ritmne V*?<"XXXVI.If* 10??)??7. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1876. PRICE FOUR CENTS. ST. LOUIS CONVENTION. A HARMONIOUS AND QUIET BEGINN IN y-RNRY IWSTTERSON, CHAIRMAN? GEN. M'l 1 NANI>, PRESIDENT? IHK WOMEN ACCORDF. UiARIN'O?THF. PLATFORM MO. YET PRCPARI pmBSEtn CHANCES REMAIN THF. SAME, The Convention of the l>"in.?cr.ir-; of the Cn State* organize?*! at St. Louis yesterday quietly, held morning and afternoon sessions without tin?, initiier than fairly to lay out it? work, then adjourned until 11a. in. to-day, Henry V terson was (hosen to be temporary Oh man, and made a speech tliat was reu i with some enthusiasm. The only other feature? the morning session WETS a littlo Tilden victors the first trial t? strength on the appointment reading clerk, and an address by Mi.-?? Thabo ( tens in behalf of woman suffrage. There were contesting iaitgatlntil. and this being nponted the afternoon, tho Convention elutted G McClernmid Pnsident, and listened to jpMBt by bim and August ?elniont. After afternoon ses?ion campaign .'pii-tlni. were made i-nuil 1 W. Vo. l'.ices and 8. S. Cox. The situ?tiot to candidates is un? hanged. Got. Tilden is ( ahead, and has .nade guiua _ tho Georgia, Illiu North Carolin.., ami Ala' -ama delegations. At neetingaof the I'laifonn Cotuuiitt-e strong h money and nfin-.i I entinen! was developed, Ntu ??vi?y Mat* ha? submitted platform n solutions, ; two whole platform* have been submitted beside. THE HALL AND THE DELEGATES. FRENZY Off Til- III I If 11M HI MOOMATIOH TaBTTRAN POHTIC-AN? ?ROM NORTH A ??O-TII. ?nr rT-::.EORiPH to tiii: tkirixf.I St. Loris, June 27.?The arrangement, for t diktnbu'ion of ticket? to the repres? ntativea of I EM/tt we; o very imperfect. The seats ami Uk provided forreportera wen not completed ami n bend un?il late laut night, so M assignments coi . hem.ule until tins morning. At nine oVlo.-k 1 SeCiTlaiy's o.i.co was opened. Loin, liefore tl hour however a nofc consisting of t.iou..a!i<_* newspaper men nn.l those who pretendo?! to l.e W4 ' gathered about t'ic door in the narrow p.uisai,'?? the second floor of the exchange, .ub.ling a:n? ?ru? ing each otii? v, it ek-Dg with panpiratioQ, and aim lighting their way A? the door where the tick WOB? given ei.it. Out of this -?truggling mass a 1 was lit.ally ii.riiii'tl like that which I?,?.?-, the bra otn ? of a theater on the ni. when a popular attraction api-^ars. only nn: lintirer. Lvni afta this the distribution o? I tickets w-'Tit ft..ward very sIo'a'v. Hundrc?!.i those in liitc* WSSO ??^'.'.iitry editan who had made application tot Hike',.; in adviince. and on re.icln tho window and giving their names and thon th-ir p:;s'ra, they found tliat no pr??vi?ii)ii had be ininli- f? r liu'iii. Sindi people were not to be p;it . .- t'y 1: .. ..r-i-..t! and threatened aii'l block- .1 the way. an venting eocnaaondearhl to who;a ph. had been ;_.?.-,i'..'iie?l fro.a getting tin HD, This e. t'.nued up to within half an huir ?.f the time fer t Convention t?) l*t Galled to ..itl?-r. It was 'ii rnnr?. ?sontrastto ihc perfect amafaniBfe at Cindnna There the mig--_Mrti were all tua.le two .'.ays 1 fi're the Convention ; the tu kits v.ei.? v, t?ly ?lofl e Every the cv.-nitig ?befen, ami t'i? y wan diatriba! without eOB-h-d-B or r?aofita. The arrangcmei; for the pr.-s-i i.is.lt of the lall v. ??:< r?af the platform am at a gi'.-ater higlit than th" stage iUelf is a iilatfnrin eonstriu-t?-d for the occasion, which stretches aion the whole length of the hull. On this were tn ( i?? el distinguished guests, set off by a thicket o planta and of Howers, AltRASl.EMEVT OF THF ?TATFil. Tho places of the States were imlicated by hand some blue silk banners hangintr on gible?! Sp??St each l>?i.ring the name of the Slate, with a nationa eaale, and fring??i and tasseled with bullion. Th? States seemed to have been distributed wit bou rc-forenee to plan. The ??.iiirt<'sy that Cineinnitt Have-cariri, and lllinoi! in the next aisle to the left. Mawachnsetta was ii front and Pennsylvania, with the possible l!nkii?>wn was in the very rear. In the next aisle Joel Parker'? 18 delegates were at the frout, and cominunded Ten? nessee, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Oregon was rewarded fur its recent triumphs with tirst plat?- in the next aisle, with Vermont. South Carolina, Connect!?nt, and North Carolina jumbled together behind. To the right of themain aisle Arkansas headed a col? umn, with Indiana in behind and Illinois behind her. In the next aisle Kentucky, Louisiana, and Michi? gan formed a line, with the mother of Presidents at the end. little Nebraska commanded the next aisle. Behiud her waa Helaware and Maryland, Maine and Misaissippi. Then the two extremes of the Linon were joined in New-Hampshire and Texaa. PhOMINENT MEN rRKS-CIT. When the great crowd had ceased to straggle in the whole floor waa covered with a eoiopuct mass. Every delegation waa full, every seat occupied. The teat? at the side rose without a break in the sea of faces. It waa a leaa impressive sathering than that at Cincinnati by reason of it? a_-rarig?ment and surrounding?. There were no such dutancea aa in the huge Exposition building, no euch perspective. Ton looked across the hall aud not down its length. and the body teemed correspondingly near aud familiar. The Convention met in the beat of the day, thongh all daya and all hours seem equally hot here, and there vaa a prodigious rustling of fana and universal wilting of linen. The gathering was inae euline, there waa acarfcely a baker, dozen of Win. present, and thk??e w-ere hid?l??n away iti the lia rows of ooal0 bt'luniiiiiK lo delikates. Tin? Cunv? tion itself was a Ikotly of substantial mon; but 80888?4 ba said that it containod very many o? t party leaders or many men of marked ability national r? nut a lion. It was a white man's Convi tion. BttowwM aB us700 delegates tinto was not single? bl.tck fu??? to be soon. It 'v?:s a Conventi loo of Iho reconstructed Demooraev. Tbo presen of BOM-, mon aa Fttshqgh Lee of Virginia; (J, PopaWaHnrol Alabama, who was a Confedera Secretary of War; Col. Shorter of tin? BOOBO Mai win? -?-as an OBti-wnr Congre;-man, c.ul has boon P__IOOfOt-0 polities for 'JO years; fii'ti. ?lohn .Morgan, also of Alabama ; PlerooW? B. Youig, t dandy ez-Oea_g_MB-__-D ftoon Georgia?, ex-Ge Smith of ihc same State, a;nl old t-x-Senatnr Clin man of North Carolina, w.ts enough to ohov th atiiaetty is n Democratic fur. There *a**ata other men with inf ?Testing historic There woie " linke" Gwin of C.tiifoniia. \vl 080 Bol whit; head would well h?kOOOBO ?t real ami not n t trttapectiveDiik?-; (luv. S.tuMuiry, who is bOM M t! represent alive of his hereiliiary rival of the h< nao I? .-yard; Senator Pnntum of CotUM -?'.out, who.??, i vestment in a Senatorial seat is net yet Imtn?i-i Gen. MoCleniand of Hiinni.? Bad Goet-VB K??iiit-i. 11 Gorman leader who foDawed Mr. Graeley ?ml >f ll party in 1 *?72. In tho Indiana ?lele.-,turn tin f we Ben atoo McDonald aad Daniel Voot-woo? Bpeak KO-TW?8 missing. In the Ki titueky s?ction we Henry Watt-cison anil W? C. P. Und'?inriil,'??; Iniiisiaiia. K. H. Marr, who fought the light of tl citizen? iu Louisiana against G??v. Keiiogg. M BntC-?aa woo in the Miasoarl d?togoti-0 D-.fi ftc:' Richard Frotbingbain of Maa?tthuoetta t.r lVa'.il? liinl. Mr. Banner- .Lf<_ og Criood. Tl.? were also .lames K. DootitUa, w'no WOB one of tl Efepoblican Beoaton wl : - ? i'i ii: AM? '.tu. I'i.N.n? am: 18..??. i--? IbKMll t ?. "MN irm i. fan Ti:iJ:irt?,rn T?? rn?- taiBOBB ] Si. Loi'?-, June 27. tion "i Hen*7 M rVattereoQieditor o? //-. /? ii rillt Vt -Jo mal to be tamporaiy Chairman of th? --i. \?.t otn- uf the beat pledgee whieb ooald bo giren thai the Ikeit.?ier-i'ie CotiV? itiotl ;;: . ;' , '? trooa it? a'.iii.ita. iiaaalatib I . '.?? bloml?i Sin? e t'no fii?iii-t-of til?*? 1.llura! moromeal Ul 1 *?"'_' booboaf theBoartwae.all of whoaa bi '?? aomeani dead. ha**a heea oppoeed to anytbing thai lo* i ? t.._. ;.- ? in the pasty? Btoi - a the Ll locraii? bootabegan to aasemble in St. L aia tbei basal'uiiii'iiiii that whatever tbia Con em there muet be no repetition "." tin Hi Tha leaden of tbo moresa at in fat :?-.?? ..!??: n whieb was doTelop ?! the .? ? i al i Hiat delegate-? Bhowetl a d-apoaitioa bsrdljr eo on tho i".m "i ? ?"? ? I ' ?? ' ta n I ? it**- U fio-.'.?i (?'..Mi i!;.- D8-T--W-minded men wba ba?ri o often bfoaght the party into di repnt? ?i? f-ai. Mr. Wattt?noa wai ?>:.- ol tbe fin Booth*?ii l>?"i" ri'ii editora or politi il leaden t? reeogniteta 1878 the oeeea it.a- ? ?' i ? .. ? party. Cnl.ke tome otbera. 1?r.- fool \,.iis airo. It. was l?i"ii?l aril liberal i'i it-? BB?I i.. and __tbo_gh tho Coiiveiiti.in woo not in a very demon* stiative moud, BOOM pOOB-gefl ?v? ?" I? ttAvt d 0 uh In fhiisia.'itio- toando of applaaae. The pfominenre and iiiiliiene?- of some of the yoonapT and i.? te- liberal BOOOBhon plaea it in a *aore ?raopoeaible p.isition than it has hewtofoTe held; and eltbougb (jov. I'llih-n's riani?-?1??'"? i.ot insjiire that pop??H en* thH8_?MB Which othert candidatOB ini-iht M-OOO, he is no doubt the ?rttt choice of a tfiout maj??iily o? the young inen in tho ?party. AMI-II?.I.?S ?.? IIVIIV. Mr. \Vat!ersiui\s?pe?-? h v.as followed by a prayer. Y\ hen lu then BO-BO urn ed that the COBVention was ready toptoeeod "".ith Ito basiaooo, a reoolotion was oderad ad-kp-iag the nloo <'f the leal Po-aotiatie Conv?'?il?on until th;- OoMH-tttOB 00 Uxtint f-hould ?nake its report. The intr.?s of the Convention should he eoii dii< ted, hut the mutter was of no little loopOfftMOO that no excitement could he aroused. It simply shiiwwl the disposition of the anti-Tihlen men to fight desperately for every inch of tho ground, and se?k rather than avoid opportuniti?*? f'?r a contest. Duiiiik the call of the roll of States f??r the noiiiiii:, tiou of the iie-e-**_ry Committees, some slight dein OOMitratiou vnm made in honor of the State of Penn sylvauia, whi? h was loudly applamled hy the fttiti I ildeii men, probably for ita decisiuu to ?ivo a uuitedsupptirt to Gen. Ilitnrnok. Tho opponent* of Gov. Tildeu's nomination have thus far been unablu to c_fi?ct an y combination for his defeat; hut there are great possibilitiea on the united vote of a great Btate like Pennsylvania, and aa loug aa it romain? eol id for Gen. Hancock the iiouLuutioa o? Mr. Tild?n will be the more difficult. NKAT UTTLB TILDKW VICTORT. The anti-Tilden men undertook to make a demon? stration in favor of tbe appointment of ?. 0. Perhn to be imdiug clerk of the Convention. Tbia gentle * 1 man had ami in that capacity during six cons? tive ?Democratic convatatana, nie Mandaaappi th;:t in ??|iiti? of his ojijvo.? ition to t.'ov. TiMen's m nation this well estahlimited pr?c?dent of the I),? cratic party would bo fol!nwed at this tin!". ' first roll of th? day was called by the Se. retar. the National Lvtnriiittce. Prince, wlmso voice fell stiort of filling the nanean hall. This gave nom the anti-Tihh n men of New-York n pretext for | senting Mr. Penin's name, bnt the Ch airman of Convention very pranptlj rnled the motions v,l th. y in.nie M ?ut <>i Older. M?? h aiiiiisfiiK'nt ? earned by a oahnqnoiil epyaanaaeal averyli lmiii. wfcon vav ebcokc nfontfcaConvention da like thiinder liom a i?!? nr sky. His xhahtSh? ? he lie.inl in the i.itn.t. ?I , OSES? of the Couvent, an u the llt???l ?if Convention, and ande an ergnaned in nppert tin? reqm ?t. The Cenndtaa, after aaneiden di-a? melon in eecni eeealaa? decided advenely. 1 agreed to aaeiga to the napneantatin women fi m a..i in the galleries reserved for lulu--. '1 he gneal was njmted la Ifca Convention to?dag. a no objection having bean ande by any delega Min Phoebe Cnz/ena v.i.-s escorted (<> (' ?nid warn applaon (ron every part of the hi Mi-"? Conene eeened at nwe ? |Kii.itcd that im dein ?tratio-soi Impellenct en remade, Ai Ifceendof ?-.,?? ..!.?? .i-e. i to t! .?? Chairman of the Conveati the memorial of the Woman's sv.tv_-.___-. An ? iatb which, on the motion al G :i V< Clenand of 111.m wa.-? retened i?, the * amnitae m !. aolutioni I Ifc???: rnpectfnlconaldcretlon. Tbia probablyial fini rceaaton en wh. ii any nonwn npmnating 1 Uuirnaal S _r it ? .'. ? ? i Ihm !.. I .? !.? .?.i before a National Democratic Convention : i >?l | menhen f thai ' mo tiation oro u id i greatly eue iirageJ ;?.; tho r, apectful ennsidcrati wbiehtheii repi - ntatlveereceivedto-day* Tho fi iv. Tilden bad couipWe ? nti of the ? i daring it ? :. : nlon to ?i and the early boar at nbiebarecne v.." lakes ? - "II I ._. ill ! I ".Il - - I'- 11,1 111 Organization, Pu'?-, ai.?l Breolutiona to ?io tin \M?rU ahon - ? ir itisp ?itii i to ptiah ( work.??' the ! ? a it!) the atmo I ; -;.. pi. The i i the ballotii g ? in bo la gnu II i trou g a' i ? ? d Oov. I ild_ii will i ??. If, t fore, i he u ? ? - ?.. prtli liu riee ran be ? ' ? ? ? . morniugi l< - ' ? ? - a 0 b? giv? u for la ran ?ii tiene, 'a >i - (OX. NO pi ui ?.'??:. i rill 1 tMITTl PRLAVI WITH : I - ? - ? "? ? I ? ... : i'. Il.l .! ? ? ' .1 it T? T. r 11.11'.' n 1 ?St. Lo f the Pla.foi t . :? r ..t ? ..? i platform In tin lorepe ?;? ti.- aft ii " ? b -i ?' :??"..?.. a itbin ? ?, bat to th? pi ! i m in if. d? I I Coinnntl ..... ? ' . ... be man radical than thai adopted at Cincinnati. It asenato be the genera opinion that the demand ta an Investigation wil nut '.. r? |."i:i ?I. im* that Cbiaeae ao igi .. on a :'i In ?deprecated, on tfce ground thai the Mongolian an ?nail a race and beb ig to an anprogreaelve civil!? ntion. Jh?' ?Conuoittee remaeil its labon imm?? diat? ly ?it? r th. adjoin ..'iie'.t i!ii? i"., oing, and .\ill probably beiaaei ? n ?? lai ? pai I omocratic party. The Committee on Resolutions not being ready to re|H?rt. tho Convention adjourned nntil to-morrow morning, after which it ?lir-Aolved itself ?n!o a huge ?000 nicetine, with the Tall Sycamore of the Wabash mounted ou the platform. TII.IiF.N r.\.--HAKF.\. UI? FRIFNT?? I.'iVAI. A\f? l ONFIIiKNT? SLIOHT GAIS8 ? the oprosinov as vi:t si'atti.kh?. liir l-B-M-M__ to tub UIMMM-I St. Lotus, June ?7.?-Since tho meeting of the Convention to-lay th?'re has been a partial suspen si-m of hoo?__?ao batweoa Ihad-flhoeal faction? ftbout the delegation rooOBS and in !he hotel lobbi;"?. Tlio contest has been ttati.-t.rivd fo th?- loot of the hallitoO-f. A csn-ftil sntvey of tho !ie!?l, after the B-Qoenuncnt of tho Conventionthio evening, fails lad-BOloOO ?my import tut ohMOJOO iu the af'itiulc of the ditVi-reiit ihh'gili i;i_. GOT? Tilden Imb h.eiieoii atantly gaining in Btfeugtfe ?luring tho whole of Iho ?oiifo.Ht which has been racing fur nearly a week pest, and ban WBtatnod no vimhh? losses by 0BB??I of the defection of any of bis tlelegatea. Hia f kteoo at?? i ?till aa compact]*/ organmed and ao skillfully mar B0__led ?it they ever have been. At the < looo of th?; find ?lay ??f the Convention the? exp?en thooBserveB, apparently a ith g?i.??l n aeoa, more Boaedeari of fio* toiy than at any pcevieaB time. A few doyaofo i|ie? entertain?! n?. dpaM of tho h'tnil r.otninatii?n of i their candidate, bal they Baticipatod a kng ami I hgrd-fought battle. At theeloooef the ?lay pooh r i day *-?.n*i of the more Beagaiaea-Ooaf thaaa fee* I titt'd Mm pri'lietii'u that Gee? TUdoB weato bo | ?lOinii; .ted mitli" -lauinl i r third ballot. ThiOOVea* ? i'ig Mi a few in?" j r,?li? ting his uoiuinatiou on the | ?ii-t ballot. A BB-M-Ol nvxa-ii'i it ion of the. host 0MV_M that can baoude UMtlghl don bo. load t<> the eeaclaoiea thpt two-thinlaof'lie Conv??itioa will neord theii v?it?-i? in favor of Gav. Tilden the _h_rf titan iii?- nil iscait-d. Havenl of tbo Stata8 aad Beatnring dele* gnt*-s in others will pmbahly ca*?t compliiuentary vote, ou the ti:?* ballot, a:t?l these with such a? a ill ba given to rival candidano will Osaka non than ??ac-;':ild of ill?: CoUVl nth ll. i Tbe o; position t<> in-- -, ?iahm mnwoo to ho gaining \ naatrcugth, if indeed it bee not actually loot BOtne ? ? t? ? since la-i evening. Ti?lea moa on elaiining In '.v -? .-i tbe 11 v" ? of i'" orgie Inotead of tie t; ! which wen eoneedeil to then* loot aveuiog; :.ri?i r_! , of ?In-li:?:io?-, delegation instead of 11, The stand? ing i f tho N al h Cm iliua di !? __;. -1 i ? ? : t is nol eiactly j '..Lu-., n. It boo been nop >??? ?l to bo eqnally divided ! a Gov. Tii?i' ?i oad Gen. Raneo? k ? but Beaa* tnr If ii.? mi ? \;-i?? the opinion tbia evening that Gov. Tilden will ecrtaiuly moein th_ i vota ??!' a decided i Joi -,- of i!??< dele* ! L'Tti.in. and thai h" can bave all or nearly all of it should i '?" di ' ? -? -t. for hia noaiinatioa. I Tbe ten vote? ol Alabama won ?vnppoaedj Urrd , !?? bo divided eqnally between Hlilenaad Hancock. ? the dclegi lion i- si ??! I i -t ind sevea for Il H ll?. I ?1 ? la. 1 .- \ !.' ? ? - I. -'.'. ??.o eai -?i ? ?-? oa du I port of tbi day ,'.,', :t: .1 ? .? into lie Dkg] -, I ? i.t ? on to n ' the nnit rale whicl . i. is -.?'.? rut -1 \ . ,. a.,. i ? ? . -? N ? :.. i ' mao?yeaira. Lateia thoevi liaaavoa ? laeanied .. i -.- the Cha ...?.?.. . . ?i a unit, iii- minority, boa .<-r. gave i ? . I ? , ? ? i ? ?? Conven? tion ao- mi'.g r Individ ! i rot? i I ? '!? I? . ; f ir a I'i.-- Initial ??'.?? \ ? . .11.? tUpp '??? ! i" I ???! I ? ? i to On i. ? n i- ip] arently m ?. r i. .'? .1 : '? t ii '?? ?? t'i:, ?!.-.- - . ? ? '.i;?.ir?-d ; '?t.-. ..-..ti? ii in Gov. 1.1 i? b's I. I 1, ? . ? ? -I disciplined armies. u- to findaoyci ndl !? , ? - -????? i. , i . . ? .m : d|y f- ? tbe ?ting Q ?. i i have beea . ? '? i ? ? i; ?? > ? -io:kef o.i the 41 ;, ? -..-. '. n ? | , i?. thing more oncci ' I to eenvi otioe take 24 bonra M i .- e, and the Tilden n B feel thai it la an??if ? ':.to a liaq liab ? -?? ? ? uf ib? ii riaitni '-r livlty. i I.. .- I .' - 8 ll III".i I,'???-- to t Ight up ?ti a ? "? "? -? o? i he tin in ial pi .?. .-: ?,.,- pfat ?i?:,-. -. ?ii? li ?1- ?! '"'?. ',. u:? 1 ,!?!' n', e.-, Ieolnmaand ? i . ? iona, ??? hu -, ? eii "1 Just befan lb b Hol ia . i !i. > . duiiI tl ??' as the mat! rno? ?i imla Gov. lid i. wiil b ??? ? ? ?' ? h .- ble n .-'?"ti ?' ??u 11 i' iii t ballot, and the? gytre? that if hia frienibi wenM alloa a - oft ?..? .? ? platform to be adopted be might be nominated : bul if hard monei. i * i ; : istednpou and a i i?! * t occni m ! ! ' < invention oa tin i urrvoey qiK ?ii.,-, [ami '.'" ? i" I ? ?' it to le Inevltal 1 , the] iii nb t: i . mil i? ia d un ? ; ??; tbe voting begins, rhe South? ? ???i ?I- . ?: . '-'... ..." in?! i?ai ti?. in. I'll*, at? ? i- -. [>U I ?led t j tbe ? ??'ill;-- ting aaaortiona ?-. ? 11 bM i. aad they believe that 100 of them i lypo ibly bo tnrned at the lad Qioment, and when thi defe-t-Bn I leootkwkedfor i . tbe Tilden men. Tbia ??? i'i latest geaB-plntho auti-TUdt i. ? m.-?i. and ia n-n ?i f?u --.bat ii ia north. I said Umt Mr, Littlejohn will lead aa attempt t.i-ii)iiiio\v l". thi .inii-1 ilden m u, t? booaktbo Bail rni ? in the Kew-Yorb ?I? legation by aa appeal to tbe Convention. 'I!.i? Hinein oceoi?orm witb the plans of MMaoof Um How"Yorh bob bobm days ago. Tlayili d said that the] sboald make ao aacb attempt, beceuM tbe oncedenl of tin? la*t half dosen eempalg11 wob agaiual them, but sboul I iim ii.ii tbemaaivei to protnta Bgointt Got. Tikloo. iioiiiiit'itioii. Bach an Bttenpi would seem tobo j f.?:. ordained to failun, bam tha fa?-t thai b n?i;ni?.-r i of other ?1? l?gations ??!-s> bate Um anH rale, and will i,--. ?' ti.i.i mov? ment, Kiwtnts thon are Peeneylva lua, Virginia, Uiaa-Baippi, Kentucky aflsl nvoral (?till IS. A I'i LL A< CO?ST OF THE PBOCEEDXGB. sit.:.i HBO tit MM. QTMirtiTa ?MK. w a i i MOOV, miss OOfgRNO, f leave?, Ht.itf toa!? ??f Hrni?. ?tc. i'i??) -00-Mfl was very aom a"?i ashry, b-Oobaab_g n ?tnrm. The lakgoin eem promptly In tlteir B-BOBS,-?- H OJM IMP p. m. tir'nit* tli_< uiivmtl. u waa c?llnl to order liy the linn. AagBB-M Heln-ll. llnilltiiMii ol Hie Nutlniial l)i?ni?i,T_tlc Ci-iiiiltt?'?'. A tnlllt..i> lia'iil WOt BSBO?I ?1 in lin? rear of tha (li.iirumu'n ?le^a, ami tept the ut??.uj'.jly hBtflBOOtOi by pUyuitT lively hIi Mr. Heliell.lri railing the Co:, ren tion to order, iulmiltted a few brief lemarkt. He tal'l that the need uf ?lie ilmrt la ailmm-'! ?t:- ?? i? f?mi,, and lio B-B-BBBt that tha iiliulnlttnitl.u most nut be left in tlio haiult of tlin.* who have italn-d It, hut placed In ue.v and clean hauiLs. 1 lie unit Um* of iiiiiioi -i i no?,, he tatil, I.-? the cuneuey It-iiii- He denied that the Iieinocracy ii the soft money party, and pointed to the I.'?i.?l_tin ? and decltlnDS of the e mi to -?iii'.a that the Iteijuhllcan part/ i? the paper n-"ii?-J I'lu':-'. tlnce 11 m Uh.iit.l and haa perpetuated it. lie riiur-i-'i the preacut UuiUneaa dt-pn ? ?luu on th. acta of the K?.-|?iil.lu-_u party, and aald : How la It to be remedied 1 The Demo-ratto party, wlth Its Inter-eia, will aee that the remedy la applied of frugal and economical governon-at and a dimlnatloa of t?v** Hun. It eanuot tu- (vonffht about by forced ooutractlnm [Applauae.J It ahuuldnot to by additlnual Inflation; but we tab?*, the eouutry as It stands. fAppLao-?.] We are ruileii iipoo to apply tbe reme?ly, anil one rem-ily whloh eoinnieuda lueif to every imtieat mau and to evet. Saa Fourth ftat. FOREIGN NEWS. THE TITIKISH WAR CLOUD. PRINCE Ml*A* OF ?-I.K . IA ABOUT TO I.EAVt FOR TIT K FIK.I.D?MONTKNI.coni im.n.ieiH and mnaaen of the _tata _eid aeentanee. under the ptculik-ut y ut Prince NleLaoiaa. la.iM.ta.., Tuesday, June 27,1876. In tho House of Common? thi.-i afternoon t?tr Bt.tK'ord Nortlicote denied Uiut Hrillsh ?hip* liad landed m<>ncy, arms, and store? at Kleok fr,r the. Turke, or Hint Kutgl.init wua supplying arm? or money to the Stoke in Herzegovina, lie ?.?id England had Dot doue ao, directly or Indirectly. The Abend Cost, a ?cmi-offlciivl journal, says I r an m s that a ?olllsion with Berrla 1? considered in? evitable at Constantinople. Con?queiitly Ml.lhp.t POOEmStSt nn project is n?*_rlei?t-*?l, tli? gravity of the external situation commanding tho ?ove?unia_?.a.T. June 27, 1870. The Servian Committee In thin city In occupied la pur t lii-.ii'. enM ami enrolling I olutit-i-r-.. T.'i'ninn nya the Hecata and Raeelaa Bannen have been iu-otuird ibat war la iiii-iiicnc between Tu-, key ?ad *-? TftS, 1'iltn.e Milan bavins at.-nt an uitlniHtuin to COaataatnegle width Turkey will not accept. A ti.it petok i? tie; Journal (leg Ut-bals, from H. Iifrade, confirm?. Ike nporl tkel St ivla'-i ultimatum bus been rejected by the Torre, to: I tsait tkal Man Militn lian already gCM to the army, .nid il.e couimeiiceuieiit of lies;liltlcs is In? ?neat. cov?T.iNTivr?n t., Itooa_j*iJ""9 *-7? t-7i. The Turklfth troops tan t.'ie Servian frontier and the ll.itiii.i in the D.intiln*. lniie r- -celled ur?l?-rs to be rea?Iy laeeeuaennkeetmHn ?it t'..etirst elgeal, The aawa Pagen here u.s.,t,rl thai th?- Port? km asp?* sued t'i i't incc Slcl.ul-._l of Mot?n ni ?_! ? !?S ??liie.i-ctlull at hi* neutrality, .mai pmateed to lenenkn Me etiadoel ?u Ike pneent ' '.-.-. ai'.ini K.'iuu facka eeamaaie tin. army on the .-cr\ i.iii ttestAet. Tin: EXTRADITION QUESTION. [_oki .is, i.H lay. Joae_a7| 1-76. In t!io IIou?<. of Connona th;? afternoon Mr. Kill (Liberal, Worce.iter C.tyj n?<_t, d lit., i.-jveratnent wkctker Degottetlona were la pro pen fer eanadlag tin* Cxtradltioa Treaty wttk ta Halted Main endwkatkn i ..manient WOOld be B_ktded Et ? ; curt unity dii-ini* the ?i?. " nt *t.'.-?ioii t.? dleena Ike pria. Ipta ata? um. edanal ?... loin' tin? meant estnilMn cacee. Urgtagtoi tfeetk* | . ??'f Baglaa-. end im? ...ni . -. . . o ?f Australia, tool plantkleafter? ?.. .'. m gn i.-ii.ii rada i i m Poney n Mart? inen - ? ?rea by '?'? I '? ? imt i tad Ike i ? -i etaUae el t..- ?-tart, aal s..<;ier la.-ia th,- lead f?r Ike ? ball un!?', itli'l. I'n.'.t' K.tt I--.-? I with him nul. -, ?. !.i:-'i Kanimer-miltb Brldze ftmr ? lu -.t. tr?na thai poinl t.i Harne? timed a mo ? del ? ?' ?? : ace, each alternately, .niuii? the .?1 \ -?nt.. a" a .1? >|x ??'? iti i?.. ? th? Auntralian wntt by four length?. ?. beltinjr prt-riou? to the at-rt 7 ,,, i, i t.a i, and it?:) longer tait:.? lataroi ot -a.!..?. _ THE SCOTCH BIFLE TEAM. (?i ah ,..',\, Ta. ..!-.-, .fine ?J7, I ??Til. 'Uto e. imt the neenwn lekle 11.. i? :iuw .ni; .,r?' tin- neen va et? today : MO .....!_. '.""?.?-;.!??. 1,i)00 r.-ir.!*. ? '? . *?? ?. ? til M \ " ?? ?'??'. M Whltelaw ... . ? - *?7 Et I ?? ? 63 b* . -. ."..? ti.? ti-! Mitchell. !?? M M i I ?!?> ?3 M Km ..._ M .'??? ' pal?n .??_ 19 M II i. . 70 M? 4(1 y -, i .?-, ?. ? l.i i.i :l.:.7 bs 4.'. Wbytt. ?'? ???' l? i?l::)..- t'n- ikoottagal tin-1,00 ? y wit ranm tbei?r'cre wnaal?voraMe nd teterfend wltk tkeefbmel t-o - ?i '.o uiake i?i tier ?' en rOREIQ-l KOTES. PAUS) .fun?' '21.?A Meeting of tlie Suez ?Canal ahankoMan '?.iti in thi. ?? 11 y to-gay aeeataand ??. i : ? ? t;. i -. i repcesentatlrea In tue Hoard of Adattnle i:..i... i, including Mr. Btokea and Uvera Wilaoa. Qi ?.?'.if, Jane 27-? At l?unj liuyou, s.it ardajr, aboul 7 p, ;.:., iken wn a rlelnl hall ?to.-m, the i'.it.i in beiac fTou* a quarter looneoaaei eaek. < .r.*nt II |:n_. tv:e. ?it lie. in the .ii?p? w i I inn tin- fin un of B inlle. London. Jane _7.?.1. B. Bowen (('?.ii-irv.i tt.tt ?!...?? -i elected ?wember el l_-ttaent_tor l'em larni.. ?iiiie, m piin-e if ib.- Iota -?1 loba H. I wnraieM. Mi.? i.aiiii.i?-. a.n (Rudi. ? 1 in been retornad in Btr ni.ii. lut m, to aueeeod Qearge Devon (Budk-ol),n iliand I TulU'NT.i, June 27.?A I.oinlm telagtan to The I'iobr Hit? the l..i, I i-?e te..in? nl it, -,. ?t \?, ' i ?. 1 _ I -. ? r it.-fa.ra' in?- i ?.".il ami ?..?urt and i'liu?. Leopold end PrinceChriatl&n (..-?la.?. The ?._!' en gave portrait? of heraoll to tu?-. anadianaad the Indiana, toaetker. L'.iNDox, Juno 27.?Tlie recent favoralile ?vi.tti.T I..? Improved tkepteapoenel t?.,? hop nepte i.,.--i >r ?ne bon-grawiea dlatrlete,bat in parte ottkc i.i.iiin i a Kent. -DM 'X, and ?v.u. ??er the plant iai?tiil - evenly aflketod by vvtiuiu. Tun b?tan leeklegy ?f a ."?.ill '.lulill'e. H un ax. N'. S., .Inn? 27.?Tlio dory Centen ulni. fn.m <>ioii', ?-t.-i. Mitt,?., tor taoeaenwn.pal into B-irlagtea, x. *?. Jam '_??. ???r tke parpen "f T*t**Tt*glTig herirt'ii bail..nt, which .iii'?-et,-.l her couipancce. Benorta iiml itiUKi. weoth?*r,bead wiuda. anddeuae togoo-rljall tho Han ?luie leaviaa Uleaeeeior. SLEESADE 10 PBLNCB OSCAR. Titim'ie . Th? -l'i i nee airived Mmitlay aft? moon froui i'hll a?l.lpi.ia, to whit h city ho return? to-.l;.y. The commit? tee which hud luclnii'iro tho nriviia.lt>. wn ??? ?in;?.,-.-.I of ?i. Gabrielen, c. i>. gekafcarui Oeeage Pe lemni tavtd WSMm, CM Beegree). and Loma lliil.iii, ollle.e-.-H and tueniberi of the micletles Themi cietieM Inn m view ttiinllar oh)eeia?the pnilectiou and eeMetaan elgwedn and Rarwagnn who may be in ?eftnaj peeaalarily or etkeawlee, IkeKevwertanS^ ciety ha? itn men at Ke. -OO Third ave. It. president It ti. tiabrteltteu, and It ha-) about 76 member?). It waa iii-_tiiw.il about six years ?ko? Tlie 8?vetii?h ledOly h-., room? on East Twenty-seeond-at., near Third avo. ThU la ono of tho olde?t of the strictly national eggtarations, having been In ex 1-tt m-.' forty your*. David w.-iss has been lia Presldeut for 17 years, until rec?.ntly, wheu the preaeut incumbent, A. lloUtroiu, was ?looted to that ?.?!..?. Its uieuili? r4 nuiiitnr from UM to _!0O. In ail'lirii.)! to th?.ir akanto-le aims, ttiese snotetles aro Inteuded to secure to their ?n.-in ben -?a .141 rtl.'.l?. IllliUI, anil t Ik?- > ttlllll.il tllr? t)?S_lt, III, .ill . of iiitiflii' in,.- to the .-.it etiish and Kurweajian re.ldeiiU of tho city tlutir newlv arrived countryiucn. At about lo;-!.', o'clock tho Mreuaiiers, oonilstlng of meiubers of the two mn'leile* audof Company ?U of the 14th Kc_rlU)?ut of Brooklyn, cow oosod eullrely of H we? les and Norwe_cuius, uudor command of ? 'ant. Hovle, arcivM at the Hotel. The siu_rern were stationed iu Twenty slxtb-st., as the apartments of the 1'rluce were on that corner, on the second floor. There were four Swedish and Norwegian songa rendered with prect.ton throng-out and In part with excellent effect. After the vocal mtuio, the regimental baud played several aira, at tho close .?f wltlcb the rouug I'i nie ?a. dreased as a midshipman In the ?Swedish Navy, spiaear?*-! upon th? tmleouy and bowed ill reeuoose to tho mguiaUtju nuri-ua ?g the uiinury and the uilaceUaucoua applause of tbe multitud-?, wh?ch at this time numbered nearly 1,000 poreont. No a.l?lre.i?e? w?*re ruade and the c ?nipnnv ?luletlv wit'"dr?*w. The Prlnf*) w?_s accoinpa nl??d by Conwil-aleior*?.! B >cra and by th?? President? of the two sncl?nies, who, in behalf of their fo?ow-nietnbera. ?T.-.fii:e.'. Jam with a large and lM-aaiifii.ly-__T__iaea flower ship which ?loo?l in hit r?-o??ptlo.n nom. WASHINGTON. MR. BLAINK LKAVK* THF. CITf. KI8 FAMII.V ACCOMPANIES llt.M TO At'i.TSTA? TH_ CASK BPFORk*. Til's INVRSTKIATl.Nti OO-t-fftMt. 1er t*.le-Bj.mi to tub nt-VVaVI Washington, June 27.?Mr. Ulaiue left thio city on tbe 1:10 train on t'ue Halllnmr.? r.ud .otomao road fcj-d.iy, for his home iu Angu?n?, 51**., iR-coiijpaiilcd by hit eutlro family. He oeonpled the directors'oar, hi wlileh n large and conifortabl*? bee liad b??on rlt?'ed. Mr. MO?M will go Hie entire distance ?vitbout BO-WgBjSg cans and It la hia intention not io ?top on the way, but to make ?is close connect!??na a*} possible. Hta general health has not rh.in.ed, and his eeudltlon causea great anxiety on the pa-t of his frt?*'ids, who fear lliat a seri? ous and prolonged illneae may not be averted. There eeoras to be no trouble except in his physical health aud a li--.it fever. Ills pulse is low except during bis fever, and be 1?. * no appe? tite. He Intends to piy no attention what? ever to the Investigation of the Judlelary Comtr.lt too, his health alone demau?llog complete and uoilis ?urhed rest. Mr. Krye tbla morning appeared before tho Judiciary Committee and presented two iti.t''tiicuta, one signed by Surgeon-General Barnes, and tU other by Mr. Blaine's physician, b?>tb showing the ltnposi?lhlltty of hia appearing in his pr?tent lnw stntc, or lo attend to any business w batevor. Mr. Frye did nut a?*_ tbo Commut?e to pottpouo the investg.ition, but bo do?*', not think it would be fair or honorable treatmect t" e>:itiuue a ?.uasI iri.il of the ex-Speaker while he ia on a B__ bed, unable to euufront bis accusera. The 0__?MM?adU not deelde what to do, but will coutider the ?.u.ttlon at tbo uext regular meeting. CURRENT TOPICS AT TIIF. CAPITAL. MILITARY ACADEMY APPOIN ?MENT?. -feO-MBOoav, IMbb-Mp, laaa _7, i**?6. The following members of Coognoi WfU have ..i Iieir? I., ;, ..?.-?I ,i| |. ?-, iitnieutt u> the Military Academy at Wei-t Point f?jr 1377: W-H-MB ?V. WiUhlre, Arkansas; Phdtp Cook, Georgia II. K. Harris. Georgia; M. A. Cvi.' total. Oblo; W. ii,m,t; ??.(' Walker, Iowa; J.T. Harria, Vtrgiiiia; i-D? Cnwall, WU* on ?:.. ; t.-. E. lleoker, -itaataalpyi. HOT WKATH1.U AND AI'PROPUIATIOXO. Some of t!if; lenctfllf D_M-t_t_k_i aro becom? BBginU.a BltkO i"ii'li;:?i!i of the Appn-priatiiM bill. al said t.i-i! i> ?uprlvnterunvri'ii.'itiou tu t an a_re?> iiieut mutt n'rtalnly be hod* The faet that the thermom? eter Moisi at N ih the BepmaaMtttnaf Chnwhmt ?luring :!.c BeBSlOO Is B .ery nBot ?iti.il BIMOBBB-M to this 00ni:Iil? ????a. The latest basis i-f acoiu??r..tn?*e BOggntBi Is thai n joint reaata-tM bbbo be poaooi pntM_ui UuM appro prutilona thaII be u ? !? tor tbe uext f'iur or tire m"utbs upon tin- .i.i?:. ?it rt:,- ar?propr1atl ti? fur tln> preaeat tlwal .?ui ,?i.i|i ,i ?i.iiK.l.y to trie m??n?ha. siid that there ?hall he a r, eeas uf Cougyon until immediately after the Vu lidentlal lii'ti.Ti. me. M:\yi, l-OC-MH-Nt Tlio iVsMi'iit will to-morrow uiipoint A. IL Wy-.u.i'i, foiTii.-i?y ??f N- bmaka, XtanaoaB of the Lotted - ? -, m alara at Mr. Mow, mMgaed? Mr- wyman baa been Aaa! IiibI TienailB la this ?-.'y for seren? vara, and pri ?'loua to thai wot Caabier ". the rreaaory. lie i? an ?M Treasury oficial, la fully comneteat, and has a aaiaa show renrooch. t-rhaps tii- best taat may be said of ?.?in la ?bat ho i? ti-'t i pollticlaa. \vash;\(.t(iN' KOTOS, WAB-lBOlOa, TiK-sil.iy, Jane 27,1S70. Tlie Pi ?i!-Onice U.'paiftuent |lnB BBt-88 taitonand ttt.-r July 1, X*70, liti:ish India ind tii?? French c.ilonlra in Am? n i. -EMee, AM:i, find Ocaulca tOOOSOOfOltOl ti a, i ; peat .1 m aa Rsraed by the Titotf of Berne, subject to an .iloiii >ual postal ehargB to civer the expeaaosof sea trauaportanaa beroadtha limita any, te BMkB -uownits preaeat eontneta aad sp??.-tai cot??.?' stona for earn nig freight Mr. Bcott also contended thai Congre** had do ronstltnttonal p"wer to reonlota and C tiui'l i .ii tr tails eliHiti-red bv the Htates. Rt-presanf-r tivu Hopkins of Peunarlvaola spoke iu reply, aud tit? Committee _4Jeane i '-ill Wridny. The 8pool.il OBflBflBtttn Bgfotalai at the roiiue?t el O.-orge M. .?.?lama, t'letk of the U?jU?e, to ?nvestiifat?- the charge BgB??th_B pul'!l?hed in The Chicago Inter-Oceam ,ii May last, tO-BJk ttuSo a un mimons rep.>rt. They sa/ th? evtdaaM M ezptletl _n eoaelaals t al in m? ,n-f met ha.? an?'p ?iinlary or other eoBsldenttn b. - n poli ..nut from Mr. A'laiu?, Biner directly ot lU'l.rcotly, t?>any ether peraea (or hta aoeoaat. The lomniittea were discharged f i om any further consideration of the Slll'li'Ot. leaatot HOBrfll of Maine ha.? ?ti.'.?rmed PresUlent Grant ?hit lie is not yet profOBOd to IbbbOb ahOttWB or not he ?.Tiiid ae?'ci?t Hi?? etSeo at oeetetury ?>f Un rreaear?, se publie ?T'ii-iiliTife'Ti? ? iiiiiitii'.i" t" prerenl bit reaching u (ieelsliui at the in. sent juui'tiire of nff.ili?.. but that he expects lo.eo Lis way cieaily to a BBBMtOB-M williln a few ?lays. The amount of bsnk notes BBaOBBBOl arid assorted by the MoMsaal E-iuk Ro.leeiiunj Agency during the pr?sent geealyearia W^OOfiOOfiOO, of whieb ?r_.', Maaaak Ball, where ihey were entertained by tbe militar}?and afterwnrtl -oad-wtod to their quar? tiers ut tbe Charleston Motel. Tonight fie formal recep? tion of the vitiilng military from Massachusetts, New York, Georgia, and the Carolinas took place at the Aiui:i.:;i.. < ii. :.i- hit] from tlip latrayW tntl fc-r*nt?_ a laiavetif aiioem?] lor .Ix inoiitht, and on lit rxiuratinn, 1'ff. -l, ls7?J, U.t leslgualion _c???iit?H! Mn-tn KotK-it o. Pt-tk, I;'?m Hi?. Coast -iurvey. and ordered lo Hie umiti. .1 ? tioultlop Bt .Marvs. 1 ?-,? ?t AstUlant I_uglue??r Tho* W, Hoc irom Uia Naval Academy 3oth last., an 1 ?>!__?- on wal?ug oititra. CRIMES AND CA8UAI.TIE_-BY TKI.EGRAPH. -_HiflMWO_L R. I.. June 27.?Taaag Mewar*. wbo was drown. ?I In llis ?.???-It.mi Hirer Lui aigtit, waji aB80 el J uilgi- James 8Uwari of Portar, Hi-.?ti_ini. 1'itoviiiBvcK, R. _ June 27.?A ten rears old son of Henry t). Martin of Oliiryvill? fed fruti? a cherrv tree _-t iiigiit, ami waa liupaltsloa a ylckol f-iica. Uia n*cu*t--y ia doubtful. HisoHAMTOe*, N. Y? June 27.?.T. A. Coleman o| Mili-l ?1-. Ind., waa arTttted litro tin. ?ft.rrmon for tti?*m|,_ u?g to aiM-sslnaU Uia lWv. k_ A _Taa<_t, a liaiiUai revltaliaV near tint city. FiTcanttRO, Maan., Jnue 27.?Lightning struck la ?vririii Lilacot lu tint eltv tin. afU-rinsiu. Till lull of the Hull, itone ( linn ti loir*? waa knot kt-.l off. the larga ball BW??BOJ uii e i tu ui? root ot .-?.ui i _ru??-j 1888?oeoa