Newspaper Page Text
V^XXXIX...No-I2,006. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I*, is;.*. PRICE POUR CENTS. BUTLER NOMINATED. Hfl COBYIKlTOfl A T WOBCBflTBE g, yp .W PA i.lllUKIMi. WMU'H m CHAIBMAB Mit. Tai ? >\. Kiii-f? i\ OMa wint i?:i |m i i.ty? A RjU Ol ATK Tic UFT AMI A l'l.A I I OttM. The State Convent ion of the Kuller Dem? ocrat* Ol Magnat lni-otts BBOt in Worcester y<ab r.l.iv. It w as a largv tTtitlicvtiiir, but thr Hill phaB i1< in? nt was v, rv oiiiis.iicuoii? in it, pnit tl?r day was mpt nt lat gvly in Bolcj wiaii gjlag? Wiu-iuvt-r Mr. Tarbox, the propJdkttbj It-ft t'ie iliair, the OtBtorj became violent ami tlie Convention uoisy. The loUOwlPig tickt t trat aotnineted : j r (, m mar B. F. r. itler, of Lewt IL /..r / out. in'?/-!,<>r. ;??.<,??A. (.. WoodWOttB, Of Cbieop i. j i y-.i'i.m- M. T.Donahue, of Fairheven, /er .1 .taaral VV. F. Nurthoud, of eeieoe. jor frcewarer* I). N. Skillinaa. i r deeah*. - 1 >. J. Klag, ol Buetoa, The pJotfojtrpj inn<:<.i National Ioobmm an> tin !y. and djOTOtod its IT tu Stahl questions. Tbc Citil DaaaapToa ael and convict labor arere otreanoualy aV no um cd. Tba ooatral ut apjraontaoM was adTM teil. Tili: BUTLER ME rHE 1 KIT. BLUES, i txaox < i tuai tat at n i h pariv ab Tin: D v i aacf <?r MABSAcaraxiia igt PLATPoaat !>..;> na ?amv?iih iPPffTo op ihk oonvxgTi >v. tat .. ? i ??? tra ro mr tamenmi Woao -i tt, Mao**Beau 17.?Tba BtrtaarDexeo era tie c invention In daj aarriad oat i ba exaei pre* greaaani ptaa iredlor tt bt ii < matter, bat u did 11a r; p dato 1 w tU in anything exa pt n mon itonnua, i ihiaedikc way. rbere were many hitches und |ate aad a great d< dot wrangling and noiee;but (bat waedae aot to aap i-<??1 diseen-i >n ?s toibe paaiagMBaieena*Ibaprogramme, bat to the mio paaa tf the autjoritv of thedelegates as to nmin i itary rales, tba hankering of im i'l p dltmimis a ahaaea t? tail., aad tba feellapi ei tho stroag Miledan element fr h rttm j ... fle pt lo ni , nt w..a itus .: ment that Iba oaorroahlea loiki-1 lii.o a Feniau uin-a-mct ing. At leaet ftaai'Bfllu >d the d? leg ... a wore un gtlaatka ily firnu Iba" greet! *> i.'' I.? Okers-on nt the BapabBaaa aeavaatioa of paaterdav. wlto war? ni l'.tti" bared bgtbadigiih"! h ir tti iv aal li-k of !? Ii Iii la t t? proea mIiof that '? >dv, f ;tt I a re fraebiag coatraat ia tba tarbalenoe of the IVmo OTOtM crowd 1 bat if thai fargot tlm fun of the IbtagfaraMameitt to i. ll it t!ia tii--t? Very, low - brawed wBowo were prepariagtomake a t" t;.t for the poeaeealaa of the Crovernmout ol the grand old Idetofk UeaamaawaaHb ed MaaMwhttsetta, tl.eir pamaamrnt changed ton. rbraa redatetton. t i. ri I i?f.iii?.*a! ii wai tevt!! .? as a:rolli; aatbaBepablieaagalbartagaeid m tin* oatuc hall yaaterd ty. The mtaatkna, however, was to make It gaaak larger; The baaai ad repreeentation was ao f.xrd thai if full del.gat tots lad appeared frun j aU towaa aad eitiee taece weald have been u.^oo j del' ratet La the body. Probably there were i 1,00g nreaaBt. Tba Cotnadttea ou Cre<lentiala aaaartad l,7:?it. bad th s was a manifest do- j Mataaa, the a amber of men aeerediied :ind not | t: n i" bat aabaally preeeat being annon red. i If the azpeeted erwwd had eoawlt waatbelnteu* tii'ti to have ad.i nir le I to the skating rink und ' ?ada aa ado over the want af eayaeity of the bin ' hull to hold the eCBVOattoa. There was crowd eaeagjh, bawevea. to aaaw that Batler has not lout pay ef tda Deaaaaaatie foUoarera of laei year, ihe Abbotl ractloa, who eaBtbeamelvee the regular J> maarata and in-i!.t that Hutler'a BUppornrs uro inn Min ei -., who to 'k |io-sessu>n of the lli iimi iutio t . and pa ir und eat the atPAeata adrfatt In a yawL luiiet Ma- that tin v have no chance ol regaining pos Baaaiaa of the araft, tai.ini.\ pjaJtag a FiKitT Bpaaca. Tbeeaavaataaa dM aal betbat rteetf with the for i. liny of a tampataty abatiaHMaj hut placed the panaaaaal ptaatdeat teleeted by the.^tate t ommit bw, tin ll"t). Jonii K. Turbox, at once in pos>e.saion ol t .'ie gavel. Mr, iariiox, ait'iongh of Bew-Xaghkad lineage, might paae anywhere aa a typaeal south C^roliuiau, having t' e -tra itht, Idack bur, Ballow complexion, forinidalde mouetaehe, h;gu c'ueck-lioncs, and d ad in? arneet look of tne gcnuii.e aahnetto chivalry Badptaaat^ mm\ la a tail ad peleexo black, but Ins liti oiling woxda art a good deal modiliii] hy a patr of-iMM'tacles. Ilemaiiea vigorous (-p.. eh in c.1 atatat aal m'.vle, devoted alaaap] entirely to ?n as--rti oi of the regularity of tlo< organiaation r> p- i r > a ted hy the onuvoi tioa, aad to heaping eooru ami ridiealt upon the atbex wing of the putty. He | daaoaaeed aba FaoenU Hall managen n? facti "us i aaddl layalaad foca to the party welfare. He i kbowed tue ab-urdity of nu n who ha-1 lor i BMreoeBveakrj a:nli !.nr ??? Pi .new tdamaattempt lag to axel ada everybody from a Democratic co n- I PHataaa wba fevered Benjamin F. Butler, a ahhrt i extract fiaeebat^eeeb will show its tone, ntai at tba taaaa time exhibit tba poeitioa oi t!.> conven Maa, Bafeaiag aa the laeolat mi of tlie Executive Cemn Itti e leaf year to i xolode the lluth r men, he m d: Oa tke eve af tea eoavoal aa at Vateeetcr the ?.m ?ane* peaeeaeaMt to ezaeute the threat. A proa* nncod i ;i y, aanru oi tiulte two-thirde oi the Uchgiiee, aere la favor oi Batler** aominatloa. that thej repie Maa I a v ry in,n il Birgel preportloa el toe Deaioeraia af t:..- - it. mi .iioaii eoaelueively -u Ihe ehetloii re ?tili?. Under Ik *e eondll.IB* eomuilttee'e uoiple ? IB ? -a ia !?? ii:?.?. the ae iple their, end. ai.d ikemru iv>? tograi-efatly aahealt or m afaitp rebel. Ilu h ae. iiir. iruiu lunc n.' o! civitn: law uti ! c in maiut tu t in lieaaoeratlo party, they had eeaa la eeo* aklar iheir rtgk t.< rak ft aa preeertptive. 1 bev forgot Iba] a gig iaal* aad aeennu d ihe inaetor "I am tlie | I ite.M aaid royal gotbr*. '?Wear* the party." Oe-j Blared . .1 . mmlitve. L* >ou prelexte aueli aa a I/i'iiai anu r turntag Beard would have bluaheg to adupt, tia-y ' aaarn d the prerognuve of ibo eouventlun and decided j Buootli ?! giblllt jr of lt? memuera. ixjectlug U< Bel* of fairly eB tea deleaatea aad a leptingthe munu ' Bietari <i eratMiatb*!*ol aaea v. boatood f. r no Democrat|.< I ? mi',i'ii-.i. .. A* loraahadnwid in thi reaoiouonot iiie j I i.' itive Committee, the i nvcntlon wa* t*? tie con*tt- j tu . ...- i ,. temmltBee euoul.i aaaat ami no. as tan poo j ? . ad eaaaea. Bbat ?? r the n pteeenmBvet of the ample in ?neb | um i. in y to do?to aobrall taowlrl The) nke . laea *> ?? thv the nante tie v dared maintain. They : rti d I fat tke-;.'ri. of the men ol 1770, who roeted tue inlunt | repahlb in the eradl id . eolation. They acted aa , am.u'-i bbv* BV Btea ol 1870, whea traae atrode trtnm pa?al ""er ike proa trat ballot into the Nation'* I bigb etat. They dM 11" laVMHag at ibeir con- 1 rt to In... ai.mni'.o! In lie puoo Wi.fio tiny , w.i. lummoeea to ateet, ia tne uad aeeared by tbcir | .: a* -. . i Committee, for tue r uaa. The) e>u. aillltd ao " kaiglaiy *" rnerbmii .k poaaee- i aloa of Obelr owa premUot Is the aami aad by the 1..?., namtet at tin Demoei w i el tba State thi > organ Utdtk .oi v< iion aad imrloimed thetru I ttuy were it irged wltk 1' the procedure wae Irregular .i any j ii ot partlamta'"rr mihi p?naler ra flcat'on bei egitiatiaed It. Oar tltie reale ea me Brm basn. of t.. c. u?eut ol tue peopl.-, is ii.- Bat loa laml* lnvinrl i ia ? eutavorlty la aaif* uJ tke Breganu action of it* founder*, , . , , i be ' eaponelbUity of taking peaeeaelen el tne ha.' liui I- u falaaly Imputeg to Gaoeral Butlar. Hei-boini tu. I to that Baeaar. Ii in? a<-i ol tin- dchi-atet., ai.iif. li gone m rtghte ue ?ehT-defeaoe, bafllea lu tbelr toanaloa* altempi m eaptore the con v.: i a, in. rommitUM aameiegaatboritj to udp.ioii it (??t- eerreeul tu mibe ? mveaitoe alone),and auoee mwa i a-?. u. jKd iheataelve* bagelber in Fam-u.1 f: , j j ,. p l I bet i eaudtdah foi Oov ?: ma aaaat dUglngulehed iBaaoerai In Ba Btale, Iba r atrougeal name b| ahl h to ? ?! )<!? lilt ihuiih l..<-> , ?1.. 1 0.- iL i- iii?.? bat ft, - aVIlghled to Honor. Aa the (eOUlt, out of a l ? go .n,ii ii . ? aeanted bam ihmn 10,000 vote*, lie. i yaewiaal they are tke Demiiereti* party, aoO t .. j. . .,u,,, j ( t .at uaen* BteeaaaleraBle tact ion, Otatcelj aobatauilal eaougb toeaat a risible ahmlow in iL. M , u ti. ,.( seBtaaagn ih aad barm leas tliat to. h> 11.urn *n party lattiosdees and aerate it, hi all i bat B a', o. i, gai.aal arraj ol 100.000 mi Q *i " uarubod J<i ti. boBs w.u. nbfeg iu :e.Td. I: 1? n-t uuu, let not oi l political tu. .in-n outelde the Plats credll uu slaader. Ti e greai U mocratb party tf Mrt*atnbamitis is hi ia. 1.? antedar'l (the aame that J garsi i aarertedi 11 bet , oasts ued, i an utllated Jo-i i bendred uteaaaad free aaea aad tru< llemocrata' lt B urgauti i.... i.,. , .1.. . a Uli la b .. ill o* Uie ckr.i (...: i;.,? ; net merely to ab telului -a.iiiU at u Batnatal usaaaeratla urtamp-k, u.a lo help to BrbieVi .1. Bgruto orjBanBLT gopJiWATgav i . Banal eammi tteeo waae api atated by Ike Chair. As t-i ? :j usihisi .. ii.. . the ...tivc.itioii wa- hae tly oaamatted to Bath r to. rood any chaace f?r u dthi.t, and to I.e..d ..if ? small tlanjul led by a >? o.g Braak ward prdrakdaa fpaai Boston, named ?day, traa bed beaa threateabag ; , n..n..- miaohiei Um muht before. Mr. Li thrnp, of Springfield ?And tho foUowbxg leeolalloa : BSMegatatag ttin jrm.ral d.-str? of th? pennte, MM haeaewd by the ilinttb of National party '? y ? '? ii-, fur a etrftnjto of administration and ihn promotion of wkolaeome pahMa fofotma in the StateO ivernment, not reasonably ioio< iiom?ii for hoi ? powers mom la control, Ihroapa whoee neglect, or ?toreactivefaul t thetafeaea haaomne, cnnvlm-ed that auchaekaiik'- U 0< in,.ii,|.ii ny inidi-nt rousMorittloL? or the political welfare of the Mate, and ia the belief l!i;tl .',1 citiTeii? wiio concur In title opinion mar rott akpenth mul worthily aill?urn to two that flection, >. i.i n Peas ral ofl a?re nre to be aftoeaa. tb- It bob teal teat i? in leaaaroe mid prlaetptaa ?if Mattoaal aoaoom. and i in- In tin- p ndiug election to arcuie In 8mte nft .Ii? ihr u!i|.ciMof tin coin in m d. -Ire, wo. for tbcao ? " I-, invtt. ,i : like aea tt meats to make romm ii eaui with oa on this b-mie laooe, a ti we adopt and indorse the candidacy of Benjamin F. Bailor, ol i roll, ior Governor, In Un? conildince ami on l!i" ii. .? of bis v'lihc pledge thai if elected will. *? > in .-o- ibsll hare oasetal atreaatb, laboi to hi whack no i. v.-; dbmbi of Iks Commonwealth i<> theefficiency, economy mul Junlee to llit* ponide of ail cl .aaca which eaaracterlsed tka ear?at day*ot ike Bepabho. ThelaaolatiaB wai n<i<>i>to<i with rary moderate applanse, ami with only one " No," which came in a prolonged Wall Iron the back of tlic hull, ami pro? voked u hearty laugh. It was antue lime before the convention g t over lt? IliSllliawil st tLi? mouiiiiul expression of dlaaeal from the solitary objector. Whoa silence paj rest ored, amotion fortlionje |i intineiit of n committee to r. i iiiiineiiil names to Iii! no tln? tl' k-1 was promptly onVrr-dbv oiioof the managers, and adapted after some feeble opi?o*l tlon, in which the Improaelbla Blley wasoonaplcu I oils. The parp i-e of thae ehnttlBg theconventiou i.ut from a chance, to Imllot lor candi? dates was to aaappraj a ticket which the I Butler Independaata(sota.headBepnblicans), who meet tomorrow, eaa todoeae al Batst In part. Tho t oftitnitteo wns constituted us follows | J H. Phlnaer. of Baraatahlej W. W. n irt. of Way niouih; J. W. Vox, of Boston t Edwin F. ton. of Itoatoiii t, ? i. o W. Dyke,of Bioaeksiu; Joseph <iic,: orVj oi Marbleh stl| Michael Kinn.of Lawreoco ; i \k Uucklcv, ut Cambridge| J ha <?? U'Uortnau, ol Hiirn .'' i| .I..UIVS 1>. .in. i. id ito yoke ; J. K. Clam, of PiUsawkb A tai Bat hoi-t.-roua eontri>ver?v followed over tho gin ? *..... ol pntlOBBtef Hi'' Bid "f Mie old .??Inte Com miltce or niakiBR a iie?c otbB la aha end u compro? mise waa reached DJ continents too old orgumza tioii and ordering the appoiotmaal of a coi noli ice i" i i fitt.-en lioiv mi n to it. This finished tbofore? noon session, a i i -ii <>r OBATOBT and votsr. In the aftareaoa there a ?>* aothBuj nore to ho il lie than i<? adopt a Bi ttfai ra and hear tli ? reports of the comtuittaasi ttat the dalaajataa bad p-?t wiirnicd tip by their dinners or aoroetbing else, and were dctcriuitied to have aoaat fun. The occasion ?: oS4! wlieli ,i rewolal .mi tor a i btBI -ii loo of forty to rot'oiiiuii'tid ilrliaiatoi at latga to the National J? iiiocnitic CoaTOBtitMi of l^Srt waa adopttvl. While (.'liiiii'iiniti I'm !i"X oiuatfi' 1 in.(ling forty iin-ti, one ir<>m e;n Uenatoria] District, to #<? np ui thi-> clumsy committee. In- had to leave the ehuir in i owl -i of one of tin.- rioa-pTBaidents, untl permit the coun Btios to cut. 11 iIb Itaalf with apaaal aa. A BaBcard yoang Rtaa, Bamed Wilklnfton, of N-v\ in\;."it, who looked n? if he in I nil t b?i a 1 inter of Fall Ifirer ii"'' ra, boBBded upon t!ie jilat f'.nu ami M ini a reeolntiou den atneioK ibo money Pouor, mi'! il 11r.? i*11.- thai mooay thotibl uot be nl lnwo<l by law t ? Btaka BHWiey. Tins, ho was pro? ceed in? to expl i ii, ooadaBiaf 1 nil inicrost, when n Boston d 1 pate, with afarooioahimoastachn, cried nip. "Yoii'ii- u-of a 1 !!,>r for this inti-ic What's your name f" The Boston rtittlan ami the yoaBJ OaBUMBBa] bat] a trial to ?.-o which eaatpJ aBattl ti e ! ndent lor a few miuntes, nnd ???r :t(?t? diill g irea joined in tho vocal fray with yellaBad j .-is. Alter a few min ntcs the anti-intereal man not a ebani to wind up hi- speech, hut the n latOB mau hi 1 tbo best wind, shntnintt out. as the OofltBKIBhll b it the stand : " 1 would not ifive a tl-for your speeco." A row of orntora lattawad, most ol vvV.otn (rot a tolerably raspeetfal BeatiBB. Amoinr tlu-m waa n fresh coBTert to BatiefBMB bbbbb! fcldward Hamil? ton, who was rotranehad out ol aa office connected with the Hooaae 'runnel b] Qorernor lalbot. Tins t patriot read a todiottaaaannscripl ehartfltiK the R?> I publican part y with all manner of corioption and cxtravngance. Finally, ChairBtaa Tarboi tattled the row bydis pradiiB of the orator, who aobmitted to be 1. d <di' the platl"lin. OOBCLOBIRQ IMCIBBBTB, It Is hirilv worth whila following ia detail the turbulent proceedloBB of the aftarno ?n. In spite of all ti e datum ntnl altOrBBtiooa, ainl Ihe attipidify "f committecaaeat out t<? do work which tiioy were to> Ipnorant i<> perform, the tehemc prepared by Binb r's frieada araa BBally earried ? at. A plat tor a deelituni all aipieaalon of opinion on National qneatiatsB, nun cuniinii.K Itself closely tn the |h?int.s Bui lor WBBta lo malte in !? i.?? canvaaa t'ds year, was adopted without donate. Ir was reported l.y Colonel ilagfett, of LaBwell, Tnt) aew features j in it arc the plunk agBiBat BOBvial labor, and that i aai.iiiiini( the "civil daatBfaa*1 law passed by tbo 'ast La-pislattrre, which makes ownera of bmldiuita j r? nt< forthosala ef llajaof Haide to prosecution lor daaaaaTaa rc-uitiiii.' rroao aoefa aalo. The CoatBtlttea oa the Ticket reported flic follow intr names, which wan adopted hy the conven? tion : far J.ieut aaat-wBeapaap?a. c Woadwertk, of riiie eaee, pmr aVareaara of ^tttr?v. T. Honahue,of Rnmerrl ia. ti<r Atkomrff-Ofnorml WilliamD N. rthend.of Balem. /'or IWosMcrr?U. M. Wlncheater. yap AMoHtor?DarlsaT.Kiaa.ol Dostoa. Wood worth is n Bepabliean who ]<>ii:<<i Butler lavt y< nr. He will no doubt be ladoraed by the In dcpendcnl to-meCTuw. The othera arc I? mocrata. Ihe delaflab Iaaleeted t<> to to the National Coii vention in 1860 Were .1. K. I'm box, ol Lawrence, Davi'l Powers, of h].rinirh. 1 1. If, J. MK'afterty, of Woroeetor, and Jonas 11. French, of Ulouooster. Core vMi- taken that there sin nld be it" vacaiicj in tl.e Bat lei delegation t" thai conTentiou hv ai? tMiintiiiK the following all malesi J?din Boyle O'Bedlv. ... r.i.-t. n. Nathan Clark, of Lvun, r'-i-i aa H. ?- i Mi-s, of HlBghato, and John M. Way, of B- atoo. lite committee appoiated to preeent a Ii?' <>f Bf teen membera-at-larpe t?i aerre ob the Hinte'Cen? tral Committee, reported ? f"l" Wini; mimes: joka K. Karkekj Lawreaeei JaaaaB Preneh,'Jlnu eeet'-r: J:>hn P. aleDarltt, Bostons J.iii.ea I). In wer, II . i ti; Win. H. Pnllilps, llolvoln-j P J. Miu-iili-, Uoaloai Oea K. Bparr. Worooatorj Marcellus II. Fletcher, Weatfordi II 0. Botterworth. Bruokflehl t John a. Ct iwcll, Fall B'Tel : Win. gortneml, H.ileUI I Ja tea Christ , I ? i ; I W Kly.Westfi Id | Michael Horn y, Lynn; fBomaa Klley. Bootoa. I: i at wa- aaeeptad, A: 4:io p. at, the bobpbb lion was diaaolpi a, Tim PLA I PI IBM, n i at it aas raw omlt?tbb mkb ttik ma MBJT1 OP in: PABTT?PB8B WBtaXBT. The read itkaju raported la the Batlet Cenreation and adopted ns tin party plulforin are a- f ulows; ;?. "f -BaarsVaa, it'?' tin m r?!- of .va?nai husstta. In .tui.nil eouToalton aasemhled, berehy reagirm thvur oevotloB to tka ii no-. ..u ?cd pausMpJaaaf the Pease erat parti ol i h> eoaatri. srt<>nA- Bessfsaaf, Imii we reeepntia at fine Juncture In i r affairs of our party the fundaau ntal peasaer itic maxim of tka " rlgki ol ib< atajonty to raw,Maad wa depreeatt and aoodemn ..n> polii nal acts, bj wheaaaa tror perforased. wktek tkrsalaa lata aardlnal tenet of uui political lai Ik. i'Hiif aVaalsasf, That we atm.Ij ragrei ikat a pop ., ' i ? is aaaraer darlog tea ktst year hare relased tob Boveraeat o? tfai Ocet-ioa at ttaa ni.Ooniv, but wo earacatlj audaeidiaUj il\in- tkentartaattawith as, .uhi.oi. cats.ii eeatesl who the tmriy v, i i bob rulea the OomaaoBwatlta. yoor/A- H *aaMMaf, Thai ih. ooaduBelection ta U<x State ., ,, . ? mo in , aad wa aapcaaata tka diseasalan tm this , maimi ni N iriouHl .s-u- - . a if udlaa to ereaie dlvl ,',,,. uetween the ataaol ? i ri real parttee who an m entirt accord apon allaueaimni nt hane wbwb affect i'. odmmwttfailaB al tka affairs el ear belored Com moa ?<a iii- , , , ,, fifUt ?fnir'd. TiiH* a t asnd rlsid ? coeomy In ex pewoitnrt ia all maaleipsl and State sffalra. aud the ?.>u ol a rtoeeartaaad aaaecaaasry ofacca. httf1 BsWaesf. That we lasfat thai II to' raaaaal of tu? Btan bo admlakitcrea i} those officers only a fco are orovidod for byoui Coa lllutioe. aad tkat their ..... ...i delea ad ta eommlaalona ?| haarda. de* riied aud created taaTold respeaalbtdty, or to aearaal luc.'i.ij'i ici ej aad BiuUdBMBMdttatlao. .?yfitmii Pasnfrra* Thai at at maad am h wise laaiala i ton no shall eompol all eorparata haataa t?? waaaa Ika - , , , .i uted ti. power betake j.ritMio property fur publie uaaa.lexerehti Ikelr BBetioua ?? ta piaaa Dstderatiaaaof tha pubnc ?ood ai?o\c uioat- of oiiMit. luu rest. i I la III PaaaftasT, Taal tue kardi na ? f meeasury taxa Uoa U- so luld aa Ui licui cuaalb upou an ij*?mI.I? pmpertv, und IBM our hia* Bhoald Ml so BtBeeerd that no propertr siisil escape Itsjuet Blmre of ?neh laxattoa bp imy device or < vu?;.i'i of |M OWI tt, hut that Do prop erfv ?hniil t im tableotod to don Me mm' n. Biera B*t shad. Thai wo are opposed to any ?r*t"ru of boui BM labor la ear praams watch hrtae* n? prodnela Irto en en petition with the free labor o our cttlrene. t,-nih?h,sshmf, Teal !?>? ?noi'eKKive law? aeoeaa lo the pol? linn been annecesaartly reetncled and Ute roter ara? tcnmt ii alh Molered in tbe eieretae of hl? right, win deaiand Uteri.fort (li.ii tin- in n-gurd to reglet uion b" bmmB e mple ai ii aatforai through* al iae ii ita, mni Iba! the ion of ihe coeel lalloa eMeb n ?in ? tue pevmeai nt ? tmi pren q ahnte to voting be rnx aii <l. Bf seen ft Bemmen, Tbal the Democratic partp aow, kr in die pa-i, oppioe? nil realilettre raarptaair laws, aadespecially deaoaacce im Bo-reiltd tml i -.?n. law ue mit* amroua, ai jaet aad daagareati TRI CAMIPA1 i 1. Daniel H. Bkillinga, the Batler Dpummratio eaadalaM tor rmaeaiw. Issllaed tin- aemtoatJoa ot ilut pirtrln 1 ~7"l for the eatno nlacc, lint run on the PieMMItoaan? Pansatl Hail Demoinalta UckeM He w?? alae tba i>.neratle aad Fron n Moa eaadM im for TreoKiirer In ls?tl and 1*77. tfUlMUa i?. Nortioinl. nie aomtaee 'or atMrney^leneral.aad p.ivm.i. Kr;. tbeeaadtdab ror Aadtter.ran ea Iba Qreeabaeh tletri for tbe mm plaeaa inet ?ear. on ttie IgtetaatiIba im abai ki n aeata nonimmn.i Mr. King. AE UNEXPLAINED 8HOOT1EG. Din>ORT?BATE I5TRU8IOB Of a MILKMAN. i : mas no ii.f.v siux ? tm jam k.s w a int kn, whom ?a rooajo in bm anna a 'tai ornonri ix n.anaiiu>'?w.vickkn's AMl->.Miirtli:M mai - mist. CharleeOi I) loley, patrol-nan of the Blfrhteenth Precinct, at aboal B o'clock yeMerday morning shot aad probably fatally woonded James Warren, a milkman, w hom ho bated in bat house at No. 109 BaM < tne- hand rod-anttd weaty-ftret-eo? Dooley'aatateatent is that he had reeetvad leave of abeeooe f r- >m the station tba Bight before,and had attended a neetiagof alodgeof Fret Ifaeoas. I hey h id ? sapper after the meeting, an I not get* tteg away until late he went te tbeboea of n frb d andreautiaed there anad nearlp asnnyng In order not bo diaturb bis family. Hereeohed bMowahonaa ni aboal B o'eloek and was sarprlaod to Sad the door open, Buhn lag Ihn flaut uiiim lawbieb Ins wife waaaleeptagupma maltreat oa do Boor m tbe i n" !?? of t ;io i o.H.i. ho saw I 'i ? 11.,"tt of a in s' :i' ? ! Ing botween biai ami his wifn's bad, Kupim-mg that In- was a buiglar, llooley drew his revolver und lire !. ihe m m uttered B shriek of pain, ru- heil peat blai aad out of the hi i.e. Jamped late Iim wagon and drove away. Doobyy otatoo that bo then reoogaiaed blm ns Janaia Warren, hbi milkman tad neighbor; With? out entering his bonao or speaking ti his wife, Doobry haateneo down the otroet aad nt a ooroet near by be gave bioioelf late the hands of Offleer George W. Croat, of tbe Twelfth Precinct, Muting to bin what he bad dona. Warren was found Ly Offleer Croat m the baoeoeeu! al Ware's bakory, No. SolOOTbird-ava?, where be had aBghted from his w agon. He askoil the hoy in attendance for I glas* oi v. a . r and said (hut he bad b en s'mi hy 1? mley. Mr. Ware wae ca I led, and when be sppeercd W ir? ren WM eitti-ig on OSO of the slips, leufi inir againal tbe eaaeaaeal and partly uneonaci aa Dr.George Btlnert.oi Bo. 110 BastOne-liundred OgaV*wentyiaeventn?ol.. wm nt nneeantnn oned. It foetid thai the had had entered Warre i*o ligl I lung. io ging hi tbe back, ["hewonnded mat aus eon vi-yed in tbe .Sinei.? -ninth Btrei t Hoepital. Wd i.i n Bweaarton. a milkiuau, living at. No. OS Enal One-buiidred-aud-eighteenth-st^ uid j stcr dai to u raiRt'NR reporter tbnt he waa net bj War? ren after be had loft Dooley'a bouse. Hie mlded i "1 was In One-hnndrwl-nad-twenty-dretset. al a anartei before 5 o'eloek, poai ngool milgfoi a cue to i.i r, when Warren drot s up to oat and t rl i onl i 14'hweuartonI Bweanrtonl Ckaao boro, for God'o - ike ; Vm Ihol!' " ' V\ l.o shot you f said I. "'Charley Dooley | bore be com ?, now.' "Thea bo ttartad bisboraeagnin. I looked np tbe otroi t end sna a man renning toward aa, Peer? ing ihat I udghl gel abot as at U Ihurrii d out of the street, i tr nd to foUow Warre i, but be a at ont of Bis t. I did not see btiu ugatu." Dooley was taken before Jnatioe Ktlhretb In the Torkville EVrlice Court, and afii i t inking bio stete* nie ii wea allowed to no on bit own reooguia ince, t o appears pteiuber2d. Ihn yeeterdaj afteruooobis ma neat was ordered, lira. Dotdeymade the following rtatemenl loa Taracngreporteryeaterday: " 1 wuealckmoat ol ln-t in. ht. 1 innl been awake al.I 9 o'clock, ai ?! bad gone to sleep again, when 1 aas awakened by i j a putol-ahi 1. I lumped up and lound my children i ap and the smoke ot a pistol iu the room. I didn't see any oue in tbe room. 1 man] ny bnabandaiy. 'Mi tri.i. Warren, I <ini it knov II waa rou. Theo I beard b wagon drive av 13 from the n.; 11 knrried ou my dualer nud foilowtd inj bnaband to tne corner, bni wordi he said to me arere,' Too go back to tbi houee.' I generally bang tbe milk-pafl on the knob of tin dorn in 'lie 1 buck had. where Mr. Marren outnet in and hits It without diatorbing as. lint last ' nigh I 1 forgM lo no it. i suppose Warren, not dading it there, startet! tq look for it, und Boeing it iu tie parlor where I wat Bleeping where it ttood on tbe sewing machine with tin- lamp, whteh wa- burutug ? low. be probably tbonght to fill it without di ::t <? Ing etc, for t contained tbe milk this morntog. 1 i cau'l understand whi be did uol kmsck hurdcror try to awaken roe. We have been ao annoyed by drunken men Intel? that 1 ha., do doubl toy bus baud tbougbl t tat one oi them aad entered the ' I.n ' to loli lie.'' Cormier El linger in the oJlernooo nroenred 1 in- tollowing entmann torn statemi m froaajvi arren: j " 1 waa delivering milk tin- moruing at tin- b hum 01 Officer Char leg Dooley, Mo. 102 Kasl t)ne-l m; iir d 1t1d-t .v111tv-1i1.t-bt., abonl tiBOo'clock. Iked to enter the nouse. Aftei I bad delivered tin milk, 1 i.i. 1 Dooley ai the deer. Whoa he saw me hi Bald I 'Wallen. vou-, 1 au. ^0.11-; to bBooI I you. I taw a pi.-tol in bis band. I 1 plied. '1 nave 1 a wife end ebtblren, Cbark ..' The bo tk ?< no'. 1 Dooley'a wife andrnvoclf were very ft He 0 ut diunk. Ify wile and his wife were alwayt u> gather. 1 have had imptvpei lelnttout aitnMrs. ' Dooley Lathe pa t." Dr. C. II. t.i 11 he, house hiirgeoii t.t llu Xinety ninth Btreel il ap tal, atati I ai 7 '? lot^s but evi n- | mg mat be tbougbl thereoolt of Warrou'a wound would prove fetal. The ball bed not been >.? traeted. Mts. Warren says that ahe had no tnapieion of an I Intii icj having exhttod between bet huaband a d ; Iii Doob .. \\ .1 reo wat born in Manhnl tenville, ami Is ah tat 1 tkirty yean of age. He baa In I in Harlem neu 1 twenty years 1 bai men mat i n iv years id bat tare chiidreo. Mr. Ubeeter, in whose emploj be 1 baa been for near!] twi ears, and aho has knowo blm im aight rears, said ti at In- wan 1 man it good babit?j luictiy temperate, and terj gcueraUy liked, CbarleoDmilei .lappolatoOa ta ub 1 ol th. police Ion 11 I.. December. l?78, bo wns ditmioofid Cos beiog oil ha pool withi ool iei offleer, He appealed to tbe coerta,and on July 7 of the preacul year waa reiualated. Recently bt wgaegaln caarged with uegleetoi duty. Dooiey waa under nrreet laat night a the Eigh? teenth Proem l Btotlon-boute. The offleer had p tba ufii moon don a-towu witn bi ? ? 'uneei Mr. \ 1 no, und 1 ? turned M the ttation*aouat at u .1 oka k. ii. (till 1 si 1 thai bemUtook Warren lor a bur giar when :o can ?? opou bim anexpectmlly. 1 rom tne Nil ly-ointb Btroet lioeMtal ti? follvwiua die? patch waa received bad nigbl al Pottei HeaOquar* I Mrai ** Werreu'acondition w very low, tbt prab I ability being tout he wi:. t ie - .iglu." ? TKLBOtlAtHl NUIKE a'.Bit DM BnieTB "i t 1 s rogoBL RocnxoiBft, N V., Sept. 17. I'he ittendanee at to Wcatta ?c? Tort mat* Pair 1 say a BaaMBNaoaOtka ?Oaa elieliem LA CBAFaLLB AM BAAl wi.nm;h Ban PiiANcim ?, r-epi 17. 1 ? ? iralking-match rloeeO la-' nlgnl, i.i 1 :?--.?? 1.- l>- i :?: ?. y a no ? i, -o.rlng .w . mi.iv in V u it.. k ? i ? 1. i in. ax m i in 111 in raeTKBB w. ToaoaTu, *n.-pt. 17.?1 a Ire ibouaan l people had bei admitted to (As sgMbmea sgte . o*sbwt to aayi t'uc reooapts ap to net i ?; .*t *?.p 000,000. Mir.u.?A . Pp tfVT DOW A rnTB XrTAM, OatCAOO, dept. 17.?Ld. ... euaa M ?? neral > ? ridaa ha- r< . eiveu lustractkias te datall a eaAeteti foroe tram the aeareat MeMr ta arrest taa in*uuoMiuaio Lu- luUun ili ufa ou w bit Blear, two lobo ikains op Odo PSLuyem BsXTiaoag, bept. 17.?fbe Omud I 1 ilge of odd PaUewseeat<maaeteerahM leiisi 1* p.-u bum ami Ht.'ti aasfe, aa the snaMdi tt taa alas lildga. a large parte vui a .in(|ilul.'lli(t,4aiijl,u A?;.m :J jy u?..U Uo|. 1 sea. i n BISUOP Of alOUlOAB OOneBOBATgD. Dinpoir, Mi.;...rU?pt, 17.?The Bey, bamnol 11. BarrlsaaavaM stad baiaoupal Otabey Uleaigaa iM, atormaa at b>. i'.nl'a i*harch u me t.reaeuoeut a aetable . iu.-any el eiergy. la?yer? aud prtmUatai au?, a*, xae earaeMMdi seeops Ib sftytarM heeia. 0bbatob in aim. at v BTATB fair. PopilamD, M ..:- at. 17.?i ho lor mal opening of the hut' ?'?ii i?jS j las. at . a. i no eaereUwS ,sn,?:-u-ii of n.iei auhNHO h>rak ua ?u OiaUM and i'a.' i. Dart a. inib sltaruiianurnstn Ola.,UessrastCBuestsa ?n.i < t-Ooreiaor Perua* delivered al.irouea am Km. an oraaxMLooiOAL n .< rxrr. BtLriMOBB,Bept. 17.?Tke annual aunveationof IL?- Au.erl-mm ..rue. ..lualial >*?' ?'T bmm this mwalBg a i S tohas Beia s? t'.nvnaty. 1'-, -is aase rast kg n. J- P. V,niu.?1 Uefale 1 nr.u nati >. si . .r.i?i Dr. J B. ai^k au 1 tu I. ll iganlah* rl Baaa ? THE NEWS AT WASHINGTON. i.orn GALLA von "tiu: record." Conc?f.'.nmim vkhy Mich iv WAJTI of TRIM prn Ln ation BOT inaplk t?? OBI IT ITT? r.iHrio?? um v. Tmt I'rriiocrntir clerk h who have born put In rh irpe of the work of tadexiog Tfie h'tmrd, in place ol the experta. prevtauly tat ployed, mo so ?low u limit their ?oik that Coagrm in- n uro Irnpalieatly aaldoif why tbej omboi got I he Bmvord, wkiefa La t Ii um ilelayed. Tho GrOTentvool bought rwo.ono ovdom of gtlvet footaidaj, a Pariiaapaatary report hurt been leeerra I from London, which take* a gloomy view of tho ptooeol attriarton of trade? CAMPAIGN OBATOB8 KEPT WAITINO. THE tNKV.PE. ril> n' SI 1,1 (IF A cbbta1m IIKAIv. Lono BBMOCBATM 01 <i? ai PATUOBAQg in WABBIBOTOB. Wabhixoton, 8aoi> 17.?The Democrat! in Oon b^bm uro not v.iy IBIHM'BBfal in their nti- inpts to re fiirm the eervtoa ?'f IIm QoTatBBMBl by daKbargtng Bxperieacad and faithful employee of tba Bepnblt aaOfRoBat ami Beoato. 4 notablo insianee al ti;i* basoaaariad la eon aaa lion with tin- iradexbtgof Ike Tba warb of indexing rie Beearf it aaa <>f eooald arable nagnitnde, i quiring t ie ani Ii m of i rp it-. Tba Kini!i'ii:r.i who bare bmpJo Iba la* dai to nkj Hi aid fat aunty yeara hive ?anted a Ratteaal repot itiaa far theft --kill, w baa the Petaoutatacame lai ? ? iwaria Iba 8 n ita aad Rouae aoni of Ibayoaog gentlemen who wera aaatrp followera of the Democracy, aud who were em bi t mu? boil f>r bonot aad tba peiqatatt * of office,uatiatedthai tbetadi ti igwai ? 1' i Ktrattc I perquiette, aad thai tba gentlemen wba bad baea amaloyad in- the Bepublicane i boo Id ba aiHiipaflad to rarrender tinlr work. Tba Bepablieae aieaibora ai Iba Prtal ai Commit! a Inatated torn tba won aboald ba lei by competition, ih" turn wiio bad dono tba w a k nndi r the Repnb lieaaa made a hid tor 91 pei 1,000 etna, w lob waa 25 oeati mbm Ikaa tbey bad received before, aad which waa no moro than, with ti air ? aud ex? pert eoce, weald eorei tba coat of tba work. The I NNBoetal at eaaip folia > at - were compelled to ataka us loa .i btd, a bio 11 bey did, and iln> work araa; ? ataxted tu tlx m Tbo old experte, bowerer, tn tin ir bid bad pnv peaad to enter lato a oootrael to delirei their work r .mplitid to t ho t i. ?%-.-rii ::t.-. 11 I'i in tar IB . iir <? Braake aft? r tin- i.'IJ .amii cnt of I on pn -s. i Ins in a ten Imimrtaal element in tb< price, aa tba printing anddiatnbatl not TheUecordiM drlnyed until Urn Index w twotplctcd. Im- i< iBsalered u mat tor of In portaaea In ?? impatpn ye in, membera of both porttea ur?- anxioaa t.i Ii ,v< wfore them 7/m Betntd of the pieced i loaaioB to aa agaiaal then oppo> neiita aad in oVfa.of tbemaelrea. (tie bob the middle of Beaten bar and the aea clerka bare aal n> yet banded In ?> the <???<>? rumen I Pnutiag Office :> aiagle page ol Iba indes proper. The lateel n. tot tiaeneela that tba Brat paare of oopj rannoi oa read] for delirery to the printvrbefi e Octohei IS. IIean while CoBgrvaaaaea are becoming very ttty | live becaoaa they are aa tb* la obtain n * Heourd, a dtheGoeernmeni Priaiei baa ilr a<ty aaeeiveu lettera from eevonty al Ibem Inquiring why tboy cannot have u. Becoming alarmed al the a Be manda for the pnbliabed volunita, Ibia Dcmocratic , ludexer, who reaidca in Baltimore, ba appeal d In tin- tniv. mtnenl printing oflbse foi aid, and baa aaked that an expert may aa annt over to beta bita. It i? probable that Mr. Defrei ?>, conaidei iog it p> ba In the Lntercal of i: ? public aervi a thai The geerrd be Rniahed aad dbttnbnted, may H-mi ait expert to ilalttiaon to help Ilia indexen out a lb their contract. Eren aboald tin- protnha ol i tbeeeiadexerab fulfilled, i a: tin- index in- lin whed by the mlddln ol October, Congreapmen and apeaketa will bare entirely koal taw iub "i rAt Beoord for the ?ihn? aad Hew-Kork rampatgna, aad it in I gaite probable that tue work raiitiffl he completed Co fata tin' n mill Ingot Coagrn ?-? TB IDE Wl l II 0BEA1 BBTTAIN. a PABUaMBBTABP bkpob1 \'iii? !i TAKXa a tiil.p pp mi a op roi! oa, luv Ti l BBBAI i PDTBB l BD DPB.I Wabbixoxom, Mept. 17.?in- ln iMuy Depart1 men! bai Jnal received from London u ropy ot a doenment relatlna t" ti ?!<? a itfa the Uaih d Btataa, Dtadala replp to a Parliamentary luojn rj of tbo Ilona of L irda dated tba lai el A;.;i'. i-?7i?, a blab i nihil for ii atataroeBl of the trade of the Uaited Kiagdom wttb the United -t itat >" Anmriea tot tin' \ i itatroni 1^73 ta IB78 iaalaairei I hia doeamenl rereaia ia a rery itrikfng way the fart ol iiio couataatlv lacraaaingexporta from tiie Uaited Btatea toOreal Britain, ami ai tba mpniiy dm ii btiag exporta tr >ai Oreal Britain to the Uaited Mau ?. I be re] ort al the American Bareaa 'i Bta* tiatiei Cot the Baea] \ aareude I Jane30,1 s7i?. -hows i bat tba total < x:> rts n| American mi rabaadate and am ' i" to (jhreal it' itain ai loanted t.. 168,018,646, while the total Importe for Iba aame period ?moBBted to only gl 11,971,700, beinj au exceaa of exporta ovet Importe ol ffJ51.041,8W. Iv other woida, the iporta from Ar?erira to Qi at Britain wem more than tbree timea the ataaaat of niij.'>r tatioiM from tb.: ciwntry. I'he Parliami-niury documenl preaenie u doleful ace ant of the decln.( Brttiah oxportatloaa, aad abawathatOri ii Britain,yen i?\ pear,appean to beaoate lore dep ud ui up ?? the Uaited Btatea, In the one article ol .. iliii il oxen aud hulia, the lat* laartatione into the L'nio ?! Kingdom from tho Uuitod Mai.? had tnrroaaed in value from atooul tMJU,fBBJ in 1^7:1 ta oearlj ?6,000^HMj Ui w.->. s1l\ BE ABD rUB i SEA hirt. ?ALP A Mil.i in.'. OOBCXa i l l: IBaBI o?ooim MOBI PLBB i ii i i. i m an BA h ROrBB, taaaai u. im.?? bbwati h i Wabhibotob, > pt. 17.? Iba Treaaary Daaaprfc. meat to-daj pan rteeed B30,000 oaneee ol Ine ?liver* deUvetabh al the Pblbtdeiphia Mlat. nib? r offcn ware atadi b-r PUladelabuj aad BaaFrau t s..,, iru on aeeoani of their b. mi: above the axar> k?'t rat*', an aaaatraed by t!< Depa Ii ? i;. wet 'leciined. ladicationa ai fai Treaaoty nepartmeal are thai the a no her ol eilvet dolhtn a bioli a ill ba gat utto eironlatiou utla month will, foi ibo arei time, oqubJ i ho montliiy eoinaae. Aa far aa Waah lagtofl i? concerned, the atandatd dollara nr.: A n ndi nuteb more pleutifal tbaa bank Botea, , BEW-TOBR < I 8TOM HOUSE a ( MPLIMBXI pbob Mir im tdUBTJMBPABfMBBt. <HT TKLlOUAI'll i'l Nil. tkiim sk i Wabbibotob, 8apt. 17e?A prominenl official of Iba rraaaan Deaatrtmeat, abaae a^tteafer tba laat twenty yoara hare baea aaeh aalo give biat an b> ... knowledge of tbi manageetent ot the Baw fork t .Htoiu ii mae, -ai i i. -<la> ilr.t the afoura of thai laatilBltoa have aevei wnuria ni* aaaaerf baea no efBaktatly ataaaged aa ataea tho apg rtatateaf al Qenarai aaerritt to the Collootorabip rha Govern? ment, be eaattBaed, ia hattet aervea, tbi rapaaaee areeolleatad with greatai eaaowmy, ami the atatt bi at al t ie BatabludtBMBtl Btovaa moil' axaaathly thai, avat iMuara, Jin. i:aitli.-ji.At.s ttf i ?NXEcriCCZ a BOxoBBo ra ubabp raopu at tiu i bxbbba im\ is BABTPOaD V Iff TP "T"i V?OFFff Bllli BAW 11 T-- i Ai ii ai. am ea, BABTfOBXt, CotBX?, Sept. 1 7.?11 Ii i Miiunti d t.mi aaariy toajapop .ii'.-. a ?< laatae iaj al Mwa tiXf, vom beta ap*xay at partBBpaai iu mm eeraaaeaaai ot Fi ig Day?theeaai lyaoaeal tn?? ?>;ii battle4eaa from iL? n ulv Ar . U li io t?'i Ii. w C'Jt>i|..|. I.:u ihaaaaad tateeaae aaaaaMMai iu thBHBaafl Pork mm forenoon | ami a i>roei ?aiou, in wbirh the lat awaaeaaat al the BvBaxaal Baati partleipatea, and .?n-r ?.... ii i?. J.?-|i.i It iiawl'-i v.,- im : J|..r ?aaa, waa aal at bpmbpb eaaa after aoeax Ob tka iwata of Mat BraaeeelaB mm iiuii iiua* aart ml gaa aaaa rated. iBaaa were thiaa at aaiaaamt a no i oa afalaeet. Dpaa laa attwal t>ai k at tu.- Oaglial Oeaarai Hawhtj dedvrreil Ihe cobira, whieli are to lie BBtOOi In baaatUBI mmeemla the fwUfetaa, ta BareraMf aVadrewa, aa?1 in ao aaHbgi aaid : Vinn P'x'.'Eti.racr: Wear- mate trim Mra thoaeaad bbji a 1.- a re an dn-ra from Caaaeetleal in lha i tte wnr icr ninun und liberty. W.-" In .Im-.Iici.o.' to an tuvitai'ou of our helored Oaeaaw n?e ilta to bring Uiaso alght Bega from the temporary reoOax piaea to I -ir huaaa in mid aeaaUiBl capital. v.>t tit- ifie.u b..nor and pie.iiur. ol tea Bay aa are jfra.eiui to ihn Oaaoral AaaaatbiT, at you. the tiei Ibtaiatrate, and to the area' aeaeoataa al riiigena who hare t">itti I then rxtraaae aaad Mil lu biAiiy wa) a. We auall uiuk. BMUXP Otiarliuaaii a to the ahr'rie where fhr-.e-tiindard* sre In reel We often recall, as we intodsy.the comrades aBodared i > die In follow Ins tb*?e emblems of http sod story | Bad ahall revive ?I > innumerable memories of four ye in at BtarvellnusBalis aleaaitattoa. BatBtogauo atrtata thai wa sbsU never agate be laaiamei d ?* a battalhw, wuh trumpet aad drum i-ai cannon, f?r even ? aoate im Idar like this. Let ?I <? fl igs ret! In >* feu rears > be bhm ?ilt in? I ager be able bo bear arm for ik laad tit er lere | bat Mn ae weather-worn and t?**ile-torn fobfa tb till remalo tbraagb the eeul irb ?. teat fyias ibM Com in ?taut waa n ae lo fi aa roe 11 aa m, and 11< di lag bei future flrfelttj fteaaari r agatn h ttouoted tbai the ?reel mpaMbj eaa Bad mtlBona of defenders m n i!ay of trouble, und adUtoaa of '>:? - 11 iroaiea to iwstata tfceat Ibi poor abrede aad Muabla staves, to be gtartflod in taa ^yee ? it fata re aaaerattaaa, have \? itneated ibe <l< <l c itton of s ao itl.t to Jaetfee, i: iaal Klghu, Dnloa sad l. n, i f v. PTaatd bam goad bye I TRankebeU Qodl Abundial and axalttac thanks to tbe l mtghrj father thai we hrod .n thoac dare, aad wore p rmltteotodoa i toward eermg thai the gore rn men I of, tip and iur the r> i|? ?? ainli not parish from Ute earth I Oeeeraor aadioai andea aratf aadIttiagreapoeea. baths eaa r-ga id al < bo1 ? saBaeM i in-n adv im Mb tin'(-.tore they were mlotod with the Bring al a ? aad 'lie flu* ware tiie.i ftepeolted atthen*parmaneal hm Hag pleno fjonetala BTaeroe, fftrham aad Oarrlagtea, af taa rciiiiur Army, mn! t;.u. r.ii llarlaad and Birgt aai aatBateataad eheeeed.aa wa* <; aaral Qawlap,who in .1 fl.. reapea I ?'. a 11 iia t! un v. ia partaken of by tie a means at the eloo oi theaxereiaee. Tina ermuag tke eM un.l BP new' Boaaca Bare been fl' ab ii amln lied, aad Bat p irV anil l:n- |.rin. ? 1 .'r 11. ? .a.. ? ' I ? ' .. ? t ' people, APneeg * u prod need nt Bat aewBtate Bon e and park lg wreral e<eeti e lights. Th* railroads were eagaged aatB after midntgbtln raeaiag special train* to take tke people oat ol IBs m>. OES ESA C FO?h'lOy NE WS. -> Till-: ANGLO IFQHAM CONFLICT. mill' s BUOWIMJ IIUaTlLITT?TBR OHSLACQHT Os mi RVBABOT. Fnu \. \? ii . kr/, Bopt 17. is7i>. A sot'.'.?aii*, with lowte more af the eae rl of Ilm British B Id a.-., hare rrti I it Ah If bet 'i military aotbortflee baverooatved t n r ramtdoe tendmg toaboa tbe freakier tribes have pa.1 Btaar* rapled Bommoalentmn baiwo a tb Kbyher faao aad CabaL Tin ?tri t. bam At P. Untat n. Wo a -i J,l : '? 17. 1870, in haa aai bUa :? ? graph forth*. d< uti ? oi ih tttaeb aa tba Brttlek Beaid aey at Cabal, ii i n ated by a trooper who escaped that when the marlw a troopa were makim aa outer) loi their pay a eeldter sheeted, ?? l?.'t aa urn ant Ban y aad then Iba Ameer." Ike ma* ti: .im then raabed a poo the Bmbamr aad tteaed tome ol a* sort ata. Tin troop* ooinpoaiug the ea ..n of the Embassy 0 ? upon ihe lootlneera a lu<Ntl erd i ? from the Britmb idBeera. 1 e mntlneera then went lor their weaianta. Thea wereaam ibeal iqaarterof an hour, during wh>ea lime the BruiaboUl ra migbl baveem rap d, Tim Bes'drney waa defended from the windowa and from > Ire neb anal oa tin* mad i ? :. Ttte "-it r tent by tin earnix trooper waa f iota Llentei iti Hamlll u promieiog the mntlneera ?ix mo'il a* p :. I wee aent at B o'clock lo the aftera on, at I i the cailueera were ein dp on the root of tbt* Beei* deuer, wbleh waa Jual b lag eel on oi -. tha bearer oi tin- mttei w s thrown from Ihe toot and renoered loa ualbta, Wl b arm be waa bro glu .: ?? Oi i...i K run K . .a. the eoumauder >i Ihe mntiaoua', who aald be waa power! langainsl tke malb Bara,audor.I red tin trooi tobe imprtaom I. ?? u v ? dug ti. i: di'iicy, when he rat iC the tro * oer saw ik boilb i.i iPuaot llanniiou and Mr. J akyaa, invi v>< ii stripped and eat to p i sea AM AC JTRO-GEB I VH ALLIANCE. Baa i>. \?- asday,fl i?r. 17, 1^70. '11c ZWbnr< aajrat "AI tbe rortbcoeninBi rbat of Prince Blsmarek in Plenaa, Oerataaj aad a ? in.i will e icladi si Bgreeaieal mataally gmpaa* teeing i.u 1. other's b 11 Itery." Lo o v. 1 bars btr, lent is, 1 -7:>.fl Ihr, BttmdartTt Paria coTTrnpoudent rt.ys 14 As tan Ceaat too Beaat Is aanvOet.b and ike Ana. lro4bBrataa ?. lean b almoel eoaclud?*d, be ha? re signed, i BlmpBea willaua.dkins." LIBERAL VICTORY IN BCOTLAKD. [gnTooa. Wed need ty, Bept. 17.1-71?. An clrt tioii ttfoh place to-day in ElglBmbin and BsnBahne t<> tu. to,, paeaaap in tbf Baaas af Oaem atoaa. eaaood By the eleeaibta to tin- Paeeaps of fa> r mat MaedaB, 1 I. ? 1 .'. e 1 tin* deatk of Ma fatk r. ks Earl of fife, nu i;.'.r.{.' BaePhersoa <ir..nt iLlberM) waeeleeh ? bj PAOrotes. Mr. Broate, theOoaeorratrro eaodldah . tea lred Toi v.^. THE PROPOSED BI-klKTALLIC COBOREB?, Un 11.Lj Wt Im aaay,l ipi, 17. IH79. The correspondent ol Ihe fVagpfap af i.on deaoayei MThereb no pc spaM of the BiBleMIHs < ingress, wkleh Amertea propeead ohoaM Ih* bold in Leaaoe Hini to aiii 'ii t'..- Brtlak OoreraaseM pravtetaa* aiir Basse ted, meeting Hits pear. 4asorlos*s tiv'ei.fa have tailed, an far, to obBtln he a tent of soms et IBs leaning aattooa.11 BUYING AAIEI [CAN ?dohs FOB INDIA Loanoa, Wedaeaday,Bept. 17, i>?79. Tiie fiorroapondent o! The Siambird nt Blaekbera says that daring the pist hartalgkl one of the tertmot Inas of sgeati in LaaeaaBBa kaea hjtkaa naort orders for Aaterteaa eortoa skHfc for [ndla taaa tbei teeetred dnrtug the aaate peffbtd /or all tl.o laij; 11,11 ihn.I* wbMb taey lapres 'n*. A LONDON DUTILLERT BURNED. fgarooa, w. daeadaj. Bept. 17. ls7f>. Sir Bdnnrnd Corrio,i dktdliery, in Leonard -f.. Bromteydty-Bow, leads a. wa* baraad paaaatamy. 1 , fhtoioga h TarMaoly ceBmaatd al from $1.000.000 t.. ? 2,oOi OOO _ THE IfORRIB-SUITH RACE, Tili: OOBTBBI MTOl nv WAJTBBB BICTTB, HAUfAZ, Sopt. 17.?Tim bettlnc 00 tbe BorrM-Omltk raes ai? irrery iohi.iv m tula ..iv. Iii one rane if' oa BaBttb Wae ? iv red by $ljf/n aa M wrls, IBM betag tke aaly terms that smith*. Bieedo eoeM gsl Bererel other htrgs beM ?Ar., made la Borrnrt favor. At the etart tkto altar* na m. Men 1 leeh the w uae I rat, MB Bantk M awed ho ra|4dlj Butt the starl boo.d atmuttaaeema. At IBs Poa Mil.' Bneee M rrtt <va? kmdBte by shoui e qaarter at 1 eagtb, ami to reepoaae to a miefcrr samat rrom the ahore, igit;. e;" rt'd a uttk> to tba taraing baoi?. r.- tefc ctaett I ... B<?k and aeek. Bew It waa that Smith - owed km beat work aad galaed hi- Hint maMilal ae* raolage. He made 1 turn, thsa wkbrk enTsrkntler ?a made, sad . .' t.'s eourao akaped, und bad taken . ... t two trnk'-s r .r koBM be tors Morris eon 1 gel aroaad aatmag aboal Bra sorsads. Wbegauus uwofamtis from the Bntsb, smith wm. I sdlng In sbooi sis 'eogtas. Mil be slackened hi* <pee.| Mia. rdorrbi tparted. HuUtb orooaed the imc in 21 min r?o ate. beat the sutrt, ?? t? > ? 1 1 nni, and Morris f.>l!o?.-d In Hin- aiylo two : ugtha bebind. All the way borne the n.en mel w ith a .pi te or ith a, end the roe era sain tnn.i u m the llu lak la a th afenl ig -h.eit of coeajrara! itloa. .1 v ACCIDENT TO MAYOR 8T0ELET. Priladklphia, Bept, 17.?Mayor iUokktj und wit., me. ?itii mi aeoBteat whBa dHrlngM the park Ibis aftemo a. Th. front ol teen* earrutaye krebe Ojowb. Tke Mi rat waa tdtghtli hurt. aBBa Mr?. BtekMj kadaa ..r'.i brokoa aad aai Mkeieioa BdureB, n ongii n-.t dan psoeeoly. Tbabota dragged m y khrmBweaBaaea> 111.. e. the Mayer holding 1 ? MM Hm s until Mr?. .s.ok.e) rolled ot.wkoa b< Jamped. ihe boree Bmtllrbroke awai rrom the wi ???!< ? 1.) ran a aeasaaeraiiie dieunc n. (ore ii a bs steppt a. ORIMEt \EDCASi H.TIR&?B1 TELEOEAPH. ARBBOf Of a Iivnh: PBaMIDBBT Baw-OaLKASfH. dept. it. ? rn RuaeelL f.reei dsataf Iba Raak of Mfare?te, now tn ho .Ma bm, ?0 ?r e-ei.-u t ? >l?v, i'hor^e.i wit.'1 eiubraiuiia 11.1.000 of 1 fie liainVe Bsaasy. lie +** mal m i*ii. A mi 1 1.1 s i OSATB fBOM TI lAD^TOOIJB. 8-, auk 01d, * 'oon., Sen?. 17. (Jeorge Baainer 1 hln pma, a -tii.leot 0? Hi. Mldilieioan t'.ilverall,. ag- laeatg . ,.r iti-i Ii dtsadorit ibis aftera ???.ii, peteeaea bp sattag mtmbieeflss, sr laaeVaieala, masdlad, rwi: . I V THOVBAB D BMB1 EBLBO IB Kamt CucoiKNATI, (Met, 17.?Detective Bead started iblaaiaralaa .or CbariMaiaa, C Wllh It. it. i ?..1? e... a ho . niU-t'l. 1 ???.'.1*1" Ci"in tr - < ui:l..?.r.. l'.ir-. . .v <'..., ul i km i< -iou. i is in..y km kses niaaaaared ? t as umuk a wind wu u ii ba rridso i bj toe aavaaai?t. BOTPai ". N. Y., mad 1".?I.a. iv this aairning Hdai .n u aasrlsHedbj ? vlstaal sserm si Madaadtala, aai sal| a : "> minutes Awamas ealameya, tr .?. .rur. n. e:r , suft. i d. 1 he ? Men aUty luii. < BB bear. -i v il i.i.i? PUB MORI BB an D OKB A> a Mi tmm\ PiiUAogifiitA, tf>pL i~ Ii i aoven in- i uf the crru ..f t "? ? li ..-i Kn.b. wi.o were atrese-'l f i iheiuutiter 9fl arti'SK. Bl nga-Ul ?e. .?? i'. a. o ai i *'^i.??i i... ay. mix oi iu. ui.nw ra haM wilheal MB. Tue oil., i > ? ;... .'. aadi i j?.0 10 i>ai. le ?,?; ? *' ** i? *1 i n-*. a MOBBIBI i. BDIOfOB, Lot i-v ii 11. h j.. Bent, 17.- Krank II. Laaetng. agasni raaismgai raaaneta * u Msflieaa eta, eemadwed auieida to-dar. lie penred caal ell aval in* <i.. ... .. aetriiig blma if oa Bns T tie man I n li .1 t? a crl,;>. l^ u-ina waa iuraier.y a wcl ku.iw.. (i.-..i, aua uad bl BB eu k BU lue pnB pear. a BOBOOWBB n't OLBAB IB two. BaltimoBR, Beat. 17.?I be Bpenieh tteeetar Pji'itii in. beoes ..i i" Bay for Uverve i, ahsa sB Um smaui of raioieai Bivnr. last atgst. raa ftita aad sans an unknown ?? besa r oi ah-mt itart) teas i.unh.u. The seheeuer aas eat Uta .a r t rt ?0 ou oi.e na? ui tue ,u-aaj i ami uae stssn no umedhaa PRESIDENT BATES IX OHIO. I IPCECT1 A T rO?HOSTOWN. AN IMM'XII OATHKMXO op PBOPLB 1<? ?i t. TftM PNI tUH bt A i> <?? m bax MlflrtlH?111 \r?N Of Mir 29b '?'in>. Pn titli .it HbJCBi QBB6W? BIm raBM and ?M puny v?f |i<o|ii?? nrcunipnny ing tF? ? !-ft fur Yonngitown, Ohio, jeeteffdny, Tbej even ai l?ted with ^itm at va i : ln - BKMkg tho railroad) sod wen cheered and Bpplanded by crowds oi people at tiu itatk*BAa AI iming? town there mi large gathering,both of tho veteran*, ol the 23 i Ohio, tin- old r gttaent in which the President >i-m <!, ead of the payofilg generally. Addr aaot were delivered by Mr. Hityea, LJeneral Shorn an and adhere. The day wea one ol peed pBblic ???t - v i t y. r liTI \U l.Xt i i BMI N r TEBT OBB *T. ixciokxth ?tonn BHI unk <>k im: HIIBOIB ? rorrawjafown BBOOBATBB LAVtam.1 um tub PBaTfTITtBB Of im. DAT ? tbb BBUBflbOM TBI Bi . Tocwoaroww, Oiite, Bopt, IT rineidniil Rayeg und party h itClerelBad (<>r roangwton i tue reanlar traip orer the AtlantM aad Oreal Weeteeg Kail Wut about 7 ofaloeh thai Bheratag, Tba party waa acciitnpenuMl bp abtrat anaiber <?i peaatlaanl eil1/ na and nfBeiale ot ? lev land, aad abaal lif-y attrvivoraol the Pre identfa oM reel n at?theS3d O'iia. Pn route the Preabi atpaee ? ! thraeeb iho tr un, atinking handa and talklna lamibarly with thediitereni Bteatheraol klart i i t. ai I loa, Iba tratatop atadeafter teaviae Chpre? land, ? lire* crowd bad gathered toi el ? glint pae ct tl.c Prcaiilcnt and Qeneral Bheruian, hriiii of who.ii appeared on the platferai >?. tat aar. \t l^avilIhI'MIK tin* p:n y mir I l>y n r.'fii'ion rntniniit.mnpoaed of the mo t promiaenl at a ia] Mnhoiiiiig ('onuty. Aa b atenae erewd had aaM>iubti*d at Warren. a. tba train aap toioii the etal aa, u aalate wea lir.-d. j ? Preai leal appeared al tin- rear ?t? .?r In bai ear, aad bowed ia tba < ran tea i e uaia aa ^ ? d 'i"Wiy oiii dt the atati ? Al Nilea, aato, u rei arg erawd \ ., in red i it where another aalate wkt lir.d. luiiuciiao crowoe were la waiting "i the excafwheo train, wuicb waa eloeel} foltawiag the regalai train, it ah iin> ttatioag betwaoa Tool ? ttowa aad Clevelaad. It teefltad ut if the Mahouiog Valley aaa eatptylag Ite poanlal an Into If on gatowe i?? <io honor to ? lie diel igaiabi d \ udtora. At TeaagatowB a aalea waa Brad at the train wag drawa into tbo atatioa. rbePiaeidenl aad pari v woro met with a gaaid eoati.i af ataathen ot bhj Bid eonatand,aad aai irted to tho paUia agaara, where tba Preaideni wae Introdaeed by Captain Botufoed, of the 2Jd !>' |l ? it, Mr. w liter L t'.. i? >? II, ot ll. RmnrnV ?? n,?l frt%* aaa, delivered aaeaidieaa ol welcome, Uealliided to a hat had .? earred dnee the Preaideni ?.i- bate la 1975. Mr. CantpBell alao paid a high trlhataht tio- prael leal a iadeai w bleb baa atti i.I tin- Prea* i Lea Pa adatioial ration, and eoolraated i be a< uvity In baeiaitao which prevetla bow iu tho Mahoniag Valley with the eepeaaeioa thai waa apparent ta l*?". said : M Wa wetaoate the Prnaideal aa tic- Cblel M igtattata of tb ? Batten wboaa atataital praeperttj he baa baea, and? r <?? I, laattnaaaatal in proatottac. aad ta wbMb he hae girea an adnaang tral loa tallied hp aa aaandal. Wo weteoeaa ana H Iba Preaideat of the Bepablie a beet Conatitnl Ian he legally fefenda, and whose bta i ba a ba dp and ana> aatly asaanti The Preaideat raaponded bt a brief apeeeh a* fol? low- : fauow-OirtsaBai I aaa tataraaMl hy the i>rn?rimma of the Committee o( Arraaaeaieati thai the principal [ apeakina el the day it to on nr tiu? aften.a. ii it til* ti .u.ili . il.a' wn.ii . -aid ln-n ?.i.i o.? pr.ptiy aald. I will tBerefore detain yoa vith i.v tended leatarfca ea any ef the lopdeoto whteh \\<< !...??> Jaat uetoned. It i-v. rv aratify ag lade n t ? bm to >>e h i aeleoeaed hr Ute arlghBen aud Mi aaa of Dai al Ted, [Applaa8o.| It waa my fortaae one.' ta a peak of nun t<) aa aaBhraee aliiio.u aa laimi aa tliU?an ainlii mo ?bad with eadaeee--eB andtcaea gathered of Ida old* an I BelgBlwra a' In a iiincril? aad Iapakeof hlai tbea,aal Mill think, iruit, a- the Boat loped ettfnea of Ohle/ [ureai apptauae.1 laiahit were poaalhki nadi r the dltpeoaation al ProrlaV aaa thai DavhaTod to-oay eoald bekofcl aii.t a<? now are a tbr va.lry whlrh i"' lovrd an will, und for wlm-a be did aa naah witn a tttre ttvaagtB of leteUeet, a it origiaal powar. Ueatlaed rreia the heaBtaiac to n a gi. at und lutliienna1 iniin, ad ad to that a Real and gi <ai io ui1.1 e wdl aaver br forgottea in iBa i alley where 1 e Ui d. MrtTMaata,aa 1 aetraaIaiaatetaae. ?nii a.ying iLlna will iM'riir Hit-aTii in >on. I lliauK vou ???} i la woteoaaa, aad eball Batata yoa Tora atoateat with tae introdaettoB ol a ataa who n teamed wharevai tue addictaaaete aha faagat fee the UaMMt^tieaeral encr man. The Qeaetal spoke u.j laDawai Pel tew aMIeaua, us aaM by the Preaideat, It t? n t fit it ae appoiutod let apeaklog. if, by a bibbm word or a ttagle tcaienee, 11 oald do aioi a to honor Mai w bo ta would agord irnui ph-.i-me, but Boa ui- i^?a aald the avttei tor yon. aad I a 111 tap tbfj Bfteraeea er taie aveaiaa what ta peeper lot the oeeaa ?loa. Ia.wava ire! ai boliii! Iu Oiilti. uud I thank ).>B for Iba bonora tieday. After <!?? neriil S irrin m'a apeeiM, the oflli t i a and member* of the U:id Ki -i'iiental A-soeiatlou lin'l f r thetnMMBMhBeaaf bgalaapat,ta which only the Bteaabetaware adarttlea, uf er whieii baaah waa ?erred in the hull in Ute Path. Tba deroi Ationa were beaiiultil and Very pl ofu-e. The crowd waa rety Ibcbbv vaiianaiyaatlatatad at freat layoOOte S5.0cbx rbe wea that waa all thai could be daetred, an I aretytaiag wa* fa ratable lor u ataasaat liBMt, Iu theafteraooa addreaaei were aaaae hy the President, ?eneral >liern:m ."ni ntheca. The Po j dent -poke at aaaaiderabl b*ngth. THE ADDBBBB "i PBaVtlDEBT HATE8. COMBABBa am> PbLLOW-I i ibb kb I Aftef I BpapJ ayeat ipaat in Waahlagtao, aagroaaed in pnbttg adfaira, it Ii u peal aleaaaie to vi>it acaiB mr friends in Ohio,and BaaawlaHy toaaaot aoaaaayaf Biy old eoanadoa at that yearly lanataa mi the L' id Re gi Bieat. Biaea we laat met ut WiUottgbby, g ik'o. their ima baaa a va*t ?BtptavaBbaal in the baataeeg aaaditlou af oat eoaatry. Wbaterei iiif fereneeaaf opinion aaay baBtlB foand aaaaag tba peoplr of this part of Ohio aa to tin? impoi tai.e ? of the reaumption of aperie pa\ luriila, and ae in ihe met hoila by w bleb II ba- br?-ii na conipl labeil. tliePB ia ana kind of raaaaiptioa wbieh is \ery aatleeab4e in Yoiiiu'atiiwu, and which la BMaUag rupnt BrapefJ iu tin- whole eeaatrp, ahenl wbtah I in agiaa aa aie all heartily agiaad. Whan 1 ia*t platted tins beae> tifnl vultey of the Malo-ini.'. !? in yeHis ii-ro, the MBaaeial Braaa, ami the giaeesy outlook tor baataeeg ami labor aid capital, aeeapaad I he Ihoagbta ?apcaeaedthe apuihtad tbapeaeiewherarat 1 Bed theat, w bethaff m public aaaa*nblha\ at thett pi i ag of liusineH-i, or ut then bo?pttabb< boinea. Now, however, bow groat ami how gratifying la the rhanipT All around ua In re, ami thtaaghoal the country geeMfally, we ace cheer ng and boat fal lM> dilation* oi betiel HaiBB- Not ggdj liu\e BBBeal payaBBttg been reaiitned, but business BOtlVllJ and prog table aaapdagataat fat oaattal aad lehai bate aaaae ahaa The ehMd hadaatty and aatetaat mi h it valley? the gn-at iron Interest?ajreadj haajhai to ahare largely la the baaed! of oui improved aaa hV> lion, ami I bheeadata heait ly raMMpfatnlate all ekteeaaed attaMeta iatbta barge aaaaatalege mi the present favombie baaineaa nlaathaa, ami bb the bricht ami faeanttatingptaapeetwhl b the fataie Indd* out. There ia a auhjeCt lllte!ea?inp to ev? rv ctli/- n. utid es[.riia!U tm.o.r \.!, . sei w , |g f.r li.lon Army, m ragatd ba whfab 1 wish to aay a few wort ?. Butee our la-t ranBton, la sevt ral of the* ami tj Oaagreea,arantebare aeeaiad whteh Ljm revipod tba aUaonaaaan al baa gaaaanati aa be the abpaata .or whafh wa fattafatin tba peet eaafflel bam Ifajl la lMO.*t, and a* to w"i,;it wa> itceoiii|di*lli'd l?y tue ItlaBipbaf the. Union BBBee, The qin etuiii is, Wh it waa aritied by the wart Whit inav thos.. \\]iq tanghl for the I'niou iuat!> claim ; jml what oiiy .t Iheea who fou^lu tor Beoeaaaett, lauhfuiiy to a<?? ? pi a* the Majitfaaati raaalni af the war f Ati eminent citin n of our, Mr. QtM MM > k, BaMl aaBta yaata agaa thai " war legiaiuiea.'' Ha pea ggfded the BOB aouatitutioual uuientlmeiii* as part I of the legislation id Iba Wal loi tli li.i' , ai.d