Newspaper Page Text
*-__!________ Jsyj-B t ? t?? _ ?rap* V*" XXXVi.N?-18,998. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JU_NE 29, 187G. PRICE POUR CENTS. TILDEN FOR PRESIDENT. UE IS .NOMINATED ON THE SECOND BAL-OT. t:?;f ,?* nrf'i'.si PI_KD__SI RFVORM. aja AFTlR-i N ?F UTS-BOB ??.CITKMKST?jnr HUT BlIU TW- I'NAVAIUNO EFFORT-.?TI ??-.tT?-'?1?-' OnBMt- A? TO KKFOKM HBDM. Bt WIAR 01 fXWS ?Tr.R.t.NCT. T? t. (iiiiv-n: :?''??? ft! i-t. Louis nominated PaTuiel BMaBj Oa?*-fa-- ?i N?'w-Y??rk, for .'resident, ye UotAuj, and B- 'tif 't 0 platform. It left the BOBS?I g^ -?.a Viif-l'i.'nt'ict't until to-day. The niornii Bfesioa y. ?t r?'i:iy B*B0 dull, owing to tl Coiiitni't?*e "" 1?- * ?'utions not being ready I -rf'inrt. Job m Ki ??\ tried to pri-scnt t<> the Conve tion th* Mt-*TU__n chcular ftan New-York, bi ?ab nil'?l ????' O? order. The platform WBS pt ?eut ?1 ?'? tint aii'i.i?'iin by ?Mr. Doroheim? r Ne-vYork. It c. ? ' i.?'d tho need of re for 100*1-9 It;'.'?? 'i kf t-M public Service, and pl"dg< to hiBBf H Bbaal Bt_I danaaaead the Republic: ?aril ?,,r ?-*- oosTB] ti m i i Ms failure to bringab?? MalSSajr-IOB-k it ?i m ..'??led a revenue toi id', I8_08S--D "' r*B? ' taiBB, and a stoppa ire Jfting i'ifin IB-Blifraii 'i, an 1 fur! her land grunts SBi-TOada, Mhi lbs . i" o] al tie resutiiption clause the net of 1879. '-?il- l'.wmg pcaooatoo. a minori report -vl-i !i B '? ?' " ? ?1 by 219 Yea* to 650 Raj The pis'.i:;n S ?? OdapOad by .??"?I to H'.i. 'II first bii?o for I ition of the 1>? mocrat c:iiiJid.?t. "r I" -i ! Brl resulteal as follows: Co IBiOB, ???>.? 2', Oxtt. ?i u'ii.ks 133-_J Gen. 11a rock, 7.>; Gor.AHea, '?'?: Beaatot Bayard,_V; Ga Parker, 18? <-90 ft seooSM? l.ullot, Tilden IBBB-B. 6,1.?, H< ? -A, 8 | Allen. M| Hancock, 51 _..,.-_ie. 11; Parkas 1**; TliUi'Oiuu, 2. The nouun tiuu ?vu- i?., da then unanimous. im II? MOuXBTBQ ??FfPTON. oonx Ki.ii*- omiosioirn in umii-ive B-B_i ON ASH- i ?kW BBOOI ' TiO.NH? VKXA-Iolj. - u\i?-i?'Mii?.?[:;.s ? F st. loi-is. IIIY tl UMBAl-B TO rilK OBBMDB-I 8t. Lor i . Jaas _-~M. I.onis has prov? lt.tlf a BOapii-ble city. Erst siaas tli? arrival ??f tl delegate- mmdFi U on erury effort han haaa Baads ii b_bCI-Ib8iisM Mutalttas ." aal o then-stay sejojab] snd lesve S " P-BBSS-St impression ?if tl city. The: ? - BBS-BBS JSC their B-BBB?t an i parad?- i 'i llnmiB-tioao in their honor. Tli oHflM-SW --y .?,-, , . ?ltd. Every i.uildiu has its loi i tt ' I ! i '?'? '_. lio eaaatlaos ila-:s loal ing from t?v : f .?try witidow. Tli freut ?it evt ? -i ?aass house 01 aliv with the X?i'- t B__Bt and toni_l the festi? a!. ? ,'i d to be, has IBB?BC agreat hig',1. '- 0\ r'- laifjS building i.-? pn fiinely Uliini I '.i.-tatice. On the prit eipal -treet? i lie h-BBBBBOES have l?ee removed by tin- i !.niiiil?> of glabeO hav been euhstit it- '. i ? - _i--v- with abiilliant Uffl sud lend to the scene, 'l'hestreci art? _um_?ad a '*i pcap-B -?io till the sMowalk There arc sjm-. - ? ?ic at ail the hote'u Tian-pareii-i?-?, roo ' ? for l?den, are ma BBB-gUi 0-NOSB.aad tli?- '? ?'? i'.*.i?'cn.s an; tilli'd to otci fle-vinx. The "u: '" -i f .ire is a brilliant one, an the whotS city B??????::.* to .'a\e given itself up to th PSSS?SSOS of the il 'iir. The BBaruhtg 8M -:"*? of the Convention was n bqi-iv iu'ter.-tin-, ir exciting thao that of yo_h l?B] W_i0?takaealtogetherwaa the osaatstapidin tii history of n.?ti " gat h riugfl of this chaiu?t?i Ihe frienil* <>i tl??- n\ .? ? .iiniidates were so iinvtil lng to risk the ?: - imf iSBpSl?? -'" that might ('?? ? '<??? trjOOBBA -Odiscre* 8i??aker that tin} waiaaol Baxiaao to lili up tu tiinc duritiK wliiih the OaareBtJaa *_*_? obliged t? Wait for th?- IT [i lt.n O? COtllll.ltt.CB With t.H'.ll. louiary clap-lrap oratory ol su? h occasions. Whei tko r*-4tlly l.iiimi t..i! i-iniu??? ? ?vus be'o;e it the Cou ?vetition udjouin? ?1 anil \v;ti.e<l? The -SOSSja*_ onxpt called to order a few minute after 11 o'cliK'k tin.*? ,rort:i:?ir. As the CaSBBOittl 01 jlatteso 0,'a- :i"t t'.'idyt.i r?i"'it, laaalaft-oaoaror ?res-'Utod by P. M. h. T0M\ ?. -> d ?. .*?. ('?>x, anprov ig the a? ti .. ? tho DssBoeiat-O Haaooof Bopoo sentsitiv?* in ci.'iug down sppri'priatious, am plcdgiiiif, tho snpi??ri of fhe Convtiiti??n to th?* men who are making the trtflgjrls for retrendhraetit Aa under the ruh-s no BtOaBSSSsa was in 0B_8B_I these BSB-BBBaaa?i aril as there was prohaldy no dl ? ision of opinion i:i :'i?: Convention In regard t? them, their ininal?, :i ?a OBSOOV d sca;cly a ripple oi the snrfsce, A SB ni"ria] of the New-Yoik working men, which was subtu-quently preeented by Mr. Om but not i-itJ, atviii'teil even 1? es attention, fcjuiie.? SJOSOBHj the S-BOt-BSaif laaolntiWin limiting th? apeeehes on all 8S*__a r> qaastk-BB to live tiiinutes duration, and all BpOM?SO by IS-SSJB?OO placing call' aid?tes u, nomination to teu minutes, was sliced to KKI.i.Y'8 CIBCI UK Kl 1MB OLT. -*ohn it'elly then undertook toopen the anii-Tildcn ight, which ho has been waging wiih such energy and hitteruet?during the pitst we?.k, in the Conveu tioa itself, llohling in his hand the Tammany cir? cular, to which is appended the naines of alxjiit a humlred New-Yotk Ikeuiocnts OBBaOBBfl ?BT? Til den's nomination and predicting hi? ?1? f?ut if he should he the ?.andiiisto, Mr. Krily b_id that Le ha?l b.-en PSajBOOtod to prcfKiit it to the Convention. No Jittle Sanaa ment waa SSBSOsd by a MsUB-loo of the ( liainnan of theConvoutiou, Qoot, MiClernaiid, wlio lecogiiiz-d Mr. Ktlly an "the genii?88MB faaso -?luiti-." No uiau in tho Cenv.ntioii, jirohahly, is 1-tlt-known than the Chairmau of the 'laiuiiiany Jlall Coinmittit. This littlo blunder, which B*aS nothing in itself, wa? only a staajls etutnple of BOOBJt others maale by the ChSO-MMBI and other 00B00SI durinB the day, which in the end became- rather an ?oying. Mr. Kelly? rei-neat was met with loud lilsses from many of the. Tilden dalatjaOSO and hy a tirompt p?'iiit of order ma?le hy My. Jacobs of Nexv _ork, which was as promptly SBBB-BkBai hy tli. Chair. Thus the Convention b? gau the day l.y BBaf?-__ag Mr. Kelly in his lirst to OWg-B the BBtt TU 6en light in tho Conventi.m. MAN-UVI BIM FOR P0-ITI?)V. The Committee ou I'l.itionu still remained in ne??. sioti, sjid, us th? r<- oriB?akOB_BO?I b? t ' | ??eution, Mr. .Mcl-atio of Alarylatnl mov.d that it Pr?Tc?ed to b.ilh.t fa _ nominee for |fa PlBS-deBey, lie sosuined his IBOtfalB with a ^BOcfc, which w_ac probably ?U,?, a? it call??l fatt re|???ted opploass from the delegate?s arouud bun. Only a few de? tached words or sentence??, _M_a.Br, could be heard in tho 0SSB0?S0 paru of the Convention, ilr. MolO-M- motion brought Mr. Litt!ej?,hn of New York to hia feet with a protest, whi?h ho did not BBOOBOl in pSBOSS-M-BJ, as the POooMooil of the Cou lention did not recognize him. The unti-TU'len men were not, however, without ? champ on who was recognized, for ex-t.ov. Waa4> am of Missouri very promptly olTered a su balito t*? ?or the r?j.?A?lution ?vhich, if adopted, would postpone the balloting until after the ad"ption of the plat fonn. This was in consonance with the pSBpaSBBM prepared by the anti-l?den men laut uight. They intended to Have off the ballot 00 Iplif 00 fooolblo, and to aro t ne BB-Bf-S-isSB among Cov. Ti.den. fi daiiaf : hO flsOBOO-OSI oo tko plaiform, bo as U? make then tii?nii in support uf him a? a i-andi.late iBBl-BaBtblc. y.r. Woadmojofg suh.-,titute was re?:?:ived ?eith Issst OOjbIobbo, which was in marked contrast With the r.SBftka given to lOBBlsBBaoa or sjieeches coming iriiiii t bg 1 iid.-n sidn. Tho Conveutiou hall had been pack.-.l with anti-Tihl-n men, a* that at Cincinnati was with friends of Stcretary Uristow, or el?e tlienu'ioortcrsof the (?ovemoro? New-York were *8ceedit.gly uudemoustrative. Mr. Woodior. ad? vanced tiie nsual argument?that it was necessary to make tho platfasBOl the party before placing any men i:{?ou it. Mr. Abbott of Ma-BBchiweit? followed with a reso? lution, intended as that of Mr. McLane's was, to _---_ about au immed-ato vote, but drawn with l great cure and morn in ace-rdance with the enst of converti "np. His resnlntim eontaiued a pro ion 'hit tlio rh.thninn o? each delojration should nounce the- T.?te of liis ?-"?tale, ami that his re alone ah,..dd tie conn: ?lured the rote ti the del. tion. Th'A l,??t clause was received with loud g of " No. no,'' by UM ?)iiri- lil.'.cn men and with ft flpplaiit-o from the friend?? of Gov. Tilden. Mr. bott <li-?r laimed any |WHa? in intffodaoing thin r lution except to aavo time, to i?rovent the wanti?, the ?holt dftj*. ftonatO- Wallace of lVnriaylvs WES UC7.1 rr-rttpt:_..< d, and moved to lay the oriiri rent.ititit'n vri? h al' amendment*? u;><)t) tht- table, called for a v >to by t'aie.. J_i-.t as prep: Fiona tog taking thia ti?;? WOES being un tha Chairman uf t.,e -.'nininittoei ou Res. tions, l.i. Ilaredith <?i Virginia. a|i)?ear?'d ou platformaatrl o___aoeineed ti at th? Committee ' RgVOOd i.p.-n aserien of iwotatWmti which had b referred to n committee for revision, and wl wt.n'.d be finally -?l >? b d ai i ?/clock. Senate* I ?Bant who had already made one 01 two inert, et attempts tO pull-lit a triangle ov< T the pen-l questii.n, then BTOgoa -.1 an OilJlHIIIimeml uiiti o'clock, win. h was caiii?.' allMMt unanimously. Ha advantage m gotaod by either side in the -Mtning ? ?ion ? f the Convention. J'?lm K? was very promptly MpprOOOed _ Ins ?attempt t.? trodneatbe Tanuaany eircnlar? bat m it waa d withontany aion or for an prardoa of o, lui :i I v the C invention, it etml?l be said ?to be n vary decided eh Iorry lot the Till iii?'n. On the other band on try delay which t. ?ylaea waa befiaved to b.? anfavoarahla to t;..v. ' den's chances, at* i: gave \.'.o - eenleo time ami 0p| tunity to now the 001 <'? <?? i ???? ?? __0B amon? Soiilliern supporter*.. a_tn i-.? roa ai ai mat. Tl.e bnaineeeo. ..' Convei lonwao much i peded to-day, ao ir< D a-. -rt rda.i. by i!i?- bnb? >il whiebhad preoldod over the i ra "ementa of I ball. There w_a m> >?? _. 0? t*a?? H to the plalfo ozaept at either oetd. There? were aoetepa testad! ui? the niddle of the otage, ao Uiaro aaoallyaro gatberinga of thea Und ao that opea, re eon read find tin lr way t'? the platform and make then < !t heard he all pauto of i teball when Important an ti..!!-? are dtaenoood. 'I bore - *aa nol ? r?oa aa aisle t in? Ch-inaan'a deek ?nt throngh the report? tablea, by which egenken mighi ar l. _>. ha a t.i'.Hl tl on tin? ?.'.. :'::?, >.. |U.r s l.i:. bare eazricd reoolntiooa end m liona t" i il? _____ The il ubi t?!. en I.:. ?? of i poi 'tal Moro than the fall leoagth o? tin ,... form, and : narrow aida wUeh oeprara ??. them. ? ?n tin body the Convention wae eonata ed up with pi pie, h i that it was abeolat? !..,:. i,??. ilile t??i apeak? la got to the platform. The page boyo according bad to petab. ami atruggte, a?iu v oi _ th? il waj lie through the crowd? It took ?!.: mlnnh to baya to get anything to th? k, erhere Mr. Plei and the not of bia oeeretan ;'. i lei !, and ?? tatet!, aad iiiiuniiled, l a I ? a H ? u.'ii all t ?a hile Beandy able to retain il patienta, Ihai Knit waa ?i pros! deed <?i del ) and eonfuaii which might have been pn v?a??? ai by the exercioe a Tory little ooaaaaoa -??.it?*.- g? .1 decent intelligem DE-8TERATB BATTLE OB I IXAME. an ai iii'.M.i.N n? urraaoa ?xzorraiaR a* oovrvaioa iw-vg-i >???ht ia <?? Mill I* AM) tmiWAID IN toNVKMMS cactaiaa i?t ncAT. [et nLaenaia to ra? nimm.] fir. Loots.?Tifie _,-?.?Iheonly realeonteot in ti ?Platform Committee eame. aa ww expect d, in tl Inane? plank. The other porthtna of the pi I were diopoood ?>f witbont moeb diffl? ulty. Tl fltiame pi.-.nk wa?t by oooamon eonaeni reearred l thelaos. The debate erres thi.s oetnpied nearly t! wh??le ??ef<s?a?n of the ('. in in? t ',?-, n ! laat? d ti'i'i! a aaoly hour thia morning. The fight w.i-. ?made f? tell money by t ero ?ntreme Infla Honiara an I rignnt . t.i!ker?. Gen, En tng of ' 'h.<> and i '?? lei \V. V of inii.'uia. '1 bay eonteot? ?I or?. in? h of the ?ra wiih the hard money men, :n.?\ hag an amendm? m ? nabotitnte i? r ?-\ ry elanae ?nul ne -ti., i rery ???r?! i the res'.littn.n. They Bade a bitb r o].- lira to tli elnnoo in the TDdea platform t? anbmitted, whb proa.?!?.!'. ed the fBflnre of the Republican part) I redeem legal tei.?l?rs a I. In ill btmot lo t!> y.mthfai the oomatry. Both Gen. Ewing a:..l M Vooriie.-H took the grownd iiiar it ti,- ana it to attack a ouroney oi which the Rapa b I h ??? a i'-'t la oa groad, and that it i?. Ihe greenbaeh thai h. paid the -??hi;? r? nu?! s ?li? t9f wi?ilo ' .??. and baa d? velopod ?Ohio into the aoeond aaanutactnring Btal iu Die ('ni?.ti. Li*-iit.-.:..v. Dorahelmer made a Pr??loeh In r<j! wbieh i?des.rii.f'd by memb. i ? < f the ?Committee a exceedingly eloqnent and ? Feetlre. Ibou?gfa th Coe iinitt.-a? ware waneilleag m o i mall ron?n in the in formal way fee?, bare, bia ripf-eeb eaaaede ?nehenthnolaom thai it broogbl the hard-moo?: ?ea to their feat in barato oi ehcerini l!"t?-.-.i. greeahnekai a pr_ctkal Uluatrat-oo ol bio argn n..'.-it. Ben :<1 ill" praoaioe of the United dtatea t? jaav, soi ooked whatbec it <i.?l pay and erb? tbei t!? promiae of th?- United Matea oagbl nol t?> ?be aecon? i! ?...;?'.in.aa only to t prowlee frem God H I I >i?- ?deb tte fiually doreloped :: lo pen malitl -?. Ida V.???ii.??- aaatad Mr. D raer with baring bee areeeateonrertfram the Bepnbliran par;.-; am Mr. 1) .i.-l.? :m?r matly tamed the ?x 'l'if, n m !i t? thaehagrio <?f Ur. Yoorbeeo, by reoalHug thofael that Gen. Kwing had tstts t<> ?the 1?- BMM ratie partj at ab.tiit the aai ?? lima ? ith him-? if. Mr. v.)orfaeee ami Gen. Swing w?aw ?I? fea'od in al ?ha- attempta taaaeetad Uta rooohtthm eaeept one They amccadod ia tueertinga domand (or > ropt a ?) that atanoaaaffthaaetfof 1878 whleh fix.? tl.? tim? f?ir mnmgtka. Thay aiaia ?yrerrntad, bowerer, lut traen demanding aa ait-condlttoiial repeal, aad aoeoadfrom demandhig that the repeal ?be made forthwith, Tue(..iii'inrt.'i ?finally edjoutTed until I'?, o'clock tliif) morning l*? eomplat* tl eir ts??ik. aoaaaamneaVa noo*?ooa BRAOtaa, Tha Committee (mum t?>K?'tiier thia i im i)ng and *********.hrngh marh the oami oonb tw til the Con rontioa mot. Than eren oonntleoa piopo?itiona aaadoby the ?ofUmoaoy atoa wi.i?h orere ntmallj voted ?i.ivMi. They finallj look the form of h Dtiaority report, wbkh va.- Btada v> the Convention 111 tl..' aft. (I.II.'11. When tha Oonreeetioa rut-n- together nt y ?.' 1..? i. the hall ?TOBOTOWdod ta -"til".???atmii, ami the air W9S fall of end tentent. Il aaakuowa that a great con* t.-*?t an tha money qneathm waa eoming, nbieb was likely to be pioioiiif-'l ami embittered by Ihe wen* ?OB eflol't? of tWO faelrm?, tin? aihoeatc? ?f K,,f| money and the OggOM-tO O? l.?,v. Tilden. Iniiiit tliately after the ('?invent;, ?i irai Bailed to onl.-r, Ju.lg.? Mere.lith of Virginia annotuieetl ILat tin- Com* 1111116*? bod agreed agon a rogori, It waa read b] Liant flirr Donheiater. ^boao oygoa_aaea waa greeted with IgplaaM ami ?lieei?. Ha rca.1 the platform with far inoro vi.or, r\|.,.s aion, ami depth of feeling than i-> usually diaplayed in the ri'ii'lition of a politieni glatiorra, Rethrew hia whole atreagth of gaotan und empbaaia into It, Ha gava a tormalatad ataooaaaatt of prinetglea nil the lire and rlvtdaOOOOf oratory. The < aie and ??kill with win. h the i>latforiii bad bOOB drawn ?nade ?neb a careful and akillful wading worth whila, The paooagM whan the Ad-Uaiatration waa ?i>? iar.-.i m urgent madof reform, where t be da vot ion of thopaity to the Union wasanmiuiiced, With um odhooloa tOthe constitutional au-endiiients BO a final BOttleoaaat of the controverbiea which aadangen <l civil war, w hern anperiority of tho civil over tin- military _?o\\?-r un.l the total reparation of Chun h and Htate were ?le clareal, whore liberty of iu.livi.lual coiiduet waa de? manded unvexed by aiimpluiry lawn, were rc-ceived with loud applatino. The liiat ( hurnt of cheer ing, however, came wlien the resumption claim?, of the tu:t of 1H75 waa denounced and it? repeal waa demande?! The applauae laated aovexal minuten. The revenne-ta-ifl plunk -?h oIsbObI as well re? Wien l-ient.-fiov. Po-Vie? mr rrr.'l the ( lause referred to intrust lag the w??rl of tafoCOStac tent hands, a significant smile 11. ate.i a?rons hi which glanced off m the .lire, turn of Aliar. ?, indictment, of the Reptil.:;, .v, p.;rt?, fatal in' issues in regard to pu'die orhoela Badthercl of the North and Snath ?ras .t., !??(' o Uli 1?-,-igt cheers. After reading the f ?,ut proper, thef tions siislaining tin? courte cf Um BO-SOB. 1 Bsntn?ives were ri-a.l, and then Mr. DotrBhstBB back from tho PfSC-dl-? 11*-_ desk, 0-B?d a rom,?1, | plauso. _W-B_ on:tn tow WWW BIW?BITf. On. F.wing stepped fonrerd riuietly, fain cheers that IBM fnci the CoBTI-til ton and .?I! The hnr.l-tii.iiiiv bai'l.? woa la begin. The Coi tion listened with ItiTk'-il Oth ntiof ? > the r? : of the amendment proposed by the sail oritj Gen. Ewintr-s r ble (.",:.nut :<"i of it. Hin si was- a pointed statement of the pi-silioii held b extreme WeeteTfl iii".n'ioi,i-'?< Bad their Ctt.? to the Kesiiriiptinn m t of 1-,'.".. Th? (Bei Uta I law lives a ?lay fa the tetara to opeefc payai": only one of the SPlt-US obj ft?_I which tiie soft-money pecp'e ha**. I" it. Th**. Ohjfld t snbetitat-oo of Mirer .Vr un fn**tUi_o1 ear? atid to the organisatit-i of new National bt which, by a Strang? ?> : ft n ? i. at of as ??-linn', m.i,ii-i || :(, oltlio "h the Betten objection was t-.-.?!.? ;.? OtM v":i-\ *.i:ik sbOO freo BBd rcnimi s Lu ? it I'-t ? t '. -at i? t?T cf .1 tu? oly. Be ahn objected t?i th? p rebase and hoai of g'ihl fur tiio paipOOS d I'-'ic li.ii'i: tin-i in i at BOSae fut 8X0 tiiii?-. Ceii. K'vi'i'.r i'!'i?e I hi. cierrh in th? midst "f paeteo. aproar. Bereral mot-ana aeramadt t? tend his timi? ; bntaani o_e objection! W-rec. until i \-l lent, I ? ?T. I?-T-heiiner, up, ;i'.?ii- f.,.., platform, Mked that the el - ? be ?an it oodthal theminority hawi s fair h Brin ? v Keraon joined in the ?????.i-??, and for ? ? seemed thai the I onTention s ?al I he del 1" minotea longei w i, ?, t?. ? . Bwlng. > splanal l? his inil.ii ion v.-..?.. ?'.lei .- ten, bowarer - in !!-? f?. list* i :?? ' ? - ' t question, si ! abe i "I -? ? t ? ,i ?? Iwager thai ?an. Ewtngfl lall.t a tbtin ? gracefi VI?, .l 1)1 I-'-- \1.\ Cov. p raheimei then t.?.,:. th. B< D ' ? speecb was a sarpriao to erai Me i ;>"in!--d or effective effoi lein o I ; v.-:iti?ui famanjf o day. \\ thai ?Id ? ? sad | lag that ??"iiiiiiaii'li ?I the iropect * en of I were oppooed tu him, he ??' ?' ? ? ' qneation all extra it .> ? - I t.'n C'ivvi.ti'1 ? ss it really wa ? i fwiTii bard money on I he ? a side a id i on the other? H y m ws il ; y.iur rates to the maolntioo offered by : bat if yam waat to leave tntbol u seme chaaeo to ? irry ft ???????.? the m ?-..i-,ty. Mr. Diirobeio er then bb ri put ef the m ij >r!ty a u a ?? thai a pr,'?. s? u. ainsi it I. id !?? ? o i the repreeentatiri lof ?.??-. ? lorn. OCrati? Slat, n, ati.l he hin,?-:' i-id a| p? ided name to it, Deele d by warn inn that nrenl that If it rated fa the n ? In ?-. nt.rndnoe.byG Ewing lin y ti'i.'ht al.Ion ! in oeming campai pi. When be rah ? should '" tali n 1 ~ ?vivid arith the Bieet eathnt I i bu i i > sppla whi? b the Tildt n men had yet ? tea sil s Co- dm lili? ilf tl.? ( "!l\ ??! ' UM. Mr. Voorheee followed tn snnnorl of the minoT r- ;? ?' ?. Although be was I d by the _ 1 i.-ry, In ipeccb lade com] I sion apon the Convention. I applanso with wh ' be ...i ? r?'-- Ired WMiather the result of his p, raoi P pui .ri! v than the i 8s t of b i A ' took In* sa ?t tin to BBS a straggle en the p r* <> I a ore <>f del? oat* ? r press itin Btatea i" I en i ?? reoognitioa? .-. .?????_... on hie feat, and thiaocci km, m on n ?? r.u others daring the p greaaof theeonteal over the platforsa? was sppi I ently doing ei rything la his power to Badal thi ? llati"'Hw f-. By 'i"?' :t'!i" ? ms'i-i'""iicTir nf Mr. l???r heim who se ni' 'I .' yognition by the l'i ? yielded b I to Mr. Wa' ? : n ol I. areond hearing for the niajorit, sacared. N Watl raon did not dlseuaa the q i itself, b appeal? ?I ti? the _?" i arme ?d Hie.i. no. rtuliify n ? l? b) ...i? ? tiug its ? ; ? icitemei ahen calm deliberation was wholly impossible, i can fully pn . _red platform ahieli '?? . i delagah Committee i- bod stready adopted. In ordei eloae tii" ?!? bate, be mored the prewi ?naqm ? ion. A m ene <>f tho w il [for ab tl>re??-.|U'ii1.1? "i en boor ensued? in spite al i In-? sfforta the l*re ideal of the < n ?-.?? s able topp erve eolBcient order to bU? ? my bu u- .? it, !,.- trn ,?'.*? ? i B ' ?I a tempi I ' ill the roll f Kl lea. I it.ill on the demand of St?. ?? >rAl*l Itof '-? ????-J? _ey, the question a aa divided, sud ti? Int ral tala'Ti on stri??Jig i it the objectionable partait! iiiaj'Uiiy i? ?- >' il '"?? nvi'.i,'? in - fAT, Tin- liailut lingsn sand the - t ?' eaafn ka delegatea ea I i| leadly en tin ' fr"iu a ??ni? et the I. i.l, (Jen. KeCb rnand Btrikiug his mo let ti ail p" ni? "* the pruc'T"'" - . in in tip *.i dng fid aavtnn t!i li fi I Idr. a s i?, i- of i'e ? luntet] kchair, iboutin throngfa s ?i- iki ig trumpel forai d <>f bis fingen f< U eve fu the Pe lele fation to :? tire. Th vnte wan ;.\. aited n ith a .-.:? ?>-. t?.i 11? o. Ba hu? an Voorheee b id nah- itrono speaclies o( th? ir sophietl ealsori The e?eBt proresi their lean gioBndlesi Mt. I? i-le i:.i. r, in his i|iink and h TJ Spaeeh, ha? drawn the line ?bleb they eonld noi oflaea, Alo bame ?????i i sJled sa I es t 20 rotes sg tinsl the toft money men. Arkaa m woa railed and east 12 rate tbesameway. Cahforala t?at ?.iiiel and i ?? i vui s. iA'1'iaA-t u, Ciiiiii'-ci ? ut I-.', I ?el ?-.?. ?r? u, Florida 9, ?'-"' ?:?? ?rglB 22. This ?van.? Bahrain . lino <>f rafea N-'iiiur-t tl?? soft-money in? u, and th? ri,?-. ring brohe ool m 'i'1 omA Ntain. Now came the fint break. IllLooia gara l? rato fa t!i?' lag-m.y reporl and 22 sgainsi t. Lndiani x,.,\,? :., i -..?, i in v.!.-.* t<> r..^' ssoaey, tad t?i th? general snrprise Kentaeky, nndef bei nnH ruh* ra\i ii'-r'J.i the same way. Beyoed thi-. the list lanalongwa] fa hard money althont breaking i. iii-iana, M.nie, Maryland, Isassaehasettsb Mh> u.-?..tit, Misai- mi-i. N'-binaka, KeTa*la, Kew-Hamp? Mlitre, Kew-Jersey, North Carolina, oad Kew-York, The rate ai the last was r?"-!\?-<l a*Hk lead ??"!' planne. Michigan brake ? littlo, and 5 of the 2'? vot.-s went t?? the miii'-rity report,oad Missoari gave Oof its 30, Ohio -Bads a better sbowiag than might hive been expected, 18 of the -i i roteo stand* lag fa hard DBoaey, Oca, Ewtag io the soatiaiy Dotaithstaiiding. Teaneosee an?l Weal Virginia Beat ov,r to ?"ft money. .*?*? tho naiii of Wisconsin wai sailed, ?nil 20 f-loo were glooB for tho majoriiv ICport, tlm I'.'i.iiHyhaiua delegat-OB woo boob ssoklBg Ito way bank int?. tho h.-ili. Tbaegh MM result was Bssared,aad P_a-_awl?*---Bcaa_d aal nos-loa ito usiiai poes-Bjaf Ira of turiiiiii.' the oeale, h-i roto '??s-? waited fa with iatenes latosast Boaotst Wallace annoiitiifil ?that la seaordaaco with tho -satractloas ??f th? State Cuiiveiiiioii Iterate was saataoa unit fa th?. tiiieority report. Tho >l_f-000-0f on their feet che?iiii|. and yelluiK with trim !_#_?H v?k'T, ami it BBS some true l?el??re Senator Walla? o could uiiilae lii? ?-ti-lii??.-?t..?n that 29 sates stood for lbs majority ropOCt a? against M for that f??r pafSO money. The clerks announced __0?OSBB. fa the tnaj'irity BOfOft %W 219 for the minority nBaffi IhOBB was? great roar of applause, end the grvat i--.hts of Voorhccs and Bwh-f went out. The vote wan then Ukcn on the platform. I'enu aylvania gar? way, and ca t her "S 7ote* fo majority report, Indiana y ?od firm, howeve.i Iowa, Misaotiri, and Ohio al-?o gava their agaiimt tho platform, thonih hard l.iom ;, train each. Sii humlred and fifty-one vot** were ? to have been cast for tho majority report, an? vote waa finally nia?le iinaiiiinoii:., amid tho crifHaml confusion that had reigned aM day. firt-t of tbo labors of Hercule? had been ac plitdted. ? ? makin'?. THE NmiTVATTny. ?Er.i.T'a FisAt. arroai aoAiaai tiumui?lit BAYAltD, HANC'CK, PA'-Kflt, IM'.Miltli It1-, Ai.i.tN MMi.t) inn troaa o-ntrutina on "?otan iiAt.t.'.T. |nr T*:iKa_HAr?T to t?:? rainoiB.1 St, Lotm, Juin. 2*?.?T'ie platform ooco atraeted, the artificers of delay were at tl? ? et their devices. There wan .? 'ug now 1. it i ? :?? ? pt to name and t? nomm?t". The BOOM ree_d the rale ander whieb nominationo were i made, aad eaDed tho Btatart llahama. ?lal badnaaaadld-te. aarhad Arl ai ao, Delaware tho fir-it to reagond. E~_-Coagna man Vfbftl pwpoood tho name of ThoBUa l-"r ? u? ?a l?a** whieb drew out aothmdaotb. plaudito, lin allowed ita aaaaotobo oalled hi ailonwi. end Darld Davia waa a candidate-, Indiana eame n lad the Boootof yelllag broke oat. If woi Morton >.n of Cincinnati ovar ai/ain, aid In loagltade bed andio inri h ?1 ia roll ami intensity. <,Vii. \* lllian s of Imli prepared tho aaetto of Oov. Ilendrieke, and Mi Caller ?.f Qlino i aeeoeeded i'. and ? Ian? a. '??'? Ca hell of Ten i????-. a. fnrther aeeonded It, each i ?m the gemeine enthmriaom whieb the fbllowere of i drieka always abow. Whan th - p eeaeedtheirpraisee there waa a em i pof thuaiaeaa, A typographical blamier on tbo 1 pnl N'-w-Vurk before Kan J< i y, and aben the of tbo Convention bad aotitaelftoh ir? ..'..?? .loci Parkar, the clerk oalled N? * -'. ork. Than ' a great bnrol of ebeoriag thai renewed ita II ac ond again, half of tha Conrentkm beina oa ita I ebonting e_nd cheering, the ffalleriea echoing e*. ? '.' ? r ". ;ti, ?nter?" r. Them it woe i ?mad I miatak-, ?r eraa _few*Jereey*a Inrn, I. on tbl preooatb ?'. to pn leal the aaa ?? of Jo? I Parker in i:i. ieire i??'?'?'!', i:i \? '..? h I." ; " ?t JO. 1 l'..ll..-l ?: III IP al|a. |.t !| , ? | . V of thai Slate was invaded. - . . I " Parker a i?l 9 rmonr?1* M Trae,* ooid Abb "bot Porker bad bia troopoin I la of Phi d?-lphia 48 honra after he _.-<?: i!n ttallfi inCturti i " i? .int r??l.i, thongfa Ihe a ?:?? mention of g. ?:. 'ii'? Baaao bml roo ad a itm aa?. nu y oo a it t? ovan ru m a. >V"!'. -M BefMatov l i- .1 - ' - ' to ;?r -at the n ? -it?- ... Gov. Tlld? D, h? recept ion, firat for Mmoelf and then for tl -.?- to Dominate. The ti*-t emphi tiep inl aa ma ?waa whoa ha oalled tho Republitran partj thapm ?rhich bad promieed reform, and Oov. Tilden ? man who bad dona tho reform, H trate.I 6? Tilden*? ?record In breaking aptba I im.i .-. a Canal rinna. and la reda ing tarea, Henrged ? ( ...i\e:ii!"i t . nominate the man who would dc Waohingtoa what bo had done In v ?? - > ?-k. Whoa Mr, K? raaa elaoed, Ji h ? Kell -, : tai il'i-he?l, atepped forward at the ?????? of ?hill's ?hair, ?and a gi it etorm of hta ifellonhii ? oda met it oith i h- ?i : ., .-':. ?t. Ho had ? ?i ben .i delegate from M broko <mt and wmded to know wbethei Kel i. t., eoeond ??.".-. Ti lile n'a Domin?t . ? . ?? inotb? i .? nu ?'i biaaaa ai ? Gen. M? ( i in.??ni ehrieked in vaiu for o .!? t ami .'air play tot (;<?..Tilden. Mr. Il m inoof Mlaaonriwao montbedbla preteet a l!.e ao*::?' t::t er i? ?1 I. . "is ?.??- rip i"U. ti Kelly '?vu*' ahakiuK the air witb bia arma ?! ebon i storm of hinec and ? Fo-a o bl h ix i bia worda>backagainathia ta. . Mea -le .i ?'. -c cried and bien I. <>ii.< r.s leap I on ? . -i?1 p.. ,i?li-il that the y'l Bl . tnigbl be beard, bmiib Woe l i.i?- t'ai? app al ? Ik i.ali of the Mew-York delagatiiin without ara >,..! t!..- pandemoninm went on. It ?waa no: an; .-? ?, ?? i Kernan Mme '.f pi ' ? ?! toi i ird at ?I U i ret? ?a behalf oi tbo fu-ia? ??i Gor, 'i i ?i?' that **??r. Kelly might bo beard that h m aid, Mo bad ao ezeell? nl be rin whoa bo announced bimaclf for Ileiidricka, Lml i.'i tamper pf the crowd at no time l?-t bim ?gel Ihm i_ aeenteneo nithoal deriairo ?rus and bi eaa 111 airi.i'inc. .n.-i.t that 1? <!? I? - :t ? in t!.? .\ ti I'orl tlctogatioa v.. ra? appnoed to Tildon'a oominatioi 11 r - - w fa.rr'i aqua] dimpprohation ?and applau Pwally. whoa !.<? thanked tha Chairman endtfa Conrrantion for the bearing they had given bim, b. a ?-i'i!i'?t|ue rootraal be did *.>? in the mi : t ??f an up roar which only allowed ins ralee lo travel a half d? tern ?"'??''. CoL Flonrnoy of Virginia neeondrd the nomina (?am ami ex-Congre ?unan II-1 don ??. I ? *? t fol lowed in a ?i?- ? ? h, ??i w.iH h i?'- peroration rao prnwlao of ltW.flOft majnrit] tor Tilden ia Noven, bor. acama or tut na i iau_ot. The ? t. ii.'tt;?-iit. f tb(i Conrentine waa if i' ? hiali eat pitch when aSenator Doolittle (tabbed hie and tbo rating begnn. Tho anirenal tend? cy ol Ibi erowda to applaud the Btatea aa thej n their ehoioe waa oappwaaed by tbeae n lea, who utterly n f ?- ?i to annonnoo any voto eaal auleea the roar of roiree was bughed. Tha enitaement, too, aaa <?f that deep, ail a'..Mngkiml, tl it m not bml axptaaoed ia ob?rai and ?? sppinrof bantla, in ataud* ?ng on chair.?, and throwing bata in air. Tho rote of Alabama ?'as a aarpriao to aiany, in? delegataahrom that st it.- bad been reryqaietand myaterloai and bad l"?n onwilling t.. fdraanj pnl lie annonn? emenl <?f their aiandiug. 11..- ehaer with nhlch ita 13 rotea tot Tilden were received h.i died away, ?aud tin other .-*; t? ? were called in their order. Arkanaaa and California were Tild?n Mat? m and threw their voieoaolid. Colorado, wbich appeau1 for the drei tina in a National Uomocruti? coitveiiii'ii, w:?H av. eonntad f??r Tilden, .uni a mi:!? tir ?>f diaappointnieut ran througb tin TIMoa ranka whea tii?- ?rrdi waa ii' As it ha?l not h.en generally known thai M a compliment to <?ne of Ihe delega! a ?>f that siate who dadrad to honor bia old Mend, tha dele? gation bad nu-?? ?? ? l i" eaol <?ue e. mplimentary ?rote for Qor. Hendrtcka, florida wheeled int., lino toi Tilden with it- 8 vote,. ; bat Georgia, whi? h waa ax? pc.ici lo giro him al.?.ut 16 on the tiist (?allot, cast that annahm i??r Bayard ami nai.? Tilden only -? Illinois, to?., Kavo Iletiditck?, more votes than had generally Ik ? n aooordod bim la the Tilden lia a i om. ?ml ? a?>t oolj 19 for Tildan, Thobearta of .?ou?e of Tilden- hienda began lo fail thean. The South was H anatahhl tie the sea, and the (ailing off even ?f a few vote? waa an ?nninona Mim. When Kentucky waalaaahod aadaoratrlbaiad barSf ?volea h..InI, anl l.'?ui-iana. from witieli little bad been OXpOCtad. i*avc '?? more, Iho oiillook w.ia iinn.Ii UBOM aneonraglng, The in _t live BtaiM added nmre than 7"> roteo to tin? I'll.ltli . oliiiii.i, the only vot? s which he 1..-I in them b? Lag :t in Maryland ami m ln*-Uehigan, Broadheod'a 19 rotea la Miaaonrl, Id <>f whioh bo? loagad loTUdon, i'arker's l* in, Allen'? 1 l in lili o, llalli?'??? k's 58 in r.nii na, ami Allen'? K? in West Virginia lauoed the only leiiona l.i. .?.;..? in Tiidear*o coluuiu. Before tho aad od tho balM wun reached, for a moment, while th?? clerk*) wen Cooting up 1?0 vot?-, tin-re was a Kr?'?t huah. Then, aa ?tune of the .lelo' ? ami ape? ?atora who ha?l been keeping lista found that I il.lenV vote waa more tIt?ti 400, a mur? ai nr of applause ran ffcfmgk the wliole 11 s r 11 ,_r. which aeemed to grow nut tl there waa a general round of applau e before the vot*. wan announced. Mr. Hatchina of Missouri risked if it would bo in order for his 8tato to ehan/ro its rote, and when assured that it nan, tho Chairman announced that 11 of B_B_f_BB_rs votes hnd gone to '1 illicit, and 7 of them to Hcudricks. Tho TU?0B men had by this time learned to app'aud, ami they gave the Missouri recruits sticti a WO_OB reception a? n ddegatloa rarely receives. lbs oiportttnity to turn tin? tide, againnt Tilden war. Usa, and it nev? r returned. Had Miiioiiri gono over to Hancock, no one c_u tell what Slight have BBBpOBed. lilK SSOOBD WAVB Bt BO ?____-? The Convention was no-v in hdOtC to fata a second time, ami when the roll of States airain begBB to lie sailed Tilden score?! a decided und rosy cllc'-tivi; ?j.rti ?m Aliihama, the Itatgtateet t_e Hat? This had been Hkillfully aoraaged for, oad took tho Con? vention almost off its feet. The r? port had bee?i eurent that IhOCO were three _ in m o ti-i,i i..i woiilil never vole for'..-'.? n, aid when she soaso in solid with her 'jo rateo the battis was almost won. C??lora?lo followed, changing her 0 rotss from Ebadrieks to Tilden, la Georgia there ?ras I pala Of 10 ; in Illinois O gain of . ; in low:. '2 mon ??to added, and '2 more still in Kansas. By this timo th? tido woo setting fa TUden With irrestihlo forro, at.'i all over lie Conrentiofl tho friendo of r?. r candidates wets wtakfrning and their >.-'?. ?.:, ?is falling te Tho Bomtnatioa of Lilt-en became m ! '. r a ssatterof doubt. Thaqu ition was, bow? over, whethar he ho would get the raqnls-ts two? ? tl t?s ?m the soeoad ballot, or a bother mother call i of | i.? iStaiU's would bo aeeeesary, As each fresh j of recruit? 00000 up and j??i.i? d the llidI 0 lino th, , ttan gneted with ta?ada of spplanse, and the nnthniiiBsm vlallily Inniesaul With Mm call of Wis- < eom n the rots was oU in. The roll of State? bad beea on .-.!,? nd stOl the prise, slmost within grasp, was ,- I 30 rotea itwaj bom Tilden, lour buudred sud ilxtj i aral - ?A.I a m.-igiiiiiccnt tria!, bu' ; -, not 499? ?Bat the noiiiiiiatinii rao Is led? J"...* changed her voto to 'JO for Tilden, a y.i'in of 4, ond the crowd ?he? icit Uka osada? 11] 29 fa iiidi-n.a gala of tax-, and the crowd weal ii.,nl 'gun. Bo litt ?? by little tin rote woa pushed i';i '??? a ... :. !? raaadthera? The seene in the hall IBBMOOBl I most hniliatit Bod ? I l?iip. A gli . ring row of pie-jets eneiided the whole cham? ber, lighting th toaBng s?.a <?f men <;n ti.? Dim i and 111 tin? SpaeOO at tin? r-i'i??, and t!i" eager, strainlug erowdo la tho bbrvw ?sail ahora Finally, Mlssoarl gsTii '20 and then -*? rotes fa Tilden, Anotbei prematnn buratof Tikk .? n an?eme. The belief ran like wil Are, though no one said 80, ti at Tilden WB8 tio'iii'i.".* ??!. I ? in ? r treat up which bankrnpta s , etives and phors, In ti ? midst of it the ?? i ? . u holding ont two fingen as mute - ! ?Tilden ?still locked two v-1 ; >-i o nomina? tion, and the nproai eae so great thai il wa* fire or t- a i. inates baton the Chairman i onld be beard. Varions changas thea took placa, and in a lew momenta the aaaoaacea-Bat was made :'.-. ,t ' had secan?i the requisite two-third*. The sxcit - ment thai hdlowed eaaBOt ho portrayed? Tiu nomination was made nnanimona? THE ri-vno'-'M. i:-,!' r.'i <?r Tt:t- oniOU TOB t?! B__*flC_ *v" ' gtnt TAtUn DBM?BDBI ?WBAg o'l tttb th i-\ BBTB?CHIBB8B IMMIi.?a : i?-n DBXO* ?CRU. Bt. Louis, Jane 38.?The platform adopt?**! b; the Convention la giran below? If demanda ref-i In etrerr deportment of the gorernmont ..j. ' i. civil ?- !\ ????-, and in Tarioaa branehea of ?mi puh'ici'Oh iej, the reaaoni Cdk a bi< h it gire ?. A rcvei ?it-, uV, a atop to Moagoilan immigr?t! ?, the repeal of tho reanmptioa elanse af tue act of 1975, th* stoppage ?>f wi teful gifts of pabilo laad.?, and reduction of .-\;' : ditnn i -iii- demanded. Die platfon i i in ?I is an !..Mints: We. th" ?l,'h-..'.t-?i..f the O---. :ra?c party <?f ilie !'? ?i.-l State? in Nat?o I Convention bj*> --;ii'i!itI, ?!?> hereby dechti. he Dilministrntion of the Fer.ei.ii Government to lie La argent need of Imm?diate reform. We ?!?? hereby e:i inii tip. II f;.?' luiliiiliccs of ?l?8 ('.?: v.'iititiii ami of t," !) ?.'m i.i'.ic ?party in each _>( te a seul* ou eliorl rtnd cooperation to this end ; and do herpliy [?peal t<? mir fellow-citizens of ? v? rv formel ?."'?'i nl c.iii::i'eti?ii t?? undettake with ii?t': ; i ?? and moat presaing p?itii* ?tie duty ??t tlie Ih-uio? t:u-y ?>f tin* whole com try, in i> In ?? i?-....i tu our i,utii in tho per manemr of the Peileral Union, onr devotion t.? the ('oiikttltu ion of t!i?' United States with Its .'in? tidi'i' nt** universally :?? ? ?n'. ?1 m :i Bnal -?nie ni? ,,? of the i"i'iiiv.-t ?i ? I I it i ti .?? ndered ???il war. And w?> do hare record ?mi- ?ttVad? i.i?i eontidenre in the perpetnit) of republic.m -clt'-.i'v? i .u?? '.t. in alwolute ncniiieocence t.? th? will '.?' the iiiaji'iit.?? '!.?? vil i principle ?>f n pii1 -'i< ? ; in tho -itiki ?in. ? '' "l the civil over the military mithnrity j in tli?' total separation of Church md State, for tl. ? nakc alike of ? i. ,1 a i.?i i-1"_ ? i his ftvedom ; In I ..?? ? ?i i ility of ,i I citi-4-iia before jut. lawo of their own en* I'tnu-lil ; in the lil- lit nt indi' i ituil couiiuct, uuvescd hy ramptnay laws i in the faithful ? I it cat ?on of tin' ris ng generation, that tliey m'v pi.s.-i ve, ?tii'i.v, a nl tranamit the ?? beat . onditioiiki of liiiiiim huppii. and we hope ore i" bold tlie nolileal prod?-ct_t of _ hundi-d j i m? ?it ?-h.nur?ml history? I'.ni while uphohling tli? bond <>f ??ur nninn and great charter <?! theae our righta, it be biMiveo ?i .1.0 peopw i?> practice ?i!-;?? that ttcrtiul vigilance which i-* the price of liberty. ?;. -i?.? m i - m ???? - ?..?.!?> t rebuild anil -1 .? 1.1 i -Ii . n tin hearts of the whole people th?- UuUm, eleven yean ;nr<? hnppily re_cued from the dun er of .? coi rupl -*-iitralUui, which, after intliciiiig npou ten Htat? ii?' ranneit. of car? pet-bun t.\ laiiiiii-s, Luis lioneycouibed the olfl .?( is ot the l-'?lierai {',..\ umei ; leelf ?nth ?iicapocity, waste, and ?niud, i ; ?I Btateo ami municipalities with the ??? ion of mio nih-, mu? locked ? i ?! ill?' proep i ? of an In? diiMtrious people in the paraly??a ? - nurd limes. li'clniiii is iu-??-??;ir> to c?> i-:, i i???iiii?l ciniiiiiy, restore ih<" publie credit, and main* i mu ti,?- National honor. Wo ?tcti.'iiiicc the railuie lor -ill these eleven yiai-?? t?i make good the promioe of Um legal-tender iioti-s, which ??ii Q ,'in |**|iig standard ??t v.iiu?' m the hando i?t the people, and the Bon-poymenl ??!' which i.-?, a diategura of the plighted faith of the m.lion. VVe deuouBoe the improvidence which m eleveu yean of peace has taken from tlio people in -'ederal taxeo thirteen t-uea the \\-i?iic amount of the legal-teiid-tr notas und si('litinlcrcii tour times tlii-t sum ia USeleaO Bg? pense with?,ut accumt-lating any reserva tor theii iiilt uipiioii. VVe dtiiouiicc the in i.Tility and liiuiHnalny ol party which, daring devea yean of peace, has otada u<? u?l vain o toward resomptioB ; win?h instead has i*_oti_ctod wauuiptiim by wasting oui rasoai-eo und exhausting ail our surpluo in. ?'in??, it ii ? 1 while annoally profeasing to intend ? speedy ictiiiu to opemo paynsento bao ?liiiiuall.V lu.icli'd liisli liiiiiliTiiiicciS llicicto. Ah mich ?t luinhiiiiice ?c denounce the Et_ siunption clause o? tii? act of 1*_7_?; and wu ben ?leiiiaiid it;- ?repeaL Wo demand a judi? cious system of preparation by publie ocoo? Diui'-s, b) official i.'tienebmenu, und by wise', which shall enable tiie nation ?.?ion in u.^??lll?! tli?* whole world of it? perfect ability and mm perfect leadineso t?? met any ol its promises at the eall ot the creditor eutttled to paymaot. VVe beliove mch u systein well do* vis??!, and, above nil, intrusted to Competent bando tor *?_.. cut ion, creating Bt DO tubo _? sciiiciiy of eariaucy and at no time Blaming the public iiuiiit inU) a vMiiini.i'.?. .1 ..| that vaster machinery ot ciedit by which ;?? per ci'Ut of all liii-iiieea tiinuiUctioiiB ure p?-r IoiiiikI. A s\ r-ii-ni open, public, and Laanuing general coofi-e?ce, would fraao tin d?y ol iu? inli.pii.ii-. bring heal i n |- ?m iu winga tu ull our hiir.iaoed industry, and ?et iu uiotiuu the wlieels Of (?(uuincice, niiinufiietuies, and the mechaiiicnl aits, Niton cinpiovincut to hilkov, and renew Bee l uurOi __?e. FOREIGN NEWS. SERVIA AND TUKKF.Y. THK Tt'RKieil AND 9BBXIABE kXVAlll'l.D XPAE THB DRIN*. Paris. Wednesday. June _?-*. 1976. La libert? publishes a private talegna from algf-de wliich *an? ti,_t.t tlie .-?eiviaa am", i?, ?*r?rauipod an tho left bank of the lane and tho omth aootoaataf the Drtna. IhaAuotrtaalMaka of the Danube end aava .up..") -dodayotrongoofdooaiof troopa, Tbo Tarta am a* the ??Ralau to* na ZvourLiek. and _kftrihe_8__r v. itb. nu. a?arve i oavatoy. Lonaon, v-'eaine^ay, Jana Hi 137?. A apeei ?i telegram mm Athena t.. r, ranmaagaaaf ? aunt, received t.i?',e from Oeaetai ?.??.' 11 . )..t.?i Juno 22, atete thai nocturnal mootfa__om i bel .; tin aaeagoea. at Wfde? eminent Turk? attcutl. i .s nie at'll being p*_M_aoo_, -jKRVIAVI ACRO.'?'*! THF _**BOBTT*l"-_t. Vlt*i*iA. \Velne.-.lay. .1 .. ; .'.vcnlnff. Tho PoUticol Correspondence hua ?c?? i?id the u_- ?legate- from Uelcrade : M The Sertlan Qovmmnont otopped tier? miaaion to ? niateatraopla b?<?uHo tu., i. ? .. . ,i u.elf ni ule ?ti enlaruin hia pi taasewote i.i-.v . jia.muuicutcii cuuiiacuti-..t m ... . i.. .i u_r? ?.Ii'i.i i:t. Altbi)-gfc real military operation* nre .-?.iv to eura ?..? ?ii ?? abvat Jui v i, .?un Herv?an* volui te i eorpa ?.n th. i.riiui an.i uent (Jalea _4\c i.e....'... .,i _ii_.x-._dy eroaaod the frontier. ggpoaai naiD in* nmi v. Co.'?t.TA:i.? .?rr.ic, ffednei lay. Ja iiS... 1376. Then Is some tts'it lion aijit.ii/ t'.'.?: .'. id su BOdoaO agalaet the pregOOOd IQfWlBO UMhal l'-.--;i.:'* tSPtttt I ahem > will bo inodiilei In conx .pi. ..?? t? ?.ij tiona :ji-a.i m a meeting el tac laadhag mai ib.. ? o; u.o uioma M tho WMWHH of the :-_l).-lk-u.-I.-: t;u. .'t. t: v.?) leaving ?-_ hoauge o? ti.t ._!.. ?:ve af E.'/pt I._;.iun.veil litre. linra ri_s, *?Ve'Jnf?<l:?-r, Ju- e 19-, 1176. Advleea from Pari., any the TarkUh i: ..:?..- ?..? there ?enow aet-lag cone, ruing Frlnoo J?.i..u's aikmvd uiu matum. A mi tvrnrtbr dn-.atoh from Vienna ro; ?-: t-? that Prince lUhta will W-.i the army in tin t.. .'i. a Thmaday. Loanon, fhanday. -Ju.ic M. it_7?j. 7,'? .etaniivTi vi.itia Hagoteh aa. ? : .., ? ?ti i .-. il i l.m la to hold IbeTnrfca m eh.ick It until M"ii'?-ti'- i-.?, wbo ia itirni ..?. m Bate?, |o? ? theinovomeot? Two hnndretl cannon i-.i..: lift n, >?. :..?. in . .'?? ;_??i r: tint Ian Qrantt Imko Vladluiir ia in ti a.;.. _iiu_?uito. wai: i'amc ?..s* raa paaig a oesb? Tb.? Taiia enrrespciidoiit of ihe StitnJ.iiu bepOStS that Liar war panle pcoralled oa ti..) i?..:..o ynotaedag. . it led en the belief that It would bo lui a .. !.? to con flne tha war botonen Tarhry and Barrio ?the ltru?'?i of ?' toman Empire, aad that a eoUiaior between* nil and Uitat lli'uam QWOld eventually n- ..i. THE I'Al.I.S PKE88 ON* AMUESTf. PASS?, We.lii- .?._.>, ?i ? '?S., 11>7?1. Moderate journal.-, are s_iu_...?.d with i'iesi _h ai -i i Mobaauv let:, rextemUug tents n* j mOeoeaaam i ?ut. liai tlio ye, ha i*. iIlvihIm!. ?i, ?.. i BOpeOH to ?of having a mil pu?.??.- prohibiting further I. ' itioaa. FOIT.icn H-0TE9, LoaDOH) June US.?The TtxtE fog tha North? i im .?, i.iiul I'ia!.: t.eility at Ne'*?'., il?- WOO >??>U by Tbo . .tii i'n-a-aui s.-.-, inl und .J. _ m i-i' 'l. ?.t. Uiiiu.iN, June 28.?-Tbo Arebbialtop of Co l ?::'.', ..ti tu?' api ?Ii cation of the Crown, waa tndog da . ? -i .i n t.ui l.i.-, :- , ?t.. Um - . ni .r l.i.t t EtoMB) Jaae28_?Tha italiaa ParliaaMaifgg-? terday inally ratifled the eontraet b] ???;.'. heOovoam ni i.t .:.'.;> *. ? UpperItallunratina ?. I?, Juan 28.?-Tha MMnpoattoN rnipluyi-d hy tha s'?- ? I ru of the u i ..? c,iy, in eluding the ?.''.Y? .-?_. -?-v, _i.ri.__? norli - ywiHtooa [.?i rloua nota ?? Qdkbbo. Jui m 28.?'Hie yi' Cogatoai of i'n* [.i...? .-.i? i '?.. ? . t. la ;. rnln_f. [I iheweerthoB r. ms? ;.. . . : ?? .!?>.,; m mu-ai?. uf '.' . . I.?!'.\..iti I?. .11.1 it? ?' UUtOl Q-ebbc. Juin- 28.?la t!ia Etcctioa CoaH to-day Methot,o member of tl?: r. ?? .. l'arliniueut for N.t..!??(, re? na ? ted and d -, iliH _, oaring t.. ??or un?.>"? bj la agent? il ... ' he waa eoanlmna r.inii?, _.'?-.?l'i. <i?l ?it 'i ?M ilion hag |. ml ued or n dntwd t..?' i nteeeem ..r 87 Oeaammdola a I. ttrr aoonmpiinlw the daeraa ?-?f Un Preantantaoying that t..? re ?a iii bo ao farther or? tal necnitoana-fr ????pimeaeeolaroli ??:; ?Itemptanpon II a r llhartg. or tu i ac-.? ef in-'i! _>?: lentle . But ia i nica ra will bo referred to the ?-'?.! . d of Iflaht-rt mfiirt batag praoa eute?L C't:ii'ni?!itii)?- ? f tht Ciii.'innari plat-OTBI ami nmiii i.tti?.u?. Ihe i ' K_M0eteaMi mya "thia ahelee of *m oberere pnltH ;* : not tonoplononaly aona ?-to i ata imy relsreniag m?v- .? nta, auaat ha loa tho adraaoagi "f the DemoenUe." i London TAat?g Kern remida the platform a? "main ?i? ? urd wil ? tl a ;? eoanltt'd i?.:?i Repub ?an party in the most ti-, ;:,_.* aad the en..?: tiii.'-n m' o-t '??m. i!?"-." ./.. London limn ?the "Who ia M?, h.' :" ?'?'<? ??i'.-. "Mr. iii'?--? nur t?*> :i-.?i?.. :i,,u . ?nit hia nol a name of i??j????_*??, and bis u..n_ Ui..tiou ?a ill wait ??- . ?? :t??i-taa .?<?." Ft 18BIN0T0N. C?RBEMT TOPICS <T THB CAPITAL. bi-VAii; id TEA :.-n?'. ill-: PBUITEB I LAPP. WieraiaoTor. a*odaooday?Jana _-. i-7?i. Tha Beaate ?Cob-b?M-M oa Privilrgaa ami 1 .?!:?. m reportlag la Oar oa tho aeceao^al at the ? raaioeal Prlater, Mr. ( Lapp, lar an inveetigatioi by a genate eooiinittw lut?? t _a uim'...?---.... at >f lua ?tll.e, n m... u that the at el Umgreaaeonal Priataa ia eeeo mIi.' ii pertalna age '/ t.. t ?:!! Benai aaf O ago --. ind to the whale I Uaithoagh under the law he ta ii.-ftiii by the -ei ita. nwyalaoteeraarti lhalt-oyhooa ?othiog t.. ia rith Mr.Ctapp?acomgl ataamhaal tue Coll.leet of the H.."?c ?'..liuirltce ?>'? M . i? !. > li;:s t?e<?n iliva-, |g it, il. iit:.l t BO i'.o'S no lii'l.'tnf?t u\ A: it; but aa ii-- ?;i? . leoted by aeal la mmovoMa al the ptooaaaa of the Senate, bia reqneal foraaei mutation tij aeomaaia t..f 1.., t. hi . '? ..a1.1 be ajranti !? l i< renort ce:?* t.:.: i lie ('- luiiiiti ?? are f1 rtb< of ??:.?? that any liive-.tiir.tt1 11 t?v a tooniiltteeof the?k-uut.? tondlag to ai?'.'t 1 ?lie ,'tiit iali-.'i't tfi ati?l c in?. I I - ???? "I'.U'or tboulil be coudii ? .. ?rltb .??.looia. T..o Committee c?t,? ii recoi.i . I ? ' ? ? ad .ptw ? ol ?? : toliitloo m* , ?? . t nn Pi " ????;. ;.? 1.? tiipite ta? 01I1, mi faille- -i ?'?;?',: ..u t for that ourpoaeipe. m,- them p..? 'i ? " - and pel on, and to rc_.t>rt at the pn "? ?Oungwee. RO WHKEL1 B - ' ? -V 4J?PI OPSIATfOXft The Hoan Cominith??? on A pro; nation-? lina atrneh from one >?f < ?tgpmpflall?* M - ay item of ? ,. ?><> tor eentinaiun _?< ignphh ?lonr\en andar tho w.i it. ?aartiii.-nt, an ? aehamoef lient. Waoooaa XUe aurvey b.s iieeu lu ?agi aMoa athnt I ?71. aa '? hem cover? l ami in ?i'ic'1 ?t.oiit ':?.i i.doo 8?iuurt tailea ol eiagboof eenntryhithertottuaurreyML a? regarda p'.-.-i ai t"i t ne?.uni u ?m. ?.?.-?i.-.n:"i n.ii ?i . ' ''?i la of tha in.-ii. ?1 value, H ?:"?? ie mam, .? greal le .1 ??f vain iMe IlliOflll.lf.lllI lia I? . 1 a . 'a 'I, taial . ? . I'..!? '?:iil?.'.l_\, natural b??u?ry, cln.ittoUwy, a ami mining n ton:., s?. .?.??.. ???-e 'in.-.u_-atii/.? um nl the ?mvovhaa l.e.-ii i.r?.ii_:ii :.. _ I. ,-.. Ktauilanl. und If ?.?W?fd wonld Ineni ? 1 ma i?> ihe <, ,\ rnmentthateoald net _o notoaad fur u Bomber of .car.. ?-m WAEHDrcrroM votbh. Wa-UIN?.i<?>. Wein. ? lav. .1 IM .'*<. 1*)7?3. Tb>* (lei.uau M.iii.-t.-r bent. Mi. .-?'il a/.cr, autiiorlnca tin- Maternant Hml i?r?.ii- p-hUahod m London frum lli'i'.iii correapoudenta deri.Katot) to li.t ihametarof Hie realdenl Oeroaaa Ornteaniul Oommlaalonora al I'liiia?!.-! ;.i.u ore utterly fntae. rueee r-entleni n, Meaara, Lanka* u n, i.eiiiai?,aad M >.t, ti..- 1 tat named i? liurtheOan? ?m im ?.,?? ii.aiiv at that cl.y, have ?li-ii..i. .-.l their ?In? lie.? ill ?I 11, ,1.1a 1 -a,. :.i. .? ?-> t.. t in: I ??-. .u 11: I ."V.l Hineilt, wlii.-li hopea t .it. til . in ti.-.1 |.it?ii.oi_a until ill,? ' lu-e m lb?- l'-vlilliitit.ii. Tha C'liiruii. 1 if tha Caraway m?d ry * trim i the g??c rvta.yof tlie Treasury tin?! IhO Miiiouui ol ulilitioual olr eiil.ttioii ik.iicI f 1 ? ?? 11 Hay M i? Jane _-?, 1(179, waa .? I i.?.-.t'i. upon which _uaouui so per 1. nl ol h-sA teu?ler lit....? wui lae retired. The Uoii?e Couiunltue on Terrifoi i? t?.-.l.iy .ica:n con fi.icit it Um at n.ite itiii foi the adaelaaeenof Mow-MealM lota tha Union, and poetpeaed leuther aetlea until lie-, 18, wlneU 1? .w'tUticl us i-'iinvuleut lo ilia; .le.'cat of lb? 111. ..?in?-. The Committee of OOa?KOBM on the Kx.-cuilvte ?gfOm 1'i.u.ieii and 1'...?! (?Hire Aia.iii.pii ition lia.e bad 1 uiif.reiice? t?Mlity, but a?lj< .in u? ?I to 11. e? t ii_.aln?not harina raeoneUed ?lie diBbfeneta ol tbetwu bouaea?on llllll loll Ot UM lloU-M!. Mesara, and FUher of Boeton arrived here i:t?t Might t.? btSMtp lurtlier iu ll.c lil.iinc limo. They up peaaai at the ooaeentMao?roooa it u under ?i.1 unit ? furtlier b. an__? uf t-e . _?e lian been poat* poiicd until Friday next. A ineetln. of the Kxeeutive (VimiiiittaM of the Union Leagna of Am?-i n _ ia to Lhi belli ?,1 the CoIoiui.kIu Hotel, In 1'luUdelphiu. eu Frlduy, July 7, m 2 ?'?looh _?.u_ i