OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 29, 1878, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1878-04-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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THK MV-.TKI.Y OK HKi:.NAi:i> ri tuais'- urn? ti f
The aayatery aarroaading tbe death of Ber
Lat.i garree, tbe Red aasekkeataaaa,?hastkedy was
touiiti grifara BseaeJag, m las gets abaaoj weighted down
Wien eves a buasvad samada si Roa, Is aa yet aaex
pfaaaaa. Um psatee, beweise, bave ge?*?! angas raewa,
wiiicii. it m Raged, may bras' as am amsei ay of tue per
pseysean of tii.-?-rime g few taya aflsr k i b.in .nil's
rtkrapaamnntia >?"?? a"k*rea i aTered s reward torear in?
formation aaneerafaw ahn. nevera! enyetaba
? L a letter -tiMliir; that SBM tni.lif r< ei-tv- BSUM v.ilu
nliln informaron kg SSjBkag npe-ii the Ri v. l>r i
Banskaae, af Be, M4 Cllnton-st., Brooklyn. Dr. Bam
i. at araethea tin- paoher vf Iba lueeraensa Baptku
ciiuicb, at Qnatsaas. ami gbtedplaso btraPerron
she n ed .ins letter to Uaptala ii.:n*. wko
atseed aa aaVer m mtksaB*s elolhss rs tb? vlcmil
clergrman's reafdenee, when she vfstted ? Wbbj
. MoweoHDil attempted t<- Maekasatl bar. I?- Kam
iiiiui proaounued lb? i. w.r a torgory. Lasi Wednesday
Mrs. Perron i celved a letter Inclosing the business earji
iifThiBUirirsr, ti rradertaker, with lila piaot altano
neas, on ti.?? back of wklek was wrtttea " < ai niea ana
liquors gratia." The receipt ' the.mmnn
lend tin pi lice to think thai the crime might have i*cn
coi.iniif-u bypcrsoes Brunt near Ferrous risideiice.
unJliotlif tiie ci.-w ..? a vcwa S li.ell Is now BaWSUM] IU
so ?? distal : port. ... ..
innthrr dew mMm saavaa baa lawhleh tu
Webxbts were plneaat, RThesi drawl, this wsa
bare opon It tu? mini a lat house lu ? iloh it waa
made, as ?* - sa tas worm ??Lewiaton, M ill ?
j ?..?? ii ? eoaatdered almoai eer uu. Irow tbe
r uurai ??? i ??' ' ??? iron- In tie- bus, tbal U I
sel from wliie'i tbev wem tsken was a
rsaaberoan. John tk?w ley, the beata. wboaaa ! -
ron go i .March 1 ft n ? *
Bars i I .1 the rool i ?a- ? ??
ll:30o ? ?? ?I I? i"'- -i-.??'??'? v'i:?
that of Micha - - ' ?al work on
i i.i> !?? a , : u
tin boat brou {hi in by tut ? ml 1:20 p m. I'hs
le i ii spp ? ?
Burtneoven ?aiiey<Banbeexp ilneu on
,. .( '... ? bi
)?ri vious y. -ill..,. is 11:30
? tn-ii with n i" ??'. ?
weot out In it foi ' rued ai ' ? lime lueu
i ,i bi Hlau . ? however, incline to the j
Im-, e || a i u men it tbe boat aahoi ?
the mi n ' i. '1er.
\ i, v ...im of 1 ne murder
? - b uili? . ? . n ol Mr.
ii. a ' iroi ?; >wing
an Is an Ii ' which v' a? fo n I In i
Co?ta the liti.inu in's
bodj. I da * i -
It is new an I at , " U* ti
The enaltar with which 11 . ?voredlsnoi worn in tbe
tease. ( ? ally, bavin : aae? n o i i is
?. two p..-..??.? In this <??!>' where
these astil IcS W< r. DBS I . lireUl III the ?
ht-re, but i- uld ;ri no li fu matlou
It. He became roavrs d, bowovor, thai II
tins eotii; ' ?. i.?. -:i ? i naks diflcrcon
siti- rnbly .n - .... r h th .-?? m iun ai toj : bei ? H
is not eertain that the vessel upon which the rourd
perp?trai <> < ma lauoborui u
tins belief, la regard hi the I
wi brbta, ?
itnniil ii|-oii II wnleii may lead to important develop
nn nta.
0 I'ti.n t: ill] s.? ??. v- the eh ?v- to Hi?
perpetrators ol the inte ? Hi waa uol in?
armed to 1 Ink that the murder was commuted
deata of i:-tin-.-i i i ?ri the communications to
Mis. Kt r-oii ii' bad la u> rallectliura bal of all
H ?
wnaild ? ? two or i. re?.
m. held ?' . i- ? ?
Hie alle .- ? ?s.: i .. I'h ' ? .- ...;.. n tu lia
tasas ttuly Cross, lu Flaibask.
a?aW RVMBda or PRimoNa ih voli RraRi bask
i: a? V.
The deeire to take advantage of tbe bi
of ih? j.:. - -., Bankrapl aet.
rapes ! the Bflna ol a vary hwae nm
now c is- s tartan ins past fen tara sh?
into ciiei-:, in 1807,6,400prof adrags kn baaaniptcy
have ii . . Instil n.-l m ? irly two
Uii'-iis e' them etaehm i
Bytveatei Mnrphy, a bauoVs, baa Wed a valontarvpe
titlon i:. 1.... hll
OtKi soenrsd, aad gggjaoo ana.red. DU i
?SaWfa. :
closure. His jinn? ipnl <? ? ?? ? the New-York
Ufe li i -. ?? ? ;.,ii.s< ? ijiiti n Dime Bar
laaa Hank, ijO2.0O0 ; Tr :
pany.ai9.OoO; ii, . ? Chs eh. vii.ius?;
Kllwin A-. il:, il. v. is-.ISMi; .-; ;l.ni
granl Industrial ?J ii lags it m k. --7 500.
i, onre .1 li.i?:iiiion. a build? r, ol
ave., s Jmtfeat?ed s votantar
of 1104,000, with n.
the Murray HI '. .- , ?
Imitnii bai n ?- Institution, ?12,000; eatuteei
Hamilton, -''.',">s ; Citisena' Inanrnnce r. ipuuy,
?/?4.IK-II -.!.-. I
banit II i. - : i.OOO.
Moses A. Wh ctoeK. former ptealAeat of the *
r.iik Uloek Enelmnce, ims ii!.-a i? vniiii.t n i oetiii. n.
PisUabll ..?<'.
Petl ''-r have lieen ti ?si i,,
I-.. i\. . '? l>.r. i.i 1. li- bid ily
David i'o|..ii
ski,. ? .; .i .-m F.
I. ? i-, .1 I i. lloras r i:.
.1 I I
A. ?; S l . J. Wall. J ??!? II.
A.I;. , . l I - . . ' -
??.?1.- M D.
v <?-???.---i..! ?- in.? l?. Miner, A. M
?.nui n -. \. i on K. Itead, all
Plant ?. . > I . ,;.i AUa rt ? I
gen ??- v
R a ? ml the
fliiii . A Co., ban ?.? and, < I s bank?
rapl (..: I a OWII ?' : ?? n i - nia! to
sX'.t.,.a .. !
Fe..a si ? s:?. ??,, \. ?/?
vaki i - i roan *m> btstkhkii - taoot ms
Ceaaiderable Bpecalntiori baa ariaan us to the
( i .-?i trip oi v.
sii?i d - i ale on ftatur
day. ; man well baftarrnsd m re?
gard lateresta that lis visit bad to do wi ..
bu lasas M the astas sasaraeaer u * j..:a y <-f \.?-t
j-i-?i >? a tab s for. Rasant tha? wbea Mr. Vanderi>IH
went t Kurop laal .suni!.i? r ht : ?r 1
a weil lue ?
ttva t? the pa as steasashtps, with wbteh bsba
t? II- i ' I IM-l
pooL In connection a;ta iLe New-Yoik 0
Tie y .
Really cota le?i?<l tiisi steuraora moi
parut uli.i coald l>o badil in the United Vu ?
vciy Utile n.ci. BSO M ' I
retornad heme he esa ? ith aaveralabip hiKinon,
ami It waa agreed tkat a i Uoul -.? i.e
Bteamt rs to be bauM at t ? ??
imtii by tnx rteaui ami i
dcrsl .un' : i . .
It lajnoa :. ted thai Hi ? r ?. Eon ;-t
tii i ?imp.?-i?- srraagiminis ?* peaaloie, H ?
tl.al it be ilis s not micee? ?!. In lui a
raagemeat which he bus bad with tb< H
by wh eh tti' New Tork Ct Di
l. ropeai fre ghl t.. i .?t h a One of i?.?-1
W ni?- si.n lane s.nu tbal Mi.\ as ' rblll was '?? i ?.! iij o i
Ikemaaag moftax uav i. i ittnal
li .t .- ?ry t.. .-.. ?
pases* to a*g In tba paeanlse, Upon rmrthei infrairy ii
fas aisled that Mr vaedarlall propoasd te t..
troiiiiiK m', rast m tnu Ime.
BHourniG nia i>.m QHTEira assailant.
liewjiiiiN HATJOJUXV, OR gl w \,.k, pimi i < : > i| i
i>ai ici n.it raoM gaaoa kxrrt.
Wbea John Haafbrey ratura <1 ta big boane,
last night, m Batl't Court, Rewark, aa fosmd ibai ins
d.iutjfhii r Matajarel oai iten, in tba street,
b> Ki n.. k-iiii>, win. ii?!-- re iiie .same bones vltb tin
breye. M?i>?ar^tcii.-?i" darder,''whi n npos Usngn*
rey drew a revuivor aad ?bot k.i.i., ,u nal enu-riu?
has riebt attoaUder, abo*t tbeeol n bone, paaains down
ward aed baekward aad kodgtag above th Iuuk. after
Btrtkiaigaperthmel il?.; sbwilderatada TnewdundM
c.inni.ieie.i n;j aertoua. gonaj lo ? . awav
f.-oin Uauabroy aad struck il i ? -. tb? bead, cut?
ting it bauly. Margaret ran luto tbe btam !
an.tvv revolver w a .- to bee father and toUI
hua te kill Kenny. Uaogbre.van.Uhia d
iUBm - Mel it ivs tie Wl i!. !
ta lo,- sun?- tiling aK.uii, andar liks eircuiu,
it igbrei .s sixiv >, .n . old ?id bla dsujeii
one. 1>>i!i ts-ar ?.'?hhI saaMsaatlos I.
" lliis niuniii winch Kits fallen from !!?
sjpea the akarebes,*' said Mr. I ? srday,la aa
Ue i:k .1:^-a i-..lii-t-It. the jii-.h-i . .Is of v.-bnb .?!?. to III- i'e
eetsd to paylag tba deb? aa St Ann'* Course, Brook
j n, ?? tina mania for pa.viiiff then ?ti ra?, akaatd reeeive
tin- syiunnttiT ami naaaaglelag ?t evert- rlgatmingad
sasajsa. lia? ehlam Xataeenal eawreb in BreokJj
? ; a parish known to the asmest memory of oui
famlli.-s, atthonga n has been r. inn
place wlirre it was in Uw tinrs of ibe -
l>r Catlnr. Tba effort ti> ratas its erushlug
deli.Hoes n?.t aelnng to thacbirch alone, nut to tlie c lb
Beam M large, ?tilia smirches *s ins i: r Trtultyaud
PA. Vim's, ix-autirul ?rcbiMs-iuially on the citerior ami
spiritually m tba iuteri..r, sre a publie bcnefll aside
from their i??? i elabes aa eharelies. A euncert mai b
s siii'll tlnn? to par s $5o,oisi debt t>j. Hut Feu re
fjiciol><"r ,'iow, tu 2Baop's table, thr Iiioumo gaawed tbe in.1
wbicb coveroil tbe lion, and raloaasd tiun. nBlbope
Un se mouae-l.ke eoneerts win wnaw man* eords. and lei
out tlie ?ion of 8t. Aim's tie? fioui debt pel
of the year."
The Alilcrnio? bfld a mttbMgi Satui'luy, to
SOusiUi-r the ptopoaetl iCKisUtioa arBtak Would nullify
the ordinance lu relation to carftuen, recently u.?. \>U*L
Preaitlt-nt Roberts presente?! a memorial asking tbe
Legislature not to pass the bill. The memorial set forth
ttist the rartmen of Bmokiru need the Row-York attisais
Wltaoni imruiif taxes, wlille many teneu.eiil- S '
BialniiiK ?tiioc.-iipied tu New-Veik. The lirtHiUIyn Ural tie
li.-proptiatious bad been furcetl from, not t
tiew-xurk, and Brookiyu lx-sideuU would have this
,-itn--? beileftt. T e me.ni.iri d was adopted and a eotn
mittee was spfhrlnted t i present the view? of the board
to ihn A?as'aiilly C<>uitnlMoe ou Oil' s.
Mein'-erf. ot the i art.-. e l'.i A?oci.itinn Of Ifew-toiK,
rootting ta J.is.v City, i vtottSd.ktS aiattn on lii
day.acatost theaetioaid the Aidorrosn in rafnehigto
? mui-rosi ImiIs. A ruiumiH"'? ??'? ?Ppoiul <? '?
as? th.- officiais ,,t Jersey Crbj :? ? ' BaaaOaOi to repeal
similar ordlnaiMM ?.
The Brooklyn c.utm-n bold anotbermeetlnt, Ss n
night, lo prut? i/alnst the ordlu??'"? a
them from carrying n then ?? ual' ;fas In .>?-?- lork.
iddrea i were mide by Aldermen Murtiia. Aeeenibiy
ama Berth una o?ante
ami tacikic tmxtPAWiaa,
If is ?tabstl l?y poiaom in B position to know
the tact- tant l d-.spue has ar'-en out the right of lbs
Wostern Baton Telegraph Okeapany ba vote at the aaanal
election of tut. Atlantic am! l'a?-Ule I nii.panv. '1 he t x
ecutiM' eeaaatttaea ?>f the lauer eamsmaykaaoaratoad
to bave adoptad a r.-i-liiiioii <)? living the right ot the
W( Btefl t'liion to vote ou the 71,000 ab ares held by It.
I be committee claims thai until th- Heiuda-i sut 1 ? di -
cidd this steck ibanld be held ta abeyance Banse <>i
theadnoritj si ockhoMsts are credit? d with saytsg Bui
im injunction will ba applied for, if m-.-t-- - .r\. to re?
strain ih. Bestem Batea from voting on tola stock.
a atacBbssaot of tbe Baateta i .non, m sonre?
with a Te.iiusK reparier, Baal tint Ibe PJenodlet Boll
only ralead the gaealtoa ?1 tba ksgattty of ths
pool lag Bnaaansaeat, and thai it did not la aaywsy
??hei t in.171*000 tha?es si Attantb and fact!.- stoeh
held by tba Western 1 den. Thoattori ya sf tbeWe*t
loevheaald, weis Incl sad to ?otarra thai tho
ootiTta would ?ol aside the p ?linges itrat t as Illegal.
On the other hand, 11 ; olalaied that an aid statute
permits telegraph compsii ? their assets In tbi
stock of other r?mpanles for ths parpo*
i telegraphic '. MiiluiestntbepuMie. ih'? v.
Union, a m now ssaarted bj stockholders, w?
lai -. Ij th? g dner, In i ase the I u< ltd i p
plieaUmi for ?m lolonetioa should be sn
talncd i.v tss com:-, a, it voulu be rellci .1
li ...-ii i a. ing ? other compai a ? il -.-"? ?
month ont <>i t?..- rro i-.-. tin pool*
lug cinii .ici. h 11 un?] i -lo. .1 ?
I i he Western - -. I In Id n ?? Us toting
iiower on it' ad P I ?
Is. xne-!-.: that ol ibe bbbu i lueoling of the I
nud 1' .ii" . to I e Ii board ol d re ????? ? -'ill be
ineitibeiaof the piesesi Wo?torn Union Board, ai
i it Ibe i. c 11 tion ?>. ih. pn
.. 81 onld ih.iris >!? rldi ihe
? ? - contract Uli gal as i xpecti i ? ?> m ioy .-ti rkh? ! I
< .i . il I? ?Old foi niuel i -lira- ?
m; -de of the ATI mil .ii. l'.-i.-.iic ,i-i-. . and tin ntlreoon
? ??>??. i Compsuy; i
n..- oi mg pai I to lie- ? v I a Oil Idend
of ?ii? pe? .coi to .to; khi ?' u-itlc i
? 0) .
ABKatt] oi MOB? OF FBI i. ,M, Win? BOBBED IHK
uautr Doci l-i octobkb.
Twenty-live pnrkngea of silk, trained ?1
. wore stub : i n Oct >bi i 10, 1877, ii
Bn m n -i sa p . robberj was
traced to a baad ?I rltee thieves wUeh for
?ni, anl by it- tb -r >n_r ?i organ
laatkin, <: Hod all .*'?<? upta ol the police to break il n ?.
im- gang 1? kuownftocoaeistjof ulni moa,form ngtbi e
in.at ere - . l ,. ? m ii m t ? me
a', nf ih. .1 ?
WiUim C.issldi weic com
, ol complicity m this siIk rob?
en - ni to tbe r
?ii.d ihc na lies ol llieli eon ??-:.
1 ? itedlti this cur. bal nul ' nul be
; ni d by th
01 hl B-JeJ i.i.
: -i harte, li.ii-.-th - I I
? ',.? .1 .-.,-. ; .
Vi-t. : . fter 12 o'. ItM'k, they
ti.-< ?. I Bp rn
:. li |ifl .1 . \ .-:; i.i lc real ?? of M
...in. ni.oil,-r im ml.ci of ?le-cm.- ,. \ . i -, .
. . bnsband, a ho she i a .. wo? tot a
i a ! no searched Ions v ben H
? red tin mai ? ? door,
lid i crowned als
? ..:-, on tbcli Li,
| lie wn? '.;_? ?th
, hen
it;el Ml <
who r ? ? In the sonnt]
n oi ?m r.s tau i m .i ii'Y >! u?K.
The opportunity to eater dopa foT tho rmn
tog in , to be 1
'? i..-, i:. ?! tin '. L . -t y ..i
of the -
im tt> Mal nlng l ? ? '
i I Mincie
? '
BppUcotlons ? ill la !??? i\ ? i t ?
Aaaoug tlie din.-- are an Un]
Chinese pag, s whili hulrsd i E-'.errier, aad asais
Beltooi i. jr.. and H ?
ich en l :i.
i s. Kdmuud < >; su , of l'eu m
stall- ; aud Dr. -.
i ..h- ? tiers. C. H. Itaj.r
to- ted konnel of Laverack set Urs aie sW.i
idT entered. 1
i .. lo; . i > ! i.ir. I .r B I/-, . \
:m i.- bate tried lo eatei Hpu i
bus tu
i up of l bu \ il.ie' Ol --o?! . : o M, ?
??i .; i re b?
i led were I
..ir o-1 .i, each 'b"c's . aliar. In
? ' :. . .
. ?
; b) filing.
BOKD Bl . i'l.M..' COI NTH S.
II'YIM. fO COatPBOhllM IN lili--"- ' V .
Ez-Gorenwir Reynold?, of Mi souri, ns tac
i- ol Ibe County t I
C ?nty, i- ?.; rw-Yoi
f.u ;y.. ?.
11 .,-,?,.: 'i im IP ? '?? ? ?<? proji I I d,
PeltiaCoo '? Ihberally. rbi? wn? during tot
, when the
rorioo? counties In thi Btat* acre strlrlng ' ?
a i In m ' .
In an 1er i.nt - It .;? the r .m I jj nl In
meet. There boti been ex ensive fraud* In eon in
ni- .i. ..i.\ litth bene. tin ii nat?a.), lu Warren
; nnn a
large oi udi -i d? bi in ars m hi i e iva
lions lor no.. -, 'a uc
i ter hei.. laid 'Jin , ?
c mi< s'< 11' i paj nicnl nf Ihe bootl ia thi . ? u . ? .
and tbe nupreiui (.'ourl of Missouri in U ride?
ist thi \ ;? Idli it.:;1 ? bonds. Oil
ed In ii ? i nil* I i ? ? ?. an i i pi a
appeal lo the Bajirea ? Coail ?>r tin I'm:- i > . ,
decision has beeu ?r.\'-:i snsialnlng the legaiil) ol tue
i in i'-t?- Conuty nuthorii.es, deslnng lo atoid
t ther ?. i; .itioi-, ii..\.- m..di a proposition i
o p r cent I.d? lor i wc-tblrd? ol a port of their Issue,
alter is I.i plated in tlie hands of tbe Pundrus
\ - . Hugh Mi i ultooh lapn si lent, for
eouij'ioiiii-c snd i itieiueiii. The i-it.il iiiiioiiui oi rail
i...ni n. .'?!?. Issued nj in toriooa counties in Mu ?u .
.! ?riitch remain unpaid, Is stated lo be between
0i5,uuo,uoo and tpiojw 0,000.
Tlie body ot u nidii was ltumil, nt BOOO yt s
t nla,, loattag in lbs Hartb BtteratPtetBe.M. it
was that of a use or ab sal tweaty-gte yaaraofaaa,
;: mat B toshes high, ai Bghl eaatali aton, bto? a hair ami
smooth face. Tim pol.ee bellst? taat il I- the Im Ij of
August Kaiuiigarlcii, of I iiloli Hill,H.ikeli, who ilis
Bppsarod ?a at? r?. n. Ba vas an art atndsal ..t tat
i . i.in r l.is.uir.. The p dice betkta Ibal ha waa n.ui
dered, HI? throat is swolleti and diseolorod lu ?pots, s*
. li. i, o i n (igbllj draw II uroiinil il. ii.e ,(| ,tt,i,|
. an- lulu ci i-neii. a? ii by some biuat luat ru?
inent. The pare?te id the yeasg sas? '?liev d that he
had gone t ? ? Bo money aa? found In bu
pockets. Bataatoh, ?hhh be aaakaown tocan
ai.Mj n;
v.u.11 am OBTOP'8 WILL,
It is BOB beUoTOd tli.it William Oitoti,s gs>
aaaaa is woath absat plhOyOOO. Hsbad ?atoaaa on in
Ufe fei PM am -.."?.?ein i, ratet of saeh of ah i
then -..' ssi [?ing payable to bis widow, ij,
la tos city ami at Irrtagtou aad
m ;n i> ijOahorsa ol Westen union sin, k. By tu* i run
sf the will wiiie.ii Mr. Ott.n leit. It hi Bod?rat?*oud thai
tin akiow la sitea a Uta latsrsot, and ?i heroaaiii In?
satin ? divided among tnschl.arou ?
?ndshare silt . (1. P. Lewrey aad Wllltam Ortou, Jr. sn
iiiiinil a- exseutora in bSbMbm k Ih? aktow, Mi,
Ortou't hntory a? pteatdsot si ta? Western l ?? .
graph Company, nntil a year ago. wiien ba tola ala rlly
reiiutpii bed ftf.ooo, was *-">,iksi pat aaraaun, rnstnd
i> tu le Oll le 1 lor i-il?bale in a IOS days.
BjOBBCD ami XBJtOBi rj a can ai..
The body of Joarpai Fiiteata, <?f No. ihO Jaek
son si , l'aie; sou, who lett his boute on Band '? ? .
?Ideiabl? moaey, Ihapnasoedsef tBesassof a horse, ?a?
fi.lli.l. .-al in- Sr, ll -al.il>; 1U tl.o Mai 11- r*Bal. HOBT C u
tr \i!,e,.\.j. ?Tba??chela ofths eoatsud urousor* ??? ?
noil wuii ?toi es Boro? si ttolsoec were f.,iind ou nu
boil\, and ?t is bsttered to ?.i-1 roOaed and mu.- .em..
Thutlim Weed BOCO n??t think that thi*
?? c,mfessions " of BeLtoaad oto . i regard to tba >.
Itoaj d 1 bB ula fiuiuls. are eiimbsd to nun a counidcnitioa
He say* gkel if tl- | m ,.p are li'i-, it Would
.i ifZk ? II to in ts Lhasa, aad toa ??r.io? should bel
produtod. Ti.? people, he Uiniks, would do vor/ ?trougiy
opposed, at Ike present time, to an y attempt to drive
i > ?'?.?.lent Hum- from th< While H< use. l>i caldea 1 Hayos
wut reiuarn bi lue Basse until has term 01 efnae has a?
pircil. and in tbe im-aniimo hts calumniaiora wUl have
bi .-a rah rasan ^
pr:iT?-irt?Rs rlciiVkkimj panel Tiir.nt alarm.
Tiie adarjH ftl*****f depositors in Einst bide
ravings banks snows Btgaa af dying eat. That it a
?aaadwltasaR sanana M Iba optnkui of all wito
nave bail tbe I a-* I opporlunlty <?f Jwlginr of llie re
asasBsasei ahatmn baafeB thai bave beoi beelegsd by
anvionsdepositors- lie- 0< nu.in ."livings Itnnk and Ibe
D Dash, it was mated that las axettam ? nt areeJi be
eonae genteel, hot thus far then have besa u?> "run?"
en other I >st sal ? n. aha ,
Tue ?sen ?>' the Osrmnn Ravtngi Rank, nt Pearteenta
st. ami Ihm IB ase .na w satsasaadad by au excited erewd
of degasshaee early ou Baeareag morning. Most of them
veta liiiiiian.of the poseer ?dase, a Miga aeatherhstag
woaeea. The regalar benknaj bean ?ire not
strictly ohaerved, as about MO people retnalned
te is? psai at ;. ii. m. The aeaaamta <>r all
were settled, laths eveaiag from 6 to 8 o'clock
the same ?c, ne? were n nested. Aboal (>*") poopla wttb?
drew their money, the largest amoaat drawn by any
depositor belag BS,00O. I? aras stated at the beak thai
Uten was no lalrnlton of ennateing the sixty days' iule,
ss then was money enoegh to pay nil demanda 'lee
idBeerstlmuglrtthai tbe raa wwats net la-t asenthaa
t wo da)s loeger.
then was no ex.-liria, nt it the Dry Deck Bank mi
.-ia day, aad oaly shoal l'?> peopls sailed to allhiiaa
.- reraJ wbu luforinad Uia teller so previous
. n tbey ?I?-- ;r? -I to v. -,i idr i<a n plr entire deposits
sftel ? ,-,.i. ?glow -<I1<. r? vnlit- lb<" enter.
Tbe ?-tii- .-i? rea u I the run aa i?. -.?? iicallj al an end.
\i.. sdj m at i mi if th s (penny
? Uai m : i ?? l-ii'st liisiri't
Court room la Chambers si ?lie committee appointed
take stoya io i.?-.?nie n..- bank os?mes waa de?
in, .-.i because nothing bad I.oi One egt '.?t
n.nu aufgeBted that the wemb rshi.< ? n M bougbl u?."
bj the bank men. Astaiceommitieedbl noteppea , tiie
meeting a a* giljuururd without action.
At the bearing bef?te Judge W'eatbrook, Fiiilitv.
,-, :er tie- i?-mi m. BaviagaBank,
.?: in repoi t ot nu?
ll ink i conceded lhal the bonds laaaeu t>v
the to? - o - . i-. ' , ol which tbe beak bell
Hi siso i ottos led li.e iiiml
veuc.v o tbi did not oppose tbe sppotntuiMt
ora receiver, i featbrook ii e aot yet anniinneei
III- O .. It i i i V.T.
Till-: FE \ . il \ CRAZY WOMAJL
MB, n ? t in It's MAI i l:-MKi:Ji\(i.
Conaiilernble latereal waa aroused by the
naof tin woraaa who tutemipied .Mr. Beeeher nt
the prayer-uieetmg al i'.> wtb Church, Friday Bight.
be meal uj els i -i? cams ever te Bew-York,
... ?.:.:.-, .. m.I ?o,,. the < on. i'-iiiti! -trie! l-'.-m to
J? i ey City. Atalateboui Aaturdaj mgbl a woman
: Poartb Preetnel PoUss
Btatit o, In j . ? . Cby, aa I ? , i i>?' ai
';..?.. .1 in bohl pr.i.ri- n? mu's lu lier bot?n lbs
next 6 Bas ?t i- Informed that then was ne
law ] roblli . og of praj er .... i tings in prl
i thai she a as In in red of
I-...1 i? cif- i ?. ? reform? l??n ol Henry Ward Beecber,
? iiinniiili ilourc i ora)??
? i .... ibe purj.t t-. I ni?,- a itii iiiui
n snd : 11- :-!? al neci aaltj if -??. king
t..i ron . .. ' Mbe asid that lier name was Mi .
M.c . I ,uud Ibatabe lived lu Liudeu-aVS.,
? II nt-.
? ? i ?it. i et?.im vlartt d
ilch la a ubi i . a
I Ilk Il.ii 111 .n ... ,-, o tba
do a n 11 ..ml ?-.n '. ..\ ? ? i lie 11 , ml? r lo I ?im- .. ? i
. ..i ! In- plalllt '. - : ? ... Mi -.
1: iriii la a woman ?? Ulli, full Bgure, with go |
? ? ..;..? ?ml t en ?. She a)i .. t, ? to n, m iv
ai un? . 1.1 in r gr? ;. bahr,
-a .- ten ) e ?' ?? I .i I. I-. 11" ?l.ellil m
v..i- ai.i. .
. .. i
. nug sud often
..i r, m tbt ii"p?? . ..'.: in- mi .i be made s
i . . . i i
i study b ? .
oi.i in retuaed to llateu te I
t. -
. . ti ? ? |. . i. . .. sou
Oil, IIU
OUI' a. p
Hei q f..r
: d In tin
c.o ol J:. !. -.i a. i .. ... . . i i.i .? ... t
i. i ..... ...
The <?L'!it!i anniversary ni tbe MeClintock
a (a Iii .1 nul to
Il g s tiltil Bt
? ? b, al
m i i . . -; . i . ?' , i. ?' im nias.
ii. I i . tu teck,
a a. n- ? i..n'ai m. un-.
II. Jolll I . ! ' ? ?,. - I ... - H..II. n . COB
. ? .1 for
?l.e -.. . - lunuiiy im Un
lo route, - Mr. Urea 's fallnre,
....:? :
? 1 ! : ? i t I?: '.
. I -1 \ ? Il
1,14 ? . . . ? un.
.:- III I.. I
, . Is ?.I ,, .. I
? l'l.ll,. i.
i liemaa ( ties .uni lb mai.i ?laaiiing, confined
. . .: \ .' ' . I
n i!,, shai i a ?a --1 .i i i? doasi, ma es
?o l i ni.,? aigbt. -
nf Ibe ont? r I
-. .a? ne IBS I'.' -.-?I H"- ? . I .. : ; i. .
. '..? ? n,- -i- .??..M ou li" .. ii ? -.?.?? la lora lili
. ... ; ? . er im
. ;... . Ut? 1
TUi: TiOKT? LVD '//// SOUTH.
so: i intrra snn .ixoukm : ?? nrm \tvt-i>
liV I lit I!'.-I..-. i | I MM,s
i-.v nil ?TAT1 -.- !> i ; i\ -i iiouiiii ???\s
if i i ai .ne. miTi ' a
DoSTOX, .\,ill '_'S.?'I'lic il: ic. aliiiii of Sn;i;h
ern'.ongiemuinn, conaistiuu <?i senators Uordon,
i . latin s ? a. a : . i : ??
i I..TK, Meoper, Vtatag, Mom j snd
Inviiod to t i ii this city to) Iba Bos
? i \ ? ??t 0 .i. m. na natanlaj. and
ed lo a ? ? in a committee sf u. .i or
al the it ii i Brunswick,
-; .ie lions.-, las wo> of .-? Bator
i ma the dans .'? r of Ueeator Lsaasr, wbs i-?
ouj hng tin m. rjoe
-. ? ai ?it In fall iiiiiior-i, re?
in the Bxeeol Ivel . ? r.faaeh mi m
? u Btredaeed. After gohtg ever the
-?it i;.el .- fltj li .n as rtotted, when Mm Mayor
ral Aldermen greeted Ibe guests in aa referees!
:;sil ti srty wayi Ths <>!<! Bsatb Chareb sad Phnsull
Hall were visited nei by the neatbenrers, the aaembera
nmaaer bdOlabaetlng a. sn reeertteaJI iimmu
jMiints of iiit?r.st. .\t :t o'.-i.H-ii in ti?, afliiueoa
s latir? iiumts-r nt the purty aeeepteg sn lavtta
tn.,1 to dies ut ths u??i<-i Brauswtek ertth ths
i ..Miin.-i'-'?t < lab, m tin o- retralar Baterdsy gatberia ?
.p.,m W. famll.T. pi i .eiei.t of tii club, fUled the e Imir,
mat w. i anted ths gueata^aad exproaaed tie bt llel tii it tie
new ' r? ul good feeliuc li tweea the act Uons wo
anil m tin strengthening of the common i?>.i ?tr., sod at
n distant date In reviving tbe eon nn rclnl ? r?. ril t ol
. ? i '. irden m "'<? ene of the prlaclpal speeches of
He- night. !!>? web -m d the rW rn u< U. era il reis
uons between th. North an I the H iuth, infl took s boiie
fnl \l \i Of tbe N.itionnl tullir?. Uovrnwr Rlre, >m ,)i.
mgt./r in?- Btete ot Massai hn? n-.? ? leaded t? the via i
orsawsnn sadsineere welcome,and spokerlooueutly
oi the sdvsntsi a which must eimns from the? ? frii-ndli
vi-us. nr whlrk men ?>t both section? w< ie brought into
ueraomu sympathy one with ant ber seaatoi Morgan
of Alabama, followed in a almilar vein. Ma.vor Pier?-?
spoke for tba City of Boston. KeiiatorJom .... rlorbla
V . Wbttthnrna, ..i lenm--????. Collector Beanl,ol Boe
t . ., li eernl ll?t is..i. ot Mississippi, e v t ,o\ n i?,,r i,.,,.
i.ml Mi. I .o.-, oi I. ulsisua, to.i.iweil, palluca bel?g
an) rely bpion d.
t.ein- ni Hooker s|Hik'-of tbe ladnslrial reaoarcesof
theBoath in glnwiag barms, snd Blinding tu ijM. :,,.
in-o.tci.uig einaiH-ii ? tvea In IbeWi I Intiies
s.ait tliot whan tbktteveul iaune,M It would come i:,,'
i suit would ha that the gn 11 t : ? -1 ? fi.i .?. , lk;il '.,. ,
?in Htm ?*ou ? . v. it not wbuUy, to the Buutn
when they hull.> tears start in tbi organlxailou oi
fres babor. 11 < - eoaelnded bj predietiag a e<Hum<Breial
fabsra for tba whole country ol almoal iBeoueeivable
graudeor, aast aald thai it ?? North a. ti o.\, ;il ?
woadd be nuitedaawtth booksol steel in ibe common
bsadsol non. mo inn i -si. us weUaaof irateriMl ooa
i oi-ii aad asauy. _
i BRU,
vTAgHiROTON, April 28.?Tbe Union N ttional
itatth of I^wstbrrrg, Pana., bavutg ra?ed is a?-, p up tn,.
."> i?-r eriit rasVmrptssa rand, a? regaaed bylaw ths
Tresson Departmeal baaae.ic r hi redeem tbe nates
of ttiat itnnk preasated faranehpurpose. Informntiun
was reealvei i?~!?y timi Bteasy tT??is0on lie lorwanted
to llinl tai- t.!i. ?at; MM if tie bank.
i'ii.i.Aoi.i ein t. sgri sta, ike iuii iwhaj tassgrara !.. s
i (s.--, r, ssivsd ??. bi attarau m :
i.i.?a i-iii to, l't-nn , April 1
Will bsvs our a.ie.ut mal ... ,i m United Htatea
Tii-aaery ny Tnesdaj uevt. ii?-troti
a lo
m, asaUeet, and set or miy o .,, , i,. , ,,; n?. \,Ml^
Jl. r. -in ii>;:. i'i biw I'ulon National Bank
liitli.m Btad^ntn fall into nni.t Hnnminj'ti psn
Ikroash their laraaraam or Uagiiau, ;,,, i e*nr<cia?it ?
tetunte*] terms. Ououflbs Civil Ki.gtueeribg ? ,',..-,
-a '? ' ? ?! hr tits ei imtn r m .ser,, m
?i i. ?; ,ii.t; i i? i'-pu..?l in turn tun Moo,? bricks pei
.ilem I" i oplh i tltai lu Indu U uluut si et i -
need, whffiit In England oak was rnvanatiiy ei.it.:.,i,'!i
Aavtoer sandssaaa taras? swetseoi'a ?s-ntu ?.,(,., W|,,'
li... . v, i, aa. not a collage .ru.; .:. ...i bt lug naked ?rliat
>t.t- ??,!.? rulinggra<i|ont of a i?,aji- raadaad that tue
d?o; -lugrtdluui" waa gravel.
un. Trxti's KAittwKt.i. to st. ckohok's ciicitcn?
The Rev. Dr. ?Steplieii ft T.vug, *r.. Besann Ins long
iniiiHtry v sterday, preaching his farewell sernion
tit BL QoataBl ('lunch. Mr. Recclier spoke upon
Christ's conception of manhood. Tlie Rev. Dr.
Beata tilled the pulpit of Dr. W. M. Taylor, and
pieaiiieil upon t firis'ians as the sons of God. Ibe
li?v. Dr. CroHhv'a sermon was upon the conviction
of sin. The Rev. Father IValy spoke upon the
peace which cuines ?roui Clin -.t. An inl? le.-tiug
ceremony at tlie (?inreli of the Assumption WBB the
fir-t i oll.liiiililoli ni iilinu! nue lllllllll'lil lioys lliul
Th* J.?C. H* nry Ward BBUBbW ai l'IymoulA CAureA iCituirrfja
Mr. Boeebor jt*tn?$j avrpfng tunk big
text from lb? tir?t ten verses of St. Matthew v. Ho said
in jiiri :
When i url-t came :ie;uiy rv. ry thing went as ihe poli?
tician- wanted It. Pe? one to -itaml in the. midst of such
? eesthteg lK'.?jile nud to expound the law of hiippinef* I
?nothing could haw ?taaaebd I greatereffect thi.i that, j
Ami w i tn tins ahapeat wa bata est forth lbs eeaeuBnfa <
ol human liappiues*. Tue question of all BBSS Baa been, ?
How aaa you obtain ttie gtoatsat amount and the moat |
exipn-lle forms of hani'liies- 1 This - -i i et I- ri veaL-il ;
bate, but not aanetry in the way men ex- I
If yon read what Carlyle has said
of the .ills und aims of life you will find
that be apeaba in contempt of bngasneaai and aapa that
work Uth? great object of living, lu i?iierson, who 1;
Bat ?mo.di: ?sheaf tba btraato Gattyka, you Bad tbe
s ana line of taattght. The frei dbtobar??f ont time, who
have no fa iha'idlio church, stot sneak of thi- -u'.oct.
Now com? s in ins' tied writ, in anaalkua of baaaaa bb>
lu-e it hits everv time in BSSB direction-?what men are
ami v. h it Hiev oii.i.'ht to be. O.l that pout the liible
hisses trass haatontag ta sad. it Batee eeaseerntrs aa
error, it stands tar ataabeod etery where, exalting the
standard <.f harina life, antfl it laacegjta the apoe*
llllpiic In. lit.
i take Cbrlat'a standard to ba perfect. Ba did ?ol say
ail Ba ibeagba. Inanity ceo*! ba eatpttod Uba a ptal
cup. Beheftoats tell what are the b!. ---nigs -what
:u-n abonld sack. M Blsased are tba pure m spirit."
right in the toes nml teeth of the whole
of liu'iiiiintv. Ba thin!; of orbicular men !
with a kind of Beetle ii'tmlratlin Men think i
Ibrors Itea gnat. Chrtal s;n i thai a maa ta Messed
when all thai be dot - - ems hkc pat< rty. Than
coin. - ?? Blessed are thej thai Baoara " -aol all aiomnaia
Bui row h is i ?ci n th. t li ic a id i m cordial ol lbs human
rue. Toe best tblag oi the world bste beea wiouabl
on b\ t. ira, Tbnmgb ifothsewaue aud i i v i ., t e
world c .in itnaalvail n, and through sorrow t hi
liB?. I., all tn.it is good. Tbe eiim aliou of patience,
hope and li i;h. whioii ?prisa* frost sorrow, is th
Important of slL '? Blessi ?1 arc tba me k," lbs utea who
east tbe aui'le ol lote In the foeeol furious anoer, who
...m oui ever tea stream sf kindness. Th? worldt \-,
"tilts b.in ss good sa basent. Bio maa Btaadapior
four rights." i . i -i my ?, ?? Bleaaed are tba meek."
?? B . ?ae I are thi \ \. blch I thirst " no, t. .i
- .i a l 'that bsaset sad tiorsi aflor " loioenee i Boi
there are a steal m my ol taem. Thej an- IBs nn-l
oi m- n. rhe shadow ol lbs in in
i.lo Inn power is influ? ne -. -? Jil- ?. <I are they
Ihiti hunger and thirst Bfter"- nebral But they are not
bas... d. Men al - it it ilSppy lu in loliloa t.l !,i 1'
wi.cii. Tai? Is a in ,i matter of fact. The man a o
sleeps on ifderdawata often not hail sa happy ss the ',
I,.., win. sn . pa on sshe* ni .1 barre . " Blessed are i ; ey !
that hung, r md un?-i after righteoanteas." You'd |
. i in -? i; if ?. mi ii.i.-i m. l i ,g li oii.-iie.- i y the woi d
m. ti in?mI. Ben would rathei make money hy right
? spa, bat if they can't do it wlthoai sellingea pari ?u
? .ni .?.il. ii.. > .s... .i ? thai M n me wBitas ta
:..'n moral priuelplo n.r Infineuce, it they
e.i i'i gel it others " I u ?re t ey Ibal bang r
.1 -I all r . !.. -j-i| i- the
;*-ls that ihc tapreaa eodeatet of bit
u ? i- o i" i - i. " i. . - ii .). th? ? r ifUI."
l.i.ritm.y i? merci ii! oben oi I-, whaa
ihn?.o. o. Al- ? lieb i-, wo n i rarding |
; ? eaeepl personal relations. Uli...tute mard -
al ? II.O ? m i H 1 .'? si t . Ion- ? lli i a: . Ill i '. ? cl. "J. Il 1
sr? i n p.ne la lu i w ho Uve in ??? rene ?n l
,i < i'....ijitiii> day by dsy, sod lite tn the ?loe Habt,
, ... - i .. m. a n n ?
ic aii.ii?ii/ Mil eia?ord. a ?ery Mitall loaf of Ihn
! gil .,11 oler (In- i? i ,all? in i
1.1- ihe. l.lil'll j .1 r In iBiqOily I " 111??seil li r<
lied I' i r . ?te .o-: ? -' ? >k< ." I ? ?
l.nioi.i ii the v. ..lio ha- been to supersede lbs m.-s ti-;:
llu |..?i tan.no il. Wueii a loan ih , . good be
III 111k'< llp'.ll l.llllrcil |.i l~cl Uli .1 - I .. .
(lie t an 1.1?. I III.-?I..H ? oa a Sill I al. I in i., a'o i Ml
i. ibeiuseltes vert bateiaL d a a ill rush agnin?!
.i.i,...n- in a.i oit. ii-im- way, and make it dithcnli t'
i ! I ? oa 11 i.i H till Ili.li loll, . i,. I I I e i I ... l m I l : ,
... .I i..i iik.i'-.. i i - ii.-. iiiei are rosUi P"'
Sci oled on ,ii-r'ii|il ol III II b
? ? ...-'.n bed in It, Mi -s, -I i?
?uc. a m.,i. ? i,. n n.- i* perai-outod t. i riohtcuu
?i.i But sn li m ii i vi ... ?
I.I K -, el . . h? III' I X of
i .. kl - o. i, i.i .. lucre ws? sa
i ;, i o. ibo .-i before Hi? miud ??? al to a -, not to
i, s Me knew mmi ss tbejr extated beyond and i-uinn .
. " to II.m m io 11;- i ...
i . i-li .i . i.i f. . i
?ml. im t li. i this win u
in the i'1-e, nt Mate liil? conrrpti n el i ?-- ?? mini
. ? nu ll na li
i bal .s n.o. i...i . bail ? - . ? \ n
? . - 111 Ij.l i fi?
ll.? Ilil-e 1.1 ...lace II,I Mill- i.. Bit I.II.,I
i i . "? id ?id. a iiii.ii having t .
.. j..; in.it could be i. und i ?
a i n- e se, Hi : .n m ?'. a -:
In re w ? 11. ?
m.; i I .os I i -."... .
i.. ? ? ; e i
U 111 ii loi cell!i.lie? tu
oill>, Il i II .-.(.>-.. ? I . '. - |. .-. Ill e.,||.i ?|,. ,, , -,..,i| |,I .Il
... ill ... mi ii.? 1- BOI :.!!
? .o . i ,i i-t ;i ltrip.it:-d
ill look, li
in.Ii rm -.-. lit n. lie ved 11 .. i se dtspi >
? "i i be m ? i ? a i i.-, ? -? '? n . i
? i be i ii i ; : . ? i- ' .
m n on. id ; .. .-. i Id, l , it nil tlie
.iw i I ?;.???'. n i io wurld. li
'h . Kiui lout ol lie.m i, ;
ii i. pot er that i toe K ngdois ol ?
Paul *a> .
[lie c .or. ol true inauhn d Is n ; - m irt nai sie.
i ie la ??? - a .ci ? u o ? ?'. . "o .?- ie im
along without li. f un un o m.iik tin1, religion Is ii?c
the n,' .1. lac ni lui, ami il a u.ail lia
..-".'?'?: i asi i- ei o....
ol II,. ,- ." -eiiL.il., . i.| I B'onl Ol 'i.i. T c "
.,,...,., I : . i ., e ? - .-n : : ' i .
:. n. . .. i ..i? vu ? thro I .U.C.
/'.. /.' ? a . ? , tot rn .-,?/??
Tlie Rot, Dr. k. s. Stom pt^ritclied, voaU-i
day?..m.', ?ii io Brandirai Tabernacle, in r.
?saca si Use pastor, Dr. B. M. To] '->r. Thi teal no?
M. John. i.. 1^: " llul ?n many ?? reieived Hun. to
iliom cav? Hi power to beeemc the ?eaa of Gad." i>r.
Btorrs spoke ?nhatoatlslly t.i
"lut .;- in in} aa received Ulm, t<> taem gave He
newer." If tba ?fnagellsi bnd atonp>?d acre, hte words
Miiiild have ln-en lh>- (tl mn. c?: appeal lot dru wing in. n
loCbriat. I'hedsstaalot power hionsol tasserai -t
ImpUlaea ?'I th" -.i:il. Von see il la lim BOBfllCl
of Ihc child aiih lie paiclllal Will. You see It in
the bum at naaaaa ? ';<? ...i- a degree ol p iwi r and want?
nine; in lio-hu '.in..ii who * el.? pewst out Batata,
Btei animal- a ml o\ei ol. M t bal barloas. I ItlliSSd man
laoaly basbtathet m tba same fa Itaap, aapeasted In
otJii r directinu- In the fou-, s obtain d by t,,e Baa '?:
?ieaiii and I'lcciilcliy, In BStlousmy or in politics. He
desires Influence erar tbe atada of atea : hence arta the
,. hooi-iioii-c-, anlreralUes, rorros ol goternment, heradh
l.nry or social rank. In a weed, Iba I
n r power i? a power that esapacta tba
rsea fraai Ibe Mritaal ages to tin? prcaaal
p i- a ib-ir.- to no degree torptopst er nbalybi Itsel.'; ,
n i.iii" e. rm of du'I'/wtioii Toetafoto, it the apea :
had stopp. ?1 with the wind ?* power," all who believed
what ba a?id weald hats rnshed se ChrM a- tba givtr
oi thai ahleh tooj dialled m mu. h. Hut toa ?Biatlh
* power to beeanae tbe ??n el Qad." Baal Bal
ether p?war??mpaiad wiin tin-i anaanfQedl That .
implies that iiiev iiiii-t possesssaatethtogef tbaOltme
Kature. and si arc mum. of Ood't gaaftttoa with Pli ; it
tatpUeS an initnoilalil v ol POWOT.
rbore are several tbouj .1 bytbesswotda
The Htsi i- is io tin- iii\ loa Batata a hh ta ceuti gire ta
men -m h penara?tola? ii latpllssarsgwistattagpowar,
op rattag ap n at te frei a ? front : n sin. I thtok of tin
man to win in in-in ? ii intrusted the highest human
power, and set over against It this offli la he
a1', to moka me tba son of (lod I [match agnlnst ihi
,,mee lia.r Mi:i. i. ..in id tin gr iteal mss of the
IWIUdli'B lUtu lu.i'.iliUi .in ? . lie who ealiii"
IB.O I ?? ? "lid .is lio i 1? ab.in- all.e lo make .neu lia . -
ol U d.
IcoosMer,a? thsseeoad iinnwi.t, wi-ut an Uluatrioaa
dlgllllj .I lo ll . ? III t" ? e ,1 ,|||. in -oil! III I he .liii
SlllUllOU Of Ita'lK'iUg I ileie 1- a leu I. Hi 1 lU ... 1 .1 U. ?
an.,-. . . , at the present day. t<i belittle and rte?ra?le
hull-all '...I ill c If Ml -old is not u so. Ik of o |i,i a.
life, then ths tot .r argaiueui of thai soul m aortk
m. n.o., i, .m the I'rin. of a bird, li baa bei u ?old the
tin.i.i degrade? humas ?atare On iba ooatrsry. M
axait? ' i bask upon lbs as?stala of lbs earth, many ai
w..,.,. could crush bm bonsoth their usad) bul eoald
i ii . i. ...e-m aansol Oodl 1 gas? upon the ? .
n rith tnwhwe wtag so far abure the earth thai it
Staat r -.-. s .'.-iiiisi the ski. aBUa i, ii 1
lump une- i. ei above la? grouod. am immedlateij
? ki.i'i: btUeantbi eoah.eoeae the-, not
(jo.il I , n'. !..?-? .ni- in . llicrv wnile I have lite ii,,
pet i. Dl tel s no- ilie -.-nii sii.il; Hike peat k the gtottOS of
i i-. Chri.-t.
I no i , .. i o third pi ice, ?hat a strange bis? it I* in
lib ., \., i i drite* one away frota christ, whan
.iin.l.i men I he n II- o| (lod. ll the
g-nii . .a.?.'-, ol a??ed mat I', clou.-, It uouid
al Basa r boa id ratnss u. Put when
i . bat wa take it as ? fne gilt, Is It not
-i., .Id re i l? 1 With \- it.?t i oa
? who u.ive r i i'.v i Blas, wall aa tbe aoo?
What asiiioiii thing 11 laiotsechel m to m
-i,< bis aasaaal aasfata Boons san ?ateta h>? tiiuie
ua uallai, but Ibete 1* not one hi la. w Uu eau nul UOW dc
termine lila whole tfAerntty. How solemn every mo?
ment is. m
Th* Rm. Dr. g. H. Tima, ir.. at st. Ororgt'? I'hurth (Ptnttt
UtlM Kpiteupal).
At the morniiij* iservioe yestorday at St.
Qeereja*! Ctanrek tbe Kev. Dr. sBaphee H. i'yng, sr., <ie
Jlteii ?i bis tuicac.l M'l'iuoii. The church was crowded.
Tin Kev. Dr. Will'Hius, who succeeds to the pastorate,
m mltictotl the service. Dr. Tyng was seated while rte
?Terinr the sermon. It was from the text Hebrews H,
10: ** l'l-rftx t through suttcriuga."
No mau. he ituid, can escape from the Divine arrangc
inciit of Buffering for those lie loves. There urs two
paths that mm take to bappin<.-ss?one by self-iiidul
geiice, \v lueli nt yer does lead to hApplnes? ; the other by
selt-iletiial ntut the bearing of the cross, while looklug
forward to ti.o glory above. For tue Christian man the
path must I?? iii.ii which the Saviour travelled, " perfect
meaaagft siiff.-iitig." To aceoiuplldi man's redemption
??..ii gave anaaee,aad submitted ?ants a pgeaaaaaf
aanlbtnagBi Then was no redemption without the sbed
iling ?if blood ; and Jesus, by Ills blood, entered the
holy of 1 al.es and, ptefreOBf If suffering, obtained
man's sai vtii ion. What a Gospel of love awl bolines-and
salvation Was that I U bat a wonderful life was His, in
frials and patience and gentleness. He. was perfected
thiougb Ills stiUerinrs fur sinful mau ; aud tiie BssURl B>
Iu.sboiI soul tiiitis a refuge iicie-ath the, ?belter Vhtoh they
give. Abiding.joy is the reset! of patient i-utTering; rest
follows labor, aad thia M Omf*s iHaMpilae fur man. aud
thus he is ?unified lot the cnloym? nt of Inconceivable
happiness. Salieti.'leil Nutfi-riug even leaves its ImpOBSB
on the <mtve.tr-1 men, in gaatteneos, sympathy sad leva.
The ministry which is BOW elosintr in this pteas Las
been no exception t?> this rule govei ing the wnrl.l. It
has be. n an uuct-asiug proclaiuatiou el th.- power of
an Alinighiy Saviour. I have always picaehetl Christ
t iiieillrti ; reiM-iilai.ee t?<wartls (.isl and laith toward
Christ, iioiv latthfaUy It has beea preetahnedyenran
Ihn wltlles.-es. I have eiitleavnretl constantly to unfold
Uns,, inn!.s gen and te teaeh them mes hanse to
bouse? indBeeleea esaaaaemwa the reeeltof aaeha
ministry, and to Bkt Jadgeamat i must commit
ih?. f.:!l ue?-e?itaii,-o of my lifo of labor. Tin
multitude of the labors and the faesdenoM
of my body, hav? led me to this v?iliintury
l'-tiri-ii.t-iit ftoin u rotatstry which presses so heav
ii.v on a respoaslbM soul. The respoaefbBlty bas nun
c?e -i ; und ne pnflBtkm m the lead, or in the ehoreh. has
B heavier luir.leu of a pi rsonal sin '. Us shall nn-ct
lief?.re tin- Sat uiiu's throlie, and together WB shall re
Jotceand pralss Bbn for having thus aasocLited us
together during these year? ?if preparation, Vtiththe
power of ???d und the guidance er nia Spirit,
l bave andean and to dtsehsrge the iiu?t oone
initt.sl to me. of your relatloaa te bm i
h m no gfoand of compbilnt, tun much for wbleb
i gut- daily thanks, as for God's wttJ and Ills
provision foi c Tbe generous way In which you en?
couraged n" wi sail thai any man eouldask: sndyonr
r -..-. -ion for my necessities waa |u?t mil ml qnais, and
yoawer? il ways kind and respsetfal tomyaell person
si r, lin- dai our personal relations, ?n long ma n
teinsd,are severed. Bat I leave peas beloved brother,
?. [ ockaowletlce, ami i pray God will give
under his ministry abundant evidences the! n? ?
apostle from the Meal Hbrh.
Ibe venerable rhrrgynian wasted ont of eburch after
tin si ?on, b anlng fi ebiy on ths arm of ouc oi his a i
gregs ion.
Tlif ?yr. T)r, J[.,in'r,l < i.xtiy M UM !*?"**. l'r'*'",,rr,nn '' - '
The Rev, Dr. Howard Craatby preach?rd, yea? j
t 'flat, on the " i olive:.on of mii," t sklag for In- text
UalahvLS: "Wootsm I for I an aaeoaei baeaan i
a tu a Ulan of illicit an lips, end I dwell in tiie Bidet of a I
people ef uneleaa li;t*; fer mine ejes ban aeon the
Kin/, the Lord of hosts.'*
in the naa of the exclamation* of both Isaiah and
Peter, tald tbe preacher, there was a vbdon ol a sense of
tbeir e. ivtction. The piulo epbioal sod the theologies I
nt tiav Is the c luplete Ignoring of saeh
. i .- natural foramae, avenwheanekn wa
bt, t?. paraue tbe wroai '. and he seeds a new
heart, on i i apable of choosing ?-ml loving the rhrbl s-.n
i.berra.rGod from maa's thseehts aed a I
No net w hlcli a natural man'? <>w n thoo rbta prwn pi li m
In '.? has He r. oi ot soodnea , uulesslt has In It tbe
atandard of heaven. Mao Moflea ant to turn?
..-a! roes bun ta. net It I* > \"> diene?, sad i <e
.iisncss wbleb prompts su-h sa ne I ton. His
ton shows that if man Is given nnresti
|>ower, he boooiiu-a B tyrant end a le-'i
\vh ..t ?i* tins hut it proel of v.
in--., gin t? en" of ths natural cburacb
11 n an Godly men ven readllysM tberr own sinful
i - The longer the' ..-..- tl ?? mon the*, bm thai the
elements of hell Its li are In their own nature, and their
tenth i m? e mn o he dlsre ranted.
( mu i? non ot su, i- b reeognltli n of the rearrul fa?t in
..ter. At auch a time s sonl n .t ?n'y rcoog
itisett ata own wr-tch dness, ait . sows ainfalne** Al
s i-h a time then It aa Instra i ve withdrawal fi "n
lag of saworthtness, Vet it 11
the iii-i step towards recovery, ?mil a mmt erlftcal
m? tent for tae ?Inner who mm decide between la*>li
i. .- .net iv-1- i-i . x'e i It un . Ti e woi Id aud * itan are
re i.h -t t!i their Influences, and the rule it p without and
.? s with i i : t ?? -. drive the Impenitent back. The
iniliieiif??* shorn htm ni ty atifle thisoTtportnntty. A <<>*i
? ittii'i ef lint I ? 1 !??? u i\ to i ? iiivietioa. It i ?* I
. it ?i. i .,,ii t.? t ;???!. i i- ? -?? fu- Inward sb*a I
linn : and nt exhibiting this eoiisclosnoeaa, man will
nun re real i- i msell what a gruel sinner in- la,
that then la no iroud in him without this nom sHl i
? oi -mi should ?trite aman nearer to God
? ? ? hu ). ..i St y, i,.\ ..?, ti<.,.
I'lie Rev. Father Dcaly [rreached, yearerday,
from the l -, the 90th chapter n,
'. as -ti'. in a rai
-.".?? -. hut he bM . "t! k ;!' ?. ?'?? to thai ?lar:
bi tt'iiej Jt?aiMm.Ute H i ' filedtsrtples
\t : ? .re i .. i i i. .- i,.; .-, of ills di- Iples, to
Bit, ' i : Il si '. " I'- l J ou."
n t|.|iy wer thus,- whom i ans m addressed. U
u . the aanlt ia which lbs pi isc ol .1? -as raigas?hepny
pas 11 ? a 1 Ulidelslai il le.' i .?..s | . .,ee lie .et !.. I!
iii-iioie. toanstaiu tbemin l ei lia of tbcw work. I
all tg to
Lie ii. Bui t.i'h t..- many, this future m ,
... ? ? ? ?? ? |
fall or ? a -. ..n ? li. With hot
tine nn1 I Vt lo Him. will ?nil .tv 11n-pe; c . .1. ?i-,
Even this peace will net ensure perfoi . tor ?is
fame as you in i i Ih ? from the Immortal hssao n.
u t t?.- bad. It is mnaslag tb ii any asae of katoUeei t. i
loi li w :. B< Ih i ..sj Of !.;s sail. M II lie
I .?in ol vlrtin i- uni v Ituou thorns, bul ii la less i
tbe 11??h or rme, and the senrce ol bsppii i
naire nat.
Habits 1 rectitude is a shield from tbe misery of nna>
.?.'.V.ll-s. || 1-1 kl-Ce -. .?1 II 111- 1 lll-e, llilfu-t .1 |[s
iiushiii.-nt. M s, iv, hall...I, |.-.il, usf. eiit.t . ? i,
'i - - . i . i > ? ? ....-- I..!-.. ? ?
? . ai? i discontent a feeling that tbi tiapblnet
lowed ti? liniii.tfi-n?-. ofsvoty wisu. Btalorooa, wnea be
? n.iv.ii- to indulge every wi>h. waa not hapt y,
fli csir.in .'.--I himself from God, and tl ..iiiil
void in ins heart, watch nothing a rthly cseld satisiy.
Ilotv t-oai|i -ifatively ties is I iic man Hill-.'. ie. d In pell
gton. Tills n .i: aii a ?mil. ..- i ? tbe tlt .: uiovemt nt ol rts
m.; rsssMou, and tba man enleys the lexury of a con
-in ne.- ;.i peace with God. lie Is prepared for adver?
sity, able 10 I" li'l llIM I ??; I III le.i via all,n,, t\ In p ?n |ckl II
by pain, and able tobeibive m hM heart that they who
-.n r with Christ, will nlso be shrined with Hint, i. ? -
he enjoya tiie Ural fruit of a true and bolj
leitisto Unit eteraal |oy wbieh Jesus left to His diseb
i i lies privation aud pain teal tee*. Must meet fu
Hu world.
An inttiestinir ceroMoay was bald jrelNtlay
nioiitiiigat thaOhanh of the a\aaaaaaisaa (Ramma Ostb>
nl.. ),ta West K.irtt ninlli-st., when iieiult 1 t) beys Bad
liils motived their n.-t meamanhan. The baya wan all
dressed bt blaek taita,rank withe bosajnel m tin- keppel
i ir .us c..at ; tin ^n is wen attired in abito auk or antre,
over which baag a long white veil. A rerdlaal-colored
?w-h em in ' d their wni-ts, ?.ni a wreath of Boa en
i-.--iiil on i neo- h? mis. Before the services h gen, a pro?
al WM lormed, which marched through i tj
iiin-.li-si. to Nun!-.m-., to l ot ? ih .-t.. to Heveuth-ave.,
snd then to the church, Hundreos ot wax topen wem
m every pari ef the structure, with s proraatou u
lliitteis .uni niant so, na . liauaei-. l-.ti.t ataiialil. por?
tion ol the churi-h was ihr. ii;-?I with people. Aaslstlug
at tbe services wen lbs k?-t. l-'iih?r.s aehweanlger and
Kiiiiie-, and Fathers Byres ami Brady, ot tm roauibN
Community. Father Bcuwenniger, the tststor, tit llvered
au ni in .?. a hand of music ptared tec td am at la
A.I77/.1.V MA trill.II. 's Eil?ABBdt?Ml M.\
a rarrnoa u aauKauiTcr brouobt rt m^
CBRDirORg \N|t BBtMUtai l> BY Till: COCRT.
BORTOXi April 28.?The cieilitiilrt of N;iili;in
Matthews s Uthwad tu? court thai M be deeland a
bankrupt, bul Jadga Lowell yesterdaj dismlssi d the at -
tl ..n, with the consent al the enditen, it aol bavtag
been ihowatbal Rr, Matthews bad Mmmtttod an] ?>
of bankru|itoy, Mr. Hattbrwa has bean aa aaisastvs
. i la real eatsee, and a law yean ?\v> was thought
t> to worth from six te aoven mOlloa dotiere De*
i?!.-, i.i'.ioit in reel estate 1er the last ton nan heeeeaeod
hiM great si.11 rassineiti Up to ahem hnyaasTaagnvMf
Mail let- - bad tor gaits a petted t? <ui ntaasdeal of the
Ho ma Wator Fewer Cosseany? He wm ems one of tbe
largiMt stiM-idioitlt-r? m tie- i .ini-a.... an.I, al oae time,
i .1, rtaags of between -i ;?.si,h?hi and a3,OOo,
? Ksi en the cano,n \ property, to s? i uiv Ih.ir
;. miiK which In- ht-ltl. During Un- time Hint
M Matthew a um pr?sident of ibe eomtaauy.
I a ?Rain wen in a very prvapersuM eoadiMsa until
?hastia rear age Mr. Matthews ri ?sated m the en-limn
m iii-ion on the seraaM M Arlin<ri?>n-si. and Ooa
waaltk ive., but tl?s property was asMtaagsd toa bens,
au ir WMaodbi this BMrts*agesto Joshaa MoBtgomery
4 tra. It Is euualdered one of tb? most des
?i ,..? la Boston, and brought, it is ?.mi, about fioo,
iK s i in ? beautiful fiimimi nuitlt m ?-of Mr. M mh wson
. a-... In >.i w|h.ii, k I., w. t. ik ?o i BUM i .
w .. I. ? i- cciitlv .?.li to aatbdy a mortgagt ol ?.. >,0uo,
a Ma Bws bM hatl a rS|tuisn??a fot? st?neio?it>. and
Msitbewa Hill, ni Usrvard Odlege. was Bis gut, and
w . ? ned if.-i iii-i, u ?n? hniH ?Iwui the yesr 1870.
n.! i-i,t more limn fcl.Vi.tMst, in-lus <?uis ?tfieil, m its
fcciitial arraugouitiut, tut best of iba Uaivaid dor
Detectives Field and O'Connor, of the Dio?
trict-Aitornera Office, srrested MaxMettger and hUaoI
In law, Henry Baer, tobacco merchants, at No. ?foa
East Twenty-seventb-st? doing business under th?BrD,
name of M. Mettger & Son. There are two indietiuenta
,m,,)1'*;'V,lnf ?owto V '?"?? mateneea, one against both
the other UK-*,ust Baer alone. Th.? joint h.dii tu,,,,i
wortni?i,,Lt-h7 ?o,?tw",tr ~r?,of,~^?
worth *i gpl '?o, fro? Hitveioover A Vegillu? by re or?
a- nt.iig their ptrfeet ?olvenrr. wh.-n tfiey were in ?T
vent; the,?.tiennent agaiust Baer alone oharg. s irC
with ?toamtoa. by ?imilar represe.-jution*, "tshasa.
valued at Kt3.W)i from Charles T. Oajmsai A Co ? S S
iioolher titue tob?ceo worth ?U.IU1 ?3. 15*11 ?a ?be tlr?t
*mi?,U"eil.t,w"?J'1?,0,?? "? ?"-'-??xi, ??don tBaaeMaalS
#.1,000. ?etoaaal Micha? ! bei-aniS lull lu both Case?.
Tue jury iu tue nuit of Auna I). Kowal
it.m,-: Loreuto D. Newe.ll were out all li iday inght,
and failed ti> agree on enough of th? ?Ixfecn question?
to warrant tbe giving of a verdict. It was th* very
first question on which tbey disagreed ; ten jurymen It
uro|?ut?d, Insisting upon Mr. Ni-well's criminal in'ti
maey with Miss (limy, the other two lii-itn.g that Mr
New.lis relations with her weie houeal. Informally'
all ihe liu-ynieii are said to have agreed that list rshUioa*
or Mr?. Newell to Mr. Boardmuii were not those of father
?ad daughter, but al an illicit character. The Jurymen
di.l not really enter on the otlier chaires against Mr?
>ewei|. but seem from tbe,r . X|mr**i.,ns to have dis
believed them so lar as concerned Colouoi i'lckcnng. or
?teaany unknown nan.
Adolph Neueuilorit', the director of the,
??.in Theatre, wrote a new aymphouy in V, abtsb
was pi r.i rmed. Max B?ldatela published a criticism on
It in the Vtmik CjgnjMg which, Mr. Nnundorff claims,
wmt In and BBS realms of criticism und into thcdomaia
of !i!>( I. He sued Mr. flnltoteh. If tue Marino Court f.,r
libel and Mr. (iiildsleii ileiiiiii icil. The ilemurier Wlii
Hi.-.-lied on Sal in-day beton- Judge (?oc|ip. The chief
|N>iBta presented were whether the ululutig was proii.
eh atarrad to bs Ige author of the symphony ami
whether the i erformauco on ?Sunday did not deprive
him ot Ins right tu sas lor line). The Com t risen eil it?
decision. Heart Wohle appeared tor tho plaintiff ; l-o
Uotdeaaeh for the defendant.
Dr. C. C. Boon was ano-teil, B eently, on a
reqataltbN Bom tba Posta?i eg Tanaa, tot the Bnwear
of n Mr?, (iteene, k hkafujoaaary Cana's, k that State.
Ha be i tant bet a reasedy for opium aaBag? aad im ue
diiUely after taking .?une of ihe pilis s:e .In I. Bets*
nor Booh: on had graati d Bis cxiridiiim v.anani when
.loan i> Tos i - in. obtained from Judge Lmnohuc ? w.tt
of habeas corpus. On the return as the writ Jodga
i>.ibue expn --?? i ms gonht waaShat to aanU go be
lili i the Qeteruor*? mandate, but adjourned the in.itt.-r
io Sstardai to enable ennnsei to present tbe fact-fuiiy
to tho Oovaraor. On Friday bba war.ant was mteksa,
nnd ou Hntarttsy 1%, liters wa? released.
Julia a. Siiinllev lias BBOtt Barhaattood,Oea?
< ral sumiller, tor r ilivon e, BO the irinuni of hi- u |
adulteries in Wash*!: 'ton nnd Montreal. Jinlg.- Voter,
hiBupnaaeCourt,Chamhata,gtaatod mi stator tot
publie thll t - i;.i:-.ii!i.. ug.ilust the llU?bal|ii,Hlm is I
to be m b in Boutai .il.
In the proeeettiafi recently ttrp^ool of tbe
Beater? fJaioa Telcarapb Oompaay to ??atptl Bagh*T.
.lew i It. a? It I elver of the Brt? llallwil '"? .?i|>:>Iiv. fi*
psgrOBB\gso as rent ?>f Bsttsraph ansasaoeVta k ?i
made Ih toe aid Bits fsoBmad Oaapssay. ?todos Baas
hue, In Bnpreaie Court, Caaasbera, on eUturday, aaabai
the motion.
Heyama TmMkj lias tm? ida wife for di?
tarea, ?adchttaaaher with stealing his three children
from liim. He alleges, for similar le.-isons to tlm-o
stated in his divorce suit, tl al sin- ts nn tit to laver,
eharsoof tin-in. Judge Ptottst l*saod a ntU of babea?
? . n is to brin* th ? ehildreu into BapratM Court, Chum?
bo?, th.- moiniiig.
In the suit of Pinion ?fontana aptiin^t rx
BheriBCoaaot,tatsaoTst BiM infer an aBagei
return In ihe suit o* Herman against Volg, the 1ury.be
tore Judge BtBtfstd. hi stoasttat Osent, Mal Vseaa,sata
i t ga verdie I for the lall mummt claim,d. M ?*
rit for plaintiff; Paaderpoel, Or? ,v
t uming for defeuitaut.
.lii?iti Allen ?-?'lit to North Carolina ia
1 -i-ij, tearing his totevoo hosrne?. in ?h-?rg-' of hi- eie.k,
liuniel P. Dinan. I.est lieeeiniM r he eanie h< rv BS eio-e
uu ihc ini-hi s?, it i- ehangad bj Bkmtoj weo beeenai
hiin tor i-'_,:;?si, and ey Hannah I-..m in, who al- I
tall ag.iin-t liim Ma iiboiii ^,'?^'>, toad toaaai.
bore be asado such di-posiunu ot his pioperty that lia
I abtain Botbtag. orders of arrest
granted and a motion waa arode i-.st wreb tott
tin-in. .in : e ii sobas, afaar bearing enaaaal, rol i
t u- :.|i].iie. i.'i.n Baturdsy. C. .'?. Bankfat aaaearad Ite
tho plaintiff* ; N. Ootbrsa for tbe distendant.
llKCl-siO.N?-Al-BH. 27.
Suvrem' Court? < 'hamlxr*-? lie Judge Putter -
Av. :? i I. i. : .. (irai l.-l.
By Josa* Oeoefnis.?ManafleM ssrt. Mnn-fleW . Weed ??rt
i graeti'd Bert in.- W.^.li n < ' iui|>inijr agi
I . Mi Hon p n.ted. ii'i.i.: . . t h. : ? ? r
? ,,- n 'i. :. mi , i. j. ?. ti.
u :?? ?!. Hae* ???-! i rkman Uiitnia i
Without '?(-; Jartson agt. ! ?
l?.ii',.-l .. IM ..|l.l?of toe lleJiHIIiili III ill DookSV?TIl*
proper ptai'< heai ll.i* niotumiaal '.'n.-rni r.-in., aad th?
luoi oa s n;.le:.il le !.?? :-. ?:u ih.-; ..II
u f..im i...-: .;.. i - .e ( ,i..r.t'i s and t'o-n- o-a s
I i.-.:i..:i I? lu?
li. paitraelil .tin?, -a . ? t. i .. m u.
.: en? - : ??-. m. i. u
: are in.-aiol-.ili.l in. Hi. Iclii ail li?1 ^.Ijiik.u?i
i 1 ; t tin- |. . i .'.If ia lU ful r
. iu ai.1. Bsssotu IB. -
Urnntefl ; ? tin.
Ssawkr ' ? i ' Jndge >
ci.ton.?Loi the WiUdupil tadi
I-. I. . i ?? V I I , -
is.\ Jud - i
l .m net Rm ?
? linei ? i u (Tel o: it-Ki.n nain . I 1 li
( 'iu I ..' ? i :. ill agt- v ?
. , ,, lar \ ?a D.ck
ne,- million KanfBMtu ?St.
? i.-.. auachn ?? ? c; nt.-l ; ? ? nn
-ta.mi i.i. Mi-.-nmii.- Jo tin m w: .'->l'. lor il. i.
- ' : ?
uuial m' i
Ott, I'...now . Vio,m, d . :
i m imoN /'',(> - >, . ,i, , - s?llv Chief Justice ( '.
P. I<.iIv.-'>it . t hi. sgi. I ?irak.-J
?ikuisI. Loito? agt. i o i Motil e an
: . ? ni hljreert. I?a?!
i up U) t*uill ii : '? Uro? i . 11
M ii.-eii. i ,"..ii i.i i.i': sal, li' ??-<? Hoi
pi ived i n ?r i -? Bernaril ; (?? ??
i.ia : Ki-miii m. McUdcklB ; Bablwin asf. Breas
.. tt. Wall ron ; White agi. i!
Mavor; Meytorthagt. I'h?Mayer; >? ii?iiiau a>.i ..
? til., li ted.
urn cotTBT?CnsBHas Passat, j. -itoa :
;. u e lis, iu7, '-. ' ? ??:. i '-'- ?' -, : ii, -- ?
2T7, 'J-(i. -".'I. '."<". SOU, Mil. :?".', SI?, 811, ..i.i all.
:?'? ci.iiiat siarm h.kk sssgasbtta J?n? dsy
r ilei ilsr.
??????sos ['Hi- - . i-i. tFj:v-<'. 1'. loir. ('. J.?Ne day
en rt (ii'M-eu Ti \ i. -? ei ?'? m and ! -i
lioll, .1 ? '-P
uiu ?lulKtiieuts, N -
TiiiM 11 ;m !'a I I-Miernlsn, .1 ->? itav c?Vnd?r.
I'AKl I 1 ?Mi AU.IMI. J. -Noe- i., 7 .
C.'TS |-'7:. t-so 1V9 I, 4'.'- . '
18m i to, ;;. . . ... ii ? ; i. o, i i.'j. si 147?.
4476, I47i. 44M. 44 li'o, III)
141)8. ili'l, . i' . ? ? - - ? ""?
4..0-. s... ?:>. i.i. lili, 4 ...;i.
i ni -:,.., 1 No- ?.373 M19, ;-'".'?'. t'-'"
4;tl7. .1 sj. .?."?; .. .ll" ,. Ilei, ili'l 4-i'l., S4I?7, I
i.i \i. .u >:.-.-.- \? I'.'.ia i llackctl, B I?. *
coiilli le .11. itl-.ii.li I je b'iOSS i lt.. - ' "i '*. t..iv i
I'...an, feiMinuiis aaaaa'.t j i u ? ?? BteOaitliy, bin?
Ruben I n/i..ili-11'k. Mi.'iael H.iii.'.'v. grnn-1 I.ii'i-n ; "j'f
MHr, i>mil Lery, fa m; preti-mea, W'iiluiu U'ue?,aaaaaB
sud battery.
Past ll?OlMewleeve, I Oestg* V\ ryms'i. !
lui id filiitwn. Vlilllaai tima tuna ? ? -, ;
imi Ui'I,am Amu. f' l'.iiioiis a- mil tn
Miller ami Miemi Munii. bin iai> . Wdl? - >
laines Mil.U.m. Ill--, in fuilll ISS !'? I ???!. . '
mrt John Lflftn?. ?H-iiult ??el batten , Maiilirw An.;:u,
a.'u BJ tlotu BBS l* SatBh
tTOtTsM Of khi'inshMAint*.
?a. bfoowa.? ooaaaon ? mi-suhmk.nt ar aa,
wo.>u?i m: indian aarpaoraunuB mu psmbb
un: i.K(it-i.\? i vi: nut..
w.isiiisi.iuN. ietorda/i April 27, i?7a.
In ?M House y.sl.id.iv, Mr. WIOGDfTOM
[ll. un, Cal.), tioin the Ciiiiniltce 0:1 l*Ubl!i I .ml-, u
partl 'I ;i bill f. t the r. l;i t of .ihr- on the paBBB !fti;ds.
Drih red printed ?Bd rei'iuiiiuilli 1.
Mr. COLB (?tog?, Mo.) lut.'o In ?? I a lii.l n iiiovIi.k tio
poliin-al ilisalulitic* of Ueoiae ?. ShrjiKk.ot MI?soi'.;i.
Oa motion of Mr. BAODSLt (l.ein., B. C ). I I tot dB
.?liicinliiieiits to the bill 11 gt ? ?f
mai letttaga wen- ? to.
Mi. ktoOOBAJ (Ui|>.. ^luii.i, listiig to a per*oi.ile?*
pi.tna'.'ii::. seul 4n lue 1 h t k'?-.o?!i and had read * por?
tion of an e\pl.ilialioii made I., Mi ? '00.I (l?vm . I ' 1
some time a.m. In ref.-r.-iin' totlledlsopt n.'.-eid?
l,-t n r t rom a ?iiiii'ui ' -'m u- tt m n Joshaaa. M
ll-latlV to tile tall?, In which In n.-siii;,. -I 1
t.iiwaii having ?CB1 UiBl tl ? nit? 1 bad M n ti: 1."nl*
,,,., .. on ol 11. Mr MeOowua raid thai be had s<-t
. ?n, audwai u.-ton.-he I tint th. |rmttrman t -m
New-York should bat? supposed thai lis sbomd ???
taBSB ?WBs? fr?"? BBl BBM part ol the gvu: a-mai?*
Mr WOOD (Dec?., B. Y.) <nld f'int he l-.:id not et-nr ;i-l
thai the am tit -m .111 bad taken BWUy toe h Mr, ha
a* limed thai he hod doBS so. tie ?ad not intruded t?
reflect on the g. Bt.eman etaa if be bai see 1 nt in 1 I '
p, ?M-sSSoll nf tile |e(t. I.
i'ue tloii?e ih'U ?enl into Coiiimi(Ui> of tba w aw?
?. i.n Mi I'OiihK il>.-iii.. N. T.) u tba chair, .'ti ?"
tBecominiitee rose aun t Be bill was pa-sen.
The llodse th.-a aeiiiu went Into Comiiiit:
Wnolc, wan Mr. Blll?h (DeUl.. 111.) .U I'' CO? J
th?- UgloltUT?,Execulite uttd Judicial Appro!
Mr. ATKINH(l?eio., lVnu.). Chntroian of ?h? t'?' J-'
t.e uu Apprupiiatwu?, adilrestod the llou?e. ue **??

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