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V01 -XXXV.N? 10.825. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY w Stufiy ~ rr. ?*^\l .t>^is.._ Ta,iX ,\.'*?^*_u^_^??&a[ DECEMBER IO. 187?. PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE WHISKY RING. BTAI.T1.TN?; sr.NS.vnON IN ST. LOUIS, ?flVB. BAIK*-?l K IM?H*l*l I*?IIVYK. TMK TlilAl. GONE TOO FlR-ViKIl Vi. |*T**t1ttlMi "1 ? v?l KM I. IlKN IU-RHON F_??M THE rW'BKll II'?N BY *'1M>> !??* FROM "A V?1IIN?,1?!N. [HT TliLKi.!UI*H TO TUB Tt IBC"**?!?. I Bt. L?h i-. I??-. 0.?Two cxiilUag Brant- in the ?eanipniin" against th?* Whlakj Km? batta takaa placa tcMla.v. Oin* w i- that the (.?mild Jury found uti in dirtiurnt apainst Gen. Baboock this forenoon. I b_ news of tin*-by m>me means t*mu obtained cireula tion on the Ktreet. Tin* Grand Jury, it BfPBaiB, dis tMBBE tli' -:.i..?t V'"-?? nl.iy. ami s?*par_ted with the un?l?TstaruliiiK that tin- ballot wa? to bi taken ?it 11 oYlork tin? morniii*_. Th?' Ti *-n1t wa*, that the indictment .??"ii :ifl<T waa prCBBBtod to the Court. The ? tieri ia sim-i'y one of ganami huti-fa? lion , nndit in iH'Iievnl thit the verdiet of the Militaty Court of laqailj in (. hu lago eau hu ve no ?lint, in one way or utittl.t-r. aa wall a* Um Dietriet Atturtiey lure ?ill d.i bil f'ill ?1'ity in the ii reiiii-.cs UriaIndletaMnt ia calling forcible ??"! apeenlatf**. Bttcution li UM expraS-BU ni th?- President lui., oi>"ti an iM'cai-ion w hen McDonald Mai np bia card at th? batel ii? :?. Qranfa i? *?iv mai tliat he eoaM l.oM no cu?n!.uni? allon with a un?l? r imlu t Illi lit ft?l li? flalli!lll)_r til?* <????,.*!!l!IH*llt. AtK'ttitr d? ii-ii.tiii, ?util*-'.? iii-ti'i(*t, ha? bean en .'lui hy an aunouueemcatc? the nature of a ?lic pateh, received bj Distriet-Att-orm-y DftM from Hiiifoni \\ ii--.ii. s .ii. ir?ir ci tin- Treet?xty. It is ?state?!, npaa **?* hat appears t<? he gand authority, that in th? diflpateb nu ntinne?l, Mr. WilBBB BBM Um tipmgrioa, NW<V__ bava to fall together," tad th* i obtained that there ia dancer ?ni afanara] ranoralfi * afaftdab. who have cflemitd in tim pao ? ? minn of the wbiakj caaeu 1 ! i fin t of the dispat? h can be -stated bi no1 ex m t'y a (cit.uiitv. TIM Di-.ii i< I - It '?m iu*y iiatuinlly i ???'??ut. inn the effect ? \i-r-. I Earth? in ol the day, bi h.i-!i eatha receipt ol a dbnatcb bom kttomej i., ?.??mi fu tti fHint inahm? ttnf Um Dtttrii .-Attorn? j lien-, m ?mi stance, t?' dtteharge ex-Senator Bander Ma from tin jin -??-i u:ion, if gnfltj -if alleged r? Ii?* - Uaaaenthc Preeidenl la i.'? sp t h la UmAtotj? tua!. The Di?trict-Atton ?hedbacktotba til'-, t, that Mr. Hendenon did not ia hi?*? ipeech go onui-ie af proprletj ink dbeaaked ti at Arti?".. *.-'; oeral Pierrepool reconatdcr Um!? i. Mt. Bendereon also talegraphed te Mr. i errep b1 ital ?*..* I . b? considered the fii-t ?li? patch'??? nt to a dismissal from the Bfoeecu t ? L'?iii :lu i ii w.i.-m r !-(?:. To Mr. Hen ?li laou**. di-jtati h an Immediate replj ?ii 1 not conic, lo id?* fllapiti h of the l> - ; ?!.>*, Mr. Pierro pool answered that if Mr. Benderron bad act l?eeu gaOtj of the fault -alleged, no1 to ?li-tni*-?, l.iui ; if guilty, te lot him go, Tbc Dietrict-Attoroej again Npttad, ealllagattention te t.i<- coplea afllr.Hen. ettttof* -;>???< h in Mr. Plonepont'a p. sion, ami aaktafl for final ami d. finit?* in*tm?'!>e!i? in the mutter. Tho malt of all this baa baan to e\?*ito tho publie \u rtiii? nt t?? a leaaaifcah-t *i? ina. Tho wbiakj ?neu are jubilant, tv. thej have re:_-< ii t?o he, since, in the ?BBBBra] aflfr Hendataon, who baa baan familiar with the detalla of tho King fur montha, th'ir ch-BMBa of aaaape arc greatly in ei-'U-j 1. No 'tv,- man fin take up tho C'?m ii tli.c_-l. of einhiie?', so _s to bunine a ? ?ti?".'' rons a proeecotor. Coder the ein nmatann p. ii id not t- o nun h til day that UM I? uiov..l la i ?h.siti? en??! a high-handed ami arbitrar*, exereiae ??f power, whieh, if not in Um mtenst ?*?f tbe Whiaky Bing, amount- ia ita (Caulta to tho daine thing. It is ?iinviii that a viihatiiii lapott of Mr. II? iiil<Tvin'n fj'??(h -waa aaart to Waahiagtea aoa_e dajra Ago, and th? n ? ni ??' andj i"' the profeaa >l Ign? i m? e there of it_ r?al nature. Mi Kee and Maguire have buc eeedtd m goellog theil caeca transferred te Um CircuitCoart,and the triabt poatponed until thal f.rxt IfmdBJ IB January. AboUmbpoial f 'i Ihl B THF PRESIDENT INQKT. ?\ ! li Kill 11IKI.AILS1.U Willi I'I MOVAl -AIIAIKMiV i;|\. I.KAMS OITIIll!. VAMILT ?Ol HRLISI1LI>?<*<)NV1M KI) OP BAnOOOKl 1N MJCtMii. lUT TKHf.BAPn T?. TUP. TI?ir.I'VR 1 WabihN'.T"*-.-, 1)'*?*. 0.?The whisky buB-BCM in f I. i-ouii betiuiiea more eonpUcatod ?lay bp <1?\. The ."T-H-dent han lodt hil i?ati? nie with ex-H. uatm H?'ulciMin, the Oovernm? rit ? ?iiiiisi!, nml la rag laaahiag that point wttb Becratai Bristow. Dur? bai the padt f?w ?lays ?he I*r?*?*i'l? nt ha*? laid tint li?? le __.'i--fit<l '?: believed that tt wo ihl bo eatabliabed bj t!i?* court. Henani he lia'l reached 'bi- roi.elii-inii aft? r a full cotiv iB.iti-iu with Gan, Pabcoob, v.ho h.-nl aatUtae ton'y ein'.aiii? J all the talognaaa piiri?iirfiiii* to lu.*. ,t a-<1 ia ???iv< l bj io i.. Dal.h in farthering the iiit<*ie?-ts of the aMefr?*?i conspirators. As f. r ex Baaator Hoadoraon, the PtoBblant ?lo?? n?'i r< :i*?ni or pretend t?i eaaaaal hid ang r. II?* baa ?ti J thal Mr. Hender? son has gil*!?*- outside "f the ?? i???? t.? attaab bimi t,'r_nt, and bia o **i i d does not thinb tbataacb a mau in lit to have the charge of iinji.u Lint ? . T.i?* Preaid? nt nR?d tbose warda arithia a ?layo: two, lu ref-Tung te tbe mi?,?? <t : " Dendi non pi?mv ui?'ii Aveiyin onkr toc.tiry ont Iba oonapiraej beear t?*i?*?i late with Beban tgaiaai m.." j be Preatdenl Lt*> Machad ti. n jKimt a lera be ia dulc? mined la ; Lav?* a d. n't i/iciil with Mr. UeodcBBOO. It Id known that Um Ftoa-deari baddadded tectdei Um HaMttaal al Mr. Beeeataaa tor gaing out-id.* Of hm ?luti'S la atta?k bis ofliiial fiiiniii-, and it is Ixfoio tlio Iii'.ii lemo-, ii an opportunity was gifaa Um BB-Seaatef to explain I.,- :? marks daring the A ? iy trial atr?-et liig the K_?_ uti?? banaaboM. Es4aaatav Baader ?on, it i*- upieeWktmi, tepaaoi thal tho lemarks at uibutiii t?i him, ami pnbiiahad m aoaaa al tha gapers, Were not eorie, t. ami tint he Would forwat?! a i ?u ?? < t Ngari f i ??in !ili.)Hli.iii?l n r.? ? of what ?i? ?lid my , tnd that he would ?tand hy lui wonts, the ax ol' uiiiovJ is, therefore, aaapanaV I uui.1 th?' r?*.|??>rt ui rivt.1. In the mean ti nut, the Militaiy Court of In Quiry wxs to hav?j a_.s?'iiii.l ti toilay, an?l ?iino'i-ly anoQgh there was received at the Attm ney-'?enera) s ettie? to-day a impMk h ani.imm iii?? ni i ant that (jen. nbaaab )ia?t baan bdtated. ? A US M FICA M WAIIMNC. 'Wapiiingiom, De?. 0.?The Attorney-General to ?*?jr auit a lui? ??rum to United ?States Attoinev Dyer, of S;. Tonis, Bgytaaj tint advtoea In?! re ,-ioh.d liim to tin*ttt.?i finit isiH-iiiil i..ii-iM-i n?u,), noa had, in ti?e ?*otir??e df tin- hxaty Kill, atada an ?poa tin* rri'.sididt mu? H.sMiniiii tin* rintel Btetel At httta : thut tlio ?Department ??U nut iniitjmui to )..!> . ????< i.ilManad for 111 i ?><? kiiitl uf -m ii.-. l.XHl.CT FttOM HKNOKHflOlffl IPKBCB IN THF. AVERY TRIAL, ?,. . . 7V" "? 7%' Sl- ' em? BepubtU m, Dne. t. 1 'il-. 1R tin? Mot DpOO (>!ir t?o.i-riiltl. lit tliilt It 1k vu?.r,ii-, for nnili tliluire toexlat, lim ...ulil mt exlatla England, France, oi an] other .*iiiii7?<i govern nu ut. but m?' |i, i'iiiinr f?. ?tur hoist,?! republic. I? ih i inn, partr, party thal damai our ?? -untry, ead tie ?lio ii-i? tiic nein-1<i i?.?m tin* bebeetaof narty o? worthy of nur.? rrciiit than the bratreet <>f old Roman aoldtere. i ii'ier iii?* nanii',,1 partr every fraud and tafean within lae i .m-?- of poealbilltiea I* perpetral*-<L li 1h le Im ti"i??d nii'i prayed tti it tin- tim? la oom'.ng when a man who baa thi impertona fu-ro of character to reelet the ?in tau i of parti ? ill i"* looked ap ?to at ,i ti ra But ve tua** ?roto tin* bottom?corruption mu ?Tenet in all oar in. um tiona, and our nailon in?n decaj and fall before mi hain'hi? Kiimj truth i reepert party when it la r? nipoacd of boneal men, organl_<__ for bom -t purpo* -* but aben It la componed ?.f men bandi 'l together ii? i>?r petrate frauda avon tin Uovernment, m t?. aerve the i? r* Utiunl ende of Ila i? adera, ii en awaj with It. I'M norn ? f t I. t Ki pnblioana and Dei.rat all I A? i ?Id and Join ii iii,- ttopporl of prim plea which ?rill -it??* to the neal rtonlti t? onr GoTernnicnt, which will [live dignity and -t.ttiiit? t?i onr nation, eua ?tim li will mini lu i?.ruin.m benefit : itml in vii '.< i ii- I.? |< I ?i-tiiv -" f n ii? to iiuikc one '.ilii ii ni our Ooverumeui ?abat i : I t ni tu another. Whatright hadBabeoekta te te Dooglaaa tolndnee bim to withdraw ins agente 1 Dongla ? was?] iced In * ; n io -i i- that Mu i.\. In wa of the Uovern iniiit w reiiroperlr ent.I Whnl bnalneen,then.bad i - wuii lum ! wti.-ii in ?iii, lal got h iniii ?itlirc. be '?? 'o ?' ; lui nul. i < ml. nt of all lilli. i.< ...? t .-i?t thal ' law, ?mil if lu-1*.-, ..-i. /, n mv i.tin r meat? r, ti ? a nu- Government letninbliug down. What riebt baa the i'i i-.?|. nt io nu.l-f.-i.- wuii Commlaaiouer DouffLtaa In Hu- ?. 1.1?. ? Hachante ?.f bli dntlea.ot with Um Pi bi nrerl None; andDourlaaa ?allowedalamentabli weah m M ?.f i 'hui :>. 1er tvluii In i?-ti m ,| to Kain oik.? dictate?. He should either bnve In-dated thal bia ordere aa tiley exiMicd i? (?-Anted out, or ..liouM bave reaUncd liib ? ? Wb] did i> ?iif-iii-. bend Hk? ?snpple btageeof thekaee uni permit aUj ml. n? n in-. In tin- i'i. ??iii. nt I I lil- v..? Douirlasa'a own buitln. a?-, and bo etood i. poneible for It und? r lils offli ;.?: ?nth. it ? .- bound to n-i.-t? t?. no dio t iii"ii f r ??m tin- i?,- ni m, u ibooeh, or anj otl? i nilli ? r. ?m.i n waa bia duli louee thal thal ordei waa carried ont ortoreeirn. that we bad official* who p. more ol thal itfernar -uni' ?.f which the ufBci bolder* Of olden linn ft vu n- in uli Why ilo Hut not lt-aii?'. Muir oin..- Hli?;i tiny ' r?"* tiuTO lu??!.?ia: t 1- li t.? n.iitlin e thal beeanee a maa boldi an ofll ? al tbt banda ?>f :? i.?.'i,. t lu tit i?. >"* n bonde I ala ve I hi- Iii. ii ti oui nation iou? gained by aboutit n if the black man ki In n ??ii? iimt tu? white nuiii in?? be placed In ti i imouilie louachaina which aie now an atteudanl of public olBc??, it iii.itliiiiiM.i. i m., f m ?lie ?ne eaying, " 1 would i.itmr Ik- ri lit fit in ?. I'., -til nt,' ti ?? ?? ?? ntl tnent worth all tn. baublea ot the <in. ead ??r I eil aiiould iii'it: lum who uttered It to immortality. Bul i j i. Id? ?i lin- apeaker did no1 believe bim die homet; but be wai pom*, ?n .1 ??.? frightened hy t?i< ii??.nain tu.n Ins tfiini, uf office depended on bia obedl ? m c to iiu-1-< in ata o? tin' bight . j?'i?-i i -, THE Mil RABY 00UR1 l?> DOLO OPEN Bl --Lins, Chicago, De***. '.?.- i.i? nt.-iini. .-??iii ni m, nml (.-'us. lliinii'ik ?mil Terry, ennpoeing the Court of [nquiry appointed al the reqnc t of Gen. Babeoek, [dei the queationa raieed m the traoaact iona of Hie \viu-l_\- eon ;tt 8t< Lonia, afli cling Ins repu? tation, nut ?*i! the Palmer Bouae ;it n.-.u to-day, ? .:?!?.I iimt tit* Court .lum!?! bold an open ?n, Major I ..ii'liit r. the recoi that on iii t ?illili of tile li? k "f wltl <-*-<*- li ? Ililli-' ? ?nilli lu done to-day, and the Court eccordinglj adjountetl until noon to-iiionow. TIIC I.VHIWA C0K8PIRACT. :?} W H (Mm I "li Hil ! I I A' ! I? <?\ I :*l -.1 ?ii" \ l\?. a id .? HI .1 i- 01 i-.'v-il. Ml;. ll-iniAtk io 11 tan Mi!, miL. Indianapolis, Ih'I., Dee. 9??The trial <>i k Hill, u. ?iu, ii?- \ ? in. Collector of the Pti t Wa Met, waa begun la the t*. t? ?" Utotea t onrl t.. day i. -????? Judge Qreabam. h motton aaada m qnaeh the Indtet ?i an alleged ?i? fi ot In Ihreo enante waa overruled, ?uni ?i Jury iin|..ii?. i. i. i? poty I?.-ii '? I-l'|.?-* i n ?: iii'i-tiiii made a detailed atateaeal "f the pro? h nt Hu dletlllerlea where Mn--<* Irregularll ?- I h i carried oa ?*?' i""-' and neceealully, ino ?proeeeutloa Mun ?<?! f'.itii a li.-'-uv of tin. Indialla ".Li !... ?on i?,?ii ney, whiuti, he oti-tivuit, ama aa eatgrowtb of tlie EM Loala Wag, aad baa been aneeeeafully orgai .?? latnee i -t:i. Tia- iii'? ta?aut, Im ??..i i. im-1" ? n t?? M.? empl. y ? I tin? dot ?riiiin'iit la the eapaerty of Depntj t. rennel ?I lector <>f Iba Piral i?:-'r,?-t. ead the ? barge againet bim la ttiat Of ha *?.r nilli iii ii'in .It ? lib i - ?i in? tieri- 'it in;* the Government eat of i onay. II will ho ibown iu c\!ii(uti*, te cii-l. Mu? defendant \fiie a fWtt) to Mu? Whtaky llii'i*. and rc> eelved ?. monthly allowance ??f 91B0| thal be baa ?ii. n tofonnatl in In advain ? of the appn ??< h of u<i:ern mint offleera te tin.-, ?it-; Uara,bj whtcbm? inaeverj ?thing waafoand In proper ahapeoathe arrival el ?tii-?.> ofticiiJi?. in' jiii.-M i ??in n fin 1 ti. r i?ro]??.-i - toabow I li. I nu t-.ii? ona inn iti'i waa .-?.nt bj hlaanperiorofllc ?, (,?ii \, ,ii. to look aftera a In nlarity at ont of the ?I..* .fin m. mi' ti m tbhRtng i * id of nal laquiry, the depaty aierelj weal to the prcmleee, and, Hfl? r l Itertag aboat awhile, n turn ?! to Evaaai Hie with .riii?tiui thal evatythlag ni eotnet Por ttali repori he raedved ? 10ft W r Ptahhaek, attornr?* far Mr ir m, la ttattng Um eaaee of bleetteot to the Jury, expi -- I hie aat_t.i ur ? ? ping UK-, rtlona conn el for the pn ecutionhad B_a__B relative to the ehan Integrity of Mr. Hill, \ Id, >,. | n ii, >. iiu ? .1 imrtli ? lia I . m ipin <1 t.? im-.i li it.?? n ?and deetroi Mr. ?Fiabb.n u ?pul eonaid? table upon the point, tb .t the < ?i.l in ?? up in (be del nt la indict???! le ??? ? !? tin i of p win? ?have pleaded guilty ot defrauding ti..- i ui ?n n. Jual ?1 n . ii? i m ?I'li'ii.' which they havi eirtnully <-??t?i- ? I tbemeelvea lo in li? wil i that hi |.i....??-. 'I i ,.'.n the IM_>fri?-l l* ..... 11 t.,- nml ni- iii mtj ?.n the ?i 'i. ia eland ., im ? ai.ii -i .nal ?.? < i min ?i ? ii rta ni tin de fendant in worhimrup iceewhli ? ? ?-? . and plucinn tbi Grand lory Important Information apon a i... h the (.min perrtOBi >? ere Imlb let Only two or taree wliu? -?-??n ?.* u 'i m forty fortbe ilion were ezamlui I before the court adbinrued The Bingham Broi appt ired In peraun In ?"uitiitl? ,. , and with I ? re nalnln .* peraoni a '.?? bar i. niitj ia d< framl a i tbt t?o cn m? nt,ait i ?vii -. in? fin in the Cou U which will be ?paaaed after Hu- ii n . Me I*- -?tt;. ii. Louie li. Kraeber, arreated al Clot inn itl, etiat?rlo3 bim ? 'n tin* i.tau-,.lim tra?ale,Wita releae ; _ ..oui? bail. ABHEBT IN CINt INNATX CincinnatIi Dee. B.?Lewit li. Brad? r of . brother at Peas Braaber, an < * )'.? * ? lint otot ? r ?!H i? i i-, v,..?, ?nu .-.t ?! * r-if'tlt.? i.iiii' United M ?tabal apea an ladletmi at laaned t.? tbefli ?ad Juiy la IndianapaUaferanaaa-rtad ladefland tbaBoven? D I?;.: lim ut- ___________________ DA1RYMRA s COM RNTION. till* Ml I TJBQ I'M 'H' I" *i to? A M ?im li ?.) I -um; Aiii'iii n< I M M" - v -,vi' it, N. Y., Dec. 3.?The w - - -:; of the f-i , Dairj ? '- laaoelatloo and Bo rd of trade wen ; kith ai. .i*. Inn'.. anea. A pap? waa read bj L i? Hjrdinol Um Ki-., 11, --.-i i ? a .-.g iui Improved n Ui .1 tn ih??? lag butter, a. l. ?Fiah o* nark-Bar County ?rand a paper apoa ttie tepraveaaeat of daUry p ?> ducc. t-j. ?lUi_ ?ind latareetlag dlaeaaatoai Hollowed ti.iih papera At Um ?ftaraoaa eeaak? fret. L n Ariu-itl ?.f i: u in-?.i i read a paper span ** I . ? u. i.? i. the i-i?.nu.I that -"i1 - -i-i ti (."??- "t the .uti, ? me . u,, ,-|.i ni of milk to *? try '.' - *? u lluiet ol in, if,-i.-? i ?r?. Kimi ? prea-nfed i i * ? *. i- i. Iii im 1.1,. ?. m* nt- lu tlairtiii' Then followed a p. br ii,, non ?.iiii?. li '??i" of llerkttn i i ?. i u anon "Ilree t .,,,,1 v. .? - ? ' i n ? "i. ??' '".i. lb.i? "'i ' I ?? nu i?: m . ini to h- ?i t11 i'i? n- ol eom m' ? - j Hi: RICHMOND N.itiu is M >v BANDA. Richmond, Vtu, l>?c '.?.? '//?* Rtohtaooi H lu i I.M I" ? ? P ?' BSaei lu Me-?". Wi ill m Hbottd i ?mi..nt. nml (?-".I g ttmht ?I? .it'i>'*.irui<*'* nulir'tit* m a ?aaap?nl Oeta. BM-41 wai lea BO paaa ?pea vioui? to ami ?lurim. tin? Lit?' amf M.f the proprietor! ol TU Whip, aad it? eblef bun. i , Nati.iel li blenda, tif'iti'Ay .* In..r ,,' rht Watti, ind "i -i"-'-?"it < 'i'H n-.'in ?.f ihe I. tateCou eervatlve-Uoromlttee, will r<eeu__e the editorial control ol toe paper.with Megara. k.P. Benaelt. formerir of lite t ;., it. and i m i* Smith, ltnu: couut^uu vtitii ?tit \siuu, naatlataeU MOODf ASD HANKI.Vri Mil IIS'.-* Pim.AiMi.i'iitA, Dee. ?.?MotwWwUndiof Ibaeoatlaaed bad weathM ti?, r? eaeoal laaat W,000per? na? la altea JaarmT tin DaaaN Tah i rai id i tin? mern 1,.,? li,,, (lion en. "it in full fJrtv. and tin) peaton eld?- of ti..- plaUaaT wa? Vail flll'-*! Alout l'_ o'. Io. it Mr. Mood? api?earcd and auld. " Uti ne open the tatt ti lug tiy ringing toe Sl?a tiymii Tie the proiiitse of G?st full Mlva_i??n to pin-." Tti? liyuiii wet ?unp with rlgai anil fir??-!, Mr.-Sanker l'**i<l liii;. Tin- Ri \ lu N wtoo ri* ni requests for prayer, r..'ti*r -*>_>._ tBe Hev. Mr. Alwood i??l lu prayer, ami the 7_?l li.? mu ?iu--mi-1.1 in. ni in n.,. itondlng. Mr, Moody took for a suMtet the continuation of tti. metii??!? t?? i**?* n-?*.I n tin* * lu ;, iri I ?un m. ?? iiml ?.i Id: *? Tti?-tlmt ? 1.1-- <.?" Inquirer* to is- dealt witii ara thoo* who ara professed ? 1.n-.?.ni), but who see In doubt. I lu* m vi ?it-. 1- 'lu* n.i? k-iid? 1, nml the tliitil el 1-? those who nu- not con vi.-ieii deeply ?if ?in." Dpoa these gelata he dwell al lenirth. Remarks were then made bj lb? Rev. i?r. New I'.n, Ose. H Ht im 11. Mr. -Far-well of Chicago, and 11?** Ki*. Dr. Hatltold. wliea, a'ter a benediction bj tin Hey. L?r. Orswell, the andtenee wer?* dlsmlsscit AIR. MOODTS cm inn IS CHICAGO. am Hlinui'Un or tuf. biili 1 sr,?division of tiik u rttMg wat mini ? -mai u ga, CtlirAfii?, Dec. 4.?Mr. Momly, flic rv;ni"-*l l*-t. for many v or- lalisrad ii, 1 shall of a BrisslM in t lil" ?hi. The niltxliin Innliluiir WBS ilestr?iye?l riming tim fin-, nml while it u.i_ halag r? hutlt Mr. Mo"ly ?sent to l.in_l.ui_. The BBU tiulltliiur, kasWB n? the CMeaga Avenas Chareh, is Mtaaaal at LaaaOa ead PMeaau area It-seal |g_g00n,aa_l thaaMuagrhaaBesB rais?-?! to pai tarit g87j000al Um amount aavlagheea o'.1 un.?1 ii*"ui Hu* *'rtniiit.. " ?m Mosers, Moady and gaakey S elaglag hooka add la Bagtand aurtagteegraal n\ivi?l. The muli.n ivi-i-l tu !i 1'e ttif liuiitl!ii*_ 1I11 i-l,.tl l.v ,1.111. 1, .mil Mr. Mtmilj Ui jut-tut at the ?leilliltiotl. lue baUdtag is baut of brick, is .i| in shape, and n .ciiiint n a pulillc m-lnml or iiinioiy rather limn a l'huith. It lin li *uiiiiiii?_*i of iif Ul? li il atase, h ii,.m?!? row ?if wtadowa gleree three -iii?-., und n loi tit-it ti rouf eli.tu- I lie luul l iiiiT. a iiiiiHi of light i- admitted hji sa ta?an aas -'??.? light, the ii'.-'-t la Um dtp? Ob ttie granad Boor there ?- .1 i? ? tin?- rema, with seats lae tixeipasple.cewlttsa ead -sapper rooBM. The large lo-ahi abare II i? iii- lateatioa at the 1 nu.-. ? t*.n .mi ta aaafer the eharch serrleee(aad n Im foi ?1 "-nilli.n -1 iiotii 'Uni?* will beaesti tor 2,700 parsons la this rooas, rbere are three h id aatranoee, t:. s m o noli i- .u in.* iiiiu ii ni of ths tim atra?is, whsrs .1 mad tower rises to s bl?ht of 04 toi t- lathla tower wind in.' lum stairs lead op to the audl ? moobi and the gallery? 1 iie fall. -1 l*. \. 1 v Steep .uni 'I.* 'i. i*'.'! n ? Hie pulpit, bot tbe building Is full ol light and cheerful Iii- n,oui inn-. otndows, ?mil tin* monster skylight, in ii;** tin* n.. m is bright si day. lhere I? one thing ver j i . '??...t ii.,* ? n trui ii.'ii of it Is ?-lu?!? ii Mr Mooly bas always desired an su?l nee-room Ihateonld be divided np'lnin sections for Rundaj *-? hool 11.? ? ? ?-. la t|i,ii t im 1 , in.*-. ,ii. Tbe Immense gall rj oftbisi has inen m 1.m.. -i lo meei this ilealre. Blldlngd. move from tin franl pew? lu the gallery beck to in?* ?? lil. 'I li? II ? li. 1.11*1- ?tit* II .-?I 1. ?n I* ?H| I ii* i-t I Vi ?'. .? 1 1.1*1 be lil 1l.11? m al .1 iiittiiitiii'. iititic* u I, 11 ?I'-ir.iltl* . ''ii- c enrtalaa come down length wine srlth Uto lnl'H. Ill til!. -HIV It I*- ti. -llll'tl to ii ne Um whola space m the teilet) m .n ranged ti ii 11 ran be divided Into section?. Ml!.?illili ?Xi.ll. nt i.t ? nui no I,,; m,,- 1 mi:.I ?te f. nml lu I ii* n i* 1 it lil. Mi. M.!> tii-ii..- lil-*- 1 .ti In Hu 1 I in t! ?? 1 I'll. li. One department of the ebnrrh la nf much Inter it ii is a elob asMM'latIon called the " Yokefellow?." Al ?'i o. m. i*ii*i ? Sunday the members of the association eai ' 'pin 1 a.? room ?it ti.1 '. *. ii then ro li slncts to work Anne rxteti Ins iuvitatiou* lo "? ? v? :il 'g :.t it opie ni Im* nho|M and 11*11 : s.i li 1. m*, n. i!ii* i in 1 ntbeis w.illiin r in neu. li tbe street?. '??iii.n illuminated banners, m wblcn sre [wtiiie't lilli* n \t- and nuil 1- o' ne 1 t* rhis method o I r?'ucblllg tile populace isa ?ile ess; It li! 'ii.-- a lal S 1 ??'. yu--J. lion in II..* ti .in li Hilo 1 ti. 1 li i- DOS lb?' ? II ? if n..- labors of M ?: .r Whittle, a micc_?i*_?ful pi ir'ier, : '?? H ? ami of Mr. Bliss, who wi 1 li] mu, ?' iliiid the I uri." ARREST OF THEBAttATOOACOUNTT DI F.U L.T1 R. Baratooa, N. V., Dee. 9.??Henry A. Hann, rx-Connty Treasurer of Saratoga ?Oonnty, wa* u ? *-r.. 1 ,, I o'clock ihn? norning by Bbertf Carpenteral ? * Ml ia. A eoiiiliiilti-e bon ?li?- I'.".Uti.if S. p? I t it* Is li.ii e f.Ho*.1 S?tes to the amount ?f g119.000, hu led and i'i* Mi. Mana ?is Ceaat] Ireaosrer witt? II iiiiH !? .n -n .1 ted fur some dara thal k? s paring to i* are, and a quid oatefa baa Been kept on bli movement**, gc action, ettber erlialsal or rt-rll hsJ, ap to tins tiifi n.iii'. beca 1.icbl agsitt-M bim dr Mann 1 i 11 ? > m ti ; . ??i. ?In-* ? ?* viit-i ii 11:30 o'clock, and was I,* id t-t li ii 1,1 iin* .fu ..i r I*',* nu?. ;.,. ,, im intui? tion II ? 1 : ?"?-? ?11 tin- t 'i-t nli ??* Dep :.* '? ? - 1! W'dt, lera * * ; . ils u il? lili ?.u i?t iii.- maller. i ?i.. 'i-i t.? A. Mann. tb< defaulting rrea?urer ??r Pars o *. c "lui ?. -n. .*.* .!? ?I In ' n m,-li n ? h -i! In tbi? mun of -1 u.???h 1 this afternoon. Toa aitlaeaa of thla plaeo be .??lint* lils I)-?Uti".If II 1 B1 M. l?iu BIOAMT IU UTAH, Bali Lake, Utah, Dee. I..?*The ens,? ,,i Reynolds, I'niii i?*ti fur Mgsmy, who bse ones been tried and eonvlcted, but the verdict lu whose 1 ise . - - saide bj ti'* ipreine Coori <m secountofsa erior m the onmbcr of grand lorymea, ii mi ?> sa tri.,' : ? ton the Third DI trkrt Coori ind .1 |nrj sssoh isla i-o-ti'V The paael of thsdiaad Jar. In tbe Second 1 -. ni li- aver, l t ih, ? 0* glled t?i ?! u*. Thi re I? M . * ? ' I rand Jin 1. ,i"ii ii "? ? . ? ? ? eil that a bi * * r of ln?lii Inn ni foi big 1. '??un i. us 1 ne Judge called their attention port.arlj to tile mliji ? t, _ _ .*?*-.-: BMA 11( CATTLE RAID Oalveston, T? xa-, De?*. !'. Brownsville ad? it ?t iimt 1 u'.ii m .tutu baa bara reeelrrd thal ;? 1 nu. ?t has been made al Muntere?/for the dellTerj if 18,000 beeves, <?n?- buadred and gftj hideswisrere ceatlj it? lull iii Matamoros horn Montera] having Ai,? 1 it*.in branda, lafonaation from dlCereal pointi .1 uni * iii* Rio < ?? audi gives I be 1.bcr ni 1 mt le 11 Into Mexico during the it-i numih. r- list 1 imln ? 1, "i Most of them were driven towan! Monterej O? herd was 1 ken to Camargo, ani iterasnded by ispt. King's agent, bul th? I 1 irofoscd to Ut in t 111. .-.AUGURAL OP 00V. li: fill S,w I'i.'am i-' <?, De. 'A.?Unv. Irwin \ - lasngnratsd i'-i.n sitb ne* asnal eemnmte?. lu Us .11.011 m*.*i sddraM henraes the '?? -?? le * ag t tin 1 nf 1 *,.. -i i?. 1.11 ,* ir apon tie* ?i. in. t tu pu.inn* u iiitii*n?"it o?! -if 'lu* treatj -? t h ?China, u iii s ri sr nf resti letlng Chlm -?? ln,mi 1 1 * liri! lin* Bl ite ? 'm 'I 1 t|i ?ininti s l'turii to ?;?< ? k 1 .u in? ? nriii i-i p? nalbia moment. BOST051 i*Mii:i:wi:n . 1:.-' ELFCTlO?T. Boston. Deo. 9.?The Bonton l ..??? I'ml?r ed ti follow! i ??? ' President, J. R ITuIlto; v r ? R s Cbsfi ?? <;?"?? ? M. iiiit-vit : Tn ?i.m!il, -. i |r.; Executive Oom rntttee, 01 li ?? Kcnl I? >|?h < ll?n ?, titi i I M Albeit Bowki r, and W Ubi n s Denny, AN I I H.Vt? Mil HAUY MI I?, f.. P-fTLADBLPIlIA, Dee. 'A.? An < I * mt t. ti ni.mi.ii st si i ' f ;i Mi?t. fit militar) m !.i ..*. toba pn -? 'i', -l i.? ;ii.* \ i ? Uli ? ? ? .-i - ? - lol oe Light Guards of 1 . ink<*ii of Hu? i .i?i;.'' 111'i'*!i ??' the courtesies extended (??? *-i bj I be lal lei corps during tbe vHdi ni Ibc lirais to Boston upon the occasion of the Bunker Hill Centennial. nri?' kAKKT) FOB TUB UKI? PACIFIC. San PraxcibcOi Dee, ?*.?A dispatch re? ceived fi.'in Bau ii*, t ? t* ?- n petition Is ' ? *.? extend iManl to n? r?*v.i- i' o iin- i: iii? ??.ol, in enable H to ?unid a com p.-iinx '"?? '?* Ihi i . TWi;i.D BOUOBT FOH W I tKASA. Ottaw?, iii.t., I>'?\ ;?. ri.i?? New Yi.r-i ???? lutlvt-s ni'i??<! li? n- 1?' 'iii ill |iiirnut of Win,.m v| i . i... Lui .* reason io b< lleve, lias n m.?m i With the assistan..I ? city detective thej ara making strict si rehtoi ibe fugitive. cniMEB AM? castlAi.TiEn?irr 11:1.1.?,i:\rir llviii*i\ N. Bh Ote, D, John Crawley, jr.. wai i.*.;. 1 u ^ t. n'i today, bytb? iu*?*ii?i!?iu ?? . . , ? lu Uli ?Ut I EBA? * i'* i-' . Di "? 0 - V ii'inil ?r of p psons ,-i. 1 sers f'.r nasals g V- sod |10 ?soostwlell -, ,. ? IN ?I ?. ..ii' 1, M. Pbovidi m 1. R. !.. I'*''. 0 -J 'iri i'l'.'i'i'.'.rk, an ?npiori les.irto? ? ?afin i,,,,., ,tj iielog 1 1 an a shaft au ii*:.".- olaUonss lilllllll'*. ?WlUntSBABBB, Pinn., De '?. I-i.-u* Dnrosa wn? to.ui ?? ti- in ? 1 i" n ?*? ??i ? *?'"i 1 iiuiiiiii- -n pi 1 -mi Um f.-?? wttf 1,1111...:..i ii!i.iir-,.i,itijt^it)!ii,iL Bprlugbrouh iu?u tl.lp laai 1 n u.'.,, r. .Ndiiiv n ii. N. V.. I?? ?. '?*.? Kawana Cloac, a fnmi (H|.*.'.,? I SIS tO-Dlght iil.l.inl IO iii ?I li li Itl.lMil: i..* 1 la i,)i..*i.i is lisve i,...u a.. .tu iii.iL Iii? leeenotd Uftaslla um u*. f ?iitliln u. CiMivviT!, l?e<*. P.?A, ?'? H'ltnon-oti. tin- Post nun n r ol K0W1 III.. " ???? "" 1 at*-?i ?* I reottd'oi robb ?< ? the Mall! Mkliiii?! Hil I ?vi s di ?Ir, ,t.v lullwil l,)n?usii li?? .'.till.e olitlf, ?lill ti.'I* .It I? < l< ?I III?- l*"?>l? 17 .-\.v I tamitBOO, Doe.9, W. rSmti, * twr* n.t i ai.ililli ? n/?'1 ?'I Wsfcesiw, Mi?-*, ?as Bitiotwl hera v? -Ki'!..? '"i '--m? rt. 'm ? 11?,o.-. I? 11 li '11 'n' ?util ni. r nf \l ?us?, till* ti?. Ile'?* ill iirutiUlily li? i*V< u ?a.ivi?: ISSBST lut?. In 1 min, Dee, o.-A-.i W. Kennedr, .?"? weil-kn a n stitt ktiiit.? ? ' tram laal sigh) -rlih -?1 uuo, ile t, of eat tie ?old, ?ml ??as milln?!??! II 1 in* in* SOMMUll n Li? __i ti..m?-, los mil*? weat "i v?it sa ?*?<? ?? He ??* ?aauasaj hdaaat by u? uigiiwajmeb. WASHINGTON. TTTF VAf'WI SI.NAToRlMa CHAIR. mVntuy's cmimavt WIIMIMAWI PNOM tub cov TKST?MI?. MNCUIIK K TO liKN'KW Ulf" CLAIM-. ?li' Tkl-Ei.I'.Al li TO TUB Tltlllt SK I WhgwiNfliOM, Dee. '.?.- A n?*w leefene in ntatien to til?- T.oiii-iiiiia *??? ti?it?.r-.|.ip w .h ?.. *.? to- lay, in the nedlng in tin* Bannte <>f the letter from \v. I.. Mi .Millan, r?*liin|iii-liingliis chum to a .e.-it in the Renata, n?. baviag i?c??n elected by the afuFnefj Leg* i-latuie of Lonn-mn.., and hin crt-.l.-tif iai. ai true 1 hg Mr. MeEnery ne Governer, It i. enderatoed that Senator MeMOlan doee thta ae pari <'f tim Wheeler coapronnae, eo thal tin' initant Loglaletnre. which i* i be result n f the rotTiprottii-i*, m ey fhooofl i Bena f'?r. nh'itit tim rrinilarity of w li *o eli'? li i*i a ii'i uiiin an Bannte na mi? ne ?ii? t ?<m, tiny having Indoreed tim Wheeler iwpieailer? The I -iili'i.i.- wlii. h m 1<? ?! it ? Bena t??r in ni rloaalj divided tint eaeh party elah is a tunjo.?tv on joint be?ot, It is thonghl that ne election will be until the vneandee In the lower n nil? from (hi* pnnebeeef Grant and Onaehita ?in till. ti. Then pariahei tn tety eerteln to re? turn Co;: ?i i\,i'i\? -, ? iii, h i. ill ?make the elei Hen of a Conaervntive United Btatee Banntet n certainty. Mr. ?Pinchbeck is itill pnahlng his elahaa, hut with no apparent pi?onea Mr? Pinebbaek'a friande aay ii. it Qov. Ki Hogg doee not wnnl hie eaaeaetedoo m.i it .i'i. i ,i,i Lonieiana Legialature ?baaadjourned, .vlii*!i, it ii,." si uni.' rejeete Pinehhnek, he (Kellogg) . ita appoinl ;? muj? f..r the \a? aney, OPENINGS POH ECONOMY, 1)1 A l>- Win ill IN lill: HI I* Ml IM,: st . Willi II IM I -li- j (?Ai in?; tuMMirii is MflcOVBD ? ___. TBATAOANCI IN I'i Iii I?; ?PRIRTINO?maumu (I M ltl'lil Al' II ?liAllirS-llll I'KN-KlN III .1 Al -TIIK I li.K l lim -r I .?-I ti!i I -II Ml M . [mon A 1.1 .1 I tu ? mci -r? ,_|.| *. i nr lill. 11:1111 M'. I W ggniNOTON, Dee, B.?The Democrat.? taa> ?ui'i in Hi?- It".?ill lint li tin iii-v j.,li t., i ..ri \ .?tit Mi* n Ideaa of retrencbmeat KTbea thej pet at tim wort of ma' m.' ii |i? i ?mi ? ,n 11 ?n? |ba powerful bureaucracy ol \v ??inn -'?ni ?t mi be n league t.. deceive tbcm aa to the n?.ii tii-.-i --iti. i o( th.- (ion rum. "it. ?The I.h ?>f oatt" III it? - a ill tola at f IT in 'If Hi 'II li .?. I ?? IH pal number.? ? '. u .. .- frowtba f ? travn? pt ace a i rorrapttoa Intb ?galaeol ??? entlal parta of the body poUtte, Headaof ?i partmeal ?'ni bareena In? i m *.. ? pinn ' bi i' bl ai mj ol i __< i b Id ri ni. :?. Ila ninrnuiii -tK'li.lii to '?i ii.? it . Tiuu ni hill.ti pelea of aezt year, will be earefal not to Indli ile when iii? |?. ming knife of tcom i. and a 111 ?luv?, te i*?!..'*u?* the ll'.u-t thal It.ii.-detail ?? ni *"it. n i :? . " ? unie important function of govern Rm ?.'''' - ?r. naj tot Vif i?' m . i.?t*-1" .i ???? ? i n. to - 1.1... the "ii '-.-t ????'?? -"i.., tin ii Hil III " : - al, I li? Illili.?' ? thO! ! InVI ' . ?lui!? Of Ibe rww ?' . - ila*. ' '? : I li?,?.li ?lill lu- rOUOd ill Milli- i?f III? depart? na Hi Holman. \ tis the i ea ery laformed bm lulu that l-l tn? n roni t-. ? ii thattwo-thlrdaol Ute Bamber ... clerke hum ia iii,.! iii,? i i ti?i tim work, end do it lum. iiu : iiMv. too,than toe preeenl force, in manj of the otu??? tbe men and women in onumerwua thal they ore lu on? another*! ????. aud to ia ii., ?i ? ew el >A..ik for t..? m i ?i?. i::.?: t-u- ? nmpli ?. iyalema ol m Ion ,i, -, Sling :.*? i i cording papen are drvtaed. A War .... i im. ?. 11 rill? ni ..iii i..i?> ?thal ... pana 150,000 ?i.?,iii ??f .talma tbroagb the Quartermaater<2eBeral'a< i I?ir i Au?I t.ii*'- an l 8 ??..'..I Controlli i- Bareena, *ri?**?<?. 000 '.ti? paid m aalarlea to the elerka examining the if ?t M ?Vi'.ii ii v i-*i. ?iii m. ia baal k1 IHM tune tits bauka ami aeeenate kept nu li?' ai ??? ?? "- I tit '- 'n' ' tint nun? it lu? iMinlil noan lu? in tin* beakrupt? y .??m m. |n one bataan mt ti? Var De? partmeal thej bare ?i u tem f?.** corrt-apondence on v.i.i.h.i .? |ui!i* *:.:? ?it.-. ?Pormertj ?rhea ?i ?letter nae received tt waa Indona . tk ? ia , date, i" i ana tnarjraf oonlente,and lied away. How, after all thia ia none the letter la cop Atn otean la a book. What hut, tbe elerka wbe de the eopytng do Bot know, unleei It be ? ... n,. u. ? uli ?..n ' tiiin : to ??,i There lana end nut of red tape to eat. If l ongr. i - nu laaal laat to ran the Governemnt oa bnalneaa prtnetplcai and. In Repuhll ?n- tu? m. ?m,/,' in re? cent yeera, ? no ead of est ?\ a. al utbor laed practleee alive ind flourtablng like rag-weed In Jane. a?i , _. tmpli or two arlll ne la point. Tbe oonntry generally an piwara tbal th? ? otaextrnv a -?im r la ;ii i ii baa at leaat be? ? ?.., ti d. and that the a?ivernmenl - ?radually getting cut ol ?the bot-k-nuktn bualneai Nothing of the aert, I have be? r ?re me aa elegant ??. *.ti ?? volume, handaomelf boend ia :h. ?:, i i atttled * -Nagi - la Bar p ," Obvtoaa i the t.? of -.'n' l.?i,'.'i i.?hine bonan, tbe reader No { Um title-page raveali the aatimndlng fact thal u la |.iiii!.'i al the rongreaaionalPrtnl iigOffl .-, ?uni Ingnirj abowi ii t tin content were prepared by , !. r'?- drawing pay from tbe lTuited Statea rreaanry, iii.i if people arc to i"- taxed tor a book oa labor In 1 iii<?ii.-, why not for kooka aa arl la Europe, or archl teeta '? in ?tarop?, ni ?". i ?rlenli re, i iiini 11 . ; i-i '. i ? nu .??'.' lui in i.m.?... ?tu 'ii--1 w n?.'? i. n, .-.,,( of thing to end i i .1? /? -i ? n .mid ' I? ? - al ??r ? nmpilln ' ? I hive It pi in*, i ..t , erith '.. - n um. ?m the titi? pugi i t luv ??' nu table another I.k. It ewntalna 1,000 : . ** ? .ibel -i-i... ? r? rbapa u u pre ? r for the i d .it itad et the ir aj lo ,,,,!,. i and puW -m Ht.- t " s i.l,.,.it ?nek ?i ... Mourge ia ebolere, ?ul need the) i?* li Bat no??I an i 'lu 1. . . ' ra airead ' - ' ? ?tuon! there m.? COW ?ui'i ? Id ? I ? I .... i.- tia u ?all : \".i t'u .*. . '?'? .. i '-. -i b u .i ? . n ? ne illa? a m t , ; . i,, ni..a? i,in ty tie mnathave, ti tie aurel ? i,,?.?n 1.1 r? . ? i . , ,i iu w . ' .. ? ! * .i n proud to iiini ?u ? un. dated In inrcau utflci r I .. lum I'*. . .' , . ?ii a ipru ti? in i II low??; lulu foi in? . li ni.?i i ? i .. it, I ki?..., thal ? in Bl of i'u .i. , .".ii' i >, and that | ,.. |.i,u it or ? I foi .r. n- ii!.,n troto It v . bal ia II the tnoetlon of the Oovernue-nt to furn locton i ' tor i1.?' f ,i n, . . | ?n?.tin r for the i*.?.'..i iii-l I .m imi -nu- tint tin? Agricultural Burean ka nol ot?lli i ?i .i text ? . mi] ? ? '.- :?" the b ??h! '-.- -.-i- i -* Ubi .ty. i iu ,i- la ?i. .i?,..t ii epealag fur retn Beban nt in Um r? n ?i ?n Bare us. ii??- a the turi ? i ?.\. i ii'. oflee, i. i t lal. ? io mini of ,,,,, . i i there ea rbl t?. ? -pen .n i I i? ? ; ?? mt bj tuna lafrt ,-'it ., ?. Ii .. t- ti..* . . ..? . -..t .'..i'?...n? ga tni'iliy f..r pt -i "i ? .. I i'"- ii .? in w bin? t \ for i fi,.-i i. Then nn for believing that thou ada ni m?m .?ml women .iu i_rel.laxpeiialoBa who bave ae right to tbeia amnwhobavi tolly rwoverad from noondatN abo pereonah dead penahiiiera,and women tiiio til?" n iii.inoil ?ui'i manage :?i neneeal the turi fium the p?name .sonta I ? te ??< ' ?> tollj 13^00,000 ...?Mi. laved ?annan; it ill Iheae (randa eonld tx l?* i r thle reform the eaaatiy will probably have t?i a ?all uatll afi'-r the i'i? ii lentlal election ? the Demo ? ?* III liol lui v.- I lu- unlit I?? uli.iu|il 1?, 1er 11 u ?.' .1 baa u i?i ery tint tin-} are iio-i.i?* to tin aobllere. i ii. imi? in lum n m. .lit to be tam ?I ?.?. r t" the *?*.' ir Depaitm bl ?talaaeetevarj in lum agaaey te i i ? yn i??.t iiini.- n gaartermaetec .ipplleeto tin- ireeae ?ery daiilartethaeedealt eel tn tin tribe tin-K?.i.ti .- u. there te wateh. IPIthaal iu. in.;..i-. ol ,1-ni i.* nil. ?*r or un extra dellar efexpenae for u?elal mu. linn iy. Hu' v. Ii.ti?- ?-.?-ii? opt i .li" u? "I i??> I "li.ii. ?'i rloa ?aaiiii t??? perferawd kytbaanai kareaaalaWaah iagten ami Ike "it' en and aeldlen oa th?- it lui t'u ii ii?? rieehnp waaid t?* ii-mi.iy dhalalaked, diui ? nea Id keeaeee at the eeeaiaa end i.r.iiia n,'.. at itaateci whearei Uiagrkk *i. ?ha,i agaal ? ??it tal ?????? ? al H.bOOayearl n.?- Light* i keane eataaUekaeeal Bight ka traaafaned te the B>dro I guphh. liiir?.tu uf tin Navy Dopurimeiit Tie te li no approprl Itaoaai lu ti.ivtnir It i part of Iii?- Tre.i. ury D?* pa rt mi nt. Ihaaa .ire a toW hint? to r.?!**.-re-ionr**-_ ?eeld'ig ?ip?'ittiif{*? for the exertise of ?uclr nat IBr tttutAWAf, WASHINGTON NOTES. Wa. niv,i,,v. Tliiiriiilay. Dec. 0, 1*7Tt. The lilla Blag atorskseaen bara i>een aepattrted: Henry V. Moir nut lahlBl Atwell BBT the tilth Dimiict of North Ciiroliii.i; Saiiim 1 P. h.iltei t1?-l?l -????I H ;uli?' V' n alile for ||?* Kiflli I?!stii*t of North ('irolmii; Fran is K. {forwood for tiie K.tur'ii Dbrtrtet of Missouri i Qeerga Nteiuiii for tbeFonrtb Dtrtrl I of OeorgU. Appolntm? nt? of gan ten ire _. follows j. W. c Long fur li?- *-i .m Dlstnet of Nortb Csrollns ? N S. Cook for the Filth Dis? trict of North Gai 'lum; FrankT Russell for tbeF? nrth District of Missouri; J. J. lnvi? ?uni eiuiiu.l I). Ft Baa for tin? Fonrtb Disiriit of Oblo. Oen. (?en. ?.. wuiu-iiis, fsnseriy Deputy 0-__u__-_taaar of Internul llr\, ,.i?, if nt the Aillii*_toil, _B route foi Tu? rupe, m the capacity id OosuMlaatooei ?>f t'?e M sp? na!,; ff eninierit of J l poa to 1'n io do, Mi? I. aeearapanled l?y two Japanese officers ?f rank?-Mi Tuirto and Mr, .?limul. Vi.n*! -t..mi the '? i?-li n toi .m* n f' r Tit-*- to Unsocial nml emi.mi*.t ni msttots. Oca, W llltami la aecoospaaled h) his ulfa. It le aadcrateod that aarty aast wek Mr. BtataawM a?l 1res, the lion-"? ?it 1? Bgth on the lliianeial que t?o ti lu ii foMiiii ?peei-h, or w iiii-ii ?uiv mee iheeta a ID be i al la the prr?.?. These vi lu? generaly liim** Mr. Blaine'i movements and onrpoacs naj t!i it tit?* ipee? i III be a caustic rai aw ol tin* Bn in?. ii Iteiesli sm ths I'* mocraey, sad " iii be Dnmi?takably for kari mon ?v. Tin* Pi mite piiti BBBasaal eoinpiiiiii nt io Attorney OeneralPleneponl and tt aaurar Baw to-day, hy con flriiiiii.'Iii* i,* i*; I" ** n ? ' ? .i ..uni) :'n n li mt s ?*. ii sent la by the Preeldent.u1t.hnal refltrrlna th m to a e.iiiiiiiiiti t- Tho haute .?.i-? Hu. e.i*-?* of Secretar. Chandler, tul li ia customer, to do tala where s nominee hasiitfii.-. Balor. TheBaraaustitatbrtlea famlihm a Mateasenl tief ft tool beef, ?oik, ha IBS, linton, l,r-l ?Hil t iI|*ivt from tie i a* inn*. Cnatomsdlstrlcte for the aiontb "' N ???? u bt r. I lie rall?? ?" ? ;i follows: Baltimore, -IT"", ? !? I.. ton, >'? 17.-*.?- : ?'m.i-o. Illt.lftO; New-Orle ins, fl3. .?' >8| Mew-York, p3Me, -?- ! Pblladi Ipbta, nieDe-pa inn m of hart -altarekoa I i-t puottab-ed th? crup n istri fm ?it taber, im; tbe leading feston i et It np in ..n ii In tiie proai iii re than ?? month ago. (tur Hrpurt of t ? "'?r, "" i. ?I IT, emUiin- MS BM Wd Vogr.) mu Lia s ELECTION OP FBENCB BKNATOB& l'un". Tbarsday, I>? ??. I1-?". in tin* A--?*in,ilv to ility balloting begin for the election of 7.? Bonators. was an to hold their od ?? forint*, 'i 11* i'i'* i*.\ ;?.! it* i i'.t-i?ui.*i*. Preafdeat, a d I M.iltel, FITS! Ylre-i'l? ?:-l-i;t of I'e A--, in it, mil* elected, i.Iber candidates obtaining tbe absolute ma* jority which. n.*??- ary on the Bret ballot, ii'- Left develops! nuprislng al.Ihlntbi rotlag. TI eir eandhlai - received :iu average at 335 ?rotes i-i. li, ii:*:rn-l ?IT, li , aVC-Sgl li'ii-il.? r Iii' ? ? li fof I hose ...ft' ? Right. The ne ?i. '? i- "f the Right an istonnd d at then nil THE (I EME* m MURDER 1 BIA!.. TOBONTO, I>?'<*. '.'.? ?Ik* caae of ?'\-A!il?*r;iia'i ?? charged with being an ae? -mi bel ? Lu t in tin* Minni, r *if M -?.I ;? iii* ?,inn.ii, u m ealled ' nilli?- Police Coori this morning, T.n* Craws eouns? sahl be had bo further lenee than i u( Darla in oil. i at pr sent, rba eonasel tot lb ? mat Mid he won ii liol t ill! uni' Mille f'i ? pfui t iil ii,,-s ( 1* ii'itl!*) V. is tin II lui *, eon. mill ti foi* Iii . I. Inul being refused. \ii.i. Fraa r, the carpenter *? bo arada tin* box ?n waieh i in s* tit ni * t? i- i" uid, and a ? a It is ai h 1'n! ii ,i.e iii ? i.i.iiii. .i tin n placed In the rta k. ? ? i . . ? t .. i .. -. . . n * i tin prisoner i, le thi box in which I .* b dy was |?acke?l, snd Ui !.;? snd I'.../, r ?li ti*'? It to fu* MBl-pltS In n.atskirta of tbe el *.. where thej dep - . util i. m a ditch, 1 . i was prommed s-11 ?< i 1 forth Joh Ile n reived - I ? down. Dr. UavU di I n u i in*!*!?tup.?m* tin m. ns he was afraid of aronstn,* the aus , p,? .?tit of lue police. Mrs. Davis waa cr?w>e-cxaiotned .ti St nu li ngtb u ?I'i 'Ut i ?. ,??.. sal J i ?f aas not an u *? b? ? ii band hi ?! ? i thi: BPAMsn press on the message. M 'Unit ??*.lay, Du*. 9, 187?. 'I'lu' journals of this city dominant -rarianalj suthsBMsasiM of Presides! Urauf, M all boin thal Bpaln will vamnlab the Inanrrae?oa lu Cabs by tervc, t m rgj, iiml pen n ran? <? THE PRINCE OP WALE&8 EASTERN TOUR, CoLOMno, ?'.i >n, Tbnrad ly, Ile? .', 117 ?. Tlie Prince of Wales ._??<?< to Tnticorin to-day, m llt*r M ?!? ity'i steamahlp Barapta, From tbi ??? in- ol I goto M.nilli- by raliway, AN IMF0R1 INT LAWSUIT. Moxtbbal, Dec. 0.?Alexander Ha, a prom in ni A mel lena railway ni|?ei in?? a I- at, I it?* "f the Central Paelde, whose father died bera many yean ago, leaving tam ase property si Bust Rod In trust for bli to town to ii ti i ote actions foi the recov? en nt it. - ron leiiii in dollar*' worth of re ii estate ?re Involved. Tbe Hi l action lu nrnlnst W. M (Donald, s tobacco m Hi u f a? mit i. t. 'm i? - iii i'.i ?? I'Ki.iutt?. THE DISABLED STEAMER AMERIQUE. Tin- Journal do Ham gives a letter from Ciipt. Pousola of the steamer Am?rique, dated al tea Hot. 21, and sent by the iteatoer China, which . 'ne to bU sid snd took off 13 of tha passengers The C?ptala ?? r i Rta ifi of 1'n* Am?rique la broken, th large crank li smashed, snd the ead of the small cylinder Is -;.!?t. We eannol n pair this dan ige, aa t ii * auder aalL The ?Diiii at occurred ni 3:1!. Sun-day mora agin IsUtnde .???..Ml, it m .tin li _'?:?7', -ol s iniiii Harm I will lo-, p the siiip ?in i.'ineii ii? ?possibleon th?* ililli parallel. ehe ?in* - u ?i I'-ik .it all, n* ? rtbcless ti.. Isrge .uni sm.iii i iii be kc |it all '!.' time In n sdlueas. I i ??k' t< ii shoo Ing Um dgmsge, an seeonnl ?.i the pim Moaa, . ii. ni ? " * i .. 'iin- weatln i Is n.**.*. v? rj IM*, i b? if i i " FOREIGN KOTES. H m? vii, I>???'. 9.?The <".uli-t court itartial ban ?entciiet ! n? n. *- ii..* '? to four yeun" Impris ument, I ??* ? ???, I ?t ?. '.?. \'i i * pi t ion took i?!..< i* today In a I mine ah.M i la, and nix n. -i vi*.? killed. Qi ii:'. Dec. .'.?\ -(i.' general meeting t f iii?* i^ii. ;.. .* r... ml oi* * i..*i i tbi? afternoon al n.ii ?I' t li i.ti >ii ol' I1.!' i ' ,..i. i.i..m ,i i*i i ry in te? -pites n? ii ??i body, 'lill: i ' \ TBS \l li.. K0BWATB BEAUTIFUL PAVTT.IOII. I'ltf \i,;::.i'!ii \, Dec. 0.-?Tho Director-Gen*1 eral has ?? li d the di I a of the pavilion ?rblebisto Hi. los l . UM -' -I i N r- t> In '!.* iii i 0 I xlilul Hum building. If I- It.*!? .11. ?..* l.!. d tie., .uni will sa tend from ths central ni-io to one side. It Is to be manufactured In Koi .... ?uni skipped tbeuoe in!,-ti.. *i .* members of Congress um make their 11-ii to ii.,- . ii> o?. I'nil.11 of ne vi week io ? it*.t *, .* i . e |i*|| li 1.1.1 !*"??) mil gruiilnla, llisti ad of tin ? 1 r 1 i) , h Lit i".t t?,,iit 1. TlIK SUPREME ? in-ill" At 'MT. \\'-.-m\i.i<?N, Doe. 0.?The Jodgeaof the8n I .'..n:'..m eonaultatloB tu lay,decided to aceepl I . .-i. -if the i ni in lal Comm muni to Matt, rtth ?'i* i.hereof Con ret*, on the 17th Ind., thoea i.iit.i?tin g "?iii'i-* ni rio id? lj inn. The ii ii ? u .. ib t. iel* i. -I i....ililli )*x i. f. i: 1er of Peunayt RU-OBAVaiG Mill-?. Win i:i iii?-, Y ... D ?.'?'. v light mow bat been fall ugbei lacs V.** ?'.. ?> nun itug, ..ii In vii / (?innI. It? ?-i ?*.. Dec, '.'. -In tbe 11 ?.?I of Piper, fur the m?r? it? i nt Mab? I s -n ?. ' ?? t ?? r liming * v.uiiiii.ti iipw.o?: al lo wUaeMSS la these dara? tut .?minti t*i lu. row. Si re i ?ti?* v -. 1 i.. '. *. rho Bis te autboriti? u give 1.1*.. I., li lill' lill. Ml I'll lill li . ? t I -? ?I.U..-I I. .).,!? -Alii i? :... i.l li< -.* .mu i*i n ? t *t **i k. t? 'i. ?ni r? l?.u *, .?ii ?ti.- .ii i ti, i . i i i. i . i* .i.i i.. - I, StfoiVUUV in iin* rveeoan le tho ?.i. ..ii ol lim iii'ciiiit (ni ti. s? ? lAnv, N. Y*. Dec 9.?Hie canal brea n i- ?.i watt ?i? -i nt iitit*. .** . i .? t ??.'- i*i i ? n fruin Pultun nlla lo 1 i * id itat i* of '" r i i If 'n mini ti ?Hi?? I i-t.inn' ?- win iiil Uuim-fli. il.? bnafcar U especiad to n t rstodSf, \iiivnti u, Dec. '.?. riie remain! ?if Fat In ra v t ti) ?u.i i yin i,. ?. . *t. ? -i te death m Uhs hotel in ' . iii . ?Uri* ???? ? * i?i i'i.? .... . .mil. li ? ?tiltti i. iii i? * .' < '. rUitaasplaes ?ii* . i.- Bsi| ?? Halifax, Dec. 0, The authorities of Cape Rrataii have api? ilaied the rolUi r> numsgars uni mihi ni msglstralaa s . ..i.i.* I! . . In?,I,til m'. |t. iiiu I . i;..i.o.i , Un. ill.UrM 111 .play,! It. ti. In?. M. lil iK l till tuny t*l | i In na uri? ?in u.i ii ?u Uti mjaiLil s r? ?nu imu id lB**S ptl ? ? .u on i* t-.r -?^?ti. THE DEUTSCHLAND. -?a? DCQUMT at HAEWICR CAPT. RRKhi .x-i.i*. ix amimik hi v ? H rr r V FAT** nits ??i- eraran poora toa? hpoh tub aTFAMut graces?no upnoai at nu'wini? .ix teonog Tun iinowni i> watwi r? a*?ii??rb. I ONDON, Dec. lu-'J/AUn. m.?The iii?|iiet-t at Har? wich ?Aai op? mil peeterdny. CapC liri? !;?*n*tteiii vms eza____M_L II?? gttAoi thal the crew of the Denteehlaad ennibered '.)'?>. After ??o Kit itnimriiaiin ttie wimi Inereeeed to a ?jaie. 'Hie thtaatetft ?\wci\ was r?- ????? ?i i?j O'e kn ita nn hour it 4 o'? l??< ti Siiiul.-iy i'lie lend Indiented 17 tatham <?f wat? r ?.von m:',11!? it the vr-?! t?tni? le. Irnrri?*? ?liiitcly kranken won ri____e thmngh theeneer, He ordnen tinoogtnn le ix? nvened? Tite |,r??peiier limite before the veasel'a w?iy r-herked. Tho irfnd being d<Md aetern, the otenmer drifted on the -?amis twenty*-? 1 hi benn 1? len the tng r?_?gai the Mirvivoi*?. 'iii,, reeeel Iliad at 9 efaloeh rimwl.-y Booming; when the peeeengen wen (?i<i?r??l t?? the rigging? If a iif.iii'iit lfi'i been ??nt out Moml.iy night ?nanny aune lives v. uld have b ? d wi ?1. It wnelicited in the eenrn of the examination t!:_t 110 life blWl is Htiitinri. ?1 .it II ?lui. h, CegC Brickenetein, replying te qneetioM,nM-g wn not anzione at not aeeing the l!ghl oaOnDenet Rend, m he did net expert te run li ii >nntil it:.?iin In the morning. If the beeaken ha.1 hean who ?een r, the ahip p Igbt n >t han atna k. m The ether aflh en o? the !>? ut"< l?! u -I b *tiiie.l, cor? robomting iii 1 iptain'a (.it. ?Benia. 1 be imiui st a ?is adjoni ned until Toeedaj next. s _ t'.t.iu eorpen han been brought it.ib?? U anrieh? RQUEST AT BHEEBXEML an OPEN vi Ki'ii r n; itisi 1?-1 i?i:t y-m\ f A--i N <il IS AM? rWI SITT-TWO -I t MKV Di I Mi i' le KT. ?Lora v. Dee. 0 Midnight.?A eonotofe tnenenl baa I?. n held al Shi ? men on the twe l?"?li. ?.* loaned ?n the Qnarti 1 nu tXePt ! ..?it. The pro 1 ? dinge were f rael. The fur] n*fa .?1 te edjonin finally until i!u-r.-nlt of iiu- official Inquiry, wbiehie '"'''I at ii.1 ?\tiii, la known. Ilenntinte they have letnned an ????-n \? 1 An 1 of death fruin expoeure. then leof-? ?ngtlioHgri to Ax then ponaibUity Cee iiu? ili-i.i- ter, u uli the let -t li foin atina al li ?'..I II ?lei -;banded that nt li a 16S ?person , ofwhonri 16 wen paeeentgM^ were drowned on the trial 1 I. PURTHEB TIDI1 Id OF THE PAVED. i.'., 1 it 1 1 iv ' KI 1 ? 1 " IV MAKIKO PI 11. I ICT8 - MM nt '?:?? \ ? ni' 1? i?\ i:it-. tri k% no. Londun, Dec 9.- The following ele i n additional naine'- of l? - I ? ? < i i ton I *..- I > ,r -. !.'.*iiii| ?UO fin iii-lii'?l ti : . tuon ill - : l IK-1 ? INN, Kari DI >i? i, '.. * ? *?t? OHMN? i ' , ? ' f i -i, " : . - . - - -, , t Pr-aaOn r i :ti, ?,rt. li?.turn Hanerle of B* ?ria t ?-< t?a i ?? ?? i N i- n kern ? i.- Di I ?. ? i . r.l '?* t n i *?? - v. r-(. ?.f mi? . r. ? Ina i nuil 11 B? t. m.a. Mil . illili ?I ?'( .. - ? , I'lll. k in. Ii ia probable that aome athen en nved and Ml Identified on account of he i i aaaanin trnnw ribing and U \egt iplifne, rhe child of Anna Imoclh died on theetee__htng after leaving the wreck ol ti?* Dentaebland. A____ ?gi i, i.?iii >ni io of ?In* peneena, ra and 50 ??ftlie crew are et?ll anaeeeunted tor? The atenaaegwiH int.!..-ilily beoome n total ere. '?'. THE BESSEL A TOTAL H REt K, rut: l.i'i it'll v.l. BROKE!* IM n ti . : g London, ?Dee, IO?4 n. m.? Tiie Veratag B-hehM ?i ?li ?pnteb fi.nii Bheerneee ?reporting thai tho Di'ittn? bland bee bro_< n i*i li ixx -, DTSPATCH1 J l<> THE IO] MS. ( ORRI ct:-i? l-i OP hie ivniK-.?ii: PbBgBMBWBhn |*YI i > ? i ii?. ???( mu oi ; ici.i: ami mi: pram \:i -I'.ti. Early yegterday morning M?nera. <?Mri.*Iis & . . . ut. in iii ? .'Hi -1 tia? Vi?it li <_?? -iiu m |.t.i\ ,Vt BBO* i. it mil in in ii.i Iragi ata al Bonthaeapt n Um toOewlag diepatcbl i ?odor and i:.* tin Puntlling, both ml It r.doabtleae iii n'.s u? <t ; ii-?, r...ii?, (..a r'l'raouiiu and PuraarBea. n n . A., otin . .?..i.. ra .. ??t. i'i i-i r Benning waa oonald t? I 'i eapnble ofltoer, end been la the eaiptoyateotof the company aW Been than l ?? :? ? ? ?I ".t" ?"'i i I' n.i? iitiil m iii-li >-ti n bj theefleeno. M?-?-?mu'i.i/. ile lu"! n. ?selly boee ou in expedition *-? at tau tiio in Mo . bj i te ( ? i man ?.?..m aiaant? Vi i-ter.t.iy afternoon the aaaee linn reeelfed the M? Ion nu* dtepati ii, - it mr ? rorree ted Mat at ytontngageg. ?angeraanved brum titi I** tacti.and. I iii*.t Hat -i? , imi I?.??tn Mi? i ??*. ? A ? -, J. n. ?*, la ti I -, ti , Why. rial ? ?. I.n ?'. la . n'?iii!. i , '?>' ? . ? ..r, J. i ua ., i u, 'A, ' . ? lull i al I i . ti '.'?I. ti. t iiii.i.i, lut in, K hi. i, 1? te, ti <l nita, ? la.imiu, . *:,i? odutx, l ? '? i ? -, .'? . s ' .. ::., l ?.-, I , Me? i U i , III r li.tin, Uti : n, Kiel o i, ? *?', ?i ii I "?i . . , .... <?! ? l, fall, li I ?? a. ? .. I ? .I. ? tittil, t., Ki ittiiet, J.. t-'.'ii. ii., lu . tin, H< '.i. t* .rl, ? mc'-,? ' " ? ... i. * . ,*Ina . 1 ?l , t*'. i- ? I ?, oi , Aun Mi ., b ?,i ?. I . .?.,',.l,|... - - .;..... I, , ai 1 ?.?n, ? -i ? ?. , ? ?. ? ri" , 1 al < ???'?, , .. . . , ,1.1 I II, 1- ... I I in ?im?, ... i, Urn i., I?? r i. ? ? Iii.:, . ? . i i.inz, *?? - , ??? ' ? I * I .'?imi < ?? rt tti- lift aa niven by 1 I ? i . .i Cremen, im* one aivou ihove la made ni? fi?*m tim u.linns fi.i-ii ti ii bj 'H' iiii peraotia tbeannlnn Tiio ilili i ?-i.? ?? i" twi in t? ? ? ? ,i . ?uni, ,| tor tiy tin t'.t't ??u nt aevcrel ?yeneena on board l I reeeel ? m eel known to tin* igeata al Ht ? n, ?bvoauaa etnf ut ti? . i ? frota t a lab rior euy eel hen x?i .m .?:? ? i Miling, and than tho ton ? ' ni. ino , . ? . .1 tele rame wi ? . ? abent i:.ii in ? i, iii... . ..ail, i. 1.1, au i m.. . , mod Marta m. ii *. ? ________________?_____. El fi M ss ! ???.?i:, ... mi II PI -?i"!) i IRH i.v imi : vi.? ?. Bl 11-u.o. a. V., l> f. '.*.?A neeting of tin. ??> m?.!:? ?t M. ? i .... raer ?v Torre/, ? xt? nsive ?i? .o? i ? n roa .? .....( beep r'.lll.t, l? lal ?MU le?da/, I..W? ia. ti ,..,,,,| tur l'u? t-tl.iy neit. ii. lia un u m tie am .-? ???. I. . ?-. . ?: . -i ? ? 0 1 n?l I. ?? 11 lure "' th? Ir ?*i . tin? I I...I1.' In ,. I . I- ?rilli!.lUtl al T1 *..,,< Ol), ttnU m. i( a v.- ta B4 ri*-?. in li -K to ?.i\ liri in nt iai i H ATI IXTAf E.;i., 1 ?. ?*. '.'.?'1 ni? thilon of Weet, Kdwarda .v. t ?>. la will Uie exclUug tople here, a. .1 \veft yat h B Hrtaeoe, twe <?f the tra, w?*io ana? lull!? ?1 to Jail (l'u- aft?.i for nu,* iu|,t of court, lu ipeca aa i evtdi t ate al lid? . ..--i?.. ......i j, iiemaj iiy ?li' i. I ?,. i ii?.m ".i lalhira to ... . . ... , i.i um iltur. ? ?PBINCE i i.dVoi.i' Of i.irt'K A telegn ? from Detmold ?nnouim ih:?t l'jui iif.i.-ii? Ciini LeepaM, I ?.??,-,- .?r Uppe^ ih lend, He area a Gannan prlaoe, um) bead at the teoBty at hkt .i u .'. lie ?na ??>?? ?i- .i i? i talbee m ISM, ami n...rii..i, m \t\i, the Pitoeeee i.u ainiii, daagbtee of Mon N liw u l/l ou (f ltU'.iol t.i It. ri;i<*ii;i:\(-i , k. i., i >i -,-. I?. toini?iti\ I ini.l -i iii t Mlil'ir;,, ( ?i l-rank, ?ir.?i'.i .1V? ,f A lam? lo. da) ?("'" t. Xii^ti-iiui?. r?ii?i'-i.ii.'.. ti. nail ?, iu_ likUoty g. _n* .*.'. antee BOotey,