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THE WAR WITH THK UTES. NOTHING YET PROM THK FRONT. GhNFHA! omooi dob) Not tskk qammato as kx ri < in* oav?ks op thk c prising. No courier lias yet arrived at K uvlins from tin* 8?-e:u? of hostilities with the Utes. G?'ii eral Crook WM at Knwlina y?-teiilav, but did not follow the troops out to Milk Hirer. He rat wed t?i Kort Steele Instead. A g'tttlcinuu couuictcd with one of the Ilnyihn surveying parties Mates that the I'tes have been agitated by a fear tint khej were about to l?e expelled fron the ir reservation by tlie white men. It nppears front otlier sources that the forest tires wete the immediate 6MM of the iuci iltnts which led to the outbreak. wan iNt; roM A 0OUBHE KOniINO AI Ml. 1 lt? i\l PsYNK or MK It It I tt?GF..V miai. CWMM ntOM to Foi;i ttMBA aUwunw, Wjr. r.. Oct. ft? l<h48 p. m.?No courier ln? set arrived from the.Milk Hi ver entrenchments, (teueial Crook arrived here this morning aud re* turned to Port Btenlfl this evening. At 1<c.::o o'clock tin* morniiik two companies of the !lrd Cavalry under Ca Main Henry, and six com? panies of the 7th Infantry under Colonel (filbert, left for the front in the 1"to country. Three com? panies of th? 5th Cavalry, three com|ccnion of the 3d Ca s a i r> and two companies of the 4th Infantry wi.l arrive from Pert MiKinuey to-night or to Inoriow. Although nothing has yet been heard from C? ln nel Mcrritt's command, a courier Is expected at nnv moment. Information from citizen sources, which seems perfectly trustworthy, State? that Ltentenant Price's command was ?een three nays since. Cp to that date he had seen no .?*- It is reported also that Cuptain Dodge's waconHralBi escorted hv a small detaeh liient ol colored soldiers, has reached Trice's com? mand. The citizens did uot know where Dodge's company wa?. Chi vi mm. If jr. T.. Oct. fl fnlonjol Itra.kcii, of the 3d Cavalry, will leave Tort Lanui ic to-morrow to take rominaod of his regime u t in the fo ld. lie will be joined here bj Majota Evana audCarltou, Wuo w 111 accompany him. Tin: GUEYAVCE OP TRI UTES. AN EXPLANATION HY A Gi:\rn:MA\ CONXCOTWD with on ot thk baimm 8tt.vfc.Yixu pgjp iii s. Ir.x 111 Milf to riiK Titinr>r.| WasHIROION, Oeij 8t? Ct> to 4 p. m. to-day no further tiding* bed eaee rooeivod by the Govern* l I from Captaui l'uv no and Ins command. Mr. (?? egg Ii. I 'hit U ? - a, who spnit two or three seasons in the neighborhood of the White Kiver I'lea in chare* of one of PMlaMM Bayden'a survey in ir parties, and who became w.dl acquainted with the Indians and t beir country, cave to a correspond? ent of I'lli- Ti'ini NK to-,.av some interesting facts. Mr. Chittenden denerfbea the White River Utes as among the flu? -t spot Insane of toe red race he has | ever seen. They are bravo. Intelligent and phvsi- I calls strong. They proved themselves in iho main I Well disposed, and g4vv min h less troiiMo to the | surveying panics than the other Indians with whom tLit- piit:es came in contact. Stork which | waaloat in tton oountrj waefret] teutly recovered and lei limed hv t he I' I e?. 'I he Indiana had an eld gilaneoe, bnwwer, and bad lor several years beea gi owing more embittered t os mil the whitea- The original trouble dates hack to a time several y> ars ago. wi.eii, as the White Kiver Utea believe, their Son them relatives wero cheated oui of their rtghtt n the San Juan doud tiv. TaeWa.te K'ivei Indians became! with the hellel that the MM fate was in store for them, ami that all etlbits of the white men for their Civilization wen steps in ?Iii? direction. According to the Indian belief, the sum of about $27,000 had been doe them for several v> aOa- and the (list ?jims tiou usual I v *?idressed to |an snt reying panic- was " When is thai nienejf f Mr.Cklttenilcu thinks thai the origin "f 'h? proeonl ontbreak is to be | found tu this belief that ?liite men are se king to despoil the Utea of their land.-.. Hfl believes that they looked upon the approach of the Hoops a*- a I part ol i he plan tor driving them au av. Mr. CbittflodflB says that ihe proai nt is really flu best m isou for thfl utea to make war. Ihe -now has be run to fall m tne mountain-, and the game Ins begun to colli?-down and pass into the desert countr) forming the weeitm nnri of their reserva? tion. Ilits country Mr. Chittenden d?'scribes h?<i ttlateati nearlyaalarge la extent as the stateof JiiiiHsacliiiseits, cut up by t uiious in sm h a manner that troopsj will tin i it aim Nil unnooaible to pene? trate there. In addition there ie a great scan r.y of j. re wal r. The watar in the atreama ia so impreg ii it' ll wnn alkali as to be wboUjt unlit foi driukmg. 'I here are many spiingo known to <he Indl ms, hut 1h**y are found in nnespected places and without ii . snrronndiaga which aaunll] mark the pn seuce of .?] tiug- in other locav'ltiflfla THE BURNING OP THE P0RE8T& mi mtr.s sol mi w MUtOg IBSHKU >ian ai.onk ?ggjffJ ill) riRM IMO TO TUM <>t THI.I AK. The foreel ftrea whuh have been denolating the ?dem part <>t < olniaUo tor scverul mantas, have d Hiioviil timber wortb anlliuoa of aollars. Vdco ??f CMorndo nad Vyeeamg pagan sag that n-e tires ihtc mi. ?i innoonMn wtohooMfenianal h bmot places nave i 0MsV>enotratti ami eragao oanha tsanassakie. Finest itren breakout In Casavasle avaij >?ar, oceurnug m Um vicmity of u>?- mnttng ragionai fNoj naieli tin- liniiau* wers lo' k Mk? e*n lint, aa wallas l Isen bere; and tales ai> toil at Denver in feganfl to BOaflagratloas, the sjashwol waanagtssutng?tawnovai tin piaius, basdaik eurd the say at Donfer toaneb an extent us toeumpel the people of thfl flttl tfl aofl Ughtfld oandles and laiope at iiooiid.iv. ietaat braa to Oaiseesle are no novelty. Tbedestruc timi ni timber by tlo m la ale iys batsnanae. rii'Mie ss loch hew baoa aero an taiayaari bowoeor? have beea more j serioustban usuaL lie s begon to tunn in Juae.aid since th hui ?ntu eztenesg all alasm tue waele 1. ngtii of Ihe rearrvatloo. a distanee at 300 miles. Wherever iiruapeetwra um) sjaanasffl bnva skana ibeiasciveit, the woods bsvs been set mi In anfl theg have gone mi burn? ing ui til tba praaonttnno. f/batbst ttjisd^vasiatmn 1? Ihe wmk of while uo u w of ladisas is tu ili-piitc. It Is proliubly iho work ol b -ta. Ihr gmsfej />.>>?.ir, uf Oe totier 1 ( ii thfl tu ning of widen flay the news ot tlie attack ou fhornburah ssas Nflfltveil), contains the i Maeflta satvoaansMMMli "A. W. a.." who had just come aaranethe ooflsstrgi so bacai t?ai... front iiie watte ktvei gflsaacg. Tbs osflrcflgflflsai M ??<> ?: ai ttegflsm l 'eii iu witn a ssall sau Im who was going |a Ueorgctowu. au? I proposed to aeeoaipaa) b.m u? fai asMotgniebnrSprmgs. Tau eooatrj *as tni ol siuokc from the ires wbicfa note bnrolna m ail dhec liio.s. Tlie gjirafl n nt bsan M t bvbfltblbe Indians anil t i sv bites, I was tobt et several large gees belog set by tie- srhitas and mm i ' iii? Utea. tla nastdagflflWfl * ra folbrwtna the truil al mg gear giver a lew iiuintml feel above Ihe river, the sinoh' was ?o dense that "i,<- BOflbj barely see ihe river reaahMh* ow. That flat] w- nasaetf overaeveral aules ?t bni al ? ana try wbieb started turn a oanip-flra leit by waiiestai da) saCute. W? rawpad that alght three ao ss sbove Bteaai >oai bprtag*. I c raipi <t '"i aiaaar an >ui i ? aiiles baton the miin bi i, bm rassuaad Nadarhiod iiisi night. NedertandUa ssaall nilnl a Iowa alnbtaet in la up Iii u ?!? i < a?inu. < aa ing Jossa tram tin summit ibi i ..- ?> re buruing nu hat Ii M iafl <" the raatl, uu>l I eanld bi ar in Ire? ? taiimg ba all airssibiaa Tues< llre? w.-ie ?ui b> \\h:ic go l Iflfl baVS If eu 111 Ihat i ou:>(?>'. hawtflarOagtse l??m the eastern ?die of thcKoi kv Haajaanhi taeaM and thnN arc no Indiana tn that re Thofereal fljna. bg nhflflsaaovor ktngbMli angaar now t<> h.isr hat n the hnsae HnN ea am of Um Um ontbreak. asaesnar gttktn? of UOIoradOi having auulc ofloapunnt to nnnnnrttaafl at Waablagtan that tue vu ? were bnrntng tha noodaiand .i.j la.s .ie prop? erty oft thereaorvattuni aeompauyof oalered troops Isseanhi Pagaas Spring ananVanwee eniorad to the tlout Xhaaaasapaay gat into the Middle raikoutue wag as tha hTsata it.s-.r ggnaaap hnr uruer?. whan iwo I mi BNNfl. ill t. i ted lu Iiie act uf bon ing Mulur Ihnaanananii house and bam. Osanglatal ama made against lio-tu at Oeorgetowu, und u warrant as* loaued for llnir arrest Ti>a officer en tius'id ?lh the warrunti puisued iho men tu the WM!? Kiver ggsaflgi could not fJnU aaasjL Ihiaagsssa, the ahlal at the aanai. wa* euiusi npan toanmnflerthe men, net r^fnoad) osaisnhsg that V>c ? uad uo right to ai rent au li. Imu ou the reser ration. Ooremor ntkln Immediately telegraphed Ueneral Pope, at Leaveuworth, und called on him to fui nUh trojpa to aastet the Sheriff in arresting the In? dium who burned Thompaou's place. General Tope then ordered the colored company from the DlhCuvalry, at Pacosa. which had already started our, to proceed to thi' White Hirer Agency und make the airest. The ciiinpunv remained m camp, however, on the ed?e of the Middle Park. The Indian* were preooal 111 their fmnt, in tsportOC number*, and manifested a warlike disposi? tion. Meanwhile Douglass wsMurbnlent at the Agency The plow?n ware drod uikui, and troepa wi re teal far frulii llawlins. 1 loo iitmrtdj advanced and th<.< war began. WASHINGTON HEWS. FELLOW VICTIMS WITH CHISOLM. TWO Ml-N Wllusr. NAMKS SUOn.U NOT UK POBOOT TK\ ? MH. GM.MtH'8 YOCXO WIFE ?IVF.N A PLACE IN W ANHINUTOJt. I BT TKI.hOHAIMI TO TnP. TRIM'S'?.. I WlMIWUUW. Oct. fi. ?It may bt WBWlbwri that iti tlic political mueaucre that has made Kemper County in Mississippi mlamouslv liiMtoric, there wi n- in addition totlio (Jhisoliu family two other Kepublican victims. One wn?icx-Statc >enatorJohu P. (lilmer, tho other VH the heroic Scotchman, Aii?us MrLellaii. While special prominence has been Rtveu to the fate of the Chisolm family, the other sufferers in the tragedy should not be and perhaps are not forgot tsa hv thopeople of the Worth. Mr. MoLell?i who fell at the of chivalrous duty, li ft ini relatives, so far M known, to mourn his death. Mr. (.iliner left a young wife and nn Infant rliihl. having hSOS married lutle more than a year previ? ous to but murder, lie was a native of bliaaSBeippi, an enterprising morchaiit, and a thorough l?publi can. From hia local prominence and k. own cour? age and ability, he wua conspicuously regarded nn one of the uicu necessary to bo " remove ? before the Kcpnlilican organization in the Stato could ho suppressed. 1 he story of a bogus warrant issued for his arrest on charge* pre f cried upon foiled signatures j his voluntary start to join bis friend, Judge Chisolm, who he had heard had been ar? rested on the same false charge ; his pretended arrest on the way to th?; J.nI, ami his brutal and cowardly murder by the " officers" who held him in proteased custody, form a start line pace in flic his? tory of Southern perfidy. Mr. Gi liner's property having been wholly embraced in his business, was swept away in the events that followed hM imir lor. Incidentally bearing ol the unfortunate condition of tho young toother, suddenly reduced umler lern bli ciicuiuitauces from comparative afilueuce to p'\'i i ty through her own and her husband's alle? giance to the Republican cause, and learning also that she was a ladv of education and intelligence. Secretary McCrury tendered to Mrs. QilmOff an ap piiintmeiit in the War Deportment which was gratolully MOOptOlL Here the iridowTod lady quietly, modestly and bravely coins hoi support and that of her child. Mrs. QilflMI has Just returned from attending the recent farcical trial in Mississippi, where she went unaccompanied by any friend, though burdened with her sirk cl.ibl. Sbe went at her own expense. Bbe expected that tbs trisl of the persona indicted tor the murder of Mr. QUaMt would have then ninirnd. While tbero she per? fected the necessary arrangement* f.,r their prosecution. Sue is aware that tlie result of the trials yet to be held cannot hi diflbtUUl fiom that in the one closed, yet she lecls that she might be regarded as being herself itnhtl rent to ti-eui it she should nsgleet any oeoeeaarj or proper tnossnnniIn isopoct tooush prosecution, lite (rude are ex pee tod to be continued for the lorauduo* Quit Ud of the guilty peiKons (for that is w hai they appear 10 amount toj ui tho turooedini tana oi the eon r. Mn. flilUMf gives full cre lit to <|:e preeidlUh Judge lor l i- Impartiality, ami to District-Attorney Fora f'ir the ?1?ifity and fidelity with a*hieh be per? forated his duty as the prooocatinaoflioer of the Mate; but she admits the governing public sent.meat of the Month is not oalf UOl in ISTvrof punishing the murder of Kepublieaua, hut that it emphatically lewarda the perpetration ot auch Hains win. nndleanisod approbation. WASHINGTON NOTES, W \-hino ms,, Oct. (f. 1?70. B eretarp Thsatpesa will retars to this city Croat ladlsas toaiscrsa eight, l i e Ah-Is! iui-1'ieasiiier at Chicago has Informed the rreaenrae last m sees a? their traassatlsaa vita the - ib>1 roesni v ?*i i p unit the banha of thai city lot ad to laeresse Iben a ad reset r? by 19,000.000, aaalalBUl aecretarj Bewtsy ass oslled the attention of < ii^toin Hoiue otHcera to the law. now mn Ii ili?rt ?hiojsiI. lesenIbs taal the ssaws el ell steam vessels ?heuId be painted mi their sterns aad ibe sides ol i ii*-ir piiotdiouesSi Itlsproi.d toeaforeethe law riicii> Inf arter. rssleaeeloi Oeaeial 1*iij lemtaei to s/aahiactea to day, froai a tyhsf trip ?o loneeb n?. Isaa.iWherei it the Oateaatal eelebratioa heM Isaf FrfctSp to eeesmeesor MC lie ?elll- 111- iii ot l. e Male. BS llellVereil a fpeel h streugly opposing all repndlatloa sebeue?. His araa> iie-nt waa well rseeleed ?<> aaaadleaca anaibeiingaooul _____________ DEATH OF W1UJAM B. POWELL, William H. Powell, the biatorical paiuter, die" 14-i area?a ?t all rseriaaee, Ps M Veal Twsaty eighth at Is the tif?\ s.Mh peat el his am . He was beta a Walas* at., ht this ettyt et Bafliak parents, but Ihefasilj ramsTeU to Qseiaaatl while he was sUll aa lafaati tie ilaplaysd a asai ha I laleal let si t at aa early ?pay und Ha helaa Losavorth waa oae ol hie early pat? rons. But atsl taalrsnter was J asea Beard. tUhteasr? aatSl nlli y . ?r Lc removed to t kla i ll v and Wat a pS| II of Jaha tnaesa. Be Mads rapM proareea, sad soon oe> taiued t::e patronage ot ?nme ol the ur;i;tliiest famine. us a petttatt patattr, If is earliest historical plenum ?etpMaalratorBssa ?Ith tbi Briasada,1'and Oolaat ims and the Kgg." This latter pietare attracted stash af-nlion a id was tl.c means of litr. obtaining the (luv erasteal eessaslaaloa is pslat thi plstors of " Oe Ueta tsseeasehM the M ?-:--ippi " to fj] the vassal panel In tbo rstaada at Waahraptsa. Hi was ihea in bts twi iny fifth year. Be weal Is Paria to eliloy the additional advaula/i s he ? <niId ob? tain there In oider to paint it. He was the lathasta friend of OeatarewHm aee Vei n. i, sad many ot thelaediaaPreach paluteraaad literary men of that time. On the completion of l?i? picture he received the approval of the leading Prenea erttlee. They brouahi laa ptctnra ts thii< eooatn and azbtblted it la tin !i i : nt: i nie? In < onio ctiou with the porn all ol A*id-el Kader, the Arab Chiefrais, after tax nt the pi lore to Waehlnjrtes hapalnted in tbsi eilj the portraits of bob) ?I the leading statesmen of the time. Mr. Powell afterward mud - blshosse In thleelty.and bit noil- la WestTweaty<slahth>sta ana the reeortof artists, literary uea and maaleal people. He painted several purrrslta for the Ooveraor'a room la the City Bstt, ea?sBf othera that of General MeClellan. Be ra esivedssaamtlaalon from Ohio to pntnl Iiis picture of Commadere Perry on Lahe Krw fortha State Cnpit?ls thi>hi afterward duplleated on a macb laraer seaje. aad tba aeeead pslntms aaac* on the statrwaj to the ?atleri efttmBenate Ubawber at was bins! tun. .Main or his pi eta tea bsva bees eaprsvedi tic dmibi ?stahlssrs bis " De hoto," as craved sad published bj <io .pi., of I'.nis, and ?' W iih ngtnn's L.iji rvi w \ut:ihi? Bother,"pnblUhed Intaleeliy. Baaj ol the aioel beandful Jaalaoa < icraved sjr the hiosrlens Bans Note csuipsay wen- from hie pesetl. Br. Powell's last woik?s?a port i alt of Mi?" I-in ma Abi'ott. Belesvea one .... ami twodauabtere; beyoaaaerc.latbswlfa of a Btnllsoasv 1 olllcerend resides u Eucisad. The sthsi ehlldrea were wiia htm la im ia-i bonre. A OHM AT 8TR1KM BUMAMJAQ DOWN. Fall Hivkr, Mas*., Oct. 6.?IViolations ap {KJiuteU iiy the BtMhen baVS eraltSd upon the niill trca urert to-day ami a?k?-o to I? ul.owisl to return to work in a body, und he paid we. kly in?t?-ud of ?SStSly. Itoth r,.igaaveheaa refhaad.aa the ?aaafsetaieta wri ?etdlaehsrse the fcasuatleha to nuke pia at fortha striken The knobeileki ?> re plaeee on sehi dole pne< * Uus ataralas),Inateadel asekly pay. I'? ?<? ehaoga uaa been aeeepted without oppoal ?o, ? isepl a! u.u in... Mm, ahsre i levsa knsbsi lebt left. i; IFAOEM Of /'///; rUtOMO-PXMUMONlA fopXBD Rivkk. N. J.. Oat. 6.?Plattro-pnaa aauBs is unking fearful ravaerea among tl.attic in this ncinitv. Oa Enoeb Jaaas*? farm as leas i baa t ass* l\ -eluht he;ut of C.itllo have died from (lie .linruae ?ithla a month. Twa aisd last week aad sthsrssre now .ick. ria tllamtti I- bseomlss all.I epidemic, ?earl? every esttla raiser la the plees iiuia^ uaiium )ii id leesemd 0> the Uiaiadv. HAD W LATH KU Al MEMPHIS. M: Ml'iin, Tonn., Oet C?Sixteen in ra MIM of yellow level III ab?teveil while and lilln cololed ? aitslanartefl toiuc ii..urd al to-a.iv. ?ixuluiu. hsve occurred. The contribution* to the Howards to 0 iv aggregated |4M tit Tfie weather l* dump and cloudy. THE 0'LEAHY WALK1XQ MATCH. tiif. Co\ti>T.\NM IHlNMNC oct. ?? rlowrr " rrowh fau.? ill?tiik dttbrest not imcrsabimo?appraRARC1 AND cuNOITION OF IHK .MEN?ACORRd A i 1 A. m. TO-dat. A- soon as the thirty-live pedestrians who started pell ?II ea hfoaday mnfalRg at tue Madison Si|'i;ii ? Uardeo, iu the O'Leary B'lt contest, settled down to their work, ihc two tcn-uiile runners, Fitrger nld und McL-avy, raced offend took the lend. At the cud of the first tmir the former hud mad* 0 mtics mid 410 yards, heating the hi st on record ('."7 miles) In similar contests, which was made by W. 8;ulth 111 the first Astley licit wulk. RTiiTmTJ was aboti! threc-qtiiir tersof a mils behinu IttRgMBld, null a quarter of s mile ahead of " Blower " Brown, who was the third man at this starr of the race, llelirtnan, u ml Id p. hired farmer frotu Jersey City, dressed In a suit of blue flannel and a pair of siis|m-ndnrs, was flic lust man ut the end of tho first hour. Win 11 DMhWM h id mule only 19% miles he wa? tnUen sick.and ptfdsrTed rather to lose his entrance fee than to Walk despite /us pain. The fli M sen*atlmi of the Face occurred shortly nftrr 5 a. tu., when "Blower" llrown, the favorite, who had dropped in three hours from third to Ihirieeiith place, went to III* quarters and was rcporleU to be suffering from interna. puin? mid cramp*, flu attendant, Smith, administered medicines, winch after souio hours broiigut relief to the sick pedestrian. At lOtM s. 111. he appeared on the Hack, but ultei Increasing bis score fruiu va'e miles to M% mile*. ftvuin sought his tent. In. Mott was culled in, and be aniMlrown's friends woikei| ou the paiient all ihc ?ftei noon, but without producing any favorable rrsti:t. At I p. ni. It was decided that he was suffering; from no nrdinarv cramps ot thr stomach, und an attack of lu? ll uraattaa ot the news at was feared. Btuea was then leiiiiivcj to a room 111 our corner of the Crarden. lie re? fused to allow his name to be withdrawn unMl after midnlth,, -aylng th it if he should act hack to the tiuck he wou'd still hu Rfcig to win a place among tho victori? ous men. The example of Brown apparently h id a depresMnir ? IT ou Davis, w ho. alter making 11*8 mill* and laaV Inc himself droMping behind, fell Ml of the race at BtSSa Ifeeretiredllatsoeawag laereaaad kjrthe withdrawal of Cromwell, 1 lie C.iMfoi nIu scout, at C.'Jl a. m Ike had crossed the continent to w in ihc belt, and had b.oucht hie wtfls alasurj Ms tluiussllu t r< > u bi es eaded his padjsa Irian ambition. Alter he h id made ^3 miles he p icked up ni* goads and left the 1 on e. Keksrsall ooaeraded to give up alter going 3T7? 111:0 s. lie wits tin u mute thsii 10 SSlSSS behind Murphy. A 1 o'clock, twelve uoiiri 11ft t the start, the *rore of the th-t twelve men. iu miles und tape, waai Harpke r?r>:3, Paaer Sita, Carru 83:1, PltageraM 8236, Pos 814, Pwageesl 80, sfelamvy Rda?, Walket iM, Msm .r>ti:."?. Mahoney .%?!:<. Speilacv .">5:7 and Allen .Vi:.Y llu- twelve conte-tauts In the (mi.test two weeks ago m tho *utne lime had made tue follow in? score* : Itowcll 78,9a Kinns 61*. (iiiyon 07:1, Man ?lt:.'?. Huz id t;i::t, Paaohet mr), Mernit ftdtS, Weeks! 07, Taylor 00:1, Juck.sou 00, uud Ci dcruiiyi r 00:1. a K" \ I.I.I NO UFF Di IRTRtRgl. Modi of the cuiliii*'.-i?in which was shown In I he first MBI1 of the TBlttag match at RtRdbMR RqS re i. u Ian ii. erday aim alas died mi II was known that Browa had been od tile track for live hours. F iber took Frown'- place as iir*t choice among the betting no u at 7 p. m., although young Murphy aud old < urrati, the Toegskorsmaa. generally k-pt iu float ot Uuuouiiic score sheet. It SI dMS4faJ If tkete were ever before hrawM to? gether in one eoatesl so iiihiiv sssn aosaeaafag f- wer per? sonal attractions than the wim started In tills walk. TIM) lall Iii.Sil feel and over, like Mpt llucy ittul Walker, looked Ilka Massed pine* ready to toppleoeer, aad ihc sberl oaes ami tee slanted appearaaM or sane oaks. Crass land, the B nth d valker( I* to- meal stmitlr built man on the track, but he has 00 unfortunate euM In Ms eye. BS Mean a suit uf n d iikuts and keeps steadily on a walk. Pita gei aid, who sarMsaas Dasaal la speed as a raaaai i sppruaebes bim la aantnllni ss as a walker, is a loose Jointed,bard-faecd aedRntnaa Murphy is a sioiinv Milt JMBg m in, w lio w alk* well ,uid runs ?IthI tine springy stride, TMsaaselcaol ins aody aad arass are Weil deTl loped, aad If he hud ll id more experience ill such cant" sis his ell.nice* wouid be more hlgnly re mrdeil. When aol spartlac rapsdly aroatad tM traek, he kepi close |o ( iirran or Fab' r. LMrran Is mskinga uard Igbh Next to flhutlawd. Pabei >* the nest walker on tbe traek. Me i* rather ?ugaili MdL Poa?wMsaadea good sMwing yester? day, sometimes walks ?? If be were gosag to have a tit. I pierce, the negro, has s - >u gall iiiin m salasatMB. Krondseest.tbe CanadlM made a verv fin i?.i. Walker i?i leal 1 inch in Might) sppears to hare ssors waist tkaa any of the otaer tall pedeetrtans, ami walk* well. RVBN1M a I NF? IV lilt SAWMOr. AhMt 5v000 s peel stars wer- peeseai dnrlap tM erea mn, Mt the etreltag pedastrlsas Itsthj aaaata> sgenent. The sbseaee of Brawn left t to qnestsM ss to w im would be the a tauet iii doabt, but gave no ptuaalas of a Mr reeerd, Plorsl tr hates were tearee? \ rudt ta the peslestnans" quarters under the u na ry wns like niakluK a tonr of the Miami cages In s nienagerle, or the wan ^ id i free hospital, Fbc a r was hsary atth tue odors oi liniments, mingled with tho ma-ty ?mell oi t ie MlhJina it self. Between 1(1 and ll o'eloek,a aalklag race between McKeeaudOr sslaodproToked th< heartiest applause al the evealag, Grassland tluaiiv t?eat his inun. In spite of tue stoi les about Urowu. be teturned Baezpeet edly la IM iraeh at RtSU p. i.lot bed in tbleh tlaimei* ana looklna we i^. it, aad i.n shseai the seeond tin.. ;i i, 25m , or nearly i o boars altogether, aad he had fallen 7<? mile ? behind Murpay. i mi was the seeond m in i<t make 100 mtu s, walek he did al Bt80 p. m.. fol? lowed 8 minutes tatet i>\ Paber. Af er ?einlas l nllr ami o laps Browo saali retired at 8:47, feeUag a< ih hin rellevi d "lom bis pata. Be was then mi to be I t?> sleep three boor*, sod ou of the attendants * id ba hoped thaa to have hi- mau tit to go on the traeb to make up for lost time, w iii relays al barses averj buy aiUas Ulla ml in be posaibla. At I0UM p. oi. Fox eomaleted li><> mile-, barli % hat d 21 ?. dm. in uolug It, Walker w as tbe lift ii man to norm loo miles, which m dkl at lo:J7. Cnrraa and Pax had retired. TDK atXNUtfl at 0X1 fVCUM k Jills MORXIXO, The follow i nc are i he SMfeS of tho mi u al 1 a. ui. to da.., in miles and lap - : Name. Ms. Rsme. ll*. |l0 ' Fit/.Kersid .' s& atl:4 Fox.10.:.) 7s Uowsfd .? bill 8V:S Ki nliierer.I 7;!:.I 7s:7i M> tvee . 7U PS Iii U .in . s?:'J 34:3 McLeavy. bOil 7.'.a Mahoney.I e-.':7 88 Murphy.110:1 imii ? i ? kins. ftiil i i Plates. lo :1 7s Rnsssll. ioJ:t '.a Mpel scy. l"."i 75 lull.I es . 7 -? Pahsr.. ?? _ 188 jj_I mi. aRTXI I BRXr CtiMTRRl in OOORT, The poaaeasioii <d tbe Aatley Bell wmyester? day gtvea to the pedet..... n OMrias BowaU by a dharUTs Jary. It had beeo attaehed while la tM eaasMy of M* hut] & I 'o. m tin- ? in of Mam ?f the nadtten of Weaten. a>t tke t ismlaatlM yesterday! Rovall tsattdad as tM MadlttMi under vkteh as had ea tared the contest. Mr. Potter, Mr John Astley'a urn ale seerelai v. said that be kin-w thsl ?'estondid mi deposit onefartblag when ne look the bell ; aeltuer dtreeuy aw ladleaaUi diu Mpaj saj in.iik' far ?, TkLEGRAPUIC SOTl 8. A PI l-K- I MIAN gl AT Haupax. n. 8., <? I. intate Dtiaea, of tin in.*. Regtaieni.iai rautweatj ? >- - in i imur ami . i Ii.inn:. ?. '-a a sagt ? mi. PkNuBYTKRY <n M(in Mor rtt. FiM-'iidii. J., Oet. U. I'm I'rrtabytery of Heamsoak will i.i to autiaa M lbs glrst Prssayterias < biireh si M ins spsa, mat tmsplaas, aad win ssaauias iu mSN foul .lay*. a OObtPA ? v PROM vri.AN i a ?ObUNQStORfPaL ati A NT A, . (Is?Captain J. 1. Illirke, of tMUaSSOIIJ ii'.ar.l*. leu a. I. Ij.ii alleruooii with l.-rty Uieo lor a toar turoagl " bortbans Kast. Mestal rt Tilt pas aa laaipan n pa.u. i. e ?nl ??ui>> 'In. .-w.ess. VHP.INI i AR lllal DOM Tita 0kbt QDKNTIOBf. Fut.Di i. K.-in in., \'a.. Oct. K\-thaventor Rem,m i ?UlrcesedsIsive sndiencs ai bpetisylvaaia ?'.art Boaae lo-aay m sappsn af IM Ma slioeh stlL a ibseoagh aud i ui tsaotaasol IMbtaM iu.t inualba \s ll a l HO MR BOVa OtTT NI um. puvr l? HCRAMOR, l'enii., 0 I. Ok? V Rai I v ' I iNifg while gaiin im* nhtstnnti badu >?< a?abi asac spertHlii maadahaassaskebMoa atth i*? bssssut nts ?ku.. Iiu ?apposadtabs iksl of jui.u Lscaaa, ssaidaial aaaal tan Isars pMHiRrnoR ut cawa PA, Ottawa? (Sbi. 6.?Au eitra edilMm ol Tkt CmiuuU ,. -, ,..(. ,r.i tadaj ?? sslassastilsrlafWaaedImtbet arebiboiaa I bs tu pori ?nun ur In'rislu. tion min i h- Buatui le . . iuic In?? U ?? t ii lad stau * 1 ..?< baigth ut USss u>u |.i . i!i.ii-... wo b* m f-iic-i* not *t">< t'osl, ji [X)R BARMARO AOALMS/I rHR LROiaLATtTBB. plH BIlKl i PAIR, N. V.. Oei. 0.? Tins RMTBlUg JU'Ue 1, II 1141 I i I|4.|1*-1 kill' 1' i Uli I J IUI . in *IIU*IS1KM% lo Hl ..... r SSSSOlt SM MIMT, palil lareruy, ?lo., unl v,.:u tsudiag tbc ?? i pssaed b] Iba la-alalatnraisa: Wlater glvmgCoartsol bnaaiuasei lusivojaiisantmu. Ilasaid tb? ?la ttatats bai aal base rc|M-aitst two VILLAURM vach to HAY! a PfRJI aUtQIRX. A - ut' v I'm k. N. J., Oet. A. ?A short tune ago a ?artii i. t ? prtaetpalMstassabbwh in A*i>ory pars ? - [ea royed b] srs, Ifsaealy ptass ttaaM las pisoo hen.* a urksi asuipaofi.thet'oouassi OeaseU hasaaa i->utst i>..u is ?. i imhp ...r lie- pin. hi- ..fa -..a;.i im-t-ogiuo. uctau e srIU aiao yurclaaaic au nu?lu. vuiy awm. I TIIH CAMPAIGNS OF 1879. THE ELECTION IN CONNECTlt (TT. OOI 0Bv.l. J"ltn May Maktvii gPBRCBIg in onio? Tiir. ?nuiOBfr-001 OOfOOBXT! Of MAMAOBC' ?kits?minor POLCTlCAIi OOggfP, The town elect! one to OoBnectlcoi took place yesterday. The Republicans made Rain?. Two Constitutional arneBdmenta won to ted on. and hoiii woio defootedt A letter from Clere land, Ohio, nays that among the ?peaken who are eaBYxeeing that State ii Colonel John Hay, formerly of TriE Titim sk, The Con? vention ol Kan.nil Hall Democrat! will be held to-day la BoetoB, CONNECTICUT TOWN ELECTIONS. nVKltWTIl UHJtg M tTAT OF TIIK fWO PBOKMJBD coaorrrunoxax ami:\i>mkms- gRPtfiucAi (JAINS D| ToWN OlflCHI 101IL OPTKIS. H\itu <ii:r>, C'onn . 0< t. C?The most important mature in the Iowa cleetioao to-day was the vote on the arapaaad eoaetltatlooal eateodaeente, prorioV ing that elections for the Legislature shall he bien? nial, ami thl Judges of the Supremo and BagQfiat Coarte shad remain Oh the bench until seventy-live years of age instead of until seventy, as at present. Both amendments are defeated overwhelmingly. In many places the vote is more than fen to one against them. Very few towns in the State give majorities for either amendments. The towns generally elected town odaCera. Re? tains as far a* ti c. IV d are encouraging to the Be pahUeaaei In Waterbary, a strong Draeaerade city, the regulai Democratic candidate for Mayor is defeated, end a majority ot the AldOTBiea and Council are R publicans, Ncw-liritaiu, usually Democratic, elects the entire L'c publican ticket. In Hartford the Democrats elect the Town Clerk, Collector, and a Majority of the other town nttcera, Tho Bepablleans secure the First Selcctiuan ami several other othVers. A recent law pro video for minority rapreaintitloB on all town boards. Several towns Voted on the liquor Ii'mumm ques? tion. Some of the county towns voted against licenses, bnt the majority voted tor them. Now thai the oonatitutioual amendmente are de? feated, there will be an election for half <>t the Senate and for a new House ol Benreeentativea on theTaeeday after the ht*t Monday in November. Had the amendments paaaed,there woold have beeil tin elect loll tills Alltllnill. 'I'll') piCscul Legis? lature woulu have heal over one year. VOBWI0B GOES FOB " blCKhaX" Norwich. Conn., (Jet. (I.?The town election! in Eaatata CoBBocttcnl h>daj laaalted practically !n no ehange of the political complexion of this sec? tion. Both Goaatitational Amendment! were de? feated by overwhelming majorities?tho one pro Tiding for biennial leaotona by three to (MM, and the ? M extending the age limit of judges from seventy to eaveaty-flTo yeais by al leaal fire to one. Noa> atiehgoeaforLioeuac thia year by yj'2 majority. Last yt ar the city gave SO majority ior 14No Li? cense" COLONEL JOHN UAY ON THE STUMP, aia acooaae as aoxmpaiob epi ak i n? a hots mkm to aaxB bim ro ooxoaaaa?bbpi bug ax CNIOS A Nil NIIIKNtilll ? MMllCKAIH' Ulll'IS. laaov a staff ooaaaaroaoairr 01 rm rata ?b a. I Cm vi i.vnu, < uno, t ict. All TfeiBUJfi taaden w ill. I know, be glad to learn thai Colonel John Hay, has oonai oot of the retirelaenl of hie Cleve? land bone to take part is the Bepeblieaa eaaTaaa Few men an as well cquipp. d as Colonel Hay for u inocooofnl poiitioel career. Ilia intimate neeoeiation with Abraham Lincoln as private secretary and personal ii lend Identified him with the great aehhryai nie its of thi IBffty of freedom and nationality, and gave him, w hile quite young, a thorough know l? edge of the larger afl dm al government. His Ufa abroad in diplomaticcapecltleemade him familiar with a multitude of social and economic gOOQllOUl winch me becoming of increasing Importance In this country. His work in journalism give him a tirm gras|i on all the fact-, and arguments of our current politics ami widened the ec inaintanoc with piibhc in ii gained la the White House. Lit? erary geaini does not eonal fur mach m the rough work of partiaancampaigning, hut the author of "Caettliaa Dayi" end "Pik! Connty Ballade" could baidiy say a dull thing it be tried, and I am not surp' i-? ? 1 to hear th it Ins ?neeebee epnrkle arith good points. I have not been so fortunate as to hear Colonel Hay ob the it amp be modeatly oooflnea hi-eflbrtetonrard aid towuehip meetings in bia own County?'nit all Clei eland talk-, of hi! aacoea!, ami ptadii 11 fur bim In the fataie a held <>f action as aide eabe n ay wish, 1 an telliug nothing thai w ill be news in ie w ben I any that great n aar ben ot Uepnblicana In the XXtb Diatrict are looking to bin as the bub of all otbera to ran for Congreea nest year. If they succeed In carrying out the wish tbey now freely expreoa they will secure a priee that does not often come on) of the lottery of ooml natinaconvention ? ? repreaentative free from all c i:i ncct mn with clique-:, with no old n ditical debte to pay oil, ami with talent! ami Btneaa for the pomtion thai will enable him bade credit to ins constituent.-. Colonel Rny'a health! which for a tune was not good, was greatly benefited by bla recent trip abroad? and be hao b en able ainoe his return to nake inch progreae eritfa ins "Life of Lincoln " thai the at leaal a portion ol the work may be expected nezl Spring. I he 1 mnonrata in Nor! bei u Ohio do not sec, or at 1< ist w ill QOl admit, that the drill of the canvass is ntrongly aaatnei thank Theyotill bopa for neaaaai Here, for ezanple, is Editor ArmatiODg, ol ih> I'liiin Dealer, who talk! Ib thi-way: " EwiBg is making a lino can v.t-s. and I believe he is going to be elect' d. I have heel, out III the coiuitl'v, W Ifre it aia reported thai our bard-money Demo rate Wcle not going to support bin, and I ll l\e no! folim! a nan anoeg then who nenne to stay at home or scratch (.wing's name." Let me iay, in paronthoili. thai Mi. Amistlong's testimony on this point is peculiarly valuable from the fact that In- MBOtiaT hard-money man binaelf, and was so nach dkwatie Bed aith En lag*a nomination that it was doubtful lor a long time whether he would rote for bim. Party feeling, it aeema, has brought him into the ti pea. Ilr. Arnntrong went on to oay i "Weehall m>t loaeany Democratic votca on the money question, and weehall gain tbree-fonrtha of the .Nationals' Vote, which Will III leg Bwillg Ml ah' ad.' To this I replied: "It Is eney to cipher out Ewinge election by adding the bulk of the Green? back vote ol laal yen to the Democratic vote, but j do you consider thai thi- Benubiieeua have a heavy reaerve force to bring out tins jrew I"?" Yes; mil W? think We have just a? big a reserve as they, and We are going to get it ??lit. The campaign I? i joOO and cxeiiiitg, and a rerj heavy vote w i 11 be polled. The bloody hui Irl canYano your folks are working is not succeeding. (Mil two ?ol.Ina candidates, with Only three leys between tllclu, knock your Wai 18 s'li s oat of sight." Ex-Oovernoi Rt>Bdrlcka, al Indiana, is making a atanpiag tour througb the State He is always in? troduced to hi- a ml the man who would lie v no Piaaidont to-lav but tor hand. Mr TUden'a fellow-martyr doeo mit, however, go lato a dloona* hob of the Maud UjaCOtioB. He Bl ideotlv has bo de Sire lo blow t lie lite to bill llld'll's p Uli.Ige. He will be Ca--.I. or nothing nexj fear. Hleapoeebio a rather dreary attempt to m il;.it that the Dem? ocratic pal I \ started the wave ot proaneriti bow ewoopiugotottheooaatrj bv cutting down appro* printloaa at Washington. HeodneXa has thead Vantageaf goad looks ami a ph asing voice, but be is to ' gaiet aad dtgnid u to suit an ordinary Dana* ci i ie andlCBC!. Hi- meet Ulgl have not been at all renarkabie either for aanben or for aay deeepB atratioBa ot ediuir itloo lor mm, or s; npatny lor Ins Pnaidontial aepiratioMb I .ie t at the railwaj s,j i "1 'his moralag "Cor ponil" ?avM, the oexl Uovernor ol dmne, wha com's Into the State to take the etnnp by ?peclel reqoeetof Mr. rooter, flic Ohio Kepublicana will be glad to eeo anong then tho man who has just carnod the party ataadard to victory in the for Bast Alaine?rvpayiug generoualj bei nebt to Ohio mi account of the late can vase. Ohio sent to bor Sherman, (iaifleid. )l< Kinley, Bntterworth, Upda* grat) ami (JreeVenora and the MIMU IBiatBTB Hlalne, rrye, Hah, Bai I ami P rw, g, \. ?. BOTBDIO hOAlX?j ?NJtTOB I -.. Turi.ka, Km., (?ct. B.?The IngallaInycati gnttaaOaaanuttaaeoutianad u> Uhen voatrrdav*aad examined a> I <riff number of wttns?*cs. hut nothing was ? Uni. d then big definitely thut Senator Inaalu or any MM fur l.iin, Bad used corrupt mean* to effect bis i ? ? ? tlon. TUR ELECTION IN COLORADO. a!* AMOClATR-Jt'ATIt'k OV TUR STPREMF TOritT Avt) t.ocAt. OWFICBBB to rk BLBOTBB to-dat. The second State flection thin month will he held in Colorado to-day. when an A*?oclat?-Justlce of the Supreme Court ami county ami city ofBc-r? will be chosen. The Ju<li(e to he elected will ?neeeed Hei ry C. Thatcher fjMpJ, the present Chief-Justice of the Hu premeCourL Judge Thatcher was elected In 18TU. ami the short term of three year* fell to lita lot. The suc? cessful candidate at this StaotfOB will hoM tho office tor nine years. The Bepuhltcan St ite Convention met at Denver Hepteuher 19. and nominated William E. Book, the pre-ciit Judge of the Int Judlela! District. The Convention also adopted resolutions declaring that It U the duty of Coogres* " to realere ? liver a* a money tuetsl to km eqmClty with gold." an<1 pledginr tile Vole of the State to (iclo rnl OtaBI id ciise In- beOOBSS* a for i'roNldent. The Dc u.ocrutio Convention m t al Dearer IspMmbae 8S, and nomi? nated George i}. Kichmond. the plulform loot n great deal to ssv aboal troops at the poll* and " fraud unpsr alle led" m IS78, favor? tue bee Bad aa Ilm Bod eetaaoa of the standard sliver dollar, and declare* that "the ?atmal latoraata of too Btata regalia Bml the title of the UtS Indian* should be hi once eBBBBBlehcd to . v. i v acta of land within Colorado." Mr. Uicliiuood waa turn tu M ilne m )s.| j He I* a lawyer bv prote**loti, and in IBTfl wee lea finmnoralbi naadideia for Attorney- Pan end. Lam rear the total vote of the statu for Omare?* aian waa ?fj.<r30. tbe Bopabiloaae barlBi a ptaraltty of 8,291. Id 1876 the vote for Goveraor was 37,470, end the Bepablieaa nuonty BBS. At tbe earns eiicUuuthe Kepnblic th in. jnri ty for got retary will l,7.iS>. Tili: PUfECIL HALL DEMOCRATS. BoaroVi Oet, ti.?It wag agreed In tan Com* eahteeof raaaall HaHDemocrat? to-iay that iteui en Noble, chairinsn of the State Central Committee, should call the convention to-morrow to order. William naelett. ot en sti. i.i, win probehty be off'led second place, with DoTld n. ggflllBgl a* the aomince mrTeaoaoeae^and possibly Oeaeealm.x. Deaohae for Beecatary of Male. The eeanatMee voted to ?Ihr u the call for the election of four d. Ifgates-at- arg? and two from each Cnnrres Itaael District to the National Convention. Trie ooiiutry del. gules BBjael to Ihne ib legale? from Ilostou, aud wMi the western part of the State represented. The tone of tho platform ha, not yet been dec.d-d on. It will, howuver, strongly advoeata hard money. There was BOOM disaffection among too younger BkonBera of the eammlttee, who thoaaBI that the BOmlBBtlOBB shoBh: tie throw u into Um Convention. Aboal aaveotjrel them b it iho room ami erg 1'? / d elaowheeOi but tasar doUhi ration* had uo impel .ant resBiti LOUI8IAKA DEMOCRATS. inn STATT. OOBTBVTIOB IN ggggfOM? ORGANIZA? TION. Raton Rod; p., Lii., Ott, Ct.? The Demo? cratic mate QonrentMB met at BOOB to day, and was BBllod to order by the Hon. Albert VooiblOB. of the State Commit tea, Louis lOJUda Wae Made tem? porary chairman. A'ter'.m credentials a rece?? was taken until (1 o'clock, at which tue committee not ln-me realty to report, a further recess wan tal.'eu urn l o'clock. Viit/.'s supporters voted down a proposition to anjouiu the lui OttBB> OOUBTYCOBVBBTIOVI in \kw-.riEBBET. Ntwi 'n. \. ,L, tJ-f. S.?Tbe Democrats of Sussex Uo ii1 ly held it ? ..ii v.-ni ion hero tu-d.ty. The fol lowtafl Bekei waa noaatnolod i fbr gMM gSMMT?ThOOMi Lawrence, of If ird.-tun. /./,? gaBBBMfgBMM -l.ouis J. Martin, of W .ntage. }<>r I utility I I* rk-> lOOTM B. N> Men, of New ton. Ni w-D;:i n wti k, N. j., IM, 8.?The Re? publican County ?BBVeBttOB lore today iioudualcd IrattT L Mai tin fol State Senator. 8E01 IS ilii: BTEEET AI T0NKBR8, UNK Will.KM IX KU LH? RY SVOTBSg A! Ti n AN gZOI RglOB, George \\ iilmaii, a cut pouter, nlmiit twetrv flve years of age, ? as shot m the abdoOMO hl Yotiker? geartaj avealna, ami died m a lea mmuuei. j. Browalee,of Yeahero, ? blaehsmlth, age tweety mren, Ie aadec arreet Bbarged with the murder, rae fBeuof the case UT" as follows ? tit urge tfMMafl waa the ?on of John J. Wid BMB, an old Bad well-known T< s di nt of Y'ii ki-r?, a Bsasta teaeaat aad leaeaa tt the Tum v.-r- in. Browalee in* Heed in Toahara ehoai Its ye -r-. DBTlag BMVad there from this i'ity. lloiii Wart MBBBirleda Widmati had borne a good r pata lOB aa a eMadi, MmpemM aad gatethj dhga tad > aaag man. Browalae'a repatatloa ts not so good. It la stated that he oft. ? gave alauelf np to irMk nad ataaahtta*m waa ipiatreisome. Both were aweeaere al the mbm hose OOMpaaj Bad were ?npp..I to have been on good i terms, tin Baada) amralag they MB Taaken ; Meat her ea the ?toanar fjraad Baaaathi for a trip ill* the rlTer. They returned tog-ther. and Were seen to leave the boat arm In urm w!nu she landed at Tookon about ?( p. m. Sunday. The boatdaadtag te at the t?>??r of Bafa-ah* n tho eeatoa of IOCCtty. Widmni and BraWBhM lingered in the rear orthe crowd. When they w.-re ntloiit 4oO Jalds fioiu Ma boehlaadlea the report of a ptatal aaa {haaed, K and*mou 1'. Wo.nil nil w. nl to the spot and found WMm hi bj ng upon the groaad ami B to a Bin aadiavui Mg to raise him. A luv BBBBOd BttBca, ataadMa Bear, aald that he had *i en Browalee held ? pfatol in bht hand, saw a 111sh, and nwWIdMaa fall. BrBWBMO was ar NaMd, aad Wataaaa aaa takea to st. Joaala Baapttal, inn died ea the way. On the grtand arar hy aaa feoad a revolves case. ihe post-moi(em examination BhOWOd thai the lull aaleted the toft grata an-i cur two arten ea, eeatlag fatal heuiorruaue. Corouei Bordgaaet he'd an lagnesl ^ . -tei day in< ramg. John Althen, BgB M VeaB OB, t- Mt* lb .11hat he knew widmi-i. He VM uaadlDBea Mala ?t* aad aaw a Bsaa shoot Wldmaa, The mm who ?hol bin walked aboal thirty tool away, BfieV man fell aftol he had walked a short distance. Be saw MM man who ?a A Wldman take aomethlog that ihone froai aeaee wUk his right hand, and beard hen InvitS WMiu in to go down into tho lot. ||.- .lei not *pO?j as if Ii. w.i- BOCI I. lie waa poatBae thai tbe prisoner waa the man a ho ibot Wtdan . joi.n h". Beat fi i BUMbuktL ttlfli d thai be -a-* two bmb walktoe together neai ibeplaee when tbe shoofiua o.-(a,red. ii i.tai l the report, and tooklnevoond, ?aw one of iBeamnlyiaa ea the groaad aad the other going up the ?u.-ci. she prisoner looked Ilka one of l bOOS. tjeorn Otis, a rarnenter, teatlded teal ha mwWmV man aftei ne waa wouaded, Tha priaoaoi waa trying i'i nuss blas, II? v. as positive that tha prmanor waa the man trylna MrabM Wsaaaaa, The niaean waetaooalj in.iu tBen u; t be i ae. Boundssnaa Wood rug teattfted that after Baaei hs<l told him he had heard tin shooting, BcoWBiOS aald to Bauer. M foa bbu'i identify me." inn roandamae asked the prisoner how he knew that he eon d not. .m rueaived no aaearer. On the waj to the ?tailoa Browa? lee told him tbal tbe shootlna whs aeehfentaL Brew a lee was MtOZR at- d at t'n- tllue. An?-r fiuiher teattmoaj ol h--s iMportaaee, the in gaeei was aejoararn aactl ta marrow. Two ex plaaaUnaa an elvea ot the nirm- beabtoe til.- prtS0Ber*i State meal of accidental *l.tine. one i*r tnat wiiile on the Browalee bad a goaml with a Bsaa, and asked ga,l nan to help him i thai widniHii refaaad, aad thai Browalee sh**l Mm ontofrevooga The at Bet lethal uier? was a aaarral between th two aien aboal a young aoaun who u,? on tae saeareMa, M ? eon Wnimaa bad baou attentive, und whom iliownlee u< couipanied to all eliU-l tatluuieut one svealaa leal we-a. wiuuisii ws?.. Blender, laedeekiag bmb, gae feet ?u lliclios In belahh He a n la ihc employ oi Flamin "adek. lii< wuiee is of median beight, atoaUy hunt, .Heinas., '.mil c lapb Xloli. He * ns oukalgtd 10 W'ut bob's hTsekBMlib a bop the ravalvar, wbMb it i?*op peaed Hrow nice threw into the at tuo side ot tau street, had uo. bean raeoeen a iu-t aleut. IV ALTERED lioyp TO BE EES TOE ED, l'lliLAm i.ntu, Oct. IV ?Di fi ctives and . f?i cei - of '.a Maidiatlaii S..ving? Hunk lett here for 1 lusion thtoatteraoeai takio* ?uh them the sioisu # >oo head ahtea Joaa Cot tea eonrrd fm ??irattuo aeaaa o fhonee A flhorneari bb ea'urday ia*t. The Oatata* BMBthaaapni ie for resierlae tue a brlaal Banbon mi a.tcjed ?ouu?. It i* to be cmpl j>ed in the pretcut case. Edward Schell, president of tho Manhattan Saving* Hann, went to Philadelphia on Isun.lay, accom? panied by Balde Bntebiai aad Pol Ma < apbaia Bj naagj to tonault w Ith the I'niiade'phiu ofUclais, t i VANXAB't COMING OELEEMATDJX BaTAXVAB, (I i., Oet, *l.?-Tho Secretary of Vai u m on), red ? dataahMBal of tu? l.stu DaeMd nute? lafaatry, aaa st ttlaaM,M tin* citv to taiosjpart in the aciebnttoa. Tbiri] roiaataeroorae wth to- here haaa oiaer i n- hi Georgia, and tram Boa h Carolina. Plat* Ida. an i oin I s .?:? i US In lour/ lUtplBJ Will be lliu v i UMh -i i \ i; Ul tloa elly. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. RUSSIA stu.i. in \\ iHQtl MOOD. ENr.r.and am) sbkmamt mi akiuy *taflT nr Tilg HISSUM PHKsS ? THE MhXICAN blf.VKR MI NBA. In Kuaaia the priM is attain assailing Knglund and Germany. Mr. leeHlBIBTs h?r?? < ??-mldine waa beaten yesterday in a wcll-eonte?tcd raee for the Clearwell Stake?, Paimet rnna to-day. It in proposed in Mexi-o to place the recently discovered silver mining region at the Mojada Mountains under federal cotitml. Tin* Duke of Ih anfort advises Knglish farmers to engage in cattle raising. RUSSLAll H081 LXJ 11 TO BHOJ &JVD. I>(!?i>os, Meede) ,??.'. w, 1*178. The Russian press makes | fre-h mUMsTM <?f hostility ngslnst Knglatid ami i.ermany. IWH ivtem burg .Vom Wrmgn sars : "Sooner or Liter s wir nl llle ami death Vital Knglaud Is Im v.tal a- 1 ne only i|ii. ?iion now to be eoaeblered Is which is the moat available route to lllndoatan." knglani) and Tin: aijjiiws. Lonikix, Tuesday, (let. 7. l<<7f>. It Is wiid tho temporary occupation of Afghanistan was decided on by tlio Cabinet Council yesterday. It was not anticipated that event, would i>e rljie for obtaining the opinion of Parliament on the ultimate policy nf the iloyemmeut be lore the ordinary time of meeting. The Sland'ird't dispatch from Simla announces that General Holter!? on MBAsAy reached Cl ir, seven Btllae from OA Bad, having le't ms teilt? MBl BeeteBAM at EabldBbad. He was ? xpected i ? , heiure < aaal early ou Muudiy moiulug. MR. LOkTI.I.AKO'S RACKIfS. LSI*!*?!?. Monday, Oct. ?1, Is7J?, Tho raoo for the Clearwell Stakes fur two years-olds came off to-day at the Newmarket Second October Meeting, ami wts won by l ord I',. ?<?!>? iy'a buv tllly Camorra. Mr. V. Lorlllard'* hay tlllr (icialdine aaaarad the second place and Prince HollykotVs bay colt MaeOeorge was third. Twelve run. QsgabMas led the met to the Cord?, w here she was Jollied by < mi' 11 a alol MacUeorge and the three made a splendid rare home. < iiuorra won the race by a neck. There wa? a head) ln the second aud third. The betting at the start whs 7 to 1 agilust Camorra, H to 1 against 0, an 11 to 1 sgar st MaeOaorga, Iht limtt uns morning savs i "Mr. I\ I^rl'lard's brnwa aaldlagParoM aaa beaa supported petWapa? tat more money tliuu auv horse In tue is.utcal for the Uesarewtteh Stakes, whim sensseeaTatRewBMrketns> morrow. He Is certainly well nut never? theless tbe Jockeys, who have ridden him, think Bl can? not stay the course, which la over two BUlOi aud A quarter iu length. Ilia trafaaf Bad uwuer, buwuvtr, art ooufldent of his wiuuiug." the fi:anco-ami:kic\\ TREATY. Pambi Kalbaayi Oat. a, ifc79. At the meeting; yesterday in favor of a Franco-American treaty of commerce a letter rr"tn M. Tlratd, Mlnls'el ol Coiomei ce w is ri ad, iu which he ap? proves of the wirk, but regri ts Real Id* aSelaJ datae prevent him from takten aa active part m it. i be ii >n. Fi 11, Halo Wood ' gpresaad his perabaal opinioa tue Lulled fttuU* were rea ly to reform tbeir land. THE ri B8LA1N C0N8PIRACT. II. I'KTI.K-ni KO, Monday. 0 t. ?I. I?7!t. Tlie police ha\e discovered :t Beeret pruning office and awekaaaaengaged in priming m bar r.1 ted pa 'npolrl. MORE MEXICAN BILVER MI) I & (HtXAl MAM IPM ill' ? hi* ii IMRM l?ifw <iVI i! I I>. Mi xu o, Sept. :i<>, viv ii wvv\.? Col If Im is m... u.s.lig a hl.l to pla. ? Iii dbMHMed Bttrltatj wbi'b Includes the Mo|ad'? Ii Ine?, under file MBl ) ? : ItM of tin- Padetal OsrataBtaei aetti tat fgaattaaef aBajg iMiiindalles 1? settled. S..1110 of the ro-ws apets feif thai the real to tie- Moj.ola tnito a may BtedsaM a -pint of territorial M Men* i<jtr? ca: s thd fish ??a faakaa ureasten." The ? enca bawapaper( ira>t dTlll'oi, ts h. ll\el> . lik'.iL-ed in i xci'o g the 1-aJon-v of the Mcxbaus agaiust tie oggres-i ve> of tba Americana. When IJaited IftAI M. sl> r ISataf eaBMttty went on % lour of lii-peetioa of eouaiilatea /./ Maaaaeajfe aeaaeaal Mb b| faaag Ut aspiai the Mojudii nil nee. The Dewly-sdiacorered tilper depeeitd are in orucarthcSi.u a d.., ,.| .,... Ii n i M I t. al 'he p..i ii i w her.- lag -t i tea of Ci in Aahaa. fnalialhi i ad i>a r.iiigomeet. The .- twadaya1 laaraaj aapaaal Oaatta OaMaMjaa, m abaal 108 adlai frem dh Bat Oraada. wbieh dlelilaa Teaai IYqaa m nea. fa aaa af the, I he /um 8HAX, pah i>; l .: "s.:i Antonio, saje" the average m'c do. tail i n, wM a mj taM teeaa> lala cold also? hi 40 aiaraa or 830 oeiai ? pet eatea af tliaT pnande Maay anerelu.ou from tin ritba m sal tllla.airatrnai. db ? i I mare atat ageaia to the place. Tbe lam P>pa8ffc*i (MexhAaj bVptemlwr LB)aayaM theiniu. .. a . n discovered in ?h Kr.Jadn N nnti ??; ? ni ? magaiaV Beat fletd fair raaraoeratiee enterprise, Altn dt nebaar af aanberAef people I tkiagtoi a (i . . >s ag S afe-aad from the aorta aid ufta Rio (j ' /As lesii* l'i/trt*? Maa Antonio) ssyst**M ?r.?.'Castro ha* ieeelve.1 h letter fem :i i: l-u I iri M x i .1 -c |i mg the sierra Mojada mines i n.e ttuu -u os i yields all the w?y Ii m 10 to 100 marea of i.v. r pet ton. The eorieaanadeai declares the asiaee to be futty aa rieh aa they are reported to i? . U dvilts sad the Comstock load are Bowhan la aampsrlAem" a bmH Is i Ight rOREIGM N0TE& LoaoOM, Maa lar. 0 t 8, 1*79. Marty tattm al BssiapartBiti baeeatTtTcd ta L saaaa to try aad efeet a reeoa lattoa between tea n KaraeM KagdnM and Prtuee J 'rome Napob 00. Chpsala Be hart Chartas CT Berta ,tl seesent Bilisan Caasal at Baa tea, has beea sppolati ip isu. t. r i.nat 1,11 tain .0 Philadelphia, \ dtapateh from btmla sayai ?? 1 ? Klag al Bavens! has 11 it ailhdnab hat ci ilai ta the Bastei 1 K iri ma*. If he ha*iH-.'tiplc.l the territory,a l ri'irb ferae wMJ doabtlea he sent in the rsdd a sa< a ;.?. 1 ??. treeaai but tt Is Bulikaly thai aa) fart bei me.isi v..:: is* taken bcbIbai him until he glees ptoe.11 Nearly all BlirOpeAB DBtl AA I v BlgaM d lolha PrtthihOoeeraasaal their aecars InlaaBawles Mewatsoaal eoda ot aeeaa aad tiear alg - ind raise ef the read at aaa Ja*t Issm 1 by an order In Coaeetl. 1 he new rules sad -ign il- atll * me lain nse eyi yt at tt ea Ibe let of Hepteniher. lstso, In the nu n. im?, all aaa> d'date. for isertldeatesol nrohVlenei men rylBg taaai out w in 11 aerga ? muain itu a. The Daka ef Beaafort sars aaallcly that tt mhenee sinie toeampats with ABserletn ah il nrodeeti at. Me ndM-es Briti.ii taiiners to devote to ir a i BtteetalsM ralslag of cattle. ttta repeated saMag ths Ipaalak DeaathM Ihst the Oeretamsat will preelslm 1 siate of ab a m C tasaaie tn the eveut ot theBopabdcaaeM CArluls atlemptUbJ to fa steal dbvtarhaaei ?. t iie British ship PhBeassphae, i iptata la aaa, from Oaieatta fee Basaoa, has been wrt kad. 0 1? 1 itt of the en 1W were Ml d. It in pos-ibli a poii.011. . (he cargo m o be recov- red. A dtapateh to The rtatsa rran dhala aaya 1 ?? BevaMaai detalst af the easTerlaga at the laMlasrstrleaea people siiii come from C ml an re. faere Is reasae la hope ihst tin-wor?t is now over, ion aadoalsiedly. re la n. area have beea mumrah 1 mauaerd t... the Ifafi r?| h und his advi.-ers, and the lossof Ufr ? been terr?M " rid ME* A S? f '.f s I A I. I I t.S-ft T lEl. F i H t I'd. raiaTTY-OMR Yl Alis [R PRIHOB LaOORIA, N. II . Oct. tl -A igttal rinnt dike, ace Sim s. ven ye.u s, ? a- 'o In -.mein e.l (.. veji?' ii.ii.i,, saMimitatas mate Prison f..i borasstsssusg. uei.?? ai isadysstsrsd feaasnaaai itv years rss .. IVaTAMT DRATM rjMDBR 1 11 k WHRI L8 BaLIIMOrk, Oei 6. ?rmlailt Cumin, tm J. CroD, of the Noribetn t'entral Kailasy. was taslaal?r AllhM <b.s aftarasaa aaa s*ds from this alts n sttemptes to get ou a paaalug engine. BBS rsil mi >r RA B/b*0bl a MURVMR I N OOLB RLUOD w \ DA30R ?r. I..11 is, < >ci B. If hart Coaln anot ud kill. .! 10 I'ol.l bl.asi I'tunlaa Kraaee at a n-arr? Aaas at Ri big rtaaj. it, tssaia t.'oaaty,assa sarly bear reotvidai ssorulna. tie the-, all. inol.-d Ui ?ln-ot VaJeollue WaU-i, Ml i .*!>/ ? aa ?rtSSSOSa BMOT nv AM 11 a I.I A N HARJCAMAM RoiiDKM.iSN. .1 . O 1. tl. \\ up mi II Ian, HI sanympAsf the Paasnarrraaai Raum d, was seat m UM t.-m. p.. I..I-aliei u.Hiu Uv our ul i*.. sail. i - I. ... gen .. a 1 .iia.. 1. 1' lug at tbr u ..erf at llic I Utiisua weit* pi act.siug s4 a target. A KAI.L <>P Ip'uKiY KKF.T FI??M A lli:li-..l Fut in i:n Asm 1:.,. Va^ Oei. B??fairit-k Martia? et the KOg.'Ui.x.r lieu Worts, aueei.ul.a...u g lbs ass I Boas(MiTrssbrl . >? I Iran the brsuco mdaj ' ?>? mdre af fsrtt test, S'rtkisg aiu.e.g the i? a- laefca helaa? Ue is pr.'Oaoly fataiit barta 1111. in a 111 OP paytj BIRfTMBd BT POUOMIM8\ HRW-HaTBR, Conn.. <) .0. M.s. Oiekcrraaa and Mis. hil.larla. siMlera. iisvr tx.tli .1 el fio'ii p. isori a' tcrtsl br (Iia lot ss, lir?i t" b> r sul-1 so t all. i ...... 1.1 ... ,. lelt Mis. bam?'io-vas tassporarui aataagad, u> iha SsaMSSptsSM rSSSefBlSf bSI uster u. an aa in i. PAYIMI but IHK lo It hi ALL 0O0MTBMPMSIM M vi<! iuik.i, MaaAsi Oat. 8. hAUttrua} as i mg Alee or ef coautrrte.i i|vn .>n Uis Na*i .n..l Mi?|a ltauk or r or. V Y.. Wvie pui In ulieolatlou liri? tu Itqu. i aim m8> lani saiooii?. I?i.i tu?v?.iieuf me tuoo.-v Uas b.rU|>aldby l..r p. i?eu. luvultwt l?r Uir retail oi the m o tcifciia A N AirKVflM TO LYNCH A S.\ V .\ Ifc M I' Kill. It Kit, J wr.-vti.i.i, Wis.. t)et. H.?At ... in. tii-.tiu % in nit. .1 iu"li if about .MSI mee aeaeioble.t atsuiit Hie lad has an i ileiuau'lisl fiat Baum**arteti il.e f. rus ss ism ii . i.-r of little ?? San.iv " White. Im? A< I vrrtsl to Ui. iu 1 lo > ig 11 i I rn road a few h..ins' noli, n ot iL. ti MSStBg, BBd had i?.. u oauoiasiieu away and mBssm iaa>