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THE A B C OF FINANCE. XIX. B.wk BOTE". OB RATIONAL BANKRUPTCY. ?>' , agbl .? ??.nikiiiB BJ slem e\<? devised IH an fOOd m0u \ tl ... .1 lyetem. in safety, la cheapness, :i!i?l In abililv i" moel K? ?! n. eis. r*iM baakini under Btatc I**1 w,,x^death be* gad aa* dural!' i !? ' ; *i eX? i;;?l|L-e, Would Til ike tile peopic mmg more in teatea the laaai capital aaiaiaiail. nn<l WaaU h VN belly u"* ibb. Hue ..: aw plan is left ? la e>' rife," ha ih dae1bills entirely, an I i<> baas Qssraraoaeai da ?bills ealy. This wenM sai-nlPe all niTc- me kteal aeada, it is pbtla. '<ut aroaM i* aal ba iafe aad ? la av f Tba Lends aaM i>v th baaka aahrhl ba paid, it is thought, lataraat on them aright ba B'nji ?? il. aad ? great aaal saved. 1 ?? h ive a lo-avy ram .-verv d ty. theOOBt 11 Building w.i i r-wnrks aad laymg water pipe* Btbjht ba saved, Bat meay would Mara bo anabtn log t watoi abaca bhey need i:, ami. nofoeTia. Ibai plea would ba bad fat Iba erepa Qraeabaeki w.I not alara; i ao where Baak eirralatJon la foaBd Bae al, aada beery ibivi aaeaa areeabaeka waald ?pare total to ? 11 istr* and trade, l ? ratire haak noton. il ts ecopeend t?? hams 1330.000,004) at* grecBbaohe, with which beads to t .? aaaa u raaaj I ???? paid er ba iffbt aad eaacelled. |*aJaaaaaal ?? am witbool bad Faith aatil 1883, art i ii ? ba >k shatteraexpire. Bat it it am?d !>,? aaae at a ic >, a hat bi ta ha gamed * Be getting lid ai 0330,000,000 <.f laat per coal boada,weebould am- m Latereei $13,300,000 yearly. Hol I be baaka hare paid far baa rean taxeeaveragin 't-i?;.**^?!.!?.! > it... fTbal i?:?rt uf tba property la reeled in I. i h weald he I ix.-d, altoa the baaahi had beea paid aad the baaka akahalbtdl About three quarters af all prrrtiraal praperty eeeap ? taxation entii lv, loooriiog to the eeaaaa of 1870, aal of Blfi.000.000.000 af pereoaal pewnorty, eedy f4,fJoa^O0Q,OO0 was Meeeaed, at 38 pereeat, if as lar?'e pari af the pea Betty bow owaa 1 by beaki paoald fail taeeeape after abolitloa <d the beaka, Ike taxes aa tbal prepaily would yield B4.794.000 pearly, whareae the haaka aaw pat 816,908,000 laarb/, rbia weald lavetve a haw of $13,174,000 aaeh pear le taa ?*. agaiael ? aaei ia of $13,200,000 Baekyaar in Inter -t. The ma who wauld save |he brutto a lid' renee, by airing u i all the bei eat ? bfthecafelocaloiroalatioaof 2,<t;w> banks, might i> wall ? art hie erhaal ta ids owe eraiaai rraai Cl I ein."? !?? Naw-Tarh bi order to eave frolghl i>v mil. Bat the haak aetaaara aaw asada perfectly aafe by aiii-, la protoetIhera,of BlOin Untied s-ate? peada for eeerj BOafhaah ad s. Bo nooil are they past aahedy < B?whaahe ?akas a bill, whether it is a not,- ef t!;. N it inn or of any S itional l?etik. near t>' i .r. If tli - baaka aTC to l?- nlmliatit-jl, nn.l ??<' 1,000 more af da ?ballaare :.. be ?ato-rt, Barel i * hi ?' prateel Iheae itself. This it can in mil. as il i .nie's its no es now mil. by iioldiiuf Baaagb ap ? to make eari thai t ennpuvnn d? I ?? !. i .- \ holdatpllia apeele agntnai if lot) in patea Tonrorkle a bkaiaaarre for?33(>,o<io,OfH) t:... hot itm at raiaeal35,300,0011 iti coin, and, it thai -.'i aald ha baa-rowed on f<>:T i?cr cent % da, t b eoel waald he 85.412.000 yearly iu in I real i ... Lhla from tbe Intel it saved hvpay hm ocT 1 ?> da i <1 there la left on! $7,78**,<".io a ra a la ai d ia i ;- .-. - . wbtl 9JI2.iti.oibi a y<:.' .? ? '? :ti fax ??. Tint vnmld sit rely Ik) Brriai il tli - I ataadwaattaa at the bang. With notl Ion saved, the lYeaan v would !?? in b> ?tint da'ik'er, even l<ef'>re a *?nl to v. j,n> nut flu haakai ' ? - tbe b oka now Indd atsntt PllO.000,000in legal>teaden, ou which p>al can Bad iwai id a ad. Lot aay man juii^c for him bjlf vaai n> waald da if ho had mane 1 l)i*nn>uey to a im ibor, it fo n I thai r* I {bboi t. mg i ? in-nk aha ao in bae aa or drive h ? o at of eiuiilovmenf. N\ ? Id ii ? in t ally demand las money f The baaha we Id mt wmt aalII a hill had p.,-s. il to b ' eaa I ti tin, they would .. aa . .t ^*..ld i. be a . A b in Wb i i- i i eaiag a l i roa i track ami fc-. s a i ? a i..e. mini;, <lia s not ivait for the enaiiie to i like bim befbra he jampa. A: once the hanks naold aaaa from i a Ti aa t B11<Mmju.o.hi in pold for I ? ? .. ii il. f hold. Tbo Trcasuiy must B v ; . ??? -.\ ihbRa other1, arnl e.'irtngs hank-, i.'- le'." eompaolea, Btata and private I i . ai 1 ,'i \.r-' a.-baleen by the i louaand Bmatd ra . i tbe haa ary t-> t sold f.?r uoies. J'. -: at iii - ? : f the bOI ahoald i --. ;I c Ti a*> ary ist . i.. > i p iytn r o&l $330,000 ihm? ,.f n <v dnc kiba. V.: -i wunld then h tea h ft, aff"r th.- lianks ihaae had drawa their ejald. aearecly i^'jo.t uI.ihiii in specie?noi one-tenth enongh to redeem tlie hew aaeaB t ? b ? baaed. Who would tukc iIiom outi s? \ me bank in the eeuutrv. Il.ihlors of brmds to be paid aanJd nfaae aoee* mid d niand ami. C u : i i" 11 aaary borrowamro coin I Alter ?aaha ? ; rpoa inveebsd tfifitil I a! begun, the b>* ram at would Bod aa one to buy its bonds. In ilinrt. i i" [Yeaeary would behaakrapt ln f.iro the tx- ? Bti si ??' tbe bill could basin. Reoudialioa is the real aim ee well a- the inevit Bjbja ..loll!: . - a 111-. It ills !i '."i vitlia'lv il" rdar ?! bj l ? iprome i! no t t b ii aay lasuc ? f nioro (Jailed State notes In time af paaee wonld Im- nn aaastltiitloaal. But if tba Nation had the power, it ba- thrii s givoa a aolomu pled.;.- n<?t to incrcaso the Became loa?-teader aaaae. No pl^lgo oau ho tfvea of nr n i banartanaa t-> pabBo ere litort. To b'cali it would ho an net of bankrupt03' in itself, btea at tin- Boath, whabrai pie upon plod kcb made by ktlea ind States, oftea poraaadi : maaaelvee Iba mrjbare ema excuse, aetd tbal ibe erwlil of thet Bmb 01.1. lie'lit ii"t ti enBer from their act v.. ic terrible 001 maqnonoee af repudiation come Bponi 1 * . 1. acanrlyaB a child natu burned 'f ir nati .1- aaa ; into iir ?. r daaa n d hwlp the child to t.i . ' 1 thought it would not bum." 80 it makes Bo did roues what pladga-bi akiag deiiton think a aay. Ci lit fat the epmlea af the creditor. If he bamkana wtdiaboaarabte, credit eeaees to exist. V.l.. . p| bo ever baa bean or ever can i>o made anil ma t Bolemalty than the pledge given in re pMsted vcti if Caagrese, that tbe volume of United -? ? 1 not banMnat be mareneed. Violitionof it weaU dab the Ualted Btabrn lolhe level of the v'd of Jefferson Davis, which, for many veins, ?fan ?! n<> ma 1 nah eaoagb to lend it a dollar. i'i ?1 t trt a ml 1 aaa a ?!<?? 1 rep idlation in the act itself, ai w fl ai sure repudiation la its effects, and aanld makt- baate to pal tin u moai y out of Uuited Btateaeeearitlea.Jnat at men rush to a hank lor lhatr amaay whan it i^ts failed to pay us notes. Bendaby tie- million wonld be thrown upon Ibe amrkal ami Blaagl ten.'. Compared with the Roan em] bairleen ? whichwoald reoalt, tbe wildest panic tiii- < eemtry bae 1 eae eeea waald i>? mild and bsnu? ll 1? a Vm d -l owi-r. Bvaeyahhsgwaafan af life and hope, tntJ at aaaam Balaad baey Raw -Kagmnd rallav, baton thegnat aaaanav a . I? a it broke,iaaalnzbjboui lofiy Baataaamaad hamble dwalUaa . bmg bridges and mighty m.ieiiiin ry. weie swept away into niter mm, and Uvea by tbeeeen wan I"-.'. Tl ? Public Uiodll la Iba great dam aaaa arbieb all tbe pros? perity oi tbe eanntry aaa dopende, lireak that, and aB tr.?i" and in lust ry c" dawa la ram together Tat naervca of all baaka aad naaaaial iaatttathBae an ea largely iaveetod u Uaitod Stetec bouda, as Will as tin reserves of 11 ea pit a 11 .ts who sti.tid In - btad great lalaipcbBm. tbal aay serious fall in the Btka si taa baaaa waald awaap them all away. The mviagehaaka waald ga dow n, erith tbe earnings aabah the mHUeaehavastared nji f.-r Iba support tt ia astry bareafi r, Laaaa of vast amenat, awbUe brail these laatitntlaae to maanfnatnran ami mar> ehsau. waald ba aaddealy called in. Haaebadaaf tba Batbaaal baaka. if deprived of eirenlation, nanld wind up, calhiu'in a lartre part of 8830,000,000 in loans a btoh theee baaka have out Btanding, W/hal haslaam man eenld stand in such a st. 1 i, wiili 1 imtractioii liv f'le humlred iiiillion? btkhig away tbe vacy aaath beneath his mat I la tli it H a-Enalaud valley, no w.,rkiiig!ii:ui w aa mad BBaasaJbtatl Waway. With his own hands. Ihe dam Wim Ii aava wei b to him,and safetv t> 1 is haUM and wife aad ehildna, Tel tbsraan wntUBawmn wba jit .p.-,. by tie ir own votes, totaaaawny tbapablk tri .i t ay a aaa baaa >>t t{r.'ctihacks la place of hank Bute.-. JJISTI LHl.SG It I Mu/iS j\ FAI L 111 YEU. Fai.i. Uivi k, Mass., Sept. 17.?Rumors of Blher nuan. ial U\ajt.!iaoi irn if i arittes have heim float bat ??uiii BSM foi mvaml Uaja, aad wcro putlialitHl in I The Pbfl Itirrr Hernia" to nicht. No nutioe nre elvon. but two iwrtiiu eewlaeiwhom Um ateeat tall unit reel*'. d< njr to sight tint Iben Is Um Micluem prcreeliia tarraeb tsunsre, im t ucy an not n. netally believed. William m. uvyrs last data* a VK\ i i !! pb >m Ol i 1 \ 1 max i OL 7' it Ih t 11 i I or <> t ihr T r i ft u n r Si;:: Tothein r: vI.els of WflHaffl Hunt It may lti> grateful to bout MUM trustworthy account of nis s ni end lam sboekiag than the bare sad oftoa Inootnet statements of Ihn carnal )obiiib1b Ho ha i Ihm ?< Irring with Ida devoted eieter al t ha Isles -i Shoals, eight wecke, the ceatro ol a aright and friendlycircleto tatoeottageel Apidedoee, aadu ?pit* of aba dbaaaae of nervoaa ptaotiattaa ander ? i'!i In was Inburiuir, I a u 1'uiukful to hclicvc ti had boura ??[ peaoa an i area happiaeea daring that time. Re was anre ol all our sympathy, and every oaa aaa glad to eheet aad ooaifott biaa whenever und arbareTflt the bmef apiiarlaaity aieted itaeff to do aim any service. Ue arete eaoh a brove, heroic from oTat all ha sofJerod, are aevet dreamed of ineh a terrible ead at liaml. In am! mit our pleasant parlor aad about the sauaay plana. In the aaeef Bammer weather, be paancd. al all booraef tbe day, aal hiagtbealowiag oelera ia tho I?rt!** garden, or tm beautiful aeaaad airy, or lying In aaa ad the hai i bo as Uateoina to the lovelj mtado af piano aad nolbj thai it tod oat to bim from within, ot ehattiaa phmaantly vith thia ot thai Mead af the ?any wbodnv i loot i h at him. glad t" hare tbe privdege of listening to his wonderful speech. So Iba bris hi ilms paaa d, and I am aura he mual bate faaad ?Miinc please re m them, furling hinawtbT air wholly beloeed, honoiad andappreotaled bj alb As tue time drew near for t!i ? etoatug ol I v- beuoo and he fell thai hemaal leaTatblaplace,fbt every aaa waa going, bbi pirita aaak anew, and be oftoa i x I em d grant aaai |yabout his movemcnto, tip ading t be ehaaara to at bet aad Ie? pare air, ami feeling s,, i 11 r I - - strength t<> bear anything that might ha bi ft re hum Weatrnee la eheet bim, aot di.iareaeeanycaoee tor more tdan aaaalanzmty ahoaf htm till the arid Mienlav <?1 Septciii'.ei h. At the i"t. ol the balge b bled the enttage at ap* pledore i- a ttaj baabi hollowed oat of the reeh to ? itch tberaiaa, a aballow i toeiaidi' Bib d with wate; Wbleb Ih lolitlileieil Ity (t.iies to (lie wall, tor I lie aaa of the aaaal] ateam yacht Piuafom, winch plica eontiaanlly betwm n the bdaada during tin' ?eaeoUi Ii i- a lovelj pdaea,tbia tittle abeal of trauejail watei lying out oa the tnji nt the in ks, open to theaky and reflecting ita erery tint and chance aa perfectly aa the (treat ooeaa beyond it. Hunt and hbistoker bad aat together nenr it in tbe pleaaaat daya, whtli ehe aketebed tt aad tlm gable of the booae ckx* by, and be often Mid boa pretty il waa Boaad b the fragrant baybemy baahea i *1 I rl liekly, and till mm she wild resn blooaom ^ ... tneas. At its iirim all summer mag ibe little birda come to drink nod totrash, arith tietnklini igarufUing the brightsurface; ?iiien I watched them ITom bay window at eaariae epar mwa, swallows, aaadpipara, that made tbe pi m muamnl arith otiaa. Her?? on thai Monday morning, when all oat little world was making l im. I found all Ibal was left ol Dur beautiful friend Boating npoa bia faea, while lb< >v Ind Battered a fold at hia ! >ng m t wl ieh lay on tb< water, dark la the atlll and aunny glitter ol the surf.:, e iia here aabraki n. la a moamal help a .< i .i i be apob ind annraittjig1 Bm ts t ? n anaeil it. bit i \\. re tu ide, bnl life bad been goae mbm hoarai He bad i M aeemed amea dopreeMil than uaual that morning} be aat arith ua by iin< lire awhile after breakfaat?ll bad bei ? raining?then be went oat and we never aaw him agab). Itwra an bout ni :? i before we were really routed lo .a la rat a beul bim, f.-i each one though! I ita m ilns or .hat place a hi ra be arm aeenatomed to bo, und do anxiety ?n tered our be u is, fot of such a eataati rpbe a e eoald m ; -it, aat, I ariahallwbolored hbn could have looked on hia grand, atlll face when he was dead, for then " is |h u e. <M 11,,/ -pi. 'e! ?! of I lie in uiu lost lo tbe world, of the beauty ol that liiu'i nature, too i t. harbor bitterneH or any ungenerous thoaght toward any ereatura, there hi no need to ?peek, lie i-, o great licht untimely qaemebed, ind there are no worda to match oar lore for him, our ten I. ue- aad oat Borrow. Oauda i BAXraa. dpidedera, h i. a/ Sseale, bent, 11,1*70. VIDSIGMT WKATUKH HB PORZ s>- ? ir >V?KN11?,N r DtDICATIONa 1 uunxurox, Beat, IB, lsro. I'nr Rew>EoKlaad, rienr or pari t steady WWMber, weeiei ? wteda, etatloaanr nr lowtr UBaperafare, rmi iL' BaroBMter, !'? ? :.? Stdtile AilantieStatee, eli ir er aattli alaaily wraibrr. woeterly wiada, Meomiag varfaUBe, rbaag lei .. a i .j lalbngbarom tor, statioaao or lower tempo, a: n re. Tl IB! FNE LOCAL l>B*?FTJVATI(MfS. _ 11 a s a s s t??in?rti mil i ? 9tmmi? ?H -r-^?'-1-:? - - ?-' - 4 L-'k - r jH? ? i L,L et.J-^.L. , ?.? >.li 2S?j ll IDTUC*. riltf i" fi**:. Hlj.4r .i;,-. .'IV" illrllliK, :i m9 fir . i? Jl ? .... na T i? er-<:i?r mk U Um re?*neli .!? . i.... - ,r? lerl >(i .... .i.,r,. rMWeeeaef itttrlim? i.,r... ul. Uai iif.,uuui in tcii.^<rMar?. laiawaa umca, eept. is. i a. m.-Tito iewaward moioMieal la IM baraeMSet eaeled paabmdapmotamga aad waa tollewed by rapht rlaa TM weather uns pai h uloudjr aadebaur. TM Mmperatiira raaeodbe> tweea an. ~:> . lbs av rags bemg In.ln r than on i rMeday. TM amosa! <>t amlaten m Mat air has seea dlmlul?bi il. ?'ii or at psrtlv rieady weathi r, \<lib Hlghl ehsams la tent rrature, may M expected m Ihb)Bill aad i day._ .1 OEM AT SALk of SEW books. 1 h. Fall Trade Bale ol luniks jpajpui reeter say BMeetag :>t 9x90 a*eloek, in im resMS aaCimtea u.U. la IM ton aoea abeel forty bayera wi n ptassai; in Km aTbataeea abeal sixty. Heap wem from Boston, rhlladolphmaad Waetera eine*. Ba^aewaanj abaton bad i ? '"'i reptaaaatatlM, aad I ta Hasaaael t?rntica at tba M ete wi re tt..*re in torga aambara,m aaaal. Iaa bidding a i- vary eattre .ill iiay. sad lbs prices arete in nun- sosss high, aad hi many geedi aboalate . dt rs" wen few. a geastal sdisaua took pabae on lust yi-Mr's pi mm Beaahtaa,tbupmda\Oa.%pabttoalton bal tba w.:r. kaewrotama aa Blaaabaaa Mewart PUslps MBaab Order*M wm tbi mekoamnd. it bnaghl within .", i nts of IM heel wholesale priff. liaynrd Taylor's " Paam,** to a nee edUioo to nmteb Brreafa traimtoUim ..f HoaaM, toltowi ?! s ????> itm t aad bteaght a seed |irte.-. imey'sbeaha ha n-t* al only lo'a aeele torn than wl.itenatoa Tbe eposes! tostan sf umdei II mto at Tenayeaa'a wotka in tarsutydant differeal ? Uttoea,remprii agMSweea 7,'>o<? atni lyOOB volume*? a ow Inn IB. 1.1).K) coidni In l'.'iuo Inane' ;:?. a i ?! token nt be per cent off Ibenmilpttoe. ini-ii' other eiliioee foitowed, aad Ibra Baase the ? ii. .i-. ii iid Poet?," la arm "t baa r<4au ee. Pbrtta lat i. -i i volnon in i n red for a tboaaaad votaaaea ta aeeoried tola bi ana Brm alone aad pnaiat * refnai l, lurecabu eta im t.i.- hraaghl gl sad gl Bg pat jnj Uliie. ?ml this ahme aeali aoi aoeonni f..r im baprora bmbi H Wer. btuatoa'e b ??k? wUek feltowi d, ?nr la evei a I ceat i oKered in ton ot SSO, Mio aad i ven 1,000. but ihc pneeeattll bold pood Mr. WortBlaxloa oaered 5,0f>i copies of rranyaoa'e worka after talweea UeOOO' 3.000badJn?t area aeht, aad nt bettet prleeefor Iben tbaa v^a^ expt cted. a theanad e ?)> ea ot a Magls edition went for 58 seats, sad tba lbs pttn wm itaecked down a nt rfntdlaef volror calline for tote of twenty. Bfty, eighty, sad m a.aee 900 fl?eitiiie room natu tae aneuoneer poaeded wita i > Mmmet and ? aa aiaeed " Ton re m 1 sd ??? Ita Paid Boom." iMr. \\ rtblnatoa oa>ied Bfty eeataa eaeb af hit Oeerge CWmpbeil'i ?? liiai k and Wklb," OaarUetla ami other wiimiW "PBaaoua Pi eaeb aalbota,1' ami Madaam l. r lltuu'e ?' Suiivi Uli fit latter lelnir already iu us tuirii edlttoa. witii BrOOO oo pan m'hi. Thsaa isiot*. broagbi within a townata Bf tba wbeteeale nBMa Ihn t 2,000 ** CMttfhoxca " were sold, a MChatn r baa" watch tmnufbt 37*a eeaH hwt rear enhl furfj7i,i eeate,aad aaelber wtoeh went for 90thee, bmepbl 59to/ Kearlv lust ooptee of Teine'e " Etia*l>?b l.lterH Ini. " were Bebt. with the exception i.f mii edtftnn Wl, . i in iitf!.: Just 4" pi t rent oil. tin .t anld Sow. tbe ht..mUrfl 1.iik'!:-Ii i dlUon K"Hik' fbl MM tliaii lislf the n - Iwllai oe The worba Of KoheSwia atal Ilia cats iu aleo w nt l"? .mil tm Wiiviihy imvi-li. in thin llltnoe., pa p. r. Iiiuu^lit oiih i ceotn a pico?'. Hot there were few n hi soc-igcea, while toauy book* btMUMI PttoM wbtcti rasi ."uardetl us itno'l bargain*, tor the paMtoben Mr W..rlhlli>ttiUi'e lie! eboiild b*T? been flnliilied ia?i a tobt, heina M eft dnwu In iho cata toflM bei it lo o'clock the hale at^. urn-d with elirbt uuw B tea unaold. TaoiiKb not a ver> Kfod book to eieeo .,!, Uh K ami ? is rliif" n wtiliout a Dti'U-nt a? the point fer hreaklna off. TbU tnorulos l.fX'O coplee of UM .. IB) put no. Too revieed kdinliurab edition of i ,. rs'eBm otopmBta wfll fallow. BestJm the ?rast of pultllehi re an Uttto, Urowu A Co., i- B. Uppluoolt m to.ttud Jemee Miller, all of wbon boobs come up t? doy. I THE STATE CAMPAIGN. ALL PASTIES AT WORK. TWO ItrMlM'llATK 8TATI: Ci MMItl n . 10 >>nr,\\ DEBta mis ciiv ?i:aiii l. viiciN Of m moo* Laa ?TBsotnta th KKi? i.ionrsucAM distxict Tin- Democratic state Committee will meet in New-York on Tin-i<lnv. when if is believed tin- tenta held by Tammanymen will ba aii by others who lavoi the reirulir ticket, A Tnm many Btata Cocnrnittcc will also be Organized, ami an ell'ort will be Btadc to csbtsbi the Sl.ite in the interest ol John Kelly. A meeting of the Irving Mall Democ racy was held last sight, ami apeeebaa were Blade by Colonel T. Hows, BeOStOf Kccli-sine, anil others. RepobllCSBa are or.';anizing in the Assenibly Distriehs, Till) DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. MBST1M0 10t m MAIV mMMITIKF?a iiivai.CoM HITTB8 in mil Kl i.i.y'k im BUnST?Tin. BOS dibbi aajaci m robikbob m ki r. 1 be Denaaeretic state CoiBtaltSnn will md to eompVate us lagaaliathwi ht tbe Bt* Jbbmb flotel in this arty aa Taeeday Beat, An Ezeeatire Caa> aitttna a ill be eheaea. end ? d< efanaa a ill l"' Made ob two eea tooted -.i-ais lathe soormtttee, Aa tba Combiittoa bass Mtierityoi Tildea ?ea, theeen* Uartacte, who are Hondo of the ex-Qoeeraor, will be likely to be awarded the teat*, rheTammany raemben dotenalaed yeatetday to efatin then - its. tint H 11 nut probable thai they a .11 he admitted to tbe del beratloasaf theeounnittee, ATthhrnaicm bat ef th?' oomwIlten aaid ceneatning this yaabwehtyi "The fhaeaMHiy aaembeee will hare to ?abaail le ? euaaebiem abanl their Intent!one before they can aaaae Ini and as th"V will have to confoM thai the, parpoae eppoaing the eleetiea of one of tbe wee on tbe Deaaoeratk State ticket, we must then neceo aanli refneo them admittance. Then anda tin reatdntlon pemed bythe N ate Contention in reeard to leorgaaiaiBg tbe Demoeratic parly in this city, waehall probably All tbeeeata ef tba Tanrmany mamhen af eat committee with i> woerata who online loyal to the party." It ta preeumed thai mem ben of tbe Anti-Tammany party like Mayor Cooper, dainty Clerk Tbompenn, cx-S?nai<?r Mo >ii , George B.Paraer or Petci Bnwe nill be pnt iu the aoata ?d the Tammany man ii tbe places are rh elan I vacant. Tammaay is determined ta aeeitm rotee far Mr. Kelly in the eeontry us well as in the city. At the contention held in Shake >l>. are Hall, Syracuse, after btr. Kelly had been i: >mr:;it. .1. the e' DilVlil Dudley Kield.wasinifl to appoint a commitfc- oi lift ?'??ii to inannae tbe eamaatgn iu In-half of Mr. Kelly. Tno committee baa nol beenopii iuiedyei, inn a til soon he choeen. Mr. Pield has been iiiisi it from New-York ainee flu- Syracuse Convention, hut he r? tu med yrelerday, and during the day was vi Ited l>\ several leaders of tin- Tammany organi? zation, fhey urged htm to appoint I he committee ? ?i fi'teeti immediately, BO that il migln In irui work. The result of Ike con to re nee Wae ?? uctcrminii'ion to select and announce the mem ben of ihn nun ii illee lii-lore the end of i ae present Week. Only ii small proportion ef the incmbers ol I bo eommito-o will be residents ol this city. It isinieinli d to have representatives of every sce tmii nf I he Slate upon it Thatiilee; House bos liecli selected as Ms hcebjuai i? i s. Tbe -i? . ial duty ot tbe commit ii >- Will be to conduct .Mr. Kelly's canvass for Governor outside of this citv. It is a]i|iar< iit, tiierofore, tbal it will he arivaiDcmo eialic State Committee to that which will heat work in the St. Jamec Hotel, 'the friends ol .Mr. Kehy slate thai tbe* areteeeivim: |> ? ml reds of iet l< rs daily from the interior ol the Slate pnuin-im/ 111 iii Slipjierl. Ex Vaeemblyman Ena i a E. 1 hvrie, af W aahing Ion County, who waa a le dnriu tbi attack on the Cai-til fiiiiK tu Hu- Legialaturc dnritii: i.nveriior I l ildi n'a auuiiuiatratiou, viaitetl Ihiscn i yesterday. Dtiniii.' a couversathin with a Paini'm repnr.ei In said thai there WCTe hundreds nl Democrats in Wiishiiiifinn County who wonld not vole for (J?.v crm i Kol.on on aeeounl <?'. I ia 'i.i-. rnide ndniin isfrafi- n of the Stall?'* I II i re. They were friends ol tniveimu'1 ilden, however, and wouai vo:c fi.i bun ii he should be a candidate for I'res'deul in Isvo, At'stention from ruling wonld ho tlnir im ihod of punishing ti ivormg Robtnaon. An eminent member ol the Urand Army of the Republic ?nid yesterday tbal the memlNira of thai seen fy were greatly offi Bded by tbe non-recogui tiim ol tin- olaimaol tbe soldiers to some place on the I ?.' ic State ticket, and that ns n conse? quence nl I he attitude ol the Democrats the hulk of thevotcaof theorganization wonld he given to i lie Iii publican Hiate twket, wbieh in Major-' ieuernl ('air had a reiireacntative of tbaeoldicr clcmonl of tie popnlation. AMU "AM MA.Ws BALLY. RAIifTCATIil.N Off rBS BTBAC?SB I |iy IHK ii a 11. nnvoensi v?spun m - nt c?>r. oxxx rRXLOwa. anxsroa bccmmme ami oranna, Tbe meeting of the General Committee ol 111. Irring II i'l 1> linn 009 ill '.lie Ueeut.) of NiW-Yurk la-t ninht nt Irvine " '"? was-.try larfi y atti iiUtd, the ca|iiw lty ol ibe ball Balaa lally t ?teil. The c air wim occupied ?>>' Police t'oiii nl -no.? r Imiie.. I'.. >. . rison. riiootby w m acted as ?ceretnry In ojiciiiiiir tin* Bhaatmg tin- chairman announced I he rci?ult of the Hj' i onvenlloo. .1. J. Maitiii rJKl Ihat a run.or ha.l li-en wulf.-pr.iiil thai Uoveroor UobtBBOB ai BM ma fa 10 the poll*. TMa bedeairodtoconOradha] ou the BBlborltyof Ihc Gov? ernor in a i iininealoattaa airlweend to hlmeelf. John I> CoiiKhbn oBaeed a eerlM ef neolaMona, which, after ?pprovlna the- Beeamatkma of taa Byracusc Convention, pi in ceil: Beeafredi Hi it tin. BoaalaatJoB of Laema Boataaoe for Oovaruor, i otwltbamadma the tiirc .ts ..f Xummaui , I-1 arm a. 1.1 ?> k'tn'iti'ii- i" thia oriran z ition und to the Deuiocraei "f tli s city, ool only f.T the :ea Mm it akowa that tae booeat Demoeraej o. tue Biati will um MeriSee n btKbtal and hooeal pub? lic oBlciai at Ine oomei net ol am du tatnr, bat liocaua.) it provca that ibey aympathim with nein oureguria to I.ii Hi.- map in la.- <na -iu.iii p..a. i tin-throat .1 the Dcmoeraey of Ibla etty, to mlaa nut Im-iii Demu eialic i'oinniiitee aad coaveattoaa beyood ibe comrol mid ibBucbi ?' oi a aecn t o itb boned orraniaauoa aaee aatbe rammany Boeielj or C Inuibiao Order, to hgklea i he pin in ae oi msai h n iiicui rci by tue Tamaumy er gamaatloo la anpportlag an army et Baaceoeaary aad extravaaaatlj paid eWeiala, aad bte own ted reOake to Joba Ki aid raauuaay Uall lor ibaW lofamoua bar aaln with theBepubileanarelative t > itie m- of appoi lion an at. wber i y tbe I?. mocraey of ihia citj w.ia robbed ef mjaet leprenuleilue la the Htatv LegUla mte. Baaoleael, Thal tae eaataeal lorvScea rendered to tbe Matam by tae ll>>n rtarkaoii H. Potter, aad too valu? able eel vlooa reader dmtbi>? bj Secreiair of State llouob. Oaatrailer i lleotl, i n aeorar Mackin, Attorney Oeueml Bebooamaker, end ?l iie-l i . law r Horath) lei ? in.mi, jr..are tin- atroBB*ai araumeato m favor of their t l.-i lieu to the v..renn- i 111.' - for v.i... 'i the) ale put Hi BomiBattoB. huiI maj be aceevlad bj lha people a aeaaraBocc hihi aaoertale aomiuiairaiioii ot Huitc ai (alra tbeea will be aa amp Backward In Ibe payiaenl of lha Btata debt, Ibe ledeettoa o i xi" i Bee. ami a diunun mm "i Iba bai aaaa ai lasataaa, ear ia e irrj laa aneee-a imiy forward the reiorauh maurated bj tnehtateAd aualaUrationa ol Oovenen Boblaaoa aad TUdea. Aiaaetathm aaeabmeeTbrei ertnadlag ao iuvitaiion to uh DoBBQcrala. erltbaat regard to gaol poliii? ai affllia Inme. waa are ia nveoref ike alocttiaa ef Lucia Bi***m ?aa ead t '??' ot le i Bead datea en tbe tJekci to j.mi with tbe fmt ty.eoaata peeaeal b i".?ini fr.-m to tba aaeaay. Ambteea ft rardi laM that the eoovention at arra oaae bad mid Joba Kali) that be can no leaser dmata Bomtba oaaelbaama tbe partyabould BBpporfc Wbea Kaiiyaaad beeeabJ paB B0,000vatee Lc akowedhiui mlf mi a?a. ... na reeetatkma were adontetl amm applanao. Ks-Aaeemblymaa W. n Raoney preaeuted a reaoto naa warataaDaioooramaeamal tkeeSoriaaoa euil m to obmm their aiguataree to a pleaae Us vote for Joun K. n\ t.a iim. i... i," a- ba lea a i -non u. ued emnuakuei and a vo wo i bat h i object hiia aeenre. it poaaible, ibe ? ii en.m or Atoaeo B. Canell, the 1<< pu illoaa caud> I ii no." jniin Ki-x e ncrntiii ue?! tbe party ea bavma driven In in i ii.-1>> iu a mile naka a deapoi eiidei ? bum do maa could live. s. n iior la ch ?itie nt this nraj.'e entered tbe hall, and \i,i? ?. leemc I hy aioch ebei rum "t. r. aeblng the ptai form ke aald i ?* I aai with yoo bare thia evaalBS be eaaae yea aaa tbe DaaMMraey ??! tke Oeaaty elJtew v?>i k, aaa fee tin- aamo raaeaa that l bare been op]Hir>cii t.i i ou boBaoe vbm you lia.l Sana laal wbleb I believed to lie armor If ibis or IB) otBee onamaaUon In the future ao far r..rtteis low-lf u? to make aiij alliance with the ewaBBBOB oaem) I aball t*e mumi finiiiins y u aa l louabt yaa i* fmi. it !? beeaaee Tammaay iiaii aaa amtasntmy 1 Baanbad out of thu DsBmeiaaf that 1 have tiii. aii "ft nl Blleglaace to tier, and I am Ban te manert thu n-iniur nnuiitiution nf the pomoenllll Mate ronvcritlun. Tke Ki'tiuhilcaus, tiuvihk feiirnt that Kotith 1'aroliua and I^iinaiai.n .id un? der the ])cuiiMT.?tio flair, have tlrt. riniUeU to make the batti. In IbS N irtb. and they bepe in am the BUupUW ante by a eyeiem ef nnjalteaa eeaeplraey. They ho|ie l<> aam Maaa ead iiiiouau tbe tr. ?...n of a paity ahleh Lille rto In.? i laiun d tu be lic-iuo?.ratio. They will not i.I, heeanae the liamocrai?ibruuaboiit tin- Hiaie will -i c thai i'i<- 8) rai <?**> Ucket In ekmtaa. i ba Ucuiecraiaof MoW-1 "rk hnxr not aunk ao Iowas to Rive a rsiwrrof attartm) to aaeaam m <a*t their veto. Ibeyeallae limn n ii-P r. ll.iih purtlra icisoirnisti lha linporiauoe of the laauo In the ooiulua campaiirn, fee aa Koa-York tfoea thia Fall ao aoea tberleotluli In lbSO." rjoloael Joka B Foiicwa ?aid iiib bebten ln?d atalned IbeniinlTos with laatma abatrai o aud Stsbeaor. if tbOf had quietly aloud al.sif -i ia the nouiiuation their attltuuo would have had some force and unuhuiaa at leaai. John k. ll> 'a cou duct anowed that he aaa uot eutliled le be U Bated lu a hualucaa traussOtloD helwccn man and MUb IK- had BOLON lt. CHASB, PROM MAIM'. Tin- announce n< nt thai Boloa B. Chnae, the fariiif-r.lcntici of tin- Maine Urn nhacki r?, .i.e. in ?|m-ak In-t ??u hiiik in ( <M(|..t Iii-utiitc drew an an tience of over t/UO to that hall?an atnlitM <? that,M the BTBBlag woro away, bi-cimc w 1 ally ciit.'iiioi?tlc. riinse pre*' tit were elm-fly wi.rkiiiLiin-n, ?Uofii? it Bad atsfaeaa Bad many ?r Ham tool flair WlVBa Btoag| The iwi? liiiill on . hut ih<* ?hock of rlmira on It WOtl Uir Leu k ii'l 011 ii|ii< <1. Ion after H o'clock n (? i < DOp i BgBeen <l cm Hie ?tnjrc with Mr. CBBM on maatta, TkJa waa to. mrnal torlung roaiiaaeil eBeere. In a f. v ri.;e| !n. riitarv WOfdB Mr. i':m|i r Introitilrcl taa apeakar, area .?- he aehrai aad ni a armty reeetved. Mr. Cbaea baa a t Iraaaai, op. a face. Be m be tow Iba ordlaarp height. Tba ildeeaad back af bla bead an aearaeg arith a than Mage ai annUgat, nincic hair, ami Ha " aitrt top of llU he ul |? b .hl. In the heateil por? tions of hl? ariTiiiiif UM, af'cr l?e t.a? made what In- re mrda aa a vary atteag petal, ba baa a toTatito way aa atretehlag eat bto ataaa. beading totward aad geatly imeethiaa ?Iowa bu ball with the pahaa of in* big, bard hand*. ui.n.- ipnakiaa be atoapa eaaaaamnamy, aadaaallcaiatoaaiaatel tin liaaaattb aeaaa awkward* i ?Bi aprapa rapidly,aad attata hin wen!? in a Btroag,?keet rob ?. 'I i aaraai Btocmuiovrd ir.' n'l of t,te?inir>les?,home hralktod, relatmg almea wtibeal eaeapMea to ham I 'i to fan de in tba prodaett of tin- hum Iha favor, lie \ ;.jr. t baa baa af BTieomlag bt? gitataaoa ?? ' ?? i ? ihte ta to eemplaia ef Ibra tor tryma real iby lu "ft arum bog a dollar," er, fa otlit'i Korda, for lacreaoiea im rnrobanlar power of "".Hia mttapbore,?tmilce,aud utaer laeroa,all ??? tie i Do i le ih.- ban nl >.i \.i 'In bail It,aad app iMoaareac it. nfon ? .ti iti ami lea ee.?? eoai i ot ti.eir eueplwitj aad dlrn taeaa. From the lir>t u *ih i < i wae on ibi beat of lerma wltb bbiaedleace. ?Bio i. in-, heal polntalo theepeii i, wbarb lailrd an ?' rei baU.a i wima. lewaid ita etoae, he referred i" ? ..hihi-ii in weenptoducbon being tba eaaae nl i the ? limee, MWhy, mid be, "tbere are tatet rbaiebe? lying lebt in lie. town of Bernoer In in.. Stale, ad u I nir.l tae tainci? In the town , i ", ami taeir h itter boat ret a profit i a i Iba Ptnttr1! aeea ha troddea areaad Iba doatt of Iba leaetnaiiee. WBwfe the i !? l AnoTenpioductton ot mlabneral ap-I p..m-i-andlaaabter.j Tbi bnp ?ho geto only a eaal aptem for ate Pah woea cleaned enmpmiaa ot ..n or en proriu . oa of i ... 'I hu? ti i ii i? an orer production of calico, a a, mlaietere, and ibeyMI Ind eul IBal tbere'i en ??rer-|.i ioi uu nn-. i.k. i..t" Tbl? eeuliaeeel took i .?? audit aaa ahaoai ?.if Ua Peal, 'II!!' LOCAL REPUBLICAN CANYA8& The moat bopefnl feeling preralla at *ln' reaaae nl loa K- pataftoaa State Una oral Committee in l be Fifth a renne Hotel, aad aaaek werk la alreadp being . deaa Tba aa ? Ui bj i f Iha XMffd A leamblj DUtrtoi Bi pnb Aaaaeiauaa, at No, 10g Baal 0.hoawdredaad tw?aty*dftb?M.a hut ereaiBB, araa atteaded by teteral bondredparaoaaaadmawhlatoraat w:i.-? aaewa la aha ..-. Beat/C Bebtaaea waa tba aral apeakcr to iredaoi I by .Mr. gage, tho tbatrataa He called atieattofl la an aarai amp t> the ttibi tbreatearac ihe Battea if Iba Demueaattt party ibonld ebtora control of Um Federal Oarerameat inw pear. Tba onljr tbtBe, ba HUd, thai now Mood in iha wap af the abeola ? power ef tbe Coafederatt bi u'.'.inr? In CoBBieee waa t be Bxi aative. If a Deameraua Pieab drataboo I ii elected ta is?it,t!in fpattooftht \> mo.a. betoeh Tb irrtftadiaramipbtptnamidtopeaatuu all theeoldltm whoaeitad aadar JaSwaea i>.i.;*. t.? pretoul l brae aad ethat at lit the DememaMt parts meet be beaiaa to 18B0t and la order do IBal, t:..?t i ittpmaatbi beaten to MemTorb iktoPalL kiebitaPl Ola tri t-Attoteay Betttae apeke ef Iha adgb tbarantti ol Mr,Ooraell and tin- il?i..t.' iionn! miowu a- Speali'-r of Iba I lemblv, E oral Bali. Celoaal tTebatot ami of ben addn wed tbe mcettlU*. Tbe eatbimiaam thewn duriap *... av< aiua aaa In on need bp Ho- iaM.ii? 01 iain paiaa eoBga bp a gtot cub. A larde numboi ol pnimlneol ettfeeea "f Iba not er part al ti'- clti aaaembled in Ibe reoamof the Con aed aad Boaktaa Campaiao Ctab of the ZlXtn I . Ii lUlCt. W Ii M 'i-' \ aliith-l., lau Boalrrard, to rati'y the lnnuiiiutiiia? of tin-saiatn .-a CoavcnUow. lin luecima wet nddroaeed hy to n mal BarBm Ptwfeaaoc Bant, BnaOfocd O. Flemb ami i.iin-r?. Beeolnimna won adopted, appror nu tin1 platform of tint Benabllcaa Blate Coarentton, n d pbedgtaa tbe eappottof ttie club to tin coiididBii ? oa tba blate ileBet. tbi Bwid ih II pnblioan Cornelt aad flooktos Campmaa Or* iilaation met Monday rrenintf, of Praroaiie B II in i j : llooc'oe at. fa reepoaee to a eiopkt call about 8O0 m . i. pn mat. i n ..i ab u 7.' a) betdet m tniaettr a bo bei ?? uerci li for had any poilttoal ? rgjaa iiati a> Tbe fobowtoBofll n were eleeied oa Moaitoy evenlwal Preeldeai, It Pel i- i| Vi ? I'. ildeut,WiU? lam l'areoaa| Bccoad Ve i-i i.-i i. ,.t, A. Jubnaon j Bee letarj. Q, Tatoriua. ^ wnxLUi b. \\ ooDra nosova i bd. Itbaca, n. v., Bept. 17.?The BspuhUeau Oom attoa for I ba XX v lib Dbiirlel m ? anted BU lam D, Boedm let goaatot to-day ?u the tia}bry?eisbta bal oi. jamba b. LOOM1S FOR BRM LTOR Rooibutbu? m. i., Bept, 17.?Tin- Bepubll' aaa fleealoiml roateattoa oi toe Xltltb Distnet, held bete to-day, aaaaimoealy aomfamttd Jataea uLLaaaue, ot Wyouiiud. Ua a a? a am tab r of tae i.^t aenntc. 0B1TV I/. 1. RERRl LU I Ml.B BI BART. Henri Led bet Stuart died yeeterday at Athens, Oa., on mi alaiy toarth birtbday aanirenary, after a lau f 1 lui-bM. lie w.n, well kno?.i la il.ia c;t.. w:,. re he waa nl. niitieij with aeeatal ptvmtaeai pahUa aala prtam btr. biaart weal to Atlaata aboal tba aahUtoef <maai to preeeat to Iba Bi lean It] or Oeeiuto, Carpeatert tall bmatb portrait af Dt.CcBafbrdW. Loaa;tl.rfptaal dbmaieiei of aataatheala. Tba portrait la to ba bane on thewaUsef tbebtaMCapitoL Both beaaaeof thel*aa> blatara adopted a vote of thaaka, Budrhw Mr. staait a paaal af Ike gfato. Beaator Oetdoa laada the pteaaatattoa ipaeeb. aad * leaiieaaaBaa Teetuj teplN d aa bobalf Urn etate ta a BMaaat aaluaiitia of in. Leeg aad eoaapitomatary to Mr. etuarl ihu latter raeared tbe paaaaea ot a tweelatiea aeabyaaMag Oeaatal Ogle* tborpe aad Dr. Loap a * the two dieltnanlahad etthama af Be 'l _ia who ?l.uiild l?e mptetHOd hi' BbttBBU iu the bella of the National Capitol. OaIbbtibb kflaatoi Mr tiaarl w. nt to Athens, aad aaa tbe caeel ef tbe faaally af Dm Imac. Uban uu an live.i ut Alle D-, line weeks ago i-iiilay, a iapaUattoa of reebtoam el teal peaea waited apoa him aad albred baa trie Ireagam af tbe city. | Tba toUewbjg BNtabuj, latarday, he waa ?iriL-uen wtth paralyabi, aad daring hia toaat iilucea en of tbe leading phi ttotoaa al the city gave uuu aeaateai aatoatV ntic.-, ami everyone wa? ?.ilicitou? for (u-i welfare. At Ike reejeaal of Mm. Iu. l."t>n und otlu re, Mr*, .stuari liaa aoaeaetad ?hat bat baabead iball bebattod by the snio Of Dt. Lead bj Albtat. Hra ftuart i? a: lor native town of Badaea, on the liu htea. Bet aaaaeea aaam was Mario itoddaid. Bbt la the d iUK'litcr of tliu former edl bmaadpabUebaref fha Hm-ul Brjmawbfp Mr. smart leatee bo aafJdtea, bal ba toataa Butaj young inuaie. mil In-a a* a lift- i ns'11 1* "ii ninl ?.tai lor of BBUBel ahiidiea. Mr. Milan hern nt BatttB, Vt.. BkmawBhsr Id. 1815. Iii? brother. Carton i>. Swart, aemUred aeam r. p BiaUoa .ir n writer. Be itadtod in*, medldne ami eiTil eaajBearing, ami in i?37 joined rba aa? ef Bearing eerpt of the N leblna Sootbern itnin ?1, ami brenni" iti cbb*t In IBS0-'4o. Later, ba tn Mm iI to ?tan .i in we,paper. Dm VieMpmi t^tmemer, aad mam to \ a Torbla i-i"-. lie waa wfi rward ?mptoved on Taa Tbibobb, aad reaaieed a warm ittoad uf Horace ij .1 ey mi d ii swora* r m the abahltoa maw tm at. It is mM oi Mr. Bteari that ba waa oaa ef tbe tir?t to ino j. an Atlantic eabto, aad iha *ite of Cam trnl l'arki al*o. that he eu?,'4Ti etail the Pi a a of tbepreeeal city icbool hoaaea, taweitaaad the ptoaa into the pniillc MbeelB ami took ? leaiteg part la i Bbtf mg a aeaaolbtotton el the uar.i ami paiumaobooioef UB i ip, in, aided the todtoa of the llama Bemlnearr Boeli iv Iu feiiiiittnt; tin- Pitt Poiati Mi-?mn In 1831, and W.m one of tile fnuinlrre of Ihe Nur'ii.i! I'lilh eTe. Iir. J. Marl.ui gUBB bM Baal tlmt the aMteaafW reiabllahmoal of the Won,an'? Beopftal of Urn stat. uf Ncw-York la I.<x'UKion-ave. wae U rite I) Uiie to Mr. Ptuarfa itfnrt?. WbCB Mr. One at was asked to tn-eome a truaiee of tho Kileettc Meillcal Co?ejte be leplled tnat be w.m too baay .mil badal tfam area to db>. i>ut Beaataatod Mi . Btaarl for the petition. Ihe lain r accepted, and m i - . . ? an 11-? ? ? 11?? : ? and trustee of tbe ?-. ,. lie ?peiit a lars;e euui uf money In letpoga ciim rtaMata, He was always reaiij to .i?-i?t bj urouiisiDs; rtiterptiece. for sevi-ral rears he look a 1.?ely In irrest la the couli o versyo\er the dUoovery of abm?the?la, aud al first champ oned tbe BtotoM or Dr. II. im Welle, of Dart (acd. iiui afti-rward. beiiig rmBTtoaew thai Dt. Lone: had us- il ether lu surgical operations in 1H12, two >i ?:? l,e fuie Dt, Wells. Br. Stuart transferred ms ?uoport lo l?r. Loup, ami ?as determined that bis claims ae a rreat buurtacior of the race should he reeonnli'd. Tbui it win that while sharing tu a ineaaure tbe honor*, of l>t. Lung's auoecsa, bu data. Several young ^r.nluate.? have dropped Into lita BBW ToBB laint ?a . rtl.lately to loaubr. ? Have you ali ihe Bac.iiUay* yon want un the local I"?{Uuotn iiull ComiQirclul. I CETYWAYO CAPTURED. TBE ZULU KIN.. SUBDUED IT LAST, mi. Ban IBB ri n-t ?r CBOWXBO WITH M v : B? Mi i?aVim f :a ni.Y CABMB ami BSXATIOUS Hi Ml iiik BBIIJBB flOTBBMOae Kilty CetVWayO, who UM bOOtJ a fi'ci'ivc - inee the luitrlc of I'lilinli, WM MptWfed ?>li August 28 in the northeMl i?f f;i- l.ii.ilum by Majoi Marter, who WM in COftttnand of a ?BjnodiwB oi drajtooae. Tba Mrly rareef ol the Krag nnd bit relnttona with the Britieb QoTatnoca an given in tbe sketch appended. l Iii: ZULU mv; A PB1SONEB. oarvwATo CAPTonan av majob majhbb n rwa bobthbabi or bdxi i.a.m?. CAT! rOW>, Ai ?.. 1 ?*7;>, via AliKSf. ainjor Marter eapfnnd Cetyweyo reatenlay. mi bbpobi connnni i?. toanoa, Wedw atay,sept, ir. h79. Theagantel tin Beeteru Telegraph tVunpnayal Aden tea Atom the nperl <>f * ti ? - eapttua ?>f tl"' Zulu KlBg, Cetywavo, l>v Mai-r Marter wild a detach ?antef the ist Draaeou eelit lap nndar Lecd (jii ford, in N"i boael Knlnland ea Auim-i 88, o tywnj 0? who baanl la -t fallen inta the hands of kJa British toco, aaa i>< ea Kteej of BalalnBd wnea UTS, whoa in- won .in! Mo fatneri taa lata Kmg randa. Tn.s a aovarsl aaaa : >?( tbeea Deibabua ami Oety w.iy.i BaeOBM rivals Ihe success >ei. Harb ?'f tin knurs ?-??Ii? aae olio 0 id te fetei aoepotatoeebtb HsriraeBi.ooUeeOoaaa bmhj taUeweea a* ho 000M in BUTlanj rale -nlir.Iiii.iti' in the Blni;; ami I In' r. I alii. 1 < or aaafe pcteeee aen sani i<>" Urs Badet Ute naac*i" b Mil- tli..- in tau kiat;'? num. Uiaie wn > c were " und? r tBotta 2'* bead." uatywaye beaaa lied with ?eatatl aaiBtrioB, rallied areaad ana Ibe eeelanl nntbwhe Ion cod te rertre ibe etocsta ef e'haka'a valiant nbja. Hhi yoMBer btwtber ?arbabMl nee "f peaeba bHaper, ami win. t lie. rsvectte of 1 hell Mbea Panda. Per? Haa wan toraaod eanaa iBt z ? 1 n eeBt Iky, aad etva war iirnk out. laaan it haiili foaiBt en Iba baaka at the 'i'lltfclii, wli< r>- 3.001? ..f L'i.iI.iiImz'*. in.mi a ore ki.ed. In. bepi 1 Bad eta ate bbbm ta aa end. it ha? keen bbM thai 1 A.> or ins ekllarea, (7*1 hole ami Ueikaeea. eei apt ?! at < r Um rtree Into State I ; ee did more tban eae >'f bbj baetb i-rs. ii ?- fartai 1 Hat d, s erond BBtkaiel leonbty of the Xnlai ree held lagtovember, iw.'.7, 1 eae ibe 1 bhrfe andladaaaaaajreadtaraeoaahM Getywaye aahell >: poreata They otdalaed alee tbel beahoekt, thronsb Mestpala,thePrtaaatOahHar. esaeebw sBsnsac aa 11 i.i- fatbi r'- ii. atk, aad abeald alb rwar.i ba Knut. Tea n let! ia al Getywaye e itn tbe Baabab aata froai is7;i. ? baa, oa ibe death af u.? fetker, ba aad t>t ebiafs foraBelly aan nnood the elreaaMl to 1 to Mr. Rbepotoae, IbeGavee.? <>t Petal. "Tbaaatloe.**aaldthey,*bae -11 Idealy toned llaall a ssdsrloa M kaaa 1 eat a bilker: It waadori, and waadon, ead waadan aaabt. tee us fitlrli la air nan. aJtbaaga ior aaaay yean the Kbta waa *o Ir leal ho o >ui.i aal aiave about, m? iti wm .nit iiiiTi-, aad my hi* aiadh Uta uatloB wss raided, aad km-'*- what to do| iheae bare ceased, aad naoo bat ebddrea on le l." ih tnterroflre* thae estabrlahed waa followed by i vi-it fron Mr. Shepei ine i" Culalaad t<> take aar] la 1 the eoronatMB of I itywayo. The lustallaH.reoruua* tlon, Oaptaln Lniwa m 1,1 ? 1 m new Kluo waa perforon-<l ? ai Monday,Iba l?i ot Beptt*nihor,with a- marhartv 1 tidal Mbnaialty ead decora tire apieador oe Mr. Hln-pati a'a party roald furnish aal or tbehr port side atorca, ah'.-d l.y Mr. .loim Daaa, i welt-known Bualleo er oeoteb reoateal am.mir i tbe / i'ii , who ia Bbaoel aae el tbeaweivea. 1 be ' 1 ni a 1- ptte ? ?! 10 the 01 mr. of tke Royal MUD 1. , Kraal, and a aadci orated wilb Bass, sii iwls ami roioi 11 b !'!.i-; ou a table toon atood a lookioa n-.u-ii ? 1 . I 1 hi rancj 1. ad^lrcMdrsUroed for a royal croon after tbe .: ilon. a i-.'inr oi riiii. w .1- sis red tor lila j m |e?tr 1 on this lay n sniri.'t and aoM mantle wirh j nl be won to he raveated, aad with tae eiowa oe can. I bj Mr^lbepatoae'e banda To the rieht band weresn lyi I Hilled vadii'.'ivra,aBdband "ta , boi Kittes 1 lothe eftynir. Hbepstooi'a aallre lollow? ? is. The Zulu Priaoe a teed with the Kola ooblee ami ?. .1 1 iiiora >.f 81 ite m irooi of Ibe inanjoeei \ uiarrtet ? 1 i.r a 111 si of lo.iMsi Zula Warriora, um ji 301111? m ". ktept iu atrial order by their urn* : , ?.? roul aaally beetloe Uiom ?.*: r ta Btbake, ton : t 1 lourtaa of a diek) el Ifty parde dtataa ??. a tu n feiywaro bad ra ein l ibe 1. -.i.s g fto, tad ba 1 examined tbe nr-n b-loaderi with doe Kraiiaeattoa, Mr. - ,, .1 ne,or ?,i*ouitacii,Maetbe Bulaaeall Buo^adi 1 ui a paper ot ame qaeatkiBa | loeaehofa ich Ihi aa aeuiblr reapooaad witB "sodlbie sad besrri aaa.n ." rhcae qucatlone reh.I to tbe reiaiions ol Ibe Kalaa I with theEnidishsetilera,and Uieacaeial sdaHaisiia Uaa of ?etvweyo'a kli edota, 1 ompui 1 i\. coi w? 1 .? Uowed thia aloaulai tore illlj oattl 1878) w 1.1 a .-ir Ueary Bolwer called biia taae 1 ooaat it r eapuoeed adnlaieiraure abnaoa. Upoa taal I ilnste occasion, ao tbe saliva ohm eaeera nported on I tin-ir return to Kate I, Cety way o vented 1 is snsei In e 1 banabiysadvkileutdeclaration. "Why do tbe white people -tan at rMMbisat" bo asked. "Way does tke 1...v.i boi oi Matal ipeah to me sboal mv iav...| Do 1 im '.. M ital sad dicta 0 la luiu sboal 1 <t ? lawst I wbHi t?> he frioudswlih the Buarlish. lau 1 win not m.. - 1.. f ..? 1 1 people over to be osveraed by inaa or rahre frasu (fatal. I do kill 1 01 r people wUI not llateo ai ileaa tbea am killed. Am I 1? tune the ktrge kraal wt b i ' fovern into the watert Tho?e whffe men treat rae ik.. ' a child, and keep playlae with um. im beet aad UMt ! tke JCaanak I shall bow eel oa but owb aeeooat. 11.. 1 I thaa aarea to their Isws I aksll toave oud beeoaia u j wondereri bot f akall not so a ithoul havias acted, aad I befOn taalt alllbeaceo. Uobaeb and tell tbe white nu this, ead hit Iben bear 11 weU. Tba Goveraorel n . md 1 are 1 qaal; ba 1- <: -v, rase of Vatal. Bd 1 Bte I Uovi rimr lirrL'." Tue quarrel raliBiaabfd lasi fear, wbaa Mr Bartts Preroaeat toOetywaro aa ulum iura lu these terraei ?? V t Brual lastaatTy dbaavad year atau ; rauaiaal keep suit iaeb troops, oud mr mm ii wei ha -. as abail Oes eiortk direct| yoa -Ua.l fortbwltk 1 pool ikoao Bpartae laws <?: nauiatod marriacee aad eivll wtib> mei t, ooalaBi a in toeiiUaie your rnHUary in nabv thai . whichyoarpowerfalaaceators. ike foaudcrs 01 so m prnel dyaaslr. have tiequeotbed in y ur a itaso. Ti : are ih?> vassal of ikoBritishOoveraateoi 1 womqali yoa to pertorra the prosaioaa ol raui eorouaUoa doy 1 ao, thai taa waald rale your people si ore booaauely aad ? I ion rtlf thaa ?>> ron. rbo thirty iiaya preaeribed in BIr Barths Frrre'a id - Baiura baviaa exptrsd wlikont aay alaa thai ibe Z1..1 huw won ii ooaiply with Iis ill iiiami.?, the Invad a torese, eadsc co01 wand ol Lkaitai laaMGh oeni bora CheiBiiford, on Jonuarj 11 aad ta, 'enseed Iba froailer nt eeveral polnta quite duaaai from eae saotaer. tbe boatliltlea tkni boeaa were followed bj iksduuutoi st 1 aadala?t?ad tbi u.v - - ni. nt ot Bknwe, where a Bnueb force a ? mrruunded by Zulu?. Lord Chelawford aaeceeded In r..;.wnr Bkowe, and foUowroa up bur sacceeaes Baali] orcrtbn a Otrwayu at the bottle ef UtaadL Blnoa tkal dbutatoi t .1. k a v has boon a lualilvoy und ho. 0. i'ii aUsaailj pur snad "j lb< Bnuah forces. rum am? 1 i.<j 11 BBS. TBE BEW-YOBB BOBTICULTUBAL BOI IE1Y. unto ax axntmnoB ? a 1 abob attbxdam i md \ OBBMTaJKJI I'lsi LAY -l>i siiiNS WOM 1mb ill. aa 1 tin Manirni iWAnosix Ii btm nearly balf-pnal 7 la-t erening when tin- dilatory luaatiaatoe of BTosUaea Bqoon Q u> Baa aoBBOOtod ui? wnea und I Bed thai spaebsn saelsoaee wltb ?s ataek okwtne In hr as Ids rather overworked ni.icbloery enjl l ^. oar nie. Ir was at BUM BBPBBBBl that Ilm BnaagBeBBabl tor tbe pb1i BxbBkaseo ol UseHsw-YocB Uortloaitaral r^m eauy wen aboai eoanbdad, vbtts Bat prsay. BTattdaa for bat peal Btteraetttaol aW^a>yowalraeo paeawarbut ooatBal aenyat ntbebf pebautre ikiaeo Tue aaaaktaatkM of atbaaekai ami oajtkodes oral not oltagatboe aleaataa, a reel a oaane of roe dirt and bare skupcra ami I UM planks slopina; froOB the grenndta ibebaibtuuoBod BooedM mu babjbtea tin artbTAtoedJaetef tbe tl >rai dkualay. Bm the hsat aloiksl Bot101 - niust bo eared 'or. aad to-day it 1? peaaasaMI tiiut (haoarpeutenaaddkojeeawill have Baesbed the ommh loialBibiaaij pert af then leben end tin* i;.u. r* nil! have n toil < r ehaaoo. iu iptts ot this drawbaeh lbs arbtbtitea eaaMd very tiiodllebly TbsUakl aae hardly aa Btroaaea U aboBld liuveinun, hut in i|ii tiity It laa decided InpiotOOJOBl upou u*?, eepaebtUy wkee ikinlna tbroaab Bated gtoabe, aad tba ewlbssto abodce af tobana BM Bewan wen aeea ta better advaataga 1 mub ob bbj bsnaei sion. There wa- a laffBO and :nt. rested BltnsdSBor. ami Ju.tjjliii: (row Hi- potabi tawald WBJeB bae eeewd sasisly ,\ ited, ibe two ecu tree at aliunaaai poaatar autrar nun wan the water-Uliee aad ii..- Bcral "deals is," Tue ttr.t aaa a peaabw ooveity. Tba a luica, .rihiiud by B> l> Btartavaat, <?f Borden town. N. J.. were In the ekrcalar tank ha Ward the saetara sad or the par dsn Ous of baa plaata waa a true Milone bona, witn etreabw le?vea ataadlaa BBoe the water, auui ar in sppesrsBOS to iboBS of our native .Sfl'initnuin luteum, mid BBaWBsg larav noddiaa Bawee? Tbe a wsn nin aane eut lilooOM of lbs BaeuaasM l*n:uta. a larire Bowel ol pureai a Bile ao eabuaad copi of mir owe abite w ifer lili, -V. ud'uala. Another was * Line v iri. lv. and tin..! -'r'aiiiif.-f uil Was a liynrnl Irolil two IpdlaO Varle Mn Tbo lana bearbebaaed leaves oi ibis plaal Baal oil llic BBrlBM Of Hie water, wbile tbO tt.ia.-ra are ef a delicate pish ahade. Mi. Brarwraai Bae aeaa that ikon flowers, an w. II a> tl.ose of the .V. VmlaUi, are Inl y twelve in. hi a In diune ter darbte 1 ii.- hhi in Mnanae weather. 1 in se plant, nave all laieu aroa ti 111 the o;>"ii air, and are t Barel re proi ad to lie of praettealeahnIndaeeeal Mswaaaenwnen laaaa en small la too, 0)1 he bate BtBlie-table Is taken up rualnlv ?Ith the grecahoaoopeseta of Jbbba.Baeb f: togeodtbreuab oatj and enpe^-iu'lv stiouix In tltn ly-eoier>-i| erotons, choice pulma and the newer dratainaa. Iu the s.iUju oiaaa is the pnM al tarma Maaaad, of Aibany, wiiicti is well eruwa IhroueUuul, and especially uoirworioy tol |? h|.ic : < of vsri. s?t. U plaiiU mi.i caciuw*. Near the Msdiaon-ave. eutr^ue^ are rhi- ?tat"!v and gBaasfal palms, with in?, naid anil loruial araveafnuu lie- ( ein. tlu? of Isaac Hiic1ii?iisd. W. l". Wll?-m slOO snows a Hole?iirtbr collection. One of his erotons, a speci luru of the variety l.arl of lietin is pnbabl) the beat of Its ?i ml In the couutry. PareeaO A BaBB ?lmw fewer of ILelr choice evererccna Hum usual, but inure of the dealdiioiia .hruha Ottb varlesatrd foliage, which ai? ludixprii.aiile fur lawn d> rwratiun. 1 he ili.pb? -r Bai li herbaeeous plaula fruin Uimlaou b Oa, Bl PaOBOBB, I? anoo mere a feature of tin- ? XOIbllhM, ami their table is tke one where geuulne lovers uf flowers llagrr tue Im. i eat, la a wtlderneaa of cut flowers, tbe rolleeilona of Peter ilenderaou, and Vioiuof kovbestcr, being the u<st ii. i.witiiv. am ihe-e. vlth Mr i:.m i ek'a f.? I min ti in ebb . nmka <r> 4 di-pU, wiin i in better u. in tap raaentlal point*Man M line ever bt-en. And >?t Id I* .. i *4iit..,n ?'i on p. nc. .? ii?l i ii k i> ' 'i.i ? dmo ptaBin, which at it. - ? ?i? i .r. ? ttM rbutor ? fiMt> taffo n'i?HpiKii!itiiifi.i, ?nd ambed ..ii.- winli Ii ?er?1 net t-1. u ll ?.'?miii'ir?. wit. ii - ibu ' vi tttut tiik uu i r M PBBTMI m. TI'i tt run N)TM gBBetaBB M Wlb* i BBaBBUm Bf tu? frttit il piirtim i*. It i-lo" tit -f .-in iu ll,|. n'y. Tlir n|i;.|i ?, i?, u?>:irii> * .itiil .Tiipi'd iir tin- perti-rtma of fottii. ro'or, ir iKl?' f r 'i. H I m t.-irttnr tMM n,"? i klndf) MfM IniiikTK *ih-i tutor*, of fl ivor im ?Hl. hi i n tin- \ l.tliii < in.i .i- i niiow. .in I ?ki'ii' i'i v Im dOBBt tn it f In - ?? M tMMtJ In a |m. BU) BBCO OOlt lit look at IlM pH. i aaonlh. nmlmr ruiniert " M fwU riet* " aad eoefeao Wotr error vitk abeam and eaafB> ?Inn of f.ii -. I i.i- |N nn-t|i il |,rl',i ? MW BBBW? il n? foOoBB t To Jubab\ Km i, tor troop of Mora ?uu greoauaum p 'ioi.ui?,i, for neaahaaw aleata, fur IS ?t-.\r plant* It: lot oi rlinl<, fm variriMfrd plant*. lor ipTavro, rot i? ?t eaeeahM.1* Ban for iv't rrtea. To loaac Baehanaa lot lyropodinmo aa*1 aefegaBoMea* tor iwelr* far? aad tut btmt \ im gated plant To W. ttWVJtWW r<?r twn.ti-nv.- tola* ami for trre, f i-1 uu To W. C. U'llnon for mitraiita?. rrntoii?, for now plant for kaamea ba?k?f, wardlae eaaaaad fernery. 'lo Pater rloorWraoa for raladtnaaa, ro?tlc raoov eeUoC" Hnwm Innere? Oaaltea, vrbeaoe, tbreaga grapoe, tor baal i.i* |, aini fm vaeataBtea I.i Mia Borgau for on To Mr?. Bf, J. Imvtdeoa for Anturnu Ii BfW pjpj prtoactl tern*. 'I'.. .1 hi,11 V rb f. r nit flower*, f. r lli.i - ami Mater*. To Rtwnagei <v itarrv foraiapaaaad 'tun. To tbi Rev. i . P. Baa bar mal aaa paaaa. To Boolaaa A Co. lor tia.-ilv i i i i' ?? .... pi-11 in al?. ? ? - l OEM IT DA I i OR h I V3A8. I.a wkkmi;, Kas., Si-p. 17.?Vi'ku-rilay araaj tho Kraml-nl .lay in Ma- bi-tory of K iu*a*. i he iail.-r Caalaaaaal mlehmttea ot :..o am;, an nt ot tin- Mate waii a iiia?'iiirh lit ?nr.?.. Idiom-.? waa Latily - : - paaalai ba Lawaaaao^ ttti tho attwaaa of Dmuij** Craatp laiara] out aa awnae. Mow raaa is^aoo taaaa anaaod iha aracM brtdp> for Bbiaaarvl tiraro, aad iaa raifroad train* raa aron taroalj aMaaiaa ha? twooa Uu eily and taarrora. Mol nan %nartei of tho pt-opla aaalil pal Into Unj Tabaraacbr. far prooadai ?ftp neiaa ta extant, worn Ibraaipwd. Special u iaa raa all tbe nciaabortni rttaaa. it?a? aallaialad thai ? i i.,.|i m;. ;, MH lit. the UorrrwH aad aaoet af tba State apjeaia ?r'? nn Hi-tioan.i. Ih n. tal P. p.-ami other Military ? :'l -t w.n- pre?nl. I. taere erora read Itaaa Aaeae Law raa ee, Uwtoa; rx-Seaaior rrumbull. of UilaoUi Becrrtary I i trie. Beeretarj Bheruan. Henaior Inefl I*, Ihe Ber. Jaaaea tfWnaaaa CWrka, JohB 0. Bbilitar, Martin V, I'on way itmi otbera. t-i ? i to - acre made in the fort boob by I? It ai I bony( ? > CTarkp.CtVorge JaUaa of Baryta .? ?! i'-ipo anil C B. I.' mm Ti.i i. irln-i in- illiim r iv.i. n .it -.ii.-.?(???. Tin- eveal oi tt*e afternoon tea* the n ill a hi the IP-r. Rilward Kv. r tl Bale, ..r Booton,oa "Toe BVUMoarai ef Kan a*." 8fa in ? leeci i a ire a - ? aieAa hy John ay. Pw nor, narrmot Si Joba, J. *. k u< r>. r 1?. Ti ker. ol a* fa iwaer /earaaf, lk Winter,af iArAf. Jotepk Ucrald. ai ? other . Biliona ilisordpra, Hrep complaint, poBtltrS1 ne**, etc., in ?|i odd) reaamedbi Irr ff Jnyai-*! Oaaa llvi Itlia. a reaaadj mild aad certain 11 aeilir?, and may ba takea at aaj Itaie \. Ithooi rtok from aapoeaw. * * ? P iB Baaaai ii. It>l -? f..r .-laM raara. i aabla In aalK. Hot ,'. an !. ii .'i :,t ?; kni ? -. \ v..i it -il,ii . ii. M--t ?. . i K- A t ; i. 'h : i n : f !?..?? ' ? ' .? ? o?t ?i. ? i uf ?all ibran. Por ac*/ooi>?n r**ere 1 wBri d ?lib ami rheam i I i .in u aaa<y bead, bare, nerb, ana*, and n-t?. I waa not able lu wela, otur <a r ba ml knee*, for on.- rear. I bare i.ui n.. n abb to k.-le mi ? if f. r i id i l - ml '?.nr..nt. .1 pi try l ejileoM .Tbi Brat boi of i*nt|. hi,i anmabi Uiehnmm lo tbe*artaeeel m) -i<n . u ?? mt Imp off aa it e*me eat, nnlll bow I em Mitral] eared. Ali f ?amu av [ twaob yen meet heartily lor niyeara. An] par nn wbo tblnkk ihla iritei ? fraaa, M i ;.? i. wm ar earn* aial mm aadfl da u bar iBeawetri a Tear* i ly, V. IU, Jl- I MA <>? I,! 19 Bntti if. 14. t., Obb ...... ui.. .u?r h l. I?::'. Phamsi aaba mn VARHiRD. PARKKB-VAB OBOB.V-O ; ITtb baa., ' j t' 1 It Knrebard, Qeotce W. Park rt.i'.'i 'ii. . .. I r . a. No<. AM Boffoja of Mtvrttu) ? metf kt Fa tonal wlt\ ftM itf'iiu ii 'iu tpi'.Vi -A. Ml tt. PABKBAkf- II Kflaal.i, \. !.. on Tarn fan mornine, Bia? i ? ? i Id, uamnra W, PBntbem, fermerl) . i tbi* liv.aeed j ? ? anj. I , it Ot. .1 ? h % ??h.itvti, In i . -,,i. oa i'.ai * Ii/, Ihn 1 >rii met- :it ita t.. ? Pri ndaeftb i iilv an reeeecl fally UirBed to attaadL lot rm< ui at Ni wftari a, oaaa, ft x- \t Beirtck, I t oa Bon ly a ?mag. * w aakat 13, Charl * Ko?, in tba is; real ? kl* ai Betati ?t in. adenfibefaraUy m . met illrlnrtladm tili i.i t a f a in i ai i*. r vie if rota 1.all a i ba.r ui r ?*???. md am ?' . ea ' uu - -. ? .at I ,?. ra. i .-. i . qua* i tti u no Bowem be -rat. Internet t al ?u imfi i t, ''nun. I 0RO*A*. AI M ? va.i it. It I., oa In ill.- nn.."na.n'. r I 1?. i>. it. i.. of i bleaa I Tetu,.. r .ny n.n run .it o i i nai. !.i , i-i-nloioln-r 1 ??. i km i\-At Older. PaaMaBema, "wltamlaat. ea aaadae. i An, t at. Bra. Uelen B. Collie?, ...t. Dr. Tb w. tl. i Kit in, bbc aeme of too late Ueorge C. i-.l.:.., m?of I i I Betr. LBWIB m BiweA ra. m IB BJr*. .r*rn?ba Kd?, widow uf Wil iaa. i.i wi?, latt-iif Btw >' arfe, n?i al v.-.i ?. p.. ' frn-'i 14..f f'..- '"ii , t. -i ? ? .???)? ?, .r taaera oa KroUr,the lPUna*u,al tmm, liwmik* reel* ?I.-; m 11 bee 4 a l be ?. V. U ?.-.?> it e>!< al -t. POWBtlS?OaT.lar.Benteml i IB. 1 ? ?. f ??? ?>(',%%?. lord,daogbiM .?t i raiae aad Bar) Bfowme,ef I hie ef ly. Ri laiiTeaand frten I*of the ffirnllr ir ? rei.- -tfatlr i int?'11 attend th.- hmeml eer*M hi, m tj inel? bareb. e?faee of ifk' are. ead Both u, oa Tba . .. art if, i,t ?.. i .. BEAD \t Kafteewond. P rtb Amber. B. '., *e r.-.i?r iniirniii*, hepteai in 1 ', ? i i ie il i >, Ri i.t. It ta* 7-:;. .r Of til 4 i, Fuin t..i ?arvie ? ii bl* ?at i -oli toe on i'!iur?'Uy m :t i il. t?. BitBUM ab?oa Angaet 17, ta7k al Liana. Paw. t\ a., at lymedit ferrr. Him i II. t mn i il i i ( lame* A ladtbe |jt.-jiaijiaiei ii. Miirm ui. of tluaeuy, in tlir :tM rear et bla aaa. THUMABOB?OnTenvliy,aopl nbettl atPerrbmriUi x. y. tae new. D. B.Tbemawn, of i .w.Var?, inin*a|*t yean puui tilt "ii i . ? retnl m - a kl* -? n. Or. T. J. Tboat .-on, m Prlday, beatembut l", BI l wx B. in Carria**!** I H - i? 1 arriral of ateralngnralae fr.?w Nen-Yoi ? ati-l I'fnblil.-lplil*. -. ?ricciiii Notirca. >ow Baaay. SBPTnunuu aounnn, pllu M eente. Par aaaam If tt. THM WINETEKN1H OEM I i BY. OOttTBBTB OP ?KPTBUBBB BVXBBBi 1. RECUR A rioN It .I Itm at '.'. A OIAI/BM ROB lit M\n IfAPPIaRHB, By W. fL M i. oi k. S. CLERICAL KOCCATIOM IN PR AB CK B) Rdmeed. Abeal. L CBAIlLKi rEXNYHOX TI'RNKR. By lama* BaeddlBB, 'i ir: i it to UP i -i AI L A Ifttt n lit ; ?? i I . '.*. B. TUB iL n"\KI- Ol l"UU ?iWACUBB* t il l.!', by T. K. B< bei, T. XOTK*i n v Tin; vi.w in i ?> t ? i \ Tb Lent ead o?t |-..|.|.. H v J IBM ? < alr-l. C. U . * ? rl.B, W A CAM Loral.1 Nil ?fccoBU CUB TORY. Up Jaatr* ,i Ibui ? i n adi Si TBR PUBLIC I > i Vau? i IN HIBICULTUBAL Bgh Iii! I Cum udeil. UvWil.l.uit. H.^r, r..: .r of 1 h. Uaik Lane l (B. A I 'i i. SPLEXMD MIMRBV. ByMi?aM. K Braddon. Cb.u?t*r| Vii. i xii. i ram I.?m World, Paeeale in aa ia?w*deai?a a m ?antb) mad to aap addr* t onrec iptoflU cent*. aabeenpUoa prvea,Wtt t?r).au Aililr.-it. UROROK aCBBU, 171?TaaWailm el Bew-tferlb l*o?l llihre >iinen -laeioraiaa laMiaiarta* nli*| h vi i nl. i v. - i?i -...'.. r 3a 1*71?, will eioa* at ibi* a Sea ..a Ii Iwili? ^ . tt 'i n a., I ir V ii.i|.?. '.r - in.i j M ?, rm teeeaemwai ea wBOB KODAY, at 4 a. av. toi Pi.... - a direct by iteamabipwt Lanri I. rta Barrel tad H - -u., f-ir Rnrope bt Weamema Ai?ri-ns. rut ?lawaat>we i TUl'KaOAY. ai * ;i i a.for Bare^a, by eiaameila ba tir, rm Qa*ea*mwa toorrxtawianc* f.r Uermanj and Piaaeo ui,ui ?|..i i?.i? 4 . Ii?.?' . a-i t -it i .' in . i.t t.uropi -r ?taamemp Wu-Laa.L v., Pitmeetn, Caarnaar* aaa ii4ia> t?ur?.-, in SAl'i KU.lY. at .'? :lo i. m. tor Kn ,.|, ?. lir?i -4ia. ?um Cuy ?I Rmbmewd, ua v/ur.-u4Wiwii ir-urrrKtoiiwixiM-o f.* licriuany and - ? ao*l meal ? ? .... atti.aa B .*? ii .i in. or N.-.n'in t iiiri.i, lo ?-.?4,n4iip Cueaaata, via tiimaewi ?ui at lltSO *- m. for RaWaa o> aeamaap Jioiiuu. vi? suutb4iui>ioa ?na uri'iiM-a. I to- amB* (a Ii?.*, run a. lamp a l X.?i aar ar<> ?: ?: m !u?i bv llani'Mircaad Kmiu-ii **ee an aty rm ??>*.'.? t"- Bewiuamiiaod ? ..? > ? I'M I ll*g|aiinb?fld i i..- in 4i -i for 11 4i.. M. IBajBBmm :il J ! 'Ilk, 1- ?l ?!. ..-....-.'?? i I'K ?????. 'i. i 1 I'. i.i.i.l* BM Haraa.t l?a? No ? Vor? -. intM-r 17 ?u.l'jo Ibemail* fur iiayn. Jain4.i'aan.i Maraeaibo nav-- Bew-Yort lb ptembaB ti. TOemall* for Porte Ittee dveet bare Beo-Yert Bern titnlii r -o I in- iio.ii? lor \,i<iii?4li uii l -Miatu l'4 .no I ullti.-av.- .N.-a Vn.k -:iU-l .... I .ir> ui4i.) |.?r M. \li i? bmee Maw?Terfc B*fl**?mr 'iu, rnoamtteter ?.i?ii4ii?, *r.. bmre ?au Iftaawieea aapminBar ilB ilie 41am i4r j, aui Japan .e tve s^a Preociaco UeloOet 4. r11? ? * . i \ m :i p ..t.ui4i,r. Puat (lllloe. Bew-Yorn. a.-pirraori- ix 1070. ( onarr*? W a I er It* ?upnafll? M a ?41 lartM md BI M ?? liro. i i,u?i?t? in iu intni-fi on.1 nn from ererrtB nt latter tt ami ttiat irr fn- "< " mambcaB* An BabrnWI ? itrrt ti jt ^4i ?? roii? nr.laala mar bo known hp a-i a.U-n taatr_ ^ Mai'a Ulaaiow aa lie rib. v tliurou?-u Mo>!U tl ri?ali*?. ladlt in a hoa i i-niinio o IHaabllitb i 11 berenaeraal. flia eiporioiireof Vral?' ?lud?, "Im-n ?l .-u ?i .1 i>;..t. ?. . .n..l pi 4i tlee, aaowloB "?? aaeni ? ? thai will inaare Bawieeeal I tty b.MNi. uirenBlBrneii VlfatUi aadeaoadeeaettteae ?t itr.ith. thai ha?? br?Mi lUinniirO i.v niorlatnl power?. A ?I..Vm ii ?a Um Obatectea to Barn*o*S aad of tbe tu maaoea gram, n? tn*u. Boa. feorrwney w aeelageeiamm?) aaMmea t?.rnai) Buav iiui Ai.?n ui> ?ua >v, -Ina i.t.. aee . ,v Y t .11 Hlewarl'?->ir?u Caipat-l irai.aui/W ur??, ^jo ilfi. arr. Bond for elrcwlara. IJolitical :Notu;3. I\th l??.-mhl? Dl.trlit i: ; ib l? pnbUi ?n rally, m ratify lb* aaaalaatioi.* hn ?i?o< . lUrrr*. win ii b.-id?i iiir?<-a.rr Uu.ldiua?, 1 uuu?4ar attuviiif,beptam b, r I-, *t be"i I.? 4 Ii./-, i . n. UI ItltAT. UOB aRwoB 0. lu nnK, major willIltU Kl LLABD, aad nitirr? will addrr?* Ihr iomIIii?. ja? Uli U. VCkLitBAB. l're?UrUL o. d. Pl'tkkt. ^?m-relary. _ XlB A**emblr llialr.rt Horablwaa Aaaaarlallaa Sem OI?r Uiuiithiv uirrt u? al lamHQBIlBCB, t OMBW A?i*n .lr Beeme. Ben. ttaaa ao A*e k, mt? i fbmmanyl ??na .??tb ,i. im-., toi in? ir?u?-i, ot ruuuuo baaBmaa aoU Ui i4iky Ute uiiinl?kttoli jf Alun.o H l ?rooll fur Uovari 4. aamderaf tka W*|iBk*le*i ..???. 11. 11 UAIOUT, l mmu a, M?..aat, Hneiin'. l't^aaleaL