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RALLYING THE DEMOCI? TAMMANY S MASS MEETING AND PAR; A VEIlY ?MALL ATTKM?ANCK WITHIN THK 1! TUP. MKlllMi K.NKI? F??K LACK <>?' KKS-lHK WBBIBtl CR(?\M> IS* ?UK BTRl FxiiN.ivK T..1U MLiitin VBOCBMMM?? Tin- DciiKK-iacy of tin* city nswmlile? Cveuin., in Kri-at iiuintK'i? l- IM vi.Multv afl 'inn Hail und Ounmm/mxe, BDtaig l'i? Paaiteealhat ?h I ? ? i?>inth ?uni the cut in i ces t-y MtU ad way, 1* ave., and lrvln_t-place with a Vast thintiK ni f mayt ami ana ??f the rougher cu?s mm-iukI e-xi-y j,i.??nt, ad'ln.ii a pUOi .!.-al of _!i"ii?in ? the t*e?ii?i_* tt uPmm ninl tlio miii-ii* ?.t rarfom hand?. Calcium lights and ti*> -f.<aUs ?ast iheir ?v? r the taeea i?f the nuillilinle, and ? c and Ohtaeoo i?tntciu? arara displayed fru-iy on a doren ?tamis for out-do,?r entore, front if Tammany Hill wa? ?Iec5??->1 the naiii.nai seien ami two tewamenf ale?is but ataatai kettet it. Tin- ?habraj tt IBs koket aypoelt. latee. tetoaea yoiMi- hBBea Bresse* la reif wBM blue, an I Ix-ariiu h: miar Is with the tut kktut tln tcen oi _.'ii.:?i Malesot tin? I'im-.h. ftaaa7o'clock the atnvalof the |T". cn-lon, at a litt 1 * - tiefoie 1 Crowd waited, tin?-?- pen ' Hi' i-tinnl- li-t to and applaudm*?- IBs various SB-M-MS, iin.i llie r? Joying tlieiii?. H"? a- i'i-t tiny lhi_.lit ?h. I'?' mo.? waft very difli? ult ami lin y M*Ji ?MS little ami Dulhillk-, ( iini|)iil.'il Vite ?lie till*?.II*.-! ill tin- Hreets, tin- ut anre Im? i. Tammany Hall wan lastgalBl mat, nltt th?* aaaaagera had ? ,?,i? u?? ?? leeted a _.-r?-.*?t eraute floor of the hall had been ch and of Ha seil?-, le more ?tainl ii_-looiii, ninl a lin. of i?.l...* had keel tinned m mum ?m open BfMS in fiont of Iba i? po d? >k?, m in i?- pareoM ha*ria| s light t<> planea M t In? form weie iidiiiiit.-.i teraagh a prl-rate aatraaee. B ru?ii ii.iioueii the apiadas ??i th.- Boot*. Tin* great ( still sesgad te the streets, mid wBea tin- aaeeting finally called to order. leM U?an 800 peSMM UCXt M BaB. 'Ha prteted list whte_ waa dtetrti tlirougn the roniii ami u-ad from tlie l?latl gave tlie ham.*? of ?it...?it 000 gent)? as vice-i?!c.?iii'-nt- iii.'i .-.?. i-, tai les "i" Un- eseettef li-? tiran '.o made th? i: a on tin- l'latl ( ,'iiH?a:-,ili\e!y few \\t H kli?>wn liieiiit?, I1 of tit** ] an i?* m that Masker. Ike aaeel promlaeat were. K.-iiy, ?agostas Behell, Alignai Belmonl lir.-iiiian. Wheeler II. I', ckhiin, Ali-enioii B. I TSU. Mont. of th. M remained during on', I'.trl of the niKt i,_-, Jolin Kclh, wli) greeted with prolonged applause and eh lii eelttea iii? _wettag to enter, referred at length.. record ot il..- Ihaaaauj organisation. Any Impre? that Tallin.any would 1??* lalse I o'.In Dem Mee. lieoai'i, was entirely erraaeoM Tammany i.i raa i?. <n kso? at urn to IBs pai t *, the ?lurkest hears..: the country h had stood d? \?.i? il laajral t" ?tee : ?m?t ?al teal party. When pe wire ?livaieii and i.rok. i? ni? ami scattered the \ a i ?mi- i?-. .?li- ,ii i- ? . ? :1. A ai? m 1.i 11 li !? - !?. t Tiiiiiiiiaiiy i!,.:i had e\.T _!.?nl tun t.. tin : the fi'Uiidem ol the l_iM_.iit.lic. Tuliiiiiiiliy Hall, foil! at the hastening of the Bepuhltc t.? suatainand dev out |.ini< i|.:? - of govi i-i.iii? ?it, had i-m i i?.. h lo.ii.i faithful t?. th.-n- prlnelpl. :,,*?:. i (?iliveation, he s.u,l that althraghsODM .nil? r. : a ? tij'iiiioii ha?l it?-, n .i.\> op? l at i" tin- proper PresM? : candida!'-. t!i?-y l...?l lien settled b| IMCOBYCBt IU tiltil, ami II ll.lil 11? ?V. l.i-eoli,?. tee ?I'.lt.V Of e'.:\ D? gtai m w . ami to bury in ebtt-rlon all pest Jcetion" anil a:! l-n?, imi.I to support Wttb hll flueiiee an 1 |i"\\?r tin- noiiiMire.? .?f in. Democratic i?.i Xhei-e Wen m? II,, le ei.t!.IlHia-l *aal "Mill I lute ?ili'i>..itiTe for parti nominees than I'.ii* people? ?M hefore Irin. Mr. K i i.ef (...iiij.Miiii -mm \ ...a-:...- i.? each of the I County nomine.a?. Mae wen adopted ooogTatulating tee Den raey of 'in ettj apon the el ill goV(riui:e:il WOSld BOOB he BSSBTCd by the ? 1. <*'.*,* the I * i; all tin Ti .1:11 ?leilaratl of the I - platform Men- reaffin ted, an i the ree? mllltarv o.'.l.i* st mini.- tump? t?. tin Boot I )---,.?-I ! 1* ? - .'.-nt (iiMint was (I'M-niiiu-ed a? a Ir? is ?hie artme against the Qo?refMaeBt A (ree and pi biillot-I?oi Was (K*ni:r.i.l((l, and th?- I?. i. ti,"-..? I??! Ma*. . .-..iihty. ant illy ofleers **?<!>* i ? ABgMtM Si hi 11 waa iii.kU- cliaiiiiian, nn.l brief a?hir<..?, i, f,, ng to the work ol icfoiin which > Tihleii had B< OmpHsl ? ?', ami iIimiiimu that I Deaaoi rat:? party, kgr pla? lag klm Is nomination i? ?t I the ollie? of t? i\eni..!- .?f New Y? rk, ai.'l thCO 1 ri' ..f tin- United Matee, had pro-red it?-? ; ; ; gn at reform party of * dileed ex-Si-)iat-.,l .Iain ti .- of \S I.?. ?>n -Mi. w gave an ad !r-ss of h.ilf an hour. Tin- ina,:i portion the apeeeh waa directed u?.\i:;.?t the 6 till- AlllllMMM' .Hon ami the elllS of - atiou, ?i.'.eh the speaker argMd eonld only be remor by i?uttin'.' in pewer tee I? moc ? pai pled a kmeat and retaras. H? thon review? the? it. Tilden sad eontrasted it with that (iov. !' Other sj.e. ches were aaaala in tee haU i?y Mlltoo Baj i of (>!?:.., l? i!. Law ?.: w.-?i Virginia, w. C? T.r.en of Man land, and J. ?"?. B Tennessee, who ??ev.iU-d their lift? 1. :; to denials of the ?_-li:ii _? ?? tij;.u:. ? l:i i?-i;ai(l to r< I tii.iiH on i'n-sirtdit (ii,nit for "1m- !i a f?, coiitii.iie :!.e entertiiiiiiiii-iit, but t attriictc?! so inai.v pet I e room that when t! last speaker eouclnded, leas tkan 10 mslne and Mr. BeheB psvpooed an a4)oummei ynnkly anted At the front of T.iiiilua. y I! .M Uieie were tWObfl ?? from whieii speeches were delhrered ?ti'ictiiiiM ited with canvasbesringmotto? surh ns "l " K? foui; B *- " .S'.-,'ii!y o, i Ble te a piece at ground covered trltk ?t .mi i..r flismai .vin.-r?LT those srbo mad add: stand u.-:.- Peter Kehr,Gen schel, Jiiiiu?) Koni .uni M.;.. BnttCl la Tt ?t. ?a? tea Oahaa ?t.m.i wltk mote ?? i .-,,- M ? : . .., ' R . stand wa in li i ::._, i -.-. and had .m men The ill.? f oiltfl'le !i,t elm;.'w:i* in I re, at thl head ef Broadway, where a stand deeorated Iteat lampe had 1 In ciiar_- ?f ?xlgenionS MUi ai?:..! :,i ndlt Mr.8u1 liv.tii asede tti" ??i>? ning ..i?ii? ? sad tee Hon, B . A. B :?? length, ttauna was only I ? *?? I admin latintioii. John Mm:;.: rln,and otii n.;..l - ? Tin* TOBCBUOB1 ri:.> i*??|..n. The toii-l; ...a- in'ii li ' 1 and 1.: ..*r lh.-ii tee :?*? fronl ??! tee | ?.on left Washiiiirl'i. sipi ,i, ,,t a ?,-.-. under !h. . rhomas 8. 1 ahul. and an froiat j third end Twentj ta rl R ! . The cliihi from ?tee I i.iilv I?i?t>i tx-r of in- organisatlau f- i hit? from th?. ki.? ,, the column moved uj. nfth-ave. t?> t....-niv ?iii-d-M., ti.i-i -. an-., ami IhetSM ky wy nf Ptonrteentl th. ?i.nal a tad i i ret! He < -? I wa?. seeapoaetfol an th? ontanlialtsnanl tea ?attythat foil'?I ?K- I ?? i:_.'.t : I, ! .< ? :..' - un,!, i ali\ pi*. cliitm for Ike tu] i.Mat. - foi Aldermen ami -, ???ii'i lin- eompauli t ;n ?! nun iln r,?iii.? ?- ?. i aparl aud the d - .-en i lie !., a? to 100 f? et. li leek betwevu three and foui b i a Riven point, ami ??I II o'clock t? ? division oo Kleventh-at. had n??i i i ti:? route >???:.? numei? fi liai ly al 8? l ! .' ai-'e. nl b- ! . Fore the Jini.. ?* si ,mi and Tammany Hall. ii.. van ri-.i<-l..-'i the stnntl in front of tbe Evt-retl II. m.-, i] 20 : . ,;- -?' 1?'. wh? :? 1 R buiKou, ? \ - ?- .li . .-'iiiiiii i il politician*. 'I ? Cl?-? w, re tiuiiil?, rl- ?s. bill : ?M!. foi point of him..* vok.-d little or no liasm from the erty. a i.,., . op. w? re ? i, ,i very ssasll ?teate and totas what dilapida ted. Per hup? beet piece of processional ..r . I a deer, ?i.eke.i with streamers, and Dank? ?. I 5 Ut. ?Hie or two r eempanhw aanted i.? a b , m . of a clean swsop There was ? ship oalled Coiistitmion. nur or two ku,hii boats, a steam fto ?Mtee. ?m i?<, or ihMi-oi tbe old ?tyle. r... r. w.r. also several ?otui?*uile? of niou?jted men and number? of wagon? chiefly Ailed wiihboy? i:.,,. ,..?,,., aieeaee tt mpea formed In ?!ii!? and (?ii-? ?'!:? neil appear.i!,(,- J |?. Abbott liglii t.u.ird, from Jereey City, seemed t?. b, remark ably well dledpltned a:?d provoked mnck fav.?i able comment- Several other companies could be ?win Bllii.entcl on the aann- score, but tluir distinctive DaiMi? ra ?.r?- loo often carried at an ani-ic that un veutod teeixdeeiirtiation? from l?elng rea?t. the number in the proet-ssli.ii w.ix variously eatiiuated h> Demo? ? fr<?ui 30,000 to 00,i-HHi, but was probably less taaa tec smaller of these estimates. It waa announced that Oov. Tilden would review th? ?rocesaiou on 8ev?uteenth-?t.. in front of the Bverett louse. _At Uio Everett Home the coinmlltee-roome were sarly fined. Mr. (ir.c?)beck of Ohio, Senator (Jwlnof ?California, Delano C. Calvin, ex-Judire Spencer, Koyal Phelps, Wood? Mayor Wickham Joba J. McCloskey of Newbiirch, an?! .lames IV. Girard iiiniifi^ those present. Mr. Tilden (ame in alxnit ? 0* and the narti proeeededt* ttte platform, winchs? crowded that ?ven standing room wb dKHealt t?. ol Jndxe Bpeoeer sad PreaideBi l-cw-i? of Uto Bes Ald.-riiien kept u SSM-1 qsM I Blesi for Mr. Tilden Ai those on Um platform wereGei . Joeepb Jobnaton. h B, Hewitt, .!..m. ? B. Ilr.'ttii, Co.. Win-'.?t?', ami Ed Oooper. The in??easlon wanlate, and tkeGovern? tented btmnelf with .acknowledging Iks salute? Pa him witl.out ?peaklBS. MASS MEETING IM BBOOELYN. AH!.It)?I- 1IY WH I JAM It? iltSII Fl M lit AND I'ltl K!l;'. O'-I A?I.I. AITlNI.AN.I; HIT IJ 17 I.K Till -Il-M. Th? largest Democratic mn-ti-itr li? 1?! I'.iii m Brooklyn assembled last ?renlas wltfclnsi front of Ike A? .demy of Mii?jr. At nn cut..', lion se crowded to Ba stmost eapselty. lanas; 1 apoatke platform aess llaarj r Mnrphj. Jartgn ?u. in.I Maltosa, s I). Moiii?, Jaks W. limit? r. lutin Barrill, Julm? Klaiiil.e, .la-ncr VV ?ill II. A. Moon-, ?i'.iiK'' St, Fauna-Ion, VV. Ktagsley, vv. a. Fowler, ami Foils Casi] Th? lii? of tin- an,li? ine, is hied had la-en Sltl ??s in.- ?tnging of some iunipaiLii none-, brake out ? out iestiiiiiit ii|Min tin- entrance <>f Ike ?peaker? ..I erenlag, William Dorakeiatei sad Fraacti Kernan. ' ,n Balled lin nie, i.ii? !..|, r ?mil ?n?r.idiiei ilie cbalnaaa Ool. A. C Darla, wko mad? s brief add lef.-I ring to tile i in port 'in. e of the s ole of I Ir? ink IS ll I the Presidential election. He asa conBdent K < ?unity ssuilid CISC lilden l.nuo tlii'ii 2(l,()?i?i majo asertos el rssotntloni tm? read sndaeecpted and l lei ITi ?Id' Ill? il|?p,iillt? ll. Col. Uni is tin n introduced lis the 11: ?t Speaker, Wil ___, Dorabetmer. TbeoM iseaessi 16 year* i sp? akcr, were ?mi son "i tnteresl oi eoaeei n si pa ? I'l.', Ihe.V SVlT?- the Ollis olles the l:?'|.'|!i|i.-ill.a SV.TP ?lac. '' were trying to Und some ?tilt of dl'.llc.lllle? Incline? lal'.S <i]t(il i - -ili|_ ti " AS I nil? t-oiiuiii- down in tin cars t -<l:ii," cmiHi Mr. Dorakelmer, " ] read Mr. I apt ek to evening witb a peculiar Interest ; for from mi ?es fortbat man 1 waa anxious to learn kls Ideas upon subjects ot whleb ke treated. Tketawets maaj plea tblnga; tkete srera mans aareaatlc things In it: then-ssa? nut from ike beglnalng to Ike end a m suggesttoa of s method t?J whkfc tbe i.?de mi-rli t? lieied of tkelr present burdi n?. 'liiert- isa? se wan -. :iifit11>' for tin ssa.i to Ids troii Vui-li was said of aecttonal li.ti d and itrlfe, butn ?iugle way suggested bj whl? ii su- all, North and -?n ste ssi.o are not living Iu the times of 1*60, but In 1 might unite in one i untuou Union and ai one i"-?? - ? ts.mi i. ?orne m. mi bj -.. ... b to on. ati i -i ,s, i from "in lulsfoi tune?, and n i ? I furnished us by lb? l: pnl.licans. Our only hope for to lie found in one ss iio has nlleads im-ai.? !.. I ii-ii- me Governor of our State." Oot. Haye? characterize?! t?y th? - ? a. i is ?renk m ? hur.o t i i a political nonentity, wb.'ord w?. that it furnished on this arcoiinl no points I e !? In ll 11 id. ! Ill III, ?].. . ell , ,)'. ,-!, .| t., | UK in " ! I of a eulogy of Gov niuen sud? i pi onal alta k u Republican leader?, Uuc rcmnrk call) plan?.; ??Tin. Radical? tell u- Ilii! the la?! UottlU Bepreeentatir? i was Oiled with Confederate ?oldii Mj answer in that lathi?: If tbnae who fougbi tut IBgoai ' ? ' i svidiiie '.si.ii u? m ]i:-nt. .1 "??le in bones! *.-?.\11 nmi nt, tbci I - Tbe reception which Benator Keruan received when o,?.- to speak waa moat enthusiastic. Winu tbe i tinned applause and cheers bad lubslded, Mr. Ken spoke ol the essential pr??perilea of ererj' g?1 n eut ,,n 1 ??( iin- corrupt! ?, ll.- found tbeunlj relie! In ?Deuiocni admlui stint Ion. thin the \e;idetiis ' m tbe street In front of the building. T ? ted, around i ach of ss ti few un u s? i anuda "f m : ule th? ? ' ??? - ? ? on. ni Hie stand ? v: ton) vv ?. I ? tuadi In ? ? l'om in .in. : . ?'. Kaufman, ami Jiiim- Klcni , : K( : n III t\ a? ?pel - Ml .' !,-oiii nia- of the stand?. In point nn isa.? Mu-, confu?, I of III.- I'l df tbe j pi? -.lo- >i uppali at HENRI I.. CLINTON ON CAMPAIGN QUI 'J ION.-. Henry L. Clinton, in u speech ;it TaniBiai 1 ' ?? dec] m"l Hi t lb? u t im Usue In this i an . i dmlaiatratlre l i-, ally only one ipn -t:..:i In en iiexion .i : " woo 'i political party is i ui".-t likely loseeompliab the reform so impi i bj ib. pe-pe |" After referring to sltogi fra?dala tbe Tresanry Department, Ike Wm Uepsu t tin- N.ivs Department, Mr. Clinton said lb m. relief eould be expected fron ;. Bepubllci . ; that the 1 nuatl plalfoim ga' i .mees ol say dlapoalttofl <-m a to a tempi reform, and thai It approred ? .i .int'- . , on is ?ill all 11 ? ; m- olds r form promised in platform without equivocation ? ty waa the abolition of polygamy. Mr.? t ?h it no reform i ouhl be : i ? party, a:nl reft Hi d to ?im ? i di n'- Isbora for.I government. He then took apt) the South, so i i pel the charge of dislo] ally, li aid thai lb? i..i t.n ? tbe Demi party, a? well oa tt ' .m, m iin North, tbe I." '. and tin- vv.? - ike rebellion broke nut. determined t ?. .t u by f ni (? "f arms Hi clalmi i iba! ? ? ; prob ;!'!. more I?? mo? rat? than !'? , iin- Union ai-mi and thai 11 ? i in? u and moni ? ? i tu u b, Il i "i toon M i tbe I ihIoi it t?a i i in a i i-1 partj wr It li ref.-rt-u?-? t-. the war ani tbe ?'inca;-,' Conrcntlon "i 180-1 n> ...i i ibal lb l ( .::s. I.!.,.|i ill. ' ? ? ? i bave been adopt? '. ? i., .i Out. i In m- powci ?o presa ni iu adoption, and rxert? I hi? in flu. ne; witb 'on. " '?? Induce bun ?" imllll i u. Id? li [lei "I acceptai i Bard de ci...'ni tin.! tbe I?, n.o.-iiiiio pail) -t i pledged to ? 'l failli tic i menta, and asserted I hut l be I! - could claim no ?iieciul ?:.?!:. loi the po .lion lliv orcuplril m regard to those auiendnieut?, ll.e cnut a* ol the i?. um itativca i... < Iin ton, -i i be tuld that I ? . llll? a ? app 'Uli . :., i - : tin I .point, d :i"i l - i i- i. and in ii i i i.. n i ? ? :i appointed. Util H pulill? .in? n d relu i st., .; |.,,-a ,| 11.? i i ii :. ,u i o i . i ? ? idiotic a? to ?un inpl liny le? ialutj n bat mi in vii i. i nl "i - a- ., ui?. J l>. u c. Hou : !.. ?* m i tin I . ni toral Ir pui ii had dot > ai. ?. ung w that indicated an) int? : lion t" |>a. - ? and ' li? o-' n to ie lies _ iiiai ? I?, nn . end a more will ..non inr pu m. : d tli'tti acquainted a it ?i i ' ? ? -i ai.. p i ? , baracti rof Mr. 1 ?id u ai s ?tab ? rebel ? ar ? laluii s-.i ul.i fr.ini a Democratic ll "i ?? ol Bcprr cul ShoUld lie I" el. . c ; l'| ? il. UI, II. I, i lie I lo ' Ictlei "?? u? r. '?-I ' . Dial .,, ?!. I nloli Aft? ' ' ' :? moi -app,.ilia?' ?...t. I :!?:? i, Mi. i ti un a prediction of J ? i".j _____________________ M Mil Nil di' fttl.ti'.'A.'.t IM li '.Ll' 11 A m? ' iii '- "' colored It?'publicans was held .if !|C I OOP 1 ill. ? ? '!' I Hi?' SlUpli I ? Ol tbe Bi ?"ii'..' an ? nl? re i Ont ral Coi iiulttee ol tbl ? i lly. m,. 1,000 "i l.'2i'ii i" i- "i- pi. -.ut un. , ko wen scattered on the edge of ti.. idl i ad Garnet wa? ( ! tied Fr siiieni ni the u ne i" ui-- received ?. considerable Iu I ?? - lb t si v hi iie-idi nt - su ie tbe name, of Ike Bar. I ?rs, ??. it. Um, John i'.'.-i-, n. vv. p. Bntler, sad J. i VV lllliilli?. I ... L- Mr. ( I ?pol.e fill li the ipn -i.. n? o' iio . imp n_ a. iii ! . - anecdote? wci received s? u h ? '. , I ,' !.;,,- ? ' I ! 'I"! .lo.'lll M. _'.,i; ni i i ml, und s.a? na i ised ss :ii . -.i iiii-i.i-ii. by the ami 11 id thai peaking since the 1-: ol Angus! m favor ol ih< II ?I ! ? it ll,i 111, lip ' . (O tbl Cl U. .1 a !i aturi ii si. mi o .?nu in Amei the 1. I.H ; to p.,1,, 1. lie d.-. .1- -( d I -il HOI .. Il .t ?orne lew ? by load ap CHiilNlill -- I ' si- (il V RIOT. The colored Republicans <'f the Twenty Ihirdand rwentj fourtkB'aida toteaded, Itwaaatated ..i.v, to attend In i. body tin bu ? i ug at thi ? uoj? i liiion !a-! i t iii.ui:. 1 b< bad : I ? .u ike (.land Central D. not, t" iBareb Flftli.ive. 'lins ...ii-ed BSSSS ul.n in ni in. i'ol., . Irai Olee, aa It s-. .-.* feared thai ?disturbance mtohl i? e.i i I 11 III ? ci.itie , .?u charge ol tbe depot, wa? ordered to o .p?, ?t the colored me to i soul, ntiii i route, and ? large detail ol poll tun ord. i?d in lin Cen? ui iae. im eolored , att i i bm ettag ui Sloili.-utiill. _ A QBSMAB lll.K VN MI.I.IINii. J li?- lltllil? lioll- of lola-li mu? erOwd ple s?;ii,ii)y tm- Deaaoeralto ieaasatoatfea toMsvealag failed to prevent the as?.mi.i..?.-of R i?rgo sad eaikato. ahtlc aaihaSS at Ui<- BBSMbB ?' ll?e Xlh Ass? ui bly District Oermsn Republnan dub in Concor dia Hall, at Nor. ?- and :io Aictme A, to listen to a speech in u.rmau by ?i(iov. tial ?mon. The audience wa? orderly ?i.A sppreelative. The ?i-cech wan forcible and clear. It bi-?nin with a rc s ici- ? f the cnneiicv, showing the (.anger"* of Un h ? of un>thlngbnl hard moue. : i?a -<<l fr?in 'hat to the civil service reform .?i"', closed with m* ?-? at tin- i-Iim ii it? is of tin* e.-.ndi-l.'if ??*? fi i rhe Prcmdenev. Th.- audience lutened with Interval loHie end. This club has TOO names upon Its tt*B. It If Ituated in a die tnet m which the ?ieriiian elemeiil largely preponder atea The BrpobBeans luv elected Ibeii ?taaemolyaaan for several years past, and expect to do so again in the coining election, aa well aa tbeii ,-aa.iil ,t. fui Alderman anil othi i local officers. THE NEW-JEBSEl LEGJSLATUBB. 1I1E ?-??NTI-ST !?>!! I - N II lit MAI!? ?IVllal:-I!K 11 in I? an ANi? DOIOCBATII rwii '?li-. IF H?. M an .. OAOOaaLl ..iiUl>r?'.M.i.M tig mi t hiium .'. Timm.'v, N. ,1. Not. i. ? lli*- Legislatur? elected m-xt Tneotfay m New .li rasj srlU shooas ? United Senator, ?mi aa the next appac taalty toot atA eoenr mull tee Hessh.ii af 1881?gentlemen a Itk "<ilalaaa " ??ml '* le. ol-.l.s "' in elthei pai I > hai ? 1? !' -miel* inl.l?-t III the politicali'(.inpi?-\inii ot ih.lang B?ante ami Assam hly, The **?.?.!. ios alnada i- loi ta tar? "i the U. I?nl?li. ans, who alM have n majority of 11 In the Boose, and as It is possible tot sos party i?. am we the ??I.-etotui v..?- ??f tee State while the ether keMa tea 1/ ataba,or?- ?m imiit hallet, teere is a complicated se? tt* ?t v in the .ios,- Assembly districts sad m th? oeontles selecting Boasters tins jear ?in. h haaiMea tht (-.mi .?.?er. i .at] bid.? fan to i.? tea kaanet eonnty fur aggrcmlva EtepubUraalsm The Hob. O. A. Hohart? an Speaker <.f tee Aasernkty? ein ta atoaled i?y ? I:*, m.Ml.I.ills maim il y !" si.e... ?1 the BTCMal Democratic ?Senator. This raoall w?l be mataly Axu to the personal popularity ol the BepnbllcaB candidate, whose Judicious asanagemenl ofsaeh a delicate irnel i?, ih?. receivership of the Wdlaad Baflmad km b? noteworthy aa hlssneeeei tnothei positions ol peUtlca] and p.iini. responslbilltr. Hnnteidoa Count hardly hope tanta t?> achtere a reaull w?mrprising m tei ? :.-? !? m ?.f Benatci PatU lane yean ? and ? ? i ime mau PMcaek, w ho wat then Breerted by the better portion of Hie Democrats, has again torvedhla? self tato the Beld,and hia opponent li agata a man of cbaraeter. in Middleeen Count. Mr. Jarrard is making a hoi bul i ..?..-ful tight, ?ini? Mr. Thome >.f Bat Hi ?hose chaneca at om lime were quoted m ?doubtful, s.-eiii- mu*, beyond danger, and In the othei counties ih :. i? im po'-iniiiiy of I'.tiiiiial change. The ?Demo ope to gain five >i sla Assemblymen In Hudson and i ? .i..m-, almost enough to glv? them the control of the lower House. On the other hand tee Bepuhlh ina ei i . : i.? gala m Monmoutb, Glow ? iter, and Cumberland counties,nud arehopefa naclsewhere. It I? . videnl thai the Bi public ins kave II In tl . |, ,m ||r, Prellnghnysen'i tuceeeeor, and II la equallj plain teat the] aiU tin ? . ipportunltj unless tiny am <!: Igt ni and eir.aim-, Itisamattcrof remark thai now of theRepul arhohavi aspirations for the United Stall who have snflk'lcnl prominence to he named aa pnaalbli Senat??in bave ma.le an*. lion. Mi*, l-'i? Unsinn ?, n i? dignified, di ' and m lnie.i. Mr.Cmtliiiidt l'ail., i -? h,?'.. i aiiythlii I H im ?.- i ? i*..- m- li is l? . . Mr. Si well i | rubiibl) uudi i ii ).? rmill il :: I*. i. I ? ??- i- t.!. he rest? '??? Il fallu .i|..|l th?! l'i.H-e 'l In. h lia- la? ,.|, ,| illlll hel? 'I i; il ? .m :- ?.nil su -m . .? .1. aud lu? I id ii-. an. deatgn apon hi ? pari. \. Ulli >i i name i- m r? r menti >w d. ? lu the I? in.,,' : in- tide Mr ol ? 'ami I ?? , m truiu'iig the ? ?? a laatin Mi Joel i ..I...IH In? p.?.-: ??? :-.and Mr. Helle i? utuking .! ? hi? li i nii'l-n .1 ??i nor. i h m. i ,.-!., rou i . .m in the cm ? - of Mr. In . II *! Phi . ? ol hoiiae. rula ?.-. .mi. ? ? i . i Chaiuli ug i..: bun og lo su? h ?iippoi ' I- Il ? i of II ?-, mi ? . al.ll . H if I I . tot? f ?< : ? ni ?m i.? ii-ni. the return ol i Itepulilican Irom i lie \ . 'i I ' M let -' ? - lia|.|?i ii? ?I 1 . .m ubatloli ptdli lelan li |tO a I Mill | ?till * It li i. ,?! I! ?? Mat. - en ? lar?, nl llcpublli ...i ? OUI ? lu. M v. : :. ?. a.i. rial until ion i? t<? eomp ? ? luten ?Ity of i? raoiihl lu Hie el?-? tion. rl \ .(...i * ralle cativa pet tations" ?m g< ml. nu d Ilk Mi Mi I'hei? ?u. THE ??El BECOED. mi: <?i.i s \i?\. ?ti- ? i Mi m fin -, Tin ii., Noy. 2.?The Gpi and i, N ? iy m?', oing m Igio of I. "?1 ' ? i lane on i.i? . n ?I I ' ? tots -, ..ill? on .i sboUl -I ?'" ? BUBNI m: or a i.i .?>. i I >? ?TORT Hi i?M,?,, \. v., \,,\. 2. The bIovi II. 1? Slm| -on al i iiaiii i . '. ,,-,,.! bj i.i. tiii- m..i nina ? . ? un, an 1 ? lit :.. I-., rl PIBE a? i?i i;i:i i im I ?i ?BT l.isi . \'l.. N<>*. '-'. I '?' I. ii? - ;in.| outbuildings bclon I a k ?i i? kn .. ?Ide, u? r? ?., : , Ill I is ?I I'M ;? I .< , Bi li. Nov. -' \ lai .*? a arebonac in of a. a. a !??:. BV? . . oat iiiiii. mm ? d. f..i - ! -. Il\ i OS 01 I'"-'. DEB DUBBED \ i \i M \. Cincinnati, Nov. 2.?Five i?uil?im;'-, .un* .??I bj the explosion "f II?'- |.".m|? r iiiill i,, ?i ii.'i.t i;?- luni of |...n.i. i a. ?. M. ut h 111 ! f! st. Voll v.- Ai:l:i :i.l? IS BROOK! I ? A number ??l ;n n * ? '?*? -re niadi in Brooklj n ? . a?i, :. in 11 i ... I In tbe Fifi , All? n '? i i -**-.- 1 .1 11 ;?. ?? . h ,- ?I o? ni- i? ?Id? in ? ?tu ?. id -i. Micha? ren-li m._ it i ;?? il ..i: ' : ' I 'I ?III th It. il i-r? .... I ,.. . t,,ii, . REGI? i !. \ i IOB IN M II i. - 1 Coatrarj t?? _?<n? ?ral i ijx-etation, baaed on ,,: | :., ? . : ? !> tin ia\? api ? ni i? b in.-, i ? ..i in . pi ? i ?i- ? !.. : ..i. 11: retui m - ? , .! I ? * ? i and "ti ? i *?' lae, ol It. l-?> n Ml :i,| - i? i lie unmix ? .| eatmi * l? Uli to I i ..', I? , _'?._?>i>, a bill the full n i?| ,,,-.,i onh 1 .-. over i:.n toi 1.1,. polling ?h. ?-m? i ??! th? i _ BEFUBLICAX WORE1NGMEN IN OXFORD s , A large and enthnaiui-tic Hayes and Win. 1.1 meeting, com].Imalnl) ol laboring men, was held In i N i . last '?? enlng, in?I ' m anil < ol ? h ni. -i. tun s. n ,, ?,imni ,, ? anil i?.! iM lull i.i-i.i ? ,..( ?,,, 111? K? (?niiiii .m non,i. OBTAINING IAI.-I. VATURaMZATION PAPERB. Mm ii in Ballinirer and Martin Powern, ebargi'd *,*. i'h oiiiaina, natura it Ion paper? m fraud, bclon Barrett, la Yoakers, on Ocl 24, arer? sn ?ted .?' ?'I'la.i bi Deputi United 8tat? _!srsbn Sewonuh : I. ,,'ail-inaa ,.|. niri, ami brilUUllI U fun - mi -mi,? i Davenport, v>i"? la id I .,, |,,,, i, A. .1. II I?' ?. \'.M NOM IN \ i ! 1 P0B I ?.'.?.i:! -- The \iili District ?Kepaolieaii Cong atonal Convention met last evening, ut No 167 ('Union st., John Graham actlna asebalrm d, Col ?. J U. On Kanne aras nominated o> acelamatiou toi Congr? ?.. i m ai ?.?-l.'l'.i.*) NOMINA I IOB. Henry Wehle bis been nominated for A? ...? the in.I? |.. ii i? at ( .?:/ ?. ' A ... it I on of tin Xih i? 1st? i. _ i BOOH QUEL! -\ BUM IB KIBBIBBIPTl Ni b -iiiiii ans. Nov. 2.?Gen. Augur, ,,,?,. mandina this aaUltarj department, baa reeoived a dB patck fioia .M'?-?ii. Misa., itatiag thai i political m," ' ? . * , . . .r.-iii,,i.i -ii i'i?-?- Ighti in ,vlii..|i -.-?a. rounded one mortally. United State? n....|.? ?r? :? ,-...i. .1 upon i?> tin- ettlscii?, and lb. li i?roiu|il a|.|H -ai .in , |il...l.l .1 fill ?l.el di?Hill).I!? .-. . iw, and Um itisena ?loslrs tbe troops to remain !o | I.Meal a le|i.-!.tl-i|| of ! a. I , ?I. A Mil: st I \.\ i (ina i N i tOB AT CHICAGO Cim a?;o, Nov. '_'.?The ?ity |?;i-t.,iP t?i-il:iy umied i?,?b Heady aad laakay la ??niiniir for a Chrlstlaa i aavaattaa, la k< haM Bav, -- and *j:i, at tin- TBhaaaaata. Arum ,?? aieutn arc I??-iiijr im.ile ?r.'l?. hotel? BBd raAtor.An for r? du. itoiki to ?I. !e^?t? *. Hltnilnr (OBfeatlOM were Seid In I,, Llrarpool, Philadelphia aad New-Yark, aud thoiuaud? ol leading clcrgruieu allcudcd. HOME NEWS. THRRMOMP.TFR YI.'-TKRIUY AT HCDNCr*. IN Bit? ?ADV." AY. 9?. m., fl7\ S(?-n. er .1 !?. .ti.. 7f>. Mldnlrat, MJ. U'.iill.S! alii DS IIS 1?l 71 lOa.-l-l. .11)'. Av?rai!?-,.' . BSSM day. IHTA.S&V. n:' ?minim irbivaia Assssrl ir,, ? The Karl ol Dnaravenof Ireland, Hon. || ... - -a: f. -i. f..i -i.?" is- f. S. Minister to i?. m. a ? ?? h Daran di Bant' Anna, Portn. i-er-e Mui.-ni at Washing!.iu.1 Commander Heun vv.i ?OH, I . --. Nitsv Hi .' / Holet At'.TU-' < 0 :.' I'l < "..til' ? ll .:,,,-,i \|.,-?.,,',n? it? f.ii..?.i,," ll'i.l t. I'otioiiu/ky BBd Mr. Itiiln!e.'? of I!... B Mian I ? ? .'?.in.)>..??...n ,,retel Hotel i."ii Benjamin lae Fevrc ot oblo I .r Win. vv. w.H.n.uii. r. s. Navy Sturte ,,,,,111. ? ?pi ".I" Mal..i Ma, 17 -. ums /"'.', .1 "?' : nice? wru. P. Allen and Ihcodore Mlllei of Hu v V. i ...ii.,i Appeal?; O? (liorna, iv. Sherman, V -, iroiy: Liona Aikui?. vi, c I'irsi.b ni of the Union I'niiiic Railroad loan,any ; oui. J.m.ii ll.iiiim.iiil of ?item 1', \ Y , ?uni ? n n sv. ?i.n ol m ?-in-1 u?? its . ,st. tttnit ?i ?' l The Ker. Dr. Vedd. r of t'harl. ?ton, -. ?'.. and lb? lier. John F.W Ware of Boston Kcerttt Houst T. Ont* Sf tli" i)iin-!i Legation a! Washington. NEW-YORK CUT. A respectable dlstBBce l?'ni eachantment to the torrbilgb) procession tost evening. Eivf thousand new mail-bags win- received at Hit Post ' "In I s. ?!? i'l...s A small-sis? ?1 schooner loaded with coal want BSkars la II? l?ate, on ike Ho?*. Back, Laal evening. Mink Twflin's bow machine for making baste ha?... nient 11 no! been introduced onboard tbe Pranklta. Travel over tli?' Pennsylvania Itailroad dur ins-tin month of ni.', r baa bereu heavier thuu during a n s other month since tbi Centennial Exhibition began. The Board of Aldermen yesterday resolved to consider the provisional estimates lor 1877 next Thursday. The extra switches of the Elevated Railroad will be flnlaked bj tbe 2?>iii ol tin- mouth After that date train* a 111 be t un everj ?even and a ball tninub -. The -'? .mu i - Bristol and Providence of t !??? ? ? River line iiase changed theli hour of departure to i i" p. m., u. i- ol of .i p. m , i.? heretofore. The marean rerj ambition! yesterday, and tin Centennial trsrelei la nankv a suit and linen dust? i i,,"!.' i ? I m a M.'.s morning sad e? ia plaeiiit its ii Inv. ,'. p lint? i -I-'' lli.' iiuini ii.i'ili.i n itenlay tilled the ? to ose: il os inc. ( eut ral Park ?warmed with I? ui - of girls, all of whom bore buge bundles ol V ll! !'.. II I The Bixth Avenue Railroad Company are baving a mi - acata i n lop. Oat - u pa? .a, , i? will have a tl.i-ortuultj to" lake t!.?? IS !!,l| 111 I I I til. IT pill?? - ' lIlHU I'l!. I. William A. r.os.l, Corporation Attorney, paid to tin I onii,.:,, i l!... i.i , 11., mm of ? ? ? month oi u toil, r tor tbe s lo of ell.t OpllO on . ?. Acting Superintendant George W. I ?iio ? to 'I.(s issui u 'I" '. .11 ll '.:?.? ' of-.:i lo 111. I Of all till !"? po . 11.. !? Ill lin-eil.t . ?liossillK' llieir dull. ? Oil e|e. I il n ,|.i_t . A nuiiii.? r of -ill- u ti ? l >t. lias, found con? ealed I. ibradl : . loin le. sli ;. ? S'i i .n aal .1 ni. -on ol ?peclii Mrs. Nun t'ott, the weU-knoaro revivalist, 11. - .i. i i. at tbe a! I.e. n: I- -I , I. I ? , illUi ful I " '. ? Docuiuents recommending the Tilden and Hi ndricks tlckel ? ? . ' . tu ?:. n-. %f\ .i e i -1.. t u- Intro ?t-Usuii p..p. I ? on i iia'l.'e. The teachers and pupilsof the public cli VI. ill . -d.ii in..i an, -. i- oil Mo ill. ,::,.:? , i . . - !?? -. ?Ilion, niel ou . hunts i Imrcli steeple used lo li the favor ?? , , :, I ? . iph o'In ?. the ' ,' lalli.' 1 ol the n ??-' stj ii-!i suits on exhibition ' ?in- lac- : In eu !> are Qui b? il v. lib a I kini. I li. ibliran mass ru? ? ting ?if the - ; . i ? lion. '?' ' f tbl?, < i'.S ai.i I . : (, ?u... il fellow niili some trained birds was i.ii i" WOUld i ll. a ?? ti i ? '. I a I bUt S ' \ i nie aroiiud the harb? i i ? on? of the : in', -i wa? - ol -i" i ' pie lui.Hoi I Ai the meeting of the t.'hnmher nl ('??nun a . Win I. i ball ti, .' - i ' ' ll . ' i the Tweiil I'll ' N ? to till I be Urn ? ? ' il l'i'. m.. ? |l| Oil WlWllll - ? a I l|. | | KL I. i i. n ! , 'I : . a Pol m | All of the -?n rial depositan ol tbe Bo i "" ? : ? 111 tie - I. I I? a I tO reut ? I. Tm he ? . . r.) p.o !).i . n. i.:. A meeting m Itich cly att? tided by i in tin p. lo I id n ,! N,. | IV'irl ? ItlCIIUI I I fui !ii?iuii : : ..,:i. !.. I ll. . HUH I i,|i pe?? i Martin ha ? 111? ?I an uppli? ution for the Of .l.lll. i , ? ? ? l.rlcfc -in i . ..o ?i. ??'. I N -I I !''!'. . -.lO. 12. 11, and I'.H'ci'.i ?i., ou tIn I ,n.| swepl i A mall black ami tan terrier, with nnmis Ilk il'le -t l.ialolll- ol III tli I'o-I llllll a |.,l,!,t i. . rUOOl III !.. : d HI oil the III . u !i | !n- ro?anlo:. plug it ? u -? lie ?tailed ? . nl kill. I '. . lore o ? ?.'. (en Iiomcsc . m u li ! mau luto Jumping over the balu*lra?l< luto r. i n. i ...m man suffered ? iin hi ol. im? im ?.m- si a I In- funeral of the late Walt? r It. Palmer, ill "I Ihr 1. nlli N ill?.hill ??.ink. look i i i ? .;-,,... ut Tiitriy-I ?i , i -. i,. .. ' M .. pruiiiiiK ni i. mi. i ol \'. . ' were pr. x at. fbi i! i nun-1 .!:?? numi o !,... ;> a. le a.I..I Iii" I'ollili St.!. pl.ici-d ' .-.?.-. i ' . si aim , , Dis. Cu .,.,., II II dial.I. I !" ' ., L' I...I l|.' tO ' .O I 11 IS"".! ' . - Th? tii-i foot-bridge rope of chrome steel i-, m . '? ? lu. 'o ? 111 .Hani ': ? .und ? i ., ? d lu o., i.i lb. i;.'"i.i. n Dritlgo towel ui-1 aero*? the nvei ..?nein I "i k SS II In .lpt1 Id I c IIIOl no lb,ni a ,.' iM-tut? ?. lev i i-.- ? - ?' "n from II . itdockauu?! lb? passing forr,.i- While Ihe II .1 '-? o .1 n.- ii.. d 11, Ina . |-;l "il - fl a!? alo,I. an u n ui util I. i" . i? pn I in I lo iin i" ' ici ui Sd lulling ie ?' u va ? l ii. ri \y ' el Wi i n lue t.. ,.,-i ?, g || |i " loi./. . Ai u meeting yesterdaj ol tbe lloartl of III. I'll. ? . llUllOll.i l?elo. nilup . .i I? ml? i in i ? - au : : n ink . e I. Ml U. ' . L . I'C'ltelllllUl le'.'l I of I in...i. ? . .?ni lo ?In s.s. rill I.-- ,,l? nl ? i ?. .-. ? the ai i.." ? ?"? n m i ? lij the tu f..i i \,. e mil).| , a.e! al.'l . IllUK III o. I ItC I ll'llio I ? tin ne ,ii. il..,-, , - ll I I l|| ion. A petition u ?in i"i!-!.t Iglie I M ,,! M, ' 'Id i li. in irtltm i?. wa h , ' flu pe'illin ? i red i" in- appropi late committee. An ?.lil bachelor druggist stiiie? u, Tm ? i le t s o? pretil ? , n i.....;.n_ mu Hung lightlj In in i let! bu u, ram.: .. , Um i for eater, i tin h In .upplf. it vs .ii. i..... e i _ i... i. i. .. I?, iu. . all took a good mouth? ful, ain! Ulull Hi 'un al III : i.iii witli water, in lied ??il. il. wauUtokno? hu,i n could m. ci l m -'in i .?i '....? il.i. . : I? llllj had ll'"ii .li (In !' 'on ill .,,,! fun m in, ,, n. .o i-. and tbe old bachelor duulitleM eeea|?ed be ,.III , till O SI - The committee appointed by the Chamber <>'. 1 um.:..!. ' lo i-. . ? lam til. i". . Ut ep Ii ol until' nn llai'ett'? l'oint He i. exhibit. .1 , .u., ting ,,f tin ? i h.Hutu i a in.p pu ?an.I |,J lien, >.-?? :?ui. Will i ?kowsclrarl. Ik. depth m Baler uow covering tbe reef. The committee furthei reported thai Ike blartliis of ?be loci. .11 ll.e lief V.. is ol.P, l|,e III.! lep m !.. St.,11, oi ?le.-p. nin. iin water. Workmen arc remov in .'?? broken rock with all i'o.-Mi,i' ?peed, and wbrn tbl? .-. Bnisbed tbe depth of watet eau ?heu Lie accunitel a-c "nim .1. a nut !.. i Skploalon look place ? i ?trrda) moriiln .it Dia BMtld li'-.?. .iu.1 Pilot ?'? :i,n.'i?-...!i. i Utturg? w. Bluui KHiit that (irii Newton woold lian ?4. taut m v.ut.-i ovor th.- re.r iis tin- ist ot DaeeaBkts. BBOOKLTH. Tbs Bbt. Mr. Tahnaga, laaraiag that lie wai to be lalliU lo the paatuiale of Iks I'lyiuouth Church iu ChlcAgo, ha? telegraphed that be could not accept such a call If received. Tlio liuuilie. of arresta by the police daring October w:ia. 'i,]-i'.i. Tbe death?-, last week numbered 168, births 137, ami man in?.?*??? 717. Tin* pay-roll ?if the Cliarity Commissioners for October araa 80,888. Work ?had been bann 00 th?' new steam aarrow-aaaga railroad f.? Ooney Island fruni Wiiltaius burga, and u will i?. cosaplotod !'?r traille next Spriliir. During October the Pallet ?Property Clerk r? ? red o.1 ? valued al I 1,753 34, anil delivered prop em I., tin amount of 94*460 7'.?. The examination of Chief-Engineer A?lams of the Board ".* t'n.v Work?, m roganl t?. tha i'iau* or tin? ii. n,,, -i... i i,*.,.-noil was continued jesti-nlay, before Measra. Lull, Rodmaa, gad Fisln-r, the referee? In the Kiii_r?hv a Kinn) ,uit. The body of John Reunion, a n.iilor of the Bngliab *.ini, Nackpore, waa found on BTedtiesrtayevening In the river at tbe foot ol Congress st. He dMapnearou -? veral ?! m - ago, while tbe ship iraa at a New-York pier. Ula wile ami family reside in Loodoa. JEKSEY CITY. Jolm Barnett irai convicted in the Hudson County Court of Quarter Bessloni yesterday of having ,.| .nl robbed Frederick Burner nt tin? latter v, i ? walking alona Bases ?i. on the 2d of January laet ?According to the report of Chief of Police Cbampney, the pollc? ti.i\ ?? made 1,088 arrests during the i?a?t tnree month ; a*f 1.269 In Unes waa collected in the i-'h ?i and -t ?;.'??< In tbe Second District Court, Charlea II. Randall, arho is charged with bnvlug obtained B700 worth ??f Baihar fioaa I?, c,. Brown, a lumber dealer of Provoat-st.. upon false rap tlouj thai in- owned considerable property on Bonn?-! ...?., v.a? in -id in ?f 1,000 ball by Juauea Oaar to appear before the Orand Jury, Ifary IfcKeajr. tha 14-year-old girl who ran rum h? i m.? i?-'- i. ?nl. n. ?? in Ben Brunswleh srith * i??'?,,,mm- money, was captured n Jersey City yester daj afternoon. After her disappearance efforts were made t.. trace her whereabouts, bul without sueeess. Yi-etenlaj lu r uncle learned that she was at tbe ii??ii??- ?>f a Mrs. Armstrong, on Urnnd-st. He notified the police, and tliej t.?iii.?l her at t!,?' (? ;.??>?. ?Ma Ma? -ent home la_t .-*. ' ulng, i NEWARK. John Jaekcfl of No. 134 Jamea-tt. a*ai ?ir reated on Wcdin day and held to bail in 11.000 for trial rnudlnu Mrs. b'rank Gelaalerot No. 73 hlui-nt. out ni (?7JO In a real eatate transa? - ion. In the tii:il of Oachwnld and Rvmii tor flic murder of Pollci GffieerJ Stanley lirock the testimon. ought to a close and counsel began summing an. The defeuse nlled upon an alibi, Oscbwald's fainih . it hi was ai home from midnight till after the hour wben the murder waa committed, and Ryan producing witnesses who swore that Ibei sad Ryan -.m i?- |??a. in - . ard? in al tho tuna tha f i.: _-T-?t. ?.. ?an.,.i. Count) i toi Ai.ei-i summed up on behalf of the Wate, and made a strong argument . Illl II. M.W-.H R8KT. New-Bri B8WICK.?The jnilnea of election at I'ollci '?Hi, i to expel from the room several .|i?..i.l.ii> cu./? n?. iii -?-i une was offered, and, a tight following, i .:?-!.-! fwo ol them, who were - -, i ? i . omit? r complaint against Uli* nltle. |-, V, la a aal- i?,I ? X :l 111 11|.< t ??III. ru. i,-?- ? i known poeee of RlVI I M., S - .1 St? il lll'il. ?I liai il ed '?? "lliali ? i ' ,i is baled to anew er.? ?ne? rd and ten men were n .m::,i.'? ?i in the Court of ' '?,1,Mil..1. I',, a I, Which, !...'!!.i i iVltb !': '?7!? Iiatlll'.ll ai tbe la , n. mai?, ? a total ?>i 40'.?. :i -, in . \ ?ainoii :,-..?..-r ami a weB known r.-iM. ftci noon Im |. ? ? -, ..o \ii...| t Httacbever on U. II Judge Barkali hiiile.l m .-r 1 .?'???? to auawei Mr. ll__-?i? In? always ? i ell? ved he i>u??-i-'i the bill lllliil', I Ml- Ha! ' Usina Him. Pan] Herbrandt, the real estate and In - . weeks ago -. ?:.-,.:... . ni? r.-.i III? o|| ! ,?!?? ?i to be taken Int.n mil told H?, ?in- ?If th -?? a _?rr< it? 1 In . i!,i. ,,!??? m.. tthej i. al let li im _?"? *l*i,i M"S. I ,r.i of Education held ? m R, I. Unwell ' ,-u|.i noli lull ni of < 11 ?II ?'a. . - I. . - - - -, ,i i i'????.*. ?_? ? holara on ti e The t? ..f sel.i i'i"i? rty In tbe 81 , a-,,,.?I. ondltlon. i ?i,?. ii,,. i ? ? rl 11- ? -. r. i ' ii,)/ ,.. >.- ..r?l? i Brown ...e.?i !'.:?: (lui m ?. , m - in hi_ h? hi?) fall ? the Information t.? ? : * li? I I \ i' i : ' ? fwrr-n ?, ami Ih IU .11?' Ui. we? : ? ? .(mi -In STATE? ISLAND. S.i \i*i i I..N. ?Al.i.Mi '.' ..'? I.-. !; on W. ?If ? ? ? - ? . i , i ? ? ?' , ii - * . il Invoh M.k- a . together with hi? '?ii.i, mil four other*, noticed th? ? ,-t the .m du., i.. m iiv ia. ir ? -. ape (.. the stn ?'I II l.'N I he ! ? * lie- ?ora un Vaii . ' liftou. LONG I*?I IND In -m?..,. Ann Sani? -i* ??i N' ??'. town. ;ui in ? r , ._? ii. i ?. | ooi house , Bbtagatrea, i wl. hl DUOS B1VEH I "I HI ? Ai 1111:-?.*, \' \i i n,- Ih. daughtei .?f David .1 Va ? * -, ?m m,. .,,,,. . a,..i Hand T. Va '? fork I'll ' ? ? . fnmi in . home for iiIm-uI i ?.'.? Mr il.m.-on ? .,n h.n ing bet n attra? ted to Um all.|?|. i ..i Ul - ? [Tac it: , un? 11.'? ? ?h i rated Coc .m D :. i b A. 11. U on ? .? a li ,. Bran? k, 81i Bi ..i ' i Nothing; can equal the ?tonic and invigoratiag - lollh? l*i ..i \ i .**? -i?., i i i-...?. \.,:, ,,( i A t'\i i?. I'S KALI Hit tc-v'.y at 'J!'.' I "... ? v SI KM M RE, Impotence, and DiseaMS of the . ?? ? A. liA.MKb ' li !!.!,> nal' ii ave FSNE DIAMONDS. Starr & Marcus, Jewelers and Silversmiths, M JOHX-MT.. I I* *l "Allis. i - ;? mi i-iii D iv.?o. C. G. GONTHER'S SONS im m, >\ . ; BBOAOWAV ro 181 Fil"lh VtmiMt in vri i is-ii a 11"\ m iiiiii'. -stock Of s?:\?.-s?ti\ ?ACQVB8, IC S5-B. a ^ e D ?? a ? ii e: vrs, ri'K TRIIHIHIIVCIS, i m LAi ..i.-i.i M"? r i -"Mi-1 i 11. i.v?.i..,rr..i:i !.. 184 Fifth Avenue, ?, \V \ s h iw l *. I N Illl RDBT.) PIANOFORTES MI.-?,ON. I "hall Ink? .- ? iv i.|.i ?Tin:; IV to rc-amm.? u<< an?! 11 .,?,? i i - H KI.I.O?.?i, I?,i In. l;.?! ,.i\ m an ) --.?i I imi.'H !iavi>!....n n > .', a loi Hi, r.-nrert-toviii iui?l in) own I.I < < A. ^. ' pi . ' ?.?...-, iiai'/ii-uD-vlnatriimenU anil ?li?.-in- then srMtfnsaisa I'ATTI. 1 I ... sard u ?? I ?iii?,-? ..f i wry cc'a-tiraird inak? i. '.ml (,.,. paurtth? prtttrinc* ucer all. HTIIAl tat, Veai Planossstonlsh nu>. / hav* n*i-*r yat seen nag Menestral?a eguai your*. \Vi:ill.l. M l.iini l'.?r?-|a .-'Ht.l jour I'lano Ihr fliie?t In the I'nl led BtatdS. / mity ??,(,. r>? thai ,,, lulos i nag ban no /.um anpu>a*r*. Price? Heo?onHblr. Tirn? fr'aay, WAUKKOOMH? ?r'ifili-avc, corner ?Sixiccntli-st., N. T. FAIRBANKS SCALES THE STANDARD. U. S. CENTENNIAL COMMISSION, INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1876. PHILADELPHIA. Tb? CNITF.D RTATF.8 CK.NTKNXIAI. COMMlsSIOB announce tbe following report ..a tbe basis of an ?ward to E. & T. Fairbanks. Co.. ST? JOUNSBIRT, Vermont. REPORT: For orirlnalltj- In design, exn-limre of construction, qo?!itj. of ?roikuiatiitl.ip ami materia', artiira.y, and durability. Th? BSklkttSl PAIBBABKI A <". (-nm|.ri*e?affrMi variety?* f. nn.? sii,I -:/? ? i,f lealss a?la|ite<l to every Dramh of boaine?^ Mr! .1? Railway iMi.-k, WSgga, ^tort,?:???!, Minefa. Honran? un,I Portable I'latfnrii), timer.?', ?'ounter. Drugflat?'. anS l'o-t "fie. Scales ? VVViifhiiiiiii.rt.' Heania and letting Peale?. The count ruction ot a.l ?a ?, nt .a plan and execution, i*. ?uiiiiK neii-ilniity _u.l en.luraucr. [BlgB.-?!.. A. T. U08.IORN, Director (irn.ral. [Seal.] J. R. HAWLKY, ITtiild .lit, Att. -' J. L OiflnBU, Secretary. rn> nn ad Tin-; STANDARD BP TUB WORLD. HIGHEST AWARD WORLD'S FUR, London - - 1851 WORLD'S FAIR, ?H-?ork - - 1853 WORLD'S FUR, Paris - - - 1867 WORLD'S FAIR, Vicnua - - - 1873 WORLD'S FAIR, Santiago - - 1875 WORLD'S FAIR, Philadelphia - 1876 KNIGHTLY CROSS ( ?f TUB Imperial Order if Francis Jonft OOWFBBBBB HY TUK EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA : .if UM LA Hi HANKS SCALES. PKINt IPAI. M'AI.t-: VVARKII? Fairtais & Co., 311 Brcaflway, N. I MUS A CO., IM BbBBBSM . tt, Md. \ la - I I 0 I i i oi.,. -I . New < ?Iratis. I Al I! HAN KS .t ? ?'., M Main ?!., Huffalo, N. Y. PAIHBAKKB U ?DO l .y. .sitiany, N. Y. PA I HI .!Mt? a* in , Ml M Psal ?t., Montreal. IAMBS a CO? M King Wl.1 -t.. I mi.! a. Vrt'.taA. I'.lil.l'. I N i-, BBOWB A i " . 'J Mil. hi.. Hoilon, Ma??. PAIBBABKB A BWIBO, KSSeSiS Hall. I'hils^lelphlA, Pa FAIRBANKS, MOB8B .*? ? " . Ill l_BBS -' PAIBBABKB, MOBBB U ?CO., IN Walimt ?t., ?iiicinn?-. LNKS, M? BSB .vi-'. I ?'.' siiii. nur st.. ii_vel?__L l.v.i.iv KB, M' E18B4 i i'. 4? \si^?lit., I'ittihur?. : ?' ? ? -ta., ..o.'iville ? M aihliieton ave, St. I.oulS. PAIBBANK8 ?t HI "It II IXSON. Sea ?-Yanrl.. ?.,?.'al ici ? i. i y ire dealers i UfABLiBBn isil. HERRING'S "ALWAYS RELIABLE." PIBB ST " ll ID iv. n. Y . ?it. 10, 1*7". Your (ill.n'. ..l!'"'i' It siilil?-? toi t?i int. heal^ preserved ?U my in??tM an i pap? .?. NICHOLAS CBAMBBi I IBB .11' Hi>r-u - i i \ , tat. 7. 1*76. ? ,!i ? 11. ?, ise ike book? sad i ajara el WasMB lin?n I'elegraph ?1 a. iia I? J. I.AITlAM, - H I, CHIMAN. I'.I'Y 0X1 V A HERRI XU. HK1HI-?! ( XTKXXIAL AWARDS. ???11 ANH '?A't BROADWAY. -K'NDilVM) '-Ails AT ALL PRICES. ROOFING CONTRACTORS. '? , repaired and kept la order. New Un, or ?lain, ?aid ?I tie? in .u ) ,,art ,,. ! ROOFS. t-\ i four oui roof ill are tutilj ?w lie?! wllk , . lat?ala, lion, samples ti?-.'. V V. Siluti? Id li.-- ??<>?, I.?mil. ?I. II calsisi. v. i i??^ Pissaau fkBs. COLLECTIONS. hk\j. PL, iowi.ku, Attorney-at-Law, PO KEEPSIE, N. Y. REMOVAL organ ? neu,an? u, s,, |U i:..?: Fo.irt. enth il?, Vtil?n ?quai when) tin y are prepared ??> ?? ; piauo? and organ* ol iirst-el? in..... i. i .f. iah or on In?! illioents, or to let nt prieta to ?i ?WATERS & SONS. No. 181 BROADWAY. HAVK HK BOVKD I 11 Kill PIANi) AND I in: Fmirt. enth it, liil'U) *?|iiar??, - cl?ae thetlnie?. Soeond-hand Inatrunu ntaat great .?rgataa UlillAi'r: \ s I 1 - ii ? ? .SUNS. No. |u k.a?t Uth st., liiioti aanara SMITH'S BAT. IT.RF11RATP.D * BUCKSKIN I NDERtiARMENTS. Oreateet protection to cheat and lunirs e?er offered. PTBJ venu ???lila and core? rheunikllam. R*co_umend?tl fey *nO cla.? pbj.Luana. D. V. HAM. A Co, Sole Manufacturer* Bo. Hil BROADWAY, XBW?OBK.