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Mm voi? YXXVT.N?- 11,131. NEW-\ORK. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1870. PRICE FO-ill CENTS. THE CONTESTED STATES. HAMPTON'S STRATEGY UOT-OC-MFUL. 0 L/,.vi_ra BOM-I at THK OOUTU Carolina (AriTOI? BAR BATON ItOl'?K IIIUIMUTHU _-A MNOt'LAR COMI'LUAIloN IN KI.oKID.V. The Republican and the Democratic Houses both met in the Repr?sent?t i ves CEgmwbtw at Coluuih'?*. S. ('., yesterday. Itoth Speakers pr-_j-liii?r* The day wan spent in orderly debate. One of Gen. Ruper's tBBoott announced to the -aen)0<.ratic Speaker that the Edgctield Deniu crntii would not be a?lmitt"d 011 Friday. Mr. Gordon and Wade Hampton Rent a protest to (Jen. Ruge1, saying the members would not leave until removed by soldiers.. The East Haton Rouge returns in Louisiana ?-ri-re revised so as to throw out 1,136 Demo? cratic vote?. An address by pastors and bnsi neM taeu of New-Orleans has been issued in the Democratic interest. The voto of New Orl-ana is objected to by the Republicans. In Florida the war of affidavits aa to Alachtia continues, aud is more complicated than ever. RElTW.K'AN.S WITHOUT A LEADER. 00V. TILDE . TUB DICTATOR OF HIS PAKT.?GOV. HAY-* DKCI.INKS ID 1 VIKit. ERE? THE NEED OK A STRONH LEADER IN COS?.; I i [BY mtgJtaU?gW TO THE TltllirVK.l Washington, Nov. 110.?There is in one respect a remarkable ?Hieren-'O _at-N-_ the i?r."_.?iit positions of th?? two purl i???. The Democrats have a reeng Bised leader. The Keptiblicans have none. N?> st? p is taken by Democrats in any part of the Union likely to affect the interests of their national organ? ization without consultation with Gov. l?den. He took command of the party immediately t?Att his nomination at St. Louis, and his hold apea it __m the election has been moro firm than befere. From all parts of the country his partisans make piliri ?in ttgos to N'cw-York to hail hiin as ?lietator and ask for his or?l?rs. His instructions are ol?cy?-?l wttliont question. Few of his adherents even venture to offer suggestions. The politicians who come and go at Mr, '-'?Idea's house in (?ratnerey I'ark arc like ?ii?-de-camp bringing news and conveying eotumands. It is believed that Gov. Tildan directs every movo tint promises to have any be.iring en the result, from looking up the ease of a disqualified ch'ctor h Oregon to making a bold stroke for the whole electoral vote of South Caro? lin-. On the other hand the Republicans have no leader. Got. HayessimnnonI no conn, ils of politicians. The prominent men of the pait.v. knowing his irtlexiblc purrxtse to maiiitain a tlignitied reserve while wait ing for the decision of the Electoral Colleges, do not trouble him with their visits. In no way do? s he appear to desire to laflueaee the laitioti of his paity. Ho holds hmiseif aloof ironi the game as though lie were a disinter? stod sp.'ctator. ihe Repab?ean polioy, if shaped at all l?y anything axcept circt.iu ?jtances and public opinion, lash-pod from Wushing toi!. But it would be haul to name any one man here, or even any Iva men, whoH ?licttiin could be considered authoiitative. Premd? nt Grant may he said to be ggoficio the party liiiacf, but he appears to act from his convictions of his duty M Chief Mu-?strate, and not with mm h regard to the we_t_N ti the Republican effganiaa ?en, as t'<?r example m the Boath Carolina cnuplicv ti?.~_ In a desperate eonteal for mtrntaamtey Hke tbe one now wag!;ig,th4 Dealme rat s auputt lobe .??ronger /or having an ablo and dictatorial leader; but the Bsanblieaus, being made el ?lifh-iciit stiitt aii'.l ;ilways p!i)s??i-ii!i!_ better wkea tiny have Ubertj al indi vidual judgment and action, apptar lobe standing together in the present emergency with as unbroken s front as their a?lverKarie8. The Republican members of the Honie, now lure appear diep?Md ta ghre the vote ot their patty for i>'>t aker to Gen. (jarfield. Now that Mi. Blaine ?oet to the Senate. Garlieli] la generally looked upon as the most iulliiential man on the minority side of the House. If the Republicans should unite in giving bim th;* complimentary nomination for Speaker, snch action would be a virtual rcogintion of him as _M_r leader. Bariaai mistakes bare beens_adebv Gen. Garlield in his public career, but many eonaider him in culture, intellectual power, and legislative experience, i_t having few equals in Congress. Ihe leadership of the minority dtuitig the approaching wssion is a p)siti'.!i of inportaaoe. The Republicans will have to stni'-'glo ?iK-inst a fierce majority coneentiating all its energios ta the one end of grasping .the pt_M t? Ott PtOtASmutJ. Last Winter, by brilliant Strategy and a series of impetuous attacks, the minority 0?Meed0_ in prc venting their adveis.-tri?a from _:iining many advati tapes, and before the M-doa ondod in midsuirruer tb.y had inilii ted upon them a number of mortify? ing defeats. The odds will l>e mon- heavilv __a_D8t th?? minority this session, because, the DeOBOCnits willtinq'iestionably display greater t-olidarity, and willseek to < arry all their points by the weight of their heavy majority, impolled by the ordern of Ihe caucus and aided bv ruling- from th? chair. The EepublicaiiB, then-fore, will need an able leader. A ( ONTINCFVY OP THK COUHT. DANGKlt UK A Slltlofs i: .llAl:R.V???-Mr\T INI I M Cono it! s mi i.i? in un, _______ < iiamhki.. (BV _?UM_____ TO THE ?KIHI SK i W-MDM_TON, Nov. :40.?Ii? tho ?p.'dilations i ur reut as to the action of Congress when the votes im Prcsiilent are open?.! and counted, it has been gen? erally taken for grantod that the two Houses Will un ot in the hall of the Uous<? of Repta? Mtntative.- This has Heel the custom for many years, solely on account of tho compar?t i v?J.v fun.ill ?i/.e i,f the Senate Chamber. Tin? custom will in all probability bo doparted from on this occasion. The I-i'sul.p.t '?f the .Senate. whoOS duty it is to occupy the chair and open the eeitirii at.-s, will no doubt call the meeting in the Senate Chamber. Should the convention be held m th? House a very severe embarrassment might arise. The House will bo certain, unless the Democratic policy is ?hanged, to insist upon the exist? MS ot the XXIId Joint Rale, ?-hicli mjuir?'- the two bodies to separate vvIkik v? r a State is objected to. An soon as such an object mu is made the Speaker of the H?>u.?>e vv ill invite the ?Senate to withdraw. The Senate, holding ?thai?le to be abrogated, will refuse, and will thus be pla? <?1 in tbe onpleasaut predicament of persisting in r? luaiuing after being shown the door, lor the Hou-? the only alternative wouh? be ta eject the ?Senate by lore? or to leave itself and take standing room in tho rotunda of the old hull. If the meeting beheld in the ?Senat? Chamber, the House can go off ji it choose--, or rather the Denuieratic majority only t-M?, sud the count can BPMMd without further dis torhsuco. The St-nitte wonid be upon its own Pound, and there would be no danger of an alterca? tion. 80UTU CAROLINA. A DUAL HOUSE IN SESSION'. kM ARMY OVVIC-H ASSOVKCtUH THAT TUK EDG_ ?IKLl? DEMOCRATS WILL BK KX_L.DI_-?PROTEST TO ?EN. KU?KR. Collmbia.S. C, Nov. ..O.?The Democratic House took peaceable possession of the State legislative ot\) at their regular hour of convening, at 11 a. m. ?Hlay, and pro?-c, ,lrd to work under their organi/a tion. The Republican House cnterexl the hall at 12 o'clock, their resrular hour of meeting. Both Speak ?? took tho ?Und, Mr. Wallace, Democrat, being w the chair, and Mr. Mackey, ltepublican. being at ?he Clerk's desk. The Republican members Hamil? ton and Meyers denounced the action of the Kepub bc-a House ae illegal and unco-rtitutional. Every ?**?? ?'?? paaoeable, and good temper prevailed; but a lively debate took plana. No p? is allowed in the ball except nieml Tlie situation was little ?ahoofsd at 2 p. tn. ( bunior ma ?still manifested on both inks* F wore being i:ia?le t<? conipromi.s?*, wl it was hope?!, mi-elit result _at_-fW_1_r1l* . About 'A p. m. (?en. B?get .cut bin staff Otatt the Speak?-_**_ sland. and informed Demon Bpeaket WaUaes that ?it i_ s*eleeh la ssssiow Democratic ineniberH tttut Krigcfield wtitild no pertiiitted em tbe floor of tho House. I'-ton tin ceil't of that onler the following letter was iu diately sent to Geu. BofOT : OH I'MiiiA, fl. CL, Nov. 30, 1?' (len. T. II. Boon, commandiny V. S. troop? in I Carolina. Deak sir: We haveJust heard through Mnjor Mi nis nf your . t:?fTyour order c.>inmitnii\it.*d to Win. lace. Speaker of the House (.f l'epresentativcs, thu VI o'clock tn -morrow Hie un miters- ?Irrt from Mfi would not lie allowed upon Ilie floor of tut House, ?in that we are surprised at BBS- ?hi ?trdrr, after tli? planations und pledges inaile by you to eiicli BM of I to une very mild lnnguagc. When Hi?* outrage of Tuei last was committed t?y the placing of annul seiitinr the door of the House of Kcjin scntativcs, arks dec upon the admission of nn minus to their wats, and v the provisions of _M Constitution Bad the decision ol Supreme Court v ere Drought to your iittentioti, you titictly and warmly asserted again and again iln?! : order? were misunderstood j tIi.'it ynii did not inten have sentinels at the last of the hall, and that you not, and did not intend to, assume to eld? upon the legality of any Staat i or upon his right to ?liter DM hall. You were 1 ft minded hy us that your guard ft MS ived instruct from one Dennis, a citizen and pai t.san of (iov. CI: hcrlam, to admit parties upon Me 00*1 BBSS-. MM One Jones, and liad, through armed forces, excluder lit ?uioerat.s f: nui tin-hall until the llipulillean OrgSS tion was completed. You _SS_t__ Us again that f ware not your orders, und WtTS IsM bf ns Dial, not? Handing the l?*i pa tr:iti. ri of this m \pii??,sil,le s!i: upon our free insiltutiotis and the rights of tin-pee the evils BSOM slill lie TOOtOtAut willioul violetici tilnoilshed hy a simple v, it adrawiil of \oiir tuard f tin* Easts of the hall; and that a nujoiity of tl fcaUSS all questions m wttb law und Usage of lcgislati\e t'odl.-s You statt (I that u.t f., ?sit- * ; : U. l.t ut the anil that unan r no ? in nnistai would you interfi r;-except tliere BbSOM occur a sei i 8_atar___MM at the psaeo. You aBnrae? pout uatttm tion to ( \t ?reise no Mipi n Isoiy e, uliol wli.ii.v.r ? tin- body or liotlies claiming to lie the IIoiim- ol lie si-iitufivi s. All this occurred ycslcrday. I ! K ? ! t. in a later int'-i \ lew wilh Senator ??onl you ?cade the same BSBB___M_S< alul tin* nioii.ilig. " I.nth BOS-SB were nsseinliled iu the hall, you BBSS tien. 11 Ulli)? ton thai in.t h 1 mi ( ?!!*( iliii.-laiii en would ; interfere, excepl to kern III?1 pea. c whiit saw saaJastlj Bsessai? eat saino?'bsual at Issuance of M SI h I Bl the OBI tiisl sent bf V Tier? is no breach of (li. peace alul no pr..-pect of distil! kincc. Veil hiid it ollicially bn.ii.l.t to ft km. I It ik'i ill.solute good humor pre\ai!s iu t hall. We i atiiK.t it ?rain liiiiu t \picssi!iL' the appn-li sinn that the fact that a number of leading K.pui.lie. tg issue with tbslegality <?i toe proceeding! the Kcpill'ln in. lloii-i lias ch-inged your \i.\-.s a? your'inn of dut). It i- BtOptt that ?i: shuilhl say, BOBOlash-B. Ikal WS raUsi upon >.ur honoras au MMJ >..i'.r chara. t( I* us a BBS?tat Is tuaii.t: jour pledged position of noii-inier\i iitloii. The l?et c aile un tub.-is fioui I-.tlui tit ol and Lain t li-arc ?oitit to tin ir Stats S] tic Jndgiiii tit of He Mipicme Court .-, ahit \\e hats ii.lviscd Ho m to i.tiiain in ll hall until rein.?\cd bf your tin?,;.s, that tl.. t .t.? n.atle in tin-? Cent, in.iiil year of Am. rir.n It.t pi ti.leii.i', ?.? lielhi-r we have a go\ 1 ?rtiinciit if i.iw as ft strued by conns, or B ??? ntt .-?ii/cd despot ?i.i wbi only law is foii'e. Let the Ann ?nan p? oj >|_ !.. IniM I ipSetaclB of a lii.u'iitlier (li ueral sf Ihe aim? ISStSd (be aide of (?ov. Cbainl-erUiu in a rasui in the hin Il'illse, aild I Ml,III. his Oilil IS to B l( _l ISf !'? . full.? UHselllbli-d in ore nt tiM Original 1 ..?i ti > ti < ..11111,. wealtl.-ot thia Union, l'lspctt fully muii -, .1 B. !;[...N-, D uns n kutroo, A. < . Has!., i i . Th??se three (.eiitleuien bad lui D in cniili-rcii with (?en. Bogat yesti-r.liiy and tu-il.*i\. APPABENTLT IN POB A BIGHT OP IT. ?on um : - in uaaioa ai 9 r, h. aeons POMA Tn Till l'l'.l.-IIilM - mi: lUMiKi.M 1.1.It ?it. ihy nuboaira in m iu_sjm.| Cnl.t'MIIlA, S. (.'.. Nov. ?iO-'.t p. 111. -At!? p. t both 11'.uses are in s.-muii. A Bepublici and a Ib iimi rat an- on the loot : the same time, IBlag t_M ?ir wil bombast. Neitln r ?Speaker is able to k??piu.l' I-ioth bata appealed it? (?en. iCiit'ir, iuit he wi not inti-rf?n? exoeal t? keep lbs petu J'liere is les.-? exeiti un lit oitlsuli1 tlia at any ixriml since the contest I?il? m. li is und? stood that Geau Bagti lias ssked tbe Pnaldenl i ?b-eide whether the House, ,-m organiaed bf Bpeak? ataekey, is a. legally-organised body? If it i--, 1 will eiifuice his (?rdeis and eject the Latireni an K?h'i held ?h li-*_nli"ii BS iiiirutlcn tli Ik,ui lixed ?m to ion an to ft inli? joii Assembly to count the tote, fur (in\ernor and I.iei te,nuit (i.ivct'i'ir. The Democrats adssil thai iln make a gteoi uttot in nut taking theii seats on Tnei day, l?*a\ inii out the azelodsd di-leiratiuiis. To-day e\elits prove tha! tll'-.v wuilltl have (-.iplunil itnui Bep-iblican totes to bate gitan them tbe apeakei ship and the etganisation. 1 !n-y (unid have n pain-d tha errat to-day il they had been willinic I cut loose fr.iin the violtiit Bdgafield shotgiin polic] OBJECT OP IIAMl'TfiNS PLOT. SOT AlaOaa THK mad: UITKIK ill I III!'. 111.I? Tt.IlM. Vdll. M ?Ml I' A l.AIIII.llIM. ?tl K?,(IIH BtfU mi:s in Md.'M?h. |HV III ?...l:\lll I'. IM Tltint'SI .1 \V.\si[|\(,K,N. Nov. 30. lb' I?'tiiiii i.?.lie ??lot it Booth Carolina h.ul f..r its purpose to steal the ele. toral roto. Um dataili in reported to Republican here. It ?8 htaled that tlieie WOOld ptobobl] hoto been no opposition to tbe Deinocrati takini [ios.-??*ssioii of til? Government Ol the State, | tin y had any rinht tu iluso, if il bad not been dit cuveicd that, in ?lisrc_aid uf the result uflheelec linn, uf the laws, ?nid ul their own pledged honor they pl'upobetl to fits eel lili? ates tu tin- Tildan ? hi* tul-. lu his? utri I (|in ?t ful the mie in:- in*.? \ ule, it ap? pears ihat Got. 1 ililen fonnd Booth Carolins ? mon promisini? li? hl than I.uuisianaur Plfltida, while pre -Soiling tit acquiesce in the resal? then, and eon. Ceding the success uf the Hayes electors, hisa_etiti have planned ? buhl mow feast. Ihe] firsl Bonghl it capture the Supreme C'uurt and in-xl the I. ture. Hod this l'art _| tl??1 scheine succeeded, (I,, liest step arai tu have been to older the bo,-ml to grn back of the letiiriis, reject initain l.t-piibllcaii pre (UK ts, and couiit in Ihe Tildeii eb-cturs. 'I he bn.ird atole a mar. li on the court ami adjmirtiad Sloe (lie, aftatr r.-fusiiiK <? rtilit lites to the lleitio? ralic tuein bers from the bulltltij'.iil eoonties at Edgefleld and Laura-llH. Hod thoaS aSSSabS-S received their ( t I lili oatis, the Dsasaotatk gaaaa woold have been played out to a Huceessfui noorlasion Um Legialatnn would have iiirttallnl all the D.-tiiocratic euiiilidalea for State, oftit its, and then would hOtOOOOlsd the _g_rtaj_M-_i ma?le a now board, and with the help uf Wad?* Huinpt<in would have speedily coinliiisshuietl tbe Tilden el?-? tor?. Finding lliut they were going to m??et with an ob Btacle in the refusal of Ott. Chamberlain nml the officers of the old House to l_e0ff__M the members from tbe two counties who had no ?ertilicatea, the Deiiiuirats determnit'l to make a show nf force, and summon?d the rille clubs from all pints of the Mate and ewn frum (ienrgia, to MM-sMt in Columbia. Nearly 10,000 men rallied in response to the sum? mon?. They displayed no aim-?, but it is known that'their weapons ?MO within tui minute?' walk of the State House. Nothing except the prompt action of the United States troops Masked the game. Had the 1'rcHident decl?.cd j to susto-. Got. Cha-ubeil?-. aud the law ful I/,.turo, the wholo question the succession would have boon .settled before end i f this week. Gov. Tilden would hive ad tin M-\ en yutes ?if South Carolina to his si ore, his partisans in Congress would have protni ehaaged tlnir tune and denied the ri-lit of eil Hoaae >.f Ceaftaai t<> _?> behind the returns. To-day's news from Colttinbia is apt Consul? hapartaai bj ?________?_! the Administration. ' movement of the UeinocnitH in ?BbMb| into State House in advance of the RepobUcans avail nothing. If the claiimiiits of seals who h no fcrtiti? "itesof election should be found in the to-morrow, and should refuse to leave, they will ojiited. A TEI.IKili'AM FROM ?SENATOR GORDON HE Dl.? I.?Kl.S IIIAT Till-. NIAIK tullir DID : ist in- I'tivvr.t:?no:?, i dims POP the M ( tt.VTIC I'OSlIIIiN. To the Editor of Th? Tribune. Slit : V?m ?lo _rave injustice to the Supremo Cc of South Carolina in your editorial of the ?1Mb i The ?imstion a* to the poWOM and duties of ?Board of Btate Caaveaaeni arises ander the Ooaet tioti and laws of the State, and is therefore clou ?It-terminable by its Supremo Court. '1 a.iv ??iit-st ion was made before this Ro ?if Ci.nv;isRtrs in November, 1*71, involv tli"ii the seating of a Senator and eight members of the Goneral Assembly ft the Couniv of Ch irie.stoii who ran apea th?' ticl adverse t?i that upon which QoT? * baBiberlain 1 elected. .Iii.Il'c Mackoy arini.-d tlio Bjaoittoa OB (.?round that the board OOOld not e\? r? -ise tin? judi? fiinctim of paasingaehind a return regalar upon fill e, but liiust il?. Iule t lie elect ion accol'ililll! to I returns, ?iii?l the board sustained his position s ioeaed eertifl? ates to the said <Jai?Mata 'l'lie B?prenso Coart exereieed jurisdiction o"? this very board iiiii|ii?-st imu-il m t lu- It:ti m\\ t-11 -lilti? well election ease in is7i?. The Baprcaae Cea therefore, lms not asarpid power as you alle liiinll, to whom von i..iju-iiy sampan ChJ .Illstice Moses, ivas ? oiiilellllie I nil tile V ? TV ~t~~ thai we .?oniieiiii the aetioa of Jadgje Moud, aabm lbat beinga _ni ?d States Circull ?ludir?, and I issue ?a?, ni? ari?n sobly under the < oiistituti and laws of the State be bad no jurisdiction In i prem?ese. The Supreme Coart of the United 8ts bas repeat? ?lly de? idod thai the interpn tation of t statute ni a State l?y its ciuirt of leal i. ?m t binde the federal courte. Tins boa id is tit?- ereatan soli of a statute .mil not of the Const itul loll. If, tit?' for.-, the BapnaM Court eaaaoi deeide up the etatBteo of a ?State and eaatrol the aetioa ol board ?treated there, noeithnacan baveaaj tain for BTOBg at it?li:iiiiN. I 0 d? nv the poWOTOf t Snpreme < ??ort of a Btate to construe tbeetal law and eaforee Ita judgment, ist.? bring abeoli illl lllllV. 'In in.ike Judge ?Bond's Intelferenee appear i leai an-anai'tai'le, 1 state the fui thai be baa Eran the Jail the ammben "t tn. board after th bad declared on oath thai the*/ bad discharged i their d,m tioiiM ,iiid hud ;i?l|"iiim?! uni dit. lien it eaiitiot lie alleged in justification oi JndgeBoi that be interposed to piotect them Indieebargs reactions affecting l*residential electora, I be boa baring airead) ii loci to the ek*ctore. Colombia,S. C, Not.80, 1876, J. It. Gomkw. DEN. OHANT HOLDS A CONFERENCE. \Vi"ii\',i i\, \ iv. ..ii. Ufflcial information w rece!ved by the fresideal Ibis evening ooncernii all i:??- p.' o? curren? ? -, at Columbia, s. <'., i? day. A confer? in ? in regard la them wae held i the Km cut'vo man ion to-night between the Pm dent, \tt- , ii. \ T.ift. ??? -. 1.1 h -, ? .m. i on,.-n h.ri. All uno were presental lb? ??? ,1 I'll I?!? s, |\e i|| li, ? M I,i its |, -lilt, l'Ut ll kin.w ii thai Gen. 8h< i I* bom !? !?? raphi confidential instmctlons to < i with regal to the conreo to be pursued m the pi' -? -1 ? t eine gency. Inquiry in tbe official quartan shove ind cated bil? t ?.. ?? ? rtain tbe purport u( th. -. inatru? , and any fnriher statemenl regarding ttx ?l.'ltlT. in-' ' l"I til ! ? >'? I?.- l.>',jr. til.'..I. L0?IBI l N.I. THE CONCLUSIONS OP THE WSITOBS?, slMIIIMs |-|;| I'AlllMI II?. Il??III DIT 1 ?,\ lli'Ss im in Um 'ills , mim ni ni s's m Aim: i v i.? I lli'.i: l?i UK i?V I 111 ?Mi . lai raums ira ra tut ratai m 1 Ni -,v ? nu , v\?, Nor. 30. The Republican Visitin Committee from the North la vitad by the Pi lo risit Louisiana and witness ti;, eoontingof th vol.-will return home ?,?iiv aezl wee_,earryin with tin ii rery full and complete information of th ?-,? ?? ?m the ?Republican side "t the eoutrorersj ?bout a week ago tbe warb was carefully divide?! ? ..< h i-, ntleman ?taking all of tbe affidavits froai on m the build.i/. I ?parishes and devotingbini || .i - , ii-lul lil'U of it. lu lin? Waj all tin' e> I il. ??,! linn -ni t" the condition >.i things in es I pari b ba l?ecn . lassifii d, and .i cari ful nuni it prepared. I *<>r instance. Gen. (?_rfield has msdi binh? f entiralj ?familiar with tbe coat "f Weal Fell . ].,i, i Pari ii, und M?, liai*- un h that of East Bat? Roa All of tin e suiiiiniiics h; iv-" boon placed intl.? handi of >'?. i.i im She i man, wli.?, with the aasistanc. .,1 other members ol the ?t-mmi-t?*, will prepare i report to be transmitted to tbe President This ro port will !>.- ?signed by all the ?gentlemen who cam? In i?- ut President Grant's invitation, and will In a.-i onpauied by tbe ital in reg ird to eaet p?11 di aln.uly referred to, and by . opiei of all offi davits, onethooaand in number, from ?an examina tum nt which they were prepared, I! is ?believed that Ci?"-nient Grant will traaaadl the whole U t ong ' ?-i'Ii a special utessuge. lu tliis era. the Kepuidi.un m?e of the controversy wiH be placed I, i? n the coiintiy in ?ill its details early thai Wini er. 'I In Democratic vi ItlngCommittee wlH not leave New -i iii. ans without ?giving the countr] their views on tbe ease. As soon aa the d.s(?i tbe Retnrniug Hoard .ire.clos.d ii|?oii ilniii sad s?-?r< t si-s-ious b?? gin, probably to-Ba_*_Tow, the Dea_oaratie Commit? toe contemplate laaaingaa -ddrees setting forth the viite ot the Btate a i the*/ h iv.- found it to be, elaha* lug that Tilden has honestly earried the state and it wiii be Impossible tu tonnt him oat aa any plausible pretext. Thia will probably ba signed bj all the m.'mil. is of the Northern D-mo-tati? Cam mil IC ? ill N'eW -' III? III.,. The I ?? m." rate bave compiled all tbe returns opeaed by the BetaniBg Hoard and paUh?i the result tins :if 1 i-iTi?inti. There are M tin? untested parisina, and In tb.'s.? Rayai bas ? raajo-ity of 7,097 and Paehatd u,h_:i. in 's? contested parishes, la? cluding <Ml. :in-.on all of which the board ha?fat to posa, luit excluding about edoaeo polls from whlob the sup. i". i-i.t's arbitrarily and Ulegally neglected t?. malt? nt m ns, Tilde i? I majority of the vote actually >#ist is 18,907, and liiat of Niclmlls ?19*6-7. The ligures ill seven parishes, live 1 i.'inoi I a! ic and two I Bepablieaa, hav?? not been aim.?un? od ay tin- board, although th?- returns from them all have been OpOBeda Thesi Ig?teS are substantially the ones published l?y the Democratic CmuniIttOO two wooks ..go. I. I- w. -? V(?n: OF nkw-oui.kans OBJECTED TO. NAIt KAI.I-AIIHN AM) Ollllllt ll,lt|-?itT Alii 1 IKS I'A VDtttMi nit. m M.?CHATS-TWO UOVtB ak?i MKM IS TIIK. ItKllTlMMi UoAltt). Nkw-Ori.kans, Nov. :i0.?The Hi tiirniiiK Hoard met to-?lay at 10::10 a. m., ull the memluTH beinit present. There sppe_i-_ lor tl_? _t publuan? .Mes?ni. Parker, Sherman, Clarke, Hale, and _?_? field; for the DenuH-rats, Messrs. I'slmer, Trumbiili, Smith, and Julian. The minute*? hav in?? been read a?? fifth I'm?. ANGLO-AMERICAN TOPICS POLITICAL AND I'KKSONAL NOTES. MR. WOTM MSSA?I-FIKI? WITH THE IMlt-'SS AMF.llK'IN I'AlilY NAMF.s?I.(ilil) HKACONSFIH II.I.-AIIVISKI? SI'IKCH?MI!. ?I.AIlS I ? INE AM? Cam CAQM ppxjg?BOMAVBtM sMiiii'9 itmi fFROH TUE ItKdl l.AU OO-BUBHMMMI OF THK T1IIHC Lonpo.v, Nov. 10.?What last Mr. Lowo meai saying that " Tory, H we all know, means a lhi< Webst.r tells us that Tory Is "said to In" an 1 WOtd ?leiinting _ rubber "or'' a savage. Even I.owe might I'ei ognize Home (lifl'eretiee betwee disputed atjOMlagJ' fur a doubtful wonl and a I versally ace. jilcl fait. And what havcwelai ?loin? in America to rouse Mr. Lowe's wrath T wants to know what is meant by ? " Loco Fuco.' a "Haiti Hunier,'' "with the heap it _______ V which politicians ?ire pelted in America." If l.uwe desires tn abuse us, he might lake the Inn to ascertain some of the names in actual pulit use, and nut go back to lite last gi-neratinn lor I which are extinct. " Tarty nomenclature there,' adds in his amia! le w:iv, " seems tnennsist of mil which are invented with no sort of meaning, am vulgar and ibsoid as possible." He is nut m better contented with the term which has*? planted Tory here. " CSMOfTOtttl " is a m which always puts him in mind of a. pastry cm shop. "Liberal," huwever, he __________ a sa factury and ? _n_____tt title. The newspapers eaaSS aadst his ban, also, bad to " ?Tutost" again -t them in his recent si??*, ut Bristol, and cutu|il.iins that th?*y BOtSC a???? what ?i man says an being what he means, Tli " 1 lie m?wgpap. is, of eoiir-e, are infallible, and, ing -infallible, Midi ?food gifts cannot be left und? bushel. They are thus hound to BXareiat that inl lil'ility, aad they ai BOOStaotlf in the habit of p pbesying. VVbea these ptopheeiesdo nut come brae '..ill-* tlu-y get iiitn gr. at ditliciili i.-s.'' This m . lite is directed ?gains? Its' turn t,tmi tin* bSm of i In Hut- (-(insiste?! in pointing mit that I.? Hem ??instil Ill's tpeoi h at I he I ?uihlliall tH not to i n 11 i pic ( i d ;is the spe, ?eh o i any otbst BUM wuulil Interpreted : " thai then is :i sort of ir. masonry I tweea hin and the people of England ? hosaoyi what he pleases, and they shall believe as little the] phase. It is only foreiinnTs w ho can la* t Mitedhj what ho .-a\.s."' I'm TwMt ttpO ins that t is an aeenrate description of the rets tions between! people of Bnghuid and Mr.Disraeli. I__niaelia to lliiuk it i- ; but v. In ti luis any foreigner said -i i hing su seven? oi the people of England! Howe su? h a people lllhsslll it F How can tin y, with lb Miioiis tiitaei aii'l solid eharacter, eodnreto governed bj ? man whom their leading otaele Irei sa a,i?.!. t iu!. t "lo? opens his lips .d m..m.?nt v leu the p.?;i. e ,,f Eorops perhapadepen In mi., and when EnrofM li :i- t ? ? lu- t ? that what he saya either is ajera nonsense oi is I linoeref No doubt, if this be tin eaae, it is imp? taut Europe abonld know it, thai others besides V. glisbtnen ihonld understand "the Btrange refri tion of his pei-.iiialitv, which alten thoeoloraai m..tlitii ? the relations of everything hi thai we habitnallf tranalate his loose Ikrwti ? lita i s into the dialect of Botnmoa lif.-." " l eomments thai hate been Blade opon il ,-ulils ?i. /,;?,? , "its real meaning is beginning lu? mu!, ts'tiul ifi. mi. nlv a weeh'a intertal." .i -. but im a minie it lias slsrmed the ?'oi titn-i ptotohed a warlihe harangue Itom the Csar. e ponrsged tbe Tnrhs to oppose the < 'onferencc \? hit the lit I'.-.Mis had agreed npoo, and eamsiderah iaeteasedthe prohahilitieeat arm s war which, it (no i -, a nl be 'i.' m liai] to the root1 .1 b? lief the Turks, whleh l"i i I'" iconafi? Id ha fomented, thai in snj i -utosl between Turkey oi ... ' Hid w .11 top. >rl I'm!.. ;, b] ? I cannai make ..?.t wbf Mr. Lowe, who is dofa his l.i-t in !.. ..I. the force of Lord H bcoobucU nu-, lu. m ms ootborst, bon M in- qnsm ling with h Btrougeel ail? with tbe Journal which truly .lam tu have enlightened Europe as to the meaning Et gland In i i If puis upon tin* words of 1er Pria Mini t. t. N't Mr. Low,- mil /','?. Than toguthe im -r all the ?lucid?tiuna of h-wtilo or fricndlj critic ? an ahull;, t.p.t'i theetil wrought,or wbollj stei tbe etil threatened, by thajoggUoi talk at tl Guildhall. . With reference to Mr. Gladstone's expected pal nade in Harper's, i\ may be interesting to recuil ,! .: || ?? i ol hi-,, mail.? s, |,,,ur a"., a? 1807, respccl III?' !'!? BtatC.t Sl the N'".. I 'lie ll.'ll..,!!. I ill I .bile - .u l?.i\ : ? bad aiade Ihe Booth an luden? aden na1;..*!. Mr. (.1 idst'iiie wrote: i,. ? i i took too tn!., upon nn.iii lu .\pie-, 11._ su, ii an opinion, v.-t tbe mi tlva v. ,, nail bad M\ ? -\ !ii ill.I. -",;.? Un ? u In r ih. | ii.?i i.m : i? iu,,? Seen, ?rit? retha-i ar?nos ?lib Ih \,ii..i.? ,\iii. rn in ri'oplo. I pi.?!>.ii.l?, like main |m .,'! , I nut ?nderst nid ?i, ? n -i.e.? mid woi kind or tli? \iii.-i-t- .m l'nioii. I bad imliiiinl i ..!?-. icninm-i.?, If ei i ..t..?oiisii, .m ,,piti...ii n,.n twenty m Iwentj roar mil ?,..i,s ,,f ih< .s..i!ii Hniiid i. ? happier, and woaid b ?'loii.ei (of ?Mil .t ? -iiiii.,.. tlt.i! ta... would bold to gelber) nithoul tin ~_uibtbna ?lib It, andalaoluaitbt na>i_ri II non ii n? in i n.. in in? ip itloii liuaii i . -.?in 1.1.?.i un,, m tbsn in in "f Un I ui "i, wlneli had let al thai dal' (AUCUSt, 1-oJl bajel to nie ? the wboln I.....I ni il,,- Ntirtb al the command of tba ? iiolilui.? in'i-i.-i- n( iii.1? nh \. lar an reirardi Un? i-ti. rial oi s. ml. i. ?t of -llgl ui'l In tbo in i't.i I, differing Irom iimiiy other?, had alway? contended t liai ?t tras ii -t nu oui int. reel that lbs .u?_o ibould be i>.?pi . nine. I in original tl elaratioa had been aiade when Mr, (ila?ls,*..ii.- u.!-. ( ham .li"t nl tin* I !m In i|.n r, BOllei I'll Pslrnerstoo, Oet, 7, 1802, ? fortnight aad non after Presidaal Line?la had issued iln proelaniatiofl w lin h announced lus intention tu emancipate the slatea. The proclamation mu-i bate been reeeited in England there was then do Atlantic cable onlj a day or two before Mr. Gladstone -pok_._o.hal liii ? was un,l.isiood tobe Mr. Gladstone's way of Wei? inning that great pi 00li-S "I flccilolil. Bhottlf afnr, being sallad upon a. s Bombet af Manebeater coitnii ihippen tu explain lbs meaning of lus (leclaiation, Mr. Qladatone ri-pli'd il (pi?te I'ruin "Annals of < lui ? Tin.e," BMOOd edition, page 683) that his word- at Neuca-tle were mi inure tli in the i-\|in-,.io!i m i .'h. r pointed tonna of an opinion which In* had lung BgO stated in public, that tin effort of tin* Northern States to sabjogato the Southern BOOS was hopeless by reason of tLo n riat?noe of the latter. .I.iiirnalis-n i_beghU-__f to repay part of the debt i rarylarge one M owes to the bar, it iseoov innii i-nuu.'h for a htaWfl I to have his own profession for the other, bol ws hen- to-day, tot perhapatht lirst tin,,-, ,,t | BUM Who has WOO ?list?m tion on t lia? newspaper press quitting H lot legal practice, Mr. A. M. Bnllitaa, \i. P. fat Loath, edltot and proprie? tor of fis Su'm', the Dublin otgaa of the " Na? tional" party in Ireland, _mresigned his eo___ection, Wfaieh has lasted .1 years, \?ith that j uinial, ami is eoodag to London tu juin the BogUsa bar. Mi. Bol livan's act is all the inure BOticeabk boeOOBS BO M already a man of mail? both in journalism and poli? tics. His paper ??as anil in a |m?w.i* in lielaml, as tin? (iowrti?i. nt took the troiihl* to prote in 1868 hs prosecuting Mr. Sullivan lot sedition, and send? ing him fur fniir months tn Kit l.nioiid Jail. At the l.i-t general election iu 1*1 bniary, 1874, lie Mood for Loiith, ami defeated L ?d Cartingford, then the Kight Hon. chichi st?-r Fort cm ?n?, President of the Hoard nf Trade, with a seat in the ( abinef, ?m event Whish tilled the WusgOWith SOOBtBIUariuO, and s* ttiied to many well-nieaniiig persnns an imme ?liate [tlobiglie to UM oolllill'- nf llllt !-('Illisf. Klltcr ing l'arliaiuent as a Home Kulei and hearing itn full odium, pcrsunal and jiulititul, whicli weigh? upon patriots of that school, Mr. Sullivan iu no long timo imule himself liked, and lin.ill.N wun his way to the very front rank uf _M tri-l iminliets, and nf yuttng members in general. He can gp?*ak, he can keep Ins taun'HT, and he run advocate an unpopular cause in a manner ?o eloquent urnl conciliatory as to secure a hearing whenever he riae?. I don't know why he abandons jou_u_li___, but his departure is a lot? which every Journalist who values his profession and desires to see it grow in streiiKth must ?TCgM Mr. itoldwtii Smith and wifo have just arrived in Enplaml. I heard of in Oxford last week. They have not yet, I think, reached Lowlon. Mr. Goldwin Smith's return on a visit will renew the re tret so widely felt at the time of his departure, that ho -houhl have resolved (o abandon his natural career 111 his own country. I have not hoard that hohas any intention of k?v?iik up his resilience in Canada, hut should that be the case, he would he heartily welcomed back to Kngland. True, he hud made himself political enemies here by his courage and ability in pol?ticaI discussion. Kvery _____? Ktous and able man ?loo.? that. The fact that he had, must have been a strong arimiiient with him for staving in Kiigland. Hut he oei'Upied a peculiar I'i'sitiiin; distiii-iiishc'l alike in academic ami polit? ical life, and in literature, what he ?lid and endured tor us?for the MBM of the Union in the ilays of tho I-bellion?ou_ht to have endeared him forever to Americans ; did so endear htm, I am sure, though rumors at one time lloated acrrtsa the ocean that some over-patriotic souls were thin-skinned enough to resent tho criticisms he a? to us while Professor in Cornell University. I don't recollect what tlu-y were, and 1 ?lou't care. They were proba? bly just, but just or unjust 1 am roady to bear any? thing for a man who bore so niiu'h for us, and arhoos fiii'tidship was proved at a time when it cost a man much to prora liiti:?elf our friend. And whatever may have been the animosity he provoked, the spirit of toleration and good faith between political oppo? nents is stioni.' BBOBgh hero to make old S?OBliai join in the rejoicing over his return, whether it he temporary or permaiu-nt. Nobody likes to MO the sum of intellectual ability in the country ?mnuiii-lieil. l'rof. Huxley, I am sorry to say, has not yet quite recovered finiii the illness C'titracte'l OB hu? voyage home ; an illness due to a severe chill taken OB deck which produced some internal disorder. He keeps :.i work, hat does not look nearly aowoQaa he did in New-York. I do not know whether I may be l?r niittoil to allude to the -ordial terms m whieb be speaks aj Abb fina, und of the anremitting atten-* fern ami kindneoi shown bin while there, both by penoaal ?Meads sad by everybody whom he met. Aasarriaga is anen?g__. and will ihmtlji be oele brated in ?Vial lahiol 111 Abbey, between Mr... lata, eldest daughter of Mr. Motley, late American Min 1 -tei at tin- < ??m 1 .?f st. Jamea, aad sir William Har? em t. If. P, fur Oxford. Mr. Motley and family ban ret anted to town for the Winter, after ?making a number of v s in tin North. Mr. Motley's health. ?alreadj restored to ? gnal extent, shows rigaaof -nil ?further Improveaseat, Mr. Hughes is once inore in l.'.iidon, after a Summer sp-n| in the coun? try for the benefit of his health, which, as Am. rieaa1 will be glad to hear, bo deeJane te be en?aoty la? st.??!'?!. Mr. J. H. 0.111?? ml arrived in London ob ?Saturday from the tour through Italy and other puls which he has been making simo be quitted Bayreath ami Ben Wagner. Ha aaila Dee. 5 from BoutbamptoB for New-York. g. w. s. BABSACBUSBTTkV VOTE BOB GOVERNOR. i.'.v RICH i:?:-i 11.11 D iiv 90^10 ri.riiAi.irY and 1??. r_'i> M ? '"in iv--vN iv.'iiK.vsK Of OTBa 83,000 IM un: v.'ii- mm?: I8-T Tln? rota of Mass;tilmsoU.s for (?ovrnior, as lii' by tin-sei'ti-turv ?if', is-ivi-n In loiv. The total voto lids ) whs '_.??>,< ?o-l, ?livide?! u.-t follows I -lex. 11. Ules (Bsp.), I37.665* Chortco Freest? 1da? (lii'iii.). l'i.i.s-,.1; ,),?liii ;. p. ?Wit il'ri?., I..1I1. K.-f. a-i?l w ii' suirr.i-. 1, i'.:,-7i; seatterlaa. lift; ?-to '? piu r.ibty, mo.-i.i ? lue?'., m, i?,i:n. IBs letal rota ? r, ? 173,185, dhrided se follows 1 Al?\ ii, B Bep I, -!..;.;'.!; En. Qastea (Deoj.), 78*888- ?lohn I. ?Bakes (I':??). '.i.l'Jt; ?I?.ul's I i itu-is Adam, (lud), 1,487 ? Wendell Phillips (i?i!?. Bet), ?u<;, bibIIiiiIbsj. 878? Kill'- piaraBty, BpMM. IBs taaraam la the Be* pu'.ii..m v??t<- sin. 1 las. year Is OAJOmO; the Dssaoeratls roto 1? 27,090 larges than the DssaoMalh sadAAaa_1 rote et last v. mh -, Ihs Prohibition and i?ttM?r Betona rets !? i. ?-" bj ?_?.-: i 1 rot?11 the seetterlag rots Is 161 ?retes km than in 1878. The total law ass la the rote el the Btate Baos 1878 Is 83,719, or saly aboai 2,900 1, s. Hi,m nan hall Ihs Mite?.: thai year. The la en i-e ou r tin- int.- tor PresMsal in 1878 1-1 ?il.otiT; ?Ihs 1er roaos ores the Prestdeat?U rote ol 1888 B 81,018: ?-IS76.-.-IS. 3. 1: 11. 1'.n. pro. /.'?i?. !<?-'-. Pro. 1 _d_n ?Baker ? ii.ik.-r. :'..-.-l s,,..1 1.,, . 1, isa ,. ,-, ??? Hi r! ?hire ?, -,'.'? ?.647 ill . ? 7-J I'.n.i.'l ?? ?7.1 .'?.I'm i;.,-,i?i) (,.i,!j ooi 1 i:?s is . im i.-'ii I 1 .. ? ,1? Tl l.'.'.'s.i a.843.. 11.1 is 10,7213 1,1 ?7 l-'iiiiiklii. ?.7IHI '?,00 ' 216 i, " ?1 niii.ii. n . ,i7'.i ... ? ? . ? ;..; s ?;.679 -.-i 1 II?' IIM III I . .-. 131 '1,'JU ' ' M s. - .. -_,_'- ls.s'.n j ,, 1 .--? 14,00- ?.tu Nautili ?et... ? ? ? ltd I 16 ? at.ll M 1 Norfolk.. ' -1 ? ? *.<? 19 -i '."'?'' 7l?fl l'iti ?.?util. 7.-7'.' 4.1-ti 1,039.. I."".' :..". 71S . '-'I..70 '.!.?.. .0 |,0__ . 14.391 ).?. '7" 1." - 7 vv.,i..,.;. 1.. ?10,618 14,106 1,-tot.. 18,61 J 12,-78 1.3'Jl T. lui. 137.0- . 0,124 Pluralltj .. , . ? . 6,306 . IS7? ' - ni. 1-7'. Chart ' ? Ail uns - lint.. 1. ?-. iv, .1 1,407 vote? ; Wendell .'h,ill,1- I... ?..), 316 . a-.iiti-iiii-:, -Hi;. The other - it?' ofleers (all BnpuhUcaasl wen elected by the following 111 Online-. : I.ii'iit. -ii..?-. lloratli) i?. Knia,iit, -j .:: ? ? Secretary Beary B. ?Plena -ji,t:j-_ ; 1.1 In ill , '.Tlilii oil. ?-('?,'JO.; ; .Illiills Li 1 ,'le, '-'.'.,??17; \tt.?i-iiiT-?,i -lierai < " li ?s K. Train, 85,171. The v.. publleaas? lei led LOCoagn mbmb, a gum of I, anil the I >ei.:?i ruts I. Tile total lote for 0-BfT_M 1111 11 was _.'?.-?. 1 1 I, tin 1.? ?nililnaiis ?bating a plurality of 33,018 and ? ni.ijoi.i.v nt BOvi-O? BBLI0I0U8 LIBBBTT. ri:..! KXDIX08 i> mi' tNV ?Ti.tMi <i_ thi: siah k us- 1 ill. 1 ? s 1 ' \ mm. OBOCXIM. vDii.i'iiiA, Nov. ?<>.?Tlie <?? nnionios atteu??ig the aareUlag of the bwbbbu hi symbolising ??i 1gtoua liberty, erected ea tho Oenteaalal Oronaat iiy the ii.i'ieiv order fcaowa u Ihs LO.B_alB-tth, i..??i. place shortly slter aaoa today. ai beagh Ike weather aas eoUI tad btasterlag sa snmahlegs, iiiiiiiiii-i im,- iiiioiit 1,800 pass?es, eeaspoetd Bialaly of Philadelphia atesshers of iii?? orOsr with repco lentatlres from iii?? ?ii-trict ledgai si BaNteen and N.-ii V.?ik, un?!liier.? of tlio Celiteiii,,ai inaiiiu:?m? m. headed i>y Ihoasai Ooohaaa, of tin- Bo_I t of Finan? i- ?int ll'ii. Haw l?-y of tlie i.nii llil-sl. Il Well' pie ? III. At 13 O'clock ill' lllellllii I,-? of tin? order sad invited guests asssasUed al theOeaten___l D?pota! thePeaasyl.-Bls Ballread,aadal ?iait-pa-t vi iiiaie]:.?i to tin- siti'oi the m..iiiiiiiiTit,wii?n tin oxen Ib ? wen- iiiiiii. ??lately hegUBa After music ie. Ute bead a prayer was offered by ttie itev. OeorgaJaeoha IhePraoMeatof Ihs Philadelphia District Grand Lodge doltrored aa addreai ol srelco " the -tar Bpaaglad limner" (OUowedhj ihs Mad, aad then tin? aiti-i, Mr. M, I.?/??lalei of I'liifUmati, f??iiiin'.ly ? '??,! the m?mtmia nt i?, th- ChaUtmaa ?'f tas ont? n Hi il I'olllllllttee of til. Or.liT. At till? I -one! Ilsloll of M r. K/ci id's iiidiesN tin? eersrlag of the ilalaary was liiied. Jlr. A. I* BsagH of New-Yurk, I'lialrniaii of U?e Ceiitetn_aI Ciiiiiinilti'i! of the Oldi r, formally a. N ??.ted the work of llie artist, mid lu sa ortsadod ipeeeh preesated tti" nam to the rrCSldSBl of the oiiler. Mr. M. Bt-Bg-l ol Ni? -York, Becretary of the Order, la the ohooaotot theResMsat, inn iiy reopoadod ea behalf <>f tins goB?B?ea, toiapli?Bating tho ?cuiptor sa in? aweoas, und eiiiiif-i/.mb iii?? _real prh?tple syasbettasd in the sssrh?1 before aha, that ..f rallgtnas litiertv. Ur.0oot> ma>i 1 ?Lais of New-York, Preshteal of the Kosher Bhel liai/?l. followed in sinne reuutil_| of like tilliT, -ll'i'h wert ?eil reselreda The eserslees otsrs sea? oludcd 1 y ?m mliii.-? ddlrered by the Hon. Horatio Gates Joins nt l'liili.ilelpha, after whicli the members of the Philadelphia Urana Lodge ami tin-ii lavlted cuesispre* SOeAsd m B limly to J Hita.-.'? Hill ami sulnsi ?|M. lit 1 \ ?at Iowa to a fulliiliou at a hotel lu the victui'.y of tho ground. __________________ nLBOBAPHIO NOTKS.; 1 riitv, Nov. 90.??The home for ?aged and lii.ti-cnt msmDSfSsi th? Oreerot ?Jtltl t't'llo-.*;? wa? i!?-.tic?it?l t<? tuy. OKA?a. Nor. 30.?Last night wiw tin? ..?(.lest of Hi ?. ici'ii. the tlii'niiniiii-'T ri-i.iciln?; ?IlKlitly b?'li)?r ?ero. Ktnorta from tue We*I ?how that uxticaiely coi?l wt_iiher pri?. Tl'll*. Kiy Wkst, Flu., Nov. Ml l-B-Tage to the amount of til.OOO h?? tie? 11 ?Iri-Iiveil .in the ?teRiurr l.lty of Hot?toil, fnim Now York toe (??lTe?*.?n, ?lie h?vlu_ _?>.? ??hor?, ?nd ?H'J.'ii . ua Ui? ?hii? Aliuur?, vtUtili nut uiW Utl? poll In i_* Ma THE APPROACHING WAR. ?.? ? KNGLAND BECOMING CONCILIATORY, THK CAUCASIAN' ARMY TO UK MUBIIJZKD? A B.L ?AHIAN ('uNSTIT_TIO*. PICBfAUKD?.KBVIA TO BK BBtBBB BY HWi Loxdon. Thursday, Not. 30, 2878. The Times* Vicuna di-iiatch says an imperial ukase fur the luoltllizatton of tbe Oucasian mrwf has been Issued. Tbe forces thus ?et In niotlui will be con centrr,t( d aliout Ackalyakh and Erivan, under the name of activo corps on tbe Tureo-Caueaslau iroutler. Its nominal strength is 80,000 foot, 3,000 horse, and 250 guns. Iln Allegemeine Zeitung of Cologne publishes s sum? mary of u Kusutan draught of a constitution for Bul? garia. '1 his constitution would make Unitaria almost an liiil..]M?n.le!it province, and tbe IScrlin corrcspondeot of ./o limes remarks tbat it? acceptance by Turkey is ex? ceedingly Improbable. The French plenipotentiaries MM. de Tti_r_olng and da Chandordy have arrived at Constantinople. Tbe Russian Telegraphic Agency reports that tha Marquis of Balisbury at Vienna, as at Berilo, showed s conciliatory disposition, which was reciprocate?-. Aa understanding seems to be established on two points? viz., tbe absolute necessity of obtaining decisive carnee?? sious from the Forte and of their being assured by subs stantlal fiuaraiitecs. The I'.stb correspondent of The Daily S'etes telegraphs: " I hear from Bucharest that all hopes of peace liavo been relinquished there. Trade is at a standstill, and failures are numerous." The Financier (London) says orden ire known to be in baud for tbe transmission of furthi r huge amount* of gold to Germany and America. An order has been received at the Portsmouth Dock? yard for the discharge of 50?) laborers. A reduction of the working force In the yard Is not uiiusual at this lime of the year, but that the Government is able to make it implies that the. necessity for the recently reported activity in naval i>rep:irations is abating. Heut.r's Ht. Petersburg all.asatoh sa va according to au? thentic statements the Russian Government bus repeat? edly pointed out to Mass Milan {hat it cannot further the plans of the Pauslavintic agitato-s for the establish? ment of | kingdom, lint if Servia wishes to mafic toed her Just claims under ?usnan protection, that protection would be at her disposal. M. Martno is the hearer of Milan's assurance tbat fccrvta will submit to Russia's views. Ml1. lil.AllsTOMl DKKENDS THE ORKKKf?. The Otmttmptrwrp Uevieie publishes H article written bf Mir. Glad.-tniie, In which tin? hope is expressed tbat the conference about to meet _t Constantinople will con? sider the ______! of the Hellenes. Mr. Ghidatono adduces Itstl ii. s lo ?how how false Is the Iniprcstdon that tbe . 11. lie:.. , an making no BtagSBSB Ho shows that Lord Falmerstoii and Earl Russell inteinled to redress the th pha aide restriction of OrSSb terriioiy by giving Thes Bal' BadX?pirafl to Greece, leaving them under the nom iiro !'o\eit:riit> of the F.rte. He thinks the Christian? in Turkey would prefer English to Russian aid, and m conclu ?ion mgaa England, instead of pursuing a policy of tin', a?s, p tirade, and selflshuess, to secure tbe affee tioiis of l.OOO.OOO of people by gi\ iiijf a Mille friendly can al this Juncture to the interests of the Helleuic prov iuces. HOLMAMA SF.fKS PROTECT.??1*,-. Ixnrooo, Itstapa D-t. L187?? The Fai is correspondent of The Standard asserts that th.. Heopsdaref IsnooaaH sassso-oita bbi European Powers topnssrts his neutrality, and, receiving no re? ply, a t risk is in.minSOt T-ftSSb envoys have arrived at Hin! an -st to IBS??SO ?M aiiiutliiieiit of the conven? tion between Russia and Itotiinania. BSLO-AB-, Thursday, Nov. 30,1876. Ucn. labsrnajeaTaai earn to Vienna. BMM-Bta, Ttinisdav, Nov. 30.1970. Es Went announces (?.n. HsaSBOg-l ??111 go to B?sala sb baarat ..f lbs teptf of the Emperor William to tin* BOtSgrage letter recently s.-nt lnai bf the Ciar. rilK (iKl.t-K MIMSIIiY IMA?.*.., Iban_ q . Nov. 30,1976. Tue crisis has tm u Stl rt. I for the present, Premier ? ouinoiitidouros having decided to await the d.-bate, m tin- Cbasibsr. G ES Eli AL FOREIGN NEWS. THE FBEHCB ANTI-CLKKH'AL MOVF.MI'.NT. PABSSj Ti.iirs.hiy, Nov. 30, 1H7.. Tlic coniiiiitti1?1 on tli?1 lull ra_____g to military asosit. at me bartal sf the sanoban of the . of Boost have decid-d to n pert against makiug BBJ ' oinproiulsc. LOBBOO, Thursday. Nov. Hi?, 1870. Renter's telegram froln Fans saisit is expected that t!n F.i ii.ii Com niuifiit Hill provnliug for fum-ral escorts Will lie withdrawn, und a in.ui-l* ii.'I erWa on the ques tiou is liieicii'i'- n.? longer spot-bended. Vi EM ah l i s. Tliiitsday, Nov. .10, 1876. During debate iu the Chaiiib-.r of Deputies to-ilaj on i tli* Fublie Worship cs,?mates the proposal of the com? mut?e t.. Mip|.:ess grants for scholarships lu seiuluarlca was !.e_-.iti\eii- au ibs other reductions reessssBSBEBsl l.? tbe ( ..n.nuit?e wer? screed to, sodevery increaseas> by tin* ?overniii?tat was defeated. THE iUSTRO-HUNOABIA-l CONFLICT. l.iiM.'tS', F.h!. iv, U.c. 1, ls70. Rcuti i'.s tc!._iMin from lVsth OmAOO that tho uaagarlaa Minister _t tin? _itertet lei I trad t<? member* of tin? Uberal patty-raassraag Uni lbs h m-anaii Mtn ist iv adhered to tbe itlpalationi made ia-t May m regard tn the bank .p.e-iion and they would B ret make auy concessions, v Pestta special to /a.? Sataduvd say??. iuintsierU-1 crisis ut Vicuna .-. .?ins uo?v iuc\ it_i,ie. GREAT FIRB IN YKI'O. V(iKiii!\MA, Japm, Thursday, Nov. 30. Iffffl There has Ix'eti a great tin? in Hi?; City of Yi do. It was on.-of tl.e BBBSl UsstlU-UlS WttSb BOS tiiki n p\at ? in m ui) years. The foienju settlement was partially destroyed. .-?FUN AND CUBAS AFPinHL Mumm, I inns.hi-., Nov. :i(>, 1878. A Motion has DOM submitted i:i th? Senate tin- object of which Is to bring about a full discussion of the present state of Cuba, and the best BSBM of pa'-;fy lag the colony. F0REK.M KOTH. I.onixiv, N'ov. _<?. ? Silver is (iiioic'i to-dat !(t .".,") 1'Clice per LobDOVi Nov. 'AD.?J. P. Foster, metal mer? chant of liii-inin.haiu, has failed. His liabilities arc cs'.l iiiiiletl at ?r IT...? in?. l'.iiiM.i ten, N'uv. 'AD.?Col. J. A. MacDonald, captain "f He- -eottt-h rifle testa Which recently Vl?lte.l the Finie.1 S;atcs, has appoint"'! 8ol__Kor?Q_BSral tot Mot and. L??M?(.v, Hot. 30.?It i? 8tat??al that the Ti. tautf has undertaken to continue the prosecution of Dr. Made tue medium. The case will probably be tried laissai it]. PANAMA? Nor. 17.?The continued ruins and the " norther" at ..?.pinwall batt BBttSd to overflo.v th.* raili 11 d track fo.- several miles. Tin1 l.o-f tmln 1,0 cross the istnmtis was on the 10th lust. The fniln which leaves today does aal expect to sotbroufB. Thepa? seugers, baggage, aad malls are to be tiaus.'erred at Mtudee to cars from the Aspinwull Fide. OBITUARI. THK REV. 0BOBO1 DAWSON. The F. v. George D.-.wson, tvlioge death is anuounceU from London, was a native of that city. Ha OSS graduated at the L'niver-ity of (?lasj-ow, and Joir.e^ the ministry of the BflgtM Cbui*ch. Ho became raftjwr of .Mount Zioii Chapel. Fiiniingliam. iu 1?,-14, but bavin?; disagreed with a portion of the congregation, he ?Itb drew in is 17, and ofttclatcd in ? *:cw church ereeled for him by sultscnptiou. Mr. Daw son deemed an earnest desl?e tot truth and a life of Ob. ': ce to ?iottaud charity to man ;he great tests of a CtuixtiX* sulrlt. He attained popularity as a lecturer._ Omaha, Neb., Nov. 30.?Ex-Gov. O. D. ?li-MtMO died in this city last night at the age of 81. Pokt Ontario, If. Y., Nov. SO.-Clinrles D. ?tagaOB, formerly editor ot Moore's ilurai Kew-Yorker, died here today after two year?* sicknes.. Hew usa good ciUzcn and a talented wrfter. INCENDURY FIRE IN MAS8AClIU.ETre.-IX>-? fLS,.00. Pi'KiNGriELD, Mass., Nov. 30.?An incen? diary fire al Li?field early this msrntiif destroyed too, stores aud a tt-KMuent block. Los?. |18,500 ? iiuaranoa, 9..&00.