Newspaper Page Text
err e-D-obl 4o an " A bnitliter dar ta r?ertainl?r in uton? , rteuth when ??ich liberal ?entunen*? find _jtp?rea r, ES REA I SOI ES. There tare a few Yankees in F.aatern Massachn pgPX mbo ?till have faith in the eftieucy of wilib ha'i-l to 4, wrmlntnB the l.x"?tion of w.-li?. In Nevad? the-re an? ai?r-b*?*?lii??il ?i? ?-?i'aior? win? y/tptom to have nn anal - oeiiet in tin* \t: ,i:t** ef a i!iv)t>:ii_.- n>?l in m tin pt-enem-e t?f m*? ru- ni?tniiiieiii i* an e is'tpn-miu i?-t whirh !?*?r?on?l_ to the .it'raet:. ti ?d piealeua n ? ?- : .il?? wi 'b?-r the on?? an? *_;?> or -.!.<??>?> feet In-low the mirla? a. In one of the conimitt<-e i-ioms of the Se bc?-ka lifKlMlatui?*? ?ix ?intet? were linriitiii". '* P.i? tT> i ??tinienl ami Reform !" er?et! Mr. ?*ri-i_rb!?'n ; " hrlmr la a lamp ami pin out that un? ; the -an'! *t:i:nl ? ???ii*'" ?? ?Befonn mu? 1' I** ?!i*iek?"?l M Vin Wyrh; " hnnn In a .-indie: t 1? lamp la too ex p. - *. ii ,..-' if.rt'il Mr i reiitiiioti ; HJaetlOofe at tin moon : ble*? -?ta" I1-* u-,- it appi-ars n t?i.* fln.i! an ii? ?i? i'. >r m-him-nt m?', lief? nn ?in. ?it ? 'own into ein-.i|> lu.Kiiialinit'. \ wedding |?nriv mva?le?l the County Clerk's effl?*?' ut Alton. 111., nine ?luv? ago, un?! ?le un: b-d ? mar eeieae ?? t . : '- I the 2*8 il 11 rl. ; ?* what ar? 'm- aim? V 1 he ItmlnTooiu'? ?_:.? waH :I4 ; the bruit'* 14 The clerk beaitatinir!. ?i?--?;?-'!?! tint t waa agBSaei tin? law to toene a lna ii*?- to a mrl nniler is w a).oui the pt.n?.-tit of her pai-'-iit?. Theuapeu tin bride'?? llathei ?.i forward wiin in? eeaeaal aad '? ? athe. " Why, ? .- .ili?'..,i? he? *i ma.-? :. .1." ?nul h?-. *? and I? bow .? widow." Th? - eoarUMed thai i Mi? ea who L. a hu-ltantl tinilt r _Ti?ii:iil wan obla??ii?ii?"!i '?' ha*** ati' r ah-MTS liii' The eleventh cour-?' of " lectures to tne r -** wa* a-peaed Im EUaaeOap aveakaa ??' I "th S ,. (tieId Hal?. N??*-Have.i Ifeeae ;???!?:??- in c.i .?mla?. end Tlmr??!-?.? e\ .'!iim_? ?Ii.iinc tret?, nary mid Ilaroh. The li?t of li'trir.i- inciudea ?uKli naawe a? ??'illiair H. Biew-i ?' ? Batue. t. K. Hone?., fi W Hiw.*. 1" A. Walk? i. 8. W ,1, W P ? Igt 1 a -k nanr, mi.1 \. ___. VerrlU On l?. *at ?. ?? Air ? ?. ' ? 1 '!' ii. ?! .?.'|!,,1-I?,..'- lll'l *? S.UlH ;1-V 1 ? ? ?- ? ?-* ?tr-- lor .", ''.ollar ' It la attUOOl ? :e ap a? a TKll'.i ni: ?? l? n. e " Exira." The Manu- I_c__i.?l.'turt eon?nues in the work 0 - ' '-?ii ..U'l '?? it'.w ??? .-.?: a _ pool . u siate Pnaua eefonaa it i? alaa peas I ?Ml iu all lin puni h' ?>t Ibepruaeal Lottery la? aB theae uto ? tihn ti ehaieh and ether fjiri?. iinUiii j . - i| i i?-.nn". ga bean aad woltrea baa been r NBC 1 Dal Bl ?!!? ' miailia;. i . .?i. aad that taeirearaan brouaht loto th Stati !.. - - ! ' i- >!llf r (Mill lb 1 . ?>f vine ni tin- m .re ?- p -:i.tiii__. U..1 ?ii". t ..a nn>d ut doff 1 .ra thai ? ??? irh ? ?' the Ma'iie Suion? t_ - ? ?.. ;.?: uiiM-ellan.-?i:?. M ?;.ir??*-e. ivnt., paper publishes a em ??f a /. * i ii.iinra. ti???;h o. beaebwood ? aaa l :?iii"t| nein ?tiietpie'' -i.iln.ii i m - ntirif BUBMku?i "' then ? ii h- ade Uigethei i 1 !.? , . ,,?*.:-, ? ? T'lO-, ? h ti; ?i? ah 'L-*i ;????! !)??? irroii'iil .. hrrrhnni foaad tta ami Inte Hie .?..nil ami . .!?,i tin* ui'iM'i portion, which woold have tkm i?:.i:t, In? ?.: ),?? ii-.-. ma ?arced U) reauuu ? .-. >?? m tl >? skull, iin.l Waa line tc.?.?!"'!. I ?i> the l?. tin ; - ? l?.w - ?1 ?1? la. i ha length of ihi id la -?i . klh ut til?! ?aa-Ji of tae ? Btl-DMB I ?. !?_ The Eitndon Echo reminds tli?- English critics, ?? m gi.itigihe in:- -, - p tattoo ad***ceen tti? mi?.|?*?-i of tin Oeaera .uari, thai thah Qereraaaeat b___. raeently t??-?'n eaeape led t>? a.imit thai tin Am mere right no to the extradition of ettmiaali nmier the that it ?ill he suite a? well for l Hoi?! their teturuee, It reeogniae. U e Owl Pi it th? A ? ?:. ? ?? 'Vi-ninii'iit liail ,?> It? ? l? a ?Ai-g:? Itiri'f ,'i! -? a 1!: ?i lue A' iit.iiiia and bei eoumirta. an : penalve an ?jpenitHUi aa the keeplna ??i fli-.-t In Bealha Hay baa proredtooe, the ?? - .,!?? n?> limit - .,, rerun t,*i? balance ?'ri -it Britain woold hi? 11 II hapjieiied to nav? a at t a-? .i. ha??-: ir?un th. l'ii?- la.- i? . ?i? to a very ?. ? ?in- ii-i.iii : ' V. !.. tlnT t!:< \.: ?. an? ma ? uf th. ii ?wa iai.ii.iti niurn tl??* iimn'-.v ;?? an?,tiiir matter ; the ? af ?the act wl be enhanee?! bj the ? - - . i . ?-.-. .:iin liolUii it, a*. H tie-y were pay In. ?-?-ii- i'-:i?' i:i ?in-y." Th?- public ?tfaus-Bsn in Qlaagow ??ver the pxrtdApxgOt ebPmm anaaaeal i'.??i?ert Bane on Jan. 23 ?.-.-_? -- .ire ne popular Btfth of the Tweetl t.t-day a.? they oru were. The monuint-Dt m laaiaoted i?n:i lyally t?v weitanea m the **? ?? lead md ounatarptnu wwn maltes t?> a ?ii?iihl*. n thai 4.?i_hi Buetehiaea won eaaated to honor iin- p?*;v n? or? I': r. were luobiuulain the pmeeai ? ,'laye'l ?? Tie re ? at a ?ml was Imr-i In K ?:!?.'? The eeiuie ama naalat ami pletareeqnc broad gifinar n??'k baaaeta, aad ? ? -? ? ' hiui.i*? aad broad bright ? - ? ? !i,i-i?'r??i with evergreen? aad a - eewai'aUui h band, p. ?. ??jieb ?an of a tl,.i!i'h'-il .leil to repreaent :-.-.? r. ? Hid "1 ? . i ?? nuco' fou' a.ip:*>?'' n ? i ? ? ... ?tel i? blade, ? . ? ????? Ited t>? h - .?: . :? ?v..? Browing i>?-i l* ... . - ai?i .1? ?.'any were r.-1'.-t^ Malad t? i . ? ?-'? en me-, wbik ?. - ... a r?'t?lj i'.:,'i :-." W .,? t) the i;,, in? ,|?-' lator- in **t" - .. it-?-. Lord Houarhton pre-ided over th? ecr.aii? a ?. ?ml, an ? ?? llenl ipeoeh. The ?Serrada ??gisliliiie has ?snthorized tin* .:ioi. of a ** limn .-r.piil'' cliarl " ??; the ""ta'..' Got ?*.- !:t. It is a In*t ?if : -i.itt-- Beaatora, th* thmoreaOmml Bategattau.tBe Jaaa***e?the BtateoflteetUj Ut? - ,_u- ?'-niit'.r.? aad Ajupnhts one, aad the alai he ?*in played ni the State Baaat Ii parallel eolusssa are gteaa tii?-re?l?li'Ui' ?? of .?UV i,i,.?;:.. f?i-iiiH. and domeettt ?tu ? ??t irery eervaul <?i the ? .te 11? BolUO ::? in Wl e?.ii> ?tiitintuian i. IS01 iti.'l 1-?T7 an- .?-. ebi"-. Toe; pr,.\. that ?????.I r.? i-on-i-i,?!:;?? i* a .??ni.iii"ii '?! !OT? t til" p??l: ,av. and i ..'on? in?'?' in 16 ?ear?, i alao iTKlii-at. thai politic? arr amhraeed at a rery n*tdm ama. Aaaeaablynuui Mclntoeh. for iuaiuiiiee, . - 13 f? are old bee une an aro.-nt R' publie.?.': A - , Ii ' lib It? an w.i-li -inly lii ; aa.l A ?-? in " ? in m ? ailtor ?aa- ol . ? ? al !?? ?a? !? ?? waea la the aenooi-rooot -?.nn ?,t i -. - - ho atv .*. >?* 'iml ; 1 1 . ar? ?i?? in 1 ? - . ? iper of i ?ai i? onfori ?m ??? Uiirelj I i.. .ti ..i?i? i'?, ?.?-.i-'m? . !i.,.| ..? ?l. .c. rn.ii._t_t won are a lailvw'i - bora. I'l ULK OPINION. ?'? ?-,-? i? '.t.'. .1 ni .-i Rradlej has l. ?:.. bat ill i .?t . Juati. ? IB , ?.?m t.? In- fulfilling tiie I UM ? ??,'**- i tul.) Juil_r? Hna?l?\ ws ?\?"fi?ii to reaerre Id Si k? eaaean ??! ????? . m the I the ?id a an ??I in?- nifali !?:?? ' ?,n,ii?i? te u ? . of f!e I>?-iii<?<*r;it? in their ?a?- ? Loa! itaua bm aa m.. jeu, -|?i. o r - m? u laa! dn?b.-|? ?i???m.i..ti ?? t? tin Board '?f Arbitration ahonld declare . :.,. ., % I of relief i . _ . ? I ?. in ?? :-. ii.'l . ? , tnaii uati waa the Vr ? Is our opinion it would lie a greal miflfor I iew-Yurk t en ? t in.. ? If ? in"ii ? ;:ri. r I I'.'Ui I I iblen bas n<? .in?i ??! aiin toa rute in ti?* i an be time am better claim Ui I > ??!.. -. and lima _ ri a '?ai . hall lie I of n , ?> ? ? ?ro lia lie botter I ?I not 1 '? . lot? i with ' -,'niiiis rmff ?it air?. Badj LaLBOE if". EMENTA. TriK POllBJBB ITSIEB 41 TBI I Tklntov, N. .1.. K.i.. 11.?'J'lfe iiotu-ry - ? S ai fii'iimU!?:?- .t? ptru II."ii- ..r<' ahoal 1,800 ??*"?*-'? a" r?fn?H !.. w.irk at i he Manead wagae Maat tana _i.- |J( i_ PUP) mtU i limn., al wlii-li ?pn-:,,-- an tomOr AImiuI 4i> ini-ii uil al w..ik a! tilt Utw H_t ?r-.-uc egttru. are b-in? u, ni?- l<> aaataal Ib.i.i :.?.)?iil m.,rk ?>t? Tinuiilaj' iMHt a MaSharaf the stiiker? ap *? jii-iI m front of the Lau?. ,,f ?,n, ?if t:.*?-?- workmen, But-inil n?!llii(toii, aiitl tiireiu.'iied p"i??.iiiti violence. On ic.iL\\ : ;? ?,?! putt eiiBjwis assess bl-?) - . ii.i.i-. i?f a ? ,. Bieu win? w>ui'iii ai woin, nain? .i Pox. aad linn..-ti bim m ? tagt: J?) Uin-ai.-. atoned him, tmelremt -l?^*<ii r? ut iiOi a wen ir ?*ea?d :,ii(1 imii?ii iiivi !.. ,,.; ,i. ; au-wcr before Ultt Lam i ?! Oyef an.l Tt-ruiiu. r. THK BBWBBIII IBIl BBOmaaV -?TKIgE. F??kii.AMi. M.-.. Feb. 11.? The engine *S?iv? ?? on t?,^ lUMtun and Mahie Kailrnad xUike -liai thej ?'I r n, :. in..!" tmii,-out !!ii:i' li.i-v ha??-orrt.ra la ii.. ?, f.-Bi Mr. Aiianr the bei??l ..f ibeir m _ mii/ialiou. "im I a reanel or a piei V m lb?- way a ?*-**-? i ? porta w.-ii- - . . .,? a ' " ***' '?* Ir?iii lUi- ?mi u* Uaa b eii! out ktkm. __ nuttu, bm a tits ditdt? MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. ? TT?F, E88IPOFF CONCERTS. At the first of her conot?.rt*. which takes pies-* to-raorr-aw evening at Htemway Hall, Mme. KHsipoff will play Beethoven's 8onata. Op. 110;? Nocturne and MsasSBI In A flat by rhopln : a Clioplti-I.I?it Chant Polonaise; two number?? by Schumann, and a Romance and Htudy on faise note* by Rubinstein. We regret !?> *?-*) repeated on the programme* the same error to which vre had to call atte'itioi. darin?; Mm *. LsaipnfTs flrst rt_H h New-York, ami ?iiit I? tbi! tin pr..*i-e Id.iitiiv uf many of the pieces on the prm-rammc cannot I.c made out at SB from the Indications given. This is unfortunate, a? it ITi-ienis any study, previo is to the concert, by the a'ldi ence of the music to be perfornx-d. ami makes ihe pro? gramme* useless for purposes of reference. Tlie fault Si miiU '.te corrected before the *s??ciiiid concert. .Mm... Rssipoff will hhre, as befor?*. the supiMirt of M'1?-. AgnsBB Palma, the ?outrala?, and of M. Alfred Vivien, the violinist. ? ? oi.YMrK-i.'oiMi tuf CLOCK. A revival of tlie cuinic Bat-!(?-(lv;iin i, " HdiiihI the i'ltx-k."?which was originally given a: the Brand ' ?i>.r t Huns? as an adaptation, by Mr. *\ut;ti-tin Duly, from the Frenen.?-will Its- etteci.-d tins evening at th?* Olvmptt T-OBSSS lins pi.-ce Is toi..- *.??) m sei ?its that r.rl. e: :n ?!?:!(! OBfOOtBOf , it*, lif-, and it picfir.s of N.-w Y-.rk Mie Mhatf in ?ttra.-t ami BtBSSB multitude? .*f -.pec tatora t(*. ?t earn little or nothing for inal ? O? al ? k i and coiiiiuct. Tin* mener? wiiicii has boon prepared f?.r Uns cxnlbrion is anderstaoO to l?e un-oiiiinoiily food I'll, parts are c?utt as follow- : !'..B-.,-ri'*t Kilj.."*.: t. esti I Tlie Call nor .Johnny Owen r*-?.,-tt MJ .* :?. -r..iit 1 .Itilimia lsrt i ? M,-..i!in.*'l.. lui-mil.! M ?? Heiirgte lire? The Rim k I Biaeato ii.?? i. u. Han. Ml? Men* CBarles Zsmiel. Mr. Abraliam Hat . Harry Hill. . lir. tlllotl turlea Leeto-req Roan?? !..' Lawj.-r lianiig.iM Mi. Beelnnu Kdwanl laiiiiii I'vrtiU-sliiiistsr L-ra* rar? Al.telTtai: I> M:* - (Jii?i??.<s Boohwvl O ' ??. k .Mr. Jo?.?' LUlvhtim . Miss AA? (liltnsa K'?-?* M - - ? **'. Petal ixsi.i (Jsorga Psritas Mrs ho tint.. Mass Wood Mrs. 1'otcr IHxll. Mi?. Ini|sv_Ml-- i ? .-t.r M mAUi ?? tJwy B Miss It..-. .1 Mr. Miiti.ii) M I:, rr. doi ? The Manager .W.tlt 111? ?tai? ?*.Ml Franc I n M i.- mus? Mi Pall Lit ' ** Srasll : Bs 1 ni?.-rty Man .Mr.(*uu?*r i Little Olrl. .Miss -Minnie MR. BELLEST EXHIBITION* The plt-a.--iiir_---.ciikor will reckon ill wlio teatros nut i>; ins knowledse Ibi eaterta?ua*-al bos i ? n a* in.. Wiuititii Theater by Hr. Heller. Thocarrea!gem? **ra****ai?which is tlie ti??rd of Um Mneo??eoaatsta ol four part*, and is as rOBMrfcahle f?ir rsrtoty >? lot points of interest. I'.ir: tir?I DOTM Stool six examples of illusii.n. an iiiscnitabh*eloehsad hsl] sn tecs wdheari. Th* hands of Ihoeloeh move, end ii,. tiiii.-iii* of ?lit Im-1 : . at fu- rannt and ol the mactclan; ami bo-pet cepiible UM ii- m nie ut Btty in? cii.ini'iii ci'iiir.? aii.i . Lia: k and ->ti ange us?-i-made ot e.-i tailt jars tin.l ball?. A rtag-dere la wrapped in Home paper aad placedlas ? it .i or. uiul is in??-.??ntl.v ,*iiii::.1 m a ?.i.ttli?wn.,i. he broKi-u with n. hasninn*. m oedet thai the fatrO may ? i:, ergo. ',v. Bollornaod lathh crieh a bes of stnaulai an?l handmiimi eonalniellou, which be sn<l whs oiade by Houiiin und presented to him by that hnaons mai IMlTsr rings, swimlnalj solid, bib made to pass tl BW another and blend into ?i cii.irfi. A IMS-traetec f.. bloom, by t?o* appari-nl loroea Ol BOStC ami lire. Am 1 punen is dipped rr.-ni ? bowl that I00BBI to bo etapty bal I to bo lnejilntiistiiiiy lull. Purt BOCOOd is ?' I tu a musical iierform.iii i-, and Mr. Heller plays, with skill and itelhsMij. a loihl lapilte on shsnl B illustrates.ra? . ih<* piano ptnettae td ? . a: boarding-Aciiool. This hitter effort sboald Im' recorded a.? a ciipiul pleee uf Imitation. Is i*irt third Was Heller'? inarv-itius power of loeoiid sight ioehewa, irlth astoi; s.iin_- instance?. I'ar! totiilii eouipcloeeOp tina I lili?ilnns. uf a eorate eharael r, ereatad apparcntlj -t.-tii of iiiirriirs. Miss n. lier Boraonstes n individual??, and sings charade:- BOOfl Tiic BBM pro? gramme I? replete wi*:i enjoyable featnrea, and n hu ifvu roootvad with much puiiiic approhotloB HISCELLANEIM ? MENTIO?T. A revival of "Our !'?-'* is promiaed at tbe S :.:?..,tiM ?iv rhooter ou l va. MHart?n^ will be repeated tbroagboat this -, the >'. w* Brood raj i in A new version of "La Pel ??'" will l? pi udueod al the Faglf Tbestor on \> ? -i ? la? erenina. "Wild <?;?tt-?*' i\il! Ih- lirmi-bt mtr :it -Wal? lach'! fheai.r this, ivii.i :\ii. '.i'.u.ack tu- hhxoer, an I a cast otberwioe ^<- attr icllt ?*. Mr. Sam DoTore, Mr. Pat Booney, Scanlon ami Cro?la, and many other -.?.. inairnitinle ire Boa al i ?nj Pastoi - rheater. "Tlie \)uiiciicil-" ?it tbe Union Square ? "Piftli \- ? nue " .. Bfoth's, "On Hinise"' at the Pirk. "Lerooos" al thi I and " Fernando" at the Uraud Opera B*suae, uta] dowa .ie esiain shed Bttrsctiona. OBITUAET. KF.AP.-APMII1AI. THEOOOBUB BATLKT. Etear-Admiral Tbeodorns Bailey, niin died in 0*aahln**toB 11 ?? - I mornl-r, was 72 yesn Be was born at PlattBbnnr, Clinton County, N. Y, ?n : BOB, and ???hen a In nit n im- ] .-?ir - .if age w::n. --. .) t uni tii nitre Mcliom.tigh's naval Tletory over phe Hntiali loot an Lskoi haasplal-. WhetB about 13 jreors of ase (Jan. l. lsl?i ne we* sppointed bs ? midshipman tiiioii^ii the liillucn.f bin sacie, <;>*ii. Tbeodof* y.iil?-?, tbi'U ?in ex-l.'ni'e' -: |l?^ tl:-i ?*i ii-e -vasoti tije corvct Cyaoe, '.vlii?*li conveyed : ?* Botanists to Liiieria. A >-. iiiimi-- lou- d ?is a Uestes ant. Bis net- seo lerri w mat porformod SOitog the jistri l-ni-?;. whos in- sallod in 1 ? ?iinmoiiore MTsdsworth'i laxahlp, the Vlneennos, ?> -, parts of the Paciti. ... ?m. In 1840 he ^.t iwOorodto ihe New-Torh Nary-Tard^ and three years later started on a royage armiiii the world m iin* frigate i ?.ii-teiiation. Short.-, after hla n't urn to How-York hi v?ai- ordci.-sl to tic . - .. the StOfOShip ft? the i'.n ?th sqaadroa during the Itoztoaa war, OThlte 1b i enimsnd of this reoaol he reoderi d eflteh nt and ralua . ?n. 1er of th.* sqaodroo b enterprise, and gal?tatty m lining out .ml li*au.i,g :. laaen-Oi ixju-tlltioiis against the enemy. Oaa year tr*.*t ttas eloaa ol ih?* war ortth Mexteo, Lient. Bailey aas i Miii!ui.-sii)tii-ii as onmiBBBdnr. ind seven years later On be was place.i meonunaadef t to Bt. Haiy*a, thea ?.ii io ta? BoanOt s'imi Iron, in 1858 he vas promOtOd to tin railK of i-.t'-iai'i When - f.-ll he bants-iied to \, iah Bftoa, sad a ? ?fterward :>i,ic .1 m oomniaad .?' tin* frigate I ol orado of the U- ..-?!? ?,uif iiinikuili i_- -on id .ou. H aided Gtea. Banrey Brewa al Peas tools aad ptaaaed ami * I the ozpedlOoo to Ihe m iin sad aad the cap-rare Of the privateer Judith. Wm-n ' i.u. I- irragut win or tared w mage hi? mem?renle sttaet a im.h Hen OritMtos, ' art. l?a.lei :nined his MO-dnm ?nu in.* Colorado. l'intime that hla ship was Baal.a past the bar at the month of tho Mlaaisatppl. ?Cape Bailey, altboorrh - " lug from a sever*? anrgtoal oporatton, obtained i* ?loa to go up a? a vi.luiii. 01 BIS ne i: an.I -'ins w.-r. transit rred t.. .. -.vio ol ..guter drall than the < ?dorad? . I .. ? ?t ..:, i* |. .??*. ?: .. D ???m. iiianii Be led the attack up?iu tn?* t?**-*. ?m.i was ?.iti* enrlli g -, ' ' !"r hi? urn-. 017 aad sii.l further comp!iineni*ed by being - * ?aabingioo with the dispatches sunonuctsg tin \ ictory. l'".' - leans i?" mu ? ??m il m commodore about :/.?? t. Farragut was ?ust.i to the rank ol admirai, a.-....nuil - . iirti at thai time be ? ki .1 foi octii duly, til t 1-..- -Aa.? onii-i-eii to ih?* command of tbe ui, where In* .1. ? ig' ami )'??! ? . .**? ?I?" ?>? m but -iiiii - 111 all 1 m pi . t... iii _ ? n the 1 During tbe two years tftoi t.*.him- ol thi ?...ii* I cotamandani at the Portomouth Harr-Yard, -While was commissioned a.*- rear-:, tin the rdireii \\?i. au Washington. Admiral Badey'slaet .-nn-. ???.iied ... OoptO-Uier, .-'?-. ?? 1 Meo i? t.??* navy. _ . -WILLI \m 1 ntuoaaow, hart. >ir Wiiiiiiui F-orgaason, Pwaident of the goof Burgeons and Batan mi surgeon t<> tin (?11 en. died yesterday lU Lsnftaa at tin* Bfi ?d 88 diallngnlahod surgeon was bom l:i Sootland in 1908 and hmaSad m rdlnhnish in 1888 ha i??-.*?ime licentiate Of (he lio.ia. < ..liege of .-org'-Uls 1? l.tlilibu. gh. 1 ? 1: ? -d .n LoaOsa, irhon hs attani <i amtaHMS in ins pnsssstan. Ba wrote a stondord wort ?m siiigery. ami was crtsut??d a baronei in 1888 m oeaakV erstlon of du-uuguishad meut and eminence ass sur? geon. _ riTAULEi? KDWAIID BEBTOV. MiiiDi.KTowN, N. Y., Fil?. 11.?Mr. Charlea Bftwari Helium, one of the e.llt?irs and ptaftlSSBIS ??f 7?ic hreditnio Adrertteer ami lmnkirk Cnmn, guv., up business on account of failing health, and started six weeks ?go wlib his wife aud child for Florida, ?lopping her? for rest, he was advised by hu? physician to go no further, and died this morniug of oonsumption. He wa?, a?S ?curs of age His bod| will be sent to Fn ilouia !?> uigbi and Uta fanerai will tage piase there on Wodiio? duy. ? THE REV JOHN WIIJCT. BALTniOBK, Md., F?b. 11.?The Rev. John Wiley, 040 71 >et?rH, who wo? for .?? years a minisiet of tlie I'rotetitaot hpi-toipt- churches in Cecil and 1 n.irlc? coujitioo, died ui this city io day uf Ueari __si????m 11? u ?aid to have Imen the nltle?l or>talUi*d 111.unter of the I'roteatant hpiacopal Chun-h. S Aft FRANrisio, Cab, Feb. 11.?Zx-AnnenoT lji-vi Koneu? r ?ln-il ??n Kni ?i TUE CALIFOKSIASS IS WALL 8?1.EET. Mli.iJ? A.**t> ISBBB IBB PanSSnOSTP or thk nANH ?IF CAIIK'iRNIA ni'L'KINi; IN WAIL 8TI.IIT again ?-t ni.? mi*.? ha?. nntKfp'ii?IB SBsrr i\<*. si'iitaci-K ?y?)B san BBABO?00 BBPBB* in ma. Po the ?editor of The- Trthume. Slit: Lively ?*uri???ify exwta in financial with<-o to ta? paspaaae of two Beted -an ? r.n.ii.?-? ?_?"?-<ilator,t? I). (). M'lU. tbr Pi.?-i ?leiit of un? Baafe of ? .iiif.i.-iiia m?! eaaaeaeerai VBBaa C It iltt,?n. -iinl Jame? II. K.-.t.t?iMitll of wliiiln are in N. * V??:?? ami ue Itelieve.l to lie larirely e,inii>rii?*'1 m V. .-?t. A little iienMiuel lii_t??ry may not be without nr-?r?it. WIii-ii .inn. many vea?-?* airo, acsaatsel the Bank of < alf.iri.i.i h.* piaf-?! at it? fleiitl Mr I?. '? Mill?. t~B0 Inn! lie.-n u kiiitl nf prii'in.-ia: ? oiin'rv Inr.iker ut ?aerann ntn cuy. Mr Balatea aaaaaaed tue ixi-ni.n <>f eaaMar, bul ?va-, in-verfl. le?- ?npri 'ne in the iii.iia.--nient i?r the m eiliBllen. Milla hatag a agaraaaaa. Ai>.iit ehe ??? " -? !>? at,.win? i-i|,.\-l'ai'i-l-'lat"?-?''i at'?r ir.'in .*.? - ??! ?. Win? tent to \ ?nfima ? ill t.? o?? n a I ran.' i nf '> Hall . ? >'? rala n?- el Baaed lad leaned ea?eB1.70<l OS ou iiiliioii wnl mill proper*?, without tniieh eeeeuttj that he nenM irrnr gnt he-* thefaade. ??'???l fortune, hen ??v.r. eame to.him by ?triknnf a bouatae ai the Belehat ni in. . Die ?lock of whieii b.\:ig oaeftad to a Ugfe : ri.-e an a hh ni the i.i ?>f whleh he wae e ^aaabet te 'ii .'ill on tile "an Kvan i? n enliliililliity. with ;re it i.r ,'?? lo every one con.t-.iif.l. Mr. MUUe "hari-fl n th? ae *p 'ii?- ii ?*:?? '?ut a tow pean wh??n Bbarea, by i. - Mpotter maiiipiiiatioti. aaaae Banana, Mill?, aad hun? ??. if rteh te the extent el anae ??jil. .,?H*o.? i. m?. VTIId with ?u.'.'f?.?. Balataa waaearnad aw iy. Mine raaigaed hi? p.i- lior, and P??4?t?>n haaaaat preatdeel of the Kink. Troll)?;, fo?.iv.ei!. an?! Ihe t ??in: I:'m!|.?!.- - almost :n?niriiini|!|-alile ; pet wli'-n tie- ?! ?< k ??' t!,e L.nik ?vm, regarded by the heel Informed parttea, ae almael *1 -t.I by, saw hi* frieuil i'.inl In :n-fii-t' r. PI? iron, buy the iteoS Bl 11" auil n ver named hha af in? Banger. Tin? t?iiia?>*e came. V. ?!?!?,n. who ha-: gtrea Wlla hla pealBoa, wae naghl hi .m exti ? n..:.'. ii? appealed la hla eappoeed Mend lor aid, waa refneed, aad then, ae if leawuiiliialae the laasaage of S,i:ike?pe:iri-, " I am rapt an?! ? enver the BMiuaUuue ball ??f tin? tagntttaBe with any site ?>f .. ?-.I-," he plaaaai late the wai-r? at iBa PaatBe Bad found obit* Ion. Ifeaa followed tee raeeaatiuattoa ,?:' ta?' bank. Bfcarea sad Jam'*? k. Keane etaad hj the wreck and placeil it nn Ha f?*?>l. Mnl- beb? buen until publie ?.;.".ii'.-i ror.'.il linn !<> lin frunt. Haea that tune hla preeence haa heea toM laataay dlrecttana ii>-?ii eii.iiii? betaa. a epecalater, -m?! yet In* km??.l edge of Vacate M.-il. aeg-Ured toa the neaaaat kept bv Vac r .lii.iuny in hi? own tnuik. .... l.iiii ?m .?ii,.oituiii?y to iro '* ?hurt " of teetoek. Boaeetwe at three paare aaa It wae Mine aad ? hla Irit-nil. A. A. Coin-!.. who Ml.nie ? tl.-itl 1U WaPUtn I 'lam. w.'iieii will ho well r? iii.-m'??r A, earn hit: tito p .. to ?SB, aad >>*i tin- tafonaattoa ?<ii.>itiy <-ir? . tinii i a large aaaouat of st.ieit not Um v anlooued at a i<>?? u, the ? ? t :ii?ont two nnlli n? of dollars. It i? battered bv - "-Im kimw the parties !?-.?! Unit Mr. Mill? anil hi* .'iiiiin i.iiinii -who ?? a ? a?" a ktad o, ?-??partner in a pelaee ear arrangement, whleh eaah ad tlie twain ta tnrral ilka Indias aaboba eaaaa to Baw-Tath for the pnrpoaeaf again playing their favorite earda. Cohen, bowerer, for amne eaaae ha? eadOealp aheaated hfee ?? p h a? Baal ???. had t?i 78 tad 4oWato71*%. V'hat he ini?ml? I?. ?;.? ?ll.l. r the eirciilu ? ;..:i ? - i? ki. 'vrn of eoaree aulp to hi? eoafldentlal ?tiler liieuibei.? of li.e W?'?lt 111 I ilion pool. U to a etgntBeaat teat, however, and ana thai aneuld - ,r \ ??-.. -?..n. tiiat the peceMaut aad heallns rtlualoi ??f ?ne of tin- ''-t hanks in Aint-riia ?iioul'l hi ir?.m Unir i???!.. i:i New Y??ik al the -?iitiie tiiin*. poaeihlj ??_-.-- i ,n -; ? i ula?iiL- agataal ea?'h otner ami lakiin; tlnir ?bait.e? ?n.':iin?t the fraine.l . ?; pertain inore atlr.'it Kitiiihli'r? of Wall i i' i? i" Um ?li-? ri .lit o? Mr. Mills that - atedia nf?- ae a n?i?-r mi tin- iiiui_?i!i Blrer, ?>tlt ?I ,? a!; ilnpt.rt.ii'l in the ?.-real uitine.? .-i: eon Mtui-in-v wiiieh he now repRaaeti mat hie aaaee etaald aat be .'?_..?. : .. , The fate ol Balaton, end the ead ?? i -? n At the ei_raatir .?,?." la a ":i:t. ? ?i ti .?ii_:!i he f..i- p:i??:ii.iy rare of nialda? hla tarn. Ai.'' note daw In tin- Metro) Mr. .lam- ? it K' ?in . aad ri?an ai ?to - p.-eiii luv-- im -it??; a;', iliverar au?! antwroniatic to ? bal ?a Pn Milla, in a ?.?????? bat ?. rector "'1 proprietor to ti.?* uztenl ??! ??l.i"i?. 000. II? .-am.- to thi? count)") troin En^ianil a ni'.-" lad, aad vy-.ih ins migrated to thi PaerAr Coaat. At the ice of IB la w ? III of tu ? -;> i ' ! r ?aa?' i. in oontalo eouuiii - or Oalifoniia, and by th? . ?i |'t :?!>"'. i, i ? ol In- ai'ti. !-?? 'otiiinaiiil'-i! __.-? ri? . i attention, ill? Ural penonal difBrult} occurred here, groa las oui . - - ? ?, ?a't'lllit. .l!!'!-W;i!'l.? Ill'ttil "?! r-? M.III-i-T t.? .- h rapid and - . ? ??.i.ter. and hla thetehi - .?f mountaio and pen? oal ?re unoug the m ? ,?? reminh? ivneea of earn dare ol ti! Llorado. Remov? ing !?' San Kranclaco, be cna-ffed in i?peeulatliin and m ,i ft - _ ? ? . i .i the Han P? an '?,-? o ii. o i.-1. r mi- Mr Beetle a ally an? lag? o..' 'i the Big I , ? . ? * ??ai? - : ,e t I, ' r-, lui: liiaJ . .i.iii-eil. 1). .?.a .!..n . Inn. per iialiT, a ? '"ir -,? .nil :n of the bujfuio Conner .?.it "ii? loo&a like iitiybii'.i* hut mape?-ulative MepbU.1 phi .??- 1', a 11 .1 i-.ii ?a.,.-,,., i i- t--', ,.i..i In.? ? .- . W i T i I1?II All -,'i. : Tbmn. : mil I - lu aiaaoer, ?srt refltied In conversation, frank tu exnn don, m.I gi :i, r.?o.? .a.o i, be ii,,- aireod) api.iu, ntlj thai place iintiti_; le? m v, 1'.,!?!??: ii ti ,i :,it.? lo tt i?,, Ii ,,?. ?eutli ?ii.ii ln* InnK. Hi* wife la a Vinrinutn, and hm father, whom he mad? rteh,la now li\.n_r ,a Paria B"ba! iai .--Mr Keenc may encounter in B'all-et. reinauM tu tie teen. r , "., iblt ? lauiup , a, ni a in? la ?i. .-.! I" "!i.- ,-e ni i :: . "?it- ? In ,u .:.,-? Ql ol ,|?..l,'i-, ubo baa [o-l.n upward ? : 1. ??? .."?o ? of wheat I'll rout.- i?? li irope, and atho eitbin 30d i .-r -_"??.?"? i. '? Dol .!;? ., f.. :? - i ai- . ?1? ?a Ived l.y ?-v. u tie -ti.,: . , a?:, opera) ..fir-lur/.'. ten. 10, 1877. A? tlAPOPPlAP OP'tO. AEW-BAUI'sIIJEM i AMI'Ali:.V. tuf. Putin.? AWiiiiM, nu. m ?ri.r ok tiii. S MI'iVM. <! l.i ...,I.l;. |rii'?M a iti.i.rt.A : . -. i.M m nn: raiMJBB.1 Washington, Feb. ?.?Members of Contpt*tui iml other i?oiiia-iaii? tram Wnw llaaipalilia bow In ii' ?ily a.ree in tin: opinion thai the n?ult of the up proaehlageleetlaala thai State ??ii t?- Betenataedby ii?. i? ..?um ..i tin ? rr.'M.i.-iiii.-u tiii|. ut". If Mr. ?n?i"?ii? ii:,iiii."iiai. i m,- aarfclag BepahUeaaa will think that ' ?, gteea awaj . a,ni win tie in ao j hniii"! ? . ,- m.;!-?, if Got, Haye* i?, the Dem?crata ?ill U' lawiraiawMlliifl heaeteaad, and ?ni do little neun iban ta _*.. thnuah tat tn.'tiiiti? of an ?-i? ? -iinti. BettBer part] . . ??i rhe ? ? ? ? ?.i both -!?!? . - - wnen laife iiiiiiiiiii? ?it BWBop t.-i. tpeni ti oaptniT in. Soattaa ???:?. and Ike wii??ie state nwounded ?v'h r '????. ka, and th* Pi ildeatial thrbi .-???i? 'il-'' n - m a .V.;.a].?-.t am! apathetic eaadlttaa ta tai aethe ? eketla raaeuraad erceybody app or* w let Ita fale l?e ?leenli ?1 Ii. the vole o! ; a. , , ? ,] , ;_ .,n (be Electoral Coniniaaion in WaaDlngtoa There are Milne ,., .- ||Mt -vill -';oX l Httll life, how-vi r. in i,im Ni Ooacreeaioeal Watrkrt, Oca ? Mar?i?,i.,,- i catar, wha waa b tin KXXIXU Congru a puah to beet Frank Joaaa ef Pi - ue- ... i .,, - La a I leh brewer ?with aa income of ?iM aeeordlna ?? I'liiioioii re|Miri Hi i? pel ?oil in?! Kii??w? ? liow in ". :ii the ii?-.n : ?>f nie ?? n powei lu Ne? il..;,, iln - Probablj be will pull ihre'i ??"? Mi i inlet, i? i-,,iii,:.-.i In m nul la ?he llil I?!-':ii ;. the K? ?ublicana ?n?i iiiniiiinr Ja?. I .-?.f Manchester, :?:i I the Dem?crata Aval? 11. ly of Franklin. The former i? a promim-iu ami able man, an ' . -. ? and toceraafu politician. I ne ?ii?:r.e! oitiriit i.? be mreiy Ki-publlian, ?iliat.Nei mu.? be the out. ???..f i.'-e Prealdeutlal lin hroirlit? lb? lllil Diatrict Bepublieai ? hare irnonu lllll.'i - A | ... II..', put tip Henry O Beat ol Laacaater, Th? r.--?i I win iinniiiiiii. -I be ?determined ny the rerdicl "f '-?? l .mili.:- - M the head of the Item ?eratif -?t?te tieket to Da Mtf?. a ?. -.g m, r.h i:it of PortemoOtb, I ?ii."??" heal ? In- ?? ? oowr.ieai? ?* -ear | iiinit-t ??n tiiinli aj. l?r the rlcorotU ? ami"?.."! ?????i-a".- In?- l;. ?,ul,Lean ?iiuiliii o? la li.inj l i'r. ?. ,.t! of i.|.|?nii_, the "?eire'.ir? of thatr Mate ? ?miiiitt a for man] yean, l'in-r?- la u ?t, aalaal rear, ? I niteil ?tal? .-? '?.ilo ?alp il .' h. tue ?oui. . I. '.mil It i? not of luinb luiaortjiiie Miu, ii pai ty BBRtai the lAtgto be ??;. _________^______________. -_*-??*? THK YAI.K ALI MM IN BBV Y ?!*.K. ?* The bbbbI uniuthly BMetteg of Uie Tals Ainu ni lakei piaee on Friilaj of tin? mrex at IMuioii Ico'a The pluu for the pr.-??-iit Winter^ whieii peaataad a Tttnetj* in all the. enUrtainin? i;U, h.u. lwrn cordiall. ,.?lopt?-?l i?v tin? I.i.-.-iiiir? ? ?iiiiiiiiii.h-, and to the grmd uatea who atteiul the ?eile? of leiunoua tire ?aaii.*-.! ot ?oiiietliiuif n."* eiM-ii time Al the tnefttn? at Una week there will be the alee eltib, the ii_u_i aupp?r,'and with ni liera wbo liare promised to be psasSBBj tb Ilona. Ben K Pbelpa, Jun.? M. Un?!.-.!, blew ?I L. W,,., i: a.1. Chauueey M. D?i?ew, and Wm C. Wbltnejr, W_o bOOt pruuilaeU to a_?t ui _Uu cul-rt____ut.u_, , THE VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. ( anifn_erl Irsin F.i.l Teae. on tbe floor wore Jm?ge Kleldof the El-teloral ?'omtius. slim ami Judge ala? It of coituael for the Democ-ais before that (Joui ml??ton. ?Ir. Ilamlin (Hep, Me.) ?aid the .Senate having been notified that Hi- <? ,mtniti?e to decid? th? nonteeted ?lee tatal vot.-fiir President and Vies-Presldent -had arrived ut a decision .,n the ease of Florid*, he moved that the ?ci rei.irv lie dir-, ted U? notify tile House of Iiepr -senta ti? s Hut ttu-.-*nat> Is now ready to moot that body for the purpos?. ?f proceeding tn the canvass of the Pi Be? rn iittn vot... Agreed to, and the ?eer.-tary proceeded to execute th.- ord.-r. Al 1.'"?A p. ni. Mr A-iinis. ?Terlt of ih.- Ilniise uf K presentanvei, appeared a? the bar of tbe .-.n -u.-, and ..un, unie, -tl that the lions., would be pre smsst-toB tomato to toa han of dm House at i o'i-Uh k, t?i BMSOBd *.vitti th? fit.Uicr eoiiui oi the vote for l'c-i-l. nt ami Vice-l>resii-nt. Mr. ?.'ameron ,K,p.. I'.iiu i mo-fad tos ?h. BhBSta take a rein-..? until five uiinut. ? befen 1 o'clo. k. Mr. ?dniuinls m,.v., vt.), objected, and said under the law Bototos could n? iione u-mi ifl - tooSwa BooaSfl mot iitj.unt .?mietitiiiri. M., t *.?Botan ii)-!i xah.;,- m his mo? tion, sud ut 12.:,:, Ma He:Mt,,, hea?le.| bp Mr Patty, Pres? ident pr.. fern .nul the Mitt' rs of tue oody, l.-.'t its . hain hSf las Ih?, ha?: of IBs House. Tur. Hoi-?*?-" in aasouNi. The House met at 10 o'idock ami i?.ok further rec??? illit'l 11 :",.. o'clock. Mi tomtom. I),hi, obioi .iffered a resolution din-cting tooOrh o' th. ii.,,is?- to laform tos Onanie tin?: .? aoald i** t., r.*. -iv. thai body -it i ?>? loeh tar t m "urposc of prneeaalas with toa saaattoa et tta all utmsl toma Mr. iiiii i h -,.. y,., mmemt to ..m. .i.i in aottfytas too Beaatottsi the Haass waa ready at tins tim- to eoBorra ih?. iftaato Mr. WiliAti , I:,--,., lowai rais--d t ,e point of ..nler 'hat aadortos pre-t-noaael the doctoral *>ii? 'm- Soasa vas obliged m receive thi? ?.?n .-. ,. ? ,. present lime. Th.- Speaker ararraled the petal of nidia A dlvls ,,ti t, mg tahefl on Mr. Bale'? ni..-miment, It re? st,.t.- i mi tu 190, .?ml th.- am, miment was ir-jected. Mr. Hale sanl h- ma lid not BO? call lot* the Veas at.d Na* b? h? WOOjd whenever ?mother att owr *.v..- made ?o .i.* .iy the Btatss-toaja ths immtaslso w?m toss I adopu.L TIIK JOIST *?K-s|.)s;. Proa -riy it l o'clock the doorkeeper ssmonasad tos ?iiTiviii oi ih.* Banals ?.i tos United Bl Oes. The Opoahsr repeated toa aanoaaeeaMas, and to und ill tn.- me ?m ri aroos and remained stealing while the Bee n... -tree, |, ,| by it? ao-oara, -oaa at tosm bom ins two strong mabooaay tomxra rnototatag tue rotaran, Bled in, two by two, and took UM -''als r served for 11,,-uj. The President "f the B natel?os too Bpeaher*a eh.ur, toe Speaker oesapy tag the t ?mil mi his aft. Tin pteohttag oOtaar then roas sad said: "The Jetai conTcntton of Congnea far ooantm? too el rtoral rotes now novamfl t? aaaatan, The no boaaee ha-rii*** seps ? i* i poadhif a -nbtnis-ini. ??. the Ceauataeloa of i ttansta toaeerttocataB taom tta Bosta cd i uowtt ?? beor.aad.ta eolnelde nr oth? with tl .1.. i-i. n ol tint Tribaaal, whleB doe-Boo bos been Ocaod bj a matartty of th- r-narmtatlon m ?rriring. it win i..*..m. red .m tin* ji-mraal ol asnh lisaan " Tue - r .r> Bfths8saata tosa rsad im- dssinton, as m i Et.KtT. ttiAi. Oonmammr, Wean * .t.,*, i>. c, i I*'. b. U.A. I ? 1877. ? r, the Fr..;,i,iit?f ihr ttnttttoftht Vailed Aim,a. -,.,.. siding ?ti :.,?? m-eet-ng of the tw?? house--, of ('ougress untler tn** tel of Congress entitled " An Act to Pro gnlatc the ' on...dug of tin Volca ?or President m*! vic.-Pr-sldcnt, and the dcciaUin oi ?i. fi r i?e t. rui coin menc.ns Mar ?i i. Anno Domini 1977 Tin aimi-sioii tuen*.iiiu-ii in - i. ?1 ,u*i hiv? ing rec? i\. d n . o eeri Ifli at - anil ... * ! * i i .tm .pu y;iig the -,t r.*i ? ? rotes I tun the -?t?te .,f Klonda, sad tbe ob i. **t .:.- thereto luhantlod *?. i un. * no-? re I?.n tii.ii it h.,, iiuiv eoii?i..'.*.*.-.i th. tame nu-??uanl ti -.ii.: nt. ami has tlei-iu. d. lod ? md n : .?*,* .1.-,u*. thai ?of Kr icriek ( H urn phi . i irit - U. r.* re., W i. ... II. II . r.'\? jud -I' IV LoD :. D uni *1 ceil ill.* iteof M. L. ???? .rn ?.'...\-nil.r ii ?uld State, which ? tilled bysaid persons, s*appears bj tbeoer . * inbuilt led to the Cou? mission as al.?ml md marked number one by said ( untulsai?! aud herewith i 'lui , ....?- provided tor b) the ( uiisl tu'li u of th I'dt-.i ?!'.:,.. .md-.-?at me ,:iui. ere, Uwfullj i.. hocountndaa iberata c.n.ii. i, n..... Iy, four rot?s for ?nth A ri.; Hayes of tbe Htateol Ohio,forPresldout, * i? \" ?a r??r William A. Wheele ot i.n- Htateol ? rh, for V.PiasMeut. rite l^uoimlsaioii a ? ,,ies end te| ... four . tul?- named acra in. el?'?* ors ib md its ol Klu.-.d... I'll- grunnd - Uiiad ?talon stale?! brief!? aa required by ss Tout it is i ..t ? ????!|m-i.-i,i Badtarl ?? < nstitiitiou and tbe i :?. .*' " id to go in'i evnlei-ie atinudt in? papers oiietied ? .i. it ot im Sonate m the ; re smi e ol lion ? ? ?o pro? ?? io,i :;..*... . '?. . rtiBed t.i in nie Uorernor uf the state ol Hon t.? ,i? aad ic ?oruili--1 . le . :? i.. ,i . I loti ut tbcil :,-:-? Di i : . -ii. *?? I... r,-'i"d ol -i.i" i- - aid .?i.tfi in .?n t.. i ...* *,: n .... i. ..i tin tr tin :??- ..u. it ?-ii ..?.i" . ?u in ?????in-, t- i roui ui show that the] had not, id tiiai sil pruneoliugs ol toe eonrtsoi a-tsof ' .. I. gialature or til t:i. ] Kl.rid.i -uii-^ . i it, Ina at i tos vates al th.* electors on th.* preecribe?! | ??.t.-,- an inadmissible tur any such i" As IO li.Inlioli ma le Im In.- ol?a f M: Qumpl * . the I um d ioiob is <>f opinlou tha? ?Tthoni refereuce lo the nu*?ti?ui ol the efl! m,- v..., ? does mu L ?bor* that u. I - ??"" ,.i. tfa 1 ?*, ah? u im elector? w< r?* ?t iptdnied. Tv. . u.i- ah.. decid? i u d do? bi : ??, ..??? .i port that as ? consequence of Un foragoing ind i!.e groumla belore -:..;? 3 neither ol m.* pnua r? pin ?.??. t !Ug.'i'l.??(il! ates m lite?.(.'II. v 'le.* Dt s*tnl ?iii. of Florida numbered'?aud J ? lbs > iinmlsjion, m-l ii. i w,ii. -. un :..*.. - r II*? \..t. - providi d . ? ousututluB "* ' I SI i ? - *"? 'h. ? : . ,.* * onnle I issm b, Donc al Wsahlngton, t I rest ?fSl ab??.? writ;? n. ?- ?* ? T MU 11 \. -1 . jn-Ki it l itiui'i.i.r, (.-.. t*' I.:*? v -. ,. p. Mum s PH. .i ?. l". PKI I.IV.'I* VSF.!-, J i i; - A. i, u.i ii.i.i?. tito, 9. H . Mi. Cominisalonera. ?jb* ;, it ??, ? as on the adoption ol th? reportotthe rs, it was decided ta um adtaaanro?Yeas, - ; Nays, 7. OlLV TIII'Ns. After the leadlna of the-ic-laton, Urn preatdtaf tad asked ahattec there waa aap ohjeetum to* the .i.*. I?Ion. M ? k '? Dea-, O. Y.i Mea ros md --reseated otol tUmO, Which Were thereupon read by tue Clerk ot tl, Bou?e as follows : Vn nbj -1. .n i int. moond by tit ' no lerstgned Benstors ,,,;,! i? to tbe dt rasioii :n 11 by ill, ? om mlssl ?, constituted by an ?*?-t entitled " Aa ?el I i - ! dent and Vici Presidcut, and tin* Jei-lsion ?if ?im ! ,til-iu* th.*..-on. im* tin* lernt l.'cilis' u.t'e'i 1. V. 1 1 1-77."..-:?! the legal oleotoralrote.ol Florida, ? fuiluwiug grounds : txrei that the d?cision detertntaed ttiat tbe rol rie? H 1*. ?.r.-c. Ir.-ii.-i* . s f. Hutnpbrl-sa, ? il lluldeii ami rhotaas W. Long, as electors ol i'. . ' .-d stales m and U - ,-. .. l'iiH-ida. is tbe n" k and .* _ i ? , . . - when ,ii truth und lacl tm* mu*. .?- h? Wllkiiis n i ?... -I "'?? - v '"'??? ? I II, ., ,ud I;*..? ri Baliueh .? toa iru.* uni bin .,,/ Kor thal ?aid Commission refused to r.Its corn's ten' aud m itei lal ??? Idcn *?? len liug u? prut . i i din. k ?. Humphries, ?? H *, and l'humas W i- .n*- ?' "i*' ".n appointe ; ? u, .n the tua -,,ii .,1 i iiridit, ...n were d.*-. - Itftiirulug board ??! -siJd Stats eointpUi md ? ogaidof la? and wilii tu? mtout """? '..'! th? olll ol tne pcple i.\,ii--?-*.l In -' -Ailklu? .. . .1 mu - I- Voai-e Uoberl l. i! * *? ? ? . on in the ? la I tin Biaaaei presen n t...,f. I *- - n and order ol said Con ,.;.i|. . as fois ' , Ordel ?! Thai BO eialence will be recelv-sl ?lilt-red by th ? abieh was nul ?i.bmlttcu u? t',,. i ..m '..?:.. lui--.mi ai i m* 'mm linns. ?? b) Hi.* Pi -. with in? different cerdilcau-s. exc ; ,*.? utthe eii.'i.iii.ty ol F. C. H am partea, one of ? .,i?t d?cision exrlndes sll the erldenve , lk,.r igi - . ?>? m. ooimitli. - concernina rs s .niuri immttt-d by the |si-o;is *aIihs?- eertitlcaieaan ? uf in.- .In- .i|.|i.iiii'iti.-ii' uf el-actors. I- ; i,,,i .,?.1 .i. i I-I..H excludes ell erldenc? teitdiug t.i|.i.i?i mal tn.-... run. ateol -I- an ? ?' .-?? Board lute cared or circa In puretiaaco ol afraadnlcul sudo riipi ...m-i'ii... ? i* ? n ..; th. - .- ' ? * rhlaoul ol il. tight lui : .. ttnbatitut? ihcrefoi thi n...? i,.?i is, n .?'.a .u eppoitifed eleetori ..? Mtld-taa n: tm- mannei provided bj ? ..:..,. ?.nit,. Pot that toe said Coaunbsuon refused i?' ? in/, tbe rtsht of the eotuia of Ihe state of Florida tore ?i. ludgmenl of the Koto ? ir Board ol State ? .inva-.-er? rradered thnia-*h fi ?ttd .vu...mi pin-.?.' i.Mii. n.?I p-j? .i?'! and rafuaed io eoa 10 ?f -id couru afier their d?-i l-i.,u; thai - II realce, r . ( 11 lllllpll :"ic?, W. II II" ?d. II Slid riiomas n LonswareaeteadUed to eael the . ilia -i ii?*..' Plortda, i bleb and ilee-doo w.w. rea dereuby i eoan at aahl Otate la a eoae lawfailj b before said ooart, ??Inch eonri bad i irlsdiction over the ct matter thereof, and wboae (urisdict on over the ? - 11 Pearee, P. I ? Huinpurk* W U. Hidden, ind Thomas a Loon has attached beSara say set was lliilie 'H them Mt electors. >^t-ii/'i |... Dial -aid de-eisti.n excluttes all .ii deans tondm_ la prore that toe State .i Ktorida by all the .l.parim.iiu .f it- QororamoBt Laetalattra. I.j?.-eii iiie. .mil Jnriintal hod d*creed s- Iraaduleni sll the ci-r tiiicaie- of nteama (Ooronwr), ss wen as ih?? of tin* .- tai> -i is, ii|Hin ?.hull I -ertiti. al? s the ?aitl ( oat ujissinti ha?, iteteii. and by means of which th.- true elec? toral -.mes ?i,- li.,tula liuve been re|c?*l*d aud fttlM ones tuliatitatad la Iheli st.-H?l. ami ImhUt l,,r that U. count ihe rote- of i'liarles II. l?-n?, p. i . H-uuphrie?. W. 11. II tanta, and i in.nut- a lain-.' *?? eliclors for Preaildelit ami V.oe-Pre-iiil.nt -srould be a \ of the ( onsliutlioii Of the I'm list ?Utes. Ito?ai top Banatato Jones oi t'.jifiU, Luopni ol BOB ne??? -, namnm ?>f ronnertietit. Kernan of N?>w Tork, Baulabory ol l^'laWHr. . M, [??nah! ai Indliina, l^-|??e ?eatattvea Baott, Kiel?!. Hoiman, Tncker, Tb-japa?* ?M.,?.-.?, .l.i.i.-. I ni?y, ?ayit-r. tilia. MoiTli-m. Hewitt (N. Y.) ami -|> The i.)i|.-?-iiiii!? having tieen read, the i?r<>-l?liiig o?ltcer u?ki*tl -Alieilie! tmr- wer- auf fiiillier obj?ctwma to tbe il ? i ?ion. After a put__e :;c aaiil : ." There being none, tu?? ?-??lian? will retire tu im chamber _o toar the boiiaea re?i>ecilvelv may emiaiiler an?! iletennine the objwtioua." The ?Jeliilior? tue nnou Withdrew. OB ?KNArK AtkASM in* -trssto*.. The Senate returned to ltacbamberaSl_BBa.aj_.SBd th? Pre*i?i?iit |?ro (emp?re announced that, In having ?iiiimnt'd to the two haaaaa nf < ??iiirreivt In Jo'ut m?et iini the ?lei-i-ioti of the Bteeteral Ohsssstaalaa ?n -.gard to the WPM ?>f Kltirnla. amen:i?er fr??tn N-w Y-.rlt ?I'lecfd thereto, whlili ol utmii wounl be IBaBi ..-?-t then retul the ol.|ection ?ul?ioitt?-l in the Iloiiae .,> Mi. Field. The Chair?-?hall the tAOUktU ?iil?n.?lttc<! to ?ue de ??i-ioli of flu i oi.iin ??ion be HSSSSSad ay ihe 1 aatel Mr. .-auie'iirv (Dank, Del.) thought the .?nj.-ctlone ?h.nilil ne ,? ii-i.l. :? ?I ?rroft?, rather mm a whole. ?I -,,.-:, ?? ? ? ?1 if *? -?!ie,l :.i that th. '?.nn ol 'he ?|ii??i:oii aboald i?e " Shall the 'i'-? toi? n ?>f !,.- . .a, ..ii?-,i,ii ?t.iinl notwitiiatemliiiii o.jei tioBa made Mr Stereaaea [TliiBi. Kv.i ?aui ha wmilil like to have the ob|i ctiona printed, an?! the Beaate ahaaad uk<- a ineeea ?iki? M?.i.?lay. Tbe motion of Mr. Steeeaaoa f?r a n-ee?* wa? then r?* i"t d?Yeaa, -_"i : Baya, i?-.? ettlel warty vole, the rutlng in the afllrmatire and ui ; K-iiubilcana m :n negal re. .__,,. ?i- .-.. i?,.,? . \f,< .n' m rie.i fi.- following: ? ltd?,.*. That file -eii.ite ?!.. net ????inan Ii? ti.? .-1 I laton m?1e hv il,,-1 ?,iiaiii--l,.n .'-ale,: ml'er .ae ?? '"','-'"? -... ... .i Biiben line let ... J. K. "i ? .!.:??.. i-r? ??f the ?i-.-- "? l ' -jn- are tin 'ine .ml .., vf-.i rotea tor i're?ni??ni uo v...-i- ' . ? n-, and AtouSA be ?_?-_ie?i aa the . rfP? iiaia Mr Ham >i ii:?-!?.. M? . inov-ii to aaaend eo aa ?to pro bat the dcciamn of the ???i nlaaioii ? all be oa tained. and to in?oit the aani?I the Bepul.U?an elee* it r m?: t.lof tue lieiuoeiatic eiec?oi? naiu? ?1 in Mr. Whyte'i ? :? r . . tarerai other propoaltloue look! g to the nttflr-atloa ?trf tile ?|. t'.-l Hi ??! tile ? o,iinil??loli were ?U?iL.I le.1, bui Sllb dB wltbd _ . ti be r>"ni?-.t ol M r. Merrniion the deetolea of the Electoral i outtnU-ion mhmitted 'o the Jo nl ??'>!.?. ,,|. Th? ?in?*- ton the order aui>_ultted by Mr Bhyte, n aaa rajeetad Teaa, BB ? N??.-. -i.??a ?? ha Mr. Wnyw ?ai.l th?- ?-?nate 'iivin. lefUeed '" order toe t.i? ?t.:?...n of tbe Cummlaaioe ?ttood. ?nd nnm -t ". , .? il? Be -?i. t??r t! Senat? to notify the II?ni.?? .?i _.;?:?? Btattvee nial it waa ready to peeeeaa wttti nie filmt of tin- v ? ? - rbe reeolutlon of Mr. Shermaa. a? above givn, waa then agreed id?Yeaa, ii , Waye, 25?aattict party rato Mi. Sargent iBep., Cal.) in.?. ?i that the r*ecretaiy notify ti c if iis? ?i Repreaentativea thai the ?Senate i_a?*l Dome to a del rmmatton In rega?? to the dedetonol the ir i ("ommiaaiou and whi now ready t?i nieei the ii...n? .i Bcpr--.?ntat1*reato prooeed tritt ttaooaaSef i_-r. ad t... .it . ????,.."i. the ri?-.?.nent pre ?tempore aaoounead taal lie bail ii. en Informed that the li?>u-_. u?d taken a raeaai HUH i?' u'el ci ???? Monday. Mr. - .? r-....? Kip.. Oblo) ?aid the ?Senate ?bouM M prepared with amUSenate at 10 o'cloch ou Monda- to ? tu? ".:.:'. ind be hoped the uuderatiuHltqg which bad pi* lo no bnaineaa bcmg?lone ??-i re . a. m. wi aid be ? ooaiuored a! at: ? B : BOW, a? it .'.a? ill ii.i:?.- :i.?i -ill ."-etiator* -tin.iilil ne al lo i?'- i -,-k nil '?!? i, ill', . Ii i mklinglK? ?.. V. Y.) aaldhe underatotxl tbe Houan liail i ah. n a recen? ii-in.- up two i.oii'.. ford "??:?? ?vi.iei, i?, i.. i in tvro i!,?'ir? mlgbt be taaea raauo ue? :??r -,,..r ??? taaembleat lOo'eloek and ?it lalo fortwo boum before Ute coun! ouuld lie reaumed. ?Ue Inquired - Old ne m ?inlei on Momlay moi a plied In the negativ,. Alter ?nine ! i*i:?'. ttl? il??lan, I.'.,: Semit?- at i'il' o'clock took a raeaee unnl 10o'clock oa M..n?lay. Ci.M.SK Of TOM BOO B i'l;'?c:.Ki>iN'i,?. A- ????:i a? tin- Hoaai hail PUP* to order after the r?v ur.-ii'.ii! ni the -.-ii.: *. . dr. I... iiiieiHt:i?..v?'i?.i moved that tin- Henee taha u ranea antli i?) o'oloeM oa Moaday. Mr. Bala <K i?, ?Mad releed the i_jmt ??? order that miller tbe ?proTtoiooi of th.- Bleetoral btll it ?va.? ?not txaa n.; n; for the Hoaaa to take ereeeei ?: tin.? time. The only thing it eeald da .yu? n preeeed Bant aUately to determine whether ttwoald eotnrlda ts the deoaBaa af tbe El toral Coaaadeetea. TS.', prended that whea tin haaaaa aeparate t?? enaahler aa ebjeettoa ot toe null Immediately proceed t?> acpjae whrtb? - ?tipport thai dec_ton. and that no utlierl .ii;er\eue. (Te appealed to ?Ule < wir not t?. rerrule tue point "f ?wdor winch la a aerials extent tcateil I "' IBe bill. Hi. i. . ,. lowal uld that in the eonelueloB of the ri'i.ort of in?- Joint Commit!.b the Electoi ii rote It ?i.iii'i. thai ttn piKMjm t the Eleetoral bi'l wa? oa* ,.. ?ary to al ? public excitement and agltatioiL LI i .?. . , f ni' douw tooh a !,???-?- Uxlaj Moaday, . m golug ?m with public i_gtUiUon . ? en-foliL The )?? ople ??r the country . ikWhytll? H "?:-? _ a-?ll-pi-'i?'.!'.!-?:hetiro.*e?-??ffli?* ; p?uatponing a? tton ue Wedee aionot the Commu lakil.', ??.i?i!iei!i!.'!?ii.?uof theHouaeol ii..|,i-,.... ,? - - i prevent ttte eoinuietlon of the Preal* ? rong, thai aueatlon would be -..,.1. ?.i r '?m the Atiuntu: to me l'a? Iflc " ean. . ,i :?? a??>li?gl*.eu foi lal.? ?1 lay were eutir?aj tl.l'ilt,"... ' v., ? - llteneeion the point of otuaswaserss? ruled i'. m? cpeak r. Be.)?Then th?? ? hair imriulae t?. poinl "t on! ' ?* . -?...ik.-r-riie'ha?: "V r:":? the point of oMar. M |l ,? _.| :?,?(.,?.' , ? ? .?.nil. s I -1 d*o~ ? ?' -i'i ' ai'?n the . T i- ?a' it ion wa? th?>u t ?ken on the motion for a reeeaa it 10 a .min ?trae carried?Yeaa, 163; liniiii- the vote a mnaeagi) w.ia n-eeivei'. iiom the Si'U ectli :, t< th? ?i.-t-i?! ?n ut ??n in ill.- i'...??- ??i : mida, and waa ready to 111 l'on?.- ii. j. 'ii e? ::%->:.i)".i. ami th -, thai he would bavette .?e!..ii<* infuTi?ed mat . ?:.. bad ti-.i-.'i! a ?.-????-. MINORITi EEl'DliT ON LOUISIANA. DTTEBFBBBIKS "ft 11 TI ?STATE ELBCTIOBB. w ,-iMv,,r?,v. i Teh. H. HT?. Ti.? RepoMieaa members, Hn;!l)iirt. W. Townaend. Daaford, Crapo, tad Jopea, have Blade a ? norit- report on tlu loalalaaa laveatlaattoa. in th? Mtra "' II th | ?-?> : *? top ihr BrM time iti the hutory ,,: ri.iiiiatry it ha? bean ittemptod ta deecroy tte UwfUl mal ?fo -:??ii <?f ? State m the el&rttaa of i i':".?.ii' ni by a?siin?i:ig the power in the Hoaae of ? ?i. alive? t-i ex?nime into any tint ail the p ?. to pur?-'.- tu?- eleetion, :?? Bake iteeef the ratunuas hoard ?-i-.n:i-hyaaartteaa rote what Laulotaaaoacht ? , lutve dona. We n -*i ?: it aa the moa! : ?t ? itl iah -v. t .: ".;?, n. e.i.i_"ii .lio'iai right, ae a sroaa aaarpa llooofpowei - -? Has ?? Itenatural?levelopamal , Mon Of 1 :.? ?ii of d Pie?),!, nl to the . a- ,i ,,-_? ,.' B >r ? itol ??"-?" The* . l-.'a? t? III-? -? -..t.i.i??. ..n?'! ?n?!? ?ri the lormal. deliberate, ami i.. ,. iiona of tribunal? couatttilted for the !.liii,.n under the (_-?n_tltutloa by the iiigi.?.?i ..::,,,. i m linn . - which bave been ex*?ounited n ,i -? ; lined m the pi'?, ? : Supreme.te. An- other .._?:-- ? . mute deeialon -1,?. - . i mob for or i tij pr .?--,? ?>: :.. ol li?-pr? ?? iiiaii*-.- wboandayaara ? : ? determination niide by the people a doe and regular f?*rm cboaen by them ? ? eiinnii ttee eou? in ? ?? mat in.- . l.'.-tion hi Id lor PreaiuV eBtute "f l.iiii-iaiia .n the the 7th day ol ? \..?a'i!'.l ?'l". ?i? l-Mii '!fil, ?to? pi . ,'?? : by th- ??i?-??-!- anta? rttaee of :- it?-, iiml r all the form? o! a conformity i n-ti, a: ton ?.: t.,,- L'n! ? hUDNIOHT li EAHITE RBPOBT. ROVERNMENT LMDICjETIOKS. K the Miildle and East Atlantic coasts, . ?.?all ? .: weather. TBIBITTI l.Ot'.VL OB__KBT?T_OH& ? -? 'i ? '? _ : ?? ? ? \ ' 'I'"! "^ -?-.-30 f?--??hh- ?- ?- ? jr. l? A. . . -J r ,,.-,-,_,_ TTT, ; __-____u T?,.. ? ... ? tv? Uratma i ? IM ??.-?-- ,. uiuaoxf ii,r u.ri- irj . ? Tun,: si "m ' '?" IB?l ? ? -T'eii?'i>?Ttteeone, that of ?atoiil ,v, ?la.w-t n.ilhi'.i'- .'\"e|.t t. ? n.ton wave of air-pre-mure. "?uinii?-'? reaaad exhibit? a ,ie,.,.?,i iIbb, whieii ?Vassal) lasttoaasjaBaxtaatafa dasBaa hau at !.i_-ht. in aaafe la| Haaa m. a pxxR a?vaaae "f wararth, the hhjhaal petal eaaaBad ?eat ytkay helas ibera aa Unas Bnea K- ?> i Loot atght the atr trae n i ?* ind i ith? r ? eat II ?' ars d ?? lU uoletui ?ia ri'.v ami vi.-initv another pieaaanl day tna*;- lie eipeeted, w.ih a allghi met a?- m earauh and Baataeaa. An linfavoriitiie I?.it t.rie' ehaiu'e lc ?tie weathei la proba lile loin? rr??vi. ami may be preeeit.d by partial clouili BSSB OSkt evaalug. A FATAL BOII.KR KXPI ?WIOH. ClXi INN ATI, Feb. 11.?A Commercial ayiwial ?uy? : '* lb.- bailer of Harrthon Juuoa'a aaw-uilll, utue __....? .. -. -,._..c?."?. IuiL, ??,'.,';_.?- .-.Aid. ?A; moru Ing. InsiaiiMv killing Plenaant (filUm aod J 'lues lagt*, and injuring Marion ?Stewart anil ThoOBOS .Ijck-nn *?<i ???? rleealy that they hare since dn-d. Thiee other men were tlifhtly wounded THF BM-J t3A\BBtA\9BB CiMv BmntOJBOBOt, Feb. 10.?r;?-n. Cr-*?k re? turned ?.?-?lay from ?"amp Sheridan, where hi na? ??cea several i..??. p-mtu-d Tail, chief of the ?ton?, with a hodv roarOef 2(S) eho-M-n warriors, started toil ay on a ??? f -n;?o?**.'d mission to obtain an inter'lew with Io?- el*?? ?s of the -. n?i*v to BS :i)H?* d toar the forks of T.-tlgin K.ver, ami BSSBBBj ttSSi U> Oteept al.l'e. tiiere ia yet time the ier;.?s .j the ? ..v.-i ratent, tu. : Htirren?l.-r their ?ruts ..?,d ?mu? ??-. H-H.'t.-.l Tail et ? to is- an*-, nt mope than a month, bul * I ? ? * . "? D ' rOOh M ?<>???? * stll? Catmp of Imllaus There is a i! t.,i .- i.ii. will bo sueeeasfal In term ? ir ; ?,...* Cr oh and staff will -apart Un Fon L-ramn m ihe 12th mat. _ Tin: daily Biwii mm 9tm im Pnm T'a * ..leu, I'nm. Tut Tumi ra li;??? is-ii.-?l tin? aooaad ?>f its annual [adox00, to I el hid :..-? year !?"?.. . ... twinge higniy raloaMo abnusotagloaJ ' detail tarpaasea any pnbitaattan wtto winch *so are scaaatotod. Oes ohn tile? tad see are attataable it, ne-?? <>t tbe largar towa-s? . an, ?>)? rifeTtng to tul? ladea, -?cure full and i.'W wortbj iuf rtuatloo on aay rsreot *?v?*at wim-wr loohBO time m gaesoworfc. Bash aa >e*t**> mum '??? wi il aijh la? it nrwspoaor oSlee, oad a? it ? ?,*? the _?'ii.*r.ii public wil. find i! tisefii! to a . MMSSnOM do* Etmht TF\A'A.\1 IIK Ml.r.l Pooomapsii, Y ii. 1?>.? Tlie f* - ' r ?lie briilg? ?crus? the l.tnlami ?t ?his place ?js ??n e-asfallf ..?I tn-ilay. Mif.i.i.ii.iWN. \. V.. Feb. 1 l.-l>r. BeWTJ H. Stile?, 8nti.rii,ieiii1.iii of i'ie New York ilni. HoaMM * ia) ' -a It.san-*. ? i. M i- * - M. tend? r?? I hu resignation, and it ?j? M oapBsd t>" ?ft- i...:in! uC Itaatoaa . Ottawa, fan.. Feh I L?-TW Dspm liusmt at Ma? rtne ?mi Ki-in-rt-? bas aroeursu st-aleobia told ansah IBS nre-a ?tatisa ? ot toe ? ? ban i _, .I.ivne, fur r<-si-ii.iig taecrew of iti? wr?-?*li-sl Uriluh auip lleta ? .\?FMi*nis. Tiitti.. Feh. U. JnrlgB La? mi at the Cri-t: n.? it-et M.jnr *.ii?.? t.... ii>'?? t'. ,*t?4 -ei,(ein*e?t ?iilu lo Ja-I OOCU hl * -T l-**i|?ltlg r u-. - ',.? -un, Beber . sberyod wiUi l?talas -?i? lather's aaBM m a.', itiiei te i aaotl sssooot, 1 -luv \. ,f.. F lt. 11.-The Tetn-v-ri'i? a !!?? f*miT? i? rhlff cITt irs bald?as las?1 Bag? win ?<?(?..iisiiiners? stills. t)\er 1.*..'?*> tutne? sre .it..?le *i.r ? -t im*!:..... (tghtli recenses are bald, ?? de* are Bra aisoaalr croa (lud i K ? sg>i ,: t a-nos. the Rot M? Kobte au-t at- ,if tfewark, ami li,.- .??!. *nf t.'.i* i hrutua v, omen's t. ii.on aie managing Un raovan ? it, A prentlcm.-in ha?! OOOOoioa to pBtPWti liis daughter, .:_'<*u toar, reocotly. After II vas over ?mi sao . went in her raothei tad imiuiie.i, ?? Don't you think lt Would Ob pa,, i fsei m go out doors I" Tliinip? tli-i? a;tract rh.- s?-nsee merely uuty make a tnrfaoeaafl epnemoral retpatstloti. bnt -.nir ; ??:,( -. ..lue. ' :- it*it| With B ? -, e . '.ir !,,.? u?- .,'. tl, ? I ||i t, bs-nif buMl? if m. purest man na its sslaral aIuT. PA8SENGEBS AMBIT EB LATEST SHIP NE IT A ?Tor other If hip Xeiet tee Third Pagt.i Al'.IUVI!)_ .Sii'.dm. F?-ii. 11. ?t-amsMp i;Ii?nf.*iilnri. l-.r . M .?: - ?,?!?.. !???. ... *r i'.ioi. mngafurt ?li u ITtii,aodUlhtalfarSOto with t.-a? t.. .Tiinr. ves?.*l m Ken?eeeoa Kr??. -t. h?-. ... i ..i...ii'si in*. . rat? ("atanla Jan. 7, HtaasSaaOta, Palertun : - i. Valen ?a i-:. X i . I - I ami ...brtiiAi 'ISUt, willt Iruu .'.??, (?i fie Ipa i ? i ' ?>. su-am.-s *, i ,t?t..:; i I Ir. OSOSO Dec J7 l.eeltern An'h. XaptasJsn. i, M-- -u' i ":ii. -ila-.*, lAtit, \ 'aii in -i., '.* ?: ? . ? .? r.,. ami uihrsltar *.'"iu, with mAsta. aad ;.aas. Ut i. I, witii ?dan and M BTcamahir ?*? I aaoae. ? ?.? ti, n.* ?tawo-l. i nv Potas, <n.i Nur lulk. wltll* ano lias.- t.. ' di! booilBine ts'<--?m-* Bark Taaiar?t IM , Ketitot Havana on . annr?ta Ian. li'.. ? t<- suirar ti, i jiii?-s II? BIT. I'm in??? ?lerrtiudi Nut, SO, ?rttb ln?w of -))? - ?ot?: Ina irr. -?*> ssfats rape at -? *'ir ".!.. tie. M -? Lala, Malan-.aa 14 ? . sr to Jalas aaasttai _; Co., v-s??i u> ?, *>v to. ? 'o. .. irg-? ??I nleii Ie?ett iff B.istoni Hsfilagl J..I,. S. U.U.a?s, wiiii lot S Monte, ??.-.! ta ... .-clir. I^di? -vVi-lls, W,-lia. .":ila:s. w.fli lath In .itste. J. i :ark. i arr. WlckiurS t-.r 1-nit Jt AKCHUUD At HAIll 1-i.A.VJ. ?rhr. S-irtng litr?! BrA from-. ..... i. fruta I i.,ai .*. M s. .-cu. er. >. Irin: EastpsCt. -A UI U - Boat cu litio. B. if. clear. I mu: liiv !'<il!T?i. Loaaors, Keb ll floilsd. nnamaeoBS ~ ??mf. r-jts-beii, I il an, .1. .. 1 m.i,. j,: tlira ? tar w*w-York I'll f i.i kirn Armen l'nh,Ne-souo 11 ... Lawraeco Brown, Cotaaibos capt. linger?., Osaamat uf i'uiii..v. Bopbl ? nofs-sne p?>rt? lUlTIM? IIF, Ke'i ll. -Aim. .1. Sl'-aUISlllil-i nisck?\ Msrsb. if.tii : " ' - MiKin-, Ir-na Sew-Vor* . Kii. aheth. i'laiK. rniIB ?','i?: in *i|ilna -i? . i?CIS i i. !..- Ainvej. slop l-iiigiiale Hr.i, fnira Lav.r Sin , n : P ??? a? Arrived, steamship I?n caater, t. -iu Pbilsdelplils, i..t ~ -, Qem *. . ?.-. froe Bordeai x -ail-*i. iiayiian .-:..-n- - ? . ihavao, barks i i* .' tea. WakuS u*. cnuc- Mspal? a ami Lmoae . atig j BL Bb-u - l* A?0.lll, V,-o. ll.- IrrtVSd. shin Fredrn.k. from Liver? pool, barki i* . froto i'.*.-?i**i. ?...i BtiOoon.uwei ii.ii. me, hota testae ..iaa v.. v go. ;,.,i? i". .. and Sal ? . s1?::**. v. wn?iii, loi Uratpoola sad ?.?hu? Besdsa, 1st u io*. li-iea. m..vK.MrNT.-? "F ocEAS rrnuMsntpa. Ql'rm I 1 .-The V? .* -u -. i -h'0 i . ?-.... T.:. ulell. fnii) ?ew-Yeth Yet>. 3. waa 6i?na.,..l ol Crunkhsvi II lt ? ???.*.??? K luis -vi*u.l'g. ,..*;. FV-b. I i) Luis ?tejtnslop ('ennsyl aala. Harria, frooi Plulsaolpl?a Pab i tot Lit un? ?i... ? .* i...ii tv. I'LVM-ii'.??'(. I'")i 11.-The North li'-rtiiaii Uerds a.-?a'iisli-p Wlrlanil, Hell ? V..rk VeM. i lo.- HambaTA bal ?nitres. .^^_^_________? FU?? l'er I ent ??ove?! By using ?i:*.?.: -- - (Ikbmas :.a. n'drt Soar. i ? nivertal I'?-s|?iii,iim . Tbe f.?mous " Aiiinniat.e" . last*; ths noli-f, harl rmniug, ttoahtaSSB?Sj two thn *st IBWBBI math-HB d iho**ast,aadpi ? aOa?headsel m taesssstaaosd r. raer?heooBfnl sad mort aMtodarabls -?.iii? i .*i s.iil ei.iii.?.i-. tt **::;-? I ? !.?:. rA. Va u.ars, .,.'?-) l?r?a_waj, w?r. Bao : wi., Hew vork. MABBIRD. H- -i".N" n -FN?i:N-in Braar-srleS Mm:..p?i, t, by Ui* By?iguai. O? Ulan Uaiattiuai ? ?q. of ? i. . lad . -..?cut. i u? i..i . ? ?leu ol tats -llv THOUAS?BoCTt .*-.' -"n -STs-lasaSa***. Tth in-tL. m ateaklya. by th? Itev. Kced Tluimsa, saSisted by Kev. ?l v - - Jehu I ? . ? - : ?i . a ef Brooklyn, dangtiter ol I Vi'ii.i.i ci? vi SB01 -??i. B/a Bsasar, faa. i". ai lha r.-a. i,:. in . - ?. - . Louise. ..auglit-i oi II.m. Aden iltmroe o? Sri i* .-,* v v Ail Nohmt of ilti-riugtm mmt be axaxmWmt? EAmi foB nome uni uAmton ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1)1 ED. ??il.*'.. : LlSTT niilltkibirhi iflheilsaailS . . :. ? .i-. -, mouth, am! 2f. .la.? ?. ? . ? . r.-r?, ?a i.-t r?uii.*. ntr*-... ni M... ?ill a. m \t V.'ji.iiiiui,. I li'itacav, ? .-i? I, IsT?.laaa? ii 1 HAWK?Oa -i.*..- M mst., A-aaadaC-a .;,., u.?L. al HOBR1 - ' r Xt.-.L. ... - * . , Iront li st, ? n I ? A. t . * II. . ! Al. BOY1 - i - ? ? f J tu?-- 1 it ? ? imtlyai ??? - ? . it id a. m. HOl I" - *-?? li. N V.. ?? a i ? si a .i i. *. in . -i ? ? -. ra:. ?. dMRBY In i hl .? - I ?lietoii Montgnn er., in i ?.-??? isle- ..ii:i..-ty ami lie|.I.?li ."i II., .a - i i M..lit?, lie IJ II D. 0? ATI VIA imthatOtt i m la, wi.'i w ? ?r V. s 131b mat., si ? -.- s, ?t -i r . ?UfCtUl .\;. .fl. ? .ln.ll 1. . m.,- <lf II.1I1M? t\ t O., ?i testa ay. MUNI' \ V. K. h 11 *l l * - - - AMI.Ill- AN \ \ II.! Ui:.. - ,1 s. . .1 1. Il Kl". ?Il - . 11 M -JUrof BTKAI ra, : K! HTS ? .?. Hiair'a Pllta. Tlie <.wr ?,4 0 Bt S. Al m?.-.1 .'? lltam a?.Xiia Wri .-.?la. i* ii?-..i-, TrmSriaarka. ?V e., aat'iue,! n lii. i :. ? .1 atatas ai u Ior?-iMii i ?ard??? Ut ?Kl Util \ BR1KHK> S VA I ? N'i a,,; * , y, iv, Nn? i ..r?. Ilcil r?ifrr?nrea eeu.l for in?.* ?f i i?u u? -.ion. V. r.,.1-*. i Taxea. CooimtasSDO a - p'oyine tt.e'i-csittal ing tai|,ort*Ml ?ws?? .- ?*? ?, or Ui t:\l.ii1iii? iii?-r. liAieiia?, eau liai. Uirtr *a??_i'i-?<nis t<* pt-iatiual t?x?k> li'^itiuiaUny rei_uvwi <_- ~.iuc*xl t>? t Ir .?as Bo- 1,013 l*i??c*-m.?v ?p?*cl?| PemeAntee Seltto. tottim) for F.ur<>pr bv ?i?iu-.isii'|, liheln. i.a ?..etharuktos ?ad Breui-n. cUtme at Uta l'oal (?Sien ai 1. .ai *. m . M OAD A Y, l*-,b. li OUAipiaUteltiet) UtmUlAA. i uO p At T. U lAMAmt,9.Bm