OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 27, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1879-09-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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O.mnoctrfJUGan? ?ilecima? -Xo - Xi 'lit.
eVMJnmrr] ..f Mcb*o-i end I ? Or ... ?? ? M
Ia* ik?v i?.i< Marnni Oiaau " ? - ?"?
bJ?Tab..thfat.1 !*??**?] ;-^'':.,;;,; r,r,I,(>r...
AM. ,;??*> ix-nr, T, KaM. ..'???? I"> Eveiiln*
KVT h a I'I i'm.aFD** I ??.?<??'
Mv>.i.. \lvni- !>"? -.in i T-nir.e.
Jiioci io 3OYfrnwatrBtB.
hAXKHlM h' -'"? '<'?-?'-.'
| . > ? . ?x|. Ilm v-.'I 1 1 1,1
|<1 a.x?.- M ? - Mt ''#<?<- 1-1 ?1 '?'?
roAi im w< on ?w rwe* a 11 ? .
COH'..| \.i??x .N.-i.. i . ??'* l'-mi Uli lllOin.
Dam-iko ArAimmc" BfA fom Itaeeiamo.
ill ii ? xi. >? ii? i>- h'a )?<???' - ???Iii:?.
likt ?. ??!??- ?"'?<*?' Bill column.
?ik,ii?x ? m-i n. xi- .?/./'.,./'-?-'?1 roi.inin.
> ai i f.hok? !"* am ?i
? i?<xi '<?? .// Ki" l-i nil'! '-'i m iii:n*.
Fl KMU ?I -'' ?'<"" - ; ' ' , ? . -
i,i: ?ii. and Kbhimmm 9*1 tm n Stirtwmi
Itn , u . ? t : !?/. ?'?'?-' I i' '?? ?' " "
iii>t?:i> ?m im 'la mtaaaPi
Ii i i i i oi BIa fieaf ? Ii eolBom.
,;;?.:. ..... ;?./.;..?<-l i. S Sri? I I')-?iun,m>.
i Av ..... i DU / am 4lb noinme.
tOAl IITD KOI'KD '."1 /Vor " ?"'n
?am iaoi . ?x;. i .?in?- ?/? fwe? e*fccoiiima.
aj ... 11?? i ? i - - ? i ov< ->' eeMoaai laoa rwpa
,'i | .. .i Si b ? imin?
>??* fl'DLICATtOM <<>?< Vn-.r ?Stil HN 9*0 COIOO)**
nOFODAU Uli fOllr .">'!?
i.iai I FT ati 3al IMWO 5 Ii in .1 etil .r?
I;mi.;i 'I?N"1ih?- 'i Ahm -'? aad 3d i-otoaaea
fanalf* lih ramna
Fill ia l >< luv? b? m. i, ?'?Hl "Hill?.
M ???>'? ? a i rlAllffAr? lift IMAM ?hb MM OW
0" mm
hl? , ? : RF IWFAI IM TmtW\ 01* " '' ? "
T>*,; ?i ? !?//. /?" 4tb aed Alb oolamnF.
fri Brunn ii MAi nnicr? -dt* Pwoe?9M fatoma.
Daaineai So:
?? Ai iaCRXI v Beami*1
In 'v o POM)? -td Mll.k.
Iti i.n. ti". Cornaine kill? daudrnff, allfcyair
FIMtMF, MM FFOFFMJOF UM v kfOe* Ft fPOWth Fl lull
Rxm bwck?i?'9 l'nwioB IFBI nf \. v -V.-iL and
V . ?? ii I-1 ?*l . I. ... - ). IO. . t . 17 1 In . i - |.
WilborV Coo Liteb Oil ixi> Limbv? Per?
il ?...?.. ukl : . ? i .mi .1 ?rlli be tl??*1 M
i,?i, i ii v?. .', ...r kau. atu i f, AM. friHO i in ? :l.i - ???'?
Flil ' ? '.I In '.- ictm*pr<'|Mlrkl ?. ?mn ?>??
m . M i-ifl. -lyhrA. Ii. V Ulf lt. ?-*'it im-.. I..)a
Uf. nMI>I ill ni--;-id. __
1'i im si: Y.\ i h v No, 19
CMiIiIf? ibe lau ? aal Bdb -i bal i am* ab eri bkeaeai Sil
?? i i i ; i. I.-. i l i.i ...in. Hi.: i I i.i'. WFMOl 1 \.i
Mm II < <
1 in. Tnr ? f.
\rw Tark.
I .? ii *. 11 it i x?. y -.,,, KntaM rrbi re, 91(1 pel : ? num.
m ?> i-x> i rei i i i.irrM, Mail Kiil rnlN-ra, B5I per an.
V it. r Ti 'xi Mail Balm nl ? ?-. I - ,'??! nein
: i ft) . !? OFI Ii i * (M T'-r I ?IM I NC.
I ichll ?? v..: So, Tiui 'II Inl-an . eortier Fw
pari, i * h ? st, lueemi Baakea hare aaaa
Dum : . Dead, ood, \u ih ? DI -. k III 1-. h
?; in . s.u?l ta he o\
BO peopi era honn le
m/ma rivd t" <\'n money bp abdaction ?t
i i, i thai Calmiol Moah
?... I- a .: ? ?? tn aa arert ki a h tba I rax al
Barrl > Btaae L'imea \ after a Barbi, hi ttaa all day,
Ifta t] rei id al Blai tori k a k>M .it Ire kil ad.
: Thearcberyca f.-:;ii Boatoobaeeuded eoe*
aanfal ? : ? ?< klya eaiiied oaTeome priaeei
Citt i ?!? ? 1 .1 i.avx.?i.t.i' 'ii atiU iaaaata the
Aetlej li. eet, erith atenitt aeooad,i I ic
?'. ce !?<araam lared yeoterday toaboa aai ?
win Taromaof eh lion Inepeclore ahoaid not be
un lal .i. s ( .in? W, Pteld hae iw
i'li? t tally in Mr, I i.?i. itatom ato,
l', i>-. foi Ibe Smitlio -: .n . duNNkda
; :,\- hei . i Mied. Oobj ralai <?? ii.< 1.ml
laadn trot doilaf : i!:''.> erata I? 16.98 aaaftt,
BftM k. aetlre aii-l hhybar, feeiarallj gleaiag ba ?>?
'Jill W xatb1b Bv?T BIBtTXI hxal OBM i v:i! hMM in
i! ? ? I ??. a ana weather, wuii elowdirjeee iatbe
afteruor.B. Tberaaoaaetm yeaterdayi Huhpat. t?.?:
low? ?f. .ii : ;.\' i ipi. S3 .
CaaVyoal Moaby baa bean appljina; to cott
siil ii eoi rravpondoBoc ..mi- ol tba nitliiui- of
lui.|.v. ii;.< l.inj.-. pjSdJ it ix MaViiaiaW iluu Imb
stati- Dafafl laftaad yaaraaforbla m i^iiaiimi.
Taa rrrrlval ?>! Una brou tr.i lo, after aomi ny
yrara af ;."in? Aapn'aaka, ta obm af tin- atoal
clui iin - itfraa ui batter iiiinn. Tin- roriral
i. praalaa, nnil adaai Bait (<> !"? uormaaft.
Tana Ii Um u?Tr?iaa] taMttraoarj of tin ii,.u.u
bbrtarera and iir..lii- wboee ajaari utj gtraa
elat*where, and who aae Majrltl now for tin
lii-i i.ii. after a lataj ai il draary alaht,
fta orcaaioaal tManaapoadrBl of Tin. Txia>
ink, wiiiin?.' fn in ii.?- a Mm >fftora laoj irajoa
ei ! i. i.i i . caiata out bj a*>athai n-iiiinii ?m
Bjaready t-x if-t i i a ii<;ii ml foi A bn tit an tiara*
wi.xi. an in- I.um Bawaad abia to laaad Um
tavairai "I iIh |il>llt'xi in. Tba probability
thai <. .riiig iiu in\. two yaan ritcBtiTTj tat
paetattoaa ul Iheae vims will ba rallad for
l>.\ tin* Kreach wiao-anrwera rradrn oweaa?
iaapoudi'Ut*i rraiarkaoii Ihoanbjcctol rapei laj
in11 n al al Uta 11? -?nt Hana.
A latter fiaaaj am nainapatidaBl bt afonlaua.
BftSllted OB BBodaMi BafMAj Btaaamta tho peeuijjuy
?Xiuficultira attaodiog lha Bialaa af attTgg hi
lha Colorado aa4 Boa Met dMatecU af ili.it
Trnhory. A aaw r4br( i-< bob) pjilrfBg la
da re top tin- hhikh of ilii> rrddoBa aad goam
in?, n i -,| laantham un gtn n ?>, tin nun.
plicated proceaeri i?: !?? rwuloyod in redaetag
tlm n irai tiirv ogeaj, Tba gfjtaaaiptMitsajMartaat,
ua Inrtie iifii.-i.. will l>?* ail \ niici ii bj Mj
HagMMM tli?' Pftfaggain nor tin- padMklgggi
aaa lad any fault with tin pTtrtmaetrr
*,i-i.< iui'rt null r cuiK-t-riiiii?/ politii ul iihhi-m
pjaaata, Ho daclaiaa tftaal ada Babontlaalia aaa
not I??.- laaradrad t?> Btakg -u>>-< njition. la
jioinit-nl ebfA.cea, bm! an-, of aaajgaa, ut Ubartf
ftj do no il tliev gjpbaag ; ami luiil,, t, that
any Boatmaatoi niuy pafaaa !<? nhoayriha wit'i
*?im aaVrtiadl hftt Ira arg of etaaa, in aaaMt
araadja, Mjbj jio-iin.uti r i? an aVftftftgtaaa t*t*rttj.
and < au do he |>!eu-?>
Ki-('i)iin'Ms,.in:iii Tliouias ('. I'lutt ia 0BJ
?Lull man id tJit lii.Jiubili.alj tltiii?Ve Co8ft<
mil tee, and has lii< h.:ml fit inly on the polfC
of |1m ggagnglga*, What he savs lltMJWfclW of
the faasalg iln?>n;rli??nt the Slate i? baeed
ihcrctoip ujhki tat lu st of kuowl?-?!-:?'. It re?
flects the BtraBg coiiti.leiic,4 that all KepiiMi
. hmc. bail :t tagweacatB also ?e*wwd
I determination which all Rerjabile?JU on fbl to
luve, ?In? the whmwj shall eome by hard
j work, and not by tnistinir in Democratic dta
Mr. Cytegj PieM gtveg the public roare
farther H'Bbbiii on the 'behavior of Mr
TIMea, la i letter winch wfll bo found
in our i o'liinii"* tl ii* mot-dag. Mr.
Field i.o iioiilu dota waO la spread Ida
complains liefere tin- weak? QoTi raor Tilden
la i i'tiiiiir rimiartiir As the claimant of the
Ohlei Vapi-? " v of the Halted Btatee, ?ml
perpetaal candidate of Ike Democratic party
even Ins foitdea an <?f geaera] eoncern, and
eye? In? business qaarrrla bmj be properly
rxpoM-d t<> the keen, Iwighl sanHgbl of pub?
licity. Reside*, it is always interesting to
know jo*! what be think* of CoioaeJ IYlton.
Th" Mil.>ofa De-soerata. ?fter a atrnctdfl
of two tlnya, have tinally eV terminid. by ?
innjorily rote, thai lAVey an in favor of
the views bald by the hard-moaey wing.
Hut the reoolattoa, as finally adopted, in
plainly on attempt to romdilate the .-ofr
money element with double-faced phrases.
It holds thai gold ami silver onfa is the
money ol the ('oi.stilutioti, and thnt all |>0|H?r
currency should be convertible lata cum. bal
mills the roniiliaf matto of the inflationists?
that "it? volaine ghoald be resrnlated by the
'-Tutsi ness of Iba country." It deBasnds alao
the ** aoliaiHed eoiiMge of gold and rilver.
There is a freree clank tot Free Trade. I
Owing to the Iget that the Daaaocratii party
of Minnesotg inffBTfl from a sad insufficiency
of votes the plattorn is only <>f importance
as showing what Democratic tentinicnt is in
the Northwei i.
Odo ?>r those deslnitHTC eonllafanitioBg to
winch the inr.-i.ro.mi cities of the Far West
are especially liable, has awepl the business
I portion of Doadwood ool of exintonoo. Tho
first < stiu,nt< of the total loOB, which phn es
it a'? i>\v $1,500,000, todoabtlesa cxaKKi-rat??!,
lull tli<- ilr tra< toOO of property is um-ilcstioii
oMy ?tut. Neaiiy two hand red huildins-a
ami dw(llin?>hooaes wen- destroyed, anil
al?oui 2.000 peraoae, ii is Bald, wi re rendered
I homeless, bul happily ao Uvea are known to
have 1'. i n lost. Tba egJatuity is the
more t > lie regri tied because the city
liat! aliaiucd an excepfJooal degree of civilizi
tioii i?ii a luiniag towa, Tbibuxk tcaderd
will rciiitMiiliof Uta i< eal gacoaul uivcu bv a
hi.irt" corrcsiioadeai o! the rainorkalde pm
j pt< ss madf ia the Mack HlHg, aad especially
tin Di-ailwotul, in the artfl ol life, in cditca
j li.uiul rat'?itlea, ?:'?? It was Ids jniljniiont
I Hull ?!. B ?? ? ? - ii il ed .is If It had i.n
k< uK-d ii ii \ ara i,:. !< .nl of three. It is t,? in- .
hnpitl that thai blow, beery aa it is will
nut mi.rlt retard tba growth ami ;<r< ?perity of
Ho i i who kga read ihe al ry of Ifrs,
( In sol in*s wiongB, BS slu- lias told it, will fail
to i, sju'i'l the detaralnai oa which o w ol her
Itiiii - iinoiine - elsewhere? that in npite of j
i :? liduumuM aeqtuttal ol (J<i!ly, slu-will onrt'i
ilie* piiisci'ittioo oi every man ander indict?
ment until the end of the roll <d butcher* is
Tea in d. Sin' fuls thai lids b her d ry to
Ii. i iiiiiideied hasbaad ami children, and in
the !?!? seiiee uf grial like (his, no one lias the
j litfhi to ijii utioa the uisdoni <>r hei purjiosr.
Mom-y isnci led,howover,topay llii expeustaof
i coitn.si'1, etc. strs. ChiaolflB pOBitively refuses
j to make BIij ap-pial to the pablio for aid. lull
I her hu mis have taken the mailer out of her
j liaiuln. Ai a letter printed elsewhere rIiowh,
they ;i h the people of the North, who believe
inurd' r to lea a etime, to Blbserihe money
that an attempt* al lc.isi, may In i.mdu to
i l rin j the as ;issii,s of Jadge Chi so! in ami his
I frieudt to j dice. Wi -hall expect ti> u e a
????m-t'otii response t<? tliis coll, and we should
I not 1, surprised if the very Inmates of .Mut
diieis' Row in the Tofslbl Bhoold take part in
it. rhu Cbisolai massaftn was one of tin
mi am .-i rriinefl in the history of the littinnti
luce, and there are few malefactors in our
piUons v. ithoiit the light to desiiise Ihosp
Mi?-i--iij.i gentlemen who boasted thai they
had put "one load of lead iiit i that tt|rl?''
uieauiii'." a girl whose only crime was an al
tcmpl to shii Id with her own body a dying
father. _______________
The poatdbility thai the roteia ol this eliy
l may have 00 voice in the m \t State elec?
tion moves our cu-ighaot The flcrahl to
sharp comment. The Md_sfrabehiBcuu'iit
"of Xew-Yorki" thai JoOI-ial thinks, would
lie a irreal witasg, fot whioh the responsibilit)
would rest, in its opinion, upon the Republican
timbers of the PoHee Elosvrd. But in the en?
deavor to sustain (his ulle.ation, the tact is
entirely Ignored thai the Mayer and the Gov?
ernor, with flagtaal prostitution of power
to the ends of a political faction, have un?
justly if not illegally put out of the Hoard per
sons who arc entitled to Beats ami votes
! therein, and attempted to pack the Board
with dependents and tools, for purposes which
ran only be hostile to the ritihts of hoiic.-t
voters and to the will of the people of the
i No man of either party, who has watched
I the acts of the .Mayor ami Governor, can !??
igaoraul of the gieai fact here stated. It is
well known to aveijbody thai the attempt to
tret control ol the Police Hoard was not ou
uecounl of my aegjeel of duty on the part
of thai body, for the very gecusationB which
wire filially us<d us pgatextg had been
made long I < fore, sad had passed aaooHced so
long as ii was supposed by Mr. Tilden and
his Ring thai they would h ive g aisjority in
the Bosurd by the aid of General Kniitb. It
was only when that ofiicial showed his |iUr
ixihi In vote a/ last the Tilden I.in_, in re
.?it to the choice of I aspect oil of Election,
that cbargefl which had been ignored were
dragged from o'ilivion, ami made to do duly
as pretext! for nalawfal reasoralg and shame
le-s appointiiien(.s of ju isoiis kimwn only as
I .ols of the BiBg<
Thifl r-osMfdraey BgaJasI honegl glactlaaa m
Ihim city was the Work of mi n who have te
peatedly and pnbUely insisted that there was
no ?xciise for a 1 ideral law to ptoied the
pinny of Hie baltOC-boX. For, they Bald, :.h
Bolatety honest etectkau had beea Beeared in
this city lor yeai> l>y [agpsygtotg seit eted by the
BepubfieOJM gad hj 'fainniaiiy Hall. This ngfl
In i ii the luinleii of the 1 leinocrutii: outcry
?gakasl the rVderal Eketloa law. Bvggy Dagg*
, aeratk Jagataal or leader has joined m it.
En rj one i,.is barfatad that Mr. Kelly hud
glvea iieitectly pure eleclious to the
people of this cii\, und that the ined
dliliK of I niled Slate* olliciaU was llu n
loio Without excuae. That then, has la-en
purity of elections in pait lucaiiat of the care
und restraining influence und known power of
the. >upervi?or, khegg DameCdatl have unitedly
mill ladigaaatly denid. V. iv well j IH Ihem
stand upon the record the? here mad.. II
ihr DeBBocratic !.;uty, wider control ef Mr.
Kelly ami Tammany, has given fait election*.
(?? tbif . it\, wi.ai il<? these conspirator* WBUl .'
Wiiy arc they bo Iraaffry la gel the eoatrd
eerf <-l the hands .-I Mr. Kelly ami Tammany
Ballf Why are they br a!;;tig law, defying j
public npiniffta. ami dlapjiaclag theme tree
the eye* ol fair-minded im-n. bl oHei to
see a re Inspectors of tbeirown ehoici :
No rational mind can reraal tin- obvious eon
clo i?>n. 'Iii.- rotsspiratore meaa to rob tue
City of New-York of its power to volt- for Um
ticket of its choice. They meaa to dofoai, >t
they ran by any trick of tin- law oxen] abttee
of Executive power, tin- overwhelming mojor
kty of tlo people of Aiadly who da aot want
Lucias ltobtnooa reelected. Ilm; the)
to do this by fraudateal meaae might be
presumed from tin- aartieh>otion of Mr.
Tilden in tin- lafamomi freoda of 1868.
Bat it must perfovca be pte?unied tnn
his unscrupulous eagernesa to gel loopec- |
tors other than ihote selected by Tam?
many, who, he has continually BaeaHari, have
been perfectly fair ami hone?:.
'I n.' Republican membaiaol the Police Board
have named, a-* tin y an' eatltk d to do by law,
th.: Inspector, for thai party. They teate! that
tin- appointment of these Inspectors is valid,
ami must lu- recognised. Thej refuse, as mem
hera of the Hoard of anqaaettoned right, to
von- for the Inapecton relected by tin- two
queslioi ablj appoiott dtoolool Ifr.Tildeo. Tiny
I do so believing thai peiaoni <> selected are
I chosen with lateal to defeat an hoaesl elec?
tion in this city ? that it was, in
fait, (he sole object of fin- unlawful and
I shameless eh torn a in the Board to foisl upon
the people Inn- [agpccton who do not
t represent cither ol the two parties in New
York, but a faction w hich is oi v a minority
of lac 1?: ntocrata here, as many elections have
provid. The object of thai ainlstei selection,
i in disregard of the will <>:' Democrats in this
city, they believe to be I Iraadalenl an i dis?
honest om . and they are perfectly Justified in
the demand thai there shall be al least one
of the four Inspector* to repreoenl the Demo?
cratic majority la New-York. Ii Mr. Til
den's friends want BO honest election,
they will couaenl to the choice of Inspectors
who fairly repreaeai the two parties in this J
? iiy, with a miaority representation, if it is
de>ired, for the minority faction thai does his
bidding. 11 thej do not consent to this the
I inference thai they do not want an honest
i chction i- irresistible.
The campaign In Maono rhnsrittn. glthongh I
opening und er mach the same conditions as
that <?. lasl year, does not promise to be as i
I entertaining a spectacle to the coon try al
I larjre. the one hand, the respectable peo?
ple of the Ray State have grown iioctisiiniied
to the annual raids of General I'.utler upon
. the S it- llouie, god are not ;is badly
i.:'t md a> they u ? d to he- and
on Iho other, Butler trim self is roai.ugj
' veiy gently, and has abandoned the
I'.mayl rook Fair tactics oi 1 I:lt:g a head ?
wherever he soea It, He wants to be looked
11,1011 as the conservative reformer of a lew
errors und ubuaea In the Btate Government?
n man who talks wisely about commissions
charitable institutions, c irpotatN us moi tirades,
taxation and the like, Wants to save a few
dollars here and a few there, Olid seeks to
>.i\e ilie people a chance to TOte for certain
officials who are now ehoaen by Hie la isla
(ure. He 1? DO loogei B dangerous mittel,
with designs oa the eurrenoy and coinmuuisiic
views io regard to other people's prop
I erty. in fact ke has andergonu auch a
change of bearl thai tl is doubtful
win iher he recoBecta that be i; the same
person who Invited one 1? Bin Kearney, of
San Francisco, to take the Stump lor 1dm a
year ago. lb* has an eye sin lc t-> il; ? inn-r?
ests of the Coromoowealtb now, and eaies
nothing for questions that cannol be s. tiled
under the golden dome that looks down on
Boston Common, and those questions be only
projmsi ri to present to the people in a few diu?
peaalonate si at dies.
While General Mutier La thus endaavi ring
to play with dignity the row ol a
party leader, the Republican press shows
a disposition to refrain from repeat?
ing !h< hard things and the funny things it
waa io rood ol saying ill bif expense lusi year.
In this it la wise. A m in oi Bailer's stamp
thrives upon abase and ridicule. All the per?
sonal assaults upon him in the newspapers
have not hurt his feelings a particle nor coat
him a single vote. The argument ugafhst
Bntler'fl eleetiofl la a from get now than it was
in 1S7S, but ii will noi be strengthened by
allnsiona to his aqniol eye or bald bond. Nor
is it necessary thai people ihould belli ve, in
eider to see tin ir duty t?? vote against him,
that he would overturn society if dieted
Governor. Two considerations ought to
Is- sufficient to determine every Re?
publican in Massachusetts to Oppose him.
In the first place it would be impossible
for him to make a good Chief klagisirate for
the Commonwealth, even though he had the
best intentions in that regard, with the party
he has at Ins back b party made up of the
worst element- oi the old Democratic parly
joined to the adventurers ami eamp-followers
who left the Republican organisation when it
censed to afford them opportunities to secure
place and profit. These men will have to be
taken care of. They will be act ded another year;
ami whatever mav be General Batter's private
opinion of their character, be will be bound to
give them positions and shut his eye- to tluir
|k-i foi mances wben important public Interereots
are confided to tbeir management. It is folly
to expect reform In Btate affairs from* an
a'nii n..'ii mule up .1? his would neces?
sarily be. Tae inoongruouj elemeots welded
togetbor by Butler's great pacaonal influence,
representing as tin y do all the ignorance, dis?
content, fanaticism, communion, greed for
offlci ami disappointed amMtioa in the Com?
monwealth, do not furnish the sort ol founda?
tion upon which good government ? an repoai.
The other consideration which ihoald be
fatal to Butler's bopei lor enticing Repnbli
gang from their allegiance is the fact that the
mischief of a victory won by him would not
slop tins year, bob be Basiled by the Btate
lines. If snooegaful litis year the ITatkir co?
alition will Is- held together and need to carry
HBBmrhnaettB la 1880 against theRepnbUcan
eaodidala fot Pwaadout. With nil its profee
stoaa of conforming itself to Btata IgBaea?
laSBOB which it has manufactured to humbug
the peoph?Butieriam is Aiiti-RepablioaB in
everything, and its victory would be hinhd
with just as much delight by tho political
ggggggfcM in the South uml the enemies g|
nonfat money in the North as though it
bore on its variegated banner no othnr
deviee than Democracy. The intelligent Be
publicans of Massachusetts know very well
that their State cannot be detached from the
light being made throughout the North in
defence ot the n--nIts of the war. They un?
derstand clearly that i!.c COOP -t in which they
nie ??. ?-';!_'?? I ia aol om ??> (i? -1' ra?M how many
rootmiftaJonera their Qereraor ahull appoint,
bnt thai i'm- rightaof Am<>tit-.m ettiaeaaro rot?
aa they ehooM hi m-.iil.v one "hall ol Um tcr>
ritorj <>l Ihr Cn&em are al atakc, aad they will
in? ii ? ii. , . iv.-.l 'iv tli-ir .;i!v?-r- riiButtel ?'
in MnaMCDBeUri, T^deotaro in Now-York, ? ?
pudiattou in the Weal and the ahotjrua policy
in ii. ? BoHd Booth, ..i- all In eloM partn r>
ihip. A banai ?( om la I blow nt Umoi nlL
.1 8TBIMISG ( <> \ |S 1?T.
Bix yeorn ago i!.?- week rinding September
SO Bltneaard the fiiflorc of Jay Cooke fc <'<>..
r: :. ^ Batch, Um LTnioa Trttal (' mpany,and
nanj ?ii.ii Bnaa \ luaaa were Made al l*%pet
rent per day ; Um fccbanga aad Iba I tearing
Honne were oornpelh 'I to eloae their doora : aad
iti< baaka reported reeervea $3,211,075below
i'i- local reqairemr*iit, with i rapid depletion
i.i proajseaa, only 83d*307,900 in bsgal-tcndera
oa band, und Um rpeeie reeerve abaidal Ij
uaeraae. That waa the beginning ol ii?? long
period of proatraUoa and diaaater which has
now beea brought tola aad by Um reran -
ttoti ol tpeeir payments. Tba areeh eadiug
Bepteaaber 80, 1879, aaw a ahatp reeoy?
hi ul 83,548,300 in the toead-tenrder re
-iivi-, which un- now (42,029,400; :i
f-tii.-Iit inrreaee In the epecie reaerye "r
819,943,000, which is wholly and in?
stantly available in eaet ol Deed j an m u a!
nt over $5.000,000 in apeeie fron abroad,
making about 124*000,000 thm raeetved
within five areeha] an eaej money market,
witb Inane in* low ai at* per cenl ye rlj ; o
plotting buaineaa in nil bianchce, and aol a
Ringle failure, Vit the New-York money
market nml the banka of Ihia ritj have been ,
subjected thta year to a main much inure
acvere, 1?* * t f ? in reapeel to tin drain upon
tin ir remiurrea and in reapeel to the volume !
i.i legitimate and aprcnlative husim - to lie
sustained, than that ander which they j
broki down In 1^7:>. The aggregate of
cu-linngcs ror aeven weeka prior t<i the
p. nie ol l>7.i was only $3,317,054,8-1 1,
while tho aggregate foi Ute correspond?
ing weck? in lv7'.? haa beea $3,57."?. 171,5*1,
showing nn exceed of f258,400,O(?0 in
payments made. The legnl-icndcr* in the I
banks were rednced during Ihe samel
period in 1873 only $13.321,300, while |
the Inas of loawl-temdora by the hunk* mi* j
year w as 18,174,000 during the correspond?
ing werk?, notwithatanding the fact that
the Treasury had in taa! time paid out'
$11,02-1,015 more entrency thau it i d.
In slioit, the ability <?f ti." banking system [
anil the mom r marki i to reaial an enormous '
h!r i:i, without any panic or atringeiicy, i- ili- !
rri't v attributable to the reeuinptinii el ?; < ? i
payment*, by which the Barkel not only mil- i
i/cs the ?:< !<i n--i-iy ni hmnl. hut i- in. ' i. !
to rail upon nil ihe markets ol tho woild lor ?
spe ir ui any moment of need.
The Aaaay Office paid onl in banka hud
I week, for apeej pn\ ionVy ?I , <? >!.
$7.hS3,0O0, an 1 tht etUiency bain ice in tfie \
'l'lriimiiy rednaed ben Um 15th (?> 'lie
? er ti $9,7:M,933. '!'!i?- ontflow <'l euiTenry to
the interior moal Uierafore bare been very,
large, a* the hank"* gained only f/2,5-18,300 hi
li-ifiil-icnderis and the aakall paymi'iiiH to ihe
Tii- mry mi loan :><? sounl w< re made only as
fast ?x the money waa rerfuired fnr iinmeilintc I
ili>lii;: i-ment In Um redemption of honili.
An ofilcial ,.;v.ioi;;:ri-Tm ut by Secretary J
Sin n.ia n conflrnia Um itetenient made |
la.it week by TlDl TniBCXE, t!ial the
bond tranwctioni are virtanlly Bottled
so far na ili<v e in affect thia market. On
Saturday Insi onl] 83,150,731 remained to iw
paid in (bis country, ? ;fb'-i in raited boiida
or cadi, and only 86,950,850 :it latest dali-a
iob> paid in London, ol which pari has been
paid in called boo da end coupon*. Tue
?i nml of ?albil bonda ontatanding i-? still I
!*.:??> mu?,450, so thatj after reeeivii ft, nil iny- J
its i ?? aecoual of t'u' loan, here :ui<1 in Lou- j
in, t ;.' Treaaury will be obliged lo pay out
?,70-1,809 in caah rrom ita rciicrvr, for
the n ib-iiiption of the remaining b.mils.
I he payuienta !<? the Treaauiy Wi l be eloseil j
tlii-i week, probably altogether in ciilh-d Ixmde |
and coupons, !nit certainly withoui ilrawintr
Tr uo the market i: -iu^le dollar in money tli.it \
is nut iuetantly returned In pnvmeni for)
bi)ti(lR. After Unttj Um only btfli ence of ibe
Treasury ujion t!.t- aiarket wUl be one of'in
fiation, by the releaae, i?i redempti m of bom!*,
j of $20,000,000now locked In Ita vault-;.
S' i'. ur. Sherman has adopted a ingg
tion made by Tna TBXBUVI some time .mo.
I und, instead ol forraal redemption of leg.il
tondera ut oUmi citiea than New-York, will]
accomplish tho name roeull by free nee ol bin
t,-olii leani re la payaaonta. bTothinir eW that
be ran poaaibly do will hava as much power
in anal tin and fortify reanmption. i>i coor r.
if he pays out 810.000,000 in gold in a
month, and ihe people aaa tit to pay in legal
bendera for tazca, it will come fco paaa
that Um Tiatuatry will pt and keep in
810,000,000 in hval-t. adara, which it would
otberwiae bare paid out, ami the people will
rirtaally baaa redeomed that amounl of legal'
tendera in order to hob! $10,000,000 in cold.
Hut the result will soon be that thr gold and
not tho leejal-teBdera will flow into iiu>
Troaanry in payment of uuna, and that point
will aaaaa wbenerer the aaiouol of aotea out
atandlni i-* leaa than lha conn try can advau
tajoonalj nat In place of coin. It ia ojdoetion
able whether thai point baa aol bean ranched
already. Tin amount of gold paid Into the
Bnb-Treaaury here in exchange for legal-ten
drr nntee in August was $1.017,170, ami
exceeded the amount of legal-tondera pre
aented for ledemptioa in that bjobUi,
wi.nh was ^:isii.'_'l H. Mat during nine?
teen daya of September the exeeaa waa
Large; $2,937,410 ia gold arna depoaited in I
exchanae for notes, and only $433,890 In I
uotra pteaealed for redanptJon in gold, It
11.is fact eonectly Indicated tba rauUoa
betwaaa demand and aupply af cut fancy,
all Uta gold that Iba Treaauiy aan now pay
mit will be apaedlly returned in payment
of t.ixrs, for tho leeeipta of Um Government
exceed ita pay mints. During tin- cm real
month only $62,000 has bean paid in coin
Eat dttUaa bean, nf which $15,000 was in
Klamlaid dollars; but $l,7i?o.ooo has hern
panl bi aUter eartifkataa, wbich Bdksata that
b-gal-timdera are decidedly preferred to theae,
ami telegrama atata that at aoata placeetheae
cettillc itcs air at a discount. It is probable
that if pre Bead into cm illation they would
soon be refueed, bau Um Treaeury aaa payout
any ijnantity of ?.ohi eein without danger to
the Market or risk of diaCnrbiajg the public
There Is much danger that tho adaauee in
pi icre of bieadafenflh, iron, and BOOM Otbei ur
ticb s, has been so rapid and lurge a? to cause
a diaaatinna reunion. BpaieadaUoa haariajhtly
anUcipated that a great Qaxurtfty of wheat
will bo dewandad Iraaaj this country by
l.uiopi , but um price hue been so rapidly ad
taneed that Unottl have been checked, ami
it ia certain that nothing but a continued uml
free oatflow of grain fraai tiiii eoontry ariU
prevent u lall id piici-b to very low Ilgiiira
mm i alaUon may anaily kill tho hen thut
! ft (Ii ? <r ii egg, if it ItoWs pTM I
! so high ?- to i dm i k meti rielli consumption ol
H HMf in Ivnop . BBdfbkl nay tin* nion ? n-ilv
'? : ??<>?? 'i I i-.abc ill 11 ? *.r- COUbtHCB the V* ople
bebt -nUy iiH? subetttates for wheel loa large
rxl a*baa Iti price Is high, Ae yof, how?
- ? r, (min erattattaa to cm.- forward from
tba Weal in greet qaantity, and tra b- i*
in all branches thriving renfanrltably,
Tba exchangee al Wew-York baa) week arete
a boat do pel oeuf target than thoat
of die eorreaponding week !a<t year,
but nearly ball of Ibis iacreeofl was
dae to the aetlTity of speculation. En
the Iron bnafneaa, the aaanber <l furnaces
ing into blast i- already ao grant that ea
excess.ol production over dentaad is feared,
. in! in the cotton amaafacture the adTanee
in prices baa been sufhcienl to anoonraga
somi importaat strikte, Theoe evils wiB aoon
correct themselves, with a sound currency,
! nt it vrould be better if the ev?s and the
loaaea watch bring tin* coriecrtoa could l?*
BToided by greater saoderatton i'i the ipecu
stire adyauee oi price-.
The pri M11 tor a New-Yoi k World's Pali lii l MS
seems to be anguishing. Of SWS ol the tsro eom
mitteea lorna ?> la I Bpriag l a pal lbs ? otorprtos on
its ???.?!, we hear nothing, rho other has givi n us
a convention, with plenty of organiSStiOfl and in- ?
terestmg talk, bat oothiogdegaito bss come Irani |
ii. 8mce these two eoloBteei asaociatiooi were
formerl a new la ?? has BOSS pat Bpos tin" aislterby j
i lie decision of t !,??': ru tit Goretamonf to hold an i
Exhibition in Iii rlla la 1985? ??? d< i Ision which wi'l j
illigiieellonshly l>c i a: rt< il int:> I'lh'i't uiib-s a war
luvolvuig some of tbs Oiest Pewere should lireuk
The patdio-i drited gentlemen ?Im bare later
ostod themselves in Iba New-York project slum Id i
non uoti.ddpr carofally IBS question whether, with
nnothcr Kxhibiti ib ib Barops loeioi al liaml, it is
advisable to go head, or whether il wo'ild be l?-t
lot to wait until Ueraaanj hashed ber turn. It the
latter rourse In di*en>-d ? h<- i:.?ii?? p mlcnl. milling
tun tu r 11?-.-<l he done at pre* nr. Tho dato
i'?r mir Fair would i" ?. la Ihnl eise,
bi- earlier than 1>^mi ih?- probability is that |
Ims'.i would Isa ehoasB as tin- eeatenant! atmivcr
sary of Ilm r tahlisbmoul ol oar present form of i
Government underth federal Constitution, it it .
should tie del r ined, bowcTer, to anticipate g-r- |
i i v "i I adhere !?> t.i" gate origuiully ooiitcm- j
plated, there Is no time tots '"st. A |iri'liii:iniiry j
i.liran / ti n aboald be completed this Fait Dial i
ii' '- lion o'llsin d from Congress b fore the bob
da; recess. Even then the time for inle;t iting
foreign nations and out owo people in i!.r
priaBi and lor soeariog groaods aoderectl tbs
??iinriiioiiM hnililiags reqaured, woabl be scarcely suf
Qcient, Fraaoa, ii is true, took ao longer tuns to
cieate lu-r lust p.xbibitli ii: bat tbsl was what mii -> ,
'.\ill not be, a pan Ij got ram otal iff u. back 'i by
the Nations! authority aod resources, and organ
iied )>W ;i peri mm at Govi atent B res . * il Ii
raaksa aa Exhibition with aa roaefa eaai tad pre
dlrloioBa ot eoktiera.
Apart boot the question of our ability to otg i
a grnat show la three rears tlssre ia u eooeid rar
tum of lateroatloaal eoan -y involved, While
. u. own er-.n-i I is luunaluro, and its nil ... ripen
toga flaattarol BaeertatBty, <n numiy announees H
s dcgoiti data tor a World's t/air b. Jur Capital. 1;
would bs sagraetoaj acre ws to bold oar i itor
taiamonl in Bdranoo of hers sad in Tita bet ex- i
paetod goosta, kaowing that they woald bsve stnad
relish fot two exhibitions so near together, Tho I
resatl arouM pr. tably bo tbsl neither would l>e n \
eianpleis sm-'.'-s in its la tern atiooa] feature, :
i mil l ih? nirrnmitanooa lbs bast ciurs,- woald .
?seat to bo for as to endeaTor to nuaka si Berlin la
l->s~i by fat t1.ehest displsy erst n idola Boropo
ofAaBBfieaa prodaota, ami then bivite .ny
aadtben ted the world loooom andvisd a la
Tie n b lotion ? f Me g rmanfJ ? rnm ? i to h ,v?
an EtXblbltton Is not, by the way, i add) aly ar>
riredat, Eversfoxestbs ParlsExhl dtlonof l*-d7,
Qertaauy has desired to sse wool could I?' doao m
the samo lias al Berrbjt, rho loog delay h:u boon
i .ui-. il h,' a bsailafioB t.i ;'. ad the BHaaoy n quired,
ami by a Isar that Oi uin Btaaafacturea would op
i'. ir to dtsadrsniBMB hnsulii tboos of Fraaee, Eag
landaad tastrta, 1. a I! bs roan bei u thai the i
IJoiuaa display at our Centennis waa bo poor thai ,
I be Speeial Commissioner sent over by Bis ires, t.i
pat it m shape wiol ? s st-riei of oal biag art i les tor
a Berlia iMper opoo its defocts, PerhafM Bhaaatok
hopes that by 1885 his new I rid will have bad tbs
effect oi improviog I ss character of German fsb i s
?a that they eaa better stand the tist t,t eoaiaett?
'1 'i"ie b dl doabtk m in lams revival of the Bogte
ex.is this Fall alter the cotton crop i, picked,
bat another biuvbbibbI on a large seals is batdlf
io bo ex].ted befors aext Bptiag, InrfmnsB the
blacka wim ImveaiadeBp tbeir mtods to emigrate
will dread to meal the rigors of b Nortbern Winter
while aeekiagfat new BOBMB, All the iafotBiation
tbal eomea Crom the aouth loads to the belief thai
til,, a. xi ? odgrafaofl movamaal will he roues Btote i
ox tonal ve Iba a tbal wbioh ex ispi rated the plaoti: i
mi i,ie Lowoi kTlaalaarppI sad aryci iii tae whni?
eooatry Issl Bprlug, sod thai it aril] in- an aflhb of
aber tbretbought ami oarafaJ prep ural on, aod aot
i.i aadaea lanaaaBB, The feeenl departareoi a largo
party <>f colored people boat Baak rills i ,
illasttatloB of tiie kind ot ea?gratioa ahiehwiil
no mil fro rn all parts ot the Booth, A. colony fros
the asigbbi ilimsi ot Bfasbvilla had pcavtoBslj irim.
to fXansaffi Bad iBaoxaaipIs of Its bboobbb si lug stod
B like enter,,riSB BBBOBg the friemls ami relatives m
the party. The aMtabers ef the saw eoloay knew
just wbera tbey were gal eg when they atartad.
irate wed orgaaised, bad a httls uoosy to begia
their BOO lit." with, ami were provided with
tluroagh tJekofa parohased nt a tadaesd rata,
aaeh oodgfaBfa as these will thrive In aaj BToa en
State when lami bi cheap ami fatavbsbot seaiae,
T.iiimiaas't> OpOUiog gBB mad I the barrel fpUUPB
Thelatsst hullstin en tba private political opin?
ions of Mr. TOden is a gnat deal mota plstuibla
thaa its pre leeesaoea, Ha is irspraaaated now as
thmUng that party soceeas iu Ohio ia aol vrtal Io
ti e Helli'er ?l-lies year ; that tOS f ictional dilli
DUlt SB ui New-York will tint aOHIBIll to BBBOh, und
that the oothmk foe Deetoeratia Bueeese m-vt year
on thebasiaof the uaver-coodooa-it fraud lasueis
excelk*nt. That aoauds as if it might be ao exael
reflex of the Claimant's mind. Ids faith In Mi,<
power "i fraud is eo-exteai Iva with Ins faith in the
power ot tho barrel, Betharo,uhm opiaioo, irre*
slstlhle. _
The Tildae oiaaas are biuttuo al i pesslhle eota*
nroinise. Are they gomir f ? Ya 'on llobiuaon f
If the average 1 aimuaiiy | atriol dot' oft know
what iiu- Demoeratis kleaal Ires el,, tioai is, n,,.
body does. There has In i ti iiior.' hiL'h toned talk
gbsal the halba hai as a balwath of fraadam in
TsBuaao] llall thaa anywhere ehss, lave iu the
i looted erste esaeoa at Washia rtoo, < lonaequeatl r,
when Dorsheimeraskad pa luamdayalgkl what
Tilden'a otoeetwaa la trying to iri-t eontrol of the
baJlot-boxea ia this eity,toe aaawet cum, quick
ami hol: "*To atug 'asT Tbs aian who aui ??
that truthful reply knew what he was talk ma
about. Be bod proaablj holpad tiio Maid aum"
" set Viu up " iu days gona by,
I ha Pemoctata ato earryiag Ohio by wind every
day now llie BepabltCBBI WtB cany it once by
Voles. _
I hey have B Btotf in WsakiagSBB thai QeBetgl
Qnuri askad oaly oaa favor of tag gdmlalatrnttoa
which Sllrceedoil Ills, und 11,ui Was ill it uu position
ahSMBld kg givaa to Mr. If. II. Brielow, Ii ia gooes*]
as Baffe m ui groot ihai Prtsddeat Hum s is a triead
ot tba Geaaral tkat t-bai rsqasal ha? been oomplied
Beetatarj Bbsrataa remarks that tba DaasBoratis
i-halve thill Iber? are ex-tNilifi-ili-rates o:iipliiyi>,| in
the Treasury I >? partim nt is entirely false, ami
makes llie appropriate observation that if tin- UsflB*
nerats ure auximis to ttnd oinployes of that i-hsiao
tee they would go well n> uivasstgals the fhrnata
aniK ot Hie Capitol. Tb?- DemoeiatBi giaaad
sti lus to ho thai uu BBttg BBOBpt IbSSCa BOB pleln
C'?"f.'l, . f? J' ,?,., ^.,|,ti .,? V j-l?,|,f |r,vjtjn ??
'? Iheywll Und oak preeeotty thmt ttMrM
uMiaM leea no exi epitoa.
Therela adtetfact prejodtt ? mtaring in Mm N.,rI|,
I agata* emigrating !?? Um Booth ha baJM Bp He
a un> pfaci -with ti ?? nfgraat'a aarne* aad ear* ?,.
.nf lu *,:| withbla Mood.
.?' i<- plan "f 'nrr i-uf Obia by
"elabning trerytaing ? ia fall aaaratl -n. Rragy
f leader in the party i? lalkiaa in ta.- lane* a auuiaai
." nu i'"''' I ??? ifldeoee in n?- ?,(,.,? ?(
Swing. Evaa ntoraBMMaaafldaat,aad la able to
aay tbal the patty araa Bererlaa BrafaealeedhleegB
dition. Km aud Kwian are eaid to ba ia perfect b>
? nrd. nn-l all n-|?..iis ot i. al..:i <v an?! nnil.nl
?: ? ? Itlun irn.l.i, .. !.,...|..."i;,.,,,,.,!,,.,,, j;,.... (|^
?ort of campaivninatatoo Btapid t<? Im ?atertaia?
lag, end toe tool dial i?> bare aay lodaoaoe.
What l-i tin- use of Mm Baud I art! an I its a/ajaa*
tbtaera lajriaii tbal tin- Dhron aad Chiaoln Mardera.
and tbaehroaieaheetiag <?f negmaa. aie Balj _ i!
bre ika of lae unruly eleaaaa, aad as eg . Tuim.ai M
mililar oat beea ka m Mag North f Oraatiaa that
? Invar.-?wbieh they are nor? rjooa Iba vtml.rity
extend lo ilu- nietboda ?>t doaiiaa w.m. i,, ;IM s#
' uo a mui.l.-r. r la tae Nonb bo free U-caiiao pub.
lieMiitimrntauatainabbaia bM rrimel lloeetbe
nan who 100011 a 1 learo in tin- N rtfa . .. tut)not
only trial l?ut also air. -1.
It hi reniarhad by a da rated Ittdaa aiaeipM thai
tin a- .-up: s-m 1 , ll.ii,,,m !> |.n, 1,,
?iure ir aaa aaroanrl tn aathlag aad May apaeata
"loeapthotapraleof tbep rty." Il woakl hnlhai
uioao Idinaell in inrool aatota approprlala boom
1..1 Un- barn . th .1? that.
Tkt Ctmtori (N. H.) Pieafter girai largg credit tmg
thalati Bapablioaa victorj ia Maine to th* eaTerta
of ( . a. Boaioli*, Bditorat Hi /;?/,',<.< hi,.,. Mr.
Beatolla haa, la additiaai ta bm adUerdd laben.
??.-.-ii 11 noaeber ef tin- Rapeblleaa Biota Comi ittee,
and to hia aawaarytaB eaTerta 1- laraeh doe the
' ; ? kahl? i. - dt in Penoharol Coaal *. I'i. r. .ttn
Many indioatione that Mr. BouleUe uaj 1? called
into Cootfreaaioual aervice fiom the diatrul iu
widen hia paper ia eo Influential an expoueol of
I.i pubhean pi inctrdee.
TIM si iJVS C \SVA88,
It leoki ? 11 ;i Gon ruor btV>btBaoa bad
ti-: 1.1- iii-t rata
Mr. Kelly haa aanoaaeed thai In- win
?* ain-k,'' ami ee I Bated for BU aal dreajuadtMa
Tin- Bepublicaa caadidate hN the Aaaembly
laTmbjbCoaatya&Q BTawiaad) Iba Paaroeratli t n
ni Ibm in Oreeoe Coaatj 1- ?Betl Parker. InOi "1
Cuuoti IheQreeabarh raiidldal in t'.- i-- Dl?n taa
I v II Hi % i li ; .a ( i.i- II.l IBetri :. .1. - M . . f
tftlti lie.
It haa not ycl beea dlacorured what piiea
Mi. ntdea paal tee Iwtet Mt oheU. laaaraaah a- Mr.
Mile bell Meaeoi ;. i aeo who aaay be elaeeeal
i . if any flVtira It la Uaaeeaibia i > aroMl Um i n r
.. .?.; it :ir. j lidea ~t * aaa. ?aaa ha I toe a ?; >.i a
i a Job i K Dy i lul.rf eoatiaae ta groat in
aai.?>? Peace an aa I I baa Paar M tae Clip mt
k . i ? a, aad it to eipoeioel thai aao artu ba teroMd la
every ward, tn?yraen? ... ab ha* '? ate uedwrta
P e i not
:'.i| . ITOI
biOMflf would be tue Biet to ueaUWa." i tuajr b r
uredieted l?at the baa ". MB " >^..; iai u lutnly
....... .1.
Tne Albttitf Jon ?> "I reproduce a fron iu
la the rury boar ol toe na ma a are t m u^eU, Lu-loa
l. Moaoa aaa < ? ?:. : aitb tba
in tin Ir ia in l-> .a*! >?a |. ? u in ii:>. Xj.
rtiraal an IIa? Iba efcioa . t aar Inrora i :?
ut ibu Mirh >: mm waa baa a i .lit
iu Baaaaaal n* /earn ./ bob j.-t.? : ile ?.-n nitati
raal M tn.- i'i- aril Ibal ?.. :? .i i Lociaa I. aa
wbea he te lor C'oatrotler In i"?">. rue arar Bad
eo<h .1 oa;.- ill ? mioa beime the .. n?a aa>H ..- .<?....??
n.. ..?:?.i. ?f theMtaleeiuphaileal.j repu'liu <i . : ia
wan it. i .i beurei BMat naoilat-al p. il.alib upi i . i
log aa Mportaai ? .at ? ? ?1 ua*i iu .1 roj .
aealta,R ?1 .1.1 an.eifert .?? tae combmb ? ay.
1 .ii 1-1 in- reeoid ?. L? iua KoOiaaun. woe, at ? . . .a
.. heal Blut? Buhu lloarbuu. haa asata pu \< II
before tbi ( Bea-York. al 1 too* ruro tue i -a
/.? terai? 1. ...1., :.1 ...... ... . / 1 iu 1 -.,1,
U? id Ullllir |?llli'U |h>..?1.1U ol i ll?- > t .? .1 > i ?
Tbi Tribuki waa on.. ni tho Ural krurn u
lu Iba t4 ite,.(1. >i 1I1?' rery trat, f.. ibna ill? in.-1\ . r
boM avoid reeeire the eoBperattea ..! Antl-TUdeo ? aa>
aerate all tatoaujh tba aaaaa. Bnttaecxtanlol iL tea.
operattoo. aad taa b?iHaeae at II, taraaaa an pi 1 .*
ezpeetatloB. The I arMMbooM -i k Uy'a eeara tmmf
:.- Inf.ni .I limn lb,- r.n i ilu; n. r.,n in
t in totorMf waa hataad M tappeei Maa are
aabaal !?? data ibaar Ban ?> in a . .
ihr Vtun iier ii i iapa bun hi ibe oaa lewa mt
War Be CBBBiy, aearh lerti i> bm ..: ?. mom ??' Baaa
.11 a of praaaiaeaee, hare atgaad tin* paaar. Bui tt.a
readfa.anb whMb(eaabeaTlhiei Deaweintatbi .. ?
om tin-"s ain Ii iv" Btteweal t . .! aaioee be i..- ? and
t:iiun'in r.m aayCommIii aofPiiteeolapei lha
aaaalaarpaiaaaa hnaaftba run,..r.n. JadpeOaeraeO
Qraeae. erbe boa baaa for yeaea tba keaaua 11 ilia
BlaaarBaeeaaaliea ia Stati CoaraaUe ? 1 ri
bo hi Oeeraa J. alaaee, mt Baboj ter. raporb i 1.nm
ntiiir rlBbeatyeoog bmo la theBialci 1 aad eiiiney aflaai
' nu'iiiD.'m sr?- Alauaeu .->.ra?f.. r.-M.iy.?i,uf OeweiMveS CB?
Ball laaaaaMdoeei fflllhw W. w.iniu.oi orl. aaaj Ball an
lei < . Maak aad Edward J. Neeaae, of Albeayj I ? >
t. Am.a. af Cuawa a aad ElwtaB. Jeaaj ....... I ra.
Drhat Ue Wolf, of (Xiwojce, m idea aai r.n k- \. a. mt
I ibeae bmb bare been knowu fw yaara .1? biti r lad
TIMea in. 11. aad In oae reapeel UWIr oew all 1 Pel aal
i.i'.. Boom of Umm mm uel ?.t tBe ran 1 reen
ebai acter. aad aa they have brea la the ninion >.' rhf
infloeoee la taa part) baa aai aeea greet Bai 1 r
luBueoeeaa boltera uay beared,andd and ? a i".
li aoMetiaMB Ba|i|ieai Ihnuyli .1 >? alway ? ?
who are Bot ef a raal deal o rnmtgmt ta a party 1 ibm im
11 kid ta.- beaai by it. ptrfaa eoi.
Ifr. Gladatone has bjuYaa Iiis wife, hia aaa
bbB BM BaaabbM be Italy nu a < urn aaoa be' 1 led.
The RniaimMial ti-r, Mr;Sbbahkia, i- atay*
UK wnl. at, hMBllj a: IBB 1". NUd Ilm- IBM '
I aaa. yaay havaad haeaaMda tbera twoertbrea i aha?
i Mr. George VTUlbiBi Curtis is in give hi*
aaa?aaa eo M naaaayae'a Banaadar aaal um Piatthief
I Maaaaa " .i aalua ?i. m-xi r.n idej eeaa mtu
IVnataff Logan going down tin Miaeieaippi
aa eeteooBM ibe eiaef eveauaa> etaad ea dMaVefc mmt\
reeitad p.. m i nn Bb bai in." 11 Mra> i. aaa aai
tu.- nt a. i BMoabera ?>f bMesa iraaaa parly,
l'roplo n^k in.-," Kiva Old Sojourner
Tiiitb. "lu.w I i-tun' to Uvf ?<> lone ami k.-ep Ml mui I,
nn-i IbaB ii?. .ii m 'beaaaae i bbaab ?>: Ua peal
UuagBi al Oed, eel Pitaia ibtaaa.' i lea*! frBBM my
inn,.l.i\ in earlag f-r 11 .n
Tba chbaf Bbanerial of Charlotte Broobl ia
aow b'-iiu: earaoUeaed. Aeelaan ate* aa * rvtaa oai
habt la MoaMrtb Chaiai a Mbaaajal ago, aad haaaro
?aabla ?? brood oew acroalan wttl nea opaa Im naa
Th. rtnaaa waa erawaai ami boodti ia ba ? i" ba hwaai
aw..y 'i in tin- ebareb doere.
t'aidinal .Maiinmc. BOW aBTaaty-OBg yBBII
ati, ta a rtgeaaoaaad aeUee aaaa idBbaaaarti Baa ami
gabti baad ami dmo. Hm atraaanb waa abowa byooa
Bbp^iBBperMoeetwowoefea no-. 11. aaal bmm?"
arpoel i ? tae BMaaaag, oeoi i" l.?uiiou ami i-nn?i mil
um UUle Karl ef Aroadel aad Borrey M UM afteraaea,
mui retarued to Liren.leadaddf.i* baraa bmb*
tog i ii i * ? en > ant
Count Au.lrassy is re.oitnl t?. h. taallj
ui Maaatraaarenabiaat-ffr~"*"'"**' > xi.-u.mi
aaaeeeaBaUaVa^bMMMea.aaaeka arrera b BaaanaMai
nf II... Iiiiuh Mlm b ?tla. k.-.l bun in Jim? b.-lpoi I- *p
gaawhan. BteMreoeefadMbayabaM BU Ddaaa. baaf
Karolyi, ??naa umnlb? a..... lual b.-muslivaliy uive w?
BM warn at aaaa aa tba aaaal peaearaaaa ot iu?- baaaai
Itaalj n eeirled mi.
Tim venerable I'opo la not Terv well, H'?
rev-ebt Uralb of bt* Urviber baviu^ Uce^ly aJltnlcU Bia*

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