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V" XXXVI.N* 11.194. NEW-YORK. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1877. PRICE POUR CENTS. THE ELECTORAL VOTE. PROGRESS WIT? THE COCVT. JTVtS STATT? BBCORDKD WlTHOI'T ?)BJK<Tnoa? lOt'ISIANA RKlfT TO THE CX>MMl?WION, The Hoiitv of Representative? resolved yes? terday to object to the vote of Florida. Prof tor Kriott endeavored to have the case of Florida ref?*rred hack to the Electoral Tri hnt Speaker Randall niled this proposi? tion out ??f order. Con irrem reaasembled in Joint convention at 2:2"> p. m.. and the votes of Florida. Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Kentucky were counted. No ob? jection aril* made to Illinois. From Louisiana. Republican and Drmoeratic certificates in reif ular form were rece.ved : also a bo-ens burlesque certificate for Coojter and Cary. Objection was Boade and the State was reterred to the Com niwion. Discussion in the Commission will begin to-day. _ A REVIEW OF TEE DAT. IN THE HOCSE. fiosin* avjKtmti??si-kakfb Randall's BPljnw 01VE9 GHBAT SA-nSFACTION?A BITTKR DKBATK. fBT T_l.-K-.RAeH TO THS TR1HCNF.! WaftUM-M, IVb. 12.? The contest in the House of K?-pr? M-tiiatiN-t? agai-int the de-cision of the Electoral Comtniaaioa in th" Florid:? rase tras a iMiBg -BBS, hut m niakiii-it the Dennvrat* displayed a gitoii ???-ai at ?pint. Wln-n the Sp?-aker ?all?.*?! that tojm?j t<- unter at 10 o'clock this niornin-z tin* Repuh! eaaspfBBenl were uion* numerous than the 1 -u? but on either Hide of the House emptv clair*? ??(?-? Il tin* n.a.i?ritv. The first movement ?if the'n'y ?ma. k?-d SB strongly of delay that for a few ??Bates it seemed tu thouirh?in spite of the ; lal d??? lara?SBJ of the Democrats last night tliat notiiiuii like filibuster!:*,- W?M be resorted to? ft MBHiwaim ol ott-struction bad actually bearun. Batid Pa-Day ItsM wat? sa hand and tmj aetaTa. T.'.?* BBOBMBt Mr. McCrary rose and ofl?*re<l to go on with t)?- d> bafts on the only qiuvition .legally before tin ??.?ir?that of act-SB on the re'K>rt of the Com ? 11?Mr. Clymer raised the point that 110 quorum was present, aud others on the Democratic side demanded a call of the House. Mr. Field ran over to the R< publican side, and asaured them that there was 110 purj-ose of delay, and BUgg?>st?*d to them an aiitve B?ent to wait unti! 10*90, on the ground that so many were ahst-nt. and theu beiriii tbe de? bile At the hour dtjsignated new reasons for the waiting at one,* appeared. Proctor Kuott. who hiit- recently almost dropped ont of hit place in Cougreas, was no far recognized as a mem Is r ag>?in a? to be put forward to submit s aclieiue agreed upon by a few of the hot-headed Democrat* to cauw delay. This was in the shape of a proposi? tion to recommit th?* decision ot the Commission to ti)e Bseftstal Tribunal, tritt a request that it should pnx*?-?-.; i?, tai?.?- evidiBBSS m n-_;ird to the voU? of Florid.,, and t?at it should set forth at greater length than it has alri-ady done its reasons for th? de? i?). -ivci!. Th?* half-hour's psBtpsns ment nad been for the puriK?se ol gathering Demo? cratic Btfsagtt for a rafts upon it. Mr. Hale, who has by his great activity and know Isafe of parliamentary tactics assum???i the leader-hip <?f the Republicans since (?**u. Gartielil was made a BBombei oi the Pastoral ( onimis.-iioii. ma?ii- a pni:it of order agaiast Mr. KiiotiU projsui tion?That tta law under which thev STSN acting provided tsUly for a v?.t?- upon act ? p:intr tin- de? cision of the (/??uiniiMMoii or u tea filling it. Gen. Banks ami Mr. Bur**h trd of Illinois supported Mr. Hale, ami Femando Wood, while protesting that there was no dis'-uait ion on his Mti<* to oaass im WK*ev;ii-\ uehiy, and tii?t tat himself lie would Lai? profanad that Mr. Kaafttfa sahatiSats bai not been Mi?tmitte?!, said tl?at he still saw nothing in the law to p;event th<* House from sending the case back to tn?- l.ouniiission. Tit?* DoiBOflBt? did not teen, in? lined to debate the SBBttfT. but rather to n-.y upon their eonfideaes n >i?eaker Randall. which iKeuied not to bo misplaced. He rulad that the substitute was iu order, but st the same time recognized the fact thnt another objection h.-td been made to it by Mr. Wilsoa si Iowa, BBS of the ablest parliamentarian?, in the House, upon which he dasiied to give an opinion. Thin object un, waa ba??*d on a ruling mude some days Ago. that it was not competent for th" House acting alone and BtadsB its ralas to refer any question whatever to ?in outside triluinal. and that auch r?f?rence could only be made by the two house*, acting concurrently in Ji--nt ( ?invention. This point va? promptly instslnail by Sjieaker iCan dail. The Sinaki-r's niling, there is reason to beheve, not only approved by the Republicans, but by a majority of the Democrats. Only a law, the um ist of w horn originally S-?B-*-**BOdtteCeiBp-*oi-ias bil! and who desired to n.ake the proceed m es ante it as ridiculous as possible, would have voted for Mr. Knott's aubntnute. The majority of the Speakers party asboclates were greatly relieved by having the necessity of placing thei?. aivi-s on record on this matter removed. The ?Speaker? ruling ia considered by many loading Republicans as Ihe most important one in its far leachiii- efleet of ttxTJ h?* has made this session. If Mr. Knoit'" substitute bad been r-ceived. it would havoi-e-.ed the door lo a very dignified and ye: larly affective mod.* of lilibustenng. Not onlv miL-lit ev? ry decsion of the Joint Conimission, of what? ever tiature, be returneil to it for further considera? tion, but new questions not arising in th?* joint convention? of the two houses might with equal propriety be sent to it, thus occupying th? tun.- and the hnal BB-BSSflBCBBBSB'ftof ttaBBBBlt "f the ri.-<ti.i) it;<i, finitely. No one could more lull v the i-U'ect of such a ruling it niiule than the S}a-,K(*r. nor tl.e advanUge*it g.*i\e his partv. T?( Mr. Kandall dnl not hesitate a a on the tlenr point made b.y Mr. Wilson. H>* Bas* tatatad ?I and in the same breath recognized Mi. MsCiari Is pretaad with tin* Ishafta? Tkaraliat SX?** very f_r toward atoning for BSBBS fornut d**fi?ioos ihitt have been ?everelv criticised as par: MsbjbMbm tta greit t l'iietice so fully representing ?BssstJSaaaf tta ?and kad gHtheriNi to l?H)k down opon the Csasjiasi in it? solemn work. At no uta? vi.ut. atom of the aagaftl psacaadini bad such deep intereat bssa naaifaatad m any day's assemnlag'. Every psoatiasal ji.i.nial in the laud had some one hrn-t?i-se for .., raadasB. The diplomutic cor;**? ?ri.i nt Uad-Bg men ta ??<*? tor BavspSt The peaftsst B?Tav of !etz::l talent oxt-T gaihered at any BBS t.oiitt tn tbi lanti was here seated in frout of the ."?peakci-'s d?i*k or ?-aiiin?? forward in the de.-p circling linet of awn rsasB>d basfe ol the desks. Cabinet officers and OX-i aiiiti, t olficejs, a score of Senators, and ?SB* . f?* private citizena were on the flor)r. Then- w?-re .-noiigh of David Dudley Field? as'tul wi*t*taaaas ?in?l enough lobbyists t?i aive rar.tii ??. ihe crowd and make it suilicn-ntiy D'-mo ?f?!.? '.y m? ant of the lirst ciaftn, and compleic :ta Coi,gre?*iu*i il charterer by meant ol the last. The ?fesfta w<-.,T ou with little ititeriuption. Each side Bddi?t*ed tbe must pomied uttuck? toward the stbei. Yet the controversy throughout was ?v?n ducted with great dignity and decorum, and undi ViUed attention wan given by all. The speakers wart- m tbe main among the liest on e?_cb aide. The Republican? were Messrs. Mil rnry, banks. Fry?, Ihinii? ii. and Kaason. The Democrats wtire M<*vo s. lutkn. >pnnger, Hurd. Carr. Walk-r, and Fiald. Theajifxrneij were concise, and as a whole much above tar aierage force and point at those usu? ally fieaid in Congressional debata. Ihe unexpected sensation of ihe day waa the Speech of Mr. Carr of Indiana, the successor of ?%ssater Kerr. Ee has said hule tin-so his election. His scst ia on the Republican aide, wll back. Ppeaker's extreme left. He thus sisike acroai of the Republican side and at the Democrats, latter, as hia first aentenee fell on them, leane ward in a eort of perplexity, as if they snp they had not beard him distinctly ; but in moments there was no doubt anywhere on th* or in the -aliones am to his meaning. There hi dorn been a scene of ?zreatcr intereal than full? as the successive sentences of the speech rollei At first a few of Mr. Carr't Democratic asso? attempted to laugh, but smiles soon Hashed oft the Democratic aide to play until the .ml o speech over the faces of the Republicans. Widker of Virginia attempted to break the for Mr. Carr's worda. and protest?*?! that it wouh quire more than one man to read tbe majority o tue party. Mr. Fi. Id's closing speech was a failure. It his se<*ond chance to make a speech in tbe gre presence of his life, but aa on the first ?set when the Electoral bill paased. he disappointed fri?*nds and opponents. His speech consisted wail that the Commission had not considere? FI) rida evidence collected with so much can other words, that hia occupation as a collect needed evidence was gone. His last BB-BBJB w statement not founded upon evidence i? tue House, that one of the Repub electors was a convicted felon. Mr. I however, forgot to do full justice the subject by mentioning that the . tor whom he was thus denouncing was, i tta conviction of which he spoke, run by the 1 ocrats of Florida against the lagelas Repu hl candidate, ?.vus elected asa Democrat, and sei two terms m a Democratic .State Senator. Cou with his fen'remarks was a BTBBB insult to the G mission, such ,u should debar h ini from being a, bad befara it. sad probably would bars ??fleet ex-sept for tts ?-(institutional protection w] prevents a member of Congress from being y Honed elsewhere for words spoken m debate. Noatu-mpt was matte to cause tlelav ou the Yea and Nay votes which followed the close of discussion. Even the reading of the names was pensed with, when a single objection would 1: compelled it. The House rejected the vote of i ida by a strict party vote. THE COl'NT IN PB0QBE8S, THK BKNATE KEPT WAITING FOB IH.iHS?IMP! 8IVK BCBHBS IN IHK JOINT CON V UNI ION ?AB DIG BLl.'NDKBS OK A TKl J i.ll. [BY TFLhliRAPH 10 THE IWBUBB.] WaannOTOB, Feb. 1-.?President Ferry holds Beaafts dowB t<? tin* Bleeftsnl law. relief that a a report from the Commission has been acted u; no business whatever is in order except to join House and proceed with the count. To-day ?Senate assembled at 10 o'clock, and was nomiin .n s. ariaa doing nothing until nearly 2. Notice t the House was ready to receive it did not en until that time. Mr. Ferry occupied the chair d ingttoss four tedious hours writing letters and re tug newspapers. Most of the BsaatSSB retreat?-?] their committee-rooms to seek the solace of M and cigars. Those who remained worked at tt , eorrespoodeaoe, rend novels which had beam tained from the library, or gossiped over the po leal situation. AU seoe-sd te bel it bs b relief wi tbe tardy message came at last from the other wii ?Virer the House had reached its decision as Florid- the Bannte was immediately informel, a at 2T> iiniiut?n after 2 that body appeare?l at the I of the House. It* members tiled down th?* BBS aisle and off into their s?',at? on the Speaker's tie and right. The Vlce-President (idled the Joint O I ventiou to BSder and directed the announcement the decision of each henee. I'pon these he ral that as the two houses hail non-coin*urred in FBgS ' tothe actmu of Florida its vote would be oonated accordance with the decision of the ConWllmH The feeuate hud never baen received in great silence or ander mere impressive eurcanutanees, a: yet all this seeim-d, if it were possible, to be de? eoad as Seiiutur Ailison. ailing a? Caller, sanoane the four votes of Florida fur Hayes .nul Wheeler. The certiii? ateis of Georgia were bow read, t oppress i ve quiet continuing until Mr. Cook Georgia hiid read down to the date of the ceriiiii.ii when, instead ol tin* year of our independence tl one hundred and diet, he BBBOBBCed it a? dated the out- thousand and tirst year of our independent At this BBcaee to free Udell from the universal quit the Joint Convention and the audience had a beeil laugh, which was repeated when Mr. Cook forth? saaoaaeed that Georgia had east li rotes facTildt for Vice-lTcsidi-nt. Illinois followed G *<*rgi Every one expected that Mr. Bpringi i won!.! presei ? objc'-tions to a count of its rote whicfa he had pi* pared,and that tiic two bonsea could not reaesenibl before 5 o'clock. Mr. Springer, however, sat pti with papers on his dash* and the rots was eonatsi It appeau? that Mr. Chart.*?*. whom M Springer claimed to be ineligible, had a rived and shown that he had exercieed D official act as Chitad States Conuniadonei fot man ' years. Bo even Mr. -springer was detened frai making himself prominent at the expense of til t?ne of the Joint Convint ion. When this expects dead point had been passed the bu.-nicss large! took ou a routine eharacter, sad meabastboug qui.i, ?.veie (juite at their ease, many modln| a writing, or talking in low tones, until it eameMl ( ook'a turn to read retenu ?gata. He went throng the Kentucky eertifleate wit nom mistahe, but whei directed by the Viee-PrBsideBt to d?chue ths vot. be ennonaeed that Kentucky cast serea rotea fo Tilden, and being eoneetod dorlsmd it to bs i vote?, and linully getting it right under soso prompting, amid general laughter, he announce) thai Tilden bad reeeired 1- ratas frota Kentucky Nest eeflM tin- rttel returns from Louisiana They were linteiieo to a it h cafe I V hot It ?nle.s, A the clos'* of the leading of the renn:,?, ?.11 appui entjy legaler, which bad been reeetred both bj ?MSBSngeS ami ma:!. Mr. Ferry presented one IB cened otilt by mail, but regulativ indorsed ?b th vot,* o? ti.i Electoral College of Leuialaaa. Bnepacl ing it to be bogas, Mr. Parry asked for nnnn cons?'ni that u aright net be rend. 4 wary Dea? crat objected. L*i?on breaking its seal it sppaemd on sanding; lohe a breed'bnrlesqus retara,witl little regard to form, claiming the vote o? Lo for Cooper and Cary by n eaUegs aiada up of Join Smith No. 1. John Smith No. 8, Ac., and pur porting to he asBtttlsd by tts Greet Order oi Bulldozers. It wat a bromi ami stupid fares in tooted iato proeeed-agsof tin* greatest grsTityead moiiient. Ii?)th DsnwcraftS ami Bi uns at lnBiptsd to stop its leading; bet Mr Ferry mied that the law BBBde i* imperative that all cTtii.e Ites laoaiTisl should be read. It Bright be snapended bv aannhnona eoneent, rines tossserioneebaraetei i i apparent u. all; but npou anking loi oonseoi Mr. Mills of Texas, on the Democratic, side, objected and in. paaaa ans read through, m spire oi tta laugh which it caused in ail quartern. There aas a uiii feseal Ihelhig that it -anaagnan ?rialathmot tts privileges ol the Joint Conventioii. and an ait which dseerred ames pnniahmsni Bo present clew is given by the -BBS ol the |BSBM (o th?- <? rpefrsgBJB, but it is mort* than probable tnat tn.- nisdg.ilor? of the Htnpidity ami ?lie insult Will y-l l>e anHad lo ut - count for n. Dpan lbs receipt of objections tts cas?-of thi? >*u*te wa?, sent to the Cssanriarieaand the two bouses separated Lo await Ms ?souaiderat um and determination on returning from the joint meeting al I'M), Senators expremieii ia conversation much satisfac? tion that the ira. nulls aad uncerUin BenM had permitUMl substantial progresa u> in* made m the direct mu o? raiiiipii-tiiig the count. Il is believed in Kcuublii au circle- that the ream.?, why the Dem?? crata did not to-day carry out their Saturday'? plau of objecting to the vote of tbe ineligible elector tu niinolH waa that thr?r eonclnded. on refle--hon. the r?"*nlt w !il?i lie to prejudge th<* cane ot f in Oreijon. Th?? objootion ?*.?ii)<l not have rdi the Oonimisaion under tin? Klectoral law l-e?* there wae no context i iik retnni fr?>ii) Illmoia TI fore the tj nation of p-tranlinK the ehal1?-u_r??,l wo?ild have been acted on aepnrat*>ly hy tbe h'uiai'H. and aa tin- Senate would not have conne to throw the rute out, it would have count? .1. Thud th?? only plain cae** <>f ?eOJO caimu ol an aloatof at the time he cam Me which the IieiniM ra!. bxv* f.unid would have deci.letl .-uramst them, and fluir thwaat f??r i in_r their i??,iiir in Oregon l?ef..iv the Cnumi? wouUl naturally have l?e<'n diminialie.i. Tiny ? not well ?i?k th?- CaettMrnXeeO to refuse Watt?'? on the pound that lie did imi r?>. iim his ofhce i txitt'T the election, if CongnOB had BOUtod the of the IlliiKiiH man who never r.*i_i?p? at all. I ocrats atliiut' ihia conmderation hml weight ' theiii. They say that an ad?iiii?iual inotive wa.? to appear ft l?e raining technical objection? w would certainly h?> dernli-d pgmsmti tiPXX Ohi ? wonld ai?p,-ai to lie made for the purptiee of del?; the progresa of the count. BEFORE THK TRIHTTVAL. A BKKTCH ?>? THK HHIIBUB? IHM !?? COCNfll THK MMMSOOM tMMttSSMOtaT. IBT TB!.K6B?l'H TO THB |_HNM.I WooatsPtrtom, Fob. i_.??The ITIaot matroaanria iiaaeiiibleil iinmediateh ,ifi?;r flic adjoiirtinx-nt '?! Joint Convention. All the members were in t p|_MMB. Mi?* lawyer?' rahle,?? were ?vcupiNl by Mei Kvarts. Ma! thewi, arid of tbe cou: for the Hepiililicans, and by Messrs. Fi?-id. Trum! Memck, ami Gre?'n of the Democratic conr Almost MM only tfpptabtn were Mr. Bancroft, historian, BenatOf Howe, and e_-f ?oagNM Fitrnsworlh. Xi.tlnn*? was done except PMVett ?iiljiuirnnii-iit unnl lo-morrow moiTiinar at 11. Edmunds objected to this, but all tin* |)?*!ii"'i:?'? with them Mr. Hoar and Judit?* Bradley voted th? motion. It is probable that tin ?tiurs.- of j t??"?l*??iiii-r ordeted in tbe Florida .-?i?i?* will In- folio? to-morrow, and that the <>l>j.-ct?irs will be el loi four hours to presen! the BgOMDta 1er aad a_r:ii tbe ? "litlicting returns. Then ?ire so many I ?_ antk oD'.-ciorh that if ihi'V all deem t<? ?[i-ak ?01 thin?: ?ike a pro?'!-?!, nf daeimation will barato adopted. It will tie obs.rvi-d ii::it Li tin- list of jections ?signed by I'avid Dudley Fnld ami otluT? an .liicinii! i? made to bring into tbe OBM vast ma-?? of t? ?t:i:i'iiiy taken hy the BoMBB Loi lana ( oii-iiiiitw*.-?nul tin* ? ??iiiinii!??<? ?ui Powen a I'm net;? ?. Tin? was Made in the Florj c.-n-e ami met wiib total failure, but Mr. Field im : a man who is ea?ily flierii-iaflinl It i? nut like!*, iliat th? < oii?_iis*iioi: win read <1? i i-ion in the Louisiana case before Satnrd.iv th?- e.-uliesi. The s\n e<hunt of tin- objeetflM will ci ??uni-, tin-whole of ?>n<- day. Then the I)eiin?<ra rniiiisel will di-v.-lop their line of attai'k. I te eh feature will be an aaanslf ipoo tin- coiistiuitiona'i of the Retaining Board, ai.?l the legalitj ot tit i? ceedinga. Th?- eeaneel will want t?. mtrt daee ?iu? meutarv evident??> to nrov -, tirst. that the l??>ard h no atnhoirtv I?? cam us.?. tho rate for aleoton. u Btewnd. assuming that tiie board had autborii thai if .lid not make the OUTOn in tbe manner i ?inireil by law. The ?i?iiiii??ibiliiy of smh eviilcn will l?e difpated by the BnpnHlranB. nod there w thus Hi'isf ;in interlocutory .|ii* stum upon which t * oiinnismou will proba b!/ hear e_MB| to consume a full day. It is n.?t p;i?v !.. MB iiow t ('..minis?!.m can ailinii .' this sort Of any sort witbont ?departing fraa bx ownrnk la down in ili?- Florido ene. In that earn it decided: That it i_ not competent un?ler the i'..n.?fi!iiti??n ?i the law, aa It existed at tin ?Ute of tiie puaaa_-eotaa Bet. t" u" mi?1 ??*?''?I? i?' ?? nii' :.'k pap? r* opened liy t l'i? ?.I. nt ni in? M'. ,aie in the preaeace ot boaees to peove that other neraone than tboee recular oertifledtobj th? Oorernof ??f tha Ma! ??. Ilomla, ?nt ace? rdiiiB tn Um datcrmtaation ??l declaration their r.ppotatBieBt hy the Hoard of State ?CaoTaaeeri state neioi te the tinereaniredfor tin pertormaa ol ili?ii ?.:lti?'-, II..?! I?, ?ai Jl.|Milli!etl e.itt'i'irh, or III ?ou Ter proel io ?iioe- thai ill?-., liiul ii"t. 1 !,.? ruling would HOOD !" have ?sa u made in a? lant'i- to t over thocaOOOl L<?li:.?i;ill_i. Il) the Flo ida retaran no referen ce wae made to the action ? the Board ot CanTaBBOTB, wh:k- the Ha*.*eo r.-turi froin Liiiii>i;i!:.i are explicitly baood ujsin tho ?1 cj?i"ii of the Returning Board. The Demoerw say, howi-vcr, that as tbof ?l?'i not ehallrage rl legality of tbe Florida board tbe Comnu_toa ?li not i?r?-jml_r?- the n?-** qMBtion r.iirti-il \ry their aiiii, ?iT?t?ti the validity of ili.? I..?iii?iaii;i board, and c-a withonl liicnsi?!!*:;.-.'.- bear erideneo m to the leg! ity of it.'? existence :;n?l oi>?-ra!i"ii.?. At all erenl moan t?> make an <-fl rt to bare the do? opened onongtl l.? g > behind the r?-tiirns a-) far aa t i/o rh.- boaid. Ii they do n? I sne leed in this they will be th? on! from all chance of winning the ease, for then i ing m tn?- MeEnery retmna to ?stand mspx Indeed it i?, beliered that ih?-.-. will not era inoie that thooo letniuo ought to i?o eonnted a? tagala and valid. TbefaiowH <?n their face anything af proaching tbe ?bow <?f legal fonaality wUek tb Fi.?ri?!a r?-j.-.?ted reinrns bad. Then iu no court deeiaii n or legulatire a<-ti?in to back them aj They ?ire ?merely papen a;..! ??r.-t nded certificat? made our by wholly unauthorised penou What the Eletnoerate will etrive toi H ?? ondentoo? ia tbe .rejection of theEellogg ntuna without th. aereptan.i thoeeol M? i-.n.-iv. ii theqaeetwao evidence i.? ?Jeeided agamsl tbenttaa in all probo bility is will be, the Demoeratic connael ?-?ili baret? resort to ahopeleoa attaeknpon th? legality of t?ln Kellogg goremment. Ft tlonator Carpenter n u[it-)!i for the heavy work at tins june turo. Be i- 'aid to have pn-parivtl bimsel with preat car?-, at.d a? he will have tin- beoefil of his pterioaa tboeongb ?*^-M*ifitft'rt>>rw of th? reeeat pol?tica] hi?i.iry ??i LooMana h? may bo expaeted to ninke a brilliant eflort. Bx< !? ii.'ii.n 'lniiniiui! ?ill ttlaompmmh f?.i the Daaa. ? r..:? "o the BopnbUeaa ?i?l?>, Stanlej ?Matthewa and F.. W.M?.i,L'i.:?>i. -?ili make me prin? pa] argBtnenta. As m the Florida . '.inr. the deeiaion in the Loi:ii?iaii:i BontiaiBiBj will no donbt tvn anon tbe qnialiun ?d attmitting eridenee, and thoa the preliminar] atrag ajle teil] i:: nality In* the mam one. Bepoblieana ar? coiiiiti'-i?! that ?N ' te.i oieaioo ai i -, il depart from tbe plain letter of n?? awn ralincB, ?mi than then fan ?regard the eaae aa riitaally lettlod ia adraaoo. WILL DEMOC-UTB BUBMITf TltKIl! TALK UKVOL'c'I IONA?Y---VlUA LATMM 1? tO W11AI IHK -KNltK Will. Ln . Is AN I MI lll.K.SCY. |nr mieun T?. tuf "Bttaoai Wa?imiiQ-t, Fob 12.?a nowapopo cDrrifpond eiu aaked Hen ita ?Bayard tin? areaing u than ma any ixw??il>iliiy that the Democrat? would prevent the eiiiiij.i?-t..iu ul the ? ?>ui:t in tbe ?.v.-ni that tue : Loaiaiaaa <????? went againat them. The Senator re | pli?.) with a gnat deal "? rmphaaia. " No, tha | deieat n? nut till", eaoi .ii?r. ?? us; they may I bring na mietet tone, bal thej aaad bn.ig u.? lata t-'jiiti-ni|it.' In ?pit?! ?if tue ?attnet aaaartieaaoflooding I'?-ni ? ?ocraL.? ?n bot n baaaBB, bowenr, il?.-re Boatfaaeo to l,i introng stinpicinn amoiig tin- Itepuhlicaiu tha? th.- Boooa thssMAAMtho ioaot aaaai i?> allow the ?oint Ui lie completen if Loiiihiana hitoiiln be do I aland for Haye?. < "m e.aaee for t'na auepn-ion is tho acoiwation of bad faHh agriaat Bopnhltami mmnbanof thoCoo-?? miaaiaa arhteh la annaan m Demo, ratio oirriea, au?! w!ii< h "Anuid *?ytiu N? be put forth aa an en-iii? f'?r an batawdad refusai t_i SOSSy out the tenue of the couipioiiiii?-. It ib alleged that ?eruii. memOera of j the Comiuumion who wore upon the MMMMMMmtMt I which reported the Compromiiie bill agmd during I the i'??eioiii? ol rbal oommittee Xu the lieintnraU?; ?le mai ?' that no ?bataclea nhouid he ?* 1 m?_.-.t in the wa?/ of an examination into tho legality aud houMty of ' ?See i .ui? rug?. WASHINGTON. /RAOMENTS OF PUBLIC BUSINESS. MARS AS TO OtVKRAL _F*.C,l.'.l.ATI(lN ?FIVE-TWEN? TIES CAIXKL) KOR-WHUiKY CAPTt'RES. A new rule was adopted by the House ves terday t?? go ahc.-.d with lemslatiou each day after 1_ o'elnek; OtngMMMI l?egin to be WBm pr?*)iei)si<.*,. t?pggpt appropriai ion and oilier im? port nut bill,. I'!,?- I reaKiiry _M CnDed in for 110,000,000 more tive-tweiitnn. The capture of &S di-rill?ri?-s and >-4 di?til!cr? in the Bonth by ??flit-en, and troop?? M reported. LEOIBLATHM IN AKRKARS. grave nouns u,,,, , ?KITLN(; thki.l'-jh-a nkw Rl l.K IN TUF. Hut ?K. rBT TBI ?i.RAlH TO THB TltlRCSB.] wassanarots, Feb. &?Jaat i>efore thedeasel thftsaarieniaths Mouse ttiaj lha fumiitftas on Rule? reported a resolution providing that darlBg th. I'resi.leutia! -ouut the Hasan, when not in joint BsaMan, t?hal! preeeed with basiaaaj ait. r 19 o'clock of sash seleeaar dey as though an astaal sdtoara mcni had taltcii place the ni?nt before. Tina r?solu Hen was adapted after e little controversy. Itwre ssaeaded re asfte proetda thai it afcoald neft be cen? an..e?l in any wav to interfere with the Marinem of the joint ssnennMon. ThM -?* lution haa s history. The fiuhject matt? r ha*? he??;! f?r ??vera! da y a under coiiHideration I by the Committee on Rules. Until thia morning ! there eras an evident disparition sajeagths Deare? ? eratssd that raniniUtos to I they seemed te has that th.* resnlt of any ehaage of | the rules woulti be top give i he Mends of tin; Pacific Ra.lro.-ui lulls an opportunity t?i get their measures ; before the Bones Car eenssderatien and aaMan. As j long in? rhe legislative .lay of Thursday, Feb. 1, con ! Mnnea and m> BMtning henr is had, i: will as lapse j uihle for any of these nwnsaraa to pet a foothold in : the House. ThM rnoniiiiK a Hiidden change of policy Bssem too have t?.keii piece) and the luanniillsa. bj 9 ? strictly party rote, HtwiStsd Mr. Cox to report the I BBSalaftioa, which pas-n-d. Gen. Bankft and Mr. Wilson of Iowa, members of the committee. W0W0? ssjhUou that an set >f Coa peesMieqairedtorelieretheHonee from the er bassasaeaeata it bow laben ander, and that lha pre. rifiions t,f the Electora] bill eatmot be changed by a leeotsiiiai ef asin_l.* breach ef Congress. The Bo publican neniben 1 f tbs Coenoittee on Bales also BMBBod to faer that aach n ehaage nright afford the Dameerets an oppouimiij for HsrerabM ruiiuip., which Bright aaaist la the ?ii? nateriagasorameot, il one-should he atada aff.r tin* Y< ..listuna c_se has bem decided, and prevent tin* determination <?f the Pisaldiiitlsleonnt TheieM seed enough of facili? tating th?* public bnrineei m both beueeeof (."ngress" Tin* general sppropriatioB bills are not fiearlf ?11** posed of, and if ( onr/res-, should devote ita whole time to then:, their peBBSgs woald not ne BBeared any teaeeofl te prevent their failure by the expira? tion of th?* ;? un. BaHBJea tina there ia eeaaidesahk otner legislation nhich ouifht t<? Im* disposed of. Bernent the oldest and BMSt experienced RMS-ben 01 tii. Banes, who up to this tune have invariably sspcesselthaopinioo that the necessary legislative work would Im* completed before the 1th of March, now m gin t.. have grave doubts. If any one of the regular appropriation bills should fail to beeOBBS a law, an e-ura ses-iion of Conirn-SN would be neces? sary. Sui ii 1 aserien would Mtre to 1m- called by the new Plasidsnft, and as it probably would not meet before early in April, and would occupy considera? ble time in organization, its adjournment couid hardly be l.-okod lor before tin- 1st of July. HEAVY WHISKY RAIDS. DnBISOCTl ? .1 '.:i MvniXBKBS in tiif ?octii AND M AHllKsr??-l"lG?riM,?LlKtr. MINTYlt 1... u |BT tni-LrifAPH TO TXIH fTUBOBB.] WaJHntGTov, Tcli. 1U.?From informat?oa tit. :v.-a at the Iatarael Bar-asas Ofles It appears tiint tin* inn-it -Maullen m the B?sentela legisas of Berth aadBsath Carattaa .mil Qaargia bib ftetcrsalaed i??re sirt :.;. teressfarawtbs Bftasaptsto Break sptheir aa? knvfui bu-iuejis. in a recast raid iita<ie m ffarslsea <,inn* ?.. . the Bereaae of?eersaaaeeaded Ib aepsartag .1 praat Beabas of nun aad sssteoytag boomt mis fttattOsrtsa wttb ttatr Baateata ?atoeg athars eaptarei wne a Bepttat mini 1er and the count*." ahi-riff. iMitu BeSBBBd of defr-judiiig the Govern? ment by Hin it (?iariiiatiiin. The lersaas sgeat m BhargB o! ti?? aBettaa, la ?? leeret repast la the Cobbbus? si. aar af lateraal Bareaaeaa this aohjeet, aeys ? "i Bliali iii.ilie au-*dur r ii?! into .mother BBCttoa o? llaral ?on ( otinty, ami ou Suini.-iy nuiit will raafea aa astaedei rani into Paalo-ag Coeety. Oreet aitiliessaei preratta in tae aecttaaa at tbs country wbleb wa rtatted, aad Badtoa et Etta, meatthni aai arsaeg, are pattolltag ami piclit tlu*,'iiiaiiy Ottberosda OBthS SCXI rant I antici? pate raahttanse, and already aeald bare badtttt sar iii.i*. aaeata j ,.i oat I.b b aarprtas." ou the ?th rg pah u.iry, aereaaa ggeal ChaaabertatB, aacaeipaBled by a lalanhiaial "t ?..1 ?n-n lalrM s psntsaet Baralaaa Ooaatjr, errsBteft ?7 mea,eetmxi sad fteatioyeft 0 tttatfl ii-ni-, LOSstaadaofbeer sad Bash,sggreeatles i").<),?<' -caIlo_ssad900gBDaaBO*riow wtaea a:i the prapertjr w:ih .i* .- want of traasportattoB. ftasrhrr party under Bereaae agsal Oreaissay, aaaaeipaatei by .1 .let,., liaient of soldiers uinbT the i-otuniiitiil of Ueet Mi I: tyie Of the 'Jd Infantry f. '. :im r ? DBBtjr, 'i.i. Tiii*:- anioton" 1S men ami ii.-tr.iye : is rltatilleri? --. witn burga ????.vi';' .s ?if beer Bad ruanii. Ihla puny ittaehad at Bight By Meads at the peraoBssr rest?-ii. aad lieat Uelatyra ????? UUe?. Ihla la the ?ret bBRaaee oa record m ante- the ? iv.l aft-eera af the (iov.-rnuieiit m tii.- .????uni Bar? beee reahrtse Ib theea> textete at their daty abea BaeBed sp By FeoVral ? Tie foHoa Bgitl patch wss leeetred at the aOheo ot ln t?*rnai Botaaae to-day : CABTBBSTttXB. Ga, PeB 12, IST7 To the iiunAinvAs B. Bai m. ' ???? mumioner inte-m'A Bern enue, Waehingim, " ' .. Umeutc s. h .mi i"i Lieut Milntvr?-'- lush- were attacked and three iliatilli e?i before th? ImhI) DtmJd ?.e tmmormemL lu. i....i\ W?en found WtU Of watch, moil, l. BBd cTterytlUng uf rein? W? Boiwe inaile -1 arre?te and il-*atroy( 'SI d ?til i ? C, U CHABBSIILAUI, ?- v.-mie Afin. L'eut. M.lmvre was B BBttTi B? In*.ami. BBd was ap patBtofttetbearBiy fraaiths Btata ef mteata. \ l fu.ts hit*****"**1 lathe dtaattoela the ezpedtttoaaahora uaiued ha*.e n.-eti BeOeeted BBd eau Bftted la s letter au ansasd ta tba .- eretary ?>i the Traaaary by the ? ,,,., | .? ,,.,..* .1.. ? .us i.-tti*: ?nil i><* pet : laths Piaahtoai ? the i ahtaol awiihaatesaarrew,aad it nal paulad thai be will itreot mure tru.i|?s to toe aaat to the iiistricu? BBftaaed top thaaa anaed aaaaa, with instru? lions to t-iealt up their haunt.? and naulmj thrti dlailllnrtea r_:d Mae in all wl?.m tiny e;,!t arii-m f..r trial. As tlien* i? eaaaralry BraUaale f?.r asa Is *heaa Metss the I BSSBrieal.i et lu term?! Barrare in?* BBBtaaad lha pareBBaa at a tiwpt ti'j't.i .r ut tun-es ??tu WhiahtOBMMBM tlie ililautry de ;.i. ???: i" ta*?i?< "e ri v.*:.;ie egt I Une cr??t ihfflcnlty in i?r??? ?-ii'iiiif Illicit dlrtnilnu ?n to.* raoualatn d-rtrkaa af the Buwth arla-a frota th?* fart that it ia B?t coad-smaed toy aa] public upluiun lu the reis'inu- adero II i? aarrled m With Bo . i..r - ,.i- oi ?th*i i,.*.,:i . : ..,i.*i*is'tii'iiuiii.**iii"ii tin? JM-..I. in ui-t frtmi mai1...- II ?i"'- ii". ' :*. '.".-i"'" tlieli -rrnla i"*".* *.i "?m :...i tbao ii Will brlllif. Tin. |t?>.i|iii llttV. . Il.e|-ef,,ie. mi u.?i ul Mi? pen ot inen empa eicepl ?? eootrertlng th?ta loto anima. In theli d * - ?'??'?? BMiay >-f (lien, look apon tin* rc\? urn* ii'v? aa Baring toeeu enacted for tht Hie pal p?a* of ii?itir..-.?.ii_ t? - in H ?:.*??r.i.i mc tltur ,,( mitins ,, Hi ? ? dj .n thaaa -. then fore. Un L- opon il?lell dtatlllins ?a ? erime, a.?', the people aliaool un.mi.u?.us , rire il their eoiut* leaaaea, tht larger BeartVr ?>t the illlftl diat. are ?mui! cui.e-ii .i ,n tmi-t lOaUnce? -.iiiei. . b? n t-ii?!i?? ill. ? i- tue uwnera ot Iheia aatsetbi r.i|>|s i atUa WhlCh are (lie in..-? ?u.a..I.:. t,it,s tiuii. aad es. ii|H ivuli them Six the *<h..i- in - fevr O-ryaaftei Uwratdlaaror the dietiUerj w .?*??? ?-..i.iisi.eti to ttie anine pi??-?- ur nea- by, end ia luriiiu? out " -mx.lied " wliisay at r.ipuMy aa BWSB A CALL FOR B?HM? TBJ? Mil.U-iNS ul S-SOS H' UK UKIiEKKFl). Wa."HIN?.ti)S, Feb. 12.?The Acting Secre? tary of the Tn-aaury Uwlay laauml the 3'.?Ui call fur the ?redemption of MifeBn?BSl I?**,, May tuid Noveuilier The eall la for f lO.OOO.ouO, of wlni-i? **-7.(J(K),(aKi are aanpsa and ?W.tlWl.lXMJ realsU:re(l bond*. The principal auU iiiuitai w?l be petti at Uiv Xreaaury on and after the 12th day of Ma?, next, an?! the will ceaae on that ?lay. Followtnr ar?" disnerlptlon? of the bond*: Conpnn t_?ii,|_??BTiOO. Me*. tUjH to *..?..<W?0. Is.fh in cluwve; 11400, No*. TO..',.'.! to 70,t?ni. belli intliisive. Keirl?.fep?tl ImttiiIs?0.*>?>. N???. 4?)1 to-t'iO. Imfh iK'lUHive; ?lno. Moa. ."?.Mm to _i.ii.yi. not h laeioatTe; (BOO. Rea 3.001 to :;.m<mi. iMitn laelnalve; 01,000, Moo I3_t.11 to I t.iKK), l.?lth ?nolu.ive; gM No?. "?.101 to b.3rrtl, iM.tii ?ncm.i-e; tI'i.'Nio, Noe. ?,301 to U.7 ?<?, both m cl um ve. WASHIM'IOV ROTHl WotMoaoaets, onaday, Fei?. i_. saTT. The n??ar?1 of Enirneera apj??i!??'?'<1 i?, examine in??? the ?taii?hry nf ibe foundiition of the W:ieh!?i__t'.u Monument hu? aeel.loil. it te under?to??l, to ?ngoeal to Cnngreme 'h' ?vlvtsaiiiliry of tearing dowti the pnnent n?-g!e?>t??d i'riic ture, and the n-moral nf the ?inn** to the circle at the Interaction of Mn*i-<fU*tm>i?*ttJi-a~e. mid Poni-teenih-_f., when? th? v eoiii.t tie lined :m a hi*** for a ir.ahiu* ?haft of Hilft?.?Inn hiebt and ?1- ?.?n. Tin- ?in ?el? ? 'til Is the lii'.tif point in the ItiHtnet. .?lid I?! I.y wine of the flnesi dwellfnts. Tin* action .?n the part nf th?? englnaeea n? beiu?v??i to ho inmiirateii ity the fact that in their borinit f.? leeerta? the ?tuhillty ol tbe teaadattn of the m'.iiii-iieat hipv Bare tApeure?d that there in not Mrmawu ? i:.i:i_i, in the s?iii t.. i..-ar the Inc renm-d weight of tiki, |,r<>i>?H?'ii lo he put upon the ?haft. A nietnlter uf rhe llnuso < ?inia.ittee .ni Appropriation* ?aid tiwlay that the coiuiuittee han baten Iban the proposition from tho Occidental and Oriental Ste.un-.hp t'otnpany to carry tue mails BBtwaaa 8?m Franci?co, Japan, and China for the p..-ia^e on.v a? coiiipennktion. Tin n- la an amendment to I in* Pust-OUloe Appropriation Bill th?* ??.-iiate, npattod hy vi:ai?ir IIa.ui ?n. to renew tin eoatrael for monthly ?aretea with the Pacida Mail Sieani!?hi|i OtMBBBBj anil appi ?pnatlna t&OO.OOO for thai Berriee ; inn thta amendaient * add ay ?neinier ?. |>ii?_ed i?y Cougnaa, u if le viewed in the light <>i aaaaafdy. The probability is that nothing will he done on t nie iiibje t, ah tin Poatmaater i lenoial un?ler the pnaeni ia*-? ?? i? enlinalwil to bub tract fbt ocean mail *ar*nea, firing the postage only ae eompeoeadaat. A statement having lieen puhlished that the lato parnde of the Kniifhta ??f Henna mgeirOrleoaowaoagnm travetifp of the Pr'-iodctit. f?ia Cabinet :in?-l|other prorot n.-ut Bapablleaa ottenra, <><>v. gteballa talagnphad 'ol. Burke to-day u? f..How?: ?? The s? n- nuiit ?if the whole i'onniniiiiiy la opposed to ?hat n;'t??*<l al the ci-iehm turn ?ill I hnr-dai iBBt It WBB tbe Bet of B fe-.v private Indltridaala . iitiiciv unaathnrtaed aad uiiiiiiown aud uni veraally condemned and ragrettad.*" ? [M-tiiiiiii atgaad by b7b lagaaatlal citizen? of New Tart wa" nr.'-ciiu-d to ti.e Preaident to-day by Jai-e?! Haalaiil of HOw-Tark (.l'y. Hiking tint W a. ti. Ely of | Inrr> town, ilm _B eoagned in Ike Klage ?"?.uiity Penf l.titiiry im ?ml.',/ami ahetttna In f;*ail?le - in,-a wer,- praruoed ?it T:irryt?.wn ?taWag the late ei?e tn.n, he pardoned. Letton favoring the petition from inunci?n? ?itHciaU i.i WentchcMUT ? nunty were a1*o pr?v a? ill. ?:. A diapatch froni ti." I'nitad BtBEM Cimii'-Heneral at I!. Hin contain*) Infill matitfB Inaf Ih* I Bttle ?Iiwimc com? monly known a? tin rladerpeel lum mude it* appearance tn d?lforeut |>.?r!n of (:'*rmtiiiv, and 1? rapid!? spreading aad .i?i:i_- througboitl toe oonntry. Coneequenlly v..r Tnaaury Departmen! prohlblU tbe importation of neai cattle aud ;:.? ?..?1 i of neat cattle into the United ?ia:--? in in '.eitiiai-y iii.ti! fnrrlici- t.r.lerH. The r'*?|Ui?:!n.n nf :lie Wu I??-?>artmciit in favor of '' Boda far bal? a million dollars'worth of hond* on aeoeoat of hia work la the Mhulaelppl Kl ver hum been Boaored ai tbe tttnaory DepartBBeat. Until farther notice the PreflBtaat will not rrceivc vlul t?,r?. ..n baaiae ? allai ?- ?>'?.' ? k, ,ie ha le bwQp eaaamd In packing up tm pap? r-?, etc., prapantory to neatiag the White Henee. Dr l'ope thin evening reporte that ?Secretary Morrill ia bt?:ii?llly though nl??wly niiprnviiiii. N'iMINATI'iN'*". WAnaiaoTOM, Feb. ?!_.?Tbe ?PnoMent ?ont thp foU.iw.n_.' ii.i'.kiih .?!!> !.. the ???!;..!. to-day Itaharil A.iVntia. t, !,e li..:-! MtalaM Att'.rr.ey !,.r Wi-?iiiiiiiir r?-irii??iv J.hiii n. Keeter, to in- ?? paruaater in i in: arm v. irttBtha rank "i M,-.j ,r. Pisetmaatcn Henrv I.i?l". ?! Ann ITB, Mi .. lUltiert f, il..tilt r, ."???* nan. Hrn., il. A. iireetleu. Santa k'e, S. X. ENQIEEERAf ST HIKE. THK I_-?C<>M')T!Vr? OF THK HMTOM AND MAINE lUII.Ii"?!' I ? r.UTl.I). R? >?t<?v, Feb. l'J.?Tin- ?iiiti<-ip;iN-il -?tiiko of locunioti-e cnghnanOO the I!???ton an?! Manie Kailroad took place at i p, m. to-tiay, wiieu tbe enga?anabm the roail dr.IV Ine ai:d aliandoUcd Ibetr lewootiwii Tim eaaapanv bad eaeagBd eanaal angtneen n<?t bbbbb> liens of tho Brotberbaod, and aa far as paaaMa trnini were mu aa aeaal Bat <?i thi.? city?nut PPEAbtPt, how? ever, to aeeaaaaaadate ?ill the paaaangan ; and at 7 p. m. BBoal 2,tnyii wen? .it the depot avatttngtraaa? psrtattaa. i?e Portlaad trata, whi?h u-ftbne at i_i::;i> p. m.. 1? la-.'l i:?? t:e:ir iveuiiei.ini!,. M?*., M I* uli*0 the lion taa train wbieli !? it P'Ttini, ! at ii p. in. IMghBtBalM arc laid up ou ??.? din ft " alnn?; the nniton. 10 ?.i.liiry ..,?,- ?????:i ?lniie an ':.>??<.luoiivo? nr oth?r proper? v. Large enwdaban BBaeaMed at pebiti aban enicine? bam been ahnndaniil. gaax rally Bftapatalatag *_'iiii the eliltiBB. aad ? mineen tabi'ig their plann arc ??-..eteii with Jean aul bas?e, bol no rtolenn haa y?-t been re paitad. The Nparlatoadent annonnc??? that fhrniiirh tranig will i? ? r-i'.i to-ffi. rr iw : loeal ir tin? WlH U?i eonihilld ited, ami freight trntHe I ?rthe iir-'eni all? ?<? laep tided. Tha itrikc win ? ineed i.y the final refneal <?f the Deed t?. ne- ? .. to tt. ?.' tnandi of tbe engin<sen for an Increase of pay- Tbe ? i'l'.i'i'?' propoeed by ibeenclnm n la 13 W f,?r en,.".!!.-, r- <?f t?v?i feara1 or note ?er*, toe, tur ?i run of I???? :...._. i "?? rata I for extra mU'i. with a craduated scale to p2 7.1 per day for tbe loweet claae. i:.?- preeent mj i_ from .**- AB tu $3 2b, with runa from ill) to 130 uiii?'!? p?*r day. TELE'',EATIIIf RIVALRY. THE AT*. I NTT C* i'?'D PACVIC CdMIANY I!* POnSS si'tN ok Tin: g-XT?fOn AMDthttSf/i tTRSM H U.*?ES. [nr raLaoaarn to thi? Tin.intE.l Bai.tim?)i:k, Md.. Feb. 12.?Tho ?-iitir?? aya? te?of telegraph UaeB aad .?m. m of the Baltlnen and Obie Ballroad Cwnpaay, ineladlng tte rarloae dlrtnioi and liraaihee through toCbieago and Clm innatl, ?mata* day tnaatand :.-"::i tbe OTaatern Union ???tue Atlantic aad PaeMa Telegrapb Ceaipany, _n?in? t?? the latt.-r tu?- '.???Heul et 140 :i?-w atVn and an additional nota for iu untara burine??, with tin- u-?- ?.i erer ?'! 000 miles of heeatoCan InOliided in tbe Bontben Dtrleton of tho :, l':,.??!; I'.-li <"<?inp:i:.y. Then Unes and odtoee vgl fron today eonadtate tb" Batttaaen and ubi.? Division of the Atlantic ind Paetfle le Oaaipaay. The lerial hnelnoea ol Iba Marietta aad Cla* ciiiiiati Dim en m ill ti?it In- iu t:?' new arraiiife tiicn*. until at).nit May 1. the eontnet with the We .ten*, t'aaiii Company ,ei tint dlvialM *m'1 expire, in aceordaa. i with ti;, r- noire i three montha' nonce gtVm i . k. The Miiitiin ?Mid Pacldc Coniiwnr now baa four iiitii-;? iiueiit rni'.ii-.. i:nin t:,e leatKiara watt, to? gether with i!.inier?,n? ?i ??? linea. On Inquln al t.n* oiliee of the Wcntern L'uion < ? in pan t :,?? t?>-l:iy. ii ih learned thai ilicy are nol ame to aerean* vtrna urer tiie Baltimore and ?>ii??? ronta v..?:. aud that iherarere :?!?.?? - ' -.?'??? ?for .,,-._! uf the ? ?n . liai read, they Iiaviiii; airee leadh ?-? to ?nlj ?? lew ?ji ta? t???-ua. a Rom TOB r.'ii: AOKD AVD infirm. Watutow?. N. Y., Feb. 12.?Tbe Af.ii caii Betel Meet aad tin- ^rca?-,.! batidlas In tin* etty w.-r.- iniii ?:i pnblla aui'iinn today aini pnnhaaad by Hn I?*..!-? ""Icy. 'i.rrnc'.y Mr ?. Ilf-nn -Keep, f . ? -4 ?ti??. Mr? BeMej haa deeded UM prapactyton tin-pro. tt'tl? nf -".util are to li.? Bff l ? 1 a, the en -ction and BBtateaaaee :ti thta trttr Of ^ home lor the im?c.I and ? ? Betury k.-i.'* Bobm for the In tl'in." A hamUoine ?;i ; tura v..i. it mi?*i- lie ??reeled fur the purpuae Mm. Mebley la a aatire ??! Watertown, **;ie naine 'i!,.i\ Allen 0 Beach. H.P. Flower, Otjorre n i .v,. i p gnady. Bad three otben n tnBtan of the rund. Mi II. "' A DBPtJTT MAH'HAl St. Loi i?. Mu. K?-i>. l_.?i). pmy Lniitd Hbbbb m .? r ? n ? i ?i ii. Bagbaa, m ateaaupgagts anaat tw.? >?i"U iiBiii? ?! < .r en ami Miller, ai a patni abenteta luiie* fnim liai' !>? - :? M narl,enflatordayereatag laBt,?aai ?'.Mt ,ii??i killed hj ih-n.. Oiaan ?and MlUn were ch BTgBd wttti igoetlBK ti ??nie i>erM.iui m W,- ! Kanaaai .;.- afea ilayaagu and lad ?i I ta the o?Mi j Ma ,.! I.!_,?'! u, witli a poeaa, baa ?tand m punuit of the uiur'teren? A.H BgtttVBKB KI.-N .?t'Ek AM) KILLED. Nk\v-H_vvi.n, (, F.i.. 1_.?Ah the Pli?a datpblathrongb '-\i? ti*.ni mi tba fJaatanand ??? i York Air I.ii,. Uoa?i wa* ??a*t>i!i?? Weiilcfiieeter SUtiou, in the town of Oatebaatar, n hndap bbcs?mp it Mamed up n in Bngtnen AXxhsen Baaan an henal n>- ates? the hand-ial. u! tin* ang-BBj bal -lipp.'tl M that the tendt r wheel? ^?h?i*.| ..I'-i bit ligbl ? i. ?iMtve the ftuk.e Bad left fool tie wa? taken ta ala a ?le ? uniu?* In Weai chei>ter, WIM be .In?! ?in nin. la] nialit. THK OB0BOU M.-II1.1.KK??* WAB. Atlanta, *Gh., F?-Ii. 1J.?On Fritlay niifiit a '.'?.a.'i.iun i of I'uiied HUI?? luUntiy accoiupaiiyiug revenue a?eule were MiiiH'k??! by .ui.busti??<1 distillera in ?limier ?'?.tint), and ?.lent. Mcl:ilyre of ' otuuiiii) K, id InfMiitry. wa? It KciL a tl'-tiMaiuii-nt winch -?? m-nt ut to recover ttM '.?.?lj ? ?aid :o uu\e kiiic?l turee ?liatdlera hefurc duin^ *o. FOREIGN NEWS. THE TT'PKISH IMRR?orrf.IO. ?o Axxwr.n to or. oivkw to thk BBg-hUi wont? SIR RDWAHn ni'iR.TO/f L1KKI.T TO BB KWBAS SADOR TO IHK f'-.|;r?'.---'IIIK BRITISH M H KRALS MOVING. t?0!?Doa, Monday. Teh. 12, 1S77. A dispatch to The ?une? from Vienna nays: " It la st;<ti?*?l here Unit th?* Power* wtl? probably not answer the Ruaalan circular at all. If in ti!?*nfical anawer were BTiv.'ti. the Ati- powere wnnld tacitly acknowledge KiimIVi clrtfm for bereeif of fn-edom to withdraw frone common action whenever ??be pleaae?! ; wbile s?parai? um?-*??>? ? wntiiil de?! my the effect on the i 'xar'a regola tiona. wtiicli an etiiint-iatlnn of all the Power? tni-fht have. The circular itaelf did not ash or r-Njuire ?id aniwer II ?Imply tiiMtnicti-il the Kuaaian repr????.-i tu-aacer tail? the view? of tue SB?M?I IB wlo-h they ara (M-credlted. C'uiioiislr ??lKHiiili, Rit-a .. ?MB not ace m verv MBatare to know tnc view? of the flaSBBSSn for th? repr.*aeul.itivi-a liavti not yet taken nuv atop lawaigaaaarlataiaa there" Tht Irftaerrtr ptiiiCsfiis e apecial diapnU-h from P??r? aariag It i? reporte?l there that it la ptnlxihle thai Mr Bdward Iharaaaa. in"* BiMah Bttalater latheUattad -?t?te?, win be ?ipisuiiteti Kngiiai. Bnbaaaador to the I'orte. Tiie repart an ?id a a favor? '.<? '.mpn-'aion. The ?lirmtiiuhiitn Putt BBSSlBj that (lie I,cvi ul leader?, after c?maiili?tioii. bav? determined to ?11:11101 a mu'loa ftetilarlBS that it is the duty of En-?Und to concert wits the Luropeaii I'ovver?., or, failing* thia. with gu-?!*! alone, U. .?niirrre m-on Tirkey t'ie adoption of ncceaaary pro lisions f,,r the security of ' briatmiie 10 loe ft-aBBned province?. THE STRUGGLE OF THE CABLE OOMPAIUL Lennon; Haaanr, Feb. 12. 1&77. The ordinary general met-MiiK of the Anglo Aniencfin OsMS < bBBBBBg waa held on .-iaiunlay ?t ike City Termlnoa Hotel. Vi-scount Mouck, the cbairmao, in mortng tIm adoption of the report, Mid ihat. uotwitn ?tamlliiM; the fact that thero had baen tranaacled EBBftSg the l_at year me lar-fe a li'iaineac on tciecnipby acroaa th? Atlantic a? in ?_?? rear preceding, the Company, how? ever, had not obruned, aa the ahareboldci? bail felt in their .??viili-ni!. the full amount of the b :;*..????*.?a fact attributable to the i*ziat?:uee of a competitive company, which of BSBBSe, by carrylujr a p?irtlon of th? b.iMii? as, had to that extent deprived tbem of their piolita. The obvioua a-d ordinary mode of BBM?ag S cutiii-etitive rivai lu th?? fini would Be to earn on wmit h. aiiifhr call a sort of ?? intenx-eme ** tr " wii? bun un they sad araaeM him to ?uch a earn tlition an would indue-? lum to come to ?1,1 amluaiiie ax r.iii-firii nt. Back .? cours?', hawaver. wuaM involve? cenaln loss of revenue to isith rompentra. aad tiavinir the f.i? t baton their sitada thay <i.-sir?-?i t.. aahaeet ?-very meana ?it 'heir B-Bpssal for ?rrlviui* at ?in am cable at rangiairnl witu th? ir ooaipeCitsBe bet?re they ?? dr.*?* the sivord" anil tMBbarked 111 ? hoatlle competition with htlll. To sini'.v l he anvieiv of tue director? not to embark m any hostile competition with tin' Im*, i Cabta < ompi-g*, an mtou aa that eoeipeay had bagaa wort, so, thenafc repeaseafSBg th? aeriior cominn?', reitiiesittl an Interview with the chalr of ?Ii.- Dinet Cable ( ouipaiiv, and aaktxl If they coiibi not rum ? t 1 sonn terina eaabUne tn- in n.ith to live without expeadtrut I .- eapital aad Btoaey -.f iii.-ir ahan* holders m a iios.ile eotapettttaa. The prapeaft?ea waa repadtetei, out iic wa? bound to -ter tin- .p,.k?* from m niory, iiut lu- memory war. pretty eernetl that it waa uot repudiated on tin* croimda by which tnc pr ipoi-'.tlon of the (jlobe Goapaay WBB not, ti.imi ly, tu?t tliey coiiltl not d? it. The chairman of th? Direct Calne Company met him with ? poiut 1 latiri refusal to do ?hat lie propoHcil, but In- tlltl not fell inm that it waa lanmealhle That waa aaheeqaeBtly di?* ooeeiei. ThUpoiBf.howr*****, waaaoa leihp a court of law, aad the director? li-vl toBB* let rtn- coiiclu ~-oii tiiat tliev siiotiid wait and s.*e BoW the t|ueation w.irt decided befoie (bey adopted any .Uter?lion in t!i?-ir policy. Viacuiii MoinK further ?iiiil 1 but aaexpedttioB aoala he aeat oat (hie year la rep*. 11 the -*.ii?i. ..* IMS, The .?itiie of 1 ?-?*>*; mam reeeatly brokae. nu- m -. ery aiiai low water, and he believed tht- bn-ak was aapehBI of easy repair. Ae ehairnian movi-l I he reelection of Lord William Moiitiume Hey, bul tue motion wjs e_c**i**>tloallr op paaad re the praaaft that tie aaa imnmri?*d ?*?ith too ii?iiiy eoiiipaiiien. A ?loll wa? taken, Uoneit.T. and Ixird Hay was ilecla?*?*>U clti lad. ?7I?T low*'! money article of Saturday, Feb 10, r?. fern 111 to a metiiui.- of lbs Annlo-Ameri. .111 (aide Com? pany saya: "In connection with tbc me.-tin*.' of the Meekheintn at tin* Augta-AtaaneeaTaeegraahi taer-peap. bei't to-day, H la anttfe eatltaa attontlon t?. the*t-r**aea Unreal ottwedhy the ahanwaaa agBtasttha Dlreei CBftta Oaaapaay that ha aad hi* oo.tni w.r>* ti>*ier tti.ued (0 inatttate wt,.it in- aattad -?in iBtereeeh?1 war,' till the weaker went to the vail ?Iioulil the attempt now bent? ina?le by tin* UleBe Tetearaph ami Trust ('..tupan * part/ t" iiesttoy the fHiTirl lahlii iliipaay fail. Uv wee tniiin etiotttfii to tall the aharahohten that thta war aught be roiy euetly, but aoae the luaa it is the determination of ins to hare ae rival .1 etixbi ?Miuiil dcatroy that rival." The OOsei crr's BBBBcaal article aav? : " appttsattaa haa U-eu made f o* a iii.iiidaiiiiis to comitel tin* Dlreei l'i?iu?4 li?tes t .11 iic Cotapooj 'a Board of Directoi 1 toreeegaaas tin- rotea which th? ehatnasa ol the lata bus wig ot - 1 ?r. M. rs decided Invalid, sed declare the :< solu? tion.-, ol Mr. i-V-ndcr iwlm repteaenu? Ihn amal*fBiii ilina ist.-t adopted. It la bell ?siuiat a dealatoa arUlB?eS> tuiu?d v.ithni a fiirtuiiibt." THE EAST INMAN TAMINE. Loanon. Taaaiay, Pah. IS, l?77. Th?; Indian Ofleft publishes a t( IcvTai iiic di?;i:tt?h from the Viceroy, Last I.itton. dated Keo. 11, gtatiu** that the aaadtttea of aha UBtaaaasd fttstSMM ?a practit'aliy BBeh-BgB?i The number recinnnr tslal have further tlecrea?? d tOeOOO in Hair is ami J.'?.(ss. in Boinhaf. Btr Bichard Temple telecrah? tha tin eatue preaklrflr] of Madrsa atarratloa la preveote-L Sameiteatua trotd ??ant, however, art* reported at die trnla near Mudraa. THE DUC DECAZES TO BE TRANSFERRED. London. Vaoaft-f, Weh* IB, 1-77. J7ie AMMleriFl corre-ipondeiit at I'iine, says it la reportai as peabeMa that tue Due Dasesas wiu reslift the Ministry of PetBtgB, BBd be ?cut as Kin na? ?ador tu st. l'eieisiuir?'. SOCIALISM IN RUSSIA. L?;n;.?iV Tuesilay. I'.'*, 13. 1*77. A VaOBOhh dispuK'h to Tha BOOnonttti bajo Rnaalaii advices confirm the reporti? that the number of arres;-made of (oniiuiinist and HthtlhS SaaapMBBMi m Mu* u'j and ueiirhhothoud :? mcreaaiu?; ?Uiiy. FOIiF.If.N ROTES. BBCaaBLft, F.-li. 1U.? The report tlmt M. Ma'.oii. the BetgfBB Mr.iiste;* of Kiilanee, ba.1 n-sii.-n--il on of the opposition to the BsaSstal bill, tot oltlcially ?i. ah .1. LOVDOV, Fob. IL*.?Tiie motion for a new trial intlie .as., if llov? ios? ag-tast Albert (irautand others to recover iHiiinv alleged t.. ?ne Bet-B ?hBaB?ad iii- modulent ??eines ataiiaes reaarrtiag the i.i? a r-'eaii; l'r.titri.ti Coutpua* lias Is-, n dcaled BBd jatl? lueiit rflreo ?uainsi Ba?a ursnt, seaiiritBg le the jury'a \. nil? t. Ottawa, Feb. 12.?In the eoiirn* of the SBw linte oti iii.-?, Mr. D.-?*.i?iiioa of liritish ColumUa ?? tiiat (".ti.aili* u.i.l get In? pew-?Me Into dibt. *nd hrakaaHe plaftaaa toward R. In a few daya wln-n the britiahColumbia Laiglalature un-ipit would .?#ii the Im MsrialPai iiituieiii to on* ii? lamer to talaaaa lha i?r ?? Inee f: ut. ;i? protnia? to tbe Douninon. unies? the dor? i-mmi'iit waa prcpansi to im the ?orh (the Pa?itl.- Kail a?) that the people of (?nada bad preo?aed. KriLutti Ooltwnbta.011.1 takeaoothereoarse than .t?k tha rai perlai IliiTnrtUBfBt which .nit.-d UN pwrtBSS to ?'.iua?la u, ralawe it. ____________________ A FRATRIi tDBfO FV.M"KKl.T. DK\TI1. PiTT'iuTK.11. Pa.? Feb. 11'.?William i;r??*n, convicted of the murder of bis hair -It .tin r. BBBBBBl Mar ahail, waa iiauited m thiHcitv at noon toBdmj. Aesnre aere*eaeaa*SBttei at Maaa-Mi sa Maereatageffla^ Isflshsrft, 1S7S. rii?* *\ 1 aiiou t?Miit pasaa iu the jail yanl, BBd BBeal LOO 1 ??? -?-us Ban aft-BBned iu? wltne?aea. At 12 o'clock dootited man was taken from ?ji? cell Hiid Isd PS She eseflbld by the ahenff aud hi? (?11 the ai-alfoM ??neu ?\fike briefly, exhortln? thoa? ' present t?. put their trust in (iod ja (M bad doue. II? liiau?i-tl lU.jail wai.l.ii and bia apt ?tuai ail? lacre for tiicir UUidiies?. ami s.o'1 lie to iui*?'t ihem ali la il.-,m-.1. He inm .1: li-.l .ia follows : ** i'bt) l/ml J.-aua ( brist .s to i?.*. i\r m\ BOB aad :i.- Beefl 1? fixed on Hun " The tote? Mr. DunaattegJawataJerraatprayas. The diop lull at Usftft o'clock. TKl.F.(iR?.l'HIC .NOTES. CinennraTi, Oha?, Pen. i_.-Mrs. Oot?htnTspda IS feaia ?1 a-fr. ??ta bumliiy luauitlnl l.v doles wlnl. n"0'? ?? .ir; I.01.1.. Beat Newport. Kj , ou bMaaSSP in?'iil. slie la net eX|H-Cl?*<1 te IWe. I'lKiMDKNcr.. ]{. Y. Yeto, lli.?The boalv si ?n nn kaewa men aOoat 13year?ol mp? w *" teaad un ti.e ra.iroed iirldgt* la Weeterly ??a bmhthI ,- Itat-osatit that h? waa kill?*?i By the .1 e*?_aah a. m tralu from X?-*> Vurk. liMiv-in, Olim, Feb. l'J.?Samuel Smith, a faruuT. war. waylaid .urn reMed Baal ?'r-uikoii. lml yretcr Cat >>v .1 young ?11.11. ...'?.is '1,1,11 ( in lirati. M. Siiolli'a ?kull waa i.fokeD ?UM be ? til piii?^lily dir. A atoutiu^ party la ?tier ludir?n. Nkw-Haviin. ( .?tin.. K?l). 12.?At MnithoW. I>ing Inland, tu day, Ida Tinker, a*-?' 93 .uma, ami It.-uj .- tbhIi:*._, a yiinii-t man. werr dm?? nt?'. Tiie; Bad paam-o ?>iiii4ai D..:Bt on a amack la the hariior. and 10 Ruiua aaiiore t-e ttuat <aaw gBBftj fMMMjtMOEMBB, li. 1., Feb. 12.?In South Kii.-p.|i>a on -muta} iii^ht (krr. .'rut.ken meii ?. ul In 'b? 11 ?,aei<,, of rnuik tji.iilil. Tltey ?err 'in'.en?J away * '.en out? o' r ?u, ,i,u| Mi lo'Ui.i twice \?rlu, a |'.?u.l, lanainr ?tonic? '?iu? ??mu???, Jauir* Uvuld - aaiii lu be Ute WUB( ol U?e bob-IUiH