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THE ELECTION LIST FILLED. IX8PBCTOR8 AMI POLL < l.Fh'KS N A MF IX BOBI <'i in: POUCB BOABB ON 111K BTB BB ltr<; HsTBAIKM ? i.ivi l y B?BWM IN llir MKKliNr.? I. ii B.v0 i<? ink BfBtl Of M iM'AMi ?-BJ kYOB tDoni MTU Df ins AauUHB mi:. I BJ n ? 11. The win k ?>l appointingclectinn inspectors ami poll rlcrk* f>r t.i* en y was completed List r\? tiinir 1>y the Hoard ol l> !:<???. just in ti . | , t\?. regt?!ration >i ves> i", awti <-m will Bagta aMrwiwar. A birg? iiiinU r u( resignations wns re. eived, and tli?> va saucie* MM tilled no lar a* practn aS.e. The Hoard ?ill 1? ?*??enible Una morning to do what additional BWrkmay.BBnecessary. Ratarai la the writ of BBMtBBBMB arajv in ado to tin ( Term of the supreme Conn, the Republican anil tin- Imawcralic Jouiiiiivhioimth ;?? rtfaaj BMMBImeVaal ly. The Court i?H'i>Usl to take no furttier aa iion vc.-t nlay. Mover .ii'm. i :.a- |>:ar;u .i,!. ahanih-tiid h'.s chaipc Ifraiusl I (?uiir.isstoucr French. WHAT WAS DOM OS ill!: nKAL DAT. OIF PBffjM ? VMfMMSlMXKI:* WTIII MANY M-ITIKS am? many nciaaaia aiaiaa raata labobb. Aiior a atVHgfM which Brahed u-n haajn, ili?* foin-.' BBaai Baa i mbbBbj bbbipIvi.'iI u? list of Taio. Iianr tu>-|Mv-tors .it election. I'ih H.nrd had i?tJ)oui'ii<-d Min:.:.? msli: i<> o.< < t it *:.!.? h. in. >. si.-r.Ur. hut at :...t : ...i: r . . a::? , i Mvl. an w.i- fne in.y | er-on ji the iviui .?: PaMa BBadaaartcn. ll?- seemed li Mrastaed la bavi > a i-1 ?n -? rv. i darlag I lie day, and MM far taper! laadaal VaiBBsJUwhow he directed to Ictall a force of policemen :n k<" o iiiiiHlei* .-ut of ll:e nri. ?on- in which the nn?.'.u ?/? "f ihe ,|.\ wi- to lie nsauetet). The poiieciiicu mbb furnished, but order *a.H n?..t pi... rv d ; ail th:viuli th. nriK-e- itliu? the iu ?lueui ??> a? crowded, aud conversation wa> carried on a a loud time i a all par La ui the BBBM cren imtnedl iielv in ihe Coiuir.i??ioucr?'c?.u:*. The ofll.'i r* at PjopataB mtb aflBB llreeted IB end and laipati.-ut ?Oias to ad.a", iioui to enter t *e. pi lh?at?' who had 011*1 MBB| am! Mr. MarLeau occasional.}' shout, u: " Ser tvatjt, c iu't j ou k eo ijulct on: Hi re I" but all cnt.rtd ahn wi??it'ii. ui.d i| w t aaa bm kept At .?mn.. unaer WBeeltr at lived and wa? fol ?iwid in a ?boit time l>y CoHtnd-si"neia Kiene.i and IbbmmV ihc bob waa aalhad M S ??' ;??-k. uuithe foi t?? illg n-s.-lulloa V, as Ui!uedt.lU!> i'.ii led ley t'oumiI: BMW Vaaak r: ? hi r, im. Thi re a i re tnr. e Hati of Mflaoa pi em med to B''arl fot aeleeltOB Hid aponintnient aa iiinpfetora rfetrartaoa prierte aii.-u-i 10. eenforwilwa to a raolu |M ol It > It 11:-1 lull M : and VMraM ,,i"- al Ibeaa lata? ? led by IheOomana Ben. 1. irtireseutinjr the minority pert) on "?t?te i?*u'? j Ian here ?rl.-ei?-d and apiHiinteu tn tbta Heard ; and PBeraat. Aoiataa ma rearaaettt uaooeol tbeeectiona if 1 ? I?. 0 eratM pnrr] kaowa a* t ?? >-.t Tammany >r Irving Mo I Peiweraer, aekeeMB br ta^t orirantsa ion, ha? been nppolated hy Km Hoard iw inap?*ctora of ilerti. 11; 1 , 11 en lore. Bfltfit. 1 hat lue halanee of the laapeeteta of etec Ibb ?? Be Bppetntad to repre?etit the other eeetton ol the >iiiaei itir p rtv i?e ?e.ei i- u ami jp|?uoted by the Beard Mim- iaa list praoaaied bore by Iba) aecl on of .be DoaaoeratM i^rty kuowu a? the i am many Hall Baaaaeraej. BJBJ,'- pajMawiiaatk Tin- r. .leb- it'-.t. < .ait-.;-.T- Macl.emi ?in! ni rrtaaa ratlaa la appooftfoo. Mr. Morrison said: 'Idaafl wisi. %aaa aaamraiaBd as vmNnc smdust the 1st. inn i aaMoaaai mssj apaa i: wha are not treu I'.w." Mr. M 1. an toes. i.t. 1 the following reso.u a<-ns: ?maAMT. Tb I aa t> anal to the Oerpaaaahai ba re? in. ?i..! :.? pn para tat retara al I bla l>.'?i d to the wr.t >r iiiuaii.iii.i:. acreed aa Ihn Roanteatks 6U> luetout. And i -ui--1 la saea return alt Um aataatot ot the pro amoinas ol tfec Board Bad -en 1 1 ba ton h>- of v.mi win, Ip lalae tlaaeof the BMkiag ol lue returi, and aud retara ba aarttaad t> the aettan preside ut and BUe/clrrfe; and, hi. reaj ; ? toad WTtt eooMaaads tbe Board to sei el Bapoctora 1. ? in the ?" Tammai) Hall 1* ooirracv," a'.d lw*a>embrra of tha Board are abbard (v.r..out preju Moe to the r.gbt ad api? l> to . l?y the ord?r of ih? sort to th fa it extent: bot aald writ doea u?>t state ehatelaaaol peraoaa tbe r-m-i rammany Hall l?.in- e ?;.? j ? a aaci -. or s rai ? ? d w>. aor direct tu. Boa ?! ie.- to eapty aa aa 10 determine whether or n-?t . ant propoaeil a* mapeetora are members o; said ramni n 11a. 1 It, i:ohr.n v, Br ass* rest. Ibai Ute BuarU respectfully hopes that the Seaet will, I It eouanter It wlthta its province to do so, lire.-: il.< Boord, asj o ler. baa to Hetermlne what now laaottiatea ammbersbtp al each rammany Hal! Deiuor '.i y, aad wadther or uol peraoaa lut-tiding to vote tor Lm uis it - luaou for Oovernor are nnligmie ns lu ?oetera, eliaoaca Lhej :nt. ad '?? vole f. r the othereaa lidaies on th.- li Btoerotle Btale ticket, and although .Ih> arataefl b r?ol tlw Tammaaj party, which, it is utt-geii iii iaa papera now before tue t <mrt, j silled BVaMradjaa i.: bhi etty aad rrnati arltiua ihe ia?t raari laaihac ? r.i>, whothee ??? aat the Hood is st lOiriy. und. r thi ordere ol the Coori, toapooiutaa Baaoeteaaaa] ol iheBfABOO roten who :u-" otherwise |iiallto d. or is eouUned to II.,.: |. . 1:10.1 of s.ud im-.oisi laaeea vatab im. od to roh tarsWba Kaily laruoverao-. Several amutiduieuts were press-oud aad were bmt. Mr. Praaeh, harahta to Mr. Maelrea. s?i.i: h.\u* i aish 1? ask you, Mr. Obalrmaa, whether you and Mr. lien ion real...' do not u..diistaud the writ of inaml;: uu? f pJr. MacLeaa?1 Baal am b^nattraa pMthaasd ay you. Mr Mal:bm-I can say, in good faith, that I do not BBdBraBaad the lataf^iwiarJaa to ia> put upon it. Mr. PBeaeh?Ttieu i move to aeeoM bv loaertina: * BiiVamM One nwmhai ot IBM Boari prefeaaca to be in loubt as lo the in'- nt -ml meaning m the ? nt." Mi. Moir tea? iloa. bbb I noB yon why you naaki that im> Mhaaal' Mr. Fieiuh? Because you LaM s-,;,<i t:,.,i m g.ssl faith poa de?ir?- this informatiuu. and i wish ti e re BMMBhBiry Mima ahaM n beMosj*, I doa't want the MBjOnOtMa, and Uiv eo.l.Mgm BasMB*! ?alil lt. Tlu BBhai ui BMt \f jo-itectlT eteoa to us, and 1 want it logo jn the reconl. Tbe mm ndui- lit was VM d down. Bad then the original rest lulious shared the same fite. Mr. W .et ler pn sei. a-.: ihe fellowine MaehattM : Kt* m<l. That It'ls Jkiuid direct the chief clerk to harvard ai BareBara M iaa mamtanius a ropy of the OilliU'i - of all UM proceeding- of this 1;...nil's sjuce the sei \ |.-e of 1 ne writ of BMaABjBUS. BBBMBBIaa thT. li ii .11. WoltK. Tins waaBahaaMdi Mr. MBeitaaa nyMa that he voted Sga!u?t It !? 1 uns.- it embraced loo inn. .1. Ihe work of the dB] IM h bmjM with the Tallin,auv list for the VHth Pleetioti Histnet. As the naine? were lead, and the BBBBaaaMB for appoiniujeiit were til MB Hisl by leaders af fhaTaaaaMsB} DeaaaeMM] fram tha dlalrleti t > ?hi. ii BMp MtsMaaad. it wus BaBhaamle what a lanre propor tlou of moae first named had no claim to mem tsrsliiliiu BMi palt] though UM! had acted with It in past peeea ?Nu Hm Democracy of New York waa Bien aahod thaa al present. There B ie ver> tr a lus'uuces li whi h the nii'D first peepaai 4 wore > t: . ?> i be dm 'naalaiia which aroar up..i. iue part) atandloaol tin- raadhlatre were the ee casiou of saeay excitlaa iwaaa. to n^. Kronae tppeared *o pa-s apra the Mat at Im Bf a eandMate. wb ? me r. mark ? us Made by some en ti .it bo had Mmscir been arreoted 'or personating an eh etMn olBeer Mr. Kronae taracd m an ? *? it.-t man aer. and insisted upon n< leg heard Nt bll own d< tenee. He snd th .t an ein-ib.u offleer bad been arreetesl and be hud Beea M iii for MBll tha v*aaaey eaaaed b> the arr.-st. ii ? w.?s urrest-.l. but wui al otu-e releasad ahea thi matter waa eiplmaad. Tarnlua to Mr. Mac lean be Bstded, " And It was lor your uncle, the Sage of Cipher All. ) . I done it." Hri ??ii-f .M.iv.-:,<-k was ?ald lo iiave been out of srm oatB] with I'aaunaoy Ball since he received a eoatraei lorarlatiaafrem MapeeCooper. .Mr. Morristm denied Uasl ba bad reeoived aaeh a contract, Mt ha waa n> lertrd. It eras elaBBMd tha' J< ba H AgrjeW Would not Mere a? u.siset??r. Mr. BateLeaa ad that qolteaa ptomineai men as be bad served at electloaa for Ihe MBBo awud. " WUI Mr. Twdra aarvet* was aahod. ?? l ion'i know." lepiKMi Mi. Vmi/mi. " i bovea'i sreu or bm aim lesvti d alth Mr. T kli n oa th. sui p i t." i. wardC siie--.^ waa aaaaed aa aa MepoetM tar the XXll't Ihatrtd aad waaam-atsouod aa to ids political pooltloB ** I daa'l kuowwhat Mr polillea are yet," he i.ii I; ' I an a ii i an bee of TaMBtaar Ball Qeoi j al ? am Mlttee, and shall awall the action of the County Con yen an I ? oie ii sIbmibb l show hi bM set ;t apperatad, b< cans. i 1 Innk I BOB be of BSOrO BOTVlCO to my pal ly on the strei 1 on t-let t.oii ila.r." OtM m n B roBCbed Tor by h spectator, and was BB> EBpled, wBea AldarauM BaeBa eauad attentloa u> the fk. t Uml the tar-on sp< aki'.g tm Mm Mas au Antl Tamw ai mai ? " : eaaVaa*! letlow lha i? ?ould ten n falat-iMitd." said Mr. Mucla-su. "Well. peih^iM. not perssNi illy, * r i -?? d Mi. SUi i -. " but politically I'.a not so sur> " Al tho-point Mr. Itabgs came in and Inform -d the H04.rU Ol Ihe 1 1 c .'dings in MMlrt. A recm w?s laktU Kt use hour, im .he parpoaa 0: paaparMaj a iwhara to the writ ot Mm 1 ibm 1,11. All h I'KX.KSsS a ii kK IHK UKlT.sS. Afli r tbe reis-ss nus.u? >s ami forward more rapidly, BBBamhtaraaMs aaafaasoB aud who mire Balaam BBBBdfaataAMM of personal feeling. Andrew Poruey was BBS sti .ne.l as to hts Utoess to serve as ItisjM.-tor, bi.U was ub.o !e for srvi ral mBBBhSJ to say ulioiu he voted for for Ma;, or last vear. Alderman Sau-r. w bo Bthod beu.ui Foinejr, made some remarks, for wbk-11 hu was sa l ply called to aecouiit bv Mr. Ma. Leaa. Foi BBWrBM ' ' d fr.8 bell's name after If had been BthaMMMdBa BBBs but could not say who hud ran BBBlS -1 htm. Ai 4 i.V. 1 k tha IXth Assembly id .tu t had baea reoi bed. A -.ngnlar s' em- oeeui reO here. Mr. MsrLeen Biov.di. e appuinlBBtal of 1 aaau>ev of aemtaeea, wbo we. is ..iir ed 1 . a lump al it u 1 1. n i- blna. Amowathem waa J. J. MondT. wBo ia Mr. MseL>-an's privat, eleik at lo* < Inc.- al |v. . .- II. ...Pjual t.-is. lie la ajaaiMi. 111~ aaitti a*ad. toUuaOati froM tha .-'m.-i fibasaaaa DapartaBoat, mm head ??! ohMB s Mr Baa? ls aa Mr. Uu>-, le, ,;t. rv ird ealb d Mr Moody to lha bar. ??Arc \< 11 at pri a nt 1 . syMpathl iM laauaaaj iiuni" heaslod. ? a . -1." BBawatosi Hr. Boody. "Thee I move 11 a: i m name ?i: cken froui t..-- hi-t."-.--id Mi. "i..- ardei <t reejairea tha' tin lusp. -! -r*aaw .1.iMdahe n oal sneB a? are iu haw?asaj MMTauunaai Ball." Mosara. and Bom-oil uppo d ta.s luoituu and Mi. Maadj a u*u.e it Maim d oa ? 1. fflMM J- i>atn 1 was toi.cU op lo unevur I01 has My ally to Tammany Hail. "At present law tn harmony with It." he saht. He was not permitted toarvswri us lo ha* intention* tor the future and was reieoted. ' He wie. presse.i ho' apt> dtil incut b} Mt Mor? rison until tue statement was made that he ?10 ul< dgcO to vote tor a Ucpiihllcun, when be wan suddenly dropped. KxsJiiHtiee fTirtnian wn* Rfsweriru: for the ehai aeter of candidates, when he wan asked hv Mr. Mucla-an, in reference to some objeetloa he bad made i M Are jean statement! asaalty made on as good foeadatVia as llial I" " Mv statements usually .pass uui|iic*1 toned where Ter I nai known," was the eool rsgty. Hnbsr QUeiilh be was called to ?tcuiit lo Ml.Mnl.eau lor insulting ti.e Board. "Ihare inenltedaaooa,**hara> plod. " Have I no rieht to put my tl gcr to mv bbsrP* "You may da aa alaaarhnrr." answered Mr. Maclean. i>ut not Uc?r?'. Hollar aaa yews imeaoi smiulam* btef ** Whenaaataaa's name waa called It was annoaeaed that he ha I h. ea dead for ?onie weeks. " We withdraw ti i ii?.** sah! Mi. Men tana a Mr. 11 organ wtM aomtnatcd by Mr. French, w hen the "Jsymocratic Couiuil*slouers voltil against bini. He wax tlu-n nominated by Mr. Mai la an and eh MB. Au eh|. ? lien a..- made In a can? didate because he hud anid he Would suit; ort the aotlli nee of tiie Svno io-e ronrentiou. " (Ml. that's t?si fur awal," i i. Mi. Mai l^-aii. tie wan prompted ov Mr. M irrisoa, an I adt* d, ?? Ok, I IheBiilil you said t*t laants tVsjrvefrrth n." ?? Won't you esli yourself to older. Mr. Mii.cJ.eaii, please I" -aid Mr. Moriaaou us Ike lot m-r no la k.i.g to some one ov?-r tht backofbbi chair while the latter was reading a list ? f laminations. i 'iMPit mil rtn un ray uw Kr?ten. At BtSt p ta. Mr. M i I. an announced that the lists of Inspectors a ere r? mp'ete except (Bat nine Inspectors were wanting iiithe XXI Vtn Aaaaahly Dial rief. lie then moved to m'i urn until s p. m. Mr. Wncelcr wished to complete i bo list of tniiM-ctors and poll clerks, j Mr. Mnef. an wltlnln w Ma morion, mi l Mr. Wheeler I moved tbe adoption ?! the Humes on t!ie Republican list of poll clerk* which had not alreadt been adopted. This 1 retain and allot Ii r to adopt T.iini.iauv poll clerks for districts bavins oda numbers were mst hy tbe usual tie vor? The t o ii'i.iss ,,:),.|s then p'<M-cencd tn complete the Bat of insrs-sfSaaata Mm xxivin laaBasefy t >.-?rlet Tbe mil of Inspratan was Busts aaaaalsda al QiXl p. ni. I'a'lee Jmira-e I>ufly u-ki d |?rrtnn?lon to address? tbe i ...mi,' a; Mr.MaoLaaashathimaBaidckly. Mr. Ma< Lean -aat thut land ley Plsaa, aaeetated as an inspector in the [el Aasaaaarj District, bad ?uid he was a Kcpuiu a aa. A aBBtaaa t<t allow Justice Duflt to apeak lot [;\ ? ml i ll - >\. s mo* 1> the votes of Messrs. MaC le au a'id Morrison. .In t! c DfOYv?May I have one word I ?Ii N Lean?I think net, Mr. Dnfy. .1. |?titr? -I had expected lo receive the -.Hue courtesy here thnl I bare ofi :..warcsB. Mr. M icLran iet?u^ttan*lyr--Mr. 1 >nttv ? Jaattoe iHify laaarUv)?10a have aftaa baaa be rare me ami I tn atesl you hko a gcuih man. I also l.k-- to bo n? it 'ike a laaianaaa. if: ?itoiioa of Mr. Ma -Lean the B-ar I adjourned until 1? p. ut. \i I l.K ? i OD ITBB1M0 irtMlOMa Al it p. in. the mart rooui was ? rowded. and the halls on both the Mulberry and Mott-st. aides were ltued with eager politicians. TheCOBAa?SSBBaAsTI entered lookiug Weary w it ii their day's work. George Bliss and Kiihii Hoot sat between Messrs. Wheeler and French. Mr. Whei ler united thai the remaining names ou the lie publican hsi of pull 11 rk* he adapted by the Board. Mr. Moirlsoa Liove.l to amend by adding tiie oil num? bers of the TaanBVaa) list mi far a- It was eoiotdete. '1 he motion waa passed as umomled. This eouipleted the lust ef pel: i larks arlth the exception of a few vacancies in the Tauin.any list. : Discord w as again . an i-d I y a motion off red hy Mr. Wheeler to accept the raslfBMtoas of a number of Ke piihhcau lns|M'c:ora ot elautloa aad to appoint other iiieu uamed iu theli plaeea. Mr. Morrison Insisted ou u division of the aMtloa ai d Mr. MacLaaa, us Chairman, dei Ids d Unit ih< motion must be dlrVh d. Mr. Mheeler ? 1 appeal trom the aaeBdaa of the Chair. Mr. Mai l.e .j.?l .1. alias to gates tum Um appeal. The elerk at leatrth read the motion do acci .i the res IgnutMMia. lie also read the list of Battles*. John J. O'lli i< ii was... ut [or tue ii ilgaallans.and Commissioner Mm le-ali 1 m... d t' en oVt I ear 'nil i. 1 lie resign it .oils Were aeceptet at 10 p. in , tow. trier witli those of many A ut i-Tammany inspectors. M?ttaus to appoint other persous in then places were uilcplcl quickly, 'i be Cxun miasioin ? s s.. med to bo in a hurry at ? ast to get throu,-h With tin ir work. Several nddttlotiiil c'iiiti^. ? , ?. I >e Oei s wi re uisde I y mutual consent. It wi.s o!?,-,.v er.-.j | hat umre rtsiguatmu or iiis|h etoi s end m en a<.ptcd than an bat l tuteabssl beea HpjMMated, and that eanaed some euntu sioii ;or a time, fin resUrnatloa al Itadley Fts'ld, who had it '?'ii uppoiiii d us a CatsBBaay Inspector, was ac ei pled ou the ground thai he a Bepuldicaa. Tbe following dispatch from Toiiken eras read by the c lerk: To (hirf-Clrrh FfAWI KV : Whtle ia theetty ? sflsiaana 1 ?m served with a nonce oi my a ipointmeat as uu inspector of election | i i ibcSevi uth kl ;."n Dlstrietef ths 1st Asseouidy Di. triet, the duties of w inch co.nmeni e to-pioi row evening. Vs l cx.t-ct to fs-uiuii. in the eeaatry during tue whole |M-ri ot H'rvic In lala tsB ,,n will beisseuliarly ineou \euient for me toperform its fnnetious. 1 respect roily ask to tu? exeaai d. F*m hm aaMasaatrata u to the le.iir.t. e. J. TlLUKB. Mr. Ma< Lean?I move the resignation? Mr.Preaeh?Hold on. Tnat was my nomination, i oni ntinlylng llio ripber Tasti the dlspntub, I more the rcsigiiaiion be at ot plod, aud Lhal ajbsaaei 8. Joyce he rahatMatcd. Cnriled. I Couimissioner Maelsan Mtd ex*jMtlee (jptae alao re? signed, aud Hull' lesignatious weie a eepU'd. Ihc Board then adjomrni <i to met t al *kM ?. m. in-day. THE IAM.MASV WBFECTQM. SOMB OK Tilt: B>ST KMUWM RAMM IN PACfl AS-EM I Ll I'ISTItltT. The loiic tMMltsaa* over the Tutiirnnfiy in s|tettore of eleetBm BMRM the list of them of nnusual inter, et. Most of theM appointc-i are not known out? side of theli election dutrteta. A few are really promi? nent cltisens, aad Bsaaj more ate wail known in their ward?. Frotu the i ffl nil ll-ts, w inch were on flie last eTemng tn the B?rens af "Cleettoas, -..m.. uamea of tbe Itetterskuowii luspectota in aaeh AatCIBbly Instric; bare ticcn takm. Tin- I-t AsaeeaMy Dhuncl in partivului contains the tmrn. i af seearal poHtlelaBI af note: FIRST mrrmbl1 IUSiukt. Mrrtd Dudley Plata, ( ifaaladia Traas. tlsary D. Paiiuy, Michael Ttteiocy, hop I* I biirbsib. Hinrj L. Cllaioa. I d?..r.. Keara. v, RobLW.\ ibWjreX.Jatku It. I?suwiiil, Aaausl T >... Li r mar, vvm Van Wyek, w. k b. ntH-tt. BuwaeU Oam, (Ms* W. Wiugata, h'aiuuel k. Joyce, Angnntasnns?ill. a, U. larnbail. t . 'judBvy Gantber. Bt J P. Vo-tmrch, fsaaayh >. Roswsrth. Sl'.l ORB \s-e\tm y Msllii. i. William Vsll. William Msgmre, Thaothr J. Dsinabna Hoheit M. Borr, Ba'ap-i scully. Jeremiah linscoli, Mlnbasl LOorsgr, Msetsaasi >a.iiiau, was, tt. Kstmsdy. iiiiun AaaRMRtsI sdnttM r l'atnrk Hayes, p Ciii.iniigliam. Ac'r-w Han :-.oi>, I dasrd PhRMSJBRk stataM Kenny, fksilBS f. CtLIIJ. RUIR1R AARRMatkl tatsnRBK Joba C Ke-AtBg, RAwaid Poetry. p*aaaedJMBpa Uiclisei in Is, o. I, I'atn. a M Seeiy, Jotui J. Uarry. nan saaaMai.i i.istni.r. Wi iiam t. Raajart, MaAMSN Korkafn'.ler,Peter Mitch 1!, John k. iisighi. tsakaO.OitasM. AJhart V. *tesas. sIXIll AMRMRLt DtanUCT. jonn t. Morasn, Oasa MsasaTSraa, laatas Isggktt, I'atTsAk OsarpbaU, IssMsOsaea, MlMaai White. ?I vi.Mit MBRMRL1 tMBYRMfff, reo-r t>. No >ti?n L. II tlortnn, lohn A. Fowler, L. l>. ( uuulrucbaiu. V* ii.. H. Itelauiater. 1. M Haflifahk iii.iitii AAHMBtsl nisi Kit t. Heury Hartman, OhaftBB Kol.ler, William Dentarta, A. il. 1 legal 1, (...-- Co: lo 11, ' '| l iSISM ntSSSB MNTH \s.. -am I DSRTRM***. Thomas F. Pan ? i btsMrgS W. IPtburU, 0, Van '.'euren, I'. Bean, John Doscher. Albert Heuney. Tt.NTil irtlMTtT PttfTltUTT Patrick Dutfy, Jolill h. lje?< hsviud. R/MBRB PMBBj Jacob uuiuhetf, W lUiain i. i ralt, A.iani it Xsnu. turn sin Assi.nm.r Di-rmn. Kassae< mger, (ThaiteaW. RaetnM Muhail Power. F. ll. llsswell, Jo'.i. i. Waikn. PrsdeHefe iiayburn. rwninn feaaEMRLI nisi hp t IiiMbsBiskhslmar. Isha M.Cassa, it. R, :>c Young, Cuarle* .'stuujpt. Sim.o. Lua.b. it. Slruon liuaiuau. MMtntMfti Asst MiiLv uitrrniiT. John Rtephaosoa, .Michael H.Conniv, yasSphW, l.arata BichaJU OMay, C I', -i dors..n, Jol.a W. laaRMa ruritTi.KMii assi mi ir itisTitirr. (issjrge F. Murrav, .M Ich i?l 11 aj SS. l.dw.od ( osttdlo, H, jru. Masamor, A. J. McOsusse, faaa J. O'Sttsa, niti.KMii ass; am i ntsTRii r. F/i'warrl Firrps'ric. Mi. i. .e Caarfaa, Hnrh Mctraw. JaaiaaJ. i'aiiittUeli. Kvv.arU, Potsar MeOovaai i.totge V .Mel..yi.u.Jo..a I le; . n, J. hu J. Rogers. sixrr.KNTit ARBRsnLfl I'l-Tnirr. Alesarsler J. Hr .wn.Ja'iii s Masleram. Jame- Metlovern, ThaaaM 1. yloisu, l iioans P. Horan, William 11. Wood. IBTRRtfRRRTR lltgRBI 1 DtRtttJCZ. j.1 . |Rcn ik Rteh sOsmsmsMbs^ IMaaal < ashiua. il. i . Merer, MashsaM MalMfi JaaMBMTamsih. i MRRH i sru \?si :i.i t lk*Sffn i John i . Kcitmg Baan R. Itapsat, B*a>srtOSRw wrilani J. .?!, William <jnlra, Jantes 11. Wtialen, Johu Bciiy. J. P.Ueaassx, fidM CI. Mssioa. xiscri.i \Tii ss., gau i.isruiCT. Mat >. <"aa io. Joim p. La? ahaaa, lamos j. Have*, p. ii. Otsanraeo, \* P. aaajman, BlahalpaM? Jhay. IWAUI1R ii Ass. ani.i uisTiucr. fMMhF.Bsaaak Aanssfeaaaasr. k. stsunr. f. ha o nig art en. s>. J Hnii.aclakl. lehn J Phillips. rwivMi AssiMiu-r oisrnifT. J dm Adams. J. 1'. ? t'l.rlou, JLB,gaasM Qasgsjt w. w*mt\ i.i walab, j. ii. bSsr. rWBMITaBBOOBHI assaimui.y BBCTRtOT. William F. Cairo i. AhaxaadM Tbstn. PA saws J. Crsmbkt, Joaooh Oesiker. ?'u.iiWIus Lrorh. j'Siii Siggut", Joba tt. Harm it, iien.aru cvuTlo. Mica u. Bailebsir, rWKSTY TlltHli asskmblt lUeTIIii r. Juhn B. t'arrlgsa. pstiak LOIbrey, Qeorgs II. K.Lynch, lasaaaJdi t arlaa, Martta sT TeaBBaaf.WBlMBhf 11. in'ua. TWisTY-riu ITH AMBMRLl PtBTl in. T Ma n . "in r \ Uogert. AnCrew f. W.1. > Lar e, J ai k< . la.. 1 auioi U V iletiiUo .lie. .y 1v . Murray. wi'KK <IF iML EUUmW V.ruv.w. Tbd delay In the neeifliiinltiiii of the alee taaa laepaeteae aai paM^aaraa haaslad tho Bureau of KU-cllniia h ith wot a ia.-! e\ i ullig. Iis room- w ei >? oja-n all ulgbt, and Commlesluner Wber.ct's rooms, ut the other < ml of the building, were thrown open also to ne cotntiioilate tin el ow da that thronged ti. Police Head ij i .rters to rcc.ovi cs-itiHoalea of appointment, a.- fa-t . MM lau.iiiii i. iioiemees were Bppotaled the] Were inforn ed over the !? Raa tc ? grapa w Ml s of the fact, and old. red u> apps sr al once and be .sworn in. t-u or . lgtit psrsoua gl avspeo racb of tho two Blblea ill Cbiel U'BCMM*! <>itl<-e at once walle ike oath Waa (lle'a.ed, aud tubers l... k theh RlaaeS as fast a* they retreated. Much BBBs :,.sion wtw aaaaad hf im fiaysjaeutrasfegaathsas iii?.iii Wlilchllit Could v.a-aiaj lig .ovsard li.i.l.ilgl.l. Ai io..i uoui (he iUU H Hispccloia horn aevou t.iiilou 1 districts bad out beea received from ih?' Beard r ?1? ; the iiuijontv of Tuuouauv |s> i-e'.-ik* w re slid aa ? ? tinned.aud ?I41 war. naiv u <> w bou ? fl \Ith?11 tr those who wer.- .n daring ' > ? w.-iv Ailgostue f*cheli. in I he K.oi ? / I J i-cl irii??, CaJwa. vl.-r Bvapa m ;:??? i. f. ... VV. WTIi . i tu um Twfiit' r-aw m t. : ii I Imm i K .Mtl M I 1 wi-iii)-finirtii BMrtloa IfsVtrM U Hi I tie li A- ae h!v District. The full oomh - of raepeetoi it:il ? I elerUa required i'i the dtj ! 069, aa ?Tbl h Taii.nii.nj V total foot? up 1,886, UTUMH T<) TMI. OOITHT. TltF JUBBBI IIBC1DB Tti r\K! NO PVBfBKB auf 10J UHItt in-hAY. The fJreneral Tana ai tha Bopraraa Coorl look li]> yc?> ril:.v morning the m ii"1.ooti* .o-iin : Hie I* aaaa Baaed, Mr. k?ii ani.1 that Uta 0am ml alaaan had bat i aaaata to bbbm op ia I ba form at taafi Betarm Tin- K. puiiin au Oaaataaaaaai weald make thotn aal ?apaiataijr, aai he wei cxp -einig it every moment. Mr. Hangs said (hat he ha! called um. i Comuitvi'Miers Ma - Leun and Morrison >u inlay evening, ami hud etol i.ned to them the nece<Mit) that an turn s.mnld bereaCvbc iMaaaaaaa Monday. D.ivld Dndlei Fieal s.ud that tf tin- rataaaa aaaa aal toalthta a short HambavaaM move for r.n altiiehment BBBHMI the four Coin'.ii.s mii era. Mr. Baaar aaM tbal tbaaaaaaal larOaatnaaaaaaaaa MarLaaa aad Marrlaafl hau bird to have the order of Ihe Court ohetcd. MTba attachment not against counsel baBaaaBaU the Coiiimi?-?loiii r*." said Mr. Fl.-id. Cblaf JaaMei Davis laughed, and aald: " Mapper* Ju?t now !,< if lour clients were u ore in contempt of counsel than i f the Court." |I- nighter.J Tue Court tlieu look a Maaaa aa I BM t airuin at - o'clock. Mr. Knot read the return of the lie publican Oaaaatdaataacwa,Meeace. Preach aad Wheeler, it de c I a red they und "done a I la tin ir power to oh y the writ, lint tin y had lo en emborrai tad and abatiauled by their two aa-Oaawrlaataaata,Charte! W.MaeLeeaaad James 11. Morrison, la such manner that an a IdM nui and fourtii toapaeom of ateotMa bad baaa Bppoajtood in aardy 9fd oeaeMea districts cut of *~+ laaBWhlahfha city ni eeaaoy was dtvUtod.M rbba* foollne ftaTti said that feba week dene by tba Oaannaatl kl n was an earnest o- t he. r purpose too'i. v Iba Court. Tin y would therefor, wallfm*II.Uaa re lui". Mi. I: nigs came into Court half an Boat later with tha return of Cemmlasieaeri BacLsaa ladMor* risen. It set forth the proOOOdhMbl before the Police Board tor - itind.iv ami yealerday, h etadtoa Hat reeo* Intioris in which Coiiimis?iom r Mad.cnn aahod for Ihe Interpret.!?Ion of the cxpressi- n ?? Tammany Hall Democracy." Mr. Fi-M reeved for an BttBOUflBaal aotn-t Cntnm's aaai i Mai Laaa *?ud Moonaaa revnraafe a hwjbalib and non-lsu'.;?Mc, oil the ground thai "-t was bmi i fc -1 thai there waa aa hMaMtaa to abatrarl the aottaa of tha Beard la reeat ol t>> eh ktteac ? to tin- com t." Mr. Ph id declared that the return was evuslve. the Court consider It In connection with the rotBTBof Oaarauaahiaari French ami whaeler, ead have the ether two Ooanahadoaara hraaghi aefcru tba Coart, hat ? U> IcrregntorieH eahMMtOd b> tin in and Ihe.r answers tahea 11ham fhay ah aid ^ui.uiit to the eoaaoaaeaeee. Mr. UanKs said that Conunlsslouara Maefsraa Bad Mor? rison had aahj huaaded to their retara to mdseate to the Court )usi what had been dim-. Tlic.v s*? inte I. he said, any turtiier diieiimn of the Court. Chttf-JaaUoo Darbt ardd: So l.ii us the jiapi i s show lipon the face of the return! the Board am ma te barn booa aetlea with reasonable diligence, us inr oo cou W lie oiiswlrd absm tha awirn bete au- directly la eoaflhw. Tee reaotauJoa to whtab we are iciOned amy he tba biadaof some maeeatlou or Bselien litjaafmi b7a aaa aa aaod n aaa far aar ateva bor of tha Board loahuaawbai the Coart m leaded, is pecialiy none for lha Acting r^uddeal ol the Board, who, to Btbeavtt,Baa daBaed rerj dhutooti) what he uudcistood in it.- tin- DoBworal c oraaaieaUoa ot the eitj on the oae haad, and I fee Tarn man j Demoerary <m tba other. M a ver, tbe Oearl eaaaot aay oo these re* tunisthai theOoasaaaasanen ur.t aroeeedlacmoss maehoa we era nut able to aar. m seloctrax uscee ta apeetorv, they have eol made the i i laUuatli ?> reaalred fortin parpora ol determmlna whether taej pomiaii tbeanaltaeatloiisprescribed Thi relara showatthai a great deal of rouiroversj baa arises i ?apeetlpa the per? sotis to la- appoint'd. somi ol whom bare ben rejected ead tome ace pied, i if rem ae, the order reqeired throe ?uirties to proeeed with all dlllaeace piaclleahle In amk (ag tin- aeleetioB, isd to doioa so taere mnai neccsaar o. a panaaal asaakmwjthm >o reap rl to all per> sous propooed. it may bare is n (bei that, how? ever, We MO BO| 111 OOOiHtloa Ul -a.l). that mom bt i - of the Board have beea pel steal j endeavor* I bo to looare i be appulattoeal ol psa loae who are am m barmon) a Ith Ihe oraania illoo k.i ,i . < the Tammany li || Damooraep, and to ferro thai mleethm npon then oo4 au anmioanra n I hey bavadiisB ga li. of thai baa of eondoel riers'stenUy, aad by thai u ens have delayed t e a; potntaa tu i f these Mapaot?-. iad thai tool were . lew > Mlabllihad weaheald regard them as hl Bea? ten at. Bal us it at present app na frora the paprra, we BMab w?ought to peMpoae rnrther aeMea for the ti ii i.l n l Bra, whleh mmM ie made at the oomtag in of lha Conn lo Moiiaa al lOo'rlock. in tin- meaailMo the <loarmriaataaen bmm proeeed,and pi batty win tw aiiie by thai time to appaial tha toapunlntra .n talL if M that lime any faots are hUd before na tending to-how that these ?'-?inrntssiotii rs have been In eon lean pi of Cesar*,aad wtdtoJ ?MaaaBtraaMsra el tfie dhraetmae M Hi.- Court, or lu ouy other form, the ipi.-ntion will l? full V liefere II?. hUYOH COOPEB KKTKKATs. AtJALN. The " henriiig " in tho ease of PoIhOC CsBBV iL'issiouer Freuen did Lot lake place vist-iday, is Mayor C op. r sent a letter m WhtoO be pra.-tically ahaadoaod c t charge, it i* ool boUevae by ihooa near th Male i that In- will revive the charge of 14 leaving a Bioetmg of the Polles Booed wlthowl perMlaatoa," as it is regarded aa o-rj filvotmia. bal it i? sani thai if Mr. Flf ?ounniles pi oppose Hesars. M o LCBB und Mal risoii. otiii-t charges will l'e made Mist will etiatile the Mayor lo i emeve him. In his leitet. Mai or Cooper -:a. theri iu view of UM hMM that Mr. Preaefe lo eagigsal with Mi eoUeagaea in Urn appomtmeat of lm^sectors, porsaanthsthoorderof theBoprenieChart, tie win n-.t to. iii. bIm toattead betora bha. Par the peaaoat, the Mayer odda UuM be doee aot desH It uec isery t*> bbbm tiie tlms aad place al wMeb be will gHra Mr. Fimith an eppeetaaBy t" be beorw, bal wfll do bo hetwafli r. .1 8LVQCLJM OAV?l >>t DMtT& QaOBQB A. BAPJMXBB SUD TO BATB Bl BB POM >BBD PI AUsiMi PLACKS in * I'm TH. Qeoriro 4. QardUaet Btod at (fa. 89 ffearj at.. lir okl.i ii, Beptomher -7, and the physician v*. ba at* loadadhiaeeajre that hie death roealtod from blood* poissmiug, caused In arsenic w hich hud Ins n iimsI by a deli list iu Heating B tooth. Dr. BaMnol >. Gay, the phyateian, was called in by A.c. Lewis, a friend oi Mr. Qardhaar,oo Haaieaabar 10. tour days alter the arrival of the latter trom Bootoo, when he hail le-cii traalod bp l>r. Waters, a dentist, for toothache,aad where the tooth had beea taana* rurilv BUedL PreTioaa to summoning Dr. Day, Mr.OanUaet had I.ecu loreed again to go for relief from pain to a Brooklya dcatiM, I>r. ('. A. Marvin, who had taken oat li e HJIBU to relieve 'he preOeaiW, When Dr. tiny saw Qarwuer his aPBeaaaaee indicated poieoniaa of the blood, aad from thai time the tia* siiesoi the mouth and adtoeetitpartawereicradu ally oaten away. The toenkfaaal the larva vaina resalted in bi leiaihoeoe. whleh wan at tin last tho lamedlete obbbb of death. Dr. Uny gnw a certifi? cate of death from M Mpticmmia from ganffrane ol the month aad raee, arising from treatment of a tooth." A banal panail wao area ted oa tbia eertifl cate. and the funeral tiMik pla<e: bal the ease did no) utcito pabbe inter. ?1 uuta a atotemeat pab* liehed m Baohon caih-d attention to i?r. Qnya opinion that aroeaic invi beaa need und was t in cause ot di-atli. J?r. Mama, Um Brooklya de mist. M?d to a rata* trai! reporter ycatanlay thai Mr. Gardiner bad como to binn miMBiinc from what mumis! to be aa 1, ? <? .nt b leerat ton, rhinktnj that the fllUug miaht be preeeh g on k b nerve, he took it out. applied cn site to take away the pain, and advised Mr. Gardiner to 1 abate to deatiat in Bootoo. or to oowm haeh to him t" bare tin- tooth rrrate 1 n, - Bier. He used no arsenic, nor did be see any lis-fia of a iy harlna te en aaod ; ami in- lid nol think : ? tSkctof arsonieeoeld have oa aped in- notice hail gay beea introduced by eaothei dentiaf. lie dkl aai aea Mr. Gardiner ggniu. He did not think the ooaaiityoi aneaie generally naed irr rJeatistoraa <i have toe effect that this ease bad preacnteil. Ihr. Gay aho eaM yoaleedaj tat ..ail- he hod uo a Thi ea cb that ayaocki h ad 1 u inhia tooth, there wn- aadeatable j>i<>of thai :.i ii. il destroyed Mid Billed tie mau; und tli.- inl lea , that B cam- from thetooUt eanld ? rdiybeaen ed. Hoaaaerihadaltoagth the ?ymptoura thai i?.i ni to araeaioal poiaoning exclnaively, symptonia whicii neither a maUaaaal absccaa uor eiyahmbiB nor sen.lulu won Id aocoaal lor. 1'o- qaantftj --i arsenic naed by dontioM was nsoalTy piwBM'd at i ai.d even it o i.itle were used m u -t to barm the stomach. thai little, applied to an ale..I | suiiacc, would deetaey toe tieaoe. Ho aatd tha he did no! llli n: ion UM BOO ol ar- n,. when he made out his oorUflcate of death, be he bad nO positive pro if oi it ||i qm teii |?r. lUchardeoa, of Brooklyn,and Dr. Hei? Bath, tonrMBopathie eorpooo, el NewYork, ga cor* rohotating In.s assertions cone, ruing the u ofar si ... . 11- sail that A. I'. Lewis had 1 id p ot th.- ti- bm Bnalraud rar BraBnhtL ami thai ite pn b> bm - had been detected, Ue added thai Mr. Lewis h:ui reoeived a tot-tat from I?r. vTatsra tbe l dentist, saving that a j>iei?.iralloii ol his own lud In en u led, B blah w as harmless, hut he did not den \ neing Bnaata. Dr. liny thought it poaaihla thai lit. Man in might bare aaaoraredananli in remov? ing th-- plug, and that diu i ifi c, a clc auhat quuiiliy produced. Hi. WvUiotF, of the Health DapailllUBl. sanl that Dr. Goy'l eaittficate was regular, und ladt* Bated do noeeaMty tor eedling In aUatouor, t urors i Blmma Ihonphi the radataooa lo po son lag trom the treat mi ol ol a tootfe should hare my. gi . id arsenic, ami beea follawed bj MioaUgatioa. Dr. K eh..iil ou aaid to- did ooi examine tbe patient for traces of araanieal poiaoning, aad had axpeaaaed no opinion as to that. l?r. HeUBBth i Mini not In- |,m-,ii i,-i Mfc Lewia, iu bohelf ol Mr. Gm llnor*! fm aly, ptw*. POBBI to she i-if. Wat el j. ol Dojtoli, lol u.alpiaLl.ct. mass a (: 11 l'si-: i'ts politics. VfORK LAID OCT MY six coNVl'.VTioxs. my Fs Mil. Ii W.I. I?!' MO' It A IS ?? 1' N< I It I AI NT Y ATai. 1 .1' Is.:: Aim-'Tr'H tPOSIUOV ?NOIII.K AND Tttmr. - > I- ? " i'i.'-i pakty-wh.i. uk takk J1:f HtJMPf i WUIl.ATi-: 1.1 #???? IHK CAJtVsstJ tlpctWf Ml ? ?KM. |rrt<>? 11 ? x?; ill iMIgBsntlPJillgPI IU f I?'?IUI 1 Iti s-t:\. f t-f. 1. Win it a S'ate of - ii ? ? Ii ?M a* Massirh.i?e.ts has six convention* preliminary tn BJM .1 ?? ii i i. yo i in.iv tru!Iifnlly say H lias a pgad deal of p alltli s to the a'Tf. We have already had livi' ill our . ii'iv.?ntioni, MttfJ the K gabst I'- tno. nits have eil h .i tbe sixth. Will this be tha last f Tita v. niHsn-iiiflni -'iifs aw not usually hackcran! ahout assembling m convention, lint I lnar Ihn! some of tin in think it wit*- ha r. fraiti from further special a.':t ti ei nn?;l the er|s rimi-at ?f allo'viti.' -vomBl to vote in school matters has keen tncl, while of liets are \? illitur to frsjnga a r.-m ention on the cr We ni. 11 I'lnlllpi ti li- t!ie tnilll ?lieh he nays that (Jeneral Mutier is uiiinstakahl, at tin hi'ii 1 of the w-tmau'.s rL'hts movement. Tin- I i q unr dealers anl ext'ettie Anti-I'toliihitiotii>is have sometimes thought it noatlftll hi < tophus'./" tin ir po ita.n hv holding a convention, hut I in-. vein m ??: of tln tn aim ai reaily to aeeetil G en ral Unt? ier ni tin ir candidate without flu- fataaaltty of l l|Maab*d nomination. Heaee we indulge the IhtM that cm.' eon vent ion more Bade the bsnahMBB t'-r I87t. ) The linirerof t~phe .loos not yet Indicate with cer? tainty who is to reei It* the nomination at Fanenil Hall ou tin- 7th in.stunt. Some of (In- faithtul ia the areetero pari al Iba State think it woald he wise to put ih" rtandanl into tip- hands of the Beta. Bcnbaa Kobla tii:> um.'. He is abairtaaa of the state C steal t 'um in it.or, i iv? - at Wralbold. ban stee sottsidef*bki avt 1 iti Iba Li gl slaters, iapopelas in a ????rtain atajrdy a ay, is a g.-mm- Faakoe it every rsepeet, mid a t?:. laai of Benel rxerllcatquality. Dawnal this eml ol t be Mate the HoO. ( hartes |'. TboillpBOU, af Gloaeeater, u fm rally spoken of as the host man to lead the furlorn hope. Hit late term iu the lower branch off' mgross fa vp him a National reputation and I iottbt if tbe regular DaatsaTsti have any more popular in. ;'i ia tin Stad . Ben ia Host.m there is a little Ulli again presenting (X-tiovenior Gas tmi. hut he is Ultlcll Iil.'t'e devot, il to law th.'lll to p lilies at present, and I know no 100000 for sup posllig In- would lake t he II??Tl11Hitf Km. 'riie names ni i wo or tim e other gonllsntao have beea area tiotu-d in fhis eontieetton. lott no one of tln nihas anythingraeee than a iucibIj local following et strenirth. Then Can he little question that the stro.'c-t pnaalbln nrnninathm far tbi Bepnlrllcana wenJd he tbal of Mr. T nt.nps. 1:1. That 1-, ii-- would hold more of the 1>. ? 'i ? fn m going to ilutler than any one laecan. Bel I am t Adayoneef tbe essWsyntoi in IbeoondugcaaTeutinn, a pootleaBBn who belbrrei in Thompson and atottld like la aaa bfto nominated, tint be save be will not lake the tiomiiiatinp. ami that In-w'll so ih ? lare in a h tier to he made piihlie at the convention, should the movement in Ills he half heroine so sluing n? to render Its ?11111 ss prolia hie. vf^ben I aakad tbe why aad wbetwfare of tbit relactaac on 1 boaai.s oart. I was aaaweai I that very Id. ly he bade notioaal rwaatiaatfoeCewaTBaat aieaia aaxi vear. In a/bicb caaa 1 cm aaa tiiat bo might not care to antaponixe rqj part of tbe Date craticToteof hhidtatrlcl by taking a preeiinent part in the lighl of thfa y BP, The paaanjpj g af laef \ is t he bjbJujmiwb qu intity af tosjay. Of eoerae Jttdpe Abbott la adTPraat Geo* etal Datletaadeeidedlynow aa be area thru. He taye finite openly that be doea d<H wiah. to he put forward agatn aa tbe twndiilate of tbe pearty. Hut ti er.' are 1 bjajocratP, net! ho voted for hint a year ago, whoaaeeti thai Ibbjdenlpiptiea is ut rariaaee with bbl aetion, BjaJ reaajl tally at van.tin e with both the v. ..i iis ;inl act inns of a eoHaadarahic num? her of his fr.ends, men of mature years who h.iv?? ia pah inte been aeewtoeaed to raJc m the party eonneils. Tue aajatleabMi ? ho qtai Btlon the tineerity of the Jtaif s aattHaaMnn. sav t!mt he is in i rain? ing f ir tbe Vi w-K:ig!.i!id positiou in I In- Cabinet of tin1 r>eai.MTnie Fanohaanl to be ebenen at tbe ae*d r!ertioti, and that he and his eea)?daatl an-ol (he omnioti tint the exla. neies of the altna? tion renders it ad\is ihle for him to undergo Iba inartN rd'Uii of anot lo r dcf. at. How mtieii there bj in all tins will pcohably be revealed aazl trees. The talk oi the street ami the t ilths is that the Ilutler [tarty wouhl pel for tin- reBrffTBmating of Judge at?!'<>11.Wii?1 are reedy ?<? htrtbai bit Bbanoea by all tbe aieana in their powac, not beetpeea they have any ilei of be! pi rig him to a tMMaraandln g position In 1881, bni heraus ? they regard him .is the Bfenkeal ef thoee erha are protniaently pjen? tuna il as pOOtib] ! t?a:.dnlate.s. Willi all his a. k.iow ! edged abUitieaj Jadge Abbott ia a t old politician. He dors ii. t eaaanpind etithiisiasin ; poe can't " rally " mi hun 10 ad vantage : dignity clothes bint as a tth a garment ; he and a joke arc not on apeaks InaT In ma " Raab " Noble and " Cbariaj " Tboaip aaa merely to nientton the naraei by wbieb they an- Botnatonly caBed aheeri the aeaUabilrty of either gentleman as g camlidate for a year a hen areyy vote is needed. Geaaral Bat ler wfH yet get tbe better of hbj mi vi.-ers: that ia oiy predletion, Alatoat to a nan, they Bge eatd to fever a ptiUdtnni ihis pear, and up to the areeeol date have had a degree ttf BBooeag tbal Inatilled tbeir opinion. Bet tbe logic of the situa? tion from this time ler ward is aaainat them. There are an mote oonrentioaa to be held, no more dbv lingiii le d eon >ei Is to he paradctl. sliuuioua and Tarti -.\ and Palmer have hud their say. aad being man witbont hnmor who oounl for very little in I in ?nisei vrs, ran do nothing untre 1 hau harp on the s'rmg? already touched. What ns-GoYBTnot Bnl loek ?alled "the edieatve jniwer oi Berannnl CZ pectancr " i-. of ronrae, a good deel ol a bond, bei ii will md hold the Hut hi party teantbet nnleu c .kr ? aiai ale Bia occasionally (tass.'t| out. A ml it |s the s Jeron and tobet troth thai Qeanantl Ilutler is tth.mi Iheouly man iu the Hull, i parly, in Una and of the State at least, who oas an] MOM ? f huuior. ahont a bum fh.-re is any Julcinana whatever, s)pea>keri enongta t lu re are itneng bia folbre era, tore beaen of nan sort or another, quite ready to run hither and jam and reerte fheir prnaj raaayt abent tha aaaaamty of reform; hut not a uiieher's aan of tnen serins to have the least idea that be it a gjutetl" ?noutenl atrainst the reform be praacbea. Now the General himaelf baaBotne yanett aud hnrnorj he is tin. ackoowl ?-?iged in ist, i of " Baaa ": it is eabee a:.-i ale ta hear bim -peak .. hrn on tin-stump Mv word for it,? he (eels that the I rut fs and captan.s and in, ami cn'oiels huve dotM hboQl all they Ban, ami that if t!:is hnttle is to bfl won the old man ion-' lake the lieltl iu pi-r-on. otherwise be uiighl is well sbnl ap -hop end a Itndmn tuna hi? candidacy atonee. Of coorae he will blnndei be for. the cantpalgn eada, bat he can hatter afford to do that than keep sih nt. ibe aetiaa that appearatn in aatne ont side ?piurt. rs i hat Mi. Long is Hal generally aeoep? labla le Ilm gfeal bodyol tho ifepublioaaa ul the Slate, is one thai tpoedilj ***? a'raadnncd by j all whoarath i<? gei a tree aeuai af tbe attnation bare. Mi. Long is a tbTBOgfaij llkahta man in | every reapect, lloatof Ihoee wbu tavored anotlier nomination did so heran ?they believed llereeaml Lang would ha a atronger ticket than Lung ami ' any oneclae. Bnti decided majority nt tue dele-] gat.a were of a different opinion, and thai settled i i be tu it i-1 s- far as I be i'ietce atea wore concert ed. i f are awn verklag |nal as heartily, and dome ig-ti*- BMob to paah ),. a Mccceafal lawte, a i ia original Long men thonteelve?, and Will c -ti ane IB i his course until r loot inn d . \ cut Is. Ii iii - kVfntbltcanB are beaten it will not be becanae i.i am . isnrtiaajningB bxaaarbl from ti o aaeivan ti m Ml Lstl ii mathi in- orn ilin:' specrh ut Lowell, the Uutae of (J aeral Baunr, and u very good little in i- r. ii pouch it, Usa. Bia formal aroapliaaee af tha Bomiiiafwe al Iba Kaaenil Hull meeting ia>i .! raa exeeibml both aa to matter and atanner. He fs a level headed thinker on most pointa, wbo readily'wins the gsoeVwtU "f tboM wfta whom in i ion h In con tact. <m course bit paeftlen an tin 1.1,1p.i gaaatiaa eniirs into the i .nva-s. That ; i an ea to l e all ubbm III every MaMBrhnSrttl elect am HS the nexl quarter ol a n-nlui v, at least ? being tbe ane bjane thai it aaeau ojnite Impoeeible le settle in mii-Ii a trny tbal II will stay Milled. Mr. la .mt may be expected to show hlmtglf. and sp-nk briefly three or fani tune, aaeb woeb until t;,i ? a-i\ as- el. -i s. The I>i mo ratir cnventi. u of Tuesday neat is just four week- d igt anl front the ceetion. 1 rhni that time ou we ait going to have a regular s,-j|,?,j_ dm Wet TTiMpalgn Ihrirngh-iil the Mai.-. The Meld will be untie SjOTOfuliy wolked ihali al any previous eiceitttu for ninny M-ars. IIi?-piihlicana an raiain? a hat money thej wan I lor exneosee with much greatef Beea than they dM leal \ear, and are able to put ou tin. plutlorio an aaHiiilahlngl v laigo eetnbei of good Speaks eis. Nobody ouch! to believe that General Min? or will -ut gatetij in ins i ni . and a a i bit -..i t ?.i thing go on. II s followers are making arr..nge iiicui" for a great ratigcation mi eling m I a o nil Hall ->n VTaduMdaj at ulna . i... i dinei aaiuUa Uo uuciv ta uo ta tthciUei U n.U o. will Uol i lie good polity f'?r tbe Oncral t<> appear and ?peak tin u. H it until I aefuullv s.o it with my own even, I nIihII rt"t believe they can keep liim muzzled for nimHicr fortnight. Thun far the MB* rum has been iluli ami decorous enough. Hut there must be some bin ahead. Just bow the iMrl im filing to end ? BM mav be BXeuscd from making anv prediction on lha' (sunt at present. 1 ba re 1* a deal of talk to the adfePl that pramblingaad dlaaatMfaetioti prevail laBntler'a camp, ?hw that some of thaM who aaabj have vot d f<>r him ? ah w< eks agocannol now he eountisl on with certaiuty. Phaaibly tbli otate <f affaire ?ay exist ; I know tintbintf BWOItt the matter BUT* ?MX rbe Maua of tba eoaaaet ia to mmm saasat de? pend, m upon tba Moaitof aoVsrdhMM eeBewherei it will ba hapoaaibia toi Bailor to oeaaan 'he < oataal to Htate kooMo. il<-in.i.v doclitsa to taaakoa arhol ara called National topics, bat that will be la ihe minds of men ih nit voting time. The Bomlaation hv the regulars el a caadwshB who eaa behl ? ? ob aiderablo nombet of the hoys to Ibeir party alle gianee will .??? a haul hlow to theQnaoral. lite 1 )en,oi rati who roted Iba Repablican ticket bad year dad bb ho oadeal Bathrr and keep bmb bmm captoriag their party bobm Bad staading. In a ! MMihW emer:"eev I ?.e.- BB mmbm to dottbf that I moat of i iu in will da the same thing thia fear, I Long or Talbet, il ia all aha taan tbci have oa I special love foi either. I he Reno oilcan Kxecntivp ! <' hihi,ii tee i< vi r, in- ami eoni lent, but it ia qaita I too early ., et for SgBIIBg out dctallt. KVNKriL HALL DEMO BATS. lilt i .n\i mpa to HBBf iH-i \T JOBTt OjCIBCY aham-? pi i ni a ni. v paej OOTBBBOB. BotTOlfi Ott *>.?Vi ly gnat interest centres in ihe II liioeratie CBavaathM WhMh am meet to inoi row. Many d i? gales have ilt. Ii arnv.-.l from pi ic-s went of Baatea. Thaia waaB fall aaoethscef tha D mm enilic BlBM OMMMltMB this afternoon, during whirti ar raugenieiits wi re pcrl'C.ed tor the m.ik of the Couveti fIon. It is t hottgUt that an animated contest will he etade in the ehe a ofdrnhMBBaa to the DBMBBmBMBa tlaaal Coevaateaa, Tha goatlaMsM most peaaaaaatly BMadeOOd for this e< rvlcc are the Baa.J.Q.Ahhott, th" Hon. r. A. Oottlaa, tha Boa. r 0. Pi Moo, tad fr i Win Hiil. ft is derided that the Boa. LeTBratt Ball U" i BUtHwillarrw BaponaoBBai peeaHbaai ot theCBaeoa 1 ihm. it had beea determined that the Hon. John Ojuiney Adam- should p res Me. and tha ahaagi thai Im? lieeti mad" is r gardisl as Indicstiua that Mr. Adan.s I unl be uouiimited forGovernor. TWO PULPIT I II h M ML DWimXSEBM AMOKG I'Kr.Mlir.h's. Ihe JBaJbeaM ruairr at thr chaart el 'BM BtMBpha of rhnit. The th"me of the Ray, Joseph Bradford ( P aver's sermon at the Church of the Disciples of ( hrlst. in Twenty-eight a-at.. Nind.iv r.ieht was " Dnink et ui ss an one Prem hi n>." The text was the ndviee of Paul to Timothy, "Drink no longer water, hut a little wine lor lliv stomach's sake." Other directions of the Apostle I'sui. the prescher sind, ?eie ioi,-ileiid of val d ? B ef, alid Chris,litis were bound to follow them. BBBHUB to be so BOOHd en d I If ttie olMee ifixnl for a [ireueher then, waa it eatattfle?od 1 I"wo thteaa were plate?-Paul did not urge iiuio'oi to ili a, l> v? i in am a > i gi nut as .? no lelne, and Timothy ?a< no; a a im ?bUB er. ?' Prearnefs." trio ipeoker BOBtlBBBdi " do BOW BOB ah "iiolic di inks as a In r.-ragc, stal M PXePPS, A .-in ? MUM of one ef the dally papers in IbepaM WBeB BM tallied ..c? BBBtl of two < lei tie n o QC a RomOBUd and the other a l.utherati) charged w ,fu draahaaBIM, \ lew days a picador ot ebttBy was in my study telling ine tue Molt of hi- repeated I i pi ' Bom and fal's. Over aid over he beruoars : his weasiiess, hihI iu agony prayed tor BUVBCtB, Preachers do drhik. Head the reports ot tin- insane I aaylaMe aad yaa will Bad tha fall a am bei of pn lehera j brooaht there by eaeeaive eUwaadrtnh. Draah is direct]] trappable to BMderaM tu Ii kl no. >ud amdera la , drinkmi Bade us stroax lodcemeal in rhe ihodea I or intelligent MBMaaaat. ahue smh aaataau j obtsfa bbmbb the reapoctohle elaaeea, aad ra j peeially anoag clergyiiien, mi long will drnnh BBOtlM uhoutnl BMOBB all BbMBTBL I am n.u Biyaell I guiltless. Vor twojreara I hare beea aaiog wlae ai I al I a poo My own taMe. Bat lamp rsaadedid the wro Bad I ?in Baaere d thai no alcahidns bercraao ahall appear than aim la Bal little teaiperaace warhaaa be Bane while Cbrlstlaa mea aad worn q continue tip era; ' Mini i Id g) BMB, ot all BBCn, BhBBld IM TP . ? .i: t: ,n 1 ( HRIS1 LAN I TV IV BULC4ABIA. 7''i< Kir. j'r. 11. H.Jtmup nt Vat em ..' ? "? c* .' CBBfaB. The Ucv. Dr. Bbbtj ExairLt Jeaaop daUrered ins iinai addreae in fore Milli i lor i a ;.t the Badhwa Bt/pbbb BpaaerMl Charaa Bbbiibj BMrabig Dr. J - sup has passtal the last tweiiii-four \ us b MlBWiTBBr) liilmrs in s\ iJa. ami he ^poke u! " BMbMBB ami Mission? ary Lulxirs." Dr. Ji s-up. in his remarks, said: For thepaM IflBBB yeara 100 pb MB Balgarlaa yaa eg bmb bbtb nmb lady. ?ig the Knglish and Am. ih an Caaatilatiooa IB Bobri - CalhMjehi that BBBBtrr. win ii BMMMfBaBV n farfram ing the Cousiration wa? called lucre, those voii". aros* and demauded a liberal Constitnll*iu and a free pri -s. and t i.ey were .>uppoi t Bd iBrouBBaattBeeoantYT. Tadar an freer pram aaMM in aar aoaatry aCBnrape ti..11 m BalgaiM. the ptmaaaBlaaat laaoeaca in ihe Tuikish BanjNM at t'ie tui seal time is ,, 1 ;ir BttoB 11 t' ? nee. An IBSpertaM result of the lite war In Me Baal is that UM psUtMal aeeessltlei ot the lliltisb OoveraaMBl an eeaeMMal alth I Be araral Htul elvi neec sallies of the people of the raralab Kmpfes. Befeev the war the eontrary prernil d. i here m aa hapa that Bm Bawtrt wBI remMa anlese :r I is reformed, and ICaptaad realiBM tins and baa baaaa that reform. Pacha haa beea aval in Ihe Uruisb Oo*rerament to take chsree of this work. Helstli ? en Iis n 11 ii "il man IB day in the IWrfciab I..none, f i.- H*$ m i.i ward to tha Bsdaala Brahe thai thaj must either settle down and ttva peappaidy or have the oeaatry. 'i in y are the ctm-f enemies of the land. In BBMBerS trom SB.OOO to hXI.OOO, tbey More aMBl nie bordera of tin* aaaany. iobMbb and Matstertac. Theea are mki,.mmi .(i TeS of till.- Ulld till r iii I Cl.ltiVaO .ii i .lU-e ot fern ef the Arabs, in the Maheaielan varMtheahlef work, Deal io iIn BMtJihaBaa of Btblea, is to in- no-1 bj Chrl thin women. Only to auch an- He buasroof lha larka opeaed i only bj them eaa tie 1 arkMh Kirii aad women he taeghf. The tri a' majority *4 laborers In i tin- fark lab Bmiure sre Abb erica us. T>?p ss the i Irrest ol tue lint lah 1-, llley baVP Mfl ihe wovb to the ABNfieaa Caareh a aaion BmaHae to hid fin a ell tu tic Baa. Pr. Jcs aap ??s heul in bha Weal Twen<y*<Mrd Street Presby? terian Munch Baadayataht. Dr.Bllenwood^i tin- Pn -.?> teil.ui H.-,ud of PwisthtaMiastaaa.apehc biahly of Iba ! services of Ur.deaaapi bete here, a: in bm and Bbroad. WIIIiomB Dodge, ahm a member of the Board ut M - I lions,said the mereaaed proaportly whleh QoJ had i kIwh this eeaatrj placed a p'oomi reapoiimhilitj.n it in the war of prowling im tm- ii.issinu.n v csuae. i rhe Ber. Dr. 8.1 Prime deilTorod a tarewell addreaato Dr. Jeaaap, after which most of Homo praaeal shoe's I Hands wBB hun._ OMjyT IN YOKOHAMA I BJBBBBU TAB B ltt- Vs BBCBfTIOH as DMCBBBB) BI IHK ntOUfSB IBbBaB. /V'm Thmjnvaii /n'v BMaM. A reci-otiou was >.'tv?.|i at the Aataricaa Cob* suiate i > Oeaeral VaaBaraa(thc UaitedarataaCimaab General, fm Japan, to Oeaeral aad Bm Utaai, and it is tint taetlee to my that It was pi rhaps the mi-l sin ci sslul :ote of U>e d? acrlpUofl ev.-r giv.-n hen . Tba OaaaalaM its. if waabrtUiaaUj llMmlaalrd, ihe BtvpataaTwaa formed Into a pyramid ol lauterna, and thegroaada and trrea were also peralHBllj adorned wttBthem, ihe abate aar Ma a baaiilifal dt ?I Baerl ly aftei i> p. as, Bm yaaals begaa to arrive, ami wen eandacted to tu- reccpiioa ii-oins aparatra, where a anmberof praaeabtBooatn Oeneraland Mi s. <;r..u-tm-k place, iheaaeenehMbsd, ihe roaaaer em sis allMhrew to tin- baii-io uns, and - Joyetl themselves la dancing to ihestnuusol the ven excellent bann of the Ceded Btatea BBmshtp BtehmoBd, wi.iist otbora beaailed uw Ubm bj waooVf bag aboal IBs aruunda ol lha (Aaoaa'ata, the crenlne bemg aMoal h-vely one. Al 11 o'elol I., the MPper WBI served Iu a 1,1 .n; .11 eiad mi ihe 11?, at ti.- roaelaaloa ot winch 111 ,, 1 .,1 V.u. Hum 11 i i,s,,, 1-.1l s.nii ? "Laiyuu svd OurTLsaKi 1 praj yooratb otioa a hiie I propose a toast tna: I um conti lent will meet your bean apprui it id. sue io give jreo 'The Boa?i 01 Oeaeral aad Bi Oraat,' ?? Arnol d the laaaannd meeUoaa Utey have received M all ports of Ike world, wi feel, aad do tiny, thai none have broa eaoea Heuere aad BcarUhll than taam they hu v< reeMv.d ia Japaa, boM tmmtt* aaHve iml foreign population. Aid row. baring flnlated IhMr rlail to 1 ni-, load of tba tar. far 11 tat, tin > are ahoul to lake I heil de par I nee for borne. >BomeP tm- dear old word?bow foil d la of aaaoci ittonj how it qmckena the bean-beat aa Wi aaaae III Baj the voyage el bm dti tingiii-iicj aaaets be proaperous tad iBcoeasfoL Iu IBs beat of health aUend IbeM, aad m..v thej lad all their loved oaea M u.-un- aa)iump the aame bleed g By friends, I live yaa ? lleabb and Prosperity t.. i?eu ? i ai and M1 -. Oraat,'" no- Moal ?.in draah with eataaebMBs, an 1 ihna eheeis wi re niveti ler Oi in ral fir ml. wi.o 1 eplieil :u t.n bUlowiup lenaa: " Ladiib aaa UairruBsTj -] thank roa Koel Ha re rely ob behalf of Bra. Uraat aad ?jseli tor tins boapitsbie reeeplloa, and far year Bind aieBea| ami I cordialIj lola in ram , ipi asad easBn thai m.i> n 11 ? a p. at, - ful und proaparoui reyoaja, and tlmi, ur tri. ads .a home in i.e.iiiu and preep ttty. Bnartiy aftarward Oeaeral aad Mrs. Qram re irrst, bal d.hi,-ins ?sp bapl up with BBBaaabifl apt UfWaoaw tune longer, and it waa ut a bobmwbbi auTaaead boar tnat tha lust of the guests heap adh n tu thett host. Among those |ircs?-nl Heie I lie 11 I \ llo. M innlrr ol t Im Home l>.-|.ii 11 e.eut ; Inner il hil.-n, Ui isiei il Will ; Teraabuna, Htalatprol Poreign mi ;-; Oki,BMMi<i ofJusUcej ii.ouye, Mit.i-o rot Pnbhe Works; litmlral Kawamnra, HMIstei ot theBavy, and Oeaeral Tamp Bate; Messr?. Bomara \aaaahi o01 muor 01 Kau igawa' Bbibuaawa. PakaehL Baaada, raaaka? Haantui HiyoaM, etc. Tne Diplomatic Osrae aus reprepooteo bj the (Jolted Btates,Bpaalah ami Chu. HiabMera. aad the BuasmB und Bpaaiah Beeretm lea of LeaaUoa, a BUBI Ad* um ii ('altera? a, 1 . B, BM ami sh 11 ami um mafcwtty of : te-rs oi tm- Consular Board weraalau preaeai. a? ahovr reaMTBed? the reoepBoa bm a moat aofeyabia olio, ami loiUied a Ultn g bmw lo tin- loBp a HO - oi 1 u Mrtalnmt Ria ?tun which Oeaeral tlraut's v .mi to Japan has beea marked. Hb 1 ?ftWBfv?Iphttj Uniriift: " Arn tlafi ifMiisti weil airaal" luan eMuajberausuli "Troth, padth?i ara ma'am; lorihe aarBoa is umm aiitalba hi ana, aad they've beea aaU iin.d bums '"?[I'uneh 7% Virgtmi* i'Hy Bbbbb raplaiaathai Butter nun. 1 aoyuu is in ihe Paradise mountalna, boi th? ? -1 ui 1.1, it, uti. m mb mBbp iram ?* Ooums-Bya, an in.- Mtd idlm fi.en ?? Ltmhpraer" lo *'Whojp-eM-?p," viu ' Roll iowii,"" Loypm-Oot" anii ?? Hungry," and Just 1 no BMuatataa bmm *? Baag Bye " aad ?? Kaaeh<em< UatN LETTERS FROM I HE PEOPLE 7 HI DITIW UPON S?GAB. To ih* Ia < t?r u/ ihr r r * a a a a StBi Aa much diycraity of o|.i.,uui mm to i asjejag haauwtl srs.hrokt r i and i. :;. .. ,,, , .,, with ibe ? trad.-, icanrmiig ihr reel nt erase. . | rhi , It MBJBtary of t!?? ire** tin on tie aBMart of Mj mm,, up m -iigar. nn?nn lie I irgoly .!ne. In on, j,, , , . (J ssltaa A iMaaftag m t? tha roal ra up of the am ? , bhnaf i.'h- i r rvtaM?r.ti r on Um iton ? r/H ** to the variety ol inter* it* in the trade, a short er plan it...ti ol f .,- or.b-r. us at it. mail appiicsl, may not la ?al <>f i: mm ju-t at tin* tine. 1 ta fpraaai araei a an ? ?9mm M per reo* ol ?srssotThMMs wspnr ?*fti ffni ?r i. j raui gradi * e< naaat by tha Datri >t:n iara, t aeaaotna a I sugar* or rbnaa grataa *" btj eaatabi won Hi mi pa nii.j <ij ,?.r rem nf oryaaafaaaaM -mc*r r. ?p.. ? 11 i> ioi>- ".f i'i<*'.in t > f an . iiLorn. ii ptaaajajafaaai '.p Uli.-, i'a \ .-.-.If., tin purpOMCof ih gradtag th<- ???, i m tti< i< Miit of ?rttfaaal aahstattaa Ihc tha ?ame oaj m Tho legality af tba mUob af tha Mai I ryii adaoitnti thapetortseepemalimited rxtnt m Oeieratartag ha rite of itmo* to In. pail, or Hi* ...: r?HTn ?? <> the p-vmiac* frooi v. hieb l lie 11 tail* of t.?? rlx.i upon for Hie <:;fteii ui irru?t< * resulted, we <to not p o pi'-i t. ill-eu-?. 1 Ii. r.'ari- Ho- trade ,n m.?ir dlfareal at tailoaa apee r i?? ??? potato m ihata are thvav tat tateveeta ta ha acwad bj rsetrtottoaa apes Mob <? lo*' htaOa ?n,- r?. nr Bfaal BOBO tl all. A* r. ganls Hie motiflcateta of Hie oMer of July 1! had tatted, aa think tliete eiti In- no ftPi r-i.. .? . f < Bio Um, iiinoiiir lhaaa ?in> at eersteed n. ? ? Bt tha ha t al K bseowr a dastand eawaseasMM Basse the artgtaeJ araaa I'or m-lai.-a-, sample* of sugar taken by tin-' ari Baaaflr tested wtthta two or lb res same after m-Iui ?tt a?ti ; ? Ii?ti t ik-m Itv tin- i, v--tm-.-tit -atom, r* i to sataptsa an: aftaa rrtatai d thn a nr toar <i?t .< before ho laateated. Haaara af tha grades s gee ted by tha eerru t?i> '? or.ier toatain usually from vi lo 3 i*r m i ?? wanr. ThlaperreotaceofwatervafMa vtlhia ??? i i liaoco with iae varytageoaOlttoa of the aiuio>ph. ri t? H I Iah I III' sllg ir I* rxpif. I. allt I M I ? ; ( ltlg~l . f i i \ s tallizaiilc hii. a:. a* i rini :o-il Itv Ihc po ar l?i ..|ie, Wll auua?|aeatl] \.im la theaawe atgim with tip. rar i Mom ..I in irti'ie f.. ahrMM thai aaaraa of eon si. nt OhaaaTaeaaaM Mtwaea the flanraaafai le* an.I thai ' i 'lie BMrBBaBt, tin' Meoal . i.i.. bai bed l<*ni'<t, ?oiii-iitutlna tite aaematage of cr\*railiiib.> ?aaaar m UW BarMal tha ar j Mhataaaa far tha err?l i ii/.ai ic aaajtrbt tba *e; aaaitili- Of roara*. to an rorieetlr,? BMtttaaaai aaraaaH ot aratarba<f htba en mil for Iba iliBereel iratfeaafVeiealbj iUf arOit f he blajbar gtaaVa laatiaa froai W to l>5 per erat wi he found to BoataJo ?tu the iveraae i>* aaraaal a Bjraatari', The order *h)aae her S pereeat Tte i?wi ?rid? ? oi ccum'ngal Baajan (the a atnfaaalr in Iae tat ?miy inbmle wbteb theMOer i? aprh< >i| Mulrsrelr in taeBMlmeaataraBaaaathan9 peri- mot water, it w.i lhae be aeea that tha latiaatai aataa m the aearortlt* ;.u Bdraatafe over tha oi l an? et fruai t to i>. et hi iu im bmtl of eta HalrJi if>u- eaaar wm.-? ta* - ? m p.o tu..v ( aat .. .. ami vet he rtaab tl froai *M*> \< Ihiiel stainlanl (ti e. Ii.i. Ti ?? 'Tl ?ta. ;/:!.:. .n.?i I |< it p i' afthaavj nbetaaaa vol mbmIb tb. aaataav um aaa i ta at bomb] v hi u laateal at ?atlra'. arya aaal a bm -:.n t loaree t>r dtapate i? te*eovi I raeuaa tu*- ahovt rsalaaaihM awjr faae la ? hrtiei tnOrnii n i< gvt sni p ft. vet- are, vet. r??oeelfaliy, .\eie iurA\ ?eyO.f, i??u. Mit.nna l.::> rn'. i? BataTOan IN NIK AKOKI BPITAFB. in the k m) i t a r of thr re i ha a a Sin: i ll" Bjeeoeajl psbibabeel in H>-ttayi Taiitim of tii- aroothai ot a awaeaaeai tt tin memory of JI ,J.?r Ai. ir?; soatuti very atnoot iu Baftlotle ear*. vl'liat Den Btaalay am; bt* E ghahirltaaaaaay iio or <??.} al iByyea matt.rt rerj UtUe. hel when a aatttBajateaeel haMeteaa m haj leegati kta nMfgathNBi at pairtadBBi m hi lunwitt. ii. in i.i .al nu:g Mi-ior\. H ; ecu ...? p- eee>arv proMat acaiu.-t ii. The inscrtp'liui pr.-pm I l>y 1'ia: Itaatey,aaal baaftaahat Baaaei i* BMavaila *c\>iii partienhir*. It aiale* Aintie enter -1 BM Am.ri can l.m s to iin-^1 ( Arnolu t. r tin- " stir ivader " of We.I Pabbh "a tile toiitraiV, It VM agre. d M ??>' tb? tu lhal Ha- A no i lull OMVea n.itiiihi ta i.i.i .i i iit vhefl atfaeked thej eoalit tie. idly ha> I ayed or '?? troyed. !Theraaeruyttaaeeataa toaaj thai ttf iraaj*ir*l) baaaadaaaat?y< aai rathi r luamuabM thecvniraiy. aad thai i ?? aaabarahlj dealt by. N'er Is it true'ilio: tin- Ann-man Arn \ "BMMMBl" Ai.-pe . laaa. AH htawiated tust aaa at v. ii g aad M arcoBpUahed theaM lave beaa i i. ?-i ale e to RtaVr, and lhal Araeid Montf aa rape, e'eiie v/a all deatra the bhmi frieudlj ralatloaa u th Bauland, jet it la net etnetly trn .a- i> erf ed, tbal lli< two natloaa are Halted an t are on.- m raoe,aad aay eatou c* ?t? is ivo-n Ihata. Hp* n.o-i thai uubibei id ta. thai aaa ?ind.t m Utas aetaata hath -ai. . and we me ahm m raea, bad 't i* to i>" ,. ,-? i tbal the present irteadly utttteaanae may j \. i be ? i !>? a. it baa In 11. -:..t- it hut Ueaa maa ? >. Iu hie writings,..- i...[ran - upon his In itwa fm m- fa ts. aad H .s a rtatalj tun- ibis n - rrpthaa. i ..... beea HtttaashM lasM in'? hadrf Moaaassai nd a uaii.ii i oi acres of isnd shout It are to M Bee* ?j to -tn yrltaara ?f raasaui. ssst I am eaetesara i ii astthM lhal place nor auy BthOT ob tbo lladsaa ill! i a. i. ]!' It UUles* til.- ln.eriplloll i-..leriio. il :.f rdfag to nstorie truth if any nab asaetaaM abssj d bo kaaas bat that tM yresantewaer asaj light? tally be ' . in UV( r to ;. ep the je ....-. faiiaBJIIW. Out. 1. 1-T*.I " Oi l. \Vt?T. IlKsTEU." l?KAN>T\M.l.Y hrTDTITE ANDRE MOMUMSMT. fa the K'lilir nf Thr Jriftnnr. Slit: Dntfl St inh.v hail a very tldirate la?k topMfUlBIM wrllhtg an ipiinph for the Amire Mmiu ni. nt at Tappan tbut witulil not wound the ?ensiHv. a ? . f ruber country, ami lie hss ?Imwu great g> oil taste mil jnljr in MS i ompositiou of the Kng l-h lUMTl|itmu. Iml also In the wlectl. u of tbe I^illu oue, ta tha lethal aaae? hawevwe, the it. ju m aMMhaassj m v. hat ta 1.1.1.< than what be *<iui ia> lie La* tabaa ihn Vtay upi n-priate v? r.-e frein V/Wgtli "gagSl bSBlMHI rti et Bwaleai OMtlelbi laaawM." Bat the ahstaei ii.. beautiful qnotattaa staada: iJbjetf l. iDl-'J.i -leal im- ein in -na p' a m s lavaM; laat la etnas rataM, at tkeateai BMstalat im.*ut,t. whtrh Dr. Aathea traaatotaa, "Kvca ben bas ntataa a set by ruadai t itr swa rttrsrfT nrsea l.? i ?) are tbett tsar* rer a ifartaaea. aad haasan ashurs exert a toaein in. In Aur nee on the beert." Whatahtitri sateerMtM ?, reise wonld Mvt hreaMadrf Khadheea eM h ras Annie BBt< V. *. Irf.tjty. \. J.. Oct. 1, 1-".* IHDIAira ENTITLED TO RESPECT. I,i Ihr Kdttor ni The Tribun'. Bai I M'diee iseasii n.tliy in Tin: Titir.i vt (v .'in n by the way taBVJ tavoilte paper) aajgOBBBh n( wtia h i ihhth uiriy aahjeat to srtthaaaa. My attaa hat .- Boata e iieii to i bat bt a I at tat la "Rig lam Win 11 far BOPtOMhef ,1U. VhaeS tbe m IB BaMBa] the Iniliaus are taraMd " haafeB." I sataasli whether such ex tire*. si ti.s ilo not tend lo ll mil tllose tlm r iK'iisib>lllli s ..' ?iittun- winch aar baawateaa Bhaahf ?albav foster. Du liol tbi-se expressions eucour life those .a 11.e rkui'l.ern sicttou of our aaaasyrj sun to eimg MthaataBsaaMd pMWBM in rafarsSJM to tbe negro, styling I he men *? huck?" or " bhyger bucks f* As for myss'if I BBat aaseeajtbe am b diaus of the gOOlhWOet, seaM years since. BMMh ptSfBavaaf airaliist lintian BbaOMMPI BM during live rear-.- Wat amou| ih. in i taaraed so ssaay thtaai la ihata en .racier to asb ii'ie, I -aw m Bsaeh of knataa aaMre aaaaaeh a Mas .i- . v to reach aw ..fu r the betssr. that oty r. sj^t f?r it.. r.n- Ms rsev aaseh Meraaaad, aad I asaotaaj tor UM tuen that lUcir etforts to cullivats- lit" ami ii she tot IhentMlVM botaes bava ta-i n aieeedlBgly so cnuraginjr. I have cvra sun same of the wihh-st plata Indians ?s?isf theli WMBSSj in upmutiuir tbeir peasrs i breach Um toeM af Um i iBBtpta) of soaMel tie a hits population of tb.- .?gi acy. vi rj fraly rvau frt> a*, Poaarca uatwaatju bf, i>. Xvryr.ilr. Tenn . Oct S. l-T'.t. RARLI MAll. MI LIVF.K'IKS. r i) the K d i I er o i Ike tri t sj n?. Silt: Pernil tip'to express the hoin? that Mm apgslnta.t of the rjtutyaaa aaVtrttoaalhrtter-eanawa raeMaw-Tort City wtl lead to an earlier Matfocpaf h-iters Ih iu at pn all in MadhaM BMBWe ai d vn inlty. M> fli-ii letter., (morn eg' I aie -elilain recetve?! !>? lore St?t5i so aetrases not aaM Fhey oaaally fume too late for ute to give them aftItaflBO daring the morning. <' ir i tn Hi in l*e?tiaaahit and Mi tiaelet have ?.rt . as pressed regrrt that aa eartsrr delivery ?;u. aaposs b ; nut, as oiio ot tboM taitereeted* 1 oat uoalllvel attaa majai itv would have always beau better pteeasd s ,:i ?nearlj delivery.Myaliorcloek.evra if BMMsf tue lot.-! nne? i.i be gtvaa Bp bV speetfal ? v?.uts. PcW I'orbi Oct. % i->-'- MaIUSii.S -"i^l auk KDCCATIOJi m M v. .^vi iil -t.if-. i ? Ihr K it it <i r it f Ihr I r t It h n <. Sue 1 i?>a cut I ?et UmpdMphbrl yondooenbd la your .oliniralile esll'orial on "A KeVo ?I.on lu t^.l in v " I I t haige of s reinl:...ry. mal jta di ply .n ? i ? ted. Toar*. J. II. l.u tiiuHut o.j.,?i.- . 1. |si7!l. I Mr. Adams'? pamphlet ia published by I!-. .V 1.annul, Ihistun. ? / tl | TH1 AM < 'l' 1 DVYMtfcaTTTyy/, r,o n -. Pfottve in?! tt?uitnh-iiii.tiiv, t<i batty on in rtgui): ? it BMeeaataati| misloiisl taeetf to me, Mr*. Browa, that or tMt,ih. roasoa ahyuw wMfbat at ?allofils so fruitful a topic of. BVOI ? lUoB BUMIBgal Eng lash peeeto, b ar?to that tat R g.iabc atate to sabjeet ti.?et?to lapid i 'o tot* u.s. ?.1. a peaaol u- toreseoe, aatoaMahl rbosasso (to ladj on bm loft, also coeg dcBttally' I "As I was Jest ,. rving iio. |ir?t\?n. || baa frs ijaaaMy aeeai 11 a le bij sal nit, Mrs .1 ar*, I ,.i - ?i?.bat t ne raaaM whp er ah> is* ?..??.... r. la short! lurulssVes m laerbsastibls a ineui. snat-aastoa to -- i British pe*pto, U?< r- n. uoubt- .. thai . m rtlBMte of Ho Hlltlsll 1-1? s I? I.all e. so lo .;. mk, (,,_, . . . taaadOea inutaUons. wbn-b we naaani yalralaia apua before liaud I" 'The seme (loud, a- roes Iba lab:?-, to loa III ein es-) ; " Mjr I ye el ? a- I .v a s .-nlv |ust OtM - Ing to Mr*. Brown, and?er? to Mrs. Jone?, n has m aaaaUy.aad uaaoad aeaMaMly,su ^satod iteelf la pry miiui, lint Mereasaa why?er?wbj th??the weather, * in Mini of tact,shoBhJ ar Muald wralsb rramui ? loeso ef dsmiaarten, and aabrd aa laesaaaatPMa a i ease ef ceavi'CMtiaa aaanwt?a??aamaoni Me Btbshiiaaai oi iiiuliniisb totos, may?it?muy lai-sibi) U- a attaa M the peeoltorlt) il-ui ihr er ecu, tue sutaate Bl tue !'? I tod Kuin-iii m i- liable to. Mtd ?, ... tBeeh, lo HpAdaa tarttaiows, au>scb eaaaM ha et>ealatad aeon he* ?reo..u.i, ami lo ar? to rapid leuiat.iiis. m ,-u^rL aim t.?tu?uniuo h?j cannot?s.i? fPNOM J"