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Mit with ?..gii i BBtaAMbae, "and thoy eil stau'1..-' Um i <iunl-rii;1it? aaMiwlBlQBBI aro the lex -1 itlea "I lbs War fur the l'- icii,an.t they onslit to -1 n ml. Great irsis atwaye leghtlaSa. A Hatto pjil?' IhaM i hundred I <SMS BgO, ll?S land, win re wo BOW SSV,Was slsjsssd nml ImM hg France. 0?mm irsl Wolfs, est Iks Ptsess mt Aheabaae, eelticd lhat t?!? . bi ?1 the reeait waa lbstransferef Ihe title ami [arhallottoa of iiiis eatfre ssstksi of the count,. baEagbaad. F.r.i few yearaItsehief raier waa tae Bagfiah king, Tka Beratatloa hallowed, ati'i Um natobloa ot h* owBiaahip stsj again the gahj ..' waa Mahd attest, ami it beeaflaea 1 P/t of tho Uaited 8tatea, ao ksafor bi I i aaa arahj, hat] aaaaVi i Iree BopabBcaaGovernm at. In*! not enter into aay dioeaaaloa <?f Iba eaasea of aar etvtl war. We all know that Ihe aasa ?im planned tin daatraatiaa sf the Pah a ami thee (tab* bnhateol >f theCaafsderals States baaed taetr at tasapf aa a tuoalcaetiiai af the Conetltatiea called Ihr st.-?'' Rtchted letfUMt, aad on tin- ha h?test af lbs Baav e of thcee States la iheezteoeloa aad pin pelae hwm af slavoty. Um eeastrtae ef Btata Bights waa, thai each state aaaeevwrwigB aad aapeeae,aad aiiehi i nllifji ihebawaof the L'uioei oraaeedo hau lb, Uaioa ,''<?.i ur.\ Thea bald thai a! .very waa ahaaatatal aad aeraaa] eaas^tkai -'f Ihe eeloted man. aad tli .;. theretoffe, slavery in Ihh coon try aaald aad aboald be the eoeaer etooe of a Iras p?v IPJBBJ lit. t4uuui>kxt U3rcoxjr% itaimmrmt oa tup. pjgtTRg oa thk waa, Ba ataa baa aeer stated tin kaaasaaf tfas ereil wsa ?eeafullr,aeoeactearly, or eaeea asaaraasli than Mr. laheesfca. In any lasjatlj aa ta w bal mav fairly be iaetadi d among flu' tadaga settled hy our ?ictory, ifljast sad patriotic atlada kaaUaetivelv loru to Mr. LttM I<> bias, more than to aav other man, tin rat- af Uahaaaad hbarty i- indebted for it* li.ul irmmi'li. Ui'Mil'-s. w rh a 1 In- w oi;.l- i fn! *a pecity,and wiadooa, aad i<> ?:< ,1 faculty, dwelling ateatly, and aaiiaaalr. a ni prayerfully, duriug fullr Ytais o| aw faJ trial ami reeawasihilit \, on |ti? ja? atioae a bii h ware ssataaaal y ai iaing to perplex tml a bmbM eonfomnl bias. In- at laal became tle> pat) ?maeaMassal ot ihe ptiaaraiaa by which the apaalij aad Uta llbeilhai a eea aaead All good citi gnmaj aawwell listen ta and hoed his word*. Baaaha i Mean eeaaaa be doll with reaped .-ml Mm Aden re, ai ?1 ? leaning regard, than ita ??? a iom 1? ud'li' s-f.) miiisliist liiaiii/iii.,1 a]*vcta aa "my ii-s.,1 ti ll fallen iioanlijaaia ** The leader ol the fjasoaeaaaa araaaajaataad an karate, ami patient pad kam ran thai man v aappurteri of the I nbm ,hi.,i i r In- dni not l'> iar rm iu'h <>: :.,sr npsngb,aii I i tailed hieopi Ion* aud hi* conduct i pat aaar aU aasa hsajlataaaa that the plain people, I arha at ktat ? aaat to bpts haa* a al to le in upon hi* aiflo.u ;.:ii :n mii'-v* wi: !i-il.-'iir. tias-, .-.,-r nl aajeahei riebt, and lhat la deed and puipi -?? be w as atnreaUj derated ta the waifat> al tho whole coun? try, and al all ita inh ibltaata, l! .g tbatMbUaaola'aopiaiona an sf higher satbortty oa Iba queotkaaa si the war that tbo at a h rpublk maaaaetthat udeaf the gaatw> petay, Ideanatapaaaeal Uaaa ejaite full.? >u. \ in batewa ktagwaaja la Um Ibird year "i Ihe war, gad wbUa itaraaaB wae atill nadecided, Mr. Lin PMBt BMhie hat BMaaorable sddiaai al Ut eoneeate Baa af the Oettyahnrg National Cemetei , on tho I9lh of Nov amber, 1808. Bawaa etaadlag mb the ! j.ilifii!- i-r. a' st k ut!- "!' i he g ir. He was, mi loabt,di -p v impreea 1 nlth tag heavy r ip d BtBllea whteh ha had borae aa hMtaj. lie s;.oko not j tea partiaaa, ambitteti .1 a..', aar w gad i i 'i m d, Uni ba the Saead and geaaeoaa -, i ;i .., a patriot, e>! . mt toeay that whatb weald be worthy to 1 anno, ir i aj .ill ins soaaaryaaM] UhmacJ i al i tun", in bia ahect spseeb sf aaly two <<r thrcs saraanpha ba twias aaake of ctg ?.f the aar,e a Itaspeaiag aal aaaia in 11?> rloaing aaMaatoe. rhawattda bars bsaa < ;? n <j.'. hut kVsysaa ? i e too familiar, 'li. u l.-arh-aiul bo. ib j on theqneotli a wears ci unidi i ii ?? Foot mote aad sevoa rears sstav" sal i btr. Liaeobt, **oar hitaera bi >ogbt forth on thai ? munonl a n. r|Ba> letweHnd in aharty .n ?: dedicated i<> the M .,. til on laal all awn ate ere .i sqaal. Now are are ! la a great ? war, teating IPgaahai that Nation, or gay aatios ?> conceived gad so dedicated, can lony endure." Aad again, ia ?teaJag, be said! Mnhtaathstfat :.?* ? ? ? i/mt i ?. here btghlj resslvs that lbs dead shall not I. ra i du IIa rata] that tin NatMm ahaB, ander God, have j a aaw btrth af frasdsaa, i. at Got rement of the I people, b; the people, and for the penple, efaall net pen-h from the aarta." No ktatetneni ot the tree pbieota of tne wm mareeompb-ti thaa thla baa ever paeaatade, it in ude Iben?all? Nationality. Lib? erty, Kqual Biphte ami OellsUorernmeut. rheee are tl.- ciplee lor which i!..- Union to . Batgi t, aud al ' ui: wmt hiaaiw to aaaiutaia und ho p I pp| II lie. mi s| \rr pjtwra i M i ivr:. If gay ? ' tnppoa ..; m thai eeaetraetlaa of our Bsttm I t-naatitatiea whleh i - rwaaa the State Btghtadoctrine bieuaakttenl ?itli aaaud prlneiph ?. kM him eeaei dm a b w paragraphs from Mr. Lht> ruin's ii mesasge toCongri ?-, .' ! '.??. tire teat ..a ni i> 11. Rpeaklngof whal waaealledthe of paw ..i ??? aalna thai i-. m>u in accordance with the National Couetitatioa?I e s.,i.|; Thlt erlves mach, ra-rbaua tae whole, of lie Sail cm i ..<??. ii..- atsampUoa lhat there is torn* etunl poia i .:, i s .n, launremact latrtuiaii'g loa State?to gaeh State ot nr Prueral Lnlon. tin State* ;.a. aeiihei.ut power than lhat rcacrved to tbeui la lb I'm i bv the (Nmauiutmu, no one ?.r ihem evei hartoe boon a Stem oat ef iht Uatoo. 'lie onalnaloaea Huiot ii mto t ? i ;. . 'i ? \. ii i efwra ? . e i-i .'it tasu jlrit h colonial depetwleses. and the new one* each raae1 into the r has dbrw tip from a eoadiHoa ef e>p a< aeace, oi . ling Tezaa. tad even i.i*.in ita teinpo rar> indcpetHleuce, waa never OVidanuted aSiate. 'in. Bow ouea tativ look tan deatg an a ot States oa enming ham tae U Mm,whUa tlav aaat aaa Ural adapli d mi i.'. td.l om ? 10 a' ?! Ihe I' t . : ???ii "I Ii .;? p. .. ? ? A Therein ihn M ITalted C?loBte*" wen deehtrsd lobe ?? in ?? aad Indaptasenl :.. i < {" hat. evea tae a. tba oh> I al i>' i . I waa But Pi dotre ii etr Indept !.?: ... i 1 bae aaother, or of the Uatoe, hut, lltvctlytai eoafrarv, ?a tea Ii ma i aal idedaw. and tl u uutttal aotawa, i? foea, at tbi ii . . . a id afleiaardfShuudautii n ow. ras ea pre-, plbjrBtuagei laltabj raebaadall of ihearwrtaal nMrieeu, la the Arihrlea of CoaieuaraUoe, ta yean later, that tot Ualoa ahall bcperiteraal, ia amat i ,i aite. ii i. lag Betel ea Stall -.? an. r m aabataaee or In aaa-e. sntaide of 'lie rumi, who ace iBteBMutieal> leueeoi MState Mifihla ' i: i ?? .. claim of powi . rullydeainij the 13 wtn Itaolfl Maeh I* iaMlaBool Mas **eaaaetagatj * ot iBt Statoa| nm tue atoi i, i v. l. ia n ' iu tba MatMNial Coaatna tion, aar, .'s i? believed, la aay si the state asnsHlBtaona What i* a ?4ivrrelinty,M in the |ui.i, i i. -? ?!?.? oi inr it im I WobmI ii be lat wmaa todeiineit " a political euauammty, ailboota politlral anp'.'.'i" 1 tied by thbt, no one of oar Si te?, ezrepi I?. - *cr waa a aevereiaaty; aad evea Texaa gare as thee., i.jr or aacumhurtaio IheUnloa; iiy win.h a t ti ?? . .. . IjoMltheftmetltutionof tae Uaia-d Btatra, and iim law a ino tiaMtlea of tae Uidled BiaMm rmmSS ha saiaaaaea thoCuaaUtnttoa. iob ,fur bawwtaa aw preoi luwofth' laud. TneSiaien haveibeiratatm IB tn e i a aaa, laS l Bey BoTa on atbar It aa' atalaa Iftaot oiejk froai inis, iiny cat eadj do ao itgainai .aw. and ay rr v lai i. The Cunat. aad not ihruia^ltea aeparaiely, peoraieo ibtfrlsdepeodeaeo aad laeti liberty. n> ? n garol ae pauwaaae. the Uahaa a eaaB of them what rvci oi htdep ateuei aad libortj :i in. The Uama u abarr llmaanyol thoMabm| ai?a,ta fBet, II ereated ahem a.? Stsle?s OnglaaUr, some depoadeat coloniea ai. ii tl ? Uoi b. auit, m tant, the Caiaa threwrog taetr ild dea* ? denee f r tie m. aad m idt the ? meb na aasj a . \ .in-oi iBomevce had a State Coaatua tlea ladepeBtl?ol of tin- Uahaa. <?r ooarae,U i- sad fori/ .iii a in 11 ai: Iba n. w PTatea frann i ibeii soBMtra aaaa bteVia laayeateted iheUaioo; aavaethalt -a ae* prudent upon, and .lury to, ruining- into the i i UnqneatlonaMy tbe*Statee bare the powenand ijfM- i s. i Veil to th. i,. in am! by tin- N itnuiai (* ui Milution.and apoa t?te point, htaaothof part oftbia paat ? m pe, Mr. Liaaola myat Phil reiallva matter of Kattoaal por.-er aad Sathf -i. a prhtetpsa, la ao other then tao pemclide ol a-.... ?? sod tocaUty. Waat'sver t-oaerruathi ahoi? .in ,.: kVlcd tn Ihe ? ii .< ... ti,. t>. hei al ? >vi n - in . a.i' / bite\er < oner ms oiil? Lie r-l.te ?Uoiitd he aalte x<.I in;:,, gutta. Tbalaai all Ubtea at of ootg> Oa. 1'. UI Iplt BOOUl It. Mr. Liaaola bald that Daited Statea ia a aa> Baa, gad gaal na Government posse**rs ample power undei Ihe Constitution to ataiataia ii? au? tln.rit. and eafaree .t* Ltwa bt Btery part of it* larritt ry. Hie denial of thbtierhtcrple by tboae who ?eaert d the do<iiiin af Btaa B ghia, ami who rlgbl ?? c la ? ured that N waa itMaMaatateat arlah Btah asn i? gi ty, made up .m kstaeovag arhieh aroa. om t>ftheleadiageoatraraggacawhhjhlad to the civil \\ i. rha fasaltOf tin- w ar decided that coiilru rera] ha taverof aatMsaaht] aad in favor nf the gaygag aej ..f tin- Batbatal OoreratBsat. 'I I.i* d. ? i* mi i- in ggsjggdaj ' l with the prim iplee of the ;. : hers, (m this da; inm ty-t w o yasta mWm, ih. 11 ita* in esarwajSieg al PblhMhdiMnai atrrceii hp the Csaatltatisai af tin IJattad siatca, winch a a* al tri ward On the aa me Say,geptembee 17. 1797, Gsaaral Waahbagtaa acut , gtiai lianaaiillfBg the Ceaaatttattea to the Oaa> apgaj in r*e.*siou in New-York. In that letter ho laid: The in- ud* of our country have long since dcau-cd that Ihr poWl r of MltM wnr, poaOS Bed treaties, thai ?f lavylag asoaey und regelet tag roma ? n <?? umi IP nur ?p ndcni exeeattveaaO judicial aaiaotllwa,*aaaM be fully ami eft. ctiuVlv v. -it il m Ike Geneve! Govera u.fiil <>i tlir Un. * ? ? il I? < kvioii-U un i?! ???? cable la tbe Federal Ooveramentcd lb?-ae Stahe* i<> se? cure all righto of laeVpendeol sovereign!) to seek, and retprovidefartkelateroetandsafetvotalt ? ? ?In i?li .?in deiita ration* mi this seoject, wo kept stoadtfr In i 0 i iew nal wMek appearo to m tee rn afont Intereei ol i v< iv irm American?tbe ronaolldatton of our Unb u ?la wbJck la Involved our praap rily, felicity, e.M.?, perhans nur N lUoaal oa ileaee. Again, in \ \- r ire ereil Addnaa. WaaUagtoa midi Hat aatty of Qoveraaieai, wklek aeaafitaiea pea oaa people. Is also Justly dear to roe. " * * 1 bo n aaa <?f .v rncrlean, a bleb betangs i? von iu ynnr Nitn mil < apae He, mast i ?ai * eaall II < J i - ; pride of patriotism, asote i baa in\ n,'" llatioa derived from kteal dhn nmlaatl aa, Oa the question af hanaaa rl elite Mr, Ltaaaia waa eqealty explicit, aadoften declared tkal it wee in reived la Ike eoolict, aad ta be decided kp the re Milt. In Ii s matchless message, a I rend j limited. Ii?' s ivs: Our silvern irles have le'iipl. 'i nonic derlsrntlnna ol ln aaVace, In wbleb, aaliki Iba good ??l t one, penned bj Jidbe. tt'-v oartt II s ?m..-. ?? all men an created rausl ** Wh I Taey adopted a temporary PJath aa da n tat loa. Ii them imble of whtck, unlike ner good s 'i ? i . Him i ii br waekiugtou, Iber omit. " We, Ike m?i>ir," eiiN aa beaten . " w e, the ilenattes of Ike oov rreigs sad liHlogeiHleal flairs" Wnj I Wbp IBta il? literate i*sea*iug out at vlev ibe rigateet nu n, aad tae aulkerity ol tb? poonls I rkls tn eosowtlally a people's raatsel. Oa tbe side of the Unnas, u is a straggle for malatatatnv In tbe rarM that term aad sahmaaeeaf roi ei n.ol wh< m laadlag nbjtoet M to eh ram ih, eeadt llouoi um m ; la ni?...: ti Ltd weights tr an :?!. shuald* i ?; ? c sr the patke of lamluble pursuit to all {to ail an n:iietf?-r?-d start, am; a fall rbaaeo ta the race of life. YwhJIna !?? parttsi aad lemeorery depertwrea, fn in m reeaity, lbl? i? ibe leaning oihci ? f tb- i.nviuii asent for who* exli'enee wi contend. I ?a moat bappy tn believe tkal UM plain people uu i< rat md Hint apfftfeel ale thin. Oa tba iabj ad of tattrage, Mr. LiaeoUrli gaidhut p hK pis w;^ Ibal " aa maa i- good enough to pov em ?initiier man withoat that othernian's consent.'' Ti n, uv hnv. Tr it i Iba Mpa urnl pen ef Mr. Lincoln ?thegreat loader aad ropTCOOal live of the Union cause?in the most solemn and authentic form, a com pie ti statement el the laenee af tne war. He the Uaton laperpetaali thatitaOovem ment is Xatt mal und aaareme, and tint all ol it? lababltaata rhiHiH be tr.e. and be nee irded equal eivil uml political rich**. These are tlm tie if fan da mental principles, af? firmed on one >;de iaad do hi d aa Ihe other, upon which tbe appeal .v is made bo tbe ol battles. I ?'o not undertake to review taa dehnte as to the nature and power; oi the Qo vor amen t of tin I'liton, ami a* t< tae d. i ?? i ? ? f St. '? I .. !i ., w hivh la>g.-,i, with tbe foundation of our institutions, ami which was continued until it wna hushed by the elaeh af anaa Ii ia enough l?r my pieseet paraeaa to su.v i hat. ns :t matt? r nf history, all "T the political i nitb > "f the pa>t. when eharged with the reaponsildiitv ?I directing the all its of i b ? Government, have imiin t.-.ifd in their praetieal admtaiatratioti of it pre . .self tin same principles which teere f el I by i'i. - ii'.ent'.eoln, The principles as to the |?o\.ers o.r the National Goveraarayat which were :nt?d upon l.y Washington and Jaekana, and which are ?11* tai'-i' Ii. thi deeisioneet Chief Justice M;t?liall. aii?! by wlib u Idncoln and tbe Colon ai mb >< ? uslied the l.e'oell o and ten at ?! tin I,'ep iblic, are among the legitimate and irreversible result j <if the war wlurli on :!u no! I ?? Qneotioned. rilK v ' > ? .: 11 il?i.\\I. SMEMOalKNTS MUSI rtK cai: i;it o i.trr. Toocbiaa tbe lemaiaiai important eontroverap I setlleil bv the war, 11 e public BVOWahl of opinion ate alfo-t ill in favor of tbe faithful seei ptanee of tla-ne w t'oiiMtitntdoiml ainendmente. On this en' j.-et . ? speichea of public men and the rrenN am! pint !i im> of I lie li adinp polttil al partii* 1 tive I for sotne years peal been exeht it. In 1^7'J. nil par I ties iu their uepeotiva Nattonal COuventious soloj (id le olntlona recogniring the *?1 si in \ of ail nan he fore the law, and plmlgiug then ??Iv? .<. in the words of the Democratic National Conven? tion, *'to maintain emancipation and enfmi l inse- I ? 11 ft. ntnl to 1) p at tl ?? rcoponiap of toe qu?siions aettl !!he recent amendmi ta to tlm t'onet;tu lion." I.. lb70. tke great political parties atain, in Ihe '. ;. 11 ? oi 11 o >t. Lenkt National t'ouven' oa, i.ihrmvii lie ir " devotiea 10 1!.- Conalitntion ef tj?. l't in d State", with its iioti admentfl universally nc r.'I'Ml us n tluul acttlement Ibe i nntrovi rsies that iiiiri'uibred the civil war." Notwithstanding I iI.eHedcc'luiationa, are are compi lb .1 to lake notme iliat, while vtrj I? n oltiaenaanywhere w< ulilwi?li tu iii -i Mi li slavery if they could, and no one would ... .1 nt.1 11 t to local., up the l.'nion by | icei ion, 11 ? ic si ill 1? man ? in some 1 11 mttuities n il tig : pn et teal deainl to tbe eeloic?! citizens ol the politiesi! 1 uhU Willah ;.'( pmrantei .l to tin In by th?- t'oustitntioa us it now is. Jn 11 ,? I client i i the war Mr, Lincoln nppca'cd to ill - colored re pie to bake up arms. Almut "(Hl.nHl 1 -; -ndi Itntl.til.enltated iut!i ruioit ariM .und fonght for Ibe Union cause under the I'n.on ting. laoial'ly of r;u::is lortbl.!>i' ilp?'o ple. Irotn tluit lime, Ihne became one of the esaeu tiai ieeiiee ol tne w ir. General hbermnu said: *? When the Dgbl is oveg, the band that dr pa the mi'-ket eaniiol lie denied I lie ballot." Jcllereon Ktiil. long bet?ret "The man who 'kliLs for the ci iiiitrj i? entitled to Virte." When, with tbe help of ih" e1 i d men, the va inly WO? giiiued. the Kifti ? nth An ? ti in . :,t followed nntuialh us one of it- Icirii iniiitt ti suits. N ? maa Ma truthfully claim that lie 1 tut lit Ully accepts the Hue settleuientsof tn. war, who sees with indifference Ibe Kiiieenth Aim mim -saI praotit ally Bttlli?ed. No one 1 nti ov< 1 - ate tbe ei ii" a bich t!i<- country must suiier it lawleasand violent < piNtstuon to the eujoyiii lit of couatitational lighta is a lowe ! 10 he p 1" iineiit ly suet naafal. 1 be law b saueea e in li ? lay tuv ol- the rights of the colored people wi i timl o.iici \ 1111 tn - to-morrow, 1 his question lu lonys to no race, to no party, and to no a 01 ion. Il is M ques? tion in wb rh ihe whole eeaatry is deeply iuter eated. I'atriotWun, Juetice, humanity, and our ina iciiu! interests, all plead oa the right side of this i{Uestiou. I he colored people are the laborers W'ho pin.I n . fho cottou which, going abroad to the mar- I gei-ol the worbt,givea aa that favorable balance ' oi 11 dc whii'b ia now doing ao much for tbe revival i of nil hash.ess. The wkobi Iebne nf society rest.s upon lab .. if free lakorenaon^fiout oppression ami injustice, they will either he discou tcuted und turbulent, deoiroyers oi property, iind not protlncen of property, or they will nhaudon the commnnltiea which deprive them "f their inalienab <? rigkte. In either ease, social oiiicr ami ihe peaceful indnatriea upon w hich pro?pei 1:', oepends are imperillml ami pi ? baps sacri uceaf. Ii will not da to ley thai this is an udair whieh beldugaaokny to the dattant states ol the South, 'i he wboteeoaatry maa! setter il thai ques? tion is not speedily settled, und settled ngutly. Where the tworpeea are aamecena, pnmimrity can only exist bv the netted and harmonious efforts j of both the white people aad the colored people. The only solid fiiundationa tor peace aud progress m sucb communities are equal and exact Justice to both recce. 1 ? neuter tba preeenl altnetion. What? ever oouiplainie amy have beea beard during ihe progreaa of recouatrurtion. eandid men must admit thai all seotratm arm all Ktatosarc oovr equally re garded, and share alike th'- righta. Ibe prtvilrgeo. and the benefits of the ooauaon Qovernineut. All j that is needed fur tin permanenl pacification of the j country is tbe eordial oo?peration ol all well-dis? posed ?in/.ens tn oeenre<thefaithful obeeivanceof the equal-rights ameadmente of tbe t'onsl tin ion. Happily, in tin- vary oommnnitieo where lawless- j tie-s baa Ik n most general ami most successful, there are editors ol uewapapera and otherintlnen tial citizens who apeak OUl and deuoillice l!.''sc eriini - a :i ist (reo govern asent, It la plain that a sound public opiaam 1- farming where it is most 1 needed. Nu community own sttord to aliowauyof it--1 it Irene to be oppressed?to in.-.- tbe'r r.ghte. To be inilul ret ; on tue 1 ib)i ct i- to iiii.ieg,uti mt?reut end duty, Tbe I nion ritiseas ami so.diers cju do much tti remove the n ia we are considering. I.ei it be understood that tut public man in any partv wiil beeattaincd unless be will undertake to carry oul iu good faith the pledges made in ail our platforms in 1. gard totberightaol colored < it tgeus; unii ms in- gill support lawa proriding the means li i|il f il In pllli.s;, , 1 II,r - a.ani.s: tin m ; il id Uu.. >s be will mmooo the adrnkadou of any man to eitiier lli> uve 11 < 'ongrees a host .-.-at ha- bora abtaim <l by the violation oi the Iii teen i h A me ud meat. Tbe right oi tnlfragc i- tbe right ??! leif-protertion. Its { tree exercise is the vital eir ef 1 ipauLoan institu* tons. io eatabl sh now the State Rights doctrine of tfn inpreaiaey <.t the tMatoa, and an oligarchy 01 race, is deliberately to thron away on ess, athtl ?>ari oi tin- fruit - of ttie I 11 mn victory, 1 bo seitleateate of the war in lever ot * t|tial ngbto ami tin aa pr?nat? al.v of Ihe lawsot the Nation ale lu-t ;,u,l wise, and aeceeoary, Lei tbe? aot be aarreadered. Lot them iu- faithfully accepted and Irmly iinfiaoad. Let ; thetu st.ii.d. und, w ith Iba advancing tide ot beat m oa proaperity, we may conndaatlj braye, by tke blaaaiag *>t Divine Provyoenoo. that we abail aaea cuts 1 agea sn are af harmony ami program such as liao been rait ]y riijnvtil hy any |s nplr. A 6' BMAM J \ TUM HTREA /'. TuentoN, X. J., Sept. IT Akamai Bgflgy was arn -led l..-ljy fur aitfinplius to ale ait a young woman aamad RMaeaV ta Howard m the upaar. The gtri *a>a Hbo cauin truiu Kii^luud with liallcy lecently umter proiulae of uiarr.sge. After their arrival hero abe dlacovcn tl goOej was a tonn led man, aud ut Un-iaiu? '1 aim. Me -mivlit .in 11,101 view, ninl u In'. wailuua on Ui? atxoet be uullod out a revoivor and Ihn tttw ii t?? ot bet if the ili'i n?t twHtM M nwny Iiiiii. A MI WIM Ifoln lln> woman mill tin- aodilcii appenr UUM of ltd pnvt Btad tin mnrdi r. ////; DIVIDED UUMOOBAOJ. VIEWS <>F ISAAC F. KATOH. im: RATION AI OOMOTfBI i<> OOBBI I ' UI BBPBB ?MCI in OBTHt? MOTU Of ? \ THAT HAM OfPOilTlOa TO iii .? V. Al Im* fJMMJ a'iiofffircil I lom WaeblBftOB, mc.t Inn ei Hm Baeeatlve Cennlllef <?< the Deeeeeratie National Conimiit i-v.ill Im. In 1-1 in that eitjrto? day, lt fM nrptrtffl al Ii'" fJMM tl'M tlutl Ml 1 il.l.n.ii? mg tot In-. unfaaioB in hm New-Volk i ?nl ?. ragaaeted wvara] mntnhn soft he Nat Um al Com? mittee andother promiaeal D noentM tonnet "i (Iii* r'ty tu consult, print to UM inn-link' ?I t" daj. ,-i> to v. hol oaghl t<> be daaa i<> eeetue banMarj in N. A-Vork. I In-pn?i.I aeveral Bppmbera vi Ibe National Committee ht Near-York at tins Uwe gave m appearance od authenticity to thie report, btrf if any united pan .-.i:ltaf urn Iris take* !>*:" ?? it been naiiBgori with great t rei v. bnae I? Batoa,ef ffnatat. wke lam-xt halbe rentof Bnwabee at Iba NatMmal Ceeaanlt< fee be ban reared in II ainee 1800, aad m aJao a Maeaber ol the Eneenttva I3an> it.ii tee, baa beoaagaeetai tba Ceteaaaa Boeaai tor ?evenI daya. H<- ?an riaiteel Teeedey by a re? porter ol rna Tntnunat wbn i.-k-il bin If there bad baea an lafornaal anating hi tide dtp ?>f aaaae uteuibora of the Natioaal (hanariltaa. *? Not to ary knowledge," be r plied," and I know of no baaineea they woeld have ta Iraaaaet bare, rheee will be a aaoetbag of the Ezeeatire Commit io in Waabiagton an Tbnaalay, and the Kxeeative Coanaittee la anppoaad Ia be always aitfiag.? " For whal parpoaa is f Iii? apeetal BMMtlag call-.! r "1 aapfoae it baarefereaeete theObhtoaatrMdgB. The National Committee i* eoadaeting the Demo? cratic can van iniliat .Main aad is doing hettei work than we bnre bad done there before. We have never been eo wall orgaalted in Ohm am! for that reaaon we are very kepefal af aurtvao, li in tin- i!h> llopnblieana are equally confident, but oben tin' Inn vote oi tin- 81 le i? nought onl in an in uvo eumpiiign the maloritiea an- usually email. Allen waa beaten m 1878 bi "i;!v about 5,000. the K"pnhlicau maj'wity tn 1870 waa about tiie ?am.?. Ina i <it al vote of 600.000 wlrere Ihi purl lea aro -a ?'truly On nn it it is not ao difdcall to cnunim the voir by ?.IHK) n ith proper kind oi a ". Tim fir- "ii lim k vote mal year waa, I liehevfc 8S,0 '<?. Now ?-r . tprcl lhat 2.5.000of tliia at the feaal will -ii|>i>orl i.wi.i.'. It wo rally Ohio lltia Full we nliafl not have so mu< li : end ill Na* -York in I lie I'result mini yi .ir: mill \vr fid that we onn leae Ohio now mid win til i he general enaction hi 1880." "li the National Committee era ao aobeitaaa about ohm, may it nol be poaalbie that ttiei un? equal!) i nzion? Ii.ire harn n. in New-Tork ." ??>?>: I nVnVl thmh they have any roneernf it the lanintany bolt, li daeea'l aftol the proepecte of I be Natmiial Democratic part) in IbSO a panicle. Tli-rr is no can pi aa to tl - candnl itc for i.ov enior. Tannuanj llmllaai evening proclaimed ita lovu ty to i he syracaae ticket Iroui ti.o i. rut.-n na (?oveiiior down. ?" while, il tho prci-ent Lh-mo I via ie ai a! ii? is maiutamed in New-York uunl (In tmn ilay, the eh-cllon ol a Kepnbliean Uovernor is certain! 1 Hiiuk the renniuderol the tier I ducket will lie DeuaasratM. hacti a reaall would prove tl.ut Ne?-S rl> could be depj mied on for i he I o < iai - in l'-HO, und uli ihe < m ci if would have would be i iifi'ttiiiilv to kill oil Mr. I ilden." ?? i .1 ii yon wonbi not look upon bia poht'eal .1. , :;- ;.ii ir. para de 1 ?a to i Im p >rt. f ?? Not at all. I waa opnt awl to Ihe nominatioa < i Mr. I i' I'-ii in 1 ?76.and 1 am ?tili i on- ,.,| it .ti lKV>o. I dni all I i "iil.i to defe ?! him iu tin- st. I I .ums i .' vent ion, becau r 1 believed be waa a weal ', und I ought Mr. Kcilr'a trioitnu? of op jmsil mi wr'c .Mr. Tlldru'a Inline ei i? b.n!, | ami ui'ilon'i wnnl ant more of 1?iM.i viewa on t: i- point arr well known ; I am uncompromu . '. . . in. bin. 1 belli ve In- waa elected in 1h7?, lhat Im iniafcl Ii iv.- bra naeated in tin- |'n aiden cuair il he bad beencouragcooa. Hemuven al e n an. ni d it I.'- Were a- i oiiiaifeoua as he i> in Ii ll-elllally atrOUg und ahn cd. bo would a |>< ? it'll I ader. Cnmislakably t ?? ow.-d ins II i [nation at m. Lonla to Lientenaut-Uo ? Ihiiahcimcr more than to any ten men beaidea, I' u ho stepped in and turned tue Ninumiiiie a. in i I ilden fill bj I'a- tiendricks, Kwnm- u nl | \ ooriit es men. The Sooth, bcinx esii;rr . tndul i ai;?? : ba-. rule, only wanted a rand mate who would la' v ry Htrougin the North, id ton man aire i tn- ..tiai'i- v. mi great abrowdoeaa. lie had Ins Mate Convention meet early m the mm >n. it elected delejrateafor the moat part favorab!e to luni, and un\e him a "low n..: indorsement. Then l io-m nt bis au-. i is through the N'ori iwoat. They I worked ven bard, remeeenled thai he was a wmi drniil ortiinizcr, and wai rery irealtlo und cou.d I render meal liuaiicifll aid to lue canvnaa. ):v ibis j n,ransami Jiorabeimer be Mtecccdeil. Vcl weonly . lriidionr Nirrtborn Statee, and 1 am convine.-d I liden'a pOi nil it tuotiea Wl re a diiiuaur to us." " la be not workiua aa hard aa eva fm a aecond liOTIIIIiiilloll /" "ill laicavingna atone nn turned to accomplisti hiannrpuae,bat he i* not the man i?r us. \\, would nave to ii. lt ml him at every point of the i Olli Oil as. ' N la it not poeaible thai be baa anmmoned nana* hers of tiie National Committe Io eonfci \\nh him iiiMini ihr New-York MtnatmnP ?? lb- may have aa ted aevi ral individual uu mbcra of tin t "in. mi lee in do so, but i l,t Commit ti t? n s a vrhole would md ibink ot doing anything of the kind ai 11 ;?? .' i' qai tl or of meddliujr m ti'i* New V uk light. Soj.i Bornum, the chairman oftim L i. e. am a very vigori Ba chairman hi is, is a li lend of Mr. Tilden, and naually riaita him alien In* is in the city. Mr. Scott, ol the Nuimnul t nin mittec, ia ..iso a IrMUdel Mr. libu-ii. Oi ? onr-e he would not aend me any comuiuuu.iiioii i ? v to a conanltatlon. 1 aaw s-n.itor Mcl'iieraon to-day and be aakd nolhiui! of auch a iiieeiintr. Ilia preecBce at the Oilmrj limine ha* no special Mi?niilieauee with relereoce io u consiiitn liou. Min i- iteuntor Me I['in i soil's holm in .\ew Jriacy waedt itroycd by Sre hd baa ?>??< u a bi... oi I passa'ce, no.I is for tin- time lunuu' making ins m-nii i|uaricra at the Gilee] lion-. . Neither is Senator Mi lion ihl. of Indiana, on beta for any auch nur i lioae. I know thai be COBMe on bnailieas; liesiitea In-is not a ti .end ot Mi. 1 li eu. Ib-is tin-devoted I Inend ot Uovcroor llendricka, ami I don'i think be I would do auytmng to atrengthen Mr. i tiden'a chaitcea lor Ihe petaldeaev. I have alao la-en iu the city on bnmaeaa, and u>> to VVunbingtoii lo inoriiiw, tu iu- preaaal at ihr meeting ii the Executive Committee." I "li.. mui anticipate that a eomnroniiao will he i.tle, led iii Ilm Male r " 1 helMve that Mr, llldan wanhl be willing and even glad to have Uwreruoc Mohinaon withdraw, lie showed hiaatrengtbal the Syiacuao Convcuturn, umt it would fludonbtedli help hi- chances tor another year to have Kobtnaon wttmiraw uutl the parly united at the Bolle. Howev i. I here ia no danger ol a Kobioaoo a undraw id. The Uovt-ruor ia not Kobuu to be madeacat'a paw of in any auch mannei. lie has mo hing to gam i>\ auch a move." "l? you thmk hlr.Kelly could be iudaeed to 'wit lull aw C MI have had aeratal eonvereationt with John Kt I. , and from what 1 know of bin I have great faith iu hia integrity and He will tin uothiug whicn Will result fsvorabii in Mr. Hi? deo. I '??' Tammany hphl i- agatnal I ilden ami not Roidnaoa. lammany ahowed tint us ranka were full ami iu working ort lei when it jmlictl 60.000 v.oe.s ai it..- Laal ateetlon. Iu my opinion 00,000 ot tfaeao voteaal h a t artll ba east now im John Knill." M who kt Iba atrongeal Demo ralie candidate for IbePreaid nej at tin- preeeut tiaaef " lhat ia varj bard to aay. It will be a ven difaV coltgueatmn after the Fall ebsctiona, Thomaa A. HetMtm ka will siiow eoBBBteratde s:ienj;iii in the next ooaveatiaai als., neaatoi ibumutn, I n L'aid .liiiiuc 1 i.ivir, nl Illinois,ami ul-o tb-m ral Han cock u.s likely Candida tea. 1 d-n't tbink Judge Field, of California, has mach atrangih, nor thai l.wnnf, if aMrtadUovernor al Ohio, would in- an a pirant. He ia yoaue yet, nndei ttfty. ami itiaiuai ambition la be a Senator ami wear tue fathera siioes. No, tl ia nonsense for anyone to anageei that Qoraraaf akadaaea aiighl become a randtdate in case he wen- Minrssliil tln-yrir. lint I shoiiiii imt be MirpriM'd if some BM1B, now littleapuhen ol. should step in and se.-iire the nomination." ae outeaoe et de8peea te 8tbikee8, Fall Bittk, afaas., Bept 17.?By lai the moat n .'i a in i'ful outrage of the atrikera waa coiiiiuit ud Una afteraeoa, Kuril Praneh hnwUMw, eearprkaag be Pnaen apvaaty aad tlghty pataaoe, wen- in laghi hare to day an ihe BOea Ira n from BaMMUj, from Paiat, Qaa> aUu. Tiicy nave n. \.-r worked in a eutlon-iiiill, and are in work at th.- ataaaed and Oreeeeol .Mnia. tuo eeaapaay waa iiivnied imo two pirtiea. um partf,daa> tlned for tin- l'rere.-nt Mill, eomiioned malLlt of h..y* BBdgMtatrametgaaaeayean af agn downward, wun? u.uv .uk tUrutia*!! ti.o airt-et In ita ipiarn ra. Waa haaaad ut liy a crowd ol wouirn. eldidreu and a few in n, and a lew ntouca wcie tUrowu. To make the a bor teat cut, the jiariy look wiiul la kuowu aa Mona QaVbBMt Lart, where It waa aas.iiilied by a crowd uuio t.etlna 1,'ai persona, nioatly men. Kock? wne thiown at il.. in In perfrct ahuwtra. one women BTtUtBBBBe in her aruia, waa kuecked down and kicked -, a Hille ooy about aeven yrara of ape, waa ttraeh on the nee, aud all the little chilitien won. stoned, ua wtll aa tue older pernnna tu Ilm party. Tue party s'"i..o.i cil ami rau In different dircctious, which broke an the erowd, Pha palloa were aammoaod, ami aitaOatoBi Hdi aud tbo whole of the liiainrt PeUea wbo happeuod to be nearby, wan on hand In a few momenta. but the alaTW waa K;lv? 11 al llielr uppruiirb. Tho DUp/lCt Poll - an alrtady known by the dutnrbea-a and Un- i rowd Imd dlapcracd. ature ludliiuaUou la extiroaat d br citlaeue al I fan outrage tbaa tl all tat other* that have Dasei Iba aeu Bid y sseaatl um the women and ehlldrrn ia otlr nii^ ibe i" ? I lac* <>?' i r> paed < ItUanii am -it have i ? ai BB n ail. ///a i??/ /./>?. i-ni.vri.i .<> <>n i ?.?iai. poi mrj life. T?r i r \ i.i a n BUBDgBI It in Tin: (arm ??l a" I ML -i ano cmta nv ate awn. Praadaoe Porcello, tbe Italiaa woo kriled Mlebael Baloador, lotaataa el ataaea eaody factory, al Cnureb and Iwitea eta., ea July t4 ktet. wat paterd at in<- bar < r tba Pearl "? oeai iai Seesieeoyt oterd u for inn'. Wim .ia k. Bartatae aad .1. t>. MeOktthtad aa peered a. DM aeaaaai aWaaeteet Ptatilat iltncaoy Kol 11- conducted Iba preneatk n. On tin- ids' In line ?atbak, Hip prim pit walked from it-f baa in Ike rear al tba oaart" room la a art imp bet. Bio wife, wul tii " imie bap in 1? r arme, bad aoeepond ?% teal kt Ike aahteaianil aitaoaaia adaiia tin apralap; ef tbaeaatt, aad wbea bar kaafcaad peoead eg tke abae aba joined aba. kt Brat ka dal eat aaaai tn ebosrve bar, bal wane kekadeaated buaaolfoai waaerreaaptaaebp km shot aal Ibra eke kissed ktat, Afterward tke bald ap Um ekHdaadPorecllo book it in 1.i? ana- aad rawed 1. wiveiai tluata oa Ita laa Tbe eklld eat wird delta ted to beeeee more in it- father's anae. aad lamcta-d ad talked wttb Inai naiM agate taken kt it- ami her. Per? cello was calm aud apparentp fully appreciates kJepa -ti mn. Beanokeontj lo tie 1 Ife and child, ind, probatdi hereaee be anderelaade little ol tke Raai maguage. ii ? leek ae atereei la Ike proeeedntat He arae eleaa -ini vi'd, wttb tin'i'zeepthN) of a keavp broweton ateea* ; lebe. Be a re a Mac n inael ?an t a Ikoat aeoilnr, aad waa dree ted in a twilled *ull nt dark aiatri ..1 aad a acb worn. rbe preareVr ai ndteled as rranthati rolkale. altai Preueesco Poreellk aiatfl freeeiaeo P riri!<?. Tae Imlletmeal eharaea that "n July M Polka to, ? in .? knife,, iv.kwadj mi.I wttb 1 delii 1 ran and premeditated design to kdl Biekael J; deader, Old i ti il?-. etob, < nt Hi d wowed blm with the keife, ami tkal l;..i- n i< 1 tin .. 1 ml t. ere died. 1 in- empaan lime of ihe tarv waa tkea preee ded wttk The Brsi Inrorralbal was James C, Rennleoo. After betoaewera be waaaa?attea>d elooetp a- tn 1,1- B*ness in 111 - open Ike ? rhu bee. tie aaid Hi a 1 a bad r ad 1 be imblbd . it ai 1 unnta in rhe t?ap< 1 -. nu't la y bad made no tmrareeaioB au Me mi ad. i!r waa born m Ireland, not 1..11i 1,11 |i . |il !li .? u.'.i.n-i 1 .ilia.1- a- a i la--. Ii?' u.i* BC" eepu -I. aad lo k u a bb 1 iu Ike foreatan'o |daee in Ihe Inn tniT. Tweets-etshtother nu n irerecalled hefon iw.-lve mea " aunU aad true " aoiiaraetorr to hoik tae in 11 ecnUou .mil delenec arore found lo aerve. The Jurors wi?r ibeo twera, and Jadge ? owing, prcrtami 10 allow me tkam la w parate for tbe uicbt, urteil un ibr-m tin aect mit' ..: keeping 1.. 1 r ?mda in e uutaidc influ? ence The ei..*.- will he opened tin- uu ruing at II o'clock. TUT. REUP6TEAD REBEETOIB. nkowtxT 4 KKcnKT*a claim toAurai tbi ?ity op hbooklib BuarAixcn er taa ooom op aprkai a, Wiliiani 0. K ii._--.Ii v and Abner ('. Keeney brought aa aorJea .ii> ut three peara sge in tke firm k;-. u Cttj Court Bgalaaf Ihe Clip of Braektpa to leeetei s 17- .000 for extra work done aad matartala furnlahed la tke rouatructJea ef the Reatpatend Btorace Beser vn'r, tu 1 air - a.mi.f a cat r.n i - :tn d .1 maa: \ !?. 1 -T T'ie eitr. tbroaeb tke Cerperatiea One ?! admitted that ?ue'i a toetraei kad keen ozeseted betweea th' Breel bra Watt r ?'. mataaeeaera aad the pi datlaT?, bnl .' i mi i tkal ii waa < \. eated la pniBiiance el b fiaada hml tebeme wkereby Ike city wa* to ka ae> irmnled. it wai akat al hated thai the ababt< t;a? jailed la |n'rf< rm tke wi rk aeeeidatg in ike oeat'eet Tke taaawat referred k> Joba A. Loot, ThoBiai li Brnlmaa aadOeorga B. Ptatker, whotltteood be leeilanmp for eererel wo i>-. Thep toned that Ibe coiitricf wi* lawful tad ehlhratorp ea Iba ellr, leal none o' itie pi ?rci i af freed la the aaawer 11 re provi d, rbat ae to moat of then ne edbrl wao made to prate liii'lli. und Hint t in fai'ur ? nf the plaintiff- to fnl'I. tin ? ii .ti n t ba i nor aeea BoteedadH B Tae w..ii<, ;t v? at - etared. waa daae aeeaeOlap te tbe dim bum of the Chief Engineer and i> tti- aetbrfaetlen. Ibe refereee ahm foaod that the coat of the werk waollat* !ti .1 be th" ai t ef i-Ti ??> ~i. 100.000. and that tbe ? li la' 114**' recovery, naatbe limited to tbe uaexpei ' I bal am e in iii" i itv lieaaai7 annlieahle fnr thl? i. Tub* Baa ana t^i"7.Wt7 wkleb together with coats and Interest from the time of the impiethmof fbe work, imoaatedte P110,783 82, sad ?nt-1 ? i-.hi.i Iber directed Indgment In favor ol the idatuthts. The referees' report was eonirmed bj tbe Court. Tim debndant anpealed from tin d eel ahm, nr'i the plalni dfkai-p-a ed rrom tkal part of If which declined to . al\e Jiiiiwineut ,u the fu'i amenal elalmed. The Gem ral ! linn of the i itjr Court tuatalned tM- deelekm. Tbe matter t a- then eon led to tbeCoort of Anneala, before wkiek 't s i* Bl s 1 a fee dsvs sew. Testerdev this rvniri rendei d Itsdi sloe, affirming ibe judgment. With ihe lut<real which baa accrued tke aatoeal ? aaartj *1 10,000. si NT! NCED K I B 1 A i E PRI80N. Henry Propaeh, when abotit entering i enr ,.m Pas aeO-ove., aaar Oas b?died aad twsnlr s xii'-nf.. oa the algbl of Aagm i Lfl Bet, ?:.-i atl ickt d 1 y n na s Beatjr, aad kls watek aad abela ail a stolsn Oatbe following dap, walls aa Iba way ta eonrt, Bealyem eaped, bat wea afterward arras tad. Be ut also known Tin"ii:i- Pri'i.nan. 'ii. " Iii-li Timi." In the Coon nf Oenerai Hesakma veaferdey he pbrnded gnllly.aad woe ?enteiiecd to tbe Penlteuiisri for three vi ra. William Plemming. nf No. SOO Poi . t Ini ? n ed PlOOtoTb.Walab to purehaai meal fo blm Walas aiawainded with tbe money. He pleeded tuiiti peater* dav, aad a it m bo nee I to Bl ite Prtaon foi two i. si [y-onold DI lekopl wa- raogbl na tke n gl I >l He i rn brr 10 in i be u ase ol Abraham Btolte, V . 829 fbryi - -t. Be pleaded guilty to burgtarp tu Ibe xecond ii rree veatereay, nud waa seataaoed to Stele Frisea for ii\i CO?H f OF APPEA.I s PBOCEEPINO& Aniwv. Sent. 17.?In t o nt of Appeal . W dnee i. i n SO Blbi . 1 7, i-7'i : No. it. JafcaQe ma and another evei ? ri oniteeta, W iilun II -l l' ia- and o'her?, B|'PellBBtai J, J, p.-trv ;. sppella a, II ar A. Mel ana aod iieoraa C. Ulaake fnr ra BpSBBBBta. No 10 UMtllsm A. Miller?execalor, etcn appellant,art. n M 'i ntmmeip Mbers i ?i-nndenta; .? ' ..| i. , p, o. Me Dona ?: foi *\>\# lama, It. '.V for renpoudenta. No. 17.?KUsaaoih Dawa, apembint, attt. ueorire J. *ir. \ iniiiik, -. and at . , reapondentsi argui . bjrJ. McKeonfur i . Isar, Oahor I Rncbt for Feanoedenta \n. -JI.? Lyebi w srmatb, raaaauaeai agi. A. Kajette Tia. r sad UMMb r.axi i- sinirtlsntn. I*smed. Ni. .7 in--..ib M Keebler, leagemteoi, act. Bdaman Id. b>?admmlatrat?r.ele. appeiUal ; srgm Ibr smuel Uraae> in hi a i Bppi i .in*, w in ein Oaary Aneut fee rei poadi :.t. I f.' i-los- HAM.i I.WN. Keep agl Ksea. Metlen Ban bal with *lu easts oa the it thai this case I cad apfieatauli otbis court. Wees' ist. Ran.?JaS aientafflrm it withenata Bim? i?t. Oock i Haabb?! iai ? inner Oiditi" sWiawdaad JuUKu.eM ai ?iinie Int ttapawitenl un ?Usolslli n Wltb Kingaiej act. On Ctty of IWaotlya (twe eaM-e).?Jadgmeai affirmed wlthi >tatoeaeh par y asagsinat tba oUut ut the t.i'|m Bl ib ? Ideb 1 .)? b teaneei --in' ?. i r agi. clars i Roche* set. HaUaot s ?. Klbaat nTarts. ? r.i: la re. cbeaaboruugb lo \..,.it. etci la ra, Psfterean, receiver cd the Nercbaatt' au i Merbauice' Baak el rmjr. (iiii. r affirmed wrth i aata Ba km set, m i era ?, Klbaes niri. tTatborn.?Orders of i.. nei ? i Tr i ni dbmuselai an, ? ? r- ?. i -.. .1 ?,i;. to*!-. Ataak ?|k ? Pitt* -Oiemmaffirmed. C II i UtAa i B-DgT. Tbe fntkrwlng la the day calendar af the Oaart af Appsahl fui i batiday. s, m, mn, r 18,1070 : No-. .si. affi in, Pa,BP,4l4.'. Diccinioao- BKFT. 17 Jaareatt Cearf CArtmlt?Ptvrt l?By Jndgn Tea llrunt.-Agate ugl. Ulli < l al.; elalare Sgl. USSt, StO Casse Milled. t'trr-tt-fnrt lit Be JadgS Van BruBT, -McMaOea net naif, rtj -Case m lib tt By Judge Uoaobea.?Letebtwenm, sis . Sgl. Tteetew. I are -??Il i.i: li . .iniilinmiil-li.tvi l>. im - \ I oinmon I'ltas->/ie< iu//Vroi - llv Judge J. p. Dalt. ?fa Ina amtier ef Tadd, ate.; la tke matter of nwitbi inn aersgt. the Metrenobtaa garraled buuh?ad Oampearj Alle ?ob net Ufai.? \|iiu eaihms siauled. Ltaabary *? i. Rlagi r. _Mut,i,a ta vaeau ladaaseal sraalad j sptasl ulsroailuntiil srlUtnutei te the maller at Cramer.?Plaal decree oU ebaraiaa s*?nraae ami lor dhunbMom. Id tba matter of noes,??mal aaefwa aasaasgauj sasbmaa sad f. i . m bee. Utirittr Ceari' Cbematrs Bv Jostice Goeppw? (Bdraejr aai Mecallam.?Motbie far Jadgmentgranted, in* apb sgi Praana -1 ammlaaln ? i'r.?nt, :. , aba agi. Ii. raiaa Ifage ven Brsndensten appamtad rseelver. das agi Oee? m'iimii ei n.on i eemplatai ahnowsed ?rltheoata Wedaakl agt. Laewy, Baiioagra lad wlt?eioeosta HAcba?da. jr., ?at. J add dotioa rraateo. Ayers sgt. CampbeU.?Oefeud aiifadufanlt, Clemens sgt Bernstem. M<dian srauted; laalt ?steaed ae payment of B Bcaeta btdgmeal Ut naadas b-carlir. Hbabv nut. Kingslaad.?Haeelrar ?HiM-Uari:e<i. t-tu-b ii;l. Wo*.neh.?Arrebi r uui.a u.ihuin agt. Vaacei Ueabai sgt. iiaagaa i aamaimlrb sgt isntasn i ihb<>ta?n aa-t. Mpeim Bye sgt. Bta t bwb bawini Maeblae CWaipaagi ,.t,.?n eirt. Larreaberg.- Bai aas granted. Miami r ?vi liiake.-M"ti..n gnmtadi nrdei tar raiaoral to United atatee Caartslgned. teeltdgeagt. Petab?MeBea to v..trtti' srraal mt tut d i lib j 10 bbou. ? LLI MD ABB PBIS l?\T Boraaai < 11 nr caAMBBao-WeotbreaB i.?Mm I.B ;n 00. 03. Iii, dB . .i't'., iui. IOB, 107, I Hl 142, 14a 1.1 147,108.117.170. ?00. .oa. SO*, Vi*. *-a.amiieui l'aaea.? Maa IMS. 040. giO, 2i7, 260. ?.?,;(>, vi.l. kOa, 20J, .'ol 206, '-'"''. 208, -il.i 270, 271, 272. - : i. i"ii LOLBi ?i n iii. i kk\i?t''utt-, C.J.?Be aap ealstmar, conaoa Pints warm imm-j. y. ragp, aai sabJ mar. IdAliiM' CO0B1 Ii.iii. Taaa-l'AUr l. stn-a. J. Nu?, .?il.' 1..1.', 200, 20,07,2337,226, 227, 22?, 220. B30.22I ^.PJ. 222. i'Ain Ii MeAdaatj J Hos U67, IBl, ciso, 1MB III 114. IIB. BIS. 917,21?; 219.121, 123,324.22?. r ABT III- Alter, C I Km 1*2,2181 180, .I1H7 uj PJ '_'ol. '.o-.', ?.'uii j"7. :'n>. 'Jo'i, |n, '.'i l. ?_? jv ' ursKiiAL sassnms habt i i ewuax, .1 - ihe Patpja a<t. PiBiisBare l'olssta, bemleals i jonn iiraiir. Jmeph Marabyi .Iniiii It.oil, harKlaiy ; 1 Inmi ia dam, | .|,,u Kom*!, *ranil lar.our : Mauiua i alldem f. loalaoa an-aoli und Oaiu iy. Pabt II?ulidarslastSLy. The Peogm agt-liaarj bebaket, leha T. Brady. David ceeaara, Joba Thbalbara, robberyi t>*uie| Piaet, felaakam a?-amt aad battaryi .in in iiaii, in mn- Rlatdaa, Hemm i Pteobeem haiaiaiy ; Ja?. (ialUtftiei. rap.- , Murr >iiuiern, Kilen-au . WUltam UaraeaV, JiiKI'll ? oiin.ll>. lalienr Dem the Barsen i > barlra K. I lto-, lornerv, Bamasl r. Hept, Joba bunrhuuij tnSnni sistsa gseds; Janoa Dsebtaa BstaaU aad hau? iy ; gshsna gslkay. Bneaeaaaasa An DkPOBXITBATI Mi-iaki:.?Magistrate : " Tee ata ekargal ?,tn bavtag teapUed e ba*la ?r a etat over the p uiniltf." Irishm .an.iii | '? eure, pol b0Bor,ys nsasi foraivo me; iu ih. ..... i, i nioh Iba *;> atbaaaa tor me ?u-biitid." Tenclu-r i "Now, boye, qnndraped aibdbiped, roil kuoa, are two klnal* of auimuia. tgtedrapoe, iinl msl witii bar k-gs,aoeb u< cow, ebtpkeat, beree,ele. Bipod, SBtmnl with two lesji, ?neb aa?well, nb-. Yea, there in a biped " pttaMag loa picture of a aeeaaea too wall?aud 1 am a biped, und yon are all biped*, gaw what am 11" Pause. One of Ibe blpeda ; "A gooec, REAL ESTATE gew row . Wmi i etar. Be it i7. i-7r?. The fbnewiag faiea r/eti bapi1 at Iba Ex* rlmt at ("alaaeooM today /?? /?. h tm*1t?m * Ob I Betety will rtmii bowee with let. No 1,487 i i .... . -, 7 II ri i.l ?Uli M. I-" 18x8*1 m Mm. w Hal arm... .ewvran 1 ?in., a: Ii..u*?- w i.ii let, \" I 1 B ??' ll.n.-r. " '. IDSftenf ttb ara lot 30x I00.11: Chae arCeueer. 0,?ai'i 1 .?.-Luv bt lek ii i dine wiin i t. Mo . oh r.i.? ui? -t. ?? INJ .? n a . i rbeta?*aa-at> letf 1.8x801 Inut'aMe ?b Aaearaaea a .? . BABm Be Kte*"Ttl i H m ft ?J I -'in v hrPk -lw. Iili.r? ?Ith lot, K - I Mortal at, n a l II I ft w ol Bed*ord-el lot 87.2x83.2135x78.2 Davpj atraaaa. ? ? : . < i.i n? KBaL Barr ATM raa\JftFBM m ? ? < irr. tir vr-t.t-*.si ft n id t litt -t.-i?x;i'?; V J Piled. referee, ta KlUaheUi p-aiu-mi. . IMS fenoatdat . taeir Clifat i ? >?>. Chaw Decker hikI haahaad i > Clara Decker. . : cuff t. a a, ai rti el i.irk?n are,76x831ClaraDeeh' rr ?n 11 n-b ndteP Deeker ' Are Paw cor Ml' - \ Vi.i;? I ; .nal iNo w ? tve I) in .oltanfiltl ??: toxnOi WIBUia H Hen aad wif<- t?i J.iiiiIi HtlBMner .... 'JH O-W rgth at ? .. 118 H a io litb era, MxBti ? ? Jan.- Kavrn hi Leant V HaaUeb .88,00 i lotbaf. i I7?itea* lia-ave, Msiatui OOlat.a aaO arafe io Tbaaaa aaal' h . x.'.immi 9.1d-at,w ',.100 ft a of Hth are, 87.1*eXlOI.3*?i aw Bawtor aaAhnararailto K It Bafley.... 11.o o r/Srt-ni na, waf lat-evr, I l. u 100.11 i Jehu, orb alec,ratet .-.... nte v * Vera Ufa tamraan OaanaaBf. r>,ooo Bl rOKDKTJ i.KA-i- 8, Par. I: .1 t., li.-oi,. II l.ui.r-. No '.'so ilran.l ?t. ayeai'a ateaeea! real af . fi.'.'.'o Piirn .u:. io BBloCbarhM Weeka, Pfea f?3 ami Rr} Wi math at, IH roars a* annal root el. rt.nnn Mo-cr '% Ii hui? i nlm ViIkt. No m \\.?l I Uli?., lyeara, ataaaaalrmtaf. la on i rt i im i?! ?> ajtmr<; t'ii> gtBBBBBer, J -rofi to WinjkNB ii m.ira. iwrir.loli aaA 111 n -t. teeialaaaate. 444.000 Caaper. i tree! ami ?? to Mas 1 aaalaor, a ? T.'.th at, ?? a? i'.i ' . a noatba. 188 'am 1 V. iIojii.i K ii> I! . i 7 'll.-?'. ? ol, t BMBffca. .? ?. IN l oiiiinoa. larr ? an-i baahoaa i? ii Well, a ? aaaaaat, ar of UaBlaoa-are, laaialha. . lafBB Riertefe r?? |ihfa RHaa tiaaea helatae a - tea a of T .l.i .I. in--... .'-. . 100 I ITarriaon. v .-? il another, aotalntalrarer, i-te. to law A Wallace, Ma lotl Weetat. eta, 8 raata.... io.immi K'.liur. I I aial ?IfeUtUi-oriH M uni. .-? ' :i-. at, w po-ion it- a.'. a raara . l.aoo i ... i.i. i. ihi.. WaattwIhiiaJ W liutulaaaaa. aaef :, u ..f w.-. \. aVataad . 4JM bf arrar. Jtawph aaa wife to A a OatMtaM aalllttv at, ? ..| nil are, 3 raai, ... . v.ia a * aata Io M i ra I I ?? ateat, awaearawartr, lyeata ... '.vin Hi?i..ris Edwanluii i a lata teaL altlpataa, litblat, B wearlat-are, 3lota liannaaaaa . T.'.o. iton -i .tcta. J J aad wtb to Waoiaei B Coaataat, a?of ? ? i at. a -.f I -t are, t bo -. I naarlatarea, :\ iii>.mii? 10,01 0 i I ill i K -!i.-?. ? ? Pl!a|.?l, w of tth live. 5 \eei? . n.tllo ... i Rllu Lte i. M Oalilmara, n a 133dat, ruf i.tli .re. . l.'axi ? mi ii rhewtaM aaalatharato C oiaaooa,a a8B*B' at, e nf Mih-ara, *i mortaacca, Breara . 18.400 'rri o >. T'lO i;.i, i to 'oloi ii , , . || i- ror t'll i'T.l ami 11 uii-t. 3n aaya. s 888 tri i <<! !?!? Ii APBItiH 8KB IB Of MOBTQ kORB, <F:\i? iirul Csldte f?t yai? \ ( IIOICE ? H A l ln\. XOBTII UADIi OX i \ Knnare; ettra all dhnoer aad atablea, SOi'iOO. H.A. fO?Nt?, n o. .'.i , .\. |.-n,i.'.. |.| ire. a70lt SALE^-Tbrra hoasr?, :?>. 32, 34 I Baal \M -t. A<ldrvaa JAM. IJAUT, No.87 M...n -i., Pet 'khi.iI!. n. v. _ l.'nii s ALE.?Tbe rl.?".?!. ??? ? If?rsES, I (tea. 18,80aa8 33 Paal RM-et between MaOtaoB and Bth-areakihtleimriv i.-iin..i '.-1 in i.r- .?? . . .? Bark, aad aiatie aicepibinall) maveuleni ami iiracllvi i no* in l>>r .n?|>. cilou, ami n't.'re I f?i fUO.oOOeat . Jim \ i.i l IHM i \", DKIVA I E STAULE in 3fl h-*t., n?nr I'nrlr 1 arain tar aata or ta hak OBO. P. BOWKLL, lospraei ?vi tlOll 9;llC5 01 t{C;ll ?ttati. OC0T1' & MYEKS, Infi oneera, O WPIae'l ui i aeaaaee aalaernoaa 111 i ii. 'i'ti i h ai'i, a i r i i... it i.i l aeon. Pour vnitij .Jrf niiiiitiinr n>t i oa oorih atda Weal Otib at. oalp a . .. i io lent eaat ot Baabtrard, aak 874 teat waatal uVava ii.I An.l PBwaat. CifJonlTQ Uioprin tor Sale anb to tct. \DESIRABLE farm of 12 v n i i'< Mobdi mtli Ooaatr. N. J.. to ha -".i, iiy ordei ol ilia 4 > in. ai BaeboB,miaeatei berltO, 187a, furpaitl Dlanaddreaa i./ ii.v a. OaBt .ii.n. AiUaiiualrator, Mltbliebawa. h. .f. 4 Ente Uonnir* lb ulence, VVeHtfh?*NT ;\ Ceetup, ?.\ ai n -. all . ? ??. ? ?? t .i i wia rea trail' aa ? an o''.-r ? tnu di 18 in aal - ii oa Sa i Yarfc. Aiuiit?.- p,o. boa 8,100, i u?. a 1 ^? ?i I Ii OKANtaE.?For aalt ehe ,. Iiai 1 i\ aoan hauae, 10 rnotnai utodrrn ... n ?>. .. i"i BOslBO) i.??i BMI. claient, uaall fritl ,8 ; In atlun Ural i-i..p.-. i tiu rxclnuice. Audreaa LAI i 1--? MLtUbCK, a tit iii 4 ( HEAP HOME.?Poi wile, a Rood, well y\ balll it.. rlaaiaeand ha. rheha la^.tsltni ?? ?. fan aonae hi two ainrlra, nn i coataina 0 rotana | la Iba rear of ii,< in?Ii?.* is ,i -a. hi on. . nr - .oa . ?? i.i a rar? ui. I', atittii nr a famitore Maker. Thehouae i? ..u aiattn Irtaad, v. ^ , and ab mi i" Dual - ?aik Iroui < into i Lao iina, . hi prop rrtr eaa he bonebi far 81.380 pan ol Iba parebane i.rt ranrriaaia oa aiMlaaa ? ? Oroaa K a. i? box I8> Triwuie ? pOUN i .:'i SE \ r.?Up i le Hudaon Kivei Vj Daiebeaa Cmtaiy.80acr?a In8i. ? r. m-o Bepet; iiraaateBIa*aroaada. Iliielaada.aliaik. Ac.: . an .<-.-?, ta ii'....-. Adoreea LOUNTOY" aKAT, Boa P, li.ban.. ofJce._ /'(-INI RY RESIOESC'E for a le, with tbirtr \j flve aeitia land, lu We In i i aaatp. N S.. it.t?i- in.;.- Iron wima llama i liou*. n .- tiree i-o..-. i.. -; . 11 .ii: ; . i.i . naioa nun . ..- ?, aad io?> , i ? . aaudrr, laraaee aa<l raaae i a ? ?. wood i.....-. v wait-real be a creek. A pal/ le U. I. hTOXI!, I to Bl atiwar, ,'(?!: s i.LE or LEASE. Ma rtlctmlre KnrUiaerlna Katabl dinent IcaoirB aa tee koi I ilU AI.K l"l n B\". ii: Aaahhaatawdive., I bilaoelphla. Cotrera t*a at i??; couial :? tniathry. Pattern. Both r, BatlUt, hin in!.! I'ttna ahopa aad ofaVea, eqaipped for opera. inn; 7"i> ban i-. ai -i.? m rannata orrti r. .\.| ln-?a 11.11111'. lv Jt >.i .-, j.;o S ait'i ? l . _ Philadeipi la. ViiH SALE.?DeaimMe reahlcntrc in Nor? I J oeaa.) patN kwaaa^ 13 reeata, abatM Haara wrtb ban, ate.: lucailoa 8ral |iilce., uboui halt eaah, ? tanreaa P. O. Hot 3,874, St w.York. L?0K SALE.?A large and reri anperior 1 trat. Mai WUmiBBtuu. Di. line I.-rut ?? ; Ii i/li. !? .ilt;,\ a;. : | . \. rj way ?'? -iih'ii.- ; a irood alt pei erat lanetueai auaraa Ire.l. a tl.p rM at above, Box ?4*._ PA KM P?R SALE ' t <;.i ri n a of good land, 1 Btta op-bard. Bwataaa an i autbaUdianj watered by i? rreeka. aad well feuern | three anlea llvut White Plaina t.. '.-r poonty, .n. V. Aatdj ta IL L BTOXIs, 146 Unat Paar. IVOR SALE CHEAP ai >'l ANilolT. SJ.-A I ktlM, PiiOPKitTY, wiu 10 arrtw of htad, a pawarfi MPAiu "I Water With 18 f'xd talli :ili?l dwrllma hotUM BBd barn,Um aouu powerilaalf woi i, 83,0 Bilhewhohtii.rij can bej nreh .-..i 81.300. Applj n. n. i 0M Ii-, 1' ,* \\ set at., .n i ir-Ynrk i lij, 1,'Mi: S?LE or to LET.?Fnrniah?d nr un I furaiabed, n Iba weal abta el ih? llndaon, ?i\ ladaa abaia n bata, Baataaw reaakraceaml lam ' BOr acrea { laa aerea weoduad, ten arrea raeebeiiioa balaaea lawa -. dOB and lo-iil?. 'I In ? n'ol? I . ii-t-, i. i..--i i. i .h ; I in.;-.-. utnaairj and?.ii.i .-n ikioi.i! i.o..rj om- <>i the haaaaawaaal t ii ws ui tin- Biete, MOBOA9 .t TAYio;.. Bxrcatora, _80 Prank lla-at HllooN RIVER FROl'ERTY rot SALE or KK.N i. 1 be in",t attraetive, i omph telf faralali? i ana rbnrmitirtr ult'iaiert reeMean in Po'k'-eiwle, th? M t|Oeen i it) " oi .in< Uadaaaj akei 10 a.u ?. baaoanlli awaked aa tin rivet bank, near It Ulna. wiUt a co>ey eettape, bara, frtul. Ar. n. WBIO 11 r, KiHoath, r<.,?.-.-| ?..-, >. v. ORANGE, N. J.?Honaea and Conntry Seata letolaaa tar aal a i a araat variety; alao.fanaa'aDdbaiid. lapleta HLAt'KWI LLl m--..343 Broadway, BaoaaB Citf JJroocrln <Zo tel. \LARGE Dumber of deairnble officee ami hatta i" i. ? > a la i-, loan, Miowau, I a in? i aad ?iBeratri la aaaUa r. -i >?:::... lit i?v.M. .t WUITtNU, i ll-rrnmna ?i.. lteW-1 oik. tu'tll a?g|tttl lo ?fxfliait|g. W'l.s'l ITilt-si.. between Othand LOth-arra, I I rarer atari bmwa mo.n' weak] tie axebanared 'or aaiallbeaaela Braoalrn erpoaalbty Xew-Jaraay. i;i i.a.Mi .? WI1IT1MU, I II. ??Kilian ai. k.'iiiHino!ic, lUiiniiJ--J crn.ilea 4 LJ8EFIJL YOUNG GIRL.- HniTbeei, iuroiighl d'\ apwbeaaetmii alaWM urtakptnyhtt-ara or a babi ? i: adtolti i? Italy, cleanly, lotlnOrieoa and baa auoil ??? ?.. nteBOathna ai in.- pRt/l i. i a n i UOMK m KJCAU, Ua i.'.. are., hairth boaaa above loth n. 4 G0?I) PH ?TEbTAN T SERVANTS* offici f.a i nni i.?. h a, 1?. mi.I all . fin i? who want pood, n i ii'.t-ull ?.-r\ai.l uirl, ami w.niun lirrivo ...imiri . w hk.-.i io ?ml in,- uaiea. At Um burnt Pttol K- PANT in > M i i:i it:.\i . i - utb ire (haai aawn hi?o?u Ifftbat 11 an Uttel -o br Anieilean lalle?._ t L?iiY of GtfOD EDUCATION eurncetij i\ aaannap aibmmataaui) wbanaba aaa aaakaaa*i aaMaaefal i woakt Uaa the earn ?4 au katraUd. i or tarthac poi:. ui.iri addrt aa Miaa BATHI mm. Ban889, Alb ?aa, Pa?. _ _ \YOUNG lady would like a fioaition where BhawaaM bam bbobI tin taauMy i wtPBuita mat., be* ?t-ll u-.-ful ; a plr loanl ii mi.. *.i it.-1 111 Ii. i t 'tan Ur - a iliry would Uka ta a* oat at Uaa euf. AaViraea a. f*, inbun?-i> i.i?ii.'in >?. 1,380 Broadwai. I T RUCKE'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, i\ $99 Itbavau Bear 24th -i . > iaj khaaPa, ?in bo found a laraa i.mi.'"t <T aafctel aerraaot, ail aataaaa In.ui Prot.-?'.111'ami t'atli.dir, tnne a-ol f.-.i ilr, lot rouutry and city, oitli-r? ny man leedn i>nnti|U ?li?iitn.n. a. ii. i.i i kK, PraptutM, \ T MKS. LOWE^SGERjJ \N EMI'leOYMENT tt HOUa? w.L aiaaya l>,< loun-l a Uiru uumlx r of llr?t i baa Qeraaefl aar a aata for ?i a?aadoaai lauaaai aar faaiUhw beta la boardtaj boueoa mtu mu? and luuuLry Mra. I.OWK. Id! Mat 1.1th aL. near 3d wee._ AT BEDELL'S, 340 and 342 kth-are., aitaa 2a aeaa an- n-.w rra.iv for a Baaiber of w 41 pai aetmaaead aerv?ntauf aeery deecripOee.both Prdi-auut aud <atbotta, loi .in and < oiiuiiy , ?rrrauU lor boiiacaoik cau bnauiled wttaoataaaty._^_ pun ER, PI l n.u and TRIMMER.?A 111-7 rlaaa Mttt r, mirr an.I triniim r OaatlOa a lea ? r;aa. Ui?iiU i loima reaaiMiable led reiu.-a. Ail.lrraa, vt tall u ibo ar an lag *M in?i inn ?14 ttOOK.?A reapectable woman aa eook| tbor / oajri lr aadarataaAa bt-r bu.iiuaaa: city rrtt-reaice. 31d W eal U?lel.. 11 ml Oooi. Gummen. DrJBtea'-/eiiialn (?OOK \ i" ir-claM North German rook rot J ???. kiiif eoll . . ? ?? iti.ii i<> ? i, .i i..ii-i, . . * .Hyretei, M fl ! ,: M PHWK, i* .\ ?. ? ?. ulnY irirl t<? rnol. E x ?in: :rnn; f-u.r prare1 ? t refei ....... a S Weal 3 ,. (HX)K.-Hj n Irat-rht'fl |*r..r. - = i ? : ,, . ?PltrralAiliU 'i' III?. K/MM .Ii .ir. ; la ;, gnogb . . ' m'u';.- : ",v"i" "? ?*??'>'. /'?KiK, __.?.?By a Lknroitefc wotiriiigwoninn~ _"". _ "v k' ??"?'?in', r'. hi. Mir. .r Im. .,.tr* work, ,|,ldrea> rt.W Ii ;nr, ?t. ( h k ?K Ii ml A hs I.STAN I \\ \<ii:!f. V/ lirat rl?.? r(i.lch 1'n I?-Ujii- a/oman im i ? u?|. !? , , . i 'oiia. VVAttliEH and IRONKR??By ?~a i , _ V/ Hak ... ? v ii.a.i: . Ii< m , ?u.tir _?,. ' , f oik .miiI Ii r wnli. i .i,i. I nnrr;|.| m r '. r n . ahm. Intl. -l. '?,,mu *"??!* t ?OOK. or COOK imd C?VlWE U' \<\\\v~Z Pr ? Barl i >.f l?i Und Prr.|.?i w,| ,,,-?_ _,?,..? reaped. Mi . . v land loui yeore- . ... reue. <.i> . n eal ??. game, fUh. f..wi? . n.?.... i . . ., ; n /, "1 ?arte: would ??i-i min '???hlnir *<.Ih r, .'."in-at ,,.,t, Cnll.ii III ' KK -. K'i If. ;u.'. i.. _?? i *" 1 / MIAMi;,:i:MAIl>, A.-.-a ^.? ~ V> ehumbeririaht aad ?.nl'. a; or In Uk. ?? .... . ob :tr.? . rw-r.nee. IftOlaia! _-iii i. " "l (MI\Mi;i,l;M\lh, A.-.-l-v , rounff v/ rhiimheimmt in.]l *?lin?; h.i- ro.,1 . .iT r.,, ? * nroia lau place, inj Weel :td et. r"i?-re?ea (MIAMK. I:MAIK \,-.-\ v,,,_ ja ?7^, v, . ii.iiii e.w..,k ai a waiting j my m.m,-,. , . ni Na. I. .! ? aal ? :t> i ?e. pHAMBKKVVllKK^By h reaiirUb.w ,V .;r::'v;,,-c'':M.;M:,r','w,*'k'" ? "ri" pil?MBKKMAIU .ml \V \l | REhh . i;. k v^Prutaatant nrt, jrerr reaoaciabla aa<1 ?? II r . laaaaaaMi ia ni? n nt in Ii?.; capacitf . a ? burn maid. I) ay i i) i uadoi khMMla all abau aalklrva: <1iy or eoantrr. ;? i! aa! i,.... 2 .? i|....r. ::!.->? a,.];.:. Ihr a (IreiMmakm ofTire? eaparliarii la raltiaaj RU-aa. maiai ... arUI gaaol mhf Bar or lake ?i.ik at Inline; rcfareucea. Ailibr-aa R. Ad?ei;i.,.'n, ? i I i;;i .. .1 <H \> aal V ;.| *?. i;l.?\KH. akdv-Dy .1 >-v.iii.i. in .kei .in.: ?.;.[,.; i. ?< :o if . mi: i'v ?.?..?. ,,f .,... ,.,. oily nataraacc. i aa .11 ? r i i. hKKH8-JAKI iL?By a rln namaker arlin m ?l | Ilka lajraoat bj ikadai aad i-:> ? lawtreaa'a Mai ? Uall far two dar*. >?>-??' t.i .n.-, i.. 1 w. ;,id and 2 BKSSMAKKB.?A _r<-?mI ?11 --..,.i-;ii noulil like :i tVw tin r ? i IHlaOaat< : ''an do .1.1 k la !. .,f ...., p .. akae bfaaataatanddiauei *i liaax lerm? ipiada? A'l Irea*. H K. A.. Trlbnie fnUn>n nfflee. i >ot| mmIwij I7IKST CLASS colored liclpfoi Hal (\,-. 213 I iv nd -.rii-i. 1>I!SEKEKI'EB.--Bv an intrtHffent, re aaal manaa of > u-< rfn bapeai'loa, a* tboroaab. praa bou*afeceper.i .:i..oi ? ira ; .?? -ir.-. i~ ru.jn.ut ...i. Iiy ar ooaatry. >....??? for one week, *tatlaa I) H n??SEWOKK.?K?*apr?i'tal>H.' hmhih to rln general I ini ewoik : iro. ii ret, r. 1 Wad J j i SKWUBKI !.'? -:'??? 'i . a family to any r ip-riti ; caa no'jf.??l ,i.-. . , ? .','i i AUi'? MAID ami KEAMSTKr^S.-l'nH ife at I AUNDBI ?S.?A i ? >!??.. i "i,i a. i, p. IJ rfce*? j ba* II il-elaee refercuca . cad fur la a ear a 11 I AUXOJtKSS.?A l i -i- hin? laupilti aa Wlehca I * nrorb la bar awa ooaws or klad* of aaa a Aiaj at| W ?I I7lb-*l. I A VsI>t.'ii??*?.?.'? Orat-claiM Inuudreaa wialire a A . en ? in 111 kl d* < I all) wa< B* '. b< r !?- eucei beat raferenee. fall or ad rem K C- 11 I I M... K1M1.M i Hotel. In.ii-.'i.f. hi i' _ ?.r ra!ld ? I - i ? . i ? . ? ?'? r ii ' A-i I m K V I !.' i I . pmaautllii , i,-. 4 Broadway. VI i.'.-...- By a oil!,.' girt; i> oiao a rood _.a .bermabti b ?t ot cltj tel i.t See Bta .v.. i ?: Boar, bi kl -?: .1 -r._ V U 'I.. A young trill to Inl t cure ? i groira i.1 .in .In ii or waiting ut gaoe family i ci|y ml renca. Call? it. We t .?tb> ;. VI i an ('zpeneuccd nioDtbly Burae, i.1 Utw uior. ,,,.. ? i ?' t '. i r.i ??! ..i. . i ladyi : ea .-. r;o ? I ;i i ?t. IM?RSE, kr.-Bi a yr.n ? r.. Z * - . .?(,.?:?' i r n ii ami Km . ni nnrne |.i -r >winir i ;. SEAMSTIIESS.- By a ream clnbic young aamaa ?? ???<? itreaai Ibaeej r ferea ? *. Caa ti? i.oa *i ??! ?? ni i io|ii?v i i ?. 'j" i.m.i u iv*. tii laida \\'AN I I \ idire\ <u lioaaee t.. Ink* ntrg T t ,.t, by A inerte ,u en mlei nucli i n ; reler in . dri u. Aditri -? v. I. ii.. rrj in?! ;. . I, ? - it;. ? !? w. . ??.?.!.I -.?;,-!.-t ...?.\ v ,_h. ' t .ii/..ii i rnalapr. ineKaal -ji ni-r , eg Boar, backt am \V'.\ mI'? !'i .:? ? , :t woman ?iahet fr lamdiea'a ?u.l gaullaatea'a waabiua. ai r. *?????. able term?i beat of refer*l .-. 110 W. u ...t i -t.. :? I I baofe rnoiu. 0ltgritlgM i? ;:::;J?lllMa DY i ot loBg experience, a litualion at It boek-kei e*orcorreapoateal ? thai . ? ??. ? i ....' .. .., iiai-vlaaa ref.-i a< . Aa a,?* w. i., i rtba at ? gi . aOO?K.?-By a eoloroil UXill a - cook t iei in v ' v.ite fi'llllly ,.| ; l< e Mi. , |.|ir. d. .I'd wltll Ig aad eboklag; ilnav laaa reference. ? .nm *)tra . i-a*. /t(>AC'HklANi it .?A Hingie voting n ? \j (Bwadelaaa i bama n inli in r. wiiltiia .n i obilaiun good reference, Addn-a* r. U. 10 Uneawic ??. ffXIACHM ??' <l OlitlOM.?By t G i nan, Wj imieengblr eom|??tenl i ? Hing an-i oVIgi ig; re. tere. i.., . ouutry preierred. a iidroaa i . i ., i ribai.Bee* / M 'M il MAN.?A fonug rolnrr'd man, BtBT* rti .1. i. in in , it-el* -i terence?; l if, n Nkl ?lylleb diiier; height, feel ?! 'i laeb ??; aetghl, 117 ;>" .ml*; ..?.. i. Addreaa OoO?*r........ iraeroM-M. j Hi At'11M \ N.?By i H rat >e Last maa; ?nn V- ,? ailaeverye pecti .- a reiyearefmcuydnv?ri in er eel leal gyeami rtiictii t. m rrafi ?? ,i- ? i rbMa . v reiortaeea, L'alloaoradni mtX>A< uMAB.?bg WtHl Mlb-d. _ _ pOACIIMAX.?Bj n tingle man ..I Ion? pg* V' ierlet.e.. a: tl.- t.;i?;ee?* : ? rin ,,nlioii :r. 1 '? MBBd* 1 ? ? Im-I', i' < ai tii o- 'it 'iir'n * . tu- -, v. i i. ?W eii.-- eny reference* . iblrmai 1. e? Boi ? ?'. fl n i i p. town oatce, i ,!cm greenwm POACHMA.N iiiid UKO()iL Bya i tabM) \y yonag Protamaai aaai mtmadi ae atnatri eaa '*tr theealtreeh i? ? da trail ai*n'? turnouti reayectiai, eg hat and aa pog, andean t. btg*d) m-omme u I lot bB booeaty anbriet) aad oapeblllty. Call oi aaabram rHOM-a*, l,.7 M r?l i ... -I _ pOACHMAN, (iAIU)KXEB ami ?SEFCL v. By a roapecitble married aiamwBjheaei id i ea atfl I...i- ? ..mi ?? ,.t:.-, aiUk,dagarda ,1 ,n aad p> urn al aark abag genileman'e p a e. Apply ai CABPttXTgaYd, loa auvata. lb I J AHDEN EIL? Bj a competenl aingl " ' oh.i .i 'ii ' ? cm. nl inf .iii.c . I 1'OACH.MAN and riERVANT.?Bj i i W Vv ampaatahl eehajed in.", ace te year* w a biim dnvi r ami ere an i e?n a * ? boiid iir? a tend tarnaee ai,.i<iaer. and do ware an ut i;. ml hi. T: abara i ?. . i teat aa i. i. <i. Apply at CAUPKXTtkU'B, : uota-avi , ar odto*. ?ROCERY CLEKK7? By a yonng K . bV " A ni. iga '-'I v. .r-, Itb . ? i i ... 1 . .nen laat eiaidoToc111 red '(perleaced. tall r iddreai a ?B 1'K M'Klfs, |ogd?b are., m M m k ?' ? 4 1 KUDl \ IvU, ?tc?Bj a roung man Ulli? leeg "a yaara ef agok kalke cam p. aa bnnbamir and can ? .u; gaud i.'.'on.meint..iton. Addivaa C. K. sMI l II. Ol I D '. man. g rid, .. taiibml a*i*m7a?? rid.? ,?t ..r . ? '..i'*'a he a| prci niti'it. Call or addreaa J. C, at ?ee<l ?lote, lira ad way. m f^?RDEXEU, Ac?By an Am rieaii I'n i < " * .nit amrruBd auto,age iblrr?--aevra yea , wliba? eaa laadaeap ?, care not aad <.I trapart b green m "'? bonaea da. regetnble earaValag. dte.; ?m cam h ram aW. caitt .drive, tc.lfeii-ln i.aaedimemwiaiMaaa aiiio* ut < Alil'I Nl KB'a, I od i th-ave . M ii Ott -r j J AR0EXE1L?iliiderainnilB fruit,Uowi raand ' i . itetaldeai arveob.niara i lay bag eol at aaa aba a-md ilmlaa* . can wl.k, and do ait aorb arooatl ? ? * pbi ?? . woaiil laai < ..o id ? >a burae j alualc j I.mik ? ?i* ik oca la blteennun mlnth me Ai.dr.~*M. if.. u. at t'pto * n iifBre, !.... - !?.< ad a ay. /^ARUEXER?Bv n tingle Proteatnni Nor \M aeglau. waaibMhedai rarueehtthi ternaaraerkaitj Uarmaay. bra eeeml i agbtud. ana aavaiW u i* a Pjea prtramplacea aibacwuntr) d .. ? anh gi ..^?ri?* faftedwberea goad p nn'ima" vui ba aaprrdati I ell. .. In ; . i ? .. bP/er. .\ iur. aa C N., 001* ut 1. ?? . llliOA'.N, Bergen Point, X. J. _ _^_? / J A K! ?IN I K. ?1!> a man who thorrHlgklf \M aederammaj I - beeteemi h.i? hmg aiu*ibam ia an in nonet*, hot aad eeat grapm ???, irnu* ,.ni regei?bwti allaOMi-n* of li.e vear ii Iii|iIIM : iiliU. mlainl. ai Illle^',,?? in. ni. a oaaatrj i tue: lareeemmeaded btgbli -? briet a i.i a ii jetrdi roe*, and auber, boaeel ami a tilg kg-' tdaTtm 1. it.. .? ;<! i..i-, . Itb-at. _. NKVt -YORK CULe?RE.) MI>-H?N :Ml l.<lV Mini OKPK ' .\... IM Waal Mtb ? b"e? teake W .liter*. i'oaelui i ii. . ii .i i. xk.k . : ael* *** girbi far gaoaea baueawarki m etat or com. ty. - I 's 1.1 I I.M AN on a farm or gi ntleni ?:>'* \J aatee. to .i ? "lorrd man ag>-t<nrti ?\. ???"??'? *? boneal ami llidu-trtmi*, ami ?< il recommended ,oin **" tie ami tun ?.'? drive, i.ilk, d l garm-riiiic and f.oma" ? ply M CABPaBTKB-n i BPLOYMKKT MOUBg, 100ew a?e.. m al lull at._ I TSl.KI I.M \ V- \ v.nin.- man i.o|..tcl. >? ?X tag tadrive to lakec' ar,.' ? f b ? ae%or to aait Pr,,JJ3 aiiii'ia ami ?idiat'ig . gi**l civ fi fi-nanae. Aildre**!*'* (U\* m K?, U"i i ". hrtbaaa Uptownoama, UKaa niaaa**ij ffhEFUL BNGLISHMAX.- VTilliBg. *f_j t_y uiakn hiliiM'l. ii-. tut around the bon-e | t?-i"t ' ' en. e* ; city or c.niutrr. Mb are , near .Md at n. ^ IV?TrEIL?Bj ii Swedish mail ia WBlj J M anrmmauteeareelan Brtabnl gaetbaapoi n ???'**? ? lv reo n il... A.i.irea* ^0 Weet TiA-ml. New^V?aa._ ______ Uf ?TEIL- A roung colored atan waiter in a private fauiil) , giaal refere.n-. *. ;*-i..hv*u % V \ I I EH Bj a arat-claAt aaiti i wuh n* TV fereoeea from the l??i plaeai ;.m>*o' i _ir~dl. W? l'ilt'un? 1 plowuottlce. .No l.-ti tamwww