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NEW PUBLICATION TltK VAll'F OF LIFB. A KrPl.T TO ML MaUa-Cka HWAT ' I? l.lKt W UK1H LlVlJIoi" lUnjo, pp. "JjS. U. 1*. 1'iiiuanV* sou*. Tmeaaaj ?>f Mr. Muliixk, to which a reply 1? attempted tu ilii* preacut volume, maintain* that the beamy ami rhartn of life arr threatened hy the deoay of religion* fulth iiikPt the influence of positive *eienoe, auo lliiil Ihr brightest hope* ut iiiaa run l>r preserved <>tit\ In tlir n situation of theology a* taugui In tbe Catholic (hutch Mr. Mailock's argument* rind a ? opponent in lliu author of this work, who routends. oo the other hand, thai tin- spirit of tin- so called l\.**tivc Philosophy ia essential to the highest ?icTflopiiH nt of humanity, ni.d lo tlie pcrtectioti auil ceti?unituute BBjayBBMkl of butuau life. The ground takcu by Mt Maliock, a curtliug to hi, ciiiie. i? lliat moil, i n pel. in I i, ul|. ,?? llie entire UI l Vi 1 se oi matter tu a ui.isa of ph> sical things. M.m is included lu this in . ? ?, Kini tl.iiH loses all the and value w.ili-n belonged to liiin sis a spiritual mill super nuiuia! innig. Hetiee tus life become* woitkieae, if I'ositivisiu I? permuted to triumph. In destroying the in? fluence or the (.'.ilholip luurcli the restraints are re which for two iIioumiikI y. atl Bare MM in che? k the pii-?io-.i* of piigail-iu. Mm atity, urt, |ier*otial dig? it.t>. therefore, d? round a vigorous resistance to the pr> tcusi.iiH of positive thought. Ba| tin- author kfaaklycill* iu v|Ue?;loti Mr. MalletV* qgiupeteiieo for Ihi ill?cU*sliiU of so grave a t.a inc. I lie fervor of his rhclmlc. and the pujuaucy of Ms cloi|, it 1* ud oiittcd. suggest a se' 1<>us atol prof uitiiit, thuilgh s< iisl?ive M-.nktr. Hut tlie ll.uslnn Is di?|c!ad hp u MM In'', mate aci|t. iiuiancc witli the character of bis iniiul. Ills luctaunt appeal to seninm-nt. his ItojanBOJ *'x piissi.iii, in? dr.iwina-rotiui hriliiaaai of epigram,aaaa ? wukcli suspicion. A closer i.ispe. tlou dtscoreia lualiy flaws in the enamel ol the picture. He is found to lie tllllly of fr. Ull. llt lUHI i lt s of rxpletuooll, of lu tclicitiesof metaphor, which t'eiray hkkM pi-it?pilous, and e\. ti oblUselii sa of iuiaginul h n. I'p ll aliaii r.i.ig Ins thought, we learu that the supt rlleial defeeta of ?t> It exit lid to the tie. per ? of h .? ili.iiael.r. We Banimt aasapa ?? MMph aaa of hi? MMaeefity. Be aaaaai to hMBpBS wiiu plain things tu the inti rtmi 3f the c itlse wbii'h he Mis at In art. He reminds Un? read'ruf Mi-ret tilhuuals of (be holy "file.-, of aMNat the Metini- were kidnapped on false pretences, and i nine I Mm.Hold it,to Hie present e nf MM I Judges. Mt. Mullock lie\er lurgcl* that It I? Ids flist duty lo *??? ni e \ Mtof] at all hazards, vi ii Limit IraaBllBB hliii?> If to timl. rstuhd tin subject of which lie treats, ll's critic perbap* g mm too tm in ascribing to iuiu a systematic pai h\nnol conti nipt tnr truth, lint no one M ijuaiuted With his w rituiiis can full to roeawAUM his hatiltual .it'l tudi ofwiii'aro. Tbe essence til l' .sitivisin, accordlnc to MM Wilier, is to lunl ,he baaM of In lief Itl tile realities of exiatoaoa, T' e ie)eiltoa al aVoetrtaom amatter of aeci i daiy importance The vital pol t is to establish a piiMi'he around ii r tliourli;. lot at tam, mid for life. In tins re?poct, nt MM Vary aakaet, Mr. Mullock, Ika author aBarwax?areoety aalareaeoaaaM Mm principle of Pti-tllrislu. He makes It ein,?1st lu the fact of d' tilul. Mai PoMMrhwa, aa tt MJaally alleaaal, M not a < ttm\ ot ti i nj. aCMa of a arai ?i. kal Motkoal Ts rtatkj feature t he study of the lows ,.j phcnouiena, und not of Ikah Maataaaaaaaa ItpaepeeeaaejafcnoiatM ?ub.-titu. tloti (if srietice tor faith, ai d as far as po?.?itilr, of the lit'ut of deiiion-'iati' ti f.-r tin battl nf eicditlity The practical aim of Positiv i?tn, :.>? >i t fi rtli by tin au' ttior, is to brina the ortranle ii iutinti of hnmnti lie ngs inure and more v.vHiv lata tm a i a loaaaaaa of bmo> kind, it i-i Maaa a mmmi part of Um uns. ra? waich now darken kawaaa IN to tie imperil al dm MMMMI or tlie ?yaicakatte paaaaraaaa of IM ktatpaiaaUi bMUaaaa Hi nee it alaaa to aiTtlap aark aaatlaiaataar/erety prae* tieatde u.i ans. Itpte-iiits the true philosophy of the dt t trine to those who ate capable of speculation, and at BataV s to ika m tiu ia?i 11 ttaexpeattli n imo irtaaara linn. Ta Ika prteata at Oaikaltetf It eapaaea Mm pkd* i, i?,.pt,, ts. Overperaaaaanola tm aasprahaad ideas, it < Int? th. ii.rlin ?ie. t>f f? . i taa! mihi ?? I t niel. ta whlctl aie tin prmllli'ts t t j n .ii. It m .le ! I.ej, to apply Its det ti ii.t a to i \ ei \ d. i in tn.. nl el biimaii life, not ii? .in lit lottery nil] , Bat i B aBBBMBl t owi r. '1 ha |.Ti at pi:/. ofutc, orth.j.-ct af trrkag for aaek HrBaaBaaaB, ae hi itaB ta Ika aatfcar? oeaalata m Ika AaTeloyawBl al nil laaaMMi to tin graalaal i xtctit ? aa^attbla wttk ike BadrralnaJ rraaataaitaa Tka reaaaa tor failure hinl diMoutei.t 1? to aa MMtad in the fael that valued o faota BafB oi b8bb af.aiiicd, or that mi impelled uii.ilt sin of mm needs of human nature baa overlooked the conditions lor ibeir at!annul tit. It is tuipns-db e, however, the author BTe> cree'h and., to miitii o a world M fM 1 ttmt BB evil will BBBMUBI to he e mbatt'd. or aa evil thai BB BOO*] can he Nona ta eaattaaa arleaaaer " raw Heal tea la aal ifct attriaute of a lutuie *l t'c, Bd H at a Utopia or the liii'lciiuluiii; tt can milv aSawt In moiiu ins, hut iu Jeni lied imune! le. wj.h u are 'flown like dlain, nils Mnwaakaad ika 'ahiaaaa al ipaaa and time.'" yir, HB look wi n "I .sr. : l Hi it Back a life was nut north 1.Ma. l a > More rat tea al i ll aj bom aaaia t.iinti. la tiat tins type el UiBlb ta aa a Oaai rMlMaal ? that tka raj a ar iealattoa ol lite u ao uftaa thwarted ? it is aoaataatty aaakaaeel ki IkoakaBawal ii< ath. ii.ii ikaaa erila? aa ika aal Bel iBJi aaa. wkllatkaj are aat>laead ky ika rwatt rhu i a waala ol aaanlaa, ateeMMMaod t" !>?? aBOMBaaoaaalj aat?rrown,or to be aaeaaaaau ky/ aoaraaeawi eSarl gwm)tt. ky aaaae] a aaa k pa raa ararlel, aalarally kapai aea. laaeVi toward Indefinite propre*?, and will gradually be luuatered by tin- BttoUaOl of man, who is lu be iis occupant. It is u |S !i-h BBBBtopttoJi of Mr. Mallork.thit the nchitve uouts of pkyatoal bomb <? an d toted exclusively Ba Bka attalaaaaal al pkyi aal eouiforts, on the e'titiary, ta- author,, that phvBieal aatoaaola aaaay wayatraaaeoada tho umtertal obj eta akaak ll la Maaaedtotoly eaaeeraed. in dltslpuiing th- luyaterles which have en-hrou led the Diaierlai aOilaV pkyaMal aatoaMI his dtopellrd fear, ami (he Maexak kaaato wktoh toar aafewdera. To the degree to which it Baa p:iif itc?l rettoi Iraai pkjaloal pain, phjral r ii science has tj-ili ?? ucd Ika BeaMaifBt of humanity. ii. . panaaalfcaaftaeaaaattotpaled kj Po*itl?l?ml* uo vague conjc-tui'i'of fwBaiapaaetkttMtoai "uo * >iiuuiug bru.s autl tii.klru; i-won il kako ?'niuiiucl in front of u aanaka vfcaaa rlalaa k alwayi pre ala -i and constantly pOOlpaaodl I nut the PBBlBMBfM whieb it knows maybe mt Mad ky Ik aa ? aa aava aM a h mia rc l tt.c science of BBBBMI y." Tin p'ctore of BMBBM loeiely, aa ll iu .y be leVi |u|H d Bader MM Influence of Positive Ideaa. I* paaaaaaadl ky Ike aatkaa ki attraettre eolora. To what i xtt-Mt it aaU ka raalbkMl under Ike lutrinale ImiK rfec Itoaa nf aaa*i kiarai I ti Mara and azternal conditlou* is a pri'tiieni not MtMefaotorUy Btoaaai <t lo tlus vol. lime, mil at pre-i-nt, no do.tiit, I- liicaptble of a cm a'-'e solut'oti. The stiengtli of Ike work is to be found lti Bka vkjoroua exjioaure al Mr. Maltoek*a aafklakrioa, rafher lhau lu it* en. thuslastlc defence of the prilieiple* of l'n-l!Ivl?m. T ie value of se.entitle InTrettcatto?, which 1? *n iililr advocate I. may he suit line I uu other grounds than llii'se adopt-d t.v the writer. Mo lern aoteaea finds a BaBtoteat kaaaa ta tka elaxraaoa al iBtolVntt. patieoce of Bxaaarak aaal Bka tore mt traMk, with which it is pur aaea? und aaai not appeal to the BBlkatilyof any phiio aap eatayatoaa. Tka eaoapaairtoamt the woik iietray* n go ac r paarai of i ? ti alkaa and haeaat?? of erltteiaui, i xi?? i:? nee in tae literary ai f. "i t.i ility and cliarm sf o*piaaatoa< TBa atylata aitaa aaaeare and cuiuber aaatot mm aaMtoaoaa aoapltoaBai uu 1 raeumplete, umi I... .. all .ii "iis ?!< atJtBM of liicetv of ciioicc and apt l -? "f parpaa* lu elevatum of tone, Mnevrlty of coii \ ( lata, and plot.iiladliesk of tboiltlht, tbe \oiuine ap poaaatoaBanaaradawaMaxa. aithouith it akowa little IcsjH-i t for many papdai Bl-l.efs, and inakea no utteiopi BaoaMetltotopaaalaraypalky. Tue aadearor to im? press the paMk ii.lud with the prluolple- of Couite will'Iv I'm > ? a til' ti .iai? as iIn- hope of the aauguloe l?r. I.\ lleei'i.r:. who thouglil that half an hour's c..uveisation wtili Laed lit mn on original sin would re li.01 e ihe duut ta ut tut tecplleal pool as to the tiutoof reiigu'U. BISTOBT OP ill R BUOLIBB LAKOPAOK. By T. B. i.ot.M>aiiti. iBMa,pav tm, Maaiy llaM a Ca In tiiis TolMBaeh RnftBBOf LoOBabarj has pBreen!? d a c ?iijirt beiolVe \ icw of the development of our moiiu r tougue from ita AnglieHuxun cradle to its BMMaia faraakaBMatori tunes. Ikaaakpwt it divided Into two aw ... t he general hiatory of the luu ,'ie, liiciiidli.g the aoi-iai and political influences wMch Bare BaBvawallj aaotaklai it into its praaeal shape, mot tue history ot us lut. mal change*, so far a* thev relate to the varlatiuu* v. hub have tufceu pi.o r in the MBMBt Ika ai'J-c:tM , the plont.un, and the\etb, cnuaed I > il.fl- r. I.' es uf it,th i Hull. Ak the r*?ult of hi. ic ?earehea. the author maiutaiua that the hiatory of tbe J.ugli.h language, regaldert Uiereli ftoui the giumniuii ral po'i't of view, l* liiiie eiae than the Blatory of ear papBkBBk ihere are nut few form* nuw to use which. Judged h) a standard oner exlatlug, would nut he coo O ...nnl as gross BaatBMBMBB I.xprt **:ulia wliab had th. ir o.lkjui ui u-iiuianee aie now universally accepied. Mid the ? lnjilojmeiit of what was at Ural a blunder ha* ufteu aline become a teal of propriety uf BBOBBfek brill linse change*. corruption*, Barg had no it-luriiai* effi t'* up n the dcvt-lui meut tf the language. Toe fa.I tun of ?? n?lil?nng the priaeut fata "f B*Bg*lttl a* Ii *? PON and VxBMBMM t'iau It wa* Id Hp I u i ?f Alfred ha* no foundation lu truth. Thrral* L i i|U< Ht' .in, Professor Lounsbaiy BOBkaBBaj a* lo tue ereai aupeilurity of tbe I.ngllah of tht nlncteeiith Baa turv over that of tbe tili.tb. It la abain d to ?peuk of a f..iin ot language which l.a* been the vehicle of BBB Bl lue absent lltoraturva of the world aa MUkkTBM lo a form wlilota baa embodied in its literature- little that 1* worth remembering- or reading. Nor does tbe author oherlsh ?ir doubt tn regard to tbe stability of the current Eng lleb of* the present day. Of the tuij-ortant changes that liaTe taken place alnoe the ninth century, few of any significance are aueb aa belong to tbe last three hundred year*. The eulllrated speech now In use la In an en? tirely different poult ion from that occupied by the lan gungc of any previous period of blstory. It Is no longer confined to a small class which a social or pi liti* ai eia ngc may iab)aai to ti e influence of those irfM epaal m foreign orcoiTiipt Idlcui, but Is the Intieuace of entire eoiiiniuiiilies, which through Hie operniton of manifold agencies I* daily growing In universality und power. I iiifessor Loimsburv has treated the Htlb|ei-twlthtiiurked ability, pn -rntitig a great variety of eiirlous infornia tlou of practical value, and conducting the dlsciiaslon with a certain severe common sense, will nut yielding to the seductions of Rabbi BT the spirit of BedBBII J~ Ii iVco) J3nltiicationo. EADY THIS DAY. KLAMM. A Pncm. Bj ROBB I T I) .l"V< I Bnihor ol " Pelr.lrc." Square li'mn. Oui top I il.e -1 . 0 Il t BOB nice v-a-1 siaee tbe anonrmntis piiMiratb n of " 1>. Inlrd " Iu tbe "No NjIiic Seins-' ere .led a furore m Ifea Hterarv wcrv, t.o- i ..ok h..? Md an lmimn-c sale, and tin u-aad is}its ii iL-m- d Kaden will be . id to aaieeaaa. he auiuoi s iieu s'.oiy in \e (v. THE LJGHTOF 4811: 'r.TIIi: CRVAT IlKM \TI')N. It. Ing the 1 Its und Teaching* . f iiaaiaaw, I'Hi ce ->t India ; n I Poaader er Badd. I'taw. nvKiiwi.\ Ai.N'ii n. Qaabaaaa?B Ibbbbeetaaaa Pnr?"6o. " Tha reader Bi the no in we have been looking over to Belli- l. Sa'.s Dr. II. Wi lloiines. In a leva-w of It. "lias befBN him one oft e world's greatest ideal i ha-inters. In a nair:i live enibislvp <?. some of the nio.t sir k tig leeel d* ot the -t-> y ?. Uiiif K st, all wovea logei ber la I Be neaest sini bkmB ?-p.-. .iv.- pbraa,s ..f aaaflhwai Kairllsb voeabniary. To lay doan lids pnem ju-l I ate bb a iKiak ?f ponular raymea ia Ilk* sti-iipiug fi.en ii.e<a | ?t .-t a I'.-ismn pa.oe apaa Iba Baad t .1 sman'a Kktoe'aiinster,ai etchaogl g the sh..wi of au India a eajpreae fei il < printed callee winch graces Bte auB> Beet ot the has. ue ul." MOONDYNE ; a tT ?MF Till i NDKB-WORLD. Bp JOHM ?OYlifl O'Kkl.I.V. third KliiloD.ou large type, fmm new plaics. lotiio t'lott. i ra e ?I :>o. " ? m ' Is i cm ai kahle in imr ? respects tlianotis. It baapMl eaaaah an Belt aaeeee sti-.uc reeaaaeBBi it is writ, laa wltk erlepooat and ateipiiclty end ia pare ami aervaa. I rig .sh j lie ni -na l.y Is ertbodol | its scene nud character* tae ' Ii. I r all I ui.iuue. and tbo mulct la keenly ? i % ? ? ueJaral ? sastatBi d. " M ? "io i sn lead ' Moot dvi e \\ it '.out kn/Baj virtue more, pilyiniig diallers, itl.tiorriiig in u-.l. ? si d ?1. testing lice. It Is one of the few tBierfcWB BOVeiB which, while 'titelise.v ru? ms in I.'. Is btftf in its anu. eloquent IBd Bobll in Its ai giinient a. Ibealtb] ami reBalag m it* eflaet, it is , tiai** i. . throughout by the higi.tst aiau.uth Intuition.'' BaM b* all booksellers. Malic 1, postpaid, by Mat pub. n?here, _ROBERTO BROTHERS. Boaton. f.1 eV F. N. 8PO.V8 M W BOOKS.?8unple ? is in. nt to Maea'a DlettBuat] of farmering. In IH Baal U I arts, 7.'? rei ta - at h. IfliliB T firnlalatap rarlt I to ??. price *.'.. Bpoa'BfeaoIyoopaoM of the in ustr al Aris. Man it., tun s and CouiatePtal Prod acte, in an Meatb y Tana, eeata ear!.. I itrlatoa 1 . eeatalnlin; parts 1 to ti, price *>.".. a Practical Treettaeen Natural and Artincial CBactvtt Ma Vartetieeaad0?atracttve Adaptations, nv iienrv Heid, i.i rklrd edittou. evo. . t->. i leclrie TaMaBaBMB of Powe , It* i'i sent Peeltlon and advantaeea nv Paget Hig?-?, i L. H. Ciaera nu, ?i HO. I. i. P.M. BPOM, _440 Ilroonu-it.. New-York. |?DM0ND DANTES, acqnel to " THE ? a 0OUB1 OP HOBTB CRIMTO,1 Is ratrrnibefl thla Bay, and is for sale by al; no .t?eil>-is and newsagent- everywhere Price. 7 i cents, in aaaet sever, eat a Maer eBlliaa. baia i in ?oroeeu elatb blasa uudgoid *i 7.*>. THS COUNT UP BOUTS CBISTO. Ity Alexander iiiiniaa. Papereerer, *i aO, erta c etb. ?i t.i. U. H PK1 BKbON a lilt.' I 111' U-, Publisher*. ^UlfiUNE EXTRA Nu. S4. hie ABC Or' OUR KEN i FINANCIAL TOPICS n ci mioin bbbIaYb. rHE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE! OF l i HAKCE FOB HONE-T FOTESS, aniiita bb i in. i niM n j?v iad.. wm. ML OBOBVXJfOSk Trice 5 cents per cony by mail. _Addreaa TITS TSIDCBK. NVw-Ynrk^ POR BALE.?"1 he Nt-w-Yopkep." nlitnl X auB aabllsbed ej Horaee Oiealrr, befoee tae eetal.Uah. iiieni of Tiie Trlbane i cotnpirt--, MerelL ISM ta September, IS41 beaml In sif csii . |.hi>. r sliiia.* Nr.W. \ ? ii. KKIt, ilox ?i. '111none oBtte._ _ UECEM rfilBUNE NOVEL EXTRAS. MX. COU8IN HENRY. a NereL Py Ar'Vwi Traliopa. Cearplete aad TJaabridired. Prtrs iu n titr Ceatatat A KB II a> D II KB MaVBI Lit. XX. DI4MIB8ED. a Is-eluating stoiy. Uy WUltaa Osbitii S-tcsMnrd. I'llce to eeata. tltkal .1 UM lit. vr su.t b] BMlt, pot pain, on receipt ol BM e. iiiiiiiu THB TBIBOBB, Baat.T t . Jnetrnrtion, A For Bovs anrt Younc Men?City. class for ionns Grantlsnioii sorj ptiTBtc MatiuctMHi. TUOMAH b. ASH, 1031 WeetaOib-st. J) I) \ l;Nul.l> BCHOt IL. ?' \ ?.':? i.^st 4'a: .-1. eer. sindiwm eve, C. A. Mil KS A. B.. l-ltl M I-AU i OkkEM KM Ml l'l i Min ? 14. PapPaprepared lor college, ertei -? wbaaa and business pursuit*. HpvclalatteatloBtoanaaarr tonn: sianiloas giia . bol lunch if desired, rm lartbei ..: m.s! -.u .., |... i. i i tu I pal t.- iweea I a m. Bad I p. an pHBKBULIEZ IX8TTTUTE, 139 Weal 42d \s ate-Profeemw < berbnUet will reopen bMaebealteaaefBi on Moielay. Bepteubef SH. _ / 'HAKLIEK IN> I Pi t 11. V OB CEBTRAI PARK, Bew-Yett City, lor Bey a aad Yoaag Mea ftoM I M 0, Pteaaraa them for |] i . "f . .-. fclentUie Scb' o,.. W csi Nsval Ai jdi'ti.v, tad pmaneei Freaeb tiermaa, ^J'llnlsll epeaea Bwltaugal innpiiigiily Neu bnlldtoa elected aarpeaelr* BBiedelofini Hi", ni- Preepeetiia rmiMMa fall aetaua, Twaatydlftt V?.. I Ui.l begib en !?? ! tetiiliil i?. Beat. Prop sau I I IK CHARIT ETI, Pin-tor. It. A.CALLlsKYS day Khool for tays, 131 We-t il il st? i i i.Mo'.eiiy, m-;.ri tuber '.".'. ni:. J. BACHS CLASSICAL ENGLISH and UKRMAB BCHOtlL, IS] West tut., si., reopens geSs I ember 16._ . EVE rsi >N h COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, .a in i 4.e -1. and dth ?o ., apposite iie?>i vor Pal g, RhOI'K.sW .-I I I I.Mill.Ii 2S. SHORT LKn-sOMI TlIOBOUOHLY BABTERED. C'VENIXG CLASSES. >??? ndvertiaenifot ol l_a poling Baa'aChpatian Aeaoeiation under amuestniata, i: FEZANDIE'S BimitliD? and Dsy School I J? f..i Heys, No. ; '.'.7 Hi..'x iv, i i'e ce. li'J.t West gttb-st. eeeapleti ?ltv ??? m Preeea, Baguab aud classics. < i < ii la i s si nt ou aeasaad. null) day Collfitiate Inatitale. -1.323 Broad v. i.\ ; a seiet t set *j] aa bei ?; tan Bth year epi as Hep i.inn. i i7: elrcaMrsa! lutiism ",i,<>. k?. o. * and Raadolpa'a, HETLENIc INSTITUTE i.4h1 Bi.i.t.lwdv, rt-otieas Hepleaiber 16.?T. T. i\n nenal l ulveraiti ol Athene), Prtneiaal i stum iMUtoroagnly ir.pai.d tot college unit in ii.uci. less lime limn Is aaoal In AmericBB si hoois. EagUab brancbee ami BtalaraiaiiTB bp aa ABterlean gradaate, L. d.. eataJosTBes aeat oa BpidioaUou. lOHN MacMUI7LEN7S SCHOOL, l.?ll ?" Brsedway, reoaeaa Bepteaibef i^. tierpeairp. LatM OuBTeiBBlion. Ftelf-OovernBeut, Op ?aaailea. I H. MORSE'S CLASSICAL antl ENGLISH tr ? si U0OL, 1//G7 Bruadwar, wi] reopen September "?<. Upasaaalaai sun Drawlag free. Mead Mr cMaaaBB, or t all bet weeb a and 2 a*uM k. _ U. WILLIAM W. NEWELL, preparatory i Uej claaa aad private I stra Uoa, lib BaatMtb-at. \!H. ( iALL'S School f?r Boy?, ffo. ^? a mot eel t2d m., reopens Meadap, bepti mbt i 2% f*M UKRAY HILL INStn I I E, No. 1 W*M x ** i I'll ?t. 'I las -el.isd M pr-pa'ir ion for college or fot BsaeaatlMBto >i.:h ? Piaaan Departaseal] ?la-ua ita in i ti. j i at Bepti bM i it. fi ream s m ika blgbeei cnarac lerglvea JOSEPH D. HUIX, Paw aal. Ml>> DU VERNETS SCHOOL FOB BOYS, IPS l A- l InTH-ST- NEW-YORK. Willrtopea WEDBRisfiAY, BKPTEMUBRSa. It. SKA I'CH A HP TEMPLE, of Etna ami nifotil. Iii ai> ma-11 i. oi io.i.iiaie heaai lamnl. Rtndeata pre? pared let Barfaeea. Hiienillb BebaaM aad the best (MUegaa Ii Ai. M ? u mal I DlWpa. am Ml c.tiy ataaei at be aa or at school, io Park an. plan ? ot uit< n -' \I \\. LYONVS -'I ? COI.LECIl \Tf INSTITI rE N' I i AST TWKN ty-hkcon p-iJT- earner el Broad war. i reelveaall ,.r.. aad prt pares f.a (.. ..h haaiafc-a Ii i? BBW open. Il.e gOOtlemeB WBOaB UBBM8 MUBB have La<i "ue..i Bar* seea ailed (er eolusrei llei.iy ML Alexander. EllMl lilgsilis, C1 ??'1 - N ps ga, i. um K. ku"s. H?u] .n . lie. i?, Tbou.aa Lei.tllller, laba P i? k- Hi arj P. Maraball, '?r* ns. i> rx, oraee Ik Maaa, b- Bjaada Uartk*. 'An ,um n. i is'H.m. Bean iMjr, .. Jn.i?. \ at Varel, Janus W, OUI lea Ralpb Weiia 1'sik.l Hanoi. Cba les l|. Waul. Bales Bieaeran . BO extrss f.,r rlaj-s tuiilou. (-in blurs al PaiaBBaaad Ranuolpb* bBeaatorea,aaa the Priaeipal'a ret Bteai ?. at LexMgloa era, PALNE H BUSINES1TC0LLEGES762 Bovreryi J- i |.i. un t Olli g.-, l.iila I'r.'lulw.u. Sp.siatlis: h-'k be, plug, aintiri ein-, ?bertbaad. (.. rwan, sis-ding; k'4 wiitmg lesson* ta : dsy ni?d ei eaing ikiiiagbnel the j i <r. PREPAR?TOUY SCIENflFIC SCHOOL. 1 v u \% e-.t 4j i st in- il.e s.ibo..| oi Mines. Mevena* Insiiiui,. ebetti. lo. Ac. and tarbBMal ptaMaaliais. t Maaaata Alituu.iuis. sin) Me. s. I'lHMli.g. A ( 1,1.1 N. laU-ku ginn l i oips, p.s. n.. sun PruleaeerNaval PACKARD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 805 1 iiiou:?ay sow MfalleperatseaaaaMana?!eaeeUeni rondlilon. The best teseliers. Ma !>'i-t palTOBa. tbe he-.! eeareaof traialaaaad i.,e ba-i ui-tii.uio, sit-.g- iher tm n in biisii.-ns ?aaira. uate iM brat, Qenew in. calaraaenl aa anplieatlaa. s. PACKARD, Pr aMaaC 'VUY COLLET I ATE SCHOOL. 'J En-i t;??. |,. J si.. Ceetral Park Dr. H, it i UAPIM, PtlnclptX Bited for ealleat at baatneei Bnasary Bapartaeat i Butk *,. eel peer Jusi btaaa. Call sr a, no i.., < u. alar. 'I ill. vVilaSON .\ KELLOGG 84 HOOL J BOM ? MB nn il AN KM I,. Beeaeas Bse Ism bei ia Srtai inais. bile tiaai IR77) Haea Oiarl* 1- ul am IIO.n liK.lM.MAIl M ii I Mil.. r,. /..;... , . MBBttaird tot'-i'rw i .voiiim. A><, ed in /aaa, o,.r >, ataatBaea, Ib.-naigb nali.iiig In PPniuiv au.i Comuiercltl pepaatasaaM. pieaei ?mi ? uithout extra cbarge, i. ni, taaai alia earefal a*etraeter. I'.MVI.IMIV grammar school, No, \. 1 4MI Blusslasv. near IBd Bk* bBBBM II? MsTtp tbUB pee, he ni en, i-?i II i'i anu-r. Ciaaaian Isl and CMmcbI iMaart M. B ttOUUY. WILLIAM u AMIH. A. M., PrC?. W'.m. H. legge i i s >' hool foh BOYS. TT i...i Breadwair. luwiueui?, id i-a?i eisi at. Jnotrnition. For Young* Lacuos?City. AMBS.and MISS STKl.KS'S SCHOOLS,Noa. ? 12 Fast i'.th ?t am' 24 Waal 14tb?t Reopen Hi pi 26. i MKKICAN KINDERGARTEN. __ 90 WKOT IB1 H-OT. Pupil* received at anr mm Call or adilreM Miss at Kindergarten.________________ \ Miss WARBEN'? SCHOOL, No. 12 Wert _*?? 4 .' t h ?t.raopeoi Septaaaber .a ; wnnrair department NO YOONO. I.AIillB ami little tlO'i BOYS' DKPAItT NIM a- u-uai tbureaak MetraeMaa i careful tiammai KiikImIi. Fiem-li. Ocitnaii ami Latin laurht. _ AMERICAN K1NDKRGAR1f N. Normal Sthool for Mother* ami Teacher*, w ill leapt n fs. pt. Ill, m Sa 10ih at , nr?r llroailwar KmiLY M. COS, Pilni'ipal, Or.ftlnalor Of A Mario? Kimleraa ttu syaletn of Ftlnra^ tmti: tiioioiiftii. ayatea alia ami c??iv- learned; mmn) of l.k? Kim:, i l .ii i. n matrnal, more lieantilill ami i beeper than aaj i.Mo i iumKiUMi oi American KbMaraartao Mageatae, Mat Mm pabbcalioa aaaaM By erary mother ami tracker; Important Itaaiin oa tag aaa Kunier*:iii ten material. IfRSi ROBERTS and Mi-* WALKER'S .* I i njki a an i Preach Hi bool r.u Vaaaa l.a !>e? ? at LRU* '.Nu. us MadMaaaTa AdraaoiI naaaaa la iiisinry Bad Ltteratara Oetxaaa mural by Mme. precku a lao >..iii.M ladMa reeaiei .i into the Math. __________ \l [89 8. M. ROGERS'S SCHOOL, Lexington *?l ave.. Kuitheaal miner of ll'ib-at., a 111 reopaa nm%. la. GIBBONS' English Mid French .?I t.11.tri*, HI w. -i 44iii hi., reopen* Bogt. 24. \| is> BALLOW'S English and French school far yeajnr ladle* aadllltMe?In. No. U4 Kaat Wd at?, will reopen on l'iuit?ilay. septemlx r '<I6._ [88 REYNOLDS (i??r i'ivrlit yours u IpupImt _ in If tea Balaea** Bebeel) will open an BaRttah ami Kl.lieh im ,orl?al .No tl Went i.HlSeplciiihei "J M M M ItS. JONSON nnil Mi-s JONES1 Beaidtefaad Day-Bebool ,or Young lanhe?, No. 13 Ea*t Jl?t-*t._ I? BRACKETT and MISS ELIOT re Opaathelr >l lli'iil- for i.lltl.s 1 hursday, October j, H Weal .Wllo-1._ \! !ss s. COAN will open u private elaaa for ?vi tili?, sept. -?'S. :iil \V. ;t;".tti si.: put. lala Pfenek mar pnr mm <nii *f i he iisuni kaattali braaebaa la UM Prem h tenaaage. \| isH Si L. ( 11A I'M AN. siini-.oi t? the late ?tI Bra. 3.T, BeaedMt. aUI reopi a the Bagliab aad Praaea Hoarding ami school uh huh it um ie? uiii, ohildraa, Ha 7 Past 4'.M si ,?u fllPRBPAY. fbjpten her 85. \ IADAME col.lN will form a private eluaa .'I f"i raaaa BMMa, m i?*l fnun in * aa iBmm s? h u Iim to vay Apt ly by leitet care IT. fe-snr ml I.N, '-'lo Weal 4itnaiU_ Mhs DE BRUYN KOPS and Mim KKIT] iMnaertj BUM. M. n'Oreaiiealx *ini Mis* Relthl mi aaaa taetf PRKISCII BOABUIBQ aad DAT HCHOOL, B77 Madlaaa m\ .., corner iOUi-at., 81 ptaMbi r 1 , lsTu \| IS8 Jaudon'a Boardiua and Day School for ^?1 %; LadMa aad Little QlrU, ia??rad ta 8tB Madlaaa sc., pet. 44(1. anil nthaiai aahwaai airoi.iHJiHi4tii.ns; 1 - <i|m-iir s^pt. :t>; m'paratr ilepartup nt tor very young *ctieiara \i GARHE rsON'S ,'l 1 airlii 1. 11 nchaad Qeraiaa Baardtaaaad DaraeBaal Inr Vaaaa Iadln* He. 5'J Weal I7tb~at. win noproi THVKabAT, seiitrmlirr vt.Mb. ll'eMu.nal lirpnrtmrnt noiabiefeature, i tie KiadeTfxartea willreuaaa Ol toBBUlaL \IR8. BY LVAN US REED'S ?"I iii'iiiiiui* ami ua\ Kneel tar rewaa MdM*, Noa. n aad * Past t:iii st., October It Preaea ami CV*ra*aa bManamapraettraUt lauabl 1 tboreaah tisinm.' in pnmarv. aaauadarp aad aolleaMta deparnaaatai ?incuir <../(?..;? >. drawlag, patattaa aod aeadlewort raciaaad 1 ?aeb jraail re eerrca the pei ?unal rare and maai rtetan al B ra. ite. a. AM ADAME C. BlEARS' ENGLISH, FRENCH 1 * I an.1 hi (MAN BOA HOI MO and DAY hCHOOI, far Teaaa LaajwaaM 1 itue oiri?'ieum'1.1 lsuu, >o o-j-j m?.ii. aueare.. New>York, rropraa feiept, HA is"!i. Praaehtatba kvaruaca of Hie tmu.iv mu Mbaa Lertarea la BaaUab, Preacb aad OerwaM hi nataeai 1 rafaaaara, B?p*elal at tea, tu n pal M EaaUah 1 >? 1 I rrnrb prnuarv ilsiiartmrni. MadaaM A. U MRAKjl Pilm lpul. PUTGER'S FEMALE COLLEGE, W. 489 Ik mi. mi- - PertrdBM rear beabM urptaMbar 14. AppU* rani* rlaaiiWen Vtfd aad t?n Bpectol adtaalaaaa for ekM*w 01 seien liar reaiaai atoA nnslc pawttoa aad iirawiue. Mas ?i?i ? ii liapartiaeat, H'-iineta aeeaaBaMatataa. Bar.B |i. ? MA. Ii. ll D., Pll-slilkUt _ rVllt. MISSES <;i?*AIJAM (siicfiFssors to tin I M i.i.M win reopen their ENOLISH aad PBRNCn loiAlllUM* ami I'A Y -i HOuL h-r VOUNO LADIBH on Tt'l HDAY, HKPTKMBK.H i . m No. 1 : tt.-ove. Tbl? act.I. ratabllaked in I8t8,cenilnae* the earefal tiahtfBa aad ibor engb rnairui Una m ? rarj aaparuaaal lot who..itaaahltbaeM baea so larwrably known. _ VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE, r imnadeil 1867 16 WEBT :.7l H BT Pamilr ami luiv School for Ywuc Ladln ami rbllilren. ci.aii.?s itiiui i i Yi ?f bepiiia Kept, raner Im;?.?. The Ber, D. 0. VAN SORB IN, i.i .0, I _ Madaaie VAN NOHMAN. ITiiiclpal*. v;"!! I'l.i: and tuition Nji7rJ?'r -Knallsli. i r. n. I.. Mi> xml loaMm/ ; '. inhtliii ?oburbaa home. JAOKHON PK MALE BBMIn a BY, all aml?'6 1.ast HMHb-at, Nu? .p.a. _ ?ksJ EAST 74TH-ST.?The Mi. FERINE tfO an reopen then ENULIHII and FKEKCH BCHOOI. fin YOU NO LADIES Md i ITTLK OIKLH BaptOOkBae m. 1 l.c nuiubcr of ii Halt-Hi pupil* hmlli'il lolortc. For Both Soxes?Ci'.y. DRDTN, Mi-s M.j \mII rtKrpea lur EogUah I> ami Pinn-Ii ?rhool ><rpt ?."'. 114 Weal WtUet parlisle institute, n... -.7'-' M.-..lis.o. are.?Baardbka aad tiny aeheal tor peaaa i?'ii?? ?n<l childreni Prencn, Qetaaaa, Latin, iiraainr, riormtou raii* 11:? hum. im-1 Deedle-work w heal e>tn ciutrgei aavaatb J Mr, si pi. mber ; Kimie: garlt-n. Oclobcr 1. DK. BAUVE?R'S SCHOOL of LANGD IGE8, BOB MAI lF-'i.N-AVK.. neai 4.d sl. Ull .Ni ii. OMR m an, aPANJMH, 11 AI.ian *!??*?* for lutllea Bad If' litic men. Dai and Erralari Natural wetbod (Ci.nreraaUaa). B. m. BTi un. *aceea* i m DR. L. WAPVEUW. |?l.<i< UTI?N AND DRAMATIC ART.?Mm, Ii I DELINK lit'VAl. m Ai K i? piepar-o t.Nrira pn rate aaplla and claaaeaat bat laabtaaea .74 Lextaataawrrn corner alal-sl._ ________________ [FRIENDS' SEMINARY. _nal l?th-at. and 1 Batberfard ataee. BENJ. SMITH. I M.. Principal |i?RENCH anil German evening elanBea now A im mine at 1 be sob.sii of LaBftnacea, 1,181 Broadwai lauchi ay tie aataral bm ihad aa 1 by 1 attra Prafeaaei ? Mly. Pol irriua. etc.. aiMrt ?* T. i. TltiiavcnU._ 1 G ARDNER INSTITUTE.-Ikiardlng and Day \> NeBaellar reearladle*ande lldran,N* aoB F1ftb?re.i i wrnly "Otouil rear beaina sepiembsr: the most eiiniiriu pruictaor* miiI lecturer* eaaaaed. lu v. in. aad .Mi?, i . U. OAUD.NElt, PriBcipala. /M'.l.'M AN AMERICAN PRIVATE KINDER nAiti KN No. f Irrtaa-nlare, next aaai la Iba teal may. Children nTOm H lo . vena of a<e luelvetl. School Iiiu'iis f I .tin BtSO to IX unil I tu?. Mlts. MARIE MEYER. KINDERGARTEN Ami adraaca claaawi for eUMraa aadartwarre jraani Mia. M.P. MAUUIHE, Bo 8] Waal l.'.ia-?i Kladerfanea Trauitaa ClaaawUlepaa 16. M \| Ii-. GE<?. ?'. AN 1 II? IN reopena h -i Farlor ?*F Claa* N Children al 86] Waal Mtfc?t.. Oetohet 1. t'laasrslu Mo.lelling for Ladlea _ RS. GR1FFITT8 Brill reopea li< r English, Preaeb aad Qanaaa Daj Behoof far Yooaa Ladla* and 1 bildreu on Thursday, septembei M, *t No. _ West idlhat. Mi.'s. M. F. WALTON, M Ewii 52d-at., ? .11 1. ojii 1, her primary ?1 hool a nl kliularaai ten, 10 t.i lier 1. IH78 Klnaetgartea Utalalnaclaaa Noreuhar 3. V1ISSES MaRSHaXL'S SCHOOL l?-r Vounp .?I Lattte* aad Cbtldna, 860 BTeal BBthaL, win reapra .M. , - |it? IllOel 1.1. \S 1SS BOYER'fl ENGLISH tvnd FHENl I! ?M bCIlooL for BoardlBcaad Day Pnnli?. Nu. 34 East tb rl . i-opt us s, uu un ei lb. BooKH PKKE KS. U 11.1.1 A MI'S' M 1 linn *b atui Preaeb Beardlaa *ml I'av Behael for \oiinr LadMa and Cbildrea. SHJ Waat KPth-ak, raopraa Bep leniher II ISS s. i>. DOREMUS will reopen her .v I -i UooLfot "a * 11 m. LADIB? aad * 1111.1 mi. \ Ol rOBEH .. a. 4. Eaal Ji-t -t sl.-e will also rrc. Ire Into bet family a limited BUBI ber of paptM "VI l>s M. A. CLARK. ' 1 .1^:1-a and Preach tebool for vom.c ladMi aad BbH> dren, 107 1 *ai I tk st., ?in le.iprn BaptBMbei -.> 01 awu>a ami Latlaiaeiaaed.Apfi uaiiua nt i< tiei 01 peraoaalrj aaabeva AI R. 0 IT? W . im KCl EREH (G-trinfii n ."I t Blrernliy, llaaorer, OeraMay), will n ame hiatruc n uHepteabera Oennanaadl *clawlca. Psriiralar attention * Pt la Oeneaa pteaaaaMiMao ami rleeal. tdnn m i a \v. t ??d ?1 ItfRS. RtiElHHiLEN'S SCHOOL f?r YOUNG ?*? LA Ol kd . .1 ein 1 1.1.i.n. n.. BO Eaat 01*t-*t, will re -inn s. j-l.lli '???: VI. II. oiittli lli.-i|i(?l. Iii I .,: I, , .,| 1 r. in Ii. i'..-. r 111 nt Pa b*a* aadar tatneea. lum roaaa ia?i es m ill be in errrd ibm Um laailly. Ml>> SPRING'S English and Frenrh School MrTeaaa Ladle*and 1 bildraa, 131 Past MRhat.,near Piiikave., ?hl riupen Tharaday, Bepl :;> -. a lew boarder* takeasacad let eiiealara; drawiap, aMcaUaa, raHaihoatra Bad Ma Ma >L| ludi d In Iba ou 1M. ||ME.DA SILVA and MR8~i RRADF?I?I'S ?vi itoini riv Mrs Ofden llnBknan'*) Eneli*b. Fmieh,and iieinisi. Boardiaa 1 u Dai Hcboel foryoana ladica *ad rbit drrn. No. 17YVeat bfltbati, NrW-Yora, "ill reo|m-n Hepleai ii. i a. A p pi lea I loa n *? be BMda in- Mttef ai pataoaaUj a? aheva Mi>s COMSTOCK, S2^MidlM Weal URtVaT, lacM I'll von I'mk. No. 8'J IVe 1 4o:h.?_ BMOLI8H, I kkm'h aad OERMAM lioa.itlt,K aim Lav st hool. MONDAY, sepleaiber'.'0. " Na 84 U e?i 40t b at. GERMAN aad kn..1.1-11 ki DKROARTBM. Oyaaaaa tit -; Btadto l'litute Ii??? Ii r young hol?. Ciaemia. iio. parmeaL_ ADEMOISELLE DE JASON M tMit tut foi-iiei I'aitiier oi the .ate Mia? llainra. BaapeMfaU] lafanaa hat ft loadi aad IbeaabtM tbai aha * III rcotiea b-r iio*i< mg aim Daj neboolloi Yooaa LadMa ami Chlldreoal No, lo DraMrrt v inii?, ou I Inn .lay, sepi. ii; boy*' cMm aiai Plndaraartan Pel 1 ?IIa. de Janen Will le :ts-i*t.-i[ Of ibesanu- corps of teaeli. are wha aavi ooatiibnled lo air* Um m boat 11? *-n,. in 1 \ aad value, and ?he aaiaaaUi ?alictt* tea eaaaaaaaea tu? paii?ii.<?e iMi a< t i. iis) aaatoareala paat ?? ata. SUBURBAN SEMINARY, Boaton-ave. mid ? ? luTtii ?t; htaiiuioi ?itiiaijon; tberonab laakmeUaai BioderaU lerm*. Andrea* tier. EDWIN J0UNH6M. CCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN, :>:'7 Bth ave., near a7tb-*t.?l(m>|s iis >ebf.uinet u;>. Miaa Kit it MOND caa be bbmi a. lb* mm tran 8 aatU % 4m*ty, SCHOOL oi LANGUAGES, 1.481 Broadwav, iv laapena ortoUa 6.?-Preaeb, Uanaaa, llattaa, Bpaalah l.t the i... ilia. ii.. h il ; one* ai.a L-?U .11 i'iol,?,.,r TIM A YEN IB, Prol.r a. La_AND_, PAraeiai ..t n, 1 r. ih Dep rtaien oi t1, ? arboai, re.. i? to Pre.eaaoi i lau UBB iiijiiani 1 airaralg i, U, rea siii>ki n (itusaUn AaiOkSMOoi awl the Rar. J. ll. VINCENT, D.D., acieu sa ..1?. ii appUi ai.oii. ct. JOHN > SCHOOL. k3 L AHUINU A.-li Ii .Y school BOB Yin NM 1 Mill - AND CUILDKEN sil UIO 1 ?ULIh|| AND u*H8AN K I - DERU \ RTI N SEPARATE DEPARTMENT PoH MO nh BO Yd. Nio ll aad 28 Waal aaa-ei, tola aaa iiioaiiHay ami bth ?>... Raa Hl?, ouiim.h 111 in baalaaOctohM l. 1871 lirt rUEObORB IfcVINO, LL D.I'.tTtor. rpHE MISSES MASON will root* i. il,. n lEna M. i.-h a, ii r< i.-? tai loryenu| maiid ihinUun on W r .Uik. ij , i >ilo_l .. _l l.t at i Instruction. For Both Bexea? Cltv. TMK NORMAL class of tlio Pre* Under g iro n of the society for lain. ?1 culture will b<< opened October 1. Application*'?botil>'. Ii. ii. i '?? et nin e lu Mlta IA .\ M m 11 \\ KDLER, IM Weal UilisL M Art Schools?Now-Fork City. Iis. L0U18A B. CULVER A Will rer'lv? pupils In pslntlng (!am1?r?pe, flowers, ?iui life rblna end deeoratlon), at ber aindio. "Tbe la IIa," No. 4? Kust 'Jtllh *!., comer 4th ave.. beginning October L ItefeienoN : Mr. D. Hunting! n. Mr. William Hart, Mr. Jamea M. IIml, Mr. A. W. Hell..*.?. For Bova and Youne Men?Country. *? 4 Hotuelike Boarding 8cbool lor Ynnnj? l\ Uov?. t ihm?-, a. v . iiemimtead, Long Island.** lexander luatitute, Military Boarding Si liool, Walte plain*, n. \. principal. '"? R. v. I LUIS Ph. D AHEALTHY HOME in the COUNTRY for lew bovs wlrli mir tlioioinrh In nil union. A'I'co ACADEMY. N.J _ 4 MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL 2\ i. i ? in i?. o. WINTHROP STAUB, a. M. Port Ob rater, N Y AN ACADEMY t?.i Y?1 KG MEN and B01 s oily; a fixe price l nci Ilde? ever? thine; BoelMvely no evtia charges at um kMatala. BWITHIS 1 aHORI lijuik, a. m., Uarvaid i al versa ly Oradaatc. Media, Peaa. Vl?AM> ACADEMY. Gnincy, Maw.?The 1% lion OB A RAJ 8 PRAJtCIfl ADAMS cbaunaBB of Maaagera, i'i ii.-. ii pupil, out of teaxteee aaaaed the ex aaUaaibm at Hervatd Ueileaa hbM j ear. tatttoa.f lOOayaarj beard ill Ml a new circular Just leased. Apply lor lull.i in,inin la WB. RVERETT, Pb. \>. echool year begun September 10. DOYS mil YOUNG MEN privately fitted f<>r It college. Ceadltltaed or rejected cm.dlaatea peat bed, summer or W.r. Mockbridjre. Base, k. Hot km a K R. DOST?N UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MED 11 H I N i:-Set eiiti, y.a. Ix li 1 ml..a -, 1-7'.?. up- lo batb wi.?. Thoroaab laatiuctloq in lb reo aad mtbi mn . in?-? TbeiBtrudectory lectn ? Ii be gives by not.). Beb?rSmith, B. I?.,oa Waoacsd ? ? er4og,Oct *, i-7! 7i>oo'clock. Pbyeltnaaa und n. ? areiavtted. BxaaUaa tloaforatatrtcalatiaB on Baad \, Tore ,v sad Weaaeaday, nei.n.T nid-, n 11 a. in., at ti,<- College, Baal iomor -at. Km fnriiiei biioraiattoe aodre ?I be Di ... I.T. TALBOT, M. DmjSU M irlbonjug-h-et, Beeten. / '?LLEG'ATE and COMMERCIAL INSTI \ ii ii.. s.w Uavea, Corr* Oeaaral BaaeelPt School PiaojsiBiory la colleae, ecteaUflc ac koala er boataeoa Tber. uega pevsical tralnlag i,v anlitary drilllaa. avajtaaatlcB, Ac. Amp1-- op|. i P.r ..ililetu (j.ii. i m. row lug, a c. I kR. PINN I Ovfl r \M!LY SCHOOL ror < isrhl i_P boy*. Ureenwlcb, Coon, teepeaa Bootees bor IA Retera 10 tbe Rev. Dra. HaeiiBsn, Preadaa, liaaatag fi liat ami w c Prints. ? -o., and stRsta nR, FITCH's Family School for Boys at If at Ball, cibbb i a teal Imme. oemMBtag Ihoioaph m ?tracttoe n all oraaebea ei au BaavHab ami ejasical edaea l.oi. uitli aareatal tare I'm c.rcnlars and ad ?ii. -ntiie Principal, Dr. .1. c. nTCII. I?nglewood Boarding Bchool for boyi preparoi j torcollegeorbaelaeeei B.B it ad N.J., BearteePal bud.f lb Hudson; sept Iii. Knratetner A While, Pnoa L^REEHOLD INsTlTUfE, Freehold, N. J.? X Rape tberoagbly ainaaiad aw onllaaa erboeteeea send ler eaia.eaiiea lo the Prtaeinal. Key a.?. CUAIIRKBP. LW.Mil.V and DAY St nOOL.?New-Bntain. I Cbbb. DfibiikTd to give Ibnieagti mattaciloa Bad eat iure 1.1 a limited BBBMrer ot eapiur. AddieeaD. B. CAMP, PilBdnal._ FAMILY SCHOOL for BOYS.?Thorough m I eurnctiea i Iiiu.ihoiii.-iv hitalabed , dobbi . no ?i labte, borne pHvllegeei beat reiereacee, YoaAetaaBt-lladBSBa T. 11 IOHTON (Yale) Principal e _ FLUSHING (N. Y.) LN8T1TUTE prepare! 1 n eaag Men asa Ben tar CMleae i keadeaile <>r aenaitlde i .p. in .mi. Bnrlarea, Kaeal Aeedeaiy,er Weed peiat Baa ban in -ii. , eaafal eperatloe In Iis peeaenl locaiton lor iliirty three reara, Meeiua sepii-niix-r ?. Adareaa K. A. PAIRCHILD. ARTVVELL'S Fatnily School! bora, Union? ,viiie. n.y.: i.ith yeari etuurnaa radBaadi raatnaaa to pa tlolls ; col reap. Ulllelll n i el|l!e?l eil. 1ITTLE BOYS.?Special sdrantatreai lower j mtea i Boardlag Hebool ter Bapai BBtabUabed 1MB n. M.tsoN. Yoaaera, N^Y._ 11APLE HALL InMituU'i Jainait.?, 1.. I., for a?I Rura in, i,:i lien. n. Lermaa and t'laaidca lot t'lX ?RRiSfOWN (N.J.) BOARDING SCHOOL loi nova, 'ihr Bar. s. N. HoW BLL. a.m . rrtioipai. T. Pleasant luat.?Private claaies for boys. Am beret, M???., eetah ISt?. B. <. .nasii a. M.. Ptib \\ \. PLEASANT MILITARY ACADEMY, ^?1 A "KLECI DtlABDlAO BCHOOL POR BUYS ?i Mag Maa>ea Badaaa. N. v. Ii ? eearee of ineuaetiea eeibraeea tae MUowtBg depatS B-ente: ? aeeirat Medeni Laaguaaea, Kleraraiary. If alba Biatirai,KnrNabHtBdleeBndMBfnralHcleiier ? ? aeaaraalaa I. in,.ii in M,,hi. . Drawtaaaed rem nur a tberoaaMy orunn. I/en Maitarv DeparUneBi, Kidina HcbaoL wiib wehiralaad Loi-n-m, tviuiihMiuu, A->. Will reoeenSeptember 17 i i.njami.s .t ALLBM, Principal*. Tis FIELD's Claas for Harvard rod ether col legte.?A Isw vacancies laauuafoc th'a year, ?mi. 1.481 bi aad war. baBataacaai PtaaMsal Saiaatd, the Her. I ?r. i mum..hi. PEEKSKILL iN.V.) MILITARY ACADEMY. I Bead for ulnatraied flit] page circular. PUTGERS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, New It Brwaaartck,B J.?1 lOtbreari & grade.? mal g claasea. la. aaree toi cwleae, a<irntin'e aehooi ?r baaaMaa . M baant. ei ?. tT? per quarior. .No i lira* eicept aa.htiii; flaeaa Sep. umber 17 D.T RBI I.BY, Kaetor. HIVERVIEW ACADEMY, Pocghkeepaie, \. Y -ia uuii'ii'ly ?itnated, with teerr appSaaaaa for taa eoaifein of .tu.'-ni-, innu-iiing ihi.roui.-ii proparaiiaa ' If rnlleee or hueiueio. or the Ouvemment academiea Biiou. BrepBBa -? I teaiber 11. lilt- IUr>jji R, a. M.. I'l.ucpm. QTRATFORD ACADEM V ? V hourdins aehooi ? ' lor Yons'u boyh Bnaibar Umlted to PIPTBBB. Pn etrenMra aBdreea i-~ K. ci.a it k . pi indpal, su ? ford, i '.nu, QT. FAI LS SCHOOL, RIYBRDAUfrOB BUDSOM, B. T.. lea BaatdMa-saoeol ia ererr raapaei M tbe big boa I grada Tin.rnu i lotetleetuai iiatnlna.not only m in? ulaatlra, bat eoualiy lu Um MaUiematlce, la uin.e i a by ibe PrlaeipaL IIa Ha ot prompt obnd.le and ot eraei ami traU ? an- aalU. rated bi U lilt an datcliuiaa, tbave ail. a eeaaa. aearat, aad rel atoua cbaractai ia derelopi d bj biiueuut the pupil* under Ha luflni nca a. ibe 0 am ii Rlveree a m tada ... -n ? -t atoue i Iii. .piali >ailou a*a ml.- lot a BOTaf b ur.luig-*. boot If la m. areae vi.ia?e? aai > . i.(i? >i..i? ut abaa ot m,r kind i* m the place li count*!* eicuuiveiv ol gent utuou ? realdulice*. lu I.. t ai bealtbfalaeaa it a aaaaeepttsnaMa tbe lebool l.uildlug waa erected exun-a*!)- lo meet the waataol a tlr?t rbuat icnooL Able maatera are employed In Pronck, Oenaan, brawiaa Dai.a Pandas Banna Plaaa VhbIb, ttc. wilhont extra cbarge, lioata foi boatiBg, Ac *cbooi reepeu Beptembel 4. IH79. 'at logue* mav h<- hii-i on appl . to Mt JBO U BAYS, ti i i?i tfltk \. v.. ?h ut BirernAlo-on-UimUob. C1 EVENS HIGH SCHOOL. ij RItbj et., bstweea ;th and fftb eta. Hobokea, X.I. OPSBB -I N BMBI U 17 Pupil- lilt- d f.o badw ia couege or aoieatlSe laaMBnsaas t ?il R8E8 OF LECTUBRS on Natural Iluiory, Phystolagr, ChamMtr] an I PhraMa laatracUafl given In ancl at and tuodu. u laagaagaa n tu- Uaadaad awrbaatraldrawlag A M il i|. \- SHIP in the flTKVENfl 1 N-I I I I 1 I la giv. a aiii.ually to the tlrit in grade "i tin- aradaailag elaaa, TtdtMam Ira ana aecead claaaea mo per taaaati f"r third aad loai th eaaaaa *i ?' ' bat aaaaa. .n>, Battaa a gyauna um aliacbed to th.? ii lab school. lai * ta lag nee applv to Llbrariaa ot Htevena tnatliule, oc to in. u i.--mt to WARD aai.i, Prlaclnal m i.* llitf'' echo,.I rp\VO YEARS'COURSE IN CHEMISTRY. M ? sullen lo the want* of i he dap. tflrtmoo I i of. P. I. a ii?. ten. t ii,-in. l?Mat Uutgi-mi oiiege. Naw-Btnaawiek, N. J. 'I'Hi: HILL SCHOOL?Preparatory ^College. 1 Pettatovrn. Peaa. Qraduatea of the .Hebool lavai . i ? uteri heae a?a nnlver.lly erttbont ciaadl Mas. Bagllabaaa rk-leatlflc ceuraei Dt lot buBnre*. RiBeneneed aad penuaneal i. a. beta Rooic Ida aad caltare. ji ?11 .n PL >>., fuu. II M M 0 For Youn^ Laaies?Country. BINGHAMTON LADIES1 COLLEGE, and CuL'ege if Milan a d Ora ory. Opsaa aaateaibat 17. Bar. i- a. PATKRrtON. a. M.. Praafdent, tfiugiiauiion. Uroome Conuty. >. y. Preparatory Depertaieati LrihHOP l HORPI? A bonrdina aehooi for II na a Betblebaa*, Peea.; eebosl je?r b gm* sepiember 17, 1 -,:i; iiiuiiheroi aob Uura Umlted for etreeiara audreaa mih-k-.n.nv I. WALSB, Ptlactpat DORDENTOVYN FEMALE COLLEGE.?t)f 11 teal aceees healthful, homelike. 11.ugB Chi ettaa wlasli goveraod, aad reeaoaa'de la ratee i tae college neeta t.'a deawada of ibe ilaeaa rvTl'or rataloaB* addreaa the Rev. w.u. C. BOW BN, A. m . I'rea.. Bordeatowa, n j. *? 'OTTAGE SEMINARY, I ?i"! \?. LA DIBS. porrsTowN, montoombui < <>., penn. Tl. rtatl. Annual Si ?eiou begtBi Bfl ll.m-d.iv. bast. 11. I87B LUBitedla aaaiber. For ealaMaaee apply ta UfcO. ii nr i i.ku. a. II.. PrlndpaL Iknw Ladiea1 rteroinary, ? rmel, N. ^. Pol A " el.ii- aud i iwereui ? ? mod to Oeo. t . smith, i. M. PLMIRA FE MALE COLLEGE.- A rolle? ?l Ij tbe blvbeet raaa i baa eMeetie aad propaiaiott Depail ii,.m*. and eopovlei advaetagce m maMc tad ai 11 tena* raod eiaie. Addrea. Bee. a. w. coWLaVi ia u , Bhaira, B. Y fp^ evl BMBBM '?? gin* srpieiiiliar 111. I?AST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY. Ii TbaMeUtntMaM well provided for glvtaa a aapatiai rdacatiaa la ColMalala Kclecdc ami Preparatory popart Bjaata, in Baatcaad ai i. ai?o. anplbi prt i men for Hart .r.i eaamiaaMBBB Bra. HENRIETTA khz, i.v-jt wainut. ii^Pnliadrlpkla I/Nill.isil and GERMAN School f..r Young Ij i,i.ii.? ?Mir d institute. New itjreu, oaaa.i Bra s. i. i'a I >Y, I'ruii ipai i In. well know u ?. Ia>.| i* patron - i by theea ? bio da*lre lor their iiaaanter* the ue*t in.t' BoBoa ; lM.iit.iiug mipil* liijltui ; term* glttbaer yuaiua. Kali Mna np'-ij. -i pi Ola bei 17 ; send lor u?w el,, ular. /^OlaDEN HILL SEMINARY for ronng h ^ bdlea, BndgeBort,csbb. Andreas Mlaa BMILY BELSOM. 2 ROVE HALL. New-Haven, Conn.?Misa A BONTPOMTBI s? HOOL for YOU NU LAD I MS OME SEMINARY ror Youne Ladies.- filth paar. The It, v. \\ . M. WKI.LM, Prln., I Ugh i ?1,1 .ii, n. J. I OCUST HILL Sp^MINARY, Durien, Conm, ? i Mepareagii MrKmith Vaaear. Reiyeea tadWetMslev, HTgraduaieei board $a00| otiealarsal .n aafaaad isaalaaii. MT. KI8C0 EDI ( ATION \L IN> I i l l i I , a"i Ml. h ., ?. N. \ . ..i 1 Hi. ..i ' ??? He! . ..luteti, w .,: re aaaaHigt. If terma leaaaaablB. Mise P. itysn PHaeieaL All? BULKLEYaS BOARDING und DAY a?t - in..,i. eryeaagladte? rirrjiiiwnaaIbanadsaa. BBItaufiaWedBBBday, beyteaibei it. MAPIaEWOOpINS i ITC IT r?rpouBgladJes, PltlsaeM. Maes ? L. eat oa BBrtvallod <'oll.-ciaie Bad Ke i.i. par.,1.. y .i~-, ||,e H.-,m. f. V. ol'l-.a It au I It. k.\. Prlae pal*. ROBERT IF ?. !M - \\ <-LIi ami danah aVl tars. Lrma,.a., wll rem.ball BOA BDI NO i i DAI H< Hi u it. HiiplrmtH-r 17. speei ,| auy milage* f..r piano. karp,galtaraad vaeal aiuaMi aiaotor ,.. a.aud an. n ii I -?rin*. ? am. pLAINFIELD, N. .1., Beiuinarf lor Yonng a Lashes will teoaaa Hoot. IE Blas K. k. ? avoa. PriadpaC D I i SEMINARY, Bye, N. V.-A >. i.o?| for 14 > laiUea. tui aiim,-? Mi*. ?. J. LI k ill. i: Jnairnnion. For Younar Lad 10? -Countr??. QAKLAND EEMAKE INSTITUTE, NORHIHToWN. PKNV. WINTER TF.RM Wll.L COMMENCE SKPT. 0. 1?7'J. Fur circular* swt?lrt*f%? J OKI KK RAMTON, Principal. T?HE BRYAN SCHOOL YOUNG KADI KS, -I conduct, il In Uli' ? MMaBB ?MRAP. lUrla, N. Y. WILSON COKLEGK for Young Ladiea vT Chaiiiberahurr. ivnii -Fa'l term open* September I ft rar oa I* lagan addraaa MMa k,t OfPrlW?tUla i_<iy fou'l WBEATON FEMALE SEMINARY Norton, Ma**.. ?i I limn Itn f'irty flttli aehoo: rear Ihni.dir, ra pt, nit er 11. For lul'iiniaiioii applv Ui .Mm. A K i.'AltIKH or II. A. ?OBB, e?u.. Norton, Maaa. _ YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY for boanlinn I ?ml <iav pupu*. _,0i5 Walnut-at. Philadelphia, won n< i?'pt- 17. Forrln ulara ad !r?-a* Ml*s I). II. Ill HI. ftm baa For Both bexea?Country. pOLLEGIATE INS'I I PC I K. Hackettatoam, \j HJ, Beet and largeet helloing la th* Otata instruction timriMiKi Bathaatee Tea deparaaeBM. Path r> >r open* hcpipiniiar ... ispia aar raar. catalogue* n??. it*?. __? a II. WHITNEY. I*. !>.. Prealdoot,_ QHAMBEKSB?BG (Penn.) ACADEMY. r_aatatfaatnaaaaeaaal aatfe *<*?! an.) cheap win itiuuiic into the im ms i>( lata aas, J. II. sim M vki'r. Ph. D, Principal. n-GARMO INSTITUTE, RhineWk, N. Y., Bit far College at BwBaataaaa For catalogue an I par? ticular* uililrcea Ike Principal. JAM KB M. DaOARMO, Pit I). FAMILY BOARDING 81 H?OLe?On farm It 1 Btwa tr-uii New.YerB, ? "> a week heard. w?*hinr. tui't >a and tba eomforta of a eaantn tmum; aeboiar* laeaieaa mm B i: ( ai t ilulii:if tin summer* vacation. Fur partlcu ?r* *<,,..t toMia 11. a M? in i.1.1. . M?iiti***et, I.. I. flKEENWICH AchIi-ii.v aritfa Mna. Institute "a aim ( nui'l i oil a ?ea.lde ?chool. Ponii.lcil Ihii2. Ih.rii ?.v.-. oa axreet roata fTaai M. Y. ta Be****. Beararedaxed panil76, opena Aua. J6 ForCamloguo(treat aadraaaBar, p. o. BLAKEMLEB, a. M. B. OeaaatWiaB, it 1 \| APLEWl >0D INSTITUTE?For both next ?j -tl concordvilla, p.-nna 666 pa* faarteri MoMbbmipr? Bated toi uu.nir.a. i an it 11 .rv.mi .it elaaa arafoaaaea. J.HIIOKTLIDOE. A.M. Principal ?NEWTON COLLEGIATE INSTI I DTE. Neu il tea, dwM*i ceaety. V. J.. reoaeaa Beptaaber H fur niair?aini famalaei cmwedlaair aeallajr. egeeueai getaia inriii ami? biiatiaa influence*; thorough ta tit f..r m.v el hire iir fm hiialm-aa , *..ih-ii hi-ihI f..r e.tal if is ; refer tn old students : J. I law I M(Oe? l.l.H, Jun.r? Jnim A. Blair. Jaraajr City, a. a *'IEVEMa,A M. PENNINGTON SEMINARY, Thoa. Ebnfon, 1 D. D.. Faaaiagton N. j.. for both ?eie?. \\> i-i,..i in lieallhtiilnraa. ifinveiiieme. <!i?, ipuna. thorough baching in rir aaaUartaaad m? trat* ci.?r<o* ROCKLAND COLLEGE, Nyack, N. V.? limb sens; tburnmrb. humelike, healtbr nullit?. fuui par rear Addraas a IL BAN MKT km, A. M. QEVVARD IN's I ITU I K.- A Pemal? Samin uy kj ami Bora Mifh WeBaat Tire linarilliix H<;h.s?i? umlero.-ie iii.itusenieut. *:tisiaye*r, 11111.10 an.l inoilera lauirnac^a tia. Bildreaa Ri v. IfENKY A HAilLoW. A. BL. PrinulpaL piuiI.!*, orauae 1 0111117, IN. Y. COUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE, Bridgetoo, |Tv N. J.j fur hntli .eve. 1 ("ul.ea-,. rop nanirr; taaBtat*. elaaa IcaL aaafaalaattBa aeanaa 1 aalidJoa bftoB 1 moderu lamee ine.itHj.. Mate mild, ronrboall ). inatiucttun tboroiian . ti.v. (in. Kept. S; - n t for eaWkfaa, II. K. TBAB k, Prln. CVVaRTHM?RE COLLEGE, rxajvr PhUa/tal* I ' BBta - t in er earn of 1 rieiel* itu Ii ?ex.-? ?nittied, au I rcceiv. the ?.?lue iirareea. i'oiiea* Oaaiwaa^laaMeaL -*.ien. tllic. 1 nal Normal Pcp iriiuent, Pr. paratoi v ami Mu !??. Bebonl*. For iiartieiilars. aihlrea* kuwahu ILMAOll.L. Prasldeat, awartbaora, Delaware en., raaa. rpHE H? >S I ON SCHO ?L ol 1 iRAT??i mil 1 gaaaeaMm Mb "f ?ict.iber, at the old reaaai sli depart me..ta "f I h"lit;..n ?ml Vocal Training; Miake?p.are arid Draa tttcDollr rv ?s|.e?i?itr. apadcaooa laaMredat Beaai No. ill, Cull are i.."i itnll ling, 1 K. ineraet si., uctober 1 and ivirv inui'iilL after, between the hum ? of 10 and Vi. bobbbt It. KAVM'iNl). PliucipjL Miscellap-otn i PPABATU8 and PURNITURE of all Uada t\ toi Msaeia, ji adenlea, eotleaw* und ii. . i ?end for cat*. Mgaa it h i i:. PEA r f i d.. 14Saad 144 Qiaad at., M > ? _iltTJ BciiooH. ANNUAL SESSION (Tw^nty-?rat) of the LAW BCHOOLaf the pni YERHtTrY at MM city i ip KEW'YORK bealaa ottober 6tB aast, and e-nls Jnns 16. IBUil For cuiuiaia la*t PsanlaaOoa papara *e.. anp \ M d. it. JAyt k.s. Kecretarrof rwealat BVI Uroatlaajr. ____ VAI.K Kmv Si liunl.? |{e_rul:ir course, 2 win Qrastaate eaaaae Oer dearaa al D.C.L. I Braaia, rwUtarsa. BpaaaBapf.ta> Addraoa Praf. Bew*Uaawa,ui D.u:cina 1\ca0e?mce \ LLEN D< >D\\ nin irs _'V -i 111 ml. FOB HAN' t no at hib BB8ID_rcb, m0.6bi oth-AVP. t labobb Polt l a i > i mb and 0_ilpb?m, i ...1 i.oUtle|iie;i Mote lay ,tm! 1 l.ui es.-, ! ig?. Hetid for circular a 'in. Alrx'i Mitrali-iror's Sclmol for Duiicini/, l vi 6tB era., napaaa < Mb la. PMean *na < lasi. io>*?ua. Ccacnrrs. ACOLLEGE gradnata, baring oeracllfe pt? hitiit, w;aiie. aaae baaltbfaL our door work; undor. ?taadaebe autry , ha., a ?etc *xj ar - nee in firnr*. nib her aad lumber i ?naiv aecindaiv impurtituco. Addreba AM 11. No. tuts a l at., .s.nit i Brookl> u. ________________ I N\ii['M I..\|I..M.-Mm Yonng been to ra lafarm Iba patron* of tBa taMnoaa aad Pwelffal> ich era- Aaeiu l .lie Will ?*li tor BTOpe, III lb* lOMT* I? or tbe Agency, Octobai Is lo ha absein atiout two mmit ?. PareaiaaJMl PrluelpaUef (teeo MdeounagMbare teachers aagaged Mf Ibew abtead ?Iii und i scepnouall) law.r atile oi.p..i taulty. t~*itfi ibi is ii. MM* YaaaffwU tier otlloe, 'J3 Ifntoa. ?qnare, arerr daj IrmaBa m. to p.m. Danaa bar abaaaca ,hr iffa.r" of tin- Agem j b. leu I he ii I tended M bv eaaHM toi i MMtetaauibwruagalj ta_ii.iai uitn Um rti|u;rcuicut? ot Ihe hil-mr,*_ VKADY, pxperieiiced In teaching English and, daaw ? BB aagagl BMnl f'-r uii'riiTnir hour* in *chaol?rfamllri keel raforanee*. Addraaa Mia* ii.u.ojii l.eihigioii ave., i 11v. VlilGHLY cu'livnletl hiily, i Xtclisivi iy ex? pert, seed, todreaan addlttoaal rtalilng eugagen ?at for Kurh.b Biatbemai ? -. bmmB . LaUa.Preaeb aad uermaa ???n varaatMnall acquired m Kuropoi c:t> pairoua. AUdioaa PltACTIL'AL, 7 Hast IStbsrt,_ \GENTLEMAN of hish pducation and re Banmont. taaehlng Prrnrb aail flwman by the natural BMtbed for aereral jri ura. dealraa to giro Iraaaea In airbaag* Bn room at home i blgaea reiereaca* alvea ami repaired. Addraaa AVarTRIAM, Rlbaaa i ptow.. iMBea, 1.BM Broad u ay. I M ERIC AN .iii-l FOREIGN TEACHERS' l\ AiiK.Ni y intTmlnreateeelleraa.aeheeM and tamiliea aapanar piefiaaara principala, aaidatant*, tutors ami k?v. i ? .,? - < |..| u\ei v I ill ol Iii - Irin I' omme ids aoo.l ?cboot* to parenta. Call oaoraildreaa MM* M i YOt/MU, AmenraB and Foreign rancher* Areacy, ttH 1 ai n aaaara IGENC. tot SCHOOLS and rEACHEBST" a'm /-ire. -I i ,.-( ? . if l.j f/..- '. i f,i../e.' ..,-?..?'<? rmuAfftt FaMtbea "rhoela aaa College* pnaapiljr provnlol witbaaperW leu-tier.. grad_itei .i tmorieanand Far ? ii-ii ro ;e- ?. s.. n I fol client ir. I i .. | EriWoltTU I'lVcK NE), DOMESTIC El 1LD1NO. ear. Uruadway and 14tb-at. 1IE8T TEACHERS, Americnn and Foreign, ' promptlyprmrtdadforf*mlHna aeboola, rallegoa J. w. -' !l i BEI ifonN,.10Eaal UtbaL, >.it.,uir Ani.rkau BeBeel laatiiaie .?tahn.iie.i is.;.. (COLLEGE Rndoata "ill prepare jroath roi ^college in return for Bobm ta a alitetlr private nuMlp. Addles, pa. ii., in aneOfllea, EXPERIENCED TUTOR (Yale graduate) la de.n,. private pupil.; iiianr ratareeeaa, A.tdtaaa TP rOK, Boa 3. Tribune I'fflce._ PXIM i;H.M ED TEACHER alabee daaaea uj |b a *cbe<>l i com pet eat la Enrtlah Freach and aanaie | kigbe*t retrrenee from format Principal. Addreaa B. B. M_ P. o. Boa J.eno, city. I ADV of experience, and with lii^lirst tea la IIBMBlal*, Would like mor* pnvilo lesson. In liutl.e. loatn?, IUI irrl ug ish. l.Jliu ami ii.ii.a-. a,n.>i hn.Hl, Tribune oBtre. _ |>rirate instruction; Utting l<?r eollem .1 I Bperlallri higbeat city refetenea Addraaa YALB URAO i'Ali:, rrlbnaaliBM?, _ TEACHERS ?upplietl to aeiiiHila nnd famUiea 1 without chares. Ml** FLOREN) K PITCH, KD CCA TIONAI III iti av.36I niou-aqiMro. \'<m AL und INh'l lU'MIATAK MUsic to r beginner*: rerm?. SS .ein? irr leaaea. addreM UAMILTO >. Adroi nsiiut i im.-.. ans v\ ,-?t S.ld ii., N, \. UrANTED.?A Yonug Imly In B tamilv to insii.ui two culdraa m KarlMb. naanb.piaae aad vocal HaaMi stale wbere edaeatod, what ,-xreiiruce, refer? ence*, aim term-. Addtvaa l>. P., ii bnneoflice. AiweUaneom. ? ?PAN SHELLS. -8,000 large site K -?. ri. ?r mall alMllfcaahablefor battoa aaaafaenuan? la - ere, joai room rod, vi *, M am re, is eaao* a* i > ? i ttnu.-t a want ?bolla,boatqaailty. Peraata byjoil.s \> m k NZIE, I IB Waier st, I ADIT.S. DRINK BERK YS TEA, ami be a_i>eaiiti ul ?iiioui ualii* daageruaaeoamatlaa BERKYB I ea remove* a* of tin skiu.elr.irs the eaaipMXMa Bad tet na lao abut* ?y*tem. Tbo** who naa u attiao at Iba ?m i aast raolora keaatj .mil rautbfal frtabaaaa Inataad of dratroriag both in madnrlu *. in in- is.u^ii ?u y ,,( .,,,, kKRKKYm tka cb_ BuB aic!i-?i.. Phi adolabla ? i lan ay r ill piempily aaat at IBa.aad ?i per box. Enanl dlaoeaai to iriale. _ PATENTS, IRADE-MARKs" CAVEAT8. 1 MI NN .t co.. a: int. row. Noa \ork, BroprMMraal - ib, s leatiae Amancaa." ihiio Bmr yoaia* aipaiiai ia ail It a of Pau t* Paad-booa oa Pataai^ wttbfallatrai Ilona ami ?.Ivo e, sent fie. The AUDIPKQNeT i nit TUM fiyiii-iiew ineaatlaa, ahaaB aaaUaa deaf peeaaMtebaar a. onlaiary ri nvrr**tnm, com i-rla. Ircnuea, aermoua, ale. w\%% i loa? IbraagB Mm modlam of ui? NaMa ami ablebaa able* MOtaa M hear and Uaig m -peak, with full d re. I mna for aao,wtUaaaaatteaar aaiui...* tiiroagboui the ?und on r-apt of poee- *lo for tun Couroraatloiial, or tiCt for t..e Opata Aaatpbaaa ABdri ** HUftjjUd <k McCLUAS, MaMMdMOfeataB wmm, ommbmm W e have ?e. n |h r.m, hear ?..iiinl in Uns aar twith andtpbnna abonore? kaue what aaand ???.-^tiirori*,. - Eaeb note of uu maaieiaa Bad loae of the ? la get oomaa aa clear.) a? 11, ei ,lnl lo ,? n.i ?i".t i rin:i)( ??, i inpalled.'' -gfaa Jmieph Unti l. WilerCni at rriban*. "I nans .I I BOW Bare aomnlblng Ih.l u III hrlu my l,?_ toe " /*Aa AtkitU . >?. / it.M. 'Myalaiercaa aaa bam aa urulnar) ? ,iivrr?au<>n which sbecaui Idowttmait tbe Audlpbwua." u. M fegri*.nYB_ i...on.1/11.? IIV1??, PU(..? Il, A. J. REAL ESTATE. \i B Y'Hik, Monday. O-f. fl, ]07<i. The. following Mica wer* held at the Ex rhengp Palornorn NJ '1 II Re r". * Q AT Rrew?. 1 tatnry lines homo- ?, tn lot. No It e ?, 21 ti. n of Utb-et, ior ? t?1 JdoPowers f9 6.',o /(., In ? * .Wvo-.. 1 H ?loiT brlrlc l.utlnlii a I I, keees o WML ff? ."12 r.??t li'lh st ? ?. Mil Ii w ot tri??vp, M 1 .111103.3. |<aae e?pr?-a.\li?v I, IHM. ground lent 8? 12 pi r ?111111 ru; UM JoiiuiMin . 2,600 RB< ohi'I-1 BBAL A r*-, tk UnVBMl arm ?ton ' irv Cheire-et, No 140. 7-.x-.K lo. n e Mrf 'affrrtr, r.f.r-e. In M B I'eliuar son .-'i-orber rverutr r ere IIS 000 62d-at. ss. loo ft wot i?t me aBsIM8?-aii.-r.-aular : A K Holly to lietuiU l ooms . . 5 UM . ?t.ue, lOO fi ?01 -I Mr hol?? ?v. l28iM)!il j ..1 ?? ...? I.eili.ifloii live, 61.1U Ii n of 7?th ?t." I'.H7|AJ lav lor, trustee, en, to Henry II li Ms pi a ........ 12 vv) fllst hi, 11 a. lOtflBOf gd-eve, 4 idvlOfl..,; j Wil.laioe anil aifn 10 And lew It/? tier . 1700 62datoa a.i -see. MMIOflCS 1 j o smitb ami wifei?Praaeeaaad Klag ... lniti at. a ?>, Mm ft wol am.1 , 6tixl<3..i j T 1. login aad wtto to J Cony 1 ooo 7tb?.ve, nx. 110.5 Haid 47th at, 20,HO ; Ann BMM an 1 hn-li 01.110 P It ( ..11 it* . x 61?i ni. No 1.1 W, nl. 1 110 .4 t ( liarlen Ji igg.n and wifetooporgpllrin n. . . ?.?,,00 61th IC, a a. 10V ft V of 1 fit have, atVtlOK.f 1 M.e Far im r?'Loan ami Truat tmo i.,nv 10 M iiearlt . 7.000 7th ?t. 11?,i*v, ft pot w. i?. 2o?a'.? , fi ludaaardt aad wife to Hear? Beekar aad wMs 7,600 Wraadaag. ? a a ai tltth m to 1. u, ava Mta Basil at 12laolaalvo. it m Usary, r?teri<.to H.r,.,.?rd Mtteaa . . .7.000 lOttiiat.e-. lAEd haat 14-bt* '?.?iino.u 1 Ji.1,0 ii Ihauoaiul nllu-r? lo Ann V .lennv . l.?33 Walton am: w ?, 160 It n of 1 .M'tlist, 601IOQ : HBbbT l Moni??ml wtioio \ a araiiaoy . i.tno Madlsoa-ave, e e, 80.A ft a 11 tjMJi-ai, 28x1 ?B 1 Mary A I barieeead basbaad in k Mel urT. ny. 14.600 Moutii Wae lagtea OO No 7:i, 24.Htlnt.ti: ami alRO r ar.o.,4 f 1 w mi U'oootsf ??. 9t I0..I; lt<>ji roll L Cteaahaad wtfean Jeeewk Bffaaea 1 Main-ptopi rly ; u011 M ( I m h and aife to J?.<???( ?i II Moi.ra. . 1 lion,.on ?f, seem rio.hvat. 3-i; 111M . 1' '. . and al-fl a - Houston ?t. .im fI e of fjrooky ?4, XBX 1 on.-??-'.". ,111 ? ; W inarn J Mergaa, rateres, toO Hloenherg ami otheta . 47.000 3d ., .1, w ?. 2.1.11 ft i, oi loibiat, aii?.-.: wiiiwiti y Btrdeall, referee, la ? o ivrriu, aa cirrk of the f ouri of A,.j eala . 8.500 M7.I it ?? of 3d ave. I&llali d.1. 0 A ilarrutoot and ntlnT? 1 I ra di Adaui.. 2,125 IM < OKlir.l? L4CANI Brigg?, lohn N MltMabM King. No Iff We?t BMB> m, s yeere,et aiiBual reel m. ... t.. '.??>'? Hfeliii, ReatT T lo William II Oalrin. Nonn Ith .?vp. 6 '?jyi-ar*. a* annu.,1 real of. 1,600 KBOORHi 1 . r * ?. ? ?:?? Brewerton, Eliraheili to Pr. -ron R spr tig, n ? Cf?th it. w?t ?i'. Hv. . s rean . d*..'.oo ?1MB, KU I- lad ?:fi- M ' lurle? \i II. tn.11 and jnofh. n. ? a l-f-av. ? of 11 on ?I, 1 yi ?1 . .. 2,250 ?av>in. i ii?tb? \\" ?11 i ? '<? lo rtlrra.1 ral.lipe. n a ,.',.ii ?t emtMaaee,f a?eataa 2,7itO Heartl, Maud hiurbaad to tin- M.itaal Life (uaMtaatM i'ompaiiv, N0605 We*t .'ilthai, I ysaf. 6,500 Ulli, i.eorgi II KaadwtfelSlbB Mutual UM IBBRfA nin e I'oninaur. 1.1 W i-.t 6 ?t-?t. 1 VP?r. 22,000 J pi...?. A nn M in i hii'liaml 10 Mary 1'1 on-unt, ? a f l'?4t'i ?t eof 3d ave. 3 nn ntha. 3.8?7 Mci ?rfi-iti It to M ny a ( barie?. ea Maili.on a?.', n M daiai m, i year. Mtf Mn- nrr j1.i11, 1., 11,n Mutual l ife Iii?i.r?in-p 1 '.tu puny. IJ4 Monr.i ?1. I vpir. ... 2.600 tdaal i n. KlUabplh ami li'i?t>and io Marv l Comtant, a e eor dUi-ereaad lOtHb-et, t bmo im 22.60O Htephi-L?, J II and w.u- to \\ li Meal, iruatee. Ota, ? a Perry at. w at orreawieb-aTBL s ?aara Fiulllvan I ami will- 10 iiicnael Hogao, ? a 1.3th-?t. e of tPt avp. :? year* . l.ooO Wbitoey, Ahram a aad ? tin- OefMaaM Ufa la* aaraaee Ooe i?m?. a ? ??anon eve, u ot laocb at, 3 Io'k, .'I mortgaui ? :t jpai?. lot d. 7,500 Hann- to M i run 1 I ip.|..n, j of laBM lota, 2 BMftgBgl ?1 tear?. total. 1,< 0*1 name to Ueary I. Mm p.. M tin' ??im-1" ?, .< 1 aare 6<?j Zeiii-r Amiri-w 11 ie faaea MiUbmbe u ? 61 avat, eel 2d avc, 3 reale. t.OUO 1:1 ( OBDKD AjVIOBBBaTTI Of BOBTG kOM (inrwold. Sophia 0 f" Catharine Meatgh. f3.0C0 Motgati. Aebai Baad aaeCker. aaaeaiura,ete, M Mna a Motgati. 667 Wai'iiiKUilt. a.ailiiiiiilaiiatrix. etc. to a U jrni-u..t... 5,0 O Cttn Uiiu ilatiuc tor i)iilf. ACHOICE loeaHoa, North atRdiaop-agBBrR | eeatreof blorki MtgtaibrowabUbm ai d ?? ? . -. .- ?? 301 feot. It. a. t'OUNU, Ml Kxchangi p.u'? IX ABSOLUTELY FIRST-CLASS HOUSE X\ Knit SALB at/" v ?7 ? -.'.Mlti ?f., - .1111. . imtweeR ami iah an -., Ho- aaaaBBBBaai bio. a 1.1 UM city. 1,1 pan.- alara and aanall app > u, O. W. It 1 ATT, ho..tu ?. 1.1 .11. are. (^IloIi'K lon.-itiiwi, iiiirtl? M ad 1 son -aa tutrev J centre of Mnek, elegant brewa stone, iMx70xave, witu atahic. R. a.TOUiSO, ao IfleBeagB Bleep L^OB SALE.?Tin thro.- elpaTRlit IH?r>ES I Baa. la. Ml aad 22 Eaal 03d-sA., n ... . Madteua ami ltEaeee.1 mieriorti re mo ellad by Hi st.i 1?? an- 1,-. it day*a work and m.nie eicepilonaily ooarenieai and atuacihra; uow in on-er ior .nape. Ron, aad oaared foi M ? 0?. JullN U CRIB BIBB, 1,1137 3.1-ave. IAH, SALE.? rin tc houin-rt, No:?r.m. 32, 3a 1 Ra-t ISlb-ot. AdVlreea jam. hak!, No. '.?7 M ilue-nU, I'eekskll I. N. Y._ < LX)R 8ALK.? I in- tiret-rli-a fniir-afnrv. Iii-li I aieea, browB-atoae kmiaa ftHWaai tAtb-e4.| alxAa, lei liMii walnut in.Ian. Broadway. asariy aew 1 10 go?4 order 1 attMiyreeeflseaia Apply an th? pri-misca. I ?> L< ?i s, inclutltDR mil front EAMtorlr 1 ?- Boaieeasd, IIa aad 11 lib ate. tar aaks ebrag. uotu, on areartai?. ii I Uroortinn Ural ?^9iitir for ?a!r. l.ncK^, 4 BLOCK8 and plota ..t lota low Bttead i aaar the line ot tba 1ir.a1i.ir11 tthrralod it uir-adi rate obbM taalty tor laveaiaieai or sjsei, ? e bave *oiil 2 5 atilic-p 1 in M Iba peat $ uiotub-. BUtaANOB WBIf* 1 Ml, ? lic kman at. _ FACTORY properfj on Eaal River tor aalu ? or to MaBB, - . 1 < |>-ouifsea at oreen|m.ini, Hio-ialvn. K.M.. kBoeraae Um KlBaracouaiy Maaafaotarr. wltb i tr aasge nt loo fp. ton 1 re ii. eery aeai toe Baa uiv.-r, ami a BSBtbol '.00te.-t, tin tiurding? are n go.?l ord^r. and w. <l adapted for asaay BMaafactaruta peraoeo? 1 also Tacaat Mas. still oeerer tbe nrer, wltb satas frootage ot t" ? by abosit .-no fett d'pp Per Barllealara appl] to w. J. kmiki. u.wui B, No. w a,l.?t.. N. Y. Auction Solei oi RmJ Csutc. J til'IS MEsll.i:, Am UoMCT, By order of the court of Coiinnon P!ei? ai'l -ill at the Bxcbanga aalearooiua, no.lll Breed way, oa rUBrifiAY, Octobei 7, at no..n, lbTalaabta lota aataa weetosdemi t?tn avp.. ?Ith an.; ? th> ?lt.. ?I/.: ? lota oa ?est able of Utk ire., bet? eea Bdtb ami ??' -tb ?ts. In i?t? on Miiith of bAUIhsE, Mtbe re.. 1 "t ? .. 1 a?enuo lota. I 1 ,f on ttie uerili sal.-of -Ith at., in the rear of aald avenne lota. ran of tbe parehaaa money mar reuiatu on hoadBBd nioit* ean .a ; p. 1 Mat. Mupa at auctioneer's i.fflce. So lie! Rroudwuv. Counlrn JJropiTtn tor doll unb Id Let. \ DESIRABLE tannot 12*iereain Mtmmooth .'\ Coaaty, M. J.. lo be aaM, by orte ..f , ? Ce irt, at aacttea, aa naateaiaei 20, \*~.:>. Bar aantca an ae I ZRA a. OsHORN, a BBlBIBttBaM, MbBUl to-vn. N. J. 4 l ine Conntrj Rf^denea, M'eatebeareK .? Ce-ijiy, air. m ? ?,'?1'. 1 ntnp.i to ; coat $ .,1,0. a j a illbB ?old regardless r aa oOer waaiedi toui.nut,-* ftwia Sew-Yerh. a0.11 vs. I', o. Unl a, i ml,? ity._ CH)R SALE ciikai'.-At Mi-rtri'ii i' im. N. I. I at Mat beat baoiaiaa aireet M tin- wwBtabousaai I lot on Oettaae-et.|betweea llobartaad Orteai ?1? . iei tS,t^M, Ir 11 ? a f?r ?132 pel veal . ail he aold Ior $:.ll,Mi Appiy to 11. I OMRM, 1 17 W esl at.. New Yolk City. SALE.?Farm in aood order; splendid location, a abortdtetaBeefreei; aaa baat fr-.ta N r*A o k : soluble tor a 1 OaUtTJ realdeuoe stul g. ve ' n ,!? tentien io baaiaeaa la tbe city 1 price med?riie, 1 ? nn.-> < a?y? Ad Ireaa l'RI AMI, P (1. H i. I. 182 \?w \ MAND80MEST. CIH??FEST. ?EST 11 RiOM COUNTRY RRBIUBNi B for ibe at oa ay IH S'lea Ueautilully lai i Ball I .wo all ule, flull, twin; le wty i at.aO". Box 113, i ranfurl. N. J. _ HUDSON RIVER PROPERTY foi SALE or BENT.?TbeBsoetattraeare,coeaetetMi | ? -..? ? not ehanatnaly attnated reableaee in He'k epsle, ihe -Qaaaa lily" of ihe Hu. Nun ; alao.o acres, bOOBttfalll .tied on ihv nvar bank, near Miltoa, ? nh a ob-oj cattagw, bera, rrtut, Ac N. a'RlliUT, ?-'.'>.onb Ltberty-et^ Po'aee|Mue, >. v. ORANGE, N. ,L? HtMtaea ind Couu n <- ita la art aad for sale; a iirest Tarietv ai?o, t?ita-iu 11>ibuV Mg Ml?. HI.ACEWKL1, BltoB.. 243 Hreedwa), lb > ?..; 'IM RENT at POUUHKEEPSIE.-Ar, ele I giiit rastecacs wlib eruaana, tarabibeil eali ftoa bmbibi reartoeste la its apeesaiaisataj dry ajaaaada sir. t?? baarai piioiograiiiiaibba A. J. la iBBR I BOB, It Weal MM -t.. N. Y, I i HWHHMI A< 1:1 s ricbeal ilk. I ,11\ It r,\ ft m I ? - ' i .i n e - land Norta areatatB law a. raeea laada are oBBfoai ksw, and uafaeorabM lerau1 CarreegeadBacaBesMtted. in la.Mj t ?siitii.Mi, ^ lieekmaii st. I. Loot and sfoBitd, OST or STOLEN.-I.aiik-I.ook No. 91.M3, et tbaoanaaB aarlage Baak ta tbe cayat Bew-Yera. The fl'uler Is ratBBBtad i ? IBtBIR ii to the hau? If mil I? ap.o-d before ibe ftb el <'.t >ber, IBia a,'pu.atiou ?ii; be made PS Ihr liana lot a new h .ok I (?ST.?Hank r.oox No. I,7?i7. isaii. il l?v ilio II Herman s.wiu. Baal la tbe l It) M Bee Vera ta JOBB Hi ii i.i i km ins, M tniaslBB. ihe inner or boiler at ma biMik Is reqaeeted to dellvei n t .the Rank, if Bui restored before ibe tin day et i'cioUu. lt?7 '. appl.cation will he made to the tiai.a Ml a Bee beak. Corporation" Xoiue?. fVJOTICE??DEPARTMENT ?>r PUBLIC iB OBLaBITIBB am? CORREOIIOB.?PROPlMA lb ?ill lie re. .-n.-d ..i ihe . iii.-.- ?( i'li'-.i . i.-r.He. au-l (oirec. ? ion, Ba.alMava,aatllOatsaai .5. i- .?, tor art g ...?.? ami sTooenea for lull information see "City K-o ..1 " f : -,.e,i No. 3 111} Ha'l. yviOTICET im imm'mi nt ?F PUBTTO Ll OUABITlBe AND OOBBKCTJON. aKAERO RIUJ Ol ralliuale. f a BBTeriBB tWB ooi ar BBBBOBttaBe al i? i sj I.OKplial with Hai PellMa an N o. 4 ? ott ui v au. aas. a ill be raootead at lfcl? edb ?? aald 0 lobet i ? i -112 I'm Mill M IBS BBll Ml I lea "?'i> i.cooi.l tor sale at No. 2 City Hail. Voll? L.-FIUE I VEPTRTmEN f?S E A LED ia PBOPOBAIeM '..i f..i age aalt I erat ??III lie re. ..?,,; it tins BaaaaBaMI tfedBBadajf. ucioaai IE is a. Pat mi. tuiuiut? Uou see "Cur Lei old. Mt aale al No. 2 CUV Hall. Uuoutfea ?! i.nura. ?TOBTE L MANUFACTURERS. HeroafatB M iron .11 e Ulli e e . -I..I. ii. d in.I 1.4 ieo o'b . lio? ylelda -? i..?>.ii.n i..j?..j. a, a tUl'titCtij i'ttliatntftrti