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V01 XXXV.W- 10,7,)1. NEW-YORK. w.SI. ?T_5?Wf THURSDAY? SEPTEMBER 30, I87?.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. BAY STATE CAMPAIGN. THF. lEPt'Bl lew*? ENTER THE FIELD. AlaKXAM?! H li. KICK FOK GOVKBBOlt AN FVIHl -lA-lll ?.?M i:\tt.I\ Al \v?ilik I ?Il it - MR. Ahm?'? BBIBBBB BCBBBUI TUB nulli C1?B8, Biri SUB DBTBATl 1>- AN DfTBXBBIaT ItK ri BUCAN li. BBI AM? l-l kinii'4. The RtTpublieaas ni Masaaehasx tt.? behl theil a-osa? iiintinir ?"im litiuri ?it V. ?n? i-i< i it i.-i.,,ii. ?iee? I'nM.i. it \i i ?.i r?i-?'s!?i,ii. mu?,- ? lung saldwaa. II?* s-|?.aii?-1. f tin i. ?i*!* i ..t tin* party and it? th t"i? ra, isa tallai "f ulm h ii. the wai be koo woakl be reh i.rnt? .1 100 yaala a-Baca? aa thoaa al the Revol? ti*'.. Ml?" lu li.C .-rlfhl-tti I nu". Mr i oilltf?.-led the ('? nu i.lim! thal ... t'-it.iW nut proapei as its n-? Ii.-w i ii ;. hat run?! ! i'?"t I ':.'? li ijuili'liit-iits uf tin* ?'go. in ii.?ft at lo the laaaca el the total*. Ob motion <*l i.? re?? F, Boor, a eha_ga waa atada in the _aoda <?f ai?|Miiniii!!_ Mutt- Conimitteea by "providing for Um oo-B?BJ ?.i eleven aieiabera al large bj IbeChaii? ii.,u: if the Con vent ion. <>n balloting f>.i ?oi ernor, nifi.i in.i'ili. Chartes Francia Adama i*_-ceivi*d 236 pwkea, t?. 35- foi Dr. Li ring, and 909 for Alexander II. Ki? i. Mr. Adam, gain ?! ?>n tin* fini formai l?..l lut, hut Mr. Rice iv .ia? nominated no the third. The foUowing tu kel was pal into th? Held : Far itortraoi .lexaadei li. Riee ?if Boston. I m l ii ntl it'tnt- or mm Horatio G, Knight. Cor >-m '<('??,? of ^Utli ?lltnity I!, Pforcl i?! Easl A' ni. Tor Ireiiuuei - Charleo Eli !.. uti of Canton. h or a m? ?o -Julius [-.Clark. I o- ?tterueg-Gei .a/?Charles li. Train. The platform was reported by a Committee ?>i whkh Mr. Cut'- wa Chairman, li? prouiineui deelarattoni wen in favor of civil aervicc reform, aatioua] reconciliation, an .?.ti., ret urn te specie ji.ii. niiis. mil term foi Ihe Preai4leiit, and fre? edu ?.itinii. with "' Ht-goi i tin.h :.t m al! tl:t "Maits, li farther de.Lim, ir t, in imprudent t.? In?I the . vi.iki.f reform ami rtseoneiliation lo a party whose hear! *? nut an i in work. How THEY TALKED AM? ACTED. A CBSIP PABADB <?i POWBB B1 rill' LOMN'O Ml\~ TUB UTI Al -1 ni ?1. tVl I? tis MB. O li SON?BOB MB, BOAB BTOBKD 'li) tiim.i-1 in .\ ?.) lill' HI MA.II ? -A -l-.l'li k11 MAI: AM.'. 1 iii I., V rosma na ...ii.? i, mn raoa ? irarr oosBEsroxnaai ov ive na.] Woo? BOTTB, M..?.?., ?*?? j..'. 29. -TI.i- populai move? in. nt to make Charlea Francia Adama the Rrpuhli ??Aii ii.niiiii.r ti.t llQvemor of llasaachusotts baa failed ; bal the able .un! i?i i<i>?-iiil.iit delogati ?. a lu? ??uah .ii iirrd tu i ,u i mit til? wishes of iii. ?i n;-ii i.i it-si?.', t. l.:.?i the satisfaction oi knowing that Hu v lui?* ?i Ballan! fight. It waa a fight so gallanl and ?*? formidable, indeed, thai no one rli<iiht-, a itii ?i single ?in!? more for the caorass of all the claims oi theil candidat? before the meetiug ??I ?he Cum. nu m. ti.?.! m.nid have had a wonder ililli i,i-> victory i-; spit? of the politicians. 'Ci.* boom ui Mt- Adama was bronghl "before tbeCon? voatioa iiitiiuiit bia rousent, and, ?s many na jx-it. against ii.- m'!, ."? ?if tba baal Bien anti ...nt ?.I iht ?l-l. ?i journal? in Um part/, ???cognizing the oeee tity of au extra atdinary effbrl to bring oat ti.t* stta-n*,iii of the party in tin*? state if the Dem?crata ara not ti? mi- ? t- .1 ,tt'.?".i?. eau tlint Charlee Fra_te_ Adama i th( only niau who combinen all Ihed ir-d elementa i.f ?m able ami i. rapecded i ans-idate, worthy t" till the ??line uf ?.nu i.,.a:. :ii;l> in bj inpathy nilli the spirit t*f it*-i*ii. i!iii'.m now pervading the ii.untrv. and v?it) ?ii 1thorough Republican. Had all the intl'i?n nu ii. who admit this ia ?"ii al?. i lid ->. in public, Mr. Adams would non l*e .it the head >.f the Rejrab? Haao ti? k?*t. \'ii --i'r? si.h-nt Wilaon, tur inatance, ami Mr. I >a????-. and Mr. Geo. F. Hoar, all o? whom ave'li.ltt-'-il with ? antioaslj espiteaudItopeaof Mr. Adama's aominatiou, .ui.ld, cither uf them, have secured nomination by a lew words spoken in the light placo, Aa it waa, Mi. Ai!.uns mon nhampionrd bj no nun of greal nameur inltuiii*f in thf ( linnntiuii, and the heavy vote In t* t-* in?! raine without anyhoili's aeoking. Lead BaoBthed demagognea pnted aboni bonorin*; a leos gode with the nominathm, and arged with all the? might tin- jKi'.ii riiii argnment thal the ooanina t ??Ti ? f Mr. Adam? would Ik- an admission thal Ihr athel Liberal Republicans had Inen in tho, ?m 11 ?' -tepobli? ii:-, aa they c?.ll themaelves, in tin ?arong all this time. Thara were few to anawa ?mil BTgaBM ins. Many, thtr.-fuii', who denied t!t?"ir lette, hut ?ltd not fcol strong enough to eombat th. m, eithei luttai tot Mr. Adams a- quiet]) as i-.i-.i lili- ni p.ii.ti-al tit, h -rou? ?in. ma li ith til?- Jiii-a t!t:it Mi. h'itte wee a ii ?ulai Repobli? an, and a good man, and voted with the crowd for bim. BoAlexand t II. Ka?" of Beaton i? the nominee. A M Itl MM: Tt) TBS I*OI lill IANS. When the Coot? ntion caine tog? thor this morning iii? re na? a? mu? li uncertainly aa to its action as lhere waa on the ni^ht before, ProfemUma] poli? tician?, who aaw that thev i?cre to a great ?logree si.urn eltbairatrength ?..? tin- omaston at least, de? ?.ai?-ai that tiny iK-ii-r saw anything like it. After all tin* h.ntl talking, the cancnaing, and the eoant h_af neera aver and over again withhoaatfnl pre ?li< tiuris uf ila? result, whea the Convention met uni??.!! bad any Mea whowoold balbeen ei ifnl ? .iiili.l.ite f??r nomination. Tiny managed theae Ihinga lutter when Both I na?? in th? ring 'to quote aolaaei dolegalrs tlrgaal eatpreseioii', "for the (?:mr..1 always knew exactly how iuany men he could ? O'iiit on. so that he ? ?mid back oat, or fight ii out, lust as he pleaaoiL'* The I. i m ki party i awyesj an in itation of the Butler tac ii* ?. luit it waa a aaai of dollar atora imitation of a i?i> bad article, and ?lui aot deceive any one with his wits about bim. There waa bluster and brag at tin ii lu ailiiiiai!? r- ull night long, and throu-iioui the nu.mir.:' a great ?boa of enrolling delegates wa? malle Th. leaden tunk prominent positmns, and smiled and winked knowingly al each other, while m n paraded the ho ?!- ?.tail lilltii*: shout the i!n,>i oi tin* meeting hall, m ith placards announcing " Laoring ahead and gaining hy every fresh arrival.') Bal the fraud mu fully exposed when, sa the Infonnal ho*?oi, ii waa f*ound that the jiuliti.-iiii??' <'\mi candidate bad aron fewer mu?. than In- oppoaenta allowed, while Ki*o re..a 'i. .1 ihc in... i favorahh eatimate of bis friends, ?r. 1 (h.ile- linn.? Adams had a ji ill n bil h na- n ni, ii ?? la ?it iv body. A OUMBBB ?'I IBB i'?.\IM.'(.V MACniXSBT. lin ?-?tilii r j'l.i iiiliiii.s ui the Convention were not mai heil by any striking Locident. 'I' ie braaiiieaa, ' nt and dried !.?st iii?;'.!, waa transa. t< d lik< i Im k v-iatk. Moimi?- inn li.aiii foi th. iijijioijitmelit uf ( Miaiiaitt???!? on Oil. mi/.;.'linn. Credentials, -?.. io ?agid loaeaaahsB, ami the eoaomitteea) wen a? 1>: iiiiii?! 1 \ ii|ij?iii 1. -d. hut nit iiithont an ??ii ?*f 0 li? on- <.nihill? i.ii i*?ii. \? Inch gava m) it*, ogniifan to th?* I ;< t that in i> in m uf Mi?- busineaa <?t the tin-t bom hod aireadj asea pabhshad m the aaarnlng ps^en ?Il m? r tin loiitiiik. ']'|k v.iil ii a.? lim.- lift.d far:. inoiiK nt inn. 1. i?, i ?e. ? l a'.? amuaemttiit. bj an ia? gt-iii.uiis delegate, who, aa the -proaentation oi *i ri Mulutioti, s.'iiii that It had 1? OB I? t* In ? II." I 'ullltilit t*?<)!i j'l.itfoiiii tin? iiioiiiiiig, win-r? isa t?a? Commit? lu ?*)_., .ijnioiiited only a leo iuiiiiit?*.?> hi Ion-. nu. IMHIBIIIiiM iiiiii: Bl mu. imjox. Wheo Vice-1'retii?? tit Wilson ?ann- iuin.i.l, mulei tl.?M*(?,it ?if h cuminilt?-?**, tlnic w?m the _MOf_aai B?slOf applaOBB. Eiery wo;d of bl* remarks na.s ?t* arti ?aith iiii?-.'?st, und the idea BOTfaaf t-'ot uhioad that he w.i- gainO tu take the uji]! ?rtunity to gue Ma fellow itYjHihiu ?tu? o aarlana i?-?.tuie, Hua- ??p I'-it- nt thal not a fen breathed ir?-4*r B-MO he tfiok hisixiit. The ici riejui raaapaloa -af l_aaaaaeha_i Hann, but of ? ?jtiine the eulogy of the ???ii ty for til glonons reeoid was more welcome than the ina? ti. al i.-fi i. i.?a ? to the duties of the jin?, uf. Tin- tit?? hu.. tii.n in (??i .s ..f hurd inon?y v- ht? heartily applauded ; tin- ?MUS? m ion .is to tlie mootai of polit i? til (lisnliili ti? ? tiili. i faintly; Hw kindly ref? renee to the Lib ei ii It'i'initili? .it a tvas hetird in Holenin nilciuc. The informal Imllot for QoTSfMf took plncc soon after i?n??ii.-aiii/ntioii STSS ell?*? tod. The remilt WSS r?< ? i\el with H'itinfrt?ti?ni on all Bidon?by the Kice ? patty liet.iiiHc t!i? \ ha?l tin* highest miiul?? r : by I?r. beringt f?u|!]H)rf? rx baeaaee Ottfj said tiny had no ! (1 -ii? Io show tli? tr full ?it ?i ti i_?i h nt Iii st-, nml hy tin- AdsSM linn l.ii-.iisi* th. ir niiiiiin is vii? much Ki. it?! flinn tiny had mppoaed. A h? i -??ml Imllot was ordenad at ones, M1.-. BOAB Mills ti? nu; POI.ITR IAN-*. Wbsn the Inns ?Mid todiow pro-tusa of Individually depoeitinf a thoonand rotea tvas over, Mr. re? nt tt. ?I a motion tt hi? !i he bad tried to get in at an earlier ttoge ol' the proceedings, It was the nanni motion foi tin- appoint!? nt ?.I tin- Mair Central ('??iiinnll? i, tti'li iii?? additional prtniso i Ititi the ( should ?i)i]toi]it s? tem? umbers at large. Thia of coins? m ii ml : iii? Ihe polit it i ins. It waa an aticinpt to override llu- toic? of tlic ?people, tO I'.'l'U the State Central ! Committee, and to make it aelf-pcrpetuatin?g. Tba demagogue* aprang to their feet. They could not nee, as til?! Mr. Honr, ths1 r 11 ? > state Central C-oniniit t?'?' v a.s of litile iinji irtance, simply becsuae it ?lid not?-??iitaiii mciwhsssBsmea rsrried weight. Mr. Well ?uni? of Ipswich, at ai.hnt Bntl-erite f"iir yean ago, and now aa ?strong spnrtiaanol lir. inaiatcd that tin- ni? n wen already named, | sod that the t'liainiiiin lia?1. Iii? list under the doak. Mr. Hoar promptly r. senti"! tbia Impntati ?n on his good faith, ?uni ?xnlaind the cogent restions foi tim.* tfreuglbi ni-...- ii,, Coi nniit ??. Anollier I? ?lions half-houi' t?as taken np in M?t iug,und Mi. H. ii. Blackwell, who ia the ?left noir of ??unti niions, (.-.ii in his tviuiiiin's tnttrnge reaolntion, which promptly conatgned to Ihe unteudcr niereica of the Commit tee. Tbe aeeond formal ballot . showed i.ut neveu more votes for Ur. Adama, while Mr. Bice bad half of the hundred which Dr.Loring hail !t?s?. ami Mr. Pierce*! Inn s-trpporterehsdl?een i? ii.ii'ir, ,11?, almoal a -i <>i?. \t II?? tt ROTS ill! II ITfOBM. Ususlly the Convention dues not reach the plat- j form until the mau i> ?gut, resdj to stand upon it i but this tear a presented helor?- the ii?um- : ??i1 on. li n? no1 at) mu t??" much to assiill that the icailini! ??i Un- i. t lotions aronaed mure enthmriaam 1 lulu any Otbei li-alin?- nf the ( (intention. J lie iii-? one provoked a laugh, and escfa ona | wai ?received willi spplsuae. That shout . Granl provoked th?- loudest enthuaiasm eingnlsfrlj I ?enough. Thnt the platform ehould have proved s<? generall} acceptable, and covered the ground ???<> well, ia a little remarkable, considering th?- way in , which the Committee went intitula. Mr. Dawes is tredited with the authorship o? tin- greater part of . fin reaolutionn, especially the third term rcaolutioo. Attir?t it waanot intended to Bay anything about : Qrant, hut ihe ?rural d? ?legates could not bear i!i?-i?l?-a I of a series of resolut iona without Bometbingiu them ! about the l'rc-nii-iit, ?iinl ho ?t WSS Inserted. The I preamble, find resolution, and thal on political ?dia I ai,iliii(s ai. credited to Mr.Walter Allon of Ihe ?hatoe Doug AdieilUer. Thereetof tbem wereninds ? np pifoemeal from n lui presented by every mamb? i \ ; oi ih? ('oniiiiitt.-e. It cann??! be said that the best mon in the t .?iivni tioii are tbcSOUgfaly satiafied willi lit?- ttoik of the day. Mr. Ri-ce'l li?.ti? ?stj , ahilijy. and gencrsl i qualifications f??r the office of QoveTnor, are not il?iii!?-.?-d, hut theil is a beling Karnetbing j waa expected of this Convention, not only i?; their cuiii-titii nts, lint by Republicana ? ; ali over the United state-, who know the ; j ?strength of tin- Democratic position in Masaacbu* i satto, and who have been ted my Um events ??f the Isstfew days te anticipate that the Convention j would recognize the a?rions sapecte of the situation. ! snd hesitate not to apply tbe necea-sar) heroic rams* ?lit-s. There ia a ?determination, however, te makes fight foi Mr. Rice, and confidence of i ictorj i-? a -?inu-d, if in.! f? It. _ _ THE ORGANIZATION. WUBCGSTEH, ?Mass., Sept. 2!?.?Tin- U?|iiil?li ? ?i ? ? nt ? tiii.m tt.i? called to aiderai 11:90 by Col. W. Vi. t |;iji|i ?f ?he '.?(... Join nul. who reatl tin- call foi Hie ( ??'ai minn, anti said ii had bees thought '.(-I te ?IN penn tut ii a temporary orgaaliatlon. ? Hi limtiiui ef Dr, 11? iw iii t ?if l'.osiot) ,i li alii ill? ???. com |.(i iii ?if ,me flinn each count t. waa appotat A OB I'? una in ni Organisation On ?motion "f ex-lieut.-liiit. .Ti'M-jui Tua l?*-r el Berk? ? lii:?'i Committee, eompoaed ??f one from ?each county, ?t .is :i|.jiui|ili l ian ti,- ?f milli*. Oi m??t?.>u <?f Hi? Ham. n. i. Dawe? ??f l'ut-ii??M a < ra? millee, tonalatlni of three raiubere-at-large au?l one from each Oongreaal?mal dlatrict, wai appointed to pre pare ?m?! report nek reeolnttoni .is It may be ?Seemed proper for the Convention to adopt. Th? appearance of Mi i?.i???^ wai greeted with heart? applaneo, Mr, l'uf.Bin of IllatlastoM? se; itl?-(l Iii? floor ?ni (tiri? ti tin- following u -a.Union : Keoohed, That we, the Republican partj of Maaaaebu* m its. (?n ?nt ? i s ??,. ka im? i lu?a floundering ?naaeaof i dis in ? ..'.?I ?i? .-,??? i ?I. n. v v.llli??u1 air. ?ali ?in;-:?' ? .?u c. ! ? and it is iiiiil? tin?' il.nT -xr come t?. ?nu Kcpnbltciin . i vetiM-s ?and raram? l.i -im- ?-. I lu? ?*auM al onr dlMiule lude, if we iMsr.k for it, ts ?saallj ?n- iverable In tin- mit ? i !?- and bus? ntations i?l a very limit? I untnhci uf panic it i le? .i Ii? i -nilli? ms, tt im Maud aghaat al the >? peet ullin hut hai tnl?i nain of Custon 'l n? iltii itton Is ?i?, letitly awkward, to be rare, bul In the nature of (binga is* ?.ni-, it ne m elect, ol ephemeral duration. \'a-,.ti a m.i.j 'i.ty <?f .;i toual 70,000 nrong ii? a li.isis foi < ?iiifl.l? n. ? -, v iii'h. Intel)licence of a p? opie rocked in ' the ?-ladle of til? coiiiinoii oc?K'?1 syi-ii m l> ?llacnmlnate bett ? n ti,?- t litiiiii? pollcj ?inl Papal iu-tim Ih of lie- j ino.tin?, li-ctaint; ttitli the li?.-ti ,,f \ i -ti-nlay, | i ami the eaaentlal rttaracter of ?. RepublleaniHm fraan i ft?.m tin- explnil o' le ? tins ti.? .ins? lili-; nation, we j m ' d oui > foi li' ? i?ni i? .s,- of union and ne??--.: bingle I ..inn??- of ?I ? i ii n ii lapin ii to the pound oi Nageanub I bing, with which we have thui fal !? <i down the can* raaa. rherefore.tbalweinaj haveilom once andf?w all 1 \titii doubt omi ?i. ? --.-it u, Hell furtherrecoleeil, 1 ia t;.? f-i.i (Central '?uniuii- , 1??. be directed and apc?tnll) (..;.ii.?il to devine nuttnble ! wara and uieana 1?ir a vigorona and vigilant pnnweutlou j ; of the caiupulgli, to the t-ud that the Oiili in. ni mt- i , ii??i-oi nu.? Convention, a ioev< hemaj lie di wellaaltt otbei uomin? ?.*. ???? el? Iwt, no1 itrnplj bj .? nui' i which under say cln inuttun-ea la expecteil, bul ?by that ? old time lu s -is i,.,,!,? mi,. ?? trumpet votoe ; hIi ill t-?mid tia- keynote of tbe Presidential canvaaa of 1870. Mr. Beard of Hn-?<>u mored tliat tin-? and all other reaolntion? t?e referred to tin ' oiinuitt?? on lit--?>!nti<?u~, Mr. Pun? ?m -.?i-i that it had be n read io thednomlt? toa,and It waa their expraaaed eenec that it ahonldbi read and aefted upon by the Convention. [Andanar j i Mr. Wlnalon of Newton eanaed a nulle, bj mylagthat he did not st i bon the reeoluttoa eooM have been read st a merlina of the ?Oomadttee on Rsaoluttona when no inc.-inn; had been licM Mr. Put nain trot aatonlabad thal a geiitlemaa of Mr. | Wlnalow'a (.-.;>(Min?e should aiake eaeh .i remaillai j 1?, .1. v lu ti liii- ? iiiiiiinll'i- lnul l>i?ii .iiuinuii? i il ai,ii tin. { i. olulli'ii in part I'on-i'.' i? ?I The tot?- was then tshes ea Mr, Beard'i m iii?:., aad the resolution waa r* toreed to ?ii?' Ooma?tti a, The <? idhi ii? ? ?'ii p? niiitiuiii oi?,..m.-iti'ii ipoiiiii , ' tin tollowlagBat of eaVere 1 Iriailrnt Tlie II??! Het.iv WllSSB. i Kry'iMiViMifK-i.ini^a li. KeUogg of Put-Hell. I.d? | i cri? 1> Pu? kind of Boatou, I' ? li.?ion of ?Worreater, ? i -ha? v, ? lin'.iii of N? w-li. ?ifor.i. c. ?' Fit/ o? Chalara. Sum alai tia Oro h. Merrill ??f Lawrenee, ?beneaer N?l ? son of ?Borton, alni John 8. Baldta in of Woroeater, itiiuiiuttct mi Vrtdtntiatt W. T. Hall t?f R?t?rc, I Alplieiih tin liar of Hat. illili, .lohn li -,..ill.ern of llionk- j Held. H. l-t. Tit!t of Palmer, Halinit-1 P. It ? inen of llalli? Id, ? a Bowe? <?f Shelbonrne, ,l(.?::p)i TnelKff <>f Plttaflel-d, i l Uoraee K. Wa? of Milton. E. B. Dean of Brockton, Jan, A Uawea of Pair Haven, Franela A. Bye of Falmouth, J. w. t'ofliii of ?Bdgartown, ?David Folger at liautueket ( ommittee on KltOtotieOi Al hill?.? i'lie lion. Henry L Dnwea, Ohalrmaa ; the Boa. Ctoo, l". liojr of W-areee ter. Waiter Aii?ii of Boatos Oongreaalonal Dtotrlrta No. 1?J. TI-1). f'.??sw<-ll ot Yarmouili. .No. 8??lohn D. of Bingham .n<? a?a. \\. Based at Bonkm. Ho. -r> ?Win. J. (?re?iiiiiun ?if Wotiiirii. No. li?Hubert I oneil af N. ??) urvport. No. 7?K. Ii. Wlnaton ?>f Hewmn, Bo. ?. Batoa ?Boarea of Cambridge. No. n -a. A. I'utiiiiiu of Blackstone. Mo. 10?Levi StoekbrMga st AadMrst Na. II < ins. n. ciiupiii of IpilagteH The < ?mir Djipoliit.-d Meuui??. !.. W. Kitisley of Ilo.-ton, QaaraSl I>avii of North Andover, h?kI i>t.B Howe of CrtUilriilgeaConiuiiUee to coiulu? t the I'r*-ei?l?-iit uf Hie <r-a,nv? util?*! to the Clnilr, which duly they performed. The adtcnt of Vice-ProBidoiit Wil??n wa? hall-wl tt It It loud und prolonged appliM)??c, which wn? renewed \tbeu he warn pitaeuted to the Convention by Mr. Clapp. On motion of Mr. Undei wood of Bonton, the 8t?*to C'en tral Committee ??ml R? pr?sent?t I va-a in f'ongn ? tvere In? vite?! to take na-niH ttitli tin- Con???ntl?.?). Hie Ki. .Mr. laampuon of Worri ?t< r invoked the Divine bl? sidng. MK. WILSON'S ADDRESS. -r.ivTn.tii s ?or nu. Oonvsanos: Is obedlenee toa pn-aMug tri|ii(st, which had to SM the fares Ot t c??iii ni i ni. I taksthhl chair, grateful for the Irani lni|???o*<l and the honor eenfsrred. Tin* pantttoa, yow mvwdlng diillt s. ih,? o< a .nanni, all alilir ililli.nul that loy M i.r-lt be few, mid that my MggeettoM ihsU he tin piala and pra? Heal nttcssneea <?f carmal eonvtottona. Von, Otrntleatta of the ('uni entton, ?are ?the eetoetod repreoeatattvea ??f the RepnbUeaaparty<?f Maaaaehnaetta, ?ii ive reanonatblU ttee confront ron?-high dattea rest upon you. Yon who have bees m tong aornatoaed t<? tictorles only, h.ive en).- to knott It lu for you hen ami tin-?lu to ti.? ??le b> yourwordi ami tour n?-ts. wbetbei victor! - si,.ni initii' ii,-lilli or tt bethel'?nu --ii ill i-iulim? tin? liuimli ation of defeatatlll longer, mu remember, ?fteattemon, thni Hu ? a-toi Ice ?ou ?tek ? lint," oni> to the mealy aaaer* tion of prill? i|?)'-s. to iii?- prompt a? ? entonce <?f tin- duttoa of the hour, t<? tli it ?linly thal rome? fr.iiu uunelflnh dev? tion to the public weal, to thal eonruar which la bora ot lion? s! ?mit j? innis nii.l failli in tin- ultimate u inn?, li of right, and to the letecttou of able and honeat s?es tor poMtioliH. lill. PARTY BROORD A ?PROUD ??Nfi. lit o dal k and Ir.ting hour, when the insatiate Slave potter ?loiiim.ii? ?I the Batten and had complete poaeae hion of tin- Government S When the RepnhBe Ctood dh> honored before Chrlatendc-ai toe ii- admltt? ?I ? hemp on uhlp ol Slat? it wit'j .11 its ? mel all'l foul ?ibu??-*, the Be pnhlleaa party ?ta* erganJaed. II nae from the atari uto??edly a patty of reform. It? liomin.itlsg Idea and i proclaimed purpoae were the reacae of the nation tram thaaahann ahuera, und the everthioa ?f men who had prwtltnted the hiirii fanettoni of government to their ? tuisti -talion. Into the natal party ? ?nue aatt-Hlaver) ii., i. who ti ?been battling for frit ?lout f.?r a quarter of a i-entury, and the flower of Hi? Whig and Democratic |?.lilli -. M liioln. li t-ter. Ill the Melon of the V.o. I<1 hate been bound together mon of Intelleetnal aad moral tturtii. of high aeplratlona, lofty pm-po-?"-. and unaclliafa ennaecration. Beaten In n? Hrst rally and atrnggle, It eontmiieil the conflict, achieved ?uccemt, ami male i Ai?1.1.1 :?ii Lincoln Preabtonl of ti?? United Btutei. I Plunged al.e Into a war, H eould not evade, without ' (ii-li?iiini. Hu? ?lisni ni of til?- liali? ?i and Hie utti I proati itioti ?'f h n ma 11 righi -. II won ? i? ?.?i :.--. ? in Heated the ?nil lau ?ty ?>f Ihe liovemuient, extirpated 81av?*ry? re* routtrui nil ?li mrgaulzed cotnnKm wealth?, ?I? Uned nod en hu eed e'.ti'i-ii hip; It carried tim countrj through an Im? portant ti.-i ii> it dm. a grand epoch In human .? ft.? ?i *? ; it bm ' given to Hie nulli' iuiperienahto deed* . i? I <reat natnen. rhla,gentlemen,Uno aamnnptlon ot i li? . it) h>mi-i? hisfofi.-truth.and imeh will be the vi ?lict <?t theagee. ? No li!-t,?i y will i.? ?complete thal ahall no1 rank Gi mi .uni i hm.m-,-.'?. m .n and sheridan, with the great ?np tanin oT th?' ? ? nt in.t : Ih.-it (l??i-.x no1 group Uucolli, Be* ard and Bl in ton, Romner and ch-ise, with In? Hat? ?men who I ha ? achieved tlie moat foi popular righto audhuman n?t\ iii -en.? m ; du?- not c1 uot li.?- nu n, ti? ii ?uni mil? itary, who carried be nation through 1 be trurol llielte 1). iilou with m? n who wrenched Magna Churla from an unwilling i.n..-. aiiii iini?r who tonghi the i?aitim uf Anuri' all liiitt'i?-oih lift . ? I S ii \\1\I Ililli I.H is. <;? atleaat n. \\? hare already entered apon Um ern? ttniiiiii period ot tin- iniiioii. We ot Mawaehui Ita bave eagaged In iii? ? ai lier <.? niai et i le of eel* brattoni a i Ich ai, to ?oin m? m.? ra i. the great event? <?f Ihe i??-? ?mithin. We have been to Lexington, ?oin nul. and Charlestown. Yon know how eagerly and reverently ne garnered ap tiii.? and every examph ol valoi awl patriot!? ?rU-eacriflrethat could be reaenad fromlb? i;?j ??11> i-? cedingpaat? Nor wert MaaaaefauMtti atone. Men from the Smith were there. Confederate Mildtcn from Mary* land,Virginia, ami South Cand?na, and Union oldiei from New-Knglaud, New-York, and PeuiMylvante marched together with everj demoni?tri>4l<ja ni wet* coote, ?ml ttood ride bj ?ide bei??*atli tin ihadott of tlic monumenl thal eommeinoratei th? bal ti? <?f Banker ii ?II. And bo it toll be when another centennial ahall dawn. Not only will ?jar de- I h?< ntlnnta, bul in? ti -, ' ml .nt-. t.i ih.-. who ?iiuii i asainat ms celebrate with grateful bk : ? urie* ih i-vcnl-i ' ami ile?'.Is m the great and -in-t-e- ?ful M niggle tin ii. publican parij led tot oai toual unity anduulvei illili eil?. " A PPIRII ?li lllloltM IS Till All!. The experience ot the sattem teach ti?..! nan bring with them great ahnaea, Wt haye paaaed through om of the gteato<4 ware ef hlatory, and It? aflat ceabavi hen clearly t i.-il?'"- ii: tin p ililli- und prit ,itt? lif? of iii? li ilion. ! Legialatore and attmlatetratora, niunieli?al, State ntnl ' national,oi ali partie*, heve faitea lato nitet*k?ta ?uni totem ted abnaaa. Buttha anfrit ?i reform la to the air. Tin demand f?u reform i-> in ti?- henri <>f the people. Conventtoni resolve It Urn prcea jriveo It voice. 'Hie mass,, ni ih, intelligent, patriot!? aud high-toned men ol I ih? i counter the men Mr. Lincoln wat. woutl rall "the plain people "?Hu- si ard) un n \? li,i . uri? 1 it?. RepuliU t an partj iii'l tia? ?.try through tria i and eouflleu?, demand wiae tegtelatlon and u. i admin luirai lou everywhere. Innexibh In Ideal and principie??, though Illili ill lilli I.', li' I. li? .li pnlitit'it, tilt y .;,. i I ,liial lill,I tab? ill 1 iUL? ill ln.,t li I - ? mimili! (ration. Thc-yare the hope of the nar'? iimi Hu? hope ?f the country. i in.? echo the li ,tnt ? ti,phatie ?I? ?li.ranon of I'n sahnt ?liiuti: "Lal ' bo man escape :' and they denuuid li* prompl .nut untveraal applieaiton. While the] do liol bold ? row:? tittil t<> he <i?nt ii linn, lint tio hold Ih || Iii (,,,?, i u men t. and not th? acciucdofltctel, .should have * -1 li. benefit vi '.ill it ?is..|:i,l??,?,Ililli?!." \AIIO\AI 1*1 I lu.l.?? MUSI H? M l-l ti \ II?. During th? war and th? yean Immcdlatel) mi?.-? ? ding, Um faull of th? untton waa often pledged it was pledged tor tin- freedom, the civil .?mi poUtteal n^r lit? of the ?utored race; and thia pledge muet be redeemed and hi pi in all it? faillit-s. It ?tas pli-dn-d to iii, Bohlten who fought oar batttoe, and to the peoph tt in? fomlebed the money, ol which s?> mnch nan ?????-d' ?I. To both i the nuil?.n Indebted tor n- eontlnwd existence. To milln i eaa U? faith liebrukeB v. it ?nant di p <ii-.ii,mi. In the etwee of the nar, whea crediton aad armlei ?tiit-unpaid,the Uoveramenl leaned ils "promlnei to pay," and made them legal tondais, When that enact* in? ut v.iis i i.nie tin ????ti liilneul in pi nul l.iilh ia!, ii.I,.) that thoa? tint?.- -ht'iiid in r? 'iiiiiu d m told or In lol r ??si i?i .ii-.i..- bond?. But ten year? havoiiHM d, ad thoa? ??pioi-.i-,-" atlll remain unfulfilled. Th? ii. ni ?> bru inili eil in. jfeit appreciated,and we are |u?tl*i ptotid of Ihe credit ol ii? Ballon lu the marketi of the a ?ii?! But we do not, and ne cannot aa Amerieai i kepri'le In the atogular fort that a "tray note I ?mun unknown buuk ni one ol th- Britiah l'iotiu?-? - tau b? no1?! m it im.1 I'lrin i ii'iif iiieri ili'ii l'j pi?: ? ni ?. i i , t our legal-tender note?, ?aith all the wi di ml I?i,?kn?,'M10 people behind it. The plighted faith o1 the mit len. the honor ol tin- ?invi iiiiiiiul, tin? einliii lui, iii.i-.. ?. of ti, jM'opii', of the rich and of ?he |.r, ?<? capil ii. tid i ibor, all d? matul that tn (Internment, bj v,i.?.,n.i ?. xleul legixlatioii and odminiatration, iboitld, .?: Hu ??urlteM pim ?loable pel tod, ma lu? its not?*? equal to and convert hi' m?o i,-..hi. I.i. I SIX l-ol II.? ti nu s n RRMOYRD. Th? BepnldteatM oi Maaaachnaelt?^ when war same, demanded and akted ia Itavtgorooi pro ? itl a winn pani a raine III' ? ?la-Ill.? lui d I col ..n ?I ? .u . ?li. I i i ?nl-al l !!?? lion, ?and reconciliation, upon the .1 ?si basti of Impartial liberty. Bal love, rathol than hatred) h plied them. i' the] 1 ? :??i?e t'l.i emancipated rt? neu. whoal the i-iosi" nt the war liu?1 neither horn . aof p??*??????1 ?n*. have accnmnl it-?'. mtlltoi io! 1 ?atti 11 1 lu ??? tbmiaandi of their ehlMren In the i.m.iii trhoote; that, with return? ing pio-p? tity. hate t ',me a full? ? a? i|iilcs?i'ii(-- in the r? - ?nitaat tte war, and a larger 1.1 ?tatton 0! Ibeiplril oi ici ?mi ii 'inn i (??,? n i?i iii n 1 oui! ii y aud th Ir ? watty men. Via klltlg m ?I bing ot their in, of I ml lil?, . 11. nothing of theil purpoae to maintain th? equal righi* of ..II 1 -ui/fii- ?n tin- tint ?I St iles, nothing of th n- Jual |.iid?- to tin- achievement?of their loyal itoiintrymen, tin? v. eh? u?e tin- progremi aud boll Ih? 1 niaulf? ?station??. With. the iinii) ni tin- SI n? - ' Hired, I e authority of ihe in??? ? m.i. lit vin li? .?ted, the ? 1- i ?m and iii i tabla, civil and p dil ral, ol the (???.ml 1 r?,. n? :.'. 1 : m ?m ? to in thal Hie Bepi li ina of Ua??tacbu si-iis ibould demand lb? removal ol Ihe rema uingdhi ahtlittoa linpoaed bj the Fourteenth amendi nt; 10 that, when on tn? Pimnhol Jnlj nexi lb? II milli. ?? - 11 p..11 its mi mid n ntl none ahall be lound I .'.mu. ? iii n 1 tn? *e Ait ili.lilh'H. lill. PARTY lu UK SKI M 1 i.l?. You. irenti? iii'-ii ?>f Hu- Convention, are Republican* Be] iiiii' ?us all, la lentlmenl and 1? eltag, by 1 ont i? iinn ;?iid by ??so( Killin.-.. Toa i.? ii. te. and I i??i?? te. thal in? eiidiiiui" Intoreati ?>f toe conntty hnprratlvelyrequire th.- coutimt? ?I aecendencyot Hie RepaMh m part int I iu jiibt au?l geoarone Meat ara tally accepted and ? mt phi?I? toe eperated beyond aaj peealblc reaettoa ililli the life el in?) mil mia. Pu h. lut lag) I? I 11- I?.- lu ti. liickt au tin- aseaawa, place th?. Bcpnblh m- ol Maa??a tln.-ittH, an?l aid m pl.t? un? Hu- Republican? <>! ih.? ct unit), in p? .s? 1 n,uri io n run 1 n mi p?tala power. S11 li our bannen high advanced, blnxoned ?tun the glorio? du ii-of lin? ?paat ?sad bearing the laaplriai i^edgee of 11 f<iiin and ) uiil'u nliou toi the f.,..n. ht H g?? to the people with ali the roufld bo and all th?? eonrase ?>f athef ?i.?,? Truel not, g??ntl? men, t<> nu if puilt ?li ? ipltiie. for H 1 i.tii.-ii ?nu: treal not '?? ofltel 1 1 ?.. roan 1 tot 11 lins t?.ii.iiiid you down In the race. Bnl traut rather to that higher, pnrer, aobter aebUmeat which teev?r w iiiijio reallae ita own i??n? Uleali ? ; -?i?.?i a political partj -In 1 n ni he and iii A ?I tu mi !:.?! ???: ?botll?! do. lu the Preaidentlal ? At rtl ? i ?>r iKTittmo) 1;? ;?n ?ia .? 1 who had ?toed ?ml ittruci-letl ti.t?eih.-r h? puai?'. i.. year Ih? n-aiuls of It- pii'li an? lu M 1 -m'.11-- ' -. und luili dii-d? ot in other-Staten, withheld theil vote? or voted aotlnat the partj with which, In aplrii ami pin n?.s?. Un y l?ate claimed ami ?tllj ctelui to lie iii? nt ni. ?1 it bm, 1 nil-min, appeal with all ?It tre rit j ami calacellient ta? 1 ?? - ??- l?-publ?? in.- In M -u - n and ? htt-wlii re u. na I again with ih? n old ..-?."!?.'??<?. to aid ii) coitii Iii.i: Ihe innis nuil liiist.ik? ? ni .tim li Cn? have oompi.iiiii ?I, in ? nub. .ihm. tin 1 linn- of im p.nit to pilbil?- ct.nuil? lu e. und In no1? mu tin- practical prnhli-uiH liol ?el fall) ttrotlchl Ml, lal ?:> Bp peal to Hie tala 1 ali anti **lut ii y Un ii "I tia? < li li,.?,. Mee Filth Puac. THE CANAL FRAUD TRIALS. KEW INl>I?'TMI.NTS. AN OITCIiMK OF i ORB?PTIOM AT IH'H'AI,?). TUT AlillAli.Slll Al i?l KMilM I it UK II V. KI LI- WKB 61 K1?. AM? 1?. C. WI.I.CII II? Util I?, l'H?.ll RV. AM? CiiNSI-IHac V? I III III? IBBBB I.IVK B?Ita? lim ??I I - ?OAIBST IBB?. Inr Ti-i i i.iui'i! to rup. nuamro.! Ihn Ai.d, Scj.t. i".).?ihe ('mini Jury of the bien? nial terni of the "Superior Court of Buffalo, found in? dietraenta yestenlay aga??al J. Frederick Baba, I), c. Weh h and lilli-, W. h-t. i ?m..mi.' others. About t o'? lui k this atleriioiiii Behn i nine info court and ii as atraigned fura miadeaai "mor, m thal in i??7i he .vas a part uiiinr -if a dredge aaed in work let lha State al the time ha waa aetmg aa Diviaion Engineer fat the Wenti-in Divisioo of the canal. Behn was rep? resent? d hy ?nuns 1, Lewis A '?lurney appcttriin; in his hehalf. Hopleaded "No1 luUty" to tho eharge, and his ?-?iiiii?.? ' stat? ?I thal they would also inter? poaa a s|ie* ial (?h a imt!.*r th" Statute of Limitations. Her,nan Behn, bia brother, and F. ?Mrleh, a i?"<*< l< t of t. i? lily. I? came bia btmd-onea foi .f-.not?, the amount of bail axed by the Court. B?fate |ha shove arrangementa had bean raw? I'leted ullin Wrbatcr ivas btOUgfal into court on a charge of parjuiy, in falsely swearing to eertain billa reii-'.-i* ?11<> th* Stale by bim ia I?-?:*1, ami sub Miaiititiiy. If.- waa immediate]j sfterward arraigned for con?|iira?y in attempting to defraud the State by saehbilla. Hi- bail w-?< fixed at **UO,000 for per? jury, and in the coc-qiiracy ess si .->.'?;?'. Rob? ?t Owens, a wealth?, baker of the eily, became bia bondsman ?.nth.- above amoouta. I '. < 'levcland Welch waa ahm arraisned for perjury ?ni.I for co?t |>. rat y. ?n connection with rertaiu pur* cbasea and aalea, the difference being thal Webster swore to the validity ol the i'ii is, while Welch sworo 1 . ah.-t,;.. .s i .mt:.?iiiii). the lull?. Welch's hail was fixed al 910,000 ai <i $5,000. Charit i ii. Ratbboo, a stone-cutter of ti: s city, became hisbondanum for $10,000 in the perjury case, aud Jantea Mccredie, real catate ?uri nt ol this eily, f.?,-.-*??.VWhi in tin rase of conanitaey. Other arraignments opoa similat charges are ex|s 1 i?-.l to-morrow. The following is a summary of the indiettneuts found against J. FrederU 1? I! bn : 'iii.? tia: .1, prout ni .lu .a li .'n' ??ii' ' .I *;: h the*? sevrai .-?.uriari? with tba pcojdc of the Statu for m ? lu - niau- apon tin- i:-n t'aual al llnfTal??. div.liiii? j Hilve feet Itl ?lip-ll lulim Hu li;i-i- lill . '.. ".ii,?lil ; Hu- repair eontractorof Pectlon go, li la 1 <-<i.n?-.-?I in ! ilrodjo*, June 23, IW18: one for dredttlii?; and renn liii*? ?l-?.a.-.i:? fi. it!.-: Bisel Bar? ir, 1*. Inn date July i">\ iiiii?*. ?tail ou* for nie*l-l;- ? a di nun-! around titi- laaiHi-a it.?i em! i?l Brit ii-ii. Hu rofe ?vat r, in it.. ( it.. 1 ? It .t. !?-. Julj IO, l""?'.?? tia-,1 raid 1 an iel? were made by the c.iual t'ouiniissioiiers, i*. k'irtne ol the pro ??iona of ('?r.jit?-r CV., 11-?- I iws ol l ? '?7.1 ?titi??il. ?? .n a.-i to cul.111.1 Hi?- power ??11 I li? flu? the authority of tin < untrncl n - li ?ai I." ?n?-.'.! 'lu,ii ii.i-.'i", ?uni th?' Harts boh ml?:...;. rjiereof; thal said ra Ultra. I? kia-, ? III lill for a- .'ii I ? a ? . a 'I ? 1 _ I ? ,1 III a i ! ...lil.i'd tlur. i:. ? ;a. doo* ..m1 ,.. rfurin.-.l ilttiiti ?? .1 . fu-in .1. uirof ?tad toatract*; thill ?t r? il.'i ..a-; the ." ? nil constitu?? il s irrst part of the r j.:.ii?. And Hi. |tirora further jil eiit.t tal i i stiwethi Ante. ..t the li.-i e,.lina t.. lan. '.'., l ???.-.. I. H. ii .ti <.r said . fit) la ,- a :i .. (J |S SB 't'ii- I I Oil,*!. r|a--I 11 ttll HlC I III k1 * ! of Hie m. te to-Hit., a resident . name? r. Thei further ?h ?. it thal said Beba, at the ? u\ ..f Buffalo, ..lil? li Hy, co ruptly, sod malicious!.? became inter?-*) I ni a entrait connected v.?iii the rsnals, t-* Brit, in raefa >-t the loatmeta of .lulu. Hand foi repairs upon the t.ra-ranal; ?-ml thal Buhu ?raspart owner of the dml-r* Empli - te, kk,,i.-ii k .. furnish?*?! Iii liiiu t*. ?I., t ? ? i ? c - ? i _- : i. ?r ?". ! repaire store ?M muter * til? l **il ti. lil -a 1*1 II Uti. liellll I'l II ikr illili Ii-a-t ?li- I!., it i.l apart of titi . impt-Bsallou :i?:ti'eai to I. ?raid for the rr|)->lrs_kfort util, routrnrj l?> the statute suds ?li. 11.-.??-, a, i tia ?a. ?.?i. i ,', -t -ia- .--mt ti; ?, i dignity. The indictment of l?lli-. Webster for perjitrj Mita tun h tin- following facts : lu na-"..1 er, 1-..'. al tbe iii.? ol Buffalo, W11? \Va-'??t'-:"? <l>--:.iiiiii ir:.iiiiii:? nil? to olit.iin ir-.i i the ritutea lu - <? ? li i Ol lu-.!!, k . tua! i? tu -,.k li., ?;t:u tai MO U."i, i a.l .al t.. ?a made a bill, purport In? to lie a W11 oi coal rnrnli lu I audrii ui-n-'l t" ti'*"?tate. \V( *?ii r'?i. .'.-i|fi tut->'7uV .o li. ia 1? ('. Vi- I. li, for co..I, a- ml tulla in two ? ?'..i.l't- H'.-l Ililli! ? *'. i. a la ah- i'llaM III all-l.iil. ?Util a all lilli, the amountoft >l? -i*t lu tin ?r-tali bj Wetosrer In iu t'ii?i and *?-. I'l-i h i - it. makin * ;? total of about -:? tans i? iri*.. ?i. .Hi .iii la* ii. : v.. "'-ii't !*? the ict-u rai i of ti <? .?? Further,tbi ! ? Killi \\ 'biter, ? ntrlvlng :| il>iwfli!lj ?tii-t traadab iitlj .tnintbe ?aid ama olkftiius from . r * stab . i * ?'? t Hil- ?fore? ltd MU ii. i- n m r * li. ? Vii 1.1,. of th - -n- Superintendent? of Hu * mil. and laid W* lill, ?is - ?* ? t til ii.l lit. tDni, hi ? i or li t.nliatt'ii ,- -a ittiiii, |b( ..a.tie?- of titi-lull, .nut i. : - Webster thea ami tb.-.?a- iii ?jtini..v it und toaik his oath Hi i Hi? matters set forth m the lull men tia. i ie second ?'..::?;? charge* thal ;.r the uaklua o) the ...ii a-, it n *ii i ti.I que lion whether all the Items in the MU wen rent-el, and bo. port of the W11 m- boj ?ti m therela ' waa a lui gi d ?.t n, re lhaa it- fuir value. li na? ni-,?.lal a Met in , Webster did ob lbs ._M ?':.! ol ?-? pt min- . I -'.":(, iii Im i :-i iii.- 81 ?t.- m. board H.." to. _nna three Ion? of egg coal ot I bi pri?e .*f -7 .">"? a t. ?... Worth lu Hu* a .-'.* gut? gol ?13 ; au! whether, Hrpt. '-'. 1*473, l;e ?tellvered mi huai.l the tu,. BweeiMlake? two ,i . l.iiTo ii*.ii' ?ii iiniaiR mai, arorth B*_3 IO. Hu mi ?..n n Hi* n nharge* that la trata in.u in fa? ' ali Ila- it.iu- li* ?aid a na i d aiaotiU i.? n.t .-- ?re? i. inn th? iti!i?< particular!, referred to ernnnl correct, a- tiia .. ,,,t Webster *-c*| knew. In 1.1- '. ?|H t'l-* l-l *1" 1 I k l ii Bl .'. .1 III lill* ?lill I'll ll.'i liait I. . it .la li . r. -a! la tit- allil.l HOT liol I / ii . : a.'a 111 . uf i lu -I.iii-. Behn aayi it ia tme thru be owned ?aoe-tbird of the dredge named in toa indictment, bul that if it did any ?? tate v. -i i? as ?pecifii d, it waa done wilhotit bis knowledge. Ile says aome years ago be limned the oontraetor, L ?bi .1. Bennett, who ?.v..? recently indicted with UtMtge 1). Lord and others, the tmm of .??? ?.*mk?. ami when the note for the mini* became due it was not convenient for lieuuctt to pay ii in money, tie waa, therefore, in? duced to ji n- hast- a ?nu tim i interest In the dretlge, j ?.ti ii,!.' ill a M ilion t.? the not? which he ?i?-!<i ?i ?in ,|] mm of money. Tim dredge wm then taken to i'.?:.?fo, where ii kia- kept al work the .ir.t year. Afterward, without In? knowledge or i*4in cut. :t wasbruugbl .. re ,,r..l |uii ..n the State work in Ml i- k If-u-lx rlar bor. But at no time since be bought au interest lu the dredge has lu- had m -m ?la for any control of it, ?i? lie had full confide ce in Bennett's liouesty. All be knew abont it in imy ?ray was that be re? ceived hi ?iitarterly dividend of its earnings regu? larly. Hiiringuopartof the yeal I **7i was it doing State work, ??.'! ?inca then, v lion t;.': - eugageil, the viola till Oil':.' i I,. oil bil .?'i ': ' | a! ' a .ll'.all li ? llla'ti than ;i ; -laiii?il i ,.?".i, ?'s (he use waa mmie without i ? knowledge. Behr i?a<? rman,about :',. ' ?-ii age, who esme to this country in 1851, In i - " i be ii.?-* anpoiute . Division Ktiginet-r for th.- Wes! in Division of the Erie Canal, which positiou ii." In Id, with the exception of about two yeal , until Feb. 0,1874, when be was asked to re? sign, which be did. Binn then he hio? been engag d i'. *!'*? n.'intl tin.i.M trade, li* la living here in rerj [ortahle eilttuoatam a, but claims to bave been quiteptior until beroceived au inheritancewithiu tbepast few yean from hisfatber'a est?t . ? >.-i t in ??iii m band, ii i-claim. .1 bj niauy that be could not have m:iiiit:iiii?-il bia |M.siti.ui duringaomany rhaugea in tin political'government of the Mtate which UHik jil;, a I tuciii 1833 and 1874, anteas lu* hail bean ,.!i-t ! a -.?li the ?'anal Kin :. and unices he submitted to tbeh demands, lu other words, tht-j iiistsl that be was a ailling tool in their liamlslu currying out theil fraudulent coatracts .ki:h ii.- Stat ?. The ?oil-piracy indictiuenl la a Joint Indictmenl of -.?k t ral, anti i auiiot be obtained to-ni| lit, aa it ia au derril?? ii there arjeotahera included in it who hsve ?m yrl lu-. n ?Hit st?*?l. The I ?: ti ict-At torm-.i iie t ,t, ? gil me it to the publie anti] the air? ?is have I?- in mai:* . _ A BLI ,-MI. DA? Al Uli: BTATB PAIR ElmIBA, N. V.. Si i ?t. '-".'.-- i In i?? was n v?ry . ,1 :? ail. . a!, t If ?al tin* BtBte I'.Ill III till? l-l. t-lali'.k. i ..?;> jo ii'peoph wera .*a v.u *xrooaaa? ItlathahpM Vtt iiu-r.'.ii HI nu l|*l ? ?'.at tin ?aaa ia-'.y lia? I 11 I had ?mt nit of Albany. "The manor i? very beaaflfai, i ith ?ni, pinealsa thal ?i ?.? * -? t?41.- ? iii. maa? thal .-i <.. .?m..m i? te speak lui daghtg tin tah la aa tu.i.n n ti. hut it le hep <l i liai Oui Alkea ni Benth O rotin* ?kill d'li VU al. a* ?ill ??? lu I. ": l::li.. 1 ?u | '.t-'- - I f \,i aial.k a.f "Ila- a I.l- llll'l- t ..III Ililli-.! Ililli l.llai'l i.ia.l riu irdxiMoii? ? tor.i* ti the approbation of tbe i -.lalluton- ulai M" ? Hit' :?- ?i MUK li .al,el d...k . ia. Bill . .! a a. .1. i Na ?III' ? ?1 ll.l t ? ? i . : I 1 . ? I'I J't ' 11* - I.l J l. ? , ?--a I.l Ti I JBBBK. t li\ BOABD ni ED?I BTIOB. Maaj |iii'!.iinciit ritiaeaa bud nighl nu?-tided n i .. .a-il ,:..i.t.n bj ? ?t ? ci n ' 'nulli ii.*- icio in* rharge ? ??? ?ia iiv i-;miii limitai ngalail athel _Mfla_ttaaf th. Bonrd nf ?MnasttoSJ. Mr. II??lllii?t ?tim pi,teed ?m the utaiiil, and reiterated ?Mi otati-m? t?*s of extrav.-iii.iu?? ?n i eorrapttouaa prevtanely pabltehed la Tus Turaron. MicaOregorygave important ?toeilBwnyaa lo charges preferredagatnet the laaltreeeof Behool So. 19, winch tti re tntci Inveatlgatea. BA1LBOAD ALUS. FATAL ACCIDENT IV CANADA, PIAI?'il?M t IBS Illlt'iWS OSS TIIK rilKh-KIFVrS Pkit-u ? hil I n> and rWBSTT-FITB woindid: SoitK.l, Quel??", Bapt. 29??[dWl ?t-V? nitti? about 7 n'llork a tiaiu ? Dilling from YaBMBBB on tlic Kii'iiiiioini, Dnnunand and ArthahaaknMna bm ? nithaa olxtnii'tloii ?tt a point Mix BUM .ant of Huh pin?*?. It i?< nppseed to ?have ?ti net? araB, probably pla??-?i aull ,-ioutiy -.'? m-. ih? na? !.. There wen mv platform can, with 7t? Innerere, in front of the lo? ?.motin-, whh h tv us propcllinc th? in al h fair spc ?I. Two or three of th?: Ban were ups? t ht Hie -lux?,, and the nu-li on bSBld were fearfullj ernabcd and manated. ?Steven ware kBted and 2S aouinli'd. Tin- tiamea of the kilted ITC : .lohn r???m 1i?t, (hail, s ?Latour, ?David t oto, Pierre Cartier, Oaear Lonto, Napoleon Barthaltne, Martin i'l ?ni. I B. Biala, Dont ira and -Alfred Mi < line, aud J. Ammat The nonaded are ?iii lasen ra, ami belong to Lowei Canada. ?FROM I.OI1SV1LLK IO THE SEA A roNi'ii.i s? i: ?n Di.i r?. ti, s h: ?ti RICHMOND, l.l.MMil'lt, AM) l.ol |s,\ll.l.K, AM) lill. RRSVLT. I.oi I8VILI R, Kv., S.'|)t. 2'A.?A Meeting ??1 ci i/' ns of Lonlavtlle and the Committee <?n Ballr n?is ??f Ihn flnmnaI Connell ot thia etty, with the Commltteee finiu Kit bun,n t. Va., and Lexington, K?.. to eontor spoa ihi- complet on .?, di c1 mlh ?ad ? mner .'.ti between Loniavttle by wai <?i I* sington, Ky., to Richmond, \.t., and tidewater, was held yeal rday. it wai e sol?e?i thal u ?unid in? ih arable r?'i the ?? Itj <>f l?u ? ?ill.- lo aid. by a sill,-, riptloli (?r .-t-."?? ???.< MX ?. the ? ??uii.tle tion of the lino. Ii it as also resolve?! that ?i commit I'?- of tit? beappointod to carry ont the <?t>j?-i i ??f ta?- meeting. I 'us i ommittoe met Mtbaeqtuntl). and after ?i conference t? iib Hu? ?Blehmond ant I.? Klngt?m Conunltt? < - it wa* re* .-?ltiil to recommend to the <;?-niral Connell and clt )/? lia of the tit? of I?.Ill?-? ill?? .1 Ml'..-'? tip! i? 'II uf | ?mi,(?m) to the Lonlavtlle and Big Homlj Railroad Company, for i ii ??.ii.-ti .ii ?it the ui.iiiii.s'.i" i ?ht ,-i ?n i" i?a ??? m Honni ii. iii I lim \t'i -,i ni ti nullilla of 111 ? ?In ?-? i; ? .i'?>>* and ??iii?. ?: ?iii'iiad, thus H-1 tuting a coniinuoii- line of road fia.m I...nts..iii. to Richmond and the?te.-iboai-d. This ?uti iipii'iii i, t.. be conditional upon the mihscrlptlon for tin- name oh|eel of S*??30,ooo from the Central Ken? tucky uni .-ssii'mkh) from tin- Cltj of Richmond ??..? n the pi -?"-ii? ?lii?iii? .in?! the peca nt itockbol?tei -hill baveagreed ??> natlitfiw'l an tarran foi the traintfer ol the control of the road to the new mbarrlb ra tu above li lined, ami ?tlii-ii th? I.-. I-lal ure ol K ti! it kj ?li .'! have grautedKjch amcudnienia to thepreaentcharteraathe new Mtbacriberi may reqidra. FATAL UM) OF \ SI'OI.KN* RIDE. ClMINNMI. ?StSptt Iii).?Tilt' 1'ooi'tt exptVSS, on ilu- li,mu?.mi ami I) i.? ton Railroad, which l? tt i,< re al 7 oYio'-k hut evening, waa ran Into bj i freight tra?nai Hamilton, ? liiio. denmUahlng a itoeptag-ear. The only paraone injured tt.:-.- taree ynnng mu. named Joan Phuler, Vii'li'-v, Win/, nul Henri I?, m ?. who were ntcultng a ride on the platform of tua ileeping-car. An? drew Vieri j ?v.?-? ii i .mt i y kill. ?I. and John Shnler died -hoi Hy after, II? ni > i>? rmer la itfll living, bat there arc no h.ipes ot his j , uti ry. PRESIDEN V OP THE RALEIGH AND AUGUSTA AMI Ralbi on, N. ('., ?Sept. 29.?Dr. Hawkins having reelgned the Preaideiiey ?of the ?Raleigh ?uni c,.is 1? ii ami Ih ? i; I. iii: nu 1 Aiirn-t i Air 1 me Ro k1-. M.?\..r c. W. Urtoeof Port imooth, Va., was to-day eteet? ti to nu I be va? .nicy. WOMAN KILLED ON V K VII.Ko.VI) TRA? K A Woman iiHMi? ?I Min. Kim?', wliilf inioxi .- itod, ? i? d on ih. track ?>f the Delaware, Laekawaana .uni Vi,-i'in Ratlre i. bBtweea Montolate and '!? Id yesptdH? attention, and ?tas -tritt!? by the ln.-otiio ttve of tbe paaaenger train vt hi? li arriv?e In thia etty al 4 p. m. Hh? wa* put ou hoard of the train and taken t. Bt. Mh'hinl'a Iln pita!. In \i\'..ti'>, where It w ? ? . r? i?. n i in t evei I of tier ribo were broken, and that aba W.ii illtet: lll.t i.linn d. .1/.' IIUI.H OP O'HA LlAilS. I?! till OP lill BRO MAU?A ( ?RiiMifs li HY I ti Pt Mil lil?. I'.tlf.aii! O' I ?iii?! win. wini wa?, shot t?\ his pulu r, Ml h.n-1 l'unit II, at No. In Wtntett., OH Monda? Bight, ?died yeal rday at Ito. 114 Gre nwteb-et., at i?:.">o n. m. During Tunada) i' nae wippooid Ihathtegymp* Innis tv n f ttor-.i'ile. iiikI that he Bright posafMy re tutti- Later, hewever( he i>?-cu:itonnk,andaoonhil pkyalefauMgave spall hops. i)?"p'.t?> OarnnarCsahmas yeatrrdaj aftornoon m tit spout mortemesnmlnatlonof j li??? hod) niul fourni two pi-tol thot nonada, ?.nu alioiit f.mi in, he below and ?on Ih? Una of the right nipple. The ball entered between the seventh utnl eighth ni??, and waa found in the fold-of the diaphragm. The other wound wau two Inch?** to the right, and on ?? ?lae nith the undulla ni?. The bullet pavted In through the lntee tin,-1 making four perfornttomu ?Death wai eauaed by perltonltii and oxtravaaatton of blood in the abdominal ? avltj, the i -i'ii ?I the i??? pistol shot woonda, i ., . ?, i tVoltli? ii -tutiiiii*.?i. I ,i jiiiv. which niter vii-w ing iii. bodj wa? discharged to await the taking ?>f tcMti ni'ui?. lor the paal two day? Cant. McDonnell of the Diglnh Precinct Pott?7e baa been mil.- iciualnted with the tool that Michael O'Baldwin'i miinlerer. tuubecu concealed by hil friend?? in the Eighth Ward. Thli ntii.i'l. with Dei? liv? oiiu. i Murphy, baa bees inno Clone a pin sim of the ci li?, aal that lu ? oiild uot go aliy wbcro in ih. i'l? ?mt vrltboul being liable toan? st. It bad liaren the intention ol bli friends to have place?! lum on board Mme reen I, bul io rloee i watch l n 'ni -i kept ?m ii? loovetn? ntl of all inapeeted ??f con* ii i?liui him. that tin- attempt would been of no itali, l.n-t i??? iiimr (tpt McDonnell heard of tho place where Pinuell waa concealed, and proceeded there ?nth i? i ? !.?i Hurphi ; lui Kinnell having b-een made aware of tin? fmi thal toe Captain hid dlaravercd lu?) hiding ??i n .?. ??.?ut t.? tlie Prince street ?' Station, at about id.:;.) p. 1.1., i nu i-avt bimi H up. <>u entering the Biatlon, Kinnell naw Sergeaul Woodward behind tbedewk, nudatski'd for the Ciptaln. l'i-.u being told that the t iptaln wai out, I width 'li- "wai Michael Kinnell, who wai n?-a?.'?? A ni having mnntered O'Baldain, ami he therefore di ilred to iiirremter biinn if to tbcCaptaln." Al i?,i- ti m . (ipi. Ml? .mi' ?I. who bad trac id htm t?> t lu? st iiim. entered, an I Kinnell ?urrenderod huusalf. fron ?boina arimd the una ?I ??u -iin'.-i. he laid he wa - 13 '. ,r?t til :tf . II li moi- li a i el. .Uni l.-liu ?1 at No. :i(,l Wist -t . -.-. li.-r. In family li. ii iii n r? -iili-m i. He he bad kel.) a iiijuni store at Ho. I? W?^??t-??t. In partnerablp ni h ??'Uni l?t m. and on Mon?lai night hutt, while they \?,-n ? mr? aiug on liti?iii - mattera, O'linldwiu made a pom ni in i with ?. ? i.?!, when h<- I Kinnell) ?ki, "Dont do tnat, Ned, or I ?hall hurt rou." O'BuldwIn then made nootbi r p?? s..: h.-a. ililli??:.!_- forward ,?? the min? ttnu ; v.iicreiip"'.!,.i--nut him. Aftei li? mi:. Kinnell*! ?tate m ni, ( apt. Mi i? mm ? - mi lu it Ins ni-1-.nii' r, and lie i?as m Ken ?down to lb? ? ? us ami locked ap. Klnnctl look ?I ? though he h.? I pis- ?I throngs ? tvugh time ?tuce lu? made hi* ci ap mi Moutiuy night, hil clothe? being ver) i. n ibiI li Mirdei !? : but he woiikl ?give no accoanl ol v here '. ? li.ul '" "i ? iitfiil'-l. (.?Ill'HIM I I ISAM LU. MATTERS, ? 1 -!?; KSIUS ??i CLAYTOS A ? ??.. cn tis MERCHANTS ? ?111 It.WK ?ii ( AUVORXli 1?> KI-:? ?i'l N -VU H U\\ MB. UAI ? 1..N'* \? II '? . >\s I'ut\? i-t ?., .^ipt. 20.?Charles Clayton di Co., grata and prodace commlaatos nmnhanti. have - ipended. Tim renee wee linarttlwl itehti among torea* ? r-. and tim itriugcnc) of tile inoury lunr)??'t. Tin luapenatoa ot ile Bank of < iltfornls deprived the lim Of Hu ? il-ti.ii la? HU? s for nu ? Iinji ...lurliiui day. 'i in tiim baa a--i ??- tn exeeaaet their ii iMllttea. a nmrt lag of the crediton will take place to-morrowi The Arm f ill proh.ihly go on. n i- n???? m. nun m? ?i r ?mi the Beni of California ?iii re open on Saturday. The event is t?> be eetcststed by a ?ii-ni.t.? of bunting in California nt. The win <?f sr. it Ratetoa v.? ni. ti f??r prahateto*??ay it labrtaf, ??t.?i beqneatha, aftei tin payment ol ins just ?I? .ita, all hie piup lit to ins ttir?, ??li limit Mat 11? linn, tearing Um peevlatan be the ehtldraa t<> berafbettoa. .lohn ii Wry, w.u. sharon, tndre? .1 Knieten,ana Inoa. Browa ara appolntad aseenton wiihoui banda? ?an F it an? is? o, Mein. 'JH.?Tin- Palace Hotel opi tis to moiro?v niul, r the iinm.ii_-< in, tit of Warren Irland lins i? the lux? i hitit ty Hahtttn. and te ha in?-,fil n? i? ilu IsrgeetandSaeet IntnswerliL iln li ilk i?1 ? alii.'ltnu Is to -tit I nu tin? -lill of (?. lol? I nullfBjOOO.000 ui m ?? rapttnli The-appoattl.i I ii-i.?in-ill. th? li,ni? ?i .Ntt.niu, m to rea? ia tilth 1? .??lil l!('l' ? 'Up.?.li. n i goRApa vom, It* - ; n . rieft. 29.?The etsllton ?rsse between iVmot-?,' ?? at ? '? neem u, ?hi h w.i* n? lia?, rome ed ti - m i mm j i ma? ? i. i-.ti w. kia batt mataaoadiiaai nwatal m ?>?>?. m. NorsriPH, toni'., s pi. ?_.!. 1.1. hard KnbiiMon, II.,? ti,III,I?,, I t?f Mir I'lHIlltl Nil!?? li lit. ? II, ,1 1,1 HI |.,)1 |.,|r ti ?lutirmaa fivai IbrrflitcUof liwtaoa um. altar liiHaaiust ?ii Mnti.'.l.? Iliiivii.N. Sipt. 'J'.'. Nathiiniil 1 >?- x t? t. ???loml, a ???.,(, ?.mai. ni Ui-. "sa.ii.i itilii, nae rea ??air ,,, ti killed tin* lu., n... ia l . .i ira n m. t'? IM, i.tniif lUiiit..,!. I'm- m tin? i iiii ii tau? ai. .m m ali bia a netfc al ?in? p?. i... WASHINGTON'. NO BUCCEB80B YKT TO Ml'. l?i;i.ANO. nu. Afi'tiiMiHsr Of <". BStTBOB OOBBMaB 001 BIKH-l'lHislKKN'r (HtAKl's II ASH A MVH TLitr. |ht rBUSBABB to Tin- IBIBUBB.I Washington, Si jit. 2!?.- \n ?nu ?nilli"?-nient mads to-day that tin? inw Secretary of the Int? rior is to lu- Mr. C. Ha", ?on f'oh tniti of rciii.-ylv.inia. is not oflh ?al, having curiic fruin wmt.* sulu.riliriati? , in the lut? i.m Di juutmciit, to wh-nii th?? secret nn.s intrusted hy Mr. Delano, The truth of a H is evan BOW ?.ravely tloiihte?l h\- many pa-r -uns who surely ?iiiithf la know. \ iiif?ml?4'r of the <'.-linnet who .cn.'inly has fh<- full? ?r i oiiliileiici? of tin I'rcsi.hut, and lilli? i? helieved la have Ix-eil consulted on the snhject, sh:?ki - Ins head doiihtfully when Mi. ( oh niau'? name is nu ni ?unod, ami ?ays that if tin1 n p Tt of his appointment i* tine, he d.M"? not knou? it. Fruin the lu ?i sources of information It ia 'earn-d that when the I ?re i.l.-ni a. ???? (it. ?1 Mr. Delano's ?reeignsdioo, the latter dasir ed la ?mo ' the cm t? ?pond? i.<.- lu tu ? in Oon. ?Han? and h i rintel f ! to the IT. S4 ; hilf he wa? r: ?jil? -t. ?I hy the President i to withhold it until th.? gneatian of the toeeaaasss ?Aas fully setlh d. Win li Mr. 1).-l.-nio h ft WaaUBoj1 ton, he placed eopiaae. the -Otnapondeaei in the ' banda of a friend, with direction?, la maba it pnhii.T mi le- ii in_ a '!i?iiriti h from linn, finch O ? li I cameos Sunday night? aad as Mr. Delano wa.? not expected toaendit anti!he heard from thePrdri? dent, It waa uulveraally mppoaed that the nansa of ti., new th-i retai ? woald be announced at the stain Department <>n Monday, lhere can I?" no aoabt that Mr.Coleman waa th. in..n the rrcaidtial had selected a week aga? At leaat, he gava scierai persona resaoo to beUeve an, and H ia oon theptero* lent opinion in the city that Mr. Coleman haaae? ci-|it??l, though the failnn to announce bia name uni. ially -nil th.- nattire ?>f the repli? - made hy bmbbs? ben of the Csbinel winn asked about it. throw a cluti.i of dual over the whole inattir. They giie ; rise to Hie suspicion that something baa oceanai whieii baa diaarrai-fed the EYeaidenta plan?. The announcement ?d' Mr. Polriman's name wa-1 geOB-BB surpriae, as be had nowhere l*< ? a aaratiomd ia mm? iieetiou with the appoint??ant, and waa almost un? known to all except a few Pennaylvsnisoa? CUBBENT TOPIC? AT lill'. CAPITAL? i AN IMPORTANT HAM.HOAD DBCIBIOB DEI 'I.KItf.D. v.r__NnaoToa, Wodmaday. Sept. j;?. lB78k EtoB-oni <?f Tin: Tbibubb will roiuetuhei- that I alunit is liionth? sga the (oui triri.? tit uf Hie fulled stan -4, with V. C. Adams enjoined. bmaght a MU to eje? t ' the Baltimore and Ohio Bailmad Csmpaay from tim property al Etaiper'a Perry. After ?< retal ?emananea | the part of the Compaay, which wem overruled hythe ('?iiirt, the ca?e t unto uji ?m ils merit- Bl B In elmg. We?! \ ll'a.'llli.i, 1)11 till- ] lill Hl?t., -O?an .I'lll.'a .lila k'aaoll ?if til? United -itat?'* District Court, and was arima al m B. (iotf, I i'-l it* t Attorney, ?nil Ward LaWBOB forthl Cum -rallient und Audi'w Hunter and ?.ni (?on?in cf Haltiinorc for Hie railroad, it waa Believed thal the dee?Iaa, mgaaaaf : a? very Imp?tanl aaseng ral?aad ?neu, woaM havahaaa Mieiii i -red last Manul,iv n?-? k : hut yeah?day the follow ! IHK Has it.civail al the Att?u m l-?it li? lal'? 1 ?iiiii-?-, nil!? ii is slagalar, ian?derlagthethoa Ihn Jadga Im? already had t.. tuak. Bp lil- .1- .-i-don : f*iisssai t??;, *N*|.r. ".?7, I*-*?."?. Bia: Your telegram relative to the ?ia*** et tito l'iui.d Btutesa.t. The li.tinmine and Ohio Kaili., ul Cotapaay (Hie llarji.-r's Kerry -uirj reaehed aw yeal r.tay. The District Court of Win elm.-?i.|j.linn, d until the [Oth of November next, an widen .lay Judge lachar? Mated hu i- ?ulai announce bl*opinlea in tia- above ciase, I lud supposed lie would have doutt so befan ?Kr.ioiirniliir. lint lia ii. ?ir.-d time to consider some of the question* raised in Hie ease. I will telegraph you the result, arhea 'lecitlei, and ?end by mall th?- pomts <>f lu? dee sion?or eo-iy if |io??lll!i-. Very I ??m -I fill I.l you. oliitlutlt servant, N. ....ii, jr., I'.*"-. Atleraay ? Iii.-Hon. A. K. Dutton, chief (Ink. 1>< rpai luuiil of .iiistice, Washington, i>. <, Tlli. WooDl'N PAV-MKBTB I__-B__AT0B-_l Of DIb_A__ The Boord of Health, in s|ie?tl<nij.'of MOO?IB pat cuit a: t, ot arhleh WaaBtagtoa has 00 ettie? tay thal theil brohea mrraee ka? the Mdgaaeal of an an? quantity of tilth, impossible ? t.. calcul?t?*, I? lu., n and nu.1er the Moe*?I of wood, B*%?Bg to Hid raju.liry of its de? ornjiositioii ; that fnnn Hil? decoui-io ? them .?ri-"- gaaea, and faagl aad Mfuaoita aViahap. wini h, rater?as the atasoaphate, eageader ayiaatte a_* a..- . mell as typhoid, malu tal, and mit'iiiiittciit forera, .|.k ?i aterj. diphtheria, ale. THE THIRD AVENTE Sil I Nt, s RANK. DECISION Of Ii"? Witt.? Toll- IO WOn . i' II.*? HI'?-*? N F.sS. The Trust M B of tin? Third Avenu?- Savings li.Ulk hale titi idctl to Wiud UJI the lulsllies? of t lie ha ii li tiiiil co ititi, liquidation, 'fids i? ?tilted. wa? re ?olved iiiion as a ? tuleuttal t_i*.t?ur? -, and in order to pro lett the Interests of the depositor?. UM balik at one time had on deposit aboi.t *i;,(?t?t>-non. and wa? iii oi.-i.i-c?! aa oik-of Hie ?trt'ii."..?! levfagl lunik? lu tins .in. It is re j.oiteii that ?ii??.ii?:oii? aamag tin- Trastees, seme yean ?mo, caused much Litter fcclin.. and a? .. icsiilt of tho tioubles, them was a run ?ni the liatik in IsilH. j'iie l-aiik na o?a ml from lins ?.ml eemptraaalaed a heavs ?aaahaaa* i- ? or liaiin, made hy on?* of Ila ol'.icei?. baaed on tr.uis m tiuii-, in Moth of toa Idka?te aad Paella MaUBteaas' ?'uji Oompaay. it appaam thal the a?s??t? of the haah esaaaal largely of real eMate and amrtgagea Iba taveataaasM ill n il - Stute ?lilli.Ulli te ItliOlll T-IKI.I..)...?. ?till Is sid? ? tho *baakhalUlBag,eoattaa BlTi-MMO.larlada mue hou???in tills city, valued al ."--tio.ono. ?nid tirojit ?tv al larry ii.v n. ullin d ?it ??nis.uiKi. H.-sidc? tala Isrge aamaal ti?d Bp m real r?tate,the martgage*ameaaitaahaal *-_7u.uii(?. The ?lat.ilitie.s of ti*.- baal BIB UlSshly BMI ni Hid from "fl.'.tnu.'H?? to *1.|ini,(MMi, hal m ?nuit?* Ig. mes. -?innot yet he ascertained. The stink? bb???har similar Becnrltl<*a aw ?tar. at te boioubI In all toaheat ??iioo.'iiMi, wbk'b, with thebonda ol indiv-daal tromtto?, ??ll'i.-mu. and Hie i ash on hand ami ni tins: > oin panie?, ?how an apparent ex?**** of a**et* over lUbili II-?. Hut the dlmenlty which li>-> bloched aa the ti.iii of Hu trastoca I- the Imnu siblllti >.i dlMHwagel l hi* real estate oi forechMlng theil uMtttgaaea to adran? luge. 'I lu shrinkage in vsilue* of real r?ate, ti I* be in-i.-il. wouldscriouslj Impair the ability ol tbe oflteera to pay ilepositors in case ?if ? ?Jeccad ?ule uniler tho banuaer. ________________ lill. NOIU'II CAKOLIMA ( (?N-l li l 1 !(>N Al. (t.V VKNTIU.N'. I!, X. C.? Sijit. '..II.?Th?" C.ii\? iitiuii ?ia-, reeoaualto ?t t. the Ooaaaalites the n *?? d >iu> sttaa of Hil- Kobi ?oil ?'lllllltV I lill! -st. al -a a!.?. 'I'llllk Hi.? iii l.l i*:. d i.i tin-iIi-cu??ioii ot the queel?a to redu < th? a nu la.-l all .-I liattir? tlallll .'.() li) _ I BBOIBBIBa OK Tilt-; JKWt-H M'W TBAB. I'lie .Icwish t,-iiv?il ?d I{??>!i ll.i.sliiinah, or s. w Tear, hegaa al suaa_wa yeeterday, aadwaaeala. bratod ta all the ayaagagam of thi? city aadBraeatya, which wera tt-oaged with worahlpara The fi Btvalvrtll be ii !? I'T.iled until ?ma et te BMCTOW li> Hie oi I li.aalai-. Israelitos, bul only aaUl tin? evealaa by the R?*for.d .ian ?. iii?? lynagogiua will be open danns tb? f. ?ti val for nain ?at vii-t? ?ach d.ii. Prayer, siukuu.. and tin- reading of jioriioti? of theOl? ii.itii'ia-. tin -i-i Lu.. Thl tho 'er. air lui: li.I al?o Mo? ti bj tin- i.tliil.itlui' dutson, m r ad. r, n? a Bull to tin? people to pmpiu?. foi tin* day of atouemeat, which oeeun oa bet IO, aad la the moat sol. .mi fa-t m Hie Behn a calendar. According lo t_a JewMfa ici k. an in? to da) hagtas the yen -000. B-BCOBD ol' li()l!i:i:Ki!s AMD uni r? Alunit h p. m. yentt ni ty, a- ?i l'oiirth-iiie. car na? easBsBBgBOB-Msmh at., a isa.? M ma sub*!, laaeaasg a_majgi 1 Ti. I .11 Ullll'.ll'a?, S'lta' HuI 1.41 flaatll HU' has? ?t ? ?M I. Hill ff ti.? ,..???11.?. r?, ui**i meda ii.? aai ..,?? i ? let Batty, ao? IS yaam t.r \*> tai Mea at, amaaMMai a I . ?. laalai.-. til ulla t I H a I I'll? ?t th* Ir.lillltli I It a in, I |,1, kln< I?-. I? i?... a in* m * aa *' -: li ill Ininti? 1'iiin ? ? n ni i ?? .1-inn a in i la .ti* wa* lulu m li .'??? iiaiii f.. ? ?i?"-. Ung t? i-i- .?i anti *BSea ?uin.i al ?M.U II..-I :* putv <*f A. 111.!, k ol lt|i?>klui, I ?. I.Hiik I lUtii-toii \i.-t? lu'! ..t tin ?am?- -uni: far ?I? ??I lu? B78 ?t.Uti ni tltiiatl lui,.! tin- ?leu ?I kal?A\ 1 B, An* I.? t. as*?, it N ?? 17 ?.!*.t4'.i Wliir. .1. -I ?|ilii i. M Wilkin? na? tulil rtt Hie Ii'iil.? Pellet t milt for ul tainui?.' a ?al* ii, ia! nil al ?173. tmiu 11. l-l. lilt tin i?uf Nu. ..'? I lill ? II? It ti >t . Ik tilt .CIS t*l a fin n *11 lu. k. t '.ni ?_ Dana ?ra* i.? li! ut tie ,..,,, .. al I aa a < tiarm- of i nits-)/ii na |7 tram Ma emstsycr, loha 0. ?JeHahsfger? Ba b2 Ni W Ht?, n At HU' W aa-lllll?Ttaall Pi*** I I- it? t'a.l.l! I f?ft1? Hill? illari?? Hunt "?a? lia lil fui ?rial nj- .? wau ti tal'D-al al * >o In?., t!.^ ii.*..?? uf ii;? ?i-i? i, Ma?, i.'.uaiii in Bah??rae, ti Bi i *S i **i Llalli) lil?it?t. ^_ KIN?.!- ?"?H'Si'Y I IIAIHTV ? ??MMIwsinN. The Ki ni: s County dimity CeSBBBBBBj-BMBB lint ?I 1 latiiikh >??t?r?Uy, .?lui ujipolntitl Di. II. I? Bilder AasBtaim PhyaMao The Trsaaaawiayarrla?fhl (??tal "NBWfrpta for the lt-t month at fhtRtt bil.