VOL..YYYVI.N? 11,107. NEW-YORK. FRIDAY, NOVE M BEB .% 1H70. PRICE FOUR CENTS. THE STATE CAMPAIGN. HOW IT LOOK'S AT SYRACl'SE. ansmmUOAM I'SiTEi?, fill of fight, and tw HAW? WOliK-TIlF. BSMOCBJUJI HUl'K TO I CMP BY BOASTING. Tiif. TaiBt'M s (onespondenco indicstes tliat Liberals ami KepuMicans of Oiiomlapa County substantially a n,,it, and thai the county is mh ?ire Hay." Bad Morgan the lame majority of 3, which(;r;int lec.-ive.i in \**72. ADseauoratir.< ??Isel what ill? i< -ult will he iu the state tagl iromwhidi it afpean that systematic hoastii being isaorted t<> fat its aapaossd moral s-befc A HIO MAJORITY IN ONONPA.iA. ms BBroauc-B oat aa n noa oooarr n pn ',?,, mush BST?BB or the uaaaaia I_Al.<._: lililBIKAN MAjolllTY OB 1873 TO REl'Kl'H ? I'? ll'K?iM a siAir ooaaaaMamaa. ok the |bibsbb.i BtBAOUSB, NOV. I.?Ia no county of this State the LilH-ral ni'iicineiit of ls72 meet with a r< a< or more heariy ISSf-SSM than BBBOBg the R.-piildii hei?- ?u Onoadaga. The geasraaa msitimoata wl prompted it and IBS sincere desire ___? a.lmiiiislral reform wW__h attracted t?. its support, es en grcal personal sacrifice, so inany of the in st truest niei) Ok the doininant party, no less than Mpeet which was Wl ta Um peal nan ?im taiiic i;- aseden nmved thousands v? Republic here !? j -in its ranks. Mr. I.re. ley was liso ablest advocate, of his time of tin American sys of political ei.iiKuny, aayaaaaa tat which thepe. of Oassatags Conaty have a grealet sad more d_ interest than those of almost BOJ otliei cummin Bt the I'ldt'd States, if WS ?-*' -opt p?-rh:i|.s 1 lie I makers of Penaaylvaaia. That they did not all v the liberal ticket was ?lue to the decision of contest In f"ie they had ?in opportunity to do BO. ' it? aataaaaa had heea possible. Get- (.ran! at would have had nearly 8.000majority in this com in 1*72. The name inllnences which made the I.iin inov.in.ii! so BOflai hen- dailBg the early i> of the campaign of 1*72 have ?Iraun b_ into th.- r?galai Republican organization nine nim-out ?d .-vers Bandied is the county who n ported Mr. ?ir.cley that year. Th. y bel that fi years' experience has jastifted tiu-m ia theeoai theyth.il shoos. Bad BOW that tin- K.-pulili. ?in ]'a? gat finally placed itseli tqaarel) ??n a reform ph ioriu. and l;;?s prov? d us sincerity bj the noaainati of men nimm even Lib?rala can heartily aappo they gladly return, not as prodigals in ahame ai repentance, lutt as men who deserve to rank w! tbe very in-i of their party associates. This ist position which ha? Inen accord? ?1 them lui Mr. Trank BJOOOCk, one of th.- BM BBSlooa of Mr. (_!..ley's support. US 1872. and the candidate for OoagieSI ll year on the Liberal aod Democratic ticket, lian be? placed in nomination for the same position by tl Brpublicane this l"..l!. aad is reeeiving the mo Bailed and) hearty sapport of the party. The Li erais here an fighting the same battle which tbi fought in 1*7'-'. niily miss they carry the Ropnbli? I party witl-them. The erideaoe of this is seen ? almost ?very incident nf the naiBpstgn 1 Bllgl metitinn many, hut will only stop to rate to 00 In tbe Republican tomb-light aatads last eveniai which nas the finest cvt-i SSSB in this cuy. 1 mitin a transpareacy e?iitad hy a ward elab.oa vvhi? *;us ins.uli,?! the motto, " One le?i) and Civil Be Vice Reform." No (.rant cluh displayed lhat mott in 1872. lint than are other NBB0BS why the Republics puny is atnonget la-day in Otaoadaga Cooaty the it lias been for yesra before, lisi?is! noaainalioii ?asm to give aaiversal sstiafaetioa. Its organist tion is tli"iii!ii'li and systematic, and its leaders Lav Spparcntly BBOOSO?ed in exciting that interest _g ect!iu?ia.stn which alsvay? insure a heavy v..t< Tbc Repabl can? arc also roeelvlag asasa help fn ? avowed l) um, ia??. The readers n| T,?I Ti:IPI v fisastacsdto be told again boa the old politics kadm in Byracoee, "without regard to part-., were aflei te?l hy C- ttack apon the Ca nal Bag, To ' ? T.ii great ?a, ? Bi i,!ij,v hi oison wa aaasDj entiali ch pa iy. Mr. Beiden ws ene of '? roas sappoalori of the Repuh Lean pa...., nor in the county, bat lo the .Mate while the Deni ?.is controlled the Democratic or traiii/ati"!,. ,i.t were equally liberal in their gift to further itc ends. All of these men hat*- Cos Tilden tsith an intensity about which there ??aa I? Bu mistake, ami ii is hardly natural to suppose th? they would allow this gnldoa opporlaaitj t" gab] without having their revenge. There la no more in tensely ___tBfSBtod Repnbli an la this state tiiii year than James J, I'.el.leii. and I need onlv add thai tbe Kcptihh? m uian.iL'eis seem to have no troubl? torai.se fun?!- to tarry on the nocessar.i ezpeaacael tlif cam j.:, On th.- other hand neither of the Domini alii sicini-crs of the nid fina imr their (olloweraar ?doing aaything tu help elect Mr. Til.Ic-I. Some of tin younger nica have openli joinetl Hayes and \\ he. Id clnhs, and while the otben are not pnbliely support? ing the Repablkaa ticket, their intlueii?? and their votes, if tins ?ire ?...st at ?ill, will he given in that dire? tion. The Doaaoeratk arganlttton h?-r<- is in the hands as Gov. Tiidea'a wsrmosl frieada, aad 1 betters his the policy of the loaders to do Bothtiag aaaaeesaarily to wid ri the breach which f"r n'arly tWO years has existed between thetWO factions. It looks like ?in hapasasMc gulf, and area lbs aeaaiaatlea of Jadge Trat:, tor,: arty Attoraey-Creaeral oi _heState,oa tbe Daaattatk Congressional liehet, aad his soeeptance Bo the sin -pi taae ! almost ev.iyh..dvi, ha? not hi idm-.l a over. Nothing exc-pt tin- cohesive power of pahlh ptandsi will eves bsiag lha ?Uaeordaal elements o? the Deiiioi late paity in this county tajather egaia as leaf as Got. TUdea eootrols tbe political mat hin.' in this Ntat?'. I don't mean hy this to timos- any suspicion upon the honesty of ggry tasanbei of eithei f.i? tu.ii, hut simply to my thai if the llemociatic party si,,,,,!?! suce. .1 Dax! Tuesday, _ar_a_tsvth____faha-a hsgpsoaa. thaaaieeombiaatton ef these antagonistic slsmanta waald he. Bot il Mr. Tilden is n?.! ataaaai there will be ?aa of the Itaeest Ighta la ths Daaaaeiatta party, not only in this county hut in tin entii. State, ever known la lecent )Militic.il hisioi f. The R< publican? of tins c'ountv expect to iriie both the National and siat. tickets ta the aelghbor howlof :?, 2,000, ami base thefa hopes .m j,i puiiiiean rotea which they tag their eaavam abewi tiui have captured m gravy town and sinnl. I don't believe tiny will secure as a?stiy RepebUeaa votes ;_s th.-v seem t.. sapaei I don't saben lbs RepahHeaa maJmltp will be les? Iban 8?0O,aad it ma\ K'i aholt :!,?M?0. The vote ? tin.? ,itv is a great aaeertala element m the Problem. If 1 knew just what that sia.uhl he 1 ?auihl ?ve a pretty intelligent guess iu regard to the r? ********** l. I- w. T1H. CREAT REGISTRY IN NEW-VORK. i k.nation o* thi: cm .m it y kkiibi icand at ? AtTtMlTKH HiAl 1. - DK1K.KM1N A'l ION l?> ?****, A UHUS VulK AM) OVKKCOMK IHK CITY'? Vor)-. IrSOM A ?TAFr COBBKSI OKI.KM OF THE TBlBt'SB.) BYSAciea, Oct. 31.-No feature of the entire "*M*ntul contest has excited so profound an in y**** throughout the interior o? this State as the ?>*nsfc regiatiatiou in the City of New-York and **** ?tposutee which Tu* Tbibvbb has made of the fraudulent voting that wa*> contemplated tin Nothing else haa bam aoaaaeft r.-ilk?-?l about by Republicans; BOthing else. I believe, DM had equal effect in stilling Dp the indignation of great mass of honest \otii_. It ivas getnt dayt a I attention had been rail, d to Um farts, ami th. pec began fully t<> r.-aliz?- what ?gigantic frauda in vote of New-York this year aright mean, Val an ronvictioii tptta? among then that it was ini|>.? bb- m this way for tin* popular will, lop ?expreaoed, to be marie ineffectual, it mi them lUftlet than any wavin; of the bloody si haa done. In my conversations with Rep?blica since the danger that they nri__hl be cheated |)tioii of the constitutional amendments. * lioily has seemed to know just what was to he il? in such an event, but there lins beOB a gi-ner deep teated feeling thai tht people oaghl not a winiM not submit tf th State. In one cam Ato trampa have appeared in ?mall Tillage within a feu ?la;.?, ami, although Iln appear t" be wry . ut? < ir.'in using tbe majority of their repeaters and ?llega voters there, have sent them out into the country ? amall squads, hoping that in thia waj they may i>. mon su?-?c.v-fui. /. i. ?a. IHE __OA8T_J OF THE DEMOCRATS. ?mn.ii'Imi: DXIVBBBAL in mill! i:am.? i?:i MA I ID MA.ImI'.!||I:.s IN I?l Mu? I: ?_ I |. ?. ?. 11 I? i;i ii ni.HAN n.iMii?-BKIl'B*. Ol mi. MCI IMS?, [rii'isi a ?mrr ( !i. W? shall CUR] tin State, and ..ui majority a ill i>, a large one," -aid : member ?.f the Democratic Btate Committei it? Oswego yeeterday. 1 auppose I ?have heard tbii ?osortion made with equal positivem ? bj Demo ciat-s lu ??tint |>:i 11 -. ??? the -tati-at 1?-. ? times within the past two weeks, I souk ? auapeet that it isa part the ?""real i ,... Puno .iaiir party la to ac< ?mulish ??n election A.-.y 1 have heard it everywhere I bave been, in atrooi Republican as well sa In D?mocratie counties where the ?mti-'i il.?.n Dem?crata arenumerou si v.i-ll a? where there are none. This ?everlasting din Ilk.- th'* beatini i the most peculiar features ol this remarkable cam? paign. Hoping to leant something of tin* basis onwhicli the Demoerata r.-*?i tin ii hopes, I contium ?i Ihe eon \ii*?:itu'ii v.iih the gentleman already quoted in thia letter. He ipoke without reserve, hut in-t offl. beeaose i; 1? several weeks rince be has been m N?w-Voik. ami 1 presume he doea not know what th? latest information roo Ived there bj ins commit? tee ma] '"'? "' sal l thai be had ?been r? aril mi1' letters of ?Republican en? .pondent? trow diffi rent parta <>f tin* State, ami be found that they almost invariably reported th?* innjoi ui?-? likely to I.?- secured in tl.? atronii Republican coin.ins .-is considcrablj amallei than the) were in 1873. For Instance^ Oueiria fare Gen. Grant 3,000 majoritj tow ycai while the highest Bgureat whichthe R?publicain now p?a.-.-ii is 1,600, with an admitted possibility ??( Its going down to 1,000 ; Jefferson (Jouutj 2,700 in 1872, and tbe ?Republicans claim it now by only about 2,000 ; Bt. Lawrence Count) gave (Irani ?ii.out 7,000 m is"-i. aad will eertainly give Haye? and Wtieeler 1,000 lern tbi year. These were fail samples, He had beard of no countj ?where tb< l.v ]iuhll7,7**7 to h<- overcome bj ih?* 1 ?'? ? ?'? lit?. If kn addition 10,000 of thk was wiped oui Berth of Harlem River, New-York and Brooklyn would ?have t?. _M*.c (?..v. Tii?i. n about 53,000 to 11?-1 him. Ill thlseslilnat?-. he sai.i. h.* had ?i. ? oi li.-d to th. KepuLllcaiis in every teas tin ma ?oi ,l,. s Ihr.-. claim?-?!. Hie own .adguwnt waa thai theHepubli can loss?-? when the retiiniM were compared with thoae ol 1879 would 1m- eonstderablj largei than those fat which lie had m.:?l.- ?ill???-, .inc.-, and that th?* I>? hum r.itic coiinti.-s uxi iusiv?. .?i New-York Wouhl K?v>* t*> OOV. llldcn un.;,- t li :i 11 90,000 ?najolily. II? thuiight that tin iii?|?n-s,?i<,u v.hieh. he unid,ia lii-mraily abroad that ihe Daaaaaratahaat tin Ixttcr chance ofcarryini; thi'M-Hi-, w;(s s.,,,t|, IQyOOOai 13,000 voies to thorn at tbakwaataati mat?-. lb _M were the ica-ons m hy ha 1>? !i?v?-?l G_OV. Til'b-n's majoiity in this BtoBC wnnld h ? a lari." ?,;,?. I have no ?oiniiii nts lo 111:1k? upon Ihisesoeptte say tbnt while 1 atn con*, im ???I that there arfllbea g?-ncral falling off of the majorities in Kepuhliiau counties if the returns arc coin pareil with thusc of 1872, this will not be on account of any general de? sertion of the Republican party by tin?_f ttm iti-lui ! liase ..mated OtSS M. llolul of ?BWSSN? lor ?Congress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?; BNEBA L POL?TICA i. VE W8. COLORADOS vom: HY COI7NTIE8. Till: It? I'litl.iCAN MAJoiHTV POB COWOBB8BB.AB| 898?A ?.UN OB :t,."i2l on nu von: loi:-.1 PBBMB ?diitT all UHF. The vote of Colorado en Oct. 2. as pnbHahed ni the < ..us a--iin. Board, to given Below. Not? itbetaa4 nit- tb? fact that tin- Se. i. tiny of Male li ut n--m d a pioiiitinali.ii o:d. ling un Bl i tion mi Nos. 7 for a no in i., r ,,f iin- xi.vtii Oaagress, boM pardea voted tara no ion. r ?.f the Xl.Vth as well us Hi? pn sent ? Bagram. Sine, tl e ?l.iol.ci .lection I lie Secret?is ha? withdraws hi- proclamation, there bstag mt election provided foi Is Hie lieu Slat- ? oli?tit utintl. 'Iin- In-,in.. I." . ho telar, ?ir.- preparing t" bold saeleetlea an the7tblast.,sad i ..'i'. I the da i in of t lie Kepuliliciiii?. holm- of tin- ballot? werestmplj * for Bipraseatstlva m ?magreas," sod did not deslgs it'- ssiii? h Osagna 11" - bailo! -. sti? a m.. not ill. ?ill. .1 in the s ilijoiniil tSbta, su re ilisiileil as fol losi.? : 111 ! Ill 1. AN. I'.allli'l,!. iirnil . 7i* IP" ?ilalalc. IC.'t W.I.I . '?? Total. 'Mi HI ?lo.itAIIC Otenhhu, Costilla . 27 ??t.i.i'l . 137 Kio i,i.mi. . 1. . Weld. 1 . Total. 290 The sole for JadgtS of the Supreme ?iunt gnVS the esnvasa? r? verj little troubli. ami i a b? :ti i ?bo Hj. strength of tbe two partie iban ti.it fur ?'?". ? mail. In the foiloiiiiig table the hlshesl soie of . _eb p.iis tor Judge of tbe Bapreme Court Is siren: l s,.l I -? 1*7?;. i - ?i:;:. 01 '?.. MaABI \. OBI m lin rot B ? sM-ii'ii - I "i. ?,oi i l.Nil: is 11 s\i ??, i , m 11 MPlliS, Tenu.. Nov. 2. (Jen. Maiiey, Indepen? dent I ?'? pu Id:, an i a lulu I..'? (.,| ?...s. n. fuiiii?h. s : ai midnight to-night : i . mi in ..i ? . i u. Bag n Impoa Ibi t? aalte ?in i n li .1 ou loi >L . lion, I ?;? e .. it m th. t.. ? ? ??. ul ctdealred by a .im ,.r .i, andida!? fw ? loi erno i Uso Mabi v. This leaves Gov. Porter, thi I ? niocrati? nnniinee; 11. i?. s (liornas, Independen! Dem? rat, um! I. i|iiir I lud? I" 11 ll Ul R< DUblll an, in the lul'l. ? ELECTIONS CONTKJ.TED |V OHIO. C\- i i . s ? 11 V.u. 2. Not.. ? I 1 ? ? .. ist Judge lian. In Commun l'h-a?. by Jndae Pnyloi ai ?in ? Kheritl Wallace, and by Kerbort h againal Cmmts Uli Beruard, chsrgiug frauln. tu the late elections < city. I he i ont? ?tanta n re all I. i ? siidi ?Intes at i tu- October election , and wen defeated bj A BLANDER "I GEN. BITTLER, ORB. HANS? inoiiiiiv ANsi- ! \i, a- ro .n i-'.i i.i .ii.' m m ... |;-.i 11 11 '.i. si ii o- rill n i m I!.i?IO\, Nov. 2. (i.ii. Hunk .in ?HI op .1 le| t. ? ?I itl) i imtrndli is (.. u Butli li,,.o relative :?' tl linen Un Bunk? .n - : " Judgi 11" ... .,..-, at bl? own ?on. n.it am. in tin iniei s i . i !, , i u i' I,., mil '. I .let Hot lilt- ss ssiien ,i ssa? | . V. le Mu I or lei Ihe appointa ' . .,, ,-, pi able in hnn " ?;- u ?. .i Boath would n. bad, and th il II wonM bI Ii ? I b< Mr. iieiiiie i nom commending It. roprrv? itthl?l< V, a.Is d I" send n mi ?? . ui'i i I" I ll -o ui gil , :. m not to ti tit. :, || tor oi lulu- .mt pre nl ? ta-r. li i- meat gel terted, bat beton b< i i Led In ?liali.i|.o!l? Mi He.nil Ii ks hail lin n ?pofcl I to .lid bad fuiit . oinnmu ?i bi-OseJ! to ?-os. Tilden'? letter. Ua lll.M ti. Unl.'lis 111(1?! A Vlli'.ItU -iin; ?ll li? 1 i; Washington, Not. 2.?Henry \V. Thomas, l.n nie i.iiiii ?on-! nor of Virginia, In ? ti ant a thai Laagley, m that State, ta asked if b? h il not tul oath to rapport Ihe Onastttattoa al the Dotted Btsli?, and then gone Inte rebtBlon. 11.? Ueutenaat-Uoveraef ?an I : ?? I ??id, and ut.?I? r sun Ihn iu.cn .:. n, i I wUldOM again." TBeec nerds wee? ?pokes n.s a mi a ? be, li ? ? ui Bemper ahowld die, would be Qoveraca of tin Blata .f Virgin... fbsywen beard bj away buaured? Ol people. ^ AN llli'IK'N IBBraCTOI D-BMIBBKD. At a in? ?tin;.' i if the I'oli.-e Commission? t ? yesl? rday, WOllaai Hi BtAty, laspe? tor of Mu Boa la IBs XXVIIth Kleiiion l.is!rni of the Vth As ? in Itl v Ml ii,,i, ia dBsitasrtl lie ?wore falsnlj on Isklns bis ap j.oiiiino ut, im?! i-' had i"<" a atttoso aad laamentsl Bew-Yvrb fm Ive )? trs. Al/lDKNTTO Till'. KI.UHYM i AT MA1IYIAM' As th.- sl<;iin ferry boat Murylaml uns on lt?T liip limn ISSBBJ fl_V to llarl.iii lids uiern lllg, ?he ean.e in collision off the Hatters svitli the scboonet Josi? Crowley, commaiid.d by Capt, ( rowley, from BerWBlB, carryln?. away Hie sebOOBBf*? Jlbbo?sn, iKiwspiit, ?lass, aad all bead-gear. The .tiumcr liad lu-r joluti work unber port ?iilo baUly slove. SOUTH CAROLINA AT PEAC A LETTO TO THE Till It ESE. KEPI,Y TO <;?iV. i HAMBKI'I.AIN. iNTiMinAiiMN nrimro omi a pan* v I'H'.tiition* OOUND n i:t?.rs. fien. Wada Hampton, the Democratic candid for Governor in Sooth Carolina, t?l?graphe t<> 1 TniiuM*. a reply to the recent letter of Gov. Chi lierlain, explaining the eeeeaeity tm troopo la I Stale, (?en. Hampton denim that there is ??r I been douiestir viol, nee rolling for the use of (roo He sais that on]*, a f,-.<- of the rife chlhs w armed, ami that no white man .-?> i showed |U0 pistol at any meeting he ever attended, while t or.d man did. The smiagef the whites al i.n. too, he seys, was for relfprotection. He apeaka colored riots, ami ev plains th?' ohj.? t.?i of the Soi Carolina DcBMM ia? f, GEW. RAHPTOira LETTER. To the E il i t or of The TrikuUt. ?Sib: 'I'm* pressure of my ?public engagements a delay m obtaii lag a copy ?>f th.- letter ???. But had b ? endi ..?,,. ita ancceai would have vindi rated tin rhar t? r ? i the white citizens, ami h i him no pretext or excusa f"t raining the ciyofvb leuee and insam rl oo. Third: I denj t!..?i it \*..i- impracticable t?. ??>n ,*..ie to n. il., appli? .., ion t" th I nit? .1 r prot?t lion ag lit . and ?iiiL. -? it eouki n?'i lie conven d lb? l?ovcrn i bad noanthoritj to aakno ihe l'i? -.?;? ,,t t.. grunt the protection granted Within a we-k or ten days tin I.,-'; lalur?- could have assembled. ti?.,. ( bam however, anni? ? that if s - \- ! .? I, WOOWI Walla ! ' '.- I ? .-:-!.i*'.ire II ?ion. the I ? pi -1 * u.Id not b convent >i in Una i" -? i u protect-? n In fi I dornest ii violence bad .mpl >hcd its purl****"? ? ? ii !i.,.i would make ? be ?-< r, fact wbi? 1 joal it ? railing fot prole? tiou : i ? ? . ... dug will anj a. ti. u .f fnmls ii tbe li muni w if h th? I "*? li!:li"i.it that tie latan should i? i onv? ??? ?? I .vi annual i ?n, am anj e\p. na? - m. ? ? ? :. ' ould bav? he. |i pro?, id* ?I fol llj ih? I Olli It?, ll. /,, ..-.., .* i Ihe few tide ? lab - in tbi ? d ami n ,-.?? i.? ? n ? mi ii lutlj u?, da tfa rhlef bm ganiaattirn ? i lbs Democrat . , i. f. "... ?l |.-. ? b? '. re the pi- ?cut ? uni uw I i * , bach i" th? ?ii .?( ih<- li. \ -.lu I, all "i tbi m !??? ' at ? lime been ,. m? i . >.i ......i?I .?i Got. < ii.m.!" ;? I.un. Thej were in no senw political organization! , i . ? , ,l ,ii j ? -. 'I In rent ot the ?<>? railed rifl clubs h ive no w? a*pous ss ?u? b. They il,.,:., a ipaigm lulu?,moving i- tina i ?.'? il.' i i- ?uch a prompted the ui ? ? *' Hoy* in Bin?. th? I'rand Ann.; ?o i! . I.*- publn .m othei kindn d asso? intious. " irioi i - cativa? "i lb? State I bave n..t nn or aabet in th* p..?-. limi of ih? m ? lube, and lh< t bave not rried eh at ? ? ? ? ? ? ,i. (?n ih. ?mI.. i band, the eolon ?I militia, with luode.1 it!- ? -...?I hill*. ? ' rered, "lo 11 n tantly ait? ml piihli meeting- in tbii ? - it? to the tl Uli_i am....la.a ,,| ; ! 1 . i l'tfih .* I deny most eiuph ilirall) that 'I ? l -' clubs have killed Euauj an ?? ht t ? -a the K? publii an party, have whipped and imtragrd hundreds, and individually threatened thousands. I challenge Gov. ci...iaia ila.n to Ihe i.i "i this ? barge, whi? b I i un.: i., i., i fool iland? i up-.,i a p.-' pi?* whose rank off? tut is that thi j are no kntgi ; ? IliiiB to be plumlered and o| pr? nd bj Gov. ? I party. But I ? all attention !?? tbe fact that ul ? babee [oi dayt and week a.I baud ??l m gro? ? whipped ?and beat othei uegrot-s, resi t?d arre-t, d? !?? il U?.- law, and n i aed tbe >? a I?" bad I? en arrested, snd that .m* ol tin *?* la* I n h.?n brought to Justice. During these .1 ?turbuncco, tltonfl ? ..p,? ?' ?I (??hi il.e.*?li? mi i??i aid i" enforce the law, tbe ?Gov? rnor never visited th ? ?cene ' ????nain ih. facts ?u lend bisaid to tbe p: m n ilion of peace, ?">*.. Chamberlain has failwl '" uf< s ?ingle m-: m.. a in n* -a K? ? ubli? sn bs ? sait? n .1 bj tbe intimbUtion >.r violence of s ?Democrat. The , ueti nce .?i m. h outragi ? rest upon l"* unsnp ?ported a-? m.m: while the papers ol the Bta! sn inlxl with Instances, name, date, and plac?, full) i, win re 11.-m.?? ran. m groe? Im? e been threat cued, i".u. u, and wonnded b* Ih publican* ?? ' '?" arrests were made, aor have Iroi p? hen n - ni foi their protection. As far a? be can, thi Ex? teaches thai Ihe colored I" u. il bas no rights that tbe antborith are ?bound to ?? -i" et. .su'/?.* I denj that tbe a? uiMmg "i Ike armed white ?*.ti/. n- at Ellenton wan in pursuance ol a ii.ll matured plan. Th a*** mulage wai siui] lj '?'" .ail., ring of ' i...ens to pi ?teel and ?!? fend their oeighbora, who wen in iuunii ? ol ilanger from the armed negroes who had aireadj Bred apon tbeeon sia'.l.* and the paw bearing a warrant for the am : an lualire. A- - "" ?'?'*?' ?""??? "r I oiled Statea i.p arrived and undertook t?..ii - pern the rtotoua blacks and to protect the n ident win:???. ?le . ifi/.ue. who bad gone to the scene of the outrage gUdlj n tamed n? it?* " ?""?" ? Bonalk: \ iota thai Ihan m anything. toa.lontmdl rtoq la the pre? ni gttttade of tiic li.-ni.'.-iii? in this Bute ?toward Gov. < bamberiain. l'Util his el. ?-tion his ?o?.lml and BSBOCiatCS fiVC him no claiin to our < ?ti.li.l? n? ? m I'"**'- At BOOB M !.?? pia...i hinis.-if to opposition to th? ?orrupi mem bei'sof hi? pait.i, gad m leaf m aawaa aogaged in th. -work of political reform. ??* P** khM ??ur siip |M>rt. Hut the .?.iistitutn.n of the K? puldi can party wan in BtrWMM chani_e,l. The ?.Id leader? were as gkOBg '? tn*' t??*?-'1""1 -v,:ir ??LisadmiuiDtruti-ju ua in the liiot, and signalized their strength hy tho election of Whipper and Moses mjadgaa This and ollu-r imniifi-stalion? of the power of th?- corrui.t Republicans forced the Demo ?rats t?. the eiiiicl'isinn that the Kepuhlic.-in party washaeapabls ?d retegaiag it-? if. The a___fyalter? aativs was to reorgaaisc the Doaaoeratk party and nominate DsaaoeratM randidatfa. This has besa ?lone, ami ihe Domination of (.?.v. Chamberlain by ami v, ith the very men In- had r.-p. ?itediy ami hit terly deaoaoeed as unworthy of aappoit justifica tut derision and action. J'uiiiinii from Cm. Ch.nnhi rlain's tetter, 1 desire lo my a few svo;ds ?is to our present condition and fatare prospects. 0. tbe wretebed Bdagoyenuaeal of T his State it is unnecessary to spifik. Your own columns have told ill?' story ia barning words, and Cm. Chamlii ilain himself has said, "Our State needs reform la nearly every department of the publia m n ii e." Mult?is ? aiiiot ran te ala yean te eiiiiie as thoy has.- f.?r the past six years. " I,'. 1 *n_ has become shsolotoly asceesary. or the State will sink." With the truth of this vs.- at.- firmly impressed ; and it is hecause we Inline i!, and hecause WS believe that the party uliich has brought these evils upon no is alike nnwilling aad nnahie to n imna- them, that the Democracy an united ss never before to secure peace and g.n,?l government. Weowabyfsr the larger portion of the property of theState, We pay the taxes ami beer the burdens, snd to us good government Is a necessity, Tbe firs! elomentoi good government ia harmony between the raeea who muat live together, and to it? pi. rvationwe are bound by every obligation of Interest. Whatever else may be said, every candid man must recognise the forbearance of tin white prop.? of this State ander provocations to which American citizens arc rarely subjected. I hsve pledged myself, and the Deameratic party ?H pledged, to uphold every rigbi goaraateed by tbe laws of tbe State sad of the United stat... aad to s.e that equal, impartial justice is admin? istered witboul regard to color, class, or party. We can redeem these pledges, pi peace, insure protection to every citizen, white or colored, ami tasks this State once more honest, tranquil, aad prosperous, That ami thai alone ia the ohji el of this cans ass. WaHI: HAMPTON. thuritstnii, g ''.. Bei. '.'. 1-7'.. CENTENNIAL A WAED8. A RE? i BN TO THE ORIGINAL PLAN. TBB COMMISSION riNALLT DBCIDI TO GO IHI IDAS TIM'. i:i i..?.', iM) DISTBIBI n: Uli. KBOAlJIAXB ii !? ii:r-. ? im. m .ri.su '"ii! irom i si or rat rsiBmn | l'un si>: I lili.i. Nor. 2.?In the m.tr. r o! the Centennisl awards, the Commission has folly decided in return to the ori .a ,.il ij - : m devis Mr. Beckwith of New-York, and ?isn to each ?: - il exhibitor, with the medal and diploma, the of the judges, signed by them. With the ..i i ?o ?? u, phrssi - ology ss sra msde in the t.mat* I edit? ing, ami Hi a t' '? ' ?. , iin- str:l<;:>? out ,,\ matter in ! he !l I tile of It'll' I t'?elm lit s liisifod in s l"l.: I nil n! ?he instructions to the judges, the reports will I" farnished to exhibitors just as written, Most of them were in cxcellenl shape when pre I, n ?! ? ?f tIi. j,i. p?. p ?o d by distinguish? d E_.ni ami \ i ? :. m m ??. , i ,.??, are "i :. a: s | ?. to the i : t?nate o ' : !? ?'? -. I'm ei ample, a i . -?. ? ? i bj John Amh moo, i! ,i ma i.i i -;. will he worth more to an ex hibitoi than s ?re of m? dal -. In jus! i . thai ''n re w? ; difii? ni;i? - in the wej to the original sV i,i,, tlial had todo ??til n.dm in? tbi m to rhi i'?- ' ' 200 ? : ih ? l 1,000 ;? ? ' are withoal the api rovsl "? the ?-? ? bat I ? ' ' ll, :l I. .Ill- - 'In llintfel v. .1- lilc-e la? ls ?ug i-anii.'t !.. obtained withonl lending tb? ? - all ov? r Ihe I hi ?i Cu- m?? ' taity ol lan? ?a n. ms ..i the n poi ti writb n hi i i ..'.:?-.: : ' ? such phmae ss ' dies ol pork" ?? n ? '- i ?tumbling block. The s ll.i.lolllitedll that li isll. Sllopb (1, 1. um I.V.I ' 'o.('..' ill , Ige L'i.iii'n.i!.. a I. and the C ui?! I'll.i mil Com Ct, .t to . bang ? i id m pul the n pon u lilil? for th.- substance of the i.p.i'? upoa the i by giving them to the public with th Irsig? . illll. - ?.I ivd. K. I . f. IN01 HEB \ I'll:? i. M. OP TUB AMENDM At the meeting of the Chamber of Coni i p i. s 11 i, ?.b, In ti.e ? iiaii. i? -??I ui ions ssei.' unanimous.) adopted appi tilt- Con?! (Util 'o aloe- ill u,i at of i - l I'd n ' III.|ltc l.t n ? I ;,-? , I ' I H the prevent syst? in ..i th? , 1 lie l.-pul 'il. lt. P ! .-"' ? weut there more for t tic purpose "i u. ?! ?? than of la m. a i ?;:.' |?rlsn era, andconaequcntlj con Ici .'.oh i.. . 't.". He i o .i- m favoritUm. i!u- ami ut', er non-'? would con a* lonjf bh the ' ni wa ? i '?? I ? ' . Hi. 1.li?" || n ballot? m i. ?peel i" tb? amend 1 -e 1! c ,,i Tin: ii aii,!-i- FOUND ' .rn.i'Y Bali a, N. J., X? v. 2.?The trial ol the five men v. ho s'.cic linliet. i for eoinnli its In tbi H - ?S, |cil p-.. ? il.-lit at I'eiiii-.se, tsliicli reaulled In I Philip Boater, alia? Walker, eoni with a ver i .i n. n,. m.u st h" ss. re under I ment l'iie |.ii?oii re, I i - it, "Sam" < "i ? :. hit - ?? v ,!?: i i" B? et. Bh tur I ' I-." aitd " Johun] " l ?ai 's. Wen BS - ? ? I ?''"'I as l ..-ilil.'. ?| !., .pus ss... ..i.-.-nt unis i-h..it time,aad returned i lin? del ' I..- si : le! ll e- m i ll ? - a. n uns senli n. Illld i '?? mis tllIUU frilUI I le .S II.I il-' I l ! '.'. call t i .:' -' II!., , IIB , e? hase nul SI I L. ?il |l . - ll, h:.! : iloubi tliui ...f in. pri-a-u? ra will receive tbe lull pen? alty of tue law. ^^^^ DABTABDL1 00 ''i: IGE 11 KONDOUT. Ron poi i. N. Y., Nov. 2.?Tin entire trout of tbe resilience ol \uu-ii tu- tauppie?, lu Hita city, was blown OUI 'lu ? m ' ? i."i- at i o'.'l'. ',. b. a cania.-, of p.,ss der a hic h bed beeu placed in awlndoa li] ?ome mabetons A fiue waa found leading lo tin- sidewalk, tbe h um- l.m ni-' been employed i" Ire tin charge, i'ln building sias shuttered sud fu rallare damaged. Mr. Uipph , bl? wife, mu? tin i .-i ing ?n ,i purl oi Hu ' . ? ' . : m.mt llll , ;i liell-e I.l ll ?,?.!.,,.',- |,i in! Ill Unit .' , . linn. I h. i: in I - ' . He h ' ? n .!? -!i d, bul ti.. p., in n tor, named k. i ?? i..? ?mai fron town, (itIMI- IND < 181 Mills |,\ li l.l'.l. Mil Phiivii? ?.'. , !.'. i.. Soy. 2. M< rchi ul I!. Weedi n n ? !..?? n.si..' ii..- nun i.i ni fut hen? V. I. v.. a er In ! ; l .1.1- ?. no ui .1 in Sta'a I'll 110 le! lit?. Bi oiiAMi ?v. N v.. v,,i. 2. John Mttrphj was f. .i.i.' I: lie -l i- !, i:i."' . ia! II- I'lllII' i|..t!?.l III .1 Ll. I; ui ?... .. i, gulag iioiiie sppai . 1,'iitn i r. N. Y., Nov. 2. B? Levy, a ?nnk dealer, I,. ? i,,. :. ...ici, ,ii.,'. i., .m..,: ttte oi..!..! Jnrioi. n .. , ', a ? ' i .I! ll I . a a .l.'.c i I" |..?l I..I1I .t lOI I f.'l lie jolt. L'nM.ni i, N. Y., Nov. 2. I ? ...on -n..p Amelia of Hurrrilk-, N. Y? an? ??? .mn-u I?) -|..,i|.i,s i i . nighl kl,'?! ,.,,1 a llllcl 1 IC ICI? U Hi II ?'III! ?ill, .I a ,111 Ul th? ? ?n? ?u ni-- K*i in n a-..!'.'" t ..ii -. tiiaiire.t s* Hi. inn.I.a u ha? in?, m .Inlv f i.i. mai,- cltihl, em it? ihraai tiniii ?si ti.. ai, ! ..- I- . :? I loot suits a- null, lad Ti:'.\. V \., No'.. 2. Il iii:* l?stenlas discovered Huit 1 t m?. I " '? ?I * reata, IxMhkerper hi I In is. ?i ?i,,, . ..?,i, v, ,- ,i ...-;..nt. r m Un ala..nut ol limn t? UOO to t ,,U(IO. ll'. It II ..' ! ? ? I '" ?? Utl'll. Win ci s i n. Maas,, Nov. u. ? NVsviil Ostes, a fm.i ..ia. ? ?len t. t es lo. eil ilt.iit in Hi? iii-mIs i.car tli?t . town hi?! BlShl. He lia.l s. ? i.l. nt.ilit B.iol liiiu.itlf vi Uli? huill?n?. RBIBBBBOB. N. Y? Nov. 2.--The premature ex iil.wli.n ?l i? ?>lx?t toi!?', am the Hin,a In? k ami l ouiiri'li? m Kallrea-l Un. ?.flu?? h..:i?i of Miriia.-I Boche *n?l iii.-.-tatr.i the must Bed tan? ul ilium Vouuot. be? vial other, ggggggty metgnntnty. FOREIGN NEWS. THE TURKISH Ali M ISTICE. Tllir BDagtta DKMANI) CONCKI.KD?IHK AtUflSTTCa nOWBB "N WBIMBUMY BVBBUfl?k FI-SO MB TMVCB TO UK M! NT TO TUB 1VKKI8B COM? MA*. DK I?. OoagBABiiBoru, Tharaiay, Nov. 2,11*176. Tlio I'ort?' SBBBStrhsa t?i prant an armistice BBSaBfOrmal assurance that Servia would accept It. ?stria accepted, anil tlie armistice was sig ed yetterday ??Veiling. IMnrairr. Tnarsdair, .v.?v. 2, 187ft. TheS.rvian '?Mimuu-nt lias iietiu.t.il (?en. Tehee nay? li to mad a lagef trace toJJMal k. rim, the Turkish ??oiiiniiii.il. riii-ciii.f, t.. iii?(uii.' whether be has been tiotili.'.I of the coin IiisIod ?f mi arn:l.-tlc?\ it is <,fia i.iiiy aaasuaoai that mum armies win retain the paattleaa lbs? now hold. ii.)?Tii.irii:s TO CMUtMS AT OV?"K. St. PareaaaoBa, ftara?ej.? Nov. 2, iS7g. An ? i*i? i.-ii lalagmm resslvad ?tara as ? <;.n. ipiaueff nnn01111.es that the Porte has asssgted a two month?* arailallee. bagbsaargBut. I, out ha? argscsd thcinuno .hat. ceisstlon of hostilities. LOBPOB, Thursday, Nov. 2.1876. The Forei_.n Offlce has received information that an arm -ti- t t ? m.h? ?I vest.play. gnSCfl Of nils? I CBABLBB or itm mama. Bt a utnr, ibareiay, Nov. t, 1876. The Ki.-.iTii.-tiuaii Baaati aad Chamber ??f Deputies?? eil in extr:ii)i-?luuiri fi.'ssioii to-day. The reigning Pilaos opeaeJ tha ssaaaa with n maaitaMy pocilio speech, in ihe earn se al which he mid : " ? V receive from tbegaaraateeiuK Powers every Inducement t.? maintain m anralttjr. BTeara tally eeovlaeed thai tranquillity will ha restored in tbe lauaedlal ? talare." it.am?' io me mnCTLB ni-ttral. I'aims, T!...|?.lay, BOV. 2, 1876. Tbe Doha Dooaaaa ?toa ?iedared <>:ii.-i?iiy hefore the Budget ' ..inuiitti e ihat th. i;..v.*i-iiiii'-nt lateada to msin n.siuality in the event of complications In UM gart. A ?MM I IM.M'K IO Hi: 111*11? MIOl.TI/?*. I.. 1'ii.la. . Nov. 3, 1876. Baatm'a lola|iam ilusa Oaaataattaoala mart it is be tiered thai a eoaftraaee will isssmbls shortly A dis patch to Tke Sutnttord Irem Parla? gad cas t?> The Daily TetegrnpA trom foaatiiailaapai alaoateta thai aconfer . nee ?iii be held, aad a?? states that official Investigation shows that only 9,100 parsons acre killed by tha Turks in Bulgaria. _ CUBAN NOTE& DATABA, Nov. '!.?A battalion of troops 1,000 strong, srrired froai Spain yesterday. A cabl. m -p it i. fi..m Bareoleaa, sp-.ni.to QBgMto ralJorellar, announce? the ? (tabliahoM nt thereof nk. win? h pi.in.i?? ? all tl,? i ?-?.try tlnan :, . -- _ tbe IImIIIT? . ti. ll. Inundations iu the Interior .u p.wiy's eu begtn At the Globe Theater, li,..sion, ou tha ."i.i last ________________________________ A EMITES BEDEL CLAIMS HILL. CIIABTBB l*OB TOB QBAXO CON'SOUBATBO RKBKL \X\l>. I ! AUI ? ' HAN'.. r o the S A Her of Tkt Tribu nt. Bib: The sulijcct of the rebel irar claims ia . Keitins ' li" gran it .--..;? ?1 tlie nation. rhry will continue to doso antl ? ..- ??. ??:..red null .! b] mi.nli i ?? un.Iini'iit ; other -., - in.-y will i. \ us fur - - ... ?..me. Under i'i. ? i? liait Idle toi ' ? irarti? will ? lo opea tbe (Jsited States Treasury la their be til!) * ih.na. !i ?I/--M lie the llCCOiapa u) lug Imaginary bill : - - ..,'. / kg i < Is? nbtgef the State of .?i i. in ? iii?-i- that the Hont ? ?.? pesgssly [iideiiiuined f??!' the "Ire? nl ??I ?OB her ,,?? to 1803 : y tl.. United Blutes .muy," OB fi? ... \-.l/ ITIOM. ? ! Tbnt .1. ::?!?. . Davl?, Bohcri Tombs, Wad? i!..tun, lien. Hill, and P.T H a?:i...-..iil be, aal that ..;, !...-.??.. in? ?>ip..lal. M ,i- a ???!.,?.Mm imi.1i i the llame II I u. ,?? ?? I a?-?Ma-i'l I ?.'i.-.,ll : l.d li I, 1 War (1 unis Oll?ctlou Company" ol the ""Solid Sottth** fur the pur I ?.-?? In i? inuftl i: ?i-i? .1 : ? I A, , III. TIM>. Sec.3. T'l? if said coUi| ,.i ?>? irocced to b? : tin claim ?'ate? uud of nit?.'. clot? s. for the pur -..?m.. , :.,? u paj,..., m ??m of the United gtaam ll? USUII . ,?? |,..l?.M? : /?o*?/, ih,* claim ??f tl.?* ?Southern States tobavathe direct iiix? ? ; m " them unitei it"- law of i?uu re , s provide?! In Bl So. :i.l-|.*>, now iK-utlingta the ? SI it? ? II?? ,?e ?.? :. * |M claims , mint I - M '-'.11'?. ?... . the cotton tax I. tiiialcl. le* l?*?l ll'.'iii l-l'A to 1st:- Im lile Vint??! 8UICX a? provided mi [till N i. -MJ "f !?,?? rioted - itea House of !*. |... -? ? '-*.38B. tsald - . o be paid , 4 in K'reen .;,,.,/ ,? The? ' art mgari disloyalty, i slahod to . I. :? " He?; . I1IM.1I the he use and lion ul lau?! - and ?. -..?d arm/ for itipplies sad rental :. d !.\ Hi. * .??'?? of M:sM..iirl, ?........,! 11,..: ? ..,. i pegaMi , _. ., ?n.M. , ? HI \sv. it th m sag nhatl . a the direct nl. ?I .'. s. nu? ??in ,-.i-/ . igi ?1 in the .illa i in a ii\ :1 .???;: mit n*. .:y,orwho ? t, and SVH1 ? toi refunding ... m, SS above set forth, I'.iel .?ut ol Ihe I n ? -i.iy. I III.. Bi I. Said ?"i,.:. .?.?> ml :?...-..-.-il m its operations .... !.. 10 .i i ii sbsll a-- in securlaga "Solid B in n" und a divided Ni.rl , t?i? better to end Magia* _ I . aid m btuiulUgS IleiiKKT.itlc Cougressia (3) n bull old iu electiu-i a Democratic President. i .n- u i? m??? m ?.. iMiir-- the aaaoasMesa . Democrat? In I ? i'iry of Wm?I> |li toll n. -l!'- ??nvei iiiei.t, 1. -gis alive and execu ,:,,..! m Democratic bands, ISr the pur l.: ?i ? i,,::i_- what cour?? is to lie pursued by tha l)iiii.-(i.?ii. partj in Oonxress, whieii cianea, when a-i ? 11 a, : ? d, shall i" for.e.l upon in.- Democratic party as 11 ? ?,.,... i '.. lil i? gard to the said i lit-.. |?.Mei to tiai,?,?i .rn interest tu the m....i., mi members ot Congress with the v.ew lull aid, sunp,m!:.., sad votes, ta seem to :. favorable legislation md tIn eventual allow . . iuiS out .?I tin Unit? ?I Stab s Treanury. ... i shall go into effect..? ?- OB m a Demo <-i ii :.- I'n-:?!. at and Oongress ?!?all Im' el ??? ted, aD'l re? in, un in lei. .- iiii'mI the Southern v. a! claim.? are .ill BE? Just? .1? snd i ml out of ihe United s* it?-.? lii-u.-uiry. Mi.ll.iN IO WIND IP IHK CiiMIXI.NTAI, LIKE. Ai.iianv, Nov. '?.?Appii? ?mon lias been made i, Mi Jus. ?.?- Oslmrii h) 11? m.? -?.iiMii. ..? tin k for tho Attoraej Qeaersl, f??r m .?r.iei tint lbs OsaHBsaMI i-if? ii . irsnee i'osipsny ?m tin < *.tv al Bi ? \ srh show caus? wU) it? business should sot be closed aad s receiver i\y iMiinted, t?. iMip.-i?''ie the 1'i.Miii one. in tin-action of John A WhltesgMiusI the company. Ac tug Kupenii teiulellt Miith ot Ihe lu-iiraii? ?-Deuai tmeiit oonsuters in. i'?>ni|-aiiy'a a^s?.t? InsolBeleai to ?-?-imi>m>tw the out ..? ih?? order *?a? graatadsai made r?. Im ?.,l.i, N?... li .it 10 o'eliM-I. a. ID. Tl'I.K'iKAi-tur gong BsVA-tl? vu. N"*.*-'.- Tha tofiil niiinl'.-r of inter* i-..? aas !.. ?: ij WSS i-.-mii, ll Tf tt UUnk v. SIS fi.?m j?Uow tarto. l'iiii.M'i. i-ii.A. Nov. 2.?To-day's sashg-hajflaani lolhsElblbiUoosere: At to cento, ll*.*??; ?"do?a_ aaSBBj 1,101 T'lisviuK. Poun.. Nov. ?..-Jo?''u ^^____m__ft M. iaii.fl ..-I.,, .I..- ;. .M,!.*ioulnU.?*?l- ? I-"" ??"-"- -~* Tmrsday, iiusi thi? m i tmiiuM.ii M. Nov. 2.?i*eth Baker uf Hinr BKOtVHKOAJI. M' ,*:;',, ||?.t ?.uik in _ saw uiUl Ibis f?iu hour? af 1er. ..... ...? ki..?s..?v*i Nov. -'.? ll"?* Insh Home Kule L?_??nis ?..Tin? It wa_aiiu..unre.l that ?yCouor tUwUt ^tfifC?^?T^?<'*Vs5rt?r??s **?lartyr? ol Irtok US W,?l"? rt ?: l'?iit reud the lat.?t o.WS l?-??"---.! U?S U.iaa Hal? n???i?o"?*it U? U? n.??Uu?.