Trinaurer. UTI.I.1AM \. ITtA/KH, Superiutendent. GARIBOLDI &Co. l.l'.K! liliOADWAY. H(i>l?iKHX AM) DI-:? ORAKHIM. Ne? ii :i:a t.n I'nvate Iteaul? in-? a. New iliunir BsMwfal'S II"l i ?'i-I li.e.iiei '-an liaiui-aeai, lielawaic and lliulaoii t ami ? nany4? P^tttxg, Hra York. ORIENTAL RUGS. A tare ?Jffartanlty ia offt red to ronuu.MM'urs anti novelty seekeia. A ? ?e aliiiiuient of LNlwl k. and UKAI lilli. Itt'c? for sale hy F. H MIi?ROUL 71 William at . This PATES.T CABINET or fLt TTE* F ILE la uaehil to ???ty buai*aai nan. to keep BILiaj. 1 BT TBaS or l'AFXRS ?lway-i ?tloai? ant In alphabetlaal order; h lrta ?,000 l-e(t?r? can be used on * aleak or bung to ?he ?all. We prepay ? Bipraaj* ebergaa. Send for ri and price Hat with 1,000 r?f?sr?noaa\. AAArma C. A. COOK * ?00.. CM arar?, lu. CLOTHING. BROOKS BROTHERS, BROADWAY, COK. BUND-BT., Aad corner f alb? rior and ( t-t-rrr-at*., Hare now in their Ready-iuade and I'flilom De par (mea ta A BVOOBI OP New and Seasonable Goods for Fall Wear. BOTNTON'S FORNAC-3. Por HKATIM) PrsucH! imivi?, DWKLl.ISuS.wd ?4?"ii.i<?ij, the only 1 uruarr. made without joliit? ; sre 0,14 UgM, pawtejmp durable sod teoru inteal. Boynton's 1875 Baltimore Fire-place Heater h?s greati rpower and hrllli m? y thau any Heater ever sol? Our Favorite i ?> vr"e ' ??3_9%_[Chmi ______________e?__l Klevsteal Oren Hi'atlng and ('?,,,_?_, ?"viic#?????r c? j UAN(tt ,or hvattug upp?r ruuui?. i'riHCf'Ofi I rut tup ha nui*:. ?Vr?i?r Cabiitef\ tgngkkt suman n\sar.. Ar-ape? isllv adaprn'r--r futnilyusc, ??ali udhl worden; gilt-jiflfci t ?al ! mi ..-*', Hest'ng. Cuaiklnrand Laon-Tv STOVES !n m al viiietiee, mantifa? Hired and auld by HI? HAKLns? >.n. It'll **. ion A Co., fur Circular?. -.34 Wster ?t., S. Y. MJtcbelL Tance ( Cb, MAM'PACi t UM OP Gas Fixtures, Fine Clocks and Bronzes, Hlgb??t Premlnm and Meatal awarded by Am. Inatltate 1- ?Idliili'.tii, 1.-74. Crystal, Gil?, Bronze, and Decorated GAS FIXTURES Ia Orrstent V?r!ety, at LOW PAlCNs. Special |ie?iff-? for CUtit? II KS. H A 1.1.1, HulEL*, DW-KLUH-t-b Ac. Mo. ?397 Bro.ndway, New-York. pTrMS?l&c?., No. O?il UUOA?WAY. Creal Redoctioos to Sut tie Ties. CHINA, GLASS, PLATED WARE. FRENCH OlIINA DINNER 8I_T_4. lOti PIECES. Is*34 00 SERVICE ENOBAVEO CH.ASS, no PIEOE8. M 00 sliiVKH-I'l.ATI-'.I) TABUS PORKS AND SPOONS, PER DOZEN 4 00 SILVER-PLATED TEASPOONS, PER DOZEN. -? 00 OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. A Toilet Luxury. LUNDBCRG'S CALIFORNIA WATER, pt)It TIH? TOILLT AND BATH. AHAI'TKD FOR ALL SKAStiNS AM) CLIMAT!*?. FRAHRANT AND RE Flt-.M1I I N'H. A HKLIUHTPt L Sl'BXTITtTK FOR CO? LOGNE OR HAY liri!. large hutde* lb anil? For sat?-1 y all Pr__RB9b aXIaL kinds of Plain and Ornamental IRON WORK POIl BUILDINGS, BRIDGES, ?fcc.f BY J. B. & J. H. CORNELL, Oil??*??: 141 i 'entre.?!., .*%???* ?York. Crice, Tu rut y ft te i ,,.t. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING NINETi MMH KUITION. OsaialBiB, .1 i ui.iplete bal uf all the lu? li* In the I tilted ?State?, th.- la rrit'.iiei and Hie liuiiiliiiun ?f i una.l.i. luv n? a puptil.t i iTl- a'' r tlaon '? "mi ii. - ... .11'.ti (u the I .-I ? i : ? a?, t?i. Ki-llier tirlth the i.linn ?uf the n* * ?i*:ti.. ? - Itav.iiit li.e at I.M*al ?'ira' :)-lt I'lll III a-aa la Of the pUae* Al???. S * .It .ti 'k'llt? >?l iiew?ii?|M im v, hi. ti are ?->-. um mended t?. advert??* r? se xiviiig iii alt ?t I ?lim- in priipairtluii tai i.r.t i ? * l.aifi- 1 A - . all Ila ??a?. papers in tl.e lnit?-d Ststa-? and t .?ii*<la priiittii-' uver 6,000 ?.....? ?-.ia h Mame. Al*?., all (lie K.-?irtuii?, Ann. 'illa.t?i, Helen tilla-anal M.a t.Hi.lf?!, M???tie?l, Msituliu-, Juvenil.-, KiI.h ?tlunaj, c. iiiiii-k-.hI, Ii.a-iii?i.i??, Heal Batata Vam, ???'urtlnir, M-.?t. A?. F?*hiuii, and uther ?|ie<-1_I t la*? Juiirnsl* Very ? mp-He Um* lu_.tlur willi it i"'?tnpl?-le ll?r ..f ??vit 3O0 Kerman i-.ip.-i* printed in Hu I' Stall*. Al-ui,itu ?-.???i ii|?tii aitvrrtliuii?; many tut-I? ejuf rate?, ?liuwiiir. tin- r.??t uf Billilli? B, in ran? ?n* iicWHiatier?, and even 11.In um lila h .? Imt^?uii. i in _8fBH?> IHK v. nail ! li.e tu li it--w ?dib- i ??ill?. I' ROWF.I.I. A CO. 41 I'urk ru?. Ni * ?.oik THE EST ROOMS FOR OFFICES IN NEW-YORK. OVER HALF IS NOW Of?"!'PI ED by it? p? rraanenf t??n?uts. They and all Uieir vi?lt?>rs unite m in-muuiiu imr it? ottl?*?** tbe MDHT ATIKACl'IVE, ?itid, all tilings ion?iil?-red. the ?HKAl'KST In tfjwu. Contrary tu the ? ?*i|ie? ta tii.n. the lliillilnir? prtik e? to he ni.ii li Hu li^hii ?t uf jil tliclsrs*?'bailtlliiasiu tiie etty. All the ruora? are lieiiutl fully ltni?ried In hurd w??4>d (?i?li). There axe elegant gan tlituie-i, ti. ni ?.ntl water in every room. All are eneed liiKly liKhl ?ml airy, are perfectly r ??ntl la teal, have ?iut slde windows, and eoraniunirate dii-eetly with the eleva? tors, and marly all have Independent entmine? fruin Hie ball. 'The el?* valur? run side by side, aud both sre la food workin, order. They ore kept running from 8 o'eloek la the morning till 'on, after midnight Renu oa vary farorat.le terra?. Appliestlf-ni iho-d be B-Ode at TUB TRIBUNE C. unt.\ n-uia.