Newspaper Page Text
QVmuec.iKntfi anb ttedi?Baj fB-MilM. Booth's TmATKii?" I'm-lc Tju.'.c Cabin." Bkoadvvat 1'mkatrk-" Ibc (icv.-riit-sa i-o-iii aaaaaa hai.l? iieiier'a ?A-ouiers. nn.. Avisi) I'lii.vTin-" TbeDalBolaaaaBB LTCBOa liiKiriir.?"East Lyaae." Niblo's (iAKHK>- " Paep o' Day.' oaa, I'akk Tm Aint-" Chamiaaaaa and oynt?ra. BAB f-AXCIBCO MOtaTBBlA ? BTAXOABD I iikmiii-"'nc Honee. I m.,n >vi ai.i 1HKATKV-" A rclebralod Csac. V.AI.LACK-S 'flU:AIIIh-"Ml)li(-V?" AcAi.EMTCF I)Ef?ioN?Wiuci Inlnr F.xblhition. FiiV.iav) battmi citti.-c 11 -Pi.-. i imph hxliibitlon. t.ii hobb'8 OABOtai?iUaqaorade Ba!_ Anou. aaw-Yoaa avi ahk v~i>.ivaad Eveajas, Bt oaoaoaa CacacH?Orpan Coneert. Btbdiwat Hall?2: R.-h.-aiaHi. Taoaaaa 3nbcx to 2\oncrti0cmcute. _ am. tauaaaia?3d Tmma tm ami oih aaiaanaa lii.AKi, am. Booaa?BflI Paat ad eotam?? Ri-aiNKsa ( ii-.mi- 7Mi l-ge-eth eolaaaa. KratM-as NnTicih?4fA Paat? lat column. Coai. am> WOQB Bta litge ?8d eoluiiin. t..Rp<,KATii's Bontiaa aaa faaa Baaaoaaav c ,,i BTBt Boabd atlt J'aae?.bl eolnmn. 1m\. im. hl IDBMIK?Oth l'aae-'iA c-i.liimn. iMMin.Mi N"iii a* - 7th Paaa Otb eolaaaa. Iim i.i.i.i.s ;;</ faaa Bth eaWaBB. ??,?mn I ii...i-i o U)vmnaaiiB_iB o-i J-pa-gtB eolnmn. B-ijiAjcciAL?7lk I'tunt?btb and Oth rol-nina. Boi si.s am. Fakm* Wabtbd-OM l'tw-rotb column. II ? ( Bl a.m-W/i laiie?blb cnluniii. lN?.Tiiic-TiciN-OIA I'atit?2d and ad cninmna. 1 un uis imi Mi.i.iiM.s-Sd Fiw-Yiih cniutiin. I/>?t am> Foi bd?6a* ftmt?5tb column. llaaa-B im. si.itb Mantkls-IW luar? >thcnlumn. >Iai IB1A0I - AM' DKATBa 6<fl /'?</??Otli coluiiin s? 0*8 I'age?Jcl cuiiiiuu ; Stfi Fage?olb and 0(b i-..luinn?. liran ai iv-ik.raama?Bd Paae?oth aonuan New Fibi n atioxs? Oth Faue?ltt aiul 2a rolurnna. Rkai. i:-r,vn Ki.r 9a!.e-Ott-07A Page-Otb eotnmn: UOOaTBT- BU 1'itat-Oth comuiu; To Exchangi:?bth f-aa Bth "iiiniii. , . Bai.ts nr Ai-t r.oN?Oth Page-3d column. taiiaaa Bab-B?7tt Vtum Bth eolaaaa. Prxt-iAL NOTH i:?? St* /'afw?fith column. Biti-ations \V.\MTKi?-MALKa-Of* /'a???Sth column ; FKMAi.Ls-Cf/. Papr-Sih coiiimn. BTKAMHOAT8 A3D 1U1LROAI.S-6CA r?IIC?4th aud 5th colunioa. Btbamkrs. O fa*?7th T'age-Otb column. IkAfHERii-lif/i l'i"ie-30 c.lun.D _ To I.iT-fiTv l'R(.rr.RTT-fi'/i fapa BJB column, CotHTRT?01 h Fage-Ttth hii.1 6th cnluiima. _ ?1156111136 XOllCfB. Vor Lrxr, Piseasks. Rock catrtv. (11-im lvi-,1 Mpora banaVmadeBTfl coj.pcr wMa k?T. 8J r'" t" ti-'i'ir aalhii. Ri-.-inilinii toaa.\ li. ii. Kiai * co.. r,0 rnlton m., ami 709 Broadwar. ' LtTTTi-fl & IIuanues, F03 aad ior. Eaat 42d at Now-Yerk. aear tba Graad Ceatral Depot taportma i.roci a. i-onatamlT ree. Ivma ehli'iu' uP nf Bne winea, fcnw I,. an oahcaclea, Havaaa rinaia. Aii pi-iutlpal brauJa of tLaui i.aaiica ulli-i, i! at loweat caali prlvcia. _ ltri'Ti'iti-:.?Coinfoi't ainl s:ifc:y. Trusso tlml the M.iir'T aujusfa the prc-asnle ai.vwl.eiv frOBP lOM ponndaiofooronocefl. wltboai i?bovIbb maatnenony. au aaoa ami air,.i" Heis. . all aiul et.irniue. ^AiUl'isiAni :: i'Hi,s-i i.K -Vitt -si'i-J.'- Drmdway. TO TIIK t'iiN-1 Ml'TIVK. ?I.ct tboBO who llUI riil.h iiiiil-r Ika latal a?'veiitv nf imr cliuiatc tlinuiuli any fuilllilillHV |..'ll|,lllillt. 01 -elen ? ll" 810 ln (iCCIlll il e.'ll Buiiiiiiion. by no meana deai-lr. I bere la a aaia anil -1' 'J'' '; a rai nau.i, ami one eoallj tried. Wujob'b Coan aooa Cci I.IVI ii "i;. AM.i.lMB, wlllinul imsne-l: g tlie v -rv im aaal. ina tlamr I Iin- otlfll lii.retufnreiiM.I, ia emlowecl by llie]lis. pbate of iim. ?.th a beahaaprope iy vbic:. renii.-rsi'ieeii efflcBdoua Beniartabto l?Umoniala .f 11a efflcracj BbnwntoalliviiodealreU. ?oe thtiu. t?ol.l bv A. B. Wiuoa, Cben?at, Boati u. _ DAILT 1 liiitrxK. Muii Baaaenbeaa, BIO imt annnm. f<EMi-Wn ki YTiiint st,:Miul 8uiMcnbera,f3poran. \\ r.KKi.Y '1 inm ni . Muii Bobfloribera, B2 pca aaaaai. 'IcruiR. c.isli in (((Ivaiicc. Ja*ei^^4?rk Cailu Qeribnnz. FOUNDED BY HORACE QREELEY. ~~TIin:-I>AY. FEBBDARY '21, 1878. TUE Xl.lYS THIS iIOI!XI.\G. Foitr.iON.?Cnrdinnl Giniu-cliino Pecci wn? pro flaiiu.-.l Popfl yist.-riliiy ; hin title is LaoXlIT. == Trince Bnaaaroh a-ektaa that Qotaaaaj will not ilraw the 91989- iiuloss her mtercsts are imperillH, and they ur.- noi at iir.'* nt. = Johu Wnltrr, chief projiric tor of The London Timet, was black balled, at tho Athenceuni Clnb, for anti-Tiirkish ecutiinen's. -= Berrar Paaaa has givt-n up the laiaigo portfoUoaf lurkcy. t'ollec-tor Siiiiiiions ia in WaB-tagtoa aatB-Bf for ft leappointmeut. ? Kear-Acliu.'ial Ainmen has retired from activo dutv atter fortj years of s'-rvice. := Th" Eipati 'I'rade Coiiveii tion at Waabragtoa ad-aaad WBalaHoaa tarofl-uj a aaaanl ayatoai of mail eoutracts to Natio-ial atoam liues. ??- ronnajiTaala aai Hair?Jar8oyOoafreaB min are believed to bo aolidly opposcd to tha Bew taiiflf bill. ??- Controller Oicott has im f.rreil charges of iiialfeasauce and violatious of his outh of otlice aiolaol ln.suriiiieB Bopanaaaaaa-it Smyth. -Tl'c lu.liaua Daoaooratjat Mate Conventiou waa held yesterdoy at Indi.inapolis; a platforni wa? adopted and a State ticket was noininated. ? The BaeraBMatO Valk-y, in Califoruia. bas siiflt-red from floods. Conghkss.?In the Penate, y.rterilay, an aniend ment to ihe Postal CoaipaBBBtlflB Hill, fot roatOfUaf thefraiiking privib-pe toCoiigri'SH. was paBBBd 1>J xi tn -'l; Beaoral other -Uaa of prlaataaad loeal im portance were pasaed; the bill for a loim Bflaai for investineiit 888989 up to-day as untinished baBa-OBB, = The Hoa88| after d.-bale, unseated Mr. Ihir rall (Kt-iM of Louisiana. by a party vote, aud nvvore in Mr. Aeklia (D8B-) in his plaee. City ani> tOBOBBAB.?(.'eucral James Loriuier Gral.Hiii bail yest'-nUy in tho civil suit Liiii. ?? New-York Catholica received with satisfuction the choii-o of the new I'.ipe. = Mis. Hyiic-s v.on hataaia. == Fart-araartaaoap was given about Mrs. MernlTs ecccntiicitics. ? Dr. Newton Wliitehead was anestcd on a rhanje ei iiiali.raet'.ce. ?J A. J. Johnson gwra B liiii,'e!y-at ten.led literary reccption. B== The steainshiii (,'ity of Dflllaa araa !loartao?====T_a Board of Edoea tion conaiilered the consoliibition of two sdiools. :-Qnlil 101*- 10178- 101T8- Oold value of Ihe dollar at the aapBB, 9*s-io OBBta. St/K-ks dull but lngher, closiug steady at a fraclioual de cline. Thk Wkaiiikb.? Tkibunk loeal olmervations in dicate a c-oiitinuance of WQIUIlB and rairi, develop ini: into storn. TheruioiueU-r! yesteiday, S_?i 4-', 41?. ______??_? Tho Virpinia Sonatc M-ima to Rtnnd firm in fajBJaJiaf ri'inuliiition. Wa-k it has paaaoa tln Houhc lnll, it bas rniitt'iiiilly alUred it, and liiis inst-itcil a proviso that the bill shull not intcrft-ie with the rights of bondhoiders or bo n garded as ixquiriug a coinjiroiuise of the debt. -? The free and nnfettercil Indiana Dcniooracy Trant unliniitcd silver intlatiun?and a low rate of inteii'st; tlie iniiiiidiato icpcal of tlie Ke Biiniption Act?and 9 rigid econoiuy in iniblic Mpaaa-B-Baa ; unliiniu-d greenbacks?and a rc (luctiou of tlie Kil.uics nnd fecs of nll public BBa-BtB. The Iiidiiina Deiuotracy know just what thcy, and evidoutly know just how to gc-t it. ________ C.iitrollcr Okott has laid before Baa Gover? nor a hi-b-sonmliiig iinjM'.Tclnnent of .Supcrin tendent Smyth, and tlie Governor will, no di.ul.t, proaiptlw traiisinit it to the Senate. Then Mr. Smyth will bave an opportunity to meet kis BO B-Ota, and, jmlging from the promptii'Hs wiih wl.i? li he aaal alit-ady uuule public ull the fiicts lalat-af to this in.-itter in his BaaBBaBto-, that "i^xitiinity m not likely to bo neglected. Even a Caa-OBl BsBBB bioker, it seema, inuy bo inisi-epi-i seiiti-d. Tiie liiinor that tlie tcpn toalalitlia of thia ugilc bianch af industry were oppoaad io tlu- labor-aBTiaf tjaBta which Sicic taiy Sliei-nian bas introdiiccd into the CaatOBl Ilouse, is pronoiiuced a BBttipo-gB lie. All they Bal for is an ineieaHO in the nuinber of entry cleilui, and a very Boaahat request that st-ems to be. It canuot be said tli:it Colli ctor Siminons, in liis pn- cliargo on Wa-a-Bgt-Baj has violated the letter of the PiaaJdeat. order to olli.-e lioldeis, uulepB the Adininistration ia a " BB " lifical orgauization,'' or Congress a " caticus,w both of which oflice-holdi is were iorbidden to " inauage." But iD that forgotten docuuient, the ofllce-holdera' right to expreaa themselvcB on public qnestioua was not to bo allowed to * iuterfero wiih the dischargo of their official " dutics." Mr. Siiiimons, no donbt, looks upon his reappointiucnt aa a public question, but his zeal in discussing it bas earried him u lOBg way from his Custoni Houso. Captain Howgate's plan mrets with favor in alniost all quaiters, and there appears every reason to hope tliat it will take shape iu a Polar expedition from this country. As the Senate (Jominittee on Naval Alfairs bfld al icady n-ported favornbly upon the UU for this project, nnd the Hoaaa CaaBalltteB has ngrocd to a Iike report, the measure will come before Congress with strong support and probability of adopti'Ui. The restoration of the franking privilese with respect to corrc apondence, which Mr. Jlanilin urged nnd the Senate voted for yes t.nli.y, will not be so serious a mattcr M it may hceni. The real restoration took plaee when the last CongrcKS voted to nllow public (iocutnonts to go Ihrough the mai'.s free. The letters of Coiigiessmen and of tho President aad Yiee-President will hardly load down the mails, but the renewal of this priviloge, sbould the Hoaaa concur, will l?ut the whole busim ss just where it wns when the Pldladelphia Couvention of 1S72 demanded its abolition as a preparation for a speedy reduttion in the rates of poatage._ POPE LEO XIII. The Italians bave a snying to illustrnte tbe fallaciouMicss of all predictions as to the ac tions of the couclavc: OM entra papa, e*ce carilinale?"lle who is pope when he goes '?. ''will be only a cardinal when he comes out." But in this instance the Sucied Colleo-o has dc ceived popular a-gaertj by dolng just what was foretold of it. Cardinal l'ecci, long bc fire the death of l'ius IX., was fie quently BSBBBJ in Kome ns tho probablc succcssor to tho Papal throue?more fieqiiently peihfips than any other Cardinal now livintr; anil the piomptness with which the election was effectod shows that tln re can have been little or no donbt from the lirst as to his prceinineiit fitness nnd availability. Pius IX. was Bb-BBB alniost as quickly, but in 1846 there were political rcasoiis for Baaa* vv'nicli do not exist now. The sjieedy result of this election can only be regardol ns a stnking tc-stiiiionin! of tln- high opinion entcr tiiined oi tln- new Pope by his BBBOflfataa in tlie colleie. All nccounts of him, indc-cd, aie flattrring. Hy eonuaoo agreemevt, he ls a bbui of blumeless life, atrong inind, gcntle disposi tion, culture, scliolar.-diip, reiined inanncrs, and sincere picty. We pflbti-b in other culunins the piutiiulai's of ins paat career, and such illustrations of liis eharaeter as can be gath ered froin those who know the RoflMfl court, and toircthor with these details we itive some lively extraets from recent coik ppondenee of The Lomhn Timrs, which we advise our readers to ncc( pt with BBIBB-BtaWa reserve. Among the vnrious itenis of inisin ioimation disseminated from this activo soiircc is tlu- rtory that Cardiaal Peeei was nnt Hkad BJ pii-.s IX.. wln. wlthln ld for seven years the hat tlmt had been givon him by (.rciroty XVI., and that hc- was practically banishoil to his diocese of fVruKi,t, instead nf being in vited to graoa the Boaaao court. The trutli is, as to t-B lirst tale. th.-'t he was not crcat'-il fa pctio by Grcgory, but his elevation t.. tlu jniijile aaaaa origioal act of Piaa himtw-lf; an.l iis to tlio S(C(,nd, Ihat ull cardinals who have sees are expeeted, exeept uuder special cii eumstanccs, to icside at them. Cardinal Pecci was a good bishop, and hc lived with liis lloc-k. Pius JX., when bishop of Imolii, did the Bame. Indeed, the late Pope gavo the strongest proof of bis QOB-dOBCa in tho 111:111 who has now succeeded bim, when he ap pc.intecl him, lust Scpteinbi-r, Chainbc rlain of the Holy lioniau Church, to govern dariag tbe iiitern'gnuiii?Bfl BB-09 so important in its in lluence upon the eharaeter of tliu BBZl nigll that the iiicuinbent of lt is populaily e.ill. .1 the "Pojie-iiiaker." If any augury could be drawn from tho re lations between the late pontitT and tlie pres ent one, it would be that the policy of the Holy Bea is DOt to ba matciially cliangid. Th.-re seeius to be an cxpi .tation that tiie ik vv Pope will provo " moihiatc" in his dealiogfl with the Eurnpeun Povvcis, and that he will prcparc the way especially for a recr.iiciliiitinii with the kingdom ol Italy. That a ebaaga must come soouer or later in the rospective attitudes of Church and State in Italy and Germany iidinits of little donbt, but that tbe new Pope will make any itnportant con cesHion? or MiiTciidcr any of the claiiiis of tlie papaej bbbbm to us bigfalj ImprobaWe. Tbe poartaoa of the ebareb was too lirmlv aettled by Pius IX. lo be easily ebaaged, and the policy of Italy is at tho prescnt time more nggn-s sively aiiti-Catliolic than it has ever beofl be? fore. It appaan to bj that the reiga of I.eo XIII. is to be one of tninsilioii, which will peiliaps witiicss a giiidiiiil amclioration oi the distresi?cs of the Church, but is alniost as likely to BBB them aggravated. He comes to the throno at all evenis untramiiiellcl. He has had 110 part iu the poliiieal afl'airs of the iloly See. He has lived for many years in u pasioral retirciuc nt. He is suppow-d to be readj to BCeBpt the inevitable, and make the beat of it. He is cerluinly not ol.jectionable to the secular powers, althougli lie is bv 110 in.aiis a Liberal in polilics. All Ihe ministers ol the late pontiff retire, BBPBf-hag to established cus? toni, and the new ruler can chuoso new coiin Hillois wiihout embarrasKinent, ond wilh out the fear of iiiisconstruction. He is an old man, but old age beflta a ]Hipe, and many a pontiiT who hai come to tlio throne at a still more udvaiiced period of lifo has been sparetl long PJBBIgi in the ebair to bave a name iu hislory. To faithful Catholies, whose atlections hnve bc. 11 diavvn to the Konian See in a very special maiiner during tlio laat painful years of the good, gcntlo and K''n<,r,?llrt it-Bj t-B choice of a head ol the Chur.-h will be an occnsioii oi congiatiilation und tri'imph, and Iheir satisfaction to-day will hc all tlK' greater when they leim that tin- new Leo is likely to emtilate t!ie peisonal viitues of his pradeeeoaar. Hut to thoaa oataida tbe p.ile of tho faith, who cc.nsicl.-r the tiibula tioiis and n-siiousibiliiies which are impost d with the taa-fl in these times, (lioacchino Pc-cci will not BM 111 a BBUI to be envied. TIIE BEEAT POLITICAL 8ECEET8. Withont wishing to n<tiip the fiinctions of Ciaagltaa. or araa U> advise that body. wo would liko to say 011 behalf of a people burst iiig with curiosity, that tho one thing now needod is tho passago of nn euabling act; thut is an act enalding people who are criinniKd full of State secrcts to tell all th. y know, and bave done with it. It is now 11101c than a year sinee 0 great iiumbcr of i.romiueiit IMililicians, and friends and accpiaintanccs ol promiiiciit politiciaiis, and the friends and cor re.siiondeiith and otlice-boys and boot-blacks of the friei.ds of proliiinent politieiuns, began wanderitig up nnd down this country, wugging their wise beads and holding on to their hIciii achs as thougb tbey bad tbe colic, aaj ing that lf thej only aere at libeity to tcll all they know alx.ut tlie Ekctoral Count, and tlu Eloctoial OflflU-Mflt-B. and thc Loui Kiana __!__-. etc, <'u'-- thc haiy of _,C cntii.* countiy ivoiild Rtand on ?-nd. Tlio mind ibrioka froni coiilemplatim. -tfl trcineiidoii. cun-KHHiHcH tliat so many people liavc m.side of ther.i hr tln-y ffl about aud min.le with tlie world iu tlie ordiuary Wfl-B flf life. It will Ik rciiiciiilM-nd tliat there waa soiii.thiiio liko thirt sUite of thiniM durini. the f_O0_ Hrooklyn tiial. Thero were two or tlirec pernons moro or li'HU councotcd with that bofl-* OOB8 who were not only reputcd to be, but si.I.ninly fOYfl it out themsclvcR that they were, loaded to the uiuz.le with fact. of all dc -K-cs of |_rpott_MM. and eRpceially " bottoni " facts," whicli, if th?y over flhOflM K< > off. would blow up the whole Chiintiau Church. An.l these people, like the old-fashioned car ?iinter who, with hia B-B-8 out.lietchcd in Jront of him, went thc crowd cry injr, " Don't touch me?PfB Rot the measuie " of a door-way here," went up and down among us, aayin- -to everybody : " It won't " do for thfin lo ask me niany fBOfl-OOOl " U they do, I shull BXpOBt ovei-ytliint./' There wu. au intense public nnxiety to see these BO-MM Uiuched oil". They were not only touehed, they were jostlod and crowded, .xperiinentcd on with .low inatches and exposed to a whito heat ; but ni ither friction nor peroussion nor forco piimp nor icrvciit heat ever got out of them ii fnct ol any B-BflflBJBflWB. or had any cfl.-ot other than lo make them .hudder all the more when they t-OBgfcl of what _fl_gfct hap peu if they should tell all they knew. Bal tho picscnt state of tt-flffl*9 WOTflfl tfcBB that. We Inive now reached that paaa that tln* hold.i. of the l*ottoin bfl- l'elatinj. to the I'rc.dcntial cloctioti of 1H70' are iu the ma? jority?_ very laifB majority. There are not probabiy at thi_ data '-W EagUflh spe.iking peopk in the eountry who do not citrty in ono way or unotlier the BOBBB-fll BBBN?I of the Klectoral Count. A laiffl niajoi ily of our TO?Bg P0p?bltlOB Bt.I at llu- very moment actively BBg-ffld in Rliud ileiini., not at what other peoplfl know, but al they know tlieniRcl vot, BOOB thii ?tupandoOB fiiibjcot. The rIiivci BBI beeome ro itiiiver.:il that it ia not flflflf l'> distiiiKUMli it froni chills, and we IBaU not bfl siirpiiacd to learn pr. -untly that thc flrst iiii.aiii.ii ptopOB?-fld by n pliysieian to n pati.nt iviih thfl "nhakes" ls: MDo "you know BBytfc-Bf aboul thfl ' ('ininiiission,* "or tho ?Count.' or thfl 'BfltBi-iflt Bofll-. "or the 'vi-iilinj. B-ftOBB-OB,' or the 'bargain.' "or'thc frand,' or Hewitt flt Wattoisnn or "Chandler, or Ntanloy Malthcw-., or PO-OB or "Cioiiiii, or anybi.dy elsc ifl iictivo potttkflf" And il ho aaya Yes, thfl doctOC will piek up his BBddleboJfl and BBJ, " He's ***] BOflBflU-DC "iu Iii iu tlmt qniniiie won't reach ; MBBflOf thfl "bottom fucts of thfl late PlBflJ-M-Hfll clec "tion; theie's I food deal of it 'roiind ; you "can't do anytliinj; for it t-xeopt le. it riin it "r-.-lf out.*' And it ifl trne tliat BO coii.aj.ioii, phi sicil, ni'iiaI or politieal, ivir flptOOd ro rapiilly an this. Thfl flBOtota of tha I'rcsnlcntial eleetion nro like DobJoI Webetar'a BOtflfl " rver.i body's |0t Vm." And thc n tnaikaUe thiBg is how well everybody kflODA tln in. OflOfl in u while bome pi! ui fflta very in:id b.caiiso he can't lind anybody |>..tii<>!i<* eooagb to i-it np aigbta arith him riiv iiitf thfl countiy, and he Bflffl: " If Ihis "people ifl BO. BBOOBUBOBJ eaiefnl how it coii "ductri it.self, I'll jnst B-bOd np BB n caiiille "Imx and Kll all I _BOW." Mr. Wm. K. t'lrindler the countiy to fld?flfl the other day Iroin thfl w ivhborhood flf thfl Whtte .MoiintiiiiiH, and saiil l_BBifl?JTflly Ihat Ae wum about to Iflt lOOBfl tlie B-CTOtfl that had Imcii (lainiiied up in him. B?I thfl polili. iaits said he did not lot ont a (Iiiiiiiii.tI mikI, and thc fTebtral hapflflflBJOB WM that if ln* Innl beea d.iiniiied apbofoto bia diseloa?roa h< i\as daniincd up and doWfl afti iward. Th?D tliere was >!r. lli-wilt: bfl k'ot very much exdtod ob tbfl lloor ol UoogrBflB tbfl othei daji and Haiil tliat BOOOOT thaa .ull.-r tho ?llBgfl and BROWfl of 0*-b_HVO0fl foitunc, or bear tho proiid inan's aii'l (he panflfl of dflOpfafld ivfTt, he Would >_ivc iiniii BOflM unwiitlin hisloiy that iv..ii!>1 make their tecth curl. And when tliey t<>|.| him to ?o on?as they always do under such eircunistanc..?he n laled 88088 BBOOdot?i whiflfa were so far from beinir uiiivrittcn that when he Rat doWB an DOpIoOOBBt ineinber bfigBB reailinj. tln-m out of a piintcd book. So he did not ligbt up tlie pofflB ol hiKloiy with nnythiiiK like a liuid y:lare. And now Ileiiiy Waltcr_.ui takea up the Rtrain, and aftci dillll?flillf Hewitt nn a blumlcni flrbo' l'liaiili-ncyjfor Tild.n, gtf?| ni plaiiib tu BBdoia??? tliat tho very bottom taetfl are. in his cxcliiaivc P0fl80_0?M. aml that Bf?T iv.ryl.oily B?fl iia . told all that anylioily cIhc knowa, he ean tell tbiflg- tlmt he knoivs that nobody knowri. And ro the Ihiiij,* novn on. The peoplfl of thifl countiy Rl. becoiiiiiiK' Bfl satnrated ivitli tboae niystciries, and so iinprcRscd wilh the inipoitiince ol keepinj. them Kicrct, that tlieio is daiiKci all other __tfl_Ofl?I may be ni -lected in this nb.-orbiii- POflfliO?. It is quitc cle;ir Ihat there are bottom facts in llu- matter of Ihe mo-t vital iniportiince. Tliey are lre(picntly ro n fern (1 lo bv pfltflOMWfao are holdin^r on to tlicin baid lor the Riiine reason that the darkey licld on to the tail of the bull in the iniddhi of a ten acro lot? bflOBBBfl l__ B-BgCtO?I lo Iflt ko. Hut then' are ro many people iu ponscRsion of the .c.-iets of tho eleetion of lHTii, and .o fVw of us who do not pretend to know them, that it roally Roems aa thoii-h they ini-ht be pul.licly diffllged without dfliflf iiiuch liann. We, Iherefoiro, hope that Btopfl will BOOB bc taken to rcciiic the pa-.Ra_;e of an en flbUnfl ad and an aet of fflBMBEfll amiiesty, no Ihat all ****** POOP?I who are lomled up with St.ite sccrctR (an tell all they kin.w and |fl| it oti tlieir minds. With ro many pfloplfl aroiin.l eootaioing r<? many aml mi'll feaifnl BflelOtfl. tho eountry foflfaI as if it wan Bteppiag aboiit iu a field plauted with torpedoe.s. sT.liniXG TO UO AROESI) TUE WOELD. About a year a.*o we called ntlention to a ciniosily iu lilciiitiire, issneil as it ciicnlar by tlu- proptictors of the Woodiufl' Scienlillc J',* pedilion BTO?fld tlie World. Tho ainbiosial ?tylflof that docuiueiil, KJflBBIJBg all ovct with B?BUflOr llifht from Iho hpiey i.ales ol Onnus nnd of Ind, but llickeriiflg with iincerlalii Eiik lish, did uot JB?JCBtfl ita on-in uh from n man of B_?Bflfl, or its flO?Bflfl?ea With any flflBt of leariiing. The deli(,'htR rather than tho lalior* of tho ffl^Bfa uerc BTgod upon the reader's alteiition. Ar an nd dilional incentive, it wtis ineiitiuiii .1 ihat the wfl??N eiiKiiifed for tho tflblfl Reivico on board ship would bc sclectcd for tlieir lniisical capacity. SoincthitiK WM to bo done m the intt-rioi* of Ncw-Uuineii in the way of c.plorn lions, aml a few hintrt were tlirown out aa to thc Bciontiflo objects in view. Uut iu spite of two or threo BOMBBB?I iiaincn of University BtofflBBfltl iMflBdfld to th. lirst iiroKramme, there was visible thnuiKh <??. ? ry line of it a far PBOBBI BB??BJ lo obtaii. - : .tUmis at *j*,*>,000 Bpiece for the voyuge, tliau to loiwurd tlie lu* teiests of science or educatiou. Tbat prospcc tus .vtampid it aa a coinniercial venture; a malter of dollars aud cenls to the projectors. Since then there havo been numerous c hiiiige? of programme. Stationery bas issued fi-oni the inanagers of the expedition in tbe utinost profusion. Pamphleta in clean typo and neat gray covcrs were scatterrd all over the laad, and to anybody who might lie sup posod to take nn interest in such uiatters, at leaat fouror five eopies were sent. Newspaper oflicos wero bcsiegcd, aud there seemed to be no lack of inforniatiou about the expedition liefore tho public. A curious feature was the persistency with whicli it was aunounced that the expedition would start ut given times, and the (lilusioii was kcpt up witl.iu a few days of the appointvd hour ihat tho start would actu ally ba made. We present to-day au inside history of tbis speciilation. Its promoter* appear to have bocu ni, n of mnall means and no scientilie preten sions. At no time bave they owned or finnly engaged a vessel for their expedition. Their hope socnis to havo been that tho subserip tions would lie paid fast enough to iloat the enleiprise. The curious foattue about it is tho luiinber of promineiit scientilie nien who gave it partial support by writing lettersof guarded approbation. The Aeademy of Scieiices of this ciiy cotiiinitted itself by resolution in a sunilar manner. It seeuis a pity to expose the empti iii ss of tlio project while nien of such dignity have givon it u qiiasl-support. Hut tho latest niove of the adventurers who have tho scheme in eharge, is of a more serious chaiacter. They have actually obtained tho passage of a bill tluough ono branch of (Ongrcss by which the Xational bonor will be in somo nieasure conimitted to their project. Peiinission will bo given by the bill to enablo these spcculatora to obtaii any old steamship in Europe, give to tho ves sel nn Americanl registor, and sail it as tlu rcpresentutive ship of an American cxploiing expi (liiiun, conducted iu the inieicsts of Amer ican science. Tho credit obtained by tho pas? sage of the bill throiigh COBgroBB, may enablo this project to he earried out?on credit. Tho biatory of tho projectors of tln- eoterpr-M will ?how tlie varioiis and ainu-ingsliil'ts by whicli they havo hilherto endeavore.l tu miiko credit do duty for casli. Ie this nndei taking they havo had t.. laee a cold ;ind iiiistnistful world, but th. u exp. liciicc niay now eniible them to eir ciiiiiveiit it, if imt to ciiciiinnavigate it. AX AIUECT Al'Ol.Ot.Y. The tc nclc-nc-y of insiirance joiirnnls toward blackmail has long been a matler of eoiniuon olt-ervation. The coiniiiiiiies have in general foaad it cheaper to luiy oll'def nnatnui bv lib? eral ailveiliscineiit in micIi joiirnals than to defy their wratb. Mr. Hope, Prisidei.t ol the Ciniiiientnl (Fire) Insiirance Compauy. con cliiilcd to take n B-tbteat eoursc, and stied the propin-tor of one of these joiirnals for libel. The icafllt is a most complete. n-tiaclioii ou the pati of the joiiltml ill qiiestlon, of the libels upon which Mr. Hope- hrought -uit. Tho re tracli.ui ii s.. abjeat as to he alniost pitiahlo ; its aiithor .ickiiowle.lgiiig the utier lalsity.of all 1ns ebargea agaiaat Mr. Hope aad tbeeoaa pany, and dei-larii.g his n-gic t f.u their eataOB. We piint in uuolher ciiliimti this a-iii n.-11 v ol liter.iture. Mr. Hopa deserves c-redit for taking Up the endgell t/t Ibe law against mis.-rupuloiis black? mail, and tho coin|.:i!iy ovei whicli ho pre r-i.l. s will bo the largeal beiiclic iary by his eoajiage. Bal tbe insiirance eoBpaniea iu gen? eral, both Iiie and lif<-, will sharo in tho beii ellf, ami it ia BB smnll gnin to the whole com mtinity when a peMi.ciit ltlieller stanils self convic ted. Yet it is not obvious to most peo plo how such libels aro prodnet ive of daraage. Tba laaaraBea Ja-tvalaj Iike Otbei pilblii-aliolis tliat ii-i- devoted to specific bi.iii.hc-i of baafaeaa, bare, wiih very few evecptions, an cxcecdingly sn.iill circiilaiioii. Thcy cxist by reaaOfl of their ad vcrii-ing patroaage, yet they aro scircely taken at all exeept by Iflaaranea nompanlna At iit st si^l.t there would appear to l.e so little ehance fot ihe cireulation of any liliel whic-h stn-h u joiiiiial Bligbl contain, that it could do no in j-.iry. Hut tho CBeta Iio deeper. Kival com paniim inako uso of the libel. When any thing spei ially o-trageoBj appears, the nvals order a largB edilioii of the ibeet) and circiilate it among tlu ir BgeotB, who piiiiide it hefere people that. are taking iiisiitance. Snspicioii is thus dii.-cted agaiaafl tba eoaapeay Ubetled, and tbere aie bo practteaJ bibbbb of ee-atBraeting it. To livo dowfl slander is a slow proceoa. Tln re are periods in which the puhlic ii pccul'arly BBB" sil ive tn siisjiicion. In tho eaae before us, the arotal libebi coejplaiaod of were attered just after tbe Cbieagoaod Boatoa flrea. The company aaa aaeettag ita loaaea u it li pmbarwoftby proaapt ness, and lila-ral subsciiptions its slock holilers hfld place.l it in I poMtion of Uinpics tioiiablo streiigth. Hut tho libels igmued all this, and throw donbt over tho solvency of the conceiii. A siiiall outluy Ifl worthbss nd v.itising might havo silenced tho lihcllcr. Thal tln- 9a?let coiirse is usiially taken by the companies, is evinced by the cireiiinstunco that so many of such joiirnals stirvive, aud so few are proscculLed. Roally now itistoobad that Ibiity YVatterson hii<mlil have adisliki- to .Mi. Il.vvitt. and shoii'.d s.iy aii.-h iinpli'iisnnt tUagt ahout our LexlBgBJB BfB ntiit.'sinaii. C'.iililn'l Mr. Wattorsoti ol.lixa tl... country by lixnot tbo lata tliis rloloat .lisliko bagaB ' Wouldn't ho kiiully inciition, for iiistancc, wlu-tln-r it 88888 aaywbaPB near thfl time, lust Win? ter, Wll.'ll fla lllllisell BUBl? ll liioiiielltous lii^lit Jolir n.-y from It-BMagtOB to New-York, aud paid uu caily visit, BOTOta breakfast, to (jiiiiiiiicv-s.piaroT Daaa Mr. YVatterson rciiicm b.T brii.tftiiK over witb him on tbat 900889981 nn lm piirtai.t clociiiiieiit, wbiill bfl bnslily presi-i.tcd to Mr. lilib-i. tor siKuatur.i, liit.nile.l lo coiuiiiiI ibat nstuiu ?aat?aaaa to la?kaaa_ad thaaaaad anaad Kaataak iaii poii.-y I lf tbo aaalal Waaoafaaa can recali so iniicb. wou't he nnitatic Mr. Heivitt by BBBtTlBettBg p linie uiiwiiiieii bJatetyf Lai b-BtaUaft-o Bomaataaaa arltb abiea OoTernor Tilden Impraaaad ut.i.n bim tb<- fi.i'l ibal breakfast was waitnm, au.lof tln- argeal larUatkaai to partaka Lat Uaa aaaeriba i.n,'<- un*re hoa every tline be talkrd HiKiintnre, l iiii,-a tuik.-.i baaaa?aat, au.l bav, at last, aaaa tba breabfaal hml baaa tinaliy e_apoaed c.f, tb*. araiy old aaathaaaa aspbBaad te tna aaa?Watteaaaa tbat it B/oa too aaagaroaa to .-i^u that paper, hin.-o "you inii'lit baaaaa to loso it on your way baek, Mr. Wat t.-rson, an.l il yoa sbotil.l, aiul ncwsiniiier Jieo I'!.- abould gvt tiiibl ol il, tbink v. but troiiblo it would niiiko for you I" lf Mr. WattatBBB will only lell this smiy in bis own iniiniliiblo miiiiur, vv ub the BBaaer laaartpaaaaa at Mr.'iii.lea. aaraaat aianu bsl 1ns Kentinky fiiend sboubl bn uuable to pai tbo iim iiiii.iit salely baek to Wasbimrton, witb the la Bioatalh? si.juol tbat he did _et it baek entircly siife, but also ei.iiicly uusi|pic<l, bo will beat Mr. lli-witt ull to picccs iu the uui1.1 of uuvvrittcu his? tory. llu-re is no aiithontio reconl th it any one of tho ono baaArai ami one LagWataiBB ef yow-Jaaaay w ln. h liuvcc paased into history waa umro disorderly, inoie ib-nselv ignoriint, or moro impudontly iudlf fercut to public opinioii than tbo one wbich is now u s.;.'-i-tiirle of iim-li at Iroiitou. Aa thia body dcoa uot H.-.-iii to uuprove with ngc, it ia uot aafe to bope tbat it hua done ita worst, and yet it ia dilb toiinuK'iuo.liow it cau oi-QBge to gut down uudvr iii,p? jult tha low-water marh which it atraek yeaterday, when one Salmon waa Bworn Into the eeat to which Mr. Cummins 0. Coopcr, of Morris, had been olected. 'I here would havo been no excuae for violating law byconnting loose "pastere" and doublo ballota and other worthlcM.craps of paper aa honeat votea for Halraon, even if Mr. Cooper. mental and moral usaet-jhad been aa light aa thoeo of tho averaga statesnian in tbe majority. But although tho out rage ia uo more flagrant, the losa to the State ia aggravated by the fact that Mr. Cooper happona to be a man of character and attainments, ond it would not take many substractions of this aort from the total stock of virtue and intclligence poBsesRed by tho Legisla ture to leave it very thorou<hly impoverishod. Of conree all this was to be expeeted of the typical Democratic A-ssc-mhlyman, but better things were hoped from the selcct grotip of euiinent ?entlenien who are exhibiting him, and who claim tliat tliey own him iu fee simple. The State haa nevor been uukiud to this little knot of etatesmen, who have assttmed full eharge of the Democratic machine iu Now-J.rsey, and who bold themselvcs r.'.-]M)iisible for evcrything that is dono in tho Exec utiveand I.cgislativechainbep. Althougb thero isan elcmeut of niystory about tlieir eompensation, it is popularly suppos.d that the State furnishes them with a couifortoble livinir, and the State stands ready with all its judicial aud legislatlvo machiuery to vlndlcato their honor when assailcd. Itseemstobe a pity, under the cin-unistunco-, that when the ocea Hion oflers they are umible or unwilling to cxert themselvcs a triis for the honor of the istate. A few inoro auch shamclcss perforuiances as the unseating ofMr. Cooper inay convince souio people that the top of tho Democratic party is not much better than tho bottom. after all. We dlreet attontion totho _u_.fiostion made else where for the use of Mauhattan Market as an annory, not it is neoeseurily the best plan for solvimr this Ttmti quesiion, but hecause it aaaaa. a practical and ecoiioinieal ?flfl. It would uiiiiiiestioiiahly be shflflpaf to hire this building on a lcase than to build an arniory Ifl Washiiiftafl S.piar.). Wo all know what an appotiie pnblie hnililings have for public money, and while the ofTlrials propose an armory to cost not more tbaa balf a millioii, it is evident that their plans leab mon; like ii iiullioii and a half. BeatdOl, adjacent property woui.i ba destroyed. wlillo tho use af tlio arniory WOflld injure no one. We only preseut Uie plflfl hecause it tends ln the liflbt dir.-elion. lf there is a better, lot that be brotight forwnid. But |.-t it be :igreed MflflOB as flOflflib? that WM??f ton _<iuare sliull bo left 88800, There is nobody like u man who has been there, and knows how it is hims.-lf. Tliey havo 0880 ac cnstoi.11<> uso in tho BTewaJeeaej state E?aaa nn llialIBBIIBlt of torturo callod "a str.-t.her." Tho investiK.-tiiiar committ08 of tho Legislature hns pmiMrly bepn iniiiiiring Into tho character of this airreeahlo impl.'uient, and there w.-re wit ii. waa unflli?i_ tfl givo bbIjbftuitorj la?a_a?ao Dr. Hil.Lle, 4vith commeud,able ai ientiIfl etithti siasm, iii.d tha "ctr.t.her" upon his own per son, nnd "found exiroine pain in one nunute and a half." l>r. Wartiian had also so tried it. and Ihat "it was ahsoltiit.> tortim-." Ho "would not try it aflfl?i feragnat flaol ?>f sjaaarj." Perbapa it would be askiug too much if wflshould Rfoaat thfl pi?flfl iim (ors to test in the snmo way tlM tftg. tho ?hflwar* liath nnd the sweat-ho.; bflt OOObtiafll if thflf should. their repotts would bo BflJBaHj impressivc. " 1'ut yoiirself in his placo" is a _o..(i motto for 8tate l'n-oiii. as well as lor many other editiec,. Legnl BBB?BBJOB who think of moving tnwur.l the aet?ag eoa wiii p?oaa Inl Baeartala thal th.-ir Lair ia p.iited iii the fanhion toleratcd on the free and booodleaa pcai?fl. Senator Paddeekf af Ra?____. inake| the 88??? fl?B?Oflfla thnt the people of WyniiiiiiK T.-rntory prefer that their Judicuil ___? <?. rs ah>.ii'.d not 8888*?? their hair in the niiddle, nml iIoit'i lik.? t" havo them nrnvo tfl that region Oflflriflff tba airs of BBflfl?88 and rcfonncrs. It may be well, therefiire, for people proposing to emigrate, to cousider whether they are uot too good to go West. m Tlie city ontered judgmciit against Tvverd yester day for another million. or, to bo exact, $.,000, 099 1". The uiiliion is the judgtiient; thc $__ 17 is f.trcoais. Kea i.t I w.-.-.l the sincenty af his r.-p.'titance. The million Is too niu.-h to expect, but if he would pav tlie :.__ 17 we eliould know that bawaa iodead Nilfll?cl, und ina fair way tobe a rcfolllier. ______________ FOI ITU'AL SIITES. The Ilcmocratic party isengnged in the laudable Wiilk of Hllirl.lo. There is a nalpable movcniotit on foot to make Ifr. Hewitl Bacflpagofll for Tilden. This Kcpuhli. may ns well t.*im its sails for atoriny areal ber d?rinir tha raal >- I his paaa ut leaat. Tlie silver ngitutor nviitne. his true character as nn mii i-ieMiinptionist. Ho wauts to ruiu as woll as diaaraea tba emtutty. The says hc still trustsin tho honor of tlu* people ?f farfliatflOfli Thero _ a treineiulous preaeo?Biaaee of the "evide088 of thmga not seeu" ln this (iiltll. .. eri'tarv Shennan dispose of some of the DO-cetit dollors, if tho Uliuid bill 888888, by BBVtflg the salaries of 08008888880 paid ill silver. 1 hilt wootd bepot?og theaa ab?cb tbay would do tho IiiohI t'""' Governor Iti-hop, of Olno. is sni.l to have signo.l a coiiiiiii-aiiin "l-i<hiif<l lf. I'.ishop & Co., (iovernor." It isexp!alii.Tl|.is.islipwhieb hisloin* bflatl?88 hai.its inade nafural. A more prohnhle o.planation is that he looke.l upou hiniself in tho douhle capaeity as (iovernor and railroad trustee. 1 he gifted Voorhees did not nttend the |0T8 ?flflt of tba Krnioiraiy, ye st. rday, but aaal tha thrilltng messago that he remained in Washingfon to boob ra the lepeel <>f tho Beaoaaptioo A.-t. TBIa la a notiie tfl llendrieks that be had better k.-ep lii.s cyoon Vooihei- . lor the latter cvidt-iitly nitellds tfl take iho wind oul of his aails as a "friend of the ,K?ple.? The South CfllO?flfl Legislature Is mud to bflOB. tir. ly safeon the suhjeet of repudiation. An over whelmiiMI majority is deehtred to be ngainst tho re? port of tho li.'inl I'oiiiuus.aion nn.l iu favor of jiayiug tho ontita deht ii- it stands under the Cotisolitlntioii Aet. This is iiiosl iT'.i-aiiiing newH, and it is but siu.ple jiiatic to gira tbeobtef eredlt far iho defeal ot ih.- r.-pu.ila?ara to GoToraar Haoiotoa. Ho hus oppo-od thom cousisteutly and fearlossly. ..euator Tliuniian. liumiliiitiiig aurrender to the Olno iiillatioiiists does not make them love him any better thflB before. Thoy loso no opportunity to Btab lum. They BOOfeet him ol givuiK Bf 1ns prin eipl'-s for thc sako of oioaJag a noiuiuuliou foi the l'losidi'iicy, und every time they BBB lum lixing a 4viro they ciit lt, so to speak, ui u puhlic aud 88888* tatious uianner. Tliey chaige hun tui4V with tiying to or_iini/o tlio Niitional I'eiuo. ratn- QflBBfl?t?M iu 1ns niteiost hy putting John li. TbOflflJBBfl into the chiiiriiIflli-hip. ln tba pla.o of Senator lliiriiuin. The (iintmuitt Enquirtr prmts ,i i.-port that'lhurnian had so.uicd cnoiigli >.)iitheni in. inhers to make his l.liiu Mini e-alul, when iJiiiTiiiin nl 4\inil of tht Bcbema aad paetpoo?I tbe propoeeo lne.-tiiig of the iniiiiintiee till n. xt May. Tbe report woul.l not ba 4v oi ih notii iiug ??1 it not appear ta tbe leadlag Dem* ocratic aewapaper in I?'?Tha?oao-owoo-ata. I ?bowa Mr. 1 liiiiniiiu Ihal he hus desccuded into the mud to UO l>ill | o-e. The sil\*er a.lvocate whfl has been Hattering him b.-lt tliat ho bflfl not heen fuvoriug inllutiou sliows signs of coining tfl his senscs. lle is brcaking out tn ubusivo laiiguago conieining the demagogu.s who are clatiioruig for the ubolitiou ot' the Mottflfl?I hanks aud the rtpcal of the H. suinption Aet. Ho wuuts quiot now, und a ccssutiou li.mi litiuiici*il agitalion. Having started the contlagraiion he wishea everybody to sil _iill aud lot the doatructiou go on. Hu is too luto to stop the dis-ister, and too luto iu his IBOOBtflBflfl to escapo any of tho NBBfl.i sihility. The uext few inouths will uhow him cleaily enough tbe ho, more than nnyotie else, has wrought. Jf he had not becomo infeclod 44 ith the Bilver craze, the BllBflfll dufaalad liiHutionist would have been coiiipinatively liarmless, ttw joiiiiugin the cry for unliinited silver he bas misl. .1 ihuusuuds of uieu who liiul hitheiio heen stcudfuat for hoiiost money, aud has givvii tho inllutionist u host of now BU?fl. When tho pioniistd r. ?flf from silver fada to eome, he will see that he hus put a power iu the huuils of th* _u_l_.t-_- deuiagoguo whioh _ liahle to prove one of the preataat perila thia eonntry baa ever encouutered. PERSONAL. The ponderoos portralt of Senator David Da vla ia ln-iiiK c?t in marble by Mlaa Vlnnle Bnaai. Madame Adelina Patti is now rcceiving 82,000 for eaeb appearanco ln opera. It is rumored that Dr. Hopkins ia about to rettre from bla Profeasorship of Moral Science at Williaius College. Mr. William Blaek has taken up a graver work tban atory-writing Ilela prcpartuga roluuioon Olivrr Ooldamlth. Mr. Du Maurier is illustrating "Esmond" for tbe new edition of Tbackeray. Hla dellcate and fliiished atyle ought to do Juatlce to Bcatrix uud tbe ColoueL The old Melcher Honse, ln Portsmouth, wbtoli la tban ItiO yeara old, and tn wbleb lianlel Fowte uatabllabed tlm flrat prtntlng offlee ln New Hitnip ablre, la about lo bc toru dowu. It la a pity. At tho receut distribution of pracs by tho Fieneb Ac .l.-iny of Bctencea. a eopy of Laplaee'a worka, niagnlflcetitly bouud, waa given. aa uaual, lr. tbe name of Laplaee'a dead wlfo, to thut pupll of the Polytchuio 8c h ooi wbo piiased tlie moat succeaarul ezaniiuiitlon. Mrs. Somerville, learned as she was, did nol .1 .s'li.iu fouiiuine occupatlons. Bbe waa once obsorvod to be lu a Iit ol .le.-p abatractiou, and waa aaked by a geu tlenian wbu greatly adinlred ber talonta wbat waa tbo subject wbieb cuijaged her; to wbleb, greatly to bla ln appolntment, abe replled,?apeaking, aa ahe alwaya did, wltb a broad Sootou acoent,?" I was Just tbtnkuig about a m-w bouuet." Time trented Georpe Cniikshank lightly. Not iiiiiny weeka before hia deatb. be waa wlth aome frienda, one of whum commnnlcated a pl.-ee of good n-wa to him. Crtiikabauk declared bimaelf to be so de lighted tbat be eould dance a hornnlpe for Joy, aud. on one of tbo company questlonlng bia abillty to perfonn the feat, he proved tbat ho could by gettmg up and per foimin?a horiiiil|x> tbat would bavo done credit to a yuuug liiau, uud waa a truly aiirpi-ialug perforuiance for a veteraa (<f elght.v-alx. Howe, the famoug British animal palnter, was a ati-algbtforwurd, bluff kind of man. layinir inniaeif ojien. in hia bruwiuejle, to complalnta for whi.-h he cared uolhlng. ou oue occaalon Howo's bell rauit, aud tlie aervaut being out, tboartiat anawered tbe door bim? aelf. A gentbiiuan tbere preaeuted bimaelf m a peraon of great ditfully aud lniporfauce, and, eyelng Mr. Howe witb a iDixture. of inquiiy and ciiiteuipt, aaked, " Are yon Mr Howe, iba biuto naiut?rt" " Y?-a. aii-," an imanta h.iw.-, v?ry b-aaan>( v*> aa; i faucy you aaa Oo wnnluiit your portralt tukeu?stcp in." A curious mcuiorial of David Garrick is now to be aeeu iu Louilou. It is aquaint oid cabinet, full of auiull BBpaaaaBa and dravveM, every pauel b.-lng i-'eeo rated wiih spirited paintuigs from acen.-a ln tbe favorite pliiya oi tne xreat actor. These are taken fioui w.-ll kuown picturea by Zoffany, Bir Jobn Brute, A!)Cl Dnajaaa, ete., and a drawor coutaina I njrravinga after tha pl.-turea. The cabinet B aunl to have been prescnied toOiirrick as a teatimonial by tbe Drury Laueactore. Mr. FitzireialU aaya: " I saw latc-ly banxiug over a cbimtic-y-plece a curious Klaaa, wbich once belonged to thcactoi-, thcidcignof whicu couaiated of two auakea, aln-uu in and out of tbe wood friitno wltb siumiiar . Tbere ;ire n ajoaa] many 9?ler ri lica in cxiaiciuv, and a lauv baa vn v kiu.Iiy pnsnited me wllb a plaaa of cl.itiU wiilcb fo:uud Iiie ciiriaina iu bis 80800808, a Uttla fadod, but aiiil froab, tbougb over a bundicd yeara old." Tha peoplo of Peoria are reported to be re Krettini? tbo tlnal d.-parturo from tbat plaee of Colonel K. 0. Ingersoll and bia family. Hla horae tbere ia to be aold. and bo will livo lu Waahlngton and pruotlce law tl.ere*with bia broth.rr. The Peoria Tranicript aaya laiinlliirly l " As ueltir-en nud nelgubor, Coionc-l kttm> mill bad aoa tbe bearts of everv one. and wliHt.'ver may bave b.-on BaM about eitber his politica or hla reiljnon. or nitber, lf you wUl, ma Irreliglou, bo had not a sinKle en eiuy amoun ua. Our peoplo are uuanlmously of tbfl oiiinit.u thut Colonel Ingcraoll waa moat ababbily trc-ict.4 i.v the prenotitNatloual Adniiuistration. und tbey *uu d.-r bow bo bas u.uuag.-d to be ao leuieut towurd Prc-at l..iit Ilav.a ulter aueb lii.xcu>a;>lc neglei t. Pr-.bably thfl reluriona elemeal of tae ooantry Baa bmt mucu loaa wm. iii a. aad tho...- an tnoa.- wl.o tbey aea totae i ,,!,i!:.-rsl.ttc' vn.leut nildaou religinus dotfinaaaaplrtt of IQlaHaraai Bta liar.lly agroo lutuia vn-w." Mr. II. M. Stanley's reception by the British OaaaaaeB-al Baaaaaj was aowethiuK aaaabaaal aaaa itvtic aaaaaa oBJ uot aoon for*et. Tlie ball waa craniUK-d, an.l uiauy of tlie moat uutliiKUisb.-d peraona iu tbeieulm Bfooaaai to ?aaaaaa baa. aTBb tbe Maaa ot waica were Midbat l'aaba. wbo aat on tbe ngbt band of bia Koyal IliKhness ; the Frcrnch Prlnee Imperlal, wbo was seated on bu left; tbe Duke of triitberland, who bad en tertalncd tbe party, Incluuinn Mr. Bfanley, at dinner; tbe E^yptlau Miniatcr, nnd otber Easteru peraonagea. eaeb of wbo'n woicafuz. " Tuo oatbuwtof outhualaam," aaya Ihe Telegra)th,o< London, " aeemed to aluke tbe building na Mr. Stui.ley.evorted by Bir Kutherford Aleoek and *lr ?aaay BaaaaaaBj came uptm tbe platf.rm. He took liis wNit bataaaa tb.m, Bir Kutherford eBBBffBaj tho pri'Si'lcnttal c-biilr. As tbe clu-erlng c.mttiiucvl, and rosa ln voliiuie, Mr. SUuley bowed wltb a gratifled a-ja?? atonof ficce, liutn'tuatiii'il fBBB-9 aeated. Wliou th?r vo,ing jtrayhead waa rutac-cl.and tbe tlriuly-kult frame stoo.1 a in full b.'lgbt. tbe plau.lita broke iortn agam, and tbo cln-er Ing waa redoublod. Mr. Stanley wore bia deiorutioua j urd ln tbls be waa taai ln c.unt.iianc-o bf many around blm tln' Prini-e of Wules kn_Bflll wi aring tlio blue ribDOB oftaeQartar. It wns, iu fact,a ? atarry mniit,' alltaa li-adiiiKgniigrnpberaaiici tbe prlnrtpal BUflatfl disp.iiymir tli'V are .-iiilt.fd to wflflT. Viv.ieii.iis i.n.l ?li amatle, wlUoot afeetat va, Mr. ttaul.-y beld bis ln ar irs iii.soi-iic-d to tbe laat, and wua aiiplaiided ai c\.iy noint." Hi- deaeribed ti.e tlgl.t wltb tlie nattv. ?> mr wbleh diTera meaioera ol tlie ao -n-ty imve been MaaiBBa iiun. nnd nidmng irom ibe ebeera atoea au?wtireo b.iu, waatbougutt.) nave dono wdl. Tbe Film-e of vs.u.i made a gn?e. fui und cordlal little apeecb of tbauliato iho Bzptorat ut ib? c-i..?cr ol bis aa?r?a GEXERAL BDTBB, Mr. Himpson, a veteran dratightsman, deliv au BHaraataaa laaaaaa on Ulaaaaaai loumaiiem ton davi BfB in IaiiicIou. Having traced tbo progrees of plcioiul llliistratlou fiom copi>er-pl.ite to llthograpby, and iniin liflioicriipliy to tbo ua.- ol ibo wood bloek, bo rcferred to IBa Illimtrutid london Arvt. wbi.-b lame Into c-xliteueo iu IBaBi and bad siuce tlien putilisbed about 4<\000 i-lo luri-aillusirativ,- ol tbo euinut biatory of tbe world. ita iatc-at aoliii vcuii'iit waa tlie cngravlngof theaortle fiom P.t-vna, tbe bloek for wiilcb contancd 200 oleeea of wood. Taai j.iuruui, he aaia, aaaaaafai about aattaa (lrauiibtsmen. und more tuan Uft> wood enrfruvcrs. As a inattc-r of faet, however. many of the daily l Bfl rs were already. to a 9998091 cxtent, illustratcl. Ky tb- ait of tba iMiitaKriii.h. a n.-w inveutli.u, The Daily aTfljM had ,,, i-.v.-d a araa lag at 6 o'clor-a lu tne ev.uingai..i it bad appeared lu tbe waok of tbat paaat^a m.i.r.^siou .f tbo following Bornlag. Ue Tentared t.. pre..l.r Bmt \?- aaa iiiKtiy y.-aia tliu 1. adiUK London dalllefl would bo moro or i--'.s Ul.iatriiicd. Bisiuarck is said to be entaiiRh d in pecuniary embiur-aameuU. He bougbt Varalo aad the adjomiuges latis altar IBB warof IW>. uud it wasgeuoiatlyaaicerted tbat tbe purvbaac mouey far excoedad tue r.-al worib tjf IbaaaBB. ln order to obtaiu an lotcrost corrcapnuding to tuo lara-o iuuda invcatod, be BsTBBBf tbe eatalo into vurloua auiull parta, wbich he let oui to faruiers, atnl furtl18888898 pluiitfed into speeulatlvo entc-rpriaca. He waa iuatrumeutttl iu staitlug a Joiin-stock company for tli.-enctioiiof a large paper mill, to wbleb he eiciusively fiiriuabed wood and otber uecesmiry materlala. Tula company failcd ubout a aito. lnfliettng a wrloua ioss ou Btauiarok, wbo, bcsldc-s boldiug ihogreaier part of tbe sbarea, oue of the largest credltors, owiug to the uonuav ineiit of bis clalma lnr some tline previoualy. Aa liu Laaeobarg eetatea, pcaaeataal io bim iu aafcaoaiadr ui.iit ot Bla graal aemefla antatflailaua aar aaaaaai Praaee deapite tbelr linmeooa ralao, only yloid a co.u niir.tiveiy amall latertat, hla pca oalan aaabaw??aiara an- uow (luitc- aaaaajft la aaaaaai lai bia liioiuaaiug u-i-i tablllty. Aptopos of several puraKraplm recently pub Baaoi to co.loue 88BaBa99 of TllB lllIlitiNE 888899988 bia vX'.kiu.8-0 ata N. w-Kuglaiid univoiaity half a ccntuiy a?;o. ills fatlier waa a fariu. r of amall meana witb a famtly of BfOj and bo was seleoled Ior a 8988-8899 csluc-ati-n b.-vaase be was a fei-ble, puuy boy, not stout eu...i?u to 8888888 ? firinc-r. Durinit bta propalatory aiuillna be waa e< nt hsaaa to uio ou aaaaaai of paBttaaaal Baaaaaaaaaa ?f ibo luiiKS. Tbo fatlier dk-d a fow weeka beloro tbe BBB B> i.ied aabaaa. He waa aai aajaaaaai aaaaty aa Ma owu luaaiaaa Durin? bis aalkaja aaaaai ot four yeara be taught aebool every Wiutor. Tho 888-488 were Bfl*9 ; aud 8888999 of tho rccular aebool boura. be bad to aet tbe eopi.-s, ru.o the writiug-booka. aud make tiit peua for most ol the scbolars. Tbo wages for tbe Brat year iraaa it^oo a moutn. and aaaBBaaaaay a? lla earued aomctbing dunug bia BBBl aBBajB 9880 l-y taking earo of tue r.-citatlon room; and durmg ti,., aaaaai rea* * laajBaj tbe cbi.pei baM f.u- BajaaBaj aud eveniug prayers. during one U-rm he boardcrd bnu self. liis lood waa brown bread, and craekers aud un.k; uud he bad aabaa- ??". Baaa, Baa. cake, aaaaa nor aa> Durlim tliat terui be took throe extra siudlea. an.l tm conipliabed uioia tban ln *?J "XlXXmlZoTll mant^tmr^ llAtirtm^ad^ be bua bei ii cnnnKcd Bt Bj8 aarjWI0?*? y.-ara, witb tbe ex, epllou ot aix Weeka wl.en lia vc c, disUledby ili-beuiti.. and ba. badaataaatkiaa. Tba ba iraaa fOa-^*tS__i_P___9a!of bard tlm.a, vvbetuer poor atudeut, ciUplus, tiampa. w olliora. la tbia : " W mk moio aud speud 1. aa. Eobert Dale Owen wrote good English when ha waa ln tba fleab, and lt is uot aaav tu beliere tbat aia