Newspaper Page Text
-Iinnaeinente a\\^ iiUritnae (To-XighL BOOTH'S Tim arm .-?? Danl I?rn. ???-." Baou tin .vu.?.- v. ami H-. "flsamctaw." In III AVUMI THUAIKM "Tl'e A'lii'in ?an." <.i;?M' i ?i i a* 11..I si. 2 and s; " Under tlieUasllKbt." In I i ?I I III VII i; " BrntUS." Itoolli. Ni? i i., .?in ?i in. ?m; SnndBl " Kip Vun Winkle." Nii'in's i, ?, i.i \ " Aturlne." l'Aiik im ?un " Little Nell." I-otta. ?an I'll ?\. m ,i MlKSTUKlA. Tost |*AST?in's Bi ?? im ?n v.? Variety lWRVTI i;;ii.ii BTRBan Uraua Hurst-:.?Kelly ?Si Iycou's Mlustrel* 1 m..s bul'AUa iiitnii: " Miss Mitlton ? WAIXACB'S Till i U.K.-?? Hie Sluiiigliruuil." ACADUUT <M Mi si, liit'ieollt'.-iiiti. Contest. (in in it or mi- II,, i TRiamr.- I : Organ Cnnrert. ? i vi.i'ik? ?:?iiiii\. I',?,,! anil rares. Hi i il.? WiiMii.B im ?hi;, j ..?ni ft: Ma?;ie:il ami Mll?ie;?l 1'. i foi n II . e Kau i m i.i t? Ml -n ?i- l>a?' iiinl ITiealaa Nsw-Yokk v.mii?' l>.i? and Kvrnin?. N?> ,TTO l!i:.i.?,.v. \? r lYoeof California. Ji.?iv. lo _\t)rcrii8fmcnia Aui'si vjrMi. :;., ",, .,. .?>,, mu? Cdi eniumna Boa ai1 san i:?miu? :;/ fnxsi 4tB eniujnn. I'I-IM'? Si u-:? IfA l'tmr 1-t iv.luiutl. OofAsmansnii' Suriras ~tk l'ont 6th eeluasa. l??v ISC Al -i - Itffl Vapt ?id eoliiniU. lu m .?i ?i i,.i, ?, .? o,,, olnmn. I'l?ll'I.Mi Nfil, i-' ~ I. r.i ,r "tl'i .il'.l l'.lh eiililliins IBM i.t.iiiw :. ' , , ?. ;: i ; n.l lili eolmi n. I.i run a> Ai.? i i;i|si u Ms 7M Pnot?Qtm cnliiinn. ii>?s.ui 7IA i 'no* Itb and 5th eoiuaana, IlKMII m-, it' /'.l,.-i - Uli ?-??1 lilil?? ll,ii:-|s. i?i niAoi s. A. BM Pato* 3d co'umn Km BUS ?M> i ?l.?l ? U ?MI I, 3d / lje-M eolUUiU. li i i i.i ??i i ..'t I not -M rolnmn. lnutarc*ri<iM i ". Poo* 1st and 2d column?. 11, 11 aus ?su mii 11 v.? ;;,//,i," -uta c.'iiiniD. 1.1..?i N .hi- ;:?/ foot ?id e.iiiinn. H ?i,i i ?.. i s ami I ?i ?ins bM J mjr-C.tu column Hi-, i i i SUIVI s if/i I'aue '_'d column; biA ?'aae?fllh co i; in it. Mi ?n ai. iHsnrur.MT*~3d Pate Oth colaina ; Ni.?v lain .. ? 11,i\.? m/, l'une? 1st eolnii.n. Fkoroesl ? :;./ /,',,, 2 1 column. l.i?i ??un (.m as?s -i m--.iff rage-'M Iniun : ? i.i mi:- -3d foot 3d coiinnii; T?> BXcU i.i.?;>?' fAsf? ad c .Ham. Paii.s ai Ai Mlos ~th I'ai/e t'.tli oo'iiiiiu. Batimos Basus?7fs fore 5ts)column. i-i i. hi. .v..i n i ? Aifi Boss iiili column BiTl'ATloits M.vmiii Mam;? 3d I'uu- I'll andStheel iiii.ii? : iK'ivii- nt foot 5th and ftth euliimni FlKAUl'.oAl? AM. BAILUOAbS 6rt I'n if?_?! c. Ininli. BruAuamv, iH'ka* 3d funs 3d and *vh colussna SuACnaua?t'.'.'t PUs? 2d column !?? l.i.T?BiiiM.hi TV ri:?iri:iti'Y? It'/ /'iii>?--.;.l roli.inn; i'oi KTui 3d / agt n.l column. Wixtrr Basoarn -ad Pop* lia eulaauv Dnoincco ?Siotu.s. Happy New-Y BAR, 1877. -Lad tea, we wish ynu Sil s lliii>|,v NeS Year, alai :,.,; B t" merit a ???? -'1i. 1UIU? ? ol 1 ._?? ?-. :? ; rt s,,,-. , Mll.i Kit .t l o., ;'? I ni'.,i - i i i'e. " riri.K-llKlUMl.', K." To nil. TkaI'K: Wr lice Is infotni you tint ?f han Brisusy hecn aiit>ointocl SSBSStSl AgSUll in lie- t'liltt-tl Mat"? :?r?l i.iiiiiilii (or " I'll'lal-Ht ll'slla-|. ?' laHAUTAUn A .i.i n. Parai .*.? 00.1 "cabti bi istrb, sf. ? Bolit-liiiix a ' oatlauaai t tf ?-. ur i ittumsd f.ivor?, \V? uiiniiii. Your "' ? ,'liit si tvant?,\ OSSOBU, BO?1 * Co., Jan '.'. 18T7. Bsw-Yors ua.i Montreal. 1?aii v l aiBBBBj Mail ?wabacnbrra. tlOner annum. Bsmi>>\ r.i m v Tbibi'mr. Mini ?tobscribers $,i per an. V i pgj y i WBCBB. Mail SuiiBcribur?, J'j pel aunu_a, ie i?., aaab m adranee, Addre.s?. i BI TBTBtTBR N v.-V uk. fre'in? uneif'e to o/.'uin Till' i llllirsi M UUf *f the frittn-, >i?u'. ci !ie>icl* in nrkiehii >?? ssuuflii told, trill rem? it? n lavor by iuiorinitw fAi? tittiee y? (/-,<- _rtf_gM_ujgss, Tur Wi i.Ki.Y Trtbvxk will if i- i.l.v this morning at8o'clock m ??rappers fur mailing. Price5cents, l"j. town I rVBIUsstB cm i?avii t?'?ir fu? ni? for 1 UR 1 BIBI n si ?.is? Braadwar, ssr. Ilst-st? m ?uu u ?m ?t.. at r. sin .?-?. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1877. THE NEWS THIS MOMXIAG. Funrii.v? 1 lie Ptuir rrfBltata ac. ?.t the propu sals of id, Conferenee; Lord Salisbury mads n stroii?, appeal to the Grand Vizier, but henmained obstinate. A council of Turkish Minister.? is to be liehl t'i-ii iy :?> ?'i< i>;iir an answer fortbe Uonf rence. :-: I In i. ii; ? leen a irreat eturiti on tbeAtlautic aoust of France. The German Government is about to i, sume tli?' sak ol silver. DoMBSi u . 1 ?.e .-state iissembly organ ? d by iba rlectioii ?if 1' li'ejnililicuil catICllS f'liIHUll.'te.S. :-:?. Got. Bobinson's mcauaBU waa reeciTod and read in bntli honst -, Wade Hampton has issued an address to South Carolina asking fut ten per eenl of t_w tax levy. - - A Cabinet mi t;'i? yesterday ?lis'uss. tl Louisiana, the Mexican border, and poli? tics. NunicMiis State Leirislatttres met ; (?,?v.'s iness.ii.',. ijisiijipro? th of National pol?tica in local el?? tn.119. C'iNi.i:! Ss.~The BOBBte met, hut ivar? without a BjBOfBXu. The Umist- \? jb mit m session. Citt and Si'ii'-itiiAx.?(?en. Francis C. Barlow enallenged Eliba Boot to a dm 1 in aqnarreloret a briei. Much delay to the mails ami travel ?f in rally trgaeanaad ?uytbefieavy anowfalL Paaaengrr ratea to ttn> Weal were rai^etl by the tiniik lines. Um Sweeny |J7,O0f,000suit nod the 1?.i -M 00,000 nut ??et? adjonrnt ?11?> ApriL : ? Two oew claimant? to the Bb warl estate ap> as Iiisli cousins. Gokl. HiT1?. ](>7, J(>7. Gold value uf the hiral-temler dolLat at the i iksss, l>.t-r']i, cents. S'ncks dull hut bigher, closing lirai. Iiii W i \n;i i:.? Tin:'0 local ol-erva Uona indicate a < ontinnance of clear, culi i ? i allier. Thclinoii:- it i yestt rtliiy. 80?, 21 ,20 . TssBTC was a iilcasaiit wri liity abonl yester? day's Cabioel Mcarting. '1'lic imlilic welfare va? lin!? iliscusai'tl, both ai tt? iOtcraal and i-Mi Dial allair.s. The ('(? \\?is that the luuly politic is not in a very bad way and is nui in seed <>f Govenunent mtH?ciiie. In such canea bo aewa i.s gwt? news. Tin- Beoate H?umhl be in i?'<iutl odor, having expended the jmblic niooey foi more than a biiiTf]-fii!l of cologne, bay rum, and camphor. lint ?Thai n-?' th ;t body will make of ?i hiilf dii/ni buttles of siiiill', is not so evident. Per? haps the ?\|i iitliliui' is (oiint rie d with a no? tion like thai of Napoleon, thai large soaea and widely opened nostrils are aaoocintcd with char liiiiins. Plane fur aecaring a qniet and peaeeable r'.Kii m ur?- now m order elsewhere aa well as her?'. The ( iinaili.tiis have just carried one niuib- into effect. A riot having occurred at oik- of tin- poll-? in Gloucester, the retaining ?flsoer rdoeed tin ball und postponed the voting to BfBXl ?lay. Order having been meantime Restored, the electora voted freely. The expe? dient aeenta to have worked well, bol it would not Baaalljr be safe to give the powei of i?o.-t poneinr-m tu either part/, Th?- project !?>i a new election of President and Yiii-I'ii -iih-nt next Pall is said tu he gaining favor with the 1>< nmtrats. ti ?? hi tu lu- accompli bed l>.? blibiuitering iii the ? till March 1. It U acarre,* piMaible to think of anything to which uooal ol our people wtiiihl objed tin n to prolong the de i un in ?dl bnaioeea l>.\ bohilug open tin Pit ?nit ntial ijiii sijnii for ;:ii<?Lt i twelvemoath. The partj that carriea onl aoch n programme w i ?oiplf commit anicide. '1 !,t ttrihera on the Graml Trunk Railroad i lain that aoate of their Bomber were lingled out for diamiaaal becaaae when repre aenting Ibe employ?s] thej bad bid eompluinta a y?;u ,\^n before the General Mann?,"'. <l? rebj disii ?,.,;il i,*, iho bead of their de?iaitiiieiit. '1:,. .; , contend thai aa they sure paid by the tri:? th" reduced Labor ooghl to be ?l - tribnti'd <"|iiit ibly runongtbem. 'ill?- eonpanj ataiiils on ill righl to i?IgulaU (lie iniiiil-i r of its ci::|'lu.?''H, and i-i hu jar ntiviihliii?'. 'J'lic pun. ipul biifliiuo IN IIbI l'ub?c, tiullic being Ruspcndcd on a line as long as from this city to St. Louis. Pr?R??l?'iit Grant is represented M n rnn triluitor to Ihe list of projects f?>r disposing; of the surplus fuiul of I In? Alabama claims. Hfl is Mid tt? favor investinp tlie money so as to produce a revenue lo l?e expended in subsidies to enoosjragc American sfcipbaJMiag. The trouble with (his class ?if propositions is that they ?lo not seem honorable. F.itlier the money belongs rightfully to claimants here or it should be return?'?! to England. The President thinks, liosvcvcr, that the und?>rwriter?' claims should not be wholly ?lisieira riled. Latest advices represent the Forte as still obstinately n? fusing to accept the terms of the Conference. L?>i?l Salisbury inatle n personal appeal 1?> Hie Grand Yi/ior, but the luttt-r de clan d lie was ready to ?resign rather than im? peril tlie independence of his country. The Busaiafl Embassador is preparing to have, and has asked that a Russian war fjMBel may lie allowed t<? enter the l.osphorus to convey him lioiiic. The Turkish Ministerial Council which meets to-day may determine the fate of the Ottoman Empire. The situation could hardly lie gray? r? Speaker Sloan's address is of marked mod eration in its ?general Uma. One of its b??st ici!hits is its urging members of the Auen?1 blv t?? push through their business iinninli atcly, and no; leave the bulk of legislation to the dose ??f the session. The Speaker is ex ]ie< ted to have rather a difficult task with the numerous raw members, who know little of their duties. Interest at Albany is at preaenl concentrate?! on the comparativo claims ?if M< ssrs. Hiist?"?! and Alvorl to the chairman ship of the Committee on Ways anil Means; Mr. Alvord'a .prospects Mem at present the blighter. _ THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. .We are not ?disposed to quarrel with out new Governor for his discussion of National affairs in a message to the Legislative of New-York. ?Doubtleaa it is ?better that State doeumenti should deal '? with Stale utluirs, and in * times past we have had enough to say agaioel the injection of stump speeches on /National politics into Governors' m?nagea. Rut Got. IJobiiisoii succeeds OoT. Tilden. The ??rustiest of ?political opponents would hanlh deny him th?' privile<ge of arguing the ?'ase for the Presidential aspirant who gives ?him his ! place. Bul he might have argued it lutter. Got, Robinson's whole plea may be said to be almost summed up in (he two statements?that ! th?' law of Louisiana concerning the ?powers ?if its Returning Board is inconsistent with the Constitution of the St:ite and of the United Stabs, and that the action.?! of the Returning ?Boards in Florida und South Carolina have been disapproved by liepiib- I licau judges. What the Governor ha* to say concerning the impolicy of the Louisiana j legislation will not provoke any discussion. Thouaandfl of people regard the law as s ! b/td one, passed f??r ?bad purposes, win? | nevcrthch'ss insist that while it is a law, the oihYcrs appointed under it, and sworn to obey it, cannot consult either their own wishes or the opinions of Northern Governors in the discharge of their duties. The ques? tion is not whether the law is a good one or a bad one, but whether it is binding, and whether the Returning Board obeyed it. It is binding if legaUy enacted, and not in violation of the State or National Consti? tution. NOW (1) both sides are estopped from denying thai it was legally passed, since the National Government has recognized tin body which passed it ;?(2) Northern Gov ernors cannot undertake to decide whether it is or is not in conflict with the Constitution of the State of Louisiana?that is the business of another tribunal ;?and ('A) as to the ques? tion ?if its being in conflict with the Constitu? tion of the United Stall s, we take leave to s.iy that Oov. l?o bin son's argument is trivial. If a Legislature can under the Constitution of the United stales choose the ?Presidential ?'lec? tors itself (which is undisputed), it certainly can provide for the details of counting the vote for electors, which it invites the people tin-mselves to cast. Nor ?hies (?ov, Robinson's effort t.? make party capital out of the alleged party standing ol the courts of Smith Carolina and Florida ! Impress us as quite worthy of himself or his office. The Governor knows that the ?Supreme Ckairt <?f South Carolina, for instance, does not owe its organ? Isation to Got. Chamberlain, but to the thievish carpet-tag government! which preceded him. He knows thai it was as bitterly denounced by his political alias ?it the South as Gov. Cham? berlain waa enthusiastically praised; thai the ?praise <?f Gov. Cbambertain qpaaod pre? cisely when it was found thai be was not useful in the Tilden campaign, and thai the denunciations of the Supreme Court ceased precisely when it was found thai it vim!'! be useful, Gov. Robinson knows, too, that the hatred of what be calls the L? publican Supreme Court of Smith Carolina for Gov. Chamberlain began precisely when that officer refused a commission to the Infamous s?ni ol its Chief Justice. Under these circumstances, does be think it ?jait? worthy of a Governor <?t New York to ?pettifog the case by talking alunit the friendship <?f this Supreme Court foe the men against whom it decides 1 lint all this political argument was to be ex? pected. It is a part of the service due to the candidate who pul Gov. Robinson in ??lime, and the parly which is to sustain him. Aside from tlii-, the Governor's measage seems to us sensible and businesslike, r On the vital question of Inland water transportation it is specially suggestive, and those who have enlisted in a railroad war to shut up the canals, may ?gather from it that the Governor is Ukely to prove a formidable focman. i!" exposes and <>?>p??:s the, waste of | public money on the lateral caiiab, ! the mi8managomenl <?f the Btate prisons, the i extravagance in th?- public buiUUngs (which I he describes as "amounting einmal to I "lunacy "), and the mismanagement ?>f .sav? ings banks. 11?' ?takes old-fashioned ground ?.. ainsi the extension of the common i school system, so as t<? include the higher ; branches of literature and science, doubts s ether the normal schools are worth wbal I they ?a t, wants the nuisance of fr?quent changes in school books remedied by law, and recoin menda a sp?cifie appropriation for the benefit of the common schools ?instead <>f the present ?me and a quarter mills tax. On a grea! variety of other questions of state policy the Gover? nor makes always positive ami lome times ?piit? peremptory ?recommenda? tions. Thus he comb inns flatiy tin Siatc snivey, provided for i?t the laal session, ami wants the ?laiitc ?tiith<?i?/.?npr it repealed. He ?helares with equal ?xpliritii??ns in favor of continuai?; to exempt churches lioui tax ntion, Bad pives strong reason? for it. His discussion of the currency II brief, and makes nn extraordinary omission. He seems as titb'rly ttnablo as G??v. Tilden himself was, after his association with (iov. llendricks, to remember and support the law pioviding for resumption of apean! payment? by the State of New-York in 1H7'A, whether the National (?ovcrntiicnt ri-sumcs or not. He complains of the insufficiency of railroad re jMirts, and proposes togivo th?? Stale BagiUflflf powet to call for further particulars. He ssiselv traces the origin of a large part of OUT enormous municipal debt to the ill judged meddling of th? ?State Legisla? tur?-; ixiints the moral of the Brook? lyn ?'?lamity with a recommendation f??r 1? gis lation on the subject ; gives his ally, Senator John Morris*.-y, a raj) in his damnatory para? graph upon betting on elections, and in-ists upon more stringent lewa to ?prevent the use of money in behalt of candidate*? Altogether the message fully warrants the wann svords of approval with which we greet?-?! Gov. Kobinsoiiis nomination. On questions of State politics he is thoroughly clear? headed and nearly always thoroughly sound. A? *, to National affairs bfl is parti? san, ' a? was to be expected. Of this nobody will complain, if he only makes a good Governor; and if he succeeds in get? ting half the recommendations <>f this message pr.icii? telly carried oat, he will he an even bet? ter Governor than his predecessor. - "A RAILROAD CONSPIBACY." Two weeks ago a volunteer corri'spondent pent a letter to Tiik Tkiiune defining the Yandcrbilt railroa?l war as an attempt not to injure ?other linea, nor to bcnefll the trade of New-York, but simply t ? crash the canal-boat men, and Anally destroy the great artery of Commerce to which our city and Btate osve ho ?much of their prosperity. To-day th?' state? ments of that letter rci'?ive a striking con? firmation in the report of the Auditor ?>f the Canal Department! .in abstract of which op peon in our columns. Auditor Schuyler shows that ?luring the past I wo years the revcnims of tin; canals, under a system of low tolls, have been j inadequate to the demanda ujiiiii them,' and that a tax will be to cover the ?1? fit-iency for the year ending Sept. SO, lsTc?. It was ?predicted that the reduction in tolls would be followed by an increase in tonnage; on the contrary, tol's ?mil tonnage b'll off together, and "it is "?certain that the revenues loi the current fia? " cal year will fall short of the sum needed " ior collection ami repaire." This result is not attributable, as the statistics of Ihe grain trade WOttld shosv, to depression iu business. It i| the COnaequenee of what Mr. Schuyler .calls a "conspiracy of the railroads'' to dry [up the canal m older thai they may monopo li/e the caning li ?ule of New-York. The gains of the ?railroads are simply diveraious from the ?anal. If the roads could cnv:\ grain cheaper than the ?anal there would he ?nothing iimre to mis. Mut a few figures from the official reports of tlm railways put (he ease in its true light, ?iTlie year before the, reduction in canal tolls the earning! of the New-York Central ex? ceeded the payments other than for ?onsfruc ?tion, $1,137,707. During the next five years the avera?e ?annual surplus was only $80,413 ? and ?lining the year following, f. ?*., 1^7"?, the payments other than for eonstmrtioB exceed* '1 the earnings by no less than $1,581,854. In fact ill?- ssvorn ri'iiirns of the company shosv that ?lining the list season of navigation (June to October, lsTlia the NeW-York Central car? ried wheat for one-half the ?icinil cost of transportation. That tells the whole story? makes the purpose of the mail as plain as if it had been declared in so many words, printed in large type at the head ol every copy of the freight schedule, Mr. Schuyler reminds us that the state of New-York has "made valuable concessions to "the various ronds*1 now consolidated in the Central, "to which tiny were not entitled BU "der their original charters,11 and he makes the sensible suggestion thai if these conces? sions ale abused, to tlie ?le--!?netion of our canal system ami the oppression ?( ?mr mer? chants, publie policy will demand that they be withdrawn. The letter to Tiik Tuibuxe, ill? icitly i? ?iinil to, pointed out one way in which the Legislature could reach the rail? road, namely, by compelling it to pay the tax which th?- Court of Appeals has decided to be due upon the marke! value of itastock. Next, we agree with Mr. Bchuyler in hoping our rep re eiitatise? at Albany will look into the for? gotten restrictions ?>l th?- origina] chartere. TBK COUNTRY ?on ?UM. Jt gives us the greatest satisfaction to an? nounce Unit, we have just beard of a country for which we have no ?loubt Mi. David Dudley Field will not only be willing hut enraptured !?? have his osvn, lb- \sas elected t?? Congwas yesterday, it i? true; but. Congress is not his true place. The poor man has been so un? happy over the frightful tendencies of our Coverninenl and our .people, and has written such moving ami hopeless lamentations upon the subject, that he can have little hop?? of Betting everything right in the fag end of a single Congressional term. Mr. Field has prob? ably heard of the Republic of Costa Bien, whereof Viniente Herrera la, ?ir was, when it was laal beard from, the Provisional Preeidgnt Now there is a great similarity, at least in one respect, between President Herrera and Mr. 1). 1). Field?neither of them has any mote liking for newspapers than (?en. Jtenj. P. Butler himself. Each < {presses his laste in his own way ; Mr. David D. ?Field writes ar? ticles for t%? Ihtcrnaliiiutil against thesi? "maps of busy life;" but ?teCoate Rica ?'resi? dent, bavin? more power t.? his elbow, can do what Mr. D. 1>. F. can only long lo do, ami ?an, so to speak, put his foot upon the ob? noxious publications ami trample them ou; of existence] or he can forbid their publication without the special approval ??this Secretary of the interior, which of ??mise means his own. And he means to ?lo il, t<*r he has Issued ?i proclamation t?> that effect, with a highly moral preamble reminding us moat forcibly by ils style ??f Mi. I>. I?. Field's remarkable essays. The ?Provisional President observes th.?.i "in the abnormal circumstances in which " the Dation is found, public order is of th,. " lust necessity, and whatever may lend to "disturb it must lie avoided*1?now mark the words, Mr. Field!--"especially ihe excesses of " ihe press"?.in-! nrhal yon ?have already ?said, Mr. Field?41 which rerve only to sow discord "in the publie mind, excite Ihe passions^ ami "oppo e the general interests ol the country." It is ?mi opinion that ?President Herrera is a regular rabacriber <?> Th? fokroathool, ami reads ?i faithfully. There be gets truth ami wisdom in the ??hatred ; but then lu- also has what he calla "ample powere." 11?? isn't obliged) lik?' our New-York Artatardlua, t<? sit in his library and cry over tin? " ? vesscs of " the picha." He can du uuim thitij,, und he proposes to do it. He ?an dftrte, and lu- bas derreed : Whatever editor or printer or publisher may hereafter put out any newspaper without the "previous approval " of Vinei-nt?? Horrent ?s Secretary of the Interior, or without siibmit tiiiK the proof-shei't.s to that fiinetionary, is to be lined not less tliiin $28 nor more than 01,000, or imprisoned nut less tlian lifti-en days nur more than one year. ?Moreover hi?, printing olliee, with all its pre Ma and type?, is to lie, seized. The establishment is to 1m: minit up, and so is the prnprietor. It is rather early times in this country for a similar restraint of misguided new-papers, but Mr. D. D. Field can at onre begin to petition the Assembly or move in Congrats for it law imposing .similar restrictions and intlirtin.-r sim? ilar jien.illies?a statute which would be found highly aoothtna? to his soul, to say nothing of tlio souls of some of his clients. Iioom, down there, f/cntlcincn of the House; room for our Field, who i?'oes to Congress f?>r the opportn nit.v of making some observations al out a li? centious press. T?RKEI INFOMBS WAR. The situation at Oonstani ?imple bus anddenly ?hanged. The ineniber.s of the Conference having Anally igreed upon the proposals tobo mad" to Turkey, in accordance with the tenor if nut the exact form of the ItasUJan demanda, the next move must be made by Hi?' Ottoman Groveinnent, When ?lie Conference met, on Monday, the Turkish members were ready with their reply to the proposals. They de? clared that they had no authority to discuss the ?piestiun of an international coinrnissioii, or :i foreign military police in the province?. Not only this: they inade counter proposals differing entirely from the plan agreed upon by the repic. entatives of the Christian PoWCTB, In answer to the Marquis of Salisbury's ques? tion, whether this course was equivalent toan absoluto refusal of the plan, they referred him to the Ottoman Cuuiicil. They hail plenary powers to propose, it appeared? ''Ut not to re? fale i yi t to meet one proposition by another of a totally opposite character is hardly to he diatinguuvbed from a refusal. The promptness of 'I'mkey's answer betrays the fact that a powerful combined pressure is now made to bear upon her. She still assumes an attitude of independence, though the Con fereoce Virtually holde a pistol to her bteaat, and says: "SubmUBUOB to our demands, or "war!" Her Government knew the character of the proposals in advanee . the Turkish mem? bers of the Conference are in Immediate com? munication with Sultan Hamid ami Midliat Pasha, and their plea of want of aullioiit.? il simply a device to fain a respite of three days. It will not Q-apOM the plenipotentiaries of the other Towers, to patience or forbearance. When the Conference nuits, on Thursday, ?i cat? l?iiiicd answvr to the proposals will be ex? pected. It is not likely that the latter will be agaia modified, unless in some unimportant detalla. Therefore, Baleas] Turkey should squarely recede from her present position (anil it is difficult to see why she should a-'.iii'n' it, at mch a crisis, if ahe admitted to herself any possibility of receding), -.lie will' war. Till: D18A8TER OF THE CIRCASSIAN. The ili-as|er on the Circassian was perhaps the most terrible of the horrors which crowded the close of the year, because so little was needed to render it impossible. The men ou the vessel iiiiplorin _" help Were ill full Bight Bad hearing for hums; their frieada and com? radis wire on shun with the otlicers and crews ?if two life-savin?,' stations stiaininir every nerve to reacnetbem; every appliance for rese?e was tin re except the means to cany a ball over the Ai\\). The Circaaaian lay, it i stated, over -*?<io yaiil? from shore. The mor? tara in ase at our stations ander the most fa? vorable cirenmatancea will not carry n line farther than .?7.~> or lno yards. The Boxer rocket in ne by the Royal National Life-boat Institution in Great Britain will not cany more than ten vardafurther. The ??rent mafority of wrecks fortunately li?' inside of that distance. It was however aimply imposible to save the crew of th" Circassian by the means of a ball and line. The men on shore we are told con? tinued Bring,however, long after tiny knew it was iisi less, simply to keep up the courage of th<> ?loomed men. The truth is, ?hat since the organization of our Revenue .Marine Service the total amount of loea of hie from v?asela shipwrecked oil our COOS! has been reduced with almost incredible success. In old tiines, when the coast was un ?ruant? d, vessels went doWB with :?<><> to 1<?(? souls aboard, out. of which not one would be saved. The sand-bars of Long Island and New-Jersey were whitened with the apara Of Wrecked vessels and the bones of their crews. The Revenue .Marine Bureau began its work ill Is is, ami the loea of life for twenty yean averaged but '2~> per annum. After its reor? ganization in 1871, under the supervision of Bumner Kimball, the loss of life was reduced to one per annum until the Bummer of 1875. In every Case since then in which life has been lost (JnclndJBg that of the Ciov.iniii on Cape Cud in March, ls7"?), the sulo obstacle to rescue has been the inability of the mortars to (any a ball far enough, Wfi were assured after the loss of the (.iovatilii that the skill ami efforts of the Btoet experieneed officers and manufacturers of ordnance, in the country were directed, with every prnspccl of miccc-s, to supply sume improvement which should lengthen the range <?f mortar or rocket. Let us hope that their eilbrts will be redoubled now. When I rocket was wanted to carry death ami destruction 1,800 yards it was forth? Coming, and surely the saving of Life should be as strong a stimulant to human invention. We know the dillicultie? which lie in the way?the almost impossibility of dragging heavy ordnance through the sand, the costli? ness of the Boxer or similar ii;???ar.:tus ; but we believe the American inventivo pniiis can overcame the fust, and the Government will prove itself doobtleaa as liberal to tins blanch of the service aa it has hitherto dune. An improved appliance for carrying a line is, in hurt, all that is needed to insure us against a n pet ???on of such lion,u.s as that of last Saturday, and to rentier o_?r.]_ife?eaving Ber vice the must complete and efficient in the world. Mi. Tillen', sof-eierahere Inaead tbemaelreiup for sonsa in.ire incantation over the remains of Masara, Ororer and Croata, bal the attempt to re? fit lfj th???>? rerj defunct persona is not aacouragiag. Ill ?. pie-alel? liai business has not ssored ft i.v rapidly toward a peosparossasil satisfying isaae, but definite ?nul siKiiiliiiutt. pngieaa h;is bi'.'ii iiiailf, tuiil tins Oiegon oil-inn lion is now ic? far in the rsst that i>,'i,ii!i- ni tin' in? ?.-lit p-iii-r.itiiin bave fergattenall ahuui it. Tba Croata ?Sectoral CoHega had its little ruu n i a political anrioaity, and ii i? nivinn it muro -ttantioo than it do-orves to pronounea it bboaiete. It win inn avail the Dsuaeeratk aoBjaieni to howl .??nil cut UtaasB-Iviis with hnlvea and mambla orst certain actlioiu of cortum chapter? of the gonera! st atufo*. Mr. Cronin sn?i his political creator sra both pant "organizing." PE ESO S.IL. Dr. ?tellows Ihiiiks that Mr. Howclls is the ?Author ?if tlie lust novel In the " No Name " s? rlc*. .Miss Susan II. Anthonv is at pretsent oceu jiicit in staAsavsstaa Is rssteia Mai t<> Tht ?ssshsasa. ?Senator Maine'? little: ?laughter has been iiv?'|-tiiiii?'il ssith ? ??l('l|{ii In Auirusta, Me., nuil Injureil, lii??ii(.'ii not seriously. A great-grandson of f?en. Putnam WflUt to roo tlie Olil South llevoliitiotiary rnllcrflon th* other ?I is. an?J met SB th?) spot a St <i?'ii. Hulll van. Mr. Murat Nalst? ad ? dits a large and well r?i;ii!nti>il lumily as frail :i* n mat MWapaper. Th? W? stein papers are ronirratulating him on tl.e luitli i,f lii? si'M'iitli sai ?nul tenth cliilil. The BflV. ?I. S. C. Abbott, invalid as he Is, IlflllSallBS newspaper BVltelSS, a* ?sell u* a s?ries of ch.-ipi?m of'personal rointiiiici-ne???-Iln?so to lip printed lifter tai Acatfe. The Abbott Industry Is ?onn-tliing mar? velous. It, must have afforded Mr. ?T. T. Fields ex qa -lio |>fra*ureto Mad the statement of a New-York h tier svrtter that his "eye* ar<? Ilk.? dark ?lit* in an rxpaDM of ivory-white flesh, but ho has a charming Mille." Mr. James lliiehanan was, when very young, ?me of 11 Government troop of hors?', it is ?aid, who went fr??ni I.ani'iliter ?'oanty to the orhVe of The UmiUnij Atllrr ?Ihe oldest f.erman pajier m this country?seized the editor, Mr. Bchni birr, and suib|i?rted lilin to personal pun? ishment for Ids attacks on tlie Aduiiiiislf ation. Mrs. Lander, though sho is f>0 years old, is now iibiyliiK In llo.-lon Heiler. Viynne, In a dramatiza? tion of " Th?- Scarlet Letter " made by Herself and Count ?le Nagae. ? Mr. I.. It. Hhewell It playing Rfiqer Chilling trortli an?! Mr. Theodore Hamilton Arthur ?fimmenilale. Mis. I.a'idii is still handsome and her voice yet keep* its chana. Mr. M. D. f onway answers Mr. D. P. Home'? eBSlleage la The < ineinuati Cummer i<U by the state mint that he cannot undertake to substantiate events sshlch he did not willies*. He adds: "Many whom I love, rind some i.f the most excellent persons I know, are believers in Spiritualinin. 1 has?, nu doubt that the peat majority of BplrltasllStl are as sincere In their fuith as I am In inv own, sad I bsMBVS many honest persons believe theniselvim im ilniiiis. Althoiifh thus far mv (Spiritualist friends and the mediums I have met liave not been able toftho? in.? ?my eoBVtnelflff pln-norucna, 1 am perfectly OpM t" eonvletioii oil till) Sllb|.;et." Mr. Edwin Forrest's bequflflt is making an SpprsrsiMS a* a v. bile elephant of a large aj/,e. On Sat? in ?lay it was offeii'il for sale by the Mi.riff to satisfy a m rtKSSS <'f 179,704, held by the cxecut??rs. Th?: highest bid made svas 000,000. Nut being enough to satisfy the mortgage, the n ertgafasi sv<US fbfSOfl to buy It in. La*t Spring sad siinmuT a company tried to make uioney out of the nanie of the ?-state by ??iTcrin?,'the double attrac? tion of a hot? 1 and concert iranien. It cam?- Into tlielr hsad* siiiii'ii toa iiiorti-airn of 078,000; ij-StUWO was expend? ?1 on IBS " garden." and the .-unnii? /'s blUUMM ?U a lositnr one, etiititiji in the mIS of rial unlay. Edward Bveretl Hale has a stout, clannish likiii',' for tho trails of his brother New -l?iglaudtrs. Speaking "' " IBS? i:r.-e" he l ?ys: "I ss as ta! kin?,' only featwdsy i" a healthy, solur laboiing ni;m who was really stnisiiig for want of sv.,rk, as ?ire thousand* of oth'iH. 11- -lid for? ibly to nie, ? I ha?l a chance to go and Chop svooil in Ne* -Hampshire, but what do I know ?if clioppiuK ssooiir Nosv 1 knew in that moment that loan BBS not a Ncw-Kiiglaiuler, for a man of Ncw Jin.'land blood never own* willingly that there Is any tbins he could not do if he oiiirht t<>. Anil any genuine Nvw-Enrlander would rstber <!?? unaethlngtlnM be nemr did b. tun- than the thin? which he ha* done for the last year." Miss Julia Grant, the President's grand daughter, was treated svith marked att'iitiin ?lu? lag the New-Y? ar's recepti??n at the White House. The Wiuhing taet Keening star says: " This young lady, axe C months, ncelvsd in her nurse's arms, and ?vas not at all di-c.a.i-rt? d by the ll.itti'i'iiip at lent ums iBowSfSd upon her. HHe wore a dainty robo of white Fr? nth lasvn, svith narrow strips of insertion showing its psttsts over pale bllfct silk. The robe was high in the throat, and fastened ?OW8 the hash svith boss's of blue ribbon. A (fold neck la.-?- sv as clasped about her throat, ami dainty fold brace? lets, ssith tiny bias tnrqaolse heart* pendant, were w<>m over tlie loin," sic? sas at tho ssii-ts. loon ??:.?? of tbedlmpled tinkers sparkled a sollt.the diamond nil/, guan?? il by one -et ssith tufiiMlse." Miss Anderson, the aetresa, has ? dazzling j ?fleet upon the average critic. Tlii-. stern and BMSeared opinion comes from Memphis; "Miss Arderson Is far !? use, yet SSpSBStVS ; coinprehensivo. jet particular; f. ivid ss ItbOBt faill?mes* : gtowfoaf, and sti 1 ciii:lr"!l??l ; natural, but ntliied; daring anything, featlng nothing but to vini.r." grass. * ? ? Bhe is, in our opinion, to the genius of the modern ttsgawhal L'ndaie has BSSB'iiiiced to the inoitern draina?pure as desv and soft Bsagaah of distant nuiftiu-gentle a* u star iH'ainiiig tbroaxhtaa riven clouds; with mvsti-rs ?>i eharasshs ei.nie? m ar t?? us and units d.?ssn BBS admiration into love : bat when sv lake her to u* ?is sotui I?iIiik familiar and ?lelletou*, ?he floate assay to the far height* of lame ?ui'l louits dosvu ou oui deapair arlth eotinteuaaee of pearl like lutter and mi.?Vs m iweel as spring." Millard l'illniore, in extreme youth, was rochad in a sap troagh ft* asal of a ticttt-r eradla. Hi* Old p isfor, Mr. DoSBWr, ilesciibing a visit to Washington daring ninaoroai admlniatratlon, says that he ami Dr. Kendall vent t?< ?ne of his rec?'pti??ns, ?nul as they m I, r. tl saw the Pnatdeat ana his f,ni>i?y and ?' ibin. f, and hi-; lather at hi? ikla. "As mob si we sad seas very eor 1 diallr reieived, Dr. Ketnlall drew me a-ide and sshis pered. 'Was there ever since tl;?- svoild beiran such a contrast a* that group and the baby in the sau tnnigh V H ss..- Indeed s eoatrast. TabsPresldesl wssshaad MUM man, t'f line bearliiii, in the prime of life ; ?en! his fa!her svas venerable, tall, and not much bowed down bi? les ela?tf years; his full gray lialr and latolUgrol once tliesv attiiition; and he stood there by nls sun, as no other father thea had dune, as calm an 1 Self? poaaeasad as Is his justice court la some log-rabin of Wentrrfl K? w-Y??rk. I svas lo i>." in WaahlB(tOB a few v. ? i. . ?uni i:-,|iine FiUmora w?si to retara Boom with in,", lint mi? ?lav I met him ami In? ?aid, 'I am ?.'?i?ii?; li?me t, -inuiTow.' I -iiitl. 'Hul ttl.t not wait f?r in?. I' ? So, ti?.' laid he. ? I svill jit?. I ?lon'i ?ike it here; it Isn't a food place t.? live ; it isn't a i ood pteoe tot Millard; I ?rlah he ?ranat home in iiiitr.i'.o.' ?? ? POLI UVAL SUIES. i lu- country is not eonvnlaed with delight lit ths p.issib.lit) of a BOW election for President. It will be iioti??'?l that war meetinga are not ahaadaal Is lbs Boathen stat??s. of course laaaUeaes is due probably to U??v. Hayek's " ovcitui?s." Gen. Hanptonvs ?letter to <;<>v. Hayes has gilevcd the pious Deinoi rats. As th.-yput it the letter looks like ?' ?in iiuwUe attempt on the part ?W the writer to make ?Meads ssitii the mammon of unrighteousness." 1*0 the unprejudiced nun.I the cpUtle a?JCgl Ited a deaire t.? i.i? alt away f torn tho " liiaiuuum " and sat BIS an anchor i?> the wl>sdward. The champion D?mocratie idiot lives ?it Faj ett?', tdlaaaaii n?' edita a new-pap? r witb tiiu cir? culation of ?900 e?u?ie., ?nul puts forth hi* ? ar marks ?ill over it ss Hi paraaraplM like tho fsllSWtaSJI "The ??realist mistake cser mai!,? by a tiagctli.iu svas thai ?of j. WUkaa Booth. This la tho dnuaa la whioh he should have played, and roeclved an eueore from four million* Of l?f..).l?'." "(Jive us ? taircount on the f?ue of the re? turns" ss.H the uiott'i of ?'iglit men in ? iiicinuati svho succccilcil in VOttBS the Hemocratie th k?M fioin 84 l?? .">1 turn's. lty this unparallelnl industry la exeivisiiii: a fit-eiiian's rla?l th?'.v secured the elaetlOB of ill?- " Hoiiinl ing" Danataa to CoaaTess aad entitled thai greal ?'?? lutnblao orator to thrill the eouuti.s with a hcautittil dc feiis. ?f the parity ??f ths balan-hoz. Several eleai-siglitetl Dt'inoeratic prophetfl have seitletl the political coniinilriuii for us. Tins?ay with adtnirablt? cnlltl. nee Tilden will BS ?PrssldSBl and Wheeler Vice-rrcsitlciit, iititl that Iii-ndricks ssill take hll choice iK'tsveeu :i Hist-class tsCSlgB niNslon .mil apaalttaa la tho Oibiaat Ka for theelisetioala 1SS0 that sviil be aroere walh oscrfi?;- Mr. Hendrieka. By ibis it v.oiild M'l-ui that tl.e prti|>o??d ssar lias In. u poetponed. 'Iho lh-tnocratic editofl OOOttnUfl to liive forth OiaOBlar predictions aliait tin? coiiiposlllou i?f P . I idoiit liases'* Cabinet, and flOBOt hase a word to say about ricslilciit T.lilen' If Iheieis no l,?ii,cran> doubt about which of the ?aSBlleiBBB Issvst lotafl lO in t-d i Cabiast, and the same niithoriiies tell us Mr. Iildi n is sure to In? liiaili/urated, this ipeettlsUoa Sboal Mr. li m 's plans seeiin to bSBWSStS ot space SSWSUSS ose'tmm ilaughter of truth. Mr. John (1. Thompaon, the most ikillfUl I?oniocr.ttie basis blaster in IBS count!y, i? bavtag tltillble with his pa Ils ill Ohio. He has picketl out a ciiiitlnlaic for ?;??s.nuit Uns year, but the part.? Is rein ! lions, and says It Is Incline?! to do Its ost n t boosing for un?-e. Mr. Thompson's candidate Is Mr, QeSffgSla t'ou Vt-rse, While the party pr.lers t?ne .?f their inen, the llt?n. s u,i i.l I'. Hunt, Mr iticliard M. lishop, or lieu. Diirbiu War.l. Tlie piefeicnco ?cen?? to be for Mr. Iliit.t, a most' ??t-litlcniall. who has been ob i nred Il.iniia tissai prominence by I singular disadsatitage, sshlch !h? Ciiieiniiuti Commercial unfolds a* follows: "Mam. Hunt s.iuild have In en a great man loin; 1170 If there had liot been gil man) Main*. 1 hei.? I* Sain, ?ut .??id Main, 'i'llibii, an?! sucn a lot til Basil that it I* ?iliuo.-t as much ??: nu auhappluuas to bo a ?/?"?l?am At 0 bu a ??uod Hmlth. If it hadn't tiwn for Bam. i'sry ls?t MB I Hunt wtiulil hiiVH had tin? h??nnr of a full with i Allen ; am! then If il liml not basa f',r Saos, 'lilil? n, t SI t'i'ti'lliiiif wlnit niiiiht i,.?-,??? liaji|i< ur.l." The ablo adsssWJ whaate _s*jssjsj_bJ wjij, si im 1HI n ncc of Mis " lirnirn-'i' popular m.i.loiify ? ? Mr. Tilden received, should ponder for a few mom upon theMbSWbSB pNgBss_ iisriurnipii wl.h ?i MH n one of Mr. Hi-dtleM'? b-ttcr?: "The Nssssj tint H lia? n papale. awJstMj al ?imm sanw _ayt. ?. i? ,; u liiriic jifirtl.,11 of tin- blaek ville m BW, mit?n MStst beon suppressed, or nnidi- to von- the Ustcst (luv I 'lliis Is u fuir ?-?tiiiiat?- of Hie suppressed vote, n i,:,t also those who were cnini? lied to vote fur Tilden Bt_ thi'ir will: Al ill IBBS.Ifl.OOO| OSStgiB, 7BvB00j ISSjitSj l.,000; Mississippi. Tn.iioo.^outh ('iirohti-i, l?,i Ti'xiM,; (oinl, j".:!,?.i,o ?iii? cutsansy Til* baaatai " papalar sssjasii- " ra ireiy. wtth ? paraa fair alsatlsa ht waoM hairs a? sssjasitr, ssttssr snsa'iiliir rots or in Ihi? I.I,-. loiai ? t. a?-!-. M,?.,,?, when nil bei Irani vnt. i ? i.,\. ,i voice, i? ss emphatic; lii'iniiiiiiam ii? Etassai buaetts. sha s n.?,-,?i ru*d : r ni by supprnsslag teas of tb?Hisan?I? of Iraal voter? . m Hi.; ?yes of tin-law ma? tsMlBt. UmlS iiluliniiii." Senator ."h.iron ?if Nevada, W?_0sB owners] in tiio titr?t BBBssa of lu? Uns* ___?? in? sssaatsj especial value, tars ho In? ciaugcfl Ills mind un i|iii.-Hiioii of a double rttsitsN Beton Isa slag ?an Pi cisco for w"ass_gt*B, la?; seek, ka MBsJtSa BsVsVB i The I'hroniele : "At on? thus I bssBaoi toward I ?louble standard, luit I lmvc sliirhtly modified my vie on that posas, if what I am about tosay is a intiditl. ,iti I would iidvonit?' u measure innkiriK silver a ItgBl tern in sums of from tiO to #100. This would asasffsah for all ordinary transaction?. It would ran?? silver Spgtseasls, and he of sssjetal as?lntan? e to the j no; of this roust. We cannot very well make silver ley l, etiual to gold in .iilue. if It do.? not have the usine val in otlier i.iniitii.?. If we did so and other countr wholly or in par! sss-MBBatfaai It, we ?liould be flood with tin- saaapat ssetsl an.i iralneal of IBs Bastan clou?. That 1.4 ? ?Imp!- law of political i i-tuioiny ti no oes eaa gainas/. Time i? as iini??rtsiit pi ni.i. offend, in tlie ?oiiitioii of ?rolas Um ?reinal eqaaluati ot the trade of tins cotuiirv with other oountrtes? materially assist." Ex-Senator I.yman Trtinjbuil ail.ln wil meeting of citizens in Chicago on Saturday evening; the questions reiatini, to the Pre?identlal eanssWfSII Bpesktng of in? observations In New Oilean?, tin ash "The real Tilden majority was MV7.M tsWlBsstsSfl eoulil show frotti sworn st;?teiin:iit? drawn from th.- re?; truilon book? and voting Hit?. Bo statements of lutln dation had as yet been flled, but when the Keiiublirai found ttwaaastfaa baatsi thty set up the cry of'man datiui'and'hull'lnzlni,.'?4'C. Ac. When a contorted r turn cuino in bef?te the board it was taken into a t>n\a room, Into whit ?i no Poioerst ever enicr.-d. When a r turn was all rlffkt It WsS tak. a info a [trlv.ite rootu to I compiled. The hoard n fusel to s, ai to ttfteJsT ssnass and Ret the jsnUnsta returns, er ?-.t Mntss, on ti BsaSBass that tiny bad nothing to do with what w_? ni sent to them. They would only SasrSSI the vote? befoi them. In addition to this the L'l.itt 1 Mate? marshal a| pointed deputies at .*."> a day assist the pn tense of pn serviu, the peace, the majority ot tlnin bclngcolore? And yet this board, even by taking a.lvuntagc of tatSS callties which even they had e.tntn'tted but hu.ln i-oiintetl whi*ii on their side, found TlUlea's ti>:i|,,ritv t? < ?),<H10. Afterwanl the BrpoUli ins dK-Urcd, without why or a wherefore, that ti.< Have*etecUttsbfidBoss? tslnc orar 8,000 majority. Vi'li. u wi Us of the Keturola, Board was asked if he had a prtji r i taint of the vot?v fnU statement d it, for ceaeral InfiirnuBson, he sals a liad not, but h?- tbo?__it ne could bave one made." A for intimidation, Mr. Irutnbul] said if tBetmtbOTS c.nne out In- bettered it would be t and that tin rs \??:i more murder?, Bsoresconraln?TS,nion ? bipptnfi^ndnioti abii*o of colotod liit-ii by lliciroanraei lot roUuftb? Democratic tieket than of i olored nersons bj wLiiti fy; votliig the Bepablii sa tiek-t. GENERAL NOTES. ?Tnd'-p Swim of Port Towns? ml __t to tin HaillBsueios BtstttntloB bssl Beptoarttt t MsapataBfti voeabulary of the liydah l.innuage, and sSfsssjBst |fe| i in I irtanee of making a thstOSSfe asplsmtlsB at ?BsssS Ckarlotte's Islands, not only for genloglesl asrasn ? Bal for i in- examination o? ancient tuuiun, tlie eolieet os of specimens of Indian msnufacture, ?nut the compi? tlon <?? the vocabulary of the Tarions?Bslects. He basteceatly bt'i-n r? "iiiesleil by (in- l).|inHlii?ut of the Iiittiiir tu make an estimai ? of tia- expense ot the pro posad si -in tesina- Boboiicstolndnee the, Domluien ?,???> i..-..? nt to poppt rats wiMi the United ?latt?S ?n this expedid?,ti. Ute Lowhn Times Las receive?! patka;.'?1 ?pest pnekagi of New Year's eards?from M.?srs.-w II n.-vi-r mind ! It say?, rather poi;?Ierou-ly, that "very coiinldurable artistic talent is now enlisteil by the pub UsBen for their pradnsttas_n " ah art- saansnaBt^Srawa and printed in robu?. Tiny L'ive Indeed ? itts?M -Im v . \ ; ci in t- ni the isptd progress mads in ti.e neu si t ot earo mollthograpb/." "Inebvst seeau to us to be plcturri of the most laiuillar flower?Hie r.isi, saraatton. violet, and luehsi,i. singly or In lio',ii|iiets m-?-ni.nul.." ?? j are (roups ol laufblni cbll?itm, and copals, dinner asr> ties am! iliua-iiii: ]iai tit s. all vary minute, but Ins m.u? ol art ijllite lliiknov.u to the luodtlitis of the ?.hi OOStsS valentuu ??." Clnules W. Elliott, in a lecture del i ven ?1 in Boston last wick, i aid a ?-lnwin, tiiluite tS the Wssssa who, in the face of the ?nimbarles- landers vblafe thnat eiied the l'uritais, dared to foBow their lnvt-rs ?ml the r hiishauds Into the IrseSlesS Miltleiness. They worked and suffered, Munkln?: little of the liixinii's which ml-Lt hive been theirs hail tiny liiiL-ernl on the otBer Side of the water. They ib sired tm ?? spbem, ' ami were ,-oii tcut-nay, liai'i'}?in knosruu that tiny could comfort their lnisiiaiiils and help sustain the privations and h.-inl .?hips of a pioneer's life. At l?at tune the irn-u were the dandles ana the woasea dressed piuuily. Msirtaan ass hi'tuiirht about by contract, no >]>uisti-r was sBoned to live m ti.?- colony,and bo man eonld mukolovi-tos woman without ins OOOSenl of her partais. The Hold JJill ?Whs lias tlie ?eiiiu?, or 'io?.j. lily the iiiipiideme, to cini lop ttalhSJSS with a halo ot romance. It pul Maja I a eomplt?e list of (he happy pan* wlio have applied for BssUTsafa Besssssl tnmt Jan. 1 to De,'.'jo. The list is cut splatea?cttass by sssbbs at liiailtifiil alliterative siili In a<l.?,siiehas " J,n,iiarv's Join in -," " It oiuarv's Fond On ?," "March's MatchtsS," " Aiirll's Allowanie," " May's Multipii. t-," "July's J,<y on? i Ines." " September's BeU-cttons, "NovemliersSiini? In r." " Heeeinbi r's UiVoted." 1( klSO pubi.-li ?? a I st ,,f tie divorces granted dorina tin- samt period, bat is to Mi!i-ln a.b- gives It a plain settlacof tlie nuines nf tin? mouths, 'lue incompatible oaesol the FarWesi n.ay wt-ii take w.i.iiini,'. forre i? no silUnatton m then*? UOtblng bul elll'olioloi.'11'.ll bltt, Is. A trifling incident at the Prutee'a Thciter, Mam luster, pointed the'a! of th, Brssklra I-eatet horror, mail ...i\ lees ol wbleh reach? d EogAantt snow lha samo time. It was Saturday ni?l.t, Mee. 1<!, atal a Christmas pantomime was , ai M t- I;, tit middle of lha performance some of the ipsesststSfS-Sled tBal lla-y saw a volume of flame break Ml M ai Iba !. Ot i?!.ts Th?'cry of "l-'ire!" was ruisetl, inanv ?prang In t!i?-ir feet, and It Bpi? alt'd as it th. n- mtghl DO a p tin. sti i.-kftt rush to tin- doors. The actors on tin- stage s en -elf-pos? sessed, ?nal soon succeeded m conviuctna d??' Hand siidltors Ihiil ti.ere WSS BO il;ui(*er. The Mmuhetier *>? initiier at once protested sgalust the praetk-e of fllliag ni? die passages between tne tests in rarlons pacts ,,f lbs bouse With ci.airs, ?he .\rv? ?ays that it i? still (ha habit m some of the London tneators to All up sosas of toe spsce between tas stall? ami the front of tie. sea wiih i-ii.tii?. The Lord Chamberlain bat written a rrry judicious letter to the lnaiiautr- of Mie I.ti.itioii theaters, r.-ii in.tin? them nf the serious responsilnlUj un.1er which tiiev r? ?t with resard to the isistp "f i M pujiw in ease of Ira or paste, The Kurdish public will Ik? apt to keep a vigilant eye ii| on the las-tat MfBnsW ss BSJgSS 'V, ry -Hani Ca-h " is in print ami I 'bailes K. .ule in the tte-h. IBS vicar of Bt. Mieliael'.?, llaiirii.-mniltli, oil's StStSttSS In 27ie l.oittt i? ?VtWS to an instance of iiihuiii.inty Wt? h recently see aired, it had boesens asrssaaty ta> pbsta ui'di r ISS raint two lueu tafsVting from t-sssstary 4a unit?? mom of miiai. Warrants wats i-si.o.i n? aio-Bre ot tat peace for the spprcheuslon ol ibe pstienU,BS?1 were carried into effect about 7 o'clock one evcnins. line of (lam was __ea from his leil, in wnit'i i?'.hi-:? c?an, ?nier oitieini, s sud.'i.ti.', had ordered bli kept till Burning. Tbet Men- imlc .1 In ibe p ?It?* > ? ? over nifht, and were taara before two lustic?- id iss peaeeat I o'cUiek the next day. Altlmc. rh a lesal .i?''r tor their reeetitloii Into the asylum wss made oui wen. i-i.iiiiiieti a second nicht In the police cells b^ofe bi'iu? couveyoJ tothe usi linn. Tuei.were tborou thly restsx-table, aud the Imllgiilty of brln? locfccd up m las i-eliswusajusta levauci to ihiir wive?sud ni sud theeffeet of cold and ili-i-n.iif.irt vat ccrt-iu') but. conducive to iieaith of mind or body. The linn BBBM is Hull 4V Johns n. anil tliO bs__essol lift is ta bt eomimttoi m seeard ism ? wBh ih? tollowlua ronjusal eontraeti "?'c rwunl snrsslreaat In even tense at tne wsri tsjssl ssftnora, prossB st, i?-,- totreal sseBs?a??,SB>_UrsBdreumsl m -.a? i- - o,.n.. i men. Ws pronslst that we win aol trj laaay oilier Way than hj .atvioo or p.r.saa- on (?> BSBUol ti.e. sctton of each other. H lievlna thai neither chai I hi ,t(-1 ,\, " (tbi -" i boar? aredl tsorislprti ,.. ,,.'?'iu,ie. above little mattors of ayntail ".m> ?" 1? nrits ivlihoui anaira, wi utoj.?to - ? live? without releretic tocltli r.fiitb rtbaa. _?^?h*,>;{" mvescnirltyto tbe Coiiimoiiw.atb ol >!---', -u- ' <? r-,;??,-. i.i'.i . .should wo be i.? with off? , shall be ut i. a- . ss well can I r< i at sre a n .'. ; ty ??! i!;!'' b.?nil, le/al wedlock. We further c ?henmutual love sbsll no lomrer Justify; our ?? iiin.iii. we shall port, slviuf tbe aisu issl Itth ti i ?n our pariui? as ??? 1,-ino in eomlns toa ithei /??? h w?"? lltralit m imbilsbtoK thlsd^i-stlugcoairscl sut? ? tost tho father??! tbe brWe Is an avowed b?ll?'V?r lu i . ?? >'.. Budthal Uls daughter and her copartner, who u s rie? la n (rather store, produced |be iBraatrul oh ? ui-lit u-l n-crk sud called forhis irltb Ism. I ? latboi ?.?? ^ his spproval and u-?' i l" ? ? ? Detalsf of tlie .irch.i'oli' ili.s.ovuy t.l'Pr. Duhllisn" m ?ss aaragtBa ai M/esans? at O?sos* aaa by a iiiiiiimIsbI o? Ian stouat Paaha bsrt boon (otind Mhloli ai? iH'licM'd t.'tK' too*?'of famous ???. S'v.n or cls-hi ?Milkmen wSN MapMsnaisBssS) bsmWS8Bi bef?te they reaihod the upi?ex jwrt of (he lllaar'" o^niiiu which led Into tbe sssssssss?wa?aUj und about 1,000 euhlo feet of car'.'i hud tobo rem ved bototo tXw vauit -UOf was rtuched. Tbs ou trun ce lo UiS