tacancik? ni. i ii? vNi? ooiman mcidsd
I'lt: mm n N S!' II 1! HI It \N M 17 Mil
am? nu ii... -!' I'IM'ti: sin rv 77 KAMI
I-list sit:- i | Min Uli, M.VU.HtTY U 1111
If'tSK, 11.
The 1st Session ?>f tlia* NLIVth Con?
becan <___* c. 1871, Baal uuawA An_ 15, i*?7i'.. I_
Beaalon sail! i.<?k'iii m xt Momias, the It'i ti-t.. ;nnl
On Mmafl >, 1-77. Sesi?. !i:,?.(. 1.,-eli tua
both llou.-a* Hllie,? tUo ?ipi tiltu? nf tin? 1-t Sa-i-?u
?>f thees won mote e_rtj d_____ tin- test
?anile of tlioni un? ,,f ice. nt il:i!,-. Tlic :wli,
rada' .a- eaeeo tin? BseaSbetahtp of tu* Beat
7?>. The two l<( inildiiiiii Senatairs ? le.te.t la-t tun
Jerome _L(?___Bb as. Bout} mt.-ii. r-arc nnt.e.i
qualified next ?.Ludas, - .
ai?|H.iL't?*?l lis ti? ?.. .s. tin. r of (01,11.. ?K ut to til
U?a*a1 ?>y the death ol Orrl? 8. fwtty il
?Aili be lay William II. lialiitllu , I Vin.?,
VIIM li-itoil I..S tin'M at?* l_-_i-!alil'.-. Ills ti; m ssi le
a.' MaK.'i .;. 1-,:?. In. sacile-y i :ill-?o.l _
? ?'. I_,t M. Mernl! :1.*, p , ,,t taa* '1
ms bot bOM tilled l.s tin aplanit In? lit of J.i'in
l?l:;:lie l.*.*l>.) !ty tin* ' ?' -si-rimi- ..r M.i no. Hi*? fit
l?in-o:i Mar, ? 3 '-'.,. I . ' \s,-t V.i
lui!? fllliMl, tempti arils , the vai-au.y ia_l_.ll Of tin- .1
Of Alian T. ( hi* rtoii tlK-tii.l, I.y tin? ?ij,|.?i!iitlllt lit I
i . .*?aii?,ii 1 I'm?. ; 1 ?. it. u 11- N ?'ii i \|! .-on M
B, -SU, it tOt ut.?!?* I.i?-iiKlature BBCSlfS tin- Bpf
lin M ; if tin ;.]? ;>?? 11111? i.? i,t utUOt i ,,n'!: mid. Ml ?net I
will lu* iIkimii m \t .lanuaiv. 'lie K. pi.tinan ma|i
In I -i Mura? Ii 4, 1-77. will lu- If?, if tin?
(Uynutom f i oui LolllaiaM mid the luss Senator 1
r?cUlli ( it,, ilia nro Ki).nl.!i.,m- Ii l'? ?.
t!. 1-;. . ?.?.!?, I mSriirit) ssil! In ri'ilu-oil toi. duel
tt( :?? s.-iii umu, the Repabltean atajorlt*1 wos?d be 7
ii.? - - iniiiiry tug -fBtocs frora both of l
s :? er. ,';*,'! t,. IN i: ?-?aMii-atna In t In? ostii
for thi* Xl.Vth ? ,
?XI I lid. V\l I \lh. XI V
lia ;l?; I 11
laaliioi-iiti?. .?Ja* '.'.I _.
l.epiilon Bit n .?!..! :?y 17 1(
??ni?- i .. am t *ri I <,:??:.ii -. ?1 in iinlinir fonl Independ?
Ulli lUdlllJ tS?(. I : ll?. .I,.ill.I- 1.1.? III,.. pende
In the BOMS the ali-tu'i'H have In-, n toon iiiiini9
? ..raalo hau !.. en admitted M a Suite, and will Ik? r.
W_rt(_l llj f*llll|IIHBMIBII -Bill ' ! l H';..imp
Of l?ci(_,lt( Til.,111,1-? M. r_tll?l-'.|l lllelll.. Ill III- (
i lion, tin* saiaiic? c.iii.-((I l.v tin? deal
itiuiy ii staikss. ..t ... i <i. ?i.. , '. ti- iii.i Dtoriel
Ik-j-Ii Is " , , .,;i,,ii of Joli? I. Wait (l.?p.) \
II Ilariniiii , I?. SB. >.f ' .- I Yi ti l?..t.' :i t. ss ho noss gat
the Somite, ?ssill Ik? ?in,?, ?(l.-d l,s I., s i V .nor '!>, m ,
lin- I id run nia l?i-iii(t. jo-mi: T. Walla (k'l'i ha-1>
un?. ;it?-(l i.y j. ?. .i. i mies (L?t m.i in Illinois,?Oka
li- I ) ft Illil I?l?'t:el Ii:im 1.(1 II llll-ented
John V. it- Mustio (Iiiin ? In Indiana, sac.du i??.-, iti
lid ?.ml III,I lH-lllel.s liase I,e.?li tilled, ill Un lid Plst
Steam D ? ttaaot (Dea_.), wfco has beau eleeted <?
i ? Indiana. Will br _MM_d__ t".s Andrew lit
Jihress (Kein.) Tlie 1 .,* ? it il?e
??'ill l?e succeeded in tie 111,1 Iii-tnct I.y Nathan T. (
(1-tlii.) In Ki atii.kt. Hears V\ ui t< r -or? (D.B..)
Bill*?veiled l.l'.sal.l V. ParBOBS M> m j.
M the m. nil. r fnnii t? Y.'i D Otict WIU1
h -|i? ':c, i ii?eii,.i ):.i- ?it?-. -.T- .1 l'r.:i.i. M.?t?y (Hop.]
\t!i LaOS_____H I? IBOp,
tha- 11 Id Man.? I?i- i, !. \s no Loss |
1- -Ill (?eetleil In l..i?.?.|l! i i > ? (Rep.) .'
ti., ?o.) i,:c mi-eat. ?i tafS?B Front (Hep.) as Uli ss?
l?i from tin IVili ?BaSBCbBS?
In du? xxxiiii. x, a voik Matriot, bmum ?i by ta, tot
Of \ Ml, II (I.ll>. It"!'.!, lian lieft? tii'eil I.y t
Host a. -Nil -in L Norton (Re?*.) l'i fetau
W-Btfefop W. K-Teliiini (Hop.) ol the MI'!, i'.-tii.t. ss
? Ii ,11 the Slate, ssiil
Stlerea-i.eit as ?s. ll. mitoti tl?.:n.. i.'lti.illitl \V.
Matkey (Hep.) magued ??? tin- naeniber Irons the I
_ ,,il!!i < r ,.:? . I'-.i: !. t.,I b ?me .*? i?u *t.l i. 1? 11 fOl
ature. He s
r -.-.1. B?d in H '\s the -: ? i, ? ol Hie Repuhlll .n lion
at < iiliiniiii... ?i ... . barios >
ltiiTt_ ('i.!.. Iv p.) Tin* IVtli
liiiniKiatu m, i i\ di ?( h beton -
lui; of i i nl tin? e- Ufa
I tue ?lietio!! of Hh.s s?. ,.im| >'. Riddle ll?. II
A! the ft .?? ; it HoU
I(!l o.' 1"
i ? - been ?! clde?!
BBd Ni ss-lliiinii.hiie iiu svlii(!i -tat? In, ii,!,,
?in. Ike Ute?-! reports Indicate the i
?..Ii (.t i !?; i? ? - ?ul,i i 1.? t !?I.i an?! i
ii tan all t_ i ? Im ?sei?, randkl i
til: train th..-e ?t*tl -, ?tul N'??S?. ? 11 a nip:-!.; I ?? > i-eli ft la
.t delegation, the Harares .-i\' n sbore i >?nl?i be b
154. l? Ib expected tbat tha Dtnnbei ol en
t.-I. ,i -. ,.!- ,11 tile III M ?I..11-1? Will In llllllr.ll' Hy ]...r-.'i
!i.y?si!l pro!.a!.Is? nttiaet irreata * a?t. i.'loii till
1 ' ' .' tin* una'. I?. i:i.
i | iiiaimits. In the jri !?? t.t Hen e Hi
I'etn.M :,,f,.? in.i?.iity I.? .7. An a
' -, of the i.-i|:taa at tile te.eiit e, etnm
lit!.led DOS Hi '"iiltl
Gis iiijj? tin* I?. mu, '.il , the li.-n.-lit of the dooM In 0 ?
?ase?, tiny ?ill lmve a inaioiily of o.ils 11 In the i. *., in*, nlni?.* Lc-lalaaaevenly, and cooDtlni 2 B
i iro-n I if,!.!_ ami 'i Iroin Ness -llaiiip-!:ir(
Wl.Ultl reilll'-e tin- maloIlts to-. In Hie ?uiijunieal ki ii.
mulle?- 1 lui 1,1a .'il ! *?- ss II iiii.i-lilie are roitii'.iil ;,- t! ,
now otan?! hikI Louisiana in esenly divided in tb
auit.,,111!'?) e.-i,m .*? :..i Um Xl.iVth OongreaB. Ae_ang
o? ?i roles m fasiir oi Hu? Rcpnbllenns In tbe X i.\ tti < oi
gti s irotiiii wipe ont Ike Deaiocratlc majority entirelj
Willie a -.|!II'l:ir eli::!!_e ?!l f.lSe' ef !l , I lelll... lai S ? Olli
i ?. 111 v of 11 te 88.
Osoaresa Raes i ?? Rep, i?itn. Maj.
?XI.Mil. Hi- 110 _.' il X i 1 \ tb :lt?H l.
?!.! i-i- ;.:: :?!.}. \ ?Xl.Vih ill 152 11 ?
-1 me s ?/(.,!?.-?. in ?? Hi (
r? tin.*i. ii i. Ki
Yak, : Ina lualin?s i Inaleif-iKla ut- m lli. Souonolu
li l,,K,t. nuil , liberal ltepuUican anal ? nocratii
ll_i l with 1 ?'a ; rats.
I.o is ABOI 1 //''/,- 81 V
II. i- .: ?v ii.,.1. C A. Y..t N(. OF DABTMOtm
? ..i ai AMO? i STIOM -LUX.
I'inf. C. A. Youig I?*? tin ??1 liiHt evening ;i
A ...-. ! I!. . :? I TUS WBS the tl.'tl
M of Ufa -A Of the Vi.iitiK Men's Chili
tiali >BBOftatl?H ami, a- n-ual. !i Was BfOll atlt?d'-d
1 .: iras UluBtrated with ttu ua^le lantern, b*
whfa '?? B ni'"I
I . Hi?.1 ri-a-oti \s liy Ik
1 i hnllC Of Ufa '? e||l|?-e ||e hll(
,. it t: an t.? ti.nt ol any othel
? :i a ell .i ??,..
, ???:? II? lit* h.?a?l aillSed at H: ?::,?? Itpol
rodactlm wai
y '.,!? r-.-i? il, ami ss .*'? -s iii.-h ili.?va:i int.. ? ol
by the tuiiii.i ? ?treaina, '?? nv mo?
I ?? of tue ? ?If 10 the ran.
?, . le BBd p.?' t Iff Hi?
a.?n the Irai thing thai am u.?
dlataaee from ns. ssh..
i m ?-. Hiati 8,800 Hint K ?In
aartii - Prof. ?o_n| alhsted i ie?ob
aen*.i; I i?,i,_ the Iraaali
lay wlili h this, till .
an,: ?.. . ompllment fur 11
ami ? 4the au? la 800,000 mile.-,
or It?1?1-.. I:
If the lu-ut of the oat ?? boralni nap of a ton overj b??nr apon
j.iiii_re fool ,A worm* ??? ' ? nl li. at.
Btta i t.. deter
? (it tla ? ellli 1- t .?lilliiil ?H'.s saisine, and
an the iliir?i-eiief-u-t-i( !? the 1:1 ? teat slUtudcs and de
j ? 7r?,inn? miler., tha?
?r ?. .. Tlia* i.n'.s t! .n. :
be ? I-'?'* i'! ;';i !,l'l '?
matt of
bao jaro veil mvaliial la? In I!:. . nuls nt the HUH. It ha
eta ji]k ii ?n . ml settled aboul, ami K, tll( .1 tha m, l..... I , s ?md ., doiiht. I'linto
\u i. b) itta? blng a rsaieta to ?.
, afterwai- bs
.' a! .!o ' .? Inn - tin? indi
?siduaiit. of aus .i eater,aadI?s
... . ?.. .,
i atoja .'?!.?. - 111 Hi'?
vorld. am' '? ",| 'I'1'? I'.i.'oHiir
lily Ii;i- the lilt I'M'tl earii'-ai ta fil. ?":!'
Ihe em, im ?i- n ; ...i Hi di , a, but ont
, , tOtet ttr.t K .' : "! I SeUd 1.,-ly. Tha
(tulla! pairtl'ili of th.- H ? I" oui .t|ilali>
* h '?cii ?tester tin.i. tin- j.iiiion ?vimii
. e iM-illg
mtr r
Ol.i fall, .
?f fl'iTJ an K"?. '?Kl mile? Hi ?lialn? !'l. <>lir**;t "f H?'*
MO i? -liu'-il clear o? ?pu?, bul tbe (.Hki aide B g?eullf J
mnrked with th. tu. Tliroii?li the taleseaps tin- whole
?nitac nf tin; aim him ti granulated appearance. The
tOOti l'l.'kiliuK in tln-i'. Dtci. Lilt tlicii ?tl.-diil? I. lit "Ii,el''*)
By tin- .11..?-; .mi- nhaafl." In Hi?' -'?' '
? took '.In.,' In ... tern li.'in -.. ?!.in- that
? ?Inaof aullar im.i tata merei tboaa _a_ ? ? ? Hi s
nt 111?'r??tr of lararal hiitnlreil inili-M per li.nir. M;.in ..f
? i' larger Hi hi II,. c.iitli. Ttut r?-Ti.lii*ar r?'nl
? .'t III, | ,'|a ;?? .'??II, ,1 " s.-.'liirlit Itli.'l " OH.- s|?,t
v\.is ham n t\ lu? ?i Im.i I., i n ?lia-.t | out in one ??ay from :i
leii-lli (?t ..??.oi>i la ?liai ef 100,000 i.?i!??. it is Inir.l in
im?1' ?st?ti'l (listiiiii-.-s ami ijl?mtltka on am-li n vast
<?o:tI?- as thia.
photographs tke leetaiar paaa i i" Arawlan
Hli.-.\ i;.*- tin- irirat din? :? m - thai ..??'? >?? t... m t ;?.- m.
Th. ?un .?in only be 00001ll__ nt .. it thl timi-H ?mil im.lcr
toe .nt f.iv..mili.' ? ii-ciii,.si,m.-., aud observations
lim-I be tf.-.|il'I1' fr?<t:i whlcfa ;..'? .i:?-?. lint
"- tin pi? tu?,- in .,-: ?nal mi iri'l it i ,in
'..i- Minlu-.i ,it lelautv. IMcturea <>f the Mtrononiieal in
atrumi uts ?is,?i t,;. hlimelf aad otben wereahuwo by
'? - "i, ,?n?l ,i ini' ,,f , ,,|,.i-, ?1 ,| , ? ??.i- s ti, ?it lu?
lu ".a the . Ii m. nta of which tin re deter
iiiincii bj the \ m.>n- color* in.-it eompoM tin- sun'? nn ?
- l?i ? II ll.-di? ' !. .1 II il?, ira ? '1 tiKcopc
? 'i ti?- know nothing, u lallt? otbereon.>n ?? em? nU
?'? i.n I. niak. Up olii'-tlilnl nt the ?aitliV rrn?t ? ?mimt In? t.. (VI t m Ii.'
t si tiiji.'itli? im been dlacovered betwi n tli. i?,'t
?uni -h? ?? i? ?ini'.-i.m?.-- on tin- sun'- irfa?e ?v i-i o ?nn
;?> ?mi ? >.t?-iit tin- im i?..?.- i- proportional In tbe
?? i r.'j. ? mu?s atMUtne f.?iii_ -in ah
tinlea, and are orten only momentary, .m gn ?t com?
motion ii? tli?- i?o la noticed t" ?bare an ? Seel opon in?i'
ti? tii needle?. The needle at Greenwich wan known al
.?ne unie to in- L-ri-ati?r distort ted. it v- could approach
Un- ?-lin at the moon, distant e from t <? earth, spi>areul
: 'l,ime would reach us. Could we ?rea.'b Ita anpur
?lit I?rfaCS ?C WO?M titlll it coll ii ?'1 I?'
cloud? of Hoe p&rtielee oi globules >?f molten
metal, toi lins and bea? ii u nini?
offlai ln_ or of peals of thunder w?mld be m
nothing to tbe ?n-ht and nolae But the nearer tin cen?
ter s'n.uid be approached tin mon quiet nil would b
m?) we would iii.mi that tbe main bodyol ?the
Bun waa ?composed ol molten metal la a sort of gascona
state, which, bursting oat ben sad there Intoeccentric
ntii.ii. prodneas the strung.* ?ppenranees we aooften
observe. It Is ?wtiniated that tne sun i-> contracting ?it
the rate >f 125 feel j?? ?? rear. At this rate, al
l..|?si- ol ?i f. w million yeai -?, ?' w nukl be no l"i'-.i r a ron.
But (?xi m.nie some law to res?late this as well as
all the ether Lnavenly '..'dus. vv'iat it i?? n?> one ean
s.u. v.r can ollow Ooai a. little v.h> in his works, bal
??ft?! .. i utile war.
3:30 a. m.
l akin?, il>i ?\ii.\v n:iiM 1...IH SIDE-.?-A (Disiv
I I n\I W 111' II H.V ?i l> M VY (..?IN ?r)?H ?.: till 1??N \l.
M.VJi.KIl V.
[ill HI HiitlAI 11 TO Till ?11?. M i
Jai i vu ?-?it, l'!i., Dec. I. ?Before Ibelioardul
CmiTiMiiTii today Gtor, E.T. Noyes Intn lu <?! I.'.
A Black, tin- ?iis|?cit.ii. and Thomai V_ ce the
clerk of Aj.b-r precinct, who swore <. the
accuracy of their election returns, and thai
309 Republican roter were east, counted,
and declared ?it tbe precinct. These witness??*
?1 though < "lnii .1. were very intelligent, both In?? iuy
been raised and educated at tbe North, and stool
[ with ere??il asevere ?roes-exan ination from comise]
for tbe Democrats and from Democratic -pectaton
from the Notih. otini t??*, ?ill be Intro
du. i ?1.
(?n tlio other si?!?- tin- Democrats filed tin ir spe. i
fication againsl Dnval County, claiming irregulari?
ties in and !'. 9 illegal Republican rote?
cast m the ? aunty. Mi u .-'11 barg. ?
-i the Democrats in Nassau Ctmnty ol tin
intimidation of -??? railroad employ?s and com
?pelliiia tin-in in rota the Democratic ti ? ??
r chargea as i?' :?i roten in Duval County.
ii. ti. I ew Wallace intT-duced tbe Republican
charges ?if? t?i ,J,"ii County, where the ?Demo?
crats conspired t-.?g< ' r and controlled tbe polls
about500. N? tin i - i" m- ?ready, the Board
adjourned unti ??lurday, a. m., when 11iej will 1?
; .?ih Mil? .o !??!'.<- ?all 1 lieh ? ?nee roady.
w \- us. ?v. D. >'.. Dae. I. ?Reporta prevail
of ?i i- . ccini'it in tbe Cabinet to- laj on?
ci mi g *.?ntli Carolina attain, occasioning
mucl . ;.? -in? .-?? of ? xpreasion, ;?
!, by Becretary Fish opposing the ad
ion's policy m l??it Btate. Runloi roeaao
?faras to ray thai ti"- ?8acret_ry contemplate?a
rc-guation ol bit olWea, Tbe troth of lb? ?tor.
cannot be authenticated, ?i:??l the last mentioned is
.? :ali.\ beli. \ ?-.I.
n\l. Hi SDH!.D .AMIUK- lili l?? -H? ?i t LOSS
i?i .?v i r .?s:i:i.i.(i,.i!.
N' w-<un i \ss, pec. I.?The in?' In this city
Ing -i? itroyed 112 houi - i - ? ??? \U .1
?00,000 and ?- -.'??'...??.. ; La !?? in? ?
000 .'-.?'. at .'.?i of the lion? s wi :?? ne
ci ?ii. il 1.? 100familles, who lo?i aearii ??i1 tin-ii effecta
.mil are li fi <?? -tu?.:<, many al Uw ??i :. slng Un a wt arln?
P-.- |B ?lia ??..?lit ?M 11-CIII? Il %' ?
i. i?,.'-t. ?I lilil?;,.' of ;.
?i?. t. 1 policeman shot at a negro hut did
not hit htm. one man i? "!??' en bj '
trami a wages? ________ _
, m ?i i ii-' is < HtCAGO.
Chicaocs Doc. '???The Qreon Micbigan-avo.
Bad vv.iti-r-it. ii"r.- y?--. ni.ii prove? nol to
? ?rous i?*, ii ass iuppoa? il, i-...
much of ti??- peaperty was saved wbiob was Iben
thoi _hl t.. be deatro.c t. and party tit
nliriiili,ia;i in '. ?: H , I tit lo__ -i
'. M.iti.-s..n, nn the building, ?120,000; in
i?niiiii.???, .???>?),..?k) : Bberman, Ils I .'- I _, on stoelt ol
wool and daTi-U fruit, tao.OOO 000; ?on
iimenli .mm- i ?"1 ? ' ? ?? i ??-> ?'. ('??.. mi
? ?" ; iit.-ni.iii -. U. 11.
loase? in ??a' ? ru? total liuur
//;/ .-ni < H U IRKi 1.
It ii stated that the American ?flovernment,
?. hi? botirbl *200,000 ol ?
?on Ini . " - - "? "? noon
r- ? ...; :. (1 .e i
? si,,,ui?t ii.m i?? i-mu hem fi
? lion Mi. ?. >*k iiin? ? -o i, inii i? <? w.i- .h point? ?i
!,?',?? -u|.,i icsof silver wi i
? ti.? i from Vin. ;i? ;i .nl ?.mid _? I
t.i-ai.-l.. But, la fa ?. America is nol much
:.'?:,..'?. I ? i
In tl?>- nn nn ??.-. .-.I
- . i -lir_,07l : 187.5, _..01,0!ia
j. ?. ? !.. .11 II, ill
lthut tin ? <? not
- to II. , . ?? -i ? t
,_' the m ?i ? Bm il tbe 11 -;'. Hop can la
ti. i? inniii"iii,iii-i!. it i.Mis. he m vi rj
cun he no great number ol producer? able (?? brtngtbc
article ?>'-??.:ii. nul iboee thai i ere are
- . ? tly lu?
ll i Im ? lie in int?ii" ; ami
in it in . ? in i" in? i.? ??? it there were, is was
f ne? - ?. ?i? -???? -??'??
s if i ?mi ? t ? ". all !?: 'in ? r- -..., im ;,i
to m- nisi lu tbe market, 'im-n ?ould i" a rush
t.? jr.?in. ?llvei ?.ii ,i- i? ---?'.-Ii. jo-i m In former
tune- there ? hie to produn
U -i i?. apply i" nn
?no- n ?till rcn .mi ?kepi
? m source?
of ?il\ci supply, so i?ni_ ,?.s mi 1'tiii ?liver?romes tea?
from Am., and au loua ?*?? the .meriew Uovern
? dient,
ctlVi i" oi't.iin it from In nee.
ll'Mi.! vM). M?., Doe. L?Tbe ?choooei <'.i
n ii ??i nn- port, fro >? Tt ; ??? i rport, was nui
down and aimk ottCape ?Jod on Monda- nlgbl i ?,i sag*
lam was li .I tbi .-i i ? crew wen-. .n. ?i.
. !.". I *?!?
N v-iit A, N. II., Dec 1.? lin sawinill, ?!<?lli( ???
' 'i. ,t in..
. ??' '? "Hi !*>*a?,
?-T.1'???1 ; pal llallj lasan d
Tln-H ,m- < Uli. in- -lat.liii Ills _niii'. tii?' Kiiiid
ol tin ?pagan m t" Mam . uaOatoiartTt ?i.->. la whl? n shs
? i ,. mail rn M? Urna loh v is stah ?1
.. .m tin i, ai I bal the ?,i- born si the eastls ol
Ivanof-kt/,ueai l? ed,in i .:. sud mad? bei
? ? ? .? . /.?'?oi?, ?i? ?? i i
i.. fore ?hi reached i.<-i mic? ntb birthday,
Mr. I.evat- .Mm i i. un tiiiikt'H known tin- fact
. ,t: : . , ., _\_l
:., h?- .?? authorized to produce tln.t iwthor's
" i ..m..till? n l'niit.' mu? ?,iii?r |?:ai... In o circuit of eei
? ? .. ? ? ? - . .lurrlaioti
.??? ,?i? .? iia-aiii.tti. i.n'Min for this piiri-iiat', aader
... Bisaasrimnat whlob *nl t>? styU?_ " ih?- Boost
. owed) t'?ii?'|'Hii>" I? will start miuu, ?anil by the
CJieigciie one ot sot?i PArntoEoOO ?t doubtless will ftgggot,
l 111 iimiiMm I?it VSST-RDAY AT Hrii.Nl'."-,. IN
91 n |f !*r__a._1 Bt i?. .1!?" VldnlrM. 17J.
?i auno? m. .i i., ?.-i i."--?,--'. il
to, 1.
??VU Arnm Haiti Bi Datar ?Phinem W. Hit. In*??? k
o? Ki hi ?-- ? i* ? i rana I* * w alai i ?d '? ?'? I kfi I ,', nl en,, ?? : ill, lohn C Wei ' ' lap .1'?.
Sen ito? K. ss'. i ol.' Pol : l!-?-ir\. If. V? ?ml a nnei
?.?i SS . !'li:i|in. ..( '! (?- ii'lnm? II-,
?i.oi.o si Lander? ol Coniit-rtlenl and - .?.. i-1 I M
; . . nan "l
l i?. ?. ?,? n i I .t- \s Hi or Hj r irnaa
and CbaHi - H. \ i.-.
: t and ?'oih.-i.--ii:.m
S.e-I Lottl , I l le .1 il
? i-e HturteeitU /,'? t- NV.ii N_oh l.u ... i
lti;.i-t,?r .it ,s . ..anfi?n. Vnna Ynen i',?,,,f the (.'hina-ae Kdn*
i m,.inn . min. la mini ( ?!,.
(??? . -iii:,_ . Hotel Prof, l airman Itoari ? ? .?( I
alelpbla strut Hotel .imU-o ? Inn..? Ilaoielaol the
ipretnt ( onrt . n 1
r i..,.it.,!t!, aif Roehetate. ?i Vich?las Hotel The Bay. I?r.
I \ A , ...? i ol i un ma ill
ol Hi I'.l.l ill l.e,-.?le :, .ii ,'. .?'l.e,
|| il ?I il ?' ?|.| I. ,?? -?.|..l.e I . " /, '
.m. i'.. J ll.tidi in.ia of 1. ii'i?sIvan.a.
Af-"i :t (.'(l'ai? p. m. l-'iltli-a-... i- lively
\? ltd pi.>?.,- of ?ebool-rli la.
The Enjrliah stylen of shoe and button galten
_ lil In? pO| .lar v ill, KOntl men tin- W inta-r
There wot skating in Central Par* yesterday,
am! Jnbilani small boys toned onl In tun lone.
A nail arrayed in a fantastic Turkish drena,
?A i I li n? I fes ami a ?tatf. p- ddl? - papt I on tin? Wa ??' Hide,
'I In followin.'_? nig- grseei ? tailor*! window
..o i H.-iith-.iso.: ?'?Clone i ii na?,i, died, praased and re?
I!ii?li.-lu?>. lettuce. ?hiiI spin,u h ?m? ?raised in
bol i.??. - m i in- .-iii.iti ha of this city ami ore s?, m d il ?
to ma: ki t.
The latest ?thing in ?card-banketii i? a rouah with a sandy ulk liolni and on Bested
lni_e bo? on .?.i 'i -nie
The follow in*, ?ocean _team_liipi Rail tin*
mornlna at d o'clock: Adnatlr, Uncti.pic, Ancboria,
City of Chester, Italy, Weeki r, and Utopia
'I'lic play-goer i- now ?perplexed l?y so em
barrassmeai of riches, .?i,.i the nunon.menta f? the
eomln_ ss.-.k eoataifl aeveral bob atl ? p
A " Iiiitiial Dcroinlii" i?(iiiiK*t i> annoaneed:
foi . .?i-. 111,. , 'i ?a ke 11 - !n ?i ! lit be .. k v?.i ol s thing1, a ml
has.? a boat 01 iniiiiii'? i'< B-BOOfl l..,?al (.st. ml..,, ,,
Custom-houM Inspectora Judd and McCorl
i,,,,k p,?--er..-ioii yeaterda) ol 2,700 cigar? ion ml t*<iuee_?< il
on board the steamer City ol Neu York, from Hasan...
Sivciity-scvon ?steamers, 26 Hliipi, L29 barks,
6_ iiriL'ia. ami '.?o acboonora. In all 3Sf venaela, from ft ;
elsn porta, arrived at tin? port daring tin month of Xo
remli :
Surrogate Calvin yesterday entered upon tin*
iluta - i.i l.u, office for the full term ?to which he waa re
a ? ll ! ly lie tid, am! toofe llnr '?a!!, t.efori .i 1 in. Mas., I?
l.e .. la,
The marketmen excelled D:*nh Hup for
'illllhli'lli ??.. te.?ti ; 1 lies' liad a lai-e -toel, ol p .ll!'...
..a baud and their snta boHday air ol OBconi rn aas
rhi_ ill wind, which is provocative oi ?red
.mi bad tempers, seems a apodal pr?vida n?. lo
?i.?, - : th. it itoii ? s?.. :. tin
. nl the en! :re .?at
The average receipts of ?the conductors on
the '11111.1 Asent?.? -tu et i a; Inn? I- *.'a> a ilat . 1 lien? are
il' m i ! 'S.o , ,ii... on il:.- m ?:. .. i 1 tin? d.uls reoelpta of the
. . rerage nboul f] ...'.o.
I In if lias li????!i much Ik .Had discussion ?among
local i rema oniatU ..v, i tbi plan ..f ( -t ibliabinn a " i re?
in t ii eu s. I?, spite ?i ?."?!? - nature, tbi ;
pi i nil.,i i i * t -j- about un? idea.
The Polii ( '. i--io.i. i-a i (impel ilio iiii-iii -
lui- nl the poll? . . ss In n on wear WhtK
cotton riot,--, at '?> ?.en -a iiipiam it'iiit tin-., articles
?atrictly i im! foi Ue< i nib ir a rath? r.
'?'h- ?reduction in mini .?_' wajrci. it ?
ye-tt-Klas. did noi lake piae ?, a- waa e.e.r.n p ?..;? d its
...? in? leiidius coal rtompanlea, and the que?tion
111 ' .;, a Lo -i Ufa m Ut S ,ii na? .
Building i- ?active ?on tli" weal si?! i from
If- ll Ql i a .d
Ki?,-iieii hats i i- alt.i 11 h i ? i v i i, i.. 11 ? ? 11 - and nan
i 1 , ? - o loti?.' I'is rn l ?Sei in !, i || :!, ! In .!|.- nt le! ,l-e.
?One of il'?- ma*-1 ?.?!..ii ?;'" tu.?! spectacles
la filin.-i:? ?l bi '?? . ihort bor_, whobav a pa? Ion foi
aearln I later? ; tha
. -la .1. an l look like anim?t? >i t. a
The nexl lecture i:i ?the Cooper Union Free
? ?Lus. red ll
!? ,,:'?' ? 111:11, !,'. .*?,?. .1 . ,.,l
??'I in- M uotivi," illuatratod - n .a,, rou la
tern *.n?',*.
I .. Fetter, ?hi? ?.' ?the ?polit1 s bo
? , ? bai ? ?! ii. .. put rol ii ink ii_ :?.| ,, i I ,
.-, ,1 hj t he !'..'n?? ? oniinlaatoni i ? and the
?a r ha- i.? i ii ii:-iii: ??!. ..- lin- ,a..i.-. proved to be
?'.tails i.
? meeting o? the Board of Managers of the
11 i. m. t_ d
Hi,- ?? ll,. i . S I Vi -.-iii? ? . make ar
, :.., : 1.. iliiiia !i! to I" pven a !,, 1....I
..,. a |.
Old ?B?reas bad fair plij yesterday ahonl
Pnntli ???, ami mi mauled |M_leatrian? thai
He ) adopted a iln ible |uti*k inoi ? in n In
III :'.'l ;,:,i t- Of Ibai cils ll.' I ? D la llj II.a
...,:,i...,n acaiie-i it like , ,
The i?*i?arns I?" in)??? ii_ition and disord
i oniiu? t wiro ...!-? ?..-??? i . ..? |.??ii. ?
( ounti.. ? |p*? ??1 .fit]?.' .i Ion .p. ? I'd
. . , f i m ?-i.'iei i' rail roved
ii h uudoini .
The Boanl ;ti Appiirtinnmenl ?.esterdn au
tui nl 1 iiiy Park ?took t" i ue amount ul
? ?, und rhli : - for
-?. i:?.? . .'?I-..1 I..I i. ol he im >l i -i! - foi
! - ',. waa postponed until nexl ' ..??i,., -das.
Tin i itemeni in j i -'? r?da. I mm ke thai
!'.. ! .:, .? ,, llibillN Ii:.I I. M m, ?.?. il
w\y, neai I .u ?t., wh to lie reorguniseai under the
name ol Butt. II d ? ,\ ,s v ??.?.. |? ?:.,. i:.. i ?Tbi
UlUI Will I I. nu?.', h ? I I _c i.......
The \\? >i I; ?>' relaying the paveaienl vrhii-b
hud i.. on I. , ii ,;n In I ' ion ?pi ire tin. ;.? .'. s ?
? !'.,i,?,.n i 'in- in..* ,?ii? in ido sulla to real
In? of the ?tritt ii ? ed before Ju i_ ?
,!? : m.i.i. allai W? * t OVOI mini
Monda} next.
The iudden Etoppage ? ? i the bornes attached
t.. . a: '? -.?I \ I BliUe l?e . .:*.
? I ; . i i Lhri-W Ilia
? i ,|.?-i pi, t imrovi .. ovei iii. .I............ i .
look ..-;:.t?,- and ihe i h pa-M?.i ovei Connive)'?
. In :,;;til!il .-? n Ott? ; hl ft JU ! '???? D
:.. tia? sttrarlioii? ol tne Aqu irluti i
apiiin '1 .h I .? nid m quit, il? m- -ii
,.,: tin i: le i |.. ' .s Ii? rt , i i m. . ....
7,(SKI pel-mi- si-itetl tin . \ ? i i a. a 1111.n I'uBhkaglVlUK
A Buiuptuoua dinner, *. i.? i?? bj tin* nnm r
i.ii-i,,. m? - . : ii,. i?, ..M,.'.? ?I . Aged Worn
in tlin! :- !. ?
ii\ tin iiiinatc- )? -it rdii well ii latin - and -, a... in .a, pulron ?
The 8 a. ni. Chicago express ?train on ?the
N.-ss Viiin CentruJ Kail.d c_rri?-d out on Tli il
mol nil:- '_'-' Uli! poundaa, , os, . Ii? t. :
liia- .laual amount of mall wua |>ruoul>l*?du? tailhe
,i is?.i tia.? ?' t om . -,? ?. d bj DM i
t haul?, OB ??? till .- !.,.' l.,).l;i.
The double-decked tars oa the Sixth-ave.
line iiase ;,. en a tbdriwn, aa 1 I Je?l m
-? I 0|ll,'..ll . I?! ?.. -.?
?.r:,!. i.e.,uni un- new ?:.>.. ol fuurlu-iiutid muM
??.:?:,.! :
plac? .-? s?, 111 be m denial .' tin? ? ii
Dr. Ah landi i llumbold, .. d. lioi b of the
I .,,. ? , il; . ( i :,, .!,;. . ? bo _.,vi h. m,i ,,I
.,11 \Si dm -d ,s . ?. ... ., |. . ;,,,. ,:, i','.
h !..!?- ii .?;.- :.. I..1. a I... ' at Lie 1. r
Jn lighting ?i !.niij? in ?i Third-ave, eai li-i
? m t? ill iilall.s (..?((p|M?,l i
remuant of a match Into tbc boaom ..i . .
ss , lut. nils, iii!.?. me ,n. ci - nt
niilinl . i ??????. ?
I.? r.?.: ll thll . . i, hi?
s...nul- ;i- of distant ?thunder ?nos revei
.: i?u_b I be h .i I'tii Poll? >? ?....11, and at ll u< -.
???.. tbi .-m...roa- |i ii lud? ..t i...
?. . s ?? SI! dnss ii Im! ?
ni ?i. i .,:.-.:' i o -
ol :,i in iii inalh Idua .. boa i- n,
h,.n-e baa? ineiii.
Tlie ?report of ?the Bt. Andi
? i' t>, i i.?bed ?? i ?
? ' mil a uieuiix i-.t .: ?. : i
'_'. a.. .. ? , .
?sen aid. .1 ill f. l.u Inn?.?
aunlvi. uto un ctni? ? n bei h ai j
ii?i h.? s ? and i... utj -? ? ?? -t., ..ti
0 m.
The Board of Manag?. - ol i... !?? ,.!,.,
i ?lui _ ?.?.,., pi.,, ?aids, loi nia
ot s Bai i o. iii.. m. artbat, ???.... t.-. ?
.... appro .-im-- ine (tropo.
??i Lila? l.> '? i le-dio"'- l-l.ind. i ,
lariu.! d. -ir.,- !.. lake m ?.,. testllllOUlal? alto ,.
1 ranea- S( lilil? ?____ noli. .. . .1 bO-O ?U .lie
? ? i.
A joint meeting <?( the Council ?.i the V'.'iti
a'ul Ma iiooi. .ipj.i.iin? u o> . . _n?|
tbi Is.-, ullvi ? ?.iiiTiiiit? > ..r th< Bo ?nl of ?. m
s\.,-i.,|,| ai il,, .,? ,n-ot ||. i? -;.-rd . ? . llit
ti je. t ?.. in.- !?, ... i hi pi i . - in m ,, ,,..
..In..led al Hi. I... h an . ,, ,.,i,.
nb of wboaanare n tired tacireerttSeate- ai
loi >.l-.'
Soperintendenl WalBnfl was informed reater?
?lay no-iiiiii;: I i ?i . .?? .. ? ... ..i s . _ , , ,.?_nili
iise., wasmlsslagf? ?uome, and n *.i i i,.?.i ui,,i
he h ni im t ?-.h foui ia. H . ii he baft bis
hum" laal Mntiiay th .. saai of money, Intendinato
out ....-i Btoefa fm a Rloit* that In - ,n
liiiei _.-i it a i.?,..mi ii _. been offered foi lufori
ssinci. iiiiiy lead le m? ?aeon ij.
The Police Board yesterday appointed Franck
tiattiu-i diiii.p im-pia t..i, in place or < ha? hyan, abo
waa ttiiiositi, ami Kdward - ? . erk In tne lluuaa
of Uetoatiea. at a ?alary of QOOO per year, it?. ? p.i> i-.Ha
tor the m.n.Hi of got mini mote uaaaa.-d. iiiln.: i;..n. ll
of the Kiitir.ii I'rccuait was diamiMed. inti ,, dtua of
Umti^Lui I'rooiuot was aaeiKuod lo ? Btaf, u,ud i
tin-i.H'ni.iioii of (illli-i-r Mct.iiirc of tli" Fifth I'nvlnet
was ?t?. ?I't. .1
Mrs. \V?N!i of No. .SO WtM Tliirl?cntli ?f .
ri-| ?i ?.i tin' Slnth I'r.-riii? t Station hou? lost even
in ?.? that Nellie ?Cortney, ig? r ? * - was at her bouse badly
Injured, and had ?tatted that her injuries wuru ret
at the hands of Patrick Uevlla of ?wo. 12 Uttli Twelfth
is-, ? ho ha I taken her in n fnrtiislicl room in Thompson*
st ami au imiei cut ?is-,tali mi her person.
Tin -:ri ??.i - at to In N. ?? Voii. Hospital, i ml Devlin
wan arrested and held in fSOO ball to saswef I Bharg ? "f
asaaull and batt-ty.
Tli? -i.iiikI fraud v-tieij entertainmenl .i?
. Uospttal, BUrkwell's Island, was given lasl
- In tbe amphitheater. The performer? andaudl
? i.? m nie npofth patleataaad stag of the ii"
(iiial A bill was presented list evetiing and performed
m a n, ? redil ? 11 ?? ? ?? ? profes
,' ii ioi,. in tionlt : li Kitchen, chief ol tbe an dli ?!
-'.ii. laid tint he i in-?'?ii ?a.? ?I theae entertaiumeat? be
cans.'h?- bed fonnd thattbey wore conducive to ?,"""1
order and klud feeling in the hospital, and the patient?
derived i.? i" trill from iii?- recreation than (hay ?ii?i
?from iin-iliciue.
During iii?' m\ iiiniiiiis of tiir ('? ttu
_nn, closing Kov. 1". 187?.. nearl* 3,0(10,000 paeeeuger?
were carried by the Erie Italia ay. without .?
dent or injury ot ?the loss of ?? pice? ol heutige. Tbc
official riio..!-..f the I lilted ? <? I'"?' -? ?Hi. ?? I" 'part
ne m -!i".'? th.?i i.n ti..-i?.i year the Brnvslsol Um Erie
Railway all a *?? ? York,an time, have beea from 10
m il r. i .-.tii ahead of competing raltwaj Hues, I
; up during last Hummer, when tin
nii'i,: ????( ? .ii.? trains and crowd?ol Centennial pa
- h. -1? made ll ? * : tri. nil t.aintsln ': time,
"I'lic st. ?mi-iiit) Atlaa, which 1 ? -11 Port-an
ruin-' Hot. 20, ?ainM.I in port ? ' ferdn.v, brlns
lateal new? from tbe Republic of llaytl. On th? evening
of in?- 1 :tli ??f November Presiden! Canal ?peni the? vea
the bouse of a friend, sad ni be and his eompan
Km- i' aebed the ?Id? walk on theii waj I.le s ?hot ?a?
Bred hj ?some uakuowa pemon al tbe Presllcnt The
bullei ?track the klnge ol lot dooi on s Une with the in?
t- in!, ?l Met. m's h. .?i t. a di litron I ?c ui-'i v..i s |nstltute?l,
\. ?mil ', ?iii-ii i.? discover the would-be ?i ? ???m. on tbe
following day the forrlira Minist?re call?m! upon Prealdenl
( mai ami ol?. nil him tlnir congratulation), on bis es
cane. The dispatches state that some people think the
attempt upou ihe President'? life ??.a." aruss el in? ti1?ads
to t. it in? ?popularity.
The Capitoline ?Lake la completely frozen
m. i sad if lin- ores? m >-.'i.i weather eon?uaea ?> ill sooa
be read] for
Clil?li-.s Il.HltiHT of N'o. 'J.1 ?BoWt l.v. iinil ?liUlK !?
I No. 00 ll".i ton it., M? w-York, w? n srr? -i. d
?day for*sel?ng polli j tickets hi Ho, 82 Union ?'.
A murant ?for tli?' an-ara ol Cotnmiforioner
Powler'a eolmrj tothe sawnnt ol fel,416 07 was drawn
on wi-!iiic-.ia>, nut Mayor rJchroeuer refused to hi?u it
until 11 ? t?irdaj,
lim-littll of tin foundation o? th? new muni?
cipal building has been biid a force ??: "??i 80 work?
men U constant!? employed npon lt,andthcj willeoB
plele i lie toiiii'li.iioii wImiiii .? week?
I'liiiiinl .-is-cssiiioiit- amounting to $61,
P99 73 were -.-m from lb? Ta? L. part meut to tbe 1?
pu tiin-iit oi Vu- ?n-? i ??? '> ?.in?. The amount on tbe toi
roll? uncoil?, tcd.excln Iveo? this,Is?9-1,071,8-8 13.
William M-.?!-- complained to Justice Del
ma yesterday Its! Pol?? IBcer Wrinkle of the Third
? i urr-'sl'-d him .. II ii.ull ' BUSS.
I'n charges were also ,-ought before th. Poll?*e B?Mid.
Police Bergeanl Meekfl wan lin?ii._lit before
Jni?tlcc Walsh yesterday ? hai -? -I with being lutoxieated
and disorderlv on a Sinltb -t. ear ?m 11 - ? ii
ii; .-.i ? will be brought ?before (he Pol
ill?- Fowler tii il coal Brooklyn aboul $2,0-00.
At Mi. l-'ov, lei made ti ?ulusl
bIm, tbe nneatlon Is now under dlscu ?ion whether the
. it ? sii.oiiii n ... ,i costs, which amount to
sboui ,-:i,(Mio.
Boma <?! tin individual- chareed with illegal
ration at tin ?recent election continu? lolicb
before1 oiniiii? I'.ii'-i- Wtnslow. V? jtord lie dlsebaric-d
J. o. Tesler. an itinerant ? rn doctor, t_? tin- evidence
showed that no fraud was intended.
Tbe wife of Charlea Brandt? a cabinet-maker
living al No. 3-13 Pourtb-st, hanged bontclf on her lied
i?.. m n.?. ? \<- terd_i morning,after n?-r husband bad
gone to hi- work iH-spondeuey on aecounl of povertj
is supposed to hart led to the su??-me.
'I'lic Kingfl County Boord of Superviiwi
jcsieidav simt**?! iii lux-roll? and ordered ibetraosf ?
of ?? l.T l i HO from thi appropriation of ?fllil.oooroi i.
and ?uppll ?, i" r i ' hi? the d. Helene) In the
-1. ?. i ot in?' ( o in ni i M?-:, n. i ? of Charities his) jreai
I'lic r..?.ml oi Citv \\'<?? y"?i.'i(l.iy oponed
a Dumber ni |>rop?*?*ai? loi tbe paving of certain ?Ircets.
Th? ??.??..i hid for tbi work on Chamice* i? untile
i.-. Il n 1rs ,V Ktlllv ..?:-.-?,. i ? nil fool
i'n1 i-k.--f. Will) ?:,, - I John Keeuy i ,,-li bid
*-i 'a: per '..?it.
The Rev. Enfrene Caaaidj, pastor of the Ro
man Cat holte Church ol Ht, Mai - I the ?H?*a, and
sown ? Him.ii. clei"? m- ?i m i
' ' i ' t? il ,' COU ; l,ltl|UI'| - ? .
Ile will . iiil.i'i. ?1 :.?i In- ii ' i - ?lui
?i.a. the prevalent-?.? ..i in. < _?_< te ?? ? nu ? In IrUitl.
Robert Brown tnd h\< wife Kate fon
lived OU Ja -? l.i n. al ?. Lu l. I inn- 'n WasaiK'WK
?papel con,n??- lim 1), .i..--! lc diltiei d the]
...i.i?-", ne going Mi i .n i-.:.-?, n ??. local e?iilorota
, ? ; i- ? i, , ? , ? hou* *i . -
1er?aj -'?'? '? ougbl an action lieforejii tic? Wslab to
?it loir child, -,.nun ti
to .'.'. i bonds t?'i He- ?? ' ' k
or the? ??i? ??i t? c ? hlld,
!;.ii!v veaterdav moraine an nil
. i i hoi ii? Miiiid .t and i ? ?: lei M?*-(
?. So. ::? K ,i .?. . i. ti M
?' i Mum ,. .. ;. .. . . ol ! ||( ii' 'I ' . ?lin it ? uipti ' to
?? lu I ti? ?|,i i-1? i. " ? ? ?hot In
? ? th.- wound is n?.t ii??.? !? t., i?,?,-. ??
? : ,. brought i??!??]? .iii-ii.-.' vv.ii?!i. Ilondaj rluuued
il ..t il, .- .:? cid? nial. Ill \? j- ii :ld i" .
? ,,' m i 11 ?nn- !!> '- Injuries.
John Dnmond w.;s yeatenlny badlj inittreil
In .. I:> I'.-in lia U li? il? El le ll.ii.'A.ii J
taken to -i Pruu i's I!<>H|?itai.
A Midland Railroad train yeaterdaj strack n
i? .m h longin ? !?? il"- Ann rlcan l;
the cou i-. road i roaslng, kill ug both horses. ?The driver
\., - uni lured.
A li-i-lit ?? ? dined at On ?ne and Montfromeiy
i bursdu* night, In which Jam? If i . i'.-i had one
i j i,ut. n ,.tt. and ? as li ull ? ; b nisi d ;
?ill'..- ich mi, a In? ??? ??? i? ? -..'?-?. \\ ?i?
L'liockfld don I i.?m-?? ll PaUu '? i??ii-.. .
t..'- .11 ll -I? ll.
(?n Thnradaj an unknown man trat killed,
Ing under u loconioiiveat ihe I - n - a , i.'.m r mi .i pauper naui d Mel-..?veil was
-. r ? i ? ? I v Injured li> :? tr.iin on tin- I? 'u.a.i-,, I.., ,
?.mi.i ?i:,?; v\(.-;?iii Railroad, while wal ig on :io
tnn-k. ?
Veaterday '.vn-i the Brat seven lonchof Win
t. i m i in- \ n i m i a ? ? un in i lie morning the theriu? meter
n??!:. ?ted 1'J
The hod* of John Barnet, ?i venerable ?i. i -
sen v. n?. du d i? - -i' li m N - h?*re be hud
vest? ,\.
John K? nsclilcr of Jene] Citv. war u?-_ted
In . nu 11 f..r i no i m.- ihe bouse ol ?tilinta : !? m (rick.
Bt Wn .iiii-lon ?in. 1 If ill-sis., ah.?nt two m- I .'??? ..-. t
?it ..?in.' ifc-iio worth of lewelry. A portion of '? -
propert) wai recuveivd at a pawn-shop.
The qnarterlj examin?tiona at tl.? Newark
v? ni? i.e. , ? up ? : -, ?-i.?! dai - I ? : ?
? ' 1 ?? ll i ...lilil?: Itil.M < '" . ro, :al
tain d ,.:i,.- ? ? cen? i ano i? r ? rourteeu, in
?.? i mail, ,?\' . i-e?! i ; A class >.f twvut' two In
? ' i ? I 104, and on "t ttve in the
.V l'.r..i-l? 11 ..' e. ?l iw.
('i?vnh!. The Soacond Valler Chun-h, which
?? 1 -' lU I -'? '. ' i.- 1 ?' ' dl ! ' . ?'? ? ' 'r It
i... :-. ; ramilles suiumei lug on
Orange Mountain, hnt as the? liave decided i?? or^ttuze
i ' n.i i n m-,n i theii fiont? - m ihe bmuuut in?
. i.i-i? ii n.a- i. en ? nmpelled to dl ?baud.
ilniaiN-fK Tli? i?i-t ?iniiii ?i exhib?' Ion of the Her?
ir, n i niiiiti Poulti ? Vssoei i Ion a-,.?s ttelil ,n it... :,? u ... i,
..n l ?..n mI.ii . r in: t- were ??73 fowls ??f varloiit fancj
? and the exhibition was verj well attend? L
i m.?J '.'n? -r.iii. - ppow i ?i be ? diamond
? nil? i ?-i v.-?- I ' I dead ?- bed ?ith _,. -nu; tannin! m He bead, ?it the Dberlduu House
i d '? ? i ,"U. i was found on the Door.
m 11 ? i o'Bi i'n "i ;
I nit I .ni:?, killed mi Tli ' ng upon
li t,,. ?.u. blng t tbe tree, and did
Ibe sai hin,, ol thi
I'lT!-"'-.?*. Then were nine si eats for celebrating
. I.-.?I loll-ll . lile ?l.-.iiil.-i s ol 1 In
lariuu ai v. ? . m, .ni in ,n? m
. tcclli '
ii?.i "i i at tin Prim ' ion
K?t ground?, ?In?
ning two su...?at goals, ii.' i. I mi. i,.i,-.1.
l.i.S'i 181 i\i'
I-'i i ?in*.?..?1 ? ?. M? - Rakei war
1 nf ,i
?i. I' In in ;.t Will !.. ?ni V as allai I tl
I cou t u ? ?
sized - last ma-lit, ....a i.,..
i: ? ?. i - !' :??! ?m ?' . ,i,der
W emploi. ?I . n ? 1> ??,
a bes
l? i IND.
!.i m ?' u.ii. ti i match for larjp | pi
i ? ? ? . ? ., _ i
' ' "i in? ? ompai ?.
. - The .....?i,,l, I i,,..,,
i? ? '; _ , ? , ilouse
in n ? ??i.
,.l ?? ;?? i ?HTOB, l'Ii.- u?-, m .. | ? ..? .; i-, i..
: boys
???UOlllll "111
Ll ?DB i . :? ? ?, v\ ?n:i: foi the toih 1
. n.. Kam.
A Sis BU HOUOAI CifT? A Imx ol PtLE.
0.a.C ?i n invliil lo t-vtiy faunly.
Till. S I .(.l\<; Sl.NKV'llOS IN TIIK Ql Ml if
Catiii.t Ik.u bam, proceed? fruin ?i.-ntiiy of thu tlomsrh ?ami
I? mat-in-il n? .-ilk oi _1?...\?.ma.
11 i()l Kul IhirU-tlt ?t., torn?r .oailli 4v_
Opsu _uly ?.ai Vi a ?_ W 11 u_, buttday? aicspUd,
? - MKRIDK.N CU l I.KltY ?Co,. 4. Chambers L, NY.
STRICTURE, Impotence, and l>ij? ses of the
i . mi i v.. i ,i._n - i -da Ally and ?poajdlly CUl ai. IIKN ilY
A. ItAMI l.s. M. I?., ? II I_.xlni.ti n ?to. (Jfflci boon H to 3.
i ? .?, In-ii-eM. i um,!. .. Ki> -niaiiiiiia, BlacS head?,
skm II.-..I-- v idle lU'hy, and sosl-j tetter of the Hcalp,
sum m-, i.e-, -?it Kheoni, Err ?I pela?, und ?Il h I. in Dia
Skin In -. mm . .-? . ( m..! ,.y Hr.Vati liyke, 6 VV. l?.tli it
Clothing Palace,
We offer ? itidneementM
to prudent piirvli.i^eri l?y ex?
treme low pri?e?*, eoi'iliiiie.l ft ith
eieellent ifu.-ility, *t\h\ and tit,
in Tien1?, I!oy?% and i hildren'?
O.ereoatN, I Mers and Knit?.
v. r.
Til I! MOST MMIN'Vr (? au?
thor?, Kin? I, hi Prof. Mux Mullcr.
I' Tan.lull, H ??lit Moa,. \\ . |*,
i.iiiumioiii , ii,. u. il. Vanwutaw,
I'n.i. Iliixie?. It. A, I'roeio?*, I-ranees
?'iifta i* I olida'. The IliiU. ol *.r_vll,
Jlinil? A. i raiuda-, Mr . ?I ((to eh,
llr->. (lliitliiinl. Mra. Alennnder. Ml???
Tlini kern??. Jeun Im etaw, Leo. Ilnr Hm. Bfasek, \tillaiiTi \ Tr,.l
lepe, Mattbew trno.l. He ry ftin_.
le?. Franela l.iihoo, VV. *?'. !-lory.
Am rlnai-li, I'uxl In. farMe. Tenny
?i.n. Ilro-.vntnu. mid many oil.?.-., BIB
i..|.i ??' nu ?! in t:n paces of
Littell's Living Age.
1. lOTT. Tur. I !-. i?.,, ai.i enter? UBO-It* 1394
with il.? rantinueal commandatlou ol the beat menanal luir
"e i en n! i y. i(|? I ? ,ii,..-.ui'l'. m, .i Mingan
In I*.. 1. il Will famish t?. It?, r.-ad. r? ? I.? ?.i tal in In ?? ,f the
ura .ilinw- named nnal inony ol.erii
? m- ?in i n"'.. ?i -?. mai uni - . ijrtha leaaflncFar
afilan NBTSHatB, .?loi an ?ni"iilil
111 tin- w.ll.l. of tln> lit '.* v.lllinld.- Iller.irv .:::?! : .11
t. r of ti,,- il?- fro-_ p?.,,? ?f tin? lendl't.. B ?aj eta.
Melenttata, ( riii? ,. 11. irerera, hiuI liiin.i ?. l ,
lac errry department of wdowladaeanal i i? rea?.
I II! IJVIMl \. I .?i. ..:. 1 1, It? only ,0111p. titer, " I v
ha? t....1 nur;.- 1) la a weekly nuiytuo?n> id.ii.) .nur
Bag! ?, (II 11? iii'Tf IBM
tii?i:k ami a tgVAWftfU raOOTM i?
dontili* t ..Inn 11 Octavo SB-MS of ra-idiiiK ia't.1 y. .nlv. I ?ire
?,?? i?.:?:,1,1 snahla ; ...? am.H ?
'.? ibi ? ?? owing i? Ita waakl* mm. sad wli t ?et
ieliiclory 1 oinidi line?--, .*itt?-in;.ie_ li no other |iuli 1.. o
He ? -I I. ,, - 1. ?. 1. .- ' ? , , VI?.
?nal lima nrery, ?*... ,fry, *-. lentille, Bio-n .niiimi. iti?:..: ?a] ina
I'ohtieal Information, fi? ira the enure !..?.!> ..f Port i,?:
I ' t? lli.|ielt.lll(?e ..f -i'.ii? ? I ?. 1 *. ' i At-: ' \
Itl ifaa loi : t tre.ii und COM l'I.K i _ col
ol an I tul I ?; inaahli i nrr? nt literature Indirj
i.? pi ,i:i tloaaoi
la ?nii.i..i".!? . ? ? i'.e mi ,-.,!ii?? itaeen
H Simply ind ?wbadeali itakeepsbrraal
of tin I bought of the ? ?? n .m?, ?:. |.irlan. nt < f ??. n?. liter
?tun '?ButtonJ ?.. Mi
?Apare .-mu perpetual reeer ? mr and toantaln of onl rtaln
11:.?ni and i.e.!, 1 ;.?,).. ri 1 Wtnthrop.
"The beat periodical In Imoric? 'uyltr, 1 D.
"Itii.-i.|iul in any ?country." / *,'u',??j/', ?
? Innootber ?Inglepublication nan there hefoumla much
1 f ?!? 1 ling lit? r n . . ? ' ? 1
"Hi? ? n?-1 of tho b it m?nala of the
edw? il.i upon all loplc?of living Inlereat. I
" it?' und ?terlln
. i in .11 ir inaxa/
?mount .1 m_i(ei :n. -e..|, ,1. /?/,. maulara, i ???
"The beat o? all our reb?tie publication?." /:??? Kation,
"And 'h. cheapest , 7/?
" b il . . . up ..,,;!, ??n it,,,; 1
? ??: Un
? ark. '
1 hs ?. ? .. , ,. the (?,,, 1
?poetry ... :!?.
I lit nul, ?...
"It m the011 ? 1
.? fresbm -. a is? dun ?
ol Ilia-able?! writer?
'?'. n ... .?, ; ,. ?. 1. ,rthy n, the
Publiai ? .i ?-*. 1 km ?I -
MTB % III ??_? toil is.?.
? ? ?
? :.!.:.?.! ?i \< ikiwi.ii, i,?w
1 lui? Pri?es toi the best Home and Foreign
l.ii lire.
' 1 ? - I of Tim Uvixn. a ? : . ??
' '"", ' ? i.l"-.- will tin,I lin
111 '..??-. 1.1 fora
' ? . !.!,.
hdA I ."lili I, ft CIV, BWCM.
ammu medal nu diploma
-_.rii.ii Britannia Co,
-??'SO Ilroadway, Xew-YorlL*
ai.M kok EBEuuVEB,
UK.? I i IM. I Hi. I'liMI'ANV" I HA HI. MARK ;
??1H17. MHStWE?UttHf__? XII-M
r:\r: M n mknmai. J. DOM kki-okt.
-ii,? n ?,f warm ftmm? wi.?t? Meui Etmtg
Wu'.iHof Excellent (?urIut and liainh, ?ml of Tasteful
"It..-lr silver l'?..t.-l I-..!.??. IpSS-f, ?ti.?l I.nlte? ere ot
Ougwatar ?iunin*?- mot W~ummot t~aumn~
Kxnusotnow AwotaceM laannrra tu ;??-kr
?? vv?? ssasMsr iii???iskIs iii_.i.? hy tt.i-1oatgaag to bs _v f?r
'11 IK UK.-T UUOt ?ii U?i?t ''?'iiiilry, _n?t -?? liehet*? In It??
Win Id "
at the <;io:\i l.\
? OFF!? IAI..
Tlie untler*ifrneil have eismineil tlie
. ?pre, ana Up
Au?l uiiaiiiiiniiisl- r??< iiini.'K-ii.l for th.- ?an? the Highest
Award f"i thm foibrwlnr rsason?. rU:
Ulli? V( \ -MB
rowm <>!?? To>R!
?WITH HHiiiKsr BXC-B-X-DtCB OF wmt km -IT-HIP.
'i la- _i.??v<- ssabrsats sit UM qualities.! ??flu? < !,i-s l'imio-Furt-.
If t i?nrl? -i_n?-it by all lb" tutgOO*
Wareroom3: 34 and 36 University-place.
I-INK \VAT( 111-?.
.-> fit. !.K'. n.vKi i.KV A ?.i: v"
i JJ Ji.lin -t. and I ? M.mien-Ur.e.
Yir the D?_l ?. ' - ? ? -'.?? ? of
niiMii it i: al lovv.a: . n? 11 il liafisa
GROSS & Co.,
E _ ,'t s -ior Furniture V. a re room*
tit Ml WOO? I ?intY-iliii.l-s t.,
11. tw. ? i.'.rl, . ,; -::. ivi -.
Long Over Coats,
Ulsters, Pelhams, Wimbledons and Orkneys.
Sole Agents for MeGee & Co.'s Belfast Ulsters.
The Leading Ulster House,
n._ fort ?i ..|? it? lias superior ?Un? laatnut
* ? ,'i ni ni i iiiii:i:'.llile:lli"ii 'v:t'i ?11 part? Of
thee. inn. anal civilized worbt ,? lUCADUL'AKTl It? for
.tin ...t e ..?i vi?, n ? |?i. ! i.-.-.I in America, Manufacturer? m
. .it -.i me i mixt staf.-1 hare t?.? n .it pan* ?nal ?c?nela?*
mal le, vi - can frciuanllj ? tuonajr by dealing with
t.'i?. nitiit bausa.
[in fi.l1__in_ bSMSSaia the niorat ?(ir.iniiiieut in their re
tpmetln UUtO, SS ! So lbs 'Arrest h-i-mnss ?if Utf m l!i;?toaii.
Hi in ?holt, ate 111?'Mtt.I Mil Lit-'
OROCE-URS sod !'.'.' ' ' -1'iv*?,
11. K. A !'. U i ii i Riun ?'- ?'o..
\\.-t Hiea.lw.iv, it..?.nle, an ! llu !??otl?ta.
l-HAl'S rin.l I'll!.! I M! BY.
Ctil.ilA! i: A Co..
IS... ',. .?.?tan ?t
...... , IfT,
!.. P. IT' I*. ' : r
_'I.A\ i i.l.x . ?- f M II ?.M' I ni M \( 111 si; Si?;V,'INU.
lUKIinl It ..
?..,. M er,
lit II' V-, BR \0 ' M ATKKIAI -
ritK .--i "\ i i.i. '!?-.-, ti- \. PI i .-in I COMPANY,
Nun, 4 ly an 1 (21 BlOon. ?at.
I'.oi'K, ' OBDAOB, in.l OAKU-L
?A I.' I ? M V. All.'- SONH,
.v.. 11.'( Wall .it.
Ml- I A!.?-, I IN Ac,
i'lll-.l.l-, It 11 " IK A Co..
t-1 Mil II II l?*.'l' I - S ?? .' ! v ..!.-? - r\ ?. if
Nu 1?0 31, ... : ?? i .: . , ft, ??. . 01 ...i I hUI? i. il
!\ (,|;V. iciil'iisi I'll ah?, l?i.ilt- ,
I '.li'-l l A ' ...
No. Hi Last 1'ourti
AM 1? I'.IC \ l.'icK -.
a -. - \ i;,. i -- ?. , !? i (1PPKR < ' UPAR v.
,i>. I. ( iiirm.
*, ? ? .
I i -, I -II i \ . . nil?-,
Ii \.;i ??.. 1 II CHINA, i.l.\--. ami -II.\ Kit,
i lin?, i . ? ?.n, ? ??,.;.. r lnal
Alii 111 H I'ANfliAnr MAS KAtTUl'.l '??? C Ml1.*. N'Y,
? it. 87 Ursa .' *'.
i ! i \ ? i ? ?nal Kl [KKW
? 1-D 1 lia ?N i ' . \ ,
? Ilt'BBl It,
II.NIi KM, PAl K' mi i IMPANY,
J. Ill . ,t.t. ? -, low
, ?.? ?'
fc !" 'V 1 I l..
N .' anal IfJ an. ? I
CABPK1 S .m?'. .11 . ... i ii
? in? 1ij.1i I ...
BALI ?ml i i ? ? i t?a? HTOHAOK,
J ?' ,t '.. I . Itl ?HI KH?)N.
.. . m I \.? Il Iront m.
Nor inlin.' willing h? ?ill bran ?if iinv iir.i-e,
?int ein,,, ?i.-!, .?n.mi f i cbrapnatea wbtea
lr_,tN ... Hum i.,. .-? te. n in l.iiMii,. poiaMinou? hraaa
ti.-_.ii. i oitu -mjI.ILi i m Ii .1 :, lu the illtTer.-nt u
Iracti.i ??? by machinery, altfc tuMii, ? coal loi the
labor, ?t m? nearly at um meat ot ti"1 Ina-ti traah, which la
alwera ?old at a prutlt of 400 ,,r MM per ?sent t I. ?. \ ?ii,
, -i i.i. ...!-.,?v, up italra, nppo-it? A. T, Htawart'a.
NERVOUS in.lUI.ITY, liii|H,fn?*,*, Weak
?a i,. laofUii Mieratlon, Inrolunlarr !____?_, _**,
i.e.. .,... ...i..i h, s'. im iiK-i i:u s -i,:. !ii I'll i.
Tin- (?limn..? Hum <tv I? 1'ir. h vc?rtati|r, c?iiita_iui imlhiiitf in
?lirtnil?. lUlli ll_H Ii, I II I' .'.ell lOI .id I e_|. ? |[|, )..
I ?Au t..six h..-..??!' un?. *. ?ufl-lout to. IT. ? l .. t'..ugh
cure. |1 per baa; ?Ii boaea, ..., by mail .!. ?itii
full itlriM liona. I'r ?para-ai iinly by *A !.*.( 11 K.-. I 'Kit ~ ?****?
CbenaUiias __ J.ihutL. ?New .atb.
RADWm I___JY _______
In from One to Twenty XVSCinutes.
?ft. I I , . , nil.
?I II i ll WITH 1'AIN.
KAIiVV A. ?i rt-____>- iaj.I.Hil- Iii A Cl RK YOU kiVKRT
It wot IhS tir-t and 1?
The Oniy Pain Remedy
that Inatantljr stops tL moot ? ?.' at In*
flamm?, ?ml enrea IXincoatloas, ?rhetnei '?t the i.-irc?,
-i.sch, BuweU. sr other glands or organ??, l?> ..n" ?
no matter how violent or .-i.-im-ui the RHFC
MATH ? a.Kl i-, ?f
tn.sii it'?l will, ?',,.. ???. nuv Buffer,
? INOKMTK.N Ol I ?it I.IVi?,
eoi'.K THltOAT, DIFFI.l 1.1 Hid. V I
1' VI. Ill VI ION <?: 1 1). HF.ART,
HY8T-RICS, i nut i-, D1PUTHKKI \.
i .v ? ?.?, INFLUKNZi,
N-t-RALO-A, li'H : MAII-X.
Cor.l) CHILL?, A?.IF nn ii -,
( im.iii, ?. - ,' TOO.
The aiif'ii'?: ? ?. n I',? It. tidy lltli.t . |._rts
Where tin- ?.?un ??r difficult? ? ?.?u ?.
ti-, ?!'...s In bait a tumhler i -.?..- i ?tUlaa
few momenta euro CKAMP8. SPASM? ?Ul'H '*?!*.. ll,
li "A III 151 HS, M? K HKADAi ' DY*
' \ I'KKY, i.'l I'-, WIM? IN I!? ??? IN
1 I K'a V 1. l'A INS.
ra<?ders .li.iiil I ni-.nn ctrry * Ik.tile "f l'ndwi?y**
Hen?iy HV?i-l with ih.-m. A f.--.v <lr.?|.? | i.\??nl
?. Ian- ih m payins from ? ii ..??-?? at waw-r. II i? ?MM ibss
rench Brand) ?,i Btttsrn s? a atlmnlssrt a\i> ai.ii:.
n VFit v. n .?.-ii I ? arad ta mots
n '?Kil ? ' *?_>?.
< ili.-r i-.v.M _??*t1 by itviivv vv '- lii ? - -, eyttt m
hADWAY-H KEAU1 itl.l.ll.l'. '
N. tUffA?. IKlUTI-fi PILU,
!Vr?.--tlt t.a-t. ?* s?. ? >. _ i-i'lv c.?f?st, '<?r ? .'.all i1_
i i.i, i- <?f tli? ,'lxiwel?,kl?lii ?r?'"i?
. headaehe, eiiiiHtl|>atlon, ? . - n_?Iy?>
., t?ll|..ils;. inillilllll,?' ?II ,?f t!.?* i- _
-..til?? Imtetoel Kt-ra. W*rnaul_?
PRICK IM Ct-.NT- PER BOX. BOLD B' ? '''?' ? .?'?'-"??_
SarsaDarillian Hnt
Fou tuf . i'Ri or ? Hi-.??M?- ; ? i ai y.
Ill ir SKATED in THF __.__
I.uns? or *-t?.marh, -.kill or ?one.. I le.h or N?r??sj
? ?iitii: I'I-in . nil. s.'iii'?? AND V1TIAT1N- iktu
1 11 It's ? ?
fhroLlr Uhi'.imaumn. ?St-i-fula, ??Isnil-.'.v *?'?- ?ft *-*^?_
lea m? foiiicl?,. v?-? ?-..M?. -m iiiit- - ?'???'?'i'i?*
Hli'i'.lini/iif Un- Fin??.. !i>?l>??l??_. Water i il ? ? '? ,__*?T^_
WI.ili' ?vt'-ilni-s, rm.i.'i*. II.-, i*. s.u. iaii.1 Hip ?""'*?*_>
MeK'.irn? i'isa^.-s, i-vil?..!.- (.imidalala, ?... . ,,n'P_.___l
eta, sialt liheiiin. Iirou. hin?, ? ??ii-.iini>ti<"i, ?**-';.'?? ;.. m" ' l
I_?or?'u_|il?n,tis ?tu. I'ltli F *l PEU ??OTTfc?
LB. RADWAY ?fc Co., 331 V-J-UMVsj ?? ?-?