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MINING IN MONTANA. iv. THK BtJWJCTlOH OF K?H.'\< T-dtY CB?S. ax ?Mi PM*fl M T> l'wn >P niK MtM ?ku wo aim oa nn ntaainwr~>\\ ? oo*i ri tCATBP i MCVM 0? urn cii.'N IMuBUMlW ., xi i <1 M . MW00000? RI 0* Til TRinrvv l iim-na. Bantu oV?The Poland*1 aad Buut. i kUrat dktricta lie twenty-fin or thirty PahnaeeothweolalIflaaaaaweaoh aaaaiaag ??? tern lor, faval IvenUn ??? in aad laaantad Inn ?JnatJaai -.? anatpnaf neaatain MMM op 1.800 io ? i.i.!.. Phai natInportanl c:mp la Ihe CoV aaadodbrtriet ia Wkfe i, thtew.' ivtaa recently Thw-p. c.v. a i ihe al a a la I ? ai of ft, W, Wiekee, ktiatullia al ihr Atta Heotao? Cewvpany, waa hjatjaeti.? oat nan Raw-I ik t<? taka oanoaal Ch irp" of tl . hr.Mtirs*. Tko nad from ElolOBO ta ffickca follow? up tka eafjoa of Prfokly lVar Cheek (aad tkal of tko Littk Prickly P?;.r, so ju-tly noted for it* Brand scenery >. ein?' of tka Irihntarln ai tka Maaararl Rfrer, laadiaa throaark ? kaaaUfal teoulij. bona dad on cad. ?.!<!?? ky press* i.ill., ? narrow strip of tin- kok* toitt I?. in.' cultivated in anda <r neerred as aaaadow, fnu a hlok nr.- nn larxe enpaaf wild kay. Th< Ali.i M atana works tkoanhrn an- in a fojdek bet won hitch nooatana akaan In mile* 9w, >> ol Ii B reaol ity. I aa ut to Wtckn this enok ?ml-;. 11 i. tier part af three daya in visiting haa most aarronpajd neon af Ike ( alorado and oaaabaet dad lb le. aad in faVoitiariBng aryoolf entfc Ihr poeron ol ndaofeao tue silvrr <>i.s that are ?Banal Um The amatllfeieeie look ef tkienarl afHtaertaM is pi t . i lily refnrdery, thai is. the silver which it aaadanai i? mixed with Ms.- i :??: :l? in smli a way tha* tin- one ajof aoporatlnala fngaeatlyaooaa* phx .i'd exp lira en*, irejaJrina uaajaaaan aaa* obineri an ! expert haonledge to make It ana Me? nd. >iiv roree pi aw iDy ? rj ho dirfek d mi<> two olaaara?thoee I lud any ka redoeed bp aneltinf pad tboec thai aaaj be nilled. Bran aneltinf ana, com Maina, no sulphur, n ijuirr no ptwvten poapara Ben, had ire pal direetly into a faraaoe wttkchar ooalerooke, ind, p i tape, anac Iran on to ham a |ju\, ami t he h ?? ?? bullion, consist in? of h ad rarrv tpjoj - i\ r. '? an tied eat* The carbonate ana ot i. odvi .ftbieebaraebrr,oadaetboycoolant in ilr meelvi - the m itorlal for a flux io marry oil' ihe panne n net whteh is nixed with Ibe earner, Ihe i -'d ef radtarlafl rfi at i- pnbakly len lama hbat oi epantlna aap ethai rihm aa iu the paaattjf. The najority of silvr ores rotate solphor in la: equantities, aadthey ran neither he naelted m>r inill- ?! et ipiailiallj until tins is renoTod, Tha aaaenrt of lead mtxi I with the silver in the on s if ?l..i- ei i mi nee and ahm ia d abroBl one ol the ^ ?. ml a ia not alwaya tbo n.n lhal in ordn |onvoall the preaaaaa hartal wbieh an tue ooa*> faii ^ i h : ill i hol hanuTn um m i eoi onueally moat I p aal dtaa parate then ?. a rordiaaj to their ti ?. "i ii ntraetera, and to ?'.. aaeh the treati icnl ? hit 'i ? ii rotl ce it m ist ?h awoghly ami ehe ply. I The waad eipiiai reejaniie tor tbe eewetoou I ni .-a., i rofka, a id the hwl af experit >? Bod < \>- ti i nowledpe noci amry to oprr* 1 Lave ? i ? -I - made it in .? <--i!il ? lo mine I t ~ < ol this Temtoi . In the Colorado aad ! Im- i i II r development, f: ?\ hnve not, Oil ' ? hoy the i. U* i !i eaaw, Howark, N. JM or to Barops t. ' .. ia been eo ami thai the retui as ti. Let ?. [Ill it] ttoi S in: -?? !?:...,. :s a p.j.,,. in ! t i ptoooatan i";( oaaonofatt* mi ii.veiv hewtowaaweeaobaa amsrr amen ton lea. T Iber t irde, i . v ry ?i\ t,,n< oifand,one ' runt io -..I ii- Iwhiek will conl tin l">n <iu;:u-s of ; si \ . I . ? ..i . i Ire will prodOM only forty oaaeeaeoeh. How Ihaaary a iy Ioaxtrool the -.1 i Ch . ,hewi s.h :'. . i ?. Gerauny, to ? ai * i ?:??">, ami lo Tu \ .... oi .^ti.;. ]t *?ii! ? - a at oaan, taarrenra, that tbe avo tone of Party aoaea . eaaanl ha ibipped. since it would Bake i ! the entire pi ??!'.!?? ol it to pay the f/rei i t. Ba| than ten tuna have to i"' lahaa a t of the mine ;n tinier to ?Bt at that whieh is richer, ami they oaohi ? ? ? ? ewnt rjaal n v. a. h a* tl .? month of the ; aaaal m tin top of the ahofi ^ d ?a i he one ton Ofkip;b>f1 ?!? ? :.? il il In- ? il l.ot sell them, he pjraal d tb ? -i "1 Beadocinp tbotu to thai of inn..' . ono too whieh bo eoi ?? '.\ lo aort the on-, hn :r ;i. pin. it iu -ail.: at.d transport It from 1 . i.i' .'. tgonenlly on a mount.du top aud difilcatt of acoeoa, to tbe -point when* the frmabl i'll.*' baraje of n. ml - 015 a ion, ami the eaawaj foi atoeltiaa ia Newark neie |!W a ton. Tin end lo tko produeer of every ton of ore- . lit -t ioetaaloootof mininp if. Ii ' i ? . ? ii ; ' ...I in w .:t :.t I. four months after a ikinaraetupm? nt <u <>rr i,i?- ;illy ntarna, altboauih ta tbo ntranl in ol op ?tattapttheaaintand ti..- b iphl mi nil the me PJalppod bad to he paid lo cadi and aa very few of the oiiooia won nenof large cap? ital they ha.) to borrow money at the b.iak? uu.! payinteeeal aa a a; the rate of nt hjoat Ipnaenl a aaaatha Ihen moat,therefore, hooebied to the cool oi every ton ol ore ahipped *?8 for mietest rharK's. naking ri'"*. rbe anperiu Baadaad ot ose ol ihe aaian whn h formerly shiptH-d ore vert h. <\ i'.t tells nie t.' it, addtO| the coal ofmin? inn t?? ti: I ? ipeoeeo, hafoond that be paid oot for evi rt ton of on H nt .t I a> ? 111. If the on- carried 1P0oananol ailrntoa ton and tl.d pot contuin pa 'i 'i . . :i- ralna anahJ ' t il "at 9170 and the prodtiOO. But oot of tbie prod) maal hepaidihc eost of lolnuap In tone of low>yradp ore that could Ito: I- W .1 tt all. 1' - - a ?:. !.w<.: <i. i niv- r mining In Mon? tana ;...s nt paenrall] keoa profitable whoa it la hand aadn anok kavdnaw n than I .Not ana m ten ..l Hi ? paj lag min? ? m akht r popta ot tha eaaa* fity aanid keep oat al boat lapmj a alaejh yeai n Mih i l t i aii iiai eharpan. Tha only way t<? nake : ot tin- two dmtriota to whieh 1 Lave wfrfTTi ! pnlitihle I kavi no: foi rieited aap ot the other aHver minina ngwoa of tbia Ibrril iy) i* to ban the ore- rodooed upon the ? r in phi hajWOdlOBa at isbhuchoodi Thta haa laap beea oadentood by tha adaan thrn aalvni and a pta paan :il<> nan New?Torh eo nt ilmte wen- hadanad to adrnna the noaca lor the HO I on of a " Krotti " nill al the plat e now aailod Wwhoa. 8< Bma*eWt,000 n fflOOtOOO ?;.s - j., Ilt foi aaaehiuny, aad when the Mootaaa Canaaa.iia im I ?tartod, every man whoowaode pnmpael hole nril ..: v. -:j i \ mian ef! it ao^oooed that hie fortane ?> to fie. Baf the mill was badly pjaanaenj : eean aentfalbap one n ka ahipped ta the Baal la hi m du< < .1 wn aof Brofllohtoi and tha handlbxpaf ro* fnotorj or. - r inin " sk.ll and BBtOOtifk know I. dge, ti< it... i oi which iheoomuaay anpleyod, no thai it lo-,: BMMoay laefoadoi ?akiap it, an.) abaal a paai and i half afli tba aaiB atoppod* tkneaamen kaaag deepiy in fii lit. )<. ? atiy one af Um neel < rpwrtonoed and aaana> pliaoed praotieoJ aataaw af I hah wn enptoyed hp Iheeonpaay naaaniaa ita werka and lha nion lo ita rioiolt/. Be npertod thai the ntil, wttk oertaia aanlifw*attonaor aalditriooe, eonld ka run at itrei.1 pMiiti piovioed aapertoweod nn van ans akeywd as mi eniitemieut ?, ami hagwewII aabrbj apintoa that lha nian in the aanaaaillaa npjjea ejnjkj fBiaaal U ?il tha an if aanld kiadlr ? bj Um etn nutii of tkB paaati a m w eonpaay wn Ion .? d under the laws of tms Territory,oadlodthe Alia Montana f Hinnaiiy. th* rupnal abook of Wim h i aW liata of 800,000 abarea at $10 u ahare. The mem hern af tha oonpoaty an W, w, Wbtina bnfaaaaanij, a. h. BaaTnOBj Alai.aou iia^L. OoafrpBJ C ICohiiinoii, Taeker 11. Martin, BUokaad Snow, Lutiua M. ftihtl don nt d Mi mm* 'ii H. Meillutoo, sll <>f Hew-Yoek, anil Cn!" s.iiunlrr? aii'l Saniiirl I. Bgayjgl (lanstdent of the First National of ll. li SBs), of Montana. Tum pmiortv of tin QOMPBBJ consist * of IBS " Kt.'iii " tniil, with cotii'iMitiatitii'. BtgJBBtBg, Bg) lt itip, am.ilcnraattni: ami leaobiag ? ppai.itus. nmi the iollowiuir-iianit'il mines: Tim Alia nmi N.dth PMtfia\ each sovsred by a Ualted Btatet pateat j tV l raea .fur which a pa teal laaiaaaaaas p?t .1 f..I. and the Faith Alia 1. tie, Dai i-I <' ?Mtjp. aaht aad Beokv Bar MIimb, hehl axdet a kaaa for t hive years. The hist two of ilie*e mines onlv arc now rtoilti ? ti-.'. A siillic cut amount of the capital ttark ot the ssaapaay ana tt t as i#- to part al! Ilm ? of the old couipanv Hi BjMM Mad to no the low oiio a worhiag eauital ni $200,000, The work of audtiai ssblirioas aad im)?rovemeata it now being paebed lor ward vi i > rapi Ut, expsrisBoed nen from Colorado have ii . ni ployed t<> sup. rtnteud tlio mill aad aaielter, oentracts foi rappliea of wood and for tin pore bate ol oi., aii being made, ami it is expected tbal opera* tioaa will toon be began. Aa I conaider i his oaa of ?ho Bboal Importaai of Ibe uioiogenterprttaaol Montana, ahtrfl it n i- anth aaafal ii will eaaaa a m* tumotioe oi verb in at leaat I w way-five ndaea .'i bia e i in ms ui tea nun s of the m ll, ami glee aa Impetna to praepeetlag on nil tba biltt in tlo- viola* tt.\.i thalldeeeribevery brb ilv tba proessass 07 wbiiefa it la propoaea to treat ores, I may piewiae that imelUug-orea, which aead mix to in- aeaalphui iz.-tl in a reTei traraAery faraaee, ami miiling-orea, tbal need only to bsdesalphar* laed aadehloridta d, are not in In- put through t lie " Kroui " mill; all athara are to be treated by the ptveoai I .im :?? describe, the ore, a bit a, aa it eoi re from tbe mine, is mixed with rock or nngue, to first put inl 1 a roca-breaker similar to tboee aard in nil qnaj ta nulls ami far breaking atoaea fur paring ttrt ta. and, after beina brokea lute axtall pieeea, 1 I. 1 ..ii>> an iaoliaed drying abaft,in wlueh Iba aamatoni winch 11 contains fat rs stored. From itpsit m discharged upon a set of steel-rimmed " Krom" rolls, between which it is ernthed late paaoaa from one-fiftieth to one-tentb of an inch atraare, Prom tbe rollt tbe on tails into a revolv? ing screeu, by which it la separated uitotwo Ixeaj thai whichiaalypadToraahrid fluerasoagh is taken to th, t ip nt tin- null by ateaaa al aa automatic ele? vator like that aaed tor loading aud unloading grata, aad that whlek is ton coarse is taken by similsi Baaaaatal 10nexl hootabove*whenH is delrverod upon aaothei aoi ol ton-, eel oloeertogether,aud alter paaalog tbroiurfa toaai is alto taken to tiie top of the uiili by aa elevator. Tbe on it tuen separated Into four different sires by pawing through a aeries of revolving Bornns, ami ? .teii gige m* delivered ia a Mparale inn. The next step in the proceag is the eoooeai ratkia of the ara tbal at, tba Beparaiion ol tba on from the 'gaagne or watte tm k, lliisi, aceoinplitbed by meant of 1 simple BMcbiae, aiwilar in tin- principle of ite eoaatrnettou to a mtddlinei purifier, aaed la the Improved methodsuf manufacturingflour, As Iba nek* which is bob .1 the eoomateney of fine j graTal, tails fruea taa big which ooataias it into theoooMBirotor, it is fed unoo a Baa win network, through which a atn g olaal of sir m forced iu patta following each other lacjoiek anrwismlun. Tbla bloBs 1 lie a bole mass .1 ahoiidistance rate the air. hm ill,- ganglia, being much lighter than the ore, -"i ? .1 longer dnuance ami tails m u heap by itae f, wbile tbe en falls into a reoeptaolc provided lor it, I in- advantage ul this eoncentntion a that th,- In.Ik of tiie roii. tabawgaeBtly to he reeled in the -?11. Iter, tbe bain nr, or tea amalgamating or leach? ing* pan ia rednoed, often aa much fifty oreav? . euty-dvs per a at, aad theouot oi haadlingfti there* aii r iacurmpoadiagl* leaa, A . r paaaing 1 uruogo the tirst ooaeenfntof the ' aaugue 1 as b en in great measure removed, hut the I diUerent cinnaeaoi ureaP all together. Some of it, ooutaiiiiug 'JU ia-r nut and upward ol lead, ia beal 1 ??. .,ii,, smelting 1 thateootainiag leaa than 20 ! i'.-i ceul iu ie ??; 01 averaguig not mon 1 baa .r? "r 10 ten al ui \ he mnalgaiimiad, ami that earryini 1 sa titan ? |sar ceut of load, I-uii d. Itiodaoinble, ti^eretore, to 1 para to the ore into three gradea 1 - in. ling to lue proportioa ui lead which \i rontatoa, iiaudotu i'.' means of ether concentrators ..k. thai I have at randy deacrtbed. I ho gn ? proportiou oi load which an ore eoa* >'?'? hi B111 1 1; hk and ine um. ? im . an s., regulaied aa to del vet the ugoroa sepantolj Irmn tboaethai nie to >>? .? ui auial.1 tod, ami tin- laal two 1. s no afterwat 1 * panted frota aaeh ? er in t .. same manner, ffae workina of the concentrators 1 of course eausee great elootla of dual, but above ? i' -i d^a iioodoonnoctod with au axhaaat* ' ' collectatlie liusi and dolivera 11 in a Ui be aunugaamted or leaeked, [he ? process 1 have tbaa far deseribedit auto ma ie; the ore pawn bora one machine ;.. 1 witl mi tii- intervention ot workmen Inm the lime the large pieoea of rock an lad into ibe bi iker until it hag been oouceutxated aud separated. Atdiifenut stagre in the proeeai tlio I res \>i tig aud a rec mi of tltetn :s can fully Letnanow fblbvwthe amoHtag ores. Thne an t then ia can !?> the reverb ratory fui ? sees, \. i ere tut > .... deai ipbunaed ataaplp by beating. They uro 1 ben mixed ?Ith inm net that have atao rieaalphariaed la theaame msnaer, ami whieh nr.. added to form a flax whieh thall earry 0:1 the gaagui that attty reutata nixed with the ore, I his II tueu melted in an ordinary M water-jacket" smelting fnrnaee, with eoke or chanoal. The lead and si.\. 1,1.. um hem ter, ainka to the bottom, ia eol keeled ta a aaull ntssrvoir on the oatsndc prosided for that purpose, from wbteb It ta dippul ai d east I into I .is 11, ban bullion. The flux, ooosistiug <i i iron a ? melted rock, is drawn oil through au open j inj: iu tin- siii" of the faraan above the ro< Ited bull 1 leu, in.' bane iMillioB any be refined, thai Is, tbe lead sepan ted from Ibe silver, either el th" workt when it it prodooed, 01 hat in- East a ban it is sold, ! Onstbatan to be ataaUnuaaied, that is, those I whieh pontaiu from B to Ui per seal of lead nn 1. iverage, an first taken t. u stamp mill, when 1 they an rsuueed to fine das! la a battery similar in i..ii used to reducing gold om,oxceoi thai no as r tioaa through tbaTbattery, lira then placed In a ** Bruokuse * eyhader, aa imatean Iron nylin? der rix feel ni diaaietar and twelve fool long, thron li winch a m.. passn a. it i., sonnoeu d with a fnrnnes, beats the ooateiits <>f the oyliuder. ibi- is Hun eaatsd to nvolve slowly, ami the beat aepsratea thesalafaui Iron ths ore. ai .1 iiri- common sa t sojaal i. saioaoj to about pei ceut ot the renteuta of V icylindei is added, the beat increases I, ami the silver whieh tbe on onatalna 1-1 baa ehloi idised, Tins tili er whieh 1 be on ? "nt dns 1- bow in each a condition that tt has I 11 itiougaffinity forquieksilvtw, sad the pahjt,aai* lated in nn stTftlbttwatrag pan with merearysnd s ih ?, m\. I up 11 s s ;v, r. whieh is eolfa etui 10 ths form sojalgau on the bottooB, Tbs siher is afterward separated from the BMremy by simply retorting it. I...' leaching ores, ti nt Is thow whteh contain Issa tbaa .*> per cent of b?ad,an crushed laths ata*mp-uiill. liesulphutised ami nhlorbllsod in ths ' !'i ! m 1'' cj linden exBetly as the smslgwmsting ore-are. Then, afl. r botag COOlsd, thev are placed III an agitator wnb a lud sat p lutmn of BOBS* Boa nan in aater, a bleb takaa up ami holds iu sus? pension the ohlondeol tilverwalefa the ore eon* in-. The liquid is then drsinsd trmn the pulp, nmi the ehhiiiile ot silver is prestpitatsd Upon si! ipa of popper, over wbteb it is aaade io pass, pfis chlonds ot copper whieh the briae takn up is af tei ward precipitated upon iron ntid ti e solution ..i salt is sseo Bgaia. Fiaaily tue cUoritis is separat' ?! Iiobb she asetalUo Blivsi by ateaaa of haat, CbIb hi I,io.'.mi as 1 he "AuATBstuss IssohiBg prooeas." I inm tin- brlsf doscriptwa it aril beassa tbal ii .1 BroeosB of lednetag the refractory ores "t lion* tana is a very c Bplieatedone, requirina skill ami sxpeasive mscbiaeiy, If tbe atraer ot a ?ids yielding ealena ore erects a smelt, r on hb)prop? erty like the snal taw in wbirh the Lead villi ores sn Ueated, bo iiiu.i mid nverberatory fnrnanna. sad svea than oan extrsel eafj spart of tba silver a hieb bis roek ntWtsinS It lo- bunds a stamp in II and attemput to san the metal by asanlgsmatran, lu- must chiondi/e bis ore by the use of " liruek* act/" ByIladen or sumo other similar ma? il im rv, uml BTSfl then will fail to BBVB ail bia silver. Bui whoa nil the prncessM are csnabiasd ami worked intelligently ami eeo* ? .. 11 ally,! 1 '? most tatiafsciory reaslta are attainsd. \\ ith lbs mum nwehinesrv that is aaed in the, BUd v. Ith clip 111 lie. d men to mBBBBB It, the pi' O deutoftbe Alta Montana Company think- it will be able to redace ona roaliaing a good profit ami gsakiag sattsfactory leturtis to the owners ol ths mloaa. If it dues, t m- wausr vs ill in- pnmped nut of old shafts in ths Colorado ami ttouMei dutnete, tin- Miami ot tbs pick ami ths dull and ths report '?? gtaat sowder wul agaia be beard, stagnalton will >.'i\. j,| mb to bSMI lift , and the mOBOtaUH will vo id up tio 11 bidden liohea, 1 in- oonpaoy ? xni stt to be soli to oouoeutntUi fortj toaa of isnaday, outalt thirty tons ami amalganatfi or lesch ten tons, _ /.. U W. VCHCjiPMTs, IN 1 ItUtW DESIGNS. J. vV J. Uoboon'a new carpel lioagc is o?p oi mm uut stswasi Mwns m gsai 1 swath al?, lotii wtiaaai all 1 w ltliin. Tin IP 111 deals exciii-ivi' v In ?oimIs id Iis own Mamfm un ?, * nn ti e sssaptssa of taek gesos at tin- haadSSBM reraian. Turkiali ami imiia iu,.-. i f \.null 11 has a hsrgi sad rsrtsdBSSBStwaxak Axsang ths Wbasm MaanBhetand by lata ant sn mm v BBS ami faSBdSOSM BWSsgBS in figures aBSt eoloi *. Ti i I'.r-i.i? sarpaBS SnsBBl rreall> H'tmlred. ami ssm* liasiaatlj sr. ater vsrn ties sn aihlslMd ta thsn da si^tis ui in in ?'iy BtJbWi aitimuiiii sea JapaasM aarpsta an also si.own. Hut .lapam se cat pets tt,nr dai. ai.d tin p. aahaaf .'or Japam m dt ahraa sea appaan aton in 10.tunic tbaa IbbVnst Bovert aaa. The dark and baadsiiMt olivi ths de? In all rieb cfl. 1 ti- arc .011 id ui 1 im new sarpsls tin- Pall, BltBouxh ,1 ie piidlcudibal Iba ralaB id dark tar pats is ssarlj aver, uua Musi Um Uabb r <? Iura an aests in )? in. fa rorii - Bo tsen are ?in.wn bSBgasaM sarpeti nits Ivsrj ..mi tcru giwaaSB in IwntaB am1 11 n il deslgaa, A hsaaesBM aar pal baa * w hue si out id wub leaf da gs in 1.0.1 wsadsasara, laeswlenii theaswvelveteav rrtaga an* ot IBs tofteal sad pn lUeai ibadee, tag many n 1... eeasnai asa aaisad la ihnaa ar"ibi 'i i?,. ? ,i". Very Wide Iu ttie HikIiiIU ami ? nc ipi-l iiladi s of carj el 11,<?'?.. 1.?? ?t. .cs .li.l i i-I.'i pli\.iii as lUtlietlli.iei ?IV. kind*, and a ?rcat unprovi iio nt U nu'lecalde in 11, ui. in. asa anbyas an npisilaliy sdaptsd to Bar Uiuulxe with the furullurv BSlSIIlllgl now iu uaa. AMERICAN VINES IN FRANCE Tin; impknimn?; wim: famim:. AMI Jtl' AN- VINF.f? TIIK MI Y Ml VAIItiN POM PBBBTI II UM fABM?AN is l i.i :!-:.?> ii.NO iiFIIi tAl MSt L'S sniN OK tiif OtTaBTMMs, (? vom \\ in < a?i<>*ai. coiiKfsrMxri! iT<if tut TBini sr | La U'x in i i.i:. France, Aim. JnphV r Plnvini having joinei] feron with the pbylloxi ra. it eaaaaa nowgenerally Donoededthai this jtmt*t wineerop in II r twoChaiwnteWill In- li.mllv Worth rpi nkmtr ni. Tin? Inrrneemi rams thai prevailed all over France from N oven bor toJaac laat, combined with tili? subsequent variable ami nnreitain tt niporatttre ofJulv ami Autrtwt. have allowed the \unsso lillJe of that solar noon ahm en I apaa arhnsh alone the granc fattene, thai en n la n gioae ny< t aaiwvaeTed by the phylloxera the preapeeta al ear kind of a pnj inn \ intage let 1879 are pia< ii- ali.v ahaadMMili 1 hoard, for instance, yntecday i f one proprietor who annually mahn an average of 400 harrtqoeo, but who will do will rhu v.:.r if he makes forty. Am! yet In thai can the phylloxera ih md respon? sible : the rain has done it all. With raoli n disiouineinir aatlaoh, the natural suppoeition won Id be thai Freaehnao would begin to thmk of enrtaibng fboir wine-drinkiug, ami turn with a kindly eye toward I hose beverages which find favor in 0BT ow n and other non-wine producing ronntrlca. Bai md aa, 1 have asked s.veral: "lint what an yon pang todoforyour winef The price will be to high, pon'll have to do without it." The invariable answer is : " Oh, not at all. We shall simply bare to pay raor*." It is merely a question, then, of who has Ihelontosl purse. Hut Ihe lower elajwee, tbe honee servants, the our rim, the farm bands, all af whom are accus tomeil to tbeir pial <u tana dap?an allowance whieh, by the way, they teenwdoaaly exact?will have to moilily their kleae UHialdanbly when wine getanpto a franc a litre, and harn hy actual ev pcricnee that an oaeaahnal driah of cold water does md, as bM been popularly rappoaed, lei loon upon them all the erili m Paadacrra hnx. Tboraappears, inr the preaent, no ponlblo onapa from this thread md anna famine, even with the helft of nccnsional importations of the once-despised J wines of Spain, To be euro, nek oontinnons rams [ as we have had render t he year an exceptional one ?and, were it not for the phylloxera, the nexl two years' crops might eaaflyrnton the equilibrium and keep ordinary wine down lo He former prices. Hut even with (he most favorable weather, it is feared the vinn an dooaeed. Tbe phylloxera slowly, patiently hut surely .id va nc es, each season leaving hi inhted vineyards behind him andover runnitiK new ones. H Ali,* aigbed a member of the Phylloxera t'omni fdon. who sat next meat a pub lic r the ni her evening,n bo lovinid.v held a glass of wine np between his eye ami the gaslight, "in three years'time we shall grow no more of this." The import of than worda to a Frenchman, given to his daily modlonm of wine from his youth upwunl, is portoatotut Indeed, lint the hard fact, in vert heb ss,stiires himin tbe face. The wines or the phylloxera, one or the other must ?_'1, nnil thus far the advantage rests gltogi (hi r with the phylloxera, intcruscotdc thoogfa be le. The hop. *. nt first ? In risln il that tbe insect v onld run its brief course ami without :t doing much harm havo vanished, lieprodoetogitself?each insect?to the ntitnlNT of twenty-fire odllwna la ? single season, it marches over France, an Invndinir, all-devouring urniy, t arryingamora permancnl desolation in ils path iban did the Pi aarlaa eobortgof u dc< ado ago. I lust el tides hy the ton?,. illy snlphuret of taihoit?nre thrown in Us path, yet, iike Jolm Hrown's sen!. It Mill got s moral lug on. New vinr I yards nre eonata nt Iy being attacked; the thrifty [ hushandmnii dally inspecta In finr nnd tretnhling I is hitherto-untouched vims, nnd the territory a Ire i!v ravaged Ins idle lor three or four years tin: i I a new lot of vinn eon nave been set out and attain the 4 ? of beariog. It te clear, then, thai nnlen aotne n ana can be found l"i aiit stlngltbe phyll gem's ravages, the vineyards of France an doomed. Nor is it snrpris injr under such cirenmatancoa that ihe French Oov I ernnieiit slmtihl hare appointed] a commission, headeii hy a no lnadistingnbtbed person than the Count T,t- Merrtor, t" lireeniaeOe nml onmbat this inbnitesiriiftl scour go. Up to tbo present time?it may seem nmmcious to tbe commission to satrif, for they have not boon Idle?the phylloxera keeps on just the same aa he did bet.ire the Government took him in hand, Bui it moat he remcmln red that Ihe inseef ia a new thttta f t Praact?brst ap? peared In 18(53?and eonaegaently takes tue vinc groweis at no little <h advantage. The com? mission have invctlivnt? d, atndied, experimentell, spent some money, and to sum nji their present opinion in few words?it is this, thai while siilphn rrt of carbon may be of nrvloein some M>ils and tinder certain conditional! is not on! versa lly effi? cacious, nnd that the only sure wtv to save French vineyards is lo sei oal Ameriean vim s which res it the phylloxera, and then grafl anon them French ruttr.nrs. The wine neoltlng from this com hi na? tion is absolutely aa goodn If (''ere had been no grafting, while at the note Bom tbo stock or root lo phvlhixi-ra-proof. ThoOaBM Nflnll miy ho nh tainod by plaattng Ameriean prap -stones nnd snhseqtii n'ly gr ifttan n- before, hut the latter plan, w hile perhaps cheap, r tit til-t, nflfOnll itea a lose of al lea 1 throe peon* time. io Anerioaa vines,then, ot to certain onn of then foand tn poaon ? a denn fibre, which ihe phyl? loxera's punctum cannot penetrate, the general at? tention ni French rine-growen is a: present tinned. !>r. kfeoodler, vioe-preoldoot of tbo Phylloxera Commiaelon, m aa interest mir pamphlet, a transla? tion of which appeared in Th* fltlmlfflc datcricas of Angnel -, aaoorta thai tha two Ameriean stocks known as the M Jaegaoa * aadtha "Herbcmont" are. till tliimrs considored. host eoloalated to serve in Preoek riaeyarda. Alnady by private enter, princoneidarable haportatloaaof these ami other American shoots have booo made, readily finding bnyon al axtnvaaaal prices. Tha prefect of this department, an enterprising- in ah, and one who is penonally nonreraanl wttk tbo detaiIs of vine growing, has recently endeavor.-.! to secure an ap? propriation for tbe establishment of a nursery of American vines, whon cuttings nnrht ho sohl to all needing them at a eoa or twoapfeoe inatead of a finite, the Bgtce which Imvcrs h;.v now sumetirnes to pay. The diseoaatoa provoked in the Conncil-Gon ??nil of the department dnrlnglta Mmi-annna| aes sion last week by this propoaition shows s.i well the drift nf public opinion in regard to American vines thai I translate tt herewith! at Onyon utked an adjearaanal or the vote on this et<t<ro|ir1atlnn nn'll the suppleiuentary Inquiries nn the an Meet wer.- eempteted. If. Untrer ri-plled that then Inanities werealreadr rnmph ti it; tiuif ? ven fh'- gnood for tbe proposed nnr ?i-rr now eheen. aed thai ttie dlabarsemeat id the su'n Hsini for weald to aapeiiateaded by toe ( iiitr.l Committee nn the Paytloxera. M. ie CoarteLa Merrier anted thai the 4 000'rme* Itiscrtheit in the Badoetmdreejoeeted bt tbe Central t'oinmlttee were Intended to spread 1 tale ft Amei run plHni*; that none nut Amerleea pteats can r*meOr the alrnatlon In which oar Preach vlne-erowine interest* have been 1 seed br the phylloxera, epd that ibis srourre vannni befoagbt with InaeeUeld s. It is aceorit Inaly aeeeeeary to mellltate the general pr ipaeatlon of American sboote, ibe r-mtsot whieh r-?lst the phylloxera. 1; .i ii. nt ?UV to ib> ibis is to eetabU*b the nnrsery, .m is' nkeO,aad eoaseqneatly lo vot.- toe I.imio fraaoe author to .1 in Its ere it Ion. M. f.'i t 1 Roy I?ci!it ?311 h seeneiteit \f. <;??? ea*a doomed tar an aQoaramewt. bonan be coald not see thai 1 tie nt bed < nine f"i propaoattng A torn ran vines in Ids Mi parlment. There nre us yel many p..ints in ti e Chareal lalortean Ml overran hv the I pb) lloxt 1 1: on t bal act eaal 1 a did not 1 on iWer Ii a.i vl?altle topreae tae maltlpUcatioa of Ameriean vim s lb reared It wonld only b*? latnaelag tbe cenim of in feet ton el tin very erearae tbey wen anhing to rom bat. M. Chevallter tbnaobl I bal Ita majonty of ihr commlseloa bad sapporled Hie dt -Iren approprlatioa. it w ii-, ii. bis '.t.tnbei, I i-eall-e n .1 r> I In In III ? a. to lie lie rived from ike eieotbm of n anraery for the pmpaf stii.n of A me nr iia rtoea. bf. It.nin r r.-piteil IhMt If there whs nnv one thltie ? hat ?.1- et rtain in tbe hi?t?.i ? ,.f tin phi Ipixftra. it w.n that I a-' ei.tue to ils fi. \tu, r|, ?. ||ia( ,t M H, ((n t in- an .unit 11 nt toe Beenttd d'Agrlt albm <i- la Prance i. tl recommeu led an avetdaace of toe proparatioa o( Amenraa ahoota la ncOnoa Where Iben in?" rlaca still nnioucbeil by the pbylmti ra ; - ami Uesnles," be eased, " I- I' ' i tin Mi 'tl.--.- \ine, \ In. win tl pi int. il la oar eoauury, nsdet tbe phyUoxcnf la narluaion, be hoped, at ail et nta. aone wooM be nal to the Ai rondisei mi nt el l i Koebelle. M, Ho l'ii f. cl ? aptolaed tha be bad been tmbnnl pj InelaOe tin. eswoprtatloa ol AA100 'ram * m tbe Bndgei In r :o?nn of trhal he had seen in niiikitiif the r>>ntiiln nf ihe %rroBdlaaiiui*iii Been when ptoata from Aamma wen holog beagbt aoel bigb prleea, ami> rtoe m.. .lei. aera < onabtlalmy I aal ih?y coald an yel m-.y. Thai wn. w tint l.aU irivi-n htm the hlea nf a ci ntrai ntir eari ?won ssseh a aarean B waoM beeeom ea?? tn mat ni"* ami peooaaeAeAaaaemaa ahoota at a lost mn .-. tu eetoblkblag lo too eat ttoM al Balatnaaarn ry of rtaei ?' tbe " .fi.<-.|ii<-i " for leataaee tt ?onid he reedertoa people u Ban a e Shouiil the role on this nppiopi lotion be i/iit nil. an M. liuynn asked, it was hy no innai MUS tri ?? Mir min?i i-waM '?<? me lafagi oaalj renewed next V ii ' n ilii oiii.'i n.unI. IM ?um eot< I ?I ?aaa, n ???Iii li ?.".,ii iiiiiiuM' ii'.tiiin fee tin * ii - grower* m tin- dap ir' nr nt. N.>l\vi|lf?t:ii|i|n;^ tili-, appeal, the fvttl W$M "gA> j.urnol," winch, ni Kn iu-h par I a n' e. meant B It fusal uf Ilm appmpti iliou. A s'liiilar piwpoeltion win nil lurfj n ;.rti-il :i davor two ago a! B i'b ?UX by IbeCouncil-Ueiiernlol the I?. p.hinn .1 ot the tlironde. Prejudice neninel anything ?f forvleu pr ilu non- ail nawilliiigucM praniuaJI" toad mil that Anwrteafl Tinea are better thau Prcnch ???? pu d 1 tilv at Hm birtromol it. V< t ihej rttecii ?? ? maa aign liram, ?ml mdtcataa thai at mi diataal dai weaball beaapplying France with the viart fruai which aba 1? 1?? tnip aa bwek ww <j ire* and our (?.?jrnar. TM ajaaatioa naturally ai!-???, " 'ben, wl f, with oor varieti and fertility of toll, eaarl aa Diane our wiuoa and orandiot at boaief" A0IIVJTJ1A TUB TMOA TRADE. A KETfTAL <>N A PIR1I Ft'lWPA lit?N. ALL I II K MOB M\\t r.n i"Hii - \ I WoWB " PBOO PFCIH nr IHK U M I.F.-TALK? WITH rto MIMM DfAIKIlH. (In invi'^tliratii 11 it MCBtl lliat few depart1 Maate af nadaaiiy et trade Mr a revived loa u velar mm nt ttiHii me linn inien-at. fagulty aabaegpreaBV ut-ui in 11111 r.ic111;?<? 1 ?? ami iii .iirit in tm* v.iiioim liriiaeMa ut thai treM ftae revraatd tM feat that Bat Oesaae tat uoin ma aad laaaMd traa 1? ia aaweaaaf it"' ?upplf. Mill- iu ililii i. ui p iria of tu? country .110 run alaa Ui UMti auaoal aaMauj. ami ara pel aaaate to till UM ardara received, ataay aulta Mra reeaatly beea atalUil up wincli MdlongMaa iuie. TIM demand lur iruii 1 ail* ba 11 tab an greet mat BMBe Importations Mva been Made IroM Barapc. OiUMliBillion Irou for build liifcM n.ii ? I to beea m great demand, noi omy in New Turk, bat in all parta el tue iwaaliy Tue advance ob iron ao lar la freM IB ba 88 par eaat, aecumlnc to ihn ,M.mill..1 liners ami de-tlei* are eoflebBBP ahly.iaini ami look mr still ?r ?at.T iuiprovriiieni, in tue Im laeaa Another ilte in prices 1* also i xp^eteU to lake place in a lea ilaje. J. at I'm null, uf J. U. A J. M. Cornell. BBBaWjaBMr*tfl of ail kinds uf Imlldlag Baa at No. 141 Ceatre-et.? re? cently ,iu tprahlBgof UB)conditiuiiof Ibeiiuu interest, aaid: "ThereM au iaarMMMdeemed for ail kind* uf iron work, urn only la tM city, nui out of it. The buai ocas has been reif BMMh datweaaad dartug Iba biet five yean, aud Iroa tun down lo nn uuusually luw poiul. Within tiie last lUirly or forty day - .1 eitai ice lias taken pi iee, ami i lie dciniiid lias beea much till (Ter tliaii anyone aatlrJpaled. All of me rolllng-aiiilt are fullol orders ami raaalBgte their falleat eapaoity; and. iiiviuk to 1 in- promise 01 still m iter pncea, 1 bej will nut m i pi ordaraeaaoM M naet to bt determined by the el a la ol 1 lie mat ?? I at tin- I Hue MTd< la or v. Tliu ad? vance h iioui sota M per paed, ateeedieg to tun kiu.i of Bea>M " grttl this a.iivity In tbe market have B iindeiicy to atlmulate luipurtalloa freai Baropt I" '? il Mag In soine 1I1 (TM ; nut wo have la thi* country to bieel all our demand*. There will lie 110 dlf flcuilr iu reirapl in tin- supply uf iron aa ?0011 a* Iron? work manulaetaiBBB have roidaobUMd their itocka, which wem uUowad to MeaaM iiaallj rtdueed during the recent del 1nil ill the trnlc." " Waat roaeoa hi aatlanad far aa Bathed au taprere* ment iu the nun IndBBtry I" ?? ii 11 io at dlreeUy aitrtbatad to tie- Maaral rerfral In trade arid : lie gnat pruiiiise gi,,.n ., (, , fut 11 re." N. r. Palmer, jn, <>r n. b* palmer, Jr.. A 00? of IM ; (jiiutniii Iron Werks, aMaatoatanea and builders ol emriuei, holler* aad Machinery, at Avenue-D, Eleventh and Twelfih-ai?. and UM Baal BfVBP, Midi "Thehnay ?;?a?oti wiili ii< ha- m>r yt opiuie 1, ini1 ai a larun iiuui h?-r of Juha have been latwalltod for hldt than usual, a much lart.iT l-u- m.-..i t? i nMci;iat. d. Theie |< rinve doini; ulready tins year than last. Share it not tlio ex cirr.tncut amonc Iriiii-workers ?e^ie Mre inppo?cd to | exi?t, Imt there u a Keaernl f-eluii; tlint the l.a-iue,s ii ?u ni; io bo mneh better thaa ha? year.." TMDelamaP r Iron Woiks arc Hituitcd at Urn fu rot Weat Thirtceib-ai., North BlTM, C. ?Delauiatei & Co. are I he proprietor^ M ,i tl"- bi aUMBaeo islsta of mikli hollers, enu-luea and foundry work. The statements of ii. It. U binsun, oat nf tM Memberi of i h ? tit ta, retard hbB IM tree tr mm wen? MUiataetially as felhj m : ??Tin-re bM beea ? BMrked bwwivreMeal in aii teaaahaa of Iii? iron hu Ii M WlthlB DM ' law aei ks. I ir.-t n.'ull Miele -i 's - pi *i'isli|.-aa Is to In? nifrl'iati 1 Io the ifen eral revival in all lepal iMiata. Withm the lastflveur elx yi an those . ?:tr igi I in IM I arryin? trade have been icet?tiK along a? tbey eoeld wttb their old machinery, lull ,- i I' a . '?' 11' ius* < 'ti >iM:.',e?t ia p.-. ti.l?ed, nc Uro ini 'iis in.' bahag ? me fur li. Aatomany tub ?i...1i1..i *w - ? - . ?m.irinill.? i-. ?Iii, e ,|.. . i .i. l.ui, it i .in scarcely Tin?r.> la everv pr.i.|wct that the pretent iMwceeaBMBt WlU re, am permanent, and I feel perfectly warraaBcd la aaytng ti nt the next Breyeara will he the most p osiier.'iis p-rnal we have had im forty yeara, Bhoabt IM pneea ol Iron, lt..w,?ver, hearlmnlated by aapecalatiTe feeltaato ?? i htonMjrh apolm.tbe market iroeld twaVr t break-down, and price* would drop agate below Ibelr proper ! ? - v ? i furo Mme. li la to ho hoped thai nothtnc of this tr n i wt;| neeiir. and that IM marMt wiBeontlaue in In healthy ?iinl legitimate. Aateearowa M?neaa,we have not ?lern so ou-v for tea years. BUM hundred inen an? em pluveil In the v." k* tbhi,ii ; Mal m ii i Un re aero omjj tM " W.O Pbaweathep, treisnrer of Iba rw-i!c BoBhtg Mui i inop i \,.. Patereon, 3 J., waaaik -i to state the j ?Hu at .ui of ine Ii... In icnat ua iiu looked at It. Ho io plied I ??All in'Ks faTorably attaatr t in thi i.try are full of ! ot der?. TMs condition of a Bahn a n imque tlonaiily cnnitnue until n Id Winter BI leaet, .\,? ?on .. hc i v 11 v wan I ntitictpnted ny thoee ta tM trade, snd It rtallr ?eemed to sprlni; up mainly Withta the I i?t thirty diiys. The I advanec in ftniaheo Iroa doet not oorreapond tu I uat in raw in n r ; i. mi teeaeat ef IM warb on hand btirina been conn icied lor iielere the ri-e. Ii wni take the re- I ?i...lud. r ??? ia . c. rfo ?anil -V fire; ?. <?? ?. .111. .-.*.> made. M',i?is hive Mea adraaead about ? per cent, und v. i,l mi. . itice it^'il.i ?lioiil i Hu re In? aioitliiT ri?u in pi e? " " i>.the inrreaaed demand appear to he confined to anv i it t leu ar iiranches nf lha tradef "It pervade* all departtneat*. The rartoai alaraled roads have i.n name a great aatoaal or eooalrueUve Bau work, bat otbi i br taebet af the bealacea Mre beea treaiiy improved u? wed. ThtadeM in '. In mt opinion, bj i .i bb ami ipeeal itire, Ml aailrely healtbr la kit rbaracter. One hraaeh of im luis.m ?? doariraa per. Ueaiar mention. Tm bttdxa-balldtagdepartment l?, r eeplionallr Moyaata Ba li tea bbmb ween ihaa wi raa Baaatbly fin i?r some tnaa io eotae, an i eoa it actaareat iie.n atora aa abaoal our own uwwm." " 1)waat i o.i have s.i,d ap.dy iu the t.illl- at t..e tTeat.M "deal aa treib A ceuttemaa was m tbe oflloe to-day from l !i v. land. 11 i ... Be Mid M had BOl fat en nil c tu hay what iteek ba wanted frmu Western BtaBBfacttirera and hud eoii.e iJast in ?e? wiuil he cojld do. Ii is tun feat of lie aol halag aoagaM to any part leaiar aeetioa that tfixesit Iba idea ofparaMneaay.*' WtUtam Wallace, of Wlllhua Wallaee A Co., Iron mcr ciiaiue.iii AIMb) bM WaihlBttoBMa. dia'en in eon auaettoB boa, boih r Iroa, ?pike-, rivet*, ami bur** shoes, Kiiid: " i ba bntlaal m .?..a tbe iron ii Mioea* h i? pvarexpenaaead la ibis aaaaiij aaa in it??-^ Tim ii, du laatara ihi n. m it M MW, w.m tM rail read im. r e?r. BallroadeomoaaMa wen? eoMpeUed bytMMrla toi et of UM ttuiis tu aaBBOMta' elotely for tereral veaia, aad reaacqaeatly ailawed iMtr roadi ie net Mdl) "Ul of repair. Ihr prospect of Itiereaaed Iratlle hu? llidllied Ii.ata roads to lunt ueuded re pairs, und to im reaea l M r roltlog mock. Thti rat IM beaTlaahtg ef IM iMproreaaeat la the trade, i>ne mm after aaolber Mbbbm crowded with ordere, until It be? came dififouit to gat work duae at all, Ai tuoa thta Ht?te ot uit.iirs w.i.4 diieevi .eii by MereMati and dealer* in inm there a aa u t use aaada m gri ttoeM repleatabed baton tnttber advaaeee. IM graal iMprovameal in huildiiiir operattona a so einer? a? a faetar." M Will Hiera b< aaelMr nee la the prlee of raw mate? rial bad iiu ihed iron aaaa f "Unduabtediy. I weald aol Mel aBaarwfbMd if it ?houiii take pi ie by BepteMber l. Qreai a< tba im provemeai ta over la*t year It M tbe nainral reaaltefa iieiici poadiitoa of fiiiiiira iu geaeraL Benea li is aol a feverish Movemeat, hat aaa predated by tM regaler bin of aiipph and d luaiol." Alfred WblUtrr is a dealer In bar lr. t ar I Utl I, at Bndeofl BOd ll? ide-*t*. Om- of ln? re preset In tire* ?:ud: M There la aa eepretaJ eaU for bma tram the Weafera Btatea, Aalaereaaa im* also taken place 11 ike New Tork demand, bat aol m bmi ki A TM adraoee *o tar is froia SA to SO per eeat, aceordiaa to IM kiad u ir. n. li j appear* plain to one in it the prlee will ??. diii aJ rauee to the Mpottattea point rhe bulktiBg of new ran ai d IM rrBurnt ami nplealahlBg of lu Machinery uf the reoMMve daaea Kreut Baal toward briaglag ahoat thepraaeatravlvalol IMIraa laicraata** DavidWetMore,at WatMareA <'?>.. ? taafaetareraof bar iron ami Bteel, at No. 803 flntrBVlra mt., wa- rt gueated to glva a bvMf aheteh of tba praaeni eoadiltoa of Ibe Iron Mil. |esl?. lie I Id MbetaBUatly the UlMt f. aa I Baas wM Mva been alraadj quoted, Haaaali ?? rM iailiaad AeMaaB bi very graal from Ml parte id tin cmititrv. la fact tbe demand? ladeoategneaUr tbe adraace fa area Mr al M Weal Ihaa it u here, in? primal cause nf tM BdVaBMIla all kthdt of In.ii, p| curse, Ilu Hiilie'al revival of I lid 11-'I ?r .,ud tl id". (IreBl ddBcnlty bM i> ra exaet^need wnu i. tM uwi aaeM la aetilaa ordert ailed it both rolltas-auiU aad MMlUagsfaraamab IMadvaaaa is iron 88 n? 80 per eeat altBaverj preapeetaf a atUI bigber agara, I do ' BMeenMOartMBMvaaarai iiier??uit al nur taatlag of ?peculation; il I? only what BBtaratly fcdtewa an lu i real, .i BMtaad arlatag fi bm area Um , aiiMiMplloa. BEAUTIFUL i.i tTOBi ARD TRIM MIRO A Tin* opening ut I>. A. (jr.iiit'n trilBMIBg tore lit liroiniwat I.i-t I hur?.lav revealed BbBBf BOB BBd Il mil .nine dr. ?e tlluillihvt ill'l ?n' ti.l ill es. N. vet h.i\e the trhaaBag Maarrtab) Mea bmm parted nr n> irrealer fhaaaadthaa ai tin- praaeal axae, ami bovm Mia tM I., aafg aad atj hi of Um aaattnaa d. paoaed ?<> lergj |j aa the trlininlUK- I'lUt'ineuterU* ar>- iu ilemaad than tewr, aad taen mm mgaytaB M*d patteraa Jet aad raaa baw Beted baaMbbbmm aatbrely cover UM Maid Ikaf farma tbM uiMMiBg, alvhag N a atxU debar rBtei. i mi.a u greatly in fever,aad haedaeati BMuiilafiiuae* aie thee u- M .1 ni - aru shown formed uf a m l aork of eheuUAa, aita i. daap frUMBtef me taaMb Tm. baaaa I? ||Ot> I fol I In- line ,i???l tin. Ill of liutlal.s ill,,,, ?u n.i.i.i, Bad tuts !? h.I tht mill on* are et ?ileii I? anil in BBbBJ ami BMtgaBMtlba] aluue Uauntoiui a dMM wituuiil ulher II I ..llilllg. LETTERS FROM I BE PEOPLE. A BTOBT "i CBIMM DI NIEIX To Ihe I ft i I is if Tki ft ? ? ?)? ? Sur: I BotirAwJ witat? BBBsberol Tin 8?um> w.tamer Ti.n.i -r. aader Um to ui tg " who i? i? It' uue."son*)eu 11in "i? hi ion adminm fill art i Mi i blab .... .. 1 ('? U ? ^.illl till' mutlll* t.f 111.' papers, pui pn.l kvtto lv< n .nit . t a horrible owtrage aad "MBBgar" .?f lyoOagWOOMfl itlOOdtOg l-n IBM In.imck I ' IB" MBBBNB Ti> t lie er>-Otl of h no ttiity, iimj e*|ie< tally ?f :..:i?t Ig BBd BBBWl BsnillOOllP. I thlab Ii BObBI I" M BOOBB WtwnVOr Me BMfT BBB gBBBJ Hi- roil ml s IBBl I' Ii* WbstJ i-:!v ii iv !>?? BrOOOaoead a nOOHl : f'?r Ieurlv .11 ni it '.u: sbOOtatl ,\ f.i'.r ?? il.-il ntlt nf H whole ?'1 ?lll." t?,i"-.iv ; In-livmi. i? nnm.: nut* ? \ i -'.i'.t.iiion. hob tiny ninety tin.ii nf i liii.uin- i in Ibis vb-lnltv. Ilk.- my-i If, KBBB BoehlBB PfOVlen in fl.MBBffl WM Bl MB i x *lcticcof ih* MBPOBBd v i fnii nf "OBeragB MM ?BfA r " Bal Iran lobaogBMt nBgatry it appears ii.' a young ITBBBBB at r t flier a wiiyw.uil character, nf a family ttvtng mbm dew or Often adln Iran koto, attracted UM BrMOMMM Ot several fNM ftdBBWB Bl MB " BOBBI r.>ri"iii UhTfmaip patalMB tOWBal BXIOOIII Btoatp known I.nice her .-.llcii-e In BBBlBj I" ill'- BBBBMB I In-ru ??! v. i .'. Ill' in. II Is piesilli eil. Ili a v i?' nl It il Inr? Ml BOOM, '"" M MB BBBBB M all ari|>. .intiilii e III NBBI piaet) B i.i r. ,OWMfl peebaps I" III" iMIgM BMttBOB ii' ami i ji|m nn-i iii-niliit'Ti it itl Uu- DMMBIB BBd iii'-m. io tBto plan far Bloat, aba wsa i> ill thai a pOy BMMB WM i Jlli it. "lie died ? day nl tWOafW| BBd BO* lag poorly i maoaor hero. Mo maMMf nf her ooath suggested H." piopeb iy nf an Inquest held 1 >. ia t in - mrr aad a lory, waa aoaoinoBoty agrcs d Mad daath re? BOltodfrOM iivi r-.-xei |OB ainl ex BOBOra, prwdaCIBB uervooapro rration." Mol Iba alighted eridoon an loand ?I My nob dm nr ontrage, whtea, for aagnl Unit la kaowB, extand ooljr Ut tba bran rt Ma lagoaMai b> v i BUN Ol I In- ftnl'V. Brom nil that haa been learned frnni Mom who know ::.. ? Tt? ?l inr bauery. Mo Idea nf inr bidaa'0* "atodest, Mtaeatod ebaM or a vary reepeeMble lam I ..' andol "iriiod -". ni. noaiUon,". r, aa tin- writer for lie Devoid boa ft, ?? ren aoeadi al end web rd nee tod, and null re* nee ted in tin- better elrcl * of naUety," aoutoia rery mmu like imjrbMMine, And the atnd abaal herbe? in-.' ea11 k .1 Ball dead and b?fl at her '?? Ihm'i dew < .\ aora aha did aot ao al ali| bj iwo dwetileed peraoBatMao im l.nt- ii. tn.ti?iinc i ri.ine'mi- toeverj * ne bera, Bev rrtheli ii"- eondnej of jrouat nn u ? upeeted of ea ut hag bat areaad at cauic-meihhk i< -????>??. i. ?<, n nt.i.e fal than If the] wereeoneernea In tb< aUeaad on: ao*. TttBTKinmaetyleBthem ??tbe raomna or Hontrow l boo ab Mey uwoailrrli aakaoara brre, mbb amald ne utierlj deaputedII kooaratbj tbu whole eeaunoaliy, BT Bat Till TaJBUBB aaya of more vtetlani eare beiaa eperrtaed by poream nt.-r the t. UAeaa of their dauabtera Urerj |oet and proper; tbomtn la tin* ra it -iinniii bat e :?.-_? t:? i probool] tl an i u Her period ti ll i Mm eamp meetlaa. Bloreeoald those wboeeodoel ibem rueoUnaa?ueabrned tar lBelt own ami lheir lib ada'dw rotiuaa, be bold r? aeoamble for the it. ibebavmr nf t ii** " baama bra tee" wi.? nth n raeert ti.n bet ia laite "f Mem, for viler m p see. i. jiur. MUOUrtMO, I run.. b>pf, l'.'!. i-?70. A V? HCE PBOM WEBT PABM& Tn tht t: tl it or i, i Ihe tribune. Sliit Ii ii* DOW live mill ;t lialf ye ir* rinn tbo Maraobtp mid rUhaaa ol IPeal Panoa llaehMaag fremwat. POrdhaaa, ate.J wen annexad tu Mo City ot Bew-TeeB. Ptothm M Mai orooi wa gereraed oar* f Ivi , iiii a town. O.ii Hlin :-U1..I h ?.-;.\wn >? wi r?-wvli liablod. god tapelred ai needed by ear blood CommIb atoaerB,'wMr.v. it aad expended anneally lorthia purpose a'in nt #ao.0o0. Ottilie day of on i anile.vat j.iiin.iiy i. i -," I, MrooM Bran Btesee tu repair? graded,eoMotb* eattaMe b?mj abeiefordim ? m i?v aap ?r abrbt, a* i < IrPlied, aelfrr q ae mg i w-.'tt'il :..ivt tl. m. n..'-ii:tlri;ti. ;i"-| - ur i i\p ?'ei'. w. re In aaaord. Bat bow ad r lie u ohaored. Bj Mi buwM ? f bbbi xatloo. ibat BOBorabbi bady, tbe ''GomaueMew en oi p.i...1. Parka at ib.. o v .. B -.v-Yo;?," bei un mir PaOad OemmbWBMMte. i'nier Motr eare '!> ear atreebtaad roada are all aftbeat ahaaMfnllj aad anme nf 111. 'Ii I..';-. i : .-cl.-etl it. Ill tl.P Stielt Win le 1 ? . ' . paw eerreeooadeqia reeida no; one .1.. er I a ? i peaded m repalra by the eomm uloneri dnrtna -. lite years in ? iiteh we bavo pabl our t .i s iu iln 1' . .- : Ball 1 M 'i 1 baa boeooM almost uapaeeeble, like tbe bed al a BMoabata brook. Tbe aeme to troe 01 aeveral other I .. reetabarrOi Indeed,motomooi 1 nlala 1 eomiltton ' of dei 1 nt repair, ead la a at at tee ear propert; tlet . ?em?ed 1 . an cxl tu we b ird y dare :.- speak ir I IHtlk -f. in tbeea elreomotaoeea, Mr. Bdln r, what s> -il- wed f ' Is i i-.. 110 help Ii r us I Do not ??. 1 .. | ? in ni rse tbeli iorj are arnpb?w he, el tbe leaap?intrneMd n tbeeo aacred lends a onld be dlrnleil up an 1 uty< ooaly dh-p;-. before 1 Bbove] la ajoved "a Prm> Hanittel-sta. 01 Wemi Panoa Vtllaee, Twentj foarih Ward?htret ts now uuki'd nml K.ii.'e.. In iberau'i-* 'in - of the laet Are years. Bow tons sfa . weaubtull ?? 1.. . ii |u tn.. paying taxea on a a tea ha 1.. 1 ?. > tba wnU 11 m pity eiil 111- whose buaint sa II 1 - to msinialn .? means or lntercomintinw*etlon t If yon 1inol .. - a er Hit* nor pbM bs) BlBasrbBa ae n remedy, p aee 11 ? aw aa Mronjch .> o.u eolumoa to rail oo tin Park < oiu niissiouera to aoawer tbe loua ? . . naotWeal Wotwt, 11. a 'i Uapeo, |r., ROBKBI Wn ton, AirnoBBo Boon, iu ..\ 11 1:. Pbai r, at 1?.. ' Boi nnd uiuiiy others. TTcjI fmrm$,b\ .?:. 1.*.. 1 ?7a\ BOCTHERSi KlllT'HI.MTOV. To the M Sit or ?> f The tribune. Si::: DamooattoJovntali all owr tli" Booth araaroMapgiaa to deetroy too Barooel Tai tatacaa*! or:te e bad Motardiy <.n Uepodl itiea iu tbe ."?nittii, by Mallag Mat varloaa BtaMe la Mo ajorti aad Bort I barestttBBbbpoet, mpeoaated, inis lo arwed m on* denen ibat npodial. i* tint a atrJeBy noaawtaila ?etbodi Paiiaor a ietnefain of ifeontog men tu tha baek flrat Mnntod fn the on ot ibnt party(bal it hn adopted iL I nes.- looroolablai that ?iortaora bomibmi . an- as r< aiiv to npodlBM beaaal aMIsyul mm to- an . mn . -aii eemmnaliMai tl. .t tba Berthen " i.iea" raaa a* HBeb after ib* MopatiHWe dybj -.i Mofi aa the Bootbero tdeo. lad n look tan tkbi mattn. Tae beat bntegtaaen?Pkoladiael exanpla of ne naaan in a iiieii tbe tw.i partMa r.-'.-ani Mat aabfet r?1*t.> n ton >i in l ennossee. la MM SbMe Me plea ot rtpatllatlag a portoM eg tbo debt wn BrM adveeaM by Daanentla palitbdau atnr ne war. Chtal aManr Men wn " An iy *' febaaoa. witen tin- nr.t Bpeeehn m il- inaib 1:1 us fiivur, il tvus eoiel.-tnin il uv all 1; naane ami by a "l ip.rity of na boooM DnaoeaaPA Bn evi II w 11 11 tin- Idea Wa.. tit.-., adt atici '1 In II.e nl..le \ n.i bad oalj toaeranh Moboafcel aa axeotav.worn aad you ande a repadfattorjoatp. Ait. r a few y. ar* ol wt Mtna tbo mtiMo aioolna leghma oi Mi.b'.ie and aTnt< '?:n Laoaonei?naaldanooaaetna?taraed ou; s.-:,.: fnr it. I?i?t Ti-tiiiesi-n. ill ways loyal, and alwapi Ight1 uu: tor Vatwaal npaooney and oaaal rla^ua, alwayi bom at?Kant TBaaeean was hnad soiui against tue bl. a, uud no amount ot iirguOMOt i aileqilBla to drive ber Into BBilOBBn wttti aaeh a dantraei ml proeeedbag us tbe ntoaal to pop tbe bornl axaaoan ot Aadroa Jaakaea, and nan werMty debts. At tbe int.- eMeUoo. eallod to ratlfi propoeitton to srtt'e ibe state debl qaeattoo i?v fund In a nt go aeon on the iiniiHi. with t |i. r ? ei t latenet. tBa ie ji .'i loans yolod, some foi the ana aan as . la >t aout ot mearlai anytblM, and otbers aga'Bat It aa a meen nbena to as iraad beaeel orediii r.*. in tin- .'..nth u w. 11 n nt tae BmOt >ea Bud n pudlatoi * tu n bm a ? bo ?i*.' mad beeaoae ftir Booth wmeouqueml, aad wIM it ih" doetrtne <>i BMtee^ Blunts j bmb wM bate Me pos ? Unit tnnk awav belr BlOf I : men who bat ( I? It I UM in tu. aooi nt Hint aaa m-ver Bad anv ismgdaaoe in i bom. BiBBMBBBra? ? O^Bepfc 8, ls7P. Roy, BEST TOUNG MKS BO?l If. To the Editor of The Trlbunt. Siut I Lncloeoa \t&t>txpobUahed in Tht l^uut fort t'lttrent. AaoaM PB, tii.ukuiK poo BBJ Ban '<> BotMooo hoaeat aeafonlea al tbe way in wbica "the notyeoBB bmo" wfonabytberr oraMd preaaan a fne i> r.iat ao i u fair eooada Your, laapeelfailj. BanapABB i?. Oouaari IV/<."?i//.i, .s- c. Hi ,.t. :t. i-7:?. Ti wmsMI iBrnaaeaaVeM *t The Pnaabel is", c.j OrotomA wbatoaeartSi bae eaneed yoa lo to hue. apoaMe fa v..rite boo "i t in- ?? Ban Bet Couoty " mi ne eelamnaol t ear brtghl | taraal I we tt i re aountlna apaa m \ Igor el year pee aad Ine asslstanor ol > ? ui . n laane to aalte all eMmaafaj tor iln Governorship Ib 1880 up?u tn aeial Johaaon Baaooo. it ?rnw.-il County nrtwali haa rlaiBMupon old Beaolert in u.i tin- awraJ mltieae* t;.a. . ..ti in- bttmgbi t-i seoon a lew eoueir] euti it , its mi ibi ->:ate tiekei f. r Ooreraor, aad nrtMaly ao more avail ibM i BBB ne pn BMBd than liem nl Ba* .... .1. -i perab i only by Imagliuui eounfy hue-. Us t eel I Coast r leal her ** aenai loot aad draaooa ** to the ndemptloaol a p.?rt ef rooi ...nil, from Rid ice at rale, mi ? Bly wb-n net tab-nn il r. pn ?-n ne. lha Hon. I w. Toanaaa, n tbe balls ot Mo Boon ol Re prow i Urn, raised bis nawnralaad lalnatlal voln M pts> our- i >i rMiea nf tin- Beantyi and ta ytva v.m aOditloMl white npreseataibsa. bal ui Ibi MllseOtfad blehelp a-. ,fourtiotoreoowBpmms mot MMdmaasaia aendtap her tnrpeoag onoMeq/brn ''y thrir itrweH prnswno freetal/idwooaAdi aeoal/ai ytui youny aetoMy o%nt> Iraid ffesipina lantanwi bavi reason te ixust tbal > not Vn.i e M ill h BlVOB to SWell t he triumph nf IIBgOOd ... .ii" can . in ititraey to ahn h we w..ii.,l n iv.- Iiiin. "BOW I \.\\ MK." PB the I: ilt tor of Tht tribune. Mit: Two items in JCOJf tnlumii of " l.r llglnn int.ibs'tice," on BBTarday had, atrtka men* aoitht ofimta e. Ir. the first. II ?t.iteinelit In wie tiy a ?riter In Tht IranctHA to Ihe efteet that, In the narPbtf eratn for abfJdiOOi nataOBBa, N Nnw I lay me dnw n to sl< ep." et... the wind In I fit* BMBBnt BBSt fOOBtk lines should he " I bn " BMOBBl of " the," Is lndnnw-tt, umI the BW of "the" peoaoOBOad a "rery rommmi i-rmr." I thu.k ras r.ianuitUt writer will god tt .lltn.ult to I'inilurr inijr amtinritT for Iii* rar ii i in n. In tbe old primers sud oateohUmt It eerlsiuly was eiwsya prluudi "I pray the f.nrd my unit M k< ? p." < tm, Be i Be I et ... v..t lie?f I fit*- I- meiclr ?* ;>I. : fHtTi.}iti,.|.," i.r *t i i. ? , ,,. f..? 1.1i .?. '?!??? i-ai in ?! v ,..:'..? ? mi ?i ?},., #. lira i_ Ihr RMI In like man... i I., 'luniiiw l!. II,I . ,?,t "??? ?H i-s'l... ? ? i" I Bfflfl I I -? N HM I v. > Biter ISMtlilvt i- ? .f Basl k ?paablas jaj i ?Inn mm i ,jir fruaifiKlf romndtt d ti ctiu I . ., ??'h" Lord" * M? p>n Ik laimph u ,. > , , . . ; ??Im for a part*! insraMMsror liMlorlij to Mtk< a ?rrmnnuMM *egae*tisa <>f immmmm f 'Ibe ?? < ?' ? ? ii.i iii i v.uajd i ? ; ittcottoa ro la 11 rvferrtni t.? growth ol Raman Cm bo in etan In Nrw-Ensland." I? n quite ..<.ni. aafl ii. at i rrowtb whkfb |* reniiy ilmo*t al tone* Bera lran*fi ..i a Nw in adr?d ilmar u ?? i ?. Cat belle* froM Ir. .i m. ami fnm *.hyaodothrf Kuropeau run tile*.i? N.-a-Bu, ?Ml ? , rut* i In |>al i but i v. ,.i.." i Of Cour* aaj la alliaaat and r. il> . tina peraon kt ana I nil ibti la i ? Mala wmrn of in . . * bat lb* laaetaot, ae iUmm* worn do i ? i i >k< t t, ?> n ? ', io tu,au. are anial?-d by tbi itatenient, anri tun n at,,, ? i ' Iba ' na In?? a II ?I lb* at i ? a| i?. lamam loma nr . a i.. KaMaaltM. Baeh bnif *tai*a*eat* iUi I haipi and auabl k net a. i be Blade. Vi it imH Arn?, I'enn . fbjpl 1,187g * . it , ' I nr. II.'an kin 11 PKIYILEOK. Tn tht H-ti'xr <? I Ihr Pelka us. Sut: I roeratlj roetrttod a ???polfi fog. im-tt mm! Bee under Ike frank of \\. |f BaTB mm. |. ba a I'tiit,-,! st .t?-? > aator, ami ban In- a rbjrtN la he frai a. int ..?... on ?u?af BBrtBLa .v Barf urnmom. Conn*, Sept. 10, l-7'i fBj Um \t f of Mar. I. B, 1h7:?, ?? ?? |,i,\.?r,.. ?eatatives ami deMgatea ? <Insert... ti., tj , r,.,,, v. mi Ike >? bbjIb ami UM Clark <>f th. Bonae ol j: MelatiTes may bbbmI aad reeeiti throegb tin mm la, inc. all public dooaassata |il lb ted In on!, i ol I .... great*,'' ami tili.? in ivili yo ta i-x'eiulcl ? antil Um Brst Maadaj of Daosaiberfollowingthe expiretios i.f tlmir v.)?i'i tivo t. iini of oili i." |f fi? , g doensasat u> wbieh on aotrwaxsMdenl refers a it i public deeaaBBBb, prlatad by erdat of Cobbjibm i part of Em Co agree* iea el fbnaieB, lor Inal mea), . Sftiator Harnnnit whoeatarM expired laat Bpnoic liatl a lifjbl it tiini. i bla ir.u.k. / | | .MKS. ClilS/)!.M s BToKT TAK!\<; KFPBl T. To Ihr A' if i I <i r of Ihr Pell ii u r. BlSI 1 rbaal foaj mti.t licn'iiy fur fMftaJWhi bbfltnk CbMalMfb BarmBlreaadfar paar eewMifelaa it, ami vnta i,' BBavaal Um abfaaipeMibM ? - , far BaCh. la mj bpbbbbb Mat Bbrpabltaaa party aaa ha ? no in ner hbmmubb uo. uiiieu?s. Tin f aill aa far H a bat tba Meat alagaaai polttkal apatebea v.iii aM Md eaanoi. Lettbeui -- ? read Umm, aad IImi aUlapaah in aoaaabtfMtoaeatotb* Bolkl - utti a: ? ; no ??.-. Am?ii* a J. Ui %, KmmVmW ' ity, }!?>., Be] t. '.:t. 1 -7:?. AN MAL BLEI riONH |.\ M^'?sv< Ell iETM, lb ih ?? RaTfiar <>f The rpfbaae. Sut: Doea W BBtiliiiMiilB aiecd a Oormppj aai a ?! ?? i a b w. ?i i !n,lr fV/.u . A it .-. 1i i7J>. [Otataoltlaeca mpJ mom wi Ifta !. | ilataai an Bfaaaad frraty u ;;i hta .? tebs rail1 .. /// ?VB ?B8. CUTSULM. urTTXB raoa rai bi w part op tub cb . i BfO.ertfBB] ifi ?? UlTtOB -AI .?.."!? it POB .i TO BBIBfl .id HOBDBBBBB TO ?TUBflOB, fCra, Hbx.1 b Kicr, Brmkw l<ii'', K, V. Dbab Ma dam i imir aaranal aad aarnvfa ri i btttatp ? LtktalM ia aaaara bbb, aaal i ear trat*Maaa the aaMtraoae ii rtfitiitta. thai "atal ....I ?till" Mill ba .> ' i, aad aitb ml hit"ta a . ad abate tha larpriap 1 fell wben Mr*. L'hinolm i I p|o] laaryepi to proaetute erary Btaa iadiel d, ia BTOty BBBtl BBtil UbB < ??? i ib l a- lOli, ling would be rata foi tue will al bbm ai woataa pj i bb ?' i.-r toil., eeatarary, ii 1 beg ;..-r i bare DLiorey upon beraeli, and to eeaatdet bar waul of bealtb and atreagBh. abeealy loaBa iwra/aUy iu my ? pea bb l bays, lea da bo) ba ? a aal mv b u> beAtd wad to bm i the relation betweoB bbwm ad) a BOffAeaaai e : I ? art aol lei bia i lord irera a;. puiiialit-d." I bbb awed by tba majeady of bae pyi f, 1 bm ailaneed by tbe greatueaa of her re*e? iiiii ui. In oarryiag eat bar pit.f a p ttnAtrag ttM pBna i o toae, Mi . Ubme ? k >? pmuiiaed to pay oae of theleadia I wj ?.. ? I '.. - ai lippi ^1,000, heveral .-i ; ? ??? in wit ? u tba eaaa jnai tried would accept only tin r ?? > I ].?i!-c;, und I Beed aol teil poa tuul tiie .Noribcia irieud wnoni yoo an Jaatly thai cl rixcunt] ralier withoul :< r a.. I wll t reuP u Ii ? ?< 1 bob accept that, hol it. - b1.000 raee U one who, hfra, C. Batra, oaght to take t, aud iu pi . inghua thiiauiu -ii ?? . :i . bis aerricoa ...i It , . t both Uilmer'a and McLellan'ii uiurdoi-i-r*. II i? quite boi -i tout a th hlra. L'biaol Dianmr of -.It ii b burden tri pro .ti g Iite mur ? r ? ? if OilmeraD . Mela?llan, ... - e kuuna thft . -it . r i. .. i b bbi a , i.? t tin ad'a I ? u '-. I >? the b nelj brai ? man ?.. ha ? rroui... ? . _ who wonld Borer ink.- t'..? onto ol a _ i . - .?* this(JoVernU ol .?! < i i.I u . pmtocl iit citizens?aiwsya tuo lying, " If 1 full by tiis bsnda of n MiatbVippi mob my (loTerumeni rill to il tti :t tov murderer*, ere pnnlt ? d ': t r UeLellan'a nnsTenaod ilestb Mrs. Luihoiui I it alwaya felt very keenly, ami if the British Minis? ter h I? t th in :. i icu of that death, il t been fm lbs lack of ber peraonalpn utatio uf lbs i bbs to bun. Tba plso oi itklog a tympathislug pablli f..r " in.-11 j I..1 a:." .a carr>'iug oui her p .r post s \...- I r.i' airs. Cbiao in last \\ inter bt tome al ber Cm rteaan l friends, I bey laid bar kbal if mm would Biako tba appeal she would receive all ilu > J, To in ? the und, " I cannot; I bars been i ailed upoa to endure atuea, bot I base aetrer yel been ? eg* gar. 1 obb ask peopli for their sympai iyil< iuuoI ask tboai for tlmir atouey." Uiauoi .. . ta. it isyoa? aad I, dear tuadaBt, wko a-k for bei I your letter eucoorairsa bm to ilnnk ?? ? ill not BSb in vain. Mi>. i 'htaolss. a Ihmm keebui ?- nf feeling parradea ? rety pait of her nature, sn.ul not feel tlmi s'ie i- i becgar, bat of tins I sm reryi to it all who seed her aid in prosecuting bei lifM work ivill best iw lhair gifts anon a.s grateful a heart as beats udoo tbU eertb, Mm. Chbml 't d* drees is. " Mis. ?. bj.b.CbumlM,Firatl mtrollcr't ?ifhee, 1 roaaurj i mpartamat, VV'aahingtou, l>. C." Thanhlngyim, my tttar ?adnat. f.?r rlu- interret you have IBOWB ami the MIgBestlOB >oii have 1 . , sn satlreiy iu accord ?ub my ownwiabra, 1 am, reif urulj SAnsiaesiely, your ouknown trie id. H. c. Iburbsoi u Recrotar] ChUmlm alouumeal Aaauciatiou. y>*. all tfui th-i.. U ?-*i?fu'./M. heps, -j.!, 1-7:'. EATS AMi BUBEi TS FOB ALL " I iSJOSB T. O'Dofbokna'g re Pall obobIbi in luiilluery ou Septi tuner'.'4 and *J.'>. u.i* alien.!.-,I i>v a bsMji BBMpet si ladies saxteas ta kmiw wltb at f Maat oarer tketr bsads during IBs ssstbtg area b* nf theatn and OpaBB K"iii|{. Ami bb Meat iBattdlSSI bsre hesa cooTtaesd ttsM ? hsssattag BBsthaadtMBB biinm t or hat could t'e ea-lly solei leil. Mari.i .. ! hsaastswers shawa, ssMag wkbth was a garnet rrttw) fp m BadaM J aad, TbaaabMBa bftMMiae Mesial ?! ?t bMagihsdodatttleh plaaat fasfaesd mi tin- ? '?<? with spMiet, ksUrsraad geld ssrd Basrauad >i ?i"? crow n, aad wn* tletl in a bow in the hack. The ttrfcSga of dsahlr gerast bbBb, with widt all Ig i irf grW PsrsatMaatkithswarkthesaauewan ? im < da see snag, bat ssl ssBsaMlksg tka par mi. i'he i u-. ? ?? tiu? baked with a gald and garasl beaded BsBssa, a liloli/c K'eeii U unit velvet BOaaSl hSB ? MBt own of bronte limeade \> 'v-f iu t i ?' drstsa, a pa ttr intie bvbbbbbj bbbbbI of I ale b lie BSeut velvet ha * tue I,rim eovi-rnl w.tii pa " blue pleah ?Ith a saft crown af BBCWl velvet A heavy ol m BBtnoB te ithei w..- tsaghi on lbs i?ft eab w'tii i m braasi tadyslbtw birds, and fails seroM lb* ti, isg front. nhBMSI eliltielv co'ieenlliii tue bai.d .if v.ivel aBBsa I talteaa wbhsk ferMt Ike fata trtMMisg. a Mara Berahardi bei oi Mash rslrsl hat a Burs srawB aitb the velvet lud kwasl] aval u. in. Uj utai MiM Is tSSUthl up SB Hie let! bmm and held br BjeS oniaiueut ; Ikt ISNM Is Pound ?ub a ShM ba irai loon. A banil Si let stals uioulid U.C MVWB ?nd * aOaSB ot tdai k oatrp u tips form Ihn only iiiinuont a brawalah grsy t?r braver iu bent te fofM a booiiel Mut wat trimmed with loops ..f brawBSOdi*" uf aSTBi I rtbboa. The tlaruiL' front and MOt acte 1 . ,i withb.s..f nbhos sad reiwUMsi bUMMingboat. Tse *irlBr*arepa*sedthnni*:nia?bi.onei iu u.? inn and um sdaa i? iatsBed -^n, a nohi - ?. gJh^2^ ii ." ., tl?- bi n an mv b-v.-.'' - I iu-r. ! lbtl>jBM .Hv? vV,;,-,: ;.?-?,* i??bi>i ???.. m? ?? carry " . ?._ Falber (flSMWlgUj Ug little bOT, WfcO !?? hr.,11^111 lioioe a ???! U...I? Ir..... ..'Ii,M -1 I >. ' ? ,UU"? ^atrilall I do ?Ith IUI. .1Kb i" Jihuuie = ? VI B>. -u tvi b wala. uau*."