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V?-XXXV_.Xo- WMi. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1876. PRICE POUR CENTS. TRUJEN MASTER AT ST. LOU T.EA-...Y A MAJORITY UO?SED. ? CAUV.TVI. CAKVA8B ??ivi? ihm 21 .">??_ vo-TKS THE HI"**"' BAl.!?>T ?KAN? ?KK M KONG AS SBC? fiiotci:-srvKitii. uni..: hah? MOOT. 1 T(?R1KS???111?. ?-?"'HI THE AHIflTKIt. The ex?it<*meiit atnotii*. the crowdi drawn Pt. l/Oiii*? on ..??initit of the Peinocr; Convention in intense. It is not oxprc* in parmi? s ami i heeling and in displays flags and had gen ?M ?' Cincinnati, but is ?lcep I powerful. The anti-Til?len men from New-York fighting c?<ec?liii?"!.v hard, < ir? ulating a.hltv? ??ut? riiiK into (.?nier?BM an?! laboring indi? iitilly with del?gales. They declaro t Tilden cannot tarry New-York. A c?? of the delegations ho.v.-ver itnlicntes t Tihlen vrill lirive 8lB*-_ votes on the first balk*,? 30-.J abort of a majority: Hancock will pr??l?a have 07, Hayard II, tttMgtUut 44*% Park? 9,1 Allen tt. The glMahllit men from New-Yn lu lut,*-! by (???i?1?!? J. Tinker, are rcfiu aeafe in the Convention. The 111 in tUtU, after a hitter tiiriit. elect.-tl I h;i initiie.V lu?n to |_M Committee on I.e. ohitiotis. J| Miailnaj an bet 910,000 thai Tilden if nominal will be ?1,4 ted. Henry lYatttrson of I In Eouiti' Couria-ltiirna1 ?*?__ h?r teinj.orai-y ('lrttirman <'f I Convention. John Kelly lias lost pi ?-t n ?? by htA unal'le to hold Taminany men against Tilden. TIU-KYS -lOUECEs. OP STI.l.NCTH. lib* loiX.'WiNt; IIWI and LOYAL- iti.XDl'"? AND lilt KM IN MI.N KlilKN DI.Y - Ml'UHl-M.' BET?JOHN K.'.I.IYN Hill KK. |i-.v tkliorii'ii M rm: TRint'M'.i St. Lot is, ?line _t?.?At the head of i he roll States ah it will Ik- eall'-d in the ('??nvetitioti \ih the balloting fur a Presidential candidate itejgi atandM the mime of Alabama. 1 *?.? I i r it ians lia great faith in tb" doctrine of the old atinge tli " well begun in half done ;" and fur this re.ism, ! ten votes with which Alabama will start t-M !?: Lave l?cen more earnestly s .light after by tin* -MB gen for rival can.liibius than :iu ??? j ? i rt I iiiunli from any other ?State. With then Oov. Tii.l. could start ?ith the solid sii|>]???rt of the tii-t ti States and with 111 vi.t? s. The Alabama d?' eame to St. Louis with ?eieral of if.?? most iirtlii?' tial men, among thein (?en. Morgan ami (Jen. Po Walt,-., a ineiniK-rof Jnwmai Dai _""*? Cabin t, ;i compromising!.!-in favor of Qov.___M.aad a ? jority of its rank and lib* had strong ?1.1:1111 towanl New York's t undid.?ie. Tin* rival factim _tb>- one iapnM-rtiag OOV. Tilth-u at.?I the oth Tammany Hall -tool, this ?l? legation in iianl IV? be ?'.?re its arrival in this city, anil bot hnve been until ing in their labors ever <?. Ti delegation held its tiist meeting this morning. maaind witb the choice o? Gob. E. W. Fettoa 1 lie its i hail man. A resolution ?lircetiiig its ptt* dent t n i ?st t-M int?- ?if ili- ? l'it-b-i? .H? m as ,i unit ? I aft.-r fsome tabled by a ?rote of ibo. two-t'iiiis. No lott- -.ia.-. taken ?which indicated tl itlattic Mrcugth of the ilttl'.it-tit l'n -i-'u-uti.-.l i ai ?lidates. tun. Tibien mil iMtiiniit ?buibt r?.vii a ttiiiionty of it- votes, th<- n-iu litub-r being di. id? among ."-senator r.u.iiii.l. (?in. and (io Haadiicka. Um bm ?nixis of tltis dclci_ati<?n nal to feel veiy strongly the it s)>oiisit'ility nl,i?b iv? ?Im.ii thetn as the lirai State ?>n the list, ami ml 1 avoid if iii.s?;l.if assiitiiiiiir tb?' role of Utndugoi i! Smith, which its i??.? al t-M beinl?if the enliiui st ?-ms naturally to assign to i'. There is *?r?.l ably not a single im-mlsr of it th: iionbl nut giio (?ov. Tilden liis heart ?apport njKHi the MBll tion that tit?, d'ovin or of New-Voik la th?- ?ti.i"_?'sf i-.iinl.ilrit.- iv!i(?|cii in- noiiiitiiit??! : luit as one or t?o of tin* \ itt'-ii hiiif BXf-1 nid tin- belief that (?ov. Tibien a? llfli-.iM-tiitii '-aii'liditt?' Would bl Iu ?tin Hilt-?, ilia H"ia. ?? (?if?-b i m m 1873, it is haiilly pn.babl that u solid vot" from the Slat.- MB BB olitaiued b ?. -t. 1 ililrii. ami MftaiBlj not by any ?in?- of ili ? aminlat?-*? now nain?-?!. Balm there should lu firent ?han^e in t_M situatioti. The delagatkai h:i B|?eiit most ?if the ?lay in list iiiiiK I?> kj? e; lie? of th I llib-n Bad ?Hiti-Tilileii nun ; but there are II ii?;i?b- ri'iilenees ttiat tbO) have had any marke?! el fett. f.lTTf.r.JoilN''. ?aid WTO S-BMM1A. TU rooms of the Qoo**_"_a ddegatioa have b?-?-i the ?i-etie ?if a hot ? "l?t?st letwe--n the 'J'llden am anii-libleii men. Thn dnkxjilkn. whaa it antvai in St. I/ouis, stiKid ?tbtnit Id for I ild? n to I for otlu ?aialnlates. Yesteru.ty I ?. C. Lit I b'..oh:i. v. ho hi i? illy ?lone more eil? t live iiork Iga-BBl Qov. Tihiei tiiiiii any other one of John K.ll_'? liOTtOOaotl lahoretl several btnirs with th?- debiiation. Hi mi ? i ni? ?1 in partially convincing m-veial at IboTildei Bien that th?- (iovernor of New-V??rk is n?if an avail ahle eandnliit?. He a?-? rt?-?l ami iimleitook to prov? that Oov. Tilden could BOt entry Ins on n Stat'-. '! li? attack ivas v. r.v skillfully liiana.'i-il, im.l just at tb? nullt time Mr. l.ittl. johncxhilnte?! to tbe detogation as he had to otheis, 1 tters tr.-ti ii h? he tsaiil at.' prottiitient Demo? rats in many of th? cunt?? s of the Kuipir?- Stite giriog . -.1 iiii.ttes of th? linn Tilden would sustain if he shoubi be the can didate. ami in? losin_r lists of Ilemo? ruts who \it.tihl i?: -.ipjsirt him. Uu- ? ili ? t of tin se n presentation. ?nui M?eti at the meeting of tlie tb-1?-i*ation this iiiorii ltn.' in it? hesitation to ?oiiimit it-a-lf to any ?letiint. policy, (?tu- Tilden's friends on t_Mdelegation lti.1 claim, however, that they hold more than a ma? jority. They also claim that at the liii-etiin. later 1:1 the evening, ., Inch in.'i.v iiiljolirti ton late for BfO? p?.rt of it to U- teleirtaph? ?1 to 1 in; Ttiiii mk, tln-y will eeitainly carry throuiih a rtnolution ordeniii; tlio vote ot the to be east as a unit 1..r Tib!?-n. Ki vticky's niin. V..II-? i i.e. TOMCV. No more nnisirtant or int<T?-.tin?, ?b-leicatioti m? et iiiK has ocfiinv.l to-day tlinti that of K? ntu.-ky. lA-miiuft the men from the llltie (iii.s.-. Slate is Henry Watterson, txlitor of The Louisrille CgurmTJtMruaL, who was tin pan-nt of the TUdaa mnv? men! iu Ken? tucky. It is by hi? utitiriti? labor that a publii ?sen? timent in thTOgO? th?- ?rent r? fount i of the D_W cratic ]iartv, toTaa?fOt than that in any other .-'.nitli ern State, ha? lu-eli creat? tl. \Yh? it the Keiitmkv dele|iition tilst met this __a______. after the m ? es ?aryworkof ?rtranization, Mr. Wattt rson made a very t?'lbn|. spe,-,-b in favor of ca-tin*.'tl-e v.ite of th.- State for Ciov. Tibien, anciti?.'all the eiisto maiy argiiineiits, and eiifonim. thetn by an olo,|ii? tit apjieal to Iba baton Mt__aMtaol the tbb%iti?.n. He waa followe?! by State Senator -Ma?-h.-ii, who advocated the nomination of Ouyg, II? n?lri? ks. Ex ('?? John M. I'm- for William Alien. The first vote in the ?lolc.ation nt?H??l tlm?; ??'(,r Tft. den IB, Ileiidiicks 5. Allen 1. BabtafB-Mll* it was aiiTioii that the V2 votes of Kentinkv stiall in- ?g*g\ a? a unit for (?ov. lilden, and the supportent ..f <;,,v. Heudriikii and (?ov. Allen ytebbd with th.- |? st of grace to the will of th? majority, so that tinte will he no waverm? or att'tiijits to r?? on?i?ler the letion of tl.ii niomini;. Thi? Tilden m tory in the Kentucky delegation is B great trniriii?* :?r\Vatt?r wii, n it gives th? b-st inoof the part.. n his State lima ever accrded bun of hii great iutlueuce and Popularity. INTI ATI?)!. DEFEAT?. Tlie Illinois tl.-legation held a meet ing tli is after? noon, md ?pent three liouri in a spirited eont-st Otrn tbe election of a member of tbe Committee, on Keaolutiona. The iuflitionist? nominated Mr. Pm ney aa their candidate, ami the Tibien party named 0en.BMcClernand. Each candidate gave afullex preaaion of hi? opinions. Mr. Pinney announced Linmelf m in favor of aoft money now and ull of the time. (Jen. MeClertiinil utlmitted that be hail been in favor ?<f the repeal of the Hestimptiou act, but announced hi? '?ritbagaaM to abide by tbe deciiiou of the Convention. The in* -UtiOiiiHt-, moved to ailjourn until aix meiu bari who ire abaeut ahouid appear. Thii ww 1.eaten in three separate voles. Finally a dirt; vote waf? reached, and (??*ii. Mrl'lernand w chosen. Tim ballot ?food 21 for him t<? 10 far 11 ni*y. Tin? six ?h-h-gaU-s \slio were al>*?*iit are un?le st'.od to comprise four inflationists and twoTihli itieu. Th.? division will make tin? Illinois del? iralii Ktiiiiilmi the first ballot, 2il for Tildi-n and 10 f other candidate.?, and its voto in Convention 11 for Tibien and 0?j fot oilier candidates. A very Litter contest it*) in progress to-day in tl Ohio delegation. At a meeting lliis morning the A len men demanded the election of (Jen. Thoni Kwing to repre.?M*iit Ohio mi the Committee on Res ln'iuns. The ground of this demand aras that tl State Convc'iTaon having instructed the ddogath to vote for (?ov. Allen, that vote would be only " barren id?ality" if the State is repr?sente?! on tl Cotitiiiittee on the Platform bva man who r?pudi?t? the very ideas which give QoT. Allen his prim i-iimce and make his candid.n y mean anything. Tl Thiirman men on the ?1? legation, however, arc i a majority, and are able to have thin? their own way. Th.y ?-.ill, at a meeting th evening, elect one'of their own number to he tl Ohio member of the Commit in* ?m l'csoliitions ; an after voting once for "William Allen in the Cotiv.-i lion they will cast tln*ir votes for Senator Thiirm.ii The Allen ii:en. when their candidate retires fioi the field, as he ir? Mahle to do early in the light. ?? i L' fBOfOB to tien. Hancock. They will d this not because tin y like (_? ii. Ilaiuock partiel laity, but because he seems most likely to rail alum 'aim the anti-Tilden tltm u'.t. The fi-eling ? the Thiiriran ni"n toward GOT. Tilden is of a ***** pleasant character, and should Mr. Tliuriu.iii's nom tuition become B fixed imp is-iiulity hia friend*BI mor.- liable to i.r?> ??ver to th- anpport of QoT. Tilda than to at y otic else. mrOBTAKI son ? I Of sii:k\?,iii. Our* of ?:ie things on which tin* I ilden men rely t prevent the comliinatioii of all the BOpporton a ot'i? r candidates again?! < is ?he friendly fn-lin of th?- silpi-orters ?>l Got. lit mil? k--. Miinv of th nun who are now eappoiting GOT. lihleii ?ver friendly to Got. Hendricka in 1868. There seen* now to be the best of per?.mai feeling between th r?vn delega I lone? The Til.?en men bore appealed t? the Hendricka men to remember t!:? If past relation ami m.i to moke .? bittet penonnl Bgbi if their owi ?andidatc should be found to be B8 imp .-.?ihillty lins morning the Indiana delegation ealM in : body on the New-York delegation. A apeeeh <? ici a ptiiiti w .is made by Senator K. man, ami ?me it reply by Attorney-General Von Bnakirkof In.liana Both s|?'i * lies were to the aome friendly effect, ?that ??m h ?Ich u'iitit'ii intended i?? pn-li its candidate b] all honorable IfWUlf, but that there was no iiitentio' of making a peroonal warfare apon the other, an? the rivalry is to he at all tnu?s fail am friendly. The Tilden men oleo bare hopea of the friei .Hinein of th?* Thuiiiiaii in? u. ?? ho they think will bo boh apt tu Baske Got. Tilden their aeeond cboieethBi any other man. Atlemptawere put forth lote laal Bight to form a (?iiivt'e.iiion of all the ?upponeute ol ?Got. Tilden. An Infor:: al cooferanea ??.?- ?hi ! i, bul H ?? Tliuniiii) m.-u refnaed t?> he repreeented. Tin Tilden men look upon tins an a friendly aign. Thi conference came to nothing; as waa inevitable ai this si ape of the canvass. These attempts are i* newed to-day, and ?rill he r?*in**.v? d i?? i !.*. daj uiili success is re.u lied or faillile l~ a?illed. .Wii-1'llll.liS BUI I N< 11 IT. Mil I?. While it is easier for th?* lea-ding candidate ft name the nomiiioa in eoee ha la himaell defentod than it was ;it ( in? tnnati, i; is aNo ?-a-il r and rthi two-thhda nil?* tor the oppoai?tion to prereal the iioii.iiiation ei the str?m.?*-' m in. If B hostile COM bi_utioa eatn be ?foamed of anything ore? ? __? -1 rotea which bold together, Got. Tilden cannot be nomi? nated. The States which would be neeea ,t*. to siii-li *i combination ara Indiana with 18 rotea, Ohio with 22, l'lnnc ? Hatua with 'J'?, KaaaM ?with ."?. tui T?'tiii. s-.i i with 1*.'. The.?.?* aie the only Btatea whieh are prominent ??r anitod in hostility to Got. Tilden. They command? holding solidly together, 83 rotee, tearing a little inore than fort-, to be obtained to make the oiu-tliiid and B fraction iicci-vs.try to defeat Got. Tildeu'anomination. It will be ?*a-y Iobm here? after whether aach a oombination can be ? Wet tod, ?>i m whom it can b?-inade. it ?s t<> be remembered, r, that Got? Tild?n haa aomc aeri n "i ? ?.'ht d?h ".-at? s m, and at l?*a*?t a?, many in Penneylrania. One prominent Pennaylranian claims for him 18. In Ohio tin- Tborman manare e.nsi.lere?! flielidl.V. The com Limit ion I?? hold all IheM rotea therefore mu-t neeeeaarily he apon aome one more ace.iptahle t<? thOBe ??In? BOW -??' at 'I ihlen than Tilden htmealt So far Oov.'lihlen's sujiport in New-England an?l the North-Weal aeoana Baabaken. There is bo change to report in th?* New-England rote. Th? Wiaeoaaindelegation met tins morning*, andToted into i for'lildcn. Kianeeota la aoltd tor him, and Iowa also. In Illiioi-,'_'?. of the delegation are Mid to hare beea pledged to Got. Tilden, and the dele? gation isexpected by hi? frienda to \ot<* bb u unit. This is a decided gain rinee the election of tin- dele* gation. Then, not more il.i.u 'Jl of the delegate*? wi H l??*li?"a< ?I to be for him, an?! his friends did BO. claim inore than 21 at Iba Mtaide. There ifl bIm cm ourag? iii'.nt from tin* F,a-t in th?- iB-WtBBOM giren by piobbIbobI membera of the N?*w Jereey del* eg.ttion that whenever the nine rolM "I will noiiiitut?- <i??v. Tilden, be ahall ha? e thoaa. A ??i'llUKKI mi. John Morrissey gave siihstiuitial evidence '?f his confidence in Tildon'i Braiiability thia.imngby hotting .f Ki.iMKi with an opponent that Til?!? ? woold I??- ? I?-? ted if noaadnatod. Hoaaidthal ha wm will? ing to be. 91(_MMM mor?* thiit he would be iioini tiated. Five thousand doMal- Wen |>ai?l do'? n. tin n maaaining$0,000to he paid in October, The papen siKIied thil lliiiriilliU at the Sollth?*lII Mot? I. l'Ile b. t WM hroiight :il"iti! '?> a \?:ig?r of ?$90 BAt?tt by a Wesiein man that Morrissey ?did not dan* to l??t | lO.OIMIoli Tilden'? MlteeUH. l:i.\oi I AOAiOBl .i.niN* K r i I.V. There is ? revolt ?>f ,*i large nnmbei of hia own ?l?*l i-Kitt - aji-anist John Kelly, ami it BBMM 1" have put him into anything ezeepl a pleaaanl state of mind. .Souiethiiig has Ix-eii said alre.iilv about his tn-at tii. nt of Ahratii S. Hewitt, and his refusal l<> lake his old friend h\ the hand. It is t-aid now th.if tin is lui au-c of some leiuink hi reference to John Kelly's < ?irly history, which BfBBlepcgtud to him M ?'(lining from Mr. Hewitt, but ??huh Howiti itcvei mad?*. The most ainu-i'i?.' incident of all is that Joiiii Kell] ami ?agBBt 1'?? lui.'iit an* now r? ported tO have i|U.iiiel? ?I, ami thus i ,-iiim ?l a slight ill? lahm even in the small minority in which Mr. Kelly liiuls himself. Smith Weed, who is proiiiin? nt f'ir'I ili'ieti, has also hail ?? ?lit!? itNMC ?vifh Mi. Kelly. Mr. K?-ll\'s? vcxatioii is easily explaiaad ?when it is seen what a aaifoM divi-ion ?.\i-ts hen in Taiiiinaiiy Mall its? It, and how lart'c a proportion of the iiieinht is ot tin* otL'iiiiizalion of which In* is the. head are for 0OT. 'J lldeli, liotwithst-itliding his opposition. A proiiiinenl member of the rainiiian.v Comadttaoaaid last m?;ht that thino fewitlii <>f th?* intelligente gad one-half of tho meinber? of Tam uiaiiy Mall are for (?ov. Tilden. This statiincnt may not be corre?-1, but one-half of the Tammany Mall delegate* are certainly foi l.ov. Tilden. So far ns can he indeed front a estim?t?: of the ( rowds, there aro ncailyat? many Tammany met? here for Tilden as agaiutt him. This ojKii revolt against John Kelly ha" occa ?ioned Home specula!ton aa to the etliit of this breach on the local organization in N'evv-Yo?k. Some of the Tarn m an v delegare??? feel that whether Tildan be nominated or not, the reorganization of the party MMM likely to be brought about, and that John Kelly'? lead? rabil? will lie disputed if not terminate?!. While thin would be more likely to follow in case of Gov. Tildeu'a uouiiiiutiou than in cano of his defeat, they think Mr. Kelly nuat in anv event lose prestige by reitwm of his failure to control hia own organization. There is considerable com? plaint among the Tilden men of the course m hieb J.ihti Kelly has adopted. Home of them say that about the time of th.- l'ti?-a Conventi?.ti he avowed frankly his opposition to(!ov. 1 ?bleii's nomination, but it WU9 mi<!er? that, the Convention being of a tlltlerent mind, he would not go t.? St. Louis to do what heeotibi to defeat him while a BMUbM of the iblegatinti which is supposing him. Ihese gentle? men find it ditlieiilt to reconcile his ?iresent course with the ac? eptetl nations of BfOBM dealing in patt* tics; but th? re is m, display of p? rsonal bitterness toward him. The Tilden 1MB ate bearing themselves in this tiiaiter. as well as many others, with ?lihcic tiott and liiodeiatioti. THE ITI.ST BALLOT. Ml.tiKN II I I HIN itl 09 A MAJotillY ? BOTH 8II1KM OK TIIK BIOBT. iby nxaoaira .<> tur Tinnier, i St. I.t.tiH, June _.'<;.?It is impossible t<? tmike a very ?? 1 atiia?sof the Convention thi-eveii i'-.g. owing to the fa?f that, many of the Southern ! d.-l.-g?tions ivbieh h< Itl meetings to-day adjourned I till 1 ? venin 17 v. ttlioiit taking a vote, ami in the. minn t'.me tiiativ ot tlie imlividtial member, may change their opinion-. The . out hern iiicml>crs of the Ct*ii ventioii haie _r?'ii?'ia!ly ? ?une to .-.,. f.ouis tin. otn mitteil to anv candidate, ami deti-rminetl to vtile in the etnt tor I lie 'nan whose ? lei tiou s.? ins most tdg* tain. The ltBDdiBf|of Southern del? g.ition? huit then -fore be chaaaad batweaa this aad morning. The table given In-low has been carefully preparad, and is belie??-?! to ?how ap| roM'.iatily the U'fe ft ?ich Stale on Un fini ballot. In soir.e enojen, ??:?<? o Florida, Maryland, and Virginia, the Ht .1 (?in irf given is founded on . an. ni nparl rather than on peattive lafaraatioB ? bul of ? taajoritj of tbeStatn the actual TOla has lueil taken. A'tordtng to ?his Mavan. tbe vetMof tbc MvaralStatofloa tbi but intll . a 111 in- M followa. ?a n n n a > a ?T ? ~ . u at I ! I I ) I A :? . 5 .I Arkanaai i? . California ?'? ? alorado . :i I m. tic In 11! ?1 Delaware.. ;? Florid. .1 .... ...... 1 ? > ;> iiiiiiu, 11 a a _ 11 K ,. 8 kelliii. . . 1_' ... 1... m??, il, 1 i Main? 7 .. Maryland! - M.i? ?m-' tt? M, - .j _?._ ... ."].' H .? .1 S 1 . it ?? - , . . .? New-Main 1 i S i. . . . N.-lN.k ... Nortli Carolin. ??Lio. .... 1 ' ?? a .... 1'clili all ilii.i -."? (?laud l H? Ulli.'. 1. i;n .7 '!'? inn ?-. . . \Z I ? I . . s ??. .1 . ... Virait B 8 Vl--t V.i ? 111 l\ I.?culi?111 1'? 'l.i'- .1" >*. 1.7 II U ? I Mil ' , ' ... II Uln ? ? - ? ' ? t ?? ! .! 1..1 , \|..t . .' !i .riu?ll Bj tii.? 1 .: '? . lil.l.-ti Mil! la 1; ?'?I'. I Ott s oI a iioniiiiatioii 011 tin- l.r-t ballot. Hi? lia 11.U ciaba tbal be will racciva Mr. Bajrard'i llvotoeia I?. la-su 1 I ' I . ?ni a? 100a a. Mi. 1;.. . naine II With -.-..!., I . 1 - '.. i Jersey when he i ? a *4 to lie i ? indidite. I * *...?.. Tilden cm!.-. 1 roten, hit ffinudi rliira tin--? will then draw et.h igh fi ?in 1 i. 11 o< !. - lot. 1:1 the Sont h t.. give bin tbe nomination. P? i ? out] i the alili-'l Ud? ti men < luitu < 1101,.-li of f in- i,,f. - credited to tiov. Tildeu in tbe iboi i table to i bfa vote to aboat 200 aa tin- Int ballot. Tbaj a S'lt that tlieV M ill be ab!.- tu pu -i. ni liirii li.?ii ing rabataatial galM until naoj ballot? have in-. ? tak? 11 ami a ?a. 1? opened for a eonibinitton on some ?>thi-r man. In ?in h tinti.s as this ?killfiilly and ?m 1 i.-.? l.i!! j can led out in s ? io 1. '1 ??den? , 1, it danger. BT.'is ASH CINCINNATI l-ulll? ?a II V.M.! I 111 I. ?IM 11 l lil ' I I Mi t 11N I it l?l ? 1111- imiiimim n?i nu,in urncxaa. [Bi in ? 10 h?. ram ?? St. Loi is. Jaaa 36. >o _a> Iba Ciaciaaati aad Bi. I.ouis CoiiMtilioii? hale |,|, -. ?it ci. i m ii in? points of I i I. ? tu ?.? and o| i OutnMt. \s ;A Cim i, ??? here, ? an i a.-t. in man b ??is all COnpatlton M tai thai lin oth? Is ;.|, . Wtini fol ?nine ,'vans of olb'ti-ii?' i ii arfar.-iii-'aiii?t htm ; and as at Clin t, a t.iati ft i,lil '?lie of ill. ? middle tier <>f Stale? in the ?an.ti? dales .m h hoiu combiuation is -ought. A? at ? in ciunati. alii;?.?t up t.? the 1.11 I1..111 that the < loOV? 11 tioii is ?ailed togethar, Iban ittenpti have btwa m eH'.'. ?nal. At Ciaciaaati the Lading caodidate had 1 lii-eitva!? Briitow, Morton, Hayea, ConUiag and , Hi-ill. mit ? 11 Ii ot 11 limti had a Mil. sol id l.i at Ml La. k. I h?- laadlag randfdi-*. h ta atoo bit Iva rivak Ban?liane?.?-I?, II. tuliii I??, Parker, Bajrard and . Ml, n .-... h o| tih un lias a ? hole Mate, and ?mil one of tihoiii i? likely to Ion jn?i ifter tbe itart. Bort as at Cin. um; 11. the gnat problem il BBJ thing f?> lu at I le man ? h<? his tin- tkOmt n- ? I'p to tin- time oi the inroad of tin- Qothaaad Van* data from Naw -York tba igeitoanal lure was ,!??? oions ciioiiirh in the Ml. h un-li as Mr. Lit I le j 1 .Ii 11 do m.) biawl m public places, and the MIHMl .Us. 11 ? ?.. 11 that lient on 111 the hotel halls .111.1 on the sir?? t ? m m is never sei m?-?! lo i ?rife on blood* shiul, and tieiii lice.?d? .1 th?'shall? . ral ami thru?! of peiKinai d?bate. With Iba anual <>f tba lannaaaj brovea, i ebaage eanoovei tbaapiril "f thecrovul. The ibort-aired aad load-voicedDo iiiocraey of New-York tool? the offenaire In ev?urj -ens. pf the word. They -Hill aL.iit ill gangs, iiiini-iiiis' ami '?wearing, Imunatiiag rol? of naaaf under the no.?? s of I In-tr opponent?, I Ii .ilh-nging them to h? I, ami roundly abusing Luv. Tibb-n Bad hi? ti h nil?, a? shams and political diaorgiBJani, lli'i m ur sinikni a debata withbb| aae,aad wbaa tin n p?iit-ii|> itidigiiati.ti al OOV. Tihl'ii's |.ic.iiuipiioii coiilil no longer lu- i< ?tiaim <!. liny t?-!i?-i?'l tli?-tn senes bj? liiislliiig people about until a km.? k .loll II ll-ht en-lied, ?'I Ly tilling the spaci ? ti the gnat hotels with wild fella of dolighl as some "f their speakan Blade ? If.I IMiilif. or tll'H- ?ti . ni. il In be ,1 gOOd |'l"-l"'l of a? tttal eticoUlit'I. As lilL'ht conies oil the?e tin n an .-illatit.- With ?li nil-, ami thev eairv pand. nxm nun is it h than ivli.riier thev go. In BV-O -_?-WBf m* ??'?' group? m lutter dispute, the Ih? :ne Blwajn 1 ild? 11. I ii?'.v ?!.1 damn him with faint ?lispiai.-?-, but with the freest Saxon and the shoit. M sylla? bi, s knots n to lb.- tongue. < U ? asionally I In ir WOldl fail them, und they use other arguments. Th? re wet?' tin??- gfllllilio lights of UM olil-liislnoiie'l IleiiioiTiihc kind 111 the I.iinh'11 iloii-?- last Bigbt, ami to-uiitht ihere is the same fttkht of loittl dispute ami p? i?oiial ?piarrcl. Last night time was a n-s.ut to l_M huA ap|M-al of all, and one of the Tammany rough? drew a pistol on a Tibien Mis,soiirian right in the great hall <?f th?- Limb II, ami pro|)o*?d to put an eml to him mid his 1 ilden istn together. He was unested, but siih.s??<|it?tillv releas?'?! at the re?iiiist of the man he svas about to assault. There are lea*. seriouH iueideuta of the M-M kind, aa when a well-known ?New-York pobti? mi?, ?Iruiik. gties through the crowd roaring that every? body who belongs in New-York City stumli up for Hoe Filth 9mg?, WASHINGTON. REPEAL OP THE KhHCMPTION ACT. IN'FIFt.CTI'Ai. KFPORTH BY THE DEMOCRATS??__ M8M TO KOUK-STALI. TI1K FINANCIAL II 1M1 OF TI1K HT. LOOM CONVENTION. [UT TELFGItAI'II TO TI1F, tiim-Hi ] Waskim?tov, June 2(1.?The 1 lento? ruts werf) un weeeaafa] to-day in their attempts to repeal the S|h>, i?. ljesumption act, and cnn.-.(|iiently to influence the financial plank of the St. Louis Convention. The e?iiit was made three times during the second call of ?states in the morning hour, and three tunes failetl owing to the skillful parliament ary tactics of the Republicans. The Democrats had hoped t?> tin?! Mr. Sayler so facile ?ut a (speaker that they could force the House to repeal the bill by a majority vote under the aeOBBd call of ?--taten in the morning hour, beeaBBo, after the expiration <?f the _aar__bag hour, the repeal could not he had except by at wo-thir?l.i tata, The Republicans, however,by points of oi-.h-r and finally by I roll-call, ?onsumed the morning | hour, so that the repeal was not posai h Ic by a major lty vote. After the morning hour the Democrats, owing to the alisen? .- of a huge delegation at St. Louis, had no chance fora t?vo-thitds vote. The probability thin-fore is that tha House will take BO definite finan? ial action until after the Convention. The leaders hire will eonsei|tieiitly lie obliged to follow ihe policy of the ?-d. Louis platform, instea?! of fon ?tig the Convetitiou to adopt their own rules. THE AlTi.OIT.lATlONS DILEMMA. n<> HMMMCI of a rAs?A?.F. of the bills' nr.iiii-i. THE KM? Of IHK I ISilL YEAR-CON I'llloN 0? niii m\ i 'MAI ttUA. Ik? IBIBBBaiB t<> Tur. tniBOBB.1 W .-HINOIKN. .lime'-Mi.? Ihitll hoilses wen* in taariea today,bol then are no HateanMa Mteatteai that tha appi.ipi'iiitaui i?i:is?',iii paaa befare thaeaatel : tin On ? year. Very little pro_.-re.-n? ta? made, aud Mr. } iian.i.-iii iiiin-eif ?..tat ifeerewaa Ittlla bspu ?a treat ii-iit ?:iyii iiotiiuii: i* left fur ii im but la aafaeaa the lawa . ??hi? li are hap? i.ilivc uinl ?\ lilil? ft ?|?iir? liie ?iincoiiiiii i nain e uf all (.???eminent H.-rvii c, ex per. i-?. Ml ill. s. t !?-., ' when ilic appjopcation?. ,in* c\ii;iii-.t. .1 1 .11 I ?. in?.cents I un in eaaaiag fi.>.ti?? eel at tin* preepeet, i?m there is aal , tune now to it nieve their liliinilcr-i. The (OUOWlBI la . tin* ? tiiuiitittii of the ?evcil luili? |n Bight : Tie- Beaaa aaa aabai for a aea ?-. ?ir*-r- no?* on tha : lei' itivr li\. . ,itivi , lull, niai appoint. -I j M?*??ir?. iiaiui.ill. sprinter, ami Kaeaea m ceuienc* "ii its ; part. The B?sete dt Harnte roaaeatto Um ledaetioa el ( ?alari? - tl*tci I.', ?.-ci,, ial _.iw ; the 11..?.?a- clono, a llgM In li illlce nil .li.lli. - ii,. r,.,t (?itic ?pppaaptlailaa MB ?aatPIbatfaw tan t ,.i'fcic!,, e ('.ituiiiiti,,-. ?in principal poiala of dMbreere are m rt.-ti.t to ?bt i.'i..ti?i.i of p-etaieetew" aalartai aii'i ii..-n.'.'ie if i a?n.i?. i,- i :?.__.! for railroad -enrice. The ?in-rii n?..? oa 'in- Mil i,e m?: *.? i ? 1.1.1.? li, tad an agree. mil'! Ilia? lie 11111-,.tl lit l m- , H lioll of lie II.ill-.* Ill ' irate appcoprlattoai tm lallieail aal let .t..,..- m i lee i? lfm i.ii . a, pi..? ? i, .ci'i iba I aata -ai.i||.| B? ??? i in . '.in in ?a t.f.tilt) of : I,,? cli.if.'i t.T - ol ui.f,? , f tin- ['oa ]?. ?'?i. -ti i - ?u,i', r the r. it lilil?, .'ial the Senate ? an ..fli'.ii t . i- . ? re -pi ? ' : there wat a ; . it ? ? In gtVlDg * I.. -..:? t" | -tllat-t" I ? >'f t ?. ?V11 ?a of ft".Ill ?., iii.inai popaletioB en!*, .tri.i eatypaytag?Um poatm ? r large cUtea Uka I at. ige M. Lenta? aal f.l:.. luili*'. tilt -.nut .tliiiilllll. I in- i ? MU tala ('?"lit ri tu.* i , . i...,, '. -? .|. ai .. ;. Um ii "i-? i.? ? pointed on a Ii-'.a l'..|,,'t?. I ' ' aille?- taaitly t lie ?at,a- member* t bat d -i on Um Irai ? ? ?f< a a- ,ututu .uni reappotatel Iteoll t I'll, lilil?, a .Nt A ? '.! II alii. ? < ll-ll-' Ot l|l|?.?.l.t, ,1 !t> i ; ? . . a,. ,,t mi t..i? Mil ! at. the ladlaa but la alaa la Oaatareaea Committee i1?? Hi? nil" I ? (?li l'a. ?il ' -i .-. ..,1 II f the " . .-f. : liiiii.m Bai m t?i tin-'A..r I? -| ai un. n M--t.ii. ! ..a, ? th.. part "f i.? I aata, are I ?eapaaBS to the treaatar,aal Mi tmpeetsm taten tk riu an,oiiiil uppiopr;..'.-.! '?> ttu? MS *a* in ?... . ! la? ?, ..-..?t m the -.-i.?ii. . .u -I lit. i . ai. -ip.ii point of did) i eaee wlU he Ihe twarfer ?tante Aotht m-Jerlt) la laa ? . ,-;. i .... .in.i ihe rate tar ttum betas fall, II la prababb thai th? Houon will lo. lUt OB a ' ?.? Il m I a." ? I- '-.a. a ?'. -, " . - nate on Ho- prepoMUoa i'<-i.?u- it ??tu t. " u- u in .i? i ? ?.ti"ii. MI.'. Mol.l.'ll.l."*- I .M It.M?l? \.? MI.M. II: irgCI 111?' Ill ?MI 1. N" I QUALITY A" II . II - tAI.Y ol till II I -a-t ICV. [OSBSBll PBBM i?:-l?T? it J \V a-iiim.iiiN'. .Inn?* 2C'. ? -rii.ttor Morrill , ,1 :1,. I ? ? , .?i? ? ?IaII?,..ii to ?!.._| Ilitl li |,1 uli li.r, : rlewofeeare?taaatb with tba i*r? -i.i? m. iin- eaavane. turn iin?i m?e reara t?. the eilattag rrwallllna M the appropriation i ? i : : -. aal tha arenaria am -it whmb i?:i iiiiai '.?ir in leaatm Mentll apea theonl . Jablna lu- niii? e a-1 hall iniiii of Um I ? maUtt? e on Appi.ipii.ii.oii-to Meept u.bteeut Baeretar) .: the i reaaary, by reaaaa ol lb* Inchoate eoadlllon ??i tbc ap pn.p'ia'i.'ii MUa it i-?*.'*ii known thai Mr. Merrill', tricada eoaalder thai aa abandonment of bli prraenl peatttea nt tin-1 : m?- wo'iM be hraagbl ?? lib coaaMi rabie 111 .ni...- to the committee ot whleb be ?- cbaira-aa, niel fol' thl? 1? a?.? '1 I I.poll, iplite plt-V.'ll II? te ?l.i? . thai ha ??ill eetqealtf) it Beeretary et the rraaanrylaooa-il arel ?veil ii. I'mice i in- 11. niii-f ,'iti< a a u la aot iiiiproiiaitii* that tha *-. i. .tor Ulli rrk'_tiil it a- i iitlia ly roii?i.-teiit vaitliliie puiiiic milite to ii.iiiiii- ihe peottten t?? ablebbabaa ;u ht Im i ii i ?u. il i .m .1. ?u,?I ll.c l'ri ?nit nt may -?ml ,iii<?i In r iiniiiitiatioii to tin -eiiite balare tha latofjaly. Tin?? romllttoa of aHatia aaa my freely talked arei lortaj m Iba Interview, luit n ?t??e? not uppear aa ttt that any ilciiiiite t nin iinaioii haa baaa reaahad. ThePreeldenl fully .appreciate? the eniliarr. f-i il ? oii.lilloti Ur. Mm nil i- nii.jttteil to. Already ipeealattea - reaateal apaa the ?iii.]ii t of a not In r appointment. FOURTH OF .li'l.Y PEOCLAMATIOff. PBKBUNPn (ii'.iM i lit.i ?- ri m K Itl.i n.ioi ?. nii -) B1 am Wt "i mi' OAT. Wa-iiim.i"s. .lune 36.?The foDowing was l-lle?l to ll.l> liy the l'lc?iilt lit of the lllitttt ttStSt Ot Aiii'*ii?ii : I fioctiiiiuttinii The ( 'eti'i DO Ial "ai ID '?? : Ml v of the ila'. on ?tin? h th? pople of the rn|t,,i -'..t. ? ?'.,|,ii'.i| iii. i. ii_;liii'i.i mparate and ronal ?talion amona the power- of the earth iremi to demand an except louai ? ?li?, I ? aine. Uli- follllil. 1 - of Ile (ioMllllll, III nt II? leUli ?nul III IN n?s- lut..lii il the lilc-?lii_.?ntlil the pel? i linn of n liivitn- Pro*Meneo, ami tin* la pulotilei ?nd three nllllotu of people hare expanded into a nation ol - len lit ii ami n i i n 11 u I- coll i ?nn inli'i' Ihe punition '?Im II tien wan u-M it??! uii.l for which leiwnt pray it? wen titee eflbaed. it aaeaM tittuu.' that, on the nccillleiae of I lie hllllill'cth an III v cl ?al I of nur c_i?tei?ie a- a nation, a _. i ati-fal a?linti\al f-iliriin nt i?* aiade t?? Almighty (,...| r..t the pre? In lion ami the litiiiiitie? valu? h Ile ? ou. li?,iie?l I?. our beloved country. I therefore Invite the good people of the I llltt-'l St-ili ?', nil Iheapl'liiueluill.' lull I til ?lay ot Jan-, in M'l'iui.'ii t.? the aooal obaenran m ??uli ahleB iiny aw eeenatoaMd lo pnet the return of tba ?In?, fuitini in such manner ,iinl nt -Hill tune a- In tll'lf r. ?In. live Im .illliett anil I ? i?. tout .??-."'t itioni ?nu? in- inii'i ciiiivetiii at to mark iti i? ? m nn? a- in -tune public leiii?iou- and devout tbanka l'imii? to Almitrhlj (i?.?l for the bleaeluipi which have in i u i.? Mowed upon u? at ? naUon during tin* eenturj of oui i\i-tiiiie, mu? tuiiuhiv to Invoke a eoaUaaaaceof Hia favorand ??f Uli proteetfcio. In wttaeaa whereof I hove berenato Ml my hand, ami i mi-fil th?* acal or tli<* i'iut.*.i -(.it.- to be ?fllzed. Iioiie nt tiic < Itj ?ii WaahlUKtou tin- 'jutli day of Jaae. in tin. year of Our Lord 1876, aud of the independence ul the United Btnlt sol America the LOOth. r > <.i.?m. Bj Um I'icsiiKiil. Uamii k?n; l-'i-it. ?L. o.) tiei'y ?-?I ntate. wAsiiiMiinN vom W ?*?niM.i'?>s, Moiuhiv, Jim? 'it;. i-7?i. Ihe Con.initie?- to iiiipnre lulu the I ite wln.-iliy tr?ale tin*..?liiinooii continued the invectlgatloa. .1. K. l'it_ Kt-iuiii of MUwaabaa taattfal lie Tinted state? gaagW f??r the ('?unity of Milwaukee from Ha-pfeinher, 1-tii?, to May, lH7.*i. He w:?h a party to a fraud by tba ilifllilein. Ill- rcn-lveil *i?'J(??J a lunlitli from each ?listillcr, un?) in the aggwaata,Hdaia he reeolvel 110,000 He afterwarda paid Um nooeyaver to the Oovernmenton hi- niii? ml boni ut the tllu? he Bleed -uilty lo hin crooked deellag. The wttaeaa waated Ket?haw elwted to the I.e. ,-ati ? in- lie? an?.' li. wax a ('ar|H liter man, mid no in- (rocked far him. H. wanted Mr. Ciipi-uti r elected i-iiinioi becaaaa be iboacbl ba oaa tba lM?^t man in \\i eoama lar lha pime, an.) aimi beeaaaa be peoeared wit iieHH tils ai.iHiiutiii?-ut. lie did not think Mr. ( 'arjtenter I ne va ,i|0% f liu.j. aboUl lue ??hlkky i*luiike?liicn?. I)uriUK tin- ti illDfiiii; tm .? I'nlteil Ktatei Senator In of Mr. CiiilNiiter, h>? iitnli-i ?t.ioil that tiioita money would he needed, HUu i?.li'.i..|p were u ui?h.u to ca^uuiljutc. Ue did not think Mr. Carpenter or Mr. Kevei knew anything aboutit. The- Pre?Ment to-day signed the bill for the retirement of Col. Wlllara II. Emory, with t?*e rank and pay of a brigadier ireneral : 'al*o, reniovingftlie political di? abili ties of \V. H. Jenifer, late first lieutenant In the United State* army ; Also tbe hill to reduce tit? number and In crease the efficiency of the Medical Ctirp* of the I'? it .1 ??fate? m my ; also, the bill to change tbe name of the ?te.-iiii?lilp fite of Itrittliear t.. Nu.?-Star, .nul tbe 1)111 to rt-peal Section '.,30.1 of the Itevloed (.tatufes of the i' ?iit.-.l iiiaiiing ili?')ii?|iiiiii of the public land-in the State? of Alabama. Mi.-t-ltsippl, Ixnilii.iiu, Arkansas, and Florido. _ CI?EIK? THE l?koYID TKAaSSIT CASES. AIIGf-MTN-tS (?F I.IMFS C. CARTER AND JOHF.PH II. CIIOATB IN _________ TO THE GILBERT COMPANY. The bnoOnmB ftsmyagtuMg of the cafe of the ?"*lxth Avenue Knilroad Company agniust the Gilbert ?avalai Kailwuy Company were begun yesterday be? fore fuSg? Seil/ivlck In Superior Court, Sp.-ctali Term, .li.ini-?! ? '. < ut.-r leading '??? ?Hi an argument In behalf of the rapid-transit road. He spoke chiofly ou the legal >|ii"st ions presented by Willium M. Evai'te In bis opening urgiimeut airain -I the road, It-iii lui: other pointa to .Indite 1'orter, who Id to ?peak to-day. He presented very ! briefly the history of the defendant company, which, he ?iiiil, arose out of a praiseworthy effort to meet the nubile demand for rapid transit. He then examine?! the objec tlous to the acts under which the Couipuuy proposed to build a road in Blxth-ave. He assumed that the m urinal Incorporation was not disputed, but the only .iu.-sti.iti-. were whether ?>r not tbe Legislat'ire had the power to modify that incorporating act, and whether or not it hrnl tlone so. All act-? iiicorporatin? companies were subject to police regulation by the legislature in regard ta the manner of carrying on their butducss, as It affected the health and safety of the citizen. Hut ad? mitting that Hit! Iiartmotith College ease hud estab? lished the fact that an ?tict>r|K.ration was a contract, tbe great strides of corporations which claimed to be ?iipel lor lo law, and to control legislation, had so alarmed til?- people that in almost every Stat?* a constitutional provision uo?v made part of the ?-??titriert tbe right of the Isgi.iature to r'gulate and modify all charters. This |.osser was expn-ssly reassert, d in the gei.erul law of tlii? Male, ?-xpressly leiir-si itetl m tfie charter of this ? '.. tut. any. and it was tl.i? imwi-r which wn? e_ertise<l under tbe a.-t of 1*>7.'>, In dial ging tlio futin of the ?ti in-tin.- Miii.ii tliisr?, ul might build. Hut it was < l.iiua-d by the plaintiffs that the I/C-i-Ia ntie h.t I imt ?! this poner, but had delegated It by appointing c<iiiiinls?i? in is to exercise If. Ailinittiiig tii-l the legislation had nought to del? gate its ?egtsU tise iitdgiiiciit. it iumI t??*? ii tram Mnmorlal the mmm to itelegate utiiler general laws local tlisciction to local ?i ?I.. -, tu ii!i|in:i|.al l.otlu s to tlie ? -xt. nt ot passing ordi ii.iiii-. s v, hull i -v. i? Involve.I line mid imprisonment, to ?tie. f board?, t.? .-..nuni-suin. i - of ?atlr..;u1s (tilui had In . -i- ma .i i ? t i i ? ' 11 -1 v Miiniai pawn to thai if the i amteup ?inner? iri rapid transit acts, to ?ay Ml tliey it.,nl.I da the minimum ?iiiuiy to property), ami to ? .ther local no i-.I?, it urn? oat the autre contorting ti <!i?.-ietlo-1 '.'. hi. h ?Il a,i uni 1.1 fu. "I I.cgislii tlve power, nor tbe reneral givm.' of coarten iub|e? t to ?ui li iirieg ?t? ?l discretion, iiiat ?.a- doeetnbai ? ... i in i h.m, a . .int. i -, and st-.ii mot- ? mbjeci to ?m ai diacre tina ?rere railroad chartere ander tbe geoet il n? r. .f-.?. ,ni ii. ? ii..ti. replied ..h the part ol the piale tin compon) ? -it'? i- ipeaking ?..' ti"- ?rita, i-, p .i lance ?-f ti.e . a- t.. lin? pla'-'t'.ff, us it iva? a (|ii.-?ti ni that-Va? nned it.?? v? .-ii teme o f tbe mu pain, be considered Hie natore and cha racler of tbe rlgata !n thecaae?tbe -of tbe Sixth Avenue Railroad Cora peni . ami tin 11 .-ii of tin- iiiiiiiii i_- property owner? on it.. street tu lue -lib war and Its aae, Mr. Cboate , -i that tin- 1.1>-*. ate I lia:!."a.I tt as _n , u. i,rnlu a: . <? i atiioiii.t. d to an utilftl taking IWIJ of a portion of tbe ?tu-, t, and that then iii m power lath? i ? _? . I su. ii rifrhl v. a ?'.ii meut f..r the in,?,.. 11 y taken, an.I for the fliBinr*] oauicd lo the abutting |i'.'iiircrtv-ii'i net*, lie tbeu look np ? consider - tioii of tin ? na ?i .- nrupoaed '?> be erected and the on I I. of flu H .to ?;-.- tl [cell WOUhl II ?lilt frotll ?Is e|i ill. .11 and aa?. i'.- Baton ol tbe iranl nude to Avenue Railroad Coutpaaj isas tint? dwell npon. and the special daman Ibal would enne i?? tl??1 c inp.uiv . poluudoni Al ti..* p..i..t Mi t'hoete broke oaf bit .... Ul Ulltll till? li.itil.lll.-. OBITUABY, BISHOP GEORGE 1?. CUlfMIKS. A ? li frota Baltimore tin* lit. Rev. fleo. I?, i um m ?" -. ?.-mot l ;i? h..p "f the Reform? a Epiaoo pal ?'bur. !?..:.? .1 .t ',,- ,? lldem ? In I nt ft.-rv.l?.-. Baltimore ? '..liiii '. . i -?-?.:, l? i at tern o. ii, nt liitlaiiimatiutl oi tin- In,si - . I?. DU hop? ii m ; ii. :i s is i? I?. ?in n>\ r Mu? mm. I). 1 , I?. .' 11, 1 -?-'?_'. iiii-l '? as ,ia..BBtad -i? I' ? ' i .i!.. ?? arli-li-, p.- -ii i m i ? 11, i'..i t???-o ] i? i * !:? ii a? ill ? nt; it to tbe Hethodlll Kkim-i pal l lullt ?i. but in 1 ? l? he l?i. an ?lads - I ? ni Hie Protestan- I ptl opal ?hutch. Ill October of tliat i ear he sva? unlaitieil us a ?leaMB, ..ici m 1B47 wn ida a pmbjrter, for mi ? 11. . tor of < l.i.?!'-< iiiirch, Norfolk. Va., .-uni tli-ti sin-,---- j iii. tor ol.-?:. Jaiiii .?'s ? iiiin-ii, Rlehraoad; Malty ; (trar.-li, v..i?hliigt?>n: tt. I'? t.-r>, DliHnnr., and Trinity ' rhiiri-h. ? Im?;.-?.. In .Inu**. IMS, be ? i??l. fted A? ist mi lilihop ..f Kentaekj*. Hi wn eoancrated m Novem? ber, l*-i?.l. .nul fiiililieil the ?lulu ? of l.i- olla c ?iitd Nov. i??, IB73, ?ii ii he re_tgaed to take ? kiirthn pail ;n the uiiiiiliallna al tha l?i fon.i Eplnopal ("horch. On hi ? . _'. Is7.i. In ?as ciii.i-eii Pu-.?nlliig lii?hop of that church. Dartag the un .ting of the ErannliMl ?lHaan m thi? cltv in ?i.-toiler. l**?.t. Bllhop ?ain-iiins r.'td I pi? per on tin- total gamin, and f lie ,|,?i iissinti which foil.?Sled lead tt. his with dictai tin- Protest.mi Bptnopal Chart?. la i 111. ?,-tfi r to l'.i-iiot? Smith Ol Kciifil.-kv. uti.l. r .late of Nov. 10, i-T:i. he e-onplata? d la i Ihi I thai 11) ritaatli-k 1.1 uta es li.ul t.. i n lnliiuliliail ?I? Kfilltlt-ke churches; i'.'i that then wn? no pro4|ii-i t at retem wlthla tin < liuiih; ol) thai J"int coiiimiiuii'ii HI it-iraiiieil null diafaror. Blihop Oaani-n gave bu opinion- tern?. aim ? learli on tin-si- point?, and also said : 1 therefore lease the counooalon in wi.i.-h I have I. ib.. red m the .?a<r..l uini-tis for over -'" v? iis, tad transfer ni) wurkaml ofllee t.. another ?pbere of labor. I have un carnea! hope aad confidence that .-? basis for the union ol all evanicellra. Cbriatendon ?an be found m h ., whieb shall retain or reitore a pi Hull is?- el''?- '?ni' f, and a pun Scriptural lllti.v si nil a fidelity to the ?loctiii.f justification bj faith only. Articule* ?tant*? tel tadetUi? Eeeietum, i pi iltlon toward .,?,1,11 tin- i...I .. m Pinot c ate tapi.Ill tend;- --, luni which has already (..ken a .1. Satte lona la the ?? ! lunch of .1. ?us" m Mexico. In H contain ? \s it'i a call laned hf Ibshi.p t iiiiitnttis mi Nov. I"., l?7.i. a lai-._-e nuiiiber of lavim u and mitin ti-|-s foitii.ils i ..iiti.-i ted With the 1*. K. t hui s li met in this eily for the pulpos.-of org ini/.iug a ti.-tv ? tin.?li en ?in- lia?:?..I 111,' l'Il te I- I look ol 17?".. I i.e I>ec! , la Moll nt Principles then attopt. d iintiounecl attlier. ti- >'- to the l-ipi-? t. not M I distne right, but as ?t v? r> niiel? nt and .|i?:raiile form of cliurrh polity; that the Liturgy -lioiibl lie retain?'?!, not as imp. r .live ; it . inn.-.1 the do. Irin, s thai tin re Is ?ml.v Ml tonn of ei eh ?laslical polity, that IBB church ministers an mi'sts in ans other si-ti?c tliun that all lu-lit sais arc a "rosal priesthood," tl il tin- Lord's table is an altar oil which nil oblation of tin Unity ami Bind of flirt-t i- off. r.-.l .men? t? lin- I'.iihcr, that the pr< ?em ?? of Chiisf at the Lord's Supper i? a pu . ii. c in tin- ?li tin- tit - of liri-ad and Wine, or that regem t..tum is nisi peialiiy i m m ted nilhtiap ti-m. Hi?' Reform?'?! l-iplscopal ? was tbeu ! suri' llisliop ClllllUlltlrt .is Pre? siding bishop, itxl a i otniintfce ?as appoint? .1 t.. ?liait a Constitution. ? "ii-hh'r the proposed in tin I'l.iwi Look ?' 1789,aad t<? pupal?' a form for tbe .iiiliuatioii of nliiistei-s. TM li? s- ?'. li < 'lu-iies-, I). I)., ot thlt ago as elected at the same time as ?Its?., .nan I! hop iif the Nunh-Wtst. biuce the organization of the BBW Church, BtuhUf ?'iiinui.iis has I.n busily ? -in: Iged Ul the establlshtilitit of lo tv i-oligte | allons, u limn.'.<-t- of vt hub hase l>? ? ti ?>r_.nii/,*tl In tins i-oiiiiiry and < a?ada. Hi shop (iiiiiiiilu? n uth uiarly distinguished in a preaeberof poliibed dteoM tad par? sli.lslte poSVl'l-. a_____________________ OBDOa AM) C?Vi?LALTIi:s-l;Y TKLEUKAPH. Kt ink. \. li., .inn.* '_'i>. -Mrs. Laura Paanoa com* llllttf.1 ?ll.l 111?* III If till? SVI-llllllT bv Uktllg 111 sei a.-. llnsTiiN. Maas., June '_'.!.?.lames Godall, a ijuarry, st IS est '.uincy, Muss., w?i? klllt^l l?y llnlitinug y,? U'tuuy. Nkw-Oi?i KANS, June 'J??. ? Ibirinii n ?ittarrel about s butcher keif?! ?? the ?Isuglif? r liouso hi tin? city toalay, Mil ti.ii'i Claree killt?'. BeeeUewta (ii.??t t')sti:i(, Mass., June 26.? Duiag a never? ?Hum last iiisht. ?he ?flu oner B. 1". Chan wj? ?truck tu Imlilnlng. aiut lust tier fer.-ui??!. "A lilisui ll'.Kstbury, oue of tti?. irt?, m uistautly Nkwiiii??i, N. Y., June ?'(?.?A dispat? li from Cats klll ?ay?, smliii i'_ip?iitt-r, the Iunliatn Mage-?Iriv-r, w?? fatiiilv lujun-ii H in- tul? nu.ridiig, byjuuipiug ftom lusitana V, title lit? lun? - '-t-lr 1111111111?*. .'CKUI.C. June '_'(?.?A man BBBMd ?.'harlcM Talbot bn i.e. n ?ir??tftl here for ths niurtlur of ht. Plerrr, when Isttly was fui.nil in the river. Tsltul i? subject tu lit? of In ?tan It tl I? n p..lie.I il'- lia.? UU'le A ci.i.ft ?-i.,u itiat he .ii . .1 m. Pierre tor auiii??-ieiit. H??sT??N, June M.?Dartag t nrere storm liere yeaieritay, a Istg?. number el pla?an boats in the bnrisir ?tin napatiad Aiil.?.iigti uoUilnn detnutts Is s?t known, It .? tS. lui e.t sfvrral |..-r?..ii? were ilrutsueo, as a aumb-r ul boats ->iu. p-i tiv? on oo-iil ett uiissiiif. FOREIGN NEWS. THE TURKISH COMPLICATIONS. SERVIA DRIFTING INTO WAR?Till. INSUKC.KNIS VKB TAKING FOR THAT CONTINOKNCT. I/jndo?i, Mondar, June "6,1P76. A .special dispatch from Berlin to The Pall Mall flasetU ?aya Austria la taking precaution? for tba maintenance of a strict neutrality In the event of a con? flict between 8( rvta and Tuikey. It la announced, on apparently go?*! authority, that Montenegro will not iiar ticipot? in ?Servia'? movement?. On the contrary, Prince Milan'? aMiimption of the leadership of the Slavonian revolt I? reported to have excited the Jealousy of the Prince of Montenegro. Kouuiania continue? strictly neutral. In the House of Lord? tht? evening, Lord Derby, In reply to a question by Lonl De Lo Warr W irr, ?aid un? doubtedly affair? were critical m Servia In the sen .?* that (treat inili'aiy pieparatlon? were making. The militia reserve bad been ?called out and everything prepared for the Immediate eommeticnient of a campaign. Whether It was Servia'.? Intention to make war waa beyond lus province to answer. Of course It was open to tho?e who the preparations to ?ay whether the unsettled state of their surround inga Justified such m?fiasure? for the purpose of Thl? was all the Information he could give. THE BULGARIAN CRUFI.TIEH. In answer to an lmpilry regarding the Bulgarian cruel? ties, Mr. Disraeli said In the lions?? of Commons thl? evening that the (.overntuent had no Information Justi? fying those statement?. At the commencement of the , trouble. In Bulgaria outrage? wore committed and vil? lages burned by Hashl-Bazouks a?d (*irca*slana regard leea at race or religion, and the, war was ?*onitucte 1 with great ferocity. At that time there were no regular troops in Bulgaria and the inhabitant*, were comi?elled to defend themselves. Sir Henry (ieoige Elliot, the L'ntflish Embassador at Constantinople, was Instructed j in May last to call the attention of th?- Turkish Govern? ment to the state of affairs, and be induced Turkey to I saud troops Into Bulgaria, when the trouble? ?peedlly ceased. A Belgrade dispatch ?ay? that warlike rumors con? tinue, but they are not authenticated. The Held tele gr.-tpb, post and medical staff havo left for the frontier. Rav?i:?U, Monday, June St. 1876. Intelligence received her? from Slavonic source? ?tab ? that the Hei/? _.-o\iiia chiefs will assemble at Bag Baat on the -7th OfteXy to agte?. with Montenegro aboat than opeimi? ina in case Servia begin.? hostilitlc? against Turkey. WAR KX-'ECTED BY THK TIRKR. tsOmatm, Tuesday, June 27, 1R76. A dl.spiitih to The ?sUindard dated Constantinople June 2il, and received by way of Athens, says: It is cert, un that the Pott.- expects s t\ in te. take lm tnedlate actloo, Ainlul Kerin I'.isha. (.'oiumander-ln ? tii.f of the I'"*. kl?h for.-e?, has beea ordered to proceed to Nlt.-clie and pra*|?i?l*e for iinin. il'.at.- hi ?tiiitic*. In spite of minor? to the contrary BO scheme for the benefit of the hohlen ol Turkish oond? exi-ts. The Go*.entaient is ?aelt supplied from the treasure left by the Lite-ul!.m. Lomixiv, Tuesday, June '11, VPTO. Tlie RgfMI correspondent of The Moteoig OeettU -.??-? Kakhtar Paaba baa aaaaaatrelal .i.' men nutp to attack Miiiiteiit>i'ii. ii.ttii XonteneMi-o mhI Bervta ?i? now eOBTiaeol that it would lie to delay war leagar. 1 In* si. Petersburg Colo?, a M.n.stiital orcran, use? vlo I'til language. It threat us liiat I'.n-?i,i ?v.II set all Kill-ope in a LI;,*'- to piev-iit tile Hiilij-Clion of klndfed Mbaa In t!:?' 'oiniii.- strife. LORD DESDT <)N i:\i.LAMx POLICY. Lomxin, Tuesday, June 21. Ifs76. In the House ?if Lords l.i.-t ni.t^lit the Eiirl of Derby, roplylag to the motion ol l.or?l Stratheden i ainl CaiiipiM-ll for the production of pagan relative to the Eastern igicsU.n, stated that the aban ?loumeut of the Berlin naiiioritin.iiin had removed tbeeaaaa ?i Uanaloa between Baglaal ?uni the other r.iweis. Ha jaatMal Ha lata lafbta?oa in (iti-taiitino ple iin.l .lip?, -it'?l h.i-ty iiiifav. i-ii.'.e cillnism of the gondga I'.iwtis. The sttuati'in, he sai.l, ?vas eompl! . aii ?i. luit for lu- l'art haaaw aareaaaa i?? loabt that all ' IheQf ai Porten, without excepilnii. wooll he gii.d to I terminate a ?piarrel h.i'.uig so nun? dements of dan??. | Lord D. .?"? ' .'ii-i'i'icil : i:-i_;i.i)ii!-s ??i.f aettoa la elear. We woaM gladly i reconcile the Port? and ?Ute Inanrgrnt?; batwabare no | right or wUh to take the part of either la a purely m ? termal quarrel. Fbat 1? the rule on which we bavi acted I in times not remote and elvilwawfar Haue e\*eu?lve and sanguinary. We are ii? roaunankattoa with tbe ' Porte and other Paweaa ?-?th Um thru ??f offering such comise!?? a*? teen us.fill. w_ bare been ebarcel in ?ohm quarters with favoring Um Turk?. Tue ebarge i? utteily unfounded. No .me -. p| s the maintenance of tbe Ottoman Empire poaoible u the Christian? become permanently disaffected. The problem m to reeoaeile tin it- reasonable wMbea ?vlth tin- maintenu ?nee ol .i ?) stem which aaaaal be overthrown ??Itlioilt a general ?- ?? THK KXTHAKITIoN QUESTION. Ia)mx?n, ..Ion.lav. June WS, 1876. I5?*inp naked in regard i<> tin* extradition ?pi-siren. Me. Mareen aa ?i m th.- Hoaaatb_aafbaa_Man that he ??as unable to lay the ? ouipletc uap-ers before tha Huis, baaara the labaaa aa sir w. Vanea Banaart*a motion, its Watt Derby's an-wer to Be?iff) I .su'? leal note though ??ruten had not beM dispatched. THE FRENCH LEGISLATURE. I'Mtt-, Monday, Jaae 'in, it.76. !... QrtJVJ, I'lVMihllt of tilt- CllililllhT Of Di-puta?. is all ta have .?.Disci M. (?;.m!i"(.a, seiul <'11'a i illy an,I la a fiiendiy niitin? r. to ?'.iutinuetBB pi-,i? tice ol beldtag the sitting? ot ihe I'.ntls'ct Committee at tin* l'ai.iis limit hou it? Paris. '1 he p.-o?*e?*?lings ?if the Cijininitte?! an creating consul, ral.!.? .liss?tisfaetiou. The ? I'liscrvalive MWagageta I'l.iiii.l.ut? of ?vhat they tenu its tistii pat ions, compare It with the Committee of Public Safety and the JaaabtB Ctah of the llriat revo? luti, m. Tin- Conservative side of the Senate anticipates a |Xi?f poi i nit nt of Minister Waddingtou'? l'nlvt i -uy bill until next *e**?l?*n. The roncan ?viil commence ai???iit the mi?l ?ile of July, but the Beinii'ln au?, bet?rt fixing rt ?lay therefor, deaire to ?scei tain the truiper of the Senate on this l-iil by discussing it. CHINESE AM*? JAPANESE NOTES. San Kuan? is? ? ?, June lit).?The steamship <... an:.'fiuiii Citiii i ? u? Japan, brings Hong Kong and shanghai dates to the 1st of Juti.? an.I Y. k..lumia to the Kit li. The anxiety respecting ('.,?' rela.lons between ( inn.i ami Baglaal cotituiiies. Tin* British Minister de? clines frientlly intercourse with (he Peking otHcers, and tin? hir.e-e of all ciaf-.H are in great alarm. There are 4.ISH) Britflb troops in liiinnali pretiareil to ero?.? the fi.mti. i* in e;?se of need, and the lintish flying s?iuadron is In the (iulf of l'eclii t : a Tlie rec? nt attempt of the Viceroy of the Province? of K?in-.ill and a?aaal to raise a t..."a of I i.iksi.ixh? taels for sii|.;.re?ion of th? Insurrection there, failed In couae rjuence uf tbe refusal of the Viceroy to sanction the hypo? thecation of the customs revenues of tin- Yang tse-Kiang River ports, ami the result of the ??ant of funds is that the rebel? have overrun one-halt of K.uisuh, and seized the capital. I,:ti-chaii-fu. l'Ile l'ekiii.' (i.i\. riiinrnt has therefore per? uiptority ordered the lalsiug of mtOOOflOB taels to be sent to the ilntiirbed di-ti ?ein. ainl strenuou? ?ir..i ts bare been made to comply with the order; but the for? tgn and native bankers lu gbaagbal refits? to nego tlste tin- I. III). Dr. Williams, the United BtatM Secretary of Lega?tlont Baa rctiniieil to Peking aud re-um.-'l his (Itlttaa FOKKKiN NOUS. London*, Juno 27.?Owtef to inatructioua from liiigliinl, tlie ft.rt less of Gibraltar Is being placed in a complet?* condition uf defense. London, June20.?A ?nvond ?'oroiiir .?< in(*u?eet has baaa ordered regarding tue mysterious death of Mr. Bravo. Br*0*WeSA\ June 20.?A HyKienic Exhibition was arenal bare to-day. rite baH?aaj is composed of sevi'it iat ,e halls and otic small one. Panama, Juid? 17.?Tin? wtl in Hondura? ia still iitulcciilttl. The aid e\|ie?lc.l fioni i .n it? mala by Un levultitluuary chief. Mi .Im i. has not baaa received. Panama, June 17.?-Congrosi. is considering a lull antiiort/iiig the Kxe?-utive to make a contract with the lowest bidder for the building of au ?iter-oceanlo ship cu?al. London, June 20.?The Durham collier?, who were going on strike, have decided by ballot to accept a-, in trat t. ?i.. Twenty ihoiisaiel voted for and 16.000 against .hat method. North Sydnby, C. B., June 26.?A tela g. um say? that the electrician? on the Hibernian are making the flual splice of the French cable, which hag bxtai brokeu iu*-_r. a a year at a point vif the l'n-uoh ?oaebr