Newspaper Page Text
"VlEPLYIXO TO MR. TILI)KN. A LETTER FROM GYBUfl W. k1f.I.I?. kJB. tttitn's *?skkim>\?? hkfv Of ONI kv OKI AND ANSWRKKO?Mit. Hfl !?'?> 1'i-IIIVI am' !>' - TAILED CMAROFR OF AM* r AI IK>< >1>? CAioIIC OMMF.N1S OM h ? timm n'm KLA? MM WIIH colonrl PKLIoN?TIIK CII'UVR Disr\Tciira. Cyrna W, Field bit* T<>pll-<1 very tally, in a latter printed below. t> Mi. ISMaai'a Mataateata la a eo-call?xl " nm n i?raj " awMta-htal, II? take* np Mr. Ti'doVa BaaaPtiaM pain) bp point Mini answers tin-inWlib much ? bnirneas Mm! lone. A fanny little storv about Mr. TiMaaftt hunt f->r a aVnilyti.e i? BjtWBB to whet tha BjryatJBa of tlie reader. On ? of tha BBaafl lapapaallna pattfl at? tha letter i* in which Mr. IV11 r< tiawa the rela? tions ot the Oiaataray Park stai.a<naii with Colonel Pclton. anil shows by quota! :?< is from t'i? laatf pnony in Ute cipher InTeatbJBtiBB tint Mi. Til.!? n's testimony at thnt time .mil one of his assertions tu the 1 tittadkaj " tastarrl m " ?o mtn otpjoo, THE LETTES. to the F. ft i lor or T hf Tri ft M fl e. Mit: AJItf IWO W9A kj Ol -i 1?-ii?-i , ill ubirb Hot ar> ? lei t Pa at at aaahfl pet s warn out of bin?, Mr Tthicn Baa gal i .\.nl aft rataa ?* n aa bo able to epeah, and apwan i> date Mm pabtta ?Ith an ataborata defence ?paabtt tm im; itatl aaott htahom-ty ami bouor. TM.. fpfaaaataiaa ??? n atatMti latTtaw with a reporter, tii..ii_t. it at quite Bppaiaat thai tin- qncstiom an i gnawer* wen wrttbea bp tlx bbm band. Tiie former an- pii'.1 tat ..?'?>?_? in nf m" t<> put "leading quo*, ?ion* " !l ? - \ ' ? k ml of I'm f i pre; are I it it qn-stum pid aaawat (aaa Baay law avoid awlrwaril qu?? liom). aa it *nvr l 'be repBTtei nil trim Ho ? leepl that of Ink n_ t u.lo?n at ahapthaad ;t< ibb* trere read aloud to bun In tlie llbrnrjI at Oreystom?. Tlie whole puf er In.? i \; 1.1.'-Y jn , ml - :'i _n t cure, atur ami i tu..m Na MaradytagPa*eon "und "making bu fpt'i: ?- " I''-' M fan Ml. 'i n?n y raonal and mmt mot, bl? )><>:iilra! nt"! i rial " laal will unl |Mtaa_m i t." ai '1 Ii clinic* rU thai be I at fo ?ay for loni ?< .f. It it ....i m4 ... m.f am mint tn nab, tl ?? i 1a awl la tba at M r, fat 11-n j ur?eaare arbaartafl t~ n. t: -''? .'1 ??"?? ?' * Ti' ? r.- ? ' - 1v 7?.e ,>'--t"oi-/, %.o.r.<- i p i] ? i (\11 rd for yean i] i ned Hi t Men a. lb a Tntata .! m? -i S:. that baa hardly a y irallul in n at"... pa Uaaa b-.f< rataa ?\ Utei ?.- :? ? n - > tins bun aa ? aaaa ?ba aatfn.;.\. i \'.. .i\ a ihwh?m be |i:. i .ii.. i.. i.. i ? >'.i; a. . '? i . .i i : lug k.iua. if oil. of iiu apoila of tha at , tnlea be Lai ?adjapali aa aV randlnp tba OoTatnnettt of iii? irn,< re? lax; and lliiHlly, aa all'inpl.i'K to obtain by bribery a ri : :' 11 i!t- i.f !?' e', et 1 t' i ? ? 'ii I'll' i. fier |nry In c'm m m- Im f ia n eaaia tb>e of (*?u ppaaa KfetM be knew .ni It. In ?''.irt. Ibadfa hi bau Hp aarp aaajna ..f fab ? *? ->? > t ?.iiich It mil rl:ni ,e.| ma n Mr. Til..i'ii; ami yet, tMa la t;.< p.i| ? i i,i .???.??? .k I..a . t: > i it... It i? a mk'iI. ?. i haaft ai !i 'tit in tbal Ii el: w ii Iber, aa j/i< Wot MM awga i ata M bai iMPaatatterof hn?lneaa, or a la-., naoaaltloa at aatlatal vrt i.. ti pubiio mu*t |i I e. A ? 1 > ? ? 'i au .t????<? 1. :i-?i>r I'm.- ??? tbe BliifAi oft: ? e.. it 1 ?. - .; y of f?ll a di 1.1 bar. j '.t np tabditaaa bt with ? antti J Ti'-i-n. nnd I *? no* nnau lobe drawaaaMa ft ? altea.'.ln^ to him, by atay btterated^hMj _roaa anattaap qaarter. in a nmtter ef men hBpottatti ? aa tba ahaiaeti i al" "'ir next I'reai tfent," be al.a'l Live u.y ?o!e and up'ltvlrled att' attorn, A i nn i. ; im.Y-v.::. n : i .mii.v i an 1 A** my i i!'" in iv be Inn.-, it ii nv r<- i- ve Hie ,ire ,(<?. fin-.. . bpndabb,aftar thaaaanaar al Mr. Li-eoin, "a htti. -ton." atr.TDdara It -imi aaantcb to inform the p. ' ! .? ?!...; I vaal abfWai from pan benevolenei?on a tin.i of MiaabMarp nbnprlaa--*'oaatemplaiina tiie In :.. *. tloaof Iba lorda of Baptandbp aparlncto them tno-t of n r at?.. k." Tbl* la Innti a Ittv ami polite, and I I Mat. in?-.1- return the aaap laal nt i>y sivnnr tiiat I Mr. Tlbies waa wa_t_df ta apare to M tba lorda of Kiia* UmyoT mot aat] bhl attaalf, btM a.-.? to give tbeui n <.. tain tfirhl and j.roji. pbj m linn i \ \ my tracing buoii lila Lieu' to t?ti atnl-iit family ot tlio nnlfti. 51.. r in a r'ory cmiei.t bt latodon which lm? fin iil-i:> .1 Mtl aaPAMMMI in UptaObatlG circles, fl ,m .|, a in tic mi rtpjcattna ta mir aotntuyana. it aroma ?bam Kr, Tim. ii WmtA bt BBaflatHI bt ] B77, be v. ..a v. ry aaabtaal abaaxt Ins antectry. Ba wlabed to know wl.ii f tVJ 'f tin pnayaadtanOl mi? a mnn. He coti r.-i\i <i tl.c .. he in.iet uc iii? . in!. : irmn a ra.i i. f eminent y.imW-iiiucn. lie faratedl aboal blra for |> <.f t'.il-, mal Mi-eiili-ulally lie.Mnur a well known tin in oi l of aap .!(.? corp. nlliolo lo tba rare fei.eil.i_n v. -kill ai d kaartrtadki of un Auirrlcau geti t einan baldj r< -..Ir'.t In L.-inli i , hd MMfht liia aequalnt aaaa, m il aaaai lata (astlaataa to baveatlgate ui? p I .r.f m n pot < --.i.tiai aaatter, nnJ lo ii. ,ike mi' tot 1 i i a 1. iii'iaoine fiiml1)-ir.c, aiiou'i.t p.. find any ? .lit n Eagttab bnaaab aa vblabta iianctiie aeses-m iii in. a in : i aa Ti'ien?. la aaa ttafa the anc air..i line a.ia u.ic. 't. a In inen _r..led. If not golden, waa louud ink. :ii. m .i i.i i.i'a al aVaatlah BQalpaa I and tbe afHUa tlon lisvln. i.. . ii e-t it. la'n .l la Mr. Tildeu'a errat de 1.^- I.l.i nr.-- .1 for t he enilil.troi.iuent of tbe dlarorery ?? v itinait laaaaa ba aaaaaaaa" Aaeardinaiy a roiiie pur. In n ni wn. Bl 1p ire. 1 anil a. r;t tu bitn, aecurat* ty ami baaatMRIty BltadJ aat,aa wblab be aaw wnb priite tin- f.imi v Brat -a BaaaM aBurlbia oak?.hung with Til aVaagraal aad aataB,trttbhBaaaM ini iied upon ti.e baaaaaal baaak. Ha raaatfatl with rat.cue me preelnus t> r of all ii u-trioiia aatgtB, Bad Invtatii-,1 Ida pmbata Bpoa tha aathaa of bt. banpiue?a, uw aaatttad ba Bta. a aaaab m in* note o; ?ekiiow.'eilk'iiient. Tin BBBaaMaiM b ul beaa ut amb fae a aaaatb ot ttro, ataklaa bbi ri scare bra, and pradVnal a minute aeaaaal al batwipeaaea. w hieb mtii a ?BaaaaHaklt abataafai bta awa tlataaad laboi .n....iu.i. ii to ail >it' a baadrad paaadkv aVflat a A ? < ut Int. n al, he Teniureil Bl ball ll.f attention of Mr. Tilden to In- a Unit oini-aloli; ami tli n'ly, as ihr time r)n w near for the btttl 1*1 i? lata lo AII.i U.M. The f..ill i r |l al palleiire, ami railed upon Iba Bt nai ntit a*raataant-eieci of n,, PaHadBtatea?aadlbaBtBgaaaB more poattlre than p . 111*-. ln?iate.I thai lie ibaMlbl pay |at In- i>ro_piiiiors. ?awaaBnaltpeantpetlealtadataaaadwaa ii r n ibnai al Btaen dlaaa, wbkib ate apt Bo be btaa iiliuto'y mibe poari 'I i ton than of Baa-York. Tin- eertainlp l? an I ebienl to atakf u< proud of the Btaa wbo araa "*Bbroihtd" Freaideat, aad in tiiai lo- aaald aol liia ae .t. It t? .. tiirl.-. but infle? mow I ab actor, narlng gttraa thta dalleaie mnrraau aa an " appetla-i " at tbe beginning al I be f.-aat (lu retuiii fur lbs > t ;.' .ut *tbc of Kiiglulid "), I U.'V lu an la bastai i a Mr. Ulrica itt cuaurprtaeat M tba wide range of *ub Ji i - ills, u-.-i whir . airet. lieit . ut ujy l.-ticr to ?? tw.. bjrd a balf er atnaa" Bai ha bta reply he has doubled the aaautltv, girl g aaarer Ireeolnran*. Ad.rnment tif -.1.1, Ii nirin mail iie.-iia pan aret * a wide retire of BBbJ i ta ?? am.... i : wblal an nnaor,aadno<i at all irnpor tniit to lb* n an is ne. lade >i, I' w mid em aa if the a^fasettafpio ngla " " :? t. ??... w " maneli l-nlh had leen :.. ....ifua lac reader, Ta alaapllfj the matter I wdleleai in III h ??! ibta raMdab Batwrt 1 roue to it.i .i. i, potat, ?:. ?OB POUia OOBBtM BBSb i i a Oomia baa aa nasaarttw af the scene at Mi bean % m I called far the fii-t payment. Tothe tin< -i mi (i' k ?! by i in . 10; ??I ? n be ?1.1 not lad ton nf breakfast," ?he reportei Baked '* aaa aal . rua lato paying tbli 115.0001" Mr. i i' ? i Ibl k I -. ii i bare n u.emb. rnl tin Btwae, If rt bapisiaca. It la a ann tasaa aa. It nay BateBaa ata BMaaarp II I na dad bha that I wh mb atan mi Ibat aaaaatatt, bat aaaaaapauled byagen btaaaaa *. an Mr. 1.a baa 'n. bt -i rt .-..n t.. know, arfeaaraa ptaaeai it ;h Isaatwlaaft as that,If needbe, lu tn. Bbtatt "i lara vbbbpjbbbi pi i j and may be iai_u IbHi.-. Mr. Tn aavsfttat the stuck v n* not put in IY1 Baa*a anne tIBnnatba aftartba parebaae. Timt algut* Baa antbtaga Tlatannaaataal h*i aafii tm uulunortant. 1 ban i leinlj .riven the text of I tie original nrr. eiuent. ni ii ihawad thai Iha aaattaal w?> ande with ivimn. a ?? .1 iMtaa i b| i htam t. e aatak ?a.ln>, a? inueb Id BB i a aa lull e. y. Mr. TllttaB datataa tbdd Pein.n waa made Tlee-prtsi. dct al bhl i' M : bVporter?What about Mr. Fi. Id'a aaBbPBM nt, that If waa at yaar reqaref that Oob>aa] ivlto? uaa'mai'v ti., . nt ? im a .ii i.i t Mi rild rha ataiaataat la Pi little Importance, 00\.at . la In I true. I an aarry %m dtBhar aBStla, t>ut the atatemcnt u tri:e. bl.. i Baaaalbtatadtbaappataaaaaai fr.m nysell?and Di'-re oi.e.-. .My i e. ol.< et I n ?' the uiatler I- ele u ami dlaitoel Baa *?..? out |ba ntea tPat he|. onbj be an |m.:i ut t for any otba r raaaaa I aTbai a n- Peiloa and whal araa hi I B# wai i a body nut tbe nephew ol hi. naele 11. i d av alaodlag la tbn elty, aaaaelal oi aUwrwiee' mom ?aiiie ii inat ?i pal - ic . a man iB a it,gl, bueltloii af truvt and naiauri ibtiltrl TBaratobal one aaawrri I* w i. iliini at Mr. Illdeii'a nqueal. Oil tbla point ntv Biairttaala paaltm aad abaalatab e.nte MP.lTHlBu'a Mil.'. f. ii.'k Iii in a., lit I. Ily in I. .aid In tlie a rem ut bta i ?': ?':?'...?, , it need imi aarartaa aa that it f ill .i bin ii in.a atan 4 A- la lb.- wrnteii agreement made in Oetolu>r IB77. wbtah waa alga ubi even dureotor. and ..11 the I plilieli al -I..i Wliold i-, Id iltuif li.etu p,,i iu Mil far all ! im m ba ? Ecepi ? n ? i rinn, a|ne tie.: eunditbM a,a d aim b wai hi i't b) ev. ? . ? t, . xai pi pa lai . Mr. Itldea a-ta ii.'i e was i . ? . ni bbbw aathbah*aaaal it- Hut M to tha faai, ta Baaa aal <ieiv it. i.ut mot la belittle il, aa It It lace i.f ?mal. Iiu|n.| t lUIV-. Well, In lie t ^.ia " i Hiiiifc'," mal ivimn broke liia Mia. That la nil, and with mine aN u tins is ?o <? .i t lag aa ta saen i.u a trtflV. it ia i aarlaaaeAraaantaaaela ihlaatiiail mutier that oueoi t.'.l- ni' ii i" B lo'iii r. linn, a..a II. nrt ll.tvi tn. yer ti.. mail In a li .'n ll.e faunma clpbei di-p?t. b. a acre ill roiled, atid Mom a i.inn Mi. Minili. M. We. A u-at I tie,] |lo foie Hie i'utiei t '.iUHUIltec ibat ba 11 O. Hl d a " tele. giapLU. aaaeut " (it aaa to be priauaod aa Xroiu Alt I Tilden) to M7 MMT FM MM BbyAtBtBl ???**? Carolina, on the streagtb of %viiii-;i m- ?rni, with no m comp lee, from Boalb Carolina lo BnMlaaorc Coi oo i Peltoa, reeatTe tit*.- bmmmj uu i aaarplBte tan barrela. .. roefcewhaa mrj aaaaltlee Mr. Tilden la to aay eel I at otbere whteh arena to " eel a need ef Mm," or to I ?? _iv bin the Blip," I qnote Iba follow mg, to winch nt gjeea an aboard importance: I ? In Octant r. lHTi. Mr. Pleld, beta*, prar-deal ef the oouipauy,got areeolaUon paoeed Uj tin Board "i Dh i ' rector* to offer lei bwle, ta e nirenler to tbo stockholders. | f ih< pareheee.In eaual nnrte ol stock noil bonde, of eo7.votsi of botxli ami P67A.000 of -took. Award waa in ida In Ji one .v < n.. u b taking Inn m which Mr. land ii lawo Mr. Field, and a dlreetor, was than a mem er. I hie price waa 145 for Iba boada ?n<l lleek, collectively. Mr. Field amde no a party, wktac. a is M.d.lwo nine tor himself and fau.lly. and atrlaa the i. lue to eertale co-directors, and one stochl older who ,'o lot ii director. I tii'Oi.iit timt the bu beert ptloa on. in in have been offered In ibe stoekkolden pro ruts, i tb in I ii i? boon Riad lo lake mv snare, Ike priviieg fei which Iben aeeni d to bm rnlnable and aeon be earns worth wore ibaa fl00,000. I waa be fur the htrarel i?t... kbolder, except Mr. i told, bat aerer bad an opnor liu.ry io t.iki-my share u stockholder on opeu sub aertpl on, n irwna I ever offered aay ratable obere m Ike combine I ten Md Mr. Field aol up this UaaanetWia lu secrecy, and married It tbruvtgi ander dean He ?egal edvn . I hereby laduclug toe umi nt of the ItooorakU in. ii among ihe dtrecfa rs." i statement bore made nato ?? get tin. up ttilm inn. art Ion In secrecy," i? Btierly ai troe. Tin- offi r lot MOa a i- advertlaed in erery lead 1e da Ij paper ef New York) oeireatar waaseat toereiy itoekaatdart and if Mr. Tibi ti .ti*i nut aend in bta offer, and iwl whatoeei advantage tbere nlghl lie in It, tin- fa lore waa due sim? ply i.i i... awa aectect, A? to ike ?ugreetloo tiiui ti waa done ?'inter dorn eitle legal advice." Ibla is equally false No ?? lep-ni ad-lee" ?h. aeked. fat aooe wns i.i . .ii .i ii, mi i?,in,.it- u ii.?I ler nt im?: I In- counsel nftbeconii my lo wbom be probably alludes (wbo bud perbapo overlooked tbe elrenkat aenl blm aa a atack bold< t) iixii taken u<> aotlea af it. ami regretted mat he bed mi' bad ?ones ?muH Intereel lu it i but aerei tbougl i nf complaining >'f it, aa u waa due only to Ms own overs .? >t. My Mil was mode in eoocen witb otber directors! lu 'un it was cm aenl m by paeal all. bnl i>y thi m. for I waa abeeat from the i-ttv. nor did I know till Uiy return tbal the oiler bail been neceii ed. Tuorn v..;. i her bids for lur_< amounts at mu. Ii h aa than we offered. ?o thai the >>i*l was accepted, not becatis. it whs our., but In ; auee It ?.? for tbo Interest of Ilm coui pa i \ . T: i? I" n trlfltnt nntfer which would nrvrr htvi> hi en sllud 1 ?? 'v Mr Tlldi a exeopl tu d.vert nttentlon from tits own eoiiducl afterward. Indeed be couresM-s ua uiueh. for lie Mays I I mention Id is transaction, not for the purpose of now I s In v or merely ton lo" mv ntute. um ii lint i ii relations wer* renegnlaort bv Mr. p ?? i. n* ei'? ? rweenbun and mraalf.of aueb extrem?- ard p'-i nit ii fi iii i iiiijr ig haainooo aa to blad me to eoaenlt linn niinut I a tie of my atoek. while bo rciuatued lrt-o ??_ - :i h'aown alUtontoonenltinti' me. IHK QCrATIOM i-*" aUKTaVTJOM AND FALSXnOOD. I I Ilm tl i are Bstoec bwoaa, which I bruab aalde to I emue to t:.'- nmln pokat, in oklakIehergeMr.Ttldeu J with deceptioa -l''l IiiIm !:.>o<1?falsehood both Heti d | Hint apoki n. The pi mf tu Ikkl i tkal when he l>mi hi my u'.d in e birge biialnens trana icllnn, whb h could only be done ou one runOltlou, be thereby areej't 'I ttie tnuler , wblek bad uil the foree of ii positive a_ree tuf-iit, timt be ?hotild not In oiy afcoeoee do anything aitrtlai-i oitr common bttereeti and that ibla iitideraiand ? vlo'iii daaaoooaal wb< enl of Hie way, ami I ihe'fin prnctieedQgoaadoeepMoa fir his own prnlli ami ?" in) iiijurr. T' i-1? my eeeneatlnn, wblehl niuae \> rdseaamnkoit*and wblek I have en|b I piT-i d by priMita tbe moot eirpu!ii?lontlBl and precise. I A' i ? t-r rewrMnnorerkialongetoiement reyy eeri" f iUi. i rennot ?? e tkal II dleproTet in n single partlcttiar the ' n t. 1 have ijlvi ti. or Itie ? conclusion which i boy iBvolro. Haw done ke anawee hm I l'i?i, ? makea r.-i y iInt ot' eea ?ul.l as WOOaakOI ihut t ."? I iireotora sold freely, and net only ao. but that ' re tie ubi i ami he la at palai to produce from Hie t nuka of t!i? fompanv a long list of trnn-frr*. of a'oeh ii'-ole before I Balled, Vir> well I what of t'ntf i'l-at Is tio nrwe to tue. I knew all timt before. They iii.I ?i it tue? had a perfect rlglrt to do i nor didli-ver ii'fim of abrldelag Ibeir lilwrty In IM? rraperi, or bad the a'urbteat feellagbecense they eboae to ae!' Wbni tbey did waa done in pi rfed fktrneaa und frukueaa. it w.ia ?!.;-!i'v und uti.Aeboard If w.i? r.'i Mi nidea to keen in Iba bnekgTonod, wltk I:ia liitentiona n?neealcd| to t:?Ve aw. el rotmsel with Ina trie-.1. from WkoH In' was about in puii) in Inline kla t<> tbe ablp. and bid bun a teti'ii-r Hii eu, lulling bie anaplelons by gieing htm the I foil llii|ire*.?|on that he waa going to do ? i in hi* power to keep up the iimrk' t, uud ataj to break II down i ai.d I tlirn la-tet from tbe ablp to Ua broken to tell them to ?.-ll on' :is fo?t as possible I This waa eetlalnl) on eomlt mm le ivre, wrthv of a a'oekbiol er If not of a '?.i'i-.i.. ii. (it tbe war. It la aael in i coiundence, in it Ii s-rui i..u. n.ui hi ta ting than that noted above In the i Mr. Ii .?' in y-r. tbal Iba brakers who sold smck t?e no ut mv 'i.o h. waa tnrned, wan the n rr brokers n- ? mnl ini'i been itonooited to tie n.ed tu tip if oi dining tin 1011111111?; ol taa aleetoral \ou-s iu i- : :: \li : iili-n asysi "After I bad henrd of Mr. Field's pr 'i ..-?'.-' ai directors to nndertake to ae,i atoek for t i.e.i. i.e t.i luilar offer to mo." Indi-ed, Mr. Til ile-it I- ! a: qtilb tbt waj toputltl Is that the truth, I in.' dl mitbl To aay Iba! I ??mad.- mnlrr, .. .i that I rolnnicered it. Oa the contrary did pro; ..I eomt rromyoal Didyounoi come in ? d k ; .- to do rontbia service I And did I in.'a ? -nt o i'y on one condition 1 Ae lotiiiaeotniiiiun, m HI you ib ny that I said to yon agara and agalu, that "the u a.... t i u-t ' I i. a l.iailied feeN " I 1 i . ' ii.! the difli le'.ci- In th.- world between i y mi and ii : rawboaoM. Tbe wan) .f good falili was rot ii. t'n- Hing, bnl in t' e manner of It and tin- time nfit. Wnni tin- directors did wen one thing, what von oni un. uiiotin r. H'bal Ibi i di I ? is fair and aquare, in broad deyll tl t. Wbel von did w is done n ereUy, no known !?? vi. ir " friend," wbo waa oo the ocean. Too ta-iti a letter after me tbe rery ncxl day qfter I smled. V. :.y did yon iml imranrl tbeebeerfnl Intriligi-uce that you v. ? alvt-adj beginning to " null an "I Ymiteli. i'iapli -I i. in- in Lendoa. Tim dispatch came ibrnti.h tiiy ? i ti t iry and eeal yon Dotbtne, Tim rnuld hnvi ni id' i' n? fit ! ?: d in''.nie a* yon pleaaed. Why did y. ii ? ot - Y a win ' or tli - good pro_n -a you wi re msk lt, I.>Iiitsr "ii' here I ffo, sir, that ? w i - concealment 1 uil to o ii;li, ami tbeiela In ?? tbe difference between I ?oii.iiid liio.-e win ii. ikii 1i> to h-m n .t" vvltn foil. I V o it tbet dot was honorabli i what ton dldwaadia onorable. My cootroreray is wltk yon, notwltbany. I 1....ia . ... and 1 il" Dot im an tbal von shall escape by I 1 I titis behind otber and better men, and quoin tin ir ein;, tri.- agetloneaaan excuae for your deception aud in act. ry. lo vvivu nn aoi iti mi nt. Mntywa daay tbe atreemenf or naderoanadtag. and will have it that There, wa< nocmditloii whatever,eltbei expressed or Implied TblawoaJd radnoetbe question sini|ilv to one of veracity?four word aguln t mine. In aiteb case.i tbe pubUa mu-t decide by Weighing proba i. t itle*. I.-II likely that I would ntidertiiko u neg Ma? rl.o< ul. nail, with the full fr-i il.mi of my s*"i'-lafe to defeat It at bome 1 The qucilmi nnaw era Itself. The thing '- loo uiiRiirit for belief. Ii is aoMTadlcted by your letter and vour i agram wbiok Intrnated to :n> care a ttti.i, itiiuttei o: Importenee,wblek i should have been the in ist loolfctb of men to anderi ike, while ienv lug V o.1 free to " suing round the die I 1 ',u the Way you did I ; : t llately after I waa gn m. Toil Mr. nidcu wasgnltaeonorlottetbal he bud not done ?? the >u, mre tblBg," iml had taken n mean adean lago of my abeenee, and done tbat of wklob he aogbl i. , heaeliamed, waaaafllelently ahowa by the pataa be !? i k to avoid un nn rnj return, I did not mourn hla ai. sei. ton It d'd seem a little attatnve that after lollow ii. tr no- on day and nlp.rt for nmiiiha, he diopi^-d .? u s? suddenly. He * .v* to n reporter timt ?? be think, be mice p nt io im oflc ? to mq lire win n I Would ii " No nah im MMI waa tfaf received. Hut ?tat need Of a feaaagel I was in my eflke at ptly wbeo la lawn, or at my honaa In Oramerci I'..i s. i ;ri.' ?'i |i Ii"in Mr. Ti den'? dour. He coil.I ban ? . " ti" "i any tum- in rjvc in antee, If he hud ?i -iie i But be waa nearer stilL At a Booting "t tbe on be was m tbe next loons, wbere beeoaM, pnd probnbi) m.v rolee. He bad often been preii etii 11 .ii meetings II.- had now but to open tbe tto? gild vv Ik In. Huf itiati ad of that, he put ot his ha' nud ? , ked ont I nave aol met him since thotUy lauiied f. .- Kugland. I a i, well AO are that B"li]t of luv fr lend, think I show an limine iii-lee of foeltng la this amtier | timt t am to.hi exetiedtban tin oi watoncalls mri and that i ii. mi lain ol what is, alter all, but o vert eomaaoa form . ..i irppractice. Men skins tbelr shoulders, end aa] "Buch Ikings ate iim e In watboi.erery day. Tea, '.-?i ii..? ni' not .loin- tit a ?? 1're-iiiiif i ??el"Tr:n United Mute."! Bai no mutter by wbem ibey are done, tbey ebow a lowatandard nf aomm'Tcial amrab t? and I aw tin- greed f .r money ana eaten like .trv rd Into tbe very core of oar XeUoual abaractet I ? th nk it hope leas to re lee Iba Stande id aj tbta n ipei t. < i rt italy it ii- rar n in be retM-i bo i o ?r aa an keep allem a boa I it. And I anal aay la all frankness ibai " geed an a H a tl *' kanorabie men " bare tin u - res parily la blame for tbie abeaaetai state of ibuus It to tbelr cowardice iu anbatitttng to wrong laai en i.a.'? Its rem lltlea. 1 think it lei no- tbe Ibtag rw c ? ked, and I mean to do my email part, be Uon'a . p, towerd cbeckieg It i md I knoe of no heller way tban by am I ni nut tbe ? at conapleaoaa laatnnee i il! nt i.'.-i" M exp r.? '.?? 1 ii ?? a alike by the peoHien of i eaae.aadtna lagrani ebaraeter of the at i and baldlag it up aa _ varan *f and un ? sampln. mil I'lLTns- ami tbbctmaa i^paicmbh, l um aatrji io bora again of Mr. pg ion. i ban were nmttert w oak in mv u tter I paaaad arergently or ? :i a ?' ' <?? freaj a wBtk aol to neaad him. i<:it j,), ?aelepnebeektm late such preailaeora. to mydM c aaaaaaat,Mml I mass aeoda a?v a tew words anaa. Mr. T ?'? u tlutik^ that Pal tea la not appie i lat- d ; that be is a man of gi.-al nb litv, win.. ... lire'i e: t from ins company waa a losa uot to In- re ; .nr. it He sav? I I rjalearl Palten .et tu m naaa the aaaararlae. lie or g, iaedii Wh griut admlaletral ra abilMy, and c.a 11- fj I' forwatd tow aid eomplellOB H- enabled the ? n lerpHaa ?mvive tba m mauee Ineapaetty ot Mr. Kieid. Alter a walte im alienated Um U n urabi takmgupou a.amell to do ? . k? l .i eoaaaltaag utaat. If Mr. Pi Una waa >-o raiaabte to Haeaeaxpaay, why I d \. ty man of the dliector? Inalat that he aboatd St ttaaUi reataja at beramorodl Ma kaowaaalj bra voll ?ay ha bad w raafaa. Tat whaa the aaoaaatty Baoanv iMaaratlra. TUdea aUll einag to Pel taa. and eaam t.. iii no i?e anaiti ami nguln and begged thut be ml^hl be allowed t" remaBL I knew tbut 1 was touching a si re a pot when I alluded ta tba ef phar dtapatahrn is a chanter eP b latin. atJuahMr.Itadeawealdratbar bara flandlaa. Heia? apataaapeatauj be knew or haataal the (line wbi-U he reeoluuii-lideil 1'eiton to me. Thitt I n, i on Mat no Injuaili e, |et me aaaaja him agam i The n porter .nid t ?? Mr. Bam amktl tbe following ahtteamati ' Bat whoa Mr. Tlldeaoaatc to testify ttc lare tbeOaagreasloaalcommittee,be admitted that ut ibla ecrr time ha knew (aBlwngb tin- public am not know tni moatbe uftei wm.ij ,kii muoui lm Ifaaaeetioba in regard lo Ibe cipher dl-p.ili lies. Ve?, rtils,, n - i ii-ented lo ine e tnati Who had uttetiipted bribery, sad an beoa tnutty af a attaia, aaoaa wartnyof an cm' ?deuce, and the aaa whan n? lhaaially caoaa to lapre selil blllmelf.'" ' Mr. IllUeii?" Tbc tuural aud.cltv, or rather theini Uiuiai audacity, la ama.lug, of tbe man who I 0. nM deliberately HWrl in n Written pnnor. bp der iii? own signature, thai 1 admitted i>< fan MM I on rn'Mionai eoiomittee luat'ai ibia rm time <J:i"? 18771 ? i kn ?? all about hit transactions In regard li lb< Dipnerutaimieliee.' I teatlBed before ttwt commit ii,. t.i.i- i nan i knew of tin ? si '?? a< ..remit. oMolnnj in tbeelphoi dispatches BBtll Ibcif publktatloo In Ber. 1.ber 1878. and even wltaem esamlaed aaoevei i H i elicited oonflrmed a? leeUmoay. It w?i furibr proved ibal arbeai l waa baformad bj >>r bmwbn Coop* i t .... Col.I Pel on aaa reo i i t, ? r w u ab n! to reeelTe. tbe eomainaleotloB <?f tbe Bret ot theo? r* null i be uaiy one ri? it eaaie to mv kBowledaTe, to o\ ? t. I be Democrat!* Blee ton thatr eerMieatee for a peeunt ai i Inda? i awnt, I inaUnUy Interfered, broBa nptaacaa f. i' i. andmn*hedttM taetnientBegotlattona. Hu? lanauaac 1m ptwtap atrwoff. Hark tbe wibpob I testified timt 1 never kn a ot tin' i xi-ti nco . r contents f any of tbe cipher dl latcbee nntll their pnbtteatloi in ffetitamber. 1378." 1*1 "* an Bow Ihm compare* wttb tbe lest moujf bafon tbe Oonrrcsa Committee. I nuolj taa ropari m raa Ibibobb of Pebroary e, ibj?. Mr. EdwardUoopar?bow Butt? oi Xew-Yarh, laanaei ? i aw Mr. PBltBBBB MM BVBBfBBJ m BBrB lie left for Baltimore, lie was in taa lull oi UoVcrnur Tildeu a house. )i;-t ll tin net of ironic tn tin i all to i:n to tin train lie bad bis eoatcm hla am. aast hl? bat oo | bit cab waa it tlx door. Ho eaid ba wm going to lUiliinore in in .i Mr. \v.. i; tbai ba might ? mi lo send f.n mac money, and rwh? telegraph. I doa'l n 11 Heel pri ebb iv, bnl be utut have gtrea an s paper with sobatiintton wurtta on it, I pot a lolearaat la* aesl day.atmalj la English, bat with aunte word* winch bad ui ba mbsu in it. In that l.'ii".':urn he wanted sent a larifp amounl nt mom r-f60.00U or BOvOOO, I w i* r. rv mm k mii pi m .11.. mi thai telegram. I wi nt loam Outcry to Uonraor rudea'i bouse, aad told him the last. He pi op u d thai Peltoa antat kaaaal toe to come home Immediately." ?aal I in n Mr. Tlldeh knew It lininoillately : knew I bai Pelina nan gone lo BalltBtora oa toma myalonoaa errand, wbleb eoeld only na ? oaveyed m ciphers? nb atiiutnui woida," Mi. looper culls ihem?a bnataeas wbleb uad suob an ugly kssa thai bo um?t bo Banadl ij nib ii home. Bai We ll iVe better tesilmonv vet. O If of his own month Mr. simii be answered, tioraara a fea question! and aaawen flam bta awora lesilnjoay bet?re the Ooesmittaa of Concress la tats etty laal wb> iri . 1 gouie from taa raportal Petoraary BI pi?m neu Coioael Pnltoa nturaed from Balttmora I ?opp SM tb 11 fOB hi% him liuiii' il itely I A.?I saw BUB ine m-xi Bap. (A?Too h araed from Mr. Coopar, and you could have le.iine i Irma Colonel Pi I ton, that Dfl had Bt Bfl f" Baltb more i<>r tm- pat im.f ooasommatlna a plaa fnr n par c bai sei, hy the aeiloa ol Iba Canvas sin a Board al Boo lb ija, roil I., wbleb would in son the eleowa ot the lii.iou Elaeton m that Blabs, a.?I did not beat thai be eoa> summated Iba srrsnpsmsati 1 oo.y beard bat Lore C. Ike.) an ..ft. r. fx?Would >ou not lurer Ironhlahavingooniannl niad in Mr. Edward Coo pel that be would probablj draw spoa .lim tha sezi day tot from BBO.0O0 ta es-.?i uou, and mat be had poae to BalMnran to meet Mr. bm.Ui bt. aVtart aim amtiboi guuUeinaa, who bad saws i;> in Buutb i axul na ba mm aim Uteri ? ouhi > oa not iirrii infer from that thai be bad aoae there to ooosnra ie , pnrobaaa i a.?i da aal aadarataad nmi ha m >i Ulal. t. _in,i j-ou aadoratandfrom Mr.Ooopet the mm at uio'u. } A.?Ye-. Ol?Do job reeolii i tba aatoaatl A.?I do boIIbbow that l .tu. i aaaantood tint' be bad poaa tucio iu order to leceire or look inio , prwpoaittaQ. (i?Mow, undtdrataadina that no ba t baaa Indlsereel eaoaab to fo to Baltiaion loevea looktato? prupoai turn inr me r Ue al me electoral cernHoito of that Mut?-, ?i n vou uni Unab i. ai roa a > w isl.od apoa to aaosi a hi? rt Uttoas io the Xatlonal OomBdtteelsnd to ascertain boa lot ne w.iaeommlttntg thai bady,aad ima fur he was aommlitiBB bimaalfl a.?I taooabtibal the i? ?t wh . t- Baal wn . so u a iiaaaaettaa waa lo stop It aol only to have uo'hii'K to .In with it myaalf, mit in nop everybody etsB flam bavbag aapthlai i-? da ?im it. fjsjMMBf?rsj u\ rata tbbiibiobt, Thi* thowa mo ?? gomaa > n me of Pthlaa la nabsBaf lemptailan BBM what ktBd of " virtue" does ll show tn Palural The Maaraaoay of "tr. flldaa bore ajtraB, ihawt thai be w?ta igatBBily appratad af a bai Pel taa was ahotlfj that lin did not leuru It af'erwar.ta, BWt kBBW tl tuen, ot Mm tlbsb, Immediately aa hla return fr mi Bat* ;. i.. ... Vfhai thaa becomes al Mr. Tihlaa*i btoTsMttea nt "the ninr l. nr 'mm >r ?!. aadaatty " of it ana w:m hn aalj aaaerted [what Mr. Tlldaa aoafaaaea in bM btett* in mft viz.i that ho was Informed ut the time, for IM ward Cooper toin bta Immaillslelj the BMaaaah wi.irh Pelton bad sent from it dtlmarata a " andtat dlapatab "J that in- i.m a Bhoal PaMaa't aaftaa sttampted, or ai least entile mi al I, bribery manj montbi batata the linn (May, 1877) that he Inttadaoed Ulm 11 mo at. a niaii Wotthv of mV lullest triim und ooaBd Beel j na loa loae <>i Mr, TUdaa's sieaa ol narbt and wrenc ?tin- deadneas of bla iu..rai aeam?la shows iu I be Babl way in wbli ii 11 ?peahsol PaMoa'aeaaaeeMoa with Uns wretched business. Hethluhal have done Ir.a m phi Injustice, I qiinie in* aordt t " Mr. Pichl, pi lendiD to tlilnk thai ' peer Peltopi,' ns ha ealbt htm, baa beca I uTsbly aad antostlt dear) with by the run . , la t11 m xt bentb nta ibal he 1 had at tempted bribery,' iad 'hud baaa fallipof Berime.' i itia i- mi ri.i.?. rated BBirath. Ctobsaai Pelton sett ber Initiated not eom i mated anyiblBft. Be merely ll toned to oaTi-nfram oOleen to do, wbal they ailuntted and be believed to be their lawful dirty, far Dire before I bey rmbtted iiiat iimy aader earrnpt ladaeaaaaatBi Hi* wrona dni not fro in youd a In tile dalUanee." thn i- a tan b< it aaj of p itttaa it. " DalBaaae " is I , pa i word. Pa " dal j " ih tn play with temptation, ami it man win, duili.-a w 'iii a . iin.. eom< i daBgeroosly Bear to eoauBUttiBaT it. Tim enmc in ibis we waaoaa ,,f the a Hat wiekednl thi l eoakl ba eommltted by n an. Bspeehtl y In i tree Qoti rnaatiBl i k" our*, bribery i? a crime uariiin-t the vary Hie ai tha Bta a it ttrikaa a daaper ut our repnlilicrtii nirtiiutlon*. Wnat ure jiupitiar ele< lion* worth. ii tlie verdtel ol il,? peui.le eun be ~et Bsidfl h> tiie bribery of an otuo.ui to make a lalsn return I un ibta sitb]eot no one in ttils oonntry has baaa s? ab> queet aa Mr. Tilde*. Nu one ims raap the ebaaan *<> bMg sad loud aa tha mimatroiia " ftaod " wIubb aa* committed, when by bribery, at be seaerta, aa araa counted oat of tba FraMdeaay. Ha baa declared ll to be" the m c.itest ertBM in bis lory "-nenne whbsh Iba Amencau people would ?? aeter, aavar. bbi i i " farglTa had yet al taa aery moayai that this wibbb w ? be Ina done, tuen, under Mavwa raof, vu a ataaaf his awabi*od,hia aaahaw, und Basal intimato md aaafb deatlai sareat. wbo waa plottiap this very crime. I'he dbl But Barry It oat, ba al least showed bo Bawllltna?. ?oaa to do tbe deed The only demy seemed la n m ?? daliylaa " ahoai taa price. Wbt tbertbal bataeaa Ins erimiBallty, I fatave Mr. TUdeato *..y. l am aai dbe posed lu aataaaradearen af pullt betweeahUB aba ?uoeeedaiu a aaaapiraey, aad bimwBa I albs, if r,i ion's "dallbiBoe" w tsfj ?? tut ill aaa aaly beaaasa at the entteal aaoanal ins ftaraai failed him, ?r bar?asa tha alcaardlv spirit of Mmabudy bum (bsmpleo iwrbapa i>.< the ptaapeet of aaotheraada eneaper barBalu la the tar NortBwnt) relused inm the moat) io oouiplele the crime. On the i normity involved in all ibis aecrel plotttoay thbi aaadlap af atphardls patch. *, altb ua<-ni* paaataa to ami fro, ptoashnaa large samt of Bbway, i leave Mr, rildea'a eoaatrj aaen io pns Doauee i only saying that no one caa be tarpnaad thai a man Sboald stun I s. iup e in betraytBg hi* " fr:>ml." whaaaa spaaa aa lightly of a crime sgalust bet country. ciulb w.Ixlui. bapt, IM, 1870._ Till. FIGHT FOB LIFE. -mat i \vk DB1TB BLOM POIBOB PBOM nrn liitriK PAB1 PABUIL?BHIBB ABO01 PBB AMJLTBBATIOB in BAKlMB POWPBBB TUB BCBdBI l MBCUBbBO BSPVBB IHK AMBBICAB BOC1AL BCJKMC3I A>au CtATIOB Al BABbtTOCiA, A BBUautec thai txonblcd Earopa lifij- yoaia atio is IrtBtaataa to altiaai aliaatma hart?timt is. put iiiiit a um in the bread we aat, The araad must is* "liitht" that It limy he diuistidi that must Im HlW-d lit tl e w. li-known cel.* we ate accual.'ined U> son III It. Where beer or ale Is lit. Wed thnee who umleralulid hraltby beeBBrasakiBg praaara yaaat, whlah " UBBbsaaN ilie Oiead t.etler unj MbBtllBta, mi l i* arho < BBBB, Where least la uut reailily to be uUtalned "busing poWdarS" ure resorted to, and out of them COUP s IlilS BBsaL haaarhaaatam tads ami araamaf lartar,arUb> iura acid, ore the Bsaal cnihtl u. i(* of a g io t biking BowdaPi ('ream of hlftai ael.e at fMBB HAtP OBBtl to alahtpdlva eaata a aeaad. Una bign psiaa baa led ??cheap be klag paw dexa*1 to ba bibbs of ahtax, as a aui> siiiuic fur aataa or all ol the araam of tartar. Absm wm make brand leub vbnsr,m thai bahaneaa asaba ?u BtlarbM fluni saiuh.e as araad )>y na aaai auu they uae It, In some pbbl ??? cm I.nit It " ; oek." *n Tl.ut no limdvei l iui azpnastsa may iut "aauadetB" kaawa that alum i. and. Alum ta an Injurious artioie tn the hum in com ?tltatlOU :u large qllaiillllea, or in anuill qtlanilllea often rapoa ad, it is the bbmIi^aaatluea, baaaaararp bbbbIj that do ihr lulSl'Ulel III bread. Ailllu Is clieap?throe ssbmapnaafl?to tha psakat, bai n takaa what is an sated out oi tin' atamaok, aad takaa M with taarfal la M raafc Ahta l^ au astnagaat, aad ia aaad by By< r, ai,d ethata a? BBBhj Tak n lta?aaaUy ou iho baaiaa itaaaaBh, ll pradaen baartbara, btaltmatlaa, gripiuit, c...? . a.ion, dyapapata, aad kbadrad traaaamraaaltrBg Inm Buiartaa altba anBaaaa inetonrune, pndaaad by na ..-u in-i ll' prapertln alabBat. All thee.: u, one thiug? tu ne laftaated toe bread eaieu analaa. noon, ami. evetiltur. To voilug childieu, rrnwiuii BjtPiB, Ikt ?oiis al waakly Itaan ^".i aedamtatty eaeaujmttBaa, tine alum tireaU la PotsOB uioel SSpBSIQlly. 11 tlie reudei wants tn baaa BBta* iii ug of ahta let mtm not a lump of ii, uou.<? ns afshet apoa tha mbib, whlah laaama* ihtag libs mat ..I au BBtips pantasnea | meu bai inm n fleet haw it act* upon the leuiier, delicate mala of ;u? i bbbbi hi l?r- Henry A. Mull, mo nlebrated ana vtlcul ehaaiMt,BBBlyaad twaaty fbiaa of the baking pawdan Mattt an BM faaad alum m nil hut eae, ft bt ttma aa Baak bmbbbibb ta atay thM keaaaVpssBBBlsg that I | our little one* and perpetuate* dyspepsia und eh I ., Dr.Matt,la in* ravhtwel tb. aahjaai at ntaevansl n? Aatarbjaa, makn apaebt] ans?ten al bating ?., ,i ni.. Royal Baklm Pawaar, ami fouud it aaaMManl ai vbaaaaans mat. rials. He iii-u advbM me paiillti M avoid parahaatac baklag powden us tonl hMaaePia bil k, as he faaad b> BBBayaBI Bl lualij Salop ea Ikat .he wutsi BdaMmaiiaat an- praahaad m thk latat, The labelBBd'k of a wcl, ku.,wn and i?,.j . in ui if aol aim. *e adaa, M tue boat prataeiM me pablis eaa bava. Praf. Aagall in bM papa* rceeaUj read bafwaatha Baabtl Betsaat Asaaelatsaa at BaraiacB,nabt thai much iiuiciy alarm at fall aa aeaeut af tha gram adulteration ?f I'owdeia; that .111,mnl phi b 1 laua have l?en cuiiMllled. BBd MtBl It appeals that mure than &ik1 BlBBI Itaking I'-iudi is are MBBl BtBiad in AaaarMm Muvl the pine ui aimu u Ml thaa Ihm t eula ? pinliid, while cream of "****BT TTttt more man thbrt*eaotai that the ?akataal these pawdan mi atb tap slum tor araan of taahBi in part or nltasjether, aad i tin result la Briptac, cotiailiiatloit, Indigsatius, BBart* ourn aud dyapcpsla. ** HOME NEWS. rHBRMOMBTM TBKTBBDAf AT iirnNtMM. BO. ?|x BBOADWAT. 9a.m It" Ham ft*. ?n H M' f,3j IlU-tie.f nn -hi. tin- i'u' <">' ' ??> > "' ?>'> ? Avsnuro.fvv. ""nine.iiv. IB7B N IT h:<i\iim.m tRKNTAlef. Orwd ('?'?im' //. '-ctia f-.T hIi-i- Baaford E. bares, ol tbe Ooarl "i A| ??all .Mian Weese- I r ai- i< ander oett. of Montreal. ???? .I"" " ff ?<?'-'>:> t;pi j. II K.num. OlObl ? : Neal OlhnOor, ReW-YOTB >l?l?' -u|m r Ii ndent of Public Ii Irui.ind Lb utea ini-O.iveraor II. , W Tabor, of Onkmda. Krtr*n /fouaa-Profenenr tiien ,!.. ?? 11 Wo? i.t \. w iuvii i niayer. ol M.'.vr M ??<.. iitnl T.I MiifT me. nf Hfl. Ii ?'?ill K. N. l . at. Jmnw /./>? p sacral KobortC oVefceaek, ol Obm. andOatorbrMtaa Horsey,<" Marybnal /??<?<?. o.n '/ ?'? riin.niiii n. Howe?. PreabJenl ni the riiiudeli.tna unit Bead* itiir luilmait Company rr?jnntnjt>f rfeol?Olr Will lam Maenai <>f Linortoe and raptaia Pridsrtck Wetttao, aftbo Kin.tni.Kii> Cl?r - f Rraaoela .Hn,r,na? it" ree treks ,?, M ivll iii.i. ..' It:, v ... /;?< kihjha n H?'*l - Pl-ifeesOT tleo. p, i bjhar. nf i ai? I otkgja BKW-TOKB 01 rr. Tinnitus I.ttvlnKi. nL'e fweiitt-i-v.-n. aVclined lo inat i v Kivdeneka Lerandowta antil he wee taken to -lio Ks- x Market PoliceConrtyesterday. In i DtuwaBMi then ItnnH diateljr. A dispatch from Chief Mori an, of ihr- Waahtngton ID. 0.1 I'n'ifc, a-k' il Bnpertntendent Walliog ree terdar lo afreet, ob ? bum ge of (orirei v, Loaii John? son, allaa Brown, a ookoted nan. Deteotire Hardy caught linn "it Sixth-are, lie wan locked up ut HredQuarti l* Visums nn- not permitted BOW on BO* DBfl '>f Hin Eaoi Ktvcr Bridge, The summitsot the piera an being coyerad n it It a concrete raoflng material, nwl i be in 11 vi- work n hieh ii in pro grace al all nointa "ti tba approaches makea it druLgerouAforriaitota to in- mi nr a boot tin- itrnotttnb Tba aowabora wbo early in the weekcombined ttio niie oi aeon card* inr Hie walking match with that of tiiiir matomary ?nie*, bar* beeodnreu oat of the boAineen it v nwrobanta wbo advertise thaii plaoeoon the bat !?-i>t' ?toio ciutln and tiisiiib tili1 litt? rurila gratuitously. Tlte BlYingtOfl Street Flower Mission has rc eairad thin weak fron floral eommitteaa In an bur ban towna 800 rnttinga ol gerann i ma for propagn twn, 3,500 bonqu eta of flowenand two boxea ol grapoa. Tba total a am bei al booQoeta and planta diau .initial thhi BtaBon la On litie daya n i""?r blind nromaa mnv be found mi Qraud-et, neat Orchard, knitting rtookinaja aftoi the common Dutch mathnq, in which the wool m thrown orer the ri I t needle by tha h ft bend. La dii'i int'Ti-'eil mtttt ii-i ft'l art may then ana i ?nod Utnatratlon nf this moid atyle ut knittinar, andalenban an opportnnitjr oi phki-iih a ?ttu Lin iatlan eharitr. Tha Braailian Mail pteamohip City of Kio Janeiro arrirea yeetenlay. a raw lioan klnMid ol aohodule tune, Imong bei paeeeugere '.irri- 1'. F. Coll Ina. . d aiztyjooool the aupTu So of tba Madeira and JI imon Railway, on the Amaaon Birer. Profeaaoi Joeepfa H. Steer, of Hie PJnlrenity of Miebigan, aaa ahm a paaaenaer. Included la tbo curg^wiit' 3.i,H?o baga ot min it, rhe Pol tea itmiril yeototday la ?! ov-r? motion by Mr. M..i Li .in im the trunafer to patrol dnti ? f the foorteea men employed about Pol toe Reedouarten n-iil known u> the "Mechanic Bonad* Wil? liam May. ?'im 'i nl bei . appointed pnetdent'o aecrotary to Oeneral Sn ith, w.-m ebarged l?> Mr. MacLaan with bai lag aignod <?? nernl mmhii's name tn ri-.ililli alee e itliniit nit ivr.i.v, ami \\ao inloriiicil thut bia eci>icae arm no u> iget needed. Tha liirir- ^t Bfunbey (?( Immlgranta lamlril nt Caatlo Qard n In any on ? i k Ihne f?r thia anaartn arrired lau; aeea. U being i,!?N", abieli 1,148 wan landed reaterday, 520 \>s the Citj i lirnnaola. 4*?? t y Um Neckar, ami 187 by tht .Mikami. oOperintendoni Jackaoo, of fjaatle Oar dan, eaja thrra la a atrong d mnndfbreoolminen trom Um Wcat. bnl thai tin i >? aeemato lie i wo ir.-ii} ofthmuaaaol workenamong tbaimmigranta. At the Iniiiii* Pollea Conti raati rday, heran Ju? tice Biytby, Emma Lanreni e, age twenty-two ye in, ni Kaat Iweoiy aeeood-etv, waa arrabyiied on com* puuul ol Louia Daaaaii, aa atuebdoi M. Da Lea* repe'a Canal Commbanoo. Cm tue laroooj oi a go d iratub and ebain. a uamntood Mini, and Engl iah bank inli*. ail oi the ralneoi 0900, taken Brom bia paiaon on tin- nigl i ol M ? .?1. Oa mat night ha wan with tin- 3'oiing aoman, whom Im matin a aiuall ranoty theatre, she v\JO bead in default of ?li.:ii?u ii.ui by Juaui *? Bii >y. IA rcaolntioii waepaaead bj the irrntn trade "f tbe Produce ?xcbauge veaterday, allowing tbe naeof im-. imamiltaa rooi , Ho.88 roaii-ti.. inr thoelerka nl the trade to meet daily at i p. ui., to aettle oon ti.nis. iii,' trade in optionabaa grown ao large lately thai tba eaiabliabwent of tbe clearing-bouae ayatcm, ft" In Cbmago, aeemed aeeaaaaty. Here? after arery booae In the traue will aend a clerk eaoh day at 4 p. u^, with Ibua of aalea and por cnaaoi to the raom mentioned \ be will compare them with the otbere, and be able tuua to aettle up eontneta with Kieaier tao lity, The funeral oi bUtberl Uoelei funk plaet at 81 Mark'aCbnnh al 10a.m. yceterdar. Bynqueal im Howen wore pwaaated, nod few ware diaplared. Iba ueu?l burial aorrioea tot tno dead woraoon dncted by the Her. I>r. J. H. Rylanee, rector of Bt. Marke, and 11.? Her. Dr. Morgan lhx. The iinll lienren wen? Oeorge M. Warnn, Wilaon 0. liiiut, K, r. Wilirou, Lud low rtiouiuni Bdward II. Ludlow, Jamea A* Koonrelt, Orcorge O. Williame and Eil? .?. ird Pergueun. A birge hnmber oi frieuda wu. prraent. Among prominent citiaana al tbe church wen Kobeil Btuyrcaaut. E.N. taller, Koberl Kein* si-ti and John Htoamrd. rhe body wan buied Ib Mm "-ecouil Btreet Cerootery. ttMOOBXTKi On Thnreday night ? f< n ilc Infant tiimnt one day eld waa left on the 1100001 the Key. Father. Pran liultV teal lence, No, 117 \\ arreo-et, It w as nla* ? 1 mnicr the tare ol tbe nty nnna, The body ol Jamea Met aflrey, of No, 21 Cariton araw, who waa drowned ?<?' Sunday by tbe Bpeetiina of in- boat, at the foot Of Hudson-are., w as found yesterday at the fool of North Piftlrnrt, it w,i> n mo* eii to tint Morgne. A fatal aediienl nrrtirred last cvrntni? nt the Booth Brooklyn Saw Mill, at Hamilton and Proa geet-areev. Edward Brutswd, a laborer, being In stantlr killed by tbafall ol n p ie of lumber. He waa fifir-ft re tears of age, andlirad at Hamiltoo-k are. antl Nelaoo-et. l ive robberiea wen (rnrnmltfed in the Eighteenth Precinct on Thonday mu-lit, epeajuwntly by tin tame gang ol thmvea. I he amount ol booty eocnred aaa not large, bat from McGarry*! liquor Men at Pourtb-are. and Thirty-ninth et?, piopert>- rained nt 54O w a- taken. While antoadingrailroad Iron from the. stentner Berlin, lying al the foot of Congyeaa at., yeaterday afternoon, John Gafiney am struck on the back w ith mie nf tbo bareaod fataUy injured. The am bulaooa waa aununoood, bnl be died before reach? ing tbehoepital. Ilo waa furty jiaia of age ami hvni in New-York. John Elliot, of No. 180 Sooth F.lglith-ct.. who w s eariotral.i Injured on Ttiuredayby being thrown front bia carriage 00 Bread way( aaa eiace ni.-d. He waaaixty-four yean of aero, aad imd tired iu the KasteiniDiatnetof Brooklyn for thirty-fire yean. He waa a real eetate dealer, and hmi an nttea n Broadway. Hia wife, wboreeetrad a fracture of Hie ?kill, is in ? eery ptaeasioua condition Tha WUkmahbir A renne Baptarl Church h ax bauded u tali lo the Ret. Qeorga r. Btaiasburj to n- - ootBoliepaator. Iis pulpit int.. been raoant aince the teaiguation of the Ber. A. II. Burllugham In June. It 11 nodeaalood thai Mr. Btanalaai <, will a - eepttheealL He la a natiro of Texas, am ? iliu.t Bre reanofagOi Be waa ordalneiI eighl pears ago, inn) tins pn-jii hmi in Covingtnu, ., uud Ayliuer, 1 bxtarto. Phittp B. Bcid, of Baal New-Torfc, w-aa trrred in New-Lota with a summons leaned by Jnatice l bomaa \V. KUei In the Third I?i-.itn t t oiirt. I be queetiou whetnerornot tbejnriadictiuc of the Jnatice > s randed nutaide of Brooklyn was ratend, bnl the oii )ectinfl wasorenulod,and judgniool hum given fur 1 In- phtlutyift. The deleadanl appealed to the County Court, and Judge lfoon si 1 ibe ladgmeul aakio. I a mattet Innlli wont to the Cnun of Appeaia, wnirii tins just aduntod Jadge Mnore'ado? rn on, boldine that tire iuriadictioa of Jnatii 1 - ??! the Peaoa it; Brooklyn uoea not extend beyond tin til Mi 11 till I si. norgxT CITY. TbeNattooal Aaanciation New-Bedford Clab viRi teil Jem v I rty yreteraay ami played a match with the pr.i eaaion il Jerw y t itj Brown Htockinga. The Jene) City Club won bj a aeon of 5 to 8. Btatamenta haring appeand thai the Urw jir. Timlow. of Salem, is a candidate f 1 toe bmhonric ut Noriinorn New-Jeraay, bekaa pnblmbod a aatd la the cootrarv. and awieriod thai there in ao poaai bility thai but name will eome before Ihe eoareo tloil. BKWAJtJE. Onriatina Beyer, n domeetJc in n faadly Ib (lm tuii-avi-., M belil At I'olite Qeadon iriera on inanii ion of being the mothet ol ? dead infant, found in an aah- ami na I a aad ay mm mug. I ? Kehn Bnard has naolred that nonaara ap ,,11 it oni foi t a licenae ol s.iIimhi. sh ul be net ired with 11 hi.naeot of the Board, rbe reoerpta for lin n-i - -im e lauuary m 849,111. Jamea Williams, wbo waa armted in BohokoB a. il lodged in the County .Iml on the charge oi sea lulling the Bar, Mr. M. Nair, tbe lemneranee ?ilroeale, Ins 1? ten taken t'< court to plead, his caaa !..i\ boon acted apon by the Grand Jury, Ku'Iolph <; uliii waa eommittad fcatarduyon a charge of approachini a Mm. Laura Maiab with a butcher-knife, at n bouea m Eaet Kinncy-at., and threatening to stub bar. He waa pre reo ted from ?in ti.- her injury by the interfnrt nee ol bet eon. 4 doable frame dwelling nt Nog, 488 and 440 Waauington-at., waa badly damaged by Bre at 7 1. riu. k ia-i areaiBff, Tha Bnl floor waa occupied aaafeaoi gooda ilore. The property helotigml in AnBaal Docker. The miatatod Iom la |u,000, wblek is corered by inaurnnee. Pnderich Lahrmaa, sixteen yaara aM.waa ar reeted yeelerday on u obarga of rohhinfJanma M. Seymour, of Untootown, lu whow employ bo woo, of a gold watcli ami valuable mlvcrw are. The ntop* 01 tV waawilit b| the hap, im In- ? laliiieil, to Jullua I. w. i <!? ?!? r i CanaV-et?,wh#wm iIbo??treated at ni h. l-i tin ;i eharea "f receiving stolen pu da. An wjran ?? it wm bald itafure the Ptce-Chancellor I Mil r i.i v upon be applieal ion "f i in ton n o Hoi - i j Hi'ii til illIm- t';t' ii j iii,' Mull Hilf lilt i'l IlfUtl-l ? bj tin Ann r imi Union l ? nmli Company, nil injunction bad been granted npoa Inn ground that tin- town ?athontiM bad granted iwnm mhu t<> tl"' company toe-reel itm lines. Tin Vu .-Cli.intoUnrie ??i rod. ins in- ifjorj. inrDtoii btvkb rointa. S'rm"-mm r. ?, I. Seney, of Hearodale, pr?"-i donl nt tin- Mrtrnpnliton Bankol tins Hiv, lm* given 85O.000 in l nited Bta tea bonda to tba oots legi .it Hiduletown, Cobs. I!i:i w -: i.i;'-.?One of liic mofl a Im writ- antarted on ennptcton oi baTintr brokan into the buildiag of Williara P.Lobdoila. I Brewstei-s, oecnpied 11a ii aaTtnga imnk, Pool I Uli- a ami general ttore, on Monday Bight laal. rofuaed in give I ii name. Ha proves to Inj an ola offender by tbe name <>l James McCua. lite aoofat arata m VVilllaai Pal ait iIim Voabnrg. Btnee tbeit capture waa made, a fall ael ni burglars' toola im? 1? ? n found secreted ni ar the brook, abooi ball a mihi from t ba teaue nt t ba um p> utnn.a ut BbbutbmPb, MARINE IA TKLLIOSRCB. MIMA I 1? BB A i.uAN tO rn Ii kt a'tttri,*,. kVMIBaaaeta .... B t'? | 01set ?low.9n. Pis blooaael. 8:0.1 I Mimiii n..iih? Iii:In I ?oon'a ?*??. nvi.TJ ? araa wai. it hum -?. a. ??mir nena . si;,'."* lataal 8KM leiiiiji*.. 7:.'.a WAtan r i im -e, a. sai.dr Hook.. fctOlOev, Isias I gtlgi bteBilate. 8:07 M SliAT. ?-unti?r-?. B:M| Baa sets MB Clock flow,9? 91*. btsoassu* ... tmf Mono sooths.libel M sea'saa*,asys,l9 hmh a 11Kit ?? rim*t a. m. aaady Beea.. Irol | our. i- tod i fan Heu Osts. lam Uli.II m4iih I NIlAT ~V. M. Beady Baak.. BtBS I Uor. lalaad.. 7*91 I UeUOam. H &o mA8SRR0ESi A KRlfMD. TV^M UTBBF00I -BT ST1 tttaBOT OTPt OB Bl P8B1 Im IbiTaadnr. Mr aad Phjh.jsha Martin, Mr, Mrs. A. Mini maul Potllkr*. MISS B, Ml I iiu-hlm. Jaine* u A.n. Peoner. Mrs, k. Oedlcr.Joha Alk.i mi.. M. ll. Km.mi.' i J. Bo?a '11, If, Bet loiU T. ii. i ae. w. L. Beeva, k Badger. It. ?. Olieti, Mr. Kearle, W.B, bourne, Mra.Q. t.ti-ve.i.ilee, M, Bourne, Msster J. ii or tan, Di and aot Hwr ion, Mr*. au.i herrant Howenatlne, J ti, Hweai. ' ?. Btfeiew, P if. Kennedy, II. Btetu, Mrs. D. Bora ma, N. A. Lee, Dr. t'haa. U biete, M. cihi'mii, T. A. loflertv. Miss, s. Cooper. s- a/. Mi.leek, daaterWBtoln. Mian n Cooper, Mra. McOat m, Mn.i.N. hi eta. Master In ????? j. r. M , P. andebild Bit IB, Ml ? U. Bmasil, Dr. M sir Win. Wrtgnt.n ?. Bn seats, J. f>. Msgasr, laadt WstsmiBn, K V. BntBteii v'Ns I , }. w. Wuluaaa.Mta-aVX, iaaiBrataeb. feDss 11? aaa, Bissau rnnn B8BMBB itY -Tl UVBBTJP tnBTfKAB. St. Inwav. .Mr. uu.l BtTtbfteh, B BS J. Bell Per. A ?ir,. T. Deal aola, A. Bt lefer, M ?* M i.. i ranerbiBT,Mr. andSrh ekruan, P, ??. Bet, Vl*sO. B. Un tl. Hi ?:?::!vi r. A. I'm ... Illld, Ii I It. Whitney, Prot aad Koihrn hild. J A. Hot arbild, Mrs, Mr?. J. I?. Bai iat aid, Mra. A. Kaaua Vtbitaop B.O. aad shtidrsa Bert Hold, Mra A. Paiasas, I W, rr.y, >. jot inn, Prol.and Di : Mra. M.aM Mrs. D.d. Moaie, Use, aad child res Msusr,Mr. aad Mrs. faiu.ii' Linden .oil. Mra. K. I. II ColU Mra, IL snd clilliiren Mauav. Mian h. amichitd Kuhn,John Perils W.B. La Vino, Air.and MoU, Urs U llapp, M taC >r. ? Bsbaibr. B. Bawarda, Uiss U.A. rimu c.i.a*..'i'a- i v hi:ausiiii'MiKn o. fjaoasa. Mr. BIstawBs, Mtoa Rnta, Miss lla i, Mr. sadllrsjotrnaiorj. Mr, Mar, Mr. Ourd a,W. Mulbuiiand, Mies Aim Irony, Mt; Oir, .vir. i ? . Mr. Ii. ? ii. Ira. > ksine, Mn< t nr. A. Bksas. P. Herd. Miss B II? a, Mr.. Col.k, Mias Bbsne,0. i: aillton, 'Jr. 'Ia) or, Mr. Taylor, Mlaa W i am a. ? ?. .. * i <. It,,, ;., -t, >t,. .1, Mm. r.. dm .i,,n.i ,i. J. Mscdoualu. Jamea I roch, Mr, l?j?ers,Mr. sad Mm BaddeSj Mlaa Ks k p, li and Mr-i.t_oot.rr. air. ship \,tXtra. POBT OP BBW-Yuitb.bajli M ABBTVBa Bti City af Braasnli (r.r. '.v',t?i.a. T. r,-mo?l sent 1G on.I QaseBstawn i 7, t-- John 0 i?-. n, s1'r fiat's ' lin. WI1IK M ?'ca?tle di p: 10, with iu lto wot Ben i.! ti '..tin ' ? deaue r. atl \iikaiin Br), Mi Keeblea, Obmyew hept it and Lame IB, to Ami'iu Bald? in d ? a Mr <iatia?? IBr), Baksr.Cacdlg Aagla,v1aai I t .1 dava. In ballaat In I. de in-idan. Aun.r i:.r>. Llatb,OatdBl ii aapB, vbtSydaey,f n, tn Sal'ael ta master. > i iiertuod hiiii. LaBoTbeea. BhtTtaIBdapa, vitiimdaeto Pnneb. Bdye re. -ir CsTtrndtlrl Iturrows. fialvcatnii 9 lay a, to C JI Mallury A I 'o. Hir Cltr of Mscon. Ki niiiton.-'av.uiTiah 3dsr?.tot? Yonre Bti Chsrieataa. derry, i larlsstsa * says, to J w ijmiitaid .t Co. sir OaB >ln-sin. 1 n?iatit. t'h.irleet?n, 3 day?, m Jatnr? W Onlnurd m ' <>. ir Itters*. Btevens, Weal Mat and MerfaD*, to old Do. n.iifnit Ha t'o dr. Tereslns Rrntw h:>'', Pnmrto, i'odli 16 dir?, with BUI und wine I? ?r>!i r, vc-?< 1 lo Bsabaat, lloyeaen, PbUterlna Bath Oeaaa ttators (Ilsll, tawma Tritte 03 rtaya,. with barrrls to ortler; vraael la Paaeb, Edve ft On, Bark WlUtant mf ilalifuvi. Harding, Marseilles Ang Id, la hallsst to Pnnch, Edve a Co. ? M Barh Baasego Aust), Mersovieb, Maraeillea 39 dsya, w.tfi nuts.' taottiet res el to " ds Oa. Bark Olive I 1 . H bsrvleb, tape de Verdes B'l days, !t. Iial ast to H oenvteh * Co. It irk A'tlsnos -Nor.. i". fersen, Cctte _(5 da/a. with salt to 'J.ienrl. Ii i ?<>. it k tree ant i letrt. Bremer, Btamaa :ifl tiars. with bbbb to HerBwan Boos >v ! a. "in. [Bt(Mwi D.Witt, Mor.tevl.lei? Id dsva. with hides. ,:, to bariae Bros a f"oi vcaaelto fanch. jCdys a Ca rlarli Heteoi >. r.der. u, ki, etwa .1 Au< 11. in haliast tu fJockmaoB, Oerleta d '' Bark Peed tiamt.r.. Holt, st FTssatre. vl? Pbtlsdstpbsa, In hat last lo noisier anebon i at "?andv Ifnok for orders. Barl A?? lit lot Weymonib. W ?b Wyntsa. Opet*mSBdara via Worn toatl 8 dsva m ballast to J w I'aikei AOa, Barb Veneialsns (Pr>, Maliuiaa. Baidaaai llilsja. altb ndss ta Casade, i roobi a Bayaaad. Bsrfc Ltscte Carrv (Brl, i irry, Oreeaoeb 49 nays, trttb sn g it lo i.omli.n ami llaaaeatle Banbi Veasel t<> C ^v Rert an v. Bart Bsrm'eBto, Tncker, of and from Portland ?dsys, in PnMast t. J \ fssaa n i r ir Pavorlrs *p*B'. Arsetagal, Uvataaal ss dars. wit>: coal 11 onier: vassal'? smatsr, I :.i - ?? ..' Ne i I'?nl. I'ojart, I'olut-al'ltlS IB dai - altb -1 rai to n rrawbrbtsa'a s.,n, Itr1'' Marena. HsBdV, Blatan,In badasl tom*?'er. Behr' . cue. Lee, ParnimBBno dsys, la a Abbott, wisr. 4b*Bsal tl SaadpHaok, Ught,SBBtetaar. AtCttp Islam), light, BW| rlesr. CLK \ rkp. ??ra atntbtnor* 'it'i. Bewail, Leaden Rrrtirirri, nnrr-aeni Pickering * Co; > .l< als I nr). H?rt-?. Lendoa. llemt, rson p.r ,? Al'i'im'.rs t'V MeFln.-nnv llnlif it sad M fobna, flfl-k a h, ,. ,?. Rahams (Bn, vPblbsbarst, ?t PBhtb, MartbtlaBs i te a K i mte-bridge A <' git gm James ftsamitb.TtamsBd, aa? Ptanefsea, Putten i fraa Terpsiebere lOeri. Babksr New-Hsves Rarkett a Brat rtnbv ?> . BayntoBd, BoHe*daaa, James >v KltretL nir'.a maseppe m^??..i.. tltal). Meakt r'TTne-rii. r.Pi. MocovlebACei Memento iNsr),Andsrsea, lee'iorn fMir' it triam. Boreaaa. PhtkerlBg ?* <'o; Peattaa lente s.'.n pa deraen, fn'dln. BeabSBt,,n. PI k.-nns A Co- Sidoo tar'. TobbiBsen, Ptyateatb for orders, Bonhsat, finve.en I'lesenne A Co: Ro...'l i <r\vih ilri. MeOnltangbt Sewrr I'd' I F Whitney a fat Begaina I 's-'r1. Rolta ft. rhefon, c Trdra* ,t en. Nor.tS'. ftiwt, A?kelatid, Trtests. Fnneh. K.tee Jj Tie Matsh (N r lesaeeen, <?? r? or paimoata f..r or^..r? i-norn F.tve i o Liberia Fnasett Monrovia aert a n arket Va'ea a PntterfleMi Appis i It art, nsada, Naw.Boss, Pd n'enham nptsssn. Plekartne a Obi can iua-t,-.i (.\or , Beer, rmtier datn. F'in'h. Kdve a coj lagtsMla (tir), iu.*. gbsranMa Petal Tne A T llene, Itrtr? MagBle 'min <nr', Aftrarsone. l"harker?T * p?, oy tsd?B. Dorp, Havana f F Brsrd a <'n < i*amn | f tali. Oa-rullo Tr*e*'e. >i ncuvicli a Co; Nettle, Marksy, Lfglinrn. Ornrite II Mn.tlre ?e'irs Revelvtnr I.lrtit (Pr\ rennsn, "Tiarpness. Fnr H. To.i.iell HriHii Yellow I'ins. Irelnnd, Oalveaiun, TOBBSl B lleaitaa foiiki i v p mrs, f*, aent ?fl.-Arr at Hsvt?. str Lantpert a. frim \ew? Y..rK. .rrn' N.'we??"e, str ?.Vltntilerlon, frem New Vnrk y aaaaTOwa.aeptBa. aaMsd. atr i itvof Barln*. far Maw. Tort. Arr -tr faltV, frnm 'VaYnrt fSCTjIfS'BOet. lj.oii.ti, "etif .'?. '??Iled '.'Oih tn*t ' '.rtnno, for rta'Mmore ?tth oaf. Pr'n I. ' i?eur, Prn?p?r1ta- '.'.'i'h Hist. Tohio'le all' fir Vtrw-Yst : AllcatCapf Karelto), Fdvar.1, Pvaewtaa Den ., . rre.'t' -. ? 'it-, u,.I Ant..ins, giioeiit'owu: 2(1", nut. Her. tisido, bmaaa v Stb inatk rsnete Lewbt, Oab^nder list in?t, Atataa. t'a'.cittta l ap' .TacetnlitoV .1 r. fluni' I iin?'iri, i ire.r.. both at i. s'.on lltb last, CbrlsBns Blitsberh. Etta Bietrari hi Pan nl fbtl last, Adatflna Andr.-w .i?.-k.?n Ket.y finds. I nter off V? inirefie.? i'nlnnit.a. Car-. In :, ITani! ton fnlei or the v.,ntli I l'ian M Virus. Marie i)p. li.a,,! ?.mi "irar aa' aa B? raae isenet.o ken. ?fl|t, tri.?, Rmm? 1'avsaiit. both off de HflaBtrBB otT r eat; AnenatO. Ftr renin, Indians, Jaaao, llaaia Bail III. Jtarr I iuk?r M*rv Qlbba, New World. An..ttpce"ients. J WntcUBgrBM1! MvpopiKupinrKd tvm cure OaaaampMaa, oaaawa Rr ? iitu,. n . Tlie liver nml IridnsSTa wi re never fo Ktirtly regulated s* by Up halo" i t i t. t al Ti mo. The KtHtx bat for tbe Fall Beaftoa baa bit the fi.ncv of the astarapagB and la nnlo-.|,t.-,tu t^e faM>r te with all fenCen en of laste and culture. Make jour pnr ehaeeaat 919 Ilroa<lway, orln the Firth Aven :e BOtSi, Retvlth is iiftiMi lBtDM?*ed l?v tba PTcnaatre Bse et tea or eegbe. T*sa atrsas tbransg nalttlee at Brama r tb* studaol Iba lo vadd. aad to in* hard Barber the World over.> such in is ,r...i-.t euritt aabyeorgro?si for \\ sltsb i aaaa a c- .'e. i. i. ..,.?..? i... the hiaheei lepulatiou for IU BOOBS, dallurf ba. k to . n\t The HOLMAI Pad C<?.'.s ir.?Htmcnt arfJI do mon for a Metlp ?nmai nalanu tn.m all tba knows euuii aoocaooiniiiiieo. iiepot, miu BtaMway, above lTt'i at. %JEVI CA?PE I 9 POH PALL TRADE. QEOROE K. L. HYATT, 271 St d ".It * an 11 .1.. hetween Ilr. a.l??a? und l ltiiat. 111 PMB8 ai Bl rail a NBW Mm BODY BKI ri8EL8, rAP?8TRT HKI boELS 8-PLY ami IMJRaiN i AK'l I i>. on i i..11 ii.-, ki u?, am. matt] H . la! r?H'TUUE, luiuoUsnoe and I Htn is.., c i i ? i Oeoers ivsorsanaradlealii indapaal reared hint . v A i? v '. i Ki HAY WARD & CO., Fine (Lilting Manuf.iri!M,]s, WILL OPES i inn: Mammoth Retail Department, 964 awl IM Broadway, dir. Hreal JnaodL Sahir??.?-, Sf|>i. 27, l:;;s. Si Soils in Hew-Tni te Coapare lU Gar Build m for $10., Oar fili SI;! it Si !i icr $15 oil $1, Oer Bsys* ae? C!-ii::r?3*s Sa i- "4 Ig$!2., Oar Nn SSajs Patnln, $2 la $?. PTE ig*] rHOKOITOHLY IB BAR VEST ARD GIVE BAI 11 W .RXINU I H \'l WE SHALL Ml KB I RE BTRON'I RH I POMPE l'ITI -v EVER KNOWR IN THE CLOl HING I RAJ E C KEV7? V? IRK. C84 and G5o Broadw y, Cor. Great Jones-st. N. Y. !Uiiw.ii,^!i^i;i!!iam,;-,'!.it\F. ? atesua n ? ? -.n:; ?. bra , r pal . . ?ted !.? u. QUICK, "I I < a rea?ody roan aoed .if tmrr ranei i ?? aa* wtlal i rolu . aw a ami i ITKM V n K VI In II? In-all Ut ai Benna iii-h and neallBj nh.-e or d.rd mil.i mi'. ,uir.- Iili.nd [.<ii. bj ? aal aai - Un ? aa | Hal ? ? I iv'.ill. in .. ?i-f bile, C ?Man j.!|. ! . Bj;.l IIa, rniBufa, ii.Mi', Krralpriaa, oi dan Mi.i Uega, Kl ???>'. Bl?*Mar, VY.eub. Mua, Urn Rua ? I? .-it: ? r i Lu.i atliutlonot. therl ? .-. la tar BLOOD wblek aepplb-a tba iraai ii..I raaahnt Hi..reana and waeted Ua ..? nftl ii- iiiu.ui i.- aaeeallbjv fa* apaaaat .1 n i .1.1;:..'.. The ??iirnipitrililiin ItraoUent m ' remedy, imt aw urea 1 be 1. .1 iioiilouaacttm ... 1 caaa. IteeiabUabeathrouaboul .enttreorati haiatoar, lad aupi bn im ...!?.?? tea i eaith) enrreat ?>! m ? lif?. Tl ? -?'?. anet .? r iii- Maraaaari llaa. ?.laiea cleaf ami OraotU 1.lot? in*. Iti:,. ? aa? Hfcto Brnprl ? tbireaaad Ubv-ia eaai eared, pereoaa * ?na, Krapttva DUoaaea "f tha t:.v ?. Mouth riii.iat, ead m auda, ibai bevi *? < ... . . trntu hi.1 urnl illsnasea 1.1 raeri un, or from the froHHblimMIt, m-ir felj eiara coro It ? - > 1.tinned 1 ?unKieni tltoo <?> make lie ban ?> -i. in. FBIi I f 1 PKB BOTTML ii n in. :: al 1 I a r.aavra, Baeajla are -. . aiivt, ? 1 -, i-i.ree, .1- . 1 I tin* 1. ; -i Ii? ? e 1 im111. m i. iin-ti ? 11 111 .-? r..{? . -. Legi f 11 b a :l Radway's Ready Belief. nn osaVLPBa r itsd bkbt mktjici ?? fob family 1 IB 1B 1111: Would. ONE BOOKN'I BOTTIaE wtt.T. fl it': KOBB COMPbJtlXTk am. PRKVJCMJ IHK BYHTKU AU a|N>?T "t'DDPS AT 1?Al KM iip KPG URMICM and CONTAOIOU? i'l-l.a-l- I HAN uNB iii S'DIIBD BULLA un KXPP.NDKt) I .k 11 fliEB Mr.U lrlNl> Ult UKOICAL AIThSfiABCK. rUB MOMENT BAD WAV" KKaU> RRLtP.P 10 ap. PLIKO BX ' BUN ALLY?Oll TAKKN IN . . US v l.l. a aO L'OBDINU TO lil Ki.i i lON'H?PAI?. BUOM a UAfAIYBB OAI kB, OEAHKH TO BXIHT. In ah ia eo ? bi-re pain .r i!?i-.>infie-t 1? ei i-etli iie?d. or a aei.nt eltbIiiAueaaa, IHpbtherta. Bure 11. .... pa,Rai Cenebe Uearaeneaa urn . i?i . >I.luflamu ttbiuaftbi lt..wlb Hiiaamib. Lnaaa. livi r. Knttie>?..u emi ? i .... Ina , i-vae and Ague, hi with N-ni -l.-n. il odbC a. i le I II.TOOOV aebe, aaraeae, or aruk t uwhaee, i da la ibo Hei k m kih-how atiKin, hi with I'.a: i hu i, Cbobua Morbaa, oi livaenlerv, eg wtiti itiin.k. Mcalilo, oi Bmioea, or viib Htral ? ? ? . a,ad haeoeae,tbe aapUcatbie ?f KADWA1 - Bl a.h hi i a i.i cuieyuu el tin w.nat lai m eoajaUBnU in a lea iioott. Iia. lADWAH REGLTL.\T1\Q PILLS, Perferfie ia?*?ie??. MeeMUyeeatat, tecthi 'troM ii Be. OlibaTO of IbO Ulm 11 i. Iiv. r. nael* ? lu -. ? ? i : i >r. i*r?ilt dltesaea. hea-lai liii. rouatl patlee. i -.?i n e.|.--?. m llaraab ?n. \ f*? paaabx allloneneea. blllttiiafrrar. ladawnttin A 1 ? u*<.4, pit'-a.ami aii e^irangoeinnla at mo internal rlooero ii* rented in eflei t u |hi? u* ? o v i P1UCB BB CKBTB pbh BOX. hold BY DKCOOWTt* DU. RADWAY A ( <>.. M M'ABRI ? i .. N. V. EVERYTHING IN HOMEOPATHY jut kbdici si.-. a^eabBaa direre' BeHrob i: \i irrelej i tl.TY. ?t , I p-it I JO . .i ...Mil aU iTO BOM BOFA i HI' it " -- Canes Pel let a. -1 <in ..' M Ik,.'i i liun.piitejfa llomeepaihii ?< Soa. Ha art- HpeetaAo, Bemphreyo' V i'ih llatel i Hea.iaa CABK? KOR BXPOBT A H liuinphieya' Bee.patbb! Bel Ine 1 0 I Kuiiouat. Braneb eiere, MB eTaedwaif, lTih au. New feik ^^^^ TO Irl ^ .- ??, )1^1SjL Tilt: BEST \\1> OM.V ASHING COMPOUND That Atniliiihet rull ' Hiuil,rri ? I | wiiaoul Intur? u, i ..? i ibrie .? hand, ill i lined wnieran'C. Krerr anin.ii I ibe Oil iii i.i bMtlbl womb rial uiilitr fur ilunoe uie4iiin? ?n i ebaVwaaalae. HOI.11 i Y oiiiit I MM EVI KYWHKKBm Hl T in u tut: iii- ?ni. i 'i i . \ i ihn-? OTi e ? i .tAMa HYDRA LiO ? I Ia nMiilllhUn At Cav. A?c nruauwar. M.T. ? ELEVATORS. a RJEKVOU8 DEBILII V. Iun> Men in.W'eBkn ??* al of tim irgaaael Haoacalloa, Ae. apoaitar aed raneolif ? ireu h? vv lNi u, -i , it - -< ?- '*'????* *rriteara ooboJIt anit-it-i hh.* ?i ;.? ie?? ?*? *??*?. ?*> i-eaa tiar eiroular. rrep*ie.i er *im iia'i*? ? iBanMoie. ai lean MU B o Ifark u i Powder. ama * . srx ^rtt^>>>>* MailftaaaQraaa)Ct-eaBamiT%?%m NM lammm??Jj. WifirnnoT Pi*?Oltii 11111)4- x *??">? ? ?? ? . ? .. b7( k . ? . -???? !?? i ?? * ?? ' ??*'*" ?'??? Illiillbou 1 1 UllllUliib i ?"h"?i. 11 Kimsutlo tau :.i rain, NurtiiauJ.-iouia . ?.. i t ? m.-?u >a v> Ul.out leu uf III* lila rt ?jlUli? fiutu bravy laOlaMuaic fuu* *