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^vo^XXXVI.Xo *M*t? IffiW-YORIL THURSDAY. JUXE 8, 187G. PR?CE FOUR CEJ\ ' ~~5_I??E FULL OF FIGHT. - o DfTESTIOATItVO THK COMMITTEE. AlSMOeTT A HWBXHttl KNCOt'I.TER PFTWKF.N Ml' KNOTT AND Mit. BLA1NB? 1R. KKOTT XC.MS BO?TEI>-TIIB NOW P-U-MXM CALUW?LL I>Ii-PAI('H piBUSHKD. The current of event? in tbo Blainc investigation was varied yesterday by Mr. Waine'a takln? the control o? the proceeding? into his owii hand*. ?B appeared in the coiiimitt?*e-room. and repeated the char?.' that tho Sub-Coiuuiitteo which Is tnakiiii! this investigation was appoint?*d under the limited Tarbox resolution and not under the sweeping Lnttrell ItBlUHW ot last January. He appealed to the records. Tl.? Committee refus?-?! to rend the retmreM. Mr. Blaine took them from the Secretary's hands and established the fact that the record* proved his point. Mr. Kuott afterward ex? plained that? the Sub-Committee was ap-winted (Milne time a*ro, but a, record not tnadc of it at the time. Mr. Maine then brought up the. subject ti the mppretssioii of the Cuhlwell dispatch. An ixciiini: eolhxiuy took place between him mid Mr. Kno'.t, darin? which only the ?.oliies? of other gentlemen prevented ? attack upon him by Mi. Knott. The Cilklwell di^iateh is now published. the HEBT ?CEME in committee. IHY TtLKC.RAPH T<> THK TltltUlNE. | Washington-, .lune 7.?The BOBM in the Hooot .ludiciary Coiuinittee tl:is inorniiiv was with ut a parallel in the history of Investigations. The Judi? ciary Committee ua? had Mr. Hi.nne under investi? gation for some weeks. Mr. Maine Ihil mamii g took the invcsfi-r.iti:>r. out of the hands of the Committee and arraigned tho ('ounnitiee on the charge of un faillies., and the deiibciyu suppression of inforniatiou claimed to ha Eararablc to him. Mr. IJlaine force: 1 a consid?rai ion of tin? ( ii cuiBfltan?m connected with the suppr? si-cd telegram from Josuih Cahlwe.l in Lon?lo:i, and eoeopolled the coinitiitt-tnicii to make important dioi'loBBxea ?jstotho im-tfuuls ?if tl'.-s suppt'. Mnt n. Mr. Kanne has u? un demonstrated that he is a most akillfnl and successful OMBttl ?nl tli? policy of audatity. His fir:?t chartre upon tibe Committee waa that the taVOeaaBrtttea t.? tajee! ?gate kho, eaontaaed al ?two ?ex-Confe-h rate GcneraK was speciftcallj ?appointed to try him in r?-v?-ngi ?toe his ;K.givssi\v course m the amnesty debate. Ta prove tins tie appealed to the Committee iur the eridenoe iu their ?record book. lhe Ooiutuitteo declined to produce the book, stating they bod BO .niilioiitj t?. slmw it. Mi. Blame then assumed tot I.i.:..-?- 'f Cm ?ititlu?. .ty which tbe Committee was hnpotoOl to c? ' ? went to the dirk's table, took the OOok, luin.-d t-i the i-ecor.l, and, to the ?vi? dent auiaiSement of the i-sib-Coliniiitte?', pne .-dial puhli.-ly to Bsnotfoe the reeord and to dwenaa it. Mr. Maine said there was a SjneetbBB el reraeity bat traen Mr. Knott and at to the ?date 0? the app-oint iiient of luis Suit-Committee. Mr. BloiuoOBtd thai Mr. Knott li;ul stid the Sub- MBinlttOe wan ap? pointed iiiulfT the Lutlrvll U'solutioti anil not under the Tarbox n?solution. Mr. Hiaiin* tbewi d from the Coinmitite ri-iord., that t'.c I.uUn.ll l-eaolnttoa Wat sil.ipte.l Jan. ill, l*7t?, and that the Tarbox rcsolu tion was poaaad May A Tne Goovaittee reeei - show that the Sub-lHiniiiitt?-?- on ?hieb ?emtbe two Coii?i*d< ralo Ckworatt was deeigoated May :>. Mr. lllaiiie ui.'ni?' the p: int, therefore, t li?t Mr. Knott'? ?statement la too House was iiucrnit. and that tho two Cmi? dor?te Generala treta appointed to try him after t.ic I a. BOB resolution. Mr. Blaiue's narraloas audacity ttartled the Cao? frderate Sub-Committee as tinicli 00 hin apeoeh of Monday did tii-House. lie that the ( om mittee wsw app-iiuted after the Tuilmx resolution, aad aal nil tha Committee if tins trot not the f;?? t. Mr. Ashc of tlio Commute?' been nc BBflTi ?and fOOC hastily from his s.-at and said be d.d BOtBfopoae to I?.? placed apoa tha ttand to be examined by Mr. Dlaine. PrtietOC Knot! BBOB r?-turiit d t?. the ?mata slid inl??mipteil the cxaininatiou U. iiial.i* a? state? ment in rciily to the is-ne of vcnitv nbieb Mi. Hlame had ?ralead. Mi. Knott m.' that the Mib-_'"intuitIce was appointed muh r the l.utirtll resolution, which \\.?h pasted Jan. 111. Mr. Knott dearly BTOTed his jtctiut by the coiimirr* i:t teatl tnnny of ne.i;l> all tin* tut ni'n-rs ol the Judici try C'liiimilt e. It ?appOBIB. howivcr, that tin Bopuinttneitt o? theSnb-(.'oiiuiitte?' vaanol entend in the le.i'ttid of the Coininittt:-? until May il, ?hieb bappaotedte be the dop onoeeeo_ii the adoption "f the Tarbox faaolntMn. Mr. Blaiae eharved, bow BMT, iu rebuttal, thitt the Coii'uiitt.e had permitted the Luttreil resolution to lie donnaiit fur !>'_' ?!.i. -. and then hit.I iissiiint d to inveatifrate him und. i Ixith. Mr. I'rye of Mam? pWiB hh 010001 forim! accept i n tr a pavtion on the S'lb-Committ? <: thai the Dein?K-r,?t.s ucre aamOBjad m a deal of dirty ?Fork, and he did imt pfOpOOt t?? In lji (Ik in in it. Another charge apon ?bleb bo anaigaed the Cooa> miitce was tin- aoppMoaiea of th?- talegma tnm \ Josiah ("ahlwell. The eery exeiUog eolloqnjr which followed is without precedent in n-'i-nt p.uliamctit ary invest i Kations. There threatened at onetime to he a jM-rst?iial euetttinter in the committee-room. IViK'tor Kimtt snrietnlt r.-.l his dignity to oil pasMon. ?Bebod Boon terribly exasperated by lhe assaults of Mr. lilitini iiisin tnm in the House mi ?fondo/. Thai ?asiR-ration was iMNMBd by iii?' int tint? Mi. Blaine openly to his fa??t in the coiiiiniit-.-niniii raised an issue of veracity, and bad ?ln.i ?. ?1 Mi. Kn?.tt with mpp?b_bj tli.- ColdvoQ dlapati b. Mi. Knott booaam ?pearttp anattod. His whit.- mtwttm he grew a shade palei, his licry tbtrbl ?teat on a deeper ?low. h?i atetehad lus aaketi stick with a firuicr iciasp ami ?adranoad throal ctiitiiily tearoid Mr. Illaine, who nul in tchair three feet from him, watchinj. < v;rv niove niftit with uuttinchini.' t-ye. Mr. Knot! laioed his diminutiv?* form, bikI you could hear in the hiltn?c of that cti'iiinitt.-c-riMim the ex^?jieiaiiiiK imiuiry whkh being laterpnted meant: Wli.t'iui, | this |',ti' of (...nt? .lisplac-, Must iu<x-t Ilniiiliasle? fat?- to I.i? <-. Mr. Knoll stated a si;p;>??sitiiiotistiisc about a N-V irraiiilt..i.iMi.(';il,Uv.-!i, winch ini?ht Im v.- s.nd Mr. Batee wa? guiiiy. Mr. BLitee eohnljf Inter rttpted Mr. Knott and sa.?l. " Vnu will jm?rtuif BN to b, bave thai it vaahlbarofoaooal raqraoBn." Mr. Knott appruankai Mr. Baaaa m i thraateaiag man ner and sai-l. " What do y,,,, ,,? itll% s?? f BfhjpA lUl y.?u say T Do you inataaaOi teat 1 vonld do von iDjaMice in that mannci?' Mr. Bbtine replJed, "1 mean to say thai 1 don't thinl: yam ?tmBhl bare kept back a dispatch that wool,I hint me." the Manda of Mr. Motea aneeaaaloaBff aathatel around him, aud had Chauinai, Kimit, blkil BBBted chivalry, mado another ttsOB t?)war.l Mr. ?BUlue. there would have bev.-n a ptemtal Mteoanter. (;.?' HiiiiUm, who is a man of teitiaikabie Hiai|liaaj! Baaaaadad m enforcing ?antat, The Eieuiua litar des. nix s the scene which fol? low?! later in these words : ?ouias.aimtobeiiliiee^^r-;"-""""" con-'**i Wlwtever may be thought of tho character of flic W<-ir!un fr??m Mr. Cahlwell as .'vidence, the lending l>ernocrata them^lvi-s to-night dea MB 111 Troctoi Kuott for uoT having presented it iiuinediatc?y to the ^'mmittee. Mr. Blaino showed Hist the latpaalHn that Uie telegram was ttet.tiou* wa* a spe?;ious one. H)? telegraph n. Ltmdoii u under Oovermnent nets. F* H?~ the Chairuiau ol a Coiigresaional Coui ??ttee intimated to th? telegraph uiauager iu Lou Oonthat the liuenean Conirrcss had beeu tri?ed with by ? f??rged ?linp.-tt.-li, there asMMdat Oit fiit?ro pdis?i nir.'?liii.-iy ??f London wouli have bttM put in opi-i?ui.i;i to ??i.'covcr the ftirgei Mr. Knott ?lui not take, thin ??en. Hs ?lainrn t have put in?|iiiri?*8 ai foal which elnw??l that Mi Cahlwi-11 ?8 in Tiiiiii, Italy. It is nia-'?>- to apoca now that Mr. C.-il.hv. !l mtt hawt tat inoiiilis in Lon ?Ion, and lia? a public ?? there in a pr tuition place. Mr. Knott. yield.nj*; to titwaol?.???itntion of hi Democratic friends, tan pivcii out the famous Mi paleta to-iiiuht to lbs fat-ml pataUe, In *?<> datai b ?considers that lie. ban not ?-rivcii the di.-patch validit; ?ah evidence, un?! at the s-iaiic. tinn- lia.s sati-fieil pop u'ar . huiioi .'in tii it. (-iiuteii!-,. It is not midi : ? o ? tliut the Committee lune ?.il]".' n] .m Mr. Cahlw?! for the uf.iduvit wlilili he ??IT?m I i ?___. CAT.DWKI.l.'s TFtLEGHAM. luv nunin ti. ma nuwsa.1 Wastiincmin, June 7.?The follawlag ?* a ttnyy o the Megnita receiv-d taj BapnarafcatiYa Knott m 'l'Inirstlay last, and which lie fiiriiislief. for publica tiuu: LoNnoit. To Chairmen Judiciary Cnotniitlee, IVathina ton, I). ('. : Hive 1u:?t r.-nd in Ne-.v-Y.nk _.riper.? Sinti' c\al.-n?"'utifuit our Ikiii 1 r.r,iii-Miction. and < an fully cor i'.<Loral.- it. I n? vt-r gat. B__BS noy Kurt Hiuith Baflwaj biin.l.t directly ?u? iiKih'et-ih-. I Usvs three foieimi rail ?iiy ?'?intriKtijon my liiii?l-, v,-'. l.-.i lu.ik.- it iuii.'i's.iM' for me to le.ive willi'?i;t gMfll l>- < iniM-.rv tats, or wouli t-lidll.? voluntarily .'.?in?- liniu.' in 1 m? lest!'/, (an (a.ik? aili.lavit to this er.cct and until it If ?1? sin?!. tOEtAU ('AI.I)TVKM TUB 'IRANSA?TlONfl IN DF.TAIL. [0>**>Sa*aui. i m:- - I'l-i'tn i'.! Wasiiinc.ton, ?Inn?' 7.? Tin* .-?uh-.Turticinr*} Comiiiitire to-day continued th* invcctv'itinii of tin aalaai sMaMM Mr? Blalaa. Btr. ftya, sa bskaU si Mr Blame, ic?|ii?-..ti-(l laal Un- t< n _.-:"iiii r? ?( iv? il l.y Mr. Knoit iioiii Joalali P. Cilalv.i-'l li.iin LoB-toa Ik- print?-?! in iviiiii?-? tinn ?Uh tu?-i? ul ?if t ut- lCrlllII"1I> .is Ol (III id ti> tin? committee. Mr. Huiit.iii aid t! Huh i":i.i?iii!t'ec had ni m.h ul 1 n '.il,-.'-e ?if tu' STlStsaSS a M it ?- tele..: um?that *_l a malt?-.- In tfit? lini'il* o' lb? full Committee. Ileii.tiiiiiin V. V.lee ol I.i?li- Bosk? Ar'.i., iin'l Batkaatsl t lu,'.- ?.f Hav.-rhtll, Mass., ISSlMad they knew no ktagwkstSTeral.i thoaabjectaan?oi uvnmtuxBttaB, SXSSpl from the papan. Mr. II! un?-naiil be w? tld Ilk? to look a' the recorr? of the ("??ii'inul?-.- to .1-? ? 1-t.ui; wl.i-h ll.isMili (?Until.((??'? ?_H appoint.d. Mi.naalai Tali ?WbOiamlHeataas m more tUthl wllh tl e rccurtl tliaii any ?itln-r BSMkS-i of the ( cim i.iit!'i. Tin? rc.-ord i m skargs af Iba tiatE. Hr.___|__M ?Is H ii'.-'..'i r?.r Iks stark tt he mutt tx-f.ire In !-.:!i open If!?- Ii.itl; an I ( vii'mmk- il f Mr Iiuii? ii?Mr. TtJO Ot muy OBht r in?ml? r im? iih m i, li rig t to look ai Hi" Dimitir. baa Mi. nialf Ta u if Mr. ttyt i a* look ?.i it, I win lauft It! It. Mr. 111.ihn- walked OtOt :.v.-I lai h th* I ?St, ?.ii.ii. .1 ??a ? b of vi-iii-i \ bad -.? -.n between Hr. Kaott aud h in- if. ami in r"!_-r? id?.l lhat Mr. R ii?'.'. was sa pm ?? ul Ul? ?sated to BXklbtl lo t!it- v.-.u hi ;. .-1 1 I.? r? ?,ul- M,??i that (lit- Silla-? 'oiim. ! 'In 11. 1?.? T.? box n-.a'Miio!: was : ? d ' | 2, i i Mr. Ki ?talad ?m Un* Boat ?if lbs Boose Isa) Monda] tkal bahad a?>.i<>'n ViI the Siih-coin-i.i:; c bmg beforetbeTsrkei r ullltliili ? a-|i,.--? .1; in-uct.,1, ,1 It, -,,'iw lliiil 11,.- i ,-i ti?.- c??i.iuiitii*?*?lui in.11., .ir sal i "? i-t.i'.iii.-ui <?r Um ftaatrasn. Mr. frail T. A.Grata xx.i? tu. u swsra< wberenp-in Mr, I h ml h?- ii:id-:--r<t.iil ill ('-,-! -i, it.-e wi-ri- ii??w ?_?? ; : ?iiit.t'.er hr.-iiiii ?>f lbs i?iv? ::_'.i!i ?,. sad bs dsssred i" h.ive Mr. J 11. M?-?ta't 1>?? .-lit ?."ii ta ?. n o. Mi. Danton direct I -'.A... ?bob Mr. '? ? mi i by lokH i ipb si ?ai s. Ik? ??in. ?-'ii?.i. n. til .1 laal H ?tests*, MtMSart, and ?m? - a-?i ; ? ",: I ,?lli Ibe l.-i-i: .-??r (I ?? li DSltSpK -II' I.B I * ? ,?:??'' y ? li' ? II ?'?-?-.lili?; (In? i v?a.i.i i'i n. v. h? u Ifr. Ill to t ikiPtr up tli ? K. -u? i-, matt' r till ? ?,, :.'i-!iiiii vasdispsassl ?f Mr. Ili.nt.iti?W! y do y.-u ?ill? ctl V.'ei.r?- lnvi> Us i BkaPaeMs BsUro_d. wld h aliiprshsali take um Hi;?-.? in? nil ? 1?. c,,n.i 1? i? . Mi. Hlani?-Til-all m-i It ll III'' I'll?'HI I'll -.I'?". I ?. Ill t" ?haw liai it ?!? iinu' <! at ii??-, and liiat lor .. |.u Mr. ? I want t?? SSJ tkal >??r a v,n c.'i r;-?- lb ll tkis mv ?-nt.i__.-ait i.iti was a i sa faa i"i pan.?? strata : ?on, ?on -?I lie ??ii.ii ?h i??: ?.o. I wsal t" milk.' li tin?:ou^ii,aa_ a in?- MBmi i as a ktadlj ss Mesa bs ?sos. Ait? r ssaa eaasaltatlaa, the wttaew i ltd be aaald lik? t?. ps i-ii with hlS -;jt? iiM-M'. mil h?.ul'l nui In In *-?? aii(iiii?(t Mr.Stewart as_sai a^ Mr. Blaiaew Iks Osss m-,i? c tu,.ni.i ilalrs. i.i.-iciiiKiii Mr. Blatas \ ilv? I li1- rwiasst?aadtkswit BSSSkataUk-i that in l-'I'M? I .'.in !>i?i>-<.|i ti On i mil. Partis Balitead aada s eaatraa wltb ."uinn i Balk 11?. hnii'i Ike read, sad agm d Is lire bia sU tk? ii beads av'i atoo* aad ? - d obtaa fm il??- read Ot th? way of si i i.i ? ? from Con rasa; Mr. Hal n i look la ss paitacrs Mr. F nj sad TboutaaC Daran! ; in OeAaht r, i?c,i, Mr, Halle) turn? ?I avar .*'-MjOOO -?'. the iioniin to J. it. Mawarti i'?" lai'M a -n-.?- ..'uu .?:, uni i?? m, th?- ?ill.?u-?>r tu?- Midi acctii-ii ni i.i<-,-ni .?r i., gtsa "t i-ii, wkssaky Un- ttotM si Um iaad was iliaagla? m i. MB, BMO, i*- i x ii'.v. While (hin witiir. ? ? .?- t? ?.111? mi', Ml. Kii'ilt MOM lit.? tin-iiimmi, aad a spirited eoil<M_uy tmik alaeebstweea Mi. Blata sad Mr. Ku?.ii. Mr. Iliinlon -;ti?I : Mr. Kiii?*l ?|.?i:?- (o uni)..- a h at-un ni at llil |M?uit i.i i? ?'lid to lie- Hl'l'i?ll'!'ii? lit (?I 111? | ;ll-C allllllltl.-.'. Mr. Kaott- Ikavajaaksea aM tkal Mr. Blslai las tailed attrnttoa la an entry on Iks loaka "i i .?? Osa allies "'i tin .l'l'ln iirv to -how thai titht i-iih-C un ???il,-? I ??n mi | on tks U "?' m.iv. Mi. Malas That _ ?aal tks mmtmet taya, Mr. Kiiiiti ri- <i?.-;? ; ;. ' i ?i ,<i rats? I t??at Ml. Illn li? ha-? > alle.? thi'atu-iili'ii. of tin-'-|>"! Li* to thai fa? 1, In I toldan iii.lriit'i. Mr. li an"' i * i"i ?iiiii-,.,-.ii ?dieted ay itateai m, anil tiiar H was a i|ii,-i ,a?n ?,| \? -i,i.-ilv I? !wi?-ii iin. VI Kimtl 1 ?lid aot i (mtl.ulna air'iiionl you m nie. Mr. ii: -iin? - -win n i bad Mated ?kattkta Osaalttes iiaai baas BppskMsd to < saatlae tbM tnstti r ros Mae sad ?.uni nil?? ciiMiiiiii'-?' had t? i n api otate i batons, aad tkal you had not hcanl of my _S_M i:t coiiii?'. in.n With Hi' tiiiitt.-r. Mr. Ki ??t i sadsrstaad tiiai Mi Blataa kassallad Iks attcniion of ilu? reparti i Mi Hlaiix- leattsd I!.?- til? i.i uni ul th?- Caiiimltt?'?' an! tin r? port. in. Mr K?niII - PMStSSl] N?.; w??will BOWBSTS the f?i<t_-, ami I will bs akBflsd i?i tkc n ixu-ti-.s i?, _jh,- tks facts, bs I ri ?t?- th.-.'ii. Munie time |h known SStkS l.iitltill riw.lull. n w: ?) Intiodiii? (I, hi,,', loagl do not | m, w, I.ul ?t SSSSparsUn ly ?lu.rl time, I |,i?,|,.i-, ,| to ?piMiiiit a Hiih-i oDiiuii!'?- (?i Investigate the aoldeei milii.r ?if tkal n-oiiiii'.ii ; i ?eat la mv Mead,Mr. Hard.a_d askad htaU bawaald lake aplaeeoatkst ??lit? (?iliiunltce ; licdcclili? d to do M>, or ?ihlic?! lo In ? ? ihm ?I ; 1 went lo Mr I"; ye himI ntapaasd to him lo take a |.l ice uu the Cominllt tt, I'll Mr. I Ayr icin.iil.ed t he v tut m IkS minority ami ?lui not pcspass to ?lo any more work n?.m wm aassssaiy, ? srorda (.. ikata?eel ; lia i went to Mr. AlrCrai;, nn?l :i?,li? ?I _nin |f |t w-'iul?! tie awasaMS for Iinu to ix-ivc on th. Osssssltteai Mr. McCi.iry laaadMd that (h??ie Wtt a f.iill? inan of hin involv.-d in Maas lallioadN In w.iiii- v.-av, und he BUtti rallci not u TT* oil the Coin in tie.?; I then went to Judge Himtoii, and told iWmS* llinitoti thai I waiil??d linn t?i take SkafffS of thai rcfolu tlon, a? Chairinaii of the ("?imuilttee ; ho ieiiiitik??d In would like to have nu-ic? Cliiiiriniin ; I told him I would ttrt him whiu lo?! tan? ?? i could, hut i waatod him to act ?iH I'luilniiiiii of tlie Committee ; I went imiiiedmti'lv lo Mr. A -In- and told In in lita that 1 would appoint him on the Committee, to which he MMktai ; I Hun went t?> Mr. I...V. n ii?? and told lilin 1 wunted him to a? I on ttint Coiniiitttoe, un?t he. In hit uaual good iiat'iii-d und ple.iaaiit tttBMtt rcmitrk.Ml, la, I think, preclaely theae word?: " An.. ilAug you ?ay. Mr. Ciiinniian ; " now ihe |)i??clKe dut? I caiid'.t fix, hut It wat) before Mr. K? m wont noi thou l in-1 an vim- ; whethei I ouiltteil to Inform the C'li-rk of the ?jipoiiit ment of thai Comniltlee, or whether I did Inform him and tie did not make the eulry on the ?luckei I do not know ; '.h- Coiumiit?_., however, was appoint.-.I at that time, ? ? i? ?.-? iiHeiotiii f.iiiM-nluiK to ?tel upon II ; a titty or two after the futan resolution was pusried (I do not apeak by '.lie r..-..i.i) the clerk of the Committee saked me to whom I would ref?_r It ; I replied to the '.'?_unulit? a on tin? r.ii-iiie Kniiroaii nMOhUtani he looked ?t .1..? .! ?; aa?iaaurkedtbal taeaaateeef tee OBauatteM at i? i.? t there, iimi mMei tue who the.rwere: I reni;ir!;eil Jmlgn Hnnti?li,Jil(l-e, Aslie. ??J M,-. Lawrence; I su,,,. |,?. atada tea entry at that time; i did ? t laob to ata a In-Ill. r he BOOB the aatrtat m both cima iit t.'.a! '.iuifc ni ?Ol?'?" .M Ule .?le fuels. Mr. Illiiiiic?I lU-^ire to make a sin rt stat**ui.-ut at tins point. Mr. Knolt?I ?let-he, that, that tlmse gent Innen win? liave lieu ni nie malle my statement ehall ?top whether I mil eoriict or OOt. Mr. llimtaiii- flo f.u ?m I Wn iw. your ??tAtetrcnl Is, I tiiin'a, t'-i-i . i. t tnilli ; I e.ttiiitit i.late the day on which ywn meii'ji.t'.ed this BMtterta tee, hot yon bad ommtsmnmi to me. as Chairman nf the t-atii-f-oiiimitt?-?*, to lake '-i,ai ire of lliis tiivi-s'i_-:?ti.,ii n l,?i,..1 In- the l.iilttel! rcan'.utloii -?in..' lang lune lielore t'.:i. ??I Bat i?'?anbt?oii ?M pOOted. ?Kr.I_a*frtneo?Wban the Tutea? reaalnilaa etna nthrrkti on tet Id ut May, Hon. H-.tiit<?n ?ii-tl to me that I -.vus tu uei ?lili Intii under the resolution. ?>r anmeihiiig to thai ??fleet, and said to mo that I slnnild uollfv Mi. Illiiine, m (?iiild notify lilni. and that he .-nuld BRaOOB the for begtaatag the exuiiiiti'itioii to ?lilt I lit? couveiil. in?? of Mr. MateO) that was the first time that I had heard mi., ititlt.iafloii, so .'ara* I cau now remember, that there waa to he any invcsii^atton of Mr. lilaine. Mr. liialnc?We found it out very ?piirkly when the Committee met, however. Mr. La?TOaea?fhao It wns arrnnircd that tmihln/r I tboOM B* (lane until utt.-r we ahoiild return frota ?In- j opening "f tin? PjpnaltlaB u I'mi tarlpbla Um next ??-? k. Mr. Ilnninn ii?>:ilie?l m.'tii.i be ?aoM lie-tin tin? i ?tallli n.ttioii of aitneaaeaaa tins Piiii-ccmmitue at Mabonai ?m the at ?' ':in>, of UM l'b ol Bag, Blieb was tin- .-veiling of Mr. Main'- . x.itn iialiiMi. Mr. I'i y. I .?i ?. ?-C to has elniply tli;it ?Ml Knott, the CBairraaa of Qm Jadlelary Ootnattttoo, aatttad me t?? s.?: ve nu il.e ('!<?<? mu?.?r tin- Loten II lOaalOtlllOi .IS III'. !? Ci ii? I ?'. , ?,1 I*, at 11 :ila-|!|!.a?|- ,?f the (''.'?-, l'llf th .t I ?h ?liticd that iu a lOOgbtaa wat . In d? <'liiim.. I Mltl lo liiin, ?thleli I liriiev-al tu !." true, that tin- D BM er?te ?oro aogaand te o areal gaol al ?llitpvorki ?and i. ?Magot t!.( mitiority. d.d unt ptapOOl ta In l[> th.-in ,.ti>. ; h. lein.i?t? i disappeared hoot the lab ? - ??il te. bol liefert l?eal lo New^Uaa.pabliota Iba pellU ea'ii! b?l'ii ?n' Ma la B. Mr. liiai?? Y"ii v. .ni (t. N?--.'. Bafltpablta ..Lout Un lOlhof M .i.h. M.ii-.i Tea; ang It ?aa piler te Ibat fia M" ll':lt! I il. aire I" s'a? ? t! t!ie 1 lii'i'mi'i of the .I:|.liii,.,.. I' ?m.i,illa-a? (Mr Klli.ttl, alunit tin? tl, . I ii .Mr. lYy--la-?ka of, r.-.|-i? . a in.- ;.. a? l .nun ti.U C.iiii i'> -, and I deetta i me Iba.?' that im. .'lile I a oil two ?:i\ . - I', .- I V. . - tired ni tin ?v. ' ': of Invcstlgatlt 11 un ti. ami i tin! nut latead to booaaoj ><? !? - Mr. I ' ? I o ill State tln.t *t far as I rsri 11-, t tl a?. In 11 ll ' Br*t I BOOM ? il !?' IM- I ?.! I I' < "? ? ' ? 111.. t '. . 1 i-. I. tut n. .nl-. ;.'.i corresponds ?,i:.i 'i ICuott'a iitM.'V m-?a mm? i ni tiatino, Mr. ri :t.:,,'. I g\ -ir? '" ? ? A I I ?' im- tm.' ?.t i y room, and tool tin tesUniony al Mr. Boat ,? i read i ?bether after aa b fata teal aa aitaatlea 1 ?oald Hoi I'- . ? t ' lu ? Mr. i: t n? (latemptlag) Ton held teal _oeattagea the 111. of "I Mr. lluatoa i aa l*rstaad that. Mr.Rui i , ? ?., ??,.? Tath ?\ n total loo. Mr. Han ? i I have n"t -.n i a >?.,: . ? || I my statt tyi ? i al i ? ' ? ('.?? ail.I til!.! In? it ?ii to _?? 1 in-'? la lie ? Wat tin u a : .n of ? ? i ........ !..ii ahoul I be | ? -,-.l : ' - ?: ? ? ni- n: il W< .?1. - I ' . l.-v. f that ?oeki aa thai ? ? ??_. ini'i ? i,-. ? I I toll I t, teat tha i am wii' II-. mi of I [et t ?at i al? ; h- : a ha."i.i ' i ? . theHub-1 ttiniitt.i? \.!lte t oil tii ? t linn tlial t ?. :?l ha'..- .i... ;. .1 I.i tit? ?in retal i>- -' | sa*ai? ??? im! u?"? n . ll .( '?? :.a ? * M I l'a tin? ; loi t' 111 II . ? -t . ? ti t ol . ?it. ui I ? I | n Sp ? tklll - . 'ii ?. i... t il i .1.1.1.. i OS tO tl I '"'. ' '!' a ? ??li '.t ' nl of BBS '????. t.n - i .-'|itii,i ?i fini,i :..,;? s Mr. U s eli i?-id ( Iiittl-- to It- pie .ni ai | .?n, i...ti. i uf arltaeaaes a-nl t.? ero? um . f.u, f i. i?i. ,-t-.-d ; tbe artteeaaas a n !?? ere.aad tl,? wot ' ??.., i?.i-[|?i?ii? t! ?i . .nut of blare*. Il pastpeaed ?Ibal be aslgbt be ta al' being Iben tnk ut bis bou* . on -? ?, i t in tha? tin- ) "tii'iiiit.??? iia- ? i led te go on brea i I e absent? of Mr. Maine, m iblyonMoa i,.i>. Ilif i:r-cl.t ituN lit \l -i i ri ''" lu'. -, Mr. ?*?noti i aai.i t t ?a on i . .?. goe* farther. Bavtag apoolatod tabi feaua lbs swi ?:? n -? r oint mi nf Mr. Lotttall, wbea tl ? i ?i ?a .u- lairodne d. Il I* ? m Uim . aad lel.ili-ii- *.? |l ?.- - ,llli- a:|!.|. ? 1. I f?.| le.ief??: :. lit to tm ( i*already a ipotol a wtiht il aa n ???? la Mr. Btatoei al ?tbe n. ?vin n i ippatatedtba ('i?.iiui'.tie- ..n Ht- l.niln'l i I n? m il a i? n,., ? >si lu inuatloa tti.u Mr Maine wonld be la i-i i m iaj sbaps m' f'iin, m th.i' ... ?. - ti ?? V.ollal. Mi Mi.? I l'i.w ?!. ?lie t.i ma!??- n -tati 'i:i. nt ' ' ' ? '. I !,, th.? Cn tu !:i m of Hi- P.' -!,,t. e I Mr. K liait If .? Ill I >\ ?lie ..llloUs gclllll'llieil Who .il. Il? l, i ?. I . of tiii Comnilttee Ibal ba areot awaad ta urn If peopls util tviliui ; In a i tr ml lh it I. Ill it'll ( ? iiiiii!., i? ?-. Mr. Knolt I t 'M UM in thill tilt > tvi re a;.| M,-. I'.i ,.!.! I ill?! inn int? n ti|?l -, i?i. Blf ; I do B ?'? tCBOO aartbtag abotrf ?bal rao lata, bol aL.iI lOaboaa i till?, thai loe i.i?' ?n n ?iitiii'iii ?paaaad ?Um lloaeaof id ni. sealaUros oa Um i.i -t el Janaarj last ; 11 tu ?. In'l'ili Ml. M ?i n t un l'?|in?itis as ii vt ailiii i.ttaiili.-i tattoo t O !.?solution it ii-io-ii lait that In-i unit! n .1 ;? tthiy m tit 11 aay par! af it; aad yet no lap iitiii,. ii i ttattoo i '? 'ai ti t, ti. i i inn! tin.',n:ii:t, .mil aarorbad teebtootbof Dfebreathed Into by tee (ii.iitii.iii or by Mr. Uaataa anUI ?Um lib do) . f Mi. ; liiiiik 'nat Tills \< I . lat""lt Hit 11 am vtiis never tabea ?i? i>y aoj aoe?_d yea. Ibera ti tot lbs s. i ?.-h n -i t ? ni nat aoj a in i ? that yea aver gava tbot tea ni u i.on tite leas! hi , in'mu uni n tin- tth da. nf Mai. aad iii n was Un day after lb? TB bai raaatattoa ?as adopted. When ti.. Xarboa rt soiniio i ?a? adopted. I aald la Mr. l-'rye Oinl he dul In.! l>.-..r lhe tut?saan? I, " I Wishvnii u.Hiiii-t.? Kiioti aad teil iiim i ?nut Parteara Daata? ?tola put .m tbol ?-nil Ciiniiiiiti'? " I veal so far at |a s|.-il?y Mr. I.ymle Mini Mr. llmd, wlllitni-;ti I hull HO in |II.IUl! titee I? lilt. Vil ll ilillly Wltll th'.-i rr , tu nu u ; i iini if! ''-'un? tel i to ?a to tbe gen tlumen to ?bata u im- y'.? ; Mr. Ptye, baweTer.dM aal ihlnb u s pni'i'iii BMaaage to bi ar, aad so . i ? ? i ga\ deliver it -, Inataalaaooaaly ea tbe paaaage of Um Ubi bai r?solu tioii?tbe tab ?ae leu?iiv gtjr aa taatn alattoa befart i i, ?. m,--i??, taba aad Umieaee ?eta appointed; alid ni) Hie -?line dat. a? if dOMgOOd 0 ?In m ?I -a v (liai ii ?at itatgned) to k'v?? n luiyer larlsdietlaa i?> tbe gsatb mi 11 ai lin . ntnlei tin- Tiuliol lesnlulidli, Illnl v, tin folllnl llieti.s. |\e? very lllllell rCsllleltil lit Ils tenu -mi . t , \ ?? 1111. - day, ;is yniir shows, and I appeal to i ta nul. the 1.min II resiiliiili.ii ?aa sisa glveo lo Mill, Slid is in? let'oril llll) ?In If thai it ?Aus i?u?r liiieii to you began total doyi U it was li. ?.nu iiiinds ')'.! doyi I- cet taut tin.! Jim ?aavat ?lui aaytbtag aader it ontil ih> Itb da> af Maj. 'i"1 you then evuiiiiii <1 Mr. Ham tu regard to liu- lost Iminls; now i ?in nut portead le mtet any gaeellefl af reraeity, any fin Ilierlhan the recnrd Itwlf ; fBeeUOM "f veiat it.? nie tin-last ami the BMOl MBOgNBaMe to nils?-; but mi thai re? o?d I here staiU- tllSI that l.utlri II lesoliilioii \ never touched for till days, am! that then ll ?raatofsnad to Itii-Mann- ( ouimittie t?. vtltieh tee TBtbBl resolntlnii went; my attentinu wiu? nut Bailed to it until a ?otam (pleatInn w a?- asked one nf the ? un. aa. ?, ?uni I think then were in.) ri ni* nf gaeatloua asked thai were wholly irrelevant ; mi much was this an that a eumiultiee of lus own (Mr. ilinita.ii'H) party had to rein him iu, the wlmie OaOBBBttaB.1 bell.-vi-, hy a lari;e vote, reatrlcllna 'll<! ; when I tiran! tit?. (|uesiion asked to whiiii i reftr i was btaoaad MM?aobavlagBatbtag wliiititcr to do with the luvcslltjiitlnii, und wian I in? quired upon the mili.lert Mr. Itiniton pulled ?nit the 1-ul trell resolution; I said : Why. what has that to do with U t It h".kul as If the I uttrell reaoliiimti was a |?>at sc.ript to lilt- Taili.ix resolution, giving the Committee uu eulna-R?*! Juiiaalla tlatii, ami giving them |inwera thut un? der the i ?ui? ?? r. r.iiiitinii Un?', ni.t m.t liiivo; I atule here that the record shows that to oe a fact ; If that reao Wee fifth Fegr. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. -m ?VOTES OF THE EX.Ur.ITIO>.. A OI.lMPsl. AT ?ilMKNTAI. MPE PI TIIK TURKI* JtW> TI'N'IMIAV COrrKtS-HOCHES? ?UI.F.8 FOI? TH MIMTAPY BAM) COM EST? DAI KS OF bOCIF.T mi aCTORM. iFIIOM TIIK l.KiUI.AR C*OllRr?_?ONI>KHTOr TIIS EEMWUtM rmi.AiiKi.i'iriA, June 7.?At the Vienn Kxhil.llloii tliere, was h group of hnllilln/a called tl: Crrrl; Orie:.tile, that udmirulily Illustrated ?li'cliite? tun trattii-, i?ud aomo plumea of life In tho Ka? lt llllltadod the palace of the Khedive of Eeyp (lu- .lii?'.iiii' pavilion of the Sli;?!: of J*ernla, and u nun Eat ut ? <ifle?-li,.ii..i i ,!,?{ iia/.ar.". No auch>? aa ti. la to Iti loimti iu Kali mount l'ark, hut the vl lfor to Iho Cent.-nulal can ff't. If Im wll saaa alarasMap; gUawa of (Maatal eastaaa falta, and maiinera lu the Turkiali OUaUWrhaUB tho Jerux.ilei.1 Bat ii. the C'tl, e-lioii-?'and th Mo, saas Basar. The rarktak Ira of Ladai '? a VaUaar conic. lionera to the Sultan of Turlicy?ll would BfSkaM ba asta asnea saw ara/tks als Balisa kta feraM handsome Htnn-tui-i- ? f chiu-.iet? ristir .irrhlt-n lure, whic waa open??! ua a caf? ou Monday. It continua it lar-.-.- ha with a fountain m tin and four mnatler room* 'I here In to he a Inruiii! opcniii_. on Thuritday. which wll l?o .iit.ii?l.(|.it i.? H.ti.l. l.v llie Turkish Coiirtnlr-wdotien Th?* wall? i-, ire all Tnrka. and -Irin? In the costume <i iin? count!-. ; iksaaflbsts bbbsW befan tks ayas a con ?.muera In llie Orient il .nah ion orirrludlti;: it toa tine p.?-.? ?l?i hikI I? ?iliiiK tt until It in ut tli.k a* grant, ami th win. s an I otiier dcli.-.n |es I ITS I are all tuen ?nute put ut oiiei of iin- Oiiaim.iu Umpire. II ic i? a tuin.. ?i at th* inn <?f tarai rarklsk c-t? (Maka), i :.?-.: Maatt (Turlrlah Una? If), IB* : ?inOtis - i"i>, l?c: (Mala Tft torra, tat.-, v..?,- pnssrfs. iv-, rraktsb Uaaaaii l.'i?'.-. m ni ana iin rkiafe i ?? ? - ?-. ? m i. ?_,?*<?.; laiiikoiin rTariUsfe ataAfy, 11 -.-, Laaas Mtaa? pa glass, BO* Cliepre V.i'ie. per ill -a-. 'JA,'.;!. ill Ill 111. sklbnak,tfc-i Tur-L-i-ih Ikkaaas M Iks watarplpa, I8s Tie' pru? wine n ,'l , ?..: a? s until in ?ul. a-nl rSSSa Mas i l?*"i tli.-fani'.'i. I' l.?i.r',,.\n rhr.tli In flavor li T? iii-l.tii ('.if,- -,v_. al o o?Hii"d ou Miui'liv Il - a Bars) sa ill i ?, it|_ta_ ti, in r- Torktsl I'.-Uhhor. ii'i I M in r.t.-, I ?m <| ilr?. g <I ff.i'.?m Ptaa. At Iks d.?-r i?','- I i.i ? 1. .. ??Ik? r?d mm who apean.? a;.,.) | l.u :li,i|, and Wks mi: bars * ? ? ? , ... n? knoll? incut r. mu?: .:? uu?. lli in II Hi--.? in. i. ,; - ,". | ! . ?, I . :,., i,, -,. Juy? 11, ?i?!?- i a stalwart Arab ta i> ___p i r- ? i *?-1 ??. raBaw tu: bsa.s ba takes a ? a _ ,...,:? ? '. tot be* * a o 11 iitr-nn oaaplattorm il _ Tksrs ai live of II ? ' , : , . ' ...,!,' ?., ;.!| In Baa Oas m ?a i'n- ,i I Idk ? bar on 11 - stb ' l . . . I.ll .'-, ..:i I I ... : poaasl 'I'm ? u login upoM ?itr,.? .id ??? ti - ?.??i liai i . ? lui?.-!- ?.r a ?.i * - i i 'l - ' i , , in !.. i : thastrn ?._*. f ' ?I i-i ; ??r t , r m ? m and cu.p' 11 si ? ' ? '? : i ? lion* US* 1 ? ? " . a,ll|,l.i" of II .: I |i|l'l-t, I . ? leatan tas too go to !.? ni sas bas a 1 ? . i bang fron I ? brads, i i dozen l I a a ' Bold i??? ' i ? . : fill lo h? ?- Ii i?! "? l.i ? I I ': i,I i- I, aad all, III iU | ? -, , ? , a. BU j . - i ,., n,,. ; . ( misa for i ? - i sd ?. i" ?,...?..-. i July 5a ? i . .?'??? , hy Ifller 1 ' ? - " r ,i .iii . ul : >? ' pi ? "i !.. i, ., . ? i , manner ol . :.. t_ ? I ' ilu i l .. ? .-i ? -, ' ?I (()?> mu i ' '? I ? i iimI il l? I ..1 ,.i t.l? , 1 r, Meinl.-I? I . ' I ... ..I??-. HO. ('-' I lull in ! 1 ? :.? ? > .uni,'- o: r ol "i ..'.?-, .iii.i of int i. -x Uuin . : . ? 11 -m iii one ml .??, i tars ol auch ? ??m;"' i I I it h ul ,, "??n. ii) .*-!.... I hands eouiu --i "I prufcs-loDU ? .-. ImiIIi, til i?l I. -. Ill in l_| In??' ? : i ' .? i. i.r tin . "'?? n i |,| (?a ' . | Uli In- .. . lll| 1,1,. . .' !.. i... le by a 1? - ,, i,. .?,-[-- -, m o. ; I ... i.j :? i ? Ulli a I l.i- I 11 ',-,...? . 1 . . ! , ? ..!' -.'. I . ?- ? I oooi in .1 ?i !.. -' I'.iviIihIi u graah ?i i" tin I ? ?>t < IrU Ba? I I .III!? l.l, I l .11. 1 a ; |. a l.i, .m.vii in Hook II ,,|? \ I 1. IJ a-i.l 111; !.. tkS *..tll"! al I'holo-.M I ! illo-i !? C. IS) 1 ?? !" 1 T, au I I , l'i?, S . \ ; i ? ? ? I... ?? ,? . lit, 1.1 ?ad ii. I:., Hi !? I Bad Mi.vl'i '-?'?I.- of P.ill "'.' 'Ipkta III ? a?,. pi.-.*. Uu i ?i-. 11 Mi i?a of the Musieal C'onunittee toi m ii?? Main ii ??.?in.m on m t? - itardaj ??' IS - :.[.. ..'??!.II lili all' III ? II. I In* cl.oilia ? i.i i-ollini 1-e Ike tall sti M.-ii.oi?.. . n M-iin i ??i ?MM ralees, .-? ? m pan I ?i i?y Ike ..- R \?-u sraaa. \i. n.?- vi''lasa. P.iMii'ii la s Kladeraartoa ?SkOOl I'll 11" I ll" I" I r\ Sll'lll, II? ? ?V III 'op' l.t I ?.. TI __! Il 11 II a littk i.'ii ?iii'_r ?Mi-?-??d tat m?' i" ? i. .n.i'., i tin dims ?i,,it,f IkeWoaisn'i Oeatenalal Kseeatlve liommltte?. i ? ?, i- ?,f I, -i.aii, u i re I -, ?! Ml t I .. ? ., a! I!l \ ? . Vi" . .Mill i'llll :ni, iphia to p.u- th?- -ai...? at i.n- lesebsr, Utas Barrltt, .m i ni'., ? ? i. On Bond n -, tta in , tad Wt dot ,i:i?. . ?_??' ," ? a iiin .i ?.-,ii :,,-!,? Ike Sortkern Home lut ;?,,;.il? : ? ii p.i m i i endless I rr-n, In Pklla* ?I? Iphia, I 1(1 >.' -lo? !? ?.i lh?- BMI mi)'.', nuil remain until 1. in. .c i h-1 in n Usvi i" ? n i-i Iralntai -n.'-?? Q-rtoberls i ,i ,'? i ?! iltarrttl'a aa_aad ara?Ibnadssa.salBrlrnUjr . , i.? ? ?t, ni Uu i? .-.n u- ??t Un .i-t.iii. Mi ? ii. ?iii: baa two arrl-tsats.*rrki anpts pertaf tketnaelTes for leaekera sada bei tastraeUeaa I In? uili ii'?r ??I III?- liuiid ii.-, ?.itii a?, ??alia of imp uiiii ?I ?road n ? l'i'"! iii.pini?' lu Hi ?d ! Bagllsk a*?*ta. its ilowci? ani 11? 'm -, ?. ia mi? i?i< i -.i nr. Spectators are . "in. it t ' ?i. hut ii.-'i.- Is ii'i'.iiiv u? ' i inou? saaagkoalks aeata provided far tkoa akawaal t" ses, so last aa In lerested crowd treqnentlf itaads ita1a_ IkiaakhUa ?? !ii?l??i? ". Tlic i?, n? riy aloiw op.-n-?1 in .\-;riciillural Hull to day, bal lh? if WM only one eThllnior, who BBBl from Sin ,i i?i sbaat a dosaa rartrUes, taetadlng asms das -p.-eimeiia of tks m.i? k Dsdaaas. Iks Msaawk, tks Oka ?n? IsetlUag.aad Freneb'a Bandllng kgoodexklbitof m ,v ?,, ami toll) lio? a fl'olll tilt) 11? I him.1.; Istaadl ia no? alioi.ii in llie Hall. Tin- Uaagartai Mtaa ParlUoasI Mr. Jasvpfe Bafea ?liii-li ata?d on tin-hlupc ni 1,,-i.r?;?-'? Hill, u? vl door ?ta Um Hi brew Rastaaraat. ia a pis ?? aartb \ iHit.nt; fur tue mho id K< tiin.' ?? i-'liuipM' al Ma__3 ii l,n e- ami cohluini -, aa well BS r??r lasthu Ua i vi'ill.'iit Ilinii'aii i in S una thai, .ti.? -. ; -,c?l imIIici- l?\ Hi.? ptaa a IkS holt!?', 'lhi'iillen daatswsai Iks ssataaaal Iksto saas_i| klgklapiwrd hoo.a, llalli! 1 o?-.-ra, ?jioit, ( l.ite titltn?' coal*., ??.l.l. 11 Bsna i h?- brsast, aad inti? roaad wMft kraltassa. ilu- wlnca ut Hiiii-Miy an- not at well kimwii in (lie (iiulcil M il?i ua (hey dertcrve. Amolli.' 1 licit? aro acveial vailataS "f ad ?In?- I.--?miiIiImik ?l.ii't, hut with moro IimI) , ami a aomi-wliat gnalW pt rceutiiKC of alcohol? itlin.>al aa nieiii ? vurii-ty ol while wiui-a aa la fnmnl on tin- Khlni | .nul ? Illlll,h,-r of rich, awecl, iSSM 11 ?vin?-??. Auioiit; Ilu- lall? r In Ua fitinoiia Tokay, umially i.?i<ard?'d br ssaaalsssars as tks kta_ a aUsrtaas. Mr. Kakawai a putrioi aolillcr Iu ihe revolution of IRiR, und iianowly Bssapad hauts law Makas aasslakltafeaaal in s.uw Y??ik that Is will knuwu lo Ina country incu iht-ro. oormmui? rones. Tim K\maf? in now open, and tlio vis? itor may Indillgs lu uenuini? Turkiah coffee, and, If ho Itftt ? it, in f? inline Turkiah tohacco. ?The it.tuil_i-.lou? on Mult,la y were 40,!)'.?'.) ? i ? ??? i,?l ?, 113,777. ?The tl'.imttn'a Intern.itioDul Teiuperant-e Convention will lio 1" I?' lu the Academy of Mn?l. J mi In. A ? ? n .??iiiilal M?-?*tlii? will be hel.l lu the evening. -The nte.iui.-r Maria, from Ci-ll/, mSMBtmit iilwut MM IM h Inst., will brine COO pn*<i, many of them mer? chants and manufacturer? coming to study the Expotd ?Man. ?The cottage erected by the Singer Manufacturing Company co?tt if' Thr??e thousand of the Com? pany'?? employ?s will visit tho hiip??aifion on the 1st prox? imo. ?The Emperor of Auatrla having signified ? wiah to m.iVo a purchase at the Exhibition, his Oanimlssloner*) have selected a mantelpiece o? Mexican marble valued ?it $3,oon. ?The BOodel ?nd Hnvdu floclefy (of Boston) will sing In t lie Mail l?nii.ti'iir, .lune lo. at noou and at ft o'clock p. m. Tii-y will give liuck'it Cantata and Wluttter's " fireetlng." ?The United States Brewers' Congress hold It? annual Mooting yoattrc.ay. The Brewers' Building was also formally orten ??<!. ?Mr. William Wirt Henry, grandson of Patrlek Ifenrv, delivered an adtlress nt the Aciuleiny of Flue Arts on Tuesday eventm.-, reviewing the history of the reli?e In ludepeiideneo Hall and the progros* of the National Mu TIIE BBMWBaBB CONO BESS. TIF.A1HSC, TUB ANNl'Al. RKPOP.T. PHir.AnF.u'HiA, Jitw. 7.?Tlic sixteenth annual MBBtaB of the Brewers' OBagBBM of the United ?tataettaoaaM at this city to-tiay. naatavoMargaBr, PiaaMeMef the rhllOQBtplllO Brewers' Asao'.-lation, de? livered aapeeeb ?f aotoeaaai afi?-r which tienry ii. K.-iiter ol B ?atoll, 1'i'C-idetit of the Congress, r?*a?l Iii? animal report. H- ?p .lie for a l.intr time, reading Ida address from ??roof-?lip:*. II?: _B0 t" the following lMilnts : 1 'In* general l*u.?tiu"BS depeOBMaa has extended to the brewlag trade alee. The nnfavorable eCbet M seen botb in an ahsenee of tala I yearly prndbeUaa und m k p??si live fallliisr oit. Ta.- itiimial toervaae for nine years pi-t vino-1 . is7:? was -,Ki.ii"i. i he prodaetloa In 187t aas ?t,s-?ii,?i-j'.) iiarreis; lu i ??;->. H.7l.i,7?i i. Tbe total revean* I i ? I aid 111 I it- veal sliding .Inn- 80, 1878, was P0.1 i U ii.ii-, daring the preeadliig ??? r, 10,304,678. TlM fol* l?i?A :i>f arc Mi- |i luetpal produeiug mull bev erase?, niiii in? manufacture la i'?7?>: Mew-Turk, -I.?I8H.777 barrels (alioat ono-thlrdof tli? who!? product >.f the euuntrv) ; Pennsylvania, -..>i,.ii'l ham Is | Ohio, 31(1,115 It.l.l U ;>.??? .let -? ,i; ||.i-.. !?;.,, I. M.i. 'hi' ??!'?, 479,508 i Ml ' il, il'V.nitl. Ta- total inn.i" ruf ?a,?wein a m operauou w.?_ ?1,738,210more tlii't li. Is7!. Il i- lui t.t'.iii' to eaatpaia tea aaaaaol of neo?* diie'i'iii of wall beverages in thi-t eoontry with tuat la otbei ?l'i'iines, for iiie. ?aiti of ?hewing boa Buicbil is In prop?.m.m wita tu?? 110)1.n.i, ton. in standard of m ''' laed I* tin? n .?i?.ni.a, or ?l.iil bear Kail?") ? Tue following arc Un- ggures : I'.r ?'"("'.?/. PopalaUea. Ptodocttai, Head. i'itt:..i liivnrl.i. 'ii ,000 (it'ii.i'OO ,!I7 I?. (t;i. irk . t. ti I ?mm? >-?i".t'n t .411 n : i i'J.OOO -523,000 .IB l .ii.i-ii.-i.i. .?i An..n?. :.s, ......i u u..i-7.iaHi :ai ? tluagar? .>,tfl5,o o 13, --??..--- n? t li. a.... . 1,4111.000 1-'.')7.'..(HH) i . uni . a.', i I. "i'ii 1 ,. n ,000 1.38 Norway . . 1,701,000 150,010 .11 Vinii. ,,i,. i_r l,sls,i?s) :(,l?ll.'i,UOJ 2. Ig .? , . t .ial.??l . ? ,;i? i ;! S6S ".'i 20,904 ooo .Oil Wn?IS .. . >.". '.naMI ..nil..Mill .01 I ? . . t. '.!-(.. I ') 7.1'?la O ) 1.-V7 Sci.ierl.nla 3,073,0 ?o I, ? ?i?.i.(mi K.aii a :? '..:. ??')'i.ntn lit Al ?? I.. a. . I. ?. BM0OOO ..'?7 Bail , i. ... n .) 1.141,000 .T-i I . - ?i fiai ,,t'?|-|-.? ," . ii i I Is .40 h? t l.iiiler ; 111 the United -i..?- || n ,37 n- t- i-i. Kn**la. Sweden, and ????... . ? ... than ?a .? 'itli t-i ,i hectoliter i>* ? I ei and lui uip? . in ? ii \ alls. \.i <.. i m in.v s. i .. . n?. tnl i? ? i?. ;? ie -?I I is -"'.er. England'? average 1 -ill....a ' . i.a'l ... : lii.l.i;, '-. .lll.l 1.11.1 ?Uli ? BINII I? il a, i i in; for I.a- inteinp ; " . ?! i? : there, the on i.m; n n of ale, itorter,awl beer a ? small, i in- inittvi. itit.ii ?i. |ti.??,.?i.-at m ; t-- United i ? in - (uni 11.. t..? , i.....- m? Law? lend i ? cucour? a 0 the list i . .1 .(? 'i I .-,. . ll- m n:... ? .i '. ?. an ' ale. Df. Ko? ' i'? report, wi ?. - a lenlloilalj In (in I ol t-n.m ?-,sBo?i thai bj classifying alliiqn. - injtii .in?, and i...:?ti.a' to tt?.?aider Ugui iieer as ? . i . .. brtiughl 'o ..i i?.. . rue free ass "f sod ales should i?c eneoaragad At a taMperanee measure. CES. CBOOtVS EXPEDITION. Tiir -'w !!\'i (.!?' i::ii KXPBOtnO? ivi'i.w, i 'BOM in. .v.i Bl IM OB hu? 9 uii'tiit. KitiiT Kl.l : i:\fw, W T., Ma\ '_'S.? l'ln- n> . ? i.? ? n i. i\.? l ibal 100 i'ii?..'- "i tin- - t?i \. n - int iaa bave goal. tes aarpatb Qea> il worthy ol publleattoa ?M I. ... ?n -A I.ll.- a' tin? H? tl ('iolld A :? m | i i? 1;?'. ("i-! ?na u -Sitting It? i ll ? tm kiii nf t.. .. '.??... ? ? I 'of that aai ' ? tm ?bo h a hi so fed op to Bgbting beat -t lb* tapeaae of Oovei naoat ? ?! ?.il ?aa i*?'i:i? to Join ,?:,. , i ' - . : linn tl.e ?ill i?I the I'ii mil-.l o" l!a i'i -;..!. ato III* I fct?. i ?"i- May ?." i i ' ?? itlousof getting started are muatl' ever, im- eomuiaud left tin Na?rt(i Platte al Kort Kelter in.m y i - md : .... I ibis | ? ? t Rage I ?Teat, ni BUadflt n. Tin r? i. .i ? i .? - m i i ii na *?! .;,? i ? i ,.i, up .i' i i i- ? - . ? ? ? 'i p, in.. ., nt ail; i ? ? ?' ii I , wtilchprol. .'t ., -.t .1!. :;-l re .a..:, t i u'.n il ..-i --. Hi tm- outside wo: !. I, a ml .? ?rill dtiubtleas i Itiiabt ere an opportunity of utiy sort all! I.? al fordi ?l in.- at ?. I.e. ba? . ... . ward. IttaVlttK M ? til |,?> lit? ?uni t ta ?. t line l!,e it? -.p.-c ..n. .'.ni the command bavi met ?lib notul t -? i:? ??; ta in iite i.itiv i. of .i i?-? n us .mil i .? live |.'in- o\ j? ?Until i'i I 110, ?? in '?? tin ?i ,, |, di na S ?1 he t-.- i. i in- latent wortiI from Uu . ? i I ml aiul Bpolted i ..i Aire n i tea i? thai i in a'.''., i? ? i are leaving n .tin i- for tbe '.-...t i-a'.i. their families mein line? it in lulu* behind te befad atiba axpeuseel tin United HI..:? a? nt. Till: LORD TBIAIa HtMno, N. V., Jane 7.?Lewtg J. BbumM na? th.- < ii|y ?itaeai ea imtned tbl ? Morning m Um Lord trial, ill. ti-lltntiliy in i in- m.lti v. :m .siilt-I n-.tially (he ?i.n? saea the (eraser trial, relating te ins brtrgoiaaitb Lord aad Bissabaag?ai restitution ta tee Mate ofbM -? a. nf Hi?' plunder. On in? las tided that hi a ptisoasr ai ?lbaay tor aboai three weeks duriBK fhe investlmttloa l.i-t flawnsort also i ?n was now ini'l i Indictment, bin was promised liniuunlt, hi tbe s-i.ii,? autboi ? ? ? lam?? J. ii? ll, on tin ?-I??--???.atiilnati.ui i y Kr, (????.-.v. Il, i. t?a .! for past mont: a be Bad been laboring undi r great menial agitation sbont this whole matter. W bile before tin- L /lalutlve Invest! rating Com? mit .t h ? had I ? n :?! ?? I a llll !..? . ?? ol IU ?fill a ont three weeks, and liai be n deprived ol tbi lest uf conferring with eouusel except wltulu bearing ol tl.e ? i un m i tit f. lie waaalaod prived 01 the ; rivlli geol eomiiiiiiu.'.itiii:- with .n? fatnllj or I'M: ml-, m ni w is -i?i?r n. tbe ' ni? ? i at a private bouae, where he ?usremoved fniiii a botet. Hm private papers ?t i.i. office liad ta n -,,/.. d whl? be was under arrest, aad th? t it t..?i,- u.:- among ?them. Mr On* rauie herewith aa order from Inn, (Bennett) to gel . -a .am i?.ii. ?! a -, ru.11 bbi safe, a i?.I, not bel?g sutiatted with tin.,.- 'a bad an .util i for, wait? ?i berc until he ree? Ivi ?i t. t ??. .i.i.tiia oi.ier from Heunett,?hieb had beeu dk* tatedb) Mr. Metione and signed by Beunrtl at Uie tlmi i!>- vat? laboring under sneb mi nt ?i agitation tbnt be did not knit?.-, whaihewas ?Ignln ? thai the order directed on-ia. take ad tin? papers Ibal be (Orr)coald laj lu? ll uni.. n m in- (Bennett'?) safe ; thai ba rei*entedly saiii in the < oui a n n '.? Caitniiii- i- -11 ? - i - tuat be did not imoa what be was aboaLao great w ,-? i:'? perturbation of Mind. Following the teatimony of Bennett. Meeara. Joba Hand, Thaddens C. Davis, and Wa, H Bowman wi re n siiimi tl. i ne.r lestlmouy ?as In the m nu a repetition of that in iuiniit oui ni tin? former trial. PLANS (>!?' Tllli INDIAN??. Omaha. June 7.?'i'lio bOowiag ?ttqiatdi ?aa it'iiiil ul In -| ??irtiiient Ilea itpiai tt-i'H to ?hit fiom IbaeoMMBodlng aataorol Part LoraasMt " Bpettad Tun. tin- - itii-f of Iba Brutea,arrived here t??-<I.?y ?m a vlait, aad report* that bt* people are at home and ?id not go nut on the Wiirpatl. I..?l;.f 1. Ii'i-.i- goOB fi'iitu tin ?Bed Cloud and other ugeneies on lhe Missouri River, ?and are eoneenlratiug ou Powder Rivet for u fight." Da reports uni 1,700 luagi - "I' I ? !? Loss (W A s-riiAMSHIP. Nu?--Oiti.r.\\s, Jana 7.? Tin? Morgan Lino sti amslil|i Aiisiln, fnmi ll.ivami, ?truck a BBOg In tie* river twt nt> twit mili'M In-low tin? iiiy jesiiniay ufter noou. mid sunk. Her BOTgO was valued si tQOjOOO} aba bad on boani 700 bogabeads of sugar. The veaad vtaa \ allied al ?i* l__r.,(). 0, aim I? a toi al los.? ; no intaui inn ??. TKI.KiiUAI'HH' BOTBB, Mn.Koun, r.nn., ,luuo 7.?This BOOttOa was flatted hy ii heavy trim! Util utKlit. Ht.sTiis, June7.?At theaaonal ateette-f of the NiW l-iiiKlaiiil Aaottci-llod 1'rea? to alay all of Hie ulUi'i-ra ?el.? i.?? I,.. I..1 litis ion. Jiitit* 7.?A Bahlnf party,)i iToorertnmed In the harbor today, and oat- o? the |uuty, Jauiea Jar? I?, waa gtawaaa Cm vi s'Ni". W. T, Jaaa 7.?Twelve huinlred aMgss ??f iite Nt.riiiuru .-sioui teataptetad MasavlBgMassat .?j.. i riKik. MaimKiiitn. rotin.. Juno 7,-Kx-Seniifor ?Bovae of W(M?-.iiisiii a.lilnhhisI (lie int-iiiti? ru ?if (lit- louerai Amteiiibly to lil^ltl ill BdVB*B?y ?>f Hi? ?iM.llllon Of tagBMl yilU.^iilieUU H.ihion, Juno 7.?At a puhlio meeting culled t?? urito lhe iiin'Uliix of ?nimble park? u??nlglil, sp?*cel.?-a ?ere iii-i'li' by (?liver WViitiell H?hntn, ll l( H.iua. Jr, ami nthem. San 1'itAM isco, June 7.?A (iinpiitch lnxn t'armin, N i a ' i navat " I In' Bad t'uailli! in? u i tiailiiiie tli'iiiiiinaliaUiius, aim tl?-ii?.iiiJ in? .n?? i?-*' ic ul ?.blue?? laborer?, but ?a ytl bav? vomuili i??l un vlni? u? ?-.'' CINCII.NAT1, June 7.?(Jeorge R. Krintz wa? to Bava bien iii?rnr.l Imat .??? uinit. but illtl m.t untWn In? .i|.,..?a. stive A d a i"! fount? i'i iiiti-, uu iii? b?*?l, ami, wiitunii a n an' a ward, in* tir'iluU) ?trow a r*voiver aud ?hol liliuaali tbrougli ?taebBMtt FOREIGN NEWS. THE WAR ALARM IN EUROPE. RICTCBN OF PIMNCR ?U-MA!;?',C TO BF.hUN -RUdSIA ?AIII TO BE IBBUM BBMMAM AID. l_o!.i-i*v, June 7,1S7.. Spocial di-ipatoli?esfrom Boilin t?i The Standard and Telepraph aay eonxlderable uneaslnesa baa been ?re? nte?! there hy the anddcu return of Prince B rnnarck from I______a*_r. for protractrcd ?y>nference9 -with the Em? peror. The nnenaini'ss la iiicreuaed by the nnnnuncfinent that the Emperor's departure for Etna la i-ostpoiied. Ihr Standard'? apecial aaya rumor connect a there ?rente with ccrtalu exaggerated clalma made on Germany for support by BM__ in her __.atc.rii policy which Prince i'istiiurek. It in reported, Is not Inclined to ?unction. The Fost prlnte extracta from the Colo?ue Omette and the Berlin Tribune, deprecating a too close adherence to the of Hu?ala. Tin: UBBVAB iviiiiTV DBOBAVBBB. 1*1 RUN, WaREBEMuJ, Torn- 7, 187?. The rrorinzial Concspoude;, a 8enii-oflfc_<_. Journal, to-day, in reviewing the rticent events st Coo ftantinople, ajys : The Oowwsals which, in pursuance of the Berlin conference. hid asTee?! to sddreaa au?ri?c*rloti* to the l'une, have ban led by the BSSaSStaa of the new soYer ii^ii t?, po'ipoi i- il.? m ; tut the objecta of the Powers remain ilu-a::mi',.-nid under the new Bspeet of afluir? s fin Mut nnderstaadtaa will ne had aa to their attainment. 'the BaneBMBt .)<?(?? ?'ii ti.e _r*awaM wiiteh f rund the basis of tin? tonner decisions, and the present altuatlon iu Em-op? generally, Justify ua In our iiii-.iav.-iin?. bellet that their?.minion anua will be attained with the pres? ervation of ti" passa as Europe. Alluding to the postponement of ihe Emperor William's visit to Bas. It ?aya : The (7ar will ?Iffer lila departure about a week. It is oertata the inoii-rclu will bo at las together several <la>8 next Week. _BQBI ok war iyrm*AstNO. London, Tlnir--.Iay, June 8, 1876. The Times"t Berlin ?-.p?(?al report? that nu Helavoriari Jniirnnla usa? il that s ?troii? UiiaMaa force la being concentrated at Bender, on the Bivcr Didder, nciir the _tarl_a***a>TM*-_h frontier. The MM of .Moiit'iicro has forbidden t' e tiuin.a-nn.-lon of tele? grams or tattan giving Infornmtlon of military move Ilieua. The Baargartaans mt?ut tks aaatnl of th,' Prince ot Montenegro have d.-teriiiliied to accept no conimnulca ?i-'n Ina the Port?'. Tim Sclaroolao r?asiatltia at Moa co'V have a? nt tile, insurgents In ?," i?l ru l'.i!? .?. Newa bas Just been reeelved thai the Austrian Gov? ernment haa __-c:iiu permitted c.oo'A breacb-losderaaad a ? > i??! million cartridges to i?? landed si CatU o for die Montetie;.'! ??... The Tur! a bavo couacquen?y forbidden Austrian ateauiera from touching at tiic Tui'kUll haul? of tks ?i.ti.i. , RUMIA !\ri:i?if[v(i a?iain. a Vienna tBpslskta j/?? ?miUu Tatttruwa mentions a report that (? i many aad Austria dec?an ?I ? MMB*MISa malic bv BasMa to paapaaa the nsagatltoa of Cuita ; I mi ul until he u ?i-> -.? llling to receive :.... ice tiotu til?; I'd arers. Ihe lelerrrnflt'* correspomlt-nf at Paria nnnouncca that Iks Oiaao Daks Mtabrl ot Bassta ??:.? salvad time. /... ?.uu- anta "ifxsai luiponaues I? _ttt_cl_od itiartsil In poilticaf ?n1 ???-.. We bellen II indi--.ii?-- tbertatora tiou "f Fri-n? li i.itliiciiee lu tin- ?' uiicilauf Karooe." TUBER AM) SERVIA. III.till; Mil. Wednead t. . Jure 7, l<?7l>. Two batteries of artillery an?! a (Ii-lacliment of iiifannv atari ?i tar tks fnalta bp way ?>f Bnaawa rata, tadajr. Qaa. TsksraajeaTaadtkafamal stad h?ve .?'a.-,?? ?cfi r.altll 14 .?-ni,ala I l'aniMa-C. A s??( ibI ,'?.[..i-.i-.. (KM i i'< ilia to The Time? naya the ?d-d.-, tin srpaa of the BsrTtaa Ckhlaa? dtetarn wat uiMiv, Ida! '? BOW tkal lhe Turk lias ti iiiiu;!icd and the promanas of tks (tortkan Powa has be ?i iaf_ctod. Ha Inraliile mTtntt, aBaSStal ofll.ia! ? ?-.'an, fays the tasargtats oto ? ??; i?k? ly ta a.pi Uta aatarttaa. DEFEAT __? THE TURKS i\ posma. it im ua? TTnilnnia-Bj. Tans 7, i-7>*. IiiN-lliirenc?* i? ??-?v?-(l la-re from SLivo.iic toaran statoa tkal Man Bi?g?__TT*f^i bmhtuem isalad the Tatka m tks vicinity of (.'.ui.o.ik??, m Bs-ala* on the Id of ?aas.HUtaraj ?noiu.n. Oa tkakr-Bawtaf day j.oiH) Turks eapttatatad Mam lasarfeatskan petitloasd Au.-t.ia tograal them an .t>? inn, ul--??.!,. tkal it tkal u;c nksai Ihay ?ire iu daaflar ??! starvaMsa _ Till: BDIdDl OF TH1 BZ-8ULTAK c-iv-rAMiNoii i:. Wrda Bda . J,.n? 7. ISTB, Tin' ol.ii ?.:1 rciinit (in tin* fMHUH ot Ott dinth sftkslati Baltaa, thou t bjrlfl ptajrfattaaa at all aattsa aiitie?, CUM.' _m tks fi'il'iwin?.' gtaU iii'-iir : I'poii t.? :-.,g hiuuiif m <l n? r:.?- Sultan tosccortala th? c in t* ?il H.?? .I? all: ot Al?.fu! A/m' Kh-iii. WS rouii.l (l:e botljr IvInK on a watress. Allu-ttsot tbi bodi ? ?as ?Mid ami i !." ?ill ??? .'\,,|,t that Ibeouls.d? ass cooeti ?1 with coiuoilat-d blood Tbs bods sma n ?t rt__M? TI u aya* sad uit'iiiii wire partisu> open. Limpid ttrasks of hiiH.ii ui-if apoa tas arau u -i bras. Tin? ?i-iiia ju.,1 ?Miliilal art, rv h<-low tlie bend of Um left ara vssa eat Oalj tks laall veim of tin r__atara wan rat; the srteii i \ i?? Intact. i\'o \xte >|io\?n a pair of virv BhttTP and blood-stained M-laaors and wen told thai AbdalAMs btaisell iu_lc_?d tii, sbovi ?'.'??,ii'i.?I aounda therewith. IVe srs Basai? mo,.-?.y of ?'i..mi, n thai death icu'ii'l from hemorrbaics air tu. \.La of i.'n .-nu a, ami the oelasotn mlirbt prod H ? ....!-. Lsstlr. tits direction ami listara of tin.,! and tlie instrameot which i? -ail t?i lnveiTo ilin i .1 .bora < ..m-, t i;- to come to the ct'iiclu_.ou that llie ca.-??- m ?u.?- o." ?nit ni?-.'" ? m> KINt! LOUIS PHILIPPE TO BE KEOITESBED. I'AKia, Wciincvlay. -I?iii?- 7, ISTfi. The Count tif l'.uis USA fOTM t?i F.ii^lnnil t?i brin-,' la ri.i-ic? Iks iwaalns of Louts l*l:ill|'i?i', (_ue?-n Aiiiii.a, riie Daeksa of Oricaas. tas Daakaa nf Arm lie, ?Hid the P. line i,f ColiiU'. Th?) i lie i-.-m.iip-? ?? iii i..* bndsd ut iii'.ifi? nr sa fkantar^? Bad win ka toksa la Unas aa i-'-.-iu, wfeaa tksp win he l'?lut?: ii-il in tin- skspsl l? alii 1). Lotlls '.' ..llajie for tho bartal otmwtnmily. Tut uwootntoi tks badtas aiid their i, . i!.Minent will be *itii?-tl\ pi ,\ V . -? FOREIGN -?OTE& LoM'i.v, JlBM 7.?Silvi-r ia ?iiiiit?il at r?l: _(_i '??".i. i" ?: ?v. Ql .'.i pi roWB, June 7.?'Iii?* tttTfltniTf Istrian, toa lio-ion, has artnd ??it mia pvrtwltk ha main ...ait ii.i_,.ii. a iu^ baa coas aat la toa ha t?i.i\?i l??ali. Paims .lui"* 7.?The fu ami <>f II. Moii?n, i , r. ' : ? ,.,-.i! v.!.,? .v..s iiiMi?! rod at Bataaln aad ai.>bodj ms ii-.oiii.iir a Pnaos.taafe plaaahank> li-,. in- rranka ?ere buried a tboaxpeanoCIks St it" will, uic.t i-i Slid military h.-noia. The line i>. ..,/.-? and ?I, ?Mit.u.?ma fit,m ltt?tU OBamli-ia ,tii? th? funeral WEW-YOBE YACHT (l.l It EEC ATTA. The i'.niiiiiil idtjatta <>f tin* NYw-Y'uk Yacht club will take plan kr_ta| ant t'??' ragatarisdaMa ?nil!-?'. Tkonssals an dtrVlcd win Itsnlsaosi Bad -caiiouen?, iii..t s???,ii !-? i...-.-??aatcrhoard ssassasas. an i tiii-t ami ttt nail sisa >'.m,?i a rrtas ? irBI hs swarded 11 th?- wini.mi?- \i'-m-i of sack class. Iks hvattetl Caal* I?!'.-? Caps Will ai ) bs a..i.?'?i tar bj both ?? liooii'-'.s i.?.l ah'o.aa, ?nie loi i :K !l t". i??a In riii. J lie M .?I ?a;?, wir.clt ???ni th.-ai'iop pria in the Atiiiiin? Ctah r< psta sa Has. ?i.?.. ksaaiand m tin? ia??? Tks K'-at sakas ka ? |.i wi h the U'l'l -c!i iiiiii ra. ?i:i?l tOtt* ni.ii.i.'.^ an?! oiif-'lit to fes pat ta tkassass_d?taaS| tut in they h i.i vo.i?io pnpsrij !"? '??u-'.a. sasfes ia by sakaal saasara -nt a M-C'.uii-i'!.?.-? aoliiion. i". and the obiection in aad I anua* sha aaa fes _lna a lar^,-?- Itaa sltawaase, Bad ?nao lie. all?.- IhS *?Mulattos ?B r.M.; H keel -. inioiier CU'. n;n ci ll? ,| 111 al ? IBM ?-i'?' u: . TIM Ii'llowil:.- I. .1 lia; ??111.o rut i na, sMowiu- l??c ail'.)?? anccs in each ___asB. an 1 in Ua Beunetl ( .?p i.??-??: ua scaoonaa - Atlowaaees? in .''.I ilv Uaa. ? lass. Xame. Ottner. < "*' It '(. a. ?i. ?. Itiiini.l.-r.W. I (.Hi.'ii sa . .Hi.'Mia Alio*? At:o?a Alarm. . ?'oie.n.l. kii,_?.-l.n:?l II lUO 00 ., OO.'IS v?, nn.1er.r.t. su'linan.10,171 uA.ii t).: ,ri Htnlleoa.V. ? ?mi H. U. KSSS .. S.0 I 1 ? o7 1_,:_.7 11 -: ? ! ?!-.- ' I.Vh.t .?UU' v HOOSKaa. Paiincr.R.atajnrrssnt .li.o.'ij (air: aii?*iv?i Idler.*.3. Colg?is. ?. i-.1 ni ma p.?N ndal Wave.\i.\M>"i..ia. '?>.','J o ????? oan M.i. i-it-iiie.J. fc. Wckeraan.h ?n-ji in ,-j o? 07 k? ? \.? ? I kaa ? RMTtK-ltOASI' ?? ;'? "iM'.i?. Kaiella.J. I). Mi'.llli .. . ?*>,7i?li ...I'J All?.?? I'.Miiel.W. 11. I.tiiill.-V. M?>'?I '-'"-tA i''-?! i'.?, ii.a?.3. ll. Mattttiii.*.?l< 2?i.oi I'lai'J Hi,..Juin. I'lalt. *~-'l '-'"??'? It ?_t yieu .**". _. Isstta. 9,071 '?;:>ai i-.-ya ai.tocii. Amur.11. :?*-i7 ?JtaWB Allow? i.i.i,ia .J. K. il-iia?*?'.J,.'l U?!-.'l OOli Vliel'M*. .U. ?eu.. H, Ont? ... ll.-'.'.a 4 10 till Addis Viairhl?..?'. kssssssil. I.7I? 9:15 t'lS I'eirel.J. needier. ?.-,l?,l l_ a_ aat-xo-oi a-a> tuuoc*. Activo.r.W.J. Itnnt. 1,'if'll JPiO Aliona "lu?h?ar?t.U. U v> iilo-.malijr. l,>?.ii Ij.iu uu ' A eACuu .J It. Il.i?k-. l.-'Jl 14:11 fii .If. I*. 1*1 t;:?!.i:itl. 1,17'J iSA? lllO'J The _aa_Mer. MaAatoim. OwaeS, Ateww, mmt Mu?i cap i th__?..strife iu io?.-;r ?..pstiurs rtasssa The ?utit ill i?. a flyin. one ?tiiu Ua aiicliui'ii_>_ ud ?Upktuo,