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V01 XXXVI.N** 11,161. NEW-10RK. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1877.-W1TI1 SUPPLEMENT. PRICE POUR CENTS. WASHINGTON. AFTKR BOUDAI WORI TIF.OTXS. ?NlTnKi? Wltl'-.IIT AM? KKItNAN ON THE POWERS of ?.oxi.kkisS?skssicns of THE c<?nhf:i?i:fs to aa tOt iO I- HA? K KIM? M BOOTM CAIKH.1N*. Siiiitor Wright declared iti B lflBg bPCMmJi jept?'i?l:iy that (.?.?tigress canntit throw out the vote (?f a State ; Senator Kcrnan ass,?'rte?l thn right to do ?AO. Tlio House eoiifei-ees on the rreKi(l?-ii?\v resolved to Baeel in ?Aocret. G??v. G i over of Oregon was on the floor of the ?Senats y?'st?rday ami BaktsiBi to a icjalhlng review of Ha case. IMiiiih for compromise, for tin." count, atul for a ?proper Piosident pro tcin. ore g?m rally discussed, ami some iiigeiiittus ones ?u?' in? iitiomtl below. The South Caro? lina ???miiiilt?'?-' has returned. Aiiieiic.uis in MslaatmilS have applied for protection from tl?e Me_.i?',iii authorities. POWEI TO REG?t9LATE THE OOOrTT. IFNaT'I! WBMMtT OKM1.8 TIIK BIOHT TO HK.IK?CT A SI Mi's V??IK?MB. KK1?XAN BBLtBTBg EITUKR HOl'SE CAN 1X1 IT. |n? TuiuiRApn to tur tribi?xe.| Washin?;.<?n, Jan. 4.?An interestBag ?lebatc upon the I'reHiilential ?iiii'stitin took plaee in the Senate lO-dagi whkh was important l?y reason of the elsai ami fiTcible presentation of tin? views of one of the, most eatlStS I ati t S and influential of the Kepublican sVa-intorn, anil fur the ?inm'i thm from the lici.iocratie S.-iiator from New-York that he believes that either koass mat tlie jxiwer to throw out elfe toral votes. iv-nator WrigM ?if Iowa ojietied the discussion. His ekaraeter for delHiersteucss in forming conclusions Oiul for fairness ami absence of partisanship in treat iag public ?iiio.s'tions, atul the a?l?litional faetthat ho gtMs out of filiie on the 4th of Manh, havinir de cliiie?l a reeled ??ii, c;uisih1 him to ho listened to with aloseatteatkaa. He sai?l ho thoiiirht it clear that the tr.iiiii-rs of the Constitution intenil?'?! that the Pr?sident ?of Ike Senate should count the vote in a purely ministerial capacity. In tha absenea at ?say law. tbe utmust stretch ol power that can It? claimed i?>r Oangnss la tks mai ter is that an aggeal cas bs taken li.?iii ;i<le?-i?s?'?nof the presiding ofli?-i?r ?relating tn the validity ol' a n turn, and such de? isi<ni ?an l?o oveithrown ?y the c??nctirr?-nt action of both houses. Thkv Senates Wri^'it tkonght, would bs going to the extri".' ?? verge ??i 11 e Constitution, if not beyond il. il?? ?h'l n ?I think the i ri-idiiiix olli? ?r ??r I lie two konsss wt.uld l?e pii-veneti ?io.n ?taking cognizance of maintes! fraud in a return, hut he he'd that they wii?t eonfina ?tbemselves t?. tks tacordt ?before them, and bad no gown to invest n/at?' slk-ged frauds or intimidation or. airing at the ele? lion. It is only witk the ??rtalnil returns thai ihey have to ?leal, ami the presiding officer should decide what are true ntnrna, subj?eol t?> as ?i|?]k'.i1 i.? the two booses. BenatorWrigbl turned ?for a shoal time from the bovss ??f bis ?argument to dise?as the Oregoa case, nml drea s atta-oroas piston oi ?Cronin's perform? aiii-e, organising himsell mu? a whole sktetoral ?ol 1?g?\ and ending with a scathing denunciation of ti??%. Qror/er, snd all sonoerned with him in concoct im! the fraud. 8castor Ketaaa bmIs a k?><>?1 off-hand speeek in r? ply. arguing that the preaifliiiK otteei has mithin? t?t da with making the count ; that tha power to count n-siilts in Con.:!' ", ?iml that it bas full power to ?o hehind the returns to ascertain what is the will of th?? pe->pk- as expressed ??t the ballot-box. Like all DssBtoerats who bars dabatad tha ?luo.siion, bs Bars no weight, in his dismission of precedent, to the important la? 1 that tiie t h ct.?ral count was ?ads bj the rri-sident of the Senat?' in compliance witk s n-soliiiiuii passed by the Coustitotional (Jon veiitimi. A BSOrS imp ?rtant saS?SSSSS> was his failure tosay whether he ihought thai one bouae could throw ??nt rates at pleaasua without the >t*oneurrence of tbe other. This otaiseioa ?Senator Kemaa after ward suppli? ?1, in answer to a direct Questioa put by Senator Sherman. He sain that in his Opinion both boas s must ??liirm the vah?lity of a vote, or it could o . ? counted? Benator ?IMienoan den?ounoed this doctrine as raro? hi!i"iiary and worthy only of the Mexican Republic. He i nd:- ?m sarneal pi?- ? f??r ealssaess and sradsra tioii m the consideration of the question, depraeatod the D.-in ?cr.itie meetings ksiag held in Ohio, ?sad expressed the belief tha the two houses would yel a-Tet ,?n a Bart hod "f counting the votes. The ?lis euasioB BgOB the reference of Mr. Wright's lull to tl??- Conference ?Committee. The bill provide?, i??r a judicial tribunal to sattls <li?i?ute?l questions glow]!.g ..ut of the ?'?tiiut, to L?c composed of the Ciiief-Jusiice and six District or Circuit jBdftl K-kctcd for the p<urpoee. GROVKK IMiKli KIKE. UK RTS "N 111 U.iH II ??!?? TUB sK.NATK WHILE PKN aioi: waioBT is sricAKi.N'u?DBscairnoM of Till; MW. [ut rataoBAra t?> the tbibobs.1 WaSaiBOTOM, Jan. 4.?0?T. Gr??v?r of Oretfon was njtoti the tl.ioi of the S?'iiiite to-<lay for nearly two li'.urs, ami OOCOBied a sofa on the Democratic side dnriugths whole <?f the debata on the PrasideBtisI fBestktt. Us is 8 tall, lank, aniiiilar man, with a hat? bet face, large, sharp nose, deep sunken ayes ?haded b] heavy projecting brows, a full beard oi ?v-.i!it> growth, ami thin hair verging on gray. He looks ?ik?- a shrewd bUSUMBS man of BaOdOTBte ln tellet ability. Senator Kelly had bint in charge, bul ?Senatoi ?Bogy paid him much attention. It will he reniciiiliered thai during tin- long d?bats oil the On-u'ou i a e before the holiday receasi Mr. H??kv was tbeooljj Senator wbodeclared his approval of Go*/. Orii\?r's ctiuise. Mi?.?tt of the Democrstic?Senators wen- introduced to Mr. Graver, but they all appeared a hule shy ??f him ?except Mr. Bogy, who boTered ahiiin from time to ?time and appeared t?? take a greai ?lt-al ??f plaumrc in his sodety. Taa only K< puliliians who spoke to him were Sena? tor M it?! i? 11 ami fllllgtaal at AllllS l-'reiicli. (iii.'?ii.?ly ?iiouiih, Mr. Mitchell was sitling by him when Sn.iint Wri?ght i-eMretod a portion of his seeteh containing a terribly severe arraignment <?f Graver, and characterising him a? a person guilty of an n.'l, use of such enormity that he should bs slitiiuieii |?y all honest men iii<-sp?-cti\e of party. 1 oat of Mr. Wright's speech that related to th?' I?-rforiiia.i? <? of hiinst.-lf and Cronin, Gar. (?rover hs f?!n il with a nervous and iintointortablc air. It has beea reported her?' that (,<>v. tirover is one of the f? h? ut men ou the l'a? i tic i-oast, ami from thaSS i? - parta it baa been srgnod that ?he ought BOitolM ?? -?'?'t?.l of Jiaving bien a? tuat?-d by un-rceiiary mo? tive? m betraying his trust and attempting ?tosteal an ? I????toral voto ; but Oiegon nun in this ? ity say t ..?it tliiie is uo truth in the Btoriss about his wealt Ii, ami that he Is currently b?-li?:ved at home tobe bankrupt. ?Senator Morton's I'oinmitlee will put Gov. (irover on the wit ne sa stand to-morrow. A RESOLV? OF BECRfiCT. kCTiOn Of IHK IKiLSR C??NKKItKKS?KAI H IIIIAN? 11 Of IHK ???MI'KOMISE CUMMl I Tt K TO ilATL I:K 1 IS OWN S( IIKMK. IBT IKI.l'.K.M! TO THt TKIIII SB.I Wasihiokin, Jan. 4.?The (foulen dee Coinmittee on the j?art of tie House api?ointe<t to deviae a m?! of settling the el? ?toral coutrovery lias l?a? solved upon ab.solute acere? y. No joint meeting of the committees has yet lie en hehl. The policy adopte?? will be first to a_TC>e upon aome plan in ?ach coiniiiitt?-?- separately. No detinue action has y? t b?'en taken by eith?T branch, hut then? are rumors afloat Ut-?lay that the Kcpublican members of the H??U!?e Committee have been talking over a B*rafSS-? ti"n that may possibly lie submitted to the I>? iuo cia*-. Ju, principal fiature is understood to be a reference in some way or otb?:r of disputetd qu?tions to a tribunal outside of the two houses of (longn-ss. ?It is also reported that a general disposition exists among the Republican members of the eommitt abandon the doctrine which ha-s been bald by that the President of the Senatehas ? riirht to ? the electoral vote, provided the Democrats W? an offset abamlon the position held by a few of ! that the _0d Joint Rule is still in force. The that Mr. Springer, who is one of the very few who have taken ?strong ground in favor of the tl that tho _"_d Joint Rule is still iu force, is | member of the committee, leads many to an] that this compromise, if such it may be called, ka anda. Dnsas af tha ??apnhlltiaa members oj House Committee express an opinion that if plan of settlement is tie vised npon which both mittees can agree, it is more likely to original the Senate than in the House, They think tin the Republican ?md Democratic Senators can t U]?on any method of ?adjusting the ?lifficulti?'*, B i ; eient presstire will be brought upon the Keinoi i of the House to force them to accept it. PRKisIDENCY COSSU'. RKITBMCANH UI'PuSKl) TO A BBW KI.tCTIi INGKMOL'8 Tlir.Olur.8 AS TO A I'liKSlUKNT TKM. I HT TKI.P.CHAril TO TUB TRIIir??E.| Washington, Jan. 4.?The possibility t failure to complete ilie electoral couut anil of a e? ?incut new election next Fall, continues to be the lea topic of talk at the capital. It Is nut true, as son tlie DsSBSSBBttk paper.? assert, that Republicans are advocating this method of settlement. On the contr tii? y appear to l?e pretty unanimous In a?pgoalag it, the favorable opinions expressed of it couiu from lit crats who think there is no hope of pi-accably augurnting Mr. Tllilen, and who naturally pi to try the chances of another election rather thar a new Republican atliniulstration seat?-?! in po for lour years from the till of March. If the Kepubll? liai to choose between Guv. Titilen and a new elect they would unduuhtcilly prefer the latter. The pu would iu that case remain in their hands f?tr a j longer at least, ami most of tlicm h?lice that with experience pained last Kail they coulil BTgaalSSSC paiRii that would result in 11 majority for lh<tif c indld A dtspasstsnata view of tks situation, hosrever, does it teal any probability of such an alternative !.. ;nc ! Sellted. It the Count IS pfOlOBjrod. BBd It not OSBipll I before the 4th of March, the Democrat* will lit- raspa [ ble. As Ionic am as tks begllialBg Ol the BBSStN ! Hewitt and other prominent DeSMCTBtk members stii that, as a taxi resort, they would be willing to ace?'! new election an a compromise. a good ?teal <>f sp?culai ?on it? already todalced tn n. tlie probable coill-M' of the two pal 11? ? ill c.ntc all eleel next Fall BCOOBBBS MSeSsaiy. The 1>? inociats, it is Niitucil on all sitie?, would r. nomina,?? ??o\. Tilden, ? the general opinion i?. iiiat the Bepetillesms would as ?iov. BaysS airain. Taken StS t?.?iii?' 1.pie, howe? who think there would he a sharp ehnte-t for the Kcp lican nomination, in which Mr. Maine would once ni ??Din?- 10 the front. Almos as important a niatt'T M tkt PrsstdeBtlSl n? ination itself would be the selection of the IT? n tin Senat?', who would tn'coine ? x-i?itii 10 PreekleBl of United Mates uutii tke-itk af ataras, 1878. Tkersi two opinions as lo the kinil of man 1 liai au??iili| he pul tliis plai 1. One is that he should l?e a lucre locum tern with 110 pronounced policy, iilnnii -leinue th? nil isa sthtag ?i- u ' iiicf clerk docs ??m- ol tin sxeeatlTc partuieiits in ihe SkseBCS of his Mpertor, sad that should be entirely imparlial an?l not si ek to throw I weight of the ii?liniii?sii,itioii into tii? scale .Inline I contc-t. The other vi??w is that a man of great tu anil StS lust BBSS should In? tsleettg, anil that l-c shoi make aa brilliant an administration .1? possible dm i the ttgkl BMintks preci'duiK the ? '.??? lion, ia order ti? vi renewed soakdeaes tot the B?epabUeaii ?parti fraai luilepentlflit ?uhr. Tke opinion Is occa-io'a V i'X'.'M 1 f-d la,if tkePrt iii ?:t pro tern snoiiiit it. -ii , i, .1 witk a i lea t<? ins iei lar nomination by the party for tiie Preskteaey la I sasatag Mattoasl convention, it is sail by atme th there is BOtkiag la U.? Consl tntloaortk? In..- n ?iiiim Ike Baaata Sa eleel soeol Ita member* at us prealdli olllcfi-, unless pri i ? ?it at It In 14 to lu \ t I bs force ??! let (tor. ?Hayes hi;?.-'t m.?,i.t be chosen to tbs place, ai mlgbl thus have an oppoitnnitj ol tboaIna Ut Uu ?"ii try what kind ??fun ailmmis?ation he oonM rnnk? !n ??? tbe p. ople would in- celled upon lovot? for? saais ii ?tii ; or, If It wars tkoagkt viser tonnt Mr. ?Blatas, M Coukiinir, .Mr. Morton, or BBf other available eaadldal bS Bllgkl be ? 'luis' ! Ii UM -Itii of Mrii-h at the pr Siilin?,'nltlcer of the H iiali ui.d ? niel lac ?Anile Ilou immediately sftsrward. AMKRK'AXS PLUNDERED IN MEXICO. MKI:< Hams Ol HATAatOBOS Ail'i.Al. TO TUB IMTK BTATKB BBCBBTABT Visa ? AS l?<? MirillNO K> ihi:m. |ltr TKLtGRAl'll TO IHK TWltl'SE.I Washington, Jan. 4.?Itopresentativa -Schlei cher a da.? or two ago received a dtepat? !i from liiown ville. si?/ii<<l b? B number of BMrekaott ot that place, Ii fora?BS loin thai Beraeltes, tks ktexleaa ??nicer in con niainl at .Miitanmros, Wat breaklas m?o the stores ? Auifnciin tillfiBS there, and C?oaBaoattng their ptopi n for the alleged reason that tks lax of 31. |?r ???-ii which In? Bad itiiposiil had not b? cu paid. The citizen of Itrowtisville r<-?|iiesti d Mr. Sebleu-her to call on th Secretary of Btstsaad sacertala if Um Got? nun. m cui not laterfSrs to protect gamitas rluaeas sgalaat u?i satrage. When the sttaattua of Secretary Wt?- am called to the subj?-ct he inform? d Mr. Hehle; cher that the United 6tal?s had no author!!, whatever to take anj steps in the uiatlt r. In BBSWet t? tkS >x?BaTgBStSBB Iksl lli-vueltus Is not rcpit-si'Htiii;: any ar tual Uoveniinctit now in existen???? in Mexico, and tha his acts are simply thus?'of an outlaw, Mr. Fish sun that this officer ?hies represent the only Government ii Mexico which has been rasogalssd by tlie United Stale; ? r by any Furopean ??oveiiiiiienl. Tl.e fact thai i'resi dent LetdO is a lugitivc ftOBS Inn ???untiy ami no loagtl actually BUiiettlng the funclions of bit ?Wee has uni t et become olhcially known to this orany other (ioveru llll'llt. In repard to Interferim: for the, piotn tlon of Aincricati eilu? ns, Mr- Flsk said that those ciliz? 11s wuiit t?> Mexici, wlih a frtll ku???vi<-?lK?- el the condition of affair? tier? and that they must ?il'idc by tin M-siills of tkstt SOtteB, Ihe ?ioviriiinent of the United Siatcs has no lin,'. rigM to order its troops to Matamoros ti.aii II BBS to march ?in army to Moiitcrev. Home, time BgO fl hen a Slimier troakle SMBirai at New-I.are?!??, ???-u. (?id, who wus 111 command, sent an ofltcir across the river Into Mexican territory.sad lasarsasdksMrleaa cltlssastkal while be . oiild nut protect them on Mexican Soll.fco would B8t that tiny were not ii?er/ered with while Kinoviui; their I?rop?iiy ta tkS American sld? <?f the ri\cr. When sec? retary Fish was reminded ?>f tin.-, !i ? said that lieu. Ord I,ad received no orders to this effect, aad that ne bud acted entirely oil his own r? spoii.-i.iiily ; th? <;??miii mciit of ihe United States cuuld is.suc no orders of tins kind. The President on his part has oitlercd a thonuinb in v?stii;:ition of the refiortcd MttagSS, In ?gcaklag <?n this SBSjcct recently lie referred to tininsaagtlsi coudi lion of M.xico and the ?' 1 Iti.-1111> of dcilim: with a roiin try akan there was m? ic'iiiariv BCgaBlssd k'??v< rasseat in administ?-r affairs. From saass tklaga he said it waa ?llfcrri <t that he is of the opinion that th? Mexican <io\ einiiieiit is iiiiuble to affoiil pi ?iictnm to Aniel lean citi? zens e?.eu on lu> own soil. It may postlMf bs the duty of our ?lovernineut to letoraslas ky what other BMaaa, if any. the trouble could be reached. -? WASHINGTON ROTEA \V*.sui.m.i<?n, Thursday, Jan. 4. 1*377. It 1? understood that Mr. Ham?'?, tke Nets-Orleans t?l< icraph immuner, will assert in the Usaat to-moirow that ke has no control of the dispatches called for liy the Mor? rison louiiultKX'.and therefore that heisiiot In coiib-mpt of tho House. Tbe curious qiiestioii It likely to arise whether couU'iupt ;?t akajktkvttfS kadi btglBS with the rcfuaalof the witness t.? answer the ?|BSStSSBtol th? , ?.in mllK-e, or with his refii-iil to SaSWSf Hie ?une ?piesln.iis when Hi?'}' are propoiiu'led to Bin t Iks bar of tin? House. The latter refaaal la always mads ikebwaisea ?rblcb the lion?) acts, anil ibe inability, of IBS wi:nes- to .iiiswer tlie?|ii<slioi,n?ir in???! nee Ihe papers call. ?1 loi. If pleatU'il u? tl.?- Ilisl ?iistauct, would b<- < ?nisi-li r? .1 siilll el, ut excuse. Tins aaestlas Is liK.-ly to ?{iv. ne.- U? an 111 lONStlBg ?letiuti- in Ihe lliiiis. to-inoirow. Tho Beast South Carolina OBSSSSttk ? ii-liiiii?'?! t?t Wnsh ?BaatoB early this muruiiiK. Ja?gS <? of the suli couiUlltU-e says that while at < ' .lum'.ia they aulh.iri/.? d a statement to be putillshcd lo the BaM that they were sutibl!? d that Hayes aud Whttler earned th? S! ale, althousb their BBSBSI were nut ?ippemlcil to the stale iu.Mil. Several uiciuberM of that coiniiiitl?-e say fBag <lo uot a_iyrebcud _ruitd ?tolliaious kMiiweou in? two pai i,?-? In South Carolin?, snd while they cannot pon)ecture how the present difficulties cone- ruine the Htale liovi rament will lie settled, think that ultimately there will tie a peaceful Reetitniiiotliitlon. Senator Howe writes hen that the laiiiiKtana Coiuiulttee cannot return lielore the Uth. The Florida Ooaualttea Is e-pectod in a day or two. A communication has been recel veil st the Navy Po? part nient from Commodore Csldwell, ob Ixuird the United State? llairahlp Richmond at Montevideo, Uruguay. The Richmond left Mont? video on Nov. 1 for Hueuos Ayres, and retnalnetl there one week, during which oil of the protiiint nt oftlciulfi of that city ot Taeuman ssjs> hratlag the completion of a railway between that city ami Ihseaea Ayres, a <ll?iance of nearly BOO mil?'?. C?m iniitl.ire iiiltlwell thinks that the day cannot be far di?t taat wiit^t travelers can cross Ihe continent by ruil, in ftoai of passtn? through the strait.? of Magellan. Upon his return to .Montevideo, Commodore C.ildwell Pitlleit upon the Provincial (?overnor, who accepted an lnvit.i tinn to visit the ?hip. Instend of sailing from Moiit. rhleo to Bt Catherines, ai was intended, it tras decided to have fur Mode Janeiro, making nil the oltlcnil call?, ami leave within 10 days before any eases of yellow fever ?hoiml oeiii!'. Krim Kb? do Janeiro he lutentletl to Ball for Ht. Catherines. There are In the National cemeteries ami In tliesohllers' lot? at Camp Chase. Rock 1-limi. ami Elmlra marly 17.000 graves of citiM-n? and Confederate solilicr?, prisoner? of war, whose nnines are known?shout fi.iOO ?if tllefoniieranil ll)..>H0ol the latter. Of the $1,000,<H10 heretofore appropriated for head-stone? nt ?II I lie eeiiie tcric?, there will reinaln about B_00j000afl r the com? pletion of the Work now under contra, t. lae fteciclary Of War asks that |8fsj000 Of tin- als,',,-luclillolieil ?Ulli be appropriated for fc'i .tve-stone? iu the cemeti-i'ics at Camp lliuse ami Kluiiru. Forth?'first time In '-0 year?, Penn?ylvauia-are., this city, was this afternoon the si ? no of a regular Hh'igliiug carnival. Tha witle thoroiiglitaro wa? alive with elclghg nf every description, while many of the occupants were ItToteagoely attired snd masked, the Impromptu earalra] appeaianee was the occasion of roaoh aioiiluiuBt,aad crowds of peon?a were islheifirt aloug the sldewslkto Wltneat the ?iiiuiiiilcd piclurc. BUHghUlg bid? fair to laat for soiiie Urne. 'Ihe lloiisf siiii-coitiniltlee In charge of the various bills concerning Ihe Texas l'iicilic K.iilroiul were not ready to report to the full committee i.i-ilay. Tiny ex peet to sabeali their report lo morrow. awtU whleh tisse tin- fnil coiiiutitiei- bas lltlji liriittl, itllel'ill?elissili- Hie bill to extend t.,,- Unie im iht completion of the N>rth tlll l'ucllk l'-iillnail. Benator Hiennaii, It is reported, i? preparing to pre? sent to the Senate th.- lilaiul Miher lull, wiih an amciid meiit whleh. while it ?lo.?? not fix a limit to the amount of silver to be coined, does innii the IrgsMender quality of tin new coins to setae hub san than c'.o. The ?picstlon of the appointiiicnt of a t oniunssioncr of I'ati tits in the place of Jtitlce Iniell still reinaln? un?et tletl. The Ow ratify al the Interior deeUaee to sty to Whom the posltlou ll:u- been offered. Iijfliciilty is exix-rl encctl in ohtalBttlg a coiuinissioiier. .here wa? no sesslsa af tha Hmihi committee on ami Kb-? lion? today. To-morrow tho MSB niillee will examine (jtiv. (?rover of OreeOB anil Ail ?.-iisiiis Wheeler, the roanaarrof the Western L'niou Tele? graph olllcu at Bali ia. Oregon. One-llfth of the tin . b rol the ri-coiitly-dischargedcm |. oyes of the Baroaa al Bugratlng and Prutttng were re plnceti in t h., t aerr- a lo day. The Treasorer authorize? tin- ass? 11 nin that there is no possibility whatever ut anj additional restorations betns made. A ?lateiiifiii pabUsbed here sad telegraphed hence thatOor. Tibb n will MOB take up hi.? r?-hlcii, M in B/aahbigtoa to oversee polltleal matters le pnmosuieed in ?n-, inest i i? t ni?t- t 'mi. r. ?siiiuai friciul? to bo too ah* su 11 loiM-rious coi i trail it-1 ion. hi'it ral letter? have Is en received |n this city from rations portions of the eoaatry upon the topic of Befen? tlon for the pen Im.' polilieal dilti.iiltie?. The ?.'encrai tone oi correspondence i* lo the effect mat the feeling is ail for peace. Dot. (irovcr of Orecoa wn? on the floor of ibr eV ute lo-Uav, and was privately I'ltroiluceil to DetOSI .alle ScLiilors b> Senator Kelly. THE ICE STRIEE AT CAI SKILL. A COM.IM IHK rnOM THI KNICKKItOOCKFlll SND Oil I I'll (?iMi'AMKS TO MAKK TBBhul \MIII TIIK WtiKKMI-V. The President of tit?* Ktiickiiliiickcr lea Con.? pany saiil last cveiiin/ io -crions or BM inaiieiit iiiillciiity was antii ipnte,! front the striken ut CBtsklll. Tee laStlgatOn Sf the movement were to be follllil ill tile loafera ihont Ihe town, and t?ntr only wish wn? t?> antfe. trouble. Il nus lint propo i d lo vital to tli di-ueiml? of the men. A dollar .m,l s half had beta agreed opoa by all tha lee conpsalea along the Bodson as fair pay, ami he thooahl thai i,i-t arealag the strike wa? substantially over. This eoenpaaj v.a? harlng aa tronhle at ether point? nb'ii. tha liver. Shortly after the news of the strike leu-lied N',w-Yo|li. a g? t,If, ted to the company the services of 80 Su?de?, who would be read V f, r work thi? uiorniu-, aad &> inore tomorrow. The lawns along tha river had laj?alas, that they/would be held responsible lor any damait? thai BMJ anse. A ridiculous feature of the affair waathat Ihe men had really not gem to work aa yet They had "?truck" hi iiiilbipati'ii of belBI employed. Real work did not be Bnt until the lee had been cleared of now, whi<h work? men were dutag ???. en the striken Interfered, A committee of three, representing the Interests of the Emckcrbocker and other emanantes effected hi tha strike, left the city yesterday m the s tue of the strike to settle the ms r in ;i? satisfactory a uianner as pos? sible, without j? i? :?11 ll _r 'o the th ina.nlH lor ineitiiscil Wiliit s. Al the 11 ft! ce of the Consumer?' Ice Company 111 the foot of Iloiilio-st. It ??as sititl yesii'iilitk thai the Strike amane tin- neu at ('aii-kill affected thi m considerably, heeause their larwsi sUtrebonse wa? at that place. Tliev had not began to cut the ice,bal weraoalj eleariag away the snow. Tiny thought that the men ?ere taki ig an advantage of the companiee, beeaoaa they 'new that IB/ di lay would be -really dctiiineiital (o thin. Al tboiurh S huge iiiiinlier of nit nut m uiieuiployeil la tlii? City, It i? tboa.lit that the ?tiik, is would not allow tin in to work hlniilil the coiiipaiiies ottt r them cuiploytncnt. MKN AT WOKK AX IIOMlill'T-TIIK KIltlKl. AUDIT At AN EM). Kospot T, N. Y., Jan. 4.?Owner-? of ict liou- s ?il this rieik'liboihooil bei?''in ciittlnir and .-tonne, ice Mil.? mOTBlBg Most of lin- ici- 1? of a fine quality ami Bboal one foot thick, Hltlitiu?;h on the river where, the ice is iliiekly covert tl ?vitli ?now it tloe? not iu some place? exceed six or right taehei in thlekneia, Bereral lamlred inen un- now at woik.and seem to be satisfied with fl '-'.'i .?mi ij-i BO per day. A special flltrnlrh to The Imita fresaseis fromCstskillreporte that the sinke there i? about ovt i-, there wci?> some wild demonstra lion? thi?.rtUng. The Board of Trastees have orea. ?ii.'.cil a toree te-oreaerri order. The eon.panics in llnu ?n their reaolrenot te ? leM. RBCBPTIOX TO THE CHIEF-JUSTICE. MK III. GATIirillSC. ?>l rituMlMlNT ( 1HZFNS> AT TIIK HOI -i: (il WII.I.IAM M. lIl'AUlS. A lnilliant reci'iiliou was riven to Chief? Justice Waits at the lesitteliee of William M. Kvnil? at No. '.'Ill Heeotid-ave. la?t evmiiii,. Itetwecti 400BBd .r)i><> IBM III were pn'seut, ineluilni,,' many of New-York ? most promlaeel ? Itit n?. Tue beneh and hm- were fntly n pre sciitetl. Amoiii, those ?ni,i a.tended ihe. rcccpuoii were (it us. W. 8. llaiictiek ami John A. Kcliolb hi of the Uinliil fcUte.? Army; JadgH IlbiH hford, Wallace, Lteiu-diet, Darts, Harntt, l.nri iinue, itiatiy, llam?is, Banalst, DssaBkas, OlMenleora, and Killiieth; Juil>:e Faucher of tlte Co.nt of Aibiii.iiion; rz-JndgeiBhlptaaa, shaott, Hilton. l>.:?i.??, lagralawa, ?asweith, aad Mltehell ; the Bar. Dre. Wll liaui Ailam? ainl B, A, Waslibiini, lien. Stewart 1. Wood fold, (?en. (?rant WiNon, ex-Mayor Wickliaai, Ii.ivld iiows, i.ibritU'e t. ?.em, state s, n.iior WaantaCasvCnn titiller Alidiew II. (?reeii, l 'oiimiissiulicr (ain.ibell, HBgh Hastings, BoM.Boositi :t,< harlails. DaO-s^leaefh u. Choata. John Jay, vYUItaml allsn Brjraat, Pater CBoper, Tnarlow Weed, thsrporitlenChsrnse. Wuiin.-v, t'yru? ft. licbl, llintr. -I-Atloincy l'nelp?, F. N. "tnri. A. A. lted tlelil, ami Jolitl Jacob Aslor. Thegaaali bogan la irrln ihanl s o'clock, and wi re pre-' li'esl by Mr. Kvarts to the Chief Justice In the rece|i|'oii-rooin un the second floor. At 1(1 o'clo? 1? an cleiiiitit ?uppi r wuh served In the parlor?, and sei eral toast- were ilniiiU ami ?Ailly ami ISttOttllBlBg rc?liouso? .nade. _ TKI.IKiHAl'HIC NOTIlsl. Kasii',.UT. Me., Jan. 1. Ihe steamer Artisan. which ?|ii uni; a leak ant threw nvi rlMinnl ifC.UOO worth?. fr.-ii-'iit n.i a recent trip, las lesa UBsled 1st tBe ralas at tho saine. l'oTrsvn.i.'-, l'ciin.. Jan ?!.- Ephraim Phillips, who wa? coir bat il hist siuiiiuicr of issuiii. faisi- in recetats ai *.,??, a-,it- iewiiship. tin? Kiiiuty, wat pssnsnsd i?nl-> by t.tiv. Bat-raofl I'm.rMlirs, Olli?. Jati. 1.?Over 100 Bt__BBBn at the I>?ailt? all tl. ?le 111, ?th ?> uiploin? llnln ill;? t ot |i,tlsoti. As iBvesugsiion of I hi sobji, t _ss ii,-k?-i,t.,.-1 aetbiag sseseg ?iiriiiik? ?. None ol I lie t .it? ale cai'iNiiliu ?i ?t rmii?. VANhinv, Dakota, Jan.4.?In the UnHnd Kiatei Court k?-lti,l:iv loliii Mti'all, t i, iklt-li',1 nl the iiiuriler of " \\ iii! n.II. "i? bs * 'in. 'iici-tl by Chief .luiiie- 1SI1B1111..11 m h.. lanced "n Un Nt nf Mim Ii. Th* ???se will be .?;.(.. nl.-.l -? the MaptsSBS ? tiuri. Tiiltnvi'?, Jan. ?.? Bd. Ifaiiloii, who wnii the ?in ? b ?-nil race SI tin- .? lie?-?It-, to ?lay |uil>l.?*ic? a e.|?lleiu;i to Wintern Behsrffel I'litslnirith. offl'riii? t?i row htm ?m I ttitiiit? llav bu '?"in B-UO lo ?-'?' " ' ? -'b .'""?iii ' I'm. a fair ?inuiuit lor lila ?si/ousua, the ran? l? BEe i>lscs ?vul; lu Juna. POLITICAL NEWS. a BL?HST. KKNOMTNATF.D. TBB CAt'tTS DOM NfiT BTBB TAKB A BALLOT?AN KNriII'?lAf?TIC AFFAIR. |nv TO TUB TRinrNS.I Augusta, M"? Jan. 1.?Mr. Itlaine's nomination by tho Legislativo caucus of tho Republicans this evening for both the short and the long terms in the l!nit???l States Senate was a very notable ami enthusiastic demonstration. Tho 140 members would not consent to a ballot, hut insisteil on a nomination by acclamation. This was carried with absolute and cordial unanimity. Never beforo in the history of Maine politics has this marked and sicnificaiit, compliment been paid to any Senatorial camli.latc for his iirst term?'?ot even to such (ini? tient htatesinen aa QeorgS Evans or William Pitt FtKsenden. Mr. Maine's popularity iu Maine was never ho great ns at this tune. AN KMI'IIATIC C??MII.IMI.NI TO MR. BI.AINK BY TIIK CAL'ITH. lOIMKKAL rnii?? HKPATCB.1 AffitHTA. Me., Jan. ?1. - James ??. IMaine was nom? inated in Republican Iairislative caucus this even? ing for the short term in tho United ?states Senate, and ais?i for the full term of six years beginning March 4, 1H77. Both nominations were made by acclamation, amid a ??rest ? <?f enthusiasin, every one of the 140 inemberH present rising when the ?inestion was submitte?!. This is the first time that a candidate for Unit?1?! Stales Senator in Maine wtts ever nominated by ac? clamation at hia first election, ami this pxct-ptionul met ho?l was selected as a special and emphatic com? pliment to Mr. iilaiue. His Basaswaaptaseatad to tha ca.icus kg (ii n. Hyde, 1'resideiit of the Senate, seconded by Mr. N'cally, Speaker of the House, and several euloL'istic speeches were Bias's in a?liliti?in by hading ui'inbersof both branches of the Legisla? ture. LOUISIANA UOMMIITFLS. 1I>IIM??NV PICO AM? COX?4 M Ys IBBIO?1 TWO" NINK.TV-KKillT Sitlir.TY. Nf.w-Oklean.-?, Jan. 1.?Chiif-Justiio Lmli lin?of tua ?BaB?j?B?aas ?Osatt at UinlsLaae toetiaed before th?-i-emite committee this Batatas that there was BBB> rral intimidation o,* colored ?publicans in Oiiaehlta kg m.-atis of ariiicl l.odie? of DetaoenKa BS said his Bcpkew, i?r. Dtakgrare, tax collector, was kilted, bs be? Bared, by member?? of the Democratic, party for organ BSaga ?publican ?lut?; 1 ?inl.ernve hail told him that he had b en warned bv a fin n.t who was a member of a Mlle e nli thai he would tx- killt?! if he attempted to or Iun/ i liepubbiaii cuihat Lagteara. Judge Ladellag sabaillted Us stateaasat m writing. Bs neatrartttli'd teveral ttateateata ?of Hsiaiwil MrFnrrj Mr flanltlinry naked If bs nasas! tkeLadellags ferred to in Wallace's reports, Baprea-S < ..nrl, m tks east or Jackson agi. Ladekag sTttaeai re?pUcd in tos atllmiative, ami read s itateawel esenaratlag knaaait from tkestrtctareaooa? tain? d tIi? r? 'ri. 'i in? Banals manstUIss also took On tastkaoajr ??f James Tray, collector; Capt. Hale, l?ith Infantry, l.s A.; M. J. ?>-, supervisor of Beglateattsfl ; BBaaV m i Ucfiaerj, sad '">? ph Daalaixaead. The Senate siltt-coiiiunttee to-day beard further evi? dence,clative to liast BatlJB I'.o SgB, Lull!. BOS, .'Id III fatttrj , stiiiioiietl St Ilatnti Bottgo, sind he knew of no Ultimi.?ation ; lie had heard nuuiernii? ruuiplaiiits, whieli lit? touud ou iuvestiiratioii to be without foundation ; ht ?aw one segle tool in tks '?-i.' who said to bad bees tkoi iry n white man. Henry ?'. Toaag SMttaed that tkere ?BS no Intlinnlatloii ; he said hu betoBg ?I to tin-Toll BadaOB i ?m. -lavent tin- Two-Nineiy-Eigiit Boto ty, which had Hi? members: no Republicans were DMinbers; It was more ol I MM than political Older: he com 1 not exp?ala ?tke oatkei tin? Binanlug of Two-Nluety-Elgbt, n- tinv were tecrels; be had _??t tkroagb with it bow, as | there was not ?aaeh ?seed ??f sociability since tin election ; , witoeai Mated Ike society bad sototac to do witk tin? Mount Pleasant n^lit. ami that the iv-'uiaior? in hi? ( in i. l.lioiiioo.l nuiiili? rc?l inure blackt than whins. John i N. ' ?nil ad ?I at. d licit he Saw ol heard of no ml I initiation. Beiora tks House committee m-Uay, Juden nibble, a in?ml.el of lia- lie, ulilit .in Blale Coin ailU'c, d< nii'd th? sUleuieult made tuat be bad Instructed the Bepublicsus lu iieiav the voting of lieiuoeiats ; i.e said In- ad vised colored men to rate at tke polla back of tue-it) enere taty iivco,in ordei to avoid ooiilaion; becanse <?f tke disorder? m tke I ?-in lanas, Baton Bouge, Onaenita, ami had abandon? <l all bepe of securing toe It. publlCiin vote in llio?.- parishes ; !.?? hclicvt.l tke tcr I In re had til?' eff-el uI giving au lllilillllirill col? ore?! vote in the l?i'iiu?ciais; Ba save a hi????ry <?f the faiaoas sewing-uiacaliia circulars, wbieh aere intended lo purse the registration of IS71 of Ii and, ami said they bad that effect. LoLlLeaia (culoredl.s prominent ? publican, lesli'.led Ibat 111 a fall election tin it? publicans woultl carry tin- .-?t?te by a large Btajoritg. -?.-. LKW WALLACH ON it.? ?Ill I ?A. Cincinnati, Jan. L?G??v. Noyas is in re? ceipt??! the foliowim,' dlapateh Iran Lew Wallace iu Morilla ill referi'lice to tkt BOW Count there : Hupreiiio Court lln.nly -alistl.-.l w:rh the return of board to mandate. t?rew sol bis rertlfloate,<_nd h ?s inst luc?? inaugurated in ?perfect quiet. Ta? electoral rote Hands I'tii? tly a* eertuh'.t under Ike Hist canvass- -that l?, lor Hayo. 1 tinlicve th, N will lie furtktt -'.tack upon that result. Democrats happf. A OWtVASAVTMD BLBCTOB IN TEBBBBBBB, Wasiiini.t??n, Jan. 4.?I'ntiniiitnt Bepobli can? heie have info! iiialmli to the ? BsCl that John fl. Moore, a Deinoeratic clc? tor from the Vllth District of Tennessee, in ilisiiualtfU'd ticcausc? of the fact that he \,a-s a ?nli t a: tin-nat al academy at Aanapolls, and tobse ?pn-nllv p? iforiii?'?! tenrBM in Un- i oii'i-?i. rate army, anil tnat said fllssbilltins nave uot been removed by Congresa. HKNATOK W1NDO.M TO UK Iii:NOMINATKD. St. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 4.?In Republican ISBjkBBtttfS caueiis to-nii-'ht Mr. Wlndom was ini.tin in ?iinly riuouiiiiat?-d lor United Stales Senator. TAMMAN'Y'S NKW QENEBAL COMMIT! KK. '1 In- Tammany ?Hall (Iciii-ral CoiiiiiiitU-e or t,'iuii/.eii last ssaatog bf alsetlaa Bearg I* Cllataa Chair? Unit] ; 1'. G. Huffy and A. II. tVa,sialT, Vie?-?Jhairinen ; Ivlward J. Fltzpatnek and ?.iiiilln i K. A. kerinan, Bee ?Tetaritol John J. (??uuian, Treasiucr, and William II. ?^iiiucy, H?'a?lin?< Setr.taiy. All the well-known nieui lM-rn were pr? sent, John Ki'lty, BaaWkT Itcilly, TfcaSSSS Huiilap, ami ?Jin. BgUtohl SSHBgjlBa fr??nt seats. A nuin hcrof the nun ?iitcresicl in Iks Ami -Tammany move? ment ?f hist >ear were in ati?-tul.mi-,-, among tln-m lb'ii lainin Wood, John lol.y, OBBtgt W. riuiikett, Huth r II. llixlty, ami ex-C'ouuiv Clerks Walsh and Iajcw. Mr. Clinton Mkarto ?t Mhm.i- Kly and OoT. Hobinson, and sp? aLlu? of the Presidential election said that the H.-iio ci ah.' party W? if tit t. riiilin il that the [Moitle slinuld nut be cheated oal ??f the resells <?f the election. TbeOoai mitif ?m < oiite?t."i Seats reported m favor "f the admis sum of IhS iltlt-K'it?-? having Ihe celtllicates of Un? llii-peeiols of ?liitloli. Tin? ploinlli. nt lllrinlii is of the ?'??illimit?e ?u OrgaalaatloB will to Sngastus Bcbell, ?leiirv D. I'urrny, Joliu Kellv, i'oli??' UHBtaiaBMSJiei Nic,ii?Ib, AhliTiiiaii iii.iiiii)', and Sheriff Kcilly. Mr. Heb?11, it is r? port? ?l, ? ill siiceee.l Mr. Kelly a? chairman, entier?-??inm elect Nicholas Mailer wa? aeoatesteat la the 1st Ulsirn l tor nieiiilieiship onlln t? BStal ?VoiuuiH uc, but was ?h i? ,tt<?l l>> Palles Ja?? ??? Huffy. Ml KHl.i; Of A rOl.K'KMAN. St. LODlSi Jan. 1.?Chas. ili?l?f?'l?l, a in?m tar of the inoUtitcil polie? , was louinl ?bad at aboul ?lay ligkt this moiiiiiu', on th?' tun k of the St. Ixtul?. bSSSSI City ami Noriia-in Bslliead. near the SteastagtSf tho Slam luster tiirnpiVe, lour uilles fi??ui the cent? r of the iity. The body jwa* cut anil iii.nifrlcd beyond recogni? tion, and was t?hly idintilied by the clothinif and the policeman's ?lar whith BS wore. Another poll? ? man named l'nrcell, waa very badiy beaten, having mv.'iul libs broken and h?iuif otherwise ?? nously injiiri?!. Tue death of llielciehl Is ?lu?iude?l in mystery, and the pellet aiithoniiesara varjp rettssatragantlas Iks matter. The tin m y is that hew. i laurder.d ami his tnsly placed on toe track toconeeal to* aead. Baatsroat highway rot? betiea have beea c?>i.iiiutt<d tlurlnK' tti" past two or three ???,.- m tin- western and nartBweateraeahaiha, ?aad Bielefeld aad l'un.-li, ?iisiuitse?! u? fat atura, has beea ?n ?i? avortng t<? ferret ?oat ?the robbers. Ule expected that Hi? (Sets Iu I lie eaSS ??ill bu brought out al the coroner'. lagaast ihn? afu-moon. -am Tilt: (ANAL UHAHH. Ai.I'.anv, N. V., Jan. 4.?At a meeting of tlie Canal Hoard to ?lay ?tkt follnwlns Htandliur coiunnit?c for ImTT were aniiouiictid: ?;.inal Administration, Hin* low, Fur? hild, and ?ili-ott; ???ustrunlon, Van Bur.-n, Koss, and Walrath ; rouiiucrce, liorshclmer, Tbayer.and 0_dcn._ nm;kai, ok p. r. hi.ish. Kt.Mnta, N. V., Jan. 4.?The funeral scrvicea over th>' remain? of the late T. TV lllisa, one of the vie Urn? of the Ashlabuta disaster, are lo is- held at Home, Bradford Uuuuty, i'.uu, aboat 'ib tailoa south of tout cltv, on Sunday next. He wa? bom and rear?*d In that vicinity. Tue Kev. Dr. (?oo.lwin mid U. W. Whittle of Chicago are to conduct the exercise?. THE 11 A IL WA Y SLA U0II1KB. THE INQUH?. VUsTIIBB TESTIMONY III.Kil.K THE CORON'IR?THK FIRK INIM NOT ISI 1? TO KXIIMiUISH ?HK FLAMKS?I)IF?T(.'t;i.TY IN MfllM TUB EN.ilN'K*) ?NO KVIDKNCK OK TIIK TltAIN HAVING JI.'Ml'KD TIIK THAI K. Clf.vki.anp, Oliio, ?Tan. 4.?An Awlita.>u!;i special to Ihe Leader ?Iv?s the following accouut of the inquest proceeding? : The coroner'? (ury reassembled at 0 o'clock this morn? ing. E. Vf. I/oekwood was the liai witness, and testified i that he was at tho pinnping-house, near the depot, Just i before the accident ; ?.unes Maiitimi:, engineer at the ' piiuiplng-house, hadJi?t been telling him what a fSad engine he hail ; they had facilities for attaching hose In four or live place?; did not say anything about attaching the village lire hose at the piimplng-lioiiHc; left the puiiip itig-hotis?! atJCii.'hSo'elock to go home; on his way met train No. 5, which ?niucd to be all right; did not hear the Brash as the bridge aTBBt down, the night being very stormy, but saw the light of the biirniu_ wreck immedi? ately ; did not go back till next morniuir, when he exam? ined the track anil tic?, but ?aw uo indications of a train kavtagjaarped the track. Thute was no sm?'.? on the billige when he passed over it. The next witness was (?forge llruke, who resid?!? In Aslitaliiila. He heard the alarm of Hi ?? on the night of the accident, ami being foreman ol Pr .tection Com? pany, hastened to tho i ngine-lioiiso. WltaOSI ?aid : The team usually employed cdiiM not bo obtained, and. as some delay was experienced in starting, it wa? probably tint, -ipiai-ter? of an hour before we arrived at tho rail? road crossing. I uske.l why t'ie engine already there was not at work, anil was told by Mr. Strong that there wa? no use, us water could do uo good. 1 ?till in.ole en? de irosa t?. get the engine into op?ration, aad a?i?e?i Mi. 0 liver If 1 should take the engine down upon the ice. Hs answered that he had BS autl ? nty in the matter. I ex amlmtl aii'.l fourni no drag rope? or anything else to get tin ?team? r down with, ami I finally abandoned the idea. Hilther the orden of Mr. Strong aor those of any one llM had an> i tlnence BBOB mv action. I thought then, as now, thai the lite could have been checked better by engines than by tile use of buckets. I recoiled ail order from the Chief Kiiitiuccr not to set the engine. Some twenty or thirty buckets were being used iu throwing water. Mayar Hepburn ga\e him no orders. E. A. Hiichcock, IWOSB, said: I? foreman of the steamer Neptune; has been eonncctcd wilh tin- lire De? parta* at 1er nine yaani met Mr. strong before reneniag the ?cine of the accident; asked him if tha fire Depart? ment was needed; Mr. Strong replied. " I don't think wi? nced any water ;" I then told tue driver be had better not try to lake the engine down, as the snow was very deep| went immediately to the wreck ; wondered that the) tli I not want water ou the tire; had not sen Chief Knapp or tinman Brake up to thai lime; met Mr.Btroug and ?aid, " Is there any ne? ?1 of waler being thrown V Mr. sinnig replied that he thought water kkit? ui no use; this was his only reason for not putting mi water; Ins opinion is that by Using water as soon as it might have liceii used more lives would lave been saved ; the steamer was readj for use soon after it was on the ground, ami if it had then BBia used, think? the fire coiil'l haie been extinguished and more bodies might have been itlciitillcd ; he would have proceeded to throw Water on the lire if not for the order of Mr. strong. dipt. George uf Ashtabula te.-tilled to the substance of the conveis ilion between Mr. Hitchcock and Ml. ?tioiig which lit; o?a -i heard. l-'o'.ir watches were found In the wreck to-day, throe ot them so binlly buriieil that they were mere unisses of at?tala Oneefthsat una marked aa the lassas case, " Will C. II. lir.ulley," and lias been torwaided to Mrs. liradley in San Francisco. ASH THE SCENE OF Runr. KXTltACT FROM A PIMVATF. I.rMTKK FROM 1A1HT.A. I bare beca down to tha wreck nearly all ?lay (flandll |. Kleveti car?, or what l? left ef th.-m. witli one engine, lie on and under the ice, clear across the stream?a heap of ?crap iron and charred fragments ol wood. The In blge from oiie abiitnit'iit to tin other Is a complete nun. Hundred.- are at work clearing away the rubbish and biingin. timber? for a new budge. Thoii si ils are drawn here by curiosity, and iii.niy fnun long distances in Match of missing friends, (lue ninu came from the West loo-ing for his wife. A sleeve-butloti was found which he idcutillcd as having belonged to lur, at sight of which he biu?t into lean. No other tiace of her was found. An Irishman told ine how he pulled a man ami wife out of a burning cur. They were ?everely binned, but will recover. The man, he said, pulled his oaf from his burned and blackened head und reverently thanked him for saving the lives of liras? If and wife. One man cleared himself from the ?ai.?.i:,-,I car as soon as it ?truck, fourni his satchel, over? coat, and cane, and walked up the bank with a check m his nat. Tbi messengers of both express companies (Aiucricuii and I'nitcd Elates) were killed outright. Peot I'liiiliigton of Il?dalo w.i? my intimate friend. Bath companies arc I'ipiesciitcil by partie? looliliig for prop? el ly which Is seatteretl aiong the creek and Bailed in the debris. 'Hier? was a ton of matter m the mail car. It was all New-York City and foreign, bound Wast, largely to california. Only on?: train a ?lay each way now runs over the road, the passengers being taken In sleighs two miles to connect. RESIOIS A TIOSS DEM A A I) ED. GKN. GRANT CONVIN'CKI? I HAT A (TIAX?.K OF POLICE COMMIS.spiMMiS IS NI CKKMARY. Wasiiisoiun, Jan. 4.?Quito a BOtaa-tion was created in this city tn-niglit by tint knowIe<l_c of tin; fact that the President to-day, through the Attor? ney-! ?encrai, addtessed a letter to the Board of 1'olice Commissioners requesting tha iiniuetliat?; res? ignation nf its members. Ko reasons were ?wsignetl for the ?leiiiaiiil. Recently very sciions charges were printed in thin city, a-ssertini, collusion on tho part uf iho police authorities with the gambling fraternity, by which tho latter have been enabled to pursue their avocation? with? out Molestation, ami the result has beM an investi? gation Ol the subject by the Hoard of Citlillilissiun era, which, tlmugli not yet QBWrinden? BUB been, it is intimated, -U-Bcient to impress the l'rosnlciit and the Attoruey-Oiieral with the belief that a rcugaiiuaiioii of th" board is necessary. The board as at present composed consists of Messrs. Win. G. Mtuta-h, President ; C. EL Nichols, Vice-president; II. If, Sweeney, -.?nanita*| James (j. lierrett, and Win. Ii. Smith [entered). SO CHALLE AGE 11 Y MR. DES SETT. A HKN?ATI?)X?I. STOItY THAT UK IIAI> CA? I.KI) ON MU. MAI TO FIGHT A 1)1. K.I. DF.NIr.I?. Janus < i nni? ni Htiiuctt was seen early yes tenlay iiioiiimif in the (iraiid Central lle|Mit, ami it ?a? reported that he was fStUg to BBasssa. The irentleman by whom he was recoKiu-ed was well uiipislnttd with his aatsena] appearance, ami ih-claretl t lmt there was no possibility of mistake. A sensational ?tory soon ma?le KB uppearame IB the effect that Mr. lleiniett Bad -eut a rhalhtntft to mortal coinlial to Frederick May, wan whom In- hail hail au encounter the < 1. ? y before, ami ?a,, on tils way to Cumula to (??'lit a duel n.ili that iri iiticiuaii in some unknown place over the line. Mention wa? made In the tale of a conference which had been held l?tucen Mr. Bennett and In* personal friends eoiniiniiii, th. ac? tion which sucht to be taken In the matt? rof the encoun? ter, ami U wa? decided, tue ?tory ran, that the allioiit hail beSB so opeu and heinous In Its intim that mithin*; less i:,.m a challenge could wipe away the ?tain. Hints at s ?aill nude by Mr. lliiinetl before hst ?lepartun- were added. Ihe story ?ceins to have been wholly flellttou?. Mr. Ih-n iietl'a lutiui-ite Irii-mls deny the holiliu?. of any conft r , u, i-, ib i ..ii in? that tiny have lilt It to be the run of tit In n> not lo latea their company upon Mr. Bennett, ?ml thai sinee the encounter thej bars neither Mea blm BOT heard iioiii him. Tutytlo uol think that am chal leace bas beea ?ritten, but ore eourident u.?t Mr. Boa* uetthaanat left the ?it> at all. 'Hits hnntrantaa ?? ?iiiiiis'theiit tl last sreatag by a serraat of Mr. Beaaett, v, In, ib-cland that hi? in.inter wi lu the city, slthougO not ut home when the inquiry n..r atlc. A dispatch was received fiou 11 art turd ye?t< rday, however, StBtlM th.ti Mr. lb inn li snd it trteml panel! ihr.niis'li that cty ou the exptiiw train at noon. They hud UeBets t<?r Huetuii. Vi i tit regard io ?Mr. May It 1? certain that at 11 p. ui. he wa? Hi New-York with no Intention of i.-.ivi ?? the city. Up to tuai time he had received uo challen?-? uor any in? timation of oiie, savo what report had brought him. These facts are ?uud upuu ths very imoi suUiurigr, DEATH OF VANDEUBILT. A QUIET AND FKACEFt.'L END OF HIS LO.VO ILLNKSS. 1119 COXSCIOfSNTSS RKTAINKI) At.M ?ST TO TUB LAST?TUB KINAI. HCKKKS IB HIS BOOM?III? TORT OK HIS ?fffflBBBt ? MB UUYM A <'AKKFIT.I T DKAWS WILL ?HIS PKOPRBTT 1-IIMArKO At fdO,(XHi,?tXK)?v.r.cvriuis or Tin: BBWI IB tub CTTV?AHI!AN?;KMI:NTs K?R IHK H'BKBAI Connnoilore Vaiiderbilt's protracted sickness was closed yesterday l?y a peaceful ?leatli, with little? siliTeiing. Ah tlie end h.'iil been hmg ex? pected tlir? announcement cans??! 110 iniiinxlei ato excitement in tho city, ami no ?leprocia ti??n of ?pioted values at any of the ?xchanges. The C??niinodore had made the most thorotigh preparations for death, had put all of his affairs in perfect OtCsOt, and had itrrunced foi the disposition of his property?esliimiud by good authorities at $G0,000,()0() ?;r m??re?l?y a eAr?fully-diawn will. In acc??:dan?'c with his wishis, his futienil and every mark of IBbbbbb] t?i his memory will lie sin.pie and mmsteiiU tious. Tiie history of lii, reniai kable career and the incidents of his illness and hours aie given fully herewith. TFIK LAST HOIRS. A week niro yesterday Mr. Vauderbilt's condition became very critical and d? ath was hourly, ?ven mo? mentarily, STgeCtsd. "It sc?mii<<I," sai?l an i'ltimato friend of the Commodor?1, spcukiii? of his calmness, resiiniation, and religious faith, "that hu BsOSBtsr ?Sag upon death as I h.??l Barer assa it Infor?-.'' It was believed that he would not outlive tin- ? ? n tennial year. He had one or two periods of rallying, and on YVcdncstluy BIlSiJBg the family gained some cheer Two <>r three oltl-timo and intimate fiicnds called, including Wil? liam Turiiliiill. The <''?!iiiii.i<l.?r<' hail irr.-aily im ptOTed since the iiitirnim,', was siitinx in a ? hair, and talked lliiently and rati?uially. Tho conversa? tion turiic<l on general subjects. At 10o'clock ho was wheeled back into the plainly furnished secoml story back liedroom. He took wuiio iioiirishuieiit, aad was pis Bed in his bed f?>r the last time. After lils friends had taken have tin? C<imm<?dore conversed with Mrs. Vumlcrhilt on nttgieos hsgiss with ?leainess. 'lliis was l'Jliours bel??!?? bis death. ?Sbs -pake to him concerning tin glQIIIlds forbid faith, and ho expressed himself dclib? ami ?Jo? cidcdly. Among other things |he said I "No. 1 shall aarer casas to trast lotea, ilow could I ever l.t that go!" He spuke also of a ?aaaaeiaoBoass 9? Rio ignorance in regard to spiritual things, as, for in stane, o? tin work of the Ibdy ??host. IU' .?aid that his it'iiT-iticc did not slaml in 111?- way ot ins faith. He ?iedared that he tiiisied in the iiiiil?- ami tried to understand it, aud whatever the liible ?aid ho firmly believed. About 2 o'clock yntcnilsj morning a marked change for the wore was in?! it cd. At 4 o'? lock bo had ?grown mask weaker, ?sod at daylight signa of approaching death were M unmistakable thaliucs scngirs war?; dtsgatsked to lbs ?liibn-nt nmuilx? rs ?>f the family in tiie city, ami to his spiniual ?kIuwt, the Kev. Dr. Charles V. Deems of tlie Chun h o? tiat Straiigcis, ic?iu? sting them to come immediately. Dr. Deems arrived at the bedsUs about I u'clock. Hun; came also tue Coinino?l<ir? 's son, Wm. H. Van ?lerliilt, with wife ?nul cliihlrcu; the CsjaaBBtaBSaVs daughters. Air.?.. Daniel ?iurain-e, Mrs. I?. Ii. Allen, Mis. (?c'irge A. OsgOOll, Mrs. Nicbola.? Le Hau, Mr?. James M. Crass, and Mrs. William K. Thome; bis gran<liluugh;?T, Mrs. Meredith II-?wlaml, ami her husliand. Mrs. Torran? c. was accouip.iiiiel by her husliaud ami d.iiight<r, and Mrs. O-g, .1, Mi '?. Cross, ami Mrs.'I horn?? were ?n? ??nip inie.l by iheir hus? bands. Mrs. Le Han is a ?widow. .Mrs. llora?'?? 1\ Clark andMadaate Lafltte, als.? laaghters oi Cssa? inodor?! Vandcrliilt, aro in Europe. His s?m Oat*? lielius Vaiidi-i'bilt, jr., vvas not present. His maulen ?Bxttct l'iimlio, and br??thi'r, .Jacob H, Vambrnilt, w? re at Btaten Island, at the bedsitle ol their sister, Mrs. Chail??tt?! Egbert, who is two years younger l hau the Connu ??lore, and is very ill. TkSfS wcio ?ilso present about the bedsitie of th?' dying man, Mrs. Vamh-rbilt, her mother, Mrs. Crawford, ami li?:r brother, Hubert Crawford and wile; Dr. Jasai l.iiisly and Dr. K. Elliott, atteutliiig p.ivsicians ; Dr. Austin I'lint and Dr. W. H. Van ilur, ?i, ?BSadA. lug glijsh IsilS j tho Comiuodoiv's fiiiiii? ? . I'.. Do FsfOSt and Samuel liarion, and several grand chihlren. Air. Vanderhilt fourni great diflictilty iu speaking, and while he maintained the clearness of his und?T stamling, eoold utter only a few sentences ?luring the last two hours of his life. He listened att? n tively to passages of Scripture which were re? peated to him boat tune to time. When 0OS ??? his ?laiighiers sskad if they shouhl sing, he misundiT stood her, but afterward turned to his wife, win? ic-> inaincd at his side, and said with some tlilHi uliy :M " I thought you would sing." Mrs. Crawford stark ds| tho hymn, "?Show pity, Lord, 0 L??rd forgive; L? t a re|M?uting sinner live." A few ?>f Ins favorito hymns were also sung, with pauses b?twe.u ihein. He evinced the greatest interest in the singing, and even attcinptetl to join in singing " Coin?? ye sinners, 1?<?.T and needy." His voico WBS luiarse, and almost inaudible. While lie ha?l yet 8tr?ii?th enoiuli, when this hymn was sung he invariably tried to tako part, usually adding at Mat close. " I BBS peer, 1 am n?'?'?ly, weak ami wound?-?!, sick ami sore.'' Dr. DSSBBS proposed prayer, at which Mr. Vander? bilt 8*'eni?Ml pleased. His btroagth was now ebbing so rapidly that it was seen that very soon h?- would not be able to expecl??r,iti'. It was fcaretl from this tuat there wtmld l??- a painful struggle at th?: last. Dr. Deems pray?d thai <?<?d would In j?l<OBsd in li.s mercy to vom hsafe to ihe sullerer an ?asy ?b'paiture out of his great pain into storiaatiag His. The CouiuiimIoio ?ij?i?eaie?l to folloiv ihe whole prayer, and when it was close?l with the benediction, he repeated with the ininistiT, iu a failing voice, tho closiiiK worils, "The blessing of God Almiirhfy, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.? He aftei waul atteinpte?! to speak, but SOBal mt ar? ticulate distinclly eiioiigh to he umlerst????!. Wln-ti a few moments had elapsed his mind ivcurrcil to the pi.i\er, ami he turn*-?! to his wife and utter? ?I al? most ids last -WSSxisI "That was a go?sl pray?r." " V?s," replieil Airs. Va.iderlult, " be? au>e it ?x prssasdjast y??ur foeiiiius now." He tiod.le.l asssakj The ?ihstacle in B?S throat ceased t<? api??';'.r to be painful to him. Tim hist amlible wonl which kS ut leittl was " Holm?.'' He sjeaaaj his lips fora f?'\r moments with the expicesioii on his face which his friends w?-re a? custoined lo see VBOB he was thiuking intently on some subject. His eyes bright? ned, his l?i?- part?-d, he closed his eyes, ami after drawing a few quiet breaths he peacefully expind at 1) minutes <?f 11 o'clock. Although ?h-ath bail he?'ii long exi??? teil its coining wa.s none the less ?severely felt, and all pres? ent gave way to tears. Then) w?re _5> p<gaaao iu the bedroom w n.-u the Coiiiimxloic breathed hit last. COMMODOKE VANDKKItlLrS VAST KM'ATK. " It is an invariable rule," said au ?itti? ial of the Tax Olli??', whose long ex|?cricuce in the ?position which he now bonis bas ina.ln him an authority ou all mat i? rs of real and p?i? mal pr??p?rtv in this city, " that couuaon report exaggerates the fortunes of very rich men, even when tiie actual posacnsions are enormous. Mr. Stewart, for instance, was p?ipularly suppose?! lobe worth from *5?,lMH),tKX) to fiiU.UOO, ?000, but t'-'-'.tHhi.tKS? would hare beeu much nearer tin real uusrk. Mi. Aator was gut ?down t the time