OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 10, 1878, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1878-01-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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awnocmcitfoani fBceimfi to-ym.t.
!-i? .;?* i * " RlehBid II!." V ' ?'?'?
in 4. ? ; tite ( nn-'.""
: *,\i..' .. i!-i i. Uel ?-. - Wondere.
I ,,,-?.. . -,. ?' -.'i.i- M-..J.f-V:i.
ll :. 'a i ?! ?*."
; "The oi .1.-1 Aee."
!? \*. I l: V' '-" <> MlS 'Ul !.-? ?
I | '? The Maa of BoeeeBB.
Vv vt: v i. - :;;. . iik " Won at Laat."
*,, 4". 4M .* "ii -1 c ? 17
.,4, M.i -i, oi ni -ni Loan liiiu'"'. -ni.
v v. -, irk tui nm a- U v bi tl i ' riina. _
Jnbci ta ^Dycriiscmetus.
if,; I ,-.. 3d illl'l Ith '*.ill!!lir..
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-.?ii. vv..-: vi. .M.Mii.- 3J I'apt ithenlnma.
? ;.,:* nn Dl'ATII* '?"> /'"f ? ...
.*,, i- -<l /?it-/<--(iii! i"inn.n -, nt.; I'apc-.i'Ai.
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?_,, |? ; . . , ..?.;.* - 6th colatnn; < oi n
? ii -3 I ,'?,?.' !i-:n illll ".
\. .. i.- - ?'.,- . ' / t 3d i ilumn.
ftasinrsfl ."ionrco.
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ll,' 'i; : ''!..* i*v?;-." I : ' ? '
ptii.ii.'i'.t-it eoiiiiilctc, ln Trlbmie Soi Extr* So. 14. Irtie,
I; u i -. I'vi.iii -. . ?? iw, rain, li tni .
r.uMui .. ? i i: .1.I.. ii ui
P.UL1 l flinrN . V.-ii! Sn!i-. ;?' - ? ? ? . nn,
Simi-V. i ' ? , : i-'iin Nf. Miiil Siil ? nli"
V KKKl Y TiillJi'M . Mail Siiliwrtl *: -. .t- i" 1 bi
? t:.-.. - - - '
_Va - iivc.i ''? V' - 1 "? '?''? F '.
Nkw-i . Vi ? ; '???* ; '??''?
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i;..lit!:-:.\. . 5 ' --. 71*0 '1
- - '.- : i N . '.. . '
i\vtt.*^';.;;;.' i ilribnnz,
THCK3DAY. JANUARY !<*, 1878.
roBaiox.*?Vi '???? Emannel, King of Italy, *'
yeaterday aftei.n; hia eldcal - ?' haa been pro
cl.iim.??! Kiu-g - 1':'.:? .!'-.. 1 ; ? I a pro -
lamatiou, pronii-dna to follow iii li ifatber_l
Btene, 1 he Porte bi - | part il conditio
an armtstice, and ha* dim-ted tbe Ottomaii coui
ina'i'iei- to epply f"i oi ?-. Tne Turka bare i.
Ireated from the Troj u Pasa, havingImhuatl
f: ..?.-?' :? ??. I he '?'?? . v 'i ?? :t. dii -
tbli *l ha illi I agaia from Breni
D ??*.-.i -.-lt ia i-'t tbongh! tbal therewlllbe
i , .. ..... -i eni'ii'i'i in Wasbiugton to-day t * trane
n.: Im.- Ini - . Becretary v- I ij'Htbatth
Adtnini trati m m - 5.1:.! for fnrtberilii
_n tbe party. The New-HarojiBbin Kepnblj .
bave renoniinatcd B. F. Pi ??? .1 I
a platfurtn couimendina Preail nl loycs, aud di
1 - fut specie paymenta aud prctictiorj ?
li.iili:*. box, and aga :. : in an
form, i'.n''. land grants. : Mr. Strail . ol
New-York, bas been ln Wasbingtou 111 ing a inun
li-.-'nl pohcy .ii re ? ird to lllegal salea oi 1* it toluv ? o.
______ Goremor Hampton baa diabanded tii" rille
company whlcb recently attackeil Uniterl 81 ??
ir-. .*"*,?? oi i. ?. -. 'i be
Bunaeed la the New-York Benate; billa irei
Introdneed la tbe Aseenibly f-.r tbe pto
t.-(-:io!i .*r depositora In Bai ingi 11
life it* iui 1 i '1 ?"' Con
Bectknt ami Wiaconain J. . organiaed
yesterday.: : GoTcrnor Ni bolla, in hia i.
Bage, italea tb il the Loui I ma !>. il- i debl ia abonl
s>'i?_',(,(iii.iHit). ft olntii ii f-.r Inn itl
gntingBeeTetaryof 8tateKebiey w:is introdneed li
the New-Jeney Lei A National Infla
tit.u eonreution ia calledto meetat Toled4j, Ohio
Fc!)iu:iry 'JA. ' Tlnic were two bnlloti foi
1'iiti .1 btatea .*-<ii;i!*.i 1.. tli" Kentncky Legislatare.
Ciiy and Si i;i i:r.?.N'.?'Ihe leading Bngaeial m
etitntiona oi New-York, Boston and other (iti.-.s
nia'eil in u proteet againat tbe Rland BilrerBill
yeaterd it. I he Bank Comanttee t< ported In la*
Tor of redncing bn Inecatoa gold baala. _ Edwin
J. Dnnning, ji , 'i Wall-at, nol ? broker, faili d, wllb
llaMlitiea ol di rl $600,000. Beveral banka are
ai'.fiiii.' ii:- ereditora. = =T_eodore B. Wetmnre
waa eenteneed lo one jreai In the Penl
tentiary and $250 fine, : Owen Geo
ghegan, h well-known ri-ili -iti. shot Jatnei
Bose, a burglar.: Three notioni weromade in
the Kri" !?' nlway litigaUon. William T. W.I
-,\.. 1 ? .;.:-.;???? tb 1' tnl nf EJueation.
1 i.i 1 -. ? 1-11 . - .a*:. on iie
Firet National Bank of Gharleei >u were discovcrcd.
(..i.i ]'!_'':>. l-''_'-'V. 102*_. <".i'l Vi'.'ne.il tlie
legal-tender dollar al tbe clo?e, 07<?io eenta. Btot b -
lowet antl thaa enatic, eloaing feveriab and aa
TokWeai iE*t.?Tninrxa loeal obaerrationt i;i
1 ? .1 . ? ni im e of f:.t-i.-1 " ! v.-.i. 1: "ii aiul
eloi '.-???_ th tateulngrain, . aeter yestijr
day,29 , :;*- , 30 .
'1 iie rcrnoral of Sukiinnn Pasha from
th*- cbl 1 ? itnaml of the < Iti un in forci
i.s ascribctl io iKe inflm-nec of Mahtnoud
1>:.i.iiid, which i - --iiii atrong at Constantinoplc.
V. hile Mahmoml ia re ponsible for m*v
4*i 1 (;?;? - ;..i. .1 !.- m?;.?, 111 thi inslaut'o lii
i-. ic' - - io have lx ? u b ?th juat and
1 __
Thnrlow VV ? -. eontinnea bi? arprnnionl ror
Bi:v. 1 i ? .' 0 :i .-(' "'.iil j'.;-.r. iil-; ii\')'.".((l
purpoa. i- to convinoe capitaliate of the co
1 , hia poaition, beennse tht-y are thi
'?;\i reetod: and while 1? la nol
li\.*iv that any nninber of them wiU accepl
hia concluMons, all will reeognhtc tho frank
1 ; y. nol alwaya rharactoriatii i.i
tlie Bilver advocatea, with whieh Ur. Weod
amuagca hia aide of tb? cont-rovcrajr.
Thi I';. ';?:. iit oi the Bank of North Ameri
ca, Mr. \v il ..i-i J>>'.v(!, 1'iit th'- whole con
tniviiKv iii a ii5ii.!.,il, yeaterday, when he
aaid hia k"'-.v mbo bntchci dr baker who
Mwonld aall .'1 dollar'a worth of meal er
?.I f)i 92 (-ciiis.1' The people to whotn
tlic price of bread nnd moat it 11 iiintfi 1
of Importanr*" and theii number ia eonaid
erable?may be traated to aea throogfa the
isilvcr dollar erentnally, Bul it i> t'i bel*voped
they v^iil i< ?:'-'? '???-' li'-si-iii withoal pnying t'?)
nmc'i i'l.r it. _______
A j'iijn-r rcnil yeaterday at Um Bocial Bcienee
Congreaa makea nu iiitcio.-iiii*.', ami, iu aooe
teapeet , ebtrtling ezhibit ol the nnnicipal in
dcbtedui'Krt nnder whieh (he eountty ia atac
gciing. Tlio wiitet liuiis tliat the debta ol l.>o
citi<?a aggregate i6_4?000,000,aad rnfen that
tln- lotal ninotuit of innnicipal todebtedneei
oqnali hall the mn ol tlt<" Natioiial debt The
(iiy higheat Ib the uai of per eetplta taxatioo ii
Boatoa, bat New-Yorh comea oear diiimting
with lui thia gloomy p*r***emiBeBce.
Siijt(-iint>:iil> nt Latab, in lii*? fiiiu'i.il report
on (im- Btate liniikr-. recoBBti their bordeoa,
niiii argre meaaaree for their relief. Althongh
onlv oae out of the eighty-four fafled laal
year, their atotementa ?!.? nol indieate a proe
pirous bnalneai ,"-; ii whole, nnd fonr <>l them
hiivc gone volnntarily int<> disaotation. The
report tsnj'B they are untluly taxed. Whal tlu-..
nwe . - ??? 11 ?? - whal they own ii rabjected to
t.AiiiiDii. A-. n meaenre of relief the Boperin
teudcnl ittggeata the reaioval of the tax on
rirrnlntion, whieh wai originally desigaed tn
protect the National bauka, and now baa wr
vivcil itl u-;i!uliKs.<.
Ii oaghl aot to be difficnli tr> aaeertain
wbether c-fTee can 1>.- enltivnted in t!.i< eotin
iiy. Tbe Commi-udoner of A_n*ic_dtnre tiiinks
i* mn li", i:i portioni of Floritla, Texaa, and
Califorula. Tlie labor reqniretl to twenre ;i
crop lt an Imp trtanl elemenl in tbe <:i!
cnlotton; in thg Kaat Indiei a greal
expenditnre <>f labor i< reqnired i<>
imgate tl.e laad, ezcepl in tln* briVf neriod
when tbe berry ia ripening. If wcare tohave
Texae Mocba and Florida Java, there will '>?
k.iiiic ezense f??i renewiag the tari-f on coffee,
in order t<? protect ;i domeatic indnatry. li
will be three yeara heuce, bowever, before tbal
? -i.ii can need lo l"-1 dsed, rinec thal lengtli
of tii.ie in i-t elapse before n> ? plautationri
will be_rin tn bear.
The New-Hampiddro Convenlion >.r yi.-t >r
day n -!i '? in prccinel* tl ?? ?????? ? indii iited in
l'i i; Tbibi sk'i leader of yi rtei li ? \\
li itate oui selvea on liu ling our \ i< wa > I
v !:;:t i-t lu -t for IllC < onntr*j . im.'
'.< i for lhe party wbich, ua ive I
; ?.-. iiafj-tl in.". '??.? <1> i"mded < :i to i . >
,., i (!-,. coiiiitrt'a inti rci' . --??? oom
'? in bi i- .ni wilh the " atal '. irl Ite]
? cani m " ! 11 ? ? An ! i .???. I I
:ia all i.ii." more r ? ri??? .?!?>< Ihe m in,
ioi he i-' ? i nr '.<'' "???' ?
'!.;.- i a . ? , .; ; ,i . i , ,,
I oinf, whilc ihe '?; lio i I niiih i.t iii p"iil,
;,.i,l i... ln i.i !.. tli ? -;,!.-!: -: u i tuiiil ! I lie
\ ; | ??: |] honoi i to-il ;- in the li inda of lhe
? ' i, . |i ??.;. Ii-'.a nol one
to ?: are !
Every ( in ?
thi 1'. rk I). p ii ? mi nl ? :,i' li wil
ity to ].<?? !. tli ' Iheir pres nl I igli
: ihtliird, i'i !> i ll '?' lhe . oni
?-. !t ;- pnip ? ? ? I t > ??:-'? -P12.CH i
rear. wbich I ? ?
...aii::i - neeesa iry, 1 ?
: l iu ? un I Di ign,
ion 1". .i i. i? Olmtatead ut it* ln ad, ::..'! also
thi M< ;? orologii ..i <': ? ry. wboac wi nlhor
:, . ;,! hat o l.< en <>!' ? uluc bccaiiac ol Ibeir
l ertnatn :i! and cii itiiic ell rni ter. V >?
been in the babii ol c ... nn lii g the
flnani ;.i! polii \ <"i l'n tideiif Mi rtin, bnl li1
nli-a of effecting thia rednction Iiy di Mi--.il
{n the i"" er gratli - nf t! e Depnrtment, i nii
l.y liu'i*.:-in-: the :!'.'..- uud lowcrinn t!" ]?>?
of the li. her : i'i'-tiila, mi-:ii. f.ir more -i.-i'.I.
than ;i plan whlch wonld tx rtainlj t- ml lo
oniianger, froi i an artiatic p ii I m v*i< "- '
I itttrc ... the p trki.
Bo ne , I been mado 1 '
nrini iti -.-, the Poite h ivii .- I i I con
ditionit, aud dirtcted the Ottomnn com
.,, .-.i i- t.? mihtiiit tbi iii tu tbe Rnsai in
inilit-iry b n lei -. irilh the \i. w ni
cli.iting eventnally ;,i" npinion of Ihe
. -, ir, Tbe propo*ed terma u ? prob iblj
|. it tbe belligei I tdiall rel iin t'. ?
|M.!-Hion ll j nn li ' '. and refrnin '
o] ? -. Thia Anglo-Turkiah
rtcheme lo i lae ? Uii**i?in ul a dii ? ?? -? ill
no ilu.ilit be met with equal akill by ber piw
ticcil st;i!i--.ii'n. Bbould the Cz-ui I"- con
-iiiiiiicd t>. atate Iiii terma, be may .--i;i>..l .i>
:..r tl:;- lurreiider <>r Adrinnopl ? <.i bi i
conditiona wbich the Porte might al lir?l
peremptorily refnae. Tbe Ciai may, ni
all eventa, regnnl the peace projitia
complacently, lince if i- obvionaly nol hia
intereal lo rednee Iiii nnniea to lnactivitj jn I
aa tiu- 'i'liil-.a bave abandoned tbe Ikbtiman
,;? fllo, li. \ ing tho roatl open to Adriaii |
The conqueal of Turhey u the only trnct in
whicb ln- <';wi conntle.
Benatoi RobeTUon .'?:?.- lo haro made ,- ? ?!
nelectioni for Iiia CommittiH*!. Mr. Harria i
(1)1,1 iuu. (t al tbe bead <?i the t'iuance Commit?
tee, Jndge l.niirii.>n retainiug Iua ??i?!
plaee ao Chairrnnn of tl1 ? Jodiebiry
ComBtittoe, by sfn - i;! order <>!' tho Ben
at<-; Senator I'ouicroj aneceedi bia predi
aor from the XXVth Diatricl na ( Itairmau ol
tbe Committee <>" (iti.-. and Benntoi Rncltwell,
in lik<- mnnner, inherita Benatoi? TobeyV Com?
mittee?thal on Insunince?wbere ho will prob*
ably bc aiorc iuduatrioua nii.1 n- IHI lluin the
formcT Benator from the XV11 Ith. Senator
McC'arthy, ol Byraenae, ia pul .ii the bead ?>!
Ihe Canal Committee, and, na the Benator in
Itclicred t'? be free from tho pecu
liur canal Inflacucea whieh centrc in Byra
iicii-c, tbii may b? eonaidered i g.I
, i, iii,. S- ii.-.or VVn :?;. r ha*- I r n
long :.t the li -;'l o*f tli ? R lilroad Coni nittee
thal bia cloao relatioiw to tho N w-York Cen
ti:il Railroa l have ceaaed l . t>< .1:-- n m il, and
hia rcappointment, at every reelection, .-- cu.
inevitable, 'lii re are muny now niemben in
t!..- Be it le, wboae ntnean for tho po.-iiti ms fo
wliich they have been aa-igued ia atill to bc
caiiihii li. i!, bul exptTicnccd men bavo been
I--I,miiil w Iii ; ?>?.;>?: i'-'i.-" i- iiiu-l ii-(-i!.i!, inul
uven the committoei into wbich the ".--tn.
u ;:,:;\ i.i. .- thi -ii- h have an hon I look.
Yeaterday'a mecting of Ihe baukcra of thia
..<l othei citi i i;i oppn 'ii<"i to lhe Uland
',;.!l was a larcre and rejire ntativo gnthering.
li may aafely be aaid Ihal every greal fli
ii.ii inatitution of thi- city was repreaenlei,
and many otheia in I '? - * -1. i: i and ['hibtdel
i.iiii were pn tenl by their friendi ii nol by
their offlcera, The reporl of iii<- comn.iltee, of
wbich Mi- '?'??' ?'?-'' ?'*? * '"' waachairman, wnao
moderate and Btraigbtforward *-t itenienl of the
reasoni wby the Bland bttl ilionld not |
except ever the vote of every honeit man in
c. ngreas, and mn i Btriko even the av< ra; e
ailver lnnatie na beiog hh little li!--' Bii I b
m poaalble. No man of i-'<>-"1 Intclligence and
honeal iBteatloiisonghl tobeaWe to coaclude ii i
i?; tual, and atillbe an advocate of ;i dollar worl h
lesa than 90 centa. Dader the repori of
the committee a reaolntion wai adoptcd whicb
providea fot an etBeienl orgaaication <>l 11a?
liiii.i-; nnd inraranre and tm-i ec*mnaniea,
wbereby a tfjo-omittea repreaeuting the great
Bnaneial -a7wporat-OB8of ul! tii?- burge eitieiwill
Ik able l<? e:ill upon theBI :it nnv liini' f.n siuli
aetioi aa niiiy 1"' -teeiaed adviiable. Flrat,
bowever, than la to be n onited prol to
Congreaa againat the paasage of tli Bland
l.ill; after that, rucIi meaanrei aa mav bo
nr.- s.uy, eapeeially "with a vi<\v <.f attaln
"in-: leaiimplhin aaaaiiy aa evesrtaaball provi
"tu be inavfiiublf." Tlie eapttal of tli
oonntry laorganized al laat, nmi we Rlnll aee
whether Co-gwaa wfll dare ta fly ia its facc.
The emioiH thing abont the great Btovetnent
for tbe iiiV"-ti;::itioii oi the Preaioanit'a aent is
iliiit nobody wisbea ti> begtn it. v7e bave
beard all *"irta of report> of l'lf> latpeading
rnqniry. .esterday the newa came in the ba
poaingform of an authoritative anuouncement.
To-day it dwindlea ta ? wbiapered and
eluaive ramor. Tbe atfcick waa ta be opened
by Beaator Conkling, by Bepreaentative
gprlnger, by l>;ivi.l Dndlcy Field, by Wil
iiaiii E. Cbandler, by Qeneral Bntier,
by KeBogg, Bpencer, Caaaaave and Reoner,
the ailing Patteraon, tlu* wailing Packard, the
mammoth etrnilibrial cf lllinoia, or the elee
tro-plated Beaator from Nevada. It waa ?
abrcwd Bcheme of tha Demoerata. li waa the
brag and blnater of diaappoiated Bepnbrieaaa.
gecrel tucetinga of aB aorta ol aalikely and
Incongruona peraona were beld alaaoal every
i, .'?! *,, talk nlKro.1 il : and meanwhilo (na, of
*. Monl i 'iiici.v Blair'a tremeadona bhtnk
rartrtdge <lnl imt (oiiiii) nobody kaew in what
r-nnrter to look for tli** Hral demoaatratioa.
Onl "I aii thia ronrtunon and eoatradiction,
liowt v. r. two thinga are beoomiog talerably
elear; flrat, thal tlie Dctuoeratie party alone
(..n ic.i|) iiu.v advautage fi'.Hii the enterpriaej
-.-id aecondly, r!i.-r tlie Democratie partj iana
w illingtobeai llf reapon dbility "i' nndi rtnking
it. Wl.ii" the title of Mr. Hayea iaeertainly
unimpeacbable uml I.i*** peraoaal bonor above
r-u.Hpicion, it i- eaay lo aee that tho inveetiga
ii-.ii, ifael on f?*ot by biao** d partyi ia anaJTmnl
io which lic ni'i -*f ln* more or leaa
Uuii a man to reraain Inaenaibk*. He i* too
nl a ii itriol to bc wilfnlly intlnenced in hia
.1 Qctiona by private reai ntmi ita; bnl
i!,..::.'!i the verdici of nn invcatiguting com
mittce wonld neceaearily be a tribnte to hia
rlt.i, tin- tn .1 w ' ''.I leave a ran kl ing
i.ii i.-i ii:.*i not t'i I"' diagniawl. Thoae who
li.:-..- il uie an injiiry nn* iwually more Impla
. ? .' *\ ,i tlioa ? wbo liave anffen-d one, uml
tho beaiing of the Bepublicana in
Congmta toword tbe Adniiniatratlon wonld
natumlly becinnc lesa .''ml leaa We idlj
i the w "1*1 il >:" ? prncecdlngs went ?"?.
\;, j,,*,, ..' *.. Im ? ?. . * ii * *i''* ?' and
rarrie I on liy 1> moci??? . would '"? :i very
.,..,_-. li W" iii! . i'i* Vn i
,|. ..< :- ,. -,- i eontlm : 1 v. . ?:? nrdin 11*3
,,,..,, uml ii v.ii ild I Ilt] I i .-?'?i-' Y. !.il.' :? .'I
|., inoiii the Bepiililiem party. !' tt thi
nli- mn i .-?:;>. ;i- vn !! i* I"!- tbe ? qnalll
,,i,\i,,i-. une tlial tlic conntry frowna npou
ilU'w .li-iiiii-.i'i-.-, tli ? Demo
?-t-.it 1.* !? ?*. li ' ami tbc Democratie pn -- are
rivilly iusifting tbal tho other bi le ehall
I*. rin.
Iinl ;? v i|| i, * do t<> inl. r from a few i _
. ial perfonn in ea tbat the Uepublican
|...!n'u iii5i-, na ;i i le, wi'te born reatetd
I \ nn- not uoinjj t" pl ij their advei i
.?..nni' ju.xl yel : nnd if the l?' tno< nicy wish t"
,..; .,. .,...,.**, ii,.. di* :.i ..ii.*-t:.ii ..! tbe (?!? ?
? : nt, ;,i,.l ri-iiew th aWtive inviMiiration
,, , ,i, i.."i ' in.i Bi tui uin : I'.'i.n.l. they mnal
iiianuge tbe aflaii thcni-w ;'- , an I !>? ar the
, i.n., ._?:? uecm.___
Tbe i:i I King of Italy i- dead. The gallnnl
, -i:. i. .lt ,| t-. th. thronc ol S ir
dinia, in tl"- ra dul ?-! d< f< al and diaaator, i'
l . i ., , nt, i hia iii.* ;. * iteiday afteruoon, in
p ,:.,.,- oi tbe Q liriu il, al Itoine. Tbi in*
iii*..niiic twenty-nim yeara an o crowdwl
?ritli the i ?? ul - whieh have shapi <1 I.i i*
Honal ln-t(ii.\ and tbt fortnnea ol lluitod luly,
ll, t| tln v -* im tn embi u. tbe work of man)
itioua Barely I ia ;i man ol
iuti lic t. ot limited auibitiou, and ol i
,iV4!.4V,ii.l r\.-. iitiv.- . I tl
; . iii datible I'u-'i i'f ein nni Into ao
, nnd f-hirioiii*. an lu* ? ileal ran ? r.
||( ; .. |i :.? i;. tbe i.i.ic nf i.i- birtb, aud
fuiUinato, iil-... i" tiudin*. .i *-'" il -ii". 'ii.'i' ?
i ivoui nt bia Id . ?vb u tbe alali
ol |*i- uiifortunatt* fa h< i Irnnali i i il to him
. |n un 4 |< ? ? ? . ;
ilu- pnrtieipation ??! riaidinia in Ihe ? riuieau
War, whieh wna ih?i pnpabir tln mgli Italy;
tht marri ige of the I'rine ? L'lntil l<
t.i Piin* -? Kapoleon : evi D tn apite of Uie
ii. ii-i.i el .-.no.. aud Nn * to ;'. ???? ?. b< ??
came, almo I withoul di ?-?? ? -? it, tl ?? pn -
aiul itive '). Ii.iimi I uity. Kl ite nl
lell to him, aa by an inevitable gruvitalion t
iin-l v.lun, ni I84OO, .11 Teano, n-ear Capua,
1 aribaldi Bl - gn 1 ted him aa " Kin 1 m Ituly !'
the greal work waa practically Bnl lied. The
..|,(...lv pn--( -iui ol \Ciii('? iin-l l.'i'i'n' were
:i ? n-.cil?nll tbul haa niiice Impiu-ned !-? t Ia - -
logiral reaull ol wh il wa ? tben ttcbieveil.
Although ni liim - ( t'i'' " '? "'-i ".?'' 11
tbia or thal party in Ituliau politu-a, Vii i
r.iiiiiiti. I alwaya n'tained n tlnu bold npou Ihe
affectioua ol the people, throngfa bia dauutle-w
.i.iii.i'.. and il"- Bimple, nturdy hone ty ol I.i-*
rluiractor. The fat I tlwl *ii the battlea m
liuiii) .-iinl Novara be wai alinoal forcibly it
I ; ?, hia uiii.''" * f *>m ruahiiifl * * 1???*i cer
t nn de 'Ui, rentreil the faith of Kortheru Italy
ii!i"ii Imii. While I. .ii'iii I.v v..ii atill Ana
tiian, the common jM-ople diacoven'd iiiii tbe
] it.i-i of the coinpoiier VenU'a name eorrc
iiiiii.|.*(1 in tbc initial* nf the wonU Vhtorio
l..?,,,?!,'., I,,' D'Halia (\i'i ii Binanuel, King
nf Italy), aud tbey nvoided the veugi>anre of
llie auppn wive polieebyahouting Vint Vertli!
v. li'-ii' vi .ni vi Iiiu ". of tliat coinpoaer waa playeil,
Ruug, or even whiatled. Bul Uie favorite epi
thtl ln -i'iv.r.1 upon tlie King by tbe penple
Wil. /.' /,*,* iJalanlaomo, tbe Biave King,?
n ii.!- which will be rurrenl among Uiem for
-i -pnerntion I ? ronie. A eertain co i ?
clcni, ni iu hi* natiirc did nol makc hini .-, ij
il ,* !t*,; |i.ititil.ti- among them. Evon v-.-li tn the
Imrdenii which ctme \.ii m tli3 ik w u itiouulity
",.:ii,. iin.liv iipt.*! Uiem, ilu ? I'll, Inatiuctivc
Ij. thal bia woi b w um ulno diflirnlt, and preai-hed
patieuee i(? ont anotber. I'oaaibly :> greuter
1,1:111 w.uld bave posi - rd le c theaivc in
li:l-ll' f.
Tlic atability ol the Kingdomof italy will
i,,,t he "!i.i*.?ii by V'ictorEmanuel'adeath. Al
tboiiKb Iml t'-ii v 'ni- bave elapaed bince Ven
, .. , ,,:,,t l-fted i5- Iwunilarie 1 i>; aea aad land,
niul aix yeara and ;*. balf aince Kome beeame
iii.- r.i.iit .1. i'i.! Itiili'.n p-.-.l* learn rapidly,
Their pntriotbun i-* eaaily developod, anleul
.-uul peraiatent. Aa citisena of a greal Kuro
i.' 11 I'ower, verj few ol tbem will over dream
.,! ii'iiii dividing theii eonntryinto a elu lor
of inaigniflcanl and probablj oppieaaive
Priuci lliiiiii>!*rt. wh.b auceeeda aa ;
1:,.. never been popnlar, bnl of late yeara Iie
hnn at leaat ahown **i pradenl regard
for the gcneral opioioo. He ia now
thirty-fonr yeara of age. and the fatber of a
tliiiil Victor Bmannel ofeight. (liewhTe,the
Princeaa Uargherita ol Bavoy, ia bloUxed liy
tlu* whole It.iliiin people: her graee, ber good
neaa uml lateBifeacc have won their anreaerved
faith, aad they look to her for Uie wiadom
which ahall gaide the aew kiag. Thia ia ?
virv fortoaate eirenmatanee, ia t!it* proeeal
atage of Italy'* hiatory. Witb lateOigeal
and i-x|icriciic.*(l atate mea, on :li- one hand,
nn.l a beloved aad trn ite 1 qne *u on the othi..
. . Un il >ri will ba awiate I or eda r died,
? i ? ? ?, be. Tbe impea ttng i ? * t T* of
PlBI IX. will prclial.ly previ'iit any iinineiliate
re-openfhg of rellgrloai queati-aaa, sin.e, in any
c;.a.., tlicy ninit bc tratisrnitt' il to tli'* BOXt
Pope. Tne r**-iej of Italjr. l><>i!i iutenial and
<xi. rnal, will andecgo un materbd ehange.
Vietor Emannel will b<* .jitirtly laid with hia
tatbera, nnd Hambert will bc peaeafnllj iu
veated with the vacant erown.
/. I WE IX 3UBA Bt E t l-'I'ifl V. (/? ft
Altttmigb -!i<" eharga againat Mr. vTe-ttaore,
A iii-ricsi.lfiit of ihe 8eeurity Life [nioranee
Company! haa bion.'lit to him a ihoiter
term nl" hnpriionment than that of Mr. Caae
uml Dr. Lambert, the trial la of not l.'?.a bn
portanee than tboae more ramoui eaaea.
Three of the life inaoranee offlcen who were
iinli.-t.-d early laat jrear have bow beea trted
and aentenced] three?Iaaac H. Allen of the
Srcniiiy, Jamea Crnikahank and Alezander
j. Beed of tha Aaieriean I'opnlar ?
t_ra awaitiag trial; the othet throe? Utther
W. l-'ii.-t nnd J. P. r-ogcra, af the
Cootinental Life, nnd Boberi L. Caae, Jr., of
the Becnrity?have bitherto evaded arrest,and
are prnbaUy out of the country. To the fore
going Iit the recenl mdictmenti al Hartford
maybe added, wbich will bring four ex-ofBceri
nl iln- Cbarter Oak Company to trial j and the
Miti al TreBton, growingout of the raaeality
in tbe Sew-Jeraey Mntaai eoBcern, froai whieh,
of Late, little haa been beard,
A year ;!..''?, whea the rottennesa of tboae
insurauee eoenpaniea bad joat been oipoaed,
few people believed thal tlie unfaithful ofBeera
would be brought to iiiiil; rtill feweriinagined
ili:ii (-..tniiiion nnd pnoiahment wonld enane.
A general notion on the mbjeel araa, ra lome
reapecta, typifled in aa expreaaion tbal I>r.
Lamberi gave rent to in bia ipaeeh to Judge
llrady; to tho effed thal if tha preaidenti
nl tbe B-eeurity aud Americaa Popular Com*
|..iiii.a had euriehed them elvel infllcicntly,
tbej would imt bow be ln diagraee. Tbat n?>
tioa doea Lnjuetiec to ou lawa and eouita.
Sow, nt nll eventa, i' la demoaatrated that ao
far aa bianraneo officera are concerned, the
law i-t im ti-tpecter of peraona.
'I'li'." direci imporl ince of the Wetmore iii.il
in in two pointa whieh i. _b?tei-_dnea. Tba
I.i.i thal .1 conviction baa beea obtaioed <>n
i , ? of conapiracy i i of wide bi aring <m
tkiad :--..:'-.:- , undil bi the more remarkuble
:, . ni .,? ii furniahei ;i rare instnucc of thal
li. ing proved when none <if
lhe ciiuiinal involveil have turued Statc'i evi*
. Jitdtre I'.nii.l-* haa, ai-... m tbii trial,
l ;iiii)i!it i poiul of ini;> .1 :.rn <\ and it i.
ii ,t,-v, rthy tbal lii >-|i:,i".i in thi-i reapecl wai
? ilui .1 * tl.e progres: <.f Ihe tri il.
|{e f ..la tbat in iii.ikii:^ a fiibto uud mia*
!,-. ling atateraent of the afthirri of an
company to tbe Btate Buperin
t utli nt, tbe unfaithful officiali eonapin '
/, ,.', ',-,-,/ Ur law. Thia I'c.itiiic wai
;.tiiii both in the JudgeV rulingaand iu
the ii al . h i re i<> the jury. 1' may icrve in
the proaecotion of otber eimilar eaiea. li boldi
? permanenl threat over the henda of imurance
i:!i.;:-. v i.n may bave hitherto fancied thal
thi truthrulneaH of their aunual itatemeuta
...ia ,i inuii. t of minor impottance, and win*
irded tboae documenta aa merely
i.i.i** i a ..f form.
TIU TXTI /.'' "II l '?' \TE ll l TtBOB.
li,.. V.. !. i marked l?y the recurrence of
.,. .i . nieetti -? of < olli go young men,
1 ' mn tel, whirh ma) be con
, 1 . . i i bii hi -1 u nl i lhe au picea of
tbe I:.:- rcullegiate Lib rar* h wo ition. Thi
rv.-iiina |!"' oratorical conte*! ...ll take plnce,
BU<| tht |.;.. ? awardt d Laal Novi mbei for
i.. aiui I'xatiiiDutioiia i.ill bo nnnoi.ed.
I.... nnnii tl r inventkm wtll l*e li< Id on Ki
-, will Iv* li "I "ii 'I '? propoaition
i1 e uiiit.iiir.il eont< ?'-. and t >
.i-li in tti.ii pbtce the dincii* lion of ques
ii >tH of immedinte inl -i> ?'. bl p* ''?' ' ap
,-,-,| bi iln- .-nl! ?"<??'. The i ??>? iti.'ti !-. "I
? .. tbtta fai an ex;?eriment, although ii ia
,i pnimiaii ^ one: ch ut -a ui iy be fi und
iu i . :.. I.itl inherent excelli
,,! tbe i ! in. iii tl w.? ii. < -l linve no f<> ira of ita
ubatiiiotinK in. I1 i- more p oliithlc tltal tbone
. . v, dich linve I ? .foi beld aloof from
;i,,. ^ I,-m-ii, oi bave for a time wilbdrawu
,., ,vi!| bc fonnd i ,'-?!? '" |?in or ;?? re
... |i il:-,!,, when ii ?!? II !"? ? "ti I"
, ,;, ih -uity, proiperily ;:i"l iwefului --
i -.?,;,-. uutural th il tl"-' rivah iea .?! v<>l
-li,mlil Im intellectuitl, notwithataodina
Ibe Inti-rcal whlch b.ia been excited
j., ball matobea, iii boating matches,
,,i?| i;i uther albletic giuiea. We bave
I,,, ii, tire i.i dit-parage tbeae. Bul Ihe
buaiuei "I :" student, :iH.r all, ii i" develop
i,,,,i., nnd im' l.i 'mi. The iroorta whicb bave
I,,, ,,.,..- time t.-.-.-ived their full ahare .>!' the
ntteutiou <>i the American atudent, nro apoken
ul ;i. ?* in ml.. " -v-.iti; bul the adjectivc u
h.ii.llv iiai ;l tliitn ii iia beal bciimo. Manly
n,;i! Icdiii i- is (Imii.:i(as imn-.- preeioui tban
iiinnly mnsctilarity. The Amerii n ntudent,
:iliii iieglecting bii Ivoily for aeveral genera
;i,,,,-, became >> itrongly enamored of health,
aud -.. fail i.l rcverenco for it-* lawa, tbal he
n-ufl in danger <>l bpaing into an opi
.,.,!', m | of aeglecting bii ntudiea, ln the rac ?
for meiely athletic pwccdei.ee. Tbe inter
collegbttc nr tiugi oughl to tlo aometbing to
i.-a|.,n- tbe jual italance b* twe< n mind and
? )n 0ur collegei. The averaj ?? Ameiicau
sttideul entera colloge ao young t Ia.it he in al
v,.n-, .l'l'l 14|i." iitH.v duriug the r'reehmau and
Sopbunioro ytara, in tbtuger <?r con
traeting hnbiti of idloueai nnd ili-<
ai|iution. In**i-v>iv <'*ll?-.4** there n ?
ii -,il of rrivolitj and Bchool-boj i ih
-,.,-. |i i4 alwaya encournging to
,?,,,! young gentlcni ti, i ill ln n ul ite of pu
. willmg to Rilmil the fact, and toreeog
nize chi ? rfnlly thal they nre tbe taugbt, aud
uol (hc teachera. tYe bave p ecrtain di ?: i
of iidminttion for tbe bnl who beati all hbi
li lloa ? in il"' Bporta of the campiia nnd the
Btr.tgglea of the gymnaMiumj bul we bave a
,,,,:,!, hijriicr kiud ?; admurotioii for the under
pradiuite wlm i-* nol afrald of Ihe liardeat kind
of tudy, who employi a portionof hialeiaure,
nl whicb ln* will uol have mucb, Ln gi u :ral
reading, nnd wbo thoroughly comprehonda
ho? Ignoranl be ia, nnd bow mucb wiaei* he J
I,,:,;,- i.v diligeuco beeome. Et -iy young maa '
baa a future; bul it i-. nol every young man
j who ai la aa ii be compreheudi d the Caet, and
moreover thonghl the future worth baving,
\* , mppoae tbal lhe membora of the lutercol
1. ,-i.iti- l.it l ij.v As-KH-iiilion !'1<- iinioiiK' thoM
who bave a deflnite and dignifted aim, and
wbo ara worthy of the beal ariebea and en*
couragemenl of lhe teachera and tln Ir eldera,
Rare \* u bnlky i? moeratio doetriaa from The
/.-,. 'i .N. ('. Om r-r: "\ Preaideat'i deaiia to
tliapcuac witb any man U anfflcient reaaon from a
Di-i;i cratic ataodpolnt. A l_eiident'i deaire to i?ut
any mitabli men in ofltcc ii aalBcicnl Demoeratie
reaaon for votiog t.> oonflna tiicm." Tbtiaoaadi
mii.ii.-.Iv, eomina from aueh a loarea. Tba only
?? i?i'!iii..-i:iii.-.ai:t!.il|ii.iiit" vi-ii.it- femveateea yean
paat h:n beea a pig-beaded twpoaitloa lo all
(.xecutiva nomiuatiooi, n*.xl ai w.ll us bad.
, ii.ul tlt.-* aew-faagjed alf-iiro to M_alm wbo*
im r tln> rrvni.1. nt r.iciiiniiti-d bui-n diHCOV
, i, 1 doring tue laat AdaiinUtratiOB it mighl bave
s:ivt-(i nt lonst one, goo'i appelataaeat thal of
Ii'i.liiiid II. Diuia, jr.. M Ministor to Kng
1 ind. Hut tlicro araa no liopo tlien of catunng
(lii-(*i!S:or.s in tho Bepnblieaa rank-, 1-y airf
Ing in c ainning appoiutinents, and tlio pattah
propenaity of tlie Daaaoeraey to bntt aenaaet
cvt'ivt'iiiiii* and everyliody outsiile of ilu own ranku
eoald be Indwlgfd in (reely. Bow, Imwcver, it
aervaa tha aada af thal party to play tha part of the
l'.t'il) in-it.'it.l i.f tl.e K.iat. an.l in that wa> it lio]>c.-)
topnll tbe wool over paopWa eyee. It wttl aptar*
1'inly never laam that aneh Uttla trickadaaaiva
Dobody. Wbea Mr. Toota waa aipialaiag
why be aaarrlad tbo woman Iie did. he aaais
"' Vuii so:*, wli.it I wanted 111 awifo waa? in *bort,
waaaanaa; monay Ihadi aenaa I-I bad not, par
tienlarly." What a atty tt ia that tha Petaoeratk
party eannot aeonira a littli*. K.-n-*' in tha aame
way. < i.p.-k it haain abnndanoe; bntia aenaa it
id aa defieiant ns Mr. Toota._
Tho new frand eryia ahnply theotdTildaa war
whoap revived.
Ara tha BepnbUean leadera ao bUad a* not to sce
ih- i??::u"i:.iif 6am-rsmi theirnoeeaf
Tllden will BBjileat the meetaele of Bepnblieaaa
belpuig li.m aetTip li.--* pUtfona for ! 580.
li will oecni to Bonator l?:r;s preaantly that ha
joined tba bilver movemeutatpraeiaaly thaarroag
Jonaaaayaavetawttldispoaaof tho ailvec a.aee*
tlon for tbe preaent ('.iiii*r.*s*, bnl t imt tho aexl one
will vote r.ir uiiiiiiiitod silvar, retoor noveto. Doar't
you beliere it, Joiio.-*.
Beaator Bntier, <>f Bonth CaroUna, makea tba wel
como annonneement tbal be la analterably oppoaed
tn tha rcpeal of tlio Beanmption Aet,aince li*' la
ci.iivinci'd that thefutnra proaperity of theeonntry
dependa entiroly upon a return to a atable nnaneial
boaia. Abont tbe Bilver Bill he i ? leaa dei ided, bav?
ing uot V't thouglil enouzh aboul the Hiibject.to
r.i ui un opinion. Haa he been deaf and blind fot
tbe laal three mootbaf
Tba Virginia ReaiUuaten saythey were "aboeki d "
and "eurpri ..?(!" by Borernor ilolliday'aaaeeraand
insinnationaabont tbefolly and woraa of rrandiar
tion. The Governor oo*ild il-iio no higbei prair>o
than thia.
II. re and Hk'h* a Bilver advc* ate la i aperit d< Ing a
sp.-.-iii ..I'? ns... llf -ii, <, relnctantly : " I -?* ill uurlat
that wa have a perfed legal ii5.*!it to pay oor boud*
nr. bnl 1 ronfeaa 11 wonld be bad pollcv."
That ia -.ii ample confeuaion of tbe Inherentdla
of tlio projeet.
The app larancc of Montgomery Blair :it tbe bead
ul iploringexpedition, ought tobcevid aee
iii.ni..ii, to ... Il-uii .i.in.* Republii an i, of the aort af
flretlt v.i- ;: yiug with when tbej talkaboal ln
vestiga ing a parcel >>f v. n dy i Itargi i bua il entirely
,? t. iti ii . iv. rhia " frand " i lamor
i ' -. olre uly aurionsly da '?? A tbo l>emocratic
|. ,, anil it ii tlie ra ik ?- follj i i oae it aow to
tlu 1.* publi. n party.
Tbe originil bulldozerwn i *! at thi recenl
.?I. ii.ni in Beaufort Connty,tiooth('aroltna. B la
ii ii,.i*..i-.-l .? thni eol.I men were beaten and
? from the polla, were aaaaalted, aod la one
i.iiiiiii.??? li-.t nt for rti*tribnting Bepublican ballota.
a ral negroea were crippled,andonc htvisim Bdied
trom hU Injtiries. In *pite of theae power* of per
:., the li*-|.i-'.*li i - ? -liiii.i the conuty. 1 be
-nl iiitiinii! ni'iii i.tv :-ii-'..i'".'l l*y afndavits,
iin.l .-in-cv i-l'-ntlv uudouiable; yet tbe odeiideraara
i;..ur.' nii|iii!!i>lii tl.
! ,- i little ilgnificanl that evi ry neW DenMcrattc
Seuator from tba Weat lea woraa inflatiouiat than
hi.* predeet nor. In*Ohioaod Kentugkyat preaeal
f ? ?.. i.v ii. drjanetween tha c indi I itea coiuiata In
efibrta toahow which ia eapable of theworal and
lli-* nn.-; nnnwroui opinioti '.:i lluani ial .p ?ti ina.
I he man whocanexbibit tbe tnoHt pictun uque a-Mort
iii. nt t.i *? viL-w.-i" ii.i- tlio best chanee of Bnco *
.-vi i, time,
li i* -..fiiiiily annoaneed oo bebabtoftbe bananza
brok rs and bankea, that tbey Im-.o ao Inten >< i.i
lbe Bland blU, ami <i" nol t rrx ct to mako anything
u\ ;?-. pa* . *. Thia u :i tritl* cooL Every li< 11. i
, eivea dollar l"r . rery 00
.-.*,.i>" vv..i iii be depoaita al Ihe mlnta forcolnagp, ii
the bill i'i*-.-. and aa thesc gentb uu n, who
, , ,',ii., Un ir annouuceiueiit, are i "t ihechn t pii>
,!.-. mi i ii..i,|. i ol bullion ..i thia country,
lli -. .i:- in ueudou - indKMtoi -.
Mr. Horaea Iin''!"'. chairman of tba Bepub-,
li,,,., gtate < "inn '!???'* of Wi-ioti.-in, Indig
nantly denonncea aa a forgery eertain ex
piirportiii*' to .o!r.' from :i letter wntten
by ln in. whi "i'i hreeiden! II iyea waa denounced, :i
Kght Dgaitial him waa eneonraged, and every Bepub?
lican in Wi-.'..i-'.u * t-' declared to be m favor
,,i -,_ ||,. .,.., thal : icnta are not ln
, ii t*.; [bal li nlnes tml t'i""*- tbej are the Ben
ti uf the Itepubli. 1*11*1 ol W i-" iiialn, and thal
i?. i,?. .nn. *i ii. lott. l coutaining uu. Ibing of tbe
fbonproar againal Ben Bill, en aeeount of hl*
oppotiition to tbe Silver Bill, ia abakiug Oeorgia liki
an eartluin ikc. The preAol tl..* Utate.abl* aaniatnl
bj i'? ... t Stataa, lagiving him
tbi unwt lively taHtioe* to he hiw evei receiveiL Ii
be with-ttaniLi ii nnd votea, aa hed iclared be ?
be will pr.i.i'. lelf wortby pl hia plac ?. Bia
tiuienta btc ;iil the more refreahing beeaaae of their
?lmoatentlronovelty. \\iilt tl"* exeeption of Mr.
I.:uii:i! ittid Mr. H:i>:.r.l. he r-l .uul-* nltii'ist al"ii*' in
i! ? 5-,,'-.I Suiitli imii defenderof t!'.* National credit
niii'Ht tiuanee. lt lealmunl to -;iy Iii* woroa
.,,,. m anj .., u... a reftitation nl the i liargc th I I
uttituil**) 'fi Ihe Bonth ia - ri iubIv alarming. II*
? . nitj; cf Iii.--. ?? tion
when ln* iiillin.it uothing bul opw iltlon by lu* ut
i .r.? _________________
/ EBSOX ?/-.
Editor Y. Ilaa-mnrek, oi Ciaeinnati, hiajuat
pubti ii ,: .i vi.'.-iM. ff poatua.ano.laaaidteba eagaged
in i. rttlna i.'? tt.
Mr. -\. T. Ooahorn liaa declined theappoint
,? ., ,.f [Ion inn C .'i:l::,-l.?>>.?. '?' <'!ll > lll UM t'-i - ? I Kl
hllilllun, i.l). ic! Iiiu* 1-4 (i..v. '.iinl- V.'.'i: -.
Mr*. Madeleiue Vinton Dahlgren aaya tlmt
tba i ,"-ii thal tbe bad goae apon the Booc cf thi
,.,. ?,, mii || v, - in ... ind tn "'i.ii! v .1 t ii-..! n-t
II Mlffl 3pP, ': f'.\" li ?Ullt'.lltlii'l l'l tii. t.
l'n.r -,-..! .'i.ii.i Mitchell haa beea giving to
. ..,;.:? w.*lll-*'l 8tU !???' ? I -' "i I'uiv.'i-nM' Wll.lt
. .'. ,: ., -. -.11, ll i tl':-. li M.I I 11 liV.-l.V lll'-l-lli'll 5.
ur u Vl.-I I " H'l-'1.' I. Il..?i.>':"l:-*ii'i !'
I'uii'.?-*>.? Swing aaid tbc other day, iu :.
-ernion, thal tli cxpenenca ol tha ittt luJf-centary
ithal the orertrtrmng of tlie eld bellefa remmllntf
iHinlMuenl 44..1 doi Bffbcl baiily tli*. tutora of
i uri .tltinll) or *.f pul lle ruoral*.
Mr. Jobn I*. Vnn Wormer, of Albnny, haa be
_i .,:,- heUHl * Coi ' I ?'''"? Va-1
VVl)1 ,,.;,',. call iifi'i 'iV.itt i.'-.'.ii. *'.:' re Ue be
,..,??. imbueil .4:'!? Mi' * ?' ? *:-' ItepnblleanUm tli ?
-.? i.ii.,-. n.i :.-:.::t it- ri*tleof J. r rauu County.
,(.,,.,,,.,;;_ M ii.lmtl ? .1 V4i.!.* .i ? JU :nt .iu- aiuoug
tlio iui'.., ? Uli 11 ofl'" t'l ite.
t?f tbe ?,"?'! Wbittier, thia atory is told:
?? During the Beb Illon he araa rldla | Id the i ?i i, aad m.-i
:i in.-n.l who bad |u_l made ;i eoutract with tba G
moal for liml)cr for rrar ablpa, al a aarj y.n.l. n
Mr. WUlltli-r If he tbouKbl ba tud done wroag, i
,. ..,, ii.vin-c Quaher characterUtleally repliedi *i
tliee haa a contrael with tbe Government to lupplytlnt?
ber for abliM ol war, tbeo mual ieet-j It that tbe tiuilicr
,_ ,:; .-i.iiii.l.'" I'l'il: i-Ml.i t . l,.,v. iir'i :: JUtUUI I. -
latl .ii -in. iit *v.: * :i .:? ? !? ? .i nl D.ni.i i Webati r un tbe
uiatci ii il Ide.
Mr. Cnarlea Reade aoada i l.'ti-^" to Har
uer't ti r * ?'./?/. wtiiili *-in!.i wiiii thi* iii.i :.i .-l-.-'.ii
.,-: "i belleve thal ' the comtaf* man' i* tla
?eltlicr li.n.i. .t ln.iir -thal la t" **-(> nelther *ii,lit
bBuded' ii .i ?ii*rt-ii.-:i.l'.i,' bnl a maa raaeaed latlu*
timu puroted iin.iii.-r-. ouekoe aeraaa, aad Btarilag
aunlng-mald*, wltb tbelr pagaa Buraory rhjrme* n.i
tli ii'im. .in |..t ju-!II lbe l.ft liiiinl; iusli.'i't. ii
ih in rn p rfi-i-t in hU llmba :.- bl. Cn ator luteaded
!iH*b-*en a deal ktuder to aian t:i"i man baa been to
If; tor ti ii ni' in.*'' oi ?: .'. ? i**--i --.it be i* any
ii.iiii. ?? 'iiii'ifi-'i if or im. inu'. 'i iii.ni .i liou, ii l'.i.'i ?'!?. .i
f..\, u tt:;. I'. di ii" ape."
|fr. Cbarlea Praneia Adama writiag to Oea
eratWUaoa eeaeeralagflllmore,aayai "ln my Mhrary
tbera aw .if|...siitii tha reeorda af uiy own hnpn
of Mr. Fillui; !>'* toUej, both I;. l.iy tliary uml lettei
imt.i.*. Bo mu. ii time haa pai i I ilaea, that wtthaal tiit*
iii.i of theaa booka I reaaeaiber little. i alwaya tanoght
tii.it Mr. t". vva.1 mfortaaate la havtag Jtr. VTebater
sii'till.-.l apon bim, vvliii i. l iiiu vv h.* Ui'l imt il'vuire. at tlie
.iliiit. Att.-rUnt in* had Uttla pewee t? d-*.ii with
Uu* fi'f-ltlve mIiitc l:iv;, u? ln. 'Iionltl have tlont*. Ho
lnokttl to nio liko t-iiiillmd ami tbo Old Mnu
nf ibo 8i*ii, ami l fca?8 mt iiovt tbe *tnallo*t pity for
Li-. iiii.*. iu rt-Kiiid tn peraeaal lak?hwa wttl
iiiin. l aaa aaly ia| taal mt tathat vaa Itvlag ai
i-iiiiicy, ami i wim eeeaoniag a aaaaa thal i i?"iit aum if
on tha Uill* ln fnmt. To my _ur_ .ite ou my returu fium
Bontoii nt the usttal lionr, Mra. Adate. er -i'i t rao i-_k
the aewa that tfr. FtUmore waa In the houv: bv ri___?
of htamlitahini tt f<?' my father'*. fihe had rccUnl
Iili-i etoea upen dlimer lln-e, *<> uli- a*kcd Imn to .to>> na*
take hia clmuee, at tbe sitno tlmo prt**___th_t, tii .??,{
down tn my futi er tojota li'm. Tin* eooaeqaen * 144-, _
vt-ry inluri.iHl nn-l H|ii'iylitiy C'lnvcrivalun, ?h; h 1^,.^*
until tlie Iii-iif tot-i-t.1111 t.i town. I bad. bnn i?(i.i.i._y
?nd I ilniilit v/li.-tlirr I ev. r nict witii Iiiin again. 1 |j^'
(o r. rn. mb.-r l.iin tba* r.i'hi r iliun nuen OTOTtoadodwSfc
care. Ile waa theii Viee-rr.-.il.leul."
Under tlie poetic title " Miiiinur.-t of I.-,
Tli-l,' u laa iin.t leao ;?iii'' 1 ri-.'o-.iiita a rear*. vreekim
theahoaleof aaarriad [Ua. Tbera wera _ii divor*-.!
-r.iiilt-l 111 Uml city .luiiu?- laT?. On tbu other ____
there were 'j.imki _Mir_e_a ti.
An eeeestrle BolaVmin. wbo be-ongi to one
of the wealthleat t un-Uta la Fraaee, an.l i_ Ltceediafb
gm ii loohiajt, aad tha whlaa of Uviug at illttle inn ia
eneot tha loweat oabarbe ef Patta. Tbere ; ., ,?.
iiii-.. redaeed hta azpea eatohra fraa ladar. Bat _4
iv i.t aiiiiiiiniiii-.i iiy raaaaanloaa whe,p_-vlag tii?>;i tu.
iv ahneai '" fam -, in_ blnaelt a paal lareutor, extoned
fittnil.au a-.ni..-. ii..m I'i'i., a.i tbat ivi ,,n t'.c apaea af a
you aad .1 half ka had j.iai dlaalalehed iii. e ipttal at tu*
lilly littl.- allll l/f 1250,000, l ; >. > II lil,. I'. . T.I llll v :i;,|l|fc'||t
at; ti) in'i .-.-i-:.'. and tba roaa**frllow,_4orln| the f..:. <,r
bia wajra, i...a proaalood l. rctuin t? taa vortd.
Iiidci'iiiilcncc Hall is a bnildiagthat nt-itber
the Ualted ."atiit.-.i aot Phtled tphle eaa .a---'1 alarl to
losn. (in Tiii-.i.iv ,ii- rataa aa bn tar, a -i.ih. t.-.i with
tiie laaaraaaa Kra I'at.-.ii, aaaaavaaad ihal lha ti. ..t.-r ia
tht b 1 -einent of tlie we?t tviiiK wm iu -m-.i i lj. |
nul 111 i.?n thal 11 iih: ? propet aaaaaaianii were ,it o:-.r
iik.-ii tha .:!: pUa iin^iii i- -.t ii laa any niK.it. Tha abM
defeu araa la tiie aeaaeetlBg flo-! balavaa tha be.tei and
tbe 111.. ln 1 Iiin:" ry, a large eraet raiiiimif ap to tli.- f! ?,r
nt lha araaeaaa. Ihe Ftie Matahal tlini.t a atleb int..tha
upertun tor the porpoea afteottaa tha rolaaaa afaaal
wlii.-n r '.i:-,t. ninl iii a few iiilnui. 4 tl-.- ml ?iia|n 4
bhiao. It w.i> .ilan n-rritir.ii.'.l 1l1.it imi' v uf tbe l.rn-ki
were oraekad, aml taal tbe ehuaney waa cxii.tilii:,-:
A I'lurisiion.lciit iu anxioit.-i to kttOW wliere
be eaa lad tl 1 lateal ii,,n.-a la reaard le tha iflaw
'iii. atloa. Ki nl ttt, erml for Tii_ TBIBI II Ai.*ian.c fi*r
H74. m atatlattcaaa thia aahjeet ara traafe aini t .u.
pl'-te. It? rh-ipter mi vl-1 ntnl-ilw-t _!v.a mt __pea_j
, lexporteof ."iu dartag thi aaaal jreai (raa ti..
tnotiti.iy retaraaaf tha BaraaBaf Blatlattea 1 tha tii.c-tiu.
timia li tln- j.-. I'l rata ? ef t-llver l.y waefcl (lininj? tha
aamaporiod; tbarelatlre Talaeaof coiusof t'..i; wiiou.
. ..iiiitrii-a iii tha world; tha preaaal aaaaal i>re_orUaa
1.1' (,">i.l aini illrer in the [TnltodStatea; n.-.i tha aai '_?.
of.'.iin ia tl:.- l'u'tv'1 Btatea Treaaarj1 t:i October 31,
^77, arailabU tae tha pai poeee of raanaapt---. ai: hm
.. le ii.iii- , a i':i.-.i ii;--' ot p iu 'iha
-. i- > ' 1 ? li ? !?. 'li I ui 'lie ji i?< a 1 ?.. Tnp; AlMA,
\- rm-,-.... t.'i. 1 , ,--<-iy polltlclan ii.i- Lj
<ni ?? an<l 1 is mIIi -n'l llbr iryt ..'iM aot
'liu- theory that th_ preaanre 0! 300,001
poandaol wool atoredla taa a-ijoiniuu' hetldlag waa ?_>
crtcd noi.ii the -tartf-waU of t!ie eaady faetorj aad
tm-t.-il im' baUdlogt.'.'i -i-.ew.iva,ae aa le throwdaaa
tha it!i 1 weat wall, loicivea ao aappart traai
iiu'.ii. . ??? ? ' ' '. It eenteada tbat tho wool eorii
. ii ii. Uttoral preaaora or a B-Ud, aad aa lf tha
ii.i,iiiin.' ihII-'I to it. thia aaaat have aoaa bjr cantiuc
-nr i.oi.i.-. t> <?.)<? ai ii-, liki* o imn-... of eatda. In tbi*
!.i ir..!'.,!iii_4 woold aaro fallan toa
I leydld n"t. Moreoi ? thi ll 11 Ball of thi Un 1
I mtul ii -.-? "all a - "? ' ?:?? "'itha
Ooora whlch il carrled; whanaa U la la ivideaea taal
roaalaa baek aad fneth la tba apiar
afterthi Bra! -m loalon. Thlau
., tl 1 v 1 ? !? itim ..iv ' f BaocK -. ti..- ma.
lualon ii:i.i ilirt.'.vii i.i.'t :i > .ri. ni.if th
. iii, v.-f! t i - Hi.' v.ia i.'.ia on tn.'t i-nli and I 1
,, a ...v.ii.,11, , i:.oa : leroofa of uu a_0oe.
:11c bulldlBf,
The nan v.ho will lay the plnaib line to tbe
? irh of a I'liitiii.. :?. ta a frtend <?>' tnuBaatty, lu ffreai
- ? lii-iuii ut< " hua bOOODM the uioilt-iu ?>-n..u>n
(oa " l.iaK'iie"; aad the phualM : aanaaaaaiaa Impertaaaa
lor >ro?ti nr Ul?in ntly for Ul- aadj aaeoad t.> that of the
iiijai, i.m. Bai ii *.v the plaaltcta bave a aowapafaaj
aad are lo refona; or, rather, lha aawaaaaar B M en
ooorage plaai-eraaad pal lowa tho ejaaeha af tbe an>
.. Uir .1 ni?;?<??? :n Ptumaer la alreadjrtwoa 1
..iii, mui 1 - two 1--!., a bare ahowa aaeicelle it ji-:
uf wbat may Im doae 1:1 tb - ield
?xlooeriug, aad h 1 raci IcaJ capabrUt) fordolni IL Chaa
F.Wlni it.-1-ii..-.'.ii'.'r, .-i!..| (..!?,i.-k;.-.-. B vv.i: n.-.ji., tba
htad m bii jrofaarlnn la thi coeau***, la a leadli
trtbotor aad adnaer. Thoae ,-..: n.u hava it ia iaaa
II ?,-,. i-1.> -.'iii iii- _,-?-.- ? :ti..'? 1*1 tho publie ii.!i'!i?". iii tt
i.i-w. ii.*: ii:-.-. i.ii.i I,-. h ?;. -t 1,1:1.11111:;--, 11 ?<? .11 liaanfr
?. ,. ..; ai d ?!-'?: U ii.ii-i.i'i.'ii-. ?? ? ?
iMueyo(tyi.t*_-rui)hi id ir.m iderabie aurerilalui oup.
:., :t irlve lhe pap. 1 itaauraai ea of uu
An rVmericaB txirreapondent <>f The l.orJot
./,, .... iai i- to I'l.'H- lu.u in -'"' -i '? w a i-t-l
- i'-i .. 1.1-.:->. Be holda that tea yea
:,- rieUI ' ' ,.f ?? -. :.. ti.lixg*:
1. Thal be eaaaol "eld aaaal f" ea
1:1 i pr r,' 11. tbe li! -a!.-r ln hil
(ara. 2. Xhai _ie baa aot .bf ro.al*ltoaelf'-*o maadaal
.,,,,_ .,,.??, ii ... ?--. ... .1 ? .,' : oa, aad taal ev.-a
i.|.i!iiin_00ahai aiiiiii Mtaa whito aaopiletor, laataai
irlagwaaea for hta work, alwaya leorea bim pea
ulle 1,andworeetl -.:?.. thi et: 1 of lha ??.-??
.. -. .. i'...t :.i-.. iw tMiiti-.t.'.i. of:.- ? ? ,:v"*
,, ii ,.:.? aea oa imn or her tha bow dai* ,r '**?
i-i.? .ii'iiuit-, or iiiti.-.-ii.-, waoBJodtol red taa by
blaoldaaaator froai mlajrted aaotirea ? ; ? -od
inten X. For the aearo aabar*] ''? t?0Be
iaaaothor,Ihooatt-eb,tadiarcgard t . Ua ;..uii<,
hi 1 iafaaUetd ? 1. ? -wooaao fearfullr eoninion unce i!.?t
Kbutgo devolved upon th m. 4. All r the I.
. , .,1 ||._TU_ .-? .-.'?! 111 ItU- UUI
?4; iti-a, l.lii'l-.-Ilt t." .111 >-llil KI l'!'-l Of ll'' l'i Bll '? .-' ??f,
iiiiUrei intlj -up... -a-.-.i in tii.- iii-i Otatt-e. -.here, by
,1,,., ,.!!,,-:. UIII liu--:. 11, Uu (rvedBMI
roiutd iiml politie, ilid i?.t paj*.
Tba munJdpol eleet-oaa in Pranee, wlnel
ie_oltedlai .-.ii.i-.. i.tto. ...<!. (or the Bepabll itna, araa
. ,. ,,,! v, illi. un.ia,Iill al..ll!li "') IhO ttt*
;i ii.i..! part ol tue Beaal ilatob n :..??-,
elcctoral eoUegea tor thia lairpoae ara?a>
: ., a i-i-<? exti nl ol thi repo ' *_?
iu..ii in.-.lua. 'ibo Ropub'.leaaa aml theti '
uiade evciy eftbrt to iahuroce the eleetloai tor th C _?
;: 1 ?! iiii.t ii.- the Con* lls-d'hn '??
,!,, ie i?,. .- ;...,- v , d .1 tiul. ne..n-tit?:.-'' '-?<? n mm
uel torora-de tothe BepaMt-aaai lad ed, II waathl
, ? ? '. . .:..
ibe i'i-;-.ni:... iii.i Coaaolla ou Bovi*a_ber _jl_*t, wbi-t
,..,,.,,:,',.;. . idod tba t.iL-.iy retreat af tl - l
, ?_i. -. 11...: .: iwevi:-. to tl..- iiii.t.- rl ... >
if tbe i-.-.'.ii'- ofthe M__Uelpoi Coat-dla tnthl
, 1 ro, Ibe roaolti ..f th? vle* *
t,.;- (...- ;ii. -.. -iui iitti ; n ' ? ? i-a-va*
:iutl tb ? ?? ' '?-, ? havovirtaal f '
.Mi. i l.'-n and 1: -iu u thi -
T, .-' ( ...l.-rl. ? ? ? - " '
,. tothe ? .- itlou ol t!.<- A*......
.,,.. i> - the 1 ouutrj. u i- ? -
.l.-.ii.-. 'iln- i'ii.i'-..'ili(i'* 11.*v. ....- t.ii.! tlie pi-lil '?""
ii . i) ...i..-.,... 1 ?.-? 1....... uaoaot taa-B*
_.u .;....11-. _
Ifr. Joba Wblte fpivo tbe Bral of 1 1 '??"-;*'
.1 i-.i a,.: ormn rccitulo j
f whlch be ' ?
.I.. upot al " ?
ii judirateut; it n
pp ?; i .ii?:r ite it. liiiiin.i!..-.: . .
. ?;? : , B
?-..III! ."-.'.- a; 1 . . I
4 ? ,- ... will ai -.-. ti-.! Mr. V... tl
1 allaklool torhin elf ataak ol ';
.m-i it may ba aald ;.t ouce Ihal fc<
m.-t et-i -I'.t.ii. v. li ? li.s a laU.-l i- ? ?
taate, aa a rale, ta tha ? '
iisaii;-..:--.-. .m-i hc baa evldenll. i> 1 n
,,,,_? ..i.i'.-nt 1.11,- ? ? . -
Uegave a 1 li ar ..ii I 1
aoaata. aad wbea are tokenlatoae.
cultic'ofthUa ? ? '
III l.r.iil.s .Ul.l tii!..-:-. ti:
. -.,:.-.I1..-III
.. '?!.? pal i .-i roi
an .tbor additlon t.. the f< 0 .-11:111... 1
nwitii.g im. [Ugeuoe ind arthil I *"'
liv, ara laboilni '..< laiprova lhe lasto forore-a*""!
, I'lu-vb iint.aie ln tln- .-!?:? ? 'JI
pla<M al ti.e Catl rdral on W.
30'clock. rhe r:*.-i'..ili nr.> ttt >.
The .friendiof tbt- Siw-Yoik l'bitl iratonj
Boetetj . remlBd dthal th>-h ''
Mla h ia ba ? ebaaaod, aad the perform... ?''-" "ro
afteni.M.n wUI i.f-l'i at-'..'.-l-> ?'- ochi
plmnvii. ( .....i-i-. IVaaaar'a ?? Faaal" orei ?
luau.i'-a.?:-. ".i.l- in I' uilBor, aad ihe ball ? ? ' '"
.. 1.,.??,. iiii.lJiiin-f ajratpboaj of Bertl imahtmn
adaatrab-a najii?i tB^oag, lata raattai aad ru
THK l..\MK<>.s('H COBCEVT8.
For liis tv.t-lfih _-Jd-J.ee, 011 Satiinia.-.JJ
Daarooah preaBaaa U_aeraa*jaro ta oiacra "''"^-j
1,1 Aiilt*.** Ha.-h'. eomeito in P nn.ior f-r l''-*?
htiitiuMKiHiiiit, Mr. ll,.ekilinaii|.lwo uiov.?iiicnie
u.i Octette of IUI-jrel ?, au.l tha BoroK hl :';>,;::',*A.
will Uo tho Ust of I.ii oteheatral couc-iw wt ?-< i"*

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