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Bin.?' !i i\?? ! i'!-'>'n 'M' -rt ! (?<? ? ? d ? atcn-itv. Such h: bt ? i . .m ni i Mi < u\. Las ins RoMa*c iB yi >,...?..? i? not oar ebotee tor Oovrnus In 1876, rtul*i Mlrt'j mbl'lltl I lO MB f"in:n "l.ei mal pUp|HOM4?S 01 wlibal suiuisiii. How IMU N? ? Im ?? ha? be-1.? n.-t. t without oar nit ???? -ay what Bs M ?i? ? ?!.. a to lbs parti eesdd bs I" what other speakers have Ml > ywstSVa'i wsol lb oatrouaca you save rlyea ui dealt cnt to sei person* t > sell Ibrlr Sonor and nina -.. f 1 .....I i.... ..? I. .V, ??? ir 1 l* Inell II I I 0 la t ?? ? ? ?'? '?' -?'-! ? ' ' -." 11 ., ity lo ... poa i ion u pub It t Ck Hi o i i; l? , , .., <? an tv t Vr?. Tba r. Ihre C aw ? i : ? afarori'Ti \..l fri.nntti'.'.'i >!. -f. ?a>?.11' - !??' ' tn i .. I larki es? ia erecy. 1 a i sal fhe-?a al* peieetsel grko iwv?. Mr. K. !!?? neu : u ?.. ITu-r are i abl r sriri * bleb ibe m-opta ?i? Hi.-.-" show?1 n*uke-bi ? athis thrt-i *ea ntmoat tv, a at1 ? ?Ii?. I* it md n ?? r h ?? to mi pose it ti.u' nsaiic atiuoea in oltb-e be - lllcootinwa to use bis no . ? ; ii war 1 i- ! '? n r wi <?? said owl agree ?p?. bin sto Ibe Best arr*ani i lit certain sdBssss. b. r,... ui* propei 1 ncbl lb .' ersi I a in sbonldban his epmiooa and lbs lib r:\ lo ? Iberav It u e >m ?? a?r date b w a* oppoa a bm baa n . -:?. ..i bass i a ? la tabs eta ]? re breu pnt torwatd and I sow exTey sirai ffnr ys ?.;.. .... i . r a: ? i - i. i? \ '? ..m? > l> ...a: ii'ie t ere in Ibe State wba cai luuVetnis Bsatlerterl es pn]van. rney eaa dlsoetB nieril ind n ward l I. I , j. ? net riana Bay aaprrbsrlti Ii h not a q*e?n of i . i. lost al prhscipal and ibtbt. Tea amo wba b Iii II l| ->.' i ... 1 I I o \\ .?' ' I II- 11 '1 Ii I I?. I Ml. 1 Merer. Ton bavs Seen Bold a hat waa done al Syrien e. faults! renel Ibe mealy appeal* aaaa>-bs<i? w Xx.mi inier, u I by Mr. Bi Mr Cos, Mr. Urady, ?i.. n irrnllemea aoirroai x w-YnrkClry. Tboee ??I rcuca ouahl to bar* convinced the ti i u uoeid tv- psbtteal sokbfs to nominate Rob ana b. Has wan Its ?etes sol lo at ? sate i n I Au-1 tbedral .'.\ ol Ibateoavenlleo tben were Bill . .. . niailr I y ?I. I. air* elect'il lo Thai eolivi 11 i aa. rb :? wen weiwbiy reaaoaswuy thaj w*n and rou can eonjeciun ss wed aal what Iber were. \ : tin Bel>li ??peal* f?W Bai ssonv were baak whale ?aas? at tbe ye Uenien laej bom Bated oa lbs leal >?! Me ticket wen olj ctb oal Is Ui tie, tin r weie anop irted ;ii the oils i I >> i.?: "v si ? a. ri - V refa --i ;?? ? \ ? u" rant i Bd a a yea knew Iba reeo t. Tea bam - i a be.'eaily aa atiasspi by tbe U ursorof lb Plate t., ,...i.i.,.t i: i ii ii-.- i ..v.-. ..: t. '?? ? . l ?' Hen ike Jsatiebury will loea at I da mattei ruht:? i.i'.i a bate vet i:* dsasasaa 's we i abide bj it. We will appeal lo lbs eanrta sei a I in Iba rsns <u Mr.>iebi.<? serai ra t). i ol ibi Ibsps 'tors .t Blee I a. If wa fall Iber ae ?aal look to ibe ba k>*-Bnze< f... reaVi ??. The mew a a h ra rtsaartad teaues ? sas te sH eseerwl ol ibe pt bl <? bMees wii in ii- Inlare be pointed al audexet-n ed h\ ibe |s nple, [A leleen dwpateh waa bei ? handed ibe i* 'i - ?I ?'!-. ?? Us ?- w I K Will yen slickI" I aaa reeetriua? tBewsa i el disputrlns and hitite ilk.- I it.-. 10 all ol nbajh 1 mi wa i d t ? n?s t ?:? propi r ;i m : bat I aaj era pa - j.. ribs K ? ie II ?;i. k. I". Seat o aepi taae j kaotk .a read . "J" a k- v < t:'> al j;. . - . . .. nd* areel a.- -t S.0U0 \ t, ? I protubsa, it elected, thai I will e ear reaerl to tin- low ..nd desptr bit nt ..?* . t oabn adoul I bt Ibe ? ..ii a !..a . r? ip . . I . Uev. chair, on! ! will pracuee re-nouiy mid ill?lii> in li e ,. .. . . la ,i -n . ?!.. 11 v :?? Ahh raasa, ia.. term* tn < aapves?, and a- Sbei IT -! defy u.. v in., ar woataa Urine*, s.? fau ? - 1 kaew.lui f thai I .' .\. i v i d< a ?! ?bon< r ihl1 ??? t. Pr ibs i. o Bisa bssevci ,- red asreatel siaount of arawe and mi 10 pniktw. M a* p*siple la lbs > sun ibtB I sat .? bm Bsynsltona ...a.. Che area* Bavi towartl n.. toward utbaca. resorted to aaek tussua .?! ??i i.?? it t- nuTaaat ni thai tne i r - ?? id r ? ? i -a. i.i... - to into un op h'uenl. i ? I - " i It ? "li ? ? i - i. 'hia.-oi . ? ? ?. e I ? i. rei or* i i: baa act as conn. ? :i u ? i or tn . itain 11. i. ni bb ... I I UeuiTa! I. He baarefui t 'i-< naeul :.>:? ::? which bad beaa , . i r eouvdilertd, which Ibe LeaTluatnie bad passed, in .j under ..ii... great is la ? si Mnua-ipal Qerei ... si uiisbi I n been carried BL i i i? ...,.i- ..' Rew-Yorh an i... > peviaa two ? - iiot,- iyear is ibe pnea of kii aesk*ct of duty. Uo ba*, to the great lidarv ei Ibe fa... ; aud tbe ooaamcrcs of t. . 1. .. : ' , i i ' IIb rast ?l i.'l u.a.! e..: j ... i Mxreanal irsicta,sad ia the ..:;: ? r ni lie . ?? rtaaale saaeai steal ol tbe Coostilntloo win a. .I ?? son *asa aul, u . i abnasated. ib u?>> i. .i ;. isuaeisof sow turn . Toe poTlcy of low tolla baa iwea carried ttuosbrb by Ueiuucratia state oil era i?? i i :.i opiio?14io<i h.i'ii umkam . . ei aad <o ?? tosir Coutiai'i ? :.? ?> ter and apirit ol tba CoPSillulUui. be li. one pollikral aaeni PupvrlBleadeul of Ibe l'ii in- Woi??, aadanotber n. i. n :. nt ol Iba I it Vi".?.-. N rer la our alsiori in. pa ronaga COl. ii? ell i ajlh tl.e-e . .? ;i u i ? .1 at - Lreu mi BBarruj.-.1 aaad t" eon Uro] mmriiaea. csiaren t: 1 aud 11 ?* rotas al lbs pasple. Ha pass ;i I tbe oppraaaiso ooa ract system wh'eb has I.,-, t. uiirosiurs 1 ?b i lau us. lae #HHJJ0OQ which l. elabui a ? saved bi btavel eawaa m preatpert 1...... spot a; pi prlaibaiM lepm debts a wi 1 bj in. j- 10Ha cltiavas. Us baa reiaaed a readhtelasenl ol ins isa- - aad the ja.-i taxation ol peiM.uai pret*Miy Ve ebarae that te bars been dos a la tba bxl I ? 't aoeporai ba Tba edaeaUoual system of ibe t:..;. aas Baaa I iu him it* wsaal saaair. .- . ? bei sect salon ... stl ?. <\< rues Rai laaoa baa barren I bis *ou, aeima ssbia pilvate srerstary. wub pi. 1 .1 . j.i'.' 1 ?. and .0 ee.* iij.-i j|.\e cuU wob i fie i a . up] * medium. Dia voarae la Uda respect ba- slrca rise to stave pi.hiic scandal air. Ti i. 1 Iii"- lomii i a>uei Idle Ins Boblnasa . Immoerstb part] ia I -7>;. ? ibe a sbeaof tbe a. !? s aad us u ..- U'Mb tan aaaaa bigh ha d <? ' mpalled n? i ?is Board alByraeua-, on tl.e loin and lltu of lie prei-ml montb, tu re 1 all Mr. 1.11? a. Ibbt u iu n t tu ... eu nl .1 Uemotraltsnsriy. lie o| .-. .1 j,.io? K. 1'n k, Iks ii. in ...... ? eaa*! Blsta 1 . I'..*,11. lit la i-li.I. wg Cue* in la-id, sad iTaaklia PierseinlB⁢ berym uaii.isod . tbe ib Ibotl, and waa a Kepiib.i.'aii 1 'e.?1. to tbe frrnsuul Convention, wh'eh ? .- bed ai H>raaavaa oa ib< 'Ji'i. ot Jaly, i- .o. Robin*. '- iiieviaa i* ibe ? ?-? al aaatrnltaatui tn 1 t 1 lealiaa ol pawei iixmb Iba ? aaj to the ii a - ... 1 >-. - aoabaad agnl it >u Use Domo li 1:1. i-a. i a it 1..,:.<! n t.. lie.i s by JcM r aoa. 1. ' ? ?* Mobtaasia is sol a Hcaaoi isl. aa aonreailoB .-an anas him li mocrat. Deaaoc lad ie m lUnirer. ludem-n. i,,ii .' 1 iiu-.iu for a.,: . ear paiiv baa eon tend, u Urn .us Ibi laal Bibel i" af" a ill in d.sii. >el. L>'e?suuiug ibeaeaerp ou- facta, ptrsaaal wlib di*a?irr bin only u>oai party, Inn ta Iba v :> ii .11 aaas of our UaVerBmeat. a. have BoaaaateJ folia Kelly, a l>emoeral ba inaiiecl ->ud eaneatiaa, fm Uarsraac of x w la k. IL l-a. Uli. d mauv rt'H|-oueiOlo IHuiuua* at ii"- Baads ol li.* Ii. 11?-in bs *. Ad in-. i.i. lie have been |o riot lued With 0.0-1,1 r, Integrity ai 1 ibiiitj ui Iba blau eel ardari in* Mite reel eaemara Ban bevel Bita*aa*ed te abacas etnarwnn Pcllos lAvasisaratsI la thr same nf frltttann aad Jack Sou and ..1. ine olbrr laveraol OBC Cou-ililullou. we las tun ii, Join 11a 01 \ui.i k (oi juiiu KaUy aad iu elm ... ? ban <<? uur of ih< Stade al Man-York. l KM l IKA.SK a < ".. <)i -a.s Fit am Ii-co. San li.vN'.-. .1, Sept. 30.? I'p to nisui tn da>- aa taMantaa aataaaaaants bad bean bsybsl ou me ?l * k o! im im. Krank a < o : II. ilman lir- lht I -. ?>1 - mvi ; J aepb II ir-l -a ik'li. *i 7 "Sif, ; wilisni fSciiolle A Uroth i I-. *J l.i'.-l ; Mm..a >|j,ii .. 9:,3x:,4> . -M. l*\\. Y.t',, I; 1. iFstet, ?L'i.iao. bsaaAaMbaMaannaaal-.CadaOM] C B tilte ot ai.. f?.OVf*?; II iv. Il i laBiii. f!i.'js7. The i? ui th>: Olm Ui cliue tu uiako auy ?Bin mrnr. en thu siouml that tfauar lut. r>-*led aie alreudy advieed of the ciriuin?tsnee*ef the failure, .mn it is a mailer whub lb. uld not ruucoru auy(MMl> < l*e. Matron urn of their bahiliuisand aeset* are beias prej aied. und w:li yrub tMs ba eempBeeA by Uu- itaM HM ft peeonative of tin New-York eredluei arrireala thiaelir. Ia larataatu the press <l.-|>:ilcli bom tti 0 Vu ... to the i th hoaee l ad poreka nAa Urea quaBtlt? of rrnMB <?n rei ri seaiekna thai IbeB uuru ?er? BS06.000, wblB thei ttaiMi'tim van oailTOllOwOOO. taa thin mit that ii" ttooia Batva men i'uit-ii .-oi bj ot la* Bboei. la Unit < nr ? ?? . .-. .? h :i>, ou fa..-?? rrpit-m-iitutioi'*. A roluptOBttM M itpestsnl M OBIT CAMY. ? ? _ GEORGE WALDO ABBE. Qooogo Waldo Abbo ?1 i?<1 ol hii Ibbbb>, N*(?. "2 Baat-TwCDUeth Ot., ? .>:')? lant ?jVi Ilil ?f. in Ui* HZtr-Olatb y< ir. II- bom fcOOB i.i WBbdaOBB, < na? BAM bbbb8 i<> New-York wln-n he BOM ft Br? ie* i \..i.;i,f aaa Be euter-d tlie dry cneiN In.-i m ,aad B 1007 waa aaMMBBaa of BB I no at v> BColtaO JoBa*ati 10 BraswaotboOotla lOooraahof i iat] ar,batMBeetheaOB.AbbeBaaaaOOaO hta BBO> Itlea wi;h hjtereat lOt ihr Bat twi nt* i eir? hi- boa bbob abrokaraaOceanBteMOB Btarebaat, aaal ?t one iimo ?"i- i h ? i \ \ .1 ii'. r ri nil. He na* presid'i I ?.f tin Parted rViralaaaa PareseQosBpaay whoa it was one of Ihe larjri *r BBoOBbObO BBepoiOtteoe of Hie en.inliy. Hn> OB haa N'^n haMMlOed with bbbbo al tho BboaTtBt* bat aod BooevaBot MMBBBtteaw "f tue eBy. Par tatty paare ao waa aa aai arofthi Bew-Yart AaaaetatbM tot Ituprorioe the Condkloa of the Peer. Be oaa oee of ib diiid rera ?. tBa Rnsratal for Ihe Belief of 11 a Baatuiod and ( l d. nn.t waa one of :'je eoreraera ol Iba Bow Vi.k UoaaltaL II" took greal iBtereat In edaeatloual milters, aad al the ftaae nf hta dearh uaano hmia^-l'.r of Pnon >?..<??.;-int the Bight* eeotBWaro. Br. ABB waa a proa neat worker bbmum i Itaptlala; ?aaa deae >n of the MadBoB A venu- t- ?f i" i hi ??? !>. ii'al >>'ie of Iii tot'i lvr? of ti." Aim to an im,ii- 17 asms, Bta waoB 'ue w^a him">i In active aoioag ibe poor in the hoepttaU aad ?a ih,-> ehe eck. It" ?m a etreae AbedBWB i *. aad whoa kB oat broke eel uoi oniy -? at i ? ? a*ta ibe army.hal te Menbed liberally ror i.. ntOtofothers. Br.AbooIcbtcba wife.twodaawh i !- aad loavr ?on?. An aa i!.- iaim B Prelei or < leti i a be. forwei > uneetar >'f tha CmetBBatI Od rvaf'.ry. wk re t.e patabftabed, aad tor tart fl r* eatitaO tot, the ?yaOeaa mt wi-ati.-r pvedWttooa whteh B Bowmaoa at tbe WeatB r Bareaa ol the BlgueJ OB ??? ui VaakdaapMo. EM1LB CAEDi ZK. EaaOe Oarilnz", n aooBobtit of tbo Prod nee Rxebaage, a d a atorcJaaaaliaa keakec at No. 140 Poartar. whtta mi hta way to t ?.??? attp froat Pelka?1 v r? . in l nn' lealy of heoMtrheee attB <? ind I antral Dap tyeaterdar. He bed beea rtOorlaefi aoaathata f r a. vi ra' Brnfft B>. Ca Ba oaa .n la Porto 1fttt. aad ei.?< N w-York wbea -i yon g bibb. It, v - it reeked to the Tie! Oeef ment dwetna Ihe Kein : u,andre timed hla ra ttoa - eopta a aboni thieerear aa*. He waa ataolr tOBpeetol am aa IB Verb u.< rvLaiit-, and Ii rea a ??.: ooaad three chli imi, J IME1 F. FtXTOH, JH. BvitabOi v. ST., rlept. v"i.?Joo. V. Palkoo, , , r ef tha ItterBattOBOi Bohal al I utara i 11. i f. .* i,i or thai rtB ge^aad ate ether "f 'lie ? ocracic ir:.- Com ui i ? . dud at kB retadenee 71 IK VtME ShCORD. BEBCUEU I.i A i li:i M LV. BJJAB "i i;> BAVI B TB i UfOB 1 BOB A BOKX i ia ot i um ?;. A huMtrev i-mIL Woitraotrk'g llij:p?r "?em yooOfl Veal fat I BIB al. >? -i read Btoti Bag . ifatr Oe'etook, nwk. Ut kB pipe aad. I koro aha I ia i.- Boar. Cue peoprBioT waa heey cottattag I ?' Iber. I ey apread to tl ? it alia and tni aa? eaeapa ??? appeg tii r-. nn the IhtrO Boor Mra. Beo ? ? - n. \, a Widi o, v 11> r. reottj a hb ? te i bB eBy .. Igw-Qrteaaa, waa al wttk her e IBdaee, a ?ti..! atadrot. Ue and l.i* aaachar faoad aaooao hp mpaaik iad eara bbbb bp th.- oBrBed ..? d ' ohm r.tuniug .ran. window to window. n. I ? >'? ? bi. ef if. k aa ?' '? i O Btpei f Be. 1. uitaril Hi'a ladder mi.I found Mra. Ilolbj J.iltix lu naib.eJnai li t (-a \t. *' w. i: earrBd Ber mit aad uu brou 'tare.] to ttriet Bo .. at ifiei i i'. eronaaearch, eaiueapoa the Tue by too Bra waa i ma.i. OTKO ; OTT i tri, oiXO? DCRBOV Osa Moixss, Iowa, S , U -?">.?A diopoieb to ? ii !? ? </? .min i :i Ii, in Carroll Ooaaty, re* b that a i aBaaratioa aeeairad tOBBB IbB morning, art! t in a Baa el fro tt80^000 ta t?.t??i. raa ..ii pBrtteo ef the baaaOeai aaoBba al BaoOawa Boo* .?>?? il. i Maes a aod Odd j/aUeoe* Ball, aao Piaa a ? .aad orer fortv bualne . hoaaea wei : '. rue mauraoca rtiiritBW to ?30,000? Be bail d /' IE J: ULMOAU ISQl LEY. IBOOBTA* ' TSwTIM n . Al 001 PALO, Bcfpalo, BepAa 25k ? The BooV4>ofoyBitteo at the Bat road TureetlaBtioa CematltBo bbB no- worth iai in tin IfalledHiataat eon n ><m:. Meaara. ir i.imrn, Baker, Leo, Vfadao Mb nun TMvy betag prat at. Bear] B. Boardu m MaltOad la : agard B UM i frmin to .?i ... v r ion from t n.- Erie aad Had am Central Hnci t n nn RoeB bi nUBra. lie wai a MBMkaret a eom> a ? Ma ? an ii eaUed on Mr. Chti k and Mr. Ratter, of the Badiefl-CeetTwIa Bat OpaU. tgaoBBg imm a lafoti wli,i d i ini in nie. he ?hIiI <'iaik und Kml> r liifortBOd ihe i .ii to <? ".'?! art Mag eoobj ba bobo by ikon aaUi after the atom beta of the Am cMtlea bad pabltely ?11 *i diattu tin-it ttgaMarM BBMBBcftatO BtietUat*dated Marek 15, 1 ?>;:?, in wfcBb IkoB IIBibbmm wore set forth, aad had pebUely wBhdrawB all anpoerl Bon v.a rata fraiahl bill thea beten the AaarfltOly ef iin- OtaM. in eaaeBMahon aeoiwoaBaa wate Made. dey prmaBed t? clre ibetr rdalmi eooatderafion ; wkes . n :i they woaud aoeaMer thorn faTatohty they do i. i, i ti BoBMBil IbooMelrea. Meaara TUm and Blaeehard,of ikeBew-Terk, Lake BrB ami tfeeMra |b lyCoa paar, Use n haaod t" tabs aar aMMa bbMI nl ifern i wiiii en m'ti Vmk Central and !' ,i lai n i: v. r Kallread <' impaay. v. ?? saOVr aa mllli r-. .Mi. i: . .... .. sauL ij fretohta ?>? ag aarrtadforleaa ratet on ll.'nii.-ii ;r.ilH.' in n nn Tlmmas Tb atoa.ol BuOsio. teaitOed thai there had h m nodlseriBi nation aoataal tue jii.ttam atilBn for the last si \ uonl I *. j .Mi Ai. x. n ie .of BoebeeMr, ?ald we pet a upeeial rim ir in PL IsdelpMa aud Boltimaro, hoi not froM Oew-Yerk. u? pay oa abMaoan. bbbB pet i *i. Bun Bew-Yort tn BoekeaMr. ami 90 aod 88 eeali from Baltkoera and miaoelMiB la Roehi ?ter. Be nn .1 00m bu per ew i. j nan an Ban s 'i ; In 1670 B waa 47 oeata. We oooJd eJtlo our Kixalia Bocbi .;i r t.? New-York, aod thea fr<? m new. York lo the Weal cheaper tl,an we could by sbtppttnc .i row Baehester to the WeM. I kaeo that BBta kai i n dana i Mppaae Ibatofcea UM ftno^s were re shlpped IroM Bee-York tiny BOBM our tbo Lu ? oi the Bew-Yorl ('. ntral Road, panont; i .r- Bgh it cheat er. I kaeo that thO] we.-. re nhippe I ii. m Bear-York hy me cine Idea, we key at Pniladelelda and BaltiBMire bi-eau-e tue IreOdiM are rbeapei: woold have beoahl iu Bew-Yorl if eeooatd bara gM a- gmid mtaa| ssked for laaM of the Meal fre,^bi HL-ent ; did BOt get ili-iii. < .tner .t.'iioh... \?. re exam mi d r. gardlag the Beflblo , BOM I fl ur trade. '| .?? bommBMB ui(Jonruod uutil l "Ul ll . ,. _ OA WUATiOE ol TEAlSED NDR8B8. T!.c tliinl obbboI romoiiiOfOBifioi nf tbo OOheol for Kerses took at ( Imritv II.-pita) i .i t. FkobbbbmIBaadortbebobommel tin- Depart. newt ef OaarBBo aad OatraetMa and was BbbbOOO ky e\-.Ma vor \V :el,|.aia. a Im \. a ? t?ri'<eni \n*t j,ieht. Anrnru? the ..tin i? ir. all. i. i .n.-e w.-re i immit.i.:oneis i nx, Hi?? aad Brroaao. oa4VMarBBBoer BMjey, Dr. kBlarheaek, ( h:r I nl '-inir. Mis. t'lute. Siiiii riiitendlin; Nurse, Dee li.'- mii-w nl;.I M..i doliald,'.ml a large part v of ladl'S ??a. 'in. i IIowum were UM BMBBbere m the gradeeiBdl anas: Mra. M rear i PI Ida Mtu Roes Pooler. MBs Abbb K. .. r, Ml - I. HO II ? in, Mum Ann e M. II.n r, MBl oak 0 Beal, Mna Ceils A. Pas Iaa, MBa Manko C. I. - Mra J.--- ? HotirsoB, >I r *. K.i.- Beau la a. Bum Huldib Vau Duaur, Mi-- CelB BkBe,MBl MaryIX Woodman i I he exercises eooaBted of bmoB and tbe roadhaa el .-. in- mB i- nf tha gratfaa?ae eiaa-, the dls tri bu? tt ob ol it sea,preaeniatioa nf BIpBBBMLbm A tu.-in berol MUMealartists kindly velum.. reu iheir ?civues fortbecreul ^._ BdLt OF ELOHIUA RAILBUJD& JacboxOiYixlb, Fla., Sept. lti.?Tho FlotMo OraBMl ami the yoahoaBTBB, PooaaaaBi and BohIB lUilroad?, ibe two extondii c from this city tn tbo Chat aaBawehB Btrer,oeia sold BadBy. They were bni afl by C 1>. WBBttA, eao>, atbaaoey fnr AaBaOO Kneii r, UM? t.e. Tbe Jacksonville, I'.-nsnenls and Mnhlle Hosd wan auM fnr $5i>.00?i, IBBjaOt lo a prmr lien ft pkowl k<s00,000 rue Florida Central Bead sold tor 0903,000, l^nb madi were poKkaaaA for tne hoadhMdera, ami II is .a i. rate* d iliat a u. a toupany all: nc aaBBBUOad to BBM e luv loiMlo. J sr.llt nEASUEEM AMMAIONBD. Atlahta, Ga., Sept. 2."?.?Stato Treasnri i Rtufiol aaa urralK'io.l u.-lnm tin OeuaUi tn-oay. He p aa li d mil amity, ami the rate wat IHistpoued until lo-Uiorrow. Two ilrniiki'i! nn ii ft out Ni wlmryport wan OOeaO toteBaatn Baaool in the bBBA ami BMaahMo. After aleetuux aonie MnO. one of tlieiu awoke snd railed out l>> bis eoiupaolon : " AhCBM, i-bul that door, for our i ./.an Is BB?BBOlrehj laxafe."? |.Nea huryport liorald. TRAVELLING IN HOLLAND. ntiiwii, Asn ( i Of TRI TOWN* iMIAtl -i x-,i>x at Kori l roam?pfni Viil.l vi UrillUIUUm IBB ATTBACTKM OB l kit"'-. tM asm At PAW?K CUT! ? KAMI *??M-l? N bbi IT. |n>>m vn CM '<' MKBI ?i. '?? "'in BPOBM Rl OP t DI ribi7hi I 11 ukam. Aug. ?_??!.?I fnrjn-J w !.u ii *TM thai dV eribi .1 lid.ami i s ? ? ooMBfey wbkn drawn Iffy feet ?f water "; btrt of the 'nltsfnttfhl nr- nrnev < f IDS doM-ription n tonnst tins Su inner i< nut >ii:foi t abtyeootiiMod. WithtlpA fsexMli of ram thtoa li (be entire BOBeen, BiHtrl hp Iba long f innhar knock im; of Um N'.?i t!i Sea at lier ll...-1-i: >!? I ami flykea, Hnllani haa abooi mmach water Lb, around and OTCF bet" M she an ctiiiiforl tl>lv iliepo-e of. 'Ill it | aneasy sense wbicb la never entirely abeenl Irani ? finoipriuii when hi Men a Patebama OigaluB ? i'e ;.!-t!'.,t in i.i ami Dntshmaa limy aoaV lie ly "fail throiiifh''?is iinpie.i-ivlly env m-.-'eil jit?| bow, llien. too, Hollaad aeon erv needs MIIIIBBlllll to 1:1.lie It tolerable f?T any considerable time. LTnoVwaIssxUen aky, ard throagh fog*, aad Baeatsaf drlvmsj ?in, its ilreary polders and wiliewennd wndu'ills. the masts ria in?r l.i re and there in the npen holds, as if the earth had cloned over a loot, the lue, rounded dnnea, ami the alow, elnmaybargeseieeptag nlontr the intcr nnuahle canals, N? ononi/li to drive nnv one bnt n Dutchman todeepatr. His now two rreeka since, from the belfry of Antwerp CafJbsdral, while f !;?? swecl bolls chimed " 8ravantr do Bonm" IhpIow, I looked over Into the Holland M flats w across the Scheldt. Tendayeof the fonrteeo it baa rained, ami ant all ol the remaia Im h tea asn cloudk ? by auyaaeana: and baaBsaoelama BYerywhere, from HmawiMtaal to rlmatmilam. -hake ilnir beads, iumI any, " So it ha* I.n all Mimmor.*' Sever*hides- the quiet n fioenx at, and -it ip!e, kindly eonrteav of the Hutch fnrni ill a rdoaaant aaaaratl to the i>ual ??'>? si iii-iim->. offenaiva mala mannen and boisterons eonvivislity of theGerman tourists. It has become so common to m ika the arord " Doteh * a sym nyui for f very thing stolid or ataaad thai avon aome ot h erwite well-informed poopleare bHnd t? the real ridtiirr and vigor of the Netberl inder. If he aw ma phloamatio as be aatokaa bra meeraehniim on the quays of the Spaarnn, or atte beneath lhe*trcos of the Hierene-riicht, hti rnedftal one nevertheless t :'???' practii nl shape in rdripa aad la eolonlrd enterprise, ami come back to hta blgh-aabli ?1 houses in bales of cotton, spii ea, n. id .1 ipa n ac R ida, bronzes and por? celain. The sea haa been Iii. hard rehoolmasti r in cu^inecriiiB. Next to keeping In* native land from i lm voracity of the Spaniard, Iiis gicut proli lo:ii'i j ii-. cn to keep it aborvewater. Ilm Au-iil, theliotte, tin Sc ic, the Sana, mmd have dams, and be tins built lire dam*, and made Amsterdam, i.ot teniaui, Hchiodam and /. ? wid un. li?- csmfronta the ocean with rrni!.!*- .11 Holder, and make* the Khine was!i the ?and fro i its owa Utile nimita at Ktt wiik. It his ehtin boa w iih i Iroir a a idi r nily curved pnlpita and Real atnnding Imaftla aaggtiet iiilenni nalde b'iiii'im on tlei ry Sommer Sunday after ipMins, ilni. nrg : I e an awaking under "ti.e Hatonii their high-;'irit i-r; uns nn.kc" Magniflcit Iinstnimciits tlmy aio. Haarlem lm> not the only I H one by any meana. Let it bo reinem he n-d r'mt ? I ? 1? I land, so far from 1\ i | pa dvc Hiiinl the " ' f r : t of mllgfeoa thmiirlit, has a r.iiic.:: !i-tlc movement in the heart of Its ? l'io'i rian i , quite bj graeaiye, not to any quite as forinidahle. as many Of thOBa >^' -'ii liavo pre Hccdc I it in QeTtnany, [n I.;- .1 m ;?qnletnde, mi raoet r, our Dntehmaii bj Roi \.', ..;, ? i, ib, He haa a ? a I i fi-r ihn sailor v.:.. p '"i ? 1 s -1 Ion I ?.'. .?...?<;! for t!ie sliips tliems lv- ? n "? r way from the CYlc'-e*. His "Zei mal o| " di iplaj I 111 I | ? on the "d m," Hand i: ? tug on Urn big mi, to Bean re " J h '. " Heonu-inie baa an eye in the arlfa and habca nt lmuie. Hi* ?'-?< ii t i foi the ;? ib ?? are rar " (1 will no, wn I Ilm Iiill'i" in I'm Vera .eel.;:) nut.'i!.. ? < 17,000 mein here n*ol apaeada its arm* ?<v. r all Iloll u.J, . Lubliahiug . ma1-, umuiai wliools, public lectnrea, reading rooms, aavimcs hanks for vviJowa ami oipiia:.-, ami libraries. Anion;, the old 14oor] ratfnyi pletnrea" for which Holland i? io famous, one Bnda noi ouly " bauquets of Ai siielmslcrs" a id "dlrecfOTa <f r-plnn'ng fac? tories" nml the "gnfld of 8taal:u'cc.itcr," '-it also " governors of n?i pitals" and "lady matia^crs of it; h.f.iairest'' and the a a fa ? a oold know aomothing of ii oi ii :. ? ilci ?> I) itefa charitii i n? ill dm] nun h to i:it? 11 si llii'Ui in 1 >r. LialdVa "(Miuritiesiii Europe." Even lh? idiot baa enlisted the ? B wi and luie rci-uid Ute patbwina of Dutch p?ilaad atnoial a Four yeara bbo, when I eame io Rotterdam from Autwcrp, vo ware furmd over iuo Mans in a stcamboatj and lolted In 'i crowd.d omnibus to the Hegne Btation, on the outskirts of the a . Koa the river is spanned hj two mat*niliccnl hridgng, and the tra o d< posits \ on at tin Hours station vrlthrn a few minuti-s of your hotel on t lie 15 >onii-ji *, v.I.ere t " innres of ti p shii s, which you rend from poor window, nml the Japaiu se fignrea on y< ur a a:!-;'::je r, bring to j on a fwnt tia vor of the Orient, even in this husb-si and most iiuattractive of Daft fa ? ? i i?The " Ker me," or animal fn.r, waa at high tide, a rpaea equal to several sqnares is devoted bo the pniptiao, Luit the revelry and tra la, panicnlatly the latter, overllows info a side strut here and there, where canvas hiintlin trim trtth appealatfl Urn papular appetite, I above nil with pBafrrtjaa, l aortal Bpolasscs cake or I ginccrbrcad. acres of whlefa (I bad aln ost urc displayed in rowt and pi lea | daoe rated with frosted angarinall imagiuabla colors uml devices, and, with half-revealed plums uml enrranla, tiv ina appetiaing hint* "low rah the sonl of sun!-. - dw II- wi'liin." O: e cmild n-i lu-.p i hinkitig of Mr. Cnrtla'a deacription of Mrs. I'ou nliai's ball?" the atmibeeata of gilt ginin rbteail." I Passing throngh tins, nde canals el temptation, to I Ike main centre irf tbefBd and kraffle, the scene, es? pecially hy uigbt, almoat defies asneription. Ar ranged in Btri^etaaregtnaarbread-I.ths, ahooting (aileriea. clrenaaa, narleqaLn gbows, wnx flenrea poppetahowa,eaehtheoentre ol its owa crowd, rite air la aatnrated with the biar.. ot barmoniona and iiutto barnl--orgaas for wbieh the Dutcliim-u ?ee:n to have n*s|? ial foinlnc-s. In Hi" stroots of a Dutch city, let mo hay parenthetically, they are a worse Duiaanoe than la New-Tork t anu thai bj laytng a good ii.-ai. in ibe abooting booths the paper norsi s rw k, and the jnmping-lacki kick and Dim, and the white day pi pea ati eking BP in myriads tverv v. in re, ahivei ooatmnaliy at the ernek ot the Uttle lilies. Bound aad roond fly tke whirligigs to the aonorona blare oi the organs, the anfnrtnaata knrna at the axis patwutly Iramning in* weaiy track, while the huge ?efefloMiDg, badiacned with velvet gad ppaaglep, aad ablaae with llgbts, bears round Uelaagh?ufthrougotaaea ai d wmnsm, beyaand girls, aome mounted on wooden lions, otben seated ingronpain little enrtalned comnartmcnia, ?mn platform la front ol a bags lent, oeeaakmalty lij-'ii-ed !,p with a glare of red at age an. Haiieqnin aadCoJambine tambmand map, and thwack . ach other as an earneat of higher leaping nml bardm thwacka and more wononrfol umnlwica within. .Nnu and then an open dooi >ni nalf-raisodenrtaln I pi a gltmpea of an amphitheatre crowded with expictai't facee, ?Ii ktla front oi the various shown, rival crirta bawl tnomaelvea boaiae, proclaiming the wonders within. All alone th< lines, atinter vala. blrae the fin i of the wafBe-bakcriea beneath the Innre auMtrlroa ifirnllc*, each lanked with l (ormidabk mam of batter, uml with hh herahlin fronl dbmeuaiug Invitations io .the paaaera-bv, while he deftly tarns the little eakea with a fork. What Vinn the blare oi tat organs and brasa-lmuils, the whirl and fmafa ol tin- uicJTy-go-roiiuils, the aharp cracking from the sin'diu? galleries, the doll hie* of ibe waffte-bakeriee, the occaalonal 11iu i n ^1 .i. fjoni tin: circus tenta,the Uimbliug clowns ami declaiiiiiui' -.howiuen, the vaei . Hiwil pa binar, danc ng,. buttering, eating ami itiiukiug? it l- a ('.lamps Kly.n e* by 1 ? nn-ri. Tbal beantiful portion of tnoiUafneao plaaaaal lathe memory of mil tonrista in Holland, 1 mean the street borderiag the boarh in trout ol the Hotel lb llei se, baa I?-. n < Itoctnalty ruined by tbe con railroad to Bcbweningen. It s road had tieeii bnitl i'i an Amern-au town with BUrh uttei reokli anem "t baaaaa lue aad Limb, it wanld havi Bars iked a taxi aa wbiob Engl I ab and Ceatt aaulai lenrnahata wanld have haminaiail away, iilcialiy " for dear life," iu illuetratiou of Amern an barbarism. Iking in a European city, ol pooraeit i- dl right. Ibe road runs for at leant half a atua tkrouab a fn qasntted str.-ei, without fence, or gate, or ahpm] amn, am ipi aaa at the eraaabaa In ITuat of the hotel. Horaaa and toot paaaaagjara are eontin aaHj paaakta* ami ebiUraa playing. Onlj ilm ol in r nioi Liliu a iior?o attacheil In a eai i iui-c i o:> luiniiiK' a portly lady hecunio frighiimnt nBLM ei ... ns' Urn track, hulked, Hinl at I he same mo metk| a train upprourlied from cither mda, uml h u I, earriagn and portly Lady narrowly BBnaptd a sc.m ral hui.iah. 1 he lh llevue. an old favorite with Aaxerieanand KiikIisIi travellers, is rendered iiii Mamfertabhi by the bell-riugiug of the oun ataatly aaaatng araias, and imlei*d has sadiv liegwieiai.- l into uiiiidim a* and inaiiffluiont sei i m b. iiy Una uew routo tuue is ludeed aaved iu going i<. fobwenfa pen: bed i ball henr, it seema to ni . h deerl* nv< ?! at Mm i M ' bm of Mm ride b) tl Olli iraiii a.m, 'lirnsli lio- II >wvr irv h n . nn! >?:??! i 11m artel ucbing tree*, and nhano tha ?'??! ? I 111 donee, thediiv r ii- ling?'t- !? - wb>ibH Ihe fnr dow and t an rauBBBB af Iii?' trin k by B7BJ v .rii?i v. bl Mm pie i me Bwlwty n* tha Haeee, n - ! ABBBffMaBM are at beano | > ?* ? e ?>:??' "f mi romp.iinoi beard an "ol oration *? tbe ";li r day which ia Worth tHItng. A party raaie late tha rowmwhieh tjcmtnina Berabr.It'a behool ?1 A* luuij ". Mid one of the roans lediee, on ? ih / lug 1 .1 Mark figure at .itched npou Tulu adiaaectiiigj I W . exclaimed, " Ob! I'hero'a a Snoaiionh P Aftei t I re rai i from any "reo i liona" Bp n \. thi i i.i. .i art. I., t ni Iran f ?? " >? ??????I of Anat? om ^ " unl I'ai.I P..r.i r?a " Im I." am: Ilm um oth platitudes ol Mmria, ami thai ereriaeMna white bom* ?f Wont rmanV. and Vfeentx'a dead gee ??. and rlondekoetot'fl rniebeue, and Sinn's oyster nippers, aod nut away tooutopy old Halft, liltren nuuutM bj raiL Then ??? will it oil il wu the quiet it root, or rather "graeht, for b bbbmI pom Ibroagh it, ami will f'rret out 'he KecrBtaa ot tin* Oada Krrit, und rooM linn frnin ii..- ifteruoofl nap [aad oulr ? lioi what an afternoon nap mnal i? in Doli I . are nill nxptore ibe elnmoy, ag y old ehareli wfii Ita wooden oMling aud ita door pared with temb ?tones, where itool Adwirai V'.in rromp aieopa un? disturbed by aonnd of ware m cannon, ander the bi latifnllj Knlptnn d narblewtiMh pietnrea hii I-.-: aro fight, mowfllc noathe BtrootiB Boat "I ihi rliareb te the Prinoa not, that long, low brich buikiUig a itb a atona <? ujutoboou oi er i? i.r. a ol poaaing through the court, al ind it the foot of. tbe sterrwa) whora th* nara?ein robbed Holland "t Wiiiiam tbehdent. Wa will waikai t<? tho Ml i ra Ki rk i. bet ? tho boro note ander bn o* autl uiarble. Why did they mount IhoM four wretebed erring babies B] ii the rammiI od tii" towib?to hold ion an nwide down, to point oad rMarrlpcMna, ami tod rai Uieeweclal i- mind fron hntoria r.'ito ^ji rt to thought! ot intent bum r> f We will come J out again into ihe Bt|uan while tin- cbimmi i I ?areei Iv oror mir heeds, nod will look BP and bi b I be ad get of tbe old 1? JB lining i he sieh s <>t i bi Itrv. Ami thonwowillgo booh f.? the Haaroa i>.i tbe sleepywne-herMtoroway,BBmhtOmj m in? patient home Joga along to the mnaio of oia lull, and tho io \, greefl Ictel and era tphbg boat i grow dnafej in loo wming sveaiag. CRICKSI AT PHILADELPHIA. The tir^t day's play ?>! the n ii ki t BBtteh bo* rweea in- li Ob QerM it aaa Klarea ami tbe air >hk Phila? delphia CiuU, wBMB Began ai PalladrlphlB TMbnttliTi aaawttnreeen by many AdOOO peMoaa. Pratt and p. Uoae oeot neu to Um bat agalaal UM bewUng ef < . m and D.inf. i BTewOafh Platter waa gtriefcly bowled out by Ckarma Vfowball after mm lag only aaa nm, nbOe x. Bom r. t.- >l aft.-r awktng afao Fha now flag ol tke Bee ball arathan omoimi 'imc. v mbm r, ?OdtbeIrlsBi nolMutdB rery dlflBaH t" bat IkeB fwirt ba B. Tb* Irlab M un retired afM r MakJaa a t rial .ir :,?< roM, .-f? :: ii Call bunt Bitted noil Bo 1-. (' v I", and BBDet t?. Af"-r a ?mir rtlOOM par hbb rtiiiMiifl nt 3 oMoi k wit a Bargrare and Brewa|i*rgolag lo tor i'?t for Ike PhlladelpbB tram aaaiaat tho boo Bgot HaMlltoe aad Kzba E inog omal ona began,iBewal i Maklaa ? >?.it Um III ?' but <l. 11vt. dand Hafttrare ImiurdlaUl) tolieoiaghia rxamplr, Orewi er waa eiererlj .? ra aai by it. Ilamiitoa and om wBBel bad for ttraiia i . Ual loa f ll o I'd bv el plain but vmo ty ?:..-. -. Uoberi Newhall making Uo before be ratbowiedcoi by llamlltou. Daniel Mewaali lad aeon d 17 onea ba wi a brililaatiy eaaami ool .??? tYMBrr. C irka ?a.? Bowled . t . i;. laakiim IS inn-, ami l.n i;.- w..a em. .. out Ii.- Nuau ona ball bot ...l by i.x,...... loi 18 n in. -ia tetin I a - r Mekme i toad Men of 118 . rinagtBeMB Bad or 87mMm tb'- ur.?t daj'? p'jy. I... MwUuganalyaB towlMfoueoei IRI'll Tr4M. . Alt INJUNCTION IT VM MPIIIB. AB OBOXB OP IBB COCB1 aDBITftBO 007TO0 TO :ti IPBBH-TBBfBOBBBBMBBS CSUBaCTBBXBTIi BCdrgfuuui mi i-< w.i.tii mo obdkb will bo BTBJMKBa Ubbpbib, Bt pt. 24.?Ten ni w msm of yi now f. iM ? - < \ . ii wll !>? anil lai " '"I i?' .?'! ? i:i I t dr.11 '?* v.. rr n i'nrf. ?I m ll.- 1? -ar! . ' ii tith t. - t-u . Tbe eootrloatloM to tka IXirtrarda la aoj aggragatad BB70, Special Judgi J. s. Oalloway lo-day al t a^iloefc, nf. r arguMeat by bbobmI, araoMd aa M|anottoa of B. w. I, i-.Jr., ioMiMai t: IB B ??'<? ? aad M Bb a'-n Brom pnvMUng the brbuytng ol tint, or aa I cotton, htte BOMpblBj known m " Order Va i." aaperOttondent fokoaoB reooB i UM hdiewteg ?i!? M oh 1 bit afaa mmb : The State Board la ad rut d by eounael Bare, Jadat Arobibaid Wnabl and Colonel b I) ban ir, i ji tbe p i - ?. i. .i i uli'i'tioo of J. 8. tmliows] ? ? tm clal J u ot too Circuit Court there waa utterly n ii Y a otll therefore .1 ..i .in io rafwrre rule N . tl, pn el?i ly aa i' m> i.|nn iBo had heea created hy Br. OaUeway. Bhooldprv o edlaapbeiaat intedtoponiah yon tor oonMiopt of the Injunction, notify ue by t i fra h j. i?. PxxraxBTT, PlMldenl Stair l;.,a.U o| ft Milk. Br. JobnaM bM tnatrneted all ibe pMkaB te permit m one not hating bail UM fBTBg I ? MMt tin' i i.V. PartMahtOxghM B Bom imm whi MMapped nttM pii hat paeM ami waned el the ttaaaer they im nr by oomiog lato Mempbia rn;., it U thought, wOl practi? ca ly i tade iim elf el of ti a Intunefion la ued Unlay. [Bl l enuoun-' r 1m-* r.-nif.-it hri wrmi li jj nml 71 ??. * 7/' i Tl B OOODAl !? sr. ,\ 111. Y MV SDK RED. an out orNTLKMi b ray uoHTT'VOtra BBtrratxT i in kTBB IX His own BABB BT IBABPB, Qbbai BabrtogtoBi Maos., Bept. 25^Cbester i... ?.. il ?, p'obab.y ti.o v. -alt. : i itinn of South Pgrtrmaal. Bbm . a haB and hearty cad gratBotM tl Birk I nr. BOB BttBBkOd BOd fatally BMtOB tkB mm ala ii.? I. ft ii.-- hmise about 7 a*c4oah M feed lua bone. K..urln? the barn, hi w.ia nla ru.tnin, by tae ?Mtkdaor, Mpoaord tbromta it tad down a UgM*! isto :ro BBM IM kaaBBMBl Ml MB, IWelTI Bot - j i ir.-. A he paaaad Ihtaagk from MB roam t.> Um oim beyond, when in? bona wn* Mainod, he w.n attaeka t. i b ea.. m used in avy klekory kandB,doataned tec a sBdaa With it Mr. Qeedala nn.-: hare bom ?trtiek re|HMle lly, a* his h? ad Is very uitleli b.iltiTod lim u 11 linn.i knken, aad kBrigkl hand and arm to thi eliow beeBM In niaiii bBbbUL BBOd lowed frieiy fi-oin tkOWraedOi and UB w.i;l< and oetlinr ,tro suat Mred. Mr. Ooodalo*! poekoM bad been rtfied andoB wbIBi takeob HB beeaa w..s iBMred i?v banian ea Tuaadaj i.Ubt, a.orned away annnedl trulM, dried bi*ef mi l Miter. To-day IM 6BM WelW dMBOTend M tin' My MOW, whli'h tool SBOOM M BdbnatO that ihe berglan eommttted the Marder. Mr. Q l?dnla wm anil In UM at 6 oYlnck. Dr. ? amp, who BtMOdB sava B in.iv DToautd B iturd.i.v, hut ronael reeerer. Hi Bm kaM BBeeeaaleM Him .- im aasaoB, Mr. OaedatoM well kaowa fminbia eonaMtteo witti IheBM ? Qperrlee. Ife B the father of B B flneiiale. dealer in real e-tate lu New-York, and Ihe lt .inliai Jn-r of RlelM and Dora tin.. i lie It Is thmirfhl ilia; a Baap < raalMed tne on der tor tue par mm ot rob b'TV. A reaalll of $ Uttn been nll ll-u fnl' Ihe UlTral Of llie li.UidelTr. A MUBDMB <<f TMBBIBLM FMMOCJTT. Jaxk> VW., Bepl l'I.?Obo af tho muni ni ital evei e..tux 11 ed in Ihii Suit.? am1 red m tha faun of ABxaadi r VhiM, B ti c towu af PaMOr Baek, yeMenlay. Br. WhiM baft kB Beat early i-i the muniine- | .make |.iimIi.i-. ?-, and v, liilr i;nne his 8MB five yean Md was ahaed Bern ihe hooaa BBBtker ottk Oeerga OOMBaTaeMak a OeraaM tanw i lad BOarek was initiates!, and ino bodv ot the I>ii a a* disiorered Inntf limit r a MtheaBaep hero, kB lb reel eul froM ear to ear, and iii. id aearly Mrend. Ue wmeoitnly dlaem li iw'eil. j; .in:.i were tied leliilnl him nml IiIn feel BMunlj MaudL Pre a tbe bMOMO IM body li t..(? avtaeai thai the Mardern had iir*i haaghlm(aod tiini lagdeatB bj that bmom Bo ^'.A had mi twdnsa and ll;.ished lilm Will a knife M laBMOBtOB Bad led .m a hem Mkea rrora iM lam and Bad heea seon reral mi M >?ay i? dung fnr his Mm at Port AilUaaoB. .1 PmaTTMBT against immigration. Kabsai Citt, m... Sept. 25.?A eoBventioo aCdaBoBbi ? Bim Um Vyaadatle ami Kan-..-? u u .m OBMMltma i'asseii the foiinwinc leaoMOtan : IfkenBOi Be far- reaMB t > izpeel i ram oal <>f the emlgrutMa >f eokm I a ..pie Bm flsMMrn to Battm i n Btata m ton m laatrMitMii n meet an nnored, ai ?! Whereat. Tin: naOBrOM at the dBBMBBl of fM tetMl lepnoMMd iu this BoaTMtMaeranannj ex Maat 1.1. and we i.t| our li iMtllf to furihrr Meet -i s deaaaad apoa mom t?><? for uddiiintui bumBmi al destitute lambxruB | Utenton, ? Baseleae,TOM witn i dot r. m prarenl want mi? -nf f. r ns BBMae the aalong in gnan. oe B nhy expnaa oui OMBOM HHtl MOpM on ana MeoM be la Ban I.. diieei tin- Mile i.f lnimlKriill..ii Inln oilier ami <? I. r,. wh.-re ueeiimiilati-U w.-alili au.I pniunuiinu agord fn.-n '? BM fur their silt'e.>afuI -etilen,nr. ?lSoo here.'' raid he to the man nt the mm UM, ?' mb I ??? give bmom M MaOM <>nu 80 een.s fnr dinner I" " Ye., -it |" tepln-d im- man, " but ion titidnttbtedlr orib r.d amMhma mil-ltie tne reKiilai Mil ol tare, und tho waller has i haived t mi lo t in Is i vim." ' N .. I 1 .In'l bare a dem. I ihm* Wr?i iliniin li ,i feliei with a white apmn sol i bull (ai.) iBmbierfUll ol wimmI. u ?llvern .In* ., hf Bty plate, Inn | Bant M Bht I one of 'em, and I don't propose 'n yay for a bat 1 hain't had "-ll'elroii ITree I'roae, 1 UK c ?r::rs. IIS. TILDKA? INOOMfi TAX. nmcr <?r rtti ohim-am'^ ? ??i \>n. a?mmi POB a tt: r t oh Mirnevi abb I:i tin- rail bratagrtrl bj tin- Got*raam*8rt IMJtBIMt flUlll J I 11 a 1 a 11 lor unpaid in.-??n>?- '<??. a..?. v.u..i' ipe i >. ibrday ?.'<i Mi bttef as iIm amthm in;..!.- bjf tlx .'. fcinl in' f..i .1 MB i>f pal thMatra :? I;'h? 't |MM Tiuir-il iv ton JuAmO Cheats, XBa brief, after r. h tt t to the aeeeeetty for a bill <H pertiealara, bbsa tbeatotmsMeastbyaa ??davitef UtaDlsteMl v Bey, ?i ttiag forth :!i it u i* not in Me paaret. Bai, to has BeetefhM lniT~rltigt ai.u b.ii.f. not ta Ibapawei of tin- pi. :i i ti- to aim.- nil :ii. Beate or parth Blara v. km h.ivi- to if > hVteredM Bstcrmlalng what PAWSkraaad. a. t'-I II i Mi- laeOBM WPM1 -r i to- fetal yi -.1 . In i|il> tion. Tin- brief eoattaaee i A- lor i lie addition il i.fll l.ivit! Ii i r.l liv 'he Iwn trtct-Atrorney, we wUI oalj taj thai K r ? i if ? more 11 i ...i i I. Hi \. . .-a a to .Il ri \ er II? !>? U iii. on the pea'I lac misdea. Tba romplalBf ? eeeb or I?. ontiai* amply alleges thai Um defeudaoi durinc the -p. i ir|..I ti ar- n-e iMi! a ?< >t.'i-i'itit i.- .i . ? rxnetaet arrtala mom iv ? numerated dedBotbm*. It n la i ..- pn ;. >r function of llbie Coert to enter noon a reo ral h qen I km a-1 ? the aiaonnl of the defendant*! m i me, um me I n showld b ? il ?ated : bat if it* faneil >n in to iii t -' apes tie- l**an* raised by I a- pMadiaae. then our moiIon eboald be granted. Tbe complain! rhnrsra ihul we rem>ved a uertera pmea mum bw? htllv lernkfl in rsei.** of the Mim epoa WbbM oi pal.I i.ix. 1 >.i - IBs Baewi r den +? V on tbbl mutton we say b? aatdavii laatwedonoi !<m".t apea wbal tbe eomptstnl b baaed. Dane tbe Batted aaetaa e. :.r.'i- US ?ith the rei-elnt or mOBaJTB. the receipt .f wbtrh deny! Does tin- united State? hohi that, of a mm admitted la he r? ? Ived bj us, a Iaxser portion was taxable ssloroms lima we are wilting to admit 1 Does ibe Ualted State* slalsi i " trrni sa taxable laeeoie roretata wblrB we elaim to be exempt liom tbe taxi Dose tbe United stales ileny oar i l?bi to mal.rtsm dedacttoss whsrh tri- im a i in lue lawful rlarhi to uiaka- i Nuio- of i In ?? u o ? tissi i-11 h.- laswered ftoa lbs piss bnga, sad tbey et r laiuiy should in- atada puna before wa ratsr ea UM ii i f. tap o i abterlntl that tbe moHna ehoabl have beea ma i eaonsr Beeasecanlafeoadtn wbiebeM nf|mt> lien la re bits beea dsnbd Is aoaaeqiiowea of di fendenl'i ih r. in applidas Iberafar.aaleae tiie etreamstanea* lav i ? i ? i ban biauagests poaalble ncrjedioe to platntiB** rigbta te raaaii ipnmtae yreottaa aa older a; 11- . ;.i. ila-r.- tbe defeedaat's reaeeaterBal Mxraer applying are tally so forth, sad itesnset Is elaimed rtrber Iba I ibi eeppBdaBt wwdd bare i. bettei i'ii if I ho BMKMis bad beei aaoaer BMde, aot i si tbi ptalBl tl vili tew '"? prejudiced In any mai I by aa order made a' tin- present flam rather loani i I it. HodMeossiea so to 'hi- farm "f a Mil ?eem* appropnaie to tbs orasoot oondinoa at iba Mate lap. Bo inference at ilaattbe defradani'a nsbl for a bill of r^rrlewiars caa on draws fram tbe fsei baat as aaswered remly at the April Terai of tbe Ceart, Us ? is Iben r- a iv to met i Mies ei > em ?? a- be bettered i te United Blatea to be ready to pyodaoa. Tbe de fenden I a <'i m i p ii .-? ? .n ? y, reaa d h ? wUri a-?? ^.\<- UM UnitedHtaieaanopportonl yfnauplj fn n bill f dla eovery. I . iobeequently, taa Dtatrb't-Attoraey Bled a bill . ileb masea ue ailesaOoB aaoi a ikBalte iheB i bosu made in tin oomptaiut, no oonclaelon eaa be f ufiy dr i er ti ssatast the oefi ml ml an ihii metloa bee laee m rbnnasa to tnnmll *o the ITanr wbsri b< ?? bound to answer. If I i defend ?nt owee bo t v to the Halted 81 lei, be la in no meaner called naaw to graMfy tbe imtmrrineal rurkxdiy of tb. Dbdvict-Attoraey an to bM pi ivbm i i ?neatTibj'Bi A r: \s COMPAJfTU RIGHTS? Tbd a:/ Hin nt t<u tbe injunction to lyatffllln ih.- Balton Man lei pal Oas Oompaay froai laarlag up Mm rrtreete of Bra .?'..? a was heard by afadga BeWaoa, ra tbe l*:M four', >.-t< :i!;i.v. Ali ,.!T1 Iavlt hy II. M llencd e , pec at dent ef tbe eomps f, waa preseated ea I ? par; of ibo duftiadeal. aatiiaa forth tbai tbe aaplial aftb as i paay eras ai.faObyooo, that n bad already apeal p^,oOjO, aad i.>at it l id an aaaaaeaded aarplaa el aburga an Bab Ii ahm amaad Utat ttw Board of City Works bad h ap n lontoth Marnal One dimpany to I y 11. tad .ii afl mi i f VC. u. Meeker, erereti rv of ibe eo .. ny, cli ad iBal Ibe property aad fnmeblea ot ibe Wn'ualCompany bad beeainutarerred to Umde* trd ..' i n> t' on.-a -1 ' '. i I; i la of a oornorai tb taue c rpora'1 aaaboaid ba?e tbe power to lay i.i tine, w tb I ? ooneenl ol tbe in inietpel anthonl m ai ?? i.mi i i- . ae dtttouai. rm aaibority is lay pipe*oouai tot ?.. ted bytbeeity, u I it tbe elty ?lioolil rerBae to tixc permte-lat . it rontd b.< r.'p peUed . v am i Mwna la _ra i n. Ms n . ? ade l i.i i . .. Ue Men to la v p< pea iv uroaeabeeun.I. at eoulduol bet ? tile L .1. ;.- SI It.-ion i terved bfatdeslabaSa rocin Of aI'i kaML AutABT, Sept. 25.?la Cotrrl of Appaala, Tbara say, leulemboi its?preaaui Uia lion, sa f rd B.< hoo b, CbleMu ttce and a iclaiea. Ve. SI.?Ilenry Ttveur laa an.t eaelbet ?xeealora, eppellanie, llnran ens i.ih-'ia. n mil ntr. Am in ' I" '? 1 ? Kbiskwell tot epp 1 baui at. Kaipa fm re?i>oiiili-n *. Ms. 40. Joseph 'i fv?. is c" ident.ael I - >. B :jih... -, exi ean ?\ ?????, i. ? I < '..t. .'. ' ? i ! .\ r' i ill 1.. -f. :\ tri. It v.., : u-t .fa I .< 1'a.aiei Mr i pouaeai. .??>. 00. W as II. r'reAen barpb end Booth' r.appoilnota .?'t. olsefUxtoa, Sheriff .'?.-., re-tionSeni. A rased i?Vaf. Ksarton Birrs Mm episdmits i *V. *. B DIM. Jr. f rp U . II i I. -',..- I'. ;.'. m.Ibari .-> ..j .'-- An 'i I l>vJ.C.Co .j... lsr?ppsi> iBBt i fbeo? BiM'oa forr< 'poudents. ra ? atitl on. Tbe ('mmol Appealaday ralemisr Im Prhiar, septomber Dl Cl* lObn?0BPf. gBwrvysa f v?srf? r%ambtn ?Hv Jadaa n*>-?ohtie._ la tbaamtlerof MaKwan. Lot mnOna I ? bam aa n dm la tin- uatt?r ?i Broaabemi. deaieii: aiipiicaa.'a rurbta ate tniiv aemecleS. Ptsebav h*i. I la..i init.? \tii-1 t>? rslsi "I. Owatamaj ?pt, L'baUuuu -Oranleii | k? uieaie l imlmna Analia m ? rVlt.?Ho0? n uen rd ; tee mem >r inilata. XfC SUlip act. ?? o It. -hntiou tri ai'f d < u |WJf inr t ?| eosta iu mtblal...!-' In., it.ail-1 of i ?/j 1. t lei. Ap'.! . art up,.: ..i-airi- i M tbs sam i i a..."'o. Wtntmna asl Meyst aid ' i ai- i : L'l'.i' id. i..f.. I !.?,.| i... e i ru tu? aat. A Herten i Rlsiefiferd aat. Tbnaial i soetetf f.-r the Be f i in .ii . eil. i, ami Javrntlea act. ?. ott. eie.; ? baeaaaxsa igt, WII?lna"Bi ii brew BenevolentOrpbaa Aarinmsovlatj um Sexi .a, Bo. i ; -aaie axi. laam, Bs. ?l; I 'aafletd a-'t. Httuti ..a. - i.i inteil Smptrior Court?-.Vacda/ Tmn?Bv Jndae Taa Torat, ?MeS km ISl UeA ea.?ApBI'ia.ion irr I a-r. laeab. nxsr.? irj.-i or MbalitaUoa. uuierbrni^u am. i i.e.j.*. ?tinlet xranted and andertakias unnr-.v. -u nema am Brig a a in 'reeartag >swMa Mvacata?eM. twspea ..~t. !? 11 Weuta sat. Weaisj Urovei aat. Buohbesier, Daly ad Hynm i Saaams ast. Bowlaadi Baaasti a.i ibe Mayor.eie, . ; Bast torr.aea; KsbaagL Kaba; ?autb bs "i. ? tberiftbNauoaalBaak agta I abrbmki Bevey aa<. Oraatbai. ?, aai. <" ruard i m ib? smttei si La i \ , i >T afl Kill a; We. k? ?Sl. Mc( anhy . MeSd Bgb CuC win - ? Tin as aaab J. iTewnaea rlcos- bptcfal Tent?By Judge J. I". Lmlr, ?TbstauipbeU PriuUBc Presi and Usnfaeturmp Coiupaav at. Campbell at si.?I id as et tun gran lad ;u inrveteu in o(. nl-ai. Bp Jads- Van Braat. -8 d n' ? rs Bgl Biy. - Bdsa algasB. PAI BBO.UB1 Iffl? BAT si raaaa coon r t?yn'-a-i^Wi>.i'.ro.ik. j - Baa 147.177 IVI IBA,201.SAB, 7, U. ?;-'. 74.Bo.U4, ii''. IIS, 117.1U4, la.'. I? IU A ltii. inj, loo. i?7, a 17. um?, .-ji . ft , VJ:;. ? u40, .'41, 24V. Sil, -' -\ -' >P, -? o, - il, . . if I. 5BA, 2tW, 2s7. iiirNKKAL aaaaioKa?HABT I?i'owina. j.-Tb? Psepta aift. franei* Miller, Mkhaal imr* v, Perey BaUlrsa, Dommicb \vai-n. leim 1.,? small uadoaxtarri BSMwrdBaneb,mesi CharlesMamUioa,tl Uiam t-tewart, Cbartam < ? .. ?, . ,^ Im v ; Usairey BbBMbv .1 Uss MaaTmaa^ gtaad I reeuy: lleary liavia I. aa-pli May. Iti.ii.?? laniol'. i.iln.oi I. l.nt.t, Albert llarnadae . laroaay ftom liu p raoat James a< ? ?.. r-. ambesilsmeai MarxsretPitxpatrtcx,Alf.e4 D.Uaal, iiat Ue .Suaj . ii?......i t ?1.1I uatn I). Pam ii?4llhtersloe*e, l.-Tlte l>i.|de act. Kraueli !*rv? Bs, OeorsB it. Bnmsua. Patrick Colrn ?n. Tbeaua WeC rtay, BaSeasi Mursby 1 Uuiskvy 1 U I h i a Kvase. uureoy from Iba psraoo { praaeisHndaer.iiedasdeai l*stseP, Wed, tiemy BoeUback.JamaaTralaor, Morris Baa*, Blau Uli.. - Lailbm P. 11 ekei, 1. mini W. Uaxier,niinvon ? lin-rature . Kted M Kal iat"! rebbM?. Oitniiticn-3 il).imf)--^cmni?3 \ LARGE PRilTEhTANT BKRVANTS' Bo" ?V man ier famllbrs. botels, and all eUtsrs wbo van good, rsbsbtaa eivll tsrva t-glrls saa womiu ror etrr a i . v. axe* iai. uit the i.nie? 1 a'so useful rosae Kbia and Rarest, A ulao male hep. At tb i ? PlttrriCBrANI Hi 1 \|i. HI Iti \l . i. ? n fi nT-- ifiair iliior* sbove IOtil-sC)j eo e aaetes bp Amerlcaa Imlbs, i YOUNG WOMAN, aa Urst-claaa laundreso, .* abbes sails km lit private bunny, alib bem of etii t. so ace. Vom he bbsb ji bbi peeeeM sis sen j m's, BIB ?v.. ?T Illi. LADIES' BUREAU, Iis Ettal a'X l.iili.-i., ni-ar 1 Li iv.-., are now t.i i e fnai.d Mial, lanndressea eiiaiutniuiaiiLa, wsltrsBse*, Ae. ?l*a eallers, eom-huiSB. Ac; ?.?.:? . Herman md Preucb sa Usaa. MbiaK. ALfBlUA KK**TMOM, Propnstrem, \ 1 Mll^. 1/iW KSGEK.nAN K rfPLOYMKNT 1* 110 UhK wii *iv.?v. be fsuad a large aumbsi >t I eutaa lien ?u' tor an cspaeiunsi taiutd* for fsmUbs, betel*, baarillBp-bmiisa, ?? >-.. ellf ?ud euaatrv Ml - U iWK, ..11 i Ml 1 lib ?. du . ive. AT BUtKE'iS KMi'la?Y?lEXT AGENCY, l \ ;;:iu ub-sve? Bear Bttb-au fsrmi riy Houkhaoi'a win be baaS a largo eamberid t kmvmrita, *u asus - botb Protestant ami iTataeue, male and bum Is, r-ir sanaitr ami ?tt] . mdi n h] maii receive prempi atteatmn. _ _W. II. Ht'l'KK, Proprietor. ('00K, tVc, A roRwctable woman aa rook, ' waaasraadli.r wiib her ilnie*irl. it ye.u?? ref. Cieiu-a -.'a r.*?t Jalii ?L. ?? ? on.I tl.?.t. CM K ?K.?An Kiil'Ii*Ii I'n.'i-taiit \ m a / ms a ssat und 1 laadram uu.i.-i?tan .? bstb brasadMstbor aosbivi te-1 .-it) reJeri-Bcesi lellstous faitnlr Mel. rred. CsllaiNo 1.70as iv... a.i gssr, am 1. (100K.?B) b llrat-claaa Krenrh woman o irii ?> the m- -t i|'t*dne?ti..ii? |n her prof.-M n . i**r, bs seat, aad ean mvs sausraeUea is ? ismliy seien ... 1 . ii -t isfsrenc I ail ai Bug Btb-ava, bstwssa a.lib aad eats Ma, (Mini;.?IU a Scotch I'rotostant, wrtti Hti mBmaaasa iu * petvai* Madly 1 she 1 an .to *ii kBMBj ot easkmp 1 aea a a1 i?nie ? .mn ry u aagaMad PbmmaaBm addraaa 1 IB -tb air . 11....1 n. 11. d^MJOK, aVc.?Two rosptctal'lf g-iil.* a nrnk, \J BMhsr ami .r uler. "I ?1111M .1.1 venera. Ihmim-wtX Iu a mii?ll |inv?te f?aitly ; i-itjr refen-m??. lau l.udluw *t. /Mit'K. LAI NORK^S. i il vMBEBMAllJ ami WAITMKBcx?B| i?o sxceUsal -..'Uli mri?, ein Uri.i-.ia.? relei.uee*; iiuilrr.1 u tin .r bBMBSSa tier " >T a .i'ii part ?ii. .10 * raniliy'* ?mk iMTSeen them In pa-rtert iiarsiuBj , mi or muiiUi. I all at av.' OAB-avs. Uem 1-ln -L ( 'HAMBEKMAID, \. . K, ,1 ,i,l,. V -1 bam bens ud aad eall/rs*; a mag 1?. a*abt wa*b.ns bad Bwataa 1 mamaasa. sal w>?i ,eui ?u f CHAMBERMAID, 4a?.-Aa nrat^ami elism bsrmaM to swial wMBI eaalnns auJ'~'" i.? . axrnil. ui 2- 4 li^ai a?ib-aL i??i?? ?ttvolttmi ITiaatcu?fem v.? V A I pHA?fTKB>fAFf) and V ? BMael i! .n < i ? r ? ' ! ? ? bn?i! , Wmm i n u | IMwIr ..I ?* .1 ? !; Ii . , .n . . in 11 ?: dt i . in .i ?mr, i |ii>; Ihm \ki k, .\ . it. -h.,.. ? r .. . . i i'm" M "i li .il,. ... . \. i | . , . ., . ,| ,,, ? . i > .1 i ". I I.. ' .. Irma. KKSSMAKEB. - v . ? r? tMir'1 * p ir m ? i> !*?-.? ...... f II BMAN LADY'ri-MAID, Bj i N ihC t * i ... .. ;. .. n<i u ? . ?. r . i tun:i*Vi , .. , .K'i. In ? I til.l l> H .n*t!l?n rm.l . I | .'.,?. .. ? . I' .1 'Ur! r-t I. ?V.-., ?h-'iirrli . jiu Bll.l.-ljlh- I. II OUSKKI EPI Ii.? A Ind*. .-. |.ui.i.-, In. ii.| and ?i'if.itnl. ?.?ek? a pim'tlnn a hO'taal ,f ? I'" dtbei a Ii, -vi ?, Wllaaa a'ir .ltd I IT? . ..t? r ? . '.ar,.- ? aawtal U-mm i r*i able Ii ?naiv; ?mihi im a ,u !.; , . p an. Addreaa H. Ill.l-s. Tiiuaiie t ,.r.,?n nn,i ? ' Hru*>!wav. _ ' ' - I |( I KW?RK.?An aide. iriTiin? 5 i rt - . II ? i ? . r. w'f. ?.'Ii' ai ..Ii " ' uaahi-.a ninl lr..'i'.'?r: I? * ifoa.i famli. .1 , .' ," WUiai 0.1U .i 't !?? ' .1. v. . .1- . ? . , . . 1 , ' .* r-lil-k Ml I 1; I ?1 ll.lM. f, ftiln ? ru;,.t.,?. ?,.?,,,. >,,-,.,.' avtu 1. in 1 >i .1 1 M6?SEW?RKER. -Iis .1 in ti.l. ,?r,K aval ?? tue P ??:??< ial rurl. w. 1 h ? ? , , B farailr In aar mnjrirr ; ran k. n . ??.In i ab?! Imner . aar ill kirr >r ,i uj i,, , "j,. " " , Ii ???? i,i'i.. Chi. Im ?. ? n ..i N o. .iml ?:: 'i.,?. <:.?f " * I AI?. H-M AID.AtC?A VITT ;. v ., mJ pcraaa, Proteataa*. wimiI.i i ?. i . ?? . t,. in .fm . i ?? . .1 'Mi .? teir? I .<. .. wtwi la a nrat-elaaa are iwaaker and j.i i u>i v rafiranra |f repaired; di?i-ii at'?.|*tu itniMla \.f *', et raaa bREMoMAKKR, BIM Wtal ICit t. m',,. Graham._ I M'NDKKSS.- \\yn Braln laaa umi.?.^Z? Lii?a??IT Baulanaitrcaa i'iifl)ni(. tl.iiii.^ ami fi ? , ln-i<t rmbal rafcrrncoa. Call ai B 2 Gill aii i . ?..,? '. and . la. I lUNDKKSS.?A Ucrman u?rl ?i co oai i BJ lb* An} i? laoD'.rr ?a. ;nii ?'?.[ Mb I. nr?i 1.... I AL'NDUE.SS.-nj n irod.l laun h .. ,. I * > Bill Will 'l > III '? I' ' fm ?.? a i ' ... BBcaa t plaitM call. Mr.- pnUTXit. ftl Waat ... ?..?.' I AI SI>BK?S, iV.-.-llv a itapictablB uiil ?? la laanBraaa,orwuaiaiia tanMb?!? i Ina .h all i rn.iir lannlv ; ran ii-??>?;. i, n, . ? 'i fcanl I .1 It. s N'UlwSK.?I'm lake Ihe r*ntii>* riiar***! ?l i rfaai aae arlae i iii aa a batila j iba Uca. cltr pti^tv tt aa i ... :? ir.\i>ii. I,tan ?>! i\a. NUH8E, i'.v a ci nur . ;, ?; .?, , i . ., ?. ,; ; w. rk ; K'?-il c n .Ki. r Ikmm. Ilraa . car icfarai N LIwSE.- \ ??? nine wouiaii ii ? i: ii -? ; , itiabja ?I i km ai ??. i , f a* f. ;? . , ?I with . bat r ? ,?,k ; Bra ?aar*' cur irl lU ii it., i? . i: nr. -.1 pSIUKSE, vV'._?, North liirm .. . Xi aai ? ? 11 aia rwli >? i ?. 11 -. Amin - ? j.i.1.11 Y T>K.- A v. nr t <!v I'mtp ? ,? trirl jmj BT, VURBE ii I MAID.?Bf ? *.! r ? ; :?. < -i naa airli - a n and ii ai Hay in n .|>u. ti t earn . ?'In e-. C*J I ..t' IK! 'Mi ?' ?? . l> tWi QRli IN \\4 SWEUISI EA MS : RE ocr.?A lalE LMSI ,.|.--.-\ ir-;- ...... ., .. i ,,. 3 AMHXi BuaiUioiiB to.ii'.ju u IIMAN oi .1 \M TO?;.-?;...? t ? / tOAC IMAN a id .Vniiuu USfcVl "> Birlc?r laatpcr '*?; nrwauld i ally referrBca Iroin la?t ?nip.orer knuntibi ? aa... .. All r ?? U !? 'ii ,-i . M . 0A( IIAIA1S . . il i... [.- Hi , .' ... . pj i la .a t pu '.cad i ;? - iniara I 1 >A . i I r .... IACII / <0A< HM iN nn I liUCXi.M. V. - . t .i i] I.,.. i......, . . i ?'>?.,. i c iri >a wiUiac draat COAi tCJd \ S, inn .in. ava, f vi m HMAN iitTd Gil ?M V III in, hi .11 |a UBOi griwai aouidtakaeiraiM a aarArai i ? larst imu ii.? I ?! ? ?. >? . Ar. rlrat-elaaa n-r r.- .. .? atrra. NtiLI . I arlcv' i?taliV. im?. i lAKPENEi..?Hi a m tr ( * . i. brji rhm ?? la'ina I" (i.ill.rtlil.irr, ai. a' Lnu?.a. ... .? ii i , . . ? , .1 and tiupmrirm <if i |...r. ... . ?!- .. | ,j j.r. |.i;-.? - f fruit?, n-tr+r* a-i-l \ ? ? ? . r! ? - aaw>a ad liana OA Rott > mi. S3? Kiut 'it ?? >. V EW-Y(?RK CUlAOREf) MISSION KMl'I^ bUCM OVfli ... i . v. ? ?. ilval..?. Vfalta ?. wa Ibicb. fanlen .- . . w-..'?; ^..? aitl 0i|afur aaitera aouaaw ork i la city or cu i rj f> IU rER.?A Btfadj :?? r| I.- . ? ? ? A porter la a eta* .<r . . ? pnanl I ?? ? ?t -d ritt i I - ??'.'.. AOdraaa, for it ? ? ,, Baa BB I : ,l,iiii?' ~._ _ 1>.'!. rER.?Its a j mau ol t 111 I , re> 1 hi InawiUiLli. paraatr, .? ti?!il | n irr, m la >a ???? uin- ? hrcan tu? ? um? -i at ml i u? tul . ? ? . ??. a* ilie?i I. *{ ? i.i l'i !., i auaon ?t. IV AI I'i.i'.? i N i 1*1 i.i ml.- -i - !?? ' *r raaa i innren|Blr aodataianBa ibi. ? ? irllliaraiid i bi ipua; ctir or ruuatry j ?. a* Bra .j. ii., BoillB. .i. .i . . .?a ? .-. . o aadea*. WAIT! R.?In hotel or reeteurntit ; Ili-*l ? r .. i i ?il K.. ;i-ii i_- ,, iiaricB Adilteaa lt. lt.. *frtl?niie I'ptoaa oQ -.l..' -'; ? aar._t W 11 ER.?Rj i vtr* rwBiN rl ? < 1 ?" bmb i Bret-elaaa w -iit- r ? t...-..i.. i i i.'iti laini'y. Aeariaa B. Inf 7tn arc, Otis tDdBlrd. VTODItTG MAN I n n i trade or in i b> aalr U 'iim., bfa. rvlrrrut'.'. Al.pll 10 K. VASi BAt'b, 154 llik are. ANGIXL'S Turkiah Electric and K.'-mn Haiha, HI Lei aatai ava.- w aal ABwrttaa iu"- **? V. jii'U lla.n I !"? In; Lall.? .1111! nltl. !? . I- . ???!.'?' '? \ i;: N TS WAN rED to .? uvaaa ft r? m ? ^% f:- t in nr Ii t?.ui ?a ; < ?ui.ili a.uoaiil .it. 'i It .1 r.'iuitai an ? I. ? t-iii i'n-.i i,,iiiiy. a iai?i it v. j i i ! ii - ?' WANTED.?A iccond n n ?..r K detiart* ' ? la out. Apply bj tottaraalr la BIlweUIBBBBJ ai. ' 41'. Ii' Kosl iini JtMBii, DANK HOOK LOS I.-Bank Boo* I * I ? - . v - .?. ? *',-* laOae larvaji. i i ? ;u -.< ,, i ? i n ii.a i: '*?? '<>.? Ittll da.i ? f !?>iHi,....... u^,.... a". ...i ?.?? ' ' ? l* l a l ank lai i BaO bat - I ?BT -r STOLEN.?Renk-I.k N". M>Sfi IJ oi ii. ?., ibi ?avtaaa i la ibi ? ay ? -s' * wjj" la dann la raqnaaiadiu rtlnta i: : ?? 2 M ?Od batara uv Till o( Orla ., r, lo'.u, ainatuli?'" *'" Btade to ii..- baak ..a a ai ? Ii . Coruoriiiiaii :\Totuf3. pORPOBATION NOTICE.- r?WCTBUCT* V/ ojjta, Itarairnutri . r n auc "?n. I'BOPOBALm add i,- r...:...i .. tbaoOJ.I ibi '^rT ?eatof pBbtte Wort? tor Ibr fuUnal ? i.. frradine. ar-ifn* rurn and miliar ?t<>nr* ami ittarinc "VilJ n nn l5ia la Ilth-araa.: also71at, brtaraea >???> *<?- *M , I ll v, r Mil .|.,i: .',i Mo uillti in . a :4 i-'-'I!*???? ;i ii In -iu ar.v.. i , it 1 ni luu iiifU|:ual..-u are Ciljr ktvunt, t.a a*l> al >* ?*??"? Hall _ \oriQE. *T I'll AiilMRM 01 I'lBilC I liaaillla *M ? ?"?'??-'?",,. BKAUCH nii> ni t-tlmatti lorrvpauata ,n* V*.i? .atat bu laral let ttatathiii Kid. aiy will C- ? wived am-* ? at taledepaftaiaai until n,tntn-r i. is.ti , ,lT tor lull li.!nriu?tt..ii ..t'l i:i l.rMl-at 'K ataB._? Vi 11 UK. il in mmi 'i "i l'i if La i.i IHK? in-. ? ? ?' l}pfc sKA l.KIJ HI I'-, ur . ?iiui.l?? fi.r l..i i '.- n.a ? 'f- " '.' *' m Ceilrw, lla>, I.i.UiIm-i atnl liiiial.."., i.i mi, i-hi I ' i, rr. rii?U al Uir ulbn'iil lbl? Ji. pa. la., al ?.'?' <^'?H?* ' Koi full informall-u ai<e City It.-, nut. far aalf at N* ' ^ llaJL_-? riKraaTBB.T c Pi nU' l'*'k*'*'rt ?alEALI !? BIDS or i -im.tfo :l\T*. p ami all ilinriU* a Onit^a III th" "I n, n. iuai llara ai IU?ar ? ill o? r raitwl al |ii? OJu? a' uu* aert*a*nl mini Wittue.-day. rVi io'in I. 1<7??. ix'itf Inr lull luluruiaUou,aca City BetaWB.lot aale al^"- ?**? ?ail