OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 26, 1879, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1879-09-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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I growth* or Kansas and tue h.mihm ium
mkm> tjikim:. n.
President Hayes nrt<1 llio pnrfy 1r.iv. Ding
With him visited tM county fair rtt NeotlM
fall?. Kan., y? st< rtlav, at which 12*000 m o
r!e had a^ectnbled. Uovenior St* JoBB minic
flic first fj" eh, citinc many flflfgfBfl in PBfMI*]
|o tli? rnpirt pror-rosA of Kansas. The
paajoVat Umm Bpoks at IngtK Ida nmaik*
ht\ue s|iiied -ivuh wit ami (licitim? a grant
deal of liitlKliIor. Ho tlu ii t.mk Iiji Ifta nat a?
tion of Stute Rigl i- ndgpolra tlu re mi.
KAJT&AS \4 i. i. i. EULOGIZED.
s\i orror ii viiY to acqi aintthi o >r.\ i i:ywith
thk oxoauaa 01 ma rxati wiu nipasiTi d?
liir. rmmbim,
If COM ? T U '-. Ilm.. Ser>*. 2?.?Tliis r1 0*1 "w-ns
1!.|..:u*eil ti?!. y !>y a r: uwd of n it '. t' ?? ? v..'.iii'i>
r>.- ale whobad assembled to welooroe the Prest*
fhxat and General 8het.t?. Boon aftat 10 o/clorl
tba diatlagaisbcd visitors disembarked i:<>m lha
tr nit it i pro cat ad so Um fait iieaada. ?
?ails ?l.-t .at, in aaarbAgaa, Tbc l..
id? ?t aad Qei ral Shot.a aero eacortcd by
theCapitol Onaidaof j. i> ks, beaded by the baad
i lOib Uaited 8) tea Infaatry, Md by ? ooaa*
j af boye tcca than twelve years eld, tn the ant*
form of 2 ? n -. n a fatf giaaneaa areia ha idacaai If
ill i anted* Joba I*> Qoodaa la a brief apw .. ? \
I d i wi Icon a to the President oa bid .til 111 ha
1. [i Asaocii 11. it.
GoTsrnor x;. John than Aelirered address, af
x,; ich 11 l' l' ? ? Ii ghi m extiad :
I J...;*' ?.!'?''? 1, aT&nSBI A i*::'::i't''f'*"An^''#''le
I ?. - , i ?!. i I'!,.'- m little over 100,000 pop*
*>. ill n. la i s t>rl II i . - I ti ? In (in-mat tan ..i . i
id ant I
aval j
a SfC '
>u?--i r. mi
mw. \?e ll
s : i ; ;
foi t.ic i.ivi if in i..i.'i- ;.,i i| .'a
ull lor. Wo I. ire a 8aii i;..iv?r
?I. in' ) aa i. rtealtural roll
? r have r?*u*ou to la-, and nie i rand*
..r> i oa ?l? tc la all lia d i
iroprlatiou to provide a reform
,">t .ii- BiateOooM .* Bnl*to-d, and
and ns p
sow wi?
ll euiiiv.i' ; at
i.i i l:?\">lu im
j.. I .
no n:
i i lit popnlal
us Willi i' : .7.. .;
i . ,.\ i T.T'i ? '. ..
i of wheat* aaalaai
l> seine K.ii1?.* ut ihi In at
state* of toe Union. While ins
ited to n iii abon ? '"? 7' i0 poo
td lo ui BO.OOO.i 00 .i 1-7-,
.eli 12b,00U,O0Q ill lt>7il
. i thai time is yet
44,ooo,f>oO aerea of laaa in car State tbat ware nacac
t . . hi i pioiutb, npoa whlca amny thooeand lodes*
I. ;.- 'tnlcrania who are seekl c location* can make for
i ? \ ? : ? ?am 1 prodiabls Bumca. ou; elate
d m ii uu i 5-1.0*0,.170.
I're... ; BayMisBMBaatdbs lbs aAdrssa of the
(; rramci a* follows:
? reason sr. Joan am Pstiow Ciiiasss t My gral
dm- i? i.? a ks .i. u nee re aeknowledsroecte to the
It 4: -it and matisi era :-f tola fab. and latke Qon mm
?? in ? '1 ??"> of gaeaaa.fttr their btadaeaa lncn>
ai nue ? .0 na preeaai w tn yoa to-day ami e:\jnr won
j? 1 ia*a estraerdtnary apeetaeie. 1 ?nank laeu* aa ladi
yidaalsfoi what tkey kave does la this reception ami
a e> ae, and thank the people el ganaat. whom tkey
1 ? . i i the wclcuaae tkey have exit-imed to u*
from tbe inoiaout we entered tai 1 bordrra an III now.
|i 1. ?. .1 Tin president ol tbe fair Interested as very
1 a wit a iaaeei*saief imerbtia. <>f wiiat 11 rosrs>
? led and Us prea nt eoadltloo. 1 have aiwois u ? .?
an 1 that when ... n 1 are tn order aad are to be
tul ?. that tin- eentlemaa who te'i? tin- lass aterj aaa tue
t li .i i...-. [Laacbtar.J Tbtaeccaatcamsscacepiloa 1
pur I found thai Iks Qoyoraer, wbea ha caam to
(;? ik or K uk.., w. id for the pr.-md' nt of the ueaoela
t .1. a aed lausbter.j la ? a Utile poszled at oas
af the earliest eewtenere 01 (be Preskieat, who, lookuift
?i ag here a* If bs aa* ratner ladistlaetiy Jokmg at
?. ihmir, told as that ibbi fair too was stfll la Mat b>
ti ... |i annniTad tn mr. aa I lonbart a Inas thla ir^wd
I 1 if tkl* w*a aa latent aa*ooiatloa. I ahoald liheteaee
*. ! \ ud be maflec year* wbea it aboaM stow
i' 1 buuoandmuaoic ot maiiuvud. Il.aui;..iir and
Wie I leftWaabtartoa it aaamed to aae flttincand
pri'i"t-r to awke some preparation to addie** tbe peop c
1: . tbi aid boaoi me wit n tn. Ii atti mma at tbe yartona
psmta ta wbtch 1 aunkl so, and t pre pan da roapla ul
1. ? m ... 1 Bud myaeil \ ... yoa. altci ...o. a
vi?.led a aomber ?1 pjatva to Ohle aad Illinois, lathe
roodnjoa Ueaeral PbiL Sheridan a aid ne wa?
In *? we eua e d< ?< a from Cbkmsfl i" Qniney
the otliel dHV. AI t'n lllfl ? u' Ftatloua Ike people
ppeared, ?iid General Sheridan, With atkera, aiaue
ton ?:>.'? Alter we paased aasae etsbt or tonaia*
ti bb hi akowed soan alans of aariukiac* ead Bnaltyex
) . a th .-. lie Maid. '? Wir b I S i Chtcago 1 Bad a
hsnibet of little apeeeSoa pcepawd aad battled up, and .
Ihavet*reoInklesibemoal ? I ?I bottle unttlltbaa '
i' ippearanei botlleeaeaalh haveaftai lensjaarueya
?-el belas pretty dir." ILatuphUc aaeekeeraj. ^", my j
lr uOa, I au. mach in that e >udltion loalay.
AS I redo alniig a geatleiaaa ol the proaa ki:*: ??? r < 1 \
tn 11 i.e would 1.1 1 ? bob 11 I had prepared an ' ir >a 1
Pal 1 bis tu BBstee. M> r my wan that 1 abonid ui?.o one 1
afmyetaei two apeeebea* mis ut them up aa might
areru proper. I tbonebi I wouM tall, on lbs feueiul
ea*j .iif,.'..- erii] oftbeMalton, ladtbal aargeation
Bi: nt proper!) be made as to whal woaideoa mm tbai
biueprrity, lasi aft. 1 bslealug to Oovcranr Si. John aa
1 t pr<-*p ill) ol Kaeeaa, I aaathal tbt Uanadbialea
1 asmaoabow. |I*ond Issskter asd ekcen.|
! i- '.i d after reachlaa at rs th.it ibia waa a ?ort of
? .I . '?raihenaa aa well aa a catberlncol farmera
?Ii 1 in ? 1 aides, an : that ?o i.ll I. <t::'U wu- e\; eo' '
1. a preaeat to aaka as aBdreaa in ti e aokllrr*,aad
a?' 1 en 11 .1: in>. 1.hi, 11 <.i-> i.n<-u to BkB that aa U ueral
1 . ? v .?n > here, perbapa i bad better atake hi
? e.. u. (lauai ii 11 tbouab I am qi its lacap ble ot doias
it aa i.e would do Hi inn wbaa yea aaa*.
li .v. iba beat aaatofan maat take tbeaocond beat. [U -
Bru. i! hngatei J And ao,my frleud?, I tnlttk it quite
lti.il n op. 1 11 -ti -i,\ word* ihn? may lie BOtdj M
?1 Ueaeral Baeraaan k* bare, sud it does not be
1 a) am io id., .in. u; war wbea Hannibal 1*
1 ? - t. : keen and laaslitar.J n aadertook* ahni
?? loaad bimaeli it. the preeeaee ol acampa * of aot
? t ih< Qraad Pacide Hotel ui fJkteasy. 10 paa?
I. ? ? 11 .1 . i\ illm .'i. 1. ? i' lore. 1 ? be aa iai :
fi ? tt k : 1 tr. . It sewed ktugktrr.i Ho 1 aBall laki w
ware* aae sill bs a aolciei .1 a bits asd talk wittier
M\ excuse tor 1 hat I* t bat during tbe last rear
1 bavt occurred.i.e- and in Borne ??four
v. .1-11 a -.. levited a ittto lbs dlscueeies at to
itle etii 1 1 1:1 war, and wtlrkare taelcatomaK
r the war, bee aaran been 1 dtod up a* a qo*eo>
BMHBCWl or tw 1 Ik
l<> keep tit v he.id .is
bi I .uii .11; a.I t:. e 1,1* . ii :. ; indeed, I th:
ban bran aaapi rlnt at hat asm] band a in lie lac 1
I . ? 1 a.1. 11-. I i.....1.1.1. ! um: ("i" t -.|
rbe Prcsaslsul than dwell asce the gocatbaaad
H ne rights at m.iue ii optli.
1 ?
\ 1
at ii.
r. -a
t il: i ll- ! II. I.' I tin- f a
? j . .. 1 ave tried
i I
A Si limit .11 IUI ! i:.
- kb BMC Aunts' qk1kmatb TMB ll! Ill 111
-1 1.ij?.
BALTUiodtBf Bsrfrt. 25.?-The spot Mleetod lot
th 1 11 01.1.1...1 of '11 U In i.. V ar of In. pnhBa I ho ? e
ot i< ittrmere bMag wa- abeaB baM a mils from ih
xi ...ot ii-u-i?* ( 1 alar baera ef ten or Is re aerc*,
aaitrely aurioun<nd uv a pewtle elsssttos ??! weeded
land. Tae mail Btoad. und? "o leal aCTStal bl ?? Ii >!
1 ? ?* waaam.mih mgiacnl sf Iba baaCa, .?nd im
Ji.... 1 of 11 W'. re toSBtB ooard BaatS lor la*O00
at SB Item 7:;iO a. Bk Mtta I p. to
SVetj uiie of atiief ear* liadiiifr- to the 1'uik aaa
1 wttM t hd.lt. B. ?nd alieei* and uve BBC
an up toward the priawpal palk eatrasoa aare
t I a in r irna'< s huh w*if ii-. 11 h en ..ihi?-o
Me. Oa lbs aluVwalka aa Bubrokea line ..,* pedccirmsa
v .- % ? aall tbe foreaoon, ai V p. ut. not
I .. 00,000pr pie were raikerod akool th<- araad
ataa a.... aadei (he old oa. a .u Ha Ii.au. UatS rlotulty.
? I. Baoralas aae lair, tbea a bttmeloady*sad luiuc
? . rkl with aaaahlac
x ;. besaa w Bp m. Joba T Mi rri? made
a r.ei luiroouetory addrese, alter waieA the 1?*000
1 ., - .11 u in utobI 01 in, .i. 1, asaa "An ?. lea,"
? . . i uy lie 0'a K sim bl Baid* Borarnei
J a it 1 LarroU was ibea to trod seed, aad mads a bctoi
? ii \ < followed by -Minor Latroba asdJ.
I ? : Harris, wb< 1 1 ehlldreB asag"HaiM 1
I ?. . , .1 bi toe baad. Other apaeehaa lot
b?bi d* :. n Ii .ut ,0 mi lot k i ne . r> On IIlea t? rinlti .ti
tbi 1 as* aeiaviM bloadei aa la tbe amBaasnaeal Ito
Bay. Hsartiy alter I o'i.oik, wbea aal over tortj per
? ?? ua the ataud ataad. a porttos eftl ttnm way,
tair?I!..- down several KeBtlemou* but foriutiuud> ua
?j<" aaa aenoueiy ladared. Dunns Mr. Merrls/a Is'te
*" !?.. .. irraa i.iii aland kroks down. Tw-alshi
??"? ????*....-. laekarge la eenaared for keeptnsaXVXJO
?al'diri.1 people atoadii.a CO Ibc dump sroano in a
1 -en iioai 1 aViock, ike 1 our adi ribVd for tue
atarilae? Ui Mstio, Uulii d ..'tioe?, aaaillUK lbc,ariivai
?1 Ihrca. 01 Bhu s< alicatcs.
-t WELL fdT*f0AJatt/J 1 Xll Uli I Jos.
CaaXaaxWATtj Ispa. '2~,.-TU<- attcmlance at
**e i-lpuaiUvU U-.la) , a* HKitttieU b> the lUIU-clllra,
VjNpif?' i?*f' wghrtered since Hw niiWJfM
1?1 <t., a daily nr, rage of 12,11 L
v rrrom MADB to ittm sin fkanti co in
im-pitai i urn.
RA* FRASCnort, Sept, 2&WFhe Pnldic Pfiricinr-t
oriMnittcf waited on Genera I Granl to-div. w'th
*riai it to fixing a data for the banquet Tin- 0- nornl
ii?l that be was awa ting a umsgrteh ntsn
eneral (Sherman, relatiTa to Um meeting of t i?
eterana of the Array ot the Tenneasee, II* in
?ndod to go to Toeemite next wot 1?, ami h:s foi ni p
nrrfr'-rtts would denend opon tho BAUSON of tha
iTtarnla reply. Ho preferred that tho committee
nonld wait uutil bioratnxn from Yoseu.itu before
xit p a date.
To-day waa aet aperl ror tho loooption of Oeuetal
rant in Oakland. The wharroj where tho party
'ore to t ihe itoanihooi were crowded with
j 'c;a?'>r?. Jn?* as lha party hocused the Anu lor,
:e Oulil.ind lofl lur dooh with every available
sell of room ti'lrl with pBants coim* acrees tIn*
ay to \ !?:'?? - tho reception. At Boron Biantea
.ist 11 the Amadol 1 ft theo h i'f. On hoard wora
Inyor Bryant, tho II rn. II. P. Page, If. 0. Dnntctc,
c Japanese Consnl, Cokmel Stephenaon, Judas
In?aian and other laadlng citizens, together with
i Oak la ii 1.' option Conrad! tee,
Aa the boat approaobod tho Oakland whrrf a
iluta of twenty-one gnna waa Brad, Tha erharf
!?<! ihe Tcasfla i\, g alongside oroTB oyly deootr*
A large banner, on wbteh waa inacrlbed the
"rd"Wilcot ',* waa bnng aeroBS the antra nan ha
? o wharf. The puriywiia met at t!r. I-out by
iyor Ann'us and tha city ofl ISM, BDd an
lilrcoa of welcome w ? delivered njftht Uayer.
he M.iyor hamicd the General a roil oontaisit j*rcv
titiona of pTcetiDc adopted by Um city author!*
i-. The General botred bl r> r>ly, and was tbBB
mdncfed t":? e irr-tif" In waiting. Ctnriugea trrtb
(?City C'cttm !, Citfaenar1 Committee, Bonrd of
tpcrvisscrs, aud other citizens followed,
it.en military ooomsuteu, fire ooiii|a>ni'b
>;.i..! oi... rationa nada np trio procession.
Aloiin the entire ! ii'- ?(the prooe Ui d tha street!
ere cn Tded n t!: Bfith people, Hoasfl tupa, bal
>nieaand windows wan Jammed v.iih Bightawara,
id ia I'iairca Ll eked tha way. The decorations
one tho ro:ii- were ef tiio most elaiioi.tte and
?atitii'ni character, fai firoiiading in olsgnnos of
?sign and egocnt ion t hose of Sun PrBMfltBOOL
Tbe lay haa been owe ef unusual h unity, the sun
diiing wann at <! cl.-ar, with ? gentle bteese fast j i.
ifGricnl I i tei pM thea 11 n ? ?s j din re. Nearly all tho \ '?
. i i shonsci In Oakland were closed, and the i , ,.
if ire j> pnlati in waa in tho streets to welcome ! ?
fiieral Orant. T are waa notably l"ss ebeerlng j
ni noli thaa at tbereoeptlofl la San Irasslisoo, | H
it avsrybody showed a grssl dasln to boo tho
At one place on tlie route of the prncrasirn were
atlonod "?.000school shfldnn, and th"ir Mifirin
?rsfroui the high BohoolSi The ObiiiifbT alighUng,
ok the arm ol t'. N. Pox, president of the Hoard ol
duration, and, a eosnpsnled by State Uu pel inten?
mt Campholl and Mayor AndnB, and followed by
iterans of too Itexlenn Wae? he uaikul
>wn one row of aehoel cLildnn and
j tho other, amid a ahowor of honQnets ami
iwer*. sn ponded Boiesa kna avenue of children
erotiire.' baunera, tha tir-t Insnbed MWeleooM to
eneral Grant, tbe City*a Gnsnt** The Moond eoo>
lined thia qnotaiten iToas QsSBMg] Grsntfi l>es
oines speech i ** The fi eaoheol latlMpioaMterol
i.it intolltifenee wl loh is to BBOBBTTe na b bei
ution." On the thud w.is tha mottet "We
r. w thtso roata beneath the foot of Mm
ho saii'd ui from defeat." As the General sod
irty beiran their rvn w of the ohfldren,
10 lush ochool BnpUa. Beeonipenled bj
ie First lj.-jjiinent D ni l. sang "Ann ru a" ; wh^n
s rcaeh.il the City Rail they BBngMThe Btat
jangled li inner," and when be retarned to hia
irriage^The Red, \V! it- and Bine."
Tiie procession reach)il a pavilion mi lT::rri i -
1:25 p. m. ihe military and ettie oompanlea
led in and for in ad on either s'do of
ie building. General nr::iit BOd pirly and
icItiTited iniestawero seitedoti n platfom, tha
sars were thrown open and the multitude filed
irough, parsing the (ieiicral in review and point*
it ?? the rear. The pari I ion waa decorated with
rergreeua. wreaths ot flowers, mottoes and nags.
0v<t Tue hundred peiwiii Joined in tiie banquet.
Inch was closed by drink'iiir tue hc.ilth of the
in st of th'- occa '?n ig btunp of ohatnnagne.
From the hotel the party dr veto Badger's Park
i attend tiie oamp4lrB "f the F?deral and Con*
?derate aoldien and awalors si Alam da
onuty. TiM tables wire Bptead In tbe am phi
leatre, and eorerod wnli tin platSai SOpa
niv.a and forks, and Npplled with liar 1 t:.ek,
?rk and beana, eoflee and tobi.<>. When these
ad been die tiased, I.. B. Edwards, shaUrauui of the
nn mit tee in charge, introduced General (.rant to
ie un rounding throng, and ns soon as the pro*
intred cheers had subsided. General Granl ad
resaed his i omradea a? followB I
mi i us oi im t?o aaanaa aao BTatimi t.m
?it pioudot tuewoleoflaeyouhavo gtreo bm to lay
am |iartl. ularir bappy m sea the aaeOVotil aad sets
11 '. ? Alf i ng D lw. rn tn"? . dn-rs nt i ni' I so A: inf r,
ni I bare an so itlBB Iwtb tn.it t i>ir gm d feeling a III
laraya exist. Thu. nailed, we h\c aothlas M leer
.uu any ot bet Hattoe Ib Um mir id. I am aatlsflsd freat
\ travalatn lorman lai.da tbal soeoanurj w-n vista
? meci ua aa a untied people Tbey will fie perfectly
iiimc to do nsjaatloe witimu; an ii, peal Mi araas, ami
i tba la all tbat Amerleaaa want, 1 am confidant l at
nr countrj haa a long oarear ol poaci at..: preeperlt]
?f.?ro In r.
boon after the f-pieeli the Ci-ncrnl h ft the park,
ml took tin can nl Btoesfljru BtsUoa t" return to
in city. v.l.ile Bruiting h few UtiautM Cm the
rain an hnmimsa erowd gstherad round. Aiittie
irl who could not Btteeeed in reaching him on se>
bunt 'f tbeeiowdwua liftedabore tbe headaoi
be aeogla and pas mi along to tin- General, who
?ok her in his onus ami ktsaed her, amid tlio
innulliious cheers of the BBSXBBBMling IhOBBBUlhl
Kl AK.M.Y sSi i i. .
I . FsAXCa oo, Bept, 2S??Dcnia Kearney ealled
t the Paitv e Rote] to-day, and I nt np his card t<>
icuei'al Grant, but the Genend declined to ra*
eitre him.
lit FTAXO, >t\\. 26??One nl the iMfldeel ai
?itiina ai abduetioa er? r im rpMrab I bera aoaurrell nn
ucsdny afteruoou. Tkefeeto bbtm Jost bsbbb Bs light.
l youii^ niaii uain.-d Chariot ft BehuFler. od Idttla
U ,W. v.. a teloeragb operator, < ailed aa a gtari atstaea
aan oea. ins Uaa?rhtcr M a proMBMut ettlaea ol gsjf.
. a, .n ttao attatTaoeu. ii r< pessoatod tbal ba traaaaa
ilo]i d In ber tattler's oBlee i ibat brr latbi-r uadb.en
t)arad by tss tall at b bulhtlBi. sad ibai be traa aaai
ssetug t.rr to tiiiti. gee aoeoMpasvted lobuyhw te the
in. in wni-ii bsPmb fsSheaf waa BspteBentei leba
rBag. As ah. aa tawed ibr ismnb, BsbajrbM imk d tba
?.or sod BBtssd theyeuug lady, telling bet inni k wi
is asaTseea tn knep has a psfssuss until a aatrtaat rum at
wnuj "ad bssnpsM BMa, BeIBreat] bei M aepy tba
IMwIag gaitel a letter to hi-i faluer, v. nltb ba bed
DuauPAFA : I aak you to rirr tt.it mull r.'.O'l; fnr
Uji ? , iie r.ii?es il'Mi mm wiinniaw ik In i- i iiined ;
i datng you taw wore aad boaor that Itahall Bens
. > . bs yoB in sist) says, gar Ium leaa be hue a.
tri iy toosei sxerpi iu>"it. vboa hi baa la BeepMe.
la ? .st bare this rum iMBMdlaleJy, wit in u n rB.
>bs ... l iidt.k yoa lassad m pay im? man Jost to loan
asll i bs d. an kiatUy win., ma at tbr Bral Uiittcaitoa?
At that palai aba Bbagpa 1 trrtttaa and ' agged ta ba r. -
aaa ?, aaesnlalng M ralaa tho legaln d bum aad bring II
ibtsa. Ou bSFSWeastug u. v.r to tneeloae what bud
appMbbi she sraa lesaaoatti gaaMttdaj ^i Mofssaad
?Si bad askt U BfgBJat
lehuytet waaarrtsud late last ul*.l.I. and to-day con
?sac. bis ei line. Ou Ins gOjBUU was ISUBdU lOStertB
la yonuir lady's father, in BBbBtUUM that be liar* bit BBB
.'.i.ie, aged rii>raii,tu tajahSSJ, umi Bf?uhl rehataa
uu nn 1 ... nn nl ol .'s*),?**?; aid II Unl furlhtou.llik-, the
Ii'Id WOttld To i rownoi*. The iirmrenf a BBmberof
klldren of wcnlikr rei Ideate, ?1111 ti<< lr naMBanaVAj
etc alao lomiil im ht* pan
??*? ?
rr.irxi? vun ron botbbbibb tut 00RVBRTIO8
P) l'l'I.UKII All"l I mi PtatTBOBBtj
Fr. Pacl, Minn., lang, 23.?The1?aaadajnPM MaM
naventinn met Iteie nt ROOB today, nwl ?ff pled
KnporarTorganisationbyelecting?Tanten B. Biia
iii, of 8t. Fail, pn-i ii nt. and Bndd Renn, af
[oneapi Ii 1, secretary. Commit toes tr* ra appointed
"ti-r which a reri'nm wu* taken until 2:. 10 p im.
Tb? Convention reaaaanblad at 200 p. in.,ai.il the
rnpocarj arajaalsal loa mat made pm atanen*.
Tl.? Commit toe an Reeolntiona repotted a p' a t
Tio declaring, thai the Called Mate? 1? an Indlaaol
ili? I iinm of iihIi'si rii'-t ililr State*; demanding a
Tioion ?if t'ie tariff] declaring paid anil ailver
ie money of tlio Constitution: favoring refutio
tlie rivil ar rvire, htuI d?r;finric)nc the pro*-uro
' the Army at tbo polls. The financial plank waa
icoccaaioaof a loog debate, um! a laaoltltton de
rtmlmi! the aobatttattaa of greenbacks tor S'a
mtai hank noli'*, and iIn- fur coinage of silver,
aa tinally adopted. Alter fartbai dirtttnttion toe
hole pLattoru waa reXaned buck to tba eoaamit tea
r revision.
The Conrentlnn tbea proceeded to nominate a
ito ticket, l'.hiiinitl RlOe, Ol St. 1'aul, v.u.- DOBII*
tted for GoTeruor on too Aral formal ballot, K.P.
mnm was nominated for Lien tenant -Go vor nor.
Tlio Convention Iben tool a reseaa-.
PAR; Y?Ills HANI) 6T...S X.. Till! fcTAfll LUM
One. of t!io piobiiiicnt incnibcra of T;.;n
?nr flail, whohaa adhawed to Mi K My In blabolt,
Id ve.Oi ril.iy | "T'ie attain of the fTWawallllG "?
I Committee in rafaatag to aall the aaaaesaf tba ?.n
mi membersontkeroll*and laaaaladlaa tlawafroai
coitmruittee wai expected, bat it partaiiilj aaa aal
tlmrls'il, TI10 aommlttaa hid nu BMN rlk-l.t
exouie t;.i-o oiembora than * baud of
Lor? h > to ion aal any af it* ammbt r* wi.o l.avp
no ?'in thine whtch u etiji d bra able la the
bolo bnunt Tiie aa'BMlttaa bad aa nan right
ttiroa out the n itU"? tf t ie Ta nm.i!i; niea ti.eti n
iu'.i iiavo iiad to tin aw o it tbaaa whe aappat ad
loper't nomination aatM peer. Fhsn easts m-n w o
>w olatm thi n it be dt hi fndvateai on the anno,
eirftolow-aneutbarc aroresadlyaf ih* taatN etmaeo
nch mar now d tolaia .11? pi dt doe the Taatawtay tu-'u.
r*. lue eentro of tala aaaiMceracy at aal Bo blase a,
ii Ti den. Tilden I* Himplr r.'pe. iilnc hi* old in" ie*,
is7.r?.h'? delihersmly oj t irreiled witn Tamm my Ball,
e.iuvi he thought thai I' woald h -11? hlin tu the enin'rr.
' thoucat h" woald ?tauit ? better cBance at ?* rofoi n
?idiii ?ie >\ita Tammaapaerayad atrainet htm Thla
xr hr ha? *'"?n th?t Iii? ??timi'f? of earn Ine ' n< S-t
uk til ite t.'uneentioa ik-xi jra irnro rerr poor ir Tam<
any i- n cal il bim, ead bta calf hop. nl tueoi -a 11 a in
mine Tanim-iny nut of theeonreation. A* tba laM
bound t ? come ioobi t or later, be thtakt It 1? better to
ike it over the ahnnlilera af Bobioaoaia 1878, ihan :n
?own re-rn -n in 1890. F'?r tnl* parpaac be bai in
ntlooa'ly Irrilated Tarnmunr in r vi-rv pim.lhle wh> ,
nil there was uo otio-r 0"Urno l<-ft nut to
11. ir Tihieii ti.ii* ti licit jtabtaaoa he
ill bo no wnrac aw thia he wlO ti ? m st year
nh Tnmieany cpgoeed to htm In the
ate and National aaaTentloaa, If be aneeeedi Tarn*
Htiy will hi ourePte, *n?i he win hare a ml d deleaai l< a
hi* ben.ii( in the N itlonal OoacentioB. 'i he exetuxion
Tamuianr Ifall treat the Bmte Coat mil tee Ii plainly
?top in the nirci ttoa nt ?ecnrtnc lk? Boat Gener 11 Oon
ntuin. 1 nd 1? char..t'termito of Tlldea'a shrew Inn**
?d trickery.
M The wtme trick 1* apparent In the matter of tke to*
icctor* 01 election, waea Oomaitaalonei Waeelar of.
red lo appoint one famm.inv mapectai. One A ill l-111 m
any and t i i Bepublieana, it tke deatrc ot AauV
immaur mid beca to aucara talraeta, u.i*
mud bnve been acreed t", bai wtoa Ann
immeuy demanda beta tflep etora, it dwaaada
b it then >* neither raaeaa nor Jnattee la Btotog, and
ere mnt' be aninetb] a BBdi r tue aarfaea. TMi e?ela>
nn 01 1 he Tammanymea wl I hare no < ff el noon tne
d ' in mis city, im* is almplyaboaaa ruh- agkl to
uiuiiir tue aueatloa whethoi Mew?Torb Otty ahaii
ixern ltaeif or auall bejtovaraad Crom AlBanx. aiid aj
en aa thla la ae n and ft la andecatood fiat Tilden .*
?imnp iiv>-r ttoolaswa'B ahoWldere, K'dir win ,ruin
lUtiii and Rohlnaoa w'll lo-e, hol h in tue rantta <?l ta-'
i*mocraile party and BBwag thus:- Keonbllcami wac
-like '' iriiell hill Willi Wl 1 BOl V '!?? for KdblUsou, it by
1 lioliiK they abould beneBl litdea."
A largo and entbitalaatic roeetiogol Ute i 11 <l
**ei 'bly Dlatnei Cornell and Boektaa CxmpataTu I ab
a* iiehi la*t creBlaa 1*' taejr reaaxw at Ba. BSdOi aad af
hand*.one ti..iiner nnriy fed kiBB bf twenty fed
nie, bearinc the name ami ran trdl 01 htr. t odtolt, waa
aced urine* the a tract, amid Braak, Greek In and tha
leer* of a larce crowd, Tba ipeakcra of tba evaalaa
ere Frauoia Lambert*C A. L.Golder,Cbeiica Ai< 1 It,
illiam Frei tu ..it und kldeiman M ittkcw PAea art, ? acb
I whom Mi. i;e eiicoaiaarlaaly ol tke ppegen af rh cam
nirr and expro*?i d fall eoaddeaca In the aaeccm af ihe
epublican ticket. Thernonta of tui aaaccbtttoawaca
?nt ed.tnant h ? nc oldbmd toatanddannal ba mi ? Ja*
i-iiriy a| ;>1 Mise w a* iregucntly dvea to tbe rem.irka
? e? tvml arsf'ikcra, Mr. Abbott'i remark* w re
le'c.ai .. w 11 ri iv- ii. ^V'lOTl in- naked t ? ,,? u
WiiaiiNii .11' \ tota talk ol a atacbim l**a roteem
ii 11 udI?. 1-o 1 ?;. -,a BwceptBB4uackme*n **Yob,"
[? llHeWerod, " that i- It? i s\\ ??plaf-l'inelilTie that " il
..ei |iclean on tue Bth af nest Movombei." 'I*:.l? re*
??rk tva* receive I a th PBthnalaatM ai (ilautc und a 1? 1
11.. il 'niii van i f rh IXtk Axaembry Ptatrlet aaei ai
ie 1t.ee"! er llulldlnaa laal eveniacandorpaniaiHl a for.
rd uial llitskiua CBinp Man ' inn. The lellOarlBg 001 a?l s
vre ei. etu i t l'reaid nl, aleremiah Pan*'nun ; Vlee
reeideiiia. Vie toi \v. afaciarlauJ. Georce B. Law ton,
iward M. I.. Khlera, A drew J. Campbell, Bdward C,
loin, I>r. Len Jcw.11, Pn d b. Hoc ? ; B < ??? larn a, \.
rankiiti Lawaon. CBariea '? Bui i Treaaurer. B. B.
?iitili; Heixraut-aUArma, William K. Keie*. a reaoln
on wa* iidonted in favor to bold a pabllc one lap aa
rnr I nreoHT eveump darinp the campaign, and a
a,null ee ol Ur WBaapUOtUted Ie BMkC ul.il.*Mnrii>
r 1 Beae tii.-. ttoaa.
A larj." meeliiia* of the German Rooitiillcai Aaaoctatlon
Itia-X'i Aamm Ir Hiairiet wa* held h.ti Blgbt. rae
Tui. t. rdlnand klMlmaoa pr aided, ai d bp Bed tbe
lec'in.'wiih a few turnup mm rka. Mr. Gerhcrding
en d m ? t.-i iry. ReMlationa itnmaly approy
it: Aioiif K. Cornell'a nomlnatioB and tke state
beet, nml piedcius the united aap orte th. German
Bf.11 e 1.'enus ;. 1 , tjiunipiaui -.. 1 ? n la Borcmber,
ere adop ed hy accinmaiioo. Adore?aea wbleb elicited
1 ejiient and louit ap iauei weie delivered bj Me* ra.
ul na llarioir^ei, V. l.now, C Otto Bm*e and ft. Bub na.
.Her aome arrana. m.-ui* d? ..1, .'iieenve . nnva."
iuoukhi me 'i'Mi.i..- 01 ti.e Dunnakj Iba nirallna ad
mi nrd with < bei 1 a,
Tbeaecond meetingd tbe Bcwly formed lt :> bllean
aauctatlouoltoaXVUttaAaa 1 blylhatrlei e|y
1 tended laal aveuiaa d rnrner Bdl.m Wed 1 1 .. ?
?1'iiiii-st. Upward of 900a wi iiae* were prof.i,
ml Hi" Gomiiid:. e 0.1 Aieiiii..-i?in,.: 1 p n d ,a \".a 1*
' 1 . mi .> v> hit li had bee 1 pronoa ? at tu ? termer aatel
ik, t'..| ei ton waa made oj UotoadMaaou in *'\tr:.:
lin e*. a lively diBoonalonfoltowod* 1 iriieipated toby
iMiy. fr in i ih 1 i'ka oeuaidaraLiou01 one aaam
raaiaid > n th. miika.
a doenmoBi, s . aod i>v 1 pbfy-cevea m mbers, waa
NadBytka aectotary, preferrlna ehar*rei ? aiuai Ike
reaidcut, Btcpbea at. Blmouaon, acoaaing him of 1 lb
illy li ." ma tbe aoihoritj ^.ted to I ?? prcai*
aal under the ecBetltBitou at the aaBoctafwu* In
liitap aaaaetiaaoi t. Uxecatlye CwnmiU ? and in i,
?... 1 pa 1 ? 11 ar ?. .1 con mil lei ol 11? 1 will In appo 1 fed
jiuveeior.it" 1 1 chaige*. Praacbi Btberkiae, one ui
.e deleauli'* iron, lie XVIItk aaaembi] Bai 1
? Hie mo um? Coat Bttoa, addieeatd lb ..>> ? 1
iM, *p iiUir.i: ol toe highly aatttfactory aai'
uriin." >:s in lore oi the prace it: it- "f 1
?ui. um.u. 11 n.nve 1 a ee ot reaoln lona, ehl h
.m Mli.|.ii-il mill v.,-..in .s ..pi.'.tits.'. Tbe reeolmiaaa
pproTrd ftaeB' puBlli a BtaP Itcket aa?i plrdcee tn
ike Baited und catbadaaiie aappurt d tba aaao
1 ittoa.
Bditaloi v., St |.i. 25.? BonJ mia
rlilBaaM wa* to-dai ? Bmtaaaad by in- lb pabiii bi
eatwi forbtai Ben*tor|Wlll tat W. bawaaa for Bbat
i; an ? It <i. 1. Poott loi ? kini iy Cli ra.
if. 1
a bv1giom IR UIUB UBB IB TB IT.
TlO)V. >.V.. 8ep 23.?Kit ,i-tl Kcl - vi \V
nnwii aad bbtan teoi>ett?*l eliiaea. drowue.i ium* .1 Mail
nanaBuj, .s leaaaen aaataaealei u*aact.
8MB l Ai.l. UK a WAAX.
Ikdiabapoi is. i id-, -? it, 25 ? I ;e aorth wall of
p. >:vat.i> a ? <>.? mi mill ie.il ?In? 11 tin* i.nie it, .-.nivi'ii a
>* of pioeabh tio, ..o a \ ry bwga i*!i*:n.iv 01 .1*1
KMl a?* *i .i. i in Ilia huliiliiix.
III ii*i". N. \ ...".-pi. 25.?Alfred J. Bweetnpple,
f Bardl 11. tl.aaty, waa today arraatoa fur ? bm la.y
inimt.i. n laal muuii aa euu>.ar laau uue meaaaaa
ailai ? Diu.. 1. ai Uaatiaaa ?an 1 aam n *.L
'i MB Bl l DB Of a 808 NO I.ahv.
BaLTlMoBK, hept. 25, Henrietta Fraak. ntre
aeuiy-oae, wldle Tbatiac karaaarmnl ?i?i?r too atonmnn
iBaat 1... n .ni.', bla* am linina oui BlthaPj-trlBiuTt.
1. 1 ana lady, 11 n ?un!. had Ueu *u a nielauriaay u.und I.-r
MB< linn*.
Itn.n OB a OHAB0B <>i" POBUl BT.
BOPl v.'". N. 1., m ;>t. 26.-4 bariei Lbibbert, of
?Bk.rk, waaarn ai. d heie lu-uai im ihr chair" "li.a.iin.
irgrO aa inderaeiaeBt la a earliaoaU oi u.ip?aii -.i Ike 1*1
boie itauktua Oampany. d Quo kirk, fui a.,0vu. The ser
ii ale Ha. ln.nl' la ?a\or of lila (allo t.
bcb u'W.N bt a laOtXIMOTITB
Tbbbtob. N.J.,bent. 25.?'J'bMafternoon a fire*
iau. naiuu.1 Marti I, aaa inatauily Bllle-1 at alnuin mil. J m 1
.ui. lie had beaa wachbxg aadar theaaaxai B/Iim bi
,tui- out he waa atru< k hy Uta laal train id ibe PaABi h aata
aihreadaatka uuiuiuIub tiaek. pad huih.i a mamam ui
in Prtivcr. bk'-k?" tiik BBPPORT Of im PBUBBIi*
sutcion* avo otYRg a rtlo hhavatihx of
Tlis R?rlin Jmrml which tpsakl for Pr?ne?
i*marc!c explains tttut ba tTMl to Wnns tn
der to a?"Mr?i hirnseif of tlie |ood-will
Aastii?. Tho Pritico hns BUUBSd nn ap
Mil to bn Bodo in Iii? latOIOSl BS
M Prussian electors. Leading n dtits of Iii - poliry
?ede inM therein. Henry lt. Stanley haaarrired
; Sierra Leone for the pilipOBB of exploring, HM
o'-?o River.
TUE pb?bbiab elections.
rmvcE BxsMtnci nnrpfua nil pouct.
tlini ix, Tli ir- lav. Bl pt 88, 1878,
77d? Prorlncfnl Vorrespjiulr^ce nctbUthtt an
?peal to the Praaelaa aleetora la b Sal al Prises Bu>
arok,urclaa timui i<* trust Sitaaaea ?stell tlmap
'onohlnf eleouooa te Caa Landtag, n dtreeta Um at
mion of Cathoiici to Uta Im >t Ihal theChancellorttaa
teasettveiyaenotlatlBa wita a dlatMgolabcd Pasel
nror at <li-rlen (WltboBt, hew-r?r. itiviii.r aar Mint of
m r??tiit). whilo it aaaarea the Liberale, free* ..in.-i.il
nreea, tsat the teprens power of Itie State, ta Mate
lairs, will be In aowiae * n i i; 1. It offers to the n l>
tv and "piwr da---, the etaele f t bo d and open
m?>>ll lation of tti? Auttrl n dilaaoe, ami to aU it
?..rnW.-a a i? lu -;t..ri ..I : ??? I ,?? I I . j,.?..
Toe artloieatatee that II II i dufvef the Best
?nd'ar to connate the purelia** '>f pr,rite railways
r the Amte, and to effect their iboroairh reorgaalse*
uu, ro that tbe couatrt nny rntoi lueiu la mum. m tv,
invent-nce mil rboapnoss The article eoaeladieal
I. ?! i ia eleetoi ? tat., ear taa .? xi I.i- I'.iir en
? a f an overw'ie m na i?> 11 of men ? r. wb ?, oo tha
?mind nf cimmon ts ii omlc il ende it irs, Save full
mim hy with Pr eeB.an n and hi rerames ai
ibe _ ? <i'i -n>- - ?. P;ua i ii ? tatlon el Q man
suoaaleal relent.M
litlll.lM. Ihr? In, -.-it 33, 1070,
T'io semi-official Vorth Qerm ?? a werfe Buyni
riu iiP|.ortatire .if ins pelitb il rejattoaa between
?filmax .iu i Austria haa leatl is i:.. n >? at dormo
e laut ttreji-an. It waa therefore an abaolate neres
1/ Lut theChaic-l.orabould h* aaaorod o the p-r
a>ei e of extsnng Mendlr nlatteoa. Th-> ne?t of
?uut Andraa?y'are lai tin roadi i .- al bjtpfostleo I
;i..ii htm, and aa inq : lutotta eaaaes and reaulst of '
,ir irnifc. .i,i in aa? ??? iportani lo but thai ha eat >
?t aaii-flnd wlib m n. laformattoi on the topjeet,
it ? ab-d t? cnt r lata direct sowmnalaenofl wtth
juot Aiiilraatj an Ii net in ofllon, and obtain
i saanrinea or the g la I if An tri? front tha i.l^te
,i authority. The exehanaw ot rbtwa whbib loob ii.ri
f-'itlid oomolete n-i.-t etioa lo sota parties. Tha
? atira'ly p.nl i \ .f 'i;.- t* . i.i.ij.ln ?, tirt tin.
intuiii frleuoly nndi rttan 'ini? reaardlni their.soatb
ii in frr-* ?, h" re, i>" t-,e tne in? al the r in arena t of
i? r lea'.In/ Min ter?. a c Ired the perfeet snar>
' an wuic.i ia tfunl.-ii DJ mutual Donfldi sea ami itouJ
cooi> will ro itai.t and rtrnxi \.
L?.Mmi>. If iilay, r...jil. 'jr.. 14T!>.
TA; Timrt't Vienna eerreapoadoM atyt ti.i :e In (nod
a?on to ?nppoee* thai Prbaea Plataainl't bttervtaw
Ha tb- An saaadors freat Italy end Turkey was vary
iliatactety tu ibeaa eeasiilia
t;ii; anolo-afqhak conflict.
mmu. niBiadaj. fliipi IS. ih79.
T!m force ander Qeun rnl Baker reuebed
n-bi yeaterdaj aftsrneae. Takeob Kban'a curoya
tve bad an interview with Bit Frederick Boberta. sad
Mated bun of the Ann-. 1*1 frleudllB taa anil williua'ucaa
i bn *ra .<i -it by BrtttaB ad?lee.
Pr. PsTaaaacno,I bi Fha "it:.. Betal desaet
Ii.??? deaiea thai Rnaei ? It latrtsuhtg oltb dfahaiilaiae.
bat Journal ?.iy-* t '? Dad Batata etehed te ereabt dlBV
il.iea forEucland,abr would bare liberated At mil
ha in an, i im pret adw le the Afab ia Tannas, ?imm nn
ie cnnirary. she Is wateblns Is Bastareand aad pre.
>ntlas bla flight to Afcbaaiatan." Ib< Aym-r i.u**e
melodes as follows i H Krenti at Cabal and in tne
in-.mi in Territory lead to prove the necei Ity of a
md aatrmtaadinf n> i aeea i-.iiijiiiuii ami Bbbsib."
tVnsnsou. Taaiasar. iaei>t. ie7ry.
L.ito advicea by nail from the wi M oouui
Afne i Mat ? thai il. nrv at I salef, the auytersr, a'd
s fn.l iwern bad in ived ;.t ^i^-rr.t f,< ..',e from Z inzlU.ir.
i the steamer .\I:>1.ui. Tbey eVldeatly Intend Ie cotn
let>- ihe exploratl ia <>f Ute Coaua River trnat thta aaeet,
Is reported that steam lanuehsa ami Basehtueiy nur
tullns boats up tbe rapids are betas prepared it Ba
tua creek on tan i .?n.m. Mr. Btaaley gave hi* aaaie
i - win i'a* "in , and lai >? -' '"i Ihe expedition with ao u is
imti-ry and seeieey thai al Sierra Lenne the steamer
ibion was in danger ef Being stoppad by tueautnort
es. and air. .-faul y hfl I ??? ?i ?1 ITS bl bm ? aad hM nur
iaiMxiN, 1 Id v, Bj ,ii Mi i ?7:1.
Tlw Daily Sett*'i Berlin com spondenl i. ara
.iu a sood asurss at m. Peters tMtrg tnat
r-onfereB.*e will bs held shortly al UvaUia,
?iwei-n tiie Ambu? - Mio s from lam Ion. Pt-;<, Tienaa.
auatantlaopb aad Atb na, and Conoeillor von Ulera.
[ in.- tforeias Ofliee,Oeueral Mliloailaa,Mialab ; .
'nr,nu'i Ui ueral Kaufmann.
Astwrbp. Tsaradar. 8 pfc 15.1 70.
Tbo Betgriau steamer l)?- Rnyter, Cuptara
aleb, from New-Tan Bepl aber 10 fee tbia port, is
rrirttnd in the a ibelOa. Iba will probably tloai wtth tha
i xt tide.
lai.m. >v, rboraday, flaps. BS, ko.
Tho HtriUniL' cot i on operutavefl at Ashtonr
niter-Lynn bate voted M rsauaM w.>rw an Monday
ext on the maaiere* leraM,beMg a wdUOBSB m tm i
a^i n M ? (icr i aet.
Laim?. Thai .lai. Heat '-'.r.. H70.
A RrnsRclfl dinpateh to 7A Pc?MaUOastttU
iys tb< li l.'i in B.shops bare Instructed tneelergj to
?fioe tiiis,int.nn to ibepareata of all abddiea tYaqaeat*
!g tlie pU-llte M ilne' . IM.'i lo i in !??,.< Iler.- SBfl m IBS
up.is o. i.n Normal Beta .d'.
l..i.\i. >\. nuu day,Be t.SS, 1870.
Tin-race mr ftbi Newntarkel October Bun*
icj(i wan .ion .o-div by m.-J. I?. Aatlej 'a lheeeyotU>
id P u titi'.de. The second p tos was aecared by Mr o.
nn wtud's foil.-ye.r il I eh mal rail Lord i live, nd
i ucc -oHyatiir? four-year* Id browo soll I one bbum
i third.
Loaoou, IfeUaeadaVf flaut 14. IflTflL
A digputeh from Bydney, New Bouth Wales,
IV? : 1..c Inlelliatni i ll i:x..ih.i.nu 1 i ti i? ? tu, M u.i a
psBSd sb the 17'h inn., I? a greataaceesa. Oreal
. mJu has too laUastnal rsbiMt aodSlflol Baa arts,
enuauy lu. 801 i miles,ami Annul' 17<i. 1'i.unt ba?
M liutrmlexalbtlsaal 101 Uu- arts. Uebuaat i ?
?a ?_' '?; lu*tr I tbioltsaud ?><? ol naict!.!?:-. Aiuer- : ?
a ims 180 laUuBUnal ezBialu, '
Loanou, TbeAdar, Ba i. tH, 1B70.
Tbc Bonrd <d' Trade Im- inspendcd for rix
. ,,? is tl i i. fl i nt ??? saptaM of me Uaaafd ' I
EaaMar Beast, Waich aeea f wea aahero.
|*HB 0U8TA Ell v RAILROAD. ' ,
Panama, th i>t. 16.?ll is learned from Port ?
an ii? att Mloa. thai Mmjt U. Kelts it Ce. harass, j
I dtbe eoBBrael Mr Ma eowtd Manol tha AthtBfat .
iiVM u . f u.e flu at a It-, a Bat re m, t. a' - ftOM L4BMU | ,
?rn- eapitai. An mi ibltiy-thrre Billet bn bow iu
perMMB pom Lib.ami .m Mjual tl bbc greater me
? in. iBMialne (?> ti -i.
WAlLUki s is \/..nV.
Baltimobb, Sept 25.?For a sreek pn*t Um
min market haa bran tiaitiat and prtsn i.aie mu Bp
BJSflly, the ?'inila BMflBSB lr.-iy lo enter. The
MMptfl ot wheat acr. ill. r.,l. tOotlBfl BP ao flgBTO>
t'-i f l,610.;i?MI tm-li 1?. l' .e h ca at point Tea In 1
> w. eat was yeSMSdsy. UBBH tlie BSllllBg BBlBB BM
a. fl wtatM Riii, Kim! waa >i Boothers Aather
nd PUlU raiiaed lmin fll 8s M fllflS. Fnr Mm we. h
ndiuz t.etlay tho sslca a ere ij.f?."^.ut>?j lumlieUt ahi|i
leuUforthBws k, l,_l.*?.7>?o bush is. Tbeabangoala
nee-, liain driven two i.i.us-is to tne wall. To-day tue
nan aaeeo d ,1 lu i.reak ini I is BMrket, and Beotora
ibeatfaUeaTfl% cobmb flfloutuei dropped fleeuBh
Hi I ft I ll POiff B4 i M) tl.. .
Ni BTORTi Ii. If St (it. 25.?Tlio Jttrj diflB*
tt d in the C iHI ?I Fallet. BSBIubI Pmita iu tue action
eflaBSagM)sb SOeOUUt m ulle^id us-ault by the dc
tneaetupeatha wife ot the pimntitr. Iba MausetB
.? icsdnti lepM <>f roarersatlau in tiie stty livaWrbt.
be uialailfl la tu rerj laoderasa etreumataaoaa. and a
naher of riMr r* Intend raising s sun of money for
?tiiinulng the c-?a*.
? *>
srUF.TArr BTAJCtl BAT! iiiat an isv BTTOATtOB
I k i i utaiv cniNi H COMBI LATKJ Id NuW IN
Pitniifu sm.
V AMItNOION. SOBi, 25.?TJM I a-e"..'lt r ?I .>?I<?1
> liMvn 1 cen imi'le by t. oloai I Mosby, I'nitt >l Stab ?
mmiil nt Hon Kon?, in a OOBBnanlflBttnB B90*
iley Well.? at Log Angele?, which has b. on tele
raphed Etot from San Franri-.ro, w i* to-ilay re*
rrc' to 8eerotary Bvarti nntb au maartfj at to tbo
utb ot tbo cbargi * it oootainadi
The Secretary Haul that Mr. ItnIrv, nr-liust whom
lur.'es are made, waa BBNBly prOBaOted by hint, lie
lying boldofflne ander tba previon* Admiamtra*
on. His conflrmatloa i?v tbo Beaata as Coesab
rnoral at Shaugbai, was very tardy, bat hV crotary
varta lus no tiiciry as lo tba eeaeeof Iba lei a v.
iirintr their.iver*atiou on the subject, tbo >? -
tary aald that aa Lnvaatlgatiaa baa bean mada
to certain Cliinoaa Conaalatoa. gad Gomi ..1B abl,
tbe Consulate at II ago,Ja pun, who bj eonaad
ed one of tbo moot oeaapetentaad apright man
tbopnhlioservice. Is empowered tocaadaol the
vcstigation. Cntil theracaral of bis report any
rtiou by the Department, Mr. F\.:r-* U?aka,
no Id he manife illy i rem it tire ami UI ju-t.
Witn rcferoiicoto Mosby Itaaing been 11 eorre
omlcnco with (i. \\\ v Wells, tbe Bet rotary aid!
Of conrho ibo Department fc own nothing of mv
irroapn donee of Conan] Mosby ?sali parnoDB ram
tilt' pUbliC he. CUM .''
TllEAffURl 0081 IP.
OKFAT pkmand fob -MAIL bilm V m> <'n ?'* CrXT
fin bp bpiuib piawibo into Tincocbtbt
KAPitn Y.
iBPataii raam ami itch.|
Washington, Sept. 2ov?Tue ina.-urv Depart*
en'is in receipt of leiten from Iba Weal eom*
aining of the seatetty of-m.,.11 bi N, aad aakiag
i if u ann, ly ? f inefa notes be ?><-nt to tl:<? Snb-Tretis
rice for exchange tot antes af larger daneaaina*
uns. The As ;e'.aiit Tr smoretl wJtb then Hunt. 1
orical force cannot Bedertaka aa exclia':?' OM d -
mi i nation of nolee for another, but t..? Tteafttrer
th" United Mates art]] aapply new aotaaof aai b
'Domination as may be ilesir< d in return for ha;l*
0* drafts on New-York, nmi wiil trau-mit aj Iba
tpltcunt m:.y indicate, hut without risk nrc \. >?? i
?tbo Government,
The Treasury is nNoln receipt of an nmtsn:-.! 6a>
nnd fur tho i-c?nt bfoaaapteaee,aaarefl af. for
nail notes. Minor soinagacan only beaxaonfe I
(the Philadelphia It nt. aod that Mint Is BOW
bliged to deTota bmbI af Ii? time lo tba Blandem
lvcr dollar. Foi tins raaeaa U is foand ImpinxMnaa
? supply the demand for lbs 1-oentpieoss. As
mn aa poaaibla tho Mint willooln a toffioienl
mount of tliciu to lill nil or ten, Tbl re is now no
lore of this coinage to tba Treaaaiy tkaa la rc
uiio.l for current baada*MBa
Tho Treasury Departm-nt pnrrhfis. d 292,000
nnccaof silver bullion to-day Cot delivery at Iba
biladelpbia nml San PranoiBOO mints.
It appears, Iroru tbe n-turns made by UMColicetot
f Cuatonis at New-York to tbo burcan af Mtatis
ce, that during tbe llrst twelve weeks of the cur
Mit fiscal year, etnbreeing tbe period from Jaly 1
iSip-. nber 20, the imports of specm at that port
ireedVd the exports by 62i.niol.ui1. Hi" reosol
OW of tho pr.-ei.oiM im (als tow aid tbo I'li.ted
Kites, is the more n mat Sable, in view ot tbe fast
liat duringeyeiy year siaan 1661, Ibers bus b en
uexceaaof exports ot si?- i-- ot I '. ba unports.
Iven so Isle as tin year 1875 there was un excess
f exports ot specio over I be Unpotta amonattag to
WAsatxanon, r larsday, n.-'u. 25, i??!>.
Dr.dasm Axoaaaaaoa.hate Miataiar tram iae Land
tatoe?f i'ol...ooln la Loadoa aad Parts, has baaa ap
olnted -Mini-1. r nee'di nl m trasblagtoa.
Mr. Kuaaon, Uuttsd Matea MfaMwr to Aaattla Has
ary, luadlapatoh to ih Impairment of gram, alia dm
i tho reports la that country to dcpreciatu Am. t.eau
icaie. He cnupaeta the expos tew m Mn (7m tad Imttri
i use the sreutcat vlgtia ee as lo tbe qnaluy of taeur
irst?. and sum ss to be obaraoter af is Ir eoaslgaeas
a.I agenfa In Aii-trin. .Mi ci. d.-p.-uiU upon the tact
nd aiiiiny of tbo latter. The nppaditaa to the ssla or
i. ?-.. un produote mal ho ssueotedto he scieiu ami
as rupelona.
The Superintendent of the Moaey-Ordsi Baraas do
ualted yesterday to has credit ot dm Hailed Italm
rcuaurer for ib< a. rvtei af thel*s tOfano DefanffnanM
mi .">Ti -.1. i" ig :.e dlgersaaa botw< aa amasfen by
uatnia*tera froni t .< ;r poataga to atenoy-order r.e
?Ollis, und V 'e versa. Ti e lOtal ti t revenue ftotn fhS
nt-ia: inotiey-or u r huaim ss during Ih Oat ul year 1 s7u
luounte.l Ui i? A'i S3, SboBI glOyOOd lu ..<? l^au
in ma lue pr sediua year.
The l' ?t < ?r.i ?? j?. tai c amai Ii pr pariag the ptapeaaM
ir carrying the atallala Ohio, fadiaaa. North mil
imh ('.iroiiua, < i> . rgut, Alab aim, I lu: Ida, Miaslsatppl,
; murky and Teuaesaee. wbieh will be SOMiabed in
ovi'iuh I. and (he op. i.in. a ill he lit IM-nnr. next.
h.? mail i-ervice undei i!. -?? proposals Will hs a basil
uiihle.ua il mi routea when lbs am a ma ih bow per?
limed weekly. It will be porloimisl aimi Biukly i all
?ini weeki> m ivif will n< uicreaaed to irl-weekly i
nd : !l mi rru u tu uoontrj town sad Coart-Oouaea alii
'? daily. _
thv Cornell and H-nblna ( lob of tba X\'t!i
.sseii.hly !?! iilc; iiiei la-I > Vi Mi.g at Tl.ti ty-'u.iriii-M.
ml Dghth-ara, Henry l^-ask. eha.riiian of the i.rgm.b
on.a. mu le a brief spsseb, arg ag tue nsmbara or um
>ub not to create aay u - n- on aaaoag Ibemaalvas.
rnieywiahed to srana or guaml,ba aaked tbsaa to
?member that there a re la tm Dtstrte! aearty ia.?
H'lnoerata to . ni BspabikfSB, Who won.d. no doubt,
iini*b them Rufltemal qaai alaoam malarial He then
itroOnee.l l>lotui ii 1>. tyier, who made a long
aeeeh ttii. d with lif. ami humor, exalting much an
lualsam. in the course ot kla nMBarka, Iba tW ihm
I'nteii a v ry in <??< attaa las "t. Ha Mid hia mafaot
sjsatly .mi Mra Cbtanlsi ai VTasbJagtoa, aad th
iiier aatd thai wb a stteadlas aommanloa aarvnm at '
ar ebun h,.>l i> ah nly alter tbe mardi r ai aer ba ?
ami itn*i v it. a i sue appro u bed the eommua on t ,bi..
no wa- uImhii u drlBS Iba wme, en.- aotioad Ibal U.
i.triuly, ti ?? nuirdcrei of bei daugbiar, had folbawsd ">.
lbs abl . ppsreativ ie d 'uk tin eommoaloa wtae
un her. Mr . < el alai was so aatoalaui-d i
irdly keew v. n i
Ituottl tea miiig
irdlj knew what leiloa la laka, but iraaktlmnms
M"m i:; ai . ? pt. 2S.?i'woincheaof auoa fell at
I'lUl'l !/? : .. ?.? ee, "i ? ? I i'D!' e
Mos mi il. -.in . i .i.i ?v Lei bvre, dry*
iseia, have tali .. Liabibii ?? .. ? ,<???>. aaaelaBoxiuattr as
r at.
. . ; kMORV "1" t UM PBIAUB imp1 in o.
i/t'i iiitc. .- pi. 25. -A -i bserip ii u-ib i wa bean
p.ue.tai ile...f!l'e of ibe BUcaae tfajor bj thlscitytora
o.i,-. s- r? i mn artel ie the uu> Pilaw iMpertaL
h?n Pram'Im' pt, 2rt.?.\ disos i from Vir
u.ij n.y, Ni... r.porta ibal iks .-i^.ra Hevaaa Mma
i- n . ataiad m a it i hr .a.n .h- i. .un <?. abaft.
SUIT AUAlbe.1 A iia.sk.
A'ii.m .." At, -.i j... .?.? Kupp, a wboleeale
are de.ti.-r, ua?sntsi daa ... U m 19 reusaec pMlroo i data*
it.'.Hin 14.1.1. Hask.ftrtitbsibIIj lirsmg a ?r.iui
ilaeniU' ul
t'.VlftU hi IT rs OOVKBXOlta - n 1 BftTAJJlBJfA
OTiaWa. Sept. Ma . Ilarkiuli ? j a lord iv
Btai tinned at Isaeb lbs Cuitsd siat> - ies ? aw a nea In tu.a
11 y,on aril . all > bai ea Tapper, Mi. Jmyaiei
li.ei daMtBI ii ?. ist 1.- 1 -.
a t-Ri.I>l rABLK 1 v 1 it IB DO ICHflmi 0 UTB IT
i' 1 ...ih. 1 au . V v.. fa pt. -1 b? a on .1 lair
i"i e i t!? ?i.oa ... Uatebiaa Coastj baa baaa .a pngroaa at
'. iuaytea Uol. ... 1 .,. 1 a r ? ... rWaa abvat
iietiua.in Satpbti la sttdaasytmaam ixeasda tu at ot
lev.oti ? \. ?) a.
tbjc ovnrwnjCB ot BAJrVAao oof.i.Koa
RosTi'n, dept. 25.?A special lutvtiiig ol Iba
1 er- ia..| H i.v.o.: iv : <?; 1 mn.r l''.e i^k lu'nnm.
1 me rt k ni u'ni Pel.asre . ? 1 nun' , t oludins lltal
1 kvo Kaa Maa aa laatraebs aftibiaeer, 1 ba* anaitan nr
<t. lie.11*?. ol :?ea Voia,l..lbe IneiMs i.tnu aa. no. ai
.del in.
N iBPOUt, V.l., rb |>U '_'.">. ?Ill th trial <?. J .:.:i FL
'ix?n, J.iau t uff, y, Hain*i iUiasadotbarai a 0 wan m
itftea tor a:*aiag ? aeseaaar frsn :!? barber of cruuteid
la.. Jange llagbm Ueeasea te-ilsi in.it 1 a 1 um es
...I.. I mi 1 t , 1 leaep ass Ba| ot.ius no part el tba
nil.?0:1 \o BOB A 1 iiAMPi >n BaBOB
j! im 1 in, S, JH oopt, 25.?i'uirty?fly men om>
i-at.-.i tu-ilay tot i.ae "cbaaipiaa Markiwan'a Badse' (..r
STSl at Ui* Brlatoa Bange, t..-.i.iy, aiaiaaeea UOrarSS
lalaStoa,S ?1 MSJ )ai.la l>'lBg. UeBi.laVWla U Omra anil
Bp! MB W at I a 'i P. W et t .e l.ln Hi u'lui^nl,! ilIi had 1,1a
xeelumt seote of AX, bat Captoia w aada baring aa "wuie. "
ha IfoSakf ?iu aw.r lad to ueutaasai ilmve.
a PBM i i v llr.av v t \ x r jk a lUW nhiiip.
MOBBtBT W S. J., bamt, 2.V?In l*aj".l tbe
BWaahlli Of lleruarda. In Ihr < naut) i t saiueiaet, laau'tl
.. ,1 '0 ?111I11 nf I1..11 la tu BMl Iii Ihr eoiiatra u?n ul the
><?? Jri-i j U.-t i.ti.r ln.lr.1 leaterdar .'inlg.' Vlx ui
ipbato tbe vaibtuy of iaa Baads tbe pnactpd aas lawiaat
sm aaaeanu la pa si ins), .1.. .1 wui u.r a 1 >?*? nnm ot
'i pM lent nn Ike Ul Mi pcapaittj '"t the laBBBklp tu pay II.
[EETiBTJ Off ^^^ KKkXri iUPTORTBl*
BOJCA1 COOOfB lOBflBlLlP at MB wn.wot
IBMflORBi Ml BUM ASM r<>n MO. KUfY ?
BOflOCMM nY mk-xh?. n iR?nnMri', m i i v. i ot,
BOtABT AND OTIC, ics?AI)l>IO MJ 10 H * Ol A I id
vu RBB
Hie Tammany mn??-t?n?t??insr ln> t rl*r!tt was over
i.w id Boaibafi a" I onthnntaain. Mr. Kelly
00greeted OitO BJbb IhBHTtMOl BpOlBOOO, BBld bil
SNOB WBS POeOteod w ith great RbTOT. LleOtOBBUO"
iV' toot Dnania Ibm rnVfluCei.Aatt BtblyiJta&Grady,
IwrtfBJ VF. Brosh| ami StflOffl BlOB BBoko, Ah BflV
i to Um DbbbobtbIbb vbobbboJ th'- State, otrinc
:;rtliii? Kelly, was Bth ifff d.
rKOM IN nil hail AM) a in NDI Uli: BIBRBJff
BTaOTM MBB Oil BOB tou TUM LOA IM ..- Ot hib
I'M: i y.
An ImnroBflfl booms] of Democrats pu t Ab
? m,n*nv Huh In -t eveniiiirto BBMOfBtS ISO BMI IBd
i tOOOSrl Uli' Kelu-I'.iiler llck'-t. F rework- IBd eBO>
BlhfBM BBluinnneil me fatiuful BOM. ACCOM BbOBOB
.1- ? .-, ? ii -.1 Bfef Hie in. mm ?>f IBB ?-t Ml Bl inBQ
ni bobm M Joi.n hl' ii f fnr Unvei nor, an I Hie OytM no
ID i vN.ii. Um BSOBfOMB *>l ibb bead, 1 laOB UMHMSOB*
. sere eei-n oa .11.? <>uT*ld ? ol te- . iii i.i. :. .iii.I .'m l
tad mu two temporary pMtfecoM swob i m bb a
BO Ot taOMBlB i mr.inee. T ie lett-h o i Baad w?i
reared ottft Of I mbb i>i tear is. s"'l fr.mi n Obi mbq
i> .k MiB tBO BBBHI ef tOO OBUMBO BOOM Wd in., i/
ntomno l*renthep itfernea dm lefi, de>Ili ? i- ? t m
Mi i * i ?* i;': aba mm ot tbe toad mi tyoB ?> of lei a la
ii ? run ft imbV aaola ..' baaaM Basis 1,1 ?. 1
>? akers made addri-*:>ea lu J: nwiisil io I be ?.i lein? 1
f ahoot 9,000 pen n~. < urseee i so m i HI ? b ?
njituiii.1 ii tin* oui iido l<.?..Viilea?aOd i-.' ' oarl i
.is loud uud tr .jurat.
1 uo prlaBlpM i-l*'akers BfBfS Oll tlie pi.TI?; ? In ti e I,if
ill* wJOsh wbb Ooa Blypookedl .. aeeetoi.j
nl on ll:-: MBtB fl.. ... It War. i.i ..... ItUd ...... .;
any Ball brtBgS mm inc.- ? a wn.i it regard! Oa tti it
bbmmbo. Y.kWBJB boo MMB, BdMCBOd i I ' f
?ao. aod the walla. Oeer tbe ptatfern was a oartooo
? present v.c *?r. ft Idea witli BM leu eye e. ? . . ?? . .
ii: Mi flare a bhMkBoord ami apsl lao B ? 1,1 1 ?I
(The Itoata ahalf* tor tH*hm a aafMatara iMIa it*
in-..i ot (mill aaaoidaMalaa bbm4 mi Mi i
nt*i utblo. Tba tlta AaMMbly DbOttat 1
i aod tao Tobbbm tyBrlaa asaaMatteo nl Can
Han ir-lie llate ti:e n..:i with praaspi ? ? ??. ? Cora r
'nltnaa waa aaoerad bb bb bbbm bo WM i.
i iK. ii int-C'iVi in l>..i.ilii ll.i . n .' a
erni ot apfflaBM arOtfO was lai bv Y. It. a^MOaBb
Bfowor TTbiIbmo I pfoiaoaO Darbt DoOlay 1 Id aa tao
bmBBb at tBOMBOttBOJ Iii? bmIObo Myeacfe la tBMs
uutj Ball waayailly BOBOaaO By tao baod i i l< Ml
inyararlly laOarraptod By tbo aopaafanoa1 ot .'. ? - *
roaOL iu?.in-,. n< iia.1 BBfdty Otafl away ami Mr.
BM Maoand thaa baaery oaaO Mtth, * n ?? s
nil.i K"i > r* Fi.. i.iiudii d ii iti weie ia tao alt tad too
BBBdM * tIBBM ndnu.-. Mr. K> l.y Im.k' i ommm i m fl
i nie a verv BMflaal Im?. \? h n the ai r IBM dl '1
v w MOM BOO BBOpBBBd tOfBB einer? tot Mr. K'!lr,
rOModroo teeth a aaaoofl aaBBona, CBbmjm mmbObb
uteied st the same timr and wus lost steht or In tha
tally harr.iti. BhaO Mr. fltetfl BBtOBOfl there w.re
ucera and aaOt CM Mr. DorahOUBMr, BBl ibb b tti lary
??ad a ti w bbbbm fl BOfftBMd BMOl 800 .. . ? ? ?
aoMaad 170bom i tyaoflMajorQntaer 1 aij. oj
fldraM M the O moctqM ol tho fltata, wai hoaatto>
?aotty aootaaflad aad aaaalaaaasly adoi afl.
LMBlBBIBl Ooiai ll ii iKiriheiniet's niet.ii.rl.in v -a
wli BBOd for aolUtto whBe oBB the baod boIobIbj
rbU'll was "alioul.lla* the Il.itt:-Ci V n'Fri ? ?' e," ; 1
MB broke flowa, nortMHf lrom BOM - Bl I ?? I Be ? .ns.'d
haoradaofl Brood bImoo. BB arntloanaal of BB
Uflea for BBBBflBg '?<? BaOaiBMi f OM I?. bm i soy oi the
I'un'y to sTain hM owo aalflahaada waafwpeaiedly ap>
MoOed. Bhao ho aaOad ohj Mr, Tflaoa waa trytap a
aj ii dd of tho ballot BOSM lUm'U'U bin own laaB/ < ? ra
t BMafltBBB a von''! crnd. " io hluH 'em." aad BB
rnwd u|i|iioV>'d the aeilllluelit. li.1. .1. ?. i t ' .N
?as heard Wfeea the speaker dcehire.l tiut ItoOlimoa
nul l ni t he elei led.
Auer aaaMBatawaddraaaaa thoorBo Mfafoha K.-iiy
-.?re aaaaaii d By lha aaaMidato'a bmooIbo rerwaei
mill Immj aad floafli alaa aotd mbml Tha a *d p '?????1 to
lie .tu et Hint Mr. Batty W.o. IBBOhiBBa BOd tin n i mb
isn to pel b| ? 11 m thut .'iiiek y bteOBOd Ihe ?? fll OOfl
uher ByeakaiB tetlowa 1 Mr. m ly,aad in>: bm? I?a
ot Bfljoorm d uu: ii after il e*eleeB,
1111 1011 < 111 B
Davtfl Pad By Ptatd bbob laktaa tha ihatr atfdr moJ
M BMMtao at Booth. Ba MBMwkad Ihad X oaa 1.1
; r ., 1 nl: In I am n.M v It ill. but he ?'a-v i linir
aiilialloala IheMraaQla.aad woald fla nil B >? mob
bt] nhrhi far IM eecoooe. The aenlaatMaat OoreraM
loiiiimon oaa not btodMQ apno the DeasearatM veO ?
la haaraB psltitaal HIB wl h th Ooforaae as a Bel tao
ioiiiiiS- wiw a.i ean I'i nt Illing .it tum-a. "Vir ulfj
Bt,OBMMBOt Vole tof QOVBtOaO BehtBSOOt" boBBfcaj
nut win vote fnr a trn Dsaaaaral und aa boneM bmo
ad a IO aak nil at Bat DeateeraMot thofltaM M roM foi
lu also."
Lenten.int-tJovernnr Patal.WB MflBWOd the pro
aediaojaof lim flyraaoM tVatonBon, and r ?,reit.d
hat than MMold tare beea auj airlaMa la lha It me
rath raaka, at a tboe ao Inperfaat aa toe pre! at. aad
tier tao party hafl aaiaefl eoal.1 both BeoeoaM
l?aai as and eleeli-il ll. eanni'l..'!' .nr 1 len.-l. nl. u ,:f
i.\ aM the itiit to Mftc bit a al afb i warn, n - li id aoo
oaie to aalt? witB tbe Danoerata of this eityn thi
.1 tl atloo or tbe a HBdnallon ol J dM Ke.'tj lor time
?.mr. tad tha ri ni .'f 'lie in i.r MM Bt i . I.' bet. AfMI
oferrlna to tbe sueeoaaoa ol n.e DoMerralM party M
hit State alaee 187J, ha apoke ef the ?i.n ?. iaa oalol
ras inanifi i~ed .. ihe BL Loan "uoTeailou to ihe a MB
n msbol Br. riidoa. Boaaatil waa nn roniitiiss av
w< en Kept lb Maas iaO D-Miaraia, lo wLiea !??? ? ?;..?>
root Bob.aatMi aoo Mr. T?rten v> n p. ihal Ao
Bated tw 11 aroarata of tbia man last ?. i, .i i if tin
teuMeiatB party ahoaW li ibiMeteO IbB n u
i rani Id he attnhoted lh< result nt ibM
OMbiuatMO. (At no- pMni Mr. Uorsbel ri ...,t
ootrul ol ho ratea. ant Irieesl tare hiaa a pleai it
atroo ,'?? l. aad n. sooa resuiaed tpeah b/.l ll *m
artololy a eoravoa apeMarde, beaMd, la aw Br. TttdoB
looeplriBO oltb Ihoae ohw h oi ehsated htnoi uIoflMa,
l. ?n fearful that hi- uomIb itMe lei Prrsldrni OMttd
ie ooposed lu I BOO. AU thanvtoralsaad -i.Mtatat i
ii Mayor Cooper fornad a aattol iBa aebeaae ot Mi.
i . mil im ... v.n nf t' p.aMts Cimraiaaianert
. aa in.ni ? lor tin put ? ? ? 1 I eht nuiaa roafrul ol i .?
asiMtctors m etreoeo lad lae baliM bwaaa. * War
iooaao want eoBtrol al tha '..,,',,? boxest" iCrlei i
1 I'oatol i ii.-.ii."J ?? I win not aaa i Mrn so to ret a, se
hoiiab H m i B oely one obieb bmms ina ptata taet,"
Hi.- li atuetaey ..; las I , ha . am bob . waa i at ?.e
baUrlenatri a. theaelleaoi Um dpi eaai L'oaraatssa
.a. rebrll.a| 'i... i ?> . oOMa oaa m b ireB ? >? .i
i u utl eu lb ia eoiiiiaeal a headttd raon aaa ? frei
mil laOopenOaai paepta. Oa Lak s KrM and] <ii u?,
mi aU alooe tbo ittiaa el ran roast, the p..-pie weel
iwaBeaiua Ml he i.e.-. aMtj ol peaoa aad u in. .in ut 114
1 .r. i. ami thai wouM aeeetapl m >Ui- bj rio 1.1
lohu Kellj (oheen 1 app iaa 1. anon whose pi ly
eeord leere were aoatOtrt >4 uala n bleasisb. <?< >.r
mi BMaaaoBeooldaotbe 1 acbso,aed lha aaij Inno
ni ia BMOiaalbHi who waold >??. ??. nt waaJ.HiB
vi 11* (eoeert iadaooiauar), wen. 11 eleeted, wouldM
altafal mi lue par.j aoo its pi la ipioa.
i 11 ni--. ot. nrooae spoke ot 1 ue peeolla Ifles el
adiera. Bel 1 1.. Be pMltBa nt Pbaraoa'a to ??.
jrtieu Hi' rhiblrea of i-r.;. Ballad n ai 1.. ? pi ..ni
Bare foi owed by Bm arm let m Pharaoh. <..".i m
ioMneoa 1 loH 1 ??!.Bdea.d lue U m emlM
iariy, and It ooatd not support bin. In Ihe I ?1 i ?e
r^eara 000 .e o-r* had bee 11 upp rted bi 1 i.I
Uiotuson ao li d. u: lac Battoaura aaO ii.me. ..?4
1 mi am ??1 ?.?? st ipltu?a .in ?eeoo.-doulei ma e
nn irlaa bad tteoped latai Ibrir plat a. doha l- t
Baa .n 1. in ie.il- in 1,1 l>. in MCI alb pal IJ imm i s
'i :l mil MBM BtOraMMOJ l'.nk
Patitra Cowaa, aha eoMiiuated J..|i" 0 JaeeboBo
,,.v. bot al toe Oyraem 1 ?. tvaU ... ?..i.i m baroioei
uiii.-i "1 boom n btli.4 jt.1i aood 11 at ti ? .a
1'uBBiy ufuaratotm. \\..>ar rtahia,aaOhuoaiBO
,i.i. a ui rt wann. I kuoa .in thtUatM .... Byro
: ist ifcturootl u. O'hea I Mttt/ed Ihsra 1 loatM io?
> .am rate parti BiVMedBBd km wit waa i' 1 i'u,. to
rS md item the elrauoa. I aaiko apoa John 0 1 . ..o I
0 d 11 i- In- WoaOd Ba sail afl il Oltb bj "H ??? ? ? Ml>b la
? I U.iViTI'.or la in 1.-ii'iiia Koii Imm. Ii i ii. av i. . , i
lad BMBBkodj who ropi.Ithoeth rir. t .i: ,11. *o
,k. teratcoiat flatal 01 wlibaflw toolOOM B 11 BM
Oa urtes Pew et a [hiss a] aod wBoa i aehae bum Obel
wetflbeflvM ot call u ia OMowel avlMoa, aaa ?ai.it
0 Biuet hare u omut Bohsaaoa. aaO ao oihei ' ia
hal ? mi tea Man 1 ? reeled Jacob's .add. r. and s.iw m ti.a
1 Ma uenotnefa troav tao uawib, eaath, reel ad orst,
Mceudtao ?"d des einiiiK in tTaneMllty, bbo r i< na
liattlM party Bad baa -a>d. ?>.. bmi f ??. Brooo>
yti s.ionB bis aea.1, and IB Jaeet/l IsstOOl h'lL i mO
ruumatOo^troer BoMaaoaeaeao mm' )> rifl:ect.O
. da BiaM thaa a bmobab00 to Beevea befoi u- .1,. a.
ProM floia'mm audth? nUoutuia oouulMa 0? w o k,\t
ktleaal IWaOOO tOMOlM IwOB k 1 j," |i ..1 ? 1 aBObbs
>i ..ISO.)
\n :.. 11 j he Kelly mbm torward B was received with
tieiBouOoua app.aaae. iL auto Ihal Hepoioa 1 1 r
bUIoo an tho Qtfl Oaarfl aotll ihrra 1 m ueeaaioe, aod
a si ha dni aall on loan, ok '.???,-? ? y hart >? . 1 1 m
[wrtoao ef nettle haiaru, then oaa no lootMr aaj BoahO
hat vtetocy oeoM paera on an bbbbbii ??< bare tea
UphBi Volt ar- Hie Old OlljidOl tin- ll BMomey,
OBoB tin !? a... BMBtai M iear aiuous Hie 1>.-. a>
aaisof t.t>- fltata >>m aaal Both eh.-, r aaa] MtMfl a., the
notary. But now BOBM 01 our frmuds in the BtOM bate
ioraoiMa year p.ai aerrMaoi Y?u sere ai>
wa>a Bun and trm to the priucipiu of the par,y.
the] 1 "nil nn- out aa the dn lator. 1 uiu aa MBBllltO
iTar tlai ru'dt aud BftTlBtWB Of OtAOCa as anv in 111.
-mue .me mint li' put for ward, tin re iniiai in- u Kiiicial
11 aaMObBOd or BBOB will be eotitusinu, aud auch a iuau

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