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CALIFORNIA GOLD MINES. HYDRAILR' MININO. THE *___? AND HU URI HI- PI.ACIHtlTU.E- A MININO AM? 1188011111 f*'M!"ANV'.s _KtAi |?1*4>1KRTY? Ml Uti.D OP 1IYDKA1 I It MININO?ritOFlTAULE I ni" -OU WO WAUL. tEBi??t A 9gan9baygggBugfVgn\Bgn or ttiv I_B_0_??| Pi ,\r-) .niilE, l'ai., Aug. 31.?Tiventy-five years agothirc waa n ra Im te m the whole Weah.uncuun tt va ton n lialf so Iii ely. half _?? wicked, half ho i? ekJaaa, <?r hilf no pi omi ?in er as Piaren Ula. It i\ as ? -cnt t.iia? ii?.tu .'?lloma, V?aga ?-lii' i'i'st k?.'lti waa ?liscovi'i-etl l?.v Mar-hnll in the niill-ra? ?* of Oeii. Sut? ler's mil. in Joaoopj, ISao, ai?d a year ??f ti th. _ra it was in the center of tho rtoheet minal in the Stale. A Hw ?pain i r Ita population W8J greatt'i lu: n that i>f ?BJ ti'iAi. in ('a.!*- m'a. ftml its na::-.?' ii :?.*? a.? fa? miliar t ? ,1 .? fBOfli o? t!i" <oi?.. ty as the BBRM-w Bao i"i *-? - i - *. Ii.? i*T"t:ilas foi the (otaia Mas blighter than thal *>f bri inland iowa weat of the M --in river. It waa Um and ?rate*** ai tha ad-niat ey lte_nen1, and du, h iii.weil ii*.. it lir ?? My I ? I o peek? Tvi rj bo I> had hi- poeketsfnl of ? " and the hub Mk'.ir:-'.*ai with thouaaoda of rnfa ra who teeth fluir h?*i.!.??i?iit? r.-- within the liant ?fthia f m-:? place. Teni?, diada, ah li .-. l?-iis) lu' - -, lud h.?:vnl cahills ti'lftl tilt in iii J i" ?: "? ie-.-,:, and, while n any ol !!.?? ni?era had bo roofs t*n .in-! l: : i a ni ?i-."!'t on their claims. The mItijil?.?. tahof f"'. iwi i ""i- kly, a-id theo a- a "??aq-aeore cam. L unbltug .iiti-r.'h l bj its iiueparaklo compat le?i t?i pi -. ? Mid the brolla. "Tin n." ai ?m old miner sai.l t.? ire j*? :--**1.?y, " then waa lively thnea h. .-t?. No1 a u\ thal th. i was ni tonu-lio?! y peppered t.. silted. I hare known half a doaao men to be ahot or :*: a ni-.!.', a!" 1 ii *?',..?rottsidertd reij doll ii" ?"riu" hot?y tttdn'l ?lia- with his ' oota on on ry t?.?" or three i sinata?j. Them was times fur yan. Sir." ha ??aiiitiu:: al," iv'a n a fa-11, t r it li.".,;.,?-, all he had to <!?. waa t?' '"" r m-. It waanotrich for a (allow to _?-1 .J'_'i'.r-".:). or !flo:>, n:" 1 m hoily thought of ask ine_.for ? :i ?n?. If jon had conscient! .i ! ? i,?.inn.i-, as I alwaja had. Yon eonld take i'?nr pick, shove1, anil pir: and g'"t ffroni $20 to?50 ami aflOO i daj by ?? hi:*.." **\V;.- - f why, I sup k1 r,?.iii<!.4 didn't have an j wa hil ,*i ?do,oa*thal Uj j -! ' :' irown wash i- ?. I - dthey ti'.'l no1 change their ck hea vcry oft.'ii." The ? ia -I-.' old f HOW, iTcr-sv ?ir ,1 vii-. . -1 | id li; If fnl'i of " hi "???. tun " ' eyes on m>' In seornful pitj, rod hobbli I awaj wlthont a word, lleeonldn i endnre ti Fnpgej :<?:! ti. it rinyb. !;? ki the'..' of gold ft', in* ?? of i ' the and he .litl n*it o? on wail to tnqnire what I suppo *1 i hovel end pick had to do with thelat I *. i-i "???-. .*. ?'?.i,i r ?'.p t;iii."i:i? -I charnctor, who ha*! i:.ore thuii t ? [.< ?Tit in li., r-vill?' .:. it. la n 9 'I >l"t>?, adoaen six-home si?gea, with fr :ri t*-n to th:r,,-y?::.-s? nrrcts in each, caiQC dashing op to tlie hotel from each dlitv-ioo, abonl hall the min? i going troon Baerami ito to -,;' iii- ci ? Ills m-nea, or oa to w.-i-h.:--- now V; ?n la City and the other half returning "from -.h.* Utter region. It waa at this place that the fr-tt hanging waa done antier the lynch law that pr.'vn.lcl so long in the minti .' tai :?. If the con? da 1 a>f an" ii ?' ?*n i'ldi? Mr >l ivas nof satlsfactorj t- 'ii. mi ?-iiit ',,-, v. hj, f h?- ninltitnde hung the " c ?* I ??? i uni,. i-'.i: al 'to a tree, .?io r-iii?-p .-i which Is tin?? in ti? ? < ant r of ti ? t?. ?ii. Tlii-i * * ? t-f the nu!;.malo i?i_s aaaiuhiad i<> Baeh a <1 'rr.-o thai ?-a ,-%i-?i fal .- i | m-i.r aa Hal ? ? ? n. li 1*?"^' the 1! i! II w BB eli ?Iii-' "1 H" l'h ("i?ivi):i" : ill 'I nun WV li"* ho? ?' thal the ?::rru> ?torit vedi <>Ii" '!:?".' ?' 1- ? ?file the whole lit ??f in ?? -:-lernte n",tn* s. Voa I'-et, h* -i Doit, Ynba Dam, Mnriler Onlch, and uii'iiy oti.* aim '? i rhi cb am not lit to print? lill aPLACKO MIRR-L Tl.c mining al t!.ih puini m tim eaaij?Iayawaa -.rliat in koowa as ji'mii- bdniag. The grave] la ? , ? ! pani ?liliog ! ?If as mn'-h aa ?i? oMinarj m pe?-' ??' at ! lapodaomewhal like .-. milk pan. .... ?tin minei to maning water, if poa siblei ?! lia is i:..' a? haod, ha waahes the iT.-vel ? luke the pan and weta the earth i lu*i ?uglily, then ha raba it with his ha 'Is t?i --,.u:,r. the gold, aad shakes the nan in thi ? I r, nilli h i* Ma the ??t'Jd. h(ir.^' heavier lhaa the -. ?.-hi' ink to the bottom. Ry (?-".\tr.iits twialingi ?.lui tu. . . aoi the pan, the t.p gravel and dirt i> ? . t r. and at ! ist black i nd, whi ?'. n vi r lieavj, ia fonod at tin bottom, in quantity aboot two or throe -poonaful, and i:. -hil is the ?i.l ti. little bita of ii""r.'?ts nrul dmt. - : thaea large nugi; is ;>n- fonird, even ti the ? i ,: ?1 i.v. hut t'.icv are rare, la-fare the mine? ?i.. .i i . r were T. ?:? luon. ?not?ec .. loi . f p]. . mus hy a im ker, which ii . i m-'i larg? than a pan. This ?s tiled with ii:rt and ; .. lumia a tr.'aii? >*f na-.t, .uni is!-?i. aden ?? . . or . .? to thal it *.i:.-. be itick-?'l backward an 1 i n a ard like a atoaa in a faaaiag mill. The *^"ltl im ..- ? ! "i* a? a itfa t'a" pan. .*?-?.. profitable jr.. .a? ??? of obtahiini the gold from ?-! *. . was by the I I 'i his ? di ipi lal, and, while li was Muchea li ?bl -, the inajor?ty c ?ul?l I. at ii..'?:!.- ? in ?? a?T? :i "( -,-."? i f tin i ipi; ?I r--?- .t:y A -iirn. Is baili ami In it a criiantHy of water ? i . 'I In boll m m flat and the f-dra p rpendicul ir. Ti e re) th ?,..?* whi< h ?'?? il ii - gold Into lorne. Th'"- ir h ia washed awaj, ?rid, the gold baiag In ,'.vier. ?i tth ? to t!.. bottom. Ac? i a few pears th" naeer mine ? ahaail this i?lae?> an re w.-rl. -.1 mi?. The gravel iii I waa available for the k1?d of i!!!Tn:.;r t!:-n j*r?*ctic .1 waa ?rahaust d. The whole ra_tsj 1.:m1 been ?! ig oi r. and aotbing -?ka- I. t lint cebl l?--s:crii -. All aboot tiii* eountrj . ? , .;, r? ti? .?mm -h stonea of ih Areetip. ti??n la Bam Heaa m ay_da t<> ? to dam ti??* ?ui'ttii. When lha i,mes ?it - lir ed, mtnera gohlelr* .vli-n-. anti the grerit region o? the S?. taime n'as ?niia-'!.??h The Imputan! ave-ion 1 road e?_n? -. - t- .-??til?. Placcrville, Carson ( lt_r, and Virirm: i OitJ WO! St this pt in the full flasli 0. i.'n ?'..'ry. Thl ili.'.anci? batweea Sa? r ?mt rt.i aritl Ninri'ia (i'v I ?lo not kt.ow, hal N r-____a*d ! I?* far fruin i7*i mil ??. T.? _haw the Impiwtanaa al iii!? ?u.'l lha exti'nt ?>f t!io travel on it, It ia only DareaaaOfJ l8 re4.'??r.l winn is a ?a-i, iDii?clv, th n tin whola distanee waa daily aprinkled witt ivatei with a-s i-nich r.'gtih.iity and at>iiti.ui a* ...iy etr.?t in a city. Poring the poat weah l l-a*veheea .?vor (' nu nt it. _; taoiii iwiy?' ni* in- tluin ah indi -ii miio?i of this read in an ? p?u w?ig?Hi, _n.l 1 had cane'- :*? ti -Tit that the Haft i jal ?!- I iii.ed to biuh a .Ic^rt*? tiiat ?]?nnk!ing ive.s no leOBjet pra?ti?:?*?l. Theiotl not-sitX ratiou whan I a?y th* m wiu* ha.f an inch of ?Jil!?? oil ever me. I n.-s io thorough]j diagaiaad that even BBJ i ladil -ga Waold not have L?hwn mo. Tin" 1'ia'urvillt? of ta.-dav i? of little acctuint. The streets BUS Well built, hut avefj_hi__g hit? f?one to decsy. No husim-ss come i to it. it is ntl the liri" of tiie ru'lr-i.i.l, and the siarres no longer timrith aron v its slix-eL?. V?-g?luliou hl?-niiuj in its g ki'?i? us, ari'i ihe l?CHi.t.f'il shii'le tn*(? ?ive if an :>ii of try <-.ti.?: fort. Lal thetc is _M uni? li loi-ure tor it? __J_ab? .lants. They have iwtt?_ta| toth?, an?l meat of them iivc m reLui iiabram e of uliat l'la?'?.*rvil!e BOB boa?? Th???i i*, is.*: meta than ?(teen yaon -oaoavaaadili pro.-p? rily, a:?(l i von now, on long after Hi? ?'l'uy hag lad to cth< r, tin inliitbit'iit? .scare," I v r?ali/e th ?t aajj cha: gi haa. conic. If yon ank Vu- .ii io work, they want th? "hi pricis. They say, we have beao iised to gettiii)?."5."i a ?lay. ni, l vre put onr 4* h*? aa a ?- n l with C?inaaaaa ; ?mu they ?lo tins when lbaj i.iivcn't a paaea al ham or a potato in taho ii ?u?c. .Su they mold in idlenc.??s, living the Lurtl kaOWO how, ari-1 htp-r?-: for what ti.ey ti-rm "bet f-1 t ia- ?,' lha l.oiti kooem anhaa, ni.-ix? ara about 3,000 nii.iihiuiuta ia rial aa ?illa, man, wa-oea, and i-!ii!drtii, a:nl tliiro aro s >?:??t of th.-lioiL-ma, ?in; in liti'.u Um 'i'l-tt hy a luvri.i_ "1 i".s ?. im 1. ..u.s, tir, ? eda?-] l.u M4, and otiier Ir ?>.-., that woiiltl i?e u n. - light nuil u tiiarikagiviiig to many an overworked i ti y copi! ?i t. Hut tin? gf-iinral Hirof ?lecay i? ujaiii the t wu. btore?? are cl?m< 1, sli"p-i are Hhtit up, and Ihe _di__MVOf thrift rio longer ?iiiiriiate? tin ||_088 l'p the valley of the Araoii? ,.n Hiver is the p.iraiilae of fruit, -?."i-i ?ven iu the gaideta?, of HMeervili-i thero are as tine peachos, plums, i?ears. lig?, aral irraj..,? ru i orar saw. lu fiiiit-gr?j\v.?ig tho town lisa yet a ?!__4ii?r, but ii is Lot likely tbat lite people will oour sider thal they ?*uv li iug at ?a day whou nuggets are not found kicking febout tho ground. HVl'K.Vl'UI' MININO. I came here to are hydrnulic mining on 'he sug? gestion of ono who I atipposed knew the whole sulijeet. The mines at this place nie not to be rom? pan ?1 with those in oth.T portions of the Slate, no? ticeably th?????? an the Hine lA'ttd embraced in the UrarrM ?>f Little York, Yon Bet. Omi Dog. end Dntrih ri;it. Tin? coi.ip iny whose lu -aihiiinrtcrs are nt this pla? o It MM of flin bigg??st inonopoliiua in tho State, and iutleed on the Tacilic coast. Ita tillo is the El Dorado Wat or and D??ep (?ravel Mining Company, ami its capital is ?miy RRRRJtrR?, II whb organized in 1*7-' ami i.?, a ?loso coiponilio?, ?illnotigh a joint stock company. Its object is twofold?min in/ and water lea?ing. Ths mining is per fe? t'y b-Kiliiiiate ,ind proper, bul the sei/ura of all the water in an astral of country embracing sev? ral bltudlM miles l? ra oufr.'K.' (althaagh it muy have a legal bji-kii- > from whl li? ?cn tho greed of the n.o.iey giHa r (?'.iirlit to -' .ii k. The muten of the drami ote inneaas in them m-hes. lb.y in.!.!.?, a a migo of IR mil? ? in i. :i ii:, half a milo in widih, and from 90 to 1UO fo?'t. in ?l?pih, compo-sd of gold-producing irrnvel, ivac'iiim lruiu i'iaecrvillo to the I'.citic Hou?? on Ott ??'ni Otfmtlnwi roD'l. Prof. I'lice, a ire.-il'r i ? it vho-e opfotom on any s'll.ji-ct ?tr-' otili f] 1 t?Q nil] i'l"r:?!i' attention al'id re-pt-i-t, thinks that tit?' PIM nt ii??.'?: ? li t1)?' bed of n mm i? ni ?iv.-r tun:, d ?'it ".' i?? coane by the lava don fron the vol af the Sierras. The parallel gorg?e, beiag the ? ??: m illili th? prisent BtrOtUOM, W?r.-. hi lliilllvS, ?gatted I'.v glaaial action. Thal ?the ridge ia iii?- be-1 of M l?iei? nt .aronui theio cm be in? doubt, Um gravel, the sli.-.p?) ?ni the stones, anti every other in iflibayoud <|t??-?-ti'?n. paeklaeitiaaregnlar ?rrii?'?? fi'.'in ?.ii?- - ti?. 11?? the oilier. T.-e? ure otlu-rs wh i l?iink- anil 1'rof. I'riie is in ?loniif be,-ween tiis ?,,.,?;, theory i^nd this?that th? deep gorg?e on either aid? ??:' t1.' '<:-'.\ ii ridge ?harre i??'?m cal down in their present depth by the erosion of the rocha. How? ever, the ..-.i'.? I ridge is there, and thai it eon ,.;.:> .?M l bare abundant ?proof, The gravel de 1? mi ... capped by tie lava li uv t ? the depth III lioni a few i? ? ; ;?. I -vir il .lin,nu ti li?t. Iii. Iraulie miuingthroe?conditionsarenec saary to sue? ?sa? lite lirai nid ii!??>t Important ia a li lof gravel oontaininasnffluionl gold to ?weare s piont; second, a good <>?!. i--t tnfronl ??f the boah, with not les? than half an inch fall t ? ???? r (loot, f??r two it least, a idadninp fortj or fifty 1 el high to re v. - r!?- <!.-' rta, orwhal i? Ins ;;s - ?o-l,.-) -.-. ?it [ ?ii loarry thedebiis i ??.-?-, -. a ni, tliiid, ? ,i.i abundant, .uni, ii pos>ibl , a ,? ?remuai Bupply of i Wut r. 'I i ? i rill : ?>:il hydra nlic mines of the Bl ite are .ii n t du ti :! t ulifornio, tnd exl id from ti lana Copi y lath? touthtoSieiraCauulyin th? ? ? orth. Corni .-tanbie gravel haealao bena found i:i ?PlnniiM Omnty. Ko t r.itinuaus btftl of gravel existeras! ?im inforiii-il. iki-'-'i! o?i tboae Itara. Some ?of time miara bave a bead ??f watet <?f 500 feet. 'I Daine i;? question, the Eveelaior, his from 190 it? _??'?. A good head ot wal ria very essential in by thrsalio mining. If it ?doe n t exist powder must be i?-,? i in i?! :- ? i to la t-i'.k lui- bloolraof earth, ? 4 VISIT i?) I ?II MIM -. Aft r rea- 'uni,' .i'lic? r?, ii! < I wenl ?lirectlv to the i. Irauli? i: i?-. iMii?-?'vvi ? 1?? ia not aa eaay place to ' reach ron San Krnnei no, 1 went Aral by al in t to Vallejo, thraee to Bo-cnunento by tho California ru? '?'?, th?-n--" to I'l'ls'.m on Un- s n ?mu ?snto Vall-ey Railroad, and Ihonce to Shingle Sprh ga on the '. " . n '. I mille I?' tilro 11. Fr? a iShiugl? Spri ige to l'i i ?er?ii'.c?? ?reive ni] - ??t the . ma ! on the V.'. I ii lisphere [badi ?private eonvoyano?a? .V.i. iii?- gravel batik .?i a . lucy ard, and mai the viir-y.ird wnsnohur uing little i,. :i-,, -i al oin from the aitaice? world ?bj ft itt-trera hearing plan tifully, Close to the hou-??? wu-i a in.iii. lined ??-i either aide With (Ig-trece black -\ -- i * ' i the luscious fruit, the brnnrhi f over the walk and fon . . i ?... - ?. arch. 1 fenrned with -??.-??'?, thai i isc, the vineyard, and the glorious orchard ' m-: -?i?- n give tray ?to the gol taste ' fal and no appi eis Ion l r Hie . Climbing over col le-ston been fashed from the gravel, jumping over gullies ?lu-: with water, olimbing ?gi ivelly hillocks, nod i-i.|?,, .?i..n?i tiuabliugov?bi th?? i-iiiinl stone which I'ni'i ii ti. of .-rom - '.??? ! ? a ''?'?I lato shape, I /?und my wai to tin Excelsior. 1 muat admit ti-?tiny oui] ii'i , lighter of a ght, were ahead <?i me. M ??? v. 'J ?v> fraVel bank, 'itor?? fl-n'i i hnndn h, with a ixTpendienl r tot ft ? ?.i; '... : '.'?., ! ? ' ? ? . li ii. '??? ' ow?3 like ." cloud "f thistledown before a whirlwind , : \. . burl das! ? of i r, with a hi..-! of 17". f? t, throngh a uozkIq ix in? h. s in diam? > ", Itaviug a fores ratficieni to bl ? :- .e new l'o-i.-oi'ii. e I lildiug in N??w-York City, au ! die ?1.?. every granite blockinit? 1 ini.l nov r phi Btmhpon -e i? ?r??;'..'. The ??? an ttom tho nozzle to Hie I ?iik waa betwoi n /?? r and iu hundred f? :? and so perfect was the arrangemeni tliato Child cnald ???'"!'? nn ! 'li'-.-i the -.r'' im. Two of these streams wen p1 fing,nne through nrfx inch and one through an ? Ight-ii ? li n<?: zle. A thun .'. i ?i n . a i? ara engine n lug wind wore nothing to it. The water li .' '',?? ... le like a ii?!..1 ?iha.'t from .-; i u ion, J' remained un ?? ?? ::?i.i? without ?i?;-.??, like an iel le, for more I?iln 'i feet, and ti en ?"i - led its ? otun o giant. 1 straek the ha id oi irater -.s it lei: ti" m/'lo with a cr " ;?i:d ii mag US . t, . i pic bob of steel bud ooma togotl lently, I ?dropped a stone on the surfs ?of the water as ii ' r> the pipe, and although it mnsi Imve weighed thiee ?or four was earrl deloi j with the rush of water until it was thrown again ? ;'i boult, 'i ?u?could in?: atrik throughtlj wi ?? with a ?sane, and only a bax of iron could p ?? . i,,t I) how the ?grave] ?bank, waa washedaway I bj i!,i-i ittrenms aooldba impimiildc (??.it bowl- j dan m brg* ?* ? floni ?Mnal wete li ?kid eli and ant howling dowa the eaSon? Tone ai gravel eterno aalooaed at a time and v??Tit tambHng ttmi i thnniicrin? over the banka. The pipeoor boks?m I with i'ie arraugemeol aro c tiled fiants?the i.ii; and the little ?iitnti?. MJ-.lil ?Ii OF MINING. Ono of ths rrtvMBM batten dowa ?'i" bfank tod Um other waahea Mid el ?www ?! ?? ?"ii ii away and s? ids it lato the i-l d? ??s. Aft? i the ?? u :h- et v. I?-.i is lv:i?.\?n as the gravel bank?4s washed dowa by one lies in iii.- nth ?se t ik??s it Bud wsabea i itit?. thia mod, rhich?i its down ia a so,t of canal or sluice. The nuggets aro ?dropped vety ?soon sud are ?collected ia a little ?lil hu ar tho h-aod of the riuice,thei er going down the sliti.-e. To the right and len at abort intervals io tha alni e,whi h is paved with eohbh>frtMMa with qaiekaUver in Ott bottom, are ' ?aprons? aithaaogt?af siovo tnd gatts to tura a por iioii of iii? Watal t?v?i Ilii! ikjiitui-a. Thes? .in- -, t ,ii ?i tihclti nug': i, and the bottom Isssada ?of strips ?of w?aad ??k1 t,ri V" ', with ?r.iiok.tiher tocut li Hie guli! lath water iu ;i linn sheet moves elt.-.\ ly ?iver the sur? face. Aft?-r ?passing grot min apron it is iikin up aram :iik1 ult? r iniiin;.'vnth aibar citer in Iii? lluine pa.s???'s over ?>tli?T uptons 1ov.?t d??wn. This ? ? of apr??!.'' \* hi'lf it-it,ile I'?!).-, Mid -Mr. Bishop, Og ? i:m ?cr, mioriin-d me ?thal be intended ti e\ t"n?i it ???iir niil.-s. The gnal eonsUeration la all ! indi of mining is io aavc m mack gold from waste ?ii? ?. aaibla? Tha ;??.r? ? a*mgt ila^i i.? loat ii? the t'on si,li?Li?il Viruima miiiu ib fruin 39lo9S< lu othur MBOM it ranges from li." lo Ml. The ImsUsC ia a new iiiine uni baa not yet l.iirlv starieil, although ?aaatgaai "cli-an ups" muxe shawa lhaitaaaMM)?af the irr.iv.l. The "?'lean u;>'' i?a ?In? ?imc praetn*?Ml in tlie (told ami silver ?inirt: mills. Hie amillara is colic.-ted ?mil the gold separated fri?:n the ??-liek aflvar by a irimple Broceas, Igathaiad Mvaralpaas of the gravel Mini t.mieof the .titi mit., ra M. Hiding niuniid waahad tln-iu f ?r mt, wal I oht.iiiu d, iu half an In-ill"s time, witJi Ibu uni of two ??r Ihre? inineiv, enouiih gold 1<? mako tjuite a largo ring. Air. 1 robert, pri\a1o ?chaplain t . the link?.1 f?l .\urtliuui!s-i) ?iiil.oin-of my i nu?), ?ii.l ! ihesniini. 'lhere w,m no oppori onil i for "sailing" tim iniiiis, f??r we gsihwMl the grava] oosarivMand 8f?w it wii>?lied. The Tolnni? of wat.-r parsing thrmgh the pipes is sfaaply immense? almost in oredlbla, Whan both atrenns an ot w?ork, I um iiiioiiiud, they throw at tho rato of 38,000,000 TO-DAY'S SOLAR ECLIPSE. ?it! AREA IN' THE IN I I'liD 8T?TE3 WHEBE Ii' M\Y 111*'. VISIBLE. The weatern hunier ??f the Mai? ?marka the limit wheio anj part t*t' the aelipaa ena b?* seen in this conn u"v. Nearly cn tin-m-ti ?ian of Wsahington th..! Middle ni tin? ealipaa (??-urs at muitari Baal <f that ?Meridian mon ?han hali the actinea may hi- seen) weat <?f if. Ubi than half, Hw daratioa diminiah-ag with the ?list.tii'i 'o the weatwarda In the shaded portion the aelipse may ho seen im an amrilus or complete ring ol light annand iii" daru moon. Tin black horizontal lina in 'hu shaded portion of the Mon indicates witera ti?- ring o! light la of<e?t duration. (rallona every 21 honra, or ?-neta than 1.000.000 ?..-H.m, every hour. Who can imagiira the immense ,.f 25,000,000 gallons of wuior ?a?i?g a ? ???..." 17" Keel 1 Hut when tit?*--? tiiii ii.itiii'iif?!?- qua ?iii y of water dune frouil Aje, ih ra'athe rub! TheCampanj working the tai ima intuid abortlj l> bava ?>ix pipei .?r work night and daj on the gravel books, and yet tbej will no? nae the half nor tin? quasrtat of the '.--.,?? i- tin y cu'itrol. The f-dleji of California iur ticnlsriy Ihe Valle?/ of the Arnot teen and the Bat ra meuto Valley, ;.rc beyond com pari .m in richneaa, and in fruit, ??-">" ?:? 1 ?.-. the moat produetlva in ihe world. "?Wit-r, however, for ii-* i, rat ion is iiidisponaable, The "land i.? a.? barren aaad -'it without water. It will hanlly pr.i'.iuo -age-brush and rabbit* The ____*?rican river fur? niabedthe nweeauij watar for man) milea al ita valley. Bal under aad bj p-oviaiooa o? iho law, either pecial ?*r -encrai, the Company ref ried to ?isiii l.ghi np ti e land, and : sited e ? ary ?: ri am of water (Toa ing down the 1 allej for a di ttonoe of 01 ? r iO m lee. To gain iheir object thej have oven (rune 40 mu.?! east of llncerville, up the mormtaina, and m ?> I. a dam to divert the conree of the present South Fork fi'.i 1 II ? regnlai channel Into Ih In anal, ?i? an eh ".'aljon 1*1 2,300 tet t ?ii-.--..? PLicerviilc, and almni 1,200 feet al...,? .""..:. Francisco, they have built a ditch, or more propcrlj spoeking n canal?fox it is larger than inuat oantfla?-30 milea in leugth,S_eel .m tin bottom, 14 feet on top, and ? _ feet in depth, an average grade of ?mir feet to the n_-e,axoond inonntains, 0111 millebee, tlir??u ?1 guan -*?? ai d along ntl ?? nice?, in order te bring the wah r to their n_ne and take j nwav fram the fruit growers in (!:?? ral? ???y*. Thi canal d llverethi water at a pluce called Sport inen'? Hall, where it la thrown Into other calions, -a! .1 0" 0 thi u i ii. 1 .a''., rdit. '?? ? Mai flu Afl r complot ing the main truuk the Company .-. :.l have 1 i '. mill - of dit? lies, dum?1, and wah ti 01 [Rttlti riXfl MU III.? t??' TUE ( o.-HWi.Y. Thewa ?* a'.ii*. which thoj<drain to ?r-npply their . ..,:- .Hill liitehci .' maxtent of I23squam in". -. 'I In- iiiii.'i.i. mi.-? in the lower cou ity e innot get a barrel ol water withonl bujina it >-i this Cobb? >f lOeeuta an Inch. An Inch of water, asm isnred by minera, ia the quantity thal can be ti ?vcrc.l through an 0 iflce "f one square inch under a pr. sun? of 6 inches for 10 hours. On the snmndt of the Bierra Kovarlaa li n clnsterof : ii !.!,.-?, from 30 to 7.*i miles from IMaccnille. ?More heauiiful bodica of water wen never a m bj m ni, ami their location is aapieturesqn as a pool '?'?ulil imagine, i.i-y embrace Silver Lake, 8*_" niiit?? loii^ and 1 ".?ila willa: "Red Laka, eov? ering an area of live mil? -. Echo Lakeuuid ?lipperj 'ord lauta, all abonl ?>i a ??*./ ?. Stirer Lal - has hean already damme?] ?1? a bight of 20 feet, ru..! a tainr:? ! ii now mai ing to drain Reno Lake. The company eati mate thal when tbeimproYi nents now making are finished, they will have n storage lapadtj of rot i 1 than 12 miles square and 20 feel Hem-, Thej are even threat ??in-.- t?i dry up the beautiful Lake Tali e, and ara even now engaged in diverting, aa iiii.i?. ?. "ni, Echa Lake, bj tunnel, and thus rob? *,,: raboe of ona of ita moat valuable uHueea. i'ho lokearef. ?r.d t<??ni. from 1.200 to a.',ot?i> feel above Lake Taboo, and althoagfa the pwehteeot thalia?a I ;i\ *? be ti sounded nutil all the minstrela arc hoatrae, nobody vilii? ha? m t seen it from the top of the? girrraaat Echo Lake, ? ;.;i appreciate Ita beauties and its ia?*.ir,'i;i'>Tn. The valley of the foaemite, viewed t'r.? m Inspiration Point, aa I saw it aeren jean ago, it common-place In compariaon. TV* ???1 ?niiit a! this point i? 1."inalla d through J-i'.iii-i.i.'d Paw, a tea milea lo the north o? the celebrated l'rc monl V..-o\. Tin' country tt-nragh which the ditcbei of the Coinpauj paas fat thick with fery vatnable tituber, an?1, tin- oui;, wa] togo! thia tir.ii.? *? to market ia la saw ilat tin! l'n!iip..iiy'i niill.? and Beal It ?Iowa their (Utchee. The GoYoramant al pteecat owaa meal ai* the ?uljai eui lain!, and i' h nut ii.itiK.bah'?' that the Corapaajwill aeiaa the timbar aa thej haveaeiaad the ivHt??r. Th.* Company's ditchee extend to within ?1 Irandred much of s-in "FtaMiaeo, und m the country travcr?' 1 there is no water to be had ex? cept through the ditchee; not a bnneh of grape., not a pound of pearn, no1 ,1 peck <?f peacbea, not n dosen liir-', not ? bushel of applea tan I.*:? raiMil without tin ir ...iiSctit. Tin-ir irxigating ditches aovar the whole eooatij ?Uni tint 1 mit gMt-Pan. have to ?>av the tiddler -.? ?i thai thej ??iirice or nut. Bo prafltableh the for* lliahlugof water Ol 10 (???nts an iii? h lhat the ( .un> a-e nut using, for Ih'-iiiselv?-?. ??.'?u teni wa?er t.? work their hydraulic mine? In f l.eir till! c- ;i.i- ity, atthongh (aa I ought to haveaald before) the ?-iter, alter doing ??t work In the minea, i-t eonv? jed ?lown i.? ilit. baa and tkftarward sold 1*1 iii* farna 1 - foi im Ka'ou. Than an several ijiur'z milla on the linn of the ditebea, but _mH aaaoi thtwn -pan work with out the? w.?i?9i'of Um " ii i?..iaii? \v.?iii nu,1 Deaf til a m l Mini iigl'a-mpaiiy." Tin: t -sein-uf the whela ?object fat thia: The whole rirantryfor mora than a hundred nula s is m the paare? ni thi.? inori?irBOB itio BOpolj, and the w..r?t ?if it is th? v tirism- a legal'iiii" and there i? no r dre-.? for the pooplo. Tin* 1.1:1:1'., fr.nn Ihe Bt_____H of the mountain, at an average fall of f -ur f. -1 to the grfle, li mart be oonfeaaed ii awoc-lerfa] trihnio to the i?ill of Mr. liishnp, the i-tigiiiier. If half Iii:, ability had bien honctly 1 tatt laad in building the Pacilic Kailr.i.ul, San Fia:n 1?. ?? Wi.olJ not Im- to-day, by w_y of Dea ver, 'A, ?77 tim.? I'loin NVkv-Voik City. Ho han now about 1 .r.OO laborers oiii|?loy?"l tiuisuing tin? ?litchi?*, ami beanoa Wioten set? m fas lasa?a lo kana the wafer ii nil of the di?, ibea, Tin? en prefor Cbineae labor t.? that "f Irishmen, Welaa?nea or (Jil ,111:13. Mi BJ pay the Clune?- ?'JO ?uni S-J-i a month wiiheol board. Tim white l.ii.'.r. ,s wImm i . have to ?employ to rave trouble, are ]M id from to ?i;ir> a mooth ami boarded, and Um otto rs say tliey do not (io M much work M the Chinamen. INYESTlOATtOR OF CRIME. -+. (.'"Nli'.AM' l'?NY TV-allMONY ABOUT rut*. D18? fllMl Of ?>: ii:?, iivf.s nu.hy a.'.i? ii?.nu.i r.;;itu? (??Mil temi ok' DELAY I.Y lill* 1>I->U:!? r-ATTOB M'.V IM CAiii'.n Of WKOXOrVL aCCCSATIOKO? AII.Kdr.D 1>?)1 lilFVL IKAClit KS ulr' DOUBT OI?FI ? IA! A. The Asaembly Committoa for tho [nv?eetiga tloa of fume noattaued Its work yesierdaj ..t ttao city Mall. LtlW'ilitn Ira M. ?Clapp teotifl? ?1 m regard to ,,..? i ;.u,!.i t .?.'.ii"! in in. 11, m i n- ?I bj Deteetlvi iTOl | a .?I Il.'i.l. -Il?..r. .it I?!:'?- lien Iqa-.?rta ? k lie i-':< 1 De i.. ???-.,? ii'!"? a. qui iii- btaaketa Brat, ?sad in reply Tilley s.'iil. TbarOe pur it then for C?ptala lita." By '? i ii.i. ':c" 11 fei. i ? ?? are i m de toi Idelherg, Whee the \s '?i? ??-a ...i ti I,. iiieUierv'. lie -.ii?!. " l).i i'l ii ?li 111?'; .'?ill ??'.:; in t" kaoa n* w? ii n. i." The eloo t a is opened, and ;?!,. LI ml-.-t ?r;|* '. ?'lilli illel ?'i? lliitle'l Bl MU "f IhO l.lail keln ?.huh had l?ecn stUeil. i ?? I live ilciilel !? . a\ uttcrw.trd satil to the wltaeM that lie lim entered UM Wanket with the prop etty Clerk, sa ter lbs neates ?>f Lafeejr, tfaOtag, und (" .i ;., .?; .'. ti." wit: Mall ed ii te ti : Ott r ?. Ile (?iii not i.?<? ?'i?? biaaket there,i Id oat know it ?tim there, and bad no feeling againal ii?: in? rg and J m. y. It i i " .. ? ... tag in tlie ?.ii . ? ? thai ' ??'. Ii ? i all hie principal wort t>> 'iii' j and Heidelberg. The. ? h arai no1 dtsmiasedi be ea dropped u mi tim i-?-1. li? left iii?? office and weat West Comwl ileoer Smith ,?ai?l lint if lie ?rai aaeiifeeeaful ia bia basin? ?a he ?...?ni.I i?e r?-appointed. Commli loner Smith mp . a month afterward. One day one of the i ' i';? -.ii'i to him that be was not I dlj appomted. i'- ,\. - dropped fiout lae rall wlthoat a MeL A Mai i i, bul be .vu im; there, nor a m be t ?;>..??. r.fe?i b;.;? iel. 'ii. dr.. .e WM '?iii of eondnet nnh coming ?,,..?< .a ??. n og the uniform and toa insignia of olll? ? a ?'i?' he wai .-ii lb it tiru.? ula rally appoint ?I. J.x-l>, t<? me lawea if Til y :<?,::..m v regard ::.?' iba ? n.)) ?? sea. "Iopcaed eiyelo it," be,"to t?.. m/e my, ,?;i?J |gw the blanket ?there, Labe/ .-tinl ? were atouding ??; , ? ?? the cl??-??i, and aw tee t'.n'. ?:. I th ?-i. nothing ?further of ii. na I aappoeed It in lui:.-i d to Mr. Heidelberg. 11?< a ?' morning ?Clapp a,'?.- ?I nu- if ?iui" ama .i bl....;.t ?Utera, I aald, ' there la, bal id'? not l.-iii.'? who pul li there; doa'l 11 i?.'..iis'.?> Cha lief see him, ead he win tell ron.' it?- then rolled ii. ni ?..I.', and a-': ?I bim if the Man! t w.i* ta bia , ? , i. ali,-' ? a - i.'t.''. waa on?-there yesterday i >i ? ng;'and wbra asked who put It there, auld he did not know, at the i'ln?? tim? adding, '< tapp, i ? will go tjoen ?? ' ' ? : 'Clapp lid, 'I it la all right.' 'lin m x1 il:iy I ..i tit to the c1 >-? i and ? li:?. : red i ?.ni iii?? bl ii ? waa gone, t neyer thought of li ? i antill waa impended. Inerei mode any ?taten ?i- ? rfci t t: al ' I barb r p-~ it ti?' re * r Opt .1 bl.1 I i, ?\t?i .it aiiv time ??r t?. anybody aald li belonged to lien',,?iii ?i'.'. ?apt. living, witb one ezeeptloa, ?bad not ne nn iu,p rt.iui oom Li eight ? ii months " DettH-tl ?? !? i. n? ,i!l'"i and aald that he had n?? inrtii'T teatiuiony to offer regarding the lilanket?. ?i ? . :.., Till? |, uti '?? In : n died,a?ii that X1 Idclli rg ni i.??:? Mr, l'. ?' ?? -, Ibi . n inset, mil Mr. i. iu, -n _.?vc them a letter lo thi ?Polia Commiastonera, :. :n tins that ? '!?? li m In tlie ea ? I.ihcid until noon on the Tueatlar following the trial. Tho letter wm Imiiiiiil to Mr. M - li, who, Bftei . idlng it, ?..-.?.i it to Mr, VoorhU, who pm it In bia pocket ? rea never .?i ;i?. nie uiiier c ?mmlaaioner*. l??-????.-:;-. Clapp hera stilted tu..', the testimony of Tilley and Heidelberg waa :,, -e trata n .ginning t<? t duo. ?Stephen r.. in- igae, i? lawyer residing in this ? :y. 2-,i\o -,r ? Mon.? regarding t.'?? robharr ??f in* watch winle ii iinr- mi a ci i?.-,- io ?'. u ? .ii rho thiel was Jam i Ati?!??i ?o?, better kilowa nn ** Prettj Jimmy." Thi wltneaa went to Um trial of the thief, bal w-?-. not railed as m wilnora Nothing waa ?."i opealy la emn, ,n?l tho .?..?I ti one .Mut- in the Bt ti Prison ?i'lu-ir j'liui fi nkiin testiiiwl that tie had arrested in deraon, Too Indictment, which waa ic.i.l by Air. Town ? id, waa for grand larc ey, end the words --iium Ins perara ' were ?trick? n eat. las ? i ?viol, )r., of No. .107 Ti iit'n nvi-, ti stifled th it be had been served with aotlees whieb ??fi? ?I thal bia i bom waa ra :. i?aii brail, fee n tout aaaaed Hehwarta, f??r .-.'.." v. He waa orved ''li three Meta notiuea, not? ?.,.',. i iel ii . Hie .'...t iii ii he li ni n-vi-r gimB ? Bil liar it?' ? .i. n ?.tun. Mi. l'lieii* ?had givra bim no Mitiafaetira, ?ii.i: i. .li Ila? li;?' i ?.".li. ?I in iii? i.l.i'" ->?. ,-t-iii t'.i.i.-a. Xiao , | ?then found that there waa a lira on his property, tor ?2,000. To* I ?utily Cicik had put it into lae hands of toe Hherift'for colic ti.n.?.i.i winn the ffltaeaa nailed on titi li riff be waa told that If it had not l?e n for other nu ,?,.?.- ka propertj? *,ntiil hive lieeaaoldthe ?hu in inie. Utera Braal ? i?. a i <>f tren Me, tie weat wita the .i m M,, rbeij ?, who u?-,,t? apon Ihohaekoftbe dot-nuienta that bewaaaatlsfl ?I ttiat tbo? ooght to bo no lira ob the prop ti?. Tk arttaeMhad never bera ra? :. i. ! irutu it ?t n? i-.-ui.-iir. The bttll was glvon M Tombs Poliei Court, and he found there that the wen for rbom ?t?Mi-7iMii a ?-i "Jt>" t.'roihy. intttead of Hehwatts, m ci i ii im tie ii.?i. t:-!??!. II?- Aimw natlher of liio mea and ' eve. ".?it ball f??r them. After re? ??-?? .ii.ii Buarka, ti? rl. nt the ('?nirf of til neral f* -.-nu-., v?,i?t ree llleO, He teal li?! tliat ii ?A ?u nut ininti to renew ball ?after tndletmeti -the m ia twod Hood 'in. waa aot a lira anea property until it ans for f,?-..i Ti...i? wes aothiag toarev*Mta aura algutoga bond -ml tl)-n irotiiedi itelj transferring his prop tty. If persooa plea ?Ma gellty, renr eftea they w?tee BtsnMaera ,' .t ia?.-i.'ti:i.?,' ? ?on -el. I.i, a-.w.-??.f .arci-ny \ t, ften.D ?'. are aa i.n.?1 and the prison rs are tried iiiiint li.ti'-i.v. 'i ii?? winn???, i.ui i braid ??i a aa ? ?vhen cooneel aera ai t a-,i??-n lium io IbooIm late the details ??f lh .:?.?. ii. ii night there sb?Mtld he a return BMde of all priaoners sentenced, es timt the Oaarl etlghtaaow thui t lia prlaoai i ?'??? 'iel iii?- pla? <? t?- whieb tlie taaraoM consigned him II? Derer knee thattha Utoirb I A't??r ni v n ?i i be ;??>* er t?? fix ead aeeeM ball, ?sltboagb it tnnl i?? i n ? i. '?ua.iry to do -to, n??t only darna tie- pie ? nt. inn itminir i"iit limlalalratlrna It wes tue ?i icUcefor ?-??111 I ??Hi el - li? I' HI ?'-.?? plitilll?' I ft -un tim court I. ...,% wire not depot! sLeriiT?, and It ?..?? lotibtful wheth r they ?eould be held responsibte tot i prisoner'i nempe. new intraef th? < It? Prison bad eharee of the pcitmuri Ik-'oio loilH tiuelit. Mis Hlienlf aft. ? linent. r.lui? Jiiatl.e ? ii. nie* ,v. ii.liuin? r ti ?un l m i-aejard li? tin- ptore?late ci-?-?! ia the polira Murta? l'fiiii ins exp?rience ha thought ?in.?it rai i-thlrd of tit? ?iiiiiiiiiii?wars MnMaatf fram aoMogtaa'etatlBa^aaM ' i.hi^c?. .si'.ioty e.?? s ??ut nf a haadaed wera tut ilia ni?'?!!.? conduct and lntoxlratioa. lu cm. t f intoxica ti i li-? i. ii 1 i'ii,."*- a Cae of ?fid and re i iii e hail to 1,.?.?;> ti'.?p-.. ?v Hi tlaoni-t t t! ;.t if tin police captains VTeiilil n.? c i-efii! io obtain h'tlHelfiit ev ni? ti?,- t?i convict uader the VBgraaey woaM a?vo very mut-ii umo and ti out.le. Detective Philip l?"illy WM laeaBsd, an?! t.stlfl?^ r?s frardleg Jinn?'?? taderaoa,who r?>l?t>e?i Mr r.ractn?. lia , iid Andci ?.i, i t a uotuilaaeptokpr-xeket lit al > ar? ti I a maa uonnnl iiui?o? ii.-. ?? aaaiMeaM men, in tiio ?-.? ..ii..t titutneas, ra Feb 13,1873. Ifabtsrrta , ivsr?ll IB if'.',*? > I. giving : eheeB to liutriet- \ltomn) Allen. As . .?i heard aajrthlagoClha ?ssm alaaa? Hahhart i ?kmeui la the i / Uamuul Uli.??.li tcstlflatd m lo a cam j , in ngileh he was eotinnel. Ills eltoot. Morris Isaacs, wea I chirged with ?lei.t for property bought from H? hui? Imrg ' A ? ioldStell.. 1 he Wltm ?? his ? neill ?nota Hot lia*? b.i.iKht -nioh proporty, na he waa 4,'*...? nllss trota the olly at iii? time at Um alteged pi reliase. He bud warraat? l??ne?1 tgt tai arre?* of iVJinlelxtrg A Oof-itetn, the litter of ? boa, wa?? nan-hi and rhrir/ed with iierjury. Ho Bevor heard any ?nore si*..ut tin- ta*?'. Morn? Iryiacs Bormboratei His tee?? iiniiy of the last witnesses, an 1 stated that the only i-afi? fiit Uun lie could net at Uio Ulstrict-Alloiniy'a ofilco wss the peteem earn * ?ve. - before his case. The Couii.dtito ai.tiiirnc?! until tomorrow st IOHO a. m The IBIiBlhSIB will meet ut Hie foo' of Twenty-Mixtll ?t., E. K.. where they will tatt? the host tor I'darkwrll's I?.ami. Ih.r? lin-y will continue Um Hiking of lesli ?tully. _____^______^______ THE INCBEA SED DEPARTMENT ES TIMA TES. RKASO?48 OIVE5 nV TUB UltVARTMRNT? Of Pt'BI-IO w o ita a and or rAiiks ron arkino lak?sii K1 MS Knit 1876. Gen. PorUsr, Commissioner of Public Works, says that the _aa_tOaai amount a*kod for bv lilm to nui his Department fur the year 1S7'? Is in-e-ted, and in most insUncos the various sums <s huh rnsko up the total es? timate are absolutely uece~ary to keep the. public WOthB in good oondit'.-m. The increase asked for the niaiitc nanco of boulevards, roads, and ..venues i. on ??a of the in. r.-.iscil uiiTiili? r of miles eonstmet? ?1 euch y. sr to keen pare wil.i ?lit; city's growth. _???: gamo reason ai? S'hfs to street ?prlnkllng. For froti lea?Bg baths 810,000 is asked. to novar the expense of attci-.-I-inta, repairs, an?! stoi-t-tge. The Legislature of Volt autboiiwrd the coi..i'r_cti?.n al four udditlmial fri.: floatinii baths, aid the H- ard of Ks t:m.".;e iu:,l Apf-ttrtte*_men? ivas dlret ft* d to ?ipproprlate a HOI not eieeedirikj f???0,(H?.) for ti.em. The re?;ul,iil<ia was made by 0_a_B____?Iff Vnn N< it, but the Hoard failed toual on i". (..-n. Porter recommend.; that %kO,C IO I mi ?ipprojiri Heit for lae BOW 'nitli?. Tia- saui OtRloOeOO? for reja.?im of pulu!t half?toga Bn taarrBBI of iSlinLOOU o? i-r u?t roar?la aaaiUad be i?. Ita ?um aajimprl ateil 1 mt j.-um\:h iii.kiIn|ii?iU>. Bomo of tho muka"! -ti itth-TlalMlBgBBally aaedrepa?tag. The ??.t?!. i ead concrete paYMfl DtS ned ?-xt-'iiHlvo r-J.air?, -foi them I i.? ("aimmlsalonerliad ?nbmlttedan < rtlrnatcof fl7C,000, an incraaae of AVIbfdOO on-, tba aa_o mt allowed f ?r the present year, r or repairs to stone paveascnts the m -f -rjiii....,""! Is ?i-'.-'l, an Increase of 0110,000. One-tenth of l he ?"??lib'i* ?.?.lout-, ami ni. -tv.'i Ittii of 'In- itone block l?t-, a i .: ht. ii. .i i -i ?-! t>t :-_'i ,:*..". ??,...? ic y..r i ? ?? ni r. , Ir? lo b? l'-l.i'lii' :;:i i--.ii:I 0 of 60 ceuts per i nar- yan!, l-a.r rl.i- r.-i..kir:n/ and rciiewal of pipes.Slim- ?ck?,-0., ?l Ui.o?Olsappll a toe, sa mi reas? ol POOJUOO. Duruirjihe . in ?nir; year It will be n-???-??arv lo renew ni any of the 12-liica ond i'-in? ii pipea along the wa ? irfront, betau se Hie- li.Hi. lieeii.ii* .??ni ll?-h .-? Ho".I the 84 litwatei which p?n?tr?t ?theground Verj mat ? of t:?e .i -i- - ?kain vartot i puru of tin?. iy will also hare lo be isiiek\t*l. lui' eloaimiK iii'.'l r. ? ?..:: in ? ??> ? ers th.- ?um of 81t_?,C*0? la ask :, an ii .f -f.' The lan w'-i'Mi authorised tholssne of stuck to i'.r iiinoaiiit of gl?O.OOU iinuually foi to-? repel? of sewers basis a :., .; d,sud all sewer n lairs iun.?l hen aftei h ? mu?a? from the ..nina,.n i in -i. Puruqii. diii t a a |i.-n < aii'l ma'ii'eii nu i- ti? Bimi ot .;-1 7.".,i)'fil . i.. mm of .-'?_".i.i;-r waa s . .rlated ?r : 173. rii? un re*?.,-?, i.* .'? I. -.?1*1 te-,, foi? r, to tan rorandre ,,.-.,,? over IO miles of ??pi.?n1.1. ti. Croton lake, :. h olr.i, '-.::. reservoirs, high ii.-.- reservoir ai 1 tower, and ?.it tba strnc turea and Bxtures coui.ec_i l > iib the lil i- el,.* pi UN? ?.'?nli? lil** Um of Hi,- :i.| ?, wera ara to boc irried l*eneatb If, and In others Hu m hsukmnot m ? O?to Im r* piaei d, tor repa? lux tbostr. nts, ,r.i inn -, iiii.t i iiiei.- pi ?ti 1:11 ..*? . ity for Uie year I -To, i'.. ii .i* ndlturu Is lluilliul by ?n r of the I...--.?: ?? ti >-,.t<..*MMi |ier riimttiii. ?iti.t ?? n.?ii ?ni.[net i*. mi? a-pproi I of tile ('?uiiiiii ?i (?? nuil, n:.i.h in-el. proud?' li> unit? nance for thi repavi ion! o' ?? street before sni a r! eau be done or. iit-endlto e Ineutred. ?Jen. PorU?r eoa iii. ?i-.i iii?, whole -ii i.? las . ainountiug ? . .... a*. ,:-. to ? ?ovido for the ropaveai al if lud "iv. ? ?lar ni, the a- mi ney? sr. ? lout Mt i.'.in* of tba Park " port? ut ? ?'?1 t<? a TaiuusH report r, m rotuirti to the reasous for askl .? .. i i?- .-?: s;i : i of mone) fia-:*! i'.'- ' "'j' f. r i ??;?* than waa al ?aa, . al foi I-.' ?, t?It "..,' a lill .lill t.4 I It a a?...Hell fd! Hil t? ii .me ni pnl i ? , ark ? au 11 ? 11 > '. un I tor -.1! ii li ?..ilif iii lilli, traain in ?t tat the '?lv-tciil .nar, inn t'a* :? ?ouolexj i: ? must tx la?, li .mo .ia coi'Iit. Tiio Il.ii-l.-m Kin i- Lri-1*.ces need tuauy repair?, aT,*t the een ti.ii one baa bo u patched up year after yeju? until li has i?? en.m- ii. c" ?a., to put lu a new dri rand rebuUil t ra ..f rtn ...iiii-i. ai iii. Ti.:r?i-are. '.. U" the draw waa formerl> ?>i-?-.:. ubi the !>???-??ure ol Uie C ,?t-?ii wat. r, bul a ... .-. foi'.nil that tuebyuraul o power wuiuutU-clent and ...?t-?t.i C.1..-II1-. h.inl.tin putm. lie ?"*:- ,.-? lllvcr i'li-li.*-? ure ..'??? .. .ii'., in o* dot repairs, wi-U'h will cu?t *p.*j hall of which mus? be paid bj the ( ity of New-York. For i.,;:-at- In the a.n?? s7,o?0 h.i, b- ?n applied for, as till*! year mush.?eenhl only be slven m ( ntrul Pork, i'.iiikoui the imaller psnu, where rori mai ut Hie | . -? .- nh l ". the . Inbratlori... tin fourth of J ulk h. ii ?ai ^?.'X:') ?va. given, but *-l- .t ? ?> i- ,. ,.,it , ii, liec.ll??> it i.? tile. C'tal UllUl Minn a _.*.i'e? ii--iii.; will be cup ted. For the malu ten..'..-e and care ol public roods, ti.---'- snd bride - la --. ii_-i?? Hie l)i-;iariii!i-nt, m-.iile? th. e over the Uai I.-a. i p amount idvcu tlai- year waa lound to b. nui h t ,.* -i,, ill, -.m' I be L'otun ' !; ou -'7",*a ?, . stood of gtio.OUO. Km a uiiiiii?'r or ye ? I the di - . -.mi. r. -'.i'*?., i i put -i i.-, ?ii ::*t . tea .lill I .-.-'.. i. ?; '.*'iT ni? lum ii' ei be? n given, and tbu n l|k__ll ... II I.' al. ii !*,. 1 -.ti. THF. HOOK. FAl?. It is now iliitil. ?I, ?hut lunch uoeorlaintj i-i av?rai] tp n?uucntsoftteproiKiaedk-ate,thitthe Buppletneutary Book Fair will open it c':*it,a:i Uatloa rbursday, Oct, !1, .?'.!. intimu through the following \k... ?*? day. ah the i-iii-: Rev York bonaes will be ri'j-:e?.:i'eal. Thi ;- ? *..l *?1 of .1 ..-. 1'.. Oagoi i ... :...?i ?? iliii? Ir<mi the fr-dr. but mos1 of th ?'?? -..:.????!? .I i.? take ? irr. TheUppln eil ?i, m ** contempl?t? ia! ? ? ?l ?al . but has not jet ti .. .1 ti..- m.' ? ?:?,.'? I. Iphla tra '*?? I- .?I* :-i> . i . ? ? to comti ? ? , *? - \ -York tod?? any o ii? ni Travelers report that tin \. i rode is eacei Fair, und will be pi boritlnfulL rh M vi." will occupy the .:- rs. 1 ?.*!' r? i.-iiia- salesroom and that above, since toe sta bts will not I , ? M . . fair to i .1 terms 're those -if ihe .: uu*modification?a? te Um Uni? r--i thi deiiverj of goods aiid thi motbodol lu msut of accounts. DUAL! i DI i URGED CHECKS \!"i"!>Ti.f) On Auk- -?? t'-'-o ilick'J?"', tot >2iM and .t'-yir? i????,?? ctivciy, i? re presented at. the M ohanlcs* and T.i.le'.?' Bank of li.-'ol;i>ii by Uartln Qniimaul...*.* ("iii.tleitl, tM'o ol the Diatrl t Tel _i iph boya, (or pay? ment, and the cash m .i ? banded to tin ?n. _Ktbse<]u<*ntiy Ita ? i?.--i ...'ned that ti." ehi ka hadb snforged,ead oa nu.?.?mr in<|.ury ol Hie boys,It waa bwraod 'nat the mi ney wai paid over to the ama who b id engaged thi boya .n nita ii i.-iiaia. i,,; mi.?.? piaoea where ha ?*?? entlrelj unknown. Th? boys were taken to Pallo ii. ...i qnartera, when they gava a description of the man, and .'-.? lives Tleman and Real] were detailed to work ep the ease. K4_rlj yeaterdsj mornin, the boys railed at Poll i IIen_li]i irtera md stated tba lb man :.'! '*'. v-??. them tin* el.kawesln a dlnincr-saloou nil tin !.. ... ??? ,v-.k.-i? Mfliiv.-n o? the S-, ... ,| |... i ,a I'a.'ia-. - ent with tin boys and arrest? ::!.. mau, who, on ?> -. iki ti io Police U ??: IqUOl ?? -, ,;?> H in- ? of *. *'.. \,.',. hot, u-e ?_':! years, Oerman, s aman, r siding at No. 100 Becand-ave, Ho w.i?, however, niavg. 'a '"I 1.1 \. i.ll a "'a , 1? IL: la r 11! II. r hall., a, lilli \,a? taken to court ri itecday ifteraeon and m__aada? A CiiP.I. IATALI.V BDRVSO IN REWARK. If-M Bolt?0 15.Uko. Bfre IS yciim, a s ?vaiit euipl? yetl by .liai/; -'a. raOB oi Ra 17J i'lane st., Nowark. Waa ii-.irncd iu a ahaaktag manner y.-xt.rday. unit arena? My tai.not rrottr. She wai washing clothes in the ?I* >i i,?!.l, v.l.eii her c1.*! hinit took ilrc from a cl.ureoal turnare. BkawaaImmad-Btely aarelopad la---a_maad rash? -I apatalnto ?ii r,. rsoa*a .. ma. i h - inter, with her child, m bet arma, m attempting to get ?mt of the way of the burning girl, f.-n down the stairway and M-vei-'-ly In'iiri'.l h?r?e?f mu? i'iii |. Sev.??-?1 nMirnbors rini. ran in ami the ural brtag in th. ball In an an ..i,i.i Mu.i toinlition. lim* ilottilin,' SltBOOt * nilli Iy con -liiii* -I The it ira ? v.-..-. rtlnsnils ied when it wa? roui?.l that sha was lireraily bamod (?? a cri?|?. DIBM Hil. OF THI HOLOKKN AMIIJtTIOR CAJ_ gi'llie examination jobUpiiIij beforg .Justice White mi the case ef K11? n Hum?int. eh ince I -.rifh ?y i*,, t ing Kilt ti Baj Ob, revealed the f.iet tt.-i' rl.- f ith-r, l?.n: ?? lliye?. h:ul c.iniiiutcd i?er1ury. Blr. Ilarr-s wn? irnllty of hai.itii.tlly ill-usliiK hi? ilauxhter, who was -faaaaaatly tatui l ti ?a.."--? li inn-to esca-oe her tekabe**? Ama] en fury. The prisoner had f.-i-etn ntly alraa thi Kill shelter, and fln illy offeretl her a l?, nu and tnu-jht h. r _s_aa__kR"#. Mr. Hayes demiin.l.-i) that Hilen ?lioiil.l rotnin home, and the ptiiun. r udii?.*il the .luid to go to Re w-York ami a a-?t ahtAtt r al 11?> House of the (.oit Shepherd, when ihe bow i*. Jadee Wh rt 11 mlMteii the ease, ami ocaBB?I tho arrent of the father for perjury ?*? -_ AUDITING KBH A(."('OU.iIf!. F.x-Jiiilge Jimios C. Sptuctr, tlio n-f.reo a|.|Miint.?1 to audll the accounts of Kceeivor Ji won o? Hie Brie Hillway, ?t?U'! that hi? report is not y.-t , Puagi o. The mt?. of laatl-Baaj Ohlah he han Uki n, and Hie vast amount of detail necessary In the urtaaaj ment of the tea ti-n.iiy ?ind the mmamgmgag of tho rei.ort. he *ai ?. h_re caiiujieiled tho delay. The order of the Court n laima that he hhall examine all the voucher, pertslnlup lo the account?., an.I this would re julie tin i labor ol u month. ile,.,?? mu., i.-.i ,t .h ?ti,i to in- mleeead trae? ibis poiuon of his duties, h ti inn proved the Bi-wonata In other respects, Bt_! as yet be bos recel>eil no reuly from the Court. _ A HHCHFT OF FINR T.INKV. /V'fi.l nie A'Ltnta 11 milli,/a if?. " Jak?, wliar you -?it ?i?*b lint-) *l) ?hint a? aal jeu had on at de aajatin' la?' ukin I" aaked Let' .-?a? Jik. ?t. m Un p ,at.,mi* ii?i.r, trying to mck a ImmU leam pin Ino? tin- back of lu? paper collar and such r tn:it ii tiela m p ?it. .n "Yen doesn't 'p-'iii lo 'pi'?**tlii?to my ciien's!.ince?. Petar "I no's da! you sln't v?ionied niifTtnnnei tobajda on ?lal s?lrt eenie 1 uo ?1 ye?1 "piijehiat-o- ___.? ! * i j, lui -i Fate. '?Yoi'? off ?le triK-k. Veto, ?ni iJar vou'll ?atnv" tell yon : ..i tiler _iin ter b? u \ia-nt luoiu-u : lu. Ui ... Ja it I " P.ti ?ignirled that heM heard enotixb. TTTE COURTS. A BROADWAY WIDENING ABFBBi HEBT. DECISION Or Til? COI Bl Ol Al". IA! H IN TIL? Abi 01 S? li. Tho ?lecinon of tin ( .?mt. of k\t\bAAm- ycrter (lay m UM c '?i? i.! A. i? i ,?*.?n-t Hie M.?>?>' la peet .??. ly the cute of John J icon Ast rag? Inst the Mayor, brought In the I ipeilor C'dUit. In lim) huit Mr. Agtm nong. I te net ae,?l?- an i,n propirtyof hU anioun?ngto f'lT.lJT.l.anil iiiapo?cd on a? count of tho I'mud ?.-?y f?ttOrp In?. Hc.veral ?T,>i!in!i? -.?re alleged, the main ?.?:<? (???> ah'.e it Ahy Ard go F?t ? dmiui, before tvboiii the itinc waa trltid st Special Term, be! 113 that Mr. ?BaaMMMI, one of tlio li,re.? < ??niiiii--. .1 i rt of A..inl ninl AaSSSSMSaij had, before the nu?- tig ot the report, ratStaattaUr withdrawn Maiaalf from tim Oaasariaatoa, ?o ti?*! the tinai roaori a u* thal el ?Mrs Matead <?f tim a ( ra tala alonen, n I? Jnd -?? PVcadmaii ! i Id te he fatal t<? the re? pairt, und fui-.lier h? Id Hutt UM rief of lffl_ ??ti?! I ni | !<? hi?.it iii.? hriaidag of >? salt te iV < lara a inn ou real ant a ta void,.:? ?I Un i t of 1-71, inn.:.f.? lug and esieodii ..-> net ??i' l -7.', ?i'?i no1 apply, betawi ?aeaed efter ria?- ? n * \-.i? ??oimiieiic ?I. in Hie CUy'a iipja? .?i to ti?' .-.?i-eiinr < ann i, ?; -i.?ni Term, tti it ?f ?.??it .ici?.-? Cnrtla gjvfni I b4 iiplulou?rnlying ou the cane of l^'iinon egt? the Msyor, heM thsl tia r?< t of 1879 ?ii?i in- enea an ?sethm m thia ?: ! rever ? ! Judge Vim duiao' i ?1? ? ?talon. I*ro j d> ? iitiim ile? ni liiiit*,.-. appealed to theponrtoi tppenla? hihI It Is inn!, .??;,, m1 liiat it ia ibi.. ?lea ;*ion vrbi?u if ni ?a,?>.i't boa .t:i.ii.e?i!. a roNTiflT F?m Tiir FOflgnmOH op cvn.Tiv.rx. A coquis to recover the lour ciiildron of a Mr. 0!iv r finio tlKir tt. i?i.i..H?er, Ann OUVM, w;ia befen Judge Doaohm In Sapram ? Oearl, ChaaUtora, ye* tardar. The father ?lied Hej.t. 1-J. Is7\ Ilia ?Mater promptly Mok?soltotten of naradlaaaMp? aa?raSaft 2'A go/tot ? writ a.I liali.-M ??>?i,?'i ? ??n .Mr?. Ott* r. Ii Wa4 Htatc'l Id court :tn?l not ?i.-iii? ?1, Mai af-er Hie SStTMeef the Witt Rta? (.! v. -.n-i'ir? le I ?? ? I?? Iran -re'aiuiiiK Ice y ullin.'. .-.1 -lo tim Irtabr A Wtnt flfphra An? lum, ?.mi ?hroogki itntj the y naagasl to oom t ia?..i ?MM to UM wiit. Jui!,'o D.iiiohii, oiileieil aMra. O mr to taiiiu:;:! nto .".ne.', i?? fore in would hear har aaswri M til - -tri'. Y?--?.'. d.-iy nil "?'. i ?? ?ti-i '.:'. ..? ! other !1!?hI her terara, aUeglng that :??t huslmaa m ins hi.,t m?t:ii. n's b,.d ??a.'..,i iti.-l the rbtklraa i?< ?her, chnrehig her to bring them up In the Proteetrat faith, sud if ii??"o.--ary t?? send Ihi m to a Proteetoal ImUtatioa. 'i ,.<? rsl itur lu Uni ? i -.; .- the n '"rn bj ? t;...- .?!? Oliver waa married tai the mother of tho cMUlrrn In aCol c'l.iii li, i?,i : li:,d Hie ?-lnldr. ti baptised lo BCOOrdaflCS wit U ? atholl? rilas, ..i.ii iii,:' the attempt .?? ruine ila? r> Lgieus queel n i.i a i,:? re pir?tense. -!,? adtla t!.-. the ?t? i> motber I??? j. ?.r ?aud nuable, if v? tiling, M u-??.iiii<- ii??- nur ii. n of -Ddticitting lite child? n. J?din? i' .- ? i.:.-ii, in th.- Gara of the letters ol Unc?ala .;?, l?. ' Hie goto M UM IBSlllB. hill Sd? journ? ?l the mall r io Betunla? t??iri? e Hi? roapotiileut ,?u opportunity to ipplj i??'..' durrugnt? torevoacor ui?-?i (y i;?-.,., ??-.?.n?. ti'?ehildraa mcaawhfle m tin; posara ?:?>.i of tho stepmother. A M(.nil-:i:*.s TBHDfOaVl AOA0R A BDBOLA1, Charlee ii. Maridan wnt ?Wia4 j-natenlajr ia Um 1 ourt of Ocneral heeateas, befen Reeenier Hrak^lt, fur li:ti-<:i. iry in the Hi It ?I? feet, t-'ii.vlclaj ou nia BMth i r'? t. ? 'tiiiii :.v, snd - Bteneed t?) twenty jette la a- ? > priai. ::. The jroifflg mon, It waa ?Mated, had bera ?alateM from infamy a cr'tninal, baal MI'Vedl na lit UM gent? tratlary m ?l Btate priera, taaogb yet emly 90 yt ?, .nd wa? a terror to his pircnta. On the nihill of Ans', 'ii* ho Moan into hi* par. nt?' shara !i"r anil a;..Li a ?xiiitaiuinir ty*. Mia iimther ?vakiin.'and ri comr/mg bim, he threatened M ?li -U :.i ??i? e. uelse, nutt ???(..? ?i In giving h.-r t, itlinony, bis mother much sgrtated sad almo t fatuted. The prisoner ?tooled the whole niorv, sn?i :?t?l bl l.r tl.i., liill'IIU u/illl) )).I. ? ut iii,- riVt I <-. ! '. R ,-,,i'ii.. II., !."it, In i .?>-1??.- ? ..?? ? ia!d li hs?l n?-v? r before met , itheaebN mm <>f wittful wteke lu??... ?and depravity i a:id owed I to nooioty to j mm w ?ho ?.rinoui-r ?i?) full ?acaUmoe?30yean In S;aiu ?'i.-.on. ?k?0CtT8RD ?CC8TOIC-B008K OFITCERS DOCITABfSRDb (in Aagust i'.. Cn-ittiiii-li.iii-"- li'S|)?'i-t.ii.s I.i-tii uei t' godlai and Bamael W. Swagas wera amalad ra i charge <?f n '?iv lag hi lina tor paaah a tret ?t duty d?t?i able arti.-i belongiagtapaaeragarawhearrived ?>n tin? .?'??linier aQneeo. Swayss sad N?i<!in? weraraecatlj ?? ;i;,nned beton OenaaMaaaM ? abara, aad Um MstMieay ?ljiii'.d waa ?>i:?i.. !.?-<i m Tut'; lunn m-;. Taa?Oaauaa> ah nar ressrr? ti i?i-, ?it ?Mea until yeatordai ebra le- a:in ? ii.n-a? ii Hie aceuaed, on the grouts! thal m?: HeTeraawal t.?*U laii? d Ui mase oat a ? ?- ? ?,.iin^i tbtun. TRIM I :? Al. >:??Tl:-?. Cborl? i Oowing an.I (leorge Gonwc, ehorgad with li.iviM* ?? , ira iii tli? ir peaaeaatuti, w?wbhald a i du?i !.!> m :?? u util eacli by Coonil.?tuuner t?l?l ;a. In tho ronrt ol General Sessiona yesterday, ??e' Hu or.) rlloelt?-:' li ' -..:"?-. f rl rt?Ui | .-,,,?. waa h..i't';..?. .1 i. >t.i:.'i,i-?,i. ;?>.- 2 ? -? ;'rn'i? ik ( ?.I ?!.?, fi?r d - .-.?''i.'nil'??:' I i tai ta??..-aaari?iii.i. runa anil (Jeorae llotbnau, foi ?rr.iiiil ? .. ? - -ai ..::.. 1 . / ::.?? ?Il-.w. fbra vtillaroL'?t?ae, waaaeut tan ?. ipirtwa ?eau .. ?:.?i,.. I lim., .'?.r.? .-iTi'":!i-i-?'-, waa ?estie State r 1 tori . . ra fohn Daly,! 1 in -ttii-II aodhatterj^ wu.? ?out 10 tin 1'? ,ii!?nu.afy fer a year. THK COUBt OF APFBAIA AlAAKTi Na V., Sept 2s.?Ia ihe Couitof Appi?la , 1875 s -" M.?ti. : ? io. ' iii.iii ?urt. Broten. ?Mi-tlnti ti? i.lta? ejn-t.a r?a ? il-ii'..;.': '? ??- I'r.i?-'.. -i'ii. ? ft? ii uie it . 1 Alberta ii>H ,,;?? .. ? ; M . .?? ? Ir ti pal TI h,;.?1 ,n-ti ?.-'. 11 ? itayor ?Mottos lo iliimiinajpc;?!, o1iv,>b W. V. V . . til!?.?: -t. Marsha!!_Mottee tnr^:ii??t:iieai?[. .-ii ; l ?v., r 1). V ly I?.? nu?! ??... - i "i .i J. ii-ii : r'n "j.- ?. m II i "*? ?'? - ?? ? ' ' I? ; x '. ??? Of H?iiiltl:l" to d'lili?ftp. peal; v. ?'. ? ..; ii foi ?.ion, AUrau thora oppuecdi tra Court 1 '!. "'? ? i ? : '? ...?? pom '.?!?. ? ' the matter ol ii.. ?> '? ,.i .??? '?: :..-: ? *.'" ?_.. tarni -??? li ?-? ? i i .. rp ?vi? ra*? talo "ft. -The TV?V? '. ?*??- . r ?..on.tenw. igy T?nm.'* roiranfl : Maota . i?>i.?i". ii. neu? ral (al nee t iToIdei ai A I s appellania, ?i;t. Jobs W. Banaba i ?aii.l ni., t-.,'.??;. L,i??iai?a.? li,'1 ..... , ??! ? ...-? I l.. J, . ? ??. ii !? win! II. Tf'?M?-if?r irapondmta. ..u : .1. -1 !.?? r>..i'la-1 ? i. ?'. i.? rowai.f ii?.v.! aad ?Ma?, sa?? -' 'llanta ?-.'.:. , , |< liai John li. Ker ianf< ? i- ????a Utwta. , i.? ? papera bj . ? ^ r:i iel! ?, -ti; v?i i'.. Na lia.?Tb? Niagara F ? ? i Bri'igi trumjtoy ?igt. Ililli'. Ita'- ii:.. '1. .l.lni.l:. ?ii..-? i-, ?,e. . No. 114.? William ima-?, it'tninUirator, ,i?-.. ti-ap-n?' % a ? Amil ' ? ??..*. Upan motion of < naries 8. ?Baker, for nspondeata, JialgiaeM ?? :i:i.? t li)' al.-.anjl'. ??io ! 1*. ''?I n '? an Va?a'iten.??i*Tee?i?.,r, ?r , appel Un n>. ? r*. Klig KMtar, raapoBileniv?Ar? i i?y B. Rando! com...., .?* -, l liant?, ana by J. K lit ? ri aroadenk I?-?''n'.c. I .' . loc, ate - ? ? ? i ni, ipt. J'ilin flatlicnon at al. aptiillania inpiedb? Mali li i i jcii i ?>r c???iii?vi f?a: ?, : ! lim t?, and by luchara U'Oonaan fur rwj ;? ?:it. ITo? ).?nia:i'?U 'ua??l?? AU I nai?|t BBJOMraSa la? V\ ?>ain?'Mliiy, ->ept. " ?ectal?ei lan.lo?i ilnt-n i Motion granted with coi,?.?Alvo^d .?. ?:..??'!. ??..:, -i i t'd ??? bent coats r.o-i'-ir:t. Warr n. .N: f.. ;i denied v?itiio,it ?goat?, aa bo praSaedlaga via b? liad until auit ia rerti ' Vroomau egk f -i iert Mu . i ? ? i.:-'i Boil u;y al reins;-.ted on payment of il?e .-,,-,? ; ia *?-...':. iraad ^ i u ? .va opposant i i.te mulloo. " i'v mi An inwa. j itdg nent :t. ?i uie? vntOi coala.-rrown agt. Punt ; Aiu?r ?gi? I'lu? 11 ivor. Jt'.ilm.inni r?-verar?l SBd new bt?-ii??i1, .-.??itii to n ,-?. uti.- ?tur-.---.?agt. The Mayor, lite i.ativ?\y Paaaaagi i ate? nciation ?ti. Baraer, He (?? lowing i? ihr ?Jay calendar of the Pontt ot g?nala for ??lay, pu29,1870: Koa. UM, l18,2?>J, 133, iii, IIB, 131, Ulai. ? ?*> du minw omi 2*. S'tprrme Court?Cktgthert -By .Indge D?,un!,ne.? TI, ore Vont agt. Klii-abeth Voat: Meyer Rothachlkl :kL 1 , Ai'ii'-T ?1 elia<? .'?Vi.!? nu ?V l.yncli : feli-a. tin?- A. LanRiand ?sat. William i.:?iiw rail, it??:? na?? r?; ?rta anti ?ni ra granted cimSnaiBg noorla Bad t . < Ideet ? al divorce to the vlaiBtl?. ?ilc?iin.tli .??,t. BUebnocb. ?i-aotca ill?, 1 ? e to 'h ?1 I tied. < omihoii C1 roi?Special Tain -Dv Jiilif? L?i?>w.? Adiii?i,.e Tri: bl? ?rt V -iii'nTriinlile.- Juilgueut ?if iiui'vl diver?? gii?ut?'<l to the pleintltt CAM-NDAIU-rms DAT. BI'I'IUUIK l'?)Ua. CMOMBBaB?IMMOIIL'K, J I? I.I,.' ?Ulla?.!) CO Agt ?.? .?;.*). Tl..Bow? iy .Nat. Bsah a?t. Drike. 73. ?it. ,-iii .tjin. TnlasMi eli .Iver?--? 1 nvt. m ?-v. Da. 1?;?'. M.i".r.f >'i.'tn Aveuas P Chiceh liJT. M*tt r ol the ( hunh ??I the ? IV *." 178..11. rases agt s'? - ??? 1....I1 ir? (I., drl.lneait'. Iahiie,.tc. | 203 Palmer .?<rt. M? ,..? ?ii lol .-.I'll.., ?SIC. Mt. 1? Ua.'IJ -i?. ?*.-. im nmtctoe *#. Paurve-?* ."ii ti'.-nii aut_ ?13 Daly sa*. Qllaeg, ae. 'I'll I ? In. B'ie agi i?i|iiii:.i 2oo :iji-.ia? >. Henani. lll.l'intt, aaanrne.'. agt. Van Na ?.??. |?3 ? M ??i- r ??' le.,,?ii, i,;: ..uiui?f linratira 106 I mt? r (?I the l h. Aid ISoe. 1 OKNKltAL Hl^aalosa - li ?( B.KT7, Iii i ?rder.-Mark I yii?iiy. felon luna ?m.nnult an<l t'Ht! rv. Thou .... ru..:, l .:,. la \ li. if?. TUE FAST MAU. INI.AN*t>. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sut: ProbiiMy the n-.-?iil?-;ifs of t! VA maXtti 99? IfaUaii.lBlIlalM Oeiialjr. R T. i?i?i><> ?ate the tm,..... j mail f.ic?ltles to a?? ?jm-utt a ?legre?? aa ti".? ?>!':.'!-..rit't nity la the ?Mala, Wa raMer la aHaalelafee-atM ?mBm from N.-w-Yi?rk, and lota eotnraunlcatlon willi the ouunte arorid i?? m, ma ??f a daily Uno of n u?-?i rniiiilitnf fr??m Klngatea to UteavUle. ?era-Uifora, ??u .??-?uuut ui tgt fallara of the malla I ? eon? el witt the line of etagee. t waa iMpoefthle ii? ?:?t the New-York |)i?ih?i? until the day titter'.ii.iti. Tli? r??i niiil iiiii-i.-. t nuil?? to Mr. Jewell, hare completely changed ti??? ittuotioa, mall matter now tun lue lhrou?h ?lln-itt, 1n?te tal ?f !)1ng over neaily ?il.iy tit lUtumtoa. Tli?? poo-^l? of lue Malley iv^l. lae that a ?graatatn3ahas ?Mea muja iu the wa) of iu? liTOveinont. ?*? ?#? a Accord, I ew- IVA;, 8?i?t. 2-t, 1S73. ?- ? -? riiACTKJAL Pu*\m*n*wTBRt ? Ah, iTell, Mra. Jfiikiot, tbeui aaIlvea loageetmm praej ? but .xa I often a.iv? io mv t.lil it..1:1, Baya I i? kind wo?rd'a an euev ohliK?* itu-i, ?mt ??.? '.;<><>?l ii-eai finUu-i U.aii a bobualiud b??ot? et a ?usrt i'?!, ?..ya i.-llouak-n F au,