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TUE FALL OF SLAVERY. RECOLLECTIONS Off AN APOL1TION1ST. BY ULIVKK Julis-? 'S. MM. FOME PERSONAL EZFffJUXNCES. I BTti bjf ro tt""iti? iti?o?i?<l>I?* ot tlio fact that mv BbetchcMhiiaf ir have been of a TBfJ prave Bild Wriou? character, enlivened but to a slight tMgXBB With incidoiito of an nmusiug kind. Ii any BfMMfO for this IB i i ev csaar v, I ?BSl Bag ?'i.v IfStdeiB to re ?einher(etatIhaveBOSO writing Bf whaf Harriot luaitnicaii ai'i:y called "lie IfartTI ABB of America." w hen events nml the net or* therein alike m/mtm B TBfJT BBBVBBB aspet. In ihe BtBOtBd BSPST, hajBBTtf. I j?i. ? p. > ? e ta gtVO OB BBIIBBBt Of BOBBB BSB> IBBMbl BXfB ItSIIOBB. which. ttuniL-h of IBM shape Stil body of tin' tBBBBB, had yet their kaBBOtWOa Skfe A- 1 have alr.-idv 'aid. I waa the VOWOajBBl a4 the BBBMBBNJBfjad io fOTWllBg IBM N< w-I'iu:' Bad A"t - BsBaegj > irJetjT, In truth, I waa t'nt a boy, say blow Miii wet w ilh the ili-weei'tin-lde. n "I 'll I I 01 ?!<T w l."-e shadow* I was h"l tl. M< at h..i 'O* IB to h< alt I NM a i'1'iii.-t.-r ?>r an edii >r- th.- BflBpl BOB l>. :? .-, I i hi nk. upon 1he whole, en ml Bieter, as tue an- ireaaafalanddignifiedof the two callings. In* deed. I w.i- an edltBT aln-.oU . ami I MM ? ? s-tul ?>? ? Itv pan t. Fas 1 Istevlaa Baldtar,which kad for it* ??> l ? t tbe exposore and iwfotatioa of the theo no* lag k reajf af Cidveiaslhtas, in hieb (bto* with k ag Evaagelk d afar**men. who had giaea it a heartyaahll I* It was vtarted ihe eauie tone with ihr librru lor, ami I. attained a pavinp elri iil il ;on. I'lns-ly a??i :; *? "1 1.? I was w m h Mr. Garxw. ??. aad bf agra fall bj tnpal he with haa In the aatt slavery eaase, ii a ? inert table thatiayayi Bath.rali aid bow and bea lad tdala Bxpreaeloa la fie CaVtafAaa Soldier. Mj warfare v. Ith D h n -1 ? a at tu t Inlet itt< d a1 '?? < a SVavorina to aber the iujutMtiun,** R i.etnberttn tl it are In rand with them." Oft araa ] kai a i ha inaiaant D I ef Divisity wbe lue! II! tdO 1 -en wtvBI ?0000010 Oi : IV Bap -t Weie BOt / .. . my very rererenet fortaoaa la* aii I i b ? i '?? .that the] mmm woald b . a- ii ! did not dreaia thai laeyweuld stteeipl to ] ret in my i nth. Ta my att< r s*ti nial ? ?aai ] ' i Bai raa pasl g Idghrer. k I waa l< d, la bb Maaay aatt i Basse ta the al rery qoael., aad eeaae ta manll d i*s - ?' >m ? :? Mr. Qarriaaa and I ? movement! I ?eat " ?-, ire myeeli for a wl d oi tha poke He IndWeemeat which he aad otben had crveo to Bey paper, Ibra waa i t?* ?: itte which, ii I had yn ; -d ti ii, w? hai ? I . -i lln- i ? MUS Ol I aamiaalii iti at that might have made aee a coward ami a poltiooo lot life, M\ i !?? i ki bnrm d wil h In? digo itioa aa i ah aaa, aad, aft i taking ttaaa Car IB? fl tion, I reoeived etreni>tli from Ood to eayi "*Oi i faa m ... und . >ia '; 1 will aal hartoi taj maa hood far anything thai bbbb oaa give ot a thbotd." In i los-no ii 1 replied to the emiaeat Doetor, tell iiii ktm thai I ahoald aal ebanga mj ooaroB at loa Bhetatioa,and tVit'f he and hta aaaoeiatoa ebaaa la deay a?e tbe farther aa ai their aaaaia oa thai aoonant. I ihanld takathe Hbert] -f lot?ngthi Ji |bl ? !. iw theil 01 -eise i| ioob f.-: ? \- > ttog t bj three! ? m ? ?; i- tl da b Tha tkraafi waa aot adtbdraa >. ba! aelther wa. it ex< ulnl; and when, ia t i priogof 18S?, Mr. Garriaon desired Baa ta taka oharg af T%4 Aikeral r dariag kla trat vi a ba Eaglaad, I aold my paper aa favorable Bartnai aad waa heacefortb wholly abaarbod ia the anti alavtr] aaaaa 1 aaapi ; thai Ihia attempt of I bj . oi m ae oi itie Boat oa < lergy to aw ? bm bata ?ia in u ...n tin- -ui'j'-et ..f sia\. ry ii aek to de v 'tu wi i lag in-- from ti a aaaira i?? eator tba raia* bdry. In tin-Summer of ls,;;'_? | we">t to Vermeid with a Bonmbauofl la my i> nbIm t as aa Bgoal atfrha aea Ami 4M tven > ciety, aad a baai: lull ai Baal to pro* ?bob ii. cts. I deten need, hist of all, to aria a haariaa, la kloatpeUer, tha Cspttal ef the m ite, where I kad erved my sppreniiceehip. I kad lh> HedUBealty la aeeanaatbaaseat the Caagrega ItonalChareh(lawhl hflva years bafara, I bad Bsadi a pahlia piofsaaliai of religtoa] f<>r tha aa* hv.-rv nf aa sartratavapp bMbara at ? third mit tee on mi >l.y. Thsa I applied Biyaelf to tbo fatsk ef WrtilOB in v 1.-. ' BBS, l <r oA BOOl M I BMBd kBVS every Ward wtttti ii ( ut befaaahaaaV Baak was the awthod ai thati ay aasaag ihoM whose eseaajda my v ?. sud I'. ' ew I eaaki aal traal a \ mM taaiahe aa ex!. Bthireas, Two or thiao yoara batata this, n- the Poarthof Jaly aaateasd a boyW dahatlng arah, felktariaB the advb> ofaxf rovap I pastor,] h aj aaa 'tti i.'U oommeodod lbs ('"1< am itloa Boel? i iv. an l fw tins miatako I m it aea make bob ads. laiaosi hi ask wh. ? l tblak aai al what a BMagre ifa ? "i lafiwnsatioo I eoastraated my addreaai hol BMoaapaia! mr mind waa clear m crystal sad firm ao a rock, vuli Slavery was wrong; and therefore BBMaediaM emsaeipatina was the righted every ?Isva aad tbedafj of every auartar. To enforce ami IBaatrake Ihia truth, and t<> b t the ?.-al ot eondem n I .on bb aa tba oulantaatioa kImbm as delusive sml wh k< d, w h my men |WUpoeax Of that address, an r win h I to < fox -? i ral ?ia\ . I remember aalytbe li;s: si'Titeme. wlneh waa lertjtuly imn Bspessi ve eaoaah to aalt Ihe taste of the most eon aervsl raodaaj bearer a i " Slavery has evm beeu pramrded by I ba p nibm "f N- a -En Blaad as an evil nt tm Bfdii it- at gaitads." M\ arpnmeut was grava, .is hi BtMd the mfapVel and the place; bat it WaBeahvened, 1 r< n ? ar, by aiim looebeanf humor, am k as were tolerated hi tha New-England palpal, aad oaa af my moal effective pas-a eea had Bar ifa eHmax these well koaam Hnee af Cowper i I Weil I i "! lave a I.i v e tn * 111 nil jnitllld, T" ii 13 Ree, 1 f ia ? ?wbin I ?i ap, Aao tr Ribh when 1 nahe, fm all the wealth yii ii s eea i a aebt aad ?? d h ivi ? v*re iraeg Ifa I dear al 1 aedtaa i-. a-..! ? rat besrfa j'i-1 tm 11 aUoa pi ii a above all i rlee, I bad tu!??->? rather be m? -. it ihe tlave, Aad w. si- buads, ii .n f latea ibaaa oa him. There wan aot, I sv snre, fiom first to la?t, one Rl-aatared m latamperaM wordL rbe lecture was eilin and anromentative, almost tn dnlneao. In llontaelier it a is well reoeived hy a large sndi ??me. sad I waa aupla happy by tbe cougratulstioiu of many aM fr I tid*. Fi.'in MiiBlp>li r I want I? mv bbIIts plsca f\ ehs . b laaall farming towa, perched among hesati! ii kil ? overtookiagthe Coaaecilcat Valley. Bett t a good old peeler of say childhood, the ven Btahle Leonard Woecesl r. aeeepded me a hcarins at 5 o'clock on a faodaj after.u. The old meet. |Bs>haaaa aa lbs lull was aaaked to its otiuoai aaparity, with aa aadleaee pcobsbly more cation* as a what i ti efaa aopearaaea the lad would make !? -in .iitx? -us to In ealighteaail <>n the aabfeet of abtvery. With what Mreaabliag atepa I walked ?S hate lbs I. patplt, tbo ohjeel ?f mv ehlldiah veneration, end with wh if smntiona of minpled sliym .ss mil pr; !e I jraz d intn the faces of Ihoae mim bad kaaws bm m roll la my hoyiabdavsI Boar vividly at tbe dlstaooc of fotty-ssvaa yea ia, i! I reeall that aasae I Bvea bow i .-<? aiy aiajr* balredatra, aewaeoaaf tba eharch, sittim.' at tha head <f the fumilv gOW, und who, as I hesui r: I ad r.BBtj was ahadlaf his Iges his hand, Bat ojalle aata what kai hbi yaaageat haj aras akoat to put In n |B open BoBBMOt StlT his koail with b modi t pride, Sal batf saaaaceJag thai 1 had bbb* hm ki<i in an satorarbM thai a is mM tjatlc rasp tot BhtSj A-1 went aw, kowevar, I smn ahaarvad that bbs Baad was no leagat shilling I lie \ . BBffBbJs lae.-, wbieh gavsaaslgasaftarward af tear or ahaaio. if it did not glvw with aaauaad Mtarfartitas lha has felt Hiat if he h id eaBMJMSSBd no other foe. he bad at least Mtetopbad over patataal diatraat a Vic! -v Iii im BBMBM BB he BaapaWpd. <i i bbj way kaeb to Boakaa, 1 atoppad ut Concord, ffa H., when I had CrMeafa?. Bata I shtalaid a kaaxiag.t ia the aaetaal raagisgaliimsl Chareh as I had h'lpf.i, hut la the aoweraad Itm fsah km a dB t.<.ii-e of worship sd tin M. t ,?ts. 'J he hemM waa aeawded, aad I fMiraod aay face taward H"s?im ha a bbbbA sbaarfal fiaaM oi auasX feeltag that in the e.ottseof u,v journey J had mien IBS rauie a lift. 1 had spoken in aaittaa BBMbaraf Baa - i < -nies tin at akapvs meatlaaad, ami my mes ^Sl.''? had apparent iv boOfl a. II rmived. Smu, alter reaeliing home, what aas my a-inu,hhimnt, on i. Saivbag a eopy of Ike .Sru-llntni<*k\rr Patriot, the tli.'i famous BtJJBBI af the Iii i party?the paper founded hi Isaac Hill, who had lelim|Ul*diid th. sditotfial chair luit u short time he'ore, with sa ptrattoat lei a m at iu the Luiud M^tee aaaahi, tt ??da* |mj was ufl. rwnr.l-? . In toil-tn 1'in.l th. i. in an article entitled " H?'k <>ut for a knave" in which my lntnre WM characterized a* a *' vilifi? -at inn of the whole Smith, oneoially the S(,nt!.rrn members of C nur?'?-," aikI as " an indelicate ami aiaflBBllBB Miede. Uuvt shocked Um mo* el ?>nr < ii i/.ens " as ?'. ivi?/.m! |M0f4t " had nt vi r been h1u?< koil before. Turn confessed that ho tin'not luno-elf BOBB Um 1 .tute. l>ut tln? >1 >.i mm] htadeg hlM treat saying t'-.t "il MMMMaJ baaa" inv " J.-r-f |o hbdaee UM people of \ ??.?-!"'. land to 111:11 oh, BWord in hand, to Um South, and MJf taealareaal ttbeety.* All tili? In face of nyexpHoil deelafattoa thatloo Blarea w. ii'to be aataaelpeted by Um folratery art ion of the BBBadeBB tkeaaeelTt ??. gad t hut any at: ii) 1.1 to promnle an insurrection among tlinn wooid im an art of trickidaen revolting to ararr t'blial Ian heart, ami a tlinvi vmial 1011 ?>f UM trarli Maaof Carter, rbo art id- ended with that flatter in? : "1 art aad of balan iMdetaed to by people of delioata aad rotlaed toolings, area by rr ji - ; fr to a 1 ? m wm tlM MMO ill till* tOWO, beoaa t to ba t boa up a- a ragte hood aad aaal ba i In- wm I in : ? 1 ."' I hail boon brad in thr baUaf that one af baa aaoal aaarruouloa* pa pen in tha Halted Btataa wm tbia ?aaa l-. Hill'i Peffntaf, ami baaca ito mi ark upon um ice nod .ni.. a uateral ami < iiat.n tariatbl rliulii lioBatauU woaki do aaa little harm, aad arttieh I waa nut bound to aoiioa. Bat it happened to fall an.irr tiio aye of mv fnrn.i, the late DaTbl I*ee Clnlil, ati iru. y-ai-law ami K.liiorof TheMauacku 1 -faaiaaf,a pap r aapaaaed ba ba pablMbadia tho mditloal iatwreM of Daaiel Wehet er. At hie re? al [fait tbaMaaaaartadai my lecture lata h?? 1 that be might om fn biaaetlf wbaa paovoear I ii.ui nu th.- ?bel I hadgiveo. Alter reading 11 ho v. -- ut. ? impreaaed with the idea that, in the inter i'M of the nubile, [OOgfal to prnsnute tho proprie i to'- ..t Ike I\i1ri<.>. ami that if I abonld do BO I Ii uM obtain exeaaplary daangee. Mut 1 had no 1 with to foe aa attorney, aad bad baaa t to feel Um atroageM areraioa to e.iit? at I ....v . baaet rtl waa poaaihla ta arotdtbeta. Tim I. 1. f libel at thai lay wai reif auaertala la IM im- provcib, current ... 1 1 timo, ..if to go 10 New-Han pah ire to aua I lea .<? ilm won Id be like aaekJog a deeeeal to a crr i lam ui iior and aaaeh ararnaer plaee to bring an ac? tion aci.uiit the paifnlni aorereign thereof. Hut d.. (Jiiihi hiol boBotiooof alayiagany aneh farro. I III-I.i. .. 11010 ??. as i' .' Hin; which couM In-tier ; .. . I .s-.. ii.i-. ,t-. .mil and Jury than to call l-a.. Hill a /'..?.'.'no taaeeaaal t"r a Ubel upon a dn ach uae tu citia .:. Qe Uierofore propaaad to 1 ? .1 natch tor w Bieber er of Um proprieton af tue paper 1 ight llret happen to aaake bM appearaaee la I HnMua, mid bold bba iu aaawei ir the libel. He ? i. ?? ?.ie to authorise bin to bring unit, eaTJbr . I woold do ao, to take u.."i kltuscif tiio en ? tiren .ponaibility for 1 ba eeata. Ta 'hi-1 laally us < '? !. doubting if anytblog araadd ooom of it. ricl.t to hu earneat plea that lowed it not * lytoatj aiyaell bail to taa gati Larery eatirc, 1 ..? il ii.dci n 1.1 the reap ?? 1 ible citia ?;..-> oi Now-Lug la. ul, to bring in.- bbelkwa ta justier. I 1 i>' Krutieiuca to wboaa laaaa Hill bad trana 1 1". ins 1'uirto wi ye Horatio Hill, hia younger brother, nml Cyraa Bartoo, the bitter beinatbe prim .pal editor ami ibe tappoBod author ?f tli? lili.'llous pnragrapb. Mr. Child, bariag prepircd ihr a... papers, aM a wetch for Mr. Hill, kuowiut; that h frequently Yieited Boetouoit buai nese. ii w.i. i;.,t, bowerer, umil the Rpnnaof lWil. uiti i I had beanbroagbi in death's door I tvi hu? i. v. i, ui .i, aftel 1. (on rnur. had lorn rietl I.v Dr. U.-her i.> a good Bew-llampaliire uiil, thai ii- Mir.led in eatehing his matt. Mr. Hill I waa itHiouuiied :'"ii vexed, aad at once consulted the into Andrew Dnnlaa, eeej.. General .lark-o i's I'i.if. <I States Diatriet-Attortiev tor Koston. Mr. liimlap. after lookiag at thr libellous article, told linn Ihai if he si nu ?! lei thr eaaa go to trial I. ? ami Iii-pari nor would 1? ? nnleted in exemplary dam jaget,; thcyroald czpeel ao m^icy irom a Mmkb ebuM ttaeoatl and Jury. Hr adr ted him to aettle tin m i t 1 p: -.a . Iy upon the beat terms winch the pl.tiutifJ would offer. I belirre Mr. Cnild enine as J m ar hntinis evei ybody eonneeti d with The I'ulriol , as ; n honorable nan eoold, and few ihiiius I wou.d have ?1v.11 bin hiebet pereoual and proiea I sional -ai.-f.n timi tbaa t" take ti.i- caae int'.coiirt. Hut he was al the same tine a nan of singular in genaoaaBeea ot character and nf a high icnae ol honor 1 and when Mr. Duulap offered, in bcbali ol the respondents, t" make a hand 0 ie n traction ot ti.r libel 1 1 tenoasatiafactory in tba plalul tt. ai d to pay all tbe eoeu tbal baa been incarri d, be :.t I once arvepteil tbe ntvjpaeal, wrote the retiuired r. ira<; on, und rei ein 1 Irma Mr. Du ita ? tue sum nf j?ii, iiir-fiftb ol whieb ha sen I to no ae my aiiure. Mr. 1 ild waafoti bom rable to put the r.qiiiten iit It reel ion in any hnmiliatiag font. Bimpie jnstli* tohiaeneiil wm all in il in- exacted. In Ike .\rir //-..,/. /in. /'.. rial nf April 10. 1833, Bl Ihr liillO II. 1I in- ..i, a|>uvaiad iii< awaadt laaoroe r, us loii.?? -: 1 srrox. Muirii jo. ;?-:::!. / ifeM ' I Mix aad Baaroa, u ;?-.' rke JVi a Utuu/h thir, . ./ > I tLBMBBi I hare Made srraBsewjeuts which, |f rat tl o ny \011, will is Iii? the libel Milt coiium nocil m tins i-ily, lu winch Mr. Horatio Hill was huldon lo bai<. Mr J.i ,1- in, the rbuntdt, I Willing P. Ihr ae romp 111 inf/ explsoatHia, whMB i thint Will 110 il * m.ui in you aim }oarfnaadi tonske. Y ur iirmi ? I ? ?. AXOBBW I l n 1. vi*. BXrLABATKrB. We paMMhed m ibm pa ?> r mi tae 21 of Jalv leal an riliionai article reBocUng with sei rily upon Mr. i ? Ivor Jfi.Uf.011, oi li .-: I..1 ..1 ilt, CkruMiun Mil irr, un.i o|niu bis ad'ireaa n relation M Hal ry, pin ..n-.v dr hvori-d at im? towa. Wi MW adMil aud eheei'.'nlly aittuo* kdai tual lae hareb epltbete aud heavy cii irsjes roiitutued in MUd ?: Icle woreaaloandcd. bems ii-??inv prepared an 1 pit His led on the Mlstaki 11 iitforu atom ot . Mi i--: tmii aekaow aothiagaaaiasi the repuiai on01 Mr. J ? usoii, and tbal wbua Mr go noi cmbiaee nis va'Msontoe ubiect 0/ slavery( we n tu t our M?ir mriiis touching aMebaraetei aud dteeour <. HobITIO Hii.i, i v in a liAirroa, lCPtnrsand proprletoreof TUt Xett-HamjtHhiri iu.i.of on./ ne. And tide wm not only tbe Brat bat tbe ImI time that mj name ever BgTBred aa plaintiff in a lawsuit. I wiil confess tbal I had in me eaoagh of " ihr old Adan " ta exalt a little oret the anaalng tprotaclc ol the Edit in >f Dm VeavHtimpihirt PafWaf ui tbe I conleaaional, hut it was a- wholesome for ihem as it was eoioloitnig to me, while il WMcertaiuly m tin-iu ten st of Honorable Jourualiau. 1 only wisii tbal erery law?ult, and rapeeully every sail niai i-i the prose for libel, miirut have an eudine an just und honorable as this to all the parties cou e. 1nt" I. I reinembei aright, waa thes.ii.j-rt ni.'.rnBieting enofaoaa la view of th. so I neiden ta While ita hatred ef Ibbm Hill ami li - paper wm gratifted by the dieeoaifltare oi its edit, um, there wm aaaail aynpatby with the fanatical \i>n:iiionud ? wbo had broaghl then 10 tbeir kntss. Tue fiMti 1 I hat I .<? Boatoti newapapera tiioniselvr^ eu^oyedtoo well the privilege ol abuaing 1 leAbo* litinuMtato l.o wholly pi uted at tee lag mi' oi ihem vitulicated. Ill bad iMbHlged to the Mine po? lio I pai'y with Mr. Weoater,aa<l been libell d on account ot mi iMiblica. tboeuocoMof nj soil would have riven Iben anmixed Mtistaclion, and a hrod shout wi itM have beea beard ail along ilm li' e. As i: v i- the cheera wt re few and THK PALL <?l' I LATEST. a ei it! i>r i\?>i vr 1 xrru aai a ins obathum roa im aaai Baaroar luaocoa raa aaai mk anrM. fk fAt Bsfffer nf II, r Tri bum. snt: Fog aaaay feara aa aertTO pairUeipaal in 1 hi aiiti-sljvery eaterprlM.aad taaallnr with v* his lory froM tba begtaMag of Mr tlgrnawla Mbeta aaill ihr downfall of tbe Beatkara CMtfederacj (if inrieed it ! .? t.i. i. i aaal t<> Hunk jraa foi aeaarhag the av vie- s ot ..m lib -Ion? cn-wi 1 k. r. oiiv. r Joli 1 ?< . 1., r l, thr t.iii or slavery ikawaak fsTBiataaaa, m he is now gadag,aaen <o reetlyaadvlvMlyibm aayetkev iivuic Meaeaalddo Taareaee. dariag um ptwarres of ibis eeoaeel, aaaay M ha active pantatpaaM hoped Mr. ?d ;.i . . v '? ?"' l. '-ti .', a ....?>? |si?. r iv. a wrlMf a M BoeargaesadL aooM wrtM aba baaawj of Uda -'ntr frou Bmm in Meowa raeeBeeraaa ami bha aMterial for such ,1 Matorf aa hi bad aeeanalatod. Bm ba bdledlode tbts,m hM uoa ?? paaaed over tbe rivor to Ike ictiei laad." larbapa It 1? ?? well 1 bat be did not write 1 be li.-:..rv m- w.t< " >lt... l.'iivmx this w..ilt in Oliii-r Jobaaon, aM ex perle ueed pereoaally uo>r. of us nn pMaMal laoer nd nera ot Iba audlgnani spirii ot siarety than did Mr Qaluey. whoae work, ikottgh duB i MtfWMeejaad1 iavslaaldei<>tbe MatMoaeause. a? l reed aaeb bbmboi m iitt: ikiiunk, sad look back over im- yean ft it- paM are, aad thiua ol lu u. 1 Till i.ii l mirr. an a- 1111 ("i11. ai.1r nf u.i, AaMrtcna Batioa, M its uawaverh g vbrer, trntbfuiuess aad . Ui. i. mv ui wantes agMnsi Ibis preei bi BMllrnsnt suptdiM ni of tin- OoaiaoeraM rebellioa, I um im ptanad wltk a arm easotioM M atailiode to yoe i.,r so BMMhtil] Msiatanng im h..ii.ft tradiuena ol lue bBW-Toaa IBiacaa "foanOed by 11. Oreeley." Ami an I rea< tbe M Fail ef Blaveri " ami baoa 11 ?in Im reu.I in maiiv famil rs a line ? .. il p,.rttrii.imt nf Uda auifa aUl liegen tn tsMifi t.. imeorreetoess,and tout ihu?. ibnagh rnllsbbi iMprenlte ami fan'ly tra dlMoa,aneitoJof taeaa faeto ?III edaeata um. atina late tn--1..muni aad preeaoi reaeratMa to eoaiead 1. im - felly lot IM rtghl mv, aaebMt tht* aans feres that so .i.ili^.lniisl 1 ion. .11 h 11-. in mv inline I beert It liunli yon ami ibaiik (.?I lor 'ilie. Mtw-Yuna iiiiiii sr Tniiy >""|v I. n. b. (iairriNii fxtmbury. J tun , h. pi is, la?B. SCIENCE FQR THE PEOPLE. Tn Cai.ik?dtvi a 1.uavi:i.x?I? BB intn.-t inc sketch ef tum Cillfoiiii? irniTH? by W. A. QeadyOM, liemrr Ihr California Academy of nolence, the author elmm-tint ihr wlml. rliarin ier of the a-ravel? prove I hey were the work of rimniric stream* ol fr< ?Ii water. Th. (..-.I i <?? of the vm-t. i i. Hlop. of the Sierra Nevada bM never, he ?aya, heen *ui>|erted kB alf considerable inovi incut* ..f elevation or depression. The ?etil of vol Mb eaei jry lay to the oasl of ibe er.ivcl rek'ion. wlileb II ?TU BkalBMd with dehne, ?llhout liiiu h dl-turb ?MOof tM bortr<*4t The gaaeral .hm tmn of .irnin Sgl . IkraagbOBt um period of raMMlitM ef the Mrif i :.11- bt.i\i-1?. lou-t h ire heen ?oiiihweHorly. The ?? lime Is id " thron was liaaed on the foot that eonie tums tM am lent Mn-atie? flowed for several ini'r? nullt 11 or soulln-iist. that I*, nearly parallel with the iiiIh Ol UM Mrtotnti nage, Tut IIIOOII were, In all prob i bflllj. auhjiut Iii glBallB IBlbUlBBI In Ihe quantity of water which tln-v earned al diffen nt tliuea than the ?IraarM Of to dOX TUt BBaaBBBI ot some of the ?trenin? v ... v wvated Mo the MfM bid-nnk lo depth* of from lllil to yiKi foot TM pi . , i -h of aii iimiilntinu of gMVOBI MMktfllM very ?low. oecnpvina; biliidr-d., and psTMps IknaMBda. tlf year*. Evoavation MJBtU at one' waile aeeiiiuniaMoii wont on at anot her. The stream-fl it Hi-i on Hie alinont naked surface of ihe bed-rook. When channel* bad beeoma tilled to Ike level of the lowest POCBtoM of the *urrouudhi|t ...;i liv, tie atreiW would break throiiuh or over UK m, I. UM "id bed dry. The uew channel would MOfWetod. lib* um old. Mi would. In du.? lime, in WIM Mbrta m4 bMMlteMoM This praesae went ..n, with thousands of stream* constituting the dr nnnre system on tho mountain*, until all the lower MSBMBMM were filled With gravel, Ihe lower knoUa covered with It. Mild aa It* MfMM iBIIIBBBi'd. Jt MMt MB IM tdOM Bf the lareer hill*. Ine nod nut in end lo the (Jiavel |MMd| ?et the we.i? rn ?lopi. of tlie hn-rra Nevada oa* never loodad BMA iMJtUd IM. a* tbo volrauio material. UUU I 1 ?. vi-1 t iat rufflOO ir" fritiiieiiiuiy, and nave heen trans p.i. n d bv UM a. tum nf wat. r. Tue whole, country over whli-ti the gravela Md BCCBmB'BtH w. r- -Imply fin "leu by ?ihoomIiq Bowb ot*votoeeM mud* aod ddbrla <.f ail ?orte. Wbeo the eon muea died. Um taod m stream, oe ? t b|i m irk i bot tbe ancieol eraveta were num-d t.i depth* rMjrtac rrtna 100 to feel Moeotb von- mir dein na, rbiooc'ioai iMMala of tba middle fmk nf . .. ... I;.v.. ..i. .belli of Uie Volcslliu Ca|..i..? I ? i from 0 :. BOO fee'.ai.d places call be touud bc ? t Be er .? of I ba i mm a ' ere ihe .'..ptii reaehe* tram L000 I.. tjO tO It*'. i bj Blgbei raoaofl of tbe bed roeh ; \ ? .1 to k illi'l ih t' l Ulllie tlie outline* of lie laraer drains*** basin ol too new ?ystem, a* they did of Ibe old. rMaarfaeoof ih>. eouniry at nie alooa oi IM v i Bauie r rtud a itsmuolbot than ui the mbmmooo men ol Uie liniv.-i Bpoch. Where the aceuuiulaiioii? ot Ibea rrrat la were area! aad deep, aod wbera the rob oaaie capping a** aeea Mtoegaealiy removed, or waa Barer v.-iy Ibtcb (or, aa tat Bcobaloe at bomb loealltlea, set. i ejueted ai ad>. toon are rend tm- ?reai bydranllc - N :. re Ibesrave! waaabaliow, bM rteb,aad waa POTi f 0} i kl BT i m -if voleanle in iteria * wl h-a Haa never el .b retBoead, tbatw on Um "<ir;it"or " luuuei diaginga " DlfTI mi in 0V COITaTS.?In a recent pttptl to th.- I t - Bob Aeaihmy. M. Dieulafalt atafe* thai copper ex:?ts,n.anil te dis .e'l.lll it'oli throa?;tmut the wimle. IbiokBeeaoi UM pctMordlal formations, the peofMartioai vuryirik' much, nut in no ouae waa It neeeaaarj* to oae bbbm %uuu lOOajr. of rook ox utuut to iMtata tka metal. UOppef alao BXMta In .ill nrillimry .llr.-ct ?edimeniarv >le poatt* fr no prlmordi-il rock*, wh' ther Hhiruin and tafia Bllailaa ai leaobiai int.. the ma*, ft haa never Mm iBoogara d duweatj" la mb'WatM, hut the ia?t rnnth'-r WaMtTJ of the aalt uiar.heu of the Hi dtMtTBMM BMMlB MOM of tt. Tiiua MtlMBtBi. ouo Mbit metre of natnm! Medtierranenti water contains it least O.ulirr. of eopnor. TkaBiBOk BjlBM. BlWBJ"! very MlubBIOIBl. Ba> poelbadta aatnral eearttsMal baetaa ofcaa BaMraaai t? left M Iteelf, 'i a bj * eootaioa eoppee. Tim met u ut aeea* tnulaied I ? aaibla QOMtiUea m aoa walat wberaver i in. baa Iobb a aabed toe debrle ol priiimrui.d rooM ; .md t: ?- ecppei is nreeiidiated when (a* in BMadoaiiMOl "f m a lor to Iteelf ta baiae ei raiaarleai aab taaeea are ptodueed i-apanic of forMlaa laaolahle eoabtoatioaa wltacopper, t'ba?areladMated ih.- coodlUoM of Mattonoi oreaol eopper. Uac ooDacfjoeuoe of IM da> s. n i i.iii .ii of eoppei ibeoaab the |uiioiiilal leeM la tbat all waters luloerallsed la tkia fornaUaa or in its iMBMillato Mpeademaea Bboold eaatata copin-r. ? Valtj ibli StobTK.?Writing to Tic Iforumik Bullt litt, Pro real .r Porres! gbepbi rd, IM graloglst, au - tbal oa a plaaaaai atevatlM al Old l.vmc, c nn., tu t in ?-:a:. ef|MBoa CaarM8fli MeCardy, tbera l* a rc inai kable di poail of Labradorloe fsldapar. or eai aetlaii granite,!uflli entnotoal/forbolldnuf Uka most nodnr loaf mbimIms aad ot sUy ? IIBeea, bat for ereeUog bmow in.-uu in tin- prenenee er aklib iwdiaai* mmhbmiiIi Bppear a sbadows NBeeted fmni a pattBMi Bdrrar, ; tatoi I Ma already rec Ived eboMe peeadaa Madali riom l ? Atnertaan I nieumal, aod also fron Um late part* BanoaStMw. aad aa bassMBM? saartaaais beeS tuir in i.ui inportMt imiiiaii> umi BaarM ol Hatb aa! ?M I'. FiBK'Psooi Ciimi-'i-iii.iss.?v.uums eovjbi mUom oi boimobIb aad Mbbb baraBom Mgareatcd in Pi i i tor rrrnderlna textile fabiba IbBbm b bto. Here la one applicable to all kiaMofgaodai BulpbaM of tlawiaili (pare), h Bilesi em boMta ef am. ?.a. 3.9 ktlos; Bora ? a .n-ni. I kilo.; imr.:x (pare}, 1.7 kdoa i sbsreb, 7 kliua; water, 100 kilas. n is mmmIt ut e. isarj in atrep IM f.ii>r.e? la a hot Botattoa mi oaed as above Mtd May Mas boeeoM Ibaromrbly lu r ^> Bated,a an rbl h tbej an- dratoM Bad diMd safaV clenUy to Msbto thew to M troaed or pressed like or diaary uarabad reode A aeeaad eoaiposltloa to be us. d for I boo tiled Bceuer] |ue Um i.taled bMaa i . d . aai s to i bj d foi tkt* parpo*e)i aad bIto for w.i. I work, farailota, Oooe and wtadoa 'traan - to h epl!; ,! bol ? Itk a 'n it-.*i 'ik- or Hoary p tint, it m con posed ef boracle aebi, klloai kydrMkbirpto of a i ? .n.i.i or aal um Banlac, 1 klhni potaaaM fekBnyar, ? kilns: geleUas, Lb kiloei abra, BO bttoai water I'm in...: lowbteb is added a aafgeteai qaMUty of a mH> a' l i ileareoot -i al inee i<> gir* tin- eoMpo?Ittoa -iitii eteal i>".i> or.aateeey, AboUm i eoHpnsitli a, appii ? in to all kinds ol |aaper. wMtMr printed or bo.. In* i- 'i ? i . ? ii... , i>.>-...-. lie. m foraiedol sulpbateol 1 Bniuioaia(p:r ..-1 kilos; ttoraele seid,B kilos; buraz. J 1.7 kdoa; water, 100 Kilo . Ti e solatMa i- Mati d to i ^ . i e iBell. If tto paper ','* la sbeetaor printed it I? Bim ii) v immersed in the ralniton, spavod oat to dry, n i .1*. rw .ni nresa d in reotare im giss? destioyi n in ia. BBouktare. TM boot eoapMltioas BtMn i bl -h desrri-e of loeorobasilbility. Tin- proporUnas of tbi ? \ ei d loan ?! rats are ,- . ?;. is rxamii only, and may in i- [Mad boa Mary in practica. Qo i) Im.? A ooMBilaaion lately appointed bj im l'ln?an Qo aroBMal ta lareeUaato tin- keel ebua <>t nr. to i.e easBdayed far aalelal aaea date tbat Mihae into are not salted for UU* pari., ba> caaM IMy oaa M easily wasaed away, especially by preparations of chlnnoe laM m the Boaposittoo of w hir l a lairloe (Adnaoople red) Is eaployed, eso be obliterated has ( tally. Km Iber are nf oplDMO that ia i' m ? .iH i in.11. 11...a can aato and a aalt of Iron, ih i d 1.1 iptioa "i ink. ? Thk TBrPOORAPH.~-A m w LoBtniBienl for ?alUidi lag c .p. s ..f i. i..ts, cie., na. pan tatrsdaaod into Bmpai d ander Um aaaa of UMTiypogiipb. It MaHBsaModnfeattoaol BOtoea'a oteetrte pea. Aafcael | uf special papei la piac .1 on a patfatatteg tablet, aad iM wrl.lM s skBBe wlta a flna bead aad a steal ptwatid : Btylas, Tbla baa tin- iir.-ci ot ptoretogtkaMparirttB a aaabar of very ailaate perforaiteaa, toroogk wblcbll j lapoa IbsstoloewMk onto Um akMl oi pBPai planed , MtBMtfc. TM Makiaa af Um atoaeU W ihe bmbi bapo*> lain Jim l ol UMopMMbMM. AtOMa BBBOtMB W1U show I Um propei iBMeatsf praaaan tu pM apM tbe atylM I and ttoeasle l a <<? of ?Itfagi ai d tin. mob bocom atlakrd. It will M Miimtoad that UM oomtoi of i sbms m limited ooly by Um dnrallM of Um bmboIIs, wblcb eaaMstoredawsj tecfatars oaa,aod broagbt mim riqaired. Bo pram i- seedM | all that is wanted B ?.a ulna with a aVtl Bm f.o i. tto moan i ol holding i be sit acd ar nly, au i a sgoeegi ?? for m nplag i e lob over UM bo i fata _ MKDICAL AND si BOJCAl A OTA \ si bbtiti nt ix>a Cabbolic Acta ta Svaottar. ?i'i..n RaaM, vf Balle, in a leel are m ibj bbU a- a ?otolitote foe carMbe Mid la sargieoJ diassug. atatas Mat tM soiatMa u> ut urn d? lasted "f the tBiaa p. r 11 in n a ..I,... tut ' ii< .. in ..n-i?i? of bm part lay* iiml. ten Mi la Ol BjbMMl, IWMty o. ir!11 eriue, and a i kllB * ind of water: tin- in be ampleyi d Mthet a* a Bpraj or a .oiii,.ui. An impi Mated Baas* i?nisi need, Maes tbyaMl aaea oal irntato tto aoaod, Ma ganae amy be l aa uie.i j upon lit otbei aaa iMoome met Bod is bm ployed mm Luters pan. Itihe gooM toeoBMo gn .1. ? is B,ttaMI to meiste oed obm or twtoaadai with ii ?afar. Aam-FCBOUI I'Ai\T.-TJie Thvn-lmht.lri BePhaigaMBnBMa cum in paint for w.ii.a, Mlllags a id the Mke, MB whicli reml r? the pfBBflBlleB af laldaoryapora Impoeeibbi und pwvoabi tin- ii.rma n. a of aagt, at Mo boom Urns batagal turk atabtlliy MM cm M BMBed doara aitk bafllae watur, aittoot ? ? fabi pwat la, Maeartally. a rBtattao of akBaiair. of Mda In et? nr. In the pi oa* a Um of atjom any Bvaasae - of tM itoarata t.. bm tboasMd ai a> or, f/g, Bptnia**Ji aot atom ? Im bp, <?; allkla h aad sttwaetb.saa in- ap ilb d la a stroller i .? laer.bul IM arata ..i aoda is fir pre tei able, lb* pain I ismM lopresenl boos ? lally bMdaamo apiieari iad la Uie dckwird?of bo pa .1-, or in e^.i.e ,, <i- w i.-f.- disease i? prevab bi bm n ? * i * i * i?i in Bad a Ith dieiafcctius mal rials, 1 PoMOaopg Gab. Beeenl ezperineonta have demi n?ir<le.l dial tin- |BBbMaOM . tl- 11. nf BXlda nf rat bo n are toiie.'i more virnliu' tBM w-re ? a much wu.ik.-i dilution ol tfcfa gas in Bit h. In?r. in isct, latal?Ik'il is, am lu .n or atinonl that hreatlie? durinf hslf an hour an aiinosphrm BBBtoailaB 1.77a port Oi ?inn <d em bnu, bbom ba? aaaoabBM laaattty ol taai got to make Unit itic red glabalea ol u.? u.oo.l b?i) imbbs nhlc nf BbeorbtBB BXygOOl und tt HM utTrionpherc con? tained imrrlv L14A8 palt Of UM* nf riirlmil. nur i|iiar fer of red globale i nf lil< blood >fWI Iikmii ilil< of BboOfbmir iivu'i'ii. Tu?1 rxi'.-ri'in n s ... m .? unite iin? lUup, i n' ?everel ?orti i?l H tu* w*b< unir laorr i" I" ti inoooipleta oomhuiUoa.oxide of eafbon M Invariably piodnoadT Neroon? anemia, aareol c i ardlacal dunaste,ars Iboejrkttetn BBMeiby lulu abaorptmo Ol tin- BMBl |iol-niinii- iran kliown. BBZJQWUS XBTBLL1GBM0B, It in tliouviit thai aareraJ liaiiltaa fma F?ll Kivit will go i" Hansa-i noon to live, nml Catholir ncwn pap mm B Ml IBM ? premBM that a Catholic colony will be > itabllsbed in ihai Bteto. There are twenty ehapela In An lananaivo, a elty ot 100,000popalatk n m Central Bade mi Near. The oli*ervsnce nf Ihe h.ililiaili Aay I* nifroiirtly kept there, Bo inMle ef aay ktaa la permitted aad ihe abopa are nil eloeed. [tuartraek m tha Tyrol, n city well-reaaem beted by tbe laarbtt whe baarailed late it on a trata .?rer n.e Bream r p ?-? fiom Ten na. haa Just ?ttaeaaea the lav lug oi i im em aeivstoea ef a Pyotcataal ehan b, tbe in -i eaa oral leaaded m thai atroagboM of CM BeBemak For iiianv yratia tha BaptJiti irere tho oaly Freteetaat Braam la bMob in BaramB. Beeeatty tbej were Joined by Methodist inlidnmirlcs, ami at Raiig.Mjn. in tw.. aai k?. a ebareh of Ifty nnmbers aatf prebaMeo" em waa nrranlaeitj mui giouud aaa BOOBied for a ebnreh edifice. A jcAat-etoch erapatr* lau beec foraiad in Eacteael ? tta a ptepeeed aaataal of bj abaraa of a& for the avowed object of iluu.nulling intemper? ance, it ia farsoded that bMaparaaee hatebi aball tie opened tn all bane of the Kingdom In tie pmepeetua tin nuiiir of t?o An hlmdmp ol CanlUIBOfg hca-U tliu Bat. Mrs. Stowe lias written to ft Chicago ruin liter, wbo iaaboal tobcsaaaearlea ot di.mutio repre - utatbina of " Daele inui'n Cabba?" aaeinaively in aaUa und ehurehee, aal aevev at a theatre, thai aba u in om. patby with bm plaa.JadstBp that If tim play Ii per fin mui in loiiiiia oonaectaled to religlooa thong it, he ' nlu avoid " ai' aeoi BBortea that would ba BBeoBtrabM. David afaerae, who waa raeeally dapoaad hy the United Preebytoftaa Obavah ta leeUand, nan been pn-a- h i.r to eooraaoaa eoauttegaMoBa in two Established clnir' bee Uj Dinnler, a In re Be La* eBBOOBOed in VUor oii." language ibe um row tbeahbjp af gooiland, by which in baa ? offered, He aimed! haa had two caiia to United prcabyterlaa ehaiebee, eaa of teem from hi* old courtotfrttInn :.t (iouinch, wnere he hau preacheil in orUauce ?d nil eeeMeiasiIeal anpeiiore. The other 1* irom tne ebnreh m Doadoe ot whiek the lata Beere? Qu> Iii.a: b ?? paOl ir. Daria* the paat two yearg iln* EaaUd Ave nue Ha|dia< e n eh hi Cleveland, aader ibe pastoral oiurce nt the III v (lern, e T. Ii ?? iixtfc. baa iceelved i4."i new membera, aad at paaaaal Iihn a BMnnberiblp of 4?mi. The aniouat ol bmmm v ral ad haa been ^T'J.ii'Jii 45, of which lOBi b12j)7a baa poaa lor the payment of car real eipeuae* and $81.000 to Blake the ehnreh free (,f dem. leaviaa aa ihe amooid <>i beaerolcnt coiiinouilnuii tue aara ui ir js.t-a 45 "The |nnir fellow foiyjfot that God an? pr> neat ami'hat He eaa en tier baa the mluliter," la ihe nommeni of tm tjdiloi of The Boptttt Wtckly apropoa of bin peiaeaal aaperteaeela a recent call ou tae mayor ot a eertata city who waa aiven to pinf iimy. "While we wai ni for an lub-rview," lay* the editor, "be aa* Very profBae, Pal when ae wer.i latrodOitod at a olerm'tuaa hit whole deueaaof Bbanyed .?n . his n|ieeeh ami very, eltboaah we In ml a Side remark, made in one of hia elerks interlarded with aa oath. 'Way did you not teil um tbal tbkt man wae a aunlatai r Canon Farrax in his new "Life oi St. Paul" remarki that It la Um career sud ebaracter of 1'aul w .ii ii uiaKeedeal ami ?adarataadaata how it was that Chrinituiiity w?n made to dawn u|>oii ihe darkness of Jew and Uentlle Btlka, and how that Chrinti.iuity waa loisM^d from " the eefWBMata ot yadalam and Inspired tbe Fatten world wttB Jap aad hope." Panl, to fjanon 1'arrai'? mind, waa as aaeraetbi aa Peb r and ?n oontem plative a* John ; ttt'-nit-i iwcaohef Hi in Chryaostoin, a greater missionary than X vbn, a prea < r reiortuer than Luther, and a aroater taeolaa,aa laaa rbomai Ai|iiluaa. A Kiooman in Krootown, Liinna, bad u tliristiaa burial leal Breath probably Ibe Br-1 btirbd of the klud ever held, rbeservta i look place In the yard nl bis lin11-1 , sud a hen ti e i i IV v.. ? tdh n up to lie ( ?r ned to the cemetery. aaMUsffetker odd thlnas that the uailvef did v.- is to tiff I ap all the di .nl man's childreu In a inn i/ ml.: poslthM BOd |i!uee Ihnn Uder the * of the imii-e, when water aaa pearad from a basin on the roof and allowed lo run down into tho children's roouibs. Wnen .i?heii what tins mysti rloio proceeding KltililUi'd, na y sal'l II wmn "e.Mlt.ny f.isii." Tbe dead mail, ulthouirh elaseed aaaoog ciitisiistis, hud four w ivea, Connl ('.nlu PoaaL tbe Popo'a beotlbap, who receuilj db I, waa a atadloaa BMUtj tnaracd in many branches of ?cleuee, and aa a Oeaarlller nt Velietri un? der ilm PoiitiHcal aovorami nt, be bad aalued tae reputa neu ni a alscand boaeei atagtatrata. lie was si-venteen years the pope's M'nior. Altboaab of late lie bad been very iiiilrm, y et ae was preeeal iti the Vatican when Cardio tl Newman r.-. rived Iba betetta. The futiernl waa eelebriitetl In Ciuul I' e i'a parochial church, and, ift r th" in inner ol ill faner ils of Rotnau I'i im i s. the remains were I ild iiumiiiv ap.NI a biet mi tun srroutid, wuii two Miibied tad aaa si th ? Bead and the other oi the fool of Ho- ii sr. raa Basis el lae max* w in ?<?!? inruii d und. r the dlreetmns of tbe msster nl the fap isnla lilulia al tbe Vatican, aud the al oir i.a.-. e imposed in pan ol - tu1 ri tiniii bi, pater's, A f a uu>? aiiei tin niiierai reiiui m. maaaa acre sang ua honor ol ihn dead Count in 8 . i* r'* :i d la at. d?Mu Lateraa. 77i< Cougregatkn rli-t roakea \ nbllc tbe atata lueiii fiat Un rcautiir reeelptao tha Am rican Ronrd for tue >*? ar |ust cloeed have hdlee far short of llu umounl i : udi d. li Ibla BBIoaul had Ik en kept within ili. liinltM of the red need apfWoprhstiooN, an I nut eu laorcd la vl?w of tbe Otis 1 raey, there u.uni have b.-. n rcealvcd tn Aumist, H thinks, aboal |180,<)00in ordei 'n pay all tbe czis*us Bfdrtbe year: bo I in-ie d ..f this, the sein I reci I pi fur Aaawsl w.-r. aa f >'??"> 000, I. v* iniradefleienc.i ofar73.000. "Ami ween it i- remem bered," /'Ae f'oaprvpw^eriaftel s on to say, ?' that tbe Bp|tropri ? lions were eooalderably inereased In vn w of Ibislenury,especl llyfora.t Ibeedneational ItiKti tutions . f ihe it m d, aad la erd r to relieve some of the u seiun? from severe rei renebawnr, ii mui snrnrise no one in I*am lliul II baebeeaaeereaar) in take not only .t"."i,'iis), i ut donb ihai ami i it, rroin the i M ? fund, m oiib-r o close the I.Uid tlMBoerd.Beptemo i 1, clear fruK debt.M iMirui;- Dr. William M. Taylor*a receol viail in 8cittl .ml ho lual a gvatte aa irom Klrkaldy who in hi- youl ti was a pupil at tfcat ptaee ef Mr l'tioma. Car lyle. I lieu a sehne in ? iter fn ah il nn bta Studies nt K In imr^h. W ien ("ai iy ie goee lato hia native county, a* tt bus binifh en hi eaaloea ftegaeaily to do. he is a w i eoni" riaitot ut taw beoM oi iins eld pupil, on em uceaaiou when naklap a rndl I' .Tayl. r relates that bM boot i n. it Big d lau!: " Mow, Mr. Carlyle. we are ?efaag io havefbad.y wersblp,'*ttdaklacne migut wish 1 to retire it was began. Inn Carlyle at once re pll il: -W l|, brine bi the Book aad i'll mail for yon." Tb. i: .. waNaivoi io ulm, aad bo began lo r-ad at tue iM itainluK nt tue Book al Job, Pot a time u was de lif.h.f'ii tolint? be went on tbioii^n euai'?'i u.lei eiiapo-r, aodbteQUiel i.a enalui letreul n tic re murk* .viie ?. i me times . x.- cdluglfgoo . lint it mhim I tne.nn evident flat he bad Ito Potion of mop in., ami bad becoim eiltlrelj ..Ii iv ni- to tbeoceasiou, tbal b ? wa . . a?'l 01 n will . ti roogh Ihe w.c lln.i* ol j Job ?I la-l w Mltll he v is ,'ie. Olli" lll' ll, r- called id ii I? hlnaseif,aayingi " rbe se vhi is must be ! weuir and wlii wi-n tt) k" Io Btcep." w'u'Teapon ie el.. ..I in.- Be k with a akarp,simrt.elssp-ilke s-.uud, ami ui look bliaa If in tin m n room aad in bis pipe. .1 FBI ITLBtib BBABOU. A TAXI WITH THE HON. bf. P. (PCOBKEB. gxraaiggca >.i a ooBOBBagioaai. commitikk im waaraaB itttibb tub i iu.h: .j. i-r ...n in i Al 11 iKNU?i.Ml "It A -l> I'..i lin -. IH ||lK Mil (ii. The Hon. M. P. O^Ckaaner, of Charieatoo. a Dausoerana Bo pei waa latin UaOeoarees from Bmith Carolina, and one af tba meeibata of Iks Bouse Lalair OoorBdtlee, arrived in u> s tMy a week uo. Mr. fPOoaaei wa* wttk tbe eowmlttoe dar raa Us trio ui m vesdgatlon tbroagfc the Weet, At taa Mew-York Hotel Mr. oa ni l r waeaebadbt farakdi f .r Tna Tbibcxb aaawoeeeaatof ibe reealtaef tba eonraMi ee^i wmk. ** Wa are ealled," waa tba reply, "sseie.-t eommittee tn bBgatra mio um e iBiea of tba .1 in. .. nn #f fatbor, la gaatnee aad boMaeaa oaaarallj la Iba eoaatry. Tbcre wrre its of ae apra tae mp, aa fol.ows i OewgUbei in dlai a. UUd Hliervvln, of IH!ii..Ih, l{e|mblleans ; Mnreh, of Mafae. aad Wright tl PvBaeyivaata, ef the Q eenbaek Labor part] : aad Dtekey, ..? Oato,aad myself, li-mo. riats. B'e Maytedfraai PhllaavlBkui oa faly Bl iad eaoapleted aha hrtp yrafarday, bar! ho i .. fa \v - a? ? in Praaekaeo Wa ban.aa <? t.mdueii n ^? in the nml I. uf mir Work ;in pat, Bat l..i\e BehedatU conference as to the autara M abarai tor el tbe report in i ba aubwdtted, l may lay goaeraBy, boerercr, mat the Imprcston left Bgoa mv nun i I- ibsl tin- eiiU'llti .u of iifl nr* In tin- Jf >rtliwe*l Is m.f S'-'ivr baeaaeaa iwrlral knrthing at fen bi fn m tins is. x aptlaaal. Wa aeartety found a ptaee wkota there aaaaaytldag like tba depiwestoa wa w aw lookiag foi- i wa? fairly aetealahed nt tne reports ..i iu.- raal grabt arapa wabrk baa w-ate? ot lilbants ami Blnaeeota wBl field IBM vear. Beg | tbtatk tint the gaaarai i tpmeebra of bha aaaaaaatea M thai the reo* dltn u of baalui ?s in tin Noribwest is m l tn ne ?ei ? |.|<-d us s IIBadaid for the wh. le enimtiy." ?' BMW did you oblaln BBSabtl luforinstlnfi I" was aahati ?? W? wnuid reaaaht irni.i luys la a city ami take testimony. Our flr?t mIoii was Bf CBMSga, where WS rt-in itead Ivb dar* Tm kt Mlaa Mb hM h Btaa ?i.nwrd no .l'-po-lilou l<> ii|> ir Belara u* .n d "iv.-1 vblene. , ii<?r iiiii m bmM wnii h reaspttea (PomUM pre** "I th" elly. I'..-hi ?!v Urs ? u? 'im- i > "In f el that Mio IsaaBflg papers IhBBgbl II ? fun party an'ne to HllBTB eteBBal II IMBll re composed eh.. fl) of l> in "orals. At mir rata?, Iii" MBi|BBMI wie that the Inlmrii cliiaaea. who BTOBtted UM> sclva on IM BtMBtMB <>f i'i" rli.nrm.i", Mr. ITlif f. tot i >i MM BBgTWBB ?<* IM bw ? ????? ' tt oi IM ?iitinir? nf tue i'oiiiinili? ?? in llml rnv. I . "i.? BBtOBS Bd iMf BOCMtlcS pilBtlBd tMMBolVM f?N ?i'.i. Bll oomplaifllii: MVOlOiy <if IM MMM Ot \tOOt in.ii. Iii.-ii IMtlKMay BBS voluminous uinl \ d I it-. elHB :?r. .nut iM i '?.dB * u ni Uieoetea advanced by tM ?iin.??.- wrva bb vom tri m IMli waopls Bll Tue io-i BMiay i iMb .ii? bli bbu ?rill r..v i h v iy la ae ipaooottM prfated rrportwhiM tbaaoMMttteewill Baad i" i waareaa "Isa Prsnotoeo w i? IM "niy oftof ??I'** of Impoi f mos t Ii al W<- visit- d. W"0 BtOppl 'I I 'I ijf Of -<? In D M M ? I - but bot laiioCblBlIiiiiB Iberewerool lets Imm uaaa tfn alao iiaaaad a dar al Rm l. .r. < itv, bim?BboI ttnoov utero, in iaa Fraocisco we woro Bomi .1 foi Ivbdari tiibnitr hreiimnoT. Hb? boom of tils waa di r. ?i?-ii lo ascertain tbo effeet ol Chinese emigration to inr eaaab, and iL.- etMtpentloB of ? bioeae loi urera wi'Ij Am. rn an, u -i. 'iir bb ii dO|lfOBBOd tot lOboi l. ? ? I California. Tbla MetiaBoag wot sot oral . congeed in ii? riiM.rn.irT. grata mr owa otoervetloa -LI... I am af 'In. OgMbM tint '..'i'i If aaorodtpfoaatooIaGBIlforsis <t pwsonl tbanunoatM tl-cnvery of tao gold oil bb Mere, Tm Mab i* piel ba gtoaiag to (MI tbM asvs of desvfastoa wsieha tawep evertaogast, tu? pbmm nf lebof ?olatoiaeU ii Uta K.iat dartsg the war have Mob aVaoily Hals slue iBara. Ii ta fM tbbjt raasoo tbat tM aaplo an ?f labor BIB no! BS ?"furor to enter upon urw isdastrbM 0 ?.r?r. tbe -irirt oppoai nt* tu IM ' blm M In ? r isalgiBlhiu Bttnbabr oll tM e~rti aad BMroBBloa of tba turn* i.i the Cbtaoaa. Tm y seea to u iv.- HMM grnood for till*. Tbsro nr.- 9MO0 Cblaaat in the fat) t'OOtrt of Ban FraBfBaoOa nllrna In evny MBpool totM lialill* or ihr Am. i ii bob, ami I" nt nil ib..k Mia; Uli Ihr BiaBay thry rail out of the ?B 'eil Btotsa ll I* bo OeadSC thai woOM a *laf- of IblBM BM BWi !? to dB wllh orr.iiina a fooling "f dlSOOntBBIi I foOOd C- BOI * \f laat lbs loading naaa of all t>ar..r- turrr eooeorredls thl-v ow. I adi not drni tbat tbort la,so lMotbet hand, a *lrmiB BOOtlOieSl In favor of tM ('liiii>-?e. BMBe rory urotaloaol etttseoa of OaUforsls, bibb ol largi weana,npltobJ tbatr aadantioa, clsia tbsl ti. > bi ta advHti" ifc-r tn tl.r ma*', and U>.li\e lliat tbelT laB i-... ihr p-ikt havr M prd io devetos tba eoootrr.M "Whit ia your oelulnn of poiiinal affitrB in Cali? fornia I" " li .ho iiniiiirai Boodllbia of Ositforolo wora m a lo-? abantle eoodittoo tbort wnald tie a a pood >i .\.ir from ine pffjseai d. nrr??lon. I WBO to Bai ProoelBea si tin. tm.f Mo D* tooop aad Kailoeb affair. Froia siy imiri ieoald bob K>*im y irad bit foliowen m ibofr Ida.-, of mm eilng, 1 be aitp wm greatly szrltod f i Its aa danhi tbat iba Mooting of IkMbMb hnprovad bM abanoMfoi oloeibM. Ii tiryatalllaed ihr mbUbmbI tut parti i i...|;rvi> -hit botbB' etgblbs ol tM rotlog Miiobknaa af loa VPsasisoaaBB in laoar of raatrv l t I 'Ilium.- iHlior." " lim ? Ma cmnnlttee liilnid Ui BSfS nd IU wmk lur Ihrr I" " I ibm/I aar po?t*1vr|y. I parked with Otalrnian wn..|ii nt llir.-i-'nrj.'. ft I- pmhablo, bSB ava ltMtabraaeB ot me aoMorittaa will MM i a> im.ii.? in > w-Voik and lioatoii, and p.w-ll?lf la Atlaina in .i ai ir ,r...., boforo t'nncr. a- aaaenh ea. " ffh it Ih IU" roailili..u of biicluraa hoi Inrtn-rry at 'h* ?oolb l" * Tpsto la Mara oVagiaaaMa ol tM Bootb, Id biudni -. ihun In any other -rm ion of the ...luntri. not -i. rpi .in; Oallforais. li..iei*n teorolly of MObey, rMresoJt of IMderaagod.dltlosof political affairt baa tun.rd ^.;..;.ii iwai troM that BOotMo af tM eaaatry, Iu ni OWB hlatr tnrre BM aoiur. -lane of a Bat BM ? ? v.\ ..I SBd a proSBoal Bf MBtSB linn*. GeolK'IU, Ion, la ttolBg Ulrolv.-' ? 1 at Is paar aplalaa in r'-nrd to the rrealJeuiiol candidate- who are bslBOd of I" '? In re' ,....n ?<> ii' tat. If h>- >? til allow hi* name m M Baad, I think he *lii n-eoiv^ tho aoMlaatioa of me k? imblleoB party, haa dnuo Oall in btiagiag nbool maanpttoo. bo mob la Mb Motti will teob to undo "lih ii :* done. Hut the tun i. i a t i i ..-.vir' on Bf tao bbh of tMlooM raaeoptl ji<- w>- eoald baas arrlTsdsl leaaMptloo i.y a tprody and .< lost dlt aflrmia way than that leeT.dh) (--..? t.M rla I" " llnw I? Mr. nidea rea.irde 1 in IM BonU I" " in aiv oploloo, laaglog from lae torn ol IM lasding ?oatbsi n Join na s, lit. I lorn dost i n bold a fovorahli plaee In toe opisioo of tbe Bootb M tbould be bomiB ited. f have BO dOBBI the southern DeoWM mm will snpport biM | rortMi willBUMid by tM bm bom loatod bj IM DbbmmbIIs OaataatbiiB. ^"CIU JJllblltttll-1113. J [AKPEH k BBOTHERtf LI8T OF HEW BI rOKH, i. t.rpsom btt m as i i it-: csefyta, lasaysMsad itus^iu. Ijr raitr lag at .bf v.. u.;>. IiBbb, tbabi It Tb. ii. WHAT .??fit DABWfir o\t\9J In bfs VBps I mmxtt tht> W rid In HM ship "iL i^le." Ma|ia Md II n-t tOMBi -m, rl.ith. S3. nr. Till. TBXKPHO*! E, Mt BTIlBMbBBI an^ the PMoagMpB\ ByOoaal ki liaaoai, MeaBMs do riaailial aatbottoad IMbobMIbb,wlibAddlfdtosaM OwrMlfsoi hy tha AatMa With 7n lllnatratltaa IBbm 1 MSb, ii Jj. iv. BTI IKI.-!?!kABJE s TWELFIB .VICHT. MttaC with Not. a, I.y William J. Ibdtt A.M. DMStMO d. 10 BBa, cloth. TUr. :it<: BBpBVi MOBOlt l i d..rm with IP itaTVO BirOIjaH OULMtOBi The ?er ? i if r.?Ju.I.ik ' ih. r< inpeit.- ?oary VI II. ->BMboid If. btaeftttb ? k bTblMWMi i nigbl'i Dmsm? Heart v. a* Von i.n?-e ft fiBMlai BfaM Ado Mai nm tag i BMJQBBd Toast ombIIb Taalflb tllgbt flati ?ailtb's Bi eel p.-,. i raj*! BoMM PSasM?MaM, rioih, 111 Mb lit L To ? ? Btt BM MfaSM : MIM M BBBtW Ott vnl iuie. v. BaTtTBI n DAV11M1BB TM A.'eo'i'tirea of iienti-n DavMaaCi BovooMto Veit?and Mai MoatMCaptiveaoaaag n.r Djrafca af Baroaa A Wtaey tot Boya. ByJaaMt Onaa ...., i. sMj papor, Ui? ms raiouoiiroi ma i bultih btattov. ny ta ear.l A. I n Ot m, D.CI?, I.1 .IA BBBM 1'?.' r. M BtBM| ab ta, M a ia VII poooAHn fbkdmo. i:. -u ii-?. ry i m .. a a.'n.o. papar, M a bbh ebab. a ? aaal . vnr. AfTITIlNO'lNS Wim Till. POSTS. ByC D. DSBbfBBj Poel svo. i loth, ?i 7:>. IV. BJXOUBH 'fi v 'iv LbTTT fts. Bdlttd by Tata ltartBy. 1MM, ? t Vi. 71 bi lit- |i r ? nlBBM. Ti e MlowMg MtSBMB aro now ready: BVBKfA By John >f. ilay, THACKKBAY, By AatMoy i r ? . BOBBBV BUBBB Bj riiatltal llhalip Sl'I NsiKll. Mv li.-.ui l'i. DAXIBX OBPOK, Bi BTUUbm HIbM TOLMM1TM. Bf WtBISM BbbBb nt mk. By Prafaaaa Hasbty. BtTBLLST. By .1. A. Bj a. Mil 0 m i i i: Bl OTP. Bf B. it. rfaMaa BOW A Bn OIBBO?. ByJ.C IfntlMB. ?ami BL JOUNSOB. By Leeua BtiabM. x. CHAPTKBg IB KSttX B) Mare l BBBMj paaaBk BJ i ent* ; aaMa U M M*. xi. KOTXET-a HIHTOalBB. Baa aktag BdfcBaB. "vo. vol. Bm < i ? a w ut. ast riBbets, an at aSgaatadgvlltaps TU I DO rCH :i POI1 10 voN. *-l THB I BITSD PBTIlMRttANlBS, I vSitL, H Jnll.N 01 BABBEVKLD, J v * I. Bad i Maty IU net*. TMartgtaalLibrary KSiMea,ao laiper patM-t. of Mr. M-.t. My*SbMaMM niti sill! lie MPfllBdl "The OwMB Bspob? lti',":ir."TM BUsMry al bm Oatttd BeMtobaMs," 4 tttt.1" I-Ua aaS Death ot JtOm of BtvoBa*tblt*>gvoM Mm n.r volume, m tMth. BK)l btsbeap^gtl hi half calf (?.'. ".v TM vMBMMB of llil- BtighMl r ill| IBM in I'll-.trly. VII m ixittfAir pbxxoipxa pabtii i ttm nttwaa BeOBtor K'H's roittauiiiu: Mi "t.s. r?l. <?,'iral Mi?. t'.rv. in rn an Btauay, and spi afaaooaal tMnoa i utataMaa, BBBOraoii'i itfoa' 'i ie !? ??.* and and a Iii' llomry. Oa MsbAm of Dr. WUBaai BstlitPa * PrlaetpM t an-ia." IMMi sbaa,It tenia. (Uailano wlM IM ottsBsi PrtaaMks, Pari L) xiii. A BAflfl KD REniBI H b! Pwpte, PtoetaaM OglMMab riv Am.- b. DlehlwBa. IObbb, etnM,BI, xiv. a Ti:t i: bspcb11?-. Bv Alban aiBBaaf. lftaM,ahBBi,|t, XV CICEBOSW UrtTKRa < kB r s * BMSMbM --el.ytae. BttBrOBVll ReioMMOB Kin:/ ISMa,BBgse,4J rr>n?: < inth IBsm s lOatBana wBBi BavBat*aUtaM torn i.n.n IMMJ 1 Hi' M \v KOTELfl Pi in IBRBB BT BABPBBd i i."t in BBj Voa Y.rk. in itMN'i Tiiriit sines |f BatBM PhflBM '."'ot*. BIMB MBBVTB. op WHITE LAKK- It) Amir iieale. 11 r. ?! ?. ? THB i^\o ?ii-S PtVBVINOH, llsasM THB SPOHAWb glflPfl Ig it. a BBarMata l.*.o?a. pi.ami.i V PARBOWAOg IrABtboayTraROM UsM mot 0*bbibb. By "MttaaMM.'*' 10 asoia THE BAB MAID A MB > I I hB I OH, B) f. 07, IsBM BMk IB BOOM THKOYPat itv ?i. f. r. jatiie* iieaofa, WAMS All* Br Casawol ChatrbM fihaoMr. BBstaM DOROAB By Osovfrlaas M. OnMb. i". r.....s. THB OBKBB BABB. ByOtargu Copptaa IIbbbBa KB.LBBLIX OS* OXDKXWOOD. I ? htSf] i'..iii>k. 15 re U. BBBBY BSMOBD. By W. M. ThBBBMBJ. UBBBM THB ttuOBB oi i.vs By Qsossol Bhaaksr. IBaaaaa ji it \ im.imi.a i r. Bj Soihaoj TibIbms IBtaaM (iKA.Ni. f. i.i I v rt\ m-iy rrointiielin. lo tent*. KT BfBTBB*d h liv t-iura M. l,it c. MSMM I Mit. OBtoHTXBY-a I DBA. If ItSsi Kalea tasks If r. nt*. |T' RABFBR .*. IBD1'BIBB Wfg semi any of the above mi.i.a ti) null. |.n.ia;-- prrp.,1.1, to any p.ut o! the UaMSd stair*. BB IBBaBPI "I the prite. rr* ii kJtPBB*a ? ata UM v ? in?iie,t fr?o on Maabyt ot ?BM < ? nt* In atamj.a HAKPEH -v BBOTUHKS, PraaaJla--*?., N. y. II SlU) fhl.UuutlOH?. ERE IT 18 AT I.AST. A riOHl BQlfREXR At all tin Beel NHM ami Nrwi Htambt f .,<>, ?. "np-r. N Ol *'. y I- .< HUB?AWO, i'-ii. ... er-, BaatWB ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHIES OF THR QREA1 ARTTATS. Mut thTor -Mr MNl IM IBflf ?tafor. F?rb pafaaa I? ill i i ifi.l vtlili frmn Oft ?<?.. Ul twenty fall. Paire Ki ff} 'VIBfA i' m Mi- imninr lln- pc,M ,1 ?in Ii xnltiine ? ?! Th'i tif-w tu'inii ? In Una aerlra. lame I Iii . .1 v -r* Vi iL. 7. JOSEPH M ALLOBD WILLIAM ITR. NBR, B > Aeod nah im, B>W.00MOMONKHO?SB, Mit? M "BtaOai front Klr K. I.iml ? iUni M lOlMtratlMM, SEMMtlao Uja VaftSM fliai n l. rl,:.. ? ii.'? Art w ,ra. TOI* B.THI l.H ILK MAhTI KU OP "BRMAJT. r.'Hterniinrariri, ?rrl rnmiweimif Alterr DOMT, kf W R ?O?lT,eetbaref"Utum n iii? PBta Aia- v.m, BBbMBBBBMB ll'i-vl-mnly M .Li,. I |) L iiiian. P?mtot Basel wwii nrfl i By i??. ?( p., ford HKATII. It. a. With Ii. II Mitra R Kl.MUKAM >r Fr. tn Hie t< xf nf 0 tOHK r.j J. W. MOLUTT,BLda \v UM li Itlnirstitna n RAPHAEL Fr'in t'm toxi ..f f Ti. i'i -avaiil Rv .'? f.'a ' ?vr,nf of ? i::< ui.-it ..y of ah." i ? ??? ? ?<;..-.: fc ?i BS. 4. TAN HVKK AM? I! * LS. Ki tfie t xt "f l?r. I < tiirka. lly TL..I I Wm HEAD, P**irtttHIltartrstttsB ri. .. .i. iioi.m iv. Fr"Tn t'ie text of Itr. A. U lm n. r.r fOBSPH OUOOAUa R TINTORETTO F-orn rrre-it Int ltt| MD K " I fr Vf, !; .njj OOfdUb au i Ii.f ? ? . HAK." ?#? s. rrr.ii atfeaf tebaaM*in i.ptBBO. Forinte l.y ah beebB BOB* >r ? mmmt n r- ? ? i; t ef nrl. ? by BCKIBNKI a welpoi 0, B? 7;i Br i: tap, Bi .i i .. faTOW i i?DY 11 IT TUB BOOKSTORKHi PAMOVB PBKNCII U7THOK*. HH ? b .xtir.'rbB nf t?.- tv ol tue ni i-* i.i .. .I. wi.a. iiielii.iiaa ii a.. Victor i! ra lihl mt, ??<? :-.;'.??,?? \ m i ?.. Mo? Hei. Dwbml Ueorgs i. Usuiier, lata. I miiar, La t >>? taue. Ae.. 4c . by IHM)!'.II K liAL'liKU, ? ? i: 1>I Ml Kl*. <i'?T.<te. fii.t-r<: .t w.tb nu-aaroua pu ivu, red C ul ii, r/m Inj., Tj. Flf.Ll'IN'iM \\/.i!l,-. i.veNo II i :? -l'.ny. Iliiiairate.l ?y tJBOBoK t'RlllkaUA.ML Ii um ? ..: Stoma iul> mil k. I loa II . . !,.,.. . j . i V .. Ii. . . 1 ,' j. Vmia Li -Tum Jone? vnia. VaU. .1.?Ann' la i \ ?>:. \ut4 -j. aayb ia4iawa?I ??i. fJAMraoXLlfOrOaam M. B.I tvinn: IND BTJIOK, The < Mtiavai at a Vi-il t? tliu Ualtad lliai -1 . i.i . { l .?e. i t L, V. I . ' ? , ,i i. 'I - ? ? ? \ ( ?' ii v nriii ..I ihorii.i i a tbtbaCaoti .i aty '...i .L t rowi, rtv.i, t l.tli ? LB BBDB (BuklMN VTgaa), W>fTVB7tIBH OF. Wim a Waal portrait frora inoi ytual paloUug b iwi tat Int Vi. 1,1,e- III i|.e. ." ?. V. II ?V.. re i , g tl 7*. Amawaaiar baaa, wbh:hcoataiaaa area' U .1 thiti.neir aa4 itraora and man] auai botai afelca ..i.h? ? .v ?> i ni. iu.iii? aar tPali .mmii uaaattA OOXWi?O tWtlllan d ui. fTU rrofaer PlaaaC Ijro> rrated wltb Hn Uinairatioat by Mrarr UCaanou. L'iwar% BwO iiui.i gin, asira, *i 60. R worthixotcn. 7041 Broadway, rtaw Ynrt .M AV AON EH FLEMING'S ?E\V SOVEL, OABKIBD f.\ btokm. By the atttboi < i ?? ley i arlaeaort'i ?v re." ate. ?j. \\. i AULkTuM O i ii.. IfebUebara, .\ea.Vork. TUST PUBL1SHEI?. ?f DIVK'a OKlOf mal A 1.11t M vruoeb an? ai ki .- i ic*. 11 . ? f. i ? rate. Uli K-> i i Hinim r. acKNBBaod ?T?MPBPB? BBOt i I . . Ii . rill Dil k a lUHil ki.' iTAflOMB. pHee SO cents, lur ?ah> by all lt.??>*?? n?r, an I > ew*.|.. Mei ? i>Kmv a BlTZttK ALU, ruii'.i-:.. K. i- Ann 't.. New ?V.-rlr. 'JMiE SL'M'A . LIBRARY. J.OOLTVB * 00X, PBbBBba*B IB Bot -t.. BeW Y?.rk. NO. L PJBXUBTilBOLOI KMAXJUTfl DAVObTTSI, Pnaa 10 aaaBB Now Im -nie kf all m w- b iL is. a?* for tr. 11 AVE UM' READ J KAM IWOBLOWw Ne? , p sei iMs and I ib . asty latati ?ting NereL BARAII L?t' HKRK.NGER I T^HE BARBARISM OF 1 Ii.: SOUTH, ss .M?|'.ayed tn THE CI1ISOLM TRAGEDT, TRIBUMI EXTRA NO. ."."> clv. ? in IBM Mttx OHIBOLfeFB aTABTUWa BABJLATTTB1 of tlio iminler . f nnWBOHIBOLM \M? III- BSBOIC DAVOSfBB AM? BU I.I I I I.B BOB. PBMOB - im.M ?. a ( OF! BT MAXT* OB +1 l'i-k iou BT | xim.i ? i Adiirras tur TBMBDVB. | _N KW VOBK. New Itra.ty. CONOR FOR 'I HE S7 BMP. CAMPAKM BOHOB In . TRIBUNE ex1 BA HO. r,2. BOIJKBOM BALLAOB. w BTTTJ B POB I HK TBIhl BB ?V MB. BJ. a. CBOBPT1 r. Pnea t?y mail, iu ssosB. _ Addn-aa I ill: TRIBUNE. NewTarfc r?HE rRIBl \'E BATB HF THE YO?NQ POLES' CYCLOPATDIA OF COB> mom rarNos, BpJOBM O.CMAMFLIM, |r.. Mat a? rnfise abmMbbb QpabapadM Itara iBastrated. BJ i "TbatotoaedaaM tbe) tae pesettea af ssear.n n? a *.>rb af IBM IBM bbbM ai tarty laod t> gaMkea tba i??r?r of at. teuimn. tonti sBMla larenda aortaMtp. ?" M attaaaBMB fbo lialnt ?f ruref..l in I a>'<mate r. 1 I c. i.. ? i . - I .. :u . fl tllS ii.. in rv w.iii i-i .... ut in? to live aut raiesbbiteetA * * Tbe era en to Baata a atedMof eooetetai loa sad amBaO tllfl.t. Ii Ii I-tl ???!! ,.r.?[?.,? ? I tlV ;:0 eXu.-rl. 'I e I :IU llltt llltfi-nl ?? h'ilar, iiiic.iiinnrt'.iy we.l vern.iit in IMdlflbcaa braBCBat !?t I. irn tw. an ? tr i ?i.-.l m- ir. -i o ti. e lo lu? dUBtOM ?rl ol baste. aaeM i aroteaoBsrte ?tateBWBbM 1 MB Bl EMTBO POOT - ITOi fi ate Ibeteegblf natiiael Unna PAeraBgbfr waM eaaaj ' ? We aaaatd tbo poboeedaa ?I ibm * Teesa l*Mbaf fyrtr i .r.v i ? ,i< an ii. ra?i n ..i re; mv mt au<l ii fbe lalerwM af ada, eatbai weeavsseedll wiiiiaii pi??ii?ie >arue-i .??.?to exerp pateotv." _ HENRI HOLT tl c<>. N w-Torfc._. rPRIBUNE EXTRA NO. M. IHR A B C or CUBBENI P1NANC1AL POPKl in || BMOBT BOB ?. ^ B I HE FUNDAMEN PAL PKLVCIPI PA Of Fa% NANCE fob RONE P TOTERS. IPTMU ti In' TfiB IBM nr roi. V. m. m. OBOBVaOtOB. TABI.I OK Cl >N n NTSl I.?IB rKODU- TU)??BKB?MPIIO*. II - I.i i. \ i It Mil 11 ISl-l \N Kl. I WPflON KB MMMUMHI IV -Nn' I - I Ul M.i \.V . 11 I PLA< I < V-M?ll. ROUALLV t.?M>|? Al Ul MUX VI -i. 0 |. ' .< ? - >. H i 1.1 III 'HMll' TIL?4jOOU MONBY BRUULATtM li" Vol.f Ml VIII -"?'I Ai.NAM CUBBBBCT Bl'lttLT OBOWI I nl I IX ? I ONI ?IONEY MI nn- POOl K Bi 'm Y- ? X ?BOHBlNli nil. MAM i?? l.bXIfcVB ??? li* Xi -i nw rOMABRi IPfTALBCABCB. XII I I I.I. .urn .- FOB l i t I X?. XI.I ItOWMOItl MONKYt UTSUOWB WAOBB \i\ lOMMBUi E MABEB IIBOWN VKKRN T. XV KIM MOBRV. A I'll.. vN. iII.lNv* IU \ l< k. XM -|n | Kl 1?^n RBI IBLBCTBKRBiT XVII -NATIONAL V-. ?? v> il..1 i 1 "II iNWA XV1II.-MBKIIK Ol Uli n v III I v I ^.Vi-tv-v X:\ I.ANBNOIRBOK.NA |i in \l I. v NKM rTJ x. XX KlLVRM COINaUB xVUtl LIMIT M?lfB> XXI. im.i i.i-iMI'i I1ATBA kam: FBI Ala l-,,,-e:..-,.?i,pr,....> -V U,..l.iK rJJBJ SKV0w.Xmrtu m.i vM TRIBL'ME NOVEL EXTRAS. MX. COI BIN Hl NBY. ,, , tm. A NeveL Bj Aatbuaj '^fW^! x?i^Bu rtltolU.rula tnutaiuaal^NMI". AND MBB ?sWIBM a^wiIuiii!'.!"!1?) B/B*.bera itBaMaaA rnc 'kubotU saevi ..nt kj buui,?e?i|?e.aeieaaBMal . aou.^ luklkim1nt Beo Twna