Newspaper Page Text
Vo*~XXXVl.....N0, 'W*1' NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 187G. PRICE FOUR CENTS. WASHINGTON. THK NAVY ?TM) AT LONDON. MOOnai-Of CBBBTBB, TBi i,?.uivi-T-n 8TDKV Alt-IT KKMIMNE DltUJBBCB KM il AU AIN -T OJBWl * CO. 11.. TPtmtUxTB TO THK IBIBOBB.1 WasaoraroB, May -L-Th?- Honae Committi ?Kxpradltaree la the N.ivy Depnrtaaeat bee?etot? mwes mure betho aaaartaattea al tba -wM-ta-wn lohhy umbes?o n. Cbea-zar, w..?. H *>iMl?awa?ml?er?jai il,| HMIIlIllB with OU tStjett lions ?? hic!. unOH ? the m.poiii'.iiH'.it ..f lup Oeoba, Mo? Mteab I ('"'?? kafl lilil? mall ot the N.ivy I?.|..iiti>niit in I.iHKlc'li. M c-hccvcr was expect?! to mnbe ?aaaaa iwrj n Mftaal ?iiilipni ta ****** *<? m* Maaa? tAh'.chv?.-r.t'r..u,l.tu,l.,'i.r np.?u tl"' S.-.i.tiry o. tl ?Bf*t?aaaaBa?HdaappalBtmat OpeaBlaeaaBitoHOoi hewetet llwaataMdtBal Ha knowledge waa entire second-hand.und Uni his prlnclpa- ?tafaaraiaat waa a m now kts? PT t?Oe?t Deat,a bea*ke*t*tnwetu uamnbk mk Baar-BBab eonBdenee abonld ba i'-'"'' '> 11, ?Bor- a>>? -i"' ''?">' J***1-? *??? ? ,; ?- '-"':1'" " ' ' ('" t-un tin.t hi- ' iifaay b*bb1 *"'* ?"' ""?:''; ' ' 'v "!* '" k pjpa court of iu.-ti.,-. ami ?my jn.l-.l-ci.'i?- Wb?B 1 siu-ui'i BB*BiTta>!rt**r? " wool? atonte? Wra .from tl allaaBlri?ll SsBtktf OO tkbtn ilitV.-:. n.?y i-.i inv? tlL-ttill-'.'l'lllil'i'I?''"1 Mr. ?* ii??"-' i a?ya??al tbeprivftege of baria? tbeGe eminent aapaattawaa g-merallj ?nderet?* I by tue mm pttjBsoammStthmeesmttf tobe in Um naaritet; ana tin he und his part::,! ?? ? -"? ? ?'ii:i?l?'.' I '? I?.?' till li?..i-. of II -i.i cicws ?v <v?. to Hrciire the :.'..?mit ? paarthte, H< 'WS tu wa.hiucioii auttattei i kg t'i?' aaanaa* n ? I Ik ?t he ?; laaNaanbaanaaaf mossy ?aa mkpbl i??' aereaanr* loa cure the m ?'iiuf. Ttt ;ittoini>t,-?l t?. (?peint,- tlii.?,i_ ju.ii.-e Daal uni kB a ?i- ; aal ka mod* aa an mera -n so he sa?-?, for Hi*- payaara! < r a ?eertala pananta?? o the aaaaaart* et tii?- Arpeetta, provided ka ?.-?? ful. Jii.i?-?' Danl t il ktea that Mi-- Oiai ?as ?terina* i'?"'? ii? ?7 Oawa i O ?ahouid :? aaaja?Bteaaat, aei b?-lti(,'to !????? bet bntket agawlioi tat Inap? tnlai w,.y. AaaarcMna ?* ( ** ""' ''"' ' br.illETlit Uliil) a i:.'tl'.'i: ? f t ?-I?- * : ; * ?liit-I l?.v 'In Pi I I <vtoasya*Mae4h!a deal? thai Bouty ? : rce ive il:?-:ii>i"'iti!ii??iit- Wkss IhM itoarl v.... mad Beianlaij Ba-caoa B reportad t<? knve eaid that be wa u?.t a??..:?' Uta tii.'iii'i'-'.iitiii'i't et lb i ??? ?attar Ut tpenl bnporttaee, and Uni ; ? ? ?? j.iv.-ti th?-. aaaoaal is Is? Caaba, " ? Hi.ii he iii.?'. Baa i priai i-tln : - ??? ' mri directing naval aaymaatera aa I :??? terwatd their ?irafto and eettte tksh aeeoonta tbroad thai kaaa ? ?'? ?''? bei ?*?" "'??' ' Mr. Ciiuv? i'ti Vil???!?'.!-? ?if the inllr.? -in ? M ??hi? ?aaatad thla aeeoaat to? Jay OaaBa, HcCaBaeB k Oa, i f-v.-.i Bora ii?!::?'" tkss "int oltbe IneUteata airead I, i:,te?l. II?- In aid th?> __UW_T Julie?' i??i,t, hut : Beeenetappem ttaaBaavae lim-?? ??iiut Jndaa i??-i.t anltiori!? for it The report ??:<?< ilint J;..'' ? ooke, M? c iii -"'ii.?' I '?'? ' i ?*?i '.v"i '*?' ri'i'i'-eiit latarcata i U i ,'uiii, ?t fui1 the .-i "-?i."..! Mm. BoUak, at fini Un ? .?!??! to N' i nan i?-1 t" Bac i' in".?" Robaaoa, .'a.i'. wh i . Mr. Ch??" ? i Mild t!i i th". ? ta i: ??'.? b -en paid wet one-, Ighi ?(aaapac aaataatta aaa ?aa: of?apaalta. SEFUNDIKa PROJECTS. PROHAtll.K It.llM Of Il.IiVAM'O WOOD*a BUJ TOI 9000,0 "'." I 'n-\v l'j ri:it ? im-. ?!i! T,? IBB Tlillit'MM \v?>iii\'i,T<?N*, ?Hay -L--T?IC ?Committee ?oi ?""/aysan?! Maaaa raauaed t?,-,"..:\ \'..<- . inalderation ,, th,- IBattaf '?'.'? If a Tata iraa laltf inrtng tba aeealoi to il.iy, ni: --i.i. lii fur ?lii'iiali to indluat? what the action ,?f ;h.- Oo_a_Blttac ??ill 1"-. Oonvrteatioi \s:ib ni' liban al lot i anualttaa ontaldc of the eommll tee-room l.inlii t<? tlie ln'iel Unit tlie Lilt n i ?a?! i ] <-.-<! 1.? F,iiiiiin!i, Wo'.! ? ?ii ? ::!i.-r ii>' reportad iii'.'ii ndvenelj i,vtbaOaaamlti a o? laid apon Iba t:.!!?-. Mr. Woodi l? ' : ?? ??-14. a fort- - .?m.ihm? ., i-i ,,* ,,, , l? .-?-t' r-. ,1 i.'iii.?- i. ? !.-? :...,:.'? i-iii : ::o _? tii- -, u..! , ? ,ir Ini int.rot. ??M.? -iltli- ?jii.ii !,?!?;?? in gold, al Ibc i..ti-?'f ttg l?i cent iv'r.i?niiiw. The l>:'? a'm y.rovlics t?iItT the and interest ?-!.:?'i be exempt Croan tba pajateni af aC taxes anil (iiitii - of ti.<- United >i,,te-. aa araDMltaa Marilaa in .-.ny forai by at andar .-t..t.-, annlelpal, o? ?ad tba> tba baada aball bave ei aui! sa-t f.'ltli UiKin th: ir lu,-.' tin??. cumI.I.iit-. Tba UI rej? rt. t m tlie Beaata by Mr. Bbetaaaa nun.?'.? amend i:.-.- lefiiii'iin?.' ii,-.-?, in taab ?? way aa In toereaaa th? amount of i\? I><T cent Ik.ii.U DOW ?Uthorllcd f i ? til ??. i',)..? , to ISOObOOOjOOO, m,,; il, lima Uurin4 which they are to run *?*___ 18 r? M ] ? ?GLOBE OF Tin: EMMA MINK HEARING GK.N. MIIIMK AM) Wit. l'A?K MAXI A Nt .till.It (ll \: ..?;?. PEaUia MB. IVON DX.FBBM Mil < llAi.Aril i:. taaBBBAi PBaaa i vtatob.1 W\siiis'..T?'\, May 4.?Oes. Bchaoek wai ?ixniii baftme the Ooaamlttoe on Pontgg kfliain toSnf, Mr. Cut;, i!?l? n. hla rounael, arid Unit m Um bba ?;. n. labeneh rentorday, ii- a. Jobnaoai t?t,n?-.i i imt ?artag aa ezeiteinenl In the Emma Mina abarca ba aaw the CiiiTiiif-e ?in,i i? .i? f..?- oiih-i- n! r.H'itii ?v ??i., or of Diiiic.iii ?v i:?!?i, i?i??k r-. Mr, Jobnaoo h.i?l al-o atatod that <;? n. :-'-.'i, n.ib'a , l ,?., ?*,,i taike?! ;it?,.ut in London, uni remarked apaa ee belot very tafnpei fur an H mill If ail Miii.-t?-r. Mr, ? int'i ?el. u asit,-i ti'<- ?;? neral : " b t'ii-? atrtaaat nt trac I" c.en. se.irii.'t; rapiiedi "Xba abate ttetfrnral tirvi? IuIm-; i ,i.iimt i.ii??? ?in? gttk kaoBeaaaaPnna? AReiJor Uouth ?V Co. ; Ibsvc n, ver t?, ??i , a h.-uker in ixuid?>n m my ?Ufa; I bava, bowavet, I t ittiiccof MaCaMaabd ?o., Mortoa, Raaa a- Csk, ?Battog lirothir-*, th.- ft ii??'iii:iii-. not perbapa ?otbetaj to my hi..??*, ledg.-1 bava n',-? r keen la vrbat la called IbeCIt] of Uaaaa,aaaaa4 vbea tOhtt le ?Qnlld lian or to tin' i/ord's. when, matead ?al pul??,' in my awa ear i. ?se, ??hi,h would he un-.tfe in the n;iiro??' ?-I."?' , ! tooka?aabarb*aaaaaat beaathaant h f.,r ?i? Jbhnaon. s!.iteii;ent i? ggmgg nie.i, n ?, n uuBttl mtst tul a bet a." Mr. Cl?tt. :ilMie..l!edMi. 1'uik lo the st:,:i,l, that Mr. I.?',.ii ye?terdiiv had pvodaead tWO uitiii. ?baaritwara*aaabttabadla-1a?iftaBm Jaaiwnl .?.- ?tv,r/?, aaBtiriatadaaaavataaMaaivbtebbaaaM ?toafe piaaa ba tween Mr. l'ark and Mr. Fi-her, in Whtel tba f??i ' repre-f-nt.-d M B_Jlag thai All?, rt Crant waa n',"iit pee? paring?.:.c ri tin?-.?? n.-ti? leu, and Jftal Mr. i'.uk ?wantsd l';?Htr,,Uo to .lib?, and afl? rwu. 1 Mr. l'urk (old Lynn thai the j?ul?li?-ati<?n of Hi??,?- nrialea eari Him *?*?jo, ai,?i u call ??n U-'aO abana .?f ataek, ? ?i mat Mftea of tii. aapaea eaataialng tbeaa articles B?ata I'loiiiied. Mr. I'.uk >. :?! tlni?: was not a wotd of truth In tba ?-tat.-i.i- :.r Mr. Prtrk d.-nled IfCOft riataaBBB al'i'it Uwll ii?', ?aayi he oetm Mat for i.?.,n _. pu Ufi ; ipes f'< qjeutly CHlie?! M 1,1s r,,,,!.., but n, ?. r <? .m? m dinVreiilly from other lierions ; v?,is MapteteBBri liini ?rim? the flr?t; Lyon never iohl him ll.i- BaUM " tuwiii'Hias a national calamity ; ItfUU WOt ti A UtSt n..":i ?<? think no 11 hei-ould _u_ka in.iiicy by it ; he i.i.vcr told Mr- Lyon that the Maaaa Mme waa -iliaii-t I In answer touques'ion by Mr. ?Chltteadaa, Mr. Tnik a.-iid that Lyon had made u claim ?BBtari .-'??tiatorS!.?-.?; art Mr. I'ark instructed Mr. QtAJStt Mi ?tfeat, not to I'ay Mr. I.yon unlosa ho t-xecuud tl.i??- ,?:i;??.?, ?oa-iiily, one Nteaatag u,l claliin on the Bauu mm Mine Coinj.any, another ralaaalaj all ???m against ?Hawaii ?aai a IBM reteariag all mem tspmmt iiie hnaai ?nraan M tba aataai *-?*. i'ark lii.triiet.d Mr. Phelin to ptapan th? ; ?w after ttt pataca kaaa aiaaatiii ky i.yoa, Mr. ?ag*r paid him the uglier. I;i nawaf to Mr. CluttMi fl*a s .jiiestion, -whether he had auy i?arl w)mte\,r ii- the Preparstiou of t;, n. bcheiick's l,i'.,r ?f Mataaattoa as n ?iix-ctorof tta_kmaaiMMaOaaapa_ar, Mr. v., * npltod ha _y*-?lPriattbM o?n.Schiuck abaaM ?;..- ih? traa grount?sof his reMjfnution, which were BBttbatbawaa a.M-tisiledv.ith the rro;K.rtyor tba marn-emei.t or *lth his a.?oc?ate directors, hut that he natgMd '??-. mi heues.redtoavoldcrittnstn; every word ia the ciim.,, "tion of the letter was G? n. s.hei.ok's ; the. ropy or ?Jen. acheiick'e reatgaatteB, I'roduced In his (I'aik't.) hauil r^S "aaaatnapaadby Mai at Iba ariglaaidraft] ?ot a single word of it was hi? ; It waa a copy. ??pn-w latativc Mon.,,, i hat did you maaa i.y _gytaf W I.yon,afttr you had se-:, tba llrst that von JJ"* a i*1** ?-?-? Mr. Pun tftmS ililiMin i? Beprewntative Monro? n,, . ? pmafhiB your in ??runeatlons in what yon aa;. art . , amp ol tho tetter of rsalgnatlonl Mr. Park-I only btun -?hut the lr.te.Iii.e_ "?ua aro mino, as I might have mude a mlRUko in ? ?py ??? Mr. Park further aaid that Mr. Lyon U unworthy of ??hef. and no roputalilc man who know a liiui >? ? _;d oouie ?afore the Committee and sustain Uln?. ?*? Lyon wie-ed to say m defensa ol bia character t_?t if Mr. Paikl could find gentle-men who hud "mown him the la-t ten yean It? testify that he could not be 66?6? tinder oath, be (I.yon) ciuibl r,riy tbe ???me thins; of " l'ark, ?nal introduce t< s'irno.iy of (hat ( haunter BgBft han from geatloBM? reetdlag _ Han Praaeleee. Basil ton, Vt., :i!i(l New-York, if he was co;roetly liiforinetl. The exatni'iati oa of the Kiama Mln.. BBM *r:is thcu elared to be <?? aclnded, ami the OeenmtttM adjourned. FRAt'IHM'-NT VOTING IN NEW-YOlfK. JOHN I. I?AVr\l*nKl's TKSTIMONY?UK TBUd A S Mi in?; iacis?M?t. CATOJtaut tang r<? stop ii wniKii r sn ci'.?*. I ;i.xi:i!Ai. raaee i upatcsJ ?\Va-iiin.;t.?n, May t. -'I (icCimiiiiitteo on I. pendltnreela tbe D?partant eg Jaajlea eontlnned f exaaalnation of Jobu i. Pateaipetl to-day, un.i that g. f'.ctiiiiti n?i nt half uu hair In further proibicing e ?plaintag rooeaera The wttoeai stated thai be a perai Betty aeqaatated vvitb every i ereon wbo bad '-?'.''1 tin 'S" vouch? rs, anil lnicvv t'ifiii nl! to be -anni'ie; iva n.nn al re wbeee aaaM Ie ea tbe pay-roll as reeed. Ing v for ?eivices actually performed the w.irli lor wlilcli wa.- paiil, and evoiy voiK-lier prodoeod nore is bOBB II eovartag eaeoejr artnally ezpeaded] Ibeee are nil t v-ucheiii be is uow to lurni-h, tbev vein I? I ???11 the money lie re- :v .1 ami 6X6? i - ? 1 * * i I IW l't 666661) v.ry rinall (siitiiP. In i.-ply t<> Mr. Oonger, the witnr ?aidthe result ot this expeadltnre hMbeeateaappr ami preveut tratiduli nt volmg; tin* fraudiilent veil geereaeed more in the Ditamiiiaflo paitj than in t Itcpiiiilican party; ti.e work im- beeuMeompli tely do that It caa bow be carried out ?it rary little expenee ? lsTl Ihe ex|ifi?e was only ??.-..?on, ;,.* airiin I -_!ii,n.K.f ls7-_', ami it can be kCfH BP f"T aiioiit ., ."..''-m? pi i aiinii' hiv f. ?e bave f,?it. off very a iterlally, bnl, tobelrai Bbonl it, the v Itaeaa be* bai e aai km* la nahe ?? repoi tun for hlin-elf In coniu ? t it.n v. Ith bl ? pian lot stippre. ing fraudulent voting. By Mr. ('innrer?Has your expendltOTC Of V c,u.-un.mate.; ihe abject which yon sui",... .-.i it ironl ami a hieb tin rii -iiicni had reaaoa to believe It won win u in- author*? d Ihe mooej lo be i aid over io von fl ? n- pin poee I A. li ha?, sir. Beveial queetloai of ?be Impart were aeked try m Oonger, t?> whleh Mr. Oaargeld Btrennonily object. Mr. Conger laeletitd thai it war kinportanl la sin whether the Prealdeal wa* Jtutlaed eraol ia nrderli theezpendltnn ofthleeaao "f Biaaey. Alter aomt !n ipent in dianaaalBfthi ae tueotlooe, Mr. I anlfl -..i o to tbe? hein ? .-m -vten d una-si- tin- Committee ?- ? Idi ? ! by a vote, lato rote showed i iu the aa-raiattve, and m iln- negativa. Mr. ('.iiilileld?Well, you wiil a ?? uhutt Uda tb aiwt lead to lew-. In :iii? to Ur. ("?nnHer Ul- witins. aatdtt this w.ui; had hOM r. ?".??,? u m . :!?? ilil!'. : BUI ?? 'hat earn aad tbe SOkfiOO coming from aaot i fand f which ihe ioaoh.iie erere m the 1 ?? Bear, i? p urtiaent By Mr. t'ai-'U'-r- lud pan charge t.'i a >. ??-.. irai a the labored youroeW on thoae book* or for tke aa? !?.,.' -1 .... i : ike lab? .ini fe*, tbe book* tht ? ('. 'J'l;.-li.. il.* l.i-lollg l.ilbe ?I iv. ?Mut tit I A. 1 (?. Ibea why did jros take en t a copyrigut on ymir books m your mvn Bata. I Vil" 1 ooke ur.- no ],n; of |. !.. long I. I to the - ? aad are btj kadlrldaal propert?. paid f? I mii?iiiy, for whleh I can ihow voui Wltaeaa furiii. r teallfled th it bl* i bad reduced fraudulent ?.??! ?. .-i \n. lur.-.-iv. it? prodnoed a i -i of con?.? li a* and , tiou.- at pereona for tht - ? I een pn pareil .?t th.- [Battit ? kttomej joarned aatfl to-aaorraa at lOo'eloefc. IM! T. \< H.V.KNT. DSV Aiiiii'Mi: -is OB 1 III'. BCBJaCT 01 JVBIBDIC ll'.N -nilii.ii i-.. .- MOBI 1" ( OMPUETB nu M. l'i-.? Tl.ll.i.I' vlll in Till". i 1:1111 Ml WAgmirOI .v. M;.y I. -T ?. l.'i-. .Irr-!'; . :ni. iiniii!? n -' ing ?i.guii,. :it" iren modi on tbi oi'i-tioii of Joi dl ll in the i? Iknapcaee bj Mr. Bl dr of Ihe ? .. ?: j... i ..; ? . Tiny vvc while ?ii<- Beaatora war.- tnagn : m. i*orc forced B ii-;. B to tlicii, vt i.c few in th pay a;iv attention. It I* -... ... p H ?_.? -ment to li.- ? Illell lialllt'il. In til- . . . -, To *..y ! .. li 111. .' nie not pie lean) ap? aki iv* m Ith? r tb Bat inaiini-r for popolai ?m- (lo'iH-ii m anlnvitlng attire, betl r Bl i I i"i Um Hupre-.ii'- Court tbi n foi ti' fh ? a"' ? up tin- win.i - i.i tbe de . and .- '..ill b. neceeeary to eloee the argnmeat* on Ihli branch of tl* ? a-c. Botheeaaeelaad KwT*fr6*t**i are prooeed raa If tb ?i :? ? ri. n of JarladleUc? were ata. _j n ? I la th. affirmative, and ai Ing e?Idem??. a il ye I all feel Ml lit ' i- B. .an- Will tblOW tito MM Ml ??'i tie gtowad thai a pet? ate eltlai b cannot be h ipeecbed, am that M Mr* Belknap reelgned end badl realj lationa. oeptedta proper form b fot articleiol Impeachni v. i n- pi-e-.ei.i4- '. lu waa u private dtlaenwhen thetm pro? i.. - a. Mr. ii- '. ? i; - hg bOf - tin -?ant ? Will lb Id* ?' tt I tii.ii, f..i bel l; fore the tun i'.. ?. a?, ',.,-.,.--,,! -ie |i?. lion ... ad ?ui . t.? be able to attend I f the ( l'l..l mi i... 10U ?? >.! ? v.anti ! lo iei.i-rn for I BOmi ? ? ii i;. ? . nt..I ?..;,.. . M ?!..,i?.'. ? 1 :? 1 in.t v...: ? to a.i. '??'!! n at ai- Bol i Ibe Ifanagei . I i la v law ? f Ihe p al ?le a ' uui nun at next tlir ii.ji, .iciiiiient proceeding*po tponed,m tl ,ir, nun nt? win i, h. g, m would be eontlnned from 4lay U day. 'J ui Beaat-i, however, refu*. I to i itponr, and the uifciiiiitiif- wa re begun and e IU be eontlnned to a i MB. DLA1-N--S BPEEC11 OP MONDAY. C0BBB8PONDI KC8 BKTWI I '?' A. '.. BIDDLI *.*-U MB. lii.Alsr. At 7" nn. 'aii: MB, KBOWLTOX. \\'A-iliN(.K.s', .Mii.v 4L?OO the -td ii'st. Mi. A. <;. !::?:.!.? a not lo Mr. Blalne la rt c-rtaii! r?f?renc?e made by tbe latter la blaapeeeh af Moaday to the yeoag lawyer, Kaowltoa. Mr.Blal within an hour from tbe time al re? cel vl ? '.in''- : WiamBRToi May '?'. i*'ii. 7?i/* ?hu?. LO. i i>) .tu -m: lain fotallj vor juisi l in the tone of your not. touching Mr. Ku i , ? ? can ful '.i make uo n ? blm lhai In uiy Judgment ould offend the mo i aeniltlvi Voii eanm.t UUl be ivtare thai Mr. Know itoii'- name lia inen i.i.i for aome yean pMt, aad with vm dlctive force and fTvf*qoer*cy tola VVIntir, to Injure o... Teatimony rt un.lng from blm, tmt ' you know b< never gave, baa been carried anil ?luol din ull dire, liona, and 1 had loch?.beta en tliipruvBig It and in- .i :. a Imlttln?; i. ?? Ith all .' ? dam - m pu I liona; but no om - ? i f can a In rar rel to Mr. Knowlton'* uaiw i in- alighteal ... :? s|?.. r '" bla mi.;..: y. On the > mtrui ?, ii re? lieve* him from the antbonbii? ..f an liiifoiiiided ealuiuut, li, however, rou it i.. m wi-,, ni- prndeut. nr exp? dient to ?ecfc a |k - wltniuu over Mr. Knowllon'agrave 1 nhall ?a. itly regrel It, ami I think in tbe ? :.?i rou ?? ill regret ir Hill more. Nor ran I bellcv? tl it, on oool reflection, vou will permit your elf todo inythlng to uuralleil for anil In ail reapoete m extraordinary. Verj reap ituilv, J. (?. Bluxb. The lett'T.if Mi. Hi,1,11c to Mr. lilalue, to v. !?u b tin? is a reply, waa aa feUai - : Hut: Having Biade the aeeaehra ntiii prepared the n.. ini* on yesterday, frmii y our place mi the floor. ' Uli Itou . -.- a lied the n pat,.i,.i.m., - \v?ii, n Know I ton, toen teto yeara and a half In bla grave. Had be s.ii viveil till to-day,yon would bat e remained ailunt, and your Jo- Btewarti and MacFurland? would bave told no talcs. Hi' left a widowed mother und t a o j uung m Waahington aud a brother In e dtalant dty. lie waa the buahand ol my dan rbtor, and .-.-. deal t-i me ami nain m If horn and reared one of mi family. It devolve? on a*e to vindicate a I bent may m? memory from yow a peralona, which ' shall do ai an M lj d . Bonne knowab itcr than youraelf tha11 u:u mured to tbla labor ? ..i y by my duty te my dead. WABBTHOTOE KOTES. WAtMUUftOU, "ii.ii?ili\. May 1, l-.Tr.. It i? tht: ptnpoaa of th" Bat an ?taiy ol lUo Navy, In cal if the paaB66JB ?if MM luvv Natal Apjirnju : atiou bill now lu ?-..iiiiiilttee, to MBBoUdate m far us pi-i.?'lcali]e all wmk intheyai,|v ?if Brooklyn, l'li'laib-l pbiu, Noifoii., ami M.ue Islatnl. The repair of WOO?. n veaeela v_D be mo.ti.v daoa nt the Brooklyn Vani. ami ra p.llsof irol! ( lads Will be ibme .it l'lnladclplii.t. KoMl v. -els will be built whatever, and it li bhe Intention lo keep lift?? it ilrst-elas? .hip* and flVC Iro.i lliil* n, pel feel older all the time. For loiisiru? nmi and repair tbe ap lirliifion will be 61,200.000? for und do. ks, about ?M? m ?, ?Rio; nieaiu MglnMrlng, *?i,(m?(i,(hiii. A heavy re? duction vviil In- made 111 the funds from whii !i eXtrO mi -li Bra paid at .lection time. At tin- rardaaa.lia*) rear tn- .,-, a w-rv Ice cost iiriO.OOO, aud ilil* year It is placed at ?j. 80,000. The Senate Commlttee on I'atent-i to-day agreed to ro IKirt favorably ai to exit usions of the pntenta of K6666 Marihall for knitting tnacbiiio.t, a: .1 H. ll. IlurUborue for si-spender buckle... Tim ?.oninilttce decide?! to report adversely a? t.? au extension of Horace WoaMlmaii'? pat? ent for a eard-.tripptiig machluo. ArgomanU wem Ui aid i.i behalf of K.tward A. laeland of NYw Y rli, who mk'i un extenHt.m of In? |.at,|.t on tin (-?in?, ?in I .'i'?u in tin- tent <?f ThoiniiH a. Weaton, sccaiu?; tbe extem Ion of hi? pntcnl for pulley blot k . (Man bata been teaaed from th.- Wat Departtaant di? rect ?ni: Gen. Clister !?> retinue hi-? iniiitiiaiid. The lud?an e\pi (litioii under (im. Ten? lias already stalled, (?en. will not babe part, bal retnrna t? ; is post, wbaaaa be ?came to obey tbe anmaaoaa et the GtagnariaMal iu vaatigntlng Committee. DEFALCATION IS BBOOELTN. MOM'.T ?MttMIBO PBOM IBB DSPABTVBB- or AR BBABB?1MB avkhvi l nkv.iwn, hit BBUBTMD ID SB L4B0B?ABBBBT or a POBMBB BBCB1V1BQ < ir.itK, iitMtv ?A.DOLOMOB. It lias lie? n reportad in Brooklyn foi Mrond ?lays part iiii.t s lutte defaleatloa bad bean tteenvatad in one .?? ti:.' dty Beparta? ata,bal taqnlryaf the ??flicialti and tbe pottea frited t?> reveal any pnrttealam. Iba ??lu.le matter 1 -riiiie lui..v. n, kOWl v,-r, la-t iiii-'hl, niul tin?iiiie.-.'ii ealpril i" in ?ii-i.??iy,baring beea anaetafl apea warranta teaaed by rfnatteea Biteg* and TTalah The name of th?' ?ncii-rd i? litniy A. Solomon, ;?(,-?? :,_', of So. ii-7 Myrtle .'.'<?.. ? :??? ???ki.? n. ii?' wop reeaivtng eterii aadaa tba (aimer Eteigtetrarof Arreara,Waa. M.-?.v??l.iiti.'. and r, iiia.iii.! in thai P0ri?tfcN! for a ?hurt tii n- after tlie pi.- .nt Refl?ter, Daniel i>. Vbttn r,eaaae lata afltea in May( 187.*?. About Hire?'v .?.?!,?? un? ?i gentleman ?I. property had in.-ii i.?i?,-"i-, ?I tot sale went to th.- otate ot tbe Keiristrarnl Am are and asked lor ?en explanation. Ha mi I be hnal pi.i'l nil ?.ll ?I'll? lein]?- <?n in- i'i"i < n?, and i did not understand why It should be adverUaeu for ante. An examination ol th? I ?ka revealed n?. entry ?nf pay? ment, and be waa Informed tbal bemnal be mistaken, i He returned a any or two after ard and anid be e,,-il,l ii.'t Bad his !'? ??' lit, bul waa bud paid ' a ? ?t not) e llial llw aam du?, liini i- n ? 11 ?i Into Hi-- buds o? ih R far , .?iie.-ti.'ii. a ; .? dar? aft? .?.??.i anotner ? :??' . : |J li.i.l b. en .olielli- ',!. en,, ! up,m m ,??.,. ni - ?id be bed p ?Id np his arn ,.? - - i .i pr, ?,",,. , ? i ? ft ui ?I. Littii. p "??n ol tbe i. ' ? ?? ? t iiu?: ;;., ...... . -- i i ? " ? u, I ? li " . ?! ?-. iti, that sum and no credit bad been riven for tbe money. Mr. Whltui'y ael.l be would Inveatlgata tbe mattet Ile Imm?diat? !? sent for tin ?>'.?.-, trar aie. showed h :u lb. neclpt. ?i ' ui?- ?-.ii?! li" had u??t twtved Hi-, Di'inev, but th liraature was In Solon.'a ?i?.:. I andt'j, lattermusl have ai?proprlate?l the money to bis c-.? n i:- 8 ?loi ??? was . oiii.'iiiiii' at? ?! !. u ? let tt,,- u [ter '?'? ta all ? i igbl. n,, fur; er explanation. A day ? I -?? ?-" mother ??t ? ? i . !: .?:--':,? i I for ? ?I?-, n pi teal ? . ? , .. ? I? ;? '?. ?litii, y. ? ' . . i . 'l "?'. "atl. 1 It .1 , .1 ? id,- ! !.. : I. A? Mr. 1 litte ? Bill and it.,? It chid .,:e? ?i r. >? i . " ?! ii ? '"i I?'.-::, ? '.V.'i ?'? - i? n ? ih il ? it a\, m, m. .Ho n. rr?(* full amount wbl h Is h llevi I lo bave been pur ii.i:?'.t hy *?.iinn...n lii'iiint lie found oal for eomeliiae, It ? l tli.iil.hl lo ' .'in. I ruin o tW'.yi ie not III ?I ? n.' n ! . Hi ? p: lip. It-, - , ' .-..?'. 1 | it I- ?I. ? - ? i- . II ? in .m? ? : ih n ?..? m.y lo ? - ?I i: . ? .'. lu ?k th.- i.i ,:i. . . i , m.'ittei ' II . l Ile ?s : . _ _ Ml rilODlSM 1 v aVI un f. ni- ii- ??? ??' ? BALTIMOBI Mt:*!!?'i ??r Ml ?[.'il !: ! Ill' AM? i II? l:. il '.', "I.1. I I l ?"?':? , lil l'i.V l'i TOB Al?|.li. M Hi ...t. I . ? . ?aii. <.;:?.*?? Mi i: MOOD*! -ui-u ?" .?:??,! i-- OS l iir. ,'.:.! W n: \'?-: H: ?"t ! . Baltimobc, Wij L?lilahop Aim ? ?n.-ni ?i .il I' ? ?.;? .i.i, .- ," ti," i ,,u ? ,:,.,i i .,11.' l? ? tl" .:? i !'? I. I. i .?t ? ?-i.trr.l ? .?I-i-? 'f : ? ' o ws : I? ? la. l'ii . : 1 :. and (Il ?? bai i II I. ?! ?< loti i pegs of ?s in.m, : . : en n e Und n ? ? :?i d ? -? .m l ni I 'i li lin| ?i tani ? : ? ?!"? ??' tin ni ?'.? i' "1 v .lu ".;.. . hlll most of* tin m . It ami tiri?i'.i'i. e ?s. ah I . i i .? 1 -7_'. ? W? e 111. it . . ,,f i.... t ? three I ?? m? n, also i I i. ? d i ? ? i and i ? mi ru ?i?? i - "f ti??- > ol i:.?-i ? - ? i ? ? , :. i ? -. i .... i - ;,.i i,.?'i. 'I he , - - follow?: l ....-T - i ?? ?:? '.'?''.. l-.' uni? ? ? an I tes |i ",.i i ... , th ( :li" ? bmvb i ? ?ideut t'i nil. . i.. . - .,.>l.t ml ? u ,: . 'I i... ? ? : I eh, im.Ii .ii Louie and ? ' ii- lut? real ' ? ii.i.? li. I'll ilepai la ? ? . :. ..let are ? ? tai ?? ??:? sn? ? wifully lU ' I . ? .. I ? ? ? ,i-, '.",.'.'.'1*. n,, tubers ? the ? iur? ?. and i.? 00 minis i. :- bave :? , ?u. I laal ill -i ? .?f tin- luir- I 170 members bat ng an agg i i tt? on tii? death i"., ?>l 7 1 1 ?"? I It? ni I in, " ..-?? ot uicuii ? i n iii/ iiu san ? lime ?? il, and of iiiiuirl l ,?.'.? t. ? ... .? numb i ?,f tii.--,- ?. n-, bai > dl? \ aa ? i .i ... the n ?mi -. ni abo ? thai 11 14,(110 p< Is . :i .ui',, : d .1 'ul lowship nf i ? ? ii"..? i |. ?i !? d In tbe minutes ?.f ! -.'???- I. ?? total nhel . :... .. i, i., ? . .. .'. i? .-.v tl.. pn-aeni I ? ? i ? v. hole iiiii"i>. r "i ? ? ? lo?- lii'iit i ..l n"i, . [Ol i! ?" ill!, 1 .1 '..eue t.f ' ? .:-,.., i,?l -li,: ii..:.'i In Ibi r Hi l< tl vain., ?, - num , ? I ;, ,. -,'? i. ? - v. n :i.i?l 7. a id In ?i ? In tin niiuii ? i ??! i.ti .,.?? - .?r ,"?,-. w ?i ol -i ??' i-11 .?. i.i.-ii rstlmai? : 'i.'ie Rev. lit. Ol . ? tin- toes un?. -?.I'l : Mr. Pr. l?-nt, I -. ' Hlr, In thla presenr-e profonnily iniprosed with lb. i..ii.-i.iti?-i-iii ,.'i,ii... ..f. Kill? ? ? i i" li ? in, i" ? he ? ? nclusi "i l b it li ll ??' ?" n.. ,1? ha vi '?? en ? " isid. . ? - ? 1 an byp?-rb<ile of eneomiuiu Is -, .i, i?, ibis ..',i ? lo i " bul :i.i ? lili Is, I i' ?v? -?" 11 ?pbii all* ?'i ?t.i in the I ,,:, , u. tin- a. ? 11, i' ? "T It?, lii-lm i? l.?i.-, It lb lb. n? - ol tbe d.n ii I of j ? . ? . ? I lia pu?,I..Hi ..:,'l the ,n?";:i .i. ..f n ! i ,.,, nl ilill? -. I *i .???! Ith Ibe profound ibllo. ?iptaj of tint addn i, th.- ,., . .11 le ,l ? HI' h.' t.f f?rl . ,' ? ( ? .iii.l i.?. u i.? -i?. ? i" i it-1 ?" !"?? ? pre t?; e t"!- ii.,- futan*?. I it mi ? .I'M:? - i? m' ? in thee.niouwrattb ol M.-:i..-i,?n. and in all 11 branches?; tbal .i sboiild go ? eveiylon? y cabin and every palatial 'i Id u?t*e? Ibnt II sli ml?! 'i. -iii tu the ? ' tba a my and na?.-. ; mull? i ? . i [i tei to ?? i .-?i m fa ?ein.-, that III. I'l.- ? ,.!?-:.I "f Hi. I mi ?I ?tates should ???? ? In ? : ' ?I ?'? i tbal n ? thund r tones abouid fall Ilka the i n II <'t d. ?tiiy oa Iba ear of tbal >" i"! ' n.,;..m n Hti'i'i ?r tbe bemtabip ol a i ?. - , bureli of '?? Iii lion i. . lib hi. i . m isl p.lo . [Appl m tbte tiotiltl b. -piiiiil h lore our country until Autichrl ? and .'?.'. < in :?n m InHuen ,. i. ..i.i i" i..,,., i and rent r-elmken by Ita faeteand i.'..-?.ii.ii-..*, and tta pi'.p'n ? n ?? fer t;.. future, Tbe spirit ,i,?! li ive 1 I out ?n i- ol ti'H'i ?n 'o I ?J proud! :. ?? i i-n a ?'?''.u . ' ?,' i/, -i,' 1? in! in ? und. r il??- r iia? in- pi rationt? say, Brai,lam an American rlilzcn,and ace ondly, i n m a m -iii i" i i? t tin- Mi '.'null -t i:,.i-< u|mI Church ???,,., applai i ?? ; ami i there Is nothlua o sucoeaeful aa su. ? ? -s, let u I han I in,.! for oui uii 11 lie l:.",..l II Wilbur of tbe i. aal .gon and Waab- | !.. i.,-i i ,,:, ? ren. , tiliiiilited a preamble audmaolutioua ?'?n?l.ilng ,?iii pi'iie-'i.i,r .u un : the lull recently pasa. Mo ine House of ltepre??entativea nd non I?. .'<>t ? Ibe Ken .??? ??! tin- I ?nt???! - . lb? Indi ms lo tin management and.Irol of Ibe Wjr Departmenl, ?m?; thai .? ? "in:.of ilv ?- be appointed to lay the i.-elation in fui-i tlieHenateand President The reeolu lions deehsre that such transter would i?- deeti ictlve lo Un | ? ? it |.?:, . of civil and rrlig.? Instruction to tie Indiana. Tm lb ?. Or. Mood) ol Cincinnati hoped >h?' reiMilutiona would be acted on und pe* ed a.iw. Tba Irausfer would be tin- ?pileK exteruiluatlon ol Iba alHirlgtnea n| tbe land i b. l:? r. i?. P. Mit,-,., n of Houtb Kansaa said there were two ii?. to thla one lion, I uder t',? managem? ul ? >i Ibe War I?? imrtuieul ibero ?imld be i?-. ?corruption than unde: tbe Indian agenta, lie ?as williiiKto '.?i',- i:,i.' to ih? action of ?Congreaa. Tbeaubjecl waa laid utm until lo-aHmow. ( ?t Mi:- AMD CABUALTI-BI BTTBUMBAPO. FntiinuBn, Maaa., Maj 4.?Tba bod* ?of Mm Miirui \l iU'M, ??ti'i 'it,ai,?M an-il mi tin- lath ol April, WM le . nvi'i' ?t.?? ?:.? t.? ? iii. Baabaa Biver, Pboi-iiai -? ?. i?. i., Ma, i. Mi?H ?Ifargaftl Da? mull?, ??/?-..', a native of Ha.ony, Inmped lulo i., rtvoi at I'HHtlnkil til- Inullilin?'. lilnl Vi.iNillu,. ucd. su.i l.\i:r. Crrr,Utah. M?ay 4. Tba C?antial i'i citie train thla i.laa raaag iba la ?k, near Preaaentoay Petal, i i.iniK t?i< < iik'ik ? i aate Immaa. I'IIII.AI>I.I.1-IIIA, I'l llll., Mill 1. ? AllOll t 1 ll'l-l.? k tl,!., si.eni h ii ii in .n i'iii'i..i . rawfecd daa sish.,:,l au.iiu kljiill; killed liy Jume? Ml I'? nimll, aged i:0. Bobvob, Maaa, Maj i.-A mui of "fbotnaa J.Tnrpin of usii'i?.'."ii. si-i-11. banged bfaaaeU en a tree tu front of tin filtliei s hull**: VOtt lii'.li?. -N , ? iiust tan ba ssslK-iod fur 111? act. TituY, \. Y.. Map 1? Niiviiiiitinti bad acareely l?een resume?! an tin- Ki, ramal at WotA Tray Huh luotnii^a when a break ??... Did i? ? Holt S, tun l.i, eini?ly IBg tin- I'snulb. ? ?*i -.-ii Weal 1 ray sua .?.i?.*ay. It will ho teuiporarily repsircd 1)7 U> xuoiruw. THE LOSS AND THE GAIN. mi;. iir.r.nir.K's hew lkcti'im:. AN AI'I'?Kst, ,,||t ,,I1; itiMKlini-- A PP.'.|.?M'.I> M'.W V?h:k r-OI.'.II.Iis' BOMB?A LAB?B ANI? I'.MIIt' MAS1IC Al lill.NCK?CllMtllKlN 0?, 1MB N'lP.TII ASH IBB i-i?! im rtiiditi: ani? m ver. th:: WAB? WBA1 has in.iiN tOBT Am? OAIBBD, Tlie I'.Kniklyii Aeademj of Music baa rarely been inii d by a largar era_ae*e enthaudaetle aaHaatM than tint! which gTMtad Henry Ward lleeebcr l,i.-I evening, ut UN delivery of hi? let-lure, " Tile I*?-- ainl II.e (iuiti," for the t.- in-fit of the pwpemd Boldlere1 Hoene of tins titate. Upon tin- ataga were aeatad aiaay Bromine?I elergjmen iirnl ollnrs. Anii.ii-' them were Judge N?-il*?t?n. ?Indue IiyViriuti, John I.. Hill, (?en. Ii. F. Tnicy, (?en. Catliil, Cell. Jan!'in-, the Hon. l'y run I*. Hrnltb, ex-Mayor Banter, tb" Raw. Dr. Bdward Rgghetea? Ge?. Clin. tia::-. n, Henry W. Bag-. B, V. Whit?, Bhertf Daggett, T. <-. Bhc u~aaa, th.- BOB. Samuel Booth, the Hon. silas I!. Dutch, r, S. li. Ilaiii.lay, It. Cornell While,Samuel II. Iliiiyca. and .1. Ii. Mm. ay. In. I lw .ml Beech.r, Mi-* OatbartM i: Beceher, Mr* M. w. l?cher, mu? Mra. Harriet BeeeharBtowa?aaeapled beatM t" the b-fi m theeeaga. When Mr. Ber?ber eaaae forward, ha wm greeted with Inn a tiunllBMd aad eathaelaatle np pta '?'-, MoeeBpaaJed with ah?tale ami the waving ol huinlkerc'ib-ta, When ibe excitement had eabelded, Cipt. Tuniier, li(iiiitj-( m.nmim i i el tin (.laud Army, explelaed the parpeea of the MMttag, Alter el* lliiliin; to the pgffl of any man who aadkBtOah te occupy i ' i" of uu Hiidieii." when Watttagf6TMr. Itc< eher, ('apt. I Bam !? -ail : I The v-ar of ike l'ui-m bmbeeneloeedeleveayear.. i Darine Hi eontluuin? a Kew-York placed m tbe army and .'..'? i...,'c!-i men. Year aft? year the attrvtvlug ti ?? rani in.v.. tried In vain to arome a public leutiment , Ab.!, h-ion'i n nit m iceurlng within the eonflnea of ! Iln-.-..loin..'ivvcaiin a Soldi, i-- Han,, , where tin 'd. ex. Ing Indigent aurvivora of tbe struggle could pan their lea re.nlng daya in au honora.repoae. Beneatedly il In Bppllcntlon n? Ihe Legislature for -id, the ? i?l Armj of im ttepubllc deterntlned lo adopt a ? it pui ami appeal directly to the people. The gal rial <???? mini il baa eatabliabed four bornea for ?i midiera, al Hampton. Va., Augusta, Me., l'ai?. Oblo, -imi Mit? uikee, Wie., -,, thai i t.? - iir.e tl.- benrfltof a BoMlcra" Home, a New-York loldiei muai i ',.? hti own Thirteen hundred I vi'.-iai- an- now ill tic N'ali?na! llor?n.., mod l...inv ! o-lo , -, ! -- lui une!? than Hit e,are eklnj oui i n , ble I ?l?,l me 111 ti.e ..ItU-!..i.l-l.s it tin Stall". Ill 'If- All j i,nal l-'ncampiiient of nur order, held m Albany tuet Jan i *. * -?. -.?..- ,..---1. ? -1 in. a , ., - :??.<*.?<?. in, _ o.i people ? r P mi faut il' r f.. i- inn ?uu ?...-i- l - - a re*? r land ou the ?bore* if Crooked La?e. Even memuer oi tin Orand t'tny la contiiiiutlng 1ml lu?] ?? ? llngnobti i.a nn-. Mr Bee her Baa told u? that if ue v t.. m." t., project a an.wo may call iipou him .v ,i . ? l4o we feel like "i ?10,000 we pi. di;, i in j lauary. Mr. Itei . In r Iln n no- e, riml placing hi? DIM i I I -id on tin- ? :? tance m followi i bi n. i -n the : rt* it. I p . life that 1 ha ?. i?. . p loi..., to plead '.a lb ?->? who ?? ? ..:?! nol p i ..i im tut i mi : u I year of mj pubBe ?lie, n. -.- to the poor . id tbe op i ? ..i.d i mat uty thai from whatevei pelf t*. bave n.. u . nn..m. .1 lo mt c .r. anil nue, ro. pit . .- , Inch i ..m - :i an - ici ui u. the, it. .en t.i.n-v of . ? v lernt nt, been mor. ? eat than ork of h. Ipli : ? : ? . I | mt- i ..m. from i: ? Ice lite. n nd. r< d : fid I meeting I i v. !? n ?- tin. Inaa an?! r tin ol tbe ? ? ? ? i ?? f '? ' mghi li - uni v ?il? n wi In- the pot I e do nol hi ? ?! ...:-.l |wndi*r. 1 . ? . ? ? mal -ni i,.m be, - - II ? ? ? fru? . 11 ?? la.ei.,, II. I i in.- w 111. ll -.1 1,11 _. h I III. r. i in- wm ni. S., ttg i. . . i : ? . :? lab lite physical lo ? of our V i ? . .'?'.' In no i ni ht ... not m m ,- u.att tl. All in ii : : ? m a were nie woitii.- -, v i. i a. ?.. pal ii.I ,-ni. 'l here . ? . -.; ? 11 ? ? - Up pr. 0?| . - Wei place. Th. i : .. v i of the rurrrury and the outpouring of ine* ? - ole I lud, i, ! ... A , . ' lo... ? in, wbleb i* akin to Bumbling, ludttiiry In ram. aud Ihe m ire now i v i ? :. ? i . !??*. i., ol i ' i.ur pro?) m ? ? . -. : md our povrrtj i- wholc*om?** i . intlunlri .u w Ul? h w.- . .. ? d ? ?- Bol i ? aud i- n- ? v-1. v in ll.iu I Ipplaune I i m tir-t r i.i ??! Hu? mal r.-.-.t for ?!?? u Ih |-. ople. i ., o . n n o oi n. i. i aver, fur the help of I ? ?? ration? ye l t.... no, 1 . ? to ....low ..,: -. tent ??? ?. ? u ? a un?, m nun . ra, b re the li ? . ihe a rong ol *ei v lie l t.i church and til political part I? a .. ? ? array, i ? n. Bul ' u iboulil ? ? 'al- ? t? -nn. ? I . - . i?.- in oui Um ? if wi did m ? i ? :?? Ihe fa. i iba moral 11 nth mil .-. I \ppia.i-. I ii i.? -,. i. i. right. ir ,1 .. * i ..i i. to '? unpopul?r. Popiilai itj may corrupt, ? ! Iruth ami auti In I live t,... u in- di-ritler. 1 i lanothi i- tnrii - :???:.-. it t? ?! .1. i n. Ullbli , ? - ? .i|-lile --. vt iinli 1 . . . . a l i t . i long be ... - ,, i bin of tht* m our . _ - lion, corrupt! . .:? ? n- al ' brought ? , ol til llll ll ?'? ip t, V Iltl ll tt :? wan:. .. obtained at a ? .. *? in.i* . mi?n mu . .i -j i-i i ib.- \.?i Hull th lb? a i. t and a trial of ami lb? oimr. The North la aal i*fle?t aa lo tbo flgutli .,, the <outb,and we receive ihem backaameu whoee v a,oi : i .1 i i g bat.a 'a d tht in W ,lil III ? n - tl.illl fc.ll !.--le -.* ;?! 1 ill lileli -i-,-me.i ib a:-. - ntii will i ige* by Ihe v- .: nil ??. ll : ptilltlc il ci- n .n... :, ruin. .-. i lie . \i" i ' ..!, : i i ? . ' : . w.. n . ?? ? In'Ui'I i.. i ' -? '' ll i al.-e.t p..11 || , Mol la li ill thai in.- old ?v -?. in in.nn , So ?late i ..i ne call??! rich In ilth I let I up ... ti ?? ot the i. i .... ?a i. n... it when I ?ay that II li ? ? til -lo! tl I ' I I . ', . :..| Iln .-I. Vta. mit lo I.up ni-i, m their value and beneflttoN a tb ned wealth '?( !?"? people. Money i iy Ire compared to tbe ?now, wbicb t? a beuetll n i ? . ? t .ti-iiHinted over il. ? ground, bul a plaguf when In ? i? .1 up In itrifta. Thai State I* wealth) ?i.- i-..? ? ill iirlbu .it.. .Itli. w ita .. m v. popula lit n .mi i iilmu iu?! lude n--. tm ludiutrlal futu e of i. . -. ,i.h never looked ui bright. I kuo* nol with what sorron I looked upon the unmanltneaa which pr? : n. ...i. ibe war, i 'ouiiuei ?? i :?n.. .1 bu i bu t-, bl ll ? m touiei - ?? <;h i v -. i' ie-,.. i t. I b. !n i.i hlHhtij - aud i iswitbkuee. bent lo Baal. 1 h-beld pub.u that Md a a .1 Bp|K a., d lo the m t? c'.iiiiic. oi . ? ... ii. i i., ti. 11 j omi- ?m n lav. ulng bel .t.-'i ti tue conflicting anil diverging ?cuttmenta ol the rouutry out ol prua. v e ...;??.: > man 1* e pigmy an.ladwarf. There 1* no i?i-"*i why young men ibould nol lie divided now. I '. , m ? i.t ia ? . tie a? m u u n ?pi ? I? d a- li- pic. n an. It I? our duly to cudgel each olb..v.- ind then, hut ll a, ? cm .?. 11 ,i. i 11 um .i.i r mai?,: m - and ?elf-r? ipect. I imp - that a n e of men wilt come up to ahow thi that ??? u nu- i le inaed an In. l lili .-? d D iuor to man kind. [Applauac.| It waa my privilege when l ?1.1 In ..?i.-.-.v imone vt I.i. made t'a III?! I .. ll ! ol,'. ! that ever, man on earth bad un tnfereat in tbe ?ucci m of ib.- N uiii. Kuril Itee-titboilng North lind the victor.?. i,'.,.- f oii.i be c\:iii"i mi iiu earth; II the Boutfa ?i ' .'?. ?. ..u- triumphed lahoi would be degraded on the earth. I canuol forget th?. honor due our f. ni. -u ?i. u a citizen*, .'"i will bar wltneea t.? Ibe ,iii,_i , ami tender uature of the negro. When certain d. irieU of the Mouth wi re almoal ittlpi-ed of white* and iln- negro? ? tt. ie in greal preponderance of Bumber*, uu n,-m n en.ei, no nail br oicin-ii aben they .new that iu the mull rested their liberty, Uu- negroeahave Mi,.i---i d s-.'ii.i.i.' ?luce the ?far??omethlug uu eipiaiiii In tbe iiciiiv ol tbe world. I ew.I forget the honor ?in? to tbe noble women who dwelt in tht camp and cared for the Md: end the wounded, nur t?> the lurgeoua and rhuptatn*, many ol v hoBB fell oa thi n. '?I of bailie. Tin n there were tho In? latble martyr* It ?-.,'? not tai-it who ?uflfcrisi The ibot which told moal l?n m fui i v was that which struck the mother'? breuit. win! ?hallnot thej deaerve al ?mr band? wbortaked ib,-u- in... n at ?h.-ve i? m-ui* ,.ii.a.m accrue I After to? night New-York cannot t.- pardoned Hone aolttler re? main ni a li.-puai oi |.iiu .... iti-not your dole?it : - i em 11 I a-1, ; It i? ]i: lie, lu t belli. Let BU lllMi croiieli going lui?? Un-lo,. ?ban- of your eiinitv. linid the portal high and let i*ach man be ?row mil a* be entere. Ami ibe nailon aball iay, Behold, the "City ?f i liurelii s" h al-o (he city ol palriotl-iit as well; Ili-t iu charity ami Hi *t m dutj. Kotiuti? of agflaawa faUewed Mr. BeMfeer'a.etoelag Werde. Ohgt, .lames Tanner tiu-ii c.ilb il for uub BcrlpttoM t.? dm .'..lilil?,.' ii,.me fiimi, aaylag iiiat Brooklyn had ?'t Albaay j?dgad .iu.imio. Hut tlicv of lii,...?I.i u would not cn.i.ct u dol? lar, be ?ani, until -?c. 1.000 bol bi en Kiiliserlbed. The elithil.lii.iii was gnat. Bad, iiicluillng the r.-i-i'lpts at the door.?.i.:,!.???aan laise.i m ihiity iiiiuiii??. ihe ninoiint-! Kiii.r.ii. in I wiie I .no, ngfjA\ |100, B60, *,'.'"), eadflO, Tbe sIimi lubacrlptlona were moel frequent Bamuel McLean headed the liai with -1 ? ?-. Koumis of i h.-.i? M. i-ii-d Horraos B. ?CUain'aglft of .."km, which were loudar and prolonged when Henry Ward u.c. ber'a iiauie w.m mentioned for another$500. Henry W.Umg? ami .1.1'. Bepp caw ..mmeach. Harriet BoMher Htow?:'? anbei rtpttoa of y-'ui wm loadly appiundci. LT-WOW IN _MfUt__tr. Cist-iNNATi, Ohio, M;iy 4.?At WksTMW, Ky., beticoii ?1 au.l IV! o'clock laut uiglit, Ben French aud wife, who were Incinerated Iu tlie County Jail for pola ouliig uu old aud wealthy colored uiau uaiucd Jacob Jim s. were taken from ihe |.ill hv a mob of masked men and buna to a limb of ?? tree about two miles from town. It anpeara that the Pranebea had invited .liin,-?? to t?-a, and while eating he waa arised with ajmptoma at araente poteonlOaK, and dted shortly atterward. Their object, it is auppoeed, waa t?, ?ret possession of aoaaa property ba? Longing t<? th?- old mu?. L1QV011S AI THE CENTENNIAL. THEIR BALE WITHIN THF. QRO?HPB. A vorn OB 18 T.? 0 ?Y the ?OOMMBBBOB im?i*ki .NtriIV PUairUBBf 1MB Qt'K(*Tl?)N?THK IBM l'Il'.ANiT. PMOKfl B8PBBBSD TO THK C U'ttT.H? oronom ta n lui'* umuuit ob oomtbacii ir.UMIlTIN.i SlI.K?. IfBOMABBBOT-UtOaBBBBraBBMBI ov THE IBBMIBB.I J'im.ADKi.i'iiiA, May 4.?In tli?^ (Viitinniul Con,mission this alternooi), the question of approving the i ont: acts of th" Board of Financ", by v, lil.h the BBB of li'iuoiM within the ??'rounds was Heins .1. was taken up. Mr. N'y?: of Maine submitted the opiuion of the Bollettor ?f the Commission, John L? Six?, maker, upon the i|iii'!?lioii submitted, ?vhetlient was unlawful for the Coiiiiulttsloii to sustain the concessions tSt the sale of Intoxicating drinks within the (.'rounds. The question waa raised in view of a rill- of the Fall-mount Park, which prohibits such sale. Mr. lShoemaker t?x>k the ground in his opinion that the rule? of the Park Commission were abrogated, or at l?'a*-t suspended, during the occupancy of the gNOBB. hy the Cent, nnial authorities, and that the city. Mate, and National iitti-rances and legislation bad gteaa tin- commissioners full power over the grmiiiils. He concludes by saying that it It not unlaw? ful for the Commission to approve of the contracts made mil ,-."iiited with the Hoard of Finance with the eon sent of the Executive Committee of the Commission ?? Iiii-li sal. clothe?! with full powers, ?luring Hie r. ?ess of th ? g.n.ral body. I In .?? ...n'ra?is with indlvld.ials inside the buildings ?ad ? Uli r ?taiiraut*. Ac, within the grounils are of thr?'<- kimls, seeiiiiin-'lr ina.le ?vllh a vie?v to suit all tatt. ??. v!;., nothing stronger than soda ?vater shall be -ni?! in '!??!iinery Hall, wine-, in the Main Hinlding, ?ad n . IT HfBan kl H.ill; the restauran'?? ?na. sell ail; thin;.', not at a bar. but at tables. 'i ha B ? t appaaiad te ?icinite, ??ml alaa in iba laUritet*a u| Inion, that lance boiiu-ies liad h.-i-n accept.-.1 by the Baard ri Ptseetot fraai mateanata mot est?t <?n Um faith 1 Uni! tbay an aM '?>?? patariMal la MO hajaaraaderUMaa ri -t? iitinii?. and large amounts of money had been ex . pended \ntti tins rtew, and it was strongly .need by im n i i l.o Mr. Kiiiiliull of MaW Tart that it would be i? 1 li,each of .?mil faith to ait?iii|if to overturn tin--?- con ;i. '"t-. ;it this l.?t?> ,1 ay. Th? most s'renuiius uttOtsAA of tin-1. ?peraaea aaaa waa Mr. Bya ri Maine. Ba waa for tnnalliagtin- eaatiaafa absolutely, ami Mated that in j.iintion pipi ra riraady i.? preparad, wbteh waa Id endeavor to n ?ir.'.in the Cunm: atoa itseit from permit? ting the sal?-. a tii"i'..']i ? .is '?:'. red by Mr. Paten ri 0<eorgte thai ?he eontraeta ba anatalned lac tha laaaana gteaa by the Boiititor. ri? si ?!? 'it iiaivit ??. w'.iii ? he weald be willing t ? a!'.,,it tin- mdS "f atea aad Um lighter a Inea al aarala. waa of opinioii tu.- honorable way waa t" teadat in? Um liquor aellcra bad expended, and tbtu get rid ?ri Um qneattea ri good faith tetbaaawlth wboaa eoatraete bei been mais. Oa mottoa .<t Mr. Crawford of Kaaaaa the whole aahjeetwai Indefinitely : i< .1. ihna praetteallj refei i Ing th b tnp men to th? ? um ' -. in?' ? ote : Y? a -. \ t..'? Arito a, California. Florida, ?Seorgla, Indiana, Kai m, Louisiana, Minnesota, M -????'",, B a Vtexico, S.".\ *, ork, < ?In ?, .-until ? anilina. I inn ? ? ? . l.\.i... Watt \ i _- ..:... and Wisconsin: Says, Arkansa , Connwtleut, Maine, Montana, ?? w-Jeraey, Oregon, Utah, Washington -rrritor* i- t.. t?. NATIONAL POLITICS. ?REPUBLICAN NATIONAL DELEGATES. A ?-I'llM'li? <mTS Of Ml N n I'.I0BBB 1? MA* m? in -; 11 - i \-'? ?'.. in LLOCK and ?.i:?)i:?.i; I. Il??AII ?ADOBO TO l!. :-.i raiMB?ra to marntaoira.] Bostok, May -l.? Tiif I\tli District .'?im-n ti-i'i t??-? i ay ?d'ici twa aaara genttemeu ri fbe btgberi erando national reputation I ? the ? delega! to the ? iaetaaatl Convention, i.?<? ?. Alexander II, Bullock ?and Cougn wmnn Qenrge F, Boat ?raweUknau i rapportera of the better rioaa >>f Iba So ?o pertj and aur? of exerting a inniii.i and powei i tho I ?in? enllou. of the call for the - Mr. Heir Is tul Intlneni ?? in tin- deliberation. i."?. Roll, eh is . ne of the signo s i orb ' once on the 1 >l tu favor the nomination ?>f Mr. n is known to bo pel nail rery friendly botn to Mr. Ulatiio .in t '.|i. ?. n ba - no! pu teil biapref? erence, lie Is currently rejwrt'-d t" havea high opinion of the qualifications for the Presidency ,?f Congressman v. heel? r of v ?, Vm_. MARYLAND POR BLAINE. ?t?te , ????? ? ? i ???N ?n liii-iiiin in-?nuMmaarx 0BAM1 ?'- :? MB. lil'.t-ti.w < OMMBBOBD, lit r mil n ? ii *- iron fooo tob Ma. blaibb. Fbbdebicb, M?I., Mity l.? llu* Bofmblieaa Btate ? -n?-i ."i !" nominate detegatea t.. (latinnaU :??. Dr. M.i.imi .."'i ii.'iu,:. of Anne Arnndri ??.?..,.-? n i ball man. At .*t [i. in. ilie ? iiiiimit(i-c on ntiaia reported, admlttlni th. entire Pnltoa and I'i.'i... - ?t? ?. ii ion Iront Baltimore City, and excluding ? ? Pulton :i"?i John I.. Thomas, , It?..i.i.t- ? :f . Joseph U. I'u-'i of ?' c. and 1 i 1 v. dklns of K? ?' ..t ??' ? I?, led Deb -;. t ? ? al ?Large ;?> th. ( n;. Innatl Con ?entlou. i n.- ? iiir.i Hin? i nominated as eleetora fnr Prealdent a. i Vn e i'i. ?. .1. it tho following : tlauiuel J. firahaino Wi.'.iiiii.', M. ?;. l' nerol l'i.?i. n.-k, riioe. II UiKlson ol M-l, Jesse Klllla ol Harforil, S'.ai. Ulli aud Uenry M.'.-k'ni'i." .?t i ' :,iiiore. A. a. Lawrence of Ht. Mm? '*, ?ud n .1 John "ii of Altecany. liions adopted expreaa ftratltude thai all ba* . ?lions bave tail. ?I '.?? loin li (he honor and int. rrity m i?.,??...I. :,t ?..,.:.t. .?I..-. administration bMbeen wise, patriotic, and pniii? it In tbe reducl.of the public debt ami ibeadoption ol raeawurca looking to an ?.u?? u ?itmption nf ? n- ? :? ?'... m i,,.-. They pledge tbe vota of Maryland to Mr. I latne aa eandltlaU] for tresident, and ,.?nin. :..: -"ii.iii.i Bilstow for his efforts toexpooe and int,vent eorrupiioti, The delegates ..?<? directe?] to vom For Mr Blalue aa lang aa then i? a raaaouablo hope for his nomination. BOOTH < m:?i! ISA DEMOCRATIC OOSVEJITIOX. Ci'i.t Mi'i \, M.iy L?Tin' llriiKi.titttc Stiit?? ?tlonmel ban Ihla atoning, 17t detegatea being pieaeat, npnaeaUng aU the eeantlcala tbe Bute exccpl t'.vo. D.W. A.iicii, m.'-i? r el the s-.m- ., kaae,wa? , i temp . ? Prealdent. and Qen. .1. B.Kerabaw, [??? tnaiieul l'i'-'il m. Kesolutiona aero Introduced i?? ecu im-- tbe ??ii?in?- ? of the < On vet.i to tho election of del?galo? to the National Convention) and membeta of the i tato cm eutlve Com? ?' : - alii be unpledg?ad iin- Conv? ution i? ?tl'.i In s? -.?ion. K \s-<\S QBE?BBACX MI'V. T-?ri i;\, May -l.?I:i ilie Greenback ?'.iiiv".i!ii.iit?K?tii? ij eanntlea arara rep i?,.i,t..? bj :;*> ?l ?legal? -. Judg ' Baal waa aba? a Preeid. m, and iete gatea were elected to [ndlanapoila m Um lTilim-t. A htate Executive CommitMawu appointed, and the) dc i nicd to oik'.iiii.'e c. liiiii-, and t"??i.?lui? clubs. Au effort not made to bring I le Uouv?tntlon over lo UM?amo? ? i-arty , but it ?lui not sin c?cd. IX HOT. AI.I.IIV NOMIN.VTI'.P. T<?i.i.i?.?, Muy 4.?The Pemocratk ?Coamtioa of 11??- VIil ?'..iiiiicssional Dtetrtet ??as lnl.l at l)?tl iiiU'c, ?.tlii't, to tl-i; . ???ii. A. V. 111.?- of l'litii.iiu Count? Waa iiniiilna'.cd foi' K.?iicse]i?atlvi> l.y ?i.-i-laiuatloll. ReaoluUonaln (aver of tha nrwomUtlonal repeal of the licsiimptlon act and the gradual withdrawal of Um Ha? ll nal bank paper were adopted. A resolution waa ateo adt'i?!. d in favor of ex -liov. Win. All. a for the Prealdeucy. mu. in.aini.'s OBMKHI BOPgOET. Bam Pbamcooo. M?)y 4.?Th? Bflfmblieaa Btate ? .?iii.ii'.i.iii <?f ?Orogon i Mated w. B, Van Hraghtita. J. II. l'nitter, J. Ii. David, II. K. llin.s, and J. W. s,.?tt to complete the delegation t--> the National ?Ooaventtoa, ami adopted ?.-oiut.a for Mr. Blalaa. The Convention ra fi.iiu.-?! liom i?a>sin,x the Usual resolutions aiiiiroViiib' the Adiniiilstratlon. m ivr.iii; mu,us <'i.<>.-i.i> hy a kaii.i*kk. Si-itiMiiii:!.!), Mass., .May 4.?Tin?, heaviest mill failure that Western Ma?s.i.-Iiusetts has jet seen Is that of Henry Arnold .. l.'o. of tho North Adams Paint Works shutting up their mill, that of Gallup, II?>u?r!iton, ?. Smith, and I". 11. Arnold ?V Co. ut North Adams, the Wii'.iainst.iwn Muniifaeliiritit; ?'otupany at Willlaiustown, the North POwaal Matiiifaeluriiig Coiupany at l'ownal, VI.. und the Arnold? ?He Mill ?it South .Alar.-, u total of ?li mills, with Mgregala iiainiities of nrobably over ai,000,000, and assets of the noat unaafabto property, coaling probably f 1^00,000. Tha milla ran in nit over 1,(NH) looms on prli.l i?'..o>l.s, and some 8DU l'coplo aro laevwa out of employment. PI STY-NINE ANIMALS BIRNED ALIVE. Mn.i'oiin, l't*iin., May 4.?The bimi of the Hev. Christian Hoiiilierger, near I.itz, Ijuieaster, Penn? sylvania, together with 'it? beiul of cattle, 110 sheep, 10 colts, mid _,i><>(> inisliels of grain, waa burned on Tuca tny. Loes, WfiW. FOREIGN NEWS. THE EXTRADITION QUESTION. THE TH-iATY STILL IN FOIICE?WIN?. LOW'S CA9K. ijTxsoos, Thursday, May 4,1?76. The Ameriean Legation has heard nothing of the United Btatea Govi rnrnent having abrogated the ex? tradition clause of the Asbburton treaty. Notice tnuit have liceii given, if at all, through tbo British Minister at Washington. Wlnsbtw's release wnuld not be determined by abrogating the treaty ?tatise, since be was committed while: it was In force. He can be detained in prison here so long as tbe Government shows tbo Court "irood cause " for doing no. The reason asslgnc?l yesterday for keeping blm was that neg Dation? are pending. Unless, however, there is a fair prospect tint the extradition will lie settled, it is not probable that be will be detained later than the l.'tli, when the ten days expire. tuf. am;lo-fi?k.\c*1i extradition ti.i-:aty appi.ibd. During the trial of the mutineers of the ?bip Lennie to? day, tbe counsel for one of the prisoner?, named !.. nken, paid there was no evidence to go to the jury against blm. The Attorney-General concttrredjsiiying It wustneceieary to charge him with murder, because tho I-i .tradition Treaty with France did nol permit a charge of being ac? ia s.-oi-v after the fat t. He felt that the evidence was in sufli?-lent to support the charge of murder. JaaflMBrett aelddoubtleee E_m__m was a disgraceful criminal ; there was very strong evident-?* of Ills being an Bceeaaurr after the fact, but a. in* coul.l not Ih* convicted of thai olfeiiite u ?nier the l-'xtrailltion Treaty, and the evi? dence w ? tnsufflclenl to convict hlin of tnuriler, the caM against him iinivt be withttrnwn. LWlUiaiBa in the British parliament. Losdon, Thursilay, May 4, 1876. In tlie. I?IUI90 of CoinnioiiH Hi-night tho Attorney-General, Kir John Better, replying to Mr, Gourley, sabl the papers In the Wiuslow case nre now being print? ?1 and ?.111 Im- presented as soon as the correspondence with the United 8tat?*e which continue? is completed. Tbo paper? will contain full inform.tin.n on tbe subject. He tapad under tbe cir? cumstances that Mr. Gourley would uot press for a fur? ther statement. Mr. Ii.uirlte, VUUUt Secretary for tbe Foreign Depart? ment, answering ?i i?uestion by Mr. l*ulest'in, said he had nothing to to the Attoiiiey-fienerar? reply. .:.\<;lam>.-' OOOaaa coXDKMXPH. Tot. .ST?), May 4. ? The tilob? UtgUl "We uro not sur Brtaad t" lean that the United ?states BM formally nbro gBtad the i'\tradiiiiiu clause of tbe Aslmiii ion treaty of ISdfl, Tins s?, pis MhM avow? dly l?cc.ui-e i i real Britain bss already Informally abrogated the same clause by re fiislinr f.? -eirri ad. r Winslow and Grec. It is clear that if Groat Britain choose* to ImpoM f-mditteo* on tbeeea> rentier of an extraditable erlmiaal that are unknown to the treaty ami which have never be.-ii made by either mitnm in furnier cas.? of extradition, the Halted Btatea cannot in* blamed for practically ?loin-.' the mm* thiugln another manner." ihe OUb? cites a nnmluir of cas?*? un? der Ibis treaty in Whlefa fugitives fiom either mithin have been siirrenileicd for one crime ami tried for another aud obji'ctloris made by tbe (Hoveramente ?uirvn dering theni, and conclude* : " The Bncliab ( tovernaaaal must have some n asoii for their action iu the Winslow c?.-!-. whatever It may prove to lu-, au 1 * ? can onlv ?up poM tiuit they tiud Inconvenience in hav mg difieren, law* one t-uiiji el to -uit different friendly natioua, and that thej d -ne by i radically abrogating the treity.M iat as extradition u ...a- eanae diacaasiofl Bpoa the Biiijcci wub a view tu new and uniform*." T?BKET AM) THE OBRAT POWER!. I/OM...N, Thai.- lay, May 4. lf.76. ?he l'ail Mull Oa:e(te's Berlin diapatch iiion t; m a report thai Oeaad>-.. eoatM M Bt-riinut the m/eekmi reqacetol Baaala, who i- aiiiii.iiis to pre M ive Bffrmmeot With Austria on the I?istern ipicstiou. Tin* I arlsri'lu , 'kottUUt I ti I Hie l'orte, ut I he Instance of tbe Powere, bai eeaeeatad to renew the armistice. At tii -ame tiltii", it ha.'nit ?mated the .b I. i .:,ination, should the iiisiu.-im. refuae .-?;i annlst?ee, tu llatea la no further prodSei - n-' mediation, but crush the r.-iM-liion iry force. THE HAY.?.N' ....VOLITION. DBTAIU oi- I'm: i pkisivo of apkil?the nf PB 'Vl-OMI. G?IVi:it\MKM. The strain? r C'l.uihel arrived at this port on Wedneeday bom l*,?rt-au l'un..-, bringing <ii-p.itchea to A. il. I__a:c, t m -ul in-in-ral of llavti. From thesedia nateiie* the f. i- ?mut of tbe r.volution in lleytl .. a: About April r.' ?;-n. L?.r.pict wav t??.|)f hy President DomlngM from Pertoa-Priaea, ta eamaaaael ef a ixxiy of troops, (a meet the reVoluiioiiists, who were advancing mi th ci.-.v. Oa their approach instead of giving batti? M fumed arm his eeaaahead to the revolutionary (ten ??ml. Upon re-living lalhf ethm at this Presi? dent n ?mingue aefeed the kealga Minist?re to u_e their bill n.'.ce to em 11 ? truce of 21 hours, ?tat-Bg that he would r.sigu. The English ami Ameri Imitera, in cumpl? im-?? with bis r..pi? ,t. 1,-rt tbe city for the camp of the revolutionist?*, who were then .. mile? ?listant, to arrange the deal red true*. In tie meantime, Uen. Bameau, the V'tet -President, and Presiden! Doiuintfue, began the shlpmenl of the -pt-cie la ttie!, .m board a ?ailing reosel, then it log la the har? bor, ami had succeeded in rmbarktng two eart-ioada at it when the |K*0ple, diacovenng their dea|gn, roae e gainai th.m. loe mob attacked tbe bank and plundered It of m :. iti vi r .-?ii ?. ? remained, n bleb probably amouated to 1100,000. At t! - time Hie two C ?if-hud- of -peon* were pi o.dun board tbe .ailing roaael f hern wm no wind, und tbe ahlp belag unable to met Mil the money wm recovered, ami la now In the banda of the ti muorary Government win n President Dominen* an I < leu. ll imeau realized their danger, they Invoked the protection ol (be French ami t.?Mintab Minis? ter-., un their .nur,with their wlvea,to the Spanish Consulate, eeeortedThy tbo two Mlnlater*. Gen. ttaaaaaa wa*ibol.dying i' tautly.snd President DotuingM ro eeived a verj leveiowound The body of Gen. RaaMaB 1. . mi the -trecti t.i- Dearly two days before any one would venture to Inter it. Bubaequi itly tbe Prendrai u,ib in- family escaped on a iteamei bound for sr. -. Hearing of the death of Kameau and tbe flight of the l'ri -?b nt, i ten. Lorauet, a ho had surrendered hi* eoiuinand t" t c revolutionists, return. I '.? Portea Prince to quiet the people. As be was about to cuter hi? own bouse, a bullet struck bun ami In- fell .1- ad. liming two dara the ?u\ was m great turmoil. Th? mob sacked the houses of Ramoan and Homlngue. Daring this di-older a Bevolul oi.aiv Com mitt, c wa? formed, in w ..,-, band* the Government of the oountnr haebaea .placed, until au election tot Preeldral eaa in.- m 14. FOREIGN NOTEa Vnii i. t.'ip i?'.', liaj 4.?A larya st<mbmi ii offthiiplaceIMtla the be. The waathM i* ataatflMi blight. Pajub. May ?!.?Tha..Fraack,, ami Russian reembera of the Centennial ?Tttrj w m leave lia > ra to-morro . tn tbe steamer Ameriqt_e. LOXDOX, Mii.v -t.?In coiiicntfiicf t?f tho ac eeptan.?? ol tendera for ln__labtlUal Bhnreanlatkat waa f.?i ipat' d. -.''..i ii weaker. The qnotattoa hM Mi li. a n Iliade yet, bill M'S L I* nil? Md. lia. .-?ive. U ipiol?. U enea. I.i.M-i.'v', Ifaj 4,?Tlic (?...-tlio, be? fore repotted .--poi-.. n al aa. loelaeid boaad* wMfebee propellM toan, off Bt, Agnes Bei Ily filaade, yaatee? day eveulng. til were well. A tug wai tent yeetecday from Ply moutb to a-si-t her into thai perl I'akis Uaj l.?Stvtnl Deputica liitvo, on the strength of tloctiiticittary evidence in Unir pus-e? don, Informed the Minliten that the) fear the French workmen goli . '.?? Philadelphia v. ui give ?itcnUon mainly to politice. ..cording."*, these HepntlM bava iir..e.i ii.?- Government torcfuie the proposed grant ol B' for enabling them to visit the ( l-:\h!!iitii.n. ____________________ mi IN ( I.IiVlil.AM>- IsOtg -'Jaii.-iOO. " ('l.iiVi'.i.AM?, Ohio, Muy l.-TIn Okie Wo. <l.n arare Ombp my'- froataty brleh tariMHag, MrawragOM? Hal ead Mein Me. was taaraad ihM 6? ______ h 1:?rfc"? amount of itock ??:. hand wa* also ?_?--- - - ...'it- rhe luiv t* tslliiia'c! a! tr.'i.i ?.l.'iO.OOO tO $2IK\0.iO, and the lu ?urance, . rO.OOO._ si ai uersMn nouv. Ran I'i?vn. i-? ". May ?-??Tin- d?_C_M in the Ipaaldlag courl-inartuil began fnslav. Fay lu.-|K'Ctor Pulton t? -i i fi. ?l thai BMatm Baraeat told #11 that it made no difference who relieved Bpauhllag, but be w.'iutd Plnnej retained 66 chief ileik. Tlil.KGHAI'HK" NOTI'Jr?. Wat! B. nil:, Me.Mav t.?The r?< ently su.sjH?iided Wad i ville savin?.'* will ie*, b.. .at*?. Do vi EB, N. M., May 4.-The CodMM I'lint Work*. aft? r a shut down ut .'our ?.-..It, ?tal i?U tin. inoruuig. li.isi'oN, Mav ..?-The luitiituie, etc., tii'onging to B. I>. Vt lnslotA, tlie teVgV. was ?old t" d?> ?'- Boitlaa. ru.ivii.isii:. K. I.. Mav 4.-The ttiinl tiial to elect a t ity Manihal lu Newitort to day N**BM I? no choice. Ni??w-l.AViiN. fi.tin.. Mav t. -The llartf.ii.U were by the Efe** Haven* heic to day tu a Uu .num. gsuie by a aean of 7 to (J. KasTPort. Me.. Mav 4.--A ttlegiam from Canso nmorta tii? .Mairilalcii fl?lnng Ucet blockulo?! theio byice. buow fell here this uioriilng. (i-v\ Kin \. V., 4.?The challenge nf the 4!)th ll.irlineiit l?astliil?? l'-ltfe Club of 11. Ilevlllt?, iiiitsr.o, to th* 4-tii BeabMBl in thi? city ban been accapted. fll-MOB M?*., May 4.?.lauiea N. Untier and wife obtained a vertBel __W for f4,500 igainit thi* ctty ftr mj*. ne? to tbe Utter froui dnvliig lulo s tri-u?li la the ?ir?et. W _shin'?ton. May 4.?A niiui wm arr<_ste?l here to-d?v ou ? tel. gram from Richmond, for robt.lii_ i Nrw-Y-rk mmmmkmtnjmat .?niide jew-*u.-. The MM pisvtt? t*M ?l-rge bboch-i-, ab ai "' Ar.kiB Ka* ? K-g-."