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present ka i necessary evil, and lhat If either se. to rule IBS country, U-t It l.e that BBStlsa SB? Who!.- ci.iintry. (Applause 1 And the u<-\t usue ? ti is man in the liiited stiit'i, tiltil and low, f pun, I'lio-k Sad sshitc, Jew and ? i ?utile. C.ith? J'r.iti ?taut, is eiititled to vote under tin laws Vil"- il lie SBoWBd t-O Vll'f Wilhoi! n: tion, witkoal molestation, without vBdeaoc ' \ t ? j And liiere ran lie im |?-ace iu Hie Palled BlalM Bfl nullt is ?-on' ?d.-ii tknmgkoai the length nnd dr. : i. [Beat wsd app-sass ) TBI BULB ?>r IHK i v. Now, the Bspabtteaa party have ao pwacrtptt. torn. . . no inore than .my other pal Is lias-e nn inlieriiaii.e tlial i? rosal. I lay BZlat BK tin will of the major.ty. Hut !he Bepdh the n?lit Hi rule un-rniiitry until an lion.-?! map vote?, h .'Hdy tout, sty. they nh:dl no longer (Appiiiii-.- . u baa takes bmh '" ? *ne Ann'., - I up to the point of mituuittn liiyoiit.t of .inc. You may try it )tt what .ire <-il l.i'in naln.:.?. or toil BBSf try it in _bjB__fl nr Aineii.a ?u Maxleo or tai Pisase, aadtha map Olle 1? 11? 1' "' But it i? ..r I-. ? . I the lust eonaeqo i ? i all be h'i iiiiii.iui.hi, unbtibed, ? Ike 1!, !i Who e:ist Ilni Sot s. [ .V|j. Ami B ty lo-nlgkt is ths I 1% rot ?? m. 'a ,m even ueeiisi-d of at!"-. a ftnu.l in tin- iiat'ilot-hoi -la art as rvea aci u?. al ol it. Th y ?-.s that WS waul to: dale vote? m the .-"nth liy tin- army. Why. th.ii' an iiit-iii/i:.i uuiB m tin- South, there la not an gei.t mini m u..- li n LTi li and breadth of ?he l nttcdl WSO ss.ll ?a;, "i ?u i. ml lo Bay thSj the pu Fedeial ll.?",.- D in t ii voting for v.'ude Hampton Chi',. ? : . lie. [A ppl.lll M ., And did. [iteaewe I applsnse tke army maj do there is, they may preve ?apporter? ol B ule Hsmptoa from pre i . iiii'iiii.-hoiit tin- k-aglh .o?d breadth of the la Hi. ':t thin l- li"l u sv-li-foiill leil a.ciis.iin.ii ?I. !.. or expee! or ileaitw i" profil ..r bribed i And n th? I: ? n st it li .-in unstabil i i?., . j ' r- : -.ou, m answer to lh i< mates lu thi -..a", to-nighl a? honostH an?! ?leci 11 ?.il'il!. ?ti I ?!, -,t - left to? iruiu l-i.i.-ini in lO.ti"' ! .s ,????. I ' i- I own iraa.l |App!ai ' l I,-..! il ? ? II I 1 I I '., ! . ' . i Li in- 1) . nf -.?:? ' ? . . . I ?ay, on con IUIU'l' I". I :.: ?' :.'?' elloll S'. Ith ? i ?n all , r. d in al si i te and national, In all n ..m m due i" ? . ' tke lime ;, -'-d fr. m ?? t t). ,( do ' - .il.el tl.le kill! .1 till "- I - ! . ml, flollt util, nil (la!... St II i Df th R 1 ? leal o| i Nov. , 1 Stlie I quit,- ; ' . . loll- ?'.ll.. - ' But I ;. ? - t ? c.:;i; ? i ru: nn. i r 1 t thei i i i - rotten ? am i ,1 !o lt.- n- : your I ? . ? e - 11 . I I ' 1 I ? ' 1. 1 ? . I m tl. ? 1 ; i 1 ? . - ! tl . ' l I ? - I?. Ii ? i I not ? ? l ' -a Ol ! - . li, -' ' .:.?! in ss..,.. i . I ' ? ? a A i Still 1 . ? Slate? 1 v. eh toi State? sot ha?, under that clause K?. I?. Collie ll ' ..!/ II - ' b.cli .,. au . . . Of li' in, nl u? li to tin ? tb. r.e..i? i.i i.,, aaseutol Hire, fourths ul lb ' - f tilt- li oil lo!. .( 111 . . In .,,. XL f"'- . ti. m reap? ci !.. all th? i Igtita u A ? . ' ' ! ?? ..u. ? irard to i ?ste or n-lli t K party i? to i" u ! let ll: ? ! ?i.m ' '- lhat 1 Bulk' ? ? mat tm i.i ? < ui ilia realm ??! tin bank? ..' I t.i a? iii?' I . . ? to ll .... ['].- on : of !!)? : . .ma nuil in (Joorirta, and , thalichta?I th. white aieu lu ,:i,l m Maine ' ,?t re turi" _ , tour in tb I a - did ? ?? ll i plion. nil1,. . . 1 ss H Ulie? ti. ill, .. ... ?ou I i I ht-te the iiiirs pres?es rieht ? y.""u urk ii. \s.?t ,?,!!? .N.? i.iiiiin .t m i i.ciicna , raw have ?? "down on the black list. I i,.? M i order : "' '"H- V? . i.V..Yolk Will Ix-into I,, lei ir.i.liin.i,.?. j.i,n.i.,,,,.., I l_eli?v? | the oiueiit. nn- ?.?..? d i believe ii,, s are strong I Believe the men of New-Tork are aroused to tbelrduty und I betiev? u ssili Ite your pnui.l pint, ssiiici, s,,;i v,\ i ir u.Iii perform to aave the Cnittn iu tbe i . in peace, i a? Id what ihej prot. ctod ati , war. [Appl m?-.-. J Tin- iMi?i?t<ut liiaiiiKi in which our jadgM ?how by iii. ?i - uteucea that tbej consider pro] rtitie value tkos life u. beginning, remark? :. tritio, to luv?, it.? i licit, on lie t***** ai a U-aiii.|io!il,ine lii.-aU-r IB* Indigna"! hero thus apostrophise? the doable-dyad villlan: "Seeoundrcl, D ir hour I?at iuul'i i '?ie long known yes ??? be a muiilt-ivr: but y.?i ?re worse ?ay, far worse I You are atorycror '."- |I?ouiloii pastor. THF. LOCAL CONTEST. ELLIOT f. f'i.vni.v pop a.-s im uv, v w. Th.) foDawiag h itan nrgiag Mr. EQkl CCowdia t.. :icri;.t u naninatloa f?.r the Assembly bave i"-? n ? -fui. sad tha ?Stab Istobeeoogntulatedon it. Mr. Cowdin has several times refflsed to be nominated f??r ' ' cannot afford the time. But a seal in the tiiri' ini'iiiis only ii linniln ?I .lui1?, ninl this In- bas tgmtd t.. _;...* up. He Mgh! t? kt tanehtd by a .* n. ijority. \i w Toaa " ? Ki mot c. Crtwuot, r*n. Dear tir: w i ? 'i in* r..:i*. letton thai lia- a' this. ii.? ha.. HuffiTod ^*-.-m i :.. v.m,t of mors tiii.|iil.?.r.. of Hi.- .?.??ilc I ? . who ?:,.w m ,i n. \,,-t liimloeas Interest?-?. Aud there has novel lieenatime wbei m |. ? -?-illation !ai? "n . ii in?,. ? i.i inn' than II . to be at the next session. If a blah and broad ti? hi .?f public s in re hon ? on, s .-r ? ? he "i-i? i? a i ' ike upon himself the I hor audexix iwen ol a ?? ?sabus f??r the I.. I.I- WOUU llllly i slst, trat beyond all th? ?-?? sre the I? rations "f publie duty wMsh I itdlj le ti ? n.. li ??' adequate meuus n ? publie service. It ? i n. m i i., mm ,? lni|iro\imI until nur u -,,_ !-, I la-ai the dl f -r a eandl 1st? for the nfl . Kith ? . . I... ?i a O a I ml nail ? i : ?< ? i * to i take the ??? ?? - . that if ,!i" ? spirit u. elite '??... eepl it ind j oui ..!'? illl :,! ,. . Vltlt.S, I?. la 1' \ :?s. ' !/, 1 i .*. , 1 . i?, i \1 ?: I ;?, .1 , ill II. Clio ITS, I I ., .*?!?.. Illl! I . I ? T. Kim :..? r I * * li? to . <-.? .1 ?? ' ? I ?I11I1 a' ? ? \\ II IM IM 1 ? 1 , ? ? W I'UUI, I? . - -?in, I ? : B. ti. All! .1 \mi ? *'? . .1.. -_.! . 1 M I' ? .,-. ..?i, M \i:-MAi i O. Bo i.?.,, sr, APP1 M. 1 0 I LEV1 I'. MOR An nppenl ti? tin- vot-rrs of tlw Xith f- *. . publican caudiilate, has a.'ll I II He, J.i). Vi ; : . , W. II. !.. 1 a .. 1" - ? - ,i ... i, ? liai-.'. I ird. Tbeai T,, tht - ' We ? rliii.Kc i ol I H at.'V. ,ni,I ' eon p. '? ? ? ' nil .?III II.'I In ' ! lit. !'!. Ml Ml : tot ? , him. A ; . ;. . ? ?!. n?'j ? nol set an opi SX,-. Il,i- r.v ' - ' I ,- - ? ' ; ' ?Alit.lit I flu.I. I - ' ' ? II ' - ' '. li. J . II . !.. 1 ' la a II ? ? ? - ' ? * |0<] t.. Il,' ?il J * l.ilm 11 ! ? ' I !l|.|l . that from the nut ??nl the I II II; it " in term t?, fun 111, ami wh?*i ' IM llil \ ! ? M PAim HI .!?',?! 'A. I The Hon. Jam? i G. Rlaine an ?veil i the In Ihe t if;): A\ mm i: ?a! h id a loi . i iian-il. r and ??: Is? i mi Ihe R. . . l a,n as : '??<? Hoi I?? ' onu'iilv awal -,. i. ,,\ . ?: ?. i i an Hi?' nutni at the Nati II John a i ?! . . I.? '? ? iel v.l,a! u? i, ,11 lin ??? .?? nipl if Mr. Tiavi . ... I i , i . . ? ment at th? li i Mats , tame inn, neknowledKi .1 Dial tin- lii'iuihlii-ui ?? t down lor -'?'?> ral ol I ii,,-ii -. The lii-ni .?,.,n? . ?. nn tli Hiii?|N?_iti m tint :: lio.uoo in n. i . and -111.1;, (?<>V. llI.liI'.N'.-s MIDJ?I0H1 SPEECH. Ill- VKlt-i'.N ??I illl. HBAHUra nl' in \t?.i liiin* si . ? I ?-. Tht Democratic torohlighl prooMBion in this u 1 pnl 1 o'eloekyestsrdsj sauratag. n?.fiin-its ??!..??-. ?;..\. iii.i.'u, m mpsan t" load Spohs M follow, : I'm urn ' trtaawsi TMa treai tomeeetrt I n B ?s dar Maser of success Do yoai duty ss lueaday ant a* noalj as von bave don. m t,, ?,i,ciit. ??m- saeoaaa mean pease, reoMWilUattoii, ami fraternity ssasaf hII our iti.iiil.- of evi rars. Itnisansnational credit, founded on a solid basis ??; tha saltsB people, a frugal administration ..1,1 bsuesl and ?n?t government It will brin* a reduction >?f on? ball of one per ? enl In the inter i?t on the bonded national Indebtedness in-low the !<nr??f.t rase at vrhteh say l?naa has been oea-oSiated, whmh tn a jmriod of 38 j c..r?i ? oiil.l ,:?vi to the |_-i?i>l)' KI.Vl.iMMi.iHK) of tha *7oo.'K?*u,i'U?? proi-UMiU to be issued at is ver cent. It would mean fMag fair play ta IBS hcalim, !n '?? of natntr in the restoration at ont mtaines* and Industries, to Ike praspMtty ?Men bai BdaBaaB-a-BB h ..? Impsirt ?i sud .'": te ? Urne Seecroj ?d. WHin MI.MA'S MONI'.Y D QOERO. Tbeia i-i .ro.xl n.-isi'i for lii-?.'Viiiir tha? tlov. Tilden M ?n?tiuir sat owner ta Btess last ?spss. tb? .1. uni.;."ti n m lin. early ?tases of tk? ? Is understood tha? yostsr? c .?ai h?'! iic ?".i: ?l'i.U'i'i lo li.?riii -aiiMiO lo Bnrksstsr. fl.fffMT ta Blmlrri. sri -ino.? m Tuet Ht** t . m ? - i-id.- prsbahta lhat I mi Dis, "f ?bleb the 1 sd, form .m t i ?mail : . . r in? antl ly s.u .u, t? ?? w? el m ' \.".i-V oii.. A? i ?ain|.|e n."'ne:- Le l'es-c' ? t may he stated tkat in i. lay oi two ??o, ... '.'.?' ? ;. _ T?ll I oNl'lBT ?"'i: COBOBBB. Thane are strong hopes ol elertiaff al least . ?.'!.,! i!, i for I Bd ?!"? ,? . i ma ins ticket i . raes m,"" lag i, !iiui '.,: M ..toi. lui -? d i ,?? , onnty - ? an MmngOrokor : f i i . ?.i t n. in ? ii. r m ' ? ? The f.I'-i oil the - I | !. ' |>0PU lb all da?? ? of the- ? II ... cru m. ct. mged ... 11 n> l,!-e :. -i:v CITY P.l ? ?'?' 'V f .. ..t ?-s .;. , .. s City this ye? ? In there were ill ut 14.1 t -i .s i a ti il "i -I.' (''?: IBs ? t. 17. i ?) ? i III IV ? l . a V I -> a was ' . THE VIIITII < "\'.'.' - ? ' li'i'liliili. ?in I ?d' tin t ' ... I ?i - ? leielil V||?<'!1 . __BVS li met .'.mi-, 1 SS.-.* n . . ' ' ' ? a -S : ? '.v.-ii - H ? .\ - ' lliie III III . ' ' ii by ? : li , ? - . - ? ' I A I ? ii I \!ii ' ' 1. r - linn <? - Iin . I I - l ' ssih lie midi i VI II" |. ' l ' a . UK the a flOlNO ll' ' W " ; 11,. Hon. If. I!. Duell, Hull. J 'I ?. - ? tise bom? ?la i, si ill |. ne ? m ein ill on -.,,, lay nighl I imaon Is I! e .,;.ii , on dut) .t ' I i i ? l ' ? . - ill! : ? ... ?. ? ?.-i? lai i Mon ill ..f n,- 11. . mi t .,,,,i ? ? ' bum? or Will BO 1 : urn district? - ovei v. lielroii | VI ii. Ill Ti DEI I v i : ?; , inn At. AN i..'??.M, . The cli.iinli. r of Commerce has received tbe lag i oliiinuiiii-.itioii Iio, n Willi, (,i i,:,,i,,.-,. ? of the " i nmiiilt'ce of line If.-riTrn."' BCCOmpaub I i" bundles of ballots left lei bk bul artfully ?-.*-i. ,-i.-.i Tbe sad ?.f promotlag, woald St ? prop ? .i smendaseats i ? . ., r ,.,r? ? inn baflOi I ? ""< rnimleit . Al last, N,,v a i -,; DsabSib: Can I request you, m the Interest of trco on, to d.?! i in ut.- thi-s. circular? and balluts among ? oui m? inin-rH, if sum ?ympatklea are with this move? ment In favor of a ? ... ..p? i transportation, or, at leaal, tf i.'t. t.-iid otherwise, lo leave them ?bout sour place or meeting, ?hare all may read or tue them freely 1 ?sais rsapeetfully Wiujb Ubaham, 8? rotary. COVMODOBB v vMiiitiui.T. Caauaedon VaodaittK'i health lia? Itapfarad m a _saiBs4 isg-sa. Be ysoBnoi aw,,.. St saffpabi nttoe* day, and waa in excellent ?pinta A Ian/? number of ptruous called at the house during the day. FINAL CAMPAIGN PARADES. A OBEJ.T TORCHLIOBT PB0CE88IO? I.N KEW-TOBK. nOVBABM Of TUB M"YS IB BUK in im s i unn A?*"*.\M K Alii.i/.: v ? ! i .1 B ?VIKO ii'.Mi BnVIBW BI i."V. HOBOAB AMiMiiir: ?,?'!> BABCB IM, ASM) A -INki IH.sll.AV- HIE ??IK.AM/llIMN-i 1 IhlM. I'M!. Th? _-i? ' I -?sin,.' parade of Ihe campoiga of .,m other v.-1 BhBa in st thla altj urn amdt i.?s; svsaBw. Tha awathn enverj favorahlelBr a hurga stteaaaass. H.safagwn _aiU.aad IBs - eloada darfeeasd She n ?onltghl and bmaaM ml i.m. . d ia,.-;..| torchas. Xkspaasesslsa assslss i,r Maint dlaptaj. in.- n ? a anaahkn ta M sad aft a ?'??'. or i a . | daring ii.. im,- nur. A.?..n! S p. in. UM van n? i-o-nT'Hiit ?-, and or-,"iiitra t:,.ii. i Mtag. Ths tir.*, brinde sf the Bays . .. , *., allfa their ilghl la - ??a I B.11 '"?.d . ih? n- right :. stins ?"? Boat i , i.. portlos '?: ? --. lorn ? .1 ??; B'ash? .. !..ii ,'|ii.iii- ii; r?-?:,.'ii?i- to a cal from < i? n. ? bar?es K. ?,.ai?.iii. a .?.; -in Marekal <>f tha ? *? i ,,,? i?.:.,,. .-, : gentlemen ?ees nain ! s* aids i? IBs Wan sB. ,-ii s large majority of u,,.,,, | the I . ?? i Usan i . m. \ ,n Bort, '?? i'-. ? "M" n. : m . .. . ? a, ., i, i.? ,, Al mi ?.I. r .-?. n?a. ?.? n. ?!. J. Bartlett,Oeo, Insoa G.McCook, Cok Harolifa Bal._, ii - . ? ? Drake Ii.l. ,., g -,. r \\\ - O'-il-jr. Co!. ' Hop ' i I I' II,."-. I?*,I.-''I ? I ? \ M i-.Im . ? ?' ihan i ? nil-. 1 i I i . . , ? ?, n. l bom is *>? BiBhoase, I li anas C Vi-ion. ? .ail? ? A.Fnhody.Qsucat? Opdrl . I W ?. ? i. J -?. i? ?* . I R. i : '. .1 .? ??. :i. .1. II. I:- i., aan, ?! bi !.. i . ' ni, i. imoi ? ? ?, ', '. D :? I [al r O. W. i'? : I **, Robert II. !' :? : first nf the * ' * ? '1*11 1" ? .*. ??. ?:? - M a 1 ' I in ?M ,| 1 ! the ?,'ru ' lowed " i-lthdi , Kirst ?. n A- P. ?il' three r? rinu nl . coi M ! : ?! \ - ? i M i I ?. 3 v U i Hill. J II. and !!..? . i , ! li n ,,?, i Hill. panl<--i from J ? I ? ' n Ml". |?. m. the ? : , ? III.- pel I? -i " . l?-\ ?... da < Iah, ? .. ? ' ' ? In * ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? i - I' I ; . I ' : * i fiat v I ? ? ? .. Ih. M a: ' ' ? r I'll unlli'i. ? ?i '?! ' ? i ? * . . ! , al ?, , 1,1 |, | |. ? , .1, . A., and Mi. Illtilne \.In. del ??? ?. .1 an b??ur. . ? a.. ;i. 1)1 MOXSTHAI l"N. All I I 7,000 UAlXst IN IM I ! IN I I?! I V.I \ II V. IIY MI.*. Ill VIM . . ? : ? '?. ;n... i -I..-I <>i the I'...-. ? ?n I'.ln, m Urn ? .-.,1.1 I if tbe I : , tumuli i, udi i ,und '? ? . --.:!.. ... ii. D Ih? h.-- I, - 'I *?. ! . -p. ? lal.ilH. and U In B lbs 1?!. ,,!, lui niUg Mam s, bermeiboin t . all avallabl? ! I .'? Mil Ma,-, ? i a. , !\ ?Tallinn '"' It to ps ??. and ,,i?l) ?I'll i.illi. nll.v ?onl.I it.? .r lli. ,i.iv to allow room for ths Boys .n Bias. Pnm Court ?i lbs line <>f si ??' ?'. i as ap Bj i tli ?..-. i , on, lu I . Il-i? .-,?:. , ', OCCUpled 10 in marching Is close ..... -. Boderats rstlantss sf tin? lniini. i? reached 7.""", andthers were probsMy men than ti?,it III Inn-. 'I,, mi. ?InnIni;: nt this .oiiiit. looking hi? ?ith.T tiiii.'I whn ih? ssiusss had ball passed, there aas a ?risa as fur could lee, ?.t regularl) moving ranks and IikiiIs i ii.aci* of ihoss in tin- ranks, t?><?. sm notiee ahss, ni? Isa hoys or v..iiii_r n?> n appsariag among thrui, I ?., :, -n is no st ni? ling, nominare of m I formed ., nl. n? ii-aiiiii.i n,, ,1 i,.,,i:.-??. ,ii,d a?, uproar, although II??!, h ? iMllilsla.-In. 1 I,, l , u. i a a l.ilii.l,.-! of IM. I'M |>IUl,, transparencies n, Un- Um-, an?! un attractive variety la tbe mudes of niilf-irin. -Vvoral batteries, with SSSSat paayInn cannon, were scattered hsn ?md than : inugh th.- . ? M i: ii, u. Passing ii|' Myrtle t?, f lt-inioiit i?'. ?-., tbe |.iin .--Miim iras !h'*r?.?? riswsd ??y Mr. Blaiae, sad, paaatagoa, asn il:-., at tin* appointed plana This in tbe laet J dntnon.frattonof the Boy? in Blue, and In every particu? lar w,.? a? successful as could have beeu hoped. WOKK OF THE BOTS IN BLUE. a thiirc!-?.n iraraa bob nayaaran thk coi? OSBBtTtOB or vomis-BOOB results ob? tained. The r?',il ?lini an?! work of the organization knoAii ii-? the Hoys in Hliie !.. lull.' lindel ?lood. Its labor? ,ir eiirrii d on mi qaletly that their ii.i?uie iiud usefulness an- not generally sppredtstSd. ft Is supposed by many licit this ortruiii/afion ?a imniy a ?et of < atnpnlen clubs whisk has takes IBs sasas ol Begs in nine for theatrical iii.'.! ; in re.ilitv tt is a woll-ori; mirad and thomnghly lilsciplioed ,iru . with commauiler-ln-ehicf, aids, offic-rs, and privates, which is Itsliftiig a tnn<ibl? battlo and aei-o:ii|)i.-lii!i_' ImpSSlBBl r<? ill?. The Hoy? In Blas aro gosedtng IBs MakM Sai ('?uintlos in danger of inroads and c.donixation of voters from the Hoiithern MStsa, If Uio cl?/ens of ?>hlo am! Indiana poll the true vote of tli"fc States, wlthnut ?',. :i.1i_;inii-ifr..i'i the .?iin??:?rt?-si)f Sotith.-rn Democrats, it is claim. <I that thuivill bsd-S rhlotlv t?i the ceaseless 11 .-lance of t?o.? iiiii!?-.l aiii.v ?i 1I-.? BBgS in Bttt. The ?:iie? rasay thai IBs Saatkorn bsesseoftaBSB tu-o state?, m Hauler?, i? pi.!., t-.1 byakaai of s-,aieiifiii ui.'ii, m saaunsBBleaMeB with sack other and o-ir ? -oui 11.?! i ' Bo ??ne ran enter either im I?, anil si l.t'ti the tris ?. .-is.' i". -il ?! icturj reason for lus lonrnev hit Is ? i urn n n k ; and ir - to do so i. ? . iii, nd ? ai'-h all Ins to ret?sala lu tin- Oi-tober electluBS a I ?.-_-?? numberof um :, on? lo'in.-t? ti.i" r. laiii.-ii to i:-'u D?mocratie bi these fuitbfulguai i-, und tbi officer? are oaa ifachievl g?BH greater nice u witb tbi tramp lag "reform?es" Ib November, Ike plan if operation. bavlng been perfected, and the men brought lato more The harrao ? ; >r -, and so acattared a bod. of ateo, although baaed apon a very .imple piaa? i? . r ..r iiiiiri. dliHcuIti and constant watokfulaess i r. After coualtlcrable i ment It baa been found i ?? -i . Copine him In direct ?line it.iniiiume.ill.m ssiih li!. !ii"ti. This fel?? gl llpbl , ? 1 . !l , ? Ie e|| j Inoua, lin- tel ii"- ' atapatga having n ?? bed ninny thonsni I sain.- of thai work,quietly and unostentatiously ta ?. - - ? !? il !" be i" . "til ."n |oii.i:.. m. l_et :? r? "f eon in. adal -, I ? of en emir '?'ii- [ ri .? i received ev -i bead ? I'cil l? I ? III III' I-, ' . ci it v of ().inn. r ami .N . V.'ll it I - os .? ? '? i Will ll .. 'o Ih_ t. : . rWO PARADES IS '? Both political parties bad toi , radai rbsaes tke ntana_p -, after n .on ami arranged the : wosli i e im ? ltd to be the largest sad ? ? ?ad Uie in .-l union.,. . . . .( /?/ BOCR I /'/'' XDDBE88, mors ........ trno? TWO in v:.'.!ii ii : a i IIMBD? M in Mi's'l i-.v I !?? SATIOMAI COMMIT! SB. I 1 '. i ? . ?i il Committee bas o ..r the l*nited .-?'s ns r..?; ?;.. .u? ..?- .... . i ? ?;. 5 In the I : i . ? . n iti?- ll.-;.nil;- ?n ? . ? on the ... il he o iportautt) gtvea for a ... I ? .fi in p..? ? -. The _? oi in', is t.. ? . ?i live ,? not .n ll ? !l.e , I ?I !.. ? I he Bl '111. Iforta '? - . .) ike ' ? I . ? .. ' ? - In thi? . a | l - ? u, ike ? ? .far?. ? : ' ?t>, I II, \ A - I '.: An loses V iBMB, i port ... ? alio Il ad 11" . . I'l S _ . ? a GERMAN PARLIAM1 N : 1 -7(!. IK it Forkeabeck luis been clectrn! Pri lideat ut tbi Ita ?m, .lini Baron Bl rgH -i v THK FR1.NCU COMMI N'ISTS. I ..,>.'. I, 1?7?> The sin id irtfi Paris disi) i i: "U. 0 C " CUtl. . ll.? ? aliilirr ? : lafter? debate, , which M. Dufaure d W. Oamb? tta up ..-?., ih:?? lt??u ' : ??helming mil"i::t decided to prooSO?! t" de'inle on th.-el.. I." itundord'a corres|suulen remark? that this l,f | | alO U lilt (.Oil ?Hi I'l.'!!' r ' ? I iin? following n- tin- ?ulisI I. ? )U'? proposl ??u n m the Colin, .s. .?' ' ??' n? Ipals m : .at all ill i.? h. fore the < unta of - a,n would |-r.'loii | C , , , . , . || ?, a 1. a ' "i '.'. I'., . ,!'. ( . I U f f txj 30001 . ANOTHER PIBE Al' ?W. ilY.viY, BE, si. Uva? iMiiK, Nov. 3.?A ine brake oat bere no- meeatag shoal i 0*0100! n. a itaMs n th* ;?? 11 tea of n. Lari. lees's plantas and mac ?mi,, ikop Tke tuirooadiag buildings were sil if stood, uni thawtnd, u hi.-I. lit the time WSS bl ' s in : :i!ino?l n gala, Spread tlir ? !. such rapidity that the wboli rastel ? 1 .?1 tin lottn remaining intact Iron t.??- fire of Sept. :? ?ras a:.?I I in.Hed?ate: i a In.I ?? i?f !l "!.. s I was :.-:.'? i n ?tu am?, is |6,000: las otbei insuraneea an not known. .vi.oiii at) buildings were burned. The total insurance 1.? are $10,000, in Ik? Bl Adaoona, Boyal Canadian, and Niagara Mutual Companies. St. Hyacinthe i* a ib__.11 Caaadiaa town. al.iiiit M tuiles as.1l of Monti oI It Is M the ?Jrand Prunk Hallway. FOREIGN Havana, Nov. 3. Oaa. Campos, with l.lHMUr.iiips, .iriivrd In IS IS Havana, Nov. 'A.?.Iiian I'tw v, BBS ?>!' ll??' most extensive siiifar planters In Cuhii, died last Bhjhti Toronto, Nov. 'A.?Over 2,0LM) tickets huvc ?teen sold for the excursion which starts to-morrow for the Centennial Kxlilbiflon. Tubo.nto, Out., Nov. :*.?Cbst?.* Gage, son of Nelson hattt ti Howmanviltn, accidentally ?hot and ktlLod hu bister 1 anny this evening. DEMOCRATIC_ AI.GUMKKTgl ADDRr.SS 11Y Ii.WIDA. WELLft, 1 MBkSOMS TOM AiiVitiATiN?; tup: ?BUCBMn TII.IiKN?gallons Of THS PBBSBBT AI,MIM,rRi_ TIoN-KKi-Kris of a CBABOS os LABORAS TiiK HS'.iviM-DBMOCBATIO ?Mi htri nUl _ BOfBBBMBBI in iiik s?n in. The lust of tin? TiliU-n ami Bgadtfakl On tmi Ossnatgs CmkYt Many ?nsalag ansttssji w?< held last eveaiiiKat Cooper IiiMtitiite. It \V)U indlrntirt, ?t tin- n min-,-1?arm tttka DesaoeeaOa eaavaaa thstsj pnnnrataspsakn a? David A. WpIU of <* ?nneotleat wn iin-i.-ly sMS l" ttWU a BSSSfhrl ?'?!*. tested .?li'ht-ua? whl? h li?van to dwindle IT, Btautn nttrr tlie 'i"*efltn spsaed. ThiswnsB tbe sssrs aat '-much Mi. VaBa whs aapssnd to iMinwer the gnm tpoeeh tt William M. tar!. 1!?-i.i? h. Mr. "Bella win rtrlafSim l?y Jumes S. Tl.ay? r, and by a aaMan and |,rM, bund, ti." hssnra oHBM tha nasl Daaasnn characteristic.., ->ith the addition of an ? inteillireiii-', ?lu?' t?) Mr. Wotls'Sreputatl a. ... ,, ?. ....i.,i.iii,i. IBs busy of th.- ass? hswavsr, Uiewd to th?' sitan .?i" i. i.ii.ii?a.i, aad ipplsaded nth ths r.-_;iil..iily of ?l?.. .. ...a', t'.- i: . ?:,? allr ? roiii'iia ?r I. geaain epportanlty fur spptstu ; ^ sadtenn ehsered roeMnsaatj., Bowart i- ?? - i?? ?: i.:i? of id?. ansttag.saM ha bad sees tataaatta asan hums ths pesptotortke -.-?th.- r? .-.n f.-.t x,a?% ili.?!l!,_C:il?!i.-.t man ?lli g| .; * -, t,, -.,. :,?,,,,,., <it0B[?? h'-ii'Mit now win? i-ouiii spaak. Hi . a nlssnt rssasrt aatattn i<? ths Km ? ase-tivts wia?-u iniiii'-ii.-i-d n mi/. g'a vol.?. i asn ????.- Mm u...;.s? ?if |vr. -??nal tatsnsl m ths tsrtansa sf a candidate, or of .in?. ? ?m ?i a? .' '..r Un- c utdld m. . m : .?aj. ?'?mm- in tin- principles or 11 id ? ifons of 01 ?nsther. r?. tin ?? . ? red to ths ?known phst, -and nol hfca Hi ; ? .mo. known future, it had reforeon to a ?reta <?f t-ont, Sean or aast <>f rsaBdean i a lassn tor hs? . ail an toaad n? ths fa**i i.',_,i a.i'n!iiMii.,:i,?! aright son ! a tt?? al n><: K, pahUeaa men bees saeh ?? to soamand t!*.* e ? beaaswered ?? n..." ami then ?en i * from Uta .uJii si ', -, ha j tbe ..ill..- bolder to the ofl rin : . I ? ' ? "OWt nallt i, n especially applauded 'i*,? * .-, ? :. W, !.. i? "II-.-. |i . Abran ?-. Hewn -, j,iv-( Jr.. ?tul 1 .1*.'. ai M i '..op. r. ?.!,:?.-."..? A - Mr. r??t:.t th. n kaferedassdDai I ? who bad ii'-'-n u oit!?-.- bolder sndsa i i? 4di al i ? if} tos reading I , ? tor y an he bad bet s m thon :, but recently they bad dlgered. and ! ?'. ? in tbe public I , nt of Joint, .,_ tin- condition of i ?. BMr< Important, ' ? ? t ?? inline hlSBSI was i great 'I ?a * ; ih.' oaeetios h-- ?,?i p .'uo? f * ? t snd the ?? ii ? I ni.niii ? -, ? .-?? ??r f... - *i .?? otis ' " ths sri should i? large or -? i ths ? ! - - r : lion ol ? : v. ltd ii- i.? , itors I ?t : It . -k .. that th? Il ?illv, their ? e , . - . M -, if f ?? i ? ? ' ? ' ? : ? h ' * - ? ** - .:. I r it that with I " I * * - *a ti ? : ibal .- th? m uen barred bj ? I : . . were | * ,i.? n., ill ovei th? m... id t the I with their own ?.."-i au?l theli ...?i. , - out ? ? - ? , . - ? * , Ml) S I*1* ..f K? im -aid ? loven ment ->i M...? wen I. Mr v.. ? port? : loan renee it ? ' ' man ?? ' - ... . ? rage r ?mi i bad no?* tin ..-.?! ivlui h '' ml uf Ity. It would h . wash ..m u..- " ??. dow' : .:, ol mi,.- ; it \??,n..i a: Ilia! ?...Urt-111 It Would .1? inoli-n lbs ?? ii.lrn.v-.- Bllll" ?? ?? blood, ?inn" mi ? tuai bol? m tha -k? w in. ?i Mr. i -u* -.??li la.M ?m?, oven .1. uevei t.. t* lieai i of i . Jam.-h H, *lha\. r ?i! thlSftty .'?'I'*' ? . ou mi? rub ? :? ugtb uftei the concluiuuu ol t'-' ?psecs?? Mr. WcDa _, UUSIVIW Ari'i'ixrai li'K nu S?iSBAS l'A? IFI?. I,v\vi;v:m.k, Kiiii., wwr.9*-3*HtmBt Mo:t??u of thoMiawii. ..limy l?i?tn.'t Cuir! ysstsrdSI MB ?- ;U'** ( 1 (ir...-h \ und ?i.-nr) viiiini i.-.'. ivensf _____$_ IN.?!!??? Kaiir. ad .?n an spplicettoa from the trustee? ot e un?! i>:iK- sanctag lAn UMOat toad.