Newspaper Page Text
Y??- XXXV?.N?- 1L1?.6. NEW-YORK. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1877. PRICE FOUR CENTS. WASHINGTON. CONGRESSIONAL TBKMF.S. i BIT.T. FOR ?tp-t-Tia PATMEST*?VACtrXC*,T>8 OSBhWtmr** KKAl. FjriAIK POOL INgt'IKY?APPRO? PRIATION an lo. The Senate adopted an amendment to the Pacifie E_?lr<>-?t- lull yenterday requiring the road? to pay f7.10.000 annually, over and alio-*.-?*- other due?. to a ?nkingfnnd ; a sp?-e*cli by Senator Booth wae largely the canse of this. A bill to provide for re iumpt'on in accordance with Gen. Grant'* meeisuge has been ? drawn np. Only one appropriation bill hns yet be*?n pa*se?l. The alleged payment of i-prW'.OOO to ('ougT-e-ameii by a Washington tinn of contractors will be invetati gnted by the Real Estate Pool Committee. A Trc-.**? nry clerk ami a New-York lawyer ar** implicnt-rd in fraud*- in collecting unclaimed intereet on ImiimIs : tbe former liaa been arrest? *?1. Gen. Graut will give B farewell dinner to the Cabinet. MR ROOTirs RAILROAD SPEECH. mi i? .w. am vpaoi on na -Batan?u ?ibjrcts TC Kl'liTHEB PACIFIC RA1LKOA1? BoCNTlKS. [OT 1K1.KC.KAPH TO THK TKIM'KB 1 Wamii >..t?.n, Feb. 14.?Senator Booth, it ?ay'* r>>nienjli?-red. was elected to his present position np'U sn anfl-Railrond and anti-Monopoly platform. T?lap, to'f.??" BtWt time, be made his voice heard In the Senate in ?apport of tbc principle* which he has been ?ii:'pi"-??'il [lartii-itlnrly U? represent. Tbat voice wat? a MO powerful or.e. Tbc few speech?1* which Mr. Booth B i- made aave always conimande.l attention. His effort fcvilftV, notwithstanding tbe counter attraction of the arguments bef??re the Electoral Comtuia.-'iou, kept tbe nti'.i"i'!'.'. ol the senator? in tiieir placea tbe ?pcecu was gM ?i:ni*fi *uiit for it? ?mitetauce and the reaulta which followed it iliun for it? form. Mr. Booth brvaii by i-avtnfi that the little fnger of the rnilro-i'l l?tal ist m W .-dimit? on ws? mom niflucntlai thun the pii'Plc'u IoniR, and be end??d by ?ecurine the adoption of an amendment, originally intnaluced hy Mr. Boiitwoll but withdrawn and renewed by Mr. Booth, ?Ii at a il. rf-ipilre the payment of an additional ?750.0O' a year in the very di-ubt?nl event of tbc final pasha??: of ilu* bil . Mr. booth analyzed the railroad bills which hare been under i'?>n?.ideration with a relentless and un trii-iiiliy baiul. lie aaeeit?*xl that tbe Government is now required to pay oti Ulialf of tbe Pacific railroads an evirate amount of ?n,:"?00,000 taaaattp, but Uns bill would enable thotie companies to liquidate their entire neli lit? tine.iM to the ?iovernment in 3?> year? by the pay nu ui on one hypothesis of the total sum of $6,^00,0<K), and on the '.'lenry mont favorable to tbc Government of t-1? >.!*??. Udo. In sinnt, he asserfd tlihi the bill actually l.n.pi.i.i.1 In iiitlli' tlie i-oa.lH un Rift of $50, (-<? la?), SeeMoi the ?jCt.uO?).)*'??? ot present ma?-?-r.-?l n?-.*)?ii now due, an.! the flve EOE cent of the net aantagi r?.,uired to be pttid by tbc organic m*^ One provision of tbe 1-111 penult* tlie Oovemment of the United "tar?*? at the end of thirtr-slx. year? to take the road? at Their then prc-eut cash value. By a ?}Sfem of calculation Mr. Booth arrires at the conclu? sion that thla I? equivalent to allowing the oom psuies to obtain fl irom tbe Goremnient for 11 cent?, l_ai tH-itift tbe present ciu?ti ruine of $1 to be paid at the end of 36 years. He asserted and challenged contrudir tion of the ?tat.meut that all tbe branches of the Central Pacific Railroad, Ini lii'lmg tbe 400 miles of Ute t*outhcrn I'l-iiilr already eonstructed, have l?een built out of the - ..i the construction an?l operation of the Central Fiicibc road, while the Government has not been paid. Thi? sp?f?*i*h had a very marked effect and, as already noticed, secured the adoption of the amendment ii-IiIithl e7.Vi.otK.) to the annual payment? required by tbe bill in addition t?i tbe arcriifMl indcbf??<ln<*?>? and the Bra jmt r?*nr oi tin-uiimial euniin-r?. Tbc vote stood SSYeaete M Nay?. The rii?ruiul tuen now in Washington ttuklllt ?Marthe Internets o? the?..* .um?i. nie* are a ?food ue.-ii difturbed oy thi? action and by tue cu.irai lei of this vote. Tli?y ?upi-osed tlial tiler had a con OtO? ruble in.ijonty in favor of The tneasurc In the form' in which they desired t?) have It passed; and th.-y were ereat)-* ttteappotated when tliey founit tliat they were defeute.i BJ f *?', i? vote?. TIlOsC who have given tlie subject tbe MM ;itt?'iititiii ?ay that Hi- -.nilleaitoii? un? are that BBleM ti.e friends of Uie rallr??ad companies eon Induce one or two prominent and influential Senaten to peana lo ti??*;r rooene and atinuonlu tii r einige, their effort* to secure ?deli leL'l-liilMli lie m?W <le?ire tbirt ses-niii must prove unsuccessful. ATiei the vole o:i Mr. l?.Mitb'H uinen Inwilll wa.? I.ikeii au Executive aeaaton w-,?- immediately rated, ou that nu r aitiou U(>on tbe railroad question occurred t*> **' ? A FRAUD ON BONDHOLDERS. THF. HAN OP A TREAMIIY CLKliK AND A NEW YORK LAWT-R?A HCGE PERCENTAGE POK OOtXJtCflM COUPONS. |bt TELEi.nAi-n to TnE UBgVBB.1 W\-ihni;ti)N, Feb. 14*-One of the persouH . .1 In swindling bondholders by the collection of ntieiaiuietl intrrcht wa? arrested In this city thi* after u.U.n. II..- ii.inn* i? Tbomaa G. Dou^la**?. He in a clerk in th?* Fim taillai? office, aaaataati from iioiiy Byrtaga. Mm?. Tb? other partner in tbe swindle is a New-York lawyer, wini*e nun??* is withhild for prudential Mama An officer of the beeret Bcrriee aapeeta to arreat bun Wi-nlKbt or to-morrow. Since Dom<la?'s employ mint In the Kirnt Auditor's Office he has had churre of the Ix-oks containing* the amounts of iDiereM unpaid on rejristcrcJ bond??, and ha? Ken ut tbe bail,! of liirniHiiliiir a lint of tlie amount* of unpaid interest, together witff tbe name? of tbt* peeeeaa to whom the ii.t. r.*-: w a.*? due, to hi? pur'ner, the New-York :it toniiy. Tlie latter would hunt up the itr-rsons hold?ii: the bond? and offer to coll *ct tbe amount due them from the (.nviniiiieiit. In caw* bis serrice? were accepted t M lawyer wotid collect tlie amount fi*oin the department, sni? withhold a large i??*rcenfii*re, aomctimes a? ranch as 6o per nent, which Ii. aeaM s'iure with Deagtaa, In thi? nay it .- eeiimatcd ?.hat they Lave realizeu fully M-,000 ui grift Tin-re m nn law pruhi'uitiiii' the att-omey from rcceiririR ?oney for ?ueli *-.TVit:?.-i. but tbc Government hop?*" t-i reaih hitu attk .? ir-miual peeeeeatt-B on the charte el bnliuu: ,i i, ,vi*i i.nieiit ottieial. 'Hie clerk will to prooaT euted under Mette? MM of tlie Kevi?ed BtatatMb ?a* h Biate? it a penal .iff?m??- for anyone holding a place of trital or prallt m Mtiv exeeiitiie department of tin* (iiiv ennm-Li to ?ul ar aaraM in the pnaweattn or nupi?ort of soy chum oi ranal ta aay gmtattj or any aaarc or later* *>t in any claim from am ciaimant against tkaUatted T!u p. njltv i? a fine of $0,000 or imuiisoumcnt ho? Uioie Uiau une j .-ar, or l>o!U. | VECU PAYMENTS. a Uli i., , ?.mo oit nu PH-MMonfa neon* MKNDaTI'iN-. ? iMli\L IKfc?*- DBBFAW-Ul ' Wl-MiUHMt, Fcl?. 14.?A bill has Wn Cniiud tot uieex ?uhatantialiy lb?* recommendations of tlie President :n ?if> r^,., ut ajfaOhtt gM?tafle with regurd to early ?peeie payment)? and submitted to bt?u, a* it priibabi) ?.ni,,, t?, the Committee of Ways and M? un? it* provimiin? tiiff. r in g?rerai r?*..|?eci?. from the suaK?* 1 i thi* Pr-.iil- nt. but then- i? renson To l?el:cve he will m* B-riewl** oloeef to the -?b.-in..-. B Tin* bill ]>P> r?de? for the i?>ue of tbe 110 >eHr?-' four per ee.ut stock Hresdy BaNMetaarl by the act of l?7?);?ii'i tip On BmAmnXKn Moo et 1 of Jitnoan, 1 ,7,-, Tije _r_?,uut of greenbacks to tw fu? -?t,, ttnM *{,?.g lH fdOayOOagMs-i limited to 81ii,iN?o.i??j m any one luoiitu. A further sum. say ?' - ''.???khmi |U _-, ,.:i|m, k?. 1? aiitlionwd ta? be * util incichanye for ?ub?ldiary silver, and to tin? ?0<1 lUi.m 1? to i?n laaaaani m tb?- e*|graaataal t"i:t*,. Be_H_Bg the -|SiO.(KK>.O0O at pn ?cut au Ul"r/ ?> of t?e geaett?r-a i? that aOtm tirant* win uke the l,ia<T ?f the small greetihaik ouct. S****0*' below the denomination ol )?:>. Tlieae are llni maojHi. u 1 u' 1888 te ifa? bat tlie amnuui "'-'ni-* Btllngw halierad te be beton 180,000,000 "*? -mniiii ?.,,., iH allowed lor tbe funding 01 exilian****** of me grasaba? k- r..r i?.mis or ?iiier eetn. The sapai t - ' 7J^v"i>'. l'Hutiuif. etc . of tbe IkjikI; an limited to one ?iiniiuf | m rruX. -mut ..--uriii.i -??- h?*..- l?et n ?rivi-n Jju?t t?a- i,,,] w,n ?j^t ^^j, Iit.,?r ,,.??, -? ????m ?f the - -? Btipreatatatlveeafter tin 1'reaiu.niiul ijoiiiiic ??*- aave tieru ?ettied. Al'I'li'OPKlAT?ONi?. BTATO OF THK MU?*?(?M.Y OSF. PAHSKD. [av ItaT-Maafl to rut-TiiiBi m | Wamiim.kis, Ki-li. 14.?Mr. Windom, (liair ?au ol tiie Henal?* ?'ommii t**e ou Appropriations, ?uiil to On: li,at k win (?. iHjHMihle tu pas? all th? appropriation ?in? 1- lore Ui,, PUo of the iaM?sion, provided outii bout??? tu in work m earnest ; hut that there is nu time uow for ????'ieiiti. or delay, lhe Navy hill is now ander coumd erattou in tbe Uouar. The Army, Hundry Civil, and Itiver en'i Harbor Dill*. *re in committee and ready for action Tli. Pimt-fifttee bill baa t?????n reporicd to the Henal?, nut -** ynnuu lot want vl 1-im_*. lhe ludun, ?Couaiuai and Diplomatic. Fortification, and Militar*. Academy Mile ?are in oenferenee -arulnint aerintia dlattgi-eeincnt. The Deficiency bill baa l*een rei-orted from the lluuae to the Benate, but nm pr_nt??d for want of tunda. The Legislative bill la ready for eoo alderation. ?Senator Wtnd.m ?aid that the laut nnuied 0 the dlflicult bill t?) Agi- t- i!i>.?li. a? the Ulilde in the House are auch that the Benate will ii?l arcesle to many of it? previsions. Tne Senate atueu.linente make Uli? bill ?litwututiiil... the - .m? d? the one of tue pre?, nt year. TheBenat?-Couintifte-t- Inmate upon retuintmr t he 'annie number of InU-t-nal revenue oolh-cton?. the H?.u-?< pmvi?iiug for a rodnelion of 20. The .-siiale ale? insist? j njM.n an ai?prt?|??riation at fTDO.fKK) to pay the Judi_-*n?-nts i of the Court of ("lain.a. The Ponido.*, bill la Ike only one of the appropria?on bills that h.-ta been me a law. OF.V. OKANr?? CABINF.TS. TWENTY-THltBIC HECRICTARIF.s IN KK'HT YBABS?A C*OMIN<? FAREWr.l.I. DIVNH!. .BT Tl_I.F.<iKAl>II TO THB TklHt -B.I Washiv?ton, Feh. 14.?Pr?sident Grant Will i?hortly ?give a farewell dinner Ui the lueium-rs ?.f !.is Cabinet If be e.iuld aaaenible around hit. table all the eentlemen who have held Cabinet poattion?"? under hie Adniiniatration elnw he went into olitie eight yeHra a_r<> be would have a l?rice ??ompauy. No President ever bad Mich an array ol adviact?. ' He hue hud two ?9? .Tetarles of (.late. Mesure. Wha?i i burn and F?kIi ; four S?t-retarlei? of the Tn-aanry. Memo?. , Ihuitwell, Rlchan'ison. Bnat-ow. nnd Morrtll: ttn-ee P??"t ; -?aeterMii-neral. Msaan? ?reswell. Jewell, and Tymr : five Attori.eya-Octieral. Messrs. H??ar. Akermiin, Wil? liam?, PierreiMint, and Tatt ; four Herretane? of War, ?KeSBIBi Rawl1n_, Belknap, Tait, and Cam? eron ; ton Seeretariei? of the Navy, Mesera. Bo? rle and Robeaou, and three St .Tetarle* ?>f the Interior, M.fuin?. Cox, Delau?., and ('handier. In nil the*?? arc twenty-three. Of these only one dud in office, (Jen. Iiuwlins. Two Won promoted U. luiiurn mission?, Wtudiburn aud Pierrepout. Une, Mr. titOdk well. went to th?> Si BBSS, Mr. Hichardson wa? retired to the Bench of Ike ('mir: et Claims to get rid id bun. T!ir?*e rretoBed whb men or ten liaaran attacbinS te them la publie eaUmatioa. nuineiy. Mesar?. Belkaap, Wl and Dehn 0 Oalj "He, Mr, Flak, Imp bald oBee tiin.'it'h v.?r?- Bearly the wbob- period t>t Qraat'i two tcrtna. Poor laid down their purtlohos ?Ml iui'tililil of dltf? leie I til- Preeidi ni, In wktck public opinion auataiued tketo ? rather thai] lnui. Xliest- Wet* Me***-. Hum, OSX, Jrweil. and Briatfiw. A NEW SUBJECT OF IN'VK.*_Trr,ATION'. A W.*,SilIN.i'!(?N l'AVI.Mi.M I IBM O-UUMKB WSTO Bl:l:'.l\t? O.N'iiiie-Mrs?A MNAItSTUD MKM XXSt MAKK.s Till .IIAIil.E. [DT TBITlBi-in r<? the IsMBkl Washington, Feb. 11.?The l-U-al Estate Pool Cuiiimit tec of tne liona? . o? which Mr. (_i.iVe.rof Mi??.'uri is t-1'.uuuian, and which, under Its BSMU act,on of the reeolatlea en atlas; It, claims jurisdiction to iti\.s tignt.; the eondiiet Pt almost at y Govcrninc-it ollicc: or any other subject which muy be brought to its attention, thinks thai it luis strucK a new lend ta dlj whieii n.,.y develop ???me ?eaaattoaal testimony. Dorias the <ro\ ??niiuent uf Ike Dtetilel by Ike Beard of Pablie STackatke tii'in of Filbert or Taylor ha_ lar?'?j SSSRkaStB for laying pateen uta and dome; other k.ti'la of work in tiie streets of Wsaktactsa. InkemiiBntlj the partners nuai tiled and the psttaerslllf was dissi'iveil. Dr. T.i?l.?r, one of them, now :ic-u*e? Mr. Filbert, the partner Wks inaiiii.'.il The ilnainuil i_?rt of the baeknaa, of bavtaa u-e?t fBfVOOOet tiie tinn's nemey wttkaalpengfrtngaeattotketaiy stiilsastlsa <>t what he did with il. The bookknpwef the Ann was ?HaBS ?8. Slatter. It Beam tlint Mr OkPtkU ni:?.le leisaiii niyati ii oue mark* in the lio.'ks ..f the rirm, which l)r. Taelor now SSBsnBlBpneeatBMBej* paid tai BMBsksnot tlu> iioum ConMniit?*e?f th.-lu.-t i >ii_:.'ss .,n tke Dtotriel i?; ? ?? Inmbiaaod to ceitain Seiiutcrs. The evKiiii?'.' that Vu i BBO.OOO la qneeUoo wa tkaa need dan not nea t?? t?e 1 very cou.liiHiie. and Mr. FiiIm it has beea nbpeeaed to apvear liefort tke oemiulUea. to?anaw mornlaic. Mi I te-tunony uiay ouaflru Ike naplalona enUrtalaed bj Dr. Taylor amnhe conmiiitce, or may d'.-ja-l tht-in alti._rethi_r. WA8HE?T<_T0N Tones. Wassubotus. ?edaasdar, ten. it. 1077. The Honae Heleet ('??jiimit e?*, of which Feniatulo W...M1 a chairman, eni(HB?'<l in the tke nttymi of aeniliiitt troojie to the 8oiith, and to WhUk tne Tr? ?>1 netit's ?eSSaffB in relation tL.-T-eto had ban r?f. rted, to-d.ii* examined A. C. Hx-kell of South Carinia. r?e teatitle.l that there was ru. UPPmnkn or threut.iitsl ilstarkaBn in ?<?uth cnattaa, either beton ur after the a.?t election, ealllas f? tke taterpoettlnB at tr<wpa. Re iMive a detailed atui'-mant ?tit tke oceopatton of tb -? ? liiiii.-e at Colombia by toldiera under Oen Etncar, aaylnc that he saw the uiri.ii.? on suard laapeotliiB 'U.* certitl rates ui el?-etiotia <>f Bwmben nf tke Aaaemblyn they arriveI, ami that the Mian ??f tke army took their Iri ^t^ll tjuiis fr. mi and acted un?? r the ??rleis? ..f oae ! leoaie and ?7. A. JDir;-. tie lutter t.. Ing private .-..ntaiy to I). H. CfcaBiberlaiB. rbe -uu-c? mtnitlee wiii UHnorrtrw ex Iamlne about i b aitaen in relattoa t.? Inope itst?tniiii at PeteraburK. Va. The Ia-iiisi.itive, Exf-outivo, and Judicial Appropriation I bill, im n |H?rU'd to the leaaSe to-lay. ie anieiule.l by the OsansBSn on ApBsaprtotlan so as la sake all the ibene ? for Halanec eonform to the BBIH-Btr estsMlekiid by tke ', toa ??i la-it year. The bill as paeeed bytkeHoua. ime ! ?rfdn for a g* aanl ndaetloB ni salaries le tke estent ol about one-tenth of the anouato satkortoed by the exiat iii_ law. The ?Seaate Conatlttoe also add an Item of 9639,410 l?i pay jutlitnients of the ?'ourt tif Llauna. AThe Treasury Departaseat La? lafoean.ttoa uf the ik'ifiire of th. MeasnesMs dlstmssy at Milwaakn toe fraud in whisky. This ia one of the tinted asaaans durum the Bftotow whisky raid. The lenient eaane pur? sue.'. ..f u.ii toward all owndera in ttila particular boal neu ??! awtnd log tke ?.? veni-ucnt appeara to bare ?sin Niiiteiitti the above eanbllaBmant, a? ?ts ayaten "f fraud as reputed Is la part aeeordlag to tbe eery metbuddla covered iIu?iik W entaiy Hi;si'>"?".s toar? ment. Owiiij.' to the arduous duties of Ike In Jkstten of Uie Supreme Osait ?m SUB Electoral ?'..iiinils?! .n, the rourt, itl.-teatl i'f l?e(_illliltl!.' Iiil-it'.ess on the l!.t!l itl-t. plirsii::I,t I to adjournment, will take a further ncess uulil the 2Glh lnst. _ ' M0T0B10VR BaXNE EOBIIERS CAPTURED. IHM OP THREE WEM. -KX'iWX B1RGI.ARS TOP. CDMPI.ICITY IN THE NdKrilAMITON BANK kOO Bl.ItV A YEAR AGO. On the iii_:lit <?t ?Jan. L'O, IST?, Join Whit tleny, eaehier of the Northampton .National Bank of Nurtham |i;on. Miss., m BWBlteaed, anil found BBTSB Bmkad m n sisadla j tt1 his bedafale wltk dnwa pistols. Under threat ktS lift would be forfeit? d by refusai, be ON them hi? Key- to tiie bank and <iue of the four ei.iubtn.iito'ii. tti the bank Vailils. Tile ?.Ul-j three e.iiu binatloim, which esnsad the way la Ibe vam.-tble prop? erty m the bfliik. W*n kniiwii only to the president,!! teller, and BBS of tin? director'. SBi b kaoaiag only .?tic, but In nome lajTStnlon maniur which kas never been explained, tile Ii.litM Is. by III' ails ??I IkS "I", 0|ieu?-?l every u.eii. BBd seeiireil uioiiev a!i?l b..:ui? uiuouat iiii^ t.. -?-7'_'?).<???>. Tu. Bsasksn .?f Ike.unklet-ktsnOj weie I. it ''??uiul anil ira_-_t??l. und befen unv atom toilitl lie l?l?en. the rublurs made their BBSBPS. Ki"iii ??iiiriit ?sisara sktaksod it wa.? balk ved that the thhrru had K'oue fiiiiii and returned la N?_-V..rk: but no tie veiopiiietits srsn bbb?s srklefe _?ftie?i tin ir Meatttji From pas', exp? rie'ice, tbe ?eseettrn anil bank ptkout wenc.iiiii.i-iii that tke Ifclaen waald ereataaUy pr?e pan a sasBpnarfn bywklek tkey waald ngaaraateed inimitiiiiy from pros? ???l'li.ti ?>n retiirtiiiu. part ?if the jira, ced? of tin- roblN-ry. TUS Ix-lief proved to lie we 1 biumied, SB i ti;?- a\nt enrtsne ?m basal?, of Iks ?rakto is were made to tbe bank i Betels thruiiitb a law llnu in tbi.s city, i inKctionV l>et?-?-uve A?_cii'*? ua.i in? ri on the lookout fur ins arrangement, and act tied the identity of the beyond ?|ii. ?tioti. The otti. ?r? .?! tin-?...til. were not favorably nicliin.l toa SSaQTSSBSSe, but the deiM.sitors who bad l"Kt their momv- men str?iTi_.-'v in favor uf it. ItafStlattoM have been ?letulinir for the last five mouth??, the detective* meanwhile " shadowing " the The bank utlictr*. we.? vMtaff to pav litiemlly to -?-I a iM.riion of Hie IspSBMs back, but would not agree to K?lel'1 the thieve- from crtlintii'l pr<?*_e?-iiUon. Atlenxth the Mto>f?atlotM v.?re broken >lf an.l Pinker ton'? men made ji?purations t.? , r:e??t tbe nkksSB. ke?|iii?tit)oi'H were Issued by ?iov Kl? e of HsflSBSfeasSttS upon Gov Robin??.n f??r tbn-e men in tbi? ell? ? Janie? Lmiilup, Kotiert ?Me.itt, .iii:.? " Himtiiuc Bob," and William ('?innorc Ou tbe day the rt-tpAPOton ??ere issued the two former Ml the . lty, aud it wa? ti?-lie\e.I kl the de? tectives at the time thai the?, luid fHk.'li tb? ?lana. Thl* proved n>?t to be the caee, lu w.ver, the departure of Uie men at tiiat fiuie SStag a. .?denial. The? bouirh; tiekete for Ki? iitii'.iiil. Va., and ?eft the city on Tuittday u.oiniiut. link, rtt.u'? 'ireney at Philadelphia wan t.-l. graphed to. amt*Diiulup and Heotl were takeji id charit? by ufll.-er? in tu?t city and los keil un wiUioul bail. WiiJiam Counora, a ?mm,1er and ?portiui: man well known in tblaetty, who la ?asi.. ? i. ?| uf :.fin_ one of tue robben?, wa? arreated at -..In. - reetauraiit. at I'nlvemity-pbM-ti and Kie-.eutb et.. by ItViei'iivw. Kleid end ?i'Coiiiior oA the IiintrlrtAttor uai ?.?lu. ?., a.Ued li| liuktrum'- tleUicuvtai, .?atcrO-jr noon. He was locked op In th? Tomt-s wllhont ball and will ite taken to Massai-buiN-it-(..-I n ininfap ami Scut an said to be very successful bank rubber--, mil to Bare I? en cm-airr?] In mitu?* o? the MVp It rot'lu ne? "I tbiaehararier ,-v r i>?-n?ctr.i.? I in Cm? coun? try. Dnulan app?-sr??d In Chic ag i ? treral yi tr? ngn, where he Oral met John Bcrrv. i well-laewa -arta nm> &lar, wbo oave blm his first I<-??*ons In ?afe-hlowli'i. i'ott was then in tbe Juliet pvBliantlar) aeiapaaUa j reb as.* bee -m- afqwalatarl with Berry ami Daalnp. Tue Ban* tx-Kait oiieraiion-? ?iinetlier. tlieir tl-st r?olnl of at? tack bula-* ib. Piral National !?? nk at Barra, W. T. Tula was-it raanaga g*?i . ia entra?e* u>--i ream arar die hank Taalm. Ibrjr eat Itieagb ibi Bean but wen- over beiinl betON tliei-iM lbn?i?;li tbe rr.of of th?* vault. * ras ??apuircd and awtta tin* Auburn Prto-atar Ireyeara Bat traai wiP aooa cv??irc, and ftnra a letter fini., htm. foi iid ta ('intuir?*? pocket feedmOBtJ, It is he. lleve?! thai lie iiil.'iid? to return to bin pn:!???"ii upon ble ral?ate, n neat apneantaea el Dunlap ami-s- it wa? m u mid m 'he i.iii? *'i*-.- T baoea Baal >f laalarHli. bi Marea, i-*7:i. Been tbey were amia ear? o-siui. anderna. <i ich abanl OSOOfiOO labrjndeand ouTTenci. > y rar i lataaiil heftm tbej were attain banra ti.iio. o* Pub. 18,1874, Bee?, Di-nton, "luv. " < um min?. ai.d "Tin*.*' Pljmn, tbe two Latter new ast-nag ?emeneeo la Penii?yivauia ??ru-on for stBei etnaem, ana* ceasfuilv i*;irri"d ont a robbery un ths Piral Batlonal Bank of QBtM-f, 111. Tlicir nUn of .itrs. a wat-fiuiiiar to t!?at ou tin* Katan bank, bj gatalag a .*'?** M r.Mi,; ' lug* premise? ???1 cuiinir rhrouirli tile walla Tue pr-?p Liiy taken fron-(m- ?^ i! "?; hank ? .m-usied Maatu "f .-state and cuiintv beads ef tbe pomlnaJ mtomot8M0-* OOO. Tlie last roli-tterv pr-'vuuis to thai al NurUiao?c'. n wits tbat ol ; be First Nulviml i.uiiK o? IM.-loU. PeBB., in XniiUivi, 1-7". iroiu which tuey ?.--l al out *-4" "?? '? Tin- t!i:e-t? u'e - nil la bat I eonptt.-i d With tbe!? ?ni retamed ..ll azeeni BKMMi TBeii negotlati-tie w.-rc i ar;*.. *d ea 0) tbe law firm through '.vlncli tue cfTcr I?: ?edit the .North.iiiiL.ioii robbery was made The e?>_ ii.-? tiiiii ot tin* erreetaa imn wuh .ill oi tat -? roHiene.? la b?-lieved by tbe dite. live? t?i Ix* establish?*- heyor.?1 a llodlH. ?il.I lb. .1* l*OIi Wi II..!) .- e? llM'lell.l id'UUU. tM*oft an?! Lrunlap ?? ill it Mal to BortbruaMen aa soon as uov. Rice'? requisition reaebea Phlladel| i. la. FOU MG S NEWS. ? m TiiK APPBQACHnra tukkihi war. MURK BfTggltB FM Oft T(? tot. C ?Ll.KD To TIIK HFLD ?war !?_|-MkD nilllWfBT TTTBBlfB PQ8M9BI IS -8818188, I/.\iiiiS, Thuridar, Feb. 15, liCT. A dispatch to The Stunditnl from Vienna tOPOtba Stfiviau Diplomatic Aiient there lias intlumt d that tin tear on tbe S4t8 Inst will order the niobiir.a tli.n of MM more army corps. bits already deeulcd ujion her Hue of action. A la:?-r telt _niii. fnuu Vienna uiys advii-ei from ?U Pi tersbarg, KtabenaC, ota Berna Miente a deti?efl tentl? icy in tbe U n cfioii of w:ir. It is i-m rti d fliat tbc Orarawltek luis ?i- elaiad Uwt tue BMaan-MS-MBt oi war is Hiiinllieut. The Berlin eerrespondent to The Stundard ?ays the iibmiii la again lawehli Mug Iba OEpmBhwtajfii pro? hibiting tbe expurtattoB of barrea trara Prussia. An I.Ticlisb |.liy-?icliui With 1'u-ltii'.-. urniy In Trciiin.ii* writ? s to the Bta_br8 Mouse rbafllebto Oera* mitt., reportlm* that tbe army la iu :i dreadful* on account af tin- liiM'.l'ieieiiev of bospiiul uccoiuliiiMiniioiiA, l.ick of medicines, etc.; that betWMaSO u'ul 88 soldiers are d.iilv, BOi tl>-?'.-er> and typuuid lever have api cured and m spreaoiiii* ramilly. LOMiu.N FINWciKKs in BD8PEHBB. Loaaoa. Wedaaeaap, Pea. it. 1^77. The I'liily NtWP, in its liuinciul iirticlf, s.n - . "Tin ?.lick markets were drooping iluiiiikiioiu tiic* day yi-sttrrdai?, rJeriag at the worst poii.i? t?..u ,u-?i. The ?i.u-e of tins was the iiiii-atl-fuitiiiy tenor of itiforniutit-n from tbc East and minors thai a nip?ire is imminent. V? itiioiit ipw . ^^' 111 ^r nioit* particularly the exact uatiiic et tbe??* riiiiitir?. it wit Midiec to say thai a belief tlmt !u?;ii .i onfaTomble Intelligence b.ul been reeetred n ta? fln? tlial qturtaia waa deemed sofUcient to nrwduee arm? erai wealUM-aa. A belief In ? :. i..i eireu - ii..*; war la Inevitable between Kuanla and Torfci . eaina (round, and little dealre it abewn to extend aaaualuaente la tbe -im ;? inarkci." _ GKHMANY AM? THK PARIS F.XHI!UTI'?V. l?EHi.iN, Wii?ncMlay, K. It. 14, 1877. The BetUfl Eeicli*tiii:tii,tr ?-tilt?'?* that G?r maiiy's iletciiiuiiat'.oii not to paiDcipate in tin* l'..iis E?bibitkm is l. i evo? able. The ?-tale ni a-r.ll^^ w Inch bai? led tbe (mimrun ut to decline te tabeparttbereta la such a?, to pn riudi .... i ..--? lb i.i > o; r> loii.-ideratiiiii. COL. GORDOS APPO?TED OOTEBI?OE ('Mil... \>.:.!li.S'l..y, 1 eli. 11. 1-77. Col. Gordon, the African explorer, hau ben api', ?m? ?1 lioviruorof ibe entire provino?* of tbc .Simian. Thf Sotidiin is ? past tract in Africa which baa been gradaallj ac^ntre-d bj* Egjrpt, Tbe province is fertile, bnl its divel.i|itiient lut? iiecn ri-lardeil hy mis? rule. Tbe iMipiii.iti.iii le aattanatei by .-ir Baaael Baker at l.(XS).(XMi. Tin- Kin*.live purpos, s liuiiiliui' a railroa?! ?toag tbe branch of tbe Nile which pemtiat?-.*, tin* boudau. _ DOM PEDRO AM? THK POPF.., Wmtaeettmj, F.-b. u. 1S77. The F.iniM-ror of Brazil to-day visited the Po;>?*. He e.*.pi*cs.?ed tbe hope tli?t the Pope would, in menid witb the llnizilian ?iovernnient, ai?-lst in rcmov ln? all ecclesiastical ditlicullies in Ilriuil. The 1'ope re plod that tbe Chun li **,.is rather BeeaatOMed to -imioili than to cr.-atc obetaclea. He hoped t?> he able i?? reature raligiotu harmony, which had always been the glury of Bm_il. A GEBMAH BDITOB To I?F. DfPSISOtfED. ui m in, Veaaaaaai. Peb. 14, IB77. Rudolf Meyer, ?-ditor of a socialist newspa? per, bat iiecn sente**?*S >i u? nine BMatbaf Uapr?awnwai for puhllsbina a libel <n Priaoo Btanareb, cb.u*Kiui? bim witu atocl^oltbiag. FOREIGN HOTE& LqBXKWi Feb. Ii.?India Council hill? wen swarded to day at about i lfjd. per rni?ce lower. Lcniiov, Feb. 11.?The gfatfmint writt-en on a gtoee of gaper, tonad In a canister near Whitehaven, ?ajin-', " I.ucy Ilartram, to America, lost in fo?:," lo Droiuibly a hoax. Pabis, r?*b. 14.?A terrible explosion ha.? t.ikeii place In mie of the coal mines at (iiiiisse-nac, in Hi.- iiepai im. nt af H?rault? la Ike matt af Prune?.. lifty-llv. mm. r- are _BO***B tii bu\c p.irielutt. N'iinna, Peb. 11.?Tin* Lower House of th? Betebamtb, by a v?t< al i".". yeas to :?7 nays, bas passed a graatef f300y000 to preiste tbe display rd Aaatrin produc?a in im* Parla Bxbibtttoaof 1-7*?. notwttbataiHt' hg tin* n,,-ni ?ol?-, r-c ti. ntaaoa of tbe 1. ,,'.g, t OMimtttee. LoNi.t.N, Feb. 14.?Tli?* PriTJ Coiuicil has ?lilivei.'d jul-ineiit aicani?: Ibe claim of the Direct Cable OtMBr-aay to aaa uu run ?>f Bewfbaadlaad tor tale? grapnlcparpoaea. r&eaeeiatoi) aits, bowerer, antiel paled l'y tin* eompun.' . m d do<-s not now aliect th'in 1:1 any \?ay. PABI8, Feb. 1 Y?The Conn of Appeal hns contlrmed tbe sentence ; ara Ot BB lb'* jouinal I.r* 1 traits del' llunonr. Tb. Left ( entre bus paeaed a ro??i)lutioiriii lavnr nt ilu- restoration at trial by (ury for press offense?, and ha? taatrneted us harenn to antte wltb thoeeat Ibe oilier -?-?-ti..n- of tbe Left to argtag toeOorernaaat to ebaage tin* attotali ?n t:.. i*n .. Department. SPEflAL ASSERBLT KLbCTlUSS. Hl.l'.lll.AN Kl.ICl'ri? T(? THE ASSEMBLY. Tlie total vole tor Aaeembli man in the I.-? District yneterdap wa? a-* follows: Hrrri?_i ?Tain.) I.6BS Meafaaaa tlnrt.) . l to Mom I Hep.).. -.-. . -^taii run? . 17d (irmte? ll'.ep.,. M77 ? John H. Banrlgaa"! ptareBtJ over John Moore, ?Jt?H. BBBBPKfT BLBCTBP IN OBABOB iSJOWJI. Middi.i i"W\, N. Y.. Feh. M. ? In the -spe? cial atoOttoB in till lhe A?s.-mt)lv iac.iu-*y In ibe lid Dis tiict, Oraaga Obaatjr, yaete**4ap, Jafea Van im-ir Ueue m V.'.?.??*, ick., wa,. elect?-?! .r. it* ( has. V,'. l'iiii-,'.*a-s ut l'or, Jan la by aboal 90C *aa|wrttj. Tun vole war light. ^^_^_^___^__^__ TKI.Ei.HAHHIc NOTEt. Viivri'FiiFK. \t., Felt. 14.? ?,o\. Fairbtnks bni? Sp|?.il(ll?*l II. I* ->|-?n< . ( *-.ll|?:nil(eatlB|il ol Ilie ^U.te I'nrsXI. Ci.itK?! .si. N. BUFeb. 14. -A .liiiiiiliter of War? ren i:?kintiiii was laiaily burned lier.* (o ?lay, ber cicUi, ? tiit. ma nr?* trout a auivtt. I'liii.M.Ki.PHiA. F.I.. It.-?Hent-r Lena Omxi at an earlv bear 'lu? ui'iniius from tin effect? uf (hi-..u riven to lier b*. ?hMaba iiy a iirugf_.l, In -?utter, i ;,.? ?iru?nrl?t baa :?? --n Bire?iteil. IsDiWAHui.iM, F?*b. 14.? Ad vices fnnn \ew-<>r ieau? stsle :hnt I)r M. M W slmM. -?nii.rlnienileiit ??( ihr < ?i iiiuf.ii*? llomeal Kii.irhtslowti, 1ml.. l,wa ?MiuuullUol ?ui- ,ue at tlie si Jbiui - H .1.1. lli'.iuc.yr >Ki. Conn., Feb. 14.?Col. Henrv T Toin lltiMin. ? vicUnt <J Ilie Asbta'uils<liaa?ter wu Imried lier?- 1.1 day wilh Baaouic liomu? bv lianuiuiu cuuiui-mirri-, KuigtiU 1 .-ti.i '.af. ol w im u he wa? a m.-uiber. I'llll.SHI-1.1*111 A. Feb. lt.--KotxTl "*<i?tt illld J. P. Dnnlafi. . li?r?r.*.I wilii baviBg Ikwh t.uiii-nini in '.lia .N ..rt?._in|i Um. Maas-, bank rabbwry in .lanuary IhTu. i,.?: a |.in.uiii.?r) beann? laefore a po'tc* t!iinrl?tr?U* to.Uj aod were c-mraliu?d iu ui? Co luly PruMMi m ilctsuil ot Uail u, await s luruioi hear 10.4 1 a. aclAj, TU?: NATIONAL VOTE. A PAT OF A RU I nHIT O.*. LOnSIA TI1K DkMl??*KATS ALAIN AI'I'I.Y T?. lit) 1IKMINI kKTt'RNH?THK IH)t;sRPRUNOrNCr.8 ,Vl_OB11>i TU. DEN. Spc-i'clii'H wire ni?ide before the EW <'??iimiis?ii?n y.'st?.ni.iT by Meiwi-a. Carp? ami Trumbiill, 1st the i-iiwiimli. a? to vote? ,?f Louisiana. Tli?- latter off? red p Four hour?? \v??rt> allowed to disnu. the mis.sii.iutvt)t ?,?-. Mi. Trntiibtill h this l?rai,?li ?,f the argument, ami M? 8HN__fhtm an?! sli. Haiuu-irer repli.*?1 tot RkpnbUeiat, The f*m?tatfcin showed a l*o<?it ion t.. hii-.t. m iiiiiiti th, anil a decision to-ni-ht i_. mill look.-,, for. The H???is. Ki'Iiii??-,<< n>?,.hi.l yesterday l?y a f vote that Florida had pone lor Mr, Til Tin- same nsolutioii will l?e .'.?iopie.l ?u I.nili-iiiflil. If is fliiniiht liie l?fl,|0! Kit), trmiist* ?lo not intend to al.ide by an a?h decision. A Eli VIEW OF THE FIELD. THTEBDAY-J. IPEECRB& * 8KKTCH Of THK UM <?F ATIA? K AM? IOTI ?MtMM IIOI 118 ?IP TAI.KIN?'?T11K lAl'tlil.K CNMiiVKO. ?BT T**l_F<.RtPTI TO THK TRinfVr.l Wa-IIiv';i.,v, F.I.. 14,-The fllBIIBlBBillB I semble?! at 10 o'clock thin moruna, and Mr. I pentcr occiiii.-il an hour in liiiishing bht ?j* He ?aaasamd tafsd saaa_afa_d bj lbs associai of the Supremo ( ? uit t?. iiia.le ariose legal? ment, ?mi not U? indulge in the ti..n?l tkyh oratory in which In- is n.iially quite su? . . ??? Only for a few minute at the elan <i:?t lie gira ?, ?Mil a little lein in tin? reliant. Alter lie hail i chide?., the t|ll? ??ion uf evidence. V, hah 1,,. ?m,| two DesaocrBtk ohjoetan s !.?. had ?preceded him treated .i* if slnadjr decided m th.-ir favor.was ni by Judge Tniinbull. It had apparently bsea 1 ba_k in order t.. g.un time tor stgllSSStll beyond four hours ami a half 'which lbs ndn all???.? Jadas Triimhui! watif.-il to gthat the evidenc* I?ii*?'?'iii.-al, and to make a i'i? ciii SB tbo adaiiflBl ity <?f .'?i_li lttiii. Tbe i'oii?ui?'??m ret'iii! d trot* BfeSBtCt, tiniv.'ver. ami knfltotad thai the whole o should iu> eooaolldated in a lump. The counsel ??? pnparad forthis d-cfarioa, for t!i.-v\it aoes pr??lu a p.iiiiiihi.f. which Jadgs Tranholl bagan read. The pamphlet ?-?uisisted of about 20 ein pr.nted pagea. and contained a _)tat??m couched in t'orin.-il and verl?i-_' phrases o? evn?? the l> iiiturars want. .1 t?i .lil'.-r. It win igBSSnd the plain ami |>ositi ve ?i?. Moa in the Klor SBM ami psapesed that the Canariflsssa. should au if seit' an apsaUata retiiruiuir hoard to revine all 1 iwt? uf the L?iiii"i:ii?a board am! to go ?ehin?! it a compfle the ocifina] returns from the peeeinet m Ms al election. It proposed Ibtthiii unan sstaldiih irregularities, irftttapinftn, lr ad , corruptions ainn.-t without number. t final papes of this extraordinary doeaassat m heilig read by Sir. ."derrick, who had tu BBBto t?? I TriiiiibiiH's relief, Mr. Can""?*?''' was at wo writiBg ab?n.'iial StTenof pr'?of, which '?.?-r.- is ill ciiii.-lii-i??!! fruit h:.? iiiiit.ii?? ript. If tb" ('..?nun '?inn sbaald decida t?? admit all t sridaaea specified, sad tb?'? ihottld hear rebut ti I'vi.leiir.' anil S?9W the Hepiibiicans, as would only just, to put in their STidi ace of inti?aidatu the SBBS . ??llld rot lu- Biased ?'? ttliili !'-?s than A y.;i time. This ?tatctueiii, which i? by Basseaasaxa (anted, ?*_aws how MMfoaghl*. ttstafsssksas t I )??::. i.e. ill? method <?_ e(in<lti?'ting the co-m There an- only L3W0-__Bg PMSJt before the -.vl*. I'l-r-ltb'tltial qWBtiSSI IllUSt be (lee,.led, if ever, ?It yet lbs PssBiuislte oooassl lay out a legal eaatpaii ?if inaiiy mouths and ?l.-maiid that the CdBBnissh ?kail give then lean t?? ssaeiaid with it, aa i?a!n, case uf IBfnnl. of Intiiig denounced for sastaiofa fraud. JadgS Truinbiill asked f.?r three huurs' time < both sides ta argas the q-ntion at adinitti-tg tl e, idetwe, t:n-1 ? bs m a?l.!itioii t?i the time sllow? on flu- main ateae. Ju.li_e OtlBBg SSBTSd to ailo two liuui??. .-" piapased thai ss_ the* sh?>ii!?l Lave four hours SSI tin- whole SBM BS sKhmI, then if the (.'?mini-?-ion slmulil tlceiile not I admit the ?vidente a liual decision could b?> hu witluuil fiirih.r aii-iinieiit. BenakM Thiiriuaii ?m ?BBtBd that the ?vidctn?.? should ha SSStoidsSBd as i but subje.t to objetitiuii?, and that the anrtiniei -iiuiild procetd on that assumption. S-nat? Bavard suK'iiisted that the evidetm should b?t n gaided m psatad, bat in ?n a detaanar. Mr. Kvan pfotested ssjaiasl his skis being riinsi<l?-r.*?i aa a* nutting any enden???? satside of? th.- oerti?eatn i in. Most ?f tl.?- Cornais donan sin andasagga lions ?r brief SlgBIBBIllS OB the ?in? stn.n. At tl. and ?f halt an b.tur ut informal di.-i-us-ioii the ro was sailed on the pending motions. TbefltstWi an aiueiidiiiciil by Mr. liiiirinaii t?? Jti.Lv Strong Bsntion to itivc thue hoiii-s iastaad of in? to a side on the interlocutory gasstJoa C eviil.ticc. Mr. Tbanaaa tir-t Btade it foui bat he won ri-uiiiubsl that the wnaitosl had oui aaked f??r thias haaxs. His ssasadawal wa? isjeeta by Yeas, 7; Nay-, i -a p.".ri> rote, Beastnt la1 Bands.?iib-iitui?' aas tbsa r. j??-t. ?l ?11-> il?au? Judge Btraas/s maina pasTBilsd aithoal a bob sal A ruling vta? afterward made by the CoaUBBH_W whnh pansittad eoonsaltaan any portion of th tune a.-j-tigiieii l??r the tliscus-iuii of lbs main iastic 1 toagtbea oat tin-ir aUownm uu the qaeetna of ?evi ?letlie. The edeet of this decisioti of the < '?niini.? WS thai tb?-.\ signed tin- inerits of lbs sotfoscan sbon as Bssustes Pdmaads bad psapsa?d th. y sboald. K_ -. Batee rrtiiiiiiullr..?pe!ie?l -be r?galai debate wttl a -|..*c. h of nearly two hour.V Isagth iu b. half of ih? li.-iii.i?nits. He followed on the tra? it ??(Mr. Car paatat pi.-tty sksaty, but making a jptber mor. .?.iiipact an.i in n? bant argiitnent. Afterward E W. Steagbtoa and Jodgs Bhsllabargst spuk.- for th? U.-piiiui. an?, both staking Strang logieml sfgaanak admiritblv bxtueA with citations of aiilli..riti.i from siatui? s nid .lecisioiis. The main soiats m lbs Bignments ?>f the Dssaa fiats stilt?-?! in the smallest SSSBP-M arc h follows: fink, thai lbs Laaaasaa Bataraini Besad had as aatbnHj t? eaa**_a tbeiatarafn i'reel'lelltial 'le? tur?, is.? ?MMS lbs law <?f l*-T*_ .T?-ilt nig tin- hoard .1??? nuf nj expressly that tiiey shall don. M-'.'tully. that if tin y |.us-.?ed tile jsiwer, fhe> di'l not BBSS-in it in >> to law, having thrown out returns without the legal foundation ol proof n.|iiir.-<!. and tliat their sets BR therefore tetj?. Tinrdlv, that if _bs hOB-d h:ul the ppWBTtoBBBTBai tlit- vote t??r ?-l.-ctors. th.-ti th?- ?ElsBtetal ?'ull'-gi had aa panes t?? lili raeaaeinl heeaan lbs Bleetasal law ut 1873 i-psabsl lbs sdssle <?f lbs law of i?-?;* whi?h eoatBinad tba oab provision for tilling ?Mtol rajSSSMSSB. Fuurlhly. thnf lbs arts Si th.* buat.l an* void I..-, am*?* th.- SBM I acuii'.. BBSa it >.v__s u?t lilb'd by th.- appuinlineiil ol a lieim?. int. Fifth!?, that the iH.ard .on.-pinsl t.? disfr.iti.liis?> It'.oiMi voters, and to the will of the people ; that it returns, and that it I orniptly sAsad to at-II its ver? dict, ami that tii.r.Iuie it.? do MSSBS are ..I no etleet. >i\tlily. that two of tiie Have- de. fur? -verr dis .jttalltied me Federal orti. .*>, ami that tbe \ ;u ?nicies r.iiitd by t! eir Stsseuce lr?.in the college could not be fill? d. S. v.'iilhly, thai Sftbs HayaSSSSttSBB were ?Bfaah_sd bf the Mate ( onstitntion by iiuld ?ug btotr ottneti. KightJily, that Kellogg, aa (?.ver n?r, certified to hia own ?h? non aa ele<-f<?r, aud that his certiti? ate wa? th?*?reforr not ralitl. Neither the I?. iii.srati. counsel nor the ohje? tors hare mad? any aeriona attempt to uphold the Tilden returns. All llieii effort ?a i-?:i. entr?t. .1 u|miii hi? ak uig duwu tiit: tins at ul_iia. lb* litpublic-iia do fcnil the latter returns ftotn the attack upon them ano answer the D?mocratie points as follows : First, they demonstrate by the law an?! hv the de? .sinn?*) of the Louisiana Supreme Court that the Returning Board ha?l full aiitlitfriry to canvaaa the vote for electors. Seconilly, they aie-ert that if any pr?> visimis of the statute aa to proof of intimidation I were disregarded, such provisions were ?lirectory and not mandatory, and the failure to comply with them did not invalidate the acts of the ls?ar?l. Thirdly, they sho'v by a Uuited States Supreme Court decision and by an array of other high judicial authority that the law of 1872 can? not he interpret? ?1 to work th? n>?peal of the section in the act of Inox which pr< for liliing VacaaSBBB in the F.Iectoral College. Foiirthlv. the failure to till the va. an.-v in the Ixtanl by the ap? pointment of a Democrat, they assert, was a disre? gard of a ?lirectory re*|tiircinent, reprehensible no ?loiibt, bnt not affecting the jtirisdictmn of the i board; numerous decisions are cited to sustain this posjli.iti. Fifthly, th?>y ?leny all the charges mtwle under this hea?l ?in partisan allegations. Sixthly, they argnc t'iat Congress, snd therefore th?'('?Im? mission, cannot a? into the question of in<-limbility ; iti th.? rases of the two electors Levisse and lire?vst, r, they claim that they were legally put in to ?ill vacancies and that they were eligible at the . time they voted, havuig previously resigne?! their I'd. ral '?tin-en they held at the time of the election. .Seventh!;., as t?) the electors holding State, they .leny that tiny were disipiali.ied. ?ml aascit that a State cannot add to the causes of ineligibilrty prescribed by the Federal Constitution. Eight lily, it is ?hown that (rov. Ingt-rsoU o? Connecticut once cerfitici! tohislowft<>lei'tionaHelecf<ir; <?<?**. McEnei-y al?., ccrfili.-s t.. himself :w* an elector. If cannot be denied that the Republicans have very stici.'ssfully met the assault upon the legality of the Returning Hoard sad Mto validity of the Haves lefiirus. As to tin-<?<irruption and fraud so fre*?lv charge?! ngainst th?- board, there is nothing in eviilein?? sustaining tiie aeeasatisae, an is the door likely to be spsaasl to :i<'.tuis. ?neb i-vid'-iice. The legal point* airatnst the jurisdiction of the board wi-re the only ones likely to prevail with the Tril?'.inal, as laws BBS ?always in evidence. Th.* Republican eoaaatl ?>?ly ?lev ?t.-d tli-ir .?kill and learning, therefore, chietly to repelling tin- sttaeh ?_:-? this line. LflBg Jui!(_e She!labarger finished his speech daritnen invaded lbs court-room, aud was only partly ?inven out by the feeble |licht*J of the stearin I candles, which were the onlv illumiiiatinir auein-v obtainable. Af 7 ?.VI?" k Mr. shelhibarger closed. The Commissioners, in their zeal to push the busi Ben .'ilu'iic. were .lispos.-d to go on, although tliey had sat continuously for nine hour??, with the exception of one neon of .I0 minutes. Mr. Evarts. whose turn came next, was too much fatigueil to ?p??ak. how evi-r, and an adjournment was vot?>d until 10:1."? to tuurruw. According t<> the ratingBS to time there ncsaia five hours mute t.. bs aeeapied in argument. It is tin-1: mi I'.eiirnr.iiation of the <.'< mmission to go through with filis lo SSOIiaw, and to reach a decis? ion if jMissible to-morrow night, so that a report can be made to the Joint Convention on Friday. A new* feature in t.?-?lav's pn>?-.???dings was the fre qneney with which lbs Coauaintonan Interraatad i ibs eonneel with qaeetloas, sanatissas asking f??r in format ion, bur often to bring out some point that would ?sttengtbea the po?-if*i?iii of the party to whom the question belonged ?r weaken that of the op pneing party. Oa several occasions counsel and ?iBJnwinioneis ladalged in an animate?! colloquy with saeb other. REVOrXrioN' MEDITATED, ru.: ?90VS8 r?Et i.vr.KS tii.i.fn gUBCTBB in MtAMMtOA ?V. U. F1EI.I? inVIN.i T.? ORiiAMZ.*" A BOLT. |by iBtsaBilB t<> nil* miBt-.E.l WA-niN'in.v, Feb. 11.? Th.-re has been general comment to-night over the action of the House to? day in passing the r?solution <?f tl.?? Florida Commit? tee, deflating Tildaa elected in that State, and over tiie u,v. .?fixation by Mr. Field's Committee of the qoestioB ut the iii.'ligiiulity of'hal??-c. an elector from Illinois, when lbs \ otes of both of those States have been counted lor Hayes by the Joiut Conven? tion. Utic interpretation of the matter which possesses considerable plausibility is that these things are pan of a plan by which David Dudley Field and Ibs more extreme Tilden managers ho;??* to induce the Iloti.??* at some stage of the ?.?milling, in case the ?'oiinii.s.sioii decides Louisiana to he BBS*Hajos, to ?birlara thai there baa been n?i eb'Ction of President, and ?if one?.' proceed to elect Mr. Tilden. It is cer? tain that a number of influential Democrats here still assert tin? right <>f the House to do this at any stage of the procei-dings. They maintain that this right, being constitutional, cannot be taken away by the Kl.'coral lull. The same class of men talk about lin*-ikinj np the Commission by tbe resigna? tion of the Democratic ssenbsn ami Ibs refusal ?>f the Huii-e to li!l lbs vacancies. Kepublican? are not in tbe least disturbed by these imlicatnins. They tnl con t'nleii t that a large, number of Democrat-? will steadily oppose such measures and defeat th.-t:i by their votes if necessary. Fmler the nil<> governing the count than is no species of til i husten :?g possible that will not laaafes a major? ity ?rote to carry it on. iBSPSBM of vacan? n-s on the Cotia hal?n, the agreement in writing signed Ity Senator BteaoBBBB ax tin part of lbs Senate Democrat?, and by Mr. i.amar on the part of tlm-e m the House, Unding their parly in each house t?> till such vacancies, wuul.l of itself make it impossi? ble to carry the honorable men on that side for a proposition to take sitlBBie ground. It is understood that the next report to betaken up i- Mr. Mi.rrison's. and tiiat an attempt will be Biads to give a)i opportunity in the HoSMS for all the ; mciiibers to make the ipe-nftita they have prepare?! i and tbeo ?helare by Tote, as htCBM of Florida to i day. that tbe Tilden slecton in Louisiana were sleeted. Thiseoaneis expected iiiiine?liat?lyaft.-r the d?cision of the Electoral ('oininission. Mr. Field went on to-day faking testimony in the l.i.iu-i.iiia .-a-?'. The gianad he is still trying to cover relates toB gaSBtian abant which no one ex? pects tin C.iiiiiiiission to admit testimony ; and this persistence af Mr. Fi.-ld h.-lps strengthen the con? viction that the ultimata- ?'.??sii.n of th? se acting with him is to induce th.- Bean if possible, to proceed to .?led Mr. Tilden President. AT GOV. H\YE>S nOME. THE WntOCBSTS ?OSSaBABTI .KI> ? T1IKIB Dn*K.\r tOXXt Y BCKnOWl FIxiKIi. ; HT Ifcl t?.K*I il ?JO THK TKIBI'NE.] CoUTMBtrS, Ohio, Feb. 11.?Th.- feeling __inon_f all daSSH here as to the decision of lbs R?BOtSSal Com? mission ?s about tbe same. Th?-re art? very few DeanSBBtB, either in the Legislature or among lca?l iug members of tliat party, who do not now BSSBBSis I tbar ?K.v. Hajrn will I*- dnlaiad President, ffbsa questioned as t?? tb?> situation I he melancholy repip? is, '* We are wr?-- ked ! Ve?, all gone to pieces and past redemption." Fp to Mouday iiuou their hope? w.-iv sinnig, but after the vote of Florida had been de.lar.-.l f??r (jov. Hayi's. and the speech of Mr. ? .hi from In.liai: i, their conli?len.__ de BSttsi tu? m whul'y, for the first time since tli?> election. Mm It of Iheii hopes MM bits?.! ?m the power of the House to ? the ?..uni until after the lib of Man b. nut thus ?ecu..- au- | , otber election. A prominent State ottlcial nid if ] tins wan mseassfal be had as doubt lbs BepabUsaas i would again nominate Ikiv. Haves; but should any ta.nv. utiou again attempt to force Mi Tilden ou tbe lMiiioeralic party, th.-re would be one of the grand? est fights ever witucaseil iu thin courtly Tho?. Deiiiocrtt? who were most opposed to Mr. Til ileii's nomination, and who di.noiiuuMl the Tribunal ; at m-1 are not surpriMsl at U.<* decision? mi tar 1 made, and speak iu tenus of praise of the ipceeh i uisdc by Mr. Carr. ike tank and hi. uf (lie parly seem to h.i-re lost .ill interest in the ?neceas ot Mr. Tilden, and, outside the office-seeking clasa, little interest i? manifested as to the final n?nit, nearly every one conceding the Prc?iilencr to ijov. Hsree. '??iv. Hayes and wife returned from Cincinnati to-night _ THK REJECTION OF VOTES A PRFCKUKVT FOR IT IX PKN VSYI VA *SIA?IXTIM-? Dation is rot_ m'-clcrk's B8HB8881 [nr rr.i.ri.iiAPii to thb MBBBNkJ Wi-BNfM; Feb. 14.?Rep-iMiran p?ili ticlans from Pennsylvania who have been list ruin- to the arifuineiiti? on the Ilemoerarie -ode In tbe U?ul*liina can- say that in important pre<*e?leut ha? he-n astab llshed in their own State for tbrowin-* out vote? oa account of alleged Intimidation. Tlie ease was that of the contcN-ted elei-don of .McClure asainst (iray for s (mut In the Htate Henate from the IVth lUstrirt ot Pennsyl? vania. A special ole?-tiou was held In J.uriary, 1S7*J. to fill a vacancy. Col. A. K. McClure wa? the Liberal and DetiHa-ritf I?: candidate, and Col. (iray the Kc'.mbiicun. Col. Gray'? ma)ority on tlie fa?*e of tbc return? waa 8?1 voles, and be ?wt ?Ivt-u the certificate of ??!?-< ti?.?i. Aft. r be had been admitted to his seat In the Senate, Col. ll(;Clum gave notice of a contest, and Hied hi? petition, setttUK forth that (?ray's e.ieo tlon was seeui-cd by " fraud, violence, sud intimidation of voters," and tbat the election was not a " fair and freo one." The Senate appointe?! a commute* to investigate the case, in accordance with tbe provision? of the ConsU ttition of tlie Htate. the chairman belm-ex-flenator Mai ka lew. Harry White, uietubcr-cioct to ilie next Camareta. was out ut tin? K.-piiii ....-tn members. Tue committee ?at six weeki in Philadelphia takln** the t?-stiiiioiiy of per ?on? who had vot?-?l at* the .election, and examined ?p wanl of 1,000 wl'nesscs. One hundred and ?evi*nty-?wo llb-iral votes were guowu to have la-en csst The?c wre not sufficient to overcome the 81)1 majority by which tirar was reti?nit"sl ; hut the coininittee, on the ?roil : id that " Ir mil, violence, and intimidation of vot?is" had been proved m ten election dis? tricts wliem tin? rote stood l.S'io for ?iray to 7Hfl for Me?; ire, rrdeetad tbe entire rote In th??s<* district?, tnue defealln*/ ( ol. (irsy and nivim* Col. Me? lure tils ?cat by a majt.n'y on tbe ?niendetl retama "f 22X vote?. A mliiiuitv rerwirf. written by lii-u. Wnife, was prepared ami ?iii.iintr-ii to toe State kanato "in. tin- rayen of tua niiijority. Tue tinij rity In tbe eon.'liidniir maarfca of Its reiM?rt used t;ie following laagaafp : "The commit??-? h.:?.-fouiitl thai b;, lin* rejection or tbe fraad eut re turi'-i fmiii the ten divlahtas iiefore mentioned, and by tbe correction of ratal in ot-ber til visions as heretofore stated, tbe uin'orlfv of SOI for Col. (,n'v ii|?oii lhe t-en eral return of iba district is ravened, and a majority of ????i voies eetaWiabed ia favor of Col. Mec?an. Their eoaelaatofl, therefore, mus? be that the latter was duly i-ctiator 'nun ?lie IVth DtaOrtot to fill the vacancy oc? ii.-ioiie?l bv the death of Uearga Carroll. lat<* s?uator elect from tue saine diotrlct." taMing tb??*?. ?-v't'i were nieuit'ers of the pp'.msrh sola BeeafM at the time thia ooearred was United Btatea BeaatoeWaBeea*, then r?.v.?? ?entllli? Lirai field County. A MSCONCERTIMl WITNESS. On OF MI!. FIELD'? IMPORTATION? fRo.M trW-'iR. taWAMO IBBRflBB TUB BBVBB8B 88 what wa? EXPKCTKD. Int TKl.F.ORAPll TO THK TKIBC_t I Washington, fob. 14.?The Dem?crata of the Plcld-Kmitt committee met wltn a sudden and uuex ?iecti..l f lilitro in the case of on?; of tin ir ?et to-day. The assistant secretary of the Returntnir li-iurd waa overlu ard a few week? ago to say in Jiew-Orleana that if tbe true luwardae-* of tbe hoard was to lie Mated by all concerned he propiaicd to tell what he knew. This was report, it li. re aa a threat atrainst the Republican?. He was at once summoned, and since his arrival he has been treat?-?! with distinguished consideration by the Democrats and carefully -ruarded ??*.-( he ?houlj he led astray by the Republicans. To-day be was called ami the Deiuociate were on rip-toe to hear wbaf he would say. Mr. Field ?traduaiti) worked .: m-. .1 up to a ?mint where the Important question which was to prove that there wert? fraudulent changea In the returns ami fix them on Wells was asked. Tb. an? swer was the exact op|Mislt? of the Ii.-mo- I atS wanted. The witness kuew of no chanc?** helm; made. One mor?; attempt was matte In re-.ird to another .m I'luiai.t point where it was expected hi? testimony would startle tbe Bepahttaaas, bal thi? alee r- salted in a flat failure. Tbe witne-s win. bad keen oi.uii.cil and i-n ; -rtanie i at much trouble and expense was rclu< tautly diomissed. THE OFFICIAL F ROC FED IN OS. Mil. CAKI'KNTKR SEBUMS*. LOII-IA.VA ELKCTlON LAV Vull). Washington, F?-b. L4.?The Kl?-?-ioral Com*? mission assembled promptly at 10 o'clock this inoniinir, and resumed tlie procc-edin***? ?o abruptly broken off at Mr. Carpenter's earnest solicitation last nia-lit. When Mr. Carpenter rose to continue, he thanked the Commis? sion for tbc humanity they bad dUplayed m perrotttlntc him an Intermission until morning. He ?tat>*?l that, o?. tnir to the di*:i(*n*eable antl ?jiffoeatin- odor from tb? candle?, be really could not have stotid on his feet 20 minute? more. At the outset of hi? remsrk? t.t-day, Mr. Carpenter re? ferred for a moment to a question juif to biiu by Senator IMniuiids iu that part of his ar-cuuu'nt yesterday temting to -?how that elcci.irs were Pe-doral and not Htate officer*. He referred to a laofe number of person? who are con? fcsM-tll.y (iovernment officers who are not after all ap- m pointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Comnilsi-iuner (i.irtleld here liirerru;it<d to say that the heads of departments of course appointed. Mr. Carpenter?There are no such distinctions la the Constitution, Commissioner Oarfi.-ld?I think you will find the !an gaaga i?. " Such Inferior otllcers a? Congre?* may direct may be appointed," Ac. Mr. c.ii-pi-nter?The question i? not whether this man ts an inferior or superior oflicer. The question l? whether he i? an officer of the United States, aud tbe clause here winch require? the President to commission, i? that he shall commission all officers of the United State?. An In? ferior officer is an offl-er. Tbe clause would, of course, include the Inferior as well us the superior. Mr Carpi liter then turned to the subject of the Return \un Hoard. He -aid : We shall show that this Returning Board exclut!.*d some ?>,(??) to 10,000 votes ?riven for ilu* liideu electora so-e.i.let). We cLiuii that that la\7 under wi.ieh (hey pre? tend to art was, in (he Ont place, wholly iinoonsdtu tlonul. The Constitution of the State of Louisiana IS peculiar. It provide? iu Artkle 7A tbat ?? the judicial power shiiii he reatad in a Bagreate court, in District ( ?lints, m P iiisiiCourts, and Jaettoea at tbe Pi*a?*e; ami then after <lciihi-K tbe duties or tin* Dtott-M < tout? thus Uielill-liid, it provides, Article UI. '* X.i judicial powers, except as coiumittiuit BMgletralaa in ciiuiiual cas? s, shall be conferred upon any? oltieers otiu-r-ban than iiienllohcd ill tin? fltlc, except such as may lie ueceassrt* in toarae and cines, and lb?* judicial powers of ?iicn ..Hi..T*.,-u.i.l not extcud luriln-r than tue eoj/ulsau?*?- of ?.it. .*: -es -riataa under the nolle?- reeatottoa m Uta to i ua .111.1 Cities Of the -lite." Ill IhtS CoUHlllllliOU tillTc ,?, ilierrfiiiT. nnaartra laagaaga tortBddlag tbe Lagietotara to lias-* any jiidii lui imwer Whatever in any ?ssiy BXecft tin- eourta BMettonaa m tbe Bret par? ??f ibe( onetintioa. Now. Be-eueaaSaad88 ?f the Eleettoe law of Ur7Saa> doBbtedly preti ud to conlur judicial power upon tito Ketiujiiioi H-uird. The iinriicst penalty that can be visited upon an Amer lean OillaiTB la dlsfruucbles-uienl. Now, what **oillil bo said ot the statute puaai bv a Baattan Siate which? should pioM.le tbat the vnt?*s of ail colored eltii? no i.i n-'-ei*. tit add deisMit?*d in the imx but should not l-e r.u.V.tened, and have no effect in ?1. Ii r n..i.,n?- the eU-ctlou. Would not everybody call that a palpable violation of (i.e ?i.irlt ami purpose embodied in the Hftoeatb Ain.n.lnieiit t Weald ii"' every lawyer ?ay ihat disfram i.itM-meut had b.-ei. vii-.i. d in ibe remit,aad that to rete, aatba weaa is u?<*il here in the Constitution, means not merely the n?(hi to BaaeaM the ballet m me i??x, but to count u ami make it ciiVctual m dnleiclalBg tbe n -uii of ':.e tleatlaa ; aad ?auUdng ?huh mrenti tant m auy rd Uto siag?*s ui Which the vote ts uncle effective Is liw put la lhe halbii-hox and counted m tbe final reatilt, wolUil tie in-?, mini. Now Iban, a power ?'tV.ic.l loaie tiirnnifc Isianl to exclude the vote of a whole parish l? a power to vlnit dlsfranchment ii|h?u the peopis of toat parish, aud tint i? jtnlu-ial power, i her aie oy Uils law to exclude votes under certain i-ir.-uuistaii? i.e. ana .!*? |0 decide ll the circumstances exist. Is hot Cat au el or. Ise of judicial power t And a-',mi at un* sa) of tins secii-ui that it ? contrary to the lli ?. principies of law and let lee, and ibe luaimie of tin* ? iinstl.iti nulifion, and all tbe pniu*i|.les ol aeefc iy that olio man sbouui Im* pui?i-.ue<l lor anotUer um.,'? tau.L \ et in la iu -lana this is visited on a liions.iu?t p, o |ilc at once mhIh-uI a baartag. The} tusy aa to 'he . rtl.-j of tbe l?tnet ( otirt in then* csuutv and'And no i i'?i ,o whatever which may ?lye a itiuiuiiik i*oard juiiadlciauu (o pnx eetl, aud y?*t Un.rd. HIN) u.ile-i iwav. ?ltliitg la aeeni if aaadto-Hgbri at aridaigbt, te exeiaa-ag tb u? Votes, slid VIHltltlK U1?.U tltt-u_ lite Tel) eouse.|U.'licea whlih vioubl lie VIBltoii IU ?* m*--tuen? e of the J.|i!?ui. a? convicting ?hem of some cxnne. We s..y lor that naaon that electleii Uw is void. TH- LAW KXCKKDKI?. Mr. Car)?entcr then ?aid, " lint let*%ia . Hti?-...le that tliat law i? i?-a 'ectly 'a nl ; there I? md a man In hi? ? ..i> I hink, 'li.-t will claim that ?ucb a law, vewliutt ?u B ?wei puiK ?*?|iii m .-? by the atl.ou of s board ?oie ?Hivd of four politicians, sitting alone sud te seeing shouiti be ?tieuibcd iM-yond It? letter." He Una p? , ee.lesl t.. m jo- Hen He '.?".ir.t did exon*Bd IIS Juri*-. ?? Una. lie uital Umc ?? ?o.ui?us id iba Bbamea