OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 11, 1876, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1876-01-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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Qlmnsmciits anb -BftllMit t?o-?figljt.
Bo 'TU'? 1 lir ATBB.?*- Jllllu? ( ,.-?.ir."
luhil? Tiiua i un.?Variety.
FiiTii An? mi: Tuiur.u. " Ii'iue."
Ot TM)-:, i IIB I i Kit. - Vhiii tv.
lil l8 lill till; "Tin- Will. I? Hunt," CtO.
Han Kitts, i?, n Mit? nu i *
XoBi l'isi..,.'? Nan Fbratsb.- 9 ss l *? : Vunctr.
?KIOI !?',l All Tl-KAII I. "l.??lM:.l.i'..'
Wk? Ki K'l 'iHKAThl..? " HllUte."
CKHritK). titi lim CitfH.ii - liiMle Meeting.
Os-Oin -irirm Csti-i Leeton-, t. II. I.nndl.
Chu h i. u in., ii u i..- Ann ii' in <; ..gr.i pilli.11 Botrlety.
t.il????.i M ? ",??.? k;e ni l'ai.? "
Jn?cV.o 7a.(M5crii5cmtiue.
A?'i UMKii- 3d "titve-4t!i. ".i inn! (?Hi clu-n-i?.
Hankim; m, KniAXCiAL 71* c.r,-? ] t ooluinn.
1)A SKI M. Il it -, -. AND lliMil ..? ftA l'Ont .,!i .'.ililliin.
? ci Atti- *?)' ik'i.Ni- :;?/ Prut ;;,| ?nu l ii oolu?ms.
l'.l ?1 M.?? i" ? ' . i - ;?! I u n 'Mt.uiiig?
<-iil-*altr?i ! ?n:r \m |. K- 7lh F i or (?til culiiuill.
I?ltaii?itit .,,/ Four i 1 e.aiiiinu
I)r-11 n. m. n'.-i i i? 711, Fu i' ..li sud (!t!i cltiniiB.
1)1.1 I.I>- 'J./ l'une lit!.: null.
lisa?, m ; ? . I;,.;, un ,,!.,: ,i columns.
Fis? Ali? Ut Fn ft ??til eulin.in.
f-KMIII.) '?d l'Ont Util I-Hluillli
lliir Winn, Ad F,tue r.r? ...liiiin.
lim.?la?, I ililli Ni.I.-. .Ni' 7I'I l'UJI I',, li !?-!?!).m.
li..n.i ? '.; i . tun '.' 11 . i n m u
It.u-'? ? i, i IBM* Wasted 3d Page 1st column.
In, ( III. A NI An l'une ?i I cunnii.
|s?ii.i 111..?. ut, i;,,/' ii..min.
I.K' u li? ti-, K|| , un . . )i eu'iiinu.
i ..?i Noll?-na ?ti Peo* uti? i nlunu
la,?i km. l'niki, Tf.'i Pagt tv (gil
Mikiiik .iki..?i m Misi - . r- /,...- uii i?ii!umti.
?lAI.1,1 ALI.? IM. 1?, K1 ?I- |,||,
MlM'i.iiiM.. '? 24 Fuji lui colaina; Ff/i Fuir .".t)?
Ililli 'lill . olinou?.
Mi .?u ki i?-i m ??i -en ????i r n- -Oth eolnsam.
N: K-. ii ;,i , Kii.'s- nth I'oat lil) col?ma,
lim ?na
Kkai l.iiir li.ii BALI .. "?' I''.- l?t ciilii-nt: ;
('..in: i :.'/ Pago lol .,.i.i..n; At rio* Bali
l'.ijf 1- ...luiiin.
Bai i.? iiv ,\i , rio* :.? Tmot 8 li eoinmn.
BaVIM.? Ki Ik? ,lh Fun, ..iii i..!iii....|.
Bit hath ?ki Utui.,, mu?- ?/ / -/ ;? 1th column :
i su ti i ? ?i' ,"u.;r .'u?) an- 'tn en nains.
?-ii. ?. -- , ? 'u/. T'a a i.'ti column.
Htad asi m .:-., i n ,. ; col unn.
y-, i itii:.. t :? k ... i. ? i. i u ..- ? not 'M ce!lunn.
BlIAtD.l-. ... : as ::./ Paint .'I ?u? 1 .?u c.iiiunii?.
1 . l-l It? l'ilh Fonr 4, ?l te1111(111
Tu!.ir i ITt li. n, lair :t./ Faje? 1st goltUBBj BOOOB
I.T.s .'.,/ ; in. 1-t i-..l-1'i. i
I ?au y Trihi ni . Mail Bata* nbws ni 0 pet annnirs.
h)t,i-Wi . ,.iv'!i.i!.' M.M.iii Subscnliei i, $H [ter au.
Wki'kiy l'ni bi ni Mail Subs?ri?era, S&ymt annota.
leiiiit, i ii-h iu n.',D?ne.
Aci-rsaa Tra Tribuns Ni tr-Turk.
Perno?? nattle In aotott. I II) HfUR! ? I IS ?""-? tf Ihr
trmnt, tont*, er Ig?*. t?i i If. I ' ii asnal/i mid, will no?
tera, /ii" ./u, ,'in nany lins mine ?i ?he OrcwstllggCSI,
Till. Bl Ml N?'? 1 l?I N Taiai si .-, iii li,- ) eil l! I? lind I,. .
at gi(?',!? el.. In wrapper! for Malling. l*rl? '? .:.?.
Adverti-eiiuiifH fur I!n- v..- k-? IBS?B ..f i III v. ? . -,
Tku.isi .mu?! !?e imiiil u in i (.u./ li., i ??.' perlina.
?s t-ivi-ii a.: ker! larra can lan- ? ii '.a ?ara for '?ni r-.llil s_
?tl.23? ll?t-?t..oi - ?K .-: it.coi sill ate.
EoitKii.N'. There was a crisis In the French Min
tstry. SeKi-ril ??avons wet* kille?! nr wouuded
in the lui. u ti .ii .it Chark r,,:. I I
ordered ??ii natives <>f Kavam InthaCarliat ranka
|g rcitiru li,uno tra tin j traald ba bombardrd. -
John Chandlcn Avery of lins: id was marti tad al
lSiissuu. Vu?, nuat Aiul? r.y is d .,'!.
1 ><?M1- I '.? . ? III ('''?'li.'-i ?. ' ?'?
adopte,1 two ?if Mi. M..r:.!:i'.? l'r.-.i..a?i y pro Uta.
res latta s. Lut will v - .-t.. day ; in
the Bragg Mr H.iiu?.ii.'? At:::, ?:>- lu 1 wasdefeated!
Ila*. Blaine moved t?, i. <-.-:-?.i?? i-. and spoke ob tiut
B'.ibjiii. 1 '..?, sos i>t <:,,".-,- D. 1 ard was | n n
to the. ,u in - ? 'I it- li?: Dihuinrc and Boand
I?r>>ok ti.ii!, cr..?sed tlie new Uriawan l.ivir biuifjc.
pb__? Hum,li, the eenaaaiu, is dead,
City am? scucuiian'.-'IIis Rot. Dr. leadder's
Cliuic'i m Erouk!-,!) de, lui, d t., ??-cud de]tgtte i t..
tilo Mat?al i.' dllicil. : - - A M-rSBBSSO?Ug of lllicir,
flrgjgri w-gklagsst- st Conpet Unioa was addresord
Ey Falsa CotrgMt sad ..t!.' m,
to Camareta. ~ ~~- lot?ding Dei?oeratis <ii.
tCIlB hilj-p .?t?'(l G.-ii. J'.-rt ?'?
r. i _: Iii?- r-ii-ir-reliiiiu.
liau.si-n lliiilsggg bas be. ?rase emba? . -
=??_ . _Ws--twkJarylat-**t\?6,000.000 rait tvaaiasl
Tweed ?.v: ?diiuiss-.!, niid tin- j-irv Intbs ^,000,000
suit Nvas i'i dienged bj the di '?
Coflln al W r Coiiity ?I- . ii..! tl.it M:.ry
Ana Foster waa not _ia wfcloa ?-.f R-iao M, .-?it,^. r.
r-3z= A wo*?sa Nvas kaoeked dows etnirs and
killed, ut N" 8-9 Wat? r--t.. I.K li. I lins), i: .1. =rrrr.
Gold, li:?'h. nil's. 113. GroM rahwol the legal
teiiderdulhn ?it the clos.-, 88-g >.,!?.
Tut \\ r.tiiiiK.?-Tin! Gorerniaanl r. .?.rt pydicts
cold and clear N'.cdther. : Eiti.isi
the diiy nnh? i old, bright, and bil?At?log. J i.o: i . ui.
eter, ed . H * 21 .
The muss nicftiii^ of tie workingmen conld
gc; rti-ly Iruve lu cn (-?.?nctcil to throw li)in!i
li?lit on thu f-gnggg of tin ii lack of employ
Uicnt. Thg nu iiir.es ?liivof.it.dl ?it UM in? ?l -
inp will rot ?nid to Mi. Co .iu-i'.-. jn t fame ins
a fiicnd of the VYoikiiii,* classes.
The (hi:*ion of Um Bt_rngatg In the Bl
TY?1 gggg iloso.s all luil'lic int'aicst in tie hi-;id
dalous ji rttoraal hi.st.ny which Um -rial dia
glggad. lu rciidiTing tht ?li cisi?n, a biicf bal
coiiii'i.i? sketch ol' ?ill Um hctg wag _JTen,
and oin rvadari eaa ('."a'.v, without riggigUuioe,
the mond vihicli tbc ??tory co'.ivi'js.
There .??.'. ?us to lu- l.'.-s g-,,?-,'???? ??r preaenl
than tluio tv ?is at the opening of the w.el.,
that Hu e.iil.ci-,' nti'ike will be comproniis?-?I.
This is (??'ccially nr)l'o)tii:,;itf, h?ik?? the eflci t
of Um aitrika i> likely t.? Im Um los? of bnai
liena at Otu dockyaii's. The idly of .strike?
lu tin:M uko these did not Dead tliis new
demon?! ration.
-?re-- -
The failure of the elVort? to MTV the ntriuk
Jury tha' bad b.-en o''!;iin. d ia t_4 six million
Tweed -';:t was Reni'iall.N .intl ijuiti-il among
lawyer.?. The next qui--!um Is whethoi nu
eiror t-i| ??illy daiiniK'iuK h;is boga made in
BUiiinioniilg Ihr? Kimo kind of a juiy in tin
one milhun niit. If thal atr,y of Juron
should gllO bg (jilaistied ou a ch ried eir.u, it
will be high time to barg tha oleriu Qaafmed
that make ^u('ll co.?-!!}' mi.atuk.-s.
Ih'in^' ?m honest, enlighten. ;1 Repnbli .m, If.
Leon :*.iy, thg f-onch Mm -?t? r of Piaanoo,
appears to receive liitlo eor-sideration
from Mi:;i-?tiT Bofi-I or Um Adntdniatratioii
prese. His wealth, iibiliiy, ad penosa! Inde
pendeiiec, lowevu-, eomhine to make M. bgj
niaa-ter ol the B?t:i:tti)ii in thg coull its wl .. !.
arise in Puni.lent Maolfahon. diaoonlant
Cabinet. Thia time he hnkt uet'd with his
ae?brttouied liiiiiiie.?s, Mid lui* e?Vetti.tlly ie
buked the Pivsideut, who ni n to rule with
luilitaiy li^'or.
Mr. ('.i'Kivei'ri psiiution eaUng grpon t?u
IVitideiit to make | ))ii>claii)ation of neiitinhiy
betwe? n Sjuiin and ('iilut leud? v. ry jn;i-c
ftilly in it-, lueunihle, luit ?voulil |ft_tt?_J t-tgOgg
the po.?ition of all eoueen"-!'. if it wggg a?-ted
upon, 'l'hc (ht'ieo of tho Queen of Spain,
whicli it in propo-i d to tiii.e as a model fog
the Proi'l.'iit'? prorh?ii?ti.ui. (Iceland Spain's
reaohe to maintain neutr. lity hitwci the
heilig, tents ? foilude tht- < (j??juik nt gf ?i:i?.a
toera in Spani-h poit-, UM b-illging of pii/.-.s
thither, or the hal holing ol fgggglg of war ex?
cept loi tNN?iity-foiir hollis or in shes.?- of
wetttlier ; and was equally peiemptory gggiagt
transporting- effects of war, papers, or romniii
nicatioo- for the bo'ligcn nts, and the enliit
nieut of Spaniard? in their servite. A Bindiar
prool-ii-ition of our neutrality v.ould of coiuse
?1? prive Spain of advantages in our polls which
sin? now enjoy*, beeideo giving a graver chai
in tur than hitherto to our oficial estimate "i
tlio rebellion in Cuba.
Mr H.liiH.iit ami tlie petitioners for the con?
firmation of Fitz .John Portel pviili-ntly lind
much the lust of tin? argument m tlniir con
iii. nee willi tin; Aldcrmanit* Committee. Gen.
Porter ought te l?o eoatibrased as n mottet of
Dcinoii.iiii party iiitt?rt-?t, ami tliat is a rea
too wliii*!i the Boord of Mm otea ?ton fully
appreciate. Thora i-. ? mock .stronger nason
whicb will induce tlic pulilic to lejofec at tLo
increasing probability of his continuation.
Thal i?>. that ?there li do real ?reoaon fut de?
feating linn, save that lip had UM courage to
? ?paying city ?laboren mon- than the mar*
h.t iah- ..f wages, To ?punish a nun ?for this
i- i?i'iit?'i-nt to toRing our ?ratura offlcera that
the ?only way to ho'il their places is lo Mpian
.1. t the ?publie moneye.
Mr. Blaine ?gained a ?.-i?o?s ?adrantege in
j.iity ta. ti?? v. ?icnliy ov.T Mr. Randall an?l
tin- ?D?mocratie majority? Tha Dem?crata
?wanted to put through a bill tor nnireraal
ii'iiiii'sty. Mr. Blaine wanted t?> amend i\ ?-i?
?thai th.? ?taking of an ?oath of ?nllegian?ce
.-Inin?il bo a ?prerequisite. 1! I iil?<> v.i-'ii?! t .
except Jefferson l>.?\?s. ||r. ?Randall refused
even to ht Ire ?mcidim ni lu? offered.
Thereupon tha Republicana ?roting againal it,
Mr. Ihn ?hill failed to ?gol ?the two-third- rote
rijiiim! to bring his 1>!I np. Mr. Bbiine now
has tin- opportunity io offer his amendment as
an original proposition, ;n?.i the ?Dem?crata
have lost ?their initiative. They niay <?? m i><
forced i?t.? tin- ?position of roting down an
amil.-?tv hill which tlu-.v lvii.v i "i be ;?.t ? ??1
in order 11 bring np another which ran ict be
pi?'-.!, and which only diff?ra from the Aral
In extending amneaty toona mora man. We
?see m? i?-a--??ii why m ninch fu-s sbouh-*bc
made about Jefferson Darla; bnl ?Ihe^oi
hi? made ?np i*s mind no1 io forgire bim yet. i
Mr. Blaine known it, ?and ai a inaticr <?i ?pol
iii.al ?strategy In- ?hal clearly ?gol the better ?>i
hi? opponent* It is a fashion he ?senna t.
?hare acqoired._
We- du tot know that tin' i; ?minai on of J'..
C. Billings as United ?Stn tea Judge for the
?District oi Louisiana, i:i piara of Di i ? who
?re-signed to avoid Impeachment, oinrht lo
? ' ? ; v ?n
rolred in tin- worst of the scandalous transac
tiona which ?reai Ited in ihe Intrusion ol' Kel*
into thf Governorship. ?He wm con*
.?? ?: i ? .I in the ma of ti fa
mona miduighl ci?;' r which orertnrneil the
-11. li. .waa discreditably
employed al Washington ns K?!!??- -
conns? 1 when ? be ? bol ?sti ticture of thal
administration built nj> by fraud and riolenct
was menaced by a -Senatorial Inventifr.it ion.
? be who a ?rote Kellogg not ?to li t bia
trar ol Voters, ill iiichard, . ?? '?? fon the
?Senate Co.mmit.tee, because hi- examination
" Diight I "n out 1 nilly." Ii waa he "li" ? r i
;. Iii'.; the <
? v. ho I.i < w too mu.-ii in
be safe, the Kellpgg < ins] iratora should trust
altogether to the reid decisions ol the Loni i
ii'i.'i eourti ainl '' tin- i? ?... : of Un- Admini
" ?tration ?pai ty." it waa he who im i m U 'I K?*l
loggtot-t legraph to8enator Carpenter, "Tin Re?
" publican interests n q lire 'hi? imnii diate seat
" iii;' <?t i iiH'lii'ii. i. ;"' mill wrote to his "|)???i
?' Qorernoi *." "1t? ink if tin math ri- pushed t.?
"an immediate n < on fuel enougl
." li, -!: ?: t, the I ?
tnn ii at ?the Ni'"<v-<>.l.!i!i'? ?I.il'- House ?li;: ui>r
ila eonserratire occupation of the !.. ding m
1874 show that Billings was the confidential
and i ? ?goti :??. bet w< ?-ii Ki ii"..- ? n t'?
mu? ?hand and Senator Morton und \
General WilUama .m th- other, in a ?ti ii
t'u.n which do ?good citizen of either ?parti
now i.;!, t apon without shaine ami ?resent*
II); .'it.
'i h. ?.a ?a?"- ?may ?be reasons to the Henate
fair ?rejecting 'lu- Domination, but the*
i.-.i-'ii:-. to Gen, ('in! for not i . All
the operationa of Kellogg i.i i i ?hare
had the ?President, li? Il ? sal aid a-.-i-.t
anoe, and while it i? do i!??:i?.i t:?< that unce
the disc '? area of ?repeat* I II? public-an ?on iti
gating .m.uni tees a ?great ?many honest ?friends
<>f ?the Administratifl i who ??> mi Ij di ended
tin- I.', ihnana poll ? I ik i pon i' .-. a
atable him.?! vi. no1 uni I ig ??
we ni!..*? ?remembei ih.it ?there i- no reoaon to
suppose Geo.Grant'ariewa bareb on modified
in tin- ?slightest degree. '!? ?? '? ! ??'. tin- " mid*
'* night order," and it ?is natural that at '?
: i! ii l.-a should reward the 1 n?. \c.
aided the Judge in making it. lie cordi_ll
appro*. ?'I liai.il'-. restraining ordei i thi i
of Antoine re. Warmoth, of which the Seua?<
Committee declared ?that tiny kuew "no lan
"guage ?too ?strong to expi s ti i eondemna*
"ti'.n ??f ii." and hiiri- iiitii lin? Judgi baa
?been rirtoaUy ?dnrenofl tia- ben ii for sij
it ho oaturaUy promotes to the racant plac?
?the eounael who drew it np. Ii. this instance
('.in. C?an*, is **rrnditaating" loi merely
Dural] ?and Ki Dogg bul bimaelf.
Personally Mr. Billinga i.-* ?anfil for a judge,
Of hi?, a'..iliiy ?aa a lawyer we ii.i ?speak;
?but his ?associationi disqualify him for the
bench, and especially for ?the bench of t! ??.
Louisiana court whew partisan politics ?hare
ii ?too largcl* aln dy. li<- has been ill
through tin* troublea one of tlio moat active
ot tin- (a-t. -Pa? ?_a.nl Kellogg*
Norton faction, and ?an ?intimate ?friend ol
\?>i ton in ?particular. Who was Dim li ? a ,-?i'la i
in bonkrnptey ?and whose transactioni ?in ?that
rapacity wera the cause of so ; inch ?scandal. It
i? not at all uiilih? ly that the affiUrs of this Hu pie
may ?require judicial ?action; it is almost na?
tani thai .pi?.-tii.il-> ol pait> polities will ?be In
rolrod in ?some o? ?the procei ?Unga of ?the Die
i l Conti in I.oi'isiaiia, ;. IO] ?MC in all the
?Southern :-!:it?,u; nml what respect can ?poad
'. i, !><? i 'it. rteined ia ?inch caora fox iho ?rul
?ingo of a judge bo ?deeply complicated! lint
if th. ti- considi?rationa ?an wot enough r??r ?the
enaton, are beg them t<? read ?the Louisiana
Report of theil omi Committee? and ?remember
?thal Ihe ootmgeeue orden tho?rein denounced
with just i:iili"v':.ation are the handiwork of the
mau whose name i' L 'H' kuI.until ?I to them
; for contii niutioii ?s judge of a h i - Li F?deral
court. _____________
How Ftrikiii'j'ly events rebuke <"ir laeh of
faith aiid our waning contideiii B ?ti ?free iu
?-.*ittitiuu-? and popular govennaeul. KoaoOOM
does some doiibtnij,' Thoanaa nay our polities
. n corrupt and OU polit ?.ians :,.1??h1i, and
n?' is no resurrection for ?flood and Inn ?ed
pulilic vii tu?', than straightway coutts a TO?CO
Oiit of a Stat? Convention KMUOWhON
or other, pcootafa-iag with diitiuHne?s and
i emphasis tint the morning of a now day
dawueth, that Artful Y. Dodgur is tlio
man wlio if elected will roll away the
stone from the sepnlchcr, that ?dead public
virtue may come forth and politic.d cotruj)
t?o? fleo away. ? Always to A i.iseour.iKOd
people gggggg a beautiful and in-piling?
platform* evei in tho car of tho disheartened
patriot b breath? al a?politician's promise. Do
the people ri?o in hone*t indignation that their
couti.h m-e lias hei-n ahu??-d and po-nions of
tri;?t and honor been prostituted! Blagg then
a Slate Convention and joins heartily in the
prote-it Na hilo it Iii)i)!liin:it.-S "iho old ticket.
la the Cil II SeiK ii udegr.idt-d and debtMgd till un?
lit and <li?honest iiu-ii tie- country over are fooling
NNith dunes tiny ?lo not eompiehi-ini, and add?
ing tu tailiiics they eaniiof earn, tho shameful
wa.'iK of coi rujil i??n ? Why then up ?taits the
puny in jinNNii and siys: "The system is
M WTOOg. We 11111.-? t K foi in the gj St. -in, we
"?uni only WO. It, would he dangaOQI
"li! the gZtnggg til ti :i - L so ililli ?t.- ii
"task tu g paity that is believed
" |?i* be without principle and is 1? ? ) ? ? \v 11 to he
" without experienee.*1 And then it lead? .nu
a MMp.-.i.ai or two, adopts tha moat encoor
.aging platforms in it* eooTi rationa, and? pro
rcid? with tho work. Win be discouraged
thenl lines nut ? :u h li-i-iirriiig Autiiiiin, the
campaign period, tha aeaana "I elections, .Te?
ra nu- US nk?iIi iriilliini.il Imp-?.' Do nkv not
bare always with the tailing let I the bod <>r
i- solution ami the flower of platform, the iii?'
ii -, promiseaof tal parties of an abondant h t~
i C81 of Ile form 1 Ami u hill mell \ki une. 7 -hall
NK.' im (Nindi lice.ii se platforms are like ont
dollar bills?made to be renewed, no1 n
deemed! because parties are 1 ?U? ? the G ?
emment, nk?iIi do l*aaig I"-, their pupei i- at ??
Ni, Inde? d. Let na ral lu ; t ike In arl and be
. omforted in the thonghl '' I ? Ith ? a. I; o n
son tin- I? .?iimi] promises it hun, di] b pi
- : nal in tlie linn m breoet
| i-,. do h ?nc On m i?' lo m ?umetimi -.
WitllC ? i'ic p|ii?'ei il'i'..-' ? "I ('ii** Ollgn*J?S. We
di I m? like io t.un oit the !.'< p tbllcau ma
.?..?ii i Congr? I h? i bad been ranuitig
tin Government f.?! ?i long tune and had
ir.it llu? I.tia. I, ni i . i . .lui ionic
; ?. ? ? ?. nv. li and .li. tly. But in
. ''u i ? tli n KNi u- . ami ii
? id,ui?.i , It hil ni the i ' . - I " '?'
had groa d to bo ao | ? ?? I
li.1.1 | i ? : - '1 l 'foi ti BO ' : ''IN lili.- . I ?'?
I . I . .
gi ?i? had grown and
lit ??. Tllig 8 II ? ' ' ? :-!? NK ill
' ii of 1 ?? '
pi, - ma ?ii'..
' ? i ?' i . - i' i u a i-f ! i.l it -
them v. OUt Of I
O '
upon !: ra instil tin iii; Iii in ? mlj sei
ble foi oflii i s and ?'; r o
in. tidly Diovi d i'.- ? ?.
I.? the iii.ililli I ill V. Ililli 1' t
**i i, i..- waa I'linini red, I ii iIIn
by the fat that the o i ? ?iib n ,1
....??I foi |. .,. -.?ti... The Vi iph u. ?
struck K? ?th ?>! oil ition it i ?- iligml . ?! ? .
?ition i iki u I.K tl.i- t.i. it Kation il I*
T!i, j . ? I have a i litieal i. -. -
olotioi , Tin
of ti I ' !?'? i ? w11 lo the II
? ,i? i !.. ? ?! .1 ? -, ' Son ..? will I
- . . w i ?., m
" tincere and patriotic gentlemen wbohavi o??> t
locketl t the ? ( '.\ il
" more re] nu ul
" tl.i.IK'S III ""' '? ; Of ill?- I ...
" . num ???'??" Wi 'I, t>. ? I ??.. i., ? p ,
ooly ?.iin'it a mont con ddei
!..i a in.i Di wh ii l.i. Ik ? i.inplisln 1.
They ira modes! alioul it . | ? .
are ii"' ,; ?? -"'' of folks tlint p
to v- bal tin y h. Ne done as
done n. I'-n' .in*' look ?.? It, Why, In lb
place, iheie n? n ii \, i? so? h al u i I
? f a party In aaa ??ting
!.. i i ., a Oren I Refm m. '' bo i
::'.ii men tram i '1
ni the ? : in : . '..
, the .*? ? ol i-entneky, thal stn
I -i -i . ii.i, ?, in hi. li I nid T tea
i/i il K? i:n demoralization ol the publk
n?,.. .i :.' threw it , II '""' - in u ?'? sliing
1 ton in i il?, u band in the arm of i
And n . t i!?. n- his been do h i - Ij : Hod.
riel po d befon
Ubi ii-. Ni, pm i\. ii .ii ,1 re!..inn .1 bj
. I ni Mr. John J. Piatt, tin pot i ami
aut hoi, and the op]
;? I i '.? ' I ii Ki 11
i tuck], And it ia
? ti ti another hnportaul ;> :? baa l>. < n
: in th ? work ol '.' foi m I'- the n
i ..i ti ( keep? ? of I ' .. m
! the afJpolnlmi -it ii. 1 i
-?' . ? bl i ? ? '.' I. .'I ? I I ei d ol
i. li 1 i-v? been a .great work dom
' . till! KN lil) n0 Mil"
i.... i'. ??'. ..: two pla lofl :,. be
pnrilii d and ni >i mi A. bn with the iii i ?- ? -1 inn
d th.
? :
b( Ip, we do ? ol doubt that I " ? ' . . ,,'
?.; letctl ' rho
in vi nv ol tin -. liit? tii.it I;,-?u!i,i i- (mp i
Mi ? I. .?,!> :,t the Mon* ? [?ihn | ' Con*
side] the Co .t ' II.,m proud
'? -.' ii io lu ot this ' "iii.-i and ii? w.>ik!
\- : while these things go mi n.< rannot, w ?
mnal di :. b* dim lurni eil, l.i t as . ont. inplul
the (?n-.ii M<>.< m- .it KK ith cal ii. n,
an i -i.ii- p.it<- ki ith delight (lie ila; when Ihn
party diall bare i eliance i" pitt In operation
throughout the ? otintry th refoi it I
fullj illili..led ni i a .. -. I oki 11 he
?.u exhibition for us.
/ i X.I TION.
Althongfa Got, 'rilli"::'? nu---i.:., gecordiug
to some ol the newspaper*, i "too lonf*-*1 foi
the n? rage Journalist to read, it t- begianing
\ t.? be appen b1 thal it i ? comm ?tiding the
greatest attention -ill ?>% ? i the country, and ia
retrognired as one of tha ableat and chun?!
uml inoat Important Bl ita ?papen tint have
lied from toy depai tmenl of local or
Pcderal roNi 11 mi it for a long time. The
Governor Las pointed ont Um boga rand tatt
.growing evil which iiii.l. iii. s our pn-int
national tiou'ilos with p.ich remarkable dig
tim l!iOr?s and .iiii'h.i.-iis thal big tit m<?ii-tintion
so? ma almost Uki ?t diacoTorri and rebat?a
bettei h? ahowatu the wacf out of our di heul?
te-? ascleiul. us he ( Otpbtfaa v. ha? tlie diilicul
ti??s 110, Thg uiiivei-;il dejir? s.?iiiii iii luisim???,
stagnation of pnul tetira Industry, and radne*
| ti?m of wa.-. ?, whifh he rjghtlj o;ills "not g
Mconvulsion, but a p.,:u.il p:r.,il.i ?i ?," ig in g
great m. a-no the r. ?nit of gxtrgyagant go??
i-:inn? iititl (-?iiisiiinptiori. The iwipuiiing of our
iiatiiinal capital during UM K.!,.-Ilion waa the
inevit ibloi result of the waste of \n;ii ; but that
the same process should goon <1 ii i i ii ?_** profound
pOili I ?S II lllOllitl'Hll?) NK nog VnIiO'O ( HUM (JllOIICtS
ii i tict. he fiktal. L'util we ( hei k this initions
goveiiimeutal expei dituio it will l>o use'i-s to
grgpa lor ooinineroiii ?uo-peiity.
aiVie /.'(ii/iy Lu.U-tin tnlnforce? the Govcrtior
with ftdilitioiial statistics of the ia.?st ?.tarlliiiK
character. It iippcai- fioiu (iov. Tild.n's
figures that the Federal find local taxes of the
United Stat??? amounted in 1S70 to tlio fright?
ful sum of $730,000,000. ' Since that date
?federal t'x.ition has boen reduced, but local
taxation has risen, so that the total remains
about the ?ame. Tho Hon. David A. Wells, as
tlie EuUrtin reminds us, in his report as
Special Commissioner of Revenue in lSO'.i,
placed "the annual increase of active
"capital in the United States, arising
"fiom UM excess of production over expemli
"tnr.-," nt .*?> lii.Oj'O.OOi). The taxes there?
fore at that t ?mo am ?$180f000(000 in eaoooi
?Of the national net income, and to-day tim ex
cos is undoubtedly much groote-. The plain
English of it is that we pay ?tor our gov.rn
nii nt in ally ?50 per cent ?BON than our entire
Saringe. Think how many ycais this ?proeeoa
has tittil ?going on. and say w!iethOf it is won?
derful that political rottenness and linaii
cial insolvency should prevail through the
whole length and breadth iff the United
."?tates. " Tor a ?long lim?'," savs The Ilil?
li lin, "wo wero enabled ??? withstand the
"ett'octs of this exhaustion throagh ?up
" plying our wanta from foreign mai k.ts
"a.k1 ?paying ?foi ?them in eridenceo*of debt,
"bonds, lee.) but the m D?nent ?this buying on
"long credit waa ?stopped, ?sa is was by tan
"panie ?>i i--7.'t, we w-ara fully.exposed t.? the.
"consequences of our political nitimagance.
" ami th.- prostration of ?brade ??ml industry that
"we hare line? witne led is iii" natural pen
'" ailf."
T?> this ''n' sum) paper adda a ?series <>f
tillie? showing how fni tin ?growth ol i
... lM.ti has ?outstripped th.- ?growth <>i
population. 'I'.?.' p.?pulatmu ?if the whole ?coun- >
i rj ?has lucres -?'ii ?10 per et ?ii in th it time, while
iii. ordi ? ? ? ?,' i-. - ol ? ' ?? O? era! Gorern
ment, excluait a i C ia' ?real on ?the debt,
bare increased no less than 200 ?percent.
ihe population <>r New-York -mt- has In?
? I j I -percent; the taxes hire increased
? . ' i i ?cent. The i i <>f ?fe- - Y?.ik
. n. h.is ?bierem -.1 ? ? I p i ??? it, the ?taxation
?; ?i? p.. ??? nt, Matta* lui an in?
ert i-? of 31 ?percent in population, "77 ?pet
? eui in ' ' ' - ; II ' '?'a ? in .- ise of :i I ?pel
? ?"ii in ?population, .'.l I i> ir emit In ta
i iln-re i? ? of :'. ? ;? r c?--i? ii
. 317 ?per cent in 1
tin, 1,3(11
.in i."'-; Uni ti iii ? ? .n '?" i< .-? <>r > 1
li nee an inci ? ? ?? ol 100 ?p. r eenl in
?i. 143 pei ?re it in tax . II? a ;
? to '?? !??;??? -i ?I thal wo c ni ro o i In I
Till ' ?/:?. MAI. ! Vii ITS l.77" I TS,
If our appro ? hing W'??! Id' Fail liad no
? ?ding ? ' .f I ? I cm
a" well 1"' doubted i i
far i
. ?ni?. ! ?? . i. ami i; ? ?? ill be se? n
? mil ii id< i tim
? ? t Sin hare im .-?
th ni"*- ?tri ug f<
, le, i he ? : ? ihibition to
:? li ?I in l'i. ???I. Ol lie li-l.t
.-? "i nat ?oiut will 1m Incal? la
Ide, An American, ?rho I 'i > ?? month ?
ii the \ lenna Kxhthition, reniai !.. -i
that be fell aa if he lia I
around ? ha \ -. ? ? i Id ?and had ob ?
era and <
. in- !'?.? i? ???',. ? j ?i'i ri !." ? iiil a n -
man, "and 1 ..'?II doscribe-youi char??
- !. ?. w n- the ?articles a nation tnakei?the
min hini - it Ini ii . t'n? pit i ,?, ? n ?paints, t'n
? ?. the f.1 it p ?>?
I we can jud.? - i Is, ii? ?laws,
? life, i hi >. ???i i?- ? he < . nteuuial
\t ,|l -i : ,! non "I the \?.iii!i| ruin Pli
? a I.?- mad i?:? ? ighlj day?1
did ii ?ntt i"'. I? ? ? ? . i" sp ni hen
? ! iii. ?. due of lin* t-'aii -to I '.?? i?? in i
v.i-i mine
? ?i' in i'itin ? I rut bei to refer i?> Iti
'?*?". upon l'i. tile 1'iti-r
???ts of t!:i? country. Tin IiuhIui -?? won
?.. i i.iai ii by the ?pai ?? of 1 *?7?(,
in a half iel erei
li requires ?some lo Biou
in m ". . ? iii??a?. The i
- i i bi ching ?v i ?.i'i.
-|i? CtllatiOtl lil it W In lill* ?? a I
I ol iin? ?!?? I pi?-i? rity, -l-l the har-!
:..!-., i-?i hart enfin red ii eful lee
ol ?. ono m . I he country bas t ?t '. ? n a
? ... t : its lir.-.?hiti ' -| eil lias l,i?ti ii
? it is n sdj te - tart afn sh, and
only lacks lidcn-re iu i lother
i ourse in ti.? r ?se of matt rial proj
; . leuce, we l?elii i??. Ibu Ceo
ii ii ?al \t ill 1. ?.. ?? '?i hind it 11 a lea
, we ha?.- j..!' . ?I the pi si ; ? ol
empire ?and ?sel then ?forth in orderly si i*
those of all the ? I ins ..: tin
?.ii ?? -.m.'. ?.
, . mon b >.i itifully eudo red I j un un
than a ? ?? la d in ?shin a np in. Wt
strung, inn -I quit '. -?.*. in?-.).
\., n)..i. ? i -, ? t n ' ? i [pples '?iii' indu i*
tn; do hi : ile o? i i.' "i? tim iten n ? ; we
h ire i?"i ii"- tan!? n of a standing ara
ra ition with thal
ni otliii pt -???I. - we shall see that we bare the
.i iii. m in m?, t imp
, and ii pi .t hin-.'?, we are lack ?nu'-?
n i.?a: fine nits me backward, mir manufac
. at in m-- in in .n- a i ii iilture an*
tifie, or our domestic life wasteful?w<
?ball see ??'n hortcomin - ?so plaiuly I?*, ?con
thai wo shall make u ?great effort t<?
remedy them, and ?thoa bj perceiving wherein
at ?v. ahm ss we .-li di augment oui powen.
When ?the Centennial ia orer, ?the whole nation
will I? ?I refreshed nnd encourageil. The uni
t.i-.il .?ni!.m?i ol' patriotic feeling will of
itself do mu. h toward setting the wheels ol
?trade In motion. After ? man ?baa hurrahed
lustily foi hi-* ?country, be la in the ?heal p<>-.-?
i le t?ime ol' mind to ?go te work. Hu
i|??iii?t? as to the futura ?hare ranisbed. He
has the confidence which ia the life of nil on
terpriae. Bj thus ?giring our people a better
understanding of their own wealth and ?strength,
by eauelng iheni te aaa ?and ?nsmedy ?their ?fail*
ia?">, and by awakening in them a ?strange'
I,ive of tin ir 000-000 country und n livelier
?raith in its ?destiny, the Centennial ought te
bring about n rap d i? ? ira! <>f ?btudm --?.
?Mr, A. I.. I'I? inmcis's way of di?s-mi:?ating
?moral ?and religious tenth ?ii te ?go np and down
?the public streets chanting extracta treen Dr.
?Ihm \v..tti at the top of his rotee. lit? ?rale
bi.i'ed New V? nr's Day at Trenton, in Now
Votk, after nidi fashion, und consequently,
just like the emly martyrs, ho was locked up.
Heilig canted before a Justice of the IVacc,
Mr. I lciniiH-is su-peii'Ud his lf*-gtef und made
u speech, in which he said that ho had " a
"light to woiship God according to the dio
" tetel of lils owu conscience j" and, jail or no
Jail, he intended to do it. " You allow crowds
" of intoxicated men," said "Mr. Clemnicrs, " to
" loaf upon tlio corners, urn! to niako New
" Yeai'i Eve hideous with their frightful
" orgies ; und then you take mo prisoner only
? for singing * All Hail the Power.' " The
Judge was evidently posed ; ami when Mr.
Clemnicrs referred to the noise nudo with per?
fect impunity by brass bands, the Com t hadn't
a word to say, except to direct the Rev. Mr.
Clem mers to be dischaiiged. Street ?pHfanody
was triumphant, and the enthusiastic gentle?
man no doubt went on vocalizing*more sonor?
ously than o\cr.
'1 ha groat mistake in such instances, It ap?
pears te us, is usually made by the police.
We never knew an enthusiast full of the no?
tion that to preach the gosptd etTectu illy he
must disturb the peace, to be silenced by ar?
rests and lines ?mil imprisonments. He cmerg. s
from ?ne ncratioii fresher and louder than
erer, ?and fuller than ever of mnaanageablo
neL He is always ready to be- taken into
?Custody. He always his the last word with
the Judge. His argument in favor ol' -betty
of ?Speech il always unanswerable, and the more
he is "jici ciiileil'' the surer he is that he is
fight. More than this, he Usually ?SOOUrea the
sympathy of a con-sid.-rabie ?portion of the
public. Men care nothing for his dm ti ?ms,
ami neither do they admiro his turns; they
have an ?{deo that he is just a little of
a liinalic ; but they ?do 'not like to ?sec
lii'ii ?shut up 'in tWO nell-es) ?by the COUStoble.
The Val y nimm nt before he is hurried away,
thej may have been sinning bim or getting
ready to ?stone bim. As be diaappean there
may be about him a llavor of iiiiin.icii.iii!able
. while tin- ?malodorous albumen ?rani
down his ?beard ?and ?the skirte <>f Ida ?second
hand black* coat. At ?this -Sritical point ?his
enemies begin to relent, and it is Impressed
upon tl.cii ?softening hen is ?that ?really ?the
eccentric old fellow intended no hann. After
all he was their preacher, ?and tje-y wen iii*
?congregation. So i ?crowd will be awaiting
him when be is nnhicarcerated? ?and h? will
?ii bis barrel, or box, <>r other place ?.I
i >.?? v dement and r< ? ho and
..m ? ?than ?vi r.
If < ' be of any \ ilim, tin world
should hare round oui by this time the folly
....??:ina t" -ii<- ki? cullin-?i-t? in ?au*
way, except bj decapitation >.i combus?tion or
strangulation?methods which have properly
fallen int?> disuse. Nobody i? ?compelled t?>
h ar a clamorous i?ii?o:i preach or sing, ?and
nsible waj. . tiling ?li. t. i -1. lal of
that kind ?is ?going ?on, ?ia to i ilk ?? ii of i u -
?hoi. Besides, it is nstonisliiug bow ?soon ?the
lunged nuisances will abate
- I . ? when i ?my an Iel ah.ne. They
I? ni ol' ?the world pleases to
. and they t ?ii. ???. ?-i b <? ?mae ?the othi r
? ',??? -n't pl.-a?.. but -L'.'ts m?o ;i ?passion
? . h the performance. We ara oonsid ring the
? : . ? rally ami a iih m> ?intention of
mi-i?! the U.v.Mr. Chlniteis, who,
!' ' -i'V", may b ?seusihl ia he ia tuneful,
Al ai., nte, we ara bo far with him ?that
' ' i ? think ii is /"?"'I ?policy
t.? interfere witii ?Ida ?highway ministrations.
ri !?? may ?be those who think a multiplicity
ligio ia - Disadvantageous* but those who
; lily shi aid nail' rstand ili.it ?for
ninety and nm.- ?of the little unimportant
! animations into which the amaller portion
nt' prob ion has been dirided, we ?are In
I?'?!? ?It.? interference ami "persecution.'' A
who ?utl'i!? ?imply because he pleas
preach, v. ill soon have a following, mi nutter
hou al.-iinl ?may be the doctrines which lie
announces. So when ihe ?Ker. Mr. Clemmera
?! feuded himself bj ?pi.?ting the Couatitution
of the United States, and the Judge discharged
i.i a, v..' in- told i ii.it i hen " wi ?re loud c1 ?
?" with ??'in ni. - m feet." ? >f course ti,ero win- ;
and when I.?- has beeo air. st.-d'often enough
h?- may hove a meeting-house <<i his own. with
bi inches in .ill the ?adjoining village*.
liiii?, t be a subject for congratulation and
faction t* thoa who have friends ..n the Atlantic
USO ll'lll?!! ill . I.v
i . '.'. iii? Klai ???-in ? r i., ni..n.i?-, f??r Instance,
tv-i? tn'-.n-'od off Ireland ?n 7 ?days 17*_ hours
from -1 ? -. II k. while the ?driatie, of tin?
i., d al Set V rk Sniidujr forenoon, in
I rum Livt rpool. Ara the
uni i ? -" .. :. ?bettor
? !
King ?Kalakaua baa acknowledged the ?receipt
-, - a .. ?ft li ad ia -' J - , .
i ?. li? di* -h'i ni) ' ? ?.:??--l ' >.r n ?f,
. Allyn of Hartford, wife of ?the ex-May?or,
i. ? i ii ?"? i ?? "?? ' ? ? i blindni -< ??f
? t.n t..i?. -'?? '. ?i-. le- i.i ;.. ?.-.? boa nil ber
?. - . - - . . -. ?".'',? '
v.;i. ib i Vlgnaud has been appointed
l s i i t? y i -
? le. Mr. lira I i ?
i ' . !. . . .it st
? ??ii..
It ia announced in London that the Queen
. .t ?ii n tlukedou ul Otu dos
-. 1 the
'.':.. sol . :
: - ?.a ??!. ??? cn..: .vi.i'i
' a I II,.lill,li-,li - I ? ..! 1
i I to beaton iu i ??I li
, - ii,.? i.-ii: ol i
,1? iii ia ?announced ?in ?London of Mies
, . \ l -..ii ?It ata? III.' '
?lilli- llf |a ,.'..- li II ' '
.... i ? ? bj -t ? ? in w .?-i
ll.ir.li-. who
It b ..-alii . lion of the kp? ? ii
li.ii'h. l'on has I., a ?trying to start another
id-.i |i i"i-i in v n i?. h ?i. ii ?????i man, an ted ti
. . .iii.'.i? bave m m- r
,. . ?..!! i?.limn : i plan for the.n
? , r.i lu- i all? 1 ia? /.' tllientent. I ra? to
?i i iii fa i it "t : I!??- -n:'. ' 'i ill "/i.:
' ? if Wit 1
i?. ?,',! ? ..| ,?> ?I i. If all I ii world ?J? .
ni.? lu. t.i? lautl ?i' ''? t'"?
Pol lilt .:/. KOT1 s.
Got. r.ike of [exaa would rather toe Got.
?I? -nil n-.,? li? ?I deni o: tau l"ii. ?ii State? li.au an-, ?an. r
III III ill ?III' a .all!.'It .
There ia a little talk in Connecticut ?>f run
Blag Mr. r i". r..ii-ini!ii ii? tin i: imbUi m nan??Idsti f??r
The Meriden tUpmhUean (kiaka ?fiaron .? i
, j 'i
Two eminent U. 8. Senaten have been
Dominated tor ti ia. ?.ai.-a?-y tv. Um MUm tun... Hie
Juliet Sun at Ililli.? ? I? ii?:- ??Hi N-irilui 1, gin, unlit,,
iii?- entire rasait of the Conkliag agitation la tui? m.ik?
/.',?? ;.' mwM I iii.i a nf li? dm, K. v., i ?-,,- ? t.. the ! ' .?'. ni
n? ? ??>'., mu- Ibe n une of ?s .nator Cou kling. The two men
-, - ands_.eq.aalpcoepeel. Ku ..at? Hft<
ofl?redjrei au sUber.
The devotees of iii?- Qrei abaek ?in Wise >n du
ll-(t IO ."! 1 11 MalS ' ?'It ? lill?HI at -M .lill -.I'll aall ti.H LOtk
iii?! , to ?-liniiae iI?li"Kst.? lo ti.? Nall.i.i.il li: ?u I mell t'on
v. nt!"!i. Ona et thom tali a repartee ?if ile Masantes
srntinrl i ist we.??, th A I.i* linly SSpaCta t?> carry ?Pla?
. naaiii bl .0,00,1 iu,i ..my ami t?> aleet It? Presidential
n, iel without <i'ii. lilly. Theeaadtdatoa I?jiu u ?i w-a
iix-S. nator Hev.ls publi lies a rard reiter?
ating lb? ?utfiutauit .it lil? lutter to tlio President on ga>
1'uiiiican uilaiulo lu Mls?ls?lii|?t, ?"?1 adding! "I wran?
\?rlial I I lien tx.llev? ii lo be truin iitnl still belie; o to be
Irin-, ami can with? ?? ?nul roK'.ird fur ti in li unit pi ml utyf,
i-ruiiii'iii ??Id linii'h of ti.e ?ame eharacu-r ?tam ?Ung tim
nit?it*'ed? of the pcr-on? therein referred U>. but charily
bid? nie iii?ai? ILciu ibo u^i'u??J.ie, luitl I | lal? to Ila a o ino
inlljii?. '
The comments of the Administration journals
of Oblo on the Introduction of au antl-thlni-teitu Neals?
tluu In tbelr Legislature are ?lgulileatit. ?Howe of ilu-m
reveal uuuilatakablo tendoi ne?? fur tbo ?po?jk by roiunlly
ab??-nf the ?ten who Toted In favor of tau r?solu I Um.
Thus IA? Utl'i Journal says i " The _<?_!.-. i' i ? a? a law
nutklng tHvfly Aencrvea tho rr-gpect ?nd ot>???,ii?tirs of errry
c1ti*a-ii of Oblo. Tie? la-g-UIfttiire m an lrr>|??>rttii?-rit ni..!.
'l.i-r willi mutter? wlueli ?re regi)tiit?*il tiy ahigber power
tli ni all LsiOalsture? romblned, I? wattity et i.u nene nv
?|,t),t still obedience tliaD til? ?uiii" ?rgSSggg of tiar?
ri,..,ii 1,infer? |,,i?sin_. re?..|,iiloua BMilWIag Nt.tli Dm ?at?.
uuikiug power tit Ohio In ? nie crossroad? grecti.rj."
The Executive Committee of the Deniocratio
purty of S.iutb Cur.,linn lime l??ii(*l sn tiddrttas railing tor
a then,ii("ii r??.?r_.iiii?(tti.?n preparatory to His my irifB
luilgti. lu It Ihey ?n*. : " In roimuou with tlntlr fellow
oitlzcn?, tli? Stutt? Domorr.ifl?- Committee hsv.? n/stihid
willi willuns solicitude uml irrowiug ooiitl.Ienc* th?
course of tlio pr.seut (ji.vcinoi of tlu- 8tat?). Ti,ey
ttoognkmoatttgyaanmketim vain.? uf ??mr saaaaaaaa
lu k>r.?iii.,tlUK.cf..im anti r. tient tuiieut ?luring tlie pitar,
ji-nr. The.? ? api?!.,u.I lil? wi?e snd i?ati|.,tic cuiiliii t lu
(?nrtliig lu? wttata i-tllelsl pawer und ner?.,ml inlliicnc*
f. r the tuulolng b| tho lnfnuiou? Judicial election. And
they d. elan- their kntitt that th. U, WmotOOy of the State,
rill ?g nie te pttty n? lie lui? ili.tie, ki 1! .givg :m Unfall, r
l n g rapport tv ?u? .?it..if?, i? (. irernor, forth.? ni ara? iii
wrongs, f.n tin u?.! m Dun of tuxaiBui, to oiuiiiii shut
i !ui!ii.-ti..tiuii ?I rln ! ink-, ?nu! to link, tin? Mute ,, v..
?nintenta faithful gr*uu___ st the pt??11* ?ml iuiv.it?
li,.. leotS of the I?. opie."
Ciwigrtrauuiaii Hewittfa grnqmlim Magg of
llollor ill g**Hohg lo a. ne ou ? t-i.liuililte8 which would
hnv, fu ciu:?!,li r ,|iip?!:.na of pecinii.u i liit? re?t to him
St?f, c ii!? for Hi tin? ii itterlii,,' coiiinioi t truro Ihr Spring?
field weynthumtn i "Bath gath tay ,,f i, staag ? * Oatt
glgSSBBSB I? nil II)?' nu r>- n-ficshlng f"l- Ita tiovdty. Tim
peopl* !iuv. n't i" ? n ii ?i .1 to It. Indeed, tin y lune tu-roiii.**
waei iisto'ii. ?11>. ??a hil- ti.eir raeti santa II ra* s b*_ag np
their pro ft?:?.n-i i ihlagl** ?ii th?- trails*** tin* Ciijiitot,
Ml?BgMP theilt tullis, or hiving their nu! ,..d trrtek on
tike Soot, un,i BiiMtsiiIgg Iba ssanstass twast into
l.rltate eouiitiiiK-rooii ? oi l.nv ollie.?, id it tliey I,.?ve al.
?lii-t . ollie to lia; n. aa. I 111 it :1< u 1,1 lillT llf I?,!!!',., !?.?
ltd i .- thing ile- f i?, lu ,ii-u.-, ,,f tills
.v .i york Congressman, who refus?- to in- placed lug
position wb<.n lu? prirat* Interest ??)..v .-\. u ?. u, io
v n li hi? ?milln duty, will glr? th, m -? rrnwtlog
akin to ?,ir|.i :?,.. I'.,,! thej ?rill uki, It, and Ilk? hint fug
it ; ther? ii bo dont?! al.: that. '
? i ?
( Li 11 I HY.
Charlea P. Lrerericb, Preaidenl of t!i?. Beak
llf N.a.l V'.lll.lH.ll It bil ?.-.'....n- l8 1 !.Ulta nth ht V,?
. morning of congestion of tlv loag* Mi [_**r*r*_fa8j
Ita? ?.ol'!, Ill .Ni iitiiv. li. LOBg 1*1 Il'l. Ill ' aii-a, ||a ,
!,, Ni i Vor? v.,..-., y i u, .i.,'. ?'?-.?'. c1 lil? int-ri-alui.j
|l -, In ti? -1. ;,| : . I . e of I'. 1er gOBMI n. ?nie
I !! *V
... i- i ? . : !.. !??? ? wart ki kotta,
ira el .1 v i :. ?.,'. .n? it tr . '
1 .d' B| 1U all -O Ila!'I '' ?? lilotl? li tb
. * .li 1.11
!i.|?e. In l-l' he W** I I I din ? '? r of Hu- Uki ? of
' ? i !:, ?..iel tor th' |. -* ft. 1?. ? I ,:r- !.. I Ig* ?flieg
.,f li. -:?! al H- '- II - Ht U-' lel'.T of th. I
in.- ?ion?!' Cumin tti e, uml iluiing li.f? lin.meial uni .? ..f
i?'.t uni ,.f 1*7. ? ?e- did moth lo allai USerglstaag
;:. . . .n.-?
in bim I of tbe Knti I United
l,e n in. ii f:. ii: i ? ; ?- 'Ha ?< Till
Bl] <? la?li ??! I I. II. I.I III lal Of
..i, !..n.li and ile .,! . of ii ? privat* ??: tw ?.
i! i : uti ed the elm ii h rtttentle?? . Vi . lewa, l_
t., where he h >i i? eoantrj tent, tai wall m t..- ??
I . ? li : - . lou >i. U!?
i. ni. antreryt - srtif ?vi.cn ho i.it tho
book ii? wa? In Rood hw*Ith .in.! si'lr...? lio lean? a
bl ?, a ,.-, ami b "ii' -' ii r.
' Vi*( DIN, UtfBKl I.V.
Vi-,o::n! A,!...! , ?,.', .?i iii .:i!? i? iinnounced
m u l.o dl"ii ;? ..... ? : i ;(
KKho ho* !,t?i :. - : ' i ?.lili'.,, .illili?. II ? iii,?luir
?I'll .io' th* -ee. iel F If! of Milito.
? . in-.-, lo. is ?j. i.,i ... n fter
ros ? ' )
i ouli ?. - ? ' - ' I .M
i -, ? ?? i-.; in Si - ii - '? t.?
roi waa u m. in'" r ?f th.- Brit.Bg partielmat m
- ? ? . i.-'. Uti. of lil? tather.
...i.-Tf\I?V OOTML
(?m ins Kii, .l.in. Jt?.? 1 'liuofliy Kiil-v, un
? ? -lik nt t!),- ?...? ? ' I.
? .1!. I ?- I'' . -- ?li la .1 III ?. ?V. !t'| lie .,. 'I tWg
.net Mu- . ;.i, ' ? ? I 1>"B
PlOtt mel the II, u H B I-'.ll.nil.-". ti. 0.
WtsHiirar?>s, Jin. IO.?The Post-Office Do?
jmiiiii i't I .1? )????? uxt inf.d'nuil.11 "f ?1.1 ile,ith ,,r Mr.
.1,(1,1, Balla rilng, * bo s ,i? i ipohtti ,i i <?? taukstctr hi 1. s '
i . b ? a i 'nt, i' nil . in l-i ni.,,?. , 1 ?Jo, .uni i it?
lila titat i"?. ?' 'i y nut: tie .la-i-of ?d? a. ,.ik.
All SICAL sun:*.
Mr. V. s. Gilmore hi? iM-eome 'ui.tnr of
lo. < em, : ? i . ,.,,. ?: .lit? ,1;..
Theodore Thomas haa produced Rubinstein,
?i,i.- ?, :. ; 0 I ? U Hld Is? t >)
i'.lred with favor. It * I bu ti lyrtatt all
.. oom > ?. i? i ? ?
The pi". ii.i? i.in ?on, eit
of ?i in|.ii..?.? <? ,n t-rla at tin I'. .!....ik ln?tltute m | t i
n.o.". . ? ?. i : - ? -? ~k ni phi ni, tin i !?? ? i
t', lt., Net d M- I ' II ? I li ?
i 8w< Itali song* bj MissThuiabjr, ui.ds
cliver Ditson .v Co.. liiNhi." purchased tlie
Oil!!., ?ti? '., ?. i . -. a, ? .la?
a Walk r. !"" l-i -?-...'!'!.
i- k lug ..ii ?lie ..u i ??? lil t. .ii eil?' ii,... , a
?.! i. I; ? i,;. .
, ' ??. . n Th*
lli-.i.?. k ,,. ., ,' '.hihi ?lt.. m ?? ,:? ?i. Neu 'lu! s,
... .m,i Phil* n Ipblo.
Miss Adelaide Phillippa and her opera goan?
?ii: ........ u \ i . : ,. I ml a. :. r I -hi l! I ?t la y
? e of titi I ..?ti 'ii , Uli ?. | i? ir -. ,i? u
at the Academy ?t Mnilf In tul? i non lbs7th
. ' i bru i... ..'. n M - M , . i .. (...r
?;., dt:.i New-York in. repsrtor) of tha
?.. i roi ?:.,:. la," " 11
" lloKul re,-' Slea lo . . ?
?ral .lullrt."
i in, effort which M? m ?? Moll? al
, ? - o
li .[11.11 I. I lilli, ,h -elk,? li', moa i ol.'t.. t. pu ill) I ..????
I ...
,. i n.rik al . ? or m -irinn 111 ii
i wltb s bl 1, otu ?, . :..,;,.. i . f
i tl?ti hut li t !??? u i li ii li d ; siul i ? - i
?. nug nul. lu .1 I. ? .1 .
? , )
.,.1111 , I. 111'. I. ,',...!
Wo have to a.1.1 that aot onlj I? -t trot
.-'??,' ' n that
Ilk ol lae Ile .i.a'l .'.le ,' ,1,. li.l!. ? KI,, ii,; ,, .,,:,, ,
Mr. Blaine'a amoeatj reaolution woold bg
lh . . li II 1 ,-. li ' . \ ? I al - t
? ' a a
' . - nk ;,i ... p bim out i ? .1
... 1
li ?n u ., - ,K i- )
Mr.Horton cannot atcm the t:,l" In bia i I
?. I - . al?
l? i? possible tin- ?
' lol I,lill. li It ?
do liol ?'? hi? ii.))))l)i.iiiigj, Bl J
? ?
Si natur Morton baa not tlio ?h^lite-t ?
j u i?, o i. Ho will rot ?.. t .. m
volo ol I tew votes I . . ?
. ?
, ? i, in i..u.- out. tiui ? ?'... i oi tin. Hep ii
?le ,,-I N, , . 1,,,, lill l|,,U 0, . - I
ill 111? . t..t ||.. U ,
lu nome wrl v., i, ?, re th t thg
...... N ?. "i ?. -, 1
di .ia. u um s it ...
Hist th? Bel
:.. li , |l,.?. li. ,l | .'. a I
If tha Ki p.iii'.i, mi partj ami Mr. Blalw e a
. a 1. , .
,, ,| do vi ii by ?
el.,..I >e .i ?. BUU li ?? . ?... .'Ia,..'-..
:.i? pn dee. non ;. gani d
ntitied ?i ;<? all i .?? .. ?ghi of ? ,
a. Ill t LI I' .Il f,, ,1 I IO.I,? , i(. ....?, .'. U
[KIciuooBd?Btiiurei ii
TunrtOK, N. J., Jan. LO.?The Leg! !*????
Vi ill 11.Il'l lO-lUOlToW. li.? Ill' lu It?.lie
.i ui iiu..!ui.ii saaeosss ?ru u.ii.k iinii , a.r,, tgeatm
i.r.ti-?!'?. iiio pioishf-tttaa sic m u\m ,,-.,, a.teaeSw
Leainlor foi- Vu ...ilcui of lb ?snag?, Wti lot 180889
piii'iliueut of thSSII till.cal o a; .-.
6.VI.T LAKE ITiv, J.iu. 10.?The UtatmSS
', ?. us tatt ut Del ~\ ******a'arif. f-m *? ?" : '"'
stgotajaaa lan al luttie-tt ? ',, i ?__*_ isfassgasasW*
hoiiililo r.iilriiiid?. Iii 4-rtiiniutit?-? ?f tU? *as*a_SSalB>
clflo and U.sb Northern ltsll.oa.ls are lhere ui?"'.n???
ni:tlBBS of theil- respective rorttl*.
i**u.t Lan CiTr. Jim. 10.-The Utah L***
htluio liatil, lu ti.? til) IUU, .sa.t J.??e ( ity,U)-?*h?>,?c*
luloiuicd li;* (Joteruorof their or?-_aizutii.,u. Hit ine*
?age nvIU . o delivered to ?baili to-iuotruw.

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