Newspaper Page Text
ban.' s';i ?. Iscov-r 1 with ?aptkea ?aad ?lta ; a pH. efber lro:i ?,-,,i i |Im epos tha '?? ?B, and Maadtag at the ?i rure-bi ad, is a natatad ^ ? ? in anuo . ;? suing ? taeta ??i" ?? ? bullt ui? into a t?ov erh : i?. phy dei <> ? ? ?.?. I? the ,ie ' ? ? ? -,. Indra?, tht brews b ?? ?. i ? - the bee til i" , v ti?? I for t ft ill tin D : ' .?- ?*??.?? ninl lei ?ili -, i ? i rawtbe of tie i ..... i, 1 : 11 * the fi'*?T ?'? ? ? T! ? i ' ? ? 1 .n1'. '?. bai breasts (I it?., if ??! pro 'u'*, a ? ! ?f ex, ? ?? I ?': ?-.? a,?,-,.:.i pllsbed i? h lobest api a a ?red ? ? ? ,1? ? ?.. life, and I of ala . i? , .. ? . ? ? n i -,..??>! ; ?? ? ? rather plain ?oasca 111.-. . - .?..ii L. - .?:? i???)* . .. piano thai ? I earved i ' ? . bai are more ? . ? ? , . i l raof ? - ?I !!? a ,?? :'?" A 1: ?'l.V nf RllVI r ??'. ?! ? quant ? iel ore a 111 give m il l ?ir Brei ? Norway. Not i I will 1...I -'??;. I. ? rail u ? from B rgcn i1? ibeaadi i ??? ?? ? ? ? i!, i? - - .?t ,?.?,i i.v. r oil (1,000 tons el t ? toe Nein, th? ? ?ura: tui,?, * lion ? I n? ?!?, Ihe i?!, , - '? 1?, .?-..n!- e, se, and the droll ' ?'? o?a , , ??i?a tbeii - ' v.hi? i rer half -'is . ad half tt t A; lia enti ? i ? i f'.u?, : . i ,.. - ?-?. , anil : . ? ? - ? ? -.??. i I . an l ?-? ?. i lekel ?iii'i b i? mu f uiic.a?! ,v ii?.?,i. ?bai t'a g 'a tall i owb ol i : l baruiabed ht_ ? bnng i 1?. B?pata ,..' tin aamaj mat r\ or am. a;.? fastened i?> her beH iad i.? ' ? ?*.? peeatt i i ? . i gronp i- a tan ? ?'. I-, ,?l>!e. ? ill, hell I')' ik . ! the? them look like Indian? made ou a r> daeed et il ?iblns ai i (!.?? bli ! . ?loll.all . ' ? >mp irtsan. lu the Inti odu, i on to their ?i? clnl i stalogne, lot W< ? W<".-i.lll l mi . ' lent to aapplj Its ,??:::- MostImpoii Ibei tnre erf A?'. ,,ii ,.' i hn '. 10 ""? tons an irly espartad i Inda ?na- i ? :?.? next, an ! , : . . . ; J.? "Plr. i. Igrtealtaral Hall the Norwegian dlspla ' ... separat? ? rtlom ?i general agricultural ex a ? - \l "''it. J I ol en ins I'm' I ...,,.,t..,,,,. i,,, aa ol lumber, pbotojrrapha of the . -.ark race of cattle?the onlj constant native breed, ?ii bmg Iran hand ? sin a;-, i.? ? a? ? a !.i all farm?, ma . m i. i tber, c >ii,,'<-t''?i. .? ?-.. mut i v..,-.. f!?h. ?i-a,I ?. \ itlon li biseult made of dried sab Boar, the ton a of an ml n nt chemist, the late Mr. Anton i:?? widow n ? ?-it. Tbe i?-. nit- are nhn yean old,bnta ?.??, land ;? - when ti: I prepared a Lap* ltiia'a r m a ikdiji ttrawa by a reindeer?tbe aalmal I ?aad ?the ?ama taada ? f i?'?.ia er??re latereeth ?ban ' Tbe unk* : li - ??-. li l ?t t,.'- - ?- :r?? an.l la drap, .1 with nets, n , .ftaiii-i',.-!, m . i. :.. sbape In wblehthoj I . ?? i <!t?is ut a!, tin diflerent i. ?r.'i need by tbe Noruegtea Bsbermen, the - nenbi tbev ? ploy, a odela ??f the ' ? ..- prey, and a otiui l>? i ,.f - l.l.. l ?i-i., i ,.f ?the mi _???!? kinds?tb? i?,,.? thedelphta,tla wolf-flab,the _.? reel,tbeetur* Ke.iii,|belampmcker,the eoal-flsh.and tbe ling. Itl tbe m?.-! na'.u?- and corny I ??; .i >,?>... try to be foond la tbe Fair, aad won iculaNor way** ili. Ihe ?i i i--. in fa, t, hoaatlful ?h ni i h" ?.?ni, t,,r the aarfaee of tbe country i ii tu a--- of hi .?iiaiil henea Bsaatataa, with only a Bar? row i.i (soft altare. ? '.,? l'es Unit , ,,1I.?.? tt, i.e. .11.'..or one hiti- in Mb\ eoBslata ol stable eoll Ifthi eoun?Ueaa bays end Horde that i - I not a warm with food ttsbas, Sforwaj waold be pat? iu?e ? J. _ STATE EXBID-T8. A i "Vi" i IK vit ii OPTUS s? ?li.??, "':.:? AM? PRO i?iti- m un: m\i ?miv >>i rus ?siatks? ?BOM "i I HI I il:,;i: ?STATES m -.. \ j. ]rr. il l l.i. Kl >.i i tl. l .?,?!?1.-i..?|.:.m ?OP TBS i.. I a is:.. I rmi.AI!.] 11 I \, .Inly 21.?A__MN_f the Slate ? ;l-att?!. r'-ir. ????---. it ;.e;,: :,,?-...?? i t display? i . i i. ara* i" paratl, ?.. t ?? )?:?. taanj bemples .i I.? , ? .,. IS, < at ! ,?. -, u,,i s, vend i anebes o; abli ?? ar. -'...v. n. averaging li Inches in v linli, am? ?from ? tn t ti. ?t pro lia i ,1 100 000, Wool i , ? ...?? crop,embracing the rariou lot,?-* v...i-, aal thai from tbe American merino. Another tapli i? ii a;t. Ni. ely art, .1 ?pedo - mi a.?! in-- ?ip;>!,.-. peat?, i?h'i',?. kprlOOl cbetrtae. la eei m lion arithi tied v< age. A m '? udi urn i ?i?! ?. v? i n i, oa I ' . 1 with wat, i for nao. tir. !T :-i i, : ln:ir in ;.?. ? ? BUC ..f ? to I in -t .? thlfl i?,il n. ? Tbcielano doubt,.rever, but Uutthe qual i . ; : , ' i th, clbasate and Boil being well suited lothcm. TbeOn*** goa cord ?-?,??t i ? Tht a bole exhibit i-,;.? eldedly creditable aad it ??u.!.. ta 'i>? tl eynoi. i. ? ibew ??; v..*-!. ,.?.-u Tci but ti . i ble i? are Hue aad ? both ta tbi : ia i a tbi Mi ? ' ? ?'. i : . . .; I 'i? i;?toi?. CAI.Ii?i,l\!\'s np\ , llliss. The i i I t...!\ I?., i, . , bore an ?peril - aalt, el i ? pad dallj, ,?,?t ? ? , ? metala and of unit ksilver. '. tin miiie i.f Du ?Bernarda, i? I both i : r, il i ? present? ,1. i ?ouinl n. ?u a i.n g, tiuaatitii i that It is . jr..? tu? ? .I... ladl lia the a abowi i n, ? - ' . and pl<* Irou, but tie ' in -?? i we i -. An ornitbol , ' ? . i ? ?. . .? ??? ? tut Watt ? i.atii! dista n.? ! - with eo oi it ?bowi ?? ?t.. ?. . ad It i. pre? ati a h It :? -t. i abildttuB. i ?.,'?.'.- n? ? :. \i. . < !.,' I 1 I . . - ,.?? ,,!,' seated I? la m 11 .- ? i ? bal ni- ye . ?i whothei ailb rultw .?.?il in ,..!,?,? ,\t, i.-!-., in . ,.,:. u'nt lb? Ai many ata .?.ii,.', ia ?. Tbeaamberetaative .?????.? aeeaeid abtebarehlgbl) valuable. A- rettbej h ? .1 oak, bad tin m? im,?it of must i.v , i.n.i on ..!,.??.!? ? - T, II i,.].|,?.?!ii(-,|. i!n- in? ?: a '. . -i.'tit I.. i tea of i-.i--.ii*. which la ?i/<- aad^aaUtj an aapettaraa .? \, .., Aetbej ??????. of >??ui jui!>- K, , ? !."i. u is utj, Mt .a, what weak) be tha evei a?''- ?HIli. it i* tul, i ii.ii certain i.?'i ?iba ral a grunt < ?m i" stow a wtlb enteh Bae-te piotlt than t.'.?? ne? ati I cultivai . am now j ...ill ...'at-,o!,liii?.'!.?. We ?ill kin,I? 11,al < . : M!..; - n.? v. I,? ;,; grea , 11 _r ., aaaaptea Bhaars peave t?nti the <,u.?i?;i lea ireolyea calit'd. C'yru is ii?i ou uiucli depend? u u*,s,u ud aata and ' ins. T.K? *..i'?pic?, i-r baat eager ere good. Twi ..r tbls article tare Ma Besa renulag m -.. 'i , and their eoaditbra may be gathered Iroi lin" at-, extending tin lr planting from year to. and thai te of their it? !? i- ra the ami he*, 1 ? i .11? ? I'm- te. The teat thai the \ pi ob ilj ? ? .'..,' ' .. :?? m c Mb rala toi rtn . -,\ .. i ? rm ol itlon, the l ? ? ill?' tbe water lieli ngt ti ' ' ' Uvl K.t'S'.? AM? ?',)!.01 M? ' - ?- an t Coloi ' , ,*. u*Ta ,i altui i!. thon h ? . ? i , pi iv of wheat. ..-'i., corn, grain, both la Ibe sbeaf and measure, la !.. ar'ei, and taetefaL v. .--.*'-, nd myi of winat An ?- ; ? , Isexhl .: ,a :. any atril ,.!i ; ' ! ?" ). .- ?: ' :' (-'rain, tm tbodi of i lltlvatlon, ; ? ' Ian . ' :????- ma) be bad, ?*t* of every 1 nty In the I . . . .-'n-. nn 1 ; ?' les, wl?i n l? int parted, '?'in' A-: ... imitai ' i .? evi ry "? '.'!?.- "i ,-'i-- Icull ni ni ?t' pi ?> n ? ie woo] ?-f th ? n! ? exhibit i- ma ? - te. One b I ?.',' ? ? I r mee. u ? "' ? i, Itlierl larg? ?,?:.. tltl sof <???: i .. ? ' Pittali ' '.. I sil rot ml v. n t-. i .? "t a'.i'e. iiii'i ?. til ?i are ? or . i anil .i.: . - N ? !".?? api . . a ,. .'!. n ..,- ?, ?-,.! i Htl( i ! il ! ?: ? n. Cari ? '.!:'?' I -I ?: . , '. V..I, ?'.le! a i ???i in : Illas! ?itli .. I-._ m, 1 I .I'tiii il- t . !' |< i ??. eiiu ? ' ....... ni i .1,1, nnd probaMi? vtilne oi th? s? ..le Is over -???.?' ill lUl -- "I I,, I'll - |. ' . !.. ! .- "f i r-ni' 1 : ' in has b en i two other place* In 1 hi st n i I, n itni ly, in i : . ? ...... one et a bit !i has in ?*n wori : ' . ! ...11. M irk I ." -".il" ? ttl ? ? ? lit Cu i ? . ' ? ! : oi", wl re in " ? I Hi?.) Iih??*i have i.i discovered Th tit sU Mini fl "I'l |l o<> t' 11 B lll'ia!" - ? l u] ? ni, nt i lie "i o:?.''. ,f .".:'"ii -, t : ??' ,., ?'!,i.?'i' I a : |l ,'!!.,! id ' 1 ? ' ? 1 i . - ? y ' 'i Wl -t:.:.n OltAI*! ?i \rt <. Iowa baa rer?l 81 itea la Agrteul ral Hall. Sin ? ? ?a ? ? ?? . ti Inicua o? m i ; loua of mill -i - t. i a . nything in ?i? i .. i ' -i. ?J be i.. b n ? - nu ; depth it thb great attention, Then Bre30vsrl( lea of gmpea, 160 t I 1,63 ? garden und s retable seeds. The show a?.;.' .bio, since it a .- e. ?i... tli .i tbls frnll ?-nii'.i n t be grown In i ?s u A a ? a is the " R ? .- " o i? s aluabli ? . i .i i fl severe climates. It ta of goe - . :;. baa high . ? '. r, i". ?- I ? In .i innai ?. lit ha I : ?? - i....: 'rot?la* i ? iti n m ad tin-? >? of the iii ? f* trees sold : _,000 each. In appt u n i II resembles the Eed '. -t ,.,.., but II >'? t bettet apple. Ib ?a-bUtl-a Iowa ?. urn! Implem? -it-. ' - i good a a "'?'? ? ? m ?Mtn.1 sre notlc a?.!?-. Ttn re la ? a ! :..? Of sie:.:! ?_ . .-..'??' .cu- ti ut t" i:.i. coal, a - ' ' ports, ;n . . The Agrieulturnl (""..?.' ha- .-m, pi - of eo grown in evx-r* Btateol tin Union, and ?also on latitud ninfea ?jora eaa be grown, v?., in remoter !?? tlah ". ? rl ... 'i'li com grown on ti." verge of tl tr?pica t-? 'ii-'it-. ThiscollectionInclnd a i" sa m : ;. -, aie: il i- II ? bt'Sl es,!' iii.i'!e. Tbert a a tmpli ? of Qiwt-clasa heel sugar made at Freeport Th ivedafewyi - ntbal ', when os?.- half a militen dol?an -, ,. ? ran . . !'.-. IIISC , !'ile ? perl c\;i,a- ?:? Jnsl - ? i ?* ?t 11 met, aud the tret strngglenowIstoreallzeaamall i nuil profit. ? ?...ill !'(? dorn , anj ?i. i "tint at man y a i?in vlll be Invested. Hi ii.. i-, ?Mn-i?-??. grs . . all hind , wbeatlnpartlenlar? tobaeco, and seed oiL lad te sections of fore t trees, of wb] a i :.,. i -;:??! f .- " nn I" It, , ili-pl.'S .1111-1, mil l ne . ?- .?inn u ..n all kinds of grain laJtood abai?e, tubaoeo, as nailve ? e m ;.re--- ..;? her magnificent pine lumber, m ie. - oi N? rt. c "?. a ? -, n? 'i un . run of cereals, unlive grapes, and soils uud minerait fr >i s ?n liiu se? liona. .'?? . -!. i !i. .- a ta-l' ful . \?"!'it o? Pie c.", .1? grown i ?!i. BlHte; I-.:, i !: (?I 1 'ti?"'- e! iy. |,"ii', enal. e. i?hi -. BU in parti? ' ! ?'? ':i l T:":" Ihi salin ? lu?alo, noi* ? .? Iduii - tona ? lie; . aiai capalt of i ro?l n In; (?0,000 ton . . u|,.- il -n. KontL ].????, .??'?' a et jo countl? i. whlcb i - exi el ? 'i !.. m o?u ; for ?Min. '?Ill i s^i. (?.i'-""ct'?ut has n tasteful pyramid of gmlp, re II tbe .' ?, potato ?. and some ol her 11 Net-, Hampshire ha* a fair show of eereals, luelndln i "i'i. maple sugar ai'?! strop, potatoes, forcstw.b ? n - orfe, s-., ml. ?i ware, and t?,,? largeatuffcd bon h -.-.'???.?luit, when abve, tiio'it 1,300 plein 1-. | . ,.,,,..,,.. L-,,.:,t attention. There la al o an old-?nu pi n ? ? a ly n?- fui a- .- study by Tim-? ??un -.-.ill m not tbe i" '? during 50 .Mais in plow man?"at {few-Jersey teemi te have hegue ? ifetnguezhlM and then atoppci h ? ?i*aee nnoecnpiefl. Ap?? late enail'.ltlV 111 l ?4' .-, a ?.'. ,?11 Ml 1 n.- . as "i I . . i lui I ,. r .'?! i - ?itm: ? ': I a- i. ' , . , .i -nt -inni, a good m .n ?" ? hui :i- " ? -i bou ..f ?a. rbl ' ? ' artteli ? ol t.I, nd a ? ul ?? ?ene? f charti t-il-' i.un? 11-?>- .:???inn-.iu !?" variousi clions; also,fam \ . ' . .'."-'.'. a -1 lie 4 a; . ., ',,,.,, doiiu ? li? aulniuls, a? i... s !, . ? . ii,-., ? .'a i!. E ? \ < ?: nlj maire? n aepnraleexblh't of ll?i :? aud ?>t mnrlne uiantifactures enuuected ???n a i a .-, ??? ?m b i? ?-i i.i.'i",. ?un. ??.-ni) iii.-ii .e i..... BOMB _??18 i.Mili II.-. ?in) .?.?tnp.?.? of s.oni of reaiarka? ileaol <-i i ?i "i a- onisbing u"i. n< ? . t.. -, n loua suai . Boue of th ?un i? - in iki . ... , -, i ., t - a ?. colle? t mi ol , ual ?.litiipiiiic? to th anuea to tbe Mala builJin . ucl - ?., . i' Ie novel innl an oj-portaultj tu .-, Bo aleo i ??)" i .vend olb r \>', lernfl ?-ape la Imreby caii..l totbeiu. Attbeln diana Kate lleadqu ?jelmi ol ?mal?ilargi masses, and tbe qnallt] I a- spi. lal -i-1 Bcai large tent in which ? d manj - : ii ",. ' a ;.. i imoilg -??': i_l? I | -alii UUrbk "I S. .1,1 ,. l_e i ?.., 11 s- ' ?( \ :;.. . r c\i Iblts In an ' ton .a i"^ real ol Mae?In y Hall Tfeore am many o i ial, i,"!l nie, -]iee||ii USPf U . ... ! "1 tap i- "' tbe -.a' ; wool. ? . i i? -..'. I iiptia, I.. ?-,;. i m: ? i I mana . r ol t ..:?:::,. ,i t.a .. ? ,, :. ,; ? , . UlOUtll ni ' ." 'I. a . k e,.,.i!ir p.|\ nion, .-.'"i thi ?i aie! .i -p;.i. Ind rate tua |udi nt, and I. An . un ? ' -a up ' ' I. Tbert -,- : nd cotton ii.i ti- ? i ? .?? . m I It a tobe le tue |l '/" ?e ! B'btcb Is to i? Ina;,.' ... .. . i . Ill tura!., uK fioin Meiuplii?. Tenu., v - ,- . .i I re ( . ? , , c ; ne -?mi' ? <?t ?.'n -,i value,. .i ?? -4 ? o - IIU II ? . I oi ... I lV( ? l!\. I o i III II D : ? ? ?? d erui kiuua of leather; blind; Notion Viiidniawiue,kaolin, gyi> ? ' thai .-"in!- of the lai no : ; ?'Si n l, ;,!!?;, h i:.. ? Bud Kl W-. 01 -'. .?: ? : ??? nt. lM'l'.Ni's m hoof, ?2XRIBIT. IPBOU 'ill!, ni '.i I IB 001 IBS! iM>. M m nt Philadelphia, July 21.?The Indiana i In? ri exhlh , m u.lib alo.y ni tin- Main B lag M a of ibe aortt i.'.ai'ii.'.i ? '"" ? n! : ir Statt. It la not a i elle, ? ,i' baa i or eon! rib ? I for in? m i a- mu, imi la II alniplj a cot tlon piper? token from tin cbildmn of tbe aeboola, it la u. :, tbe oi lain nt in. i.... b daritig the last twent M It i ?'?'?' -I lull-, Una!', . ' public ; u ! private Instil : ion . a ii""l offli ??!-. at hool ? ..? .i . a . ii literature, and a .i .: I '.' lebool worfe from the hands ol n it le - titan i ..oio..: hcreMMraa mi goat?. The At ga ? .. aet OB ? I" '? ?' i ial to tl m ill,,, 111 ' i 11 i oui pi. te ?? !i". t in. .. I tbt si i.."-! tyeli a ?m ! n- priai u I ?. bat aiae to pmeeut t?mi ? ? . i ? tul manner nt would noi , I , ts:-i ' e at lent m,i ,,! 1 !..? i | -a., i ?? .? rv?VaeWOll M .. tu. iiiti-i.eai staienfc 'i" title i id the I ni.o.i lafteet ai* tMi aleares ef tbe gal?*] .\ . la?m . ;.. ?i i.. lair.'n tmabllug a freer e_vulatku ef ate aai ? ',r apaae lee tba aiblMlleu ..? the guiaI ! rarlrty itf branllftilhanarr*. rBarto. aaaeaembj i ii?- s| ? at> d. ?.i ?ii te i ? ?' .i - tha ii..i m i tla un?'que. t_fierlug_?m ?s,i> athei aai IbMm ' ilion. oi tiiv yeai?_? u..? tiiu-i? of thaw?m oeiovi aetu, i n Hee s ro?ame nf phonographic ?reports ?ef elsss wnth wbera i|,n-.?i.a- an i answer? arc ahovrn a n?".? wen <?.?.ii, red by ti ?,, bei aod pupil in datlj ?recitatlou ?. a sin la ?-...: , .?i t .1.? little till iphs ... slate, nndof blackboard writing nndurswlng thai in ailuil. ?in.? done. I Im plait, ?.?? It 11. ,1 ? , ,\,'...||. I ?I'l'll 1 I ll li !? ,,,.'. .1 V. ,.: ! i ? - ii. - i .. al .a'' :. ,1 i , lie viewed and al ? i u< i i... * - lo lie ii i ?. ? ? inn li-? ol Hie in i" ,i II., ? ,.,.,,'. n by l li Board of J risiou of ila Pi ? ? . . .1 I?. II AMERICAN PIANOS, BAU.'.' ?'?>??.>'!'.:i "-- mi B-KBEB .??? ?__.PAT.180S -W l.l i:'-- M ?.*??? . :.!? ii \. .i.i:.-. 21.?The ?large ?ipaee oe tupleil In tbe Ara n o? i be m In Bnl! ling by Un ?lana manu . i ,. is, tin suinber of arma repre* bcjI I, ?a? lu'.m ; all kaowa to ('?" a! r ting eoluuina i ?ut lu.liy ll'i.n-inl of .ill!?.lie Of tb IT i ?. i . u ! ? ..? , ?B ?'.? ?. tifl ?... ? .i . . .,r m ikiu tal lu- >???;.i .a ?i. are i I ea of a koea nvslr. In thla I'l.'ii, h ,,.' induatrj ?. n i 'i.? :.?!'., i. to In, rod r..n*_' ?- ...i a ni i u jar. b -a* Its work, lias ' .-, tb . ? 1 ' ?. ? ' .n, , . i ? -' ; tjf 111 t ? ? :. ? i , I? -.'-?'. ?i ?a: ; i da] after the I i. r " ? ? ? ? '.;?,!; on ,?f Mew? York, wli oi 111 need not lie coin m ailed here? Every ? i j .,t i u-. la ?. a cr ? ??l - . i around tut w*, . r In? . and :. ? I until Mr, P .t I ?n ha ; ? ? ? . an l baa thy oue or I ?, ? I , ra il tbe r? ?: : ' ? ' ;? a? ; ami.rho arc hungry ror inore. Tbe concerta are to bj continued,] ander .rlod i ';. Exhibition. Ii is ? test i'.r a piano to be pla* od ia tha mi Si of til, . - ' ?a? :,! ol tli.i?i-ai,,l? of people la a gre t ezhtoltion hall, and few come out of it ,i ditably, bui the Weher "extra grand " appears to ,?. . . ? ??.!...!? i .1 : la -i .-? al i"t! witluul li u iba h "?- stridi oey ??f i . i.?, o ..? ..r t : i ' a- ??i, by l ' ' tl's 0 ir dea, ?? au ?- n ??' '!??? i loi . ?a .. inl i ? Bj i hall combine I, :ia?l I - ?? ir?l di-tinctl. ,"? fro :. I .. a. ; .; ? lenl ? ahown a* tbi ' ? . . e situare, two con 'crt .-:,:?! in, ' id. 1 be I "' ' Of ill i ? ; : .? I !.. .????? 'i - ? in my af the I :?? ii .m i c? mi m ii;,i-??'..i.. ... erfol tone, Thta form of In ? ? . ?? i" ,-:?' ,i alined, f vm .. . ! ' s -nare. i i?',. I, I be on retain - ? ?? .?? i i .. ' . a :.'? . ,) !i . 1 '.?-. II .,.? i, ', i : ia ? ia? b, en l?i il oai tin oui ; t ol or j ? ,i i -, . in .. ? i i . ila. The r>-. m no I -. a ,"i | ell" In i bo ?rill . . , ; . lift tb? lidofi aol tbe W lier up | .?n ? Is in llresp i.. ? ; ?.. id !???? -i'! :?- pla ' U are a I rt-ioing publie, and have boon warml. i_d ? I b, I niu I at. Hat of tin? ? who have glvea teettmoBj t" Ita lain ? .u ?tii v. ?-.i. Nllsson, i.u.?.?.?, Ij? ; . , Wt bit, Kelloicg, - , and ?i aeoso ef other music ,i In of ,- >ai -?-. a |i ?. > la ii"f to be in '. i b Its, was hal ;?,oiiia''., ui ibi exterl * or aa o ije i thai aflorda o m ?.Ti culture si i Is ?? i of two of I I oue ol a grands ahown by Mr. Web *? dispia. wlinlrablc taste and adkill In !!,.? inlaying of rnrinua woods upon ebony or walnnl i, ich tionn Is. ?mil i> i"?.11.. ?; i ;. ?? - i r.i'.i. u -, Unas, tlstll ...-'I: : ? ! ii'i". GOLD OR SILVER, ? A D lUIlLB BTA? DARD 111] 088IBLE. ?XBATOn .1 ? I -'? PltOPOSAI. l" M"V. 'ii/.i: .-?i.v I*::? mb. hi.vkr v.. i .n -i i : m i>, '. u\- nu i. ?pfl u i i i IOS iDi: ?Till i'l'.i:, ?M.OPI IXHAM" 1 i ?. 1 s, / -i 11, r /; ?i i i n r of Tht Tribune. rh ? : ?*??' i ator Jones demanda : il < ngr-eaa al once i ?i ?'h r and, demonetize gold, and i ..i atai I .-?? i? ii'i all t .?? ludigimtion and iiu-e.-oi ;i: i Iver *'!'"? ? in ? rv ions of the Pacific dope ?1 it fails ?to ?a ? e..< i,, this ?I? tnand? A double standard ia au impossibility, on ah urd?ty, and any proi .?i u therefore n nullity, Tlie relatively cheaper ol in. two nominal atmidarda will neceaanril.t circu? late in the exclnaimi ??i the <?!h?*r. Senator J?ouea ?e demanding thai ailver ahall he monetised, nares urily demands thai [??ldshail bedamonctli d. Gold Was monetized by Hi, ? v, . I 1834 totpeei lusion ?,f ?ilvi r, aud ?gold I ?? !'? 'i i' actlcnllj moi i ?the exclusion of liver for the entire period of 42 years, ?Cr?ai iti :.:<?;.< ii. lion Lu _?*.._ i ? > tho present time. I be gold mon?tisation act of l??7.t only complet? ,1 ??nil inupiemeuted ?the ?in uetisati n act ni IS.H. The gold monetization sel ?,l !?-<:>'. virtual!. d< ? I ired tbsl whenever, and -?> long :.- in ?the market, 1 ounce of ?gold should be I he eqni valen! ol a ?u-eller mi i bar ; ban 16?no teea ??i silver (the onnoe ??f go A at tin lime of it? pasa ge being etinivalcnl !., only 1 "t-,,, innci . ? ... i ?Id should be I '. ? tile staudai ol ?it. Tin purchasing power ??! 1 ouneecd ?; ?l?l ,,i?l remain for forty years lees than thai <?1 i<) onncoa ?>i il ver, or? until the close of l,s7:!. The !..?? of February, 1871), rvcogidziug tin? tait thai ?gold tor the paal ?forty yean l?a<i ?beau the sole metallic ?tandsH, ren ovad t???- limil ,,i 16 :?? 1, ?and virtually ?',,ilsred ?that, whatever altould there ftei lie t '??? n I stive ?purvba ing power of ?gold ?sud ailver, g Id should eoutinae to lie the ?ole metallic luon, tar. ?taud ird. ?Since ?the adoptiim in Peliruary, 1873,ol ii..- ai i lemental contirmationof tlie ?i, t of IH'?4, the marl i or purclia ing power ol i ! ! rela? tively to silver hai been gn il j i Inrbed, ?owing to til? dl ! ? lion O? ??lu I ?tl (n I'?.a!!l, I'.lal In 0tfa( I countries >?' Europe, .-, ;.?.| ited changea of 11 '. - ? .? ludia, and in other parta of Asia, and tu extraordin?r] silver ;>?.>,!?.! 'i,,;i in tbi? countr. ii.ii! elaewliere, until ;tt i i?<- preaenl time 1 onnoe ol ?_.?!,I ia equivaleul in Talas in the iiu.?kri. to more (a Ml I'll ollll? <?:? O? Mil, .. H nator Jones propoeee i ew t ? nal,? th?' lesrialation ?,f l*?.!l ami ii,,- snpplci.tal .*ii?,1 ronliniial rj linn ,?f 1-7:!. te m ike for thii > onntr ?here sfti r ailTCT i - ? ?? i' ? I ? '-' ? Ddsrd : t?? d .; i i ?the uielting pol or from this countr. the ??'?! H '!|! :l cumulation? ?i coinage of the i>!-t 10 j,-. :?. He a u i Amerk an-? that if thii '??? done, (? rmany .in,) i',? re t .,t Euro] ?? v? ill be ?mie to ? , imple -. i bj the United Blah . an i wheu In !,;?-, th ? ? ! - ?'! ?ft-tS tin- l- a get - (if ti.e World ?m il ?.ii?elai ?. .-lamlai.l, ai.,1 In* , * :, .,. - .1 ,. n ?i Tu m basis ailvei alone as tbe atandard, I ? aeeuta .iii.i. ui il?it l?e v. ill ii.ii?' ?Mean dansait thai sill ., bia poustila'-.?i? the poopl? of the i'., nie alopo?happy; und be ini.,,t ii, ?, it, ,,iii!*,>' and threatening, thai it thii ia nol done, and if ?the great lil ver i id ?resto! Ida elope ?- ?aol ???.'?>!?? t.-ii, a bow] will come ?from everj i Bon andraviueota iiatiii. i iffli i? n i i.i appalling i" mal tl ? ? m the ?halla of Cougre-sa ti? ..???l?-. Oue would infer from the ?tone <-f the honorable ?Senator that California wae a Mm- m vin. h the production of gold waa uuhuowu i ?thai the silver i id tbe Tii' ,ii'' alo] aaa ?th eo itrulling, ?Baraiaouut ioie.e?! of thai lope, and ?that II ?mat? h-red li '.i. i? "|ii>- ??f tii .t ?<?? ; -on ii ?gold j ihonlil ? ? d< I thro ighoBI the world, and Bbonkl ' ? ? ? ill ? ?be m - i ' ? r d . id. He ace i to ,??,??!, to be m., nlmlful ratl i r ut t!" t. I ? product ??! .'i, ?' i, gion ?Is ??! grt ?? r ii.i- ; poi - .? esilver; thai I i value of tl ?product, even In I tie ?pi i liona i I i '? i? i ? ?I >i ? ?thai m- ? ?,i,- ,l? ?-.-.t ,?? aliar 1. ?ili i pn lu iug, is fully ? qnal t?> tIs ?,t ?of the ilvcrof I In ?sote i itory. II tbi ..." lion of tho ?demimctizstloii of gold aud the i?.?l in?,'., n.' ; i.f silver is to be settled by de? inda i ,: protection ?from tbe Pa li< -.? , ? ita : " il products, we : hall Bnd ?? ben put to the te i thai tbi i ?\ In i.f ? I ?, a le and nnlvei ?1 u',,!.| stuiidartl ?? II Ira iceml i -, i n ? i In .?, and ini|-?or?Utiii ?-. : ?? crj [rum Of 1 i.i. . ' al ill ?a m, li.- ||j ,. ? I n ?. I, and the unit ? iuiieti_.ition ,?t sil.ei, I ?*?i i... pi ihIuc i i "i i In i i? ' ?lop iru an? il nul liodl) in i i.? i ,,l the ' a - , ,. ? ?in of (.?old i ' lard, anil .n? i ?reatrii'i d to itt aubordinaf? p>Hitinn. alegul i rdei i?l pa) Ule 111 -. in Iiiii.i,?,! un,? an,i -. I I? I" it til - till lllle . ;,,,,. tiia! un o. i : ? al ?ii' ' ' i leiri .-??ii lim Jonas pro pi i ass to ?, iblu li it wi ?I. in.,1,? n/. ? ?gold, aud o ?reste .? -t. igli -_i.n,? .t lilvor. x. jfaa i ?" a, .lu..? i?, i,;_, s ?LETTER8 FROM THE PEOPLE. wiivr wv-? Till: I'l'i.'lTAN BI7NPATI nu: c.suM s i .,, i m i.v i>i:\?\n AM? I?1 BUI l?SV. ft the Bittet of The Tit'uinr. Sin -, \\\ ,t is caned " The Bnnday ?Qua* ii, n " likely to im., ii', ind fui i in, not nul* In it* riiaticn m tbe "fettoual Bxhlbttiou, hul la i? mural aai area Mb pollil al bi n nge, II gaaa iti ptaaa ta a "pi Mona" eoaatraatad in meso ?>t ?'?ir f.-n.fs-i-itt.- a-, s?.-. i. aaile tbey call in? iselvi a n? i li in a -ii.l frame resol liions a* ?. , i it,-, aa i prop ?eetl tire bam bo i ?' itlon or ratal ? to tbe keeping of Bond is or laMmtlHtay. 'lin >? .I, !,??: -'?.'lit ?iian am twe stdeatotbal l'un, a?d thai ii ?rrery ama im* ?~g tbe ?_tyaebe , my day at teat aad ipm-t amy be nil rty de ?hole., ii i.e ?o,,i, .-, to have ini;-ii- ? ui ?l in. -,n_ and bH ...i i.iii.ii aaxt il" n. Aa a peopto, natfemally? 111, il y lia. Im n to it? a ilav "f pat?? aal r?l, BOd ?I aa] ?. bob . n* believe, yea know, thai i; <i m oi : ii, ?m i m.? ir us ?o i n i ; in- rape ??? la an? nry, nut only morally, but BHutally aai physically. Brea animait hobt out better who a iteaedLaj in mvea. I began fey asking a qaeatfcm, T_ re i i mnefa eutei ? ah inl th ? Park ton Stroday with ap . ,.. gall Idea about It, ex* i ipi thai ?t U?i art ?-.. thine Hi it ?at mm aa ! li irah and ??i- i-'t-i .? ?.!?''?. ifauyol the Id ie are ItAtea from tbe old ? o:,iii-e;:eut '? Blue iasv-t," a I,m ,- -ijiii* ssliii a bM 01 I t ipinteiiand???.pioited of Hatea. I m?u as py ?wim ?? !i"iT, ..n l i: oarried Ita ?absurdity on Its ? n ??? it ha i n r : fh svn i leal for frontl pi? i. A lea "it. " Mam', dad's ken ? ?! a man eh.-twin' to liaeeei " and tin woman'a answer la, " My child, be will bave in ? di m i ?ut ?rhat was re illy the Puritan fl ibh >t!i t Ths name . im aus " il is ci n t," and ol eoni a up n m ? i,,..ui differ a-1?? i?*:, i lie wa? a d ? i religious duties ; but when m u llu.l their lit ier lllltie-.. Uttl lit ?a" to tbC II'" 'I- "f ?I -I'll it II 'I ' 1" u ? conducive t?> ti,. ,r happiu ? ?-. a ?" - i ill ?-? ? a ?? tiioni t Il m :i ? a ?las of i" .irai, i, w_? ItI lud ire davsof \s i.o -ha?; . ,. ? u.. i? nul ? in ! T .?? m' ti Lit" li i i - ? n tu ? e,i' effect? "i a riundav ?pi ni m ?.m ?;, and games and di il pat ion went to a place where tbey ( I Uve u i k .? pli ? l a,, i nade tbi Ir ?f a laws Ttuete wh .1 I not III u th ir laws were not In the in?at hound t<> ?."> wbei*e ib?*y held ? is world s\,.ifore Iheui. Wb] go there and i,i' u com pi ilit I in . i ?ii. i e i- t. ?pi i i i e a lia .- nf s\ Liai ?" ?' of ;..'? *" ? ? call "I ptBVity.** 'I-a t.'!'; :? - it fii-'i m. i'i' efl i' iii-.ini her BUI] I'. ?IiT ll.l til I ? ?ail' I i i te, IS efe .. . 1 I ' ' - 11 .1 ' , i ; '? III -l' '? ? -, a rcstrsiinl and a bittern***-*. I- no! a .i.??? of reel a l'IIS,:'?.'' I Bnnpoae men ?i i rel d l??v:iii?e the) , i i ? ... at i fhl -m i i?.? ti".,,., i 4 .a, ferre?! to be kept awske bj i. .i.a,..- ? ami <i uni ..u ' nil a o.'.irni i"i? l.i it proccasl? ?i-I Thej kit ????. b tier I a III!. '1 I.? >' 1 . i ' i ? i ' .? i.l ?? N ll'e'l e.l.l III' l,el, T 111. '1 I BUI, i tea 1er th? ? ' lit, . > a i.oii win ? ild ol tbi l'a n in ? - which - - ?? n turn? I out tbe b al i '. urn I im-IhI ind -, i, oui m,n , udi '.; tuen a ? t- m made Uk ukmI thriftj natloa.tlu teweet : i ... - aud ci imiuala.' \i e ..te ..o. mnlng a- a peo le to t i - 01 -l'"l' { .!.!., Hied ?? I ? e'l'.:. Ol. in. ?s.a., ? r*iate, 1 ..- ,|. - ?,., , .. ? . - , - ; it d II ? ,. n ,e - ? ; ful III ".-' I ,.! "? H Ml- .. It.m?: " ell I t?IO n?V.-l I ' -? . I ' lie i n ,-, i.a I ol tu: i. Now, to n aroudct-ftil ext ut N.iuit iy " ie, iviie'ti," tu i? i- t?11? -I. a ' : 'i i ?? i? go together. (iivi tin*?lay ol real i" tbe iiidt?a*en-< ..t lite nwer na? ture and rou take a .. ? ".I" Ol OUI .'-' ! name ,,: hunt; nltJ " . ha? h c nice lu rise, li it mu?t be Bj I iv. If men in be tal ?.?..". !.?? for i.e ta. Finally, no man. be i ?? s?... uau, u .'.? - ..?.m, politician, can work aer?-B d??; i In I 1 - .- thing I. ai !? I m at i' p !' ?? sT.ei ?-..?. ???;?;, t. ? 111 \ .ii.l, b down, bad written leti i -, la ni I lie p I pel ., an I ??? ,ll li !? ? l !l. nil ? i,,.| . . . Ill? . .a a ?! in s?>- liad lo i i.- ? ? i h I , . s?. , : :. m his II 'till- : ? ' ? ? ? ' ?? ?IS m.?n. it ..? tha Lan of rest tt I In tbe ..'-.O:' V Of I . ,1 ' II ' J . m ru il "i e -iitui. ??'. oi . i. ? ? i ti'"i, n?? e. i lircns? m ? oil ?mi". l.i.x. .Wir-lwi,, JulJ 11, I - .?' IMPERILING Hi M w I II B, s i:i. im i- i n i ?'.si. in is i a; ? nil-, itr M'"*.-i?::i.ri v ?)i' im ?ii.ii' n i n i si.?. re tkt giiter et The Tria n Bib; The pre??cnl windition o', afitira inthla ? c .i i.,. si it?i our long ?flail) ree i .- "t Iti of human 1 o by n I nn -, .,? ' i, ut-, in :,a:t war?, an.i ? quite ?cri?os cu ugb without adding I i , ttttend ?.??iii'iia- ?m their Journey throiuththia rorldbythe atupidll . Ignoran ?'-, or i' iv.!e--;io - nt thorn In antbor ;t-.. Bveata have ti i entl] <"'u ?- ? In i b ? I. ". i:? ? health und Uves of many tuen 1 iveb m pul In peril, for no other teaton than ?" - tisl thou liuol mat one ?'. ?i ????' ?. >r st?tl?>ii ilf a - : s -t nf ill" ?people et old ? i ? .. reqn re the .Individual .??"?.. i. -,r u to Imperil bl li;.- for no good pur?,. How !. ppeoa It that with ti.?- mer?try ?t Liu.*ty it : esln I ,e ?!?:,,:,. BU] IDI n ? ID, I : ?' ?? ?i , OP I r po ?"! ii'-r?, nr other cm/n?, to take ? . m tl leh inn.' im?, for tl ?? 'ii'i use ? f at* lending an " ? Uli I ; fui ?? i ro* s a \..' : hat tie ;?.??':. t? .-.- - i i . i j. and " in* ?p itors"and Ma< it?rala " :.??: bavi Ibeu rai in-i : n ?I Bianj days si o, t pel : of Brooklyn v. ? buril ?I. a J o - ; . ? .- . : - ? . teat of the Bummer, an inapcetot of that i i I id the cnulty to or*l?ir a i., i i ? of - i. " ? ? 11.- pro] r i ? tl' a la I '.. i . -.!..! I'r.llii "il. I , " tlMllo'l e . | -e,| bj till -?! mi ?-?".. .-lei II .. u in i; i.e -' l...."?. ? ?! c . I' . ? .??'?.? ; . . '? hile i lie ?"' " ? i ? t : a . ?i ?>l .tretaof ihel rt i in. mindi this it ni better i lian i n : r, ind ' .. n , . ? . i ial : ,' ion aliontd lie held 11 -, n illile. . i , m ., a "i , , . i. : - . ;. -.:?.. : iin to i ? .t ? bi K-.i ? ??' ' ?! a It ill . t ..a i oun a .,: i ? ! , m if || in ..?t,:' ? '. a. "''in a. ita u ; a IliiiK aun, nul . ??. ill >k( -..:.' ?:,, :, ?* ball.u. ,???!. II".? ifU :, siiiii the ne? c< atui. ? i ual "ti I In !? i? ? ?.? . ,it l*to '?. ..... ?I )' at ii militar) o aplnj - niitl ? l_ ml fi uiusi occur u . .a ' tie months of .1 n . .1 ; , Aii.tutt, aud Sept uiber. tU*y wil uni II il?) we, In i'o ? I. pu 'Ile, itei lu? i il ?..i,, raja! W b) -. i ai I ? onl?*r m n lu m : nd a 1 til aneh i i foi i d m ? "1 - a.e- a. Il, 1- li'll H -Ha o, a I.?.Il - . mid "?? .i,-,-. .n tbi? l ind, i" . ait. 'i n m a turn ? ? i . ? 1. ?' a i . e i B uiavor, al? Il ?'?? nui lier, a tucin er of a r?!glment, 1,1 ?I ( OUI .."Il ( ..mi' ;. s i ? - '? miar? nol i n i?.- Ble Horn ?. s.-).tf .li ?a n -s, i,and Uve no futili r awajr thau Ni -?.i-i... I.c ici ut leriible bluuil rail uup l'?.iie, ?. ,t i 1.? . ?> i.ii .. -. i a bul mu?. m i. i. ? u.en. came near i t... : ,.: fatal toa I ? i um ?? ie ?. Kot .m m s-, im au i "i .a a n 't |?I d . :.. .- n< i ? u ? uni .i. i ? i.. ,'??'-? of a i, s '? '.. ". ;? ! up i u tu three au ? t ?. '. i e : ?dr 'ils t.i i i > ted with the heat, nid liov. t;.- Ile h ni tint .n tu selid I . i ? ? i i a' - tot ?a un? umpiuoiil su '?', ? ?. t ii ? ,? 11 [Mai. ??: .1... . 11 olel ,.o ... I ?'! ? I V't ? I a. I . I ? . ai.M true lu relu '? u ; at ?.?;-. it i. 11 i m lu il to ord r m i lo tbe sbud Cive I ? ? .: - , - . ..n, ,i '.,:? : i, ,J .-..,?.. I ,0! I . . . "e! !. ? .i i '.? i : rel ; : d . ... .' ,? han I vt la ,l t is .1 "? ?III. i in l If it.'. ? - not, ? be pubUc ahouid i ..? I ito lit ?'!.. 1 I I.I . .. H -.' ?,,..., .SI. I). Aeu i..//.,.In!? 1 -, 1- I Tin: RESUM?"] ION :av. i.M'i'A'tvr. oi rra phovwions ? a copt op id S' .. ?o thr Editer et I ?'? t Tr I '? one. Bib: Will you ta go kind tu i?? republUli u e la a . ".?n e . kn is.n ..- tue i; .. iptlon act. . an u. ?? i ?. i ?? ' - ? : i to know nothing o It - p jvia I : I ? ' ' ? am <Ug that BUUlb r. J.'" ' ? . ?!.'.? 1 ?. . .?.. J. ( , li,. sill. er ? ? -?i :: 15, in si ' ' ? | - ? ??'? for ;)?' remet ?n ' payment* '.. i. ?, ? I ? , - ?? ,? / ,'/ ,,:.. ,,, -, ntatt 11 : u' the t'ntt'ti lita to) I .-? ? ? ? ?? ,//....? ?I .. a'? ? I la . I . - ||| ; .. i .- ?. li,-:,- iy authorized ??nd rcquirei : ',.-,, t. r i .-'? t" lie e tin? d ut tiie mints of Ihn I iMtatea ? " n? oi the denoui n iti. !?..... ? ??< .en:?, ol atan i I to lame Ihuui . ? .- .::.,:i ni an '??! al nuui ? i and . inount ? i cm ren v "f -. ? . it l.i- disci .' m. i.?' m - ? n 'i tue mints, i Ue ?nli-tre pi.? il' ?. .- ?? i . ml .?.. Bin] upou auch i- ?ue lie t ? bi ? q ? t to re I? em mi ipi .i anu am ??! ?ui it li tctlou iiut "f -ir n .i-a, -.i mal fuirt'uct iidiiiii ?hall i" i ? - : ? ' ? ? "a l,*?_1 ..f he Revised - ol tu.- Ifnited .-la" -, - m .. i|e? fora ?ha? -e of nil ?uld ?. und ben ift? i no liai! i"- m ni? ?i - IIOU 5.177 Ol ?u- R , i., .1 ? : ititle? nf - In .iin (the :i*3 ?? ,:? . ' ..i rir* ? i .-" ? i. -?i ? ta , ...ii le-ll I! " s.::l: . ? latin ; law 1 in'Ct to ?aid limit : ?'i'i n?-?. haul . ? v -,. ... ,? ,,, .n ' ' . 1 '."?.? o::i .- : ? It.? it,. .. I t, ?(? ,-I ,,, .? ,i I a_-ii-i ?ate ; it t th if law I riluUlou m Nat uual b m e irreitcj lates .? i ! 'i', i.. !'??.- 1. . ? ...- ?!. . Il I s.,',, .oi, ; ??,,.( 0 l: 1 ? '-. Ul IlillK li '?' - ibS ? Im- |.-u,- | to ms m h ba ?" ,. |i !-. il .-I i li bC Ml' i|.|- 4 nf l,,e -. ,.' | , j ,, tout) lu lb?* i ... a . i n,-, I ? ! ite i n.iii ? ? the mii,i ni n ? i :.?: hank ni I - o I ?iietl tu ?inj iui ta ..I I.lit: . a ' i. lure Utiii ?: until Ha .?? m u of a-' ' ?."i'o.ihiu ,. ? i ?ii i, ami no more. In,| nn .iii.l .t <i i1 i?t dar of January. Auuu Uoiniul ;?,':?, ? it y of the Tr .a.i the . ?? ne? lex il :? u ? i not? ? then ? tumi ? n He ir ,.,.. Ill II for .. ?I? a,nil.?!! .1 I ill if till \ ? -I it'l I ,e.!-,.|. I ..: I . I Ci, | HI im- ? its ?.. N .? i ? ?,. i.. ami ? .?: ..??: . I" ? i , ? ? II. -i.? try o\ ? l . 111! to pi ?l'an- ami prut nt- for tin ? i m" ? .n In tbla act authorised "i 11 ipi,,. i ' i i.? ii-e aaj surpiua revenuoa Iruiu i .m ' 11 iu iti i i. a iui. not o . appro ?n.a?,i, aud to la tie, ?sell, aud uiaouss of, ui uui leal t , ... .1. ?IMMIGRATION OF s?i:'.f.VM?T.i?s. -mi' ti ?a in i ,?? *,i,,i::.'- i;-, ' ni ii ?.nil. mas* i ? ?. h .? - vu v r HU ' i.i? i Hi: ii i ni ok; a? hon f To I he Better of The Trthmit. Bin Con-seraifig tint nMnafiset-re <>r steel in thlaoenutry. ?andtbeexl aordiaory amauat at ptaui dea ta? ? abaiag tanir.'ii'i'i- to thai artlels, viz.: ?f ?a 10 i. .11,; ? ,*7 ? III ?lertoil, af'il't. ?i? 1" ' ??'?'? Ot ? i!?.rfm on _ tlilr?! ?1 ..,.! .. ? i- ? Hi by Un' , nil? ? , ???? i,, , ?, ?? i m, tin ?a ! i-i, '. of the . ? In m ? t.. t In I ? . i -' ,' ., ?nul v.i rim a tii.iu !.ni.?i:iii?l f,, t...- m inufactnre ? , ? i?? gntt - ,.i the Cuato on ?-, by ?SI i ? ? ItsbedBrmi ?altead' having eonneethma here >-<. A a': an i? ; da el 50 ? '? isdtegl ii ha? lasea ?re ceatly BBBOBBi ?I !"?? ta,- pre a that tbeoldesl rteel i . ,_ iniii-i* azUtlag m Sheffield nan ?pa? worki in New-York State, iBeerporsted a eompaay, ?sad ? a i be -a ! i mut?t ti ?iii.' i*? el mi Iba ? ittti .,, i, .'?ni.* ? i ., ? -, i ? m t ? c iiy la coiieertK d, irltli Iti ??'? ill and i:?-* <? ml id protec reayatetn bow enjoyed byom Da? tive produ, era. 11'.,.,? ii ,,i-,-1 aro i ' : 11 ? i v i -1 ? i ' at, and ,?! ii'? Inroj mind I? Is bnt the bt-ainnlns;; if ?me cunea, a,l .-In ?ill ?I ?m.i all Bteel-d. i III follow. Vi'ben tli j .? . ?? mil tied, and lb? ?m ... of thi ii mu rabb iii? ? p ida ?,v,?r the land, what a curious ;...-,. ,. .-., iiail pi -, h' I?a ???-... :i". ii ?i with iiie m?, i (killed mai I'l.'-ti'iv; ? in ta ? world, vi/.. our own, .,,: i,, ited In iintii!? r by tiif iuiportt i article, with un? i caplial, plenty of cheap labor, and ?i tarif on ?.t. a>ut , oiidltlon i, ?m,.,,mi? li, prohibition, rbii la not Im iidnary, i m-, i ?. ,?u_-i,i pi ? ??. ml m Inevitable and InruRone eon : ii :,?. . be .,1 .i ai Is, ?. i? Itli iu, i. pro pe t_ in t , W i il Ii ?? ? h ir . ? *.-i it ?i -, : , do ! l\. re ? i ,', .. i. ?m ?,? ?,,,? rat' -, or ? ikeofftlin duty woolly l ?Tue ? m .?a igin. Inllii nee ol an em ou . ? I baa liil.u u,i ||| lUl l'a. . d -? itCS ??II ill.II? II- ' !.?(! i ? ? of m .'?'if.n ;..:,. - ol i.i ... ole, .iii??ii_* which to-day e nip in."ii i? .?! Hi.? im ?i-,--!, and production i- ?a-iii over .|.. io. Is It u 1)1:;, that U !i.?' pre ol h, ' t .\ .-. nii'iii'. i ,." biisiui*- will In wholly ruiued, ? indue toon wo are offering ?teclmaker? of other . ' uutrie-, ; . mov? i., ? ? ? '. 'in *!i. T .ul tbeti in i.i. op t ?t. also under the beu__n protection ,?t the .'?in -la ?'.1 it i_ i ? * ? ,,. Juu? -j-1, 1870. JEFFERSON' ? 1??>-? i:\D\NTS. ? i.i i Ti.?; i Boll ? III iOB 01 lu. i:\r.U IOI 01 TBM QBEA1 \ I?:,.IM'..v. To the W il I I " f a ?' / /> f ir t h it ne . Bib: Peruiil me tu c-orrect, ?w tar hsi-in cone i m I, a ???.'? iii.'iit In your pa] ir dm ?,_* .1 : ? -. Ton at "In the Woman'a n portmentof theC aten* mal Bullding then la a cose containing flowers or frntta, or-?? m otherwotaaa'awork, marked a- toraale." i?,iii tlM addition that M tbey are made by the des ad atsof ' t orders," Me. it tint ?"'' aorvlvina ara ?i rboa. ?i. Baadolph, the or ?,! r.i??. ?.eferaea, I bar? Laveatlgated ?tad .i-.? ? i.tu?? ?1 ?thai soae <?f tin- deaeendaata of Mattba ? ? a -H,!:articles at theCeoteaabdExbi? bltiiHi; aofara tbey ate eoneeraed ii I? an Inipoaldoo on the i ?i.i. HTDdants of Mm i Jefferson, wbo ? iii-i iveil Mr. JeV.rsoB. I eanaot *?i?.-.i?,- for. bel have bo n ?? ?i to auppo ??? thai the an ? lea beloi | to tbum. Their a .'"*i.?r received ?. property team Mr. Jefferson. i . ?: ???? miaut-ut Martha Jeffieraon Inheritednothlna ?.i? i Mr. .1? :.. . ?"ii bul In-? debt?. Hit executor, hi? oui -i .'.?.ni-,,,. |..,:.l ?:..? il ..*,,! aftei Mr. Jefferson'? . ?. .-i ? ?il i,? lu? oi?:i . xei tl ins, and Ibna umI bis elan..;atlier, memory from the atainof :?..*... ? . na di - - uij ii ' ? all ?ire poor, matt) i*crv poor, tho women even support* in_- i:ii'iu-e!i.?- by tin a ,,'.?a exertions; bul nuae ?? i to be eon . . ts of charity, or solieli or.lers ou ii.'-.. ?: ??t M a-a lea? ,!', t!-' . ' ! Ill ? t?f t.ielr poverty being held np te the world to ? i... .- ? . mg or a corrupt age. not t?, lay i ?rru_?t ?, ?i -i- : i,.- . tfully, w. C. K. l;.iM)'.*?i'ii i harlottt nilie, Julj i ?, IS76. A IINAM1AI. ?M_t_V. i h ihr Multar o i i he Tribune. Sib": Whal lc^-i-l.itive eaactnienta would be desirable In view of the pr?sent oondlUon of tht louutty i I believe that law? embodytag the following principies ? . operate i? ueflcially : i. peal the law rcqulrlag a teanmptton of ap?ete pay* ii *'J ; withdraw from ( realati a the Katun ?: curreuc. aad replace II ? Ithti aaury aotea; sad estsb li-ii ?i vaina tot the use ,.f money that shall not exceed tl. it paid by too business m, a or :?.,!"?? ?:?!_ Battons. l.?'t the Oovermaeat laaaa loons ??t the i gal rate per eeat? on ?,'....,1 and aaf? lecurlttos, the maturity of aaeb loaju to be al the option ol the borrow? : ao long a? the Interest i- paid ?? ?I t ?? -?? .i? i? ii??? '..i ??? to depredation. Such duties should be levied on the Impo. tetloa ol srtt . | rod ell? ;? thai km Df pro? du? iu ..,- ?-. ill ;? ??!. . ? Am, ' :? in .i i i. ? rhe ilutle? on Ii.'is shuiild i"- paid in -told until the accumulation ,?i ?.??'?. i : ? ,.???. a ? , ? (Jor? um ?ni?: foi lbe< urn ul ) ear, tifti-i which they ihould be t?u?l in Ti .-ai? notes. The current expon? ? of Hi? -i... .; ,..? ?...i.i ... they ?o . ? it.- Iu ue ? m "|..> f. .m soun es i???,. lie o?.- i . <?i .ti . ,r\ ImuIii, -s may be In.tullieleiit. Let III, . im - ,,?? ln<n'li loukll I" I Ue l.u ...'!. ... ? the lai :. ? ? ndebti lessol the ?iovcr?? ment, a",-"i-,iiii'.- io the coutract? under which the ?ei eral m i.i- . Aft, i 111.i a.;..|?tl?.a ..I (In- i - ? . ??f th?s" m?,...-iii?,t?.?. there should bu a dlreet tax l"i*i ?l ? ii. n-. -'a-. ?.?.?..'?? ?a...- to Its valuation. The lii-t ,,i these laxes should not be I, istl mon -half of one iiei . ? ul. uor more t lau ??.i . ?.?' cent, (istiua dnesi.?! '!...? ? urn .md i io sum obtali e?l n .'|!?i be applie l to t'.,? liq ildation ot the laid m.i, i, ad* n? -. v. ..;.... ;- , uee ol these din cl tax I thi ?"1 une nf i!?'? i '.: r a, mat .? ? mad late to i!,,,i' ' ? Is of commerce, the(lovernmeni ?i,?.?i .1 rap ply ii?, ?:. a a. a ???? .. ? !-?? i - ai i. a? lin.?ii loan? to the l ."?i?'.' a: the ! ..- .I rate .?f Interest. 1 bis mi tin l : mill b ? applied as rupidlj a? t.?? -, ? |, ? ? i-, m ai? ?? of I e ?l:..i.i-,.,i system may udioit, and ?. i ?: . .! thi entire curn uc) . Ii ill !,?? i .<? resul! ,?r eut to tue p op I? . the Inl r*esl on ?? ?? ?m ..?? ?i i ?. -1 -.=..' i i -1 ? i i? venue i ?? ?theUovi turn, ut, i. heeler, >,. 1., Juue 16, 1876. r. Bl SUMPTION AN!? I.! IAL-TENDEB BO?D8. ; ?, //, r I ii 11 h r ?. ' . I . I r i h i n e. Bib: Votu columna exhibit a papular 'lo '?--i m certain ?prupositloBa, via.! (a) Specie la the e_dj ? ? .peel never li,? '? ? >?:i. aad Bev ir will be, the i tedium of this counti \ gold I.labovoparb a full and bou? ?rabie ttlementof a debt Id) Thi '? * ,'. ? iknote i? b traetionalpari i. ...i i. II i?- ? i ? nable In gn euba ,aa -? M .. ?li il , : ?i. ;., t;,,. a-old bon l? of tb? ! - tes are fu ted to other ? . : ral part of the ? ??h : i/' ! world, , 'i l he .?' itloaal ',.,nn ?sota ? li ilatton Ou tu?tes with th< ? b ads, and decreaaea with theLr la* i ? lion of ?evcral 1 .n . ''.?? ?-iii.? of tl:- IToitod BUtea la ?Id in the noon ? centers, iu the ??? Btik-lan?l and the ll.tuk ,?i Ptaui ??. ;.tl ? m till e ? ? ?i 1 ?' nt ? ?, III, ?net i- . Hie L'ul tunnels,asa ?tan vi a ni i a a* .1 a.i foi Hie ?i IJiisim ititiual i ?,? i.. non lut, ? ? . , tai thai of Kn ? . luudred millioDs. ? ? ? ua ?lion i ' ?uto reit? r .!? . the i- at ..f " l ?gal* :> els" at ditferi it rutea of ?nteres! ? oninii u< in ? _ per ? ut. i n ? .i . i Is i ? roti : .?. .? a ill It* ?... valut i .? -? !> >'. -, -,.hi a ?? ro* serve," flic circulation ??.' the aaa natui Hie currency of tue l a teil - ? . tetl : ,*r,....... ... . ...i .... no i .??...-?.. ' ' ? t-r$',ili .. . Ml '. ' "'.?' ?? , ,? ? .1. ? , ten 1er Inui.U. ?_?? III ? . ? n I a ? -, - . !' '.?'" ?,000 . ?. i i nil ..,,.?, '?'?u..; - . ? ? ,? i ?? _. i" ?-.ilia-t .mM, ne values , ?i leiral-l ml, r, lev idrawn .,? ia i -? ? ? ? Ipai In - a Pi ru. "i Mu? ?.Mu-i ..*?i.. 27, l 76. BAHDOLPB K'".i ii- IT mi- rxi?iiiii ?.v. ?? ? t a -' /. ?/,'? ?? " ' I ?'? a / r i ft une. mi;: The official ?catoltMjtie of the art coll-ec ti a .,! .!.. i iti lulal ? . -. m : r the bead of "B ?? ? ? -. Borne," the a unes <>i lwo i cees, i t..!- ii bl< a the unli itructed 11 dtor n ij ?? k la rain, ? i they are pirn ed In an obscur, p ?-; i . ?r of the rotunda of Memorial B?'. ?al Hum . . . .? i: I, of iii'ii.'.ili'Ui ni ?an* I.m I ?>liat _* two men trb loua Inslpidltl , dul) i ?and i? irlns U_ a ? M ?? ? ? ml ?Seam. 0 .. B md ?lp ? i. ? ?? , ," ' - "'?'?"? tenu hi-. '. -? :. n pr?stala ! maneesf " ?The ?Lasl D :? ? ??' I' ? ' '?" Nv ; lover an,i-i t1,, terrors ol I em which l? baryta?thedkmaat l_ty. Iiei dendot tersa,Itadrapery iwepl !?? the .? lad, bei > " m? ? h ui'l aaainsi her ear1 i I - ? the ? iiiuds n inill ma? .?ill?I. I.? '??? thleb ,!ail?ii,-. in?! ? iii? i ulina i?i ?,? te ? ? ? ilde ot <,., is,a .i . ? ta -(real -kill ?'"'I feeling. In the ? a t., thi?, ?iii'li cl. i i. ?.- In t ut? il- ni.i n| lin t, ?. M i m et ? .??. i ?ara ? Idi* reialud, ,l ??f tua n- iitdiul.? >i ahlah lu spire I .in ? ii1,?! ?r. Ittelo :.?? ? ?:?? ?I Ibal ?the proper authorities will aee tu,i f,-.? t :.. rabie aorki are dul) it. i. >?:.?. i. an.i re ii.i t?i .i moi ? ?? "i lli v ami nu n,? coiiaptl' loua pualtl ?u tii.m thai which Ihej n???? n cupy, Marble? lia? tu, ?? ami tin? m. i.i.- -ladea ol -t??i? .n. t ...m. oompvnsuiion te lim dlsappolutcd u-ui, .?ho mbjht hastily cumiuau from l.i* survey of Memorl il Hall thai ?tcclp'.ure ,?-.-? rotten art. Am ricana too will recall with pride tin both of these artilla are tln-tr c et :.-, :.nti l .,-. i? ;,?. tal.u nn/ door?deal, ued ;.?. U tai to. v. ??-.? n,, the M i Pktiedttphia,Jaat 7, L870. i. -)?lki:? IIlxt. A VI'HOI * ' LAM iv 9CB<>0ta\ Tit the F'I Her of The. Tit hour. Sis: One grogi evil j>- <? ?:l..?r :?. >*>ri_utT s?'!i:i'?i.i I would like to ci'! attention to, aud II It aa ssiii'?i ?-si t-t <??-*? rv.-mt teacher ?Ml no : thai Is, (' at i lift." i? a ! 'tire tOatyef i? 'S? v. ; ,,.,. ,v t heyeutbt I ? m tba primary tehee - ?!? largely oT Aaaerteaa pa ran la ga, aw ti?<- i.? ,n.|,j ordiaate, aud em returned by the dlrecl - ??? ?,, ,i,, i.,:.- "'I li. I ht im. a-- '. I MB ?? fW I SSOI They an ?iegravi i. i tuai eat, autearhaMe. Taksa bsa the tcbools la theMprii r to Bjntn Ib thi - '?. traders during tbe fab a?d (?? ? ? ii?' language hiuI vicioni tobavloi In I thej ha .o t mil-race a thai Lt",*s-i tar? to return timenad again ant? lb ?sad 16 y< Bge, -?"."? elj !'? ir:"in- anything BMIB IbUB tbe BHBM rndUaeuta. Tbe* ?- tl/fo-m a cm . ?,>-,, portion of the pa] Is of I iili ni ? Barely tbem no Jm : , ? . ? , i bun? it cilia n i"i )?uch a el i ?-. J be dti .-.,?!? ?' -'lie ' poli I ... !"-!.'i the . ' I lias. Mh-uild be cul ihort by Umltiug their stay u, ? \mmry and a ooiul ity a ?hool i to ?i i ? ? tain i; tal o ? il tboijghl ev ti v.'hi t i shall not be read, lei us re.., ? i .- ? ., ai. In :..'.' tbep let I I , i,e, " If oh an ! ????' . ... ... I oui - ? " ,?*i.?i.i! ?,. the publie '.".il !'' Let na. as I tin? Kepuhllc, lu.|uln Into th mint I , ? ? mi' - be plot?? '? ?! e t . ted, and the s lei ? i* '??:... d i ? . talning tbe vicious youtbs I m ?* r _ t r . u In tbe -.In,.i ? . , _ jii'ai for ; ? if - li'k eblldn n jj. u. phUaaetphia, luly 12, l -7??. ritt: ti'ijm m BELIOIOOI MEWS To t h r Editor of ?' h r Trihume. ??lit: Ni'i leael ?/.r the ??_?*/ good ?*? yon ?.as,-'I'm. a.nt an ilaii, ; a., aa ?mXttOt to IB of publie morale. It the en ntrnl paint you have ta ? i.--. m n.i'e n Ugloua u,.in? i andenfi :. ? :?.,.;???:- tru a in ti it great alky, whom mi? h broad t - c,iceratug el un h prei "'. j on i i m ?: !ij ii. it a p0?tiOU B it'mi't I'Ml'.i'li'l ci,iivii'iin:i, a. I ?' .' t.i? ri ss I". II!1 i, . I: , Tub Tbircnr'b power ta " t rear? I niay i- an shy an incident which .urred during tbi : sent rtsii . f - M.!>? an . . Vu," of the m ?r prom bi nt coworkei - s-.-?:)! tbes -?!?'? \sa . tnlii I'S a 'I' i.e al nf 1,1. ? , tiiat Man'.) call ! nn from thi citi during work In " ir and wanl ?'? the ad vie. ..f bis i - aior is t" s bu os i nti'ii beat do In ildoft?e work In in - ;.???-?? uce, \ iui uicut'a i '!'?:i m, i lie go ? 1 i ? ? i Iba Daim Ti.m , ?? ? Wl. Il lllle? lie dl ?l.t'llied. "i lle.S ?|Ce .?', e 1 if l-'al Inetl ? .-?? to the meetings at the Hippodrom?*: tbey will not read the religious net -, but Ui i- id what tbe scenhir papers bare to ?ay, and through I 1,1. I .il.n M '- i . .. ; ; : ?? .. Bo] t I,.?' matter lu the liest manner." Beton the departm of '?le -: .. Mm. ! s ami Sank'y Itvii ,.f tiles.-tii'-n c.f e es |. if in t. ? lief In ." ..n--' ' al faith, . 11 ? ; ihi ,- ! ?."? <; ?"-.s a in ti-e.i- "Uiei hearts en*?-...,. wa expn .t ol i o" - n? ? noble i ? ?u!:. a. a s. Amhierk, July -??, i?r??. Tit?; < i.nmmi. ? EU ... 'ill! w CHUBCH. T o Ihr Ed t tor of 1 h ir i u ? fl ?? St!;: KBOWing your ii!tci:?t in i very lmlile. -ti'! pei ??' i % i ?. _: s o. ? - ??> tbi s .i ? of theC'enU . r ? linreh in I'i;tj. .?;.?*. t.i!. -:.. m t Bevi nili-il' e.. 1 am bold eBOU il I I i- I tinil for B BMMB1 Dt. The hat taken dewa ? I I i at Dr. n..'i'*t congrexal on ??' Kin the chapel and about ?sue-half "f tbe mala bolltUag. Fa tlii.?>!i tue et?N half the Beugtegattea needt Mtt*fiOA mote thee tbey can tberoaelvei raise. ?Vliowlll . i rii.c sum of money wi ? 11 ? t be wortl from now in more waya than one. The f????p?-l pu ' to tbe t.:. children taught ?ilvlu< :.?-?-. lapirtciM borne for faitillim lud the Individual, t brUht lot" ace upon the general moral? of the cliy, a ta-b-ful ui tin i".!:.::?.. t" ' n tli'-.i; . ri.t?'la rai iniongtbei - ?? which will tie attained bj such Kifteaew?I uu_o|. the . it ?ou to i ?tup?ete ibelr ?> ??. x. Sen>TorA,Jely 14, i?7-.. THF. "UBTOH?I TM YAK PABKE To the Editor of ?he Tri ho at, Bist There i- ?t eertain euonge nccl?.] i?i the pahlin pnrks. whlnh wouhl he a?Torulih to all bob erned them ssiio r_It the parka t?? ami aud ratreahtbeas? aelveabj silting eu tbe beaehaa,and tbea mwellwbe pilen, lia?'' tiie wai?a. Bytbepraeeal arrangea?nt al t in- I'.iii'.'K?on each .-?ni?? tad facing t_ ??enter of tba walks?with the sitter tmuwlin*( bit .*?? I ?rut tira feel fiirt!,? r fiora the hooch, tl ? a - ?? ., ?'. for i'i'.iii? niel? r-.. Hot for the remody. It las i- i "V ?imply tut-i.t., - i!a i?, .ai,, - to Ibe "n.iit " ind m .i.'i'i.. them t ice the lawn. 1 .: i> ?im. plattorraprt?Jeetlngover tbe ??- tbe . hm - ?lili i ntly wide t< i 1er to pat? to and from his seat without lU-pnliu i . --. mi ; i siu.i.ii bu s-, i ?i in iiusc uiiij is. j nuiaga loa s. .Setc-Tori;, July 13, 1 -7?!. I?i:cki.i:?>m.?? iv POST OF i? B To th" li' ? i ir of The trik lue. Silt: Y?tetei?ay ?t b*ieod In New-Y?ori .?cut m.. '?.-. mai! a hoi "i i-i.,,1., in.) m tbe hoz. Thleatora m- b im -->? ?-? r I ? m tba p.. a- ,?1.?.. handed me a oo ? ;? .-? |',!e. I. ,,n sslileli ss a.? sseit' B. " Bol I'll -*.-.l . : 1 loose la the baga"" Ibe parcel eontalned Joel W ? garsi ei 50ol Hi'-ui an- in gttod condition or neariyeei n?! in ?f,in.' i?> ?are more or !? -? i ?? '???'it. Par* hapa _0 of them can be patch? t up with tu*>i ;.. ? aa thai bey can b used or given away, bul i.ther *_0 -?e !m . ie.-!\- - ?.-m i. it would teem thai tbe mail* nui.t n.: very rouubly bandle-l when a oi-ar-boi i an nuy thfug loi ken In t irncj ?>! i?> mi!.??. I? .1 not po-a->!ble thai tbi .'- -l by ,'..t-nili.e clerk who lielonga to the tntl-Tohatve a- ? i .a :..:i. .net '.si.-tii ? tn ,!,?, ,i!:.i.-o the u - ? t OaptAort, Long Ittend, .luis I?, i?7''>. t. W, k. TBE PEOPLE'S CASYABS, ur.rn'.i.ii'ANisM i.\ louisiava. UKADXM Og III I'.si.iv M.i ?1ISM l.i 1 ?' if ICAW? t :i ?list. i:.i: 01 TIR CAatVini 11 ?. To 'he Vil i I or of 1 >i | ?rit-unr. Si ?: In ?m a;title of ''?m [taper of July 1<>, on Kepi-.' . intern in Louisiana, poo -- ? wimlo : Hi : otnkt tnrt ra," ???? aspirai .. d ?? poiitli i Altearn ?? -I.. iii.*" 'fin- swmpiug it Un? lust. Of ?reuma l?be Bepabltraa party ? Louie?aa M nut exempt tr.itn |>m fortuaeof potttleal partiee '-'? ssiieie. n.-i t compoeed ezelualvely of amt?Hnea i i patriots; ?m U? eonti ?ry, men of objectionable cha u - i ran loi >uu I ?t? Us ranks, c 11 i sent poaitioi ' ? tin ? ? im ii . . ? i.i tbemselvi ? a? I? . . ra i" ?'i ' ? be u*ell te - iy th .t y, _ ??-, - - ...'?, p . tai ! aillai ? " ? out ye a I - ihm. Them 'va* bo tueh i lUaee. Oathe si ? i' '. ?ti.-i- ?n i'lect 1 . a? ?; ivernor, n h ii s\ .? .!? : ? ,ti ,1 i . ' f Mi. Pm !. ird -,. 'i i: - ?n m-- >? liber eau tbel t ., ?i '.. i ? i. mhllcaui of Lou liana In tl ? app f ?? adventui era," "coi ? " i. ' ; ? - npei tu tv for , Uon, ?. II. I.n r il.!. !: "? ' . bm al it - ? !"-??? : 'i I man .? I tin dan lei ... . i ' ?? ? . it- i ' ?n? i ? ? |...i,, -?> or ??? - ? d< ? ? n '" !?'-1 ? litte? : ? il al 111* ?I nf 1.1. ... i i the 3 I ? nor, m rcon i : !? I'll, la?, ? . - i 1" I.e ? : 'll . - . ' , . ? 4 [U 1,1 ?C 1.1 . - I , ... , . , - . in nt li ? i?:;io!ieiif-. Hi li t- Be ? : , ... t tin " ttilsi M .;.'.:? ppli? .1 tn I) ! tu ? - .. 1. ?i .. ?le fi r im t, :i. : :.:,:.. f , i lor a i 'nal ni i ? entur* . ? I "t C ;,?.-- : l!, ' .. i -,.,. i,i ,?, .| tenu, ; i ?I slumllu? is iii.ii sud bu reptitaiiou u 'tis . . a : ? ? ? . ..."'?,? J I . to f ' i i? ' '."it ?i..-; Htati ties :? > ?t i ? " i an 01 I? .in . - ' ' .\?.<- i'?/?/.-, Jui> i?), i-:?; ? -*? ?*- bi [CAS l *?!"-? MBt !.--lU?. To thr Editar ui tkt Trtkaat Bm [hope \">i wiB ?5mpnseall apoa the tniiul- m tbe !.. p ibltc ?n- ?i ?"* b V? k State! _n,,. of no?duatmg ?? .t?te i ' ? t ahleh .:?i tiie ; :, i? t i ??:. .it, to iee it stated that Ik?m will be a tine ne ,?e u tin- Oeukllua ? ? ,,, ., |... ; ?.;, i ? . . .? i la favor of Mr Coraoll .- a i a 1 I it? t?" i."t. umr, ami lli it tie 'ta- ?eut ou? Weed to BI l'Un reate t-? ai ik for 'ar. < orm U, ? I i ,? .n, i, ,? ij ate. u, in. I hop? IbaI in. Kepu ilieaui d?niai??) thi uotutu it ion ol a m m Bf I who ?HI atcctire! ? B i ithorths i duuuiou atu ?.. ? m I,., | . II,,I4 l.i;-. Will II aiall'-Ulli, 11 ailo.l'e . (?an .,,.i tin r luhiicaus should nirelj lak ......uii* ? e.r n ?p I. at.. W- U -_s>* _(.it/i.'?, Id-, Jli.J I7|lt7?