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(Plcrtien Notic?. etrcr,??. R'ver. Ka?t ?*hff ty aarBBBl BWBBt find *c?mA Bv ? i kt? rif"-. i ni aThrwrkea Dtatrn t ehall i ntaln ?l' that psn el thr cm l*m-,a. d rtr kad lv'ne within Ks*t Thirty aes ? i.t?i ?41? i, Um K>yrr. Ki?t THrte ?sixth-?tmik and BhKeagr ?\' : li. i". Nxteeaia Election w?tri, t ?hall contain allread nun ??:?? . iv beaadad by ?"d litre within Ks?t Thirty sixth em I. hlBtaiaaai, BUM Thirty ftftr-street and sr.-... .1 B> cnne. Tbl ??evcniecnth DrrtMB] t--??rtrt eha'l ennf-ln sit that psttof ihr r tv tavmided hr and Kmc artthln East Thirty BlXtb ?ttvel. Second avrtn. . Bast Thirty -flftb Street r.nd nited ?? ? ua The Uchteruth Klc.-lton 1H- -r| aball r.e-iia'n aTl ti at part ?>! ire rliy hounded h\ b/taa wlthtn Kail Tldnv Ti'it site, t. Msnii.i avenue. k?m Ti irtv third street ami 1 l.iil avrnnr. II* Mmlwilli K'ect'on tvnr'ct shall contain ad that fort of llir rity IwiiiiiIihI l.v nndM-e w?t'-in 1 im Th'.nv a vth Ktrm. Beet Mivrr. E??t Thirty, toe, rth street,?leec .: avenue. I m' 1 hint rflh-tr . t ?i. i K'-?lsvcnne The Twentieth KI.>, ||.>n Dast'rkM abatl n nmln all that part ?f the city hounded nr hwO lying wlthn: K. -t Ph rtl to rib aireei. > nsi River, BBeat Thinv tvm sir,-, t ant s.or,'. Bv.-nne. The Twenty ?est Klectl.-n lu.i-t.-? ?hall e.nntalli all that fw.rt'.f in* ctrr rounded t>r an. hrtae ?iiliin Ilnat Thlrtv l. ?treel, Kirat-avenue, KM Thirty ?i, i-tt,. t, ?:i 1 Reewwe ????erne The Twente ? cnnd K'<-c? an lv.-r ,-t v'nll eert tin alt ??? r-?n of the nty l-aniiited hy unr? Ivl-a within Ka-t Thlrt. t ? -tteet. ?-eo-.mi av. une, Ea.t Thirty seeoed-BtTooet, mm) Tlilr t avenue. TM lw<-ntrth?rd Heetion IMsT*. t ?hall contain alt that |??-1 af the city tv undid bv ami ' irig w'.thln Ea?t TMrt? e.. on ? street. M-combaventi Karl TBlrtBBb QtreOa, Bad 1 hint aventie the Twente frmrth Election t?1?trict ?hall cot tnlu ?II that part et the etly ?-oundrd to'- and Mu within 1 v.t Thiriy ihire ?treet. East Brecr, I a. t ralrti arat-atreet, Bacaeaa av. line. Raat Thtnr-scecind ?rt?et. ami ftrat-avi nu ?. The Twetirr nrth V.ireitor in.tnrt ?hn'l cont-dn all that ,?art Bttbe cite nounded by and Itiuk aithln Kail Tairty-lrat. atreet. Kira: avenue, hbntl nirttrtb itTOBt, aad vionil avmne The Twentr?lTth yteenon t?i?tr'et ahatl eon tain all that part of tie me bonn 1erl f.v and 1> within i:a?t Thutv flr-l ?irre?, i aat It ? er. k.t't Twente nlnlh afrei I, f-ee, ua Brenne, Ka?l 1 fr.rti.-th ?tt ^i and h tal BTOBBB. I Ii- I weiifv ?everilli F f ?> >n l?i?tr..-t aha'l eon Ulli all that y-art of theriijr haaatet by and lybag wltbla Ka?i ttdnieth ilrt't ??e,on.1 avenue. Kaat 1 wetity ninth ?irui, at d Third avrnnr. The rwen-v eighth Klertlon i-t?trlcl af.all eaaURa ?!l that p?rt .-f the . o \ t. in e.1 |.r and v'T ir wll' iti Ka?t rweaty ninth ?tr.h-t, Metno arrnue, Kaat 1 went)-se?enth atn-.f. a- il Tb ?->'. irenue i h<-Twenty nlnt ti Kb rtlon t>l?irlet ?h? l .?otitam all that !? i of ihr eltr bounded bv an-1 lrlnr ? Ihln K*?t T? eutr atetb alunl i ?.,t luv.r. Kaat Twraty atabib iiiai t. and r>.. ond-areniie Tbe Ih'ril-th Kleetn.n r>l?triet fh?il contain a'l ibnf t art aj| ' Bf rakt Imundi d be and brUMi within Kaat I aenir eu-hili ,;i .- River, Baal Tweaty-eliib wreet, K.rtvavetiue. > ?t Twi nlv a. vei tt. -."? ?.??.and "aeeond arenue. Th? Thirty flrat Rleerbaa htotTN t aaal maila D all I bat |atrt oi i.i etil BaBBdaal aj aad ly/ti? BrUada eay?t i aentv ?,-vetnh Mir i. I itnf wvetiuc. Kaai laeim anib?tr,ii. and Third avrnne. .-. rni it aaanra)Bf t punniot ??Tie N..i. enth .\??rniMr MaMirl ?had b? .llvil.-d into tt rtl "h.elioti aataatCUk the extent and lliuitaof whirh b> tj n- fofl e? ? 1 he K.iwt Ktssataa Id?tn?-t aball contain all UbU pirt of thr %.\\ la.mi.n .i by ,ii,u lying aithiu \Vr?| Kiftvfourtn atreet. prowl way Wrat llftv thlr-'anreet. Servnthavrnue. Weel f ft area it atrael ami t ight . avennr I Heooarl Eleettea UUtnei -l.a'l contain ad tnat jinrt Id ihr cm inded by and lying wittun H'ref KUty-atttb. Btteel, ^erenth areaae. Weal Hfty iMrd-etreti. Broadway It es) KU k Ion it bat net and lighth ?v nor lie Thirl KIwcBea PtBtttrt ?hall iontn n all that part Bf the ctt) bsaaaVe] by and Irin? atthtn Meat Kftv ninth btt i l. M venth avenni, Wi ?I i ifl ?? \ti ?treet, and Kigbtb MB Tu-- I .lirtl, l.l.atlon iHalrtet ?hall contain all that psrt efthr i m bouoaee by and hrbmg witada \vr?t ww third btliil Rbjbth avenne. Bfeal IrftJ aeooadatrra-t. and Mnta BNBBH ? The lnth Klta-llnn I?l?trlct ?Lall cntitaln nil that part at the c.l la..,need by and lying within Weal Fifty-third Biiwet N alb memo, Waal BUt*-accoud~*treel, und Teinb B? ? i ue. I I ritatfa .'.<-ii..u ieaimt abail contain all that part of tt.. cm it deii ot aal iviog aittkla Weal ntiv 'ourth einet Tenth ireaua, Waat Rftr ?econ.i ?treit, ami lludw.n tit n.-tii i. ? i Tin s-i. i|| . Election I datri -t el.ull contain nl' that parr of tin etty I o laded Bf ?t.d iving atthlB H'r?i Hftv- ouni. atreet, falnib-ari ie. w at tv\ r-tbiraV?tre?4. a ad Tei,tha>r?aa ? l*be Kighlb K l.? llou Dtatttet aball contain all lha> part of the City lami ib d by ami lying aunln Weal H'tv-dm. ain-rt. aTtl?htb-ave.iae, weel Plrty.ibltit etrm i. aaal Nlnthaeeaaa The N turn Eie.lion InatruH aball contala all that iiallnfthe tfu beatened bf ami Hing attbla weei E.fiv nttti ?treet. Utetb en ue Wrat Krftj roertbetreet. anii rentl eaae. Tin- Teaelh Kb> Hon I del rid -? all cnlal" all that iwt ,.| the city baaadMa] be and lying attbla Weal 1*1 ftr-mth ?treet, 1 atbaBvi ii ... . weal fifty toertb-aytrect, and )tud?oii or North 1 t TI.e flri-'tith P.lertloe l-utrict aball cintalu all that part e: the > .i\ iaiuude-1 bv atul lyr.g aitnin ,y e?t Krtv ??-v.-nth atieei. Teatb-areaae, Weal KUH utth ?Irrel, Nu-ib v.-uuo. u ?. l-rt. bftavatreau and iiudwui or Bertb itiver. The Twetllii EUrctlon Pieirlct aball contain ml tnat t-urt Bf the cllv boanded by and lying aitlun Weal l.flv..rrenth etrt.t, tb a. ? nue. Wi at llfty > ix-Ii ?i i - ? i, .ml I ? nth av. BM Tin- rblrteeath Kteettee nutriet ?nail contain a l'hat part theett) i.adedb) andIrUwierRata Weel i fir eigiith.?ue?t, BkleBIb .it-inn. Weel Eliti ?Mb ?Herl, and Ninth even at. The loan. .uih Election 11.?in.: tball .B.iiainaa tha* nart of'io ..-v., leated BJ end irmc WttblB Wrat Mixtv-drat eiieel, l.lgl.lli avi unr', Weal Hft.-> Ighl ri atleel, Naith-ave aiur. Weal i i) teveatb atreet, aad i -i tavari ? ate rhe Kttteeata BleeUee IBetriel aball naanBaB ail Mat i-art at tb, .in '. ......i,. aad blag wiUi.a B'eal butietb-ttteeu Fb v,-t tb avenue, \V?-?t Mi. nlptb-e?reet, Tenlbaeeuua, V e-t l ftr ?ervnthetn at. ami llnda tu <.r North Rivet The aiife. -.tti l icetion fiiatrtct ?hall eOBBa -i al' that part of the . id bet . a, . by ai d brtaal wltblu W . ?l uttv abim ?troer, Teaib ateaee. \v'e?t nny-atalb-atr, t. i.icventb avenue W -i Buttel atmet aad lladeaa of Bert* f.iver ti.. heeeaieaaaih Bl?eBea Meerlet aa?di eeaBBBal tnat rief the i ;-. heaaaad by ami Irtaa wltbtB Weal r.xtv. BlTilaatrert, K.lgbia-avi uue, Wi-et Mity brat- ?irect, and li ii. are tue. i be I itghii i alb t-ln tii.n Dirtrlcl ?' all taataln ?11 that pad at ihn rjjy beaadtd bi auu ruat *ui.iu Went Ktny aitth treat, Niaib-aeeBBe, W. el Kxtr rifth-lreet, Ktghlh avenue, Weet e xiy-iblrdalreet, ?Bd HrydBoa ee Burtb lt"-er. The Nlneli lb i ecttmi hi-i i, i ? at e main all tbat part B tin i itt ..i. ilut by :,i d M '?..?, el . n w ? at >.ity eirbUi im . I, Eighth BT?. Weel Mit, : Ithalrert, NUilli avenue, R > ?i S'xty .?Ulli ?irret and I > nil. ? v.-ane. it.. Pweelletb Eleeiton iJiatnri abell i eelele all th?r part B' It.i dtp hounded l.y and It Ing ? I'm We?t rteventr-fTret Bteeeti EVrhlh-aeeaae, Wtal Blttyaylgbthesreet, and 'tenth ? The la. nty flr.t Election '-?trililia I contain b'I that part tt the city bo utile i ly aad 1) mg e tbiu w e-1 r>. venty lonrth BreekKigbibaeaane. We?"i Beveatr-drstvatreei iruihare Boa, Weel "aixty ?ixtn.?treei,ai il rladaeaer Nerrh Hirer. The Tweel i atoaad ykaoRee in? "it ?hau nmuiti a. that aartof tbeeiir boanded by wad lyiaa enthla yy'r?i Eighty. I ?i etreet, Klabtn-avennr, \v eat Mevente f-iurlhatrrrt, and I udxin M Beat k liner TIM l a * tit\.ibiro i a* i. ii leatra t at till contain all that patt of tl.. .it-, beeaaedby and lytaa wltate w e?t Riajbty. all it, ?treet, I lahth arenue. M eat rMgl ty fir?i-kvr.?t. aii1 lludaou or Norll. Meer. i ,,. i a nlv Puinb l lerll >n Ibatnct iball i nr.. rt?>- all that ?ati of the i (it kniadll l.y avid Iving- wiwn ? V? Nil Mnety Llnili ?iieet. I ightn even.,e. Writ E' ?:' t .-atieet. and Jla.t~.i 11 North Rtrer. I hi- 1 weuy-Qiih Rtecttea tilitrlcf ?hall cunt-dn all that nan afthn . .1 l.v and ly n? within Wra:line hundiaal aiid eiehta ati,a t. I Lybtk avruu,. Waal Muet| iiin:li-?treet. aad UUtlSUb ... .N. ii.. River. The Twenlr ?ixtb Eiiw ram Id?iiiet at all contain all that ?art of tin hu 1. aunted be and w.thln W' l.un i-1 d and-1 wrutv third afreet. Eightbatviune W'e?t line hun drtal amlatigiiin atreet, aad Huu>"a or Nonn River. i . i wet iy enth I leettoe Itutrtct ahall cnr.tainail that ?art of tbe citr iMiui.ded by aal .Ving within Weel Cue hun lied aad ibliuclb alieet. Manhattan atreet Waat iinebcu dred aud-twanly in.ilh atrr-et, 1 Igi.tharenue. Waat Ha* bun dred and twenty.thltd ?irret, ana If tidaou or Sort.-, fU'.er. The Tweet?^a*gBthEleetleai IBetrlet ebad conialo an mat nart o ike Cttl boi.nd al by and 1>n^( will,In Wrat tuna-nun. drei! and f-rti I.d-Qtloek hlglilb av.inn.- W'a.t une-bna dnnl and twenty niulbalreot. Baubattaui alreet, Weal line humlr,-! ami tin ta-il. ?inet and llmn- aior North Itarrr. The rweaty ninth i lecttoa UatrkM aball -,.:?!...i a) that ?ait of the'env hounded bv and lyin? ?Ilm West Oae finodre.1 a.oi-utiy Of n at-ert, I avenue, W e?t One Lun ured and. PBB11? -c ml ?treet, and Ilndaoa or Son b Hi ter rhe Thinielk 1 rlMk IHetriel i t.all PBBlBla all taat laart of the city bounded by and lyiag wiu.ln W'-et une bandied and aixiy ffrat-kireet. ilarlrm n.ver, Eiytitb-arenui- W'ret fme bunilrr.l ami Uftv hfthatreet, end Hn.leiD or North liavvr. I In Thirty Aral EI- cUOU Iilatncl ?ball contain all tual part af the , li a- lM>iitel.4) hv aud lying wiudu Weal ''?e-Ininelri-d Bad i ig'ilr Oirt-atreel, Harlem BIBer, w r?t (,|ie huadred and a.tty BraVaireet, liuur-u or .North Kivi-i, in pot rued, and Eln'gahi idge road. l he i ,'r v nd !::?? t.on Matri-t ?ball cot.lain a-1 that pari ol ihr cur bounded by an'. Ivieg witrtlu Sp..t u n Iiin-ril Creek, llarteaa Rirer, \Va?t om aaadred ?nd eighty ttrai etrn-t, Kliig.brt Ige-road, liepol-mail, and Hudaon or North River. I'm Th.rtT third Election |i|?in? t ?hall contain all that part of the all) hounded by and 1 lug aiihlu llatlem Kfrrr. bevrnth avenue, Weat Ouebundred-and-tenth-elreet, and Eighth avrnur. lWEMIETII Ah-^EMIJLY TJlbTUICT. The Twentieth Aaaeinblr l>l?U1ct ahull be divided Into lern tv eight rh . ti,.iirt1-.iima. the extent and limlta of which ?ball bv aa f..Holt? I be E tri > kB Uta ln?tnrt ?hall contain all Ibal nan of the City boutnlr I bv aud lying eithiu Kaat Enriy-fl'tb ?tn .-t, 'ltilii.avri.uc, Earl l-oity ?.-. und ?Irrel and Lexington avenue 'lb. riirond Election IHntrict iiiall contain all tbat part of tt.. .av boumlrd by ami Irmg wuhi., Eaat Kurtj i-mih ?tr..i I avenue. Eaat Eolly flflh street, and Lex.ngUiu airuiie. lb, rhlrd yjreUsa purrtel shall contain all that nan of the ajsj beaBsBBfl bv ami lying w nnin Eaat PUty second street. Third avenue. Eaat Eorlt nii.lli aiirrt. and Lexingtouavenue. Tai I'm i Kaectauo l>tt>irk.'t aball conuiu all that part of tb, dt) la.uudrit b? ano lying within Eaat Kifty-fifth street, 1. tl av. .. ne. Eaat I If' v -a. oiulair. el Bod Lexliiglouaveuuo The flftb Eli ease Instill t al.ail coalatn all tbat pan ot the City b SJeted 1.1 and lybtB within B?hst Klflj nlulI.-atreet. ! Tbtnl arenas-, Eaat fitly htlh sireel, aud la il-ision avi nur. 'In, Btttb Eks boa I'latii. t ?nall Cintalu all that pan of the city beaadad be aaal inut ?n:> n 1>i fort- third street, Eaat River, latst Fully-aei -nu alt. ei, ana Hind svenue. 1 la laevculn KU-ctiou J da trie t ?ball contain all that pan of lb cm bounded l.y und ly ing ? iini: Eaat Eortv fourth ttreet, arena,. t.a?' I, ?trrrt,nnd 1'f.ud arenue. Im KLgblb Klectkua l.'lsir.ct shall coalatn all that part of tbe I ii 1....1 ...'. by an ' iv liter wiih.u East Fottt fifth aireet. En Bo v.i. ... i .at Part) 'ourth sir. et, and Third av. nue I he Bleib I- le. non Inatnct ?hall BSatatB ab that part of tbe t .it boo mied bt and Hing within Eaat furly bfth-aUeet, Eaat l.i r. I. ?l forty i hu i ?treet. and en cond av. nue. i in i, ntu tic. non INetrbB ?h ol contain all thai part of the en., ta. met oy and mug Wrat Eortv alvlhaUeet, j..-i ilvrr, Eaet Kent Bfll sire, t, and 11.ird avenue. Ii >? En v i at', !.Iceiion HiKtrlct ahall . ontan all that part of the lily bourn.rd bv aud lying within Kaat forty-seventh- I r l - . v. , l.a-l 1 .ji ? -. a.xl.i alle. 1, and 1 hud ay el.lie. I ?.. I'welflhl nil ,ii lustra t ahall contain all that part of the illy bouui.ed by and ymg w thin Eaal Eorty-arventb sir, ci, Eaat K. 11 r. East Eortv - ..ii . air., t, ami ha'-eond ave? nue. lue I hirtcebti. Election Inatnrt ?hall contain bi) that part of lb' uly bound.o br and lying w.ilan Eaal fort, eighth. .- ? ? t. H.'.l n.uin, Eaal Korty seventh slreet, and r. .k.ioI at. Baa, H.e loutti eiilb Eb.Uou i'la'nrt ahail contain all that juiio! tl..- illy buundid by Bad lying within Eaat Petty. blaLoalreei, Bucead ercaae, Baal forty sereaae BMaxt and Third BTsaaa IL ril.reutb Election Idstrlct shall c uilaln all that j UM mi hounded by aud lying within Kwai Korty ii .... i Klver. Eaat Eon v wv ml street, Kitsl areBoe. E ? ?i furl) eighth sliret. and hecoml .odu' '.. -ixterblh Elecliou l/.sUn t shall tonialn all that nart ,f lb. nit bo umnl by and 1-, ing Kaat Fi'l|e|h street, Eaat Kivcr. Euel f'ony nluUi sireet. sed Third-avenue i be a-, tint . nib tie, lion liUil id contain uli thai nart nt lb- I. .linden hi snd ly lug ailhln Eaal I ifiy nr?t atteet, J I ret avenue. Eaat Hfitelh-siieei, and I'Lird-erniue. Ihr ElghtertiLh Elcruuu 1-iatml shall contain all that part of toe illy baaaRMBRf ?mt lying ait aat East fifty sMvmd (J,, Eaal ia;> i. Eaal rim.ib-airrek fual avenue. Eset yut} Lisl-atreet, ami n. cond av,nue, luiaudiug lllacawdi's J?:and. ,. . ', ! Vir,. 'ia-afh Elei llori Imtriet ?lisll eontalo all that t>art bouiidkal by and lying wlllau taval Kifly thud etriri, lit... d av. uui. Eaal l-lilt Or?i sire, t, and third gvi nor. I be I ?? i t n il El. i fl"b Inatrlet shull i onts in sll Ihst part Of lh. cllj lamtiile.i bv sml mug ailbiu Eaal f.tlr thlnl Hi. ? i, I i; ?I av rni '-. East 1 my second street, ami ru t-olid *Vhi i? -a tv in - i I lr. lion inatnrt shsll con lain all that |Mirt of Ihr illy Unrnd. d by and lying within Eaat fifty tourth ptreet, Eaat Itiver. Enal 1 ,: ? v i "in! ?irra-l. >ii?l?vebur, ) a-l i Illy I Bird alleel, and hecuitd. avenue. I! , I w, i It 1 in lion lllalrlel ah.ill con I ill ti all that Mrf ui the rliy hl milled br aast Irmg Eaal Elftt .fin tti. ii, m . a .! avenue. East Mfiy ihltd atreet, ami ndfsV * rhe Twenty third Eiecileo tnsirti i ?hall reataUa ail that Mai <A UB my bounded by and lying eiuuu Ea?l Edit tfIfftioti Notire. ?IftTi 'reel. Fast River Faxt Fi'ty fourth ?tr et, and S.-caind av? ii 110. The Twente fourth Flection TMolrlrt ?hall eauitaln all that part ot the i lly h. un.l d bv and lvlug wlthui Fatal Firivayov ? nth ?trett. H?h'< ud avtuu?. Eaat Fifty.ttfth atrcot, and Third a\i Mir. The Twentt fifth Election Distrii t ? ', i-n ail that part of tho tity bOBBaidby nun Ring within Faat Fifty aeiaath atind. Fast River llael I lit) ilftli sttcct. Siouud-uvuiiur. East Ftftv sixth ?treet and Firs! avenue. The Taentv sixth Election Diet lit, I ?hall contain all that 1 art afUM r iv boot ted by M4 Ming ?i1i1i11 Eaal 1 Wveiahlh sti-ert Fast River. Eaat Fllty set . nib ?trect, F Irst-avcnui-., Kaal Fifty sixth street, aad It ooad avo lae. Tl v Twentv . i'v? nth Kb ctlon District ahail contain all that part of Um tau buuuih'u bt ami Iving Wltbla Fifty ninth street Final Kiwi, hiast Fifty c ?trect, and Secoud av t in.,. Tba Twaatj eighth election Moll till ahal contain all that part Of tba cm d I and Ivinc ? itliiti East f'iflj ninth tiiiin . i itataid aia?a. l--~t Fifty ?? w-uti. sttcct ami BM a venae. fW| N I V fTWf ASVKMHI v MwTMCT. The Tarn-1 ? ? ? v :?tr|,t ?ball tie tllvtlcal Into tacnlt rive I t1 in it!-.trio! is the i xta-nt ami limits of a Inch sha'1??.- :i? billow a Tro Ftl-al li . tlon nturtri shall contain all ?hat pirl of the cftj boaadod by and lying altbta Wool f\ntv second ?irret. sixth....verm , ,,-i t I". ri'rl!i ?tleet aild **eyi nth avcnti*. Theaeread artiourdatrtotahafl r-o,t?tn all thai t?rt or the city bajonoea by mi! Ring within VI*rat Pactv B fib ol root SlZth-?. "line. w es" f'i l U aecnd-alraa i. and Met enlb at nine. Ti.e ii.iid B>?Oea Mrtrtctahail contala all tbat part ?t Ibe rt iv boaadod brand lytaa altbta Waal frirtv Bfth otrooa. Firth avinor, We t F.o iirtb atreel. ami Mxtb-avenue, The Fourth Kle, l.hi D'.atiicl ? eo-,i iln ail that part (if Iba etil loi.ndi-d BJ aad lyleg willuo Kaat l-orti fourth tt '. lUcxjogtoaBVBBBa, Eaat Fortieth stret t. and Fifth avenue. it. ] itt). ElaaMea District ?hau contain ail that part of the rlty bonadad tiy aad lyiaa within Fat-u Forty-atehth atttnti La a .ngtoti avenue. FCa-t Fo't) -fourth ?tieet, aud Ftflh-avennr. Tbl sivth Fleet Inn Dlstltci ?hat! eotii iln all that pail of tint , Cltv laiundetl by and iving ?ithln West f'ortv-?cvcntb street F.fth ati im? . Wert r'..rn fl th ?treet, und Suth-Bvetiue. The BOVi btb Fl? ilon District aball rontalu all that part of Ibecity booudod by and t/tag wltbiu West Forty eighth aliert. Sixth attune, Waat Foity-ll'th-elrret. and Seventh avenue. The Fljrhtb FJortioc District ?ha!! eoatala all that part of the ?ft !? ? bv ami Ring within Waet F ifticth?trret. KlX'h at. nue. W'laat 1 ..i tt i ui htli atteot. and Saventh avenue. The Ninth I ti n li.atrli t ?tiali contain all that jull of the i IM bounded Iv and Iving will in eel Fill nth atreet. Fifth I av> nue, tVrai Forty<e enth etroet, and Mhrtb?aweaaa ? I be l einh Flection lualrief ?tiali contain all lhat pai t of the etty boaraaed byaad Mm wltbla Kaal PHI v ?n i ?'???>? rtreotv I.eiintrrou aveuue, F.aai FiTlv elirl Ibalreet, ami Fifth ave I nue. I ' e Fleyaatb BTtoctiaa tdstrlrt aball couiatu all that nan of tt:> ,ity boaadod by and \jj?m wltbla Ka?t fifty Iwartb atreet, ta tlnprlflB araaiiao, Baal Fifu aocot 4 atrrat ami rifthavenue. Tt.. Teelflh Election lUatrict ran lain all thai u?rtof tho cltv Beaadwd by ami hruag witiitn Weal 'Frflr-reartb I atnet, ii m .i\eiiue, Wrat rutVolbaMreei,aad atxlbareaae. 'I be Tl Irteeatb raaet <>n Meinet ai all conialt. all that pan ef tbe elti boom dad bv und Lylna within Weal Fifty aaeaad atleatj ^Ixt.i atraue. WaatFllttOtbBtlBBt, and BWVeathr [ ateuue. The FoatrtBaath Ural on Idatnrt ?h?U contain all that 1*71 of the i ill bounded bv und ivloc within Weal Flftv fourth atrtat, Sixlh-aveuae, Vent Flltj a. t ,.nd atr. ct, and seventh av. hue. Tb* fVte.t.ih Flection Weinet ?hall contain all that pan of the c.ty bo..tided bv a- d Iving trliBta Weot Ftlty.aloth rtr.rl.-I> ih av. uue. Weal f.fn 1 u.n t.-atn ? and Snenth av. me . Ta. Nxteeath rianllaa Plattlrl aball eaartaia all taat part ot Ibe Oil] hum:.Inl In ami lylar wlllnii Weal Kiln ?? rentb erriet K. at I iftt m>. tn,. ati??ft. M a.;, .i.ti at. nil". Kaal F.fty Ion 11. all ? i U w i st F'lft v font t!i air rt, ami sixi ma venue Tin Heren tn ath Iii rtloa Matibsi BBallroatata all that pert nf Uu ell) b umled to Bad Itine within Faiat Fifai-artenth. street, iA>xiiigtanaveBBe, bTbbI Piftj Iborth-etroel, aad Xadl son-avenue. The i a-litt enth Klection filalrlci shall contain all t'ial part of lie cry b,.undid bi and rytag vtit'nn Weat I Iftv-nlnlh atteea, I aat Fill ? ninth Mtia-t, 1 extngtoa avenue Beat Fifty. seventh ?treet. Weat I Uly Brvoalh-alrret, BOd ~l\tl; avcnne. The Nineteenth Flection DHarKt ?ball contain ill t'tnt pan ef lac city bonnaed ay ami Mag witbla i a?i dtrty-arat sttert. latlBghaaataaaa, Kaat Fiftyainlhalrotit. ami Fifth ave hue. I l.e I ?entleih Fileetmn l?i?tr!rt ?bail contain ?11 t'lat mtt of city Uu,mied b) and lying ?ithtn Baal ?ixtv foairtbatreaat, 1 e\ 1 iiL-bui-avenue. Eaat" Mitv-flrat street, anil Fifth-avenue. The Tweuiy-er-t Flection Idatrlct shall contain a'l Uiat |??rt of the city li,.nnded by aril lyitic within F'.a-t Herentteih ?tieei, : BxbtgtBB avenue. Fast sixty toiirth atread, and Filth BVeuUe. The Twenty secamd IBoetloa DfaMi t aball contain all that part of the city hounded bv and Inoa wlttdn rYanayarM r- ad BtajwaB I enirul l'ar?. atogaear Kirtitv ?.itb ?treet Fifth liveuu?. last Bcvewty-tlttb atreet, Cexitigtoti.avi nur. ia??i ?seventieth street. Fifth a-?-tme, Wear FifiT-iilnth ?tr et. and Llghlh-avenar, the Tweuir thl d Flection H -lrlct ?hall coi.tatn ul! t!iat pen of the ijiy bounded t-r and lrlnr within Fast Fiarhtb t li? st i ret, la-xin?ri?ii avenue. Fatal sen nlv Bftli street. ?nd riflh aven ir rwa 'i"wentv fonr'h Ktectten 1>:?lr|r| aball contain a!' that pari nf ibe inv baaaawd bv and Itinc within Ka?: Klent)? fourth atreet, Keiinfrtoti avenue, ll-st Faithni lb-?treet, arid Hftb-ave lie The'I wmi T rift1-. Beethat Partiiil eaall contain all thai part of the cat '? nndel be and lying wtthp. Ka/.| I ighty ?titti etieei, I.rilugron avenue. Kaat Blghty-fOUrth sUvet, and Fifth ?areuuea. tw kntyj?f;imni> asskmhky DI*TRIOT. The Twnnly eetiead aaaeatbly Dteulei ?halt i?- divide* itit>. t' Irtt -uue e'rcnon dl-ti icte. the eitetit and Ittults of which ?hall Im- as follows : Tbe !"i*t i I?eiIna lUsfrict shall contain n'l tlmt part of the eltv hounded by and IrtauT wtthtn F'wiat Klaij aaa ind-atreet, Thlrd-BTcnne, F.att Hfrr ntnth atre -t, and I .-xi'ignm uve-ine. i he "cc.uid .-i-i!on Io?tr1ct aball ooauln all that part nf tlie cuv iKitinrittl tiyaiot ly.'nr w1t!iln Ka*l MxiJ IRVi ?t.eet, Thlrd-svi-nuu F.a#' BtAlf Biioaad-aireat,and Iaexlngton-ure nur. Tba Ttrtrd Pi'ii-on T'i?trict -h"lt onrtata all tbat part of tie- city tKiuuded by a-.a ryxagT wltbla East --eveiitt ?? cmd atreat. T'ilrd area ic. Ka?l *-:xtt flf'h ?trn t, and la ulngton. 1 avenue. iheiourii C!? ton rttatrwi aball contain aU that part of ! the citv 1'o-uici.r i. Bed l)!ng wltbla Eaatt*eventv.?ixih I atreat. T' ir. . t. nu?, Ka.?t Bgyeely ?? eoad atret i, mid I hui aroana Tlie Fifth K ection T'!s'r!et shall eonfatn all that part of tbr cltv bouu. i i bj aad tying wiuii-i i ??t right) ursi ?inet. Tblrd atel i.e, F^aat Bcveaty-el t. street, ai d la-xlngion avenue. Ti.c *-ixih EleoUcn f i?-rict ?hau n nil ihat part of the r ty bom'''d by and lying wllhli. Faat Flghtv sivth-.tiret. Ttord-.v mil Fa?t I Ia .it- nr?i ?tt -et and I.-iliarton otixine. Tba. mo. en i h l.u. uob Die trie Bball. oatala ail that art - f the cii) lartiudod !?)? ?m lyiyr wittrin Iai?: Etgbty-elcbth. atreet, !*? i at enu? . rust 1 Vhty sittli snvet, F'Tlb Mteu-ie, Kaal I''a"lllV ard Tt.inlai CHUN Tb? Klarbth Klection lu'ti'rt shall tamtani all t'-at part ef the citv hoiiudei by and It ln?- w.i' tu i ??t Klghty-nlnthaitrawl, Tl ltd iivciiue, r ast Klifhty ae.eiitb streei. and F f'h-a . rim*. Tbe Ninth nhctmn Dletrlci shall caanhaln aU that part of tlie ciiv teiiiud-?i br and :vtng within I net n'tuctr flrr.t atreel. '?im iavi nur Ka?r P. gl.'y eiirhtb ?ti-eei, Third a > aue. Kaal I itil't) t ,ntn ?tr?a-t, and Ftna-avoaiM I t'ie Tttnih a-'ealfou Dl??r1i-1 shall Contain all that part of the rlt) bouc.led by BBS iTtBa within laisl .V met. -Ilrst I rtir?t. Fast River, F'.ael Lightv s.xth strret, and Second avrnnc. T^l Eleventh r3ea.-t.oli D'.strlet shall contain all that part nf th" dty bound-d by ami iviim vtifeta Keel Rlghtv-sxiU atrtrt Second aveawe, Kant Klghty tint d sin? t, arl 1 h!rd avi nne. in- Twelfth Ehteiou District ahail contain all tbat pert of tbe ntv bounded by and iving within FCa?t 1'trhly etxth atreet. Flrat-aveime, Kaat Eighty toird-stnet, and second aveane The rhlrteeBtb rircti-ui Mutlct ?ha|. ea-ntaiii ?1! that part of thecltr b< n dad bv anrt tj-ln* wtihlt Faat Fight) sixth atrret, Faist Klvrr. Baal ?la titlet), street and F rat-atniti.-. I b< F.e rta t utb Fie. ton l)!s?rict shall POBtsaa all ibet part of the city t .lunged by and lye* within Faast Fliahtv third street, Flrat-aveBiie, I aat Kigbty ?*cnndafrret,accatnu-ov pnne, K?v?i Biaaiy hret etrart. ana Thlrd-evoeae, 1 ? r 'Ifieeuth Kit-ctlon WBtlll t ah all mrataia all tliaf part of tbe city boumled b) and 'yina wllliln Kaat l ight v-aecoud atn<et. Utat-OVOBBe. l ei ITilgBtlrtb Btrect I hlnl-av uue. East Ktghl) tlrsiaytieet sad faBDOaa BVOBBa T?r elxtceath Kl?c-!on Diatnct shall Bafatala all thst purl nf Ihr city bounded by and Iving wuhli. East Flighiietb stiea t F.iistR lver, Fiail Seventy iiiiilb street, and 'I hlrd-avtv nue. Tee ?evrntoenth Kirctnm Dletrlct shall contain all that I an of ihecliv buunled bv aud lying wit-hm laaet Seventv nlnthetreet, Merond-aveiiue, Float Seventy aeveuth stri?*t,?ud Tblid av nue 1 br i lach Iren th Kleciton IUstrlct ahail contain nil that part of the city houudi-1 bv and lying w.tluii Kaat sevanty ninth, atreel. Laa'. ltlvrr. Eaat f?evrntj-?evriitb-street. ana secoua BVetllie. Tba .Nineteenth Klact'on Dlsliict seal) contain all that pert of the city bounded bv and ivlug wllbin K*?1 Sevesty-sev. nth street Fatat It. v?r I net -rv ent v rlftti at r.-rt. Second avenue, Karl sevi lit-, sixth street, and Flrat-avehue. The I aeoUOth Election District shall OOBtalB ail Fiat |iart of the citv boiimli>d bv and lying wit!.la East H?veutv sev antai ei'e... Ftrat-avenur Eaot Behraatj riatbartreet, h , ond , BVeBBOj I ia.l >.-t rn.v fifth ?treet, and 1 hlcdaveuae. The Twenty-first Fbtctiuu Distil.-t a- ?a contain all that I pait ot tbt c tv bounded bv slid lvlug ?Uh u Katat s-eventy j ntih st eel. Fir?t-avecue, Ba?t Seveuty-lourtha.tKet, and Tbirda-vcniia. ThoTwoBtt second Flection Dl?trl"t ?hall contain all lhat p.rt of the cit) bounded by and lying Wltbla Ka?| Seventy fifth ?treet. East River, K'a?t seventieth street, and 1 ir-i at en lie. Tar Twetitytblrd Kiectlon District aba) contain ail that part of tbe city sou tided t.y aud lying wlihlo East Seventy tnuilbai rt-rt. First-avenue. Kaat Heveullrtb-atreel. and Soc-ud-a venue. The Twenty fourth Election Dtatrtrt ?hall contain all that part of the cii) bounded bv mid ,yaug within Kast seventy fourih ?Herl, aeroiid-svrhue, Fast HeveuUetb-street, slid TblJal SM lie Ihe iweuty-flfth Eiertton District shall eonisln all that part of the citv bmiBBBl bv an 1 l)lng wuh li l.aat hevrn ti. thain?vt, Fiaat River, F.aat Sixty tlfib alieet, and Third avenue. 'the Tweiity-slxlh Flection District shall contain all tbat pan of tri- t ,iy t?.iiiid.?1 by and lying wil.'iln F:a?l slxiv fifth atreel, F' r?t-?vcnue. Kaat Sixty foiirtb arrea-t. Sea-om -avruuc, i aal sutvat. con.leirr? i. Tiilrd avent.e. 1 he TwoatwreevoBth Flection Diatnct i contain all that pait ot the cltv tMiundeal bv and Ivlug within F ast Sixty nrtiV atreet, Kaal lUvtr, Kautt sixu set<md-?tivct, bei-ouil-avenue. Fast *i lly laortb OUeet, and First avenue. The Twentv-eighth h.lia tlo,, Dlattlct shall contain all that pait of th-i?itv l>.umled by and lying within F ast sixty-sec? ond ?tu et, Kaat River, Eaat Slxty-Oral-strect and Thlnl-avc nue. The Twenty ninth Election tiUtrict ahal) conta r all that pan ot tbe cltv bounded by aud lying w?hle Fiast Sixty first -in . i, -ea'uhd avenue. FaalFIIl.t u nth street and I hirdave nur. The Thirtieth Flection District ?hall contain all thnt part of the i ty lx.iinde.1 bv and lying within l-'.asl slxtieih -ire, t. Fir?i-ave- ur, Kaal F'l'ty ninth str.-r' and serondav.-iiue The Ihlrty first Klection District ?hall contain all lhat part of the dty leouide-d by and lvlug Within F.aat Suti Oist sirert Flaat River. Faxet llttv iil iiii.atiert.Fltet sveuue, ICaat SlXtli I..-?Irrel slid Se-culld at ChUU. TWKNTY-THIIlD tBWBhUI B DISTRICT. Tl.rT en y Ihini Ait?riii-.:y in,tin t ?hall tie divided Into tr uly ..tir a ict.-.u diatilcls, the cxieul and liuilla ot which ahali i?r a? follow? i The First Eleerlon Dl?trlct shall rontain all that part of the ' cltv bourn.ed In and lying withm Flast NMnctv-firUi street, TbJraVareaaa Kaal Ninetj tirat ?treet, ami Fifth avenue The Second Election Dletrlct shall com ain all that part of the citv bounded bv and hang within F-a?t Oue Hundreat and i mil lb stnel. Kaal River, Kaat .Ninety nr?l altrcl. und ih?d a t ? BB0 The Third Fllertion District shall contalu all that pan of the rut hwaasled be aad lying wttbta Tft'aet fine llaadiodand Pea alreet Ptftaaveaaa East Oaa-Haadred and sixth ?ireel, TliirU-aVrnuc, Fla?t Nlmlv HIUi-airret, Fifth ?vrnii.? frauavrr?r rosd aa-r?i?a i eritrai Park al or noor F.igbtv?iiih Ar? --t, itl.d Flighth avenue Tin Fourth Klection DUtnct ?hall rontain all that part of tbeeiti ba uuded bv atidltiug ?ithtu i.??i Oaa?Uaadtes)-aB4 s-ixil. strrrt. Ksst ltlvrr. Kaat Ou? Humlrial and Foui?i stri?et, and Third avenue. 1 he Fifth F.leciion Distrlrt shallroiituin all that part of the nit laiuntlml ty and!) ,ng ailalaKaal Oae Hundti.! and Klev rilh atree- K tst niy.f. F.aat Onr llundred-and sixth atrrck ami .in. at. :. ? . Deluding Waid'n i-..n,| The Sixth Klrciion Dlatni > shall contain all that part of the ill) laiumled b\ ami Iving ? ItbAB Ka?l Oat UnBdren und I lav enlb sllea-l stecotid avenue. East Ohr IIuudli.l and >lxth streel, and Th f l at . nue. I br rartenth F lea thai District ehalt contain al! that part of the rlty bounded bv ami l)lng wilhlti Waal nne Hundred and Twelltb street, I s?t Oae Hundred and-'l wsifth street, 'I hiid avenue, Pssi (me lltindled and Sixth-street Fif'hav'Uue. Weal I Hie. llundred-and-1 r,lib attert, and sevrnlb avenue. The Eighth Kleactioe District shall contain ail that part of tbr citr le,umled by and lyt-ig within W eat Ono-HiiMiriai and. Founeentb-am-et. F.aai OBO II undrrd-an.l Foulte? nth all ret. 'I htrdavctine Fast One-Hum fed and I wrlfth stti. t, Weal Uni 11 iii.dird an l- rwolftb atreot, and Set ? nth-avanue. The Ninth BkacttOB Diatnct ahail contain all lhat part of the illt boulidiai bv and lying witblu Eaal Oue Huialmd and F"oiii leenih street, seroud avenue. East One-Hundreu-aml F.lrveuth alieet. and 'I lord avatuue. I hi ; rath Elea bVsa Dmtnrt shall contain all that part of the cltv iMiiimtial bv and hing WithtB Feat Oua Hundred and FIN ruth sliert. l a-t Ri vrr. F.aat I me II and rpjveblb -ii,. t. ?... o ,d avenue. Fatal i/hi hundred thlrtetuLh atrra ? ami Flrstaivt nue. i be i It raalii BkKtsoa Dlsukt ?hall conUtln all that part of tf?ction Notice. r> rial ?111 .1-01 boo tiled bv ?tii* lylne within M Onarfundnnljcnd. thalteet, Flretaeeoiie Bant Oue-Uuua\rrd-an<l-Thlf. ?treet. and uroond avenue. . Thr Twelfth Klffil.'ii inet riet ?hall contain all that part of Hi. i-tt.t lauumlod t-v and tying within Kail Dn? Hi.ntlrrd-and Nlntccntn sin-1. Avenue A, East One Ifuiid.ed ami Klati tcenth etrret. East jlivar, Laat une-Uuni^ed-aiid-FltteeuUi Mt? t. ami Firm svenno. Hi. rhlrteenUi Kin tion Ofstrlct ?hall contain all that nart of tbecitt bound'-d br and lying within East (W Huinfred aii I-Mi i n enth -trn t. Miaf avenue, Eaat One-liiuidnsdnnd Tifii rath-treel, nnd Second avenue. 1l o-irierntti Election Idstr.ct slis'l contain all tint part ot Ibe cil)-bounded by aud hin? wllldh Eaat One Hnnifred ii-nhMncte, niti ?tnet". (ru-coml-avenue. Eaat Olie-llundied and Fouitaeotb ?in 11, am'. Third avenue. Tin ritt-. n;h ' lei tiei. I li?ii !??' ?l all contain alt that rirrt el ih?- i ty beetaded by ?nd lying witbtn Meat out liuu Art'fl and ??'< v. nt- eth ?im t. Eaat One-Hundred ami-Seaou. teealk-etn < t. Third avenue. I.a?t (>iie-llundre<l-snd-Four '. i i.ih s.r. . i. Weal Ou. I'.iinJled and Fourteenth atleel, ami aen ptb ?venne. rhe Klxtreulh Election Hstrirt ?ball routaln all that part of the el'v hound, .1 be and It lug within Wee' One llundrci and Btneteet si reei. K?at "m- llumlred ?nd Nineteenth Uri el Thirl avenue l"a?t (>ne-Humlied and Wcvciilcenlh Wim hi. Iluudicd and >cveuU-eiitu-?trrct, and t*ev i- ith-arenu -. TT.? Bevenleealh I Wilmi Iilstrlrt ?ball rontaln ad thai part of thecliT lionndiit by and lyl r wltliln Wat one Hun >i ' . < Ta. ul.- ti'tl Mrei I. l"..i?t I'm- il'iii'lr-.l ai il I'v-entv UIt i -licet, Fou'Hi a-eiuie, Ea?l i me llumliedsnd Twenty third street. Madl?on-aeenue. Es.o One llumlred and Nim ?teeth BlrBel, West lun Ilun.lri .1 ami Nineteenth etioct, and fsevt-utb avruiitv ..... Tb.- i- urhte. nth Election ti'atrl. i ?hall contain all that part of ih? etty bounded hi tnatlylaa within Baal <?ue Hundred, and I w.-nly tlilrd aitenl. 11 ir.l avenue. Meet Ouo-Hundred and Mlaetaaalh aliiwit and Bedleea aetaaa ibe Nu.i in .,tb FJccUob Dtstrvcl ?hall contain ?11 ttiat pott of Ihe illy bound, d bv and 1) Ing within Fa?t < me It ii.idn d ami rweety fl at street, nr-i areaae. Baal One Humlr.?. ami TauBlll lb BtllBl. B cond n. nue. Eaat Oiio-llumlr. .1 and Ninuta? i.l b nit od. ami Third u"cuue. The Tw-utb-ih H i i tion I nutlet (.hull contain all that part of the cite i.Sled by aal hm?; within Baal Oae-HuaeaTed ami TWi mil ;h ?Mel i. Eaat Itlvei, r.u?l ' u.e Hondrad and KU.-hu i iiihaiiea-i. Aveimo a. Beat Oae-Haadied aad-Wlae i. ?aib ?im t. aad Becoad a venae in- tadiaa Kandairi l?i?u.1. Ih. 1 weiitr-tlret RleetlOB Idalriii .hall cnnlain all Pud part of ibei ii\ bsaadadby a dlytad Baal One Hun Sreu Bad Twenti louith-eireet, Ka?i Rie/ei Eaat one Hun? dred und-Taeuiieth ?treel. and First?venue. The Twenty eeeood Electleo Meinet ?uail aoatata ail tb .t part of the cltj bounded by au.i lying within East Oaa-Jtaa djearaad Tweeiy ihlrd el trial, Plrat-evraut, r.a?t uaa-Hua are i aad Taaalj -dt ?i ?ireei. ami Tbirdai saae. TBeTweaty-third Bleeuoa tHearwt ?hau contain ail that ieerl ef the cm- by and lyma within ihe Herlent iit.-r. Eaat fine IInaitrrdaadTaanljrfonrlb?Iroei. FHat Baal inn Hundred ami-1 woinv ilnrd-li.-el ami bOO ond av. nne she Twenty Tomth Election tu-tin t aballaealala all thai pun of ib.- anyhonadedby aadii i.n.wtibla BaatOna-Bna i'ted-eud Twenty soclii'i ?irret, second avenue, Kaal on Hundred aBd-Tweoty-thlrdaUr??t, LoxlesrloB-aeaaBS, Kaat One. II und i c.l ..ndTii.nty fiuirn ?lr. it. and Phlrd artbaO. i he Taraatydliib Peelloa I'twtii-t altaii?- niaiimil thaiaan BfUeaetty manled byaadblaa attain Baal Oaa-atanartd I im.: rwentyaa*yenUi-etreet. Third btobbb. Baal One-IlnB dn?1 aad Twenty teatlb airaat la-xincioti av.ane, Eaat Oaa i i in,di ei am11 eenlj ibaieVetreel and roan thai yea ai Tin-1 wenty-elxtb Blee Ion Maulci ?ballooniala alii* nt iwri of the city bounded by and lime: attblaWeel Oa< Uaadred aml Twciitv ei-. eiituaii. l.uat (ine 11 nml'i-l ui.d-'t eniy i nth atreet, Fourth arenn.. Baal nne Haadrea aart-Twaa. ty-tfib attaeii tTeal ftaa Jl andrad a aVTwaaty ilib atraet an ? Revi nil.- >? nue. The Tr. nty ? reatl Baeiiea pietricl ahall contain an ttiat if the city bonndod brand lybaa irtthln Weet oae-Uaa il aad Tbirttrth otn id. Baal one Dandred aad Thtrtieta atreet, Bwtleea aveoae, i a-' Oaa Handled aad Tai at) ?< v enih ati e t. P/| .. i n.e H u:. -.1. ,|.aud 1 w . ul t ai .etil), i.ticet, and hevi Btaaii, nue. rbeTweaty-eirbab Rleetlea in?trict aball contain an that pert of tin- 3t) boaadad by aad lilac within Baatoae-Haa. dreri ?-1,1 nurtlatavat* ?:. lei aati a areaae. i:? t Ope Una dtedmid Twenty-een ath-?Irret ami M Mlleea aet nm. f..? 1 wi nty.iai.tb i I. iliou In?!, let ?:.a.l lonniuaT th?t BBrttoa Baaaaed bysadlylaa witnln BeatOai Hoadred aan IhtrttetbeUeet, uarBwa Itlrrr, Beeead-aye ae. EaatOaa Handrett end Twenty aereefh-atreel and la>x:n?:iiin ?venu?. The Thirtieth Kielten D ?tuet ?hall . ontaia a i mai part of lln- c!tv bounded by and 'vl-i-f wlihin Her em Hlter, l^avd Oar-Haw red -aad Tbirttrth a I reel ami Fiit'i arctme. 1 he i nillv Oral Ein Boa iu?irli t ?Im.i cut iiBB-1 < hat part of Hu- etty ,.o,niiicd by and Ivlnr wit Inn ii irkeB Kit i r, F1f.ii avenue W?kt ouc-llnndreii m 1 ITiirtietb ?tnait ..n I--. v.-ntli avenue. TWENTY ViifliTff 4BBBB HI.Y OI?TIl'rr. Tin- Twi ntv fotirth *?ee-uti'.v Diet!lit ahall l?-! Into twa nt eeven eh etke dtainete, the ? (teal und lumt? ai win. u aball be ae foil, w ? i The flral y lection tiiairn t etinll contain ?1! tb it pari f the etty hounded in and ly.tiar within One Uaadredend Forty, liftti itrtnl. 1 bleibe a noalerard. one?HaBelred an * Forty ftiurtb-aireel, Huaajay Creek, I mt Blret or lasen lalaad Beaad, B'llue-ayeaae, uae Huadr?d eat ThnTty-Kka^iUi-atiaet, und Break aeaaaa. Tub lieuoad iTfirtBai Platrttrl ?'?'I contain all that part "f the i lly laiiinded by Bad ijrTfl?! ? I!bin um It'iliilnri ami I ? i't*y ?'aireei.yv titia-avenue. iiui- iu Biear, ami TBlrdareaae Tin TblM El cllon III- Iftel ?hall nOBtBla ?ii that part -I Ihr? en v hoc tide I bv and lytakl w'.th'.n ? la ai flBBilled BBd faill' ?ecoi-d-?treel. rtnailt-avniiie, One HoBdlid BBl Tblllj-rlgblb an. .-i, aad TMrdaveaae, ih< Fonrlb rlenlhin Id?tr1ct ?hall contain a!! that p:irt ..f the i ll r hounded be ami lying wltbta* ibb-MBBrtrod BBd-Perty. tilth ?treel ITllwdl BlBBaa. "n- iiBBdrad nn.l toily.a....ii 1 atreet, aad Tb rd-av eeaa I he Ftftli KleeBoa Hair 11 aball contain all that part of the city tiiuuideil i v ami lyinar wlihin lUi-' Hunor- - and I-or.v. fo.'ith-.treei. It'laer avi nue. One Haadred and l-orty ?? <.! m;,-ei, Tblrd-aeenae aad Harlem Bteer. The Rtltk Election INstrb i ahall BBBtalB all thai part at the rity baaBdad be ami lviug- wtthia Oae-Uaadra I-aad Party? Btath fire.-., i ai r-^oi aveaiB . i lae-Hawdred aad Forty d -htn a'rci t, i hird-eveBBe, <'i.e :iui- ???? ? a*..t-1 - i:.v leeead attent, Bldei areane, QuabaadrediadPBety-BaBaTtavaBtaat.aad liar leiu River. rbe He.ti Rtectaoa matrtel BtaBenatatn ?ii that part ? f lh. e-iy b-? tided be a?e* ly nr eUbln up,' lln ..:r.n mil Fifty Brel Btieet. PBiro n.i.u.', line Baadre.l ami Eorty.eiaiub ttreet, und Rail read trenne. The Muhfti El'-ci'oii lil-ul,-t ahiill contain ?II thi.t part of the cur Beaadi a by aad lybaa ' it bin One-Haadred aad-l oi t) nlatb-itreet, Kaatera ivwoue, Bnutbern Oeakevard. Baaaay fieri;, "ii -Hnadte i and Par r-heirtly-etreet. Hoatbera PJeale va;.1.1 lue-If aad re i-aad r-ny am. atreet, ^ hard tveaaaj i me HflBdredJind Forty.e-rM'ietteei. ai d mi. t BB'aaveBBe 'lie- BlBtb Elee. oti liiattl't ?f.?ll lonl.iiu a 1 Ihn part of the city hound, d hy .-itdltlny WMeln V e-U !u a . r .. v.-tii.e. Bronx lUrer, EaatRl ear -t Lone leiaad Beaad, n ?tat 1 r ah, southern Bea'eyard, Ea?ien. r.?, Onaflaadre aad tarty i ii. t ii a: eot, at, Aaa' areane, Oae-H andred aaaVFnrty cid lb atreet um; i btrdaxeeaae The l eatba BkM lien fMatrlel ?hall i-o.-tain ?ii lb 'I part <if the etty iMiuiided by and .vine ?i h n nue Handrad ann H vty. thlrd-atreat, Faant amaai, Weateb?alaratraentei aao rbbrd areaaa The Eleventh F;lectlon Mat'let ?hal". eeataln a'l that nan of t .? i) bounded by and lytaaaltatfl On -HBiedrad-end Fifty laanb-airoatj Tbitrd art lae, Oa< Kaadeed^tad-Fil r-flrei atreet lUilmad ave aie. IBM llumite.l and Hfty Nktrdatrtiat, and i learteaad u v- nan. The TvveBtb B eetlim HI -tri i ?hall I KtBBta all that nart of tee etty eaaaaad bv > iytag with tu Oaa ii ia net ta Fifty eeyenthajt eot, Tavd araaua Oae-Headied aad-Ftfiy fourth ttrVat. imnrtlend avenue, nm Haadradaxad Fifty . hint ?ueot. aad Ba Iroad areaae Tlie Til II I HOB Ik Ele ?? on fd?Hiet ?h? 1 contain all thai part Of the etty BOBBded bl and l_. Ina abbin I-n If ladfBd and ?-111 r ?rataotreeti Thirdaiyeane, fiiia llBBdinl aai Tilly '????'-.Ii. ?fre, t. aad Itelllead OtetlBfi i l e pearteeBlb He.-ti. n DtrttM abaTI eaatata an Ukal part of the etty hounded b, ai.d .vine attblB lloni- air~et. VV| aii heater aveeu- . t'nloi. avenue, i in ? H mulled au H) viv tlilt.1 atreet. 'I lor i avenue, fRaB-HBBdri'd tad ->ltty-d ?t ?tr et, ioul aveui.e ? ne itan.'.ii d nut Mxty Bffb Hreet, ThRdaxTeaaBi Old ll.mtui laaB, lioorae atreet.' aud l/uleu avenue. Tin- PtttatBtb Eieetiun ulatrvt ?in I oaertaBl all that pan of the eitv boundel by and It'ntf Wllbla tto.fherly iltieaf Tweaty-third Ward, limit hive'. Weaiebeeter-aeeaaB. Ilomeattreet, Da on av bbr OeorgB at, Od ilu?Ion rwai], ThlreveTeeaa. Oae-Huedreo and mxtj hfthartr*?<t, Kai'road araaaa, I fat ii nmltrd and 1 my eijrhtii ? i old h-?uon raad. The -tltf.entf. Election In?trie! ?'-all conlaln ad that part of lhe ett] b'liitelett bv ami lying within nartu?.'} hue >.f laenij third Ward, oal ibaaea rmn, oae Haadradaxad Mxiy-rig Ettreet, aad ilalltoad atnaaa Tin- Hevcnteeun Election I Bail 1.1 ahall contain ?11 that p..rt of the i ;ty 1 ,ou: tied by BBd ly ug within BBltbeili nue of Twenty tbit'i Ward. Railroad areaae, <?n.- nuadiBd and F.irtv naith ?ir--et. Hurl in IIIter. und i'? nir.1 an n ie. The BtBBteBBBh Elei lion Ii etTB t ?hall eontaiu all tnnt part of lh. cltt bouudc.! b.. and i>inc within north, m i..,r of Twenty third Ward. i ? U.Ja avei in-, a ,d HaMeai The Mtaotaeatb Bleettaa i l.tru i ?ball nea ala aii part of ihe city \ Ing wH!d:i Moiil?lano. Met ouiti'a Painr-ail, Wav. rlev str.-. t, liorri? ?tieei, ltaitreoai ?venu -, ?--ul lenr llao- of Iwe.iiy b.urth Ward, aud Hura-iu Kl vir. TheTwcatletb Eleettea ITaWlrlctahall eeol in ail that part ? f tb-1 iy boaadeJby aadlyiaa withla Hon ??ir.-.i, IwreV ba . -a..nue,?uiiihiriv uaasl ISreaty toun.. Want,..hi r.aih roiidat enue. Ihe Twenty flr?t Electlan Rlatrlit ?lial1 n main all t*i il part of the illy n..uu led by and within Laj net a ftaa a Old ttoaion mail, WeatabBeter-arBaae. lirom Bleer, ?..uiiu iiy line of Twenty PBBttb War t ?0 I Ford.iUln aVi-U,e. The rwaatyan aad Blectioa Dtetrtet a*aalf eeateta all tiartof the etil b un.d. d by aad wittiiu latbeataxreaat rironi Rtrar. weetcheeter-areaam, OU Baatau mad, laaiiat aveuue. Jelf.a?on ave i , i i ??. eauai -i.ue, and uambrel Ing avenue. ? 1 be Ttel-ntv third Elecilon Datriet ?i all com.-iln ..itl. it part of the auy bouude.i by ami lyiug wlfluu Pelham avenue, ramhfUlngBt enue, lie,, .-ma ten i.e.. Jeif.raoii a \, nu,-, 1?. cuat avenue, Morris-dr at.aad lUllroa-l iv.-n ia. The TWeaiy-lsarlb E.ectlou Illa.rn i a si. roajalB ail that nai t of the etty DeaBaV d by and lyiag wliau, to 'I- : r1-.u a (an ling. Klnrshrldge road. Hailroad ava nue. BartM-elreel, W uv.-ilet ?tr. et, Mcl uiub a Uatn load, M il la lane, and liar* BBl Hirer. The Twenty- fifth F.b-cliou Dlsirlit ?bau lontiiln all that pan of the ritv b Hindi d by and lyl..g a Ith n aurtbera bona '. an of i ?ri tt four b Ward. Brmu RJvar, Maaaiarouuo. RfngebrRLveroad, road to Bornaa'i lauiiug, ,u?, Ueutral an-li in. TBe Twenty ?txih Election District ?ball conlaln nil ti at rait of the city bounded by uu i lying w.tbln nionuno nial aadlyvdlng wilnaat C wetmere*e aad Iba lau- Jaatea n Whiilng's isn i, libbit s liru ik. WlUiaatahndyeaireuae, i>u^ trnl syei-ne. road to Bernau'? landing. Harbm Kir -i, vpuv ten Iiiivvl.i mk mi ilud?un r North TheTwciitt aereatb Election Diatrtetaballsnatataalltaat pan of the city bounded by Bad lung within uorih. rn BOBBd bit ot t;.c rweutjrdoartb Ward] Oeairalaivesiue, WuilaatB br dg -avenue, 1 lublt's Ilroo., binuiiui ntal line d'.v.dlug y/rt. Ham'". Wet-i nre'? ami the Ute Jaiccs Ik W hiting s laud and liu.isou or Not tu Uiver. NUOi DBBdMBHttOBtpBCIfl BB ItBB-TOBR Nu. "" Raw THf <iiT or NKW Vr.KX ) No. too Mi lnra,.T sr. ( .?rw-Yi'KK, Oat, ii, i?:-i i JvVTOTICE i? HEREBY GIVEN taat in puwa X" of section a'< of f'haptri i!7.">.-.1 the Lawaut la7'/ the Hoard of Polle.- liaa de?lruiie,l and apl>ol,,t.-d the Iilact- ot i. gi?n y ai d polllag Bsaas a in ami lor each of Hie i In ion Iil?triola of if.. , It] and i OOatl of -New. York, tor the u fciiuu next enaulng. as follows, ti-wtt; FI HUT AHSEMBI.Y' Hf ?TIlffT. /avoffon. Orcuixsif nt 1. IK Ma i eat..Jliair.libg bSBBS. 'i 4 Mo r,? ? .i loibibgatara, a. s? i.r. -i.wicbei.i aady store t. a7We?t?i . . Iioaidiug bouse. 6. hd (Ire nwich st . Cndriiaker'a snirm 0 U8 W aabii gtou st.i oai offl.-e. 7. 11? Ubi riy si .Harber anon. e. llj tiie. ii . nli al . L ml. rlaker's store. 9. lid ileavrr st. Realauralit. 1(1. 1 I'r. k aap .t igar.loie. II. to Naaaau-et. .,. Tailor ahop IB, Iff, W??blngl0U-sU.Bailor -Imp. la. Vl7 liloeuw'lch at .t'lgaratoio. 11. 7 W. al ill,,ado ay . lial bei an..p. 15. 7t) Wral Uioadway.?.boealoitk Iii. id* Hiiilann at .Kboeetore. i". e: HadesaaR .. . taaaBtacai In. 14 liea. h rt .Tailor?lor-. Ill lml Hudson ?t .Raibt-i shop. i a Weal lli..adway.Barlarr ahop. .1 iMBBdeoa-el. Talker aaara. $X l??a Hubert ai. Matuim rt swra '.'?. -. - I..,.'.i ?l._.Barher ahop. 'ii. 2<j asaaataaaaa si.confe.tiobc.ry eE' nND AM)EM HI.Y' OlsrilllT. location. ixrvu.ij at 1 llOthe.ry st . In.aiding house 2 ?2 Madiaoli al ...Raroel ahop. ti 4U Madiaon si .I ml'rlakn store 4 fi'*" Rr? Howery....Rarhet .p. no H.a?M-veitel.Barbrrabob. tt 4H i lo ut -l .Fancy M. 7 ?7 C herry el .Itoanllbg bouse. R Kb Ki-oaeteltat.Hat In r shop. . . t i-eaii si. . Olger eiats 10 ?03 Fearl st.I nahm, store. 11 4(11 Fsarl et.. i i..i:,a ?...i.. 12 Klo William al. Harlan -hop l.i V7 - . - 14 VH Ciisiobarat.Ilalh. i ? . .p. 15 4kk I'aari-st.. fay atari . i. 7J I'axkei.abaa ttara 17 44 Baxlei at,. t loth i a ? ?-ie. Hi 47 M. it si.Boat aiorr. ta la Moitsi. it... i . - .. flflfclion Notice. ?0 70 Mulberry-at. Barber .hop. 91 220Canaiat.Cigar store. JVJ 1 ift rautre-st..-....<1*aratore. 53 94** Elm-at .Bhisaelore. l H1RH ASSEMBLY DIBTRIOT. locution OrnwUt St 1 J2? Haxior-et..Bakery. . il A mom at.-.TbIIot afore, ? I?* Midi st .Shoo atom. I 15(i Mulberry-at.Barber -hop. Ml?o<VnrrvM. Barber ahop. 170 Elm-at. ...Bakery. , 302 Rnsuiie st.Frl'itlng office. 8 17ft nrmimest.Barbershop. 0 38? Bniou a-at.Barber ahop. 10 34U Hntouieat..PlnmtxTshop. 11 P rrinri'it.Rarliei shop. 1? IP7 Ebaebetli at. t'iidertakci'e. 13 SB Ea?t llnnatoiiat.Bird et ore. 14 278 MuIP. rr7.aL.Rutch. r shop. 3 5 OP Spring ?t, .Baa* ami shoo etote. 1? 70 Prlnrr at.Stable offl^o. 17 .102 M< tl al .... Hleblenfflco. 18 M Great Joiieeat.. Bun 1MB-bop. 11? 7m FourC: eve..rlunila-r shop. 20 4'.' Thud ?ve.< l*.ar atore. 21 BO Thud av?._.?'lgai store. 22 14? Kant .si?tot nth at.Pluiubrr ahop. SB 171-Third av.-.Plaaebap ?hop. 21 ".mb Third in* .. . GeetaP fumlahlng etore. 25 l.'H Fatal .'wentv-ihlrd-st.Stableiifllre. 20 20 East -aiiicleentb-st... .Taller al.op. XlCRlli ASSEMBLY IMSTP.ICT. EBjBBbm pavMieBjM 1 si 1 n.i itrnnrtwny.Barte r then. 2. BB Hrurt ?? . .shitrtnal.i-r ? shop. ?). lO/i at. 0 g?r au.rr. 4 77 t- :a~ 1 Broadway.f'mid-taker's etore. ft. IB] Ma.'iaon at.Fniir- store. E 25 Mntirne-at. BBkt ry. 7. Market at,. Hirnes? store. H IM ' hor n-st. --.>Tilk In put. P. a.', Mattet?;.randy store. 10. lift M'uirneat.Lamp st.ur. 11. I I a .Mud rue at.lain; ?inte. 12. Iff Maataaa-el .Barbarwhom, l:i. IBB Eaol Hroadwav.Harber ?hop. 14. ftfanai?!. . ??hn. matter's shop. IB. SOS DlaiBtew-el ..Barterataiai 10. inn bTbiIIbow at_ . Nbortmiker's simp. 17. 2!?o 1 'iieirv ?i .Harber ahop. 1? 900 Mediaoeist. . .OaaleSk* ">. ttfOEeel Hroadway .!'ntin uker'aspire. BO, 2Hfi East Broadway.C" let. .kers store. 2:. 824 Madkeaaal. JtaBatr. 22. 8""<'herrv st. . DtJ g?.!? store. 2:i. t Oonveraemr Baa .Barter shop, 24. dft .ttickaon at .C odv store. 2.*. tin i herrv-st. . f.riM en store. t?. W Hranmel-a?. R.rber alknp. BT. BB1 Baal nieaaway .uodortatrera store. ri 1 ill DlarTJUOT. lorf'ton. flaetrpfei n 1. 846 Rprtag-et.tvem atara, 2. S2S sprlag-et . .Barber abaft ? 227 llildM.n-ar..< gar ?t-.;e. 4. a P sprn ?r-?r.T'ninr ?r?re. ft. Hodeon-ei.Pamtata ?toro ?. IH7 Vatich ?1.?Irut ?tor 7 I dl Verleb-at. .Rarber ehot). a. 21 PoaitabrBafi. . ..Bboeetkop, P. 4711 'anal ?I.Pnitie. afinn. .0. BB enlltvan ?r.Tetter ?linp. 11. ltd Vanek-at...Shee He p 12. 102Varink-e4 . 11 .inn- pop. ik. inn \ nrleK al.i"ilnt ?bi.p. 14. liMH Varies ?t. Bboe afcaB. IB. -hi l*rlocaoi . Barbel saapt m. 17.1 p. .e ?t . .Claar atara. 17. 10< Pr-nc-ar. Vsm'sb .tore, 1?. IK4 Pnnre ?1.11 s id ? a re store. IB, 2011-piitir-si. . ... Rbaeeaajh 20. ei Hatllvaa-et.Bbaadtaa 21. 32 Otaadai.laar ?t ire. 22. iNkj 1 1 .* , a..i-..t..1 ifc-ar itora, 24. 140 spring si..1 it'ii Blare. 2*. l.S PHtiesM .I'ltJ! at-Uit. 21:. 121 Prloeo al.PbaakBWeaaa> 27. 190 Jiieeeker-ol. Cigar el era. !Hk 167?? Tbetpiaa al.iiaiiM-rstmp. 200 lOaaafcarai .Famuli v. BIXTfJ A.v-;;mui.y DIBTXIOT. Lofntio;>. <> Mrsbafag 1. M Jarkaoa-el. Baiberabop. 2. 277 Miiii-r* -t .t'lgar store. 3. ttOdOraad-al. U ar -lure. 4. IM Detaaeey-al.Objaral aa. f?. ibiitvi-si. .. ajlbm siup. 0. 4 1 l.eal? st . Tsl "t -bun. 7. BBu Ii, laatiij *i.Barberslsep. ft. 380 1?' liner ?t . u.irber aaap B. 43*1 I oliunb'a at. 1 Ia n Btora, 1<>. iBWIIlett-al .Harlarshop. 11. B3S I?<larn-rv-st... .Bltaaeaaa. 12. USA Prtaacej at.Barber eaafi IB. b.r. VVIQait-et. it. rbet aaap. it. .'.7 Rtatgi ?t .Bbae -In p. !.'.. IMBraoaaaal. iiiu.?!istore. lb 4i:m'jOtaadVal.inaarsmre. 17. I 111 .gv si _.Bar' e. - mp. |M. |7l (llnronat. Rarbar ?i.op lb. MBoawk-Sl .Barber simp. 20. (Ctaatlraad at. 1 lr?r ?Uire. 21. BB ?t. Barbereaeg. 22. 102 Ctlatua sr ...Barberabogti 2lt. IPO P.lvi gsboi-st ._ l-irar store. 24. Bit etaiiton st .llarbT shop. 2ft e7 (o'nniblast. iigar store. IB, bb Colaabla-at.C gBritettt, 27. ai7Mtanti" -st . .( aal aaWa. .-I.VKNTk^ Ar-SKMni.% i t- i llK T. XaaaWaa. ootatgead at 1. lAa Tblrd-el._.Barbea simp. 2. SB <,rii-?i.TalbM shop. 3. Ib.". W.ler-sr .llai nesa ailup. 4. I8a p.ieia aiir st.LaktiadtT. ft. 10 ? Hb ? r,erat . .l and1, st-ire. 0. B4B IFooater-et.....Barboi simp. 7. 7'*Statt at--. Ciaai si ttm, s. BB6 Moreer ?r. BUsoeebop, 9. ltd cllabaa pbica.. ... . . Paper atara. 10 BB yrove el .Baaaatata, 11. I CJtrtatnpbs*rai . . Barbel ebaa. 12. 200 West ?ah st. Hear .lorr. 13. 3:4uro u?i. ine.Hardware?to.?, it HO Ortara vtcbare. ... Bboe obere. 15. IS! Cttebra-pkaee . .,TalbM alorn, it.. ig 1 Btrawatrplaee . (igai si,or. 17. 42s. u t?! is. 71 a eat in bat.Tal iat ebap 10. EdtVeet iSfb-st. .Hbaeanap, 50. 1.' sereata-ave ._ttardwaro. 21. ii< Qreeawieb-are. . . attop. 22. HI ?,. ektb ave. la lor shop, 23. 10 Jette si .1 ? ai aBlea 24 law aiweavrteb-ara.Barber abea> ft 2A Weal i 'tb-st. Ptaater traraai v.0 2*0 Slrtb-eve . Claar at era, 27. 203 \V. si ui'i si.Tailor 2>?. 207 Weal Uft ?1 .Barber ebap, SB. IBB 1 .ib at. sunn-office. ao. 22 i? ai li-iu it.Uanm-a ?uiro. <i. 102 w.-.t iHth-at. naiiiaaaaiata BB, ?4 and ftd W est IHltl St. Hlabt. ottirr. BS. IMBeveatb-ara .Rail, rshop. .'14. lea eetcnili ave_ Ctgaf ?HTe. Bb. BflBfltrtaare. .. . agareBaaa Fl.illTH AS-aKMIII./ DIBTMOT. I or m%on. it- fii,'U.l a? 1, Ml it be. ?i100. 5. tb Prrertb-at. _ . . .Claar etera, :i. ftp1 as.ii si. Barbereaop. L pi Caanl-et.. riaaratara. ft 4 1 ? ucai nt. Osgar atari, 0. afttianai-ar.. Bafttel aiiep. 7. 81 lleater-et.Barbar simp. 1. B8 Klerfciaa-at. Bataber aaap. P. 70 ( biisoeet.. ') allot ?loro. 10 b4 romvlb si .,.?.n?rb r shop. 11. b4 Al en-si. Cirai .lore. 1;. 74 Ksa?iait .Barbel ab apt IS, i?h LadkvWHM . ta?ar siore. It. 2"u Rri.nrc st . . l'..r'.i t .-uop, lft 93 Allen-si..Shoe alorr. 10. 151 (^lry?lle-el . og-r atora 17. 1 S. Rivliij-ton at.Harber simp. if. 131 Atieu -t .Toy atsta If. ill nrcbailst. .. ...Tlaal i". BO. 104 Relancvat.Btk -i re. 51. l?s-- Btaataawt.Parbcrstina, SB, ltd Kas"X St.. .. .< l?;ur a-/,|(. BB. 14*. orchard ?t. Boj ??? -oop. 24. 40etanion al. Ib. I e, aliop. Bb. 27 Slanlou si. Rarber shop. -NINTH AfiSF.MHLV JlIM Bit T. OaaaNaalai 1. One Ore nub h st.,. < oai ofllc?. 2. 4 1 isiksoii-st.....Tailet Bbapt a. 77Oanaiaaat . Manor shop. 4. tBedlard al. shoc?iero. f. tmt Claraabaaal . iiariier shop 0. ri Mortaoi si .....Cigar ataM, 7. 17o v ? -1 4th-st . Mahle oflUe. K 261 Rs row st .Bboe Bbop, ft :;e n , ? sei at.11 ms to'rilslittigg-oO?. lo. fii nedfoiisi .. bboe ebap. IE Bt CbrteBopbaa al . Rarnershop. 12. 401 Hadaoa-at .Mi.u st,,re lil. lafr . I.11 to|.l,si el .I amly ?lere. 14. B7S waebbaaMWaat.. Hsiner ?hop. lft bli Hadaoa-at.i*lifa? alorn. 10. i(42 Bbr. k-r si . ' igsrst re ', ,. 1:,; bb e k. r st .._.Rarlter chop. 18. 2H4 West IIth at.stable office. .p. 7S Bank-st. ftia a- aaS?l 20. 6S7 Hudson at . .Harb, r ale.;-. 21. '4? P.rit at ... . . Kh ir a, 22. 4 Btitbaaa al . 1 ?r; enter shop 2::. 873 v e.t I it. ?r .. R'trlier shop. 21. 777 V.. sbington at . Briber short. SB. till lludaouat .Itltlhlrr*. offlce. S?. 1.3-"u llodsoti at. Rartirr ehov. S7. BOB Waelilngtaa el. aaae elaept 2e tin. Uadoaa-at.. Psun Bbop, 2i". ,'iHMnlli.iTf.1 hi ..r store. a... SOt tie-. 1Mb st.Harber shop. gl. ttn i euih-avi..Harber .hop. Ti NTH ASSEMI.LY DIB1 RR T. / t BBfaa llrriipini it j. HI' Foraj lb -f . ' ho.- store. 2. 1 17 t- lloiiaton at . H,ar?toro 5. 17? Baal Hon.ton -1.1 '?ftreaal ort. 4. l.<4 sia toc ?t . < Irar ?tor?'. 6. i a 1 iin'oii?' ... .. .Bart tor abop, 0. 251 Ka-' ll'iii-ton al. Hear storo 7. 22 ( 1 mwt 11 at. nattier abnp. H. !? ill t ate . . Rarber shop. <i. 4 i ra eond ?1 . ?1 'od. r ak.r s ?hop. in. :a -1- aa . ave . OaVa 11. IbTbrra-ara .Caadyr store. 12. 7"* Thud .Mai'onerv store. 1^. M Hiave. Pigai .lore. 14. :<ft AVett ieA. I : ah ,|. i:,. paPlrat-ere. Harb.r.i .|>. 10. S4 Arcane a .Cigar etera. 17. l7ftTb rd't .. . Plawaf BtOtW 1st 2"7 Baal '!!' ?I..< lirar s itftg, 10. 13H-iI a?t tth-st . Berber ebop, 20. 3011,Mb ?t .Birtierebop 21. SOB 5lh ?t.Inrber abop, 2V. 317 .Mil si.eho. .Uire. 23. tod Six! ? eve.F?rber s'u.p. 24. Ml itbst . tvarbrrahap 2.v lac 7ih ?t .Baibsrabaa 28. 4i3iuh st .H rbcrabop. 27. Ml 7r 11 at. i'luntoer shop. ii 117 Ftr.t ave .....aaaa atara. 20. 127 7lb?l. Rnrbcr ah Bf EI.RVENril AMHEMRI.Y HlMTRirT. Location. rs mpint nt 1. 20 Laalagton ave.etabh- odlc... 2.3i>4 Fourth ate. . DphaBBtefT/ atore 8. io-' i-asi Sbtb at.a boo at era. t. 40B Ponrtb-ave . . Cigar stora. ft. Ill tA'eal Jialh st .Tailor,. L40U -nth ate _. ,.Bbaeaiore. 7. tos -lath ave . .I 'lg ir .lore. B [07 W. -1 2".u. at. I alba Biora (1.2e>7 bevaatb ate . . ,Claaretore. 10. 31.1 "-rveiitb ave. .t ,aui alert. 11. 1 lb W . si Huh st . H.loci ah.p. 12. I2B Plat at. arable otbre. It. ..7 w eat Biel ?t .barbai ebop, 14.4'.- Foul lb-ore. Darker abeat 15. tut Fouttb-Bve..? 1. ar tkara. 10. bS Wool l td ?t .Etpn .s..nice. 17.417 Set. alb ate .I |K..r Hon. In. 1 ,11a Rioiidaav .ilgar store. [a. 1,.1-d I.roadway.I a?. in. t. 50, Park at .-, and a7lh er. Pal ,? . n.?.th. 51. BSsrtixiaavr. . Herber abap, 22.003 8 iib-ave . . .BarWer abapk Ha IrBb? firaadway. I'adirakere tlata rwurn Ah.>.MRi.Y DgBraior, /oof on Oareaataj at I. I III I e? ? ?I .R II la I .llOU. 2 4111 bo! Monsu n ?1 . 1 it a atara. .1. 112 I ..?I .Hail , r .In p, I 1 H'rti at. . 1 laaabes idkaa (1. .1.1 i aal lluiiaion-et. . .llarte r ab?o. 1 ?? ti. <.Harba 1 simp. 7,81 Avaaaa B ._.tig?i (flection Notice. (l 2hu a<i.??.Ojmv mym\ 9. 92 Atpuhp-D.cigar ?mre, jo. 099 M ?t.?..Barber alum. 11 23o .id-et . ...H?i (m r .hop. 18. 99? I?aat tlh-at.Barber ahop. 13. 0<> v..cigar afore. U. 70.1 3than.?la?r "lore. 16. 012 0th-at.?. Ml t..r, . 1?. 101 Avenue ('.ctaar ?tor*. 17. 100 Aeenue-C_.Rather?hop. 18. KiO A renne. D.-<Hear atore. Iff. 118 AT?iiuf?0.Barber ahop. ao. 113 a v. ..... . ?.near -tor... Si. 32. 138 Avenue C.Furniture ?Ware, 33. ll.K Aveuneai .r.ari?-r ?h?p. 84. ..UM E??t loih-rt.Harber abop. 25. 043 Fawit ft?i.?t.Marm-r rump. ?, Iu7 Avcnue-C_.Hailn-r ahep. TM I KTKKNTH ASM KM 111. Y I ? 1 ?T II I CT. l.otaUt.n. QtMpr4Blaa 1. 1 bp Ten Hi-eve.Coal office. 8. 1o8T.?iith.?ve._.candy atom. 3. lial.NiUlhave . Heiner ation. 4. 931 Waat Uta at.pubiu Heu. I i : -eveiithavre.Milk ?tore. 6. Weel Hik-et.Candy ?mre. 7. 115 -Ninth ere.QaatF "tore. R. 1115 Ninth.ave. Harher ?hop. 1?. m ?n rcBth-ere. Tte -non. 10. I >*, si-v.-nlli-ave .slmeemre. 11. [aj Ninth eve.Harber ?hot?. 12. w9lH i.lghth-ave.Cigar iPne. is. Hit sovenin-eve .?hoeetara. 14. IK* Ninth eve.Wioe ePtre. 15. Ill Nliithave.Cla-ar ?tore. 10. 130 Ninth are.Bntirreiora. twi. 363 Klehib ave.t ?aar more. 18. loll Weal 3-llh-at.Shoe ?tore. 111. lat seventh ave.Hirer atore. .... .;i Wi ?I 2Mb at.'.atber ?hon. 21. 24.. I'lil U avi,.Hatlieaa at .re. 22. 2110 Taati ave. harlier auup. 1.1 M -t N mill ave.Cigar eiore. 24. 989 Ninth ave.H.irotr"Imp. M i?2 seventh ave. s..oo ?tm.-. 20. 'tit Snventbave.ilu.cio r ahop. 27. 37;? Klghib are.Heal eatale utnee. 2H. ?44 Niutl -ate.< learat ire. 20. 3011aiulh?ve. Fancy at.ire. FMtTttTKKNTH A*?sy;M ill Y 1 >tslitf? T. ration. Paeaaaadaa 1 999 I nil 5th tt.Stable office. 2 141 Flretaee.Barber aliop. 3. I ??t lOth-et.clear ?i?;re. 4. :t!4 Baal lllk-et.Berber alma. h F.a?t12th-el.llaila r -Imp. (i. 213 Ftrei-ere.Baraef ahap. 7. TT i !, i.' ave etore. u ? ??<?> Tu ?t-ave. .Hiioe ?turn.. .. "? int.. .. .l-mleilak f? atore. lit Itlf ! ? t Hth-et. Barl-r elm,.. 11. ion lii-t are .**** i aBoa. 12. 2H5 Eaal nuhet. Barneraharf. 1.1. IS4 r.i-t are..t leer ei.ire. 14. 140 rlrat avn .Itail.rr ahop. 13. I6HA1 ?an A.Hctving inj?.hinea. 10. i n aveaae-A.? '??" atom. !7 i 1 treaaa \ .Cnjar ?era. 1?. WH) l?at Hth-at.I. nil. rtiker'aatora. in. aiiiEaai U'h at.Oaaar atata. ?mi iff** Ar.*aae-0 .BaBBet ?hup. ?A. I <7 Ar line-' .Brush ?tore. 42. 2 '? Weune-C.M Ik-fire. 971 F' KE.NTil ASSEMBLY DIBTBXtTti /. , ,(?,., i. r nie/l at I -.".'l !'. lib ave..Butter ?l?ro. 27-! Nlnin-ave.itai h? r ?hup. 9 ton T.-nth-ive. .1 tear ?ton . I ISA -..n-' ave..Tailoretore. 6 'a".i7 Tenth are.Uarm-r ate-p. 11, . I Ninn av. ( igi.rat re. 7. wji Ninth-are..raaap atata. m. pata l'. nth ave.Harber ?hop. 0. tu l Waat 994 ?t. ....Cbaaiy ?n-re. In. 428 Bleib hm ..1 'Baa atore. .1. 4?: Blatt ate.Barner ?hop. IB. 117 1.1 th ave. C-.o. . rv ?toie. IB, ias*i Tenth-are.liafbaraaae> 14. 4".7 Ninth ave .Clear ?toro. II?. 433 \vr?l37thart..I arber ?lv>p. 1(1. 443 Weet3 tb-et . Marin r ?hup. 17. 4-7 i'tlh ave . .eel -lore. is. ftir. Tenth are .^h .e ?bire. ifl. im Weel KMb et .Fancy atoia. kO. 40ti Weel llith-at .hhf.e ?tore. 21. Ninth ave .Clear ?Ions 22. atti a... Mtik ante. 23 4Mtj Mi.lh etc.1'aierautio. 24. 4HU .Ntnih ave.Clear ?Uire. Ifln Ntath-ere .C'raraiore. 2? BT* Waatastavat.?Jkeaaaeea. Ifl 37S F..ghth-ave.( Igar atore. m aofl I leath ave.Ciearatore. ; . (SB serrath are .cig?ratore. in. ii4 Hereata-are.t au 'r eMta. kl. tat aerentb-are..Barbar abaap. 12, 4 i'.' Hen ul h ave . .Shoe ?Inre. 13, tan i-;rhtn-av?.Harte r ?hop. H4. VSB Waat Fl at et. 1 allot ?mre. ;..?. . ..'i Waat tWb at.Barber ahop. SIXTHK.MII A'-SKM?LY DlrlTIUi.T. / aatBaa. 0t aaaBtaV 1. '.'57 Avenue-B.Barh r eBafk V. aaa areaae B .1'arbT ?hop. ?. 'ju? Arraae a .liak-rv 4 "H-? a v.inue. A .B?k.i-y. 5. 2f.o Avenue A . i Itar -tore, 6. 22* A .-rime.A .ah.a- store. 7. jhi? Areniie A . ?i??r ?tere. M. 247 Avenue A. NV.e ?mre. n. a vi nue. a . OBjar etore. 10. 233Areaae.A.Barbarabe? 11. ;tts Firm ave. Clr?r atore. 12. ? w Flret-are. luria-r -bop. 15. :t ?? Flret-are.,., shor?toie. It. 363nrrt-are.. Bakiry. 15, s??4 K.r?i-ave. ( erar ?tote. IB, a 14 Ural are .llak.-ry. 17 110 ncreadare. candy ?tore. 1h 42- Sn-oii-t ere. Clirar ?tore. 1;. 4i- Meeoadusee .cigar-lore. yii. ift % Third ire.Taller etwa 21. ?10 Beel 3Alb ?t .Tai! .r Mara. 22. 31M1 - ? i mid ave. dear ?tore. ? :t 277 Third art .Fnriii.ure ?tore. i't' StBTMnJ-aea. tlrar ?toie, 25. 3M Fuel ?lb-?t. Ftabie olrt, e. fd. 2H7 l inn ave.Clear IT, :i i ! i-i : ith ?t . Barber abea. 2?. 181 ll.lrou.e.liger ?tore. eKVI.Mi:i.Nllt KL.F.CTHIN HI-tTBICT. icr 10 n pah 'Hrrf 1? 1 SB3 l enlh ive.Cigar ?tore. 2 SlOWeet 4: d ?t. Barbar ?iinp. ?a. >?? v.-at lid at.(Irar atata. 4 Sad Klevetirh-are..Barber ahop. n i4l Tenth-are.tlgar etore. 6. h6< Tenth-ave.cigar ?bo-e. 7. ? 39 Eli v.-n.h-are.cigar ?'? re. |? 733 reuth nve .("andv etor.t. ii> 747 Teatb-are. titan?Mara. ? 0. fsSTeata-ara.Barn.-r latiB. ll. 7*7 Nlnih ave. Har: e-? aioro. t '. 7'1 Nln-' eve. .. Otat.t-nl.i. .3. 7d I Ti-n'hat e . Barber ?hop. il 703 Ninth-uve. ..rtgarMOM. ia. 073 Btatbiee,. rt. ?r ?ton?. je. its Blatb ave. H.-.rlwr ?hon. i7 tOO We?i 1Mb ?t-. canrtv ?tore. }h, din Ti nth-ave. . ..Berber ?b?p. o? tidTeatl ave.Cigar afore. .'.'i. -.7. Nit,'have.Cigar-'ore. ?I 55 t Ninth a>e. iigar?to,-e. il. Ml Weet40tb-et.Cigar ?une. .",3. 571 Ninth ire. Hhoeatore 5. 337 Went t-'d-f . .Vn.i-n iker'ettrra '2H. IIIS Weat 47th at. Harber ahop. ?it. 700 K'ght'i ave . Ha-dware ?tore. "7 14 t RBfbtb-ara .i tgar ?tote. "h. Weat SOlhaJt.Bather ?hop. ?fl 1,001 tlioatvr?y. Tailor atore. ho. ',- 4 lietith ?ve.T?iW>r atore. :tl. ''-I K ghtligve .Clear ?"re. 32. A4! Flghrb ir?. Cigar atore. :i:i. to> .Barm: ?hop. I I'.HTKF.NTH A.VHKM Bl.Y IHsTBKT. l.ornhon. Qaaaadad i# J. 84j Third are .t inbrebaatore. 2. I'M TblrA eve . ( fear ?tore. ft BBS l.evneion ave.viable -.flico. 1. .?14 Third-are. TaliorMore. 5. BAd Tti-r.l ave . .. Heal ei.1 ate tfllee. 0. 140 Beet 4l?( ?r . ataoie ofllce. 7. 77'i Second-are. shoe atore A. 7i.2 Be Cond av e . (ig ir ?tore. 0 740 tieread-are .aaiaar aaefk n>. Of'J Tblrd-are.sii(a??tore. 11. 7M4 sei ein? are. Hear atore. 19. 71d-7s-r. -,.l ave.Cigar ?tore. 13. SOU ri.lri.-ave. Carriage ntOYr. 14. Sfli F.a?t37thet .1 n ertaker*estore. 10.074 oe?ead ere. Cndrrtakac'a abara Id, . a -...eond ave _.?Saat eiere 17. 537 Third uve. ..!?-.?. 'S. IWI Thtrdare .Finn.her'? ?bnp. IP. Sil Baal uib ?t.Cave-eratata, 20. r.14 Bei.lave . Clgarature. 91, '.;''. Becead-are.(igar ?tore. 22. tft.1 Thud ate.Bakery. '3. tflf itiinlave .Harhrr ..flop. 24. SM aeon ad ave.Cl-ar ?tore. 2." Dikl Iii ilead a re .Bakerr. -.a SMaaeaadava.Taller aboa. 97. SM Tnlrdave.t'mieriakei'attore. 98, Iba Tblr'ave. Feed atore. 20. SOS Heeoad are .Clear atore. so. 40fl ?ieoon-l-avo .Barlier ?hop. Mi. 473 sceoi d ave .BeBBBf ?hop. MNETF.KNTl! ASsKMIIf.Y I'l-I Kli T. t ? aalOBk (?-eupir,i at 1. H.?i l.lphil.-ave...I.aumlrv. 8.02 Ktabtb-are . .tili. . ta... t'? atore. 3. BOC Eigbtb-ave. Bbneaiaaer'a aaaa. L 7ie.'N'ln; ; ave .liu'ubi ra abup. 6. 701 Nluihavi .Clgai Btore, n. 7">4 Rterentb-are.Uaraea ?tore. 7. 313 Nn.ih-avo .Barbi r ?hop. b. ?o7 Klgbtb-arc. OUUki itera, 0. 019 Kmth av- . l Igar atore. in. ,be Elerealk ave . t uar abuic 11. 831 RTath-aee. . .Mbee itera 19. SdS ate... . ... I a.lor ?iure. is. os;i Klabth are.Claat atore. 11. M, W. oar, 50lb ?i. aud 8th an t gal ?Hie. 15. ?77 Tenth at i _.( ?mit itofik. lo. sti IQevravih-are. r.aiiai aboa. 17. '.?.::? Ninth ?vi- .Tallin stare, 10. Boulevard. K. OOT. MM ?I.Yaignt Man. lb. jiouii t..r,'.v\. - i.-t'"it. ? i'.-ib i adertafcrFa aaota. 20. IIOBB?racd.W. .-.,bei.??ih t Otfth Vacuuiatora. 21. ihliNh .f..brl. Iillii a 1 Ith iv - i'.,u!) -tare. 22 Boulevar'i,l'..>*..bei.77Mi a .3th Fane* ..tore. 211. Ibrnk raid. hi t. Blla .V -'-Hi -la \ .. an' ?|.u,.. 2d. Brea4wa?,b*l.07tb B0.itb?au Shot eiere. 2.. B'way, tS s., bet. untb .e lontb \'ai tun atore. -ii. I I III! ?...Ii?'. Ilia a a !..,H\\! I urlll. .-. 27. 'Ulli uv..het.! a? in e .1 Mnnhtii l.arbri ah. IB, B'way baklTfibd 1:1:1, .1. Kietloaerj rtore, R.H loth ave .ho, ? ", ,i mih?h.blip. w.s. 1Mb-a rennet ifnth* ,qmUi in.rnei ?i..,p. 11. !..?? Klnaa'baw read, 1 ."4 .? l7StBCeadj a.or... W.l4.Klngao kteo-raad t 183d Daeniac oJ. 268 We?l Wollt ?t. Bal -rr -hop. TWKNITKI'll A ? hMtl.Y HIS Till. 11\ jo aii. it. ob ayaedaa 1. dos riiii t ave . SJkaa iiarr. 2. 71' Haid ave. Clgai ?!. ,.?. 3 sin Thint.are. Bai In r ibpp. 4. Mint 1 hirdave....,.I igar ?tore. 6. Irt'? Kaal ft7th-at..Rai her ?hop. it. Tau second eve.Tailor ?tore. 7 -;7 a-, ad ito.Taiieratare. I. TOO I'lul.! no ...'. . II. Jr. rial..r at He. 0. su Sccoiidave. C.iBdl ature. In. 725 Third ave . CaadreUita. 11. -07 d ave. Caad) atore. 12. 3eO BecoeeVare. Caad) ton 13. S0.I-ei o. d ave .Halber ?hon, it 787 Thir.-av. .(ign alure. 1 *>. h00Herondaira.. HhianetoM. lh. s ;. Ihir-l av- .Khia-elm>-. 17. 2111 Ka.t sou -t.Barbar ahop. In, 070Bccnaoa?ee . Rbea etme. 10. ON -.n. . .Cigar .!? re. -.ii ii wj uve .shoe abate. 31. 1.01! s. are.. Fartu-i alaoa. 22. 202 K 1-1 S-ttb ?I.Ilaib. 1 ?n ... 2 . Ii'3d - . -n ' ave i -|gi.i -t 84.026 iiiiid-avn . .... Ckrarat ra. 29. l.OoH I mt ave 1 I ai . I ?;.. ;? t.i-7-scciiini ave . ... fiaaralma 2.. 1.111 eaaao-are . .Cigaratiia. 2s. i.i ti'. s. coi.d era .. Matten er/ etara rWKETl p1xbt .laafMiiii D1BTBICT. /<.<afi , 1 i 1. IS ' WeM 1 -t "t i' bm b 1 ay 0. latlH Biaadwey Ciaaretiwc, 3. Ii- W. ?| lad at ll rta r -hop. 4. I H Farh are . Barber an 0 5. lib I...I lub ?i ... Wareb 11. s:ii atlibNira . i Igai ?t i 7 hi!?aisthere . ie.t.i>-\ ?? ir.-. s ;.: -. ?? n; .ne.Barb < thorn, B, b08 aixtbwva atata. C*Ic.tion Nolicce. 10. 11? Fatal Slai-at. Candy Bb It 1 1. .'.07 Madieir, ?t??. II?-? I estate office. 12, ?34,.Hi.rb.-r ah?p. It, *i3 Savmuh-avo.?'taar atore. 14. 0*11 ?lalb-ave.Rsrber.hop. 15 in'. Sixth ave. Bather .bop. IH. !t-4 Sixlh-ave . Flowei store. 17. 027 Fotirih-avo.Lpholatery iwrt, IH. 2 Fast fttllh ?1. Rarhei ?dop. Ii'. 73 Enal Va'h at . lung -tore. 20. UU2 Foorthave.Bakery. ?1. ISO East oft t net .OBettk 22. 10S I.not TSd ?t. "tab e office. 23 72 Mai 76th *'.stride nffl. a. 24 133 Kant H.Td-st. F inntiire -lore. 2ft. 10? Fast not ti at. Harbor ahop. TVVKNTY MRCOMi AHM KM HL Y HI-STRICT. EeaSBfM 'flifint as 1. i,i?..t Tbird-ave.Cbjarttere 2. 1 ,o62 Third ave.? Cigar ?lor?. 3. 1.111 Third are.siailoi.-ry 4. I,.122 Thlrdavc.lira! ??t?teoffice. 5. 1 - ' Last 7?th-el. Tailor ahop. 0 I. tab's Third arc. Sewing ma< bineftoto. 7. I 53? 1 bod-are. Cigar More, a. 1 - i i d-av?. Cigar atnr?. 0 I.6?I Thud-are. Pilutiiig office. lo. 1,1,76 A venue A. Harlier ah'?p. II. 1,47"> Third ive . Real eiute office. 12. 1 .ft 11 ?. < ,.nd ave.Ralterj 15, l.H o Klrat avs . ra|?-j- .tore. 1?. Laif Beaaa utr .< igar rtore. 1ft. 1,868 Sccondave..Fanrv gi?et? alore. in. i,v.4 Haeeadare.Harper ahop. 17. i,3?7 Third aia .tJnheaBterj ata-e. IH 1,4M I First ave. -In* alore. 10 l.l.o First-eve. sh.iestore. SO, 1 417 Beeeaaa ave . iMtae atore. $1 1,483 s< r..ii'1-eve...shoe at-'re. Bit 40? Kaat7iat al .statlonerv atore. 23. 1.IOM Hin-ond-avi-. ... I>ver'? atote. 21. 1,227 ave . Harla-r ahop. 2ft. !.2.'jO Sec.MMl-ave . -hoe "lore. 20 !, 11*3 serum! ave .Stable ofll.-o. 27. i iuj nnonad are..shoe store. 2 . 1.170 Baeaad ave. . tiger store. 2?. I,|M aateul ave.Cigar ator?. 50. 1.1 si Beeoad avo.Harness .tore. 31. ijN Bt.-ood-ave.cigar alore. Ttt ENTY.THIRD AWIMIIT I)IST IlICT. / BB n. tffupttd at 1. 1,640 I hud are.Harber ahop. 2. I.h',7 Third ave.. . < u-ar atore. 8 1,1402 Thlrttava.Barbel ahop. 4. LMBI Third are. ..1'iun.ber abop. 6. 2,128 Matitad BTt .Bakery. rl. 1,005ThireVave.Hakery. 7. 1-9841 Turd ave . -. ?1 -tore. 8. 2.0Mn Thlnl-ave.HMMI ahop. 0. 2.041 Third-are.Heal eatale office. 10. 2! 1-0 s.o..nd avo.roter more. 11. % j.i- llanaadave.< braratore. IS. 2,JB1 Mtal-ave.Harber ahop. 13. 2 248 sernud-ava.boot and .hoe store. 1 I, 2JI '.1 S. eoml ave .ri?ar spire. I. .. ifts East 117th ?t . iirmery atore, 1?. 2.152 1 hirdave.Tailor atort 17. 8*801 Fourth-ace.Plumbershop. Is. las hast I2:<d-et. . Fxpreae offie*. IB. 2.:v44 second avi. . Barber shop. 20. 2.382 Weeeaa ave,. Harte-rehop. 21. 2.3-14 Finn ave .Bakery. 22. ?'. 04 axsondave . Confenionrry ?toro. 83, 2.42a t'lrst-aee.Ilal-atate otfli e. 24. 2.3 11 Third avo.Keal estate oth. o. 2ft .'... to I . c.gar a ore, 26. 47 latst l2>thet . Stableofhc?. 27. 2,001 Madlaa ive ??? .Beat an 1 Hrsta store. SB. 2. -I Four Vit ave .Painl store. 2a, .'.34? rturtl ave. BarbaraBea. 3. . 2.102 Foiiith ave .... Plaiuber shop. 51. Fast -lite Suth ave., tsstaecn ll'bth aud 120msta . Flower s'?re. TWE.NT Y-Fot' It I'll ASSEMHf.Y UlsTKICT. I.nation. Oaaaaatal <u 1. 138th-0t. aadH llm evard.Uwrlluiar. 2. l.i 10 ata ate and IS6th at ..... .latwy.r*a offlee. j. Thtrd BTl bat, ;.;'.0h and 140th -is .. ."luinb-r'a stcre. 4 Tbiid avt:.. near lt.'.ll. at .plumber BhsVe. 6. Iliaih al , near Th|-d-ave.Pmiuber a ?lote. 0. Third ave., near 1 Ltd at.< i?ar atore. 7. Thlidata bat 14MB and lftotn ata.( Uraratore. f=. UBlb si., near llohbins-ave. iKvelltna. B. I4t?tti-sr.. near r'oncied ave.I>w. Hin?;. 10. Tbud avo. ami . Harber "hop. II. CiMirtbtod.ave. and 15 3d-et. Ft. nil tu re store. 12. < Hurt land ate. and 150th 13. Third a?-e. and I '.tfll. at.Harber ahop. '.4. WaMhuiart/oii-ave. bet. 104tb and IH.' _ Harlier shop. 15. 167th *t. aod lUlltoad-ave.FrUitma office. 16 'Ib'nl ave. bet. lbtuh and 17orh aia .I'larar arore. 17. Ballnead ttr aad IBBtbel .uverv aub;e orBee. is. t urner Ofden Bint On h?>d ata. I'welllnK. li*. Tor. Motir'H- an ' 'u. hud ?lAataut. 20. Morrbvave. bat Kailroadave and H'aBhhiyirTi am . .Crabbeaaai 21. Heaiaa am aear ITlTbabsa at ? BBaa aBtOB 22. Main -L near Samuel vt tiw iiiii?-. SS, i'or. Pordbaat-eve ami htaaraaat.PweBBatB 2*. Wavi ri'v -r bat and A venue. \ Fnoeeuple.1. 2ft. Oar. Ktaaabrblia-riabl and iL-r nan ate . shoe etore. SB. Klaaearlatte.Vacant. 27. P.n.aowar and'ibt l osl It,.ad .TaapatBMa Hall. Ctramooatf and Railroad*. 1 DALTIMORR A ND OHIO RAILROAD. \> la-Ht-e Xew.Vork fnun find of IS-sbrossee andi'oitrt lamp ata. 8:20a. m. hM V. a-lilncton. PlIlBbBIB, t'o'nmtm?, ?'ineliinatl ladlanapolia,tlilcacoaad the w. -i, Rn-hmmd, r-harlestoe. Bad taaliooth PBilaraa ears from llaiilruorn to Newark Ohio, p ttabura a. t chaaaaa loop. m. lor M'asliiualon and Ih* West. Pnl.'uan ras? Iron Itew-Yorb ta Baltimore aad Wa^bafbMkj makma ateae ftitie. t! mslor 1 itl-burr UlaCtaaatt, Ind:anapolls. LoaHrTl I? mist. LaahJ 1 i'u?u.a'i . art. Halt. 111 do to OtbaBb catl and >t Laata, , ? _ 4 < o p. m fot a a?hin?toii ami th. making- same era pact ea tor Lb* \s>.t a? Uta l p. at tiem 10:00 p. tn daily, f"r vt asiuugton, tim Kontb and Weak. Pall rnsn llliapt'la fi in N' w-Y?uk Ui llaluir.oro and Was'ungtoB, leak i-.-1 . .11. nee'tons lor tldca.- .. 1 inc.nnali. ladkaaaa* I v I ..iiietalle, sl Ianua. i'olutohus, Hr tab ate, tne BBBlh ami s.uithwrst. I hmugh Piidmau 1 ar? fr..u. Ha tlmore to I Im 'a nan. ooaaecte ar vva-hinaio i with traina for l.vo< bburg. Florida. New 1 ir' an. ami the eouth. l-.r Ihn ufti in a. :? plo.iae call at t'oni|>any'a <'fflee, 315 Ttro.-idwHc rtea Tbrk, and at t.eket ottle.-a, foot of I'lrt.ahdn aad rteabioeBi e ata. aod Ijopot, [ereel J Itv, RO?KO TLIF TH EFTS Tn h"ANf.AH, JfEHIttSKA _ A NU tULUltADO ~__ CH)B BRIDGEFOtt I' anil all poiata mi Nan X ratuea and Housaltinic luilroaita -stratoers leave Celh arme SM,, tr,t r 3... 1. it. I tbtilt al.a. i.i and 3 p. ni. Fall loner than by any oilier mute. L^OB ROMDOUT Bad KINGSTON.?Ja*nt.iBg I atCoaaeaa (WestPotBth carawaO, Newbarr, KartftatC Millen. l'ougnLer|>s|.',, eoi:i e. ling with I"1.1? r . ! I--?>??,in- ami i Vallrt lta:-i>aid* .-1earnVmis .1 * M I - "? 1 . LDVA IN and I UOMAM Cul.KI I I. iaave HaIi.Y al 4 p. Ol, I'ler 31. North lover, foot of Harnsatn-at. Ft. eld -hi a, wi.i a rtiumav. ( im -ll 1. aves at 2 p. ni. 1H)B NEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING PtBLlk will i K PJOtJTt IAIN-. M 1N IllKAU aud In polBia, Meaniera leave pi-r 25 E It.. daily iSuudava exceptodi, at 3 p. tu. slat ll p. tu., Cwnnecting altbaperkM trains a' New Haven f*r itart/ortl. -unugti. id. tU nckSieeobl and bag-gap.- rlierked at 04 4 Hroatlwar, Nea kork, 4 CourtaU, lirookiyu. Uixara.uu to New Hatch aud it,iura, gl MX,_ VOW NEW-HAVEN, it* surrotintlinkra nnrl al all atallaaii ea me Sew-Vorw. i:.??i*,n and air Line, Heib> an I Berth Hamilton Pallnada direct-IbtaOOBM JOHM II H I A I IS lad FKA> I! - ' 11 UN I Mi lea.e Pier lh. B, lt., foul of t\.nlan<lt-at? at :?;'. in. every night In the Beat excepi Maiurd.iy ; arrive in N?w Haven in time for all in..iinng trains on all railr.avls ; liest fact ltoa for pass.-n. 1 r. and liria'.i 1 fare. *1 ; exeiireloii, ?I Ml. etann's >'? s list :. lian-portuUwi: lane. Jl?ll> B. BTABIM, _Proprteter. I EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Ja A HBANtik MI.N I Of PAaHttROBR THA1N?. Marrh L'.o. I-.M Leave deia-tf 'is-l of 1'i|-tl indi aod !.-.-- . .-. loo p ni far, HetbioOisn, Alleiit?-?n. H-taling. Mauch 1 ban.. rlazleton, ftry, Aataaml. Wilkea tiaire scrantou and I uiikhann*n-t. U: 'O p. ui. Night Ftpreas, daily fMr FAaton. both ? V"-n. AUeuiovm. Mancfc thnnk. Wttgesbarre. hltnira, Hbat-a, tieaeva, Aabara, Itorbeatar. Buffalo. N agara Falle and tao Vv tat, Pulhnaii n.cntng loacnea eitarm.L Ri ib 1 s 4 v hF, sup't aod Saara Uthtral Eastern Odiee, corner churt 11 and t ..riiabdt-ata. I HAS II. t i'MatlNua. Agent. Vi\v-Y<?i;K CENTRAL ami HUDSON a.v HIN Kit KAlLlti'tP ' oiuaoa. inr ee, t 1-7A Ihieagh nalaa wtlltaavaOraadOaairal tiepot: e: Oa ni wool re aad .Nisrtheru Fipresa. drawing roora rara to btaahjaatat Uta Albans, and M Bkraal, via Sarai- go. |i'?0a. in. t bieaco and Wea-ere I 1 orcsa, drawing room cars tm'.tiian'iaigua, R.-cl.-eater and Buffalo. 1 i si a in . y xptees to Albany and I rov. aiih aoiincctlou* to l ina. suraUKta Oiene Fa a and Rut Ian l 3 3o n. m.. s ig? y. ape. 11 b Albany and ..-or. 4o- p in A.balivaud Ihn Hxpr.--. 6:0<i p. m . St. lamia hxpreea. daalv. wiih ateeping cars for Bt. rxiaalae tuioua-u evrv day ut tae week ; a:*, aleep. Uig 1 aia lor Ruba >. Nlagara Fall?. Tuie>io and lietrx,::, an I lor M. utr? bL ex. cptiii? Haadar lUgbt. via "araioge. 1 :? 111. Faat Kipresa for Rocinaier. Niagara Fall- and t'cniinat.viaUeaeva. h..eptug .?ia to brunx Uarhaatet Bad Nlas-ara Faiia. 'i f. in ParaSa Baapaaa daily, with alee ping cats for Bocbcatar, N aetal - Patla, Ruilaio. CUvetaad, 10.00-1. Darrall and Chicago, alao. ex.euliug Salurdat night, to < "aVlou tud Wale now a md. rxceptlaa Tatanbtr aad ?uu.ut aagbte. u> Mou.ii al via >u Aliiana . uu S.tlunla> ? Uouln-al car i.-..t.-?ai 4 P. tn. lloop ni., N'.^ht Fxpreaa, with sleeping cari to Albany end Tiov. T.eket.- for ?lie at N'o?. "2.72 and 413 Rroadway. au,; at \\ rata .dl Ftpre?. Ciiniiatny'? Ott? -. Baa, 3 Parfc-MBCas, ; .j ami tn2 Hiotulway, Nework. and 333 Waalu-igtou au, Kn.okitn C. Ii MBB BEB, tien-ral Pxeeenger As- ct. T l!K ERIE RAILWAY liii.ltilal and 12 1 ERIE BOd WI.-1 I.RN H.VILRuA 1' At rang- tu.a.1 o. tralaa, taking elTect Julv 14, I?70 : p.1 ciarlaaatl aad i'hlcage Day Exnreaa Drawlaay room c acln-s ta BattaJa Bad saopeaaaea Hr. it;'-. 11 p in. (Daily) PaatBB. LoateVxprwaay atrrrtag at BaCaH sa in., c 1 ting aitbtaettgalBele iBa WmA *mt aoo k aeai. J'iiiiniau'a best Brawui*- it?-u i t-i.-i ptna Coaebee u? BataakB, 7 p. 111. dailvi Pacific KxptUBB m the tTeat - . l.H..,.a IMoilall lo Hillt..... Nliiin I I l? i hi. . , nail and I'hitago wilhout change also Hotel Inning can 1? th.tasis ,? p. n, .till 1 r tin f.u tin- tt .a: train.- b at.-1 u -uuImu- miv. 1 1 t-pot. New York, far .Newark, i' ?j. m: 10,11 ?1 a. 111.. bltt, 4 20, ,-, .1, i (a, T It p. 111, and 12 ui.iiulght eatiilday U gnu only, sutnl iy\ if 15 a in , li 30 p. in atalbcrtetxi Fat*, aad Paaaaae, 6,7iaA 1A, IBtSB p. ? ,? 10:20a ax. tralaetopaat Maibarlord PiarB aata on eaadapei 12 n.aaii. I:!.* 3, ,...'i, 4.40. 5.|o. .',..10, n:lo, 6 itO. a, |o a m. 12 niidiilgliL ftiiudaja, v, M:3o. In :n .1. in., l.ta, e, Jo. f 0 u ui , and 12 mioiuuhi. Pairerataa, tt, 6:1ft. 7:60. 8.40, 10. 21, 11 M) a tu 12 1.0011, I.I'.. i, 9i lit, BlBtt, 4:20, Lit.a, 5:10, fttSUj BtBOy o In, 0. ao, ',, 7 .ai. 8, lo p. m.. and 12 ni di:i*hi. kaurdara a. n u, 8:1.'.. 10:241 a. Bh It41. 0: ", 7. tip. 111.. .tu.t 12 nii.iii.aat Mult.m i.. . 50, la jo a in.. i i '., a Vo, ... ti.tiA 7 u. 01. 12 ht. Bandaj -. 8, ?-.-.<?. 10 2 ? a in, l;4? i. . ii, 7 p. na, _ mbli'ight. W 11 au k, 7 oa. m I Ml p 10. New bin ? aad Cornwall, I MM* 8 a. m , .1:30, 4.30 p. tn. pn. dai o a ui. 1; 11.; ntand :l" 1 m. Suuaav?, s .ina. a'i:. slo-i. ?.. '. ?1 -.; I" -11 1 a ? a, 1 v, 7 p. m. Sau? ds? ? . - bi. lOrIM a ni.. u Ml. 7 p. m. Bhldletvwn. ?" HkSOa in . >". 4. to. 7 p. in, Man Bat s 10 -? a. BL, h to, 7 p. 111 Tue a a, ui. an I 4;a.l ?. in trataa l ino-. 1 w:-a New-York aiid?'?Wego Mi.l.aiid Raj load al Maul el ... pert Jervia B.I IB20a m. 4 -o, $, 7, p rn. aundaya, s:3-., 10; .'ii a. in ??. 1 u. ana 7 p. 10. \ .ii Heals bat 1 -ids! quarter of ami euarter a ftci etch Baal man b *?? ?.a too 4.'- p ni. an I at In 15 and 11:15p. in. To aria (01 paaeag.- ami lor epeilinenia in |i ?111 - ? ma can be obtained, and orders tor lag .. . ina an Ira Bale! of Itaaaaae Btav lie lelt .t the 1 ,11 pa 11 i'rti.e-, .. 1. i'i o. ?:.* area away. K ffd No. 2 1 mil. al. 11 took Iva, BB Bt tae Com, ia lit , lirpvla. 1 \. r.-.- 11? ,,. Iituii Hie Weal an ,. 11 s. , \ ork at 7:Jj 1. hi.. .2 -1 itml 1 ' 2? p. in. J.Mi N A lill<i'I'T. lieu'l Faaa-r AgL. Now \ ork. SORT HI RN RAI1 Ki?M> 09 NEW-JERSKY. 11. Baa .. are i-o i- tud, as ?i. trteater. Ptrr i sol ami N?a. ? - e- ? '?' i' e in , I. 8, 4. ? i. it*', .. la, .HI. II k? p. at. t-ti at- ... i. uad I .-'p ut ll<- I . >i p. ai. traio will have?4?aduatralalei -a u.a iv aigbta iigai et, i \., t a.i ? not , ,i ...i a ni., 4 mi p. ta .v AliiaoTT, ueu. Paae*i Agt?N?w.yggtb