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TAMMANY'S APPEAL TO LAW. AN OBDE1 TO Tin: POLK I BOAXLX piHii i' l> rO >;i>'W i ii m: WVt rAll If AXT Bf* r-pn. rORfl Of ?'' HUN MtAU N??T M ap I Ulli HP TBB i'l.m K mai'l. KKTl in Mil K IIY .llTn.r B -.nn.h.h H! lolil. 1 UK MTW ME OVrVMT, 81 hi AI im;m, Ju..ti' \Visil r"i'? yeah i.lay ordand tin- I'ollro Conmn%* ?' ? rsto boa raun befi e the Sumoinc Court,Geuen I Terra, ob M< nday, why :t BiBiidaiaag ahnrfdnnl m at romprlltng thaai la apaent tlm taspectoi ol ??] loa aai od by Tanunnni TT Q, Tb?onler wu i. sod ayaMi aaaflidavtl made jointly by the Tamm my eommittea appointed ta aapeai t?? aha aawtA If the nandanne )?? ataated aa Men* day the Antt-Tamtnany Commi liooara will beam eJnded by it hrnan a BenBeeeaaei by ibe aj? pointtitcni <?f <>i.(. t'ii'Miuanv ami one Ann- Tum tu it y iimpertwr from < tab election diotrict. Ocetai Tiekaoff V uti-i ravr ii as kia ofdntoai faatetday that the lsw r. .1 in-d the eppointment of the rammany i-isjK'tt ors. In* ariromoat for Judgment an the wril <>f r?: i ioi an in Coeamiaekduoi Ni. bolt's as- has Ix-en ailj?"inipil until t Mob r, la await the dot i-.t<.ii?>t the extra dinary flea era! Tana an the writ of proLi hltiou. 1 BE PB< rCEEJJJ IN COVBT. ItAlHlrMs t)l i.l Al .l'.W.l US Will II IHK .. ara MAI n v. jmi;. ci ki i.s'.s iiI'imun ?i n i:crs my tbb ordrr, Edward Bacon, <>f the law linn at Field, I??;?.. neer. llsooa a Drje. abtaiaad yeetcrday, from ' ? ? k. ?: i: ?? I ipei in*' Caan, Cbatubere, an or'! r ?<< si. v. naewbytae Polu ? Commlsslouer? ?h utd noi c mpeH I H forth with" loanpoint the Tar i int ' i- ? ? a wf eteeitona Ike order wan untile i raabte it tao General Teem aezi Bondey on Judge WaalBieak*BowaaaottoB. Tue papM on wnleh 'heii paric appi<e itiei - mads ones Jnin* sfll ;?vit ny I ? teal a. v 11 in. n. i imothy J. I en a ?. J>>i n T. ( mi >i, William H. donga F. Lait?l>ciu ami 1? uni Qtdao? thorn aaeteofftae l'.tint.i.i y Committee i ? leil to k.i]t tl - ? ; ;.c takln?; ?u ] : . . in In the i .! r. t agfld vi* s'l* f.i. lit of I17-' i. at an aai r At n aa i -r. ?? ??< -he IA78|andaaaai Uria the nan ins A i*- "indBeptem* I me a ??? ling year, foi <?????? n diotrict in i ? : i'i imi i ?! i t. in < led in : >.? a< tn .tort of ? lee i rearperatma(two 4 a aaml ttc ? u ?- ?n ii ne ? . ?. [i . a ii i ei inn. ? from Undr e?*oet ,! i, aad tbtiaa apt :. -i to mpreaeai t..e party m p Hu ? mm*>i tj i to taaaea ut the said .-.iy ami ? . ia ? aa nod aobdj ij aaek Com ; u er or as b of tAi C itnmiaalouora of 1* dare in aeld Hoar I u? are i' i' : ... ,i pol .n .il uiliioilt>Toe Bl al Iii" I a "t the er?: llmeul "f Iba ?nli! *' naetaeeeware,andererai aeb.iv .,twort>cu I hirly eaanataed i- Ideal pattkM m tee Biaieof Ni .v Y rbtta aanananani ea ante uaasea,th?> samebema; r i i.dy leewa n? n.e tu puhl ? in part) un i ilie i' i ?::' -!: aabUeaa party| thai at that tune tiie ? :ili moetataa Bei a part j ioiu|in?etl. Hint evr Banket ?>? ; r;-f.t sad now eompi *?a a ??:itr of til tl.e 11 et rs lu ihi CltJ ? ??! ? j at Kew-Terk| t; .i II ? Board of PetMi ef Iba City ami County el Bi ?? *; i tan trnelnn Iba paaauceof sani law BBBartat] app land two annbers of ?anl in-pauhcao I ::i aad two aaomben of ntd Demoemtli-Itenuiilliaa part) .o aaeb Inaaeet ee al eleetloa. that aald Dem?? tratw1 a> pabl? ta i arty m. hm ? iy gad t uumy of N\w- J TarK. at the II.d aad erer mnee the pasnuue of aald law. bad,aadnoe aas.aeima i nnauu U neomin<>uly I ki' ub' tattoo.ant BalllA'ii su?aoy,'an s.uli (ouniy z lion li * u:::;ori:iJ> b ?? u lien . / <? by tin H . < .nr. ? ..f wpj D*'Buoersi le-Re in hi ii-nn porly s? itu: ibe wanl i Demo ratk>h> nnilcuu oiauuua Ii?ii in Htm in; ibeaiddeil) adoonnty." Tl a ?81 .. *; v. ? ti.. in m. ? of t .'. Ct mi Issloi ei - "a? a .. linn, be I.i oi I . i .." it Bap ? 1 arther lb ?; 11.bemoi relit -Repuhinun im; ;.\," ti.i i . ii Ute remmanj eeunty oiminisatioii. m.l; i r a<"'|. ?i io the Board the aemeeol ramni.ui> in iwen rs ef; ti el Um B si d Ol H ?lies lias" reins d io apt al . ??? i- h -. " .-?? B tb< reof .-. rta n ot said i on i ommiralonet ? m i" ??..t * el itn.ittkr to .n t as tttmnmstoosin > afore*aId , it.- ibnaiened mid iu d>' ivor, aad, ii? .ifli inta It . m api n ..i perm ii- os'tei Bmatbaai i imed by said Demo tra'li .Rei uh! ean i i ran lr.-.tmn ami in no waj eonueeled with the K?me ir not in.- n... i o: _at, I/, tl. i., ?i d ?'.nun- on? membara of aad did not eel eltb ancb ptrty onrainia Baaai ikalanawamal etate eleetwe on aiate isKites, ni.u yot are not aiemueis of and do not represent the ^mocrane-Hepubl.caa parlj mil.. State of N- ?-v^f., but .ot as a mere meal e.Mjue oi Faet>on, on toll Ua! taaee, le soeh ofBee ef Inep .tor of elect inn a i iheeoui bagBme ein 'ma in bena tool tat ab>rea 'd toaa el haw ; and tbi ki aflUata b nr aatd I!"hhi of Police v . aol appe ni <u\ peiaooa who an aar mi >?raoi nr n p reeeat lh< oNntai? B i.iratte-mjpobueaa party. " Pbal in.brpoaenta are a eoa t. Itiee siw*eially n.>. pent) d lit tn.- said lie mot t atw Repobllean oreautsatinn for i ne purpose ot obtaintua appropriate ? < i t ? n no ion and it ...?i pen ?? i oi in i>. n -at < ?!:< it ibi ^u laatlea m m- ? eeten of election as prnt kl< <l t>t law, ami oi the law in lbe premtaea; thai the tune l'\ .1 hy 'aw ;o: tin- . |in... n: ne n! of i aid Iiis|m ctors of ? . ttoa will expire on the Btltb tnau, aad said Btmru oi Pealoe hare not yn appsMatssd eay oi am-b insiieei.-ra. astaeei afhaalean informed and oeibsve, mi l that a wi ii ..J maud imtta, reiurnable at aa early d iy, sin u.j be ?riaaii J in oid' r le ei cut e losttca in the pri ?Ian "* m ictdtafg paoaa, j i.Il-' aTninsn*'? ardaa Boon aa ban adtdarlt,Mnrl led lbs g?tb gsy of Be ptember," aad made" on motion of Dudley K; -11," dneete fTenmtniiiiu in wn- eier. I'i n iMa I/?'.ni ami Mswrtna lO Bb >w < iuhk bet?re ' irrnaeai Meaenj obi in.-y "Khauni uot he aem pel bad lerthwlth n appcdal a* luspeciora of ?. ? ;...ii i i the C'ty nt BeW'Ton hat the t.-.u i-.7y the pnnaa aaand m gaalided par aaeb laapeeiors bytbe ?aaanar Deeaeoratte-Sepablina organ tut ion known aa Baa lannaay Ball Demeeraey, or other penone oeionr In/ to ku?i ot.'aiiiZ it nut and havug the same peakteal Bdtt aad <?? i .'"ia an<! who poaaen the goaliBnallnne repaired by law for laspeeiora j ? f BBM "ti, nr why ii win of mandamus simiii'i imt naan dimn to then in the u?m.i fit ui aad r-.iutttee tii'm ndolbeaeta aforesaid, or why re lartan wr?i or order anouid not be issued mi i. a. at i..- ,aodlatot ai am ma aniii ine 111.111111; J BodiU.'teruiinati4.noftaemattei lbs aeid Police t'- in 1. 1 .... ; ? und Bold Be trd ol Pal lee sie eiiloim d and 1 r- I Slla lied appMlallt ?' BMJ tftlsM pelMiliK ill-;., i lo. M | M . ? - too Ibaa li.oer beiongtug to tbc reeular Kepubll-j can imrtyot . ? State of Ken \m k.t regular 11 10 oers i;.-, ut.iieaii p tri v as reui ? -.-tit.-il by Ibe organisa? tion I .'? a 1- in lamnaai Ball 11 tooci icy." J.. a Woatbaook said 11 * > TBUCaB reporter 0 ft. r 1. rtag the beoeii then n had Bsadt loo order returnable ait.-, tiesmrai frrm bei-aoei ia* aaeeiwu w.-uld oovi to aai |..i. .... mal bodj creataaliytaad m Uiougnt 11 ?saklu von nilel teiory If it nan settled tuer? ui on. e. 1 1 nmnbon eftba lanaaany Oemmlttet obtalued Ben ti. orn 1 wkun Cm .isyi an nl u an ? . luiou in t> ? , v rd lotbedati al lu* comniMlom-rs t<< appoint u: ?i'<. en ol elee 1 loa. Br. CurUe derotea bnoaoil eaiar Baal.] la a rtmraaaltin 01 the nteaulaa ol 1 e u-rm "Stole 1." aa n antes smnie ut 1-/-. uniiuspoiui be buttle tbat " m rei reoeetothe <x condition id urn po it eeldiviatoaa, tin H a ? la m * the n-m- when patt. Ik loobla II I ?nil Bel J.nW.-l III the '-late In the tob 1 ot ihe peoph ; and ihai u 1? aol a*, a. aa to wbi. b Faadldalei >.t r Party m He.1 10 is- eousMtered ua iu.- regaiar ra r.K ntanves .f ihai oar;t. bowuVal m 11 abomitocrer they i: aj 1 an been placed in aomlaation. 11 there 1 a . in o eooditiwa oi image em . a- aoa exists in He? ll Bauende party, la wate.? a part loa nf tn. voteia ot tbatpartt uroooai U*tsdeetoae name liom 1 pai.y j tics 1 aoa la?abeutate no aaap al naotber raudioate attbe nne'ndi wal laatb aad optaiou,' lei iu. .c ail in. otaer ii in a proposed fw .01 Ibe oinei offlc-a, the 'si lie lean' 1? in no degree eaanged. I'hatls?ue 0, Whotberta Demorntwp iiyor ?'.< Republican party saal ueadowrdabj IM rotes ol ?tat people,to K?,eru Ibe Btate.' Br. 1 1;. Idata that the d< nmiuaiion ol Tammaai Bui le v.. < 1,,: uaa raadtaetc "ii ... uekci 1? . IAm sen a rsno ;t? t... eandldale ..n the Dameeratle k > I al Uaapy**rted bj a no >>vr local or go em km, " ean in no a, ay aiteel me ..n j ol tue it. aid to n evlvi .1 .ik. ... ,.. opsaam li mo c dse .ua|. eloia t.oui ti aaaa I nio.gauus km from obbb tue >..>..i.i ..i waj, - baa rei .-.\... ssmb ? i-t.* lor oarnaa in rna rmn t naaan Juljre Vt'i -'On. k'- nr.l. r SM .ervril apoa ttaa FuBea Ckaaaaasal a an la a \> r. aharl Ihne after 11 ii.ui been s..,..1. lio-t bud 11. < gcd to appoint Borna of the ,n BprOeen ??! lo<-i 10 >. vmhUj. ?.nil I i.?\e dnue ko if Jadge W.-atbiook's oitl. r bud Bot been iSKUed. ii on in.u pan ha appaaai em RepubiK'^n 1. ipeetn aad ene kali Tammaaj mpet*ter m each elea ? Han d di tct. in aedn pa laelMlentbe * nb >>t tin Bnr< ua of 1.1. <T?"i k. 0'w KU-., tj m arnen u\uu appoint aaaan, 11 was argut t. w..uiii aol aona II Ibe Bepobl.can 1 awmaaab acre i i;..- appo 11 nuui o. Auu-1 .mioeuj lie aieci i> t-. i 1 !?-> ni im UemssantM party. I'omuilnioaera MueLean and Mott.soa wen aoamwtal sarprtaed wheu Jndg Bfea 1.enV 1 waabaudedlo it- in, aa taey a id am n< lb v.u laai a maauamus roniu n. ohsaieed from anj Jmito nbN o OcioImi l. In the 1 d aaeotlaa 1 " mi??nan hal m bruuafai up 1 be m.'.i .; -., the in ti ami ?. Me - .-. Jut f. a/oatoroi k's oid-1 eaaof a nry eairaordlaarr aatar.. s vcr beiore It UV Jnl ik. 1 :.< < I ce ?? I B g ii'. k?. tut H< lie aware, bad a b aa m let ?<? ? n isttiid. Tottc w ? all 1 * -I '?? s a at d bj i id, > ? u n ibe bast r.-. ui'ii.'i it, aao tber Wt a ibooi money mattora. tin. 01 in. w bad an ai? u- l?j Jasle< -v. ? ". and n..? n.r ibe pBjfpoae ot prei mini u - ? -1 1 ail n of certain Bsueeye. Hut u<>iu' like itala he.'. Before im-- n lasuedavom rs-i aa assouc oBVers to retrara from goiug s duty ?....i 11 lew dsMioctly a.It*] ... ne ..... >ii Mac lafuu 11 v. I ihai toe pap io ai osild be reletrod t<> t ..c PTfransa Ceenal wbilny, wiib a n-ijueKi i ai t.e aaooM act ba IBe mattier a- be lu Kl.l lie. Ill last. Tic l.o.tloll Wik Uoalll niailj adopted, and Ibe Board adjourn, d. its in ii meeting dai 11 in Tuesday next, ri afroi thi argaauiel befoie tat anarome C un on Moeday bcxi, u lee Sana otaei pioeecdian tafun in. emmaboa.d BMaetn la the iBcantlmi 11 < or tic . Un Board ol Police I Bass] appolai .it> nt tin DeiBoerwiM laepoctora. It eoaMappoial m RepublieaN luapeeters, bat, of eoane, t... iVBBocratie Oannnnnaan aou.d not give inch Cotiaeiji 10 hui h an act. a1.j.11 ibbmbmi oa rna atoaiina rAaaat. Mt. Hatma, in tn naif ol tin Ma t m .mail, appln .itlnti to lud*. Woaio.o.k yesterday for a furtiu 1 uilJoSrumeo of tin- BkMtohl rase until October L It wiif t.i have Ix i n hi'jou on Monday, he said, but MM exiraotdinarv GSBWal TMM lud teMCpeaad aa OBMMlhl watch r< ti drr. d a !'??*: pone mo lit of I hi- III II MBU 11 BOBBMBry, Ho understood liit tIM other aide waated the hearlna ?et down for S o'clock on M.ui i iv, but be ripaatdorrnl Ihn wmindue? It id too feat. H" bud *Mertg< ed Um b bota Month of SeideMber to this suit, aad hi had bob otket ?MM to ,v Inch ba *nM lllo to ,-ive attention. At erkfn.BitheofficeofTowuaeud A Weed,iiiMIIMl for Mr. Nlrhola, aatd i ?* We certmulv eannol iigr< e to BBJ MMh ? Mo irnMwat, and OUT ? Bjl BttOB It IBlal I n - rase w.i??" Jinice We?tiu..ok (interriiptli???> said I M I doii'i w mi iinv area man i froH reu to nn'im mv Baehv I >n, tu- i um j?, rr.ctly famUl m ?ttti the ? imp from the very berinning an to the pteeent BaoBMOt, I am gatee i ? I real ihta raa< |u?i aa I woald any ?Hut. There ran he 1 iHiealhli nb| itintiioihe inl)? irriim tit, uud Ibore for ? Ii ii i:ru:.ti il." gl M l; 1 /. mm iva l NM WS. MINNESOTA IH.MiH'KAlS. IHK BTATg I 11. i, I I I tlUl'U 1 Hi?A IIAItl) M"M Y, t'RKK TitADB ABD PBAOD PLATI BB mniiil?. Hi. Pal i.. Muni.. Sepi. 96.?In the State Deuxv erwtM Cotivi nt'oii law] eveaiaej tba Bokel was >aa> pleted a- follows: far -rrrtt'iri/ mf stnt'? Felix A Hover, of f^- sVner. lor sin!* iinuiurrr?in Maa B, ? owdry, of OlM*ted. tor UMrwai < aaaraf- l'. M. Ilaheoek,of Bennentn. PBr gafhwad r oin,iii'?#i'.'irr?\vi'i,.uii Onlrtlle, of Ci.I iii. Majority ami minority reports were made from theCommittee on Boaolntiona The majority re port, expios-iiirf the views of I he haul money vtu<g ? I ti. party, was linaily luleptnl. TtM iilaltoiiu is as follow-: \\o. Bm Dsasoscasi of Btnaaeefa. in convention .?- i,i ,. .i, j |< dgi i,i pa Ivea t?i tba support of the loi low :n- |. iiic'ol. k o! nunlie pollcv. f\rtt Thi CalledState? fa an tadtaalatde Untos of lnuei>iruetible st ties. The Fed. ral Oorerumeel I? Miprriaewithia the itaatla Btvee bj tin- Uoustitntlon . . ., i i ameudnM ii 11 the powere au) ihereby epefi wed I BpM it aoi prohibited to the Mans are reserved to the Blaus reanecUrelr ot te tbe people The preserve I Hon iu taeir sei irate lategrltj <>f thelest powavael the I Union aud of the Btatra, as parta of the Banaaataua a hole i the ma iteaaaee ef the National aathontv, aad local *elf-4J >v> muu-ni as well, an- aeaeatial tn the per* I prtnltj ->f mi ' ne InaUtaitone, and ae ?ball reatal all itlrmpl* lodhtmrMber the Colon by Ballig a on or I aeeeeeloB, or to esllogalsb the Beates by eeatraiiaatlo r rpa ine aa aiiae aaeonatltatMnal, revalattaamy i aad U ii onal a sr mt i mi lormoMatrtbntewbtahtee peodueara ef 1 i>, \, .? ,ir eiiuipeliedl to paj Mi the nnoioo iii?i? of the I Earn ht the p ? -? t avateM ?I t.rattoa is mi fatal j eraine bunieu aad a BHMa tajaattea We denaaed aa a I i 'j:.i t.'i it o it p up " ?'i it in- a1 peed io baj aad eell In the market* ef the wo ld,antraniBtebMlbv resatloua I and npnrea?ive tanda. We faver tbe apeedy eautbiMb ???-ii Ti,, ' i tide ae tee perMaaeai eoMmeretei pouej l / frit- - \. ? ii naad tba theroneh rerlMoa of our pefeel I la-. n tin ?? ii.i'.ti ia Wacom pnrrh *era of manu faetun IarUelea, uaiuethesaeaelai.tfatlb, siuiii i>e I |>t?????? n-.i f .mi baiaaaina and oppreemve aaUa lac Ute Infi m /??a.eut* of pateai naht?. / aarAt Nv ?? bid i thai paid mid ifrt areeta is ttn' Mew y el Um OoaaUta?oa i and u paperoortaaey aboahl ha ul u,l tin rs i'uuvi-rtlOM IBbU Coil Bl tbe OpttoB ol Hie hohler, aad Ita al.d '?< ? reanlatadbi i ba n i-i aaaa el Lb* auualry | that wa fbvor the ualiMtied eeia ia< ?'? ix dand?uverco.a,aiid ItaunmedlaiematoraUoa oi - . ulnal place aa Boa y, tba aaaM aa nooi. , , it?v.i faVoi Be eeanlae reform ef theeivll aervbM ol ;. ? ? u ? . o the ead that boneaty and effl< leaej a.? Mil ahm' lie Iba lest? oi pabinieMptoyueet. naeh a J reim in to in permanent aboald aol only he | ut Into ttie I torn ef a law, oat tboald alau uMlada the * oil m i ot ?i| erfliiim* ? t? ea, aad bbbB ? v?ii daaoMe tedi eilen of ftalarii*. u.t.t tba rapeaaea af paruaaa aaMipalaaa eanaotoa paiduutol Um budIm land* hi 'tic adlraet bm i at pol Heal raea?n eul upon ? Deial '. outaca sntit Wi hold be ahj Deametatie m .x-.m thai that ? \ 11 bbm t m beat w bieb nov > i a* kwa . a hieh beetewa uuob the BtUaeaa the Breatoal peraenal liberty eunaia ii in wna um pablM peaea aad wal e, iae whi.eit ii it-ml * i inii rt ion lo .in- aad property, env Midb: ??, u*, haalis. cut.ums aud buaiu a- of ih - peopM aafettated In siuimiuary lawa, cIbm kMjtalBliiM or exurUluuit oio aepol ea. (?ercnthr? We deBMHMl a ftea ballot Hnd an hone?t eoaal of tin- vuii'i, .'.o-i bi ad election! aa the inalienable rieht id A; Ulli im; i lie pi est nee uf ui tiled Hoops a I tue ihiII* uiain eiecuoa <tuy, and af parti*an odlciala I i lotiii-d with araltrar] aoWM* ta laUMMuiM, arfeai and iiiiprlsou voter* itboai h-vai proeeea, i* lutoleraide la a ' frie.try,a direct Mow to l erbyhla of all alopled elm ua. aud mited Ball to the eehBBIB* of a des- er.,t<i ?mirt> in le; uiiued ta retain polttleal power al all haaarda. Ni ver hkmIi' '?? Ira ad or [area auall Iba win oi tne p-n Ple, conatltlltloBBill espnaaad, on nuli.1i'd by a trea m aabl* couapiraey el aaaerupaloaa partwaaa Beaotatloaa were also Bdeptad o MteBBBtBg tbe Kepuhlican adaitBiatrataOB fot BBBeeeaaary extrav? agance in expenditure i deatandlas legialatiuu for the rvgulutiou ol rai:toad and ?lovalor uorpuratious iu the iniereatol the peopK, aud eondeniuing the uiimimnaaToiiienl oi the Biet a laetituliooa, ami t-Hpictally the aqnaodeling of public funda by tbe l ilicials of the St lie A'vl uu at St, l'eter. LOCAL CAMPAIGN NoTEH AND MEETINGS. A BMratiBg of the (iciiiinn Bepublieaa Aggfb* elulliiliuf I ho Vlllin Amu'iuIii.! LUntriet ?ae nelU lust night ai 7'.i bmOew'WknOBrlatiuu ii<H-tiie uresiawati Mr. Scin.per 7iud u reaolauoa appravtagthe Bepnhllcan l Btute ticket, which waa aaaalaaoaaly adopted. A t'->r neli CanjputKn Clab waa thea farieed, ai.d a committee upnoluti d to cart] mb the Baceaaary arrangemeiiu. and sis-e< he* Wire made BJ Dr. Si hmMer. Mr. Bohle, Mr. Ueruiuun, and otbera. 'lie-1 Iah vviii meel everj l'iiuay eveidns duru k the Mm|ialsa%al Bo. 73 Ladbtw^rtj, Al I he vv.-i ..I. BBbBlUBg of tie Cornell and BoaklBB (.'lull in im- Xlllth Aa aMbly Matrtet hm evenina at No. 2<i5 LiKUtu-ave^, Cbarl i & lewM made a brief hut efleelive rpeecb. Hi was NBIewed by William Free maii. Henry A. Matthewa d 'tared himaelf to he au Irssli Iie| ub eun, aud sm ke in Iii- aap neu Ina waj. Tin- Kepiinlieauaol the Xih Aaaemblj in,net uiet ,-<t No.-14 Biith-al. Ia*l tVebiuaabdOiaamzeO a Cornell ami iioskiu* Campalxa Club. 1'he loilowing etiler* wi re 11* ci'd i Preatacat, Juhui Uarhurxeri Br?t vice Presuieut, Petei C UamherRer | aeeond vice-pri mieiit, John Me.Mulleu ; aecretary, J iBMM J.; , i, a?urer, S. II Voaa i i- i-eiii i-ji. ii io-, aloha De nub ue. I'uecluh Wdl boat a rStlflt i :i MOellBB M-p eiiih. i 30, 1 i, r.irioua orpmii uns ol wurkiuirmei, urn unani HiollSiV IU faVoCOl Mi. K ily aa U\U Di luoeii.tie Camll ilute lui OoVeinol. A a UieCtlB* ut Iae Nuliouu] C' u Iral Work.u.uien'a t'-ma, al the Aatilund House, on Thuiaday eveuiiuti Ua-re waaaiarae aiuttdance, ami ? iuieresi audeaUmeiaem wen ihuau. lieU'xaiea ?i ?? iii-poititi?d ti um eaek \ ?emblj Dhttrit-t to a County Ceavaauaa ba he helo o tober 8. A meet ii |i ot Ua Ol i noil' An.i : lean lad? pcndeul I itl zen-' Aaaocluilou, m id at BeethovoB Hall, I'huiMlav evenma*, to oreaBUM a Bobinaua oawpiiKU en n. wa? I presided over b) Jin ,-e Itterhoarg. am. wua VetJ pooily | atleuoed. >?? en:im-i i*m waa uiaulfi aUsd. i Bi W'H ik Mubietpal AeaoeMUo.1 la-t Blgbl at Bo. 203 P>iweiy, appn rod tbe ueMiuaUou of Oovenmr KxbiiiM'U wud appoiuieo enmmuteea to voiilei aboul a I ruuHctiou we. lugluCoopai Iu*Uiaie In privateo?>u I vrrsaium in leoiMMaolu aol expreaaaay i'linUdeiica iu the result nl i io ir egeria ^lllo? m tut bi were wlUiug io Baaeede tAval BobiB*oa weald hi dafaatad. TUE RIVAL DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEES, Tbe rrjoggfl of tbg Auti-KobiuBOB Demo? cratic .-late Com ii It tee, la th Bt, Nicholaa llo ti I, were visited bp n large aaniher |hiU tieians from tin- latartoB of tbe state yes lerday. Amuno the VMHera v^ is J,,i::i K< Ij bluiaelf. Many lettera were reaelved from latarioi vuuutie* de acriiung the raiud mereaae ol Jeba Kelly Clubs, Tm I coiuiuitiee la buailj it aaib. Altbeaah only oreaniaed ! ihm wirk, 11. is a,ii adi pn pared at rerai ball s of dm u meuts Im voti is. The addpeea to the people ol tue Slate, at Tan.maoj Ii i ., I mi at a J ntght,will b< one ul tin i i n i levameataol the rampMga< Heci tarj smith, of tbe B?iibia*ea gbatc C mmtttee, wbieb I*ii tin Bt. Jamea Hotel, baa one home, whn the lnteiiiion nt reiaralai Mrij next we*-k. It u ev lb ut the committee !? not tolllBB baniyet, while in- Bell j Comaiittee is bbmibb Mhialabl oil and ueiiiK up a 1:1 ? at deal m ink aud i|B tuUtiei of poataae atampa. 1'hi K .lilUsoB < nUU lire h v ty pleas.,nt rooms, alnj i tn-v are as quiet aa a private parlor at preaent. Tue AaU-lammanj Committee oi niwaa bus m i yet been BppeiBMNk R0M15ATI0NB Bl WOUUfGMEN. The (ounty CooTentioo of the Nattooal WaiBUMcBMu'a parti a a* he>d laat eveaiua atib cluaed daora ai Qleaa Ball la Thirty -fourth at. Ab,mi sixty bNaaaaaa warn ahwled to tbe i reauau. David Couroy Bervad as eiiair iiitu ami |i. J K i] ah tecrutary. Mr. Cswraj apabaaaam tOavaram BubMaaa .,- aa in m> lathe wmralagmaa. Beaolutleaa deaoauclaa Chinese i ombjirai on a:, i recemBMWattea um laaaiioa of Uot ei U eut b< u li, bank nip .a. i.,.d a 1 liicotui * exee, il na 1 pl.OOOperaunnm were Owpi d. Are*.lonwaaalao! paaaed MipporttneJ ha Kelly forOaveraor. l'ne noiu - I uaitaaa aen ai in; llearj A. Oumtdetoo ior (.oiiui., < i rk, bUehard 0/uaraaaa lui Juoki- ,.f t oiumou Pieas Overt, Heart Aiker ami Adolph L ^.,hk. i mr j ii trea ol Mariae < ouri, Bernard Cn-cker aud mephcu u'i.ra ii for Coroaers. ratrieh B. Dead, Jame* Bhea, .1 i, ti, aaach ami faomaa Barpkp fot Abfermaavab Larwa, _ BALTIMOIvE NOMINATIONS. BaLTIB ibbbj Bept, '_'il.?Tin- H publican City CaaveniMo met lo-olrki ami Made the falht a tag ttTalghl party aeaattutMoM; fbr ' k ?>> ihr < freu t r-,ui i Lewi* Qaseaid. tor ? wri mf " ' ' rimin i> ? earl :?. r. kn. y W< >t. l mr i Iti k of tk 1 it]/ ? -/ui i w Uaui ( oath. f?l i an. mf i/,e Court uf Vomnf,n t'irar? (ieor^e W. ,., k*. i.i Mug daarwcg gebaailaa Browa. /o> tkmrtjf I < i aol Jaeepb HBL BJENOMIBATBU 10 ihk ABOfUIBLT, V, ii i i i Ii ti l.. N. tH M |d. l'ti.-\\ illiatn P. M, .1 i.i' < oil ii. ? 11 MsdaJ r, nominated for at , hlul ti l ui in UM gJBB Inblr In BeMBaMBMBa //// SMW-AMSTAMUaM BmVlAOi BANK, AuAMTe- Bept 2(1.?Kiebafdj M. IL ut, n i,,viniih. Ni ?-Alli*U Tdaiu .-.?Vlliafa Hahk of .N.n York, llled his aupioeineutai IBgart in the Count) t link's nlll e t ,-.l.iy. lie vvas appointed reeetVOt alsiut ,wo aad a i... If 11 ai> aK". dum K BbtSB time be ha* paid three dividend* to the depokitors anioUiillUK to axg)g,lgg gl,M 77 per cent. The total assets in the bauua Bl tba i Baal im fei the dividend fund w,ro ? < i.l.n.'U iif) i the 'in ill t> ihm ?? "1 |B6B h B MM* I? ip i hntuN Ilin Xl'i'liil'il. J' r h..:n ill ;r :I :t;? |k required fur uu ?I i Uli i'll dividend... leaving OBlj 1145 84 toi ann-n. ALLEGED RAILROAD OVBBi UAB0B8. BUI PALO TBADEBB TESTIFYING. BUCH im humi tfOU i'ili i> w i.Al:l>iMi T8TI imk h (ik tiik 881 TIT. Mali am? FOBS 1 rahul BUFFALO, St p& 26.?Tim Railroiiil Tnv.-li iratliiii I oiniiiitt' i- Ml Bgala llni Hill IBM. eoiuposi-d id the Haute monil-er? us yt xteriluy. N. ('. Minims, ni III! - fslo, if?tlti'-rl : I am n rrati.-dealer and e>>tnmtK?ion iiiri cii <ni i hare brrii for ii ii yean : I deal very bttls in flour bob ; luv beataen ii willMa baatana; l haiTt fri'iu llilv io llgty im I? Wnli Ii i tininntj With mam; ?) ruafotiifia inferm me that II roxi* Mam im bbbm to |Bl tip Ii w lo'iit fi oiii UuflHio toN'-w-Yuik um It 8oM fnuu MBWBBBBB io Ni w-Ynrk i tin- tnlll? thai i fi'.rni?h an- nt Raaheea t, Oeaega. Aaban bb8 Ben vat; i aktp n 9tm> IihoIh ; my ?BtaaacaM ho to bsea Ire totwaaty aaaj loud*, an i bbb MTt 'i "f ? ?'? l't per i. i'ii tin- leadtua ; i tlilnk fluff..lo Mo- bbbi k'r.i n Baikal in lha world. I tfelah that Ma grain baataeea al iiurr.i ?> Bat ban dt Buanabsd ?Qtiaaiaaf hambeta by lha fnu-ht dlsmlmlBB tioiiK. Ianaaw getttagorders mm aal caatasMn ahn Ban aal baa8M <>i ??><- for peon; tbaj gtn a? a nbmb thai ibe mm have Bbm r.-ii-<? -i out Meet, ami Mai May etui do better at Buffalo. i <mi n very hir^e ii in->ii ii t of iiiooniKK flic tlr-t ]<; this y vir inv bust iii ?? i? ruined, eeaeed hy Iba freight iUbdiImlnalibbb. Oatbalaat BBlptoeat Imbbb to Rew?Ysrbef main, tin rate was ?O colli? per rwi.i have not r>li11?|><'?! any Uli? M ar; my lin-ory I, dial ,;i .in will 8MB IBB cheap? est rout* ta atarket, Ruga es In tba grata snore. The rail- from CIiIiml-o ami .Milwaukee to N.-w Ymk In Bbaal k'7 aaatB Ptlt rat.) if it Baaj a pro rata rate it would be auout l#] aatapw Bift. ta is again. 18Mr* sl ip.nun- Bon grain baa bouib (roan Ohiotbla goal Ihaadaring;aay ethn i kaow ef| UM halb of tin KiHin thai puBtoa from fikkrage and Milwaakro M Kiapp.-d I'.v canal j if lin n- w u h pio lain rule fiom BaBblo la Maw Tort we woatd boall r1gal> There leasers mraia ooaaaawd la tea Baw*8 ghtad sim.-? utea tees ported from ametsa bj ataaaaarai ? ha addithanal traagbi eBatat Mtbe aToal i* bo not ny the soaneseT. Mow* Tora aiakaatheprtoodapoadaol BBaaMaowa Boanwp Uoa aad the danaad al.nt, I make a gtoarnadnattoa bt i... en a rota i nod a a bole ada goak r< l bare aol got uayabartai Bran UMStota <u MenYeek to 8a u> boat aeea, nor do i aaeraiea Bat rbjhl "i aauaaat rtoawtla Qaorgi a Mbltaey. o. Boehaaiari baa a aeatnel witk Iba Bew-Torb Coatral Road prortdbtg ti u all naht tiiii-i p iti tbrotigii iiieebrv 'or. Chad a Bnaial Viele, al R ? NMter,exaadnodi I bar. beoB ralead i?y tin.n? hrelgbl itaeileiiBBllnoB At i.BBtei Ute BallowinB aulla mo? atoppee n. roh aai ailliiaa, aad eaa*! ntanefaeinra Beat with Raa ftourbi .ii-'i atiBeileae laaiaai Rwaai Blwoed A Batita?H.A. I'utn- i; u. .*.;.!-. ii A i- v, 1. .anl ..un. .--.ii i ua !? . <:.. ijrt liux 1>. olbtirs. WlUoll A Iioi.ll,al..l tlialim tol Vu-.c. <ar raa i'. it hew a, a BaltaaM, af kaaftkrawsa rr. dk >i i>y Mi. tni; until, gadwaa eraaiinrui by bkai Kara beea featrteoa yaaia to baelaeeai pnrrbaeed akoattea yeora aatotheaaae aa I do now. Tba natural ataraota Bar eipotliiig are Ohliiaio. Mllwaakee aad BkLootai Ihtak they are the natural ntarkcta tor daatiibatloa ta Brlbaiary ajarkeM. o.u rataa la lat aggraaata ar- adbe crlaiiBBllea ta ear rarer i i nute um paper thai waa Batedfoi bj in. etMnaa! mt taatetdaj lue ratperwaa tbee Beaded tu bs iBa ana Mr. laiBiagebyaeted to lu pablletty,aa betageC a prt> rate aataiOk aad aeaaieewabla dheMeetoa waa ladalged labeiweea .Mr. Uaalaa aad Mr?Biataeaa to BJabaiag gtvea to the Aaaoetated Preaa Caalrataa Rapoara eo> aided thai u was of a pa bile Batata, aad it aai mr. u to tin- preaa for pabttaattoa. Too following ta a eoj) ai thr Bgrronaanl i Tin? acreeaM nt, aaada and entered i? t tMs i*--ti aay of Jdarvb, 1879, by aud bet ween Ike Hew-Tiwb Ontral Mini HiMleou barer Railroad Company, party af MO fitxt part, ti ml firnoi laupf Ai Ma.lii-tMt, of tin- CUv oi BuBam, party of lae aeoaad part, wttaeaeeth i Thal Iba Bern party of tin um pari aatb promraed und agioed, ami by ibeee preeeata ma ? prum la*aad Bieren joiraaapori atieit from ibeeleyatora m BuBTilo, reached directti by aald Ira i pany'a traeka, eaecpt at aoeh timee aa aam traeka may be ooatroetM by aoon ot lee, to the mille ehlcb lae smd aeeoad part) u.ut ereei or Operon at Niagara Falle, at aad tor the rate oi lag eoate imi baa Bel i and fartlM r, mat sad m?i part] iball ami Ailiaiai inaeegire, gram and aUoa to a? ni aeeond partieeea Ion rateeof Iranaportalluii ua all property abipped bj ibem from Ihwr aud milla at >iii?.Hal- .i.a, ami aa laTnralilo fail.ill. k and aOCOmBKh datmaa m alt roapocta aa are aaTorded by Iba party of II.e flrnt purl to 1 it- mills ut BldudO Ulid li a.'ii Reeg i auu also, tual auid puri.v ul tho Ural part win transport for aald aeeoad party, an ut tbatr Kaal-bmind New*Torb nteighi al ami tor the puts or rate nr 47 per BrBI ui un- BOvTBBI allsrrdl Ibioogh ipAaa, viH io.' niala e-i *n.. poaay ?*i aha Baas aaea. team i iiloaso lo Kew-xork, ai ibe Irma ef ablpmeat, adding Iberelo:) er ma per barrel fin n ur ami l 's m ? |m-i baa dred poo ods lor min leed or grain a?n loche ami eherne, io prartda tor lbs mridantm expenses atleadlna loeol iraasporiatlon, ami win iraasporl Iheu frobthi lo Boa ion end to ail petals m New -Keglaod, taklna Boaton fretghla at ibe ? ibm rates aa to New-York, with Int.- mu per barrel added tot Bear sad B eeata per boudred imauda added for mib feed or gram i prortOed, howey i, ami ibla Bgreemeui la mads apeatko eapreea anders stuniUna and eouUltloB toal the aald see mi party shell n aard in at tue agioeim ut as eeaBdealud. und will noa an reaeorable preeaaMoB lo keep lue tame i erst, mol ii i Mm me cimdlUoo, a law, taat aald aeeomJ party Bead ship b> the flr?t partt'a road ail o me prodnei Irom tn. ir milla al Nun na i ul destined to all poime In Naw-Toik, Peaaeylraam aad Nt a BnglaBdnmt bed by ?um Bi?-i partj d meily, er ay eonncclioas wub other rrateej ai.i Una agteemenl -i.a i ne ami remain in toree lot Ire yean irom ami fi i towiug Iht Brsi day el Beptemoer, 1S7B, after wbwb umlod.ii mat teradaated by eiity daye' written not fare from eit bei pel it. BaaTbli it p>mgmpbbyaBy AtreraMy located let mv bnaincaa wltk Weatern points, aad more *o us regarda Easmrn pelaia. The opea rate ob my prod net to New Tort ik 18 rents per ino ponadsi 11 is tin mm" to PblladeipBte and BbiUbiiiiiii i Beaatty mit the saaas rates over ettbar Urn Bi w-Teak oeatra erh?rte Reedato Bew-Terk,ead b) UVdi eeaaeettoaeto tu atl ei natala aaaaad ; hare p 'id ai- btu'b as i:<i aeati wu inn the leal two yeans, Am largely w toreeted in teode?tlmotay andekiyer] tb a braoeb of boelaeM baa bei u dlserlmlaated Bgamel more thaa atalt i a large port ma of the taadaoae that formerly eame to tin.i city baa gone to Weatera potatei Chleege b i* a angin ud raataga erer HufT hj in me haadltag or 11 me tny seedi darlug the paat three yean no per eeai of ibe boat aeea baa tainu lallca oil; at lae prenni lime n Ik better, in. mail huaioeat i a rerj exteMire mi- at tola point | the nllieads hart Improved the ma it busi teas, i here no hnll tn Bod with ibewaj i ban bcoa I reeled bt the raiiioud aenpaatea m trsasactlag my anil bemoan At the eluruoon aeaatoa, Mr, Niles, or BoBale, teatP Bed aa tollowa i Be wet engaged ia nnal ireaaporta i .oi tm-i ii --. The tamagB ran oa paanagn trsBw iron Bofla.u ioAlbanj Isg6So,and taeeombmed localnin an h7eeati ten i before ibe wer it wn 88, aad lain a i.. x wn imi.i on i in- railroads, aad Utep rawed tue ran IB nau, and bare kept d n < vi r atoee. tl ergs \t BA) ward, ef Ruttalo, a wBolnale noon, ??< awera. in -....ii Biacrtmiua maa ban aaj buatooni Bre yeanaeoeoaidebip ttj the bike from BugkdoM I hi eatro aad mats lo seaboard panta witBla B nata t>ei buudre i webtel u? ? heap a> abinmeuia eoidd 'a- omde fiom t abmgo to nammrd imam '"> aaeen trade \. ax inii'-i. lar^i l \i .ii? aKolnali it uoa I-, tue liilllna . it ii ae mi.' n> tin- Kampe .ii < X|n.riei-1 leittag the ouny gipii rta and t?iy agduoBtlr from then Rytae anerimluatmiia the i bleaaoaad Mliwaiiker Bmnkaati uouin ou.t rhnepri m New-Tmk City i bee BuBahr asar eaaam md. i have appood foi ineigal ratea, bm did mil k< i Um in. benon tne rmttoad folkeaald uaal 1 aad n low ratee aa aaj aae ? ai aoipiaM ny tin- eaedaad. raon m ana m wwa wBeoave a un ratee Ireet New Yni k ;n it'? ii .in l -.up over lae Ri Roao ; I senr a?i a special tat. from n.<- Kt ?- ii-i.ui; me pif?> m i.m-s .? 111 lae i.ii* Rna, namely, 23aod 80 nala tor third .,!..! mirth-alaae, aad Ji'uni PS esmm oa Bnt aad 8e und ehoav I.. M . aterm?Mr.Rlaaebard aerer tout me mat b? tBlaaeaardl gave ... Bmilkei Lapnaa, wkolesaJe tro ? .in, ii RuaeJii,shetoilowugratswt Bdai iSBewMoe Brsi aa< secoa.i-elass, 90 ob Ibird aad 18% n toartk. Ml R .neu.nil to Id lie- Mal I nail ua low a ru;.- a? utiy badj ahn j.i?.i.i w.iK .a sexi witneeai be teetlBed mt tor Iowa i Am a wholesale bateber aaa pecker | nude ? unit.....; ti leoBsreitj cuedpleeelue mj boaiaeae| ?nip oonwt Bitooo eat-iiwsoa a wi h | eaip tu ??te-Vora aoo Li i orpool, and oi her pi t> i tue rale to Faimdelpbla M bigaet MeaioNns in k. i. maoi ewiupele with the Weatera amaon iccoual af tbt aWrtmiMilous j B bM tab wn higini i < oold ?.is la ami make u geod pn8l| my baaluen ha- -un. i< a mm He k. fn Igk nVcrlmine i oiik ; i Bare b.i-u a bis le is mpeta dm ? Ma poollae ar> r un.-in i.i n ik baaa iu torve, I Baked in ipeeial rai a ii< m Uarkam Qoodmaa| Unj did M sin in. in in in.. [am tin "Ui> pemii who ponhaan and Blears bogs In Uuffalo lor Ih. Regllah uiaraet, i km.w Ma the aiacrtm am un aeamai Me Basien denen ima to oliod n.i.e rbsaimrapa ibe pork paofclagirtif'r'trb IUi :1k ea-l ul It.,I...I... milt ellr. a, Iinc 1 lie bBBIBem I I Mi it lae Irolghl diaerimiaattoae bad eoalluned, 1 weoht boro tokeo tlreaier'e advice aad M goat P/nt? I maa* Bim-tmi lard i h..d to paj n.^j eeauper ewt. oa Un bogs Irom t bit ago hi U ti ..>>. ami BS aala pet t tat. Bam i.ufiaiu tu Ni? Yuta . a meBhtaoiBmd loorfbsahni It! .ut. I kn?.w nun who llilpped goods mv neu aa geigblag888cwk, Wbea Met real] wehrbed POuewt. Tluemaaaa tktkn me fas peeser si Chlcaaoand duct aa.ieaa lej bis atoekdowa lowei laaa Bofbla paeken. It den net ban the meal n maeb wbea Ma BuBOuneaiTted ailVe a-wti n tie ) are ilreaKetl. W. It] pease every Mies i ae eeUtn no BanUtang puip see rin New*York Ontmi Barer aBarged me aay* Ming for rerdsgs i m a. bnmaa Nern waa pnaaal te>day. in lha lib. anmfl iohI iyan Ui ohsdan tie pabslc dioulo h n i ne eoanats al me ewotmcl ntweea theNew-Turb Oeatral Bu d ^iu. i.< ? A h". Lop:. .Mr' add i ' wa Imraaing ihs gaw-Y?rk Oeaira.1 Res81 ban new apap- ik t i in t\ e i BB B< i io pBBIIBb i he aatBBBtl lo u.l IBls i| ii ni.*." Theoommittei ruled Mat Mo pob < BBeaM ban aU the proceedinn ot too tonmlttn met Bm oewapaaer* ewahi lowdea. a A FBiSOBEM A l uiL PABSONaGE. 1?i;im;; p'.i.i, CsOBRh 's>i?t. -C?At Btratfatw iniK niierne **% m lae aan al Mi i. Isaaasbary, a farther paaBnaaaaatM *?? had aatti Maaaaay aest in xttt bmm> poae Me pstsoasr anil remain at thu pareoaaaa ta taa CllStod> of Ut! nltl el. LOCAL M18CKLLANY. BBTTLOfG RAILROAD QUEBnOKB. PBBJI i si ?(?' s or BDI mW BTI Its ROAD?OOMMII nOHJfl OM PI MBWOBB BUSTBBSB. The Arl.iti .il j.>n (,' mniiti-c, consist mir of Heuern fTineJow, nf the Baritngtou, Cedar Babwm iw Northen l?.ilr.ii.l: Milton M. "mit h, of UM Balti MSN ami <? |a BaUroad, Mkd OMWfW K. lilam -hard. i.f t!.. n, e-Tork, Lmm Erb mmI Watt**m lailwaj to whom the sabject of a dlvanoa of paterotags woo nfMfred by Um Bosrthwestera Aaeoeiattea el I? iitr-.-i.l-. mot .it tko WindoorHotel yMtmrdsy am! arrived at Um foltewloa oemsioa: Toths Chicago divi?i>n. which OOBMOtO of the Chicago, Baritastea rod?,?itaojr i the Chteaap, Reeb btaad and P* if, ?, ?,?i ? :?? Chicago ami Alton Kml faada, 11 '?_> paw tarnt, ra tin. Baaalbal division, wbieh Baaalata of the Haaaibal and Si. Joseph, tba si. Loaia, KaawaaCils him! rexxe, ami the OhhMflB Bad AHoo Railros Is, n psreoaB, la UM Bs. LooBj divlaiou, whish coasbrts of lbs Si. Loads, Kansas City and Northern, and tin- Missouri Paeife, 4 1'-.. Pet" cent. These peroentarea include all freight traffic between Btiaaonn River points mid Chicago ai... M. J.ouis. i o renreeentatiTea of tba r<>a<is fans ladiaa appl s, Terra Hsofe, 1'.i?. Quincy ami oihei pututa \\ nat, a hu h bava bees aaa da to agree upon pei einsgeeon aeat>bonnd Ireights, mot at 0oa> mta?ioner Fink's otBes i -? t Tdsj. bat arrived at no deetston upon the irahjeel, as there appeared oo pro.iability ?| a satiefuotmy act (lenient, it was on l.v decided to refer the matter to the Board ?f Arbitration of the Jolnl Executive Committee, of which ('h: rl.s is u.e s Adama h Chairman. <>n um niter October l, all shipments ef floor from < ? ago to Now Vom k ex. ceding ISO pminda uie to he charged Brain rates, and all abipmeats ander 120 poands sre to be charged fonrth ein-*. There wi I be no apeeial nteetiBgof tits Jo at Executive committee next arses lor tba porpo*o ol Mnsider ingpasaeagarrates*ssrumored, Actloa open lbs report of the eoareation of p, ueral psasaagfi Bad ticket sgaata, with lefcreuos to a l>a?i lor the Matnteaaaea Ml passsaeer rates, ??11 probablj bs taken at the nexl recuiaf meettne of lbs committee. It is stated that tba chief eease for lbs unaeitled condition o the passenger buaiiiean is the ajatem ol paving eom mis -<> in on the aale el t ir!., ? to outeidera. Pevsral I nil sromlahsei refused to s en an airrecnn iholhhluetl s i mission bn i ees,snd it Is s d.1 th it ai tbli ? lesa than tl ? ponlins of ti is pe*aouaTer bnaineM 01 all the roada will Indi es I bobi to do m>. Efl I IMA I ES OF (111 DEPAR1 MEM i -. Ti >- Board ef Estiaoats sad Apportioumeal baa reeeived she provbdouai esti rastet fron I Baatber of v. a departments fas nexl pear, which are given below. Tba earnest allowed by tba i; ::nl f.^r lbs i resi 'it pear i slao grren : < 'ouuty i lerk'i office. i" .<?1 d iri. Bum tap's o0 . Bn mi nf Coronen. Pub De part mi eel. > mbm on. r- ?f A.lata. Ofeirict-Attoreey'* idllee. i uan oi i Iummos Pleas. Bnpn me Court. Ii m ml H .?. pi hee Coaru. Bpee h Bs'SioBB. i oiieue ot iBe i nv oi Nsw-Ystk. ComMM I' mu ll. B ijoioiit ?. Depsrtsarat al PabiM Work< 941.1,728 MO, 72fl 125.1 o 123300 b4.2(K) M.'miij 40.000 ?o.e. ii l.::.:;-'.o 11,.: IO..mhi s lavi st.imin IMNJ l.'.U.nlNI IrVl.iMNj l.d.imn 128.101 186.IH 0 1.7. 150 >\>"> ?.'.'I lem; KBjIhNl 14U.IMII H ]4o.oOo |iw, . SO] 1<?B.SAO 10.111 is 42.0011 2344.50?J 1,706\AOO Uepartmeut of BudUluara.I 120AWU] 71,000 The Boeed of Apporttonutenl will meet oa Thnra dev. bet has until the end ol the rear to settle the ti iul ostituates, -a bleb hers in be mad ? br a Baaae moosTote, raoestimatesuf uou.o of the dcpait tucute arc not yet ready. THI BOOK SALE NE AB ITS CLOSE. Tin- Book Trade Bale is nearly oaeday behind the tstalogae, only one ioTotee ol bonks, that of Jbbmb s. Virtue, and a few elei trotvpe td.ites bcbmgtBg to the ninth dav's Bale, baring boon dUpOBCd ol posterday, whilebmmi of tboday wbb ooeaated in flniahrag UMeataloguo opto that point,oad in ?elllng tbatareteM la tba extra oatalogusa, L?>w pneea wcte ebtBiacd fi t" the pIstBS. BUd BBTOTal valuable books weie withdrawn, Robert Carter took Janieaofl ami Bickeraleih'a Bible ami bobs* DMnterrin two boIbbmsi Eteeta.Pi **Ltfs ol Christ went to Tbomsfl Kellri ami the platesof Wait Wbitmaa'a " Leeres of Grass,* srsnl at a low tL'tiro to Russell A Baaka i he latter firra ottered the "Antndel" edltloos of Bhaltsspeare, Byron and I'ennyson. ami also copies of tin 11,-, aioeroi, mikI BmMM ???>? km,. BbB wink? of I.a., Mini Baisse, ami Mbjsr honks. Asaoag tbo Inaika offered bv tin- National Pobllsll itnf Compeay waa A. H. Stcpben'a "Tbo war Be? tween tOS Mates," who-:, told for leM than I'll per l ent ot the published price. In. Mary Walkei'a Eseayaon Lora, Mania,;.', Dieores ami Kindred Topics" wa-a inik'at |r, i ctiis in cioib, but 73d eoides wool in ii lot ai lseal icony, rbeday'a sale ?na ejosod with Mrreral Ions lists of blank h. kaaad wiiaceliausoua mi Ices oi ..nks, luclud inp \. .1. Euiht r's line oi 200 dims Dorele, Tba -nie Will elOse lo-llaV. BUSINESS EM BARRA88MENTS, Tornpklns dt Co^ grain brokers, al No. IB Pearl at.. Heut Dotiee to the Produoa Exebaags yeaterday that they were obliged to BBMPMbJ blMilMM because nt the f ii lure of tbsir constituents to respond aritb Butrpias oa contracts, rue lie bill tiea, it Is tboagbt, will reach aboalSfJO.OOO. Tbefirm boas of th. Oldest in the trade, an , BMBSb syiupathy la ex? pressed for it in iia embarrassment, Tbe buaioet w ,s i, .: palab Ished at No. KM Hroad-st., the lira beiag 1'.. II. A Gilbert lompkius. It afterwardro mm ad to No. ?_'."> Water-st^ i bonos i" N ?. Iii Eronl Ht., and to .No. Hl Ilm. ii-si? and I Sal tu Bo. 40 Pesrl-at, Upon the death ot Oiltierl Tom pi. ins. ihi two sons, B.W. and liilbert,jr^ became membera <f Uis ariii and are still eouueeted nmiIi it,tbeu i n Is beim Ibe senior part ner, i ue failure is report* >i nt WllltAm Bnlkley A ?'".. wbolessM llejaof Btereheuta, at No, 73Frout>st. rh%mwBpsnt is merely nomii al m Lhe buaiueM foi ?orae veais has been conducted solely bj Mr, llulklev. Hi- merchandise liabilities are tM\&M shove the assets, a <! hi uflers lo compromise al 70cents on the d diar, payable within sigbtesu BMMlAWa ^ MONTHLY ?Air.s POfi BRIE COMMTHitRS. OoMMBtera on the Erie have complained of tin great diBereauM In the price nf snnual coMmatatioa in ki t- and the total coat during tbo year ol monthly tickePA A m w system will gS iotOefllst t on Ociaber 1. Dm Bbsalbly rates will in- ma Is mi a erartaated Malay M thai ai the and "f the year tin cost Will lie Ine same as fol the ye ll.v ticket, With an addition ol 7 pr scut, rhe price of a yearly eommutstlon ticket t" Potersoa is Mff, ijy the ue" se erne tbe mini i'v payments wiB be as fol? lows l BB 00, f#7 00 and po UK aukmg BB2Q0foi the hrst quarter. I he pries ol a go irterly tickel m 822 00. the other pay men s will "?? |W20, S6 10, 08 Hi. BO00, *.*? 10, >l 7", $4 ".it. .*i 20, ?i Ml, making me total n>r me v ear BOB 00. Al t in- uflli of the company it was Mated yesterday thst lb la nbauge woold he oi ureat advantage to thi pooler rlasers, who eooid aotafford at ouu liaae tbo grloa oi u yearly m ki t. ( Ill 0ROEORM 1 DEO TOO PREELT. In a room at the Grand Cenlral Betel yesterdaj alteri.oon. Lafavetle F. Ileaadi, aife liftv-two, was found h in./ on his lied, holding a !i ladksrehMl sal mated with chloroform t > bis moeth. He was i t a st iipof, and w as PsBWI i 'I Bl BOOS m tbe Hi, Vine tit llnsfhtal. His coiniitintt i- not. ??11-i? 11? if?| bonel -. Mi. Beach is Item Clarkaville, Pena.,aad, it t? ? mi. was soea a wealthy ootoael in tbe Coofadarate army, II? aaa lived at ha hoeel lor live or nix v. ira, and Waa th re believed to he a aaleamsa fOi tin- nrin oi Wi Haul ll. i vmi A i n.. in Broadway, Bo far as kaowa bo is "i ratuoi reduced oirauui si mess, N" istiasVflf Bote bxplained the motive em hi- apparent atlempl to deatroj his aWB life. QEN. GBAMT AND ihk DARN KB Mansion. Tub hangs m OaetJel n-av e., Wtm\ Brigbtea, S. I., which bahxagad to WIIIIsm T, Qaruar, who was fliewasd by the eapsiiinu of hisyeebtMohewk, and which waa pill up al auction last "pi Inc, but wsa eitbdrawB owing to than beiag no bAdder, hi still tu tin- Bhtrhel Bar tirivme sale. A rsport is m circulation thai lbs reason the pregerty waa sot aoid al hiicI. at lue nine iieuiitlidions wvto peuding betweeu the exeeutora ef t he astaM and taprrscutaUve al ?<? >iai Uraat, with a PMa of aeearing the proper* y for his Bonntrv ssal apou in s retsrn trom sot sd. The bouse a hieb hi ol bleek ? a m b granite, frsst filOO.000. TBK AfPLWAtlO.y "i WBA iPBAOUtW 1'i;iimi?i.n. r, K. i.. Bepti 2b\?A farther waa Bad Mas Bfteraewa Bj Ubs ^Ji reim- OOart upon llit- apt-lti ??' am of M i ?. e;irairae Im tin- ui>|mi1ui mttototsttaaiM Mi Bpragas*aeaaaaal BttkdiawBM ?aoBtuowa "i Br. iv.i>... ami ssu sd a dsaas others wouui o<- aieeptiible in Mr. epraaiaa Ine t. ait a lit aansaiiM uasWsMBau ie mmpso unuuina. a POM tma811. v ffo t WA TMB, IIai.timoih:, M?i., th pa, -'tl.?Ilm hiTOBflgg Bsa oi ahargM agalBBt Oaaeral u. n. lyk r, PsBtaaaaba of this i lly, au> BeaSBSdSd la-l nlf III at In o'elo, k. 1 he MvcatbratMe h?? bssB stasalBy la sroersM ataeeBM IM of AiiKiHt. ;.n?l BtA BSU strictly private. The . h.-irjrea ?cro made br dumm Ii. T. Matthews, s dta 'I el ii. f .fhs ritt ?BuB. A l?rm ItWtM ef Ihe witnesses tor ihn pro ? ??tiuou werf flim iiur?" ?1 em? ploye* Fron Um Posl (Mi . Wim ? low > x < i-t in. ? i-i :?! X*let*l WttlMsaee WBU people OOB BOtdlBg PB> -im n? in btstifaoe. 'in* mporf nf tin- ?peela] ?ctati wni I?: handed ihm im' foaia n-t? r '?? Ben*, tUH i oi ft TU. A BECEIYEB FOB A BBOOKLTB COMP ANT. in M j n ltl?*V AITi iMiin i t t K r IIB Uli 08 Till* Mt Tl Al. OASI IUIIT Vt'. l h>. Jarlgc DcgHihae, in Bapreme Court, Cliani :? ???. vi Mi rn.i \ BppeBded QeaeiBI JtBN .Juiir lau. mt Iii nok I vii. rrc. Iv<t of the Mut mil QMtbjlll fJifgWI. "f ilati UT.nii H[.|i n an ii ,,f iH uiis. |, Henry s. Ib-u m tt. The reeeiver l-t directed to prm .-ed with Mm bsb* ?fini*iii?ii uf Um im.?-.Turk* itMPJ BaMatanrd >>> '??? Wu tun MBBtfllpal flBB CnnpaBJ IBA luller coiopHitv, WbhJB IBItiBBBI '1 IIa- plupei t>' ami rlgfcB uf tin* Mutual ObBB pany nnral neatae ago. wn safolaed lenk Bf irum proi.dlog witti ihn la] iiik' uf n*N plpra under tfr.ui Bbtsn af Um MbibbI com pany. Hu? afadarMoa wank Jad ? DtMMbai'?erdn wn gnand alkhnd iimi Um Mill Ulli OtilDliallV, bi'i'BUMi uf ttnalicul ?I III IIIM*, I'i Man Ii lu?t MilllinilZ'i| ( J'Uirilau tu inBOfof Bll It" IroaalUBM aad estate to I lie Fultiin Compmiv, wnn I. mbb.lull I Iii* i!? lit - of llu MatBBl I i,iii| .iuv, air. ?aned t>> proei ed with I In aaBatebed werk. ib July Um Yultoa Haeieluel Com nay boeakt af UM Mainal Cent mi ibe ruybl la um' its bydrogea peoeeee, pat im: f?r u 1800,000, Bad m bi es i.?? ? tit a with tl e work. un.. Ihn? im baa laid Bfteen mlteaof pipes expeadV lopahoatBBOOaTOO. Boob after ilie warb was besraB ?.rtkc arvditi ra begu au aettoa agatael um t'u tun Compsay, eleimiaa that uM debt bad not beea setisffed, aad obtained aa lujaaetlow agalnol Um eempaay, Ibe in in hui eaked t?ui iha Mu ? ? ? 1 Qssllgbt Coat say be a wo I red and thai a reeetroi hi appointed, and lh*l be In n <)iiir?.| tn eeOB Mini lliil-b I In- ka Mini on in pli ii i i.i- .ut ii.i'm tin- pi pee. The aiui oa in niafce i" i n inenl Iba t< mporarj hrhaiM ttaa reetratalaa aay laierfereaer aitb the rw \ r eoiapMitoi ol the work ia sal ilewa fur fleptenbei ?o la lapism OoortaCbeuib rs, 0?BIO?8 CLAIM OF A DEBTOR. Taw ttm of A. T. Bti ...ut A- Ca pec atlj sbtaiaed ut aefaall in tab Bartoo Caart aJadgBMBi aval m JoBb Hoaaa, af Be. 184 i mi Pany-fBta-su, for P207 OS bard ess taaienata raiwPjBed tn Bra. Beaaa. Appl ( 'Mmi aras a ada m Itaaal peaarraap ba ii if ? tl." rl'-'.i'i:- <>tii-n"i| nt..?ti ?.mu" ?n i n'e il rrnim t. 'n- ?'? - hntdaai daajiag Um rseelpi of tne a<" in sasw r to titta tue pattaUffa put in affl.lsvlt .,, ..?ir iba del.lint'* Beknowtedgeareal or Um Bp ? '? hi ilnesa lu beat waa laeiaded e aowewhat tOMsrlP ??'.Mr rrnin Mr. BoaWB t.i ek-Jndee It* ion. lu ? 1. ? Mr. Borbb ?-iys thai a?T.Biawerl by bis will te'l be .? -?.... vari" t? ami lot <?? in ats estahl al n i I: tl il ibo wrtter'a aont,M Petey. had hooB la Mr Mewsri'a ? i ?? mi ii aiHaBer oi years, nut baeeaie im apeei ?m '. ?! fut -Ami. beeBBM of ? BsaeeroBS dl lae bruaahi oa by bar prtalbir w.-ra. Br, H i n a--* thsl Mrs. I'.i.oy reeetTed ro beqaoel a der the wtU, aad had ia baka eaia ol i ?iiinnK h?t i i nel. and bary i aa. ri>- dees t ? t iblnb, thereforr. that the irm onent to aab bin t.> pay i tc lull ua-uiitni Him. " I til nk Judas Iii...iti ..i in. i lah lay," lo.? la i a, "Blill theea*e of poor Mrs. Foiey, who esBM to ker deats byeaaeer, e as nhj ts-wiap eanieta lor Beesre. A. T. Btewart a Ub., sul eboee tJownwsid trsrk to the arefB aas .... .1 >nd tu" by tii" Baderstfaed ut a toai ol fBOO." Ju ifc'o Miui.iti reeerred lit- di oMtoa A Mi^l" TE OVEB i'lvr. CENTS. Pbomai CoilioB) an old muh, liiiti;, at No. 181 Oolanbla-sl.| BrussklyB, ea it-prii 18, paial aad la -' worth ef arses aora et a^ehard KsetaadUelr*s proeaf] ?tore, ut Baekoli ami Co iiuihla?iII.? ifaT" tin BhB k u 1(1 BBBl BMOSi nut tin- lutti-r lefur ? il lo BlVB hha aay ehaure, seyiax thel Collins Bad atvea bin a ft seal psrsje. Colllne refnsed to lease the store. The proprio tor wee then ealled, end ferelblr ejei*tad Bin. Ihrowti i btndowa. Colliesreeeireds rraetare of tae hip aod ?orlooa Internal inlurMs, wbieb hav.- aaased bta areei tut Ii II ? i-oinlit on In nnw -'.Hl In b.- VIT) O ltlCIll K icteodec . wst... re*led an shares of aaaaall sml n..t lorr, aad bB examlnath a Isstdl poodiap beton J a mm Perry. < olllns buaalso in-aiin a sml twentust liliu In ilia City Coart to neorn pft,0O0 Banaan tor ti" seaanlt. i be i'iom' 'ms been pal ipn t.ahaaaaf tor Oatona*, CONTINENTAL I.IKK [N8(TRANCE COMPANY. Ai.ftANv, Be]'. lit).?Tin- onlt-r praDted hero rotore by Justtet Wssthroek ta the antur nf pko Attar ney-Oneral aralast ttio Conuuei.tai Lifo [asaraan boaipeay, allowtaB Ike neelrn of Iks naipaay, John p. OVeUlj aaUl tin- UMb task ta wahvh lo et nun i? a: .1 p ii]niii clalniH Uk'.'i tis: the entiipany, !i:is heeoaxteadedtaJaaaaiy 1.1880. iiio naiwrfeow then wen BOdMMJ elatms aaaiasi lha eotntiaai Utal ba baeapnaeated to bin for i xaiu'iiaiiou. II ? imi rx..t. ? und 17-800 and dbiputn the rallditj of 2.ftO0 oi m tu, li aWUK iiiiUiipatid lAJtOO a id urn xutalnud ovo. U.OUd. DBC1BH i Ba? BbjPT. 20. BMBSnM Court ( hamturi ? liv Juil^'e Danohue.? in ?en Bshaey. aterMa essded. Cobmmmi /''"'?- Speeiml i>-rm?Uv Jndpe itoeoh tt. iir. i - a?:t. Jwit'k, en .?linier s.-lt o.l And ?i|,;.f.l 1 ??" bmbt or ni..nin. Mit im' Ceerf .-faofdal fkrav Mv Jadav Stnnott.?? Beektel ast. Blbararbouaes 1 hjUtaaa a,-t. ^?it.-. Butten yratu d, St tot - \ -n Ik SlU anata la aaeb eae nn.t tn* Isadani dha-barn - lanoneiie asi iimmas i Howe?I aart. L buisa 1 Bherryeal Bwaem 1 rit apt. Uo Iberpi Berraat. Barseyian i Barrls sat. Kpateia i luwenber* sat. .1 ??? a, Bsyei <?:t. MeterI Ana dar a^t. Itibsuiseri Basreo rt, Clans i lia ojt llbhni seller, tt., mmt, PhB. upa j Puren sat. WedSaeR?Orlen aatwat sad ued. uany Terry.?JedrBHUBl as laderard. Rt Jedg) Mu m an.-I t ::i : a/t .MadiV:i.?< t.Iit ?I/1111I and ?led. lull IbfSI ItATt II MeAdSIB.?The IBMM 1 1. , .1 rr Hssk ?>???? Medoafernew unal deah-al sa per opuuon Bled. \a.iui.L? ast Beeknaa,?Can setUe4 a a :. sd. _ COSTUMES FOE LADIES AND CHILDREN. An eiBnifBB a\ Jaatoi MeCrtpaty <fc Co.'i is always a leaded wl a xtbm daal ef latenaia aod the em Bad took pane Wedasaday wu ae exoapthn n the rakk ftBtoag Ibe baadaoaiasl eeeiBian waa a bridal Iran of white aaUa eon hi sod eiili nUn breeeeai ut larap loam aeslaa. Tin- betton of the ikhri :s laaakod with nirrad pafft of wtdM tatiB. tm% wide BtMl r drapery ef laa two maMrl i lo is adped wi-j 1?i ? umk ? i t". Phi dr ip ry in iio- 1..tik nin is adged with De haanni i aad la eraa* HMBted witi' Baaibn af n hit- r me and bndllag snap ? bbnaoon u? r 11 is tanwa a mile roll Unplj banmedaad naektaa to tba betton of t..e nkirt betk hi-lore nut mi Hi-trail. Ta. rtBsge sm tBl Panpa* dew Hied win Da ikeaei hMe,aad the Maria aatoteotM aksetn eat oraamoBted wlib the lamtr Ian. a nesp* tint> st mt "f deep iraol ?r aar >;n aonataad wll 'i hr. - i-ud" v" v.t in tiny r>s- ?! ihtBi hM the Banoo 11 ont with ahirir i doaata 111 tn a uf pataai suk Tne al lea ute af nrm ada velvet and the paamr dnperj Is lined with pataddae. The bottoa i t tin- ksBfl Bmla 1- lalabed ? hh two tows of box pnai? ui1., 1 ui* d w tic I ? r-h ne ml u Pbe 1 miw "f brande reirel waseal Pompadoar.aad lltod with -ti r, dual* Pits nf n|.|e ?u' III. A IIIU ?II. t|.-"Ut I'eeepll.itl ill 1 ?? Ottblul S velvet had the drapery embroidered tsj bead, f?ke bot* 1 um of Hi skirl wn lul bad wil? a mill nt re rei Hard with acerlet satin. Tht Bftside wss laid In tare anal i on- Um I? lib nartot aatin. The drapery aero as tin- freal wn wrerod wna embrolderr, ?. 11 flaisbed with a frlBct msdB eepeeial'j htr that eoMiame.ii an bias the rotors in tin- embroidery. I'he beaqee wjk ?mda wlib paaier aides rmhrmdend and il Maied aithfrtaoB,tsd eamrhtla theentraol Umbaekbya loua looped boo ol nlln rbiboui Ibe iruoi is ra-t. uni wile enamelled. batten fuirroonded wtih aai spsel. The ItMg eoal alee res an ot as men ted with an embnldered ouB. Tals eo-tume wn one of tin .1111 BBBM t ab wu and w.u mail" 111 tin baaa**, Oaa <>r tin- bandaoawol waikmn eoe rjuaea abowa was of blaeh nUa mid reirel arecado. unj teen ami rellaae ayrnuaji Um atripm. Fin aaUa .ii 'p. r.v is iia-.1 with pal -bin aatiB,aadex Mndsoaly to toe era re o tin- treat, when il la bdd is ii.r its ami fssteaed dnawaali] to tin ikirt. estoacwa le the rbrbi able to form the baek drapery. Tin- hit aide wu a plam breadth ef relnl btoeode, Iniahed aitb fruu'e. Thelooaeeat-laQ bann wn antlrely of the reirel broemiBb aad wu eraaaMBted wBb burn Baaes ?lieil Tata uouae nokn nMsae* aniaaan a apt .-i il feature, sad aa 1 many dainty little roataaan wen dUajajayed. CblMrsa are ao laager dreseed in amph ? ?na? mat Btasae ate auiianin t.. eb do hood. um their ttttla Barmeats, u aeeam, mm ir t .hi ..r tn>. sohm maierlala aa Mali ni..ttirr?' dreessto,ea8asaaarti sa poaaiam aft**-r tae nimr ?tvte. Bo inn 1? a auasaa eniuBM of Bbbedaarael armare aonldaed wuii striped or eadc rbewnaafartol .r ain .s 11 ti -in I ..ii i in ntton with t 1 ? e nurow katfe* t>n atinvt* o thoauuia. Tim 'runt ef broeads is bdd in ,. eats hdliaa 011 a n me Iraol and umatatlar u aooole akin, i'i 1- full peeler drapery it eamrhi up m thr fluni etih mod hnpe ol goroet ri-boit. The ba gm had 11 Bbte real ol am ied bttwede witu s ahlrred aiuiuacber ot gnrnat ntn hand antb a i ard ami toaan A relluituis wag in a Pairflald prayar-neorJng reeeutiy ptmed tot .he anaeot uitun?--!- 'who wen proetraM ob i? da ui yarana and akawa ut w Um ?>."? [li aborj Bewa (Titn urotcrtn \?tj Let. \LABOE number of deairnble offices .nil l. ft* in 1.1 "i. 1 sa in ai, Basaaa, i ? lee an t etla retrei ta m 1 1. pi ituttee. iii.i.A.suA wiiiiiN... i imawsa st^Bew-Vei k. tioiibte dito Uo j us CUtiulci). 4 PUBN18UEU or PABTL1 KUBN1SHEU . \ BOOB waaled wltheal baaid,M a sen BteaBtv, east ?ai ?1 ?>?n. ot sa ajsh-r.y eeatlaeiaa aad wife, .tat-eruatis. 1.tu aal tu eai'iee sis pee a.i.u. . ? slv, \ 118B11:," Trleoea i ? m. ?-. ?ratco iiu? -fen?cre. QBA1 E8 AM) I I NuKics. "lb" larseat msuiifui f?ret, nt lew and I Sit low (Irate*. f,,r rlltirr nsrit m n.ftinal, wuii iluu.|iuis or MiakuiK atiuen uirtit , :??>??' epea Hi.; a. with an mm, ?ml UuxkiI rtalea f..I ?> i?l BICS .11 IM P. 1Mb I I Bl Ut ia aim i ual 11 j .? ei BBBen aad assttna leetaas, a bow sals ami retou. bbmm alvn Mbmhhrr?,eeiitncie *uuit an n.its-ta. JA?. 0OBO\ 1.K a CO.. 3tW and ubSCaual ?(.. X. V. 0M<$ T?SLOR. 620 BROADWAY, * n k a it not rttTOB <r.. IM to If] now t it v. manch BTOfAM in a.1 MM PBIBCIPAL citifo. Fa.! and Winter Goods, ihimi-tm \mi w ik.i.i.i Ni. M.'Mh iATIBUUS BOVBL p \ n khmb, hi A 1.11 i ?TAI AXTBD, h KU ?T KlAPH BlMftBMg -I IT - TO OB BBS, 818 PM 88* IBs! g mj I.MICK >Tn( h l<> < HtXMB PBOSf, CAi -I BBBB PABTM in 08 ? :t. 84, 88. 8 . IBB Bfi BBBAT PABIBTT, BBB i i - PI i BB. DlAAsOBAL COAT IAD VB?1 TO, ma and i rn ai.ii. 5ia i ! iv Tio: BOB1 r\ Bl *??? BAJflfMi PALL OTBKCOA PM i 0 OBDI It. Menu fig I PM v IB t.22; eli ctkic i si. ist dbbb in boi ii btobj - CIIIAI', i.l< ii.n,.-s. sTVLU, am? BBM4>TCM VISIT:.;;':?, t<? BBW rOBB -ii 1(714) Bl g IHK A l CHJO BKUADW V V, TMPHPfr" OB > Bl A riBO iti \m\i; 100 SEWING maohin cs, ami DBnrnra CtVOTBVBHBIABIBO IBB PTBIBHIBO m m 11 \ r*e, ii i- n bo m n El BVA p rut, I REAL i:sr\ . BBB Toi B, Pi i . I . IB, 1 178, Tti1 f ?Mowitiy; I. ?,<! .. .... I'.x* rhu BS BBB Bl M ... ?I iv Wv MM Ma P Atsva fl 1 4 efnry MSWS -t ? ? lot, > T 1 . - .??, M, n a. Big BSM llli-.v.-. I, t 'i,, i . lert BMS. . . :" -"?() flu J i> V >>.-? . .? I B story bttes Swelling With lot. No S.M "? ' ?" 0 S .til II e of mi. aw. ?i 1 ..H'J Mat , a oia h.,iti . LlffJ Rv f. h i aattoe a- ? > 1 4*mry hri<S tenement l dum wi'n |,,f, n ? Fi.t 7l?i St, 3 fl e-il lat isa, mm Ml I I I liiu, mb. . o.i'OO tin : . i Bs 1 rieht, Ulla ?int it:, r, .f in a p,ol ol I t .i it I ??? ? r. mm, eucsf CslbatlBS si, BSM CtMMM, ? " . -' Bj Cainhuu -Meia. 40 hl" OKI KI? BBAii i ?I ? i i. rRAB IPBI & ??? -VOWI ? irt Orant SVSj ? ?. 21 fi ?.,f CMMIBlSWlj ITsI I U . M n Bi ike M Alb ii Bill? .gl,IBg Vat uv. NO 1i4h, ov 7... I ? v I I a >ohl MM Oil* .?> l.ev jr AlMMNMM MM alt?! . It, i) Bo! - . ? .t? ii i ,i. 1*1 ii', '. ni j ..hi., vi Um r BmbbS wife tat, Aboetl . M.BSB MIS si. t> n IBI tt n of MMIwis ?to. ifxtUO.Bi B Bf Lfsshts rsoMM MIolWO .... . .'.'j S,JU?t.?'< ?it. 'f ?? '?! ? ??v.. IB.glB l] ; i,m? B MorgsatoJoboOtilhni. U.*>'iO gMMt**, UOSM IkBlB-M, ? 1 t , \ LOU . ? I?M .. I A ., a ,,inl mil,- l<> il t l.lMin -i"ii . m.t'-O lOfltk -t. ? ? B?.4 ItsotWbavi-. ta.lottio.ll i I" h Lom CoMoibaOooerttn!.'!>? iWTii i 4,1.',0 8'l-??-. No ? OH. -"?" ? I'J Mlt?r mm "if-- M LSfl j .1.1 . 1 I i t'> , - I .n ;r .1 i iii In I. v i .'.i ??' ? ... 11.8 'll Btbaire,oocor ISBth-at. w.iU Olli B/iBMM it At MB SSd wtfo M WIUtaM f AM B...... . IS.SSO lAtbaB, 14 1'ilJt It a of Inrath pi tiki ?? . B I Cob .1. ten ?. t ? v Ith ...... .... 1 ?." I 10411- " ?. I*H)H * ''Moi.-, I*i ?'..?? RVtibltBisU I ii Meytraui ? ii.' 0 Bts-avo, a w cm ssth-st, subOB i Bssiy KbBBm m C A K'lhlkc. BLjM 0 BBJ0OBIHCU mi itt hlAOBBj Am h. !ta?r. I BBB MMtkM M l0fi -la, BBB ? m ." ' ?i, BOf Blhatre. 8 MOBtBl f'09 Brnxi V SBd wU* m Iba BtBtnal Uli IBMn m OtM* Baar, B ? ear Madiaoo-aT* aud 12 Kit-at. I rear .. lO.ooO Panlleld aii'l wilr tu II l'.ao uin. I ? I ."? Ih ?!. MS No -,i?. a >.nr?. M8g Daauj J .. 'i ?if>-n. WiUmiu A i'anl'l*, it. " ? IBOaV at, -? m .'i.l ! a.Iba . . lC.'-OO n.m. j .iiii to wiiii.iiu u lAaaaMO , n ? 4'jiii-t. * of I i. -v.-. I pear.. . . ?.o.'oO BotBue, Oearsi B ang wUa to Oe?rs< i | r Bo Btb-BTfc ? veara . 0.? 00 Be|ipli r. M anl .u olio r M? Beppbrr, ri ? Kan luv at, w al < o BMJ fptj IpeM - 6,100 Manttei, K ati : a n- t- A B t haadi l;,li.n? -.M e of 4- - j i.... nail . . 2,''<m Bess 1 i-. ?>?''? aibiis M r \ u tu, ;.-au. n ?Bb-M, e M l.i-i.i:iri-.ii av?. .I?,..n? . t.'MK) Kot liileai. J J aliil all. I>.? ' ll..-A Ian:... |.?.. k, ll B ,?b?l,e of'.'it a?r. ilfinilnl. . 2,'Sxl BsbmMW h iirii ?aMsibait.e nf laton BbmsBM e.A s<rv, ii>. B aad "i ben m ">i 0 on m, Ne IBS m?. aaa> ?M. . ... log Win;.... i i" ii MritOeS,at Leataai,a <>i laouat o al, 1 <?-?ra. BJBBJ Wtlflit. I k tad a lie to Julia Base, a ? 11MB ?>', w ,.r i?tn\,'. g MasBM. laV Bg Bl i OBDBD APBIOB BBBTg Of; 10gg Bm ... W to W a ninjMa . #.i3i$ I awn in ?-. K B IB ' ?.Bi i t. m oy A Ba lid . AooO Mlk'briL asrab o to A B OdelU eaeeator, etc. 1.0 d t'ua.-ii, J it.etacuur,ata, m w m r. w a. ?i.ooj Ueaa i B ant an- He. i to I* A H JMbaaa. I.Oim I'aalloaMB. LMBaisb A0svas< . I'BBs Cug RmJ v[ wiiiic tot Bait XC'IKiU B lorMtioB, N'oitii Msiliaon-sqBaro| ab-SSBi brawB nt-.n- aaS MabbMi M>x*< B mm, It. A. \ Ot NU, SU Kl' Ii I |il?0e. |N ABSOLUTELY EIBST-lLASS II??' SR a\ POB BALE ? if - vT Mibat., bmi Ii aiea, bMtratO in ami Ulli mi '., ihe bat Satan -' I Um a ib Iba ? Up. l ih parUi alan tad , ? im..' app j u> V 0. st. BT A tt. knoui o, 124 atu aTA I?0R SALE.-Tbree hoiuws, Soa, Iii?. 82, :?I I Baal ISthat. AdilrtM JA-. BAUT,Be.97 iv. kaklll, N. Y._ 1A)K HALE.?'lTie flrat-elBM font-story, fii^h hum. biiiBB Maua leate, 837 WeM ISi U.t SisMkbuJ 100) train a I Baiah: aear Uroadaai aearlp n w; ;u i<n\ .Hin; all i'i.pi'nv iiniiia. Apply "i. tin- MMbtaea Uicotiim RfBl vioiuir tn tmlr. DLOCKrt, ig BLOCKS snd plots <>t lots low l> 11 . i .I, at r i aUS "f, .<? i.Im ... ratod BaUt .?<!i I . . . i , . ru lly I n i v ?? I in - ll.o D i We have v>!4 9 9 ?r ISMUt I lata UMPSMS BMMtba, Bl lAMDSWBIP I Mi, ."> mekiniit, st SJ'ACIOltY property on Eaet River for *.ite m to leaaa. i t p ? Misse at Ureen|H>lBi, Bieaklra, l .!?_ kimwu Hu Hu- BinsaCauBiy Mannlsetoirr, alUi ? iroMsseof lUU |. ? i au NeVloWUCd I ?Mjr Baal IBi l st Klver, BBSS depthoi sooie i: iii hul Itagsara Bsesd i .. '. tat ai-'l BnapteS for ksbj Ins Ulli,'in Hl- p o |. .' oTVtU bsjjk s Ii aearer ib< nv. r. altbsami h<Hftsseol i" leei bj shMat fti u reel <t , i> l..t pal Ii, uis - apslj i" vV. J. KM U B l. l'o >ai B, N... a. ffSil Tl.. -N. *!. Auction Sales oi Ucal CsUte. | ol is MESIEK, An tboibBer, B| MOM sf Bs* . otirt nf OtMBMS PtSBA all! ll at the Bit -.a..|e BSleaia a -. No. 1 I I loa Bat. "Ii 11 BMUA y, Oclasai 7. ai ae u. IBvstsstssi habt Ml UM UMtassSal eBt-ave^ BArb aast BB8s> s it-on west ?IJ, of i|?i ire., bets a, i 8 Ith sad BAlbaia lOMtauuaoBtb ??;? of siii -t., is toe n rm ssM avmua 1Mb. 1 t ob the asttb sta) ef Bltbat^ M the rear m sasa bbsssM lot a. Paris! theroiehaa name) bmi MsaabBSUbaMSMMMB gaa ? ?i I mc ? sat. M iim at ?in Ii im - i I'll e. No. lOtl li|...ulw?v. COBMtriJ Jjiopcrln tot '.utlc oitb io tct. DKSIBABLE faun ol 19 irres in ifonmoutti 11 a..;). N. J., M ? BSM, bj Beta of Hie .'omt. at ?u. i.. i. "i.->' i'i< .a. i ?' . l". ?*. ParpaaU aiafs sSAraas i./KA A. toliuKN, Anuainit'.raior, Mt.iuietosi.. N.J. \Tn,i- CoBBtn Kcaideuce, \\ ?-i, In st, r (Vav. s x aersa, all >? a east| iMOj win i>s ?Miiii r< ts'iiieu an tsar sraatedj lom mue? BmmBsv Tsstt, Aouicaa P.O. Hut a,ieaJ, l.lljr. LX)B SALE i IIKAl'.?a; Rergen Point, N .1., 1 sa tae host basiasas e.iaet a. i ..?. a baaas tad i >t ? rn i Ml iaval., te lw~ ii Habari sad Otts i -t i east BB.BU01 renisfer-l - r>> tool . ml lie isM lot S-.uoo. Aiply to 11. CO Mus,, 1 ;, West al.. N, ? i i'.'k . .iv. LX)R BALE.?Pbitb in good or?lei ; splendid I la,. . a > ? i i I. ?. |i ,i , <>.)? ,'i.r ItuM N ' ? \ ? ? ? Mil at l lot aco-i r reahfa uct at a tlve AsAti at> Mali .ii. ?asi ssas Ik the i tj ;r-. .larati . letSMMaw, a,, uass i ii. A?l UlkU, r > >. ii v. i. ,s.. Naa-Yarb._ LX)B BALE oi LEASE. I lie MtoBStre EBr''.' el n a i .lali'.lsJian-l.t kliovru Sa the MiUTIlB m K P?i| < HBY, on e saktaaiSB?*s . I'bilsue,p .to. cover* :i'j amm Bsaisls Koaadrr, p itti n . Bega r, Hmitb, ii ai blue ?U I l.i". ? I bit .-Jiepaau.l, equij.;', d Inf opera tiut 70u haiHl?. ai d I* It I uiiinua onler. AdiliVMS Ml.itUli a. A BONN -'1UH mtti Bdsb, PbilsdeiphBv HANDS!iMEST. CHEAPEST. BEST 11 ii. OB OUt BTMV K..sii.IN. 1 f.-r ii r MMMf 1's Buisa bBBBIUTBliy Iaht Set lawn an dn. fiuil, MaTB , it BMmS Ui City ; SI a? . Hot 11.1, I laid PUB J _ HUDSON BIVEB PBoPEKTY i?.i saliTot kin i fMiMast attraeuea, euMidtlstt furu,s.,e.t and i hanuiutiy tllaatod reabMSM In Pa brepaie, ihe "Ojasas lily" ?I ,he llml-un , ll?, ,<i a, tea, beaiillfnllv ku, aled oa He i it, i MM k. i ? al m nlali, ailli ., , u-ry oitaire. haru. milt, a,. n WRIGHT, 'ii Buatb LlUertTsL. rVarspaM, .V T. OKANOE, N, J.?liiBAsrg BBd Cosuitiy Sentg It, hi sial lur sale . aar-si varirtv shin faiTBi aaMbSlbbi u.a lnta. kuri i i BaiUA.MSBraadwM, UooiuA