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M^-fj?dc CKtifetme> V^X\XK...N?I2,0I4. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1879. ?WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE POUR HvM'S.^ THE GUEST OF KANSAS. THI PttttDl N I AT LAIiNKP. grrron max \.. a; * rorxn tau: - kajsas ih-mi Wl U ai'Vl iii |s, |?. Tlio PTeakaBfld] riii'l (Jeniril Shorninn, who arc Mill travelling about K m su.*, wen wcl coined ;it I. uii< (I, vettefdnji by :i tMjp] orowd of people, and on 1?. hag < -nuti-d to the Fan Gl'MltllU thej 1m)||| til :??]<? KIMii'ii'S. Itnlll Bpoke <>f sonM of tfir? good pointa in tlio i>n> grr^ gad character of the State, The Pn iki nt dwelt particularly on ttsfl schools of Kansas. y\\\< \* BULOOISEIX tob views oi i iii aajgaimai on tuf. boboou, arc?rwwa oa bbwbbal antaniaa oa babbas ?nuaaN. in i puxtjinna ifwirt, tot et and ratuNai n. Iii n iiins.'X. Kan.. Sept. 2"\?Pr-sident Ilnves ? .?l nirtv left I>.City at '.? o'ch.i k tins iiu.niiiie on their return toTopoka, They were greeted at Turiout ttatioai along the read by crowda of p. nph*. A' Larnad Btatioo the trim tutttt >1 lorn; enough to enable tliem to viait the < ouutv Fail in carriages provided by citiBetat, Captain Henry IVmitbe made the welcoming r<inaik?. A platform bad Ih<cii erect, d tli ? t ur rreanda, i quarter of a mile from the station, front Which the President am! (? ' iShermaii made afew briel resaa ???. rb< Prcaidcut aaid: FauowiCiriaaaa <>r K\s<\?. i thtai af Pawnet f only: I Min \ ry g'ad t? a i ? t you her? t -dar. It I ?- ?? mi. In mrrl I Be '..our ..' IbB I" ill ? ilr in i.,i..Ti n' sum- oi lea eoaatri aadei aai < rarfeiy oi I clretuuMauee*. An. i. r before mc !u .ill ?ort* < ?; ?>?-. oil .r ? ? na md waleneue are iriven nndi-r all in'ta ut e<reiimstaoee?, Ii ? mud ol exinb.iinjr ? ? ri.nn nt to tree eovent sweat?that eummr ont 10 B'*e I tinrtn prominentlyeimaeeled with It. It 1? not pnti, n-I I . ;?? ...oi ii eoaaptlibeat te anybody?n ii.'i..i f. to I I your loyalty, rear palrbitian aad y?ur aii.iclmi. nt i .'it ni ? ' K .public i ml Iti areai h - ory, t,. n? t. lean i lit about aaa nok roe. Ii loea uot mean n , . 1. iti ? l.i'.iW Iwil in in. I' m in? respect and bops t. im man i'l'iaaaadar wbteb weUve. With this ren* i view <>l It i rwitat add perhap uaeatber. It ? one ali oil I nave occasionally tm ntioued aim el have i?vu t|. K in?a?. and ibt.t I? tbiaI Tie American Idea of ap j. ii.n^ local er out of aar ta ] et, whether ol bnai i-r |i re, Mime i aad advertlsine, |Lauk-h?er.l I ? ? ??. in :i i ? Pn ?!<? Ill ? f tt ?? Ui ited at .?. ?- ???*. rii.'' It o.lilt rs a little wttb hla beat fr'end?conn-* to l. 'Ut tin '- -I idvertiard an n In the ITidteii States, ?-.l( uabter.] He la adeerikai d by what he hue il l- in? ii ??. i.i. i ii :>.? a mi a? baa aaid arainai bim, i. i I .in'i'i ki >w wbteb adveHlseateat la tneiuoat a .'.'? ?if I load ?" pap lee it. |Caeei I and lauahter.] Bo, in> nu n ?. w bn ban t" bate a tew ?MBBmaey aanvereai ? u i". lb i Aa I aaid Before, we are meei I, ? 1 ri.'- a??i ''I:1 ?? i el pi ople 11u. tl ? -. on our I ?nniey, imt 1 aiali to i?-;r> roa tbal iBavsaaeino aam-mbiara , arein utftt latereeimg t>> ate thauibia. Tue f> iiil' ii au a im addreaaed an .it the ear. Inld luetliU v . - .i r11. ? o ears-old aal i leua nt; tnal luia country town I. out tin . in old. Lael uwaad aae| upon tue aur fa.e of tbiiifa 1 uoulaee aaythtag that appeara to tie Binre itiaii Bve yeara old. [Laaghmr.| 1 see ui. n here . ati't wein I.. r? , Bl d I tlntik it 's im diarisipeet to a wo pan to nv -lie is Blare Ihau Use ti.ii? i.lil. jh-ueai-d i luctaiar.J Hera von are aetiied in tid* i w i.hi and beginning ymu aetileui^tii at Hie li. t.t plac. if nil sen BBttleni<nite in tii? wond a ?? limit upoo tea >.j .h- BoruerHitiiiie thai vou bu'id tbc h|iuetureotyour aucleti apoa,ibe future of tin?- a-' leiueiiti would I"- far inoi ho|n>ful aud fur at >p- roii* than ataay of theat ate. jc.r-j i .? \? i? 11 I? vi.tu rorurr-r'one. Ii is |a?pular ? dm atom ; lu?ta frei icuooL i ad it institution tbat vi?a?ave t rxUii'it to iti stranger I yti u p p i ar s\ -i ?,, ,,? tr,.,^ t 1. >ui ducilioii. Thasisthi prasaa American metiiod , n . ? n.iii it. 11. - t.t f?.r s. ii-,. i\. i inm ni. Hi tor pKsterltt, and tu er all people ta be proud of. Amt I as?u.' you trat the people ? the uldei fetal s of tuis i ? i ' i BBjMi Im Q.,i eut In alii i,'i?t! a are easpbatleally uapreaaed in i be charac? ter "i tue sett, mi uo in.oi, on the frontier <>f tue Mate nl K....... l< '.???.?. I I'!u. .,1. fallal Bope, Klor> and , ,and *t,;. ..ii., mllaeweaaiBBproapority tii- aahoul tne aoautry. I taiuh a caabrmg la yon wastla of raaovagaasaal fr.the old renalen, [Cbeara.1 After flve or aix veara i, iiualaeasdepreaatoa.Ii is tin- Jadgateat of tbe brat In* fiel" I men ihal we Baveetraok. lo aaeaeomiuoii ami j. |iulai aBraaa, Iba ** hard saua. aad ate begtouuiai it? an un; and iii.ii era an rapidly aaceadlng crude called bard tlinea to a a r< farurabte condition. I wilt not detail yon with Bgures. statistics or facts, it is euoucb lo aar thai Ibht .* tin aeseral Jadgatcni ol tbe |, .i i formed peeplc ol the tfalted siaiea i. fareataruna ua hittimr. I lairnrhl to gather eer t :i f i? t- ihal l BtlgBI present to BMieBoea on tout aub* loci, but I will nann bai two. I wrote to a very isttdli* item iteutli ma i in Plimbart: i kaaa in il I' lUtmrar, the nvat troa ua ataeturtoa city of tbtt country, bad auf forad mare svvareiy tbaa sny other tr at city pi-rbup*, ti..tu tue nurd imtea, aad the reply I ant from him wa? tili!': II had a ritten to iweuty of Iba leadiuc gla-s aud Iron uauuiaetarrn of tin- elt.t ami f. v hit lag Bad in iweBlf lettera tall of lii<i>e it d eucoara?remeat, not f"r tiie rupttal ista alone, ion faff tee baaineaa asaa alone, but f?r the liiiuir 'rs a- a D, ah iwlag that profltabh euplov n.'iit ?? fin andeapltd or bustaeaa eaterprtae has a.Miti n lehed Ihal Brant atana aetariageimp. \> heer*.| Tii ii kt Ii it .i apeeiutea ul aba I la galau un all over the . !;i .. - tu be a*e?t, bb4 whelher It la bere .\et ni ti .t. i <t" tiot Boow ; bat II a tiawtlag yon are i" sin,re In It. *ih Ibe fee! tags el ail'-: me people who are si tii i.. its ?? are foe ti. n,t ayti palates go OBI f"t Iba nun aTBB are her.- lo do eow'iui witU tbe dtgscultka ind bat>tsblps of a now i. i \. i, i.. i 11 si., rman aud ?raell happeiiad t?> lie hata taotate be be Biasseeta fo tsar road state of Inn oar fulhera ami mir mothers ware pnun-er settlers oi ttiat gn ii s it?. Our I elma ts lu jrooi benult, and our ps lyei is tu il Ood will bh u foa .ol. [I.<>ini eheer?.| Oeaeral Bhefaaaa was ealled fat by the crowd, and "ti hein^' iiitioiltiei'il was greeted with tlirep cin ers. Il< spoke aa follows I i mkb arb GsiiTUtAuuii i am often asbaiTataad la api ikltis* to aasemblaceaat IBla kind to knmv who are aa.ldiera and who are ettii a*. Ithlah I can reciKUite an.ouayou many taco? thai wo e w ib uie,aad ib'-te are. li ,v. d<> d ? ''f. t ?i??- ?? !? rrwwd atuonc wlotn I ff.nielli win, thearmiiB in theg ateivii v.a , [ . t r.-.| It a thai I? i' si aad, st uau von eau k . ..>.,., >ur baa tt aad mmda tat sseuioriea ??! ihoaa days of bard-' ship and damree as ran ?Behl I" d"?v. i youthen 4 reeii.left that you art aowebgaaed in another warfare With X 'Hire. ii \. ihtaeoBBirj agam l ext>re?? Btywaol aa stanpli sluaaa?t I do Bat Bans what to Ibmt about it. All. T tbe elVii * al 1 ?will eoBtBtBBd id ail his eouutlV s-ui.?. .ill t. . "I I seat eel to Denver and came j 1:11 i Kansas I visited a little furl no here, c. ? : l.i d, uiedaetween li.-nt'? F n ami Firi J. a\ it . Wh? n 1 rot to Fort Laraed th< re was a \ sniad Harrison there, aad I tblak three oi lour cmpan !> ?.. VI IS .11 i! i "Ii I IhtUeuterj and OBS nr two kllt'la of t-"it> ii ill'tin at tee abBaa wni. aug.aud ? leut-ne.t. 11 It.'- Ki' at i. .1 n..i..til.i. ),..,.., e* 11., u nil no p . . ., lui Btate, iLnuiit, rj aft Irl Bit, Mr. Kiek- I . 1 .ml Hlaek Kettle aud little K v. r sere i ip lout iiiietiiMint where w now n.i: il. They sent m^ ?mil taey wanted to :. . ... ii^ ?.. isik \t:tli the eommamier-ln- i e.,i,f, hu 11 1.1 I beta ward to aoanc alone. I told tin in I wha. w.a gotae to baiin-n. aad thai tt.ey bad belter i i re :?. aave, Taey aoaid asl heuere me. Tb< next i )i .i a siai csua ap, ami lb? > h id 10 go, 0u thi occa ?... a ,.f la.- . v..; t ., i a un a Iii tu Ii wai paint on, ir used wttb > oi.It.< sin tbalr haaUa ami piaiols by tin ir aides, ad ibey Bad prepared themm.1 vi s to mos I hae ut vile?aa they were, wa na i a nat tnev ealletl a ?? . k." aad II aas iieettt plain mlk. too, ou my paif, Ihevdiduoi i .<? li. They did i ?>t bt I v<. tue when I I ? i its tri i i usaa s eusataa In*re lotake poaaeBsluB I ui ihi n is. i rydld aal belhrve the aruit? man Bntud ? vet a nt >i Hve Bare, Tar ii. x. i.e .i .i . aa im' bbi wbteb reaBltad bj tin bn :n?-' ??' BUeh K.fir Oawu ib i tie lodinu country, i At that ttma IBey eaase t" me an beimed lormeat, sitmHwh ibera ware pteaivol autele eain the euuntrv ami sum-,-ik. Tie v waaiaB park. W< Bare tbem pork aad Bard t, 1 bal mm aiiabl not gtve them a im of auisai > 1- ?... aetv teiaoerance m in i. ? dat?. :i: wed laagbter.] We save each tellow it ii ii ? ni'1 of IBoae lalJbM h 'ta ?Ith a \ ei!<>w teatbar In U BBI! IhTtJ Were IBB Indians voll ever saw. i a..i rerj glad le ? ?? bat they am gom Bow, aud i d :.'i , . i v. i > aiaeh waaee Ibey are rou? iu. iiin at laBBbter.l Bwaa i.i ' mam ladhtiM an* ? all leti in the lasttaa , i baut Fort all. Little Itavea baa a pretty rood ? .i in iiuau i Best. aad Be i msod a crop of wheal tblsyaar. ami ?? l< ssdBB '" k < o it ful .??iier prtvra. | More laMshter.J KieBBbg turd wws a gaud Indian, if you can ! . i. i ?? suell a tlilt'K as a nlfsl ludl.tU. ihit luv , , <? aaa a gwad Indiaa IBey sent min ? i I,,- Qesid BawliBB Otoaasl a nttte anoner t iaa in* appai ate . Maas hi pol sob. Black k>ttiew.i? 11| ad by 1 later, au I lu look aa uv< r the e iBBiry here I i ,ii sari .> r.>i:i Ho auuinea ul in,.so blue. We i ii,< i|< ?' iuio ibe raaapa of Bbtail geitto, and they B asaed to in bi es b tweeu U< " palai ami wberc ?our t i is - Oiaeta an 1 asBBOi aee ene particle af i >e id .- d?eape. i. ih ni. i iBttmharei seehtgaayirate,aariBtaly an i ksaaBH d Laud. ..ud im pljsa oi water-Btebias aaeh aa i . i ... i, ap sen at I ? sad el IBat tnou [u.u.h t ... C'*riMiutf Iber afsm ua ladtea sorb aa I aac bi'fore Bat BOW, tad rtrtrag. nrawnv. hetliliy, lieurty men? a aetbM in,..tut auv aaioaai of whtMi. en ...,i , ?, or ".,is. [Cueeta.] Tea bavs sjutasroud i. in b. Wotn . .nil . hll<in il [laallathter.J You ba?i i very rxoel.teit crop af isaag tieea Ibopetbey Bill grow, I awiihi it a bm Btyseif, lam toidyonesB t. s autiat,aad I am aamafci v-m aaa ral*? oattie, ' aep and 'cBildrea. llausgkbtr.j Tea, and Bbibiira ; th> y nlaaya eaase. 11 pn ideut ha* uevcr bees In t m *\*>t hafara. bei l' .s a Weal, la 1B47 aad 184B Bs weal ta Kea y - ??. a be w am aatraa^er to ibht Wea'crn nouuoy. II itahk a ?; d el p i . ?? al km and a lang tin,.- tu no 1 B ' r i i those day a i ant bow yea eaa gat m I .. stau i> , road i atoaadoaate tbrnagh the BSBBIr] iu two <laVH. You eauuut raiae Colo here, ? 1? al If psu BBB raise rum you iuav Jeaai it .,e ahmt ram. (laMghtei ] if yoa t.ns. Bheal you ar. dutag Brat rata, 1 beu ve wheat *? gi a us , bat tbal barley will grow better, aud '. Brow if foa WBBtt thetu ami uuise ' Set i .? i d -1 Ui I Uai t. i be a aa Ijjaritree nis Jj.b* ? an i K..ri Wayaa. lam delighted iu aaa so Jn mi peopht s;r' e the 1'r. sidriu ttn.l Ins partr, tn-cau>e BSbwaa iual )<>u keep iu your Hearts the luve of eoBu* J". Bakk in heeded lai Umluplus a couulry of this Bflhl aud ahuuid always lie deeply planted lu tht uearta af the Matten wbn fottrht thron eh fh? BtlBgglH of 1861. I um mire Mint teeUBg will grow etrengef until J "it And that thl-ciintn . now tea nnil nodi vclop. d. >?)? t? veryt Mm of im wealth und civilisation <f thin i'.nmirr ri.oud ckM] At the < nucluiinii of (i,rocTtJ Sherman's remarks. Mrs. Have*, wIM oa1 letl lor. On bring presented to the crowd hy General Slti as Um beet part of his <-i??-. i-li, ?he was greeted in an enthusiastic nian tti t, and BMMM a Kansas BhvUMf happy by taking In r ImIiv in In r amm. which was handed to ilia platform aa a specimen ol Jbtbmim Western aa> ina'it v. Oof ai aot 84. John waa called oooa nmi msdoa brief, fkofaoad Bpeoeh, after which Um party re tni Bad M ?M train ami MMMMMOd tboir journey. WABBISOTOS, A CONVENTION OF BOtTTBBEN MEN. BJC] UBUl ABI "BOM TilK 000TB MKM lo POOTBOT THAT TH8T IIavk boi a PBOOBB Iiiioi;miH'\ PBOM rBI AOMIN UtTBATION, Hit Tri BOBATM To iiik IBlBUBBil WambiNOIOB, Bept, 2d.-A convention of BOVtte* an BeDnblleaoa who deatra a more BobotanHal i.Itieo froM Um Admlnlatratkra and from the Bt publican p irty of too North, no t In fbla * ity last on tag. Too atoalon oonttnaad until after mul aight. There wen aboal forty pooUaaMa present, a number oi t: ?mo bauujj offlaoholdora in Wash? ing: on. Theee gontleMea lopiaaoalail Ihal the number of Federal officer filled bj Boothere Reoablteaao la ridicnloaaly dlaorewortioaed to the atreuiUi and am ? m "f Um party la the Booth, It waa declared jr .v...,,..., t.,., thai Lhe Impceealon, no prevalent et tin ! rt ?. that toon of IntcHtgenee eaaaot ho fooad In ai Be leal nnmben to fi'l the offleM which hy any fair apportMoiDenl would tail to thatoeotton, is en* tin 1\ i rrom oua, ami tba action baaed m part upon that itupreeaioD is doing looolooloblo damara to the party. I? wa* aaeorted that not only nr.- Boa th? an BepobUeaao not fairly treated Ib tho apportloo? Biel ' <?: ? s ut the Capital, hut In inunv imm-s Northen bmb aanl Booth to till Important offleoa whit ii might well ho filler] by bbUto Booth* oi.. Itormblicana, Tbl tooeofaoue of the speeches, wm decidedly hitter, but II ?;?s. ladtted that oo greater ooaoe of oanvplaintexternageioot the preaeul thaa against nrecedinaj Adminiatmttone. Bo elalm oraa pat forth that a pro rate divteioo ot offleM aboald ho made a tfa Statea from whieb bo electoral votoa i "il il !.\tnclrd; hut ll Was 111 i;, .I that a PkUid for the welfare of the party demaada an ironrovo* mo?it np?n thepreaenl ayatem. I ? ?-i aoetiog waa held toaolght, It an "tv brief, M<*aattraa were taken to form a permanent organization with a reoroMBtotioo from orerr Btate upon it- Liecfltive Committee, lito oonventton adjourned t< moot at nn early day. MOSBT PBOBABLT TO BFT?BN. ms i:i:mu.\ation loobkb iOB? vTOIaiions OB OBI icial IMT.I B |nT TT 1*1 fttT To on IB1B0BBI Wa-ium. ron, s< pi. 2oWIe*AoBti roeeired n short Jillie a ii ? at tbd Stale DoBartSMBt from CoiinuI Moahy indu ate thai hi* reelgnntiou may be looked for within the nozl ibrae months. Tin- Colonel la ioM to bare reeefTod ? pretty aharp reminder freaa Iba Department that cum miinn atio i-in rogard tooffleiol Batten ?hoiihl bo itd'lri-f^'ii in (he Deportment, und not t<> the Pr?*al dnit. A letter addreeeed to tlm Preoidrnr, rt'hoiira ini; s.>um> exploded aeaod ila wbioh Colonel Moahy bad heard after hla arrival In China, waa aent to tin- I >? pari nn nt, with aoiotiBMtton from the Presi? dent that ho did not wish to he tffooblcd with auch mallei-. Atiropns of tli^ several rommiiiiicntiona written by Colonel Mnahy ami pnhliahod recently in this country, in uiuch be raitmtM ahaaaaa to Um afffaal that Mr. Huih-y, the prewnt CouhiiI ot sliantciiut, w is a defaulter to the QoveiuOjeBf t<i the extent of $:i<).(XK>or INO.0O0 while he waa Conanl at llon-j Kontt. attention haa been calletl by pereona familiar \t i tli Consular dieeipline t" pile 280 nl tin I'm ted M :te-1 !<<nsular rerulutitiiM. The rule ia an follows : "Co: re?|Minilence with nea apapera or mnva/.ities in the I'tiited StatM by Coaeular ofllci i - is prolnbited. '1 is prouihtti m doee not ? xtt ud on Hi iarj urticloe oi BBujeeta dMcoooectod ertth poLtica." POLI: ICAL ( m M BJBUTK ?KB, P*ttlTMAfTKHP N<?T OBLT BOT COBPKM.Kli To sfit PCBIBB roOAMPAHM PtJBIM, BUI BOT inji Bl l? dj lilt ^ l?" mot, IB1 TBtiOOWaffl totbb ibibubbi Wabiunuiob, BepA. 90.?One oi the laoaat de- | ciajiins ipvcn by the Postmaster General is that i "there i? no BBaeeaaaant apon poatmaatera for i political pnipoBM known ti> <>r recognised by the I Post OfHee Deportaoent, Tba salary of a post? master is fixed by law, and when he has earned and received li no one hut bimMtf can direct the ili positnnt thereof. Me >- at liberty to di vide io< much of it a- he ploiMM to politico] poypoaeg, and he may refuse to pay KBjthlng therefor without offcetintt bin teutiie, an louu aa he diaeborgM faithfully the i I duties iinji iseil apoa hia by the lawa and regula | tittns.'' _ co\T>i i n ft OF rHB CB0P& MOM: \M" *T tllA.v i \M vi Alt. AMi KEVYKR POTA- I Tol. ?SiiKOlll M AMi lll't kwiikat, Iobbbbab raaea oraratcb. | Wasmisgtob, Sept. 26.?The Boptember re? port ot tin' londitlM at ibe Wheel crop aboa*. tbat there I ia H ? l^'lit dee UM in the PMid in N<?0-Kit. I.itr.l. but Ibe Mludle md Boiitb Atlanrte BtaMM -bow a d'Clded lm I proveinent, Tbe Atlantic slope gOOerelly ? n.l .fed laVor ithl -eoniiiiiotia of grawta. Tbe Im rored condition of 1 Alabama and Mtaataelppl WM more thin rounferaeieil ' by tbe he iey decline in "fexaa, wBtOB BBoera lean than twn-thii I of nn .v. ra.;e. IlrOMBht WM verj severe in tue exiteuie BoutBweet. Wem ol Mm Mla*lanlppl, Ibe decline iu Kanena aad Bebraeka ti more than roui|ieie sali tili) tbe impieveBMBI m Ho1 otner blute? ol tola region. TbePaclBOBtatM fall off. Tie preal Wlnter | *? ut at Statea, thoaath itlU maeh below tbe averaae, are I In mucb better i*MdMMa ib.itt ta-t Tit.- indlca 1 Ib.ris pi.iut to aa BBBOOM BVM IBB vield . f ls7?. PototoM. ae reiBiaed BapoMibor 1. a bo a a sinrbt de I cline. Tbe averaae of Mm erkelo eaaatri I? 05 ajraluet , 97 1 uai monlb i aa omnpared wltb laal pear there ir a I irreal Im >rovemeBt, kne averaoN then, al ibe .iitue lime. Ml it OBly 7B lu tie New-EtsalaUd and Middle H ale*. ? bleb suit ? in 1S77 prod tic ?! IH pet I cent of the emp of ihe whaMoeOBtry, tbe averaae U j very nn.'',. Dronabt la the eeaeral eomP'al'it In nil the Wi -i. Inaeet ttijttriea areaatetl prlBmp.tlly in k.tnaaa. i ta watek ta< drouabt ta reperteeT? very detrimeutai. I In ibe N?w-IJi.aland stateabuekwiieal piombva \ i1. In Bee Toil md rVnnaytvuata, whlefc raiee iwo-thlrdi I of tee teaolecrop,tee neern^e i? very airh. In ibe Btelea Borth ol t M Onto Btf t tbe averace i ? low ou ac eiiuai el thedrotaxiiV Mtehlgaa, walel t kp-amart than ant Weatera81 le.reaortaa rery aeetraeilve r.'?t ea Um laet ??? Aa-raat. Irba* eeedltton for tiho whole eountry i- its,irhai better than ia?t yeer. As i,i aoraham. the roinraa to Beaiember i ladtaMa a hlgu eoB'iitloB ami 05 ngalaai at Bar Mud fear. in.,n in-' Boaiaen Blatea, i ii apt Feraa, im eottdil um i? mmd. Maaj eorreepn dent* ore eaBhaatBetta reaarghnj MM aai a amhet rm ml,. 1 BE DB1TBE88 IN ENGLAND. ABSTOBT BT OOBSTJA BtKfl PBOM iniiMtMiilA.M Tili: MRTbKM WOBBB than KVEM. Itii.m i:ai. I'I-i ari it I Wasimn?;tox, Sept. 20.?Mr. VYUaoa Kin^, Dateed I bom Coaeol at Blrmmpbata. Bsp and. m a di? peiebtotM i> partaaeM af Saata, rartowbag at some i--n*r? b mm eeootuoa of tbe labmlap peepla ut thai eoaairy,eaye IBM while tbo Unitid Mtalea haaeaaae to better Hun a, iu En-I iud ta - dMlMM 1? even gWalm than la fore. Aatrtkc of lO.iHH) uaii in.ikers n^uin-i a redaeuea el io per real bt ? .t?;e? haa beea kaaae, aad lllll-t in'.tl C null lilt-'d tin tig tl.e loin Uli.' W. flier. ?Maroare working at w.u'i a ag-tdhi^ <?<??'? 1 ?'' a '? aa 1 \ratet for MibMaaae oile r llhartratteaael lAelerti bie iu*trei>a prcVilliUK nl- go en. Ilia not only the niuiiillaciui.Ug cia- i - v. Im arc tew laBWlaf nut UM Bgl'loalMiral. I'm mm MBBel par ?.heir laoto, wBMh hata baaa greatly redBMd,aad the laadaaedB are aervBag aatMM ea their toaaaMtogalt, T|ii* ia BewdaehaB. great laaAgaaktaa ae well m dlairem capi'cia'iy auioiiK Hn.-e vtbo v .-re born on d c farm-. i.iingiaiioii t^ held to bi mm Ball paraaaaMl reUaf. TBa Balileh OeleaMM in AaMrMa utc taktag advaataga of ibis, and ate aenditig as'enis to LnitlaLd t ? itidtn-e tbe Barplw papaMMon le emigrate t ? Ceaaen. 'f-ns ?urpins. just now. enbraOM rary ralaabM aiamaato. Ibe'oiteatloii la a?se,l w..y Hie l ulled Male-abould not tur^elii IhlaWeiB. A? Ellbu llunltl aula arc yeara nc?, l.ooO KnrMoh f?.mer?. enidd flffl pood furnip In ffeW-Eaalaad alone. There nre maiiT of tln-se unem? ployed f.iinnr* who h ive mm.II capital*. A little rn eonrac.ent would baffBSe tlciu to plant thi iiuclves In the United States. (;ha.\t is r 41.1 t onsla. FH11VI1IM? BjoronrfB am? piinrrwnvs IK PIP pbbbwt ciiibb for his bbibbiaibbibbt. Pan I'liA.vt pen, Si pt. 20.?On ttia* return from O iM.iml las) evetiitiK, General Grant attended a private liaiiijiict. Governor Irwin, Mavor Ilrvant, 0 nil oral Me I in well. General Miller, Senator Jonad, Senator Sharon, hihI Congressmen Poire, 1 Ja vis, I cinplelon and Hazleton were pres? ent among others. In reply to a toast. General Grand laaaaanM briefly, expressing bJa BjraHfleatdaaj at the weleoeae accorded to him in California. In conclusion, he said l "The gran! Opinion of my country nun Ii to in<> than the praise of nil the world beeide.* The QaeataJ n< tnatt erl only a few folnotea, and then left for tlio carnival ball at the Pavilion. The hall at the Pavilion wnsacraml success. A lar?o nnmher of tmskers were present. nmi there were ataay baaattfnl ooaiaiasa Gen? eral Grant was Bjtvsa a private b >x, ole BBBtly draped with flairs and oniattienied with Bo were. The party was received with tnaraitnoaa ? i Bering, and tbefa box aaa Um a atn af attraction. After wltussslngthe seaaa tor nimm un boar,the General and Mrs. Grant withdrew. Tili morning Qunaral firant and pin*v left on a aweeiaJ tram tnr Baa Jo A A- the train paSSsd S in ktateoths cads'a of BL htatthew-h Aee-irniy wen draara nt> on the platfora at a Mpreeenl an ." anil witli th,< whole popsilatl Ifl of the VtOaWB bo bind tbcta, greeted the party withcheers. Flags wen Sying all over the town. Thattain arrived at Ban Joad at 11:30 a.m. An ui.iaoiiM' ctov d wasat thestation, when Mayor A\nher ami a aoatautoaa were ready to receive the ga (eta. Upon Stepping ttom tin- train, the M iv >r. in n brief address, \m-1 aaaaed General Grant, who in reopcaaw said t Ms Maroa *m? LaotnavdObbtuobbb?taaiaiad to aaa yea all, sad I taaak yoa all lor that kiad reeep* hen, Toa ?peak of ear reeeptlosa bv the - rei iicai Htiditi.s of tbe world, lampnadet of tblathanol u il tae kutdaeaa fr..m sovereli aa People uf uiy conn try ?i.oil. i* and ii' at loan n?1 tbaah rea. General Grant look a s-ai in a laailagO with Mayor Archer, ami Mrs. Grant followed with Mrs. Archer. The crowd Was so p ieked abottl Ilm oamagea thai the pol tea nmi militia were obliged to Corn a a/ay for the process;,,:, with fixed bayonets. The procaaaiaa was a I ni,; one Thii aftortiooB tho rislton wool to tho tau grounds ami onopied the dlrectoiv1 stand, ab ich bad been elegautly furniabed for their recep? tion, Tlda evening they win ho ratertatned by a num? ber nt pr-.mi in*111 oitiaena at a banquet at Iba A users ia House, and will ntara to ban Francisco al ll.M) p. in. TBE CR1CKHT M?TCB AT PHILADELPHIA, tiik pbtladi i i-i iA n am vtoroaiotrs, The second day's play of tlir* cricket natch betweeB tbe IrtaS Blevea aad tbe Philadelphia ream uns rrsiiiued at i'liilaileiphta } i -tertlaV. IbS wrath-r was cx< eediiisly line, and tiie iittemlnnce larcc. (Ji >ixe aad CbarbMffaw ball, wbe wers al the wtekafa far tbs Philadelphia Eksvea wbea the slumps bom stbwb bo Tbarad iy, sgata weal to tha bet is lbs bswttagof Casey ami Bxhssa. Tiie first b ill tawled was tasty hit by Qoorare RewhaTI for twe nun. The bstttag sf lbs ffew? balls was axeaUsat, Oeerga gewbstl w?* tbe nr*t to ro lire nt mal-.fl by Niinn, leavinir nine wickets down for IBS rana Law thsa sssm te the wbskets, aad did some Bxmllsot work at the bet. ss thai smnn ball un hoar tbeaeore waa ran ap to 140, Tins Ami boI aaiiuaiaaa the visitors, sad taatr Iseg- -top pusaatli let a ball pass Mat sa wbtsh fsar byes nan sdded is tbe Asasrtcsa aaora Millai uu? ?? ,.. ?? lai Bw? i, mmI ..... Baal boU Iiroved good lor two bj Law. In att. untlBji to make an Bipoaalblc run Law lost Charles N, ?iia'i his Wieke i, nml i be s de reilred after making the large asore ol i -lt> runa in their frst Innuur. The biau Bieres thsawsiit In for their second undue,eroding Coltbor*! sad W, Hues to lbs bat agalasl the bowliasrol Cuaries tad lia si NewbalL Coliiiarat tool lbs lint ball, sad ta the quickest manner cat u to soaam-leg for two run*, 'i h - de was pul out after msklt i elabty-two, ol wblsh Mdl r mad' mxia a.0 Rone Ifteen,aad Exuan elesea, leavtue in. Philadelphia Te tu vicUirtoue lu oae lunipa, by as re of 149 lo I U>, with nine runa to spare, The bowUag aaal] -is w an is follows: lltl?ll BUVBB, rim ?ln LPBtA Bl i i i B, i Overe. 1 Ihui?. | BTahteBs. Wickets, <?. rtewball . nil Bb I 10 t d. BewBalL ..! IV* I ^ I It * TUB SENSATION AT BUFFALO. BCBUTLKB IDKBTIPIBO sB a BVBOIAB a\n asa v\s who BBOBNTUf raiao to abduct two U i i U run DBBB, Bi ptalo, \. v., Bept. 26.?CbaiieaE.Schny h*r,wha Ig and s<> ptoatlBeatiy ta the attsipl ta ah* iiuei tba daagbtsr at Towns ad Darts raaterdaj. waa ktsaUaVsl to day by tin- sereraesi ta t lie faadty ef s prawdseat dttsea hen* a* tas man wim was aaaa iu the sasipaai uf two cblidrsa last aeal. ladaatialaa tu Btdai e Ho rn In w ils iIn mil-u BBS park BltB BOB, BBd wbelaaaltedtbe ausetaeea wasaaba took the cblidres fr. aha. The flaibhi PeteetlTS Aswasy, w ich ar ri-.iid Behayler, received lesdai a telserasi frass the police aotborittes of Chiesso. ideul fylus kins aa a ataa s ha eoaiBiltted a im: glai t >n thai cl.y u shssi Ubm ago, 77//. .\7 rr Ti l ' OB iru /./av TO BUFFALO. I'm* ik Sejii. L'O.?Jtuliro llaifiaiil bssanatedateatpanryntjawewa agaiaal the Hsw Tork Ceatnl aad tbe Blobawh Tanplke OaaspaBy, rs> . uraiatag tbeai fraai maavlaB las iim-s si the Absbi n un (JaieBTelegraphOaaapaay,aad tr,,in latarfBetas wnh ti, <? tiulhet a eilt of eoBili Bel list Between tferl Bteraad Idttle Kalis, N T., a distaaee of aboal tea mile- T.n Baa telesrapb lute betwe a N a Tort aad Buffalo is sowsunoal entirrl] Inlabed, execptl k betwaea the poiais nained. wben it has been lw*aled oa t a tni n Btke, shunted to behtag to Ike New -York Ceatnl Ka.l road. 77/7. stl.F. or Till: MIDLAND VEPBBBED. MlDDLBIOWB, N. V? Sept. 2ii.?The siilc nt ti a Best-Tort ami Oewegs Mktiaad Bailraag atas a.i tanrncd n-oiu las! ay t.. Or tots i BL THE BTJKNTBG "1 IBB Til LAOBOF 1LTTJRAB, <\\ PatAJtcnoo, Bept, 26.?The loss \>y the beralBBsl Altai ut, the i uaati seal UaslasOBBaty, is HSOAWO ; latanai <?. fajfAOOO, TBL BOB XPHIO NOT KB ?AHLAH tobbb Wl bbs a SB AO Off TttfJL ,I\mi-i wn. n V.. -e it. 20. r.dward llanlan, a< eoiui Anin i in's. i .?!?.,., ,.i M i tr.-ai. ?:.ii J h Aaac, i, Tin ,i.t .ainv. l al M .vville lasl n'.KliI ByaBSStSiSBTWBtB Ibras i> .at*. 0 M it a Hi a n PBBTfVITIBB. Low BIX, hiaaa., -e u 26.? I be aeini'eentennial of ibs i-'ii-i t sttarlaaHo letj waaobaenred to i?y. lii^Ke.-. j uaaward irsacbad a hiatarieai sacaaaa, ta taseessBag a hsBMjBst waa atm a. p town in m tsBACBijaBm*. BiiBTOB, Bept. 20.??ispatehes tr.-ni various siaee* is the ttteta aad atbsr aarta ?( Baa Baglssd, laseft Baavj BUil denlrucme niwt. this iiioinim;, ?Uli ?'. Uni.lela?lu Baataga la nun ami ragatal i. a bibb i ray -1 bob igif. Pi i i BBBnao, Va.. N.20.? I lie lirsi froal of ibe tKMHOII wan l.lllllill i'ti" cp.ll.le iii iii-,.i |.l..f. ? hiTcaliiHllS ibis asoralas, but oi>n:? i? tbe basvj J. w, rsaasatssaaa ,.iBBiajBTed. Tbs no i<- rj sSaoU at IS CAB ABI AB IN DI ABB ?UPPBBIBO. WlBBIPCO, .Man., -.pi 30,?lue fastest r'tvirt I ? iba Biackieet<.Irj s*v- thai Iben I? a.. saSbls, and fl,,.|i .i-.s sir- ulait me. Ml! ni I :iv '.eilnaUe. i i,c, io. - inoiu. in. ii iba Bertbweel ?t i sausaaaBary. A LA bob AUBIi ULT1 BAL PAIB. hliPPLKiowN, N, Y.. Bept. 26 ?The tbirtv-nlnth annasl fair el the oraage Comity Aarb-altBral Baeiety. bebt ni wa-iiiimf.".?il ?? tar tbe ae*i ibrutidars, baa beaa a racy SBCCaaSllU "i, ?i. . I..' - ?: sv *? ? '? " kin ai, Ij ill ..ii Bay. *l w i gBIBITIOM IB TBE PAM BOI PBB I BT if i.. M.O.. Bept. 20.- llo I lernational AaTtValtiiriil hilnail 'Hi .t I iie-i?,ju n.i-i,|.ein.l y. .Ii i.Uv n i . it, laat-Oovaraor i n>.:. PaaB a, Burs aar. i*r>* in . i ... Banlioba. aad a Bawbee <>i i :.. ..i .ni. - ..... ir..iu i?>ii I*. Btbtna wars in.i?< ut. a Wl LL BEI i? man WBO WBWT TO THK DOOS, Bai i im. iBi. ~<-ni. 26.?fwo moniha ago a tn i p. vaa save IBS Basse sa DavM BSawart, SlaS at las OBf it ??* aital aad *?- lauled la t"?' Pattsfi PhUd, It tarn? aal that -A ?massa af tba hue Jsha btawartPraaae, a ?eeitii? rsa ,.f 1?|,,,,Mi?i,M ,'iaini. Ho ?aaisi-niv ihre. rssraabLs ii. ii-u Ian n d aa Sr*USt llshltsol dia?ii,atiuli eaUaaaad hiui fioui hu Ui..'.). DEADWOOD IN FLAMES. A LOSS OF PEKHAPB TWO MILLIONS. 71IK ~XTI> U.K. Ht>I\KSs riiKlluV Of TIIK town SWtPT AWAY HY A fi HIOIS FIRE. A fire broke out in the m 1 niti&r ??ity of Dead wood, I). T.t yo?t? r<lay BAOinlng before dny li?ht, starting from :i bfuXi fy on BherfBH Bt. Almost the entire ollrtBlsnl portion of tbo city Won consumed. Two llioiisand people have ben romlne-d homeless. Md there ha-t been a loeg which U ronghlv estimated ut from $1.51)0.000 to ft000,000. There ia little or no insurance. THE PISE RATH? iND TLI'RfFYINO. a Rum of oiikat bzpi onoiie? BT/NOB1 us of pboblb iiavk mn <>m.v to jLiip otra op bmo am? itrs pon tu, tu lives. DBABrgnxjOO, I). T.. Boot, I'd.-A lire hfoka out in hat haar balurjoa Bheraan-etM In thJa city, al 2*20 a. uu to-day, and foUowiag thai thoroughfare uwum) Bfatylblug hefbra it on Lea, IfaUt, Gold, " all, PatNin ami William-sts. Several n kid< nee* on Contiiicntal-ave. ware also burned. Funned by a light broeaa, ami with nothing to eoateod againel ex. . pi ? very ha Betenl Fire Departement, the flitme had everything at thaii aierey. Lent thau a K uril of pronounced lire-proof ware* laoeaaaj irithetoud tha ?arare tool hi whlek they woioaabjaatad. The bmldtugs in the path of tbe fir?, heine Baoetly of wood and poorly oonatraeted, horned likeooBoeh tiodcr. Tlx- fin- reread with wonderful rapidity, and any atteatpt at saving property would bare been aaa* !<? -h. Ail aloof ttoeooi <? terrifle i qdoaioM of snn powder, petrol- ut.i, liquor, etc, were of frequent nceaneuoe. Baildinpa arare blown iuto atotoe. AaoafAf the Brei thingi A itroyed won the baak and ladd r app ratoe and boae carriage, leav m'tr the Sreaiea auecatbed, but \miIi only i fow feet of worth ham !..>;?.?? with which to rare battle to the d roaring element. The sew waterworks, which weeo triad ooly yeeterday for Ihe Brat time, were aaapaejad ta Ibetr fall eapoelty, but with little ino riu.1 in aabdatng Ihe Banter no aeooanl of the aaaro* ity ef tho water, the blHaider were olmoet a aolld iheetaf ttaaae Wotor from the Boulder diteh oeald n?>t be had, other wire oonatderoble property would pr .d. v hare i.e m aeved, aa iho diteh tan almost dlrecUy over tie wont ?p t. Tbe wildest ? t< ii.en) prevailed on aoeoont af the faacfnl forceai the Bamee, and people tbtmghl of Uttlo beeidea raring their own Irres Hondreda aaeopod wttb only their n ghfrclotbee. Brery baaai within mileaof tbe city was railed into service Im help -uvo whol could bo run nit away, There are probabl* about 2.000 people near who are hoait less, and tunny are th-siiiute. Aboni 12"? bnildiaga, heel tine lift j or airtj dwelt tegdasaaee, woredestroyed, it biotteriy Impossible j to get any definite fig luee regarding tbe loae, pet well* i InterBase1 baaineea men place u ut from 01,000,000 to 13,000,000. Tin- (no it still brtrning, but all Its material Is exhausted, and there Is DO datlgei ol its iproodlin anleea au anfarorable abnage in Ina 0 i ad bIiiiiiIiI come. ThO principal lmcrs urn If. C. Luke, hardware in iraaaat, ?10O,000| .Mi.lei it HePbereon, proeere, I Mio |oaJoaaiod)i hi. J. Wertheiinei A Co., dry goods doolera, 040,000 (inauranos 110,000)| Frank Welsh. hko Inonranreli Graeea dr.Curtis, fond tare ami ehlna ware. B20.000 [uninanred), oud William MoHogM, Uqoor dealer, B33.000 (unin sttrii'). [be following wore among tbe heaty losers: Tbe Fl rat Nainmai, ifK.oiHi?anlnaared t Browning it \\ lugtooo. grown, 880,000?ooinaared | Booiamln Hulatei n, grocer, B7.000. aninanxedi tdaoJer, & Lehontal, elotlilorsi if?lo,iioo, iu-mcd fur 88,0001 0. B Btraoee, dry-goods, 10,000, fully bt eared i Btan ah Jiui loek, bard ware, ?25,000, bum red for |15,000| T. T. Com:.Ulli, frail dealer, 00,000, gn> Inanredi Betebe] eV Co?, BIB.OOO, I Beared fur B6%000| Daniel MeLaagbllo, <>n raeldonce, $10,000, onineured; Bottheweou X. Goldberg, procota, 010,000, oninanred: L. Ltebmao, fancy aoodo, B30.000, inenred for 83,0001 Jensen Iths-, hardware,B0.0OO, oninanred] Colberteon A Tobbbi prodaee md eooomtMioa marchanti 110,000, faily loeared, Several of the Irma wheat Bye*proof boUdingt were roved have poated notice- that they will opt n ap for boeiAcee in tbam on Be tor day. Lumber is being hooded rapidly, and badldiog will begia as Booo aa tbe Ojdbria can be cleared away, ami momore anhataiillnl way than before. Most of t'ue BWrebatits who liavo |o-t their wooden ?gone will creel buck hoUdlDga in their atead. Labor is iu groat densaod, and erorytbiag proaonta a lively appaaraaoo. It was datiidcd ro-doy to call upon flea er al rttorgia, eommanding at Fort Heede for a com? pany of troops to guard ihe property of the unfortunate BlfBeB by the fire, Ihe pogBOat Ma- promptly oomplied aritb. ami a eompoay af cavalry was at ooee sent here, together aritb ten o/agooa aid two ambolanot s tu itan pint tbe dc-ti tliute en iseooto Pm i Heade.0 here tin y w ill he for otabed with campe ami rat lone, wldch Und ??ovr was made oy General star..-. All s iimms an ckmed by onlei of ihe Sberifl and Ibe city proaenlean annanallj gnbytappearauoe. , A Citiaenr Committee nf Bafety, namberiag I seven, was appointed ai a nn i ting to-day, WBO will ' Baaiai ibe >m iiii .ii preeervioi utepeac . N11nn i i?iis kind oBeti <?i a?aiatance bava I beea amde by Raeteni mereunnts, but will hardly be aeeepted, as mercbanta bear I tfa?air kmeee with toe heel imeeible araoa, ami are j not uu I.<l to phiea tbemaeli - - ondt I any ubli^a- I lum-, at tin- same time :iu|il< elating ill'- wd.'liigl uflere made by Eastern hooaee in all branches i 11 mle. Tbe Inantniion eompanlee which in hi a majority I of ihe risks mi ibe destroyed property are tin Piremen'a Fnnd, of Ban Pnurotaeikj tin- Bt, Paul Fire and Banne loenranee Company, and tbe Loa? dun t.ivt i no >1 aad Globe In torenoe Compaoj. DEADWOOD id BCRIBED. A PBBTOB Of hi' ?uv a II IPPBABBD LABT MORI il?111* 0ROWTH am? PBOspm IB, DcadwotMl ia aboal three yean old. It is ti,final baameee eaatre ol tha Beek Buuorl beyeaae pAOaBMUaa, a detaoaod tparol me h> eh me lytag between Ihe two forks ef dMCfeeyeam Biver, The aaaal reate to Puadweod frem the Beel i- by way of Um Onkm v i ?Um ii iBroad t" Bydaey 1411 mBea from Omaha), aad tin ii.tiy itaao ooaak thwagh tbe meealeiaa, Tbe um tiey ir?mBydaey MeomaMaly aaade hi threedaye. Laai amath a statt am teepee deal ot i bb Ibibubi w rote ^ eeHee ef letteia from PeadweeO. from abbat the haV lawBaj aeeeaat m the any i? eewatled. ai t. e jam nun of Deadweod aad Watte weed CTeeba the bllle ratade a UUle, and the bed af the atreaai be-I aaama wkter, aad acre the eitj enebaUi. At tum petal there are two principal ?Ire? O?Main, w lilcll tn| ow- the naautaldlieelliie of tki guaittiut gives the town its aaam. aad Bhermsa rhe farmer eeaebyai of a itaale I io? oi battdhaga set up i leea agalaal Uta hill on UM m i ante. Mini a ?iniilar mw utamlmg oxer or on the sdga of tin Mream on theatber, UalaeA. Is sbetM lareaaam o'mml*** bmg. aad mare IBaa aaa ball el it (Um m i aad) m eeeeaded by ChtaaaMBi rtableii aortal . Namgh lei-boil ea. etc In tbt- centrr of Ibe louu. b .er rjMueot^ whfcth fBUewi apWaliawoed OateB, is aaarl] parallel ntth >i.m -si. fm two aguaraa, aad M aaaaai f"i wMb II by twe er thaw eroaoatreeie, mul dma eztoade apBThttaweedGaiek baMamlbk Tni* is the baalaaaa peMteo ef Ihe oBy. PBalaanlaaeea, ut vhteh them ir. many neat , ..t;.,k. >. SI M IB geattj aloOBMJ MflkM ol 8 namhlll of snmll dry lUlcbi - lead into I lie White wo. l fr .in iliff. cut gin ' i i ii' IUTO the rtns ot inn, i.a I oa s.reet? tust have he ra cut along the bUleldea, aaeaaava iBeether, peroBal vtth Malay . i Dt . I a nod Oaleb, Btaad in.* at ibe obbBb eaatre of the Iowa and kaeh* bag bt aap dhrollen, eae la lemtoded of Kaaeb <'aa.iU. POaa? The tn. ? it ti i Min - nee Met about aeahraptlj ai -1" BBeat lb'- same BOlgBt M tliere. and MM ?tn-.-t. Obkd m b. Iwm li them, making it RMMMyalBM to tret a view nf it ui .?<? pettJaa of the city aaaapl aa Ike Mil eopoatta IBs tork of the ?BMnahdaaBbBg bekb Bg aad down M'lillewo it QBlaBi Tue baameaa hooaaa of OeodwuiKi are amatiy (mine baBdiaia aei uiff<-?:ui in ehaaaeter or upin arum ?? from those ol auy other frontier town, lue) are moMlT bullt with rrame? or of Inga, on* ?t?rr In hpltrht. and ?Inning with their end* to the sireef, ?mirtlna a laiuo sijuarc front, wlnrti htdSS IBB roof. Baarly ail the augac BeMasM baaaafl in Dssds .>od ban ft re pro ,r warehouse* attaclinl to t lie in, a ui MTSfwJ good BTIW ?iure? irOBtlBg Ow the street .ire now in pro c> ti of ereoitoii. wBtfar, prefSMmtWSM f,,r nutting BP l " T otlii '? Mre bBlSg MMBB, if the cltv eontimn?* M pr??p'T mm BBrtBg the BSXI Ihre?: years u? u now l> um dum I M poftlsa o* 11 wl'l lie IBhllBBltaTtyBS If of brielc. The refusal of Basti rn Insanaea MMMM to take risks on Deadwood ptopsrlf will bastes IliU transformattoo. RUMbeinfown, or fMWtNf p art of Maiti-nt., i- .tvon Bp i ni' flv I.? rhlninnen. ami I? imyhlng nut Bttraf If*, Tbaatrael la narrow, and Mm baiidfBf?, whlek are one alary in height, ami very low Ht iIih', ara aaaaVe of rusgfa hoards, Ulli'iiiiteil, ?ml wllli their cracks butt nsd with bmmiIIbs, HaoMag down ih?-street, one may ?'-e through Iba opaa itoori ii * Osleerlsls ? a aaa ad in ab their various necBpsOonaaad aManeaaeaia, Tin y an.waabing ami ir<>n na Harn. seMns if.rte?, gsmblfae, rating with iio ir ebop-atirka, aad ?mokiaa splata. Tba aaarber la which thcv live in ion an attractive one, and thev sre not an attiaotin people, 11 adwood i? ? reMai k.itiiy quiet, arfb rty, MweBtdtag ?own. Yon mot boar dlCbrrnl aeanantaaf tt in other riniiifia eKTnp-, ion thay nn- no, inn-. Tinre ara pn 'lie gsnbliagdioBsi * in l). adwood, but tbay aia aid Bumer* aaa. anr do ttmr thin? Mean Ivm nt?>n the ittaattaa of the ntrainrer I'v m en dOort Of BBBdB *f liui-le. Tlte aambtlaa la alaaaat wttboul exnpttoB aoadai ad at bash ami ssfssad itotj rooms, ami the proprietors of tim boaaaa an aal apaaraatly havma ? praaiwraoa Mho n! It. tt Iii? one variety li.eot i ??. Tin-re la hN,i one ilanoa boaM on Mauset, 'if ilnnkine Mlooaa tarn an "t eoarae an ahttadaano. Oa lb* at bar band. Dead wood la ssuyol haw ?. bbsbII but haste* tally bniii eottssn an "pr a aim aa by ss ?reu oa all tea real eneo atreala, and people who an la baalneaa here bare broeabt their fasiltlee, Anv aew eetaerwill Bud lutalllceat,reflued, enlUvaMd aoeMlr Iben for bhas*. it ami i? BsltgMua araan'Mtfaaa ban been eaiaM i d, wtan ? foaadedi ami reasoBi aa the Biash Hill* era, aad ? iifB mt of aeaaaa, aa one aaad haaltate to Matte ht? h mm Ibi re throoah fear thai be will not dad i*o,.ii eestrtx. Bra Iba neu i ab t an?" kn -? I '?? li Fortunes la the iru le h, *are Im tm mi'ini tiiiliaimn, Manv of thom.are well i Ineatad, tad are mpected in ta* distant hoaiea i ? .. v left, alllraogb I lei t.i iy unw h.?Ve tm t?uga 1: aodpatni wltbaMB] pn retina*. Deadwood ha* a popal tiaa of aboat tsOOOf aad the mistns towns in the fl?*ltd*y, with Iba people ? ba an . ing lu tbe gulch -. eattuut tlasbei lathaasaaa* lama, or farming la iba fertile fallen aitbia twaatyv Bf e miles of taa i, make ibe aamber who are Mate or k ?- di peedt al apoa it or eoatrlbate to IIa Inda abeal i l iaagreet, Bfarj kind ; leantlnsata bBalaeaali Dcaiwoi I Seenia ta be fl..n. uldua*. t'upifal Infested ?. b laaanaeblarger ntana taaa m ibi BaM sad then hp many promUlneopenlasn bastdasl m ? c, r- ,1 i,. t in mines, Bume idea of tbe asagall n,ie f we t a ?????? ?> of ih Blaek Iii ?mai t>> sat be red from the lac bei iliiiiim last *enr (from Jum- I. lH7?t, to Jnm 1.1-"'" tie ii were roue ?I la m wasroas hetweea B^.(bMiJUUo and K.OOU,OOU ? soda of 'i . ,.t. Tbla, of ronra . n einded n abinarj lor ioi?i mills whaahwaanr] heafr, i i< real laa aamaal "f anon am' prorlalons to be brungfat from the Blalea will tn? waeh leas, bat there w H- io oe aa hwreasa la the amount af Maahlaen. sari etiituiul haptemeataaa<i aetaral asenhaadise, *o Iba folaMe ol tratghi would probab v loacii 89 I 00,0< u p aada Thi irealei part of Ibu frtdabt ta aiiifed iit lnn lae Buanner, w hen ih,- r.,tee iraaa Cblraan are from pa 90 lo as a haaund. la the f/latar tb, > ?n fron. B4 to ah b ha sired, there are tbias bauku in Deadwood wuti depoel ? amounting '<? betwe u fsMKMioo and ?i??h>,iiiki, aitd thron. i, then in traaalat led all Iba hnslaee? ul toe yn d miniaa oompaukra, Tba r.,t.i rtlaroaat are from 2*a lo S per eeul a luuntb. The Isadlug sroeary firm of tba elty Imported 890 teas of fndgni laal rear, The sain oi the nn act pal dealer in hardwan saaonai to abeal TlO.iasi a BKlOtb, II' adwood lias llBllBBI iru? nor eater* worka, but a coniraei or the slier has be, n uiade. B< i" of taa area! Mines ot tin* dlstriel urn aitbia ti.ity UMita of Deailwoodflml ire rraM |wa to four miles ut) Des wood aad wbltewood *'<?; 'bea, f ii Um i. gbborhood of eaaa a small Iowa baa spnag up, will, !., thOUBh lllth more limn a MbBTh of ft,is i ID. aaplreatoiBdependenee, The t.iriie?-t of tbeaa towns areOntra Oily, with a poisalailon of i.?imi. and l^md I It), DOBlBIBIBg nn 'Ut 1,000 111 'in Int :i i I?, tjoldeB G iBj ami Uayflll.tVe eaeh a pupUhUBM Ot BOO, I' BdW< '?I has three daili nrirsuapera?iwa asaniac ?'"l one ereaiBg?end CVBtrsl City oBe Morama Joanat, Lead Cup ana t. -v e i, v. AJI thoaa aaara|iapera seam ta be dotogwell. I ?? e?t Hate wiimh >iaeea the lo?n bp tno ?natmmei.l.,000to fr3,iX)0LoOO is doantleaa ex a ay rated. aliBooxh tbe atoeks of ??"??da in baa alone must hUVi In a fI P f ell lb "? two m warm i n cm ves. A iOBMBB It* IIOglfTOP BRUOBXTN nittTAi LT BTCB DK BSD BOB ttOBBT' QU) MB? OOOPaXBfB CM>P> DITK'N, Boarrov, Sept. 26.?The bodj of Joatia L. Obbb mi toaad Lplag aa thedisirof his iwadbtsMM at lit id-levratet. htaas*, uns ?eealag> Tue had und ti.e a i" ? were Statnei with bteod, and IBBn was every evi? dence of a Mar dee. .Mr. Qsnn e^m,- froM tatweadpa, when he hae piwpeiiy, wltlt bm aea, about ?ix Meetha bbbi The -oiii? alba tag in tag alaiag iobm af Mr. QflBB'a house was a tTBOh, BbMh had hen broken BBBB ami ralaabMa aBatfaateal UBrnfnea, Mr, Obbb waa aaa* side red to be worth abeal NOiOOO, Bohadag ? wateh wort n .fjiHI, wh'eh was taken. Ills lidsslna sob, fiMBip J. OBBB, -va? ? Uli hliu Hi" duv tie'ore the nun ler. Oaaal BaJUUBBfOB, Bept, few.?Otd Mr. lio ilale U tins areatag nported t<> baatBKtac This aflMauua ha wasauffsBteetlyeonsetoaatoiBalBjata htg wams, bat b* bad vet glfWB no liifoi .nation as to the ?aaBBtt, His BBtjf Words in refereni'e to 't being, "Iain very sorry be sti im k bm Be had been ujm sttoaad aa i" iin* aaaaalL hot made no reply aa thong aa did mu bear oi nader atand or waa determined aot to nnal taa aaaM of ins a?s ill mt if lie knew blSB, I here Bj no . low to the SSSBtl ant yet. Tbe tbiaf tank Ml ?.fade's poeBBtboefc, hut tin- BMoasl or Meaaj II eontalBed la obbbowb, A H bole I>a v of iECUXRT. Bobtob, Si>|d. 2(5.?Tba Faatftrn Arebejr*/ saatMBavibMs aissed Its am sasaal meeting nt Bsassa Pur? is day, after a whole .lay's sport. Toe first MSI ah essfOf taa aaemilallea Modsht. iMBttsssaa iseeUBg at 00 yards, and i.idles at BO t atSU, I lie win,.en were as follows: OsBllstaas PI rat prise sad champion medut. I" it. Dwlaht, of ths Bsquusset Ctes. raiaa sf tots. DOOi seeoadpriae,H. laaie, Cedar wood Clab,61 i; third prise, f. I?. Illake. oiilani?. .'?'."J : f urili pi tt.. J. li. Johnatoa, Ihrooklya, Ml: gfth prise, Bf. Bslhartaa, Orttanls, 5??n; six h pure. T. A. Dunii \, E enrllle, 4M. Lsaiea. Pint prtsesad ehanasoa m sal, Mrs. Sdnee, Bee,iiiisette, falne id litt-, 406; m.a I jo le, Mim Alisa, W st x wtoa. BOB i third prise. Bra Btaekford. Beqno, fi le.275| Blth prise, Mi-- Plimpton, B* -i Bewton, 841 ixih pns?, m - u , k. B/esi Ni taa, 11 L iii the team mat. u s. the, flr?t prize Was won by BneUya The sasaalaa aaa bass one af sorel eajoy* tm nt, aad th" Memhei s si ths aaneiatlea fasl fl tttetad at tbe nice rn sf the t'rst sbbbbI MeeUag, PUNI8HI l> FOR IR t< /m; nil LISI'. ?fobB Brosieriek, a troek driTeT,wag BBTerely alsbhsS by fTBVri B illbiM OKter, of tba Pawl Pi.sal Police, al the root u! WbiteballsstMahoai D p. as, psstse day. it appears t Sal Brosha sfc, ta his ssgseai -- hi tm. bb sae of thi b its isj tbe Boath Parry, snes aat *f hi? pbaaa ? tba line of rehtetw awatttas iraaspati .1 um. au l v tt araV red bsek in <? ?? ? fli < r. if- ictus.-,1 u, mm, aad ths iiBVer Bttnmptnd tir ''sek ihr hsraa and track mis liaa ignis, whes, a nrding to Un ofHeer'? ?>,.'?>?. Broa* ,: rk ?? k Bim orer the head with taa halt aaasf bin ?1,1p, I: lletiua as ugtj snip ?miiui Without luri her ado ('otter 1 reek the aaaa aassal tin in ad, ..111 Injured bfan mt MBeh that he had ta h io tai CbaBibers Btrsal Hospital, where an examlsstli a showed thai the man's head innii bruised aad eat, sad tbal fa luowhad hoen broken by ihi 1. iwa of the oiub. Brodartek Uns st Be. 108 liaiu UbBBsst.i Brooklj n. TMSTKRnJT AT MEMPUIR. Mivrnis. TobBh BafBL 2i>.?Six e.'K<-s of yellow n i, 1 and sis deaths were rsiBwtedtootsy, 0BB> mbuttsaslalha BtewarOStoday *.r.- >:i0O8, frsai P. ( BSBUi of B< w-York. four cues of f. rei were rc ported at Oak One e, ten mdea s.uin uf ihn..'. Utattes. linn rwesMatbabanraaaBtlye rartwdheBBi GRIMM* am><'ASi 1/ TIKS?BY TKLRuBAPO, fBBTA NTf.V KILf.Kt) at a CROSS] \.|. Mini 1. row's, N. V., Sept, 26.? dr. AdatB N. Mil saaogb, h reapei lad cillasaof ibis fihsgs, ? a-, IbsMbOv ki |.?l I.? r. bn. ?a?on haria^ been air nek by the J.rls Italln to trans. ?.lim DOWB i N : 11 s OBTB ' "UN FI KI D. WkBTfii I p. I'"ii .. "apt. 26.?Rolierl Chsmplaln, a fai war, baa bara si SI Baad Trkir rsttfis eara ? sicrt m? laieseIrosi bisbeesa BaasbBsa i-ui.,is 10 hat father, ana be was aa bad ssrsas, |:A IBIj 0OBVI0TBB OP a I' Albany, K. V.? Sept. 20.- rhs |nij n tbe ran of Raniei,cbaia?l witn atteMpi*ag tt blow mi Us siea-Bai Dri w. toot inlmgal lysi areoaln tnc UBsd aswfsa Hits af. bsneea. ssataBS aaa pom sanss, a rSBAJIT hvbdbbi 0 BY Till: UABDLOBD BosD's, isepL 20.?Jaatn 1 Hansa, >? a ? owns ths t Dean t Na 9 BdleocU-a ^saaaBitsSa teaaal aaasaS Mis. Margare i i raid uuii Bssday ?veatag, rbts BMMMsg t.. wobmb ni d. Daaaa aasbaeaanaatal. A BTOLBB UIPK Willl Ii WILL BB BBMBBBI RBO Cibcibbati, be|K. 20.?Oa the Cineinnal Nut! - ata.utatefeaiag. Bn eaal .am prnlpltatnsaws a i?. all Bfedess eMbsBbsssat, ?eveirlr islarlBg ?cvpr?l bora who aar itisllagt f **** Maaf IbSSkj Je??? BaU, hsd tt:* ktg brssi i THS WBITB ma bps WATB IMITAT1 hl BM PHIS, in.. Kepi. 26.?Last night t?<> Busbasasgraaseaterrdthedweiltag ot Mrs. Itoastss twu ij,...? , i-i ..f Ua rtiy, !< >i pn wa lay bsim-.i rsatal i pro, .? ded In raaaaeh the hoaaa, BidaMgsf fahsawsslaBaa, ami iLa i argbwa aseassa a Mt BDBB "t r Of POBJ BPITB. fftUUBOTuK, N. U-i Bept, '_*?! Kruiamln Wll Itoasa abet and in?taatli ktl sdbds turn wtbsr. Bra. OsSssm VMIIisiii?. ? n -i.'-.t.y i" .lav He ha.1 ? ipuirel with h.?r (?,M,. ia!?. t i in t-,-, ?ii.l c-iuiuniusl lha uiu.<lcr oui ut ai>.lr. II? -.j?iirbi.k. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Tin: DfFLDI OP GOLD INCBBASLWJ. 1 L?i!iiK niii'mkm <ii- rtil I'ld - nit ?> BBTAI av? Nnl'Ni ?!> MjUBOB TKT09.Uk ftHftT* P/ITM TUB AL-IRiMIKKMAN V Ai.l.H BlBBT, It in Hiiruiiinoi il tli it as mm Ii .1-11,850,000 i'i tfold was to leave Parts yesterday for that port. BOOM (rolil wa? also withdrawn fr-tn tin- of Kiisp'and for this city. QbBBB Vti i. ria Ii ih expf? d her app oval of the understanding I' wbbb QeCTMByaad \11-tr1a. BoBM Mrtfs'i f irau-ri have Bailed fron Liverpool fat Canada, when Nee* uro B>iBBOrtoa tndanneati oBene] n nttleiB King Coty wayn left Poll Darnnrd f"i Capo Tjrn ? on the 4ih loatOBtj rke captive 0*01 to he pin. < c| in Ihe t 'aetle 111 that ' ity. THE TWO ABLATIO WASH, ?TOBI BtMBiewa BMOCTBD 1 <> 11 am -1 ob BBBIMM I.\ vas|..\. f?t. pboomm >???? rt Mb/, top . at, i -:?>. Tht Vrih>mo*ti nporta that GreoMral roc* goftooMTo wpodtffoo mii Md n 10 Ifen it silt nur Iroeeapj Ik.Krtets ai tht beeeef 1 ? Kooek Dach, whteh aepanu-e Persia fron Ittecenntry ef too 'iettKr-1 anamasa Me ? 1- aatnpertaat, end Hi mi ? .1 ou aporoaoBod num Bobbera mbi.a. pi B 'v. BB| ;. Bti 1s79. Uein-rai naghee*a brigade, no iwrsdaj I net, ?? wins. 4 from Csedabar to I ii Qerwaer ef whtBh piacu m reported m here I .. AI>Jr> 1 iv, W iOKM IH EKGI \M>. Uwooa, p '...1,1 'i t. ?->;. i~rf>. At a BeMtlBg ?'f tho bjOjOU 1 in ii tbip*bitild* ore Ib tbeXen dM UM, U >m deeidad to oek tfneta* eoi plot 0 to nunt.i.t ! 1 ' ?...a ...e 1 i- . Bill refiM>. gaauyetde Cotl .:i "... -( ..: Bullen hare gfeea ootleo ol 1 fnrttier redur . ,q ihe wirf.1 ' Ii., wenrn?, t.i tnke'rtt.. ; .1 ? >' H f Oi toiler. Beee , el iBa sum. 1.1-. 1.1. ra me m ten ; < at B . v b i.i- ginn Bollen of a mtu ,1 . . ? t Um ai oer- alter im letofOi eoer next. PARMEB8 LOOKING POE NEW BOHI I. 1401000, I'i rloj. - pt. -'i IBTti Tho last party of Brttiell ?? . MnTBj MOlea ileieKillen Ii 1 '.? i a.l . In . t Ii-- ,;\.i.i? lagn e< eowteanat to um Pumlalea, eeWt I /eat i :..) in Um im Hoet lermi lee trom Lirt rpool ? i <i .? .. :? r eaty formereBremOwedee 't'*" ?i t*d in ifce oteei "f Barmetlrta, iBtontfIne toeattle In Baulteoe. I rheeeat* eeed tbey w?l beJntaeO Oy OUQgwod - .. i - mm. QUEEII Vit loi.TA AM) Uli: HEW AI LIA! C\% Peon Pi ig ,>, pt. os, i-7-.?. ThO lhhrU :i-?. !is that QbbjoB \ulniin hat written te Up Bmperer ef Asstrta srpMasfog traUBm tun Bt IBe BppolBtBKBi al Borna Hayn 1.ItBletoB < 1 reise* kaain,a Ua II.taoltttoUwaot geadiOM* tioi.? betteaeo Austria ead Ocnaaay, QEBHABT AND .1IPAM QUARRE] LPfO. leal bob. Pi Ida/. Kept i pa, A tllsji.itch from Berila tu lad Xaiehint mi -: "Tie- Qerma go irrel with Jaaaa i- rettlap t.> on mereeerl ae. A Oermai -' tmer waa i.Bttoaataeot laed by Ibatiermea Bnvoy in the Klkmlo lo breah tbo obiilora Moekade .t Yosotinma. Ausei . ? sides WttB lapaa, nut aTaolaag tapi a i Oeraaeaj tu int.? aifair.'* TIIK si. I.I ER RACE. UNtaoa. Pi bfaPi Bei t. en. 1 -t.i. Tim PfbM for the St. LefPAl BtAkdO, lorttuoa> yeurn-jid. fame oO to-u-it it tin- BewnarBol Pam] ti. teber bleatbaf, aad ?.i? wee by Mr. ip. B. CiaanrAarB bopaell hay Archer. QeBBl P.BeLej *aeat -mil colt Ka>oii dDr was eeeead, aad Mr. it. Jardtoe*a Bereiter tblrd. Mr. W. a. LYawrard'a bay eali Oalaaai pBlal II. wee last, Phe bettina Jo I before the ran ?ii* I io l Hir.ti?! Bay Areas?*.Tto4on Barm., lu 10 l agalaai Bereller, tad lu io I aaalaai Iminaapotoi Ii. o iy the mar burses earned ? tore rea. TBe ta.-e waa w ot nt three on ? r< ? r- oi m i. mrtb. ihe Joeki v Morbey will ml.- Mr. P. LorUtaid'a ?^r. ye.lis-.ild In ou tl m iil'tik' I'.iloie in toe i aec f..i t liet'saiW. witcii ti'.ikes, wh oa will come i ll at tin- Bewnutfk?kj October 7- _ BECOBS1 BUCTIOH IS EULI LAND I Losihis. Priday, Bapi Bf, 1-79. A ilispuft h il.iti il ('.int? I own, Si jiti tiila r 9, \ ea/et Kmo Oatywape left Perl Daraferd on n... tin hMB. and bis arrival ben is honrlv cxi at lad. QaartoBl ban beea propand fei bim ai tue Oaatle All the tw Bmmiaa heetimehte - in /..i alaad iare sarreadend to Ibe BrtUeh aatborlttea, Mr flernet w*oleelej aimed ai IJtnebt, rreaaraal, ea Urn 7 hli ?t. A PATAL APPRAY 09 TBE DANUBE Bataaaoa. Priday, aept. bj i-to. An bBTBJ has ofcurrt-.l on tin- DBBflbo at a point bid v.e. n O. ? - vi. iu Au?.! - in. and i... ia. In ? r\:e? between Austrian IWagaMnBBdBeTTiae CBOteai lloitsa aaaaan, bt arhfoa toa an mn Ml ted. BenBaoaameBpj ban beea "ein o. nra, a- it ia hi ut d me t nuaa ?dl in- reaewed. Mevbtativael Uta part ol Um .-.:.....? Maaparartly on THE DE BUTTES 811 I.I. AGROUND. IioatrooBi k. Bapt.BB. 1-70. The IhiLMun ateoaaer, Do Ray tor, (apt tin Ptaakftrwm Bow Pert, Beptenber 10, for AatweryiV baa mn iwaert i aatoaad ih 8 efdt, baa aot i at BeeledL aad It in piohaole that abool 800 loaeol her cmito will I nve to be discharged UttO llRhten BOfl Tt IkM BOB be A?k ott. BORT BLAHC PO BE rUNNELLP.D. LoMixiN. PTBlay, s- pi. Bt, ls79. Tbo rorrt'xpomleiif of lie ftOMB at Taild sa>?that a BkaettBo ha? beea behf at Ante,PiadbBOBBj laeeaelder a bmVbm for the eeaetraetma ot a tunnel under Moul Blaue. HOBE GOLD COMING PBOB EUROPE. lobboBi Priday. sept pa, 1171. The Stiiruttinl, in ils BBBBCIbI iiiin ie thia aoamarm aajra toal |B4,B*siMKN>l ?in leave Paris to-la\ f..| Yw-Yntk. ice liulHOB VllBk drawu Hie K ink ol ta.inland bwdaywn BM snip. nn nt to BeW'Torfc. DB8TRUC PIVE PIRI 8 1^ BUBBI \. i.oMn.. 11ni,ii, Bap*.ha*,UPB Tin- I5i|s-ian OMciul BaaWaekW siat<s that o,'.i-.7 t!te? oeetured m Bande darl p the BWBth ot An ntai, earn aa aaataBs M property to toe aaaeoM of |l6,OO0afJ0 t BBfUBTfNG IBIdB I LNDLORDB, IdanooB, PrlOay, ?? p bb im79. TBpbb hBBdirjd toBBBl hiBcn hare anived ht the Iowa af Ttpnrar/i Inkaad Thap bar. leftiwri te pay Oka fall amoaai of haaB reat, aad tt i? fcatcd im n a ni no .t amnu bean ?i er Um main r. UK KM AN RAILROAD INTERE6Ts. I., vt.iis Kit btOi B !>' ?-?:. is70. The -h on boldon of ihr P rank tori ami Hobbp Iniri.' Kailv* iy have conilr ue i m-c-...?iti ..f BMA nad to ibe Rtata, ih ? raiiure .. Ben BwaaaX a raBwap eea brant or, is aaaoaneed. THE CATTLE PLAG CK IN POLAND, la siios, 1' blaj . it pi. ?6, 1379. A dhtpatck to /Vi. Imbm Iron PBrta ?n? aeaeen tie- appoanaet af raaa <>i near Bflnlaabtrr Ths dieuj h alee taj Uml the d.s. i? ? XleBUlBg in It -si in Poktad BGYPT AND ABTBBINIA. OaibOs p ni l'.. le i. '.'?. 1?79. It is i ii!> ibaf Qordoo Paeba'l aneatoe to the Klaget kbysmafa B atapt/ tai ucciare tb. oeaBya af Baj pi haj ?.? BBLkCKLINtl Tin RUHHIAN PRf!8B. Bp. panaMB h.; Kr: baj ? B pi Bl IBTBi The BBMJ ?'ii the i> OOOtl ol the PfBtaeBgfgj and tfonga Yrt<*y i i ? wm igen . ?" 11' aaJMtafb JIM Ti t s WITH mi. BEDMMW. WAgniBOTOMi Sept. 26^?Cownoi Hatch tel* eifiapns from oaetePd ioa- 'be tneip. ban bad a Oaht the NavitliHi at tbr uead of hi. rra Htauo (?.?aim. iBaBawl aatodaBdaPi wi ihetroopahad to ret in- ut abtM v% .in a tees >> tn. hBhtd aud ono wouuded. ibe s.iv.ij at ?i.i mi <i. aatoi Hfafa. PaixaBi i K.,gep Itv > oa bn reaefbad hen-that a part v ofyeaa* bwb hrom Da n ami Portu Wortb% wbib bBBliw 'it r i. n tadlt Omal y. In I bia -'at., were, ea Bepten-iei II. altarkni h> Ind a- ?, snd a^reu of Uk/Jr uu.uis-r kille t a i. i i i uu 111> ?' U?rhi. PB/CAfj (>l I d.\ BOOkUK%\ PiTTsm BO| PoBBh BoBt, Jl'.. ? At a BbttdJag gf the Wc lern liuu A?..n-i.u in t..l. citt toSBBg, lb BOB it.-. Li. il lo advance cat t r.U. mi it on lo 3 c uu, Wi stria eleeeMMalM^ thbtadvaan will into ? ir et on Bon* a .v ii it. The ametiog ? ?< Ilia larm al hi id for years, lac nail lad.m b Ibla all] nave m?<io lb- ?tumof U np< uia> n.a.s.t^Ao pet ?. ?.