Newspaper Page Text
V?I XXXV?.N* 11,192. NEW-\ORk. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1877.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOI R CENTS. CO?NTINQ THE VOTE. FLORIDA FOI. HAVE.?. ?riTF UUSUUIUM BO MOM nr a TOftX or 8 to 7? nJ'IN??I., UXTMANA, AM? OKi.?..? . T ? > l?K AT tAASEMa HI ET, Thi' F.l(>ct?)ral ('??mmi-sion d?bat?*?! tlic Flor? ida ras?- all day yesterday. A?Mi ??*.?_*>. treta nia<ie b*. i'Vt?!> imiiiltfi. It was finally r??'??v''i In i v??t?' ?>t s to 7 to report Florida us tor H::**?'!? >in?l Wh??'ltr. JuMxftt Brmll.-y voted with the Rc]i'i?Mi. aus. The ,ioii?t _)n ven lion of Ctagraa ?ill noaefihli to dej A protect apiinst th?* ?le? i-ioo ot the t't?mniis?iii*n will ho pr?"?*<>nt?*?l. Thf- Ht m?flela ?re deapondeart, bill Will ?hilllcilLT? tllf Votes Ot Kit it "I ( ?lilt*?'?'?* in Ulii).?is. I_cvis-o and Browatoria Louisiana, ::in! ?Witts in (in'KO'i' Teettaon] an taken f_s to Levism and other electora y?-stt nlay by ?committee-?. ? A KhYlEW HF THE 1>AY. THF. DECISION. THE FINAL maCUaaiOa IN THF. COMMISSION?TUB VOTr?lilt' I-Ki ?.-.ItAMMK tOO T"-I?\Y. ICI TKI.KiRlil'Il iO THF TKt'll KP..| Wasiiim.I'N. F? ??. :?.?As noon aa the ?CoBMBiBaioo n*'t leda >? tli? qneatkm <?f tlx- eligibility <>t Hnmph* nett pros taken ut?. One of the .Jinlir? ? btt.ik? ?1 tt::it be tbenght n ?a .??> :) iraate al tiiu- m ira et a i*l? a ili?rtissii'*i. It "a .is n jipar? ut from the debate ?b the last pri vate s?-??i-?r tbal 881 ? n of tin* 1 'ommiaaion tT-r? eanvineed that th y l.ii'l no power ta take nj? the qneatlori of eligibility* ami inasmuch a.-? this . n ha?? In in raised hy Jnetice Bradley, the ?t way to dispose of it weald he for him i<? in ri.t-:i*< h.s views ?ni the nuestioif. .Jiistiee Bradley, however, ??ml thai he peaimesd te bonr farther argu? ment on both siile? from menil?ers of the Conunia So the debate nas TtH?pen?-?l and eondiu-t?'d me tiiu.- on the eligibility qaeatioQ only. Mr. !.. 'i.i ma.1.?' a speech aa bens ami a half la?a; ?and oth? r t'i'?iiiiiviioiiers oenijiieil the tloor for iborter 4a. At the cone'us-ion Justice Hf.niley fa., hi.? opiiiion. Neither the Democratk ato the Rapehlirnn Com ? r? arc willing to ??late the nhataaee ol J ee Bradley'a *iiawa, l??c>iii?- ??f the ?utter an aa fin a? ta aay that an they asalaraloed them they cov kMpa of eligibility that <';ir be i A la the eaeea ol alacton la other state-, ami i the broad penad that however ineligible an elector aaight have been i<> ba r?ated fe.r. if his ?rote ** a? r?at-i't- by rtie LW.'tor.t! College it ???;Hil?i nut he <)ii?*_?t'one?_ by roriirres??. The Damecral . while admitting that then area no es-hfart for th?-ii In Jostiee Bl aiofl, tl<> not thnik that it wholly pre ladea them from raiaing aa bane againal tl, t-?? ? !.?!? - i ? ?? tors. ?>r tram n..ikiT.?_c a t'n-.zi'i ? (he-Oregon eaaa. It is plein ?fron their : talking however, that they have aiui"*-t no titlit-r direction, an?l thai they look mpam tbe whole eligibility quo.?ti<tn a_- likely to be fin ti?-??? "t reealta taTora?de n> Mr. Tibien. At the eloae of the ?ii?. eaal a Mr. Thnrman offered :*.:i m to tin- .-ite.-t thai there a a*> no ariden? e t shipping coaniaaaoner on the TMi <>i Novemlier. Tain was otdeeted la ?ni tba d that it might besnppoaed to imply an opin i.... that if : !?") office on that day hia *??>te le. Gen. Gaxfield -?fijen ?i ii- - ting that the fou pen aa named m - ?jiving then napasa, wi r? th? ? ? ?i r.- ?it Florida ander the Constitn t f the Unit ?:-?:?: ? tnd that the certificate de _? ? ii?-?! tn ? tora waa valid, and that ted. Some of the Com i i. ? ? : . declaration to the effect that waa an aflore ?>r net hia Tete - :ve <B iv in avor nf I.i ri. t'.;ir Intion. Mr. Hontoaodfaaed aenbetitnte j ?'?it the n:tini*s of the Hayea ejei-ton ami In tbe Tilden electora, 'i hiawa ? -, -V' a.7: Naya, s. Aft? ? ? ? ? - paaiM 't by a like rote pi y. ?.. 8; 1 TA motion wa? then n Mr. Edmunds and Ja * ? v am. M r ?ihonld be ?appointed a eommittee t?? j" formol ifi'ort, with the ieaaana anataintng it, and the Commiariun thorenpon a* ?> o'clock took a receea forooehonr. Oni %, tin committee ?ub ?: i'ie-l(...:_ f.H'l ? nmitting the decree to the Pr?t - - d by Jonticc Cli_I r?l- A Be? ind letl ligned, inionning the >['???.ik? r of ?hi Hoti . ?: : ? that it bad been transmitted to the Kraaident of the Senate. An order waa hen adopted directin** all the papen in* th? : t?> be r? !??r:ifl t?? th? Preaidenl <?f tbe ***? i report of the committee to accompany the .- the CommJ ?it? ha* a I all tbe, ?r ?la ,. _ api l. and I ig the powers of Congreas, have no :. ? ? . inn 1?-1<? th? ?i-i? ? ; ??or of tin- Mate, made . with the determina; on of the Board of State ("an ? ted. .*?? i-t.iiil, ti'.iii ? ? ? i i ! Dot ???i.-ai r aa evidence any action i . takep ???a'. ? ?rote ?if t! re in the ? ; And no c. idem u that II m ?.It Till of : - i > ?me, all tjnet lion ligibility, if proTod, ? ? ? ?????. A ?,; ting th? peste of II. ? i i Ii the vt rd-cl algn? il by i ative?, all I'? alio? tat-. B8 ! ?' -. will be Bnbmitted :<? the Borrow. Tbe report Bgned h rit-- eigbt I ? - w\\i, roted I ; it? adaption, and ha? ' ? ??? n K |0 -li?- 1 r -:il?-i:' ' f ti;?- .*?. ti - '? *"" I ? rt wnl in' in:i?'e. I -. ? a. ? law for the ira: ? ? * . : information m-? th?- (tiiiieeedingB of tin* Commiaaioa, ezceirl i - fi?'ie?tr. Ail tiiiit ?-?iu } ' i ?t iii? pcoteal n ft .-mi f.?. - ? : ? mu? be ; iil !:,?! t t.l J'?i;.t < (iliVi ii'iiiu at the ** ahling iu t-i.t an rning? Tbc ' n ??>. ill be announced * ' aa will til--n separate! and *'" '? ?rill bave . Baaga l"i debab. 1. ?nigh? there wrjAl bea ? , ni tli ? < 'epitoL I ?. in 1.1? Honae trill u? ap. ? .a.!-* .?t m boor. Bo n.a three ho . . ,,,. , .\, ptAet " ?"'?? ..!>< ? .ti a.tii tiie eovnt ?i il. ' her fi ride. ? aanoag tiie Damoernl lo* *"y '" ? .- e tin- report of the K!ec '??'> "iniii'.t-iiiii in :i, lata an hour ?u? paasible in ? Uli it-, otds might !??? received Hg the ii.?-litv.ltitit> i.i ana ?.i the J ...i.-?. i i halbe, li Bsenaa thai 1 . th? ?flloe ??f i: .**. ( .?iiiiii.-si.ii.i m the ?-"?nil., rit I).,?i|., i ,,i lltnmiHitii t),e d:iy af the *'>"? '"?ii. an?! A.ei,iii:i?ii t.i cutTeiit raperl -till can* .. ,i. A i.i. il th.' Kl It?,lui i ..i i. It ia donlttfal if he haaovor lesigaed ?to thia may. rhiafacl waa not h nenn till a !??** tiayi. ??b??. ??8 mtitedaapiaa ??f pap???> m the eeort SoawhmR 1 ?? i? -?? ie ?i ,,ii,,. tfifgrapht-1 fur. l'hey imi n"' i ii? li Wanininftmi until laie tt?-ii?t,i row. ami it ** ???"lievi.i that ani?e of the Demnt rat? ?h-mre to ??!? ?'ru- i Ile p,,?,, |?a?| ot ih?- Joint Coiivf tniun iu *riler that tlit-?- uapers mav be ree.-ivett ami In- itr*?xl ?s ?it bam.! lvr a yrutebt agiuimt the \ ot? of till* tii? Dir. Oi.i-of ?h.* I>?-nu?i-r?ifif('fi)i,i ;.--.-i..;,.r.-4li prt - .i'e.l lo-tU-iliit- III (?<.liVel-;it,?.n \Mt!i tue* i u I M-rM O? III-? part ?. tiu-ir tie-ii. ?ti? in e-tpacaa-oua. Ha tgle that there ?vero Balnli t-> fu- ra;.-nl i?, tita I.itii-nniu aaaa mu?:.' diSi-rent in.tu th??-?. Nvtii Ii eiit?-r.-(l inDi tin* Fli.r.ili? case ; that lie BO&AdeOl?>? ?'i the ('i.ii?t:i:-?i'.ii Bad tliniiiftit the l?thuh r.'itn aagU bbI to iliKfinrair?. it. and tliut the*.*., im t.. i il u ehaaee la via U ;i eipajuaa iiiiitest i?? tiiip'u ?iver tin- lii-ntlalana iwIbibb Thava i? iilt?<i u ju'int in tin- Omg -n eaae In tka Qovntuo.'a (??-rtitiiut?* iit.flu'iiti.'utititr the Tilden return, which aoght n?.t t.t ba abaadoaed becanee al to-day*! re? verse. Ha said that he Ib in f:i v??r at piaaaiiiug a clieerfnl appeataaee and of fighting tba bottle through, ;n?ii In* think? tliut if tin- coarse il fol? lowed there is yet a fair eJuMlce of winning. The Lmplieaiion af the deciaiea to-daj aa tu i ffl el t>f a Qoverooc'i eertificate ia thai it i*- nol ralM m. '?-- made m necocdanee n iih the legally eonsi toted authority of a State A Ihe nanTaaaing iti its returns. The .natti cea Baal af th" day trae apon the fana of expreeaioa in the report o? the Contuiiaai. declaring it not eonapeteat tn contradi*' by ooteide teetimooy the eertlfieate uf b iiiiv? riior fonnded ?apon and igMeiag with the deeiatoa af the Return? ing Hi...rd. The application of tin*- tt> Or* goo eon m ta in the fact that the retnrna are by tbe law af th.i! s;,ii,*, anvaaaed by tbe >u retary of Btate, and in preaenee of tbe Governor, irha baa na twice it; the ?ii.iti. r. Ehe RepabHeaaa will i-laim t?.at Qerr, Grover'a can Beate to Croain ifl Beitbec favaded ujs-? nor in aeeiir.laiiei- v.nh the tlen-nt-i af the lawfully e:)jM.tut.d laiviii-t-i.-ii? iiiitlioiity of the ; Otate. CHALLENGED ELECTORS. Tin: t\\i, i.i.i .?una i A-K-?nu: ni.niv OPVU ?u* 1100.000 fO L8TMS8 roa in.*- v.u.. IBT Ti".i.i:.,r..\rit tu Tin: nUBOBl -I WAamaoToa, Feb. 9.->Tbe eaaaa of the two Leaiabtaa ele-etora, Le*.i-??? aad Brewaterj har? raiaed a qneel on no. preern^d by the eaae "f lium pbriea from Florida. Oae wai a United Btatca Commiai..ii.? . and the other a surveyor. Both were ?!; at the time of th? election, bnl theyaub ii|iii*n;ly resigned, and theirreaignutiona were an i aptad prior ti. tbe in< etiag of tin* Electoral ( i ' ??-??? la onler to remove, if p?eaibl-tf, any remaining doubl .*.e t*.? ?ht ir antbotity to act aa eleetora, they aheented themselves from the tir-t meeting of I ? i < allege, thaneaaarag vacancies urhieh were filled i.v i the other eleetora reappointing t L? in. Then can be ! no ?8siii' laiand. it would boob, as t?. tii? ir eligibility ? to ael whet: they voted. They were not then m p? ; Baaatoa of any Federal office, and ?hen' appoiatawal i to fill the vacanciea which they themaelrea i was is accordance with the Louiaiaaa .-?t.ii??-. The Demoerata will do doubl art bb the theory thai by tin* choice .)f ineligible popma the State !"*-t fwo <i her electoral -rotea, Then bmbbbbo be no doetrme, however abanrd. nnjuet, or deatraetixa to th<* rights nt the Mut?, which the Democratic party iaaot ready to advance, provided it opena aehancef r gaining the miaaina Tote f-o Mr. Tibien. If Levi-Bii'i teetimooy i.?*ii,rt the 8enate Loo Committee u-'av ia to i?e credited, tbe Demoerata wer.* palling mate tiran one -inng in their eHbrte t ? preven I i!.. ?lectoral rote ot Louisiana from being given tn Gov. II..yes. V- m tn bribe the Retaraiag It*?;?:.:. thej wer ? negotiating with Leviaae to Indnce him to ii*-?- i i : ; make a apeeeh taking high moral groanda, and then to give hia vote tor llr. r?den, According to -'b ii?-? < i tut. Aahnr, the ogi ?t of tl.e Demo ii the transaction, began by offerii f30,000or ??'?" OOO, and fiaally roae t* HOO.OOO, ? ' youd which be would not ?.'o. Leviase bcldoul tor ? $200,000, and Un* negotiation finally fell through. La riaaa^a stay in'thai iv set the fignre higher than he thought could be paid, aad thai his parp?se ia the aflair wai only to lee ':"?? fox tl.e l?i*ti*.i.t BB?B wo.t'tl tro. Ia i-otiiiw-tion Widi th: itiainten line to ieeall the aoconnl givcnlastD - ? i uf Hu- meeting ol the Loaiaiana Electoral l al] ge. Il waa then reported that the prominent members n? the College, aoepei- ti. .- tome ol ti', ?i .- ?! '.? .ti bought by th? 1 tea ?a.. ??.aoftbt room where tbe meetins waa held, an.l, dra~ ing re ? . ? il ti..?t if any man betrayed his trust he should never leave the place aiise. The report, of conre?, w*?_ ?n | ., V.VW IFA A TLEI'ilK nl ( I.AI1..? N OS Till *-t"ll.!(( T. Iky ii . i i-.;.A!*n to tn; .BIB-JTE I WIbbington, Feb. 9.?i ne ol ?the carious thinc eonaected with the composition of the l.i? tm.,? ( 1.1?.u. - . ? . - an greemenl writing by which the four ehairi en ol tin i.ii'-t*? cancuaea in tbe two bouaes bnnud their reapectivi t partiea to a specified metliod ct filling any? ! wbii ?. ir m lln- i ? ; .,* :,fT.-r u . -i - lection. A paper waa drawn np and signed 1 atom Cruffin 8t*vcnson .iiul Bepresentalivt-?? rary and Lamar, by which it wai agre ?' that . ,t . ii. ,;*i? \ li'.iti :i;,v c.i-.-e. it should be filled ?y ??.. * i a lita;: of th , olitical on i reatiiig Ibe \ u i ?t wai i .!-?? "I thai tin bonld be mai tin* i *.i .in the b -* in-,i i ..... .1 . [thai n li . alien- . . .i.i in ??? both parties iu a fra roa rote in-open ?t--...ii. l*im . (.?..i*-i.i lln*- it- . ? i-iiti-i.? were made, and one ia ? t .i:i?->i b? ? four gent i.iuiiiil above. 1: ?..---.i'... the Dem?crata of tin rougly Iban the i the .i ii' i ol '. * ? .?i...ii..?ti. y,i. ', ?inee .-. in tail? tioi to -. ii . I ? : iper, added ..;?' lud , ? further anpi?orl of itapnrj BEXATOB i - PEX. \V.\>if!\. i*. -. Feb. ?.-?Senator i'.*n\. !'i.-.i nl pre : m. of the Denate, I I from J a fcflthei over two fe?-t long, fr<im a b hi Ii -.. a, - thai h-- wanted him to cert I el.*, u. i lent with it, and : ^?k. i : i _r ! . ,- li .. is? uiuited i'i. to oae the qui pert, and m ia-?- i il : .. iacouated in. to oae the feat end. TUE Of I U ?A L PROCERDIA OR. THE COMMISHION. nil rOTB I* BETAIL?81 I U OI IBB RKPOBT, ...m ? *.;. i*.:k.-- otaran n.| \\ *-nr roa, Feb. 9.?The Electonl ( om ? - .. 1" ii. iu. i , ;.. :. | ? .. with the 6X1 ' ; I on ; tlmoal 11.. ? u.i.. lima nnttJ utnu ?? .,., , r ., . ; , - -,i.;i mot ?n! vitii tii.. ,., , every one ol Hie 15 aaeatbera ?if the Cnmul*?aii?n ., ii. 1 are tn Ihre? of Um .1 i ..?:... i . : ? .t.i ? taba ii. ,... I ..?..?.i..i? upoa the liiiiin patata al aiaoe. aad th nnderetood la Bav? been t? na flu be_rtn atng to the u?-*. if eat-rnnidlBarj pow-n aadaUfity. The i|iu-ti.!ii nt tbe cllgtUUit) uf I i. Humphries i . in ule ll.e -ultjerl nt a. lieu tllSfllBSllMI, nor Woo HI) Vole tul?', it. At ..i.* -t.tfrt- ?if tba li?:."' i------ bawavar, Senmoi Ttiiiiiu.ii ?irt. .-?-.i a leeelBllim flairliinna thai I ? li(. r-'tli? l?Ul -. ."i'l.ti .11. 1 ??I t.. -ii.Ml Hlli?.k.L,II, ..,:.- i..; ,t ... j., ._ naninlaatiinai an tin- ?t \eut*i Any al Noreaber, i i - ??? Mea waa crHlelaea] by m< \ erui ... ana nembera on tbe temmtti tiiat u atlabl ean. leaaoatbal if Hampbtfaa iih?i i>?-?-.i Buah aa*. mla?bin*_r an lb- b.*\eiiiii el Movaaabae,lna aaaawaald Uave basa .ii?uiiil, Mini tin- win? not argad) liieie m-?-iiiiiik 1" too ptaetteoll] a n.ui <>' ? 1'ialeir i.iiitt Haoipbrtea laaiaaattaa aaa legally aA-ataal, -x-in*. it ini-ieii n.i ?? Baplad in ton tba i*i?*..iion. a >?? .m o p. m , tba d?bala balag aadad, Baaalee K.i hjuuiIk ruiiuiiti???! a re-u.u.iiiii ieeemlag la BBBaBaaai tliat t?, turn lit |?iililii m -eleiturul votr? of florida .i?, mi i??? ?-ii.ititiHi aiiti eoOome\j?h?t ??'-" ea-aaaareawaaa lot tank d?i lafatum. ke|irfc???:U-atl>.e Uuutoi) ..ff(*(i*d i .? I? ii?lii|? BB :? HiilmUtUte: hteoitrd. Tluil thf vtet lor? UHined In ( crtlHcate No. 2. to ml: (i.ll. J L.. V-_-_.ii. il.I.nt U.i.lord .?ini H ?I t .n, ?re tbe loui pa?soaa In. wen duly ai?i?oiul?? ?..-.lui. ?jf ::.. ?talc ui l'.oiida on tin 7u i ?1?\ .if Nuveniuer. and tin.I Hi? n 88880, mm certillc?! , -?n i-?-: --tl.- ?t, . tbe ???!??_ i>rovi?ie?I M l?y < '. Httlll-ll.t! ?1 tbe l*!.lle I St . . H. i Tin-? _n?.?tituif araa lap end by ma MVewtna **"?* : raw?M?"???. a .i>"!t. OnynrA, Cl?bid,Wktkt, Hun ? Paya?. and Tintnnun?7. Page-Mem m ?nt-Rajr, Mbbsbbb-, PNHnpbgpi ? (Jartett, iitittr. Miner, sjersae, ana?guana. M?- r im!- mat tint wtthttrem Ma n ? fnttsa, snd ? QarfeU ttsbnd the h naasag. wtenk ?waa Biases! bj '. ttilt-giiil.J M?te let Otm ,1 ' Ouatnt, That the f??nr r*-P>??ni?. to wit. Fre?lerl?-I ! Buwpbt-rys, Chu. W. Peana, ?V'lUiaai h. Holden, Ta, ?. W. 1.1'itr. wen naiv api ulnled.ton "' Pn ?i?i i . \ i ? - . :,,. me M ite .?? i'? ?' ids, ?;??l ?al v ,. ? . .ml In Hie!?: foBT pr-'i!? an tile v? ( ;tr<?\.?_??,' '? ; by til ? .?i>t!tutiuii of tbe t'nlte-1 gtat-B. ?ill if Mr. ?.a 1. .!. Hasan. Kiliuiinili?. Itnwl .i 1 rrwen ii,m datad a SBSBSStta e :<i ilraft a re; nt lb? . iei?ni!i ut tbe < ?mitin- nu. ?_-H!i a i?n?-f ctiit?'iii ?n tbe reaeuaa thai. lo ? ttguA hj* the loemi BgiaiilBI iai,,u, aim fit lie irnn-in tori ti? I lie mint ton 'i.* tiie two Suai i aa iai|Olis? Sj tiie i.;?-?? t<?i si i Tbe ??i. -m.? ta ?!.?:???? raabtatioa mttrekapAky earned i wltbOraars bg tir. w ?? e?upteel oy Mia asan tea ol three wit? a too rarbol ahaaaoa as tinX bbb* ?i..,i aba t - o'clock i?. m. it waa Manas' by tbB ei^ht an ben nf :'? Cwmanaama 'ii?> ban rated lar the e?apl itfMr OaiHeM'a ri-ra.atlaa The fonuni isaialsa <?r pan lo rimarsss la rap hnal, bni iu* essayists phr: ii'i.ii. .?i I'liinii :t.. lanmbi bomssaatei tutu?- ni etiquette, m it M, i?? n* _raaee_tsad Mnena; I" in? ile-a.ciil ?it 111?: Sen*??' ?.luliT UOi, IS ' y Um. ii.?iieUi.i'i... ..mi baton iba tout uunmat t?_o boaaaa. Ii? point*, a?i\.i.\?-r, e_tn be ?cciuat -,..i? ?! .-.- totlOWB: I'li.-t. The i rninlrtbrn. rr-TTfifrg*-?* r* -.?ai-c- . ... ; ,..? i.i . . a. ?: i...\ aiitf cXJIlilt all tbe eertlfl ??: < awl papera nft-r_*i?tl te tin m. Und tl tiny 1.;.-,,? do .,i.i:.',; n . in Lear ?-? itlei.e?'?i/i'i/i?"'.'" i.-.ii. r _u.? -, t.. I,- ai- ? \ im ne?' oatatdc ol tbe eertiUi at? tac ?.um .i.,,.- ,?! the Btatool Florida founded a**t?o i iletermiD-tluu ol the Canvaeatng Board ?>f tu?: atme ai lu ? ate. Strand ; The Commbwion ?-finid n"T < ? ? i i i .- i. I. ? r ?t? <? ?lelue ii'.y iii t tif ?it L<-|_l??i:iNir?- O'f etiurt-i in .1 -tL-niilui about i:.".' State ha?l appointed aa alacien aflsr tbe s the ? iid -. " i 'i - gar? <ii> Ir ?ralea Unid : I., i, _.;..<! ?.. Iba -..,1 maliflblllty of F. 11 : i :ii - -il r : ?. then ?TU UOt'.iiielit ino',1 that he h. 001 ? un tut Titi i I HoVMBber. Ibc Bseretary of lbs Ossamlaslsa mill T.t-aiotro-r M : in-, r to tbe PrssMsni ne kern. <?f tue ?Janata I formal ded-toa aben ?le-?-ni"<i. lagstbsr with ail i .'tie- and :..'i?'iui,iin\ ini: ? vmixr- on the Klo:' I'.a-e ??-?'.I'll Wen refer.-'?"! tu the ? ?I'liiiii-?!".:, illi'l t ?ei'tvtary bIB i n d?lirer t<? the Speaker ot t Unuae a fi.'iii.'i n ??ifli a'n?i! -i?.''-'! bj the l*r? aid? ? ?i tbe < ' na..!-- on ;. at lb? ,r ?it- ??don had ti m conui iaeat "i tu t?a-1-p ?nient en. i? in ol tbe ?.'ti..:.' OptlU, IB ????!! 1'" "?? ' trttJI n:'' V.'-?-ti??ral Bet, the t ?-? - ?til again meet, and tbe deeietoo will Im- re .i.i,;..,!.. ? inn i.. ;.,'iiii,ii ol ?-.n h i.i'U.-c, and I ot Florida will Immediate!] be eoanted roi Hi Wheeler, " utile???-, Bpofl otdet tnin belBg made in ?in by U trial B? ? enatora ??.??? Arm mrinber* ol tbell?>ii ni Hein, lent iU?r<aa, the two bouaea ?hall ?? par?t? y et em in .?lUiilUK Kill? rv. ?:-? ." It tteiiik' ki,.._:. t two in?..-. ?,iii ?.Bear, it i? n?". tbongbi !.k, ?j- tn ? rim '. It? : i. :i ',-. t. il., .nun' ?li?t, t. ??; tLe i r i i Iran vnie-?, ;\? tills wuiiiu be aa t POOUmtJ VMM ' u? lime. DiTSefl-OATIOHA TgtiuiovTo? ii risen, naooi rr, isd rsran, i.,i..M-.iiAi. man hbtati h.i \Va.?iiin'.t?'N. Peb.-jP.?The B?ante 8nh-Co? 111)1". ?.n 1 1-;,? .1 ItH'k lilt* temiliiiiiy ul A. ii. Lit I B lbs Bnyu ' ?? ? it.. be taeH ? Oa t subject ?.i Mr. Let -? - itloa, tbe witnew m In- wa_ iil?i,?''tlte<! I'll Mat?. ? u.i.i!. '--l ?li.T 1-71. ami ?u-rvMil until ??li.atl N??\ . SO, 1-7?.-, he wae ??i on ?iii'l aft? r eleetloa t'.Ay, Ik> thru i I, and hia rcatanatloa waa accepted; be did not a \Viill the Other eli ? t'.l.? at tt.e In! .lln-Mli..'. inlf ?ii 1 ri; a!!y. Copie* <?! tin i? IfnatlBB and IU a.. < ct..:. \.i. , oduoBd sod net . ? \ .1? ne- i?>- eosaasi i ?.r.?. i.i. .. - ?i thai he had lie? oOei ? '*"'i :?' eaal Us ron Ox Mr.Tilde Ilia I tbe rabj ! wai -a.- r,,i,,,_? : ?jii ,:..? itb ot December, m naeblug ihenaldi > l'an.-? ??n < ..?!? iilBoplr at?, i? m re I waa-?ta?rin at 9 p. m.. Urn. 1 .. erdaagbterfaTeini aboi !?!? . .iiVitltii? BM I" '. JulitI Hi ?;? . ne i I ?lay 00 In: "Hi.lit 1? ;? I,.-- III? lAdll-, il.ll'J tllel iie.i.^ll', Juliii?!? Il M ttlte'i IU, I ? ' i 1 ..' .1 . ? till ,1 ? . ',, .t .. .! of Bhn * ,u < i Bldaj'l Ho . ? ' ? i ...:;. ; 1 Ui?ile all ? iik?i-. . .: i .. ::>- k I i a banker al ? ?:. i . S ' ? T . .-lite ; I li- ??mi,? -: | .aifc . ?n..-?. .' ? i a. liter 1. :..! in Hn a ? i uli^i-i-iii:. tilt! Hi . ?' *? it I ? I .. i 1' ; I Bol lo bliig the 1 r, but to v ? ?? abo ti.? ? y.i-n an?! _- i ., i....:?, i?.. .. | ? - Ihle -ti room ?t ''ii ? . . ! met ? . : tu a i.-iireil ?..*r: i Lii- !? * ? it'll i" '??? : ?in: ' ? ? iii'i.i? ? 1.1,. ...'.'' ' ? -"!.?' ? i ? ' . ?nul a. ? ?? ; : be then pn -, i i ? , ? . ?" r ?? t-r," u. cet'til ?? ? .1 BBVe Bo ?lire?: au?.m i. an a -, ??-.?. ?, ml tlualljr ? ud t..? i?i :? ? i.-.i :??? ..... . aad , ...' i ..:,-.. an a? i re em ??'i(*0,O00 . ?'?: tbal ll ? ? -i, ?,. Hint H OliI? ? -, i uni !:? ?I .i i"- ; .... . . ? 1.- elilN that l_-v . " ?-t .ii to a , "? ? ?ltltin, luit Ilia I lr.fl b ;.. aller ..i ii. lutins iiiiii'ii, i plue? "i m?',a it waeut tm ?'.i ...ira - Hotel; wi luel ?aal d ^ ini'i. i . ??? out and -? ?i Uli i ; wouhl i e n qnlre i lu ?a t toy u?te (or Tti?l? n : I : : h.:.. "If. ai. lo tue ;??!-_ I . pro .?,?? ? . i i . ? ? . ? fall Id it Waiter I whetlR* r l'tiBli I I -i i m i....... ir.iii"^! in. ? ? . , : 1,1:1 tin- luv*. :..? nul .?'?I *? a lia :. ? 1 le tin ? ?? . i. i, ; i-d ; the u wan -a- Mr, >i< ? s :. . ? ' :., i ' ? ? iii? n *?!.- : owe alter making itn !.: for Hi' ii?-?.' in?-: hat.-! : I wet . lilt :??? k, *?? li? ti be i - !??!i,iii ? mml ill full ? i il; I i ?? .. -, -. ? ' . I!., ? . . . ?i Del a** *. a . I.'- muiio; 1 i.|.'.i!.-?i i ! ? - . ? ... a .. 1 ' ? . ? " i doi , I i..:.' :.. \. ? ?. i ,? Jol Mini - ace. I lu?-???..I ill I., at - -,-iir> ?I'ltt rtl-t ? ? : v. * : : : ? ? l. . li ?? u ? . ? .'... ? .,:? - tbrewil -, i ?.?. ?. .,? hi y a k ..... ii bel u . . '.irr twoyi -. . : ? ? , a and i .-un tbe ? ' il - m tbe la ii ? ; 1 | n\ In i ??; wi utli : iii it .- . ..- ol rapport; ?in- ..- i ...ii'. . ?llltV. BB?1 mileU '-iieiii -I lij ... i !ie:_iii.iii ? . h. , ..... :, . i Wlien Job ? .. i - i . i_-., li. . r lie ?-. ? ul" lUt? ;?? I..* in w:ii;?'-?-? - , i i? ?? ' ? ? "?'*'?? ni ,n two ?ti .?:?:,,iii tli nit Mi?. tbe i ? i. . .? k :iim?ii -, .? Soli:. Ali.l'.i lit e.'Hie '.teaitli ; .lulu,.-.. i :v"'.? ?i. at .?i.- i-..-. ?*. -, houaeoa bl_ iec?>nil vl it i ?I re? i.?,, nun n. i : 1 in ?.-r *uf t: a ? i.i .!. a i. milling ;.??..iu ,. .in., wy aeii ?u i? ? im Ha] ? ? ou high m, ? .i . - Ill ale t.. 11!, i,\ .\ iBUT, 'lU1 I ?/re? "i i l m ?t- iutewled to negotiate; i?rie? .ii?i? ii.? -? -_?.i..,..i.i looked hue p Ufi -n ? n. ia.ii i,. aud ...? ;?;_.- ki tit.; mi-- ?. i in n,- . all the ?utervlem trota ilmi i?? bwl wen ?> llblli . . 'I i,!,' . i.i .a-I i:.,t I \ a-'.s A -in. : tbal ll* Ti"1 '.ihm. | ? . ifrlu ? t, r me ; I n. . I.niieil ?tn. ??.in !?? ?. ?? ? and tin il informell lu ?a Uli!,Ile H,,- n? IHIHllull. lue Henni * - '?* n? i a.ijuiiiai'ii uiitii U> ? Ai"-; I- -? ? R -i Virginia rriialdiiallal elsetar, ??'11'? ???? .- -a,'. I- I. i-,,'.- tu |,,a! iililee. .!?!? ti.iu. e .-i. l'tvia--.- ad 1...?UI... un- iiKirtiii,,-. il. laa t.ii, .it.a beba " a a rltliaB iri MUaeonno*] tor - i eral V n? .liai ?i?i?l.ii ?al lui? Ii.itiii!iti-_,iln_ili^-1-, a -,f wiii-u ?_?. pbiead m svldsm t. ami iba i Iban .ii.?iiit-MHi. I in* < ammtttea es lbs i*..-?..-, -, Prtollsgss ami Dnttn ut the il n-.- ia ????iiii.iti m? BtoaBoeal VoSs tMa mi?rn nirf . mu.....-tI li M !>._? :t. .m .-le. f,r fron, gSVS?!.?. ?ii?i|.i Bed t*? lie 'in llglble, ob .h nouai si having hi li lbs nut ??t eterh lew Dtauiel aad Clnatt Conrto sC lbs si.r.e ll?- HSted thai he beM ??tin?-.- i?n..r i?i Iba . !?-. tiun, l?iii li:..| ?a ? ?1 tu i? i urn Pi? an?,,, ,,f t|Jr ?true on Hot. ??: ne Bsatgnsd hj totogram t., lu?ee Inwrer, tt:? i.iii.t .luiifc-e, one --a- at y.,u Otuntmo, ami ?< I't aiii.ti. i tolmgtnm ?-?> loAu Utilyme, tue IBimal loo\e* ?' ' ai?i ii? Itj , lie iii? iviti a it at vi i?'.:. trgls TrnutwAm ?. , ,,, be -nut* ?la? areeptiajt tbe retugiiuilon ; be ti,?- ; *.. ?m 'iti.-n nalga if inn al i i ? ?. ,. laittna :i ?-n iba i;-'i ?i Nt .einiKi; li-Ar iieni ,ei.iiei a- anawarfrom ?i.l.l.' V..i.tec. .-_ ? ' - *"?*-*" ? FALim. of ? noi rtBM. CM? i?.". HI.. Yrh. ?.?(.'u?hin. Kirk \ .Vf. t?e..n, ?* i.oit -ale 'l'-a.i i- JB le-ul? ,?utl ?Inri, at the 888808 of paltana a< e. ,ti.?l M ?til ?un it:, iu:t uiuri.liit_ tilt .1 tiieir I'Mtititit. in ?..iiiuiar> liaulti apt? j The.i MahgMSBB are Oi'i'i.OAni mini aaari- *l?si imhi The ?.icuilol- ut lit? hiui al. i.U.yhj Ul lsitiuu aud ho* Vura. WASHINGTON. SlNKINi, FINI? HII.I.S. A I.i-ist, limn; u mi -i sur- su BBTTTT' m ISUMBAPa m tus rttini;SK.| wannoToa, F?*i?. ??.?Tba Beaafeg ?aecharlaagBpHatIbaBBcta? Bafleeed ?i??ti<?ti t. , vritiient n. raaalt, a number of ipaaabai wbbb h Amone Iba? 'hat of Mr. Sherman in' I*i\or af lo? riar}" ("?.inuiitt?-.-'), f.ill. ttn.l thai at >fr, Baal -'??Il nu? it, wer?*? pcabably iba Basai aedaeaMa, Iba prabaM Bf the paaaaaa of wbat la baewa a* ti??- Bsllroed i mitteti- Mil ne ir.ere.iHit)-:. The Meada ?.f thai BJM ergae tba aaaadea ridefiy ..n the gnami aftba Hi/inn ?f hi,, saaapaaiea, whOa ?he lappeatei M Jtlilieinry ),V,\ ,-.?,.,.' in?.if umm the .?.?iiiti.-. ex. aatberoada una HM Qwreraaeat If noiei te .il i adoptad the enniiiant^i. will no? Ite fourni: bnytblag towart ?ipn* lag sMber Iba prtaetpalorl aal of ti,.* t.,, -.nut., nt until iba beaaeCaUdna eeptte loregc?eae-ltaif ,.,- laeerebaagM tot ',,,* traaspetiaHoa aai to pay Iva p?r .*?.nt of then aaratagatate Ot* Traaanry. Brea tba lattarebllgi It" mit Mudlng nBOfI the-.i -ttuil the IAll'-nue tit*? .|iie?ti,m nf imw tbelr net aaralagB ara tobe iiii-iteti. ni- Baiirnad CommittetVa wble- baa in-Miit nf tti?*|..i!iif. naakaa tbem par more ttuta can he f..reed ?? by exist in? lav. Mdner Dillon, < HitPtiuKton. and other ? nt- -i - ,,r the i otm) andl i.i??;i. ,.n* uera wntcbtun Uie priwreaa uf tbe peat legislation. PBOCrpl KH0TT8 COMMITTEE. IKSIIM.iSY AS Til MllllKlX- RU BETA JA 1 H)V BA TMF BALL iv Bl tV-OBUUBB. WagRnrarroir, Fel?. 9,?The Caaadttoa tba Powers,PrlvtV an ? and DaOeeef tba Beamu natta ! Iba Lmtiriaaa tavaatl attoa today. -J?dgsi ! ti.-??* ..f N.-v. Orleans, ans ef tbe Daaaaeratta se?ase! f.ire tin* Badaratag Board, lestMed la regard te ? Baa af salant patata a'?mit the sleettea. Hi? BoaN Intel tagatateaaaat was ti. ?; mom aMavtta about Dal l*ni!-.i ...?.ri recelaed Bov. 15, i? aring Uta B r. II ; aterfcteMJadg C raaaa that thay aerara 11 1?. Mr. Kein: ruf the Betamlng Beard tb?*?t whieen to tba alara aad be ahaaged the date af laeatptta ?aeetpi boot la Nov. '??. In ibaaftamgaa Oapt C. fraag DBty af B?itim ai* exiitiiiiieti by Mr. la . rateraaea to ehernerer ?', J. 11. Had lax. He asid tba Maddo-fa n tettoa a i- * ii.i, aad II si ,; i? i? *,., ? ,i -, . ? , ...r. i-e.t tnfmui-:i uCiiif. .lent- regtaasat attb etotb i ft..m tht iBi -i-tii: be Bolirited moaey and tob?ceo a eon-ni?trattoa aad col tin ?, bal m rar nal tbgelotbl cai't. Dtttp lateral tin* bbb-jbMbb la Qea. Bra?ei Johaoea far lailer h-ten-ettaa. iii saewar to Mr. PI aad Mr. Bparfca, lha attaeaa male ihe toiiowinii si? ment? : l bave nal rtrrnlatadb^arioaa rejinriJ sboal Hadd i i... i stated facts,and ?*i!:rr belp It II tbeate facial '.- !.. M.ul-1... ; I Wl-.ite mi .ii'? ! \u Tht i-i . m ?.r i eoititiiti in i?ngtb .ernlngMatdoi ban i.-*? -it :i Li. m.hi i, all my Ufe, bal i *.i for ft* i.n.i '.vi,-. '.?! u the bul election] I was in Ute Confeti ?ill- ar'fii : at tbe tin - MMd thron Bidtlioore, ? it April 1... I , . < .!..-? ii ??..'! ?? :ii sud i? Id ?u?. tu,i? tbe ir m. becittsras; I took np a pin r.d m it. *t into t atreet, nni waol.?? : I never nuten anj remarks n tl.. !o (!,.* -a".*!, of ? .-:.:? lit'? 1., ,. ..|,V- lift . nor tttf,-, - *-?! nut Mr. i.i-ii ii'u ? rlor to the lat? I '-a- *. ot.lele.| 01, . ... . .... i'ii -|.|, .. i.iit tii?* order waa aerer i in-led out i Ot Brad ? ? T. 1 -in -on told me stu rtly bt f? re II i . ,'- i.* i* : mal an Important made, and I found frmn the i.k which lien. Johna ?lit. rward pal dr. I..: - - In'?cup . t.- ?- ;,t...l. i.nt I?U.I 111,- ,,;? !.. ,,1 ? i. ? ,.;i.,,,*- L>e|M>l .lit. f.-i-etl *.viiii :.,. e_. ration oi tin* -.ein .in*-, i* waa not In a of nui* sehetue of J. Withes i. th? I Bnver Midthal would ?iv-i--;ii it.- Prealdent Llocoli on bis paaani ti*ti*-...,. re ; in? -ii? ; promi-ltion uaneeet mm !!1 In.,* pn ~ ii'*e : I : I I to .*.?. I il ' i.n*-? ill at:.l :ti ver :.- ai i tl, - ??.. oil >ni -1 : tin r ? *t_aa to General Orders bi E*real?le_l JeOcnou Uavta, i otMti. ii.*. ; rblcb .?ir- i lufcdcrr.tesoldier would Ua? i finit i.ii ?a;.:t any of tin* i'c, -in- iiaiiir.i ?tben-ia ', In ; I H . - - ne ni Hi ? i"*i-*--i- Darned; i en the satBca o| :!.?? i:l;n-: wblle I waa I Bew-O - i I a qii ?. -?"i "?ii' and daoci , iii.-i; : I ? m? ?II . indit number .?f otbi .1 Eeutleti-i -. ; i. . . ?i. I ibero ala . .: ?.need ii-iiti thernrla ??. - ?auaudMr. f?itrfli ? i in.* ibere, ??i'.' a number -1 g atienten uf both rial '?ii.iiii?*i * ?i*-* (.':? ????. .i.. ..? .i?-i ?Wewalliia arose at tbla iximt iietirei Ule atemben of t.i* eommlttae and tbe oHaea - baring said that ha believed i tal Judge rnun i. ,:t'." and Cap i ; if, that if tl *.. aal ta i:..da tal - thai h'* (il".?- ? Il Min-, h?* (tbe ? bain ? i ton* . ...iiie'i i.?* l.inl Botigbi toaasaiae. ii* ttatedttu all partaea weat to tbe ball isa B_atterol eariositjr, sa iin'tii ...o. ??!..?- nie of tbe feature! ?? ?hm?. ttit?t pink eye*. Ibe latter portion if tbe arltneea mouj ? . a irity. The next ntaeaa waa Samuel M. Bboemoker, I - ? in..;, .2,r nt kdauM EspreaaC? E?ltlaiore, wh . t....! tbe reputation of '?:.?::*. tor irntban reractt] vas bad and thai be aoald bellere bii ander Enoch Pratt and J. gMorrla, bank ??n-i-l -nt-i. an I"!, imaa K. Rii b, Bnant ier. I ..*.tiv relative to Haddox'a eharacti r, a liicb, thong tbe Bret two wil i* ti ml. ,i'i I. ..Bit .1. ?i- IM .ll-'> i.e'i.l Bed f.? the lUspateb between himself and Been tar? i ..,, idler. waa a* toy. \Ki.\"N PARltfH BET1 ::n>. a linn i sTATEilKS. 01 nu;, i? :--'ii'.M r. ivt:i: i?*- - ..,11. nil \ ?l III BBAO BBFOBB l?' liiniiMv. BttABO voira niKows un 01 AffiDAvrra op pkbsonb who taa caaaowj BSV WHO! I '- '? '??' i i . ..: m .] W '.-liiv. i * -. Ft b. '.'.?The mutilated returni of Vemon r.::-h la l.?.::i-:.inii. and tbe atartllna teatl in res ?'?'? '" ""' tr:i!' i. -.h., : of rote in ??? rl tin praelnet-i^ Btatot. i?r i. ? ?*. .i |. iii^'. Tbe r tama b m ibis perish arere opeae? i rtMttng eoatadtteea from t.?. S tbe BetaraiB K, an : *-*l tbe paP" '"H* aBld, up i hag .Bern : ' ? ? '? '?"'';" are no returns rrom Ibe ? ommlaalon? ,., tue '.'?.i ? '"" ?*?' "' '"? ?* n- then read tlu i . thai tin ,,. ? De-Bo* eratle elacton 817 ?aeh. A general protest s it.Miii-t tbe retursa, aigaed '? - - PaeBard, and sal -*i Bepublb .o i indldatea. ..-.., %| ?*:i-,e.. .ntiiiitt.-e .irrlv-.t ii X ??*-?) i I, Hie be . ?. ? i|B steal te fnnuah .1 0x0 ot lbs 1 -:.,ti :;..*-.oi.-of wbleh had been :?*i.'.*?i. and tutdei on of no* Bataralag Board g re lo Mr. M.i? nr. h.m ii- '??* 11 '.m..''.*'.'???-. a ?'??'?' "" "'? abowlua, ,.;i...!..-ot!i. r things, iba.?baag m whatever bad been ,. the i..!.-?..,- Board ta tbe ortalnal retnrna .1 bom Vernon. Tbbi itateeaenl -waa i-i? , ? ., 1 ? ??:. af .."?? ?Talla, Preaideai of tba board Bnlwwqaently a ntble was m-i.'.' sal abowtna ill :. 1- in wbleh uliaagna h id basa M i-- aad tbe Bam* her of Tote? rel?ete? ... eaeb. fraaa tbla ataUiiaeal M a geared that an aggregati of IT'? 1 . - j, ,..*."l ... tl 1 int Bev( ntb, ind Tenth l'n 1 A nth ?-oi.iniittee. ?'. ?* ?,.. 1 Hi H -'.bairman, , laattuated, aadexamlaed ???? tal witaaasaa m renard ta lt. Pin??a- Krauliitn, tin* *-ii,.,-i \ i~.i af NglatlutloB, t,.-,.-.,.? tbal be made aal t< ?? -"?"' :" dnptt ,, ,,! au.. i? a- ?.inn ?;.. 11" i!"- I:.-''.ii.ii?- Board und tu? tin r t.. Hi* lAerto ot the court. tint le* tu 1 1,?,:.-( whatever, nid that m prol al or reinarka, f-ritt II. I- il! tii rel? tto.i at lia iievei - the pai-Ub. He baa s.. ni ni' .1 ? Urne m v'.*'"ii..!i Pari h, aad aitid Ibnl he was well icon tii.tei! *?iii. Hu* people id tha. pariah, and tbui tiir *i-le in ?In. r< ?i-'r.iie.ii .ui'l the eli-ctlon cvi'l mm% ;?.-?..,,. . i..!.: no Intimidation ..1* bribery waa th .,_ii. ..?. a id ; ii 1 ?* 1- '? '"r aalbli t?i ?ppi - aau ouioi-i .1 lii.lai.iii i.11% for the re 1-.1 tbal tb??re *. r. none ,, ..i,, on 1 iwo Ki |..i'.!i. v??t ? wer* aal In !?..-in t*l? ftir tb?' eieeloral ticket, and thej were ttepoa Ited .it |h.I! eiiil.t. He t.-titl.-.i ?litt Ibera were about 7.". .,,*-(? i-oioie.! \-t.i - it. in. i> .rn-??. v ?? ruxo ?; sub e?iua!itj v m tin '?? Idle pe?ip_e, . alvi.tin v.,led alBCB tin ii ?Ufr ...eli;-? in- in lbs DaBBO? aratlc Hebet Til- n-eol-iUof tba Helm *I!U_; lioiinl ii.Iltllill ,rt|. daviia,dal?d .?n tb. 11:., dal ? : Bo* '" ?*' '-???? ""I .,*,?.; ..i,, lively b Bam Tollina, Thorns? Jones, and torn Cartel ? eh altto Ida mart, and aaaetttn* that eut ? 1 lu ? 1? at I?'..*?- 1. 7. au.I I'? m t 1- B 111 ?? . ! Been inlttnldati-d. "3?t-ae aflldavlu were dated 0\ asm ti*?- mnervlaa-ff ol reatoireUoa Inrwaidad Ms re tan* 1 , tin* u* inrtdag Board, and be h..?l u.> kaawledga of ti.. m whatever, rotmaibulonei Jewetf.l fon rbum tin ?ni Levita |.tiriM.rti d te have Been -???irii to. t.-t,:i 1 thai la n 1 ? olh ? i-iiu ol evt 1 iiu\ln? .ichi-ii m silbar I oi lb-re* *?!:.-?, sod ?????? -aTeBa af lb? Ketnreiag ll.*rtl laid tbal le ?ni>'".' 1 I'll, tuf tlieui * lui I i,?-? ai.*.? the ...lma? 11? M tl- Uo.ii'l j M. Baa ItM- oriirliiu! return from Urn iwiiinh i? ppedarad 1 t-tioi- tue _<iiii-ui.'.c sud cxauiiii.U U u louu? Uui a tr-i*??.pr of 178 v .te- haa been i)?,ide from i hi? In* mis ??i lite t?. th- Republican aMe,..- _ tbal tin- tr:u,?fer ?van ??i.i<l..l?ef??n> the Una! rnnii'iUtliin of the vote et thtvHtate h*. tl? 1{. tin-tiii.if I'.uarfl tl pTWtad If the tool thai these vi.ft ? appear ??*i Hi- Bepublleen _Ue In the rsSBltSS ?ir<?:i]ii'.?.a*ei| Itv the hnanl. Wbl'.e it ii im?.?idle finit l.i'tlcfleltl may have mivle the tranapodrion wltbool lbs authority at Itnowledgk 8< the Re'iiniinif Bttitnt. mil may therefor?' he who Iv r?'?|>??n ?Hile for if. the fuet -till remain? that the Upturning Hoard lid thru ? uni tin- lieiuoeraiu* voie? in flint- pre '?!!i.t? nf till, p i: l?!l. aial That they ! irte i! 1,'ilH aefion on aflitarHa taken ta (few-Orleans, and ewotn t<? by three ??? ranaa wl i asnnss saw be tannd. and that these ?im ?i.ivit-not tiBTtng bun taetosed with lbs retama or In wanletl iiy Tin- ?Open i-or never gare the Keturnlna It? ir?l an? ImIsdic!ion t?i nmke any snsSBJB iu the vote of tin.? parish. _ \vashi\?*t<>.\ v>tf..*-. V. A-iilM.tos. Friday. Feb. 0, 1<>77. Pn ?hit nt (?rant, iu an iiit-i view pO-Hsbsd m IM TBIBOna ?? ?eiiti ?lay? avo, reinarlteil tbat he hail hsss '.liiaiii? to mb i-i-?i 1 -? ' "? ' i "*")' stmstlos of an tatetossaale saaal ai ros.-, lbs l.<t.ininj of I' All ml;u,ale 8880*881 *lie:i.l o: til'- late S.-eretury thinkrt that ?i? n i,run nui?: have m:?atutlerst<:<?<l Mr. Bsward'a pualtloa in regard to tbti amtier. Ba ?a. i th ?t Ibi re were ihrea proji eu lu which Mr. lew tfd waa m.?r in? netted than In ilwoal any otbera. The.??' wen the ae* qmaitioT of Alaska, tbe pnnhaaeaf ft. Thomas bland, ami the i-onatrii. tii.u of a ranal rnnnofitliig tbn -tlanifti a. a l'ii iu. Oeetaaa. Bo _T>?tt ?aa Ma In ihe canal >i.<ij? et. that be -Halted new-York for the snrpsss o?:..n-iiiui? wiiii i'.'.-r?oopei an') KanballO. BoberBi ?aid t<>it. ii* alaa haw a pbotocraph "i hlmaell t ?ken, and dnrtna hi- -??ttin_ li?-l?l la hi? naial ti??- treaty of Han? a lie-Aii? |?ai iieiilar'.v'l"?ir,nia of r.iu.i. ?"tiiii. lu? liai:..' ;,. ?.;?! >iy with 'hie ?r--at limit rfaklnir. ' Thn PmatdSBl t?,-?lny fransmltt-d to COaajrsssa SB - *?ge hjctoslng I in. Iiiul lai kt the 1000881 uf :i i-oiimiitt? S ? ... I] ? Md Of many lUsttBgalSed . itl_ ii? of New-Yuik. re ssat|] sppomted to aoipeniawflbagensnasbsdj si French fttlBtst. oho ?lesiifn t.? sroet !-: the hmrhu at Hi r-1 irk a eolossal stelae of H Libert] Enllgbteclna the Wi ilil.'' T..,- memorial ? ilgncd bjr w lUam M. l irta, I". L). Morgan, W:,:i un Callen Urraat, ai.Joiii?-i.?.i.->.????'t f iii- lafetag Iba eoBcnrm ? ? ? ol tbe l'i? aident, leoin ating him to tranamtt tbe memorial to Oongms, and aaklna tbal ;? -it- eil I'eti He's I i .ml Im Dt es on vv'ia'li t?, t :? ? t til. -tai if in e?.min. inuntil?.n Of UM UMitb BBBtV?SBTT of Amerb an Independenee. The President m hin mea? - r. -. : ?? Y,-i-> . 'i,'. in ssked of ut :.? <!... in 1 I ha| I (be wlalii ? .' ?I?* BiemOrtollStS way leemve your very . . , ,::-ti?!i." i - rmatlsa was raeelrsd at the iut?*mal Rersons ??m?-?? to-day that boopB have arrived at Onem n. Cpraparab r-, m maktuca rai?l on the PUsll dl In tiie am?tala re?-ion- la thai Mate. The Illicit ?li? - of Vortb ami Booth Cantina and ite??^?? han lately beca carrying en their baataeaa In tbe ni< *t"ii?>n maniier. and ?bet raided ?aii bjr tbe nrenue ?of_l?*mla ?i.i.'ii-- riie paat tar?e weeki ii-i.'.- killed thneorfour ?.,.'. em:.!, ti : ???);,. ; ?. DiiitBM tbe psal tew da} in i ?Mi.? i- aatdited by Dhll .1 States tnopa ?bare captured .?ver i?i illi-it diatllletl in iii.- state ??f ?,? oivia. (ioreruinent ii? organising a n?.l "ii ibla ela?M of law? breaker! m suiuii i ,ii"'?!ii.i ?i. ? I'iiai'H? t? r i?. bleb i?-:i la tu the belief t .a' Illicit dietUlattoa m th.?a two ,-tates will Boon be ami., n ap> laaator camena aaye the aaH sgabisl him for breach Sf flBBrrlsge :>r?nii?>, laying -hi'iia..". a\ KMKOOQi Is mmulstsd i?:' psrsoes who waat to MscksMil Unhand that ansh oonaplne* elU la das time be eapoecd. Tbe woman who bring* tiie ?nil i.? from l'en m j Irania, i I ????nie ti'iie Ik'? [itoein? ?! a ?itu itn n ?ui berta ft? : ?? - Department, tml rnm ???n'li abe waadlambuied i ;?? ?.iiator fur ?iti't. i. :ir n-aaoua declined to bare bar ret? t?nd. BsptSSSntatln WlUta ?'?f New-York City to-.!.i.v |,r -.-Ii!,',i l? ?;:imi-!i.i' politl?n?, i??i:!ieti liy mer. aanl.?. banker?, ami liii.-tin. ?- m.-n goaonllj in ?iifTereut , mtry, ?aktoa tor a repeal al ihe war bums on banks, banker?, and bankins InatltiiUniia. They wen appropriately referred t.? tiie Coutuuitea ob Wa>i and >teau!t, hetorc whom i lull i* now pe .? 11u,_r ?vim I. pru .a.l. ? tor n ri-i?.-... ... all t..i'? ,n, ti_.u; 1.?poatta mi 1 iiiiuk e&piml? I'eiutn lu Mo?t*-? i'u*nniif'?-e on Military IntcrlerAm m th?' South agr ad lo-Osy by s urtet portv no lo take tosttmony b .??! snos ef the prlnttagof tbs \- ? saamta recently sent by tbs PnsUent to tbe Houae. ?lexamler i :i.,- ..--A., i ..- '-. moc-ratli state < cutral < minutie.- of Booth (a*?n t*i... testWed *.!!;:: ??.-??rjiiiiu;: waa peaceful, and tbat the itaia autborltln wen mm* to ,r,- mi ? ? -, arder, Tin- Bouse < ammltl.b ? ommsns agreed today to recommend the ;..i? ?iac appropriai i iddtUon to tb?iae contained .ti 'in Bivei iud Harbor bill b to the H ? "- : 81 ? 000 lor ibe b lunkj. Ohio, and .10,000 tor Bnsoe Bontlsgo Bar .I.."* i. V !.?. The i'i. -i ?? at ii.?< ncognlaed M Du Conrtblal ih C ?n luIofFra i *? iw-Orleana; Loula bT. Areniluno,Coo Intsrtmof tl -* ? tad its !??:? ad :?. ? ? it g? v ? ?' Jaiif? llatiter, Ylee-Coaaa! oCAirtngal at i,.i. Tat > ? afternoon ratified tna e_trsditlon i n -a. T?!.'. ?! - t: - md tp ?A. Tiie la? to the t? ?i. "i tin- tn ..*. haa a : ? t li ? D r.:ii??? at. ?M'lKT BETRIBimOJf. 'Is:>: v>: ?:* ?:.i?. Ind., F? ',. '.'.?At* Prai in ?.t..,? moininc. B. T. Taylor, iii?- dctoultlag < or tbe Pint N it oaal Bank of th i: pi ice, ww found . iii". iiar'i r."?'ii of I)i PajfBe'i odta m an uneotwelon awl apparently dying condltiou, Be baa been nnmvod toddaown reatdenee. Ibedocton dec?an tbat ha hi ta ?one. ?i.? eon Utloa ;*? ? erttlcal, aa he l ??i? :?-. i to bean ?'.-. '??-? Be baa no monej altbhlm. ...? ng-bag,wblefa waa rappoeed t? oon t..!ii money 1 ?- lab In a eaboo-?? ear. ?: la thotigb! * ? I I ?taring laat nl.-.; an ?? ?' ? i, Dt all year?. A* ??'??' i : . again became ??i.aacl ? : el in I' unk in ! ? ?ha - uank ..?li >i-*,,?m-i. Tbe s? lierai ledger aud othei -. THE SUSQl'ElTAJfS \ I? E OOBOK Pont IM i'?i?rr. M<1.. Feb. 9.?The ke gorge contin?en to ?.-Ki'-. ami a large channel , ilonzthe Barford abon, E*be field extend* lag bom Mount Ararat to Ham de? nee retnalnaun broken. Belou Bavre '. ? Qntn tin . .? onthe \M?t?'iri -: le ol ti:.- m. , ? n the ?? i-ti-rii ?nie tlit-tv an . ?:. The river la falling and the Xothing can :imW?: tm e tcept the bn . ol tbe -or. - sbove, or a auddea rise !!i tlU ? ',-!?? | little atten? tion ;. now paid :? ? ? . . ?-. t _. ? ? i ie THE NAT!"NAI. rELEGRAPH COMPANY. S\n Fii'v- !?? ?i. Cal., Feb. 9.?Relativ? ??<> tin :??;? ,'.i'.atiuu i f ' be Atlantic and PacMe T,|i .i-., li ? a'li.? t,i*. * Mi :,.i- N.uiunai Telegraph Com paay ol -?.?n ii-a-n i-????. tbe repon I* cenarall ?? idn i lien-a? a -tin !<--,??? ' the li.ttln. ?,l ?i *??betber t!i ? itter compos any : tads to :; i rredll th? re. Tin- rroonla ol the utnty I othce -ii?i-v that tbal con i ? - Incorporated with **2.*?,?iOO,?MM) "ipifii. of mu.ri? :-T. ?>"?.<??-? waa ah a trip ?? . ? i what iii- ?endow wltbli eannol tieascertsined I A ntw COMET. V.'\- uxGTOx, D. C, Feb. a.?A comet *-va< : Parla ta leb - ? annaioo, 17boon 13 m.a.; itscltaattan. i .<i math It lia...? dm m , pluslSBta. ti-f.-.a right laecn ?i??ii. and pina 3 T v.: declination, it haa a brilliant, round ., i? u-. j..?t.i'ii Herat 8 'tu .n lastltuthm. I In tin.? iotality the m*A ? ?m t ?bu'.i.U Im iuolieti for ?lai?a." ? ' m ?iinri-e.i CRIMK-) '.NL? CASUALTIES?B\ rSLKGRAPR. ?, i**?ii'Ti.ii', '!.!..??., ? ?it. *?,?lie! rv Barrows nf P . ' .. ' a U*8 Bl ?-? : :.?; ? mi . tllng ? bile t. : -?i',:i-.. ! uti'. Mass. Fob. 0.?L*nnaa K. Bnnter ? ? ? ? an ? ., m ,ucy Dtekerasn of -uniieiia.i?t. a ?a? }...:??.f 4K?-. Kaltimobk. Feb. '.V-<"!?,irl?- "li- irv -i Qp ?? Ma' ttn II..,: ? i arle? i .?.niv. Mi, i'i tbe murder ol J??tiu \i i.v. ie?' m J i:t, 1 -7?.. BaLTIMOBI . Ki b. '). -Mr?. Marnar.r Kitle.. age ->?? y.-ar-, \.a -llii-ii i,\ an < ?i Bal i - !? r-- ,.?m Ali.i?- t Uktlta ?>u the I rae k al t'ataO 1? lull all XUIt. i v : win. F.-li. ? ? ? ! r.i>!i?r. William Mnck'ej, Samee Smart, ami S'inoei arrt-U-u ? I alt, i - a.? .iitetiiv?, ebarses ?um droBna h aa r* .iiM.K-.i-. Fob O.-a-ht the raso of the n ?a.ii:?.i Ui,11?..i Murn?r*a Ctreua, tor eio Itjr to ebluiri-B lu I'ir |?'l ?u'.i-ut . iie till lilil? ai ?. In ? I? l.'Ul.l ?lelli^inl? ll . I ... .... '..-. !! |.'i? .' i . n I . I , M'ltl.-i.l ll-il.l'. !!!.. Fob. '.-Ill 111?: i Ilile?! Stat.-*? . ii* ???. r "hBSihm ii U'K-u i ?.mitt, re ???n,, ? ?iiivi n' I ?i,- paMtua ?-?Mtttei tma* ,i ,-n. .1 ! ? ?me \a it ?. a tin- I'-Mi.-iiil .1 ?, .?n ? .. ? -1 ' , . ?A niz.- luliu l|,?1 ,?f iituii ? i* amtmomU Maa ye?r m ?he Paaltt ?I., i .?.l.lai liiUtie. Hai ttnOBK, Fob .'.- Kiulit hodks ??f th- eeon ?>f tb? " Bei ???boaittu Lmmt abb it Uranbun Pol ? ,.-a An .tiM.11? in th. pxloA !?'? ??? m t?\.i--u yeetontay, m,l ?a-a barm l.r.t.iK'.i ?? 11? 1 - ?it?. Il.e lenlie? rr ...v.|-?| <i> llxwaot ts iu. *? III!? li. . -i|tl on, V\ I'. l).ny..i!i, ?Sward wiiiiam*. i>a<nl lluuiiei?. Mania i laaabrrt) at ?in? ru;...iiti '.?.A I-ff-ni. K-.l.eri liuiifti. aim Antt.ii it a:l. r. _:.?>?'.m: .-1 ti I .!.,:.,,1. . :. .t |( |a .. 1-., ...... ?11111 .\.-w i'.irk. Tin- '..?'A.-., ?trc aa-:!? re?.t?il.uoa. ?juif uM t-rniaiui BBBSSSOBBSA THE POBTE AND THE POWERS TII'KF.Y ASSAILS KMi I>?r?)I(T?NT ( II? I "l.iK KK?tVt Tltr 1-oKTf ? Rf-anTA ?TII.I. (iI-POM.Mi PKAtJE?THK HCLaVOSIC -?* Li? li f- A?. nvK. i*(ix**TiiXTt*<ot?i.?. Fridar. Feb. 11, H7d. Tbe circular of ?he I*?irte on th<* faii-'ie of the Omfer enec. datad Jan. '-'?"). after r-rapltulatim. the arirnro?n_a Jiisiifyiiiir Hi?* r?,i?eiiou ?if th?? iiropiwal* of the I'd ?.??r*, ciirntnenu In ?v very winternptnon? torn- on the ,,?-. rim? made by lien, I-nulleff, at the final ?minir ?f the ?\>n f?*:.nte, that the Porta, by It? action, hid virtually abaaaaB-i Iba ft?air of Pi-u. The nom Stahwea notiiiiii: weald bave batea aaste te tba T.irki?.!i del?? ?fait**, if tbe.v bad eonafdered ?*aeb .ir? pi pi * than te sbww th .11.. a. Itcaattt .Tsaaaerttea waa daeeava iiotit m fortn ami mhataaee. rhe dcleaniea, hawi-rer, retaslaad aliena sa ?;?*n. IsiaattaaTa reaaarba B>? relevantfotbeobfeetof tin Conf?r?e es. Tfc Burotmea dele-gatea, bj tbetr ?il *?t i*. ?ave an nneqal ' Mtotilaliuwni at ti.?* 1 in .n.ii-'i* lu whleli Qea. IgeaM-W peateaded to espraaa tin- vi.-wn of the a l?ale Oaatei nee. ,' t?i?-l. Fre?a, . I", a. <), 1 -77. The fiovernm nt hi? ?*nt home the reserve? reeeiitly t-al'ei! out. PIBI.IC rr.nfxo in MM U. UMaaa,BMaBdBr? f-i? hi. aOBf The Timee't dln|i.-?f( h from F< Irrrade nay*: "The Berrtan - declare it li..|-.o?u?!!.le to dmcusa ., -.1-mint ion f?>r ?rrautltii? BetvBoBBB Ba j.-w? and Armenian-? ???|ual to thone enjoyed by other Servian mil-ji-ct?*. Tb?- opp??! tion ii? aaCaated by trade Jealousy, and mole? from a combination of IJ?*lirraiie merchants who iiifl'ienee the eii.jiie which furnish nitnl tj?rs for both politieal parth-i. Scia ?ba ??? *o% serlaaal)-<>l>J"ct toitn\ oilier of the Tiirkifh i-on.litionx. M., the Riin-inn t'.ni.-til 'i.mral. i? ?till o|M-nl7 opposing peaea Bl b pseagatead ;_*- btaattBad with tit?. plaaa ot One BalaTeal-i aaeteb *? H i" la Bavad tn tba l.irhe.-it al?alas that ssBebd Rmwia Bataeedf laaaaa ??e.i?-s ,.r!?i*.*u teVta and Turk?--.*. -*??? !t n oitl.l remove :? ratita of e.matan! Irritation with A nutria and leave RujmU at liberty to ileai mita Bulirarla. The -<-l.ivo:iie Mx-letl?***? desire war. believing tbal TiiiUi-h eeeapetlea aaaM Mtew an 1 BBMs tii?- Baa -ian Qovaeaaaeai la tafea ?? Bvb itaps baaBadMaalp, rh?*y aim) d? ?in- to provoka the Haii.'ai Uni.-., betlevtag tba ?clat i*.:.i*i? In Austria antat .rliituphlf arout?d by any ?i\..|t set of ii*.* Uni. -tn .ii minority. ?? The ai peaew er war bangs uno?i the relative ?ir .- ii ??! tin i iflniiiim aimIsnl in Belaraata B* etta ,.i and d.i. metal i..*---,a. i*\.n, thooaaad men Left B. Igiada on Tlinr-iiav for G adora. rbeBervlaaaan eaaeaatraa? lax all fiieir torno :u thai n'iarter." THE FAIIlRK OF THE 0ON7EBBHCB. tup. TiitK? i-_? 11M1 *aoMtatao?atnau baibtobbi I'NI'llKl'.UtKI? TU ACT IWDBPBBMB TI.? MtDIIAT I- ?If?.'*? ?MilMNi..-WtJmWUfm PBTTOtTt -*?TiLL in DOCBT. ;**n<)M IN?Ht ISBOWAl 1 i-K-'t-?l-"V|;KVr? F IBB TRIM 1F.1 LoaDoa, Jan. 20.?'Earapa in to -:pj the wMbbbb if tl:.* hamliiatlng apectaele of the triumph?thou-jrh it may lie oalj fhra whila at Turkey, lin* w?-ak I--.1. the BBoet aorrapt, ami m all iBBpeea. tha mbI <>f Earopeaa Powere tonn thungbr lit to set at detianre tin- il'.maiiiN ?it ita tiei-.'hliiir.?. Wirli mu. Ii .?-t--'ita fi?)ti theTerfca have diaplayad thai wl V h Mr. ,?l?_'l rlghtly t.rroe.t tii.-:r " r?-l. ?!!?!. --1 Cataltea,* Bad have ai!::iiiii)C!-(l their deti-iTi'.:. -.: n to dio rather than labaiit to t"i?'?i.*ti iategvi Btfoa iu Ha**r int. niiil affaira. The Grand Caahcfl at-Ceaataaal* ii.-.ili* on Tlntr .'?te .li-ei hit mot toa I?' rrtitt tb.- ?lele irat?-_ of the Porte to a? oept crea tha toe n.u? h ifiedanggeatioua "t* ?b?* other P?,*\v.*r?, and ctmsca qoeutiy tbe Conference ni?*et.-i today for the I. ?c tin;.* :ts a Btattfif of feral to hear the lai l-iou .?tiii'i.illy anaoaneed. Tln-re in pathing !> ft fur tho Embaaaaderi bow bat to pack ap their traahaaai ? i- '? '.-' ? .l|".!.*ll. T! eCoaference then h-.m peavad aa niter failure, and the only eoaaolation oneeaa derive front the - --in! .1- :'.:?? j't ,*.l tl?'luandsof tin* PeWBH hud of ? 11 slowly frittered away In tii?' vain hope of Inducing the Porte to renaaat, even -".- ? 1 ? ?t.-??'lf Muni?! bave been a fiuiit*-'-. The Itterdayael tin? Conference belied tbe hopea thai ita earlier si ting. ii id iuapil *?l. li't-i 1. wliicii wi *t tit.1 the bn.tineea with BO< h a tl.-te miu ?! attitude, em-iv retired to tha liiM-kgrnund, and Loril r?alifibury, who strnefc aal ?? . - ..' ,?- .1 h astonished hie frfewii 11 -i 1 - tnallyi ? ' thf pro-Torhish aattjoi h-nue. bad . ': tl: 1! !.e i?ti?!.?!?? !, and fo lating wards in the ioriniila r it*ti of plane which be knew he had :.?- powi 1 t?. e-i V....' be LBunediate effect of um Dglipof ti..- t'ulif.-rel'.i??? It I-at Ptm lit a lit? tle dirti. til: "? It "? . in, In.w.ver. that mattere will not k Dg r main in their preaaat p???. tinii. i'lic aiTi?fii. ?? :?- ;n . bwweek%BBd if nothing elae bttpp us before, that event ante btiag tbe ?pieatioa again tothe tr-.v. r. Whether the Eat* 1 ? " ? n ady to take bis ladt pend ? ni action is a qnestiou wbi? b ti:>* a? tl w? eh at twa will del ?..e. I ' -? *' :'... ? i- to he that be La ;i"t. In ai.y 1 .im*, however, whether the boatintioa when the] are renewed will be directly with Baaaia or, aa before, indirectl Ihr agb flervia, there iaatill sutne bopc that i le* 1 111 . 11 ?1 a lcaou from the aventsof the peat few week*. Tha l'orto maait know no**.-, if if did not ItlM ? I ? '? ??*. that P.orope baa already ri garded the Tui!<.-!i Batpia sa effete. She is no ; : imperial -?way, n >t even one ??f the Enro|ieaii tamil -. Tha Plenipotentiariesal I uustantiuople bava laada Tur key feel that, in their opinion of the Pewera, ?ne ig not to betroated ;<) govern h-*r awn subteeta. If any evidence wen* wanting of tin? fact, the 01 -i-r vutinna which ::;?- Grand Viaier M reported to har? made in tbe '.r.itid Uonncil waald mare thaa have mppliedit. Naturally enoagh, all the am uanla ~e bave heard ir .*u Conatantinople da ::"i agr?a hi many partiealara, trat there ia a nnanimH r* gka? ble, if i? does not .*%_,re-? the txath, :?i impV -; to Pasha a speech containing wordawhieB, any ii here else h a. ..: Constantin >|>I<*. ? miM i m* tokaa i , Htioos warning. Mi'ihat 1- -anl t*. have in? formed bis fellow coaucllore thai a refaaal af the laram MB_igbi reaalt in war." aad thai m tin-? war r!ie\ won Id eertaialy have to help themselves, if indeed they did not bava the ?holii of Kara 1 hem. Ha awrauvm is rapartef tn hive pointed oat practii al di-Bcaltiai in tha way lii'.i-.r. Thej wonld, he ia reportad to bava bb?b\ ? . t-.iiiy apon America tor inaa aad aaamaai* Hon. and they waald Yooa he unpl. usauily at the ;,, 1, > ? f tin eiietni ?>'. : ??. nen. 'I ha praapt el ? .*? r t.iiitly 11 it r.-i-stiriiiL'. Wit a a hankrii|i( tr.**u?ii.y and the whole of Earopa airan.-t I he as, tha Tanrki may well even vet paaaa befar theyhefagdawa thaaval.uii in- 1?.iiuli shall af?fwbelm th?ill. If the wboleaome dread "t* war which appears to^prevail at meat of the European capitals .-.the , effi it of indncing all or Bay Ot the Poan r? to hohl ? etr !; in?!.*, it Will all'.inl BOBM tina- 111 whica tho Potto can pwt ita new < tmstitnthm into aae. Iin-ay , thai th? Parte will l?.* ihrawd anangh tn tap tin.*? tot itaalt and thai it wlH at lanr make ? mal effort m theeaaai "t refora, la ovdeg to ?u?.- ptj -nil farther a- >i-t- al dyem. Bpaealatioaa aa to the fataia, baaravar, bib v. ry uunrodtable. ( Iren aal im m ,o- sa fait? ?\>i.\?*n asa with tbe ether thai itia qafta Impeaalhb In piadiiit aea hoaa what the anal will Wag. Maah, deabt laaa, depeadaow-the aetiaa ol Basaaa Thaws are aw who declare that aaaeh baa aSaady _a> pended nana thai bibm aanrea. I : that hernia liea the a il Been I .-f the faHare f th. i no ference. liad R?sala >h')?:i atore d ..? it iheoatael rnrkej woald have give in.lM.tRaa ..'_ want ?f ilitiiiii ?.? ra ii.dii niive ?! aaakm --, ami the wily 1 pwecutativea td torn for . knew thai if tlnv ??ad nothing '<' t.-ar from her ih?*v bad itothi ,g to few fr??ni itnv othergaartar. ??n :i?. t:. tin* KuaaupbobiBta me m tin - waren n action ?>t ? I [gnatieff ?ml.? another instance .it Lua woaderfal I'.itihnii.i'i- ?aco ?I> I: i(- ?nit dowu as tfatutby which liii:*ia induera a l??*li?-f thai >!n- ih not rva?ly lar tha Bald, bal aahrta -?in-w Mm waHd, when the world laaat ?-vi???*? t?? it. that -.lie will _ro in ami earry avarythufgm fr?nt of baa battea "t?i?-!> bave a 'ham e nf leeiMlatn e. 1 g\\c ytiu tlie-a* -.')? 1 ulaf loie not In eaiiM- 1 think either of them have any |t.n ? vain?*?? .?itiinl\ imi ti.e laeaaii but Wet.? a ! ?lie-, ,irr far ?-?h-.iuicu* of lite tui't. U-t ?li.?. ..?. u j has ' .?no-k.