Newspaper Page Text
r?.i r*i Tin 'um.-" iMv.'tve." ii a\ i:;li? i ill tTBI - "Hubblat." Baw \i ] i a. i ami " ?' ii m. B, Pteefore. ? >iimii< ] hi. u nr. - ? Tb? Krrut'b Bp*." i ai i i Ml ?ikk '? l?lll A nit 'la-ah i iiil?itl." ??*?. rBAikwa Mn*niul ontaa ttouaa Yatiaijr. h*m in IBBATBI ?? ii.AtnVet."* i mi" Mm raBATBl ?? Mv Partner." t ii t ii k - ; in iiiti-" Oonti'inpt t?t Court." WOOV*l i:roa:?wat Th? ahu. " Mi I Hr..?.-." Avi i . w 'n-iiTt rr KiluiuMuii. Day 7*n<l Eremit*. Kotilli I i I 11 '?? ?i ?rih.s? t'olirrrt.* lo 1\oi)fri?8fmrino. ABf*l v: ?,?. . 1 ,i/. Bad Mb ? "mil ?. r am? im. Btovee* um Babbum BM Fmm??M* BBlBSBS i* am- am. KlO'm*?lb* ???;./? -Sit l--iu'iiii BVSBllBea i'iiax. ?? CA rnor ?itli coti'mn. i t ? \|.? v,.-ii i ? OA Vitat- l?t ftiiuii'i CVABPOBATtOB BOTICBB BM Vw ?:ih . ?lunin. t'oi vti'l ilOABI? M /iity'?"?lt'i'l'lUUiH. DaJMCUM a AJtBBiBa a'A I'uo*-.%'h i'li'iinilL Into irjrf? Both ?>?i?/a /??#*?- rtth lo.uuiu. 1>kt I?. ??i"?? 'M I'ai/*- lib i-oiumii. Jti n noil BtOTB M 7/A MrJ -/A />?.?'?. I> IB ami AT- BB. PBArY BIB eetBBBB. III If- MtMli 34 i ll /. IMi r..|iiiim. iNMi.n !!??%- ?'. .> rBBM?B<1, M, Ith ati-1 MB BBBtBWB i ?? .M'Tiooia BBl /bbb-.r?lli aoiBBBB. Lru ti i-i* ABB Ml i tin.;* SB r,ivf~K'* column. I i'M *M> fin M> li.A /Vttrr-tilh -u'liain fBttdbBIMBI 1MB IMBATBB 1MB fnf .nh ftilwnu. BlIBf Bit BBBOB1 '''A fuvf- MB SSBHBBI IBB) I'tfgt ? r?i ? i in a tit ii rolfnBBtv hi* itiu n-?rinNi.- BM rnt* . \ eBNBBii. l*OI I Tit ?I. N .11' .- ? '? ?' o .' ?? i-..| !.: a .'';.'? ?. 1*1 ?>?'?>? 4L*- ;*?' ?"'?</- Btfa .-?luinii. ?rai i ?t*i* ??'a toot BtB eeoBBB. BALBBBI ai . iw .0/ PBB* BtB ibIubbb. Im ii'us. ?Hin- Mm- ? . -:M eolumn ; Bff ' far 31 aii't 4lB eon ib* PliitAl BOVtCBB ?'< 1 t'iiJ? ?"?Hi o uuii, ttlAfl'-a ? * . . ?'i'?.???? : .' i. jr- l>t :itul -il en Uli.:'? ; foot BIB i-o.iii. b. Miai.ii? ?" 1 iv :to* /'/?./? Sfl iih) :t 1 taraam 1 111 Mi it* i'.'A r.ror -?lh rorBBBB. iii? 1 l BB 94 r*BBB MB MBBBBB. _ftiainraa Aoiura._ " A i im i:ni v BBABIj " 1 fir *'? ?v? I ONPKWfin Mtl K. Rocbw " ?nV Photixjb iphb of Xew-Yort Bad TtrlailTil' >l*i >.-iii--i. MIOwatBBc. 17 t'lima aa TbIBBEb DOiHinB tnulir ihiiB thi* IbBBC aBauth Wi w 1 m silk. I'aibri it U part. r. Pn Obi am> All.?Are you ?ofteiiriB from i coaiu. 1 '.ai. aall 011. Btaajfianla. at aar 1 >aiiot.? jmi Mi 1. Iron Mat thai ia artaa 1 aB i?- c at?.iiiaption t 11 w\ u?a "Wlil"!'. I'r 1 '? 1 < 1 i lv? i 1 :1 at... 1 -an ami ? r. u. r-t\ Tl.N ?? 1 i.'injr* prrpAraii .11. Bai la r.-? U ? 11 v b? 1! ? 11 1 .in a t?t alt*. BaaMaArtarctl.p bf A. D. Wiunat, t'l.l III -t. I',.. - I ? ? l.l'l t.V aM ,'- lif. .- ?? J'Aily 1 ?:mi si. y.t,'. Rabat 1 iBrrn, 910 pat aaBB M? i-\\ iiki x 1 BlBl \t. Mail Mi. arnlH-rs, Hi\ p.-ran. Vi iKii ribcmi . Mail miI-i? rii'i-i-. -r-' p?t annum, r ciaat, raali iaatlvaaca. FOUNDED BY HORACE ORFELEY. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 187% Vl l \i SlPIMJvMKM. ////. NEWA TB1A MOEXINe. K-itniiv.?A M-i n ; prfcatiaB oaaaa Baabaafl <],< BBW pad af sr. NlBBBBBTB. - = Mr. l,<?iillnrdVl (?cralilnio BBa boBtaa by a Back iu tin- r:ic? lor tbe Clrarwi-ll Stakra yr.-tt rtlav. ; 'Mini BMtatb Uaataad bbb daajdad in favor of Bbb Ibbbbbbbti itBBB|Mllaa <>f \i'oii!tiii*tiin.-M '1 lo? Ku*-iati ui?- --; ia asfe..iliii?t (itrniauy ami Eiik land. ~ -= MaBfBaaMaypd to plaaa U:?- m wly ili.-. BBrayatetJ Mixi- .m BUBrbtfl diatefcl ir ?l< r Ei Icral conim'. I'<-Mi'sr;. . ?Ati iiifiTtiul bupbbJbb v.out raf in IBB oftiif of I.'. A. I'.Tri-h. lawyor, in I'i:ilA*!f]p' ia, vr? I'-nlay. mui \. BBBdi >i a boy, - In i Up Coiiiii cti cut lawa el<-ctio:i? \- t n! ... tbe Repu'ilirau BaadabombBaina] Iba Ivo coi itJiattoaal ainrnd-l im nt? vatra aaaYtry tbafBalaA J h?- s ate lou BBJJBfBfl if lt?' Pi ?in uil Hall Detiioerats will bald Ba day i Baa batik ibnta ar t.'iai Jaba Qal nay idaaaa will be nominal? <1 for (luver iior. Ka aawB baa ycd braai n??ivnl from MilkCin'. tin- .-,ijir. bbb Unart of Pennayl-1 Taalati baa doc Id ad ibal BAIafBaBay County in ro-B aVMUtitilt- im i no .ha* in tin- I'lll> m.ra im!. City a no Bl nt ihian.?Tba llal .?. laafBaat ra ami poll t it rttB w.-.a i-oiiipli-trd yrstenlay. : Ealhn-I Bi'l ii 'Ii?.iu il'.xtiii t ii.?-. : in.'- wt-rr In !?!. e="=t Jimi-pli A. IMair wax ea trial for aiti i-?l? r i ."X..1ih ,.| |ba ,?< aaaB hpi-- in iln- walkinan ateh witbdr?w. i William Ii. LrViwai), tin painlor. di ail. Tba maBBaa of ? Tta U- ix workman l?jr n BBSHBaWwaaMtvaaaaaaadL : UaM vnlneof ti.? J. BBt-taadi i -il\cr ilu'lar i \13*f lta bb|, KiLiKlcontx. i^:i" k.x a. Ltb aad Iiiitbi-r. eloaituj ?x.iti.l and Btiojaat. Tin. Wi ati? i:.?Timit nk laaal Baaaw/aaBBBaBIB dr ata c ? ii. 1.1 partly ? Isaalf trratbcar, irrta .??-.m abaaBaa ia totaBcratare. Tbarttmaartrr yestenlay: liipiu-.xi, 71 ; I.. ?.. v;, no ; ;,\artuci. 06*4 ? Cli.iitiu .il FuiilkiK-r writ.d to Iii? D.-iuin t ? ? fririiil? tiiiosi-iiiiut tba Siata for "tba mums msbbJ addraaaBB of bpb proparty-owniii^ Ke ** PBbUeaBI?BMB of IBJBBBB Bard jmlirMM iit?in "i;nh town in .?nur tWty* Tbf luiud i.stbo li.'iml of L xt( i, luit tin- VOB9C la tin- .xtilMiunt Wiiiaja r al BBbBBbI. Saintniy Mrt'nir\ joint* hin roll?neuen of tlte Ciilntift, tin- Sccrctiin oi State BBd the Trrisiirv, iti BTattaVf tin- daty of " ;i BWOBpiBg M aatpBhllrnn fiBtarj in the Bmplia Siata tatk " Fall." Ilia letter cloaea with a ai|?iiifican( vbdl Hint " t-viTv IN'pulilifan, for^ettini?irrifv "anrfix ami ilifl'orenre.s aa to minor mutti-rs, " will do Ins wlioli- daty." The tBaapofBry BoeapattM of AfybBBittaa vhit-h flu- I>ritii?li Cnlnnet 3-?*-*trnljy decided to BBdtrtalB. ltiin bi-en Lbbiliable since it be caiiit' ?pj>..i?nt that tlif Affrbana woabl not ai-At-pt Vakixih Khau as ihtir ruler. The Dntixii GoreraBMaM tkai Batli itaulf compelled l?v ii? aaedleBi iiitiTvi iitinn in AfaTfiaBiatan to tvl' iit ;t BMasaia v.hii-h it bbb bitherto deemetl )ni|a>lili<-. Oaaoaiftu nt iffii??'? to join Um lotiir roll of Stau- which, have reduced their legislative aeaoiona one-half in ntiniher. The conatitn tional BmwdBMBj whii h MalBC utlojjtod last mouth tin- ptojih- ot CoBBectient have rejected by mi ov< v\\ !:i liiiiiivj iii.ijii ii ? . Thi? n-Htilt is of iinpoi tam i' lo iaiixi- this la tile first time, in renn; years at least, that tba tlnory of bicu lital m -axioii? as it BBTB lor 011 r-li-i/ioiaiiou iiae euilei? il a um i -e. TaM jut sent ch.-tiimail of the Democratic Ft ate Cniiiiiiitfee was a coiilhh iitial turiehpoii deut?dee his !ett? r i?rint?*?* elsewbere?and pajaMaaJ pal of William M. Tweed, even in Hu- ttaya Btbaai baa BBBaaea had been exported. The ptBSBall In ail of tin- DaBBOCTBlic juirty in this Mati1, who has Mi. FaVOlkner for hia el? rk ami is n allr runtniiir for (iiivcrimr, dii-?Heil in Mr. ltolniisiiii's rloihes, was uImi on Mil h bBBBM with William M. Tu et il Unit Hut litis im VBfBj0aaj Bf>BB " aiitlacity," and Ml BfBBakiBJl di?t? spi i t fully of the aw orn pBBBBBaa of "the hi^.'ii ?t ami laiUaat interest* of IBBBinltj " Mayor Coo pi r has mil away, in a .-haiue fa<?<1 inaiim r, Ihhii his own i h irt?e Dial I'oni luissiomi Freneh BaMBBdaaj liiinself from u l'olice Hoard ii.ietin? M witatOVt ju rini-sinii." Tliis net ion ha? ^'iven rise to a ilistit-'xtut: ru inoi IBB Mayor's pBOjeet oi a Byateni of di luent marks to baj inlln t? ii upon tartly or truant ineii'U-rs of aBWMipal conimtaaiona, ?Would also l?e aliai.ilom il. Tkii is not true. Wa IBB* authorized to BBJ that th? Mayer will ?B i-i-vi rt in this ii loiiii, ami tlmt he will uot WMBB in In* efforts until he has caused the ]iiuafoio to lie adopted aa the othriul uniform of City tSoVCTBaBBBBt emph.\e-, ami BBB firmly eatablif-hc'l tin piano a ml dumh-bell exticise in i-very BlliablBBl liej-artintiif. The LW of Ejection lii-iiectors Is nt hint COinpii te, BBbI ii ilisk'iacelul episode iu our luuuicipai I Lstoiy is cudtd. Evtu as it waa, the Democratic Police Commis-min ii ?mild not appoint lit*' remaining innp*'*'<?r^. though on the last day remaining before registration, wUlO-w m ich wrangling and ti??<i*l****i* ohstrmt Ivcneaa, nor without a plain intimation from Chief-Justice Davis that persistent delay in the aupoiatmentl would he regarded a? con? tempt of court. Mr. Maclean'-, impertinent rcs ?? calling upon tin- (ieneral T? ? to define what constituted a Tammany Hall I 'cnnn-rat was noticed with a little di.v contempt l>y the Chief-Justice in his remarks ami will proba? bly not l?e In aril of again. With tin- Convention to daj of the rcgii1 1 and reersscteMe nnd very mucii reduced De um. i.u v of Massachusetts the formal prepara? tion* for the campaign iti that Btltc will clone. As the letter of our Bosttoo correspondent show*, (here htM peldooi been a campaign for whicb there wai to much preparation in the w.iy of ?ms, .iinl there has seldom J been a campaign In Ma - sachusai t.-, of late year-, where the maim it v felt obliged to put forth such eiTortOa There is r.n-on to hope, | it seems, thai General Butler will tdmndon his I tiuaecustoined role as ? atUl-huntcr, ami bursl j into the ran van. in the true Bailer manner. This is to be expected. Graneral Duller ha* beeil bottled nji on more than one famous occasion in his lifetime, hut be never would 1 stay bottled. If :he n gula: Democrats nein- 1 mate .Jo!.n Qirincy Adaintv, ai thcic is nn ititi- J matioii that they may do, the two trct-ono ol the party would present in their eandidatOO a , highlj, piet ureoojae oanliaol. Wi remind not reesean agaia of the dnty of registration, and of the Doceoaary Informa? tion which ia afforded by Um ofl'.cial notice printed elsewhere. A momen.'s inspection of I the list will show any citizen whal his pollitiir place is, whether be lias changed his re.*i- | iletiee or Iiis pnllMig-phc ? has |h i n moved. To-day is the nral day of registration, mid tlieie will remain after to-lay but time days j on which th;a duty enn bo performed?the | l5to, _l*h and 25th of It ought not to he needful to any a tingle word of ! the Intporianee of an tarty _id full enrol- ' merit ot the K publican vote upon the books ol the; lion I.i>jk rtors. The i sues ol the campaign are before every voter, und be kuOWl thi ir fital interest. I t t every RepnMicjana therefore, who is nblc to do m>, rr*rjotef Ins ntmr t-ihiy. No one need he afraid that the whole party will go with him, and make such a crowd that he eant --^ much as get Into the poHing plaee. There are always a number who are kept awn] by unavoidable causes, and there w.ll he room enough. Hut the Republican who pnta off this duty, thinking that the next day will do, is Bkely to put it oil' one ! rJay loo ofl n. and lose his vote altogether, j The citizen who register- at the very lirst op portnnity fa :s then made -are ol his riirhl to ' voie; and thai ia a right1 whicb every Kepub- I hcan will In- aniiC?a tins 3< nr tu exercise, for th-' sake >t good aofniumeul m Mississippi 1 ;:. well ai In St r-1 ork. UBIO I \ /? TBE SOI TH. Ii ? ? in- thai the good peopli of Ohio are \ lint unaware of the {.r ive responsibility which 1 recta apon them. The inagui?cent welcome evetywiiere given in Ohio to Senator Blaine j uui-t !?? taken* not only as an evidence of j perajOMll liking lor the man, but as proof of I l.e.ntv ond neu oral aympathy with the idea which bo boo m effuctunUy prooocd ujion pnb lic attention. Mr. lUtinc bolda it the lirst duty ol every patriotic citizen to take care j thai the disloyal element of ti". South does not get eontiol of the Federal <oivcrnineiit. For that belief be giver, siromr rcaaona the linking and mahannnt spirit of disloyalty which -ti:l shows Itself la local laws, the con? duct of the South with respect to the public debt and every other form of indebtedness, ibe passionate internal shown thronghont the South in war claim-, and jobs to empty the Tictsury, and the ?lesperaie and revolution? ary behavior of Soiilhi in men, and of the party which they control, .it the extra session of CoiiiTTe**. Il oaed to be snd of Mr., by extniue South em m. ti, thai he was all the more potent in oronoinji a mighty opiuwition to Southern intin 'nee in National aifitira becanse ho was always tree from personal rancor, and s|M>ke from eonrietioni of public duty which peraonal prejuttUrei and passions bad uo share in shaping. Mr. Hlaine is of the same tem? per. He hates Southern disloyalty. Southern lawlessness. Southern repudiation, but has not the toast tinge of pei-tnaal viadictivenesii toward the paoplc Ol the poMtteol leaders of the South as imlividual-. i'r.ti-elv there he beat repceoeuta bTorthern tamper. There is mi vindn livene-s at the North, ami no desire to defeat or humiliate the Soothern people for anything they have done in the past. Hut there is a dajop iwoted oodabidiogconTiction that all thai is beat in free inatitaiiona wonld be thrown awav, and that the honor und the very existence of the Union would in- imperilled, if the men who still show the spirit of dis? loyalty should succeed in sjajfjjng control of the (jovi innn nt. His wonderfully hearty Wellaune shows that in this Mr. Hlaine is in accord with the loyal men of Ohio. It is tbo habit of Democratic writers and speak era to represent th it the money question is a distinct and teparatO matter, about which men may ditbr in opinion, whether they are loyal or disloyal, from the South or from the North. Hut there is one great fact which Democrat- strive to folget, though it shapes the opinion and ?indes the action of almost all intellitrent men on that rahject. The public debt was created in MppressJng a Sinthern rebellion. All tiniint ial questions Inn upon t!u niiiimd of dealing with the public debt, and the opinion of the South on such (UCOtlanal is blOVOOably lixed by its hintOty. ? the Southern people had become he.itlily uutl thoroughly loyal, nmeere in their obedience to the Conatitetion and laws, eat nest in enforcing all lawa alike for the pro? tection ot white men or black, Republicans or Deniorrats, and careful to consider (he K'ood of the whole country instead of the advantage of a lately te'iellious section, the case wouhl be diflVient. That this is not the temper of the Southern |.eople as a whole the voters of Ohio know light well. Among them they have thonoandi of BonAhern men by birth or by opinion, andl-MMaanda morn of n_ntbern aym paihizers. The inaliirnunt ?pirit ol these men aiVowa itoolf da] by day, in erory phase of so? cial or ptjUttcal luTe. and tin- voters of Ohio do not Deed to he told that the nu n who have that spirit are utterly unlit to In* intrusted With the si ttlemeut of National finances, snd the adjustment of those QnOjAlOtU Upon which the ptooporlty of nil our dep. ;,d . Ohio is a loyal>. EfoTOI has that State failed, at any de? i-ive moment, to cast its volenti the side of gtl uiue and si in?!.. lid.Iii y to the l'llioll. J he people of the COUUtr) look to i Ibio lor a vole that shall make the Laud ring with triumphs?il loyally, an did the rictorieo a/on by loldten in the dayi that lie be? hind us. It that spirit hold?, Kwiugand repu? diation will meel an overwhelming rebuke. El loyalty still lives in Ohio M \i"OtOOl Bftd rarm-st M ever, thtfi will Im- in? OtB ? WOib ing alter tlie election to know uL.thcr tbc Btatoia to be ropioaentoa1 in ib#Senate by uncompromising Union man, or by n tool oi tin Solid South. Tilt: COM MOE 8EN8M VIEW OF IT. Tin. Tbibubb bM heretofore expressed it* pel I'ret COnfldl nee in the sincerity and e.n m -i Ben of the young poraone who. in Ibbj n.:t nrally avei-e to the ass.iri i!ions and contact of orui BBiy politics, ami still dcdroiis of doing snnie tblng ooBJprebmmHtb for the beitefl( of their hind, are organizing what tin y dcserihc Bl i "nucleus," uhos; iiiv.ii BBB! holy pir.po-e it shall he to M sei a: eh I\.null." We hive not meant to jofif their enthusiasm ob Jibe at their youth ; for who of us has not boon young ami confident, mid what would all experience he woith were there no illusions to dispel ; bo slow onlooiing of the spill tii it the tne-iops on the far. hori? zon touched the sky. ami Urge-eyed boyi ' might i hi,ill that way to HeaVOfl 00090 d i.v f <Hi, no; we are hetic-t in our ad? miration of their raddiOCM and tndi Boai ond ?ooifold afocrrily of purpoee. Only i: seems to us that jusi :i? pTOSenl tiny un. far oil" from what is actual ai.d passing I in tin- am in i d movement of mankind, thai j tiny only soe American politici iu a sari of mirage. To aa in Iba burly-barry, thiaga : teem t;> bo go! ttg <>ii maeb after the oi I sort, wiih a gm era! direction toward too good, ami a manifest improvement as troll in th ? character of oar political I leaders as in tba metboda of oar politic-. Hut k> the fir away gentlemen die whole appears I Hit torn onwards, Tbo mirage secuis near;.the confusion and inns ? ar- audible, if not intelligible J ami with all Illings so inverted and the downward plunge im,?ciitl iti^, it is not strange perbspa thai they should ! fall into the delusion that they are near I enough to paasing occurrenoes to pul up j their hands ami push back tins calamit}'. ! Hut they too ale in a mirage. To all 'of us comas nn penote, in the actual I ruck of the um Id, tbey seem bottom up? wards, standing on then beada and looking at us from die edges of damp, dcpicssiug clouds. We know, bowcyer, that they are not there; that tbou nearness to Bfl is an optical illusion. For while we skirt tbo shores of what we hope WB have learned, their barks dt lightly on the fart heal rerge of what they Cdiik they know) that vast profound beyond our sight from which they will by ami by come sailing nick tu ace if they did actually snatch the world oil' its beain-i mis when I hey scratched Cornell. Without hopiag ia Bay anything thai shall distract these gentlemen from what they con? ceive to be their putpme, or that shall even be worthy! their attention, we venture to c\pn -x w hat sc. ins to us to lie the common sense view of the present dlna? tion, as looked at from the position of the aveiage voter. We nndorstand, of course, thongh somewhat dimly, that to nssert one's ! imieoeiidence, ami protaal agaius.l machine i politics, one musi "scratch Cornell." Hut we cannot make out w hy this is so. A 'treat many people will vote for Mr. Cornell without for? feiting their independence, ami some people who have none may snatch him. We don't see th it it will either Illustrate, any? thing or prove anything, unless it be the pollt : ical transcendentalism of the man who, not satisfied with any of the candid ites, takes pains to scratch the best, ami mi, by induc? tion, bell? the less worthy. Nothing is brought against the personal character or political record of Mr. Cornell, ezoepl that instead of yielding his opinions for the sake of office he maintained them uinl was removed. We may not have agreed with him in his view of the question at IrtTr* : we can do no less than respect the maalineaa with wbich he ad? hered to Iii? belief and made the sacrifice it cost. Tiny who "scratch Cornell" will do so iu the hop.- of relinking " machine manage '? ment," as they call it. What machine was it, pray, that nominated Cornell I No ma? chinery of Federal patronage, certainly. That was inactive, ami if it had been otherwise would naturally have been hostile. No ma? chinery of State or municipal patron? age ; that is in Democratic hands. The machinery by which his nomination was broutrlit about was, so far as we can see, no more nor less than that by which .1 majority of the voters m a party express their choice hi a Convention; Joal as a popular majority does in an election?die machinery of organ? ization. Shall we rebuke tiiat machine and denounce the legitimate ami proper methods by which the majority have eierciscd their choice, and not defi ned to ours T Lot us com et nur terminology ; that is no rebuke, but a snivel ; not a protest, bur a whine; it is well BBBBOd in only this: that it is a simple ".scratch," and BOl a great move? ment. Ami suppose it should defeat Mr. Cor? nell, whom docs it bring iu T Ian-ins Robin? son. What a lofty rebuke of machine poli? tics that would be, to be sure! Why, I his gentleman's entire administration hits been ? to oiling Hie tiiaehiii.-ry by which his wing of the pally was to be per patandjed in power, the Tilden iBrood ancry in the state maintained, and Til den'a renominalmn secured. There has Inen nothing more notorious than Ins Banlpolatiofl of the canals mid prisons ami municipal fOVM missions with this plain pin boob. To "scratch " Cornell" with a view to rebuking machine politics, and thereby help elect Bobiuaon, would Ik- al t oget her incoherent and absurd. The call to "scratch Cornell," moreover, i? directed to tbOBC who will vote the lest ot the Republican ticket, and who accordingly Would ?bomb tru-i a ilairs to K?i?tildi?-.?n than to DaaaofiBliti guldanrt and eontroL Hut Ubbn is no possibility of mistake as to tin- effect BpBB general polities ot the election Ol Ruliin aoB by the Cornell sciatclnrs. It would not ineielvptlt the Democratic paity in good heart ; it would put Mr. Tilden at its head, make him Lta in u PraaidastBal caruHdata beyond peradventure, and ? all into new- and misehiev iii- ..tiviiv the corrupt ami dangerous forces which that state-man is accustomed to invoke for the furl Iterance of his pei.-Minal atuoilioii. Is it worth while for any Republican to con iributa to (hat aadt Neither chivalry nor magnanimity commamls us to ignore the divisions of an enemy ; it is of the es? sence of soiiiui raaaau nml etna ai on *enra that we should accept th, advantage they offer. We do nut bl altata to say that we look with sat i-faction up Hi the BtOaOBt divisions of the New-York l>t?mocracy, aa BfjoB one of tfcoaa provorbtal raiHagB-oal Uirougb which boa aal bob ooma to their own. We have no sympathy with either wing, but, viewing the tpiariel with the enlightened scllidim ss of palfiota looking on at the dissensions of pulilic enemies, pray only for the piolongatinn ul the tight. We say so in nil frankness, ami oar po>ition in that laajard med nut l>e misunderstood. We believe it to bo honest und v.i-r. M it ?vii.iinly is pnMljnj tO take advan? tage nt the fad that than an two DenHMrutai rondtaatn Tor Governor in tin-Held. It i> agiinst thi- advaiitiire tliat our DanCCejMh Btal Meudn ire working when tiny M oentehCo*> uci!.' lli iow Unvcinnr, the two Democratic tickets m idi-Mbal. It it wen- pcssi bh to induce as many Ib publicans to "acreteh (oincll," aa Ikaro are Ekiaioerini who will vom far K?dly, ami CunaU should thereby bfj defeated, Ihr foult would Im- Um election of tin- entire Democratic Btateticket (?ui frieaiil would lion have tin- satisfaction oi taying tbai tiny had prevented any nd rontagO being takrn of an enemy*- divisions. I; it. on UM whole, would it pavT We do not niab to be nndanratood as utter bag a word of com plain I ?gains! Iba gentle? men who an- proposing to " scratch Cornell though we ree no good reo sob for it, bnt only the poaaibtHty of greal misehief. What wi have veatured to do is to praarnl what m i bji to he tin- common si dbb vi? w of the -if nation, lor the consideration of the avi inge votir. f\ important conmmmbcm. Three or four gentlemen wen rittugntnonid a tahh- m the back par!?>r of a ho ate in Qramercj Park. Before them lay piles ol documents, letter*, dispatches, amps, of elec? tion districts, Western Union blanks, Tnrn i Ri Aluabacb, a number of Littie Diction? aries and a cheek-book, Messengers wen coining and going, and relays, of hoys in the nniforni of the District relograph Company were waiting in Um h ill. " Here ere two lists ?'ol Inopiicton," observed Colonel Pelton, ?electing several tbeeti of foolscap from the heap of pa p. i s, "either of which, I think, " will do if the m.'iul linns is granted. The "men mi li>( A won't serve, and Ihooc on M list H are not -??? hot for Kelly bat what a few ? fetch contracts1 might ii\ them. H?>t "ter send both livts to Police Headquar " t?-rs.r "What aboatthe Tonog Bcratcherifasked a quiet, middle-aged peraon with long, thin a hi ski; -. '? < >. ?I ?a Um Young Berste ben 1" exclaimed the other. " Pre given them twenty-five " dollars, and that's more than they are worth. "Robinson has got to do something himself "if he means to knap that fraud going." A nn.Danger brought a telegram. "This Is "from 'Fox,'" said the Colonel, opening it. "Hand me the dictionary.1' In a fen niiu ntes the dispatch was made out : " L wku now "as though the thing wouhl work; but Ew " ing's sneeesa depaada anon contingeney ol "Senate capture. Bend twenty more liest " United states documents: money to be re "turned if anauccessful.'1 Telegrams from a score of small (owns laPennsylvania reporteil resolutions of local meetings thit (In- Demo? cratic party wouhl .o ver ounei " t ? iarb the " wrongdoers of 1870 with the Indignation of "an outraged people"?all the meetings ex? pressing their sol.?inn purpose in exactly the same formula of words. " M ix," o : o appeared to be skipping nbonl the United States in a very lively way, forwarded drafts from all the stages of his journey. An ageul in Cou rral New-York telegraphed tint Seymour was safe, and "the twist could In* fastened" for "hall hundred Edinburgh Copenhagen," to whom she Colonel instructed a clerk to answer: "Warsaw beret Bolivia I! sail." The door was burst open and Mayor C toper entered in a .-tale of Pertubation, followed by the (iavcrnor's private s. e.etary. Tho Mayot had a newapapet in his hand ; be was heated and out of breath. "Good gracious," be eried ] "what on enrth don tins meanl "Have vott seen his interview with Hatch " ins I" And he read from the paper, bis hand trembling and his voice unsteady: "I have "not bann und am not now dniug any thing whatever toward securing the Democratic " renomination for the Presidency." The quiet gentleman with knag whiskers, rose from bis chair, looking vry much astonished. Colonel Pelton dropped the pen with which be was about to till a check. .Mr. Smith hi. Wet d en? tering in the midst of the consternation, with a bag in bis hand ami the dust ot travel thick ou Ins bear I, was ju>r iu time to heir the continuation of the reading, as Mr. Cooper, after some fumbling with the paper, found bio place further dawn the column and went on: "I run say that I have not taken any "steps to secure arenomlnation by the Dem "ocratic party for Uta Prmidency. I can say "also that I do mit eoatemplate raking any " meailina to secure such nomination or to r? "jeet a before it is offered. 1 am credited '? with having an agent in every Voting pre "cinct throughout the United States, and with " many more equally absurd devices to secure "that which I do not seek." Mr. Weed was the first to reeovar biaoelf-pooseosion. "Cur " taiidy," said he, as he deposited the carpct bag in a corner, and ?Iniw a chair t?i the lahlc ; " that's all right. Most absurd device " in the world. Hen 's a little memorandum "of my expenses, i'eltuu, ami I'll trouble you " for a clo ck." The interrupted conference was rnaumisi Dispatches from different parts of the coun? try wan received and ana wared. The Mayor, owietod but not eutirelj reassured, entered into an earned* eonvenution apart with Mr. Weed, on the subject of Cotnuii.-.siotn r l'retich. Colonel Patton busied htmaelf in the compo? sition of a dispatch to Mr. Marl.cnn. Others of the party prepared at tides for Um country press, aided by ? ?crap-book containing all ihe reeunl fatten and speech.-, of Mr. Samuel J. Tilden. The inci ting lasted until late in Um afternoon. When it broke up Colone] Pel t >n looked significantly tow aid the front parlor, winked al his eompaniona, ami laid Iiis for, linger BCWai his lip-. They, in tum, !im?Ui ?I toward the front parlor, winked at Colone] Pel too, laid their forefingers, aeroai their lips, and muttering, " The old man " ?loesn't know anything about it," .-of I ly h t ill in-el v es out of the house and dispers? ?I. They had hardly got around (he corner when the door ot c?iiumiinieatioii between the parlors opened and an old gentleman entered tin- room whi ie Colonel Pelton was putting away the dictionaiies. " William," sai?l this venerable ]m>rs?>n, " tin- ?au*?' I have repri? Moentod has Bmbraced tin- largest and holiest " int? rests of humanity. If 1 km w of any "futile daBlance with fraud I never wouhl "condone It?never, never, nevei!" To which the Colonel replied thai be ?b?lt?at? ?i himself t?? the BSCred cause ol Urform, and that h?< did not think then had been anything futile, except Mayor Cooper. the puntM an still in asuM nupsntlng the fatooi lbs P/oatera soronouts, puiaful intelligence doumo frost Ion Yrantdsee, whses two ffrvvns en* gage?! in the satnc lm>ii).'?s wi re kill. .1 .mi Sui.?lay. toconsequsueo ol .? vtolont wind, and Um bi - vitaablt ehBrsotu ?>t tlui Indlooa asad, both Mr. Williams ami Mr. Colgrovs nan ilsshad Is taa earth ?ml daSd votj bbbb. Thai casualty HMg bo iitti ihiitcd t?> the want ot ino oommimoot aanaani and BiaaVaaa ?m the anrt al the aeronauts.; hnt each lamentable r? u!t baajBCnill follow wliiui every |i..-.-il,|, ,aic has baea takcu tu guaui against them, it boa ban ? BO BUMg the daya td Prrdahia and bm| even ? though jt -luuil'l not font um a to he hi to the end. , If. is nearly a century since PehVre ilo Rogtef ami Ins coin pan ion were killed hy tin- hnrninir of their balloon. It in I fly BiBB years since Madame Mam hard wnsd.islod to pieces in Paris. Of course then- have liooii u great many p erfertly BBBaeaaful ascension-; hut common aeuec points out that the 1 pi nl will alwnj s he gnat. One proposed centennial ?eh-bration sccm> to have bosa irnpruveil in no National spirit by the rotary of the committee having its anaup tin nts blciiurge. Mr. Henry C. Wayne, who takes ocra-n n to remind the South th it it " Ins jn-t ein riffi fron a MikmIv war in defence nl a CO Bail tu I iooal ri MfTte ttott to the Staten?the right Bf secession.'' The an niTersay to be celebrated is tba Mb of October, the day on which Sergeant Jasper was killed "in n gallant hat aaaacceaafnl attempt to reacue Savan aab froai British nppraasina " Mr. Henry C. Wayne, the secretary ?fataaalj.a tan of the late Mr. Justice Way ne, of the 8upreaM Court of the United Mates, thinks this a Baad opportunity for making an attack upon what be is pleased to call Railicaliam. " I.i f if h ? remembered,'' says be, t bat " there is more of political sianincaBee ia this Centennial Ceb bra tioa than meets the rye." We abonld any that tin :?? was. nnd are sbt nld adnaa weR-aaBBMBgertl /ctisuf Savannah tabara as little to do with Sir. \\ syne*! at '? bi itbm -is ptaalhbi The regular Beater racy af hfaaaat tbaaetta bald their State Convention to- lay, aad arlll nominate a ticket, with ahoat aasBmll a ebaaae <-f elect ma it na ever fell to the lot of a p rty? Bat it is hardly ueceaaary to waeta any bj apathy apon them. It is easy hui it would not ha BfaetoHy accurate to*ay that i hey expect nothing. They may Im ri.'lit or wrone in their polities, bat at aay rat- they adll nut s.-ii riiciiist Irea fur ? weeeaa whfrh, aa f ir n the p irt.v is coiici r aid, Boabi ha pat belly BMBBtogtese, 'I hey may he oi itinate, bai Mwy are not arosalv In eonsistent. Tbeir Baadaal iaaa may keep more than otu brother from iroiu r ov?-i bodily to the hybrid Butler party ;sad so they wiU <i<. pood aarvtee in a Hioatl wav. They ongbl to be gind, in these times, to he able to make f beoiaelrrs naefoL It ia BOBM* tblaa tn be honestly taithfal even to a gros* polii: i al mist ike. It is reported ?hat the night before the PaaieetaHa I'oiice Coinuiisaionera dot loped their trieb ia Iba nomination of Tamtaaay laepeetors who could not or would not serve, a eipber diap itch, almost m th" precise words of one Ibat is already famous, wad ?etil m Cuanaiaaloaat bfaafsian from Gruiiierey Park. It was ligasi "Deuatark,*1 aad it raadi "Inflict welkin leriaaae baaaard awaiu minutely nssociatinn moral mathematics aehnnaal a ? arpatad nealeetfal weleome. Aggregate profound." Which, beingtranslated by tbt hltle dietionary, is as fol? lows: " Is paar matter i ei r nra I I hero must he no mistake. AU dependsob yen. Answer quick." Mr. Commit leaei Mac Lean 1 da yea understand, or would you like us to < laeldata tba matter farther f Pattou'a ehaaee for getting aa tba Pellea Board has vanished. If Mr. Tilden reallj baa a rea ap parihaaing a re> I nouiimiiion, it is i ioi kingly erael ia him not to teU j Ma vor i 'ouiK-r, and relierc thai mneb dlatreaaed i o I purii-uei from further aalten I Southern lieraoeratsare lengbfogattbaaaebroufe j j riituor.i of a split ia tb< Solid Sooth. Tbayaaj ifiat I the divBtiowa are oa local torero aaly, and that on ) j National questions both lections wdl ha aaUdlv Democratic. That is TttB TBIBDBgfa vi-w pre? ll eiaely. All talk aboal Bout hern eleet iral *>??'< ?? for I I lie Republican Presidential latnii late in i-^i s baaed on ignorance. Pbe Sooth will Ik* solid fm the i Demorrath oandhlste, and will remain so until a ; iTiis tinii" di feat lias abown taa futility nl that ? lulidlty, _ If the Faneoil Hall Daatocrata abonld Baairaab Charles Fmnds Adaam to-day the fraad aaaewoald be pashed to the treat, bal not in a way to create a wilil ? leitement. _ rTbabttha mvatariaaa prraoa who (aaaata nil I tin se li ^itlquibblea aad I?I < ? for the T?den tiietn beraof tba Police Board, and pass Mayor Cooper up to all the triebe wbiah be has boon performing for) I tho auiiisemenl and decision ??! tba pabltat It Buaat be the saui - p'Tsiui \\ ho lipttred -o d.uklv in uil the cipher baaheees ; be wba invented the elab? orate cipher which was slipped Into the hand* oi Smith Weed aad the other pilgrims who went:South j to waten tbe Reform eattaei and he wlio sent all j the line leaal opiaioiia to Heath Carolina and . Florida to guide tba brethren in their s.-ar. !i for one vote* Nobodi kaew then who ha, ami not oily knows now. Hut everybody soepeete I his name la I'eltOO, of nur.-.'. Mayor Cooper is th- man w ho piadgsd himself in ' favor of a ie s iu 1*'i ee Board, ob tba evaei bbi ab ctieu, U that what hi haagiveaaff CaogressBMB l>e La Matyr, ^??ilo is sceidentplly I an import tat pnnamaga baaaaaa he may decide who will la- the next President iu eaee the election is thrown Into th" lions . seem- to look u|niu General Batter aa the man wba waald suit him tiestfor President. He says, bowerer, that Batter mast carry Maaaaabaaatla this nail la order to make him? self a candidate, BwiagdoaBBOt suit hiia at uil, j because of his "affiliations with -the DaaMwrata," He ti inks I lendrieks la by all odds the teading candi? date tor the Democratic nominal Ion, sad speaks of him so warmly as to Lave bttls doubt thai he would cast Ina rata for hi in. Yet he must know that by voting fur hiiu in the House he cannot elect nun, for his rote will only make a tie. The onlv Wflff he cm elect a I'l< -ideiit B ill he to voto for ti.n Republican candidate, Ex-Attorney-QeBora] raft is as naaaraavrBg a Qrnni man as ever. Ho daaa aal balteaa that Qraal nan baboatea in Oblo foe the aenrJaatiou even by Sherman, and thmks tbat if Draal looms ns scan? didate Sherman will give up the contest, other (Irani anpnortera ars so dated by his reception in California thai therara elaimiag ids nominstion as tnlli Bssarad, and nre talkingabaai either Blaine or Sherman as a good candidate for the second place. _ It is ?aaalmoaaly agraad ia htaaaaaibaaotta thai the flreenhaeli party af that state is dead. Qeaoral ltu?ler iosepporaBd, tberetBce, by Mm betaragsnoaBs party ??f tli? tHaeontatnSnd, whieb m thnaa times of renewed praaparlty means mama/ the party of tba aoeeheoda. _ Beodrieks Is bearing down ia a tearful manner, in his Ohin apseeb, oa tba Btrnehma crime of bring? ing a Solid North BgaUMl a Solnl South. Be pTBOeea about and declares siidi conduct " treason." and lieas tin Lord to span- him the pain of cm r behold lagaay Bag oreept thai af the Cnion. It is the mission of the Republican party to see that vmir i prayer is granted, dear Mr. Hendrieks, ami in par* snahceof thai mission it I? lending op a Solid North to prevent a Solid Booth from iBateniag U aaaea the lla* if could not sho"t down in war. Tbl six.ner vou tike roar Solid South oat of tba field the Boonee will the " tiaaaaa" nunc to an end. Nobody w ho read lbs rsoord af a Solid bwatbata Cougraoa, In Batardajr? l bibcxk, wUI vote in favor of u Solid Southein ti'iverrimeat, THE BTAT? ?am .i?. Perhaps Mayer Cooper is "working'' for ahnotU as a rrraldSBttel aaadMata Not a bianabUeao aerate bei has offered an Optuiun i ii goldllluu's effort to " Keform " tbe courts. Money from the luirrel is llowing freely PSreagfe HM Mala, and atrai tlrteiiliaekers are I? Into a MM Ilten BN pel Ii v. The itUl-hnM is the thing for Republicans to wati ti. It is tin- uialti'i of Itrtoriu, and* lUto aadarai Nwlt? tiiri*f? in-st m ateaas aad anrfcaaaa " There is nothing thai will Ik worse than fb-iircs," e?pc.M ally when flu? I:.-1. i j -.. n Td.l.-n ..i-jjau at a on gi is to arraagras ami somptuag ibom. Senator Iveiaau is unable lo give anv tbti niie vtewa aa taa DaoMorata antlooavj aeranaa he taut btn-u so bu>-y uliioo HteMrariise i mni i.tii.n be hn-% had no Hum- tu think, in- believaSa aowevar* laal Iba reaabu ticket oill Ba ale led. Tina sii.,a? rlearlr elm..k n II.ui 1m- no- bad no IHM bl I blag. Tho Oriaaaa b>pablicajBi have nominated Male is PbiUtpS for tin- A. ,- U\\ ; IBS DOBUM rstk cu v. a Boa ot Mm i*t Oaahls PMBrtet pj ton >d J. v. it. seo viii. tbi a rabaaki ladbteu far the Aaaambby, aad IBs lid liiatrW Ileuiorrel? I > tie same t-nuuiy ntuniuitit-a m v it Waraeralaofg.lAareiably. Tho b\enablioaBa of Ubaaj have begun the canvass wen iihi.-Ii BBtBnttaaai. Tu. ir argaalsaUwa la Iu eieellenl WaatJaggpndlllaa, ami ibey expect to give Iba Hate ttebat a iaraa plarallti and atoel laetr eeea ? I Hi u. t aj sgaed aatteritjr, r/aa Kelly bolters bellera flu r Wfll pail a* mmy vrtca In the comity m th" llaMn m il juiriy. Ii'm a ditKtyurafriaf t\4i Dm Bourbon editon have on li.m t. It Ii.k lie " mi ? ih'ir dm. u |>mi\ that MS anaOBBB *f OJB BspfMMCa n rt fureoUog tu? I'ollca OMMBMBaSBM i:. thitclty MMMRBIm Tainmaiy mean* Mtlai; To t ? ? i r e 1*011, i> r it Ik- aaM, lhay ha*-* lnri(ifrt the ?nti|'rt lirrnlralli, but the harne UMf art in.ikiiiv? wit i laaoa i ? f artm tu aaa at*. Th?? Our-Iii?* have * nt? r< ?l into I tritifc wilti ibe lire-nb.ickeri and adopted tli ir t imli rhlfei for the A*?eml.|y in ibs [<f lllntrirt. fit I He* ii'nitii aajra i *? TMs ooummMob boo ban Mial "fftn Say Qtwawbwsh vwtwa lav Daajtwaraatt sssMMssai tor ut in r afasaa. Dantuavala ami Ur<wnt?*ek*tni wim belMta in ti ''ii* laapantiti yvMstptas atti r. aani Mat ?it? >ki i las. OssmtsJ Bradkty Win ?low, of W>Mflattiaa whi? hau hur ii nominated fur the ??.?ii tie In the J. II ?in I'lutrtM, ??. n ? ?' istSi MS Iti I' V w Yi.rk V ilnnf.St?>, nmi wii i wuunjtii whttt i,admit i>n MtrtMaaf >u Patatw* bars. Bs Is? as aMa spaakav, and hui as* necteS t* ataarp Hn? fliata for Car a* II, hut hi?. snaatsa* tum tas assstst MoyaaBasooM tBoaajs in Mi ata at aast *?:ir). The danger ol tremble imoeg the lo puhli ssat af the X X1 Xt Ii eenatonal DMMStJ las bapppy paasae. Thai wvaatMa hnM laut Tatwattav w*? p r* v.idcd by a ?phIt of Ifirmutijr und enthiuilaatB. Mj r>a CoSStJtaSBaiVMty -um inti-t. d all rlum mmmMtSsSS* tt..11 mm aastafai * st MjMi Hm Das Bdbaaafl I? Pitt?, thf candidate i?f Iii?1 Orl.nn OMMtf dalaassas. t%& Mmcktmttr Jhaaaarsf aad1 CArwaMh ?iw <>.' Ii in : " AltbmiKb o. in parat fatng MBS M I ?* Mas atawdMtha frsat raabaaf Ma lassl prataanhta M aattSVB SSw-York, bavloc been Min.ii'arli anocc.rfiil BMB before the i-uitrt- and farbTA l. IBBJj, mmt elected to |be A-iaetnh!y tmin Ii.? coantr. Ha wa? nfitrtrd tin) four MMMBff fSSBBj Mal M IttTtrasalantatl Ipatkai. kiMft,If sa im?iak< mt. tiia ronngaat aaaa stsr sMaMaf M IBal naaavsMa aa*ttlaa. In flu-I. ?irK'jiiurr. b? ?in itlatlsarBMrard for ib?-?;??ar n.i.i . /..i al ni* na wh, and f?r hl? ParliaBn-atary r..p:ritv, a< a? nr (Ii? nii-.l.i... Uitaat kS bort, ut n Unta arbea uante? latllj katlrcscd. Bat Krrrsl jrearapaatbe oa-1? ?? atsi BBratBitUaa; ptoaactt? a ol bia nrafaaalia nut Baa won tbrreli aaVa f..ii..: i? ?.. ml* in. i lau.-. :?, mi iri? i? im pn-aaata ?I bi Iba ttapaiillraaa nl > ?.* eoaa > aa taaar aasnlaaajia rhoiro for r. praaeataiira in Coam <?. bbS, ilta aMfe Sa? li i.t ??! in reatrastloB, ass sssw s| ?? Iba ?ttusK Utara ?<? ito tplsB<IM aamae lab balf ?I tbs party aoailacr. Iii baa never allowed peraonal diaappalBiai al to twrrvs bim fluni sta party allatrUiaoa, ..i ka ... tat bist ir ?m ms in. .-.t aasspli Baaa pan ti ast * Mm tMMSUv iu UM late K. X. W.;rl, ?M Bllftisli painter, tK-iani?' au uril-t ut a Vi-ry e.iilva/i"; im tt-nt ?MSSMi In* 'h-1i' iipnn ttM ei aki-ry i> <?tc. aalafftSS a!l I Bt Iren oi aritli tai baaa of Bstsra> ColOBSl T. W. HiKfiMtM] i? s.iiil to bt BC> Utrail ? iix?^'iii{ IS M Kein m.<?"i<*. tili* >.-ar. Iii) U hs tka liat af BepaSSIasti apas ra, aad U MtBsd af Bot only aa aeaadidata nr >l?,ur >?! OatsMtdssw Bttl iti aa s raartidata far tba Ledalacara. The Ia/i|nror of Germany u wotul ifully -tt. 11 iad aal is f>r a man af MjpBtV?ttMSsi Tim o1. r dar st BHaahsrs Bs was aa bavsaSasB ttaai I cm Balf pa.-t :t ? iihi.ut taataSB i?fV lBBa\ tbi u lie n?-tit i aad abrpt aa Boar, aad sftat ward ippi irrd ^slia i , -n aidlaaar, and isaMlaadai aa avaalac party Uli Bildnlglit. Mr. Thomas Litttrtou Holt. Um EngAsh ; tust wsa assjast d rd, i? raawvtsd is Bava bi u rb ? n rtaal af n '? ? ?? il tob) MOataas i tlSB. ' l ot.n Cbaaafa wit," Moash tli?* portrait win *o orcritrawn aa tu Ik> h .r !v i. ?? - ? ' .LI ?? Mr. Halt v.a? I I nill i t ^> iiui .a ia. aad, r? . at i aar, aarat BttBaaM ti kaasa. The Bot. Mr. Uutttx, du.-iiur hk rsstitlBB, ii tout M bava sots bard at wort itsntjrMtl Mm 01 acsa, II. aas aad ladiaa a raati oa. TMomrssM Ma tars irip in- in -ii parson j aaot of tttaao. I: ta iSatei Mmm Mr. C k*aMeadai btelareaMiaaaaaaa will ii lUaatratad !. . . an " exv limento, oa wbisB ko lataada M iptad eoa i dfrnbb .aaaa. M. Louis BhuiC is -o small a mar tin u ly btal ad la aaaa m taattabaaaaf IBs OBaaaBav at Dapa* itea,wbMhraaeSsaoaljr t? ;ii?> VstM <?t aa aituaafjr man. Hla?zyrwaloa sad oaaaaM ar? paaakarty ju n iliai aad s bi ii a baaa wail pat ittraod, ? no 11 tba .... '.. ati.l li.ii. i. I.air. "Il II...'/ tal . a- I ? ? ;? loa'iinooa Mia vatataa Uostocral of ?ut)-iif?t. that ftm Bava s hay bvsara ystt iBoaafi aaaihaMva ?-n obM iu .111 , utr, M.MaasU MaVf tii<- Milsssl of men. |- ?. . of ins vaBM. M laaBat im a VaOMMSj aad of in- dtatlsauvo BSata,aa ni? iier-n oaBod " thn npie oratav." Is BM ows aatat llttla Facts ha ? in: aovai ." a bis baaaaaataal ami apastrahal atMlod ?aaaac "f toacah. Ha tsltn aa U asastra wrtttaaa iiuoi or BiMieaaiBS aoaiebody iron Iba ti inane. Nu Kr im n i tak* better Bartuvh, inf. .t a tlw lai yu ma i.f tbe arboo i rather than tha eollefalal reraaewlar of tin' ik.'.. Althoatth be araj in tin* bahn of Em:? it?a dnrinrr Iii? lona residenea M Enyiaud, aad With In* \ . .Vail wife, wbo iU.ii Iws yaara aaa.ha naab pro* : tt Ii - i.? i I', live laUKUUOi*, at..I ulwaya ?'ttilt - off Into it when psaafbhA Jades Key, trhs has taeeutty for the lir-t -.. a btsda i feel naff m Vtrv>BBBMMtt, :? <i asod Urs .afroapoatk at al Tht CaaaSaaafl < iiattvofsl waatJat^ im: hlatanlf aitraaaalj pat ua 'i a Ii i ...i as i iw. Ba a m a- ni lahad by her iMMtUM pcaaavcMTi tne parlMttsa of Iii r ni toll iDi'i-v. the ; rail.-nee of BM tasatof,sad UM Mtaairth af Bas sastal hwoaa T ie nui? t, oa kaaasotoo* UVB hasattalttr Ofthe New-Knirlan hrs k eiueil to hn " ba?raalB0*'taa4Bs was asasl Mywah ay wa saaaral fonllBfi thai labor i* tpoatally honorable. ?? in om* af las mi a fa i Hi a-ftSffMBtl iBalas," he aaM, " wa aaM tmsttaiiii'l by an ex iiieinh r of nie pottai tu as wi'ii'.tiiy. At Irsri avtwytstsfi about htm UMMBlod WOBltS. III? f.itu''y ?.i MMlt, tad in ^oatdBg of It.era bo BSSl ii i ni. aiiutit sKtuii yaan bM, wm it Mo MfMM M statalBS i tiiott??rtt, ofosatoa, bM ?*<,p wMtatUSaMt vsoattai at a lrat*aiaaa aatai, ahMB i< w hat wo waaM nstarsllr at paat af o rttft aioa*a aaa M a pataaaran> -orr. MrH, tsta faattlv waat staaa m MM wmt.' M as r.iiaa at tue lone we Old, aad Wa ail -t.ipi..-. V lite MMM in tel. Th.a m sttataaa aal lad fur in? aaa ami iatro>iiie< x Iii in to in.', UtUtaa me tuut he had anabiyaMai at UM I i.Ii- a* I. ?!I-I?*??." iliu lUK tin' SllllllUer ! lie t*a- i- irtil: hit awa poeast ?aaey, ii arnini; tiabitaiif laasotry ai 1 ipendlaa hla vacattaa ot a salad idssaast rrsan all at aaee. WBilewi warn then this aav aaowarad acD*?allt with aitcrity, aad wa 'afl him ?wea?auriy Mrfactlj eon tsatod with his ' MiaaMoa.' fa csss w sdaaraity that boy win knuw tai.v tu t.iife BSra af hlricelf. ami if I a la berila hu (utiiet'a fattaaa he wii. kuow ...... u> take raro Of that." _ QKSEKAL Sorts. It I? not generally known that Secretary BaBSrSeSSM very nearly lieiu*r onii^ht w .to ThnrphurK i In th" Mil* K'v. r 'orrnl. lie w.iiiti .i ui k ? to the l.'te BaaarvaHsa au<i Assaay to iiuiet um asanviaaaaa Mavra. and mittle partial arrang. tneuta to jr >. but Mraod BaMa into las ladtsa Tatrttacr Msrwsr Mhaap a prior ptaaWSS. If he bad folluweil A*?i>tatit Paat. oaaatar-Osaaral Tyaat be miKiu not aavooaoopi > ? asuy. A question of nearly ten years' statniinir has a: la?t m i n it.opu-eil ot in Ito-t.iu. It is the wauian 4 MoMaa walsh baa a?i imiir aadradad aaaif BM* tim salthstataaaaal ibe staii Ho#j <i isMtajr. ftttaaapta Ii ivo repeofe lly areti tuitilo to nee nr.? the ml in i v>|un .<f aaaaaa M BMWbaaaaips i nt **rrrriT*nillTar.alvajraat a rlaid trpe Iu Una orirauliation. turned col lly away eaeb time bsm I he pi opt* *<l bMMTSttoa, Year by year a pro |fte*.-lve npiril liaa ttaiui d arouafl BBaMMJtfM rSBBBaf yaaaasi mmbbsm ami laut aTssswssay at a m.aslso i f ? In* Council the Heard ol t'eusom were rcry quietly it'ii it. d ;o rva ait at all tiinaie aatdasaata for Baaassbm The yuuii? Maaahara are fata h?pcy over MaMP Vtatotyi l >?? i'lder nui ? a. i'ept li v> itli w hat nature lin v raa, bat laaiat that Ii daaa not coueern Ibe public, and Ha* Mm that ta aatd saaat M Mm hoi im. it i? believed i i il vet v Bra tOBMM u?e..ibers ?ai laaaU from itiu .le aiatoa. If is lajpathtd that Senator I>a\is, t.f West VlrstaMi win Mtradaasbtta iha assi Oat in ? "a toil ?aaaalttas tan mob atatta ay lbsUafsad state* tniha MVeral tu 16S7," which aiuouutail loiiic anus ?aw ol 038,101 A id PI. Of IBM atasaal. aast^saa-half was B^atVthwtl d to the Southern Stute? -and | crliai * tha fast thai lhay bava aal] ob ut aaagaatrtaesfl tbo popa* btffaasf the ioimiry aadsaa ii^utii of Ma aaaltt ac aaurtafM iBati atldaoaaaa M M saaast aaa aaa4>a i't>? rea-.'ii atUSh I batst Davit tt r.air. ?.nti*tl a* iitjfhifc' lor tins i xliaor.liiiury OMMMMtMl I- (hat bSSfdai BBMOBl i r tin- BBM 1- " I u?e|. ?- euibarntasnient to fi.- Tn;i?ary DapaMOMali Tue triniinr MaasaMaaM laaf DlbMfs, Wt?ah has property OOMaBtMa M 1^191^00,890, not oaly 0477.010 of tha aMaay, wbtM VwaiaM. wbiai haa Ml) BlOOeW.133 w.-rtli.>f rope t\. ??? t 92,100 1X7*1 I la i in ? in- v ?thai la, Iii it Y re'ui a aid BBSIM im. at) Ivo Ihm - a- inn-a a- lil.nuiM in pro pal llnu to In ruealib? utoy paaalhti interfan wMh thi? phllaathtapfa asbSBM of baaasot Dat hv .lohn Wise, Jr., a awssMMMI al t!i I aeron.tuf. waoBtaaaatal Mm nasal aoooai M It baaht,sad at rat baa as paal aosMty bar tic fate of ma uriud f at her. H*)Wiltt*a t? Ina lather in PAiladc (hat I'rofe-aor Wl?e w n verj tiiu. li f.itl.'ii'il at Hp* tune Iha ball .on went up. and aaya he iieli. ve? tlint it cam* iliiwtt in home forest whon the rrofeaaor wa? aah ep, or Dial Ut< i-. lout on aoot* Michigan ptSlftS The balloon ?v i* in itaod order. If I'ruf. s?or Wtaa, and Iturr. tha hank teil. r. are on a prairie, they will, In the nature of the e.iae, tie -.mie tune In netting .ait. l'.a v had a com? POM a Mb them und plenty of matebea. ByMOOBBOf hi iill ? ami tame, which in Mielnaan, they adahl hve in a tat tal mvmm we. as. as each fan. baM> avar, aBtkat II mom proaasbi Mai Mlat tadl BM saab aaatoa ham been MM, lbs ftMastM bbmmi tha BBtlUSI fatal BOOOaabM of Donaldaoii, and the atraaflS panipldel whte'i Wl?e pilblnthed a year after the BSOhB ? f Mai fbS Ml a. This piitported to be tha o .ii > o> imiiunl on mi the voyase, but il waa written by vs. MMBBiawa sBBBrtaaooB,aad htt bbbJbbujmi ft