^giotiB body in America. There nre Hotspurs
m the wings, Bffh and Low, but I lit. rank
gnd file are conservative in doctrine and prac?
tice. Iba p?an ?)f mganixation, broad i
simple as it was, wotil.i have been sharply
uiUoisfid if it luul beea broachtpd at auj other
tini,., but at thai ?feverish period il ?nded iik?t
quick Under and kindled at once s raging
contH'V? i.?y. Bishop Potter declined to pre?
?ble. anil BWiif Ooxe, who bai n ri
? for saying waal be thinks i.? the right
and ni"' BMJ thiag m the vir?n.: way ?uni at
the wrong (imc, denounced Cm- propoc <l con
gnu as i specie-? "f lobby to the Gi oeral Cob
veiition. Ths leaders of the movement t? ?>k
fr?- ?it oncej had blood was stirred nod volleys
el pamphlets were exchanged ; and the shadow
of an ecclesiastical wrangle fell apon ti.?- first
Chinch Coagrees.
Happil] the prejudice against the Church
Congress quickly dissolved. It |?rove ! to be a
?ost reasonable religions movement. Thedis
,,ns su ;?? eatirel] free from le ri
b'is. No rets was taken; bo measures were
.??.i. i feel freedom of speech ;
there was no ssalous roa)ority to override a
eoaaeieatioos minority. Clergymen and lay
nun were broaght together ?m a common
level aad topics of practica] interest in rela
tion to religi?s snd morals \ur? freel]
candidly debated. The deliberations were not
colored by partisanship. There was nothing
Is stir up suif.-; there was everything to pro
niote intelligentoe end charity. The Low
Cliiirchinan got out of his rut and the High
Churchman came doWB from his scaffolding;
find each was Miipii?. ?1 to lind how broad was
the found ilion of und. living truth which they
both recognised.
The I lunch Osngn n h?s passed it ? teol
stage aad is now slmost as useful in its sphere
as ib?- eorreepoading sasembl] in il??- Anglican
(oinmi?ilDli. The third MBS?OB, Which is soon
to 1k- bold in Bastoa, promises to be less dog
niatioiiud mel? practica] thantheflrst. There
?will lie sa axebauge ol views between tbe
leaden of the slroBgest factions in the church
lopmsoatBtirs men like l>r. I?. Koven and
Dr. John Cotton Smith, who ?lihvi widely on
points of dociiim and government. 1 !
suit ?-.innot be otherwise than whole-Ban ?. Zeal
will learu to discriminate truth] its eyes
will be opened; its horisoo will be en?
bagad] its heart will be Miiiiiied. The
Bread Chawha-ta will come to realize
that truth is many-sided, and tint while he
must ?iitl.T from his neighbor, the Ril
both may Ik? right in the end. Nor should ii
he forgottea thai while the Church was founded
by twelve iguana! peasants, with ?? fisherman
at tlitii bead, Christianity has s mind as well
asa heart. I'aul urged bis followers to
the conversion of ii;e world their great work;
but lie also exhorted them to "?edify the
??body of Christ" Alasl how- oit.n does the
pulpit fail to edify the pewsl The Christian
ministry cannot afford to lower the -'.''?mis
s. acquired cuitare. The preachei must keep
abreast of the congregation. The pulpil ouly
vaste? pew?b-r when it ases blank cartridge
or tires at short range. This Congress, by
Stimulating intellectual activity in the Church,
will promote the came of retigioo and public
iateUigeace? ______________________________
Gen. Sheridan is goiog buffalo hunting on
tbe jn.tiii? null ??lit :- .'.'.-.....:.-...
I'l.-side-it William ??Unit has b Cfl
ill for mu it.? k? ?uli uitluiiiiuatii.il of UiaUver. in -
IIOW sios.it I re..I? :
Mr. Tennyson WTOte !?> Mr. Osgood not long
situ tu?t l.? Lad in?u!.. completed apoem,and Mr. Oe
go.sl Is ? xpei-ini! pr>>?..'i'.-? i l>j ;?;. ...
K. II. Kauney, an atheist, via? buri? d In
tou Hit- otluT ?lay With p v* Mr. .-..
Ihe ludet road BCiwtioti? lruin tin "1 ' Anto?
ninus." ?
There is a good deal <>f c immon sense ??bout
gsgBs-SBS?. TksBrUisk PoetBauler-General la?i-dlog
tasat electnc.Mi. Mr. W. 11. Pi
try to InNpect aad report upoa tb teehaical und seten
tu'i'- B_rraa__ea_eal at uai
Mr. A. 11. Stephens walked three or four miles
tbe stast ?lay. He. no iBBgei i id baa
nuiiid, natural alsep. H w?'H ii. I a- bees
wr.t. .un? oi proia
lii.iit Boutberueta, a?, artk-u-sou Boatuero -?:?:>. i?.
Mr. Matthew Arnold and Itr. Fronde some?
what raseatttls ????!. wilier, both bavlnj curtoui
?lai l..i!?t!i f.ic a tin
ILc i.
i-ifui beads audgray eye?, ludlualiaj landre
Uta in ?i
When I.? rd Duffelia went to a ball at
Rej?j.tsii. :.i . !'i!nl?c, aad so hasarded lotbe
young ladies ?o?a,- little complimentary obaerratl
Latin. Bath?aalt I cnunot mis tiial I
thai Bagnsga intrle? ??f the
-Mold another talker in the field. It i? Miss.
i -tuait FBalps. who i? soiagto leetare? ratal
tliii'S BSBS " i-t'Iircn-iiliitlte Modem ii :.!.,'
tin I ? ? ? of int.. Tai Al :?? o' H ?-: Ii I a. s Q .. l'i
i all? be dlssseted la loor lactur? it'iilv?
nioderii flcu.tu 1? a iari'f ?u
Mr. Bayard Tajd ? sayi he enb rl tins a high
lor iBSSBSBSBi?ful par'_.'ia..li.-!, bill ..-iii.it liml
kBgBSgB ?uflicletitis l.'t'-b to e.iinl. inn tla ssiiuid-lif
fouiis- ?ilnrn wlmse " f m " i ???ii-!-:- m luaklog P>.iit of
Hi -?'I a.-? i,: ot ?- il.c prartli ol ridiculing
- m .ass he ?a..;.: n.n- .?. . bad "i- Aud ill.
WltS ..11" -at- ? I . VS H !..
nut ti. : the other i
The wife of Qov. Chamberiaia ol 8 nth
Caroliua in ?aid to I? a- ?tsnu ol steal beau
charm. Win n lii-rfai'?? i, ttU) I .
Maine, died, it matt BSSBSaarji thai ??is ?1.?
?ilolll.l in ?|, l ii Hies svfil! 1?, tl'a-iiillK'Ion,
and Mr. 1. gereoU'? old Irl .-. . I u, oi
?ury |Mwt foi bel Dare?! iioiinnit
foi Hie fuel Unit sin- it : . ?-,', . I..
?.I ssa- lut .'.il i s i it I
eHilitiih ln-ioiiie, m ?? t"i simple iiiu-lin i!|. ??," ssnieli
Wan:. ,i.l
It isoiily in the fair, the fervid g ?Uthlaud t hit
tli?> no tiirou_;li saet? beauteoa? perform?
thin related by 7V Ctunrimtn '?? Bells
;., reiir.-jirntui|. ine Slate ,t ?., rgta, then casa?
forward Bud -ml . ,! _b!? Bur ll
o?, i.ii? iioiu itie r.
O'tieriioi Main m. i,,s? acted nobly, but ?mi II
to), ox,?I,, mum all.' <|. n Jl.,.
,.Ii tli* bross ,?,|
?aid. taklua both of the little *li i
>ou, iittl.- ludi.-a, r.u t.i.u.inil ilonei?. Make il
jour blKbent aun t? ?;r.,tv n,. ,,?,| lie im in,ble und ,
your in un-. - of ?_uo!i;., i, i <_oiir_ri.i.' "
Mr. Martin Faiquhar Tapper entered the
gT.cuKKilu of tbe li.i.aU, l|iiia A. aieiii.i n? .1',,
Thursday i-v. niiiK, and local :i I. purtct ?.! Tht I ? ?
|)*).| Jimct wlillilif awnt Hie un.i,,, ni? si i!)
hossed and tbtrkly glided rohUM ot "*Proverbtsl Pbl
losopiiy." ?? Otxr? cieiiinit'." said Mr.Tapper,maoTing
- rcoat and gi\ i. ? Ii? SD0W] Deektl?
"tkaHevsuiBg. >>???..-p. pt-i ?li.t.i, 11.1 i..
?. nos., you i?.: ..a truth .d'oui me.
b*l a?tray ny wbat ti.c??: other newspaper, baveboen
?*)lli< led tbe iill,"
? Hin upwrtid n. V? ral me, ? ? ?imi -Int., US :.
Bager varalagly asstsi n <? i ? j>- -i i ? i'
ssythlBB for vou. I'm a free nan, Mid I'.otafi
uni: ini. I"
..?1 Mr 1 up] . H.!?I then
? llllllM-lf l.u . III. Ill III .III
-oi?! loll ib. in i.. a.. ii,. man."
i-i .? i
It will be perftell. -il' t., lake .VHb B s ?lu or
two of allowance.
Mr. Carlyle, say* the London correspondent
Ol iht Jlart/urU Cowan', NSOtVBS I.? ..-ito.? in tin
llltle bou?e wbtii? 1.? .
London, No. f. t^uyu. ? rw, ' Bel ? , M U l'a '.?in. ..is
ho?i,iui toandixl hj Bell Owjraae, sad aal Bai frasa
?t.'-re Sir Tliouia? Mor.- lu ?1 li.-niy V 111 '.? _rre .' I nali
t*llor. Tbe atreet I. oil an.I ?lin. s ?ni u_o_g , ,, , i,,-. bot
B la elote to tbe
and t?. iinmt c!ianiiiii< lies.), fia v
?Jl?'? linuiw U ?luali, i'i_:ii, iiiid iiii|ii.-!i iitinii. ?d U
?lili-, but full of luatiif 1 I ?i'Hiiii ivltlmi. lie :ift. ., ..-.ri
?un strain, in throuxii tbfss SBBaU BisiBB I Is tBi tiran -
InK-room, tbe palrl-rib silling m a BasaSSSaS arm
?bau in iront of ?b?. Iraalas? ...ai g glowlag Bra, loi
IauiiIi.i, Liu aiorfuid lue day I. cm.! i lier.-a, .? book
SiieiioBouelliioralil. ?a ?ne tl.i-jiU f. Ou the shell ? is
a?oiiipieiBBot oi Buaiiin's -mrh.. Bnereu
ot,..-r. ??four A_ur>r??'_,ii_ boi.ltnK a couapieuous i.n.k
atonic the?. Oarlyln i? Bow verjr l-vid.? tbrougba?e,
uu\ ux, meuior/ U ??b Ui__rytlu_u, aud tbe lio a ol lu?
Ulk I? ?nalo!.-1 II? ?ms: " .so-? all. .1 literary UUi
scientific clsn?*i In England no*? proudlr give tbein
??-ivp* t.? protoplasm, origin of - ;??,*!,?, and ine like, to
i.ruve timt o...! .ii<i not btuld Ibe mivii ?-. i bave
known three generatlona ??l Id i? Ifsth? r.
? * -
?nt nuntmi |,i,;i: .,!:? ;, ? qui?l n ai. who II*. ''?*? Ti"l 1 r
from here, t?> i ms lb it nni< i i
??fleets i. found a i,? il
: ' Oninia ex t i om n
i -
I re i i m ?. ?
?' I..-: 1, ???, - ; ,!..?' . tll.lt
. I frillll lIMIln. ? -, i"lt
?a I. ? ? I . U IM !" IUI
i? ,i .i in, and ell un ii'.i Iks t.
Ab, n i.? . ? ...| an 11< .i?i-.. i?'-ii
? ration . > .'.*.!.
?.* alvili I .-I a I ?111 lilu ?. 1
- UUIT? : ? ?? I ? ?I,.. ? ->' M ?
??! CSU! : ?:?! tiollli .-I , ? i '
i. i' ... \
.. il A
.?[-.!<?!? ?? . he ?-I-i' i l ?.i..-. i
upon '*
? :. a
? V? :ii?i Is th? v.. ..t ? u '. ol muni' "fo .... m (jo-l, und
!"?:!*? , . 11'.:t
- I Trmi, ll ?,|- ll,r.ai_li m ?i kl
?-., i ? : * . I'M
? >.:m. rsatl ?i,. It?key a t
. -i ,-i ,,\, :
;?"/iTit i/ Non s,
Is the country ready to pot the Democratic
party m power siuiplj t?> ti\,- ?><?%. L?den a ehanv. lu
i, i ?: n i'.l
The Democratic ?game ol bng and bluster
-II f.llll.,1 ?llll 1111,1 Will ?1.?'? ' H ' '???' '.ill.?
i ? foi m. i ?" bave the a Ind, ?'.: ' be i
will bat
Mr. Richard 1>. Hubbard, ti!?* Demo
r.inil il.i', oi >? '*?. not ol ? ?hm
Shell be .'? ? ? : > I llll ! ?a ? Dt ?'?.? . a ll V.
whlei aiaj .???.-iiiii lor s sllgb ??outuaiini of :?:? i
which he i ?tbllilted .?i tee > lom?. ?i Ii ..i i- en ileliv??r?i*_
. : lai i" ?.I !? ?
i??! i pf 'lia ?
Wade Hampton cites* t'iie electiou <?l M'???
?m ; witij.it, i tu ui,. i.an? *.i.?? :?i-.. ?: tai: Ha :; ??mi
party ut s null r irolina Ii eomipt, bul be do ? not men
tl.ill Hit fuel lu,il M ,,lli prvYOUU'd in-,
in. n fnnii tak.iiL-tl;.-:i ? n?. feurli ?:y defying the i
m;?, eli in Dt ? In :??? ?? i? i.*? ;??.L Uulr i
ago .lampion and bla iriemli .?? re ?- ?
l.ii llll, MTV ?I? !, lull BOS lUSt? ? I "1" bl Ipil .,
ii|_a?::?,l tin- i -. l ,1,,..-?i..? -? la J a 1- ? ;..
i.?I.,* t.u govurumoul ??: lb? 81 .i" ??.?? ! ? I
-i?, -a
. j... -in of al . ?-.; i... ? c - * ?..-1 ?>
pai :i?..:i ii luuipu, .?
lug th. n.-mu. in-.i win i?...:>.. .._. ..nl. a.-i ,?i i i..i.. n .
OIK! I" b ...la- I'll,
Republican prospecta in lad.mi aecui lob?
all . Til? 111 -M - II .
: the alarm of the 1
,?:!?, CO ,,,. I .il.-l ? '.il.t .; I.' I . ni ? . : i lb
!Ud !i"|.- Ill, .-.? H .M b
thisextra?t from Th, lr.dtanaiJ.Ai? Journal
rot eipl el polltl? .ii ii.i?. M-H?roi
, :n i.tin 1 M.ll??-. ol '
an.I can
..I ll.iy. -, uni W a. , | ?lie, .,? ,.; i.i
dlans t.? dlsltuetly nnderatsiid that a
within ; i '.? not
n.? bop . i... .
. - .
il. , ? ... tin., .M., a |i
111 111?* Mat. '*
The outlook in Hassachusotl 1? thus summed ,
i,|? by I A? Springfitl i lit - I
will give from ?15,000 :.? ?J i,.
? ? , KI <*o 11
lug nal. ;?, ml UI V.- pi till
:- in ?it all, it Will be !?> ?
ai, I i.i. .
I ..? 1 > *.l!i,!1
In the Vlth Disl
i. m II ... liiue i- .?i.... in: .? :
., ef t!,??:.). 1 in , ?
(Hank?), sud Ibe '...*?
ti?)* eli niera in la In thi
_ . ' ?
n . iby has had a bi ? ? : i *.. - m m
ager ?>i i? in. ? II
loft m ? barge loi ., daj o? i ?A?...
lie 1 ?m ? Art i II?
? nit?-;, i? il f.?r II .' .; a and
. ' ?
I lute ihe w
'till l!\
n' n? .m ^.-..t
Into cirkelaeben. U won't i. >. *
m ? in i afore u.? . . ,m n? m
?.-,..? ?;. .1 I ,
. :
; I
III I.IC , 1 t Ml .' '
lin- Ki v. 1).. Leonard Bacon i- n man who
it peop ?? . al.
under land. Ile doesn'l m to ? ? ,
* mi,- two Ui ' ii. at,
?,?! be Ihm roferred to ibeiu In I
ll ,.? .
11,ti..,.,?i, nominates ..m townsman II, oi
..f h.p Ii A\ :. .-<?':?
UM I'' "i?l'-- BUI uliit If It Wl I .!??:
and it has bad t*?" opportuultl.-i ? ? ntly.ai
? I ..:-:.,. I ? ? w boni did
:.m I '? .n Ka.? s en ...'.Ill?'
peopl? ??i Oouuectli -n "? ou l !.? ?.
? a.,.- it i- ti.? ir i?i ?m n?;.-1?? rota
., delfi n. .in ? ? . i ? :.. ? tlicy -ni l. ?i??.!
and liai mini, 'an, n thej u * i ii it
? ii mid
. ibe ni? a
like t?? bi n in ????>? i.' ?i :.. ?
?all "
There is trouble in Connecticut. A Demo
. dltor in >'. i -i laven lain a ? it nl pun?
?- ii. r i bis la 11.,- u ?.*. bi i.i i. ? m ihr KiyUtet . " I
i? ?.ii are lb? agi aU i.i m?- .. - / .
? ?-..: M.?.-Mil fun I ' ; : I !.. . |i; <?lii
? arm upon ? Ilk 11 ? m n ?- '? !"?? the
Men "f ? ?'.!>?)?- lie ! ! i?- "?? "four .1 Insl
il. m m ii - - i How the * Ii1?hi 1} -i..n .mi?.
luonej? ' ia?r:ils 1.. i .... ihn:
you have warrant? read; (>.? tbeli . m?: aiiJ u
meut the moi . lib the
,,l,lie.* i i,y Ibe In- man'? oath, I. t the
? * -:r a?,
proacb, on loi itan 1 thai the .
fron a prompt exp ?sure <?t thi
.*n iii'i i1,.m anj Individual eoni|M*ii*.-itlou be m
:i?\.,!.-. ii.-iii.?'-tat?, one and all! be Iru
t.. jrotu : J "in' mauhood, j ..?ir
i : Ibe ?? -n?-. ? ?!. m . id ? It ; s
? it ! In ,,\ -a . :,? liuing
iwaitsl ?. Kadli al !"iy. ir ><>u b
ballot ae * ..* ' I.-*? III,' nnd nol
Bl . . r;i. en un ,,, in? ni ??! .l'i. M ? ? I.i lo
;i i:i nl nur , .uni!i v liai. It m In? |N?WI'I I?, fcajr tbat, in
ir,th? ?i? m. -. "t . on
t|| ,!: i I!;. .1 dUtj DOhlj '. " Am? 1) '.
Mr. John (J. Whittier steps intopolitics long
. !.. give I !'l? *-?*..? lull , ilal-l - .11. I m ..r . i-Uov.
: an . audldate fot ? ongii ??? m tin
VlllUt Mai ... ?- watts District : " i i iv< ? ? i? ? lib Mime
Hut ..ij. ein.in are nii-'.-.i t?. Ibe ale? lion ol ?i?.v.
ClaBln by somo KepuhUoaus In the VIII k VA Irlet, who
i ?i,ii? ? , ?n ;. a i tii ?i :,.- ii n,.t . m i.-1 ? i ..n the questlona at
Inanes snd civil i n tpart from Ibeeli ai
pllcit ?i. elaratloa >>f bl - _ ttai ?>f ae
c I't.nici, I have mason to know that ha hoartilj i/ni
patblaes silb Um tuas himI spirit ol lb? Bepi bll sa
M ? ..... Dtlon, ami ?Ml in H-L-.iiil t?> Hi?- u ?in??|>
tinii nf tpt-ei? ?ai lu. ni, civil mi M. .-. am! Un- i. inllii ..f
- a the party whleh ao mas has m"" doeplj
?it-pinr.-.i, ha Is In tul snd b? urty i.lanes -.?nil the
!.. ?1 ami Hu?--, i,,, ,,,!?. ? ,,f t.a Ii? |.iil.M. nu ,?i_- u.:/.ali..ii.
I'..?- r. <..i?i ?,i i, ,. ciaBia sa a publie mas sad pi
l'i. nf IBS I..I1II.1.I- nf 111??
.. :. from ii.? ,,.?- t m- II ? ral
i m????.
tin-i. ,1 sd-risera The oouSdi | ,,t i bar?es
.-?iiiiiii.-i hihI Dewy B/llaoa, I know that tin
re of i ,,??,.,i states
? I- a!'?! . ill* I'"?- II..I ll lilt. HI,,i rolu i wit
i M.-m r upon the -?? mill i-ai of tna ;. , enl Ii :
a.I ||< | l|.|
snd ml '" i-i ? ufi ij ., i,i, :, i i |
manly,guue-rous, Just snd b?uuorabu ,.,,.,, i. .:.n?.
of largi ? i ..i :; ?? in ? olli ..: uud h
.Li ?in ii.mIi t.? ii? i ?ii-:? .am the re?
spect and confidence ..f the l*e*l mon m Cougreaa lire
h,. im.- ..f port} ."
Mr. Biehard 11. Dana made a speech ata
Rep?blicas iiiii-m meeting Is Qenbrtdfa .?n Thors?la)
ei:ii.i?K- Haasprssssd a kkph apinioaol Oav. ii,..,.
wlmin lie ni.'t nt rnieiiiiinli, iiimI In i-.-frr.-ii. <? t?. tli.n
t?-?t in M:??-i Imi, It?, K.ii.l : '* Sow, i'? nt!. -iicii, |, t n,,
lag,as my lsel wnni sa this mii.ji-.t, if say ??ni? i??i u
rlicl.t t'> retjr.-t not Iji-Iiik ulM?- to VOtC f??r Mr. A.lain,, p i
loaalb/. It Is myself, Mr. Adsoshas basa avpenoaa]
fii.uJ sIbm IS lb, wht-n wi- beg-u the WtUUtUoB uurtv up
Illblso?iei -Hi'inlier and i. fesv inore; IWSSt-S]
oftbem. lis has basa s slroag sad ss ssealleal Mead,
sad i have i: c serf hlgb? ?i r? sard for bun. i wigs bwbi
? ?? . ii o", o' M.. ,:,, . ,? ,- ., ? tiat nre thl
bim by In? i; i ' . ?
to ol?a-! from iii.n ou t'a. i
. 1 . .?: i ' ? 1
' ...I lloln I, in P, I-".! 7 I c.lll'l U"t I
... was
Ihiap iiiioi
i.-iii i.ii.ii,,- .?..li-.-iii? nt, an?! "? .'t...? In..! ir., f i ?-.< ->? 'ii''
nd ii-ii.i
Vptll ii- '.] Vli.at
- :
llil . | ? ?a, ? '"'? I U".'I ' '?
." ni I. at un..?i A tile! i
//// fi | ' // ( r, i ISA
The Rmnire State ought not to allow Got.
II .... ? ?.. I e . !,..'t.''?
Tin' first qnestio ? t.? I..- ?? iked with resji I to
; .. . indidate foi v- ?etu ?.? 1? hi hon ?i ..? ?ell m eoai
Gov. Morgan1 administration waa ec ?nomical.
.c it las s ""? ? --"? ?"? "' '?''r '"'
. . / tieft 11 i1'! nays: " Satn lei J. Ti
1 ? .-. , : in 111 ?:. c .,? il, d ? ,..,!?? ..?Ii I'"
I . h , i 1.1 . 1, iilid
. - '
lu ii .\ Cl\ :.i--. ?aal i' ? i the
. , i
la .an mi.-cii. i. ( - !.
I ' . ,?? it mi, the 11"", i... . a ' ' ? ilvod i>.
aitpp irtOsra 'i II >ud, ih? I'mhibiuu list ?-and *
.I adi i; b for third p irt) vu
,. nublit a,
...is ,,: . ,t
i , '? ., , ? ... a in in moil I i
man wan! ? loll, I? t b:m do II
!??? nu i.? h. n?..?', a i a third
.s :.i. ?.ii.? lo i,.:, nu -liai ? ? ...|:|. OUI' t "??? i?.
Messrs, John .1 .rob \ itor, Jam ?? I. >nox,
..... i,. : . . ?| | i
?. nut i he i: i -i f , Courier ? .-'??
le ell! lei: I' til?. II . .!,.- I! a '? ?' I'., ? ?Kll a .
which H ? " ii p ? ?
i . 1)1 ! . . ;? . I
? a be i ', B :? .i''. m
i nt ?il?
I I'll l SS III
I? lUii
ll! l W.I a
? " ? iimmittee ..: Tni? R h dis
fl Uli ('"! ... Il I' 1 ? a - S -
I! Jill' ' !l . S
"II to
' |S
It ? ? ? ?' and
? ?
? i i ' ; c
?? bleb Ii?
, l olid I.O
.-.-?.ii Lord i malt rigoi
?i i
led to tl ' - .1
tie .
I he i?js ii ". ? ? of tli Dent??
i, tin '. . ^
i ',n 1 h.I lu. i.. t. ...| I Hut _? lb. r '
? '
?.' ti.. , ? ....?? . ,,| ii,,.
in "pun .ii ! blxh " The At .
?. ,
. Id.
which m Halle?: "1
anir) n...
? .-.. ib.- -"ii!,
?', l.e
I. It
If ' ..- triii.i be pr. ?. ni.-.I ii -..
Ill lhal . -
: ? ' . I bird lli-lcel
? ' l i which
)?>- '"?? .-..Ii.i.e .I llo? a!.I,Us to c'),,,|.|.? With
l.'n- aiir i< t qu? ' i It forever w II bou I
all. Ill" I 111 ' .". i
.. ??Line? s, m,..,,, iiiiniii? of tbe p ?? >l<
ui'I"|. ed ill Hi ..
- nt? |. .... i * ? ? 11 "-..,' .1 I .
? ii.- idem ... I In i i.,j
' -
,' .'/., "? IF
.., .'. una h
?,'a mi 'mil?
t. m. i are Olli)
. l?|.l ion ol unis i <i i ni doubl
Elder Trash bas nn elephantine disciple, <\t
lin-1 .[..nd ( il? !.i IP.ii ?? l'i ? iio mu.ill la?! m..,., olio of
tu? jit. mI.mi? at b m. na.. 11, played a trick upoa tbe
.1 Hi- offend I lie .in I ii .a I a .?aid of toll neo, ss hull
Will,in a ? | ? : i, ?. i of an hour
Uli sou:, i . ni!, o?an t II n Victim to nil i,.o! i s.- lust le?.
ss i de i..- i. a- ?i i mi. i., .n i in renter ol a ?mall , roup lb?
. : - ? i ai o i..md about biiii aid toaocdhtiu mm t lo?
an .
The King ol slam recently opened a new
iiiii.i it Bangkok with a soiaalai eon I i n n.
hi , ?.,,i. I lv the upper hall and lighted aaend tapara
and He u the pi " i - ???? i -.loi? d im i he
...I :,ni.' le f ? . n!. .1 Hie t i|n i? B&ll
i.. lie?! tin- m.e nimm nub . Im no! :
? .. a.t .lull mm.i. is, do imt .peak fulac
Ii.I, d . Dot .' ml I lo Klin; ?pi lllkle.1
with -"I'd ?.?ii i in. n .. i,.,,,! ....i Inner?, and ?
i,,..-, i i ui'iieii flour ii...h u . .m . : ai. .i cake ou parts ol
Ho m h bluer).
The biggest tree in California is not la the
Yo-i'llllle V c I . . I V lIlC) HI Ii' - no ' "II '? ?
.feel nio'i the tea, aad Itawall . which an
.m...ii ?,0O0 feet high, sra seij precipitous i
valle) .. loss .nisi oi roloeaal rod woe d tree? ha bees
:i dl
, "'i Hi' I' K 0 ' ? ?I II ? .1 mo ? '. a- high
,. . ., I,,. I" I'l H .1 . Illfl | '? ? I t.l|a. |l| C al"!!|ll|. I ?
In? lie. i ?. Ill " I ' :.d Ih? III
I If I , -III I
. : ,,i in, lop .t in.; "i. IBs
ground i? ".? i 1 ?''' '? ' : '" I' I'-ilf
When th.- bandits made their receal raid in
Mniiii .?oi.. oa ti.eMortbBeM Hank tiny eaptared ssst
,: , ,m III.ill'" ..' ' ' ? '"an !'?' m '1 l)lllllllll?a -Vllcl"
I,, had pUote i Ibas, le s road .t ..> ss ateh tBej a I Is I '"
iintl.tiicy ?ieiuly ?lei'?i'd i h. qaeattoa a Bel set ?luv
,,),...mi portait im" ta t* sa ato war se mu IBs ss the
IJinl. Aft r III'- 'I If?.loll bad In i Ii ill?. ll??i d ?|!.!l? h si)
tt lii.l'o.l sias talen. iiUd ?be ?o i man's life v. :i? i?.isod by
l.?. s. !.-'.:? ..-.i "". Pill*. I.'??"-. .?In. ts.u? -a '?-'?
qucutly killed oear Ma?l lia Dntiulag was eomp.'H^'l to
iwke an oath that be would nevei -;,.?.u ol in- ' M"'u
mico to a human being, .'"'.'i . n o dread
Hilly ?cared I II? ?muid Bol ?hake oil ihe paoii ternir
Ile inope! aboat for a few week? altor the mew
lui. :.. -. aad ??? IS BloaiSUtSIJ died of lb.: tiluru of
!? ? bendita, ii ? n
nnd started for the Rast, fully delcrniln '1 t?> pul the
m, an between l^n??- ' an '
There is eery bad blood '? tweea the fresh
in " and .?|.'...,ii,,:-, - . I : .. :, I , ? ? -?*-. i '
mon ? were vli iortu u at ?' ,..i
louais " it? i at boll, "a I itu .:.r.
? ?' ; '
'? - ' ? .. . : n - i ? ' '
acre blue In Ihe fa? e the
. - .
i . ? ?
? - - -
i rush, ami I
b . ? ?
. . i
:?'? M*'- -.ii ? - *
?m in I In III .. *', :. . : govi-rnm ?"'
i II
1 _ ,?r the lain* plus ,) n.-?lin. a
?T.* HLIC "El s Els.
I ae business men of New-York i !! th ? pub?
lic i?
- '? ' 1 lilt .11 III. ma K,...
I ?>t well mi'.i.'.l ?iian
cl? i i mol i.: i? n
1 . a i.. .- i,
? " - t a elei ii ,., of II .. - *.M.,||.l
We I:..-., i ..t | ,.,',.. f| im all
In, i
?I,? '? -ill ' .' - ?? ' 111II 1 ,.? ?lain ! i I :.. -. . ? .1,, llll ,1
U'li ' ipil i it for in- l'i-? iMcuc] his ever
????n?! .i
! I I .a I ?
? . la. M
- " ? ? d n Ututos and for an lions. ' I'iili.ul
? ? '
' *
: " '
Mr. r on the SuuMi.m ii i '
i? .
i '
IUti.,11 ?MU l?t! I
lit i. I'ii.i Nation I In?].)
Bj i ii tie- i.' . i part ol on .. ?,?'? n < ?
, :
i\ ?I ? mil ?1. m
I - ?? .
A - ,? ''.".? Ml . I . ll! - 1? I'.*, fill t'. * b ? '
i . tuen
, in,I
mush .
III!'. rilM.II i_u_.lo.MC -
n? - ? Ill ll ? i! ??: ' \? * 1 -.':. Phil
- _,* i
I to |
I ani.-li in ?n In uutil
? la .?Till d?l
SI u WE A Til till KHI'OIIT.
!.. .
Ii - ?..util Atl
i ... i -.,..., except i
TIM 111 SK MM M- ?lWfcliVATION'?
? ?.
ii ;i
i rie riirv? p.I un upward leml.-ni >
? ? n. i i.?-., raptdlv. Tbe
nt of !..i i?, ind
tu. llu-ru.-i. i- has fa i a abo u ten d? ? ? ? ? I ? ind
,1.. ?. . ve.-,
Im t?. a r,. i m re Is 11,'iiiMi-- ' ? i:i?l"*aii* mat fair
? nan |>n \ ill lie warm. r.
Si'IImi.i, Si i i- I. ? it ,A'f i'lv re
dn? , M |?l ;????? IIS
? Institute. ^^^^
? ,i ,- i ?? n | , ? . ??f jfoiir cold al ??'!?? ? bj
,, i . iilaa
"Ti ."? up : ? lit 1.1 in the way I? should ft ?." ? ?
?..?? . m *..
?Mil lt>-< ..
? ' ' ? '
? ">< ' f
??" no
n, ; m .
f ISM \'- I US Al.'IHVEO
i B ?:':i ?Ii PI /?. *
. |) .?,?11.
?...i.i 11?! : sun ,..mi'- !,'? * "'''*
?? , i ?.,| i . . ii. iirii-tt? ?
?i ,i ? ,i, ? l
itn? ...,|, mIh i-. il -'. -' n? ? ?"' '? ' ' ' ' *..
. . . M II I, IU
, ?M- I ?
1-,,,,-ii.v mi i' ? ..in,mi.
?alt, i* i logo. W.
I;.? kh .. n- twig i.?i i..i'' am
?/,. tont ' ' v '?''' ' ? " '
,l!l(l\ I H
, , . I,
..,'.,' ,,,,,. , [ai : ai, >. mu? la I'll.!;.,
l;:|'-ulM.,i.*i?i,ii,-- . nhl]
; ,..?,.< aal
tapies, Oil I' UM
- X 1 I II?
- ? i m - ?r II
?Vili.iiii_rt.il, s c?
llM.nl * II. toi lalll-l i
fui I. ' ? ?, . ,1 ,1. "?' . - * ?1,1 Ma. l.l, .
' ' ?' 'il? f?>?
i ,, ,. . .... ala. i- ? ? '??""? ,'"" "' >'"'"" >?
rrai mi ??(.a? lark, lut
il n
, m ?y iv .Y or LOSO isi.-si' s,,i sj?.
Mu? ? ?i .i. .. M ?i , loi m i ? .? *? *?? " lira M ?ir r.
,.,,,, I il ?nu f. SI I-?'?". ? a
.\. i. . . thi? .'"' ? uni [ht. tel !..,_.?n .
M ... i-i . an leu, -M '?'? ''" ' *"" -? ' ?iy
i .??.. ? ., .. i ll -. ? -i ?-?les? a.n. n? ,i. ? nos J.
w vu, a ,? 1' l'!,.,p.?iia Al.iir*,!.?. M a ,
M III N <?' ?II. I, !?.! il .*? i a-Il. ?
niMi ?rai,,.-! m,_i.i ?i-, H W risse
i ?.?n.?n. l*.i:l.?
Liiu.ii -.--. Nov. J.-.vriivisl. ?uaiiulnixv i ly.lo. fiuin
Bow-York; n.J. IVIey, In Baltimore; barksPaleeUas,
't . Hug .a fti.ai Ha untan K.a.U.
'iltl.ris? Sot ... I! itp-l ?I ? ?-, M.in?
. -*. for
Havre : ti?! '. i . ?? '
of 't'.. ? aud Lone
in i .
0,?| 'S
i-rpo ?i.
I.i.bi.i' Ugh? Itaealta PS '? I?
' ? iiii.iy i, .t
all, H|?
S |
ParBet '? Hair li iI_wm
. .m.mi-a- iu_n beut. Hi ti ren 1.1 m ui> ?
_ _
I si-pr. -i": si:
All ' I With ftll
nunte nit,I ....
Ui ' n
- s ?ofJet
- . ? I ? . til'? of til"
laic I. . ,| I)
Kuueral fr.ti
i m
? - n i I. near I -. U. T., Mr?. 1
?s ?! '. il ?: i_- . . ?: . -: ?!., . til
? t
i : ?i si i .,,? si :,?.!
?I '? mm lin. ,.-..' i
- . ? ..u?.
? .
I' a. - ? ? I 1.?
I! S . il i S
? -
l ? a ? l a. ...
? |
-, a. ...i Bl .' n
II II M I'll IlEY?Nov. _'. uii'iiit -ou ..f William U ?ad 1
l.IKHKll . a. .?craniiiy. .'.,!. BbdUIM
-'.I'M-, ? .-. 1, K'ltsaril
!-. 1 ' .?!.'.?
Ill . ll
III.? I ' tool
. ?t., .?I
_ l>. :n.
12?? I - ' ? '. t did
... | funeral ?erv
a ..
IJ?lili.lll Xot.U'G
l.oo'a nt a":...
III ?IM.-.- MEN.
i.i I RF.rUI.LT.
i i " .! mer
' ?
? '
: ...,' i '.'.i
i..J.-.i,l7'j 4o
' l I.i)s
"? . !l I 1 -
ill , I I .111
? t.. par
1> . . t ??
i. II . ? ' . ?
I l M I - I I ?? 1.1) MiiC. \N .s Co..
JOHN jxii.it vsii.ll, j a W. SBLIUMAN a, ('?'.
a. . _
W! I.I.I AM I n ?:? . r., t ! lilts
" i V .
':. ii M? - V. s s l. f...
I I I Si V,
t -, ,: i Vs : . .i II,
(?isi. ?i I.i , . , , I . ; i?.
: I ? . Co.,
? . US,
, Mi?, 'i ? '
i r Ivatltale.
I. \?l uBABl? P '. I.I.V. *
IIAYI'IM V \ l > vv 111 i i
MOltOAN. It? ?OK UM. AM ' I ?l K.
II? )N. ?il M N? ? N M. lili
Ol M H l'H.K,
CIEN. < .1 OItOK \. ? III !.'! n \N,
?r i si s i.
?- al
.: ?: iN-i i i ! rg
ai 7* o'clock.
it? ..?il.Ii nu Keloriii ? Pli.
.'..'. ll
II? )N. LOT M. M? '1.1.!!.!,.
' :'. ? .
? M- OF un: i. -. ?i a i ni- i 11 P'. B! ILDIXO,
vi.xi i -?r.
BATI BDAY, N'OV. I, AT 1 P. ht
i? : . Um un- Uni will i..
, - ,- a I! il!
Eighth ? '?o -...viol. .1 ? "us ich.
i tit Dei. "' i'" ' ??-? ?""' '" ' H'' IS !
:...!i of
II? )N. I I.I 1 Ml WA Uli
f-.r Kl I'll' -
fill fi hi.UI ' RI ?ni.; Se.c'. nit II
1 , ss, -i I nu! . ai . a . in HATl'KHA. KVKNINO, ?t H
,, , !?? ?t I lie follO? 1'
II, lion, .s .ii - - til IYER
, :. n ? , ',,. -.s. ? .(i. ino S ..' i.i w! I i ii,
Hon A. M. ist I.LIVAN, lion tl.i.H 1.1 ?I.NKLl.NO.
Il,n P.i Ml U ILLIH, ??"i, I s ??. n. M. I.EI.l, s.N H
Jl i-i-.lil s. iui^ll 11 P.
?si i i || i .
I l.ainii in ? oiiieni! "i i i 'nt.i.in -. :.icy.
I IM??I il V ill. V
(illirillKII I '"III ell! Ill N I
-iirnlli tssei.ilils lli-ni.t ti.tve* mu? Winder < luh,
71 - Broadway, n. ?i il un . tlag still le
I,,,.I al He.i'la ..?l.l -.-.. SI t ??? '" ?. i"
i itll] D.i.ulu?! s -. . " ?? in - '
i will I s . . . '. i ? niiK,
. ,.S.I llldOltll a
il.... n ASPINWALL, 1"
w- '?? ?- ? ? i .......t...
1'. v. Dslas S
l.cgab.r De.iini a mi'' Keiuiblicnu V. mi'mi.
DELANO ?J. i.Al.VlN.
i.egular It?|tiil)llc:in Noiiiiiini.on,
i n? i ll IBBATB I'l-i ni r
.i-:,ii,, Blnth, Ftfteeath, sad SUtesath Waria,
jnllN ?. BOBKIS
i ir A-Ni-ei'il? Klfteoath .t?s?'it?iilT l>i?lr.i'l.
. NoialnaUoa.
w ll. i.i ni M i"i i _
Por ( uaari-s* .Nioth lim.ei.
B?salas Repablleaa B-SB-MHsa.
GBO. vv n.v ?i'Mi.v _______
l.ial.ir-nili .s__tnbl? District
1" PI Bl.ll IM ' MM '??' : I"- ??Til.
.'?All ED AY. NOV. I.
,_ , V I *'".'. '*. M I' PKW*.
ran -
' ' * '?
: ; ? ?
? i
, iv a it. uji
* ? * v .
. ?
.?i*, i. .!'?:! ?...
? :.
, . ,
... *. J ..'IN I
Parti i ' I,L
. II.?n.
! ' ? Il \W.
I It All I?
? ,- II '(. .? ASH
.1 M.I.N 11.111. \IU>.
II ?*- '.M . *????.? , ICK.
..ihm n in * M
1 '?' ?" ' . ' >.\\I).
. \ a . -,.
I \ ! .1 )-. II
. ,: i ,1 ? .
-tni i. m ii iiK. m
. ??? ? I I
?, - ... i II.
M .ni ? ? ..vi.
?-?SW_I. OAKK1
i*i >?i. i LV.
, . ?V,
I. I I I'll IM
II i <:k \r.
If?? i? i i . ; ;i i . s
? - , ?. 11. n ... i. ! <S il .\ A. Y A TEH
IUI .-?II.i::::. J . ! "? ritAI \ MS UA1 I'.
, . : -i . i - -? . ,| |
: A1...MH,
. .
. m ...., :.u
IT.? r Hollow . n.?i. s\ ?, Hhlii -
M ., t ? IMlt.
l_UJ.il . it.
. Mil ' " ,'V.
.--?.. Hun. M. I. TOW A
' , ?
.II'., .*.. u. ! IKBAB.
? m m : ?.N III -. DT.
".!.' I ? r ? 1 I' ll
Nan i '. : ?? II.HI. II. ?. HI .? i ,
I i .Kl <? ? . ? ?::? I V.'. HAY.
I i im ? ....,,,
I? I I.I 1' II IK.
. *l.
i:-.?i... , s , -., ? mi. i. w. m -
S| UOUKItl ? ?."A k.
BOND I F, .?*. ?. 0.
il- . M. DEPBW.
? , n . Ill
lion. I.. 1 :
Kit. Kin I .
' ,: . HAI.I I BO.
? ,'?!? \ I
? ,; " ",N'*: *
:'imi', ,1 . I \?.I !,- I l'.KAI.l*.
?I .-. ? ? ?
I '
... ??'?:. i.vi.K.
KI.AIS .i.-i,
l.'IMI*? ? ? I \
i*. vallri .... KDKX1 .'?:n.
. ? -.MII'MA.V
! IJtMl i I! M! ?HAY.
I. I.]
i J i ? * : -
*. U.U.
? ? . ? *? ?. ?a.
P [?tirai Xotiret.
1.. ... NTH * .." i?\l. Dial M.'.'T.
1.1 '.I I'. Ml ?!: ! ? >N.
Itcgalar Besablb m '?.??.linuiion,
Bl ?!' 1 M I V.!*,!-.-* lOKAL DlttTBICT.
\ \ ' I M ?<"? >(>K.
t u - -, .':.- NoininnlioM.
11 \ i m ! DI?JTBI0T,
a i; i:.\ 'I -?. hi: W i r r .
1)111 -'1 .'?')).>? Ill ie '?..11.111 Mull.
i di wait r.
i ;. i ' \ 11 \* m : ? >.
i_i;i?i..ir .n S.H.'liirt'ioil.
POR .'?--, Mi.!A M.\ i H DIS
\\ :i ;.! \\i n. i*< >i:s\.
K'Kular li?-|)ul.l: ? ?a '.oi.iinnti.is.
I mi?i.v o?sTBIt r
- -
K 1,1.11 ? i' < ? *< '\\ I>?\*._
- -'-.?-i.
u DA ti
i'?? ,r. i. I - ., , ,'. i)i,..-i.-i Kepablleaa lles.l?iai?ri?-ra
. .Si ? - ,
\ . . .1 I . ?
?lKfllll XoilCt'l.
II. T. ?i i?'? t", Baha ??.? ?_'.
- - i m leif? Mr
? ri.'us
. .... ?oft
\ ,,.-:l.Q
? '
? ? . -
.- i - . i ir.-.- i,, aaj ,?-'.?
I I* Il \ 111 1 I !'. N?-_ V . .
? i ?
' :
, luir,
i? ? i he
: loa ?! -'?i,? I
plu) n ?
11. ? - % : i . '?? .
I?. I V a ? ?
pi, II? .a...? a ?
I I t
I. 1 .11
ill. lit.? ll l
: 1
? I .1
- .,! II.' kl'lld
? .: a ?
lfi?r I
Ipil ?I ".-.I. M??- : uk.-i. Lu? II,?
di man :f.-i ?i ?*, . ? ? . . S. Y. Tri
I,?.?, in _ ?in? frum ? i.? . - . . s.ri?
I ? MU? 1 - \ i''?: .' I . I . I
. t?) I'MMII? II Al Vi, tch't II
1'illUI?-? A ?.IT Ile. till il ?[,?-, i iltt . -,.?..I.IS
11.. A. 1SI..1
? N .
l*o.|-Om<-. Noll.e. Hi- .Oil I..S MAILS ?<-' Ota ? ?**
1 - i . .. * - . ? ' ?
1.1. -I'\) .. !_ ,a . I.ll I III... . ,?? I ,;- I'll- HI' .*?.'?'->. vis
:.,,, _.,.-,, . | a? a ia, for fco
isliip -. ? Mnu. ? t . i.V..
1 .. ' ' .
' ,,'i I, , ?."
r.iiH- ?.?-r r
* ' ."o'??
..'.i'^txU rr,-i -
,' iii-i n ; ' ' ' '?'"?"'' i'"' ?teanuiilf
nr-i?..-., lin - ida
' ii.?.ia"ii'!.i" itukeinaili lot f.r.m.ttt,
C. ".i i . N'"??>?'*? '"" ''????'" '*?" """ Westladiss. ?is
rvs?lea. ami ??^ N,.rt Vofh .,? t , liH irl(ll- ,?, , -,,1IA
. ' M l, * ! n* ""?''" ?'" ?*L""
SB __.',-.: ?Bl leave **_? ?^matmoMora^^ f u_