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10 W A AND OHIOi ORATORY ovr.R-THK TOTRfG TO Pay. UK. I i ItXS t l.'Si s Tin: campam1h in IOWA h it4i A 1!mmim> ??B \M*>-M|-i IIN<<?TMR IUI II F IN ohm * IAIO SXH liii i o\k?m im IM iivvNS n 'n tii'tm. S< Mt(N BlgJos sbOIM iho clowlaAT BfHHReh ?>f t?t*? campaign in l<?w;i yeaterday :it Cbarlton, |o SB amli? mc Which covchm! two acn | of ground with ? solid maes ??f humanity. Tha i , i; Inf a aa rery rathtuiaatte, Charles Posset rl?.-? ?I hi* eampaigfJ in Ohio .\? si. nlay with Speeches in Iiis own COWBty, An cxltr-nuly vigorous effort lust beet m>m1?? be lbs Re> pnblicani thii roar to carry Ohio, The ineakers have boon emim-nt nml anrneenna, ami have work od hard, Tito RepoblteaUia lauf night were full of confidence, while the pi'tuoorata did not expect to elect their can dkates. _ Mi: B1 KTXE R PEA KB IX) 29.000 PEOPLE. As KvortMora mi ?km. at CHAorrox, iowa??tor RAiMRM IHSCMHKD MK>Wa mi; BLAIH1 in icy t? lroi m m t.i nir TRIBtisi i Cmvkmon. Iowa, Ort. 18.?Enotau? es the eat. pouring* were at Iba Blalna m Indepcn ??? iic uhI low.? tity. oao nald In re to-day fai ?ur juvmiI i'.ii.i r ol Hu in. Ii tu literally I a meeting of all BoataWMtorn Iowa, The I ?. B irilagtoa nml Qniney Railroad, on it*j T i n Hin rant and weal, and op ? all Its branchei,* i> extra trains, practically emptying fr?m twelve, t.. littean rountiet <>i Iowa bite Cbaritnn. Tim vehicles ptenoni wereuoi bared by thousands, Tlio i i on kotaateck rnaembled a brigade ol cavalry. ; iddiiion to ii?- lowaa outpouring, Iure?1 niini I bers were pres? nl from a.v> < m , m.titles io North >. - -?hu. i aa < iiv araa decorated la a saperb Husnner, ] \ i ? street bad arches sad floral decorations* An latareeting feature of Iba occasion w;.s that Sir. bbtina ^m? mat al Iba statuta, a here thnnanuri* I . i omappaepMed i<> greet bim, bjr Mayor \Y?>od ward, a proasiaeul Democratic leader, who r<tie by iiia i le at the head of the araoseeion, welcoming biiu sa Iba iaeal "i the ?iIy. The Dumber preaeol at today's meeting w:i?oj Rglimstsd bp ? RM a- I l|th aa 40,000. The spaas coveted hp tha. sadteucs on the open gieaa where Iba aieeting wa- l-'.i waa n iriy two nri<-i in i xii 'ii. Allow Iritr f??r ail paeaibst exaggeration, Ike re ?r,n reiiainlv j 1,000 aeraoon ptesaat, A btrco number of llerao crate were pr?sent, a prominent one of whom re? marked thai if Mr, Blalna wi re the Presidential candidate be would rooeiva folly 10,000 JJouiorratic Total in and weald have tka htrgeat majority i ret givaa to any man ia thai Btate, air. Blalna aevei .?ii?..k?' to better egeetthan to < iy, tboagh only a atiaority of Iba vast audience pt eat wera able to beat lii*n. The crowd was. t lead, far beyond the leaehol ray human voice. |l waa aathuataatM and daaaoaatrativa even bej'oud til-- liiL'h raaaaef Weaten Radieaoea. No reporter, aoi any aaa <?!>??, .-.ii!.- la draw Mr. Bl?het int" QOIiTBiOatiOR mi the aubject ? : tba Prealdenep la connection wirb hin:? 11, bat he aaid to-day la eooTeraatlna quit" onblirly that tba pupal anty and prent ige ol General Urant iu Ihta country were far bey* ad tbo8.-..f any other Riaa, aad would prove irrealst i Die. AH ti?ma to dnj were pctifnaely deeoratt^i with flagM heariiig tb? luacription of Iowa for Blaiue in 18RO." In aomerable banaera wi re w< ra borne in the j?io.-.-?.. > B expn -sim; tin MUM M in ?a ry variety ol languRga. 1 APT RIGHT OP I BE ?'IIH* CAMPAIGN. iui RJ i i BUI \ M RMMtl COMFIDKXT 1 han KVKR? WMA1 HAJ HTIU Hit. DSMOORATI?TWR law Aiocr aoinra. aam ixo oautsa luv IRIRCRtlR IO SHI IKllilNK.I COIXMBOS, Oet, i;i.-Tbe 'Minn.iii,'!! ? !????> with I. - i i>r.i>(>. > t* f..i 1.'-i' jti victory t"-tnor law. Not Ibaleaal doabl k felt Cbairuian I??'i? ii - ", or i?y any si the Republican leaders here lo Tiiiilit. aiH.iit Poatar*S aaeeaea. ladanl ihr Hirnrrmi t . .s io nut up formal tatlmattll "f Ins majority. No Mii-'i coiiti'l'-me [?* expr?'>a?-d )>y the I)?im? rratieehlefa, They eooiloaeto etaim a (.mall uia Jonty lor EwiruJa but it ia plain from their tone aiiii manner that Ihey regard the battle aa lost. Oaaeral Ewina in r?-j?orie?l i? aayniK to b friend two days ago th?t he had pa espeetaStoa of being ekoteii, aud thai k bad baat aaed vary badly i?v TkunipMtn and the TharotaB faetioa. l?v this do meant that the I'hur snm paaals wass si visa aim away to miu votes fas thai] bMHRsboss n?r lha Legialatoro. it i-. aadoubtadlp true that kmtrnctions were ttal out Is lbs Demoeratic HMDagers in all the ? km ronntisa to k'.?in votes for lb? ii legialattve ? . il it.-i. at any na( iiti.fv..t.>f..i Living. From in.*- paiol ol \ Rtw tili? i? verj thabbj treatiih nt iura ii m wbobMoarriad tturoogbaaharda tlitbt aa Kwiok bsastadi : bal it k dafandsd on the ground that Waes it baeasaa svulral thai Ewiag bad no chance <: -? eceaa, an eflort to aavi tba Legislature and the Ikaalofship from t he inet Itabk wreck waajuatiflablo 1 Iky, I'm- aogei "I Ewing and hin fnenda at i.i i sshesBp Is aai greatot than the diamnri of the o)?i ]? m ? rath < leraenl ;?t t. ?-1? snlta of In- candidacy. Everybody leeanow IhatEwInp/t fluaocial ren?rd and Ina commauiatk apseches agaiuat the money saves will coal the partp more votes twicoovei Ibaa it w ill w in. 11: boaatkig "i tin ii. i, ... ia* ? tin days ago bad ?? I. >i> ..ii;.i.i.- of iii.i.ii's second etmlribuliou to I i campaign fund, Tbey suppoaed that t v bad perfected arrangomonts tor captur i tin- antlra vote <-f Iks seerei v>. i.iy ? ? <i ?' lh? knights ?>l Labor," which nuiu 1- - ls.iM?ii tarn bow in tinio. M8au' Cary got i to the orrauisatloB,and worked dp to be itanectuid ?.. i. rha schcsia waa to have Ike h?-ail ol the anjei ami ita EseraMva ComBaittaa hwue a eireulnr BrdVriug all the mtmbers to sots for Ewiug. To i. sstswaboatCars riaitsd the localities where : .iatp was ?fi' n^est, an?, mailt- tin- Deux* latic i. laagers believe hj bia reporta thai hi- plan wan working baaotifuUy, When it same to the la*t atroka, aaiaataa. lha ?apablieana i>i<>. k.-.l H?? aam -. .Meinh? ia of tin govtsivlai eommittec of ihe ? ihn ikulsisd ?!iat Ewing bad aevei done any t ilng t" adeeaan the bBtareata of tin- laburiug in. ii, aiiti lafnetiil lo coaamil the organuuttum lo I in. I he le.. Ill < tot t fo M i; i .1 l.ooin for Kw inif bp 1 lim Iiag ih? Deatooratic aewspapera tu talk 1 oaaimgly,sail has snoct has earlaia, has beeu a ? naal failara. At Aral lbs Repa blicane were wor I > 1. ni?l fsared that Ibers migbl b<- aoiuethiug be klad Utk land talk, but la a few days they ?ii-?-ov <; ?1 that it waa all braggadociob Answers to thatt sasham maairiaa < anta in from all parts of the BtataSaaarkagthem thai tlmre wars so aigua whal? er raiw hasmasahitks Desaorratio vote beyond t .tot atevioM slsctiasts htllowlin clor, iy eoii? t 't. ii. .?:i*RSsaa ii.. lastoard |i!.-iy?-?l bp tin- Deaaoevats was ts ii ..1 foratid kttrtrs freaa Mi. Pentes aud (taueral Hickealooper, oftering sasnej for support, sod to sin ii.ate various o bar gas lamliag lo alien. ?i?> aome tba --it aVpnlaHtiaa faiara fram tin- support ?.f t i'ii lleket. Among the temperance people they I ra spsead a niorv ?.f an aflian ? betwe*-h 1 ? 1 the lasmnr-dealera. Tbej have Ii ? 1 ? en iti a pn Jadu >? amoiiH Proh Btauia bt al - 1.?/ 11 .. I 1.1 t'i. Ta'lc . tn.Mird I'o.s t I. whip, nt tba same time doing shell t?-?i |Oc vaal any t atholn 'i"'i v..' ns t'.i bias. r?>r the j.ur 1. 1 in 11 ups fueliog among verj stalwart kepublicaus, tbei ^ot ?mt Haturdap a protaudod 1 srbkl roatai i- made to dsnoonee tue ? L 11 ??? 1.1 pct-baggera. In encourage their own : -1 ? \ iliMiriluiied laal week puotograpfaia - ol .1 -;..;i .1 :? 11 gram from Ptuatoi t?? Robiuaoo. 1. .. u publican Chmrmaa to Rj ?' .- "1 f?.i ... ....1 1 ?, . .1 -: 1:cl In- (tared J Hi State Was 1 "I safe. All lb cue Jj I 11.<I .;. ;.. - wer? raaavtad to at * ? -i umi . .. drowi ing man estcfcas at a h*aw. Thei \mh avail nothing. Ample avidaaos 10 W A AND OHIOi ORATORY ovr.R-THK TOTRfG TO Pay. UK. I i ItXS t l.'Si s Tin: campam1h in IOWA h it4i A 1!mmim> ??B \M*>-M|-i IIN<<?TMR IUI II F IN ohm * IAIO SXH liii i o\k?m im IM iivvNS n 'n tii'tm. S< Mt(N BlgJos sbOIM iho clowlaAT BfHHReh ?>f t?t*? campaign in l<?w;i yeaterday :it Cbarlton, |o SB amli? mc Which covchm! two acn | of ground with ? solid maes ??f humanity. Tha i , i; Inf a aa rery rathtuiaatte, Charles Posset rl?.-? ?I hi* eampaigfJ in Ohio .\? si. nlay with Speeches in Iiis own COWBty, An cxltr-nuly vigorous effort lust beet m>m1?? be lbs Re> pnblicani thii roar to carry Ohio, The ineakers have boon emim-nt nml anrneenna, ami have work od hard, Tito RepoblteaUia lauf night were full of confidence, while the pi'tuoorata did not expect to elect their can dkates. _ Mi: B1 KTXE R PEA KB IX) 29.000 PEOPLE. As KvortMora mi ?km. at CHAorrox, iowa??tor RAiMRM IHSCMHKD MK>Wa mi; BLAIH1 in icy t? lroi m m t.i nir TRIBtisi i Cmvkmon. Iowa, Ort. 18.?Enotau? es the eat. pouring* were at Iba Blalna m Indepcn ??? iic uhI low.? tity. oao nald In re to-day fai ?ur juvmiI i'.ii.i r ol Hu in. Ii tu literally I a meeting of all BoataWMtorn Iowa, The I ?. B irilagtoa nml Qniney Railroad, on it*j T i n Hin rant and weal, and op ? all Its branchei,* i> extra trains, practically emptying fr?m twelve, t.. littean rountiet <>i Iowa bite Cbaritnn. Tim vehicles ptenoni wereuoi bared by thousands, Tlio i i on kotaateck rnaembled a brigade ol cavalry. ; iddiiion to ii?- lowaa outpouring, Iure?1 niini I bers were pres? nl from a.v> < m , m.titles io North >. - -?hu. i aa < iiv araa decorated la a saperb Husnner, ] \ i ? street bad arches sad floral decorations* An latareeting feature of Iba occasion w;.s that Sir. bbtina ^m? mat al Iba statuta, a here thnnanuri* I . i omappaepMed i<> greet bim, bjr Mayor \Y?>od ward, a proasiaeul Democratic leader, who r<tie by iiia i le at the head of the araoseeion, welcoming biiu sa Iba iaeal "i the ?iIy. The Dumber preaeol at today's meeting w:i?oj Rglimstsd bp ? RM a- I l|th aa 40,000. The spaas coveted hp tha. sadteucs on the open gieaa where Iba aieeting wa- l-'.i waa n iriy two nri<-i in i xii 'ii. Allow Iritr f??r ail paeaibst exaggeration, Ike re ?r,n reiiainlv j 1,000 aeraoon ptesaat, A btrco number of llerao crate were pr?sent, a prominent one of whom re? marked thai if Mr, Blalna wi re the Presidential candidate be would rooeiva folly 10,000 JJouiorratic Total in and weald have tka htrgeat majority i ret givaa to any man ia thai Btate, air. Blalna aevei .?ii?..k?' to better egeetthan to < iy, tboagh only a atiaority of Iba vast audience pt eat wera able to beat lii*n. The crowd was. t lead, far beyond the leaehol ray human voice. |l waa aathuataatM and daaaoaatrativa even bej'oud til-- liiL'h raaaaef Weaten Radieaoea. No reporter, aoi any aaa <?!>??, .-.ii!.- la draw Mr. Bl?het int" QOIiTBiOatiOR mi the aubject ? : tba Prealdenep la connection wirb hin:? 11, bat he aaid to-day la eooTeraatlna quit" onblirly that tba pupal anty and prent ige ol General Urant iu Ihta country were far bey* ad tbo8.-..f any other Riaa, aad would prove irrealst i Die. AH ti?ma to dnj were pctifnaely deeoratt^i with flagM heariiig tb? luacription of Iowa for Blaiue in 18RO." In aomerable banaera wi re w< ra borne in the j?io.-.-?.. > B expn -sim; tin MUM M in ?a ry variety ol languRga. 1 APT RIGHT OP I BE ?'IIH* CAMPAIGN. iui RJ i i BUI \ M RMMtl COMFIDKXT 1 han KVKR? WMA1 HAJ HTIU Hit. DSMOORATI?TWR law Aiocr aoinra. aam ixo oautsa luv IRIRCRtlR IO SHI IKllilNK.I COIXMBOS, Oet, i;i.-Tbe 'Minn.iii,'!! ? !????> with I. - i i>r.i>(>. > t* f..i 1.'-i' jti victory t"-tnor law. Not Ibaleaal doabl k felt Cbairuian I??'i? ii - ", or i?y any si the Republican leaders here lo Tiiiilit. aiH.iit Poatar*S aaeeaea. ladanl ihr Hirnrrmi t . .s io nut up formal tatlmattll "f Ins majority. No Mii-'i coiiti'l'-me [?* expr?'>a?-d )>y the I)?im? rratieehlefa, They eooiloaeto etaim a (.mall uia Jonty lor EwiruJa but it ia plain from their tone aiiii manner that Ihey regard the battle aa lost. Oaaeral Ewina in r?-j?orie?l i? aayniK to b friend two days ago th?t he had pa espeetaStoa of being ekoteii, aud thai k bad baat aaed vary badly i?v TkunipMtn and the TharotaB faetioa. l?v this do meant that the I'hur snm paaals wass si visa aim away to miu votes fas thai] bMHRsboss n?r lha Legialatoro. it i-. aadoubtadlp true that kmtrnctions were ttal out Is lbs Demoeratic HMDagers in all the ? km ronntisa to k'.?in votes for lb? ii legialattve ? . il it.-i. at any na( iiti.fv..t.>f..i Living. From in.*- paiol ol \ Rtw tili? i? verj thabbj treatiih nt iura ii m wbobMoarriad tturoogbaaharda tlitbt aa Kwiok bsastadi : bal it k dafandsd on the ground that Waes it baeasaa svulral thai Ewiag bad no chance <: -? eceaa, an eflort to aavi tba Legislature and the Ikaalofship from t he inet Itabk wreck waajuatiflablo 1 Iky, I'm- aogei "I Ewing and hin fnenda at i.i i sshesBp Is aai greatot than the diamnri of the o)?i ]? m ? rath < leraenl ;?t t. ?-1? snlta of In- candidacy. Everybody leeanow IhatEwInp/t fluaocial ren?rd and Ina commauiatk apseches agaiuat the money saves will coal the partp more votes twicoovei Ibaa it w ill w in. 11: boaatkig "i tin ii. i, ... ia* ? tin days ago bad ?? I. >i> ..ii;.i.i.- of iii.i.ii's second etmlribuliou to I i campaign fund, Tbey suppoaed that t v bad perfected arrangomonts tor captur i tin- antlra vote <-f Iks seerei v>. i.iy ? ? <i ?' lh? knights ?>l Labor," which nuiu 1- - ls.iM?ii tarn bow in tinio. M8au' Cary got i to the orrauisatloB,and worked dp to be itanectuid ?.. i. rha schcsia waa to have Ike h?-ail ol the anjei ami ita EseraMva ComBaittaa hwue a eireulnr BrdVriug all the mtmbers to sots for Ewiug. To i. sstswaboatCars riaitsd the localities where : .iatp was ?fi' n^est, an?, mailt- tin- Deux* latic i. laagers believe hj bia reporta thai hi- plan wan working baaotifuUy, When it same to the la*t atroka, aaiaataa. lha ?apablieana i>i<>. k.-.l H?? aam -. .Meinh? ia of tin govtsivlai eommittec of ihe ? ihn ikulsisd ?!iat Ewing bad aevei done any t ilng t" adeeaan the bBtareata of tin- laburiug in. ii, aiiti lafnetiil lo coaamil the organuuttum lo I in. I he le.. Ill < tot t fo M i; i .1 l.ooin for Kw inif bp 1 lim Iiag ih? Deatooratic aewspapera tu talk 1 oaaimgly,sail has snoct has earlaia, has beeu a ? naal failara. At Aral lbs Repa blicane were wor I > 1. ni?l fsared that Ibers migbl b<- aoiuethiug be klad Utk land talk, but la a few days they ?ii-?-ov <; ?1 that it waa all braggadociob Answers to thatt sasham maairiaa < anta in from all parts of the BtataSaaarkagthem thai tlmre wars so aigua whal? er raiw hasmasahitks Desaorratio vote beyond t .tot atevioM slsctiasts htllowlin clor, iy eoii? t 't. ii. .?:i*RSsaa ii.. lastoard |i!.-iy?-?l bp tin- Deaaoevats was ts ii ..1 foratid kttrtrs freaa Mi. Pentes aud (taueral Hickealooper, oftering sasnej for support, sod to sin ii.ate various o bar gas lamliag lo alien. ?i?> aome tba --it aVpnlaHtiaa faiara fram tin- support ?.f t i'ii lleket. Among the temperance people they I ra spsead a niorv ?.f an aflian ? betwe*-h 1 ? 1 the lasmnr-dealera. Tbej have Ii ? 1 ? en iti a pn Jadu >? amoiiH Proh Btauia bt al - 1.?/ 11 .. I 1.1 t'i. Ta'lc . tn.Mird I'o.s t I. whip, nt tba same time doing shell t?-?i |Oc vaal any t atholn 'i"'i v..' ns t'.i bias. r?>r the j.ur 1. 1 in 11 ups fueliog among verj stalwart kepublicaus, tbei ^ot ?mt Haturdap a protaudod 1 srbkl roatai i- made to dsnoonee tue ? L 11 ??? 1.1 pct-baggera. In encourage their own : -1 ? \ iliMiriluiied laal week puotograpfaia - ol .1 -;..;i .1 :? 11 gram from Ptuatoi t?? Robiuaoo. 1. .. u publican Chmrmaa to Rj ?' .- "1 f?.i ... ....1 1 ?, . .1 -: 1:cl In- (tared J Hi State Was 1 "I safe. All lb cue Jj I 11.<I .;. ;.. - wer? raaavtad to at * ? -i umi . .. drowi ing man estcfcas at a h*aw. Thei \mh avail nothing. Ample avidaaos tlml tlio It. tnocr.if? regard Ewtmtf* 0008 a* hopelfSB M worded t.v the fact that doim ol then are ?rill? initorluu]! money upon bia election. Men who are nsnally ready tl, hark an tl.iMr ticket with w*g?*rs cannot l.<> Induced io bat g dollar on bwing. The Iriw passed by Iba Democratic lairndnturc, ander [!,.? Impreseioo thai the hVpablicgna aaed a great deal of money in campaigns, has bar! lbs Ui-ruocrata. Ir not only prohibits, under serere penalties, all forms of pompeaaattng men for their v..- sl.iit it i tube, tifating, for the purpoee'of mrjuencinq voter-, a penitentiary .ft. Tfii-< is hard on the saloon-keepers, Ih* Fleetwood voters and tbe oothona. politicians. Many prosecutions under ib.- law will be me le aftt t ihoelection, and tue Democrats will las me victim*. I be ein inning campaign aoaheea pnebed wttb hothaidea up to the lav i bonr, and t> -till rann? with oral, rical eehoea at raidnighl to-night. Mr roster closed his canvass in h>* owa county, speaking-al riffln tbia alter.n and at Postona this evening. He hat ranted eince bis nomination eitrhly-twoof tbe i'itfbtv-4'ighl conntieain tin- Htate, and haasnokeu in seventy-tour of them. In several counties he baa spoken more than once, ?<> that bis total namber <>t ei.ehea exceeds one hundred. I robablj no candidate for Governor (?im? ever niade 10 rijrnrong g campaign. He in in es ?? Heul eondiiion physically, and big vol.-? waa clear aa ? bell B>dav. He I baa gained five poaada tin ea in* hi at speech. Mr. Footers ?'-11111:11.? ol toHatonow'a 1 tote bring* Ida majority np 10 ~ 1,000. Allowine for a *\ rinkuge, In- thinks the hgnrc "ill not fall below 2(?(MHi UoveaEwiuti will run considerably Ih-jih.u Kite. SURVEY OP A REM tRKABLE CANVASS. I Em? <?i- a 11 aKo riant 1. omo?nta wobb <t raiTH pABTta?BJEPva 11 ib coxgntsvoa gtra? 111 it i>. byaoaiaaTAVt?c* uaapoaoi m oa raa 1 itrBinrx,] Co t Min s. i ifaio, 1 let, 10.?Looking b ask ?>\< r iho 0iio cunvasa noa almoal. 1 dad, II la not easy to see 'I1.1t anything coaM bare been done aecuri K. publican auteeaa arbicb baa been omitted, 1 ha I practical work al oigaaiaat] n baa been paabed I with z'.ii ami iatklligenee, Captain Donaldson, who baa held Iba poal of - cr-i.ti v to the State I'sisntive C01 roittee ? a ]--;."?, aaya thai Iba party never, wibin li:?< knowledge, wna as thor otiphly ?'i uii/. ?] as at nrni at, and thai tlie com? mit ie? work waa not aeardn - ran in 11?? IV.-?i ?Mituil catui ilgn of i~7?;, Uta aambai of Metiers roifivcd?a atatty good Index to the activity of the eonnty uanmittttuieu and other local politictana?belog aetn.illy creator I now than then, 'J'ba ?tojnping eauipuign began rnrlv, baa 1? en eharaeteriaed by' rigor and method, and Ii 1- 1 < nn mat awed by lanr?, r?. I n|a>iif.ivo a ad cnihiuiiaatM uaeting?. Timro baa been iio hi'L of g od malarial for tbia service, and I no local I y caa reaaoaably complain of being overlooked. 1 think, <>n the whole, tln-ro j l as l?een tnoro ?.'<..><l, effnetiva oratory heard I in Ohio t!.t* year :! .;i in the famo'tg ! aranmentativa oaavaM of 1870* A liat of the a|*eak j era who have rendered ?peeially talnable ??-rvtre J np' ti 1 he -I nmp a ill ebow Iba qaaatily md quality ol Republican meetingi ipread over |b?Siule. From Maine we bate bad Bktiai, Daria, Halt, Fryo, K 1 ?I ami Hall. Mr. Blalaa'a toai ended 'in Iba SHoto Vallev, n- ;t begoBon the Eaatern border, in a bia^ei of eutbiisiorm. II 1 me tinge were even*where phe? nomenal, ami the crowda ttut greeted bin iiin.l? it pla lily tuanifeat t h.?l t In'ir damoBatl if innngrew otil of th.-ir aftectionata liking for Iba ebief rcpn>aenla* tive of htulw arl Ri pabllcauuim, as well aa th< 11 de votion to Iba eaoaa 'i ? dafenda Tue ezeellent . uui paign work of Mr. Prye ami Mr. Halo ia 100 well known thronsbonl ihe Eaat t<? need a word of pral ?<?. Mr. Hale waa nnfori anate] .? pi > .-..t. ?! filling In- brat two anpoiutmontA by aa atta<-k of ill ueaa, Mr. Reed, who ia n< a to tbe Ohio field, made an.I irepreaaion, and General Hall, who waa here once before, won new huu? Im. Mr. I>a\in, IheBexl (jovcrnor of Maine, had tha warm reception due to the leader in the eloeely ooBteeted li^'ht in that State. No other New>Eoglaad man n>"k i.ari in tho campaign, ezoepl General Hawley, of Connecticut, whoaa magaetic apaacbea made a rtrono impreaaion. New-York State aenl ? ?: 11 v a Gei nan orator, Mr. L D.Zeigler, wboaa work among bia countrymen ia highly praleed. Prot 1 Mew-Ji ra y eameGeneral Kil patriekal the cloae ..i Iba eaavaaa, jn-t in lime to join Se n iaiy Bbermaa and wake up ihe eebocd after the Secretary'a eloaa argumenta. (?ulnsbiA. Grow represented Pennaylvania, and counted no ua much aa half a doaen aaan of moderate ability. Michigan's oanta waa Congreeauien Bnrroughs, Willard :mu Horr, A word In praise ol Mr. Bar roBgha ia fairly dne, H< 1* one of the most imle fatigabbi ami popnhkt ol Ropablbau siimip M|K'ukers, and as he ia alwaya readj i-. respond tu ?nilla from outside bia own State, ba la kepi hard at work, h|n?akiiigalmoal averj day from Ihe o|?euLriK of the Maiue cauvatta ia Aacual till Ihe Novi inbi-r cleeiiuns. riottably aa man <?f bia leual h <?l servivo in public life baa in.oh- more politii in sp. lioa. In? diana forubihed General Ben Harrison, C??nan?ss uien Curry atid Tom Browne aad ez-CoPtrreHaman VVilUama, The Illinois men eagagad in thecanvaaf. acre General Logaa, Internal Revenue Commis sionei Kaum. Congressman <?. L, Fori, and Ihe lion. A. R. Morrison, tha Chicago lush orator. Missouri must !?? eroditod w in Carl rj bars, Kunsaa tMtii Coneresamaii Haskall, MiBBeaota with Beaatoi VVindom, renn ease a with I 1 Dgreaaman Honek, ami Kentucky with General Evgna, Iba lute candidate im Governor against Dr, Blackburn. General Ueorge ftheridao maj I aapaoae, bo credited to th country al large, although posted on t ic lolls as of j Ijouistana. Pea oloaeHtate campatgnii are rained on Bowadaya witbonl .1 taste of Sheridan's wil ami eloquenea. The committee "peak hnrlily "f flu* ell irt- of all these oralora, and they sperially praiae tln?-e of Mr. Hoack, Mr.I urry and >i !i toi Win i)"in. A I1-1 ol 1 he < Um. apeakors eagagad upon l he stump would lili aoolutnu, i>ut tin* itatnea ui ihoae id n? tioual reputation working ondor the ??state t lommil t?-e may pro|?erly find a place bere. I'bey ar*?, I?? altlen tie' ? autildaB - i'n the Male ticket, S ' i.-'arv Slietman, .In'i;H Taft, Jadga West, ex-Governor Itauaiaon, Congresaajea or ez-l.'onaTeasmen Gap. i tii Id. McKinley, Dan ford, Kedfar, Beatty, Butter I worth, Moaroe, KbelUbarger, Lawrence, Cpdegrafl, I Gardner and Poonaan, General Gibson, General Leggett, General Groaranor, ex-Goveinor Axtell, fttruterlf <>t California an.I Kew-Mexieo, Marshall Kennedy, Oeueral Geurer, Cbauning Kioharda, and KdiWM Mack, ol ih Hmmtiurnkf Be%**lvr. Foaiei boa been nn the atamp cuntiaaoasl) since I in- campaign oBaaad, aod by election day will buve made rjo atjwstebea, Oaea or twtee be Inal btsvoice, but he manaaysi katlBd h agaia in timt foi Ins next meet lag, Raaking nezi t> Poatoi ia the nnmbor of spei cbea made la Georae K. Naab, the ? nenrelie can? didate t'>r Attorney-Oeneral, whoaa score will go close BP to eil tv, am .1 F. Oiriehy, the nominee for Andti ?r, ia nol much behind hiai. The Denioerata have not been abba to aaset this atumpihg < .i..\.i-- a lib one ? anally airoug ami thor ooah, iin.t hara worked aD llteii borne apeakers bard?Ewiag b.i- spttkaij aval aeveutt times, ami Rl . about fifty?hul dor force gatltereai from 01 her Mat. s baa I."', with few exceptions, beau eOBspicBoua for taleat, nor has it made up m nnmbera fm wbal n lacked in timt r.eneit. The Eaatern DemoaruU, save Sen? at.u Wallace aud Speaker Rautlull, refuaotl w> < "in ? t.'i f? .0 lb \ would I? anapacted al home ol a taint oi Kwina'a aoft-monet bereaiea. Wbv Ran? dall came 1 okarl know, tuib aa il v?n.- because ol Iiis detUaion thai PreabiantiaJ lighti lug may strll ?? b:m uexl year, and Wallace's preaauca iaouli explsin able on tlie kround thai ba aerer albiws I. indall to make a ptdnl on him. Nol a single rktutheiu orator baa been allowed Microaatba IJtateHue. 'Ilm com mitl . wo- thus redu ..I t.. Wostern tulcnl, and Indiana waa lla cbiel raaoarea. Voorbeea spent a 1 aolithmootfa in the ? ans.i?, Hendncka spokei b ten 1 tiniea, and Governor Williams, Gaiteral Mausou, JudgeGoodiug. LI it naut^Govi "tor Gray, BttVleKs Haulier, .1. K. NefiT. John Let. .1. II. K. Dutt. W. K. Myera, Franklin Landers, aud J.H.Mshl, all ol that Maie, h.i\. ii?nl BttiBeroua appolutmeuU. I m only otbei uamea >'orth meiitiouini in Cbairniitn McKinney'slial <d " foreign " orators awCongreas menfpriugci ami Townshend.ol,ex-Ctm areaiunan llopkioa, ..I Piltahurg, .1 Pulitaerapd Uie Hon. M. Prost, >>i m. Louis, and Htillaon Hutch 111- .'.I TAi BaeAhayfoa /'-"'. Aaqaadof Greeuback 1 an waa imported from Michigau earl/ ia the caitt 1 v*aaa to aid Bau Car* in Iii? oou tract to tum the Natiooalr rota oral 10 Ewiag go fir aa Big gana an ooBoarBCtL It will oaaeea thai Im fopaUieMH have had the advantage in Dumberg calibre. In tlm Bbattet ?>f '"??'I organisation, always more nan ? mi' than speech-making; lha two parties standabonl alike at the emTof Iba contest. Dar* Ing ail the early Mri of tbe canvass tba Repabll cans, to whose work Mr. Poster save close attention as ha went from county t>> county, wen a long way ahead of their adver ariea, and it waa thai faet which gave to Iba eampaipa the one-aided appear* an. i- n then saaumed i Inn a ben t hairnian McKin ney got back fron the Bast with UrJTIldeu's eon in hot ion, an ! en iwgeney Chairman Thompson ou> tri tinted tin mow v with judicious band, tin-1 anno* crata began !?? pull up rapidly. A little cash is n Mwerfnl stimnlant to the energies of Donioeratic county couimitteenieu. About tin' namo time tka Democrat!* masses, who bad bean rather liatlam nt tir-t. began i" ant warmed up by the activity '?f the Republican canvass, t'.< Dear approach of election, and the eiertlous <>f the working politicians ox tbeii own party. During the past w. ik the cam? paign baa presented ill tap appeamnoM of an old fnahiouod tiar.ii- qneeae contest,such a-. withoM except ion..the two parties have bad In Ohio every year since I*?'-'. The Democratic leaden are greatly encmiraged by tl>o ttghtiag front praaantad i nt their party, and are even so foouah as lo unagioa that a great Kwing I.m baa started. As election daj approaches tb< ir spirits seem to, and ?t iho clot "I this last week mos) ol ibem seem reaUj pi. til <>t el< < tiaa Evt log, and almost eotusueat oi Mi. ring i In- Legislature. 1 f.?-o do causa lot spiwebendingmtbarof thaw results, Dnlem a -\ stem oi < bokaala fraud, baffling the vigilance of the Republicans, shonld be prac? tised in Cincinnati. \ mir \<>te in Bamtltou I nii iy will result in a i ijority of nearly 8,000 for .' 'I ere, sud in :.ioi so "i tbe whole legislsr live ticket. D the frauds ol 1870 are repeated we may loss tba count) and tkrougn the defoat of onr caudida ea lot i n< Legislature mal fail of ainaj irity in that body, I In- in tiie only thing to DC lean I next Tuesday. I i1 utrw tba) Iba danger is i own it will undoub dlj be averted in great pari bj preparations to meel it. With a tolerably bon tat electiou in Cincinnati, anj reaull In UbTo ihn year other than a RepuOhoun victory would mean that Ohio has eeaaeu to lie a Repoblican btate, lieueral Bwingbaa probablj tuurteu with him, by bis ae ui-commtinistio canvass, ? considerable num beroi doat? wood votes who need le act with Iba Republicans, but tbeae will bo offset by the Con? servative 11. in era tic busiueas men who will scratch bis name at rote I be Bei ibtiean ticket outright, so that the battle la a sq iai m between tbe two Mr* ties* and bt iiiiT loiuht ? x. u iv.iyoii .\ it onal < ?in ?, mostend In a teat "i than respective strength. Nothing baa occurred during I be last few daj s to change the views aa to IM result expressed in my former letters. I would Iii?'- to see a little baa i.Ifnl confidence it the Democratic beadQuar tf-r-, hut Iben the Dem oi its luui Jobn I boinpwon'a adi ice to always " ??:.r ? n, evei. II ing exalting*}" 'i|? to tha laal momeota even when defeat stares i hem in 11n- face, I couid wish, too, that I he colored can* didateforthi Legislatun In Cincinnati waa better liked by his own people as wi las by abitc folks, ami thai ihe mg-bei.<i Prohioitiooists m Dela? ware Count) uudnotiolned the Democrats to do> fi 11 ? x-Coi greaan a.. Jooea, ??? i... m ru lolng for ibe Hduse. On H e wh le, b wi rar, t'i outlook ia u.I. Foster's majority promlaea to be t'? I.e . il sny Repwblieau candidate has received In '"oo .aiuce Grant, ami the < banci i t>>r gettii g i Republi ii Legislatun ure vary encouraging. IS wings ? m1 deuce, I know, is Jn-t aa great as 1 outer's, but i . ?-?. i - cool-be ideo! c ib n stions an worth ? treat deal inotd man I.* lug's inflated hopes. b. v. e. WaIsBISQTVX,' THE BLAI KV1LLE AFFAIR, go haw ropttgiaH rsB v--\ii.a--r or mix thbotjqb iiii- I Mil I? statu cooBTa, im muMuupB ro thk raiarnra.1 \v tSBiMOTOB, Oct. u.? Judge Freeman, to a bom llie ro.-tma.-t< r-(? aeiul ioin.aiiv n ii iie.! the rennt oi Special Agent Frej in the BlackviUe,8,C..ali ot Ing case, said to-day that ke should report m snb stw <??? that in> law exieta bp wbicb erimeg againsl the person of postal officials can be triad in l imed States eonrta. Judge Key says thai bis first imputes a th regard to tbe affair at Hlaexville w-.-i- to close Iba otto if i in State authorities should tail to bring tin. postmaster*! aanallant to trial, tin teflection, bowever, in- tbinki thai course would operate sa a panudum ul t it he vn tim of i he on trage rather 1 hau to its pei'petratora, lie has, therefore, decided to lay the ri i?oit ui the spat...i .i?. ata before tin- Pa tr? ident and Cabinet, and to be guided by their ad viee. It is nol kmprobahls thai reooaiineodatiooa w ill he made t<? CoDgrem that tbe law authorising the trial of erimea againal thepereoua ?>i nvauna offlclala in He Villon il com i- he enlarged t uucludc similar crimes againsl postmasters. t\ propoaition of thai kind would bo a fruitful source ot nolitical Spew bcSt BXPOH ra I >. i i. ROLEUU Wa-hin. ii.n. Oct. 12.?General Joseph Hhnmw. tae Calaf el Uw Bareaa ol BtataMles. snppltes tae SaUewlag advaaeeataleaieol of iio- extairtaat p? tiotiiiim an.i petTvleou producta mm the andartneu tmned eustotaa districts of the I sued Mates Burlas las ?mbto. of Aaguat: Part rr iil? NapMba lllumint'? ToUL I^L .U .ua 0?IUn b'XK'U .I ? ? ?-.. '! ' s.'.'i I Naw-York 1337,' i.i -j-o. >-.:.?.,: ??? .:i.-?.mi.;h Pbllad'lebial 1. i A0*1 ?? - ??? - llHlllllIlK'. .1 I . 1 .?.'.->-. I 1,71t!,"? 14.Ml... 1 US.41 >,iii Ir.ui..i. .WilMi ..j.H. All "i patol i I IHH ft-.-..!!!' laciadcd in 'in totals wen lUH.^-Ugadouaofiaiiri1 eating . Ha aud CM."><><) gallout ??i titanium. WASHINGTON how I 8. WasauMtox, Moni??. Oca It, IRTB h.eretiiry TBait.psoa ami several eblala >>i huiaaita. aeeompaated by in^ir famillaa. left Waahtaataa tbla at* i. rn. ..ii "ii board llie lallauogaa for il isspUM Baads Iii.- in.lata Kur au baa received a dbmateh from Igeat Milssai Lawreaoa,Kaa.,atatiagtaal taeeassaol \\ ii.i Hag mil "'"' rs, e'i ,r?. t ?ii ? mardert darlag Uta Cbereuua rani l?i ' .-.. K.u-.- I >:, wm called t ? i I aad il ? i-r.? i|un ?. r.-1 stereo. Mr,Bsrogga, Dalted Btatoa Consul at Hamburg,ta a dHipatebtc lacPeaartmsatof ataie. dated asptemher 1 -. l-To -.iv- i h o Iba mip BeaBlCBa "f Bath, Me., was acranded a ir taat port on tba 29 ?= ??f \ikii-i. 1 c % the hi.i .it nt. boala -'Hi train Ueligotaa.!, the en w wen ?. v ii. A fee arliclea also war. saved, a aea lbs skip In ..a. I 'i I ?> ?' a.". -?>. "flpteaaa ?u Mates < r sgainst ea Reaalac BUaoa CaBBtroaeame apla eaart -inium osacral larmtbh aacralBg oa a motion mtde by Oclom Co I to 4 ism 1st tnaa peal t" ? fa are lo prial ncoroa. Maaars. petei aud Uarue ?? anpaared lot Mra. Olivet an.I re aiated lue. u. ideadiiig tbe poverty ol IM pbtiutlg. ? a ?. i. gibatlbe uoxa I aboaid not be dsprlf ad at j-i |ie, ,.a neoouui iuabiiiij lo pruaeoule lbs sasa On au examlualtou >.r tin- naper?,tin afadavlt setllag forth ner impeeaaioua eouOii on waa am raaMi aad IBe eaa. waaeo hum i uulil Monday Bex I to aim w Uta produi oou ..i iae<i< poaiuou. MVRD1 I'l U Bf \ BPAB1 UUX James Crawfoni, who was stabbed in front af btaown bi?hj i Span bird last Pridoy, died froai hi- at iheCbaiuoeiaMtreul Boapital laat algbt, CHIMKsASUCASVAl //. i?Mt CKLKUMAPM. a -I i. I i'l AI BBBOBfA, I OOBBXRBI KU, ... 1.. I' '. Ut. RolaMl GerdOB. a I pioii.i...?: elbaaaol Unaptoca. ei<itBilWeit aapMaa bw BBTbl tit ta.: ? tuurpbina Tut iau rot um astiaaaaaawB. mi KUBRKIlY "P a -Ai l.. RohtiiM,f> . 13. Um m.l .'"?>ph \. Newell at lie enroer ?i ? baue, i ? .i i aan ate.. ???- ?;> aadby ; f - SB) a ban alahi, a.ul f 1,083 laBaa bj aatiieaapailBBi WUAT CAMK Ol UNI NO A BAILBOAD FOB A BEO, m. Lot i -.'??.. l .i. -Harry Ureer and John Dono ran. ua-i-att ra, were run orer aaia Joibat up a nmn aa iii? \.. - iBilea ion. i .i.. i,i..i:u. ii.. ui. waliinlar ' 11 ay w?calrb>aaa iio* brass abas tsna k in > I H HpiM rSNOB < i IM M I Tl i' Babbik, Dm. Oct. 18. im death seatenes aaaa ? ; I ... -.. i tin lata Aaaiaaa,Ba UM iuui ii.i rboraaaCuok la in r . art, bat wws raatinai?a iu lav prlanBTBi la tbi KlapataaPaaitaBilarj laraevi ipaara i ill < O.VHOLIOATBU BABB i ibb. IfoWTBKAI>,Oct. 13. In the case ot the Conaoli gau i Maua airaetata, Jaatiei Monek gave iBdgataal Uus > Btorntag diawlftiia iL? Aaaaarrari ant aad 'n flirii ima 'ii.. u.a. ?i so Pratau! Ulasss waa art lawa far TBnraSaf a bmd Ronnun ua pa,bob. MlLPOKD, Maas,, Oct. 18.?Then were stolen fl' ii I . ' ai I I all "?lik-, .1 BUI If- - ran r.,u ,.r-- ?i., laal v. ??? . .. . ,ii aaeantua, bat ika l"-* ??a aal uiaeavi ran un IU Hal ' .i>. < I.Mii'.ri i i*U ai it-aIod ..I. Ml-plclOO. ihn a.iti r a ara ic a Bi .1. ] ill. 1 I'ii I IVB WALTBB PAIBB. (,'i i r.i i. ii.i. 18.- Wallet Paiue, who wa? ar i. ?, i ... fi.i in .? -k ftttiEl"!!. elju; ai >l a :tn l.ivina ? mi./ ,! a .i. ii'ii. ol I ail I.UM. Maw., ai>|.ll. >: paJaBgl r?|.f all ;. n In C'baui o ..?.?. a aiii bai.?aa corpua abat-b aa? n iua?i, pi adlaa Uta arrival af ..ill. via item iur sastaa A N bd] roR SHOT IN TBXAB PABia, Tex., Oct. 18. .1. .1. Wheeler, Editor of / ', Baaner, waa abat Set4 Ibla raonuaa br W'Ubaat b, i, , er.abiwver. Wbeal^rbad arelen ad abarges far tea ra muval fa; ?ll rman bbibt-1 r'artt, a boat Baaaai dsfeodad aatl tnocet dad In iraiUBp ae^alllaaV. Tan aaaaaaaa wbaabu, POlaON, i.i I Pi AN IHM ABO OBIMtL Lrbanun.IIL, Oct. 18.?Mrs. .Mo. Danbrooab, \ifu . Uireei II<m aaomward, ?a- baaa arraatadfarpMaoa lik' Ii-1 brotbet In la a' HStM I bmbUbi age, anal h utbaaS i.,i. i- tiaaiiiaagbataa data a?? aalarad eaupialai ppi uatOcxtrgi Ltaloo.ef it-1 si Loauv wham aba a,iii iia.t aalarad bar bauae a iti knit, ami i. ? i aadaaaaaitaa Bar. ypbtBaaaabwtriad tabtaakmaU baft fas <a?? i, mUM a ton.i n. aid o .a. THE LTTK8 TAKK TO FLIGHT. MERRITT l\ PURSUIT. WaTAl tiir tm Off! SAW at tub WHRB mvru AORncv? ihk i .\ in a n [Qtlfl in Tilt". LATI fioiitim;. Oonrien hart rtakched RawHoa with word thai flu? Utea hare fled from the Milk Iiiv?r baMle-field. General Merritt baa. pushed oa as far m White Uivi r. The boildlBgl at the Agency had in arly all bt on huno il down. Tbfl dead hodioi of Agon! Ueekeraod loo employee were fband icaltered aroand on the ground in tin* vicinity. Tin- wotnon and ehlldrea bad boon cirrnd off. It in reported that the Indians lost thirty-aeren killed in the fightiog with Thornbutgh and <'aj>t da Payne, General Bbenoaa bag telegraphed from Washington thai the Indiana moat be pnraned, and titoee imp taxed bold oa priaonera until Curt her or? ders. THI TROOPS REACH THE AGENCY. an ai'i-ai i.rvo i*?x pacta Of ati npi a am> rjawo LATtoa?!?? oaottao itbj vh wrrn oa*o bxhhbb, aoKjrr Mgagjcara amoxo hum?v? TaAOi 01 1111: woxi a. RawusS, Wy. TarM Oct. IS.?Brail Webber and Qeerga Vahr, two couriers, havi |nal arrirad from whal waa a taw daya ago tba White River A gency. Prom t k-Ja the following facta are learw i: <i icral Merritt adrauo ! apon the Agencr on Bnl iii bia way ba foond many dead ii ? -. Amoag otbera be touad the bod? ?f Carl GoM baia,i Israelite, who left hera with Gorera* im: i ?? diaa fur tii? Utea al tba White River Agon f. Hi waa foond la a gulch all aiibw 1 aideof tha Ageacr. Be waa aha tv ne through tba ?booidar,and waaabou twomilea ran ?... ?.???*<?.?-. \ Icaaaator aamed Juliua Moore, formerly of Bain brnip-e, M:im., wt|.i w ifli him win :j ho left here, ; waa found about one bandred yards from Goldatien, with two ballel bolea in hbi breast ami bia body h;:i Ni>d and mutilated with a knife or I ati bat. Aa tba ooaunaB I id van od tbmogh thecanon they raune to as old anal wine, in whieh waa found tba d< id body of an Agency employd, named Drweeer, Ha had evidently bean sounded, and bad erawled Into tba mine to die. Dia ooat waa folded apaod placed nadat hi. bead t"r a pillow, sad bastdo him Lay a Wiacbeater rifla eontaining eigbt cartridgea. In oaa of bia pockets a letter waa found, whb <, aa lien, an the < oiirn-r ran i< uiei r. wii. as follow* i Whi11: Rirxa, Bent. -I r/elooh p. m. MaJOB I'BOkNB i. ii : J will come with Chief Douglai and another eba ? ami um 11 you toHBorrow. Rvorythiog quiet lor,., and Douglas is ?vintr Um United Btatea flag. W'e bava be.foard three Bights, ami a ill be to-night, nol i hat we expect any trouble, hut beeaaaa there might he. Ihi you bars uny truuhle aiiming throngb the caO >'\ f .n. c M i.i.i::. 17, >. Indiaa Agent. On eotawrog tin< Ageai f ? n ans "t deaolattoa bto* M illed Itself. Ali the boUdbiga rzccpt oos were burned io ti'e ground. Not a living thing was in - i/'it i !?.-pt: In- ' oinmaii'i. I in- Ii diana bad taken eycrytbing ascsot the Boar and decamped, rba women and children wrro miaaiBB, ami nothing whatever eoald h?< foaad to Indicate what bad be* come of them. They have either been mordered' an i boriod or ales taken away as boat ages. Then? dreadful and nameati mahle fata eaUa forth Iba most prof .und sympathy. The dead bodj of Igont Meeker waa foond aboal 100 yarns from bia house lying oa hia bach shot through the bead. The left aide of tha baadwaa .smashed iii Wil It BOOM blBBl lUal i , i men t, a pie? e ol barn 1atsve waa driven Into his month, and oaa hind Bad arm were badly braised. The dead body ol Mr. w. II. Post, Agent Meekert aosisl ? aa foand bet reea the baiidiag asd tha river, i ballet bole through tba lefl ear ami another nmier Hm ear. lie, as .ihn .Mr. Meeker,was slrmped entlieh naked. Another employe*, named Raton, vra* foondMead, Ba waa stripped naked mm! bad a bundle ol papal bags m his arms. Ilia face w is badly eaten by wive-. There waa a nollel bole in Ida left bra act, Frank DtBSB r, .1 brotl i i "I tba n an found In ti e coal mine, waa found hadl] hnrned. He had with* out doabt been killed lustaatly, aa a baJlst had poasad throngb bia I a iri. I lie bodice ol Baton, I'bc it on, Price, Eakridga, ?nd all nth et employe* nol nataed wars ?'so fouml. Eskridgi a ?' and two miles thi side of the Agency, Baked and with a ballel bole through j in- bead. In tba poeltton occupied by the Indiana daring rhornbnrgh's battle, ii a hn latw irk made of atooe, j waa fnand the bodj nf su auknowa whits man, dressed in buckakin, II? arss aittingoa hiakaeee, I and had nis gan in position 111 Bra, Ba waaehoi I through the forehead. Prora this it appeara thai ' the ladiana ara noi alone in tkeb work. I Tie rappoaitioo la thai the ladlaaa have gone Booth to Join tba Southern Utea, Tha lapraaalon arnoag the otaV ? ra "i Merritt'a eomroaad ia that the Indiana who fougfal rhornburgb aambered at leaei 70?. _ THE INOIANrj OCATI BRING. A BBIXar THAI rUBT IBB BISTBIBOTtwa Tiirv si i \ i - 111 ?.V'illi DBTgCnOB?i iiiiii Y-sKVES (il i ill M Kil l l l>. RaWUSB, W. I .. Oct. 13. LI nteasnts Boarka ami Helm \ mi al rived bora i bis u u niag and bmushl an authentic report ol tbedoingaof Oeaeral Merrut sad eonimand since the march to the front. <>n the aftefwoen ?>! tba daj oa which Ganeral Merritt reached Captain Payn 'a ramp he bad a fighl with tha ladiana. and had to move camp a bout a mile ;iniii PavBe'aold poaition thai night oa acooaal <if a fearful odor orealed bj the dead aaimala. Map. ritt mov d upon the Ageacyaad reai hod there Sat nrdaj Last, rbe ladians are now retreating southward. It I. expert.-d thai in Min ill baada thay will drop into ihe \Hiimi- agaat las, aad inn- ooveriog up tbssaaalraa it v\ni never ba known \fho ware the warrion who liegan the battle nn Major rhorabnrgh. ihe dbv moBBted eompaniea and thi woonded will be bora in seven days, \ dispatch from Bear River, Col., to-dsr, atatea thai Indisn rermrta bmnghl in bt l<os Piaos Utea ia.f lhal tbirtv-.wen Indiana were killed daring me Hebt ol tha 201 boi Sentamlier and ihe aatas until Uotobee S, tba ?!.i Qwaeral M.nut'o.u rival, run oooaa i?p on a v obi nn. Wasuikotox, Oct 18.?Tiia following wag ra* pelted at the Indian Uttlci l Ins BtOtniBgl baa Piaoa iaaxcr, Oet i?. Bmpbryi Ural? un i saeort ?I Indian? havi Ju?i atrtt ed from walle River. Tin- Utea leeoaalaed and obeyed Oaray's urdei . adthdrew, aad ? ill Bcbl ae bmiw anfeaa forced la do ao. If a Idk raare aaa ? topped ibetroabki .1" he *topi>ed tiv ip< iee rnniail??loii to iaraallaair as>m es, ?n.i ie- ih> bl in ?? a o win p II asay, iIii? will save i in-, "i iieti?e mil dlatraaa, if l' e.m i?e aw am pi .iie?l La tar?1:30 p. aa?A rannei la pint la ti aaa < be Baulk' em i'te Aa in.? ???! ii a ''er ff hi ?I.i iii(ent.! eoaacil bwaaaes held. The tJlea will ofa y Oni iv'ara aw ?I. sad win stay at i.n and take aaparttothaj v. bile Um r ir eibie, aad n ipieal u.irm io Iniana IBear of tkair dacbdou. .\mi? lawati I ceaear la the akova Oi h\t, ii. il Cblet of taa Dtaak Oeaeral Sam bum tin - a al i hi foil ia iug dispatch ?>ji?. neral Bbendan toedaj : Tha koaaarasta Beevalan ol I be latei lor baa ih.s aasta> ma a died anth a dUpaten, alvea ?' leaci h iiei..?-, ? ab b is samasaasaaiad fur ymu la&tnnatkNt, sad wfclsa abonld ga an ?i..t it i ? . > - t? ia Generals Croak and Metittr Tiiei.t.i, oa tbe s?et, aaa tall if Ilia fcoalilaa i' ri i.'v / r savAMBcral Merrill tkoaidas lu an> event io tue Ate: ??> to aaeartala tba set aal aaamilos sf faiu. Alilndlaas wbo on a raaal be rp :i|e '. mit of Ihe wav If llley ri ?'<t. I: fbcj surrender thali aimsaoii peabas, tin y ikould be haut a.- prlaoaara la bs ataposad sf by aarawtor orders, Thi Beeretaiv of IBe tatartai will aead a special aaeal at onea to Oarwy, win in tir-itevii in pe Boaaai ami mir fr toad, ii asay prat sol tba Bautkera l 'es ti un bttaa mvolrad, sad tbe Interior i> | irtinenl can befriend bin afterward by eeowinefaret to ? me of ti a speetal ftteada, Bnl tha m i sei raaflbe .. at aad emafoySs must bi puulabea, aa also tahae who foopbl ami killed Major Taoiabargk ..tiU nu n. Plaatt ackaoa ledge tin ran .pi. REPOR1 "I. a PRIENDLY INDIAN, Da^nraa, CoL, Ocl 18, -Tba following diapatcb hasbeearaeeived byGovaraot Pitkin tu m Lake City, CoL, dated I letobar 10: yba foltewtua irn i' at Iky aewa baa beea raoelrad ftwaa Loa Pdtva Atteaai i Hauavaardi i, ana ol tba muii I reliable diiS aMafa who wnt ?out hr Oiray to the White Rtver Aaeeey after Ik* mwi "f the Bgbl h i beea re Mlvad bv bias, retained (rum Miib tuv**r peeler* ia? at 11 ii'i'l'ut. Mr> reported Hint ba aaa MH ?litte aoana aad <-niidr u ut tba a*atta RJ* r ktneylachargeof Chlof Doogtaei alaooaaof laa ea?* ployda, who wan r?r< ?? :it vbM tin- ladtaaa raade Iba attack apoa tba ageaey. Tin* aaaa killed oae lad in iimt wonnded a not her? Sauevanetro tklnba three ?r leaf nmra empire aa *?">? a ae allvai aa tbetf traska wore aaaa sroaad tin' bbcbc? balMlega. aad they rrmy have aaa t? ?ho woods, rather Meeker waa Ulled. The report, aa givea In the papers, i in.i *Mpatam no .,n<i aioivrfini luok pin i In t<n' Baal la un11ii- ; nod it ?-> ?> ?..? mi' ??<?? t .if' i I' m '? * ? -1 ihe White Rivrr fjt?a Oaray ibtaka that Jack, ? While River Uta, eoraaianded tke Indiana in the char as on TborBl*argk*a eoaimaad. Ltaoaa, OJSNEE l/. FOKEIQ S A fVrFA OBNKRAL ROBERTS ENTERB CABUL, nr. BBTaaa tmp cinr pi aut i.v?hi aw otraa cairraso p.v him. smu *. Monday, Oai is, 187f, General Robertas public entry mm Cabal took phtoe lit Boon peeterdey. He waa aeeoaapaalad iiy tii? Aim-, r aad Ma ewita. OrltkiB troopa or all arm* lined the and OM arttUery Brad a tala ? wfcaa thi Bililah rtaadard waa aakaadai theaalraaof tatkeoily. The nTiii Regtntcal aad tii Bth Qoorkhaa aabeegaeatly eeoapkal toe Bala Ifteear Lorbob, Man day, Oet in. i?7f>. j Hr Prederiek Roberta tale era pha thai taa Afghan broapa bava aaaa enaapletelj ran tad, aad thai 'he Irl baa niio wi-i-? h*-?i'iu -iing to c^tit litre re fa rued beaMk Tba beary battery whtok i* eomlag an with the Khvb r column, be lajra, taay an bach la India, ii" tim heavy euna unit tinwit/.?r* orlet* ?.i . ateaaated by the British Qoeersasaal ba the Ameer art Io tu- poa k aaiou romp ale, The Kit.r Is rtrietly .m i u 'I in f-r Frederick Roh rta*a eaaap, Ii la liiril f? hellere thai Yakoob Kimn **?? tot Bwara thai his a nay bad i.:. n up a position to oppose t be Bi ti h idvaaeeapin Oabnl. On tue Olli met., the day al Hi" defeal al Iba Bl?hen army ha fata Cabal, lite Ameer** recusance rd were paaataa avnrj raw hoara io aad from Cabal by a re i leid by Cittml troops. TbaI u offne kfghaaa in tl .? ti hi of rhe Oth loot t? eatlmal d i *oo.n killed, A apeelal diaoefeb Irian tl ibebedterAe lt->Hg *.'?*?* ; ?;iv?: ?? Nn ?|":irier ??- riven t" any one Bring apoa Ibe Brlusk. and Iba prl.ra takoa Ii thi Bght w re I ahnt, The lcadera of tba mutlneara are tha Aaieer'a aaoal i mated I tie ad a." GREAT MEETING IN IRELAND. LoaouB, Mm lay, Oat, IS, 1870. Sume aeconnta allege laal tin ra were 3O,QO0 pert ni preeenl at Iba gnat AatMaaoi aaeetlna ut Mai ia, Ireland, yt iterday, la beaor al Mr. Cbarlea S, Parneil, nn? of the Home ! nla lead ? ?. Mr. Par nail w ?< meal eal laiaatioally po a red, Bearea of triumphal rrbi ? opaaaad tba Ktt.'.-t. Derma Mr. Parnell'e an oca there ?rare shoiitat In favor ol ahooiln* landlord*, M???? - Pa'll vaa, O'Connor. Power, ami 0*Bulli van etao apnk . Iba laal named speaker declared Ural ebootlaa i llnrda .I do no ood la Ihe futare, whatever ;t mlaru tava aaaa ia tin' paart, THE 0RLEAN1MTH AND BOURBONS, PABBBj M n'tuv. i i t. IS, I - " ?. The GtruJoit aays i Count de Paria hm \ h> tan n k tier ta i km .t de Ch imbord, deelariag thai ho ra* in dm fun rut to Uia lasioa bstwt i-u taa Or tsnlata and tno Doartwaa DISBANDING l Hi: OTTOMAN ARMT. t' i'.stantini ipi.p. BToaday, Oet. IS, ISTS The Sultan bag ordered Um disbaudnieul uf B0AOOO or UM rsgahw troopa, REVOLT IN MEXICO. an imp utianr CITY CAflVBRfa Galybstov, Oet, 13.?A dispateh to T',e gskwataa \nr? trnm Laredo *ny?: "fafatatalloa his been n etved froot Menbarey, Mexlea, thai ti"' Cur of Chlhnahua haa beea aaptarad by taa Revtilailonlaki uader Maeherraa Oeaersl Travhaa u.iu aha taaaral toi n I i n mu'. im t ii- ret Be." 8TEA3IIE? UP IBE COLUMBIA BIVER. Sam PbamcuoOi Oet. 13.?A dTspateh Draaa I'n il.m l. tlri-uon, ilulcl 1:H p. in. ?.?ia um ataaaaat St, Paal arrlvod at Aatarla at fclS l In* nnirnlnir. After aalSlSB from the f rta the ?ti imer immediately pteeeedad up the i atamsta River, Oeaeral Oranl will not reaeh rorv until lo-uiurintt. lie Btopa to-Uu> al Saft Van ckuv ? r. By tavttatlea ef Mayer Parker, Oeaeral t;rant w* it aaaars at Aatarla, aad took in* atatloa upon tiir*taiiii oaths wharf. Mayer Parker delivered a brief addraaa al weleama, ta wbbsbi Oeaeral Qraat paapaoasd aa fat lows t Mr FaiBBua i i sat well nleaaad to agaha eat toot la Oregon, and to he received la ?in-ii a kingly manlier i ie teeaee are fanlintr, Bverv polal of late real betwei a Aatornt aad imp,* re turne ta my memary, Toe have Btadi ImareveaaeBla?tae htfla da m>t '?ek mie hnif lohiKuaatbet dm iwentywiixy nr?- .ign I nevei bt fereaei foal in Aataarts, aliheaah I have peeoed here etchl iit... *. Tkare ii ia bo u a a real rhaaae, aad l mu plaaaad toaeelt, Iresrel thai ui^ si.iy will be PO ?li"rt.Ms| would be pn iseii to v -.ii every portloa of thaBorta paetge Coaat, It aeema like retarniag Berne asaln. i banklna i nn fur poor atn<i and ror>ll ti welooate, I *i> tara yen it will ever t?e ehertabed is nn meamrj > The Oeaeral ikoofe haada uitti the erewd ia Okay paaaed by it atagieBna, iin-H:. Panl left t"t Yaasoavat ' h' BtSO, aad 'in- Larllaa, with Oeaeral Bowaid um] at iff. I Govern er Ferry, Territorial oBteert aad lagielatora. ft*V 1 io?i it a lea aafatntaa later, THE Fl V/ UM. ni' i SOtSEE? OILBKMT. Jacksom, Mich., Oet. 13.?The funeral of Milt.Ollkwrt, nag laer of tba ill-fated PaatBe et-ir .? IrafaBj a aa baM ta thin eitv faatepdayi The aharch waa rlehly iraaaed aad Bdmnbad, und an* erowded ba tu nlineel eapaelty. is.-veral hna* drad ratlrj.ul eaanloyda front Debrott, Jaek*ea and other plscea iiimi^ the Hi.t ihe Mnhlsan Central, were In atteadanee. Tba bereaved wife elnaa totbe ndBa .lining the entlrt ?ervkma. CaXBtaltb, ihe uafortnaate Iretnaa, waa barteii hen aa Baton i hi bodlaa of uli tier otui-r dead have beea fei warded to their frlaada Maat aU af the woasdod have recovered ti Bk teatlj tn gsoa ba laoli iteattnattoaa T't AS8WEB FOB FIFTEEN LIVES. Dbtboit, Mich., Oat. 13.?-The eoroBor'i jarjr wiin held lbs um !? at tn iii 'i i mu ia the asaaa of lbs t.. 11 lagsfthegraadataad at taa Adrian fair greaaaavBy wktcB Sfteea 11 Tea wem in.i mit l'T!? peraoaa I apt red, rentk-red a verdict late oa Mafunda] n Jit t? the egVel thai BT. r. Lawreace, tl.waer ol ihe itaad i Blaer the areaneet,and b. R Armatronsand Benry Arnistroac, the earpeaten who belli taa c:..nii, wata aallii "f criminal m glim ace, A I ? <ut pi the latlot aere srreatad jraatard r? an 11 barge,,! ra malaaghter, LABOE Pllti is > i B RBI s?w |i K. Bhbdiao, n. 15.. Oet 13.?A In broke nut in nn aaueed aat*bal dlag hack al tin- old Adanaa BSaae ut ii in, v laei autat, h?.i. earrlad i?y a itiaag ?ats, Be at rayed *n taa imiiiiimr? nn halb itaaa ef Mam at. Iran tint point ap to the rait* war-ereeatng, Thlrly*aia boildlaga wrrn baraed. Oaly oaa atore ea aped tba BABtea. tbrSra waeplalali visible la Moneion, Moal ol ihe siorea carried laraa tto k-. The loaa ef HarperdtW la.ter'? shoo taetary, \ blch gave eiapioymeut to a large aeaher al paeweae, n it., raosi ?ererely f- It Tha following kt a partial p.f ut the tnaaraaee*i Kaftonal, *i SOOj Weafera, te.OOOi OanaAa P*iee aad Marine. 08 sJO ] n; ,. ,. *a mm In i-, rii . SB^ioo: Riival. 040O; 0, eeti n.O00j Com* n.rf i. ! I'm .-. *>j.u n : Soi ii Rritiah, 0000. -Ike total los* arul probably reach fioo.000. // LEGRAPUIC NOTES. so bo PI rHAT PROgRSHOR \\ l*y. IB BAff/H BT. L?ici*t|Ort. i:i. Charles \Vt> , .| rhlladel. pin*, i s -:? . f Pi if-r S laa >ai - In. baa given up all |i,,|a* .a faeretara or kit father. I RH mam rORA IMDIABB, WirvKiprn, Man., Oct. 13. M dor Irvine, of the Bnanted PoOee, who aaaiasi arrlred Bw? u.i v . ?i, aava tn> i? iiodaager hi tad Barthweat, 11 VBBB ? rOBM in CUBA Rataba, Oet, 13. ? severe ?tonn prevails tbroogkoul tb* wfcala lalaad, Bud buegrapklfl eaatataaica 1 um I* intern.ut. it. a liui i ?? ai.e .w faafWS ?tl Utl* |s-,nu I In anhaf B aasi u,nt'n.-4?t. PI -i bb11 mo lOAIBST I iii obi BBBB, Bab pBANCiaco. Oct. l.'l. Adiapatch from Victo? ria aarsi laraeaabw awiatlBgsban beea haU iu arliiafc i ?b it. t protaat agautai i ha eaiptoyataal ? f i rabtaa lakin lu the < ?. imettoa et Uta Caaad* PaelSe BallWay, PBllw vHl B BBt ovbb1 OB Mu iip BBT. ClBi iMNAri. Oel 13.- Bylvewtai M. Hickay, of tba Ka'j Aa laraoa > oaibtaaUoa, ?b ? aa. -h ii y, -ierd.?i at Uit nun? it-'ii*"? by H 'ur ? MeDoaald. reeled aaletly last Bight rhe deeiers ttdak atvarablj oi bia leuaiatf. A -I BIKK WHICH l- BAU i OB fHB ? n\ I it lOTORA Nasuviixk. Tenn., Oct. 1.1. The bricklayers here straekto isy lor SB per dsj Tbeyhavi beea rat-elvtag SB SO, Bpea which flgnte the boaaea sat their anatraeia 1i*m- i?e< u i Baad, Tha i" taaa ? Ul set aoi ale t-. Um dewaaa, rut it i i i n in .\ oBku wit aa, PrKRHoLD, M. J., i'ei l.i. I..-h..v tue Women's i etnperaaee League i>r,--i start ? r> aioaatraaca ia Jodga -? ad dor, waiahwaaatga?Miby i t?? ?t n.i. .a.u,it grabt laa "' aaw - to aaj atn ? pi Maioan ? n >ti. ..-. i era. TUB ibtbbbatiobal ttRIOKBT MATCH, Pbil%dklpiiia,OcL 13. i be International ci I I aialeh hetweea Dstt'a i agbabelet a aad iii? |d.-k>**t Pfula dalphia dub waa reeumed here la day. ihe gam- maoltedbi favor of iho i i.gui, team kg a siuii- at BA to 1ST la a fall game of um mum*-*. nih "OOI Ol S i.ati: ?' BBABO PBjOat BosTtiK,Oct. l:i. A letter (mm II. I. Bumll.nne sdtbetwe BMawba -niie.! bt lac ntti- boai itotiten Uata, boaaa aiwaad the worltl, u>< thar r*arbe<l fapi in \ raV isuii'in in utit -< iKLit lira 't ri-v espefteeeod Ukau sali s.iie lutbi ii iil hiii-mi lbi> elllueil gu iK'Su ige 'MB SI to Cape Tum lk ?