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TIIH VOIA I'ICATj CAMPAIGN. ? C'?\VF.XTIONS a\I> GOSSIP. Anosnni vkticrbt n MAjaAOHOewrra---* a hob> IMIhV f<?!{ gVB*M in i <i|. >k t l'o?-ohio AM> M W-YoltK. T.ip P.o'iih'f i.nist* of Mi** ichtlsMts hive fccM a M iwi.rioti and notnitiaifil n full Shite |icke>l vital the U. v. Dauiel C. E ldy ut tin1 Ik i 1 of if i Dr. Minor ptosided and mudo a Bpeeath Wadek wis prinr-lr? tllv M attack on the ltVpu'dicaiis| two collections were taken ?1? to d-tny expense--.. The Col.n ado Demo? crats hare nominated Oonrgt Q. Richmond for Jitdgo. Chairman MclviiHicy, of Ohio, fllgiall to baeoaMattt, of F.\viiic':se!?'i:ti<>n. The nuiiitier oi Governor Botejaaoii i oppoitQti thioughjut tlii< BttUM) is MluTtnfj in the correapondotico received by (ha Kelly Catiipnlg.n Oooa mitt.'o to \>c eeeeeeaaatily IneiejaadauSk The !{? I>ii*?1i<mii S'afo Commit'.e Is distiilintitic IMrs. t leacal itOTJ) " Bowfeoi Rallnds," Bud tlu .u-'.v ;.ln>ut n ragdJatioB in the S?'Utli. MiJfUCRTJSETTfl l r<)iiinm<>M^rs. n;i nr.pajcibi o.wwt hoximatbo bob ?otbbv ?Oav-exnxnt rtoni tax tu vw tu m Ol n\1-:n" t.u ^ i ' !? v v i x t \ li 'Mi s, B ]>;. uk?1 ne rieblbitaij Btadn Con rentioo wne heM in Hortienltnral iinil et 11 o'clock t -i.i>. Tin trull lall tm 1 mr thlnfi filled, onc tblrd ot tht eompaaj being la Mea, w. FX Ooleetrd, af Beetea, gaUed tbe oeaveatioa ta order, nnti ex presecd hie gratification few baring bad Ike honor I ?!>->: r .' :? ; ... lfe sip! : " 11-re u::s the , trcrm "I the probiblfory BMVTOaneat, nnd thrv could t at on a roUabl representation of the caeae**1 <i motion of Jndge Pitman, Mr. Oohyord was do -?l temp ran * h airman, and Charbai A. Bovwj oi N< wi ?n, r.vict:.r> pea i.:a. HotCbairappoJabBl aj i f lUowing eommttteeei On rbi'iO'ienf "? im-Dwr? M. Po'trlck, of j- ? ii i Batnea Alee, of eprleerleUli taoRev Hoary T. i ever, ol Worcester i An rev Carr.e! Oteleeai tbe M ekay, oflf i not Hainau Pratt, of Wey iu mill; Jason k. Uawdoa, oi Am n.uuj ; o. H. Ben Belt, ol y bl. irei p. B, B k, ?.' b rlioi D. CL II cry, ol RolUetoni a. 1a Morton, of PreiuiBKhnnii A.''i I Clarke, Ol Franklin, ami J. 11. Manners, of \U. ] ? i/e?C. B.Travis,of Battetl T. T. TT u t, ti Ulllorui .-. C Fay, of Boutbboroi V W. ft lend, of Maueh -mi E. T. Richards, of Holroksi W. W.Bbsr l b, el Lowell I J. N. Fieber, of All ooroncb) Tlmetby Ii i \\ . ?i Meilwm I W ? '. ??: P.leel nf ln-n?ii | I? W. to ?>>'. "f Mjraaniei L< ?I- l ord, or Brock ton i Prelei U. < :, el rail Rln r, and J< be Rail, oi BTetertowB. Tbe perxflBBBonl qubbIbbIIibi wan icjKnud an fol? lows : ' at?The R-r. a. a. Miner (with twentv-flvc % ;. ?? il-i ;o. ft ttartet .A. Herey, of He wheat S. J. A'.di.cb, et BeeteB, an t j. n. ?ealea. of chcKi a. '1 , I'-t vat BdefdBBhj BBd the EOT. T?r. Miner was t" 'HI >1 lo tl'o clni'r, mnl ureeieil eiithneissticnliy. Pi -,\n was oTereJ by the BoT, 0. K. Ui?ord. Dr. U kin BBd the convention. A large portion of tbe apeeeh was devote.1 to on nttnek upon tlio Bepnbliean hdmlsbytratloit, and its dcalinga with tbe bqnorlaw. QoToraot Tali-ot's courae in this rooneetion ^ns reviewed nt leupth. and he was B Bed of openly pneosjraging ska ataJaoiB l.^uor bj is event iv.? acts. 1 bl b)lbvwtng co; i!nittee wss -ippolnted t 0%RtmoiuHonm?Roberl C. Pilmaavet Vewtoai t. j. LVatbrop,pl i aatoai tu? Bee. j. wiiurd, of Mnriiirv t"i'.u ; ii. i> Cathlea. of Boston | the Rev. ueorare F. i .. I., of atendoui M;e. Beuben Boynion, u.' we-i t roach) the Ree. L. L. Wood, of Boston* Mr?. Iteury McCoy, of BoRion i tno k. v. Jose us Oill, of P-mu tir bemI Mra. Jena Ball, ol Watartowai tbe Rev. A. A, Wright, of Boatoa| tue Rev. r? ,.rgc U. Plhaefrt, of 11??* toi., und Juliu s 11. Boise, of Lj tin. A ( oininitti e on Finance was n'so npimintefl. I IgltigTaBt waalandfnw the Hatiowa] Alliance, nt 1'. . k>kill, N. Y., txhoriing the Prohibitionista of Mas-,.ichaeetts to do their duty. Mi..I. Bm I BWdana, of Aioe-loiry, anbl hin eonatlt Bgnig haatructed hiia to oil.-i resnlutlcgir recoguht InK " an lionest liill'eience of optBeOB " a? to the best lueatis ot nu|>pres.siiig i ho Inpinr truftle. A c luinilteo was apiHiiiil. ii to name twenty tnem BOgg of tbe Central Cotnnntiec ut laigo to fo gpernta witat repgoaggitBtiTat from Senatorial dis lii'ts, with ifodn.y 1'roiieh, of New-Deafoid, as chairman. Mi. I oh ord s|n>ke upon the importance of having the hear prohibition clement on the Mate CVniral t "ii.mittee, as last year some nienihois did nothing. 'Hi. i oiiiiniltee on Finance repori' il that ghOBgp must be laisi"! to Bay the expeaaae of thecouveu li ii ami to conduct thu BBBpaigB. A collection Brag then takaa? Mr. W. ii. J ihiison [rjoVltod). g lawyer, of NOW* L' llioril. load" a ringing teinporuncc speecli, und Was lotnilf applamieil. The,lit tee 00 Finance report.aj C at $1?'0 hi l booB eosaaoted) ami tallgd fog farther con tri hu tions, and' i gotloetienWBg begun, hut as the j gBBtrtbwttOMOBflkOUt slow ly, nt the angKeatlon of n | igaBgnte that all wonld teal bettor aftei dinner, a ! laaegg Bat taken until 8tl0 p. m. Upon the reassembling ot the convention, the OgBBBs?sBg on CieilentinU IWBOrtod that fifteen cm ? ami iiily-nine low n- WBM n pteaeDtod by hTil del. gates. Hu an informal balbd for Governor, the Rev. Dan .1 c, Eddy, of Hyde Park, rooolved 230 out of lii.l votes, lim nomination wn.s iii.-ide nnaniiiioiis. ReaolnttoBB were repor*od to IkoooBventiooand adopbad, in ?nbataaceaa folkrwai Um tird, fielt a e are iisreni tiled not to suppn-t orte Belt ' BMI . i' il ?> in int in in.' principles that 'la at ths feeadattoai of the Oemuonw.viltii; th?i *- i-nr* our protisg asalnal altgnea policy which m.i. a u.n etale . n iy?to t"'c ii. sueU Ira?lc is dangerous, while to k?met Ills lofamousi taatto overthrow the drain- i sboji Is the most ItnnieUlate dun 1 i pejed upon the r> , i. ..f Baaaat one its \ the tr ifil ? c m neither be eu,i proased aea aaaoMlly abeehed eseepl by the party at ? Inn tBat ebjnet aad in tboae el eted to do it; and e< h^.i:u preset,i to our ntlkiw-elllaenstbe nauiesof Bsea waeee esrettoa wonhi procieim mat public eou deti.i atteii ol iIn- Liqao n t 1 iitie a bkrh m isi ueei t sarlly pt ? ? p lia destroettou. Wo oontnendonr cause ami our e<. rs luthateoaaidewste 1 udgnaeut of all good eint- as, at <. '.vi ? ine i.'a ? .? i-1 iaii men and wntiii n. ? A Bl .t i Csmtral Coaamittee wast baa appoint) 0. A rooolutlim by Mr. Tibbeii BrrritiBg tbo eo> apaaBtlgB of aroaaeai m the work <n the party uu<l Invoking iier use of |ha*baDotwag warmlt dis Cu-e d. it was ti lally pis-. ?! 1a ri.-itm vote, i ..e talaWn'no noaalaatlona ?er<- then made : ? / .>MtV?iir.( <.''v K. Bari >.,/ s,r?. ney ..f n|.,te -1 tiar'.ee Amiy. <il \ew-Ue<'f,.rd. > . Iti unmrm" Usvel N Bkti ing?, oOyO'lucheater. j. .>at I IkteVaar*-Joaaihaa H. Ortie,of m irblebead. gas tsnsrasTO/^BTaterwl -aanso . b. t^drBetd, of Malflea. Cha eoBventioB then adjooiaod. THE COLORADO DEMO! BATS. ttnoBaa .< BtotiiouBB bo ibaibb roa ji i?<.r.?a tot <o wiaoBBami iiii.n-. Dextbb, CjoL, sept. 24. Tba Dswaoorntia State CoBVOBtiWB yesteniay noininao .1 George <-]. Klcb IW. !, ol I'ueolo, lie Mtpi.-iin; ( o .11 .ludgBi in. reeotatkaaMmbbb tbagBadhja ad Baa gartyto tbo JiffatBotilaa doetrina that u.i* ktaGovornaaeal ol the Bosphkj where tag WaUaf the people should rule, ih.y dtnlafg thai the grate question neti year will lie vh'ihei thit is b Bo> t. .. hi Ooveraaaeol in feet, or a Monarch teal. Thej denoan oPreaideul Uayee'a vetoes ami e. n demn thepurpooa to renominal General Grant; aV ounce the erlaao bp which the country waa re . d of its Preaidoal and vieo-l'iogiueal; ti tie deiiioijeii/atioii "t ail\<r a J.'epul? lii ii breach of 11 ust; favor tbo frog ami biilimited i ? ig? ..| ailter; dBUOBlMtg Baaetorg Teller and Hill for voting egaiaal the Werner bill, und ao Buuidtba ezilBctiofl eftbetitiool the Lie ludiaus to ail lands in Colorado. Mi. Taylor iujuu a ah irl apech to thocon Vaille ii. HOW MR IRQAJafaa was EU Ci i:it. tio \AMit on im B BBBBI ok Tin: UUB la? id gj w ii*i vim BOB BIM hiMAM? a r t i t. IBVI si .t,.. i IOB. a '1' PI KA? Kan., St ;it. l'l.-- \t Hat third day's ?esaiou in ,.ie Dalsed Itataa tOaata 8u:>-Cuuiuiittee on MrdUeaToagadWeattanayeal lay i.-:? Uttht progreaa Va-in : ( i.a.riiian sau a-eiry lnf?.ru.ed counsel that ?i bet >!-'i i.-;.- ask .1 1 be .1 atet .n <?i pn seating tests. JOoe< uiriyuiar aeehl not consent to driuy, Coensel for Mi. lagatbi slated thai Mibpouia? should be Btsaard lor the eiitni vsix un in m-: , 11,0 ,oie<l for Inga Iis; ti. .ii- -^a hi tbeirvotea tum l..'ul,. h'.lds bl* notj On 1 :l would be On to blto. In the fctuP ai. 1 to lnoiailty. that t'irT nppcnr. In tbe nftorn?f>n the ehiilmnin Bf the c unuit'. o annoaaord tiini ooaaeel for the mi inorialtMa Minulit rum*at) t<> flip cotnmilteo the, intniee. of the mem? ber* or the toglabltnre v. hoM BOtJoo In TOttatt for In Balk) It U Intended to ItnjMBoh. The BJOartiafB of tho Ieglsl ifurc rlisrvd with eorraptlOB Bava il M a paper with the rorarat tee denouncing the charcc* agnlntt taeffl ;n infamum lv f;.;?,? ,,n.i m.iik Io.;f, ami tkmetidlng a apccdy and thiiuuga Inv ?ttgailoD. A B0PET?LDEMOCRAT PBOll onro. CflAlBMAN V'KI.WK.YS Vll:\\S O.v 7 UK CANVAS"? UK says kwinu wim. PF. rUCTKn. Chairman SIcKinney, of tho Ohio Democratic Execntive Commlttaa?wag iu the city yaBteidny. WhotoTor views of Iho wanTBBi mm ibbj expn*.siti conlidenro t > bis own pnni brethren he hot rays no donbta of General Kwtau's success in talking with Republican ar^naiBtBBOBB. In answer to tho Qoea* Hons of a TKIBTJBR rcporferlio "FwJngls goinj to be elected. Wo ahaO capture- twenty or tweut v-fivo thousand <>f tin- 0 IBM hook vote of last yearantl tlint will bringh i in tbioagh. Kwing tu making a rplcndid canvass. Ho is on tho stump nil tlie tune, (.peaking twice a dny. I For a while ho lalkof] Iho hoi in out of every | twonty-f ur, but Wo BaRttOBttfi him to bo mom mod? erate a nil he now in tkes hhortox ?peecbon, Foster's voice lin ke down. lie (nod to it ike live ?iM-echen ad ty and caul n't do it. E wing's meetings nro the largest Deiiincrntio gatherings we have had in Ohio sine? tho BaehjUiaa t ainpnii n. We havo f w outside spi nkera be^ptng OB. Voorlier-s, of Indians, in tloiiig food ?oll,-, l.tit we have B ?brdy elso Hint Is very faiuoui?nobody ;ium tho Baal aiid nobody Ir in Um South." Are yon keeping on* the Bonthan BBOB t"?"No, v 're ii : keeping than rut, but wo don't nerd them, Wi haTB lots of Lome orators. Tb? y uro no:'' I Webster^ but they do aery walk To Bbow \ou how thorough aOanTaaa we nro making and how well we are eappiicd with talking talent, 1 will sax eint la nil of tin- olooo counties on a recent p&tnrday there was a Democratic, inceiing in every election put Met." " Ton bio fighting for Iba legislature, are yon notf"?"Yea, but we are. fighting tir*t of all to make Kwiog lovornor. and waara going to do it." " If ran gal I be laOgBjIafBro tire job going to send Thnrman hack to the lanataf*??* Il v?iii bo time enough to talk about thai whoa tlio flgbt ia over." MArnronOhioDemoerategoingto Mmd up for Tbaniiu.t in tlie National Convention uext yearf "Idoa'l kuow. V>"e me not BOohAriug ourselves about the Presidential qiii .'tiou. What wo nro trying to do Is t ? elect Swing.* "Did.i'i lbs Maina i leolion damage your prospects In Ohio tw?" Not at nil. If It had gone the other way?if Smith had baaa elected?It wonld have been bad for lie. localise ni:ch a result woi.M have encouraged our Giccubackors to sti< k to their invu ticket ini-tead of \otmp for Lnlng." B1PUBLICAN 11 I ? i. COMMITTEE WORK. SENDING JiloL".sANI>? or TIllBlWK EXTRAS TO AI.!. PARTI i F Tin; BTATB, eOcncrnl C. A. Ariliur, < li tiriuan of tho EVpnb?ean State Committee, t< ?> ived ma iy risitora yesterday at the Comm ttag rooms in the Fifth Avenne Hotel. Amongthera were ."?enator Jbbbbb G. Blalno, United States DlstrictrAM ?raey Stewart L. Woodford, antl Mr. Rainer, the cobrcd r^Congresaniau of Booth Carolina, who reports tliHt Ibe party in bis Ptato ia biMtly diBorganm 1. Tha secretary. E. M. John? son, and the ca-rks luivo 1.n vei.v b isy ilnring the last few days, and twenty baga of mall natter were ready yeaterday la ba diapfitahad to duTerent pntts oi the Mate. OnTaeeday the Cotntnlttee reoeived at its rooms the Aral hondrad thonaai d eoplea of iin heavy Duroliaae of thoIhrae I hiium Kxtbab, ooiu pnsine Mr*. ('hiaolD*B terrible Ktoi v, tho " Brntrhon Uallaiis," and tha "i.ln'k " ??f repui?atiiitf Southern Htatea, These Kstras half tilled one of the looms. They are beint; sunt in bundloo to all parts ol the Slate, roffiKnra sobditsoii ron kf.t.i.y. TIIK TAMMANY OANl?lHA I l 's BTBENOTH ? TWO DBVOCBATIC OAMPAIOM covviurn. PasiOTI 14 ?ml 16 in khfl M. Nicholga Hotel were oceiipl"tl j eetviiLty by the t'ouiiulttee of Fifteen, alilcb will Ilse tlicui us BOOdgBartOfl fur cuuductdit! the hlnte rnnvw* tor John Kelly. Tl:i? CO tn roll tee via provided (or itt the couv'-utloa of the bolti rs In simke ?piare Hall, Hyraciiao. Ii will appoiut an Kn-eiitlTe Committee to look after tha details of tbe work, and eon.isle of Aiikhmus rx-nell, Jniiu 11. riiraiiuu and KU aurd T. Wood, RaW-TorB i onnty : Anliiony Barrett, Kl 'ifs County; JoBB B. BbBBBI, BTaatCheater County ; Natbiiiitel C. Monk and Mward J. Macgan, Alnsuy County i (Jiorire c. Oreene, Xi.m.ira ('"iinty j Btepben I. Aniot, Ciieiuuug County i Paalal Warner, Monroe County i ti. J. M igaa, leaoylarCoaaty ; Jonu H. Coibv, Koaaaalaor Coaaty I Blaatra BL Pag .Oswego County; Edwin (i. Jennoy, onondaifa Counti, and William W. Wrmht,Ontario Conatf. Tl.i n are SOaM flint the Jidin K> UjT inove tneut is much staroaftartaraatghaat mTb state than most IKoll clan-ur-\\ mi: a lo iic'icve. In the lusi two ilais eevcnt.v-tlve addiUoaal tattdCB l.ave been rec< ived from h ii p.ertsot l ha State, Broasstag the rapnoit of promi neui Democrat' fot Mr. Kelly, Oa< n.rres|Miii?enl aiiieo thai Mm dooh, a lawyer m ?heunug County, who Dniuiuuti : I B?ibiasoa for Don in n-r iu il> Couveutiop 1.1 lsTo, Is o|.< Bpposed to K dili ?ou, and intends t<> vote inr Oornell, mui "to nit Ilouiusou taice instead of oaea." A letter froaia comm m the northern pan of the Btafa gl at the paatea of 14o Herne era is in iwo suia . rlliaires aha ^>i.i nupport Keiiy. Another corra?i>oBdanI writ.-*: ?* I mw on Pridaj n prominent Demoeratol Coitamdt Coumy a ho favors votiua tor i orued cu n? to Braak down 1. ibinaou's voio aaora aBVetually." a gantleiaan arko Baa knowa Mr. Tnden rarj well said thnt the ('otutliiliee .it iii* h' June llol ?! I aoul t not got inn.-Ii moat y oai of Mr. Tilden. He knew tait Mr. Ti den had nol oei n aaarb so .i?ri witii tue " barrel " as in tcueroilv auppweeo. cm.) tho uardeht 1 agio es na tou.d gel M dollar out oi lilm. f ho Kzecafave Oouiailttet vi hm llohlnsnn Plats Oogfe mit lee met yaterdaj et tbe Bs.Jt.ues lluiel. A.I tn< members ?#>re presoul ezoepl Mr. Puroell und Mr. lieebtei. w. a Kowler, of Ktaga Uo., was elected eh ir man, and W. K. Bnilth, of CUnrouO)*., a as made secre? tary. Tue cb. ii in hi oi theaiakfJ Ounuill eo, Lester H. Calk no , aaa aiUbor,! d tu apoolnt a of Bfiaea ladtraei Utseaavaasinfiew?York couut>. The Eaeeutito Comiailtaa sapressed IBt determination to urge a aitoutr and aggreasiTC BBBVaaa.auU resolved to meet ever) evening al lUu'oiock. \\ UTING DJ VAIN FOR DI8PECT0R8, REPuBVri THAT a MAMDAMtTI Tu TUR POLICE BOABP WILL Ba APBUBO BOB TO-DAT The Board ?'i Pollea took no action yester I day In relation to the Ht>|ninitiueut ? f iniptctors ol elec i lion or |k>U clorka, Tbbbb wata bbbbj rumors m poiltl-j c sawiBaaanai thai lawyaraaatployed by lam- i ' many Hal: would apply bb UkB aaarta for a mandamu? to eonipel i lie boiod to du Its duly. 'The papers acre nid.l to be r< ndy tor Btaaei BsBkM htaaaaa Jadve, und would j be submitted during laadap. Bui aolawytra appeared | yeaterday in Behalf ?t Tataataaj before Judge Weat- I brcok, tho only Jndga aa uc aaaeB ?f t e &upieii.e Oaart. aad atads ipaheauy for a awadanius. it was! aUited luni night tl> it thi BgplhniMaa 'or a iiiaudatuuk would probably I?. lo-duy. TB Police Board will hold a epocial aieettag thU ?f- ' lernmn, whenUn appeintaaoataf laa Inaneetora will again beconstdereA Onlv lan e af the commlaslouura were al Police lleadiiuai lore y ? et id .y, Mi mi-r*. French. Morrison and Maelaoaa. Ma plan af eompronusiag the ' dispute v>w bioiu niii. Bad the Beard nBI meet U>-day iu the same condition of n ek regarding ibe iiib|ioc tors as when It adjearned ob raeeday. In ibe opinion of aotbc politlebaaa, in. liosid u;uv reeelve n manoa* urns direetlug ii to sppoiai the inspectors durtus Iis session, a petl ion ti t a Baandaaiua la i ig oireulaled for aigaaturea among tbe adbaraata of 'lufiiuuuiy Hall. The i'ltiiionerh ?>l!l us-, toi i i, r. pn aeiitulion in t e Boaida of luan-ctors of Bleetwa With the Irvine Hall Demoerata. Mo.-t potitleiaaa ou bm Believe thnt the Bouid oi Police will m<ke any appointments of m ? pei tors to- In) , und thhlfe that it la | robabla that none will be appoiuit d until after leglBBUB r 'JO. IHK 0RE1CBBACK MMALLT" A IMALL AFFAIR. Not WltlKtMlltl Ujt the filRTaBI p(?t(lS Wblcfa karaaderaadtneaMakadaaad BBPiaoaia in ihi.eity for more thuu a week, iiiiB..iinclna the " aiuii l imIii " al theflraaankaek Labar party at the Gooper Inatitute lust Bfaaaagi tha gaikaila : araa Naall. The meeting *-ua culled to order bj ?eo. w. l?ai uoab, aeeretary of tne I trgsBlntlaa. who nominated Qenaral Bam aal J. Crooks I f,,i (ilia riimn. .itid hi ?.i- rieeie". licocral Crtioks I atadi a brief apeeea, and vaafollowad hi .Mia. Vercuda. ai.o eaiik' n eaaipalgn aoug la tha air of "Uahy ulue.' I f. w. [ayler, al PeaMtaylvanla. aad P. M. Fogg, or M ilue, mude long si><. che?. Iho lew |rt?na In tee bail Btaalayad an unuaaai ijeaiee oi rathaalBBBi,and ele i rod und I lapped tlacil halnlo ul the MlghlBBl p._oVu tBtrnt PfAlMAaVaVl OP THB v. IIRILRl? MiUT1 PARTI The N';iti(.Uiil \Voikiiii,riiien'rt jmrfy of tins clt) held primary election* lual niglu iu the fbaaaWBl A ?seniMy Districts, and chose de>g .tc* to the county convention, ? will meet hj Glm* Hall to-innrr >w BYeulna There aro uo names of prominence lu tuo lut of u. kgut es, _ PHI ?uil::k paiuy fthino. n..?Tov, Sept. 21.?At a meeting of tho In dopemhnt Hutler Suite Central Committee psslny, It ii. I I itint nil c'luveutiona during the ourran t cauipuik'n should lie united by a un'en of tbo ecvr-rul or. genieatloti* favorlm; 1 tic election of Itutler. Tti? meat tagwaalargelyattended,bataeldefrom discussions* f tho situation, uo other action wi?a token. TUR ph ILA PKI.l'Hl A IjVF.MOCRAox Philadelphia, Kept. U4.?Tho Democratic eoureutitm tit*l 1 (lit* morning nominated tho ticket asree t 0|kiu at the mees-meetlng at Ilnrtieiiltursl Hall la?t Satnnla?, vi*.i For City Treasurer, J. L>avla Pag" t Beeistar ef Wille. Tbomaa Oieeabaalt | flhorrT, lam aal Tue Vatix Committee also ausiu Led thcae Lulu Ina i ions. F1T7 Lr.K Fi >B 1 HI LKOTSLATTTHB, PiiFpei; n k spt ip ;% Vu., Sept. 21.?General Fits Lee. ex-dlvislon cnmiuatidcr of rariiirj In the Con fclerute Army, wa* to-lay unnnliui'tKlT nenniiattvl fur thn State LegWIetnra be the di-bt-puyus of Stafford and KiUtt QBarge Counlies, J. J. TRANK! IB i t iH e f AT7T PFNATOTl Alpany, Bept. 21.?Tho National ?in t tihack Labor patty t'-l ty tuuitlnaied Jumc* j. Fian*...::, of this city, for State Senator. A OLBBOTMAH 8HOTBI his WIFE. a mit. tvem ?lt TBABBtVg at TTtn TtTXABB or SlHtTToUD, Conn.?a happy FAMILY BBOKBB ip ny a r l.MpnitAP.y PR i>f insanity. BaUMl pokt, Conn., Sept. 21.?A allocking tragedy oecuired in the quiet village of Stratford this r/mroing. The Krv. D.ivid L. Lounsi.itry, rector of OkrkB Chnreh. was shot by las wife r.s he lay ash . p ai d InstiiDtly killed. A coroner's jury wa i 6;:i.:aioncd. Und asnenblca nt 8 o'clock a. ni. Mary Ciimn Irr?, a errvrtnt, who has lived in the fam? ily aOTCI *.?:;... t< stilled tout the relations of tho hus? band and wife were cxctpltotinUy pleasant She knew Iiis. Ixairiiihury to he eg Invalid. Mrs. Lounstiury l ad told tho wit in-** the previous eight that Mr. Lottnshury desired her to have nu op. ration perto-mril, but she bnd refused, nml hud asked f he could utal.o ntr, wbou be rapll at, ?? If you don't 1 will put yet! oui." 'i'ho Witness hoard a aoiao about OtSO e'eloeh. Baa want la the door and no t b is. [.oeoebory* whoaaai,M1 bavo fctUad my husband." Atitde May, n TiHcnt r'rl of r'rven year*, the only child of the doeeaeod. waa awakaoed ny the boboo ot a revolver. aba went dowa ataBa, andaBooB her father i then dre?sfd und vast for n physician. Ilerniother had been Bat re IH than Banal the previous evening. Dr. a. tV AUaa kastbted that bo rottcbed tbo t?.n?e, and BaB : 1 MBJBuU CimI Mr. Louusbury was d-.t?L He pooh - i Bel wound, und .-rinlned Ukal the bu.l kad en? tered the basei of the brain, two Inches below the eeeipikal arolabei me ?and nn Inch to the left of the medeal Hue, pas-Ins; ohoqu \y upward, lie bad ale teuued Mrs. 1/niiusbury piufcssioualiy, 111? iaot visit was oti lag aal IL The fbraasaa of the Jury Bfked Dr. Allen whctJu r Mrs. L>'iuistiur)'a dMeaeo wea such as Weald produce tem? porary baaaBti Beforw a rapty eeakl be made, on mo? tion ol the clerk of the Jury, reporters were ex( ltltled, snd ware not admitted aortaf tbe roeaalnder of tbe nbyatrlan'e ezaniinetion or at a visit they paid to Mrs. L- at ibnry, who ovum rnum above. Ine p.-to! ah. a aheap *? tbirty*two" revolver. From ? lade fro ml of the f iinily and member of the nnrlsh It wit* leane d that Mrs, L"tiiistuiry pun hao-d tbe ra> volver In Xew-llavcu u jeur asTO on uoeounl of tlmiditv Coline^ n nt oi en nu ntteinpied robbery of the honso. Bhe had oorooeird the knowledge of its purchase irom her hnaoavnd. lae la a lady of very foil habit, mid .ob? ject tti rus>. al bleed to t t lo ad, loa leaawasbera bar* \?n an atteeh el that k<nd last alght Ihed.aaed graea sad gol her a drtak oi water, after whieh she remembera Dotblng until the dead was done, nho Is a sullen r also 11oiti in;ta. Mr. la.nn . .in v a ,o i,e n i> tlilrly-slx years of one, and Y.H- ii graduate of Trinity Colleen Be Brat praeUeed ntedietne. and became acquainted with kla wife by heteg called to tn at tier prolei>lniiully. Tbey have been lo aeaad at answraned say a ysai aaS a imir, onrtu^ wi.igu Ulna thereotol umde many friends, ill* wile imc baUSfl lu tbe or r. aetVtag oaliera, Is nliuost ? atr inirer to the u.<mber> ol the laiTali. She Is veiy much pruatrati <1 iiy this affair, and declines to eon verse, not know Ina u hat to say. 1 here Is *Mid lo have been insanity lu her funn y. There seeena to he little groond tor doubt that the deed wee done durlag a nt ut temporary insanity, caused by bodily dl raaaaad aifiitfsaeai incident io a propoai'tf operatwe, to w bieh sue obj i-o d. TneloUowiog waa the rerdletel thejaryi MThedo cei.stsl i Mine to Ins d u'.h by a pistol hbot In the bauds of id* wile; u.e net brlaa coinutitted daring a eoudluon of lempurary oeranaement of mind, occusmnej by gaaaaae. _ B?BN1N0S OP THE !'?> SB8YLVABIA i;f>.ll> Philadelphia, Bept. 24,?Tbc ?IbbbibbbI of t he hnshnaa of ail toe hbea ef tbe Peassytvaada Boll rood Company i tat of l'.it-bura- and Ktie for AagBSt, I07B, n* eomparwd irtth tin- sante period In 1*7**, shows an In? crease it: ere;- rarntnga <>f (10,117,aa Increase in ai peaato of PTIWTTI. gad a dnrieeaa in net aaratagaof MOQsflBt. th eight atentba of 187B, gg eompered with the n.iine l i tlod in I S7f?, show nu llii'ii i'" in fcio , earl. Int..? oi gl.21H.llS. an Increase la ex - enses of 08O0.7M, lied an la n"' earn Inga or Bglg^isa, All lines weal "i I iitsbarg and Brie tot the ? leh months ol lsTti aben aanrplnaover llab?ltieaof BPO^'iS, being n go in over ti saaii period in is?*, of irJ. 0.4S8. tbe Mi inn j: 0pjbnn18 p. clabkb, BoaTOB, Bept. 21.?Tho Jury in Ac eaas of tie Bl by* agahMl Dr. KBaball and MwdameQ.brteg tor themnrder of Jeanhi P. Clarke, asamfat IBM ni un ing and reported a dlsagreemeaL Tke fnty waa dhr oaargi d. Ii .* repoi t.-.i thai akrvea were tor aoavtotioa. TRLl OB IPHiO son s. BBmoB -Ii.v; it IN OAJTADA St. j?diN. \. R., e pi. 24.?The Bank of Montreal laasta..; l'ile-1 Ivei.a a pn> vul jaie.n. thi BBUOZliTB IBVITATIOB ACCBPTBD, Moktrrau8 ot.24.?Tht Priaoeol Wales Kiflf hevatorasaPr aooeplsd aaBnttadaa t<> fkaaBreaktyaaeat J" 'r* AM BEBT OOBTBST PosTP?XKH. BaamB, .Hept. 94.?The areherj eonteai whieh area to have bagaa at Beaeea Park t?te BSornlBg. aaa beea b sed until in iBBiiao on accouot of the bBthoneat weather. TU K ABOLO-OABADfAB 0A.TTLB TJLAIBt Ontv Sept. 24.?Unrini the saaaon Ii..? elosed. e drei la tins city have sntapodte Kntrinnd LOW raitie, i.-.v. sine], and to aeraae, ta ued st u >ic tima,, no. Tin; CABAOIAB ntDIAHl ST'l'FEblNO. TnaoN hi, 8< nt. 'j..? I be triders throaghonj ue gaakatebawaa t illo] te;.eri t ,ai the tawBaas sre ?u^-niir ? i Irani I '. ll el (oil ., i.ut en !ar ih-y Lave made uo last IBs utov eaten ta. ,\ i OMMBButAL OLTTB in sr. r.ons. BT. LoDIA, Bent. 24.?11 i Lotitst'lnli, mi or e*i i hi.,ii. t atotekanta HoadlfidafterBarilarclnhais Bew Vioii and other Bas'ora dttes, >ii iaa<iaurat?4 lore Uat m^hi arltb bm -no rabk eorsataay, tbbsp1 BlOUt botb8 OP IABATOOA BamaTi <" Ml*a, X. Y? Kept 24.? In the Mann aota ?.nn to lay. sin i Bddittoaal eyldanss t?. sitn.tHniii.ta i heir case. tb? Viiii11 i*. sgaui leatad. I ko nefepee renewed tbe a>atsse tare nan at t. lartgi TasaaanOaalad akoaasiasst. BA I HEB a BAOT1 BTB1 KB. PoiiavitLK. BennM Bept. 24.?Tue beaten ami puddlera at ibt Pals tlta raTUaar-tBUl atraoh to na- farsanv craasi "i wa . . istill is Bperataa by the PnlknieiidiU and Hitadiaa i*saipsay. antkas sail baaa ra apanBea abeal I so meilia*. Ti;i n gBBAL Of JTJDOB WOODWABA Wilkksbai h. Penn., Bept. 24.?The remaina of tin bill Jaair Wooawatd will be i bibs trad fraas Bamdaa. B. ^ . io WlUtenh. tot lalereasnt. rbs tun^iai will tike j...a . I. ? i.i i i? s.delice oi M a a ley \v oedn an ou baluniay tot 2:HO If. iii. Tin DOBTIH1DB BZBIBIT10B. Ottawa. rVpt. 24.?Tbe Dominion Rzblbltion wa* formally ..n.-ni*l to-rtay hf Hie BxOSllsney Hie i. .v. ? Ueaeral aao th< Pilacaas Lowlaa, Teen ware ll0,00n peopM nie-. : i, and us then I n <? I. in e??. Ir.jVe un to ti e fcruuad Dm ia*iii.uu.i.i is i at srsd reedss?oaty. TOO LOBS a BaJfOB Al.TOoKlUKlt. BatNTOK, N. .1., Bept. Ul.?Among ill. malche.s ui Iba nameg Tallaisilias si ihs Hnnun fetat? ii-tu-e tsone at si* i, i .o.m ? and 1,108 paraa. a* it ib avast al that las aiatrh aanenl All under aarh cnadlllnns. the Ui?iane. a bate aeaaebaag Atel u,aooend la isivani*. t.N i I tat nt PBBVHBT8 A t on VTOTTOV. PcyiTfyiiuc, Bonn.. Sept. 94.?The jury in the rssefit William lorrev. lermer y ea?liler ol IBS Plfat Bsv tmnal Hank <4 Ashlaad, Who haabsap so tnal, .barae? aitli rniiieti lue inn ??'! Hb at, after bring ool aiBeteeti boors, hat t. tad 1 ? reo. Thaaa ?.m akrvea tur cwuvictnui aiei oiie Mg :i??|ilillal. A ION vi.N lltlN Ol i HK Illlfll < A1IMI.K S. Uattum, Ohio, ii pa. Ud.?A eooventton of the , i.x in.i CathaBeBeee^ehml iFaiaa ajst in UdaiIty te-0ay. a law aracesaioa waabsld thB BaorniBg. Tbe cue. reul. waafafatall) aeleaatodby Major u?i/. at barton, and -,n<i lies a. re atade b> Jmi.e i.a for, of UiiMcPy, foim.inr at the seder, aaa a B. Blstar, at Rtehessatd, Va. 4 BBW kanOOIATTOB OP PtBI MBb. 11 i s i? ? \. \.Sept. 24.?1 he Maie Convention ef FbeOJSO assisted a e. . - l- linn f. t Uo eii.ite 1 n.?:, , u * lie Iii r AB,Uii?ti,.n i u its v. hi I elect* I tu r Boa 11. < toleara i Pir.lovul, Ui .l.ntj H. Hnisn, N. aark ? Vico-PiBStdrut*. Charles Mi 'i'.ll. lie; 'or. ; A. J. i'.i'i \, I.r-ey lay, j ,|?. ?. Ii i. ii I 1.7 i'o 'Ii Treasurer. Colon? I f>peie it. Pa ?aal? ; Bet let-.} . Iran* Ml, Neaars. i hi .-.I AT K tnUoOBElts <i] WAIl AnSiK lATloN. ToLkdo, Ohio, BepL 24.?A grand re onion of e* prlsntiers St Wa' is l<> Is- held Bl 1 sleda, < kMOhat 1 and l. This r?uni"0, a i.n b la Ihr tiro uf its In 1 lie We?l, Iis? lor |ta oi.ji 11 auapiy thai or bBbtOIi ? to aid Meads aad i satradei *o oi>i>oriubiiy ef i. fi.lnaleaaiiier once l.dsiiitt avet aid time,, mnl C 'tnpatlnc wlutt time h?* bt.nihl.1 lo cm Ii situ?> tbrli? sej.sisiioi. Itftcto i ears fck'o. There sul undo... .. > h? s gteat erewt pr. aent. THE PRESIDENT I-X KANSAS. .receptions ai vakiops L7LACE& STOrpAfiis at Hnum, F'li r ecoiT am> BtVsaP WriEItE?MICU BPSBI U.VaKINO axi> iiinRAn isn. President Ilnyes ami tlie party of travellers fitli Lim reached Kansftg yesterday, having; made brief during tlio day at BofJgHg and other places in MkBBOBlL There was a prent deal of popular enthusiasm all along j tho way. At Parsons, the principal speeches of the day were mad<\ It Baal been arnuiired that tho President will spend several days in Kansas. General Sheridan has left the parfy. iNnni:sTs BTTHI way. oTtEAKTAST WITH A VKTF.PA V?TIM* C1 ''WPS AT 7 flE STATIONS?pnoORAMME OP THE KANSAS TRIP? Till' SPEICHES. BP.DAUA, Mo.. Sept, 21.-President Hayes And rmrly b*re at 7 n'elook. thin niornln? fr-an Hani ihnl by a special train ou the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Kailnud, under tho charge of Mssera. Jones, Mitchell and Huntington, oflleers of tl.c raatg, The party now Boasbrts of Pr?sident Hares, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Ilurchar I Have-, QoB< ral Sherman, and Colonels Tourtelhitie and Ha.-on of Iiis shaft The party was met at tho railroad station by a ooniinittce ol citir>ns headed hy tho Mayor, and waa eaoorted throogb tha town. Breakfast was eaten with Colonel James at his residence, after which a Uttla apaBlflng waa iial ilged in from the p<rcb. of the house, a crowd having asseui. bled tiicre. Mrs. II ires w .'. cnil-d for and erected with cheers. Alter tho talking, ?Mab. was brief ami Informal, a number of the kB dlugcitisena were presented to tbB President aad to Mrs. Hnyea. , General 8bendaa wbb loudly called for, but Geueral Sherman Informed the disappointed peoplo that " Linie Phi*' bad returned I ? I ha A National Bhlafcs a 1?. fired tri hanot <>f fie Presi? dent, and fifteen gnus in honor of General fcher iiian. The i'r.-.i ! j,t aus e.n.ri, c! to llie train by a band of music ma] a nklegatlefl of citizens. The train mudu u lia't here of about two at.d a half hours. tt1k PBfl l:\mmr OJ BABBAB, UBA9B IflSaBOX, Km., Sop'. 24e?Tha President snd Governor St, John aava agreed upon the fol? lowing prugraaiflBa for tb? rest of tho week t The parry will go to tfaosbo to-night, They will leave tl btb st such time Thurs? day afternoon as wiQ bo most convenient. They will then go to Euiporla, and take the Atohison, To;?eka and Santa I'd linilroud to Port Dodge. They will leive t bore on Friday morning, stopping at different points, and hope to get to Topeka before Bight) so as to have a reception at tliecspltol iu the evening; If not, fiiey will have a reception at the capitol 80 Batarday morning. Iu tho afternoon thaj will go to Li aveiiworth, stop? ping ut Lawrence, a RUMBBB or BBOKPTrOBB, r->itT ScotT. Kan., Sep\ 21.?'Iho President and party arrived here at half pBBl 2 tbla afternoon, after a very pleasant but not very eventful trip, j At Winds >r? a s:na!l station on tbe road?a few hundred people had assemtved to see the Presldotit and General Bhennan. Tha train made a halt of a few m inn tea. and a general seramblo followed to shake the President's hand and to see Mis. Hayes. At Clinton the same scene was repeated. At AppltMon a platform hi I b BB erected and preparei ions made of an elulmrate character for the reception of the party, but much to the disap? pointment of tho oil irons, who had assembled, thero was only a short stop made. Tho President Coiigratillitled lie peoplo on tba liaiidsoiuo apptmr aaee of the town und tue ad ?national fae.l.cioe they seemed to enjoy. General Sherman was in troducrd, but did not nuke any speech. The peo? ple inauit'-t'-d much outhiisiasui-und cheered the President heartily. The train BBBBBd at Nevada, an 1 the Pre-ident shook hands with tha names lor five minutes and then moved on. Upon raaehi g Port Seotl tha President and party were dnven in carriages tbroBgfa the streetsof tho cite amidsl throngs of sanariBg citizens. A plat? form had been pal up m froal of tin Oners II misc, where briel apseehsa wen made. The President was introduced by Governor Bt, John, and said : I'n i' >w t'inzttss or : X- u have alicady suffiiiouil.t learu dthai ae are not bent to innUc lout, speeches. Portunatoly or unfortunately the time-table bei iieeii prepared tar as bystbe oflei ri of the railway company, and a*e are bryiaa to Un up to It as well as we cm. On account ol tie aadi ncee who have been greet? ing u? from tne bmsbsbI we lafi Chicago until now, we ha?o felt it aoiuewbst diffknil o earn onl lurnlinof travel, ami It is dlflkmT oget naed to making umi mug mop-. Of course, one is naturall) ?! nmna of saving soinctking when Bespeaks, bat ibe time Is no brief thut 1 iii*i -t ileeliue p ?fierce, trots eau thta into topioa winch IliV.le me. I tkank Ike GoTeraar and the people who haveoosm hereto >> iU oiu, me, and, ta bis rci arks, 1 hope the Gov? ernor i . i ri ?enl ? tba leellaga ??: . I pi ople of Kansas In biskludlT weic line mid la tola reeeptton which we hnv? received here upon entertaa the gateway ol Kanaan, rtne.v I do no knew of ssy community air. wnere on earih wbnee w< e BMSadbeMltf approval t value moie highly thun those art the people ol Kansas. [Cheers.J lue people ul' kabs8s i.aVc Usea allraoled to I this beautiful Baad Bf many motives, nut It e.nuol lie forgotten thai tbeae pe. pie foimht tin battles af tteedosa, sod to eatabUabed a well-ae served reputation. Voo were here Is ibe hegiuniua of thai ' oiifl ? i. and the people of tie Plata st.I hy your pi inciidea niiiUr tke leadership ol Aorah on Lincoln and bat i led for the fn ?.loin of the whole ei BO try Yon stood h' I ? to thi end, aad WSea Uw klatorj ol tin Btate comes lobe written, roar nable conduct 11J be recorded, whioh alii give a hUli. eonaplcooaa und noble place i ? tin people of K .Iis?.. [Chi ? i-.J I wish to do * I ? in mi i ?> d n rjr abortlj ?fr? r I wn? luoucted mto tie atVea Badet Ibe Oovemmi tit w:.leh I now hold. A ii eiiil laid to ate : " 1 Bo bmitiees of li e rreshleni i? to preahta." Ace irdmaly when 1 meet my fi llnw-rltlaitna I am Is Ibe h ibtl as fai is 1 e n of pinn? ing the other genth oses to one side and nud< rfakn i,- tn presld?. fLaugbter end rbeera.] In that rapneitr 1 nun bare tbe pleasnrs of iutrodaclng to yon u geniic 111..11 soun w hut fHinoils in :he in!:<" h.story of the rountry, Oeaoral BBarman. fLml i.nd entbualaaiic ehiers.| General BherntBB bbbu forwatd and said briefly : Tea bava Beard that as kava bat n tew Brfaassa left 'or oui si.iv ai PortSeatt, XBesa few minntei havo st.ill. d for yon to sea your Preeldenl and ine ? pai i n ho aeeompaay Blm. I Bappsa i<? Be one of tboae. We have been called aat alasoel oreryflre min? utes Iu tba da) eine? we left Chleacv, ami. Indeed, for two weeks before that due, ao thai we bars but very little to say. What we barn ^sid abroad) in?* been pi llitod nuil by | oil. I have beBB hue DMB) bs irs a^u, before some of these ronagsr aiea wi re horn. i navarwas statlsaad al ibis pbtca ipiniig the war, tun I wua siutioaed al Pari Learena iri i, and bava visited Port tilBeae. Per naaay years I imve Beaa aaaaaedm milking y?ur frontier aeeiire ggaln ' Iba Indiana. The k .? uidPolowatlsarlea need as ba araaaa Bern, lean* noi ? ? here th v nr.- sewi Msey bava gone assy., 'i ngatsr ami abeeraj A aether *et of Indiana n?s e, ititix up. [Mora laughter.I Aad mm tin appear ii.i e. I .!i,m;!i| ,h\ ,ou are u !??! lei set of ll.dlaUi liniU ii ? others, f u< nt asd -?? igbh r.J l bona von adll ko an lupravlas until ron ntaka k iu?ns the boaia of liberty and fl< etlniu. ;laoud eheere.J ibe party tm ii visited tbjsOaatcal Babod Bnild inj. ami Bbp)?received by the hBBohert aud ehil ilien, shaking hamis witli many of them. The Cap? ital C.iiards of Topeka. the siart'oi Gnvert.or >t. ?lohn, the BPS companies oi rmt Boott, the Mayor, and tha City Cktancil aad n larp dslsgattaB af altt> Bow btrtadofl by tan Baad, tarn cd ont to ea- j Bort tha Piaatekatt thrangh tha etty, A bait of aa h ai aas Baada? al tha aad af whiafa Mats tha viait? snratarnad to the tram aadptaeasdadan tbett b nr. K a N s \ s OOMPUMBB1 Db Parson's, Ham* Bapt. m.?The Bxeontlvapart] Bgff! d at tids plans at p. BL) and, alter cous'iltatioii, IBBolvad to lurry hire 8TSB niL'lit. On the arrival of the tiani, the BBBOl K a-, happy Bfawd surioiiiin. il UBi Iii si.loin's cur an-, wait-d for him to show hiBBBBtf OB lbs platfarnt. When In' uppenred he was greeted Srfth ahaen and v. ch-otned to the city and to the B ib by r. C. Cory, an behalf ol the laiiiniilpalHy. ] I ? PrsgltlrBl ii ..lie B brief reply, lb *,,.d : Patxow Ottnsnss i After BnrveUiag IBB eg BOO adlss mtlay.aad narattagaeesaaaaafabhi number oi savaaV I.iw-oHl/i-ns, all ol them anxious, BJOSB ni.illVi ? of curl aaBtgi sg far atbsrrsassna. btsss as aad hsai us, if t>tut uuly lo iay* a situle word, you will hardly axpssi me toealet neon .luv axlaaded t ? v. to day, fbe inry largi siuabar ol lopiet eii^<e?teil by my MtBd Mi. i iv woaht fsralth'?rUI tor n lum.? sp?eeli.? too long if 1 were in follow It out, and 1 think , k? IBS Ii n ie.< wouid r.iiner roa'ret It than otbur wlsa. I ns?ure j-on that my Journey BUM fir lias been very BaTOOaBhkj and we kakve seen all aninud Ua evidences of very great prosperity, of tapld growth and priiitartlTcaaea of soli, IhYongoenl los ni'intn. TTsfTSlapavfsapoMmuchHI this Stats of Kansasns lu any of tin- no ? Staira. Wttheat gi !ng lata tho history of k ?? ??im. sssV rbratcd at Lawraaai recently by a inciting of tho Hi-era of the Slate. I am Inclined |o think It la the liest B<!vertic il common t.? In the Cnited f"ste?. (L uiBT'itrr.l In Iba Blatt Of ?f advertising your cr'-atest MBSOeaa st bs at the Centennial, nt Phils hlph-a. The world gathered there to 'earn whst thev BOO Id. Mr BnlgBlcul I?. after bavtag g- ne rather hs?illy through It ?for f Waa not allowed to abooaa luv tune, tu i lsee of seeing things then any more than I sin now, I was run? ning thmiigb hastily a great expoal Imi-thai it wa* areat lu ?\er> war. great lu It* remit*, for It ha- done an Immeaas g.ael larnnghoel the rivtiired world, fn looklaa st the Spanish, J-ijiancte and Chlm'so dls titnya I waa plnaartl| but tbe mat of all ?*? Ika display of tan Ptala af a*aasaa [Cassia.) Br atoning ait thatyoo kept ap villi a seile? of advertisements, j one of which Wae the t<*nr of a Viilittne at reports beateaaj Othseloportothai I have net with irmn any [ OtherStatea I am in the hahlt ef looking at rtaBatteal report*, and n Flat fin ring had my mini directed In this way bv an lug iheae reii-Tis string me Information of Iheprodueta and eeakntsna of tjke eoaatt*y? I came to vl'lt tour Mate, ?o that ton see I am ria-ht, upon tlie who e. In saving that you are un exceedingly well ad? vertised Bommen I tT. 7/M W?BDB AM> A BLOW* a sTAiMf.iNt; ist llDEMT in a Hotel, lx-ti.i.? lOBh c. an w nn ihrs a HtitrionD Hank ku in tin: BAU. Of TkTI i li Til tTRt Pi:. The loaagofa la the lobby of the ruth Avenue Hr'-I ?? ii.t tiuptcil in their ili-ci*<lon of the wnlking match, Keily's b It and kindred timely tuple., kboal half-past 7 hint evening, hy loud and angry erorda bain (led with profanity, at lh" rr->. t al of the hallway. A Uaw followed a- I a BtaJat, whieh waa quickly tetiiiiiiate 1 l.y tho interference of tho byetandere. Tbe partlea to tala gaatrvl were John C. Now, fonaeaiy Doited Ktatea 'treeoorer, ami George P. Biaaoll, a prominent baofkaraf Hattfard, Conn..a bo not lb n among ins patron* Mrs. Harret Beeebeg Btowe, Governor ?Tewel] and ether atatin gtdehed p< none. I?v the tun? inquiry could bo Blade, nobody DOBIlgtlhnl Wish the hotel couM be found e bo saw t he nt-turbance j not a clerk nor aatOgggBgorboj knew thero htwl been oue, Mr. New ma.lo iho falle iviug atari 'incut t TI La trag p irely a pi raoaal guarri l, growing out of bnaineaa matten? Five years ago the Deanfcaoa Hoaae, m Indiaaapoba, was *oM ?aaar resweloeere, uml was bought In by Mr. Bissell. repreaenting the boodholdere, In Am II, 187m, I offcned Mar $.j??.?k>0 for tl.o property, stipulating that e tk-ur title 1 boaboWB. l'p >n tnvcstigai iop, my lawyer foun.'. n cloud in tue title, and I mote Mr. llisacll telling In in o/ tin bet) hut ho never replied to my Letter, nor noticed it In any way. In March, l$7t>, I bought the hotel. After this one of the bOBiholdan waadleaadiaflod with tho aulo, nml Btaeall muilo a state'in nt in home New-Koplami pnis-r ?aying that I bad beau galltp of n bnaah o' con braet in not concluding tho former sale, lion gidered myself much aggrieved, Hnd wrote him. de? manding u retinrtion. To-night I saw him for the f.rft tune, nnil repealed my demand. Ho said ho had rot doM it. I said : 1 If yen say It is uot tin \ come to the ?Ii sk and give me a paid M thai effect j that is oll I want.' Dal hu re/u.-ed, and 1 struck him." " i>td yon c.itl him a-Mar!" " Well, I siippos - I did i nud if hd should r< new li's om-iiee i iho dd be only too happy to repeat what 1 said ami did. If anything rtrtt < r is datttt d I am reatly, ami will have a ilepnty. ton." Mr, Hiss IFa iwtara fi.tho opera was awaited, and he received the reporter frith bploaaaat fin e, BBtrred onlf by a pu ce of court-plaster on tlie bi Idge ol bui w sc. Be said t Tregrel tbbtocenrrence exooodlngly. i have no dcBtrn t<> llgiue in such an atlsir, hut I would much rather occupy mi position than thai ol Mr. New. 1 was kalk mir with Mr. BeOBaoo, paoasdsnat <>i tho LvaiiKvilJe Hank, w neu Mi. New cams up and geht .1 me to go aemea the ball, aa he aranted to eaik wiih me. I had made up my mind to have nothing to do with Mr. /few, und declined, Jiut upon his urging it, I weal with bim, and i aak a eeab Bo be? gan to abaaa me for sat ii ?' something a boat him m the pagan, i replied that i never hud done so. He sanl,'if thai iaaoyoomeand write a rrtwcdloB.1 1 refnaedtoda Ibas, ami said, 'Ml down, nml let iis talk it over.' hut instead of that bednw olT umi strnck me. Before 1 raoovered myself, be was m the batsda of several geatlemea who wan preoi nt, ami araa taken away. 1 sold bin the b?te] in Indian* up.iiiase yean a?<o. gad when he arnveij home be arrote nae thai the t.t!. aaa not ?' ar, and 11. it he would not l ike it. l replied, offering toelear tbe title, and Baking bim not to bael downi hut received no reply to tlie letter* 1 hail to notify the bondholder! of the matfer, ami be sopciv.eeil the BCtlding of the oiMfllaiBi OlM of the bondholders, I do not know w no, um m?. iatiatiedabout theaJfair,and wrote a rbar?eelninn lett i r to a New?Bav< n papor. ta abicb I paid no at? tention, bnl wit i abicn load nothing to do. Bob aequently Iba note] ? ae aobj on un efitf finu a Boltimon party, ami when 1 came to sign tbe deed, I found Mr. lV-it'* name amongthe pnrenaaete. 1 bad meantime fulnii d my promise to clear tbe title, 1 have na doubt Mr. \ n Buppoaodl had publicly commented oa Iiis conduct I hut 1 l. ul not, uml had noth? ing to ntraeta Beveral pereong who ?.-.?? th antgii UHBiarhl commented on my oowardlao, Bui Mr. Pliny Jewell, brother to Governor Jewell, told them that, m Colonel of the 20th Mii" aaehaaetuj BegtmenL 1 had alnad] faced danger, and oo ward ice was nut to ba attrib? Utod to me. I -imply did md can to he the born of a hotel Light. 1 waa call-d n liar, hut I do m>t thitiK thnt gentlemen sboala teel called upon to vindicate (heir itu. gr tv by fighting in public pl.t. i s. The pablieit] of tbio matter annoy a and aesoa laben bm i bal 1 feel pot> fectly aatiaBed thai my in tblg. aolntbe m got tat mis i ha: canoed it, is mu lt as boaoralde men will approve." CALIFORNIA'S U0SP1 ? ALITItM. QBBBBati chant at IBB PttODCOB BZfltfABOB, in .-an rtUMOIlOO?A TtSIl TO IBB luKis aNU To BLACB POIBT, Kin i'liANiiss'", S--p?. -1.?Oemral tirnnf ami hi i party attended the graad ball <>f the PnUoa Do partihent in aid of tin Wido an1 ami Orpium,' Aid Aaaoeietion last right. Tbbt morning tbo General received a nanbar of old natch nts af Galena. liming the fbreniMin General flrnnt, nccetmie'iieil l.y Govomoi [rwtn, (]afarBOi*sdoel PerBhaa, Mayor Bryant, and ifajor-General MeDawelL riaJtod tha I't lim e Exchange ami neelved an aal bugBtgUg re* eeption from tboea preeeur. Prnkieat C9a\ytoa de 11 v? rod a Ion f addrt of wolooBsO, uml after nu in s|a>ct ion of various, ?tnuphtj of C'lilil'cinia products, the part] retired, [mnk dtatelj after leaving the iv' 'lue ? Krobange, Geaaral tirnnt, bcsmmpanted by ltabn>GetM ral MeDowoll, Judge Field, Mrs. Gnat* I.'. B. Gnat, jr., and the Il?toeptioa Oonadtato, nas driven to theWaehingtcgv-et.wbarf. Here tin party took tbeateamerueaeral McPbenoa, which jraeoovered with Haps, pouaanta and wreaths of flourera gad pun oeded (? make a tour of the forMfieatlona in toe bnrbor. BtopMtur a few moBtonta ut Hinck Point to take aeventl offlcera oa hoard, Uta steamer pn. needed to Angel Iglaad, aben the liei erul and pariy wen recited bj Inn nfllrnra m annnaand gnu shown around the.t. After passing an bearer ?o there thegusate rigited Alcatr?/. The Oeaetal visited ?he inr ifleationa then and MmnliBacntod tbeoommandioB ofOoer up.m tue eaoelleot goa dltion oi the poat. He n tnillked upon the Hplennul defences of I he barloT. I he party then took the steamer for Itluok Point. On arrival ther-a salute f I i'iit>-olglii .-im? wa* tired hy the Battery. Carriages in walling t.?nk t... party to tin- reatdenoe of Maior-GetVeral Uo l>oa. li, tin hand- of the 2d ami 4th ArttBej v, und 4th Innatrv playing M Hail to the thief on Mr nvat* and tha gold ion saluting. After lunch a ie eeptiao began and trow tinned throughout tho nftet* noon, in uu ptoiiiiucu: citi/.eris anil lai.ies ntt? mi ing, baeidca milltsuT] g* ntletiiei., liming iho re oeptlon tbe General met ii*?iu v old comiudes, and the time paaaed pi aaantly, falling up memorlcaol camp uml hatih Bold. A TKI.IMIMM To MAYOR HTOKI.I.V. iMii.ti'i i.p.ut. Bept, Sfv*-Mayof ntokkay. in re ?pongc to a oougralalatary dbujaUadi acut to ex rriMiili-nt I'. H. tirnnt yosrertlay moruiug, received to-tla> the folhya lag ladagtaaj t Ham Fkam isco, Cal., Sept. 23. Wat, Ik BfOBXBT, Viiyar mt PAMOdVLpAtUi Ttianks r<n v >ar kind dlsMtek and loi the good wuhea you ripn^s in the nams of Philadelphia, l reaaot now a tune for vlilling Pblludcipliia, but let ton kuow. t. p. '.: ast GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. tin BRITISH LniEHALB A BOUSED. ah BAftl.Y 8F-?io\ oi* iiik ni:11r-if ru.: i?'ir\t defmi i? PJtOfiAHt.r?( I n*V SI.AVI ?? l'ati'l?. It it proposed to hold a gnat ma>s-:iu? Mng in London to demand a general election nnd rondema the Gt vcrnnient. It is again ranBWBsd that th? Untish Parliament miiv Mal m N mMlllWf. Pi I I Ms marc k has proponed to Count Amlras-v a [dan tor get,? r..l disarmament. In Cuba ''..omi slaves Lave been set free ; tney baveenterrd into contracts to work for five yearn, Tbe Sydney Pxlubitiuu is declared to be succea-ful. BbUTDjH TOADS AND rouTif?. a ORi:at anii-ai>MINI?1 RATION Mil UNO THO* POaaaX Lo>r>n\, nTeaanaansy. bapt. Pa. If9a\s Arrmipemcnis urn in progress for n mass* nieefng at Hvdo Park on Sntui I i.v ri. if. in i ? :? r the present grave crisl., to den ma the '. cmno nt'S reekle.a Inr.i|>aeiiy, und to di SMSad an homed ate ap* |>'*?l lo the eounii jr. IntOSJISjnssanl serton?.!r contetnpl .fes stimm >n'ng rarliement early in N 'Temher. No arflnlrs esaetaataa hie been rt acard. BS BBSBS baa toit y< I SSSn a meeting of lac Cnblm t. t ut the i reliabilities nre sHonaiv in fa? vor of a Nnvemb. r nSSSSBa The <its?gow pfgptrBB market's ?c*lre r<n'1 price* nre higher f an at Say ttsss PBJISg IBS pi". > Igdsk a month*. The revival Is almost solely tns to large inders ft "ti Asset kn. Th< operatives at Asbtoa wltlbsdtot today to decile #he;hi r tn. v shall yield fo the masti n'termeof era* tiiiao on ?i t Ike. Tne nil I ??? aera ?t Otdhara c\nr?-ee sattSfseifSa with the reeall of tne iImhI Uioe moveuieat. Pwhish fherdealers hat redan . .:. price of tl.. i.iw ma* tarialat l?venooL Ti e a rkmeaal Coeaett, Jarrow. Btoekton sad Harth naoL. savaausek lu.i'.a ibe award of Mr. liilo, tbe arldfriiter in ttie great dispute mt a Hot i n of Baglaad and t levelaad u mi i i aile, he Inn n.g ?n eide.i tha' tne wastes of aoase special else e?of opera* live* stiall be r dm . i 1'.''.>|>, i .' ? f. in. adoflfi per* cent, as aascluimed oy tne n. ask rs. the sew invasion. ?imla. a Ba - ly,ears*. i. 1 79. Ortioml Haki r, coniiuiui.lia^ a bliga la of in. atony, am psababtp ahtaeS hu u. i ? us ita fron K'hat to Cahui. to-lay. Bepjataaes I? ??? p- . i. d. 1 ha force end'-r Uenernl fir Frederick Ko'ett?, consisting of tnree brig ides. Iii all s\flOB im n, isim.v BSmpleesty supplied with tr.tii>i'oria'iun, und ssadp sa Basra Sal Oabal by the Leg.r Vale**. The adv it' ' i the mala body, under QsOSBSl BVtgTbS, BBBlBeatBga\BBB m<-n will begin luiiue 'I.itoly. Bir Vredi-rick Roberta Will bo "tip* ported bj a res" its tares i f sonn la 00, aad r Gel n .Is Oordofl slid Qoagh. Balding the kuiam V.Hey aad iBBinfstnlsg soaiiuaateattoBs betveea tao advsaabag Coraaasad >oruinesi iuJia. BISSiARCK Av I) ANDRASSTfl PLAINS. liOanov. tl iv, s pt. i ?.7?y. 771? S1nn<lanr? Vienna ttapatoB says it is now clear tliai the object of the meeting of Count An* dras.jr **A Prince H;*ru BTSB was to maintain jieaie la K'nrooetiy a BtBBBB SUUaaSS, end to gi .ultlul y aapSIBBI Baaaia tnnn the rest nt ?ktraoa. 1 i.e V i: Is t.'i i> poll !? Iii "I i/<? />ni.'y Acic $ U aim Prlaee Bleaiawk Baa aabmitteu a plan to tne Eni pares of Austria and Count Aulra.-sy I or u a nua! disarma? ment. PBEEnfG slaves m i usa. Mabbbi Bodaeedsy. Papt. 11 ists A priva'e bBldBJTBBJ Irotn Mav ma slates tint tbrsealSTa SatBteis.saaats si t.eoo, LtOOi asaHOBslstSB respectively, have etnutiiM|iatcd them, and cotitrsctesl alu. tin in for their services for five v. ar*. and that otnor slave-holders lutead '.iwlas ttoeli rBaatBka Nratal Depath ? are reeolvad n> movt iu ii..- < nt Pas the immediate abolition of alaverj In Cnba win.out in demnliy to the s'avc-owners. tivo hundred UrSSpS sbb to be Bint lo Cut.a foiUiwItii. Tili: SEWMABKET RACES. I.OMM?. VVi In. - t iv, s. pi VI. IsTfl. Tlic race for tho Graal EasterB Railway Baaa'ieapsasssasT to-du> at the Bawtaarfcet Firat Oa* tober MsBSBbBi und was won by PrlBOS I??.I>kofl's lliree-tenr?-old bay tl ly Luc-ll ?. The sei otnl ice ? n* secured by Prince uaTtbrany's fonr-yi r? 11 bay esBJ Typhaoii. eno Lord iiMUBaVa 'oiii-j ears-end el.e.lLUl cold IfSStar Kddale saSM IU thud. PODS BELPAST HOUSBS BDSNED. nilnbt. Vedneeda/isapt. vs. 197tX A firo in this city to-day c#ini|ileu!y ile slroyd the pi tecs of k.-:ii. ?oi( the fol' Win ; iiai:.i<d flrmi: DarllaAOo^SuTaagkiia and groesrsiaforttsasB A Bona,ambrelia manu leturrrsi Mi-OoulgaJ a Mack, ti a i Young a: Aad ec son, ? kufa -ale warchonsi men. The tu. -regale of the los es i" estimated ui BeOOeOOO, THI IIAPLaVSOH OPERA COMPANY COMPVO. laiNlx.s. Wednesday, Hep:. V4. l"7t?. Colotltd Mapleeoii ami the pliiicipal BBbB> hers of his opera company w;! ? . I la the SCOBSM i By if lierlin, winch will leave lArerBOOl PP'sBortOAB 1?t New-Yoik. Tbe sibar niamnera of ike company will follow la the ?icaiiier City of Monireul, VblSB will aad from liTsspsotsB BatsMBa last. THi: IioriMtiiN PU8I0M ENDED. i'Akis, Bsdasesmyi bans, vj IB7BL M. Herve, BdltOC of ifie 8ol*k\ und tl SBBtt In.'Ononntat, BBa wriiteu to the I'oiint de Claim herd declining to attend a baaaast bt beaoc sf Iba Oeaarn ilrtbdsr os tbeSPta ntst. The lettei Is regarded seea etli al ileelaraOjon that tbe fnaloa el Ike Oi aui^tsuiid la gltlBststa is ended. THI BOUTH AMERICAS WAlf. iiik BATA1 PBBB1IHO A BslBOl BOtTB ruBPBBdb Pamama? Sept. 16.?Hbb/b coanaa boat P?ni fbsB otiii isi sources nt tie reealtssf snail er of the Huna* cr's enui-ioiis to the HiMjtli. On the V**lh id Atitfiist sbnappsaiad aaTAatorastaata.aad speaed lire on the easttasas and <>n t i.e Obiltaa isaasp n ibtast winch was bBBsal so close hnaasrs Ibai tii ram aaaaf not op psaaaB her. The (Ire a.-.- H mtSSBSi for foiu? bouts. Tin- baltcri -s w.Bt ? ?. IBS tWB lur^. ?t nun??ltn^Bsaaaan? bsasg dkaatenatad by the heavy ({iins of the llua-ciir. 'I I.e Antno ?in n leu ted to In serious y ln)uied, w'.lh lor captulB wouinled, and a iinini>>-r of dead among her SSBWi she ssaBstaadtoBgbt, bavavsBj sattl tb BTaassas with. drew , satished with the damata Iba bad done. !>ur ug the fight It Is Stld that Admiral QfaB einle ivorcd to U?. ans af tbe bsw Kagiiih stswedoes wbleh had b ? n lull iy rei eivi I. I In- nie rstot du y biaia h d if over tha . kb . sad oiT it wem for i hi Abt to. To ibe sarpnaa and eonateraatloa of every eno on bisid ibe lluasear, tha btfcrnal ssaeblne, utter praeei ding si" si Iftoyurdafrem taa ?bip'a ride, latued shoal asd i .un dlrsetlp lank again. A eoDlslOB Wes und would have ts-en fatal. Tbe ettaaikoa v.s ink. u m at a siaaea bp o > aaag aalria;. Ideati naal UUa < a> tmm, who lumped ov. i n .od.-warn to lie et II.' iidvaiiclng torpi da, uu t, w ui, u bttle asartlea, - tie eedi d ib eh ?? butibt eonraa,oaaatngIt a i-.o-* nadei ibe llus t <t' rn. It whs atferwfltd reiovered, bin Ada iral lltau Is not dfcspoeed to try aaj 1.1 re taeh experlmtui*. i k-sa tui pedaea were hi tended for aervks sgatnvl 11 < < bSi at rroi la Is, hut the ln< kh nt refem d to has ....... i. Ad* muai Oraa'a oeafl U sea ib them. UnTKB t AHitii:i<- APTOIB t BD WAaBTTBOTOB, Bapt. 24.?lim i'oat OllicB Dssstrtnt nt ordered the sppeaattaaM of Ova lelO'i eaiTl. i s Slid t-U u<l lltlolial aux'liary earners at BraaklyS to- lay, IBS hnTBMS to re? BStW BByat'hi rale of *>ioi? u >..i.-, an I tin Utter al IBs rataeCBAM a year. The BapotntaasBta Bswastnn) from tbS bat Si BBbatitatea and take ? ffi t tin 1st acOetober, Iba aea rarrl . a.< PWci W. rk'iinelder, '. ... K. Handy, Jaaiea t. Ksaaaa, ?<? ?.K Woran and I ben. V. Bunn. Also Jone il. Powell, J ihn Bbarkepf bT J. Ifaaisotas f tat N N\ a g.Jam ?> I Btirneaua, ? .Onaga, Edward Poi ler, J ha Breemaa, it.oo don Meserole and Jos. pli l/ilmneka. C7.7 Mat* alaVDI lafA I A I- Ti KM?MI 1111 I ? it'll. OPKV babb <>N bub dat bot lawbtjl Ricbmo\o, Vs., -en?. 24.?A n um bei of thaBriBa Clpal bar kee ,.t? I Is city * ere ind.ea ?. I.y the tira'.rf Jmy li tu" itu.iii.a t'ouittoaa) tor s-iUmr Bspiet uu ilia Has* ha la.* PAT a i. UI SCI r ok A tHIMIN \i IILT. I nov. N. i., Haai, 94.?Mart (Jregg, toartessl yia;* of acsiaSaaaaattsmtheBmsIIj of Rampbrej iirwiier. at BiaaBamaaWB, Bled fiom tujuriea iseelved Sj *ua-*auit ny Ove Sieu. a 1.111'I.k Bt V PAUaB tsT'i a do) K. raoY. I., fiept. 'A4.?On In s :u i , t it \ t.|c pM i f I at Maul \\ :.< ? >r. ss" Bkyateitaoal) i1:**|i| enied. lonlgi.tale.y uauud CamveaaJ rsiaa ?4 lest tlie U>j faU Into a dock uu Tussilav ai .l ? as diu? ued. DHAi.OKl) MuHK I MAN A MIi.K. Wilbbbbabbb,,, gaf?* 'V4. -1 boa as Laaa>* ant waa tbrowa ay a male u il ? Bitnaasts Mm* < e*teia??, s d his foot b*i*anilnv entanglrd in the bsia*sa Be waa diaga'd uioih uiaii a mile, nnd *u niauatisl ibat he . .i d. a 0omo0i TOB BOB u\ BB aKf> Rjctbmobol Vs., lapt s4.?R. V. blouia. aas> BasSH ??!.? I'- .* at trsiu on tha Bbskmaad an* Uanvllie HsU* reas.arse ram ever snd msianilr hided tua> ui.e-bie < it. >? as l.i.g a laddel, ?h. n i.? iulsse.1 his Its.ting and (till VO tlie Hack. Hi m ui. a I it i a i. UBMB Aipasy. N. V..???od. Si.?Tha tiial of Baaaa)L chars..1 wuii am. u in ?.l"u.pilua tu BtBW up tha ateainer at. John Isat J cue, a x? c m Mi*i,enl to day. An allsclonrul ?aa issued lot fas. pt. j.L.i bark, uf New Vota, ul* is r<a*r4?d as au uupoiiaiiu arhaaaa