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~~voZyxxV1 N0 10.979. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUIVE 7, 1876. _ PRICE FOUR CRN 9 BLAINE'iS SIGNAL VICTORS ylf.Vf OF THE FIKLD AFTER TTIE BATTI -??jg THAT WERB DIKRKGARDKl? BEFORE THE E OF THE DEMOCRATS? 8?NTIMEST OVEH 1 jtSl'LT? POLICY OK THE OPPO6IT1ON IN . fUTlKC. MgBnat was done in Waahingt-on yesterday in -g? ot Mr. Hlaine. The committee charged vi miiiT08ti_{8tioii wfis to have held a meeting in AXtrooon, but owing to the absence of Mr. Hun m the House, it was postponed uutil this m? g. H is believed that Mr. Blaiue's enen -j| mate every po-ssilie effort to reg ?^neof the ground they have lost by gathering rttainable evidence bearing upon his cane, and m ?p. the most of any weak points they may find Mittler*. Hi-** friends are still buoyant in the hi -f be final success at Cincinnati, and it is said t! 1 ??v who were lukewarm before his late speech taw enthusiastic in his support ? MR. BLAISE'S WONDERFUL AUDACITY. inr tbir.t?K?i'ii to thk tkihunr.! Wa^hin?iton, Jtuib fl.?Mr. Blaiue's wonder ^ in the House yesterday has been cc murd to tin' hurling of a thunderbolt into the mi? f? s fr? at assembly of people, lit? ln*t elb-et itunuiiig, and silence for an instant prevai but this is followed by the greatest exei Beut and coufimiou. Mr. Bliiiu?-'* terri aharge upon I'roctor Kuott, and thron him upon the Democratio party, which li been ??rosectiting him in th?- itit.-reot cf rival J?'.mm Uoan candidate* for the l'ivsidential nomiimti. was hardly lfRHHtariliii'.', ami the momentary u-t, ishiiicnt? with which it WOk witness, d, BOkh I friends and opponents, ha? now given way to a det earnest mirent of i?opular feeling which, jtidgn froiii its eEeet herein \Vueliin?Ion, must m.ike t ' rx-Speaker one of the most formidable elen>?*nla (!.?? Cincinnati Convent 1 hi, if indeed it doe? 11 iw?. p him 011 to the nomination its. If. Tlie uio-st striking feature* of Mr. l'.lain.-'s triuni] ye-?tt rtlay wa* it? audacity. Never ha? the l>at prove? b " ai thuc? fgrtggg jurat " l?een ho striking llliistrated in the House of l.epreseiitntivo tittoa I d?y8 when Henry Clay, both as Speaker and a? t leader of his party ou the floor, carried ever thing before bun as uni? h by bis (l.un as by tbe magnetism of his iupaaeiotn eloquence. Mr. Blaine took tlie 11" y.t-turdav in defiance of all rules of the Horn Daite| the M-swion of ?Saturday last the d.iy hi been aet apart foi the consideration o? theGene? Aw,ml biil to the exclusion of all other busine? Nothing w_w? then fore in order after the CBBM "f tl oitiining hour but this lull, and yet no 01 on the l'etiiocratio ?ide of the Bata ?teemed to lii'tiv this, or, if he ?litl, had contai enough to interpose an objection. As Mr. Blab pr??oea?li?<l, an exiitiiig colloquy occuried b.-tv.\?s? him and Mr. l'nx t?-r Knott, ( ha.iin.i!i of tin? Cm mi tie?* ou thg Judiciary. Mr. Hamilton of Ne\ Jersey ?MM to a qucetiou of order, and ask? Ihe Speaker pro tem. if the language u-st-d Wl parliamentary. Without waiting lor the Sjteaker fcply, and without giving him an opportunity t Mr. Blaine, as quick asa Saak of lig'ntttiue. answer? the qu.-ttinn himself: "Yes, entirely ao^* and Wl about to ?ir?.?a cd, ii.s thovgh tillo was the pfOf r is. lo**!tie the qneetion. Tiii-a liti'.e in ideiit was a fair sa'nple of mat tihant ilnit ?.c. "tirred during the aft. riii-on. M Maine continued speaking also, wholly v. it bout I fard to the ii'Hii. Vei, although the Daaaaata ?ere. tweeting iiuder tin* fuih.Us blows he warden falg. not one of them seen ?si to retain h ?etses siifticiently to i all attention M tha fin IBnt the climax of auiaeity \v is r?' wh"n Mr. Hatea Moral a resolution ptraet cn'.ly ccnsiri'ig the Coiiimifte-c ?m the ,Ju ci'rv, and iaaiatad opon its Immediate m ,sid? i.'ttion aa a high taeateaa of privilege, if ai on?* hadaakedhim in aa m-daaoe with whal ml? th? -lions?- a 1? s'l.iiiioii ?iii.iit kiml became a ?tat ?tion of privilege, ha would lia\e l?e?-n 11 ai>." t'i (' it ; lmt m it WM m? ana mena lo think of thin, and it was only after tl resolution wat fal i ly li foil- tin Boo* that (be Dea OsT?s feebly aii'i tai-.ih ?SoDeH "1 !!?? Il M its, and b jarule which wotdd tu 11 stand tin- t. si tu pnrlii ?atentary law tmally mi" ??-. -d?-d iu l.uryitig it by Mfcreooc to the .1 ?i?i i? i.i \ i ?ommittce. It was this womb rful itiida? ity which enalded bfa to violate all ruhs of the HoaM withoii question, coupled with bia paiaaaal magnetisi and the momentum with whieh ha i?\v?j Mward in bia epeecb, bearing down all obatach that enabled bin to go thro task and bear away the honora. Th, effect ?ha anaa really magical. Mr. Maine** 1 bo hat lain aoch from the beginning; haTi I 1 wil M aathaaiaam anah aa no other Preaideaitia] eandi ?date ran aro&M i.i !,;* 1.? half. Many who v.'cr lukewarm or doubting hue ?booo ?ttreogthened and win eiifr t i.t- MOTi s prepared to giTi th.; faTorite a nn.-t aaraeal and ?aattaa sit|i?i?irt Atthesam I n?-! be aitaittad that Mr Blalne's exj.' -. .-:.,, d ;y hit Opponent l-a the R.-; ;,, t'.a ?ttanwhicl Mr. !; im . .; and even in his ?? . ?Unations of tin-in l!l;? hieb, in tbeii ?Vtnlon, prove his uuiiUn w to bi .n ? ? i h not i in : pott reform i itnpaign, and even 11 thil wan not sa, the fact In- has lie? n ? I in si? many and M varied speculation* is urged .-is having nnflttctl him to biA tin reap i in of the Presidency M M gate the co e'eof bebett?areIaaiof pooide Bat, while thcM cri licit tarefr io lay it il a notice'I?!'- fa? * ; t there m nun h |.?s^ ,-,ji parent hope in the opposition to Mr. Blah ?-, ami on? ? ot help feeling that, in many ifeataneca, they ar? * whistling to keep ttieT i nil' I. c ii|..'' 'I i.? ! '? ?uo f -'s*regr.-itiy ?dkgnalad with whato <????? lue ter lay. Many of tmmtt ttt r< ? |' ?tmtaj ok? n in tlnit criti?it?m uf the fouis.- piii-ii.d by ProetOl Knott, tthiah t!:?y dnnaanna as weak an?l *M*Uhte?ha?xtnaa, t me of Mr. Hateara Meada ??mm M Uriah that, f.'f,i!tl,ef:,,. lh;itMr> Ktiott an(1 Mj._ Brl i)W ,U( both fr-.,,, the State of Keiitin?!.v, th. f | action has he,?n the rev,H of hia desire to ate tb? rm.i.iiii.ite.l !lt Ci,,ci,,lia,?. But there ia no evi iaa?athat8eaateiyBriMaw aaa had aajtbing to &0 With tl,,' ,;:??, gg ?iat L,8 f^.,,,,/,,,,,, bk approval ha re c ,.? aaytblag to mi ut? ,,- to pre an sTKl.-m,- m it. -oiiioofhismoat ?tarne | ?.??,,, rters er*, Mr. j;: ;. \ pn.s-nt accuser?, bat this ia prob MarMX. !;..;<.?>'?-. misfortune ami not Uafault, -???-. oosBEcnrEn or tbe lettej? isr hwhh to tub rataeai WAtgnswnoM, J? ? Bmm al Mr, HI t:?. gggsie lezpraa^ta private, doahl m to thai t.. s? of tii.? ...piesof the letters winch ha Mad in tin Hoiiwi ..-?..,,lay, and hint that ha has probably ?nppi?. ? ?i soin?-of the most damaging potiiom ot titt-iu. .-itioii ?a m,t m id* openly, i,. ntA t!,at ii .., .?;,(,. at all ihowatb??spiritte whidi the ex-."s|??.ik,?i is ?,i!i?.ii.-<|. The fuln,,. of tin- A-M, ?tetad Pi N ti) liaiisinit the co(,ii., i,f 11,_. Blatea letton to tha newel ? ??-.?! *?MMtry in ti-ne wM tdgbt tur then to ?appear in MiiManiing'i iaaaea on ??!,? not to injnre or prodja ?"?elli'. r, ate 'teaae In tha mtedaof atty ana. Hi tis? luthiag ThttiTM to (in v,itii iliis apparent -??ii' of the letters, lmt, o.i lie other hand, J'i-ect-ed his piivat? ? j? ? ,? ? * P-ni, to pi?,.? it at the (!,. jnK.ilo? Iba pr?t?. Ile *^too"] iWsappoiBted than My on? elMcooldpo? *??*???> ot, tuai, vuo tyxA teil ol vIk-k: letton wae un. published in every morning paper in the country to? day. An enthusiastic supporter of Mr. Maine, anrl a personal friend of Mr. ("onklinp, in conversa? tion to-day agr<<-?l that their laapeettvu candi datee would be the onlv fotmidahlo one.s before the Cincinnati Convention. They wens also of the opinion that if eitlnr of these two wax nom? inated " the Great ?"nkno?.vn" waa more .ikclv to he William Wheeler of New-York than any one alta, The aaeaaatty of cam lug New?Toc_ la onl?r to elect the President, the fact that Whealat is ro popular in his own State, and that no eninity exists between his frieiuls and those of Mr. Couklin? or those of any other prominent Kcpnblicau politician, couple I with the {ant that Mr. Wheeler would l?e the second choice of many of the Maine delegates, le<l them to that coiiclusion. THE ATTACKS HOT ENDED. I FT TBLKGKAPH TO THB TItlBtlKE. | Washington, June (>.?It must not be supposed that the atta?k on Mr. lilaine will not be renewed. Proctor Knott is understood to lie very aiipry at tin? treatment which he receive?! at Mr. Biaisa, hand yesterday. There is reat?oii tobelieve that he svill ?.-nt? -r into the further pr?.?-cation of any ___rgaa tli?tt muy be broufiht against Mr. lilaine with r?-m-vved vigor and interest. Vatrne hints are also throwu out of new development? soon to rom.-, their exact na? ture is carefully ?-tiiirded fatal the knosvlc?lire of those who uro u??t supposed to sympathize with the opposition to Mr. llhtine. The inquiry di?l not proceed to-day, owine to the interest which the (h.lirtiiiin of the Bub-Coinuiittae (Huntoii, felt in tlie Iiulian Appropriation bill p<-n?l ln? before the House. It is reported that the i:?-\t two witnesses to he examined, one of whom is e.\ Sotiator l?i??* of Kansas, will give some iiifer?">iinr testimony in reiranl to the iiianni_.'emerit of the Little Soak and 1'ort Smith Railmad Company, but that, while it will he u_Mgiag to the reputation of John Delano, who was land eominis-io-ier of tin? Nad (if aiiytlii't; ? ?in injure his chain -t?-i i, it svill not touch Mi. lilainc's ?'oiiin-etioii with the eorp?.ra? tion, or iuvolvu him in the remotest degree. MB. s i.iriTKitS. Washington, ?Iiiik* (J.?The following let? ters <?f tue r.iaiiie eoaiuepaa?BBae. read in th- Boaae jaa ;? r.l.iy, are ?niiiitini.iil to th?a _.:i 1.1 i ?. i : ? .1 : Acorara, Jana 29, 1.990. Vy I?rAR Mr. Fi'iikr : T ittaab rua or the article frmii Mr. 1/-SS?S. li i- go ?l iu itsilf. un?! will do ??.nl. He .? rile? like u man ol 1 ?r_,-r I I i_ stall heii-ii.u. Vow ol?-i rn a hint me lo .; pal i rlpatlou in Ih aew railroad ciitci i?!i-?- i? in every reapeelaeireBeroas aa I eeuld expert or desire. Itbaaa sou ????_. sltn-rrrlj fer it, and In thla ??? one? tina I ? iah to m ike a so :m Ml 'ii ofaaoaaewhal m-iiMi character, it t* tin?: Yoa spoke of Ml. Calilsicirs n ll'i r 1?? ?lit-l t'-e of ash.ue of Ills Intel - ?m\ te m?*. If h? really d?sir?e to ?to s??. I wish h? ?? u ,; IP tike the ??to? o-it|. I ?1? tmite. ???? I c??il<l I": s.iiat to ?depead oa. Perhaps it be waits till the ruli de* relopmentol theeaterpriee. be in..? groa part with the abare, aadldoaal bytlila neaasi trn-t ?if hni). I do not feel that I ?shall prove a des la the eaterprla? II I oaee eaibara la u. I s??? raxioai chaiit).A? in win? h 1 kti.iss I tal I" BaefaL Verj b_*U1.i and sincere!] ?mu tiu-ml, Mr. naher, ladiaal , Boaioa. ?i O, m *ivt. ACUUBTA, Me.. .1 il. ', I-'.'.. Mv Di'.au Mit. F_ena : Tea ask ase ii I bib -.ti-ii'.l , W til til?' "He soil in. tl? ? tuf "I l -ll.lle lu .!"tl! u ? ??> il enterprise I Of course I aas more thaaaaltet] ii ?lrh the the terms of tli.-otter ; I think it a ?awM liberal propoaltloB. If I bealtate nt nil, it la Iron considerations t'i bo vis- rentier ted ?,tli the ? ii.iiii.'?-r of tin t?tot. V'iiir liberal BBode of dcalina With UK? 111 .nl BUT liiistii. __ ti ai,?,t< Iit'.ir. ol tu. peat elgbtreara bas not pa? Bed althoal m.? fall ippro datlen. what I wrote sou . u the 27th ?ss i lo lirnif. ( sl'isst 11 tu it ilelinile proposition. t? M all. i _<> i.? i*.. -!???? i?.? the - .?in,' ti.iin tu?t earrlea tin* aad will eall at year odlee lo-roorrow ?it u lb. it \ mi ito'i"! n,i!?:?. n t?. in- m, no in.ttu-r; don't pul your -,-l' T,t -ms trouble about Ik *iiiiu?, J. i.. ii. Mr. naher, |r. MK. ill A! SI ?.\[> Till MTV? I R JUKI.**. Here, sanl M?. in.:n?. laaaa 'i-i ?l Waahtiigtea, Mas -.*>, l-tit. 'lh.s ? ??IT? ?I'nini'-iic? Btretehea over ?? eaa -ai i tin-non-ell ?f inn?-, anil tin? rele?ale tha 8 peu er Rifle * tiiM|i.iu? : WaaaiaoTOB, i> _., c">. i-?;i Mi Bta : Tour fa ? r??< I. I bib v? I all thin.- ? ?:.-.:?! .1 ': ' 11? i ? ?. ; Mm. at 1...- I , I , an ;,, o'??'..inn lo I.?.?- ;..! yottl MMBU n'.i? Uli -? i 1, i-(t."i. Ii iris-? ?. a -niti.'hi and sUaU) i ? '. oii.?.,.!i.s tm a i 'tul itreteb "f lime In reaard to tte tax provision r ou ran JiHlfce foi altbaeopyol tbe i ? 11 ! a- reported Iron tbe i ( .iiiiiiii! it. of iiii-m,,?!,-, a i., i noa pendina la Ibal i ?. ?? i.\. ...... i l ?~ and l < '. a Uen I m..s. murk? il.) in ?okitig os? i the bill >"ii aill : si? tbal all Words in Hall?- ici!. I- aie .him iiilmt II s p| ...,t a .| l.v tin ? ? u.ite i .ti.iin? ? '.?in.iin i.-?-, aliilo ail words h eiuiled m hratke * are in-opoaed to he strneV ou) bj i ??, Committee. Tnewrovlelon whlehj-ou Inqu stx.ul was Dot IB the ojriLiiMl bill, I,it ?m an BUil'Ddnielil n:"S?-?l from the Way s and Means < muuitttee ttj Hi ol 1?, ??.?. to who m I -i ,-,-,. ,| It. Itlsjusl and pi o j sense, aad will i?__'.i a food auiu] luterr? ..- ?. m ? ompaay. i an alad i?> bi ai ?n? .n ? ..nui?-'??i s ?mi progresa in to? uffairaof tbe (Vimi>uny, ?,i ?? i.,, h l ?.as. ,.i?. a.? - been prood i?? be a mem is . Mr. Wells tbal bis i ? i.. t r. ? -1 bus been nominated hi tli? ?in.i'i- i on.mi--.?i.? ??( r-.ii-.-M'i?, ?-, ?Uli rank lain; be will nudoublodlji i?? eouflno. i as soon 1. 1 will ?Kl?'.-t: At w ' . il?, J. !.. 1.1 MM.. si sir? n nahi t, i: , ? iq. lili: UI hi I:?., k i s?i. CBAKT. Mr. B i ? -, . |, - : .,? i? it'-i dati -I hug ista, M.., o? i. I, 1868, i nit I ?e.'l these lettere now aoi m ti,? ir ?inter. Kowte thla i'-it? i IaahtheatteatloB of the Hoi.???. In tin- Mar'-ii-. - ioaol 1 -'- ?. t :' atwhlehlwai Speaker,tha ?--n-a B___aaal IbeXLIai eaa, a laad graal to the Btateel Arkaaaaa to the Little Beak not ???- reported. I eerei reai bare heard oi the road aatll at the laat al__ht of U, ss h? n it wai u i ? li? re for consldi ral Iob. Th m? u ta Boataa with whoai l had relatlona did not hate anything i?> ?lo ssiiii that road for Beart/three or four no tatha afh r thai Hase, ii lala the iiifi.t <.r ttmi m it* in 1:1 tiiat 1 <>??- I.? thai I'M l? i I? ?d. la tin- Aiitiiinii -i, oi ? ?Kin laoatha afterward I aaalowklncor? /,',?? ?,/?,'"*, ; in ay With I ii !"-.! v, if ri'.t (?i nl? I, !?? ? i Im. i n. ui.- the flm use ?i-'-k? i a ? ?t n-iiii then recalled this decision ol coin , and . - ? i. ! I ? j;,.l 1 \. It I* BIS III -I " V - '? i. !" s? , n ?. m. .u i. 1.1?'.'?. Mv lu ?u Hu: I spoke to jrou a short tin a pn.iit ??I Interest lo row railroad comuunji tlialoe furred I I i- i ' -? ? ion ol I ungn . hi ??I tbe -. sslon, T.n.-,i ii?. bill re i ?? los llu 1 mil ? n-1- for tbe,. i;., . i: ,, t , i ied, >'S' Julian ol Indiana. Chairman ol in? i. ? ? ??-.. ? -, and i>> rifbl entltli a to tin ?'!? Ili'i'Mi?.- to pul In He bill a- .in alii-M ' ID lit lo ii ont I Paso ui i -, b? tue proimolj ?si-n known to Mi. ( ..Ma. i?. ih- i; thin, ami the ??, .Ms in the l-, m mm m?, r .--r bad tbe thine ail sel up, and Julian's s I . .?- Iikelj to prevail II I.uni i?, a sme. I-.,,??; ,,n i the other ?n? n.,?i i from Arkaaita, who were faina tuen be i f? >r iin?r own Idll, to ? ? M- ?i i" h" :.'? niij - ion, aere III df-epair, foi t -.-.ill km.SMi that the was ?" lie lo tbe ii-innt si-beme, aad if i..- Irkaiisaa Irtll bad ?.'?u.?? La. W to (In -?.!!? .in .1.ill's auieudroeut, the a.hole tiiuii. would bs e irone on tue Ulili md slept tbe ??;.???]? of death, in i . dilemma lt?*ol earn? to nu to know what on ?..nh b< could do uufar the rules, far, i ? i*ai'l. li was vital to In const I im-bIs that tbe nl ?I pass. I told i ..n tl si ? ; .i,,,, |il \Ul? -, of order, !?? ? a;; ;. it -.?, ,,,. .o. ;; ,t he I? id n?.i mi.i'i alii ?-?ii.iiiiei -.-?? in h,? of tbe rules to mako tbe point, but be said (Jcb. i. mi waaoppoaed to tli? Fremont scheme and would p [etlie point, ? my p.i.-e i?? '.i m. i. ?.? -n ??!-. , , :. .:,, and be at ouce made the point. leoulo>n t do ',..,, i.?.,, than ? ii-tain it, and so the bill was frei II mi tin mischievous .m,? iniini m moved by Juliaa, i s nace passed wiiuoui Ion Al thai !,'i? I ',,? i ui .??? ? in Mr. ' ildweil, hui s?.!, can tell hlin that, il I .i :? ? ? .1 ?"-'.. Ill .1 (C W.?l Isbi r.Jr , i -?i , No. 5M India ?t., U ? urn. Mil. 111. IN?'? ABKAM Id 111 I uca, yifti-r ?u iiiplaaatliia of i in? letter, a *???' oi I tier, dated ' let. i, l -''''. of svlm-li the t ill"',', leg la a i oro] I ?'?? .... -.-,.,! karlag aeea aaalttad la arranging It for ptiiiiiciitinii, waa ic.'i a? fijiiii,'". Al i.l ?is, M..,r>. t. 1. ! m ||T d_j__ >? r.,,.1 Inclosed contra? is ol Ibe uai , -i ... no I? to i "i .?'-.-ui'la.s. Im i? m ' coutracU w?l l" complet? 'I an rapid!) ;.? .mi I m. v, iu |.? i n,?i. i In lo. \,,:ia|.:iii of //?<? Voturnaatoiiul t.i,a, .?r April t?, eontuliiln* i |?olnl '" ?hieb I ? i ai some ni, /in m my prevloue letter of I ?day. ...u will n-i'i ii or i., i?-..'! n ovei and m-?- wbul u narrow escai-e your bill mud. tbal last night of Uie ? iiun. <?! course Itwa? ,. plain (In''- to makefile ruling when the point was u ;? -'I- If tbe Arkiinsas Dien bad ant, however bap ned to come to me wbeual their wits' ends Bud m ?i?-i?air, tbe bill aoul? nii'ii.iiiit.tiiv bave .'-i '. or at Icaal posti-oui i fur a >?-.'tr. I thonglil the point wouliI ni lerest betb you and < Idweil, tbouxb o iiTing before either of ] uci igcd In the enterprise. I" you '?' iimi. l'Atuiid thai li o.-o lily eppn elate the i oui u sy With which you Im ! ilnielo tbto railroad matter; bul s?,m- ciimiin, ; .1 mein busiu?M mutters baa aistaVH I.?-. li iiiiilk' i by illilioni 'I"! lib :.i,lls III |m-I i, and "' ' i li i','1, natumlly i ,-,? __ tbe com in* ? i .i?itti?i .mi ? uf you Dow. V m orge meto . :. M m.;, ( un ont (?f the arraiixeuicnl into v.liicl: we lian ? Mteii-d. it ih lialiil il I _________ lio my utt)io?.i to th!*, end. I am bothered i>v only one ilum.;, .?ml ihiit Ih UiMiniic and expressed srraiigsBieBta with Ml. CuldWtU. 1 ALIA UUilOUa t?J S ?IlUC IU l-'rCUbt Ut . hat promised m<*. But I ia notKCt a ?I?Matte enh ntaad? Idk witli luui a? I have with you. I sin?, lie in r...?i -i, in a few duys, aad ahall then have an opportunity to tal!? mutters over fully with ton. I ..m ,:,.( u-?| : i that whatever I .i<> with Mr.CMdwrll uuud n-a c lx doue Btnmgh y..u Wn.u regard* to Mr* bisher. -Sin? cerely, j .;. ];, UNi.. VV. F., jr., e*q. ANXIKTY KOK A BKTIT FMKNT WITH H.-.III.1.'. WASHINGTON', Aptfl is, ls7-_>, my Dkah Mr. Ptaaaai I aaaaatisl j on v ij hastily last evfiiitit-, aayeaaaM you wlehtdau Immediate n -ply, ami perkapa la my kurry I .ltd not ?wake mj ?ell (un. m U?-r-?to???l. Ton bave been rat setae time laboring uudt-r a totally erroneona ImprasaMa in lagt ?>; i" naj remtits in the l'oit "-"iiiit n iiintiei. The mi-Mil bomb) which you Hjioke of my MhMgi au.l nhfc h >nu teem lo bave tlitnifflit for my beut ii., neneaumly atliei wl <?- Idbl not bave the money in my pnseesaiuu l*> Uoius, i.ut ,.ui ' if aval dneeth M the i>iiilm-h winuii I ttn-ti in ever]) iu.-i.iis m my power to pruteettremlean Ian ver) stm uwi ?on nave little idea al tin- labora, the lo**e*.tiie efforts, ami tin- muiffuua l have mam w.tinn tm pu?tyear to s.i'e 1,,-iie Innocent penana vtlio invested nil tus reqneet from petaunal loan, and I s.?y la yuu to-algtit solemnly Uni I ,nn Immeasurably aorta eg Man It I bad inter touched the Kort Hunt ti malina. The demand watek yen mtute apoo bk ant is one wiiieli I am einiiei-, iniiilile to ooujpl? with. 1 cail iK? i dt? it. It Is net la my power. Tea ??.ty l inl "at is sity km. ws no lu ?a ;" di?t applies M me aa ?i 11 ?i? " yon, and when I liiive ivm-ln d tue punit I am liOW at, I simply i.tii iiaeii uu lavt. Timara wall aware llie Ik.iuIs are din-me und'r tin- i ?mlracl. Could 1 have liitse I cauilil a ijns. m an., inaitirs not now In in.? power. ?mil so luui; m? min mi.l .?Una mallei? i? .uan tin..? between Ha, I il?? not reeogaite the In w i ii in? s- ui your calling on me lor a partial settlement. I bui reedy al any moment M make a MIL lair.eompremuslvo n. i:.? nn nt vt nn yuu on tin? iimM Iniei-ii leim.. I will not be .'Xa.-llii-k'or captious m- ci III. al, hat aiu r. ,uly ai..l eager to e a in nail ami generous aiyuntiin .u wita you, and it w<- eauiiot sgum oarselvm we en select .? mutual nit nil. win.ran anally eompromiaa ail point* of differ? ence between us. Ton will sa.?, i tt-.i.-.t. Uiat ? am dis? poned to aseet yoa ta a spirit of trl ml?> i.t.ii.y,and t t-i ? nil a *< n* ? ot sell amansa Mal i.?i.'- tu* tob*. :i .nil,, anil el lit > .?tl luy )s , inil.ti > Measure*, is An ...? .. ml i, ?ai ,s i,, tl, ?. tisiii r, 1 am, y oui - truly, III tt . l-'is.ll-l, | .. I h?|. J. ?i in Vial.. Di.sli.K TU l.lillllK TIIK. POItT SMilil si ,i \. Al ..I si A, Mi ., ?n ?. 1, ls7l. Mr Daaa Ha. naana : i a.u .1? ma *ii m . ? ?owei 10 expe ine and ba*l ia lot d. bvery 01 Me stm .. 1.1? . u m iM-.aii occaate? ad by rtrrnnietsni es wboiiy i" yond my control, 1.111 1 11 iiinii a . o? ? in-ii >u ?.a in. 11 u an oats and in.ike a im in.11 delivery in. a. It v. 111 be sn iuitii? urns 1 ?m 1 leget It off my n.1 mi?, I aaetara yon. lai - ?? ?? ? tbuii .01 you lo rei.Itt ll. tun iniisl li.n? ?. i?_? ? 1 until iMaioai Mi. ? aiilweil in rt.ii'l lo kls payiiia tbe e in.;. ? 11.- bas 1 aid ?u? on !.. JtUI ?'.,.)? M., i .um; ri.i.niH. dur, which 1 ?mi c.r i> .uu ueie al ? and *? S : ? i ? ? -.,. m It lent, .111,1 wiiieli i-iitiialiilSMS un luiiiii.. ttou. I ?I., not iiali.? Kiitiw weienWaj lota 1. ?? i? . . I am eo pt-eseed ami bampeted with in. in.? 1: ?? ?.. *a 1 Vori Mllli.ll 111.? 11< I . a lui II 1 ?aal it 11 1 ( .. it. ? I'I 1: ti .t . ,1 1 . 1 . linn.i pay me tael kliMWl) ..1 bei.i im ? ?, I <i ? UU* kill.A ?ft liai I nil ill Oil. I'i. it.I.ill I BM I <?? M I ?un bring a weaitkj in..n. aad peteoaaily ana p? t-uuiariij 1 ai wkertug aad 1 leanm ewlMmia m . ? .. . 1. ..tas. ni ail un s? ?-luit 111 B**asa ? -1- 1... . 1.1.111M1 w nick I banded '?ui nuitr.ifi.fii ... Hi ? llll ll I ll.ltl'il.a V li. Ill U.i? ?J.... . .11.11 deal Mr. 1 aldWi .1 ?> i? pial .(i.o? tl, all . ,'i.."t"i toil BOt give n?' BOOM t."| ?* o? i. i.e. Hi IblS I I I, I? 1 1111 1 In \ oint u,t a.uii !?? . al I li?' .un," ??' ?a. B . I,?:. \ fill ? u illy, J.i, 1,1 i.Sl. The bltewtag 1? tent keti ?? private aad ?mi -, sal." Al -.i 1 a, M, Aii. I.I -12. Mr llKAR Mil I'I -111 |< ; I ....ii -...-. u al,?, ni s 1,. 1 late iiiai 1 did no 1 retciva >oai ...?i ..... 1 ?. . It was several ?i ?? s nal. w Im u 1 1*1 a mm ? va I ? M M la Boston on a political couiereaea anout l : n 1 in nao ti iin? f ? i>:> t.t to ta re, aad n 1 1 i?ti..?iitit loi ?'n 10 leave beta aaitl aiu. 1 '?. ocean M mday weak, Ito uui 1 will try to m?-?i tun at tut- I'araer ifnaawaa la* IUM ?>) 1 ?nt -? if ?.I ::..? ii. ?l ,?"? 1 ul .n. til I1..1 , i 1.1, , 1.1 bowevet alma .? masara m * n mint 1,1.nt. Yoamytaat rea ban b?-en |?i (?I A ??. ? H lit ? ,1 l| UU? I ?1 1 . .?a?Hill- . n?. u U>ln( to Induce am t.. eomplj witk ?? 1 a ,1 J oil In l?t* Up II UK B ?I ,,"> I ' . a-..unit ?lit tia to? I bave ni 1 ...tliil? I k'a tl I n?? nil m\ id-. 1 ot a .?? i.i? .u? ui, i.ii a -? 1 :.-1 . ? No 1 ? ? ' u ? ? net be m ties t . : ,. m? m tit .11 I BUI, ami II up >'? ? we cannot reeek one, wkj men ?? Itj ntkei m< 11 I 1 ui) liuiguieut I tbai 1 suaU make rvu aa liberal *u ?I . m sctUt m. ut i??.ii you j i"H i '?! 111. ?ill. .I"ls M ,1.1 II 1 I? l-.l t-' I .?? lilt?' 'I - 10 I- "?'? n?.tt- ot ?tin.i-')'' I..-?- u j "u in isi.i .or 1 .1 d.'n.ll- 111.11 yOU Will In. 11.?,I UK W ,'all uu .1. .>.? - , < 1?n nui bou a i.ii b you still bold I at /on Ul nn lot. rt-t. i?..?- i'iiv 1 m.1.n?- one or I 1 1 i<. ouiii .1 11 .1 ...i ?* ul |itra ?' ? 11 i.ii tbls point, loi I lui ml t" Myous id ? ? ;. h n nettle.?i?.! in '????? a It nji I nlliniltl II. I ??iiinii tit as i i?ii ,1 11.1 .?a..?.... 1?. give It II UM ?err n my > uiira, j ?. . \S 111. ? . ,1 -T Mi hi hi.t-.l : I a ill In" ? t.. ?.i ni, e 1 ? ? Lallj limer ? ?i Um ? Irani.wl ,.1 L ?tit i:?? -. irk . I iHMi ??iii | neoi ;? .1 t mock ike roiirtu m A: tan?.is. 1 tnliil. ll ta.ts il.. 1st .,f M ,. n .. -,., ,g? M t-iiis,n..s, I? ( apt II I : I - ? ?t ? lin" 'I, ii-in , . i i i\. font ii i ... tin- i a h. i m, i,, t | i. |t*i ii t.i pej Buy mot ? ? )u?i i ?. ? lu .. i dire? lion, Is ?n- -i? 11 imp? il ?ud pi? d it I ? . ..nal?.? in no -o. l.i.i???? m n?! i i of tbi ?l mine bold by you ?tin ll :,. i u tuld i ?. i '? i" n ; lad lu ? . IIJMltl I e for I I) "n ni ni n-' ' - ll ."" ! I 1.' " ?! 11 ,i ?i : ? :? m, i i ?.i all i? ?,i. s t a.-i || lina ,)n-:eil. "?ii? ?llll 'lu t-. ni" ??it i ? i , ?, , n,i iii I...I .t.?. ai tis sV.i.t mi In laud I II. -t :ii,nl(.- i.'? !. I-, m li.i'i ' Tl"l.i'i'i n i . 1 li.iinls tin Ilia.a?-. ??? '- p 'fi . ?.ii ,?, I . ?v:?i ever] oibei p n y ?? ? ? name I ? im ?! i i n : i ? ?, .. , I i..,! ?? am ?? fl !i"i" I? - ?i"i in I, !? ? . -?? t i I I mi, tin!'?- Is tbe 92 ' "" * bleb I ?m i uinli i ?fin f ni i i all, '"i . . ! uo| ... . M; < . I ?? '. I. i ? li,? amoum, as 1 i?p? ?- I. in t be '? ? , -i j !,'? ?'.llll 111. Ilia -.ll . I ??. .\ na ll i.e .1 a- i|. - - ' ? ' .ill of -.a null I must, in- i? i-. -, loj i I ,i I Hell.".. ?in.? lour. P . ? I ? I III ll V lu Ml C Hi , III/ ll?* I'I?'?1? ll |.all ol it al ..m, .:.'?-'ii i?.t annum steadj . 11 . ? ill .1 .f ? ?I a! I ? m,I 'I *.U1 I . - ?Ml ?! !l. ( I: .1 " M . ?' , .1 ?Il l.ltl .il ?I I .' _,j all? I ni Ultll ?., nil Ml. ? ai l?V? II, ll" it. i ll'IIH ? ... ...? I '?. : i... m in, ?. ? m ii n in ? 01 me lu it ? ti'l t" i).?' m ' ? t ? uu ,''.?? .1 Mir I.II laud bonita In lb? ???!?' lop . aud I bave II. ? i ti ?n ' ? - ? , ,i in, t? , hi ti,?? fin t nf tbi A. lln i? i" >? u Now, I do n ?. i i ? i?, ... .t t i.. .n . i ic I.ils, provide I you bold yuu im r bu ud lo it plan tm m i'lie ?'. "i -I ni lui B - i n i tbe In ? - ? ? ?. \ p .' t in in . ii.d I bate bad la .. util. 1- to III.? ... I 11 ,1 I. '??.ll? I. i . i.i u .m n i -.a nld refer, bul -nt hu? i i-? .ih ?.d? loua? i "'? um ihlnk. ?n i. i i i ? ? , thai n ? fi i be quite -.? i-?- <?: kiml in j 11 ,.i. i.? i . i.. ? . '?. in i i..ii m !,? hup; i ii loa lu the bandmif I isimpli i.-. t lbs i eill nut : ? ?.' a ni Iba I y? i i?. a : obligation* ..i i ill n i Mi s. i-..a. m | ?n ! nn- m -.-i kind regards M Mrs i , ?i, snd m He- ' i..i?'?sioit "i ii.i... n i . i a pit a -al.l and pi ili.ti'ili; loin ol 1..I... . j. (.. i.i uaa. \i.iiit n Pleber, |r., tan, i -I.. ? p\i i: n i tun 01IK1 i? .ms, !!i?t?. is m? ii'i.n.eai, mm Mr. Blaine, in ti i- letter .?c.i * m ? of i a ie i gran) toad* oi Iba i aion i. ? iii? road, fur niiieii i t-iai..?t t? on!, part ewicr, i al.. ia part mine. As i kava Halted eat M amke a perennal et pi Hi It loll, 1 Want to Ilia ,? a lull e tpl fi tl n, i ' < I. . . i?l In ia-ni,if?! Tuom bond* wan set adne, eieept la II ii. i -???' ?i lady, is u m. n.| m? family, Bad aun." nn affaira 1 kava loekedafter lot amaj ,, ,: i (man) gentlemen well knea M wbota I refei wlM Olli lilt 'lii-lll.' III. He ll, tllt'll), llH'l ill, till til? I ? ?. . ii.uiof.Mi .-sautiii-i iii .pi a. pa,.) worth f. boM great bonds nt ih?- i 'until r.iiiiii KaUroad.aa thej aere I i in 1869. Bit* got Mem an what w n railed Ito "-'. tolden* baaia." I Mink It waa a vet] (avomble toaia ea ?? tllt'V disll lltUle.l IIIOS?' lunilla. Illi-.i .-......,?_? ol , lam? great tonda wen obtained ia thai aaj ? In 1871 the Union Padfte Railroad Ootnpenj btoka down, and lie hi? hund?a fell an lint: Iii?. v. ., h n,n i M mats on i lie dollar. Ike was anxious M amke beraelf aafe, and I bad so maek eoafldeace In tlii Port Hmltfa latt'i toada Ikal i prnpaeed t" toi t?. amke aa ai Tin- sil tonda I t In mv I. - imi, and I had previous!) advanead ami ay M tor roc certain pai and told a part of tltem tonde us m arttj f? Mm ad. Vance. '1 lie Ininds, in thai Hilts?-, and ill ( ml seps?? ?mly, ? i. tiili:i? ; liny t?. ie -.a urity foi 111 loan win. n I aiade. in. aere all literally ken? Ikej w. ki all ?mbJ lia .it ?11 In t ai-l?iilllii, Hol one of tin III tot III. . I 111,ike ., ii in, nt ia in n, i to be perfectly fuir. Ifcavaaaw m .ui tint??? i'o letters, tin* abala o? Mem, Tbe Una e and i.?iiinii.. now know all tkma laMthem Ttoy aie ? ' : ti,.i.:i tiny ruin- p .?ni precisely witk Mulllgaa'i r. inoru.idum wklek I aave tora i keep thin aMatoiaa il'im ai ii protection lo mi m if, f'tr It laverj taittahli at sii iv, \ug the Ideality o? tac ra In ever] i There WHS * f?iili.ul at ?-? am-.n | tlm? a , tin ?ana- that was put In evident M Bj M ill t^.m, ol th. pu in n. who toaght little Bock tonda, i only ?refer Mthatto ,1 is I In- -aan in BVI i.v ti pal v, i!li !!, if a ' I already Ml m el'- puliile. II.? al?o I.?..?;!: I M MNM thuiK aamng Mr. Plafcer'a papen atom the Hartkera I'.iciiic Railroad. Tbal ? 11 I ? n ?papera i ?^iU , jut l!n?ln :'!l In. I-' I Mem all _'o. Mr. Hale Dm s tin ahleh I'? . ..i. has iini'ii't i.vt r iverj pap''of t\i.j it.ii what rer tint cum? fi '?m MoUlgaal Mr. liiaiui liteiy wilii.iry "siuhI aad terlmi '.?...." a. Fie 1 ?.(!> Pane. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITIO? THK FINF.-AI?! DBPAKI-DEMT. mmTMBSOAM I'irri uns. | Third WakmnA *PBO_ A BEAff lOllHIMOM.IM ill' TIIK IWWM riui.iiiKi 1-niA, .jtut?* ..?.?it- <**-*_ iiuvi* gi the lu?t i'.ace in our atl.'ti|.te.l ski-Kli of the oiitlin? paiiitiiiL- in Ainei-leii to l.opley l'i.tlier than to li? n|n ss'? -i.ii i- heeaaae Copley r.? ?ils belaaa_i Bsereta s.u.? than Urs Paaaaaaal at tha I .-. al leaaaaai ami tin- <? "niiit. i la(ieorm) III. .Vest svent lo *-_**?i wti? Waa tsvciii.v-.iiie, ?in1 he pniti'c.l all bis aerta al pletaata in ITaihiBd Daalap i In- a_a oM'-'ail to s :ii?-l? (liM'/euiiv lor any si ni .-n .?f WnmY* |M?rtr?i' pala ling aaaaaard before left America, nn.i sv l.?n he tniimt It il WM i.nelv sv? the aeareh. \u* fnsi aahjeeVfleeaeel the aerl thai t lo make Ma faaae wera netaaadh*. Italy, ami Blithe in I'm-'laml. Oapley .?n Hie oilier hand ?II?! mil leave native ?ami iint.l lie sv.?n thirty-six years oht, anil, M bare said, Me style waa ho fatty ianaed Before he i abroad even hU m-kIich hi Italy. ?lili.cMlly ?air. i wroaahl litn.? or aa eaaaaa in it. Me pataud ns i before he left heaMaa in- era ?ii?i. Oa aaofhee s< perhape Weat aBBjr ha allowed (?? have Hat advaataj. pali'ollsm over h,s It,,?;,m cole iiipiuary. Alt Ii.?ii_rl aaaaa irieteerat by aatare, aad eajejrtd aad prised diatlaetleaa ba itae-ved in _fa_rtaH Dreaa Kin.*, (he Chad, ami (he Bebt, mil fa-hlmn s? ...hi ; Btlll, he w.i? ?llivavs kln.l atnl hiit.pit.iMo lo roanlr? iii?-n. :t?i 1 did ?vh it he ? ?i il I. an I it WOt much make them feel that they had a Maid In llii'.'lnml. h "ii"' r in- a - aaeaai in hare basa a ilnaaaat. nhooi abode, wb e everybodi beat IbbmIiib araa asarla s .ii-ttii'ii patalea, aereae, It un-iit aal ba areas ?ajr, bapaaalve, aaaevaleai faahlna i aad ataca Ihn ? ?ni? r bas reearded bla bapaaaataaa or tin- stately inn lajrhlehhe lived whea he Waa rieh ami proapareae ith ir.tii'i'i.i. almost sotena, ataaoeaheiu, Theloagt tory ?I ?? " ' (io'll IhC a | w a -11 i ? 114T !ll?H-?* In 111?' 1" aalte of p__nti_crooaw, ?mi nii.-.i wltb ikelel ami deelama f??r toraa plalaiaai the leiaeti I'mUli t..:?. 1*1) win. ll sve J.isseil to 111?? III? r. !?'-l 'ii.-, the woik-of the |.i ? at tuan'. t?.-n?Ml arery aide ; the patatar blataelf aeatedal ins aaaali Werktag aa kto pletarrel Lear aad Cordelia?eaeb itiini !|.v rem -nil?raaee, ad raedera W i. Igh Dsafa Itghttul ani.i',1.? ?? apb) a 11 n-i-aii Mis aeeeaal at hie . i? (, i, hia moth r, she waa a aattreef Piulad lints,s '_n.i..?i atoo? and ahawaa alwaya ?? arelea Si.ltt.r. Wt ?' re ". i "'!i?ii. hath aa a feverito at Caart a 1*1 hi ,h '?"- . , ?II ! ' ill I .:. I'ii ,|,|l nt alter I.? till, ills ii ?? Re l ,-., _.- ira bta grt al lal leei ?-, u Ihr? w m?>:ii,I hi. |.iii!itiu_?i that p?i a ii. of ?.ii..... ?!r,?ti .'r?'.i:iii so fir (t??'vii I .tr. itu,.f tii.ii. ,n.i pee reata aa ?n ham atetag tt\ tar h'iii"i i" ('?'?-: BTtleta thrin.< Iv? a t?'it lit th? ?*., I been a i la the pi we hum r aa the Aral taw than aha B-eervrd -henease bileU it, i.-Mi i?, lag baui llj ???? ? : treated ??. ef tha p ahmt i "f tha -.?"?:?!, kaa lei ti oflteraptlbte aa i toasted wttk i an .?t' i o''i ? : , ih hi , .? ?i. -. '.. s., kaea that a gn deal kaa i?? ? a ? ii?l ahoal Uto toa ?tala "f art hi Raittai when WeaA tro.I there, Bad n s? it h ?a ?i ad I '? ' ? . i i I III ; ??.It tint I? . ? ;! . al) m- -t itltii. II ' t al '?'? Mata, la?- staple trata i-, tk \? s In ;ht i.f In r fl ?? ? lu l.n.-i mil al ?h .- 'h Mi.r'i' !;? i ? -' !?- a OU CM ? . ? a ii.i-.ii ik and i -ii. lo un ' BBBtea, were alt aura aad workh i ? ?'. h ? i,, :.. i i ? i Copley1 ' ??? mporaaeoo 11 t? lea id been m? athe tad l to "? ai i ? toa a otto It Iahe aaased to lha ??-?-iiml tank .???ni'.i inr Veal . ' .nu t.? be |od ?ed sathe e ?The all ??? ??? thtag .?!? "it In- I ia. .1 |0 -l. i l 1. i ?. ', ' I , . k, two ai eat eel , m Ai ??,,,., t th ? m ? ? i '? - liar ap theti a ate ' t. . |., la ? ' ? ?..rl.l ?'? I ' b paiBted, aad for ?? ?n? ? i A ? . ?I.l . I.II- , 'MM ;.' nee, no i- i to i?- ,?-i? reel equality bet? . ? imp . ,| .. i. as ii mir ?la?. the dull I ? 11 ? i - .:, i :. ta palatera and a - r i ?.-?i m -, i, ata, ?i- ? i 'I-. ". ? lll.'l ?? ! I of lal ' i ' ? iml iM.i.m? i? ; .f Mi ?. '? i 11 ? ! ? ? ?, aad Maat, Ba i Bai at lout i aad I -'. Ill.I . ? HI '- I,,,,, \\. -I ?A.,, u,, |,t.,i Df tl i . ti-,-i,.- folk ??i Ractoad ?i- II it? t ?. ? ?ta .n aestls n . m? "f tk in Ml; Jusi ? sIhiuI ii .\ Jon, how b pic torea ta I. u _u i he raited them ' . n i Im i. .n ?n m-, ?? I) n'.r i-" aad the ? I ,a.l (Jog an I M l: ??? III all 'Il ' lises, Ui i ....t bo ? he im ' ? I hem, and b?i s th. ??, i ;,i last ited on n A tk ? ; boa W ? ii, tied hi"i. aad bow l??- au III treated bj i. .1?. i irii . r th ? ?? ? ? i " i- i ??' ' ? h? il .t loi .! u -I SS. -I I . i ?? I. uln Weal -h.fll. ed and mad i laad dowi red * lib Ht. m,?,is'i i , ia starred, and aaa n- li ? .? d, aad drirefl to ?i ,-? ratloo. Veal a? re a had is ii.?.'in!!'-, aad ts.M _4j kaoara now aad adratti that lia -'"i? ia an artist dea nred all Ibe di ' t be Mif t. i.,i lie aaa i i ,t s? ? ? i? ?? : tail ' inn?; ami ?n-i i in !?? ?? writer, il?ii h?- palBteil . il h i-l mil .il? .?-nil '- ? lia-.e. ,.f I f. v. ,, n lin il maker's ten aptril ?r.trntloa aad tnitb-ti?lllna was quenched Tk dUEeraaee lay eolely la the man Ifeatwaa finiii tin ni ?t ?t in.?u to 'a??.I by pi'-i-in-. by aecept? to i bj tr- lungeren bo is ,.ii,|.?.? thai voalilata in. Bi laitetadlhe King ainlth.? K sal 1 .mil'i. h- llill.i.'l 'a. n ?!?>. -, h? ti.itieitii the to i?? ?. Hi art a beadeoaM, s?, n favored, ?-..ui ii>, m n.m?-, Impassive, Imperturbable Qaaker, aad h.? v. is always all that, bo far aa we eaa BMtte oat, froa. the tlaae he waa ihaby. Itfedoaot aseaa loaaj i??- wa? i.DUrb ba-aldea. but every bod] ??ia, ,. Heul ipee u? ni ??f ins ?i??'i, i ai ii.. i.m-.'i ladtba \i . i. m.? h i??? h.nt in th- Kxbibltl. everybody wha i-in-h le tha Philadelphia A..ol ,,i aeea hl i "Chi ai i;? i ? teil," hm?! hu ? i) ?ti? .?n t_?? i*.!?' ii,.i-.-," <?r wbe bare la -..?ik tu,us lut,. lypher*a < n toolli *.iup la Hi ?] ? i-, and looks al tin exeellfol -i" .mi bj hia. t?tere, M1 be Heaarieetlua af Cbriat," abe? he la araa al bis i??-??', all? a'tmii that hla iaeeeaa aaaM aol bave ? obm ,..!. I.? Iiaiin lila |>lct n i .i. in .nil pal. f? ?mi lu? lu ninei . lo? iieii" ?? mo matter li" mu. k "f U ss o |, md, above all? treat hta aafaillag laet. moota. i ?. ... -a? ???ma in m? bolea a pbeaoaa aoa aa ., i i hora, ma m ele. aad asada mf all plaeea ia the w.iihli lu Au-? rl?a, in lin- I uni ?>r tin- r ?I Imtini?! I''t? baps Halt's foollah no? <>r h on did aaa thlag ? it h im llea , u i , ? u im 1.1 m a i inn (tii-x. |i?'cm -lositi aad keep It alive jiieut hlamlnmilnaahere Itereai da ?i.i "i le ? ud .-..Ml SS ? t s n.une .i i Mnul nul.? PBTtlj .li??|?e? Bed III OUT ? lay. Hut it WOald be ?sion :lii-.' W? -t to give the liul'H K-i??n Mint i?? l?pala waa an aadeeeive4 Hlarepateaaa palBterwaa ladeedhaUl sa very saad) loaadatloas, bal .in n in hi in? Kim? praat at aa little percept.tad at gaelly.aad ha in eeiialaly aaa at tha Basal maarkabla . ...i i, ??s kaowa la aa af a aatlve bi i lada fat art, hera iiml develop) .1 in a aocletj s? h? ra ti??-t?? a a- ao mal f"i' u i.? apriag fnaa, aad aa lam ui a? ?? by vhlehtteoahl -i , tioii_?ls im- li<.iiil-h?-.l. JBIfBa "'i? fesv ht.,lie. t..|(| of the BOgIlillllifs'S of fiimoils artists thai an worthy ..r retaemhraai t either f"i their luliiiisi. charm Of for llulr bull? niualily. the sl'uy af v.?-!'- th i att<*iiipti at paiatlag in werthj t?> he laid alwaya with thai af OloMa diawlag his aheep with a Ml of ?l "in B|MM i? i... k, or Dial of Til'.in BiafclBg hi* Bolora "in ot i in- azaraaaedjul? a ?>i wild lowaa?. VTe ara in ,,i Hi. i' i" '.?.re lha aga ??r aevea the child waa left la barge ol the baby while nis pareata w.-r.? geaa t" BMea in:', a 11? i thai in- aaaaaad hhaeelf with drawtag lha hahj _ pictUir ssilh a Inns.i m ??te of hall? pill tgeA fi.inilli. bonao ral'a tall aad eelera anda hy salting ehareeal ;ni,l .Mi. li with tha Juki- of lii-rric??. W?? un? also told thai arhea hla pat?ala eaaM totta than aaea_. i i . the Ilk? liens of lltil" Sally, and Were |i|"il'l ?it Hill?' Bea'a perforai m.-e. Ilia call ta ezpreaa hla ? if ?.it h hat .? ?i it.igh, nad he obeyed U aagoiatlualag i ith a aohla ooaataaey. Bat the ?trouble to t?he! lha ,,-ir he had la azptaai wot a tell that eoald aevec ha lha i,. m 11 i mi, :.., . : ?-i "f aaytblag thai da , -, j tin- uaiaa af *t\ a| alL II laid lad .1" .??"! H to, ?s.,-1 mil;.!? have aiPteaaed bin II quite aa ?a*-, aad .1? nui? h to ?in ol.a.i'.i: ?? 'S Ith hla l"ii us he ?lid ss'lh hi. pencil, llio ?.m m fact a llltiaiy uilud, oud his takut was sn executive, business talent. lie al?ow.?l what he was to be In the first m .'A tm recorded In that MMrfBg story which N-lls how he was invited on a certain half -holiday '<> ga iMMg witba schoolmate. He was ssked to ?gMapbehind Me iclvei-of lln-iiivlfatlnn. but h? fl.-itlv refu-'ol tni'dc Nv hlnd atiyinitl' . ami th? meek (.?nailer selioiiliii.ii? nave way and let Wed hohl tin* reins. "This Is th?- Mel lune I shall ride," said the liny, "for to-morrow I am to tv* 'pr.-ntit-etI to a tailor." " What," said in? fu? ture (.'on-t paint -r to Dag li?', " what, are you real'y jrotng to Imi a tailorV ' Tee," said tin- oliii r, ' ami what are you ffaMg to It?-'' "1." said Hen, " a ?i iroliiit to tie a painter." "A paMMfl Wi. at Is ihat I That It? a trade I never heard of," "A paint.-i." mid West, " Is tin- eonipaulun uf kin.'? i'i ' empenta I Hut do you really mean u? is? aMIIerf1 " Indeed i da." "Then stop, ami let aa down, tm i wBt Btitm ti le with eae who is w 11<imr to M a tailor !" Wt> knew kOW 9tat had his Wiefe, How In.? fli-i nt. r vlew in It ilt was with a Cardinal, who stowed Wat tin Apollo I'.el .i-ilcif, when W? si m.iale Mai ttrMMgerltleteai that Mewed Mi haffgM and hi? imi- pamteaea " Hi like a yeaag iMhnwk amilml" Hew iu Bagtaad, Mi Mead of t a Mag ilamet hat eooasalor ha emsmragnd the kin-w-'* love of art, und was in fart (lie real cans?- of the Ai.i'l'tii?. r.nd , the ffiiiidfi' of tin? National Calory. How va In ll In saw Napoletili M ll said to have had (he linldm-ss to n-c'ii mend to liiin the e.ainp'e of V. a MMgMff ! Am! tin illy how in?, a ama wtttoM ImagMattoe, without enttarn. and ulinost we wonileiliiL'ly tiiink without tasle, iii.kI? Ml tlrst li'ioic step in the diicitiiui of tiuth to nature iin?l lot ally to ?-?iiiinoii Hen?.- in tin ti-? atmeiit ?.r klaterlt to^feeto that hau keen as leyally follftveil i-vi t- -ime in l-_ii_cl ml. and that was foil I v.? I al u later day in frame. His " Heath of Wolle," tt)?- pit? it? to oui- lAiiiiiiiioii by Ma Qaeea_waa Ma trtt lllliil? 111 hintoliilll plttllli- of note III Winch Uli- were portrayed dreeeed M the eeetoan of theli own tiini. ami nation. I!, a rev ? ..? fee wklck. If are tod aeMing aim M UmakWeal tor, tm ?.w?- in in kearty gratttmle, bal after OB It leenly a earn filliiittoii t" liti-rnfure, and has m> relation whatever to Art. A graal ?ntl-t w..ul l M day turn all our in?! in.lie us adiiiln-a Battle of ?i'-tt.l slim g fun .-lit by n tt liirlwiml of iff'nleii ami s'.nrthy nalinl In if s, '?vet, thiui.'h mama stooold rebel and UaaM toaaty ahaaM M iii'iveu m leak at It Mreagk tha etleka al Mr Ma. . ?. CERTEMNIAL Tories. It ?h tbooght thai Philadelphia will witness aa the 3d of Jal] Megreateal amatar of eld aoldien dam tin-iniii lus.mi of the Wiir.> p sal of iln-(i, A. K. s? ill M lepie?euted. Me*ton atnl Watts are two <' .Ltd. .?a. ?There is to lie a crninl " I.a Cinss?" tournament in Philadelphia ti? I w.-t-ii a eltilt of 11 picked play? i s ? i ?mi I In? ln?|tiatis Indians, ami an c.pial nimiln-r of ('tund?an < Ki nil? in- ii. I ? |ia N'???.? niui has arrl-.i-il from ttau l-'liiliclsco v PI?. a cil nip of 0.000 Uve all net am -I'lie on.iiitil coat of .lim? which liuiiif in theion ?ita t? m a - ? iiiiiiv ?ver tin Bpeakaiai 'ie?k at Me that et Ito l'?s larattoa of Independence ?ul bo placed Mil week in the ( ?iiim? tumi boildlng. ?a j ip.uii n. knaam tot tit? mat af gee_ win to epem ?i 11,.s w<< k. ^Por " Wim l\iy t',. BUll" nt ?A. ruf ?ii?e.) kfOBBWN NBWS. MEXICAN Mi AI us. nil IV.I'iilil.Ms 101 KAI I l> - OWM, OOtTOM AI I MOI Ali Ulf. II _v.\ ., Jane <'..?'Ilic Eagllah nafl itoainfv tot arrived tren Wen < ru/, and altor Mealean pena lollewlag latolligaeMM : ?ii? ?o m?, m u, m ?y iii? im- event* td MepaMtwe ????it? bave all bean M favoi oi Ito (Mvaramen t. and la ,,,, iti nt. in.,'. .ippif tchlllK' faillite ol lln 1? v fi.,tn.ii. Tbe Insurgents kava mffared n sad ttotr ayaapoMlaenan mpldlydecrcM ? (,.-ii ('..into?, -?ho w.i* a l?r ?oti.-r. I: is l.r..?- I ? -,.?!. u i laani d ? pronunclamento, i i nt? til i 11.-. - mi i vi Hi lie li'. tint if In rt ,, , . , f |?. |;l0 t.ll \ n HP . Kit -i V i .h m lia- also i i reit h i 11 pro an in im nean i udutbin. f - ?. . .. i i. .?? ?i i .?:?i ai?? Me pi . ulm ul if lbs '????? ? i nine ti I p irtj. and Dial and i 0 'it the r '. "Il' ?n ? v p.ii ty. Pi i .... ia I lie folio ?? m _- ., . i. ? i " ? i ? ? :???? m?- ? ? m.I to elect PonrtB and Flfib M Utintcsof Ibedup l m. B ml eleclti s ? ? " bll, a ? I t of tin lb public. I lie pi i' li u m . , i: ? : ... will t ike ; I .? ? i." i ' ' ndttr] elections ou tin? ?? s,.a,lay m Jin-.. I-T?> lili: METROPOLITAN BANK OP MONTREAL. M -mi:im, June 6.?The Metropolitan ?Bank af Montreal Is In difficulty, it is imposed M red? ? tbe t "in'-1 n ?a 11ti f m?- i.i.n r ii .nk. - - . ? f? . I a - mint iii.? dim :. . , . ?.y i. Ira el Q u ? ?, ato clmaM $10y000 damtgia U> lu- being ?lettivt 1 m'o lint in ,* the nt... W nf il.? nn?! ' latorj documents Issued by Me Board of U ? ? i??i - il also ?. ? - : ii director* wit b appi ? Uu bauk'a mom ? to ii. ?. own aaa TURKEY AND THE GREAT TOWER?. s p I'i. i r i; s ia pa, I u- -?.lay, .In in- (i, l->7)i. It ??t believed hen thai aa understanding imi. be arrived al ??itii Ito treaty Pawn* toMn Batata takee any etep relative to I'm ki j. ( .issi iMiMiii.i , I lies.I iv, June g, ltTfl. It Is said that Me Porte baa consented M grant Ma la turgente an armistice of -it wot .? tot aegotlattooa AI'I'IIAIIAM I i'i I ?111 I'i Al' IDI IAN. i ? Vi ?uni diapateh el ?/?r tkmilgKtna nav* aa ay ? witness reporta that ?Aala waa found naked, ball ou n conch beton a window. is termed an tbongk be bad bled to deaM la fall rico ?.f Ma tea. Blood was ipattered arenad aa the leer, Wi tren ibown a pair of seissors ton centimetres lun^, and ais.? t lits heuealli the lliu.-i In ml of lie a. in. in -i l.\ I i\? RSAP1 I "I! Will. The IMmB Vie an.? tl ill savs : A Hi nil -'i In? niai i lia ni Dial Ik* I'I It:.f M?. ' ti tl.-," ? ? bad imiiu? <i Bann Kodich ol ih>? coueliudoa >>< an anee in?.n ? u llouteuegio, sei?,a. Roumanie, aal .i ?? prove* tutall) unfounded, Il n. .?finia n, re and non evident l bal B \ii m grilling Into ?er. The rurkUk to ?- ; i.? .re been reduced to-?7,000 niou in ? ??t. - ipi-ll. .? ? : lets I.lilt".I? I.t in. ?ill In ?pi il lln- Iii-, . I. .Ill i fin -t?, m ot- now under arme according m Me tow? .i ? -limai?- numb i fft.000, lilt lit ??US AKMV MllVIVU. I'tlil-, Wttdneeday, June 7, l*?7il. 'lln- larltltc report* lit.n Ha l.iin.siali ai luv ,?. iiiani. iii.t?!'. (mu 1er. ?'beu n arrive*at I'miu, lbs ---?i ? i m- vtlil Bon nn me iio.iiliti's. Tu.? Ornad Vltiet Ihm i- aad ? letterdaakaiagi "Tin? Putt* accords toll amaeatj to aU htaargeata wke will nil. r tin-ir mbmleak eu Togin Mem tune to de Mia Ma Silllan ?.'ranis a nix \\. i-'.s'ai iin?tlee BUbfeel t.i in?i. in? ut -, m ceaaarj to amintala Ma aoaeeattatlea af troopt ai? i ii.? ret letoallng of Kit -if." the above baa been communicated i" the Dae lioca/a ?. Mini 1er of I uruiga again. P0RBI0M N0TR& HaTAVAi .Iuiic i?. -I'iiilio || t'o., import?r-? of Jerked beef, tailed to-day. 'I.hii llalilllttoa an- evei -fil.-UN).IHK). M.\i.i:ii), Jimp I'..?Ad. ?ciw from RoUM IffJ thai I I.t- piospia t of an uiidei.-l sndMg totWWB >p.?n. and tin- \,lin ?n i- good. LomdoVi Jonc 7.?A diapatcb to 'The Post Ilntii l'a r 1.11 sain Ilia! I'i iiiee Ha .-an, -on nf I he gkedlVS ?i i .\ ..t. h an r. al| nid in- i finiiii.-.iiiii in Me i'i ii-i-i.tii m .?iv. lie goes to Kgypt, when be will M nada Minu? te) of War. .N!\i.itn>, .Itine t?.? The ?Pr?mier tayn tlitt, i?*Alll_; I? Hi?' Hate of polili. al parues lu i-p.uu, tin? (i, \ eriin,em in iim.mis (in- lu-ut to aaapcad ?Me eenaHM. anaraateea Be says ab? Mal a reduction ol ?Tu,..(?i,out? ?tdi n.- m.iah- m ni?- m. i Kit i y expans?e., .lune (?.-In coiix (|ii( ne? of tin* Juduiin in ot a Ho uu li court. I'l'ince Hisin.inlt, as Chan l. I Im, Ml isn.letl a llfl III? :.1 pl'.lllll?! I Bg U'V tWO H.ll ? the circulation la Ueiiuun.! id Ibe Vordanteriea, Mu weekly edition of the Phtladelpkut Ttlktkielt, BUHlHEffil N'H'l'" UV il LC0RAPB. 'I'?!- "N. Ma-.. Jnne 0. Hie tVhittmaoo >lilU UIr ,:,,,.!,,..!,. i , a .1.1.??. i .10 lau.? MMg (lull tln-y luay 11..I ?. uni 11- won, liiiiMn ti, V...Into ? i'?. The completion of the third ra.miw gu?gt mi. te to Pldlatlelphl , bj the Erlesnd I.? iilgll \ ?.la) 1.....:-,^-"" ll ial'?ll"'l.i> SJ lal 1 I|air slall. BoffTOM. Jnne 6. Tha Atlantic Connu Mill*? will , ?,. ,,[...( m, n.. m ?f ? ? '..ii ...1. lit T'a ilt SU ato |et'__,M?0. ?emmtaaben on? auiouuiarv WASHINGTON. ? ?-?? BSCTUL OF TER kksi'MPTION a< T At'fl' t OK Tim IIDI'SK? PF. M OCR ATM LOOK I NU TO A fflTflfi within thirty p?yc. fHT Tl.l._.'.K_aI*ii TO tub TRUTHS. | WdWIMr-IHHaj, June G.-Tbe House to-day i snieiiileil Ihatfalaa so a? to allow the Raoking and Cnneney Cuuinittt??e t?> report at any MOM any ? lull pwlatif to MM cuir.-n?-y. 1 his new rule was a-1? ? ?i n|mu m ?in. li_-t Detnocratio caucus und la ??util. I.v ? i-atu-iH trick. It shows that flio Demo cral:<? I) 11-d-uioticy nn-n have either surrendered to the inflation Bin**" of their party, or have not the j eaarafwlaiaatattt. 'Ih<> e__aj__i at win? h tiiis new j rule witH aitrce.l np?in was for tho choice of a new ft.Nirk. (-??-r. Miniy Democrats ?sonsefjiiently main? fniiKsl that it litvi no jurisdiction over finance, but : the rule waa i_.T"?"l t?) in I-ourus and adopted in the Hoits.? f?i-d,iy almost l?y a party vot-e. The nmler Btaudi-_ la tliat the Hanking and Cum-m-y Corn iniiteebaaagreedto yield Ira caucus dietatiaa and to aaraatl a i>iil to i>e volai u[K?n which shall pro ciiii- f"i the uncouditioii.'tl rt*|)eaJ of tho tjk-cie Ke 8Uiii|ii!-i!i mtt\ Mr, I -OS, ( liainnan of flic Conimitteo, a pronounced hanl-'iioiK-y mail, r??c?*!itly declare?! in the pr.-sence of Hcvi-ral |)C?)|>lo that lie would consent fo have the bill riKirt??d. The hanl-iiioiK'y Democrats justify tin ir oaaaaaaa tha tronad that it ni right that the vo ?e of the majority should ho heard. It, has been ?liiiui'il that du? inujoriry of the C'lminiffce was for hard money. Iu the early part of the .session, it is true that posxilily there was one nmjoiity for hanl nioiu-y, but now one of the hanl t-ioiii-y men is alisont on an invotk'.-iting ('oiiiuiitt.'.', and two of the others, Mesur*?. Cox and I'n.i mi, h;i\e either c?uis-uted pro far*** to report tin? lull or have yielded tli -ir convictions to the in Rationieta. It is aotawoithy that Mr. i'ayne has very ??msuii-ialily iiio<liti-1 his hatd mnOBf views. Tli?' new nil*- wn oppoa I by the Republtoaa laaaV Bfa of tha lionne as an unjnatMI-ble innovation and an a ivratit of *p<v' power to 'he Bonking and Cur? ren? s Ciiiiirnittce wtii'li ?i?"> other eoauntttee has. Th. r? |.??rtiiii? of the lull is eQUfaakat to ira pas riuf-. M the three test s?)t?-s svliieli have already '?<?? ? taken under motion)? to BBapead 'lie rule? indi ca'' lliiit tlioee who favor tl?- repeal of the i**[iecie I'-'on ,-ict ;ire c?)tisi;|eral)Iy in ?re tliau a niajor ?y. While the i*i'!iir,il onddtotondlog is that the iiil?i|.']iin of til?*, new rule is a tiiuinnh of the intliitioi'ii?t-i, it was noted a? a B_f __f fact thai Judga _TalM_r appaaai it, but pukBakkp his ?lesir.? lo have a vote upon his pet RjRS scheme in eoan atlaa **? i 111 the rei>e..i of lha Beeaaipttea aal I which bedeahrea svill ?-xpLiin VapaaMan, Haven? I thehwa Mr. Keliey insisted that the new rule would ;i? , | i a helliah hrood of lull* to come into the Houaa, 'Hie door ?Mag apea it i? .-vide it that the P'-tnocriiis int?-n?l to report the bill iiom (lie Co;iiniirt?*e under this rule and for??? a passa??) under the previous ?lueetion wilh.mi allowing the Republican minority an op |n?!t mity for ?lel.iite. 'i lie country tllilV <"'>?ct to .??<? til Houee repeal the raeuarptlea act wUUbM ?li. .. llic I'rohai'iiity that the Hank i ng aid Cur ten? | i ?nuillittea lia* mnEBSt to r<-|>< al --u? h a hill ia ???uii.ri'ie?) from the fact that tho \\ays ami Means ('?m,unir?'?', early ia tha ??-ssion, was inv? steil with rlit? inn-diction over all (|ti?'??tioiis relating to tho i greenback eaisanej. 'Hie rcbolutrou wa? adopted ; t : ' ; nays, i>7. All? IIS Of TIM'. PACIFIC HAII.HOAD9. "I'\ n i- Of 8KITI.KMI NT PKOP()_>l?l- WIIII THB <;o. nimm lur nunnai ? r?? tub TRiBnsr.l \V A si IN',TON, ?Illlie ().?TIlO I'iU'iti?- I'lilroftda : :? da. lulimitted t?> lha House JfadMary '?? -imltteea BOB |.!.-.,,.itinti aa a liasii of settle:! cut of th" ?i fTer ? ?- i, .?in tin? read, and the Oevareaaeat. Tue i?,"!?' ama ?.?.:?? sabaaltted t?y (.'. P. HuaUagtea oa ?f tha ("entrai I'.t. iflc BaUiuad <'otnpany, f Mr. Iullou ?m behalf of the Union 1: illi-oad Co!i?i'.'iny, It is In lieu of ms iifT-rn f ,r settlement, a*ul with i.- ;.r-? ["??.?1 that !!t? (ii'vernmciK s'iall laaaffU i tin !,?>?l-?a |?oi!i??a of tti.-lr land -.'iit'it st B ? ?a of SB 50 per aase ha BB?hnanl aaaattty i? form . -run.? Iui',1 af l"..i. iti.ooil, utnt in-il?. s I li?'?lirect p-.i?' -.ti, ii ?a? h ??f the eaaapaatea ahall pay to tiie ... ,,i i0OO?OOO pea .iiiitiim fur Hi.' ui m of 10 reara, tad after tha expirattoa of lOyaacalheaaaaafl - ' | < ; mi mi :ui. Minm ih?- satire tadebtedaeae of the ., s m the (?.?r,-' ii:.i at is ii()iii(iai?-ii. Tl,.- propoeed aai aal pal ne-ut? ure to t?? m Hea of the ils.- t ? ??? nt of nef. ..i ?, i.. .mI oilier l uni? af tac QoV" tost the eoBtpaaiea on aeeeaatef bonds. Inter? at, ?*. .. aader axtatlao i.?sv. All sum- n,?\? ,iue the mi.?-nt from the co'iip.iny tlit'.v aurce shall be con i a part of tha ?lebt ?aa lha Oaaaan? tu nt "ii tliii [M)i!l?,ii of the cts'in of (he Uov t. xno prapoalttoa odhn to pay int?*reat ? !?? of (> pet cent !'<r atiantn ntitil thla portion of in? m m i.i.ii'rs.. ahall Im ll^aMaaad, IhaOMapaolai aal .'?' un- liovcriiiii? nt tha I txtmuu) lha land .?ranted ni-m ' ,ai. i ?-.-.? ?-, territorial? aad ?naaWpal ?.nation, aaethe title hall iciuaiuiii the s.osciuuient .?, i?J i'.? tha com?' latea, C0EBUPTI0N IN LOUISIANA. a i" ' ?CI.tkii's OOMPaOMra Will tUY QOTBNBP si i-iilK 0OMMITTM ?)N TiiK l in? I o? A* ? i ?i m ?ron ah sin?t ciBBt. \. \s -Oi:i.r.ans, Juin- Ci.?Before tho Con .?I i oininlllee I" laj, C Ali, n W, l.?is>cll, ei> I*,.-!,i.. I. r. ?s lio was ;i .lei.iulter for a larga am mut In i Bed that tiiesu-.a af 914,800had beearalaed by tu? turettee and othen as a ?espcatnlee ? ia tie ? .?., i n:.n m larB7JB0B, aai own ay- thequletaa,dated .Inn ? -'I, 1-71. ami s; i ? I ?\ Hie An,lit.?r of the ti.a-iuy. lins in?.i:<*\ it; ? ? ?ter lo l'on-ressmau i i .n.- \i.y, ?Mio c.iiKiiiii.ii the ;?. ju-ii?i?'M m Wa-ii luftton. 11?'- li-stiinonv o? till ? i-? ':-- ' , ' In Ii-mhI (?rove that a i ?? : sum oi m.m. ? waa releed iiuu ia _paalflafl '.,? 11??- a , i le of lha I'niiii'i.Mu.-?'. Beveral wttaeaa ? were i .i..-?i, bIm leatHed lb it darlaaj i :?? ?.? mi;i:i ,_.ii i?r is7_; in.ii.i-y waa paid us persons la lha I i: ., aliase to |lelsoUs Wll" itlll lit) ill VI' ?? f,' I lie (J, ? ? m rural, rue Chalrtaaaef lha Oaanalttaa raeelvaddN foUowlag iWapatahi J ,?-|?<i(iNVIi I l^. Fin., June ?. Wni.'r. ("?ill.'i'lor. Kes W.'v. i, u toi Wsstiiiiatua to eoosu i ??'? uihe Preei?icai .?'.il Secretar) lonl-uioa to ?i.v. lie liar, a prtVBte e.-fi "1 11- np"rt III. illli-Mll I In' ? is Hip i ? -ill 1)/ ? , ? , .iitweii. Wicker has ofteu i, . :, nod te liuiuis.i is? t aad tin? lifpartiiii nt iieni ?u-i *lr?ka lion prudiu c cn|.v. ? \ Pi ?in. Wkkci ai live.i ?m Tata lay aad has t., ,i aal peiiaad by i Cominlttee. He ?ill prakaaly laatUy aa I .i'..-.t-y. I ,(? i. -.-in.iii SI,? Mon siad callcl ami ?\ a-, ii'il n la? ll? ?< i<> nu ntlag ? ..-it. I'uitiT, (?en. Babeo,--, t nllictor ? we, i ff aehlnatoa, aad din bbbIbq lha appetatawal ef laaDieti ?t.iuii-? altar tha (anata f.?ii<.i to cou? iiuu i . i i i ? aaa a eappertet af the latter, aad ? i?i, - ..i i,!i uiuiie iiuu ? n ?n,'< in? aappert la tux -v at iva ou.. .--..?? .ii?n declined to i? stiii <o cen a ?,i,s?i? ??-m. ? w? ?m the subject af the Judge?hip ?o far aa i .,,.it,. in...i ;?,-!-"i-. ?,,..-. i lined. U. E. Army, appeared before tho , , .uni im ,,M- a -ta!, in lit dein IBB the chili:?* if Inin.-ii in Ui ux.tiusl bim bj Mr. BV-elye m Was mart on. He lie,i in-,l <eal n? ? l?e oil, l?'?l Iiuu I lie In,j,,,,Hol lie .nt i !??? ??ni .i ?. n ?m truoua ?t cert.? n i.twaa la ? i.. i:,-i,ui,i. fula ??... ni the rail ?if li?71. ?. m n i no ??rn.--bao 11.n.tiMi of the i-"?i al si. .uto,-, riii ?.po n, Barst fui iHilitleal purpueei., and llrwl ri-lii?ad ie.|,it?>i. He ai.-o t, -.titled nu n Mr. Mot?, y ...? (in- .?ui. a?'.. UtlUaTT* ol tile |ir>-, in??' ol lioop? ., pullt?9Bl ?ii ?'. .???:?? ?? una ii t.ii?v ?vil? st-il. TBLB?RAPUfC NoiKH. HdT'N, June C. I I,, v arc still Dlll?ttdlUf tlie ?'. I??K nl the (iiuu al ltt?nl s?K)U lio ?lu?a. I IS -i.l Ih? ?sit t k al ai m si ?, <;.i.r jun<- ?!. i:\-(i?)v. Bullock left hero tl moon fui \, ? hi? n? artll retara iu tbe >.?iitt> ....- i iu? iluIk un? in* a_alaal iiuu. M._M< . r. tk B. H.? June 6, Tharava e* of tho , ., i,:? : lien aed la aajolnteg tewaa ? ibu? u UP] Uli ,.l?" "S .-all?.' IM. t?.i oi *, U. V., .Mine ?i.-Tlu* threatened Ulrike in I). ? | .n Mills lias tM?B s, !i leil, Hie ciiul,",? ? in.? e_itiua *,__ 11,:., i iioa nl 0 jit-r cent ?nl .tli icturiiliiii l?i >s ork. l.i.sitK. Jona ?>? m Maaaoo Pari, to-day two mera nan twtled, vlai it nlaeta ?._- for *joo, ??m- er. chria t, . n M-...,-.1...-!' ,;.,t _.__ ci*??, loi ?l.v'iii., ?maaa T. A. Ui 'l.iu S?, la.-?'*. '?.'i7S.