Newspaper Page Text
V0L- XXXVI.\? 11,019. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, JULY k*>f, 1*76. PRICE FO? R CENTS. ?WASHINGTON. BILTEB I\i'I.AT.'?X eaKiOfS B-XOn Of MB?sraO-l UOIBLA-nOlf? DtTK-U-BTTBa HISTOB-CAL ?JAI IS ?ABOI i ?ll.Vi:i: AM> ?aOLO ?i?vi.i: nniiiM TOI I? IB 1834. ?kjBOB IBBBBOCI?B ? ?OSOUBfl ?>m??ni <?i tiii: tiii. W__MOMTOB, July _.':?.?Tin* danger of unwise led?, it!?'? O? ,t'? ttatOt ';i:?'st:.'ii bsfoff. the a,lj.?iu:i infiit ,?f Congress is much pest? tnaa thai <>f the otans ?ici citli'-r i?> .?i? !,-;i-c ill?' ?greenb eh cin-iil?ti m or to i--!" ul any part of the 1.' sumption act "f Is"'1- X? SBBBSOIB of direct taflation like ?th.'?o ?asopssed in ?both ?losses of ?Congreos two liais i?f" ****l*""" tetttmxtj aAroested ?sine? Qor. AjleD*gdefeat in Ohioj ths shamidoB Infla : t,(',| i>.... .,,,?? ili-? ! ?mi sny de Ire to Increassst the volnn ? o? the paper circulation, bul bare direct-ed th ir attackt upon the ?Rsaumptiou Nstwaalbanks, Their erueadB?against the banks fa : -,l """??? -??<tiTS etrensth, iriil ti;!.,r ? repeal ?the 9a amption act ?thki ?assshsi will eertainlj UL The ?Senat?, of (-,vi->'c, "???ll sel ?ease; ?'i repesllng set, becsniie the RepubHeani of that body, srl at? rei tl.? Ir ?(?iino'i-* en tl"' imrrency question may be, undep? tfntf?__-_-tto?__dl. the law of 1875 it, Jnstnow, tat ? -map card * in politics, while in theB-ouae, two bonest, uncompromising hard-mooei men oa ?m sf Lautoiaas end Scot! W-ked minois hats tli?-fui i ;?- n ated the House ??__?_ ?getting ths to ?aeol bill before it la ?neh ?ihspe ?thai s msjorlty ri'tilil |>u ** It, SBd lot their honorable MB-TM they ti,--.-iv.* th.-1iiut.ks n??t only of ?their party, bal "? 0 __y< Hut ill?- ?!:ri:-'?r i?f ii:',". i?.' :i:i'l STBB ?-IsSStrOUS ??i the ??ii?i qn< ti j] ?? try ?i vote t.ik?-n i few weehe ago ahowe* ?* .- .. |y ?!i f.n.'i- of ?soaking the old ailrer dollar a I?-: i su ?V bts, pnblk ..- ?. ?and ti ?w .i bill for that ?porp ne !?.i- at tnally ?beca ?mpotted ?tram the Committee '?;i Coinage, WeighUa_d__eas_res, andie the Msti bash 0!,K?i : Bing ?hoar any ?day after Monday. It i v, ?." ?opo?? it ie ?reaehed. the bill will eei I .. , , resal? In il??' Banste i*- more doabtfal, b I "' o? Inflati?-?the desire to ?levies ?some way tot ?the ?paymentof .? ?is in a .- ??-. | ?strong, , \, ?i . .?1 -1 .::?!. : I .-? from ; "debtoi " for the M_aoney of the Constitu? ? .*'*? 1 ?by Hi?? Pat ? rhkfa hae slwaya . ?jtooe wall ?against pspec Istion, -Mil. Withoat >'.i-?-.-; rthe r? ' tire merits of thesin .1 ?doable .?.titiiiiiini-i, I think ii'iiliiinr ?aii he .\ i attend ?i dis ?tarbaaee of ?our i ' loti s1 this ?time, when the fluctuations - : rslu ? of silver more andden than they have tret bat ti before In the biat-or. "f the world. Oneof the ? . . d ,-tiiT'-iu i i? ata bihty. ?-.'? r dosasol Bowposeeee ?thai quality, ? i -. in tl MS C tviii,?;?. i .. ?have ?m exelu?ivelj *.ili-<-r, iron?a ti,m. and p rpVszity in>?l ?beavj ?lore where th>.' ?doable ?stan lard obi line, m Ib Pram e. 1'? Igiui ? ?Trees, without innouadi preeistioa i'i the value of ?.Ores, which ?had only jn-t l?. run it that time, ir. th.'-v-T at I* ? ? i f? m tl!; t ?.'?it lato the abyss ?bow, with onrej - wide open, -.?,,.,11 be the !. : folly, it '? s for " ir <?"? ernmi i : I ? i - it i ??-. -Hi?! ?sUveria <nir eurrenry, but bow every . tion of policj i-coi'.-.- * ?? ?t 1? poetpofa d until the ? rofe ? -the ground) I. la thai thi^ i - ?ses it 1 t_M '? ? . S. Tin- ,t by the ?ii etizal on f . 1873,1 oagresa ha-* deprii ? .i? people ,'i the i i hl to pay ?their ? ii-?- in ii hieb tli'--.- were < onti ? m .h a cur ' m thai in a hit b the. wt t? , ? ?l on pn ? All, .?? * ?? in this country sftei : ' - : i*?.; ;. i.i. . lut ?ratio ?i tnd prior to I of Pehruary, 1>S73,whether bj the <j?' ?the 1 nit? ?i ?-tatee or by ?Lndit ?ami '? oi 1873, ( r or demand payment ?. r-iiti.. r. In fact, ?baa i ? ways t,, <hi'.,' m,, m,?i.?.. ?eireolatioa?to demonetize it. < ' ? i to mal : be market v ?lu*' >?i 11 i ? . . .! . ? ? - by d siting laws ? * : - I tend? r ?pn pertj ?and forbitldiuK ii** issue. These two m?thode are eojnally sperienee "f the Unit? ?I ?i.t? i m the last eighty years has proved. Frotn the pa of t' ? ' iws in 17!'2 i?> 183. ire ?had actuall. a ?I. In 1791, v. in ii .\l i - - pert on the ? ent ,,; i im-, ?stigatioo ii- wae able ;?? in.ik? ?risowed the market ?ratio of ?silrer to ?told to be a?- ??.: one to fifteen, ?and I"- tig retare ? i ? ? ? iptioo of that i itto in the ?bob <-'ii. i?.', of the ( Bis i ?:, was aeted apeo, imt, -oh ?sreats prored, i.<- ?had not " f?r the relative ? iprecia ?*ea 'f ^ v.ilii,' of silver i ? y ';!' in res* ?I ?productioa at il ,? mil ? - ; r ii.i!ii?-n,????, ko that ?the market ? ?if silver to told, Instead of remaining tb< ?mas as the i, nui,,, ?ili',,....! bruoediately fell be? low ii. In gthet B-ads, the pore metal ingold ?saglesaad ?half aagka- was amttfa -non in the mar ?at i::,- wstld ?iati t,,, ?riivsilu?! dol?an, ? '!' M? ?ni'.' ?awn eirealation the lath i ?had the seas ral ?. i ?,. _.?i,? ,,, .|1(. BaMmh ipearedi ii want lathe melti -twsss_Bo__ed,aadsUverwssthsaal] o rcii'T whkhremsined Ineircalatkm la ?ti:- eoontry, Thras it will be *ci-n that while the net of 17!?:' made ?ble standard legal, by nndervalaing sold it ^ i drovv it ?i.,*,,! (he eirealation and demon* ?iicd it ?s sfsrtasllyas thm_gh it had provided ttsBl^ariaasiaasjaedths United Btstessbould be "??"??r.asdthatgelis-salditotbe alegaltendci fordi.l,.?..,tI,,rv?'.li.,,,-?nv,r., ?_,?,, ,!,,..,?,??, nlicot,,,:,,,. v,,.r,i k*,!,,,,,,^.,,,,,,,., .? di^ivcr^-iudnisnv.?^,,,,,,,.?iIi:,;;,,:i, ?. ? I, tl.? people ?bed wassQvet Ifl.r.,.fis?-,,I.,lff ,-,,* tr:?i,?f ??.?,.. |t;<)lis ^f,.i.,l.tiii!),?,e!1J,)I'v?fJ?a!,yIlvm, wollaoin'liet.illnwin'fi'str.ii't fr.?a t!. , ,(, So.r,tat.v raaay "tin Deposits enakn,* written in April l-:t.,..,!ii,tl ____, _ ,??. tll(. )>:i J? ?J -' MMffthal yesrehanging th? mint rati.?itiivm t? rV?ld. BssBidl 2o?? Mft_5L__Ln_ "-"?"?*?' '??""??"i t', ? reulatiob tmtii t_e ,,.L,??',k: ' . "V nto?ie m "":" rv?_ to ?,-,r ?_ i'1-*"" i"'" ": -?i" Wl| fSr?T.--^ M bm> ?????hsitosss ?taBse! .i.? If the prtMM.oA Conirre??ahonld pasa an act B__k__f tats and tbeikman/a M-M eWBSa mttitt, the ii-x. B?reury of th. Treasaiy might adopt the laagaaas noBBM above, aM wtiUel. _.rty fiAt?? J J se; i Im the c. culi t? in i,f mir t letfllllfl ?-UTreni y i:i 181 The effect ol the act nroald i ? * * ? be as the adviical at the silver bill ancrt, to utiltie i>? >r 1 a metals a ?? ? ? an abundant specie circulation? but aim* t<? rabatitnte silver ?soi i for ??old coin win rever "? (?'??i is 11 < > - - - ti? ?', ami I" drive the (told Into! melting-po] or oui of the country. Thla iras I (? prior to '-hi, v. inn the difference betwe ti:c limit ratio of silver to s*old and the market ral w::?i leaa than nm-fotu li ?? ?n Bl m it would Im di it the ael ?it l?-.7:! were t?? ?be rep alad and the pre on the cxji'nt-i', ?(m nf (old waa i>i"i>i'i*i"tiii< Is ! I have said thai silver *.?;is .-t? tnall** demoneti; l?y tin-:i.-t ..I l'?:n r.uiicr than by the ad ??f 18. and that the lal ; -*;--i]?l> recognized u ?Hate of I hire airead] exi-tintr. The market ratio of t value of liver ti that of _.?iil when the ael "f 18 SSilS ]).! :?i ;1 S'. :: -. ? .?l. ' toflftl i il ,1.1.1 .-??'S Ctl-t,'till,-. I ! ratio had been diH'liniua ?graduell; fot ',??., m?. .1 American poli ti? il oconomista of thai ?it?yanppoa thai the decline would ??ontiuue. They tberef? ili-ti rmined t.< Hi tbe mini ral 0 of the raltte ?diver to that of gold al one to sixteen, believii themaf-kel tatio wonld remain so ii?-:tr tfa point as to make II pcasible (or (told and silver circulate sii?1 by "-??l?'. I>. 11 ti.i-v were m The tmarkei ratio <li?l not ? lunge mater ?Ms b l*?.ll ?nul l*?ls. ?nul ss.i? :.l'..i- a! a-tiliy abo the mini ratio to make the ??? 1*011 il ?on pnfltable. In 18-18 the ?? .erj ? ? ?jold in Ca f"'ni-i ?*anaed the valne of the metal todt-i II the market ratio* of t!i<? s.ilm. of sll*/er to thai mMtorbm vers- rapidly. From i-:'i t<> ingot 1873, "-'x aontb 1 afterthe toi that ft I which deprived ?silvei 1 i ?? tal-tend?r i?: ?n t' e mark? I ratio nevi r w< til : - lo? .1- thi 1 it i... and 1I1?!. net ?? il i?- during t'i whole rime thai silvi r formed any partoi : tallie ?irciil.itiiiii of ?iii? country, 01 thai :i del ci.i.i.i have been mid in it without I? totheoi \s ii?. )'..!,l ii. m ?'.. ?- .. ird . ?'?' 1 ?.1 ? mu: li lien.'in iti* ti 1>? the .0 t of 1831 11*? u i- i' /. I . \? . I ' i-l'l.'l I.V V, v.,? OF i ill: .?TWIT. PAOt ?-..?it?**. Off Mil l"??iiii?'ti isiK "VI 1: TU HAKO )B Ml 1. -.1.i'i . :."?- .?1 1 ii!.".?M.t 1: BISTI f. I1T Tl t 1 IIIAI *sVs-!II\(,l?.v. Jul ' '? I ? m.?il in 1 ."<? . and -* -i : t,i:-lit in one of its I Tl -, foi this ?I. ??>',- e -i. ?? ; 1 ; :!?? . Ill Is ?III ?t?llele'! ll.l'' ?. . , _ ill? I ? i ?? ? and ll.i'' ??? .ppro] iti n bill, bu! Ihi i waa 1 iid bad 1 olhi ^ an re to do*1 I ' than ???i'i Bnj other lubj consideration. A littll prOgl ' ' Ha *?ii Tbnrman's moti ?n to r. win 1?:, Appropi 1 it ions a ?tfa Insl ructio also ? ' ll.l-.H I-'-' ' '!' the |u ? i..-. 1 menl 1 of riven ?' md ;ili"?s in- ... ' ipcni ?* of War. Prop I ' (Mio. abonl g5.2M),00O, m ?'? - . . ; ow that < in-i-t un i tut l.?il m it ??fu? fi"i;i ti." House, although even I thai fon ill baa ?been ? 1 lely ?_tn ?ui.I .. b V, b( m the bill ? , ted ft Committee of the Whole 1 " ' demand ?1 1 - ?? 1 : 1 ?'? ? the ab* ? ? - of te adj a . . ' '. 1 ..;...-;? ; careful < " and ? ? I 1 ? '!'.- te ? ; : ? ' would the work. Tl .?en ?? 1 ? ? 1 :? 1:11.11,1 tit a , be ? ? reof t - . I : - i . - 1 ?f 1 ?iiel t. 1 : rctrciicbtm SS Ill ?'. -, I !? ?I III lili .t? thai their] of i!i 'i portan! -> HARBOR Alii- ii,! I . IOH ? ("llNI'III'l? Ol ?..1 111 I ?. Ill' - M i- tl* 11 s: III -I-, ! II 1 V?' s , ?July ~.; Iris - lag voted ?tl . ' ol tin ' . : . Bl ..- d Mr. Kd i, who bi? ll ;>, 1 ! .'? ral'ei ' >.:.. (,! ,!a- .1111 inttin-1* I, tic : I ?til ????- -"I wltboal ' '. II Sppropi lit -?..?!: ; lated is It? llouae 1 1 . total amouat of ii- 1 rediwed to t be estent ut 1 t .', .?11:1.1.? 1 tboti tnd li cntifi n tu?-, bat it 1- ti:. a ?,. 1 ,1 i.,,, lii a Um 1. a ? '?.;? bill Ibl ? - .- t ti?-. m?, 1 Import?9t n m- in tie - to.?? stands, ??"? foi ti.- Imp "-.? m m - "i* Bug i", H, ?. : -::.'.",hi 1 ...? ? I. -1 EU 1 1 ., ii. 1 ?. gy ? , Bl of Hi?- iti'.. 1 '? ?? ' 1 f... (be li ti ?"i .t " ? ? ?. .'-.. 1 .1 : 1 Harbor j ? ?'.?' ? '? . V. ; Y 1 ? : r ' a liai .-.i al ?]? .lii!. ..o,', c, ;--.:. ii'mi ',,r tin iii.ii?or m Amstfnsl ??"''>.'> "' tot the lo . ... .' 1 ..! ? . . , ? Um lint?!..s. ?.. ni .? t? Conaeettt al Hit r !".'! ; ' '.' f irtXH .?i Burl I 1 ?? 1. '? :. ; ? (m ?!,c ?nulue of \Si:?iiiii.-'.oii. Del. ? 9*15,0001 Sil ? a ??: IS ". , ? a ,?a .? I : ' \ , la ., I 1/ *s . -, I )? |. ; ? tl.?; ?" i lie 1,1 Of It" |l. ?! a:., , ?; p ?; . i -ici i: ... tot lbs ?j -i o ? ?. im.; -?.,i'"> fot Un- Improvement ?r Jim ooofort i ear Bin r, Hoi IB ? irolli i. <>" MM foi u a In nient ni On Bl Kai ' fa !??? iii,|.i i.? m. m nf Oakland Uarbor, California; >|50,000 for u,.? Improvement ??f the 1?. la s Bit Im'Ioss I'e't'.'- l-i'ilai ;.---?.(MM) 'n( tin- ?iiifi ??'.. '?o nl of lujlkill iisi t, rei,ii-> irai U loi tbs Im oios.'iiii'i,! i,t ?i,:,.:,. Bit? t. Ht B Vuili.iii be expended t.ts'.iiti Ward's i-i..??! atad Rndaoa Blver; *-.?";*?.?:???? foi 'lie ..lli.1,1- Ht N, ?loi'!. \'.l ; -',11,111111 fol Ile llll|.t"S'!l"-||' ?.r the aaaaaeJ ..t Um Ml i Hin r oppo l i ;.-,-1,, ? c u truetloaof a Ion dam aer?os Um ? inn ? ?.i n,. ins Bad Wla'm in rtren -, $50,000foi Um barb i .it Iluii'l'iiil. N. V.; fi').)?) f'.i'iiii|,:?.,ii, ti,. '/< ?\Sl ell ?l.lll II I -.1 ill 1 il'l'l '? |. I-, ?, ;.;','-,,(H|H f Improvemenl of the Wehe h B>var, Indiana; |5o,ooo '..i ?Hi? iiii.ii.isi UK 'Hi "f i in: Boek Island Bsplda, Ml I tippt Bit t; $13St000 fm tic iiii,.i.s-. m a,t ,,f t;,, ippl,'!, and Arkansas rivera; |soofooo tar tiicii!i|ii....'iiii-ii! o? tin: M?ataatpfd Uret between tin- ?uuiitiis of tbe 1 ? noli ii- ? i ' '? no rivera i fSTOfiOOtoi tin bmpaareaeeatot tka Otao Blreri gAOOfiOO tat tin i.ii-iiiivi in.: t of Die 'li BTMaaeC ?I? ?r; Tl .iii.'Hi |oi n, i-..;.ios. 1.1? i.i at The mmatmmi the IfIsal?_Ippl River, Ainoii^ tin- -m vi )A mi inn i/.ii are the M??wlagi i'< ?a wnadn B?Arltor, N. Y., ?>o lb? ??? t braticli ?t the Ma um His er ?it tho nioiiii, of Vse_waa4a 'icik mu? az__dlag earth aai math wmtotrem\ locki-tt'*i Barker. IT Ti barkst al TITUts-Bll. al 11.. a?__ III,| of Lllkc (.'ll.llll|?l_lll, tO [lll.lllIO U f"' 1 of Pskaaesl Bather, OAwmaaAkm M?tibor,amiI Maa ot-WarShoal, M;i---; tic.t aortlei ?.f Iba Bimnagabsla ??'?1 Allegheny lUvei? i?!?? win.m ami alms '"? borna darles of tbe Clt) of Pittatrarg, ?ml also pnividma tii.ii tliiit jxirtiuu ?jI B.n?i m w? ?bull bo uiiii-r the diiocUo- o? ? :? ' i?.i? i.|i:?.|,,.,.r in eharce nt the Oblo Rl*r-?r, i?? : . ?. ... ,i ? h .. ? i '. .' t.?.an I t?tke i>? I > ran Uiv, r, !?? f.'. :. i' t ? '? and Smith i-i .ml. ei ?SUENT TOPICS AT THE capital. BBimn AM? IMIBB BXFOHI The full,,'? In ? ?? I men! showing the ? _q i : In Ini i.'.i! arttel.I i and Im* produ nianufi ? ?tore? in the i nib d * I . . ?SBtl ,1 I,: i? 30, l?7C. a mi,, ?!' ?t '?.:', 1 11 HD V periodo! I875,bas ?seso fuiul bed by ths-Chhd :>f Hi?' I Iiir.-r?ii ?if Ptal i*s?.-,. i ?*?*>?.. i . l,u .i ?? . : ? ? U ctrl . ? r, ?? r..n_'i.,. .??'?? . ? ' i- ,tli.?t ? ? ?.??'?:' ?_:."'.l,?"" 1 irtlt, m .? .. ? h i ?. ire, .'..>.' ?7,11(1 ' I ;? tin i?.. ?? ? .,; I.l , ,1 ? ,.:!,,?? _. _'.???> i l? . i " ' -. i? . ?' - ?*,' I . . : - . I ? . '- - . 1 I I ? - Ml, .. lip. . ? . ? i ??. i. ,:, t n-. I ?1,1, fill . , ?. ?;?,?? * . ?. ????? !??'.?? . i etM ? "??" ' 0 4 : ::. : | u( . . ?It I ' -J 1. - !'' I- -, 11 -, r i rivl. ....................... '?? . 1 . .1 ?.. >M . -'l * ill, lOI - ...... II ?' I 'J H . . : . -1 . ( . ?triii If* i ?' . r i' ?-, i' , ? . ? ? 'I it ?. un ? . I?.. I. - ? - ?. . ;? , ?i V . . . .71.(1 ,..,,.. i .. i.i lo.lwO i.l.V ..!. i* r- DEI I \ ? i: i.i REFOB-f. I'm i,lo!i! (4nnl ?contiou-s i?> ?ihoa b. i,i? ,; i.? ? :.-, ,-?- bla ? ' U mpl for lb( ? ?,. : I?i.:. . ? ' I ii.i.r,- :.i.?< and .!,.:-.i. Uy a ? B IBS of C I for the p : ' - el .uni? ... of i*. ? ? it.-' r ' I - .,'- I ?he I :ii- v... form ' ' ? . .and I l: . ? , , . iror el i ?? t ? ? ? ?. - ? ' ? . J Mr. U " . - Hi,.art l i tilt It -? I -. ?I B of 1 I . - ..I . .... . - Uli : ? i . . . ...I I ,e ?? i :. : I . . .it- in.ikniir : Ir. I aotl i ' i ... i , ? ? . . ? ? ... i ? ? - II - tad to the ' ' ?, ' ' : i i . i a k of 1 . ? i : .. : : .?i the ? I tl ii in !.. i .i... -, . 'I ill . ' ? . ?AS Til .ri i ' ? Bt. Loi : . Ji liver A. Hart, Pn -i ii. ru? ? i Mayor (i ?-> ? t., h? : ? ? i i i ' .1 furnia ? 1 mil .ii I ? I mini, ii ,.,,i lu I f oniMil, uml - .1 . t h it. .. ? ? ? in ilit- m ? . ii.. *? in "-l-?l I? I UOItOI tllllll ?i.- -. ' ,.: roci \. ?i sa, July 23. 11>, h. M :??' ?? meeting, . . , n - i?i ?... . ,, buntlre i of ii ? i i i ' ?. 1.1... ten liai lb iii'i.i i.'.i, I -i.i ;. * m iii.? ,..,,iiii ?. i i, ?. ???'?'"? ? ? and ii .i, ..j... | in oitti ? ??i lb? il ,.n tin I .\.\ Al'? ?i i KEN. IM i III TRRA8UKT. RO TOB, Jill. ??*-?- ? * - ? ? ? i ;_: ? - T. T.ili..,!, |iiiiiii'|-|y I'tlil? .1 -' I? v Hi llit All,,, .,-. , i, ,. I . , i, , ? """- I "? '? ?;". . . ..f t:., j,, ty, tSt : '? ? ?.i ili, , i.sry. ii? b m left it,?- ii.-., ? , with Mr. UorrUL 1>U? M Mi) 11 i,,- ,, BRABOII. Borden Morris, m un,i, ?rtaket ??f ?Long Ri mi... '/??'- in ? aed abll ?bal I ... ? lerd -, s i II? ??? 'I'l'l. 'I I?? ???Mil to I!.,? ?Ill .uni... it i !, |. , ? h, lt ft?.m abona, bul i.<.um,. ? ? . aid ? i>ul?l i.... i, 'inn. il, ? ????ii.??,-, ,?.... ., ,i ., ho, m Ha day. _ .liMI* WON - "'? - \ 11 l:l?\Y. I'lllLM'l.ll'ill \, .Inly 23.?Tin? liiinilii i- of pa i ' ..?i-? in the ?Centennial grounds oo Satardaj l. l,i,:,i i. T!M.dllAI'lIK Noll | It,,?mv, .I'll?, 'ji. Katnrday, ?it Calais, Me., s ? 'min.. Ii. i. Hin i,-i_ \\ in. \i. 11.??i.m -, ",,i,i i<.ii-.. hheli mtneil I?. I'.? i m. M iv, N. J.. .Inlv 2B.?The Bth Marvland ul i? i.? i? fix i? ?? i, ,'.,? -' il i* . a mail lilll ?m i ' ol In?? up in Un ,r iii.i.iir leak ;?'.' ??' ?I th r,u-|,,v, .Inly 'JI. The N, ii foii'iiiUii'l ? fi'liili) i V - ,? j ??..,?, , _,. I. I ??? .,i |.???itt li?vo bixa 1? .nH-?l IlolU labl-Utll ?ll.l lllu .--il-ll- ',/ ll. .i" Inlr. Iii i ; ai.,i, N. V., .li.l?. 2 !. I eSBPBBf O ??f tin 74th III ?m,, ut, m i'.ii,|i.iii:,.| h? It,.? i,?lin> nial liiiii.l, I. II li'j. ???? i.i.ii., i?.i i-i..!..?',.' iti.j ?illb??*ai twowaoka II ti ii ii, Juli -.!j. The Hewfoaodlaud ?-"?I tab, orypremien ?>, ???naj? tainBi ?ni ??trj tatreraM? i?i??it_i bar? bi-J'i? r, Lt-ivr?! tmui IJUaaSM ?tii.l i-ilmilK ul lltillt- lull-. Si'itiN?.i'i? i-i?. Ma?-?-)., .inlv MS. The ?-sitare el Ooiitr-etoi ii.?iiiinii,iii, Mim '??ai ? h il"?.. I ?ii Um TnS ii.l t. h e it.. in. .*i mi.ik at -''i.'iii:. hail?, la auuu u.. ?.?!. ______.., |_.,'.(XJ , ?-?a?.I? Oiuelx, , THE TURKISH CONFLICT. FIGHTING AT BELJINA. Tin* m D-r At vi tsvoft- OS*, i rsnr.iwtv ?.M i:-'um ii.;::,i?(?i.'.i'Si Ai' riiivii: s i!:'?m?. Bat?BAOB, Sat trday, ?Ti I* 22,1 7 '? ?Official idvfoea rrispeeting the fighting on Coo I .. ? i: '.: ', . ? tata t;,., the Turks ,n tbetr te? il ioiiiiinit. m. XI x ; ' i' d 20 i of the Turki a -'.in and ad lb' it- tn neb? ?V,,-. | t.. i? i\tttn. Tbe ?eis;, g Bl ofWai . proceeded to beada-juarteni on tic- im. i.t. Tbe Bel . ,vC gone to tinI mat "I a al. ' s*ii|\-"!'i f, a ' . . ..:;';, 23, 1-Tl'i. '1 '" 1' '? ???".?: ?' h i., i.. :? - re? DtaUvea ubi i el : , ?. ? ,'io!t>i of lafaa?, ? ad " ?000 ' l| .' : . - ? ? ? In! trleinltr lins,il uni l u m Intrenelitnent . mil I?. il.. ? . l-lt - . ,!:?:: I ,- : 'f ?til . . v ?.;:....? ., , ..r our iis'.i -t.?* itnrday.Jt_jf 22, UW?. '.i - i tha? "? ? -? " ? - defeat? d near i I h oa r. U i Pasha and Pasha, wltb -' ven ? f Intel fou ? ?tant? - ?.f cavalry, . ? R i -?? ? ? In their Intrem ii it i: i. i . . in,..) : ? ?ii.all f?. ?: -. Pau .Salon . ?Tul? 23, 1876. I 'I,'-' 'i . ? i ? ' ?..,,?? I-. ... , . , ; , : awal t.? Ale_Inata Vr- ' ? ? ;? n ;-ii?i ' ? ..! \-. ,|i| i .... i profoundly ; . t ? ? . ?. ' 970. ; ? -. , li- n t of ' " M t l'ai ? t i-\ a- ., I *? ! . t Of | ' . ' .... ' . ? .. ? . -A .... ' , ? ' ' - 4 I . . . - lame II ATIf ?j. Greek ? Losti ? M ? ? i :. i ? : - . . ' ! " ' ' ' ' i ' ?' i ' . . ' I-' | ' ? i ' ' i ' i ' HAi i oi:i:i(j \ VU 78. ? !? I (IE J\ '"? - ! -"'t. ? t.i of ?In ? : i t. ? ... ? ? i i : ? . . ; . ?. ' ? um i . ? ? ' ? l tied I , ? , ? . on 1 ! ' ?. 1 .1.1 .llli i.i it. : : '! I ' l I I | ?? ? I o . ? ". ' i: . ? a n . . ? ?? ! ? : I | | ' ' -, ? ' 1 . I . . ?i in I be -I l IU?I ? ne],in., i voted i . i- i . . .. ..i,. ?*? TUE l'AUId LOAJT. i ? is, .ti i 23, 1870. The sulmcripUona t?? the Cilj of t'aris Loan I ' " . I. ?Hill. Burn ?< BPOBm^a iffair& I... I'.i V - l! I-' .Jill] ?12, I 870. The m it?!? i?i-iv.ecu the English, Strotch, Atw ,li |, .11 I, ". a : ." |a ?: ,? ' a'll.ilt. -t .1? e.iie lltlll'U to-dltj i ... ii',. .(),900, ' t i." 'u .i ici?, i .? ' . , ,i loon 11 ,i- . I ia-, ? : ?ail '. M I.OOI 1 . , ?.,.... 1 1,1,. lllt.ll?. Rna . d : ' "?? l ' iMc.,1 .ni.i : n? 130 ' ? ? Au tralla l?M ?''?'? 97 ????'? i - . i ,?) i?.t n Mn 'l!l<* i, al' .i UM Im ;!i( .uel Feat tarai] known Tba??i prefeaaloaal Barsasen an -*e In- ta Hid ? i.u, i Uatestop? i.-'i'.ii'- la Uss Heptember , , , ? ,it |-!ii;.oi. ivin.i iiiini'it. .-?,..-11. .c .?i ? ?i. ? i, ii.i? i.f n.iuioe?? un'!.. Hlg_i?*e ?"" Blmdwell, and (?i.-. il t.f Iliiliiiui IK.iiltli. 1 In y SVI? ?ail ou tile l.'lii nf Ai.-n.-l. _ MEXICAIN AFFAIB& lit? vn\. .ii.iv _"_'.? I'll? French iteonter luu ,,i., ,i in,.,, VentCnu, biiaglM Bi >_eaa ?Jateata tba ?l'a c ?:. i no ,-.,i.i-i aepeet ofaflbln n BtfBroref ne i .us. i tun, m, ?..?u. ni v i r; n mmtrA revolatl siai"* army a?aa i?rpt?ed BBd li> Col. A'I.'lfo Val!, lit .1 l'.illit a'iuilt t s o ? Lui?'iiiiiii-h fi'ini Un- iii| Kit? l'I.i? -ioii?onl> h.iscil Il iiy |.iiiii-iii.' m?a u river. 0e_ 0_avasila, ?i-coiiU in coiiiiii.iii.i, sstiii a?rerai B?_" aMaata, UI tab Hen, nuit MO boiiti'-,, meeaeag atai. Mittaea lavetn tio i-,t, ?i ?, ki??ai, .uni tin- mal Met?m ?i. (??"n. Mammei daa, after BaMBdenlag Ma??aeree. BMrehei lowaH l'ill-lll-, SSlill illlollt l,.'it>U ni. : t. lin? coinlilueil n soin luniai >? foi ci?, iin.ler (iciit. llei-iimi?!I?-/, Conloleniio und < .n iilo, ni.nlo Unir svuy to J.ilaiiti, Wmtat ?Bf ?x-?:t?_t fOOjOOO fi? III till- ItllnlllHilllt?. 'i ?i?* ?Mml ? ion. Ai.ituii.? ix ?aiit t?? i?" tn.?.? ?fag on Jalapa ?ttu _,()o.? inen, sveii aimed and amaipgai, Tiie i i?i_ii_itl?_ oC b? tort:? __ bot? u.ucici ?lossu lliti ? ? ? i , h?*:' . .. who ii ni Interrnoti ?l during the ln*l few tiara ?11 couiitiunlcatlon betwet-n ??: 1/ !? i and Veis Cms. ri_*liUn,_ I? ? - x i---?-i ?-<! there. <? 9. - :-.? ?i.? orden ?I the railroad eompany t" ? ; :?:'?!.? ,?ii !',. line, and that If tra?ne are.It wll the i 'i ? r ft.? pu.;?., i- ' livcii.ii.l tl',',1''-:.-n ? ....', ??, h. ?.? only r in t?> , nl will ii'- ' " ' it - todrlve ? ? ? t It it propnnA to ran a diligence from .. /.. i be "!'?;?ml p ii. -.i'??l molt of the aeeonilarv and Un il I'., inlentlal leci Ion . Ii ??. I erdo de I' m -, min -?i:.i'?' ?i -.. It now only remain? f?r Cong Ht It? m, : . ??'!. ;? . i.? ... ? in - i: :.i : ? ?:? K ted foi lb? term of four j .,:?.'? ?-inulni: Uec. L FOREIGN Nom;?;. London*, July '-"J.?Tin- .^?<?:?(?l?:l!!t.t, -Shipping ?Mil paaeed the ltoaaa of ?Lwdalai night. Lovdob, July '.'.?.??Uiaister E-_erreponl nothing baa?.irredwblebany wajralters the stal of ti,,' ,;< tradition .?'i? at II wan i, July 22.-Q-BB ?Botaond Canal has beenelected PreatdeiU ol H ? i. All i- ?j?ii?-i tin ? the country. There U a moneiao crlaia at Jama a. I.-? dob, July lit-*.?.V J'lyni'iuili ?dispatch ?says that a few day i ?befors Hie ?____oastrlsl tria ti Hum . i inn:.), int- the Bail rs ?tees tested hj hydraulic ??i? Mitre. Thla neceaaltat, d the wt datne town of tbe ?afety and all otbe.t vulve?. It baa tMtan di? I that t ', < ? m .. I _ ? ? . ? : i il.,? i il,, ?_ ,?f t,;,? i '..|,:? ??'.' ?I 1,,'il.r bad h, ?, r been removed. The com? i.-.ii.i waaal?oclo.i, ?.??,1 no tteaaawaa ?Ma te?? pa ,.? i? io tu? .:,?.,:.,?. A i.i x andi.ii, July 22??At ?t ?Beating ot tin* J . In .?1 in ??'?''?: !li. :nl'?,;i ,.f .111:!..: 1 l_.i!lli.,lll', r : i?i of hi Court ?if Btuamary Jn Uee, who, m iei. of th? Qo.ernaaent's refaesl to peaastt the ? ?' judgment a I ?l tl'.!' eoort ? ? ? ? ..: it. III.?:. nil] -.. . ?ved, Inn I. won d?*eid ?I i? nppoiut Judge .n? :?? ....- m h .; ? i hi ? ?nit e>'. Summitry Juattci "? i ?? i a ?i. ??,'.:-;..,i ?... i?, ;.,. m fron?of the ?? \ i??- 11 i.?i ,?, .,,,1 : Jiu ,???? f?,ra . ? ?.* '! 1! i . P i. the M lu i . >f Justice, eanie from < tiro today to look , ?, : !.. uiaitei ? ? ' ii? -,.....-, nmi at. TR B /.' /. i Lit S TO BLOW M. 1 / E 9. ? M'?; \l?i:\r VAII/s VIEWS. bbbioi*s iscobvi >*ibncr to th? mi ?hauts abo I i ? *..-?.???;?-.. .iv. --.? tUM, ABO I'll:: I I -1 ?SOB1 ,'K AlliiAM. EMI MI MAUK BOB mi; U -i i:i h *-. W tStllXGTOX, July 23.?*Mr. Yiii\ Pn*?, riii H ??? t!:,' I'..-, ? ? ? ? I ? ?Slew?*. ? Mew ' .1 ? in tl ? that : . . :. that ?.'ii thai ? '. ?. i ? ti 1 1 and Its i.i.'i'',' e : : ?" i ?i 1 ? i , ? ? ? ii,. ?? Urn? : ? . . "I . I Il ? ? I M : : . g tue 11 ? ? ? ? ' ? , ?lu i M ' ' . I ? . ? . .11. il. ' I I ' . ' ? ? - ? * i'urk il l?*av - ? -?. . - ? ' . . ,'. the h ..i.? i . ? ? ? ' ..?..!''? ... ' ? ? ? ? i fur tli?-? ? ? : ... ,i , I ;' ? the West as ? , i , : will be ii? i I :, ? 1 ? ' ?' .;. .i it. ?Hu r : i. Hai i > " feel the i Sei 11, b il the N ? ? i | un ? ? lf.,1 II.? .?I ?? : -LAS. 'i !:\in- ri.oM ?THIS i i ?*v. Th< 1 ? t r?< t M i! trains It fl this e?ty on rylng aboi I i ? trai i Ne* "i Oenti I Und n l:! i i.. i, and thai ? ; ?? t.'-i-. r i leai lus the till, '.,??1 l!n Ir !:,?! tii?, b] tbi : i ?tiijilar "; i ?nd ?.nl,?.' .1 for ' ll III t. .ir ;? ? ,11| . ' i : . .? ! . \ -.- I- . ... 'I? u,?, :. ? -. ... i?.nmi. uitl, r i .i ? ;, , . , .? i I Hall, i. ? u tter In the 12 p m. ?!i i.? I -r tbe care uf tl 1 r. 1 be lb-la ? ?in, be In I i |u i.. .... ?ve tu ? ill ?? ilion ur . niini ? . ?.i;. I'iiii - :.?? ?? il.- !.?? ?I,?? ? . -. .1 .?' til?? Cl?*l I . I. ?.,, t!,.- f.,-1 !?.. - ! ? I ?!',.!..''. ?I ,,, pu . matt, i lu i'i.'.ii'i ?.? bi ??-. Mi \'.? I, *? ipertuttiudeut . il i Kalla '. .-? ' i '? ?. i- 'ill .ii ? bu i ? . 'H.v ? i, ?? In.-ii ? ?i! neo -warllj . h ?? .ii ? .i return generall. ?to ?the ubi m bednh ?. BPBC1 M. RATE? FOB SC?l Tim Ah? .i pina, July 23.?By i!i?' join! Retion i?i di.- i:\i-?'iitiii* ('?im.eeofthe United ? ?teoalal C numl ->? a ib i ?the Ccnteaalal Board ol | laaa -, ,.i ,i,/,.| k. ii.-,. ?i',,?n ?"-?lin : tat? im? i. iti "?.il ix ., m ? ,. ...|. . ?, III I? n ll 'I ' ??:? __>< i , ? ? li.iiil. . t,| tbi ir lili ?I? I ? ? l ? i l. i. , I? partuu ?.i ...' .dui?Mlon ? a -i...? ?ctwn m .: i?,.i.?.i., .i, i i,?? , ?i, Miiiy be ?uiiiiiit, ?i (?ii.'iisii ?i?? ? t?i ?tan ?. 0BIM1 ? ANi> ( ni.- i.V TKLBORAPB. I.?.ii i i . M .--.. Wnli 'J i. - \! A vi r ti?-i?.u ?i Child In i...I ??i,, -ini? k i?.? !,.,. 11, ? 11 : auf! i Wilt ti* RtVRB Jl'BCTIllB, \t.. Jail '-' ?? ,; - A1.-,-..? Of IhlB I.I ' "I I l?t 11'i.t.'. 11 - ?III li.J I"? * I?'? ????.? d ti "H i.. un? tir.i.?,, 11 in ?i bag) ? ?gOI mi -HkBWICB, Me., .Inlv '_"!. ?Puriii';.. dittpla. ,,, . ? ,i, . i -rgoa ?a ??.i* nil ii k In ., I". .' * ?,-i't ll ?? I ??' A, Si*. I'iiam | i . .In!? 'J.!. \ tl tit! "'i the ' . ?i' I-i,,',' ll:iili??a?l t.. .tu ???f ?nl kill? ! ? 'i ?11 ?:::..".,?ll?l\?,'L? i.lll|.|(.> III?? I IMM I .*?...I U' ll.'l | I ,, k. M \i?i -, ?.?.. In, !.,.l, il? 23. Mi..!. I.. Roe, Htata Sen Slni I??i ? ? ? ' ? " ful ittetiipt t..? ?m,urn mi.n.:?-. ?frUa. Bltaia?a_Bawai??i?-?Bee by taking potaon. i?ai,.m,,,i. Iowa, Jaly 38.?Pour of a pleasure ,..?? r .-.,? ?>, ? i -. ii ..??,' t ??ii M ,.:: ??: ? llu ? I I'll?: i> I...: i?y lli. iptl/.ln? ??( ii lifiat, -juiu.-lr. Mm. W..I, Mita IHiIiiikh, lliil Hi .. h, ?.mi a?bl_ r? h i-i hi >-., r.-iiii., July _3.?McOehsn, ?Roarity. (?in,|, ,ii:,t it,., :.-, i? lin Il.ti.? Im . Il ?m Hill lof t in? ll'ir li-r of l'ollii in in \ .??l, H I.i '?I? ?. Ill 1 *??'. li?*?u bt-vii SSBfiaSSS ul uiiiuiri in tb? iir-t 4egrt ?-. II \i:in?iti?. c.nii,.. July 'J.? ? The H'-v. ?Harass Wln?t?a mf?". ?iii?i t?t?> unUtlren w i? tin.n?n from a . in ?? II: m ?ir i. i,, huU 11,.? f'iriiirr urnaintly iitjm?-.i lu tito ltivi.l. I'll" I'.ii'H.- ?aii itiiililJ-iitil t.? a S??? i.l ll_.mii.ii-r. Mv'?ii.i'*? S'ini vai:i?, M.-i--,.. Jaly '_'?!. -Diiriint* ? m??.,? I iiiiil.-i tt.?iiii in ?l.iv a b-tkl-ng tin tin? lllizlilaiiil PI? w ?ll irk i?? it,-.:?? ?.In? an?- <!' iii???tii'?l. ?ml (.'liMk- 1^ i i :,al .'all?, ll. 1, .?.a...._?.a hi t?i) Uour, BBS ia ?_..llj ..liLtt OPERATIONS IN MONTANA. sini'iD.w to takf: tiik fift.d. MMAOAC i' oi m ??AMPAK.N*??mils TO 00 GIVCT 10 IBB OATAOOfl K.i? i: oii.rsis* ,,-?? ATTACK |nv ri.i.i.t.ii.tiii to Tin: r__S?k. | WAArtJKOTOW, July _:!.--TLe laetet !br new de tacbmeata ?ml t.? icfnlbieeoBi troope! ngagad in lighting the Seeax I____a are aew <m tin- way weatward? Gen. ?_hen_B_, by tike Jud?elo?i ?listri? butiO-tof tit?' ?_RWpi which ss'ii? ?l?itiniieil on tb? Atliiiiti?" seaboard, hoi I ? m able? ??rtwithetaib__g the preaenl aumerieaJ weakaeeee4 ear _nayi to re? ipo?d promptly to the call?? of den. Bbcridna lorn? eofOree tenta, and no ?raiuBtaen will be needed ta r'l-li tii- Indian a ur too ineeee??1 eobi Inataa, (Jen. Bheridan ntpotte bom ?Chicago i! everythiag ia innl?hi'-' ?,iti-t':ict?iry piligltBB. Blld that .t.-ti'.i' OgetAf tioOA ail! I)'? r< -uiiied withJfl a f.'ss- s*.i'ek?i. it is 0 ?ally i-'-*',irt-'l i re that as -.?inn ?:?< ill" uccec-sary preparations are made and tlm aappl??a forwarded, I.i.-jit.-f?*,:i. Slicii.i.1,1 svill take tin; laid Ami |>'T. BO?ally supeiiiit. : ,i the ?oTeanonta at tr??. ;>-?, as ho ?liil in Ida Baeeeeak?I a__paigaol IS68 ami i**ii?.> n ?:.?.. 11?e Cheyenne??, KiowaBi AnapalMm, an?l Oo> manebea between tin- ?Platte ?uad the Bed Btrmtt At theSonth. Gen.8henmui will romain In Weahlng'? ?Ion, directing the general movements .nul providing tin-me ??a:;, irifienatoInanrathe met le oft?ees? pi'dltioll. The plan of campaign which baa ?been ?Jeteo?Mi ti;? m i -1?, in .1, ? a eombioe I bbotbbta*??I of M?00 <*?1 iii.iii-. with Fed El?aaa the luce. Two of the col? umn-? ssjll muse directly a_ tin- ltn'.ians, and oaa against their villagea. Qam. flhnridan ?till, ac CUillill?- t<) 111'- ?lle-l-lit Itl.lll, ??.,.l?l!,.'| ! lia lle.illillltir t--r?i ?tl tin* ti- lil :?f' .iils-alt?-.",,,'- . poial "i: ? "?"SO C'r.-ck. t'i ??it i?? mileaBortb-w -t et Fort Phfl. K?ar : ' ?J :,'i?l in ;ir tin- BCeoe <'f QtW. Croobft battle on ?M ? ud on the lTtii of June Tin? torno At tbeeo three **ol*_u_ -.sill ernennt In liai nggiogate to bo tween 3,000 and 1.000 : a k, Ifi sp arGef?Hhermaa aaya ?Lat it will ? ?jtubborn and bloody ; that the Iiriien obt-f taina ?arill naturally baye the eboioB at peaitieej, ami . ..; Inordei toflghl them it will ba BeeeaaBfy to tthdtawhen ??rerthey??*?flerbattle, >t abeteiet thi ? u:i Im caught. Judging tram sslitt i? well ti .? ?? r, h'- dm - not think thery tve tin* ad : I: in ! is a nee it uiu-it o ? ?? .1 ?uf ferloM i. li i.? thai Gen.Crookaud Gea. Ten*/ ? ' . ? - ? I ?1 an ii-iit- ?*'. and that if tc-y get ?i ti., i.ling liki a fail cbanee, they ssiii bm_eb it very wann f?er the warrion ?mi t?t Big _en. (?en. sinrii' tee the fighting atreagth of tl?o ,-: h*, n ,-,. Inarms ,; 2,500, and M ia the Battled ration to make the pa___? ? ?i the Bioax for their pre?enl bo tility on? never to be fort tl in by that .-<-t powerful naii>n. i : i . ny in adqu rtem tikat eveni ' .I. Minitt '. !'?!.'. I., ??ireach Qea. Crook until ?iii.iiit All.'. 1, .11 ? el ? I... !l t af.l. Cl'?"'k .".Id' ,. ieilS Will J; -.. -" tear ?? 1 thai the Vcl'.nw . ., mes vers ?.es ai c this ci ?y inter? f?re a in tbi pi ' ipl forw i? ; WATTING FOB MEBRITT. A. s Of CAMP t'IK MM nOBI HI BE DP ? i re?.?-.i ot i*!. \ i u m v,\k cam?? M Mi'.i i: *_' 2 :>. i - ; ? ?- . ;. ' r whe 1 fi Qeeoo evening of the lOtfa luet arrived at ... ?i - di la* nee cam i Powder Biret m body ?al MO lu . ti. i!io ' tor 24 Lo , 0 Lowed hie trail -. !': ! ? Biting ? . le Se it ' I I? ii. !.? ban be? n lot i ;?? 1 t be I | '.ml. :. I : comp Hing !ii:a ... imp. Ike ? ?? i)a >r: ii of i. ,i;i ??-. ci h ?*. tat from the teeaa at ti.* lit.-, - the Little 11ig H?rn Kiver. Thaw bave foi bred into ramp l ... itb apta I t > the part bed ? "ti li'i'.ii of ih-l ? .. . :.i la could I "f tie ir anatenaaee, : i! ' le'. Vr. i ?' . . . -:,.; ?h .m the dey ? r branch ot the u Hiver, near the ?Mbl oi the Big I Bee_> i ibis, a until the Btb ' av-ilty, which will leave Fortl Maoioy? Mtc?M ?it th ? 5th ' : I i." i. , gil] make m i . - ?? ?btnbmI until this .sen*, i. iba t iii-r-s". iioiu ba btti.itm* I to 0 ?:- li:.. adviaang !.i?t? ta join lim. 11?,,-. J in read ? amend, ba a?I my ...ia?all ?:: M . ! 'i I " ... I ? ' Mue, and m \s ill ?aove a 'l?-' i?is?' one. i ' re is notbin?* thai has not already b?a n repettal I to Gen. Merritt'a late eu?gagemi -a with ta. The Indien ?Ulled by Daflele Hill - i id Yellow Hmml, a roang ehlet The age?I ,i; I,' ?'?'a:i 1 ...'.::.l! - t'l-.t n?? tothl-.. l] 008unit ?. ? ? ? : ive left tint i -? .:? i ?"r t!i? north, ii? <|i:i< t then now, umI it ia ill go, ? A N!i\v tiii:?i!:\ or I'.u: ?-OT-1 vr. A new Ute t] ??i tii?- lidii of Own. ?Cbobn'b Km the Little Bta Ren aeeV raneed t?y J. B. Omohnn<tro, ?amra gseereHy ?M>an_I r ?,. i , . ii thinks thai Qea. CBstse asa0 eeee Um ira, al ta. (?ni.?sret ?_N mOkeOM ?esv in aient- of tea Mac, ai I _?I ba veeeerrted stf by his ?asen when thej r.ttc.n..i. it.- lUaka that the . . ?: . I :" |. ". . DtWMB,I '? | m lha ?tlier. .,,,,,, n. nb ' h Bi ii?> aaa, aae* HvtOtog ?ni,11?" part?a. II la ala apmlM I at !. id Caakm he.-n , i, , t., In,!, ta, .-'losen e it of In- i-.ii' I. It st...', J , towacd ?n It. B1CB DISCUTE BIES Of" Ool.H. CiiiYrwi:. July '-':!.? T_0 mlmgt la-t iii.i*ht tumi-!)/ m |1 '.?.m .In?! Iioiu Dent U,.o'l. Mr aer.B trusta ?rthj paaa, a_a hea Baaal Ira aeeta lu ? -a,.-1 :.a r. gam, latent ea aal afj i-.... klaaaaU et its ,.??!.-, marvelous dlsrureri ? liava taaei ,,.,; 1 n| I . \ fl.OOO.OOO l . lit Mil II IBI ?? '. I. h tr m tl i ?? ?J '?' ,! i ,;i ?T. i?i'i a nue.' i ran idus from ? it?, also I'll...? Tin? p. un.I? of sample .lu.irti for _______________ TEE l Hi, BECOBE. PIBB AT 0HBLB?BBI WALLE BntIBO#IBLD| Ma??-, July ?.';?.?Hi?- luiticlpnl kaaMam paettoeof thatpeitol ObolUirne FullaVUlagi is ?a- on :!..? a -i-'-..! DeetOaU RIvm la the Tana el Ddvus burned on .? -.. lag the. ?A'o .t ,.i,! Hotel a tss-o ?torea neneutk it. N. ? ss. 11 Hrotticn?' ,.-i ? mmd li .?,? atore sml atorebouae, sud two liona.? t:.,., In .le t II tin- i.-llnrol t!.-e S.ndl i , : re a clerk ?cas drswioa iu???. iif.t.e. i ?t.? total . ? ? ; Hi-Hi an? >-. ?It.l"?' Hi ' !': luaera ure l*. K. Woo Iwunl, ri.-.i"??; ? --? . ?- '' ; ill lu? ?lint en un-h, g?AmO; uianraaeBi | i.skjo. BBBB \m? im.':'. l'iTTM-.rt.c.ti, .inly 83??The bofldbig at Loifi 0 Barton ?and the Keg ?sad Oaml Oaaaffeai aaaharaai ?, t ?,'?!,?!,lay. la?.-. .V-"?.<?00. Montkrai-, July -'-.?A niiiubcrof btiildnigg on tun eeleta ??.-?t firm it Leeg >J_?d ewaei ?>>? 4a?rew Allen were destroyed by ?Ire yeguinlay. A anaabar at Tttlaublecitttlu and t?_nun? iiii??'"tucut? were also funie? IN THI- CITY. The fancy st??re of llunictt ?Traton, at No. 211 (?rnutt-?tt., took Are yeatortliiy, ilum i^tn_ ttie st?j.-B ii-jiiOO- tin? I'lnl'lii'K woo _tiiiii_?*tt 1'JOO. 'i'i.-- ?.?.* i? nils cos. rt-il liy in*?suoe. XlM osuss of Uit- ?o ?_| Uvl aus:? __iwtl, /