Wcti^Bod? ^a?_?-_-3i Wififoum.
p?mjc business luniMajk
nr.sT?cr.s. gram's POBBBBBI toir.
Congress mad?* no pn-gres* with important bnsi
te?A yi-stcnliiv. hut tli.??(-ii-<?.*<l political snbjeots prin?
cipally. Mr. P?irman of Florida, a Republican, who
guvde an iinlepen<lent speech about the election
there will be attack?*?! l<y The Republican
to-day. and rl?.*trg?'d with wanting tu sell
?ut the State to Tilden. (?>??. Grant
?mice that his cowing; visit to F.>irope ho* any ?on
section mil? the Ni. ar.iiiifiia Canal, ('apt. K.uls
bs? IBBB?M? th?* patmciit of hi? tiist instalment iu
tunda. Mr. M?irrill is nworratmkm,
TTir bill MBBM Horn nor?ks Of OOMHBggR,
WiSHIM-Ton, Feh. 111.?The House of Representa?
tive? T?a*.?s*?l to-?lay, without debate and with
icar.elv an> attention from the meinhera, the very
importaut Cable hill -which was recent lv passed by
th?* Senate. The lull provide?, fur the encouragement
ef telegraphic BgRgM* afion between Ani-iice and
Eof-pe hy authorizing the construction of
g cable from Baltimore to Europe, with
the conf?n??! tbnt the fel.-graph tolls shall
Bot exceed one Enirlmh shilling per word. If the
other Atlantic cable companies had intended to
organize i.p-vi.sition to this enterprise they were
taken enti-viy unaware?. The bill now only re
quires tin- President'* signa tar? to become a law.
Tue promoter? of ?hi.** entcri?rir?c are wealthy East?
ern ? apitali-its, at whose head is Latrobe of Balii
|bt fB-BBBAM ro riiK TitiBrxB.l
W.*.?niM.T<iN, Ft-i?. 19.?Thfl President posi
tivi .*. .1? in.? tli? rejtor? piloted wltlna the la?i da** at
two. tust tt|*on the completion nf the pen ling ncgotia
titnit- uf s treaty twtwii u the Ualteg ??tat?? an?l Nicara
?pia U) hinlil nn intertKi'aiiic caua! liv forel-n nattons, lie
?ill be ui.i.l. pre>i?lt ?it of the construction company,
ami that 'In akgael of hi* pta-gaasd vltdt to Europe- ?t? lo
Interest foreign capital!)M lntlmenterprise and tonetioti
ste a loan. Gen. Ursul Hay? thai notion?: of the liiu-1 hM
ever evn entered nn. 'houefct*. : that It has always been
the rule of his lite not to undciiake auytliing Balsea he
fee.e that he possesses some ability to make a success of
It ami that in this <*a.-*e he has BB such feeling. What
?MBBBBBBBg knowledge he actiuired at the Military
AAXtnSmtJ he has f?irgi>tt?-n in th-- midst ..f mure uuport
snt and ntnit'-i'iai?* tluilet*. The p-NBB-Bgl of BU.h an
important ent?;rprise iliuuiil 1?-, he added, an al?le fltian
M ns well a.? en*rin>-< r. ami G?n. liranf's experience in
life bas in aa way leaded t?? tl: hM in thla raape*-l to the
aestttaa. A-'ide from the ehaardltjr ?if the report alloded
la, he aetd thai hedeee not kaow whet aeod be ?aad.
except to um* Ida i'ttl aenee to Bring the aecotiationi i?> a
n. ressful ? i? i I1L.-11111. (if tin- I?- Hu? tit.ai.t-i the pee
Btbllity. H>* sill not. however, a iiinilon al! hope of the
etiiiipii inn of the treaty, aad B-onld ?lie negotiation?
ptott moeeaafal, he iieli? ves there ?ui i>t? no trouble in
r..;*-mz Hi? neeeeaary capital io construct th?* canal, ii.?
Timt u, Earopa is ootttemulated aolely few real aad relief
fTiiin tincue? ami anxieties of 10 year*" unluterri'.pietl
pu tu.1 ?er vice,
fOBAI 00 1 !? \ ?*.-*. id ?BB,
\Va*?him.?(is. Feb. IS.?The extracts from
tl.< i-l*l archive? recently ptililisiiad. touching tin OOOr
D< rtiou of I?avi?l Dudley Field's witness Maddux with
? iithrrn t'ut?i?-it?ra. y. hj ? EBBBBB Bl-BlM hiB fate
tere.*.tiQi{ hlt?tory, if the islorie* reported by the Bepah*
lu-an-? a_a toil. Tlie late?t of ilics? is unit he wai? ar
rested by William 9. Waad.as-CMaf of the gectel ?oi
Tim*, upon the aadar ?>f geeratarg BBaataa, about ?ix
tune?, and M OOMtnoi lu a duu^-con at the old Caidtol
9 *:?"ii. La.ti ?nue he rnaiiaKiJ iu some way to .Heure
bin i-elea-ic. He 1? BBgfBBaalai to have been arrn?ted
tur 1*1)111111,iiiiruiiiix willi tlie enemy, and wan
ta|i?ur. d Ihfl it?! nini) witu ..m* Roi. Swann of Marvland.
o. *.. Bredlej 1 Xehaeoa, U 1? said, if summoned by the
aouinnit?-p. fouM give ?-?.iiie mt-resting testimony
ghsag M.nii?oi Bstehli B**a*aeetlaa ertth lafeaeea traa*.
aettaaa. Tfea aeeaaatfoa BBada by the Bepahtteaai la
that the Oualedtialea, hetag nearly ?toatltatM of ?npplie?
and lia? nn.' .6 monev. funned ?1 (hm?1 and ?rut tagelher a
i.f i.iiia? ?xi. ??ii? :i th.;. tatroated to Mad?
ge* totaka Nuitb and exchange fur provi-ions ; While
Maddux had it in trum-it th?. I'moii forces, who had b?*en
li.innniii ?if the BBvreaaat. ewtared the tebsene and
i near Frederlek, Md. Tiun la the let of tobacco
!i Mi.ldo? ha? had |ieiidin|f a claim for .*4'Mi.(nmi.
hepiiiiii? aim a-vsirt il.cir ability lo prove the
Iriiib uf IhM Otmtj.
THF. Mississippi JETTIES.
W\?hin?.T"S, Feb. l:J.?The refusai of tlie
I reek m pome the bill making an appropria?
tion uf |600 'MM) m mum", to paj I 'apt. Bad! tbe amount
I ? "ii... ciuiii* of work at tlis mouth of the M .?-.
?ippi Brear, ha.-? alieady borraa it.? fruit. The ***-gaWttBB
si th- -Bar Dipantneut far *?.">oo.(-<k? worth of tK?tnl?? ha?
BOVheeaheaerei by tbe T:*f;?surr Department. Thift Ik
Bnty ?li.atiuy act of jusficc, but those who are iu
teri-iud m the ?ucee-?** of the great wmk in which Cnpt.
1- lejtdea that the indefensible act of
fea leal 1 t .?iremptcl to deprive him of what
Sasdd?- u-i.l'-i* lac law. lia? ttin? ln-?-ii ti.-feated.
C?H. I;.unit, ctiiiiijinllii,.- l-nit?-?l st.t.-n tnr*im<>i
Plymouth, lias r?-centl> made a thorough examination ol
the F..m1? Jetti?? at the mouth of the llisoif?
tMmt HD er. anu n ???uT.? the rc.?iilt to the f?ecre*
My of tho Navy The report com hides as
follow-,: "i a pcrfei't BBBeeaa. At a little'
sxpeuM- the . nr-ent waieh now lend? to tbe Houih-weat
aud fora.- ?.. *.. . eaa Baehelatad. and iLreeW-d to tae
INftg?SBBBH. I u.i?>e The I?epailin?'iit will appnive of
By tea | ey uf this werfe with a (?overnmcnt
rettfartheraagathai at the tune he
?**~dthroBf-htit? jetUee,hla veaaal irawlac 17*Btmtt,
??'. jettirs were paaaed m 18 ??antee, the gteateei
?t.-i-iii of eat? : -x.,. 30 and and the least 1? feet, and that.
tin., m ail.;-, i,*,an, 1 Tue upper ?ettlea were pans?-?! in 1??
unds. Cage nm-stl waa aent te B?-w
'iji.iiinc ?ouiiu.md of Tin-naval station at that
Beit, ?ml act la etmeert with the militarv toreen of ti,e
uueut in case ti troable. Be has. as hen-ports,
tasi-ii t-uhiuiund and uixned communication with tien.
Oi. is: 1.1 he a< 1 i ?1 1, ?jg I'oi.iiKAL CBOBM POI
li -BgOKltOB, Feh. IX?Mr. I'liniiaii's gpMoh
et-dag faraarhaa am* ottgenoaEhtaal Hm Democratic <ie
?it? t-i taha up ihaeaai of VtaaliB. Th*. manmciipt of
?B BBBBl.. hag an an, icnt loui a*. I'u.-maii unrolled it in
?*-' fate i.f t),c H,,,lB0. 1? UaK be?-n known for two
?""?tit?! that tie intcntlct to dlillllil it. To-mnrrow'i? He
Petition will tontaitt a letter from i*. B. Milan, clialr
?isu of the flafida CaaMMBg Boarc:. daDd T.illa .*..
-isn. ?j. at-ackmg Mr PWtWnm, tSO will ?'ate ?liai ha In?
?noven f,? ?,lu^ | lu? of Mr punuaIJv intentlcd polilicaJ
treac?-r*. ? fpm during the late political fujivaits
the lat'er ??, in telegraphic BBBBBBBBBBBBM
*"ii an Albaay lobtipial and Tilden ojieraior. wuo catne
* ?* ami lia?: a tv c: 1 commiiiiu-anon ?*. ith Mr.
* .final., n,- -o* tU-clan tliat Mr. l'urmau toltl Mr. Me*
?Sis '""' t?:*v?'', could not be I'n nident, tdat Mr.
S?BBB w\a a nun, t.f g,e:?t wealth, and thai eseii 1,
??r**? ?I1...11U have ? m. )?,i;:v ut tin- elector?, Mr. T ??l? u
*''u.q ?u. ,*..fii in im?m/ up eaoagh t?. aeeora 1.? elee
rf^r..li' ' -t ii Puiinaii declared Utoheha
gBMle I? diifcat a lnaii of Mr Tilden'? vaM wealth, and
??ni ;.it? lar ni? m IMelAa aad Pur
wuiii to to iji.wu with their |i.?rlv ?* itln.Kt iiiakiii-am
??geal of the b Hllaat opiiiut* ui pi.uteg of mak*
I ;.ir rildea ; ?ml thai he had
p?ui?..?.*.( fartaa prtvata int?-iTiew? with jJcl.iu, which
" '?"1 M .1.1.in will ?ay that he i? aaliated
was iifieiiiitng fui Tilden and endeavoring
mt untie ?,,., anvaasiiig B..sr?l.
Washington. Tuesday, ieb. 11, 1?77.
In the s.-iate t?xlat the Pre-hldeui pr?. tern prraented
? 'otr, m uni. ation from the Atloiue'.-t.euersl In repl.i to
Mio rt-tmiuti?ti ?f the ??nate. of lux-, VI. adopteti un mo
Bon of Mr Kayard. din ?-ting him to communicate tbe
B?fi.rai?t:nii m r^jfaid to the employment of deputy
?**".hi?U tiirougbou! the United ?Hat?*? in connection
eith tue eieetlons held on be 7tb of NovetnI?er last,
"be t,iin,i.er uf marsiials apiaitntou In Alabama waa l.">0,
a?tb 125 vutiug pieclucts; in Arsau?**, Kantern Ditt
M~m. 7Ho, with gtl pneiucts Westen? Dlstuct, '114.
?un it; counties; il < aliforula ?it. s.th Bd ureewcU ;
ml)i..wwet*, 135, ?ith 1? piuciacls; in i'lunda, >??rth
ern man-let, 74S. with If? counties: In Ooorirla.
NorTbern Otatrlc*. IM iu one couui.; fcoutuein
?.*ir.ci. 62 in one county; in llllnoia. Northern
District, il.i m g] ...untie*;, m LonMbUUL S4(i
\u.? VM I'reeit.cT?; In Mrrvland. 1.822 in
11."? nreein.U: in Mafmachimelt?, 117 tn SB co.intiee ; in
M.??v?-ipii_. Northern I?!stnct, 2H8 'ti ?? et anile?: m
Miam.uti, Southern District. ljOH n 'Ml voting plant - ; in
Haa J?-racy , J4?) in 00 precinct? ; n New-York. 8JM8 in
TOS prc.-iucts; inNt>;l!)?'i ii'liii:. I Tt*. 1:i 178 pr?-c'n<*:? ?
111 Pennsylveniii, 347 in 887 i?i. ?lints ; In South Caro?
lina. 888 in 17 pre. in eta; tn Texan, 1 to each praetaet,
ana tn Vlrglnht, 801 la :i:? pfeetacta. la the remaining
State? veri few de|iiitiep wer- j ,.p<illit? d. Then- Ware A
total of 8,737 voting placee at whlrb the attendance ol
ll.t-tl.*? ?lt-vntii-8 whs haal. Th*? Marabiil of Florid? re?
gatta thai, in addition to bis r^pul.r ton*.-, be appointed
i4."? re.uer.l deputies. There were 75 in Km amula
futility. 50 each in fnrkaim. tladadaa. I aaa. JiflUana.
Madteoa. CoitnoWa, und hlaehaa. aad ?mail oaaben in
other eonnnca. laeladtng 10 *.n I'aker County
Tin? Leattaaa Marshal'? repert nn-relv atataathai sio
depnttea -ere appointed, tbai they were ejoally divided
?o.oiig IJti jireeinef.?. that 7".(i of tbem served for on.
liny and in?- remainder lroiiilv.nU. 14 d.iva ?MB. "1 be
?atabal of .-?outh Carolina report? that 70 depu
tiei were disrnbut???! to 17 niecind? in tbe Cltv of
I harl. st?n and iin;?<?rtaiit preeln.-ts tbrougitout tin- Male.
The report c utaiu? the snbeteuaa of tha marshals're?
p?rtala relation to tbe eeadttiea of the a?rerai ?Malee
prior t*> anil on ? leciiou ?lav.
Mant?n Marble publis ed a card la The BW% Cnion
ot Ihis morning, denying certain ?Ut? went? of Kepn
scnrative Fry? aia?le in tha House of Re;.i*. s.ut
?liv.a. ITe Baya bhal there were no New York |s.liliclans
in Tullahawwe at the tune menti? ue.l bv Mr. K-?"; that
Attorney.i.enerai OoehB never agreed or voted to throw
.?u-. Hi? vote of Monroe County, an.i thai BOhadyerer
l>n?)Hi?teil. and no m.?flBBOf of tiie < auva.?sing hoard er?
agre?.t. or ?ewer-rotad, to throw out the vote of Monroe
The tue. ?age of the Pi*?*1?lent, inclosing the memorial
of citizen? of New-York, awtkiiig ?'?.ugr? sh to grant a piece
of land iu New-York haltet as a site for the Fit n. li
."?tatu? of Liberty, was laid before the House by the
.??l?eaker to-day and refer*-???! to the ?".iiiiiiiitt-c on Foreiim
Affairs. This reference \\','.\ wiflinnt douiit Insure iiiim.
dinte attenttoo to thhi BObJeet and m favoml.ie report, so
that the aa lange of tbe necessary le.'isiaiaiu may be con
Odently looked for during, me preseut session.
Washin?;t?)N, Feb. IA.?The President sent
the following nomination? t<> the Senate ft toj :
Charles 0. rhelaa to ha l'ait, ?i state? oaoanl at Piajnie
Andrew WartieM to be Collector of Custom? f??r the I?
of Alexandria. Va., auil Kichanl C. Ken to be Laud h-ti.lei
at Ja?.kaou, ills?. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
MM lY-,11. B8 B Y CEA TEA L.
msron. of ran ooMFanr?ran ?srvonu i?<
AVK.KT ?mrnxnura tectx?rtaiaan paix in the
Application mm ma?le yesterday' at Trenton
for tbe np'poiutiuent of a receiver o! the ?Central luti.ro.at
i of New-Jersey, as The fiiiiirM: atinounce?! exclusively
yesterday morning would be done. The drawing u;? of
the papers mm* not completed until 5 o'clock. At that
hour they were sitlirnitt.-d to < 'liaii.-eMor Kunyou by
: Attoruey-Gen'-ral Vaiiatla, J??hu Tay.or Johimto-j of this
j city. Tilomas N. M.i'arter of Newark, and Ahram IIro?An
I hik of Trenton. A heurinjc ou the application woe h;
?loinied for ?:?? a. m. to-day. The tlirectura of the
paiiy, with the exeepttoa of !.. C Knight, tin- Preaident,
and John Taylor Johniton, several days ago (OVO an all
hope ilmt thi? stt-p could be put .?if. Mr.Kalfbtaad
Mr. Johnston were unwilling to atuitnlou the
?tiuc.-le until every pwealhhi effort bad lieen ma?lc
|8 di-pose >?f the *!,lXKi.().K) certlli.-ate-? ol ?udeliledues^
to meet pressing clann_. The piiii-ing of the Lebigh und
Wilkeisbarre Coal Company in the hands of recent: s ou
Mouday poareatod the taint st pow-uniiiy of ihe aaeeaai
of this kcheiue, aa the ?e.nirity forthese eertiflcittes was
m I>ehi_ib and Wilt naher IB bondi, ami Mr. Kui^bl and
Mr. Joniisiou were lorc-'d to siiciiimh. Ii m not y et
liuown for whose appoiiilineiit as receiver the applicants
' will ask, but it Is report ?al that ex-Chancellor \V il!iaiut?oii
of Elizal-eth, >'. J.. is th? man. Ffcaaideal Kiiis'lit was
not iu this city yesterday, and no meetui? of the board
of directors wa? held here. It wa? rum.re.I on Wall-m.
during tho afternoon that tbe Uwid was in wsnioaat
The C'-ntml Rail'-oa-l Comiitiny of New-Jersey wa*
ehafterad aatat tta preeenl title Feb. "2, i-io. h, Fei?
ruaiy, ln'31. the K!izab?tb and Homervir.- K.n.roa !
''onipunr was chartered with authority to eonatroet a
road from Ellsabetbport to Boaerrllle. This wa? not
compleied, however, until March, lfiili? After olmut
10 niileis of the *?omei ville and Easton Ilailroad, which
wa? chart, red in Ii-47. had b? en con.-t: in I? .1. the tv.o
eoiiipanii's were eonsolidaied aii'l the title was rhau?_-ed
totbeCeiitr.il Railroad Company of WtrOr-?Ptppy. Tin
liue was not extended fr??m Elizabeth to Jersey City
until l-?t>4. Bubseipn nt y branch?e were built
from Elizabeth and from Jersey City to
Newark. The Veer-Torh an?l Lean Bratu-h
Raiirond fiom Elizabeth to Long Branch wa? built by
the New-Jersey Ceut:al and opened ni g.-ptemb? r. l-?7?,
and in 1 -70 a, new line wa? OUPfkpkpi to Bound Brook,
from which connection was made with Philadelphia ov. r
the Norih I'ennsy lvania Ballroad and ttfl exti'usion. On
March 31,1*>71, the (entrai Company leased the I_*hlgh
au.i taataahoaaa BaUread. with ?is btaaabea ami laaaai
! line?, and purciia?ed all Ihe e<iui?iment of the Le high
! Coal and Navigation Company, labeeqaeatlj an ar
raugeui'-ut was made by which the ( enfial Railroad
assumed the management of ihe canals, agreeing lo pay
$'J?K).O?)0 annually forlbe revenue of the Lelngh ? anai.
and i.iro to asbuine the obligation? of the lease
of the Delaware Liiviniuu Canal to the Lelilgh
company, anioiinring to ?!??'-?.T??1 t?i per annum. The
south Blanch KaQraad from BaaMrrOle to ffh mington,
! New-Jer-ei ,Jwas also leaned and o"?erated by the Central
Company. It also iiwrnd a eontroiling interest in the
?itoek and guaiauteed the bund? of tbe Lelngh and
WBkMBHH Coal < oiuimny win. li ?rua plaeetl m the
hands of reeeiver? on Monday. Tbt* lolal length of
j main line and branches owned hy Ihe Cutral Company
wa* 104 mile?, in addition Ui which it bait leased in >. w
JptUf -r?() miles and in I'eninylvauia 1S8-8 aiile?.
The last annual report of the company that
ba? been made public wa? for the busim s
of the year 1879. This ?fated the
ca'.'i'.il sto.-k at iji'.,<i..''J....MK); mortgage bonds, due i-'.ut,
.."..iMMi.'sKi-, co?vertii.le bomls, due VMI2, |I.47*"..ikmi:
eou?oliilated iMin.ls, dm- 1-0!?, !* 11 .iMMl.tKMi; Newark
branch bonds, due ln-7, *??;<K),?)?hi : l_-high ?"?ml and
Na?rlgation loan, due 1807, ti?\S10AlOO ; Balitead ?'at
Trust Oupgxpy, .*-iii.7ii:t ; account? payable, ?8.482,*
188, making a total of MwMAtOOJOn. In order to pay a
d:viden.: ?i Mparoaal forth.* ?ear H ?waa teemd aaaaa
sary u? draw uponl the re?er\ e iuud to the amount ol
|0H1.*nn nearly trat bar* of the ?total ?um thoa paid.
The stock which ?old the ?lav betoa UM piii.li. aln.n of
tbe rep??rt a! l?'*-i at 8TB hanaa bo decline, aad to le?s
than ,-i week the price wa? below p_r It never recov?
ered. In heptenilier, l*?7?i, when the ?toek wa- ?r?.:iiii
at about 33, another statement wa? published in replv
tin- p* iBlatoiil iiiisiepi. ?.'iit.iLlotis aadaenaatlona
i?u?ii.i elrenloted oont-ernina
impany." l'lu? Btotement ahowed
riiiuor? w lin h !iav a ln*r!ii
tbe eoodltton of the
a fiirlher iiicrei?^" in the capital stock of .i-7*".,o?mi
during l*?To, making a total of (80,600,000. At
'. the same time the convertible bunds won reduced
?875.1 m ? i, nut the ??msui id.ned beada -ere Inareaaod '..
814,150.000. The coiunaai had aiso guaranteed
*_??;;.?HMI.???) of the lionds of the Ann in an Dock and Imi
'? umivi-m.-nt Company?a ?aorperatien pin. nciiiv owned
! by the ?entrai i_ mi.pan) Tue total annual liability fur
i intereat, guarantee'- and taxes ??is ???.''.<?Tii.i?i'j. An
: effbrt wa? nude to Baeara fm.'is u, men
preaaina denuuids bv the BZ?*entlao ??f a
tiio-ng.?!-'?- for $5,000,000, eorerina the ?entireproperty oi
the company, eubj et u? the li?e nf thetb?-o ?xiMtng
mtii'tga?? ?, but the s'-heiiie i?roi.i? m? n. ?.-? .... and on
' Ort. .". the pi.?.<i.ut. John Taylor Johnatoa. reaixned.
, H" w._? neeeeded by K. ?' ?niirbi of Philadelphia.
I the preseut piesld.ut of the coiupauy. ?jieat
' Hi..its have bine* been uij.iu l>? Mr K.;
1 Bad some of lus aeeeetatae t?. ploeo* a loan
: li|s.u the maike! tuat _olild gam the appio'.a. of ?ii
-,.-t?i_-. timo! the \u.in? propuaedwai tbelaeaiafof
i.il.i|t.ll.(KHIcc!!ltie.*?l." of IIlilebl. "lliess. seciir?'d b*/ builds
of the l_-lngn and Wiik, suaire Con. Com pan v. Ibc pub
. fl,. low. ver. bud losi failli lu the ai.lilli "I the company
' t.. meet tta tlxi'.i obligations under tbe ?yreaaal JepreeaeJ
cotiilitioti ?f ?be nuil trade, and uon?- ?f tba Bebeaaea
pr.iv. d sareeeafnl A: m met ting ?'f the directors ul t.a
Sew Jelse. I ei:t I al all.l 1 be l.eh.gh ? ?mi alnl Na - lonOOB
? oiiipuii. s'iii riiMinl. iphla ia.-t saiurun.. It WBB tin.....
: agreed that all hoi.. ..f tiding o-.r existing difflciiities
! must BOabeadoaad. Acute preparations were begun at
once.ei tile application for the apitointuieut of a rt
m?ru, un which argument will be uiisir this monilug a*
?Uil.-.t above.
The ?ommittee appointed on P*eb 8to investigate ?Uie
eoiiditiiiu ui th.- eotnaoaj hu? agreed on it? report, and
haa giviu notice to the .aw\mW* ot the Company to that
tEoOt, anil r?-t(nested them to ?rail a meeting 8? IU?' ?t?ck
bul'lers for t?t-iiiorruw at ho.iu u. remve it.
11.formation was oulaim d at th? ..ttl? .* ut the tiPIW.
Jerse?' c? utrul yiest-erday that the real otate transferred
u? i. ? Knight, th?- pre? n i eut, on Mondar, had really
been owned t?3 the eoinpauv for many y. ais. It was
purcb se?l bv a vote of ihe sLocnold. is and paid tor by
tbe if ??.m Prrsidonl Knight from time U> time
had ?dvan.?Ml nionev* to tlie roni]iauy and in
ifiuri luti iwrn ?.-. ure.i by a>iirt?*??-s. As in? auiouul
?silvan, ed bad rea? i;?al a sum igual lu m fair i uliiatuui of
th* ? oiupauy's LiUrty-st properti, it was ma ?e or? r t?
hlui ou Moutiay. Th? Uauafer _.' th?- p!opt?rty to ihe
companr ha*', not b<-en placed nn record until Monday,
wlien both tin- tii?lrtttiien(s were e?it?'re?I.
At th?; WhtOO Excltalige yeati-nlav'?0,i?00 shsr-i? New
JeiM-v ?'.-utial ahm I vc;v, sol.t, the prl?*e rurt-ier declin?
ing i?. i:i\, bually closing H 11 '**. with US bid.
Philadelphia, Feb. l.'i.?Pn-anl-t-nt kuig'ht
of the Ne**-Jer?ey ?"eiiir.il Rairoad ?"ompiiny retum.il
from ttt Ettm tn-iiiglit. ami a consnlislmo was afterward
held upon the ?uliject of the appointment of s receiver.
Mr. Knurtit s.? 1.1 he could not gire any offlrial Infor?
mation. Bat It was lear-ed ?iih-?ci|itentlv that It had t.cen
decided at 1 re'iton to apply for the appointment of a re?
ceiver to-mon.iw. and that Benjamin Williamson will
prona' I v tx selected.
A g-?nfle'naii connected with the I>ehlgn and Wllkes
harri-c.al < omnmtv m it.-s tl.st ihe floain:?: indebtedness
Is oTcr ?l.ixSi.oiHi. in.i-llv :n paper held in N.'W York.
BeaajraUi i bath soaipaates trul bo haasBted toa ia?
cciTetuhi;.?. nad Mr. ?'lark. PreaMeal uf tue L hi,.!. ? oal
an.1 N'.o .?..linn Company, wliii !i is the lar.'cM creditor
ol tbe New-Jersey < > until. n> ol th.* HUM opinion.
WAK-THt. BKHISH I'??1.1? Y (?(TI.INtD.
Lo.1l??>-?, Tuesday, Keh. 111. 1 877.
The UeagiarN- on the St?M*k EsdBBBfg and
the Paris Hours?-, in consequence of th?* uncertainty of
F.a?tcni affairs, is inten-itlrxl hy varions adveMe nim*HI
that KusHia will preci|utate a conflict; that negotiation*
With Montenegro are suspend??!. Ac , none of whitb are
ti..it*.iliie. No biiniiie.-s !? dmng iu iu'ct national stoi'ks.
aud UM utne of the mmtnl u.ar?tet Is flat
Commenting on the momentary lull in the Eastern dis?
pute. The Time* says :
The ofietilng of Parliament tn?s shown th?- dlrc-tlon In
which English Influence will bv exerted, There is no
radical dim renos b. tw? aa the news uf the Ministry aud
the Opposition. Tht? at boSM and abroad ?he coti
uiti-iiis ofthe problem are now better discernible. We
eaaaai approach a moral certainty, bal as regard? things
of utmost uniment winch were pi*e\lo?tsly tit doaht at
have the reo higtiaei drama oi probability. We I b ?w
what Turkev has tl.-lie. Wc aaa apeak With IB? greatest
riu.tidciii c of our ?TWii country. Wc think wc
know what Russia will do. Even ihe policy nf
?icrmauy and Austria is dedniiiL' Itself. Taking the pe?
ll tieal si'lilal.on as il supervenci?n the i|is?ii|i|tloli of tie
?'?inference, ther? is liiiml?I ?un n-r of a great war he*
tue? it the Kijisians und Turks. In winch Ihe European
goici iinu-nts Will leave the OttnflMB I'- -'-r to its Bate,
lasn-rlag :?> thetae* I tea th, rUrhl af tafertoaneB bIbob e
tature tune, ?in.u.i! the dlspeaal of tu? m*, aoted er - "ii
?itieied territory affect tbciriulcrcsts. * * * geaMnglg
the iiievitaitic hour draw ? m arar aad nearer. Tin* paru a
uf which we are eonaekma umm*s fraai the toltag that
the die Iin? been carl ; that. perhapa, ?lie power o*. ciiau,'
n?- tlie unirse of eV'Ut? eXI?t? UO nt-.rc I I
longer atu tii up properly in saspeaae, Ti?c arista a paet,
m taras diplomatic ?ut rlareaee la eoeeeraed, aad snj
farther arbitrament toast beef a diti-nut order, Btu
?ach s phase of feeling cannot endure long. When ths
people riTnvfi* from the bewildering iff. ct of all tbeaa
cvenu-ami revlatiiius, tlnj win euatbiae ami eompera
them in their miuds aud n?k whether there ?? Botbl I
lu?a* to l?e ttoae, Tbat tot fl question -shlch
all] daily, hourly become mure urgent ami
will aali?ate the fortheoaiiag perlisaMatan tleiiatt,
wuith would otherwlae tafea toe form ol a historical
dis(|iiisiiion- Th. debata will tie m-iated top tin kaowl
sdge that tin- Basaian etrealar haaheeo aiapatebed and
requires aa aaawer u haa bat?a ?aMi thai Hie gov.ru
netita objei ting to aaawer in a body sad Unding *.i larea*
reatent t?i answer ?in,- ! v tuny tahe retage ta a n-aohre
aee te aaawer at all, bat the worst ol ti.i? would u thai
whea a docnmeai la bo) aaawered the aotbor haa a eer
tam ngiit te bbbubm thai it t-.unot be saswetad ? ? ?
i n?. (. tvcniinca; cannot better paraos a policy which
dan g tac last three monta? feas ?mediated Batloaal
colitldeliee Ih.ill II] BSlng eve?*y opportunity. and if pos
dMe mailing mu*, to retric*. t the errors into winch the
Ports haa beea led toy Us owu aatural abatiaaej ami ths
?u^geatlons .-i thoughtless or Uiterested Enropeaaa.
This may Indeed be a dldieolt task. Our eorrrepoadenl
a? p. ra oeaertoes the preparations for ?ur, the effect ot
willen is thai while Ihey ruin nn State industrially they
brinca arge armed totee late Europe and mi th? eapt
tel with martial spirit aad BBaha a i. ii?i>i ..u.. ??? almost
AMjLoAMERK.a.n EXTR?Din?r.
Loepiy, in.?day, l-eb. V.l. 1>?77.
In the ?4M-N of Lords thi.s iittciuooii Lote
Darbg, toXantEB -fin tottj, tot rogl) la a saaaglsa hg Eaii
UratiTlUe, gave detaiir regarding the extrs?l?tioii con
irareiflj Be said the didicnltg arses becaaat Aaaeriea
iniiinaiid tint ihe Weald try Lawrence, who was -'ex
triidlted '* fur anotnci ulti aas tlnni the one tia'n. tl ?linier
tin* treaty, if the ttr?i latled. America eooaaunteated
in Aagasi thai ?lie urrer latead? i ui i-.) Lee renes nt a
?i roti.i offense. Tin- British -oTeraim-at, thtsrefore,
while matataiaiag the etmetractiaa II adapted, Wt that
there was ee ira ana 1er lomear suapeadlitg tue apara?
itou of ike iieai>. The HUftadet ol brcat, theLoals*
ville tener, ?a? -Beoodltwaal, becanse eoaditleaa aera
i ot iiijiiind. Brrangetaeata oontlaotn*/ as before, Bege
t-alloua ara u?.** pending tor a new neaiy.
London'. F?l?. 1:$.?Then* i? a coulition in rli<
Knut lii li.tuitrti* of Deputies agaili-t the Due DasejSB,
aad It la aaaia reported that ha w.u resign and go as
Ed liaiaadnr to hi, Pstetah? te.
London. F?'t). l:?.? ihe following WhOPOhRO in
a hotlle has lieci) foiiml BB Oat "*? S?*: BSMl : " Ihe I'eti
Dahsavaakl waa wrecked near St. Ki.da on the 17th of
Jaaaarr. The captain aad eight of the aware at St
K.itia.'' The Aaatriaa barfe aataed Ib thla BMaaago left
i.ia-gow Jan. 12 to Bee i ark. Hf Elida la an ialaad Ib
tue Atlaattr. 91 miles aeal of Barns Uebrldea).
Ottawa, Frl>. lS.?Thfl public* account? for
1876 hare beea laid before ths Hoass. The laeBlpts te
the last flnaiii.iai pear wen ^"jj..?7,".?7, the priacipal
portnui of ahieh waa derired froei eastoau aadeieiae
In cotiseipiettce of tlie falliuii oil In re.eiine i.iere M a
iicfli n tin? year, the fli?t ?nice eoaiederattoa, of
ti.'.?in?.7?.". tm? total sxpeaditars to the reel innig
e-j4.4o-*.;i7 ?. _____^__^^.^
Mi.Mi'iii-, Feb. 1.5.?I )? ri ni* tin. i-ntire day
Mam .iii.i etteee pvaanaaM i,ire.-t? *?mee tm.-.t wtsa iui*?i?
asB aad aposBatsra aad the satin city was given up to
the letgD of the tueriy moiiaifh, who at A o'clock trav
flnad ilainst. with his royal retliiu.*. The citosning
gutry wa?. tin* gorgeous pageant of tue Mcmphi at tnghl,
tin* larfcaees ahleh oeeraaag ths coy asm las to higBtea
UieeHcct of the iiriiiiaiit partieelared lighta, whh., Ik
played in all their grandeur the magnificent BBBtaBBM
drupei i, aud .-nchitetime ..f the characters and scenes
?egseesaled, Msla-at beim* brilliantly Qlaadaatad hf
mean? of ciiiic.m Hghta aad ehealeal tires, dfler the
pageant I .?cries ..; lanl. .ut-, w-i.- given at the new Mem?
phis Theater, after which a graad hall was given to the
faeats ol th? Ifeawht Balle ware ahm gleea at Expo?
sition Hall. Opera House, and numenms otbei hals. It
i? BfltOMted thai from-h.imh) to-j.'i.ooo Htrangei.? were
Wbw-ObI.BAEB, Fcii. Li.?l'Ile wcath?! MM
aafaessahte far the earalral fadaj. a light ratal hartng
fallen diinii. the furenooii. Not wiihstuudnig the m
cicnieiti weather ths ptegraaaaeel the peaeeaslea of (he
Kin* m Carnival wan carried out. The ?ui.leei wiv the
history of iht ?nilit.irv ptaaTBSB of ths World, theilii
fereni periods ueiaa repreaeu ed by group - appropi ist? ,\
coHiiimid. Thoaaaada ?>f dtraagria an .nine wt^ and
the hoteU arc crowd, d.
Chda<,(). Fcli.Li.? The general tu-i/Jif ggrgBtg
of the Bastan trunk Haas haw- la?.-d Ihe ra^? of
(Might throui-h fidin ('liicitgo to EwropeBB |-oits ? cents.
!'*h* ratea aaa .?re on the bdlowiag basai : M heal ta lAr?
arpaai, 12 aeats; corn, S3 eeatai piaeBBaae, ?><? cent?
gar 100posada; hour,$1 _i pur Barrel raeaarataaare
only (?"?iporari, aad after taieaeoh will hetedaaod bj
tli>* New-Yoi ? uiei-iiug.
NAVAL (iKIiKllf*.
\\'A-iiiM.r..s. leh. l.i.-Kiisign Qeo, If. peters is
atdare* to 1:,. Itangei tai w 11 .<?.*>, i: 10 tbe inn
lae. and Mate B'bl J-BB) is Las Narr-Yar.l, goslaa. il-ut.
r... .1. . e N?-roa ha? teiHirl.-.! Uta retara 1.1.?m . 1.1. ?ai? ?*.
i?, bi ? fraai tl ?? Rti 1 ??. ,i,,i. Soatb \u ml 1 -t itian .1, ihi W?th
af t .ci?,net last aad alaeed eewalUeg antasa lient. W.Me
? ^it.. Uule i? Ui laeaaai tnm tin* - . .im.-.? ... 1 p ... m aa ->?'?
ins: onier? Rtutrran W. Lowt] imrn Ui. Coast Harrt?** aad
?jnl'Tiil (?1 Hi'* Knilli . -?nun Adalid? ?Ut li MTMM??t I ??
"I M ?:? ' In *. I"1 UulSlpBla, ami i.iis,^n II V. S :? ..iiison fruai
Hi. .l.iilf'in! kuil .ir.-.er^?l (u tlie P..wha(an.
I'liuvin? m f. K. !.. Feb. 13. I aaar riscini. an
Kalian. >?enioiic*?1 lo tin* stale i'riBun for life last October l?.r
Hie manier ?if a fell.,-, ciuti try loan. Iiiiiik hiin?eif in nrliMiu
?1 tm ?
MiHi'ili-, Tenu., Feb. in.-?Prof. King, thcaero
11.111 rssched ??ii** illy shortly ?fier nminiiilii, harmir .|e
???einl.i! near Klceillle. AI- , S0IUC 1*.' mile? .lislatit. al 7
ni as k ??i night.
P.iN..iiA.Mfi?N. N. Y. Feh. i:?.-Iu the city elec
U'in (i.-rtuy i Maries Hutlei l??tiiiH rat, w?. ?ircte.l Mayor The
Demis sais Ma - .-. t-.i ibab aaaflMaiea for As?e??,ir ami
(??ersri-riit the PiHir. Add i?rme Aliienusn anil tlner *?ii|mi > I
?ot? I be ItepublUAiu elected two A .Irrineu ?ml two eup?r
P'H i.HEKK.PMK, N. Y.. Fell. I.S.?A man giving his
naiue as ?. I) 0eeS?Bg ton tteeu liKljr.1 in J?ll here i ItariiKl
?ili ?? u.U.nir liutrhes? . .niiitr fanners in Ihe salr-if curu
?bellers. ?sliereiiy ?eoutil?ol their siaiwiuiva t., eUOtm* '"
i?i|.l?. WhaB .<) Is? t IB? y were oni.sinr \_tn.ua ?uaia, Us
has also luxai oyeratluf lu Pulusiu < ui.urjr.
on KittiiAY?ms??nanmn n oonnunn
Areiiiiient wa? minie !U, to the vote of Lou?
isiana Isefiii-t? the Electoral Commission yester?
day |f Senator McDonald. Representative
Jenk>-. nn?l t>x-S?-n?tfor Carpenfi-r airaiust the
Hay?*? c?Tfilio:it?'s, and by "senator II?.we and
Representative Hurlbiir apainst the Ti!?l?-n
eefttlnnnan. ihe Oaaamiaaton wa? in ?e.nion un?
til 7 p. ui., and adioiiined then only bncnann the
Supreme (?mrt room wa? poorly Hghtad, and
the canilles which were u-.il tilled the air
viith MMtaOX. Further argument will be maile
t??-?lay. A ?I?cisi?n i? looked for in time to
go on with the ?mint on Fiiday. In Gsagraai
yesteidav Senatt.r K.-lly related how Tihl? u's
money waa u.e?l in int^on ; the Florida ?jues- !
tion ??un?, up m the Banna I and liitvid Dud- |
l.-y Fiehl pu.?he?l on his Florida and Louisiana !
inv'^titvations. The Denuxrats claim that !
Gen. LngM withdrew from the Senatorial \
??onl?*st in niinois purposely to prevent Judge J
Davie going on the Commission.
a ?aunen nn im. inwinnnia nm Lwnn at
Mum vmiikii? mi ?trrrn ?___aMJ_.
WttSStSStwrtttX, Feb. i:l._The Ceeaarfaafea took
hold of the Louisiana cane to-day in a spirit tliaf
plainly iiiilientetl ihat the day? of delay an at ah
end. All the members 'vere m th"ir places except
Baaatat Thar_aaa. The ?naainiiati aaatail to wait
for Ins arrival. A few minut?--' delay was assented
t<> an a Batter of courtesy and not of right, Senator
K<lu_umi.. taking ear? t<? protest ai?ainsf ?1113- assump?
tion that it n ?inn??! otara than a qaaran latraae
act business. Mr. 'riinriiian 88888 in after a while,
pgBeeno hue neuralgia, but was not ahle to re?
main daring the ?lay. At 11:1.*". th?* objectors were
?Hartad with th.-ir ipaacbaa. ?Senator McDmnakl of
liiili ma ami I*, pn-semutive .lenk* of Pennsylvania
apiMiired for the Denn m rats. Mr. Md.ouald's
BotHMTOOB ortt-door vuice anil his robust tiiaiiiier trace
to his etlbrt ratlii r more apparent ?reicht than its
mat!, r desei v.-.!, for it wa?? little more ?han a tn
henna! .f ?tha familiar Democratic vgaawjata
agaiaal the Retaraiag Boaai. He broagbt eat with
a if.Mul deal of force, hntvever. tbe technical legal
ofajeetioaa agaiaal the power of tha t?<?ar?l to eaaraaa
the vote for l'res d.-ntial Kle? t<?f-, and he ?n.-i nd
?tl the .li*?.|Ualiti.':'fi.ni of two of the Haves eiV. i. rs
b-, th?- Federal C.institution for boldiog Federal
ollic."?. a.id of four of th.-iu I.y the Male Cuaatlfa
lion for holdinir State .?li' .?.
Mi. J.-nks derated himself chiertv to tearing i
lli_?*hly-?<?loicd picture ol the idleC'ii frauds .Uni ?SOT
rtipfion of the Repabttcna election efleeta and ajie
i:? turn in? lit-aid. Bath he ?Md Mr. McDonald talked
88 'f t!i.se bhargl ? wen* all fully pioi.-d hy evidence
liel'.ire the I '??iiii.i ?-ii'ii instead ot being pariisau u<
? -us?t i.?ti? about which the rules of the Couitni-sion
do not admit tesliiuony to he taken. Mr. .J.-nks
went into th? <l?->tails of the excluded He MODI 8 tit
majorities in the rejected petiehaa, and treated the
tbwa nur ..ut of thin-e parishes as wholly a result of
BapabUeaa eaoeaiiaej and fruid. Ba aever once
?a much as referred to the methods taaerted to for
aeuuriug th.?-. ;i.a oritiaa. Tbe whipping^ murders,
and at bet f".!*-.? ?.f hnUdoaiai thai d'-_troye?i boo/ty
Ri-putili. .m i.iaji.-itii ? he ?ii.1 not as much as men?
The Bepablicaaa ???ere nut particularly fortunate
in their objecton t??-.u?y. Representative Harlbot
of Illinois and Senator Howe opened the .us?.
Neither of them made as'mini ?p.-e. b. Mr. Hurl hut,
?ti detaAllg th<> \ inleiit .*, disorders, aii?l incipient re?
bellion in Louisiana, went almost a? far a- fo admit
??.hat the 1). in????.it- w.iii.il h.? glad to iiiak.;t,
iniins'ly, a condition of affairs ?m h as would justify
the rejection of Inith reiurns an the ptaaad ?.f ?then
Mag i.?? ?Uli i? nt State nataraawt. He anata g?ni\
point?, howevei,in ?ifins a decision ot'the State
Supreme ( mirt iu npfcok?Bg ?M validity of the
Betaraing Board and the action of Coiiirres? ami
?the PreaWent laaAmingthe lagalilj of the Keliog?/
St*nar?.r Howe. -A h?> minie the climinii speech, tseko
in a thin ??ml gaatnleaa voice, which ?Ir?apped occa
sionally into inamlihl?- deptha. His style of oratory
on this eeeeaat almost bor.ler.-d aa ihe gaateaqae.
1 he hest fea;lires of his ri'inarks were the keen hits
.?f -atne in the epeningentbe iapadeateertiBeate
of'* Gov." M. Kii.-ry, to '.he Tilden return, and the
effective (}??.?. rii?fion. at th- clo-e, of the bttlldofillg
? ,i!npai_rn iu Oaacbita Pariah. Bath tha BapabUeaa
ohje.-tor-threw the weight ??f the legal argaaaenta
ia f.i\iii of the Hayes returns iii'oii th? coim-cl who
are to follow thctn. They jtave tii.ir own attention
ihi.-tly to the ?trietly poiiti.-al ?i?lc of ihe cotitro
ver-sy. Both the 1?.mattbtt wen evidently aagai
to impfaaa tha Coauaiaaioa w 11 h ttatemeata which
they kuew cuuld nut he sii.?ta?:ud hy admi.-Bibie
evi.leit.-.-. ?
After : he ?dije? tors had InWbed It wa? bomtutd
rhat the I?. nit ? rat ic counsel would make ?ome.-rt'ort
to cet in as evidence a part of tlie ma-- of ?ioca*
m. nt-flat lar in big bundles upon their tablea.
They did not, however, say a word on the Bttttjeet.
Jad'-eCauijihell of New-OrleaiiB. win? ha- ..?me on
toaaaW la the Lannaana ?as?', made a pi?a for an
extension of the two hours allowed h> the rule to
the counsel ?m ?ach -ule. H.- thought six hours
ought to I?- allo-ve.l on account <?f the numerous im?
portant point-1.? h?> fliernaeort Mr. Bvarta quietly
reaaarhad that ha sappoaed the daeiaiaoa ia tha
Florida ? a.-?.- had ?ic?tly redaeed the area al d_aeaa
m?)ii. This bruaghl Mr. Carpeetet to hi? teat, eager
'?. .i-?ert that ?the 1- loriila ruliiik's had no baaiiBf ??u
tlie Koiiisiaua eaae. The .iue-li.ni as to which ?;at
nte aaaia ion.-.a _het_aaee- tbaaleetioa araaoae,
he ??aid. which would ahme coiisiime a good deal of
tune. 4 '<.uiiiiiKSM.il. r Hoar reniai k"'. that this ?'.ir. a
qneatioa that could wall be diecueeed in print..!
The ? i?i.in?:.--i.?iiei ? fh.-n h.-_*aii to diaeaaa tha suh
je. t of the allowance of time ill a coll vcrsiti .olial
way. Mr. i an?.mer came m here with an ahjaetiea
to somithiiii/ said by Mr. Hoar, ami was r.-pn
iiiaiiih.i by the ?latter f.?r bitoiiapting the d.-lii?.-ra
tiiim. ..1 the I '.1111U11.--1011. A re. .s? of thi-t-cipiarters
of an hour was vot4'd. and the ? !oa_a__eae**a went
into their 1. tirini: laoBL Oa tl turn.in: they Bl-Pffiaed
la? vers ami ipeetatefB by aaaoaneiag thai they had
dei.n11111.-l ta sit until 0 ?i'?T?M'k, and thai they
?nui?! allow 4*8 hour- toroaitaal 00eaehtkmbt. h
fuiilii-r re.ess id hall an hont BM taken t<? ??v.- time
for a hasty dinner Ok tha restaurant. At 3 .?'? l.M-k
the ? oiniiiisMon r.-a?i??iiil'lc<l, anil Mr. larpenter
took the ll.Mir.
In their anxiety to push the husin.-s aloBf a;- ?a|.
idly as poeaible I he ineiiit.? r? of I h? I .?iuii!i_stoii ov. r
i.H.kci tha ahaaaea al pea m the eenrt-taenh It ?waa
soon ?lark, and the cnly BBOthod "f li_rhtiin_ thai
could be ?h_a8_J iiilpn.vi-eil wa.? hy .aiudles, Al.oilt
tirtv <?f these iii-ht s were aiMto'eil up??U the ta hie?
of tlie ynmhaa and the la? y.-rs, but their tinil.il
Strength only produced n partial iiniuatiou of the
darkne-?. ??f the hire? vault*! epurtuient. The -|s-? -
tators-at in a t?.tall\ ahaean ba. kuroun.l, ?ml the
counsel Ixcallie liuii-'met and ghostly timi.eh iu the
malst of a lurid and smoky atmosphere. Mr. Cai
petiter Hti'iiKKh-d bravnly uo ?ith Ins arjiutiient for
over Bii hour, and then U-gited for a reprieve, saying
Ui?! the ?moke of the can.lien uiade him sick. The
_omimi-*iii?ner?_ ?U|?ein-e?l to l?e tire?! of fhe etlort f?)
hold B liiirht ?wnhioii under ?u? h ditb? ultlen, and .??1
Adjournment until 10 to-morrow mi.|-|iiii_ w-U
Mr. Carpeutc-r, ut the oumet of hi? speech, ?aid
that he did not represent Mr. Tilden, that lie ha?
acquaintance or sympathy with him, and ha?l v?
against him, and would ig so again if he wen* a*
a candidate, but that he believed that he was BBBfl
and therefore appeared in the case. The ele-ctio
Mr. Tilden he r. ganb-d aa the greatest disaster 1
? oiild fall iipoti the country, except t!ic seatin
his opponent by fraud, ilia argument wascht
devoted to show tliat the Returning Board hai
legal authority for canvassing the vote for elect
ami that tin* eau vas* ought to have ben ir.i
under the cltl law, by the Governor and the 8?*t
tuiviif Ma'i*. If tlie board is held to have
authority, then the electors, he said, had no po
to till the two vacun<-iea caused by tlie ahaeae?
I**?visse and lirewster. for the new Flection In*-*
1***7'J repealed the provision in the old law for till
raBSBBBBB ii? the Kle-ctorul College. The R.p
In ans might, hu said, take cither horn of the
lemma ; in one rase they would lose eight voi
am! m the other two.
The diligent disposition evinced by the Conin
?ion to-day makes if awbobla that it will hear
tlie arguments m tin* Loin?.ana bBjBB b?-fore a.ljou
ing fo-inorrow, and that a decision will he r?-a?l
on Thursday, so that a report can lie ma?le and I
count pBaeeed on Friday. Republicans an; contid?
thitt the Hayes returns will bo onler-d counted
the same vote that seitlc?! the Florida ijuesti?
Among tite I ?em.? rat* than Bfe still BMW ho-,-*?' tl
Judge Bradley will make up his mind that neifl
of tlu'ioiiHictiiig certificates is valid, and that hi
seis of returns ought to b?; objected to. The care
(??.?placed in taking notes of the point.*? in the an
menta of the Democratic objection to-day go
tliem a gii.nl deal of comfort.
Tho counsel ou the Republican side who w
sp?*ak in the Louisiana case are Messrs. Lvar
Stoii_hton, and Shellaliarger. Mr. Kvarts's a? ti
services are to contiuue through to the end of t
Was?im?ios, Yeto. 111.?The Senate gave a stri
lag example of its lo?iua?iiy to-day, and of i
facility fur wandering ot? from a pending questii
to consider irrelevant matters. The Committee i
Privileges and Flections wiinietl a resolution pass.
for the arrest of Conrad <'. Jordan, the cashier of tl
Third National Hank of New-York, where Mr. Tildt
is supposed to keep his deposit*. Mr* Jordan h
heu ?.,!ip.-na?-il, lint declines to appear. I'pon th
resolution the Senate man aged to de bate the Orel*?
election tri. k for the whob afternoon. The tin
was not alto_ether warned, however, for Senat
Kelly put himself voluntarily info the OOa-BB-hlM
He gave an entertaining explanation of how M
Iiltieii's iimn.-y w:_? intcd in setfing np I 'nuiiii's F.le
toral -v?llige. He said only .fS.iXK) was nbtaiin
from N.*w-V<irk : tin* ofher *J?*s.ims) s?-nt by teleirr-ij
was not iiseil, and was applied Cof only beeaaat tl
tirsf reiuitt?iice forwarded by Patrick from Su
ftnneJaco had not beea (acaread, and li.-c..u.se a fa
prominent Democrats bad given their in.tes to l..nl
& Bush, thu bankers, for the money Beaded in
mediately. The ?frs.iKMl in ciiiTi-my pnxlnce
.f7..'M?n, of which only 08,000 was used, in? hi iin
wl.af was paid to i Tonin.
Mr. Kelly ?aid In- llituighf Cronin got, too murl
but In* in?isted mi having *:!.()(>!) to eongOBMto hii
tor damage to his law business, aad thai amoui
was paid lliln ; the real of flu* llioiicv was ii-e.l la I'?
tain lawyers when it wit* supposed That legal pn
co.-diiigs would mise. Th?* fininy part of Mr. Kelly
s-iei c'a ?vas his t?'.ickiiig to Cronin and ?he hui ne*: fini
In- should be much disappointed if the ('oniini-?i-i
did noi order his vote in In* oonnted. If was *,at
droll that th.* BMBtar slnuild have full faith'tha
I'ronin bad made Tilden President, and at the sain
time should have characterize'! the important s?-i
rices of that iier?on as overpaid with tin- paltrv sin
of-f.'?.i>()(?. The resolution to brinii (.'asln.-i* .)i,r.la
before tin* bur of the Senate was adopted with n
open oppo?ition except from Senator BanlahuiJ
All th?? DaoBoarata voted to adjourn, however, t
stave oil the adoption of the rest lui ion.
IM uro-Ki Y. Wim a DBBf OBJBCg.
[BT IBUOBAPfl tO tub TKinor.l
W-BB-gOTOB, Feb. 11!.?One method !>v which th
l'eniocrat-console iiieii;??'lves for their dis? cmiitur
111 the F'u rida CBBB is by reheai*sing to each of he
how they wer?-out witte?! a nil deceived by the Kepub
lieans. and induced against iheir better judgnion
to support the couiiuiiuiise Klcctoral hill. On?
explanation of it is simstuntLally aa follows : Whet
thu bill was drawn up, and when it was under dis
cession in both bnnsea of Co?greaa, tin* DBBjoenti
expected tliat .liidge I lav is would be eh-cfed by th?
other fou 1* jutlges as the fifteenth man of thcConimi?
sion -.and tm account of their failli in his appointment
and their belief that hia awards would be in then
favor, they supported the bill. At the last moment
and jaat before tha bill aaa penned they say Secre?
tary Chaadler and I'rcMiient Grant sent B message
to f.Vu. Logan, who wan 111 Springfield, III.,
directing 111 in. while oiKwanliy apit-euriug 10 make
a vigorous liglit against Darla la Has nonatorlal coo
test, s?*t retly to plot for his election, und thus render
bin ineligible for a seat in the I'.lectorul Commis?
sion, (-?ni. Logan's reward log this was to lie the
Secretaryship at Wat nadar PraataTaat Hayan, This
plan, tho Ilemoi rats say, worked beautifully, and
Judge Davis was removed from the hit of eligible
candidates for g seat on the CoumJaaiofl wh?-n
tin- Dem?crata wen* eoauaitted to the support ?if tha
bill and when it wa* too late tor than to with?
draw. Th.ise who tall this story admit tliat their
party was ontwittod by the Republican managen
ami tiiat they tteaarra to be beaten foe their stupid?
ity. The plot ia reportad i>v some to have been d?>
ciiveietl by th?* Damoeratk tendon at tin* elerenth
ii.nir, am! tli-y Baaert tiiat tin* Deaaocrataof Illinois
w.re warned against it; bur flu* dispatches BBOl to
than wen neeirad too lato to prevent tha election
of Davis. Abran 8. Hewitt, Chairman oi :hu Na?
tional Denooratk Ponnittc-r-, when ipokaa to nboaf
thifl matter a day or two a.-o. replied 1 hat In* knew
nothing about it. and had aeat no diapatch to tha
Illinois Deinoerata an tha inbject; if be liad bien
consulted about if be certainly should h?ve adsised
big pnrty friendo in thai stata not to elect Judge
Havis just at that juncture. Oca. Logan says the
story i? enthrall bhe, bat then it lajaal aa
for tha Democrats m though il vas
THE Florida TOTE
Mil. fill I?'** BBBBATIOBg l\l*|.il>KD 1!a:.m
UtggLT?4 TOO WH.I.1.N., wiiM.?? Hum si.v-,
isr nUMUri to niK Tiuiii sK. I
WaSHIM?TiiV, Feh. LI.?A Vi TV JM-Cllliiir
stale of affairs existed nn tlie Uoum- dda of th?-?'.ip.lo:
to-day. The. Danai i.iis mt tin* lliHir msnicd tipnn talMg
up -ml Anaaaaag tbe Pionda tine,nun. an.1 aaadgasBag
as uiticli vigor .il unit it ami as mmb earnestness 111 insist?
ing (hat It slioulU lie t'un-tileietl al length as if tlie .|ite..
Unit of eountlng the Vole of that iitale ?as H|1ll ail h*m*ii
one ami as if the result tlep?-iitlcil iarg?*ly 00 the light
wiilcll Ullglit be thrown Upon the matter bv
th? -basa. A* if tins were not enough ,.t
Florida, Mr. Dm ni Huilier Field riintiuueil bu
examination in regard to the affair? of that
?st.it?* Hi- tlrst witnetts, however, nerved fully to BSgon
Ode ol the ?rent seusiitlnns which Mr Ktelil prepat'eil ami
put liefore the country In his contaitttee some weeks
since. It will be reuieiubereil that he |>r-?lu? -?l a tele?
graph operator who ?wore to having heart! a illspatch
passing over the lines to Uov. -tcin- which was in
cipher and Iu which the word Ilimuarck appear??!.
This was interpreted as a dispatch BBBBBg he(w?*eu
-1,-iini. and *???? reiary Cliaudler, aiid evidently relatiug
to the voi nipt use of nioucy or troop? m Klorlda. Xoiluy
it sppeare?! that thin dMnateh fit between pr-rate
persona, win? were id partnership ir buirtneas?uno
tn New-Yorlr. one in W -?li Ineton, and on??
in Florida?and that the dn-patch rcUtedaob-ly to privais
biiNtneiw affair*. Thus fell ou? of Mr. Field'? chief aan
fationtt. It wa? heralded over the country several weeks
since by tbe Demo?.ratie pre??? as s most damaging dis*
closure lu connection with tbe Republican nianagein.-nl
of tbe Florida lampan/n. The telegraph ojs-irstor w?o
gave the testimony upon which to f.ninil Mr. Field'* ?-)?
?;itl.ni refused to answer tbe ?j n ?t,?r.? j-ud *?v Mr.
Lawrence, ?ml when the committee decided thnt lie mua?
anawer (.?? -i..l r.-ia?'d : hut thin refunal mmm to ibl.-id
I?ei..Ato m.'nihmi, to whom he ha?! brtrmyrd arrreta
of th? telegraph office! mid who had helped e?.ne<.ct th?
?tory of wlilcn til? tent i m? m y mam part. bo Indicad of r?*
port ni? ruin to the Hou??e for contempt, he seem? to Lavs
been reported to Bcrgeanl-at-ArmsThorn paonuna suitable
l?'i-i??ri to reward wirb office, ..ml be Was promptly plac?]
on riiouipMitn'a foroe. Mr. Field rather eclipacd ?.ina? if
with a ?-n,n?I witness 11? wa* a 1'rench waiter in n
r-taiirani in NVw Orleans, where, while dlnmg togeth? r,
time. Wetit had dirvc.ed Littlert. 1?! to cha?as certain im
?urn?. Mr Field ami? unced to the committee that th?s
man could ?cirr-cly apeak Kngliah and ?>'il?l
ii.icl.y understand a i| i-iinii In tn .- it.li ; hs
(Field) therefore rei|iiei?t?*d ta?? commute? t?) al?
low him to act aa Interpreter for thin Free eu
man. Tbe prnp?ialilon that a ,?*v??r ?honid ex
imme bu? own witiiea? m a f. reliai Uaguage aii?l luior
l?ret ht.? replica was ?*.? dnnl that every one lu tus
.'(.uiiiiitt.-e-t'oum laughed heartily st Mr. Fiel_, ev.-o
Iieiiii.cnitic m. nil?, rs joiuluir iu tlua with tbe real. Mr.
LaWieaSB taime.inir.-ly in.ui?' the (???Hit i.i.U It Uli? man
was to be . x.iinin.d in re^aist ??iconvernation? in lai_ lob
which lie b.i.l .'lerliennl. ami he wan a comprit ni en v*m?
dropper !.?r I.neliati conversation, h.? would prohsbli ?Jo
aa a witness Miiho.it Mr. Flel.i.? kluU'y ..tfcrato iat.r?.i t.
This nettled Mr. Fi.-ld, and the eianiinatlon w?nt on n
English. It then appeared that thai FYenchinan miajt
waitci where I.i?lellcld :?nd Well* ii.i?i dineil. and that
ahQeeagagad m bringing f?????i ami ahaaifag dWkia be
had overheard ?na?. h.-a of conversation between Lullo
llel'l an.i Wells. 11._ ?Mt.'ii,, u , h ,-.-.,? v. r. mere rx.tg
gv;Atnl far Inyoud thoits of Littletl.'ld'a, and cairu-d
tiiclr ahauiilitj ?ipou their face.
MR. McDonalds addhk.*-.*-.
tiik nATnanuomna tnooatnrnon to act.
Wa!"IIIN??t?jn, Feb. IU.?Tlie Electoral Com?
miHslou couvened at 11 a. ui. to-day to hear tbe uriru
ui.'t.t ui tbe ??ne of I_oul_?inna. All the meinhera w. r? .a
their plu?'?'s early with the exception of Senator Th.ir
inan, whose prolom-etl shiu-nce rendered it n??ce??aiy to
psaeeadwtthaathnn. Iheaaaalaa began with the ?*?___.
nig of tht m .nt- ? ?.f the previous aeaaion. At the con?
clusion Mr. Justice Clifford announced thnt dl?iaa?i.?n
would !>e aa rlic three certificat*:? b?-fore the l'iittimiiuiuD
under objection. Objections to uiinibera one and thr.se
would first be heard. SeiiaUir McDonald beiire?! ftir ?!??_?
lay until Mr. Thurinan arrived. S-nator Ldni.inds a-:id
there wen* only 16 working day? left, and the ronmna
?ion otigut no! to delay. A ineaiu-agor mm* sent for Mr.
Thiirnian, ami brought word that be was aiiftcring wiih
neuralgia, but would be in dm nig tbe day. Tlie < o.i_
mtsaion reaoived to pipe-pad. lanadas McDonaltl th.-a
a?inaaad the ConnnUaioB in opposition to the Ilay.-s
certificate.?. He ?poke to the following effect :
Tbe eeilMealea aaaaaaeai by rhe PreBMaat .?? first
under c'll?lilerari.'!l, enilnne : he electoral vote? ca_l tnr
IIbj as for Incident and Wb?*eier f.r Vice l're?i<ien?. If
the einlerne? contained in these e.Ttlti. ate. are rlie
evidence? ara Tided for m the ?'??!i?ilftition then ihe? are
to be counted. To constitute rliem tbe volea provided
for In the t onatitul'on they Blast have liceu SBMB-f
elect.n 1 who are coir petent and ivliolnue neeu appointed
elect.ir? in the maun -r pt*. Berthed bv the Legislature of
the state. I'm? oi.ji.tii.in? tint wer?' m.-uie to th.-.-vi
deneea embraced ui thc?e ceni?caies are : l-'ir?t, thai *U?
I. ?gwlotara 8td aot provide ths BBaaaae <>f their appulat?
men! i sectil,il. Halt tile? We-e tRlllduIelltly letlirtliil by
tlieolhceis In niste?! witn the canvaKa and return of thi
voten; tliir.l. tliat two of fliein wer?' iin'omiK'teiit Ululer
the ? "iiH'itniion ; fouiiii. that others of tbein were An*
.|a.iiiii.-'l fr, m settee Iu ths < oaatttHttoa .m.I Isws ?f ?n?
BtOtS of I_?iii-i,iii.i : afin, tiul..l tin- time of theirap^oiuC
inent the "title of Louisiana did not bave m govmnii'-ut
reptiijiican in form.
The legislative aeSBion laws of 1 ?*.;?? enacted a Bpeetel
law for the apiioiuimeiit of Presid? ntiaI elector?, anil
till? ?pedal Li'V i.'ui. re?'li?cte.l ill the ltevi-?'l < o.a 'if
1870. Thla ael waatlaani peea Mae f??r the aapehnaa ut
of rrsslltcnllBl el.ctoii. b? ? (mpiih.i- vote. It alao pro
vlile.-i f.ir the iiiaimer nf IBS return hu?1 SeaTaBB "f ti.at
v.:t?>. It Will be seen In .-leetlou ?.H'.:? thnt Uli mediately
after the receipt of the i.-tiirn from amtk parintt oil Iho
fourth Monday of N?.v? inner. If the return ?ball not
?.???tier arrive, tbe ?io.ernor, iu the press?es "t thp .?*. cr.
tory ut State, the htteeaey-UssienU, ami DletrM IBina ??f
tuo di*ti*ict in which tbe neat of ?.?.vcrinueiit may be
est.-tlilii.lied, or any two of them, ?hall ex?nime the re?
turns ami ascertain therefrom the persons who have i?e? n
dilly'elct ted elect, ri. iiv the br?l ???.tioii of thi? act thai
election.? pioviiied for in if an- style?! the general ?i.-c.
ti.ins of the State. SecUea ;'."? a p. ? htepllf pnri*metne
tiie ei.-i-tiwii ,,i PieaMeattal electora. Tu?t aaatlaa la an
That In every ?rear in which an ?le' lion ?hall lie held fur ths
election of ? ir? Mitin! auil \ a. mPttntAmt ?f Ih? t ' in ? -<t
.-?U;?s, ?nth election shall he Iieltl ?>ii tin? 1 ?lesilay ueif a!i?r
the ttr-t Moi.il.iv m the aionth ?f Strretabmt, in BBSseasawo
wltliiliesi-l ot?'ougr.-aii..f tin? I WUA stales aiipi.iv.s1 Jan.
33,1848, ' * * and mi. a AmOttnu ?Bail be lnitl _nn' ? ? n
dnct?*il ami the returns matte thereof In the manner ami tottu
pnacrlhed hy the law lor general e.eciloiti?.
Y t in ace it saya not merely the election? ?ball he held
and condicte?! and returns made, but the ret urna ?Call
also conform to tbe proviriom? pteeariheel iu the ?aw? for
ne lierai ele? tiolia. His l-iwuling ?ectlou of thi? act,
which la Ihe ??.'?tb section, reada ae follow?: "That all
laws or part? of law? relating to the ?ame ?iibjeet matter
are hereby ro|>eale.l. and thi? act shall take effect [mm
and after it.? passage." *??. that your Honors will
???i! that two laws corsring the ?ame ?nlijei't seem
10 have b??eu enacted or recognized at tbe s..iut)
?esNioii, the spccijl law of li?i"i* carrying for?
ward into the code nf 1878 and the *ei*?lnn of 1878b
ily tbe enacting alaaae ntt.u-hed to the code the pro
?rWOBB <?f the coile wer" fu lake effect aa the l?t day of
April. 1 -7?) and thla was after tbe ci?se of ln7o el winch
this _:. lierai law was i?as??>.l. and to meet aii\ ?( :.-;?-.,a
that iiiiv'l't ans?- ??ut of a eoutl;. t iieiwe.-n the *? m1oo
acts of 1-7.1 and the provisions omitted in tbe code, u
ot'i.-r act ? a? passed, the one to which the i_-eutlt-iii_.il
from Ni?? Yi.rk .-ailed the aftenn.in of the I onrt. 'lh:s
aet Is entitled ** Aa act giving preeodeaee in auttn.rity
to all the other acta and joint rcsointi..!?? passetl hy tua
Uoaaral Assevhl] il tais ?e>smu over ths acta Kinn? n aa
tlie r?-vision of the s!a!i'.!e. of the civil cod?' and BOdB '?f
practice when there esi?ta any coniiiet m tbe provisions
of tin- caul ac;?."
Mr. Mc I ?on.iltl ?leclared that tbe effect of thi? law was
tn cna.-t !li?- ittiv of l-.'iO iu the law of 1*7?), and that
the . ?ectloll IU 1-.7- test place under lb?* law ot li-To,
and not under that of 1 ????.. He then called attetitiou to
8 new net pa.?a?d >*<>v. 'JO, 1-7-. It 1? entitle?l ?? an aal
to r. enlate and to ..induct and to maintain the fr.^-.l ia
and puntv of election, to prescribe the mode of malt ng
returns thereof, t?i provide for the ..lection of the retm n
lug o HI cci"?, and defining their powers and dntina, to
prescribe the moil.* of BBtering on tbe roll of the tseuats
ami House of Kepii'seiitatives, and 88 eiiforc Article
loiiof tb?'?'onstiiutlon." Mr. McDonald continued :
The71?t pe.'tioii, which la the reiM-ulinK ciaii-e. la as
follows :
I'- si l'usa?! shall r.ikt- eitert tren Bad after I!? p?*?<3Be aid
sil nt hers on the snlijecl of election law be an?l the same .trs
lierehy repeait-il.
I his iiiiipiestionably leptalM the Session iK't of 1-7?),
Y.ni will see i?y coiiiparmg tin? a. i with the one of i-?7t>
ihat wline it f.-i. r? t?. Presidential elector* ar.d their aie
poait.ii.ai!. :i makes no provini.tn aa tbe other act ?ims
lor tuen* elecliou or aiii?oiiiiiii?ul. Nowhere In th?
act ?t l*<7ii, or in tho a? ta of 1-7J and
their aiii.ntlnieiii.s. i? there stir provl_i.?a
Whatever for tliiliiK' vac.ilielea ill Hie Klei-ior.il < 'nlleges
exeept bl ?leiiioii. No ??ti,. : pro-naton sxists in eitaer
.u riles?- ia-vs tor Dlltog reeenea i ?u tin? etess except up
populareb-et,uu. Now I -.in.??i\ plaea tin-se Matates.
tore i.'iir 11.?nor? for i our du. "i BBllh ration, and l -.ii., 11
i-.oi farther aaaanaha '.<> a-teaaa their heariap at
a frai dpi INI- cAnraan,
Now. a.? tlie fact was that tin. officers iu charge tt the
a?! asta istia tloa af the law? m th?- stata of Laaaaaaa muh
restpec? to her elect loos did hold the election under tha
act of 1*?7'-, I pt-opoae to consider In what manner thef
held it ; for we chai'Kc that the?? psrson* who have on?
dt'l-ritkell to ,'H?t the vot?>? noiv under eoo
nderattea aaaa rramlulei.iiy r. turned by the <>?.
san iniriixt.tl with the canvaaa of ihe voles.
, i?. ?,..? oli.-tltiltloil of UU? iNiaii!. The law B8B_>
vid? s th.,i uve p? r??? ? ? ? ie.l by the Senata toux
all junltieal partn-a ?hall b?> the retiitiiiix ?Ulcer?, lu
OUT ot any lacaiicics tiy death, is-sunalioii. .?? Bthara -e
?if either "I the In?,n I then I lie vacancies snail I* nil",i
.v the resitlne of tinbOUdOt fe!nrriiu-f ottlcei-a. Here a
hoard ? gantsril w mi pow.-r? arar the .lcttion Mtaraa >f
j.l elcclioiu I? in.i.lt- pBTpetaal With a imwcr within it- ,f
loeff.-et that ???rp. Illlt?. When UBMB ?'_lal>?l_he?l lins
IM.wcr ha? it..ne ..ui fiom tie- Mate aotherttlea, tr.uu i ?.a
pouyn, flam all pepalai eaatral kale tha iaaane?ttean
inti,, .ti.il iiie) .oui noic on, on, an t,,i.-vcr
Mr. MeDeooM aao8a8 fr>nn the report of tbe Senats
i .?iiiiiiittee on Privileges ami Etrctlous, Feb. hi. i-?7j,
and tin* VVhe.ler report to the Houss K.D. OR, l*?7r., and
from the law, to them the |Hiw.rs of tbe boaid ni r> la?
t?an to the .-.uivasi. of the r. turna. Tbe point be ui.ols
was that affilia vita on wbieh action against tbe return,
from auv poll ia taken must come to the Uetnruiug liouid
along witb the return, and he matte by Uc i i,iuiun.i?,u.
era ot Klei-tiou or *?upervi?oi"? oC !'.< irtstratlon.
I'omuilMloner Tbitrniau- I? there any evidence Be tors
ns that l i.i threw out returns that were uot act onu
paiilcil bi certificatesf
?Senator McUsmald I ?bail call th?- attention of i s
l'omiiilsaio'i Ixft.re I am through lo what I claim to ?a
?-vi.il iici aiMiii that ?iibj. ci. Now, then, wbat do we iir.*
re to ?b?.w m regard to the actii_i of Uila He un un.?
ird. Ki-oiii toe votes actually east st the late en*. . u
'or the appointment of 11. ct.?n? n lauiiniaua. tb>- Ikmys?
crntte electora rt-iselved majoi ti. ? ran^in? fiom ,,.;,k ^
?,'J'JO on ?the '.?ue ut Umi rviuius. As ntuiiMd by ?its