Newspaper Page Text
quick pnoaOfO of u bill to rc**>( nl the net I unid. ?bt n.ilioii Ii..? plodfird It* IT t-> NMI opaeio payment?, in 1879. The postponement of tho Pf-flfllOp imp-a'*' i nn nt trial wat. ?i niuaaJtj oi the ?Denote it tl ? more Important wori. befen i' woo u> bc-doi | at ril. I'h?! (Ihm- ,vh? ii it is ntepOOOi ko tol Usiiiiioiiv in the 11 ?nl?,Fuly t>? ni;i\ bl i I fOrdod ta iii(lic.itii):: tin- intention to iidj'ii ?Congren before the M?tional holiday, hh?I hold oo extra Bfloakm o? dio Soi.uUs tos ti imp.-?*? iiiiK-iit alone. The avengo Yeahee who visit?. Pbfludelp tlii? Si'iinnr r?i|iiiic? inloi imili m on tv iHiti.ts: "What doea tin* Exhibition oootf hi " Who ?'is- tin- hills T" It lie doea not get i fuisuer Ik is unhappy. Tin? ladies an* n m??oanHj credited with I gefoloo for figOTO l?nt tint Woman's Depaitiiiont ti;?;-* liiai.p I oonro?_-o_a %a attempt] to eohre thoao pro-lea that sir i_l idly rcproduco the KOOltO of it?-* ii reetigationo. Inapootof Vnnd'-s i, having been atatt o* bj ilio Indian Burean to look ?fter Um Ri (loud an.! Bpottod Tail Ageaoleo. on 11 arrivai ut ChiIJOUO fil put in charge of tl notorio.w Indian contra? toi, ?Mi-l'unii. As Datant! n-snll, Mi*. Vandevcr, a tm tnivi-liii tO und from the A?fe*OC?ei in wich c.'tii| aiiv, prepurod to report thai Bed Cloud. IikIi.h arc p. ,!(?. .ililc, and that the ODOnttioM O? tl War l?i-?i;?i'?iiiont in region aie all wioiij Ticf-i.'i i tlie ndiiri ss of the proeiding ofllee l>r. BeOowat short? i apocrchca from \\ m. Calle l?r.vanf. Ilnyor WieMMuo and othon gin ir t( COOt ii'.i.l eolal to .. a-sii'iday'fi piOCO.-___? i tlio Piis.iji Baform Conmiioa Bimnltnneuoel with tbooe H?-M.?io"i* tli" I.<-<*-i.lntive (oinnii.-in to lofOO-tifnte the ,*?tiiUi prison.* of N? w-Yoi lia? abOiPU) its work at Stag Bta*_*< '1 lire \vi be a good opix.ituuity lor compering them With pOQOtico. T!.<* NW-Yoik ?Befan Club loot night di elnnd for Mi. Driototr. This WUI in tho jila ?it the date of its or,'ran?7,ation. thonoli it iron I not Men to have been known to ull of tli iiHiniiciv, .ind i*, roeented by aomo of then Mr. K.lliot C. ( ?isM?n from th I Club in oouoocjnesee. and a lew gentlemen i lia? nie?!ni-.*" vot .1 niraiiist the ie-oliium Tkere ?? no donbt, bow?**** i, that the majorii of tin* ('lui?, ?nul ?-pi,'ally o? ils n,.?n OgeT OTO wi'imls for RrietOW. They rtiilu.u??? atiDi of tho seis lxst olooaonta iu the Bepublico party In thia city. The aoldiera of the Army of tho ?Potoma held thiit annual in. ? -liiifr \t ?U rda.i in l'hila delphio. The oration is,is delivered bj <>?-n John A. 1 >tx, and tin- poem by Mr. Wilii.i Winter. The lottert which wo puMioli entir his morninir, io not limply the watts of th -il??nt bntth -held Ottd ? i-ini'Uiii'f? : ii is?.'it'll; the voice of the Am. ii< .in ,'coph-, in tni* BOO sou oi i?-.n? ful and oimll.? deaitn to bnrj On Mttemeaa of the l'ait, it boa tho aolemi awectneooo#?on nnthem breathing tbe i"?"n dilation purebnoed bj denth, ond ihe i adei oeao which i* DOTer oboenl bom tin?- beroiaiu There conld have been no more fitting otter mice for the : it tvil) Im- rood I?) thoueanda, nith ntroiotcnMl eyea ond "wttanetl b?nit-, Qen. Dix opproprrhrtelj reriewed Ou chief toatnre in !):?? modem .?.??"mill blab rj ?sf the nation?the ol.t\? ly otnifgh und th? ? m.?iitMi]>?-tion. Ill aIaI.'s i: nil ES. Mr. Dloino hu- (-iiov.n a marreloiia eom? prohenoMM of the tnotea and temper of h.? cotuiirsini n, ond ii ii? beeooao the ?aaxl Preoidenl of tho Cnitt? Btntea hi will owi his olaorntion in n?' ?llriiii mtrarora t?> hi> perfect] mill. istaiidi'E ol the OTOTO_0 Vium iiitn ciii/?ii. During hi- public life bo h::'' raarelj ben a eonapicnooa Wider in il ediacua aion of tie- great principl?_i and policiea whid hive from lime to time cnjuoaauil Ota Rtten? Horn of thi?kcrs and atateanten* sm (?<? ool mean thnt he hoo ttixii ? m,,s? hi, bul m ly thnt he h a gem -rally oUtfwi '1 othera te mnrefa in th? admnee. V?t Mr. Blaine lina k'pt himaelf?per !iaii8 no ought to *-..... circaxootaaooo bare kepi him -olwaya in the publia mind, ami it ssoul? in? (liihciih io mention a polinehui sm " i ?- ?torn lniiiiiled mon abaolut* l.v tho odhcaton of Uii own iiarty. Ho Inapiii i little aentiaientnl devo tion; he pointa to tin- recced of fen greni mennnrea] bnt toeted In tho riMnp ti?.il <>i ?he enmpaign? hio popular atrength proveo t? be grooter than thnt of all tho othei cnn?di? d;it<_.s conihincil. He OVOI000900 the pOWCl "i tho Administration machine whofl it is tunn-d ogalnot him in bio own i'.nty, ond he olmool ?ripeo ont the traeca of th?: ontogoni-tic re* form moTemcnt which at oik time aeeined likely, in tbio centennial s??,u oi banda ond scan.lais, to cany is, ijtbing bofoTC it. Then boa (?(-?'ii no grool agitation of popular feeling feo offset thia inoolt? It i- not tho?i?ni??|ii?n?? of 0 "Hliine tijni-in.".'' How it all ??une alwiit tho ahrawdeot polit?ciano an- at a lorn to tell; but then i? no mistake in the mean? ing of hio lint of three hundred ami odd dole gotea to the National ?CouTeatioa? W?; donbt vviioiii?! Mi. lili im- boa orei /sisen more remark able _lnatra?tiona of In? keennooa than diiiiiii; the -in-?cut s?--?sioii of ?CoOgWOa. Bo sei riirt tO hase ponoiTOd from tin itarl thnt th?? t?uvI object of tho onmnoign was to enptnre, not the kraoo and bee-thbtk? ' irm vote, which he pioli.iUy <oiild not got? ?or tin- machina voie, which *.*,_,?? perhnpa not worth getting, bad tbe greet multitude of,, ordin.iiy Ih publiatanO, and _M B Oil the iniml,-? ol th?-*-?- impoetiiblo milliona like a l..K)k. Ho EBW tliat thej l'..d not forgott?n the nbeDion nor (|uii.? forgiven the rebela; that tln-y \s?i? half iinlin.-.l ti ie..-ent the ?i|i penooneo of M_-nfbileroto iniv'udiei-" m ?Con Kr.-n; that they wire boneatl> alarmed ill t.'.? pnoopeeto of o returning D?mocratie navend .?ne*, am! chagrined 11 Had their pnrljf foe th< fini time in sixteen yean thrown opon t!i? deft n ?iv?. Moieovti bo r? iii'inhei? ?1, what nil the (?tin I ( ::ini m ? in? ?1 Ii .'?n?-? I, t.) ? I tli?; afOOagO Anieiican la ("ml of good fighting. And s?> Mi. Blaine 1m ^'_in i im Wiiii r by n, bt inp tin- wholo DeoaoeratM aida ot tho Honao ??f l{ej)( m n tal i ven. The hisUiiy of Naine, hottlea thit? year will form a momorahle ehapter in the biatoiy ot ( (tiik.ii ?s. When he Boonrgod Jeff Dnri ond exaopernted lien Hill, ondnttled the bleached ?keletOM of Aii'l'-inofivillc. tbongh ninny of n.? deeply deplored the ocedloea and nnpl?taann diotnibniMWi. wo oonld not help admiring tl.? citumir?-. ??s?iir:iiie(?, and nodineoa with erhirb Mr. I'laine fa?<(1 his raging o&tngonioto. nnd the mit.'!.ihn at mr with ah.rh at lout he trod vitniioiis over th?** tiehl ? ?I tras. Wind the ex? ?I? meiil ?lied atv;,y it ww* -Men that Mi. Bk?M had ?00 MUM - thing luom than hauen lunicl?. Hn had l?rok?-ii und i ?nit? ?I the wh?ii?* Deeaocratio line of hattle. If theio had been ?ony ehnnee <?f con ?intent nnd united nation 00 the pari of the inajoiity it wst ?om saw, ..?I LI novel nuno aiiiiin. Kv??r .teco thnl K-ntartaWe ? ih ?;.. dura? einen.? ano ilUeiinq* to-? AcADsar or Music.-" _NBmmM Gertrud-*. I trbelA. l-it-.i? Tu? atiik ?"Parted'' I1ST1I A ? I MIK I (IhAI'l.ll. - " I'niiie " I'tKh 1-iiKii.K ??.tudrfi -Bamhs Tea_*a flama ? Twkvti-.iii.-i* hraiii.T OratiA Hootn.?blaiiy k Imon'? M.i?. : ..? Onto? 0ou*aa ranarnn.?" Coamlaoe*.'* Ifi"rv* faaaiaa?*?"Miffctf Hallar" FIFTY Tllllll? HTkKBT DAPlIflT C'Hl'llCIl.-FBI .0 Meet tag, Oii-Mono (?AKKKt.- Cnne.-rt. off ufcaafc. laVIM It A11.. I'lllii.Kl'. ?ni .....ucii l 6r*iMHA? M ALL? .-tet-titiiii di ton Cttostimn. il??cit to A?i?"!i',<}i'.nct'.l? A Ml'??*'?"Ti? t? "?ne-Mi. nuil ?l'i ciuiiii.ti? tiaNKiM. am> liaaaotAt Ott Pnee?t evien?a ?AMii??, lli>LaKa a.m. ?.Mii-i:? "ii, feet?Ata ?'itl'inin. tniALi ami II? o i-as ?rl Ptioi -1-t au.I ?.I (mlti.uua. UtMM'sh Ciianci.??7lh Pnue ilJi eeit ma bi'Biaam Norma* (Mb tag? i?i ramma. OlfAUTsil K-.llll Nllflll.s- ?d P'l ir. ?itji l-?i.ill_.!__, Ctilll'U). \ lid. NoriCaS --'/ Pi it 61B (-'?illlllU. lJ)l v tur N i .?i ,?, h- 7th Pane- lili o.iiniuti baanMAautg am?*i?> -i<J puoe?l?i ooIudid. ln.i Oooua Tf/i Pan 4tb?.it Kt BOrt v- Ann BTIsaai si~ ?il /"n<,?e-Gtli''it?luuiB. K.vuk-I'.s*--:<(/ mat 9th e?.?Kinn. Puiaihiai 7iu ramm lib eoniwa. Wine Am?i(?(/'07?--6tn toliiiiiu. Ei)K.Niiih' -7tit pane? dfii ratona lli.i.r WiMut ::,i fail? Ik colana. lldU-ite, t'Alil'. ai.).h. Ac?iit/ I une I ,V .u.'.llIUB. liOIKL? .(.' fwqt %i <-i>?ii:?ii lc* cit.A.v. '711 mm IWk eemnm l.sKiKit .I'.s ?;.'?. Pant? lai -nu 'At mia?an Laoro?as am. MeierteHsm-gdPnn Btkeemaaa. ?St.lit B*?2d Pane ?.n? collllui Al. it li it t-.ii .-_? ? ra MAsn.i - lib Vat'?CAri rtilnm*. biui in??? i? a Amu?!>iA I one- um c-oimiiii Miscbi i tsK??. s i i, fngt 2d (-?iiiiiui ; a'h fOgi Wft Bad ' Ui ? damns Mi inetaPMBBUB Mi Pao- (tk euintun. Ni.?? l'( in.?? A. him?-?il?. Pan- ?-.i (HMiiiiiii xitki i.siATi. Koa i**ai>-cm 7th ?me Mb minina : MBuoni TB?Tlk ?Sam?kth eolaam : Cobar*T?7tt fngs ?jili an i ?itii ooiniiix? ; Ai? nn*t fliiw TWI Pops c?iii : 10 I'.xciiANtiK?7fd Papa?ath miman. Bai k?? ht Ad? nui. ?WA Patt, .'ti oulnrnn, BliiATics? wan tun- Mtia-- .ut Pnoe?Xib eoliunn ; Kknal ?.- 'All Port?Uli..'all,, nll.l (Uli tvo.uu.ii_i Bl-KCIAI. N.ltll'KB MA Puut?)'it, f.? BlHAMIIOtlt. AN|i hAII l!t> lie? ?el ? t-'/C?illh OOlUlOnS. BiaiaiK. -. t't t as l,l/i l'une??il eitltllilU. Bi mam lli irsats?'.uJ Pur -'?A/M. und 4tu tall nuns. lBAi'iiSlia?(ifA Pane '?A c.iiiTnn. 3 HS TniUf-M Puoe?Ulli eoiiitniL To LhT ? ciiT PliiirMUT-TfA Page ? fl'h en'ni?. ?? , kk'kiri Tt-7>h Poffc?tu\i aahunni OooanT?Tn Page?Ott eefckjaa. JDnainco? -Notices. Keki''** CUSTOM Snii'.T-t niadi to tno.f-.iiro ; tbe verv lient. ? x lor .._>. not thi ill|_bl**l ottllKMlo-a te wk? or keep'ai.r o( Ke.11 a e lili 1^ unlnaa |?-rfei t,y ?BliSfaiMory. 671 Broa..>vay. .?.ni t?i!l Arca a. . l-li.l i.l- 'pln.t. Thk li ?t Lawtebs'Oi pioi.**.?The nnn T?'tl* ttist thi r* are no otlo ? t for lawjre?? la Nee-York enmbiiili.a al] tin? adv**l*f**of U?t*e ta Tun Taisiisi Build Inf. Tliey ui.-m lito Iteat i^t??: .?. 10-al.on. I.elw.a n ?Im ?111 ftreut Ciiiiil 100? opn??"tt? t' ? iti? H,VI, atnt WllblB a atone'? ihp.w oi ihr t*o?t ( ?t?,??, 11 .-?r ar,? laiant fully Miisttod In a lU'ltt eo n-Nl ?oui, an ?.lean??'!? fi'lasl' ni. wilti bronreltaislviar?, [ilateslin** marhl?waab-staada an<l ihelite Tliey are ? alian ?llj Hellt ant! .tlr?. Tl.- :iria.ii:?-ini?i.' in ?uivea foi tlie can 1 ci.ttcc. of lawyi-t'N 1? i^i e.-l Aa inant roonis ?? an i.eeil?!??! fan bt? li.-vl ?aii-'iiiiinit 1.,. 1: witii ssob olber, wbll* eaeti lia? ?i s-;; iraie 1-?iiiiiiiiiiii al . 11 toit!? t tat? lin!; an.;. ' vlllti? a (tor'jii Aiejn lrom 1 ?? cl.tvaii'i?. 'I ?iey a?t- ,.li )n^(?*fl liy SMSUB f 1 ??? of I':.? il'-ti. rarny s? r-?^?ilile lrom tin? miisniH froutius tt??' Cltj Mall Park tiic.v ran ?ide bt .- i?ie sad are f 1 ? ? eet and tn?st eoaatnctbie Tb? 1.?.??1;uk I. M* etiriihiiir t. in peifft't srita 11 1? h'?? lui iy flr? pio I. Nn limn tare Kl,??.-., : SB '??! BB 1 i?v? n -air? fol la? j,nari i-.itinii of tiii'Mirt .M p ?. ?. t ? ! PS ? r Noone ii.-ftal. te rit? MOIS IllSIl II !? ! IBrvtieb I ?nlteof tin Offlontnot mcupioit Boeb, f??i i'.. in? e. a?. Ml Vend? ?10 laaaali .'?ad Uial Un?; ai a? uii.,iinaii.i laliiT th? ... ?1 :. lut, sut. Daily Tmiit'NK, Mail ?Su n hers. flOparaaaam. Pr_vi-\Vii..i,,.v Ta?auNR. kail Siilanibara, B9 pet au. y J iuhl'nk llnllflubamibaia, >?8faraanaav Tenus, enah in atlv.tnre. AtidroM. 'l'i!-' TaiBUMeV NeTr-Vurlv. Pertom BBfllb us obtain ! in TBIBCMP ni cm o? the Bain?, bout?, or holtls tn mhkA " t?uminlti/ ?olH, u'??'t ten? ta ? faior ?il, in'ormiHO ihi? m,,.;- of ine rt, ruta .f.'in? a. Tmb WnatTXT Tmsdmb will Im ntntj that aaoralni at s oVloct, m tmppen ioi mailinsi ' l'i iee 0 oenta, DamanaaeefMaanaaal rs fa-rors for riii rueinra ?U.UtS Broad ?ru?, cor. 3i*l-*U. or Mo W. _.kt ?t.. Bar. 8tk are. fttft^ttk 9aUg SrUntm; FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELEY. WEDNESDAY, JUNI 7, 1S7G. TUL NEWS Tills AIOESI2 .. Forkion.? The Ppfinisli l'n mier held thiit il was aaeential for the (?nveriiiiic'it to maintain tin? ru'ht t?> ?iiMj?i*atil the BaaBttiational ?cii,ir,'?iit(?-H. r?? l'Mlra? t\ ('?>. of llnvnii i f.t .?i i HaliiHt_m. fl .000. Ooo. a__ The Ma?\i?-m kaanrfinai wen defeated In Oaxa-e-v ; __= Irinh ?atiaoumi c... u; wl bomAoa* trnlia. ^r^ The l'orte w:-.s >__i_VSflB? to gv? an ariuistice. DoMKfsTic?It is bolicv.-ii that th? EgBMB of Represen tut iv??h will n-|?-iil the Beauniftion ;?ei. within 30 days, sa rJ*ba Pammlllii trUak has boen iiivrsticatinif Mr. Blume'? einte did not meet, owing la Ika abaaaci oi am of its ineiiilieie. -___ l)r. .1. Marida Eini? ppoke before the Auiericnu M?- .i.ul ?Sauita* at PhU adelphia on "The (.'ode o! Medical Eiliiof." At the reunion of the Amo al Ihn Pat?n* , in l'lni ade!phi.-, ex-(?ov. John A. Dix (icLvered the addram and W?ii-iiii \Vint<T ro_*l un oiiyiiud poei.i. == The Ptaeifii* Knilrojils have |>!'cp(?si*d a new plaa o? aettl-erifn'' of their difficult i,? with the OoYtanmant CoNOKKss.-'TheSaaaai ?i?(id??d to baaia takin? testimony in the i>elliiiai> tiinl on July'i. ! In the House a r."?olution win? rein.rtiKi and pBMBd allowi'iK (ha ?'.ankin? and Cnrnriry Comniitt."? to report ar.y rurrenry bill nt any time. An Hinetnl ment to the Traaalm hill was j'V ?"!. A peution Wii?t ?anaaakad for the relief of tin- political disabilities of Oaa. Baaaiapuii. CTtt ami? Si'iu'KiuN.-'! he Refam Clu*? sti|?i?oi ted Hriatow lor the rn.tidor.iv. :ind itii point-oal 70 lahfatai t-> aara im bhw nt CiacianatL r : ?- The. ft to i tu antiiiul Priaaa Congnai la /an its aessions in this city with -?ill.i-t.aa_i L> William Cullen Hryitiit, Mayor, l)r. Bellowa and Bahari V;?ui. s ?Spindrift. Vlatar. ?Sal* tana. Oh. ipa. and Tronhl.? won the JmaBM ?Pkrl tBoOm. ' -- 'Yhn yu'-ht? '1': iUm, lladrap, ainl Cnrh-w woa the in the Atlantlo _ a. hl ?lab ri??? Hi. r The mi.nnil commit,ucmim) of ti?- (,'i;.nil Lodge of ti'i- state of Han" Torli ana Bagaa Gold, 11W ll2"n. lTJ1--,. i;.?i.l value of ti,, l,m?su\ tender dollar nt th?* close, ****?"; ?caata Btaakaaati modernit-ly at Uve and lower, ciosii.c feYci>.h. Tmb WFATiii:n.-Tiie GanamaioA lapattpaedieta warr'er. i'.ir?ly cloudy wcati??-), and h?.?? r t ...i,i-;a tore.- s lu thi.-t c.ty il -vus n?ol und plaaaakA Thermoineter, ?>(>'J, 70', )'.? ". Tba tndicationaare that, within a radius of 100 Btflai foi tl-:? ni-xt IH hour*, there will l?o fuir weathoi, wilh oc ..?...?: 'ii aloads and p^?.- ?M.v li^lit i nina. Reader* of Tun TUBUM Imvirnj town Wf trar dino for the civminer can hsgn the )i(\}>rr mailed to them, postpaid, for #1 ;./?; ihdhIIi, the address being cluingcH vhmtrer tinirt?. Ucaymgtt for a change of addms thoul l oUm'it BMn?nVm Ihe edition f Daily, M'w.'..'t/. or ty.w.i- Weakhj), and both old and htm luldrcstts. Fftw Mill dpny tlio btikh primmer.* who kara tmeapod from Australia the ii?:Lt to fitH.ioin. Had thry bot-n rivillan?, and not so'.dn vm in the Britinh anuj", they would liit\e l?e?? lonj; ainoe releaeiHi. _ The ffiittiish Premier hol.Im that the Gafara? ment must for it* own hfifi ty leUiin the tiaMt to override the law and ?tt_MI_l military discipline. It is eviii? nt from this that n nenne. at inaecurity prevails at Madrid, d?**i>iu? tin? overthrow of the Carlists. England In, doing what she ran to induct Turkey to grant nearly all the Ho-nian inetir BvaiUs bm\. 8he d-ocA this to prevent Itussbi interforin-^ n? well a? from the cotvictinii tlutt tha Christian ratiae ia jut. The I Irrt iah ?atatnamen aee rh-arly that n Western ?illi,?un? to koep Turkey intact ia no longer le in Europe. Tba opponent? of hard money gained an advantage yeaterday in the ilotiae. A resolu? tion waa paaacd permitting the CommitU*e on Banking and Currency to bring in a bill on tha currency at any time during tha aeaaion. it ia auppo >ed that tba ohject of this ia the Democracy in the _0O0l In?* btcnul ii*w?n it? defofta. Boot >?m<"? then it baa bated Mr Blaine with a ficrc? hatred than nay other mail in Ott l.'epiil'licaii ranks. It ha.? beat all ito en?rgica to deotrog him. A* it failed tatho Amnecty debatea *>?> it baa failed In tho Inroe ttgutiono. linse loot bettln ahowod mon tploadid fighting eren than tho hi*-t. i: (!* i.,.: ol' tin- MOM "" M 'ii'in.v, one forgot till ?in- ex-Si? -aker WBt npoUtag a c!;-.e against his ??orson..! ini?v-iity, um! saw only the ., ,i?. DMuuhen ?f tl?<" Cooamtttoo ?qoafl ing ntnt.-r Ins inrectint, Prootoi Knoll non victtng biaoaoll of o diocnditoblo onppceaaioa of diapatcitea, and the gnUerin i-i oa nproar ni opphmae ose. Um D?mocratie diooomfitnrc. Whatever nu n may thinh of tho ???tory of Multt** tan or be afleet <>t the bnadlo ol lottere? then one in no dlflbrenee of opinion is to the abil? ity svith awhieh Mr. libtinc fonghl thia atimng battle, lie notched boa Um em my Ott trenpea thai oma meant for hi.? deetraetioo, and nsiiipiii? the privilege "' OtlOOll which be* longed t:> the Committee, ho drove the whole paity in oonfusioo boflon him. I'oiui'i.un will make ? gnatnrietnke if thej fail to take nreoaat oi thia diaploy of pluck and .kill. It is exactly the sort of exhibition siiiKih most BtrotDjriy iaprcOOea American miil t?tudea. and sve anal] -????? in o fen dnyo, alteo th? ?eiitiinint of the ?oiiiitry hegtao to show Itoelf. that it bus won thoan?da of Meada for Mi. HI.tine, even if it boo n>t ssholiy count't OOted tlio distrust created by tin* Mulligan in ? ??li-iil._ CASiAL VS. HAIL. Whatever nniv ha the result of th?* nflwO) toar a- to the relative prooperitj of the trunk lines, then can 1m- no Question as to its conaeqneneee to lake and eaaal trannporton. They anflhaed from auch ? eonteot but year, and know by nd experience that to thein the battiea of the milss _y kin;:* owan no good. The loweol rateo erci heos , in the hi?etorj of lake ond cu?al tranaportat?aon aere mude in l'un-? i| ??n? ?? of thai 't.ii.''li. Hundreda of boota won driven am, ?>t the fight] acorn of tranoporte * \s.n- crippled or forced into bankruptcy. Bat thia year apena ooxinoofdy. Tl??- ororago rate < a the atonal daring tin- ui??nth of Ifoj ss:is only 0.7 ????ins tor wheat! nal 5.7 oenta for ??alii, mid la I year duriag the Mm month the as? i.ige vea 7.1 ?tent? tat nbcal ami ?>.<> ceota loi core. It boa m roi been clnimed that rob ? il low as then ol la-.i yeor aera wmuaeratiTe, though? by ? ;? ?!i ..i-i-'ic ndvocatee ol ?Um Baxter Invention, !? *n: ^ n-niii. i*i.- ?I thai grain ?rotild l?-* ported .it aooli rateo ii tho atoara r? could va t h of ?t i?? gin ? (?m ? employ* n? m during th? aeoeoa. Hit now, at Uie ,? " h irinning oi tho 11 a? ml tho monthly ige drope o? to ??' ?i i pel cut '? n ? I. ? v. ill.* as .M'.- of tbe su?!., se.?. ?M Ha bfotory of ihe i 11 tl. N'.i is thia the M".-.!. Opening M-lV ,"i itl h I I ,is fair wln-at, lile t. an*- ;>? II t?'1 .-. ivi-ie fianed t<. vit ??I ia|iilly nuil. <>n the 24th, i ".? inte an oily ?r?'.? ceo -, ii.?< I??"??? ? era known on the ranal. i ;?? ?? i.?-, (.n. - brought ?x lai ce btudnen f<>r the fini month oi the Beoson, Tbe *hipfn?**uta ii.-iii r.mi.ilo for ilie iininiii were 4,5*8,020 llttahela, and in Mhv, 1*?7"). they wen- oi.i.s 2,230.109 buabele. The lake roteo wen ohm < Ktroordinarilj hiss, tiio oTcrage for M?>> bi log 3.2 oenta for wheat? oad _'.-> ?? oto foc corn, whemna list yeai the M." averan ?;i> 'A.'' cento tot win at and cento for eoTOi ?ml Ion lal??' ?ios iiiss.i,- help tbe canal mau*riillj in ito competition s.ith tho railwaya. ?On the ollni h.uni then, ha-? It? . r? a sets largo in rreoM ol ?? in the amonnl of grain ahipped by mi', and then arc :is >< t 00 I i.'ii- 0. ?? die ii<?iiii?!i on the port of the railway* t?* aban? don their atrnggle. Monj ?i the cannl boota husc withdrawn from coin|M?tition. It la no? altogothei i?!'.mua m oii.i,?? the rteteruant that tho Baxter ?tenmela, irideh watt e ??i ? ted to push rates tat below mi.i that I In? ruilroada could reach, an n<?t i inning tbu year, iai?.ni-?) llr. Baxn r maintnina that ratea are - in loss the ??? i of transportation. No doubl I i.ii- is the btcta Nur ?an i.e be blamed for preferring no! to exhnnat the raaonroi ? "i id eomparaiirely new enterpiite in a atranglc \\i:h the moot powerful ro*r*porationa ?m iho continent. Bol thia rery ta I bringx oat with painful distinctoeaa ta? eoaential wenkneoa ol the canal ayotem, nbich oll .wand rooeonin opon tbe problem of traneportation moat ban perceived, thai ?In- railwaya bave,and m the nature of khinga moot have, not only financial roaonrooi which no company on? ??? .'''l in traneportution by tratet eon commend, hut an onormona and sdady l),t>in? M which, 00. at ail effected, oren in Hanoi of 'he ohorpcel ?????HIM tiiion, nnd which, in such time-, enable? iln- rooda to continue tot months to bear h? .s\ loaaea .opon thai, norl of their tiaiiic in s'ahi? li tin- competition extend . I'm exemple, oma the Erie, nhich ?? tho aeakeal of tin- Americas trunk lineo, endured th? atruggle of l.i-t year with n oYecnge Ion -if groaa earniaga not execediug (200,000 per m?mili. Inii iis heavicet loaaea avro earliei in the aeoaon, befon the loweol ratea wen reaeheda In April and Maj ito gron earning?* comparad thao ?with khon of the proviotu year i Aim 1. Muy i*?,-,-.?;. 2*3 fi.iml.ino 1H7.'.. 1,42:1,3X0 l,"r,'..;._l Lorn. -i l.?:?.,'..ti; .?;^i?.?il** Vet the liie has ?by no ?iii'ii? ;\n wi'le.i terriatery not reached by coinpetitiou? ami de* pending upon i' tat trannportut'on, as ?iilnr ol the otahei iinnl; Uooo, 'Ihe difl?ronoe in ihi.?. reaped between cn.ii tho ireakeol rail* ?nul-? on ?I the ?and i? vi-i; ;.--..i. Keolly, l!. whole 11atti?** ci tl.?- eonol is *Hildec4 t? eompe* tition. Knt th.- ii.m., ni?.- local trafile of the railwaya, ami the trafile orhich aecoooorily comeo to them became ol Unit railway ?-on oertiona, ?ml t!,? .t of broahing hull; ond ! ?hipmeut from ih** cual t<> the ? of do* i livery, I.i .." targe a port ?>f their boaiiieaa, ?Mini -iiii ly in ?ai;:?? n pari of their revenue, ' lh,it Iln? ?'..iil??-,i must in HO) OTOttt he sei. onequaL ?Add t<> iln* tin? bet thai th** tr.-in?* '. ?mil? i< i?\ ?;:i::il are not aaoocintod? have not | 1-,-iui'iitona .?-IM- ol copitoli and coonol go i?, - the maritata ol tl??- worid t*. borrow? with ,' Ibdi -i dividend-paying atoeka m security, j ond ii is oppan it Und the railwaya boto I olmo I Incalculable ndvnntogeo, 'Ihev eon , fi^'ht vfiih OOeh nliii. or with ?he catial?, ! rfatking only o email part of ?luir enarmona ' capital m.'! iK-oiiii.'.-. siliie the eonol I porter must rink ?.s rythiag he bn n ohondun i ihr eonteot. Ihn? far. althoiii?h rail rateo ha?. 1.?. n th?? loweol ?-ser, the *.*ior?.i cm :iii,..*^ f,,, | \|.nl und M.i> .ii? lai-ei than Km of thr ramo montho bud yeor. Th.^ i, in pan*, bo? enano Ion rateo hriitg larger tnflte] hi port beoean lose throngb rateo lo omay anyaennn i large local ti ifllc opon which no rodnetiao is; in part lu?! Mu*' the bnainen of loot i >em was ],i-? decidedly poor, rapedally in April aad .Muy. Mot long tho raada s*,iii bo eial'lt?I to continue tlie biiiu/^e, ?till report? ing on I he whole an iucrtaso a! groas OT j,,?.-?. ir il impossible to ttbf, bat it U piafe thai the res'.tiivtv, of cuial IWMUliW "? beiag rapidly ( xliiiu-.ted. ri.lScl.'S HDSL.MES TAL OTTT, Thi (l<'?-iiii. which ?figiuited in Prance la?t yc.H, ni preaeatiag a eatoooal Mato? of Lib em t?> tiie American poopl?*-a dffigl win? h .-..?cined, ?it first, almost too iimitfi'ialive und poetical OVOI to bo T9tt\mWt??k alicndy an ne viii-il feet. It ha? no precedent in Motory. Never before Itti oue niition iliidertaken to place ?t monument upon the? a >il of another, in eongiatalatJoO of the l>ltW*J power and stability. TiieMiinphvHt in-AOiibi-d tablet, ?rectal ft.iiii siicli ?m i'lipul 1:5, would be ft precious memorial ; bot tike gift will tike tha form of the great?*! colon-cal Htntue the work! h.i-t seon since Chares Of Lindo? planted bio famous Apollo by the luirbor of Khodea. Even if it should not prove to be 11 pharos powerful enough tu ??In,nine onr bay by niirht, ah is proponed? it will leoa ?ooemtwoid thcoagh tin* NaiTOWl bv day. and inve the welcome iiml I he la_t farewell U) all going or returning v. mala. BetU-oe*? lalaad ?baa boea chimen a? tu? ap piniiii.iii- site fof this tiioiiiiiiii'iit?. The. pty?enp tii!. the cost of erttclin-c' which it in lielieved lin* Ann 1 ii.111 people will ein oilully contrib ule, trill be 92 feet in bight?, and must be of tin* most, in is?ive ami durable chai'acLci ? 1'pon this pet 1 -Mini will l?e iilaced the statue, of beaten ?fiOOpar. US feet in bight to the top of the bead. The right tirm. uplifted and holding n tun!), will increiin.? the total ?high! to i:?-> Cant, or l"JO foot ?bora tin* noil of the lalaad. The eotiaMtad eoatof the itataaaloae ia 9120,000 add, tw(i-thii(ls of which have ?already been uaalllJmtOO1 in Frunce, within nils initiiili., after QpOBJag the Blbferipttoa, in spite ? f ?uI??i?'hI aueaaiaeei ?sad laaarial deptaa don. ih?- eiiiiic aOMMI of the gcneroiw en terpriae may therefore l?e already assumed. I In- nun nt the hend of it? Lalxiulaye, Oscar de ?Lafayette, the Mar-fail do ?Booh?i?ba?Bl Henri Martin, i>e TaaqaoaiOai ?ad Waddiag, Minister of Pahlk liistiiiitioii?bear BOOM of the mOOl honored BBBMO of France. M. logaste 11 trthobli, ?the eealptor of the ..latin*, is DOW In this t-.-iint 1 v. ainl ?BOOM t-- bave a eomplato cust of the loreh-bearing itiu aad hiinl ?ready tot tita btaraaMoaal ?Exhibition by the Fourth of .Inly. As BOOOiao bg ?ci m n- t?) France, the woik of eaatfag. or nithor hammeriagi iho ?Igare in copper, will be ( 'li.ii.'in- (I, aii'l the entire coloOBOJ will no doulli !.. Ill |).lllill??HS fill ItO pill, .-itill 00 boon .1. the latter ?aa bo in.?.le ?ready taw it. Tha i.iud: 1 i.s v. ry sii)i|ilo and ni:ii?-r?tit; in cluiruc icr : tin? Bgnro is fully diapnil and i|tiiet!v poamli only the uplifled ana with the lurch g|. Ing '?*<!?;. -?-ii.>n to tiie cniic.eptiiiii of " Liberty "enlightening tha World." U would be ?aa aa? _? t ? 1.1 a to eritiHoO the iltllga Of a work ..ii?" m-?med und thus earrird 00 to oaeeeooi ..nt \.?- are i-;iir?: that the neat plated ?gift will be M imnnaing m the glvon intend or tha re . el vera anticipate. Ii 1, m i?,? ins the citi'.eiii of our Ho publk it> build an ?abiding raeting-plaeo for the ?aolaa of l.i! -rty'H feet, when she ci.tnes to us ?h : t--- ?the ic.t. New-York must take Um liitt st. p.-t in thi.? work, Kitice the ?tatu?, al thongh offered t<? the Amerieaa people, will become a grand and eaaobiing feature of her apaciotlf h.iitu'!. It is not that tin while amount can be COBtlibatod until tlm man} diatrncting intneeete of tha pnaanl sa ?toa have cune to u end; but tin- roapotiaiTi i.itt.piise ooghl bj all m-"tti-t to be iaaaga 1 tied at "?'' ? our ?brethren in ?Prance ?have ? ?right t<? r\|ii"t the ni' -t I'Luopt and .on'tial - rar. To t.. in. the ?rokmoaa will aaem to float let ".i-.-ii In aven itiid 1 ;?!th?bt iwi en plan and a- ?m v< in. nt?until muni) movement here thai! drive the ?trat pilo I'm tin ba-mmeat? ? of bar pmleatal. Obi aetloa in the inat t?T ".-.ill i?t .?nee anppoii and s nnnlili? (he ???:'?. in l'i m?'?-. hii'I baatenthe contribution of r! .? nmount ?still Beaded. "Tbt -aloniUtreat anb* "acriptiona "ill U.? tteleoate,'1 ?;m the ?Exeea ii?.. Committea in Pariai "ht the aaakhar of "aigneni witseee t<? the mntimenta of " lrinii !" St., hen-, the reception of i?ude for the pedeatal eboold bo ?oooflded to knowii aad boaorable ?banda. ? ud the people ?lavitod to ?contribute according t?> thaii meano. HACEBTT ?Recorder Hi"!..-!!, in hit charge to tho Ciaad .luit, boato ?the matter of eunimaiy BlTeata for Sandny liqaor* idling ?ftoi ?the following ?M : " I'lu* ?offetme ronaiete lo ?sailing wine? " anil iii'.(?T;c,ii??i_f li(|ii(?r.. \!h v.*??! biaacbee "of r.i-t i:f,v ptvaent qiieeiiooa of fuet wtM " readilj dieearnible by the leoiOay \et a " i?a?ii.-.111:111, ondee [nntructions, ?soixea boob a " m aa i-'iiti'l selling suiiid ?liquid, organiaee * vithifl 'ii?. own police bic.-i-t aeoari ____dfniy ?? .m tin- t?H?t; himaalf ailjnd!?catee the liqnor "in in- lotoxicating, ainl. without tramtnt, ar " 1. -i-t rt ?iti/i-n who cnii be just its well Entlud " ?'?! '1 ?'M. -1..I upon Hic warrant of it criminal " un giatratc the aoxt morning ???- at ?the boat "-t-licicil." Wo doahi Ihn I.e af this n-1-a..'iiii-. Tho Sunday ht\s which doce ? '. Batboriso H)iin" Btreeta is not worth ? btthlag. The haportaat point la ??1 s)-i|i the i'""iini.'si(in of the olli its?- which \a special!] ?profitable upon ihn ?any of us boob? ml. 'lite cvuli'iici- upon which tho ?polieo* m,m acta is jnat at patoat as. ?that upon which lu- ."nets tw?> nn 11 win? nt- Bghting. l?ete is .. ?shop which i>> common ?reputation Uagrog** shop. over die (loot is ii,( hi^'i,, "Imported "isi.iii's, Wine, und lidi.'' Upon ?the sidee ot the doonray aad palatod npoa the window.-? the biformation to ?Ute public i.t ?repeated. In r?((i?- is ih,> bar irith ii> ?furniture of tumbleia, of becr-pampa, nml af deeaatan, h it .1 rerj M'.'ii.i pieaumptioa ?thai tba proprietor ?salle ia in? ?shop what be ?idvertieeo upon hie algal 1 ii.?t??i.,. 1 ? m ? s.-cii going up ta the bar. calling ?"t- drink, drinking whal they ?receive, and i'?'-; "? toi it-, i- ii ;t.-niiiiiiL." ?too much to con? sider Hit- prima farte evidence of tho sale of liqnor 1 The probabilitj certainly leaaa a little m direction. The Reeordee is nn ?serete aa any Stuiday aelkr could deaiia apoo "i!n> spy ayatem.'' it is not b pleaaaal ooe to emmider, bul it it m? itov.liy. It i-i ammtantlj reaorted to in the ?'ii'i.'i.u art of arraating und coavioting orimi The pablk may .tiii.-i-..- it upon mounds of pahlk policy, but that is bo reaaoa wh> ihr law-l?ie;ik??t slmnhl ?-,itkiae il becaOBO he ha- i.?-, ti detected through tta agency. Hi? 1.m th ia thai, li i. .mi t,? bim to eooapbda. All thiagi ?ne wori?nf together for the to eotabliehmeal in thia .-itv ot the ?>hl gooday H.|ll?.r tli.l?.'. '|'!li?i ,;,,,?.* tmtitj ot thi llti: 1 iaaincerity of thooe win? have pruffeaaed ? will? m ?s t? brtyglr ?t ?,, W]|i)(, ?(ll|<)(jy ?.. anthority carea ihe rtnaing of b beer glaaa foe tho ?ni-.?)., nient ot the law, and ,?hlie many m aatbority probably ieaire fa private mo? tives its impudent vfojattoti, we shall t. liaootobave what the tit cinlcr ealla "the "rightoaad souode ih?- bin |m>!iibita.n Whoa nnt.t.u'ouirttic braucht* of our municipal OOtah_r_ment mat to play another hi?* ?ame, t!a*y will play it. When there in an honest purpose to stop Sunday pcllinor, it will be ?stopped, or nearly so, and not till then. There is no bach purpon now. TBE PtKOPLtVS EATflf. The preparations for opeiiiiipr the Free River Huhs lor men nnd vronien, to be maintained dnriaf the iseasou at the public expense, are m mi ly or quit? cooaptotod ; and that for women, at the fool of Vv'est Elevcnth-st., will be ready to-day. These entablishnii,nt.s furnish overy thinir necessary for comfort and decency, but nothing tor eflhmiaato luxury. Feasibly, as tin* Republic ndvaaen in wealth an l gnatneao, our b*O0 hotaho may rival thoOOOl Greece and Rome in the iniiiniilicence of their npi)?)intiuerits; but thus far we hive kept* upon the Ride of sim? plicity ami strict ? conomy, leaving Nature to funiiish the water, cold and without s?>ap. My and by perhopo our youn.'_r deniocnicy will deiiiiind friuidariiina and tejihlnriiimi and cab? dal iuni?, with, it may be, the finale of a lue shampoo. If is Hoine'imes said ral her hastily that pririlegn which cost oothlag are never ade ?in:it?lv appiei iti-?l. We are in a fair way of Unding out deiini'ely whether this be tTM Off not, and it mu-* In* admitted that thu.? far it does not app"i>r to lie frite at all. When -,t?i tttitOOO benefit? are preflofed. the hoooflelorioi do no?, tppoM to lie laggard la eoniag forward. Free libran?'? immeasurably the num of nadeiO. and free schools are usually tilled with pupils to the full extent of their capacity. The lYI e classe?? ?uni onteitainnients ?it the CoopOf Institute are always htnrely ftt tended. The tree ? hijicls seldom show 0bcn> ."iriy oeeount of ot_aptj pews. A free asear* -ii.)ii and picnic bruits the children in rw'tins. oi eoonoi hoopla?Ii ami iiopeaearin are fire qaoated by time who have naohoieai the s?ino thine miy be ?nid in hard times of free soup kiNhens ; but in matters which are not of positive bodily necessity, wo (In lint liud the population repelled by any untimely pride. Then is n win h-some fee?ntr of the necessity of eoriag for the body, and of intellectual cul? ture. There is a ju-l cnnclusinii that the pub? lic is repaid many fold for nkatenf it may expend in making the healthier, wiser, nil lictter. NOT do we think that in this direction we are likely to go beyond the limits of tjionl sens.?. The Unm in plebeian demanded not ?mis ?breadand betha but also ganee. He had a honor of a'l labor, i-xcept that of the arniv. Daring peaee, lu expnted to be supported t>v the Slat'-, Ond whin war came he paid oil' the d?lit. We hive no plobeiOO class, nor are we likely te have. The men an I women who OOnpt "'ir bntho Of read our books red an hoii?*s( pride in ea-nin-,' their own br?ad, nul coinpai.itiv !\ f)'w of them in the. horded timn are dependent opea the daily dole. The obeolato neeeooarin of life are within their reach ; tin* public gratattonaly supplie.? them with Bomething arhieh they might not have c_? it in this way? They are all the better lo. it, but they eot?d live at looat without it. Th.- dng--. euminittecoof noHeanof Repre? ? it nisi'.s who h is? n. a n lUblnf f?'r ab Hg.-? igainel \ir. Wainsdeserve amdit ha Introducing aao a lirst ttlam nonltiaa in eompoigi natboda. tin- Hones h.m not ban 'tesiii'tiii ktssH ssrioardj*- to tho Investi gationof m mebargaof aaaUeannra iirgedegeinal i (isd oMeoc ssi i a riow io liis Impeachment? N? illier ?l".*s 'In II lile illi.l_.lll?? lllUt it I'il'i plesc ?galnat one nl its memben rr-"-"'''ij? that will coll tor ins ezpnlaion, "r even Jaotify a refpfimoait Wbotovi r tit? ostensible groaiwla toc investigation, ?in? setas] motive,sa everybodj U.d?--.v>., m n an? itVnvot to ii'i.-?t iba programo! .1 gsntlanon whs appeals to he mski g pr?spotona bond weg amono rsniltdatee fia the Preetdeattal nomina? to 1. N ?W, s?. 1 boni ciiii? (??lili; tho pr-|i, __i < t examining snd pnblisblni a troofidi nti.d bosinsas oorreupondenoa eztendioc oser tha moot .??tive paon ?a ? bnsj h.V. il uay he nut .(?<>ii??il nbotbor the most feverish publie srntimiint wonhl ?vi-ragain tolentta a ao*ealied Invaatigatten iu.ti tatod liy ?ni !i n body ^"d with sn?sh an aim. Mr. ?'.?..iur'-i triomphant overthrew ?>f his adisisaiii a ?na.v i.a.t prora tbal h?< wonld atalts an ideal Pmal* .1? lit M es eu ,1.1 ?-. . n labt- ? ?ill?lid.lte. Lilt It glUtiflM everybody who boHovea tbal even in pol?tica n open iiiui .m ii meat wacfan 1? mon ereditabbi than bnahwhaekiog traoehery. Aro w?s abont to turn over iinothi-r iiesr Uni thia Con ta?ida] jreerf Tho workings ol tha lawot aup? '.ly and demand ara eafckiisns snonghi bot who e??nlii havs supposed lbs (?hl World sv.mhi i>? ?.. sonn sailing !r,'?'!i the New tor skilled labor 1 Yo?, un? tnasterwrig iteol Qlasgow, Boatload, appeal to? day tahroogh our advertiabig eolnnmo Tor ??? ';'r_* number <>f <?! ? 1 alii a jniueia. and tdfcr wages nbi :b, m then pineblng thnsa ni naemploved mechanlcii will probably regard w ottnettn?oone ?ihilling. for a day of ten lionr*. The Comn.rr, 1,1. AoSarttow, h.-isinc bean misled Into an unjust attaok upon Mr. Hewitt, in relation to ii-. inlnii,:-.?,.it??M ?if thu allaiisnf to? Montclatr l.", inakoa a bandaoMBs and manly retraction, ssiiia-ii ?ine?-at on ???? j n .tic?'to Mr. Hewitt and sndii :?? Its 'is-, 1? :-??:.-?? ' ' f .i u.'S". PERSONAL The Moi y of Ole B0JP0 **?ep:*r.tion from his wl'i is i?r.?iiM?iiii'e,l l.v Kr. liiiin uii. in it li-t.vr u? Ihe t'tiuitttiiit rnntiri r. !?? I)tj wltllniu i.iiiinl.i, ____, Mile. Anna ?li? llehM-ca, .Si)?. Ta*_tiop__DtrO. Tow Kiti. .iiiiMiiiri.?. Kaafcasrfe han snrtvad In ?tea 11 ;tn< -?.?(.. end will gira thato tir?*t esnsni uns yrrot? , m BalOwla't gnw Opsca Buane m th a ntj. The Bev. Wilh.mi Adams, D. !>., Presi.lent ot Hi? Union 'l'l.i?.!.?? ? ,.l s Mur " ?, 111 ? In? ?'In, uill .1. 1.?,,, Um :?.iiiiea? mi suMiiuy. Jitat '.'>. bafM th. Hi.,-,,...1 01 I?iln_,u.i C't)!!??^?-, Immiod l'"im. The report that Dr. J. C. Ascr lia? Imcu tul ?n t.. n; m .m- ssjrlaai 1? inarraei. He lia? i?..?, ntferlei rii'iu .? n m al Meed te th asad, at sogbi n ay ?!? ?i?'.?..-!. - mi,; ?i'--!r,iti.iii t.? iiii-iM..?.?; inn iii? p_ __. , . m :.?>|ii ? lnjt ni : .luit Uni,' ho will I).' uhli tu fail i..r K ir.t|n?. The tablet erected to the memory ol the Into i"ii.r. ?iiiiiiii .o ????i-i;,M| riiu,,-.,,ty i.? |.i.,.,ii,. ,;,,. ?,,,.,., ??ail of in. ? sspeL it Is ..f Km_-ii-?i. i-.i, s. th- ?reugo esa> ? il !? ? ..1 twonustre-f-tiUPissed *.i?i.? i,?, ti?e.t 1 ?-. . _r ?UKmi liiaeiiiitii.ii. Tas ul?s ssi.rk 1? net in u liiiiaeuf iiUei? l;.-i|.-,;iii in i! I,]?.. Ihe bndgOi of the l'lemh Miniver of Pah? ua iiir.ii!?. 11,1 ???,.?. i,?,,- iiit.uii? t|i(, la?owtag ne!. 1 r?ii aislarles paid b| too .OtaM to Mm rmott Pta-epa aad a-orgyt Tbs *_r_rd___l inhMsbap ?r Paria? BISAOS pat lll?lll.i; 111?- full I tllllal Al.-hl.l*?! '?',?!. lif ll.'l-.l.-.l'T, limn !.. I Mil,"Ml. ?,.| 1. nu. a, ?:ii.I II.,) Sl,*!ilil,lii?|ii ' Al ?1. ? ,. ....-?"O , i,-'i : ;|?. i_> ,,n-,.|. Ar?'lll?litllop?, H.OOO < .1, 11, QtlKl th? I..I i...- Ill ; I !,| p _,,.???? mil Aluei III, 9:1.000 "??''?'? i' "? -??*! i"..?-i in i-?!.t'? aretii- .?: (,t o_ 1? i.Ih, .?in. (, an ....n'? -J.-J..1.0 ? ...-.n . r Cano is ?f tlw .-_.! -.??? ?_.:a ! ,ir |??r, l id >*??'" .-M 11 f T ('.?'!??lls ?if _h_ .t-i ,,|?| oritor ii. ? i?., I..-M.t si. __?aerie 'e u'uii.) are worth oiii <i?i?i ??,-; aaniisa. The iVrchhiahop of Belgrado mit the follow laglattaetoteoSeeeataryaf tbeBagHat !.?.i;i??* tu ai.i of lbs Chai titan la r,irtn'y : ? 1 mo rotan pla?an m eiii'i inline mi tint 1 tus?- r?.?eis?-?l Um eferaok tut BIOS ?tent to ?nein y.Mir 1-tt.-r ..f th. '.Uli iii.-t. 1( my the rn>,l linn- i?r th.i n ?ni lot th?) giltst of Ba__Mag OMattnan, svi.L 1 t-ti.ii.t snvay 10 no the trri-i?'. bnpsttaass vnlsh Is as*? ?fresa lotaa saanaaan tu Nnglananbsbollal t.ic ?l?tiili^ rajrsliS. it ta Uail.*?l a? s signafanol I''*. ik.,,M..M. in Turk?) kii-.w TV. 11 tlutwoen ?1. ? ?it.- -?ii-iii ,Mi .,1 tii? KiurUah ,?-,,?,i,. Udrawn i.? ti?, nu.iii.,! ol tin- 1 ii-k? in tin- Balkan '?emu.111.1 th?gnusi ?m. u.iii! .ii thai, .' liitiinii ?.111 nrutni?! It to Im> _m_on_c tii?- m.?.- m.-iisi- fiieiiiu ..f tiio ?i?, .tii? Cbrtsttann wlio ?f- ti-,-: 1.1111. r n?. una r,,,?ii?in. i*i-ii inif (}??t thai i_^ III.y 1. -s .1 >ll|li|,?,|.|y y.illi ?ir.M'i ,.11.1 ?tf ??" '. i.'isiii m.* ,11.nit.into it'iii rit.iii.-.ntH tnnag ?mi ti.iiii'.in . tun m, 1 _n y,,ur in. lulu foi what tuu boea nlie_t ?y n.-hiny, 1, I i??iikiui, ?lo.ti i._r, yoliri lullhlulJy." Dr. Samuel A. lirein, one ?if th? Boo__ of ov? 1-,,?!,,,: n .!,.?,! i.i'.'eg-, __ai ,,, .i|si?.,i ?copy of tho laws of that lnatltntlon as tbey existed ?225 ,th? The regulations specify tho way in which the tislrslnn be ?-tit, what iippnrel ?hull be worn, sod five m\^ directions In many minor mutters. Tint foMowtn? lomo of them ; " Nu soBe'lt* snail wcare rnfflstt lu? new fancied fashion*. Neither ahull It !_.? lawful for ?* to we.ire Ion ; kalfe. It??*ks, orforetops, nor t.. um? ? 1!?' t ri-i?. liiK. 1'iirteinK, or j><>>. ?lei line <?f their haue,? H*| Student's hiil) it too lona, ti)?* fn aident !? ?ivrn ?? no? I<> n ti.rme it," or to ii|?iM?int thrt-c of the ovetmoan* e m,initier fur I lie J?u *p n*'. lid ?e seems to bSVrSii mure praetleal known l-re of I-ti'ln sad (?reek ihm, ?u?,* Tu? Knuilitli luiiKiii- w.i* nut allowcil to l?u ?pokeu.?' among ?it? student* thaat ?altas, ?mil lo in. able to n?a extempore tlio l'iiiitiitaiicli nr th?i Mew Tnsuiiiont b?a Latin iri.m Ifctarlidual loii-'U* whs re?|ul.s|ii- ti.rii'?tgrtm Further on .it- res I that " ta.-y thai us I esstr ri.a_,^7 IBS Kitoht 11 hIiiiII lie iv.n pluxlit l?v tha Priwi.ltnt" Lieut. Cameron read a piper on the Authro pnlogyof Con'i'hI Africa, tmOBtly, Utfore the Anthroj??* ? logical 8ocl?-tj of Gnat Riltalti. Hi* cave an Im-s^.? inn ?lesciii'tiuii 0. til.- ?aaaara. '-???turn?*, and < bat-v-ver? istie?, 01 tho valions trllies he finlted. Anii.ut oilier tliinsra lie <?u) I : " Owing lo ages of Mahnmmodan Imtnt. grntlon tlie pure tv|?e ?if the negro did not at pri-seBt exist on ?ii.* i ei Cuits; of Africa, from v. Inch they h?d 'h ?-ii driven inland. In MadagMaM there were man* till, tot Malay erig?a. Amont.' th'iso tin.? it wir* a,,u?. who wore tn.-ir lialr ?luwii thcr hark?, f?? w_h.l, rtome wie. ii ul stimm tork noveo tiii??ii_{ii itictr wuot* andotheraagala ?ho t|.? tted wig?, in dsscrtfchg ?m Industrie* i.inl iii-iiiu! a ?nre* of the great t'otituieut, kt staled that tin- a.iiiv, h in non_c plawt granad their com atrk ti?.? iraoki o: i. ?-?. and the i??tter? wat* nena* fa. iu:-?*'l .afr.iiii-7> rcailudoa lu?a <?f nmelinans dug up ^ Hi?) ruina tif l'itlIilN-i'aii'l Iifl' tllail inn. It, Bis t. .??,,? in- ?Mino to a eoaatn trhera tin iron n-.ui. win m * ilniii i.-iii.ii.' ? oiitiitiu 1, 'ii ra i?? 111K ment foiinderk* nimm .10 f.-fi |nB| by 80feat wide, wher* they freqnsailrgm 1 1(1 pi'iiiitU 1.1 joo i? ?. m? U of iii.'iai In a S'il?.''.? siii.-itiaic. linche h-iil _n? 11 pit ?-?*.?. ef tx.ii itoi-ki d ?imply by the hammer, ii.oi moult il nit'i rarioa* shapes, !ii?-lnd,ux Us liiini.tii fin in. a.? fu ii?il? t?. lv ti.iiiiht.ii as 1.' 111 mi .m '.Aied by the tnoHi .killrui Ewnlak urtis-ui. Among Um !?' mea whom he met, the pttmtkt vti-io (or tin- ru? ?t [.art 1 kver ventriloquist*, an arl wiiii-a ilu.y pat ton I'lypntiu ali't- parpo**, iw? -?il? ? hy Um answer? of th?ur tit b?, which wen iHvoial.iO or uto? rwi,?., acvvrUi..0- U in?, valuu of t?? - ? -bringe." POLITICAL NOTES. Kinn and liases in the latest. Gov. Roflong m chairman of the Louisiana delt-ir;ii|.-ii i? c?:i miart, aiitt Mr. Plaehhaek lias alrttidy In ?in i-ik.sci) n?i-in.M;r of tl e N.if.oiiul Uoaiialttaa Don't liinUe the mistake of counting Mr. (.'??nklunr nut ?<f 11 ?? iti A, m ?if tuideimtln? l.n? ?-treniftii. Ill? fririidH are making it vlgoroua oiiivaas with tho hop* ff .1 ih,.in?: Mulligan of the Mulli-spin Gn.ird reached Baaata aa Manrtajr aiaklt an?) u? taapeaaa to Um iBnaaa a licilier ho tln?u_rhl Mr. lila'tie r.*:nl all the letter? u, 1 1 llo'in , asid, ?*tiipr..ilttiilly, "Mo, 8lr; nor he in. 11 will, and titiii'i yon fantH it!" There ptooaVaM to be an early leathering at ("Im iiiintti iii view ol the uu?;t*ttainty of the situation. Tie- Wiseo'iMu d.-leratea urti to art ire in a body onKsW unlay, ami ItV C HUM -'Ut .lel-_.-atloa will leave New t'oiu lu s .peiirti ?*i i'iit.iiy altanan. CoDeetoc Tun.m ?io Dhntratiag civil mtIm reform in the l'ii'Ud- Ipliia Ja.toni-l)?>ua?-on !?:?? nul Bak .ork plan. 1 In.? hoi-I? of the D?*pury (.'.?In-, tor and sot a?r..l s.ii.iinliii i'es fill the daj be entere?] with a prouipt* na-KH timt init-i have kM tjflit an approving ?mile t* I man OMaaaaal ttmSStra and lionea?t fm-e. Mr. Tutton Is in.t one of tiiono " 1.lank literary fellers " It in ruuiored that John K( lly ia considor lagdM feasibility of a loud autl-T.lttea protest on the tloorof tilt;.*.:. La 11? Ca.Dv.-iiti.tti, Bddnaaaa_ nut t?. tba BBBfeBMB ?>f tho Convention, bit-am? the delegation aal Badet (he ??nit niii-. bat lo the chslrtnao of t.'ie <li It'Katit.n. In ottiez w?. 'tl-t. lie oontomplates a " row" of a k.mi that '.vtitii.i attract taa aataaliaa ??f the entir* Convint imi aa I uilfclit Le cil. clive lu u?i_uurali_:iaj( tiM lilile-a folies. Bath parti-s in Itrliana ?eem un-*orMuatc in their c.tuiti i ...s. 1_. papers are ?ttiii ._i?t?fna Ma* i'x-Miiiistei Orili shall retire from tho can vans, aud Ix-iiiut-niti. ?i." K-rs ami eoif *v conventions are inakiaf flic ?ame tfaanai with tesiM'-t to ?o'U.tuf llm lMm> 1 nit sn.-r-iaii- (nun Jial.'is vttio ore euiiill'tftten for re eii-oiioii. Him imi ?? i???? 1 1 tiir?.* ?1 with umkiiiu- aaasaaaa ii-e Of til" CVUli fill::! ( )IM <?f tti*". .1 Utl '<? l'.'ttlt, re '?'Ay in nie h ill- ni? -'i i t ?a-k upon a -ii. et i'.-iiat.lior la ii pre-? la .-i?" i? i.?." - ? I ?? I in Lui...volte. (.'ali'iilations 0:1 thl louitii li.tliot at rmcin n?ti will all be w.isir<_. ?ht Imltunupoltt Jotti-nal <ss mystorlotu und subterrancaa Inforrnstloii, "reeiltid ilminK the la.?t M hoars.'' that Pi-uator Morton will ntt " an luiptirt.itil Baa -a??-ti of stitn^th frotn an unexpeeteit ?jiiarter, an I tin re is>>iiK reaaon to believe tl?,.t h* wnl lianomltiiite?!aa toe third ballot." Ktoin Waithing? loa laanaa a nuanrtfiat Mnrtsa and iii??u,?* bitte unui* s . ??.a.? alltan? ??. ivr, ..s ti.?? ttaablu^too runiot may expla'a tit? Ini'.i.i i? its eotiiiiii'-tce, altkiraat it is so sti mu'' :?s t?. ????ni niii!.??) iiit n-dibl ". The BlfctoV ?papan will pcabahlj persist in t inting Itr. EUakaa .-ut et ihe netM The Meaai Tr?nten],I a?. ? . " .'?a.s ii:!i'i?i Its n1: ?nid hfive a solid iWla?aHaa fia l'.?ii1aiutn II. ?rlstow iiith? t'inciti'mtl Co'iviaitioii i fiel i? nul lots ti- n? -pin ?1. \V . takt? Ii III sn^.i1,?!! pi?, a, :\ll oi-i.i-ve.?, J ?aie.? C. Hl.i: a? C'lUltl ?.i. ai,. 11., t'? . iu' \? t? ?f ti.o State v.llh tiii* I'VUleniB ti ?it 'ia it ?! |- i :. ? <i ..f ids brotnraar tarslltaad ??'ne':? ilnn. % hi? . i?ii?- s, c ni'.-t. V\ ii> sboald any .Ii-ii ?.tie, ti.? n fi.lii I...S I niiiiiiitliWt'.liti: Mas,.- i,- i ;.a aad ot . ? ? ? :i-i I'.n at-I I.-*""?- i: ?t-;u ?ai.irtlli Mlppt'll tlii? M ??-ii.'i.-y o- i i.i i., ...... ? ,,u ihs iir-t't-it :i?al la?? ('. UIBuBWCmltb Will \tn ina d .'Idutl uiiiiit ?ni- fot a.i tu ?i:.- ;*.'...!. mi ii ('.?tit. nt.mi." The Sfirimjjii'l'l I nifii, a atron? l>!aine Vo\u?t, drill.-4 ti?,i', ti,? . \-Sp. ,-.??! "Bad lr.iei; U. .itliiK? in IhS iioriis ?a railroads .-tli - .--il !y Conaiftstiopal let aa?Iou." Il ?ay?; "Mr. blai'u ?li.l h-ive latas ?k-nii-us. ns an M nt. in ti t?'? ads at to Little Rot-k and F?u1 Smith Itatlraad? Thaotilj arl ?>f Oaagtaaa that evtr a ????(.d tli!? rr I li'< ..???'.. i-m'ii li.tiir. i tly, was II ??? a? ?.,.-., ii Mil lard mil.'a admlnl tialhay II yean toa B ?ins em ?ad C.ii. rew. Cwrlatti bends wen.- then canted to i.ii- Mate u." Alkaaaaa to nue In ithlluK rni!:valn wt?iin its bonier*. A part ?>f thaaa laads were mh ae ??nt'y ?ciftnti-al t?> tl..- f!..t?- tu im- Little no. k- .in I i-i-r Ba 'ii Kiiiiioti .\ii '.ii t to tue taeta, then, it Mpean tktd t' .ver.-no ttecer't'.-it In lbs United .^tat.? wincit a ( ??a .?e-.a-..i..ti iinild rtPAl In a '?'t* Wholly witlmm ?nav I?l.-i..?i o? iiii'.r'?i'tleiy than ii?e bonds of jntt Ulis rail rond." Mr. \Va*-lil)Ut ue's recent start into pvonii 'iei:ee ?I'eins i?. .-t.-i:.- ?olee nervoi'_?net_a a.i.. n_, Mr. Uaakllngt Joornanatlc i?u.U3..n-. ?he Utoag i. s prest Mjra It uoiilil aii|i?H?rt >ir. W:!i.':l>iiMie of eotirM*. t.ut taafesathe d ?,??.,n, n ???? Hob Ikat it vaaMtotto (if h ?.iri-i-a-iv. i? rtit f? )' \ hi.'!i tiie nomination hila? ("BS I ('mil?, ?he A Phiiij tiR of tlie rc'.-nt ?alv? gaattaneaf eaadMatei tennety dkmaaai keoarei ??? a. ?n eau i" im i.iii, it. ?i v?.i a the Aatapattaa of hu own nata meaaaualy i ? dnH klaa i "i?. ktadafaaaovtliO I? le.? ti. rt I: is'v., r tu IB B gB?B IkaO tot tu!...*? wiitth wiie ei> ladaacrlaaerji pakMaaad a bo <ii?y? ski?, ?n\ wiii-1? ata aoar eren 10 t?e ?rortkleat IfBar wtmmop ..rn .im \?ii .?.il-?? ii il, "'t ?i tn :? il kii'' B, a*>d ;:; : . ??? men lit liavuti m h?U .; ? i ? Ith ml tl,.. ? ? ? . - . , -, - ? . nt the <??-? as'; nt ?m 't i.ivf kin in i.... ?-' i1.!? pa i ? ..i of iii? part tew ?I Mtotilv lt?ti'-ti i lu- t:iil'ni?e aud lut ti a tlr..iiB*. wmtg, i .i.uiiii^ ru.!' nt.,." The view-? ot ii?ail\ cvi-ry delegate t') a'in riaiiali iroiu in ? 9 ':. fit Matad lu a pit?," of brief latea?lana la jreatereajft BrraU. XWraliUttladlsaral fi-.'iii iin- pmnt ?ii?.1.1 ,,.i i. tna.fcat Ifeaai Wkn?a ??UM-Hk ikaa ?M? ?mlaaanki .!?? *? with neta htatttm tliuini^ht bav? iw? ,; i?t?? ieit in v. w of the rixent itoildilte.iiioU Of OiUM i. ? : '-"i-i?) d:i.i>i? til?- EepUoU* -?an ,?api is und )_..!,,; i., ii?. Mr. Cut It's Interview ?m it", f enough. ItWaa>, ?? I oi...!i t'.tit \??> lor Mr. Cotiklln? nuit r nuy .-c? ?n.-iiin, ?-?< " s. *i.-.t >r I'rin?**, Mr CnriLs'M-i i.. ,.? in.m it.e Ul I Hal I !??!, ril 1: " if lb? <?n-ial -il-.-*, ,i titt al? i-n,itit?ii at <"*:?? I n?t! is fM Mr ( onkltag i siiai. nt aeaiaa voie he Mia ; M I o? riaiuY Wnilltl laii Vol. in 1,1'n if 1 tin- .u'lil that tin cnlllil tit n.u:.'a .ted. 1 ia i.fl tfcfcak he t'oiild eafry till? SttWk 1 shaUdawkat i east ta ata tea kaal U?nafkaantpart^ I bav?? n?'t in .?I" up tuy WttA a? to wluii -?andl iltte i hhouid pet tra. Mv toakM *ui d"p?'(xi up.?a tu.? mi. i??k aa I iiii'i it st CMamwaB.* M.itsi'.iii o BatoHBaaM to oat "iMeailir" i? Bt.0ttM Unir, un?! a '?? l N??te let hl-.ii '-iii iin- n. ,; I, iil?it. " Js?'o^ II. olt, from the X il lili I'i?!?i,:, ^.,..l he ui.l no* fi.i konnd '-y tin natdutlon of tii?-.sw.,.. c t'eBvcntioo. thowed that ha itaa aataOuahliaa awn, tad .finu'cj tin?! he was fticnillv t?? lllatue. Kx-slenstol l>i.B!n?>:> ?' t!ii?M. ?Lawreuee(Itr. wihti. ?-'m dtstrlet ?seid Br. ouk llag ?? aaa act . itrooa man with Hie pe?io! ? ..f N.uthfru N ?? Volk." He f-'it It.-tllitl In a lii.asiin- -n I lie .**)'rs? Hi" i? ?oii-.tion, aad ?said: "I'll ?rot? for Uiu at-Cln?-lBBatLnn if wedon't saooeud in aomiBatli tolo*, I wou't ?it?la?*?* on n lo? aad we -p. u wat? i?r.ivi.!iui< i ?. r- If B l'* ,0 -ll ?! .vu mi. If lhml i!?e uiakliu* ut Ike PrenldeBl or a eiiuiee in llm matter I'd teudCouklnu to lbs t\ii.t*II>'U?>* act?. ? lots-, hut that ...n't ?Be done." Hear) W. Itsten, Mr. I)i?ki:i ?"-..'? eoi!.-i!-iii'. spul,, n. inin t tu?' s*iue s\:.r. liotu fa.oie-1 Mr. .tina i? r. Ama? V drailej ot iheXXin liiMtrl. : thou.lull "w..?.!.l baa <n .t DiuUke to etmit nato OHtkuna." but n!i..ul.l rota 'or 1...11. He *?"}** "several UepubUeaiu le. 1! '? part ol tht s*".*.piy"^ would s ?, ti'ni nu in pii.tii.iui-." ChiwrVaJLOn* hud ?if 'a-e ?u?'id.nli.tri? I. a ?'.?.^t. pel-Li)?^ Msaa *s Conkltaa.u I, "Brlatoa 1 ?Soak ui-on ft? a myth. A?*" pivi.iitit two rotte will b? o*nt aasinsi Mr. i oiitnna ai the oil's? t, tl.,mult end* one, that ol ?It CnrUA mta soltit.. :y s?: ?. ?f it is Im lieved . 1?, ??. here tl: it t'??*l'' "* cu?n?- lor Mr. ('?-nkliim". ih.? N.-w-Vork d,-tg Alitu *i" uiitli.uiiiedly Hito hiiu all tho support he eau M? TIIK I'MilN L1-;.\C,'.'E TO UK AT CISCIN'VAT*' WfV-aiiiNi.iov, Juno et 11 Oat. Willi?!?? A. N.-well of M.-w,f??m.*y has esl?e?! a nevllni of ttis N.itit.iial Kxeiiitlvo t'oinmlileoof the fniou Lea*"?' ** Atuet'ia, to I??? hol.iat iho ilnuid Cc?i?ti-?l Ilot? lia tSM ciiitiuti ou Ihe temmsg e. th day Ui" H uemal K lf?_j_! eau iViiT.M.M.,') ilotev ?ii.. eai "'?? ?"*2? liiivo I., en ittiue.-'.rd lo s*ad nulat'""?*? ?? W^* ***** State and'leri'I'.i'i') iu_*> ??< ri'pres*i?t;iA.