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rAmuofmcnt^iinO iiiccnuQo *Xo-Xi?,ht. h\_i*sTasATBJt, ??< ri ' " _____ *,,i aw-.* , ra nouiro. " n?? Mn>' \i ?at." Hattklt a nr atbi 14 Oar DaagB*era. Ol.Ta.ri' i BBATBI M I A-Akt- lutaiai " RrtilhW .?in " f)A* ii. N.i-.. MiN-:n? - OreaA ll'>;-r.-variety. Staboai ? i "! ?1 _i " N '""" " ,. ['mm n v.i ih__iim ? tar l artaar. ? vALiAral ini*u.? -"WolfecVa Kik?.u amvvj. vn i mti Tl ? >v.r-:.,NA,,!..;:::;.:.:x n^uunm Kx. at Jv, ? \ \ i ?1 u I i _ Jn?ft to _\urrn;9f:nciue._ Ayi >i v im. :{.'/('? ' Stti retama i*ni.n- \n d i in ix? i m - 7M / .iad eota-aa. Iiai l> ?Ni. |... i.l/i i .?vr i; . . iii'iii til ?|n| -? i ii v\< r?- PWM i ll <?? '.'Iiii. Betini.j. kuik?bp ?*(* t iur? l?i aammi (niii i tin \ NivTK'K* 34/?'! /<? bib ;imn. Daai n(. ai ?? una M tmmt 5tBee iaaa. 1 mi i m Nortel - 7a / am i ? I iin f?i..n- :!</ /yi '< iit'i roma ? >in?n, iv- '.:/. /..??.< in. aa4 tin. aannaaa inn i. on i :ii/ fnwo- ."'.ii <?'>uma lea Ca kam -id I'm* ."iii a?lama. LaeractTio*- 94 tmm lat. tm, M, 4Bh. Beat M ae* i.iii- - Ja* hCWOOla m Im. -Bth M rtnn. J.icti i M ABU Ml it1v.- ii?/ /lK?r-f.tll column. I ? ?i AM' !<?! si. m ham - 9lh eo?em~ Mabbiasb* abb ihlatik ?"? earn niB column. _ Mum hum. i- 3a f>m< aalamaj MB I'ti^t? hin in <i r>:a rata-BBM. n?v ci i i k'ATinaa Sil Tmm m eemam. PounrAi Ron i- m? tnm eta eoBBB-B. raoi? -ai .i i< ." i:t niami tin J'iaii 2S /?*,?<?-vn ratnma Bni'ATioa* a art* _ Hai.ks ram kW MB?MBl fan a um M ?'<.' Btfe aart 6th rataaaai hi. i?i hotm i ? r_ a "hi '?mam HBAMIN .i- am ivaII ItoAi.k llt/i / uo<- 'J'l f_3?t M ci> mi aa ?1BAMBR? I i v? 7M fane ftfh ?immn. h win Boten ,!'* ran* l*h mlama 1 11. lit ii in' / mir -.'. I, i.. num. Ur.yin.-9? Roiirra._ " Al.Ol km T III: \m> >*?*??*-? i ?o-paaaat? Mil a. Cocoarxr ooothea the Irritnti ?1 aralp, remotes I' ? .... i al i 1 iffnroa a rich Hurt if i" lb* lia.r. ISubi nk I.xiir\ No. 49 ci*t. laa _be km ?t an.: M_a*l ktfhfMBlm aheal laa new sii tu 1.1,i?i. i i t i ? laaata I Ik* i>< aaan .ad r. iaa. Mm H' eaaBa a.'.li. aa Taa t..n.i nk. !n>? Voi-l j'a!t^ Haut. Hai!v I mi; ?na,910 ft r aaaaak Fkmi-Wi ran ran l Mr, Mail mil iwribera, (Hperaa. Viiii^ in...iNi. Mail Sabecribarej |8 pm aaaam TttMh caafc in mi nix a aaAXCIl <i|i|ii>?.i l HI TRI I ''NT. fimVK >"i.k- \". 1.239 Broadway, rat aar iliirrv f i l-t .. No, A08 Weal Twenty-thir_-#t., rornei 1 ;. i ?I -im ..: No. 700 I!. .!-.,\. .. >ion Bl 1 i ' - at will h-at.: No. P2 Kaal Foa 11? ?Btb-at., aetacf I : it uaroi No. _'.^s?" Fourth a ve. lMarlaat.1 Vt AOHLXOTON?>o, ] .323 I - i. 3VeiA^a?rk ItaUa (bilmne, founded cy HORACE gpeeley. IHUTiSDAT, i I' l: UREH 18, 187?. /yy/ .v>;i)> TUJa \'oj::,l\<;. Y rkiox.?King Cetywaro waa eaaaarad l-.v ?n Britiah fotaea oa Aiku i 98. i Oeaera] B_nbel if i* in i i.iiiin.ii..t Ibm Roaaian ?x j liioa Bftratturl t', ? Tan aaaa . - Garaoaaj ni.ii Aaatria are la caaalaaa aa afraaaaaal iuu t i'il v mal li tag each other'a t?'rnt"rj*.-: lln- t ? > Urua tad AaaaMaaBOBh f.-nr im . v :.> l.i ? r i .-it i !? ?' iiiini jraater_a]. = UobbI roa i Um Aaatriaa AmOtu idor al PariBk kaa ra ?IgBtl Domm ric.?n eaeral Batler v m aaarJaaa 1 mt fSiivt-rti i ?.( \l i--!t?-"ii-? . - ..t W'..; ? . s . r \.-'? :? i. . i I i ... iHoe waa .. i v and Inmaltmmei Umalatform duptediaaorod KatioBal iu> am t ' ; it deaeoaead ooavicl laaaraad titmCivil 1 i . EVaaaieat Hayee waa reoeired wilk areat entlmalnam al Yoaagatown, oiim, yca Icrdaj : ' ? ? ? iverod am aAdiaaamiaaaaa laaath to tin )? > ?i (* ilal nimiinaii alai maka, _= ? i : SeerotAWT Piaaa> baa r- pHad to the im pott r* in ?. 1. ttar t?- Tnm Tr.iiirvr. : Ulai i i lad that Um raiaaiaar af tiaaataiiliig tlx imttl.' i! mjm oi Cooneetieal to tBa aea Btata Hoaaa al Hartfurd, j?-. ? m\, era* wttaeaaec] by 100,000 i ? ? ?-. Vi ar-Genera] ( irter, :it l i. la ?l- pbla. I ? ?!< ad. Vm ami si bcbbam.?Tba Tammaay IHaooeratB a 11 appoial ? Btata Cemmittee t" aapaoai Mr. XeHy. The lBaerl a laa itate Fnir aad tht Hort lei I hi I Exhibition oia-ntd yesterday.-z 'i m Mi ll al 1'. ?? .]!?'. tba marderar, waa iwaeja, : Jamee Radpatb baa been mkatna f'ir lere weel . Pe rick Marraa, a |ioIitiai>e_n. bbbbi reatcd fur tr-tifyiut; felm-ly.-A |N,liceman ahata Iktaaawaoathefeaad Inbhiboaae. QaU v.i ? of the Y iMeadef itleee dollm (4131! yi Ina BO.oi ?."?-. Beoehfl bbHtb wrthta naall lowtaationa, ..iiil eleerag luegiilai aad fe^rariah. I hi Vv.Aiiiii:.?Ii.imm: loeel iilieenaliaiai ta< dleatc clear or partly eleodj weather, with ahghi ahaagea Ib tea-peeatare, Tlmrmcaaetet feater da) = i-.-: sat, 78 ; laweat, 4C :.ream, c71? . A latter froai Calia Thartor. printed on another pmre. fmnlfhea bb neeoul ?>f the Laat daya ol William M. Hunt, wboae nntinierr death vi' Buck it ihoeli to bis frienda and t!.c j.iiIi.ic. At tin- r.ill trade ink <<f hooka, whidi be? gan \ t :.liy, lln rr \v;ih ii'v. !y Uddlnf1! und ?May k'?'.ul prieea wem obtained. There were f. w oi rbc Bifti'g'tt i ??f prieaa which often at* lend each nklea, and tba lanua abowad ? fen tnl bntproTeaBent aa b_ri yenrHi QMCatkNta, The pedeatriana who ar.-' to eon tend ibottly In tbe Mnl:- 'ti flijnan Gtardea held a little eonrention ye lerday, nrbieh had aome fi?w Byracnaa i nuns, liut there wite no nerioiia <1ik; .iti- after all, and ai all tbe a tea declared tlii'iti ?i* 1 reg anti-dad with tbe arraufrementa fii'iillv agreed a pom, Iben need be no inter rup'i"n t'? the pettthd preparation of tbe _BBffihi Now gal tin ii tbe ilnll proeednre g| our aonrta is la ten opted by aa episode thai i* fkdii) dioMtie. Tbara uns mi,'1, gg Inatnnea yeatiirdaj when g petteaagna charged thai n?i iii???o !iia Ufh try a plated slmi i. ill bann ntadn, Tbe aeenaei rebenraed tbe alleged Mine bafoia tba jury. Tin gbarge waa denied by tbe piiwtner, nnd t'ie Indgn*e enrioeity vm m Bineb niagMed that be f'Tinmi' il the liiato', mm\ itagOTand thai ii bod been tampered aritb, sn un t.. np. l?i >rt the pollaMM>Ai af-Ty. it wa> fttdjeg QiidieaBBe eg who Bade Mm ithmoiiij, iiml l'i In.ii l iliidiiH, now mic of bin eomi 0-keta, noaiv-Md the Jndga^ theory when planed npoa tbe stand, Judjre Giider bImts _aadg an exeellenl Jadge, bnl tin i* th?- brat tuna, if wg are not niigtntam. thai Iii-, expetleMg m th?- nds truw bM Ibimi af direct Berne on the Iwnch. When it 1?-?i bun rIm to tiikc ( l Elodina'lnte the at i vice of tbi court, bg nppointfid battef tliuii lit- knew. Tbe gpnbal g| it all was that the faint ly anSMSOel ?_?? waa rt lea.?ei|, mjmi ||H. l-obn in in was locht ti up to await bia trial tor j.eijmy. Qeaatal Bntler^a itgibb nadea tba Oanatitn tioti uu<l lawn, to Imltl a tonri'iition am] Mentnati htaaaa-l for GnaaraM af Man-Bach a Mil-, is betotid ijuehtioii. Ititbtd, the only %naa_tan in .Ibe caae in one of' t;ihle, gnd la for tbe iieojile who noagfaknta him to toiiaitler. Tlie tlisjiaUhea li..iu \V..ire?lii 4,'ivo an acvurato notion of the re-p?'('lu biSfj of the iratheriiitf which gntbared IbtM JhggtMdagi and went throtixh the ftuTin of a preairaiiKi'd noiiiiiiatioii. it (,. u t,ral liutler ran alloid to Lake u uomiaatioa I from such !i COBTCBtiOB, tin' court ? ti"ii ran eartajaly afford to pive it. This f/ntber in?; r? i>r? j? lit* d what was left ?>l tin Pcniocratie pmiy of Massaclutsi Its after the r?"pccta'dtif y was squeezed out of it. NOM the less is it true tluit ii Wll a n pit sintative 1 ?cniocralic ionvcutinn, ami tint Eta aomlaattoh fairlj eosarfetutes Ganernl Butler the Democratic candidate tot Governor of M?ai lau if a Ai Mr. Tartan suggested, tha question of tepllaillv in settled by the bill <'l the vole, ?Vbaa Iba reapec table Deiuoeruey COOld full only 10,000 \ ,if<>, no j)lui)f of It-. Irrrlliiaatr succcsmou can prevent the disrnpu tabki Deaaoeraey, with Mm bulk of the p rt| rote, from btitiir retarded ax the legajar and roptaaaatatlTg organisa? tion. There are various planks in th" plat font adopted which boar uikmi tbm subject, and will be road with interest in this Btile, which is ahm enjoying Jnal now tb*> luxury of two DtMocntic parties. It ii tadead a little <><id to in.ti the foUowenof Ueij in.iii P. But ler in llaaaaobttaetta Joining tbe foflowers ol Samuel .t. rOdei n New-York, In ayging I " ilu right of the majority to ru!e.'' TUE NMW-TOM? QkKRSBACmZUS, Tin- Qreanbaei rnvrtj bis bo excuse for ex? istence in New-York. Tbe people of this State do not com plain ??f nnv lank of cur? rency, 'l ime is aoaroalj a Unee of that iar tow and Ignoranl boatUHy :<> National banki which baa Doada an much mtaohief cU* arbero. Tba aaaiber of deposftavi in aaTinga bnaka ui thi- State is so large that it aitghl !?<? s.if. ly pmlieted thai a Communistic warfare it)ion invested earnings would have little giiiiim.t. Under the Greenback nunc, how? ever, have fratbfred some dlssatlsflm! aaen who complain of abaaea which no ebanga in the volume or ebaractet of the currency can remedy, ami ahOBt them rally whatever of d uia^oihutn, Lgnoranoe and prejudice on the money qnoatioa there la in tin- State. Greeubuchiam propel baa m strong tnothold in this Sr;.;,., some ire inclined to l?t Iii vc ill.'* the so ralh d Greeukick ticket may In- safely h it nut of consideration aa a factor In tbe probloai Mm of one party or the ntlu-r nrc likely to be greatly deceived in this impreasioo. Neither the Democrntic nor the Republican party can afford to ignore the appeal to popular feeling which tbe ao-ciUlod Greenback party mikes, ami ol tbe two we believe that the Depsoeratk party will Buffer much ti e more bj adopting a policy of lu diffi r? uce. The i lent ion in Maine l aa shown thai nearly the whole of thv Doaioeratie force, even in an Kasti in Si ite, can be diverted with little difficult.*-! to tbe aoft>mosey movement. This for two rertHOOIl the rank and file of Demo crate* are exceedingly hnngryi ami much dls vi'iiM'."'d us to the prospects of tbe Deinocratic l>:ii: v ; an?;, - c ?nd, the readin .* of !>? mdVruiic pi.i. oiiiis ; I Bpeei hi and the coursp ol tlio Democratic majority in CtrJjgress for several yini.s havt prepared them t<? accept almost r.ny extnivatraBee ol Bnancia] bereny as n l>'iniHTTitic doctrine. The leaders i.' the piiiy du not venture to in ike that open ami vigor? ous attack u|mju tbeta beraaiea wbieb i.-. iifcct? ?iiit to prev?-nl th< ir Bpit adiBg. Many of the liai ; aic llunldrjg of politlcnl Bllcct'rb to In reached by the aid of Weetern repuiiiatorn. i >t poMiiive opimaitlon to the Greenback no? tions, it is tjnite piohablc that the Democratic party will show DOBa, Some Ri puhlioan Totera have been, ami more may be, drawl off to the support of this faction. It is not will to for fret no? tion a ??!' tbe wildaat suit Lave rrainid aoiun new adhereuta from the Republican force, even in Maine* where thooiaada have been won hack from their delusiona, while other tbotisands have eaugbt the lor tbe liist time. Ii is to be expected thnl tbe Ite pnblican ih will us the Deaiocratio party will lese koiuo votea beeauao id' thin mrKrecsivv Fpirii of the Grreoibaek fnetion. It is true, i Ib-pubbean voten have been differently edu j eaiid. Tbelr leaden ami their favorite jour? nals have not taught them the IdeoB of the I inii.itionistn or the n pndiatois. Their Repre ?sentHtiven in Congreai have ?tood tinnly in defence of the public faith. The vetoes of a Kepublicuo PieaideBl have called their at ten tJoa to i ,i t u t that the Republican party docs nut believe in BOft-noney. There is, moreover, strong reason f<>t all sincere Re? publican* to reaial any It torn p4 to divide the party on Financial laraea, becauae tbe pi iciical effect of such dhision would lie to turn over control of tbe Grovernmenl to the Solid South, its n^'oiutiuniHt-i, Its banded ajaaaaina, ami its repantmtora. With prn|?er effort, the Republi cm party in this Stale can not only win hack many who have boei s-.diiccd from it by Grecnliack notbOBIj Bat il can so educate tin voters that no such bnfMlri shall be able to ?eke head with them hereafter, lSoth parties owe it to the country, and to the welfare of this great commercial and manufacturing State, to make vigorous efforta toextinguiab the Greenback heresies. This State, even mom than any other, has a direct iutcrcst in maintaining a sound currency ami in d? IVmlinir the Dubttc (Sredit, The votera I who may l?c drawn away from cither party tliis year, hecau-e cunninn leaders think it arell to ignore the Green back fnotjotn, wiO imt in- tealled back bo readily berenfter, when tbe defence ol I be public credit may real with the people of this Stale. In the next Presi dentieJ eleetioa it Is likely thnl the 1>cpjkn> racy of the West mac make rommon eausc rritfc- irrritdiatfrrt and inflathnalata, It ma> he Dtreemaiy foi hVnMtblicnns and aiBeere haril moncj Uernocrata to stand together in thai eonteati There wUI be no other optMxrtunitj ao goad as that ehich this campaign ailbrtla, to adneate puhlic opinion on ih? questions which have heel nio.-,t BCfdected b pnrtntan djuppuarioi for Boase vein, and which may coiitrul the aezl PreaideBtial rdection. The Democratic party in Near-York i> too mmb disorganiaed to atak?) au rffective flghl lor any idea. The great danger of the Repub liran parly is that it will count too conti den t!y ui uii an easy rietory, neglect tooombal lednc ti\? poft-mospBj aettows with nfllcientenergy, and so paraail its fosea to In divided as much by tbe faction oi which Mt. Hams Lewis i^ the esadidata as the Immiaiilhi force can Ibj by the strife hitween Tilden aad Tammany. The evil conaeqnenoes would appear mxt year. The DeaSQCratl may then be Unit? d?for mithin*,' scparntca them except hanger for the snoils. Hut Jo 'publicans who Wiadev off into a Greaehai k morepx at, though they may then baaocel] aeeded*can !<?? raciaiaied oalj by hard work. It will hi a gteal <h al MblMf und sat, r to pn vent such u Iocs of vwtaj bf ptuuer ? Dorfs this y<ai. CMT1 ? a K/.s /?'*/? n FALL It will Ih> foi innate tor the Beaaaaaj|a|e] Aduiiiiistratioii if the capture ol t etywayo tcnuinateH the Zulu war. With strikes, iock ouus, and faWpvaaasd Indult lies at boast**, '"id an Afp-han war on hand iibmad. tbe BffMak l?s?|-le Ml-? la BO mnod lo cuiitiinie a coniln\ irbiek has aatuiletl heavy cxpensi- and no nmall fJHaruedili The ?iviuuuu of Zulul.iud has ln vrr been popular in England. It waa l?i _ruii hi-t January at the initMCC nl Sir BaxtM lYerc, who held lliut it was BceeB sary " |0 extend the British protectorate OTBT* "all between Um Transvaal and tli<> -< i." Without waiting for the aBBOttOU of Um Home Government, tbe High CommiMloner directed Lord Ciiclmsfoid to lake BP ?e_ !*??<: tloaa in Eululsad m woeid inake it diffi? cult for the Zola t<> rro?H tin- border to attach him. 'No- eins?tet at ImumIuIi and ?in- investment oi Bkowc won followed t!u invasion, anil committed tbe Imperial Ad* mimst ra t ion to tin- proaeenttoa "** to a rooctaifiil in.-tie. Liberals and Conacrra" Una silks held that [aanttoJa should be a vanned, aad tin- brave aarrieea ?t Ekowe :>?? redeemed, boweret much Iba laraesua it? self nigbl be deprecated. lue easy relief of Ekowe aad tin- dia peniou of the foreea which menueed it showed tin- bollewnaaa of tin- Zola power. It waa henceforth ?miy neeea s i v to adraace steadily aad ceaiiooalji in UMore Um orerti_rowoi Oetjwajro. Instead oi rtrtraaUng before the British forces. Um Z .In fv111_r ataked hi- fortune* on Um battle of Clandi,aad sines ?hat disaatrooa day has baea little better than a fogiUre among bit own peo? ple. Altbaagb Cetywayo'e power was Uraa broken, BirOaraet rVoieaMy has atade his cap bnre tba object of the operationa he has eoa durted since Lord Beaeonsfield, in his impa? tience lor peace, sent bba to South Africa with anrple authority to aecompUab It. Deapttobn own declarationato the conquered ebJefa that ( etywayu ami no longei Km.'. General Wolne lev has ?roiie to the limits of eivi?/- d war? fare in bia anxiety to m cure Uta person of that obstinate Mirage. Tba work of paniicatioti may now be ex peeted to ga on to aneeaaa. Tbera is ap parendj no one to take the place of the captured King, wbo for six year- baa exer rnand airiest abaolnte power, and was the virtual raler of Znlaland during tin* last dxteen yean of his father's reign. la bat own way, he bad taagbt the Zulu- t?> place tlicit m>le dependence on htm, and the} moat now pay the penalty of their over-conliilenrr. If General VYolsoley acta with Judgment ha may turn the opportunity to {real profll tor the British name, and redeem the Injustice iiiid blanden of the war by bt nefleenl men* ?urea, should he do so, Booth Africa may wuke from its torpor, and afford homeaheada t<> Uioaaaada from overcrowded England, 7/7/' sl.\f. WABT PBS 1LV1 AT. Tbe address of PreaJdeBt Haves lu foro bis former comrade! in anna, which we print in roll elsewhere, la a valuable contribution to the political discasaion of the time, it is a atatement of tba rTitftng political Issue, no diepaesinnatfi aa to be entirely free bom any partisan heat, and so logical as to be, of ne? cessity, eonrineing. It is evident Umt the Preaideot acne- wiUi the Repnblienna of Ifaassehasetta In holding the Democratic party'?not the Repa tlienn?naponelblc for n revival of the laaiira of the v..;r. Hut in whatever way tbe eontroTersy was n opeaedi here it is. The debate which we supposed had ended at Appomattox must be fought out agaiVt it Menu, in Congreaa and at the polls j and thus it la ih,it we \\itacs-this strange -jicctai h?a Pres Ideat of the United Btatet compelled to re? mind n large nnmber of ids countrymen of the cxisti nee of the war nineiiiiiiieiits to the Constitution, and to warn Uta Smith that the rights of the blaeke maatbe reapaetad, endue ii-Mnnation cenae to be a feature of political e n paigns. The argument of tbe Presidents speech la to show by numetoui Quotations and prece i! 'i-, stated with entire raininess and good tempert Umt the ban* a of the war wereeettied by the war? aad that Um attempl to revive them i.s limply an attempt to override the de? rision by the I'nioii nrmies. Tie' thaoriei ndvanced by the Democratic leaden in Oougnea at tho Bstra Session wen sab ?tantislly those which Mr. Lincoln ooafated in his Drat miasagn. from abieb the Praaideat makes a pertinenl Quotation, Tbe South ap? pealed to aims, and in arbitra? tion was defeated. Tbe black man, wbo aided the North in tins Struggle for lile, WSS re wanted with the ballot ; and now the Booth, at one and the same lime, practically naowa the old con teat, and deprive! the ii gro of the ii. email's light. Which the result of that ron t. was the mean! of irivintr him. The con troYeray must end as it ended before, bin its n nawal is none the mm ? crime. Then la oaa argument in t!ie nddr< ss of Mr. Hayes whiiii must make an iiupcsMon even upon an obdurate South. He ti Iis the people of the bulldosing States that " lio eoni " m unity can afford to allow any of its eiti M lent to be op pre nod to lose their riirhts.'' " l'o be Milliba rent on this suhji 11," bewiesly Mya, "is to disregard interest and duty.'' Bunly the South nan liatan to the elaima of In tenet, if not of duty, it Ii true, aa the Prem ih lit etahNj that the whole COUUtiy lias u ocsmoto iu tins Queation. Hut whose intereat is greater than that of the Souih?arboee Man gn at T Capital w ill not go to a country where labor cannot stay. How Iouk must it be before the people of the Booth recognise the fad that the bulldozer i.s their worst em my 7 A CHINESE CASE. John Chinaman B80ma another ten-strike in the long passe going forward in the National courts, nniy a mouth or two ago tbe poiice 11 igiatratea of California proposed, nndei pre? tence of treating cowvieta of all natioaalitiea witii itriel equaiity, to cut eiT the Cbinnmnn'a qneae when he was put in jail, Juat they crop Um benda of ether offen den. lint John complained to the Cireail Court, which told the aforeaaid maglitratea thai ?ntal do no inch tilingi and aaid, in elici t, that CUneae pigtaili are protected by Magna Charter, the Declaration oi Ladt pendenee, the Conatitatioa, and every palladiam of libertj ; aad that if the California lUthoritil - daaind equality be? tween Chinoaa ami Caucasians in the matter of beaddreaa, the true way was to grow pig? tails on the heads ot the Cnamsiasn. Tba Cireail Court m Oregon has had new occaiionto consider the right! ?>f the Chinese in (ins country. Oader pjansan of the objoo lions to employment of Chinese labor, Um Legialatan oi Oregon poaaeel a law to prohibit Its being employed upon atraet iuproremeate aad pabttc works, Tbii law being in fin re, linker & Co., a linn ni COatractors lor such woiks, put in a bid for a job Ol B50.000 worth ol work upon street ha ptOTementa in I'miland which Um <u.v as> llioniies advertised to put under eontrart. 1 in ii Iml wm the lowest and they were eu UUed to the cowlract. Hut the lunuiic mmh. to have arisen that they wi re bebaadbaj to employ Ohineaehsberari in doing the werki at any rale the uty aiithoiihis nfagsal to sijfii ami deliver the Beat tad unlenB the ron traetonwonld give bonds that in parfaratfasg it Umj would Domplj wun the low, and no Chun si abonld be employed. Tba Boatracton couipluiui d to tbe Court. Upon aarhain techuicol Ifuestioos connected wiLa the pi-opei wsj o. bringing tbe -nir tbe Judge ruled sgainai tin ai. I'm upon i!i< general question of tbx n_iii f<> emploj Chinese Isbor Um decision e ss in thou favor. Iii?- Court cites tlio provis? ions of lue Buriingnsne Treaty recognis? ing tbe right of emigration and assur lug the Chinese of equal riulit - with etbei foretgaera, aad rh cures thai ? Male cannot i, sjajatc as to interfere with their operation. The treaty is the supreme law, and until H bus bean alnrogated or nodifled the courts must en forre it. In agreeing that 11*?- Chinese may in. I. rasidenta here, it forbids any State to bnpooe matnints and upon the Chinese ?s i ittea In reaped to their labor and pur? suits, Iii?1 nulii to reside hen Implies the right to follow any lawful calling or pursuit opea to other foreigners. The ojueatioo whether the Chinese may wisely be allowed to come ami labor heie without nStTnlut is a SerioUS one, hut it belongs Solely to the Na? tional (;.??.< tnineiit. ami is decided, lor the thne being; bythe treaty. While that stands, no --late or city ??an mterfere. Buch, at least) i.s she view of the Court. I It seems to tie the he.t opinion In Ban Franrieoo tbnl Kearney tbe Deauurogae is a used ap man. Wa an- sorry toned that then la a growing petnwnsity to lynch Mas, sspet brlty bet ausc of his insulting illu? sions t<> General Grant: ai <l it Is thouaht that dnr big the GaneraFs visit he will heap blmaalf rary quiet. Ii was loin, ago d> uioiist rated that aeon* Jnror who nines a devil had letter keepnbright look out, anleas he wishes that devil tu aarry hbnotW Kearney baabaanthe apeetla of violence and paraonal projndh as sad hatreds: ii wonld ba only a l it of political justice it he should liecoilie their victim, thonsh we ara far from wmbing hbn any nch bad Inch. The eared of such tuen as Kearney is usually short, They have no stayini qnalitiea, and tiieir followers an rwirsBy in Me. Ones in a yaarthay arant a new leader, sspecially II tin- eakes and als wank they nr<? pnm med da nut cuiue promptly uml phmtlfally. I; must nut lie tbongbl thnl tiny do lit tls mi chief, for tlu-y do a gnat dosL But ti i v Bliebt do mnah awn if thay a an not eas> : itato overdomattersaltogether, verrlikelj mChm Frani See before lens even tbe gn at Kearney w ill only be remembered topoinl a neon! and adorn a talc, tboagfa In- w til hardly ha SlUSh aa ornament and) r any rireunistanees. To blowup a b^quareeBer with gunpowder, and pet tbe lives of his wife and sbildnn in Jeopardy, la a pretty poor way ai promotiug the oaum of temperance, Baarj Corbin, ->i fVaterriOa, ohm, has been sabjoi ted la that Mndol treatment, He a h an obal iaate vi ndor of the flnida which Inebri? ate. Many times Baad f"i i ? Hi'it-', he 0 BUt OB 1 it Ii the business. In tin* hotel which he kept matIJ p opto lodged; but this did nol prereol tin Guy la-ikes, sof Wati rville I nun toiteiiingoff the untie. Tbe Cor bin lintel was redneedto fragtuente, 0or> bin baa been rendered home,ess anil penniless, in" i.i. i.a- eoms tsrward tu offer him and his wife ami ebildren bbelter ami eomfort. Perhaps this is a good illustration of tbedaasarof taking thapco. bibttion qaestloa into polities. Watsrrilbi base strong majority of pro dbltion voten; and in their entbnsiaam they may bare lust sbrhtnf the moral sole of tbe tamperanee reform sltogetber, it is asrtamly no wens to sell Uqbov then to attempt a bob . aic murder. Ten emits may not bs a great deal of money to pnriosn, and ye I [aa the poet observes) II ,s a sin to steal aptn ns mueh us any greater thing. Con* Winnes is potent < v en a baa no mere than the mat? ter of a dims is in qumtwu. Boms yean sg >. snate V. lie re, suine tvlioolhoy wash,..I oostatfe rtl:iiii|>s which had been Baad, and used them again. Tbeli value is lud tested above. BmaB as it was, it is snmedaaeh proporttoneia the mind of Ibenpen. bant warier, llml he eoulil h.inlly sleep nr eat until In- badaeat to the Secretary of the fnaaury one tenth of a dollar, whlefa baa been eovered daly lato tbeeoaaaenee fand. Then would he a lively tune In thie world If thrro should be agaosral nstltn tbmi inn we do aot aspect lb Borne of the file bars an dead andeannot pay np, Otbends not want to. Others have spent all in rtut HIS bring; Othl fS still are in Jail, with no aerrnta Cpon tbe whole, wo thonhbyi adrias aaybody to pilfer with a prom im to themaelrea of making all squam by-aad-by. Bo* tomdngdoeanol re tdei all right, in any means. political Nona, Til h it's answer to I i. 1<I is si ill delayed. Th? re is a strum; Prsnnorstic yttsrulng toTasoc Jolui Ki lly. If tin- Democratic party could shake off Tilden it wonld warm ap blatantly. Rwiag gritshiateeth ami gives thanks that ho held on to thai seat m Oongn is. The people arc getting In their verdict on the ex? tra suasion. That's what's the mutter. The "mural forces" wiH be pat cm tap prrsentlc, ami then the neveYcondone-ii fSTtpslga will boom. Iliith i lias nntaliiateil hlm-elf atain. As he pays fm the siaiiwamint out 01 his own peekot nobody need object, 'I he National Democratic Committee ohyssls to being used by Hideo aa a elnb to hit KeBy ever the head with. Still, they couldn't hurt Mm any. The Greenback party Is beeoudng so powerful in Missiasippi that a fnsfa onthreah of faaoo -hootiug iu the bssk is likely tu occur at any moment. Whib- the Dessoerathi bmdem are areeplng and nailing out the gloomy outlook, I ilden is as serene aa a Mai saonilng. M Chesr np. brethren," ha say.s, "the barrel is mighty, and ?>ill prevail." There is s loud eall for Demoerads talanl on the stump iu all pertsof ihe country. The party is short of orators, beesoss ae new ones appear from the li-itltf, (Ji lli i.ltllill, ainl I he i.Ill Ulli s ale too h.'iltly dlsc wiraged to be of am use. PresHent Hayes Is doing bis ix-d to start a Demo ?ratic PretridentbU boom in favor of his Ohio brother, Beaatar Pendle ton. II? la ably ssoonded by Mr. Peadleton'a friends, and the thitiL' lalikal] to jret andei way at aliuoal pay moment, it i? flnidy am bored } et, bowevar. The Hun. Mlitoa Baylor, a Deaaoeratie rr gtatns man of Ohlo,bsa been ail the way to Colorado to atilmtlliee the news that IIwirtif III* purtieiilarly uuini pnapaots and Is likelj to be alee ted. i Ins a bs sarpnsiBg infonaatioa in Colorado, but ir will he mach tu":'' inrpnaina f<> tbe people of Ohm, who haven t dreaaaed at sot h a thiag, Thon is no rash of abla Demeetatk talent to the reeene of Ewiag m Ohio. I he voice oi no Eastern Deasoerasie otrater has been aptuTlad to save, and Ewiag has not dared to sail npon the Bontberu brethren lot help. Hendrieks baa prom hied to go hy ami by, but tue contest is so hopekbd taut no m I rxtn au l, likely to back ont. With iin ir naaal praripitaMoa the antLTildeu pmttou af Iba Demaeratlo jonmala declare mat tin muddle In Saw-York < learij shows thai Mr. Tildea in sot ihe mail to !??ad the party aaxt if be i a ti* i bmmaabw ins party in his own Btala, be ran*! aspect t > harmonize it m tbe whole eoansry. Row that will amaas tbe Bagc of CiaberAUayl What doea he can aimut bbrmonyf nobody knawa bet lei than h< thai tbepartj doe. aot waal bimi aad uobody knows bettei than in thai nevmtbehnathe pm !> BSaat take In III. General Slieruntti has created a couiiuotioa in North Carolina by putting a larga aaannrd af his well-knoara aamaam saan into a daohnalian to attend a grand reunion o| BBTViviog I uioii am! Con faderata - ikttnm at Saiisimrv mi t ?i mbm B. After assuring the psrseaeinyitiag him Inm It naahl be ssoat agnaabM to faba pssaanaQyls meal them soeialry oa aay sallabbi oeeaaeaat be s on to hj\ i "Tin re .-. no use in my mlnalng terms. Whenever ami w h< rev er the honest men of MOtthCareHas SSSk PS allay sectional mal BSVt] SntmSSSOSes, and In sulliVBtBfaaihigsaffratecaal rsapaat tetkeirfsb inw-eitieeiis of the Catted Battns, tt will bateam moMasaspltag asaaaaaapflnliabaiy. I would fur apa. ler to coini? itlone than hk before, with a van! finny, hmvtag snetHSthm behind] but I meet nut t>. ?traed m aaaeatmg te the pnaaaitioa that Cau/ed srates and unten men were alike werihy of a ie!e braUea for tbe larriblo htutory of 18fll-**ft5. i would muck pnJM to aossa on some civic oeoasbm, Wbm all Bf? : ' Bolnt?tjr f <M|-:1- I'M .llikr r ifed io tbe present nu<l fntnre ah ryol our eoi botji i luuiry. lie ? won tow Luiou eoldtaie in bortli i mlina dm ma the v. ?r. I oueh ere bei ? lirone u-?,?: .llv.v. <.mpm I tm.iMiiaadl w/ilf any tliel \ i?i r eoufloed to the nun vtvioci alien oi North Carolina, will bom facia ? . derate reunion, where 1 would certainly be aatof ptaeo." There ma create.leftnrtnla that* and it ta well.- ml timel) epokca. Till. Si Ml. CA I VAHB. It is two weelu einen a. B. Cornell wni aomiaati d, and >)? Demeeratle papers are atMU kaaama anxami t rar au an thina to Ihme al klaa. Mr. Tilden is nntlejratood n? I?- alarmed nl I be aoaelnoli of a waaBi DoamenMUc eeaaamwttaa mfba> lowttaMcrow." if. in.- iii?> i m ala espeneaei i n. it eroal be tbe i? t. A John Kelly Club was fur mud In Boffklo aa Hoadaj, and a itBalbtr elab U to b< i??riin> t in every want of che eity. newftaweerane eae ??'-'?? ii n puna thatBaaed aaaaj Daaraeeate ta the taterlar prapaee be keep eompaaj. That nnfortunate old peraon in Gramercy i'ink nmpaeedL efc tana, thai ab a Jam I | mid be aeaat ** aerer * eapparl Bwretj ateaat wbal * aerer." eaat before a Democrat la convention, oaaally amaaa. BTow Mr. Tlldea dlaoovan taut Joan Kr ;> .-i" lie " Never " witk a capital K. Oawego is one of tin* cities wbarc anti lildeuhun lourtakoa. /Ar Pollodlom of place, a Doammauc paper, eeaeen heaec Iferae beat i? betas aiaaVe ay a k iiy man with a Bappertec at Oareiaoe PJeeaaeaai l. Sam Kelly aeahl eel oets-aftbef tbe total DeceoerafJe vale at tee Bean i -? raat Kelly woabl ci more \<>ti- m Oaweea Qij tbaa ftoldBcoai a. ' ki ''\ would r*i tkae ."> *? retea la Oeweae I Ity. a Joan K illy atabaaa b aa rerun d la tie- erty, Just two yearsago Tammany Hall waaabow Bruar pcaawa apea Qoveraee Rebbana beea aaa Be aead batbun, raea eefreely f.>r Tamamaj tebateaM. Tana tin- pell heal Meeata of Oarer act Beblaaea w. ra eauntr ? itkMed aitb um ?orauty el Tammaaj Ball; bow ikes daaeeaeeBaetae aoaen r up t aad wieu-.d af arsaa* iiatinaa. aad laaiet thet tba fBaamaai bolt dcmaaatrati i lue partly ol the i?.*???; of tin- party, Tin? won'l do. Tea rural Demneraej bare been fir In a; of ol lemmaaj Ball im mauyyeere.'iny wotuU bare baaa ahkd to no aa with tae "iii foam r. A NeW>Yorfc papat having credited ex Qwvareec Beymeat with me raamrh that be meaabi both Qoveraee Bobiaeoa ead Mr. Kol v akeaUd with? draw, Hit lim iiiixfrrrr declaim tat aatameal babe M eetireiy vtlfceai fuaadatloa." it addeI l* Govsraoe aaymaar aaoelaated baa aarnm ataa ?i u ireenee Rebta* tmu, aad be bae aaree eaatemmatad hie attbdrawal BIBca tb adjuuiuuiri.t of luv u?i t'oiivei.l mi, imr wade anj aoaeoelioa al ilmi aaiaiw. Be bae aoraeul' lectio u ol aar ooureraalloa wiM aas ami troai wbiek aa] mma ol the -lad could bare 11 aa tehmed." Becent Bopublican minima t ions for the A< tembt) baabnei Ol B, in..-, ibe preeeal aaembar! lu lampklne Oaaaty | ta tbe Flret MeBrarl ?>r Oatiaraeaai i uabj Dr. I? O. Ballaek.aad le tbe Seeoad. J. B. Ooag it mi ; in tae fUM Dtetrtol el Caaatantna < barlae r. Ia> ?areoll.aadmtbadeeoad.aaUth tiurK. in tie- i,tu?r daarl ? me EbMaa r .ta aad dreeabaekew hare aoea* i bmad Bpoad. T< WTIleea. in Iba Pirei Dwtrlel uf J< I -??ii c loat]. i inn i'"* li MiiiiinT inia beea reaomiaaie l. ? ibeKepu I'oaua. aau their eaodidaie in tbi bei ?od Die* 1 trlet ta Way laod W% jVurd. Br.Vord la ayokaa of aa a nf oze ...'Hi qimliflcalluaBi aba bmm ? brare h i urd in Hi" aar. Every year the Anti-Tilden Democrats in Uli (Uli III I llllVf U< nlll?--. .l.l ill li '-ll- l]. . ?! >. al.'l UllM' aapsorbnd itio tbikei el Hi" Baa|orlty. rhte year( aaaM of tbeea. at leaat, baee determmed that tl v wUI aoeepl ! Ibebaadereatpef Joba Call/. ia? atfeaap Pfmes tbe 1 arsaaeftbe laeUaa vbteh every you Made Braataa CorniBSi Smaea J. Parke , aad otaee maa efaaaal prooalaeace,aedelesatm ataa Deatooratlc Kate Corn I tentlon. aaje. after a Bllenee af mratal Saya iM Joba ! Ke'iy . ? Me DauBMathj aaadMaM i".' Oovaraeri aad I tbatrueDa.vacythrouaaoatthe8taMwil aim ' II r.iiili.ll ;>i.l oil tl. rl "'i|.|i rl. A-? in i .i ri -I n( t,.r i ticket, it will bo Haw enoaak to apeak ?Inn tkeOoue* I niittee ol rifteea appommd >>.> I hi raairmaa o: 11..* Demo< crath ... ..? - Coareauoa Ib Bhakeaoeara Ball, alSyra ouae. aaud bare reporteJ." it is a mir mfereaea I rum ? ii..- ..lim btaeaaa wmej af the aVIoaaj Democracy, a idea bae at tlmea oouiroUed aereral taeaaaad \uiua, , \\ 111 Hut -latul liv KohllMOO. j PKUaONAL. Mr. \V!:i-tli r bss BOBS to Venice, where he will naaka fl Beek s. f Bb ..n.^s to i?e paMlabed in l. ..i . Mr. Uolman H int lias accepted the riee i raaldcBnj ?t a Brltl a i . .. it oraamB i j?ri n ti; Ike ilt'sirnctli n of p roe Iowa hletoi k al adtaoea aad a tea It la anaonneed that Praaidenl Qayei hs> i..a baasai a > Bebt, Bad daee nut tat end ... buj iias it i. bc aeeal attM r < Itber way. Mr. Chsiiea Foster baa been obliged to give up tin' in ii k 111 w of lotiir r-j?,-< flici fir Uli-prraeatl ala roMa See beea amok areakaaed by ins reeaat hard wach ut pui.iiriii mevtmsa. Mr. James Busaell Lowell will In- aixty years oM m Pebrnary. II be blatad la Deetoa thai Bra Law* all'aUbbealtb aad in- >wudlallka fee the aieaoloay .>i Lla doth - in B|BUB ma., im bn blai l<> i.m.ii. Mr. John King? viee-preaident of tba Balti mamaadOala Rallread, will boreaiter nva In Cueta* ?abaWben be will enibwlaka the SaiMe ?.i foe ral ui.tiiiii.i r of uii IraSbi uf tin- Baltmaaceaad Ohio aye toaa, Mr. Am PayaOi ?>f Beott County, Kei tu. | y, ma eea al Oeaeeal Payee, af taa war al 1818.1 -> : in- the aaaaal Mvraa wadaaia of Weei r. im. n .? aiaaty eae yeace om,aad aaa a Baembar oi tae ant elaae. M. Alpboaae Daudet; the antboi of MTbe Vabab,"mpnbbabtaaaaaval mwatea be baa arawi UM paeSraMe of bteeeehml aad political* pereeaaaee. Samba tbem are tbi K im mui nmn of Nun ,?i... appeae andec nie i Ii loa .>i UM Knot aad Qjaooa ut IHj rm. sir Bowland Hill bud a atatelj funeral in WeaUulneMr Abaey 11 m atbee ii.iy. aVftav tbe ecrouaa. BkM were over tkc Sbbay waa far a Ions Ibae erawded ? uh > bSMeet many of I bam poee paapta com.., na a |.<>i.r little attael boy aabl i " Ta Bee tin erave "i sir KeWlaad Bui. aii" aiade lue tirst paaay paelein" Tliomas Qny Willmm Smith, tWO of taatbeee aam io arkawa oangreae eaud a aaaaaal ii";.i BBadal for matr ea \ leee in di atrea laa i i rabi i ram sb beaMftBi met for tbe first Ubmtadftccei raata eta ktabtbta Templar eatbartac la Baaebeater, V. H., taa win.. Tbe tSIrd ama le dead. Beta Oaj and Smltb Mre in Sow-Bampahire, aad an- tin- uali ataa iu tue oountry entitled to wear taal partii alar lue.i.ii. In King AlpbafpaVi palaee ol I.a Oraaja la pi aerved the walktaa>eiMh al miaabetk uf Baaaary, tbe beewtae of The Sasafb trataaaV, aad asm the eamp Bltai whlek Cbarfc - v. eea led antfe kirn ihraaahaM k? eampaiaaa. AaMbi t laBa, aad a raey eaetom aae, m i deeai ??>>: In the n umli-r a sln il. Tins in a iroiul.ilii. or aanapled kaeeamar, aMMJwtaeaatly tan ied aad silt, erhteatly Ibe praeeal of ibe V.ataahapnbUi to aa Baepee i mod peebably Cberlee V.?aa it bean UM Im perad ibaald wBS ibaeaabi .>n tin. 010? ami tm- win at ! 11.11 of st. Bark. Vaalee'a eaaataaaaa, aalora. Tae aabla, tiie Beaaaam, mal aatataariaaeeae atvc ao Infoe ?attaa eeaeerabaj it, aad aa|y ** battare tsat tt aaeee kitbce froui Vapkm wbea Oaaetoe ni. evokeasad lac Uamae "f the Twa Slcttlee for taal ..t Bpam," aad haul it in Ii? peaBeal boatboaaa, taiaadad, probably, to p.- aaed fac rojral apart, aad a ace feesettca, ?.. 1 II awakew it me mbareetef KI as Amadeue, aa Itallauai in appreciale UM wortb of It a ciojiiialte warkmaaakip. who ordered u tu in- earefullj ireaaared up. repaired and restli, an order which waa of eearee dlercsarded aftce thai Sever elfa'a abdleatloa. LoXaOVf Sept. 17.? The Time* says; Prince Beboaloaa, Ibe Gee maa Smbaeeadt .1 Faria, baa paM avwltta Prmee Btemerek. It ataappeeed takat taaob> jeel of !n< \ xit waa Impaelaiit. Vn.NNA, Sept. 17.? las Political Opirmpeani (MB aar a 1 We kai ? l?ge r.-i BL fi mrebore earn a> in.'the raamred deatbol tke Bmpererol Butaie.aad ike aasvti i reluraedia thai Ibe Ua-trl ib perfectbcaltb. LsvasnaB, Bwitaerland, Sept. 17,- Oeaeral j. Mi l dttsa Be id 1. ia in 1 iv. d la tula etty, and baa ataed with Ooaaoal Creeeli. the lermei Preeideai el th.' 1-. tjoBicd rm on. aad aaw oommaader In okief of tke 8a a* mWmry Bwaotavn a Iii BLPB, Out., Bept. 17.?On the arrival of ib.. ftaaeaeal party to day, mare aaeeao^WOpeaphiaa WbWUuMa>ati Stabe PatoeawUM aabaal etabsree Baag ??ii-. OampbaUe nr.- CamlBs,** aad MOad Bare ibe tntoan." a't-'f wii.i'h tba tioveruur-llcaaral pea> M?ntrd with acvi-ral atliin-anea. The Mulqilla and tin Pimecm tbea matteewdtheeaalMia, wllb akteb uaa tm tt Bd Vrry maah pleasml. When I ln-v w ith ill l\ ill - off tba awe Bill a partum of tb" platform on erbMb iin> acbool ebUdrea were BtatMaad aad, ellboask it ?>? ne \ .1 It.? I f em taa eroaad,eavei n ?reu mjarea, ikousk aat aorlaaalr. Slter atbee aereeaaeaee at tnc < siy iiaii, the !>->? t\ lefi for Tesoaba. OA&Mt\\AL NOTMtt "An 4meritaii mlllioatalre now anjoaiabkg in bae .mkisi panabahm uf ma aatkaMtaaa ta kava .,n avaei dapUaata <>i m Patee^i Baiaa mail,-. \ ?aoaldei is abaadp aaaaaad ta bake dasaaii aud a keaaB 1 f atadec m aftarwardi m < leeaN a. 11 win eead BBvei ii i u Srada or moneaade af K"od iiuiiara bafam Hie stulu.- tl.iHlly rrachca Am.-nrn. land William Bereaford, of the Brittab Army, laeeatU lout a bane lu a alasjabU) way. a -taff soak Bavtas kaTi aaaM poaada or Ma ta aaaak. a Kattn praam BBed a wllb Sara, and aervtaa out tk.kStaaa to a waap of banasj ???*<' tswebaiaee ma Baikal tbt w*, a blrb wa* eaten braailllr, ami peedaacd tbr BMM alat I nas rceelte. tae miim.ii pkaaejed aad kteked, aad aaa Nh rardi, ui Inter* ab ratloptac ma Iv ?roewt, fi i r? will ii >? a aong.%, arben if in % i Mb i? , .1 '"' ??? i ? ? ii ?' ?? n ih bed 1.? i. , ; ..,.! ihmn ihn beert, i' e po : n n ui >p, i ira <? .;?|t! cut" 11 rxtn ?.rrel r* i'-ii-t >??*>. W'l ' H (1,, -iV, a irtll t'.en-'a ? way. ,J? cp| 1.** -.-f i. it 'h ?; . 1;: .!..>? aa da n,.. s It ? Ml , , Pet Meekfl!, n. v.. ,, .,:,?.-,'* ..v,ii, .... lmt i( llt ."'*' (? Umdarbtl Imm pfeaaed aowaaa emMiiVmiat. earijia#; wit a h . t ? . TM ymmmj pnpbj ntted wver eed em ? UI fbej n 11 a .1 Um ?, tOM. Mm rf-'-t t, tow. |( WI1M nddi'B I l( WM *> ui?fjlpp;t|| MM ..11 ttt ol IImm;I.: i,,..:0; Itaid wotdbhnrtcw than turnBrkb 1. ,1 ft,,, boreai tbtajnom ?!.?!.,\,r. I to BB*ad IM 1. bat IM .>?.:!.'? iff\ tun kj< ,t, tin.;.' , ... .| , ;| (j U-l.MII t - r.iui. i; <? t r,,!.. Ml, ,t|, volui;.,. ,,..| ,,, , , fl|. Ik :p. a i'i iru-Uftl lliroiiicli rain ?d'l nnnl rtutr a mil.- to the ii erwal )i.-. Ai, m Per tovwi InokM 1 h..l 1 Xlm Midi n.i . .-n..i ,e,i im ,1 im ve?lrl, r old i- 1 bed no. an 1 um? 1 ua...>.???., ., r, rt ,,, " ? ?bowie.i it..11. : ii? ?..,a,)..,'?? ? .rwbtoblcibe Id." Marin? if umpiied wi? ifc Marlon tue) werewettedta tbe beada, A not In r lamentable Alpine eeeidi nt < muri .1 on Iaejaetla,wwttaewotel ttaittria i>. k. ,i ,,, Lfas,eaUn Dt iahe, rebelnd be mati tbe aeeeet nt tm ' ?uillir, .?!.<?. I Hi, ti., ],. -t |,i ik< <.f r.i- -11: ... \ . j bmaiaf ti ?? Pnapncb ata Iba eeeaaaalaat ? , ? , m IbaaaaaMalaajbi mteatM bat dewirrroa* expodii ai.ui.-, anaed abb aethlaej \> reed a - 1. , j pabae-baak, Bflbrta wan madam rit--:i..<i i,;m n,,, ?immpi ap, Iba aaaai wfrhaai * Balde,aa Umtaalen < Ml ptt. anteee, an itna praetbaej aaa*e? ,i?i ???i,', bppranman naapi mat Hh naaBM wittout taa -n.tti.f almVialty tmt\aaapar, Dr. Pdetta, i?,w v,r weald nni bain 1? np m raaaat, but ft.n,t ma fmui IbaSoaawMMtbsepMfasbM amaaa iaraaaaai ?? ?..?.Ii ntu iw.ini aataiaa wm baant nt bba, bal at h aatti tmir on erem'tloaaaderibeCbMfaf iMConat. *. in .n'l made a eeereb farm Mtoelua Kent kaaaa, and ?armedeil In ladlaa bU body in a deep rhett or r:iv.ue MlbsHbjrBTaatta, Ibeaeareben lad dlacwv?*i lodnw ip tbe immIv fn.iii taa bottom ol t... ?aaaaafnaaa. * The [mner of EL If. s. Ptaafora fthi ip| - .r( .1 Mi PbllaOelpbai aa Batarday, bmftaa n? eaptala aad ibaaeaw all Metara. laaMmaay bad tieaaed aal the ptapaetpinan. Tin- u.-ui i-mau wlio eele.l hi iii4in4Kcr tiiriin tnapabad t.i -tar: al aad pneareeetbu f?r nnral nt tat parfermert, aatf abaat tbi taaaibi butar aren pettiaxnadjrtaeaMMban af ibaanbaal a, wbe liad probably *?' mad tin mm I vat that II .... ae al a 1 (nt' ti ? in to Make t Cattaae, ^aaated taa ibaatra 11 aae aawaaoatSilAo^alsafei aad the Baaaaav wanl mm tl 1 aaftlean ta lad a ptaatel wbe eaabt ptay lb men, 4 Oenaaa ptaamt retaateerad, tboaajb aal familiar abb tin* u urk. ami tbe perfmraman wm aaaatbroaab rl a, Oa laiarday ereahm t ...- neapi Meaanamf m , e,'1'tni perfuTMaaaa. WaoaIbaeartatarate iMbmh abavaaj laetadlap " JMeb Deadpan" aad Urn " 1 - ewafa>'* aamband Paar penaaa aW bald, bei um eandid not aamber amn thaa twee an Them tra *?\ ta aaala the *..-r iaa 1 leabit. k* m im 1 .. ? .i, Coreorai eameoei itvaaaeldeal taal t >*nwai 1 -t raekatbiaa n ? amoa aimer,fm be bad loeaiel 1 * tin bla opeali aaeg 1.f tbe mu j 1. 1. ? ?? aadtmrinm. Theenoatahli abnftadM-b Itbi 0 r?ia I Be He in.- had btM nil eu Beeated the ? . a, fav e in a Captain < -i .nan laraed aad ibi 1 "I' .'i a oa, to Tbi e 1 - bb," bu eye fell oa aotblnu bnl a elren ir hok in '??? caava* ?Ky 01 tbe el ire, aad bt- a . >i tl itiiirrrt-,| ain \ |*|n . , . mnm. THh DRAMA. DA1.T8 THI ATSR, The rajioeaedfogi of If p. Aoa^tatla I>a'- re u!way* Inn ri etltirf?f ir Mr. Ddybj N af than alert aad ii--il iptrtti Uuri an aenvnabi it afab ti. tm ein Mtaererati 1 e^exeepl l*. tmwbee,tn. bbbb* wajrw .- ,.-|..-v. 1 'i.; 1 - 1 f r uVlticfh.' ??.? r> ?t - t-.i. linn. Tin- 11 lit >i v.... Im a/.. .1 11.-I . .! |>v Mr. Ibdy,la bie aataajBBBMt of bla nnral ilfthAveaae TbeaBea,aad amw atlybi 1. - rniMati tboarb 1 aa* ?. :i ty apparttln,aetrtdeat tbewaahma>dabaef MThe a .. im dr." !!<? bn aow apaaad ;t na : ? an. It t, .ir bM owe name, at I tt anode oa tbi ate abm ? eaaa tiic nur.-i-i l < abBB 1 I"''1, aaal:.. d tm . .v.i 1. g 1. amm. |ti t;iti||| ?, wane tin" i,t-,ltt<> <i rt<-W >iM| liowl i 1 ue tkiu-imive tbaWi i? otbtf ward . abal ?.;?? ( arc Wood*! MBBaBaB, .ill ttna bM N tje beoaewayi 1* aoe 1 ?..1 * * * Thntn 1 ami ii?t Ule'hr tt wm np BOd. 1 tit* BOMB bM NM pi i '.y Maaflad,aad iaatibaain an l-i Hp IM tin- b ? .-. it u, tedaad. h vi-ry MadMa ? tbaaln aa : BOtaliheiBBdhai tbat tin- ama tbm Bf M '-, Kmi a 1 it ii-, ban amaaeraaM aad nmbn 'it.a ?eala arn run.r.iria -U: Hi" li-lit i.ill? t -aa above i 1 babiad, fha vmbi i mm wMb dan) Bebt aad vartoae Mam ??? ftns. io eeeaapa ml i "* ..-I* nM8,nUai I ap da t red vrlt t rba n': , :i ribbed aaddajanly petal I. Thep-n alum a it idea I, ii.-I. The;>.-l < are mft .-ml <t :?? .1 -. TMePtnBM i-t ImaoMaa with harte pMMn, aad ibapenb i aad baHaanaM artbaabnad ttanandorMeral aartdaaaa TIbmb baa, nilrtnallj haaa aa mare if mean a-,-i t o reaatt Ucomplex| ymtt pb*a*t-8. Tbe at ifOi llbeabM. bbbim hi i" V1'-- p ? ? ? i- Than aaa n t n larBO attctlilaure, I isi i...i.ip Hi - ai-. mir.,ye matatfl l many pvprc tilal v. p : Iii* r wan iiiar of i.'uliv e.' .i "Ii. Tale leettamM i im BeeatBf parfMamaen naj ad la a meb nils tr ll. fwo flllrt-il w ? ; .? ? |if.? I i| "'? Yeeef Di um". Um ml r t?!.. i N rt The ttter m an adsptatloa from the P/reaea, aaMtre \>y Mim ol.M-Loir ui. i;..tii .ir-- pitilv MBBieal, Kell bei in worthy of i-erioiis ooacBlenUoe. TM perftarmaan hMad tttl iat07, aad, altbeaeb i lea ?? Ita rtdinieM laolibiBia rrntlfftl laaebuw.lup ri > feetwaefbal ni mteBM Beariaeeaaed alfimati -.' .-t r i i ? i for tM pnccBtailoa of Mehpecei ie, 1 .- -\ amiebatoM: it* drift wm epei i; bui,ew b Ui too en. iu<C narbape, awn m foolery i baa anyiwi ... rltberea l be talinB iMirpow, mate, aad araee. a Hi a*aad eardB would aot ?Ins. ri:i ? Um deiaiU of t n- -?? fan I n ? beanal of them, if deeenti I, a mid i em like i.i.mttae of batterll '- Blau r | . fi ?-is. tm prbMliml Btruree a,mi it: -l-i.. were C'titberlae Lawl?, ?'.u:i- I - er, v. l.. . D?, I'barlee Leelrreq, Barl t'onwey.a i ?. paik -. foe ddbat of bIIm II v Pb dm Uli ied of ? v.. ii altateaf,theaajBamamartob tadof detieafe beaai . The Maalcwl portloa ?i the perfoiBMoea \. ?? '. " .. It u better to tear MbH I.i-ws e;? ak tbaa bam Mr nag, bal her ebarm of racul iim-i mamlni iii?- mam ne ever. It. laej i M h i aned n alfbar agreeabm or ludii alive ? ( pnaabw. Homeiblmj better tbM modara Varlellee will it nil 4 in ipatore ibe ptorm-eaab thai v<.-n?.if .\ii.. MU'i (ti)tnpiO. _ VI- CAVENDISH. Ifr. ThoBiae B. UeDonougli bu tukei t l.a peel tarn af bbu aei i the m.-s a,..i Cbvead b, aM ha wueuwet Me ibntrttal mbumm emmatM ;? am maaaa, aad a!?o amnae ihat af mbi yam. btr?aa> DeaeaahwM bam the apaal nt Mr. JaCenaa. aM bu aaUM it ?eii-kuoun in allarmaaitarlrrbra it i- a name that bmbm lanertiiy, laetiee, aaany ami db reiiea Theaeamaeeabf ael banauutea wmmmmmbi Badll it phamam to kaaw thai bar AaMtMaa espodiima aM no lotnar M MaiperM bp follp aM i'-"I teifli mi IM part of her repy - ? itv s mum Caveadtal wfuabortlyae tofaaVna.I la aa eoBBBemeet at fbi Calburum rta-oini eflei abbrbj uinli r Hr. T. B. MtlBmoaarb'i i i icrateat, -de will travena the prUBBpet clrtee of Um i mted Bteiee. PI hi /f O/'i s \< the Demoenta In ConcreM era bt ravof of IM aallmlied colnaae of iilver, r i-> am hi i at fe eb j.-, t to takitip; tMir pap eaeiuatvely a tae lepal aediaai of tM iaildbm frmmaaiiti Oemmi 11 bu iiuii > Let in s, ;-: it aria In I860 the Democnfi moboed Wamleil Pbltllpe la Clacieaatl. Ufte tb r m - emia an ? upperUad blui fur I>mataaanl-thfr-rtfi m Ma Hmeba? tM, ou tae eama ueU. i n a a bea Ii Umt, wbo m raaetoa far Uonrao . i- iMiaaetl UaaetM (KeiM As a baruoobmr Mr. TUdeu is not ? lueee s. i ui eoiUe i'. n. t r .ti?' partj ol ma country i- miub *? levbelMti at i- -i auue >mau at .m old wumea, ami u..w M baa aaoeeoded ie pouiae lae Ibrawcrmm ta-Mta Ml iOr Bflil i.i .\.-.?-*.?k, ii it li-t tin- f.i.iiUi.l,. Of ?, tae mal. .-t MII...i, I Ii .line, -n i...-1. (I'liu-I A MAONfPtl KM r RI OBD IVam iv? .s aark ddmrflmi l?B>| On hiouday, at Woreeetei in bmiuwebunttJj in a ir .nt ob UepabilccM, wbeee n ret ef ft' viel iiui.-s bach tw.-utt-nv. >rare aad i IM birtuduy "f IM eil ly la ui a H;;?ii, ami VMebmelj ft er i* i-i"? bur ni?i foramJ u.u.n el the petty in Mmauma. im \ nt, rani bad maej baltln Ie be feaaM ever ^k..iu,imm1 Ibeydrewmi liae bMweee Um im? xn?i aedea > 11 ?iderabb parunwrtaa i . u uim i m ion am. *%init? blatorj tbey bad tm reeia ! tmn iBd iheu fidhrwerl 11 ?t i,,.to d Um im re t toil .-i fn ? ii"'' ra t. ?? H ? la ?'. bad brpi Kaaaaa, Nebraeka, aU tbi Weelen ten rba Irw from IM cune of amvary. Taej Bad eatiaaabdM ?l irery lit., if la Iba lempeal of tin of the u i" luee. I hay had pi mrved aad aaab maVatiua. wi.u iief j, i ol Ufa aad bbb! nt Bnaai Ibej bad mvea praad obf Berth a e* euie rneparHy,bkd BMiaiaiard tee panui er edit and hoaoi m iM baib>u ? - ? a eorj a ?rblcb ?e? me mlraeniiam faay aen BopebOcaaa aoa ?III aaybadj a ll oa * il.. DeBauvraaj i.j>- dan nm loee?tuiiti> -lurltixiteti it?i tm my tin- v-.e- i ua? ttie Imniuiracy laieibrard wnIba arvwtant preM 'u Broadway. Ii u a ?.mrt anp. TBI URUIT III1.IK (?\SN I I.AMINM. PVam n? LilWHStrT .\f . t.'ra I / III /-? ' . Tut? bundrod aud eiffhty miBioua ol dot bare M t>M amoaal ol deal Umt eaa bee a mpediaiedBp tm h.iutlieru Sluli-e. If in tili? m u?l>*. ii luiiuieipel Mpn a Uea, Urn I Ami tarn mtU ri ?eu mj.ooO.ouo. laet n i m ita im aanaet <j'. moeai ?u: ut ? u.. u tt??- peat ? ^! >aa* aeeuea boveewmdiml Koro pewit ami kmerbma cre<nt?*w I tie fnriner boom In tul nlieut eWMj MtlJbBM el Ite ?ii.a, Mini Nnriii. ril prop e ft>r lully ooe liuinln ?! Ilm iiiililoim. Iu tble Iliile eluteui.-ut lie- in aame . 4-i-M- ,.f s.,,i.uiin tutk?ardu*?s in luett-iul inteieeio mi.i pinnelii rbal ut tM r. a oa . aueraati rarem ?? M-Ulii uu u.-i trl tlle nerr. ; bei flue climate au I tt-r > *" leat iuie? full bi anreame lue repuuilnu fur di?li>'t.e?ir fm ? bbm aM hn Mnam a ?y mag m llaaaat i"-? ban no deelie to plttut lUt-ir tnrmur. am hi*! V ?>!" ? bere dUliouiMiy i? lb* ra.iut n-u. i?.rnt. i.u? .r .?11 Ida. nada auean to bat tonaae "u..> Marai au^taam are ibe n -utla ?I the ??i.oir?..!.- ?r-teui ... r. |> on ' Minen ?a? Ijis-u ?> anlt uiiy aaMwMM by lUo S^u.aeru ?BUM alujoal vt about .-iccpUoo.